Cover image: Afternoon by Boat by Irene Borg

Okay, I have been collecting links since Friday. I’m just going to clear the tabs in no particular order. I am sure people have read some of these:
DC RINOs Campaign Against Trump-Endorsed Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake
Revolution and the Minds of Children
Yes, I did know about the Mexican Revolution of 1917. I read Graham Greene’s The Power and the Glory when I was a senior in high school. Thank you Sister S.
Axios reveals Trump’s plan to take out the deep state
I seriously question if the Axios piece wasn’t a canary trap of some sort.
A more robust culture
Is the Government Directing Big Tech Censorship?
The Stigmatization of the Ordinary
Libertarians Are Not Our Friends
Matt Gaetz: Women Who ‘Look Like A Thumb’ Shouldn’t Gripe About Abortion Rights
Check out the tweet section. He doubled down on that.
Some Lessons from January 6 Committee Finale
An Appeal to Heaven
How Evil Advances: The Tyranny of Good Intentions
yes, birx is lying about her vaccine stance
She really did give us scarf wearers a bad name.
Pretending Has Consequences – Western Media and Western Govt Continue Saying, Falsely, Global Food Crisis Caused by Russia
Those western climate and energy policies create downstream consequences. The decision to chase a new global energy policy under the name “Build Back Better,” in combination with short-sighted EU sanctions against Russia, and you get food shortages. And boy howdy are they trying to avoid taking responsibility for it.
It was not Vladimir Putin who told British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz their proactive recommendation to switch from crop-based biofuels to human food would be blocked. That G7 decision was made by Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden. {link} Even more significantly, it was not Russia who threatened the multinational energy companies about investing in Africa for expanded natural gas supplies for their fertilizer needs. That threat came from the same western government alliance, per their instructions from the World Economic Forum group {link}.
It was predictable {JUNE 21st} {June 30th} and {July 6th} that western government leaders would seek to avoid responsibility for the food crisis they created, and now we see more western media trying, desperately, to frame the Putin is to blame for global food shortages in order to protect them.
China’s Response to Pompeo vs. Pelosi
Forwarded from StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel (Stormy Patriot Joe)

6/4/2020 Q 4414 Clas movement of Pelosi
4/11/2021 Pompeo tweets chessboard
Eating Taiwanese dried pineapple
Pompeo tweets about meeting Nancy Pelosi in TaiwanNothing to see here
Not odd at all
Not Comms or anything
Move along
Still keeping options open on who is on what side, although this movie is turning into one heck of a long mini-series.
Tweet hopper:
When the Democrats have Jonathan Turley defending Clarence Thomas, we are definitely in interesting times.
Any thoughts?
Meme hopper:

I’m not that optimistic just yet.

Whadya think…header image?

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
MATTHEW 20:20-28
20Then the mother of the sons of Zeb’edee came up to him, with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something. 21And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Command that these two sons of mine may sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” 22But Jesus answered, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” They said to him, “We are able.” 23He said to them, “You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.” 24And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers. 25But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. 26It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 27and whoever would be first among you must be your slave; 28even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Delta 963 goes from Boston to Minneapolis/St. Paul.
It only SEEMED like 10 hours, 26 minutes.
The “Libertarians are NOT our friends” article is, IMHO, hogwash.
It’s all about “all right-thinking people kneel to the Federal Leviathan.” Along the way, it attempts to piss on Ayn Rand, Burning Man, and Hayek — among others. And this from a guy named Theodore Roosevelt Malloch….
Thoreau’s famous quote is, “That government is best which governs least.” [ ]. This is the core of Libertarianism — not “ANARCHY, ANARCHY, ANARCHY”, as our Roosevelt friend would like to maintain.
I’m not even going to read it! I don’t want to pollute my brain.
Yes, the current “fake libertarians” who are basically potheads, I have little use for. They are among the most controlled oppositions of all. But real libertarians – that’s another story!
You’re right, thousands of my brain cells died reading that screed.
The bigger threat to the real libertarians is this phenomenon called left libertarianism or libertarian socialism.
I occasionally run into one of these fuckers trying to hijack the name on line.
Left-libertarianism – Wikipedia
Then has libertarianism become unmoored from morality? If there isn’t some sort of moral social system underpinning it all, we get anarchy.
I’m more of a traditionalist myself.
Many of us do have traditional values and morals. We just feel it is not the government’s place to force it on anyone. It is up to society to police itselves in those matters. I believe firmly in limiting the government to only its enumerated powers, nothing more. I am more of a little “l” libertarian/constitutionalist, I don’t hold with the Libertarian Party. While we do not like the left manipulating the Constitution for their agenda, neither do we like it when the right does it either.
Ditto & Very Well said–Thanks!
B I N G O !
^^^ This.
Fellow east TN wisdom. Well stated.
I’ve never thought of myself as libertarian, but many people who know me say I am one. I just think of me as me! And me wants to be left the fuck alone by the government and pretty much everyone else.
You may be a libertarian!
Jeff Foxworthy needs to do a special. Then I’d know.
I think some Libertarian did do such a routine once.
Why bother? We all know you’re a redneck.
HILLBILLY. Born and bred.
Ohio State Trooper pulls over a car with West Virginia plates on I-77 just over the state line.
He asks the driver, “Got any ID?”
Driver replies, “ ’bout what?”
“Take a load off Fanny….”
Lol! That’s the accent I grew up with!
I didn’t, and so I have a hard time visualizing that…every “redneck”/”hillbilly”/”hick” parody I’ve ever heard would say “eye-DEE-ur” or more likely “ah-DEE-ur” with an “ur” at the end.
So much for actual knowledge, relying on parodies!
Lol! There are so many regional differences it’s hilarious.
Britain is just as bad, if not much worse–they’ve had a thousand years to differentiate and sometimes they can’t understand each other very well. Some of our dialects here sound a LOT like specific ones over there, indicating where the original settlers here came from.
You don’t see the huge variety over there because BBC tends to strongly favor “Received Pronunciation” (a/k/a “The Queen’s English). Though you’d get a flavor for some of them watching Monty Python.
Lol. Monty Python.
My hillbilly grandma used all kinds of words that I later realized came from Old English. My family started arriving here about 1620-30.
She said things like “I’ll put a quietus on you,” if we misbehaved!
Okay, that’s funny.
Once I was in a restaurant outside of Washington, D.C. I ordered a glass of “iced tea.”
The waitress said, “we don’t serve alcohol.”
I said, “I don’t want alcohol, I want iced tea.”
She said “but Asti is alcohol. We don’t serve alcohol.”
I gave up. My companion had to order my glass of tea!
These two books (and there’s a third) should hep, I reckon
And on our yearly trips to West-by-God (and when I lived there one VERY hot summer – 104°F AND IT WAS RAINING!!!) I’d hear “ID” more than a few times 
My family was coming here in the early 1600’s too! & if the BYU’s Relative Finder site can be believed then I actually have direct Mayflower ancestry too! If things Ever slow down it Might be fun to re-start some of those genealogical rabbit trails
Me too. The hills of West-by-God-Virginia are filled and covered with my kinfolk
Plus our generations are 40 years or so… my great-grandfather fought in the Civil War…
(But our fambly tree DOES branch
(It’s all about the Benjamins has a different meaning to my part of the fambly tree… always the youngest of the youngest, hence the 40 years… except in my immediate family)…..
Here’s to Stewart’s, and hold the slaw
(And Hillbilly HotDogs are the RINOs of dogs
My tree branches, but I have quite a few first-cousin marriages in there.
connected to royalty hmmm?
George III½ ?
Lol, well, yes.
me too if Relative Finder can be belileved
My position is that any law that contradicts or allows citizens to violate the basic concepts of the 10 Commandments will lead to disorder and decline in law and order, citizen safety, security, economic prosperity, and eventually leads to chaos, disease, violence, death.
Currently, Western nations have forged laws that enable people to break all of GOD’s Commandments and some that would force us to do so. We have seen the fruit of it in Government, Business, Schools and even Churches.
Our Constitution is based on the foundation of the 10 Commandments and Magna Carta.
Uh, no it’s not.
People make such statements about our legal system being “based on the Ten Commandments” but there is nothing in our law requiring adherence to six out of ten of them.
Every time I try to point this out someone cites “thou shalt not kill” but no one ever cites “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.” That’s because a law codifying the first commandment would be unconstitutional, and rightly so. Likewise with the next four commandments, all of which dictate religious practice.
If someone tries to point out we had no law before the ten commandments and that therefore the very concept of law springs from the ten commandments and THAT is their basis for claiming our law is based on the ten commandments, they’re either ignorant of history or dishonest.
And supposedly the proper translation is Thou shall not murder.
I’ve seen people argue that one–especially as regards, say, capital punishment or self defense. (Strictly speaking, “Thou shalt not kill” would forbid lethal self defense.)
