LONG day today. Will be back with a full Friday daily. Tomorrow.

And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
JOHN 15:4-10
4Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. 5I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. 6If a man does not abide in me, he is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned. 7If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. 8By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples. 9As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love. 10If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.

JOHN 15:4-10
4Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. 5I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. 6If a man does not abide in me, he is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned. 7If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. 8By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples. 9As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love. 10If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.
Tough day here, as well.
Hope your tomorrow is better.
I don’t blame them a bit:
BOMBSHELL POLL: 66% of Texas Voters Want TEXIT
“According to a newly released poll by SurveyUSA, a top-rated pollster, 66% of likely Texas voters want Texas to withdraw from the union and “become an independent country.”
As a Son of the Republic of Texas, I would have to consider texiting with them, but I really hope it doesn’t come to that.
We could drill and refine, Sell gas to ya’ll for real cheap. No MOAR Dem boots on our necks ever again! Texas would be the SA of America.
Saw the founder on RAV yesterday, he’s been working on TEXIT for 15yrs. Bannon is totally against it. They met at CPAC, a meeting may be happening. He also said Abbott is the road block, been against it since he was AG under Gov. Perry.
Their history is unlike any other state…Texas was a Republic BEFORE it was a state.
Using an obscure work by C.S. Lewis, this is a rather novel and some what prophetic look at our current dilemma with the left, the regime, and where they might be going with it all.
Since the feds ‘swarmed’ Mar-a-lago, MAGA deplorables should also ‘swarm’ DJT’s home.
As in thousands and thousands of peons, fully controlling ground access to the house. It would be the best security against the cabal trying to whack DJT.
There’s a lot of em there now.
I wonder if Melania will come back to MAL… she would not live in the WH until it had been cleansed by the Church, remember. It was six months before she moved in, and during that time POTUS was having a few walls ripped out while “bugs” were removed.
It is reported that the FIB was there in MAL residence for some 9 1/2 hrs. That should be some kind of record, right. Certainly time to plant a lot of bugs. Melania will probably have every piece of clothing removed, destroyed…
Just a thought or two… I know I would not want to live there after what has transpired.
Melania has demonstrated a steely resolve of her own…
RealPOTUS should move to Arizona … at least he’d have a governor who would protect him in Kari Lake
She just had the bedroom remodeled 2yrs ago. I highly doubt MAL would have bedroom cameras before, but now after FIB wouldn’t be surprised. Future blackmail material.
Actually it seems more like a serious slam. That does say warrant materials right?
GOOD. Secret law must be destroyed.
This will be fun. So far this is about a supposed over due library book. Very embarrassing as is. What will be more embarrassing is if the library book is about leftists crimes that have yet to see the light of day.
Yeah, this could have some built-in KARMA.
I haven’t looked to see what Fitton is actually asking for but I think he wants the titles of these documents at the minimum (surely that can’t be classified too). If it is embarrassing, the DOJ is not going to comply and that it self will be very telling.
You’d be amazed at what could be classified.
There are even classification markings (i.e., the alphabet soup that goes next to TOP S*CR*T on the header and footer of every page of the document) that are themselves, classified.
Then the DOJ is going to have a problem. The public wants to know what this is about and if not told in plain terms the furniture is never going back to the way it was.
Personally I’m thinking Trump set a trap. He declassified this stuff and is waiting for the stone walling to end so he can make them public. As far as it concerns him, he can have declassified documents. He may of even had the cover pages tossed off exposing the titles of each before moving back to Florida, understanding he declassified the material. As long as he kept the documents secure he’s fine (ref the FIB visit where they suggested another lock on the door).
If the judge gets a look at those documents, just the titles, and they are about crime assessments he’s likely going to fully grant Fitton’s request and the titles at a minimum will be released.
Likely though if they are about crime assessments then the DOJ is not as you say going to allow disclosure, at which time Garland and the DOJ are going to have to weather more hot criticism about an over due library book.
This is moving much faster than I expected.
DOJ “desk” at Perkins Coie is busy creating the
answerlies, obfuscation…ACTIVE INVESTIGATION details will not be made available.We’ll see.
Sounds like the Trumps have the tapes for sure.
UPDATE: Eric Trump Says Mar-a-Lago Security Cameras Captured FBI Agents Behaving Improperly
August 10, 2022, 7:31 pm by Jim Hoft
The female agent looks sad that she wasn’t allowed to go in Melania’s closet.
Her shirt says “Secret Service”, so I don’t think she’d be in on the raid…..
….and aren’t we assuming some pronouns?
“….and aren’t we assuming some pronouns?”
I always do
Missed that. Then she’s seen the wardrobe and is upset nasty FBI agents are sullying them with their dirty paws while she’s forced to hang around at the front gate looking impotent despite the gun in her hands.
And as far as the pronouns thing, you need at least 200 hrs of collage level training in that subject alone just to figure it all out and even then it’s going to be dicey. Meanwhile most are just not going to sit in on those classes and jeopardize their GPA for that crap.
“IT’ covers all bases.
Ain’t none of Melania’s clothes gonna fit those thighs.
Just sayin’.
Not surprising !!!
This is what I read yesterday that convinced me that Trump has lured them into their OWN “Buffalo Jump.”
Source said to look in the office, the safe, and the storage room. NOT the bedroom. New EMPTY safe?

I know, right? So funny.
Could very well be. They would be trumpeting and leaking if they found anything, and they’re not because now they can only do “planted”, which will be a huge risk and a likely fail.
Bigger than that, I’m betting that their informant gave them some kind of CRAP that proves their guilt about SOMETHING to Trump.
Imagine if Trump had leaked to his spy, something about a scandal so radioactive that it had to bait them in. “The secret that brings them all down is in that safe.”
And that secret is NOTHING, because when they grabbed for it, there WAS nothing. But if, before dropping the hint, Trump had mentioned some nearly unprovable scandal……. Maybe involving Fauci……
Yeah. I have my own dream theory here, too.
2 words, Barium meal. 2 more, useful pawn. last 2, Tsun Tzu.
I apologize for the length of this. If not interested, please scroll by.
A Gab comment was posted here yesterday about vaccines, and I decided to vet it. I’ve marked things that make me skeptical with red flags. Link to the comment.
We have:
● the Gab commenter
● the person the Gab commenter refers to, Shelly
● the book that Shelly refers to, Swine Flu Expose
Here is the first part of the Gab comment:
160 years takes us to Civil War days. Is she denying the Revolution, or is she merely saying the USA as we know it was “rebirthed” at the time of the Civil War, or is she a believer in other theories? We don’t know, but IMO this goes to her credibility.
Then here is what the Gab commenter posted about Shelly:
Good for her. And although I am a Christian, I’ve seen enough that that gives me no more reason to believe Shelly than anyone else. Shelly’s website: https://redheadmom8.wordpress.com
Shelly is a flat-earther.
She prides herself on “looking at things differently.” In her video on the Northern Lights, she says they might not be what we think, especially for “heliocentric” believers. She says, “The Bible tells us that the earth is level and stationary, but I’m not going to pretend that I have all the answers.” The video is called “Aurora Borealis and the Throne of God.”
I didn’t take the time to watch the rest.
Apparently Shelly believes the 1977 book Swine Flu Expose. (After some digging, I found that it is by Eleanor McBean and is still available in print. More on that later.)
These are the Gab commenter’s statements about what Shelly believes, taken from Chapter 2 of the book:
● In 1918 the government gave the soldiers going home from war a vaccination that caused them to get very sick with flu like symptoms.
● These soldiers went home all over the USA and started dying.
● The government then released the vaccination for the said Spanish flu that the soldiers where dying from and
● over 20 million people rolled up their sleeve and took the deadly vaccination, and died.
● No one else died from the flu who did not take the vaccination.
I’ve ever heard any of those statements before and haven’t been able to corroborate them.
That would take a lot of research.
Chapter 2 of the book is titled “The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 was Caused by Vaccinations.” I read the chapter to look for evidence to back up the theories, but there is none linked in the book online.
If you read it from the point of view that all vaccines are bad and are to blame for everything, it could make sense. But there is no evidence and no footnotes.
The author equates all vaccines with poison, literally.
She also theorizes that illnesses of the time, including Spanish flu, resulted from however many vaccines were given first to soldiers, and then to others, from a cumulative effect of the “poison.”
The end of this chapter says this:
(I believe this is a personal account by the author, who was born in 1905.)
Infantile paralysis is polio. This timeline of polio shows that it is suspected to have been around for millenia and that is was recognized by at least 1840.
because people were suffering with it long before 1918. It was referred to as “infantile paralysis” because of the tendency for children to get it, but adults did get it too. One theory is that natural immunity was built up from the population’s exposure to it, while children had not had time to build that immunity.
So red flag
She says the soldier returned in 1912, so it would not have been a Spanish flu vaccine (if one even existed) that the men had taken.
Also from the chapter:
Where is the evidence for this?
Here is the link to the table of contents for the book.
This is some of what is included in Chapter 1:
I can relate to some of that, but I can’t click on the links and there are no footnotes.
Back to the Gab comment that was posted here. Here is the rest of it:
Is this talking about 1918? Who is Dr. Gates? VAERS was established in 1990. Was there a retroactive VAERS report for WWI? This adds to my skepticism about the Gab commenter.
I did some digging on the author, Eleanor McBean (1905-1989). She is profiled here: https://www.wikispooks.com/wiki/Eleanor_McBean
I don’t know about that source, but it does dovetail with the portions of her book that are online, and it was the only info I could find about Ms. McBean.
As far as I can tell, she had no more scientific knowledge than I do.
I won’t copy everything here, but here are some quotes from one of her books:
So this is the person whom “Shelly” was relying on for vaccine information, whom the Gab commenter was presenting as a good source, and who was presented here, and whose information I have multiple questions about. People can draw their own conclusions.
Wading through that heap of bovine excrement has to have killed quite a few brain cells.
Thanks for your “thanks”! Yes,
No germs! LOL. That’s even more absurd than no viruses, since these people typically use the “germ test” (Koch’s postulates) to discredit the existence of viruses.
This line of “no diseases” was being pushed by ChiCom trolls during the early COVID thing.
Based on that last point, I took a look at the Gab account. It DEFINITELY looks like an operative. This is some “troll farm” / “cubicle farm” account, IMO.
It took a long time to vet all of that and to uncover that information. That is why I advocate for people to use discernment and do some vetting of their own before posting things like this — even if it has to be done over several days. There were warnings
from the first sentence of it.
I instictively don’t trust someone who says this on the internet:
Woop! And it went downhill from there.
Yeah, it’s crap – and Valerie has been bringing crap like that here forever. That’s not gonna change.
I used to be bothered by such discrediting crap, but eventually I found that I learn more from my own (or OUR own) debunkings, than from either fact checkers, or from simply dismissing it without examination.
The thing is, one can gain skills dismissing such crap, and then one day something of a similar nature will appear, and it simply WILL NOT DISMISS.
THOSE instances are big winners. That is where we make progress!
^^^ This.
Encourage the adventure as it always leads to the eventual truth. May waste a few brain cells, that’s it.
Play the game for its parting gifts.
I’m all for “the adventure.” I’m not for censorship, except appropriate self-censorship, which was commented about yesterday (not posting 100,000 memes or posting things about subjects that are known to be false or from the other side trying to make us look like idiots, etc.)
What I’m also for is people using discernment, and my concern has been that some don’t exercise it even, surprisingly, here.
Some latch onto this info as possible evidence to validate their prior beliefs. The enemy’s MO is to give us false information that we want to hear, then sending us out to spread it. And it got disseminated here.
It won’t lead to truth if no one vets the information. If we constantly post weird, false theories that don’t get examined, we become like other sites that just pass on junk.
I’m just saying be careful, be skeptical (isn’t that what science is about?), and be discerning.
I think some people see something new/’interesting’ and just DO NOT HAVE THE SKILL SET to do the research.
Valerie does a big service by bringing that stuff here for us to vet AND THEN TAKING THAT VETTING OUT INTO THE WORLD.
Shady Groove made a comment somewhere in this 2 hour rumble:
Payseur & Li War on American Patriots
That some people are just good at digging and connecting dots and others are not.
I KNOW that s true because I would present a series of Dots at a corporate meeting and NO ONE could make the connections I could see plain as day. We are talking engineers, scientists et al. It completely baffled me but I finally learned I had to SHOW the connections. Not that I am good at it.
OH, ant THAT was what Q was doing, TRAINING and HONING that skill in the anons.
This is their dig on the Payseur family. It got Qed in #1970
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 5f8edb No.2773726
Aug 28 2018 18:33:25 (EST)
That is actually very cool. But it’s VERY TRICKY to vet it, even more to explain it.
I’m not talking about having your level of research skills. I’m talking about seeing someone say crazy things about our history, then use a dog-whistle (“she’s a Christian and she home-schools”) to get people to believe things that have never been reported in over 100 years of history.
And yes, there could still be undiscovered things, but — and I don’t know how to get my point across — discernment is key. Not research; discernment.
“I’m just saying be careful, be skeptical (isn’t that what science is about?), and be discerning.”

There is something very important to be learned in your first paragraph, that is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT for our cause.
When we understand that one thing, we will have come a long way towards understanding what we have to do to win this thing.
Excellent detective work T2!! Thanks for keeping us on the Truth track!!

