Dear KMAG: 20220725 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

US President Donald J Trump (L) and First Lady Melania Trump (R) await the arrival of Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison and his wife, Jenny Morrison, to the South Lawn of the White House for a state arrival ceremony in Washington, DC, USA, 20 September 2019. The occasion marks the second state visit of Donald Trump’s presidency.

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

…and we will have fun doing it, too!

The Rules


Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.

The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.

Bottom line – respect other people’s FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.


We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.

Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.

In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.

We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).

We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.

If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at

We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.

In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer

Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.

Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.

Musical Interlude

In the style of our beloved Wheatie, we include some music for your enjoyment.

This week, some LATER (90’s) but absolutely quintessential MEAT LOAF.

I remember when this guy’s improbable music burst on the scene. It was catchy – I grew rather fond of it. A gal I knew LOVED his first album (which at that time was an LP vinyl record). She was a really good person – a model scientist, in the rear-view mirror of life. I have no idea what happened to her, but…..

In her honor, Meat Loaf!

Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day Year Week:



government by women; gynarchy

Used in a (rather long) paragraph:

Sadly, when the old-boy system of Shallow State was overthrown, it was ultimately replaced by a politically obsessive and scientifically incompetent globalist gynocracy, which marginalized many of the most scientifically and technically competent women, simply to defend and preserve the new progressive political order. Token men interspersed the chain of command, relied upon for their technical competence, but valued above all for their loyalty to the new order. Religious global warming, ‘settled science’, political correctness, and the rise of corrupt Chinese communist science ethics were the result. Many old white women were replaced by young Indian men with more flexible and unquestioning ethics, but little domain knowledge. As a final bit of gender irony, the entire spread of the hen-house was better referred to as ‘Obamatization’, than named after our new lady commissar, since the rise of Obama was clearly a higher focal point of the entire plot. Still, there was a shining moment, somewhere between the men in black and the Marxists in pantsuits, when we sailed happily past a state of freedom, equality, truth, and scientific integrity, and thus I can tell you, without a doubt, that such a world exists, even if not in the here and now.

Used in a picture (literally):


Have another great week!


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A gynocracy…{shudder}.

That LGB theme song is hilarious! 😂


Everybody 🎶: “They say ‘L-G-B’ everywhere I go. L-G-B, what it means, I don’t know…” 😅😂🤣




I’m Joe Biden and I forgot this message 😂😂😂


Terrifying…and i bet some reading that would say “thats the ticket!”


A group of women all bought their husbands the same shirt and didn’t tell them… 🤣


Just don’t go out to dinner with friends afterward!


Well, she’ll get it for you if you show her this:


Great catch!


Lol! I love old movies.


Yeah, man!


When I was a teenager I was not allowed to see hear anything Elvis. I am totally clueless when it comes to any rock music or Elvis.


Lol. My parent were against the Stones, the Beatles, and that era.

All parents hate their kids music!


I suppose so 🙂


The next door neighbor’s family is a blended one and all of the semi-siblings are in the 30-35 age group.

They love music that I liked when I was 20-30. IOW music from before they were born.

Go figure.  😉 

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Never would have happened in our age group.


My youngest son likes 70s music. He has very eclectic musical tastes.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And until recently, the kids reciprocated.

When we are kids no one of us would be caught dead listening to their parents’ music.

Today I regularly see teens and 20 somethings listening to stuff older than they are; perhaps too much of what is out there now is (c)rap.


Contemporary music is, IMHO, horrible.

If I here one more nasal, whiny, moaning woman sing…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Pat Benatar would have kicked their crybaby asses…until she went Woke.


Stevie Nicks is my favorite female voice.


That reminds me of one of my favorites:


Oh, heck yeah!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

WHICH *reminds* me…




I’ve even been to a Kingston Trio / New Christy Minstrels concert.


“When we are kids no one of us would be caught dead listening to their parents’ music.”


When I was a kid, that’s all we listened to, and we loved it.

Because the only other option was listening to 1980s hell… 😁

My parents listened to mostly Peter, Paul & Mary, Bob Dylan, The Kingston Trio, Simon & Garfunkel, John Denver, etc.

Some of my friends’ parents listened to the same music as my parents did, and some listened to Zeppelin, Doors, Stones, Who, Beatles, Pink Floyd, etc.

So there was a sort of dividing line in my (and my friends’) parents’ age group, sort of like when Dylan went electric, in 1965. That might be what caused it, at least in part.

So I grew up with both, the folk and the classic rock, and I love both 😁


Ah Soul. Same for my mother who’s now 85. Elvis would be on TV and my grandmother would make mom turn it off. Guess that swivel hip stuff was a big no-no! She has Sirius radio in her car. One guess what the ONLY station she listens to is?


That is funny. Yes my mother did not allow many thinks even how long my skirt had to be and no heels. Did not stop boys trying to date me but my parents did not allow it .
My grandmother was different she kept telling me all the thinks my mother did and they were as teenager not lady like 🙂


Funny! Showed it to my husband and mentioned that they are speaking Turkish. He said a prominent turkish soccer team (Beşiktaş) has the colors black and white. So maybe that has something to do with this?
On another note, when we had our last family get-together with all the kids and grandkids, our daughters went out and got matching clothes for all the grands…..yep, dark blue and white striped shirts for the boys. We have an iron gate between the driveway and the path to the front door and at one point several adults went out to the driveway and closed the gate, followed by the grandsons who grabbed the iron bars and tried to open the gate….. looking for all the world like inmates trying to get out of jail! Got some fun pictures of that episode:).

Last edited 2 years ago by GrammyInD

What a cute story! I didn’t know what language they were speaking; thanks for that!




So funny! No words even need to be spoken for high comedy. 🤣



Barb Meier

Striped-shirt Saturday!


comment image


“LeBron, have you ever thought about becoming a woman?” 😂
– Donald Trump if he owned a WNBA team



Absolute hint truth bombs to MAGA and We the People in this. Not just the three I quote below.

“I’ve committed my life to this program to get this done.” 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
He’s not talking about TV programs with that statement.

“The fate of the country is in the next couple of years.” 👀👀👀

“The Republicans have been controlled opposition.” 👀👀👀

Tucker really did leave the plantation, IMO. Still have a side eye going to make sure. But he left DC to do his shows from home for good reasons. He’s a really smart guy. He knows who is going to win in the end.

Did FOX go controlled opp intentionally or are they swinging back toward us a bit to save their azzes? Just asking based on Bannon’s comments…

Have eyes 👀 on the DC police. Resignations, terminations, new hires, policing attitudes, strategy, etc. Bowser crying about the illegal invaders on their streets publicly now. Expect the Milley’s of the military world to step in to try to shore them up after not doing so for PDT and claiming it was not legal.

I don’t think disinformation does much good anymore on here or elsewhere except at the highest levels. The battles lines are too obvious for it to matter and there it is a frontal assault happening now. Bannon just told everybody what’s at stake if they were not aware. That means the war really did start awhile back. More proofs…

This is for all the marbles. Failure is not an option. Now more than ever, Lord, your will be done.

Gail Combs

“….Have eyes on the DC police. Resignations, terminations, new hires, policing attitudes, strategy, etc….”

You forgot all the FAKE suicides right after Jan 6th.

Another DC police officer commits suicide after Capitol riot›2021…dc-officer-jeffrey-smith…suicide…

3 Aug, 2021 01:34

RT —TWO more DC police officers involved in Capitol riot response die by suicide, bringing total to at least 4

Two Washington, DC police officers who took part in the response to the riot in the US Capitol have taken their own lives, their department confirmed….

Just hours after the MPD confirmed Hashida’s death, the department told a local CBS affiliate that another officer, 26-year-old Kyle DeFreytag, had also taken his own life on July 10. The suicide was not reported until Monday….  Capitol Police officer Howard Liebengood and MPD officer Jeffrey Smith also committed suicide in the days after the riot.

A fifth officer, Brian Sicknick, also died soon after the unrest. While media reports repeatedly suggested he succumbed to injuries inflicted by rioters, medical examiners later determined he died of natural causes following a pair of strokes. 

Four others, all protesters, lost their lives during the riot, including two related to natural causes and one fatal drug overdose, while 35-year-old Ashli Babbitt was shot dead by police near the House chamber inside the Capitol….

CNN — S Capitol riot: 2 more DC police officers…Commit Suicide

(CNN)Two more DC police officers who responded to the US Capitol insurrection have died by suicide, authorities announced on Monday, bringing the total to four officers who have taken their own lives in the aftermath of the January 6 riot.


Maybe it is a case of knowing the truth and they were a danger to the Jan 6 farce?