But my main point was the claim that somehow our constitution is based on the Ten Commandments–a claim which usually throws up “Thou shalt not kill” as support–we have laws against murder, so do the 10Cs, voila…we’re based on the 10Cs. What about the six commandments NOT in our law, which they never mention?
Steve, truly I hear you.
I maintain that the Constitution is loosely based on the ethics and values of Christianity, the 10 Commandments – and the Magna Carta – but, what I meant is that our country and culture thrives when it doesn’t break those Commandments – when people are true to them.
I’m too tired to answer more today. Long day – getting over two episodes of CV 19.
Moreover, the Commandments were assumed to be the standard of behavior for the nation back then. We have gotten so far off base, especially over the last 40 or so years, especially with the atheist aggressions since Madelyn Murray Ohaire, that it seems preposterous.
Catherine Herridge: GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley alleges widespread effort in FBI, Justice Dept to downplay negative information about Hunter Biden
The fix is in. 3-letters need to be overhauled and/or dismantled, and lawbreakers need to pay for their crimes.
Glad to see that SOMEBODY is standing up!!!
“Attorney General Garland and Director Wray, simply put, based on the allegations that I’ve received from numerous whistleblowers, you have systemic and existential problems within your agencies,” Grassley wrote.
Systemic and existential.
Gotta tear them down and start over.
Forgive me in advance but I am going to have to go hot-blooded warrior here for a moment.
Grassley, who I respect enough to believe he may not be a criminal, has been in Congress for decades. I have never heard of him doing anything beyond writing the infamous strongly worded letter. Why hasn’t he paraded these whistleblowers all around DC? If a US Senator is so pathetically powerless why do we afford them such wide-ranging authority? Wray should have been out of a job 5 years ago. As for Garland, he should be on the bank of some river or lake fishing not threatening the parents of school children. As for the FBI and most other government departments, I agree with many others that they should be razed and replaced with something smaller and less powerful. The federal government has become a cancer and a plague on the otherwise good character of the American people. It needs to be reined in before there is nothing left in this country but ashes.
This whole “outrage theater” is just more hypocrisy from someone from whom I have reason to expect genuine results.
Now I will return to my room and let my blood cool. Yes I agree, most unseemly.
Lol, Robert! If your comment is unseemly, I am sometimes a downright dirty disgrace!
Grassley sometimes “tees things up” – give this some time to age! But yes – “outrage theater” is the precise thing we are seeing!
What an AWESOME rant!!!! That was so well said I am in total awe!! I couldn’t agree with you more! Bravo!
ps. Byebumb = BO and Garland = Holder
Neither are running the country nor department.
Austen drafted the ICA, and interviewed Danchenko.
This is EXACTLY like what happened in “Shallow State”. People who were “reliable” for certain tasks were used for those tasks. People with potential ethical objections to whatever task were, of course, not “reliable”.
GREAT Job Grassley. We KNEW that two plus years ago. Dumb Ass.
NEXT, Ms Linda WILL announce hearings.
^^^WHY NOW? Rinos need to fill donation coffers.
OMG. I think you’re right!
Thanks! I was wondering “what will be done.” Hearings are a step up from a letter. I don’t think there’s a rung above hearings, though.
!!! x 1000
Did Grassley ask if the the corn was ripe for cutting?
Talking about my jokes?
OCR trick for Comey…Corney is Cuppa!
I know. Couldn’t resist.
Hey, hey, hey…
Colonel Cob is shucking and jiveing even now
(Having had issues with a salt and buttering
My position on this ^ remains the same that as it has for over 25 years and will be demonstrated in real life in HOH, Part 3.
I watched the interview below from over 4 years ago when it was on. I agree completely with Chris.
I thought that was a Chris Farley sketch!
Clown World
Would that be dihydrogen monoxide?
(ducks and runs from floods of liquids
The GWP had this posted also. I am sorry but I don’t have much faith in the senator’s taking any action that’s going to amount to anything.
More controlled opposition to keep the serfs hopes up and a little less restless for the time being.
There’s been plenty of opportunity for them to address these issues and yet we have to go through this act of rinse and repeat again and again and expect a different outcome. Won’t believe it until there’s results.
Given so much of what we are seeing is really scripted, I’m skeptical myself. A lone senator doesn’t have much raw legal power. Publicizing the matter is something else. There’s still normies who are sleeping on this.
Demonstrating to Kapo that their own are turning on the madness in Dodge and FIB is a nice chess move. Grassley does what he can.
“Publicizing the matter is something else.”
Exactly. Sometimes it’s our only recourse. Look at what they do to keep the lid on uncomfortable truth. It’s why China infiltrates Hollywood’s message, why the MSM is controlled.
All of Auten’s actions are mid-game damage control.
Given so much of what we are seeing is really scripted…
Back to the movie metaphor.
(“I want to make a film, and I want it to be a blockbuster.”) I was mostly kidding when I wrote that. What happened next, coincidence or not, was no joke.
My (only remote possibility of an actual) director received a call from the FBI.
Yes, despite mountains of evidence we never see anyone close on something of importance.
It appears to me that this story is being told by We the People. It’s why it’s taking so long, imo.
We are the closers.
“We are the closers.”
A better postcard to go with the video clip:
Islands of evidence that must be connected, lol.
As soon as some sensible sheriff detains Fibbies engaged in some illegality, these same RINOs will be screaming that it’s civil war. LOL. OUTRAGE THEATER!
What we need to get people to understand is, this is not about what the FBI did to influence an election.
It’s about this: if the FBI will lie, manipulate and conceal evidence, and cheat to attack a President, and influence an entire COUNTRY, what would they do to little old YOU if they wanted to get you?
That’s what this is about. People need to see THAT, and then we can dismantle the FBI down to the ground, and spread the salt where it stood.
Exactly. I am fairly convinced at this point that the “pedophile” who gunned down two Fibbies (both likely innocent cannon fodder betrayed by superiors) was just an entrapped innocent citizen who decided to even the score on the way out.
With FIB, I’m fully back to “innocent until proven guilty by a jury of true regional peers”.
If agents realize they are being betrayed like us, expect more whistleblowers.
Maybe a few inside are feeling the heat, now that the facts of Hunter investing in Metabiota at the WIV are emerging.
The timeline is damning, and perhaps those on the fringe of the investigation can no longer pretend to not know where the implication of those facts lead.
Bias in an election is one thing, planning and unleashing a global pandemic?
Well said! Things are getting nasty. The other side is not going to stop releasing nasties. Agents know the shots are poison – and it’s on purpose. There is waking up on the inside.
Boy, I hope so!
…to l’il ol’ YOU”…
See comment above.
Gregg Phillips on
These folks are surely being heavily shadowed by DNC, MSM, FIB, CIA, MIB (enforcing secret law that sanctioned the fake election), and cabal operatives of all kinds.
I suspect that the bad guys were ready for a July release, and this was all meant to happen after that.
Better it happens this way. Attacks will up the white hat game.
I would particularly recommend to Wolf the link at .
It’s intriguing to read backwards from the flag — highlighted in Wolf’s coverage — to the proper protection of religion under the Constitution.
Thanks!!! Will check it out shortly!
Yes, that was excellent! An important part of this, is the “secularization of modern perspective o the Founders” which is clearly beyond merely revisionist, and indeed subversive to the Constitution!
Kinda what I was trying to get at under the Libertarian discussion earlier – that Christianity and its strictures/laws/commandments were just assumed back then….before the last 40-60 years of sexual revolution-atheist-secularist aggression.
This is going to take some thinking – but I’m about ready to call it a day.
I guess we are in quite a cycle of notable deaths. This actor was good at unnerving me just with his presence.
David Warner, British Actor Known for ‘The Omen’ and ‘Tron,’ Dies at 80
“David Warner, the English actor who gave memorable performances on the big screen, in a key role in “The Omen,” and as villains in “Time After Time,” “Time Bandits” and “Tron,” has died. He was 80.
The actor died of a cancer-related illness on Sunday in London, his family told the BBC. “Over the past 18 months he approached his diagnosis with a characteristic grace and dignity,” his family said in a statement shared with the public broadcaster.”
A great character actor! RIP, sir!
I thought he was just perfect in Time Bandits.
He was awesome in The Omen. Sorry to see him go. RIP.
He was in a lot! Between good older actors and rock stars lifestyles catching up to them(except keith richards), the next few years are going to be full of these.
I’m sure you’re right. It’s sad to see them go. Did you see where Tony Dow is in hospice? (Leave it to Beaver’s Wally).
Yes. And his wife said he died but didnt….
Whaddaya think? THE JAB???
Always my first thought.
With Sylvia on this. Jab is ALWAYS my first suspect in deaths, these days.
SADS strikes again. Hoping Normies WTFU.
Yes, very odd. Could have detoured to a doc-in-the-box or a pharmacy.
Here’s a reply to posting that article on Gab…
mentioned you·2m
Paralegal. Seems it might be interesting to know for whom and what she may of been working on.
