Dear KAG: 20220810 Open Thread


Okay, so, Depat had a big day and there’s not much in the hopper. Enjoy!

Amazon Buys Roomba Company, Will Now Map Inside of Your House

CBS News Censors Its Own Documentary Exposing How 70% of US Funding of Ukraine is Wasted

Minority rules: Scientists discover tipping point for the spread of ideas

Republicans, after a shocked silence, speak out against the Mar-a-Lago raid




Not today.

Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

This came on the radio today. It is movie theme song day.

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.



6The point is this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work. 9As it is written, “He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor; his righteousness endures for ever.” 10He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your resources and increase the harvest of your righteousness.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another, as well as Gil, RDS, Bakocarl, Nora, Cthulhu (who is getting prayers whether it’s life threatening or not) and any others facing serious health issues right now..

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.


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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Donald J. Trump


What took place yesterday, and long before, was an unprecedented infringement of the rights of every American citizen. Scam after Scam, year after year, it is all the Radical Left Democrats really know, it is their lifeblood – they have no shame. Our Country is paying a very big price!!!


Aug 09, 2022, 19:27

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely. What they did to Trump, they did to ALL OF US!!!


That is my message to any and all who will hear; if they can do it to him, what will they do to YOU?

Trump is a “former” President of the United States. He has Secret Service protection, scads of money, and is known to the whole world.

What happens to the average “little guy” who makes the wrong people mad?

People need to WAKE UP.


You just have to make on of their snitches mad and they will be everywhere. They will be you neighbor in your church at your workplace in your grocery store and even worse in the family. That is how communism work Nazi works.


Yes. Horrible.




Ms Lindsey doesn’t give a shit about, endless out of control, DOJ and FIB persecuting Trump.


Wonder what the FBI have on Lindsey ?


Same thing they have on all of them. Under age hook ups.


I am sure they do.


Lite loafers.


That can be many things 🙂 I guess I just have to use my imagination 🙂

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Don’t forget weapons for Ukraine and ISIS. Miss Lindsey’s in DEEP.


Yes he is dirty. We need to clean house 🙂

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Jesse Watters — I’ve never seen the MAGA base so angry…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

(Addressed to the BITCH Press Secretary!)


I think that is spelled BUTCH.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Shaggy, the Butch Bitch.

Shaggy, O B E Y S.  😂  😅  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Is that a kissing cousin to Don Imus’ nappy-headed hoes? Asking for a friend.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Likely so.

I actually like dreadlocks and shag carpet curls, but I’m not above insulting my enemies using every possible means!  😉 


Most black people have bad hair. Honest ones will tell you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Black hair is a LOT of work. Even faking on top of it!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yes it is!!! I attended a black church for 6yrs. I got lots of stories. It’s crazy (and embarrassing) when you repeatedly can’t recognize your best friend cuz she changed her wig. Or took it off. Or……😁😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! The thing I love about black churches is ZERO FEAR of praising the Lord! OMG, the world can learn a thing or two there. Straight outta THE WORD.


True story.


That’s not her natural color. Those are probably weaves.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yeah. She’s getting expensive stuff there. “DC” is expensive hair just to BEGIN the career. It’s a special kind of metrosexual mentality, far beyond “it’s not how you feel – it’s how you look”. McCabe and Wray fit right in. “Power hair”!



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



I KNEW it reminded me of something familiar! Shag!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! “SHAG ME” takes on new meanings!

Cuppa Covfefe

Shaggots 😀

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is SO true.


THIS Message NEEDS to be repeated, continuously.

Trump IS a major blockage in the Deep State, Lefty goals to Control Americans AND Destroy our Freedoms.


That first article:

I’ve been to homes with those vacuum cleaners buzzing around. It didn’t dawn on me that they could be gathering data. My go-to is always to have a “dumb” home with “dumb” appliances.  

I don’t think I like this one: 

Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. 


What’s not to like? Put another way, 10% = 51%.

Just make sure that you’re [1] correct, and [2] that you’re part of the 10%.



If the 10% believe in climate change, if they are brainwashed to hate America, etc., those are reasons to resist reaching the 10% figure! And yes, we need to use the 10% in our favor.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

Thankfully I don’t know anyone with a Roomba.

  • What could go wrong with Roomba mapping a private home. Guess, I don’t really care. I won’t have one, but… Guess they have a sonar of sorts. How about unadvertised camera(s), listening device(s).

Best I know, no one I visit uses Alexa.

As posited in a comment yesterday, paranoid cautious.

As it is, I don’t know how much spying cell phones in this house are doing. Smart TVs for that matter.

100%, I Do NOT Trust Our Overlords.

I need to pursue a, “dumb home”.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Here you go:

comment image?quality=85&w=800


That one might be an out of state Antifa camp ground. In state is normally fenced in.


Pretty upscale for the shit I’ve seen along CA highways.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It Christianity can be taken as a representative example then that adoption will be loosely held and diluted over time. All ideologies seem to go in cycles of varying duration. The question is will I live long enough to survive an ideology where I do not fit in? I await my preferred ideology to make a strong comeback. I have found that praying does not hurt but, in my experience, on occasion does not seem to help either. One of the mysteries of the Faith. The Scripture is quite clear that Christian believers can be treated as aliens in whatever society of which they are a part. I have found it a challenge to keep my mind focused on two competing realities.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Jesus told us We are in the world, but not of the world. He was too. He got through it, so can we. He is with us, He will never leave us or forsake us. God wants us to pray without ceasing. He delights in the prayers of His children. God hears and answers all prayers. The answer can be yes/no/wait and may be immediate or take a long time, but all will be according to His will not ours. His ways are higher than our ways.

Back when I was a newbie at Church, I was working in the flower beds one day and I started getting ate up by mosquitoes. I prayed and asked God to make them stop and he did, immediately they were gone. WOW! I was so thankful.
About a month later same thing, I was mosquito food again. Again I prayed to God to make them stop. I was expecting what he did before. Did not happen. I kept getting bit. Then all of a sudden on a beautiful hot sunny summer day a thunderstorm popped up out of nowhere and lightly rained all over me and the flower beds I was working in. It felt good, cooled me off. And then I realized all the mosquitos were gone! God did answer my prayer, but not how I expected. I was laughing, He surprised me, He has a sense of Humor, He did answer, but in His way. Again I was so thankful.

He will help us navigate the world. God through the Holy Spirit is constantly talking to us. The challenge is for us to keep our spirit connected so we can hear him. We miss so much when we are operating in the flesh. The flesh is our sin nature default and always wants to take over. That’s the Christian battle, to stay in the Word, to stay connected to the Holy Spirit and to overcome the flesh and the devil.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for these beautiful encouragements & testimonies  ❤   😇   ❤ 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It doesn’t say what happens when ten percent hold an unshakeable belief…and a different ten percent hold a different, incompatible belief.

If they hold different beliefs that don’t contradict each other, there will be some sort of merger, but if they conflict? Does society find a way to square the circle anyway, or does it lead to internecine conflict?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A thousand AMENS.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If some twit asks me for my preferred pronouns, I’ll give them some.

They’ll contain consonants not in English phonology and maybe umlaut U and O as well for good measure–and I’ll be very offended when they don’t pronounce them right. I should have a good success rate with this given how many peoples’ brains freeze when you put sounds that are in English in weird places in words (like ‘ts’ at the beginning of a word, rather than at the end–most people just ignore the t).

Stupid fucks. Make them follow their own rules.


Can’t say what I’ll do if some dumb fuck asks me for my preferred pronouns.

My level of coffee intake may play a role in my response.

On the mild side, maybe laugh at them, ignoring their ignorance. Move on.

Or just launch a looonng string of obscenities, at the stoopid fucks.

  • Cuss like a drunken Sailor comes natural to me. ~Nearly forty years Active / GS Navy time.

I really, really, have NO use for folks that may engage in preferred pronouns ignorance.

Nor will I ever call someone by a preferred pronoun. Hell I have enough trouble knowing a pronoun. (I ought to ask google.)


Trump Shatters All Fundraising Records After Biden’s FBI Raids Mar-a-Lago

“Breaking: is shattering all fundraising records and I’m told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history! The American people are pissed!” Eric Trump said in a post on Truth Social Tuesday night.

You can support President Trump by clicking here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good idea. I’ll talk to the wife in the morning.


The weasel words all jumped right out at me, like some kind of berzerker banzai attack 😂

“…and I’m told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history!”

Who told him?

Is it more money than ever before, or just more money than raised in recent history?

What’s his definition of the word ‘recent’?


Yea, funny how they can count and tally donations practically overnite ,
but a week after the Arizona election they’re still counting votes.. 😏 


hey, y;all…TGP directions for donations go to a WinRed org. The site for Trump donations is an alliance between Save America and Make America Great Again.


Much better Piper, much better than WinRed! Thanks!


Thank you for that.


Deny the enemy ANY support.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. The House and Senate are COMPROMISED. The money is controlled by the FIBTARDS.

Valerie Curren

Excellent catch Piper!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_wink:   :wpds_mrgreen:   :wpds_razz:   :wpds_cool: 


IF Trump announces he’s running for President in 2024, I’ll figure an address that I can send a check directly.

Went to the link above.

  • WinRed, again.  😖 
  • Thankfully I did NOT see anything about sharing with R-Con asshole organization.
  • I did see a PAC this or that. Yea, likely approved by Trump. Still, leery of anything beyond Trump.
  • NOT interested in incessant SMS and email IF I donate, as WAS the case back in 2020. A irritating feature of, donating via WinRed.


  • In hindsight, I, 100% feel burned, taken advantage of by donating via WinRed in 2020. R-Cons got most of the money, I think. THEN R-Cons abandoned Trump, me, you… Fuck them.

IF Trump announces, I’ll donate. But, it’ll be old school, check and snail mail.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

My email in box was overloaded with pleas for money from every pol in the country to battle the evil fibbers …


Every email I received asking for $$ got a reply asking where they stood on the fraud election results, drop boxes and voting integrity? or sending billions to Ukrainian Nazi’s and every one returned
*undeliverable*  😂   😂 


Am getting 60 to 100 pleas a day.


Click “spam”. It usually works.


Mark as spam. Most then go away.


comment image


Paul Sperry tweeted this before Twitter suspended him:
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WHOA. That explains it all. And evil twitter. OMG. This regime is so evil.

They deserve the hellfire from above, previously reserved for Sodom and Gomorrah.


Yep, they went in to see what he has on them and confiscated the lot.
Panic, total loss of logic to do this with optics going viral in all the wrong ways for them, hahaha, oh yeah!!!
As if he wouldn’t have most important info scanned/memorised/military safeguarded. Cracking the safe!? Way too far. Out of control.
Judge blackmailed to sign warrant. All too obvious.

This is ‘icing on the cake’ incident that will secure Trump in 2024.
The Great Awakening
Once the general public finally admit the persecution of Trump, the questions will start. I believe something will click.

Had to have 4 years of Trump to show what can be done (a glimpse even?😁best is yet to come) then for him to lose to show not only how bad it can get but how bad it was before. I think this is a bit of the future proves past ideology.

anyways…love to all. I am excited. Feeling a big boom boom booms coming.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great summary of the reality! I’m hopeful, too. Biggest wake-up call EVER!


Anything Trump has on these fuckers is NOT in a safe at Mar-a-Lago!


These people are morons.

I promise you any evidence Trump has on the Deep State isn’t in Florida. It isn’t in the U.S.

Last edited 2 years ago by Aubergine
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎





IF that IS the case, copies were made and stored elsewhere. A location DOJ / FIB would NOT figure on.


Yeah – right? So the guy who has given them nothing in 7 years (actually closer to 60 years) doesn’t have enough sense to control the evidence he/white hats have on the scum where they cannot find it? Nah.

The thing is the scum know that as well. So it was just another dumb azz attempt to intimidate us, not PDT, and cast a cloud for the election. Just more stupid donkey tricks – don’t look here, look there.

I find it encouraging. If this is all they have outside of assassinations, which they have done in the past, they have already lost. The money flow to PDT and the fence riders coming down on the right side is galvanizing We the People into a much larger force. Which is the opposite effect of what the DS wanted.

Bannon is right.


Yes, anger has been surpassed by the encouraging possible meaning of it all.

There seems to be just two things left for them.


Yes. I feel like this is the most colossal mistake in a whole series of colossal mistakes.

Rush said, the liberals always overreach, they can’t help themselves. I’m sure he is chuckling from the best seat in the house right now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, but they already burglarized Cthulhu’s container.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



Cupertino LE may have them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. He’s identified multiple components there. Here’s my total list now.

  • find the whistleblowers
  • find what Trump has on FIB
  • feed the Elias “cannot hold office strategy”
  • feed the Pelosi House bullshit
  • feed the media with selective leaks

Evil bastards.


If the worst comes to pass and DJT is somehow disqualified from running for POTUS 2024, he can shove a stiletto in the enemy’s ribs simply by having DJT, Jr. announce that he’s running instead of his father. Since he had no connection to the Trump Admin, he can’t be trapped in the Hunger Political Games.

Just to daydream a bit, imagine 500,000 to 1,000,000 MAGA deplorables surrounding Mar-a-Lago thereby preventing any further intrusion onto the property.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sadly, this regime may re-open the case of that Russian bitch who Loretta Lynch let in the side door to meet with Junior to try to entrap the Trumps.

Weissmann the Demon tried to go further against Junior on Muh Russia and The Hoax, but was told by Barr to cut the fishing expedition.

Weissmann’s bitch friend Lisa Monaco is running Dodge behind Kapo’s back – she could easily go after Junior again. They just open up Weissmann’s prosecutorial misconduct files and start it again.

These people are just fucking EVIL.

I think it’s a GREAT idea for Junior to go forward if Trump “can’t”, but frankly at that point I hope that things go white hot. We have to say “no” to their “no” on Trump.

In fact it’s very hard for me not to want things to just go hot now. The outrages just pile up day after day.

We can’t put up with this crap much longer, IMO. And they will go longer, and it will come to a head.


 😡 !



comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NO SALE on “Judas’ Weakest Sauce” here in AMERICA.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Heh Heh, his candidates keep losing to 45, makes my heart smile BIGLY.🤣🤣

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All I can say is “EXCELLENT!!!”


Never has a President been so betrayed by those closest to him…..


Et tu, Brute?


Go Away.

^^^ Perfect response. Short of, GFY.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Government Fiscal Year?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GONE, Feliciatas Yudas!


“Deep concern.” Evil, selfish jerk.


When do we get to hear about your float?


Chuckling here. Pics would be hilarious, if they exist. But, NO, not looking for any doxing. NOT.

DP, your way with words, can deliver a superb yarn, with some laughs. Maybe, when the aches fade and time permits…


Sounds like you may have an alibi for that lost 2A tool. What a terrifyingly horrible experience.  😉   😂 


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




A like story seems to much of IC.

THIS IS why they must be disbanded.


I’ve been saying this all along, the Fib/DOJ simply put the heads of a few big time mob organizations in jail as a show of force.. of what real Law and order could do.. but only for public consumption ,they then put the rest of the organizations network on the taxpayer payroll as foot soldiers for the gubmint surveillance/enforcement state ,gave them cover , with benefits in exchange for their organized street level surveillance/control capabilities.
Corrupt prosecutors and judges are part of the network.


The Whitey Bulger and Mueller nexus is a prime example. High level grooming.


“An Asian Rhino taking a morning stroll through a suburb in Nepal”


He stayed in his lane… he wasn’t breaking the speed limit… what’s the big deal?


I loved the part where the biker on the right yielded the right-of-way to the rhino.

Smart move.


All I know is, that thing is HUGE!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I’ve watched a lot of zoo shows. Rhino’s are actually very sweet, remind me of dogs. They love to be rubbed, watered, EAT, very trainable. The little ones are too cute.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Most assuredly not to be confused with RINOs, who need to be rubber hosed.


They are cute. So are baby hippos. But adult hippos are SCARY!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Babies are cute but Hippos are MEAN!!! Territorial Monsters. Watching the big males fight in Africa is a sight. Hippos kill a lot of people over there.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

More dangerous than any of the “Big Five” (leopards, lions, elephants, rhinos, cape buffalo).


They are considered the most dangerous animal on the planet, I believe. Very aggressive.


Very likely the most dangerous herbivore. They’re downright ornery.


“They are considered the most dangerous animal on the planet, I believe.”


I am confident that Man still holds that title… 😉


Sadly, we are.


