Dear KAG: 20220719 Open Thread

Cover image: Still Life with Fruit, by Severin Roesen, ca. 1860.


Forwarded from AbsoluteConviction1776 ✝️🗽🇺🇸 (Absolute1776)

This is a fantastic point. So you have to ask yourself – who is really in control?

Not sure how many of you have noticed, but Trump was not lying when he said he would drain the swamp. I know plenty saying “well when will the swamp be drained??”..

My answer: It HAS been drained. What were to happen should you drain a swamp? You expose all the shit at the bottom.

And that is exactly what we are seeing now – all the shit at the bottom so it can be cleaned up.

Enjoy the show.


Just Human ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Notice how many things (initiatives, policies, investigations, etc) which began under the Trump Admin have continued under the Biden Admin?

“Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will…

Emphasis from DePat

Related from over the weekend:

Are You Black-Pilled?

More from over the weekend, just clearing out the tabs in no particular order. Reading pieces are mixed in with news. Some headlines were actually brought here by participants, and they bear repeating.

Why the Globalists are Terrified of Trump’s Relationships with BRICS Leaders

Fake News Media’s Pending Extinction

Mark Steyn does Klaus Schwab

The Leftist Strategy: Take America Down before Anyone Notices

Richard Baris Outlines the Theater of Republican Club Politics

Image from Breitbart

Paul Pelosi Buys Millions in Semiconductor Stocks Before Congressional Subsidy Vote


Will the Senate Allow China to Pillage American Data?

The Transformed United States Government

California went big on rooftop solar. Now that’s a problem for landfills

Report: Just 14 Percent of Stacey Abrams’s Fundraising Haul Came From Georgia Residents


Biden Admin Announces 192K Migrant Apprehensions in Late Friday Night Report

Surviving the News


House Republicans plot investigative revenge on January 6 panel as Trump itches for payback

Whatever Happened to the Information of The DNC Law Firm Having an FBI Search Portal in Their DC Office?

Arabella Advisors: The Third Pillar of Election Integrity

All of us anons have been digging on the individual foundations and institutes; however, we missed the target because there is something much bigger, and it is hiding in plain sight. When I went to St. Louis for Bards Fest, someone took me aside and said you need to dig into Arabella Advisors. I had never heard of them before.

Then I got my shovel out, and what I found was frightening and required to be understood if we were going to fix our elections in America. As Q said, “Important to understand for future events.” I believe this is the Third Pillar of Election Integrity.

The Clinton Foundation is at the center of it with a dark money group called Arabella Advisors.

Tweet hopper:

Personal witness to watching one of those planes hover. They are LOUD.

We need more of this, actually. Thank you, Sister.

Meme hopper:

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


PSALMS 85:2-8

1LORD, thou wast favorable to thy land; thou didst restore the fortunes of Jacob. 2Thou didst forgive the iniquity of thy people; thou didst pardon all their sin. [Selah] 3Thou didst withdraw all thy wrath; thou didst turn from thy hot anger. 4Restore us again, O God of our salvation, and put away thy indignation toward us! 5Wilt thou be angry with us for ever? Wilt thou prolong thy anger to all generations? 6Wilt thou not revive us again, that thy people may rejoice in thee? 7Show us thy steadfast love, O LORD, and grant us thy salvation.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Is that the National Laundromat of Ukraine?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I do believe it is!!!


That’s a beautiful painting with a sumptuous fruit feast. And another stirring Sousa march I had never heard.


I’m bringing this over from late yesterday regarding whether candidates for the presidency and vice presidency can be from the same state.

Question: Does the U.S. Constitution prevent candidates from running for President and Vice President if they come from the same state? If so, why?

Answer: This is one of those rules that many people get wrong. There actually is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that prevents candidates for President and Vice President who live in the same state from running together. As a practical matter, it might be a bad idea, since presidential tickets are often put together to create geographic diversity. But, having two from the same state is permissible.

The confusion comes from a misinterpretation of the Constitution. Article II, paragraph 3 states that “The electors … shall vote for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves.” It’s a bit unclear, but what it prohibits is an elector from casting both of his or her votes for candidates from the same state in which the elector lives.

The provision stems from the original manner in which we elected a President. Until it was changed in 1804, Electoral College electors would vote for two people. The winner of the most votes would be the President, and the candidate finishing second became the Vice President. The purpose of the provision was to try and force electors to look outside their own political circles, and to make sure that the largest states did not create a monopoly on viable candidates.

However, you can probably see the problem. The chief vote-getters are likely to be political rivals, and not exactly strong candidates to work together. In 1796, John Adams was elected President, with the runner-up being political rival Thomas Jefferson. As has been popularized in the stage play “Hamilton,” neither Adams nor Jefferson was a fan of the arrangement.

In 1804, the United States adopted the 12th Amendment, which addresses some of the confusion around the Electoral College and altered the process. The Vice President was put on a separate ballot, allowing electors to vote for one person for President and another person for Vice President. Now, candidates for both offices simply run together as a unified ticket. However, the residual requirement that the electors could not cast both ballots for a person from their own state was not removed.

For the most part, it is not particularly important, and simply doesn’t come up very much. It did briefly surface as an issue in 2000, when George W. Bush from Texas picked Dick Cheney, who had been living in Texas, to be his running mate. Four days before he was chosen by Bush, Cheney simply changed his residency to Wyoming, from where he had served in Congress. While the issue was raised in a lawsuit, the courts were generally not warm to the challenge.


How about we first deal with electing people who are not natural born citizens? Seems to me like it’s a bit more important.


I agree. The reason this “same state” issue is coming up is because people are discussing who they think the next Repub presidential and VP candidates should be, and some think it should be Trump and DeSantis, both from FL. So the internet buzzes with “the Constitution says you can’t have both candidates from the same state,” which is not correct.


As a side note, I’d be real disappointed if Ron abandoned Florida for a useless position like VP.


I would too. I don’t want Trump to choose him as a running mate. I don’t think Trump would, anyway. Florida needs DeSantis, and the US needs DeSantis right where he is.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

I love DeSantis, he is note perfect. But we need VSG in 2024.

FWIW, Sundance (and Lin Wood, for that matter) puts DeSantis into the GOPe club. Wood (again, FWIW) actually has a harsher opinion.

It is impossible to see why Sundance thinks the way he does about DeS. Usually, a phony like Nikki or Kristi gives himself away, and depends upon people buying fabricated rhetorical camouflage.

But DeS has done all the right things, and said things which make it obvious that he truly gets what is going on, he is not pandering.

Sundance thinks that DeS will be the GOPe’s trump card in derailing Trump. Again, impossible to know how he reaches that conclusion. All the more reason for us to support VSG, and wait to see how genuine DeS is over the long run.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tonawanda

Lin Wood’s opinion doesn’t hold much weight with me after watching/hearing/reading him over time.


I PO’d a person or two on here back in his higher flying days saying the same thing.


Me, too.


I’m with you.


I read him daily and find him interesting. IMO he is sincere. But he draws connections which are not apparent to me and seem unlikely.


Thanks for your insight, Tonawanda.


Same here. I look at his Telegram channel because he knows things. Some of the information he uses to back up his beliefs is worth considering. I believe he is an honest patriot whose heart is in the right place, but I don’t agree with some of the conclusions he has been drawing, and with his way of communicating them sometimes.

I think there are people within the patriot/”MAGA” movement who are infiltrators who are using it to make money or even to derail it. I can’t say so definitively, but there is enough to make me observe. (And the same goes for the “Christian” wing. They talk about God while espousing occult beliefs and symbology.) I think there are people who claim to be Trump supporters who actually want him out so they can seize power, and that their agenda would line up with the RINOs and the NWO. We’ve already seen it with some from theTrump administration whom we thought were trustworthy. It’s not a stretch to think there are others, and that some of them are in the “patriots who can’t be questioned” category.


I don’t trust Sundance, and I don’t trust Lin Wood.

They both like the sound of their own voice, in my opinion.

Valerie Curren




Cuppa Covfefe

Yet another FUD trick by the DEMONRAT Deathmocrats to divide us…..

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Valerie Curren



I have observed that if one is either a democrat or a Canadian, nothing in the U.S. Constitution applies to whether you can run for President or not.


Yes, “funny” how that works.



This makes me extremely happy.

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I think this is a hint that Catturd will keep those two. I would!


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There are people who sometimes say and do things that we agree with or that help our cause while espousing polar opposite views at (many or most) other times. Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, and Bill Maher are some of them. IMO, we have to be very careful to vet people and not blindly support them because they tell us who they are if we will just listen. I’ll take any statements of support for good causes they make, but I won’t trust them on everything.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Joe Rogan is Joe Rogan. I’ll take Trump, thank you.


Well, you and I part company there. I don’t care to have their support even if they learn to parrot lines that please my ears.

Accusing DJT of drug use is so insulting to him that I cannot tolerate anything else he has to say. DJT lost his brother to alcohol abuse and has made it a point to deny ever being high or using alcohol or dope or even cigarettes.

So some jackass with access to the internet calls DJT a liar. I don’t care what else he might have to say – good, bad, or indifferent.


You say you don’t care to have their support. Neither do I. But when Elon Musk tweets something that nails the Left’s hypocrisy, I’ll take it. I don’t seek it from him, but I’m glad his audience is seeing some truth. The same with Bill Maher. He has an audience full of lefties. I don’t seek his support either, but when he says something in front of his huge audience that they might not expect and that might make them think, I consider that much better than the alternative.


I agree. We have to remember the context of the times we are in. We are at war. This is not peacetime. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That friendship is only for the season of war that we are fighting.


I don’t like or trust anybody in the public eye. But, as you say, this is war, and I’ll use anybody or anything I can. It ain’t pretty, but that’s what the winners do.


Bingo x 1000!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We were boppin’ around the low country, and it wasn’t unusual to have those little bent-wire garden edgers along pathways —

— with 6-10 foot gators swimming on the other side. It was amazing to me that the gators respected the fencing.


“It was amazing to me that the gators respected the fencing.”


Those were Respectagators.

Lethal like other gators, but this type observes local customs and the social contract 👍

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The other, violent ones appear quickly, out of nowhere, and raise all sorts of hell.

Insti-gators… 😀


You and Scott are killing it!


Navi-gators of the lakes and rivers…



Gail Combs

“….with 6-10 foot gators swimming on the other side. It was amazing to me that the gators respected the fencing.”

I do not think gator can jump when they are out of the water. Also was there electric fence BEHIND those decorative fences? We use a low ‘stand-off’ wire to keep our goats from crawling under wire fencing. It is supposed to work on coyotes too.

Cuppa Covfefe

No wonder they conducted themselves respectfully  ⚡ 😀

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

“Modern masses are very often created through the mass media. Modern masses are groups of people that all share the same ideas, that are in the grip of the same images, that are all in the same grip of the same narratives… but they are never physically gathered…”


That could easily, at least in part, describe us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! We’re a small mass, AND we’re also highly agile in our thought processes. This distinguishes us from other masses, IMO. By my way of reasoning, we are an intelligent small mass because we allow a wide range of values to our output, by having few restrictions on both input and algorithms, yet strong cooperation and collaboration in searching for results.