Kinda like the story yesterday about the woman shooting into the ceiling at Dallas Love Field. Why shoot into the ceiling? Create a distraction for someone else to grab a bag from the carousel?
Hmmmm …
I M F (Tom Cruise) type move …
Here’s the full video from the Tennessee testimony of Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Richard Urso. What they say about natural immunity is powerful, and even more so because of all the recent data that NIH, CDC, and MSM refuse to talk about.
Because you need more women with guns!
And, then, there’s when mama bear is activated —
No way would I have taken that pic. Only an idiot would allow someone to point a firearm with such complete lack of trigger discipline.
Even with the finger off the trigger, it is stoopid. Never get in front of a fully assembled weapon. Doesn’t matter if it was verified, unloaded. NEVER.
What ever appened to Alec Baldwin killing the gal on a movie set. Hmmm.
guess it takes awhile to pay people off.
This is what cable releases are for.
Inspect the gun, make sure it’s unloaded, hand it to the Mama Bear, let her point it at the camera, while you trigger the shot from many feet off-axis.
That would be my plan. Camera on tripod. Heck, they’ve got Bluetooth shutter releases.
For those who want to SAVE the Matt Gaetz “BE OFFENDED” interview, you can right-click this copy!
[video src="" /]
As a woman, I’d like to make the guy a sammitch.
Careful! Some folks out there might think you are a “downright dirty disgrace!”
Lol! That’s a good one!
Heck I’d make him a full picnic spread.
Amen. Cherry pie and all.
H/T arksirc
This was published a week or so ago, but I just now read it. It’s long, but interesting. And a little scary and a little depressing.
The Borg of the Gargoyles
How government, tech, finance, and law enforcement converged into an all-knowing criminalization complex—and how to resist it
Not too long, and definitely interesting.
Wish more folk would read “Snow Crash” which he bases his article on and the book after.. “Diamond Age, A Young Ladies Illustrated Primer” Both are under 200 pages, both very creative stories, highly entertaining and packed with information that will continue to be relevant far into the future.
I am amazed that the Illustrated Primer hasn’t appeared in real life yet.
Maybe it has.. you’ll remember that the one in the book was never supposed to fall into the wrong hands, it was made only for the most elite. (a drugged out kid living in a community of stacked semi trailers found it… but his little sister got hold of it and he never got it back, thus the story.)
Thanks para, I did think “Snow Crash” looked interesting. Thanks for the tip.
H/T K1tt7-fzn
Beware of the Franken Food. Whether its plant based phony meat or bugs, there are hazards. Interesting read.
“It has been known for quite a while there is a massive push for planetary dietary change, steering the majority of the world’s population from animal protein to different forms of synthetic protein. One favored by many of the ones pushing this change under different agendas is plant-based. If anyone ever annoys you about plant-based protein, just show them this. Plant-based will never have the same nutritional value as animal protein, regardless of how much they “add” or gene edit it….
There are many rabbit holes to dive into in this realm. The substack argument is that a buggy diet may have a bunch of contaminants known to spread known diseases. Sounds bad, is bad…..could be worse.
The “Hygiene Hypothesis” is that kids who never grew up playing in the dirt and in mud-puddles have stunted immune systems — which, then, go crazy when exposed to things like peanuts or gluten. What if shifting from beef and chicken to bugs never exposes immune systems to common triggers found therein? Will we see childhood bug eaters going into anaphylactic shock when given a regular cheeseburger?
And, then, you get into the joys of monoculture. Pretty much everyone has eaten a banana. There are easily 150 types, but the chances are very good that you have never eaten a type other than the ‘Cavendish’. Pretty much every commercial banana is a clone of the original. Some day, a bug will adapt to the Cavendish and wipe out the entire variety. Eventually, a new resistant variety will be created, but the original appearance, texture, and flavor will only be a memory. Will popular crickets and mealworms suffer the same fate?
Hey coothie! I can always depend on you for an interesting take on things. Wow, rabbit holes indeed! For myself, if bananas, crickets, or mealworms never appeared on my plate I’d be cool with that.
PS Check your email.

When I lived in Hawaii, we had a banana called “Ice Cream.” They best way to eat them was fried in butter. Then they were like banana-flavored french toast.
I don’t think they are exported because they don’t travel well.
You can order the corms for them. They may not have a long enough time to ripen though.
Montana would be pretty hard on bananas!
i actually grew plantains in Md. I grow them here in Tn as well, but never have a long enough growing season for them to ripen.
I never understood going vegetarian trying to imitate meat? My family was over 15 years vegetarians we never imitated meat . One does not need to eat bugs just know how to balance food incorporate brewers east . We still ate eggs, butter, fish, whole milk.
See, that’s not strong enough. VEGANS run the leftist morality now. No eggs, no dairy, no fish, no bugs.
They get brain fog . I have known vegans one died got thinner and thinner one day was dead. The others has problems concentrating. Vegan is to far even for me
I do LOVE this one!!! Thank you, DP!
“Our sanity is more important than your nutty phony mask drama, mAsKIEs!”
Yeü. “THUMB folks” gotta be MaskHoles…
My freedom is pretty much more important than anything some liberal wants, thank you very much.
My ancestors fought, and some died so I could have it.
*sword-sharpening noises*
Bolt racking noises …
“Rock n Roll” … and it ain’t “music” … Oh, ok, it could kinda be music …
Awesome opener! Thanks!
Big thunderstorms through here last night. The flash flooding is bad this time.
This is south of where I am, but northwest of here also has some low lying spots where the water is multiple feet deep. The storm drain system just couldn’t handle the volume of water.
We had some bad ones locally last Wednesday night. Got a couple inches in the garage/basement, but no real damage. Neighbors had water come in their front door and ruined a lot of stuff, not including multiple trees down. Helped my cousin across the road remove a large one that was leaning on his back veranda.
We had rain but nothing earth shaking more drizzle. Nice for the garden.
Sorry to hear of damage and flooding in some places.

We’ve had eight and a half inches at least since midnight. Set a record.
Holy smokes, that’s a lot of rain!
Yeah, and the storm drain system just couldn’t handle the volume. I have friends who are flooded in this subdivision.
Jeez. I hope you stay dry at least.
This house is close to the top of a hill. The biggest issue is driving through standing water. There are known spots that take forever to drain. It’s a mess here right now.
We get that here in my little town if it rains hard for an hour. The worst drainage ever. Our water table is so high it takes forever to drain off. Drive safe; it’s dangerous.
KY got lots of rain we were on the french but lots of lightning here.
We seem to get nice drizzle like rain at the moment.
Temp dropped to 71F from 89F and humidity.
Sounds like Bayou City when the Gulf rushes inland.
Somebody call Noah and see how he’s coming along building that ark.
While you have Noah on the line…..
ask him to not allow ticks, chiggers and mosquitos on the boat next time.
And RINOs.
Be careful to be sure he doesn’t think you mean rhinos.
No kiddin.
WOW, we sure could use it. All we’ve had for weeks is lightning warnings and thunder, not a drop. Even that rally storm 45 ended early a few weeks ago that was coming our way, nothing, nodda, nope, nary a spittle. Stay dry and safe.

We had lightning strike a pole that was on firer. No electricity for an hour until electric company to fix it.
My Internet was fixed finally. They found a loose connection 150 yards from my house that caused problems.
When I was a kid, cable would go out at random, sometimes for a minute, sometimes for hours. We had no idea the outage wasn’t systemwide; that this wasn’t normal. (That miniseries “Masada”? Cable died 15 minutes before it ended. Never did see the ending.)
Finally the guy across the street called to complain. The tech put his hands on the box to open it and the cable went out. We had put up with shitty service for years and never had to.
Same here we thought it was weather related.
DO NOTE THE CREEPY COMMUNIST IMAGE on the wall at the ‘Pence rally’
Very Øbamesque…
Are you referring to the Arizona state flag?
Oops! Hah – joke’s on me.
I have NO defense.
Well I thought you might have meant the blue wavey thing in the corner, but I couldn’t tell what it was.
Truth is, it reminded me of AZ. But then, I dwell on it a bit.
Something about it was commie. Yet it is AZ.
AND, where is the American Flag?
AZ flag looks painted. Guessing American Flag is on a wall to the left.
Pence / Rino Karen crown rivaled BiteMe’s few dozen. Pitiful.
You just said what I always thought. AZ flag could be an AOC NGO logo!
Now, however, I’m wondering about the history and origin of that flag.
Always a good line of research!
Valerie – My life has been one long continuous embarrassing moment.
And it’s my own fault – through word and deed.
Oh no please don’t go there. I was not at all criticizing you, just confused, but frankly I Could be wrong…I just thought that it was the AZ flag because I’ve seen it used by AZ politicos like Kari Lake.
With all you manage with your disabled daughter my hat is off to you BIG TIME!!!
I’m honestly Amazed at the wealth of knowledge & insight displayed daily at the Q-Tree. There is so much to learn around here that it’s like working on a post-grad degree!