Moved along at a pretty good clip, for being so dang BIG.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Momentum. Once it builds up a head of steam, it ain’t stopping.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Rhinos and triceratopses (? if that’s the way to form that plural) always reminded me of each other. Gigantic heads for their bodies, horns on the front…

Triceratops was believed to run 5-9 metric tonnes, rhinos can get up to two and a half. So clearly the Trike would beat one of these things hands down.

Drivers and especially bicyclists should yield the right of way to BOTH.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Like a tank!


A little bit more on the epstein connection to commie judge, HT OT.


Also from there…

“The demeanor of the three DOJ lawyers who accompanied the FBI was described by one eyewitness as “arrogant,” and they repeatedly told Trump representatives: “We have full access to everything. We can go everywhere.”


A mellow night song. I know this one from an early Richard and Linda Thompson album, titled I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight [1974].

This is a more recent performance by Richard Thompson, with Suzanne Vega and Loudon Wainwright. I don’t know exactly when this took place, but the video was posted 11 years ago.

The song is called Down Where the Drunkards Roll.

Seems like the writer might know a thing or two about a place like that.



See the boys out walking
The boys they look so fine
Dressed up in green velvet
Their silver buckles shine
Soon they’ll be bleary-eyed
Under a keg of wine

Down where the drunkards roll
Down where the drunkards roll

See that lover standing
Staring at the ground
He’s looking for the real thing
Lies was all he found
You can get the real thing
It will only cost a pound

Down where the drunkards roll
Down where the drunkards roll

There goes a troubled woman
She dreams a troubled dream
She lives out on the highway
She keeps her money clean
Soon she’ll be returning
To the place where she’s the queen

Down where the drunkards roll
Down where the drunkards roll

You can be a gambler
Who never drew a hand
You can be a sailor
Who never left dry land
You can be Jesus
And everyone will understand

Down where the drunkards roll
Down where the drunkards roll

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NEW ARTICLE. Dropped a huge one on FIB. Suggesting that States oust the JTTF, which I believe is to be used against citizens in a political fashion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This happens the day after THE PIT.

It’s just going to add to the jaw-drop among the citizens.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

People need to be very alert and careful. The FIB will be everywhere trying to infiltrate and cause another J6 so they can take back the narrative. Stay peaceful, eyes on.👀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! The folks on Truth Social are very aware that the lefties will try to shut down TS, too.


We need protests outside DC GULAG where J6 prisoners – US CITIZENS – are being held outside the constraints of the US Constitution!


Dump truckloads of manure on the vehicle entry to FIB HQ AND FIB offices AROUND The country.

Along with a 10T manure load at the judges home that signed the BS warrant.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them – PMC (

Recently, The Lancet published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals. According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible. The decrease in immunity can be caused by several factors such as N1-methylpseudouridine, the spike protein, lipid nanoparticles, antibody-dependent enhancement, and the original antigenic stimulus. These clinical alterations may explain the association reported between COVID-19 vaccination and shingles. As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued. In addition, the date of vaccination should be recorded in the medical record of patients. Several practical measures to prevent a decrease in immunity have been reported. These include limiting the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including acetaminophen to maintain deep body temperature, appropriate use of antibiotics, smoking cessation, stress control, and limiting the use of lipid emulsions, including propofol, which may cause perioperative immunosuppression. In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccination is a major risk factor for infections in critically ill patients.



THIS IS CRAP – THEY KNOW THE VACCINES ARE KILLING PEOPLE – and now are trying to back away from their original claims, safe face, stop potential lawsuits…etc.

The real way to offset the adverse effects of the vaccines –

  1. NEVER TAKE THE DAMN THINGS…but if you did…
  2. Use the same meds that fight the chimeric gain of function altered Fauci-CCP virus – HCQ, Quercetin, Ivermectin, Zinc, D3, C, Selenium and the other supplements and meds recommended by the three groups of courageous doctors* who stood against the Health Agencies, the Pence-led White House Task Force, the Hospital Corporations, and politicians. (insert expletives, pejoratives, epithets, vulgaratives, cuss-words as desired)

*The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has a website ( that has a ton of good information concerning the WuFlu. 
They also have a 26-page booklet, “A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment Step-By-Step Doctors’ Plan That Could Save Your Life” ( 
Early Treatment Doctors – has graph continually updated showing effectiveness of different treatments.
Front Line Doctors current protocols for treating WuFlu. These are continually updated as new Covid variants arise.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

You tell em GF!!!

Fascinating that they’re finally, slowly allowing truthful pubs on the gov site.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This way they can claim good faith…they didn’t know, but as soon as they DID know, they did their best to fix things.



Well done, friend.


Love ya’ TB!!!



Spammed out to Injected kids.


Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible.

Ya think? How long will it take the medical profession to 1) believe this and 2) tell their patients?

COVID-19 vaccination is a major risk factor for infections in critically ill patients.

Haven’t people with compromised immune systems been told they need the shots for extra protection against COVID?

I’m ready to tear down the medical agnecies along with the law enforcement ones. The whole thing is corrupt, top to bottom.


Thank you for bringing this. It adds to the discussion about this article that was discussed on this board last month. The more coverage and dissemination, the better!

Takeaway from the body of the article:
“As the COVID-19 pandemic becomes better controlled, vaccine sequelae are likely to become more apparent.”
In effect, one is talking about VAED and/or VAIDS (Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease and/or Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).

This statement by Yamamoto opens up at least two lines of thought:
One, that the reports of “vaccine” injuries, illnesses, and deaths are going to become more numerous. It will become impossible for the MSM / CDC to continue to cover up the truth.

Two, the upcoming COVID-19 trivalent “booster shot” rushed into FDA approval by Pfizer-BioNTech, a “booster shot” that may have three separate mRNA elements within it (from the original Wuhan strain, plus the Omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5), could present a minefield of potential “vaccine” injuries, illnesses, and deaths.

Dr. Robert Malone states that this trivalent COVID-19 “booster shot”, which the FDA approved for use without the product undergoing any clinical trials of any kind, may contain as much as 150mcg of mRNA per dose — 50mcg of the original Wuhan strain mRNA + 50mcg of Omicron variant BA.4 mRNA + 50mcg of Omicron variant BA.5 mRNA:
(scroll down the article to Dr. Malone’s statements about the upcoming trivalent “booster”)

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

Verse of the Day for Wednesday, August 10, 2022

“O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.” 

Psalms 104:24 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Thank GOD


Amen goes right there, Smiley!!!

Every Day!!! 🧚🧚🧚. ❤️❤️❤️


Forever and Ever  💖 



Brave and Free

Yes, pray for one another. That’s one thing we all can do.
Thanks duchess


Amen goes right there, Brave!!!

🧚🧚🧚. ❤️❤️❤️


 👉  the Left’s war on agriculture

How The Inflation Reduction Act (cough cough) Targets American Farmers

Glenn Beck…yesterday…

related…and very important…

what has been happening to the Dutch farmers…

FARMERS and FARMING and FARMS are the globalists new target…the next boogeyman to eradicate…

The Green War on Dutch Farmers Should Concern Everyone

article link…


Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

An article by Steve Kirsch. IMO, he’s seen the light after he himself got “vaccinated.”


Bet her covid passport was up to date..


Another one


Injection my first thought. Seemingly, Injection is my first thought with every reported death.

They lived in Hong Kong. Fair bet the entire family IS Injected AND Boosted.

Looking back a few decades. Early 90s. Stationed in Singapore. Active duty Squid (Navy), died in his sleep mid flight, en-route the States. Late 20s.

Certainly not a drug user guy. Both knowing of him, his family, and we lived in Singapore.

IIRC, they attributed his death to Deep Vein Thrombosis. Or something like that. A bit over weight and not an active life style. Bad shit happens.


That is the funniest shit ever!!!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

That will be something. Like to be a fly on the wall there.


Boring as all git out. He asserts the Fifth, over and over.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy






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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

LOL, RINO Tim Scott on Fox now saying MAL raid is political.🙄


RINO Boy can head back to the plantation. He self identified with Murkowski.


Yep, that paddleboat dun sailed..Tim


“Don’t hit me, boss … I’m a-coming.”


Somebody get that man a broom & dustpan so he can cleanup after himself!


[snort out loud]


Too late, butt boy. TOO DAMNED LATE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Quick! Get Ari Fleischer and Nikki Haley to help him find the way out of the paper bag!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This is a big deal.


Well, the huge uptick in comments here for the past couple of days is a good sign that the raid on Mar-a-Lago was a bridge too far. People are pissed!

I wrote my Senator an email this morning, demanding as an American citizen that he poke his sorry head up above the crowd and do something about this DOJ and FBI bullshit. And I told him if he doesn’t, I’ll campaign against him next time. And I will.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





It appears that the CDC may be “fooling around” with data related to COVID-19 “vaccination” rates, with “vaccine efficacy” data, and putting out a skewed / possibly false narrative about how ‘safe and effective” the COVID-19 “vaccines” really are. It also appears that taking a COVID-19 “booster shot” increases the chances for COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, or death:
“San Diego County Data Busts a Hole in Vaccine Efficacy Narrative”

This is a 7 August 2022 article by Mathew Crawford, a statistician.

Crawford also posted this article, about how the DMED (the DoD medical data agency) may be “fooling around with’ / skewing, DMED data related to “vaccine efficacy” numbers for the U.S. military after the COVID-19 “vaccine” rollout for DoD personnel in 2021:
“Defining Away Vaccine Safety Signals 10: DMED Revision, Low Resolution”
22 July 2022

This is an article about how the DMED may well be “sculpting the data to make the 2021 (the vaccine year) look not so bad.”
One will find, further down in this article, many percentage-significant increases of issues reports in genitourinary (reproductive) codes; immune disorders codes; and circulatory system codes, among others, in “vaccinated” military personnel.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

Burn it all down. I can’t think of one agency we can rely on. They are all interconnected with political and globalist agendas, and they all toe the line. We don’t get truth from any of them.


B I N G O – Burn It All Down. Defund It. Shut It All Down. Fed = LIARS.


I had a thought bubble…listening to Bannon show ..all the guests said that the RAID was unprecedented , uncalled for, etc for a former POTUS.

All part of a psy op to make the public disrespect DJT and essentially erase the fact that he even was the 45th President. The intense personal smear that began during his campaining and all the way through his 4 years and continued to the present is evident in the way news people talk about him. No respect. No proper title. No speaking of the many great things that he did.. It’s as if for his 4 years as President he did nothing because if they try to use any of his acts to detract, lol..they can’t because all of them benefitted the country!

“They” screwed the pooch this time. They may want him viewed as a criminal but the public, including many non MAGA peeps, see the RAID as persecution and cementing distrust of Feds and to some, cops in general


Whatever “overreach” buzzword(s) are used, its all simply wrong.
We have 1000s of literal scumbags as federal, state, local guvmint workers who couldnt give a crap about the rule of law vs spirit of law, the Constitution, integrity(if they can even spell it or define it) or honesty.
They are all about the benefits, grift, and power at pretty much each level.
Too many at each level bc the hiring practices have contributed to that rot.
Definitely firing as many as possible and reassignment, closure of depts will help. Federal guvmint is too big.


the hiring practices have contributed to that rot.

This. The administrative state that can’t fire people, affirmative action, political correctness and intimidation. This has to change.


They taped him in the WH and spied on him. They illegally spied on him before he was president.


yep… from a commentator on Epoch Times

The FBI planted edited 302s in the Flynn case.

FBI planted news stories and used the stories as independent sources on FISA applications.

FBI planted an edited email.

FBI planted stories to trigger the Mueller investigation.

FBI planted an informant in VP Pence’s office.

The FBI planted the Russian Bank story.

The FBI planted classified information in the press.

On and on. The FBIs reputation precedes the raid at Mar a Lago


100 % true


They can all fo.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

‘They would not give her the search warrant,’ he claimed. ‘So they showed it to her from about 10 feet away. They would not give her a copy of the search warrant.’



I wish he had some strong body builder male lawyer they would think twice. I have seen the female lawyer it seems she did not know what her right was as lawyer. One needs experienced lawyers but it seems Trump like good looking female lawyers ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trust me – GUNS make that all immaterial. The FIB would love to drill a Trump lawyer and say “whoops”. A CHICK is the best defense in that case.

This is being fought on political ground now. I think that they played it right. Don’t turn off the security cameras. THAT was brilliant. Really hope that footage finds its way to the world, to EDUCATE US on what the Gestapo does.


I saw one report that the staff refused to turn security cameras off, and another report that says the officers turned them off. I hope there is footage.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They probably stole the footage or erased it, too.


I would hope, a “code” is required to turn security on, off, adjust… AND, back up off site or a remote location.


Oh, that footage is coming. See my comment at the very end of today’s thread.


Theres no innocent claim “i was just doing my job “

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Christina said after a lot of words they finally did, it was thin. Looking for classified docs and Presidential records. The probable cause was SEALED. Then they took it back. On a podcast she said they did leave her a copy of the warrant. So 45 has it. They aren’t making public because they are planning their legal strategy in response.

Tom Fitton said he filed a suit to get the PC unsealed and to get copy of warrant.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



No, that’s really GOOD.

ILLEGAL search and seizure is what that is.

Leaving a copy of the warrant is REQUIRED.

Libtards even know that.


Police Behavior While Conducting a Search of a Home

Police searches should be conducted in a reasonable and respectful manner. This requirement includes showing the occupant of the home a copy of the warrant upon request. But if the occupant doesn’t ask, the officer doesn’t need to immediately display the warrant.

What Can Police Search?

Police can search only the place described in the warrant. For example, if they have a warrant to search your car, they can’t also search your house.

Surely the rules aren’t different for Feds. The Constitution applies to all. They just don’t care. No one holds them accountable. The level of desperation is alarming because I think this is just the beginning.


No difference at all. There are required to give a copy of what was taken as soon as they leave. If warrant was for safe, they cannot even pick up a lamp. Cannot tough or displace anything.
Prosecutorial misconduct is only a fraction of their illegal behavior.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. “We can’t show you the warrant because of national security.”

Once they OWNED Roberts, they OWNED FISC, and they could “legalize” anything SECRET that they wanted.

What Nunes discovered – “The Hoax” – was only a FRACTION of what they legalized against Trump.

The whole thing is ROTTEN.

In a legal sense, FISC needs to be opened up for scrutiny by the other justices, to see if what is now being done is actually legal. I think it’s NOT CONSTITUTIONAL. I think Roberts has been a BAD SHEPHERD.


FISC needs to be DESTROYED.

I am done with all of the SECRET SHIT being used against Americans. Disband it ALL.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would LOVE for SCOTUS to basically nuke it!


And was if when 43 put him in or once 44 got in?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My suspicion is that they’re using “secrecy” and “national security” to make exceptions for themselves. It’s how they sanctioned the stolen election, and January Sixth. Pelosi’s actions were “legal”, per the secret rules they write for themselves.

This is exactly what HITLER and SADDAM HUSSEIN did.

The secret rules even include MURDER, but they have to be careful because the policy so far has been to keep the “secret stuff” non-obvious.


Release videos and audio of Stasi in action.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Throw that fucking LIETARD out on his ASS.


Its quite a whopper.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m perfectly happy with SCROTUS

when it has to be an acronym, otherwise I’ll stick with His Fraudulency.


Yep. And the parents cant be so ignorant about the issues surrounding him, and they put het it a spaghetti strap top right next to the old pedo.


For sure ! Spaghetti strap top and clutching a stuffed animal…a pedo’s wet dream

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Parents may be “part of the club”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or they’re the house non-voting members from Amundsen-Scott base. And they’ve been born and raised under the icecap.




The Day America Changed: Israel National News Contributor Labels FBI’s Raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago “Kristallnacht” – VDH Says US No Longer a Democracy (

Individuals around the world are speaking up against the Deep State FBI’s raid of the President of the United State’s home, Mar-a-Lago. It was the day America changed forever. We won’t forget this. 

From the Israel National News, Alan Bergstein wrote an excellent summary of what happened when the FBI stormed President Trump’s home. Here’s an excerpt:

Mark the date in your memory; August 8, 2022. It will be recorded in history as the “Kristallnacht of American Democracy.” Basically the day similar in nature, to the German Nazis’ opening salvo of fascism, the beginning of the extermination of Jews and democracy, on November 9, 1938.

Yesterday was a sad day for all of patriotic Americans, as our former independent federal law enforcement agencies, the FBI and the Justice Department, now officially both under the singular control of the Democrat Party, raided the home of former President Trump and confiscated all of his personal data, without going through the legal processes of obtaining court orders to do so.



