2022·07·30 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

The Chinese Should Think Before Wiping Us Out As Sometimes They Need Us To Solve Their Problems For Them

Okay you knuckledragging ChiComs trying to take us down…here’s a history lesson for you.

For millennia, you had to suffer from this:

Yep. Steppe Nomads. They laid waste to your country, burned, raped and pillaged (but not in that order–they’re smarter than you are) for century after century.

You know who figured out how to take them on and win? The Russians.

Not you, the Russians. And it took them less than two centuries. And Oh By The Way they were among the most backward cultures in Europe at the time.

You couldn’t invent an alphabet, you couldn’t take care of barbarians on horseback, and you think you can take this board down?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! We’re laughing at you, you knuckledragging dehumanized communists…worshipers of a mass-murderer who killed sixty million people!

I mean, you still think Communism is a good idea even after having lived through it!

By my reckoning that makes you orders of magnitude more stupid than AOC, and that takes serious effort.

His Fraudulency

Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.

One can hope that all is not as it seems.

I’d love to feast on that crow.

“No Chemicals”

A detailed analysis of the contents of His Fraudulency’s skull was performed.

Absolutely no chemicals found!

Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Small Government?

Many times conservatives (real and fake) speak of “small government” being the goal.

This sounds good, and mostly is good, but it misses the essential point. The important thing here isn’t the size, but rather the purpose, of government. We could have a cheap, small tyranny. After all our government spends most of its revenue on payments to individuals and foreign aid, neither of which is part of the tyrannical apparatus trying to keep us locked down and censored. What parts of the government would be necessary for a tyranny? It’d be a lot smaller than what we have now. We could shrink the government and nevertheless find it more tyrannical than it is today.

No, what we want is a limited government, limited not in size, but rather in scope. Limited, that is, in what it’s allowed to do. Under current circumstances, such a government would also be much smaller, but that’s a side effect. If we were in a World War II sort of war, an existential fight against nasty dictatorships on the brink of world conquest, that would be very expensive and would require a gargantuan government, but that would be what the government should be doing. That would be a large, but still limited government, since it’d be working to protect our rights.

World War II would have been the wrong time to squawk about “small government,” but it wasn’t (and never is) a bad time to demand limited government. Today would be a better time to ask for a small government–at least the job it should be doing is small today–but it misses the essential point; we want government to not do certain things. Many of those things we don’t want it doing are expensive but many of them are quite eminently doable by a smaller government than the one we have today. Small, but still exceeding proper limits.

So be careful what you ask for. You might get it and find you asked for the wrong thing.

Political Science In Summation

It’s really just a matter of people who can’t be happy unless they control others…versus those who want to be left alone. The oldest conflict within mankind. Government is necessary, but government attracts the assholes (a highly technical term for the control freaks).

A few Things We Cannot Blame on His Fraudulency

I am pretty sure Joe Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with the 30 Years War that ran from 1618-1648 and probably killed about a third of the people then living in what is now Germany.

Nor did he cause the collapse of either Roman empire (Western, 476 CE, Eastern 1453 CE). Nor the ignominious failure of most of the Crusades. Nor the collapse of Bronze Age civilization around 1200 BCE (including the collapse of the Minoans and the blowup of Santorini).

However, my utter lack of ability to imagine how he could possibly be responsible for these things is not a valid argument against them, so I await correction if appropriate.

James Webb Space Telescope Looks at Jupiter

Jupiter is, by far, the largest of the planets in the Solar System. An alien visitor, in fact, would be justified in stating that this system consists of one G2-class star, a gas giant planet with a big red spot on it, and assorted debris.

Except that any spacefaring alien would likely be very interested in planets like Home, and those would likely be small, rocky planets, so he’d take a closer look at that “debris.”

Jupiter probably prevented the formation of a planet in the asteroid belt, and has intercepted a lot of space junk that might otherwise have smacked into Earth. We know, in fact, that it collides with comets now and again…recall Shoemaker Levy 9 in 1994, which would have been a catastrophic series of hits on Earth. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_Shoemaker%E2%80%93Levy_9)

(Unfortunately, we didn’t see the actual impacts. They happened just barely on the far side of Jupiter. Though Hubble did catch one fireball poking up over the limb. And of course we could see the smoking holes bored through Jupiter’s atmosphere by the impact.

Fireball from one of the Shoemaker Levy impacts

Note that this image records red, blue, violet and ultraviolet.

And here is a Hubble ultraviolet picture of Jupiter with holes burned through the atmosphere by the pieces of Shoemaker Levy 9.

Well, with the possible exception of the red frequency above, JWST cannot see any of these frequencies. It can see infrared.

And it took some pictures of Jupiter the other day. No trace remains of the Shoemaker Levy impacts, of course, but you can be assured that if something like this happens again before JWST kicks the bucket due to running out of propellant, JWST will be on it like His Fraudulency on 10 year old girls. (Only in this case, the results will be useful.) We would love to see such a thing happen in infrared! A certain amount of time on JWST is reserved for unexpected events. We had only a few months’ warning on Shoemaker Levy 9. Rest assured if Betelgeuse (or any other star within 200,000 light years) goes supernova, same story.

JWST has already taken pictures of Jupiter. These were done at two wavelengths, as two separate images, so there’s no “false color” going on. Where the picture is white, infrared of that wavelength hit the sensor, if dark, then not. Pretty basic.

Europa is to the left..and it’s brighter than Jupiter at this wavelength; the sensor pixels “blew out” and this is denoted by black. Jupiter itself is quite recognizable; you can even see the Red Spot, but it turns out to be pretty bright at this wavelength (2,120 nanometers [billionths of a meter]…for reference we can see 400-700nm with 700 being the red end.)

This is a pretty detailed image…for having taken from over half a billion miles away!

Here’s this picture in raw unprocessed form…plus another one taken at 3,230 nm.

Well, well well, what do we have here…right under Thebe?

That’s Jupiter’s ring! Not nearly as famous as the rings around Saturn, they’re hard to see; we only discovered them during a flyby during the last century, backlit by the Sun.

That image, processed and enhanced a bit:

Jupiter is blindingly bright at this wavelength; in fact it even appears bulged at the poles. The ring is plainly visible, even a bit to the right of the big bright thing. It may not look particularly spectacular to you, but planetary scientists are learning a LOT from these pictures.

The verdict is in: JWST kicks ass.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

(Paper) Spot Prices

Last week:

Gold $1,727.10
Silver $18.67
Platinum $883.00
Palladium $2,106.00
Rhodium $16,700.00

This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend. [Note: If you are reading this…I had no chance between 3-10 PM Friday to put the prices in. My apologies for this, but it’s hectic here.]

[Edit: Prices added 3:10 AM MT.]

Gold $1,767.50
Silver $20.44
Platinum $906.00
Palladium $2,204.00
Rhodium $15,300.00


Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!

Whoever ends up in the cell next to his, tell him I said “Hi.”

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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Thanks, Steve! I didn’t know Jupiter had a ring.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I remember being wowed by that when it was announced!


If Sauron can have one, why not Jupiter?


Looks like the following are spot prices at close of business Friday, according to MarketWatch:

Gold: $1,782.70
Silver: $20.34
Platinum: $890.50
Palladium $2,123.50

I didn’t see Rhodium spot price on MarketWatch, so I found it on MoneyMetals.com, but it is probably not exactly accurate to the closing price on Friday afternoon:

Rhodium $14,450.00

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Andrew Torba https://gab.com/emoji/271d.svg


Reminder that Twitter isn’t real life. It’s a social engineering platform filled with bots that spew leftist lies.

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Elon Musk, pick up any white courtesy phone. Your lawyers are calling.

Cuppa Covfefe

Bots can’t even spell Patricia… Then again, that isn’t a RED Chinese name…

Oh, and paging Sylvia: There’s some shovel-ready fake Averys out there 😀

Twitter is one VERY diseased bird… full of the fakeusations ot AntiSemitism the left loves to hurl, while being profoundly Anti-Semitic themselves…


LoL at the Sylvia reference. Nice catch, Mr OutsideTheBoxThinker.  😎 

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2

comment image


It’s a dog-faced pony soldier.

Biden’s an idiot.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think he’s quacked…



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

YOU ain’t Black!!


Well, I do have a bit of African blood actually 😉


Sho’ nuff


True enough. I actually know the story of how I got mine!


That’s a lonnnnngg time ago!



Cuppa Covfefe

You ain’t QUACK!!! 😀

(DUCKS and runs 🙂 )…

[And then there was the Hunter who got caught smoking Quacik… 🙂 ]

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Dr. McCullough:

It is biologically plausible and cohesive male and female fertility are damaged with every 6 mo administrations of genetic code for the WIV Spike protein. Those lower in the range, will be rendered infertile through each injection period. Sara Gonzales exclusive on Blaze Media.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

VERY EARLY ON, McCullough hinted that “there might be something up” with the vaccines. I think he knew or strongly suspected that they were indeed “depopulation shots”, but he also knew he couldn’t say it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The other thing, too, which I’m sure McCullough realizes, is that if these shots reliably end pregnancies, then women taking them every six months are basically going to be trying to get their babies through a minefield. They won’t be having babies.


Gates, son of President of Planned Parenthood, recipient of the Margaret Sanger award, is salivating at the prospect – his wet dreams of fertility and population control, eugenics and euthanasia would become reality.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He was part of the planning, I’m sure.

This is the FULFILLMENT of his dream, IMO.

This spike protein injection and consequences were planned all along. The abortive effects HAD to be noticed in animal studies of both the viruses and the vaccines.

This explains China’s interest in SARS to begin with.


I’ll bet that Bat Lady and the rest of the Fauci gang discovered it and realized the significance.


Wolf Moon
IMO, so did RALPH BARIC at UNC. Bat Lady worked at his lab also.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! Baric knew, for sure. Maybe even, early in his career, he discovered it.


I’ve read that there are deformities happening with pregnancies of the vaxxed, so even if they dodge the mines and manage to get pregnant, who knows what will be wrong with their babies.

