What is it? Is it explosive? Here we go!

TrumpWatch™ – A Continuous Proof of Life – Make It Happen
Why the Communist Chinese Behavior of DOJ and FBI Makes Proof of Life Necessary to Prevent Secret Indictment and Arrest of Trump and Associates We are entering a dangerous phase, patriots. The DOJ and FBI are becoming desperate liars. Each day, they act MORE and MORE COWARDLY, like their Chinese…
In "2020"

9/11 Truth-Fest
(still from video, don't click, see below!) I've spent a lot of time on Gab today, and I'm just blown away at the extent to which people are now ultra-red-pilled on 9/11. The amount of evidence pouring out is overwhelming. I'm seeing stuff I've NEVER seen before. Re-evaluating all of…
In "9/11"

Critical Documentary for Understanding the Dynamics of Great Reset vs. Great Awakening
Thanks to Grandmaintexas for finding this amazing video, which I am promoting to a post, so that other bloggers and websites might see it and pick it up. Most of us are familiar with all the elite names, but we really don't understand even a tiny fraction of how, precisely,…
In "2020"
Thanks, Wolf!
You’re most welcome!!!
Starting now, opening with Prayer.
Pledge of Allegience.
RUMBLE LINK – https://rumble.com/v1f8hvx-exclusive-live-from-the-pit-a-vital-strategy-session-presented-by-true-the-.html
Kari Lake
Pray for all attending the PIT!! It’s all our Favorites! Lisa Mei and Praying Medic and Beer at the Parade and Brian Cates!!! Lets Pray that this is HUGE Break thru too!! Hi Wolfie! still in yer foxhole!! Smuchas all!!
Yup. I don’t care how unbelievable this may be. If it’s TRUE, we will bring that TRUTH to the masses!
Not a good start with a banner for “DEVISTATING NEWS”…..
Good truth so far from Eli Crane.
Take up, Flip, and use the enemy’s weapons against them
Good stuff.
Stick your finger in their gun.
Let’s get to the meat and potatoes
Not sure what’s up – I think this is psy-op (perhaps good psy-op) – get us in the right frame of mind.
We’re hoping for bacon.
Potatoes…not so much.
THe enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
Be alert for the enemy roams around like a lion seeking whom he can destroy.
This sounds VERY Q.
Excellent explanation of the success of 2000 Mules. These people are conscious of the difference between success and failure of these info ops.
Every speaker will leave you with your mouth open
Catherine Engelbrecht, founded True The Vote in 2010
OMG. I see where this is going.
Good or bad?
Bombshell or dud?
Not in a position to watch.
Institutionalizing the Fraud
People cheating from the inside
States started popping up with voting software, putting on websites, when they were called on it, they took it down immediately
Financed by Zuckerbucks and others
Vote Shield app, sight into the voter rolls
Lawfare is a very real thing, meant to drain you of your resources and time
So evil. SO evil.
Hilarious about “taking it to the FBI”.
In retrospect, probably not the best idea
You have to know who voted and verify identity 1st
Elections happen in Nov, get certified, identities don’t come out until following March
I understand the strategy here. This is EARLY STUFF.
I’m wondering how much of this we will be privy to. In other words, I hope they don’t stop broadcasting and just speak to the participants about the juicy stuff!
The State drop box videos are very bad, chopped up, take special players, basically junk, trash. That’s why they nixed it and starting using pings
CHINA already mentioned. Interesting.
Both deeply involved in the [American] death shot.
open(dot)ink is the site where the data will be
Will be attacked and taken down.
They created OPEN.INK software, was immediately attacked by Chyna and server stripped. Every time they published, bad guys took down.
Now hardened, Software repository for all Catherine’s data, tools, a community for everyone to use.
Now that they’re announcing, Expect more attacks. Be patient, they’ll fix.
Sign up, Send in your real time video.
Oh, she has a GREAT teaser on consent decrees! Conservative journalists will go nuts about that.
Expect massive LAWFARE on this.
They’re still in suits from GA Senate runoff. Elias and Abrams are devils.
End of Mules, time to move on.
Have to understand 2020 so we can move forward.
None of this would have happened if everyone would have followed the LAW!!
Government Standards/Policies/Laws once Obummer declared voting Critical Infrastructure
PA Code
We need to put people on notice that we expect them to obey the law. Oh my. He’s got to be kidding, right?
“Free and fair elections are a civil right.” Yes! We were disenfranchised.
The intel by the other side on Kari Lake’s relationship to these folks is why they backed down on the primary. I’m positive.
Heh Heh, took em 3 days to accept it.
There was a lot of GRRRR GRRRR GRRRR GNASHING of teeth and WAILING going on.
They have a nice tactic here on 2022. Listen closely to get it. I’m going to challenge people to listen deeply.
One of the biggest problems with ALL voting places using computerized voting machines is that almost all of them are not made in the USA which I believe is a fed requirement.
The structure of the electoral revolution is being described to us.
Sheriff Mark Lamb
I’m a Patriot who loves God, Family, and Freedom
I was elected to protect you from bad guys and Govt overreach
Firing up the crowd. This is the “live” stuff we’re gonna have starting on Nov. 8.
This is like both a nail-bomb AND a fusion weapon. They’re using a “news-cycle show-stopper” to drive a bunch of “election strategy to patriots”.
Elections have consequences.
Remember this guy from Live PD? Something was fishy with him and some woman/ or people with regard to the Pinal election – but it’s so obscure that I can’t recall what it was. He looks and sounds good, I just hope he’s legit.
Excellent comment on the “anon strategy”.
Who knew “zebras” explain the Q strategy?
Fear not, for they that be with us or more than they that be with them.
Look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
“We beat them all!”
That was an AMAZING video. Jefferey Prather. WOW.
Jeffrey Prather, awesome video, IT DIDN’T END, IT BEGAN…..Retired Special Ops, Blew whistle on Fast and Furious
An enormous amount of strategy going out to leaders on our side.
Creating our own parallel structures.
OMG – I get this now – devolution on fusion centers to cut out the wicked feds.
Inside view of how the Feds protect BLM and Antifa. Holy CRAP.
Interesting prediction on the collapse of the fed scams (even including biotech).