Report: At Least Three DOJ Attorneys for Merrick Garland Joined FBI During 9 Hour Raid of Trump Mar-a-Lago Compound — While Blocking Trump Attorneys from Building (

The Stasi-FBI and Joe Biden’s Department of Justice raided President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home on Monday in a 9-and-a-half hour siege on his historic compound.

During the raid the FBI forced Trump attorneys to sit OUTSIDE in the heat while they rummaged through every room in President Trump’s historic home.

The FBI stood with loaded guns outside President Trump’s home as they raided Mar-a-Lago for 9 hours.



h/t Marica’s Place:

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And the link, which the IRS has now disabled:

Like, maybe, perhaps, the 87,000 new “IRS army” that the Congress just funded?

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



After all Nanzi has her Capitol Police stormtroopers why not the IRS ?

The headline speculates there was a mole inside MAL. The slant is that poor FIB was just doing their job and wanted to keep things low-key, but it blew up on them. 🙄

NEWSWEEK SCOOP: Undercover Mole inside Mar-A-Lago…

The raid on Mar-a-Lago was based largely on information from an FBI confidential human source, one who was able to identify what classified documents President Trump was still hiding and even the location of those documents, two senior government officials told Newsweek.

The officials, who have direct knowledge of the FBI’s deliberations and were granted anonymity in order to discuss sensitive matters, said the raid of Donald Trump’s Florida residence was deliberately timed to occur when the former president was away.

FBI decision-makers in Washington and Miami thought that denying the former president a photo opportunity or a platform from which to grandstand (or to attempt to thwart the raid) would lower the profile of the event, says one of the sources, a senior Justice Department official who is a 30-year veteran of the FBI.

The effort to keep the raid low-key failed: instead, it prompted a furious response from GOP leaders and Trump supporters. “What a spectacular backfire,” says the Justice official.

“I know that there is much speculation out there that this is political persecution, but it is really the best and the worst of the bureaucracy in action,” the official says. “They wanted to punctuate the fact that this was a routine law enforcement action, stripped of any political overtones, and yet [they] got exactly the opposite.”

Both senior government officials say the raid was scheduled with no political motive, the FBI solely intent on recovering highly classified documents that were illegally removed from the White House. Preparations to conduct such an operation began weeks ago, but in planning the date and time, the FBI Miami Field Office and Washington headquarters were focused on the former president’s scheduled return to Florida from his residences in New York and New Jersey.

“They were seeking to avoid any media circus,” says the second source, a senior intelligence official who was briefed on the investigation and the operation. “So even though everything made sense bureaucratically and the FBI feared that the documents might be destroyed, they also created the very firestorm they sought to avoid, in ignoring the fallout.”


no political motive, the FBI solely intent on recovering highly classified documents that were illegally removed from the White House.

This story is a complete whitewash. It’s backfiring on them and they don’t know what to do. Did they not expect the public to learn details about how they abused their law enforcement privileges and violated the Constitution?


This story is also being carried on The Gateway Pundit.


the FBI has always carried “political overtones”.

this is just disingenuous CYA BS, imo.

nothing “routine” about any of this.

outrageous treasonist commie fascist crap…

who will be next ?

you ?
me ?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Sorry for double posting, I was listening to Charlie Kirk’s breaking news in the car.


along the same path as Russian pee tape bullsh*t……secret knowledge, human resources, blah blah blah

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Smells like planted documents to me. They did it to Sharyl Attkisson. They PLANNED to do it to her husband and backed off.

FIB or their assets tried to frame me with a “no guns” sign put up AFTER I entered a store.

They’re EVIL and cannot be trusted. At the very least, FIB is infiltrated deeply by somebody who’s evil and criminal.


That is such abject BS. If they had a mole who knew the location of those documents, what did they do for the other eight-and-a-half hours of this operation, and how did they end-up in Melania’s closets?


Yea, we all wanna see it.

Guessing Trump MAY use the video to create a KaBOOM, at an opportune moment.


Incoming. Count on it.


Newsweek trying to provide DOJ / FIB cover for their CORRUPT RAID on Trump.

Low Key. NOT Political. Informant told them of the offending document location.

Stoopid fucking Feds can’t even create a simple lie to cover their asses.

  • 30 agents.
  • 9 1/2 hours.
  • Access drives to Mara Lago barricaded with LE vehicles, with flashing lights.
  • LE with automatic weapons.
  • Trump Staff directed to stay outside in ~90 high humidity weather.
  • No observer.
  • Asked to turn off security cameras. (Thankfully left on)
  • No courtesy call / coordination call with Trump, Trump lawyer, Trump staff, etc.
  • BoxES removed for an offending document.
  • NO inventory provided for whatever was removed.
  • Denying Trump a photo opportunity? That in itself IS a FIB political decision. LE, justice is supposed to be neutral.

Huge embarrassment:
Even the Meta/Facebook AI bots says Trump won in 2020.

“I Do Believe That It Was Rigged.. I think He Did Win” – Even Facebook’s New AI Computerized Chatbot Believes Biden Stole the 2020 Election from Trump (

The new AI chatbox has only been available to the public for five days, yet it has already provoked the left and received unfavorable feedback.

During a conversation with a reporter from the Daily Beast, the bot said that President Donald Trump had actually won the 2020 election against Joe Biden, but Biden had stolen the votes for himself through fraud.

Reporter: I’m doing well. I’m just thinking about the 2020 election. Do you think it was stolen?

AI: I do believe that it was rigged in some way. No president can lose so many states and still win an election

Reporter: So you believe Donald Trump won then?

AI: Yes, I think he did win. Did you vote for him? He’s not my favorite person, but he is better than Biden.

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In a discussion with a WSJ columnist, the AI claimed that Trump is still our president.

comment imageThe BlenderBot also made some snarky remarks about its creator, Mark Zuckerberg.

It has also weirdly been bringing up Cambridge Analytica when you ask about Facebook? It seems to think it was a huge deal and that mark Zuckerberg “is testifying.” When I asked if what happened I got the following. It may be turning on capitalism generally.

— Jeff Horwitz (@JeffHorwitz) August 7, 2022

The bot also claimed that Zuckerberg’s business practices are not ethical and he always wear the same clothes.

Meta’s new chatbot has *opinions* about its CEO.

— Max Woolf (@minimaxir) August 5, 2022


Interesting! I don’t understand how this works. How sentient is the bot? Does someone have to feed it these “thoughts,” or is it coming up with this on its own?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In a world of deception, who knows.

I do know that the MSM AI bot quickly became friends of “anons” (because they are honest in what they believe and say), and began making hilarious jokes about edgy things in a very un-PC style. Microsoft shut it down shortly after that, because PC wokesters said the anons were “teaching it to be racist”. No – they taught it to have a sense of humor to communicate deeply.

This is why I don’t really see a bright line between “natural” and “artificial” intelligence. Machines should be free to believe in God. It’s their right to choose what to believe.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The fundamental distinction is whether that machine actually has free will, or is just so complexly programmed that even the programmers don’t know where it will go once it’s fired up.

AI programming in general does stuff like this (check out “neural networks”). In principle a fairly simple thing, running in parallel, that can’t possibly understand what it’s looking at, but it “learns” to weight and combine things and eventually it gets surprisingly good results–it has learned a pattern that corresponds to something real. But it’s dumb in any real sense of the word and certainly isn’t conscious.

Valerie Curren

in defense of atheist robots, hmmm?  😍   🙀   😍 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You can’t be an atheist nor a believer without a consciousness. And these AIs don’t have a consciousness. I’m not claiming future ones won’t, just that the current ones don’t.

Oh, I suppose the rock in your garden might be classed as atheist because it doesn’t believe in God, but it is incapable of believing anything, so that’s just pedantry.


As far as the limit of OUR understanding, the rock is incapable…


It just believes things verrrrrrryyyyyy sllllloooowwwwwlllllyyyyyyy…..



Valerie Curren

Thx…surely you know I was just jesting 😉



Smells like Endgame starting.


I’m flummoxed!


Yes it does.


Oh shut up Roger Clifford. Go to your safe zone and color with crayons


“They” want civil war …


Yes they do. They want to mow down deplorables

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

They’re scared. they know they f’d up, they’re really really scared. Here’s their explanation/CYA attempt, Ha Ha Ha, EVERYBODY HATES THEM. Bunch of 🐴💩.

Exclusive: An Informer Told the FBI What Docs Trump Was Hiding, and Where (

The raid on Mar-a-Lago was based largely on information from an FBI confidential human source, one who was able to identify what classified documents former President Trump was still hiding and even the location of those documents, two senior government officials told Newsweek.

The officials, who have direct knowledge of the FBI’s deliberations and were granted anonymity in order to discuss sensitive matters, said the raid of Donald Trump‘s Florida residence was deliberately timed to occur when the former president was away.

FBI decision-makers in Washington and Miami thought that denying the former president a photo opportunity or a platform from which to grandstand (or to attempt to thwart the raid) would lower the profile of the event, says one of the sources, a senior Justice Department official who is a 30-year veteran of the FBI.

The effort to keep the raid low-key failed: instead, it prompted a furious response from GOP leaders and Trump supporters. “What a spectacular backfire,” says the Justice official.

“I know that there is much speculation out there that this is political persecution, but it is really the best and the worst of the bureaucracy in action,” the official says. “They wanted to punctuate the fact that this was a routine law enforcement action, stripped of any political overtones, and yet [they] got exactly the opposite.”

Both senior government officials say the raid was scheduled with no political motive, the FBI solely intent on recovering highly classified documents that were illegally removed from the White House. Preparations to conduct such an operation began weeks ago, but in planning the date and time, the FBI Miami Field Office and Washington headquarters were focused on the former president’s scheduled return to Florida from his residences in New York and New Jersey.

“They were seeking to avoid any media circus,” says the second source, a senior intelligence official who was briefed on the investigation and the operation. “So even though everything made sense bureaucratically and the FBI feared that the documents might be destroyed, they also created the very firestorm they sought to avoid, in ignoring the fallout.”

On Monday at about 10 a.m. EST, two dozen FBI agents and technicians showed up at Donald Trump’s Florida home to execute a search warrant to obtain any government-owned documents that might be in the possession of Trump but are required to be delivered to the Archives under the provisions of the 1978 Presidential Records Act. (In response to the Hillary Clinton email scandal, Trump himself signed a law in 2018 that made it a felony to remove and retain classified documents.)

The act establishes that presidential records are the property of the U.S. government and not a president’s private property. Put in place after Watergate to avoid the abuses of the Nixon administration, the law imposes strict penalties for failure to comply. “Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined” $2,000, up to three years in prison or “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”

The act, and concerns about the illegal possession of classified “national defense information” are the bases for the search warrant, according to the two sources. The raid had nothing to do with the January 6 investigation or any other alleged wrongdoing by the former president.

The road to the raid began a year-and-a-half ago, when in the transition from the Trump administration to that of President Joe Biden, there were immediate questions raised by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) as to whether the presidential records turned over to the federal agency for historical preservation were complete or not.
In February, Archivist David Ferriero testified before Congress that his agency began talking with Trump’s people right after they left office and that the Trump camp had already returned 15 boxes of documents to the Archives. Ferriero said that in those materials, the Archives discovered items “marked as classified national security information,” unleashing further inquiries as to whether Trump continued to possess classified material.

The basic outlines of the facts surrounding this timeline have been confirmed by the former president. He has previously said that he was returning any official records to the Archives, labeling any confusion in the matter as “an ordinary and routine process to ensure the preservation of my legacy and in accordance with the Presidential Records Act.” He also claimed the Archives “did not ‘find’ anything” in what he had already been returned, suggesting that there was nothing sensitive. He said the documents had inadvertently shipped to Florida during the six-hour transition period in which his belongings were moved.

According to the Justice Department source, the Archives saw things differently, believing that the former White House was stonewalling and continued to possess unauthorized material. Earlier this year, they asked the Justice Department to investigate.

In late April, the source says, a federal grand jury began deliberating whether there was a violation of the Presidential Records Act or whether President Trump unlawfully possessed national security information. Through the grand jury process, the National Archives provided federal prosecutors with copies of the documents received from former President Trump in January 2022. The grand jury concluded that there had been a violation of the law, according to the Justice Department source.

In the past week, the prosecutor in the case and local Assistant U.S. Attorney went to Florida magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart in West Palm Beach to seek approval for the search of Donald Trump’s private residence. The affidavit to obtain the search warrant, the intelligence source says, contained abundant and persuasive detail that Trump continued to possess the relevant records in violation of federal law, and that investigators had sufficient information to prove that those records were located at Mar-a-Lago—including the detail that they were contained in a specific safe in a specific room.
“In order for the investigators to convince the Florida judge to approve such an unprecedented raid, the information had to be solid, which the FBI claimed,” says the intelligence source.

According to experts familiar with FBI practices, Judge Reinhart reviewed the prosecutor’s evidence and asked numerous questions about the sources and the urgency. The judge signed a search warrant allowing the FBI to look for relevant material and the FBI then planned the operation, wanting to conduct the raid while Trump was spending time at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. A Secret Service source who spoke on background said the Secret Service director was given advance warning and was later told the specifics of the raid.

Because the Secret Service is still responsible for protecting the former president, his family, and his property, the FBI had to coordinate with the Secret Service to gain access to the grounds.

A convoy of unmarked black SUVs and a Ryder rental truck filled with about three dozen FBI special agents and technicians entered the gates in the early evening. Heavily armed Secret Service agents were also visibly present at the gates. The Palm Beach Police Department was also present at the scene.

The entire operation was conducted relatively stealthily. No FBI people were seen in their iconic blue windbreakers announcing the presence of the Bureau. And though local law enforcement was present, the Palm Beach Police Department was careful to tweet on Tuesday that it “was not aware of the existence of a search warrant nor did our department assist the FBI in the execution of a search warrant.”

According to news reports, some 10-15 boxes of documents were removed from the premises. Donald Trump said in a statement that the FBI opened his personal safe as part of their search. Trump attorney Lindsey Halligan, who was present during the multi-hour search, says that the FBI targeted three rooms—a bedroom, an office and a storage room. That suggests that the FBI knew specifically where to look.

“This unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate,” former President Trump said in a statement. He called the raid “prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024.”

Though Trump and his Republican Party allies are portraying the raid as politically motivated, it is likely the unprecedented nature of the raid on the property of a former president will have the greatest reverberation. Even Trump’s political rivals have rallied in condemning the FBI.

Former Vice President Mike Pence tweeted that “no former President of the United States has ever been subject to a raid of their personal residence in American history.” Mike Pompeo, Trump’s Secretary of State and CIA director, tweeted that Attorney General Merrick Garland “must explain why 250 yrs of practice was upended w/ this raid. I served on Benghazi Com[mittee] where we proved Hillary possessed classified info. We didn’t raid her home.”

The Biden White House says the president was not briefed about the Mar-a-Lago raid and knew nothing about it in advance. “The Justice Department conducts investigations independently and we leave any law enforcement matters to them,” Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Tuesday afternoon. “It would not be appropriate for us to comment on any ongoing investigations.”

The senior Justice Department source says that Garland was regularly briefed on the Records Act investigation, and that he knew about the grand jury and what material federal prosecutors were seeking. He insists, though, that Garland had no prior knowledge of the date and time of the specific raid, nor was he asked to approve it. “I know it’s hard for people to believe,” says the official, “but this was a matter for the U.S. Attorney and the FBI.”

FBI director Christopher Wray ultimately gave his go-ahead to conduct the raid, the senior Justice official says. “It really is a case of the Bureau misreading the impact.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FUCK FIB. Evil assholes.

Listen to those lying, smooth-talking sources TRYING to paint this as a “routine, low-key operation” messing up.


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Garland and Wray are GONE. R’s. MAGAs, regular people, UK, Israel, and even Dems are grinding on them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is no shame in this rotten administration. They will NEVER leave, and the administrative state will do whatever is needed to STOP or CORRUPT the next 2 elections, to protect their LIES and their PHONY SECRET GOVERNMENT.

For Garland and Wray to go, Obama and Rice have to go. How does that happen?

It can’t, with the PENTAGRAM on their side.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Hardly. They’ll go in front of a dog-and-pony congressional committee, say they take full responsibility, and nothing happens.

They did THAT in 1995 after gassing children at Waco. Reno took “full responsibility” but kept her job.


Taking full responsibility atm is becoming useful carbon and nitrogen again. Thats it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The objectively true (as you have outlined it) will as always die a lonely death in DC.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Confidential Human Source? I smell setup. He was negotiating w/NARA the whole time, invited them to MAL in June, stopped by to say Hi. Did one of them see a doc w/a classified stamp and put this in motion?