This is why IMO (and have said previously) TPTB are interested in this site. The dynamic here discloses what needs to be derailed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This video has some AMAZING information.

This is the video with information about the FIB shooter who was stopped by a Constitutional carrier.

NOTE that this kind of randomness screws up their plans. Part of why “they” hate concealed carry and concealed carriers. Part of why California released that information. Part of why Constitutional carry REALLY screws up their plans.

The shooter was a warehouse worker who was being evicted.

What is FASCINATING is that he took measures to try to destroy his mobile devices.

He threw his phone into the toilet in the mall.

He had his laptop in the oven with a can of butane.

I wonder why……

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The HILARIOUS IRONY is that they sent his laptop to “Quantico”. There, the FIB can make sure that there is no evidence of a handler.

In any case, though, the cops understand what’s going on, and have called the hero a hero.

Constitutional carry by law-abiding patriots is a great thing!


Is that one of his images, with the symbol that has the fours in it?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – that is a screen capture from one of Robert Crimo’s videos.


This is the pic from the vid I’d hope our numerologist had a go at, but she was involved in a house remodel. Alas, she may still be.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“The phone is in the possession of the FBI, and the laptop is going to be sent to Quantico.”

(Go to 26:00 minutes).


Notice that?

They ALWAYS send this stuff to the FIB.

Maybe that’s the PROBLEM.
Maybe that’s why we never find the people controlling these people.

Why not send it somewhere else?


Even the Russian military might be more trustworthy than FIB.
Maybe…. another country.
Maybe…. ANONS!
Maybe…. ELON MUSK!

Who do we trust more than the FBI to get to the bottom of murders that seem to have some connection to the FBI?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, they seem to have a problem with laptops at FIBBBB.

First there was the WEINER laptop.
Then there was the HUNTER BIDEN laptop.

Nothing seems to happen with these things – ya know?

Maybe these laptops need to go somewhere else……..


i know a place the FIB can go to ….

Valerie Curren

They ignored all the evidence that Jayna Davis sent to them about the “3rd bomber” for OKC per her book…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Now this all makes sense.

Valerie Curren

We just re-watched the movie Eraser where the insider presciently makes a second copy of evidence. The corrupt gov’t types of course bury & then destroy the evidence that was turned over & do their best to destroy the whistleblower. SOP in DC it would seem 🙁 in reality Way more than in fiction I would guess…

Gail Combs



Vegas, Joe Lombardo, then Sheriif at the time, candidate for guvner, turned all things Manadaly shooting over to FBI Control. Crime scene, weapons, homes, EVERYTHING.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

I watched the first 3 minutes and it was ALL ABOUT PRAISE FOR THE FIB, LEO & FIREFIGHTERS. Nothing was said in the first VERY IMPORTANT 7 seconds about a young man Constitutionally carrying STOPPING this maniac.

If I had my Druthers the first paragraph would be.

“On January 11, 2022, the Indiana House passed Constitutional Carry Bill HB 1077. That new Law just paid major dividends. 22-Year-Old Elisjsha Dicken, who was carrying under Indiana’s new constitutional carry law, shot the mass shooter preventing further death and injury.”

Gail Combs

Stolen from Matt Bracken, O/T
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By the way. Daily Mail had new video out showing the police in the hall as the shooter was doing what shooters do, which is shoot and he shot much, several grouped shots.

What’s amazing is that all these supposed mishaps are stacked up together and no one wants to come out and say it’s because the shooter had help from the govt. All these multiple failures were part of the process to revive gun control.

My morning radio guy was there, but the most he would say was it looked damn suspicious. Eventually he crawled down from there. A lot of law enforcement kept calling the show defending the cops. Conveniently he’s off the this week now that the interim report is out. The media is doing every thing they can not to point this mass murder at the govt.

Noticed one report saying shooter had started stock piling his weapons and gear six months ago which is convenient as it was near the end of December that Dems in the house pulled their big gun bill out of the NDAA bill because the NDAA would not pass with it inside.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Gail Combs


They mention the mall has an NO FIREARMS sign AND the Perp was FLEEING and got shot in the back. So we can expect another Leftist Shitstorm as they sue the crap out of the poor guy OR the FIB/DOJ charges him with 2nd Degree MURDER.

Think Rittenhouse.


Even if he was shot in the back, it is justifiable in that the perp may have fled and killed more people…that’s the logical way to think about this anyhow…


Yep. Police are normally allowed to shoot fleeing felons when they are armed just for that reason although that defense has likely fallen in some blue states.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. This was not a property crime. If perp threw down his gun and fled, clearly unarmed, a different story, but perp also had a pistol, had killed randomly, clear danger to all.



Perp fleeing and shot in the back.

  • Perp ACTIVELY murdering innocents.
  • Perp WAS ARMED.
  • Perp did NOT lay his weapon down.
  • Perp did NOT put his hands up to surrender.
  • Perp did NOT verbally indicate his surrender.
  • Perp Fleeing the immediate scene, armed…

Possibly helped the Good Guy neutralize / stop Bad Guy with back turned.

Good Guy did NOT have to further stare down the barrel of Bad Guys weapon – Focus on stopping Bad Guy.

Perp WAS THE AGGRESSOR throughout the incident.

Gail Combs

Oh, I agree but I doubt the Demon-Rats will IF they can twist the situation and indict him.



Greenwood, Johnson County south of Indy. IN generally conservative. My guess is local DA will not harass the Good Guy.

No idea if Bad Guy’s family can initiate a Civil Suit of some sort.

“Do Gooder’s” (Liberal Shit Heads) will always harass the hell out of Good Guys.

Gail Combs

“Do Gooder’s” (Liberal Shit Heads) will always harass the hell out of Good Guys.


Remember Moms speaking up at school boards are now considered ‘Domestic Terrorists’


…mall has an NO FIREARMS sign…

MY take, Good Guy perfectly legal to carry, in the mall. Below reads much like NV. IF property owner asks me to leave, I must leave. IF I do NOT leave, misdemeanor. NV.


Indiana Law.

What Signs Apply to Me?

  • Signs hold no force of law in Indiana. Signs may be present in places both prohibited under state and federal law or be posted at the wishes of the property owner.
  • However, the crime of criminal trespass may be applicable wherever the owner or manager of private property requests that you leave the property or remove your firearm. You may be trespassing if you do not comply with the request, posted or not. See Ind. Code § 35-43-2-2

Where a Person Can and Cannot Carry Under Indiana Permitless Carry? (see page 20 for chart)

  • Generally, a person carrying a handgun under the authority of Indiana Permitless Carry may do so in any public non-prohibited place or a public place without effective notice, either verbally (i.e., “Hey, we don’t allow guns in here”), or in writing as described below, that carrying a firearm is prohibited.

Prohibited Places: The following places are generally prohibited to a person carrying a handgun under the authority of Indiana Permitless Carry. This includes:
1. In or on school property, in or on property that is being used by a school for a school function, or on a school bus. Ind. Code §§ 20-33-8-16, 35-47-9-2.*
2. On property under the authority of the Indiana Department of Child Services, including:
a. A child caring institution in violation of 465 Ind. Admin. Code 2-9-80;
b. An emergency shelter care child caring institution in violation of 465 Ind. Admin. Code 2-10- 79;
c. A private secure facility in violation of 465 Ind. Admin. Code 2-11-80;
d. A group home in violation of 465 Ind. Admin. Code 2-12-78; and
e. An emergency shelter care group home in violation of 465 Ind. Admin. Code 2-13-77.
3. Into a penal or juvenile facility, without the prior authorization of the person in charge of the facility. Ind. Code § 35-44.1-3-5.
4. In or on property belonging to an approved postsecondary educational institution (as defined in Ind. Code § 21-7-13-6(b)). See Ind. Code § 10-14-3-33.5(b)(5).
5. On the property of a domestic violence shelter. See Ind. Code § 10-14-3-33.5(b)(6).
6. On property owned, operated, controlled, or used by an entity that: a. is required to: (i) conduct a vulnerability assessment; and (ii) develop and implement a site security plan; under the United States Department of Homeland Security’s Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards issued April 9, 2007; or b. is required to have a security plan under the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002, Public Law 107-295. See Ind. Code § 10-14-3-33.5(b)(7).
7. On commercial or charter aircraft. Ind. Code § 35-47-6-1.
8 Controlled access areas of an airport. Ind. Code § 35-47-6-1.3
9. State fairgrounds (unless the firearm is secured in a locked compartment of vehicle, and it must not be visible to passersby). 80 Ind. Admin. Code 11-2-2(d).
10. Shipping ports and port property controlled by the Indiana Port Commission. 130 Ind. Admin. Code 4-1-8.
11. Casinos under the authority of the Indiana Gaming Commission, including riverboat gambling operations. 68 Ind. Admin. Code 1-7-1.
12. Racetrack property under the authority of the Indiana Horse Racing Commission. 71 Ind. Admin. Code 7-5-5.
13. Indiana Government Center Campus, including the State Capitol building. 25 Ind. Admin. Code 8-2-1(4), 8-3-1.
14. Indiana Department of Workforce Development offices. 646 Ind. Admin. Code 5-13-3.
15. Buildings containing courtrooms. See Ind. Code §§ 35-47-11.1-4, 36-1-2-23.**
16. Places or manner that are otherwise in violation of federal law. See Ind. Code § 10-14-3-33.5(b) (4). Keep in mind, federal property is subject to federal law (not state law) and typically prohibits firearms anywhere on federal property, including parking lots and sidewalks.

*Pursuant to Ind. Code § 35-47-9-1, Indiana allows the carry of handguns by persons permitted to possess a firearm and who are transporting a person to or from school or a school function (see page 17 for additional information about federal law).
**In mixed-use buildings owned by a county, municipality, or township that contain courtrooms and residential tenants and/or private businesses, the possession of firearms may not be prohibited in those portions of the building that are occupied by the residential tenants, private businesses, or common areas used by either.


WTH is “under the authority of Indiana permitless carry”?!?

Constitutional Carry is under the Authority of the U.S. Constitution, which itself never created any Right, but merely recognizes our unalienable God-given Rights.

Gail Combs

Lawyer speak. They are ASS-U-ming that they are GRANTING you permission.


I know it.

I just canceled their errant and malicious assumption. 👍


Wasn’t the guy trying to run into a bathroom, and Eli shot him before he could get in there? Like he wouldn’t have shot more people in a bathroom, or taken hostages.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I suspect the shooter was going to the bathroom to get his second gun. It was a sufficient number of wounds from the hero that stopped the shooter before he got there.


….or more ammunition….


Yes, agreed. Was the phone thrown in a toilet there, or at home?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe it was at the mall.


TY 👍🏻

Gail Combs

Twisted Demon-Rat thinking. REMEMBER the MALL has a NO FIRE ARMS SIGN.

…Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, noting that,

“when a 22-year-old 𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗚𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗬 brings a loaded gun into a mall and kills a mass shooter armed with an AR-15 after he already killed three people and wounded others 𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮 𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁.”

It says something about Watts’ beliefs that she is under the impression the Constitution needs “implementation.” It also says something about her views on public policy that she seems to believe a “loaded gun” is always “illegal” (it wasn’t). More telling is the fact that Watts is unwilling to allow that an armed man saving numerous lives is preferable to having civilians sitting around in a gun-free zone waiting for the police to arrive as a madman shoots at them….