Be blessed & forgiving to yourself for any little faux pas that come along the way.
I LOVE what you share here!!! WM once replied to something stupid I’d shared that he considered it “red meat for da wolf” to tear apart, so even our “mistakes” can be helpful here in the Qniverse
Love that term Qniverse.
Verily, verily, Valerie – I have a long trail of Oops and OMG and Outrageousness behind me. I’m praying to grow, mature, overcome the patterns of behavior and personality faults.
Just keep making the excellent mistakes of honesty, like so many great thinkers on their way to the truth!
You are a wonderful human being and blog host!
“Excellent mistakes of honesty”
Very insightful way to express things!
Sounds like real life to me!
I started using the “Qniverse” term with my family to be a shorthand for people at the Q-Tree, people who follow or at least pay attention to Q, &/or people who buy into things that have been “revealed” by Q peeps. I Think I invented it but don’t know that for a fact…
Amen! Where else can someone state so bluntly that the Arizona state flag now looks commie because the other side has so successfully appropriated both the star and the rainbow?
Not much of a rainbow, more a stylized sunburst…but your point stands.
I thought it might represent a sunrise or perhaps sunset over the desert, but with the blue at the bottom it looks like water…which is where exactly, besides the Colorado River, in Arizona?
When I was a kid/(near)teen, we took a raft trip on the Green River, tributary of the Colorado. That was a very interesting & fun experience. Saw quicksand, hieroglyphics, drank straight from the river, & had “facilities” hidden in the desert scrub that we could find by the nearby hanging life jacket that one would take down when “occupied”…
I could even see the blue standing for how dark the ground would seem right at daybreak.
Good possibility
Based on you posts here, I have to respectfully disagree with your self-assessment. You have great sense and judgment.
I’m very touched that you would say that, Tonawanda. Coming from you – whose opinion I value – that is such encouragement.
George Gobel used to talk about feeling like a pair of brown shoes in a room full of black tuxedos
Perfect! I’ve been to weddings in two different shoes. To church with two different earrings. And a thousand other missteps, misspeaks, missed marks.
You were in style before its time

I walked around with mismatched earrings before but at my age do not care
You had another pair at home, too!
Funny how that works…I’ll bet the left one of the pair at home looked like the right one of the pair you wore, and vice versa.
Funny how that works.
That is true
Seems to me you are a bit too hard on yourself. We all have made mistakes and blow it at times if we are honest. Enjoy the goober! When I stopped taking myself so seriously and laughed at my doofusness, it freed me to think clearly and without the veil being up to others.
We all know how special you are, GA/FL.
My daughter started wearing mismatched socks as a signature survival move because our laundry zone was such a disaster & it was Very Hard to find matching socks. She once had a friend sleep over who left 1/2 of a special outfit in our house & her mom requested it back. We found it like Half a Decade later–yikes!!!
I’m happy now, as a member of the “Geritol for Lunch Bunch” that I can wear white HushPuppies with blue pants and a white shirt and not care one iota what anyone thinks
“The Preppie Handbook” calls that “Go To Hell Fashion”… so, if it’s good enough for the shrubs…..
Way back in the dark ages, aka High School, we had “Clash Day” where we’d try to find the most incongruous, dissonant, outrageous, dare I say disgusting outfits…
A few years later, they were “hip” and all the rage…
And now, decades later, we can’t remember what all the fuss was about
Heyyyy, you’re hip, just like Dilbert (and Wally
Probably one of the funniest of the Johnny Carson interviews EVAH!!
.. my eyes went straight to the overweight fat-cat republican fundraiser dinner eating seal clapper in the white shirt…but I’m sure that’s just me…
Is that Mr. KellyAnne?
Could be, I have no idea who it may be.
Probably just me stereotyping.
After years of observation, there never seems to be a shortage of them ‘overfilling’ chairs at republican fundraisers, the Haley Barbour atty/lobbyist club types.. business is obviously good.
No energy except for long as they don’t have to get out of their chair
Big dude w/glasses, never Trumper, makes perfect sense he’d be there. Plus he earns brownie points w/the Missus.
That’s funny!
Mr. Creosote
Not just a RINO, but built like one… probably there for free food…
Paid attendees. Food, door prizes…
That is why Trump was President and Pence VP never to be President.
Jill Biden’s press secretary resigns.
On TACO Tuesday.

Timing is everything.
Yup. Dude’s getting dumped before the midterms.
Muy malo….
She’s gotta run for the border
This looks like Obama’s orders.
Trump’s ‘Think Tank’ Prepares to Betray Him

Does Navarro have the ear of Trump?
Does the insider/snake corruption never end?
Is there more than a handful of people who can be trusted?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Yes to all. Navarro is a primary weapon of Trump. RINOS and NT will exist as long as such betrayal is possible. But Trump has millions of loyalists now. His 47 administration will be amazing. The best is yet to come!
I am SO looking forward to the President resuming office! The landscape has changed so much, for the better.
In an odd way, it will almost be a blessing that these miserable years will have intervened. The general population, here and across the world, is so much more knowledgeable. And the swamp has been steadily draining.
To the Q strategists, this is all theater. Theater, but necessary theater, “because time”. We just have to remember that real bullets are flying, and the enemy will never give up trying to fight back against MAGA.
Everything they do will backfire, if we shelter under God’s wings and stick to the highest principles FIRST.
Say America First, but live God First, and America takes care of itself!
Yes we do (want to know)
“Does Navarro have the ear of Trump?”
Absolutely the first thing which popped into my mind. I have just assumed that Navarro would be in constant communication, but maybe not.
Oh, I have no doubt that Navarro and Trump are constantly talking. But the reason that Trump is Trump is that he walks into lion’s dens CONSTANTLY, against the advice of this counselor or that, without appearing to realize the risks, which is part of his strategy.
Navarro is grooming the battlefield for Trump with some artillery, and Trump knows it. It’s all good.
“Don’t do it! Don’t attack the alien queen! (while handing Ripley ammo, hand over fist).”
This is a good cop / bad cop routine. I love it. Navarro is awesome!
Yay! You are absolutely right. I should have known that by now. Go Peter!
I understand walking into the lions den. Trump shoes no fear and he is not going to let other peoples hangup affect him therefore he goes. I do not see a negative in that hearts can be changed also people put on the spot. Trump shoes up they know he knows now who is trying to hide?.
Ha ha I do that all the time. Actually Trump is in control he is there but they are chicken to face him and tell him that they are betraying him. Good for POTUS
Ups is supposed to be shows not shoes
This is awesome. Navarro totally gets Trump. This speech puts any RINOism and NeverTrumpism at the venue back on it’s heels. Trump now wins, whether he goes or not.
THE LIST has been updated:
1204 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 804 Dead, After COVID Injection
What a Fum Ducker!
Anthony Fauci Says If We Could Do It Again, COVID-19 Restrictions Would Be ‘Much, Much More Stringent’
It can be posited that there’s another “variant” of COVID-19 “waiting in the wings” if the current Monkeypox “scare” doesn’t do the trick regarding the “combo-goals” of screwing the upcoming elections so that the DemCommunists remain in power + “convincing” / coercing people to get “booster shots” (and demeaning the UN-“vaccinated” into the bargain).
That said, if the next COVID-19 “variant” or Monkeypox doesn’t do the trick, there’s the Nipah virus “getting into costume and warming up” — a virus that kills between 40% – 75% of the humans it infects. In fact, Fauci just “hinted” about this virus:
Given that the Nipah virus has been studied years, why “all of a sudden” is Moderna developing a “vaccine” for it, USING THE COMPANY’S mRNA PLATFORM?
By the way, NCT05398796 is SPONSORED by Fauci’s NIH, and the “clinical trial” is being performed AT NIH HQ in Bethesda, MD. The “clinical trial” COLLABORATOR, is Moderna. One cannot find any “outside” funding for this clinical trial — it would then appear that Fauci’s NIAID is developing this “vaccine” WITH Moderna, as what happened with Moderna’s COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273 (now called SPIKEVAX).
The person in charge of the NCT05398796 is Alicia T. Widge, MD, another protogee of Fauci who co-authored several “research papers” on the “safety and efficacy” of mRNA-1273 (SPIKEVAX).
Smells like “keeping all in the family”, perhaps?
One is not trying to do the “be afraid, be very afraid” thing regarding the Nipah virus. Rather, giving a heads-up about what Fauci’s working on now.
Thanks for the heads up
I don’t put anything past them. If they unleash something with that high a death rate, they’ll have to have a way to protect themselves and those they think deserve to survive.
My husband was out and about and saw more people with masks again
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, July 26, 2022
“The LORD shall judge the people: judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me.”
Psalms 7:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
My good online friends,
Yours Truly has the Pathology report regarding the colon polyp surgery that was performed this month.
Followup colonoscopy in 3 years.
The sense of relief and of one being granted a “second chance” is almost overwhelming.