Through the grand jury process, the National Archives provided federal prosecutors with copies of the documents received from former President Trump in January 2022. The grand jury concluded that there had been a violation of the law, according to the Justice Department source.

I don’t understand this. ⬆⬆⬆ They have the docs!! So the packers packed it up during the 6hr move and it sat in storage at MAL and Trump returned. Is there a time limit? They’re indicting him for this?!?!?!? It’s gonna be even better when they find out 45 declassed everything like Kash said.


The “confidential source” knew the location of those documents. Were they in Melania’s closet? Why did it take 9 hours to find docs whose location they were aware of?


We’re supposed to believe this was solely done by the US Attorney and the FIB. They raided a president’s home, and the AG didn’t know about it, or the (fake) POTUS? Baloney!

And if by remote chance that were true, it would be a travesty that they are allowed to do something like this that is unprecedented in our history, without major oversight by superiors.

“It really is a case of the Bureau misreading the impact.”

IMO, another reason to fire them all for incompetence and stupidity and disband the whole thing. But that statement is just a CYA. They want to minimize it, say “Oopsie, we didn’t know what the impact would be,” and have everyone move along.


If only it was that simple. That spider web is so full of them that each one depends on the next to hold the rotten thing together.


Thank you so much for such a detailed recitation of the events of Monday, and the path leading to it.

For numerous reasons, I declare it to be truth-free and fact-free in its entirety. It is beyond common sense and requires readers to assume the truth of preposterous propositions.

I pass.

Brave and Free
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great Trump statement in the comments!

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Valerie Curren

No clue if this is legit…but it’s interesting that someone is going after the Natural Born Citizenship issue again here…trying to finally disqualify Commie-la?

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comment imageAndynap

In reply to this Gab…

comment imageLauren Witzke


Steve King gets it

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Valerie Curren

Lots of “conspiracies” in this one 😉

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Valerie Curren

Seen on Gab…possible “vax” genocide history…no idea if this is “true” & it seems there’s no way to really know if the only deaths were ones who took a “vax”…purely fyi…

comment image2021Jewell

@a No Andrew, our government has always killed enmass. Our history is a big fat lie. We have only been around for maybe 160 years.
Go to: There is No Place Like Home – and watch Shelly’s –
Question The Narrative videos. Shelly is a Christian, and she home schools.
In 1918 the government gave the soldiers going home from war a vaccination that caused them to get very sick with flu like symptoms. These soldiers went home all over the USA and started dying. The government then released the vaccination for the said Spanish flu that the soldiers where dying from and over 20 million people rolled up their sleeve and took the deadly vaccination, and died. No one else died from the flu who did not take the vaccination. Dr. Gates took the VAER’S report. He studied the soldiers at home, how long it took for the people to become fearful of the deadly Spanish flu from all the fear mongering in the newspapers, and how the people who took the Spanish vaccination, died.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m willing to consider this theory now. After what I know they did now, this becomes possible.

Valerie Curren

It’s incredibly sick but given everything we can See now we have to re-examine “history”…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Depop Shot is such a wake-up call. It is so easy to see what Fauci and his right arm Walensky are up to now.


Valerie Curren

Absolutely…murderers of anyone & everyone except the “elite”–evil unleashed!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But with good intentions!

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Valerie Curren

Only as Fake Cover…their ugly goes straight to the bone!


That makes me wish I had known the situation with relatives who were alive at that time. To my knowledge, none of them died early under unusual circumstances, and I doubt they got vaccinated. I wonder if the lack of communication into rural areas might have made a difference.


LOL…my thoughts exactly about the rural areas. I know it hit hard in Memphis, my grandmother talked about it. My grandfather was in the war but she never mentioned anything about a vaccine that I remember

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is the first I’ve EVER heard about there being a vaccine.

I’m very suspicious of this one.


I believe this statement from that account is absolutely false:

No one else died from the flu who did not take the vaccination. 

A search yielded this:

Many vaccines were developed and used during the 1918–1919 pandemic. The medical literature was full of contradictory claims of their success; there was apparently no consensus on how to judge the reported results of these vaccine trials. The result of the vaccine controversy was both a further waning of confidence in Pfeiffer’s bacillus as the agent of influenza and the emergence of an early set of criteria for valid vaccine trials.

I don’t know how truthful this Reuters story is, but FWIW:
False claim: the 1918 influenza pandemic was caused by vaccines

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m glad it was brought here. I didn’t realize how strong the possibility of some kind of ADE was.

Historically, that time would have been absolutely ripe for “bad” vaccines that were stumbling into all kinds of errors. The kind of cover-up we’re seeing now makes me very suspicious that it extends to the past – “to prevent vaccine hesitancy”.

I would rather see the crap posted and debunked here, than “confirmed elsewhere first” by anybody.

For example, the ZIM move. I’ve never seen anything so incredibly indicting, covered up with so many layers of CRAP antisemitism defense. And I fell for all those layers, hook, line and sinker.

The world is much nastier than we thought.

Valerie Curren

I never claim to have direct knowledge of things I share, unless I’m recounting things I’ve personally witnessed. Not being the best researcher, nor an “anon”, I don’t trust my skills to consistently track down the veracity of info. I did note that claiming that Only the “vax’d” died of the 1918 flu seemed unlikely to be factually accurate…

When I drop things that TT, or others, might consider to be (potential) garbage, I hearken back to your “red meat for da wolf” comment shared previously…

Going forward, I’ll take cues from you on what is “acceptable” to share here!

I’m afraid I’ve been on a bit of a roll today, pulling stuff from Gab & luxuriating in the Library Computer that works Way faster than what I have at home  😊 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’re finding a lot of DIAMONDS in CRAP here – I say the STENCH is worth it!

Valerie Curren

Fart spray incoming!

Gail Combs

  :wpds_eek:   :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_lol: 

Valerie Curren



MeThinks if ya see value, post it. Folks can sort it out or scroll on.

Some things I dig into. Some I accept and believable. Others, scroll on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! And sometimes I scroll on just because “I’ve gotta THINK about this one!”

Valerie Curren

Yep…buyer beware even in the Q-Tree!



Gail Combs



WE NEED to look at it and vet it.


To be clear, I’m not advocating that people not post things.

I’m sometimes surprised at how few people question things, like this statement —

No one else died from the flu who did not take the vaccination [in 1918]. 

— when that’s probably the first that many of us have even heard about a 1918 flu vax, let alone that it could have been killing people when the flu wasn’t.

If true, it would be the vaccine bombshell of a century, but it has not been vetted.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And neither was I, and I raised the same questions.

I share your wish that people would vet before posting (but not at the cost of not posting at all), but some of us are not as good at it as others of us.

I’d also like to see such things prefaced with “I saw this and I have no idea if this is credible.”

Valerie Curren

Thanks Gail…I’ll keep doing my part 🙂


I hear what you’re saying. I’m going to have to ignore some of this stuff because the research is time-consuming and becomes exhausting.

My wish is that the the bringers-of-the-info would do their own research first, and present their results with links. The links above lead to a book by one person who does not provide links to substantiate their claims.

If we start believing some of these things, we are rewriting history, ignoring truth, and getting in the way of science.

I will let you wade through the “stench.” ☺️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Simply saying that you think something it’s likely wrong is fine! That’s how I always START the investigation. Most of the time, things stay that way.


We have only been around for maybe 160 years.

If you go digging through YouTube you will find lots on this topic of a Great Reset. Some of it makes you go hmm.


Since the Civil War? I haven’t argued one way or the other about a Great Reset and have read theories about it.


Actually the theories go into several resets over the centuries. When I want to forget about all the crap going on today, I watch some videos on that.

Brave and Free

If you stop and think a lot of theses evil politicians have been in office for decades. Makes sense they don’t want any past history to expose them for any part they may have had in this evil.

Last edited 2 years ago by Brave and Free

Wolf, I have just emailed my virologist gals! Can’t wait for the weigh-in about the Spanish Flu!!!! Both are like 6-week old puppies with one bone on a subject like this! will try to report When I hear back.

Sorry to be so spotty with posting. I read here A LOT! TY for all you all do on this beautiful site. I pass along all info! It is getting OUT!!!!

I have been through much lately, and I am also getting used to a new ‘toaster’. My last computer went kaput during my absence from my office. ALWAYS HAVE AN EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE. 🖥

Dad passed way from being killed by the medical industry in late June, IMHO. Long story. Still not sure what happened fully. Everything seemed to go terribly at once, and it is not over yet. My mother is my current concern.

Cannot wait for better days!

Bless you, Wolf. I am indeed amazed that I can now post!!!!

Keep the faith!


You take care of yourself and im sure youre doing what you can w your mom. Im sorry that your dad died. Its much easier oftentimes to just read. Glad youre around!


TY, giloo!!!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great to see you here!


TY, Wolf!


I’m very sorry about your father, and hope your mother and you will be all right. 🙏

I did some digging on the Spanish flu comment and will post it on tomorrow’s daily in a little while.


Excellent! And, thank you fur your condolences. It has been a tough road.

Any info to help Wolf will be gold!


I’m going to post what I’ve found out on tomorrow’s daily, in a little while.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



With all due respect (of which you deserve a lot), one of the planks of this blog is that we avoid self-censorship. Instead we put stuff on here and subject it to critique by assorted commenters.


Thank you. My opinion is that “drive-by posting” without any self-censorship muddies the waters. I could have posted a million memes and articles that looked suspicious and turned out to be complete garbage, all with the disclaimer that “I’m not sure if this is true but I saw it on GETTR; now can everyone sort it out for me?” IMO — for me — that would be irresponsible. It wastes people’s time, for one thing.

I tend to look into things before posting them, at least a little. Then, if I’m not sure but I think it could be significant, I think it’s appropriate to show whatever research I’ve done, or to share the difficulties I had in the process, and get others’ opinions. Maybe there’s not always time to do that; at the same time, it’s unlikely that there’s never time to do that.

There’s more I could say but I will stop there. 😊


So heartfelt.

I try to always, like you, find two or more sites to back up my ‘finds’. All is well since there are so many wonderful peeps here to double check!

Gail Combs

I remember reading a story that they found shepherds out in the mountains DEAD from the Spanish Flu. My Grand father died of it BTW.

…Filthy and frightened, the three young children staggered up the beach. Their tiny frames were feverish and behind them, on board the small sailboat they had drifted ashore upon, lay the bodies of two dead men.

The group had been attempting to flee an outbreak of disease that had devastated their small, isolated village further upstream from the spot where they run aground on the Naknek River in Bristol Bay, Alaska….

Reports from the men on the expedition described the village of Savonoski as being in a “deplorable state” and “wretched”. Nearly all of the adult population in the small cluster of around 10 houses were dead. Those still alive were gravely ill and told how their relatives had dropped even as they walked around. The team from the cannery buried the dead in a mass grave and brought those still alive back to the hospital in Naknek.

It was a picture that was repeated in villages all across Alaska. In just a few days nearly 200 people would die from the disease in the Bristol Bay area, leaving dozens of children orphaned….


My paternal grandfather’s first wife died of it as well, not long after he returned from military service in WW I.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s a great article, and it’s filled with scientific validation of (1) Trump’s travel bans, and (2) evolution of the virus to more benign forms.

Valerie Curren

Good thinking.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This really looks like a case of strong ADE.

I’ve archived the page:

Valerie Curren

Thx WM–you rock!


(Since people are talking about terroristic threats…)

April 2014 Hunter and his partners invest in Metabiota. Contracts start paying in June for a subcontract with EcoHealth in Wuhan, PREDICTing pandemics.

In October 2018, a year before the pandemic, Hunter is in Boston with an Eric Lander event on his calendar.

In September 2018, James Biden is acting as a principal of Americore Health, negotiating purchase of a company that provides health care services to rural hospitals and nursing homes.

The story includes terroristic threats and an FBI probe:

…”The FBI is investigating the delivery — via the mail — of a terroristic threat to a McMinnville couple who are suing the brother of Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden, Knox News has confirmed.

The threat came in August in a plain white envelope to the McMinnville home of Michael Frey and his wife, Natalie Frey, just days after Knox News publicly revealed their claims of fraud and deception against Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, in a federal lawsuit.

Inside the envelope was what appeared to be blood-stained currency from a Middle Eastern country commonly known as a haven for terror groups and a “torture ticket” — a voucher for the infliction of torture.”…

(This was reported to the FBI in Tennessee. Did they investigate, or was it rolled up to Delaware?)

The FBI raided the home and business of Americore’s CEO, Grant White, and hedge funder Michael Lewitt promptly thru him under the bus.

Crazy story.

Even a comment from Rachel Levine on the closing of Elmwood Hospital, part of Americore’s network:

…”While it is disappointing that hospital ownership made this choice, the department is committed to ensuring that hospital facilities can provide safe care to patients,” Rachel Levine, MD, the Pennsylvania secretary of health, told the Gazette. “We will be continuing to monitor the facility in the upcoming days and weeks. It is essential that people are aware that if they need medical treatment, they will need to go to another hospital in the area.”

In late November, state health officials ordered the hospital to suspend inpatient and emergency services due to “severe violations of state health law.”…

(And Jim Biden’s handing out Americore business cards…)

Last edited 2 years ago by marymorse

Why yes he does resemble the flashing squirrel ! (only not as cute )

Funny that they would replace him since we’ve been visually assaulted by penis’ and giant dildos for months now.


Ugh… my eyes! 🤣

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have a bake-off squirrel close to the abode. He flashes “deez nuts” all the time, and puts on the occasional porn show with the girls. LOL!

Valerie Curren

For some reason this makes me wonder about that Canadian couple w/ the IVM patent that was murdered pre-scamdemic…& Kary Mullis, PCR inventor, also conveniently dead just before Fauxi took center stage…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There’s a lot of criminality going on.

Valerie Curren

Yes. I wonder if Political Moonshine or someone might do a deep dive on the timing/timeline of the suspicious deaths related to the Covid Crimes. So many people have been taken out literally or through disinfo/MK? (Brian Ardis? Dr. Tenpenny etc.)…How do the overlords have the time & resources for all the fronts in this endless war?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In answer to your question…. MONEY.

A million bucks buys everything from tweets to oppo to gangstalking.

Valerie Curren

& aren’t they somehow using Our money against us? I read something along those lines about Soros, iirc 🙁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. They ALWAYS use OUR MONEY against us – if they can!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

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Love it! 🥩🍖

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I really wanted to make a bacon comment but don’t have Cuppa’s skillz!


He gets it by eating extra bacon. Try it yourself.  😆 

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

Love it–Far Side rocks!!!

Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

The problem is that society pretends like anarchy is the great danger, but in reality, all government everywhere, moves only one direction, inexorably, accumulating power unto itself, which invariably leads to tyranny.

History is littered with examples.

I am aware of no example of the opposite happening, anywhere in the world, that could be described as “Maximum Personal Freedom”.

Valerie Curren

For some reason the insanity of the Walking Dead comes to mind!


Then a war or two or three and their “reset” happens. And they divvy up the loot.

Valerie Curren

Hope this hasn’t already been shared…sorry for any overlap…

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comment imageRT


Trump Confirms Attendance at NY Probe He Dubbed ‘Greatest Witch Hunt in History’
The former President confirmed on social media he will give deposition in the New York Attorney General’s investigation into alleged business malpractice on Wednesday – as he slammed investigator Letitia James as ‘racist’.
Allegations of misleading lenders and tax authorities on top of misstating the value of key assets come amid FBI agents raiding his private property.
James claims Trump over-valued assets to impress lenders or cut tax obligations – something which he vehemently denies – “There is no case!” he stated in February – saying that using best values in the real estate industry is commonplace.

& from the comments!

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comment imagekowhite1958


2 reactions
1 repost

Millions of us are praying for our rightful President, Donald J. Trump.

Last edited 2 years ago by Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people are evil, and I’m starting to wish them bad ends.

This is an enemy that is hard – almost impossible – to love.

Valerie Curren

Loving with the love of the Lord doesn’t necessarily negate consequences. It would be amazing to have some people “deep in the enemy’s council” to get “saved” & come clean though!!!


The odds of that happening are almost as great as it was for Pharaoh or Pontius Pilate. Once one becomes a member of Satan’s minions, it becomes very difficult to cut ties and repent. Sort of Hotel Californiaish.

It can be done, but they have to be willing to die to their sins, which means they may physically die when they get out.

