For those who do not know, we here in the Lion of the Valley, aka the STL region, got slammed with record rainfall in the wee hours of Tuesday. As in the Emergency Broadcast Service alarm and flash flood warning was issued at three o’clock in the morning when it was dark outside, and pouring and blared on every phone in the house.
Seriously…we went from one rainy day in six weeks to this:

That is the MetroLink station at Forest Park/DeBaliviere where the two mass transit rail lines come together. I’ve spent a lot of time on that platform over the years. In its existence, yeah, there’s been some minor flooding, but the platform has never been totally covered. To put it mildly, we’ve got a mess here. My part of STL County, at the low parts, got hit REALLY hard. Chain link fences along the open storm drains are down everywhere. Thankfully, building in the flood plains was kept to a minimum.
And I’m a little punchy, so here it goes:
America First Policy Institute…we love him more than the think tank.
About Senator Grassley’s strongly worded letter to the FBI and DOJ….
From Sundance:
Senator Chuck Grassley Outlines “Systemic Institutional Corruption” Within Dept of Justice and FBI
Unfortunately, what this amounts to, is Senator Grassley is telling Chris Wray and Merrick Garland, the leaders of the institutionally corrupt activity, that they are systemically corrupt. Which is akin to telling a criminal that he is engaged in unlawful conduct.
and Technofrog:
FBI Whistleblowers Allege FBI Scheme to Protect Hunter Biden and Joe Biden
If these allegations are true, it’s a damning depiction of FBI leadership and it proves their efforts to influence the 2020 election. This is the second (if not third) straight election the FBI has meddled in, given the influence the Trump/Russia investigation – and its unlawful origins with the FBI – had over the 2018 midterms.
What good will this do? Maybe some waking up of still snoozing normies, but not much else.
These Post-Vaccine Blood Clots Aren’t Blood Clots: There’s Something Very Strange Going On
Essentially, they analyzed the elemental composition of the post-vaccine clots from deceased samples and compared those to naturally-occurring blood clots in untampered (non-injected) human blood. He says he has found several things that are “shocking.”
#1) The post-vaccine clots are not made of blood
The science sorts here will parse this further, I trust.
The Professional Republican Club Blames Inflation and More Discerning MAGA Supporters for Failure to Support Selected Club Candidates
The professionally republican party members, led by Ronna McDaniel Inc, are not happy with the grassroots MAGA voters who are not filling their party campaign coffers at the anticipated rate.
If the donors of the grassroot MAGA base continue to withhold financial contributions, mostly due to a lack of club alignment with the priorities of the voting base and the right wing of the DC UniParty refusing to act for our interests, the professional republican club business may suffer. The tenured board members of the club are not happy. Not happy at all.
Boo effing who.
CNN crying towel piece:
How two Texas megadonors have turbocharged the state’s far-right shift
This is Texas now: While the Lone Star State has long been a bastion of Republican politics, new laws and policies have taken Texas further to the right in recent years than it has been in decades.
Elected officials and political observers in the state say a major factor in the transformation can be traced back to West Texas. Two billionaire oil and fracking magnates from the region, Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks, have quietly bankrolled some of Texas’ most far-right political candidates — helping reshape the state’s Republican Party in their worldview.
And a lot of Americans agree.
Senator Liawatha Rants Big Mad with Forked Tongue
Essentially Liawatha is big mad because Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is raising interest rates into a contracting economy.
The duplicitous senator accurately notes what the fed chairman is doing is only going to deepen the recession and hurt main street worse.
American workers are going to suffer, and the middle-class is going to bear the majority of the pain inflicted by the Biden administration policy.
All of that is true, but Fauxcahontus is not stupid. Instead, she attempts to distance herself with forked tongue while knowing the monetary policy is specifically designed to support the energy policy she demands.
Bee-Line to Extinction: TBS Kills Off Leftist Sam Bee’s ‘Comedy’ Show
It’s about effing time.
Knoxville’s Leanne Morgan is funny, but she isn’t political, so….
Reading room items:
The harridans on ‘The View’ got rebuked by their own legal department
Where did the money go? Ukraine set to default on loans after American taxpayers provided tens of billions in aid
What Greens don’t get about volcanoes, oceans, and weather
The Republican Party is about to betray Christians and destroy the traditional family
Tucker Carlson targets up a serious, dangerous crisis in American science
Anderson Cooper: It’s Weird That Democrats Are Funding GOP Candidates They Say Are Threats To Democracy
And…of course:

Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

JEREMIAH 15:10, 16-21
10Woe is me, my mother, that you bore me, a man of strife and contention to the whole land! I have not lent, nor have I borrowed, yet all of them curse me. 16Thy words were found, and I ate them, and thy words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart; for I am called by thy name, O LORD, God of hosts. 17I did not sit in the company of merrymakers, nor did I rejoice; I sat alone, because thy hand was upon me, for thou hadst filled me with indignation. 18Why is my pain unceasing, my wound incurable, refusing to be healed? Wilt thou be to me like a deceitful brook, like waters that fail? 19Therefore thus says the LORD: “If you return, I will restore you, and you shall stand before me. If you utter what is precious, and not what is worthless, you shall be as my mouth. They shall turn to you, but you shall not turn to them. 20And I will make you to this people a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you, but they shall not prevail over you, for I am with you to save you and deliver you, says the LORD. 21I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked, and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless.”
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another, as well as Gil, RDS, Bakocarl, Nora, Cthulhu (who is getting prayers whether it’s life threatening or not) and any others facing serious health issues right now..

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
Those floods you’ve got — are they still higher than the rivers, or are the rivers backing up into them?
The big rivers were close to zero 48 hours ago, so backing up is putting water in the navigation channels. It’s those of us upstream in the tributaries/storm drains that are at issue. Close to where I am, all chain link fences along the open storm drain which was once a natural river have been flattened.
So, once the tributaries/storm drains run into the rivers, things will start to become normal? That sounds hopeful.
Until it starts raining again. Expected before dawn tomorrow.
Stay safe, DePat! Prayers up for you and your family and your city.
This house is close to the top of a hill,20′ at least above flood. We’re good, but many others aren’t. Thanks, though. The people below us were cleaning out basements today.
I found this article this morning. It might help your neighbors:
“ST. LOUIS – Eight U-Haul locations will offer up to 30 days of free storage for people impacted by flash flooding Tuesday in the St. Louis region.
U-Haul is also offering one free month of U-Box container usage. The services come as part of U-Haul’s disaster relief program.”
Thanks. Whole neighborhoods were under water yesterday. Even swanky Ladue, which has little streams all over the place, has a mess on its hands.
All those poor people. What a mess.
I’d post more on what got damaged, but it will most definitely give away my municipality, if nothing else.
Better safe than sorry.
Please be safe if out and about. IMO, in situations like the one where St. Louis is now, “standing water” can become “rushing water” very fast.
One way to deal with this marriage bill would be to add all kinds of STRONG amendments that preserve free speech and religious freedoms for those who don’t believe in gay marriage or polygamy. Churches don’t have to hire gays and trans – etc. I mean, add all kinds of bulletproof protections in the Senate, so that it’s overwhelmingly good for US – then vote FOR IT.
Then Pelosi and Schumer are stuck with FREEDOM FOR EVERYBODY – or they DEEP SIX THE WHOLE THING.
Going on offense with an attacking defense.
Looks like idiot Liz Cheney is responsible for Cassidy Hutchinson changing her testimony from HUGE MAGA FAN to OMG, DAY OF HORROR.
Read to the end.
Yup always follow the $$
In this case who’s paying the bills.
Yup. She was like a scared rabbit, maneuvered into “doing what was needed to pay the bills”.
It’s IRONIC AS HELL – she gave Cheney exactly what she wanted, and it BLEW UP because it was all normally inadmissible BAD evidence.