Yours Truly wishes to thank all you all for your thoughts and prayers.
One has learned some difficult and valuable lessons on this particular journey.
If one’s advice were to be asked, it would be, first — DO NOT put off going for a colonoscopy; and, second, FIND A DOCTOR THAT YOU TRUST.
This is Great News!
That’s awesome news CV!
Wonderful news and lessons, and thanks for sharing it all!
Yippee! Simply wonderful!!! Thank you for sharing.
Praise God! So glad to hear this.
Great news!! Prayers answered. So happy to read this.
Wonderful News CV/RDS!!! God continue to bless you
RDS – having had the same thing, but much more serious (surgery, everything inside, outside, etc.) I can tell you from VERY personal experience that the single most important thing you can have is A POSITIVE ATTITUDE. I told my wife on the way into surgery that this WOULD NOT beat me, and it didn’t.
Pray, and know that you’re in good hands. After my surgery I had to go in annually for a colonoscopy, but that’s just me. My very unprofessional, non-medical training says, don’t wait three years. Just sayin’ …
Thank you so much! It was getting harder and harder to try and “think positive” during the last couple of weeks before my procedure.
Will take the “don’t wait three years” under advisement…
Sick sick lesbians need this child taken away.
Where is the father?
There’s a Dilbert that kind of dances around that:
I think most people are against this garbage. I just hop and pray more and more folks stand up against it…
Me too. And dilbert is correct.
Just saw this on Zero Hedge…
Good. Zelensky had his chance.
Well I know things were going badly for them, but never realized they were that desparate…
“Grant Boris Johnson citizenship and appoint him to the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine.”
“The corresponding petition appeared on the website of Vladimir Zelensky.
The President of Ukraine will consider the initiative if it gets 25 thousand votes in 90 days.
These are the arguments given:
“Positive aspects: global support; a clear position against the military invasion of Ukraine; education in the political, financial and legal spheres.”
It seems that it was not for nothing that Johnson ran with a machine gun and taught Ukrainian “chants” at a training ground in North Yorkshire.”
I have to believe that even God is losing patience with Western Civilization. Exodus 32:9 comes to mind for some reason.
Due to our nation’s sins, we may be in a Leviticus 26:17 situation:
“I will set my face against you so that you will be defeated by your enemies; those who hate you will rule over you, and you will flee even when no one is pursuing you.”
Fortunately for us, this present time is the Covenant of Grace – the New Testament. That verse applies to the Covenant of Law – the Old Testament.
However, there are plenty of people trying to live under the Law so that verse still applies to them.
Matthew 5:17-20:
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
If Boris wants to be a toad in the road, don’t stop him. Him and Zelensky can get squashed together.
Considering that Badenov Boris comes from a family of Eugenicists, were I a Ukrainian, I’d take a pass on him doing anything more than temporary dog-catcher….. or, better, cat-catcher…..
Kushner Says He Was Treated for Thyroid Cancer While in White House
On a side note, the article says this:
What are they talking about? I’ve never heard of anything negative in this regard. They can’t write anything about PDJT without adding some snark and untruths.
Agreed. They’re still angry that Trump will talk of Democrat CRIMES.
“How DARE you reveal to the world that I killed Jon Benet Ramsey! You can’t keep other peoples’ secrets!!!!”
Jared stock drops some more.
It wasn’t Jared who said that, just the author of that article.
Thank you for correcting me.
Just wanted to get the record straight.
I hope Jared presents Trump in a positive light in his book. It could be very awkward on a lot of fronts if he doesn’t. At least the quotes about what Trump said to him before the surgery are good.
Jared accomplished great things for America. Trump gave him plenty of opportunity and latitude. Always delivered as best I can tell.
I’d be surprised if Jared takes cheap shots at Trump. Or even allows anything negative towards Trump in his book.
Exactly. Jared will be a total mensch!!!
An article came out after the 2016 election about the huge role that Jared played in the win. No one except the inner circle was aware of what he did.
Got the article on the stuff to read later today. Will be interesting to learn of his role back in 16. Thanks.
From my perch, Jared single handed, created Peace, between sworn enemies in the Middle East. Stuff no president or politico could do. certainly back to the sixties. Perhaps since Israel became a country.
Trump of course deserves incredible praise for making it all happen.
^^^ A herculean task.
Superb article.
It’s no wonder Trump trusted Jared to bring real peace to Middle East. is a leftist rag that puts enough truth in its articles so that it doesn’t get mistaken for a clone of the Washington Compost.
Sowing FUD, discord, and hate…..
Truth from Dr. Paul Alexander:
WOW – this is AWESOME. This is REAL SCIENCE standing up and giving POLITICIZED SCIENCE the sound advice it does not want to hear.
Democrats will do anything – use anybody – threaten anybody – deceive anybody – sacrifice anybody – in their quest for power.
Wolf Moon
The comments after the Dr. Alexander article refer to an NTI “Tabletop Exercise” in MARCH, 2021, of an ENHANCED MONKEYPOX VIRUS to be released in MAY, 2022, with the first cases noted in JUNE, 2022, in a fictional country called “Brinia.” By JANUARY, 2023, in this “tabletop exercise”, the disease has spread all over the place and there are 70 million cases. Here’s the NTI “tabletop exercise” document (this document was apparently published in November, 2021):
“Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats”
This report, IMO, is worth archiving / printout out, just in case it’s “disappeared” off the internet.
By the way, this “tabletop exercise” of March, 2021, just didn’t happen overnight or by a sort of “flash mob” thing. IMO, It took MONTHS for the simulation to be crafted, assembled, the conference to be set up, etc. (And whatever else was going on behind the scenes.)
The main thrust of the “tabletop exercise” appears to be the establishment and funding of UN- and WHO-controlled agencies to institute a “global public-health alert system” that would include UN- and WHO-controlled development and rollout of “medical interventions”, etc. — NTI calls this a “global biosurveillance system.”
Here’s the NY Post article on the NTI “tabletop exercise” that appeared on 28 May 2022:
And, guess what? The internet is crawling with “fact-checking” and “debunking” items about this “tabletop exercise” and the current monkeypox situation. Here’s the one from NTI itself, to “dispel unhelpful rumors and disinformation” —
This “statement” smells like a “caught with pants down justification” of the March, 2021 “tabletop exercise.”
What “assurance” is there that this current monkeypox virus ISN’T “enhanced”?
The evidence from the Portuguese scientists is that it IS enhanced!!!
^^^ Another surprise.
Next. Funded by FauXi / Walenski? UNC Chapel Hill or Wuhan lab(s)?
Wolf Moon
Exactly. And the virus appears to be microevolving at a pretty good clip.
If one is reading the Portuguese report correctly, it’s the DNA of the monkeypox virus that’s being “enhanced.”
One can posit that ** somebody ** was fooling around with the original Nigerian strain of the monkeypox right about the time of the NTI conference in Munich in March, 2021. The NTI “tabletop exercise” document from November, 2021, referenced above, makes it clear that the monkeypox virus spoken of in the document is ENHANCED.
And what about the “microevolution” that goes on in the bodies of those who are “vaccinated and boosted” against COVID-19? — not only leaving these people more vulnerable to getting infected by monkeypox (whether eor not through “intimate sexual contact”), but also perhaps opening the possibility that “vaccinated and boosted” persons are themselves unwittingly contributing to the genome divergences already showing up in the current monkeypox outbreak?
Yours Truly just went down some rabbit holes about monkeypox research.
It appears that the WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY has been experimenting with “slicing and dicing” the DNA of the monkeypox virus:
Published online February 28, 2022
“Efficient assembly of a large fragment of monkeypox virus genome as a qPCR template using dual-selection based transformation-associated recombination”
The scientists involved in this research work at the WIV.
Perhaps this is the ** somebody ** who was working on “enhancing” the monkepox virus at the time of the NTI conference in March, 2021?
Then, there’s an NIAID grantee working on a trial using the drug, tecovirimat, to treat monkeypox virus infection:
Project Number 75N91019D00024-P00001-759102000025-5
Through September 27, 2025
Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc., Frederick, MD
I highly respect Dr. Alexander – have read his comments/posts for years.
He calls it like it is! A real scientist!
He is not a ‘political’ scientist.
OOF! Even The Liberal New York Times Worries Kamala Harris Not Ready To Take Over For Biden
Apparently they think JB hasn’t been preparing K for the high office, which is an amazing thought to me because I don’t see JB as even being able to perform his own tasks, let alone think about or lead someone else. And I also think that cream rises to the top. She has had opportunities to shine, but she hasn’t done so.
So the NYTimes admits that JB is unpopular and that K isn’t prepared. I wonder who they have in mind to promote instead.
^^^ That ENTIRE quote is STOOPID on steroids.
Hoe has FAILED miserably every task given her.
Hoe has done NOTHING to demonstrate knowledge or competence EVERY time she opens her mouth.