All the way to the Supreme Court. All the way.

This is the battle.

The lawless DOJ system has to be stopped. And Bannon knows it. He is standing in the breach, with the voice, the support, the money, and the COURAGE to take it to the end.

They’re gonna regret convicting this man of a fake crime.




This unfortunate woman had had a couple of small, controlled eczema patches, not on her face, until she got vaxed. Now it is all over her face and she’s on expensive drugs. She has had 3 vaxes and says it got worse after each one. (So why keep getting them? She says she was “following doctors’ orders, following the government mandates”.)

I looked up TSW. It stands for Topical Steroid Withdrawal, something known within the eczema community.

So besides myocarditis, nerve problems, sudden death(!), etc., some people who had existing autoimmune disorders have had their lives turned upside down. I wonder if any of the post-vax protocols would help.–three-va%2Fc%2F


She kept taking them because she’s a sheep.

She’s STILL not blaming the vaxx. It’s a “perfect storm” of whatever the fuck. The doctors prescribing wrong medicine, blah blah. But it’s not JUST the vaxx!

This woman is a casualty of her own compliance.

The lesson? DON’T BE A SHEEP, for God’s sake. Think for yourself!

Doctors “orders” should not be a thing. Who gave them the right to “order” anyone to do anything?

I am so fucking fed up with modern medicine.


Black seed oil might help her? I would try all natural remedies until one works. No meds for me.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

Maybe it would help. I don’t know.

I have this sick feeling these days that there is not much to be done to clear the vaxx or it’s byproducts from the body.

Once it has changed your DNA, and caused your immune system to start producing unnatural defenses, I’m not convinced there is any way to reverse it.

I don’t like it much, but that is what my rational, methodical, relentless mind is telling me.


You might be right with the damage the jab has done.


Makes me sad. And sick.


Yes it has an affect on us who choose not to take it.


It surely does.




“Blood thinners and anticoagulants FOR LIFE is my guess as to the best way forward for the jabbed.”

I have a chronic blood clot issue (which is likely complicated by early chemo for cancer) for which I am stuck taking Xarelto for life. A minor inconvenience to be sure but it costs $552 per month, courtesy of Medicare. And that’s only one of the costs of cancer.

As a cancer patient, I am very valuable.


As a cancer patient, I am very valuable. 😊

I hope you are doing well.


I am. I did not mean I was only valuable because of that.





And every 3 weeks a dose of Keytruda at $12,000, plus whatever the infusion clinic and its staff cost.

Valerie Curren

That’s brutal–sorry. Hope you are doing OK now…


EXACTLY CORRECT, on all fronts!


Wolf Moon
IMO, not only blood thinners and anticoagulants for life, but also regular testing for blood clot detection and lung function.
And, NEVER AGAIN take another mRNA or adenovirus DNA “vaccine” or “booster” for COVID-19 OR any of its “variants.” Even if that means the person has to change jobs, change schools, etc.
It may well be that the only “vaccines” that are even relatively “safe” are those made from inactivated pathogens (CoronaVac, COVAXIN).

This is freaking unbelievable, but take a look — the AMA is pushing people who took an inactivated pathogen COVID-19 vaccine to get AN mRNA “BOOSTER” —
“mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Booster After Inactivated Vaccine Primary Series”
June 21, 2022

The AMA wants people to get an mRNA “booster shot” instead of finishing out a primary series of 3 shots of an inactivated pathogen COVID-19 vaccine. The AMA is pushing that the mRNA “booster shot” may “offer better protection” against the virus.

Valerie Curren

goes along w/ today’s gyno-tyrant word!

Valerie Curren

Yup! & perhaps also sexual orientation aka perversion…

Valerie Curren

wish we all could forget it permanently!!!


My wife and I were saying this morning, we are so happy we did not get the shot despite tremendous pressure. We did not lose jobs or anything like that, but we give up important things to remain uninoculated.

There is currently a LOT of very understandable disdain on our side for those who gave in (Day, Denninger, etc).

But we have friends and family members, some who thought we were lunatics, who took the shots. It is not possible to feel any joy or satisfaction about their self-inflicted peril.

OTOH between ourselves, my wife and I can agree that their continued stupidity (for those who still do not get it) proves they are in fact stupid.

It is not possible (IMO) for justice ever to be done on Earth for the evil inflicted on the gullible, or for the people who did not give in and now have to witness the consequences.


I know.

My son took it.

I have no words for how I feel about that. I just put the knowledge in a box, and try to pretend I don’t know.

Valerie Curren

So sorry Aubergine. My middle son still reluctantly flirts w/ succumbing to the death shot so he can cross the border into Canada to visit his girlfriend. The fact that he has Zero Vacation Days for the rest of the year is a round about blessing.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Jim! will pass that along to son ASAP!


Yes, that is a blessing. Hopefully by the first of next year there will be enough of an uproar that the shots are no longer available.


Love the optimism! Clot shot requirements fade away.


I really hope so. The midterms should accomplish a LOT. If they are fair.

Valerie Curren

One can hope but recognizing that the genocidal psychopaths will likely only drop one pathway to depop when another, likely deadlier, one takes hold (delusional sway) 🙁




They are in a pit of self delusion what they believe. They are over educated and therefore they do not dig for info that could be counter what they believe and what propagandists told them. Those who pushed the jab are over educated also therefore it is truth in their mind. This is there religion.
What do we know nothing ?  😂 
I always say stupid is good just like a comfortable old slipper.  🙄 
My husband gets mad at me when I say that. I tell him I know nothing like Sargent Schulz.. 😂 

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

I always say stupid is good just like a comfortable old slipper.  🙄 

That should be in Bartlett’s!


I had to research what Bartlett’s is 🙂


Lol! I say say stuff like that all the time.

“Don’t listen to me, what do I know?”


Ha ha ha yes that seems to be like that. My grandmothers never knew anything in my mothers mind . To me then and now they were the smartest wisdom laden women that were a gift to any generation.

Cuppa Covfefe

Winder if “Vitamin I” would help, being an anti-parasitic, maybe the autoimmune stuff reacts similarly…

Or the FLCCC long-covid/etc. protocols…


Possibly. It works on so many things.


The more I get into Black seed Oil the more I am impressed.
I tuck it on and off but now started to take it regularly .
I prefer the oil. Yesterday found out instead taking one tsp I could take 1/2 twice a day in a half cup of water. Before I took it with honey. I like to gather info from many places because each person has a slight different take on the oil and what the benefits are and how to use it. Sadly I do that with everything and then I put my own spin on thinks a little info here and there. Over time I found it helpful to me.


You are right 🙂

Brave and Free



Doctors are NOT to be trusted. Among many other people who stand at the gates.


True story.


I agree with you. I do not think they are willfully misguiding they believe the science they read and their professional society papers.
My Dr son kept telling me I researched the science and it said this that does not work. Or, I fallowed the guidelines. I believe most doctors do not have the time are not on forums busy with family on days off. My son is very well read and all around educated guy very intelligent but somehow has blinders on. I am the wrong person to open him up to the truth. I have no credentials to hide behind.
Sure there are bad doctors just as there are bad people in all professions of life.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Most medical doctors are not scientists. They have a scientific background, but they went through that education to treat patients, not add to human knowledge. The mindset is totally different from a scientist; they’re expecting actual scientists (some of whom are MDs doing research instead of treating patients) to tell them what to do.

They’re essentially technicians, qualitatively (though with far, far more training than most technicians).


Good insight. 🙂 Thank you


My primary is a very intelligent, soft-spoken guy from India.

He was totally intimated by the last two years. He could not carry on a discussion about covid. He either did not know what he was talking about, or pretended not to. His ignorance on the subject was breath-taking. And I was super nice and super respectful on my end.

God bless him. He did not even understand how callous he was. He just understood that his duty was to propagandize his patient.


I think, and hope, that she’s on her way to realizing the true problem. She acknowledges that her issues are related to the vax, but she doesn’t know the whole picture yet. And she’s in the midst of a major health problem that has changed her life, which stresses her and takes time to manage. Since this video came out, she might hear from people who can push her over the red-pill line. I hope .that happens.


I hope so, too. Because she’d be a hell of a spokesperson. She can’t hide the damage. It’s her sadly-damaged, used-to-be-so-pretty, FACE.


So, tomorrow’s medical fun for me is (1) change PCP, (2) bludgeon PCP into ordering lab work I’m interested in. They’re going to want a lipid panel, a metabolic panel, an A1C and another I forget (these are pretty standard). In addition, I’d like something to monitor my zinc/copper and selenium situation, potentially a blood type, and potentially an iron test. Any ideas of which tests I should add on? There might be such a thing as a minerals panel — would that be good? Or is there a metals panel?

