This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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The Bread of Life
During the First Temple period Jerusalemites ate mainly the natural crops that are typical of the region: “a land of wheat and barley, of vines, figs, and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey” (Deuteronomy 8:8). The usual diet contained few vegetables, mainly those that grew wild in the fields (garlic and wild onion). Meat was enjoyed only by the privileged rich; ordinary people would have meat only at the Passover sacrifice or on particularly important occasions. Other foods of the common people included the eggs of wild fowl, milk, cheese, and butter. David, going out to his brothers who were in the camp of the army fighting the Philistines, brings them cheeses (1 Samuel 17:18).
The limited information we have suggests that in the biblical period it was customary to have two daily meals. A late-morning meal, which also served as a break in the workday, would probably consist of bread dipped in olive oil or in wine vinegar, toasted wheat, olives, figs or some other fruit, and water or a little diluted wine. A meal like this was eaten by Ruth the Moabite and Boaz (Ruth 2:14). The main meal was taken in the evening, before dark, and consisted of a common pot of soup or a broth of seasoned legumes into which the diners dipped slices of bread to scoop out the helping.
“Further, take wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and emmer. Put them into one vessel and bake them into bread” (Ezekiel 4:9). The Land of Israel lies in the wheat belt where the culture of flour and bread as a universal food base developed. From the Bible we know of leavened bread and matzah, but also halah, wafers, bread morsels, and cakes. Bread was baked in an oven heated by twigs, placed on hot stones and covered with cinders or coals, or it might be fried in an iron pan. Other food-grains were damp green seeds (“carmel”, “melilot”), wheat stalks of which the seeds were toasted in fire, such as David ate during his flight from Absalom in the desert, and gruel made of ground wheat, groats, or a baked mixture of ground wheat and meat.
In fact, scholars estimate that bread made up 50–75 percent of the average person’s diet. It was the food staple of the ancient world.
What Did People Eat and Drink in Roman Palestine?
Like many ancient societies, the Israelites were dependent upon cereals; so much so that the word for bread, “lechem,” is synonymous with food.
Biblical Bread: Baking Like the Ancient Israelites
From the above, we can clearly see that grains, and more specifically, bread, was the essential staple, the food for life, in first century Israel.
I AM the Bread of Life.
“I am the Bread of Life” (John 6:35) is one of the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus. Jesus used the same phrase “I AM” in seven declarations about Himself. In all seven, He combines I AM with metaphors which illustrate His saving relationship with the world. All appear in the book of John.
John 6:35 says, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”
Bread is considered a staple food—i.e., a basic dietary item. A person can survive a long time on only bread and water. Bread is such a basic food item that it becomes synonymous for food in general. We even use the phrase “breaking bread together” to indicate the sharing of a meal with someone. Bread also plays an integral part of the Jewish Passover meal. The Jews were to eat unleavened bread during the Passover feast and then for seven days following as a celebration of the exodus from Egypt. Finally, when the Jews were wandering in the desert for 40 years, God rained down “bread from heaven” to sustain the nation (Exodus 16:4).
All of this leads to the scene being described in John 6 when Jesus used the term “bread of life.” He was trying to get away from the crowds to no avail. He had crossed the Sea of Galilee, and the crowd followed Him. After some time, Jesus inquires of Philip how they’re going to feed the crowd. Philip’s answer displays his “little faith” when he says they don’t have enough money to give each of them the smallest morsel of food. Finally, Andrew brings to Jesus a boy who had five small loaves of bread and two fish. With that amount, Jesus miraculously fed the throng with lots of food to spare.
Afterward, Jesus and His disciples cross back to the other side of Galilee. When the crowd sees that Jesus has left, they follow Him again. Jesus takes this moment to teach them a lesson. He accuses the crowd of ignoring His miraculous signs and only following Him for the “free meal.” Jesus tells them in John 6:27, “Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal.” In other words, they were so enthralled with the food, they were missing out on the fact that their Messiah had come. So the Jews ask Jesus for a sign that He was sent from God (as if the miraculous feeding and the walking across the water weren’t enough). They tell Jesus that God gave them manna during the desert wandering. Jesus responds by telling them that they need to ask for the true bread from heaven that gives life. When they ask Jesus for this bread, Jesus startles them by saying, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”
This is a phenomenal statement! First, by equating Himself with bread, Jesus is saying he is essential for life. Second, the life Jesus is referring to is not physical life, but eternal life. Jesus is trying to get the Jews’ thinking off of the physical realm and into the spiritual realm. He is contrasting what He brings as their Messiah with the bread He miraculously created the day before. That was physical bread that perishes. He is spiritual bread that brings eternal life.
Third, and very important, Jesus is making another claim to deity. This statement is the first of the “I AM” statements in John’s Gospel. The phrase “I AM” is the covenant name of God (Yahweh, or YHWH), revealed to Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3:14). The phrase speaks of self-sufficient existence (or what theologians refer to as “aseity”), which is an attribute only God possesses. It is also a phrase the Jews who were listening would have automatically understood as a claim to deity.
Fourth, notice the words “come” and “believe.” This is an invitation for those listening to place their faith in Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God. This invitation to come is found throughout John’s Gospel. Coming to Jesus involves making a choice to forsake the world and follow Him. Believing in Jesus means placing our faith in Him that He is who He says He is, that He will do what He says He will do, and that He is the only one who can.
Fifth, there are the words “hunger and thirst.” Again, it must be noted that Jesus isn’t talking about alleviating physical hunger and thirst. The key is found in another statement Jesus made, back in His Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 5:6, Jesus says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” When Jesus says those who come to Him will never hunger and those who believe in Him will never thirst, He is saying He will satisfy our hunger and thirst to be made righteous in the sight of God.
If there is anything the history of human religion tells us, it is that people seek to earn their way to heaven. This is such a basic human desire because God created us with eternity in mind. The Bible says God has placed [the desire for] eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11). The Bible also tells us that there is nothing we can do to earn our way to heaven because we’ve all sinned (Romans 3:23) and the only thing our sin earns us is death (Romans 6:23). There is no one who is righteous in himself (Romans 3:10). Our dilemma is we have a desire we cannot fulfill, no matter what we do. That is where Jesus comes in. He, and He alone, can fulfill that desire in our hearts for righteousness through the Divine Transaction: “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). When Christ died on the cross, He took the sins of mankind upon Himself and made atonement for them. When we place our faith in Him, our sins are imputed to Jesus, and His righteousness is imputed to us. Jesus satisfies our hunger and thirst for righteousness. He is our Bread of Life.
Oh, that was good!
Catturd made a cameo appearance.
Wolf, updated! Lol.
LMAO! OMG, that’s hilarious!
That’s a masterpiece!
Too much truth – in one meme.
That is hilarious!
I did a quick increase in the font size to accommodate my declining vision, just for the record!
Much appreciated!
A serifed font would be good too…,just thinking
Like, maybe, Omar Serif?
Serif Ali?
I’m being lazy!
A great article, Carl. So interesting about the foods that were eaten, and tying that to the important message about the Bread of Life.
It never ends. There’s a video of Gregg Phillips talking with police. I don’t think he was detained.
Phillips on Truth Social:
“Trespassing,” I suppose, was the offense for having a firearm and not getting rid of it or leaving the premises after being asked to. Except the law was on Phillips’ side.
China bots!
We have an actual China bot in moderation, pushing a very typical Twitter line about no proof of election interference.
Oh, so you DID see the little turdling!
And yes, China is Asshoe.
I no longer desire to beat Xi to death with my oxygen tank, but if MacGyver wanted to “borrow” it to take out some wing of ChiCom info ops, he could have it.
Oh yeah. I keep a very precise pulse on the spam and mod bins these days.
Do you mind logging into Gab?
I expect things to heat up everywhere, on every level, now.
Yes, several of the private group members are posting tidbits on TS. Should be an interesting week.
Maybe the msm will get increased views for talking crap about Gregg, Katherine and christians this week. /s
I posted this on The Pit thread.
Jordan Sather, Truth Social.
“Names were named.” Ready for those.
Everyone’s safety is at risk. I imagine the attendees feel very sober right now.
It came to my attention that the head cold I had two weeks ago…was probably Covid!!!
Very mild, but others who caught it got hit hard (No, I do not know vax status on anyone).
On the other hand, another group I know who got hit by the ‘vid recovered in inverse proportion to their vax status (no vax, got better faster, most vaccinated..still coughing a lot). (Oh, and “most vaccinated” tried to call me a hypocrite a few weeks ago for claiming to be pro science but refusing the vaccines…KARMA EXISTS.)
WOW. Interesting! What treatments did you use?
Popped a vitamin I as a just in case.
Also HCQ — I think twice.
Other than that continued with the vitamins and minerals I’ve been using, and of course the double dose of allergy pills (one in the morning one at night).
I did need throat lozenges at one point (well, “need” is strong but they were appreciated).
Sounds like good choices to me.
Excellent! Sounds like a good strategy! I do believe you’ve had one of the most recent ‘ronas. You should be good for at least a year or two.
Our adult daughter came down with a clinic tested bout of the latest variant a couple weeks ago. She was miserable – nose congestion, coughing, chills, low grade fever., no sleep They gave her nothing at the doc office. She takes a multi-V, so a day later I gave her the basic protocol some of us do on here – extra D, C, quercetin, and selenium plus budesonide spray. Actually handed them to her with directions.