Hoe thrives on her, Air Head Valley Girl Ignorance.
This OBAMA government by proxy SUCKS.
Gives a whole new meaning to “The Bs jbees”,,,,,
PERFECT example why Hoe is NOT qualified for anything beyond pleasing Willy.
(Hope it posts correctly)
^^^ Video…^^^
22 seconds.
Spacecowboy 777
CAUGHT: Machines Stole Another Race in Colorado – Flipped Vote Totals from GOP Grassroots Favorite Lynda Wilson After Election Called and Gave Them to RINO Lundeen — BRAZEN FRAUD!
CAUGHT: Machines Stole Another Race in Colorado – Flipped Vote Totals from GOP Grassroots Favorite Lynda Wilson After Election Called and Gave Them to RINO Lundeen — BRAZEN FRAUD!
Lynda Zamora Wilson (right) and Paul Lundeen Lynda Zamora Wilson is a retired US Air Force officer with a PhD in Economics, an MS in Mathematics, MA in International…
The Gateway Pundit
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6 replies
I don’t know what the remedy is for this, but it can’t stand.
I won’t lie. Wouldn’t mind seein’ military action in Colorado. It’s a beautiful state, and it’s ready for battle. If I have to fight commies, might as well be there. Nothing closer to a communist takeover than what happened in Colorado.
If they can fix things peaceful, great. But otherwise, they’ve gotta be fixed.
Fake Elections are a SHAME on America. Any RINO or NeverTrumper who supports them is BURN IN HELL material, as far as I’m concerned.
Warroom, they’re in front of a judge now to disqualify ‘uncertified’ dominion machines used in elections.
“I don’t know what the remedy is for this,”
It’s low-tech, but small, physical projectiles, propelled by black powder, through a metal tube, still works.
I’m kinda partial to flame-throwers…
The “spark of inspiration”, as it wee…..
If only there was a LAW against stealing elections.
Then maybe something would actually happen, like people getting put in PRISON and elections being OVERTURNED.
But that would only happen in a land where the RULE OF LAW prevailed, not in a Banana Republic, like America.
It’s almost like we live under communism or something!
In Colorado we get an email telling us that our ballots are in the mail to us. We get another notice when our ballots are received. We just need one to tell us how they actually counted our vote.
(sorry) $hit-sucking bastard…
Tired of all this.
Get rid of Dominion and ALL ELECTRONIC VOTING “AIDS” (just as infectious as the read thing), and go back to PAPER BALLOTS, PHOTO ID, and supervised MANUAL tabulation…
Socks (like princess sparkley socks) appears to be a Democrat
This is a good article by Don Surber re: Justice Kagan’s comment about “the will of the people” (vs. justices doing what the Constitution says). IMO, her comment is grounds for further investigation and possible impeachment. The article lists a number of wrong-headed SCOTUS decisions that were popular at the time.
Dred Scott was popular, Justice Kagan
^^^ Nicely done, Kari.
Guessing Little Mikee
Pencesaid, Kari supported or liked hildabeast.Gonna be interesting.
Micron man…..
Vax is 2X deadlier than virus – The Burning Platform
He makes good points, but his anti-Trump bias is showing again.
Oops, I posted that in the wrong place. I’m referring to the Market Ticker article. It’s Karl Denninger who has the anti-Trump bias.
Gotcha! Yeah, this is Steve Kirsch!
He’s having a huge war with the “no virus” crew. All in all, this will be BAD for Fraudci, Alinsky, and Scarfenstein.
Scarfenstein lol

LOL! She needs her own emoji for sure!!!
“And I would have gotten away with it, too, if you meddling kids hadn’t read my autobiography!”
Please…I have a scarf collection that rivals dingie Debbie’s. There has to be something else to hang around her neck.
You’re not thinking of hemp?
Only a Garage-pull away
Denninger is anti-social – period. When he kicks his alcohol habit, he might be more friendly.
No, I don’t know for sure that he has a drinking problem but he displays all the symptoms of having one.
How Many Frauds Do You Permit? in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
Lockdown victims?
Children’s Hepatitis Outbreak Culprit Found as Scientists Identify Two Viruses and Blame Lockdown for Weakening Immune Systems – The Daily Sceptic
via Bernhard @ MoA
July 26, 2022
Exclusions And Sanctions Help ‘Enemies’ To Build Their Own Capabilities
The hostile behavior the ‘west’ is showing towards China and Russia has consequences.
The International Space Station is losing the Russian modules it needs to maneuver. The U.S. will immediately have to build new propulsion modules if it wants to save it.
Russia to withdraw from International Space Station after 2024
The U.S. had planned to operate the station until 2031:
Cont. reading: Exclusions And Sanctions Help ‘Enemies’ To Build Their Own Capabilities
Posted by b at 14:53 UTC |
Elon Musk, call your office immediately.
STUNNING… New England Journal of Medicine: Unvaxxed COVID Patients Contagious for LESS TIME than Vaxxed COVID Patients
Vaccine Addiction Slavery Confirmed by Canadian Data
This is exactly the same as the other data. One has to get BOOSTED to recover. And then it happens again.
The last paragraph strongly implies that the ‘booster shots’ had some effect. Unless they excluded booster people from the study, in which case no one knows what those shots might do.
Boosters help recover specific spike immunity, centered on whatever variant they are modeled on. HOWEVER, they not only don’t give broad immunity to COVID variants (like natural immunity does) – they DECREASE GENERAL IMMUNITY, including to COVID variants, broadly.
The closest analogy is addiction to an inherently risky and damaging drug.
If NIH was honest, they would tell people this. But they’re not. They’re addicted to Pfizer profits – and Fauci and Walensky are read in on the depopulation plan. Those two will kill and sterilize as many as they can before they are stopped.
And what is the plan for the Kiev regime to heat the homes in the winter?
Timely question. Naftogaz was unable to make payment on Eurobonds today.
Bloomberg reports:
Ukraine’s state-owned energy company said it’s on track to default on its foreign bonds after the government issued a decree last week compelling it to pursue a debt moratorium that creditors have so far rejected.
A grace period for NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy to redeem $335 million of international bonds is due to expire on Tuesday. Without the consent of bondholders for a moratorium, or permission from the government for Naftogaz to make the payment, the missed transfer could trigger a cross default event on at least $1.4 billion of its foreign notes.
“It is acknowledged that certain Events of Default have or will occur as a result of the Resolution and the resulting failure to pay,” the company said in a statement, referring to the Kyiv government’s decree on Friday.
Not sure if Hunter is gonna get a bonus for this.
He still thinks he’s going to win by, erm, a nose….
New American Tech
Most of today’s cell phones originate in China.
It is reported a US manufacturer is set to bring phone manufacture back to the US with a revolutionary new US design. Consisting of a moulded plastic body sporting a round rotary dial expressly engineered to favour ageing hard-of-sight western populations, the device does not connect to the Internet as a security precaution. It also lacks video display capability to reduce the immoral American practice of watching porn at work, on public transit, while in school, in bed, and everywhere else.
A second key security feature is found in a handset which rests on top of the moulded plastic body and connects to it using a coiled flexible wire. When in use this handset is placed adjacent to the head to permit confidential reporting of suspect activity by neighbours, subversives, or members of the same household.
A third security feature is found in the fact the ensemble is too large and bulky to be easily carried away by thieves thereby protecting the consumer’s $2,000 investment in advanced communications technology. Techniphone design features are thereby protected from falling into the hands of foreign intelligence services and their ceaseless theft of US technology.
Finally, to meet the Government’s “Green Prescription Edict” no batteries are required thereby minimizing US demand for foreign lithium carbonate and other extremely rare earths. Each advanced Techniphone is powered by highly sustainable “Thurnberg Energy” delivered to it by a green wire which directly connects the customer to the US government’s wire interception and greenish power facility.
This advanced communications technology is available in the customer’s colour preference: Verdant Forest, Tranquil Mint, Iceberg Green, and Arugula. Trusted citizens in the NATO Satrapy Network are also able to obtain restricted use Techniphone licenses in any colour so long as it is black.
H/T Sushi
Apparently that technology is still supported on at least some phone networks. Which surprised me.
I have a friend with a rotary-dialed wall phone that works, IIRC. I was shocked – I had to use it!
Another friend has a hand-crank model with one horn you talk into and one for your ear, but it’s just decorative now.
When I was in college, the phone system was so antiquated it did NOT support tone dial.
When I needed to call home, however, I had to dial an access number, and then input a code (back in the days when alternate long distance had to work that way). But that access number HAD TO be touch tone. If you pulse-dialed it, it just hung you up, because pulse dialing is, after all, disconnecting/reconnecting rapidly. A system that doesn’t expect that will just detect the disconnect and have-a-nice-day you.
So I had to get a phone that had a switch between the two modes, first dial 9 in pulse to get an outside line, then call the access number (either way), then switch to touch tone to enter the code.