Happy go lucky

Brings to mind the Zika virus babies. Bill Gates was in on that in some way



Happy go lucky

Welp, I’m gonna vent for just a sec.

How long have we known this? The spontaneous miscarriages, the irregular cycles, the very young girls bleeding? I mean it feels like we’ve known it forever and there have been many, many documentations brought here for discussion. But perhaps it’s only been a year?

I’m angry because just YESTERDAY, my colleague mentioned she had JUST READ IN THE “NEWS” (by which she means NPR 🙄) that “some” “breakthrough bleeding” “might” be linked to the vaccines. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

And she wasn’t even concerned, just relieved to know the possible cause of her issue so that she can be “prepared” with “supplies”. She had an excuse for everything I told her, said girls were starting their cycles at younger and younger ages because of climate change, blah blah. blah. I now fully appreciate the label Covid idiot. It wasn’t that long ago that unexpected bleeding was a thing to fear and cause to get a checkup and check for cancer. The cabal couldn’t get away with this if people weren’t so blinded by their own intellectual arrogance.

End of rant.


Some are simply Educated Idjits.


Blinded by APPROVED NARRATIVE, delivered by Pravda News and Big Tech.



Seems they can toss pretty much any flimsy thing out to fit their conformational bias.


Conforming is usually EASY. Commonly, Do Nothing.

Doing the Right Thing, including Critical thinking, is not always simple and can be uncomfortable.

But, Doing The Right Thing is ALWAYS, The Right Thing To Do.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Some people are not just asleep, they’re in a coma.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wonderful rant! SO TRUE. People don’t want to engage the next step of the equation – that people in charge DID THIS KNOWINGLY.

I am now calling it GLOBAL ROULETTE, in analogy to Russian roulette.

“All proles and virtuous elites must play.”

They tried to start a game of “Global roulette” and then have their convinced proles play KAPO and get the others to accept their fate of “having” to play the game of “statistical suicide”.

In my opinion, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and members of any religion, who believe suicide is improper for religious reasons, must NOT take the shot, because it’s a form of both lottery and suicide.

Gail Combs

two articles by by Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld that explain WHY Americans can no longer THINK LOGICALLY.

Dumbing Down America

….Dewey’s philosophy had evolved from Hegelian idealism to socialist materialism, and the purpose of the school was to show how education could be changed to produce little socialists and collectivists instead of little capitalists and individualists. It was expected that these little socialists, when they became voting adults, would dutifully change the American economic system into a socialist one.

In order to do so he analyzed the traditional curriculum that sustained the capitalist, individualistic system and found what he believed was the sustaining linchpin — that is, the key element that held the entire system together: high literacy. To Dewey, the greatest obstacle to socialism was the private mind that seeks knowledge in order to exercise its own private judgment and intellectual authority. High literacy gave the individual the means to seek knowledge independently. It gave individuals the means to stand on their own two feet and think for themselves. This was detrimental to the “social spirit” needed to bring about a collectivist society..

John Dewey’s Plan To Dumb-Down America!

The dumbing-down of America is no accident. It is not the result of uncontrollable natural forces floating in the air we breathe or the water we drink. It is the result of a planned scheme launched in 1898 by Progressive-in-Chief John Dewey outlined in an article titled “The Primary-Education Fetich” (sic). Dewey was a diehard socialist with a deep hatred of capitalism, individualism, and orthodox Christianity. He, and his small army of academic followers, were determined to turn America into a humanist collectivist society and he figured out that the best way to separate Americans from their constitutional freedoms and individualism was to dumb them down.

And the easiest way to do this was to change the way children were taught to read in their primary schools. Get rid of intensive phonics, the foundation of language mastery and independent intelligence, and put in its place a “sight” or “look-say” method that teaches children to read English as if it were Chinese. Have them memorize a sight vocabulary so that they develop a whole-word reflex and cannot see the phonetic structure of our alphabetic words. Thus they will become reading disabled, dyslexic, or simply low-level readers….

Of course, Dewey knew that Americans would not voluntarily give up their economic and individual freedoms, so he told his colleagues: “Change must come gradually. To force it unduly would compromise its final success by favoring a violent reaction.” And so, wholesale deception became the modus operandi of the progressive movement.

We are reprinting Dewey’s article because it is important for Americans to understand how they’ve been deceived by their so-called educators. The plan to deliberately dumb down the nation has been hidden from the public for almost 100 years. Reading it today is to become finally aware of the deceit and treachery behind this treasonous conspiracy to destroy the intellect of millions of Americans behind the benign façade of Progressive education.

When you consider the misery, frustration, despair and humiliation these teaching methods have caused in millions of American children, it becomes clear that the professional educators behind all of this were diabolically inspired.

Can we repair the damage done by Dewey’s plan? Only if the will is there and Americans are willing to face the fact that they have been betrayed by their educators….


Reading at the first link, I notice that Dewey first declares traditional teaching to be obsolete due to changing conditions. Then a bit further on he describes it as evil. Stunning that over a century later leftists do this in almost every attempt to persuade an audience – be it one or thousands.

Happy go lucky

put in its place a “sight” or “look-say” method

See Happy.
See Happy punch Dewey.
See Dewey.
See Dewey cry.
See Dewey cry and suck his thumb.


Thank you so much for bringing this. Dr. McCullough is correct, IMO.

June 1, 2022
“Challenges of Deciding Whether and How to Update COVID-19 Vaccines to Protect Against Variants”

Published online April 18, 2021
“Coronavirus Variants — Will New mRNA Vaccines Meet the Challenge?”
*** this article ALSO appeared in the journal, Engineering (Beijing), in June, 2021.

“FDA Briefing Document Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting April 6, 2022”

All of the above documents discuss the issue of whether to “update” COVID-19 “vaccines”, and if so, then how to, etc. The FDA VRBPAC briefing document, in fact, beginning on Page 7 of the briefing document, has explicit references about NOT granting an EUA or “approval” for a “modified” COVID-19 “vaccine” based solely on what the manufacturer claims.
Nonetheless, the very same FDA committee recommended for use the Pfizer-BioNTech multivalent COVID-19 “vaccine” that was presented ONLY WITH “study results” from the company at their meeting THIS MONTH. This new COVID-19 “vaccine” will include S1 spike protein from the original Wuhan strain, PLUS omicron, PLUS the “new” variants BA.4 and BA.5. Thus, the Pfizer-BioNTech multivalent COVID-19 “booster shot vaccine” will include the S1 spike protein from THREE strains of the virus. Not only that — the FDA has granted an EUA for this “vaccine” to be used, starting in the fall of 2022, WITH NO CLINICAL TRIALS.

Wait, there’s more!
After previous discussion at FDA VRBPAC meetings about how variants BA.4 and BA.5 were separate variants, “all of a sudden”, their thinking changed to “BA.4 and BA.5 are identical, with the exception of a couple of small items” stuff. WTF?
How on God’s Earth do they know this? THEY DON’T. And until they can PROVE it, BA.4 and BA.5 are DIFFERENT strains of omicron.
Consider the damage that ONE or TWO S1 spike proteins have already caused via the use of the current Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines.”
It is possible to posit that the new “booster shot” COVID-19 “vaccine” from this company, with THREE S1 spike protein strains mixed in it (original Wuhan, plus BA.4 and BA5) has the potential to cause even more damage.
By the way, Moderna is also part of this “multivalent COVID-19 booster” situation.

June 28, 2022
“FDA Panel Gives Thumbs Up to Omicron-Containing COVID Boosters”

And, one more thing: immunocompromised people and people with cancer FROM AGE 12 AND UP are being “recommended” by the CDC to get AS MANY AS 5 DOSES OF A COVID-19 “VACCINE” —


Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll bet that secret tests of anti-aging and anti-fertility were POSITIVE..


Wolf Moon
Well, one thing’s for sure, IMO — ANY doctor who DOESN’T INFORM the patient that the “new COVID-19 booster shot vaccine” NEVER WENT THROUGH A CLINICAL TRIAL is not only violating the Hippocratic Oath they swore; once it’s proven that the reverse-transcribed DNA made from the mRNA in the “vaccines” DOES alter one’s DNA, they can be sued for allowing in vivo medical experimentation without the patient’s prior consent.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

The lawyers’ full employment program. We should see how many pharma peeps also went to law school – it might not be a side-effect.


Some evening music.

I read about this a while back. IIRC, this takes place at the Iridium Jazz Club in New York, where the Les Paul Trio plays once a week.

Les Paul passed away in 2009, but the group still plays together, with guest musicians every week.

Anton Fig is the drummer. I don’t know if he is a regular with the Les Paul Trio or not, but he was the drummer for Late Night with David Letterman for many years.

At the beginning of the song, Anton almost loses the cowbell, but he recovers 😁

The featured guest performer is Zakk Wylde, a big fan of Les Paul, as many musicians are, and who was the lead guitarist for Ozzy Osbourne for some years, as well as other bands.

Instead of trying to remember this stuff, I found the article again.

The song is a cover of Mississippi Queen by Mountain (1970).

“The [Les Paul] Trio is made up of guitarist Lou Pallo, bassist Nicki Parrot and pianist John Colianni. With the fifth song, the Trio welcomed a fourth member to the stage, drummer Anton Fig. You might know Fig from his work with the CBS Orchestra ( aka David Letterman’s band). After two songs with Fig onstage, Pallo gave a very warm welcome to a man that he’s known since he was a young boy: Zakk Wylde.”

The guitar playing is wild, but I can’t help but notice the bass player Nicki Parrot, whenever the camera turns her direction. I don’t see many female bass players. She’s having fun, and if you happen to have your computer hooked up to a home stereo with full size speakers, it sounds to me like Nicki is laying down an amazing bass line. 👍

I’m currently using an old pair of JBL speakers, like these, for the computer… so I can rock out to all the yt videos 😁

comment image


Without further ado, the Les Paul Trio, with guests Anton Fig and Zakk Wylde, playing Mississippi Queen.