YW, and thank you!
Thanks for doing the digging.
YW; thanks.
AND Patrick Gunnels is STILL pushing it.
Unfortunately people are taking that crap and running with it.
I really do not care if ‘viruses’ have been proved to exist or not. I have enough Livestock and therefore DEAD Stock to KNOW there are illnesses that are passed around even between species. You can CALL it a virus for all I care. I want the route of infection and the cure PERIOD!
First, thank you for this dig! Both Valerie posting the crap, and your dismembering of it, has given me a new revelation about how they are countering the spread of “depopulation recognition” on Gab. I may do a post later, if I get some more information about such disinformation opposition on Gab.
Now, a public service announcement!
Remember this (and I address this to everybody).
Whether you “dig” on “drive-by disinformation” (or what you believe is such, which will likely be a correct appraisal, most of the time) or whether you do NOT dig, is your choice.
HOWEVER, you do not owe any of it a dig.
Here are the options:
What I cannot tolerate here is attacking the poster, even if you’re absolutely sick to death of junk being posted. Why is this?
I have gotten critical information about “enemy action” by the posting of this stuff. Not only do I learn about their tactics – I learn about up-ticks in certain types of disinformation that let me know how the other side is countering us.
My actual well-being depends on this. Your ability to post here depends on that. The enemy will try to take us down at a moment of WEAKNESS. Knowing how they are sneaking up on us, changing the information background, is important to countering their strategy of “weakening unbeknownst to the victim”.
I NEED TO KNOW what their most recent tactics are, and I cannot get this information myself.
This is the equivalent of showing me the latest enemy booby-traps in a war zone. I need this information.
One of the things ALL of you may want to do is to not assume that all people who appear to do air-headed things are actually airheads about those things.
You may not believe the “doubles” stuff, or the “trust the plan” stuff, or the “patriots are in control” stuff, but whether it’s true or false – whether it’s spontaneous or psy-op – whether it’s our side or their side – whether it’s Q gospel or “cruft” – I want to know about it.
You may not believe the “symbols” stuff, or the “occult” stuff, or the “Jesus” stuff, or the “atheist” stuff – but I want to know about it.
You may not believe the “not a virus” stuff, or the “depopulation” stuff, or the “women are bleeding” stuff, or the “COVID is the flu” stuff, but I want to know about it.
Maximum truth needs to not only explain the reasonable, but it must explain the unreasonable surrounding it. It even needs to explain, more importantly, when the unreasonable has flipped to the reasonable. In other words, why things “look like, but are not”, or “don’t look like, but are”. This is all made worse by the fact that the other side INTENTIONALLY throws in junk to make the confusion worse. And sometimes they even throw GEMS disguised as JUNK, so you won’t think they’re gems.
Even I do not have the time to DIG on every open question.
However, YOUR OPINIONS, kindly given so that they don’t inhibit the posting of what you regard as junk, are always appreciated.
“I don’t think this one is a true double. I think this one is really Hillary.”
That’s all one needs to say. Nobody would fault that as a conflict generator.
YOUR OPINION, without proof, is as useful as a DIG to me.
This isn’t baseball and a low batting average is acceptable, because low still means there are hits.
What gets me wound up is when someone continues to post stuff…from a source known to be disreputable. It’s one thing for Valerie to post stuff from a new source that then turns out to be disreputable, it’s another to keep bringing stuff from a source known to be crap.
Love It.
Fauci got booed. He truely deserves it.
“Loser!” – Psychopath Tony Fauci BOOED LOUDLY before Throwing Out First Pitch at Mariners Game (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)
Whatever happened to crowds pouring out of the stands and swamping the field…?
This speaks volumes coming from the normies on the left coast.
Puppy update
New adventures in Dogland!!!
With a pool!
A beautiful pool, at that!
Those long legs!
That tail hook!
She is denying the charges.
SoCal Doctor Caught on Video Allegedly Poisoning Her Husband with Dran
She’s good for it! My money is on mainlander!!!
I have no idea how the word “hare” and the repeat of the title appeared at the end!
As the jury foreman reads out the guilty verdict, he/she will sing, “It Had To Be Yu(e)”…
More fun with burglary…..
So, they snagged another member of the gang Wednesday morning. The first guy, his stolen car, and his hotel room, they bagged 97 items as evidence, with no mention of clothing. One item was my tax information from the 00’s. I’m having trouble finding out what happened to the rest of the items in the car and hotel room.
Mind you, one group of my missing items is the contents of box IT, which (among other things) had a green polyester knit bathrobe (quantity on earth = 1) made for me by my mom 44 years ago. It included a Nukubalavu t-shirt, which is a resort on the back side of Fiji’s Kadavu island — when we were there, we were the only guests in their six cabins. It included an ACA ’95 STAFF t-shirt, of which there were about 30 made. These may not have seemed valuable to LE, and didn’t have serial numbers, but seem like they could be quite helpful in proving guilt.
I’m trying to get my local PD to do a BOLO for shirts.
If LE tossed all my memories as inconsequential, they will have harmed me more than the burglars taking my insured stuff.
As part of our Fiji trip, we flew into the big international airport at Nadi. IIRC, we did an overnight, then flew out to Kadavu. As an aside, extra “m’s” and “n’s” happen quite a lot in Fiji, so it was “Nan-dee” airport and “Kan-da-vu” island. I vaguely recall that our puddle-jumper stopped at the resort where they filmed “Blue Lagoon” before going to Kadavu.
Kadavu is a good-sized island with a total of about a mile-and-a-half of paved road. The airport runs across an isthmus with the road along one beach Our plane buzzed the runway to run-off the livestock grazing on the grass, then we came back to the grass and landed on it. We taxied back to the terminal building, which was open-sided, made of cinderblock, and was about the same size as a city park’s bathroom building.
We found the resort’s greeter, and grabbed our luggage off the concrete counter. He grabbed some of our luggage and marched confidently out of the terminal. He continued marching along/across the road, then set off over the white sand beach with luggage across his shoulders — with us trudging after him.
Our sneaky suspicion turned accurate when he continued walking straight into the water toward a small outboard boat floating offshore. We paused, took our shoes and socks off, and reorganized our stuff to keep things dry — then followed. The boat was only in about two feet of water. We got our stuff in, then we got in, then we set off for the other end of the island.
As it turns out, you cannot rent a boat in Fiji. There is lots of boating going on of all types, but the reefs are all over the place and stick up from the depths to within inches of the surface. Foreigners keep hitting them and sinking boats, so you had to have a local. In the hours it took to get to Nukubalavu, we kept seeing these spires.
When we got to the “resort”, we were startled to find that we were the only guests there, but it all worked out. In fact, we had booked something like 4 days at this first resort and seven days at the other, but we transferred three days from the second resort to the first one.
And all of these memories triggered by a t-shirt.
Good to hear that another perp was caught.
Fingers crossed that at least some of the memory items are found.
I wouldn’t think LE would toss anything or think it wasn’t important, but you never know. I hope you get those things back that have such meaning to you, and that everyone gets caught and prosecuted. What a hassle and heartbreak for you!
Oh coothie…..you wuz robbed? I’m so sorry!
Stuff got stole. Robbed would have put my tentacles at risk.
I’m glad your tentacles are okay!!! But I am sorry about your stuff.

I am, too, and I remain cautiously optimistic about recoveries as the SO seems to be slowly rolling up the gang.
But, you know, it could have been worse. I could have had 30 FIBbers rummaging through the Fiancee’s undies drawer.
I do hope they get your stuff back for you.
Yeah….the feebs poking around in the lingerie is not to be borne.
Darn it that second gin awoke the plagiarist in me.
Sorry ALT I couldn’t stop myself.
“Forward, the Shite Brigade!”
Was there a man dismay’d?
Not tho’ the faggots knew
Some one had blunder’d:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to search and try:
Into the valley of infamy
Rode the 0.3 hundred.
Cameras to right of them,
Cameras to left of them,
Cameras in front of them
recorded and Rumbled;
Storm’d at by the young lady lawyer,
Boldly they searched and well,
Into the jaws of Shame,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the 0.3 hundred.
You should listen to your plagiarist more often.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, August 11, 2022
“But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.”
Romans 7:6 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Our FBI director, Christopher Wray has already publicly insinuated that MAGA people are domestic terrorists, the greatest threat to ‘our democracy’
What about Antifa and BLM, the domestic terrorist, shakedown mafia branches of the DNC – who destroyed cities, businesses, targeted and killed innocent law enforcement?
Antifa and BLM and their hordes seemed to be trained in the dark arts of escalation, instigation, false flag operations – tactics suspiciously identical to those known by C-A, FBI and other federal agencies.
BLM funds – millions, billions extorted from corporations – protection money – went straight to the DNC coffers – except for the fat cats who bought mansions, fancy cars, etc. All those riots were a fund-raising deal for the Demonrat party at the expense of innocent businesses burned, families of police killed. All for the greater good aka corrupt politician purses. To build back better – holding Americans in the vice grip of communist oppression – inflation like never seen – since the last Democrat regime was in place.
Where was Wray then? Why didn’t he call them terrorists?
Wray was silent while those groups were excused, encouraged, enabled, funded and even bailed out of jail by politicians on the left.
Where was Wray when people brought hard proof, evidence of a fraudulent stolen election????
Wray seems to be more focused against any parent who objects to their child being taught homo-bi-lesbi-perversion – instead of Math, Science, Spelling, Grammar – His agency and others called the parents who speak out violent terrorists.
Yesterday Wray was at it again – spewing leftist talking points -propaganda – setting the stage – using several flaming trigger words such as ‘violence against law enforcement’.
So we can likely expect another FBI dress-up drama false flag faked ‘violent attack’ – like Charlottesville, like January 6.
A noose put on an FBI agent by a couple of guys dressed in MAGA hats?
A day-glo spray paint MAGA motto on an FBI building?
A pipe bomb found in front of an FBI office?
A Molotov Cocktail thrown through a window?
A ‘patriot march’ on the Capital Mall on Saturday in their khakis, navy shirts, dark glasses or maybe they’ll do it at night with their collection of tiki torches and confederate flags?
Or a siege on a MAGA stronghold – such as a family, who are homeschooling, who spoke out against woke agenda and maybe own a large motor vehicle to transport their 5-7 children to play groups, violin and piano lessons, doctor appointments, who are teaching their sons responsible safe use of fire arms at a local range, and didn’t get everyone in the family vaccinated for CV19?
Make an example of them? Another Waco, Ruby Ridge, Bundy ranch?
That’s how the FBI and other federal agencies roll – leftist agenda enforcement – false flag ops – political play-acting – persecution of any and all opposition.
To them – ANY DISSENT against leftist agendas – woke – green – IS VIOLENCE – and must be eliminated, silenced, censored, punished.
After all, PC really means Punitive Conformity.
It’s the old Alinsky crap all over again – but this time – they are running our government.
^^^ THIS. Perfectly stated. My thoughts last night when I read of Wray’s nonsense. Wray attacking common law abiding folks, for calling out CROOKED FIB action AND inaction.
Coming soon, a FF AND FIB calling more calling out MAGA types as white extremist terrorist.
I am wearing my Betsy Ross flag T shirt. I have three and now is a good time to make a statement since the Wray identified those with it as terrorists.
Thank you!!!
WOW – did you ever call that right!
Do NOT react with silence! DOUBLE DOWN ON FREE SPEECH.
Wray probably understood back then that Antifa and BLM would make up the corps of the new 87,000 IRS agents.
– Raise taxes, and prices of goods so people can’t pay.
– Seize property, give it to ideologues and illegals.
You just properly explained why FIB has to be shuttered. Closed. Terminated. Dead as a doornail.
You throw the entire barrel out for good reasons when whatever is in it is spoiled. The rotten contents ruin the barrel, the structure, containing them. You may not know if it is a flaw in the barrel causing the spoilage for just the contents themselves.
So you start over with a well constructed and inspected new barrel. Then you become much more careful as you fill it.
The principle for this is in the Bible. Use new wineskins for new wine. If you put new wine in old wineskins, the skins burst and the wine is lost.
FIB cannot be fixed. Anybody proposing that to happen is either ignorant, stupid or an enemy of America.
Young people have been indoctrinated, addicted to phones, drugs, s3x, p0rn at an early age. The military has poor pickings these days. Gov agencies the same.
Is it possible that the FBI has gone rouge? That the FBI leader from MI who got promoted planned the Jan6 fiasco now is responsible for search of Trump’s residency? Wonder if there is an oporative directing him in all three incidences ?
Just a thought. He would be a hero or can be a fall guy no in between.
Oh, I definitely believe that FIB is infiltrated, corrupted, and politicized.
Much of it comes from ABOVE – from the INFILTRATED DOJ.
Wonder if Holder is still running the DOJ ?
That’s an interesting idea.
It smells like Holder
I think you’re right. WRAY has only made them WORSE.
That was fantastic! And a good list of what to watch out for.
Any resistance to the leftist agenda by the opposing party has become progressively weaker and weaker. Now we have establishment Republicans like Wray, McConnell and Pence actually enabling the leftist agenda.
It appears the ship of state has been tacking, sailing back and forth, seeming to reverse course with each change of parties and administrations, yet in reality, we have been advancing toward the shore of tyranny at a steady pace.
The Mar A Lago raid by the JØbama FBI/DOJ reeks of political theater with a purpose – to advance their agenda narrative and to prepare the way for more communist tyranny.
My biggest question – Was Trump playing part in the drama, an entertaining diversion and distraction, not an instrument of deliverance?
My conditioned suspicious cat nature has been stirred up a lot these days.
Who, then, would you suggest?
Perfection does not exist on earth, never did, never will. The NEW Earth will be perfect, but it will most definitely not be THIS one.
Nor is a theocracy a possibility. Even ancient Israel bailed on that.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Chiefio discusses a few boxes, beyond the typical three boxes…
Nothing really new. A summary of where he figures we (USA), EU Australia and Canada are. With likely future in the near term.
3 Boxes, or More?
The Wiki details this. I’d first heard it as 3 boxes to assure liberty, to be used in order: Soap Box, Ballot Box, and Ammo Box. It looks like it started with those, but has expanded to four over time. There’s also “Jury Box” in many early forms:
Pointy’s got a new one up, too. A tad dark and pessimistic, which seems to fit the current mood…
Psychoterror at its “beast”… Folks seems to be expecting defeat anymore, which would seem to become a self-fulfilling prophecy, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory…
Still think US Gov’t goes to war to deliver “Democracy” ?
Too big a red pill to swallow?
Video of it here, from yesterday…
Thanks RAC
Deep State Infighting: DOJ Fingers FBI for Mar-a-Lago Raid Disaster (breitbart.com)
Just how DUMB do they think people are??? Especially after four years of Orange man bad brought to you by the FIB…
“…..Garland had no prior knowledge of the date and time of the specific raid, nor was he asked to approve it…”
IT referring to the DATE AND TIME of the specific Raid.
Freakin’ KAPO trying to SQUIRM.
HA! KAPO trying to blame it on COIFFURED COMMIE.
I’ve got an idea.
Questions grow about Trump raid after revelation of grand jury subpoena, extensive cooperation | Just The News
Two months before his Florida home was raided by the FBI, former President Donald Trump secretly received a grand jury subpoena for classified documents belonging to the National Archives, and voluntarily cooperated by turning over responsive evidence,
surrendering security surveillance footage and allowing federal agents and a senior Justice Department lawyer to tour his private storage locker, according to a half dozen people familiar with the incident.
While the cooperation was mostly arranged by his lawyers, Trump personally surprised the DOJ National Security Division prosecutor and three FBI agents who came to his Mar-a-Lago compound on June 3, greeting them as they came to pick up a small number of documents compliant with the subpoena, the sources told Just the News, speaking only on condition of anonymity because the visit was covered by grand jury secrecy.
The subpoena requested any remaining documents Trump possessed with any classification markings, even if they involved photos of foreign leaders, correspondence or mementos from his presidency.
Secret Service agents were also present and facilitated the visit, officials said.
Trump signaled his full cooperation, telling the agents and prosecutor, “Look, whatever you need let us know,” according to two eyewitnesses. The federal team was surprised by the president’s invitation and asked for an immediate favor: to see the 6-foot-by-10-foot storage locker where his clothes, shoes, documents and mementos from his presidency were stored at the compound.
Given Trump’s instruction, the president’s lawyers complied and allowed the search by the FBI before the entourage left cordially. Five days later, DOJ officials sent a letter to Trump’s lawyers asking them to secure the storage locker with more than the lock they had seen. The Secret Service installed a more robust security lock to comply.
Around the same time, the Trump Organization, which owns Mar-a-Lago, received a request for surveillance video footage covering the locker and volunteered the footage to federal authorities, sources disclosed.
The disclosure Wednesday to Just the News raised immediate new questions in legal and congressional circles about the necessity for the subsequent raid, including whether the judge who approved the warrant new of the earlier cooperation.
“The more we learn, the more confusing this gets,” George Washington University Law professor Jonathan Turley told Fox News program Hannity. “….Did they relay this history to the magistrate? That, according to these sources, that the president had cooperated.
”I mean, the idea that he was subject to a subpoena, complied with a subpoena, didn’t challenge it, voluntarily showed the storage room to the agents, followed their advice, secured it to meet their demands. All of that is hardly a basis for saying now we need to send in 40 FBI agents on a on a raid,” he added. “I mean, if the subpoena worked the first time, then presumably a second subpoena would work the second time if there were remaining documents.”
Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., told Just the News that Trump mentioned to her Tuesday night the prior cooperation, and that she viewed the raid as an effort at nullifying his future run for the presidency in 2024 if he chooses.
“Look, this is exactly what people, the public is seeing: a two-tiered justice system. This is impeachment 4,” she said, citing Trump‘s prior two impeachments and the January 6 hearings that preceded the raid.
The flurry of cooperation in June came months after Trump had already returned about 15 boxes of documents, many of them classified, at the request of the National Archives. Government officials have said the documents were mistakenly boxed up by the General Services Administration along with Trump’s personal possessions from the White House and shipped to Mar-a -Lago.
After the subpoena was delivered in late May, federal authorities said they suspected there were more classified materials still left at Mar-a-Lago, and arranged the June 3 visit.
After mid-June, the government had no other official contacts with the president’s lawyers until agents showed up unannounced on Monday and executed the search warrant, ousting the president’s lawyers and staff and spending nine hours collecting evidence. Sources told Just the News they collected about 12 boxes of evidence.
U.S. officials who confirmed the June 3 voluntary visit and subpoena compliance, refused to say whether U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart was apprised of the full extent of Trump’s compliance when he was asked to sign the unprecedented search warrant last Friday.
The FBI then waited three days after getting the judge’s approval before executing the warrant, one of many oddities in the timetable.
Some officials said the extra time was used to assemble a team to raid Mar-a-Lago in the most incognito manner so the public wouldn’t be alerted and while the former president was out of town.
The officials told Just the News the search warrant was sought after the FBI obtained some witness information and other evidence suggesting some classified documents may have still remained on the property after June, stored in locations such as a private safe Trump had in his residence, and that some of the storage locations may have been accessed in 2022.
The new revelations came the same day that new questions arose about Reinhart, the judge in the case.
Just the News obtained a court document showing that Reinhart — just six weeks before signing the warrant — recused himself from Trump’s lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and other Democrats in the Russia collusion scandal, citing concerns he couldn’t be impartial.
Reinhart, appointed in 2018 as a federal magistrate in West Palm Beach, Fla., filed the recusal document on June 22, a few weeks after presiding over the start of the civil litigation.
“The undersigned Magistrate Judge, to whom the above-styled cause has been assigned, hereby recuses himself and refers the case to the Clerk of Court for reassignment pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 455,” Reinhart wrote in his order of recusal in the Trump v. Clinton case.
You can read the document here:
show_temp (7).pdf
The statute that the magistrate cited for his recusal states in part that a judge “shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned” and then describes the various circumstances that could trigger such concerns.
They include “a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts” or prior work as a lawyer for a party involved in the case.
Reinhart’s order did not specify the conflict or source of the concern prompting his recusal.
Trump’s lawsuit accuses Clinton, Democrat allies and current and former government officials of engaging in a racketeering conspiracy to falsely portray Trump as colluding with Russia during the 2016 election. The sweeping nature of the suit involves numerous parties and public figures.
The recusal filing emerges as numerous media reports have surfaced about the magistrate’s prior work, including donations before he was judge to President Barack Obama and Jeb Bush and work for figures associated with the late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
The Daily Wire also raised questions about Reinhart’s impartiality toward Trump, reporting that in a 2017 Facebook social post — a year before he was named a magistrate — he challenged the 45th president’s moral character after Trump attacked the late Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights icon.
“I generally ignore the President-elect’s tweets, but not this one,” Reinhart posted, according to the Daily Wire. “John Lewis arguably has done more to ‘make America great’ than any living citizen. Last August, I took my son to the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma so he could understand the kind of courage and sacrifice required to live in a democratic society. John Lewis embodies that spirit. Although I’ve never met him, he is one of my heroes.
“Thank you, Robert Reich, for saying what many of us feel, ‘John Lewis is the conscience of America. Donald Trump doesn’t have the moral stature to kiss John Lewis’s feet.’
“Or, as Joseph Welch said to Joseph McCarthy, ‘At long last, have you left no sense of decency?'”
I have a theory!
I have a theory!
The thing that has them SCARED TO DEATH.
The thing that was “deep” behind the “anti-lynching” law!!!
They’re desperate to see if Trump could have had any inclination of what they were doing. Maybe there’s a lose document or two that they need to hide. Something has them SKEERED TO DEATH.

