What if I could explain every head-scratcher of the “pandemic” with a simple idea – that vaccination is the ideal format for introducing real, workable, tunable, and long-running “population control” into socialized medicine without anybody really noticing or caring?
Intro to the Intro
It’s one of those things that – once you see it – you simply cannot unsee it.
Like the “Buffalo Jump” series I did on the January 6 plot against “those pesky patriots”, there is WAY too much information here for a single post.
Indeed, it is quite possible for me to take the title idea – that the COVID vaccines are humanity’s first significant attempt at a population control shot – and go back over the ENTIRE history of “COVID-19”, and make it all make sense.
And one of the ways I’m going to help make this make sense, is to argue FOR THE SHOT. That doesn’t actually mean that I’m FOR this idiotic HOLOCAUST in all capital letters, which makes the “Holocaust” look like spilled beer at a barbecue in comparison. No.
The thing is, you can’t really understand Fauci, Walensky, Gates, Schwab, Cuomo, Clinton, and all the rest, unless you do what the acting coaches tell you – “FIND THEIR MOTIVATION”.
So that’s what we’re going to do.
The First Big Dodge
OH – and by the way – if you just look at all those names I listed above, I only see two “maybe” Jews in the bunch. And it’s not like I know which temple these people go to. For all I know, there’s not a Jew in the bunch, depending on your definition of a Jew.
People are already trying to get out in front of this little democide thing by the SPLC “flyers method” – you know what I’m talking about – setting up charges of “anti-semitism”, which tells me that they know this TORPEDO OF TRUTH hits them at mid-ships, and “THEY” are therefore desperate.
The antisemitism defense is always reached for in desperation. The usual suspects who play Crump and Sharpton games to stay relevant, always chime in, too.
Why, even the genocidally practiced TEDROS and his cronies are getting nervous.
Check out this “flyers method” meme which – thankfully – Valerie Curren found on Gab, where I’ve already dropped a few test posts about my “depopulation” theory. Sure enough, chumming the waters with “we have you suckers” brought up this WHOPPER to the surface.
As I stated in response to Valerie’s comment, yes, there will be lots of “Jews” involved in this thing, but there will be lots of everybody else, too.
So – to critics of our RECOGNITION of the “virtuous global plan to confront the population crisis” – forget about painting this as a “Jewish” plot. EVERYBODY was in on this thing.
Well – ALMOST everybody.
SO – let’s just start RIGHT THERE.
You want to know why Trump “could not be President”? HERE’S YOUR ANSWER.
He wasn’t “in” on the plot – very likely because they KNEW he would object, and could not be “blackmailed, bribed, or controlled” into going along with it.
Exactly the same thing with me. They couldn’t corral me into this plot, so I was always kept at arms length from most of the “secrets of Shallow State”.
Likewise for all the “white hats”. People who live in the light – who DEMAND the light – could not be in on this sucker. Even if they thought “depopulation” might be a good thing.
You see, I actually believe in “depopulation”. I believe that the planet would be better off with fewer people. In fact, I actually thought those damn Guidestones were pretty smart.
The PROBLEM is that people are sorely tempted to do STUPID THINGS to get there.
It doesn’t mean the goal of fewer people sharing the planet is wrong, even if it’s not gospel. It’s just how you get there.
See the new tagline of the site.
“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert.”
J. Robert Oppenheimer
When I was a kid, with only a few billion people on Earth, “wilderness” was constantly reclaiming land outside of cities and farms. Even construction dump sites, left alone and given a few years to lay idle, would heal back into glorious wilds with all sorts of fish, animals, and lush plant life.
Let’s be honest. Is that such a bad thing? A world that WORKS? Where every single person has more planet supporting them?
Humanity has time. There’s no rush. Sure, I agree that we need to have kids, and stay fruitful, but civilization teaches us that we don’t have to live in total squalor. I believe Christ without question, that there will always be poor, because in a rich world, being poor is not only very easy and safe, but it is very ennobling in a world of relative plenty. SEE HISTORY.
Poverty is not the problem. The world needs poor people. But the fewer the people, if we get back to some optimum, some world of plenty, even the POOR are better off. (Note that Elon Musk says he thinks we need MORE people to reach the optimum. I’m not saying he’s wrong.)
Again, I believe that “depopulation” might not be a bad thing. At least, it doesn’t HAVE to be a bad thing.
HOWEVER, I don’t believe in telling even a SINGLE LIE to achieve depopulation. It’s WRONG.
Furthermore, “group suicide by lottery”, which is what these damn shots really are, is SINFUL, and must be rejected by Jews and Christians – and I would argue good Muslims as well (meaning the ones who don’t “suicide”). The clot shot is not a proper martyrdom for ANYBODY, IMO.
I did not have any religious opposition to these shots earlier – all of my objections were medical and scientific. But NOW, however, I have to add a religious objection. These shots are medically worthless compared to disease-conferred immunity, AND they are part of an effort to cause statistical shortening of life AND abortion.
Sorry – no can do – nor should any believer in God, IMO.
But let’s get back to something I said.
Virtue Depends On The Observer
Remember what I said earlier – what I called the plot…..
“the virtuous global plan to confront the population crisis”
Notice that when I put it THAT WAY, it doesn’t sound half bad. In fact, in “libtard” circles, it sounds pretty heroic.
Their audience is not YOU or ME – their audience is EACH OTHER – and I’m pretty sure that these “Bilderberg” and “WEF” and other fancy globalist venues were all MODERATOR-LED DISCUSSIONS – that ironically led us to precisely where we are now. To a chorus of “somebody needs to do something”. AND THEY DID.
In THEIR circles, “doing something” about the population crisis is “noble”.
But how to make everybody ELSE see it as noble?
One of the things that is absolutely necessary to make this vaccination depopulation plot work, is for the media to never talk about the downside, for individuals, of taking part in the “clottery”, as some folks have cunningly anticipated this entire theory in a single word.
In case you haven’t noticed, the psychology of what the press is doing now is in perfect alignment with this theory. The press literally models to the sheep, the “correct” behavior when people die of the shot. NEVER talk about the shot being responsible.
People IGNORE IT because they have been TAUGHT TO IGNORE IT.
People EXCUSE IT because they have been TAUGHT TO EXCUSE IT.
People DON’T TALK ABOUT IT because they have been TAUGHT TO NOT TALK ABOUT IT.
And soon enough, the memories of WHAT IT WAS LIKE BEFORE THE SHOT will fade.
They KNOW this will work.
I repeat with more precision. The press is NOT being stupid. They are normalizing the idea of not talking about the downside of vaccines – until we don’t – until we CAN’T even see the downside, because we can’t remember a side that was any less “down”.
In my opinion, it is evil genius, and it has been working REMARKABLY WELL.
They have done it for YEARS, and they have done it on PURPOSE. And they have done it MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE, until we arrived HERE.
And even WE THE SKEPTICS, almost have to SLAP ourselves to see it.
In a normal science world, that’s F-ING crazy – and I use the word F-ING with great intent, because I want to WAKE YOUR ASS UP. Think how crazy that is – for the press to not talk about the downside of these vaccines, or to occasionally excuse it, or to blame the deaths on something else NUTTY like “global warming” or “stress” or “growing up”.
ALL OF THAT. All of it. Is explained by the idea that they are attempting to normalize an increase in deaths due to something we can’t talk about and be good people.
Are you REALLY starting to see how BLIND we have been?
We can sit there and logically SAY things like “Oh, yeah, it’s a depopulation shot”, but to REALLY get it, you need to look at it from both the PLOTTERS’ perspective, and the SHEEP’S perspective.
But once you DO, you actually see it so clearly, it becomes yet MORE proof that this is exactly what they’re doing.
And while we’re on the topic of PROOF…..
The Nursing Home Killers
When you understand that Andrew Cuomo was trying to “make the noble plot work”, THEN you can understand why he KNOWINGLY sent infected COVID patients back into nursing homes.
AND why the DNC had to turn THAT scandal into a “kissing scandal”, as they sent Cuomo into what they likely figure will be 5-10 years of “career rehab”.
Interestingly, they didn’t have to repeat it for any other governors after the first try.
We knew after Cuomo, that there would be no justice for ANY of the Democrat governors who took part in the plot. As long as the FAKE NEWS protected them, there would be no trouble.
The nursing home scandal is not much different from Germany in the 1930s, when the “new socialist doctors” wanted to “socialize medicine”, and one of the most obvious (but horrifying) ways to do that, was to cleanse the patient rolls of those who are going to die soon ANYWAY.
Again, it helps to understand that almost ALL leaders in the world are “in on the plan” to get these shots not just implemented – not just mandated – but NORMALIZED.
The “pandemic” had to be “bad” to mandate the shots. The shots had to be mandated to prevent comparison.
And COMPARISON had to be removed to hide FOREVER the fact that one of humanity’s “necessary” vaccines, was in fact a population and fertility control agent.
First, Fauci burned the PFIZER controls. But THEN he had to burn WE THE CONTROLS – the unvaccinated.
The GOAL was to transition to a state where science would “forget” that the vaccines themselves were reducing population faster than they were saving people from COVID.
It’s a beautiful scam. Stunning, really.
This is why Fauci NEVER touches “cost/benefit” analysis of the vaccines – why he focuses with laser precision on ANTIBODIES, ANTIBODIES, ANTIBODIES – and stays the hell away from everything else. It’s distraction – it’s a magic act – it’s diversion. I’ve referred to it as “antibody hypnosis” and I’m not talking about FAUCI being the one that’s hypnotized.
Rand Paul sees it, of course, but we have gone so far down the track of “normalizing insanity”, that the sight of an MD making the head medical scientist in the government look like either a liar or a fool – take your pick – it just doesn’t register as “not normal” any longer.
SO – I’m going to end this introduction here.
I will be covering more angles on the plot. MANY more. But I need to get you started not just understanding what went on, but actually accepting the horrible truth – and why we have to talk about it. Because if we don’t get this right, humanity is on one long ride to HELL.
Appendix: More In The Series
The Population Control Shot – New Sodompox Limited Edition
Just add monkeypox with cardiac problems. There seems to be a pattern.
The Population Control Shot – Did Bill Gates Gaffe, Troll, Let it Slip, Or None of the Above?
Figuring out what Bill Gates was doing, when he forced you to prove he was “innocent”. This is a very slick move that I now refer to as “back fire setting”. Bourla did it, too.
The Population Control Shot – CDC Backs Out of the Shot-Up Saloon Like Nothing Happened
The fog of war, as mounting accusations of depopulation and other malicious motives seem to cause a strategic retreat by CDC.
The Population Control Shot – Understanding the Peoples Climate Temple
Bring in the Climate Cult, and things start making sense. Jonestown is a key (CIA) link.
Can’t wait to finish this article Wolf!
There’s a lot more coming, too!
You’re definitely onto something with this Wolf. We’ll have to see how long before the attacks start to discredit your
“conspiracy theory.”
Probably won’t be long. Can’t wait to read more.
They have to be very careful in trying to evade. Shift the covers just a bit and people start seeing it EVEN MORE. Their best bet is exactly what they’re doing – fight it at the UN level, mock without proof, draw generalizations, play “sympathy” when mocking fails, and – OF COURSE – the antisemitism card.
Won’t work. They either back off or go down. Murdering children is the last straw, and they’re well beyond it.
I say this hoping not to be misunderstood, and if people knew me personally they would not misunderstand. But the anti-Semitic card has been played too often, a genuine shame and loss of good and necessary perspective. In a funny way, ALL charges such as anti-Semitism have also been diluted by the daily barrage of “racism” charges. The salt has lost its savor.
Weirdly enough, the tactic of name-calling comes at exactly a time when name-calling is in really bad disrepute. And the worst kind of bad disrepute, the kind which evokes immediate mockery.
They’ve pushed to the point where I honestly don’t give one damn what they call me.
It’s stupid, and I’ll laugh in their faces.
I dont think its about the rich controlling population and suppressing the poor, its more like the movie Idiocracy where the people who have jobs, mortgages etc decide to put off having children until they are financially stable. Those on benefits and of a low IQ have dozens of children so that the world ends up being run by idiots…….actually we might already be there.
You are most welcome to think what you want! You’re the second new poster that this article seems to have drawn out of lurkerhood today! 😅
Oh, I agree that there is a huge “idiocracy” – but I’m a diehard on Aubergine’s razor – that stupidity hides malevolence. And yes, they choose “smart idiot” paths, too.
In my opinion, the people who did this are deceived by others much smarter than them. Cuomo is a classic smart idiot in that respect. “Nipple-pin Vent-hoarder”, as he’s been called. Eventually they had to COVER for him by taking him out on his inability to control his little pants buddy. IDIOT! But the fact is, the Cuomo people KNOWINGLY fed the death machine, and were unable to hide the evidence.
The guy is actually “good for the chair”, in my opinion. And that leads us right back to the premise of my post. These folks are “playing to a different audience” – and IMO it is NOT just stupidity. It’s the stupidity of taking the Devil’s deal.
Definitely NOT idiocy. Premeditated evil. I would still maintain that not even the cabal really grasps that this will not end well for anyone but the father of nihilism.
Please do not be personally offended, but I cannot adequately express how disturbing it is to see this as the first remark. Possible explanation or motive aside, it is about as far off the mark as one could possibly get.
I hear you! Just remember that (quite plausibly, so to speak) it’s been a long road to where we are.
This is the PERFECT point for me to wake up people EVEN MORE.
Some HIGHLY RELEVANT LINKS. This first one just blows me away now. This was in December of 2018 – a little over 3 1/2 years ago!
Occam’s Razor, Tool of Deception
Then these two!
Hanlon’s Razor and The Mamet Principle Must Get Off Our Lawn
Aubergine’s Razor
We have come a long ways.
Others may not follow us. Others may know and pretend they don’t.
It’s OK. The PEOPLE are being “de-sheeped” as fast as we can! 😎
Well I have been trying for years. 🤓
Aubergine’s Razor deserves to be repeated as often as all the great one line insights.
Sundance has a version of it, too, that he uses now. The sincerest form of flattery!!!
Oh, that’s hilarious! I didn’t know that. Honestly, I think God gave me that line to share. Just floated itself into my brain.
Thank you!
It sure smells a bit of a eugenics mindset, at least to me. But I’m also colored by seeing this “person” posting a bot style make $100/hour comment on Sunday’s post…
You sound like Margaret Sanger but at least she targeted what she though of as inferior people while this is a SHOT GUN APPROACH targeting THE WORKING CLASS.
Sanger wrote that the handicapped, including the “blind, deaf, dumb, mute and epileptics,” were the “dead weight of human waste” in her book Pivot of Civilization. See this quote in context online at Google Books on page 112.
Sanger and Present day Activists want to kill children AFTER they are born. Sanger wrote on page 63 of her book Woman and the New Race, “The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Also,look at Sanger’s Negro Project in Maafa 21 Amazing how planned Parenthood has managed to kill so many black babies.
Some College Students Approve of ‘After-Birth Abortion’… Up to Age 5
And now states are working up to that.
Maryland Proposes Bill To Allow Abortion 28 Days After BirthThe Maryland senate will soon review a proposal to allow mothers to abort their baby a whole 4 weeks after it has left the womb. Senate Bill 669, otherwise known as the Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022, is sponsored by Senator William Smith,
Colorado LawCould Allow Post-Birth Abortion (Infanticide) – Up to 28 Days
So what age are we going to put on ‘After-birth abortion? 2 years, 5 years up until 18 years, What about up to 21 years if that useless lump won’t get out of the house? (I know of two sets of parents who MOVED with out leaving an address to get rid of an unwanted adult child.)
I think it’s very interesting that all the statists now seem to be unified on this, for their own reasons. Depopulation may very well have been the MANIPULATOR toward globalism, as well as the “capture method” – with fear of exposure being a motivator after “joining the plot”.
And what makes you think these people with the shotgun don’t think of the working class as inferior?
Oh they do. They call us the Great Unwashed but they do need at least SOME slaves…
Over here we’re “The Great Unvaxxed”…..
Lauterbach is an abject fool, and is apparently teaming up with Faust-Xi!
Have a look at this very disturbing article. First, terminally-ill children, up to 12. Then, these children can ask their parents, and, if they accept, the child will be killed (they say euthanized, but murder is murder). Above 12, euthanasia is permitted whether or not the child is terminally ill, if there are compelling reasons.
This shows just how little TPTB and the medical/pharma industry think of us.
As far as rich versus poor versus small furry animals go (OK, I made up that last one), the “Gumball Lecture” remains a brilliant exposition of the futility of trying to fix other countries’ problems by importing ever-increasing numbers of their people. The old “fix the symptom, not the problem” trick. Yet the math-challenged misanthrope Malthus was far, FAR off in his calculations. There was a post somewhere a month or so ago which suggested that the world’s population would fit into Texas, with room to spare. If something isn’t done about our southern border, we may find out if the poster was correct 😀 😡
Finally, Creation is full of self-limiting and self-correcting systems. I rather expect that population is one of them. As societies advance and prosper, fewer offspring are needed to keep the farm afloat (as it were), and families become smaller, start later, and, sad to say, become more disparate and disconnected. Yet those same families are involved, and, lacking the communist criminals we see nowadays, they lead and want the best for everyone (aka MAGA/KAG, or KAG/MAGA as I like to say).
Idiots multiplying like rabbits is both a slur and a misnomer, and rings of Sanger, Gates (Jr. and Sr.) and quiet electrically-powered fishing boats…….
The Gumball lecture is quite good:
Notice he said 2 Million immigrants into the USA would be very DISRUPTIVE and that is what Bye Done did to us and is going to do to us again as we lose corporations and jobs.
Exactly. Cloward-Piven (and LBJ had something to do with that, too 😡 )…
So did Ted Kennedy when he changed the immigration laws to admit third worlders instead of Europeans. (Who WORK)
I agree with you. God will impose limits in His time, how He chooses. He’s done it before, He’ll do it again if necessary.
So WHAT is the other option to killing?
I think they KNOW what you are saying fully well – and yet they ignore it, and do otherwise. So what they tell us is NOT their true intention or motivation.
When the IMF financialists, the shoe-shine boys and girls of WEF, tried to get Japan to import VIOLENT MUSLIMS, after achieving ZERO POPULATION GROWTH, I knew that our globalist overlords are completely full of shit, and LYING to us.
They don’t even REALLY want ZPG. They don’t even REALLY want “depopulation”. But THAT is a deceptive motivation that they can SELL to the next level down of “shoe-shine boys and girls”.
It’s deception upon deception, all the way to the top of the STACK OF DECEIVERS.
AND they can tell it to themselves and each other to make themselves feel virtuous while they deny their deep down true motivations.
This is NOT NEW!!!
From my old notes. 🤓
USA population sterilization 2014
The US government has followed Ehrlich’s advice. (The 1968 book The Population Bomb)
A USDA grant funded Epicyte (SEE: http://www.theguardian.com/science/2001/sep/09/gm.food ) who developed a GM corn with a “rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm.”
Shortly after the 2001 Epicyte press release, all discussion of the breakthrough vanished. The company itself was taken over in 2004 by Biolex [of Pittsboro NC] and nothing more was heard in any media about the development of spermicidal corn….
(Those are about the only two live links I have left.)
There have also been “Reports” that allege various other methods of sterilization including vaccines. A list of them is HERE: http://www.whale.to/m/sterile.html
This is one of the reasons some people are anti-GMOs and anti-vaccines.
You could dismiss all this as way out conspiracy theory except for in 2010 Bill Gates Talks ‘Vaccines to Reduce Population’
and the fact that the founding Director-General of UNESCO was a Eugenicist.
Fabian Socialist Sir Julian Huxley became the first Director-General of UNESCO, he authored UNESCO: ITS PURPOSE AND ITS PHILOSOPHY (1948) in which he revealed that
…It was during this time of the early 20th Century that Rockefeller introduced Margaret Sanger to the monied elite who would help her form the Birth Control League which would later become Planned Parenthood. The November 1921 issue of Sanger’s Birth Control Review carried the heading “Birth Control: To Create A Race of Thoroughbreds,” and Sanger would later advocate eugenically limiting “dysgenic stocks” such as blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Catholics, as well as “slum dwellers” such as Jewish immigrants.
In 1926, Rockefeller money funded the founding of the American Eugenics Society, and the next year on May 2, 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court by an 8 to 1 majority ruled in Buck v. Bell that certain “unfit” people could be forcibly sterilized. Regarding this ruling, British [Fabian Socialist] Professor Harold Laski wrote his friend Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: “Sterilize all the unfit, among whom I include all fundamentalists.”
The Dark Roots of EUGENICS By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
And to top it off with real world data, I always want real world data, this interesting report from the UN on African fertility:
Last, at one of the Texas Universities (Texas A&M?) a professor giving a speech years ago to the graduating class talked of over population and the need for a VIRUS to cull humans. He Of course did not allow recording but another Prof spelled the beans. In more recent times they have even more Profs advocating Genocide and murder.
What might be called a PLAUSIBILITY BOMB dropped on my coordinates just when I needed it. 😉
The Lord works in mysterious ways…. He even uses Agnostics! 🤓
Ehrlich is one of those names that sets me off when a Young Head Full of Mush quotes him approvingly as predicting the next disaster.
“He has been Dead Wrong half a dozen times. Why are you listening to him now? Why is anyone with more than one brain cell listening to him now?!?”
YES. This “disaster motivation” has proven to be one of the most brilliant deceptions ever launched against humanity. It just keeps working past WRONGNESS every time.
Didn’t he lose a famous bet which has peculiar, indirect relevance to you?
Something about commodity prices going up or going down?
I vaguely recall that.
But yes.
This guy is full of wrong…I don’t mean morally, though that’s true too; just never, ever factually right. If he announced the sky was blue, I’d check.
Exactly! He made a bet years in advance that by 2000 the world would have run out of gold, etc etc. The guy he bet (the winner) basically said it was all nonsense, which turned out to be true.
Like all these dire predictions, they seem like safe predictions when made many years in advance.
And when the left never, ever lets his past track record be any hindrance whatsoever as they continue to lionize this shithead.
My abject apologies to the Shit Anti Defamation League.
Wouldn’t that be the Anit-Defacation League? Probably hovering (hoovering?) about Bye,Dung and Swallowell…
Well, if they formed an anti-defecation league they’d never get new members.
Which would parallel the agenda talked about in this post, actually.
Yep. He bothers me too because his name means “truthful” in German, and he’s anything but truthful… sort of like that idiot Peter Gleick, “Ethics Officer” or something like that, dangerous close to Gleich, or, more accurately, ungleich…..
or ungenügend…
That Cuddy Crossroads site takes a bit of getting used to….
Try this link.
It’s overwhelming. I’ll save the link, but may not be able to dive so deep into all that with all that is going on in my life
I have been at this for a couple decades so I have already read (and forgotten) a lot of this stuff.
1) I feel deep gratitude to be on this site, to read these words. Wolf, you are a thoughtful man in numerous senses of the word thoughtful.
2) There were several moments of “satori,” and the whole introduction made perfect sense.
3) One moment was seeing what is happening “sympathetically.” This is a true key to understanding, and removes the cartoonish sensibility which seems to hover over so many explanations for the indisputably bizarre and surreal nature of what is happening across the globe.
4) You, Wolf, have previously (a week or so ago) indicated the general direction you are going. We all have much to anticipate with an open mind.
5) It is a unique moment in the history of mankind. A Noah type moment, but unprecedented.
Thank you, and YES. This is a sobering moment of understanding. EXTREMELY sobering.
It was odd – I woke up this morning with thoughts of sympathy regarding this whole deception, as my dreams fell away, but in clinging to TRUTH as I woke up, there was no discontinuity – no loss of understanding. I am brought back to an assistant pastor’s sermon, where he said TEST ALL KNOWLEDGE with the Bible, and I realize this goes back to every true prophet of the Old Testament and the New. Moses was confronted with the same realizations – the self-consistency of the Ten Commandments – likewise the Disciples of Jesus – failing to find any flaws in further revelations. We must pursue Truth, doing so in Love. Even in saying things that are hard – even saying them in wrong words like “idiots”, which I do too often, AGAINST commandments.
Jesus warned us about things done to children. The shots – given to healthy children in deception – this cannot be a good thing.
This comment is the W that we all love … just sayin’ …
Wolf, I can only think of one thing to say about viewing the monsters “sympathetically:”
“When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
We ALL need to be VERY, VERY careful about this.
Oh, yeah – I get that. (I think Nietzsche might have paid more attention to it, himself!)
I just made a comment on another one of yours about Francis Collins. I believe that he held out for as long as he could, but working with Fauci and his ilk for decades corrupted him, until he actually lied about gain of function, which nobody would have believed was even possible.
That is just SHOCKING to me. I can’t believe that is the same guy.
That book changed my life. Literally.
Oh, I was a huge admirer, and to some extent still am.
All real mortal heroes are tarnished, because they’re men and women.
He resigned. THAT was classy in this world that waits to be fired.
I look at it this way. I had my “death and rebirth in science due to a moral crisis” early. He is having his late. I’m no better than him, and without a doubt did far less good in my lifetime.
This is a rough world. Imagine if there was some depopulation plan. Do you hang in and try to humanize it as much as you can, or do you bail and run? How does one stay in the fight and not tell any lies?
EXACTLY what you said about the abyss.
It’s all MADNESS.
Great Awakening. What was hidden is now being exposed.
Wolf, you are a true voice of sanity in a crazy fucking world.
I appreciate you.
Thanks. It’s rough. But I thank God for every day.
“Do you hang in and try to humanize it as much as you can, or do you bail and run?”
Or stay in and sabotage.
And collect information, leaking that which cannot be traced back to you, and saving the rest for the right moment, or when you need it, whichever comes first.
We may find out!
Absolutely brilliant, Wolf. Thank you for taking this on. Love the concept of it and where it is going!
Need more than popcorn.
🍻 🍔 🥓
Thank you! You’re making me hungry and thirsty right there!!! 😆 🍻 🍔
Males and females – made Infertile by vaccines and other means – will lead to government approved genetically altered test tube (even cloned) fetus implantations forced on couples.
It will lead to levels of inhumanity beyond our imaginations.
Holdren was Erchlich’s co-author and Obama’s Science Czar.
Meet John Holdren | The Eugenicist In Control of Science & Technology
Funny how they came up with a spermicidal corn…
Soy has come under scrutiny for reducing fertility in males. Rumor or true, I don’t know.
Raw soy is loaded with estrogen. I have to avoid it. Brewed soy sauce is a different matter.
Thanks for the info.
The pejorative “Soy Boy” is not unfounded…
Then again, there’s “Rice Boys” in the teen-car-modding world:
I always found those super high spoilers to be absolutely ridiculous looking.
I’m pretty sure spoilers in general are useless at any speed most people will ever drive.
I would guess you need to be going at least 75mph in order to generate any useful downforce from a spoiler that is designed to create downforce (the one in the photo looks more like a wing to create lift), which nobody needs going in a more or less straight line (highway driving).
And how many street drivers are doing sharp turns at 75+ mph?
Besides bank robbers?
Fair enough.
I owned a 1992 Integra, and IIRC you had to get the GS trim to get the spoiler. I could have cared less (but not much less) about the spoiler, but wanted other things that only came with the GS line, so I ended up with the spoiler…but it was one of those only a couple of inches off the surface of the car–in other words, it didn’t just look ridiculous, though it probably wasn’t anything more than decorative, at any speed including ones I never hit (I once did 106 in it briefly until I remembered the speed rating on the tires I was using at the time–and it felt solid, no oh-shit-it’s-going-to-fall-apart vibrations, 90-95 was much more frequent [prevailing speed on some parts of the interstate here]).
The GS is not to be confused with the GS-R which had the VTEC engine, and an extra 30 horsepower. And it had the same LOW spoiler. The super-high spoilers either got added in some later year (with perhaps the 3rd gen body style) or they’re aftermarket; I don’t know which.
“Then again, there’s “Rice Boys” in the teen-car-modding world:”
I am as positive as I can be that is not a boy… 😁
Sounds like Harari, Schwab, Obama, Holdren and Fauci belong in the same box.
They certainly do!
A very small getting ever smaller, one…
Sort of like the Star Wars trash compactor…
This guy is really, truly, deeply sick.
And totally disconnected from basic principles and concepts underlying the Constitution, and the freedoms and rights of the individual guaranteed therein.
OMG – one more subplot from THE ISLAND – disposable moms to bear elite kids.
Disposable kids if elite moms are dissatisfied.
YUP, That is why the push to have ‘abortion’ up to the age of five.
By the age of seven the personality is pretty much fixed.
Ignoring the created order of things and making themselves gods instead.
Very much so.
Listen to Steve Bannon and Joe Allen on Transhumanism.
They even have clips were these MONSTERS even say they will be as gods…
I’m with Gail–nothing new here. I said in the beginning it was not just controlling population but Depopulation to cull the Medicare rolls, the Social Security rolls and the state and federal pension rolls, but of course the bigger motives are those of people like Sanger. It’s deliberate, with some being dupes. United Nations, Gates, Rockefeller types all pushing it. , and major world leaders know exactly what they are doing (they are not dupes at all.) And I Don’t believe in trying to lower world population–I do think if that happens, it will happen through natural forces and events, without human meddling, and human beings are not wise enough to be manipulating such things, nor would the technocracy they are trying to build, nor should they be playing god in these evil ways, and it Is Evil to the core. Not stating any of this very well, but I’m in a hurry.
You stated it just fine.
I too am a bit puzzled why Wolf seems to have suddenly figured this out…we’ve all been saying it…including Wolf if I’m not mistaken.
But then, sometimes you know a lot of things and an epiphany hits; the pieces fall together just so and you say…Ah, HA!!! As you note a connection or two you hadn’t noticed before.
Your second paragraph is where it’s at.
We can all sit there and SAY that it’s “depopulation”, and that they’re evil monsters for doing it, but there is a STRATEGY in exactly that kind of DIVISION – in keeping us all in our precise boxes, where the “movable middle” simply can’t believe it.
Same thing they did on voter fraud. They kept it “unbelievable” to the point that smart people would not “go there” and convince the movable middle with the obvious facts.
SECRET federal sanctioning of this shit has a lot to do with it.
No – it’s time to spell this out on EVERY SINGLE THING THEY DO – to show that it all makes sense – to show that they are behaving RATIONALLY and from a kind of “secret do-gooder” motivation. The problem is that the secret do-gooders have been DECEIVED – they have been roped into secret evil. They can’t talk about it, much less BACK OUT or BACK DOWN.
SO we WILL talk about it. On everything they do. Until they’re ALL naked before humanity. Until good scientists look at every action by NIH, CDC, and FDA, and say “Oh, did you see THAT. It’s obvious they’re still stuck on depop.”
And this is why they are unrepentant, and will be unrepentant until their heads go on the pikes.
Because they genuinely believe they are the good guys.
AND they have convinced a lot of the younger people of it too.
That was why they started with abortion 1st trimester and allowed it to creep up to full term and now AFTER BIRTH ABORTION.
PETA is also all about De-population.
I remember when it came out that the PeTA vans that people who were giving up their pets to–thinking PeTA would treat them nicely and find them good homes–were instead killing the animals before the van was in “drive.”
You didn’t know that Wolfie? It came out years ago.
Killing Animals: PETA’s Open ‘Secret’ | HuffPost Contributor
It is really bad when it makes Huff and Puff.
I hope people read that comment over and over and over again, because it’s TRUE. Think of the Obama that never tires of pushing for socialism, because THAT is where these folks are.
Obamacare was necessary to do this. Never forget.
Straight from Fabian co-founder George Bernard Shaw
And while we are at it, I finally found this:
Peter Singer’s Bold Defense of Infanticide:
After-Birth Abortions: College Students Increasingly Support Infanticide
I understand what you are saying. We are dealing with people who have a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FRAME OF REFERENCE. They are not ‘Christians’ and do not subscribe to that set of morals PERIOD.
They do not even believe in LOGIC or OBJECTIVE REALITY.
The Philosophy Of Karl Marx
The Hegelian Basis
So we need to place ourselves in their frame of reference to understand them.
It may be very bad to get into their frame without a strong connection to God.
You better believe it! We have to be CAREFUL.
Just realizing they ARE NOT logical and that they base everything on FEELINGS and on IMMEDIATE gratification and ‘Consensus’ is close enough.
When I call them two year olds in adult bodies, I really mean it. Their emotional maturity and ability to reason is that of a two year old until you get very high up in the chain of command.
At that point you get into PURE EVIL — Pychopaths with no feelings for others.
Absolutely. And as our connections to God are imperfect, there is always danger here.
Many thoughts and thought patterns are extremely toxic, and will corrupt even a “sandbox mind” that they are loaded into. Discretion and discernment are key. Some thoughts simply should not be thought.
What I’m engaging in here with y’all is pretty lightweight stuff. If I thought it was dangerous for the people here, I would not go there. There is greater safety in a group, too. I’m not worried about this one.
“So we need to place ourselves in their frame of reference to understand them.”
Remembering that it is not at all necessary to understand a criminal, in order to arrest, prosecute, convict and execute him for capital crimes.
All that is required is that it be proven the Law was broken, and the penalty for breaking that Law be enforced.
I’ll just drop this here, they really believe there in the correct side. I’ll agree more with this.
Their concept of good is warped. If the good guys can control their fellow humans, make them sick, and even kill them for some supposedly higher purpose, then what do the bad guys do?
“… then what do the bad guys do?”
Thwart their plans. Look at the hissy fits they are throwing because of Trump and the MAGA Patriots.
Yes. My point was that if the supposed good guys get to kill us, then I shudder to think, in that scenario, about what someone would have to do to be called a bad guy.
“Thwart their plans. Look at the hissy fits they are throwing because of Trump and the MAGA Patriots.”
I always look at that (when I remember) as a kind of juvenile con.
The kind of thing we did in high school and even more in college, in rebellion toward authority.
We loudly objected to things we didn’t like or want to be constrained by, and then laughed about it all the way home.
The greater our outrage had been, the harder we laughed about it afterwards, amazed that we had been able to act like that, and nobody even tried to stop us.
It was a sort of con. Sure, our dislike of whatever constraint was being objected to was real, but the rebellious behavior toward authority was like bad theater. Like old SNL skits.
The more outrageous we were, the more laughs we would have about it later, retelling the events to ourselves and to friends who weren’t there.
These people remind me exactly of that age and time, like rebellious juveniles who never grew up, because they never had to.
And now they are TPTB, and we’re like the stodgy old no-fun-allowed establishment.
Only we have to take them seriously, because they have the ability to do real harm, and they enjoy it.
Look at Hussein. Look at the permanent smirk he wears on his face. Does anyone really think he’s not the same Choom Gang goof that he was in college — only now drunk out of his mind on money and power?
“Because they genuinely believe they are the good guys.”
Truly I don’t see how it can be remotely possible, to knowingly inflict pain or death on millions of innocent people or even just one — and not know in your bones that doing so is not “good” and never will be, no matter what rationalization or justification they might come up with.
Just the sheer level of resistance to their efforts, not to mention the degree to which they have to deceive and hide their actions, is a clue the size of the universe that what they are doing is deeply and terribly wrong.
Any normal person would be compelled to question what they are doing and why. And any person with a conscience would find himself in deep conflict with the man in the mirror.
If we think they believe they’re the good guys, it seems like we’re giving them a pass, an excuse, a rationalization for ignoring their conscience.
Almost like we’re enabling our abusers.
In this particular case, they likely believe they are saving all life on earth, indefinitely, at the cost of a few billion members of one species today. If they don’t do that (they believe) nothing will be alive a century or two from now. That tradeoff surely makes no sense to you and I (largely because we know the premise is bullshit), but it makes sense to them.
To understand what’s going on in a sick twisted mind, is not enabling…but it does help us predict how they will act…in this case they will fight to the death.
I just have a very hard time believing that anyone besides the lowest IQ troglodytes believe what they are doing is righteous.
They are too smart, too well educated (if not in philosophy and morality then certainly in history), too sophisticated and too erudite not to know better.
They would have to be morons not to know, and they’re definitely not morons.
It’s like wanting to pretend that Leprechauns (or Central Bankers) don’t know the value of a pot of gold.
It just doesn’t pass the smell test.
The only way it occurs to me that it is even possible to rationalize their belief in the righteousness of their cause, is if they are literally in what amounts to a Heaven’s Gate or Jonestown cult.
And if that’s the case, if that’s who is running the show, then it’s way past midnight on the doomsday clock.
And this is why you fail.
Because fundamentally, you assume everyone thinks just like you deep down, and trhey don’t.
This is a hard truth.
Saying “[anybody] can’t possibly think that” is a great rhetorical device, but it’s very problematic in actual battle, because it fails to predict behaviors.
“And this is why you fail. Because fundamentally, you assume everyone thinks just like you deep down, and trhey don’t.”
Oh please, I fail for lots of reasons, I would never try to limit myself to just one… 😉
But it’s not that I assume everyone thinks just like me, I know they don’t.
But nearly everyone who is human shares a basic understanding of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ when it comes to anything as grave as premeditated murder, particularly civilized humans who were raised in a society based on law. They cannot help but recognize that murder is wrong, it is not ‘good’.
No normal person can put their fingers around some innocent person’s throat, and squeeze until the person is strangled to death, and then adjust their tie, look in the mirror, and tell himself that he did a good thing.
That’s not a bias on my part, assuming everyone thinks like I do.
That is just fundamentally human.
Murder is against every code of Law that has ever been written, as far as I am aware.
No society can be sustained, if there is no prohibition to murdering one another, and beyond that, normal people have and share a basic sense of what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, at least in the most basic and fundamental areas. If not innately, then by being raised in a civilized society.
Any normal person understands that it is wrong to steal, if for no other reason than they know they do not like to be stolen from.
Any normal person knows that kicking an infant child in the face is wrong. It is not ‘good’.
Any normal person comprehends that taking an innocent life is wrong, it is certainly not ‘good’, if for no other reason than they would not like to have their own life taken by someone else.
And any normal person certainly comprehends that if murdering one person is wrong, then murdering millions of innocent people is exponentially ‘wrong’, it is not ‘good’.
There are things in this world that we cannot help but know, whether by nurture or by nature (or both), that they are wrong, that they are not ‘good’.
And any normal person, with even a hint of self reflection or education or even a sliver of common sense, knows that any attempt to rationalize or justify anything as depraved and repugnant as genocide as being ‘good’ is nothing more than a shallow attempt to rationalize and justify their own actions.
Is it possible for some individual, a psychopath, to either deceive themselves, or have no moral compass of any kind, such that no justification would be needed in order to commit heinous crimes?
I expect so.
But that can’t explain the hundreds and certainly thousands who are directly engaged in or passively going along with mass-murder, in governments all across the West.
What could explain that, unless they are all psychopaths, or members of some cult which they share in common?
What would it take, in order to undo a lifetime of knowing that murder is wrong, and genocide is even wronger — by orders of magnitude?
Knowing that murder and genocide is wrong, that it is not ‘good’, is unavoidable for any of the actual participants, as none of them can claim to have been raised by wild beasts in the jungle.
So what would it take for any normal person, educated in basic history, immersed in cultural norms and mores from earliest memory, to deceive themselves into legitimately thinking that murdering millions of innocent people is ‘good’, that it is not wrong?
It must be something extraordinary, and it must be affecting all of them on an individual basis, because any normal person, if they became aware that they were participating in genocide, would run from that scene as fast as their feet would carry them.
The understanding that murder and genocide are ‘wrong’ is common to any civilized person, if not to all human beings everywhere.
It is something that the vast majority (if not all) human beings share, whether by nature or nurture or both.
What is being done to the population of the world, right now, requires the knowledge and direct participation of thousand (if not tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands) of human beings, in order to make it happen.
So what could have happened, to so radically distort and affect these most basic and fundamental aspects of humanity, such that tens of thousands of people would or could repudiate everything they know about ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, in order to commit a global holocaust against their fellow man?
Not even against a particular race, but against their own species, against Homo sapiens — and convince themselves that it is ‘good’, that they are not monsters, orders of magnitude worse than Hitler and Stalin combined?
As a matter of basic psychology, would it not require something extraordinary, to cause vast numbers of people in positions of power and authority to reject a lifetime of understanding that murdering innocent people is wrong, that genocide is wrong, and then to go further, to convince themselves that what they are doing is ‘good’?
What could accomplish such a thing, in so many people, in leadership and enforcement, across nations and continents?
Are they members of a death cult?
Are they slaves to some mind-control drug?
What could explain the numbers of people involved, intelligent and well educated people, radically reversing a lifetime of understanding, on an issue as basic and fundamental as the premeditated murder of billions of innocent people?
It’s not like we just grew up in different neighborhoods and so I have nothing more in common with them than I do with aliens from outer space.
So what is really going on here?
“The problem is that the secret do-gooders have been DECEIVED – they have been roped into secret evil. They can’t talk about it, much less BACK OUT or BACK DOWN.”
That is the ages-old trick of the Dark One himself. He draws you in, makes you feel you are doing the “right” thing, and once you’ve committed, shows you what you really did. Then you’re trapped.
The current situation is so classic it’s almost a cliche.
Amen. That is exactly right.
One must listen to their gut sometimes. When something “good” seems hinky and “off”, trust the gut.
That “gut feeling” is, in my humble opinion, the voice of God.
God’s voice has saved me from myself many times. The hardest part is just to listen and do what it says, regardless of what I think.
E X A C T L Y.
I thought the West was in danger by having less than replacement population so that the aging “Boomers” etc. would have insufficient working adults to support their retirement…
I am discombobulated that you like anything about the Georgia Guidestones, Wolf Moon.
You can be worried about too many people WITHOUT advocating for EVIL METHODS OF POPULATION CONTROL.
As I said. A high standard of living does a very nice job of lowering the reproduction rate.
You can see it in the total fertility rate by country. (children/woman)
If people were to voluntarily have fewer children and have world population decline a bit, that might be a good thing.
But you do not make the choice for them.
Or, if not killed but rather sterilized involuntarily…it’s something else. Not murder, no one is killed, But it’s heinous.
They were doing the involuntary sterilization for years. Now they have moved on to MURDER.
Self-limiting system, in my view…
Chiefio had a deep dive about the rise and fall of various civilizations, and that could be viewed as a sort of feedback/control/limit mechanism…
I think at the root of it (as always) is hubris, nacissism, naked greed, and an all-consuming lust for money, power, and control of others… They all want to yell “JUMP!” and have all of us reply, “HOW HIGH?”.
I’d reply, “GO JUMP YOURSELF” (or something to that effect 😀 )…
If they had left Africa alone, disease, tribal raids/wars, malnutrition, starvation… would take care of the population ‘problem’
IF you are going to interfere, then you better look at ALL the ramifications BEFORE HAND.
And yes the real root is “hubris, nacissism, naked greed, and an all-consuming lust for money, power, and control of others…”
All I am saying is what they are doing is NOT the only option and that is the KEY.
Typical Problem– Reaction — Solution where ‘They’ have the solution ‘They’ want all ready for you and no other options.
I seriously think de-pop is more about a CONTROLLABLE POPULATION than anything else.
Yes. The birth rate was kept in check for quite a while in western Europe with later marriage ages and full convents, abbeys, and priesthoods, not to mention war. There’s nothing undignified about that, and the Middle Ages were not anywhere close to dark. Some of the greatest saints in that time period came from the younger members of aristocratic families.
Frankly, I see the lack of children in a household growing up as a problem. You don’t learn to live with others at a young age. You don’t always learn to be self-sufficient, either. The support system as you age is limited. That all feeds into being controllable.
God said be fruitful and multiply. There are reasons for that.
I *KNEW* it would bother you. That’s why it was important to say it.
I trust Truth COMPLETELY.
I react to logic. I react to truth. I don’t allow emotions of attachment to make me deny truth.
If Hitler said “sick people are a problem for socialism”, I would say YES – I AGREE, THEY ARE A PROBLEM FOR SOCIALISM.
It’s precisely what one does after acknowledging that TRUTH, that matters. Do you side with the sick, or with socialism, when there are no choices left to have both?
There are times when I don’t get what you are getting at….
“…If Hitler said “sick people are a problem for socialism”, I would say YES – I AGREE, 👉 THEY ARE A PROBLEM FOR SOCIALISM 👈 .….”
Wolfie is agreeing with Hilter’s frame of reference.
Socialism and Communism (and Feudalism) are much less productive systems because there is little to no reward for increased productivity and innovation as there is under capitalism. THUS those systems CAN NOT AFFORD to support any non-workers. Under capitalism, we produced enough excess that we CAN support the sick and elderly.
Yes. They are systems built on a scarcity outlook. If one starts with the premise of the necessity of socialism, all manner of evil can be justified in the end.
Satan manipulates us with both truth and lies – with both logic and emotion. To say that the Guidestones are innocent is Satanic deception. But to say there is no truth in them is also Satanic deception. To make people turn away from truth is a favorite deception.
Aubergine’s statement about the devil slipping a 1% lie into 99% truth is a perfect description of the Guidestones.
Prioritization – that’s where the error is, IMO. To say we MUST do something about population NOW – oldest sales trick in the book! IIRC, the Guidestones don’t even say that. A typical Satanic deception. The “closer” idea is off the books, supplied by satanic minions.
The ideas laid out on the Guidestones were designed to be an intentional and deliberate affront to GOD – substituting 10 man’s thoughts and ideas for the 10 Commandments – a refusal to humbly submit and surrender to GOD’s Word and Will – placing their own ideas above GOD. They are not even a paraphrase, not even congruent with GOD’s Word. They are like when Cain did his own thing, did not follow the priestly pattern of the blood sacrifice for sin, and then got mad because GOD didn’t approve and killed Abel who did follow GOD.
I can’t say myself whether or not the Guidestones were intended to be a mockery of the Ten Commandments, but in the end, they sure LOOK like it.
And what’s really ironic is that the Ten Commandments would actually do a better job of achieving the Guidestones’ objectives, than the Guidestones themselves would!!!
The Ten Commandments are “meta” to the Guidestone principles, the latter being basically more like technical details.
Doesn’t mean they’re all wrong, but prioritizing them above the Ten Commandments is a huge mistake.
Therein lies the problem of CDC and NIH. “Thou shalt not bear false witness” trumps “we must prevent vaccine hesitancy” and “we must do something about the population”.
LOVE YOU, WOLFIE! ALWAYS – you are the best host of a blog that GOD ever made, to paraphrase our man Trump. Sending you and your bride blessings and love – and deepest gratitude!
Thank you! Have a great Thursday!
Forgot to tell you – I visited the Guidestones when I was a student at UGA, before I was a Christian – even then, they creeped me out….the audacity of their grandiose plans for the world.
Yes! I’ve always found them creepy!
One only has to look at Jesus, who sought out and healed the sick, by the thousands. That is the answer right there.
Socialism, in truth, is ANTI-SOCIAL…
Marxism was a Gigantic HOAX. The biggest one played on mankind and the most evil.
IMO, the word “maintain” is a big problem. If we think life would be nicer if there were less crowding, fewer real estate developments, and more natural landscapes, that’s one thing. But “maintain” implies that someone is orchestrating it, and that violates principles of individual freedom and, for some, religious belief.
And even the idea of people individually, and then as a whole, deciding to have fewer children feeds into the globalist agenda. They started indoctrinating people with this idea decades ago. I don’t trust anything they say because I know their deeds result in evil. So I wouldn’t say I agree with this “guide” because we can’t walk hand in hand with evil while fighting it.
Yes – the whole “citing a number” thing is HUBRIS, in my opinion.
So I wouldn’t say I agree with this “guide” because we can’t walk hand in hand with evil while fighting it.
Beautifully said!
Well, so long as we’re pissing on the environmentalists as collateral damage from the population bomb people (the groups overlap but are not identical):
Steve, please distinguish between Conservationists (me) and EnvionMENTALists (Commies) and while we are at it Animal RIGHTS Activists (Humans are nothing but animals with the
sameless worth) vs Animal welfare types who want humane treatment of the animals we eat.I distinguish, by using the word conservationist when I mean conservationist.
You are right, though: This offends genuine conservationist sensitivities–who finds an abandoned open pit mine appealing? Even with a pond in the bottom that is a really vibrant shade of green or blue due to who-knows-what ions in it. Consider it a backlash from the Mentalist, and realize this offends them a LOT more than it offends you.
A lot of conservationists don’t realize how much harm the Mentalists do their cause.
Copper maybe?
I don’t know, it could be literally anything…those transition metals.
But I know the important bit: DON’T drink it. Don’t even stick your finger in it.
We cavers would NOT GO IN MINES.
Correction. Except for Dave. He was a geologist who worked for a mining company.
They didn’t want to contribute to the delinquency of a miner 😀
ESPECIALLY that miner!!! 😬
What key do you get when someone digging coal slips and falls down the shaft?
A flat miner… 🙂
A sour note, indeed.
He was quite depressed, after all…
Wouldn’t you be, if you had got the shaft like he did?
Remembering what the EPA environmentalists did to the Animus River.
Environmentalists and government agencies often create more problems than they solve. Remember what the EPA did to the Animus River?
EPA’s Toxic Disaster: River Has 12,000 TIMES Acceptable Lead Level
P eople
E ating
T asty
A nimals
I LOVE animals, they taste great!
Funny, too, how words have changed meanings over the years, in particular at the urging/forcing of the left. One example would be about Bill and Dave (Hewlett and Packard, respectively). They were VERY strong conservationists, which resulted in them purchasing “Little Basin” park for HP Employees to use (Carly got rid of it… :x). They also were very public/community-minded, which back in the day (1930s) was described as “liberal”, as in kind, generous, supportive. Nothing at all like what “liberal” has devolved into these days…
I have “Dave Porter”, “Tom Swift”, and other books dating from 1903 and thereabouts which use some of these terms (and also spell today as to-day, gasoline as gasolene, etc.), and it shows a VERY different world as compared to now… sigh…..
Apparently there was a second Tom Swift series published in the 1940s possibly into the 1970s. Those were fairly easy to find when I was a kid (but not as ubiquitous as the Hardy Boys). I was a huge fan of them.
Turns out my Dad knew of them…but he remembered one I had not heard of before (a motorcycle–quaint, next to rockets and nuclear powered VTOL aircraft)–he was thinking of the first series, which I had not known about up until then.
There were five or six of that second series I never did manage to get my hands on.
Tom Swift and his motorcycle, Tom Swift and his electric runabout (lots of “fun” for Mr. Damon), Tom Swift and his Sky Train….
And then there were Eradicate and Koku…. neither character would likely be “allowed” to-day…..
Look up the Edward Stratemeyer “empire” (fiction factory). A lot of eye-opening infos emerge, including multiple authors using the same pen-neame, etc. Still, they were really good books. I got the first four of the Dave Porter Series, but there were 15 or 16 in all (drat). Then again, a lot of them and their contemporaries have been scanned in (Gutenberg Project, etc.). Lots of patriotic historical novels aimed at youth of the day (early 1900s) that would be ignored today with BLM, Cancel Culture, and CRT ruling the day (I still think of Cathode Ray Tube when I see that acronym).
There was a bookstore in Downtown Oakland, with branches in SF, Berkeley, and somewhere farther north. They were legendary, and had wonderful old books, sometimes ancient ones. They finally closed shop just a few years ago… seems kindle and the like (and lack of readers, anymore) killed them…
Somewhere (probably in the US in a family members’ storage) is a book of political cartoons my Dad bought there, dating back to Lincoln’s time, if not before. Then there’s “Read ’em And Weep”, a book of tear-jerker tunes IIRC… I think the English are much better at keeping historical books around, even American books. Hence set one’s watch back one hour and two hundred years when visiting from the continent 🙂
The Tom Swift, jr. series. Had about 60 books in it, IIRC. I donated my set to the library when I went off to college. It also was missing a few.
Thirty Three, according to Wikipedia and closely matching my recollection.
I was never able to find about five of the books over about a decade of searching (and the two that are now in the public domain aren’t among the five). I don’t remember well now, but I believe #2, #5, #26, and #27 were among them (going from the list of titles at wikipoo). A bookshop downtown that carried loads of children’s books never had them. I have no idea what I did with mine, sold them or gave them away or what-have-you.
Of course, there is no current “Tom Swift” series because it would include “Tom Swift and His Massive World of Warcraft Score” or suchlike.
I found a site with pictures of the covers, and eight of them look unfamiliar to me (5, 9, 10, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31) though it’s possible in some cases memory has faded.
I was dead wrong about #27..as soon as I saw the cover I realized that’s the one where he did the deep sea aquarium–the title was totally off the wall from what I remembered about the book.
I’m wondering if Elon Musk grew up with these.
Is #3 “Tom Swift and His Rocket Ship (1954)” the predecessor of SpaceX? Did #5 “Tom Swift and His Atomic Earth Blaster (1954)” become The Boring Company? Is #9 “Tom Swift on the Phantom Satellite (1956)” the source of Starlink?
I don’t know, but I suspect #5 was deliberately suppressed. It’s one of the ones I never could get my hands on and one of the things i read said that some of the lower numbers had been reissued much later as paperbacks, and #6 was renumbered as #5 and retitled.
Holy crap…I used Wikipoo. I was right about “my” series being second series and yours being first…but there have now been SIX of them
Second series is “Tom Swift, Jr” implying his father was the Tom Swift of the first series. I have no idea if there’s enough consistency there.
Yep. And the author of the second series is (supposedly) Victor Appleton Jr. Or one of Stratemeyer’s stable of authors…
Just quickly scanning Wikipoo–Victor Appleton (and II) was a pseudonym; about six different real authors ghost wrote the second series.
Yep. That’s what I meant about Edward Stratemeyer’s stable of authors. Stratemeyer would outline a book, explain to the prospective author about where it fit in the series, and the intro, etc., and then farm it out. And that covered “Frank Dixon”, “Laura Lee Hope”, “Victor Appleton (i, II, etc.)”, “Edward Stratemeyer”, and others…
Factory-written books. Sad to say, there was neither a real Frank Dixon nor a real Laura Lee Hope (Bobbsey Twins)…
Still, I liked the books anyway. And the quality of writing was much better back then…
Another interesting exercise is to get different editions of the same book, e.g. various years of a “Hardy Boys” mystery. Although they said they updated the books, they also cut them down because “they were too long for today’s readers”… Dumbing down rears its ugly head…..
I have a link (and some text) of a great article about Stratemeyer on another PC… I’ll try to dig it up… if it boots 🙂
I loved the Bobbsey Twins books as a kid & the Boxcar Children!
I think there is something huge that Wolf and other people cannot grasp. You keep wanting to imagine you understand the motives of Mr. Global and the people at the top. I don’t think so. You try to put yourself in the shoes of these people so you can “understand.” You can’t. According to Catherine Austin Fitts, those of the “Mr. Global” ilk don’t even consider me, or you, or any of us as belonging to the same species, and that’s just not something we can fully grasp. They plan to kill most of us and enslave the rest. That is the stark truth, and it’s hard for us to face it, let alone grasp it. And they are EVIL.
You may well be correct. And it may be that even “Mr. Global” has ** someone ** above him. Either way, “Mr. Global” and his ilk regard anybody not on “their level” as almost, if not literally, “sub-human.”
Or, if not sub human, just too ignorant to know what is best for us. So we need a benevolent guiding hand.
Pardon me while I vomit.
Or more like, they think They are “trans-human” or they have evolved or through techno are beyond us, a different species for them to cull and enslave.
Yes. Some people believe that *their* motives are good. They even think that, even if the means to achieve those ends results in death, disfigurement, and ruined lives, the perpetrators of all that think they are doing “the greater good.”
My question is, who gets to decide what the greater good is for the rest of us? Scripture tells us to be fruitful and multiply. What mere human has the right to tell someone who wants to have a lot of children that they shouldn’t, because of the “greater good”? Who thinks they know better than God himself?
I can’t say that I know the motives of Bill Gates, Fauci, and the rest. I only know that, if the means to the goal involves killing innocent people, then it is time to rethink the goal. Any credit for good motives stops right there, for me.
When Walensky started KILLING KIDS with the injections, and let no logic or possibility of “interference” by VRBPAC get in the way of her agenda, they’re pretty much in EVIL territory as far as I’m concerned.
Over in secular land, there’s a common philosophy known as “utilitarianism” which basically takes as its ethical measuring rod “the greatest good for the greatest number.” Which means if it will do a billion people a lot of good, it’s OK to exterminate a million–a net gain, after all.
Even aside from the fact that such a philosophy can be, and has been, used to justify atrocities, the next issue becomes how to evaluate courses of action and compare them with each other. Obviously, if you’re going to follow this philosophy, someone has to make the final determination. With utilitarianism it turns out to be a dictator.
But many other philosophies have the same structural problem, they (implicitly) require an arbiter. Unfortunately many religions have this issue, and they lay it upon whatever priesthood they have. [Which is why I am glad Christianity is very decentralized; a politically powerful priesthood would be a bad thing–looked at from your point of view, they can stray from Truth and implement something unGodly and you’ve got to accept it anyway; looked at from mine, they never knew any kind of truth, they’re holier-than-thou tyrannical jackasses, and I have to accept it anyway–result is the same.]
I think I understand your point, but even if there were a centralized hierarchy in Christianity that everyone was supposed to obey, people are ultimately accountable to God. No one is required to follow those who stray from truth and implement something ungodly, which would be heresy.
IIRC at one point the laity was forbidden to read the bible.
Yes, and that was wrong. Nothing in Scripture says to do this. No Christian principle allows this.
2 Timothy 3:15
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
I use that as an example of WHY having “…a politically powerful priesthood would be a bad thing….”