Even with, no guns allowed at local Wally World. I periodically see Open Carry. Including a young Mom, with kids in tow..

No cares. No one says anything.


Get between an armed mom and the kids she’s protecting?

No, thank you.


That woman is what we call in my circles a re-tard.

Gail Combs

A TWISTER Re-Tard and just as destructive
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Cuppa Covfefe

And they conveniently fail to mention that the criminal, murderous shooter brought his arsenal in ILLEGALLY, WITH INTENT TO KILL PEOPLE…

(the DEMONRAT Deathmocrats are big on intent, as long as it isn”t them) 😡 😡 😡 😡


Shannon Watts is a whack-job.

That is all.

Gail Combs

She is not a ‘Whack Job’ she is a carefully placed PIED PIPER!

Look at her background.

Keep in mind The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012. So she did not leave corporate life until 6 years AFTER Sandy Hook.

Yeah, she is a whack-a-doodle Budist and yogi instructor, but I think she got a bit of a push to use those ‘Communication Skills’

Meet Shannon Watts, Founder of Moms Demand Action

Shannon Watts is a mother of five who, prior to founding Moms Demand Action, was a stay-at-home mom and 𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗠𝗘𝗥 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗠𝗨𝗡𝗜𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦 𝗘𝗫𝗘𝗖𝗨𝗧𝗜𝗩𝗘. The day after the Sandy Hook tragedy, Shannon started a Facebook group with the message that all Americans can and should do more to reduce gun violence.


Shannon Watts (born January 1, 1971) is an American gun violence prevention activist and the founder of Moms Demand Action, the nation’s largest grassroots group fighting against gun violence…..

After college, she worked in the Missouri House of Representatives and for former Governor Mel Carnahan [D]. Watts then built a career as a communications executive, including FleishmanHillardBayer Crop ScienceGeneral Electric and Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.[9] In 2018, she left the corporate career to focus on the family….

FleishmanHillard — From Wikipedia,
Founded 1946;

FleishmanHillard Inc. (formerly, Fleishman–Hillard) is a public relations and marketing agency founded and based in St. Louis, Missouri. It was acquired by Omnicom Group in 1997,[3] becoming part of the Diversified Agency Services (DAS) division.[4] The company was founded in 1946 by Alfred Fleishman and Robert E. Hillard.[5]

In 1994, the company expanded its operations to the Asia Pacific region with an office in Beijing.[6] In May 2013, the company rebranded its name to FleishmanHillard and launched the slogan “the Power of True”.[7] As of April 2021, the company had 78 offices in 30 countries across the Americas, Asia Pacific, EuropeMiddle East, and Africa.[8]


Compare AND Contrast.

  • Greenwood. TWO minutes, Good Guy takes down Bad Guy. NO LE involved in taking Bad Guy down.
  • Ulvalde. OVER AN HOUR, before Bad Guy taken down. LE HAMPERED taking the Bad Guy down.


Have we see a video from inside the mall DURING the shooting?


Just to clarify, 400 LE HAMPERED. Freaking 400.

Report: Findings reveal nearly 400 officers were at Uvalde elementary …


Someone who can read Italian could get more out of this than me, the non google translator I found would only do a couple of sentences at a time

This is where you’ll find the files mentioned…

His father was helping make the heavy water for the nazi A-bomb, I don’t think the apple fell far from the tree.


This whole thing reads like a social control psy-op:


Clandestine: “If you are black pilled, and find yourself complaining in my comments that “nothing is happening”, “it’s taking too long”, “America isn’t going to last”; I’m just going to block you from commenting.”



Clandestine: “If you truly believe that “nothing is happening” after all we have seen, then you do NOT belong in any conversations.”

So if anyone does not conform themselves to your views, they don’t deserve to have a voice?

Why not just answer legitimate questions, instead of attacking people for asking them?


Clandestine: “If you truly believe there is no hope, and we are all doomed, wtf are you doing on social media?”

That’s a Straw Man, that’s your point, which you raised up yourself, so you could knock it down.


Clandestine: “If you really think nothing is happening and all you spend your time doing is bitching and moping in my comments, then you’re a spineless coward for not doing something productive about the great evil plaguing our world.”

That’s a little schizophrenic, considering anytime anyone even hints at actually doing anything, they get shouted down by these same people for potentially giving the enemy an excuse to [fill in the blank].


Clandestine: “I’ve tried to be polite about this, but there is no other way to put it. If you don’t have any hope, then why the fuck are you still breathing? What gets you out of bed every day if there is no hope? There’s always hope.”

Unless anyone actually said that, it’s just another straw man.


Clandestine: “And not only is there always hope, but we have been given a plethora of reasons to be hopeful.

-Russia are directly accusing the DNC of creating biological weapons and pushing the UN to put Obama, Hilary, Biden and George Soros in military tribunals for crimes against humanity.
-Durham indicted members of the Clinton legal team and introduced to the public that the Russia investigation was a treasonous hoax perpetrated by Hillary and Obama and subversion of the DOJ, FBI, CIA at the highest levels.
-The DNC’s response to C19 has been proven a hoax. Vaccines were a scam. And the public have never been more distrustful of the establishment
-Trump created a new platform for us to speak freely, and our number one adversaries in the MSM and Big Tech are being exposed on the world stage for their bot usage and election interference via Orwellian censorship.
-2000 Mules, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and the endless waves of evidence of voter fraud, with more coming by the day.
-The Biden admin posting the lowest presidential approval ratings of all time. Complete disaster. DNC are in a complete downward spiral and pushing more and more people Red in what is expected to be an absolute bloodbath in November.

I could keep going but you get the point.”

Sure, I get the point. You question nothing that contradicts your preferred narrative, and believe everything that supports your preferred narrative.

And if anyone else questions your preferred narrative, you try to intimidate and peer-pressure them into silence.

You know who gives in to that kind of pressure? ‘Followers’ who are “soft, weak, and unfit for war”.


Clandestine: “For all of you who are black pilled; you’re spoiled, soft, weak, and unfit for war. Go take some time off, and if you must bitch and complain, go ahead, but you’re not gonna do it here.”

Okay, but you sure bitch and complain a lot, for someone who doesn’t allow bitching and complaining.


Clandestine: “My followers are cold-blooded warriors.”

Then they shouldn’t have any trouble answering the basic questions you won’t answer, right?


Clandestine: “My followers are intelligent…”

Because they follow you unquestioningly?

Is that a sign of intelligence?


Clandestine: “…and understand that this operation is not about speed, but about public awakening and mass acceptance, to preserve human life and prevent mass chaos and societal fallout.”

‘My followers’ this, ‘my followers’ that…

Riddle me this, Clandy. How do you quantify any of that?

How do you know when ‘enough’ of the public is ‘awake’ — and when they are, what happens next? Nobody ever answers that question, so the goal posts can always be moved as necessary.

As for preserving human life, apparently 270 million Americans have already been vaxxed. Any claims about preserving life are going to ring awfully hollow if 80% of the population starts dying or experiencing life threatening health complications.

How much more ‘social fallout’ could there possibly be, than losing 80% of the population?


Clandestine: “If you cannot comprehend that, do us all a favor and hit the unsubscribe button and go find another way to be productive with your time. Your pessimism and lack of situational awareness holds no place amongst the ranks of the Anons and we do not have time for your petulance. We have work to do.”

What is clear is that you don’t like hard questions. The big problem though, is that you don’t allow for the possibility that you could be wrong. You never question yourself.

And that’s so incredibly dangerous there are hardly words for it.

Because if you are wrong, then you have been nothing more than a tool of the enemy, suppressing the domestic population, making sure the public remains pacified, while the enemy tightens their grip on power.

There are two kinds of people who would do that.

People who never question their own beliefs, and enemy agents.


Clandestine: “I hope this is a wake up call for those who find themselves being irrationally pessimistic about everything, despite all the evidence suggesting you should be optimistic.”

Yeah, you really sound like you’re all about helping people.

Six years and counting. WWII was won in less than four years. Worse, nobody in a position of power or authority even acknowledges there is a war going on. How do you ever ‘win’ something that can’t even be acknowledged? That’s pretty foundational. But we can’t talk about that, because it would upset the eternal war narrative.

The things you call ‘evidence’ conveniently and always amount to nothing. I’m sure everyone hopes that changes some day, but until or unless it does, it’s just narrative.

Russia’s accusations have resulted in nothing. Durham’s investigation has resulting in nothing. The DNC’s response to Covid being ‘proven’ a hoax is only relevant to the choir you’re already preaching to. Same with the vaccines. What government ever collapsed because the public was distrustful?

So far the whole list is BS.

Let’s keep going.

How is the new platform working out? Has it been used to release any of the mountains of information DJT declassified, or anything else that would lead to anyone actually being held accountable, for anything?

What good does it do to expose corrupt MSM and Big Tech if all we ever learn is how corrupt they are, and nothing ever happens to them? Is it a demoralization campaign? Because it sure acts like one.

What good are endless waves of voter fraud evidence, if there is no rule of Law or recourse in Law? THAT’S where the rubber meets the road, but at Hopium HQ, the rubber never gets there, ‘touch-down’ never happens.

That’s not pessimism, it’s just the truth.

What difference do Biden’s approval ratings make? How many tyrants ever abdicated due to lack of popularity?

How is November going to be a bloodbath for the DNC, if the Deep State / Cabal still counts the votes?

You are choosing to believe a narrative that makes you feel good. You’re not defending any noble cause when you attempt to rebuke those who question your feel-good narrative, you’re just protecting your own psyche — at the expense of losing the Republic if you’re wrong.


Clandestine: “Put your emotions aside and allow logic to prevail.”

If ever a mirror was needed…


Clandestine: “This operation isn’t about any individual, it’s about the world.”

A cause so big it never has to be explained or defended, right?

Another straw man, nobody claimed it was about any individual.

“It’s about the world”…. the military industrial complex is kicking themselves for never thinking of that line…


Clandestine: “We are not operating on your schedule.”

Who’s “we”?

Nobody said anything about a schedule besides you. Having ZERO points on the board after SIX #*&^ing years is a real issue. If you want to blow smoke up someone’s @ss, blow it up your own.


Clandestine: “The sooner you realize that, the less painful it will be.”

In other words, just take Clandy’s blue pill, shut up, and don’t ask any questions.

Everybody loves hopium, but it’s flat out irresponsible not to ask the obvious questions you don’t want to hear.

And since the answers to those questions are not forthcoming, since the best you can do is a sad attempt at peer-pressure to silence legitimate questions, the credibility of the hopium narrative necessarily suffers.

Go ahead, cut off those who won’t be intimidated into silence.

Seal up the echo chamber, nice and tight.

What could go wrong?


Is that you debating with him?




“Is that you debating with him?”


Well it’s definitely me. It’s not personal, I don’t know hardly anything about him, it’s the narrative that is being pushed into the marketplace of ideas that I care about.

For purposes of the above, I could be responding to any of a large number of people who promote similar views, who tend to denigrate those with whom they disagree, instead of engaging with them and answering honest questions.

They portray themselves as the ‘smart’ or ‘intelligent’ ones, e.g., “My followers are intelligent…”.