Nice. Very nice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That was a lot of fun. “Tall bass chick is tall.” But yes, she was not shy with the amp, and you could hear the bass distinctly, which is nice.

That has to be the most intricate version of Mississippi Queen I’ve ever heard. Great song – always love it!


Yeah, I get the impression Zakk likes to play that song 👍😁

I just looked up Nikki Parrott (correctly spelled with two T’s, pronounced pa-ROTT), her teachers included bassist Ray Brown, best known for his playing with the Oscar Peterson Trio (1951-1965) and with Ella Fitzgerald. Ray was married to Ella for a time and played on many of her albums, including one of my favorites, Ella and Louis, with Louis Armstrong (1956).

Wiki: “Nicki Parrot: Born 1970 Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.

Parrott took piano lessons when she was four years old, then learned flute. When she was fifteen, she started playing double bass, and after graduating from high school she studied at the New South Wales Conservatorium of Music in Sydney, Australia. While in school, she performed with Australian musicians Dale Barlow and Mike Nock and with American musicians Chuck Findley and Bobby Shew.

She moved to New York City in 1994 and continued her education on bass with Rufus Reid. Her teachers also included Ray Brown and John Clayton. For several years she played bass guitar and sang backing vocals for an R&B band in Manhattan. She started a trio with John Tropea and David Spinozza. In 2000, she became the bassist for Les Paul in his trio’s weekly performances at a club in Manhattan. She appeared in two documentaries about Paul: Chasing Sound and Thank You, Les.

Parrott recorded her first album, Awabakal Suite (2001), with her sister, Lisa Parrott. She had roles on Broadway in the musicals Jekyll & Hyde and You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown. Her first solo album, Moon River, was released in 2008 and consisted of jazz standards.[1] She has recorded tribute albums to Burt Bacharach, Nat King Cole, Doris Day, Blossom Dearie, Peggy Lee, and the Carpenters


So when I saw that she has a tribute album to Peggy Lee, the first song I thought of was Fever. She had to do a cover of Fever.

Found it!


And here she is in 2003 at the Iridium Club again, with Les Paul, playing the standup bass and having a good time 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


She sings, too!  😎 

What’s DP say? “Not all devils angels play the harp”?


Here is Les Paul as a younger man, with Mary Ford:

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I think I get the whole legend now!


That was fun!


Wow. Enjoyed that thoroughly!


On Truth Social,exchanges with Gregg Phillips:

After the pit, how long before that info will be made public for the world to see? The anticipation is driving me insane. Hope you are feeling better!

(I don’t know if he is ill.)


It’s up to the pitsters


I want the info please


Sometimes you just have to ask yourself why? If you had it, it’s too big to open. If we give it in chunks, it loses context.


Is there a strategy to spread info beyond pitsters? I have friends on twitter who have huge followers and I think would share info. I am willing to help organize them on twitter. I probably can get. All in well over a half a million ppl on twitter if I can get them all.


Yes. The old stuff will be made public. Going forward we will use patriot games to educate folks on and give access to tools and intelligence through our Ground Fusion Center.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

“Sometimes you just have to ask yourself why? If you had it, it’s too big to open. If we give it in chunks, it loses context.”

More double-super-secret information that’s just too big and complicated for little old me to comprehend.

I’m really tired of this crank-yanking crap. Spill it, or go away.

I know that’s not a popular opinion around here, but good grief. First it’s a Kracken, then it’s a Lindell conference, now it’s a Pit.

I know one thing for sure; it’s the pits, all right.


More double-super-secret information that’s just too big and complicated for little old me to comprehend.

But that’s not what he said. He said the file would either be too large for any of us to open, or the content would get lost in small chunks. Nothing about our ability to comprehend.

Spill it, or go away.

They want to “spill it” in the most effective way, and they’re bringing on board over 100 people whom we all have direct access to, who will “spill it” to us so we can take it and run with it. Those 100 people have received invitations, so they will be able to hold Phillips, et al., accountable. It’s a specific operation, not vague.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think he was using “files” as an analogy, even though the data is likely MANY, MANY FILES WORTH.

And it’s not just the data itself (likely PETABYTES or at least many terabytes) – it’s the concepts, too.

Imagine dumping any entire scandal at once. You can’t do it.

What he is doing is MIRRORING the techniques of the Q project.

More likely?

“The Pit” is follow the same psy-op good practices as “The Q Project” did. That includes not overwhelming recipients with massive data and expecting that to succeed toward the goal.

I’m not saying that Phillips is part of Q or vice versa. But both seem part of “white hattery” in general.

At a minimum, this thing includes what Phillips has said it does.


Nothing will demonstrate DOJ/FBI complicity and malfeasance in the 2020 election like this data bypassing them and then causing arrests nationwide, which then points to massive conspiracy at the federal level.


I agree.

At a minimum, this thing includes what Phillips has said it does.


Yes, and this is huge. We won’t be waiting for the FIB to tell us what they saw in the files. (We would never get the information in that case.) We will have the data, and those whose skills enable them to track it will run with it. Their results will go to the Fusion Center, and they will be disseminated to all of us.

I think that any of us could have a hand in investigating. I don’t have the skills to do geo-tracking, for example, but if I saw something, I could report it to a place where I know it would be investigated. And when data is released, every one of us can spread it far and wide, with no restrictions except social media censoring us. But that won’t stop us.


It’s seems similar to what is happening with the ~51,000 Pfizer documents.

  • They’ve been made available for folks to delve into AND REPORT issues.
  • There is a, I’ll call it, “clearing house” for issues reported to be screened for valid issues.
  • “Clearing House” staffed by attorneys, medically trained folks and more.
  • Dr. Naomi Wolf has a major roll in this.

Seems as though The Pit is a starting point for this. Quite likely infrastructure and staff being put in place.

  • Vet information reported and sent to LE, attorneys, etc.
  • Perhaps educate and train folks to watch ballot drop boxes, voting sites, even registration locations.

Until Phillips and Cartherine step on it, fail to deliver, I’m good with them.

Gail Combs

I think that THIS is what Q trained Anons for.

To be the Volunteer Intelligence Agency for the White Hats.

Much of what the CIA does is look at Open Source Information.

“Nellie Ohr, Researcher, Open Source Works, Washington, DC – (A CIA duplication of a DNI entity which originally focused on capturing shortwave broadcasts for intel analysis.)

From John Solomon’s article about the Nellie Ohr investigation:

… Now, 339 pages of emails from her private account to Department of Justice (DOJ) email accounts, have been released under a Freedom of Information Act request by the conservative legal group Judicial Watch. And they are raising concerns among Republicans in Congress, who filed a criminal referral with the Justice Department on Wednesday night.

‘They clearly show that Ohr sent reams of open-source intelligence to her husband, Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, and on some occasions to at least three DOJ prosecutors: Lisa Holtyn, Ivana Nizich and Joseph Wheatley.

‘The contents tracked corruption developments in Russia and Ukraine, including intelligence affecting Russian figures she told Congress she had tried to connect to Trump or Manafort.

‘“Hi Honey, if you ever get a moment you might find the penultimate article interesting — especially the summary in the final paragraph,” Nellie Ohr emailed her husband on July 6, 2016, in one typical communication. The article and paragraph she flagged suggested that Trump was a Putin stooge: “If Putin wanted to concoct the ideal candidate to service his purposes, his laboratory creation would look like Donald Trump.” Nellie Ohr bolded that key sentence for apparent emphasis.

‘Such overt political content flowing into the email accounts of a DOJ charged with the nonpartisan mission of prosecuting crimes is jarring enough. It raises additional questions about potential conflicts of interest when it is being injected by a spouse working as a Democratic contractor trying to defeat Trump, and she is forwarding her own research to her husband’s department and co-workers …’


You mention review of open-source material as a primary function of the CIA. That was an integral part of the plot of the movie Three Days of the Condor.



I will not get my hopes up again to have them dashed on the rocks. If it happens, great, I’ll pop the champagne cork. But one burned, twice shy, as they say.


That’s fine. It would be extremely disappointing if something doesn’t come of this. As for “once burned, twice shy,” I understand the concept, but it wasn’t Gregg Phillips who burned anyone.


Gregg Phillips gets the benefit of the doubt, for now.

Phillips delivered 2000 mules. Appears to be doing some good in the law enforcement aspect.

Once Phillips over promises or simply does not deliver, he’ll join the kracken lady and others.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

H.L. Mencken“We are here and it is now. Further than that, all human knowledge is moonshine.”
Sabine Hossenfelder“Let us hold our beers now.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It sure exists for me! I spend half my life in the past.

I love how she says “Einstein!”

Last edited 2 years ago by Aubergine
Valerie Curren

I know what you mean. In the early days of looking for my mom’s birth family, her mother in particular, it almost seemed like I “knew” her & was there in the 1920’s+ as she became so Very Real to me in that search process!


When we see them as actual people, it’s much easier to trace their movements. What they did makes more sense.

Valerie Curren

That’s a good point! It is interesting to kind of flesh them out a bit 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! My mom’s German aunts sounded just like her, including that pronunciation of “stein” names.


Lol, Alice is much cooler than you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Her dry, geeky, and charmingly amateur humor is always fun! Reminds me of good profs for some reason.  😉 


I think she’s awesome! You have NO IDEA what it takes to get ME to listen to a fifteen minute video on ANY subject, much less theoretical science!


This whole weirdness of time came about by Einstein choosing a mathematics to manipulate a 4-dimensional coordinate system, were time is Independent of space, to adjust observations of data from electromagnetic radiation, which he correctly identified as necessary as a consequence of the constancy of the speed of light.

But is/was the use of this type of mathematics really necessary to accomplish that?
Do we really need to go beyond 3 dimensional space and is the use of extra dimension not analog to adding an extra polynomial parameter to make a curve better fit an observation?