YES. Some “doubles” are real – like that Kamala clone that got CAUGHT.
(not “real” on clone – just to be clear)
The idea that they use fakes to “compromise” is expectable.
Yes. He said some have different eye colors, etc. It’s the ones that people say are working with others in close quarters and fooling them that are not real.
Gotta wonder about some Zooms, too. I’ll be a few AI doubles have been field-tested.
Note what he said about masks!!!
Dave of X22 Report has a theory that they want mask mandates so the rioters can’t be identified.
Fentanyl is bioweapon, just like Covid
Hunter is compromised
Pedo Joe is cloned
Yup. Likely using fakes for when he’s down for the count in a sick room. WOW.
I thought the first bike rider, that was masked, was probably fake.
We need to dig on this later.
WOW. So a veteran of influence ops confirms that FIB is running influence ops (just like the Dick Wolf crapfests).
“The enemy of my enemy is my ally – not my friend – my ally.”
Parallel construction. WOW.
Sounds like he’s implying it was used against Trump. And if the originating stuff is CRAP – it can be abused.
Wow. That was EXCELLENT. We were RIGHT about so much.
This is an adaptation of OODA.
They’re certainly mentioning Flynn a lot. Prather threw his name in there at the end. Curious, why Flynn exactly?
Ally, not necessarily friend, IMO.
OK, I’ll say it … NOT a friend …
He’s addressing sheriffs and local LEOs. Very nice.
He’s creating a way for LE to take charge of election integrity.
Fuck you, cheating Dems and ChiComs. You’re gonna DIE AT THE POLLS.
Hilarious that this app is wokeproofed! The AOCs and their nose-ringed tranny orcs get shut out.
I still don’t see how this is sufficient without getting rid of the Dominion machines. Not that it’s inconsequential, but is it sufficient?
Will address later.
Basically, the IT people in LE can set this up for their jurisdiction. NICE.
I guess we’re part of the 100,000 watching on RSBN.
10K have tried to go to the website.
It’s VERY CLEAR that the RNC could do this, and THEY ARE NOT.
Easier to agree to a consent decree and go have some white wine and cucumber sandwiches with Democrats.
Yep, GIS (geographic information systems) is not new. Adapting it to fight voter fraud is. Should been done long ago.
Another reason to not give them a dime.
Send it to TruetheVote or PatriotGames.
Or to individual candidates where it won’t get diluted.
It’s pretty hilarious how they’re milking their exploders for pushing their explainers.
I’m not able to give this my undivided attention and will need a review in the coming days, but what she is saying about NY is devastating.
Yes. It’s weaponized science and math. It’s horrifying.
Just said the same thing. The most important thing she said, which seems utterly true, is that she was presenting evidence, not inference.
Good GRIEF. Fake elections are BAKED IN in New York.
I just said this to the assistant of our new House candidate in NY. SMH, these bumbling idiots have no clue.
IMO the current “RINOs” and “pathetic MAGA” have adapted to the permanent steal conditions, so it’s baked into their thinking. They simply cannot get past the subconscious tempering of their own thoughts to “stay electable”.
The RINOs maintain that they are electable while actual conservatives are not.
As soon as a wildly popular conservative leaves office they start beating those drums. See my rant from Saturday.
WOW! I just read the article on the NY embed! Nothing rhetorical about that!
You have probably already seen this but for those who may not…
The NY State analysis was pretty devastating.
Yes. I need to understand this better. Once this is over, I’m going to get more information. I want to understand the exact risk – how the fraud is pulled off EXACTLY.
It was complicated (to me) and requires a slower and more thorough study to understand.
But the FACT she proved, to my mind beyond a reasonable doubt, was a manipulation which created the ability to commit fraud.
The inference, and it is an inference, is that fraud was actually committed and, as you say, how.
There is no point to the manipulation except for fraud. Getting from there to an actual human being using the manipulation for fraudulent purposes is the hard part.
BTW Lindell’s statistical analysis was similarly devastating. But it never made the leap into proving the actual fraudulent mechanism (how a fraudulent vote actually got cast) just that we know the votes WERE manipulated.
I am praying this all goes somewhere.
What’s shocking to me is that this NY skeevy data stuff and audit is not the actual “big cheese” here. I thought THAT was the big reveal. It’s just a warm-up.
Have to say, Catherine got me REAL excited.
This is very similar to that first big presentation by the election statistics professor at Lindell’s symposium, only it’s more numerical in a way that most people can understand – no calculus needed for deep understanding. In that case, the left barely talked about the prof’s work, other than some very weak Snopesing to distract and minimize. But at the same time, our side didn’t fully EXPLOIT the fact that it said our entire national system of registrations was compromised.
This time, we’ve picked and frozen a target (NY), and I think we can info-bomb it to hell and back.
The fact that the state can’t have fair elections – that leads to the question of what measures are possible to end that state of affairs.
Yea, well, ok, but could we PLEASE do the same here in GA?
CO wouldn’t break my heart either.
But I think the idea might be to bring some state that has NEVER been mentioned in this context, to the fore.
I’m with ya
She can be found @search Audit NY.com
Seems like a hidden morphing matrix (or matrices depending on the county) for the ‘right people’ to be able to separate phantom voter rolls from legitimate voter rolls. Like the one I was shown by mistake.
They pad the voter rolls and use them if needed to end up with the winner they want, I suppose.
Yeah, I think the phantom voters is the big deal.
It sounds like they used an ALGORITHM to hide the phantoms right in the middle of things, so there is no “separate list” that could be evidence of them.
If you know the magic trick, you can pluck them out and create ballots.
That’s actually a really SLICK criminal move.
If you KNOW who the phantoms are, they can be ginned up to vote whenever it’s needed to exceed the actual numbers that came out to the polls.
Hochul is likely in on this. Same with NHK (Nursing Home Killer).
I am going to try an experiment with my local ‘elected’ and campaigning peeps. just to see if they are interested in pursuing this.
This algorithm seems to create phantom registrations as well as catalogue them.
In my case, my name was used (which was the same as an other in the town used), another town’s address, an apartment number that does not exist and a birthdate I found online…and with that address that got me right into the registration account. The registered ‘voter’ has never voted before. However, the registration has been there since 1992? I think so. I found that out when I queried the county BOE on the phone.
Oh, and isn’t 1992, when Bill Clinton got into office? Coincidence?
From my research, I tracked down the current owner of the house who purchased it from a dentist whose daughter used to Iive there.
It was rather funny because I used my name and he thought he knew exactly who it was on the other end of the line, so the algorithm may randomly select outliers. Real person, her real birthdate?, real address, old data…but apartment number that does not exist. The dentist confirmed to me that there was no apartment on property ever.
Crazy. Very sophisticated and internal. Someone must continually monitor during election counting to figure how many votes can be swung so as to keep turnout under 100%. In my county’s case it was about 98%. FAKE!!!
Sorry to be so long winded but the details might matter. I believe I saw the outside of what the NY team has seen on the inside.
PS The election worker messed up when I originally signed in to the poling place. They normally want your address before you are allowed to sign in. This one did not, and the poll worker next to her go all upset that this other voter registration was shown to me. Lucky for me I remembered the address and researched it.
PPS It occurs to me that the man I spoke to about this confusing voter registration was also a dentist and had a Middle-Eastern accent. Would need to find the name.
I only bring this up because the NY team that uncovered this matrix in NY, said they have only seen this type of algorithm in…the Middle East…to control elections.
PPPS The ME man I spoke to was also a dentist who purchased the private home from a dentist. And I believe the daughter is a dental hygienist. All odd. But if I recall, he purchased the home in 1992.
Still wondering how the registration was born in 1992 if she no longer lived there, with all of these transfer issues, house, etc. Still am not sure where the daughter is living today…
And I was so shocked to see this registration because I have left out a couple of details I will n to put online. This is why I followed it up.
It is still an open case. I have confirmed it is still in the files.
“…a couple of details I will not put online.”
Excuse the typos, Wolf!!!
Will sort out later!
Like tomorrow after a rest!!! Same! Had to spill while it all came back!
In hindsight, when the original incident occurred, I went to early voting for the first time ever, in another town and signed in on an Apple tablet with a soft tipped stylus. Had never done that before, That was 2020.
So, the poll worker was able to pull up both the phantom and real registration.
When voting last year, the same phantom registration was still on the rolls, because I asked for the registration at the wrong address and literally told the poll worker that that was the FAKE registration!
That was the same time they gave me a ballot WITHOUT our 20 year judge on my ballot. He lost by 65/45 to a cashless left wing judge!
Yet maybe another way to steal the vote!
The fact checkers are going to have a very interesting response to that. Going to have to see what they do.
No way would Zuckerberg pass these tests! LMAO!!!
Maybe. Once the Avatar interviews Zuck it will likely enter a null set. If you drill down to find out why, the Avatar will say it’s still waiting to interview the human scheduled for that block of time/data.
LOL .. or like a digital Mexican stand-off..
Both the Avatar and zuck disappearing in a poof of smoke
This is infowar.
Bottom line.
Honestly, this felt like an entrepreneur pitch session.
After the highly effective and amazing NY analysis, that sales pitch was a gigantic let down.
I’ll explain relevance later. Too busy now.
I’m almost laughing now, because that advertorial for insider detection is perfect relative to the China threat. LOL!
Oh, that was sneaky.
It was so out of place, until we hear what went on.
Yup. Now it all makes sense.
I dealt with ChiCom insiders. They’re a pain in the ass.
Yes – that was not typical of all the went before. Short eyeroll session for a backer, IMO.
To us yeah. But to LE and others in their audience it’s necessary tools they should invest in w/their grant money. GO SHERIFFS!!!
This is all part of DEVOLUTION. It’s all brilliant.
They turned off the feed while talking to the group about another technology that we aren’t privy to. So the enemy can’t see it either.
Lunch break after that, then Catherine says the direction will change after lunch and they will get “to the edge” of the info that is more explosive than 2000 Mules. Will we hear it?
That last technology that blocks device data — if the mules had used it, the whole 2000 Mules operation could not have been done, right? But I think, as Catherine said, they’re moving past 2000 Mules because they’re introducing new technologies and methods of finding and eliminating voter fraud, if I understand correctly.
This operation is bigger than I imagined.
Gotta stay with the bleeding edge.
Silly Cone Valley is far, far left, and has been for some time. They also have spent an enormous amount of time, money, and resources to gain favors from gubmint, and to influence and write legislation in their favor. Add to that the strong influence of RED China (via ChiSpyDiFi and Piglosi, et. al.) and other miscreants, and the downward left-hand-path becomes obvious.
There was an article about Google and Julian Assange where Google basically said that they were assisting Hell-the-BEAST in her run for President, as well as other races. And just think what manner of resources and data they, Facebook, Twitter, and other leftist tech giants (Amazon AWS) control or have access to.
I fear we have not considered the breadth and depth of their evil, nor the designs of which they are capable. It seems that Catherine and Gregg and their team have. I pray that they expose this, and that GOD shines HIS LIGHT on this, and that HE straightens this out, restores HIS TRUTH and that we as a Nation are RESTORED as well.
Matthew 10:26-28:
26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Yes. I pray for restoration every day.
Separate restoration of honest IT is necessary. Christian nationalism is KEY to doing that.
I think they’re not going to reveal too much tech, and the sales pitch was maybe to show what’s out there and raise attention as to what COULD be out there… a shiny red ball, so to speak. And a scary one at that, yet many places do extensive investigation before even offering interviews anymore. And even HP over here has a whole team scouring social media both for current and potential employees…
Speaking of gargle and sillycone valley’s cloven hooves in politics, an article from a while back shows how HELL-the-BEAST and others are getting help from Google et. al. It’s well worth reading, even if a little dated… new players, same old dirty game…
A few years back Julian Assange published an interview of Eric Schmidt “When Google Met Wikileaks” . There’s an article about it, “Google Is Not What It Seems”, at https://wikileaks.org/google-is-not-what-it-seems .
The article details what Gargle was doing to help Hell-the-BEAST in the elections, and is a disturbing picture of what was going on with the DEMONRATS and big tech even back in 2011. It is REALLY an eye-opener, and serves to show how long the deep and evil connections between the DEMONRATS and the “Teufelisch” tech titans has been…
A brief excerpt:
In this extract from his new book When Google Met Wikileaks, WikiLeaks’ publisher Julian Assange describes the special relationship between Google, Hillary Clinton and the State Department — and what that means for the future of the internet.
Eric Schmidt is an influential figure, even among the parade of powerful characters with whom I have had to cross paths since I founded WikiLeaks. In mid-May 2011 I was under house arrest in rural Norfolk, about three hours’ drive northeast of London. The crackdown against our work was in full swing and every wasted moment seemed like an eternity. It was hard to get my attention. But when my colleague Joseph Farrell told me the executive chairman of Google wanted to make an appointment with me, I was listening.
In some ways the higher echelons of Google seemed more distant and obscure to me than the halls of Washington. We had been locking horns with senior US officials for years by that point. The mystique had worn off. But the power centers growing up in Silicon Valley were still opaque and I was suddenly conscious of an opportunity to understand and influence what was becoming the most influential company on earth. Schmidt had taken over as CEO of Google in 2001 and built it into an empire.
I was intrigued that the mountain would come to Muhammad. But it was not until well after Schmidt and his companions had been and gone that I came to understand who had really visited me.
* * *
The stated reason for the visit was a book. Schmidt was penning a treatise with Jared Cohen, the director of Google Ideas, an outfit that describes itself as Google’s in-house “think/do tank.” I knew little else about Cohen at the time. In fact, Cohen had moved to Google from the US State Department in 2010. He had been a fast-talking “Generation Y” ideas man at State under two US administrations, a courtier from the world of policy think tanks and institutes, poached in his early twenties. He became a senior advisor for Secretaries of State Rice and Clinton. At State, on the Policy Planning Staff, Cohen was soon christened “Condi’s party-starter,” channeling buzzwords from Silicon Valley into US policy circles and producing delightful rhetorical concoctions such as “Public Diplomacy 2.0.” On his Council on Foreign Relations adjunct staff page he listed his expertise as “terrorism; radicalization; impact of connection technologies on 21st century statecraft; Iran.”
It was Cohen who, while he was still at the Department of State, was said to have emailed Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to delay scheduled maintenance in order to assist the aborted 2009 uprising in Iran. His documented love affair with Google began the same year, when he befriended Eric Schmidt as they together surveyed the post-occupation wreckage of Baghdad. Just months later, Schmidt re-created Cohen’s natural habitat within Google itself by engineering a “think/do tank” based in New York and appointing Cohen as its head. Google Ideas was born.
Later that year the two co-wrote a policy piece for the Council on Foreign Relations’ journal Foreign Affairs, praising the reformative potential of Silicon Valley technologies as an instrument of US foreign policy. Describing what they called “coalitions of the
connected,” Schmidt and Cohen claimed that
“Democratic states that have built coalitions of their militaries have the capacity to do the same with their connection technologies. . . . They offer a new way to exercise the duty to protect citizens around the world [emphasis added].”
And a little pic:

Eric Schmidt, Chairman of Google, at the “Pulse of Today’s Global Economy” panel talk at the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting, 26 Sept. 2013 in New York. Eric Schmidt first attended the CGI annual meeting at its opening plenary in 2010. (Photo: Mark Lennihan)
[note the date: 26 (2*13) / 9 / 13 (2013) ]
Just a thought about the atmosphere of confusion about motives.
I DO NOT completely buy Sundance’s perspective on DeSantis, and doubt it, although it is not at all implausible to me, and may be true (for those who did not read it, Sundance says DeS is under the GOPe’s control). In that analysis Sundance casts aspersion on Charlie Kirk.
Then to see Kirk interviewed here is a strange experience.
I have to keep my thinking above getting into the weeds about motivations. For instance, regardless of whatever DeS actually is, his words and actions have been EXACTLY what we have been waiting for, hoping for. IOW DeS has already accomplished concrete things.
And if DeS falls short, we have Lake, etc, etc. What we know is that WE are not going away. Our beliefs are NOT going away.
Cloudy motives and even betrayal is part of our understanding how things work nowadays. But we are never going away.
Charlie??? Some Dunce
This. There are sites that find and/or insinuate negative information about almost everyone. I won’t go into detail because it is
. There has to be a balance between knowing who someone is, or things about their past, and whether to trust them. It can leave us in a state of confusion and distrust, which promotes infighting or lack of action, and that plays into the enemy’s hands.
Sometimes people play a role and do good work before negative things happen, and sometimes after. Paul Manafort and Kellyanne Conway were instrumental in PDJT’s 2016 win. If they had been eliminated at the beginning, would there have been someone as good to take their place? I don’t know how many of those highly effective, motivated people who are willing to sacrifice their time are out there.
Right. We are the soul of the country. We will weed people out as needed. To pick on DeSantis, one of the most (if not THE most) effective governors, seems very short-sighted to me. Who would *they* replace him (and others) with? And I am not at all impressed with someone getting their digs in so they can say
or seem oh-so-politically-prescient. That’s way too self-serving.
I saw something negative about Charlie Kirk a while back but can’t remember what it was. IMO we need to watch people and let them know we will hold them accountable while they are doing good for our side, because they are doing good.
Good insights.
You too.
Charlie Kirk has been doing a good job of putting the VIEW on notice…I watched his show that entire week after the Turning Point gathering. He was getting criticism for hanging on to the View malfeasance like a dog with his bone. His response was reiterated by Greg Phillips today that to let it go is a betrayal of all the young people returning to friends and family who would ask them what their association is with Nazis.
Sometimes there is a shift necessitated by the evil that we’re confronted with. People have their own ideas about what Charlie Kirk does but we can’t afford to lose sight of the good that people such as Kirk are doing.
AMEN. Reversing a narrative takes exactly what he’s doing!
Disinformation and controlled opposition come to mind. Yes infighting can and will be used against the light that exposé’s darkness.
Remember when we all were derailed from OT? Didn’t that turn out for the better over here…….
I think that SD realizes that – whether DeSantis wants it or not, he is a TOOL to blunt Trump by the DS. DeSantis can be used as part of the strategy against both Trump and himself.
The DS has tried to create a “Let’s You And Him Fight” with Trump and DeSantis. Not a “good one” that would elevate both (like in the 2016 primary, where Trump and smart opponents raised their statures), but a bad one that would degrade both.
You made this point previously (a week ago) and I kept that point in mind when I read Sundance. From that perspective, Sundance is only doing what is necessary.
And his concern is right on. DeS is a big boy, and if Sundance’s stance turns out to be too rough, DeS will be okay. If DeS is MAGA, he will remain MAGA. We will know.
Yes – the gloves are off now – after Mar-a-Lago, we have seen what the other side will do. I expect them not to allow DJT and DeS to be allies, as much as they can prevent it.
Forgive me, but, “Sundance is only doing what is necessary” is akin to quite a number of us being BANNED OT for our thoughts / posts / opinions.
SD is a smart researcher, but he/she/it is most definitely not the smartest in the room. Just sayin’ …
One solid point. DeSantis has been fighting for social issues; however, their Dominion machines are still operating, red flag laws, and cruise ships were still requiring jabs.
DeSantis’ donors are all of the wrong people, as is his new home-based press secretary,Bryan Griffin. He has been there for awhile as second in command, but Ausonius did a bit of digging:
August 13, 2022 6:33 am
Okay, so let’s go down The Globalist Rabbit Hole: who is this Bryan Griffin? And who is Pushaw?
“Griffin, who was hired in March, has taken a similar combative approach. Last week, he published his email response to The View after the morning talk show requested an interview with DeSantis. In the email, Bryan quoted The View hosts’ past statements about DeSantis and questioned whether The View was genuinely in “pursuit of the truth.”
“It has been an honor to work with and learn from (Christina Pushaw). I look forward to serving (Gov. Ron DeSantis) and the people of Florida in this new role. Like Christina did so well, I will ensure the Governor’s message is amplified and that false narratives are debunked,” Griffin tweeted Friday.”
That sounds decent…so far!
“Griffin told Florida Politics he first met Pushaw at the Warsaw Security Forum in 2019, where they were both participants in the forum’s New Security Leaders program.
Smell anything?
What is The Warsaw Security Forum? Go here and you will see the founder Zbigniew Pisarski– not wearing a tie in the Iranian style – and his glowing 30-something blond wife. He has been employed at Harvard and Georgetown Universities.
So…where does he get the money to create an international foundation where GENERAL PETRAEUS is on the board of directors?
Yes, scroll down to see his smiling face! And why is he smiling? Note other One-Worlders as well e.g. Catherine Ashton:
From 2009:
“Herman van Rompuy, Belgian Prime Minister for the past 11 months, had been the favorite to fill the role of President of the Council of Ministers.
Baroness Ashton — Cathy Ashton until she was ennobled by Tony Blair a decade ago — was a decidedly unexpected choice to be the new High Representative for Foreign Affairs.
The appointments are inextricably linked. Van Rompuy is a Christian Democrat from a small country. Hence, according to the innate logic of European integration, the High Representative needed to be a Socialist from a large country.”
Namely, Catherine Ashton, Socialist from England.
To return, and digging more deeply, Pisarski is involved in CANPOLAND, which is NOT a Chamber of Commerce “Yes Poland can!” Optimist Club.
From FaceBook:
CanPoland is a pharmaceutical company, producer and distributor of medicinal cannabisas well as provider of repackaging services for paralel (Sic!) import.
THERE is where the money comes from!
Griffin has received multiple undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Florida, including his law degree in 2013. He also received a masters in international affairs from Columbia University. Past work include his time as national field director for the pro-Israel Maccabee Task Force and as a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research.”
Okay, the former association looks iffy, the latter is a supposedly Conservative “Boutique” think-tank started by an Edward London and currently managed by the “controversial” Anthony Shaffer, who was on the Trump 2020 Campaign staff.
In the middle, The Maccabee Task Force, which “combats anti-Semitism on college campuses.” It is obviously pro-Israel and intends to undo damage done by the pro-Palestinian “Boycott, Divest, and Sanction” (BDS) movement.
So the guy is all over the place! And perhaps he is being “pragmatic” by joining things like The Warsaw Security Forum, getting to know the opposition by rubbing elbows with them.
We shall see!
I am glad I came back to this thread to find this. Great info.
It helps to understand the infiltration of Governor DeSantis, IMO.
Something EXTREMELY interesting about those “Nazis” is that they are extremely similar to several groups that “shadowed” Stop The Steal rallies.
Those groups did NOT have Nazi flags or the like – they had more traditional stuff – but their demeanor, behavior, and small details were JUST LIKE THESE FAUX NAZIS.
I HATE Illinois !Cs…..
OK – we’re not going to get the story LIVE after lunch. In fact, we won’t get anything until the people here are GONE.
I get the strategies of doing that. It’s very interesting. It’s very smart.
They gave us the “warm-up” live, and a teaser scandal – the New York reveal.
But the PIT is going to use nuclear principles. Plutonium, specifically. Very smart.
They’re going to pump it to a whole bunch of influencers for simultaneous release.
This is designed to thwart the MSM response. Hilarious!!!
Do you mean that they will give additional technology info, but also a big reveal, to The Pit attendees, and they will be able to tell us later?
That’s the hope.
It will come in the next 24 hours – probably tonight or in the early morning.
I think I understand how explosive this is going to be.
I take that to mean “very”…
Maybe even very very, or VERY VERY!
It’s going to be at a level of national and international backlash.
Blast from the past!
Yes. They gave Christina Bobb the information.
There is going to be a tech presentation we can’t see, before lunch. I think I know what it’s about – it’s basically for LEOs only.
THEN they will have lunch.
THEN it’s all closed session, so that it does NOT stream out where the MSM can start preparing oppositon.
They will reveal it all, including the big scandal, to that room full of influencers, bloggers, anons, freedom media, etc.
Then they shut down and go home.
THEN it all hits the media in a coordinated fashion.
What does this tell me? Phillips and company have learned a LOT from what happened to Mike Lindell – what the FEDS and DEMS did to his show.
This is SMART. Very smart.
Hopefully this evening
I think that the strategy is designed around the Sunday and Monday news cycles, but I don’t know how.
Hopefully this evening. BUT they may have a different strategy, which is better just to “let happen” than to discuss.
W – no sleepers placing passive, acoustic listening devices around the meeting rooms. I’m sure they swept the areas many times, but many smart devices just sleep w/o being detected.
Yea, I know, GP is one smart, experienced cookie, but the other guys are too. Just askin’ …
First the pit, then the pendulum (swinging back and obliterating the swamp)….
Christina and Bob signed off from AZ. Now they’re re-airing the show from earlier. Bummer, wanted to see the after lunch reveals. Hurry up and wait, MUH. I get it, SAFETY FIRST.
I think that safety is part of it in many different respects, and also information security. But beyond that, media strategy.
If this is bigger than New York having a compromised voter registration system, architected to be weak by insiders, and designed especially to accomodate fake registrations, then whatever is coming is truly explosive.
Yes, but I’m wondering if a big clue wasn’t dropped when Jeffrey Prather talked about Fast & Furious, and the deal made between the Obama people and the Mexican cartels. He also mentioned the FBI calling him looking for a source he tried to make available for local LEOs.
There’s a hidden hand out there, and I’m wondering if Catherine didn’t find out about it when they first took their information to the FBI. If there was an infiltration attempt, that might have been when the culprit was revealed.
I suspect a “blast” from whatever it is, plus a “bouncing of the rubble” from the fact that the feds reacted “wrongly” to reports of whatever it was.
I bet they’re not allowing phones in there.
There could be something up with that. Or not, if they are REALLY sophisticated.
As in, the phones may simply not work.
Could someone tell me what this post is about? I wonder if it is visual or something. Maybe I’m just too tired to explore around and figure it out. Thank you.
Hi, Zoe. Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote have been working on projects to help we-the-people investigate and prevent election fraud. They had been planning this event, called The Pit, for months. They invited 100 or so conservative influencers and presented new technologies and ways to do research. We were able to watch the first part of the presentation, but now they are presenting more tech info to the participants that we aren’t privy to (so the enemy isn’t either). But everyone is expecting a big reveal that they’ve said is much more significant than the 2000 Mules movie, about what was really happening in our elections, or at least the 2020 election.
It seems the reveal will be made to the participants and maybe they will disseminate the info at a given time. It’s supposed to be explosive. I’m hoping we get to hear about it very soon!
It was a video presentation that we could watch on RSBN and elsewhere, but you could hear it too. They might be re-airing it. Here is the link:
There are more details, but I hope that helps.
Great summary!
Thank you for explaining. I know who those people are but not about “the pit” so thank you and thank you for the link to listen to it.
You’re welcome. The video seems to start over and not let you skip ahead, but maybe that will change in the coming days.
FULL EVENT: from ‘The Pit’ A Vital Strategy Session presented by True The Vote 8/13/22 (rumble.com)
Thank you!
I have been watching for a few hours now. Does anyone know where the information is about NY? When I start up the video, there is nowhere to gauge the timing. It appears as ‘live’. I feel that I have seen everything BUT the info on NY.
I’ve had the same issue. I wanted to skip through some of it and see other parts again, but it plays as if it were live.
FULL EVENT: from ‘The Pit’ A Vital Strategy Session presented by True The Vote 8/13/22 (rumble.com)
Here is the description of what was found in NY.
FULL EVENT: from ‘The Pit’ A Vital Strategy Session presented by True The Vote 8/13/22 (rumble.com)
Don’t have the video timestamp, but saved this in my notes..
Audit NY.com
I will leave this post up, and if the reveal is much later than tonight or tomorrow, I will bounce this post back to the top as needed.
I’m going to hold some of my analysis until we hear what the “big cheese” is.
Thanks to all who came for the presentation.
One more point: consider not just who is/was at this event, but who is NOT.
There’s a number of big names who are not. Why is a legit question to ask, IMO.
Jordan Sather is there as is Patel Patriot, Dave Hayes, X22, Justin Deschamps, etc. Just sayin’.
How can we consider it if we don’t know who was not there?
I remember seeing a post by Gregg Phillips on Truth Social a couple of weeks ago. Apparently someone was complaining that they hadn’t gotten an invitation yet. He said there’s no way they would get one now.
Notice a lot of those Jordan trolls are not there? All the click-bait people…
Sundance wasn’t there, either.
Smart call both ways, IMO. SD would never come. Out of his groove – and that’s OK. He’s on the team that swoops in later.
The only clue I have so far:
Remember, the CCP is NOT the PRC. A big deal was made of that earlier this week on some account I follow.
What you don’t want is general hatred of Chinese people, for all the usual reasons. The ChiComs USE both actual, fake, and insinuated negatives against Chinese to further their goals, and to manipulate – DRUMROLL – Chinese people.
Sadly, a lot of Chinese who want “China without the PRC” are not always realistic about how there cannot be dismemberment of the CCP without some pain for Chinese people. And of course the CCP knows this.
It’s a TOUGH and DIRTY fight, and the best path into it is to be FEARLESS, knowing that all Chinese people are HOSTAGES of Chinese communism.
Pete Santilli is giving snippets of reports on his Truth Social account. It’s still very sketchy but also seems to involve the CCP. They have people at The Pit who have been instructed about what they can and can’t do. Everyone else has their phones in Farraday bags.
I don’t know how to post individual Truth Social posts. Here is one link:
One short video showed a board that had logos of various organizations. It’s at about :40 of the 2:44 video. I see:
Black Futures Lab
Seed the Vote
APALA (Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, I think)
Pennsylvania Stands Up
New Florida Majority
Asian American Racial Justice Tool Kit
Black Struggle
Asians for Black Lives
New Georgia
…and others
No context is given, so we don’t know what was being said about this.
There’s a video that is 4:38 long on Santilli’s site. Starting at about 2:30, Tej Gill from WarPath Coffee says that a man from New Zealand gave a presentation about how the CCP is tied to NGO-type groups that are working in America and working against America under the guise of being FOR America. Deeper info coming up at the meeting soon.
Finally some explanation for the sustained random brutal assaults on Asians. It’s being driven by some entity to get them to seek orgs to help
Do you think..maybe?
mental illness doesn’t explain it for me. Too many incidents, too many cities, no provocation
I wouldn’t put anything past *them*.
Trump GOT China, and that is why China and its millions of American pawns took him out.
Provocation of entire classes of people against entire other classes of people is EXACTLY what the ChiComs do BEST.
The American media is so easily manipulated by the ChiComs, nobody even SEES it.
Manipulating the mentally ill to ACT IN USEFUL WAYS is a ChiCom specialty. Trust that Dianne Feinstein was advanced by a brilliant ChiCom operation using Dan White, and so much is explained.
Carefully constructing the house of cards over time, and flattening it on those inside in the desired way, is how the ChiComs hide their hand in randomness.
THAT was a huge psy-op. A typical BRUTAL Maoist psy-op.
This image is now on Santilli’s Truth Social: “Chinese controlled voter fraud organizations”
This is the way it used to be with the Soviet Union. They had front orgs everywhere. The Soviets poured billions of dollars into America to win Vietnam. Some of that money likely went into shaping Pentagon thinking, too, to lead them over cliffs.
Many of the low-end Android phones sold by the biggest companies in the US are Chinese phones. It’s totally insane.
Patel Patriot https://t.me/s/PatelPatriot
Yeah. OK. It’s what I thought.
When I was in “shallow state” and realized that China was already 1000 times further up our asses in controlling us, than even the most “lite” version that I could get the China-mind-fucked chain of command to believe, THEN I understood how bad it was.
Anybody to whom you might even CONSIDER taking this shit.
Ask why Milley would “give China assurances about Trump”.
It might be the same reason China injected our troops with crap that they would not allow to be sold in China.
It seems hopeless. I have hope but don’t see a way forward at the moment.
Oh, no – it’s not hopeless. I dealt with these fuckers inside shallow state for decades.
People just have to accept the realities of Trump and STAND UP FOR THEM.
In my opinion, if you even think about taking off the tariffs on China, you’re a traitor, and if you aren’t thinking about increasing them or expanding them, and making China pay for the COVID stuff, and throwing into JAIL all the assholes (like Fauci) who conspired with China on the COVID bullshit, you’re not a realist.
We need 1000 Trumps on CHINA, and we could have those OVERNIGHT if we demanded them in our elected officials.
Start treating Joe Manchin as a CHINA TRAITOR in West Virginia, and he’s fucking GONE.
Because that’s what he IS, by supporting that damn bill.
Follow the money.
(Was out all day. Catching up.)
We should be calling him CHINA JOE 2.
China Joe Manchin kinda has a ring to it, just like China Joe Biden.
Good one!
That one has legs. Let’s ride it.
It’s going to require that the public realizes the problem. I think G&C have the goods, and IMO the quickest way for people to wake up is for them to see what the people they vote for are doing — specifically, by name. I want to know who was involved in election fraud. That would do it for some. But I don’t know if they have that level of specific info, yet.
G&C took this to the FBI and got no help, only harrassment. They are protecting the status quo. As long as that continues, not only will the situaiton not change, but its consequences will become worse over time until we are destroyed. We’re definitely at a crossroads.
It’s a wonderful perfect storm and the rotten FBI will be swept away in the tidal flood.
What this requires is JOURNALISM. Real journalism that ROASTS THESE ACORNS.
Trump understood that you have to BREAK THE CYCLE with China, on anything that they are using to secretly control you. That is why tariffs were the first real weapon that WORKED against China.
And you CANNOT change CCP without pressuring the PRC. Trump knew that all talk about dealing with CCP and not touching PRC is meaningless drivel. Trump and Navarro get the big picture.
Oh, yeah. People are facing the truth now.
Look at fucking Zuckerberg. MENTALLY PWNED BY CHINA.
So – back to The Pit. Nothing that will be revealed will surprise me, but it should surprise the hell out of millions of Americans.
People might even believe things I’ve said after this shit gets out.
Agree 1,000%!!!
Thank you! And good to see you!
Ty. I still show up daily, can’t live without you guys!
I just don’t talk much. Given my background this topic really peeves me.
LOL! Oh, I get that! GRRRRRR!!!!!
Look at McConnell’s wife and her family. They’re Taiwanese, but their shipping company DEPENDS ON CHINESE PROSPERITY.
In a pinch, who do they fight for? They are NOT “America First”, or even “America and China Win-Win”, because CHINA does not fight that way.
Tough lesson for all.
My comment to my husband…warning – unlady-like comment…
Zuck wouldn’t be getting any if the CCP hadn’t handed him a wife!
And she was probably quite happy with the assignment, because she knew other women who got farted on.
We have been discussing China’s infiltration and our officials’ treasonous support of China for ages. I don’t think a surface statement like “China has been influencing our elections and economy” would be a bombshell — or would it, to others? I want to see who has been cooperating with China at America’s expense. I want to see who has been paid off and who has sold America down the river. I know they have more info just from the list of organizations I posted here. People within them can be traced, and we should be able to see who is behind them.
I imagine that these folks (Gregg and Catherine) have the data, and it’s available.
Are our “influencers” up to showing us the Chinese hand in the data?
I have more faith in anons who are rabid researchers. “Influencers” seem to want attention, clicks, money, and a certain amount of fame. I believe we are at a crossroads now where it is no longer enough to produce videos talking about current events and theories; it’s time for those who have the ability to dig in, do some work, and produce results. Some of the influencers probably don’t have skills for in-depth research, but they can contribute in other ways. We’ll see who is up to the task.
What’s going to be very interesting is to watch the “Snopes layer” get out and “debunk” this REFLEXIVELY. Very important to note the reflexive nature of the fact checkers, honing in on narrative automagically.
THAT is Chinese training.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they had something ready before the event began.
Think of it this way. NSA is HELPING THEM. At least the Obamatized layers thereof, that were complicit in the SANCTIONED STEAL.
Parts of the Pentagram, too.
It’s a tough message.
Those of us paying attention aren’t surprised. Like you said, we’ve been warned for decades.
It’s going to be people like those folks that were “shocked” to find out that the schools were indoctrinating their children.
Too many Americans are living in fantasy land.
I pray every day that people will wake up.
The Lord is providing the means, hopefully people receive it. In Jesus name I pray!
Nothing stands up to China like core Christianity, although Falun Gong has done amazingly well in a purely Eastern context.
No king but King Jesus – no master but the Great Servant – no lord but The Lord.