Valerie Curren

Hope it all goes well for you!


There are blood panel tests for vitamins and minerals. There are also blood panel tests for heavy metals.
Sending Good Energy to you for today’s “medical fun.”


How are you doing? Still keeping you in my prayer.


The previous situation seems to have completely resolved on its own.

I am minded of Auric Goldfinger:

Once is Happenstance;
Twice is Coincidence;
Three times is enemy action.


Good to know 🙂

Happy go lucky

See this link for the complete thyroid list ☝️

Get Vitamin D for sure.

Mineral and metal testing can be done, metals usually ask for individually, however both of those testing can be less useful because the body wants to stick them in tissue to get them out of circulation, so they don’t show up as much in serological specimens.

Good luck.

Happy go lucky

YW 😎


Scientology has a detox protocol that supposedly flushes metals out of the body. I have no idea how well it works or if it works at all. As with most protocols in Scientology, it likely has a price tag.


The late Andrew Hall Cutler Developed a successful protocol for Safely removing mercury from the body. Many parents of children on the autism spectrum are grateful for this protocol. Here’s a short description of his background:

Happy go lucky

Now there was a voice crying in the wilderness, moved only to help people, not get rich.

Cilantro and chlorella also have indications of removing Hg and Al, lots of good information on this blog, I’ve followed her for years, but with the caveat that she has a product to sell:


Have heard about chlorella and Cilantro as possible mercury chelators.
Cutler mentions them but perhaps coming from his background in chemical engineering, his concern was that dosing is a problem.
His protocol acknowledges that a chelator has the potential to aggravate symptoms by mobilizing and redistributing mercury…that’s why he calls for a low dose repeated every three hours (the half life of that specific chelator) for the duration of a round of chelation…
Look at the Amazon listing for his book and read the reviews.
Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment, What you can do to get better, How your doctor can help…Paperback –

Happy go lucky

Awesome thanks!


You’re most welcome!

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s called the “Purif Rundown” and it’s dangerous. Beyond useless, and quite expensive.

When you take a third-rate sci-fi author, cross him with a medicine-show huckster, and add a fake religion/fake science coating to it, you end up either with Faust-Xi or L. Ron Hubbard. Both of whom are/were unapologetic FRAUDS…

RIP Lisa McPherson. Never forget the evils of RRPF and LRH…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is why I refuse to even watch a new Tom Cruise movie. Or John Revolta.


ThanQ for the edumacation.  🙄 


Vitamin D level. Essential to know.


Which is most people nowadays, sadly.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So does the one cause the other? And if so which one causes which one?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Certainly plausible.

I was thinking *possibly* a D deficiency caused people to retain fat (causality running the other way), but this makes more sense; I’d have a hard time believing a *prior* D deficiency was *that* common (but prior obesity would be another matter!).


Have them check your potassium levels cthulhu, the lack of potassium can cause problems….


Coothie, if the doctor won’t order those blood tests, then do it yourself. You can order them yourself from various sites online then go get the tests without a doctor. I order my own blood tests all the time because I don’t trust doctors anymore. This is the site I use:


That is a really good link. Much more detailed than the link provided at or .



If there is no medical indication for particular tests, insurance won’t pay for them.


The question is whether they’d repay me for them if they turn out to illuminate a real problem.


Part 1 accomplished….but — surprise, surprise! — it’s not effective until August 1. So they get a week to brace themselves.


A full thyroid panel and you need a fasting insulin. Your insulin will go out of whack years before your glucose does.

Last edited 2 years ago by RF121

I just discovered Lugol’s solution about 2 years ago, and have since been supplementing Iodine. This has pepped me up a bit and is evidence that my thyroid was not working its best without.

Now that I have gained those benefits, where would I be going with a full thyroid panel? I would surely have benefitted from it two years and a week ago….but I’ve already found something that addresses that issue that seems to be working. Is there some sort of “fine-tuning” benefit available from numbers?

As far as the insulin/glucose/A1C/diabetes front…..I can be quite happy on nearly a carb-free diet, and that makes numbers get better. Slowly, slowly, I’ll add carbs in until the alarm bells go off, then I can go back to carb-free. I did that for years, until Obamacare started giving me random doctors each year as they all left individual practices and went into groups with steadily more Byzantine medical plans.

The doctor I just fired is partially because I got a lab, and she said (essentially): “Gotcha! You’re a diabetic! Take Metformin for life!” I didn’t get the opportunity to get back on the wagon that I’d done so many times before. And, of course, Covid hysteria made it impossible to do so many things over the last two years. In the meantime, the witch kept shortening the leash on my hypertension meds while stores were running out of toilet paper and tampons — which made me even less likely to want to deal with her.

All in all, I’d rather just stick with A1C and get tested for it in a couple of months after I’d cleaned up the prior quarter’s indulgences.

[One of these days I need to just say, “let’s go Keto!!!” for a few dozen pounds.]




I have a hereditary thing from my mom’s side where I don’t absorb B vitamins well. I have long compensated (since I first lived on my own) by taking large doses of combined B supplements, like the “B-50” and “B-100” flavors. Whilst doing this over the decades, I have done niacin flush a few times.

After my grandfather passed away, I found out that he and my grandmother used to give each other B-12 injections weekly.

This, incidentally, was the same grandfather that used to tell me there were only two types of medicine: one made you feel worse, so you’d lie down and let your body naturally heal itself…..and the other made you feel better, so you’d go about your business and let your body naturally heal itself.

The thing is, I’ve been supplementing for four decades — what is a test going to tell me today?


cthulhu. What an interesting discovery ab your grandparents…pretty sophisticated! Grandad was wise: I like his 2 kinds of medicine. So true.
Kudos for your compensatory regimens, Many do not follow through, even when such clues or knowledge are present….to their detriment.


The Babylon Bee: Joe Biden Calls Obama To Wish Him A Speedy Recovery After Hearing The President Has COVID


Most likely that’s not satire, but mostly true, proving the Bee has sources inside the WH.


So far, Catturd is keeping Monkey and Wiggles.

My 2nd pup is Wiggles – no way I don’t keep the pup who looks and acts exactly like Smiles.

Smiles is the dog that Catturd found in horrible, skin-and-bones condition.


To all you trolls … I’m staying at the Catturd ranch – cry more losers.

comment image


Apropos of nothing in particular…..


Wonderful and fascinating!

Of all the rapid cultural destruction talking place across the globe, the extinction of the English people and English culture makes me feel particularly sad.


I Would Do Anything for Love (but I won’t do that) [1993] is a great one 😁

If you check the comments below the video (any version I’ve seen), people always ask “What is it that he won’t do?”

It’s easy to miss the first time you hear it, because there’s so much else going on, and if you blink, you’ll miss it.

This is another of my favorites by Meat Loaf, Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad (1976). I’ve watched a lot of reaction videos to this song, and a lot of times people miss what’s happening in this song the first time they hear it, too.

It’s not as tricky as IWDAFL, but they usually focus on the storyteller (Meat Loaf) seeming to be a ‘bad guy’ (though honest) because he wants her, and he needs her, but he’s never going to love her.

And they miss that the same thing happened to him at the end, which is why he said what he did at the beginning.

Great song!


I think I’ve said something about this here before. The lyrics of a song are so important to me that I honestly can NOT enjoy a song for the music alone if the lyrics suck.

So the meaning of these songs has never eluded me.

The lyrics are the beauty of Meatloaf’s music. The stories are real, and incredibly relatable to most.

I feel the same way about Sting. His lyrics are incredible.


For me it’s a case-by-case basis.

A story type song obviously has the emphasis on the lyrics, but lots of songs are intentionally ambiguous, or open to interpretation, so the person hearing it makes it their own, in their own way.

And then with lots of songs, there’s the problem of not being able to understand WTH the singer is saying in certain lines, and many times, even when I look it up, it still doesn’t make any sense. Almost like whoever published the lyrics couldn’t figure it out either, so they just made something up 😂

Maybe another way to describe it is that some songs are about the ‘vibe’ or the atmosphere or the musical trip they take you on, more than a defined story with a beginning, middle and end.

Some songs very intentionally tell a story, while other songs just sort of wash over you, and the lyrics seem secondary.

There are lots of songs that I have no idea what they’re about, and it doesn’t bother me in the slightest.

Other songs, if I didn’t know what they were about, I couldn’t enjoy them, because the story is the whole point or purpose of the song.