I actually got good enough at just hitting the switch nine times quickly, to get an outside line without having to be on pulse dial.
Shortly after I graduated they completely modernized the phone system, and I suspect it won’t accept pulse dial at all.
I love the phone reminesces SteveInCo…brings back some fun memories….thanks for sharing :0)
I had a Radio Shack phone dialer where you’d push the button on the top and it would dial out the clicks it had stored in memory.
Centrex is not your friend….
When I first was traveling around Europe for my laser company, I had a little (Radio Shack) tone generator in order to be able to generate the various dial codes, many of which weren’t available on the European (thank GOD it wasn’t the EU) dial codes of the time…..
And don’t even get me started on X.25 and CCITT…
We had a Deutsche Telekom Datex-P modem that I swear was a TUBE modem. Weighed about 20 pounds!!!
Ahhhhhh, the not-so-good old days
When I was little, I remember my Grandma had a black table top phone with a raised (so your finger could go through the holes) black metal rotary dial, and a straight cloth cord, IIRC. I think the numbers were printed on the dial itself, in either white or gold paint. The handset may have been made out of bakelite. Probably from the 1950s.
Then at some point it was upgraded to the standard 70s phone (normal square-ish blob shape, normal looking handset) with a clear plastic rotary dial and the numbers printed in white underneath the clear dial, with a curly handset cord.
I miss the original ring-tone from the real (bell) ringer. It reverberated slightly.
Only hear it in old movies now…
I think I have posted about that before, either that, or I just had a deja vu moment
First time I had read it scott467. It was a delightful read and I was quickly taken back to my childhood/teenage years…If it is a repost, I am very happy that I came across it….reposts=good memories…it’s all good :0)
Uh … it ain’t deja vu if it hasn’t happened at least once already.
Agreed, I said ‘either’ (it happened once already) OR (it didn’t) (in which case…) it’s a deja vu moment.
May not have been entirely clear.
Scott467, When my grandparents retired, my family moved into their home. On the wall was the very exact phone that you describe. My parents kept that phone until the phone company required that they update to the new phone with the clear dial plate.
The dial on the old phones wasn’t silent, one would put your finger on the number 5 and then rotate the dial until your finger hit the stop plate. The dial was absolutely silent as it headed to its destination, but once you removed your finger, the dial would “click” five times on its route to its original setting. 5 clicks for the number 5, 6 clicks for the number six and so on..when I was a kid, I loved phone numbers that contained the number 0.
We were also on a party line….and we kids used to love listening in on other peoples conversations….the early precursor of a surveillance system :0)
When I was a teen, we were on a 6 party line – our number was 630-W1 – and there were 4 teen age girls in our home. We spent a LOT of time on the phone with other girls and boyfriends.
The other parties often complained to the phone company and the company would call my mother and threaten to disconnect our phone. Mama would reply – I wish you would!!!! Then I can finally have some peace and quiet.
Then the phone company would try to sell her back the phone service.
HA! We were De-2091 with the whole neighborhood on the line!!
“Is your refrigerator running?”
“Well, you’d better go and catch it”
Murphy’s Mortuary…
You Fluff ’em, We Stuff ’em
and the list goes on
Do you have Prince Albert in a can?
Well let him out!
What’s wrong with you?!?
Those types of phone numbers remind me of something I have seen on antique beer cans from the 1930s.
The first canned beer was Krueger’s Beer (and Cream Ale), IIRC it was test marketed in 1933 and officially distributed in early 1935. Cans were made by the American Can Co. They were sealed cans that required a can opener, with opening instructions on the side, and a drawing of a can opener, and how to use it to punch a triangular hole in the top of the can. .
Most beers were regional, except for a few (Budweiser, Pabst, Miller, and maybe a couple others). Miller was unsure enough about the new concept of selling beer in cans that they did not use their “High Life” brand logo until several years later, but they did feature the girl in the moon logo.
Here’s the original Miller can:
They had to remind people to “Cool Before Serving”
I think Pabst did the same thing, not using the “Blue Ribbon” brand on cans until canned beer was proven successful.
There were also cone top cans introduced a little later in 1935, that had a metal cone, like motor oil cans.
This one is from Fort Wayne, Indiana. I had one of these in my collection when I was a kid, my first cone top. Can collecting was a big thing in the early 1970s, and this can was about the coolest thing I had ever seen
It said Trade Mark Registered U.S. Patent Office Copyright 1935 on the side panel. When I was a kid, 1935 seemed like a thousand years ago, so I always showed the date to everybody
Anyway, I remember one can, called Ambrosia, that had the brewery’s phone number right there on the front of the can.
Originally brewed by the South Side Brewing Co. of Chicago, then by the Ambrosia Brewing Co.
If you wanted to talk to anybody at the brewery, just give ’em a call at YARDS 2213
I’m surprised it doesn’t say “And ask for Annie” or something

Or maybe “YARDS” was a reference to the stock yards, and the phone number was just “2213”.
Very often, breweries would sell off their depleted grains as animal feed.
All I can say as a (former) GBBA union card hilder is, IT’S BETTER IN BOTTLES!
That’s a great survey of a tiny piece of times gone by.
My grandfather had a replica Sears Catalog from, IIRC, 1929. When I’d visit him as a kid, I’d page through it and think about how life was when he was a kid.
My husband has a whole collection of beer cans. Our kids got into the hobby and left them in the garage. One day my husband promised to crush them and take them for scrap. I mean there are boxes and boxes full of them.
You may want to save any that are pre-1950-or-so and put them on ebay.
“One day my husband promised to crush them as take them for scrap.”
You might want to have those appraised, if any of them are in nice condition and from the 1950s or earlier (before tab-tops, when a can opener was required to open them).
That Ambrosia can in the photo above recently sold for $7,980.
The Miller can should be about $400 in condition like the one in the photo, but they have been selling for over $1,000 since Covid sent the collectibles market skyward.
I guess a lot of people retired and took up hobbies they had when they were kids, except now they can afford the kinds of cans that were too expensive (or just hadn’t been found yet) when they were younger.
The highest price I’ve seen a can go for is $45,600 for this Storz Winterbru:
That’s an insane price, just a couple years ago that can would have sold for $4k or less (which itself is kind of insane).
This early Pabst Ale can recently sold for $38,190:
This early 1940s White Horse cone top recently sold for $45,030:
Often, the more graphic (colors or depictions) the can, the more desirable it is to collectors.
If you were looking at a shelf holding a thousand old cans, that White Horse would jump right out at you, you couldn’t miss it
Singingsoul, I was going through open tabs and remembered this discussion. I am biased toward the older cans, but I have noticed that many of the pull tab cans from the 60s and 70s are bringing good prices too.
The majority of pull-tab cans are not worth much, because so many people collected and saved them, but there are still plenty of examples that do have collector value that it would be worth having the collection evaluated before throwing them out.
Just a thought!
I forgot to include a picture of the Krueger’s Beer, the very first beer can:
The following year they put a hat on the K-man waiter logo, so this first year label is referred to as a “Baldie”
You can hear that ringer every 15 minutes on On The Edge show, hosted by Thayrone X, on WAAM 1600 AM from 3-6 ET.
I stream the show on my smartass phone over iHeart.
Before the iPhone there was the Princess phone. The first custom designed phone I can remember that was marketed with a model name. Yes it was designed to appeal to the womenfolk.
Not forgetting the lighted dial, the pastel color, and the gently-curved shape… and its “inparalled” portability (probably the birth of the 25-foot phone cord)…..
Both the phones, ringers, and circuits to drive them are available via the interwebs…
I have one of those fancy Ericsson one-piece phones (that looks like it congealed) that I’m going to interface with the phone system. The telco is not too happy about such things, but I have a mini-PBX that will keep them at bay…. What they don’t know won’t hurt me
I also have one of those boat-anchor ATT/Western Electric push-button touch-tone phones with the REAL ringers…. that’s proving to be a bit more of a challenge… might actually have to get off my hiney and design and build some xface stuff…
We had friends who lived up in Oregon who had one of those crank-it-to-dial phones (little dynamo to put voltage on the line). Worked like a champ…
In Popular Mechanics way-back-when they had an article about using a phonograph turntable to create the impulses to dial a call… I think it was in the early 1960s (and out in my garage .( or
MY, how things have changed over the years. And the AC/DC radios, “Gutless Wonders” with tubes that added up to 120V (filament voltage) so that they could run at 120V, either AC or DC, hacving no filament trafo… those tuve tubes are still available as a set… 50C5, 35AW4, et. al….
Well, we still have one in our home … just sayin’ …
And then there’s always “Ernestine” keeping “the General” in line
Oh, and here’s an original from decades before Lily Tomline (“Born to Dance” (1936))
Almost the same dialect…
DoJ is evil…
Secondthird try)I go back and forth between revulsion, a sick fascination like watching a train wreck, and embarrassment for our country.
Only thing one can do in this time of sick, perverted, evil is to lean back, take a break, grab some white lightning, and enjoy good, clean, old-fashined humor:
Those are so fun!