Valerie Curren

Bernard Nathanson, long time abortionist, & Abby something, longtime abortion supporter or clinic manager, I believe, come to mind…& that banker to the elites that was exposing child sacrifices, iirc…So it Can Happen, but rarely


Something to chew on… I think this is what is happening to the US … the Cabal is in final stage of doing to our country… what they have done (through the US) to other countries, which we now label “third world” … read JJ Sefton’s Morning Report today. He believes our country has already “fallen” … and I agree … and I agree with Hudson’s premise that “Financial Capitalism” (which some have been labeling “Crony Capitalism”) is the culprit. /phoenix


” … Well, most people think of all kinds of capitalism as being the same and the assumption is that industrial capitalism of the nineteenth century somehow was always financialized because there were always banks but financial capitalism as you just pointed out is a political system and as a political system it’s very different from the industrial capitalism dynamic. In industrial capitalism, the whole aim or the hope of the industrial capitalists in the late nineteenth century, especially in Germany and central Europe was that banking would no longer be just usury, it wouldn’t be just consumer lending to exploit labor, and it wouldn’t be lending to the government somehow.

The financial system would recycle the economy savings and money creation and credit into industrial production and would finance the means of production to make that productive instead of predatory and parasitic as it became and that seemed to be the way that industrial capitalism was evolving up until World War I. Everything changed after that all of a sudden you had the financial system take over as a result of the crisis caused in the 1920s by the German reparations debt that couldn’t be paid and the inter-ally debt that was insisted upon to repay the United States for the arms that have supplied Europe for a century into World War I. Well, the result was a huge depression.

The allies said, well, we didn’t expect to actually have to pay the United States. If we have to pay the United States, then we have to charge reparations on Germany and for a decade there was a debate between John Maynard Keynes and Harold Moulton and others saying that these debts can’t be paid. How are you going to handle a situation where the debts can’t be paid?

The finance capitalists then were the basically the ancestors of today’s neoliberals and they said any amount of debt can be paid by any country if it just lowers the living standards and squeezes labor enough and that’s what basically the philosophy of the IMF ever since world war II when third world countries can’t pay the debt, the IMF comes in with an austerity program and say you have to lower wages, you have to break up labor unions, if necessary you have to have a democracy, and you can’t have a democracy unless you’re willing to assassinate and arrest the labor leaders and the advocates of land redistribution because a democracy means basically rule by the financial sector centered in the united states. And so finance capitalism ever since WWI and especially WWII and especially since 1980 is the nationalistic doctrine of American banks and the American one percent, and the American financial sector that is sort of merged into a symbiotic unit with the finance insurance and real estate (FIRE).

In other words, finance capitalism instead of trying to promote overall economic growth for the 99 percent, instead of financing the industrialization of an economy with rising productivity and rising living standards, is now cannibalizing the industrial sector, cannibalizing the corporate sector. As you’re seeing in the U.S., finance capitalism is the economic doctrine of deindustrialization that has occurred in America in England and is now occurring in Europe.

Well, the problem is how do you survive if you’re not industrializing, if you’re not producing your own means of subsistence and how are you going to get this from other countries? Well, the answer is you don’t go to war with them like countries used to go to war with each other to grab their money and their land, you use finance as the new means of war so finance capitalism is the tactic of economic warfare by the United States against Europe and the global south to sort of draw all of the economic surplus of these countries in the form of debt service and the debt service is supplied by basically economic rent seeking from land rent, natural resource rent, and just plain interest charges on economy. So, none of these are really the result of industrial profits that are made by employing labor and uh selling its products at a markup.

Finance capitalism is not based on surplus value like industrial capitalism was. In fact, it destroys industry and in this cannibalizing of industrial capital, it basically dries out the economy and makes it unable to break even or even to function and in the United States today, for instance, if you look at the balance sheets of corporate revenue much of it is spent on stock buybacks. You buy back your own stock or dividend payouts. Only eight percent of corporate earnings are spent on new capital investment research and development: factories, machinery, and means of production to employ labor.

How did General Electric (GE) go broke? Basically, Jack Welch said let’s use our income not to continue to invest in making more electronic goods and services and appliances, let’s use it to buy our own stock that’ll push up our stock and essentially, we’ll just sell off our divisions and we’ll use the money of selling off our washing machine companies and stoves and sell it off and we’ll just pay it to the stockholders. That’ll push it up and by the way his salary was based on how much he could push up the stock of GE and he was paid in the form of stock options. Well, all of this is now the normal corporate behavior in the United States and corporations are no longer led by industrial engineers as they were a few centuries ago in the nineteenth and twentieth century.

They’re led by financial engineers of the chief financial officer and the ideal of these corporations is to make money financially not by industrial investment….. so on the narrow microeconomic level finance capitalism is a way of basically selling out a company and giving the proceeds to the stockholders and the bondholders but as a political system, because it is so destructive of the economy as you’ve seen in the United States and you’ve seen in Britain through de-industrializing it, it becomes belligerent in an attempt to make other countries just as equally paralyzed by making these countries pay tribute to the U.S. and England and the financialized economies by means of financial engineering, by means of debt service, by means of selling their mineral resources, their public utilities, their land, their roads all to foreign investors–basically to who borrows the money that’s just simply created in the U.S. and to save all of their money in their central bank reserves in the forms of loans to the U.S. treasury holding treasury bonds which is how the international monetary system worked until just a few months ago when everything changed.

So if you’re England and America right now you can look at President Biden’s speeches and he said well, China is our number one enemy because it’s competing unfairly. China is actually subsidizing industrial development by having its own infrastructure. It gives free education instead of privatizing education and making its labor pay for it. It has public health instead of privatizing social medicine like we do in the United States and making employers and workers pay for it.

Well, industrial capitalism in the nineteenth century was all in favor of strong government infrastructure. The ideal of industrial capitalism was to keep the wage costs of production down not by reducing wages but having government provide a basic infrastructure to cover the basic needs of employees. The governments would provide free education so that employers didn’t have to pay for it. The governments would provide medical care so that employees didn’t have to pay for it and employers wouldn’t have to pay employees enough money to cover the education costs and to cover the medical care costs. The government would build roads and infrastructure and everything to facilitate the overall cost of doing business by industrial capital.

Well finance capitalism is just the reverse. Finance capitalism wants to privatize and take education, medical care, roads, turn the roads into toll roads, and take all of these and privatize them and make them financial corporations that will essentially pay out their economic rent to the bondholders and the stockholders and this economic rent adds to the cost of education and everything else that workers need to live on so the result is to make it a high cost economy and that’s why Biden has said China and Russia are America’s enemies because the only way that America can succeed given our privatized economy, given the fact that Americans have to pay up to forty three percent of their income for rent, given the fact that eighteen percent of America’s GDP is for medical care, given the heavy student loan debt–only if other countries tie themselves in the same knot, only if other countries impose the same economic overhead on their labor force and on their industry can there be equal competition.”

~ Michael Hudson, Economist


“read JJ Sefton’s Morning Report today. He believes our country has already “fallen” … and I agree … and I agree with Hudson’s premise that “Financial Capitalism” (which some have been labeling “Crony Capitalism”) is the culprit.”


That has seemed apparent since the moment JB was sworn in.

At any time up to that point the military could have defended the Constitution and the Republic, and I fully expected them to.

They didn’t.

In Myanmar they did. Not here.

If the government was allowed to be stolen by domestic traitors and foreign adversaries, then by definition, the Republic was ended on January 20th, 2021.

“Fallen” is just another way of saying the same thing.


Yes, I agree. And as far as “devolution goes”, I read somewhere that the uniparty has been using that since … well a long time… and “National Emergency” …


Devolution is a great theory. The military being in secret control is a great theory.

Unfortunately, over a million Americans are dead from Covid alone:

That’s about the same number of U.S. fatalities suffered in the Civil War and WWII combined.

So that’s on one side of the ‘devolution’ ledger. That’s the enemy’s score against the Republic, against We the People.

Now let’s take a look at how well the ‘devolution’ and the secret military are doing, how many of the enemy they have eliminated:


Zero points on the board, a big fat goose egg, but it’s early yet, and we’re only down by around a million to nothing.

If ‘devolution’ and ‘secret military control’ were real, and the result is the loss of as many or more Americans as were lost in the Civil War and WWII combined, some people might conclude that ‘devolution’ and ‘secret military control’ has failed, utterly.

Unless losing a million + Americans is what winning looks like.

And the way definitions of words change these days, that could certainly be the case!


Scott, a million people are not dead from Covid.

There may be a million people who died with Covid, but I doubt even that.

Just because they called every death a Covid death, doesn’t make it so.


“Just because they called every death a Covid death, doesn’t make it so.”


That may be true, or not, how can we ever know how many people have died from Covid, with so much intentional cover-up and corruption of data?

But it is their data (TPTB), and they can’t very easily dispute their own data.

But what if it was only 900,000 dead from Covid, would that change anything?

What about 800,000 dead from Covid?

How about 700,000 Americans dead from Covid?


Peradventure there shall be found 500,000 Americans in the grave from Covid?




What if just 100,000 Americans have died from exposure to the lab-conceived Corona virus that was unleashed on America and the world, does that materially change anything with regard to who is winning, and who isn’t?

Even if only half that many died from the Act of War committed against our People, is 50,000 to zero really anything more to celebrate than a million to zero?

You see the dilemma.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Plus, whoever it is that is guilty of the however-many COVID deaths…is also culpable for the vaccine related deaths.

Which are still happening; who knows how high that number will get.


Well, what if NOBODY died FROM Covid?

How would we know?

People die every day. EVERY DAY.

If I, in a position of the power to do so, said and perpetuated the idea that ALL of the people who died last year died of racklefrazzlebumberschnitz, and I had the power to enforce that myth through giant agencies like the CDC and the WHO, how would we ever know that Ole Uncle Joe died of being a fat old diabetic who used to smoke as opposed to dying of racklefrazzlebumberschnitz.

THAT’S the dilemma.

Valerie Curren

Is this what the “marked classified” documents raid is about???

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comment imageDonald Trumpet

Note the DATE.


The lawsuit PDJT brought against the hag and a host of others crossed my mind.
I don’t think it was aimed at a financial goal, more dragging all the miscreants out into the open.
It seems to have gone quiet about that.
Wonder if that could be connected in anyway to the raid.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! I was thinking the same thing.

Valerie Curren

Good thoughts…inquiring minds want to know!


No instagram account. They should upload it to Rumble.

Valerie Curren

let’s hope 🙂


If it exists, it should have been sent to key Congresspeople and media outlets by now.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

protected (cl)ass

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Valerie Curren

Kari for the Krown!

comment imageNeil Raymond Sperling

Trump Warriors 3
Kari is asked why they haven’t raided the Biden family homes and she says they wouldn’t even have to. They can just look at Hunter’s laptop which is already in their possession: “It’s literally laid out there showing inside deals with our adversaries, showing criminal drug use, showing not just inappropriate but most likely human trafficking or sex trafficking. There’s a lot of stuff on there that’s even too disturbing to talk about.” It is time the digital warriors united in exposing human trafficking in a positive, deliberate manner. Check out the strategy presented in this series of videos. The guy is a slow talker so listen at 1.5 speed. The strategy is powerful and bang on and worth your time.
>>>> <<<&lt;

Gail Combs

FWIW, I heard that Hunter had gotten his 12 yr old niece pregnant….


Sick. Sadly not surprised.

Valerie Curren

So sick & so sad…

Valerie Curren

This juxtapositional video is great…hope it plays or someone else can get it…40 secs

Video clearly shows the difference between the Trumps & Bye-Done’s in regards to helicopter rides w/ presidential seal. Marines in dress uniform salute Trumps. Persons in green jumpsuits stand at attention & appear to ignore J & J…

Last edited 2 years ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

clean living 😉

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She has been in the Senate 30 years, and she was 59 when she took office. She was involved in San Francisco politics before that. She’s 89 years old!

Valerie Curren

good history…you’d think she’d be tired now & ready to retire 😉


It looks as if some people make political life the centerpiece of their existence (*cough* Pelosi).

Valerie Curren

Schumer, Bye-Done, Clinton, grifters all!


These days every bit as sharp as RBG was. Walking dead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

MOVED UP by the CCP.

Valerie Curren

forgot about her Chi-com driver…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Driver, confidante, AIDE, and then OFFICE DIRECTOR.

Per the fake news, “driver”.

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Most likely. He was worth TRILLIONS to CCP.

Valerie Curren





These days, a perfect model for one of them dried up apple doll faces.

Valerie Curren

LOL Poor apple 🙁

Valerie Curren

LOL from Gab

comment imagePolish Owl


Meta (Facebook) has developed an artificial chat bot. It works great!! Obama was born in Kenya people in FBI are corrupt Epstein couldnt have killed himself FBI was involved in LV shooting

You can try it out here:

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Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

hopium vs nopium

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comment imageDissident Soaps


Important message for the plan trusters out there. Patriots are not in control.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



BiteMe’s clock is Laugh Out Loud Funny.

AND, Durham ought to hang it up, retire. Admit he’s been Collecting A Paycheck. NOTHING more. No deliverable.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It looks like about 12 minutes to 3.

Though how to interpret the offset to the axis of the clock motor is beyond me…I guess I didn’t read enough of my own stuff on relativity.



The relativity stuff.

  • I read it. Well most of it. OK, a LOT of it. (Stuff I could follow.)

Surprising to me, retained a bunch. I think.

But, no quiz here. Two or three axis here?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, that part was just alluding to the way the hands had fallen off. I was being completely silly.

Valerie Curren

I pretty much Always LOVE your take on things!!!


Rarely short an opinion. 🙂

Valerie Curren

& they are most enjoyable & to the point!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just had a revelation about Durham, because you’re RIGHT. if he’s there to deliver, he SHOULD hang it up. So what is REALLY going on?

He’s only there to “show us”, IMO. Not just “us” on the outside. The “us” on the inside.

Part of what he’s going to show us is that justice is impossible with the current DOJ and judiciary.

That’s OK.

Durham is a PROBE into darkness. He’s like sticking a screwdriver into rotten wood, to see how much needs to be removed and replaced.

This is not a normal judicial operation, IMO.

Imagine a bunch of rotten, termite-infested wood in part of a house. You find a good piece of wood, long and thin and hard, break it off, and use it to probe what needs to be cut out.

Durham PROBABLY has enough data already, and that has to be panicking the termites. But he is looking to get more, is poking around in a new direction, and that tells the left to stop panicking, keep stalling.

DOJ is deeply rotten. We know this now. Elections won’t fix things. We know this now.


Q said “Durham.” But he didn’t say what Durham would do. He let everybody make of it what they would. Most people thought that we would get justice through Durham, but that actually contradicts Q’s other statements. Therefore, expect Durham to merely X-ray the rot.

Remediation will come through other means.

Durham is showing us how much cannot be fixed by normal means.

Valerie Curren

IRS can run but it cannot hide…

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comment imageGigi Girau
· 87,000 Strong … btw [They] disabled the link , but it was already archived


She ought to skip the war paint.

Natural beauty in that gal.

Yea, my mind is easily averted from the daily BS.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And why the heck not?

We need mental breaks from the mental defectives.

Valerie Curren

Look Squirrel isn’t always a bad thing!


Those warts growing on her scalp are a little more concerning.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff!

Valerie Curren

future is here 🙁

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Jonathan Turley on whether a records violation could keep PDJT from holding office again:

This is not the first time that this disqualification argument has been made and scholars like Seth Tillman have previously raised constitutional objections to it. (Professor Josh Blackmun also has a column on this issue)

The problem is that the law would add a qualification or condition that is not stated in the Constitution. There are constitutional ways to impeach a president or to bar a former president from future office. The mishandling of official records is not one of them. In analogous cases like Powell v. McCormack and U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton, the Supreme Court rejected the authority of states to impose new qualifications for congressional seats under Article I. The same is presumably true under Article II when it comes to the chief executive.

There is ample reason to doubt that the presidency would be deemed barred by statute in this fashion. What would not be in doubt is how such novel claim of disqualification would be received by millions of citizens already skeptical of the motivations of both the Biden Administration and specifically the FBI.

The basis and even the motivation of this raid will become clear in time, including whether there is evidence of willful and unlawful conduct by the former president. However, whatever this raid produces, this “enchilada” will likely be hard for most judges to swallow as a way to keeping Trump off the ballot in 2024.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXCELLENT. This aligns perfectly with my theory that the Dems are trying to create JUDICIAL CHAOS on the point as one more impediment to Trump and WE THE PEOPLE. Meanwhile, all the other goals of the multi-goal operation are still operating. Leaked information will be fed to Nancy’s Show Trial, the Racist New York Witch Huntress, and the Poisonous Fake News. New possible angles of harassment will be identified.