For example, I have no idea what The Weight is about (by The Band). It’s an amazing great song. It makes no sense to me at all, but it’s impossible not to sing along to it, and it just makes me smile and feel good all over, every time I hear it 😁

I’m okay up to the first couple verses, really just the first one. In the second verse, I don’t know who Carmen is or why she’s walking with the devil, but starting in the third verse, at “Go down, Miss Moses”, I’m lost and I never find my way back. After that, I’m just feelin’ it 👍😁

Who’s Luke? Who’s Anna Lee? Why is the singer asking Luke to keep Anna Lee company?

Who’s Chester? Why is Chester following the singer into a fog? What ‘rack’ is Chester talking about that needs to be fixed, and why does Chester want the singer to take care of his dog, Jack?

Why is the singer responding like Chester is about to fight with him? Why does Chester answer by saying That’s okay, feed him (Jack, the dog) when he can?

I have no idea what’s going on at this point… but I’m still lovin’ it and singin’ my heart out… I know every word… I just have no idea what it means… 🤣


I pulled into Nazareth, was feelin’ about half past dead
I just need someplace where I can lay my head
“Hey Mister, can you tell me where a man might find a bed?”
He just grinned and shook my hand, “no” was all he said

Take a load off Fanny
Take a load for free
Take a load off Fanny
And (and, and) you put the load right on me
(You put the load right on me)

I picked up my bag, I went lookin’ for a place to hide
When I saw Carmen and the Devil walkin’ side by side
I said, “Hey, Carmen, come on let’s go downtown.”
She said, “I gotta go but my friend can stick around.”

Take a load off Fanny
Take a load for free
Take a load off Fanny
And (and, and) you put the load right on me
(You put the load right on me)

Go down, Miss Moses, there’s nothin’ you can say
It’s just old Luke and Luke’s waitin’ on the Judgment Day
“Well, Luke, my friend, what about young Anna Lee?”
He said, “Do me a favor, son, won’t you stay and keep Anna Lee company?”

Take a load off Fanny
Take a load for free
Take a load off Fanny
And (and, and) you put the load right on me
(You put the load right on me)

Crazy Chester followed me and he caught me in the fog
He said, “I will fix your rack if you take Jack, my dog.”
I said, “Wait a minute, Chester, you know I’m a peaceful man.”
He said, “That’s OK, boy, won’t you feed him when you can?”

Yeah, take a load off Fanny
Take a load for free
Take a load off Fanny
And (and, and) you put the load right on me
(You put the load right on me)

Catch a cannon ball now to take me down the line
My bag is sinkin’ low and I do believe it’s time
To get back to Miss Fanny, you know she’s the only one
Who sent me here with her regards for everyone

Take a load off Fanny
Take a load for free
Take a load off Fanny
And (and, and) you put the load right on me
(You put the load right on me)


Gillian Welch and David Rawlings’ cover:


Lol. I know exactly what that song is about!

Fanny is his wife or girlfriend or friend. She saddled him with everything she is supposed to be doing. All those people he is dealing with are the “load.” She sent him to deal with it while she “took a load off.” At the end he goes back to her.

I love that song, too.

Would it surprise you that I was almost an English major in college? I was so talented at interpreting poetry, my English professors were begging me to switch majors.


Thanks. I love interpreting poetry. I often have completely different ideas about what they mean than most people. 🙂


By contrast, a song like Roundabout by Yes has very atmospheric lyrics, but is essentially the soundtrack of a musical roller-coaster. You can almost hear the “click-click-click” of a lift hill in the quieter portions, while the famous driving bass line is heard running at full speed. It simply doesn’t matter what the lyrics are or whether they are intelligible.





Yours is No Disgrace
I’ve Seen All Good People
Starship Trooper
And You and I
Long Distance Runaround

I’m not sure if I know what any of those songs (by Yes) are about… I experience them more like musical journeys.

And the singing often seems almost like another instrument, like the lyrics are just put there for audience participation… because we can’t very well play the instruments with them, but we can all sing along, and the lyrics give us something to sing together 😁


someone say meatloaf ?

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 😩  😬 

Valerie Curren

Ground report of sorts…

My son’s father-in-law just started falling down randomly the last few days & according to his wife has never fallen before. He fell three times in the last few days & they’ve kept him overnight at a local hospital to continue running tests to see if they can figure out what’s happening. He has no blood clots using standard tests (I mentioned D-Dimer to his wife) & neurological testing isn’t revealing anything so far…

Our son Josiah began randomly falling maybe like a year ago. In J’s case his right knee just randomly gives out him & he often falls down. This condition came on him suddenly with nothing that we can specifically associate it to. We used to wonder if it Might be a shed spike protein situation because it seemed to worsen after he spent time around people who’d succumbed to the “vax”…but we’re not sure. He had an MRI of the head (related to an old brain tumor) and they did further imaging, including with contrast, & nothing outside of “normal” parameters for him showed up.

With J we borrowed a cane from relatives so now on the days when he’s feeling particularly unsteady he Chooses to use the cane. He sometimes has a sense when his knee is going to be more problematic than typical. On those days his knee buckles randomly multiple times. Sometimes he can go up to a week or so without collapsing, though sometimes the knee gives out but he moves his body in a way to catch his balance on the other leg to keep from hitting the floor.

My son’s father-in-law is pretty elderly & would do the stairs like 15 times a day without issue for many years. His sudden condition (his left leg/knee where J’s is his right) change is currently unexplained. Unfortunately he did accept the “vax” like 9 months ago but apparently had no real issues.

Interestingly the wife & I somehow got into the clots in deceased people’s veins, as she works in the funeral industry. She remembers when Covid was first on the scene, & well before the shots she’s pretty sure, the people in the funeral industry were repeatedly surprised at how many of the deceased had their veins clogged, & even distended, by huge clot-like material. At the time “everyone was talking about it” but now it’s so common that these funeral employees rarely mention it.

I always thought those issues were more from the “vax” but perhaps they are more a function of the spike protein whether one gets that through the disease or the “vax”…

I couldn’t remember if we ever discussed the clots being a significant issue before the “vax” rollout here on the Q-Tree but this person’s recall would suggest it was happening earlier than we might have realized.

Gross bodily weirdness description immediately below...sorry…this is shared in the same vein as when Q-Treepers were describing weird & sometimes exceedingly personal Covid symptoms…NO Offence Intended!

This is gross…but I have a Couple of times noticed that some strange white rubbery &/or hard white plasticky substance has come out of my body on very rare occasions usually via the nose or from a raised bump like a pimple or a boil. I apologize about that grossness but never before having Covid did such materials Ever come out of my body. It made me wonder if that was evidence of some bodily mechanism to attempt to eliminate spike protein or whatever linked item that looks like white rubber in people’s veins is composed of. The hard white things were like the size of a small fingernail trimming & the rubbery blob that I couldn’t tear apart was smaller than a caper but shrunk to a hard seeming plastic sesame seed size ball within a couple hours even though I’d wrapped it up & intended to examine it under a magnifying glass & use tweezers to see if I could tear or at least pull it…

In the long-hauler’s category I continue to have coughing when laying down or shifting positions & cough up colored junk most mornings still now nearly 2 years since having Covid, even though I am not sick & haven’t had hardly even Any minor illness since Covid


Valerie Curren
The CDC actually has a webpage about Long COVID. Of course, they have to put in what is, IMO, the “standard propaganda” that “people who aren’t vaccinated against COVID are more at risk for Long COVID” stuff.
The FLCCC has a protocol for Long COVID that’s described on their website.
Does your father-in-law have any calcium and/or vitamin D deficiency? Was he tested for osteoporosis?

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

So, a couple more thoughts:
About your father-in-law: Does he have an “old injury” to his knee or leg? Did he break his knee or leg (or even ankle) at some point, even years ago? When Yours Truly fractured part of a kneecap almost 25 years ago, she was told at that time that even if the break healed completely, it could still cause “problems” years later.
About your son — can he wear a knee brace? His doctor can order one for him. (Yours Truly used to go skiing with a friend who apparently had a broken knee at some point previously that was healed, and who strapped on a sort of “hinged” knee brace under her ski outfit. While Yours Truly was out on the “low intermediate” ski trails, she took the more-difficult trails with no problems.)
IMO, the difference between Long COVID symptoms appearing in a person who is UN-“vaccinated” and got COVID and recovered — and a person who DID get “vaccinated” and got COVID and recovered, is that the UN-“vaccinated” person still has a chance to reduce or even eliminate the Long COVID symptoms. But for “vaccinated” persons, since the enhanced spike protein in the “vaccines” has the embedded “instructions” to force the body to make tons of antibodies (for who knows how long), any Long COVID symptoms they have may continue for who knows how long.
(An aside — one believes it’s nasty propaganda that the CDC tries to guilt-trip the UN-“vaccinated” into getting the gene-therapy shots through pushing “the un-vaccinated are at higher risk of Long COVID” stuff. IMO, it’s the “vaccinated” who not only are risk for Long COVID — they may well be at risk for more severe Long COVID.)
There is also the connection between the brain, the body’s immune system, and health in general. IMO, in addition to following Long COVID treatment protocols like the ones listed by FLCCC (vitamins, supplements, meds if necessary), there’s also stress reduction, daily exercise, yoga, meditation, etc. (Yours Truly is not advocating that one needs to “become like a Buddhist monk” — but stress and anxiety can really do a number on the body, mind, and spirit.)