It just never ends. There’s a video of Gregg talking with police.
Ridiculous. CHINA BOYS. Taking orders from the CHINA GIRLS above.
For love of Fam
Birds eye view of the information coming from #ThePit so far…
-China interfered in US elections.
-The US government doesn’t just know that elections are fraudulent, but the government entities programmed the fraud, and are actively covering up the discovery of the fraud.
-We can work together to end election fraud with #Ripcord . The work will be arduous.
@greggphillips @truethevote #Truth #FBIcorruption #DefundtheFBI #CCPelections #electionintegritynow #saveamerica #stopcommunism
Aug 13, 2022, 21:18
This is exactly what I’ve been saying. THE STEAL WAS SANCTIONED.
Yes. That’s what I wanted to see. That’s the bombshell, at least for normies.
That’s the treason. Publish it far and wide. I don’t know if they can name names yet, but we need to find them out. I bet there are a lot of people in every state.
I pray for everyone’s safety. Those people are ruthless.
I’m going to use this as a “wheat-chaff sorter” in many ways. Certain “paytriots” are going to be out on their asses with me, because they will not be allowed to question China. Their “jaw-stroking” and “hmmmmm” on things will give them away.
That will be interesting. The sorting needs to be done. I wonder if any of them were at The Pit today. (I’m not expecting you to answer; it will probably be revealed in time.)
Absolutely true, things will be revealed about where these talking heads sit according to their response.
We’ve known so much for so long that I can’t imagine being someone who doesn’t think the election was stolen, only to see solid evidence that Americans colluded with China (and other nations?) and orchestrated the fraud. And if names are named, it will be nuclear.
Jordan Sather, Truth Social.
“Names were named.” Ready for those.
Everyone’s safety is at risk. I imagine the attendees feel very sober right now.
I tell you, it IS a sobering realization that the ChiComs are basically engaged in a kind of quiet occupation here in the US.
It was very weird how quickly they knew that I knew – and how obvious it was. They could not hide their surprise. “We’ve got one that can see!”
Well, I’d love to know more about that, but I doubt it’s possible.
Not yet.
Not quite yet.
“but we’re all wondering what we should post and how we can do it with respect for Gregg & Catherine’s safety.”
The concern for their safety should have been BEFORE Gregg and Catherine spilled the beans to 100+ social media influencers.
Now that they have presented all of the information to all these people, it would be pointless for FIB or anyone else to target them. That horse it out of the barn.
With the whole forest burning down — which it should be, as soon as 100+ different conservative social media influencers start exposing what they learned — TPTB will have to react to what is happening in real time, all of the information coming out.
Why would they waste any time or manpower on Gregg and Catherine, after the ball has already been handed off?
If you think of it as a relay race, it would be like the enemy trying to trip someone who already ran their leg of the race and no longer has the baton.
Agreed. I feel like that concern for their safety is a bit of a virtue signal, and somewhat wasted. The only thing owed Gregg and Catherine is to perhaps follow their recommendations on release – which I believe was mostly to wait until Monday, because that is when the evidence could be downloaded.
Seems like the more information that comes out from the 100+ attendees, the safer Gregg and Catherine should be.
Because again, there will no longer be any reason for TPTB to go after Gregg and Catherine at that point.
To the contrary, it seems to me that 100+ other people with influence on social media suddenly dumping information would take the heat OFF of Gregg and Catherine.
Resources, particularly gov’t manpower, are finite. They had to call in the FIB lead of the Whitmer FF kidnapping scam to pull off the raid on MAL. If it wasn’t him it would have been someone else, but the fact that it wasn’t someone else looks weak, like they don’t have a deep bench. The fact that the same guy who did the Whitmer FF was used to do the MAL raid is just one more connection I’m sure they would rather have done without, if it had been easy or convenient to do so.
Apparently it wasn’t. And that makes them look weak.
They had to get a corrupt judge, and while there are plenty of those around, the Epstein guy was perfect for that. His choice was sign a bogus warrant, or be exposed for his visits to Pedo Island, or similar.
They certainly have LOTS of people they can lean on to get their dirty work done, but as would be expected, they clearly have ‘go to’ people, either people who are enthusiastically corrupt or people who literally cannot afford to say ‘no’.
But that is still a finite number of people.
Imagine having to create 100 FIB teams of ten or more people each to watch and record and investigate and attempt to discredit all 100+ influencers who will be dumping damaging info about the enemy in the coming days.
They have plenty of people, but how many are actually competent to lead a team — and eager to do a thorough job? They had to bring in Whitmer dude for the MAL raid…
Is Whitmer guy going to lead the 100+ teams trying to stay on top of (and discredit) the ‘Pit’ attendees?
Gregg and Catherine created a nationwide whack-a-mole box.
It is going to require a lot of manpower and other resources for FIB to try to fight it.
Gregg and Catherine should be the least of the FIB’s worries at this point, so long as the 100+ social media influencers are firing at will and making the FIB jump around like a cat trying to pounce on a laser.
Here it is. Wait, it’s over there now. Now it’s here again. Everywhere and nowhere.
Like 100+ independent and autonomous cells, all acting independently, and all acting at the same time, with the same incriminating information.
The sooner these 100+ attendees start making waves, and the bigger the waves they make, the safer Gregg and Catherine ought to be.
OK – now it’s getting real. The details are coming out.
From the Pit, for those of you with minds that grapple with data:
“Sometimes, you run into something so out of place that you have to ask yourself, how did that get there? A boat in the desert, A fossilized battery, crop circles, and now, New York’s voter rolls.
New York Citizens Audit (NYCA) is an all volunteer group of individuals who have been studying the 2020 General Election since last August. After a year’s worth of effort, they have made some impressive findings. They have discovered hundreds of thousands of cloned voter records, examples of identity theft, discrepancies between official vote counts, over a hundred thousand registered voters without an address, and more.
Today, an NYCA representative appeared on True the Vote’s “vital strategy session,” “The Pit,” and dropped something truly strange: There is a pattern embedded in the identification numbers assigned to voters.
How did it get there, and why?
The pattern, dubbed “The Voter Matrix” by NYCA, creates an alternate structure within the voter rolls. The details are complicated but the effect is simple: It makes nefarious manipulation of records possible…”