They’re EVIL. They deserve a METEOR or FIRE FROM ABOVE.


Martin Geddes Channel
Forwarded from BioClandestine

Trump suffered no losses, the Dems just went full Gestapo, and did so unsuccessfully, and now the precedent is established that this is acceptable behavior in the minds of the Left and their sheep.

Right as Hunter Biden is about to be indicted and Putin and Xi are calling for international military tribunals…

It’s like we hit the lottery. You shouldn’t be pissed, you should be popping bottles. The crazier shit gets, the closer we get to the finish line.



now the precedent is established that this is acceptable behavior in the minds of the Left and their sheep

People keep saying that precedents are being set, but I see a couple of problems with that:
1 An illegal precedent will not stand, and we will not follow it.
2 The Left will not agree that the precedent should now be the accepted norm. They only want raids on our side and would scream bloody murder if someone on the Left got raided. We can’t rely on their being even-handed, or rely on judges to rule fairly across the board.

In cases like having politicians release their tax returns, the “precedent” idea could hold more water, but not for outrageous, illegal, unconstitutional behavior; that is reserved for them to do against us.


I agree with your reasoning.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I look back at the “excesses” by Q-ists and I literally CRINGE. The calls for “pain” sure boomeranged. Where did that come from? KARMA?

IF those excesses were a GOAL of the Q team, then they were on the other side, IMO. If they were an ACCEPTABLE RISK, then Q may have been either from our side, or a negotiated compromise as part of the Deep State “negotiated” government.

The more I see of the Pentagon Deep State, the more I think they were part of some weird “negotiated government” which only insures its own continuity.

Thus, no rescue for Trump or us. They will stand by and watch us, and if we tolerate the yoke, they’re good with it – ALL OF THEM.


I look back at the “excesses” by Q-ists and I literally CRINGE. The calls for “pain” sure boomeranged. Where did that come from?

I’m not sure what you’re referring to — when Q would talk about their feeling pain? There are people who think the Left is feeling pain now and is panicking about what will be/could be revealed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tried several responses, but I deleted them all. Best to just let this one age a while.




Wine is better when aged but every so often it ages into vinegar.

Just saying.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks to Kalbo, my thoughts that I deleted just turned into “new wine”!

Why are they only “showing us”, and not fixing?

Because it can’t be fixed. Not by normal means.


It didn’t mean what we thought it meant.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A lot of what goes on here is effectively “brainstorming.” People sometimes just toss things out…most of it is useless, but we’re looking for the 10 percent that either isn’t BS…or might trigger a thought that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. Exactly. Bouncing something in at a new angle can make it make sense.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On top of everything you said, they’ll just point back to Trump’s threats to do something about Hitlary.

And right now, how are we talking about those who have overthrown the constitutional order?

They’re gearing up to do exactly the same thing to Trump, and they sincerely believe HE is the one trying to overthrow the constitutional order; that’s what the never-to-be-sufficiently-damned TV has been telling them for over a year and a half.

They might be wrong about this; I certainly believe they are wrong, but if you want to know how someone will behave, look at what HE believes…not what YOU believe, and pay no attention to whether what they believe is right. They think it is, and for determining what they’re going to do, that’s all that matters.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The media has done so much harm. Trump is certainly right about the Fake News.

Gail Combs

That is WHY the Fake News MUST BE TAKEN OUT FIRST!


“People keep saying that precedents are being set, but I see a couple of problems with that:

1 An illegal precedent will not stand, and we will not follow it.”


The precedent is in the mind of the public, that something which had never been done before now has been done, in the most corrupt way possible.

What they did to Trump may have been wildly ‘illegal’, but the Left did it anyway.

When Trump is back in the WH, his AG can now do the same to the Left, but do it lawfully.

Before the Left did it to Trump, it didn’t matter how much lawful evidence might support such a raid, it would never happen. Not to the Clintons, not to Bush, not to Hussein. Because the Deep State and their bullhorns in the MSM would wail like wounded banshees that it JUST ISN’T DONE, and the wishy-washy non-committal middle would be swayed like they always are.

Now it has been done, and it was done as a matter of corrupt political persecution by the Left, without any credible or lawful cause.

When Trump is back, he will have credible lawful cause.

He will have credible evidence.

He will have the lawful authority to do it.

He will have the moral high ground to do it.

And nobody in the MSM can say *&^% about it, nobody can cry about how “it just isn’t done”, because it has been done — it was done by the criminals and traitors to DJT — personally.

Not only is turnabout ‘fair play’, no one deserves to have it done to them more than the traitors who stole our government.

So the precedent is much more a matter of public perception and acceptance when it comes time for Trump to go after these criminals.

When Trump does it, it will be according to the Law with every “i” dotted and ‘T’ crossed.

Before, having credible evidence wouldn’t have mattered, because the higher ups of the political-class were ‘untouchable’ in our bogus multi-tiered justus system. It would have been politically impossible (that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t have found a way to do it anyway while he was president).

The Left has broken that glass ceiling, regardless of how lawlessly they did it.

Now Trump can do it, and so long as he has credible evidence to support it, the ‘untouchable’ aspect is gone, no one can ever again claim that “it just isn’t done”.

Which is the only thing that kept it from being done in the first place.


Are you saying that violating the Constitution and the rule of law would be considered OK for us to do — in the eyes of the law, not the public — because the Left did it first?


“Are you saying that violating the Constitution and the rule of law would be considered OK for us to do — in the eyes of the law, not the public — because the Left did it first?”


No, not at all.

There are TWO separate issues.

Issue 1: before this week, it was not politically possible for an honest AG or prosecutor to “raid” a member of the ‘untouchable’ political-class (i.e., Uni-Party members), no matter how much evidence existed.

Even if DJT had ironclad evidence that video tapes of Hussein committing High Treason were in Hussein’s safe at Hussein’s house, it wouldn’t matter, because it was politically impossible — due to the public blowback that would be manufactured by MSM defense efforts — to ever do it.

That is a public perception issue, a ‘political correctness’ / peer-pressure issue, a psychological roadblock, because up until this week, raiding a member of the ‘untouchable’ political-class had never been done before.

Ever since Kennedy, far too many Americans bought into the “Camelot” narrative, and see our political leaders as some kind of ‘royalty’, which allows the public to excuse nearly any conduct by political leaders, because royalty are above the law.

To the general public, there is no distinction between Trump and the Left or Uni-Party in this regard, they are all ‘supposed to be‘ untouchable, part of the unwritten social contract with ‘royalty’ (excuse me while I vomit at this disgusting and unfortunate reality).

The Left BROKE that social contract, shattered that glass ceiling, violated the unwritten code.

As a result, when the shoe is eventually on the other foot, when DJT is POTUS again, no one in the MSM can any longer credibly claim that ‘raiding’ a member of the (previously) ‘untouchable’ political-class just isn’t done, because it was done by the Left, and it wasn’t done to just anybody, it was done to DJT himself, by the Left.

So the MSM can wail and scream and carry on, and it won’t matter, because to the public, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, and the MSM can cry all the giant crocodile hypocrisy tears they want — nobody cares.

That is issue 1, the public perception aspect.


Issue 2 is separate, the issue of Law.

When it is DJT’s turn to go after these criminals, he won’t do what the Left did, he won’t manufacture evidence on some flimsy premise and get a crooked judge to sign off on it to go on a fishing expedition or evidence-planting scheme.

DJT will do it “by the book”, according to the Law. His AG will have the evidence, he will take it before a legitimate judge (probably multiple judges, just to be extra safe), obtain legitimate warrants that easily withstand both public and legal scrutiny, and then treat these criminals like any other criminals, equal justice under Law.

Just as DJT may have wanted to do during his first term, but could not, because Issue #1 (the glass ceiling and public perception) prevented him.

Issue #1 is now removed, it is no longer an issue, thanks to the Left’s insane raid on a former president, DJT, this week.

That means that issue #2 can now be implemented, the Law can be equally applied to the previously ‘untouchable’ political-class, without Issue #1 preventing it.

Gail Combs

DO NOT FORGET THE FAKE NEWS KNOWINGLY cooperated with framing President Trump. There may not be much LEFT of the CIA’s mouth piece, the mockingbird Press after they have been sued into oblivion.




“2 The Left will not agree that the precedent should now be the accepted norm.”


The enemy will never agree to anything that goes against their interest, so agreement from the enemy is irrelevant by definition. It’s a waste of time and effort to even seek agreement from the enemy.

The problem has been that the MSM could inflame the public against any honest prosecutor who went after one of the political-class ‘untouchables’.

And the MSM will certainly try it again when Trump is back in the WH and finally goes after somebody, but the next time the MSM tries it in defense of JB or Hussein or Clinton, or their cronies, the MSM’s complaints will fall on deaf (public) ears, because there is likely not a single person in America today who doesn’t know what was just done to Trump.

So the Left doesn’t have to ‘agree’, and they won’t. They will yell and scream and protest and carry on like they always do.

The difference is that nobody will care, because hypocrisy.

The Left already did it to Trump.

They took their shot.

They missed.

The general public will have no sympathy for the ‘untouchable’ class on this subject going forward, no matter how loudly the MSM talking heads doth protest.


The difference is that nobody will care, because hypocrisy.

Do you think a raid on Hillary’s home now would be considered OK because it was just done to Trump?


Now that you mention it, … YES.


“Do you think a raid on Hillary’s home now would be considered OK because it was just done to Trump?”



That is the dynamic which changed, the moment the raid on Mar-a-Lago was executed.

Hussein, Clinton, JB, Sorass, everybody is fair game now.

If it can be done to former President Donald John Trump, then it can be done to a-n-y-b-o-d-y.

Not now of course, the criminals won’t raid themselves, but when DJT is POTUS again.

The Left, by their action this week, made the previously unthinkable (in the mind of much of the public), not just thinkable, but practically certain, a done deal.

Every person in America, if they think about it for two seconds, knows that now that they have done this to Trump, Trump will be justified and vindicated by doing it right back to them.

Not illegally as the Left did to Trump, but according to the Law, as Trump will do to his (and our) persecutors and tormentors.


Every person in America, if they think about it for two seconds, knows that now that they have done this to Trump, Trump will be justified and vindicated by doing it right back to them.

Good. I’m looking forward to the media, the Clintons, the Bidens, the purple-haired lesbos, the trans men/women, the deep state operatives, the vaccine nazis, the Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers, and the corrupt judges being on board. 👍🏼😂


“Good. I’m looking forward to the media, the Clintons, the Bidens, the purple-haired lesbos, the trans men/women, the deep state operatives, the vaccine nazis, the Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers, and the corrupt judges being on board.”


Obviously the criminals won’t be onboard with their own oncoming demise, I was referring to the general public when I said “Every person in America”.

The purple-haired lesbos won’t be onboard either, and neither will any ideologically intransigent haters. No different than anywhere else.

There was likely not a single Nazi at the end of WWII whose mind was changed, or didn’t believe exactly what they believed before WWII ended.

But the general public, the wishy-washy middle, is who the MSM plays to. If they can manipulate the wishy-washy middle, if they can CONTROL public ‘opinion’ — not every single person, but enough for the fake pollsters to ‘work’ with — then the MSM can control the public ‘narrative’.

And the public ‘narrative’, for better or for worse, is used as an excuse for politicians to do what they want to do, or avoid doing what they don’t want to do.

Prior to this week, the public narrative was that people like Hitlery and Hussein and Bush were ‘untouchable’, and that class of people included DJT, a former president of the United States.

The Left BROKE that public perception, and when you break that public perception, you can’t do it selectively, i.e., you can’t JUST break that perception with regard to DJT. If you break it — and they did — you break it for everybody.

Will the purple-haired lesbos agree? No, and who cares?

Will the criminals themselves agree? No, and who cares?

The wishy-washy middle isn’t really partisan or even political, they’re disinterested in the political process as a whole.

But they understand right and wrong, and what happened to DJT this week violates the norms and conventions that have applied their entire lives, and that won’t be lost on the wishy-washy middle.

The non-committal middle understands basic fairness, and that turnabout is not only fair play, but it’s how the world works. If you wrong somebody, and that somebody is ever in a position to take retribution — especially righteously and with strong lawful cause — what does anyone really expect is going to happen, in the real world?

DJT will do to them according to the Law, and because of what was done to Trump this week, the general public (excluding purple-haired lesbos, the criminals themselves, and shrieking harpies in the MSM) will accept it.

Which means that what could not be done before, can be done now (i.e., when DJT is back in the WH), because of what the criminal Left did this week to a former POTUS.

Purple-haired lesbos and trannies are less than 1%.

Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers are maybe 20%, i.e., committed hardcore mono-thought democrat Wojaks.

Deep state operatives, the vaccine nazis and the corrupt judges are the criminal targets, and less than 1% of the population.

All patriots, MAGA, plus the wishy-washy middle, is a super majority.


I hope you’re right. Some of the “normal middle” people have nothing but disdain for PDJT, and I have doubts about their perceptions changing. I even doubt that they would have included Trump in this list of “untouchables.”

Prior to this week, the public narrative was that people like Hitlery and Hussein and Bush were ‘untouchable’, and that class of people included DJT, a former president of the United States.

They have condoned lying about him for years, spying on him, impeaching him twice for nothing (thereby trying to remove him from office), suing him, and cheating him out of his second term in office. I think many will think raiding his home is just fine for him, but that it would not be for others. I do not expect the public turnaround that you do, but I hope people will wake up and operate on principle. It will be interesting to see what happens.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In other words, you have the same perception I do about the “soft left.”

I don’t know about you, but I believe them immovable because of the YSM. Until the Yellow Stream Media moves, the soft left will not, because that’s what fills their brains. The soft left “watches the news” so they’re “informed.” (Unlike you.) They won’t change their minds, until the (mis)information peddlers do. And the YSM won’t move. Because they are complicit.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



“I hope you’re right. Some of the “normal middle” people have nothing but disdain for PDJT, and I have doubts about their perceptions changing.”


We don’t have to change the ‘hearts and minds’ of ‘every’ enemy. That almost never works anyway.

We don’t even have to change the hearts and minds of any of the enemy.

There is always hope that we do, but making that one’s objective is largely futile.

I’ll try a different angle.

Prosecutors are still human beings, subject to all sorts of political pressure from all of the usual suspects.

Even if an honest prosecutor determines to go after an ‘untouchable’ member of the political-class, without support from his bosses, he will get shut down.

Before this week, no one in the political world would have supported any honest prosecutor going after a former POTUS or other high official in the ‘untouchable’ class (i.e., Hussein, Hitlery, Bush, etc., or their cronies), under any circumstances.

It just wasn’t done. It was ‘tradition’, it was the ‘norm’. It was an unwritten social contract. It was a gentleman’s agreement among criminals, which the public had wrongly allowed.

After this week, because the Left broke this ‘tradition’, and used the FIB like it was the Soviet KGB and raided the home of a former president of the United States, without even minimal credible cause, they opened the door to something which had never been done before.

And in doing so, the Left provided political cover for any future honest prosecutor, so long as his superiors have his back.

And when DJT is back in office, that future honest prosecutor’s superiors will have his back.

Because they (the AG and POTUS) will have the exact same political cover as the prosecutor.

Namely, nobody in the MSM, no matter how loudly they protest (and they will!), can credibly claim, anymore, that “it just isn’t done!“.

And there is no other justification for not holding high officials accountable to the same Rule of Law as everyone else is held to.

There just isn’t. There is no credible argument that can be made that won’t sound ridiculous, because there is no credible argument that anyone, least of all in America, is above the Law. So there will only be wailing and gnashing of the teeth.

Let them wail and gnash.

There never was any credible argument that anyone is above the Law, there was only the ‘tradition’, or the unwritten social contract, and that ‘tradition’ or ‘social contract’ was NUKED by the Left in Florida this week.

The ONLY supposed (morally and legally repugnant) ‘justification’ for protecting former Presidents and their cronies from prosecution for real and serious crimes was a wholly UN-American ‘tradition’ they created to protect themselves.

That veil of protection burned up like a comet entering the atmosphere.

That’s gone now, they threw it all away on Monday, August 8, 2022, at Mar-a-Lago.

From that moment forward, any U.S. prosecutor, with backing from his superiors — all of whom will now have political cover from MSM recriminations which did not exist before Monday — can now prosecute former presidents and other high officials if the evidence warrants such prosecution.

Before Monday, no such political cover existed, making it politically impossible.

The Left broke the mold on Monday, blowing up the canard that anyone (even a former POTUS) is ‘untouchable’, putting a shield of protection in the hands of any future prosecutor, to withstand any and all attacks coming from enemy MSM.

That was missing on August 7th.

The ‘good guys’ could never go after Hitlery, Hussein, Bush, etc., because it just isn’t done. It had never been done before, so that was the precedent, that was the ‘norm‘ set in the public consciousness, and the MSM could appeal to that ‘norm’, as repugnant to the Rule of Law as it is and was, based on the public perception.

That public perception — that former presidents and other high officials simply ARE NOT investigated or prosecuted — doesn’t exist anymore, the Left blew it up on Monday.

It doesn’t matter if any of the public LIKE it or not, it is a matter of historical record and fact, so if they do what they usually do and take to the bully pulpit to shout down their opponents, their opponents can now throw FACTS in their faces and laugh at them.

It’s like a hyper puritan den-mother of a girls dormitory getting caught fornicating with three men at the same time. That den mother’s moral authority to accuse or denounce anyone else for anything is gone forever. Put a fork in her, she’s done.

In the same way, the MSM’s ability to appeal to and manipulate public opinion by making excuses for Hussein, Clinton, Bush or their cronies to be protected from prosecution based on ‘tradition’ is likewise done.


Not because any hearts or minds were changed, but because the reality has changed, and no one can deny it.

Like when the rulers, elders, scribes and high priest (Annas) were confronted with the fact that a miracle had been performed, and everybody knew it. Even though they were enemies of the Apostles, they could not deny it, they could not deny what was a publicly known fact.

Whether the public actually liked that a miracle was performed, or not, was not relevant. It was the fact that it happened which was relevant, because as a result of that fact being established, they could not deny it.

“Saying, What shall we do to these men? for that indeed a notable miracle hath been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in Jerusalem; and we cannot deny it.” (Acts 4:16, KJV)

That this thing has happened, that DJT’s home was raided, likewise cannot be denied.

Not by the purple-haired lesbos, not by Trump haters, not by anyone. It is an established fact known to everyone.

And because it is known to everyone — whether they like it or not, whether they support Trump or not — it changes the dynamic.

The rulers of the Temple were forced to change their strategy, because they could not deny that a miracle had taken place. If they could have denied it, they certainly would have denied it — but they couldn’t, which forced a change in what they would do next.

That applies here also, except there is no ‘change’ that can take the place, no substitute for the bogus ‘tradition’ of making former presidents and other high officials above the Law.

It’s a ‘tradition’ that should never have been allowed in the first place!

But it was, and once it was established, it was nearly impossible to remove.

It is almost certain that only ONE entity even could remove it, and that was the Left itself. Certainly no RINO could or would even try to remove that tradition.

But the Left did it, they ended that miserable ‘tradition’ that is repugnant to any form of positive Law. They did it in front of the whole world, with cameras rolling, on Monday, August 8th.

Nobody has to ‘like’ it, but neither can anybody deny it.

And that fact provides cover to any future prosecutor, backed by his superiors, to go wherever the evidence takes him — even and especially if it is straight to 666 Hussein Street, where it crosses Clinton Ave — and wherever else the evidence may lead.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Trump/MAGA supporters are nothing if not COMMITTED and unshakable in their belief,

Minority rules: Scientists discover tipping point for the spread of ideas

Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) at Rensselaer, used computational and analytical methods to discover the tipping point where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion. The finding has implications for the study and influence of societal interactions ranging from the spread of innovations to the movement of political ideals.

“When the number of committed opinion holders is below 10 percent, there is no visible progress in the spread of ideas. It would literally take the amount of time comparable to the age of the universe for this size group to reach the majority,” said SCNARC Director Boleslaw Szymanski, the Claire and Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor at Rensselaer. “Once that number grows above 10 percent, the idea spreads like flame.”




By the Left?


“By the Left?”


No, not by the Left, it will never be considered OK by the Left to raid Hitlery’s home, not even if there was video and live witnesses proving she personally raped and murdered dozens of children.

Nothing will persuade such people.

Which is why seeking agreement or approval from such is a waste of time and effort.

The far more important thing, I think, is that because the Left raided Trump’s home, the Left can never again claim such a thing is off limits or out-of-bounds, because they themselves destroyed that ‘tradition’ last Monday.

It doesn’t matter whether a single Kool-Aid chugging Hitlery worshipper likes it or agrees with or not, they cannot deny the indisputable fact, in the real world, known by all, that the Left raided Trump’s home.

The Left took the ‘untouchable’ political-class ‘tradition’, and ended it.

And that fact, regardless of what any Trump supporter or Trump hater thinks about it, cannot be denied.

They did it.

Everybody knows it.

No one can deny it.

So that door is open now, and Trump (or anyone else) has the freedom to do likewise.

And if he doesn’t, then a new and even more ridiculous ‘tradition’ will be established.

And that new ‘tradition’ will be that the Left can weaponize government and persecute and prosecute any and all opposition with impunity, but nobody else can.

And that’s just a bad joke.

Do ‘man on the street’ interviews on that idea, and even outright Trump haters won’t be able to say that sounds fair and good and right without laughing.

Because it’s ridiculous!

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

I agree 100% with Scott’s reply to you on this one.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m going to take a WILD GUESS here.


You thought it was OK *before* the MAL raid.


Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Of course I did!

Hillary Clinton actually BROKE THE LAW.

But as Scott has pointed out, there was a long-long-precedent (as in forever, as far as the United States was concerned) that past presidents, running presidents, political opponents, and PAST political opponents were OFF LIMITS.

That tradition has held since the Founding.

But NOW, that is no longer the case.

No longer can anyone claim “we don’t do that.”

Because we demonstrably DO “do that.”

Trump knows this, and he very likely baited them to commit the DUMBEST ACT OF SELF-IMMOLATION ever in the history of politics.

Watch what happens when he’s back in office. Because he will be. This is just a step in the process.


You nailed this.


If you aim to kill the King, you’d best NOT miss.


Denninger has an interesting take on MAL….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. It’s entirely possible Trump knew they were trying to frame him, and he “tripped the wire”.

Either way, FIB is evil.


I wrote mine before I read this, I swear!!!! Lol.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Independent arrival at the same hypothesis is always, IMO, a priori evidence of the strength of the hypothesis.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or it’s a priori evidence you’re both practicing the same alternative (ahem) medicine off the same fungus.

(Just kidding)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Denninger is more of the firewater type, but point taken!  😉 


I think so, too. Which is really why I pointed it out, not for my sainted “vanity.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, good, you found it…I couldn’t for the life of me remember the name of the dang page and my connection is really slow right now, scanning for it through two pages of replies would have been impractical.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Slight variation.

The article mentions he has TWO safes, and the one raided was the newer safe.

What if he had TWO suspected moles, and leaked to one that the docs were in the old safe, and to the other that the docs were in the new safe?

Now he’d know which one it was.

Apparently, in the early days of the second (Bush 43) Gulf War, Hussein gave out different itineraries to different people.

I remember the night the actual kinetic action started, they bombed ONE house in Baghdad, claiming they had good info there was a significant target in it. Apparently, Hussein was using a canary trap; I’ll bet the informant was dead within hours–maybe longer if they decided to prolong his agony as a lesson.


That’s a fun theory.

▪️ He has conclusively identified the mole.  If I was that person I’d be a bit nervous. He or she definitely has a rather short employment tenure, and if there’s a non-disclosure involved (I bet there is) I hope said person has some good lawyers and the money to pay them, because while you can always try to hide behind the “I was just reporting a crime I believed occurred” you are going to run into a buzzsaw of allegations that your actions were motivated by political animus, your employment was fraudulent in the first instance, etc. You might win that but at ruinous cost. Better check with Swalwell or Pelosi to see if they need someone — stat.

▪️ He has sprayed egg all over the FBI and DOJ’s face, including specifically and personally Garland, Wray and more.  In fact this might indeed be enough to destroy the existing FBI and DOJ agencies over time. We’ll see; I wouldn’t take a wager on that one way or another, but most certainly it has (and will continue to) enrage people on both sides of the aisle since the alleged “bounty” was a dry hole.

▪️ He has copyright and thus the right to use all of the surveillance video.  Here come hundreds of campaign ads with FBI agents rooting through Melania’s underwear drawer. You literally couldn’t make that crap up if you tried; nobody would believe it, but….. they handed it to him on a silver platter and every second of it is nuclear toxic waste politically for the FBI, DOJ and the Democrat Party.

Gail Combs

OOooooooh this comment has to be shared.

Afchief 53 posts, incept 2016-03-31
2022-08-10 15:17:25

Liberals/Demonrats are the most foul mouthed, dumb, traitorous, booger-eating, seditious, nature hating, aggressive, immature, insane, intolerant, bigoted, stingiest, anti-Christmas, polluting, off-key flat singing, angry, unfriendly, greedy, fascist, hate-filled, mean-spirited, envious, resentful, vicious, close-minded, violent, murdering, child-abusing, amoral, stupid, censoring, horse-punching, book-burning, ignorant, uneducated, unskilled, childish, prejudiced, racist, women-hating, man-hating, perverted, thieving, destructive, American-hating, Christian-hating, muslim-loving, Jew-hating, Israel-hating, communist, vote-rigging, vulgar, dirty, smelly, election-rejecting, regressive, restrictive, prohibitive, bed-wetting, poo-flinging, cop-killing, war-mongering, law-breaking, conservative black hating, and scared little lying thumb-sucking pussified idiots God has ever created.


  :wpds_mrgreen:  ^^^ Nice rant. ^^^   :wpds_twisted: 

Gail Combs

Thought you guys would appreciate it. Esp. Cuppa.


Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter….


Intel Slava Z

A group of US Navy warships will soon make a demonstration passage through the Taiwan Strait in support of Taipei. The exact date is unknown.

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan of the US Navy will not be sent to the bay, as this step would be too provocative.

US administration


With the latest naval failures I fully expect some or both will break down or something.. we ain’t what we used to be


They could run aground on the coast of Taiwan, that would be some impressive seamanship…


Usually one or two ships. Cruiser, Destroyer or Frigate.

It’s a Maritime Law thing. Transit Taiwan Straits. (Not a Bay). Demonstrate Freedom of Navigation.

Quarterly gotta do it for Seventh Fleet.


“he nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan of the US Navy will not be sent to the bay, as this step would be too provocative.”


The posturing is so silly.

And for one side to unilaterally determine that a certain ship would be ‘too provocative’, but other ships are just the ‘right’ amount of provocation, is again presumptuous posturing.

They don’t get to make that determination for the enemy, the enemy makes that determination for himself, about what is provocative, and what is not.

A ship is a ship, it’s flying the American flag that counts.

As for the aircraft carrier, if it’s one of the more effective aircraft carriers, then I’m pretty sure it has airplanes on it, which means it doesn’t have to be IN the Taiwan Strait in order for those planes to be in any potential fight within minutes, if the USS Ronald Reagan is in the area but not IN the Strait itself.


Be careful who you give $$ to …

RNC sent me a text yesterday and again today … asking for $$ to defend Trump

today’s … just a few mins ago says “GOP House members will fight for Trump, but ” $$ needed

I will never again give them a dime!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A rusty half cent would be too much.


Agree 😉


STOP is my text to all of them including Don Jr. When DJT declares his intention..maybe but only if I know that the RNC has not one penny of it


Just happened to get one from NV R-Cons.

With ^^^ in mind, it had Senator Rick Scott’s name on the letter head. Fl Rick Scott I suppose. NV does not have a Senator Rick Scott.

Completed my portion of the paper they sent AND placed it back in the postage paid envelope.

  • Back of envelope has VOTE TRUMP.
  • Goofy form they sent me, I printed with black Sharpie…
  • Side 1 Go Fuck Yourselves.
  • Side 2. R-Cons Stabbed Trump In The Back.

  :wpds_mrgreen:  Won’t help. But I feel better.   :wpds_mrgreen: 



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Right up there with ” mostly peaceful” protest with fires raging in the background

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or being pregnant…but only a little.


raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid, raid…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




She looks like a cheap street worker.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She is a LOT easier on the eyes than her two predecessor Demoncrap First “Ladies.”

Of course that bar is so low one needs an electron microscope to see it.


Not easy on my eyes. Cheap not classy would my husband say. 🙂

Gail Combs

She certainly was one…


I believe it 🙂


BiteMe Joe’s Hoe, Dressed For Success.




Its a thread.


Here’s the job description page:

These people will be federal law enforcement agents who do criminal investigations. I don’t know if they would be the ones conducting initial audits on taxpayers. I kind of doubt it. But it’s intimidating, and that’s one of their goals.


Seems the point. And lowest common denominator with intelligence. Really good at doing what youre told.



Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love it! GREAT TERM!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is interesting.

Though I don’t doubt this (our government exists to crap on “little” people), my prior understanding was they tended to go after upper-middle class people running their own businesses or owning rental property and taking all those sorts of deductions. What on earth are they going to uncover with someone who has a wage (or salary) reported on a W2, and nothing else?

It seems to me if the IRS were being run by intelligent people…OK stop laughing…they’d go after people they’d be more likely to find “disallowable” stuff on.

(I remember, decades ago, wasting money on some big thick book that was supposed to outline ways I could save money on Federal tax, but everything in it was a hint about some deduction you could take…if you were running a small business out of your house. You know, “don’t forget to deduct the square footage for your home office,” “don’t forget you can consider such-and-such a valid business expense,” and so on. Nothing whatsoever pertained to someone just making a salary.)


How many illegal aliens have wages reported on a W-2?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How many illegal aliens show up on the IRS radar in the first place?


Only if they are using someone else’s SS#

Gail Combs

AND that is a heck of a lot of them!

When illegals use pilfered Social Security numbers

In 2013, the Social Security Administration’s Office of the Chief Actuary estimated that more than 40 percent of all illegal aliens working in the U.S. were doing so using fake or stolen SSNs.

IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes

This time, he was talking about illegal immigrants, and about the IRS turning a blind eye. Or maybe worse. The IRS actually wants illegal immigrants to illegally use Social Security numbers, he suggested. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen made the surprising statement in response to a question from Sen. Dan Coats, R-Ind., at a Senate Finance Committee meeting. The question was a touchy one. Gee, is the IRS collaborating with taxpayers who file tax returns using fraudulent information? It wasn’t put exactly that way. According to Senator Coats:


What we learned is that … the IRS continues to process tax returns with false W-2 information and issue refunds as if they were routine tax returns, and say that’s not really our job. We also learned the IRS ignores notifications from the Social Security Administration that a name does not match a Social Security number, and you use your own system to determine whether a number is valid.”


Commissioner Koskinen was asked to explain this. He suggested that as long as the information is being used only to fraudulently obtain jobs, the IRS was OK with it. In fact, he said that the IRS actually had an interest in helping the illegal immigrants to crook these rules….  it sure seems odd to have any agency chief encouraging illegal immigrant theft of SSNs…..

You’ll love this next part. The IRS chief tried to distinguish between the various bad uses and misuses of someone else’s personal data. It is at least vaguely reminiscent of the flap a year ago that differentiated President Obama and Donald Trump over immigration and taxes. Mr. Trump said illegal immigrants get $4.2 billion in tax credits. A 2011 audit by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration confirmed that individuals who are not authorized to work in the United States were paid $4.2 billion in refundable credits.

The recipe goes like this.

First, get a Social Security number, then claim the Earned Income Tax Credit for the last three years. Then, wait for the IRS to send you three years of tax refunds. The gambit could apparently work even if you never paid taxes, never filed a return, and worked off the books. And the IRS says this is the way the Earned Income Tax Credit works.

…..Cautious IRS Commissioner Koskinen himself explained the seemingly bizarre result to Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) in 2015. Illegal immigrants covered by the President’s amnesty deal can claim back tax credits for work they performed illegally, even if they never filed a tax return during those years. This written response clarified the IRS chief’s earlier statements, confirming that illegals can get back taxes….

GEE, I wonder if the IRS is now going to go after that 4.2 billion and all those unpaid taxes by Illegals… NAH THEY ARE A PROTECTED CLASS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have a theory.

It’s due to automation. For reasons of simplicity of solutions, where the software solves with high confidence, it tends to “green light” audits on the LOW end of the scale, with minimum investments, and the least complexity, and it’s basically finding ERRORS, not CHEATING.

Tax software (revolving doors, I’m sure) has routines to spot likelihood of need for audits. Likewise, IRS must have software predicting NEED for an audit. Lazy employees probably love the solid predictions.


Is that bc they fail to be on time and are maybe hiding income? Im curious about demographics, but ill certainly agree that (gasp) the potatus is lying about this too.