Valerie Curren

Thank you for these insights. Stress & varying degrees of anxiety have been part of my world since my disabled son’s arrival. God helps me get through but the old gray mare sure ain’t what she used to be!

I’ll try to pass your suggestions on to my son’s mother-in-law so that she can dive into this on her husband’s medical history 🙂

Valerie Curren

I don’t know about my Son’s father-in-law’s Calcium or Vitamin D status…

Thanks for this info!


So sorry y’all are going through this, Valerie. Prayers for all.

Clotting is from the jab and probably the lab developed diseases they have been creating and enhancing for decades. It takes time to set up in your system and do its dirty work.

JMO – my wife began coughing up the white rubbery substance back in 2010 with a swine flu infection. It was like white gum that you could stretch. She no longer does so. What seems to have helped her through the years have been good hydration, essential oils and Young Living’s NINGXLA wolfberry/essential oils drink. I have not gone the drink route because so much of the contents originate in CHYNA. I use a small number of oils topically successfully like peppermint, tea tree, lavender and vanilla.

There are others on here more educated and experienced with this than me. My advice is to listen and apply what they suggest. IMO, for supplements, NAC (N-Acytel Cysteine) and Nattokinase could help clear some of the clotting from the circulatory system over time. I have been taking the later at Aubergine’s suggestion for 4-5 months. Will have a blood test in September and should learn more about its benefits then.


I would be really excited to hear those blood test results, if you feel you can share.


Of course I will, especially for you. I had a marginal increase in cholesterol to 211 a few years back, but got it back down. Everything was in range 1.5 years ago. My weight is stable with then. The difference would be my diet and nattokinase.

Diet change – more eggs, more proteins, reduced snacks, maintain good hydration, etc.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for this great info TB. Glad your wife is doing better! What I cough up appears to be “normal” thickened colored phlegm, like what happens with a chest infection but I haven’t been sick since Covid. It’s not normal for this stuff to linger this long so I’ve chalked this weird change up to longhaulers. Very strange what your wife experienced. Seems like they’ve been trying to kill or at least compromise us for a Very Long time now  😡 

Gail Combs

Guaifenesin plus drinking lots of water works fairly well DO NOT USE tussin DM just mucinex or tussin or robotussin

DM stands for dextromethorphan,  a cough suppressant, which you do not want since the goal is to clear the lungs not mask the symptoms.

Valerie Curren

It’s been harder to get straight guaifenesin whenever I’ve looked for it (especially the generic/store brand versions). We get a decent supply when we can because Josiah can only have G since his transplant…

Valerie Curren

Thank you for your prayers too! We definitely need them!!! It’s pretty crazy times here w/ son’s wedding Saturday, rehearsal Friday, & hubby heading out of state Sunday to begin training for his new trucking job…& at some point this week we will need to move most of son’s things to his new home…


I would definitely try nattokinase for your issues with the “clot” things.

As for your son’s father-in-law, I would be concerned about minor strokes or brain bleeds. I hope they are doing tests for that.

Also, vertigo can be caused by inner ear problems, and corrected by a specialized physical therapist. I’ve had it due to crystals in my ear canals, and a physical therapist saved my life. That’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to me, health-wise.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for All of these tips!!! The falling down of son’s father-in-law is random collapsing leg, similar to what’s happening to Josiah. J has history of vertigo & balance problems but he’s Adamant that when he falls it’s Only his knee. He may have had “benign paroximal vertigo” as a child for issues were never really explained back in the day. Thankfully those issues are Mostly gone now  🤔 

I thought I saw somewhere that NAC might help w/ longhauler’s…


I read that, too.


I have balance issues but mine are from neuropathy aggravated by Keytruda. As for the bodily expulsion issues, you may find this hour long video to be illuminating:


I suppose that you’ll likely not be considered for director of the Kaufman fan club.  😂 

Gail Combs

I am on that committee too!


(… injects “no virus” defiantly and incongruously into the mix)

FWIW, I don’t see incongruity. Was his statement about negative responses to his queries incorrect? Because it seems to me that somebody somewhere should have isolated a sample of some virus.

Perhaps you could expound. And I’m neutral on his theory BTW.


He specifically said that he ordered virus samples [think he called them isolates] and was told there aren’t any.

Gail Combs

From yesterday. Patrick Gunnels fell for Kaufman’s lies.

He and Steve Kirsch had an on air discussion. There were some questions and Steve wrote a LONG substack:

Here are some excerpts.

I agree with Wolfie. You go with the hypothesis that best fits the facts. if a better hypothesis comes up you go with that. I remember when plate tectonics was first introduced in Geology.

The problem is NO BETTER HYPOTHESIS HAS BEEN ADVANCED!!! Steve asked Patrick on several occasions and Patrick refused point blank to suggest an alternate hypothesis.

#4. I do not understand why it must be proven in a certain way to specific standards (Patrick listed 6 steps). There are two options: the null hypothesis (viruses don’t exist) and the hypothesis that the virus exists. If we look at all the evidence we have available and 98% of the pieces of evidence are aligned with the virus hypothesis, then a reasonable man would choose to go with the virus hypothesis since it is more likely to be correct. Does it 100% prove that the virus exists? No, it just says it’s the hypothesis that is simply more likely to be true. For example, any set of experiments we can do I believe would be better explained by the virus hypothesis than the null hypothesis. For example, a simple one is to sequence the mRNA inside the capsid. A second person gets infected from the first person. If the mRNA extracted from the virus is a very close match, the null hypothesis would not be able to explain that simple experiment at all, ruling it out as a likely explanation of what is going on. If the genomic sequence is different, that does not prove a virus doesn’t exist; it could have mutated. Perhaps Patrick can explain a series of experiments that would be a better match to the null hypothesis? He didn’t give me any in our meeting. This makes it really hard for me to believe that the null hypothesis is the better match to the data. Science is all about assessing which hypothesis is more likely to match the observed data.

#5. I’m told that optical super resolution techniques today can resolve in real time 10-20 nm objects, much smaller than a 120 nm virus. It can even follow the trajectory of 8 nm spike protein. Moreover, Pacific Bioscience developed a single DNA sequence method that is straight forward, not relying on any cuts, by grabbing a DNA polymerase and seeing it copying the whole sequence. These are game changers technology. Are any of these methods acceptable? Why not? Patrick didn’t suggest any of these options. He just criticized the assembly process as inaccurate. Really? How accurate must it be? If it is 99.99% accurate is that sufficient? If not, why not?





I know Judy Mikovits personally. I loved her book on Amazon on how masks don’t work. I devoured it cover to cover. A fast read full of great information.

Judy is a biochemist and molecular biologist. She is an expert in virology.

She’s smart, she’s outspoken, and she knows her stuff. She’s not intimidated by anyone. She worked at Fort Detrick on viruses for 22 years which has one of only four BSL-4 labs in the US.

I don’t know many people who are more knowledgeable than Judy. She’s like a walking encyclopedia. Whenever I call her, it’s like drinking from a firehose.

She also worked at big and small pharma. One of her jobs was teaching people how Ebola can cause disease in humans. Later, she received funding to research an association between a newly discovered retrovirus, Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus, related Virus(XMRV). She isolated five variants of XMRV and was infected because she worked in a BSL 2* lab (there wasn’t a BSL 3 lab available and the government lied to her and told her it was BSL 2 safe). She credits her survival to a couple of products she developed for HIV.

There is no doubt whatsoever in her mind that viruses exist…..


Both these two are making the case that there is no beneficial purpose for these vax shots. If they truly believe that there is no such thing as a virus, then it stands to reason that there is no need for anti-virus medications.

WADR, you are probably not able to listen to this vid objectively. As for me, I’m just observing. No conclusions. Yet.