And not because I agree with it.
I understand. 👍🏼
This is so misunderstood.
We are not permitted to have unapproved translations. People were translating themselves, which is not permitted, and sin of pride to think that one could do so without access to the full set of resources. It’s done by Scripture Scholars with full access to the Deposit of Faith as well as the Founders and Church Doctors, in which the laity is not well versed.
We’ve never been denied the ability to read Scripture if we actually could read. Not everyone could. That’s why Bible scenes are in the art of Christendom.
It appears that they were prohiubited from having any translation.
Dictators in cassocks.
Great find!
Remember READING was not universal and books were rare.
A saying found in old romance novels was:
What better way to control the serfs than to tell them the Kings have a DIVINE RIGHT to rule over them?
If you read Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, he has nothing but CONTEMPT for the people in the Church except for the lowly village Priest.
Old saying – ‘The road to hell is paved with the skulls of Bishops’
The Christian Faith and The Church ARE NOT THE SAME! (People keep forgetting that.)
We have seen recently how EVIL men have infiltrated our churches of various denominations in order to SUBVERT Christians.
It is one thing to claim that the laity didn’t have scripture because they couldn’t read it anyway. It’s another for it to turn out they would be forbidden to have copies, whether or not they could read it.
This seems pretty straight forward:
for the reason stated:
AND it MUST be in LATIN!
Or do they mean THE ORIGINAL?
The Latin is, itself, a translation and I sure as heck wouldn’t consider it a primary authority.
The New Testament was originally written in Greek (no, not Aramaic as some claim), and the Old in Hebrew, though by the time of Jesus many were reading *it* in a Greek translation called the Septuagint.
Latin wasn’t the original language of Any of the scriptures!
Thanks Gail. Amazing history. Unconscionable, ungodly, & unbiblical!!!
True, but better not to have to fight them…especially if they have dictatorial powers.
looked at from your point of view, they can stray from Truth and implement something unGodly and you’ve got to accept it anyway; looked at from mine, they never knew any kind of truth, they’re holier-than-thou tyrannical jackasses, and I have to accept it anyway–result is the same.]
funny but I’m more aligned with your view on this one!
But when I said “They never knew any kind of truth” I mean that they never did so because Christianity is, from my point of view, simply not true–you can’t get to “true” by that route, even “correctly” followed (whatever that could possibly mean).
Given that understanding of what I meant, I doubt we’re all that closely aligned even if we have nearly the same attitude towards those *particular* people.
Fair enough. I do believe the scripture that says that Jesus is the way, the truth, & the life…& the light, as stated elsewhere.
I believe that All Truth comes from God, whether we acknowledge Him or not. Where do you think Truth comes from?
Well there is the Big T Truth, which apparently is imbued with some mystical connection over and above mere truth.
A statement is true if it corresponds to reality. That doesn’t “come from” anywhere; a statement corresponds to reality or it doesn’t.
I suppose if I wanted to start talking about (Big) truth, it would be facts that explain other facts, fundamental facts, or perhaps even integrations like realizing _why_ communism cannot work (you have to dig a bit for that one, not just look at communist countries and see they’re all crappy places). In fact _why_ truths, once that have explanatory power rather than are just factual statements, are ones I’d be tempted to put a T on.
Very interesting.
I agree that truth would be ultimately factually accurate.
I thought the left/libs/commies always claim that the only reason the commie countries turn out to be crap holes is because they haven’t done Communism the “right” or pure way.
So would your T truth be somewhat akin to “absolute truth”? I’m genuinely curious because there are many aspects of the person that you appear to be (how you reason & express yourself) that don’t seem very far from a balanced biblical viewpoint. Not that many examples of “balanced biblical viewpoints” are easy to come by outside of the Q-Tree & Marica’s 🙂
“Absolute truth” is another slippery term, especially since the whole concept has been abused so much by *secular* philosophers, who seem unable to parse “a true statement is one that corresponds to reality” without jumping through hoops trying to deny that there is a reality, or that if there is, it’s inaccessible to us somehow (see Plato and his noumenal realm). They’ll talk about “intrinsic” this and that, and they and I aren’t in the same book, much less on the same page. I believe if you want to know what is or is not true about the world, you have to investigate it with your mind and your senses (or be willing to accept others’ results provisionally, or you’d spend your whole life rediscovering that fire burns and it’s a bad idea to play in the street). This is a far cry from people who believe in a *revealed* truth (almost all religions), and certainly a far cry from those who believe that, fundamentally, there’s no such thing as truth except what we somehow *invent* to be true (the average Leftist, if you can get him to think about such things rather than where his next free shit is coming from).
I’m even uneasy about using “truth” in this context, because I know that to you it has mystical connotations it simply doesn’t have for me.
Interesting. I don’t usually think about things in a mystical kind of way, but then perhaps I’m a “bad” version of a Christian!
When it comes to scripture & claimed “truth”, like from the pulpit, I am constantly being quite skeptical & analyzing whatever is stated against scripture as I can recall & understand it. “Let God be true & every man a liar” is informing my skepticism, especially in light of teachings of those who purport to speak on God’s behalf.
What I mean by mystical, or course, is colored by how I view things. But what I meant here was people personifying truth as Truth, and equating it to Christ. Which I think I remember you doing earlier in this conversation.
But one thing stuck out for me that you said a couple of times ago, when you said something like “truth usually does correspond to reality.” I can’t for the life of me figure out how it couldn’t, since a statement that *doesn’t* correspond with reality is not true.
(This is separate from the issue of whether someone believes the statement to be true. Of course I could make a mistaken statement; it’s false, but I didn’t lie, and depending on what it is, it’s possible it won’t be known false in my lifetime.)
In other words, when I read that, I had to wonder what kind of “truth” could possibly not correspond to reality; it’s like talking about pure gold that is a green, gooey substance–whatever it is, it ain’t gold!
I think that there is truth & reality beyond our ability to (easily) perceive it. You touch on some of it w/ your posts explaining things in space, things that we cannot perceive with our naked eyes, & things whose meanings are often beyond most of our comprehension, apart from your excellent explanations 😉
The key thing though, is that all of it is *perceptible* by senses. To be sure, we construct *artificial* senses (which we then need our real senses to read), but ultimately all of our real knowledge of the world comes to us through our senses; we use our minds to integrate what we see into concepts and we work to understand how things behave.
All of it…via the senses. There is no other way to get real information into our consciousnesses.
There is truth & reality Beyond what we can perceive as well. For instance, the earth & all that it contains: life, weather, geologic processes, animals, vegetables, minerals, humans (with souls & self-awareness at a minimum), land (& various biomes), seas, freshwater, etc. All of this exists & much can be perceived with out senses…& sensing instruments that man has invented & learned men can interpret. However, no one KNOWS Exactly how it All came into being.
Even more so no one KNOWS Exactly how the “heavens” came into being. We have various theories that Attempt to explain the Unknowable but recognize that some/all of them give way to greater knowledge over time…like Einstein over Newton. & likely someday some theory will replace or enhance Einstein.
The Ultimate Truth that explains ALL aspects of Life, Nature, Science, Math, etc. is out there as PURE Reality…but we are never Fully able to perceive it…but it does exist.
If God actually exists & said “Let there be”…followed by “& it was so” that could be the ultimate explanation. The descriptive explanation of the process of the “Let there be” becoming “& it was so” could theoretically be discovered (to some degree), like the concept of the Big Bang arising from the “Let there be…” However to acknowledge “creation” but to deny the Creator is facile.
How did or even could life come from lifelessness?
If earth is merely Thousands of years old, instead of the millions many claim to be necessary for “natural selection” to have lead to what we have now, one needs to re-think their suppositions.
I thought when the moon landings were being prepped it was assumed that the dust on the surface of the moon would be so thick from “millions of years of existence” that they anticipated several feet of dust. There were instead several inches of dust, iirc.
What if the speed of light is Not a constant? What if the speed of light isn’t the barrier to speed, even perceived speed in theory?
If the origin of the heavens & the earth is Truly Knowable by Man, then why is the Evidence that contradicts an ancient earth always suppressed rather than vigorously debated?
Truly healthy Scientific inquiry needs to leave room in one theoretical corner for the presumed existence of “God” to be a possible explanation. How else do you explain the prayer experiments where some people were being prayed for beyond their knowledge (theoretically reducing/eliminating the “placebo effect”) yet they still had visible & measurable improvements compared to the non-prayed for controls? Something made the difference in these experiments & that Something/Someone was perhaps beyond quantifying or defining satisfactorily. If someone duplicated such experiments using Very Sincere Adherents to multiple religions it could be Quite Instructive to compare the outcomes of different prayers to potentially reveal the One True Faith. Like Elijah & the prophets of Baal, iirc…
In all earnest I would like to answer a question:
Do you discuss these things with me because you are genuinely curious where I am coming from, or are you doing so with the primary purpose of arguing me into somehow conceding that Christianity must be true? (I know you wouldn’t mind if that happened, but is it your *primary purpose*?)
I’m very interested in what you think. I don’t personally think I remotely have the skills to be arguing you into Christianity. I do pray for you, at times, when you come to mind, for honestly I feel love for you & desire to see you in eternity where we could meet face-to-face…(as a Christian I don’t even wish my worst enemies into Hell, though my human nature superficially desires that they pay the ultimate price)…
But I have no ulterior motives. I enjoy interacting with you. You have fascinating knowledge & wisdom on wide ranging topics & I have very eclectic interests…
I’m very hit or miss in our conversations for there is often a degree of fatigue that I’m wrestling with from real life challenges. Sometimes something you’ve written intrigues me so I’ll reply. Plenty of times I’m just too tired so I just read along & enjoy whatever conversations develop without personally participating.
I find the depth of your biblical knowledge fascinating as well as how clear-headed you are about the nature of man, in general. It’s almost like you’ve internalized much of the wisdom God gives but have rejected the Source of that wisdom, from my view. I greatly respect you as a person, as best as I can understand another person through a computer, & appreciate your insights in most any area in which you expound.
On a completely superficial level, I have an extra love for Colorado, being the place of my husband’s birth, much of his family history, some of my own family connections (like my mom’s birth cousin/half-sister? whose husband was the mayor of Fort Collins for years), the place where we honeymooned, & one of the 3 trips we ever took with our kids that weren’t part of my family clan’s vacations.
I enjoy talking with you & am honored when you choose to engage me, a relative intellectual lightweight here in the Q-Tree. Hopefully you don’t feel like you’re “slumming it” too much in our interactions 🙂
Well, my response to Ms. Catherine Austin Fitts is that with God, all things are possible, and if God wants me to “understand” something, I will – possibly even against my own will. 😉
My point was that you have human decency, which they don’t, and I don’t see these people as thinking from a human perspective of right or wrong or what is best for humanity. I think they would laugh about our ideas of their motivations.
They would laugh. But it would not bother me. Often their laughter is a lie. Even to themselves.
Different layers and different players in conspiracies have different motivations. People typically have many motivations for any one behavior or commitment. People may even have conflicting motivations. People can have false motivations, true motivations, and tenuous, uncertain motivations. Or all of these together.
Often, understanding motivations doesn’t actually matter, and can be dispensed with, but sometimes it is very helpful – at least to me.
Notice that my arguments about their “do-gooder population motivation” state nothing about whether it’s a true motivation or a false one. It only needs to be an actionable, agreed “motivation” (in quotes) of a group, to have a profound effect on whether or not it gets done.
The motivations of those who want it done, and those who get it done, are quite different. Nevertheless, one has to slowly work up the chain of “command” in a conspiracy, to find where it goes, and motivations are a FANTASTIC ladder up that route.
Catherine Austin Fitts is also a Christian, and that is why she believes we can Stop the globalists by doing things like paying with cash and banking locally (local banks and credit unions) and growing our own food and helping one another, Etc., and I think, building local economic systems separate from the current one.
I agree completely with those tactics. We have to “become ungovernable” by the globalists. It is no accident that the “ESG” of the “ReichsWEF” has “governance” as the third leg of that hangman’s footstool.
I’m on your wavelength.
I don’t think like them, I don’t understand them, and I don’t think THEY are the same species as us, at least not anymore.
When a person is inhabited by Satan, is he/she still a person? When Evil itself possesses the soul, what species are they then?
These “people” are more like the Borg, or the creature from Aliens. They have no humanity left. They *think* they do, which is what makes them dangerous. They *think* they are virtuous, but they are overtaken by evil.
I don’t care if they pay for their crimes all the while believing they were “right,” I just care that they PAY.
Some of the lower-level people in their camp might think in terms of right and wrong, but I don’t think those at the very top think that way. To them, I would imagine such quaint ideas are childish (not you, Aubergine) I think you get it.
I hope I get it.
Wolf Moon
Endless Thanks for this post and for all the effort and time you put into it!
You’re most welcome! As you will see in upcoming posts, a hidden, agreed agenda of this nature has great explanatory power.
Yours Truly went down some more rabbit holes in the Pfizer-BioNTech data dumps documents at http://www.icandecide.org/pfizer-documents/ over the past couple of days.
Of interest is the Batch # 125742_S1_M5_5351_c4591001-fa-interim-protocol.pdf on Page 13 of the data dumps list. This document, dated 29 October 2020, is the last of at least three previous protocol documents related to the C4591001 study of BNT162b2. One of the “amendments” to the protocol, dated 10 June 2020, appears to “expand” the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the study, stating that “eligible participants are expected to be either healthy or have stable medical conditions.”
Also, in addition to combining the previously-separate Phase 2 and Phase 3 into “Phase 2/3”, the “eligibility” criteria for this combined phase is “expanded” to people “at higher risk for acquiring COVID-19”; this appears to include people working in health fields, mass transportation, and so forth.
Other criteria and definitions appears to be changed or “narrowed”, such as on Page 76, “Lack of Efficacy” — the language says “Lack of efficacy is reportable to Pfizer Safety only if associated with an SAE [Serious Adverse Event].”
Yours Truly is including three examples from other Pfizer-BioNTech data dump documents. They are traceable through the FDA-CBER codes on each document. One example is of C4591001 study subjects who presented with “Abnormal Findings” upon physical exam after getting “vaccinated” with BNT162b2. Another example is of assay results of S1-Binding igG levels (blood titers), and RBD-Binding igG levels (amount of spike protein that binds to the ACE2 receptors). The last example is the Serious Adverse Event report of a study subject who died 3 days after getting the first dose of BNT162b2. The comment from the “report investigator” appears to state that this death was not in any way due to the “vaccine.” The investigator appears to assume there’s no chance that the actions of BNT162b2 could have contributed to the subject’s death.
Oh, that third one is absolute SCIENTIFIC MALPRACTICE by Pfizer.
The case sounds JUST LIKE MY FRIEND who died of THE JAB.
When the ME (medical examiner) said that it was “progression of atherosclerosis” as his initial probable cause of death, that is CODE for some kind of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular, or “other vascular” EVENT – such as a heart attack or stroke – to which the person was susceptible BECAUSE of long-term atherosclerosis.
What Pfizer did was basically playing “finders, keepers” with the initial general determination, citing only the chronic condition, and not waiting around for the identification of the precipitating event which could have easily been caused by the vaccine. The dude had some kind of CLOTTING EVENT that went critical because of a chronic condition. The clotting event was possibly caused by the vaccine. The chronic condition was cited early, and Pfizer GRABBED that and ran with it.
My first thought on this matter is, if God wants a “depopulation” plan for us, we’ll get it. Think of smallpox, the Black Plague, or locusts and frogs, if you want to go that far back. It’s happened before, it’ll happen again. Covid and the clot-shot ain’t it.
Fuckers “playing” God should be tried, convicted, and hung for doing it.
Just had a thought….
Revelation 11: and they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pain and their sores; and they did not repent of their deeds.
Sure sounds like it!
a very relevent Dell Bigtree (5 minutes)
Del Bigtree ~ The UNvaccinated Will Be Vindicated! We Are the Control Group! This is HUGE, Please Share!
He is reading a text and says it should hold a place in every textbook in the future.
Yes – this is extremely important.
The only way to truly sneak a population control agent into the vaccination schedule, is to have a vaccine which “cannot be questioned” as far as safety, so that when it kills people, the idea that it does so, does not spread.
The only way for it to be “fair” is if everybody takes it – meaning it either (1) has to be mandatory, or (2) is so innocuous that it’s ubiquitous and automatically accepted by almost everybody.
Even the flu vaccine, which is generally pretty innocuous, started to create resistance with very slight numbers in VAERS. That means (2) is out, so the vaccine has to be MANDATORY.
Covering up the control group was one reason to force the unvaccinated to take the injection, but the other reason was to make the shot mandatory and universal in practice and in reality.
They REALLY tried it. They tried to make everybody take the life-shortening abortion and sterilization shot.
In the aftermath, people can see that it was WRONG.
Interesting angle – is this all a product of a very bad idea called “public health”?
All of this “public health” modern medicine bullshit originated with Rockefeller. It was all for money. This is a great explanation:
We’d all be better off without any of it.
I’ll give you the evidence in a nutshell.
Psalm 90:10 reads:
Our days may come to seventy years,
or eighty, if our strength endures;
yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow,
for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
What is the average life expectancy for a man in America today? 77 years.
Two thousand years ago, it was the same. What has “modern medicine” accomplished?
Exactly nothing.
This ^^^. We have the perspective of time, history and experience to know what is truth and what are lies and deception if we concede that scripture is on what we base our worldview and baseline for truth.
Which is what the evil doers who want to control the world will not do.
Something has to be the starting point for basing an analysis. Mine is God’s Word because I have found it true and faithful – always. Notice what I did not say – religion, doctrine, or even science. All of those have proven to be rife with manipulation. The later of which is the cause of this post by Wolf.
How long we live in this state of existence is not a reward. If that were true, Jesus failed miserably.
Much of the change in life expectancy comes from lowered infant mortality.
If you got to ten, you were likely to get to 50. But you first had to get to ten.
That being said, I think we have added 5 or 10 years at least to those who haven’t screwed themselves over with junk carbohydrate diabetes, or smoking.
The average life expectancy remains about the same. There hasn’t been a great change. That’s the point.
I think your biblical source was ignoring infant mortality.
This is probably my last comment for a couple of weeks as we are having a family reunion of sorts and the kids and grands start arriving today. Although one DIL and a boyfriend will not be ble to attend, there will be 19 of us, possibly +2 if “our” refugee boys can join us for the BBQ on the one day when ALL of us will be together. So we are quite obviously on the side of “more population”, and I am NOT apologetic about that!
In skimming through this post and the comments before tackling my to-do list for today, I could have liked almost all of them, though the subject matter is quite literally hard to stomach. A snippet from Luther’s “A mighty fortress is our God” kept running through my mind and I will leave that here as it seems to sum up the situation:
And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us,
We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us;
It is actually worth reading all of it, which ties in to many comments, so here is the whole thing:
1 A mighty fortress is our God,
a bulwark never failing;
our helper he, amid the flood
of mortal ills prevailing.
For still our ancient foe
does seek to work us woe;
his craft and power are great,
and armed with cruel hate,
on earth is not his equal.
2 Did we in our own strength confide,
our striving would be losing,
were not the right Man on our side,
the Man of God’s own choosing.
You ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is he;
Lord Sabaoth his name,
from age to age the same;
and he must win the battle.
3 And though this world, with devils filled,
should threaten to undo us,
we will not fear, for God has willed
his truth to triumph through us.
The prince of darkness grim,
we tremble not for him;
his rage we can endure,
for lo! his doom is sure;
one little word shall fell him.
4 That Word above all earthly powers
no thanks to them abideth;
the Spirit and the gifts are ours
through him who with us sideth.
Let goods and kindred go,
this mortal life also;
the body they may kill:
God’s truth abideth still;
his kingdom is forever!
One of my favorites!!!
Enjoy your family gatherings! 😀
Will do!
Another thought on the Pfizer-BioNTech data dumps at http://www.icandecide.org/pfizer-documents/.
About the article at The Burning Platform a couple of days ago that featured a video clip from an interview with Albert Bourla, DVM and CEO of Pfizer-BioNTech, in which he clearly tries to blame nameless scientist-underlings who “convinced him” to use the mRNA technology in BNT162b2 —
Bourla states clearly that the scientist-underlings believed that the mRNA technology “mature” after only 2 years of working on it for an influenza vaccine when they allegedly went to Bourla in 2020 and “convinced him” to apply the technology to a COVID-19 “vaccine.”
Bourla also was quite clear in saying “We made this very difficult decision” about using the UNPROVEN mRNA technology in BNT162b2. And made sure he included his company’s German partner, BIoNTech, in his remarks.
Given that Pfizer-BioNTech opened a huge R&D facility in 2010 at the same Biopark in WUHAN where the CCP’s Wuhan Institute of Virology is located, one can’t help but do the “suspicious dog” thing on this.
I think Bourla is preparing an exit ramp for a cover-up.
By putting their ALL THEIR SAFETY research in China, they make sure there is NO EVIDENCE to back up their crimes.
“People are already trying to get out in front of this little democide thing by the SPLC “flyers method” – you know what I’m talking about – setting up charges of “anti-semitism”,”
Such charges seem only to exist for the singular use of opposition politicians, who are looking for an excuse to backpedal and run away.
As in:
RINO: “Oh no, here comes a position I want to run away from, but my base support won’t let me!”
SPLC: “If you support that cause, you’re a racist.”
RINO: “Thank you! Running away safely now!”
Nobody else cares what these maggots call us, because everybody knows it’s a BS ploy.
There may be lots of Jewish toward white racism, and lots of black toward white racism, and oriental toward white racism, and hispanic toward white racism.
Why? Because there is zero social stigma against any of these dispositions — quite the opposite, hating whitey is encouraged, most especially by white Leftists. So it’s not only ‘safe’ to hate white people, it’s virtuous.
Not so, the other way around though.
Except for in prisons (where racism by everybody appears necessary for survival), white racism toward anybody has to be about as rare as snipe these days.
It’s bogus.
If somebody calls me an anti-semite, my response is Jesus was a Jew, you moron. Stop being a demonic liar from the pits of hell and may the Lord rebuke you.
Let ’em deal with that response.
“The antisemitism defense is always reached for in desperation.”
I don’t know, it always seems to me like any such ‘defense’ is reached for out of laziness, because it relieves the accuser of the burden of presenting any argument.
And since they don’t actually have any coherent, defensible argument to begin with, tossing the ‘racism’ bomb isn’t just convenient, it’s all they’ve got.
If they had any actual argument, they would make it.
They don’t, so they throw out the ‘rayciss’ charge, because they know it will make all their professional political enemies run away on cue.
Almost like it’s prearranged.
“When I was a kid, with only a few billion people on Earth, “wilderness” was constantly reclaiming land outside of cities and farms. Even construction dump sites, left alone and given a few years to lay idle, would heal back into glorious wilds with all sorts of fish, animals, and lush plant life.
Let’s be honest. Is that such a bad thing? A world that WORKS? Where every single person has more planet supporting them?
It was less awful, just about anything compared to “now” is less awful, but I don’t know if it was ever ‘good’.
I don’t have any baseline for ‘good’.
The problem is that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
It’s the ‘billionaire’ problem.
Unlimited wealth = unlimited power with zero accountability.
Unlimited power = unlimited temptation = unlimited evil — with zero accountability.
Oligarchs controlling governments, which in turn control the People.
A very small percentage of the population, billionaires, working together, can hijack the entire planet.
And if that is not what is happening right now, then I would certainly like to know what is.
“Remember what I said earlier – what I called the plot…..
“the virtuous global plan to confront the population crisis”
Notice that when I put it THAT WAY, it doesn’t sound half bad. In fact, in “libtard” circles, it sounds pretty heroic.”
Except no argument has been presented that there actually is any population crisis to begin with, and the people who claim to be so worried about it have ZERO credibility, because they are the ones who are importing the entire 3rd world to America, putting them on welfare and incentivizing them to have unlimited babies, while the domestic population is economically destroyed to the point that reproduction drops dramatically.
So they have zero credibility, not even a fig leaf to hide behind, they’re just standing there butt-naked.
And even if there was a population crisis, there are infinite solutions that are better than genocide.
So these monsters can put whatever label on it they want to make themselves feel virtuous, but that will never change the fact that they are monsters who deserve to swing like Mussolini.
“In case you haven’t noticed, the psychology of what the press is doing now is in perfect alignment with this theory. The press literally models to the sheep, the “correct” behavior when people die of the shot. NEVER talk about the shot being responsible.
People IGNORE IT because they have been TAUGHT TO IGNORE IT.
People EXCUSE IT because they have been TAUGHT TO EXCUSE IT.
People DON’T TALK ABOUT IT because they have been TAUGHT TO NOT TALK ABOUT IT.
And soon enough, the memories of WHAT IT WAS LIKE BEFORE THE SHOT will fade.
They KNOW this will work.
I repeat with more precision. The press is NOT being stupid. They are normalizing the idea of not talking about the downside of vaccines – until we don’t – until we CAN’T even see the downside, because we can’t remember a side that was any less “down”.”
If you take a group of children, isolate them and control their environment, and fill their heads with error and lies, what will happen, except that the children grow up believing error and lies?
These monsters have a lot of experience psychologically (and physically) abusing children, so is it any surprise that they would attempt to use the same psychological abuse / warfare tactics on a global scale?
But that doesn’t explain why it isn’t working on us, at least not to the extent that it is working on much larger segments of the population.
It’s tempting to suppose that ‘we’ are old enough that our critical thinking skills were developed before the schools were dumbed down, and it may be true that many (most?) young people today don’t even know how to think critically, because they’ve never been taught.
But I know LOTS of people older than me who believe most of what the MSM says and gobble the blue pill down at every opportunity.
So it’s not just age-related.
If it was, then the elderly ought to be immune from it, and they’re not.
“…because in a rich world, being poor is not only very easy and safe,”
I don’t know about that. Being poor means living where poor people live, and that definitely isn’t safe.
“…but it is very ennobling in a world of relative plenty.”
What is noble about being poor?
It is the bottom rung of society. Nobody wants to be there. It’s dangerous, crime-ridden, a cultural wasteland, and for most people, once you’re in, you’re trapped. The government does everything it can to make sure you’re trapped, and what the government can’t do, the criminals in your environment will do the rest.
Being poor is a lack of means to generate income sufficient to live independently, the inability to provide for oneself.
That causes shame and humiliation, which in turn leads to self destructive behavior, often including drug abuse.
If being poor ever leads to anything ‘noble’, that must be the exceedingly rare exception.
“Poverty is not the problem. The world needs poor people.”
I don’t know what that means, but anybody who is not poor and needs poor people, there is a quick and easy solution.
Give all your stuff away and be the needed poor.
And be sure to let us all know how that works out… 😂
Some days, I just think we read mirror image Bibles, and know mirror image facts, but in any case, so be it. As always, your objections are noted!
Well, given a choice, how many people would choose to be poor?
Or better yet, how many people who know what it is like to be poor, and have actually been poor, and escaped it, would ever choose to go back to being poor?
I’ve just never met anyone who was poor and happy about it, and my own experience was somewhat less than stellar.
Having money doesn’t buy happiness, but it can eliminate a lot of otherwise needless misery.
If you have money, or a means of generating sufficient income to not be in need or want, then you have choices in life, which equates to a certain amount (less every day) of freedom, in a general sense.
If you don’t, then you don’t.
Most people who have tried “You’ll have nothing and be happy”, weren’t. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are in direct opposition to such Weffen SS concepts.
Being dependent on the kindness of strangers who have power over you is generally not a good place to be.
In my experience, those kind of strangers are rarely kind.
But I always forget that my experience in this world seems to have been largely incongruous with most people I ever meet, which is its own special kind of hell.
And I guess I’m a little cranky this evening. I didn’t mean to take it on you.
I’m sorry!
edit: I didn’t mean to take it out on you.
No problem! I totally get it! Much truth!!!
“Think how crazy that is – for the press to not talk about the downside of these vaccines, or to occasionally excuse it, or to blame the deaths on something else NUTTY like “global warming” or “stress” or “growing up”.
ALL OF THAT. All of it. Is explained by the idea that they are attempting to normalize an increase in deaths due to something we can’t talk about and be good people.”
It couldn’t happen if ‘good’ people in positions of power and authority actually TALKED about any of it. It would be impossible to ‘normalize’ any of it, if leaders were constantly pointing out how insane or disingenuous or bogus everything is.
But they don’t, because apparently they’re too afraid of being like us.
Or they’re too afraid of being targeted by the PC mob.
Trump wasn’t afraid, he could have destroyed the globalists’ mind-control mechanism (MSM), but he left it intact, for whatever reason.
“When you understand that Andrew Cuomo was trying to “make the noble plot work”, THEN you can understand why he KNOWINGLY sent infected COVID patients back into nursing homes.”
Except it’s not possible to make premeditated mass-murder, by any means — much less painful death by disease — ‘noble’.
It’s not even possible to LIE to yourself about it, as you’re doing it.
Which we know, because these a-holes removed their own family members from these institutions before the final solution was implemented.
And we also know that all of these a-holes know history, and the know they are doing what the Nazis did, and telling themselves (and others) the same lies the Nazis told.
They haven’t been lobotomized, they’re not stupid, they’re not uneducated, they’re not Chauncey Gardiner.
They know exactly what they’re doing.
And they know that being “noble” has nothing to do with it, whatever word games they like to play.
“The “pandemic” had to be “bad” to mandate the shots. The shots had to be mandated to prevent comparison.
And COMPARISON had to be removed to hide FOREVER the fact that one of humanity’s “necessary” vaccines, was in fact a population and fertility control agent.”
The obvious problem is that if what you are saying is true, then these people should be the target of multiple assassination attempts, every single day, by police and military because they have better access, and by civilians too — because if what is being alleged here is true, that is what people are supposed to do — history will condemn everyone for NOT doing it. It would be lawful self-defense.
It should be like a shooting gallery in the capitol of every state, and nowhere moreso than D.C.
Thousands of Hitlers, everywhere you look, in every gov’t of the West, along with their financial benefactors.
And that isn’t happening, not even a little bit.
Nobody is even trying to stop these monsters, we just analyze our executioners while they murder us by every means possible.
There are at least two reasons for that.
1) ZERO leadership
2) half or more of patriots scolding and suppressing anyone who suggests we do anything to defend ourselves, besides wait until the enemy has won
One of the problems we face is that mass media enables the regime to quickly isolate, silence, and stigmatize any form of resistance other than speech.
We could not even have a LOUD protest on January 6, that was not immediately sabotaged, misled, recharacterized, and stigmatized.
Two incidents from history are instructive.
One is how quickly Hitler used ANY violent resistance by Jews to increase action against them. In addition to FAKE actions like the Reichstag, there were REAL Jewish actions that – in my opinion – backfired, because of control of the media.
Secondly, and more importantly, the Boston Tea Party. That was denounced by the “AINOs” and colonial establishment of the time, VERY much like January Sixth. One of those who denounced the BTP was, IIRC, George Washington.
I think we’re going through very similar times.
Even WWII required YEARS of “WTFU you idiots” by people like Churchill and Roosevelt – not like the latter was much better, as a fan of Stalin. There were years of yelling before the “Toldjasos” were proven right.
The only real uniqueness of the time, IMO, is the impressive surveillance tech, which changes the math of revolution in very interesting ways.
“We could not even have a LOUD protest on January 6, that was not immediately sabotaged, misled, recharacterized, and stigmatized.”
Yes, but they can only use that ploy once, and they’ve used it. Everyone is wise to it now.
If anyone goes to any protest in the future, anywhere, and fascists in police uniforms (or anybody else) opens doors to public buildings and encourages the crowd to enter, everyone in attendance should turn around and MOON them.
Or “pelt them with rocks and garbage”, as Letterman used to say.
“One is how quickly Hitler used ANY violent resistance by Jews to increase action against them. In addition to FAKE actions like the Reichstag, there were REAL Jewish actions that – in my opinion – backfired, because of control of the media.”
I was just reading about the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, and several smaller uprisings, a couple days ago, when several links here were posted on the subject.
Two big differences between here and now, vs. then and there, are:
1) both the Constitution, and the shamefully much greater power of Political Correctness, make it politically impossible for the gov’t to round up any group of people and put them in ghettos, due to history regarding slavery and Japanese internment camps
2) The Treaty of Versailles disarmed the German People after WWI. The Germans appear to have essentially ignored that aspect of the Treaty several years later. Shitler later disarmed the Jews and anyone else deemed a threat to the German totalitarian State.
Today, We the People have at least half a billion guns, and that number was from the Hussein era, IIRC. It could/should be at least 100 million higher today, with FIB background checks setting new records regularly during the past several years
So if they try to ’round up’ anybody, even white people, or to seize firearms, that *&^% well better be the ‘GO!’ signal of all GO! signals, no matter what the imaginary white hat / white gloved brigades say through their publicity outlets.
Never give up the guns. And never give up free speech. With those two, freedom has a chance.
“Even WWII required YEARS of “WTFU you idiots” by people like Churchill and Roosevelt – not like the latter was much better, as a fan of Stalin. There were years of yelling before the “Toldjasos” were proven right.
The only real uniqueness of the time, IMO, is the impressive surveillance tech, which changes the math of revolution in very interesting ways.”
And the speed.
Everything happens much faster now, due to the impact of technology — surveillance, communications, research and development, media (and dissemination of psychological warfare through it), all of it funded by what amounts to infinite resources (fiat currency, global reserve currency status, fractional reserve banking, etc).
We don’t have the luxury of a leisurely run-up to war like we did during the American Revolution, or even like WWII.
Or conversely, we’ve already been at war for 20+ (30+?) years, most of us just didn’t know it. It would be a shame if We the People didn’t realize it until the war was already over and lost.
Skynet became self-aware in 25 days.
That was just a movie, of course.
And Orwell’s 1984 was just a book.
It’s funny how so many things in books and movies about the future just happen to come true.
“I will be covering more angles on the plot. MANY more. But I need to get you started not just understanding what went on, but actually accepting the horrible truth – and why we have to talk about it. Because if we don’t get this right, humanity is on one long ride to HELL.”
Why is there no analogy to all of prior human history?
Why is everything different “this time” — and is it really?
Is there any new thing under the sun, or is it already of old time, which was before us?
In WWII, nobody waited around for the population to ‘wake up’.
In WWII, nobody allowed Hitler and Hirohito and Mussolini to take over the entire planet first, in order to “show” everyone how awful it would be to live under Hitler, Hirohito and Mussolini, before anyone fought back.
Where is the precedent, in all of human history, showing that the course we’re on, could actually work?
And if there isn’t one, then why are we doing it?