They tend toward totalitarianism and silencing opposing views, e.g., “If you truly believe that “nothing is happening” after all we have seen, then you do NOT belong in any conversations.

They rely heavily on logical fallacies of many kinds, but non-sequiturs and straw men seem to be the most common.

They tend to have an enormous blind spot for their own hypocrisy, e.g., “Put your emotions aside and allow logic to prevail.”

The arguments are always the same, boring and repetitious.

No creativity, no dynamism, no intellectual vigor or honesty, it’s just static and predictable. Almost like a bot.


Or like a script.


🙂 I thought it probably was


I should have been clearer originally, I was replying to an article by Clandestine that was linked near the top of the page in the daily.

This one:

Are You Black-Pilled?


Perfect analysis.

Nothing wrong with hopium. Love hopium if it is reasonably plausible.

But hopium is based on speculation and educated guesses. Any given set of facts can logically support more than one inference, and even support contradictory inferences. Inductive reasoning can be wonderful, but it is tricky, and requires humility.

“Because if you are wrong, then you have been nothing more than a tool of the enemy, suppressing the domestic population, making sure the public remains pacified, while the enemy tightens their grip on power. There are two kinds of people who would do that. People who never question their own beliefs, and enemy agents.” Or grifters looking for cash, ego gratification, or both.

Confident assertions, especially when stated along with baseless insults, and refusal to actually engage with founded objections, should be regarded with caution.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tonawanda

This is where I’m at. We have narrative gatekeepers on both sides and we need to question and dig for ourselves, not be content to be spoon fed. I enjoy hopium too, put had to put it down…building up too much tolerance…😎. Q wanted us to think for ourselves, so yeah I am a bit black pilled at times, but then I just consentrate on what I can control in my own life and get on with it. Hope for the best, prep for the worst.


Good analogy about building up too much tolerance. That seems to be a feature of being red pilled…awake enough to recognize the evil and share the knowledge to wake others up but not able to accept that simply being aware isn’t going to fix things.
Cold anger thaws after awhile into complacency .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



^^^ This.

It may be an east TN thing, tho…


I bring Clandestine occasionally for the viewpoint and information. Everybody should come to their own conclusions. He’s building his bidness…

I’m not good with blindly following anybody else other than Jesus and he’s had his hands full with me.


I like reading him too, but the black-pilled narrative control strikes me as snarky. I’m sure he’s just exasperated like most of us are and doesn’t want too many people trying to distract from the info he normally brings. Everybody needs to count to 10 sometimes.


You are bring some good wisdom this AM, bud.


Dunno ’bout wisdom, but just common thinking.


It appears to me to be….. BOTH 🙂

Gail Combs

Yes, you can get stuck in a fight over unknowables and FEELINGZ which completely detracts from the article and the real information it brings….

FOG OF WAR rules apply.

Gail Combs

I look at it from the point of view of INFORMATION PERIOD.

The idea is to gather as much information, preferably from PRIMARY SOURCES and then connect dots.

That is why I keep bringing in Patel Patriot (Jon) He has sreen shots of primary sources.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said!


Perfect response and attitude. Good for you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent analysis! Thank you!

I get a lot of very valuable stuff from Bioclandestine, but he’s gotten a bit too captured by Russian and Chinese propaganda in some cases. When he painted China as white hats at one point, he had clearly lost the script – particularly for somebody who should be tuned into the maximal “bio” duplicity of all sides, even Russia when they overstate their case (which they do to some extent always).

Negatory, sky captain Bioclan. China plays all sides for the CCP win. When our government makes a mistake in THEIR evil, WEF apple-polisher / top cheater / Pfizer owner China will gladly point fingers and say “Shocked! I am shocked!”

Bioclandestine is right about a lot of stuff, but he is wrong to equate any black pill perspective on any particular issue with “Boolean False”. Nope. The “exposure strategy” is necessary but it fights on a real chessboard where the enemy wins locally and denies returns on that strategy. Undercutting the enemy is just as important as impatience with the undercutting – NOT correct to the exclusion of the latter. Get used to war. It sucks, even when you’re “winning”, in many cases because going slow is necessary TO win. SEE THE ENIGMA WIN.

But Scott makes a great point – look at the WWII “patience” win. Even with Enigma-break-hiding-enforced slowness, that was basically a couple of years of patience to the win. Yes, one can argue that this job takes longer, because we’re basically at war with part of the “allies” and the “axis” plus “them” at the same time. But that reason is NOT under our sole control.

One of the charges we need to reject is the strawman of “but nothing is happening”. We’re not saying that. We’re saying that stuff is happening, and the other side is adapting to it. We need better “happening”, and not all of that is a simple function of our “rah-rah” for what is happening. We’re smarter than mere cheerleaders. Listen to the black-pillers – THAT is how Trump learned how deep to dig to defeat the enemy, IMO.

OTOH, taking maximum REAL joy in what IS happening is essential. Never black-pill to self-defeat.

But we’re not doing that!!! STRAWMAN!!!  😂 


So well stated!

Gail Combs


Black Pilling is bad when it DEFEATS us before we even fight.

And yes The following is all from Patel Patriot (Jon) BECAUSE HE REFERS TO PRIMARY SOURCES aka sauce. [My comments in brackets -GC]

Devolution Part 22 – Irregular Warfare

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“PSYOP forces are masters of influence – the core of information warfare.”
Let those words sink in.

The 4th PSYOP group conducts influence activities and plays a key role in information warfare. It’s also important to note that the 4th PSYOP Group falls under the 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne)….
On October 2nd, 2020, the Department of Defense released a declassified summary of the Irregular Warfare Annex to the National Defense Strategy:
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Yes, you read that correctly. Nearly one month before the November 3rd election, an annex was added to the National Defense Strategy specifically for Irregular Warfare (IW) – something that would heavily involve the 4th PSYOP Group which recently put out that YouTube video. This is significant….

Yes, it was co-authored by “former” Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller. The article is basically making suggestions as to how our special forces should be configured for IW. Here is where it refers to the IW Annex:
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The IW annex was released by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict on October 2nd, 2020. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict at that time was a name we should all know:
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And on Shitty Shiff’s new anti-evidence law from Patel Patriot
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“…We know that President Trump started using the Military for surveillance activities no later than June 1st, 2020 and he didn’t invoke the Insurrection Act to do so—at least not that we know of. I firmly believe his justification for involving the Military came from Joint Publication 3-27 — Homeland Defense (HD).”
[The sauce from that is up article. GC]
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I don’t know what the definition of “black-pilling” is, and I suspect it means different things to different people.

It’s possible that black-pilling is used to offset out-of-control hopium, which can keep people in a state of hopeful expectation that someone else will make things right. I believe it sometimes has people believing things that are not true. I know it has people believing things that are so out-of-the-norm as to be untenable and even ridiculous. There is no benefit to that.

Some of the outlandish theories I’ve seen, some of which are now acknowledged to have been false, do more harm than so-called black-pilling, IMO, in the sense that black-pilling can be a dose of reality. The truth matters greatly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A surprising number of former black pills are now red pills on which hopium is based. Anybody who said “Biden is going to be in office on 1/20/21” was black-pilling – until they weren’t. The hopium then adapted to reality.

Both black pills and hopium need to be held accountable for errors.


Both black pills and hopium need to be held accountable for errors.

I agree. And in order to do that, both need to be allowed in the mix for evaluation — as you have already eloquently stated.


Black pilling…it’s purpose is to be a self-fulfilling prophesy of loss before any chance is given to a hard fought victory.

I’ve been thinking about this and wondering how anyone can know the purpose of what someone else says. It seems an awful lot like judging someone’s motives. When someone voices honest questions and critiques about an idea or theory, who has the right to judge their motivation? It could be that they see logical fallacies that people are overlooking and don’t want to hear. Or they could be pointing out errors or inconsistencies that should not go unheeded. We can’t win a war with blinders on.


I take a different view on being black pilled now. To me being black pilled is completely and absolutely understanding that our fate is our hands and that rage against the machine is the only way out.
It doesn’t necessarily mean we all gun our way out but it also doesn’t mean we don’t.
In my point of view it’s the idea that I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some great thoughts here. It would not be above our enemy to make sure that the “only way out” was the one that was “off the table”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

With some people the worst sin is to rain on their rosy scenarios.


Wasn’t Rosy a salsa dancer down Baja way?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Roses need rain. It washes away the BUGS.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Earwigs seem to love roses.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! Japanese beetles, too!


“Black Pilling is bad when it DEFEATS us before we even fight.”


It’s just the opposite side of the Hopium coin.

Hopium defeats us by preventing us from ever GETTING INTO the fight.

Because why should we do anything at all besides munch on freakin’ popcorn and enjoy the show, if secret white hats are doing all their razzle-dazzle-doo behind the scenes and magically taking us on to victory?

Except there are a few problems with that, including:

1) since when did our government OR the military become such experts, at anything, that they could secretly fight and win a war that nobody even knows about?

2) if it is a war that nobody knows about, how do we ever know who won?

That’s pretty *&^%ing convenient, isn’t it?

The government has no RIGHT to do any of this without public knowledge, the government doesn’t even EXIST with any lawful purpose EXCEPT to SERVE us, i.e., We the People.

It’s not even POSSIBLE to perform their primary function, by keeping what they do SECRET from us.

What a great scam, you never have to disclose your losses or suffer any oversight or accountability, or justification for expenditures or anything else, because it’s all a secret.

Just shut the hell up, eat your popcorn, and we the Military Industrial Complex will tell you when we’re damn good and ready whether we’ve won or not.

That’s not how a Republic works.


👍 👍 👍


We’re saying that stuff is happening, and the other side is adapting to it. We need better “happening”, and not all of that is a simple function of our “rah-rah” for what is happening. We’re smarter than mere cheerleaders. Listen to the black-pillers – THAT is how Trump learned how deep to dig to defeat the enemy, IMO.


“Listen to the black-pillers.” Yes, listen to everyone on our side, but use judgment about whether there is merit to their arguments. I have listened to hopium that is detrimental, IMO. Too much pessimism without balance is, as well. One without the other gives an incomplete picture.


Scott, you rock.


The credit belongs to all my rockin’ friends 👍😁


Does that apply to us rocking chair peeps on the front porch?


Most definitely! 👍😁




Yes, yes and yes — and stop calling them “followers”, like it’s a cult. How about readers or subscribers. This guy got the side eye from me awhile ago. Along with PatelPatriot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Gail Combs

BioClandestine doesn’t seem to bring much in the way of actual primary source documents. Patel Patriot does so he is worth reading even if you do not agree with his reasoning and conclusions.

He thinks Pence is a good guy and I never have for example. IIFFfff Pence IS a bad guy, then Christopher C. Miller is ALSO a bad guy and yet, HE is  the man Trump chose to lead the DoD after the stolen election….. HMMmmm

For all the PRIMARY SOURCE material on Miller



“….Sec Def Miller made these off-script comments to VP Mike Pence at the 1st anniversary of Space Force:

“We’ve been through some stuff, we’ve gone through some of the most complex military operations this country has ever conducted and your steady hand and your leadership during those was a great source of strength for me”.