Valerie Curren

Thank but I’m not going to do an hour long watch at this point (son’s marriage is this weekend so my time is limited)…what’s the bottom line that you were referring to?

Gail Combs

See Wolfie and my discussion on SNAKE OIL SALEMAN (Rock sweat, mI kid you not) Dr Kaufman. (Yesterday)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Here’s some rock sweat:

(Cinnabar, sweating elemental mercury)

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Valerie Curren

THAT is pretty cool!

Valerie Curren

Glad you can get useful info out of my ramblings!  🤗 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

My elderly fell alot, they finally traced it to his heart. After wearing heart monitor for 24 hours they determined he was going Brady. Insert pacemaker and it stopped.

For the fibrin build up take either Nattokinase or Serrapeptase. I took Spep for 2 years, worked wonders for breaking down and getting rid of scar tissue of all kinds.

Valerie Curren

Thanks BFly–great tips! Blessings 🙂

Gail Combs

 Nattokinase chews up the fibrin.

Valerie Curren

Thx for that tip!


Do you have access to ivermectin? Take a full course of it per protocols of FLCCC?

Valerie Curren

Thanks for that tip. It’s my plan as soon as possible once we’ve got income coming in & have handled outstanding bills/debts! I’ve seen/read that it’s effective with Diabetes so was going to look into the appropriate dosage to treat that condition…




Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

^^^ This.


The great reset?




Re: Gynocracy – I read, back in the 2000s, maybe during the first Øbastid campaign and selection, that the center for serious hard-core feminist power was the Seattle-Portland region.

It’s also the center of a lot of other stuff – like the foolishness of Chaz and Chop. And Communism. And abortion, euthanasia, population control, maybe even eugenics. And Bill Gates and his megalomanic presumptions of power.

Seems like I read that area was a center of witchcraft, satanism, etc. long years ago.


What makes you think that’s not still the situation here?


Hi – I didn’t say it was over and done – I was stating the history of my awareness of things out there.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL



Sorry you have to live in that mess – a great revival and return to the fear of GOD is needed.

Our eldest granddaughter married into a liberal family from the Seattle area. However, her parents, who live in Illinois, are more liberal than we are in the Deep South branch.

Valerie Curren

Wasn’t it near that area that the first nursing home killings via “Covid” also happened?

Valerie Curren

I’m not a cussing person, but F-ing Basturds comes to mind!

Valerie Curren

That’s for darn sure!


There were 4 or so Demonrat states – NY was the only one I remember.

Valerie Curren

That’s a bit later, I believe. MI (where I live), CA, PA, NY, & one other I can’t remember all w/ Dem govs but maybe one RINO, iirc…Killed like 40% of the senior citizens in all nursing home deaths in those 5 states 🙁


Cleaning out Medicare/Medicaid populations. More money for politicians pockets.

Valerie Curren



Anybody who has even the slightest doubt in the back of their minds about the treachery of those monsters, should read this.

Just because a woman with a soft demeanor and doofus scarf stood at a mic in the WH press room and delivered her “expert” opinion on all things medical/COVID, many people accepted it as gospel. Now, most with even a few brain cells left can read and listen to scarf lady’s own words and realize – they have been screwed big time.

Many will choose to rationalize it all the way into their early graves.


Marathon Man clip….

Is it safe ??


As an aside, Marathon Man is just about the scariest movie I have ever seen.


S U P E R B article.

Have spammed out the entire Burning Platform article with link to many folks this morning.

IF you have NOT read it, please do so AND consider spamming it out.


This is well worth the time. Thanks, Barker Jim!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Building on what I posted at/on(?) Carl’s post (see here ) the following:

Firstly an apology to Wolf, my rustiness is no better – I referred to Monday’s as D Pat’s, which of course it isn’t and wasn’t ….

Just bring over 2 partial verses for clarity “I make known the end from the beginning” and “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again”.

Gd is telling us that the end will be recognizable because it will contain patterns previously revealed in His Word.

Now, in Rev 21:22 we are told “I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord Almighty and the Lamb are its temple”

But before there is a temple in the New Jerusalem, we have to undergo the Greater Exodus where the New Tabernacle will be revealed. I will just drop a couple of verse today, more to come.

Hosea 12:9

“I have been the Lord your God
    ever since you came out of Egypt;
I will make you live in tents again,
    as in the days of your appointed festivals.

Isaiah 52:11

Depart, depart, go out from there!
    Touch no unclean thing!
Come out from it and be pure,
    you who carry the articles of the Lord’s house

Deuteronomy 30:3

 then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where he scattered you

Luke 9:31 hints at the exodus (the greek word “exodos” Strong’s G1841 is used here, the same word as used in the Septuagint for the Exodus), although the context is vague

There are many more verses in Isaiah, Jeremiah and others, some of which I’ll post next time (tomorrow?)


A good read – helps to understand what happened and what PDJT endured from Jan 2017-20.


Many people complain about the people PDJT put in his administration. Sundance does a really good job of explaining why that happened and what the real problem is. How depressing to realize that a vast portion of the whole federal apparatus would have to be fired to make any real progress.


You are so right, Linda.

Whole departments and agencies would have to be restructured, given new missions, or eliminated entirely.


a vast portion of the whole federal apparatus would have to be fired to make any real progress.

I’ve been thinking that for years.


IMO, the best way to fire them, involves hiring the right MAGA elected reps and senators in sufficient quantities to terminate more than half the agencies in our federal government and return all the Constitutionally granted powers to the states of the republic, via SC decisions if necessary.


That wouldn’t be such big problem.
Many Federal departments are unconstitutional anyway.


This analysis by Sundance is amazingly good.

The bottom line is, when it came to personnel, the President mostly had no choice, at least in the sense of choosing the person he actually wanted, or being able to fire the ones who needed firing.

And yet he did an astonishingly effective job, all within the law and Constitutional limits.

Just as the government must be entirely eliminated from the administration of public education, unions and other Democrat party shills must be eliminated from public employment, and also from the thousands of supposed do-gooder NGOs which are just tax payer supported fronts for political activity.


Since the Russians are so good at shooting them down, we should let them choose anything they want from


^^^ As IF, Ukraine pilot can effectively fly AND fight with modern war planes.

Stoopid increasingly strong in US military.


US military angling to replace gifted aircraft with whatever whiz bang aircraft MIC is pushing.


US military angling to replace gifted aircraft with whatever whiz bang aircraft MIC is pushing.

This ^^^


Are masks bad for you? Study shows 99 per cent of the masks examined – contained bacterial colonies on the inside and 94 per cent on the outside

I do not EVER wear a mask more than once…per day, per outing. I wear one to blow the driveway and sweep the carport and for doing yard work on high pollen days – and for dusty house work and when required for medical appointments, etc.

However, I am using the same two packs of disposable blue masks that I bought at the beginning of the plannedemic. After wearing I soak them in alcohol, then rinse and wash in dish detergent, rinse and drip dry.


You go to a lot of trouble to appease the MaskNazis.  😉 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It sounds to me like she’s wearing them for their intended purpose, and only for their intended purpose–keeping dust and crap out.


Wanna bet the DemocRATS run a Gynocracy ticked in 2024?


So the big question is – which two female donkeys are going to be thrown under the MAGA avalanche?


Hillrotten, Michelle Obama, Gabbard, Warren

It’s hilarious/ludicrous – most of the conjectures from the MSM include AOC with her middle school level mentality.


The sad thing is some Blacks fall for Michelle and some conservatives who do not like Trump fall for Gabbard.
Both are suspect and not good to turn the country around.


I do not think Gabbard has much of a chance to actually gain support among the Dem elites. In my opinion she strays past the plantation fence too often to be a manageable candidate. Her independent history will be a millstone in the deep blue sea of Dem politics.


I hope you are right 🙂


And Kamala?


A gynocracy ticket, with two females in the top spots, is a losing proposition from Day One, and they should know that.

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
There is a definite connection between COVID-19 “vaccination” and changes in various areas of reproduction for both males and females.
In UN-“vaccinated” females who got COVID-19 and recovered (a Chinese study), changes in the menstrual cycle apparently were “transient” and resumed normalcy after recovery.
In “vaccinated” persons, the story is quite different.
The 2020 Chinese study:


Thank you Wolf. I have such respect for the beauty and perfection of our Creation. We work in such amazing ways. I wish everyone could see it.


Reminds me of the Harlem Globetrotters!


That was incredible!


Total awareness and being ready for anything!


Excellent training, sharp quick reflexes. I bet their practices would also be fun to watch.



WOLF Normal covid requiring hiv meds!!!!!!