“I’m not a “climate change denier.” ”
I’m not either.
I’m a climate change force multiplier, doing what I can personally, and encouraging others to increase their carbon footprint to cartoonish levels, and help warm this planet up, pronto.
Gotta save the planet from an unnecessary ice age with more CO2!
but then again…elsewhere…
so it’s like ya just never know.
don’t worry
be happy
The tweet by Joseph Flynn telling Catherine Engelbrecht “Ok Let’s see it” is par for the course from what I’ve seen of him. That was not a supportive message, and it was uncalled for. Support would look like “Can’t wait to see it” or “I’m hopeful about this” or “Appreciate the work you’re doing.” He appears to be sowing doubt and division.
I kinda got that impression, too. It was borderline disrespectful. I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, but IMO Catherine and Gregg should take all the time they need.
I do understand the people anxious for things to be shown NOW, but I get Gregg and Catherine making sure they get maximum traction out of the reveal.
I’ve seen other things he has written, and I don’t like his attitude. I’d like to ask him what he is doing to fight election fraud and to right the wrongs of 2020.
This comment gives me some interesting thoughts. Need to think a bit….
You can put me in the Flynn-doubter column. All of them.
I’ve been giving those guys side-eye for a LONG time now.
Yup, too many non-profits collecting $$, too many no-show board seats collecting $$, and the incessant speaking tours charging ridiculous money. The whole family feels low and dark to me.
Some of it smacks of dissembling…
It’s all just “off” to me.
Always gratuitously profane. and stupid-sounding. Like sub-par for middle school.
First random observation — I tried to do a Wells Fargo account-to-account. I do all my banking on a separate Raspberry Pi computer with no connection to anything else, and with an RSA fob, but it got squirrelly clicking its mouse. So, I phoned it in. When I got done (with additional verification), she asked if there was anything else, and I wished her a pleasant quiet evening.
People have largely forgotten how to be nice to one another.
I’m trying to get rid of a bunch of old paperwork.
Whenever I went on a trip, or the Fiancee and I went on a trip, we’d start booking airlines and hotels and event tickets and layovers vehicles and car rentals places — and print out all the confirmations….and we’d get a 9×12 envelope to put everything in. Typically, we’d start with an airport shuttle from our house, and end with an airport shuttle to our house.
Once we had the entire trip in our mind, we’d get a red pen out and mark A, B, C, D on the envelope while marking the confirmations with their corresponding letter. I just dredged up “H”, a stay at the Sandman Hotel, Victoria, BC in August of 2015.
Having everything pre-arranged in an envelope greatly simplified travel. You’d stand in line — no matter how jet-lagged — and get to the desk, ascertain what you wanted and look it up on the envelope, then dip inside to get the documents marked with the same letter.
“I’m trying to get rid of a bunch of old paperwork.”
A dumpster fire in the back yard would do the trick, and give the climate a boost.
Two stones with one bird
“Russia has transferred test systems for detecting smallpox to Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
This was reported in Rospotrebnadzor.”
From the Karl Denninger article at Market-ticker, posted here yesterday:
How Many Frauds Do You Permit? (7-26-22)
“A recent systemic review, the highest form of statistical evidence in medicine, has found that:
Let me clarify that: Virtually all anti-depressants are SSRIs. That is, they interfere with the natural uptake and elimination of serotonin, and thus rest on the claim that depression is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain.
There is no convincing evidence this is true. Not some evidence, not a preponderance of evidence, no evidence.
Worse, these drugs are both habit-forming and dangerous, in that withdrawal can produce extreme psychiatric disturbance including suicide. As I’ve pointed out repeatedly in this column there is an utterly stunning correlation between young people, specifically those under 25 who are on these drugs and “rage monster” events including a wild over-representation of said persons committing mass homicides.”
So consider this.
If I understand correctly, most (if not nearly all) mass-shooters are both under age 25 and on anti-depressants.
And as has become an open running joke, nearly all mass-shooters are in direct contact with FIB agents or “retired” FIB agents.
If you want to set one of these people-bombs off, imagine how easy it would be for an FIB handler to substitute sugar pills for the intended shooter’s SSRI pills.
Instant withdrawal, unknown to the prospective shooter, causing extreme psychiatric disturbance, with an extra dose of being egged on by FIB handlers.
They could be doing this to hundreds of teenagers per year. Certainly the FIB would have done statistical analysis to calculate how many of their subjects would need to experience the psychotic effects of sudden withdrawal in order to result in at least one mass-shooting event.
Maybe it’s a dozen, maybe it’s five dozen, maybe it’s a hundred.
This method would also allow the FIB to target a specific geographic area, if desired.
They could do it easily, and no one would ever know, unless an autopsy was performed and there is a test for anti-depressant withdrawal, and that test is performed.
There would never be a reason for such a test to be performed, because there would be no reason to suspect that the shooter’s anti-depressants had been tampered with in the first place.
Good lord, Scott, that’s some theory.
And it would WORK, too.
I don’t want to think about the implications of this.
It would be interesting to know whether the FIB handlers who are in contact with mass-shooters have prior training in the ‘anti’ child-trafficking FIB units.
In order for an FIB agent to successfully portray him or herself as a potential victim to some online perv, they would necessarily get to know how online pervs operate, which manipulation techniques work on young people and which don’t. ‘Know your enemy’.
Then flip that skill set, and use the knowledge of how online pervs operate to manipulate troubled teenagers and young men for other purposes.
Use the similar online skill set to locate and identify troubled youths, and use similar skills to then groom them. But instead of grooming them for trafficking, they could just as easily be groomed to stoke hatred and violence.
When you need a mass-shooting in some particular city, send 10 or 15 of your groomed targets from that geographic area into withdrawal by tampering with their meds. Then provoke them all to violence, and wait to see which one pops first.
Then talk the others down off the ledge, get them back on their regular anti-depressants, and repeat as or when desired.
From the Market-ticker article: “Over a hundred million SSRI prescriptions are filled every year in the United States.”
A hundred million divided by 12 monthly prescriptions per year works out to about 8.333 million individuals. Assuming an even distribution per state (which wouldn’t be the case, there would be more in high population states and less in low population states) that works out to around 167,000 people on anti-depressants per state.
With those kinds of numbers, identifying young and vulnerable targets for grooming would be like shooting fish in a barrel. With 15-30 days notice, the FIB might be able to set off a mass-shooting event in any city in the country.
Pick a city. Pick 10 or 15 pre-groomed targets in that city. Put them in withdrawal, leading to an ‘extreme psychotic disturbance‘ mental state. Then pressure them until one of them blows.
Maybe a few routinely commit suicide, but if the handlers are any good, they would be able to provoke one of them to go postal.
God help us all, if this is true.
Here’s something which supports your theory.
I actually CAUGHT my meds being tampered with – IN THE MAIL.
I’ve mentioned this once in the past, but it bears repeating.
This was VERY subtle.
I received a shipping box of my meds which I inspected, as always, in the usual “paranoid” fashion. Recall that my mother, who survived Hitler and the Nazis, taught me that PARANOIA is how to survive such regimes.
On casual inspection, nothing was wrong with the box.
Upon VERY CLOSE INSPECTION I could see that the box had been razored open, and then resealed with fresh tape of the exact same kind as originally there. There was additional evidence, under the tape, that the box had actually been opened.
Careful study of the box told the whole story. This was not some “machine accident” taped over. It was carefully and deliberately opened, and efforts were made to hide the evidence.
Somebody had gotten into the box and tried to hide that fact.
After gathering evidence of what happened, I contacted the pharmacy, got contact information for the proper unit, contacted THEM, told them what had happened, and told them what I was going to do, so that they would KNOW what was coming, and the evidence could not simply disappear in the mail. Then I put the entire box, unopened, INSIDE another box, added a written description of everything, added THAT to the box, sealed it up in a way that would show any attempt at tampering, and sent it through the mail.