It wasn’t until years after I watched Hee-Haw as a kid that I realized it was done in the “House Style” of the Grand Ol’ Opry, as long established at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville.
Mind you, it wasn’t filmed there all the time — quite a lot of it was done on soundstages all over — but that was the source of the aesthetic. This was reinforced by frequent appearances by Grandpa Jones, Minnie Pearl, and others off the GOO cast.
It is all planned out. Scripted. AND NO, I am not saying this is a movie.
Planned take down of Trump by Deep State. Lest given questions to ask. Garland prepped with the right answers.
DoJ breaks the ice, possible to
prosecutepersecute Trump.Well, if Austin and Milley can lie with a straight face, say that Nato/Ukraine are winning, Garland can lie and say whatever about Trump.
Lying is what sociopaths easily do.
^^^ True. AND, they
will goare going after Trump.Of course they’ll lie. It’s what they do every day.
We may have had a like article yesterday.
~20 seconds.
Let the truth be known.
From Twitter (By LauraAboli)
Three large American multinationals bought 17 million hectares of Ukrainian agricultural land.
These are Cargill, Dupont and Monsanto (which is officially German-Australian but with American capital). Five percent of Ukrainian agricultural land was subsequently purchased by the Chinese state. For comparison, the whole of Italy has 16.7 million hectares of agricultural land.
In short, three American companies bought more useful agricultural land in Ukraine than the whole of Italy.
Among the main shareholders of these three companies are Vanguard, Blackrock, Blackstone.
So the poorer Ukranians are dying to save the “investments” of US firms. Who would have thought it – particularly as I also thought all land was “State” owned.
Meanwhile zelensky is doing photo shoots with his wife for Vogue.
phoenix:/ where are they… ? Vogue would not be photoshooting in UKr, would they?
MSM is “saying” they are in Kiev
The Great Fake of Kiev…
By Out-And-Proud Muggorksy?
:0) phoenix…I know Vogue is “tacky”, but I have a hard time thinking Vogue has fallen so far that they’d do a fashion shoot in Ukraine during “war time”. If they are in Kyiv, it kinda gives a new definition to “wartime correspondant” doesn’t it??
Yes… a new definition indeed!
They would never feature our gorgeous FLOTUS
BUT they feature a FOREIGN ‘First Lady’ …
And a “First Trans” (or “First Man”)…..
May they burn in their own petty hell…
Hi Cuppa …
H/t Citizen Free Press, this is video of the Dallas airport shooting. It’s over 5 minutes long, but the incident happens within the first minute or so.
She arrives in an Uber, walks into a restroom, comes out with her hoodie securely on her head, walks around a little, stands around, and then fires at the ceiling. A policeman comes into the frame before she shoots. I don’t know if she saw him or not. I also don’t know why the police were there. Do they routinely patrol the airport? It was fortunate that one was in the exact area where she was.
You can see her go down after being shot. Most of the people ducked when the shooting started. The younger and more agile ones got down fast. It’s a sad commentary that people of all ages need to be agile enough to duck when shooting starts, but I think it’s a good idea.
IIRC. Three recent shooting, all three shooters go to restroom. Come out shooting.
Indiana (Greenville?), Houston Love Field, DFW.
Thought of a TP shortage is REALLY stressing people out
Waiting for the go signal over the phone.
Shooting up with some dutch courage.
It’s Dallas Love.
Houston has IAH and Hobby.
Haven’t been to Hobby in years but at IAH once you go inside there’s nothing but ticket counters and kiosks, no restrooms available. You must show ticket in order to go through metal detectors. No longer can friends or loved ones accompany you to the gate, must have ticket to go to terminals/shops/restaurants.
I’m thinking it had something to do with drug running or other contraband. Her shooting seems to be some kind of diversion as a warning to someone or so someone could grab something like a bag on a carousal where the person who was supposed to retrieve the bag ducks for cover when she shoots and some third person swoops in and grabs the bag in the confusion. It also looks like she saw the cop go for his radio which spooked her into shooting? Apparently she has a rap sheet.
It definitely could have been a diversion. It was a dangerous one, though!
Texas gunner race.
Houston Love
Drumming up anti 2A rhetorica.
via Andrei Martyanov’s Blog
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Take a Note.
Hungary begins to prepare.
Now, apart from this news, get this–a very positive, if not to say more–very pro-Hungarian article at Ria by Petr Akopov, titled (in Russian):
Which is: Europe will be sorry that it didn’t understand Hungarian. It is a remarkable piece, plus, Hungary’s Foreign Minister just visited Moscow, for gas talks, with Russia immediately responding that Moscow will provide all Hungary’s energy necessities starting from the increased volumes of gas Hungary asked for recently. But…
It is clear that gas issue was just one of the topics discussed in Moscow. Plus, of course, all those pro-forma calls for cease-fire in Ukraine. What was discussed behind closed doors remains, for now, a matter of speculations but we know that is was discussed.
Russia,”Wanna eat bugs or caviar?”
They just don’t care how stupid they look.
Meanwhile, the
One would not be surprised to learn that the establishment GOP is working “behind the scenes and behind closed doors” WITH the Garland farcical DOJ.
This is how we sort them out.
The next 24 hours will give us the top heroes and the top villains.
I can name only a very few whom I would expect to speak up: Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene. Josh Hawley? There are a few who aren’t in Congress like Kari Lake, Devin Nunes, Kash Patel, Ric Grenell. I hope I (we) will be pleasantly surprised, but I don’t expect it. So many are cowards and sold out.
It’s OK. We have to know the truth. We have to know who the cowards are – and then we make their lives HELL.
Rand Paul too.
I’ll tell you right now.
Every Republican who does not step up for Trump is a TRAITOR.
This is the biggest wheat-chaff sorter EVER.
Ok, they get a few days. Then what? Cause this is new territory.
This is like boiling a mixture – like a distillation. Trump’s greatest real friends and real enemies will be clear very quickly. Trump’s real allies will make themselves known quickly, and those who jab in their own knife will be clear, too.
THEN we will see the big chunk in the middle going back and forth, up and down. WE sort them out.
DO NOT take the bait on violence of any kind.
What’s happening is that DOJ is about to make itself destroyable. LET THEM DO IT.
Dont get in the way. Ok. I just dont want to see passivity as weakness.
Keep it as speech. Don’t take the bait. They are giving us carte blanche to assist them on their way to HELL.
Would this be similar to that cry bully term? They cause it, then why corrected, lash out at the correction? Federal cry bullies.
Yes – but they’re CRY-BULLYING OVER A HOAX.
January 6th was just another hoax. We have to start treating it as a hoax. We have to start calling it a hoax. It’s another one of their engineered hoaxes.
January 6 was Jussie Smollett BIG TIME.
This is what Gregg Phillips was talking about! White hats know what Kapo and the Dems are up to.
It would be great if they could nip it in the bud before putting PDJT, all of us, and the country through a lot of persecution and angst.
The trick is just to be IMMUNE to their crap, so it backfires in the destruction of DOJ and FBI.
They were GOING TO DO THIS. They were ALWAYS going to do this.
THEY HAVE TO DO THIS. They cannot NOT do this.
There was no way they would ever NOT do this.
But if WE stay with Trump, THEY ARE DESTROYED.
All of them.
This is the big revelation I had a while back.
Trump was the ONE CANDIDATE they could not tolerate in 2016.
Trump is the ONE CANDIDATE they cannot tolerate in 2024.
The Deep State wants ANYBODY but Trump. Even DeSantis is HOPE for them.
And this is the KEY. If they say “anybody but him”, they are still in control.
Trump is their kryptonite.
And weirdly, if they destroy Trump, they destroy themselves.
Sundance called this in 2016. Remember how he said something to the effect of “Trump is our murder weapon against the deep state”?
It’s the same thing now. It’s that RAT Robby Mook, and that WEASEL David Plouffe.
They will do ANYTHING to destroy Trump.
Trump is America getting well, and destroying the infection.
I have known for a long time that they have to stop Trump. I’ve said it, and we’ve probably all said it. It was clear, with the J6 committee, that he was the real target. So I’ve known it in my head, but it’s different when it starts to come true. They are moving fast, and they are desperate. This is persecution of the worst sort, to cheat someone and then (try to) prosecute that innocent person for speaking out about it and trying to rectify it. They must be stopped.
It looks as if things are going to come to a head now. I don’t know if they realize how many of us know about their treachery — but I don’t think they care, either. As you say, they HAVE to do this. I’ve got my popcorn and other things ready.
We all need to eat the popcorn until we find our own, unique, special prize at the bottom.
‘Top Chef’ Alum Dies Unexpectedly of Heart Attack at 46
First we would hear of these every now and then, then a couple a week, then almost every day, and now sometimes several in one day. They might not all be from the vax, but it’s still a lot of young and middle-aged people dying suddenly.
May he RIP.