The perception of time comes about by observing changing or moving space, relative to a unchanging background, either the background is moving, the observer is moving or parts of space is moving relative to other parts, as long as parts can be distinguished from the background, eg. they need to be of different colors

The problem comes when closely associated oscillating similar parts start to synchronize, without the observer noticing, i.e. the relative time difference becomes zero (simultaneous)

We can distinguish 10 claps from 10 people as long as they clap sequential after each other. However we only hear 1 clap if all 10 people clap simultaneously, i.e.. the time difference between claps becomes indistinguishably small. There is thus a vanishing of 9 claps, which are not accounted for and skewing the observation. That single clap may perceived slightly differently.

Lets say there are ten, otherwise equal tangible and flexible parts, oscillating along the x-axis in space, 10 more in the y-axis and 10 more in the z-axis. We would observe 10*10*10 = 1000 oscillations if these are not synchronized.
No let the x- and y-axis synchronize and our count drops to 100 only. If the z-axis is sycronised as well, the count is down to 10 only i.e. there is a drop of 100, that is 10^2 oscillations have vanished.
Also the density of the space occupied has changed to a more dense state, but we may not be aware of this.

Unfortunately a lot of the science and scientist do not take this into account.

(Hint: Einsteins Mass-Energy (E=M*C^2) equation has a similar square (power^2) relationship).


So the distances to various stars/galaxies might not be as far as we believe today?

If so, that is a darn big apple cart to upset.  😉 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I remain ambivalent about time – whether it’s a hack or a beautiful and correct simplification. Indeed, it may be BOTH, and that could be what is preventing us from seeing past it.

Getting rid of time forces us to restate the same physics we know and love without it, without any degradation in completeness (even if we sacrifice ease in many cases), but there has to be a reward for doing so. Again, I’m ambivalent on whether such rewards are likely, or if it just becomes a more difficult view of the same reality.

“Time” may actually BE a statement about the same alternative ideas that could in principle be used to substitute for it. Indeed, it may be that going to an alternative would actually cause “time” to emerge as the handiest way to talk about changes in space versus space.

E = mc^2 is fascinating in terms of what it seems to say about time, even after eliminating it explicitly from the variables.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB…..

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 🎼  🎵 The Jab! 🎶 


She’s got The Jab!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And then she was
She’s got the Jab
She’s got the Jab
She’s got the Jab
She’s got the Jab, Jab, Jab 

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Notice there’s no U.S.data. They won’t tell us it’s happening here unless we force them.



Was just about to post where’s the US data.

As well as a laundry list of highly jabbed countries.

Valerie Curren

Great Catch!



Gail Combs

The US data is conflicting.

Of course it could be the ILLEGALS that are having the babies….

U.S. Birth Rate 1950-2022 | MacroTrends

U.S. Birth Rate 1950-2022. Chart and table of the U.S. birth rate from 1950 to 2022. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. The current birth rate for U.S. in 2022 is 12.012 births per 1000 people, a 0.09% increase from 2021. The birth rate for U.S. in 2021 was 12.001 births per 1000 people, a 0.09% increase from 2020.

US birth rates increased in 2021 for the first time in 7 years NY Post

May 25, 2022

For the first time in seven years, birth rates in the United States increased – albeit by only one percent. The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics revealed there were 3,659,289 babies..

US birth rate falls 4% to its lowest point ever – BBC News

May 5, 2021

The American birth rate fell for the sixth consecutive year in 2020, with the lowest number of babies born since 1979, according to a new report. Some 3.6 million babies were born in the US… according to a new report.


Yeah, I’d bet on it being the illegals.


Don’t forget the Muslims.


How could I?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Andrew Torba


Chris Hayes spent half his show on MSNBC spewing lies about me tonight. These people will never invite me on to preach God’s Word and respond because they don’t want folks hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and they fear a strong Christian man who won’t apologize for speaking the Truth boldly. Please pray for my family. Pray for a host of angels to surround us and keep us safe. Pray for Gab to withstand all of the attacks we are seeing behind the scenes right now. Glory to God, Christ is King.

346 replies

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent news!!!

BLACK TURD is one of them!

Valerie Curren

Hope this is the first of many states standing up!!!


If Texas did this they’d quit with their stupid ways.

Here’s the list of bad guys engaged in this ESG thing.

Moore said that five Wall Street firms no longer qualify for state banking contracts: BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo. In effect, these firms will no longer have access to roughly $18 billion worth of inflows and outflows each year.

And once again Vanguard is not on the list. Why? Ans. They do passive investing. This means as a matter of practice, they don’t set conditions on companies they invest in as long as those companies are not violating the law and allow their investors to invest as they see fit.

Valerie Curren

So Vanguard is the least worst 😉


Vanguard is what mom and pops across America invest in, thus they are so so so large. But it’s actually in their prospectus that they invest passively and they could be held libel by their share holders to do differently. That said however, there has been a couple of their fund managers that brought pressure to bare against companies that did not hire woman to their corporate boards. The top people at Vanguard spoke out against this as it ran counter to their pledge to invest passively and not actively, but said they could not control individual fund managers. I’m hoping it was a one time thing, but it will be interesting to see if Vanguard Fund Managers are climbing aboard the ESG band wagon or any of these other liberal band wagons. Hope not.

It’s also my suspicion those fund managers fell under the influence of family members when David the Camera Hog bad mouthed Vanguard.

Valerie Curren

Very interesting. Glad you’re keeping on top & sharing your insights! Blessings

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great information!!!


para is 100% correct. I have directed friends and family that direction with their 401-k’s and such.


EVERY “red” state should be banning ESG activism.

Valerie Curren



So, I may have mentioned that someone applied online for a credit card with my name and address (and not my SSN, phone, or email) right before the 4th of July holiday — and promptly stepped-on their dick by attempting charges that triggered fraud alerts. The bank mailed me fraud alerts, and I went into a branch to stomp that bad boy on the 13th. They told me everything was cancel-a-mundo and I’d get a letter in 10 days detailing the fraud (and potentially asking for affadavits).

I didn’t get a letter before the 23rd, but, y’know……

And I got a letter Friday from Bank of America, dated 7/23/22. Saying that I was approved for a credit card for $12,000. I managed to make it into the same branch and met with the same rep, and dropped a copy of the letter on her. Having been through my previous dealio, her reaction was, essentially, “you’ve got to be f’ing kidding me.”

Let me make this abundantly clear. Bank of America is so dysfunctional that they will process an online credit card application with nothing more than a name and address. If their fraud department is notified by a branch employee (who can scrutinize ID) that the account is fraudulent, they will process another application for that name and address with no additional identification just ten days later.

At some point, BofA will be completely embarrassed in their attempts to issue credit in my name. I’d recommend that the parties (Ira) involved start harassing someone else before then.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yours Truly was embroiled in a similar situation with Bank of America over 15 years ago. Somebody stole a piece of mail from the mailbox with my name and address on it (apparently, a piece of junk mail) and used it to apply for a BofA credit card in their name but using MY address. Sure enough, BofA issued a credit card, with “Party #2” then proceeding to rack up a lot of charges, with the bill, of course, coming to my address. It took me over a year to get the mess straightened up, the card cancelled, and all charges rescinded. To this day, I don’t know if “Party #2” was arrested for fraud.
Yours Truly has used a locking mailbox since.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Valerie Curren

Ray Epps connected to Dominion…maybe?

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Darren Beattie (Revolver News) is calling this out as enemy disinformation!


Hopefully they can get a definitive answer then. Regardless…

The so called disqualifier Beattie seems to rely on is that Dominion Enterprises is not connected to Dominion Voting. She did work for Dominion Enterprises however.


https://www.pr.com/press-release/46421 (from 2007 announcing her appointment as National Sales Director for Dominion Enterprises.)

https://www.datanyze.com/companies/dominion-enterprises/38198338 Link shows Dominion Enterprises is an international company and does work in

Dominion Enterprises Profile and History

Founded in 1991 and headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia, Dominion Enterprises is a digital marketing and software services company. The company offers a variety of client solutions in business categories including B2B cloud, SaaS, and other technology support services.

It seems like it may be a real pretzel in determining a relationship between Dominion Enterprises and Dominion Voting (if that’s what is called).

Cory digs has a few tools that might help, but some require registration.

Anyway the coincidence here is remarkable and I don’t see a down side in using the meme. It is based in fact. It will put pressure on the J6 Unselect committee where they would have to ignore/brush off something that points at them possibly covering something up. Saying that “they are not the same companies” will still leave serious doubt in peoples minds and it would take too much to explain this very odd coincidence, further casting doubt on the Unselects.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Valerie Curren

Thanks for this! I shared your info w/ the original Gabber 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hopefully Beattie digs deeper!

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is also some weirdness about Dominion Energy in Virginia, too, and Barr’s heavy connection and investment there, but it’s the same thing. UNKNOWN CONNECTION other than name. There is are a lot of shell games in all these “Dominion” corporate structures. THAT is apparent, too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

Shell companies, interconnecting boards, shared Lawyers….

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

Leftists Actively Sowing Disinfo to Discredit Valid Ray Epps ReportingHeadline USA

Tony Sifert
July 28, 2022
‘It looks like the next phase in the effort to silence inconvenient discussion about Ray Epps is to flood the zone with false stories regarding Epps… ‘

….First came the New York Times‘ clumsy “puff piece” on the unindicted Epps, the only man who can be seen on video encouraging Trump supporters to “go into the Capitol” on Jan. 5 and 6.

Taking a page from the old Hillary Clinton textbook, the Times suggested that Epps has been the victim of “a vast right-wing conspiracy,” and lent a sympathetic ear to his complaints that “all of this, it’s just been hell.”

After Revolver’s Darren Beattie offered a thorough debunking of the Times‘ article, however, the Epps drama entered its next phase with the viral appearance on Twitter of unsourced claims about Epps that Beattie believes are part of a “disinfo campaign” designed to “muddy the waters” surrounding Epps’ role.

“It looks like the next phase in the effort to silence inconvenient discussion about Ray Epps is to flood the zone with false stories regarding Epps,” Beattie wrote. “[The aim is to] use those stories to silence the genuine, legitimate, and critical questions regarding Epps that are making the powers that be sweat big league.”