He had only been in his position for a little over a month. If it wasn’t Devolution, what could he be referring to as the “most complex military operations this country has ever seen”?…”
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One of his last assignments as an Army officer was as Director for Special Operations and Irregular Warfare within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD (SO/LIC)). Keep that in mind because it will come up a lot….

The facts could also fit ‘WE CAUGHT THEM ALL’ WITHOUT devolution being involved.
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Pope Clandy seems a bit testy. Scott there you go again. Isn’t there a corner somewhere where you can sit so you won’t keep embarrassing your intellectual betters? After all they are only trying to help you get your mind right. Don’t you want to be a cold-blooded warrior?




[snicker; snort]


“Don’t you want to be a cold-blooded warrior?”


I did, but then just recently I took advantage of the opportunity to self-identify as a Taco.

So now I’m…

Hot blooded, check it and see,
I’ve got a fever of a hundred and three🤣


I am so sorry to hear that. From my experience there is little that can be done for a Taco. But I do wish you well. Not everyone was meant to instruct the masses.


“From my experience there is little that can be done for a Taco.”


A little salsa goes a long way…

We ask not what can be done for a Taco, but what a Taco can do for you 😁



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Some news from Intel Slava Z:


The National Oil Company of Iran announced the signing of a $40 billion strategic cooperation agreement with Gazprom. This is the largest foreign investment in the history of the Iranian oil industry.


7 agreements have been concluded with Russian companies for the development of oil fields “Northern Pars”, “South Pars”, etc. with a total cost of 4 billion dollars.


Agreements were also reached on the construction of new export gas pipelines, facilitating the exchange of gas and oil products between the Russian Federation and Iran, and accelerating projects related to LNG.


The Russian Ambassador to the DPRK said that workers from North Korea will be able to go to work in the Donbass to participate in the restoration of the region’s infrastructure.


I assume that means the C_A is no longer controlling NK?

Gail Combs

That was what Trump and Kim were up to.


Yes, but NK changed when Biden came in …

so… I was unsure … then there’s the “Pompeo” factor … A man who believes “the end is near” so okay to poke the “Bear” and attack China over Taiwan … and he is ‘still’ a cabal tool imho… ymmv


He was a neo-con in congress, so I expect that hasn’t changed.


Exactly … I don’t understand all the neo-con appointments POTUS made… unless I factor in his SIL Jared … and now Ivanka’s testimony against her father at Jan 6 kangaroo court…


I missed Ivanka’s testimony AGAINST her father.

Any details or link available.


She made an eight hour long video deposition … some clips are online … wherein she said a number of damaging things … for me the most is “I respect Bill Barr, when he said the election was not stolen I believed him.”
“It affected my perspective,” Ivanka Trump said.”I respect Attorney General Barr. So I accepted what he was saying.”

Gail Combs

We have ZERO idea of how much was slice and dice. The Demon-Rats are very very good at doing that.

We also have ZERO idea of what type of pressure was brought to bare on her.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Based on what is quoted by phoenixrising, Ivanka phrased many things in the past tense, e.g.,”I believed him”

That doesn’t mean she STILL believes him.

Remember that at some point Barr was trusted by PDJT.

However, she did put “respect” in the present tense.

Gail Combs



Intel Slava Z

Tehran is ready to export military equipment and weapons – Iranian Army Commander Heydari


Video of the destruction of a storage facility with ammunition for weapons supplied by the US and Europe in the area of ​​the settlement Belenkoe, Odessa region.


Odessa region? Has the RF opened additional fronts?


Breaking News …

Intel Republic T’gram

Kiev’s statements about plans to destroy the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation and about Crimea only confirm the justification of a special military operation – Kremlin Spokesman Peskov.

Subscribe @IntelRepublic


Rudolf Diesel was a very interesting man – and his death shrouded in mystery.


And what else happened in 1913?

There are no coincidences – implementation of long held plans. How did things go over the ensuing years?


NEWS: Ukraine, Russia, Donbass

Putin arrives in Tehran

In Iran, the Russian president will meet with Raisi and Erdogan.

Subscribe to @Sputnik


Ministry of Defense of Russia

Report of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation on the territory of Ukraine (07/19/2022)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue a special military operation in Ukraine.

A high-precision weapon of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the village of Kamyshevakh, Zaporozhye region , hit the point of temporary deployment of the Nazi formation “Right Sector” . Destroyed up to 200 militants.

In the area of ​​​​the settlement Dolina of the Donetsk People’s Republic, high-precision weapons hit the combat positions of the battalion of the 81st airmobile brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine . More than 60 personnel were destroyed , as well as seven armored vehicles and an ammunition depot.

In addition, in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Belenky, Odessa region , high-precision weapons destroyed storage facilities with ammunition for weapons supplied by the United States and European countries .

To compensate for the significant losses in personnel and equipment suffered by the 66th and 72nd mechanized, 58th motorized infantry and 10th mountain assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine operating in the Soledar direction, a forced mobilization of residents of the cities of Artemovsk, Chasov Yar, Soledar is being carried out , Dzerzhinsk and other nearby settlements. Vehicles are confiscated from local residents to complete the formations.

As part of the counter-battery fight, four platoons of Grad multiple launch rocket systems, thirteen artillery platoons of D-20 howitzers and ten artillery platoons of D-30 guns were hit in the areas of the settlements of Seversk, Serebryanka, Dronovka, Opytnoe, Krasnoe, Zvanovka, Ivano- Daryevka, Paraskovievka and Ivangrad of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile forces and artillery hit in a day: seven command posts , including the 81st airmobile brigade in the Kramatorsk region of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the 60th infantry brigade in the Kirovo region, the 128th mountain assault brigade in the Vozdvizhivka district of the Zaporozhye region, five ammunition depots in the Vasyukovka, Velyka Novoselka districts of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Novoaleksandrovka of the Zaporozhye region, Pokrovskoye of the Dnipropetrovsk region, two fuel depots in the Soledar and Novgorodskoe districts of the Donetsk People’s Republic, as well as manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 197 – mi areas.

During the day, Russian air defense systems shot down a Mi-24 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force in the Pokrovsky region of the Donetsk People’s Republic, as well as four Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the areas of the settlements of Peschanoe, Petropavlovka, Topolskoye and Izyum of the Kharkiv region.

In addition, in the districts of Skadovsk, Novaya Kakhovka, Kherson region, Chervony Oskol, Topolskoye, Kharkiv region, four Tochka-U ballistic missiles and five Uragan multiple rocket launchers were intercepted .

In total , since the beginning of the special military operation , 257 aircraft, 143 helicopters, 1,568 unmanned aerial vehicles, 356 anti-aircraft missile systems, 4,106 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 759 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 3,160 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 4392 units of special military vehicles. 
#Ministry of Defense #Russia #Ukraine @mod_russia


Prayers up for Steve …


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Eyes on MAFIA BITCH. Maybe she needs more of her “special Chinese quack treatments” like the ones she got in San Fran.




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Oh my – what an opener DePat! Wow. Loved it.


Race relations have regressed 50 years. Biology and anatomy being destroyed. They are demolishing some of the most incredible advancements..soon it won’t surprise me at all if they want the use of genetic typing to cease.
Where the F are scientists ? Funds for further research isn’t an excuse…because further research will be shot down too.

Gail Combs

Once the US government was involved, science descended into the shitter.


As with any and everything else it touches.

Cuppa Covfefe

Eisenhower not only warned against the Military-Industrial Complex, but about Government-Controlled Science… And that, 61 years ago…

Here’s the transcript of his Farewell Address. Section IV contains his warning about government influence and control on science and scientific elites’ control on us:

Here’s the excerpt from Section IV of his speech (emphases mine):

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system — ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society.’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gender-confused activists can go to hell!


Where the F are scientists ?

This. Paid off or too scared to speak, I guess.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Campuses are a bad microcosm. Profs feel like they live in the world.



They are all in the bubble. Most are majors in things that have no practical use outside of the campus bubble. I think if it wasn’t for woke diversity, equity, inclusive policies, most would be unemployed and living under a mountain of student loan debt. On campus is very different from real world.

Gail Combs

Even History and English are mostly useless degrees unless you are going for a teaching degree.

You are much better off with a trade and business training. I really wish I had gone for my MBA. I certainly had enough credit hours over the years.


Yes but they’re willing to forgo exciting new discoveries to kneel at the woke altar ? That’s what I don’t understand.


Time for Russia to take out all of Ukraine’s transportation infrastructure. All major highways entering the country as well as rail and bridges, all air strips/airports need carpet bombed to prevent landings. Make it nearly impossible to resupply from outside the country.

Last edited 2 years ago by CMinTN

Poland is a bit of a problem …


AWESOME 🎶 DePat 😎 👍 😉 🤚 ❤️ .. thank you ‼️   :wpds_wink:  .. and God bless you and your loved ones abundantly


I felt like a kid in the penny candy store .. whoo-hoo!


This guy is a former US navy corps turned journalist specialized in ME and SEA. Here he confirms 90% the US made Himars was hit by an Iskander

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good demonstration of honest image analysis!


Good for Missouri’s AG. This is the FBI rebuttal:

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

Another reason to throw off the chains of Federal-State-Local partnerships…always strings attached!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This is a letter from the MO state DA telling the Wray of the FIB that they are not welcome to look at the private CCW licenses that are held by the local Sheriffs. MO has a law enforcing this.

The letter goes on to give reasons for their refusal, including lost trust in the institution of the FIB and lists several examples of FIB malfeasance.



Niceties aside, for a moment.

It IS illegal to show FBI MO CCW personal information.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. And IMPERIAL FIB routinely violates the law.


Really hoping y’all get Greitens since the establishment has been at him so much.


Too Slow Joe Incapacitated BiteMe.

Purely criminal, the corrupt Uniparty, allows the BiteMe farce to continue.

Pravda News complicit.


Joe Biden Has No Public Events Scheduled For the Day… FOR THE THIRD DAY IN A ROW
Biden had no public events scheduled for Sunday , Monday or Tuesday, according to his public schedule.

Kamala Harris took charge on Monday while the incapacitated vegetable hid at the White House.

The trip to the Middle East, which accomplished nothing for the US, took a toll on Joe Biden.

Gail Combs

REUTERS: Two New York residents charged with funneling Chinese investor money to Trump campaign

Two New York state residents were charged with illegally using funds from Chinese and Singaporean investors to donate $600,000 to then-President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign in 2017, U.S. prosecutors said on Monday.

The scheme was part of an effort by Sherry Li and Lianbo Wang to showcase political connections as they sought funds to build a China-themed park in upstate New York, prosecutors said, adding that they raised $27 million in investment, but never completed the project.

“… to donate $600,000 to then-President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign…”


Political Campaign Contribution Laws for Individuals – ThoughtCo

Nov 4, 2020The amount an individual can contribute to a candidate for each election was increased to $2,800 per election, up from $2,700. Since each primary and the general election count as separate elections, individuals may give $5,600 per candidate per cycle.

FEC | Candidate | Contribution limits

The federal contribution limits that apply to contributions made to a federal candidate’s campaign for the U.S. House, U.S. Senate or U.S. President. Includes limits that apply to individual donations, as well as to contributions by political action committees (PACs) and party committees to candidates.