“The Azvudine tablet, which China approved in July last year to treat certain HIV-1 virus infections, has been given a conditional green light to treat adult patients with “normal type” COVID, the National Medical Products Administration said in a statement.

“Normal type” COVID is a term China uses to refer to coronavirus infections where there are signs of pneumonia, but the patients haven’t reached a severe stage.”


Sure seems that way. Eventually the world may actually figure out that letting unwitting Chinese workers and tourists into their countries is what infects same with the Chyna disease de jour.


Chinee have their Chinee depopulation strategy.

Chinee gotta have Social credit for daily life in ChineeLand.

  • Take the Chinee Injection. Take Chinee pills.
  • Population reduction.

Poor people 🙁


Off the charts evil.


That is true


It has the advantage of being a more civilized (because it is more subtle) extermination program than, say, the One Child Policy of the late 20th century.


Pop control? Damage immune system now for “normal” civide, then when winter flu starts theyll really be weak?


shorten hospital stays…”
Like….. KILL YOU?


I think getting treated by an HIV drug might bother some normies, especially if they’ve been vaxx’d, boosted and still came down with COVID.


That is a lot of jabs and then on top the HIV jab. Wonder what the end game is?


Watching from the cheap seats.

Not playing the game.


My husband told me that no one is ever going to believe what they have to say.


I bet. Remember peeps in AUS were testing positive for hiv and the freakout dt that? Now chyna using hiv drugs. If other countries go that route theres going to be some scared folks out there.


Looking more like this is truly a component of it, no?????

“But let’s just set that aside for now, and pretend that the thing which COULD be a vaccine for EITHER ONE of the two things they stuck in it, is REALLY a vaccine for the fakey-fake cold that we don’t need a vaccine for, and NOT a vaccine for the sexual disease that stands in the way of Luciferian scum creating their polyamorous sexual paradise of literal epic random phuckery.”


I hope it gets their families first.






The scheme needs to be blown up, literally, and examples made prominently.


They can’t have my fucking immune system.

This is also what the whole “red meat is bad for you” bullshit has been about. ZINC.

Your immune system depends on zinc to kill viruses. No red meat means less zinc in the diet.

These people are lower than the crust on the bottom of the ass of pond scum.


I’ll cheer!


Wolf Moon
Anybody who got COVID-19 and who took PAXLOVID needs to know that they took a “combo-drug” that includes RITONAVIR, used to treat HIV / AIDS.
The “vaccines” have at least one HIV element in them. Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, J & J, they ALL KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING WHEN THEY CONCOCTED THEIR COVID-19 “VACCINES.” And Pfizer-BioNTech when they came up with PAXLOVID.


Is paxlovid similar to any of the flu Rx drugs –


Not from what Yours Truly can see so far. Paxlovid is only used for cases of COVID-19. It appears that Tamiflu or Relenza are among the antivirals of choice for flu treatment, according to the CDC. Of course, the CDC is pushing “get the flu shot.”


“Trying to make people immune to immunity-decreasing viruses is not simple, dangerous if you do it wrongly, and possibly not even universally desirable. So the fact that we’re doing it ‘relentlessly’ and ‘unquestioningly’ is most curious.”

More than curious, it seems: proof beyond all reasonable doubt. At the same level of proof as repressing and maligning all therapeutics.

There is no conceivable innocent explanation except evil intent, not even flamboyant, reckless stupidity.


HIV drug ? That is scary does it mean the covid virus has HIV components.


Full spectrum depopulation.

13 of 14 gotta go.

Linda Harrison

Would the “plant based diet” have any correlation to the “immune reduction”? Currently, animals are treated with antibiotics and such to keep them healthy which passes off to us when we eat the meat. If we are all on a plant based diet we would not have access to the antibiotics. Just curious. Thank you.


Well, it does, but maybe not in that way. But red meat is an excellent source of zinc, which your immune system needs to kill viruses.

Linda Harrison

Thank you. Just seemed they may be trying to eliminate us in any way possible. I will keep the “zinc” in mind for the future.


You should probably take a supplement.

25 mg a day is good for maintenance.

Linda Harrison

Thank you for the recommendation and for always sharing your wisdom.. I will take the 25mg a day.

Linda Harrison

Thank you, I will look into this.


Any time 🙂


I used to do 50 during “flu season” and not supplement during the rest of the year — and very seldom got sick.

Since this Covid thing, I’ve been doing 50 for years….and I’m wondering what it’s doing to me long-term. Am I poisoning myself? Will I purge all the copper in my system?

…..although it is a cool parlor trick when I can galvanize sheetmetal by touch……


Lol. One way to tell if you are copper deficient is early graying of your hair.

If you eat a lot of shellfish and oysters, they are high in copper. So are leafy greens.



Living in the SF Bay Area during the ’80’s, the amount of confusion and BS was off-the-charts. And who came riding in to “save the day” with “any second now, we’ll have a vaccine….but in the meantime, take this toxic crap”? Dr. Anthony Fauci.


Their evil intentions has no bounds


Well that was the talk way back when, and even when testing began.


Yes – esteemed researchers warned against mass vaccination during a pandemic – said it would CREATE MORE VARIANTS.

The countries with the highest vaccination rate have had the most cases and deaths.


Good memory 🙂


Well – Fauci and Birx were both HIV researchers.


They did much damage.


Right. I was thinking about that but didnt understand the difference.
I wonder if w the monkeypox, covid, std hiv among gays if they are going to turn into serious viral wells. Would we see them all be taking hiv meds prophylactically? The freakout over monkeypox bc of their severe promiscuity is getting worse.


Pravda News WILL ENSURE, we have have serious viral…

Not checking in, for Covidiot 2.0.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Plus – Monkey Pox is visible, disfiguring, grotesque, repulsive – very alarming for a population focused on looks.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

Ive read a few articles n blogs over the past few weeks. Homosexuals are freaked out bc they cant hid it when they have sex. We are talking 15 partners over a few days is common behavior. Orgies are common. Then you have the bi or diwn low men who take it back to women, like hiv.
If any more kids get it though, they should be examined for sexual abuse. Its way to common with body fluids from se x not a kiss on the cheek.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Fox alert – Shots fired at Dallas Love Airport, shooter down


It’s weird. GWP: (bolding mine)

NBCDFW reported:

Dallas Chief of Police Eddie Garcia said the woman, identified only as a 37-year-old, was dropped off at the airport just before 11 a.m. and that once inside she went into a restroom and changed clothes.

Garcia said the woman exited the restroom wearing a hoody, pulled out a gun and started firing several shots. Most of the shots, Garcia said, appeared to be directed toward the ceiling.

Officers inside the airport confronted the woman and shot her in her lower extremities. The woman was taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital in an unknown condition. No further information about her or the motivation behind the shooting or who dropped her off at the airport is known.

Cell phone video shared with NBC 5 showed travelers on the ground, behind chairs at the gates and sheltering in place while the shooting unfolded.

If it was a plot to scare people and not injure anyone, that’s an awfully risky way to do it. The woman could have been killed by police.


I agree. Center mass if necessary to save one’s life. People tend to think shooting an extremity is always possible, but it’s not.


The Puritans have gotten falsely smeared.

Their values and ethics were the foundation of our Constitutional Republic.

I could not do without my book of Puritan prayers – they are realistic and unpretentious.

A Prayer, “The Valley of Vision” a collection of Puritan prayers edited by Arthur Bennett.

comment image


Oh Lord God, who inhabitest eternity,
The heavens declare they glory,
The earth thy riches,
The universe is thy temple,
Thy presence fills immensity,
Yet thou hast of they pleasure created life, and communicated happiness;
In thee I live and move and have my being;
Thy providence has set the bounds of my habitation,
   and wisely administers all my affairs,.
I thank thee for thy riches to me in Jesus,
   for the unclouded revelation of him in they Word
   where I behold his Person, character, grace, glory
   humiliation, sufferings, death, and resurrection;
Give me to feel a need of his continual saviourhood,
  and cry with Job, ‘I am vile..’
     with Peter, ‘I perish’
     with the publican, ‘Be merciful to me, a sinner’.
Subdue in me the love of sin,
Let me know the need of renovation as well as of forgiveness,
  in order to serve and enjoy thee fore ever
I come to thee in the all-prevailing name of Jesus,
  with nothing of my own to plead,
  no works, no worthiness, no promises.
I am often straying,
  often knowingly opposing thy authority,
  often abusing thy goodness;
Much of my guilt arises from my religious privileges,
  my low estimation of them,
  my failure to use them to my advantage,
But I am not careless of they favor or regardless of they glory;
Impress me deeply with a sense of thine omnipresence,
  that thou art my path, my ways, my lying down, my end.