The first example of the possible “black influence op” involved a July 21 tweet from an unknown and unverified Twitter account that claimed Epps had spoken with Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi more than 10 times in advance of the J6 riots.
“Freedom of Information Act requests show a dozen phone calls between the cell phone of Ray Epps and the office of Speaker Pelosi in the week before #January6th,”

Retro Tech Noir wrote.

Enticing but there is zero evidence for this claim

Let’s not muddy the waters with bullshit https://t.co/48cWC7XqPV

— Darren J. Beattie https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f310.svg (@DarrenJBeattie) July 23, 2022

An AP fact check quickly debunked the claim, but the viral damage had been done — allowing the likes of Rep. Adam Kinzinger,RINO-Ill., to preach yet another sanctimonious sermon about “democracy.”….


Gail Combs

Who Dominion Enterprises is:



Post as bogus info, yesterday or day before.

Valerie Curren

Thx KBK! Hard to keep up, that’s for sure 🙂


Band of Horses song —


I’ve never heard them before, I liked it 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Listen to these MSDNC toads rationalizing!


[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/112/260/293/playable/10db3047f3d30650.mp4" /]

Valerie Curren

I can’t promise to be around much Saturday.”

Me neither since this is wedding weekend for our special needs son Josiah!

Great post, Steve. Have a wonderful weekend!!!


Valerie Curren
Have a wonderful weekend, and Best Wishes to the bride and groom!

Valerie Curren

Thanks so much RDS! Lot’s is happening. Niece leaves tomorrow morning for Florida & college & hubby leaves tomorrow afternoon for out-of-state new job new trucker training for nearly 3 weeks. I guess I get a violent empty nest 🙂


Oh, that’s cool!

Congratulate the groom, and hug the bride for me!

Valerie Curren

Will do! That’s so sweet Purple People Placer (on genealogical charts) 😉  ❤ 


I love it!

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Best wishes to the bride, groom, and families!

Valerie Curren

Thanks Wolf. God was definitely honored, PTL!


Okay, this is one I only found a few months ago. CSN&Y on the Tom Jones show, playing Long Time Gone.

I don’t know if they rehearsed this or not, because it’s kind of a laid back song, but when it starts, Tom Jones decided to go for it, and CSN&Y all look like they had no idea Tom was going to let it rip like this 😁

You can see Crosby almost immediately get a smile on his face, like he knows this could go off the rails at any moment 😂

Nash starts to smile at what’s happening pretty soon after. Stills decides he’s going to try to one-up Tom Jones, and Crosby looks like he knows they’re in trouble now… and Neil looks like he stepped into the Twilight Zone, and there’s no way out… 😂 🤣 😂

But they pull it off, it has to be the highest energy version of this song they ever played 👍 😁

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Barb Meier

Very nice, thanks for sharing this one. My sis-in-law always liked Tom Jones and now I know why. He was very high energy and my SiL was always a busy person, a doer, a maker of things happening. hehe

Cuppa Covfefe

They should’ve known better than to try to outsing a Welshman… 😎


That is seriously impressive.

Brave and Free

And just like that it’s gone.
Reminds us of when they took PDJT down. Who’s going to do anything??
Oh yeah nobody. Free speech only if it’s permissible from the gov run agency.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Twitter and the American IC agencies behind it are evil.

Hard to accept, but true.


Who’s going to do anything??

Probably no one. The public will see over time what is going on, and the market for social media will sort itself out. Twitter is already being outed. People need to be using free-speech-oriented platforms. It’s unfortunate that this outlet for getting word out has been taken away, but I think people have to expect even more of this and plan ahead. I think it will get worse as the election approaches.



JUST IN – Pelosi is now en route to Asia: reports.


Intel Slava Z

The plane with Pelosi took off from the United States. So far, this does not mean anything: she still has visits to Japan, Korea, Singapore, which will take place in any weather.

But will it bring the grandmother to Taiwan … Our forecast is that it won’t.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If China gets her, I’m calling it “black hat on black hat crime”.

EVIL against EVIL.



These people really need to study up on The Law of Unintended Consequences.


What about the bugs they want people to eat, what’ve they done to them.


No doubt that people who contract for school lunch programs will be pressured by woke school boards to include it in school lunch programs. Also you can bet wherever, however govt free or assisted food programs are they will be pushing bugs there as well. Will be watching for when it shows up as a WIC benefit. Then watch as they take away a WIC authorization and substitute it with bugs.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Valerie Curren

Today, literally, we should see “blessings received & prayers answered” as my son Josiah weds his bride Rose. Both of these very unique individuals prayed for the Lord to send them a spouse & God has answered both their prayers so lovingly. In Josiah & Rose’s coming marriage, with God at the center, we will see practical evidence of “the three cord strand that is not quickly broken”–Praise the Lord!


Amen goes right there, Val!!! 🧚🧚🧚

Valerie Curren

<3 <3 <3



Valerie Curren






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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Out-of-control Chinese rocket booster will hurtle back to Earth on Saturday and could hit land in inhabited areas – with debris potentially coming down over Asia, Africa or North America

China launched another module for its new space station ‘Tiangong’ on July 24 – But a rocket booster from China’s launch is now hurtling back towards the Earth

Experts say it’s likely to hit Earth this weekend, possibly in a populated area

Story with DM’s usual great graphics, diagrams here – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-11061645/Out-control-Chinese-rocket-booster-hurtle-Earth-Sunday.html

If the debris ‘accidentally’ hits Taiwan, Tallahassee Governor’s Mansion, Mar A Lago, ….. we’ll know it was a targeted hit….


….or if the area affected are infected by a novel engineered pathogen….we will know it was intentional….

Cuppa Covfefe

I’d be pulling for it to collide with the Large Hadron Collider, either or both of the Tower of Babel Replicas (Brussels, Strasbourg), Davos, Geneva, Berlin, or DC… or maybe Wuhan or thate huge dam upstream from it…..

Gail Combs

I vote for a direct hit on the Three Gorges Dam….

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. That’s the one I meant (couldn’t remember the name).

The irony and karma would be delicious…

Wonder how many labs would be washed away…..


Bernhard @ MoA

July 30, 2022

What Presidents Say Does Not Matter. It Is The Execution Of Policies That Counts.

Yesterday, on July 28/29 2022 three independent entities stated the obvious fact that the president of the United States is just a front puppet who has no power to fulfill the promises he makes during various interactions with foreign leaders. The dangers evolving from this state are enormous but rarely noted.

Andrew Bacevich, the head of the Quincy Institute, writes:

Something much bigger than POTUS — call it the MIC or the deep state — has de facto veto power on all matters related to national security.

Writing in the New York Timesveteran foreign correspondent Edward Wong reports that the Biden “administration’s approach to strategic priorities is surprisingly consistent with the policies of the Trump administration.”

What ought to be surprising at this juncture is Wong’s surprise.

In practice, the power wielded by the most powerful man in the world turns out to be quite limited. Factors at home and abroad constrain presidential freedom of action.

Two factors stand out, one structural and the other ideological.

The structural factor refers to the institutions whose wellbeing is dependent upon maintaining arrangements that devolved during the Cold War and survived the Cold War’s passing. Call it what you will — the Blob, the Deep State, the military-industrial-congressional complex — it exercises a de facto veto power on all matters related to basic U.S. national security policy.

The ideological factor rests on explicit or tacit claims of American Exceptionalism: That it is incumbent upon the United States to lead the world, with leadership tending in practice to become a synonym for global primacy and primacy tending to be expressed in military terms.

With regards to Joe Biden’s recent call with China’s president Xi Jinping, Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism makes a similar argument:

National leaders never have complete freedom to act; even autocrats have constituencies or power blocs they have to appease. In the US, it has become clear that the President has limited degrees of freedom on foreign policy matters; the military/intel interests call the shots. Mind you, there are factions so a President can push the needle to a degree; that’s why, for instance, Obama was able to check Clinton’s plans to escalate in Syria. But the flip side is that Presidents who want to improve relations with pet enemies get nowhere. In the Oliver Stone interviews, Putin recounts how he had productive discussions with Bush and they agreed on concrete de-escalation measures. Follow ups were unanswered. Eventually Putin got a written bafflespeak climbdown. That and other examples led Putin to conclude that US presidents are hostage to bureaucratic and commercial interests.

Biden is a visibly very weak president. And it appears that that has enabled the neocons to have an even bigger say over foreign policy than usual.

One assumes Xi has to understand that. Yet the Chinese readout has Xi starting from lofty first principles to contend that the US and China, as leading world powers, have a duty to promote peace, global development, and prosperity. From that, Xi reasons that seeing China as a strategic rival is “misperceiving” US-China relations and misleading the world community.

Who is Xi talking to when he goes on like that? It certainly is not to Biden.

On the very same day as Yves published the above, the Global Times, the prime international outlet of the Chinese Communist Party, acknowledged Biden’s inability to keep promises by publishing an editorial which makes the same observation:

China-US relations have not only failed to get out of the plight created by the previous US government, but have stagnated and even deteriorated. The root lies in that these positive statements by President Biden have not been translated into the US’ practical actions. In other words, from the perspective of many Chinese, there is something wrong with Washington’s execution.

For the next step, the US side should translate the positive momentum formed in this latest exchanges into dynamics that fully reflects the execution capability, seriously consider China’s statements on strategic track which are rational and in line with the two countries’ interests and concerns, truly meet China half way, properly manage and develop China-US ties. Particularly, the US needs to show positive execution capability on cores issues that have major impact on bilateral ties.

In this context it is interesting to see the lectures given by Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov to the minion in Washington who plays his counterpart:

The ministers discussed current developments in Ukraine. Sergey Lavrov laid out Russia’s principled approaches in the context of the special military operation in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Lugansk People’s Republic and Ukraine. He emphasised that its goals and tasks will be fully achieved.

Mr Lavrov said that US sanctions were aggravating the situation and that US promises to make exemptions for Russian food shipments had not materialised.

As for the potential prisoner swap between the countries, Mr Lavrov strongly advised a return to professional dialogue in the context of “quiet diplomacy” without any dubious media leaks.