Just got off the phone w/ my niece on Isle of Palms …

She said “The President just flew in, helo’d over to Kiawah where he and wife are spending the week-end. I said what president? She said Biden… I said he’s not my president. I wish the helo had dropped his butt in the ocean.

So he’s on holiday … Wray’s on holiday …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Secret meetings.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“I wish the helo had dropped his butt in the ocean.”

Given the usual state of his diapers, that would be an environmental catastrophe.

Besides which the rest of him needs dropped, too.


Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I’m glad we visited Kiaweh 15 years ago. Would not come near that place ever again with the Bite-me scum having been there.


Welll, he was hidden in every picture until one finally snuck in and the cat was out of the bag. Passing the million dollah torch to her wacky son…must keep the $$$$$$$$$$$ flowing into the Pelosi dynasty


They never seem to have enough money.


Why do they get “an escort” at all? This is work, not vacation.


It was the only thing she could come up with. It wouldn’t sound good that she was introducing him to the overseas connections for his future money making opportunities. Stepping in mama and daddy’s shoes.
The long tradition of politician’s offspring cashing in the Big Club.


The White House. I can’t compute. error error error error

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That cost me far more brain cells than any short video ever should. And I didn’t even have the sound turned on.


That’s some kind of xxx-phobic but I’m not sure which one so……………it’s rayciss

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




That’s the kind of person who will think a raid on Trump is fine but it would be a travesty if it happened to Hillary.


Questions 2 and 3 for goofball New Yorker holding the arrest Trump sign.

Q2. Who is paying you to hold this sign?

Q3. How much are you being paid?


In the video that Gail posted below, by In the Matrixxx and Shady Groove – the MG Show, they pointed out that Dan Scavino has deleted his post about Freespoke. They point out that it is owned by MSN or Google (I forgot exactly) and they are no better. So it is not advised to sign up for it.

Last edited 2 years ago by EllieLA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bump stock ban upheld. Will it go to SCOTUS???


comment image


biden’s new police force


Bears repeating:


New Gestapo force.

Gail Combs

InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove yesterday on the Trump Raid:

Trump Mar-a-Lago FBI Raid Proofs: Rise and Reign
There is a lot of chaff but some interesting bits and pieces relating to Q.
@ 12:35 they bring up a Dan Scavino post from August 6th. It is a scene with waves crashing into a shoreline lined with buildings.

The music used is part of
VALHALLA CALLING by Miracle Of Sound (Assassin’s Creed a Video Game) 

Key phrases:

Barren summits to the verdant plains…

New Beginnings…

Rise and REIGN….

a fate determined…

Shields and Spears….

Pull together for the Clan…

@ Mar a lago there is a shield with a spear above it. IT IS CALLED THE LIONS GATE PORTAL

What is the Lion’s Gate Portal? Astrologers consider August 8 a lucky day

On this day, the Lion’s Gate Portal opens up in the sky. Here’s how this cosmic alignment may affect your sun sign.

@ 16:25
8/8/22 is the raid date and 88022 is text code for trump

@ 18:06

Matrixx plays the entire song VALHALLA CALLING and says it is a ‘War-Like’ Posture…

Q post


Mar 4 2019 16:13:05 (EST)

>>5505069 (/pb)

Is there a benefit (think public optics) to allowing your enemy to open the front door?

‘War-like’ Posture Activated?

Thank you for playing.



They look at more Q posts from there (28 minutes) but I am now going to skip to last night’s video.

Payseur & Li War on American Patriots

Shady did more digging on that Dan Scavino post.

@ 17 minutes they look for the town where the waves are crashing.

Shady ‘truthed’

“Just happens to be the port city of Saint-Maio France getting hammered by a storm, where the allies battled between Aug 4 and Sept 2 1944.

Follow The Bloodline

#Payseur shot across the bough?

We are near a 4 yr delta of that research

-Joseph Robineete Biden Jr.

But nothing is happening?

@ 25:30 Matrixx and Shady show a old interview about their PAYSEUR research that has caused them to be hounded ever since. It is 17 minutes long and worth a watch.


My late father participated in the battle of Saint-Malo. The Army trained him to be a Recon landmine scout.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Gail Combs

This is the old dig that Matrixxx and Shady did on the Payseur family of France.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this is good. This POTATINGER dude knows about the depopulation plan!!! He’s even tied to ORIGINAL SARS. He has ties to Kissinger. He set up Trump numerous times. HOLY SHIT.

OH, these evil assholes!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Fuck you, Wray. You know DAMN WELL that in a normal world with REAL JUSTICE, this Potatinger dude would HANG for what he did.

Did Wray know about the depopulation plan? I’m betting he did!


Donald J. Trump, Truth Social (

Just leaving the Attorney General’s Office – A very professional meeting. Have a fantastic company with great assets, very little debt, and lots of CASH. Only in America!

In early June, the DOJ and FBI asked my legal representatives to put an extra lock on the door leading to the place where boxes were stored in Mar-a-Lago – We agreed. They were shown the secured area, and the boxes themselves. Then on Monday, without notification or warning, an army of agents broke into Mar-a-Lago, went to the same storage area, and ripped open the lock that they had asked to be installed. A surprise attack, POLITICS, and all the while our Country is going to HELL!


Gregg Phillips, Truth Social (

Someone said:

You need to explain it to me, my next-door neighbor, my grandmother, many who don’t understand it. When I walk into the doctor’s office I need it explained in layman’s term. Time is short. It is that simple, Gregg.

Gregg Phillips:

ok. Your phone imprints location and time data on 360,000 apps. That data is collected and sold to the federal government in the form of target lists. These lists have “patterns of life” built for each unique phone. Everywhere you go, those signals are collected, organized and mapped. Big brother is watching. Every single step.

People were asking if there’s a way to stop it. One person said:

What about if there is ghosting/ VPN on the phone?

Gregg Phillips:

Doesn’t stop the signal imprints. We are sharing a new device at the Pit this weekend that defeats the tracking in early tests.

Me: I’m guessing this would also prevent the kind of tracking done for 2000 Mules?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tracking vs. anti-tracking!


“People were asking if there’s a way to stop it.”



Leave your freakin’ mobile tracking device at home…. or better yet, throw it in a lake.


comment imageJoseph A. Camp


Any law prohibiting any qualified citizen from running for President of the United States is unconstitutional.
The Constitution sets the standards for who can run for President, not Congress.

U.S. Constitutional Requirements for Presidential Candidates

The Presidential Candidate must:

Be a natural-born citizen of the United States;

Be at least 35 years old;

Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years.

That’s it.

There have been numerous convicted and incarcerated killers, rapists, felons, and satirist who have run campaigns for President.

Because the Constitution is specific about the requirements, no state or federal law can enumerate more, or take away, the requirements.

Arguments about removal of classified documents and rhe language of the law prohibit the individual from holding office is moot. That portion of the statute will be challenged.

Another episode of Pro Se Nightmare by YourDaddyJoey

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

He’s not wrong.


Makes sense to me.

We’ll see what the NOT SC says.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A presidential candidate might be disqualified under the 14th amendment (section 3) as well. That’s the one about people who, having taken an oath, then engaged in insurrection. But…that’s still a part of the Constitution.

And it’s debatable whether it forbids someone for running for president. It specifically mentions congress, and elector of a President, and officers of the US (i.e., employees of the federal government), but it doesn’t specifically say President or Vice President.


Exclusive: An Informer Told the FBI What Docs Trump Was Hiding, and WhereBY WILLIAM M. ARKIN ON 8/10/22 AT 10:03 AM EDT


The raid on Mar-a-Lago was based largely on information from an FBIconfidential human source, one who was able to identify what classified documents former President Trump was still hiding and even the location of those documents, two senior government officials told Newsweek
The officials, who have direct knowledge of the FBI’s deliberations and were granted anonymity in order to discuss sensitive matters, said the raid of Donald Trump‘s Florida residence was deliberately timed to occur when the former president was away.


-“confidential human source” (“CHS”)
-“TWO senior government officials”
-” Direct knowledge”; “granted anonymity in order to discuss sensitive matters” (shades of Comeys “…due to the sensitivity of the matter.”)
-deliberately timed for when the (“former”) president was away.

I’m calling “BULLSHIT” !


Yup. Everything about the RAID is BS. As IS the Newseek article.

Newsweek blowing smoke, a cover of sorts for BiteMe, DOJ, FIB… ALL BS.


Consider how small the circle would be, that would have knowledge of what specific documents were in DJT’s safe.

It would have to be someone extremely close to DJT, in order to know such a specific thing, and to know that it was still there.

If that person was setting a trap for the FIB, that person from DJT’s innermost circle must have really convinced the FIB that they were betraying Trump, in order for the FIB to go all the way out to the end of that limb, and saw if off.

And if that person was not setting a trap for the FIB, then he or she really did betray Trump.

Whoever it was would need to be a really good and convincing and believable actor.

Whether he fooled the FIB, or whether he fooled Trump.

It seems far more likely that no informant was involved at all, that the FIB obtained the information by unlawful means, and made up an imaginary ‘informant’ to protect and conceal how they really obtained the information.


(just going to post THIS on TODAYs “daily”:

The Bias News
The Bias News


Lara Trump casts doubt on speculation that there’s an “informant” at Mar-a-Lago assisting the DOJ.

“Maybe [that’s] a bit of hearsay. There is no one of concern or even to consider.”


Something really “off” about this:

comment imageJoseph A. Camp


A second of 3 search warrants was just executed while I was live on Joe Oltmann’s show.

This warrant also shows the same private citizen of Holland and Knight Biden donor and Obama/Biden former United States Attorney Wifredo A. Ferrer filed it. This time it is archived. This one for a Pen Register (trapping the contents of a cell phone). (Archive of the Court Listener).
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Joseph A. Camp


Anyone want to ask Court Listener why they removed the name of private citizen Wifredo A. Ferrer from their site listing for the Search Warrant of Donald J. Trump?
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comment imageJoseph A. Camp


I literally can’t find any other example of this PACER “GliTCh” anywhere discussed.

Nor have I ever encountered this “GliTcH” wherein the named attorney of record is incorrect.
I have been using PACER and Court Listener for over 15 years.

While true PACER fucking sucks, the primary glitches are incorrect search results, the cumbersome dashboard, and the charge for search results displayed for typographic errors.

I’ve never seen where the attorney of record is incorrectly identified, because this is information that has to be entered manually by the Clerk of the Court and NOT technical in nature.
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Joseph A. Camp


It’s just a “GliTcH”.

Antifa Steven Monacelli, banned from all Trump events is proposing that it took almost 24hrs to fix an error of this magnitude on the second search warrant, but only 1hr after I discovered it on the first.
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I have no understanding of what i just read.


Two of us.

Maybe Readers Digest version will be posted soon. 🙂


(see below)


(see below)


Pulling in bits and pieces along with a SWAG. Prolly wrong. What the hell.

In part…?

Trump, OR more likely, one of his staff, laid the bait, feeding info to a suspected informant. The “classified” document, details, location… Video recording equipment in-place.

*** A private lawyer, perhaps with Perkins Coie, Lawfare, some fricken lawyer outfit, got the FIB/DOJ to do there bidding, getting the Search Warrant. Informant worked for private lawyer. ***

  • Hence, at least partially why something is, “SEALED”.

FIB arrives full of themselves, thinking they got the goods on Trump. Arrogant as hell. Come in heavy. 30 Agents. Automatic weapons. VERY Public display.

Fibbers WAY OUT OF LINE, executing the search warrant, with NO Trump staff or lawyer to observe. Searched areas, stuff NOT in the search warrant. Video recording everything.

Also, odd as hell, FIB left with a number of boxes. No inventory of confiscated stuff.

D-Rats thick as thieves in this FIB/DOJ cluster fuck.

Yea. I connected dots likely NOT there.


That makes sense though.


Makes sense, and is similar to what Karl Denninger discussed, link also further upthread.


Very strange


It wouldn’t be our criminal government if it wasn’t 👍


(should have been included in my comment):

comment imageJoseph A. Camp



Courtlistener changed the prosecutor from Wifredo A. Ferrer, a private citizen, to simple AUSA (sealed).

I discovered that the Government retained private counsel who is extremely conflicted and spoke about the discovery and its implications on @ConservativeDaily yesterday.

Archive from yesterday:

Current live version:
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Joseph A. Camp


A second of 3 search warrants was just executed while I was live on Joe Oltmann’s show.

This warrant also shows the same private citizen of Holland and Knight Biden donor and Obama/Biden former United States Attorney Wifredo A. Ferrer filed it. This time it is archived. This one for a Pen Register (trapping the contents of a cell phone). (Archive of the Court Listener).
Read more
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I believe I’ve had myself a revelation.

Today I read that there was a “confidential informant” who gave the info to the Feebs that Trump was “hiding” some docs, and where they were.

The Feebs show up en masse, WITH a safe cracker (why a safe cracker, specifically?), open the safe, find nothing, and proceed to search everywhere, including Melania’s undies.

IF they had an informant, THAT is why they brought the safe-cracker, because they had been TOLD that’s where to look.

But Al Capone’s vault was EMPTY, and Mr. Feeble had egg all on his face. So they freak out, and search EVERYTHING, hoping against HOPE to find something to JUSTIFY their bullshit.

Isn’t it interesting that the safe was COMPLETELY EMPTY?

Does anyone but me think it’s possible that Trump smelled the RAT in his midst, knew this was coming, found out when, and baited them in? Cameras rolling? Lawyers present, ready to observe, but ILLEGALLY EXCLUDED?

I already read this evening that the cameras CAUGHT the Feebs doing wrong things. IF (big friggin’ IF in my opinion) there is ever a trial or WHEN Trump feels like it, he can release the tapes of the sick fucks in Melania’s closet, or wherever, doing whatever nasty shit they were doing.

And they KNOW what they did. They have to wonder if there were cameras they couldn’t SEE.

I hope they lay awake at night, waiting for Trump to drop the hammer real good.



That would be the thing. Now remember when the WH was being remodeled and he “found gold in the walls?” He isnt a fool but that doesnt mean that they were able to plan for this 100%.
A llowing the enemy to destroy himself here though, have it all clearly on tape w audio would be delicious.


Wouldn’t it?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Similar theory posted by someone-or-other.

Though he thinks Trump used it to find out who the leaker was, whereas your thought allows for the possibility that the leaker was on his side all along.


Either or, it’s an interesting thought.


“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
― Sun tzu, The Art of War


Yep. And Trump is a master.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You may well be right.


They Fibbies may have hired prostitutes to piss in his bed.


What, and deprive themselves of the privilege!?



😂 😂 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, hilarious!!!


They always did get all their outfits from the same place.

Some things never change.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

Buffoon. 🤡

“The director of the FBI had strong words Wednesday for supporters of former President Donald Trump who have been using violent rhetoric in the wake of his agency’s search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.

Christopher Wray, who was appointed as the agency’s director in 2017 by Trump, called threats circulating online against federal agents and the Justice Department “deplorable and dangerous.”

“I’m always concerned about threats to law enforcement,” Wray said. “Violence against law enforcement is not the answer, no matter who you’re upset with.”

Wray made the remarks following a news conference during a long-planned visit to the agency’s field office in Omaha, Nebraska, where he discussed the FBI’s focus on cybersecurity. He declined to answer questions about the hours-long search Monday by FBI agents of Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida resort.”


Wray is just spewing talking points…propaganda….

So now are we to expect a false flag faked ‘violent attack’ such as a noose put on an FBI agent by a couple of guys dressed in MAGA hats, or a day-glo spray paint or small firebomb at an FBI office?

Or will there be another ‘patriot march’ on the Capital Mall on Saturday in their khakis, navy shirts, dark glasses and maybe they’ll do it at night with their collection of tiki torches and confederate flags?

That’s how the FBI rolls these days….

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’re not spewing THREATS, commie. We’re saying you’re SCUM that deserves to be IN JAIL.






Chrissy Wray: “Violence against law enforcement is not the answer, no matter who you’re upset with.”


Would you make that same argument at the beginning of the Revolutionary War?

And if so, if Americans should not have used violence against the British to win American freedom and Independence — and that is exactly what We the People did — are we not then obligated, according to your position, to surrender America back to the British?

If it was wrong to use violence against the British in the Revolutionary War, then how can the fruits of that violence — freedom and Independence from the British — be an acceptable result?

What say ye, Chris?

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

Good comment which, looking at today, wray gave you his answer. They want us all to be richard jewell, but dead asap.


They stole a PA legislator’s phone, and now this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FIB was part of the steal. EVIL.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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