The company then ALTERED their delivery methodology by the next refill.
I don’t know WHO had opened my package of meds, but it’s a pretty short list, and FIB is on it, along with the DNC and the ChiComs.
Actually, I have even MORE evidence of what you are talking about, but I never realized it was potentially evidence.
I began taking a drug for something that was likely going to be needed chronically – I won’t say what, but it was “important” that it work. The problem was that the drug basically didn’t work – or rather, it barely worked. It was very borderline. It was a brand name, too. Strange.
One time, however, I got a refill that WORKED. It was incredible. I was like “OK, I see why my doc put me on this shit!”
But then the very next refill DIDN’T WORK AGAIN. I could tell the INSTANT I began the new refill. My doctor increased the dosage, so that it “barely worked” just a bit better.
And THEN, at some point, I started getting the generic….. AND THAT WORKED.
For years I told myself that the name brand was just shoddy.
But if “whoever” had an insider at the pharmacy, with a bunch of tampered pills, then it would make sense. Maybe that person was sick or on vacation when I got the good batch.
And THEN, when I got the generic, the game fell apart, and they quietly abandoned it.
It doesn’t have to be an antidepressant. Blood pressure meds, cardiac pills, diabetes meds – anything that is needed to save your life, and it simply doesn’t work……
These people can cause a LOT of damage, and “groom society”, under the hood, using “placebo meds”.
And maybe that’s where they get these fake meds – by diverting them from a stream of “manufactured placebos”.
This is awful, but it ties in with the idea of their controlling and sickening us through what we put in our bodies.
I’m very willing to entertain other theories on this one – I still put the “shoddy brand name” theory at the top of the list, but for reasons that I can’t give, “bad meds on purpose” is a strong second candidate.
For the opened box, though, there is no doubt. Somebody either wanted to know what was in the box, or was tampering.
My suspicion is that the pharmacy analyzed the contents and found actual tampering – and of enough consequence that they went to the expense of altering their delivery systems.
If somebody was just peeking, not that much need to change the system.
This is completely normal….
“This is completely normal…”
What… this never happened to you before?
the fertilizer scam
SINOPEC, U.S. Strategic Oil Reserves and HUNTER BIDEN : Connecting The Dots
article link…
while the Media aids & abets
The latest Covid treatment. GUM.
Scientists have developed a chewing gum they say can trap Covid 19 in saliva, reducing symptoms and lowering the risk of passing the virus on.
all it takes is one covid spreader with a mouthfull of bubblegum …
OK, so Yours Truly went down the rabbit hole on this one.
The Biomaterials journal article (a pre-print):
“Debulking different Corona )SARS-COV2 delta, omicron, OC43) and influenza (H1N1, H3N2) virus strains by plant viral trap proteins in chewing gums to decrease infection and transmission”
The premise here is that a chewing gum made of either lettuce or of the Lablab bean (also called Hyacinth bean, a bean grown and used around the planet) can “trap” the S protein [the spike protein] of COVID-19 and/or the viral particles of influenza, reducing the ACE2 involvement to the point where the virus is almost completely gone. ACE2 receptors are present in human saliva.
It appears that the chewing gum made from the lettuce or from the Lablab bean does NOT contain and element of mRNA.
In the laboratory tests, the chewing gum made from either the lettuce or from the Lablab bean demonstrated high efficacy in “trapping” the viral load particles. Monkey and in vtro testing was performed using the components of the chewing gums and then analyzed. Human trials are now underway.
Yours Truly does take real umbrage with the statement in the “Introduction” of the article, which states the following LIE about COVID-19 transmission:
“Although SARS-CoV-2 transmission between unvaccinated individuals is the primary cause of continued spread, fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral loads similar to unvaccinated individuals and efficiently transmit virus in household settings [12].” (bolding mine)
*** To Yours Truly, there’s a BIG potential flaw in the research conducted for the study, which was based on swab samples taken from patients admitted to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania with confirmed COVID-19 infections: One does NOT see any reference as to whether the patients were “vaccinated” or UN-“vaccinated.”
Since some of the research for this study was supported by NIH and/or under NIAID protocols (Fauci), IMO, it remains to be seen whether or not the NIH / NIAID will actually “allow” a COVID-19 or an influenza treatment that excludes mRNA from getting any further than human trials.
I would guess that there is zero chance the gum does anything positive for human beings, based entirely on the people behind it.
I would further guess that the trials will go extremely well, because this gum will be very expensive, and governments under the control of the pharmaceutical gum makers will gladly cough up at least a trillion dollars worldwide for 7+ billion people to all start chewing the new magical anti-virus gum.
I’ll bet BEEF works for this, too!
I chew on cloves
I think is just as good. 
I bet kissing you would be quite an olfactory experience.
My husband has never complained then why would he he is addicted to me
Pfizer gum… hmm…. tastes like vaccine… YUM!

Verse of the Day for Wednesday, July 27, 2022
“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”
Philippians 1:6 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
smear campaign !
Wash Post Reports DOJ Has Opened Criminal Probe Into President Trump
they are so freaked out & desperate
They do want a Civil War – Do they!!
Problem there is this 2nd Amendment – It will not end well for them.
Washington Post Reports DOJ Conducting Grand Jury with Witness Testimony Targeting President Trump for Seditious Conspiracy Against Government – The Last Refuge (
I’ve been out of the loop on any news for a few days but checking in today to read this…makes me steaming mad.
The Banana Republic of the USA is showing their loyal subjects how fair they are and also that they really really really care about them by taking down any rogue candidates that might not support a totalitarian govt.
Well said !
It’s anonymous sources in the Washington Compost.
I don’t believe anything I read from that CIA mouthpiece.
I don’t believe much of it, either.
At this point, any leak, any anonymous source, etc., is in trial balloon/get the information out in the public category. Any kind of trial like that would blow up in the DS’s proverbial face on a number of levels.
Not getting worked up about it.
This is the proper response. Don’t get worked up about it.
This is guaranteed to backfire and destroy the Dems – unless they can bait us into violence.
There is a point where vigilante justice spontaneously sprouts like mushrooms after a rain. Just saying; pass the popcorn, please.
On the other hand, if it IS a trial balloon, not reacting to it could be taken as a signal they can do it for real.
VERY true!
Good morning all,
More from Dr. Malone.
From this article.
The Pentagon released records earlier this year showing that chemical and biological agents had been sprayed on ships at sea. The military reimbursed ranchers and agreed to stop open-air nerve agent testing at its main chemical weapons center in the Utah desert after about 6,400 sheep died when nerve gas drifted away from the test range.
Could this explain the die off all the cattle recently that they blamed on extreme heat?
Also this from article.
The Center for Security Policy has just released a new “Team B” product – an exercise in competitive analysis that strongly challenges the Director of National Intelligence’s September 2021 conclusion that the provenance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be determined. The Team, co-chaired by former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra and former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Lieutenant General William “Jerry” Boykin, U.S. Army (Ret.) and comprised of intelligence professionals, other national security practitioners and subject matter experts, concluded that:
There is no evidence that the virus emerged naturally;
There is, by contrast, significant circumstantial evidence that it came from a PRC biological weapons laboratory; and
The virus was deliberately unleashed on the world by the Chinese Communist Party when it allowed millions of travelers from Wuhan to fly internationally, even as it was locking down movement within China
I suppose ranchers should be so grateful that they didn’t happen to be in the vicinity of the drifting nerve gas. It sure seems that by 2022 they would already know the way the bio weapon works, how far the gas could drift and all that.
I don’t trust these f*cks at all anymore.