In two days she was full go. I told her to keep taking them for 10 days, which she did. No issues at all. Healthy as a horse now. She is a Pre-K teacher and exposed constantly. She said she is convinced and would keep it going this fall.
Tell other people this same thing and they look at you like you are stupid. Whatever…
My son had it a couple of weeks ago, too.
I gave him the vitamin I, C, zinc, etc. He was great in two days.
The MOST hilarious part is he works with some seasonal guys from Mexico. They don’t even speak a lot of English. They handed him some OTHER type of anti-parasitic that is OTC in Mexico when they found out he was sick. He didn’t take it because he was already on Vitamin I.
Other countries know and are doing stuff about it.
You might be interested in my comment to TB just under you here.
Full daily regimen, I’ve been on for months.
Morning: CoQ10, 200mg, Zinc 50mg selenium 200mcg, Quercitin+Vit C 500 and 1400 mg respectively, vitamin C 1000 mg, “Super Vitamin B-Complex”
Evening: Magnesium, 250 mg, B-12 5000 mcg, D3 125 mcg x 2. also 2 more vitamin C 1000mg and another “Super Vitamin B-Complex”
Except for the quercitin these are all Walmart Spring Valley brand. Quercitin I had to go to a specialty boutique vitamin shop for.
Allergy pills, one at night one in the morning (technically a double dose); I rotate monthly from zyrtec to claritin to allegra and then back again as I rapidly build up a tolerance to them.
The only thing I added was the Vitamin I (one double dose) and the HCQ (twice in three days, less than recommended).
More interesting info…the person I mentioned who was completely unvaxxed, also had such a mild case that they only got tested because the other two did, and came back positive.
This really fits in with the immune degradation facet of the “depopulation shot triad” of cardiovascular damage, immune sabotage, and abortion/menstrual dysfunction.
The more you take, the more change of cardiac damage, stroke, thrombosis.
The more you take, the more immune suppression and autoimmune damage.
The more you take, the more time goes under the abortion curve, and the more menstruation becomes dysfunctional.
“No shots” is the healthy baseline.
Well, I’m glad. I damn near was forced into early retirement to maintain that status. Looks more and more like it would have been worth it.
I, for one, am damned glad you avoided the clot shot. I enjoy seeing you here.
“Most vaccinated” need another booster.
What are we up to now? 27 boosters? 812? 1,771,561?
I would love to see John Holdren (Obama’s depopper science advisor) confronted on the stand about the need for “deception in science”, because that is exactly the problem that your “most vaccinated” friend does not understand. As long as scientists assume there is no deception happening in American and Chinese (especially) and other science, and don’t realize that this deception smartly takes advantage of the science bureaucracy, corporate media, and human psychology, they will not understand why science is giving wrong answers so often in certain areas, and is LOSING credibility.
The “poisonous gnome” has POISONED science in America and THE WORLD.
Small price to pay for “saving the planet” – right?
More like falling into enemy clutches!
Denninger’s latest talks about this….
Fantastic article. I’ve been saying – science is filled with deception now. And that isn’t just at the 1-study level, or the 1-researcher level. It’s at the GATES level, and the FAUCI level.
OK – the specific information is starting to come out.
As I thought, the steal was sanctioned, and assisted by China.
If china was messing with the elections from abroad would that not be outside the scope of the fbi?
Oh ignore that I see they were meaning the company konnech.
Not at all. In fact, FIB itself is lobbying for more of an international role using the Dick Wolf propaganda show “FBI International”.
The problem is that FIB, DNC, and CCP are all on the same side. Which sees patriotic Americans as “domestic terrorists”. Their long stealthy psychological training to be anti-American is almost complete.
WUHAN, so they say? Perhaps in the BIOPARK complex where the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Pifzer-BioNTech facilities are located?
Would not surprise me. At the very least, they have friends and acquaintances both IN THE CCP, and working in Virus Park.
My son called them 20 years ago Chinese Mafia when he worked with them in labs and how they were picked up by Chinese in the best universities. Americans had no chance. Professors in labs were so mesmerized by them.
The Chinese do not give they only take in a lab and pick brains.
They DESTROYED “shallow state”.
Well, ok, here you go:
Check out their education bios.
Can you copy and paste that stuff here? As much as possible? I don’t use linked in for “reasons”.
Here you go. It doesn’t copy/paste well, and it comes out as links no matter what. But you can see their education in China:
Wang (Shawn) XiangSoftware Engineer at Konnech Inc.
Xinyi (Nicole) L.Data Engineer | MS Business Analytics
Data Engineer
Konnech Inc. · Full-timeKonnech Inc. · Full-time Feb 2022 – Present · 7 mosFeb 2022 – Present · 7 mos
Thank you. VERY typical operative background.
Oh weird! Now it’s here.
That was VERY strange!
There is stuff going on, trust me.
The ChiComs are probably DESPERATE to take this site down – but so is FIB and anybody else on the Chinese TAKE.
Nicole activities: bike riding with Bill and Melinda Gates… NOVAVAK intern for summer of 22… New position at Amazon as Business Intelligence Engineer in Music dept Disco*.
*Disco. Partrick Swoon, American billionaire brain surgeon entrepreneur, born South Africa, parents both from China. Owns many business to include the LA Times and the San Diego Tribune. Has run many health care, biotech, artificial intelligence and technology start up companies almost all based in nanotech. Owned Radio Station (Accu Radio, internet radio based in Chicago with focus on Disco). See’s his net worth has doubled since 2019, now 11.5 billion.
Here’s some of his other Investments
Also of note is his involvement in developing COVID 19 Vaccine boosters for South Africa.
Anyway, it always interested how ANTIFA seemed so brain dead. Thus the Disco thing. A few years back someone posted about Patrick and I’ve always wondered about this guy since. Like if someone could literally get into the heads of ANTIFA and students on collage campus’s where liberalism runs amok this would be the guy.
GREAT dig. This is coming together.
The chick is a typical ChiSpy. They’re always climbers and social coat-tail-grabbers.
Is that a NOVAVAX (with an X) intern? Any details on that are HUGE.
sorry, put a ‘K’. It is indeed an ‘X’. On the first link Aubergine gave us. Someone could dig further if they’re part of linkedid thing as it has more info behind it.
OK – I investigated – she only “liked” the post of ANOTHER possible ChiSpyChickie.
Minqi Liao’s Post
Minqi Liao
After hundreds of job applications, I’m extremely excited to announce that I’ll be joining NOVAVAX INC as a Logistics Intern for Summer 2022, working with the Logistics and Distribution Network Analytics Team.
I would like to thank Ezra Weisel and Xiaojia(Kelly) He for giving me this opportunity! I look forward to working with you this summer! I would also like to thank Nikea Gerald who provided with a smooth and enjoyable recruiting experience!
Also, a huge thanks to the career team at Wisconsin School of Business and my contacts on LinkedIn who gave me valuable advice and shared your personal experience with me!
Looking forward to an amazing adventure!
#novavax #supernova
#TeamDepopulation sure seems interesting in its composition.
Just adding a quick note on the “Disco” thing. We all grew up knowing the subliminal subduction was real and learned back in the 70’s that it was outlawed. Has that ever stopped the nefarious? And why have we never heard any more about it since?
Oh, you are NOT gonna like THIS! Holy Shit, Wolf!!!!
I just went back to those links, copy/pasted information, put it in a post and edited out the superfluous info.
Then I hit “Post Comment.”
IT DISAPPEARED. Vanished into thin air.
I’ve NEVER seen anything like that.
Oh boy.
I just went to check if you had any posts hanging in moderation.
Instead, I discovered that we are under an impersonation attack by the CCP through a client intelligence agency (Pakistan).
Fucking ChiComs are all over us!
And those globalist ASSHOLES in Washington and New York “Atlantis”, white wine, Mercedes, valet parking GLOBALIST SCUM organizations call patriotic Americans the “insurrectionists”.
YOU’RE MYTHICAL. Just like the crap dreams you sold our “national security” IDIOTS.
They are infiltrating everything. We the Country is already controlled by them. Keep reading the Bible cleanse yourself with the Lords Prayer to purge any mindcontrol that is happening on the Internet. Just my thought and what I do.
They’re allergic to the Bible. THANK GOD!!!
Holy moly.
They went after Scott earlier. They’re using desperation moves to try to get in here.
China is trouble. CCP has complete control there, and is now baked into generations of Chinese. CCP has always been trouble. And the American tendency toward PRIDE in feeling “automatic superiority” without WORK, PRINCIPLE, and FAITH IN GOD has weakened us toward CCP attacks.
One has to be able to speak the truth about China and CCP – TO THEIR FUCKING FACE. It’s a hard message that will hurt Chinese feelings, but TOUGH. It’s like hurting German feelings about the Nazis, or Japanese feelings about WWII.
The TRUTH must be spoken. The GENIUS of the First Amendment, which is BETTER THAN US.
Well, the ChiComs shut down that attack real quick.
Spread the word!
I just did. TRUTH SOCIAL….
Wolf Moon
Just a note. @greggphillips was rightly wary about this ChiCom election stuff. The ChiComs are WAY sensitive on it. We are covering it and immediately got impersonation attacks from a source (proxy) that tested us about a week ago. We’re also seeing disappearing sources on our digs – the usual retreat.