This is messed up so you need to go see the chart

		Candidate committee	PAC† (SSF and nonconnected)	Party committee: state/district/local	Party committee: national	Additional national party committee accounts‡
Donor	Individual	$2,900* per election	$5,000 per year	$10,000 per year (combined)	$36,500* per year	$109,500* per account, per year
Candidate committee	$2,000 per election	$5,000 per year	Unlimited transfers	Unlimited transfers	
PAC: multicandidate	$5,000 per election	$5,000 per year	$5,000 per year (combined)	$15,000 per year	$45,000 per account, per year
PAC: nonmulticandidate	$2,900* per election	$5,000 per year	$10,000 per year (combined)	$36,500* per year	$109,500* per account, per year
Party committee: state/district/local	$5,000 per election (combined)	$5,000 per year (combined)	Unlimited transfers	Unlimited transfers	
Party committee: national	$5,000 per election**	$5,000 per year	Unlimited transfers	Unlimited transfers

comment image


Germany has exhausted the possibilities of military assistance to Kiev.

This was stated by German Defense Minister Kristina Lambrecht at a meeting at the base in the city of Mullheim.

We can no longer give away (equipment and weapons) from the Bundeswehr,” she said, writes DPA.

Krichtina Lambrecht assured that Germany will continue to support Kiev, however, how is unknown.

A few weeks ago, Germany blocked the shipment of several hundred Fuchs armored personnel carriers and Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine.


German government waking up to Reality they MUST have Russian gas or supporting Ukraine (BiteMe) is stoopid, foolish, wasteful, not in Germany’s interests?

ALL the above.

Now for the rest of Europe to Wake TFU.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or, more likely, Lambrecht realized we’ve finally shipped them all the stuff that doesn’t work… Our equipment is in REALLY sad shape (and that’s by intent, natch). And it’s been that way for quite a while, according to some extended family members. Seems that the intent that Germany would never rise again is working…

(cf purpose for NATO…)….

Having said that, more and more people are waking up, and even some MSM outlets have admitted that Ukraine is a bottomless money pit, and the “war” is not only jeopardizing our fuel supplies; it’s threatening our very survival…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NATO Over-expansion – the Cabal prescription for ENDLESS WAR.


There seems to have been a small explosion at Hoover Dam at its power facility that controls the locks I assume.

Poor maintenance or maybe cyber attack?


Seems like a generator or something blew, malfunctioned…

Poor maintenance or simply shit happens.

100% guns could NEVER be in the mix here. Hoover Dam is a Gun Free Zone.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Bad guy with a gun? IMPOSSIBLE! The area is clearly marked!

Cuppa Covfefe

Might just be a *cough* shot in the dark, but Hoover and another dam are very close to dangerously low levels, at which point power generation will cease. Wonder if they tried to open a valve/gate/whatever that hasn’t been opened in years, if ever?

And Bye,Dung’s infrastructure interests only relate to opening the southern border and keeping the illegals, cartels, and Cabal happy… the fool on the hill, as it were…


Kinda like slashing SUV tires, ain’t it??? 😉


They got bored with food production arson, California arson and wanted some bigger fun ? That’ll really show us


Last time I was at Hoover Dam, prolly 18 months ago, security was obnoxious. Gun Free Zoe signage everywhere. Every car stopped.

Anyone out of area carrying, could not enter the security zone. Not even park and walk in.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW! So they just turn carriers around? YIKES.


Can NOT even leave the weapons locked in a car.

Send folks away.


Considering that Lake Mead is at record low levels, it could be that one of the turbines went dry. They’re designed to be cooled by the water running through them.


Read an article a couple weeks ago. Still have a few hundred feet to go before issues. May have posted here QTree.

  • Water to run / cool generators.
  • Create electricity for many millions.
  • Water for tens of millions.

WHAT could possibly go wrong?


Still have had a few hundred feet to go before issues.



Not buying it as today’s issue.

Could be wrong.

Also, have not read the news.

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu
Cuppa Covfefe

Cheap RED Chinese $#!t, no doubt…..


They should have a safety on them in that case…if you lose differential pressure or if the heat on the pump increases. Who knows…


Rather sure there is safety’s AND water level is NOT today’s issue. But it IS an emerging issue. Have not read “when” it is expected to be so.


Yeah, I tend to think it is something else, like a x-former. I work on large pumps a lot at work and the pump may fail from cavitating…blown seals, erroded impellar, but not blow up. Sometimes you smoke a motor from having bad bearings or dirty voltage or the VFD takes a dump on you. Explosion would be from something else most likely.

Gail Combs

Do you know if the transformers would be hardened against s*h*00*ting?

Cuppa Covfefe

“Nice dam you’ve got there, Mr. Hoover… Be a shame if something let out the cooling oil on a trafo or two…”….

Gail Combs

Thanks Cuppa.

Kinda goes along with all the food plants getting taken out.


That I don’t know. Most commercial ones are not.


RF121 probably knows. But it’s been on the news that it’s a transformer, and there’s a clearer picture where their on-site fire department is squirting water on one.


I can’t tell if these RINOs are really that delusional or if they’re presenting a narrative in efforts to make people believe it.

“Trump’s going to find himself further and further isolated.” “I don’t think he’s going to be in the picture. He’s fallen so far.” “We need to acknowledge he let us down. He went down a path he shouldn’t have, we shouldn’t have followed him.” – Nikki Haley

What “path” is that? Is she talking about J6, or maybe election fraud? If so, she’s no better than a Dem.

And the only reason Trump might be more “isolated” would be if RINOs like Haley and Pence stop pretending to agree with him and show their true colors. The MAGA patriots and Trump will “isolate” them out of power.


I stated this and got called out for it years ago OT…Nikki Haley is John Bolton in a skirt! No neo-con will ever have my vote. I tried to give Bolton the benefit of the doubt and he just proved my initial opinion of him was correct. I despise these people as much as the progressive commies on the left…they are the worst of the RINOs.

Cuppa Covfefe


To paraphrase the old Almond Roca commercial, “Nikki Haley fakes ’em daily”…


Catherine Austin Fitts who some of you know believes that Neocons are literally insane. She has mentioned it on more than one occasion. You people in TN seem to agree on this issue. I believe that TN is where Catherine’s headquarters is situated.


It’s the RINO version of OrangeManBad and it looks like it will be their rally cry


IMO, perhaps ole Ronna and the RNC / RINO’s are working on “Pence – Haley 2024.”

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

 He went down a path he shouldn’t have, we shouldn’t have followed him.””

Really, Nikki?

From what I could see over here, you didn’t follow him, you helped obstruct him.

Then of course you blame him for his failures.

You rancid hypocritical piece of shit.


July 19, 2022

Breaking: Explosion at the Hoover Dam
New Video Added



Boulder City Fire Department is en route to an emergency call at Hoover Dam. No further information is available at this time.

I hope this is something mundane and minor, like a generator blowing up from poor maintenance.

Although — even that is something that happens in third world countries that don’t bother doing maintenance, isn’t it?

Importantly, this explosion is not in the body of the actual dam itself.

DaveA links this video of a transformer catching fire and then exploding, which might be what happened here.

more at link above


Para, sorry … I should have refreshed the page … didn’t see your post

Gail Combs

HMMMMmmmm and I just mentioned transformers a day or two ago.

There was a discussion at Chiefio’s a while back about taking out transformers by s*h*0*0*ting them. I can not find it so there is this:

EMP – A Summary Starting Point
E.M.Smith says:
29 October 2015 at 5:53 pm

….A huge solar flare on August 4, 1972, knocked out long-distance telephone communication across Illinois. That event, caused AT&T to redesign its power system for transatlantic cables. A similar flare on March 13, 1989, provoked geomagnetic storms that disrupted electric power transmission from the Hydro Québec generating station in Canada, blacking out most of the province and plunging 6 million people into darkness for 9 hours; aurora-induced power surges even melted power transformers in New Jersey. Some of the most powerful storms recorded battered the Earth from October 31 to November 7 in what was known as the “Halloween Storms of 2003”, causing aircraft navigation re-routes, and communications and power outages. In December 2006, X-rays from another solar storm disrupted satellite-to-ground communications and Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation signals for about 10 minutes.

The largest flare recorded is known as the Carrington Event in September 1859. Normally, the coronal mass ejection from solar flares takes three to four days to reach earth. Less than eighteen hours following the observation the massive solar flare, telegraph wires in both the United States and Europe spontaneously shorted out, causing numerous fires, while the Northern Lights were documented as far south as Rome, Havana and Hawaii, with similar effects at the South Pole. Not only was this coronal mass ejection an extremely fast mover, the magnetic fields contained within it were extremely intense AND in direct opposition with Earth’s magnetic fields. That meant the coronal mass ejection overwhelmed Earth’s own magnetic field, allowing charged particles to penetrate into Earth’s upper atmosphere.

A US map of vulnerable transformers with areas of probable system collapse encircled is at:

After reading “Nuclear Weapons Effects Technology”, I lowered the likelihood of an EMP attack in my personal risk assessment due to the requirement of a High Altitude EMP strike (HEMP) to affect a large area.

A HEMP attack must use a relatively large warhead to be effective (perhaps on the order of one megaton), and new proliferators are unlikely to be able to construct such a device, much less make it small enough to be lofted to high altitude by a ballistic missile or space launcher. Russia and China are likely the only nations which have the capabilities to deliver a single weapon large enough to affect the entire U.S. That’s not to say that they wouldn’t encourage and enable others. At this time, the likelihood of Russia or China launching an EMP attack is not great, though not impossible, but they are fully aware that our technology is our Maginot line.

The map was archived:

comment image


Thank you Gail. It was on Chiefio. 5 July. VERY informative article.

Much of the article posted here.


Colorado River, Lakes Mead & Powell, Desert Southwest
Lake Mead is at about 150 feet above “Dead Pool”. That is the point where you can’t get the water to flow past the dam as the intake is above the water surface.

Even before that it stops generating electrical power. Already the production is cut to just 5 turbines producing power for cities, from the total of 19 turbines (though it is important to note that 2 of the 19 are used just for power to run the dam complex itself).



When she’s not busy exercising call options on Nvidia, Inc. (NVDA) shares to profit from pending legislation, or bailing her husband out of jail for a DUI arrest, Nancy Pelosi is third in line to the U.S. Presidency as Speaker of the House of Representatives. In that official capacity, she risked a diplomatic row with China in April, when reports suggested she planned to visit Taiwan as part of her Asia trip. Fortunately, for the sake of East Asian peace, Pelosi tested positive for COVID, causing her to cancel her trip: 

Update(12:25ET)It’s been confirmed that Nancy Pelosi’s weekend Asia trip has been postponed following her positive Covid-19 test. “A congressional delegation trip to Asia that Pelosi had planned to lead has been postponed, Hammill said,” Nikkei writes.

* * *


Gosh, to be helpful when Piglosi tested positive for Covovidiot, I’d have gladly paid for her Remdisivir.

Yea. Me. ALWAYS trying to be helpful.   :wpds_mrgreen: 


Someone changed her travel plans! Not Mr. COVID … at least I ain’t buying it …

Clandestine’s Newsletter

China Demands US Cancel Arms Deals in Taiwan and Biolabs Aplenty

18 hr ago

VERY intriguing developments in Taiwan. China demands the US cancel their newest $108 million arms sale to Taiwan!

So if one proxy war against a nuclear superpower wasn’t enough, now the Biden admin fancy themselves to try and arm Taiwan to fight against China. Idk about you all, but I have zero interest in conflict, let alone with China AND Russia.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


Yours Truly just found out that a friend, healthy and in great shape, was in the hospital for “sudden and severe” Afib. Had to have “cleaning out” procedures performed in and around the heart and is now on blood thinner meds.
This person was “fully vaccinated and boosted” in order to go back to work in the office.

Last edited 2 years ago by PAVACA

I’m sorry about your friend. It’s good that it was sudden illness instead of sudden death, but all so unnecessary. I wonder if that person will put two and two together.


Would that this could be so; however, my friend is 100% gubmint “follow the science.”


A win for parents vs. a school board, and for freedom of speech.

School Board Pays Out Major Settlement After Censoring Critics and Deleting Their Comments from Board Meetings

Courier Times reported:

Public comments relating to the board’s diversity and inclusion efforts, including the Educational Equity policy passed in May, were initially removed from the March and May meeting recordings.

Two community members whose comments were cut short in May — one of which also had his unabridged comments later taken out of the March meeting’s video — threatened lawsuits as they were asked to leave the microphone.

[GWP] The settlement states that they must pay $300,000 for the plaintiffs’ attorney fees and $17.91 to each plaintiff. The $17.91 is symbolic because 1791 was the year the First Amendment was ratified.

The lawsuit was filed last October by Bucks County residents Douglas Marshall, Simon Campbell, Robert Abrams, and Tim Daly. They were represented by attorneys from the Institute for Free Speech and Michael Gottlieb of Vangrossi & Recchuiti.

“School boards across the country should take note. Rules for public comments must respect the First Amendment rights of speakers. If you are limiting which opinions may be shared, you’ll be held liable for violating First Amendment rights,” said Alan Gura, Vice President for Litigation at the Institute for Free Speech.

“School boards across the country should take note.” Let’s hope they do.


Unfortunately, the money will come from the schools, and not the Board members.

With any luck, the school will have a D&O insurance policy, which would pay out the $300K. After which, the insurance company may refuse to renew the policy if any of these Board Members are on it.

Gail Combs

The need to see if they can get DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS under the COLOR of THE LAW violations which tosses the official acting under the Color of the law to the wolves AND MAKES THEM PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent thinking!!!

Gail Combs

Now that the town/school is on the hook for the $$$ is a great time to go after DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS under the COLOR of THE LAW violations  The town/school is NOT going to want to be on the hook for payment.  🤓 


Love this ruling, but am not happy that the board members (are they bonded?) *may* not have to pay this directly, but rather with either county (yours and mine) funds or the bond payout.

Do I have this right?


The Steve Bannon kangaroo court trial:

A federal judge is moving ahead with the the contempt trial of former White House strategist Steve Bannon following an evidentiary dispute Tuesday in which defense lawyers expressed confusion over the judge’s rulings, requesting a new delay.

Twelve jurors and two alternates were selected Tuesday afternoon – nine men and five women –and opening arguments were expected to follow soon after. 

Earlier, Bannon’s defense team sought to exclude correspondence between the House committee and defense lawyers relating to the subpoena that Bannon defied, resulting in his indictment.

U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols ruled Tuesday that he would admit the letters in their entirety, including discussions of executive privilege which Bannon had argued shielded him from the subpoena.

2 former Trump aides to testify Thursday:Former Trump aides Matthew Pottinger, Sarah Matthews expected to testify at Jan. 6 hearing

The judge has previously excluded the defense’s executive privilege argument. 

Referring to the dispute, Evan Corcoran, Bannon’s attorney, said a delay was needed to resolve evidence questions and a “seismic shift” in the defense’s understanding of the case.

Bannon faces two counts of contempt for his refusal to appear for a deposition and another involving his refusal to produce documents, despite a subpoena from the House committee. The panel has held a series of hearings this summer featuring damning testimony from former Trump administration officials. 

Each count carries a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of one year in jail, as well as a maximum fine of $100,000.

JW in Germany

Ah you are SUCH a Deplorable Patriot!

Another great thread…especially this one hit home. I could have said this myself…I genuinely believe that indeed the tide has turned and that We the People are on the OFFENSE!

The cabal attacked us on a thousand fronts with a plan that was decades in the making.

Any successful counter to that attack would have to be QUITE IMPRESSIVE…we are literally dealing with the survival of the FREE WORLD.

Anyway, I thought this was worth posting again:


Forwarded from AbsoluteConviction1776 (Absolute1776)

This is a fantastic point. So you have to ask yourself – who is really in control?

Not sure how many of you have noticed, but Trump was not lying when he said he would drain the swamp. I know plenty saying “well when will the swamp be drained??”..

My answer: It HAS been drained. What were to happen should you drain a swamp? You expose all the shit at the bottom.

And that is exactly what we are seeing now – all the shit at the bottom so it can be cleaned up.

Enjoy the show.

Last edited 2 years ago by JW in Germany

Small explosion – Hoover Dam.


Looks like a transformer. Tried to confirm in other photos but hard to tell but definitely electrical. Other possibility is an oil circuit breaker. Typically faults are picked up during oil testing which is done annually or more frequently. Serves the same purpose as doing a blood test. You can diagnose a lot of potential problems in advance and try to deal with them before you have one of these. Odds are, this caused a lot of down stream damage in the electrical circuits unless the various safety trips did there job.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have a EE background but it’s not in power engineering. So take this for what little it’s worth in this context, but I get the impression that most of the time when something goes kablooey and does a fireball thing, it’s a transformer.

I could imagine a turbine self destructing and sending bits everywhere (like clutches sometimes do–I had a friend nearly killed this way), but the turbines in a hydroelectric dam spin surprisingly slowly; pieces wouldn’t go flying.

[Edit faster than I thought, but well under 3600 RPM…I will go back on what I said and concede pieces could go flying everywhere.]

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thanks, Steve!


In hydro power there are high head pressure units and low. Dams tend to be lower penstock pressure so the units turn slower. The City of Boulder however gets its water from a watershed high up in the mountains so they can run head pressures up to 800 PSI. Turbine speeds I have seen up in the 5,000 RPM range.

Turbines do go into overspeed despite the safety devices and there was an impressive explosion in a Russian hydro facility several years ago that was related to the generator. And it blew the roof off of the hydro station. Picture added.

Electrical failure is the most common and by the way, 80% of building fires are electrically related. So when I go to visit these things, I have a big focus on electrical and mechanical maintenance programs.

Russ Hydro.jpg

Appreciate the insights.


RF121 brings the sauce!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I had vague memories of reading somewhere the turbines at Hoover Dam spin at something less than one revolution per second (so they have multiple coils to get up to 60 cycles/second on their output). I was likely either misinformed or misremembered.

It certainly makes sense it would be dependent on pressure, which in turn depends on hydraulic “head.”


Thanks, RF121!


comment image


itch-bay, it-shay, and Urdy-tay .. 🤨 ..

🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 .. 🤗 ..



Yours Truly receives a monthly publication called “trc pharmacist’s letter“, something that her late father (a Registered Pharmacist) used to get and that she was able to “transfer” his subscription to herself after his demise.
The June, 2022 newsletter has, among other topics, a discussion of “taking an aspirin a day” in order to prevent cardiovascular issues.
The new guidance on this topic, from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, states that taking 81mg of aspirin a day (“baby aspirin”) is only to be done for “secondary” prevention by people who have already suffered an MI or a stroke, or by people who have angina or PAD (Peripheral Artery Disease).
Taking 81mg of aspirin a day is not recommended for “primary” prevention of heart problems. New studies show that major internal bleeding occurs in 1 out of every 200 people who take 81mg of aspirin a day for primary prevention of heart problems.
(An aside: years ago, Yours Truly’s husband nearly died from a massive internal GI bleed brought on by taking 81mg of aspirin a day over a long period of time for primary prevention of heart issues [the standard MD recommendation at that time for “people of a certain age.”] His GI bleed “accumulated” over time. After he was taken to the ER and emergency measures were taken to stop the bleeding, an endoscopy exam found two holes in his small intestine and in the artery behind it — holes created by the action of the aspirin.)
On the other hand, FLCCC protocol, “I-Recover Post-Vaccine Treatment” lists taking 81mg of aspirin a day, although the length of time is not indicated (that would be decided between patient and doctor). If the person is taking a blood thinner, or another medication that has any blood-thinning side effects, these would also have an impact on whether or not taking aspirin is indicated.
One recommends downloading the various FLCCC protocols, especially their “Complete Guide to the Care of the COVID-19 Patient.”

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Gail Combs

Also aspirin must ALWAYS be taken with a FULL glass (8 oz) of water AND a meal or at least something to eat. (Goes for all the other pain killers too.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

With the enteric 81 mg minis, just water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning allows the tablet to bypass the stomach, then dissolve slowly. Different strategy. I always take the big ones with a meal.


Good to know. Thanks.

Water with coffee, as I muddle through QTree, first thing in the mornin .


It’s confusing. I know of someone who took a full 325 mg aspirin a day for probably two decades without any bleeding problems. But individuals could react differently.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There’s one other use for aspirin these bastards will never admit to – post-COVID and post-clot-shot anti-clotting. It also works preventatively, as discovered in the early days of COVID.


Posts from Gregg Phillips’ Truth Social account:

AZ has a mess on their hands.

Pinal County (reg voters: 275,000) injecting 63,000 new ballots into the system guarantees losing candidates have a cause of action.

The County screwed up by not being prepared. Then he followed up his screw up with the injection of the new ballots.

The Secretary of State is also culpable.

All are likely lawyering up because they are busted.

We know in advance this time. This is happening before our eyes.

Watch closely.


@opsec fusion team heading to AZ tomorrow to get in the fight.

Ton’s of irregularities and problems.

Pinal and Maricopa are first two targets.



Andrew McCarthy’s report on the Bannon trial:

The jury consists of nine men and five women. Two of those are alternates.

The Washington Post reports that federal prosecutor Amanda Vaughn of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia delivered the government’s opening. Not surprisingly, she contended that Bannon “decided he was above the law” in deliberately flouting the House January 6 committee’s subpoenas for testimony and the production of documents. She portrayed the case as very simple: Bannon knew he had until October 18 to comply with the subpoenas or be criminally liable; he failed to comply as the deadline came and went.

As expected based on the lawyers’ arguments before the court this morning, Bannon’s lawyers then opened by arguing that Bannon believed his lawyers were still negotiating with the House committee and did not intend to ignore the subpoenas. One of his attorneys, M. Evan Corcoran, told the jury, “It’s called a negotiation; it’s called accommodation.” Appearing to make a pitch for nullification, Corcoran portrayed the case as a politically motivated pursuit of Bannon along partisan lines in Congress.

I would not expect the trial to take more than a couple of days. Obviously, if Bannon testifies, that will extend things, but not much.


THIS is what I have been waiting for!

“Washington State Democrats are furious after Republican activists announced they are organizing surveillance teams to record ballot drop boxes in the state.

For years since Washington state, like its neighbor Oregon, started their mail-in ballot schemes NO REPUBLICAN has won statewide office for some reason.”

We CAN do this, and they CAN’T stop us!

Gail Combs

  :wpds_lol:    :toldyaso: 





Hopefully it works. Next expect the DOJ to use the voter intimidation card.
Unless they have already done something that passes that hurdle. Have they?


They’re trying. But it won’t work. Watching the drop boxes is legal.


D-Rats will sub contract out to Antifa and BLM.

LE will NOT see a thing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things are getting spicy. Thinking about buying some pikes for liberation day. 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I used a 10′ length of rebar for a flag pole for years.

Depending on how gooshy the shit in the insides of their skulls is, you might not even need to sharpen the end.


But we will. There is such a thing as the internet, and it works in real time.

And there are honest sheriffs left in America.



Antifa and BLM can NOT reign there terror outside of D-Rat shit holes.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

That’s right!


I would make that armed surveillance teams. Armed with both firearms and non-lethal (pepper spray, stun guns, tasers).

Not less than ten men to a team visible out in the open, plus at least two or three in hidden back-up positions.


With live video.


Whatever it takes.


Just love the “for some reason.”



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cheating Dems deserve to DIE (after trials for INSURRECTION and SEDITION, of course), and yet they go into a tizzy for just WATCHING THEM CHEAT.

Fuck you Dems. You know in your HEARTS that you deserve DEATH. But you won’t get it from us. You will just have to “walk the streets in shame”.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The occasional lobbed tomato or rotten egg or dogturd wouldn’t be out of line.


comment imageDonald J Trump


So what’s Speaker Robin Vos doing on the Great Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling declaring hundreds of thousands of Drop Box votes to be illegal? This is not a time for him to hide, but a time to act! I don’t know his opponent in the upcoming Primary, but feel certain he will do well if Speaker Vos doesn’t move with gusto. Robin, don’t let the voters of Wisconsin down!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s true. These state-level people just crap out when they get the goods.

WHY? Why do they always crap out?

IMO it’s because as soon as ANYBODY is in a position to “undo the fraudulent election”, a.k.a. “return the diamonds”, they get a TALK from FEDS who zap them with some kind of secret bullshit.

And that’s it. They stop.

The overthrow of Trump was not by the DEMs. It was by the GOVERNMENT. It was by the WHOLE DAMNED GOVERNMENT. Including the Pentagram.

They used SECRET LAW to overthrow Trump.


“The overthrow of Trump was not by the DEMs. It was by the GOVERNMENT. It was by the WHOLE DAMNED GOVERNMENT. “

^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^


WE have KNOWN this since January 6, 2021.

EVERY Level of government FAILED their Oaths. FAILED AMERICA.

  • Feds – Executive DOJ, FIB, DoD, IC, Senate, House, NOT sc…
  • State – guvners, legislative, courts, SoS, AG.
  • County Registrar Voters, Election Officials…

Co-conspirators – Pravda News AND Big Tech.

^^^ Have posted all of the above several times here. KNOWN TO US ALL.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“It’s a crime to argue with the FBI.”

-Coming Soon


Actually, to be honest, I believe it arrived long ago.




…Or JUST MAKE SHIT UP and toss innocents in DC Gulag.

Need an example. J6 FF by FIB, DOJ, DoD, HLS…

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. 9/11 had a far bigger purpose than we realized.


Back then, I could never have imagined what our government was capable of doing to us, to our country.

Would NOT have believed it, had this been a movies or book.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“SECRET LAW” is about as bogus and unconstitutional as law ever gets.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely agreed. Such a BAD idea. Figures that the SQUISH Epstein Roberts is in charge of the “secret courts”.

Cuppa Covfefe

And the “double secret courts” 🙂 (actually 😡 )

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



SECRET LAW = Money AND Power…bribes, coercion, blackmail, corruption…

Worse than Third World Banana Governments..

NOTHING LEGAL about any of this bullshit. NOTHING.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See, that is the beauty of the “secret law, secret policy, fourth branch” ATTACK on America. The illegality of it is basically determined by ONE MAN – Chief Justice (COUGH) Roberts. Focus that on THE PRESIDENT, and it effectively puts Roberts in charge of everything.

They did something against Trump. Something that was never discovered. Something BEYOND what Devin Nunes found. Something that they used to GET RID OF TRUMP “LEGALLY” – and because it’s secret, it doesn’t have to survive scrutiny.

And I theorize that it included the fake election. BARR was part of it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Notice that this explains Pelosi, Wray, Turtle, Barr, Haspel, Esper, and everybody else.

They “legally” got rid of Trump using secret law.

Again, they think they’re VIRTUOUS because their secret law TELLS THEM they’re virtuous.

What a SCAM!


Perhaps they get away with it.

IMO, NOTHING Legal about this.

Of course much of our government IS ROGUE and does NOT give two shits about Legal.

What is it they say about Power…?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Hopelessly corrupt.



Hmmm…what does this actually mean?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Dems, RINOs, UniParty, CCP and WEF are desperate to “criminalize” President Trump, and they will do everything they can to make standing up to their election fraud a crime.


Glanced at it.

Smells like harass anyone associated with MAGA, Trump.

Skeer MAGA, Trump supporters into COMPLIANCE.

Take a knee to Uniparty and Gestapo Establishment.


Now we all understand why there was a Truth and Reconciliation Commission when apartiad (sp) ended. To prevent shit like this.

BTW target means out-to-get-ya. None of these people will testify to the GJ unless they are dumber than a box of hammers.


Does the shift to becoming a “target” indicate that a grand jury has already heard enough evidence to begin to seek indictments?


…and the suppliers of orange cloth for prison uniforms have just received a huge bulk order, anticipating the indictment and arrest of Stacy Abrams.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d be concerned about her imploding and starting nuclear fusion like a star, but I don’t think she’s massive enough to start fusing lard nuclei.

Not quite, anyway.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



Guessing FBI still plants attempt getting CCW in MO.

Faux News

Missouri sheriff says even under ‘threat of arrest’ he will not release gun owners’ info to FBI
‘I will go down with the ship if need be,’ the sheriff says

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! THAT is the beginning of real resistance to DNC-FBI.


Under threat of arrest?!?

If the traitor FIB goes into Missouri territory, the sheriff should arrest THEM and THROW THEM OUT.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Another country is falling, and they have nuclear weapons:

The Biden Legacy: Taliban Forces, Teeming with US Weapons, Unite to Take Out Pakistani Government – A Country on the Precipice of Economic Collapse

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I’m not sure whether to laugh, cry, or cheer.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, that’s a tough one.

The Pakis were semi-useless when we went after the Taliban, and probably covertly supporting them, so it’s justice of a sort to see the Taliban take THEM down.


comment image


This is great! The question I always have is whether a hand count would detect fraudulent ballots. I know a hand count’s total vs. a machine count would reveal anomalies, but I want ballot cheating to be revealed.


Holy carp!

Police are now saying that responder in Indiana mall shooting squeezed off his first shot in 15 seconds from being on-scene, at a distance of 40 yards. Fired 10 shots total, 8 went in the perp. None went into a bystander, victim, or hostage.

Bunch of comments — “that reminds me, I need to put in some serious range time….”

  • First shot from 120′.
  • Eight of ten rounds hit the asshole.

Wow, fricken WOW!

Adrenalin was in overdrive. Great focus.

Wonder how many expended rounds he recalled, after the asshole went down for good. Guessing he fired until the asshole quit moving. Realizing then, the threat was neutralized

Dang I’d like to see the video.

I gotta go read info at the link above.


Story was that his grandfather taught him to shoot. Who the heck was his grandfather?

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NRA Life Member! Count on it!


Indiana. Hunter. Rid coyotes from his land when necessary.

Yea, I am full of stereotypes. 🙂


I don’t know but his great great grandfather hung out with Daniel Boone.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



40 yards, I’m thinking 5-inch barrel or better. Ten round magazine of 9mm…..and it sounds like John Moses Browning might have had something to do with the pistol.

I’m guessing a high-end full-size 1911 clone. Wonder how it was concealed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think I heard that both the killer and the hero had Glock handguns, but I may be mistaken about that. I’ll dig.


Yup, heard both had Glocks. Bad guy GlocK 357. IIRC they said G33.

Good Guy 9MM. Lotsa 9MM Glock models.


So Eli stopped shooting after 10 because the perp stopped twitching — he still had 7 left in case the perp had a friend.


^^^ One possibility.

Could had a Glock 26 with ten round magazine. Adrenalin kept him firing until his weapon was empty.

Looking forward to learning the details.


For no apparent reason —


Perfect! Takes me back to my high school days….El Paso was another beloved hit back then.


Heard good Guy had a Glock.

Had not heard which one he carried.

Glock 17, ~5in barrel. 17 round mag standard.

IWB, long un-tucked t-shirt.


I used to go shooting with rented guns at the range. Couldn’t shoot a polymer worth a damn. Shot best with “big iron” Kimber Stainless II, CZ-75, and CZ-75 Tactical Sport. Something about “going where I put it.”

Of course, there was also the issue of having depth-of-field issues where I could either see the target or the sights, but not both.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, it’s difficult to hit when you have to figure out which of the three front sights is the real one. Or which of the three targets.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

JMB “had something to do with” a lot of guns, not just 1911s. The Browning high power was actually designed for the 9MM, and the CZ-75 was an adaptation of that (and the CZ-75 didn’t get properly patented so a LOT of guns are basically ripoffs of it).

Most “1911s” today I wouldn’t trust out of the box. I’ve seen too many fancy “1911s” choke on ammo at the range. Worse, their owners get amnesia and five minutes later don’t remember it happened; they’ll swear their gun has never failed. (The usual run of high priced “1911s” are over-engineered as compared to the original, and end up being very finicky about the ammo.)

I actually own a Dan Wesson (purchased in 2017 as a commemoration of 45), and sure enough there’s one kind of ammo it just won’t tolerate. It has been good with all others. Unless, of course, I’m having 1911 amnesia.


22 yo. Was at the food court with his g/f. Perp came out of the restroom shooting, told his g/f to get under the table, retrieved and prepared his firearm, and hit a moving target at 40 yards in 15 seconds while waving people to escape behind him. Then hit the perp again seven times in the next nine shots.

Perp obviously missed his saving throw.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This dude is a MODEL for all of us!


Heck, I’d be lucky to tag a target at 15 yards in 40 seconds.


And with a Glock, I’d be lucky to hit the broad side of a barn…..starting inside the barn.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Terrible pointers.

Though some swear they’re great pointers, so that’s clearly a “your mileage may vary” thing.

I find CZ-75s to be nearly perfect pointers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Holy Carp!!!


“The time lapse between the moment that Johnathan Sapirman exited the restroom and began shooting, and when he was shot by the civilian (Elisjsha Dicken) was only fifteen seconds, not two minutes.”


“Whatever you’re gonna do, do it fast!”

[video src="" /]

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

This one resets your OODA loop….


“This one resets your OODA loop….”


Is that what the kids call it these days?

Yeah, Vasquez is a hottie, always ready to throw down at a moment’s notice, I think she’s my favorite character in Aliens 👍 😁


Question I’ve not seen asked yet.
Where did Grandpa get the training/experience he passed on.