I wonder, what has Trump said about Bacon?
Silly boy, you already know……
Nope, I didn’t.
I must have been busy stuffing my face with bacon when that happened.
I believe you.
Have the Democrat-FBI cabal awakened the sleeping bear? « JoNova (joannenova.com.au)
Former Twitter Employee Guilty of Spying for Saudi Arabia
Ahmad Abouammo, a former media partnership manager for Twitter’s Middle East region, has been convicted of spying for the Saudi govt.
Abouammo was found guilty on six charges, including acting as an illegal agent of a foreign government, money laundering and fraud.
The tech executive apparently received hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for personal information of Saudi dissidents.
Abouammo’s defense unsuccessfully argued, that he merely accepted gifts for doing his job, without breaking the law.
https://t.me/georgenews | @GEORGENEWS
Driveby Post.
I finished watching MG Show this morning while sewing.

@ 1hour 40 minutes: Two more points Matrixxx & Shady make: . Message in Donald Trumps, USA in Decline Speech. Trump point blank says at the end it is up to US to save our country. It ends with “…the Best is yet to come.”
@ 1 hour 47:30 THE BACKGROUND SONG is called WWG1WGA by Richard Feelgood who concentrates on doing Q songs.
Towards the end of the video Matrixxx & Shady make it clear the FIB is USING the raid to GENERATE ANGER and THEN COLLECT VIOLENT RHETORIC (a major psychological safety valve BTW) and then use it against Deplorables. Much is from Astrotuff PAID shills on Twatter and infiltrators on blog sites and that is used by the FAKE NEWS TO PROVE THE RIGHT WING IS VIOLENT [False Flag incoming??? GC].
Now ADD that to the IRS BIG FOOT and think about Katherine of True the Vote being IN CONTINUOUS LITIGATION since the OBAMA IRS targeted her. We now have 27+ IRS per COUNTY.
ADD IN the FIB going after the STATE LISTS of Concealed Carry licencees…
ADD IN CASH is used in drug deals and most older cash has the scent of drugs on it for the DOGS TO FIND.
Mar 30, 2010 Policing for Profit – The Abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture (2:30 ninutes)
An older discussion about Asset Forfeiture is HERE. It has first hand accounts and links. What is interesting is there is a ‘LEO’ DEFENDING the practice, AND per usual DOES NOT READ the sources linked to just replies:
That site he was calling ‘INCORRECT’ actually has ALL THE LAWS LISTED IN THE SIDE BAR.
The site was http://www.fear.org/
OH, and do not forget about ANTI-HOARDING LAWS…
One commenter has the EOs
As a side note, we have laws, regulations, Executive Orders, all open to the public PLUS classified Presidential Policy Directives. This means we would not know exactly what President Trump actually did in preparation for the Election Steal.
I do not want to scare everyone so I am going to start by discussing The Devolution Series by Patel Patriot first. Please at least skim this series.
I like to connect dots and I see a few that Patel Patriot missed so I am going to point them out.
In Part 2 – The Defense Intelligence Agency and the Defector
He mentions:

Vice Minister Dong Jingwei of the Ministry of State Security (MSS) defected from China to the United States on Feb 10th, of 2021. Dong was previously the chief of counterintelligence for the MSS….
The rest of the information is about how Biden’s admin was COMPLETELY UNAWARE OF THIS DEFECTOR…. HMMmmmm
Patel Patriot goes on to say:
DIA leadership (Trump appointed Lt. Gen Berrier) believes there are “Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.” He has proof. The defector brought “terabytes” of data with him. Included in that data is the “names of Chinese Spies working in the US” and “Names of US Citizens who provide intel to China” as well as Hunter “(and Joe’s) business dealings with Chinese entities.” ….
The implications here are MASSIVE. The DIA (the principal source of intelligence for COMBAT RELATED MISSIONS) kept the defector a secret because the President [Biden] was implicated by the information the defector provided.
HOWEVER the last time Dong was seen in public was September 2020 just before the US elections…

Another clue that Patel Patriot missed, is WHY would Dong escape only to run to a country RUN BY A CHINESE PUPPET? You would have to have a death wish to do that. However if you had the Chinese playbook on HOW China was going to steal the 2020 election and install their puppet, you just might risk running BEFORE the 2020 elections.
In Devolution – Part 12 – “Playbook”
Patel Patriot drops a second bit of interesting information. If you read nothing else, READ PART 12. It explains the ‘BLACKMAIL’ used to oust President Trump and keep him from fighting back. (See also Devolution – Part 6 —Antifa & the Capitol Riot for the other bit of blackmail.)
…As we go further, you’ll see exactly what is meant by “state destabilization,” but the biggest take away here is knowing all Color Revolutions closely follow the same template. We will be closely examining that template shortly…
…before we get too far, we need to reflect on something from that last screenshot.
Purple Revolution anyone?
….Just the TIP
One of the more interesting and sinister developments that took place in 2020 was creation of the Transition Integrity Project (TIP). On August 3rd of 2020, the Transition Integrity Project released a report titled “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition.”
This group WAR GAMED various outcomes of the 2020 election and what their response would be.
What they do not mention, but is implied in the statement “…to Spur all Stakeholders to Action…” means continuous violent rioting by BLM & ANTIFA if Trump took and held office in 2021 THINK Ukraine.
Remember that the lead up to the 2020 election was BLM & ANTIFA riots. (Where are they now?)
Remember DEFUND THE POLICE! implemented in many US cities.
Remember DemonRat Prosecutors and their revolving door for violent protesters.
What these bastards were going to do is escalate those riots into full scale Civil War in every democrat run city to bait President Trump into putting the riots down and then getting the Fake News to claim he was another ‘Hitler’ giving Congress a pretext to impeach him if the first four methods did not work. Aka “Overthrow alleged ‘authoritarian’ regime of Donald Trump.
However the most interesting sentence is this:
Participants got to choose whether their involvement would be publicly disclosed or not so we don’t have a full list…
Add that to the information from Vice Minister Dong Jingwei and it seems certain that President Trump DID have the connections between the Transition Integrity Project and China. We also know that Mike Pompeo warned certain state governors about their cozy ties with China.
Devolution is based on the WAR TIME authority of a President. Thanks to the precedence set by President Lincoln, a declaration of war by Congress is NOT NECESSARY if the USA is attacked. Patel Patriot goes into this in depth HERE.
The court ruling in the case of Lincoln

While President Trump would not make an open declaration of War against China, he could and would take the necessary steps to defend the USA. On top of that Congress Declared War on Sept. 14, 2001 and it has been ongoing ever since.

That brings us to a very important bit of information:

The key phrase that Patel Patriot does not point out is:
Devolution is the capability to transfer statutory authority and responsibility from the organizations primary operating staff and facilities to OTHER DESIGNATED STAFF AND ALTERNATE LOCATIONS…
You want to get rid of the Deep State and the Corruptocrats? You set up a parallel government with OTHER PERSONNEL.
Most of us are familiar with ‘The Great Reset,’ Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. This article goes into the details.
The Global Elite’s Plan to Radically Remake Our Economic and Social Lives
To put their plan in place they have to ‘BREAK’ the American people by destroying our freedoms, our will and our economy. If you look at what Biden is doing from the point of view of crashing the US economy it makes sense. Bring in millions of third worlders looking for a handout. INSISTING workers and school kids take the Clot Shot, destroy our import/export of goods and lastly, disrupting our food supply chain.
Sundance has been warning that food shortages are coming so we have been discussing preparation. There is one major fly in the ointment – Anti-Hoarding E.O.s and laws.
How will they know where you live?
Census GPS-tagging your home’s front door Coordinates being taken for every residence in nation http://realtexascowgirl.blogspot.com/2009/05/census-gps-tagging-your-homes-front.html“According to an online Yahoo program, the Global Position System coordinates for the White House, probably one of the best-known publicly owned buildings in the world, are 38.898590 Latitude and -77.035971 Longitude. And since you know that, it’s no big deal for the White House to know the coordinates for your front door, is it?
Some people think it is, and are upset over an army of some 140,000 workers hired in part with a $700 million taxpayer-funded contract to collect GPS readings for every front door in the nation.
The data collection, presented as preparation for the 2010 Census, is pinpointing with computer accuracy the locations and has raised considerable concern from privacy advocates who have questioned why the information is needed. The privacy advocates also are more than a little worried over what could be done with that information.
Enhancing the concerns is the Obama administration’s recent decision to put White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel in an oversight role over the census, which will be used to determine a reapportionment of congressional seats and could be used to solidify a single political party’s control over the nation, its budget, military and future…
HOW would they know who is hoarding?
Well there are your credit card records and those handy ‘Rewards Cards’ that let you buy featured produces at a discounted price. Many grocery stores have them.
That they are doing this type of snooping is established.
Hospitals to begin monitoring your credit card purchases to flag ‘unhealthy’ habits
What you buy at the grocery store, where you live, and even your membership status at the local gym are all subject to a new data collection scheme by the American medical system. Reports indicate that hospitals and doctors’ offices all across the country are now collecting this and other personal information in order to target individuals deemed to have “unhealthy” lifestyle habits that put them at high risk of disease.
Bloomberg reports that hospital systems in both North and South Carolina as well as Pennsylvania have already begun tracking people’s food-purchasing habits by spying on them through public records and credit card transactions. Carolinas HealthCare System (CHS), which operates some 900 care centers throughout the Carolinas, has teamed up with a data-mining company to compile and track this information for the later purpose of calling “high-risk” folks and urging them to make a change.
“What we are looking to find are people before they end up in trouble,” stated Michael Dulin, chief clinical officer for analytics and outcomes at CHS, to Bloomberg. “The idea is to use big data and predictive models to think about population health and drill down to the individual levels to find someone running into trouble that we can reach out to and try to help out.”.…
I copied this comment back around 2008 during the ‘Farm Wars’ It may have been from a Yahoo group or from NoNais, I am not sure but it is a very telling comment.
I have been involved in a discussion about a USDA employee who visited an individual’s home in the Pacific NW and began asking a lot of questions about the person’s food storage practices & their raising of small livestock (chickens).…
I agree completely with the “do it quietly” mind set…. But in this case the Dept. of Ag was visiting all the homes in a neigborhood.
“A person from the US Dept of Agriculture came to my door and asked me a bunch of questions which boiled down to whether or not I store food. My daughter has ONE pet chicken, and this woman was looking at the chicken and asking if I have any others, etc. Do I garden? Any other animals? Also, she had a list in her hand of all my neighbors, and was planning to see all of them, too.”
Actually, I did see a congresscritter once who stated that the government really needed to either stop or put some guidelines out about people raising their own food. He said that most people did not know how to do it safely.
Gardening is the same way. Technically it is illegal….I couldn’t find the garden thing specifically. This was something a professor pointed out to me, though I did find it odd as well. It was somehow tied into “affecting interstate commerce” This clause however, seems to provide a loophole for anything the govt wishes to do.
“…Gardening is the same way. Technically it is illegal….” And she is correct.
Trojan Horse Law: The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009https://web.archive.org/web/20101125074012/http://www.examiner.com/scotus-in-washington-dc/trojan-horse-law-the-food-safety-modernization-act-of-2009
…. Lori Robertson of FactCheck.org, who is not a lawyer (she has a B.A. in advertising), claims the bill doesn’t apply to “that tomato plant in your backyard.”
As a lawyer, I am skeptical of this claim (I co-represented the prevailing defendant in the last successful constitutional challenge to federal regulation under the interstate commerce clause, United States v. Morrison (2000), one of only two cases in 70 years in which a challenge was successful). Congress’s power under the Constitution’s Commerce Clause is almost unlimited in the eyes of the courts, and thus can reach the “tomato plant in your backyard.”
…..Ignorance about the law’s broad reach (and how it will be construed by the courts) has thwarted opposition to the bill, which will likely pass Congress. For example, a newspaper claims the bill “doesn’t regulate home gardens.” The newspaper probably assumed that was true because the bill, like most federal laws, only purports to reach activities that affect “interstate commerce.” To an uninformed layperson or journalist, that “sounds as if it might not reach local and mom-and-pop operators at all.” (The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, has sought to forestall opposition to her bill by falsely claiming that that “the Constitution’s commerce clause prevents the federal government from regulating commerce that doesn’t cross state lines.”)
But lawyers familiar with our capricious legal system know better. The Supreme Court ruled in Wickard v. Filburn (1942) that even home gardens (in that case, a farmer’s growing wheat for his own consumption) are subject to federal laws that regulate interstate commerce. Economists and scholars have criticized this decision, but it continues to be cited and followed in Supreme Court rulings, such as those applying federal anti-drug laws to consumption of even home-grown medical marijuana. Indeed, many court decisions allow Congress to define as “interstate commerce” even non-commercial conduct that doesn’t cross state lines — something directly at odds with Rep. DeLauro’s claims.
And just to give you the warm fuzzies…
Why Is the USDA Buying Submachine Guns with 30-Round Magazines?
Are those bullets for our livestock or for us farmers?
And that brings us to
I am using a 2005 article as my jumping off point:
Can Our Government Really Tell Us How Much Food and Supplies We Can Keep?
The short answer is YES, in a roundabout way. Due to numerous discussions questioning the existence of federal anti-hoarding legislation, I wanted to see if such Executive Orders had been written….
And then she provides a list of E.O.s now superseded by Obama’s Executive Order 13603
Sec. 201. Priorities and Allocations Authorities. (a) The authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2071, to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders (other than contracts of employment) to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, is delegated to the following agency heads:
(1) the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;
(2) the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;
(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;
(4) the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation; (5) the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and
(6) the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.
She then goes on to say:
These EOs are not aimed at anti-hoarding but rather at seizure or confiscation of items and facilities “to provide a state of readiness in these resource areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.” You’ll find most ‘seizure’ legislation ends with this phrase. These Executive Orders don’t define what specifically constitutes a national emergency and maybe this is as it should be. The specifics on hoarding are left up to the individual states.
However she did not actually look at the 1950 DEFENSE PRODUCTION.
SUBCHAPTER I—PRIORITIES AND ALLOCATIONS Section 4512. Hoarding of designated scare materials.§4512. Hoarding of designated scarce materialsIn order to prevent hoarding, no person shall accumulate
(1) in excess of the reasonable demands of business, personal, or home consumption, or
(2) for the purpose of resale at prices in excess of prevailing market prices,
materials which have been designated by the President as scarce materials or materials the supply of which would be threatened by such accumulation. The President shall order published in the Federal Register, and in such other manner as he may deem appropriate, every designation of materials the accumulation of which is unlawful and any withdrawal of such designation. In making such designations the President may prescribe such conditions with respect to the accumulation of materials in excess of the reasonable demands of business, personal, or home consumption as he deems necessary to carry out the objectives of this chapter. This section shall not be construed to limit the authority contained in .
(Sept. 8, 1950, ch. 932, title I, §102, ; July 31, 1951, ch. 275, title I, §101(b), .)
She then goes on to FEMA:
What Is FEMA’s Role?
EO #11051 is interesting; it authorizes FEMA near-total power in times of crisis….
FEMA was created by President Carter under Executive Order #12148 . Its legal authorization is Title 42, United States Code 5121 (42 USC Sec. 5121) called the “Stafford Act.” During activation of Executive Orders, FEMA answers only to the National Security Council which answers only to the President. Once these powers are invoked, not even Congress can intervene or countermand them for six months….
Who will determine how much food we can have in our house? FEMA.
And the amount depends on the needs of all…not your needs or my needs…but the “welfare” of the needy.
Again, she gets it incorrect. FEMA’s job is the orderly distribution of supplies. The 1950 law confiscates and the 1988 law distributes.
According to FEMA:
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, PL 100-707, signed into law November 23, 1988; amended the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, PL 93-288.
This Act constitutes the statutory authority for most Federal disaster response activities especially as they pertain to FEMA and FEMA programs.
Stafford Act, as Amended https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_stafford_act_2021_vol1.pdf
Sec. 413. Food Commodities (42 U.S.C. 5180)
(a) Emergency Mass Feeding – The President is authorized and directed to assure that adequate stocks of food will be ready and conveniently available for emergency mass feeding or distribution in any area of the United States which suffers a major disaster or emergency.
(b) Funds for Purchase of Food Commodities – The Secretary of Agriculture shall utilize funds appropriated under section 612c of title 7, to purchase food commodities necessary to provide adequate supplies for use in any area of the United States in the event of a major disaster or emergency in such area.
However she is correct about state laws.
…..To locate information for your state, look for laws about:
Blood Typing
Disaster Preparedness
Martial Law
National Guard
Public Safety or Public Welfare
State Militia
State Police Force
Hawaii As A Specific Example of Anti-Hoarding
For Hawaii, this information will be found in Title 10 under “Public Safety”. It is located after legislation on militias, state guard troops, etc. Then you find the jewel… In Hawaii you are considered a “hoarder” if you have more than one week’s provisions on hand BUT you have to dig to uncover this information. Here is a specific example:
(1) Prevention of *hoarding, waste, etc. To the extent necessary to prevent hoarding, waste, or destruction of materials, supplies, commodities, accommodations, facilities, and services, to effectuate equitable distribution thereof, or to establish priorities therein as the public welfare may require, to investigate, and any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, to regulate or prohibit, by means of licensing, rationing, or otherwise, the storage, transportation, use, possession, maintenance, furnishing, sale, or distribution thereof, and any business or any transaction related thereto.”
Committee Notes? Huh?…..
Of course you need an EXCUSE before you can start confiscation of Food, Cars Tractors, Equipment and Farmland.
In 2008, the financial traders (and banks) saw food as the next big moneymaker. They also set up the USA for starvation down the road.
How Goldman gambled on starvationSpeculators set up a casino where the chips were the stomachs of millions. What does it say about our system that we can so casually inflict so much pain?http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/johann-hari/johann-hari-how-goldman-gambled-on-starvation-2016088.html
Food shortfalls predicted: 2008
The agricultural sector was one of the areas we found most attractive in 2007. We expect that will remain the case. Long term global price and demand trends remain positive…
In summary, we have record low grain inventories globally as we move into a new crop year. We have demand growing strongly. Which means that going forward even small crop failures are going to drive grain prices to record levels. As an investor, we continue to find these long term trends…very attractive.
And by the same outfit
Investing in Farmland: 4 Ways to Play the Agricultural Boom
And by Grain dot Org
Corporations are STILL making a killing from hunger
Financial Speculators Reap Profits From Global Hunger
Biofuel starvation wasn’t “unforeseen consequences” http://terrancethisisstupidstuff.blogspot.com/2008/04/biofuel-starvation-wasnt-unforeseen.html
However the KEY for the USA IN 2022 was the destruction of US grain reserves and grain elevators.
Want food security? Bring back a national grain reserve
September 21, 2012| By Frederick Kaufman
To blunt the ravages of drought and market greed, we need a national grain reserve….our country cannot even threaten to bolster the national supply because the United States does not possess a national grain reserve. Such was not always the case….
July 22, 2008 letter to President Bush from the Grain Traders
Recently there have been increased calls for the development of a U.S. or international grain reserve to provide priority access to food supplies for Humanitarian needs. The National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) and the North American Export Grain Association (NAEGA) strongly advise against this concept..Stock reserves have a documented depressing effect on prices… and resulted in less aggressive market bidding for the grains.
So over a decade ago US food reserves were ABOLISHED but that was not enough. MORE ACTION WAS NEEDED. Ice Age Farmer in this 13 minute video goes over the last moves designed to lead to major food shortages.
Australia BANS unvaxed farmers from selling grain….
Unvaxed Truckers WILL NOT DRIVE… (Check out the comments too)
Hubby said that the 27+ IRS agents per county are nothing compared to the population.
So let me add HOW they can determine WHO they actually want to target.
Gregg Phillips has already told us HOW to build a picture of a person. Now the IRS can RAID YOUR HOME FOR EVIDENCE….. AND they get to grab your COMPUTER and Cell Phones.
Sharyl Atkinson testifies [before congress] that Obama’s FBI [SAID THEY] were planning to ‘Plant’ Child Porn [as evidence] on her husband’s computer….“They KNEW we had a young daughter at home…”
First published at 13:03 UTC on May 22nd, 2022.
She is sitting next to
James O’Keefe of Project Veritas
News items here: https://www.projectveritas.com/news/
27 agents per county. My piddly county one agent for each ~1,900 folks. Discount kids, guesstimate now 1 agent 1,000 folks.
Ah hell, I hit 9 of 10 in Gail’s list above. Add in Trump flag, Trump sticker on truck, FJB sticker, impeach BiteMe flag.
I need to move AND find that “dumb home”, someone mentioned in yesterday’s daily.
If the FIB & the Deep State want a FF, all they have to do is start raiding MAGA folks homes and they will certainly hit several Jack Pots. Some of these ‘woodsy’ folk are NOT the type you want to play around with.
Antifa certainly gets around, seems they have a ukrainian branch, photo of its toys also a vid that I can’t see, not on telegraph…
“In Krasnoyarsk, two supporters of the “antifa” movement, suspected of robbery, were detained.
According to operational information, the detainees planned to set fire to the military registration and enlistment office because of their position on the operation in Ukraine.”
OK.I am massively confused.
“In Krasnoyarsk,”
Krasnoyarsk is in Siberia; it’s both a city and a “Federal Subject” (i.e., state level), Krasnoyarsk Krai. It’s not anywhere near Ukraine.
As a matter of trivia, Krasnoyarks is the third largest national subdivision on Earth. It is behind Western Australia and Sakha.
Sakha is the big one to the east/right of Krasnoyarsk in the map above. If you’ve ever played RISK, you know it as Yakutsk (and it’s even somewhat accurately drawn) and it is sometimes called Yakutia.
lol… while playing risk many years ago…
I called those places:
“Yat sucks” and “It sucks”
Apologies, my assumption and error. Geography and foreign names definitely not my strong point.
That is one large pile, or better, mass of evil tentacles disguised as ‘help’, of absolute fkery slowly perpetrated against the people of the USA/World.
Great post.
Remember all – we denounce all violence….
Wolf Moon
Absolutely correct that the mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” can cross the blood-brain barrier:
This article, by Steve Kirsch, opens up a line of thought about the nature of the spike protein in the COVID-19 virus itself. Yours Truly suspects that the virus itself has bioengineered elements in it, elements that were “inserted” during the Gain-of-Function experiments at the Wuhan lab and perhaps also at Baric’s lab at UNC, that affect the brain.
These elements, plus the enhanced spike protein AND the lipid nanoparticles in the mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, all migrate into organs all over the body of any person who gets an mRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, even if only one injection. The documents discussed yesterday on this board from the European Medicines Agency make it clear that Pfizer-BioNTech found that the LPNs and the spike protein in their “vaccine” did indeed migrate around in the bodies of lab rats, including into the brain.
If is indeed the case that the original Wuhan COVID-19 virus was bioengineered to include elements that can affect the brain, the mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” also have these elements in them, with enhanced possibility of doing more harm due to the LPNs and the amounts of spike protein in each shot of these “vaccines.”
It may well be that UN-“vaccinated” people who get COVID-19 and recover (starting back to November / December 2019 and beyond) were exposed to bioengineered elements within the virus itself that can affect the brain.
The Steve Kirsch article has links to articles about LPNs and the COVID-19 virus spike protein and their migration to the brain.
Here’s the EMA document with the reference to LPNs and mRNA from the COVID-19 spike protein and the brain:
Page 56: “…LPN-formulated RNAs can distribute rather non-specifically to several organs, such as spleen, heart, kidney, lung and brain.”
Yours Truly will point out that Comirnaty, the German version of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine”, is biologically and chemically identical to BNT162b2, the company’s COVID-19 “vaccine” used in the U.S. Also, that the enhanced S1 spike protein in these “vaccines” are included in the formulations for all other COVID-19 “vaccines” and “booster shots” made by this company. The enhanced S1 spike protein in these “vaccines” are synthesized from the spike protein from the original Wuhan strain of the virus.
IMO, any person, “vaccinated” or not, who ever had COVID-19 or any of its variants and recovered, AND any person who is “vaccinated” and/or “boosted”, needs to follow the FLCCC protocols for managing the inflammations (including brain inflammation) from the spike protein.
Yours Truly will defer to Aubergine and to Gail Combs on the use of nattokinase and/or serrapeptase to help manage inflammation. It’s also important to talk with one’s doctor if one is taking prescription medications for blood thinning, for anxiety or other psychological issues, or for any other reason, in terms of interaction issues.
Yours Truly feels it’s important not to lose sight regarding the COVID-19 “vaccines” disaster, even in light of the VERY serious implications and repercussions related to the FIB raid on Mar-a-Lago.
There are many ways to manage inflammation, including simple diet.
Cut your sugar intake, number one. That includes too much alcohol. Moderation is key.
Don’t use soybean and other seed oils. DO use olive oil, coconut oil and butter.
Eat dark berries, every day if you can. Also eat dark leafy greens.
Without popping a single vitamin or pill, or drinking a single herbal tea (although of course I recommend both) you can reduce inflammation significantly.
Also, make it a point to find something funny every day, and laugh like hell. It lowers inflammation, too:
And get outdoors into the wild as much as you can. The Japanese discovered years ago that forest bathing is great for you:
We have lost touch with the natural ways God made us to be healthy. We need to get back them.
Thank you so much! Absolutely! And daily exercise helps also, IMO.
Hard to get out into the forest without exercise.
Lol, so right!
You bet it does!
And you’re welcome!
I love the term forest bathing. That is how I feel when I walk in the forest
Various trees give off various oils. Think pine and eucalyptus. We may not eve notice the sent of the oils.
The love for forest is in my genes
Me, too.
I’m going to the forest today!
I am envious
It was really nice. By a local mountain lake.
How nice good place to renew.
Yes. Sugar (especially SUCROSE) is a big inflammatory!
Sure is!
“….and perhaps also at Baric’s lab at UNC, that affect the brain…..”
Taking it that my friend and I DID get an early version of Covid FROM the UNC EMERGENCY ROOM (101 Manning Dr, Chapel Hill, NC)… in the late fall of 2018. Yeah EIGHTEEN not NINETEEN. (Gain of Function was back in the USA by that time.)
I ended up with Long Haulers and had to go for treatment at the emergency room for ‘Asthma’ in December since I could not breath. HOWEVER she at an age over 50 SUDDENLY started to have epileptic fits and lost her sight for a day. I ran her to the emergency room several times and one time a store called the ambulance for her. That was in November before my ‘Asthma’ got so bad I had to finally given in and go for treatment. ‘Asthma’ that was chronic for months and months until I got a dose of Moxidectin and Goat Spit.
The disease showed as a nasty flu within a week of our visit to the UNC Emergency room for a different problem. BUT the other symptoms showed about a month later. ALSO she is essentially homeless and I drive VERY OLD trucks which they would have had a record of.
The UNC Gillings School is across the street (S. Columbus) from the UNC School of medicine and that complex CONTAINS the HOSPITAL and LITERALLY connects to the emergency room. It is one very big sprawling building. We are talking LESS than 1000 ft between the Gillings school and the emergency room as the crow flies. (Not to mention medical students as carriers.)
Gail Combs
Some items related to Baric / UNC / COVID-19:
“Jeffrey Sachs Presents Evidence of Possible Lab Origin of COVID-19”
This article states that Ralph Baric and his lab at UNC were part of a collaboration with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance AND the Wuhan Institute of Virology as far back as 2014, in experiments “to increase the transmissibility and pathogenicity of bat coronaviruses.”
Baric’s lab has been involved with SARS-CoV experiments for a long time — AND was funded by Fauci’s NIAID (example: 2015 NIAID award Number U19AI1109761. The experiments funded by this award [in which Zheng-Li Shi was involved too] appear in the 2015 paper, “A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence”, http://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985.pdf).
NIAID, NIH, and USAID were all involved with funding experiments in 2013 on bat coronaviruses for Shi and for Duke University’s Singapore medical school through Lin-Fa Wang (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5389864/).
The point here is that the U.S. government, through NIAID and NIH, was funding research at Baric’s lab and at the Wuhan Institute of Virology on experiments to isolate and “enhance” bat coronaviruses.
Here’s an article that has comments from Ralph Baric in 2019 on designing a virus that has a “sweet spot for pathogenicity.” —
And here’s the MIT article about Baric claiming that “We never created a supervirus” :
Baric is a monster. His cell should be right next to Bat Lady.
Baric & the Bat Lady co-authored a paper. Shi was TRAINED IN THE TECHNIQUES BY BARIC at UNC!
DR BOYLE: “I think I have the definitive evidence where this came from and it came from the BSL-3 biowarfare lab at the University of North Carolina.”
Professor Dr. Francis A. Boyle is ”… a leading American expert international law; responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 89…”
He then refers to the paper:
A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.
It was Electronically Published on November 8, 2015
The LAST names are the most important authors BTW.
Vineet D Menachery 1, Boyd L Yount Jr 1, Kari Debbink 1 2, Sudhakar Agnihothram 3, Lisa E Gralinski 1, Jessica A Plante 1, Rachel L Graham 1, Trevor Scobey 1, Xing-Yi Ge 4, Eric F Donaldson 1, Scott H Randell 5 6, Antonio Lanzavecchia 7, Wayne A Marasco 8 9, Zhengli-Li Shi 4, Ralph S Baric 1 2
And LOOK who funded it! The National Institutes of Health under <b>Fauci</b> AND the State Key Program for Basic Research Grants from <b>the Chinese Ministry of Science.</b> Fauci not only funded the initial research but indicated interest in funding further research.
The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV underscores the threat of cross-species transmission events leading to outbreaks in humans. Here we examine the disease potential of a SARS-like virus, SHC014-CoV, which is currently circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations. <b>Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone. The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV.</b>
Additionally, <b>in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis. Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein.</b> On the basis of these findings, we synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and <b>demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo.</b> Our work suggests a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence from viruses currently circulating in bat populations. </blockquote>
SARS 1 vaccine under OH!BUMMER was halted at about 25 deaths.
Gail, we here at the Q Tree are so lucky to have you on this site.
I formally nominate you as the Q Tree Sr. Director of Research.
Thanks again for all of your hard work.
Very interesting. That VISION LOSS sounds like a typical COVID thrombotic ocular event. I’ve read tons of those, related to either COVID or the VACCINE.
UNC Medical found lesions in her brain but told her it was ‘normal’
Brain Lesions: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments – Cleveland Clinic
Brain Lesions: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments – WebMD
I think we were part of an experiment. She got fluids via IV and if I recall correctly, I was offered a glass of ice water while waiting in her cubical in emergency. It is the first time I was offered such.
I think it was a COVID variant. If TES is right, but just make it all a bit more copacetic between CCP and DNC, then they began releasing variants much earlier, as public tests. “COVID-19” was the beginning of BRANDING of the latest, greatest, and strongest variant.
The population control theory fits this easily.
From the links in the Steve Kirsch article:
“Decoding COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Immunometabolism in Central Nervous System: human normal brain glial and glioma cells by Raman imaging”
From the Abstract:
“The results obtained for mitochondria, lipid droplets, cytoplasm [in both normal and tumerous brain cells in the in-vitro experiments] may suggest that COVID-19 mRNA (Pfizer/BioNTech) vaccine reprograms immune responses. The observed alterations…are similar to those we observe for brain cancer vs grade of aggressiveness.” (bolding mine)
The in-vitro experiments were performed using the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, on BOTH normal and tumerous brain cells. If Yours Truly is reading correctly, it appears that this “vaccine” not only alters the signals the brain gives related to the body’s immune function, it ALSO lowers the brain’s natural ability to fight off changes at the mitochondrial level that can lead to brain tumors.
Very dangerous game of chicken, zelenskys puppeteers are goading Putin just like the DS is goading PDJT…
“Ukrainian troops are attacking the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant using MLRS and heavy artillery from the right bank of the Dnieper, the authorities of the region said.
The shelling occurs for the second time in a day. These madmen must be stopped otherwise it will be a big disaster.”
Nuke ’em.
OMG, this is WONDERFUL!!!
China And Saudi Arabia Intensify Energy Cooperation With Critical Deal
By Simon Watkins – Aug 09, 2022, 6:00 PM CDT
The signing last week of a multi-pronged memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Saudi Arabian Oil Company – formerly the Arabian American Oil Company – (Aramco) and the China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) is a critical step in China’s ongoing strategy to secure Saudi Arabia as a client state. As the president of Sinopec, Yu Baocai, himself put it: “The signing of the MoU introduces a new chapter of our partnership in the Kingdom…The two companies will join hands in renewing the vitality and scoring new progress of the Belt and Road Initiative [BRI] and [Saudi Arabia’s] Vision 2030.” The scale and scope of the MoU is enormous, covering deep and broad co-operation in refining and petrochemical integration, engineering, procurement and construction, oilfield services, upstream and downstream technologies, carbon capture and hydrogen processes. Crucially for China’s long-term plans in Saudi Arabia, it also covers opportunities for the construction of a huge manufacturing hub in King Salman Energy Park that will involve the ongoing, on-the-ground presence on Saudi Arabian soil of significant numbers of Chinese personnel: not just those directly related to the oil, gas, petrochemicals, and other hydrocarbons activities, but also a small army of security personnel to ensure the safety of China’s investments.
These developments are all in line with a comment made last March, at the annual China Development Forum hosted in Beijing, by Aramco chief executive officer, Amin Nasser: “Ensuring the continuing security of China’s energy needs remains our highest priority – not just for the next five years but for the next 50 and beyond.” At that point in early 2021, Aramco had a 25 percent stake in the 280,000 barrels per day (bpd) Fujian refinery in south China through a joint venture with Sinopec (and the U.S.’s ExxonMobil) and had also earlier agreed (in 2018) to buy a 9 percent stake in China’s 800,000 bpd ZPC refinery from Rongsheng. Several other joint projects between China and Saudi Arabia that had been agreed in principle were delayed due to a combination of the ongoing effects of Covid-19, Aramco’s crushing dividend repayment schedule, and concern from both countries – especially China – on how Washington might react to this clear threat to the U.S.’s own long-running interests in, and geopolitical relationship with, Saudi Arabia.
con’t at link
One more price of the STOLEN ELECTION.
BOY ain’t that the TRUTH but it does not stop our would be TOTALITARIAN OVER LORDS….
Ignoring Elites, Historians Are Missing a Major Factor in Politics and History:
Steve Fraser, Gary Gerstel (2005)
What’s crazy is that the traditional anti-elites…revcom,antifa,blm,occupy wall st and others have become the blac bloc of support of them
Yes! And WHY is that?
This is a point Gail has always made, and it’s critical to know, in order to SEE where we are now. It’s WHY FIB protects ANTIFA.
These groups were ALWAYS the hand of the elite against popular self-rule. They were the “infiltration from the other side”. They were the “reach-around” by the elite. They were the “get more popular than populism” plot.
They were the ANSWER of the elite to TRUE POPULAR GOVERNMENT.
It is only when we threw off the BLINDERS of “they want you divided” that we could SEE THE HIDDEN HAND – how these groups are actually puppets of the people they allegedly oppose.
We are privileged to see the truth – and we see it because we’ve thrown off the elite-controlled media, and their “fake normal”.
Soros is GREAT because he makes this NAKED.
Just like Obama is understood not in being “pro-Russia” or “pro-China”, but in being anti-American, so, too, can Soros be understood not as being pro-socialism or pro-capitalism, but as being pro-elite.
8/11/22 – UPDATED NUMBERS – carefully documented cases.
1249 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 847 Dead, After COVID Injection
Domestic Terrorist??
Armed suspect at FBI Cincinnati office launches Ohio police chase, shots fired during standoff | Fox News
A potential threat at an FBI field office in Ohio sent police on a chase after an unknown suspect who remains at large Thursday morning, according to a source and local reports.
A law enforcement source confirmed to Fox News an incident happened at the FBI Cincinnati Field Office involving an armed suspect who fled the scene.
Unconfirmed information shared internally among agents suggested the suspect possibly brandished a nail gun and an AR-15 style rifle, the source said.
Law enforcement pursued chase, and the suspect traveled about 60 miles northwest before the pursuit ended at I-71 and Hwy 73. Multiple shots were fired during a standoff, according to the source.
Law enforcement teams are getting into position for an interaction, and roads are being closed in the area. It’s unclear whether anyone is injured and the rationale behind the attack remains unknown.
FIB is “self-hoaxing” for sympathy!
A reminder to avoid any mention of violence OR veiled threats as you TAKE FIB TO THE WOODSHED.
Let’s be VERY “to the point”. How many more CRAZIES does FIB have stacked up, ready to trigger them against themselves?
Use our FREE SPEECH and ONLY our free speech to ATTACK FIB.
How many CRAZIES????
In 1996, 10 percent to 12 percent of all American schoolboys were taking the addictive Ritalin.
School Shootings Linked to Psychotropic Drugs Such as Ritalin
One parent of a teenage murderer [16-year-old son, Jared] and those who knew him reported major personality changes after taking Ritalin. http://familyrightsassociation.com/bin/white_papers-articles/drugging_our_children/
Of course they are. 99% of us are rolling our eyes and expecting numerous “bomb threats” and other scary stuff…yawn
OK, NO wood chippers allowed near the wood shed.
It’s been hours and still no update about a Po Po/FIB standoff in an Ohio corn field???
They’ll kill the guy. They have to. He’s the only TRUTH we’ll get out of this.
PLEASE, ANY HONEST FBI AGENTS – bring this guy in alive so that the truth can get out – how he was TRICKED to provide a convenient EVENT.
Theres that evil ar15…
and for the horror movie crowd..the popular nail gun
Now it’s evil Nail Gun.
Nail gun is so lethal weapon. Cant be evil.
Now you need an application, permit, license, CCW, and wait time before you can purchase said assault nail gun including killer nail ammo. You’re name will also be recorded in a database and be publicly released to all of Commiefornia!
And I’m sure, somehow, they try to tie bacon to all of this.
You forgot an id on each bullet er nail and the ability to sue nailgun makers for damages.
Kim Jong Un declares ‘victory’ over coronavirus as sister says he was ‘seriously ill’ with ‘high fever’ | Fox News
We sure don’t want her in charge.
If it saves one life….or child…or crooked politician
Starting today, we’ll begin enforcing the Civic Integrity Policy in context of the US 2022 midterms. ( twitter)
Kyle Shideler: For the Rule of Law to Reign, The FBI Must Be Destroyed—Ace
I second that notion. Get Rid of FIB. Defund FIB.
They are talking about REORGANIZING. I want it GONE COMPLETELY!
Gone, finished, kaput
Trade FIB to China for the Falun Gong prisoners!
Oh look wray says the fbEYE are POOR VICTIMS then this.
LOL…How much more iconic, Americana patriot- gone- bad imagery could they provide ?????? In a cornfield shootout
Yep. Trying to make themselves these badass heroes and THEY will sacrifice YOU in the process.
The narrative must continue…bolder, enhanced,visual aids provided by propaganda ministry
3, 2 , 1….and the bad guys had skeery AR type autmatic weapons. Forget those weapons can’t be purchased in the USA. Idjit politicians and Pravda News don’t know or simply LIE for headlines.
Didn’t take long for FIB to initiate that FF.
I think most of us were expecting it.
You know these hair triggered militia guys with their camo covered lean-tos off the grid are ready at the drop off a hat to martyr themselves to ‘own’ the FIB…. or is it like Wolf said…next in queue patsy…whatever FFIB
FIB hunts these guys down – works them over with the brainwash – then keeps them in the magazine, ready to “trigger a round”.
Yep. Sympathy denied.
You called it earlier! KUDOS!!!
Very curious what the REAL STORY is here.
Why was this guy at the FIB office?
Was he INVITED there – and then (as they predicted) smelled a trap – only to fall into it?
The whole thing with a NAILGUN seems weird as hell.
We will never get the whole story from FIB, but I’m sure this was a propaganda set-up.
Yea. All I saw was the headline. Guessed it was a FIB FF “special”, with Wray whining yesterday. So I moved on.
I gotta look into this nail gun. I’m guessing it is a nail gun that uses a .22 ctg of sorts, or the same basic idea.
Yes – these nail guns use a modified .22 short, I’m pretty sure. At least, some that I’ve seen, do.
They want us all to be Jewell.
The truth about the HOLDREN SHOT is going wild.
Unfortunately for many it is too late.
I wish he would talk.
All my sites are taking long load times, esp anything to read comments on important news. Ie…theyre trying to cut us off.
There’s a thread over at Poso’s twat that they’re using a new code to identify and track anybody who copy and pastes tweets. They want to know who’s helping spread the truth
Thats many many millions of people.
EDIT ALL copy-pasted tweet URLs to remove the ? and everything after it.
I’ve noted more and more often a pasted URL (that doesn’t have a question mark) comes over as a link showing descriptive text…and that link absolutely will not embed. I have to grab “ttps://blahblahblah.jpg” (without the h), paste that in then manually type the h in at the front manually, THEN the SOB will embed properly.
VERY interesting work-around – and clear why it’s working, too. You’re defeating some pattern recognition branching error in the clipboard data path. Good idea.
Great idea; thanks.
I’m not a copy-paster at Poso’s, and I don’t want to be tracked.
Its too late for the sympathy they seek.
Dude, ^^^ NAILS IT. ^^^
To sum it up:
Which is why they really went after kids during covid…playgrounds, isolation, lockdowns, masks!
And then tried to make them all take the HOLDREN SHOT.
That is part of the Government taking over daycares and being REGULATED….
Vaccines Required for School and Child Care | CDC
NC DPH, WCH: Immunization: Schools and Childcare Facilities – NCDHHS
NC DPH, WCH: Immunization: Schools and Childcare Facilities – NCDHHS
NC Guidance for Child Care Providers on Staff Vaccinations
Yup. Depoppers had to know that this was the best way.
Daycares! Think about that.
And thereby made the little kids GOOD LITTLE ROBOT COMMIES.
we do a lot of daycares and it is enough to make you CRY. Toddlers made to LINE UP AND MARCH TO ORDERS from an adult.
I do not blame the schools, they do what they can but the US government TOOK OVER DAYCARE and essentially OUTLAWED having an elderly neighbor look after your kids and earn a bit of extra money..
They tried to kill us with their fucking shot.
They tried to make Trump take the blame.
They’re EVIL and they will use any trick they can.
WOW – that is AMAZING.
Whats he going to say really? Kick it back to wray?
Not sure, but it will likely be tone-deaf as hell.
THE GOOD OLD DAYS… – The Burning Platform
Hey Dems,