Sorry for all the typos…..I was typing in a hurry.


I just had to repair the prayer….


Oh Lord God, Who inhabitest eternity,
The heavens declare Thy glory,
The earth Thy riches,
The universe is Thy temple,
Thy presence fills immensity,
Yet thou hast of Thy pleasure created life, and communicated happiness;
In Thee I live and move and have my being;
Thy providence has set the bounds of my habitation,
   and wisely administers all my affairs,.
I thank Thee for thy riches to me in Jesus,
   for the unclouded revelation of Him in Thy Word
   where I behold His Person, character, grace, glory
   humiliation, sufferings, death, and resurrection;
Give me to feel a need of His continual saviourhood,
  and cry with Job, ‘I am vile..’
     with Peter, ‘I perish’
     with the publican, ‘Be merciful to me, a sinner’.
Subdue in me the love of sin,
Let me know the need of renovation, as well as of forgiveness,
  in order to serve and enjoy Thee forever
I come to Thee in the all-prevailing Name of Jesus,
  with nothing of my own to plead,
  no works, no worthiness, no promises.
I am often straying,
  often knowingly opposing Thy authority,
  often abusing Thy goodness;
Much of my guilt arises from my religious privileges,
  my low estimation of them,
  my failure to use them to my advantage,
But I am not careless of Thy favor or regardless of Thy glory;
Impress me deeply with a sense of Thine omnipresence,
  that Thou art my path, my ways, my lying down, my end.



I actually didn’t notice any typos, GA/FL. It’s a beautiful prayer.

JW in Germany

 😂  😂  😂 
comment image


True. I would have found it unbelievable. It shows how little we really know about people.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. For them, it’s “Turn out the lights, the party’s over” :


Dandy Don was once quite a talented quarterback. I watched him play on TV.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. me too. They wiped the Niners (Brodie, Spurrier) more than a few times (Dallas grrrrrrrr)…. Though I liked the team from the other side of the Bay, with the “Mad Bomber” Daryle Lamonica 🙂

()ronically, Brodie was a spokeman for Dianetics (another name for $cienotology) for a while, but, erm, backpedaled after a while…)….

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Is that OJ next to Cossell and Brenner?


Actor Paul Sorvino, 83, has died. This article says he died of natural causes and that he died at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL. I’m not sure how that works. May he RIP.

…Still, Sorvino is probably best known for his turn as Cicero, who loved a good meal and sliced his garlic with a razor blade, in the ultra-violent GoodFellas(1990), which Nicholas Pileggi and Scorsese adapted from Pileggi’s 1986 nonfiction book.

Was he a Republican?

Sorvino married his third wife, Dee Dee Benkie, a GOP strategist and former aide to President George W. Bush, in 2014. They had met on Fox News Channel’s Your World With Neil Cavuto.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

For males, that’s a ripe old age.

There’s a sweet man aged 102 who lives next door to my daughter’s apartment and he’s pretty sharp for his age. He does have some home care assistance, but lives alone in his 2 BR apartment.


I like to hear of situations like that. Good for him!


Likely a moderate as hwierd goes, but he wouldve been old school like Caan was, so maybe a bit more traditional.
Yeah he wouldbt be hanging in the hospital waiting to die.


PARENTS WIN: Court Overrules School District That Banned Father Who Exposed Obscene Library Books

In a victory for concerned public school parents across the country, a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order overturning an attempt from school administrators in Maine to ban a vocal critic from district property for expressing his disagreement with their policies.

According to a report from the Washington Free Beacon, the controversy began after conservative activist Shawn McBreairty spoke at meetings of the Regional School Unit 22 in Hampden in an effort to protest, among other things, library books he argued contained pornography and promoted transgenderism.

“The U.S. District Court for Maine issued a temporary restraining order allowing Shawn McBreairty back on school property after the father filed a lawsuit claiming the ban violated his constitutional rights. The court ruled that the First Amendment protects McBreairty’s comments at board meetings, where he has spoken out against sexualized school library books. The court also determined that the school board selectively applied its speech policy, which prohibits’”vulgarity,’ against McBreairty,” the Free Beacon reported.

Here’s what stood out to me, the part I made bold and in all caps:

The report added:

The school district’s criminal trespass notice against McBreairty is just the latest example of a school board attempting to silence parents who speak out against controversial sex and gender curricula. The National School Boards Association, which represents more than 90,000 school board members, CALLED ON THE FBI LAST YEAR TO INVESTIGATE PARENTS WHO SPOKE OUT AGAINST SEXUALIZED LESSON PLANS AS POTENTIAL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS. In April, a board chair barred a Georgia mother from school board meetings after she protested sexually explicit books at her son’s middle school. Virginia’s Prince William County School Board issued a rule limiting public comment, which parents said was an attempt to stifle debate around controversial issues.


And labeling people who are exercising their right of free speech as terrorists and reporting them to the FIB is also off the charts! These school board associations want to create their own little Stasi enclaves where our rights don’t apply.


It’s a good article, not just about bugs.

This does not have to be. We can reverse it, and we will. The American people were not born for misery and decline. 

But I wonder how many people would make a conscious decision to eat bugs instead of meat. How many people are that “environmentally” crazy that they could overcome our natural aversion to insects and eat them? I think it’s a hard sell, and that’s why *they* are sneaking insect ingredients into food products and why it’s a “fun” novelty to eat insects at a restaurant. That’s to get people used to it, but I don’t think the vast majority of people would ever get used to it and actually make it a practice.


Reminds me of the good point of being a frog – you can eat what bugs you.


Sounds like the airline is very corrupt and paid themselves before employees. Jailworthy.

“Earlier this week, unions slammed Qantas for handing out millions of dollars in bonuses to executives while the airline is plagued by flight cancellations, delays and baggage losses.

In a statement to the ASX in June, the company announced it would reward four executives with shares worth more than $4million AUD despite the ongoing commuter chaos.

Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers’ Association federal secretary Steve Purvinas said the executives didn’t deserve bonuses after Qantas’s poor performance.

“The airline is being destroyed by these people,” he said.”


I think thats accurate.




Replying to


Before you follow your Doctor’s orders, find out, definitively, who’s orders your Doctor is following.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Pat (Benatar),

It’s time for a second dose of desensitization / shaming for being a woke lackwit.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Now folks, we wouldn’t want to cause Ms. Benatar angst by posting this all over the place, would we?

Would we?

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It would be elder abuse.

Valerie Curren

me too w/ this added “combatting woketardism”


Covid policy thread in re to L.A. county Barbara Ferrer. Hired her dtr(undisclosed) to write policy recommendations for students that were adopted by cdc, and effect everyone nationally.



 😂  😅  😂 

 😂  😅  😂 

 😂  😅  😂 


It’s just honest.

Gaetz is clearly not a chubby chaser, and he doesn’t give a crap who knows it. To him, those women are fat and ugly.

As they are to most men, I would imagine.

People don’t always get that looks are a demonstration of GENETIC FITNESS.

Mating is the instinctive drive to reproduce. Who wants to make genetically defective babies? We don’t do this consciously, but we do it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On the other hand, the fashionistas push extremely thin.

That’s not healthy for reproduction either, and most men I think find size zero offputting for that reason. Unfortunately a lot of women seem to think we agree with the fashionistas.

But the fashionistas are largely gay men. It’s no wonder they prefer women who look like boys.


No doubt. A healthy weight is important. Too thin in not healthy, either.


This was my favorite video of the month, so far, by far. Absolutely brutal, totally hilarious.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Except that he needs slicked back hair and a Stalin mustache…if he’s going to talk about Holodomor.

comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thats good.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not my creation…but you can buy it on a t-shirt.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, but I suspect the primaries-are-primary people are thinking we can stop it if we get MAGA into office.


Your enemies are planning the next Holodomor and you’re planning on how to defeat them in the primaries.

“Do you see the problem here?”





Interesting rant.

as a note, not familiar with what he said about the NDAA enabling a mandatory vax program administered by the military…. unless he means by the military for the military and not administered to the public, or did we miss something? or maybe it was me?


Did a very quick look for military administer mandatory vaccines on the public.

  • Found nothing to support the concept.
  • Fundamentally, it is an understatement to say G F L, forcing the public to get injected.
  • There was some hits for stopping Active Duty mandatory injections. I did NOT follow up on the links.

I think we’d of heard about it if it was so. Kunstler seems to be tossing out some red phantom meat there that’s not really going to fill anyone’s belly though the notion is certainly going rile up folks. Other than that I enjoyed the rant.


Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths