Dear KMAG: 20220801 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

…and we will have fun doing it, too!

The Rules


Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.

The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.

Bottom line – respect other people’s FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.


We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.

Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.

In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.

We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).

We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.

If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at

We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.

In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer

Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.

Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.

Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day Year:



mechanically; in a parrot-like fashion

Used in a sentence:

While Democrats respond psittacistically to all shootings with calls for more gun control, these events tend to stir up an adequate defense by Republicans. Often far more damaging are the sneakier bills which get passed when nobody is looking.

Used in a set of pictures:


Have another great week!


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A splendid Monday arrives. Enjoy it.

And enjoy the thread as well.  😆 

Brave and Free

So true! Enjoy every day the Lord Blesses you with.
Never give into despair and never take antidepressants 😊

Gail Combs

I LOVE ‘antidepressants’ Baby lambs and goats are SOOOooo much fun to watch and play with.

Gail Combs

Hubby just commented, until they grow up and then they are a real pain…

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s why they’re called kids 😆

Gail Combs

YUP! that is why we call children KIDS, Goats really are a lot of fun and make great pets.


I want one of those 🙂
Gail I am envious  🙄 

Gail Combs

Better than a dog because they mow your lawn too.  😆 


That would be great except I live in the city cannot do that. I would try having one but my husband who is tolerant will stop me. Maybe in my next life 🙂

Gail Combs

And then there is Babylon Bee…


There are much better, more reliable ways to get peace and joy – worship, prayer, praise, Scripture, fellowship – these are some of the weapons of our warfare.

The more excellent way.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

IMO, there is a role for antidepressants and other types of prescription psychotropic drugs, but only for certain cases and used under strict medical supervision, combined with other items like behavioral therapy, diet and lifestyle changes, and so on.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

I’m here, and I just noticed the new quote in our header! Nice. But I gotta wonder, how long was it there before I noticed? I tend to bypass stuff like that sometimes.


I like it!

I’m also pretty proud of myself for noticing!

Valerie Curren

Ditto 😉




Well, I woke up on the right side of the grass!

It’s a start.

Gail Combs

Out sleeping with the Sheep?

We actually went camping with my horse way up in New Hampshire. We had wire, step-in fence posts and a battery charger. It was easiest to put the tent up in the middle of her ‘pasture’.

Do you know that horse lay across the tent opening to guard us?

When she was at home she was ALWAYS just outside the window where I was working or sleeping and slept beneath our window.


That’s awesome! I love horses. They seem to like me, too 🙂

Gail Combs

One old cowboy said, the only reason people think horses are so much dumber than dogs is because we do not live with them like we do dogs. Also horses do not have the muscles to do facial expressions like dogs do so they are harder to ‘read.’

Given they are not hunters they really are fairly smart and certainly can become attached to certain people. I had a lesson horse whicker when I went back to visit the riding stable some years later. I asked ‘Where’s Dutch?’ and you could hear him answer from the other end of the barn.

I sold my first horse because I had to go to college. The next summer I visited him and he came galloping up to me when I called him. His new owner could not catch him AT ALL even with grain! She had to run him into the barn with her mare and close the door and trap him. She was NOT happy to see how attached he still was to me.

There was also a Haflinger Mare I had who attacked the mare next to her in the trailer for stepping on me and making me yell OUCH!




What a great story 🙂


Another example of psittacism is those mashups of multiple news anchors saying the exact same thing.

1895–1900; <Latin psittac(us) parrot


Is that pronounced ‘pissed-on-dem’?


That’s what the dictionary says, LOL.

Cuppa Covfefe

Somewhere between Psaki and Pistachio 🙂 They’re both nuts… but at least the latter is useful…


Psaki can always be useful as a bad example.


and over-done over-used phrases, such as…

“…slippery slope…”

comment image


“…make no mistake…”

“…setting the table…”

“…reach out…lean in…”

“…help me understand…”

Cuppa Covfefe

Help me understand, when you’re setting the table, do you reach out or lean in 😆


Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs


Never forget Circle Back.


From Truth Social: Some people are having tailgate parties at dropbox locations in order to observe them and discourage cheating.



Replying to @RealSKeshel

We are running with your drop box tailgate parties. We ram one mule off just by being there…

comment image


Be still my heart!



Time to plan a November tailgaiter!

Set up a grill, bring a cooler!


Lol! Priceless!

Damn that’d be fun.

Gail Combs

Just make sure to wear a red shirt/coat and a trump hat.


Oh, yeah!

Deplorable Patriot

Too bad we don’t have drop boxes any more in Missouri.  😜 

Some of may have to go across the river to join in the fun.


You are lucky!


Now THAT’S what I’m talking about! Way to go!


Sounds like some patriot ” stop in and sit a spell” fun. 😄 


Until we learn to despise and reject them the same way they do us, we are doomed to lose every time.

Gail Combs

M&G Show interviewed Karri Lake (GOP contender for governor of AZ) she had ONE interview on Fox and wiped the floor with the Fox turkey reading the tel-a-prompter. They wanted another interview and she told them point blank I will ONLY DO LIVE TV so you can not slice and dice what I say.  😍 

Deplorable Patriot

She’s a reporter. She knows the drill.




Kari did GREAT, with a NATIONAL audience.

Kari is spring loaded to let it rip given any opening. ALWAYS circles back to stolen election, illegitimate pResident, immigration, inflation…


I truly cannot stand that guy. Do not know what it is but he reeks dishonesty.
Kari did well defending herself. He is a Rino chill that is what bothers me on him. Normally I would skip over him  😡 


I think you are right because without the government the steal could not have happened on such big scale. Barr is one of the key people in this puzzle of thieves.




I think so that is why he got reworded with a book deal

Gail Combs

60 law suits and NONE HAVE STANDING???

NO WAY IN HADES! Every single American has been harmed because of that Mental patent and the commies now sitting in DC.

Fentanyl overdoses become No. 1 cause of death among US adults, ages 18-45: Fox News

Between 2020 and 2021, nearly 79,000 people between 18 and 45 years old — 37,208 in 2020 and 41,587 in 2021 — died of fentanyl overdoses…

Comparatively, between Jan. 1, 2020, and Dec. 15, 2021, there were more than 53,000 COVID-19 deaths among those between the ages of 18 and 49…


From The Blaze

In all age brackets, fentanyl fatalities have nearly doubled in two years, from 32,754 fatalities in April 2019 to 64,178 deaths in April 2021. The opioid awareness organization Families Against Fentanyl finds that fentanyl, on average, fatally poisons one person every 8.57 minutes…


Yes it is damming what they are doing. The judges wonder what their bank account looks like or what secrets are they hiding.


An act of war by China

Gail Combs

Among MANY.

Fourth Generation Warfare that does not rise to the level of overt war.


Attacks on our military from within – placing ideologues in leadership, infiltration by LBGTXYZ, vaccine mandates, drugs….destroying young men’s identities, mental processes, spiritual and patriotic values, and physical health before the join armed forces. this is also 4th Generation Warfare.



Gail Combs


That would go along with Gregg Phillips saying they were betrayed by the FEDS and they have EXPLOSIVE information about the election and it connects to foreign … what ever. BUT Gregg & Catherine are frighten because they are now targeted by the FEDS.


August 13th.


the 2020 election theft was sanctioned by the cabal – from Pence to Pelosi to McConnell to the SCOTUS and on down the line


Yes – all of the above. What is the cure?


FISC – FISA court?

Gail Combs

Note how he would not let her defend herself on the Drag Queen crap. (Remember she was a reporter and seemed to be saying she was covering the Drag Queen as part of a story but never was allowed to say it.)


Manipulated the interview but Kari got her licks in 🙂


That article is full of vintage Schlichter phrases that are hilarious.

that glop of human Miracle Whip Mitt Romney 😂


A wonderful Monday, it is.   :wpds_smile: 


I don’t want to belabor discussion about infighting and Lin Wood, but I think this is important. Lin Wood denies telling people not to vote, and he doesn’t directly say, “Don’t vote,” but he is doing everything BUT say the words. This is in direct contradiction to what PDJT says about coming out in droves to make it harder for them to cheat. (And Lin claims to ❤️ PDJT.) I saw him do this the other day, and here it is again. It’s hard for me to believe he might be working for the wrong side, but this makes me highly suspicious.

Lin Wood:

As for voting, if you make the choice to do so, that is fine by me. You are free to vote, vote, vote!!! Do it!!!

Good luck, good luck, good luck!!!

Communists love it when you play into their hands!!!

But if you do so, WATCH OUT because if you play their game long enough you can easily become a member of their team without even knowing it!!!

Someone says:

Lin, you said you’re an OPTIMIST…So…let’s see this through and go vote

Then Lin Wood posts a meme that says:

“When you know the system is rigged but you want to play again!?”

We know that Jesus Christ flipped the tables on the money changers. 

What do you believe Jesus Christ would do with the voting cheat machines???

Vote on them or flip them???

I think this is a fair hypothetical question to pose.

What is your answer???

My answer is that that’s not a valid comparison, and talking about your faith in God every other sentence becomes suspect as well. You can’t equate us with the Son of God, for one thing, and the issue then was money changers in the Lord’s temple.

Is Lin saying we should flip over the machines? Because we have few options: 1) damage the machines and go to jail, 2) vote on them because it is our duty and right and to prove how many of us support our candidates and to overcome the fraud, or 3) not vote.

IMO, anyone telling people not to vote is dangerous.

I’m really sorry to see Wood going down this path. I have learned some things from him, and some of the things he points out ARE suspicious. But he is now a flat-earther and is telling people not to vote without saying it directly. And he is promoting sites that sow division. It’s disappointing. And things he has said that ARE true will be called into question because he looks crazy or unpatriotic.

One more thing: Lin Wood got Nicholas Sandman large settlements in his suits against some media outlets. Then Sandman went with another lawyer (who knows why?), and the rest of the cases were thrown out of court. Wood has been, and appears to still be, an excellent lawyer. So again, very disappointing. And something is off.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

Is he really a FLAT EARTHER??? Whoa!


Term of art, I believe. Not intended to be literal.


No, he really is. He thinks Scripture supports the theory that the earth is flat.

Gail Combs

He certainly can be USED by the Left to CONDEMN ALL OF US no matter what.

Loose Cannons (or mass murderers) NEVER are used against the Left but they are ALWAYS used against Conservatives.


OMG – where does he say that? Do you have a link?


I’m not on Telegram and can’t sign in; I can just read there. It’s a running set of comments each day, and I was seeing this maybe three weeks ago or so.

I did a search for “Lin Wood flat earth” on, and here are some of the results: Are You Going to Believe, Lin Wood or NASA?

Jonah Goldberg on Twitter: “Best sentence of the day: “Today I …
Jun 13, 2022  Lin Wood, the pro-Trump lawyer who claims the 2020 election was stolen, has come out as a flat Earther. Show this thread.

Kooky MAGA Lawyer Lin Wood Shares Wild Moon Landing Theory
Jun 13, 2022  Among nutty MAGA lawyers, Lin Wood might be the nuttiness (yes, even over Rudy).

Trump-loving lawyer Lin Wood rages at Nixon for faking … – Raw Story
Jun 13, 2022  Trump-loving lawyer Lin Wood rages at Nixon for faking moon landing while endorsing ‘flat Earth‘ theory.


He is dangerous for our site and one wonders who he is working for? What is in his closet that the deep state knows and holds over him. He wraps himself in Christianity but what he is doing is counter Christ. ” We know them by their love” he does not seem to move in the stream of love.


You are very wise.


Thank you maybe common sense ?
You yourself seem to have much wisdom , discernment and common sense 🙂


Thank you 😊




Thanks, TheseTruths. He’s discredited himself – unforced errors.

Of course, I’ve heard the same stuff from many sources who claim to be conservatives – on ‘our side’


YW! It’s all very unfortunate.


Yes. I’ve seen him mention it a few times.


It’s unbelievable.


I don’t follow Wood or the “investigative” sites he promotes, but through observation, I have learned a lot about the people involved in this situation, including Wood. Some of what he has said in the past has been borne out by video and screenshot evidence, so he has had some credibility. But this has been like watching someone descend into madness.  Or is Wood crazy like a fox? I don’t see any benefit to our side for him to be acting this way.

I agree that we don’t need to be involved in speculation that only leads to negativity and doubt. There is no benefit to bringing that here. I do think it’s beneficial to know who people are and what they are doing, and that is my purpose for speaking up now, especially since some people are trying to attack Gregg Phillips. Because of what I’ve observed, I know exactly where it is coming from and how unjust it is, and that it is most likely a disguised attack from the Left or from “Church Lady” types who looooove to find dirt.

We have to be unified in order to fight the battles ahead. We are fortunate to have some leaders who are trying to effect real change and provide hope that something can be done — and that we can have a hand in it! If we don’t put aside petty differences and unjust suspicion and get in the fight, all will be lost. Unfortunately, Wood is contributing to the doubt and negativity while claiming to be a patriot, so yes, we need to ignore him. It’s a shame.


Appreciate your analysis, TT.




I brought this guy up months ago and it rattled some cages in here. He’s a lunatic in my book. I don’t know if he’s playing for the other side or just off his rocker and using “faith” for personal gain.

When people learn what some deem is the “language” of Christianity they use it for sincere devotion to the faith or for bad intent. All I see is a manipulator, a legal wordsmith playing games. Satan himself will give you 99% truth, then slay you with the 1% lie and deception.

As a result, I am out on him being reliable for MAGA. I respect others having differing views and I pray for his soul and actions to be true to the Lord.

Deplorable Patriot

He’s managed to do what he was planted among us to do: divide the movement to an extent. It happened on this site, and the discussion is impoverished as a result.

Gail Combs

YUP! that is it EXACTLY! We lost people here at the QTree thanks to Lin Wood.

Should we have discussed him — YES!!!

However we should not have allowed him to DIVIDE US.

Unfortunately people were unable to step back and look at the mess objectively.


It really pisses me off when people take their ball and go home.

Do people here tick me off? Heck, yeah, sometimes they do. Am I still here?

If all people want is an echo chamber, how will we ever learn anything?

Gail Combs

I am right there with you!

The worst thing the Left did to America’s children is foster the idea that children should:
Not be spanked
Not be yelled at
Not be bullied
NEVER suffer disappointment…

It made them completely useless adults. Two year olds in adult bodies unable to handle REALITY.


Kids need to learn that actions have consequences, whether it is falling out of a tree and getting bruised or getting the fanny swatted for ignoring Mom when she say do not go in the street.

The Left has come darn close to completely destroying the USA. I had resigned myself to seeing the USA as a Constitutional Republic ended by the Commies…. AND THEN CAME TRUMP!!!

And yeah I have been filled with Hopium ever since.   :wpds_cool: 




I am not judging anyone by this comment because I don’t know their situation, but in general: If people can’t take the heat on a discussion forum with people of like mind, how will they be prepared to fight the real enemy?


I agree.

Sometimes someone here will write a thing that ticks me off. But conversations with liberals? That’s in a whole ‘nother league!


We should be free to voice our views, doubts, fears, conjectures, theories – discuss them, listen to all points of view, – no derision, name-calling, etc. – weigh the evidence and make up our own minds

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

Yes. No need for anyone to get bent out of shape.

Gail Combs


We really have nothing more than the words someone speaks or writes, observations of the persons tone of voice and body language and our own personal observations.

EVERYTHING ELSE IS REALLY HEAR-SAY including the scientific papers I like to bring here.


Amen 🙂




The worst division happens when others accuse others of division, rather than discussing things reasonably, and then letting go.

I changed my mind three times about Wood. I was harshly critical until a calm person on this site persuaded me otherwise. Then I read him with an open mind, and sort of liked him. Having read him for a awhile now, I have a third opinion, that he is sincere but gravely “off.”

The same applies to Phillips. Everyone here loves him, except for me. Who is being “divisive?” No one. It is a difference of opinion. And thus it will almost always be when it comes to personalities.

Everyone on this site is stable enough to hear a difference of opinion.


Personally, have no reason to doubt Phillips.

Phillips may change that, soon enough.

Hopeful it’ll go our way. Mindful, it may not. NOT invested in it either way.


I don’t love Phillips. I am in “wait and see” with him. I refuse to get all wound up again and be disappointed. If he brings the goods and it’s awesome, I’ll celebrate. ‘Til then, I hide and watch.


I don’t love Phillips. I just haven’t seen any reason to doubt him, and he appears to be working to help us do the investigative work that law enforcement won’t do. If he doesn’t deliver, I will put him in a different category.

Everything people have tried to do regarding fixing 2020 has either failed or is taking too long to yield results. I think if the people can be empowered to investigate, with sheriffs on board to enforce the law, it will make a difference. I haven’t seen any other plan that avoids the powers that be — the corrupt people in 3-letter agencies, state and federal government, judges, etc. Crimes need to be charged.

One reason I have hope is that 100 people have been invited, already, to a meeting on August 13. Phillips will be accountable to those people. If he doesn’t come through, they can all report that. There has never been an operation like this.


“The same applies to Phillips. Everyone here loves him, except for me.”


I barely even know who he is, except to see him mentioned here occasionally.

If whatever he claims to have turns out to make a difference, then great, I hope it does, and I wish him the best.

But until or unless anyone actually gets LOCKED UP and agencies are dismantled, it’s just background noise.

There is only so much time in the day to read and watch news videos.

Getting excited about another “this time we really, really have them — double pinkie swear”, only to have it fizzle out into nothing (again) is incredibly damaging to morale.

So I ignore as much of that stuff as I can.

If any of it ever turns out to be something, I’ll certainly hear about it.

But until then, I’m all played out on that game.


“Picking a side”…yes. When we don’t know all the facts and decide one or the other is “our guy,” we can ignore blatant discretions and be led into all kinds of error. Republicans did this for years by supporting people like the Bushes. People tell you who they are if you just watch without prejudice.


When we cannot speak freely then we are just as bad as the left. Just because I do not fallow a person into their support does not mean I dislike them. Accepting others regardless who they support is strenght not weakness.


Wolf Moon
Not to mention getting stuck in the tar.


I do not emotionally invest in some people like Woods or Flynn because I am not sure know the truth from fixtion in some situations. Does not mean I am against people who support them I am just neutral about it and not invested.


And ultimately irrelevant. IMO people need to keep that in mind when it comes to personalities.

Gail Combs


I agree with InTheMatrix, ShadyGrooove and Gregg Phillips. We CAN NOT LET THEM DIVIDE US over differences in opinion.

That is why I am so ticked at Patrick Gunnels. He WILL NOT turn lose of the ‘There is no such thing as a pathogen caused disease’ crap.

In my book it is a SIDE ISSUE, we can argue about it later. The goal is to INDICT, TRY AND HANG the BASTARDS who are poisoning us with the Clot Shot and Bio-weapons. Going after Steve Kirsch DOES NOTHING TO ADVANCE THAT GOAL!

Gail Combs

Given my large file on Scientific Fraud, I have zero problem with questioning. I just want it AFTER Nuremberg 2.0.

Also with the number of animals I have, the germ theory and not poisoning seems to fit what I have seen with the disease I have wrestled with.


Hay field fertilized with manure used for a festival ==>
Some of those ponies got pink eye a week later.
Most of the rest of the herd got pink eye after that.
Some of my goats got pink eye.
Next Spring I had to treat every new born with eye drops or they got pink eye and then pneumonia and died.
After several years the disease is no longer a problem.


Viral conjunctivitis is the most common type of pink eye in horses and is usually seen in the spring and summer months. It is caused by a virus that affects the respiratory system and is spread through the air or by contact with contaminated surfaces. Horses can also get viral conjunctivitis from contact with other animals, such as goats, that are infected with the virus. LINK

Valerie Curren

Beautiful shepherding 


Sometimes we are to close and cannot discern. That has happened to me before and then I learned from it.
Everything is a learning process but to admit to be wrong is grace.


We lost people because of Lin Wood??

I must have missed that.

Gail Combs



Said respectfully and not in the spirit of contention, but Grandmaintexas did not leave because of Lin Wood.


I don’t know that he was “planted.” He might have been, or he might be a super-fanatical religious zealot whose judgment is off kilter and he is too blind to see it. My point is that if we latch onto one theory, it could keep us from seeing the whole picture. So yes, he could be a plant, he could be a kook, or even something else. This is why I’ve been watching.


Satan can easy work through a religious zealot. One realy has to do serous discernment working with such person. He might not be aware of it what is happening.


I thought it was McGreevey’s horrific testimony re:Pence/Roberts/Rosenstein/Seth Rich that Wood put forward. I don’t think Lin came up with that info himself?


I’m on team lunatic.

“Satan himself will give you 99% truth, then slay you with the 1% lie and deception.”

Truer words never written.


Sad, but I’ve seen this kind of thing happen to people before.


Aubergine I am on your wave length concerning Satan 🙂


We think a lot alike. Great minds… 🙂


Exactly. He is not reliable for MAGA; I believe him to be hurting our cause now. Besides everything else, isinuating that people shouldn’t vote is a bridge way too far.


The devil knows all the tricks. He can imitate anything. We can recognize him in truth and love in our heart.
My simple way of dealing and recognizing evil doing.


As we have become accustomed to getting from you, another 100% accurate assessment of a situation. I have decided that Lin Wood is insufficiently synchronized with me so that I can be on his team. So I moved to the upper deck from the dugout. I’ll watch and cheer when appropriate, silent when something is askew.

Those cases settled because the defendants feared his legal practice skills. No such fear for the replacement attorney; hence he/she had to go to court which is inhabited by judges who don’t think slanders should cause a kid to get multi-millions of dollars. IOW, they think Nick has gotten enough money; he needs to get on with life.

On the other hand, financial pain is all these evil thug news orgs understand. They should be beaten severely until their attitude improves.

Gail Combs

Neither Lin nor Flynn give me the ‘Warm Fuzzies’

I brought up the info on Lin yesterday because the videos, the Daily Beast article and Lin E-mailing the Daily Beast are SOLID EVIDENCE. Evidence that does our side NO FAVORS…

Buck Nasty as ANTIFA or a drug addict is hear-say. However Matrixxx and Shady are usually very careful about having the ‘sauce’ to back-up what they say given they have even been targeted by Hillary Clinton!

Would Matrixx know who Buck Nasty is? Yes I think so because of his close relationship with Pinata Farm. If the guy is causing them trouble (Which he is) Pinata Farm may have asked Matrixx (and/or Gregg Phillips) to do some digging on the guy.

It should also be noted that Matrixx is calling for UNITY and not bashing Lin Wood. All he has done his present the facts he has that could take Pinata Farm off the app store. Think what they did to 8-Chan. Matrixxx would be very sensitive to that because he was a Q Anon ‘Baker’ who was actually cited by Q on more that one occasion.


100% ^^^

I’ve been out on Flynn for a long time. I believe he had a major role planned for him at the start of PDT’s term, but I am not so sure that was a wise decision. He looked like a DS plant to me, like McMaster and Kelly. The only thing that kept me in a bit was PDT going to the mat with him over the trial with the pardon.

Gail Combs

I give Flynn the benifit of the doubt because of some of those he brought in like, Ezra Cohen Watnick and Derek Harvey. Harvey was on Devin Nunes’ staff starting in September 2017. Harvey was fired by H. R. McMaster in late July 2017.

From my old notes:

Harvey is a longtime intelligence analyst who had been close to Flynn, Harvey was a Senior Executive Service-member of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

DIA is a national-level intelligence organization that does not belong to a single military element or the traditional chain of command, instead answering to the Secretary of Defense directly through the USDI.  
A longtime intelligence analyst who had been close to former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Ret. Army Col. Harvey is a Senior Executive Service-member of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

DIA is a national-level intelligence organization that does not belong to a single military element or the traditional chain of command, instead answering to the Secretary of Defense directly through the USDI.  

Commenter OT says:
“This is such an odd story. Brits hand delivered a memo to Gen. Flynn’s team in Jan. 2017 saying Steele is hinky, the dossier is a dud. But Flynn knows nothing about it until after he’s pleaded guilty and Mueller’s team is questioning him. A whistleblower from Flynn’s old team alerts the Congressional GOP. WTH???”


“Congressional investigators told the Hill that in January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn’s team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November…

GOP investigators learned of the communique’s existence within the past few weeks by a whistleblower who was part of Flynn’s team and are pressing for answers ahead of Trump’s visit to the United Kingdom early next month…

The communique could be significant as it would have been delivered before the FBI applied for three FISA renewals against Page in 2017 using Steele’s research. Sources said Flynn was not aware of its existence until he was questioned as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, after he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with a Russian envoy, and therefore Trump too was likely not told about it.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
Deplorable Patriot

The DS submarined Flynn. They are afraid of him having any sort of influence or power. That tells me there’s more to him than the accusations being hurled at him to see if anything sticks.

Gail Combs

At this point I am in the wait and see camp on most of these people.

I do watch Patrick Gunnels because of the threads he reads but after the No such thing as a virus/bacteria borne disease crap he is now getting a MAJOR side-eye from me. However I will keep watching him to see what he is up to.




Thanks, and thank you for your legal perspective. I hadn’t thought of their fearing Wood’s skills. It’s such a shame that someone so talented appears to be going off the rails. But like you, I will watch and see if anything useful comes of this.



Nothing I have seen since that last group revival with Sydney Powell and Co., when Wood did his televangelist routine has made me think otherwise.

It’s unfortunate, but sometimes religious passion becomes religious zealotry. And that comes off as crazy.

The Lin Woods of our movement are discrediting, and should be abandoned. I know that’s harsh, but I want to win. I want my country back.


He might need loving intervention if he went over the edge?


I believe I remember reading something about someone (his kids) trying to get him into some kind of treatment? That was a while ago. But I do wonder if he is bi-polar or something.

Gail Combs

off topic question on possible herbals to lower my sodium retention.

I have high blood pressure that is very responsive to my Sodium and Potassium intake. I lose potassium every day and must diligently work at replenishing it but can not seem to get rid of sodium.

When I took  Prednisone when the ER thought I had asthma my BP dropped like a rock to below normal.

Despite being outside in 95F+ for most of the day for the last couple of weeks and with an intake of less than 500 mg of sodium (It is very tough to get it to zero), I still have too much sodium & too little potassium (Leg cramps big time despite increased intake.)

This is the info I have gathered

Dr Axe — “…sodium intake should actually be lower than 1,500 milligrams.”

FDA “….the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends adults limit sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg per day…”

So given my shirt was caked with white salt (Potassium Chloride?) my BP STILL was a bit high.

Primary Aldosteronism Medication: Aldosterone Antagonists – Medscape

Aug 10, 2021

Prednisone is a short-acting prodrug that exerts its effects after it undergoes metabolism and is converted to prednisolone. Prednisone mimics naturally occurring cortisol and is used in GRA to rapidly suppress aldosterone levels and resolve the volume expansion and hypertension in this disorder.… 

The symptoms look like Hyperaldosteronism: Conn’s Syndrome 
List of Aldosterone receptor antagonists –

Aldosterone receptor antagonists (also called an antimineralocorticoid, MCRA, and sometimes MRA) are a class of drugs which block the effects of aldosterone. Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid hormone in the body and is produced in the adrenal cortex of the adrenal gland. Aldosterone increases sodium reabsorption by the kidneys, salivary glands, sweat glands and colon. At the same time, it increases the excretion of hydrogen and potassium ions.

By blocking the effects of aldosterone, aldosterone receptor antagonists block the reabsorption of sodium, which encourages water loss. Consequently, this leads to a decrease in blood pressure and a reduction in fluid around the heart.

These guys are recommending adrenal surgery. NOT my first go to!
I really do not want to be taking a cortisone or other drug if I can take a herbal instead.
The Nattokinase and no sugar dropped the Diastolic blood pressure to around 70 it is the Systolic blood pressure that stays at the absolute minimum of 135 to 140 and shoots to 170 if I LOOK at a slice of pizza or a strip of bacon.  😥 

Any suggestions before I VERY reluctantly head off to a doctor.


Sadly, can’t address the sodium issue…I’ve had good bp response to beet powder.

Gail Combs


I really rather deal with the issue myself instead of getting onto big Pharma drugs or have surgery.




Well, I think as we age our blood pressure should be a bit higher, so the 135-140/70 seems fine to me. 170/70 would bother me.

The problem with pizza or bacon, or pretty much any other processed food is, the salt that is in it sucks!

I only use Redmond Sea Salt. That is one thing. It’s the best. It’s been buried in an ancient lava flow for millennia. It’s the purest salt on Earth, and has 70-80 trace minerals that are hard to get from food raised on our depleted soils.

Interestingly, decreasing salt intake for years may cause your body to “adapt,” and increase the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). This system is a known factor in hypertension.

So, lowering your salt intake down so far may actually be causing the problem.

Of course, the real problem is, if that has happened, how do you get out of it?

One thing that can help is progesterone. I know a few women who use a cream topically. It assists with various parts of aging in women.

There is a study that concluded that hypertension could be alleviated by spironolactone, a common aldosterone antagonist often used for cardiovascular disease prevention.

Spironolactone is a progesterone-derivative. The same study found NAC to be effective also.

I have felt for years that the reduction of salt to near zero is not healthy, or helpful. I feel like some doctor “guessed” that it would help long ago, and when it was tried, it lowered blood pressure by a few points, so they thought they had “eureka!” But most people I know who eat a very low salt diet still struggle with high blood pressure.

The only was I would have adrenal surgery is if I had a tumor.

I don’t know if any of this is helpful. I hope you are able to find a good resolution.

Gail Combs

Thanks much. I am not a fanatic on ‘low salt’ but I try to keep it to a dull roar by doing my own cooking. Restaurant and processed food is really LOADED with salt.

The under 500 mg per day for a couple weeks was an experiment to see if it would work… It didn’t.

Getting off carbs really helped the BP and I should try to lose about 20 to 30 more pounds.

I get the feeling my allergies are also a major problem with the BP.


That could be, with the allergies. Do you take allergy meds?

Gail Combs

Yes, I alternate between cetrizine, or loratadine although licorice root and stinging nettle has helped a lot. If I am really bad, I take Dextromethorphan or Benedryl.

Being allergic to grass, hay, horses, sheep, goats dust mites, mold… is a bit of a problem 🙄 


I have lots of allergies, too, and I take several things. Nettles are great.

Be aware, licorice root can raise blood pressure dramatically. It can also lower potassium levels.

Gail Combs

AHHHhhh, I will try cutting that out and see if it helps.


It might!

Gail Combs

I will let you know how the experiment goes.


I would love to know!

Gail Combs

I figured your curiosity bump would be driving you nutz if I didn’t. 🤓 




“I only use Redmond Sea Salt. That is one thing. It’s the best. It’s been buried in an ancient lava flow for millennia. It’s the purest salt on Earth, and has 70-80 trace minerals that are hard to get from food raised on our depleted soils.”


I will check that out.

What do you think about this stuff, Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt?

For some reason, the Amazon link isn’t showing, just a big blank space.

Here’s the photo from Amazon:

comment image

It has small flakes of salt. Tastes amazingly good, much better (saltier) than regular table salt.

It says “This Salt does not supply Iodide, a necessary nutrient”, and “As this is a natural additive-free salt, caking may occur over time.”

I don’t leave it alone long enough for caking to be an issue.

When TPTB said salt was bad for us, I tried eating food that I normally eat with salt, without the salt, and I didn’t like it.

So I decided that dying of starvation was worse than eating food with salt. Then I found the Kosher salt mentioned above. I don’t know what Kosher has to do with it one way or the other, it just tastes a lot better than regular table salt.

It was a similar deal when TPTB said we should stop eating butter. I tried margarine. It was awful. So I stayed with (lightly salted) butter.

When TPTB said that meat was bad for us, I just laughed.

Because I’m not going to stop eating steak, no matter how bad TPTB claim it is. People have been eating meat for as long as people have been around — and people are still here — so the claim just wasn’t credible.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

I’m with you on all of the above. I eat real butter, and lots of olive oil. I use all the salt I want, but only the Redmond.

I got to meet a rep from Redmond Salt who showed me the mineral profile of human blood against the mineral profile of Redmond. They were virtually identical.

Once I started to use the salt, which tastes amazing (no bitterness, at all), if I am without it for any length of time, like on vacation, I start to crave it. I noticed that I felt better within a month of starting to use it.

Generally, I don’t like any type of “manufactured” white salt. The trace mineral content just isn’t there.

If you want to experiment, try using the Redmond for a month, exclusively. See how you feel. I think the reason your kosher salt tastes “saltier” is that it is in flakes, so it spreads more widely on your tongue all at once.

And the trick to having natural salt not clump in your shaker is to put in a tsp. of rice. It won’t come out the shaker holes, but it will absorb moisture and keep the salt loose. 🙂


Thank you Aubergine, I will order some Redmond Sea salt.

I don’t think I’ve ever met a salt that doesn’t like me, so I’m pretty sure it would be great 😁


I do my salt, too!


That is a possibility. I know someone who became bi-polar because of Iraqi war it is no fun dealing with it for the person or family.


I have known a few bi-polar people. It is a very hard illness to deal with.


Yes it is.


Oh and:

“As for voting, if you make the choice to do so, that is fine by me. You are free to vote, vote, vote!!! Do it!!!

Good luck, good luck, good luck!!!

Communists love it when you play into their hands!!!””

That means, “don’t vote, or you’re a patsy for the Commies.”

He’s DEFINITELY saying don’t vote. He’s just cute about it.


Yes, that’s what I’m seeing. He is actively telling people not to vote but giving himself “plausible deniability.” It’s gamesmanship and not honest communication.

I also notice the way he communicates. He often repeats things three times. It’s not normal and seems calculated to have a certain effect. It might be related to the fact that Flynn is a three-star lieutenant general and uses three stars in his communications, because Wood refers to that often.


“That means, “don’t vote, or you’re a patsy for the Commies.””


I understand that some people don’t vote as a matter of principle, i.e., if you believe the system is rigged, then participating in a rigged system doesn’t make any sense.

The problem is, what is a better option?

What’s the answer to the problem?

Not voting at all just hands the election to the criminals, it ensures that the enemy wins, and they can then win without even needing to cheat.

It is at least potentially possible to overcome the cheating by having so many people vote that so much cheating is required that it can’t very well be hidden.

But if they don’t care if they get caught cheating, because no cop will arrest anyone and no court will hear the evidence, then we’re in Declaration of Independence territory.

And the problem there is that we have absolutely no one in a position of leadership to lead that direction.

I understand nobody wants to go that direction.

But if that’s the only direction we have, then somebody is going to have to lead.

It isn’t going to just happen by itself.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

I think we have been in unprecedented territory for the last two years.

The cheating last time was just too obvious. They’ve always cheated, but never to the extent they did in 2020. They are very exposed. It’s why the Jan 6 hearings were a bust, it’s why Biden’s approval won’t go up no matter what they try, and it’s why they keep doing dumb shit to attempt to make it all go away. WE KNOW. AND THEY KNOW WE KNOW.

This is the reason I am holding fire until after this next election cycle. I want to see what happens. After November, I think we’ll know a lot more. How willing are they to blow up the whole country for power? I don’t mean risking protests, etc., like they thought they might get last time. I mean BLOWING UP THE COUNTRY.

You may be absolutely correct in your assessment, that they will cheat and win. If so, it is time to re-think where we are, because never in history have so many people KNOWN what is happening. There is NO WAY to make Democrat wins in a political climate where the President is this far under water look legitimate. NO WAY..

Until then, I hide and watch.


I am. Waiting for the Word.


Sandmann got Todd McMurtry after ditching Lin. McMurtry is Rittenhouse’s lawyer as well. I just think Sandmann’s 15 minutes is up to milk this. He’s already gotten paid, and people can’t fill their car up without budgeting for it. Enough already, go back to McConnell.

On the subject of Lin Wood — I literally cannot figure this out. At all. I understand the need to expose the layers of Flynn treachery and grift. And I do absolutely believe that Lin was targeted by these people – Flynn/Byrne/Powell, David Hancock (Rittenhouse), Doug Logan (Cyber Ninjas) – from the get-go. Either Lin was targeted, or perhaps he’s been tasked with exposing them by allowing himself to be targeted. So the appearance is he’s either lost his grip, or he’s had to surround himself with the enemy, like Trump. I just cannot imagine him being hoodwinked by literally everybody. How does a premier, if not THE premier, defamation lawyer in the country suddenly become totally incapable of judging character or intent? Repeatedly. It doesn’t wash.

BUT, now he’s being sued for breach of contract by the builder who did a bunch of work on the property manager’s residence at Tomotley, and maybe some on the main house as well. Apparently he owes this guy $235K, and has been using delaying tactics to avoid paying. All the documents are online, at the Beaufort County, NC site. Hancock exposed this. From what I’ve seen Lin has made no mention of it – even though he regularly recounts his other legal battles. And his sycophant channels (telegram) make no mention of it either. AND there’s another matter of stiffing his Generac installer for $20K.

As I said, I cannot figure it out – but not paying your bills, to local people, is a very bad look.


I agree. And I didn’t know about the unpaid bills. You are right; that is never mentioned. As people are wont to do, Wood presents himself as the innocent, persecuted one. And he has been persecuted. But things are often not black or white.



Gail Combs

As a defamation Lawyer he should have $$$$$ However a lot of rich people are the WORST when paying independent Contractors. A friend is an electrician and has had to get really creative when it comes to getting paid. We insist on getting paid as soon as we show up.


He has paid invoices ongoing, the $235K is the final bill. It’s now delayed until December sometime. Between the ongoing political drama, the crazy accusations against his former pastor and leaving that church, and stiffing local businesses . . . I imagine he’s worn out his welcome in that area, totally. And he’s trying to run Cotton Hall as a B&B/wedding venue.


After the 2020 election I saw Woods tell people not to vote in front of a lot of people. I do not trust him but every person has a right to disagree with me and I honor their opinions 🙂

Gail Combs

I remember that too. He told them NOT TO VOTE IN THE CRITICAL SENATE RACE Run-off. The outcome of that race handed the Senate to the Demon-Rats.


Sometimes people spite themself for the wrong reason. He displayed a lot of theatrics.


My sense is that LW is sincere, but unfortunately that means there is something off with him.


For some reason, my Tae Kwon Do anecdote on yesterday’s thread reminded me of an incident in High School Chemistry. Through the luck of the draw, the instructor was also the Track Coach…..and he immediately took a dislike to me.

So it came to pass that we got one of those, “take weighed A and B powder, mix up into A and B solution, then mix A and B solution and filter out the precipitate, then weigh” dealios.

My lab partner and I did ours in about 10 minutes, and helped the rest of the table for a couple more….and (looking at the rest of the hour), we decided we’d repeat the procedure and get some error bars. We had everything almost ready, so we did our next one in about nine minutes, but the gating factor for the rapidity of our tests was how fast we could dry the damned beaker (or borrow a dry one). So we casually set it on a bunsen.

Not too much later, it was totally dry (and glowing red), so we set it aside and started our next run. And Mr. Ford came over to our table and said that we needed to speed things up and get with the program (thinking we were still doing the first run). He then picked up the beaker to position it properly…..and quickly put it down again. “Why didn’t you tell me that beaker was hot?”, he demanded.

With a tee-up like that, I couldn’t resist. “Because you never asked me.”

Frankly, I was far safer with the black belt than I was in that moment with the Track Coach. He was angry, contemptuous, and injured. But he managed to regain his composure. We never did become buds.


Can’t imagine why…😂

Gail Combs

Yes, this looks like the actual reason for Jan 6th.

Any bets, given the FIBs spying on Americans, that Guy Reffitt was ALREADY PICKED OUT And the son groomed?

Remember the Commie teacher used the father’s facebook AS AN EXAMPLE of an extreme conservative. The Son in high school was ALREADY baiting the Father. I think the FBI had a LONG LIST of Consevatives with Commie sons and daughters to work from.

The fact that Guy DID NOTHING WRONG. I also find curious. He is being CONVICTED OF WRONG THINK! and nothing more. That is why they used the son to record the Dad.

As far as their being more to the son’s hate of the father?

You should have heard my Brother at his first Thanksgiving home from college. He was spouting Marxism and shouting at my Dad. (Listening to that is when I decide Marxism was a bunch of Bull Schiff) Dad and Mom never did anything to my Brother to cause his hate…. EXCEPT SADDLING HIM WITH A LITTLE SISTER who he was very jealous of. That could easily be the case here. Dad’s attention was taken from his son by his little girls and his son may have resented it. From the looks of it he was 5 or 6 when he had a baby dumped into his life.


I had a personal experience with FIB attempting to the dirty to me in the 90s that will be discussed in a future story in Back in my Day. Fortunately, I had a wise, experienced, high profile attorney friend tell me how to handle them. It involved using the letter F and some other important things.

DS commies.


Looking forward to the read.

Gail Combs

Looking forward to the story.


They used to do that in East Germany have the kids rat out their parents. Often the kids were to young to understand the implications. Children were spies in their parents home and often had no clue. Nazis did the same. When we go back in history we will find the same using children to convict parents. Communism is alive here in the USA. That left wing kid will will never be happy when he truly emotionally grows up and realizes what he has done. The kid teenager had an ax to grind then what teenager does not?

Gail Combs

Typical Teen rebellion that a commie teacher(s) took advantage of.


Yes they are expert manipulators.


The republicans in Congress were part of approving the Patriot act.


R-Cons get NO pass from me.


Me either 🙂

Gail Combs

RINOs are Controlled Opposition so we THINK we have a choice when we really do not.


Yes sadly so. Hope it changes with new people in Congress . There is always hope.


The injustice in the Reffitt case is WRIT LARGE (as it is with all of J6 defendants). The blow back here is Total Contempt for the Courts. How these S.O.B.s decide that you are not allowed to present a defense seems to have that become the norm is beyond me. Selective Justice is BS! The authorities could of conducted summary executions on the spot and come out looking cleaner. And Congress is out to lunch on this. Despicable 😠

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Gail Combs

I really really want to see a LOT of cases of 18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties…..

ALL the DAs, judges, FBI agents and higher ups, guards…. are ACTING UNDER THE COLOR OF THE LAW and Not as impartial keepers of the law.

Since some of the Jan 6thers have committed suicide or died due to poor treatment…

 ….and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

The fact that people like Guy WHO DID NOTHING WRONG were tossed in jail for over a year just to advance a political agenda… Is that CONSIDERED KIDNAPPING?

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs

The other thing is the way they tricked this guy into unlocking his phone. After putting the guy in the car after an emotionally charged predawn arrest complete with multiple flashbangs they brought the guys phone to him and said, “If you want to get any phone contacts off this before we take you in then you need to do it now as your going one way and the phone is going the other way and its the last your going to see of it for a very long time.” Reffitt said “of course there’s numbers I need” and unlocked the phone to access it at which time they grabbed it out his hands.


Is this like Eric Prince’s ‘Unplugged’
He is being mentioned and often is on Bannon’s Warroom,
Unplugged: Erik Prince’s Phone That Will ‘Liberate’ You From Big Tech’s Surveillance (

You can download ‘Unplugged’. This prevents tracking of your phone by any of the installed application.
They are also planning a a secure phone, but have problems getting the parts sourced.


I wrote to both these companies Parallel Anon and Unplugged to ask:
“What towers do your phones use?  I travel frequently to visit and care for disabled family member at the ——- Zip Code.  Currently, only Verizon covers/works in this remote rural area in FL.”



Deplorable Patriot

Code. It has to be. Something is going on backstage.

Gail Combs

I think some real BOMB SHELLS are being prepared. My only question is if they go off BEFORE or after the November elections.


Wisconsin Nursing Homes. All caps.

Maybe something to do with that?

Gail Combs

Homecare – SEIU – Service Employees International Union
New York nursing homes reach deal with 33,000 union workers(SEIU again)

SEIU was implicated in some nasty stuff where they tossed a Trump supporter out of a motel in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere. There was a good possibility she was being set-up for rape and a beating but a friend showed to pick her up as the possible villain drove up.

Service Employees International Union – Conservapedia

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is a socialist, politically powerful labor union with 2 million members in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico, and the largest union of property service workers in the United States…

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) —

Form 990 Information. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is one of America’s largest, most controversial, and most politically involved labor unions….

Service Employees International Union Profile:

Service Employees International Union organization profile. Contributions in the 2020 cycle: $29,256,876. … 

REVOLVING DOOR. 11 out of 16 out of 23 Service Employees International Union lobbyists in 2021 have previously held government jobs.

13 out of 19 Service Employees International Union lobbyists in 2022 have previously held government jobs.



Independent Expenditures

For Democrats…………$1,201,007……97.76%

Against Democrats……….$15,000……..1.22%

Against Republicans…….$12,55………21.02%

For Republicans………….$00.00………..0.00%



Total for 2022 Cycle:


NOTE: Organizations themselves cannot contribute to candidates and party committees. Figures on this page include contributions and spending by affiliates.

From In the Matrixx & Shady Grooove:

Arabella Advisors: The Third Pillar of Election Integrity [Part 5]

Let’s dig in some more as we bring you the fifth installment of what we call Arabella Advisors: The Third Pillar of Election Integrity. Some big names have specifically called out the Dark Money Network run by for-profit Arabella Advisors and their 5 Non-profit funds, which in turn are funneled through over 350+ pop-up Foundations….

This international union could be ANOTHER way to funnel foreign money into our elections.

You would think allowing Corporations to donate millions to influence our elections would be enough!


I hope and pray something blows the lid off, soon.

Gail Combs

 👃 AMEN!!! 👃 

If we ACTUALLY HAD the Rule of Law instead of Stalinist Persecution, this would have been cleared up years ago.
comment image

I guess people had to be SHOWN just how corrupt the system really is. I have been ‘awake’ for decades but even I was unaware that things were THIS BAD!


Me, too. It’s been an eye-opener.




This is why Joe Manchin agreed to the Green Ne Deal Climate Change legislation.

Bill the eugenicist paid him off.

Bill Gates and Other Radicals Pressed Joe Manchin to Vote for Biden’s Behemoth Climate Change Bill (


Yep. His public, “I’m the good guy” dancing has been nauseating. The truth is always in following the money.


A little night music. I can’t decide which one to post, so I may have to post both, if people like this first one.

This is Morgan James, singing Dream On (originally by Aerosmith, 1973):


Excuse me, were you thinking —


^^^ THIS one always stops me in my tracks for ~four minutes. N I C E  😎 


This is great! Their incredible talents showcase how embarrassingly lame the Trainor original is. A real silk purse. 👍🏻

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Just past 3:40, a guy appears in the back behind the middle singer, waves, and disappears.


Was circling back, to enjoy the video a second time. So much to enjoy.

Saw your comment.

Played video from start. Tried to pay attention to the “time”. Kept getting side tracked, by them talented gals. Fourth pass, I finally saw the dude appear in the back and wave. 🙂


That may have been the drummer. He didn’t have much else to do at that moment.


Went back and watched again.

  :wpds_razz:  DANG, them gals are talented!   :wpds_razz: 

MeThinks you are right. The drummer guy was waving.


No, but I did pick that one out to watch, I just hadn’t seen it yet. That was a good one 😁

Here’s the other one. Peter Gabriel’s Sledgehammer. I was never a big fan of the original, it’s not my era, and I always had a hard time understanding what he was saying. Same problem with Shock the Monkey, as far as I can tell, that’s a song about electrocuting a monkey. Which is an interesting choice for song material, you don’t hear about electrocuting monkeys very often in popular music.

But back to Sledgehammer. Morgan James slows it down and jazzes it up a little, and articulates much more clearly, and now I understand it. And she seems to be having a lot of fun singing it.

One of the back up singers, the one on the right, seems like she’s not too sure about this song at first, but about three quarters through, she starts smiling, and she’s into it 👍😁


I totally love PMJ……but Peter Gabriel’s tours are another world.


I don’t know what it is, or why, but I just have a lot of difficultly making a connection to the music.

It’s not bad sounding, I just can’t feel anything.

I know lots of people love Peter Gabriel and his concerts, I just have a lot of difficulty connecting with it, musically.

For a different example going toward the other end of the spectrum, you posted a video the other night by AC/DC, a song called “[She’s Got] The Jack“.

I don’t think I had ever heard that song before. I could sort of guess that “Jack” was a euphemism for something else, but I thought no, not even AC/DC would write a song about that.

But I looked it up, and they really did… 😂

But regardless of what the song is about, it ROCKED. It was fun, it made me want to sing along, and I had never even heard it before!

That music I could connect with easily. I’m not a huge AC/DC fan, but whenever I hear their music, it seems like maybe I should be. Back in Black (1980) is my favorite AC/DC album, and You Shook Me All Night Long is probably my favorite AC/DC song.

From watching a lot of ‘reaction videos’, I noticed that the people who have never heard much classic rock begin to recognize and identify and distinguish what sounds like 1960s music, and what sounds like 1970s music. They are also able to easily identify 1980s music because they compare and contrast 80s with 60s and 70s music, though I don’t watch many of the reaction videos of 1980s songs.

They don’t always guess right, but they’re usually close or on the right track. It’s almost like there is a musical signature for different decades (music wise), and if people hear enough of a certain signature, they begin to identify it with other songs from that same era or decade.

The Jack was recorded in 1975, so it’s definitely in my favorite era, roughly 1964-1979, excluding disco (which seems artificial sounding by design) and most punk, which (by design, I think) doesn’t sound very musical, to me.

So even though I don’t think I ever heard The Jack before, it was from an era that I am very familiar with, so it was easy to relate to, musically.

I don’t really know early Gensis, probably because they didn’t get a lot of radio play until later, in the 1980s.

I just checked their discography, and I don’t recognize a single song on any of their first 7 albums (1969-1974).

I know the song Ripples from the album Foxtrot (1976). Peter Garbriel left the group in 1975, so I don’t know a single song by Genesis when Peter Gabriel was with them.

I checked Peter Gabriel’s solo discography, which began in 1977, but I don’t know any of his songs until his third album, the song Games Without Frontiers (from Peter Gabriel [3]) in 1980.

I recognize Shock the Monkey from the album Security (1982).

Long before 1986 (Gabriel’s next album, titled So) I had stopped listening to contemporary (1980s) music. But I still know Sledgehammer, Big Time and In Your Eyes from that album, because those songs were popular enough to be inescapable. In Your Eyes sounded almost like it could be an older song, so I liked that one enough to listen to it.

There is nothing after that by Peter Gabriel that I am familiar with. So it looks like I only know five songs by Peter Gabriel, and I just never connected with his music very well.

I know post-Gabriel Genesis and solo Phil Collins a little better.

I know Follow You Follow Me (from the Genesis album titled And Then There Were Three, 1978).

The next Genesis album is Duke (1980), which has the song Misunderstanding that I know and like.

Abacab was next in 1981, which has Man on the Corner. I like that song, and have it on a 12″ single.

Phil Collins’ first solo album Face Value was released in 1981, and has In the Air Tonight, which may be my favorite Phil Collins song.

Collins’ second solo album, Hello I Must Be Going, came out in 1982, has I Don’t Care Anymore, which I like very much.

Back to Genesis (with Phil Collins), 1983’s self-titled Genesis has the songs Mama and Home By the Sea that I remember.

I know songs like Invisible Touch, Tonight Tonight Tonight and Throwing it All Away (Invisible Touch album, 1986) because those songs received a ton of airplay.

Back to Phil Collins’ solo albums, No Jacket Required (1985) has One More Night and Take Me Home, and I like both of those songs.

I’m guessing there are those who like Genesis better before Gabriel left, and those who like Genesis when it was led by Phil Collins. Sort of the way some people like the original Fleetwood Mac (1967-1974), and others like Fleetwood Mac after Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham joined the group in 1975.

For whatever reason, apparently I relate better to Phil Collins’ style, at least some of the slower (darker?) songs, better than Peter Gabriel’s style.


That back up singer is as much fun to watch as Morgan. She be like – I dunno about dis…

Then she gets it. 😀


Morgan is a pleasure to listen in on and watch.


you don’t hear about electrocuting monkeys very often in popular music

No, you don’t. 😂🐒⚡️

Gail Combs

But you sure may be hearing a lot more about electricuting monkeys in the future…

MONKEY POX! — POX on MONKEYS! Especially Fauci’s truck load of infected monkeys…


you don’t hear about electrocuting monkeys very often in popular music

“No, you don’t.”


I just kind of slipped that in there, I wasn’t sure if anyone would catch it or not, but I’m glad you did 😁


And this one. The first time I saw this one, I thought it was like some kind of prank 😂

Just watch.

And watch the other band members try to keep a straight face, and not look at one particular person.

My favorite comment below the video on yt is the first one: “If you’re going to be Tambourine Guy, be the best Tambourine Guy ever.” 😂 🤣 😂


Gail Combs

I really like your picks! Not surprising since I like Jazz, Blues, Ragtime, Motown…

Valerie Curren

Tambourine Guy was valedictorian of the More Cowbell School of Musical Exhibitionism, Class of the Dawning of the Age of Apocalypse!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I Loved this! Thank you so much for sharing it–beautiful 


You are most welcome!

Valerie Curren



And I hope Josiah and Rose had a wonderful wedding!

Valerie Curren

They did. I’ll share about it “soon” when I’ve got more energy. TY

Happy go lucky

Happy Monday

Last edited 2 years ago by Happy go lucky

It IS, a Happy Monday.   :wpds_smile: 

Gail Combs

After the last couple weeks when I was FLAT OUT BUSY, it certainly is!

It is nice to sit and vegetate for a bit.


RSBN – – is growing – a place to watch for early scoops and news.


That being said – I can’t stand to listen to them yammer to fill the space before the rallies start.

I quit watching RSBN for a while (went to Golden State TV and other streaming sources) after RSBN covered the inauguration and double-screened the protests and inauguration itself. That was annoying and detracted from their inauguration coverage. I’d rather they had showed the protests as one program later.

Sometimes they have ads on the side of their coverage of the early parts of rallies. The early speeches are important, and I don’t think they cover those adequately.

Hopefully, we will see RSBN better organize their coverage and eliminate the annoying stuff.


Shades of WW1…

“The situation around Taiwan and Kosovo shows us what kind of world we have entered – a world where it is possible to very quickly slide into a large-scale conflict. The US and the West are showing so far that they are able to control the situation and turn the spiral of escalation back, but it is clear that their actions are more and more spontaneous, not strategic. And this in itself is a sign of their weakening, which is inevitably followed by destabilization around the world. The hegemon is losing the reins of power.

But the main front is now in Ukraine, where the West has made its main bet for entering the next round of the struggle for world domination, since its elites believe that Russia can be seriously weakened there. In this they are mistaken, Russia will come out stronger from the SMO in Ukraine.”

“In case of aggravation of the situation around Serbia, Russia will provide assistance to Belgrade without entering into a conflict, said Senator Dzhabarov”

“Russia absolutely supports Serbia in the situation around the unrecognized Kosovo – Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov.

“We absolutely support Serbia, Kosovo Serbs. We believe that these are absolutely unreasonable claims. Now the aggravation has been avoided. But the situation has been postponed for one month. It’s important to keep your sanity.”


NATO is waiting for their Archduke Ferdinand catalyst. Neocons want a war. They will most likely get one.


Chinee KNOW we no longer have a two front capability.

Gail Combs

ESPECIALLY with a WOKE military full of Covid Vaccine poison.


They are going several bridges too far in this case.

I well remember the ‘outbreak’ of HIV/AIDS. Seems like it came to the USA via gay ped0 tourists who preyed upon children offered for sale in public parks in Haiti.

Remember how concerned they were and yet didn’t recommend cessation of acts that spread the disease. No quarantine, no contact tracing, nothing like the CV19 stuff. And they were worried about ‘stigma’ and hurt feelings.

I also remember Ø’s first foreign trip was to Bali – also child trafficking mecca.

Gail Combs

AIDS came to the USA via a gay airline steward who porked anything that moved.



Gail Combs


Any bets a lot of the local cops have had it with the Soros DAs and Judges putting REAL VIOLENT criminals back on their streets while Jan 6thers who DID NOTHING WRONG are in jail in solitary WITHOUT bail or trial?


That was a smart gun owner too. I bet he knew the cops who responded – or the sheriff.

Gail Combs

There is ALSO the question of HOW ATF KNEW he had the gun. That is usually a STATE issue. Remember the Sheriffs refusing to give the FBI the names of the Concealed carry permit holders?

We REALLY, REALLY need to get the Feds noses OUT OF STATE BUSINESS!


Very odd for an alleged agent to come alone. I do not like to see any legitimate law enforcement personnel (especially local) work alone without a partner. It’s too dangerous these days.

Gail Combs

I would not be surprised if that sent up the antenna of the local cops.


I know my sheriff. That’s a call I’d make.


👏 👏 👏



Savvy gun owner.

Too much fun to watch.

Dunno when this happened. Nice body cam released, into the wild

  • “I’m a federal agent”.
  • AS IF, that gives him the Right, to ABUSE CITIZEN RIGHTS.

At this point, I am beyond disgusted with EVERYTHING FEDERAL. EVERYTHING.

  • Feds thrive on abusing Americans.
Gail Combs

At this point, f Putin took up Bite-me’s dare and nuked the District of Criminals, I would high five him.

I am sure there are a lot of other Americans who would also CHEER!

(But first get the Jan 6thers out of DC)


I’ll pass the popcorn as I, (we) watch video clips, again and again.   :wpds_lol: 

Gail Combs

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Tsar Bomba 🙂

Yea, not likely.

Thinking pic above, Bikini Atoll area.

Tsar Bomba over Ruskie-land, IIRC.

Gail Combs

Consider it a frustration release.  🤓 


THAT is the best thing I’ve seen all month!!!!


Asshole ATF Agent put face down on ground, cuffed AND TAZED.



Gail Combs

ALL the idiot had to do was calmly put his hand up on his head and say:

“I am an ATF agent my creds are in my back left hand pocket.”


Instead he acted like a complete ASSHOLE!


He should have gotten down when the cops ordered him to. What he did was very risky. And dumb, of course.


Squeal like a pig, bitch.
Hilarious, they don’t like it when the boots on the other foot.

Gail Combs

Too bad it wasn’t on the side of his neck a la George Floyd!


Well, isn’t it ** interesting ** that an ATF agent, supposedly knowing about how law enforcement works —
Tries to resist apprehension and following orders by LEO;
Tries the “Don’t you know who I am?” thing with LEO;
THREATENS the LEO with the “You’re making a big mistake” statement;
Tries the “I can’t breathe” routine;
Tries to resist getting handcuffed;
Tries the “I have a medical condition” routine;
Tries the “Don’t taze me, bro” routine;
Tries the “But my wife is pregnant” routine.

This is all aside from the fact that the ATF agent had no business showing up at the man’s residence in the first place.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

Would a judge issue a warrant for that? I can’t imagine it, but leftists do all kinds of unconstitutional things. There is no probable cause for them to see lawfully purchased weapons just to make sure they didn’t fall into the wrong hands.


That’s what I thought. So they’re trying to circumvent the law and our Constitutional rights.


It was comical. He used all the old tired leftist mantras.


Maybe the gun owner saw through the act right away – something about the papers, the shifty eyes, a whole lot of red flags….

I’d love to see/hear/know what happened next….


Second report of ATF doing this in less than a week.

Hoping this and related videos are on all gun blogs, TW, FB and the like.


Likely they are all being collected.


…normalizing NAZI behavior by feds.

^^^ NAILS It. ^^^

We ARE being conditioned. COMPLY, Sheeple.


“Looks like normalizing NAZI behavior by feds.”


And the Nazi didn’t like it one bit… he acted just like a bad guy. And he used every line he’s probably heard a thousand times while arresting bad guys.

Gail Combs

Tim Young (Washington Times Columnist)


Just to put it in perspective: kids need their parent’s signature to go on a field trip to the zoo…

but not to begin medical treatment to change their gender.


As I recall, a while ago, some liberal school nurses were doing sex-ed, issuing contraceptives and taking kids for abortions too.

Gail Combs

Not surprising given schools were also giving kids Ritalin WITHOUT parental permission and in some cases KNOWLEDGE. When Parents found out and objected, they threatened to have the children removed from the home.


State schools – totalitarian tactics.

Gail Combs

YUP! Indoctrination Centers since Dewey became the ‘Father of Progressive Education’


Worth remembering Dewey was a Republican…love that UniParty.