Where are the save-the-wild-animals people ? Do they think the nerve gas only killed a domestic sheep herd?
They are blinded by their idiology
The amazing technology and knowledge that humans have mastered is fantastical but we aren’t fit to have it. The tendency to use everything as a weapon on friend or foe is too great
Temptation I agree.
“The system is weaponized – the DOJ should be investigating the sitting President and his family for it’s financial dealings with #China #Ukraine #Russia – among so much more… our nation’s bureaucracy and the minions within have turned into a weapon to target political opponents” – Sara Carter
The DOJ by doing nothing including the FBI have become accomplices to Hunter Biden’s criminality with covering it up and his father the President.
Sundance is absolutely correct in stating that we are now ruled by the intelligence agencies.
Great opener, DePat. Thanks!
via ZeroHedge
FOMC Preview: Here’s What The Fed Will Do Today
Submitted by Newsquawk
SUMMARY: The Federal Reserve is widely expected to hike rates by 75bps on Wednesday, taking the target range for the Funds rate to 2.25-2.50%, a level considered neutral. There is no Summary of Economic Projections at this meeting thus attention will turn to any guidance the FOMC provides on future tightening increments. Current expectations, based on the current outlook, are for a 50bp move for September, before moving to 25bp moves in November and December to see a year-end rate of 3.25-3.50%, in line with market pricing. Nonetheless, the Fed will likely reiterate that any future rate decisions will depend upon their assessment of the economic outlook, particularly inflation. The latest June CPI report was hotter than expected which saw markets price in another 75bp move in July before accelerating to start pricing in over a 70% probability of a 100bp hike instead. However, pricing has now pared back in wake of several Fed speakers, including hawks Bullard and Waller, vocally supporting a 75bp hike in July while the latest UoM consumer inflation expectations also cooled for both the 1yr and 5yr horizons. Currently, markets only see a 10% chance of a 100bp move, as opposed to above 70% at the peak.
con’t @ link
On the Greater Exodus, I should have just posted the following:
Isaiah 11:11
In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush,[b] from Elam, from Babylonia,[c] from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean.
Isaiah 11:16
There will be a highway for the remnant of his people
that is left from Assyria,
as there was for Israel
when they came up from Egypt
Plus the Words of Jesus
Matthew 15:24
He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”
Of course, in the first Exodus, a mixed multitude accompanied the Israelites. “What has been, will be again”
Next we will look at another pattern that will repeat – The fate of Sodom applied to Sorozin, Bethsaida and Capernaum – or should we say every city of Cain covering the earth today?
Actually, perhaps the fate of Jericho is the better model …..
mRNA Platform Inventor Sifts Through the Lies (Dr Malone)
Here’s the skinny on the above regarding the COVID-19 “booster shots” that the FDA put out its “memorandum” about to the “vaccine” manufacturers (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna):
Page 6 – 7 of the “memorandum” is the FDA giving the go-ahead for Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna to include, WITHOUT CLINICAL EVIDENCE, based ONLY the “studies” presented to the FDA’s VRBPAC committee at the 28 June 2022 meeting, to add the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 strains into the COVID-19 “vaccines” made by these companies.
This is the “Option 4” that is discussed in the FDA’s “briefing document” for the 28 June 2022 VRBPAC meeting, a document that was uploaded WHILE THE COMMITTEE WAS MEETING, and which document was approved by a vote of 19-2.
Here’s the “briefing document”, with “Option 4” outlined on Page 19:
“Option 4” is the one that would be used “in consideration of time constraints” and based on the “safety and efficacy of the vaccine prototype” (meaning, the “vaccine” currently in use).
Yours Truly raised the red flag on this on the day of the VRBPAC meeting, citing “Option 4” as the excuse that the FDA would use to “approve” or grant an EUA for, a COVID-19 “vaccine” that HAD NO CLINICAL TRIALS and would be based ONLY on the “safety and efficacy studies” given to the FDA BY THE “VACCINE” MAKER. This is exactly what happened at the VRBPAC meeting on 28 June — Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna both had people there who presented their “IN-HOUSE safety and efficacy study results” for the bivalent and trivalent COVID-19 “vaccines” that these companies were developing for use in fall, 2022. The FDA went along for the ride.
ANYBODY considering getting — or is “mandated” or “required” to get — a COVID-19 “booster shot” this fall / winter needs to know that they’re going to get an TRIVALENT “vaccine” that’s had NO CLINICAL TRIALS.
Yours Truly will also point out that Page 5 of the FDA “memorandum” baldly states that there’s “no evidence to suggest” that the original strain of COVID-19, OR of the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, or Delta variants “are in existence.” HOWEVER, the research study on the “chewing gum” that’s being developed to treat COVID-19, discussed in the post about the Daily Mail article above, DOES refer to Delta-infected patients (confirmed by swab tests) who were hospitalized, and whose swabs were used in the research.
Ain’t gonna be no trouble in this neighborhood with the FNGG (Florida National Guard Gators) on duty.
Is that gator real ? My having something like that live in your yard
Florida household – lap pet gator:
Gators are truly dumb as a box of rocks.
“Oh, sorry, master. I thought your foot was food again.”
“I’m sorry, master. You moved in a way that made me angry / hungry / surprised again.”
Pit bulls just don’t do this stuff. They’re MAMMALS. They can handle the complexity of DON’T BITE.
I’m not kidding – that juvenile gator on HORMONES is gonna be trouble.
Nah, Wolfie.
Gators are real friendly and neighborly….see that big smile….
Looks like Florida is recruiting. I hear they expect to beat Alabama this year. Time will tell.
The Tide will be crimson if the Gators are hungry…
My wife says “CUTE!!!”
Archosaur issues: For me that’s a bird that has fallen down the chimney of my wood stove.
In Florida it might be a bunch of future belts blocking the driveway preventing you from going on your daily commute.
Then there are Buttisaur issues, from slip-sliding down a stairway (hill, whatever) on one’s hiney
A reminder….
Remember also – FBI Director labeled parents who spoke out against their children being exposed to CRT and LBGT gender theory crap in schools – as domestic terrorists.
That gives us very good reasons to label Wray a pedo-phile and communist.
Something is very wrong here. They’re obviously stonewalling on investigation of Biden, but WHY.
Could be something so bad that no-one would ignore it…
Or it’s just outta plain and simple spite toward decent Americans
I can only think of one reason.
Somehow, some way, they are INVOLVED. Complicit.
The Climate Change Cult™ are liars and thieves – stealing farmers’ livelihoods and lands.
St Louis record rainfall has wreaked havoc – let’s hope it never happens again.
Brings to mind the flooding in Houston when Hurricane Harvey came and just sat there a whole day. –
We have rain today and there is a flood warning. Where I live is no danger we live on a hill not flood region.
Basically, a weather system stalled over us. St. Charles County got it bad. So did the area where my ancestors settled in Illinois. ALL low lying creeks, streams and rivers just couldn’t handle the volume. The debris is everywhere.
Yes, Governments REALLY ARE Stupid in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
Yup. We’ve been SCREWED AT THE TOP.
The article on thorium in coal that he references is important, too.
Camel day!
Not to be confused with Kamala Day, which I hope NEVER happens.
Amazing Eagle video for you:
Swing your partner and a do-si-do!
Given the war on women in the American culture (abortion, careers in place of families, fashion ideals like under-nourished children, sports competition against males, etc) I would have predicted the Democrats’ first woman President to be a poster child for woman-hating, incompetence, and a general disrespect for feminine attributes.
Probably that purple-haired Me-Again Rappin’-Ho.
In-line with the latest Approved Narrative from DC Shit Heads
Mush-Mind wired on drugs continues the Trump IS an insurrectionist.
MUST SEE: Biden’s Behavior Abruptly Changes in Spliced Video Speech Released by The White House; From Sleepy-Eyed to Bug-Eyed and Not Blinking
A bug-eyed Joe Biden barely blinked, perhaps twice, toward the end of a choppily spliced video of an 11 minute long speech released by the White House on Monday that featured a subdued, sleepy-eyed Biden blinking normally at the beginning but ended with a suddenly changed, agitated, bug-eyed Biden after an abrupt edit. There are at least ten spliced edits in the video, some coming seconds apart, others minutes apart.
1 1/2 minute clip.
Full BiteMe clip.
This is all very weird.
I think they’re getting ahead of “The Pit”.
I think “The Pit” is going to destroy these assholes, and they think going on the attack against Trump now is the only way out.
OH, and this.
Sons of Tyranny [RP]
MG Show 02/25/2022
Pandemic TRACKER
11:30 METABIOTA provides DATA for DATA DRIVEN decisions (Brix & Fauci? Follow The Science(tm)]
19 minutes –Re insurance market….
22 minutes
Well, well, well, that answers WHY Camel Hoe…
and then connected to USAid
1:26:00 Gishlaine Maxwell is photographed with Dr NATHAN WOLFE, founder and Chair of METABIOTA…
Wolfe has page on World Economic Form. He is a WEF YOUNG GLOBAL LEADER
Some important links for you, Gail:
The patent:
“When States Fall Apart” link:
(Please archive.)
Number 243 of this letter is one of Metabiota’s Pathogen Sentiment Index inventors. The letter asks Zuckerberg to clamp down on misinformation.
I have not finished the 2 hour video yet.
It occurs to me that the ‘virus doesn’t exist’ dis-info (started Jan 2020 or there abouts) was part of the cover-up of the Biden connection to the Plannedemic.
I skimmed it quickly and may have missed lots. The 2nd husband connection via DLA Piper is interesting, but I didn’t get the full scoop. If it took out Biden would it take out Harris? Succession would fall on Speaker immediately?
Glad to see this is getting out. 8600+ views and counting. No mention of RSTP partner Rob Walker, also on board of Metabiota investor, Pilot Growth. ( Unless I missed it.) He co-founded Pilot Growth with Neil Callahan, who is mentioned. Rob Walker is 20% of the CEFC deal with the Big Guy and China.
The timeline of the Rosemont Seneca investment is damning. Metabiota ebola screwup in Sierra Leone in early 2014, RSTP investment in April 2014, awarded EcoHealth Alliance subcontract in Wuhan in May 2014, for contract studying bat viruses starting in June 2014. Gain of function research funding paused in October 2014, but not for EcoHealth and Metabiota. Also in 2014, Metabiota request to RSTP/Hunter to meet ebola czar (Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism) Ron Klain. RSTP suggests “science project” between Metabiota and Burisma in Ukraine.
Hunter and Devon are appointed to Burisma’s board, Maidan revolution, and the firing of the Ukraine prosecutor.
Hunter is in Boston in October 2018, with an event on his calendar with Eric Lander at MIT. Lander was Obama Biden co-chair of the PCAST with John Holdren and Joe’s cabinet appointment for science and tech until he resigned in Feb.2022. What was Hunter’s interest in meeting Lander, one year before the start of the pandemic?
Lots of information and documents on Metabiota’s website under products on the pulldown menu, including claims of flagging the pandemic 5 days before the WHO in December 2019, and pushing information to investors, including Neil Callahan, and their interests in late January 2020.
The video claims that Birx and Fauci we’re using the data, but I missed their cited source of the info. I’ve seen reports that the US response was relying on data from official Chinese sources when Metabiota was pushing reports to investors.
The Metabiota proprietary Pandemic Sentiment Index is patented, and a copy of the patent is online. The patent is assigned to Metabiota, but lists the inventors of the index.
Several of the listed inventors work for Metabiota, one has worked for Zuckerberg-Chan’s foundation since before the start of the pandemic. His doctoral thesis was titled “When States Fall Apart”, and can also be found online.
The patented index measures public “fear and anxiety” to inform risk.
I’ve also seen a discussion of how reinsurers can hedge life insurance payout risk with annuity investments in the discussions of Munich Re, and/or Marsh, Metabiota’s partners, but can’t find it now.
The hedge: if the pandemic kills you and you are due a life insurance payout, insurers hedge with annuity contracts that stop paying at death.
Also lots of info here:
Capitol police officers were “subject to medieval hell”? “Dripping with blood, surrounded by carnage”? It’s not a humorous situation, but LOL. Who wrote that?
They have NO IDEA what “medieval Hell” is.
If they don’t change course, they could find out.
LoL. And yes, I’m ashamed that I laughed.
I saw a post about this — 33 seconds, no blink.
Putrid Propaganda.
This is is lying like a pro but then he has been ad it all his adult life.
These pictures almost make me want another puppy. Almost. Love the puppy bellies.
Me too!
Me too but it would not be fair for a puppy at my age. I need an old dog when time comes.
I’ve known of situations where an older person had family members who were very close to their dog, and one of them was able to continue providing the dog its forever home within that family. It wouldn’t work for everyone, but it’s a good solution.
My son told me he would take my coonhound mix when I adopted him. Needless to say he changed his mind his wife wanted a small dog. My daughter stepped up
She has a dog and three cats so three more is no problem she told me and another neither.
Woodford is 6 going on seven but developed a health problem after Peri past. He was so stressed. He began to have seizures not often . I changed his food cut out his flea meds and he is on a natural med to support his spine.
He calmed sleeps in Peri’s crate and we avoid stress for him. He has not had a seizure for a while.
I sometimes see old dogs where people died in the kennel and no one wants them. I want to fill a void for them when Woodford is gone one day.
That’s so nice. I know of someone who adopted an older dog who had had to be abandoned by his owner, who was ill. The dog had a good life until he passed about 3 years later.
Yes that is the way. I have had some older dogs before and they were wonderful dogs. Superpose they were given up because they were hard to handle and destroy the house .They never did a thing in my house. We set the tone and rules the day they came to my house.
You can get cbd calming or joint supplements at petsmart.
My vet has some good meds for him seems to work not changing a thing unless thinks change. This is holistic meds my doctor also takes .
Ok. Its just an option if you need to.
Thank you
A good thing for older folks is to foster or adopt the older dogs. They are always just looking for pets and a good napping spot.b
Young dogs are active and their needs need to be filled for enough exercise. Older dogs feel loss if they had a good home but they still need their walks so do I
Another puppy? Makes me want another kid.
But I’m past my ‘sell by’ date. Way past.
Yup, the pink bellies and toes.
Did you know 4000 beagles are starting to make the rounds? I mean…anything to save a fauci beagle….
I’m ready to get my Trump porch banners out of storage!
Trump should announce his candidacy before the midterms.
I don’t know what is best, but one reason I’d like him to announce is to stop speculation about others who might run. Those who continue to run after Trump’s announcement will show their true colors. Liz Cheney would not surprise me. DeSantis would definitely not do it. If Pence or Flynn or Pompeo ran, we would know exactly who they are. I would not expect it of Flynn or Pompeo, but who knows with Pence.
Pence WILL oppose Trump. Count on it. He’s SLIME. He was the establishment’s control on Trump, IMO. They COUNTED on Pence to bring down Trump – multiple times.
No. Such a move would distract from the 2022 elections. We MUST take the majority in both houses of Congress. The only way that can happen is to channel maximum volunteer energy into count watching and related activities, not share volunteers with an early DJT campaign. .
My extra flag pole is ready to be raised again, to fly Trump 2024.
But, Impeach Biden will remain on shed wall facing traffic that goes by.
Trust Trump ,,, Let Trump be Trump!!
It has begun.
For years I have been “predicting” (speculating) that the government’s goal was to take over our driving, requiring all vehicles to be totally under government control.
The program would begin, I thought, when the government started a propaganda campaign to tell the little people (us) that no traffic death was acceptable. IOW, zero tolerance for traffic fatalities, regardless of cause.
I thought the Phony Narrative would be the usual dreary crap, including the ever present “for the children” angle.
I just saw a TV commercial from the National Highway Traffic Safety Agency which starts it all. Ostensibly the ad is about speeding. It presents three scenarios. The final scenario tells you what the ad is really about. It’s for the children:
Americans were propagandized and brainwashed into accepting a fantasy world about drunk driving, where cost/benefit analysis was eliminated from any discussion about public safety measures. Instead, people were simply supposed to condemn, virtue signal, and accept all the garbage which enhanced the government’s power to irrationally ruin lives for no benefit other than the government’s.
(The same has happened in numerous areas of public policy, including domestic violence, animal abuse etc etc. No rational discussion or sense of proportion allowed, let alone realistic facts).
There is a lot more to say. But one word about the premise of the commercial. There is zero connection made between the third guy and the girl in the hospital. That is because it would be very hard to establish a feasible connection, especially one which would require the government’s attention.
One more word. I always thought the government’s goal was to take away our ability to drive our own vehicles. The government would do that remotely, and through comprehensive mechanical/computer regulation of the vehicle itself.
Now I see I was very wrong. They want to take our vehicles away from us totally.
Back to the future?
Forward to the past.
Where we’re going you won’t need roads.
(Note, that is phrased slightly differently, and deliberately so.)
Sort of like a roads collar…
Couple thoughts.
Early on BiteMe’s reign of terror over America, Butt Plug said, One Traffic Death Is Too Many.
Of course, they want to take our cars away. ALL cars gone.
EV are simply a way point, to No Cars.
One traffic death is too many. One gun death is too many. One case of COVID is too many. They want a utopia of their own making, which enslaes us.
One politician is too many…
One DEMONRAT is too many…
One Piglosi is too many…
And which is always a LIE, TOO.
In their future world, the elite run you down with no consequence. Where their criminals shoot you with no consequence. Where WE get the diseases and THEY don’t, because WE take the vaccines THEY give us.
It’s all lies.
Remove your freedom to move makes it easier to corral you.
Keeping it short and simple:
Let’s Go Brandon!!!
(And for anyone who has been living under the Antarctic ice cap for the last year or two, that means:)
And the Obama who’s still controlling him and running the government.
Who made Pelosi an ambassador or put her in charge of aspects of foreign policy? Is she acting as secretary of state and president? This is what happens when you have a vegetable in the Oval Office and Vicki Lawrence of the Carol Burnett show as VP.
… except I *liked* Vicki Lawrence! She would have made a much better VP
I liked her too. She was so good at playing dumb characters, LOL. And yes, she is smarter and would be a better VP.
Yep. I could just see “Momma” as veep
She would definitely tell it like it is! No word salads there. It would be hilarious to hear her take on Kamala.
NOTE – RSBN had it first!
This is great! Trump: “I will also be commencing actions against other media outlets who have defamed me and defrauded the public regarding the overwhelming evidence of fraud throughout the 2020 Election.”
He’s right. They didn’t just injure him; they also injured the public by not providing truthful reporting so we could get to the bottom of the crimes committed. And they influenced an election.
(That RSBN article looks as if it wasn’t edited. They will probaby fix it. But the pertinent info is there.)
According to Statute § 770.02, a media network has ten days from the date of service of a notice to publish.
10 days
Pass the popcorn, please. I’ll need a whole bucket for myself; this is a double feature.
I think this explains the leak/BS about KAPO going after Trump with grand juries.
Do you think that’s not going to happen? I was thinking this might be a counter-measure to that, brought out at just the right time.
I think that Trump has been waiting for the tide to turn on the election cheating to bring his suits against the media. He’s just been looking for the optimal time to set them in motion.
So DODGE has likely been ready to help the media, and the MEDIA was watching the Trump court stuff. Dodge has been using IC spying on Trump for intelligence, just like under Obama. This is just like how the IC helped attack the conservative media to cover up Loretta Lynch’s disqualifying connections to Holder.
Right before Trump’s suits went public, the MEDIA dropped this story about grand juries. But I think Trump’s readiness to sue the media has been long-term.
The Dems will try to indict Trump if they think they have to, or if they think they can get away with it.
^^^ Bout time!
Seems like tech that Might be used on humans in conjunction w/ the “vax”…
Sense Receptor News
Conspiracy Theories
Using DARPA and NIH funding, a team of scientists led by Rice University “neuroengineers” has created wireless technology to remotely activate specific brain circuits in fruit flies on the sub-second timescale using magnetic fields and nanoparticles.
Ahhh. That explains Bye,Dung not blinking…
No it doesn’t.
For brain activation to be a possibility, there has to be a brain.
or it’s a(nother) glitchy Stepford “clone”
no doubt
you’ll get nothing & like it
red lines
Yours Truly just had an update from the friend in California. The heart issues are being worked on, stents installed, meds, etc.
Now, there’s a “sudden” case of severe anemia the doctors found which “baffles” them.
This is the friend who got “fully vaccinated and boosted” in order to return to the office to work, instead of working from home. This person previously was very healthy and vigorous — lots of golfing, hiking, etc.
Anemia…well could be lots of things. Time to see hematology.
There’s an herb called yellow dock that is great for anemia, if your friend is into that kind of thing.
Whoa, that chick has a hairy chin.
What’s he doin’ there, poopin’?
Using taxpayer dollars for toilet paper?
I didn’t know Ukraine had little commodes for miniature leaders.
This is so bizarre, out of the blue. Are they trying to get ahead of something else? I would think Gaetz could sue.
It will be telling to see if Pence stands by this guy and his comments. Pence is looking like more of a
every day.
Snakes are intelligent. Hes more like snake
Can he sue for slander? Thats disgusting.
I don’t know the rules for Congressmen, if they are considered public figures, etc. But allegations like that could affect their chances of getting elected, so I would think something could be done.
Uh, 6-12 months ago Gaetz had some other accusations, out of the blue.
Another post somewhere today. Is Pence going to run?
Have not and will not click on this Marc Short accusation. Pravda Speak.
(What do they say about those who accuse others. They are COMMONLY GUILTY of what they accuse others of.)
Yes, child sex trafficking is a crime, not a political weapon. It should be reported immediately so it can be investigated and stopped.
Yes, Gaetz has claimed being set up by the feds. He was known for dating “young stuff” – his now wife is 13 years younger than him.
Here’s the information.
Sounds to me like FIB was trying to get leverage on Gaetz and went after Gaetz’ most usable friend. Greenberg may have been a “Junior Epstein” providing party girls for blackmail or influence. Gaetz is from a very rich family, IIRC.
Dirty, dangerous world out there.
I thought this was fabricated about Gaetz? I fallowed it in real time when it came out and they tried to set him up. DOJ played dirty also with his dad trying to get lots of money to blackmail Gaetz. Nothing there.
So that’s where the sex trafficking allegation comes from. it looks like Dems are trying to milk more out of a debunked scandal, to me.
FIB tried to entrap Gaetz with “young stuff”, IIRC.
I hope Goetz sues this guy also. Another fellow ex DOJ is sitting in jail trying to blackmail Gaetz and he fraught back,
Pot meet the fn kettle. The nerve.
“Californians and other Americans are flooding Mexico City. Some locals want them to go home”
Fernando Bustos Gorozpe was sitting with friends in a cafe here when he realized that — once again — they were outnumbered.
“We’re the only brown people,” said Bustos, a 38-year-old writer and university professor. “We’re the only people speaking Spanish except the waiters.”
“In leafy, walkable quarters such as Roma, Condesa, Centro and Juarez, rents are soaring as Americans and other foreigners snap up houses and landlords trade long-term renters for travelers willing to pay more on Airbnb. Taquerias, corner stores and fondas — small, family-run lunch spots — are being replaced by Pilates studios, co-working spaces and sleek cafes advertising oat-milk lattes and avocado toast.
And English — well, it’s everywhere: ringing out at supermarkets, natural wine bars and fitness classes in the park.”
And theres a lot more.
Well send them to Guatemala and take back everyone youve sent illegally over the past 100 years…and their children.
Otherwise stfu.
“We’re the only brown people,” said Bustos, a 38-year-old writer and university professor. “We’re the only people speaking Spanish except the waiters.”
Oh… lo siento mucho…. pobrecito…
Tell me your story…
Haha. No s. Senor!
“And English — well, it’s everywhere: ringing out at supermarkets, natural wine bars and fitness classes in the park.””
Wait until he finds out about the bogedas.
And how all the People are called Tacos now.
He’s gonna be so mad…
Holy moly muchacho. Thats why i saud send the liberal ones hes complaining about to Guatemala cuzcwe dont want them back either.
Boo fuckin’ hoo. Like I care, considering what’s being done to my country by YOUR countrymen.
It would appear that the irony was lost on him
Here’s what they are planning for us: The Line, a city whose footprint is consolidated to 34 square kilometers where 9 million people can live. But it’s “sustainable,” so there is that.
I’m with Matt. No fricken’ way would I live in that monstrosity. How about we put all the Schwabites in there, lock them up, and throw away the key.
Yes! I was thinking none of them will be living there. It’s for the little people. They will have their gated mansions on expansive properties, servants, and armed guards.
“The Line” will be a PRISON.
Exactly. What if no one wants to live there, or if they don’t have enough occupancy to keep it running? They will force certain people to go there, or it will be a place of quarantine for some cooked-up disease, or it will be a literal prison for those who don’t toe the line politically.
I wonder how many are going to see that and think it’s just what they’ve been looking for. Will people be lining up to get an apartment there? I can’t imagine it.
The reality is that the GARBAGE WILL SMELL JUST AS BAD. Or maybe worse, because it can’t be allowed into “the environment”.
Mirrors….desert…no air flow down the center….yeah worse than the grand canyon in summer.
Grand Canyon is beautiful.
Nothing about that video is positive.
Gleaming CLIMATE PRISON is still a PRISON.
I just mean the heat! But if beauty wins, then GC every time.
This bears a striking resemblance to the set of a ST Voyager episode:
It also looks just like the space station city in the movie Elysium:
LIES. They use these visionary dream worlds to create TOADIES to gain more control.
HERE is a metaphor of the REALITY.
Check out this “green community of the future”.
They even made it look like THE WALL to appeal to people on the right.
Well done, FATS SCHWAB.
I don’t know how many on the right that will appeal to, though!
It only needs to appeal NOW, and to appeal SUBCONSCIOUSLY.
This is all propaganda, meant to affect people NOW. There will be new propaganda – different propaganda – later. That concept will never be built.
It’s a pyramid scheme. It’s a con game. Klauss Schwab is just using “global vision” to gain control. They just LURE people with this visionary crap.
Part of this stuff is psychologically getting people used to certain ideas like dense city living. It’s all psychology.
These people are MONSTERS who have used accumulated wealth to gain POWER over governments.
From ‘Exodus: the Voluntary Prisoners of Architecture’, Rem Koolhaas’ 1973 student thesis:
(Tell me it’s not elementally the same project. At least Rem’s horrifying vision allowed the prisoners a choice.)
I’ll be living in the wilderness, looking into their mirror when I need a laugh.
This is being pushed by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia…who many here regard as a good guy.
Trump needs to have a talk with him!
At least he’s building his out in the desert. 105 miles long I believe and completion date to house 9 million is estimated to be 2045 but they will be filling as they go along.
What’s really funny IMO is that they are proving that new innovations can easily handle over population problems.
Another aspect of the FIB dirt:
Whistleblowers Say FBI ‘Pressured & Incentivized’ Agents To Classify Cases As Domestic Terrorism
Color me surprised FBI is Framing citizens.
Seems to be FBI, DOJ, HLS Mission IS frame citizens.
DOJ can’t be cleaned out with an asteroid.
Might be a good start….
I’ll give it that!
Confronting the crime enablers!
This man is an absolute legend
Play Video
[video src="" /]
Commanding Carlin
This thing CANNOT be good.
Manchin gets lower pharmacy prices in wva and something else, to screw over everyone, but he still screws over his own state.
Orcas are truly dangerous natural predators. And they pack hunt.
Orca whales devour great white shark in wild Mossel Bay footage
“I really do think once that footage airs, it’s going to go viral,” scientist Alison Towner, who has recently published a paper on the orcas’ rare targeting of the great white, told The Daily Beast.
The clip captures the 9-foot-long apex predator bleeding out as a killer whale takes a bite around its liver.
Towner, who has studied the ecology of great white sharks for 15 years, considers the violent footage “one of the most beautiful pieces of natural history ever filmed.”
“This is the world’s first drone footage of killer whales predating on a white shark,” she told the outlet.”
The video was spectacular, gil.
Right? Terrifying and the just suck out that liver.
“Terrifying and the just suck out that liver.”
The liver is very important.
Can’t live without it.
That’s why it’s called a liver.

(^^^^^ “BIOLOGISM” ^^^^^)

(THAT’S my new “THING” !)
Thing is, shark livers are often toxic to terrestrial carnivores — too much vitamin A, IIRC. If the shark were processed for human consumption, its muscles would probably end up as fish sticks and the livers would be discarded.
Blech. I though that they went for the liver and brain or heart. Its odd that they just dont eat anything else. Almost sad for the shark, akin to hunting buffalo for pelts or rhino for horns, but orca style.
One America News Owner Robert Herring Talks About Deal With Verizon, Future Plans For The NetworkOAN NewsroomUPDATED 9:40 AM PT – Wednesday, July 27, 2022
This coming Saturday is the last day to watch One America News on Verizon. One America’s Pearson Sharp sat down with OAN founder and owner, Robert Herring to discuss the future of the network.
(Video at link; approx 11 1/2 min):
TL;DR: Verizon refused to renew their contract with OANN. OANN is offering a free subscription through their website until October 31, 2022 (see TOP RIGHT on their website HOME page).
Verizon. PUKE.
JUST IN – U.S. CDC coordinated with Twitter, Facebook, and Google to censor users who questioned the COVID-19 vaccine, according to internal communications.
How the CDC Coordinated With Big Tech To Censor AmericansBreaking news from around the world.
THIS. Perfect starting point.
Tear it down. They don’t deserve to be in operation even one more day.

They should forfeit the businesses, all of their personal wealth, and their freedom.
To start.
OMG. Tucker just called monkeypox “Schlong Covid”.
LOL! Oh, that’s a good one!!!
I refuse to call PAGFOX anything else!
Cause it is. 95% gay male sexual contact.
So htf did those 2 kids get it?
But Tucker being as crude as Tickerguy — it. was priceless.
Ill have to find it.
Holy crap, that’s FUNNY!
Tucker: ‘Monkeypox,’ Greatest Name of Any Disease Ever
“So all of a sudden our public health authorities are telling us we got to change the name of monkeypox because monkeypox is somehow racist. Now, obviously, you don’t want to get monkeypox, but let’s be honest, greatest name of any disease. Ever.”
Gotta love this take on the two kids getting it…..

“Am I the only one in NORMALVILLE here, folks?”
CyberScoop: DHS plans to overhaul disinformation efforts to “increase trust with the public.”
In related news, DHS agents are also conducting midnight raids on farms to put lipstick on pigs.
That’s funny!
Let me put it this way.
Until they ADMIT that they screwed up in failing to call out the stolen election, I won’t even BEGIN to trust them.
You are much more kind than I am !

Hmmm. Maybe I should reconsider!
Absolutely True! No trust in any Government agency’s again until there rebuilt from the ground up and the current leadership is in prison.
Gotta be arrests AND prosecutions.
AND, dirt bags that screwed up, GONE.
There is NOTHING DHS can do to gain my trust. NOTHING.
^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^
I agree. Not one thing. Trust is gone forever.
Top ten layers of management publicly commit seppuku — full process, including the poem?
I have notified CNN of my intent to file a lawsuit over their repeated defamatory statements against me. I will also be commencing actions against other media outlets who have defamed me and defrauded the public regarding the overwhelming evidence of fraud throughout the 2020 Election. I will never stop fighting for the truth and for the future of our Country!
Trump is placing his bets ahead of THE PIT. Get READY.
NEW – Hunter Biden’s business partner called Joe Biden “the Big Guy” in panicked message after the laptop story broke in 2020.
Hunter Bidens biz partner called Joe Biden the Big Guy in panicked message after Posts laptop storyBreaking news from around the world.
I wish the Meme-Makers would start using the term “UNI-PARTY” so as not to exclude the RINOs.
I believe the sole purpose of this is to siphon off Republican votes and defeat Trump.
Andrew Yang to co-chair new third political party made up of former Republicans, Democrats
If you want to do those things, just join the MAGA movement.
You don’t say.
Third parties don’t fare well, and this project is a really bad idea. There has to be a catch somewhere.
(didn’t see this ’til after I posted below)
The more, the merrier!
Guessing ^^^, is not similar to Babylon Bee.
Andrew Yang. forming a third party.
Beyond D-Rats and Socialist Loons, who the FF would follow Andrew Yang?
^^^ Won’t impact Trump, IF Trump chooses to run.
It’s stirring the pot of knuckleheads!
It’s his wanting to establish a social credit score here in the US for which he should be most noted for. He’s on the business oriented end of WEF and one world govt.
These Republicans joining him are clearly selling their faces. This is the No Labels people trying to rebrand themselves again. Hopefully they drain some democrats away with their foolishness.
Think he’s making a space for dems who won’t vote dem again to stop them moving to PDJT.
(Bitchute video):
<iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ style=”border: none;” src=””></iframe>
(FYI: Bitchutes “share” button showed me TWO choices, BOTH were copy/pasted in this comment box. The TOP link (NOT “iframe”) appears to be the one that worked)
^^^ Great news. Hope it is contagious…
(we need a little less “MLK”, and a little more “Dutch”)

Coming to America……

(Standing by !)
WTF ???
Reuters: Former Republicans and Democrats to form new third U.S. political party
I am really thinking that my “immune destruction theory of depopulation” is gaining ground.
I have some GREAT new evidence.
You’ve seen all the prior posting I’ve done on this – both posts and in recent comments.
Recall that China has a new drug for COVID, an “azidocytidine” called azvudine, that is remarkably similar to AZT (azidothymidine) of Fauci fame.
Let’s just call the new drug AZC.
Here’s AZT:
AZT (the older Fauci drug) is known (see numerous articles by Karl Denninger) for destroying immunity in AIDS patients. Yes. It’s almost unbelievable, but it’s true. In fighting a disease that destroyed immunity, Fauci gave them an immune-destroying drug.
This brings up the whole paradigm of “drugs that produce the same outcome as the disease as a way of killing people”, which applies to remdesivir in COVID vis-a-vis kidneys, but set that aside for now.
Back to AZC.
First of all, it’s just not that good.
But what DOES it do well?
It homes in on the THYMUS GLAND. Remarkably well.
OK, then – what does the thymus gland do?
An Overview of the Thymus Gland
Playing a role in immunity, autoimmunity, and aging
So – this may also explain why the other drug AZT was accelerating the destruction of the immune systems of AIDS patients, but set that aside.
What is the deal with these drugs?
They are AZIDES.
Look at the above structure (AZT), and then at this one, AZC:
The azide functional group is the little thing with three nitrogens on the left. Azides tend to be explosive and/or poisonous. The azide group tends to release nitrogen (N2) and then irreversibly react with things. It’s very hard to make these things non-poisonous.
This whole thing smells of JONESTOWN. On a massive but stealthy scale.
In my opinion, if you look at anything these people do, you will find a hidden anti-immunity goal.
Might be a good idea to gather up these comments & put into a free-standing post so that the info can be in one spot for further discussion.
Great Work!!! as always
Might have been posted before…. But this is ULTRA MAGA
Trump Speech at TPUSA
abortion abomination
Conservative News
Millions of Minions
that serve this
Molochian Order
of the Serpent who
symbolizes their
Pharmekia Sorcerey
that intends to attach
nano tech into the
blood brain barrier
& directly sacrificing
wo/men child experimenting
committing genocide
@MeriPatriot @StormyWeather @honeyduchesne @GrizzledOldNamVet @Constantine1 @PhrygianScale @lone_gunman @xrey
& my reply to the above:
Conservative News
@BlakMazk @MeriPatriot @StormyWeather @honeyduchesne @GrizzledOldNamVet @Constantine1 @PhrygianScale @lone_gunman @xrey
In 1995 during the middle of the night in the NICU with my twins, while I took turns nursing & holding them, I observed hospital staff leave a newborn baby girl with what appeared to me a cleft palate naked on a metal tray under a warming light.
They left her alone there as she turned purple gasping for breath. I asked the nurses to help her & they told me they were already doing “everything we can” for her. EVERY other baby in that NICU was hooked up to leads with alarms, in a diaper, in some type of bed, often an isolette, lying on soft cushions & receiving blankets. Once the baby died a nurse confirmed no heartbeat, wrapped the tiny body in a receiving blanket, & took the body away I know not where.
I believe that I witnessed a POST-BIRTH ABORTION…& this was in 1995 in Metro Detroit…
To my shame I only watched & didn’t pick up this precious girl to hold her, sing to her, & pray for her (though I prayed from afar) as she passed from this life alone & forsaken…This was a horror to observe & should not be condoned!!!
possible HAARP action?
I know this is Pakistan….. but; this is what weather warfare looks like when they shift the moisture around uncontrollably with microwave….. CA on the other hand to the Rockies has been dry as a bone….. The UN wants to take down the US in the worst way….
Must have drilled into a nerve cos disappeared.
“This Tweet is from a suspended account.”
Interesting & suspicious
Kalifornistan (along with much of the US Southwest, which the “reconquistas” fondly refer to as Aztlan) is historically a DESERT. Around 900 of the last 2000 years have been drought there.
This has been researched, documented, hashed and rehashed by scientists and now Climastrologists (who are busy revising and hiding the REAL science).
Why the DEMONRAT Deathmocrats and HELLYWOOD don’t understand or care about this, I don’t know. Probably in their reality-denial, they think they can bow down to the Unicorn and all their problems will go away… They’d do better starting a Gofundme for some large desalinization plants… I think OZ has a few to get rid of… ‘course they’d probably try to contact the Wizard lf Oz…
Reality is the left’s kryptonite!
Wolf, how big of a deal is this?
It’s huge, and I’m already working on a post tonight! This link is new, though – thank you!!!
Oh.yw. i thought esp being autoimmune…covid…itd be important somehow.
That’s an interesting angle on it. That might be WHY the deception.
Here is the post:
jail the genocidal psychopaths!
In case of “emergency”
better building back
He just cant help himself.
AOC and Kemel-Hoe?
Guess with swallowell, the thigh’s the limit…
(OK, off to me corner I go…)…
ye shall know the Truth & the Truth shall set you free!
Doctor’s advice
armed & ready
Trump for the troops!