Reviewing the Blinken-Lavrov call the former Indian diplomat M.K. Bhadrakumar asks:
Shouldn’t Biden be talking directly to Putin?

Cont. reading: What Presidents Say Does Not Matter. It Is The Execution Of Policies That Counts.


From that, Xi reasons that seeing China as a strategic rival is “misperceiving” US-China relations and misleading the world community.”

Just your average doublespeak by Xi hoping everyone will see them as benevolent.

Hmm, what’s it say in the opening? “Don’t trust China, chyna is asshoe!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Analysis – opinion – the ruination of our economy and that of other nations is intentional – https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/07/29/the-biggest-problem/

Of course we knew that, but SD lays out well, and we need to have it reinforced.

WEF, Davos, CCP, Gates, DNC, RINOs and every other entity behind this agenda are monstrous inhumane and evil beyond words.


Yet – these evildoers’ power is not comparable to GOD’s power.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. The ELITE are benefitting.


The west has the solution for the freedom of western Ukraine:


West prepares to plunder post-war Ukraine with neoliberal shock therapy: privatization, deregulation, slashing worker protections

Western governments and corporations met in Switzerland to plan harsh neoliberal economic policies to impose on post-war Ukraine, calling to cut labor laws, “open markets,” drop tariffs, deregulate industries, and “sell state-owned enterprises to private investors.”

On July 4 and 5, 2022, top officials from the US, EU, Britain, Japan, and South Korea met in Switzerland for a so-called “Ukraine Recovery Conference.” There, they planned Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction and performatively announced aid commitments – while salivating over a bonanza of potential contracts.

New NATO candidates Finland and Sweden committed to assure reconstruction in Lugansk, roughly 48 hours after Russia and separatist forces announced the region had fallen fully under their control.

But the Ukraine Recovery Conference was not new. It had been renamed to save the expense of a new acronym. In the previous five years, the group and its annual meetings were instead referred to as the “Ukraine Reform Conference” (URC).

The URC’s agenda was explicitly focused on imposing political changes on the country – namely, “strengthening the market economy“, “decentralization, privatization, reform of state-owned enterprises, land reform, state administration reform,” and “Euro-Atlantic integration.”


Comment lifted:


“Above misses the underlying strength to the privatized global wealth extraction systems that empower the Oligarch mafias. The source of that monopoly power is rule of law.

Copyrights, patents, trademarks, and government contracts and franchises of local utilities.. they need the government of Ukraine to pass the laws that enable privatization. If Russia takes all of Ukraine, privatization may not occur. It is these laws that create monopoly powers, extraction in to private ownership of public goods is not possible without a nation state to generate the powers from rule of law.

Wealth derived from monopoly power is dependent on rule of law. Hence a weakness exist in pillage privatization.

merely remove both the laws that allow the fictions called corporations and partnerships and trust, etc. to exist and remove the copyright, patent, deed, and trademark laws from the books. Presto over night the privatized wealth becomes public wealth.”


phoenix/ Question: Is this what now is happening in the U.S.? “Pillage Privatization”?


Oldie Goldie from way back in 2020

Bible Reveals America’s Courts Are Corrupt – https://www.thetrumpet.com/23234-the-bible-reveals-americas-courts-are-corrupt


Interesting read. Woke BS in CA.


California, here they go.
Right back where they started from.



If they aren’t already friends, I bet Dr. Malone would like Apb. Vigano.

I’d love to listen to the two have a conversation.



Corrupt Obama Judge Christopher Cooper Doesn’t Recuse Himself Then Gives Dr. Simone Gold Harsh Sentence After She Turned Him Down for Date in College
The judge in Dr. Simone Gold’s case once asked her out and was denied. Years later he sentences her to 60 days in prison for a public trespassing misdemeanor. 

Julie Kelly reported that she received a statement from Dr. Gold before the doctor reported to prison. In the letter, Dr. Gold mentions that the judge in her case, Judge Christopher Cooper, asked her out once in law school. She denied his request. He didn’t recuse himself from her case in spite of this. He berated her and accused her of not caring about the “5” people that died on Jan 6 [a lie – only four Trump supporters died that day]. Then he gave her over-the-top sentencing of 60 days in prison for a misdemeanor.



Does she have an appeal available and going forward?

If not – I pray the Lord will protect her in prison and bless and anoint her time there – like Joseph of the OT and St. Paul.

Valerie Curren



Have heard nothing regarding an appeal.


Case would be moot by the time appeal could be done. Her best option is to file a grievance with judicial conduct org that handles fed judges. Maybe a gripe to her congresscritter about impeaching the slug.


Very good idea/move.


Same judge. Gives Benghazi terrorist the lowest possible sentence. Today (says it’s today…) that was over turned by DC Circuit court in favor a more harsh sentence.


I understand the implication that the judge could be biased and should have recused himself, and I believe what has been done to Dr. Gold is unjust. But the whole college dating scene thing seems like an overreach, as if they’re saying the judge has held a grudge against her for years because she turned him down for one date. It looks desperate to me. I would feel desperate if I were in her shoes, and I would use anything I could to try to get justice. I’m just saying I think this could sink her case, not help it.

If someone said that PDJT refused to hire someone because she turned him down for a date 20 years ago, we would say that is ridiculous. (And yes, I do realize that this is different because this judge controls Dr. Gold’s sentencing.)

Gail Combs

The judge KNEW her PERSONALLY that is ALL that matters for a recusal.

Recusal Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Recusal is the act of a judge or prosecutor being removed or excusing one’s self from a legal case due to conflict of interest or other good reason. Recusal is governed by federal laws and state laws and codes of ethics, which vary by state.

The U.S. Code provides:

  1. “Any justice, judge, or magistrate of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.
  2. He shall also disqualify himself in the following circumstances:
  3. Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or a personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;
  4. Where in private practice he served as lawyer in the matter in controversy, or a lawyer with whom he previously practiced law served during such association as a lawyer has been a material witness concerning it;
  5. Where he has served in governmental employment and in such capacity participated as counsel, adviser or material witness concerning the proceeding or expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy;
  6. He knows that he, individually or as a fiduciary, or his spouse or minor child residing in his household, has a financial interest in the subject matter in controversy or in a party to the proceeding, or any other interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding;
  7. He or his spouse, or a person within the the third degree of relationship to either of them, or the spouse of such a person:…..

The issue is that it creates an appearance of impropriety which (according to ethics rules) REQUIRES the judge to place the issue on the record in open court AND offer to recuse unless both sides agree that the apparent issue is immaterial.

In short, due process for all parties (more serious because it is a criminal case).

IMO the judge should have recused without putting it on the record. That he did not shows prejudice.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2

Actually, coming from a Southern Appalachian background, holding grudges for centuries can be a thing.

Trust me.




If we’re discussing aircraft, a soft landing is a crash.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2

Gov DeSantis is piling on! (might be behind a pay wall so I’m giving the full article below.)


DeSantis to Take Action Against ESGBy Jannis Falkenstern July 27, 2022 Updated: July 27, 2022

PUNTA GORDA, Fla.–Gov. Ron DeSantis on July 27 said he plans to take action against the environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) movement, calling it a threat to the American economy.

“The leveraging of corporate power to impose an ideological agenda on society represents an alarming trend,” DeSantis said in a statement. “From Wall Street banks to massive asset managers and big tech companies, we have seen the corporate elite use their economic power to impose policies on the country that they could not achieve at the ballot box.”

Most Americans are not aware of what ESG is and what its goal is and “leveraging corporate power to impose an ideological agenda on society” is an “alarming trend,” DeSantis said.

Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI), an investment research firm in New York, described ESG as “investing as the consideration of environmental, social and governance factors alongside financial factors in the investment decision-making process.”

But some view the movement as a sinister force. James Lindsay, the author of “Race Marxism,” described ESG as a “weapon in the hands of ‘social justice warriors’ to shake down corporations and a tool in the hands of those seeking to impose ‘one world government.’”

comment image


Florida House Speaker Designate Paul Renner said at Wednesday’s press conference that ESG is “a global elite weaponizing American capitalism against us,” making it a national security issue as well as a “pocketbook issue.”

He warned that going down this path would lead to companies being “choked off” of their ability to get financing and would do the same in agriculture.

“So, if you’re a meat eater, get ready,” he warned. “They’re against meat and so they’re driving up food prices – these people don’t care – (they) will open our borders, choke off our agriculture sector and basically weaken this country for their own local agenda.”

Justin Danhof, head of corporate governance at Strive Asset Management, told the Tampa crowd that America after declaring freedom 250 years ago is battling a new monarchy, “it’s actually a behemoth ideological cartel.”

Danhof explained that America has three large asset managers, BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard that manage more than $20 trillion in assets.

“They use their shareholder vote and their financial influence to politicize business on issues ranging from climate to social justice, these big three are transforming the fabric of American society in ways that a majority of Americans disagree with,” he said.

“DeSantis is saying to the big three, ‘you aren’t going to politicize corporations with pension money.’”

DeSantis’s proposed legislation will amend Florida’s Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices statute to stop discriminatory practices by large financial institutions based on ESG social credit score metric.

In addition to the legislation, DeSantis will propose an update to the fiduciary duties of the State Board of Administration Investment fund managers and investment advisors to define factors that fiduciaries are to consider when making investment decisions. ESG criteria, environmental, social or corporate governance factors will not be included, the governor’s office said in a written statement.

The governor said he hoped that Florida will lead the way in getting “like-minded” states to create a retirement system voting bloc.

“A lot of these states could come together, and we’d have a lot of money, a lot of voting power. We could be a real check against a lot of the excesses that we’ve seen and probably have enough resources to beat back a lot of stuff,” he said.

I see that this Danhof guy is including Vanguard in with the big top asset companies as a bad guy as many other sites have done. Will be interested in seeing if they are part of Florida’s initiative as it runs counter to what I’ve been saying as they being a passive investment firm.

Meanwhile Lets Go Abbott!