Because evil must RETREAT or be SHAMED UNTO DEATH.
Steal this election, assholes, and you will be the NEW NAZIS, hated for all of history.
He dindu nuffin.
These monsters are SICK.
that made me laugh out loud…hahahahah..nailed it
Iz tru doh.
OH. MY. GOD. Listen to this hypocritical, lying piece of SHIT.
OMG, this guy is a POX. To talk about even application of the law – horrifying.
The word CHUTZPAH was invented for this guy.
Beyond tone-deaf. Guys like this are a scourge on humanity.
Seriously, this guy invites an ACT OF GOD against Washington.
Tweets by JackPosobiec
MAGA Warlord Poso https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/2694.svg
I can’t get there …
where your link goes is to Poso’s twitter acc’t
IF I WERE JEWISH I might be mad at Merrick Garland for being a disgrace to Judaism, which of course can only be true if he’s Jewish.
No, I don’t give a flying fuck what religion he is. He’s a piece of shit dressed up as a human being.
The guy is a DIRTY JUDGE. Which is exactly why Obama wanted him on SCOTUS.
The guy is shameful, just like Epstein.
Kapo and Wray are no better than each other. Each is trouble in their own way.
To me, a dirty judge is a betrayer of TRUTH, and that goes WAY BACK.
BULL SCHIFFFFffffff I didn’t even KNOW he was Jewish.
Me either … they are trying to paint Trump AND his supporters as Fascists… NAZIs … and the gasheads on the Borg are helping w./ that narrative
IF I understood the video correctly, THIS Magsitrate, that signed the search warrant:
Recused from Trump legal issue demonstrating he knew he should of recused from this issue as well.
Should be fun if the judge tosses the FIB under the bus to save himself with a “FIB lied to me!”. .
Perhaps the best part of that would be:
– Judge tosses FIB under the bus for lying.
– Judge STILL should have recused himself.
Win-Win for the good guys.
Tds and an arm twist.
YES. Typical LIES – for the election. President SUSAN RICE, the LIAR IN CHIEF, is behind this.
^^^ This
Saw this OT earlier but wanted to wait and see if it got shot down as fake or wrong. Nobody has brought evidence to dispute
Yup. DODGE went to a judge who had already recused himself because of bias against Trump.
KAPO (Merrick Garland) is a DIRTY JUDGE.
Good Grief, they just keep recycling the same people over and over!
Garland speaking now. Reading from teleprompter. Does much better than Creepy.
Says they’re going to unseal warrant.
Says they gave property receipt. Not according to Bobb.
Blah, blah, we’re wonderful and we do things.
Can’t discuss ongoing case.
I personally approved warrant.
When possible we try to use less intrusive means.
I won’t tolerate Unfounded attacks on FIB and DODGE.
That’s all folks…..No questions.
Ahh, AG did not mention unsealing underlying affidavits and underlying docs for warrant. Tricky little $h!t. Several orgs are suing for all to be unsealed.
Kapo is dirty. FIGURES. He will lie, evade, etc.
The anger at them has them rattled. They’re used to the interest waning after 24 hours or so.
Absolutely. They thought this would go away.
I think they were also hoping for violence that did not materialize, so they had to TRICK some guy into a false flag. I suspect this Ohio false flag is complete BS.
Waiting for violence, may well be their game plan but it’s a stupid one when they are the ones that precipitated that violence by their bone headed raid.
Their excuse being “Well they slapped me back”.
But, BUT, BUT, they are Feds. Feds can do anything they want.
I really think that even though we’ve railed at Holder, Barr, Pompeo, Session, Comeys…whoever the top dog is….as a general rule we’ve assumed the entities could be fixed. We said so but now the voices are LOUD and rising to abolish the agencies.
I think they see the difference in the collective pulse out here .
Here’s the problem, at least on the Intel side.
We do need intelligence agencies. They should be loyal to the constitution, of course, and our current ones aren’t. (And the FBI does have the job of counterintelligence; i.e., thwarting other countries’ spies, which is part of the puzzle.)
Having NO agency though leaves us vulnerable, and even the craptreasonous bastards we have today actually do have to protect us from foreign spying to some extent, if only to protect themselves.
I don’t see a good way out of this.
New agencies, with new charters.
Intelligence agencies should be about gathering, not acting, IMO. Their actions should ONLY be to further their intelligence collecting abilities.
No “nation-changing” out of ANY agency.
Nation-changing amounts to potential acts of WAR. Only in the military, IMO.
A decent start…until they start violating their own charters.
And if I’m not mistaken, this sort of thing is already against their charters, though I could be wrong about that.
The American Revolution must be an eternal flame!
Eternal vigilance, etc., etc.
Sadly, that eternal function is going to have a little bump very soon.
Military Intel SHOULD be sufficient … they can handle foreign spies
FIB is sUPPOSED to be DOMESTIC… each State can handle their own problems…
Yup. We have built up a bureaucracy that NEEDS A TARGET – and they tried to make AMERICANS the target.
Saw a vid clip of RON Paul speaking to dismantling both years ago … willl try to find. And don’t forget JFK was going to dismantle the CIA
No, we absolutely need a federal-level counterintelligence.
Intel agencies habitually do not trust each other–they don’t know they won’t get burned by a mole in the other agency if they share information–so there’s no way having a (say) Arkansas Counterintelligence Agency and a Tennessee Counterintelligence Agency will work; they won’t talk to each other nearly enough to finger a spy at work in both places.
I don’t follow what you’re talking about ,,,
“counterintelligence” domestically?
You said each state would take care of counterintelligence. At least that’s what I thought you were saying. That won’t work.
I wasn’t clear then. I meant each state would take care of it’s own “investigations” … they hate it anyway when the FIB or outsiders come in. The FIB was created in 1908 through an EO by Pres Teddy Roosevelt, the premise being the US Justice Dept didn’t have any investigators, borrowed them from other agencies. the main mission of the DoJ is “,,, prosecution and defense of civil cases in which the United States is a party; and. the collection of debts owed the Federal Government which are administratively uncollectible. Although the distribution of caseload varies between districts, each U.S. Attorney’s Office deals with every category of cases and handles a mixture of simple and ,,,”
It’s my belief that neither the FIB or DoJ adhere to their “mission” but they have expanded it often illegally. Congress turns a blind eye to this, as Congress itself uses both in illegal ways from time to time.
iirc we have 17 intelligence agencies and none of them “talk to each other” … we are a Republic of 50 States … at least we used to be. We have too much “centralized gov’t imo
“we are a Republic of 50 States”
we are a Republic of 50 independent sovereign states
IMO, of course.
Thanks Pgroup… I agree… (and I need all the help I can get!)
“Investigations” meaning ordinary crime?
Certainly, I agree.
At MOST I could see the feds running a database, so that if Joe Schmuckmonkey is pulled over for 38 in a 35 but he’s wanted for murder in another state, he gets arrested and sent to that other state. But the people involved with that database should have NO arrest powers. All they do is tell local/state enforcement.
Counterintelligence, though, is a genuinely federal issue, it has to do with dealing with foreign powers. (At least it does, if it’s not being abused.)
FIB is NOT supposed to deal w/foreign powers. That’s what the CIA does. But of course they both do what they want.
Well…at least until recently, FBI’s job was to catch foreign spies operating in the US…so that’s foreign powers, but operating on our soil. (Perhaps that function got moved when DHS was created.)
It’s a certainty that that is a legitimate federal function…provided it’s not abused to go after “domestic” opposition.
Steve, that’s their name – the FEDERAL Bureau of INVESTIGATIONS
Well, I was talking about counter-intel, which (at least was) an FBI function…over and above the interstate crime type things people typically associate with it. You were thinking of the interstate crime stuff.
I think we’re past that confusion now. We seem to agree that the most any federal agency should do about interstate crime, is to be a clearinghouse.
You’re right but imho abolishing the current agencies is the only way to go. Naturally have the replacement ready but no automatic personnel carryovers.
What we’ve got is hopelessly corrupt from top to bottom
I tend to agree…provided we first sweep out double agents who aren’t in the agencies. (White house would be a good place to start.)
The difficulty is, intel is a very specific skill set (among other things you have to be willing and to question absolutely everything you think you know, including things you take for granted)…so where do we find people who have that skill, who aren’t already using it?
Like I said, there’s no GOOD answer on this one.
Always the DIA and the US Marshalls.
Guessing here.
Intelligence agencies and FIB are doing a piss poor job of protecting America. Prolly focused on stopping good guys, foolishly labeled, white extremist terrorist.
Good-way-out is optional.
They sooo much believe their own lies and propaganda,
they never realized how ANGRY Americans are…
Biden is on vacay here in S Carolina w/ HUNTER and family…
I sure hope there’s no FF
Is a real Flag too much too ask for ?
LUV your mind!
I was there in the middle of July. Glad we left before the state was contaminated by the Bidens. Hope they can clean it up before next year.
I know… I’m sending smudging pots to the niece – she’s been working on Kiawah for 30+ years … told her to call in a few priests
Garlic, holy water…
Perfect time for a “surprise” first hurricane of the season, spool up and say hi to South Carolina coast. They may need the rain.
They do need the rain!
Calling for a vote on that one…..nay !!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea. Thought of ya when I posted.
Yes, and I don’t think they realize how much we’re paying attention and how much we know. They’re not under the radar anynmore.
Yes. People are seeing all these agencies in the hands of
BidenSusan Rice, and they realize what kind of sick PC left-fascism is coming. These agencies are HIGHLY corrupted. They’re termite-infested. And even the newer stuff like DHS was built with CHINESE DRYWALL – rotten from the beginning, based on the world’s biggest false flag operation.Everything has to be cleaned out. EVERYTHING.
He found how bad the termites are. TEAR IT DOWN TO THE STEEL.
There is NO fixing the three letter agencies.
No more happy talk. No more, rank and file are Swell Patriots.
Damn sure, no more FIB saying “training” will fix anything.
Defund and dismantle three letter agencies.
It has been reported that there’s a group working with PDJT on what they will do when they get back in power. I hope they’re working on this.
When possible????
What was the urgency that required a RAID???
Trump wasn’t even there, MAL was closed for the summer. Who was there to destroy the birthday cards and letters?!?!
It’s just more BULLSHIT.
If newsweek article is to be believed,
They convened the grand jury in APRIL. PREDETERMINED OUTCOME
Took a supboena to 45 in May.
Visited MAL in June. 45 was complying w/subpoena. SUBTERFUGE
If there was no cooperation as disputed by 45 camp, another subpoena is the next step. NOT A RAID!!!
Yes, Garland, tell me what made it IMPOSSIBLE to use less intrusive means this time. I’m all ears.
What, you didn’t suffer enough brain damage vetting that Spanish Influenza crap? You need more???
OMGosh…Garland made a statement about 30 seconds long…lavishing syrupy praise on FIB
FYI, Shannon Bream got Miss Chrissy’s old job, now new host of Fox News Sunday.
Of all the chicks on that network, she’s the most smarmy.
And Faux News had so many running neck and neck for smarmiest.
Excellent choice.
Just a reminder. The Fitton request approved by Federal Judge, is for more than just the Search Warrant. It’s for the Warrant materials. It’s everything surrounding the search warrant, which should include what was showed to the judge to get the warrant and why it was important. That information is not going to be in the warrant.
Appreciate the details.
Nor will we see ALL f the information. “Ongoing investigation”.
Thanks Para
And the DIRTY JUDGE sought out a previously recused judge to do the warrant, too. THAT is far from “even-handed”.
KAPO will lie to ANYBODY with a straight face.
… and he refers to the RAID as a ‘search’
WICKED. May GOD bring JUSTICE on the “Justice” Department.
OF COURSE Garland approved it. Garland said as much during a Lester Holt interview ~2 weeks ago. Posted in a daily here QTree.
After, (IF), Trump announces running for 2024, Garland WILL investigate and get indictments on Trump.
Screwed that up….^^^ (again)
Love it!
Gosh, hope those pop up across the country.
You forgot FUCKING FED!!!
F eckless
E vil
D emons
You bet your ass!
Posobiec KNOWS they’re going to ban him! Hilarious!
Yes, it’s been an honor, PATRIOT!!!
Twitter engineer admitted it.
“We’re commie AF!”
Donald J. Trump
I continue to ask, what happened to the 33 Million pages of documents taken to Chicago by President Obama? The Fake News Media refuses to talk about that. They want it CANCELED!
Aug 11, 2022, 14:17
Taking PC to the next level – enforcement.
Which nation will be a HERO and take on SPECTRE???
We need a universal word substitute list.
Klaus the freak can do what he likes in his own country… which country is he the elected leader of again?
Oh, that’s right, none.
There you go again – picking around in a pile of pesky details.
Wash your hands when you’re done.
And don’t forget to flush…
Artificial “Intelligence” coded by REAL STUPIDITY…
What could possibly go wrong?????
EXCLUSIVE: CDC Admits It Gave False Information About COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance

EXCLUSIVE: CDC Admits It Gave False Information About COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is admitting it gave false information about COVID-19 vaccine …
EXCLUSIVE: CDC Admits It Gave False Information About COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is admitting it gave false information about COVID-19 vaccine surveillance, including inaccurately saying it conducted a certain type of analysis over one year before it actually did.
The false information was conveyed in responses to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for the results of surveillance, and after the CDC claimed COVID-19 vaccines are being monitored “by the most intense safety monitoring efforts in U.S. history.”
“CDC has revisited several FOIA requests and as a result of its review CDC is issuing corrections for the following information,” a CDC spokeswoman told The Epoch Times in an email.
No CDC employees intentionally provided false information and none of the false responses were given to avoid FOIA reporting requirements, the spokeswoman said.
Heart Inflammation
The Epoch Times in July submitted a FOIA, or a request for non-public information, to the CDC for all reports from a team that was formed to study post-vaccination heart inflammation by analyzing reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a system run by the CDC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
The CDC not only said that the team did not conduct any abstractions or reports through October 2021, but that “an association between myocarditis and mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was not known at that time.”
That statement was false.
Clinical trials of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines detected neither myocarditis nor pericarditis, two types of heart inflammation. But by April 2021, the U.S. military was raising the alarm about post-vaccination heart inflammation, and by June 2021, the CDC was publicly acknowledging a link.
The CDC previously corrected the false statement but did not say whether its teams had ever analyzed VAERS reports.
“In reference to myocarditis abstraction from VAERS reports—this process began in May 2021 and continues to this date,” the CDC spokeswoman said in an email.
The CDC has still not released the results of analyses.
Data Mining
The CDC promised in January 2021 that it would perform a specific type of data mining analysis on VAERS reports called Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR). But when Children’s Health Defense, a nonprofit, asked for the results, the CDC said that “no PRRs were conducted by the CDC” and that data mining “is outside of th[e] agency’s purview.”
Asked for clarification, Dr. John Su, who heads the CDC’s VAERS team, told The Epoch Times in an email that the CDC started performing PRRs in February 2021, “and continues to do so to date.”
The CDC is now saying that both the original response and Su’s statement were false.
The agency didn’t start performing PRRs until March 25, 2022, the CDC spokeswoman said. The agency stopped performing them on July 31, 2022.
The spokeswoman said it “misinterpreted” both Children’s Health Defense and The Epoch Times.
Children’s Health Defense had asked for the PRRs the CDC had performed from Feb. 1, 2021, through Sept. 30, 2021. The Epoch Times asked if the response to the request was correct.
The spokeswoman said the CDC thought “data mining” referred only to Empirical Bayesian (EB) data mining, a different type of analysis that the Food and Drug Administration has promised to perform on VAERS data.
“The notion that the CDC did not realize we were asking about PRRs but only data mining in general is simply not credible, since our FOIA request specifically mentioned PRRs and their response also mentioned that they did not do PRRs. They did not say ‘data mining in general,’” Josh Guetzkow, a senior lecturer at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem who has been working with Children’s Health Defense, told The Epoch Times via email.
“There is also no credible reason why they waited until March 31, 2022, to calculate PRRs, unless it was in response to our initial FOIA filed in December 2021, which was rejected on March 31, 2022—the same day they say they began their calculations. It means the CDC was not analyzing VAERS for early warning safety signals for well over a year after the vaccination campaign began—which still counts as a significant failure,” he added.
The CDC has also not released the results of the PRRs. “PRR results were generally consistent with EB data mining, revealing no additional unexpected safety signals. Given it is a more robust data mining technique, CDC will continue relying upon EB data mining at this time,” the agency spokeswoman said.
The FDA has told The Epoch Times it conducted EB data mining but the agency has declined to share the results.
Democrats. They do this shit.
We really have to. They’re literally KILLING OUR KIDS FOR THEIR RELIGION.
Their “green religion”.
Shutting down farms? Shutting down food? Sabotaging kids? Killing off the old? Aborting pregnancies? And doing it at a subtle rate to avoid getting caught?
The green religion is the Lefty magic carpet ride. The true believers hop on and swallow anything that they link to green.
What a racket ! Maiming, starving, isolating murdering has them cheering, so proud to be a part.
So dumb.
If somebody doesn’t actually tear these agencies down it will never stop. They’ve groomed a death cult following who will rally behind whatever they present. Let the remnant wander the abandoned ecar graveyards or the barren wind farms for the rest of their lives!
GAIA Goddess Worship…
That’s at the base of ALL Earth religions…
And straight from the pit of HELL… Hitler was a Green, too, as were his inner circle of Satanists… Same with Steiner (student of Madame Blavatsky)… they’re all joined together at the rotton root…
It’s no accident they say “Mother Earth”…
Whoa! Hitler had a real occult crew in there!
They’re NOT a US Govt agency. Who funds them?
Pretty sure Big Pharma and the like. (Crooks)
Donald J. Trump
My attorneys and representatives were cooperating fully, and very good relationships had been established. The government could have had whatever they wanted, if we had it. They asked us to put an additional lock on a certain area – DONE! Everything was fine, better than that of most previous Presidents, and then, out of nowhere and with no warning, Mar-a-Lago was raided, at 6:30 in the morning, by VERY large numbers of agents, and even “safecrackers.” They got way ahead of themselves. Crazy!
Aug 11, 2022, 14:52
He is publishing truthful statements every day. If they weren’t true, the DOJ could dispute them. It’s making them look very bad.
THAT was for the peeps & normies. Trump lived through more lies and set ups than any man should have to endure. He knows at any juncture that Dodge & Mop Head / FIB are entirely capable of stabbing him in the back. I’m confident he knew this was coming sooner or later.
Wolf Moon
Canadian doctor had his license suspended for talking about the dangers of the vaccines.
Good thing I’m a retired American scientist. I can talk about the population control shot all I want. I don’t need no stinkin’ license.
Trust me – once you see the science of how the shots EXCEL for the purpose of stealthy population control – how the spike protein in both the organisms and the vaccine is INGENIOUS for that purpose – it all makes sense. Everything that ALL of them have done makes sense. Every move by Fauci, Walensky, Biden, Obama and Susan Rice – EXPLAINED.
John Holdren is the key. Look him up. Obama’s top science advisor. This is “virtuous secret leftism to save the planet”, in their minds.
You wouldn’t get the abortions. They’re doing it for you. “Democrats.”
Read more
Ontario doctor’s license suspended after speaking out about COVID vaccine dangers – LifeSite
‘Why would you put something in someone’s body that’s targeting the brain for an inflammatory reaction? That’s insanity,’ said Dr. Jeff Matheson. ‘They’re trying…
View Link Feed
State of the Union….
Kapo’s talk about “even-handed” and “rule of law” is hilariously tone-deaf.
Steve Bannon
Charlie Kirk’s brilliant idea — should get this out TODAY
Yup. Get it out before KAPO forbids it. You know – for “safety”.
Which brings an interesting prediction.
Will Kapo and Coiffed Commie literally KILL some of their own agents here, in order to (1) play their political games, and (2) hide the planting of evidence?
Don’t trust these banana republic types not to do it.
And to pass gun control
Oh, of course they will!
“For the good of the country.”
I don’t know how ANYONE could be a Feeble and look themselves in the mirror. They are puke-worthy.
Stop Assuming the Legitimacy of the Corrupt Establishment’s Actions – The Burning Platform
OMG, this is the real wake-up call.
Agreed. It’s a frame job.
My 1SGT couldn’t have said it better!!!
LOL…but she doesn’t have any pinafores or cheer leading outfits that Joey likes
Eeek!!!!! Good point!

Your shovel is calling.
I’m having a hard time keeping it properly secured in the uh, utility shed, these days! How are you doing pgroup?
Suspended already!
Oh dang!!! She said the FBI was going through Melania’s closets to find something tasteful for Jill to wear, or words to that effect. I love Juanita. She cracks me up.
No – just the retweeter was suspended! SazzyCowgirl1.
That’ll teach me to try to do this without my reading glasses…..