The “Pit” strategy was smart. Do a highly forked initiation so it can’t get memory-holed by the usual CCP-media-social media axis and their practiced response techniques.
Where is DHS???
Aug 14, 2022, 13:44
I have no idea where DHS is, but I know what orifice their thumbs are up.
Or, as a “schroedinger” joke,
I have no idea where DHS is, but I know exactly how fast they are moving on this…
LMAO!!! Oh, that’s good!
Doldrums, so to speak.
Fucking Red China would kill us all to be the number one world power.
We’d all do well to remember that.
Agreed. As Tucker Carlson said, assuming we were still alive, “The red Chinese would be cruel masters.”
Personally speaking, The CCP already are cruel masters. It’s only our guns that they have not yet rounded up that keep us from being slaves, cowering before the yoke of tyranny.
This is the President of Konnech, Inc.
They are also in Australia:
Most of the upper-echelon appears to be Chinese.
They are in Canada, according to this article:
This is interesting:
“Action taken against Defamation
Konnech Australia has successfully settled a defamation action. The action was taken against an individual who had made false and defamatory comments about the Konnech Global group and its founder, alleging our software was not secure or safe, and that we were associated with the Chinese Communist Party. The settlement resulted in the removal of content from the individual’s Twitter account, the receipt of a letter of apology in which the individual acknowledged that their allegations were totally unfounded and untrue and the payment of a settlement amount.
We took this action to protect our reputation as a global provider of election management software. We hold a trusted position with electoral authorities around the world, and the assertions made by the individual risked undermining this trust and indeed the trust society has in election processes. We will continue to defend our reputation and the integrity of the election processes which we perform.”
Fucking ChiComs are learning LAWFARE from their round-eyed idiots!
I’ve found an archive of the Michigan business article:
My husband had hired two Chinese software engineers . They were incompetent misrepresented themselves . They did not last a year and went off to a bigger University where he lost contact. The problem is if they have credential one has to hire them and a group of Professors vote on them. They are not practical and useless or maybe they were doing other things not interested in teaching.
Oh, our ChiComs in “shallow state” were a handful. We had one who was a specialist in breaking up productive meetings. Appeared to be absolutely incompetent at his job – but not really. He killed thousands of man hours of work. One of the most deniable saboteurs to ever walk into our org.
My son had one in the lab who made his life miserable but produced nothing. Boss from India loved the person. He relocated himself in the University to a better no nonce’s position more time off. She left or got firerd I assume left. They hirerd him back as part time consultant have to pay him more and he still has his new job he likes. The best move he made no stress. He got so tired of the influx of Chinese just taking disturbing this has been going on when he first begun.
His crunchbase bio just went up in smoke! HA! CHICOMS!!!
(click picture to expand)
There’ll never be another Yu…..
Since they’ve infiltrated “Big Data” and most of the Silly Cone Valley, they can probably bury/change stuff in a few nanoseconds…
But GOD will show them up…
Just got a flyer from Valley Water regarding severe drought.
First thing that crosses my mind is “why are we paying pensions for the idiots who ran Valley water for the last few decades and failed to plan for and resource against our current shortage?”
They obviously failed in what they were supposed to do, and now the money we pay for their comfy unearned retirements is unavailable for doing anything about the current crisis.
Burrowing deeper, I come to:
And, BTW, your neighbors are encouraged to snitch on you.
It deserves a thorough fisking, but it’s just so ridiculous… owners are supposed to be all-knowing weather forecasters? We frequently get forecasts from people like the National Weather Service that call for rain and go on for weeks without a single drop actually falling. But property owners are subject to $10,000 fines if we irrigate our plants within 48 hours of actual observed rainfall — regardless of the sufficiency thereof.
These people are malicious and stupid.
Let’s take another fun visit to reality.
We have a carnivorous plant collection. The secret to successfully keeping carnivorous plants is to mimic their natural environment — which is damp and utterly devoid of nutrients. Easiest way to keep ’em damp is to keep in a tray that you never let dry out. Easiest way to deny them nutrients is to only add distilled water.
Q1: The phrase, “potable water supplied or managed by Valley Water, either directly or indirectly by a water retailer” would seem to apply — distilled water is drinkable, and is sold at retail. But how the heck is anyone buying distilled water at Walmart or Kroger supposed to know if it was originally Valley Water before it got distilled?
Q2: Whole Foods has kiosks where they sell local water that has gone through Reverse Osmosis (RO) and passed through DeIonizing resins (DI). This can replace distilled water in this usage. Am I forbidden from topping off the carnivore trays in the times specified?
LOL! Yeah. Freakin’ Water Nazis.
Piss On Them.
Do as you wish.
That is certainly a creative method of watering plants.
Agreed. That’s just bullshit.
A scary picture of a mostly-empty Guadalupe Reservoir is prominently featured in this pamphlet. I may be wrong, but I vaguely recall that this reservoir is intentionally empty due to necessary seismic reinforcements. Further, these seismic upgrades and flood control measures were to be funded by the creation of a special district which issued a 30-year bond, to be repaid by assessments on parcels in the district.
The idea is that they’d amass a certain amount of cash, then do these upgrades, then pay ’em off as the bonds matured.
Except the government scammed off with the money as soon as enough was in the pot, and a few years later the neighborhoods that were in the special district flooded (with ten years of payments left on the bond) and now there is no water in the reservoir.
The Kingdom of Newscum. Very typical!
They really count on the voters to a) not even understand the bond measures on ballots and b) those that do know and remember to be so few in number that nothing will come of it.
I nearly ALWAYS vote NO on bond measures. NO more taxes.
Yours Truly remembers the months of taking “3-minute showers” in San Francisco, doing the laundry twice a week only, etc., during the “drought emergencies” of some years ago. One would think the water companies of the Bay Area would have used these things as incentive to come up with real plans to conserve water and find new sources. Nope.
Valley Water, like government at all levels….ARE the problem.
There IS light at the end of this particular tunnel.
NC, or wherever the destination will be, looks AND IS better and better everyday.
The explosion of Ring cameras and other surveillance cams will help with the snitching
They pimp all this surveillance crap as wonderful on FIB, FIB International, and FIB: Most Wanted.
A GREAT Kari Lake video on Rumble, but you have to view it on TS.
AZ 100% NEEDS Kari.
America NEEDS Kari Lake for VP.
ChiComs are going to fight hard on Kari. LET ‘EM LOSE.
We had an interesting talk at the Pacific Coast Cichlid Association tonight.
The speaker was Rich Bireley. He gave a bit of an update on what he’s been doing lately (since we have all been somewhat isolated by Covidiocy).
Last we knew, he was headed-up into the back-country of California where he could get some acreage. He now has a 2,000-square-foot outbuilding devoted to his exotic fish hobby. His infamous 3,500 gallon tomato vat is now equipped with plumbing, so he doesn’t have to use garden hoses for water changes. He can no longer snorkel in it, however, as he has acquired several 30″ pacus — they’re herbivores, but can crack the kernels of tropical fruits in their teeth and have been known to mistake human body parts for such fruits.
It was a far-ranging and wild ride with the usual band of fish geek hecklers.
Germany doubles down on the NEW HOLOCAUST!
Germans Must Receive Covid Booster Every 3 Months to Qualify as ‘Vaccinated’ (Video)
This is GUARANTEED to give anybody cardiac damage in just a couple of years.
Depop shot!
I wouldn’t be too worried, they’re going to freeze this winter without Russian gas or their decommissioned nukes anyway. They’ll probably end up burning books to keep warm.
The heart attacks will be welcome relief!
In the shit, with all their Kindle books in the cloud and no electricity.
Ours went from 28 Euro-cent to 38 Euro-cent. And Habeck (Greens) is still against keeping the Nukes going.
They are REALLY afraid, however, that if the lights DO go off, and the heating goes off, that they will not be safe in Berlin or anywhere else.
They will not be able to walk the streets, as (3²+2³) put it…
And if they go to bunkers or tunnels, their favorite “Kulturelle Bereicherung”, the Moslems, who will be VERY pissed off, are VERY good at tunnels, etc. ….
Gonna be a hot time in the “old town” this winter…
P.S. The vax mandate for medical personnel has been ended due to EXTREME shortages, so Welt might be a bit over their skis on this. Plus, Lauterbach *cough* seems to have missed both his THIRD and FOURTH shots, and has been shown lying about it… has an article about it…
No doubt. There won’t be a wooden table or chair left in a German home come spring.
Save a few of those table legs, Germans. They change Nazi minds very nicely.
Oh yes know a time when everything what was not nailed down was burnend for heat
My brother told me Germany has a problem not enough wood because they chopped so much after WWII.
But IKEA furniture doesn’t burn
(Particle board/Spanplatte)…
Sure it does — it just releases toxic gasses in the process.
Particle board here doesn’t have formaldehyde or other (potentially) toxic chemicals in it… those were banned in the early 1980s… stuff still doesn’t burn well, either way…
Actually, lots of people there are preparing for the worst. Many homes can have a wood-burning stove installed as a back-up heater. Have heard that many such are sold out and even farmers who deliver cut wood for heating have waiting lists for customers NEXT YEAR. The problem is/will be for those living in appartments who now are already expected to pay 1000s (!) more per year for their gas/oil heating… long as it lasts.