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

THANK YOU for posting the entire article. Epoch pay wall is a pain in the ass.



This morning we read WV is also taking on the ESG cabal.

CANCELING ESG needs to catch on with ALL Red states.

  • Then, the dumb ass Blue States may get a clue.

use this link to bypass paywall:




Thank You!


I’ve only had an article URL be first (and therefore not archived) one time. Every other time I’ve used it to bypass a firewall it has produced a full screenshot of the article.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff. Hope that the “you’d better watch it” swipe at Vanguard has the desired effect.


That’s what I read it as also…


For a certain someone:

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comment image

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

😍 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 😍



44-Year-Old Canadian Doctor Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ – Sixth Canadian Doctor to Die Within Two Weeks
A 44-year-old family physician from Saskatchewan ‘died unexpectedly’ last weekend, July 23.

According to an announcement released by Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA), Dr. Shahriar Jalali Mazlouman, a Melville family physician, unexpectedly passed away.

The hospital provided no information regarding the cause of death.

According to various reports, Mazlouman was found dead at a local swimming pool in Esterhazy, Saskatchewan on Saturday.

Within the past two weeks, Canada has received news of six deaths of physicians, the most recent being that of Dr. Candace Nayman.

All five doctors were based in the Greater Toronto Area, with three practicing at the same hospital. Dr. Mazlouman is from Saskatchewan, which is 1,976 miles total driving distance from Toronto.

Name and date of death:

  • Dr. Paul Hannam, July 16
  • Dr. Lorne Segall, July 17
  • Dr. Stephen McKenzie, July 18
  • Dr. Jakub Sawicki, July 19
  • Dr. Shariar Jalali Mazlouman, July 23
  • Dr. Candace Nayman, July 28



More smoke and mirrors by BiteMe’s handlers.

Below wall building is, IMO, a step to thwart anything Kari Lake may do after she is elected AZ guvner. Yea, it is months away.

BUT, there is no timeline for USG effort to build the AZ border wall.

ZERO chance this “wall building” will be completed or is intended to secure the border from illegals crossing.

American thinker

Biden ‘quietly’ filling holes in the border wall in Arizona … but not in Texas

After leftists yelled that “walls don’t work” and Joe Biden declared that “not another foot” of President Trump’s border wall would be built on his watch during his presidential campaign, Biden is now “quietly” completing parts of the President Trump’s border wall now that three million illegal aliens have surged on in.

According to the Associated Press:

PHOENIX — The Biden administration on Thursday authorized completion of the Trump-funded U.S.-Mexico border wall in an open area of southern Arizona near Yuma, where four wide gaps make it among the busiest corridors for illegal crossings.

The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that the work to complete the project near the Morelos Dam will better protect migrants who can get hurt slipping down a slope or drown walking through a low section of the Colorado River.

The area is the third busiest crossing for migrants who can easily walk across the river to surrender to border officials.

It has more of a whiff of closing the barn door after the “horses” have gotten out — in this case, some 3 million of illegal border crossers.



Wait Wait Wait…. just in… more delusional nonsense straight from the Horse’s Ass him self, Joe the F Brandon saying he gave you an 8,000 dollar check!.


Yea saw that.

More Mush-Mind.

  • No one listens to the clueless dumb ass.
  • Pravda news won’t call him on it.
  • Krappy Korrine won’t speak to it from the podium.

I didnt get an 8k check. They sent us childhood credit money that was already taken in taxes, whether we wanted it or not, then billed us via the irs at tax time. Oh yeah they didnt “give” us anything.


Whatever the USG sent to folks, was also taxed, as the money was borrowed from Chinee. Gotta pay Interest on debts.


“The ‘President’ misspoke…he wishes he could give every American more…”
Baloney sandwich. 🥪


minus the baloney.


Which he could, if he wasn’t giving it all away to Ukraine. POS.


Are there real observations of the wall being built or are these just rumors put out to help the running democrats, as an election gimmick?



Whatever is going on, real or reported, IS POLITICS. Smoke and mirrors to counter Kari Lake claims AND future moves after she is AZ guvner..


“Scientific.” Another leech in our Country who hates it.


From the comments at the TW.

Notice the Ukraine flag.

Why do these types always have a nose ring.

  • Me. Nose ring so they can be “led” anywhere. Compliant follower.

Nose rings are for slaves. Great way to show like you said your compliant follower status.

Gail Combs

Noes rings are for hogs and bulls..hitters.


“Why do these types always have a nose ring.”


To be led around by, is always my guess.


And here’s her twitter account handle, which was “conveniently” blocked out above:


Its another article for pop control.


Everyone should send their pee to Sasha now, for proper disposal.


I always think these environuts should be the 1st to sacrifice everything. Just like the hippies my dad told me about like joni Mitchell. They never do though.


Sasha: “If America were better than this, maybe today would’ve surprised me. It didn’t, and I’ve only been here 2 yrs.”

Sasha, GTHO of my country.

Canada, Mexico, or just walk straight into the ocean, I don’t care which.




And this just became a problem now? It isn’t as if people have been eating meat since before last week or something… And sewage treatment plants aren’t such completely unknown things either.

I’ve seen a bunch of these people vilifying nitrogen now, all of a sudden nitrogen emissions of some sorts have become the new scary thing. For some environmental (emphasis on mental, in the vernacular British meaning) reason.

They should remember that the air that surrounds us all, and which we breathe, is around 78% nitrogen.


Youre speaking sense, and all the ignorant plebes care about is the “right” “experts” from the “right” political affiliates or “cool” actors feeding them their information via social media.


“The Italians call on the authorities to stop the supply of weapons to Ukraine – an action was held in Milan under the slogan “Stop arming Kyiv”

Activists took to the streets of Milan demanding to stop the supply of weapons to Ukraine. The protesters said the day before that Italy and Europe should take their assigned role – to become a mediator and guarantor between East and West. In the meantime, this is not the case – according to the representative of the Committee against sanctions and weapons, European policy aimed at supporting Ukraine is destructive for everyone and will not benefit anyone.

“If we continue to send weapons, it will never stop, the death toll will increase, the planetary crisis will become even more acute and peace will never be achieved … We demand that a new government be formed in September that would block the supply of weapons so that other countries also followed the same strategy and finally sat down at the negotiating table,” said the representative of the Committee”



And hopefully get freely flowing fuel from Russia. Stay warm this winter. Have hot water. cooking…


Two more Asshole R-Cons to FLUSH in November.


Reps. Chris Jacobs (R-NY) and Brian Fitzgerald (R-PA) voted with House Democrats to pass a ban on at least 45 specific AR-15 rifles Friday.



“US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken blocks congressional attempts to include Russia on the national list of countries sponsoring terrorism

According to The New York Times, the adoption of such an initiative could force the US Secretary of State to impose sanctions on Washington’s allies who conduct joint activities with Moscow.”




How could Blinken “block” congressional adding Russia to list of contries sponsoring terrorism?

Can see Blinken, encourage NOT doing so. But NOT, block.

Reality is, BiteMe’s handlers may push to do so in there efforts to destroy alliances, antagonize Russia and further damage USA, on the the International scene.


“Flightradar24 has restricted access to view the location of Nancy Pelosi’s plane

Earlier, the plane landed at the Honolulu airport, and almost 100 thousand people watched the flight of the speaker of the US House of Representatives.”



“Khokhols have announced that they will carry out a mandatory evacuation from the Donetsk region, the remnants of which they still control.

Naturally, they present this as some kind of humane measures, but knowing how much Kiev didn’t give a damn about people on the ground, we are talking about a banal interest in leaving these lands as empty and difficult to restore as possible, realizing that militarily they cannot hold them.”



Mandatory evacuations. Why now? Perhaps a FF scheduled to hit a biolab?


The maps they show are meaningless to me as they don’t allow c/p to translate the names.
But somewhere near where they’ve been fighting in the last week or so there’s a nuclear power plant I think.


Yea, once again I did not go to the link. Compare maps…Like biolabs, I’d toss in nuke plants as FF targets.

“Mandatory evacuation”, for me is a flag something ominous may be in the cards. And it ain’t the typical battles where Ukraine loses and Russia beats the hell out of Ukraine forces.


We have engaged in war with Russia, the largest country on earth. And now we are looking for conflict with China, the most populated country on earth. What could possibly go wrong?


E V E R Y T H I N G !

SAME AS BiteMe and his Masters are INTENTIONALLY destroying America, getting into a war with Russia and Chinne ARE BY DESIGN.

None of this is an accident, miscalculation…


GLIMMERS OF SANITY…. West Virginia, Texas and Florida making moves against ruinous ESG insanity.

West Virginia Might Just Save the Republic If Other Republican State Leaders Get on Board

h/t – Doug Ross – https://directorblue.blogspot.com/2022/07/larwyns-linx-is-j6-committee-trying-to.html

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – this is very useful, and may offer some analogous OTC treatments!

Gail Combs

Juliette, Andre, Erik, Wanda! Epic Stuff!


Patrick is at it again bashing Steve Kirsch.

I put up a few comments under my name. If you sort by newest you can read them and if you have a Rumble account, you can up vote my comments if you like them.

We really do need to counter this crap.


Who is Patrick Gunnels anyway?
Other than a social media ‘personality’ asking for contributions online?
Where and what did he study?
What are his qualifications and training?



https://www.twitch.tv/pgunnels (suspended due to violations)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gunnels is a smart guy, and rightly distrustful of mainstream science. The problem is that he doesn’t understand WHICH kinds of deceptions are capable of SCALING to all of science and which are not capable. That’s WHY both New Flat Earth and There Are No Viruses have gained mindshare.

There are certain TELLS as to which deceptions SCALE and which ones don’t.

“There is no virus” cannot scale.

“You need this COVID vaccine” cannot scale in both time and mindshare, and failed.

“Vaccine immunity can be stronger than disease immunity” almost scaled in both time and mindshare.

“There is a pandemic” did scale.