World crisis: Raiders of the lost files – The Optimistic Conservative (wordpress.com)
Donald J. Trump
….Just learned that agents went through the First Lady’s closets and rummaged through her clothing and personal items. Surprisingly, left area in a relative mess. Wow!
“Surprisingly, left area in a relative mess.”
He’s not really surprised by that, that’s what they always do.
They’re not there for house cleaning, and they’re not going to tidy up after they’re done tearing everything apart.
Sending a psychological message.
Kapo, Blow-Dry, and FIB are all CRIMINALS, leaning on a victim’s wife.
Ya wanna hear pissed in learning of this? Ask my wife!!!
If these assholes want to indict Trump, they will have ZERO sympathy from me after that.
Durham PROVED that Trump was FRAMED and the FBI happily went along with it, making sure that enough was done outside the agency to have plausible deniability.
The assholes that did it walk free. Not even a slap on the wrist. None of the FBI that helped have been disciplined, who have not been REHABILITATED like McCabe.
Democrat banana republic. DEMEZUELA.
“If these assholes want to indict Trump, they will have ZERO sympathy from me after that.”
I suspect they were getting zero sympathy from you before that, too…

Hmmmm – this is possible!
FIB at the door: BAM! BAM! BAM! Open up! FIB! We have a search warrant!
Homeowner opens door.
FIB tosses the warrant at the homeowner as 30 Gestapo file past him and start tearing the house apart.
Homeowner says: “Okay, you guys can search everywhere except my wife’s top two dresser drawers.”
Everybody freezes.
FIB lead agent: “Why don’t you want us to search the top two drawers of your wife’s dresser?”
Homeowner: “Because that’s where she keeps her panties, and other unmentionables.”
FIB lead agent: “You wouldn’t hide something we’re looking for in one of those two drawers, to keep us from finding it, would you?”
Homeowner: “I would never do that. You can trust me.”
FIB lead agent pauses, thinks it over, and says “Okay then. Listen up everybody! Search everywhere EXCEPT the wife’s top two dresser drawers!”

I think it’s funny that people are outraged that FIB went through Melania’s underwear drawer.
As if that’s off limits…
Because anyplace that might be thought of as ‘off limits’ is exactly where somebody would hide something… which is exactly why the FIB (or anybody else) will always search those kinds of places… I mean, they would be derelict not to…
And if it was us, we would all search the same kinds of places, if we were actually trying to find anything
Oh Scott…. must you be so analytical ? Yes, okay maybe they should look under the check the least likely hiding spot rule…but a gentle gloved hand swish through the undies will be sufficient. No need to toss everything …
Back in the good old days a lady could probably hide a platoon of midget ninjas under her petticoat but the genteel enemy wouldn’t dare look. Alas…those days of trust are gone….too many ninja’s spoil the pudding or something
sarc !
I knew it!
Probably looking for outfits for the trans Health secretary or maybe woke Miley?
I’d love for the FBI to go through my lingerie drawer. There’s a slip I’ve been missing for years. They might find it.
No kidding. This guy is a moron….and the unfortunate moron in charge of doj.
Garland: “I will not stand by silently when their integrity is unfairly attacked. The men and women of the FBI and the Justice Department are dedicated, patriotic public servants.”
Yeah, about that… you’re a liar.
Big ol one too.
“… dedicated, patriotic….”
YEAH, but WHO are the dedicated to protecting and WHAT Country? Cause IT SURE ISN’T THE USA!
We “will not stand by silently” either. So I guess it’s a standoff.
NOT surprised.
R-Cons have enabled BiteMe and his goons for nearly two years.
AND, that was after R-cons betrayed Trump and America.
Good GRIEF – that’s a who’s who of TRAITORS and DUPES.
Most likely there all comped by the FIB
Burr and Tillis are BOTH from North Carolina.
What happened to we had no idea?
No dindu nuffin?
We should always have photos. US atty for southern florida.
The other signer on the warrant info, cow-nter in tell. Jay bratt
That name sounds familiar.
internet has been scrubbed of his bio… I can’t find anything, no wiki … but:
Thanks Gil
I saw that but it doesn’t tell me anything … He’s a Harvard grad… but his resume? this agency was created in 1993 iirc… he’s been there 3 yrs. Where else?
His linkd is empty too.
Bratt Worst…..
That’s what I was thinking
Bannon’s tearing it up.
Remember the Newsweek article where the 2 Sr. DOJ officials came out and blamed everything on the FIB? Then shaking quaking Garland gets up there and contradicts? Good times.
A 30yr FIB guy who just retired in Jan, told Gorka that with the number of guys, all the equipment, and the time they spent in MAL, he’s pretty sure they planted surveillance.
Seems like it would not be easy to do, at least wherever Mar-a-Lago security cameras were operating.
Sweeping the entire property for surveillance devices after an FIB raid should (hopefully) be standard operating procedure for DJT’s team.
Agree, my concern is that they have some new DARPA gizmos that no one has knowledge of. Like State Dept Havana syndrome mystery..
Excellent point.
These people are evil.
Think how much thy have to go over, and they have allowed all tech to be used. One or 2 get missed. They could put obvious ones out to distract from others. Plus the invasion into Melania’s personal items was meant to hurt. I just wonder what theyve done to Barron’s things.
“Think how much thy have to go over, and they have allowed all tech to be used. One or 2 get missed.”
Trump should certainly have a team of specialists whose job it is to be aware of bleeding edge technology and to find anything that was left behind by FIB.
The property should be swept by professionals for surveillance devices at least once a week, maybe more, especially when DJT is staying there.
“They could put obvious ones out to distract from others.”
Normally they could, but that shouldn’t distract a professional team. But in this case, if they leave any obvious devices behind — or any are discovered at all — DJT will have a field day destroying them publicly over it, after he uses any such discovered device to send the FIB on a wild goose chase or three.
“Plus the invasion into Melania’s personal items was meant to hurt. I just wonder what theyve done to Barron’s things.”
This whole uproar over going through Melania’s underwear drawers continues to puzzle me…
If we were looking for drugs or cash in a raid on a drug dealer’s house, would we search everywhere except the dealer’s wife’s underwear drawers?
Of course we would search her underwear drawers, and anywhere else drugs or cash might be hidden.
Of course.
Anybody would.
Because if anyplace on the premises is thought of as ‘off limits’, then that’s exactly where the bad guy would hide stuff…
Ergo, by definition, no place can be ‘off limits’, or that’s where everybody would put the stuff they don’t want anyone to find.
After 4 years in the WH, I’m sure Melania is prepared for just about anything, including things much worse than the FIB going through her underwear drawer.
So I’m sure Melania is fine, but amongst the public, this is turning into some kind of universal touchstone, something everyone apparently relates to and finds totally unacceptable, which is fascinating…
“…..this is turning into some kind of universal touchstone, something everyone apparently relates to and finds totally unacceptable, which is fascinating…”
The warrant from what I could tell was SPECIFIC and did not include the search in Melania’s closet.
Going in for PAPERS and looking in a woman’s underwear is going to OUTRAGE all those Soccer Mom’s who voted Democrat. It is a really big OOPS in the perception war.
Part of the problem is that we don’t know what the search warrant says.
It can’t be so broad as to be meaningless, like “DJT’s office, and everything within 1/2 mile of that”. It obviously included the basement storage area. Did it include private living quarters? If so, why?
“Part of the problem is that we don’t know what the search warrant says.”
As a practical matter, I’m not sure why it matters.
If the cops have a warrant to search your premises, they’re going to look wherever they want to look, regardless of what the warrant says.
Did the same people who ran the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax on Trump and facilitated not one but two impeachments against him suddenly turn into people who respect the laws of search & seizure?
Anywhere you object to them looking, they’ll search that spot twice…
Ossifer, don’t look through my dirty underwear from last week when I had the stomach flu.
“It can’t be so broad as to be meaningless, like “DJT’s office, and everything within 1/2 mile of that”.”
Maybe not in the movies, but this is the real Gestapo.
The warrant is just a legal means of forced entry, and once they’re inside, anything goes, because as long as they find something, the ends will always be used to justify the means.
Only this time, apparently they didn’t find anything.

Only in limited “hot pursuit” circumstances — and, agreed, lawless is as lawless does. But there is a TON of case law about
how many angels can dance on the head of a pinhow elastic search warrant descriptions can be.Barron must be scared. Melania too. Their family home has been violated.
I doubt that either scare easily. And “family home” has been NYC, DC, and MAL in rapid succession — I doubt that mucking with any of them would have the same impact as raiding a home where their grandmother was born.
Luckily they have time in jersey for the home to be gone over, with exceedingly precise care. But who to trust?
Of course they did, and you dont have to be av30 retired leo. Just observant and a thinker.
“Of course they did, and you dont have to be av30 retired leo. Just observant and a thinker.”
I hope they did plant something, because if they did, DJT’s team will find it. The FIB was in a rush, with surveillance cameras everywhere.
DJT’s team of professional snoops can take their time, go over every millimeter of the property, and find whatever was planted.
And then DJT has really got them.
The FIB is done as any kind of government agency after that, there is no possible recovery if they get caught planting evidence at the home of a former POTUS.
So we should all be hoping the FIB actually did something so incredibly stupid
I agree that fib may be so blindsided by tds that they screwed up more than we know
One would not be surprised to learn that items of surveillance and of “evidence” were “added” at MAL.
I would assume so, IF it is bad for Trump.
The only way Fibber Gestapo, can get Trump, IS Plant the evidence.
Devolution is happening before our eyes, and you can’t stop it. They can’t stop it. Nobody can stop it.
“You can’t stop what’s coming.”
Wolf Moon
When the inevitable forces of globalization led to the LIE of globalism, TRUTH-seekers trusted in nationalism, internationalism, statehood, and local autonomy, and the counteracting forces of devolution were unleashed all around the globe.
Sneaky, lying globalism thinks that it can do anything it pleases. Thousands of years of history, culture, civilization and faith, dutifully recorded and remembered, begs to differ.
Trump Thanks FBI For Kicking Off His 2024 Reelection Campaign « JoNova (joannenova.com.au)
From that link, Babylon Bee:
Nope, no way he can do that. Violation of the Constitution.
That capitol janitor’s closet is the property of Congress (the legislative branch) not the executive branch.
He’ll have to use the one from the White House janitor’s closet instead.
This deserves a lot of scrutiny.
Well I’m safe, then.
No one listens to me.
That deserves a nickname. What do you think about Cassandro? It has an alliterative twang to it – Cassandro Colorado.
Prepare to stand your ground on free speech.
Liz is upset. This was meant to be a particularly ‘robust and invigorating’ act in her star chamber.. a hunting trip with daddy might help
Liz, Garland, Wray are missing the point…not only are the agents being fairly criticized , it’s their BOSSES…THEM..Are they so dense they don’t get that ??
Nothing ever adds up with the Bureau.
FIB, ONCE thought of as, The World’s PREMIER Law Enforcement Agency.
Now, more like, Incompetent Goofs.
“FIB, ONCE thought of as, The World’s PREMIER Law Enforcement Agency.”
Wait.. I thought the FIB started out as an agency run by a cross-dresser who collected dirt on people to use as blackmail — and then went downhill from there?
See below!
What ?! When I was here last there was a gun battle going on in a corn field. He got away ? Hiding out with the J6 bomber ?
Corn Pop coulda handled it
“Nothing ever adds up with the Bureau.”
That’s because the ‘B’ in FBI isn’t for ‘Bureau’, it stands for ‘Boudoir‘.
Federal Boudoir Investigation.
That’s why they went straight for Melania’s underwear drawers…

Short-order false flags ain’t what they used to be!
The one decent Republican on the ballot in this state!!!
Alas…I am not in her district.
Went shopping today. Bleach was on the must have list. A year ago you could go to the dollar store and buy it for a dollar. Then the dollar store raised prices so you had to buy it for a buck fifty. Today the dollar store doesn’t carry bleach any more. Price is above five dollars at Costco for Clorox if you buy three 14.99 total and 6.47 for one at Walmart. Even Walmart’s name brand is above five dollars. So I grabbed some off named brand one for 3.84. Says bleach. I hope it is.
Good thing inflation is 0%.
I just checked my walmart app to compare. Whatever low splash bleach is its $4.48/gallon and regular is $5.52, both the wally world brand.
Rudy’s statement
So here I am getting home and reading through the comments that I missed after leaving for work early this morning. As I occasionally do, I ventured outside the wire and went OT to see what SD might be authoring. Yes, he/she/it does some very good work, and those banned of us still appreciate it.
But, I found this most interesting:
“People forget, and that’s ok, but prior to the 2015 MAGA movement driven by President Donald J Trump, political rallies filled with tens-of-thousands of people were extremely rare; almost nonexistent. However, in the era of Donald J Trump the scale of the people paying attention has grown exponentially. Every speech, every event, every rally is now filled with thousands and thousands of people.
“The frequency of it has made us numb to realizing just how extraordinary this is. But the people in Washington DC are well aware, and that makes President Trump even more dangerous. Combine that level of support with what they attempted in order to destroy him, and, well, now you start to put context on their effort.
“The existence of Trump is a threat, but the existence of a Trump that could expose their corruption…. well, that makes him a level of threat that leads to a raid on his home in Mar-a-Lago.”
Hummm … did the esteemed SD conveniently overlook the 17 movement that went WORLD WIDE [quickly] in it’s reach? Has he/she/it NOT considered it’s reach and implications? I will proudly remain banned from OT, appreciating the research, but not the internal, better than thou attitude. The WWW has a lot of info.
Yes. Stating the obvious, that Trump-caliber rallies were unheard of before (I think about that all the time), and that the level of support he has is even more of a threat to them. And you are right, “17” has played a huge role in uniting Americans and people all over the world and making the MAGA movement grow.
We were helping the conversation but deaf ears prevailed.
CDC may as well publish this crap for SNL or Babylon Bee.
Difficult to believe many listen to CDC. Other than to laugh at CDC.
CDC Eases Recommendations for Quarantine, Social Distancing, and Other Restrictive Measures Against Covid-19
More strain on Future Food Supply.
GWP (Emphasis mine)
A Devastating Fire Completely Destroyed the Pendleton Flour Mills in Oregon
“The fire subsequently reignited at approximately 4:00 this morning [Wednesday] at which time it was fully engulfed due to dry grain, as well the wood structure within,” Byram added.
“Although the building is a total loss, this will be an ongoing emergent situation due to the amount of grain that is slow burning. There have not been any reported injuries,” Byram said.
Grain Craft, which owns the Pendleton Flour Mills, bills itself as the country’s largest independent flour milling enterprise, according to its website.
Well, this is interesting (forget the fund raising effort)
America Has Fallen Into Tyranny
Cornfield suspect was at J6.
UPDATE: Standoff in Cornfield Ends — SUSPECT IS DEAD — Man Tried to Bust Into Cincinnati FBI Field Office
Hmm, DM said he was injured and taken into custody.
Five-hour standoff with armed man ends after he tried to break into FBI office in Cincinnati before leading cops on a chase and then shooting at them from a cornfield
An armed man who attempted to break into the FBI‘s Cincinnati office was injured today after a five hour stand-off with police.
The ordeal, which has now ended as officials work to take him into custody, started after the FBI reported that an armed suspect tried to breach the agency’s Visitor Screening Facility at its headquarters in Cincinnati.
Sources told NBC News that he was armed with an AR-15 style rifle and fired a nail gun at personnel.
Maybe hey had to get the real Ricky Shiffer from the body locker to switch out with the “fugitive in the corn field”…kidding…sort of..but maybe not
Cornfield, FIB, KlownsInAction, Dodge…. stuff of movies…
Ar15, body armor and fired a nail gun.
Was at US Capitol on J6.
Wonder if he is injured (alive) r dead.
ANTIFA was at J6 and so was BLM…. Remember the buses?
Orange knit caps.
Yes, certainly do. That day is etched in my memory.
Nail Gun?
Maybe he was one of Creamer’s confused idiots and thought he was attacking Lowes…
Welp, that confirms it folks. Anyone in DC on January 6th is a dangerous person….narrative incoming by breathless women talking it to death until their time is up and the next ones in cocktail outfits and 5″ heels take over the news slot
Correction: AG Garland’s rambling and defensive 5 minutes did
littlenothing to prove otherwise.Not that he could have, even if he wanted to, which he didn’t.
Catturd: “5 more days until …” ***
***Liz Cheney goes to work at a fast food restaurant.
Buh Bye B!tch!!