Gail Combs



It’s on the parents and citizens of our country to stop this crap. Have some guts. Massive protests and doxing of those who do it, their families, the school boards, the politicians, the governors, the DS – ALL OF THEM. Call them out for ridicule or isolation from contact at school, church, the grocery store, wherever.

Just remember not to lump them all in the same dumpster. Be friends and support the good guys and gals of law enforcement, the schools, the legal community, the judges – win them over. Help and have the backs of those who want to do the right thing.

Last edited 2 years ago by TradeBait2


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert.” – J Robert Oppenheimer


GREAT quote.

Incessant stonewalling by federal assholes HIDES TRUTH and DESTROYS confidence in Feds.

  • Secrecy, Investigations, Not My Job…

In the linked article, Children’s Health Defense also points out the figures of children ages 6 months to 5 years old who presented with adverse events after getting the COVID-19 “vaccine.” So far, there are 2,429 adverse events in this age group as of 22 July.
Quote from Children’s Health Defense:
“Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.”

This is an Alex Berenson article. Apparently, the percentages of the “vaccinated” in the province coming down with bad cases of COVIC-19 leading to hospitalizations and/or deaths are so high, that the government announced on 28 July that it will stop publishing the information.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

Blinken was in Kosovo on the 26th to greeenlight the uprising


Barely an article but this is the gist. And he used social media to help.

“The man who authorities say planned to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh in a bid to impact the Roe v Wade decision identified as a transgender female called Sophie, according to court documents.”


“In other words, Roske was a leftist loser who sought refuge within the degenerate, messed up world of transgenderism while simultaneously seeking to atone for his pathetic existence by carrying out extreme political violence.”

Gail Combs

They are COMPLETELY messed up in the head and should be in a mental institution and NOT out on the streets. THANKS JFK!  🙄 


INFLATION REDUCTION ACT – Another DC Lie – by Rand Paul –

Gail Combs

“….Inflation is the act of money creation by the Federal Reserve….”

It is also called, what it REALLY IS, “currency depreciation ”

The Wall Street types have of course CHANGED the definition to hide what is actually happening (So what is new)

Currency Depreciation

Currency depreciation refers to the exchange value of a country’s currency compared to other currencies in a floating rate system. It is determined based on trade imports and exports for a particular country. Demand for foreign products results in more bring-in, resulting in foreign currency investment and domestic currency depreciation. The value of a specific currency is determined based on the economic situation.

This is closer to the truth: Currency Depreciation: Meaning, Causes, Impacts
However they are USING the concept of Currency DEVALUATION and tossing the idea of depreciation into the dustbin of history.

Currency depreciation is a decrease in the purchasing power of domestic currency [FULL STOP!] against other currencies. [THAT is DEVALUATION] Currency depreciation has considerable impacts on the economy, particularly international trade and international financial transactions. 

If, for instance, the US dollar depreciates against Rupiah, it means US Dollar now buys Rupiah less than before. Americans will need more US dollars to get one rupiah. In contrast, Indonesians see their Rupiah to appreciates against the US dollar and can get one US dollar with fewer Rupiah.

What currency depreciation ” really means is the first dollar I saved way back when is now worth LESS THAN A DIME! A dime back then would by a coke, a cup of coffee, a candy bar and two to three of them would buy a gallon of gas or a White castle burger.

Did the Framers Favor Hard Money?

…On balance, the framers’ views can be summarized as follows. On the one hand, they believed in fractional-reserve banking, generally following Adam Smith’s currency and banking theories. On the other hand, they were resolutely opposed to government-issued paper money, fiat money, legal tender laws, inconvertible paper currency, and land banks. On the question of a national bank, they were divided, but they all believed in a hard dollar (defining the dollar as a certain weight of silver and/or gold). On a spectrum, their views would be closer to those of Murray Rothbard and Ron Paul than John Maynard Keynes and Alan Greenspan.

To understand the founders’ views, one must grasp the meaning of two essential constitutional doctrines—delegation and enumeration. By ratifying the Constitution the states delegated a few defined powers to the federal government, every one of which was enumerated (i.e. written down) in the document. Except by amendment, the federal government has no other powers. The history of the period, the relevant documents, the records of the ratifying conventions, and the text of the Constitution offer overwhelming evidence that these doctrines merely state the prevailing understanding of the period.

If that were not enough, the Tenth Amendment codifies it. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Its importance cannot be exaggerated. Jefferson called it the “cornerstone of the Constitution.” 

What were “Bills of Credit”?

One must also grasp what the framers meant by “bills of credit.” At the time, there was no confusion or uncertainty at all about their character or nature. They were government-issued irredeemable paper money made receivable for taxes—in other words, fiat money. Seven states had issued them just two years before, and the colonies had issued them over and over again throughout the century. They had done so to finance their wars with the French and the Indians, but they had also seized upon them as a means of reviving trade and solving the ever-recurring “shortages of money.” …


It’s Øbastid’s wet dream to bring down the dollar, our economy, and our citizens’ personal prosperity and security to the level of violence and oppression of his beloved Islamic hell-holes.


Not to forget his early indoctrination into hating white patriarchy


Headlines from Transfigurations:

Couple from Medicaid firm awarded millions in NY contracts delivered over $300K in donations to Hochul, Cuomo

Biden Administration Declares “Open Season’ on Religious Hospitals That Object to Gender Transitions

Priorities: U.S. Military Base Is Hosting a Drag Show  

When Public Health Goes Woke…Monkeypox now offers a forum whereby CDC public health officials can berate American society for its homophobia all the while minimizing steps to control the illness


…whereby CDC public health officials can berate American society for its homophobia…

^^^ Beyond GayPox, CDC has NO CREDIBILITY and can Go Fuck Themselves.

I am so done with all the lies from the government, corrupt health “experts’. F’m all.

Deplorable Patriot

The progressives have been trying to get the Church out of medicine for over a hundred years. They won’t admit that Christians pretty much invented the hospital, nursing, social work, etc.


Getting the Christian values, the Ten Commandments and the fear of GOD out of medicine – it becomes a house of horrors.


Massie is on the warpath:



Note – The woman with the dreadful swab injury may have had a deformity –

The President referred to above – is – Donald J. Trump.

And this brings up a very serious question – <a href=””>Does Donald Trump get a full pass on his administration’s pandemic response – The Shut Down, Operation Warp Speed, Remdesivir, the PREP act that prevents lawsuits against vaccine and covid drug makers, the CARES act that paid hospitals premium money for Covid patients and their deaths, the covid bail outs for corporations, etc.???</a>

And what about Trump’s other bad decisions and choices:

Choosing Pence and putting Pence in charge of election integrity and the White House CV19 Taskforce. How did that work out?

It was Pence who betrayed our Constitution, the election system and the American voter on January 6 – by shirking his job – by ignoring – by refusing to address and confront – the brazen obvious election fraud.

In addition to Pence, there were many Trump appointments and nominees, that disappointed and betrayed their pledge to uphold the Constitution, around that time and earlier.

• the three SCOTUS nominees.
• General Milley
• Bill Barr
• Wray
• Esper
• Tillerson

And earlier….

Sorry – but all this – DC is empty – Pelosi is really in Gitmo – That’s a body double – Trust the Plan – Trump is still in charge – Trust Trump & Devolution – It had to be that way – ain’t floating my boat.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

It’s hard to believe Pence was ignorant of the wrong-ness of his many deceptive, destructive, unconstitutional actions or that he’s a secret ped0 as some allege. He is either owned or an evil ideologue


Pedo thing aside, for the moment.

Pence‘ actions and words speak volumes.

  • NOT echoing America First, MAGA, Ultra MAGA, Save America, places Pence squarely IN THE SWAMP.
  • Charitably a follower. Spineless coward fits.
  • 100% R-Con Swamp Rat.
  • IF Pence can NOT speak to the stolen election. Pence re-election to VP stolen, says a lot. NONE of it positive.

IMO, Pence is NO better than Mittens, Ms Linda, Collins, M…sky, Cornyn. Actually worse. Pence COWERED, Took A Knee on J6.

Literally, today I saw two Trump Pence yard signs.

  • One in a business window. The other a front yard.
  • BOTH had Trump Pence.
  • Folks took the time to BOLDLY line through Pence.
  • Prominently endorsing Trump. Pissing on Pence.

I will NOT forget, Pence betraying me, we, America.



IF you ever decide to put a line through the second name, comments could be interesting. To say the least. 🙂


I would do a heavy zig-zag stitch through it. Or zig-zag big Xs over each letter. Appliqué, acrylic fabric paint or iron-on tape would also work.


He’s gay. He’s married. He claims to be a Christian. The gay thing would ruin him. It’s how he’s controlled.

Gail Combs

Dr Peter Navarro pointed the finger at Pence’s CHIEF OF STAFF Marc Short in his book In Trump Time. HE, Short, was the one in control of the Covid meetings and the one who denied Navarro access to the meetings after the first meeting.

I think that SHORT was Pence’s Handler. Dr Navoarro seems to think so too. He CERTAINLY has the Resume for it!


Marc Short (born March 3, 1970) is an American political advisor who served as chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence.[1] 

Prior to holding this role, Short was the director of legislative affairs at the White House from 2017 to 2018.

He became chief of staff for Pence in March 2019. He was a senior fellow at the Miller Center of Public Affairs, a CNN contributor, chief of staff to Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, and the House Republican Conference.

He was president of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce from 2011 to 2016.

He was a frequent guest on Meet The Press of NBC News….

Short served as finance director for Oliver North‘s unsuccessful 1994 Senate campaign in Virginia.  

He then worked for Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, eventually becoming her chief of staff. When Hutchison ran for Governor of Texas, Short started working for then-Congressman Mike Pence, who named him chief of staff for the House Republican Conference in 2009.

He remained in the position until 2011.[4] Short was then hired by Koch Industries and eventually transitioned to become the President of Freedom Partners, a non-profit, 501(c)(6) chamber of commerce located in Arlington, Virginia that is largely funded by Charles and David Koch.

He served as the organization’s President until 2016.[4] In February 2016, Short left his position at Freedom Partners to start his own consulting firm.

Among his clients were Marco Rubio‘s presidential campaign and Pence’s Indiana gubernatorial campaign.[4] Pence eventually withdrew from the gubernatorial race to become Trump’s running mate.

On June 16, 2016, Short was named Communications Advisor to then vice presidential candidate Pence.[10][11][12]

New York Post: Pence’s ex-chief of staff Marc Short testified Capitol riot could ‘have been a massacre’ if mob got closer to VP

Former Vice President Mike Pence’s ex-chief of staff appeared before a federal grand jury focused on the Jan. 6 riots last week, according to reports.

Marc Short, an aide who was with Pence at the US Capitol as supporters of President Donald Trump converged on the building, confirmed to CNN and ABC News that he testified before the grand jury after receiving a subpoena to do so.

“I think that having the Capitol ransacked the way that it was, I think did present liability and danger,” Short told ABC News. “And I think the Secret Service did a phenomenal job that day.

“I think that the bigger risk and despite the way perhaps it was characterized in the hearings last week, candidly, is that if the mob had gotten closer to the vice president, I do think there would have been a massacre in the Capitol that day.”

On CNN Monday, he said it was his only appearance before the grand jury, but did not comment further.

Short also testified before the House select committee investigating the Capitol breach.

Mike Pence’s former chief of staff details vision for future of the GOP

I think that Vice President Pence has been very consistent and every campaign to say we need to have a vision when we don’t have a vision that people perish is what he often cites in a biblical passage. And you can go back to his record when he was House Conference Chair in 2010. I think a lot of Republicans thought we were going to win that election, but Mike was the one saying we need to lay out a vision we’re going to do. He did it when he ran for governor and he was very vocal in the campaign in 2016 with President Trump to say we need to lay out our vision on border security, on trade, on judges. And so I think this is very consistent. Where he’s been is elections are about the future.

Mike Pence’s Former Chief of Staff Predicts Matt Gaetz Will “Be in Prison for Sex Trafficking by 20224 — Vanity Fair

….By conservative estimates, there are probably tens of millions of people who want to tell Representative Matt Gaetz to shut the hell up. That group likely includes the many women he insulted over the weekend when he said those who support abortion rights are too fat and ugly to get pregnant; the other women he insulted when he said people who care about Roe v. Wade being overturned are “over-educated, under-loved millennials who sadly return from protests to a lonely microwave dinner with their cats, and no Bumble matches”; people who don’t want to hear about an overgrown frat boy supposedly answering phone calls from Donald Trump while “in the throes of passion”; people who think it’s suspectto request a pardon that covers “from the beginning of time up until today, for any and all things,” as a Trump White House attorney described; people who think January 6 was not, in fact, something to be “proud” of; and people who believe it’s inappropriate to allegedly have sex with a minor and pay for her to travel across state lines.

Another person who wants to tell the Florida congressman to shut it?

Former Mike Pence chief of staff Marc Short. And on Monday night, he did!

During an appearance on CNN, Short was asked by host Erin Burnett to respond to Gaetz’s claim at the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit that “Mike Pence will never be president” because he’s “not a leader.” And if you were expecting D.C. niceties, or for the guy to not bring up the federal investigation into the U.S. representative for various alleged sex crimes, you expected wrong!

“I don’t know if Mike Pence will run for president in 2024, but I don’t think Matt Gaetz will have an impact on that,” Short told Burnett. “In fact, I’d be surprised if he was still voting. It’s more likely he’ll be in prison for child sex trafficking by 2024. And I’m actually surprised that Florida law enforcement still allows him to speak to teenage conferences like that. So I’m not too worried about what Matt Gaetz thinks.”….

Transcript: Former Pence chief of staff Marc Short on “Face the Nation CBS NEWS

Jun 26, 2022

The following is a transcript of an interview with former Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short that aired Sunday, June 26, 2022, on “Face the Nation.”




MARGARET BRENNAN: Let’s ask- I want to ask you about the team, Former Trump, Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows your counterpart, his name comes up again, and again, you just heard the Congressman mention it too. The Acting Attorney General testified just a few days ago that it was Meadows who was distributing this bizarre conspiracy theory about Italian satellites. I mean, he was sending gifts or wanted to- to Georgia state election officials, how complicit was he in this lie?

SHORT: You know, Margaret, I think that Mark would often say to me that he was working to try and get the President to concede and accept the results of the election. And at the same time, it was clear he was bringing in lots of other people into the White House that were feeding the president different conspiracy theories. I think that Mark was telling different audiences, all sorts of different stories. And so I think, as I’ve said, on many occasions, I believe the President was very poorly served by the team that he had around him. And I think that they fed him many conspiracy theories about the events that conspired on election day, and then the follow-up.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But there were individuals who stood up to the President and said, That’s not true. That’s false. That’s unconstitutional. That’s illegal. The Vice President was one of them. Mark Meadows did not.

SHORT: I think the Vice President’s been a consistent constitutional conservative his whole life. And I think that, you know, I think we’re all proud of the way that he handled that day.


You really bring the goods – !!!

That last interview is indicative that he was more than just an aide.

Gail Combs

Yes, he really comes off as a HANDLER.

Major H/T to Dr Navarro for cluing me in to the guy.


I really like Navarro – he brings the goods too! NAVARRO REPORT – Parts 1-3 –

Gail Combs

He is one of my HEROES!

Do not forget to buy his books. That is how he is paying his legal bills since that DEEP STATE wants to put him as well as Bannon in prison.

Deplorable Patriot

Establishment stooge all theway.

Gail Combs

YUP, Chamber of COMMERCE & Koch Brothers too.


He may not be a pedophile, but he’s gay. I’d bet my best hat.

Gail Combs

Yah, that fits the ‘wrongness’ I kept getting.


Gaydar is real.


Mine’s pretty good.


Leftists understand the Constitution just fine.

They just hate it, because it prevents them from getting their twisted way.


It’s their favorite tactic in an argument, and the most irritating.

It’s why I absolutely despise talking to liberals.


Sorry – but all this – DC is empty – Pelosi is really in Gitmo – That’s a body double – Trust the Plan – Trump is still in charge – Trust Trump & Devolution – It had to be that way – is not floating my boat.

To me, none of that is connected to what Trump did while in office. Much of it is ridiculous, and was from the start. I do think there’s a plan, but that plan might change daily, depending on what the enemy does. So we can’t know what the plan is, and we can’t say definitely what is going on, and why. Some people state theories as facts, as if their thinking something makes it so. It doesn’t.

The PREP was enacted in 2005, not under PDJT.

The 3 SCOTUS justices have brought some massively important decisions. No one is going to be perfect in our eyes, and no one can predict how someone is going to rule. Anything they have done is not PDJT’s fault.

Manafort helped Trump win the primaries.

It’s easy to look back and second-guess decisions, and that leads to blame-casting. Washington is a swamp, and PDJT was almost single-handedly maneuvering through it. He is not perfect, but no one is. IMO, no one could have done a better job.

Gail Combs

It is AMAZING Trump made it out with only a few bruises. Heck they are STILL After the man and want to toss him in jail and DESTROY HIM.


Trump does NOT get a pass from me on the Covid bullshit.



LOL – look how many fake Catturds are on Telegram.

I’m not on Telegram.

Again. I’m not on Telegram. That’s a con-artist and a fraud trying to scam people. They belong in jail.

They copy and paste my tweets and pretend to be me.


This sounds hopeful….

[ Video ]

Kash & Benny discuss whether or not the people found in contempt by the
Unselect Committee – such as Steve Bannon – could have their charges dropped if it’s determined that the sham committee was unconstitutional (it was). 

“If you invalidate the committee, then technically their subpoenas have been invalidated and anything that would flow from it should be invalidated by a federal judge.” 

Sounds like this will be the path Steve Bannon will take. As the time passes, the sham of the J6 committee becomes more & more clear. 
Cant wait for it to be our turn to investigate them!

h/t – Marica


Wasn’t Bannon trying to argue that but was not allowed to by a judge? I hope this has legs.


Missouri Primary tomorrow – Trump endorsement today.

comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

I don’t understand the graphic – what state is FR?


One of the Territories or Possessions?

GU = Guam.
AS = American Samoa?

Several I can’t sort out.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Nothing comes to mind.


FR really sticks out.

Gail Combs

“... Freely associated states administered by the United States include the Marshall Islands, Federal States of Micronesia, Palau and others….”

So I would think FM = Federal States of Micronesia
but I could not find FR


I think it represents all states, but not sure.


I think it is simply “France” . When you go to the sidebar That is titled “States” and scroll down, you’ll also see UNK, which must be “United Kingdom”

Also in the right hand column sidebars, there is a ‘location’ filter, and ‘foreign’ is a choice and all the ‘foreign’ bars are orange. The FR bar is orange


No other information or source just that.

“Vladimir Zelensky had to come to an agreement with Vladimir Putin and abandon the idea of ​​​​joining NATO (c) former US President Donald Trump.”


Clack may be a way distant relative. Name appears several generations back in my ancestry.

Valerie Curren

Hey Guys, I have No Idea if this is legit…& making that determination is Way over my pay grade 😉 so throwing this out the Wolf Pack!

comment imageTheRedPillHardcore

 Valerie Curren 

I am what you call a “Targeted Individual” that was pushed to be what is called an “on shelf shooter” by the NSA for the purpose of false flags and gun control. If you want to know how I survived and broke their psyop, then please watch my documentaries. Please Share with others!

VC here–Hope everyone’s doing great. I’m pretty exhausted after wedding weekend & hubby heading out of state for training on his new OTR trucking job. 🙂

Here’s that guy’s Gab profile, fwiw

comment imageTheRedPillHardcore

Hello, My name is V. I am a Host, Documentarian, and most importantly a government whistleblower. I was a victim of the NSA’s illegal covert technology and I wish for you to learn and spread the word before you or your family become victims too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Valerie Curren

Hope the wedding went well. 😊

Valerie Curren

Yes TY, TT. I’ll share some details “soon” when I get some energy back. Blessings!

Gail Combs

First off it is on U BOOB TUBE since Dec 27, 2018 with 1,833 views and has not been removed.

That is a MAJOR CLUE that it might be Dis-info.

Then you expand the Blurb and you get a bunch of truth mixed with Science Fiction.


There are over 300 MILLION people in the USA. There is NO WAY they are using chem trails and satellites to control people — way too much cross interference.

This looks like Disinfo to muddy the waters because too many people are catching on to the FBI setting-up False Flags.

I do not have over an hour to listen to this guy but that is my quick & dirty glance at it. Wolfie might have a better take.

Valerie Curren

Very sound take…Thanks Much Gail! 

It’s possible that some of these suspect people are “targeting” me on Gab because I keep sharing LOTS of great Q-Tree posts & analysis in Red Pilling efforts toward MAGA & honoring the Lord…


What about all the other countries that just happen to share the planet.

Gail Combs

They have been targeted by Depop for years too.

Somewhere on my old computer I have the information showing anti-fertility shots (care of Gates) and then a study by the UN showing a reduction in birth rate AMONG THE POOREST SUBSISTENCE FARMERS IN AFRICA. The writer was puzzled I was not.


Ladies and Gentlemen – our 3rd in line after Biden and Harris….


Lets get some clarity here shall we…. 😎

Nope… that didn’t work either.. 😏 😣 😮 🤔 😆
(if that view thing shows up, click through. Twitter has taken clowning to new heights. )

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

The upper level of USA “leaders” are unintelligible, we’re between twilight zone and outer limits .


… and ALL of our adversaries know this … especially CCP …

Gail Combs

Who is planning a take over of Taiwan now that they are rid of Trump and the US Armed Forces.

Valerie Curren

Hopefully this one will allow it to play here…LOL…


Whut the ??????

Bird bath and privledge scrub ?


Sounds like a san fran mixed drink and a variety of weed…..

Valerie Curren

In replies at Twit World…

comment image

Jul 28

Replying to @Yolo304741
For those saying it’s fake
Quote Tweet
comment image
Bobby Shell ∞/21M
· Jul 28
Replying to @Yolo304741
Real, from her site.






Looks like another face-tightening job, plus a hair job that looks a little too dark and “helmet head.” Guess Pelosi wants to “look statesman-like.” To detract from the nonsensical babble.

Valerie Curren

All hat & no cattle!


Couldnt complete a thought and obviously slurring her words. But according to her dtr…doesnt drink.


Hit and Run. ~ Minute.

Idjit bicyclist in video runs red light.

Idjit driver flees the accident scene. New Jersey Council Wench.


Even though the cyclist ran a red light, it looked as if the car could have swerved to avoid hitting him.


Possibly. Wonder if she was distracted, being on a cell phone.

Gail Combs

Most likely, still she should have STOPPED! This is now classified as a Hit and Run and she should have her license removed AT MINIMUM.


Yup. We’ll see what NJ politics allows in this case.


Mush-Mind is P A T H E T I C.

IF it is NOT sniffing little girls, it IS Ice Cream.


welllll where there’s an ice cream truck there may be children to sniff and touch


Can we imagine any other Statesman from any other nation responding to the popsicle truck like that ? Wandering off stage….FFS


Is it just me, or did anyone else notice that “Dr.” just continued reading her speech as the POUTS just wandered off to the ice cream truck???


The music may have been added…I was going to send it to my SIL and at the account there’s a disclaimer so…probably isn’t real..but only on the music part…him wandering off during her speech..real!


Don’t think “President Biden” heard an ice cream truck — he heard someone telling him to walk away.
Plus, isn’t he supposed to be in “isolation” because of the “rebound COVID-19 infection” from the Paxlovid he took?


Wow. Thats not a man in charge of himself.


It might be really handy just about now to look up the history of this guy….


John Kirby was Navy Rear Admiral, Assistant Sec of State for Public Affairs (Øbama) Pentagon Press Secretary before JObama put him in NSC…age 59 – no mention of marriage or children.


Complete, utter — T.O.O.L.


John “Putz” Kirby is married to Money.   :wpds_lol: 

Valerie Curren

Seen on Gab…Jazis? I have no clue & don’t really get why people (beyond anti-Semites) keep harping on the alleged Jewishness of people. Please enlighten me…gently…

comment image

This is that guy’s Gab profile so clearly consider the source…

comment imageDan Tedson


Honestly I don’t know the answer to your question but I don’t believe that list is accurate, Becerra isn’t Jewish so probably others on that chart aren’t either


Becerra is Roman Catholic –

Deplorable Patriot

In name only.


Another one of many

Valerie Curren

Thanks for checking on that!

Valerie Curren

Thanks. I wondered if the “info” presented in that image was factual. Great catch!


That is heinously repulsive and evil.

GOD chose the Jewish People to live in faith, to reveal Himself to the World by Obedience to His Word, Will, Way – and we Christians are grafted into that same vine.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL
Valerie Curren

More than likely – this is a troll – fake Nazi account – trying to make Christian Conservatives look bad.


There’s a movement of people who do this. We need to be able to recognize them for what they are and, IMO, not disseminate this kind of thing.


Remember that movie, I think, “Straight Outta Compton?”

Well this “thing” is straight outta 1934 Kristallnacht genre.

Give me a break … I’m so ready to hear this guy spew this BS as we “talk to him” in the Door of the Huey at 1,000 feet … just sayin’ …

Valerie Curren

Love it!


  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_wink: 

Valerie Curren

This is absolutely Excellent & probably as close to the “right” viewpoint as any of us may get on these convoluted topics.

It would be Awesome to have a Q-Tree lexicon in the sidebar w/ brief definitions & links back to such informative comments or posts for references!


etc. You use such epic terms w/ precise meanings which I sometimes forget for they haven’t solidified in my mind yet. You’ve shared thoughts on Jazis etc before but this particular comment is especially helpful…to me!

Thank you so much Wolf for sharing your hard earned wisdom & experience so freely!

Gail Combs



  :wpds_arrow: No Operation Paper Clip

  :wpds_arrow: No renaming IG Farben (Auschwitz)  Bayer, Hoechst and BASF, with each company for almost three decades after WWII, filling their highest position, chairman of the board, with former members of the Nazi regime. LINK
  :wpds_arrow: No NATO staffed with NAZI officers (see above)


Gail Combs

Actually it is probably in defense of MOSSAD.

Q 916

Mar 10 2018 13:04:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 436341 No.613193 comment image

Mar 10 2018 13:02:22 (EST)


comment image

comment image


What about Awan.

Is Israel involved?

We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

Q 1015

Apr 4 2018 17:09:08 (EST)


Gateway Bridge Project.

$1.8mm Cory Booker – Singapore.

$3.5mm Chuck Schumer – Israel.

$400k Chris Christie – Mary Pat US.


Omnibus Bill.

The gift that keeps on giving.


Q 2104

…..Follow the picture.

“Jerome Corsi who I outed as a Mossad asset/agent in a 1997 sting operation in London. Corsi and Piper Jaffray broker Brad Ahmundson were integral to a fraud that took Minnesota investors for $1 million that the FBI refused to properly investigate. Instead, agents sought to portray me as responsible. Corsi is named as the author of several best-selling Israeli psy-ops books, including Unfit for Command (2004), Atomic Iran (2005), Minutemen (2006), The Obama Nation (2008).”


Valerie Curren

AND Logic for the Win…Again!!!

Valerie Curren

Twit World treat 🙂

comment image


GREAT T-shirt. I want one.

Gail Combs

WHY did we even BOTHER to fight in WWII???

Q-Lunge with Shady Groove.

@ 44:30 he showed this article:

Nazi war Criminals became high ranking commanders in NATO after WW2

Apr 4, 2019

For decades former Nazis and German war criminals served at the highest echelons of NATO. Most of them were highly decorated Nazis, who later served in top positions in the Western German army, and were later promoted to serve as Commander and Chief of all NATO forces in Europe. This was not a unique event, but a very common phenomenon in post WW2 western Europe and especially in Western Germany. Nazi war criminals and people who supported and helped Hitler to carry out the holocaust and other war crimes, genocides and crimes against Humanity were almost never put on trial for their crimes against the Jews, the Poles, the Greeks, the Russians and the people of Europe, but instead were installed in top positions in NATO, in the western German government, army, industry and western German society at large.


The most famous of them was Adolf Heusinger, chief of the Operationsabteilung from 1940-1944. He was actually Hitler’s chief of staff and helped plan the Nazi’s invasions of Poland, Norway, Denmark, and France. He was promoted to colonel on August 1, 1940 and became chief of the Operationsabteilung in October 1940, making him number three in the Army planning hierarchy. After the war, this German war criminal, the man who helped Hitler plan and execute his invasion of neighboring countries which directly led to the deaths of millions of people, was not even put on trial, quite contrary he was allowed to take over the newly established West German army, the “Bundeswehr”. In 1961, Heusinger was made the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (essentially he was NATO’s chief of staff). He served in that capacity until 1964…. 😲 

comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

Thanks for the confirmation.


It seemed so far-fetched….I had to be sure. I’ve never seen YOU be wrong, but still….that seems so unlikely, irrational….

I’ve learned to distrust military as well as politicians.

I used to be so idealistic.


I used to be so idealistic.

  :wpds_mad:  ^^^ Vaporized for me. I assume for many of us. ^^^   :wpds_evil: 


We fought WWll so the Cabal could finance both sides of the conflict…like every major conflict for the last 200 years. Heartbreaking 💔


On a less high profile level – scientists – included in a story of mine to come. Welcome to the secret city.

A lot of the info has been scrubbed. Which is a one of many reasons why we all depend upon Gail so much.

My error was not documenting thoroughly in the early years of my life. I had no idea how valuable it would be later. Events, products, services and such I can remember well. Names of some the players, especially in the shadows, escape my memory because the associations were brief.

But I remember many spoke German as their first language. I found it odd at the time. Not any more.


Whoa…that’s some deep truth right thar !


Yeah, …we see their corruption and fraud and then we’re staying on course, we’re still MAGA even through false flags, illegal DOJ , we’re still pro Trump…I’m sure they can’t understand why their plandemic and 24/7 propaganda doesn’t work on us

Gail Combs

ONCE YOU SEE the Corruption you never go back to sleep and THAT is what they are so scared of.


Take the red pill, and you’re out of the Matrix FOREVER.


Bet your ass.

They can’t tell me who I want for President. I only pray he runs so I can vote for him again.


hahaha do they really still believe that all conservatives watch Fox ? Their mask slipped a long time ago


Theyre actually promoting pence for 24. Murdochs want him.

Gail Combs

BLETCH!   :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_envy:   :wpds_evil: 


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comment image

Gail Combs

Gee, I might even start watching it again.


98% of District of Criminals would torch themselves.

Street vendors would survive.



Riddle me this …. fake, not fake:


“EveryNews”, the fools that created that video, deliver dumb as dirt propaganda.


Revealed – What made Tucker laugh so hard.

comment image

h/t – Marica


^^^ That is FUNNY.



#20 – Profligate Prevaricating Pork-packed Politician Product.

#17 – Let them eat cake….

#4 – Pelosi’s profits – US taxpayer losses.

#1 – PAUL HARVEY PREDICTED and warned us about the Global Warming scam in 1992.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

R-Cons in the Senate BEST stop the BOGUS, “inflation reduction act”.

Gail Combs

It all depends on how much of a kickback they will be getting.


Sadly true.


On that grocery store thing with them cutting back on groceries. Was at the Commissary a few days ago, we go about once a month. Last month they had the floor torn out on once side of the store and weren’t putting out any rolling stock on that side of the floor, looked suspicious at the time as if they were trying to hide the fact they have less stuff to put on the shelves. So this last trip they have floor ripped out through out the store and no rolling or temp shelves are out. Normally every inch of a grocery store is packed with product.

Meanwhile baby food is still missing from shelves in all the stores I’ve been to.

Gail Combs

Goat milk is a decent substitute. It is often used for babies with delicate stomachs.


“Somewhere” we’ve read that the military is in control.

I draw your attention to this:

U.S. kills al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri in drone strike


I had suspicious cat ready the minute i heard this. Didtract from piglosi, distract and hide bc biden has rona 2x, so oh yeah we got this ancient bad guy that hasnt likely been a player for a decade or longer?!

Brave and Free

The chatter on TS is that he died of natural cause’s two years ago…..
More DS distraction from the fake news in action possibly.


I’d expect Al Qaeda to push back against CIA blathering, confirming natural causes a couple years ago.


I wouldnt doubt it at all.


In control of boosting Biden’s poll numbers.

Gail Combs

More from Shady Grooove @ 1:02:30 ( He is marginally better at reading aloud compared to me, but not by much.)

Jan 21, 2022 – Report: Peter Daszak worked for the CIA, Ecohealth Alliance is a ‘CIA Front Organization’

EcoHealth Alliance Associate Vice President Dr. Andrew Huff recently claimed that EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, who conducted gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, told him he was working for the Central Intelligence Agency.

Dr. Andrew Huff, PhD, MS, publicly stated on January 12 that EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak confessed to him that he was working for the Central Intelligence Agency, and further stated his belief that EcoHealth Alliance was a “CIA front organization.”

Remember Metabiota (full of the sons of the DemonRat big wigs) is allied with EcoHealth

Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, and Christopher Heinz, John Kerry stepson, formed Rosemont Seneca Partners, a private equity firm in 2009 with their friend, Devon Archer. The three friends established a series of related LLCs.[1] It was anchored to Rosemont Capital, the alternative investment fund of the Heinz family fortune.

Five months into the Obama administration in June 2009 Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz, stepson of Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair John Kerry formed Rosemount Seneca. The firm partnered with the Thornton Group run by James Bulger,[4] and the Bank of China, to form Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) in China. Devon Archer is a longtime friend of former Secretary of State John Kerry and of stepson Chris Heinz and James Bulger, the nephew of notorious Boston gangster Whitey Bulger.[5] [Who the FBI protected]…

Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP) was a lead financial backer of Metabiota…. Since 2014, Metabiota has been a partner of EcoHealth Alliance as part of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) “PREDICT” project, which seeks to “predict and prevent global emerging disease threats.” As part of this effort, researchers from Metabiota, EcoHealth Alliance, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology collaborated on a study relating to bat infectious diseases in China. “Sensitive and broadly reactive RT-PCR assays were performed at Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,” the paper notes.

Among the researchers listed is Shi Zhengli, the Wuhan lab director….

Lots more at

Shady continues making more and more connections. The video is another hour and I am going to head to bed now.


Well, if anyone is interested in the entire police bodycam footage of the officers from the Columbus PD when they apprehended the ATF guy, here it is, all 15+ minutes of it:

This ATF guy was a complete idiot, IMO.
If Yours Truly was hearing correctly, the homeowner called the police because the ATF guy apparently was banging on the front door and may even have been trying to forcibly open it.
After the police officers literally wrestled the AFT guy into the police car, they called for PD supervisors to come, then for an ambulance (the ATF guy said to call one, he couldn’t breathe).

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
  1. Twice in the past week, we’ve had posts where, ATF Agents harasses citizens.
  2. Last week or week before, FIB trying to get CCW information from MO Sheriff’s.
  3. NOW THIS… US Department Of Commerce Asks Gun Holster Companies For Sales Records

A startling new report via AmmoLand News outlines how the US Department of Commerce Census Bureau asked major holster manufacturers/providers for order numbers, product descriptions, and locations where the items were shipped. 
Some holster companies rejected the Department of Commerce’s request for “commodity flow surveys” related to their sold products.

We will never turn over any information on our customers to the government no matter the cost us,” Chad Myers, President of JM4 Tactical, said. “To do so would violate our core beliefs. We need to stand up to an overbearing government. Our customers can rest assured that their information is safe with us!”


Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

None of their business. IMO, this violates the 4th Amendment.


I just read that, and the ammo deliveries disappearing if they are shipped w UPS.
Mr Gil said UPS will no longer work w gun and ammo companies and have been canceling accounts.


See how desantis is going after financial institutions for discrimination? Somehow in some way this is similar.


From Anonymous Conservative:

Vaccine critic Dr. Carrie Madej and her partner Billy – a private plane pilot with 20 years of experience were forced to crash land when the engine on their plane inexplicably died. From the article: “In mid air the engine of the plane suddenly stalled, for no apparent reason. In a few seconds the rpm dropped to zero, and they dropped like a rock… It took more than half an hour for the rescue team to locate them. Carrie had tried to broadcast their location, but strangely enough nothing worked. The wifi didn’t function and her phone overheated. She can’t explain why this happened. Luckily she was able to find another phone on the plane, which she then used to pinpoint her location, so they could be found.”


With absolutely no knowledge of the subject would I be right in assuming that small aircraft engines are the same as modern car engines, in that for their operation they rely on electronics rather than mechanical.