Good grief.
Merkel set this up. Decommissioning Germany’s nuke plants was preparation for exactly this. It’s NUTS.
German mentality is all green. They see nuke plans as problematic, What to do with the nuke material how to store it and where. Now they find some that was stored leaking. Everything is driven by fear and look how we save the planet. One cannot speak with people like that they are brainwashed.
There is something in the German mentality that fallows never questions. I never fit had my own mind did question was a pain
That’s more true of the liberal north than the more conservative south. The problem is, of course, thate NRW in the north, is the most populous “state”, and Berlin is about as left as a city/state can be and not be in the Atlantic…..
One thing to note is that the Greens only got 14% of the vote. The SPD got 27% amd tje CDU/CSU got 25%. Eother of those two had almost DOUBLE what the Greens had, and both, together, almost FOUR TIMES as much.
Something else (Satan Sauros? Stavros Schwab?) is at work here for the Greens to have so much influence…
All that “carbon credit” money greasing palms, perhaps?
Yes Hannover is liberal SPD Lutheran
I think I was born conservative but open minded. Realize these left wingers are close minted . Their way or nothing. I feel sorry for those who are not left wingers. My prayer to you and blessings that all will be well for you
Thanks! We’re in “den Wilden Süden” so we have Kretschmann to deal with. He’s sort of like mystery Manchin… appears to be a conservative green (oxymoron, that) but in the end is a watermelon: Green on the outside, RED on the indide, and 95% red, at that…
The Green did much damage.
And the Greens (of which Merde-Kuh was a stealh one) are inviting ever more refauxgees with open arms… and more…
Now my brother will know how to spend his money. He told me he has so much he does not know what to do with it. He better hold on to it to pay his electricity if he has any.
We are getting a new furnace in September October. Found a guy an hour away who specializes in Steam. He has other homes he is working on only couple of streets away.
For years I wanted to have a wood burning stove placed in the fireplace but my husband did not wanted it. I am practical and and see simple solutions but he thinks it is a pain. Of course our gas fireplace we converted from wood was is clean . Wood burning is always messy but I do not mind cleaning it up.
I really miss my wood burning stove. I planned on having one here in NC but the IDIOT builder put the HVAC heat exchangers AND electric panel RIGHT WHERE THE CHIMNEY WOULD HAVE TO GO! This despite my having him pore a concrete pad under the floor to support the stove. ARGHHhhhh!!
I had twelve pages of specifications for my back patio, and fifteen for my re-roof. If you specify things like “space reserved for chimney”, you could have made the builder eat the cost of moving them.
My neighbor complained his electric is $85 more from last year and he has no air conditioning on the second floor. We have window units one on first floor and small one in every bedroom. Seems cheaper.
I feel for you concerning wood stove.
And the large apartment blocks, e.g. the ones in Berlin, with THOUSANDS of apartments, are required to reduce the temperature one degree Celsius (not quite 2F) and cut back substantially overnight (say, to 17-18 degrees, which isn’t too bad). The Greens, with their perpetually faulty maths, think this will help…
Funny (not) how the good old Kacheofens from a century or so ago, which were considered alt-modisch and ineffecient, may end up saving the day (and night, as it were) for Germany.
The requirements for people who own rental properties are becoming ever more onerous. We have to deliver a detailed heating/gas consumption report every month to our renter, and it’s coming to the point it will be more expensive for us to have him renting the little flat than to have it empty. Except then, the state might want to force us to take in a refauxgee or two… who will then trash the place (just like they did in “the old country”)…

It seems to me that GOD is meting out national judgement and using heathens (in this case the Moslems and the Greens) to do it…
I love the Kachelofen. One only has to heat it on Sundays and during the week have the oven in the kitchen. In the night one does not need heat on there is the featherbed. People used to work so much one had not time to sit in the living room during the week.
I can live like that not problem for me.
Funny how the “old stuff” often ends up being better…..
Yes it was. I wish I had one of those. Good memories though
Nazi gonna nazi…
The FBI is getting good being Nazis.
Just Say No.
Do NOT Comply.
General Strike.
France tells Micron where he can stick his population control shot.
BOOM: French
parliament defies Macron and ends the vaccine passport.
. Macron party members seen in SHOCK as the opposition cheers
[video src="" /]
Fascinating thing about that is the (supposedly) far-left and (supposedly) far-right joined together to make that happen. Macar00n’s deep-state “center” parie is left with nowhere to go… but out…
Typical China behavior.
From “the Pit”.
Why having the military safeguard or even run our elections would be safer than DHS + FBI (current failure mode).
Thank you Carl for this reminder.
A simple lesson, yet a hard truth for many.
Brother bakocarl – I humbly thank you for this beautiful truth this morning.
My wife is unable to attend worship services today. The reading of this has served the purpose well. Her appreciation is extended.
Besides that – she is a bread lover (both) extraordinaire.
May the Lord bless you and keep you…
No one wants to know if they died from the vax.
This has occurred to me, and it’s a barrier to waking people up. There are so many factors: fear of what might happen to them and their loved ones now, guilt that they didn’t listen, guilt that they might have hastened a loved one’s death, not wanting to think they can’t trust the authorities, not wanting to admit they were wrong, not wanting to face the horror (IMO) that what we were put through that was a lie, etc.
This is one of the ways that MK works. People who are MKed to act under deception, be that MK public or personal, followed by “flip the reality”, are instant tools.
Until people can admit that the authority ( govt) demanding the vax be administered for vax passports or for employment or for school…they will not be able to accept that the consequences are NOT their fault and that it was a deliberate act..
It makes me think back to so many people begging for studies regarding vaccines and autism.
I has this thought prompted by Gail’s post on anti-hoarding laws from a couple days ago, Sundance’s posts (and many others) on what is happening to food, and my own intuition (just speculation and guessing, nothing I can prove) that Cabal cannot allow the mid-terms to happen (genuine votes cannot be overcome by fraud).
Pass by if you are not interested in speculation.
Food prices explode in September/October, while food availability is devastated.
Severe rationing and anti-hoarding measures are part of the response after a declaration of emergency. Law enforcement action is harsh from the onset.
Violence may or may not be necessary to the plan, but immensely helpful, and therefore probable. Violence may happen naturally because of the circumstances, but false flags will happen, justifying something like martial law.
Suppression of “disinformation” will be done by all means including by force, and “sources of disinformation” physically coerced. The government will devise “appropriate” “legal” techniques of “knock the chip off my shoulder” (similar to requiring masks and social distancing) to antagonize and inflame, effective precisely because people will now understand how bogus and needlessly provocative those techniques will be.
I do not convey this speculation to be alarmist. It may very well be just nonsense borne of a sense that we are on the verge of “something,” and wondering what the something may be.
At any rate, in my home we continue to prepare, with the understanding that the anti-hoarding police may soon be interested.
Interesting thoughts. Another thing the plandemic recorded was how people responded to the mere threat of lack…toilet paper, soap..etc was depleted in minutes after being stocked.
With the info that they’ve amassed from our store savings cards that’s more info.
By now they already know which products or lack of…incites near panic. Now that they’ve destroyed manufacturing plants for so many food products they pretty much know which things people will be begging to get.
In other words..the ones that have created the food desert know that when they’re ready to put the lid on..they know lots..what ages are the likely buyers of certain must have things, how many dependents, how they pay, personal funds or govt assist
I’ve prepared some but in reality..a few months worth, not a year or more
Valid concerns. Thank you for raising the issue.
More than one have speculated an emergency of sorts to cancel November elections.
lawsEDICTS being enforced WILL get ugly. Don’t need a FF there.confiscatingSTEALING their personal stuff.Your concerns ARE on my radar. Gail, you, others have wisely raised awareness of this potential problem each of us may face. Frankly, I BELIEVE we will face.
Going full circle.
It won’t surprise me if the Feds TRY to cancel the November election.
IF Feds DO try to cancel November election, 100%, GENERAL STRIKE MUST HAPPEN.
Such a CRIME AGAINST every American Can NOT STAND.
They’re tricky and evil. Might be another/several martyred thugs that send the blm arm out in major cities to burn and plunder food stores.
Might be time to bring back the foreign terrorists bombs in cities.
Sometimes I think the psy ops to ramp up emotional violence like with another dead thug will eventually flame out and they’ll simply go full commie and just cancel the election because they say so. Who’s going to stop them ?
I heard you were looking for this information:
TY, bookmarked!
The 1540 Megadrought in Europe: Rhine ran dry, fires burned, and no one blamed coal or beef steak « JoNova (
The greenies are gonna hate my next BIMD.
Oh well…
British propaganda video of training Ukrainian soldiers serves as a reminder that the Ukrainian forces have been under intense training by USA & UK since 2014.
Azov and other nazis were directly trained by Americans and Canadians.
Russia is not fighting Ukrainian trained soldiers, they’re dismantling a NATO trained and a NATO armed military.
Yep – proxy war. War gamed out years ago.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, August 14, 2022
“LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:”
Psalms 10:17 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thanks duchess
Most welcome, Brave! * Smiling *
via Paul Serran
Special FBI Agent at Mar-a-Lago Raid Appears in January 6 Court Doc
A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) special agent who signed one of the property receipts during the Mar-a-Lago raid appears in a January 6 court filing.
The receipt was signed by FBI Special Agent Jeremy Linton.
Linton apparently authored an affidavit supporting the criminal complaint and arrest warrant for Tommy Frederick Allan, of Rocklin, California, regarding his alleged involvement in the January 6 ‘riot’.
via Ace of Spades
The Saturday Night Joke
A pastor was 10-minutes into his sermon when he noticed his young son in the balcony with a pea-shooter.
He was leaning over the “balcony”—aiming, and popping people in the head.
As the pastor prepared to deliver a very public scolding of his boy – the 7 year-old son hollered out, “You keep preaching Dad, and I’ll keep’em awake! (H/T Isophorone Blog)
Neocons are determined to get their war …
JUST IN – US military jet, carrying a Senator-Congressional delegation, to arrive in #Taiwan shortly, according to TVBS news.
This visit comes after Pelosi’s visit just 12 days ago, and the PLA conducted large-scale military exercises thereafter.
from the AP article:
snip … “The five-member delegation, led by Democratic Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts, will meet senior leaders to discuss U.S.-Taiwan relations, regional security, trade, investment and other issues, the American Institute in Taiwan said. The institute represents the U.S. government, which does not have official ties with Taiwan.
… A Taiwanese broadcaster showed video of a U.S. government plane landing about 7 p.m. Sunday at Songshan Airport in Taipei, the Taiwanese capital. While it wasn’t confirmed who was on board, the American Institute issued a brief statement soon after announcing the delegation would be in Taiwan on Sunday and Monday as part of a trip to Asia.”
Whatever they are discussing Taiwan will get the short end of the stick and those congress critters will come back with pockets full of cash.
Agree …
IF the US is dumb enough to instigate a war over Taiwan, the US WILL get the shortest of sticks. Yea, prolly not a popular position. But it is mine. Totally ignorant to go war over Taiwan.
I share your position.
The Ukro Army was trained for more than 8 yrs. by the US/NATO Militaries
Russia is defeating them with one army tied behind their back, and their attempt to not harm civilians, and to keep their own soldiers safe. The US Mil is NO LONGER great …
Some will not want to hear that, will even deny it… I suggest they do some research … it’s easy to be No. 1 when you’re dropping booms on countries that have no planes ,,, etc.
I need to proof before I click … prob Freudian slip, but of course “army” should be “arm”
P.S. I AM a Patriot … the people in our gov’t are not.
I AM a Patriot … the people in our gov’t are not.
^^^ A TRUTH Americans need to recon with. Feds are intentionally destroying the country. The Regime lies to us daily.
China’s plan is almost certainly to instigate using Pelosi and their other puppets. CCP needs popular support for a Pacific war.
Such bullshit
Trying out Freespoke search engine. Didn’t find this with DuckDuck. ((has put it in as one of my search engines but it takes me to the search page. Still searching for the magic words that makes it a direct search))
The US State Dept (Blinken) had to authorize this recent trip by 5 American pols … and the Resident had to sign off on it before his vacay to Kiawah … So ‘Paper Tiger’ US sends another poke at the Dragon … (sigh)
Para, thanks for the great summary … I intend to switch to Freespoke also …
I loathe these Congressional junkets.
Skip the war. Chinee simply shut down Chinee seaports. Easy enough to do. Chinee just shut down the ports after Piglosi visited Taiwan.
Taiwan MUST have fuel brought in by sea. Fuel IS Taiwan’s WEAK link. Chinee are far smater than any Congressional delegation.
Thanks Kalbo
Up on my soapbox again I go.
I have been reading all morning about the raid on Mar-a-Lago, how we can expect an indictment, and possibly arrest of President Trump, on and on.
What can we do, oh woe is us! The powerful Deep State, oh my!
WE HOLD THE POWER. And we always have. To finish this shit, once and for all. Legally. Peacefully. And there’s NOTHING THEY COULD DO ABOUT IT.
No work. No trucking, no clerking, no delivering, no serving, no wiring, no plumbing, no mechanic-ing, no NOTHING. We do nothing FOR SOCIETY AT ALL.
That doesn’t mean I’m not going to go to the grocery store, the movies, or anything else. Oh, no. I’m going to consume, entertain myself, enjoy my life, buy shit I want, or whatever. I’m just not going to WORK for THEM.
When there are no clerks at the grocery store, then I’ll fall back on my storage. But if the dumb liberals produce one or two clerks, I’m gonna shop and OVERWHELM their system. If the trucks aren’t running, I’m gonna buy stuff all I can, until it runs out for THEM.
I’ll TAKE whatever I can, but CONTRIBUTE NOTHING.
The only question is, do we HAVE THE WILL to do it.
We have the POWER. Will we USE IT? Only time will tell.
General Strike is the answer to Stop persecuting Trump.
General Strike was the answer to stopping Covidiocy.
Stopping Cvidiocy could have been easier – DO NOT COMPLY. NOTHING the ESTABLISHMENT could do NOTHING.
IF there was enough out rage, we could end J6 persecution, DC Gulag.
We could end it ALL. If we have the will.
I agree about COVID. But people were too scared, and I understand to a degree when you’re told there’s a deadly new disease. People would mask up to keep from bringing disease to their immune-compromised loved one or their elderly relative, etc. It was a very evil plot.
Yea. Initially, hook line and sinker, I thought Covid was as advertised.
~Couple months later I, and I believe many here, started believing our lying eyes. The official narrative was full of shit.
Once we knew it was BS, time to say NO.
Exactly. I never knew that these people would weaponize all of health care and science for a hoax.
Now that I understand the deep damage of the Population Control Shot, as part of the GND, it’s clear they’ll do anything, say anything, etc.
What Neil Oliver was saying is operant. Don’t think there is anything they won’t do. Wake up. They are trying to kill us very carefully, so they don’t get caught, and so they WIN.
Yes it was evil. My kids did not visit for 3 years not to infect us they said. That is ok but the damage is to younger people also look what they miss out on the relationship with parents grandparents. The guilt is going to be overwhelming for those who were not be able to be with their loved one when they died.
It’s already pretty bad for the ones whose family members died alone. I’ve talked to a few. The level of anger is pretty high.
People don’t want to feel guilt, so they feel angry. I wouldn’t want to be the target of that anger.
Oh yes I can see anger.
The Galt box!
Oh, totally.
As a policy, I don’t say what I’m going to do, other than to say that they will be making a huge mistake when they indict Trump.
And not just as some kind of “threat” by me, because I can literally do NOTHING when they indict Trump, and it helps
to bring down the regime.
Things will be interesting if they indict Trump.
VERY. Interesting.
In that respect, maybe we should hope that they do it. Just sayin’.
I wouldn’t be sorry to get the “Passive Revolution” part over with, that I can tell you.
“Nothing” can be highly effective.
YUP. I look forward to that confrontation.
We Win. Corruptocrats LOSE. The beginning of their END.
I mentioned I would be checking with a couple LE folks on FIB. I have discussed with one of them.
His comment is their entire department considers them to be totally screwed up. They consistently drop the ball on pass offs of investigations. There is no trust in them at all. They only do the mandated training related to FIB and even then will pass or postpone. They do nothing that is optional. The chief does not push involvement with them even with him having been on a successful joint drug task force in anther state about 15 years ago.
Hope to discuss with another one in a week or two.
Appreciate the update. Great news, local LE take on FIB.
Excellent. GREAT intel. Our assessment is correct.
On a MASSIVE scale, doing NOTHING, A General Strike, would be VERY effective AND WIN the “Battle”.
It will be a delicate time. They have thought it all out. Our ability to quickly create unexpected responses will be crucial.
I do not know if they are willing to take that jump? That is one step to far for not just Trump loyalists but also for others on the fence.
Great idea. And I think patriots need to be talking about it now so people can be mentally prepared and ready to act on it immediately. NOT act, that is. Strike.
Yes. We have to be prepared for what is coming.
I found this article on American Greatness this morning. It was written in Spanish, and the translation is at the bottom. This simple quote was so great it stopped me in my tracks:
“We know about these things. In Latin America when a regime cannot sufficiently beat the opposition at the polls, it prosecutes them. The Left likes to say there is no evidence that Trump beat Biden and Harris at the polls. If that were true, of course, the prosecutions would simply be a legal formality. The danger of Trump would be neutralized by his lack of popularity. Yet they prosecute, showing they do not believe what they say.
This is completely normal to Latin Americans, as you know. It’s the underworld we left behind.”
The whole thing is really good.
It’s very refreshing in its simplicity.
They’ve seen this shit. TRUMP WON.
Call It All Fraud Until Proved Otherwise in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
YUP. We have to assume there is massive deception in science. And not just at the level of individual researchers, but BIG STUFF at the “Gates” and “Fauci” levels.
Here is the article behind the post, which article shows the extreme level of fraud at the individual trial level.
Two pings on the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago: Classification kerfuffle and Trump’s RICO suit – The Optimistic Conservative (
That’s a must read, if it’s correct it explains a lot.
Amen. This explains the CHESS that Paul Sperry is seeing.
SPERRY: FBI Agents Involved in Trump Raid are Under Criminal Investigation by Durham For Abusing Their Power in Trump-Russia Probe
August 13, 2022, 2:20 pm by Cristina Laila
I’d like to believe Durham is doing something positive, beyond collecting a pay check.
IMO, Durham is proving DOJ is a corrupt organization.
Yea, understand.
Difficult to believe it takes this many years for Durham to indict and arrest some of these shit heads.
Consider this. There may be a FISA on DOJ corruption. If so, KAPO may be fishing for it. Obama then being desperate to find it.
You are spot on IMO.
You just don’t fire the big guns until it is time and the end result is fully determined.
Oh My Gosh.
Recall, Trump couldn’t do anything to stop muh Russia. Why? Trump would be accused of obstructing an active DOJ / FIB investigation. Perhaps, impeach.
So, with above in mind, consider below…
IF Durham Indicts a FIBBER Actively investigating Trump NOW, FOR like FIBBER ILLEGAL behavior against Trump years ago….
…Does this make Durham a possible target for OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE – hindering a current DOJ/FIB investigation?
Thus Durham will never indict Fibbers.
Way off base here?
I think you may be onto something. I don’t think Durham is going to make any arrests inside DODGE or FIB, and I don’t think he’ll win any cases, either.
^^^ This right here. Really good step by step analysis. I like that he leaves the speculation out of what happens next. However, he indicates PDT is in for a long slog on RICO.
Ordinarily I would agree. However, there are many strategic moves and actions to be taken in seemingly unrelated areas and events that will be tied into the RICO. In other words, I think TOC is thinking in too small of a legal and event box. PDT goes big – always. The RICO and treason are huge and worldwide.
This is an article from Children’s Health Defense. It details the “official” VAERS figures of COVID-19 “vaccine” adverse events reports from 12/14/2020 through 8/5/2022.
The reports of COVID-19 “vaccine” injuries and deaths are starting to show up in the newest group of “vaccine” recipients, those from 6 months of age through 5 years of age. The “official” VAERS figure as of 8 August for this age group is 2,975 adverse events, including 140 events rated “serious”, 5 deaths, and 4 cases of myocarditis / pericarditis (although this particular figure reports only the CDC’s new “narrowed definition” of these events). The 2,875 “official” VAERS figure for this age group includes 20 reports of blood clot issues and 38 seizures.
The “official” VAERS total figure for COVID-19 “vaccine” adverse events reports through 8 August 2022 is 1,379,438 reported adverse events. The vast majority of reported adverse events are linked to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine.”
However, at, the total figure through 8 August 2022 is 2,260,611 reports of adverse events.
As of 8 August 2022, there are now reports of 64 cases of Creutzfelt-Jakob Disease, with the majority of cases linked to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine.”
The Children’s Health Defense article includes the following statement from the CDC:
“VAERS data available to the public include only the initial report to VAERS. Updated data which contains data from medical records and corrections reported during follow up are used by the government for analysis. However, for numerous reasons including data consistency, these amended data are not available to the public.” (emphasis mine)
Children’s Health Defense notes that, “Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.”
“Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS)”
Columbia University did a paper in October, 2021, showing that VAERS underreports “vaccine” adverse events by a factor of 20:
October, 2021
Spiro Pantazatos, Columbia University
The Children’s Health Defense article includes details of an interview they had with Lt. Chad R. Coppin, USCG, who states that the military are now getting “vaccinated” with COMIRNATY, the German version of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine”, and this “vaccine” is being produced in a non-FDA approved facility. The COMIRNATY that was shipped in June, 2022, for use on U.S. Coast Guard personnel in Alaska was manufactured in France. The lot number for the vials is FW1331.
“Exclusive: Whistleblowers Accuse Military of Using Pfizer ‘Comirnaty’ Vaccine Produced at Facility Not Approved by FDA”
WHY people are doing this to their kids – absolutely beyond reason.
Yeah, I’m pretty disgusted with parents who would do this. You OWE your children due diligence.
This is tragic.
Beautiful … however, I don recommend for a Sunday Drive …
No amount of money would be enough for me to drive on that
yes, but good way to get your kids attention.
Me neither … got dizzy just watching !
I’ll take the Bernina Bahn or the Glacier Express). Beautiful views, especially in winter, safe, and someone else is doing the driving
Is that just me or has someone else has this problem.
Every video from Twitter I try to watch stops at 6 seconds and after a long spin advances every 3 seconds, followed by another spin.
same happened to me Eilert with this one
Mine usually pause for a few seconds and play. Intermittent stops starts after that.
Some of the Pit info in untelevised session….
Jordan Sather
The company name is called Konnech Inc., an election management co. based in Michigan – Gregg & Catherine said they stumbled across databases and software that linked this company directly into the CCP, and there was a load of information about American election systems located on servers based in Wuhan, China. After finding out about this and going to the authorities, they were threatened. Now they want We the People to help them expose this story since the FBI is too compromised to do anything
Aug 13, 2022, 19:22
Replying to @brunobarking
3/ at #thePit, It appeared that the new “DOTS” Patriots are being asked to CONNECT and disseminate (ie “PLANT” ) in the consciousness of America is that China has not just “infiltrated and interfered” with our elections… China has appeared in many cases to have taken them over wholesale. One apparent CCP backed entity involved is literally called SEED THE VOTE”

Aug 14, 2022, 08:48
Replying to @brunobarking

4/ CCP control is evidenced by election Software, Purchased by American (+Canadian &Australian voting principalities), or even FREE & accepted as a “gift”.
Example: the HR tool POLLCHIEF, software used by many counties to recruit, train, & be a data repository for Americans Signing up/hired as election poll workers. This software contains Personal data on the workers, Plus schematics of election infrastructure, scheduling & procedures.
Such data DOTS were FOUND on servers? IN WUHAN CHINA
Aug 14, 2022, 09:02
#Pit talk
Gregg and Catherine took the info they discovered about this CCP connection in Detroit to the FBI as they believed was the right thing to do and the FBI turned around and tried to tell them THEY had stolen servers from the CCP and tried to pin the whole thing on Gregg. They are under serious threat from this situation. This is an ongoing active threat.
#Pit talks.
Big reveal #1.
If you have signed up to be a pole watcher, for sure in several states, if not all (not sure) all of your information has been plugged straight into servers that are owned by the CCP…in Wuhan China. Confirmed. Not only your information, but your security pass codes to get in as a poll watcher, your credentials, the building schematics, work times, payroll, etc
Aug 13, 2022, 18:50
#Pit talk “pollchief” is a name associated with these sign ups and is on the CCP server. Originated from the CCP server.
#Pit talk
There is a list of 1.8 million election workers in the US worh their names, their info, their kids (kids names listed in all caps), their voter records, addresses, etc, all on a CCP server that lives in a university in China.
#Pit talk
A university in Detroit is the source of funds for Konnech which received a purchase order from the DOD to print and move ballots in 2010. Look up Konnech. It’s still in play.
Aug 13, 2022, 19:00
Awesome stuff! Thank you!
IDK about some of the other counties, but St. Charles MO and Fairfax VA are major league suburban places. I mean, St. Charles is where the people from north county here RAN as fast as they could, and are still running, to avoid crime. They brag about being more conservative and safer, too.
DP – please take a wander over to Gab.
I have it open. Notifier gives me number. Message not popping.
You may have to refresh the whole page.
Check please
Douglas County is the county between Colorado Springs and the Denver Metro area. If you’re driving the interstate, it’s basically everything from Monument Hill (county line road, exit 163) north through Castle Rock to county line road (exit 194)…yeah we have imaginative road names.
Douglas county has undergone explosive growth as Denver has metastasized over the county line (northern, that is).
I have looked in vain for coverage of this in alternative media. I guess it’s going to have to trickle out more.
We had to figure that the commies would fight back in some way. Kapo with his bullshit about school board terrorists was a DISTRACTION.
Meanwhile, DHS does nothing, claims elections are secure, and gropes us in airports.
This is life or death situation. One cannot be guided by fear or step back. God is in control we need to fight them.
War is dirty and one cannot worry who has info or not. They have info on everyone poll watcher or not if one is on the Internet.
What are they worried about their reputation could not get any worse.
They helped China steal an election.
They made it LEGAL to steal the election.
They made it LEGAL to cover it up.
They know that we know what they did.
Things are going to get interesting.
They know if they go one more step forward the hell will break loose.
Wake up KGB is FBI and Stasi all rolled in one. Yes mafia also. I am never ever going to trust FBI ever. I am spitting mad.
Pete Santilli:
Santilli was invited to The Pit but couldn’t attend:
Re: law enforcement going after Gregg Phillips’ firearm. Be aware.
Yup. Thanks to OSATAN, our system is weaponized against US.
Fun in Hollywood.
Oh, that was EXCELLENT.
JUSTICE. America YEARNS for it.
Because the Department of Justice is nothing of the sort.
Video of the day!
Too bad she wasn’t wearing stiletto heels…
Contents of other people’s boxes were funny!
Lifted Comment from MoA from poster I respect
“Below are some quotes from ZH articles about Taiwan
end one ZH article and start of quotes from another
Are we returning to normal now….grin”
We need some Anon help here: Did Pelosi Jr. travel on a government issued, state department passport?
Inquiring minds want to know ,,,
It’s okay if you’re a DIM, right?
Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips 08/14/2022 15:28:59
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108822877945952870
Attention Disorder / @attentiondisorder 08/14/2022 12:18:24
ID:Not Available
Truth Social: 108822128516139691VH should have working vid coverage of their parking lot. Are they cooperating?
Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips 08/14/2022 13:25:25
ID:Not Available
Truth Social: 108822392068756015Valley Ho staff were the problem. The head of catering lied to the police once she learned we couldn’t be disarmed. Claimed I was trespassing at that point.
8traq / @8traQ 08/14/2022 13:32:24
ID:Not Available
Truth Social: 108822419492660510@greggphillips you turned the Devil’s attempt at derailing our evening into a beautiful moment. We were all there for a reason, and we got to witness that reason unfold in real-time. It solidified our resolve and purpose.
You showed us all how to behave in that situation, and we are eternally grateful for you.
That was God’s hand at work. Bless you, Sir.
Gregg Phillips reTruthed…
What actually happened with this whole thing? Did the team just leave and go somewhere else?
Donald J. Trump
Oh great! It has just been learned that the FBI, in its now famous raid of Mar-a-Lago, took boxes of privileged “attorney-client” material, and also “executive” privileged material, which they knowingly should not have taken. By copy of this TRUTH, I respectfully request that these documents be immediately returned to the location from which they were taken. Thank you!
Will NOBODY stand up to these assholes?
Seriously – an IG needs to ARREST KAPO.
People are scared to stand up against the Gestapo specially in DC. They will do the same to anyone who stands in their way that is how they roll.
Sorry I posted this story did not know it was posted. At least you read it here from the Man himself.
Correia’s Law of Internet Arguing | Monster Hunter Nation
Wolf Moon (PRO)
Wolf Moon
DODGE and FIB are really scraping the bottom of the barrel on their MKULTRA crazies.
Police: Man killed himself after ramming US Capitol barrier
WASHINGTON (AP) — A man drove his car into a barricade near the U. S.
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More information from The Pit:
“Sometimes, you run into something so out of place that you have to ask yourself, how did that get there? A boat in the desert, A fossilized battery, crop circles, and now, New York’s voter rolls.
New York Citizens Audit (NYCA) is an all volunteer group of individuals who have been studying the 2020 General Election since last August. After a year’s worth of effort, they have made some impressive findings. They have discovered hundreds of thousands of cloned voter records, examples of identity theft, discrepancies between official vote counts, over a hundred thousand registered voters without an address, and more.
Today, an NYCA representative appeared on True the Vote’s “vital strategy session,” “The Pit,” and dropped something truly strange: There is a pattern embedded in the identification numbers assigned to voters.
How did it get there, and why?
The pattern, dubbed “The Voter Matrix” by NYCA, creates an alternate structure within the voter rolls. The details are complicated but the effect is simple: It makes nefarious manipulation of records possible.
The Voter Matrix presents the possibility that no amount of “cleaning the rolls” or “purging records” can fix the problem, because the Matrix can regenerate phantom voters all day long.
The pattern is well-hidden. It is unlikely that anyone would have found it in the normal course of business. Experts consulted for this article were amazed that it was found at all…”
I’m glad someone is covering this. I’m disappointed in conservative media. I don’t know who all was at The Pit, but I thought GWP was. There’s nothing on their site. Nothing on Breitbart, Just The News, or The Blaze. Nothing from Seth Keshel. Nothing on Praying Medic’s Gab or blog. (I don’t know if there are other sites he uses more.) It will be interesting to see if Bannon mentions it tomorrow.
This NY info was covered in the portion that all could see, so these media outlets should have seen it if they were interested at all.
I think people are trying to wrap their heads around it first.
That’s been my take, too. I’m trying to be patient.

They might also be trying to coordinate.
Probably. And then I think, when has that EVER happened in the face of bombshell news? Traditionally, people are clamoring to be the first to get the story out. I would expect that to apply even to internet influencers.
Maybe they are a little frightened, or they are waiting for someone else. It’s bizarre, IMIO.
People have been SKEERED on the election stuff by THREATS, by INFIGHTING, by LAWSUITS, and by loss of credibility. In my opinion the New York Audit people have done an AMAZING job here, but we need to understand it as well as the thieves, or they will wriggle out YET AGAIN.
It’s gonna take some study. But right now, I’m getting massive success on the DEPOP SHOT, and I’m not backing off on that. My second fight is TRUMP RAID – and I’m not backing off on that, either.
We need volunteers to dig in on New York and understand it deeply!!!
Thanks, TT. I wasn’t able to see the live stream, so didn’t know if everyone had seen this information.
People have been fairly quiet. Jordan Sather has been posting updates. I wonder if the attendees just need time to digest what they’ve seen and heard? I think I saw where Epoch News and OAN were represented, too.
I hope to hear a lot more, soon.
My impression is that people don’t know what to do next. I hope that’s wrong and that they were given some tools, or will be given tools in the future, to investigate this. It seems that a hard-hitting, fearless journalist is needed. Maybe one or more will surface.
Leadership. Guidance. A path to take, in addition to the tools. I hope a few journalists rise to the bait.
I cross posted this on The Pit thread. I’m hoping someone good with this kind of thing reads it.
Hi Sylvia – Tonawanda and WSB were looking for the information on NY. I watched, not live, and didn’t see the NY information. I live in NY and was interested too.
Please share this with Tonawanda and WSB in case they don’t see this. Many thanks.
Thanks Linda, I will send it to WSB. I’ll watch for Tonawanda and try to post if for him.

Thank you, I am sure it will be appreciated.
I’m disappointed they didn’t FOSS the code. Also, they keep saying that you have to have a full copy of the data for the thing to work properly, and they got it by FOIA — is there a reason FOIA data can’t be shared? Does lossless compression (and restoration) screw it up? (Actually, I take that back — it was given to them on a DVD, so it’s only 4.3G max, instead of the 9G repeatedly cited. It must already be compressed.)
Oh good, I was hoping you’d see it. I know nuzzing. Way over my head.
Dear CCP
IF something on this page offends you,
please bring it to our attention
so we can all laugh at you.
I do not know if this has been posted?
According to Fox Hegseth is that his name? He said the FBI was not after the boxes in question they were after lawyer client privilege and Presidential privilege and took several boxes of those. That was the only way they the Gestapo – FBI were able to get them.
YUP. Kapo and krew are trying to see if there is a FISA AGAINST DOJ. Maybe even against OBASTARD.
And whatever evidence Trump has for RICO.
But I still don’t believe Trump would store it somewhere where they would know to look.
I would imagine it would be “stored” at his lawyer’s office.
You know, after the all the raids and stuff, I’d bet on off-shore storage of some kind.
My guess is the boxes were perfectly organized for their collection. lol
It strains credibility to believe PDT/patriots did not know well in advance of the raid.
I think he did, too.
The critical backstory: “Mr. Trump’s behavior led to such mistrust within intelligence agencies that officials who gave him classified briefings occasionally erred on the side of withholding some sensitive details from him.”
Who elected them? That is criminal because POTUS makes his dissensions on what he is told.
Id Trump goes under anyone who gets Republican support is no better than democrats they are all control. My trust is gone any person needs to make their own way concerning voting.
Yeah, there can be no trust at all when we see the fraud in elections and now admissions that they lied and omitted critical information from the sitting POTUS who then may have made decisions based on erroneous intel .
They will now use this as the next smear…
So bold they are to admit this.
I think they’re getting ahead of something they found in Trump’s documents.
That is what NYT is used for – like when they tried to warn Soleimani about the operation against him. IC treason.
It is FAST, but I think KAPO and BLOW-DRY found what they were looking for in those documents!!!
Probably because the admission publicly is really bad optics
Yes. Now some of it is likely kabuki for the “Trump espionage” charge, but if they do that, then Russia-linked OBASTARD deserved to have information withheld in SPADES.
The truth will be visible from our side – they withheld information from Trump for all sorts of reasons, but every one of them was SEDITIOUS.
heck yeah it’s seditious because PTrump’s goal was protecting and promoting the great USA which theyno longer are loyal to
He has actual EVIDENCE that they were hiding intelligence from him.
That is TREASON.
OH. Yeah. OK. They know by looking at the documents that they’re not the same as what Durham has in HIS possession.
THE TRUTH: “The intelligence community’s seditious and illegal behavior toward Trump, before he was even a candidate, made it no surprise that these agencies gave him classified briefings which withheld sensitive details – particularly in plots against him. Those same agencies likewise gave Trump false and misleading information when it served their purposes.”
The shadow govt creeping out for a kabuki theater bow. Encore, encore….which of course they actually have done with their puppet OBiden…they’re SHOWING the world that it doesn’t matter who is “voted” into office
The agencies screwed him and many of his supposedly trusted advisors did also. Those Uniparty and IC dinner parties must have been a real blast, each giving his/her rendition of the backstabs
They’re getting out in front of something.
THEY LIED TO TRUMP. And their ultimate defense is that “OH NOES! WE HAD TO DO IT!”
Balderdash! LIES! Go to HELL, dupicitous and treasonous IC! You LIE to the American people. And for the DEPOP SHOT, you will always be remembered as human rights criminals on par with the NAZIS.
Oh, shit, Wolf!
You know what just occurred to me?
What if it’s not just intelligence about a foreign country, or spy-stuff?
What if it’s they lied to him about COVID? Its origins as a bio-weapon from China? What if they covered it up, and Trump found out?
“We had to lie, or he would have nuked China!”