Her motto being, “E. Coli Unum”…
Once a document is in the hands of a private citizen, regardless if it was private or otherwise, barring extraordinary circumstances, it is automatically public record. No Motion to Unseal is required.
In the case of the Search Warrant of Mar-a-Lago the Justice Department doesn’t need to ask the court to unsealed it, they simply could have given copies to the reporters.
They are doing so in this manner as political theater, depriving the American People of immediate access to the already public record -they gave a copy to Trump’s legal team -making them unprotected, unless a contract extending the seal was agreed to prior to providing a copy to the legal team.
Per Christina Bobb, The probable cause justification for the warrant was sealed and not detailed on the warrant.
Lara Trump casts doubt on speculation that there’s an “informant” at Mar-a-Lago assisting the DOJ.
“Maybe [that’s] a bit of hearsay. There is no one of concern or even to consider.”
“Maybe [that’s] a bit of hearsay. There is no one of concern or even to consider.”
That’s exactly what I would expect her to say, if they are closing in on an informant…
(“Let’s see what happens…”)
On Tucker, She also squashed the rumor that Melania has had enough and begged 45 to quit. The WHOLE family is behind him. Someone has to clean this mess up and they believe he’s the one to do it.
^^^ GOOD News. ^^^
If you live in Georgia, your choices for Governor are Brian Kemp, who hates White people, facilitated the 2020 coup, and railroaded the McMichaels; or Stacey Abrams, gap-toothed voodoo priestess and softcore porn author, who hates White people.
Write in Travis McMichael for Governor.
That’s a bleak group to choose from. A write-in will never make it unfortunately I don’t think. I hate to think of Abrams winning it.
Went to the doc yesterday, saw the PA. He was wearing a mask, always does, no one else in the office was. As I was leaving he was telling me he had covid again. And his wife and his kids, and without thinking I asked are you vaccinated? (Of course he was) As he was saying yes I was saying yeah, that’s who keeps catching it over and over and you will continue to do so. And he kept talking about how many times so and so had gotten it. Then I reeled off all the supplements I take prophylatically and said I’ve never had it and ain’t gonna get it. Then we fist bumped and I left. He’s a really good natured guy, but he just doesn’t get it.
When my friend had his TIA, the hospital ultrasound guy came to test his neck. He starting telling us he’d been off a week w/WuFlu and they gave him Ivermectin, and other drugs. That shocked and pleased me to hear the hospital was prescribing the apropriate treatment. He was confused why the Vitamin I, there went butterfly educating him on all the zinc ionospheres and other supplements. ‘Wow, I didn’t know that’. Well now you do, tell all your buds. And yes, he was vaxxed.
Hey CDC,
Good work!
That’s why our butterfly kicks ass and takes names……and asks, “er, who were you, again?”
I got my degree at Qtree!
Washington Post: FBI searched Trump’s home to look for nuclear documents and other items
HA HA HA. Garland’s little spiel did NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, NADA to quell the anger. It only made it worse. So now the agency runs to seed the Times. NOPE, sorry, not gonna work. There is nothing they can say to get out of this. Resignations would only be a start, follks want them disbanded, both DODGE and FIB. You hear us? DISBANDED!!!
#defund DOJ #defund FBI
^^^ Sorta like Wray, whining yesterday.
Braying, like a mule.
Bray Wray,,,,
House Judiciary GOP claims the DOJ leaked the story on classified nuclear documents at Mar-a-Lago to the Washington Post.
Pathetic. WaComPost, DOJ and FIB.
Such a dumb ass leak. They ought to try being, “believable”.
(a little LATE for that !)

Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush upBy Miranda Devine and Emily Crane
August 11, 2022
“Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up”
He can’t ‘hush up’, this is the most publicity his PC repair business ever had… money can’t even buy this kind of advertising…
tweets are part of a thread
Man, you guys keep posting all the stuff I had saved up for the daily.
That one is GREAT for replay.
Big Mike wardrobe. Only thing more hideous is, hildabeast’ wardrobe.
Eye bleach after seeing either.
It’ll still be great!
That’s ok, they’re worth reposting! I’ll read it again and laugh again tomorrow.
We LOVE your dailies DP!!!

Imagine the look on Wray’s face when the FIB brings in Big Mike’s jock strap

^^^ Belly Laugh, after reading that one.
Special tucking uundies
Wray: “Wow, it’s bigger than mine!!!!”
Donald J. Trump
Aug 11, 2022, 16:56
Donald J. Trump
Does anybody really believe that Joe Biden and the White House knew NOTHING about this great embarrassment to our Country – the biggest story since the Afghanistan catastrophe? I don’t think so!
Donald J. Trump
Why does Fox put them on? The perverts of the Lincoln Project were “run out of town” after it was learned that they did some really “bad stuff.” Perversion anyone? Now they have re-emerged with a different but similar name. Keep these sicko’s off television!
Aug 11, 2022, 17:22
“Why does Fox put them on?”
Because Bretty Baier really, really likes them…
Because Fox is the starter pack, CNN lite, the near beer of 100 proof libtard news
OMG, Pam Bondi on Hannity – you may have only seen 30, but there were 100 agents, by air, sea, and land. Urgent, fear of destruction? Warrant was signed on Friday, not executed until Monday.
Video ~1:37.
So these clowns defaced the American flag, and then they were so proud of themselves, they actually took a picture of themselves holding the evidence.
18 U.S. Code § 700 – Desecration of the flag of the United States; penalties
(a)(1) Whoever knowingly mutilates, defaces, physically defiles, burns, maintains on the floor or ground, or tramples upon any flag of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
(2)This subsection does not prohibit any conduct consisting of the disposal of a flag when it has become worn or soiled.
(b) As used in this section, the term “flag of the United States” means any flag of the United States, or any part thereof, made of any substance, of any size, in a form that is commonly displayed.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed as indicating an intent on the part of Congress to deprive any State, territory, possession, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico of jurisdiction over any offense over which it would have jurisdiction in the absence of this section.
(d)(1) An appeal may be taken directly to the Supreme Court of the United States from any interlocutory or final judgment, decree, or order issued by a United States district court ruling upon the constitutionality of subsection (a).
(2) The Supreme Court shall, if it has not previously ruled on the question, accept jurisdiction over the appeal and advance on the docket and expedite to the greatest extent possible.
(Added Pub. L. 90–381, § 1, July 5, 1968, 82 Stat. 291; amended Pub. L. 101–131, §§ 2, 3, Oct. 28, 1989, 103 Stat. 777.)
transitive verb
If that’s real, it’s shameful, besides being a crime. Someone needs to prosecute. (I know, I know.)
Sad times. My US flag is down at the house. Replaced it with Betsy Ross. 2nd flag is a Trump flag. Establishing my MVE cred in the hood.
Good for you!
Sad times, but we are Standing Tall and Proud.
Insider “Chip” trading IS a Piglosi Family tradition.
She said he wasnt doing any business, only acting as her escort.
I can’t believe she lied…

Well, first indication was, Piglosi’s mouth moving.
I know, clutch yer pearls.
Ground Report. Northern NV.
Gas has dropped $1.04 over past ~5 weeks, at local cheapo station.
Carson City Costco overhead pallet racks FULL, throughout the store. Seems like more pallets of stuff on sales floor. Receiving area pretty full of stuff. Reasonable number of shoppers. Did not see big tickets stuff being purchased. Used to always see big screen TVs and furniture on them big orange carts at check out.
Local Smith’s (Kroger) lite foot traffic.
Across the board, purchases these days are nearly 100% “NEED”. Very few “want”.
Have not been in Wally World in week or so. Was not busy during that visit.
I’ve only been to WW 2 times this whole year!! Commie Bassturds!!

Wally World is busy in tourist area, but not at all in the regular markets around here in East Tn. A lot of empty shelves as well.
Discussed with a contractor/pro desk friend who works at Home Depot. New construction still good, consumer sales down. Noticed a lot of retail sales items and markdowns in aisles there and at Lowe’s. The later advertises big ticket items on same, then when you try to buy they are magically out of stock on that item. Repeating story for months now. Probably sitting in the ocean on the left coast waiting for entry and distribution.
Down here ralphs closed a lot of stores but the 1 i go to is busy bc they have a gas station. I saw a Sinclair station under 5 for cash only, but no one else.
Conservatives Blast Merrick Garland Following Mar-a-Lago Raid Remarks (breitbart.com)
That’s why they came out w/the nuke story. They’re so predictable now.
India dumps US dollar for UAE dirham, Chinese yuan in Russian coal trade: Report
Russia became India’s third-largest coal supplier after New Delhi began to move away from the US dollar in their bilateral trade
News Desk
– August 11 2022
BRICSS – come on down. You are the next contestant on The Price is Right!
You got it!
You know how you know that PDT gave them enough rope to hang themselves? Because he keeps talking about it in social media and whenever a news outlet has the stones to bring it up. It’s really that simple. If he had real legal problems his attorneys would have taken over and toned him down.
He pulled off the rope-a-dope to perfection.
He will be all over this in his rallies as well.
Be vigilant en masse at the drop boxes, mail-in points, etc.
Dox, meme, etc. at every opportunity. Every leftist who ever gave you a hard time, your time for payback begins now. Truth the fool out of them.
It’s over. I don’t believe ANYTHING they say.
They’re out to frame Trump…. AGAIN.
PANIC, over taking FEAR.
Poso retweeted Some Dude
“….yeah….that’s the ticket.”
Whatever it is, it’s a FRAME. Just like every other frame.
I’m done with these people. I don’t believe ANYTHING they say.
Wait for the next outrage…tic toc… President Trump was selling secret plans for nuclear weapons… wait for it…. To Putin! I swear someway somehow, this will come up from somewhere. They just have to find someone stupid enough start saying it.
Well FGS don’t say it even in jest lest some idiot think you’re serious.
Merrick Garland is a lawless scumbag who just wet himself in front of the nation
(Now I’ll finally go back and watch Garland WET HIMSELF. Can’t quit chuckling.)
Update | Gunman attacks FBI building in Cincinnati… Suspect is dead… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
Died of injuries. Lots of tweets in article, many about killing the FIB enemy. J6 pictures. Last update on TS (during shootout?) saying nail gun didn’t go through bullet proof glass, if you don’t hear from me they got me.
Trigger job. FIB specialty.
Set your weapons on 0% 2A, 100% 1A. Give them maximum FREE SPEECH. Absolutely don’t fedpoast, but do insist that any FBI who knew about the depop shots and protected the murder of children WILL DESERVE TO SWING FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
That will mostly be at the top. Wray is CFR – he’s likely in on the murder shots. Comey for sure. McCabe, some of the others.
Tell the truth. FIB are now CRIMINALS – especially at the top – worse than Mexican federales – worse than KGB – worse than Gestapo – and aimed at the American people.
The IRS are going to be even worse, because they’re not even pretend LEOs.
Poor horses. I hope someone is caring for them properly.
No worries. Ever wonder how downtown Manhattan might have private horse stables? They are very well equipped and staffed.
Downtown Manhattan probably has everything…
except for a compelling reason any sane man would want to live there.
Anne Heche Had Cocaine in Her Blood at Time of Car Crash: Reports (aol.com)
“Heche crashed her blue Mini Cooper into a home a little before 11 a.m. PT on Friday, Aug. 5, in the Mar Vista neighborhood of Los Angeles. It took nearly 60 firefighters to rescue her from the wreckage that ignited a fire that raged out of control. The fiery car crash, it would later become clear, was her third car crash within a 30-minute span.”
In some places, three crashes in 30 minutes could be a sign that something isn’t quite right.
Anne Heche probably has cocaine in her blood dating back to the ’80’s when there more drugs than plasma in her circulation.
It seems she’s had a really rough life, but of course she is responsible for her choices. She has said she was sexually abused by her father. That’s no excuse for acting out, but I find it sad that some people never get over past experiences, while others recover and thrive. She had so much going for her, but she couldn’t function on an optimal level. I find myself speaking in the past tense, but I hope she pulls through. It’s a long road ahead that includes criminal charges. Such a shame.
LOL, you’re probably right!
I have no frigging idea who Anne Heche is. Stripper? News Puke? Movie Star? Athlete?
And I can’t imagine it matters one particle of a damn who she is.
This despite the fact that somehow this bint is front page news.
(PS: Please don’t tell me.)
We didn’t tell you yesterday.
Not gonna tell, since I’m pretty sure you know how to use a search engine if you’re so inclined!
Oh, noes – I blabbed!
well she is a born again heterosexual…went lesbo and circled back
She had a FAKE HUSBAND named “Ellen” who favored Epstein Interior Design!
I told you not to tell me.
Why does anyone care about this idiot?
Bluntly, IMO, it was a psy-op relationship. Hollywood made it big. “Everybody’s favorite lesbian and pretty blonde are a couple! You can’t not love this! GAWK! PUHLEAZE!”
File it under “easy on the eyes train wreck”. People can’t not watch it.
Now, it’s “WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO” territory.
I wanted to drop this over here before I lost the link.
It seemed like there were so many places where small alterations in the text would throw the article into a different perspective, for humorous effect. Things like, “rodents with enhanced testosterone would behave more like Harvey Weinstein” and “when their paired female was removed from the enclosure and the rodents with enhanced testosterone were confronted with another male, they did not attack and chase the foreign male, but gently bent them over a chair.”
Trying to anthropomorphize animal behavior always has its challenges, but it does seem that these researchers were trying to make everything just perfect.
Sick shit. Hope tax dollars didn’t pay for any of that. Prolly did. Thanks for not posting pics of that trash, if they were available. Yea, I skipped the link. Sick shit dude.
It was just an article about the effects of testosterone on behavior, and it was surprisingly pretty positive since testosterone is sometimes maligned by lay people. There was nothing about Weinstein or chairs — that was cthulhu’s sense of humor coming out!
Ah. Thanks.
It was a study about the effects of testosterone on gerbils by a married couple. It’s likely she likes it rough, and they interpret the hormone-loaded male gerbil pawing the female as “cuddling”. I’m sure Weinstein would have appreciated that description.
It does have a skeevy vibe, and there likely is public funding involved. But the really humorous bit is how the “researchers” are so biased.
It’s a good thing that flashing squirrel ( from yesterday’s thread) wasn’t involved ..could’ve gotten out of hand
Seriously, this is some funny stuff. The basic setup is that scientists were testing Mongolian gerbils with testosterone supplementation. Turns out the lead author is a woman who appreciates “manly men” — like her husband the co-author. Much of the interpretation of their results seems more about the psychology of the experimenters than the behavior of the gerbils.
Here come Obama’s federal police…..
LOL! This is like the FIB Lego incident.
OMG – Ultra MAGA is not enough! We must be NUCLEAR MAGA!!!
Trump can OBJECT to judge unsealing the warrant: All eyes on ex-president | Daily Mail Online
Trump has until 3pm FRIDAY to say whether he will oppose unsealing the search warrant as Republicans back calls for investigation to be transparent
DM is BS. Christina said they’re trying to put this all on 45. OH NO, it’s not up to 45, it’s up to DODGE to show America why they did what they did. We’ll see. I bet he doesn’t stop it, 47 is the most transparent guy there ever was.
The only reason I would think he’d stop it is if he thought he could use it later. There are probably a lot of legal decisions to be made. I hope it gets unsealed.
Here we go….
Donald J. Trump
Not only will I not oppose the release of documents related to the unAmerican, unwarranted, and unnecessary raid and break-in of my home in Palm Beach, Florida, Mar-a-Lago, I am going a step further by ENCOURAGING the immediate release of those documents, even though they have been drawn up by radical left Democrats and possible future political opponents, who have a strong and powerful vested interest in attacking me, much as they have done for the last 6 years…
Aug 11, 2022, 22:39
Donald J. Trump
…My poll numbers are the strongest they have ever been, fundraising by the Republican Party is breaking all records, and midterm elections are fast approaching. This unprecedented political weaponization of law enforcement is inappropriate and highly unethical. The world is watching as our Country is being brought to a new low, not only on our border, crime, economy, energy, national security, and so much more, but also with respect to our sacred elections!
Release the documents now!
Aug 11, 2022, 22:40
Quashed that obvious BS right quick.
47 knows EXACTLY how to deal with these CROOKS.
Some Dude says 47 already requested docs be made public, AND DODGE is refusing to unseal probable cause affidavit! That’s the one we want to see, WHO told them what and where to look. Buncha made up BS is what is sealed!!!
DOJ Files Motion to Unseal FBI Trump Raid Search Warrant and Property Seizure Receipt – The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)
Yep, Fitton wants the Warrant Material and the Federal Judge said give Fitton what he wants by Monday. Garland has to stop pretending this ends with the release of just the Warrant.
I love that you’re calling him 47! That will scare the devil out of these lefties!
The comments on the “nuclear” story are GOLD!!!
They were probably saying NUKE-U-LUR”….
(looking for the nuclear wessels, like Chekov…)…