I just want to know a lot more about Gunnels. There’s no information about him on his sites. Maybe I would be able to discern more if I listened to the discussion/arguments between Gunnels and Kirsch.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

He at one point said he has a degree in mathematics. He also has an absolute distrust of current science which makes him RIPE for getting taken in by the commie Snake Oil salesman.

He mainly reads other people’s work (Substacks) since I can not afford to subscribe to multiple substacks I listen to his reading instead.

OH, and he had a RUSSIAN GIRL FRIEND….


My concern is to get an ALTERNATE VIEW OUT THERE.


DJT had several girlfriends that were from formerly communist countries, including his present spouse.

Just saying.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It can work both ways – just like a Chinese girlfriend or spouse!


Evo weighs in on the evil that is the NATO. And the war it is waging against Russia and Ukraine.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wrong answer, commie Evo! NATO has a purpose – it’s original purpose – DEFENSE – stopping the spread of communism – LIKE YOU.

Little did we know, GLOBALISM would take over NATO and turn it into something evil.

NATO needs to figure out how GLOBAMA, SOROS, Eurocommies, and the JAZIS took it over and made it into the antithesis of its original purpose.

POWER CORRUPTS and we see that in NATO aggression, provocation, and over-expansion. NATO is the military force behind the “new socialism” – the new SOVIETISM.

Shut it down OR return it to purpose. DEFENSE.


NATO created for a good reason.

Today, NATO IS FUBAR. Literally, FUBAR.

Shut It DOWN.


Agree. Like so many things. Corrupted beyond redemption.

Start anew with the right foundation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

New treaty org! I like it! Trump is perfect for it, too.


VACCINE RESEARCH STUDIES COMPILATION – WAYNE ROOT: My List of Studies & Government Data from Around World Showing the Covid Vaccine is Dangerous and Deadly, and the Worst Health Care Disaster in World History


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This HOLOCAUST was INTENTIONAL – and against all of mankind. Makes the measly “Holocaust” against Jews and Slavs look like itsy-bitsy potatoes.


They are assaulting the people fiscally as well as physically.

Happy go lucky

Thank you for this, GA/FL, bookmarked and trying to get it all saved offline.

All I can say is 😡🤬🤬🤬😢


My guess is – viruses evolve/mutate into weaker and less potent forms/variants – unless they are intentionally ‘gain of function’ engineered in a lab somewhere.


That guess youve got is fact. Our systems fight as it spreads and it devolves to a managed virus, with exceptions obviously.

Gail Combs

“DIVERSITY,EQUITY,INCLUSION: …Reducing Racial Employment Gaps for Young Adults without College Education”


REDUCE ALL AMERICANS TO THE POVERTY LEVEL.  🙄  Notice how they never ever mention that is the actual goal.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Newsweek reporting that Creepy has the Rona UH-gain!! 🤣🤣
Ain’t Paxlovid grand?!?🙄


Cant have gotten it “again”. He either never recovered or its something else. I dont believe that the deal. He did say he has cancer after all.


I agree they want him out of the public he screws things up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He never gained immunity – BECAUSE OF PAXLOVID.

Pfizer rushed out this drug VERY QUICKLY, which includes an AIDS drug. I was very suspicious cat about this, but didn’t have a good theory until I realized that they’re all about IMMUNE SABOTAGE.


Ah ok. I haven’t paid a lot of attn to it unfortunately. Hiv drugs, the past conversations , dont have the track record of reliance cough…fauxi…


Yep – Even Yale acknowledges the Rebound Effect of Paxlovid – https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/13-things-to-know-paxlovid-covid-19

Paxlovid Drug Info – Insert – https://www.drugs.com/pro/paxlovid.html

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Paxlovid is notorious for doing this!


Pfizer LIES about how often paxlovid does this.

This is why Pfizer includes the IMMUNE-DESTROYING AIDS DRUG along with the specific protease inhibitor.

Paxlovid is part of the IMMUNE-DESTROYING AGENDA.

Ivermectin doesn’t do this. HCQ doesn’t do it. THAT is part of why “they” oppose those drugs.

Drugs that HELP YOU BECOME IMMUNE are contrary to the agenda of degrading human immunity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m working on various posts, including one about this, but I have too much work to do in real life, keeping up my property. But at least I’m free from the mind control of my old employer, so I can THINK FREELY NOW.

Do not trust these people. Their agenda is “saving the planet”, with “humans as the enemy”.


I had a covid-like virus in June and again about three-four weeks later in July.

I blamed it on a combination not taking the HCQ/Quercetin, etc. enough and long enough and spending a week taking care of Sally, while living in the Lodge and getting tired out, eating too much junk food.

However, I remember cold/flu viruses in the distant past that hit twice – had a stinger tail – double whammy.


Wolf Moon
Isn’t there at least one HIV element in the S1 spike protein of the virus itself, which spike protein was then lab-synthesized and “enhanced” in the creation of the mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


“They” seemed desperate to hide the HIV relationships. I am sure I know why, now.


Wolf Moon
Thank you.
So here’s the next question, about the “multivalent COVID-19 booster shot” that was just approved by the FDA (Pfizer-BioNTech and, IIRC, Moderna) — a “vaccine” that will include S1 protein from THREE strains (original Wuhan + BA.4 + BA.5):
Will this “multivalent” shot contain more spike protein, therefore more of the HIV element?

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. More, different, and more different spike antibodies.

Ignore these “lipstick on dead pig” shots!


Bc the 1st time around didnt do the job.


Recap of Joe Biden’s week …





Even Yale acknowledges the Rebound Effect of Paxlovid – https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/13-things-to-know-paxlovid-covid-19



Brownie has definitely found a best buddy for life … love it ❤️

I hope every forever pup home is this successful.

4 puppies are scheduled to go to their forever homes next weekend. Going to be happy but sad for me, too.comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

That kid’s parents need to find a good pediatric ear nose & throat specialist. He is a sleeping mouth breather, which is guaranteed to give him life long dental problems (and possibly cardiac infection problems as well). He might still be young enough to re-train his brain to breath through his nose, with appropriate individual treatment protocols.

I know from personal experience.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2

Have the same issue, which is why my CPAP masks are full-face. If I try using the nasal ones, I just hiss like a teakettle.


All the current AMA-CDC-FDA-WHO approved medications for Covid sound like a sick soup of pharmaceutical industry make you worse chemicals.



“The Armed Forces of Ukraine are pelting Donetsk with banned Petal mines.

A video of a car blowing up on such a mine is published in social networks. There are no casualties.

PFM-1C “Petal” antipersonnel mines are scattered by BM-27 “Hurricane” MLRS cassettes.

Each 9M27K3 rocket can scatter up to 312 such mines.

Petal anti-personnel mines are small and inconspicuous.

If an adult steps on it, he is guaranteed to remain disabled.

Such mines are used to stop the enemy’s advance, but their use against civilians is a war crime.”



I’m pretty sure Princes Diana would disapprove. And after all the world wrung their hands over land mines for years on end.


And that is one issue for which I am in complete agreement. Sowing mines without rigorous records of where they are should be a war crime subjecting the commanding officer to summary battlefield execution if captured without records.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2

How sad. It’s highly doubtful that she was doing illicit drugs or drank herself into alcohol poisoning. It’s possible that she had an unknown heart condition, but that’s rare.


Injection Injury.


We keep losing these, but ancient evil bastards like Schwab and Fauci seem to last forever…..

Barb Meier

Catturd2 let us know that his first puppyturd Brownie now has her own Twitter page so we can watch her grow. hehe… so sweet of them to do that. They’re calling her Penny (her full name is Penelope “Brownie” Turd)


It’s great that Brownie has her own Twitter page. I hope they will be kind to the cat, though. It’s not a laughing matter when an animal is traumatized like that. Sometimes they never learn to get along. I hope these two do.


Poor trigger discipline, though….


Noticed that!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Political Moonshine just posted a new article on Gab!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s the article. He is absolutely convinced that there WILL be some kind of “pandemic” bullshit for the midterms, that it will be monkeypox, and that we can blow away their scam.

Let’s get straight to brass tacks, shall we? You’re getting a second chance with the fake pandemic, America. Don’t screw it up this time.

So what needs to happen? Easy:

  1. No compliance with any of it – NOTHING. Masks, injections, quarantine, distancing, etc. – don’t participate in any of it. Be a bull in a china shop [pun intended] at all times. Be a thoughtful and kind bull but a bull nonetheless.
  2. Kindly challenge those who do comply. Encourage these folks to live freely without worry and teach them why they should. Find clever ways to engage with strangers.
  3. Spread the truth. Accumulate your reliable sources of good research, analysis, evidence and reporting and spread it like wildfire.
  4. Fight a virus like a virus.
  5. Never bend a knee to any of it.

Realize that to varying degrees and sparing mostly no one, this will result in short-term inconvenience, pain, difficulty and loss. It shall be rewarded on the other side with dignity, liberty, freedom and independence.

I’m a 70s kid; almost a 60s kid, and I remember the Nancy Reagan “Just Say No” campaign like it was yesterday. That’s all we have to do, America. We just have to say no.

Say no to medical tyranny. Say no to the transition to Marxist communism. Say no to the foregoing of traditional America and her national sovereignty to global governance.

Say no to the sown division that is ripping us apart and seek to unite in truth and purpose. Say no to tyrants. Say no to all of it.

Political Moonshine

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good Moonshine article.

Good reminders.

Strength in numbers.

Majority of Americans know Covidiocy was a SCAM on America. Covid Injections do NOT work AND ARE unsafe.


100% good by me.

Just say, NO.

Do NOT comply.

I EXPECT the majority of America will say NO, immediately.

  • Red States. Conservative areas.
  • The sheep will follow our lead this time.

Just like ESG can get CRUSHED IF Red States ban it.


Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


If PM is right, then monkeypox is really the ideal disease to “fight back” on.

We can even begin with the name. They will change it to something like COVID-19, but this time, we can keep it monkeypox or change it to something that makes them regret the PC act.


I like Tucker Carlson’s name for it – “schlong COVID.”


PagFox is still right-up-there…..