I can just hear it now.
I suspect part of it is how the media is/was connected on election night 2020. If Mockingbird is real, then the MSM is agency. That has never been really proven with evidence.
That would be GOOD.
OMG – this makes a lot of sense. We KNOW from Navarro – PROOF – that Fauci LIED to Trump about the origins.
They were protecting the Depop Shot, basically, by protecting China, and also protecting themselves in the process.
YES! You may be right. They likely told Trump a LOT of lies – which would mean that some of the documents are “hot” – they’re FAKES that were given to Trump.
Those documents are PROOF that they lied to Trump.
And TRUMP could have given legal copies to others with the clearance to see them.
This then becomes a problem – that they have LIED to Trump, and it’s provable.
I hope it ALL comes out.
Can you imagine when people see the fake docs protecting the CCP from the President over Covid?
I know this is serious, but LOL. Who thinks they are qualified to withhold information from POTUS?
Jordan Sather on Telegram:
There’s been quite the silence from the Mainstream Media & their journo-shills about the Pit. I mean, Kari Lake spoke there. Dr. Peter McCullough. Gregg & Catherine. Epoch Times, OANN, & RSBN were were covering it, and 150+ prominent election fraud activists and social media shitposters were in attendance – all names the MSM loves to hate.
It’s an odd silence….
& it seems most of the attacks against it have been from MAGA-infiltrators. Maybe [they] are preparing their barrage of MSM attacks for this week – or they know that MSM has zero leverage anymore, and are focusing their efforts on their controlled opposition assets to disrupt.
Yup. The New York Audit data was a KICK IN THE NUTS. They’re STUNNED.
Then the Pit. China is still trying to mop that up.
Between the NY data and the info about poll workers personal info all being collected by the Chicoms, I’m a little stunned myself. I knew it was bad, and these are the kinds of things I imagined they’d find. But somehow, having it confirmed and spelled out is a little unnerving. But we’ll rally.
Right now, people need to absolutely dump on Zoom, TikTok, Chinese phones, and almost anything that gives dangerous personal information to the ChiComs.
A good place to start.
IMO, Scarf Wench (Deborah Birx) refused to work with Scott Atlas because she feared he would figure out she was on Team Depop, and blow their cover.
Well, the CDC is removing and changing “facts” that the agency previously stated about the mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” —
On 15 July 2022, the CDC removed or changed several previous “facts” statements about the mRNA in the COVID-19 “vaccines.” One of the previous “facts” statements that was removed was the one about the body breaking down and “getting rid of” the mRNA in the “vaccines” within a few days after “vaccination.”
Here’s the CDC’s latest version (20 July 2022) of their list of half-truths and lies about the COVID-19 “vaccines” —
One of the CDC lies is that “COVID-19 vaccines will not change or interact with your DNA in any way.”
This is in direct contrast to the Swedish study, published in February, 2022, in the journal, Current Issues in Molecular Biology, showing that the mRNA of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2 does indeed change the DNA of the Huh7 LINE 1 cell line of the human liver in vitro.
So do I sell all my Made in China stuff or just burn it?
Asking for a friend.
Neither. You look inside the box and figure out what it’s doing.
As an example, the Fiancee and I have internet-ready televisions. They are NOT plugged-in to the internet. We’ve got internet-ready Blu-Ray players. They are NOT plugged-in to the internet.
If I want to get tricky, I can take a Raspberry Pi and have it pretend to be a router — then let the TVs or other equipment think it’s an internet connection. Then see what the TV asks for.
For other things made in China, use ’em up to their full extent and replace from elsewhere.
Nice start on a boomerang, chulhu. After you know what they ask for, it would be lovely to send them something like an info glitter bomb.
Depends on what it is. If it’s electronics, recycle. If it’s durable goods, use until it falls apart and replace with higher quality stuff. Yeah, it’s more expensive, but it will last longer. Hopefully.
Most electronics can be used up before recycling (being that electronics recycling is generally done overseas). It’s just that each piece should be evaluated both for utility but also for security implications.
As an example, there is a Chinese company, SIEG, that makes machine tools. . If you buy small lathes and mills from Little Machine Shop, Grizzly, Harbor Freight, or a variety of other companies — they are generally made by SIEG. These are of good quality and sufficient for a wide variety of purposes. They send no data anywhere.
When you evaluate their machine tools for security purposes, the greatest risk is that all budding machinists will be practiced with SIEG devices. Yes, you may want to upgrade to a South Bend lathe or a Bridgeport mill, like the ones that won WWII….but you shouldn’t be looking at pushing SIEG stuff overboard, just because it’s Chinese.
How clever ot them. Sieg means victory or win in German. They are probably trying to appear to have German quality. Grundig and some other traditional, quality names (e.g. Rollei) are now Chinese…
The joys of Wireshark… and highly-configurable routers (like FRITZ!Box(en)…
bakocarl, thank you for a beautiful lesson today.
We are so fortunate to be able to share bakocarl**.
** I almost posted, “we are so fortunate to be able to share him” but realized that the context could easily be confused with “we are so fortunate to be able to share Him.”
Dont be out probably drunk and high, just outsude the GAY bar, fighting, in the middle of a dark street at 5 am. Especially in chicago.
It’s a bold move, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off.
Would love it to happen, but it never will.
They cannot afford to be confronted with the Depop question on video, where AI can determine if they’re lying or telling the truth.
Sorry, Mike. They didn’t miss it. They probably knew all about it before it happened.
Absolutely. This is a MESSAGE FROM HILLARY CLINTON about “free speech”.
And NOT the first one, either.
That Bolshevik bitch has been RELENTLESSLY opposed to free speech.
ALWAYS REMEMBER that she tried to weaponize her own Benghazi failure / blowback against free speech. “It was a video.”
And which LIAR rode point on that one? SUSAN RICE.
Who is now running the government under Obama, behind disposable old white guy, “Dementia Joe” Biden.
Just be sure to send them to the real pokey, not the hokey pokey.
That’s what it’s all about.
Make sure they put their wrong foot in… the Monkey Poxey…
They probably tipped the perp off as to where Rushdie would be.
Heck, they probably planned it all for him.
Ferret Jarrett and a bunch of Øbløwhøle’s cronies/minions/buttbuddies are Iranians…
If you like the USA to get worse, then by all means dont vote in November.
People already are forgetting it all.
Local enough. Definitely sad enough. Entirely avoidable. FJB and his entire commie entourage.
File this under “good news that troubles WEF”.
Royal Peasant
Moderna CEO: “I’m in the process of throwing 30 million doses into the garbage because nobody wants them. We have a big demand problem…Every country, and nobody wants to take them.”
[video src="" /]
Why conservative media is not talking about The Pit:
I’m watching/listening to this video by Just Human about his experience at The Pit. His overarching impression is that it was a handoff of information from G&C to the researchers. At about 9:00 in the video he says G&C asked them to hold off on posting all the details until they post all the sources for the information on Monday. At 10:30 he promises that this is huge and once all the info is available and all the attendees present it, people will understand that they had to handle it in the way they did.
He agrees that it is bigger than 2000 Mules but understands that people are disappointed that the big news wasn’t dropped in a finished package. He says people in the room were riveted and ready to start right then. He also is concerned for G&C and what is going to happen.
He says we have to vote. Don’t let people tell you that it’s so rigged that voting is no use. We have to try to overwhelm the cheating if possible. If you can be a poll watcher, do that. The more patriots present, the less opportunity for bad actors to be there.
Good stuff. Thank you!!!
Just Human is looking forward to telling the story they were told once all the evidence is available. The info will be available on — maybe tomorrow.
(When you go there, you have to sign up with your name and email address to get access.)
Here’s what I’m gathering from him:
● It’s a very serious situation, with bad news of major flaws and vulnerabilities in our election systems that are still there.
● We all knew this, but it’s much bigger than we thought.
● We will understand, once we get the data, why they’re being so careful.
● Midterms are less than 3 months away, and we have to make sure that we and everyone we know still votes.
● It was an enjoyable event, and there is an intangible strengthening quality about getting patriots together. The enemy wants us divided, and we can’t let that happen. The event made them even stronger through new friendships made.
If they were being so careful, especially knowing how deflating the actual presentation to the public would be, why was it relentlessly sold as a bombshell?
It certainly was anticipated as a bombshell.
Putting aside the specific motivation for over-hyping the announcement, what possible sense did the hype make?
Yep. People should not be “woke”, rather they should be AWAKENED!
Discernment and a predisposition to dig deeper and investigate (e.g. the Missouri “SHOW ME” mentality/way ot life) are what are critically needed right now…
Patel Patriot posted this on Gregg Phillips’ Truth Social:
Patel Patriot
Going to do my best to get you guys as much information and varying perspectives regarding the PIT. Here’s what the next few days will look like:
4:00 PM EST – @greggphillips interview
10:30 PM EST – PIT insights from @realpgunnels
(Working on a few more)
10:30 PM EST – PIT insights from @justhuman @RichardTheSaint
10:30 PM EST – DPH
Aug 14, 2022, 21:59
I dropped my depop shot thinking on Tracy Beanz on Truth Social…..
Replying to @tracybeanz, @1stAmendAlive, and 1 more
Tracy, your thoughts on this?
Tracy Beanz
Replying to @GracePatriot, @1stAmendAlive, and 2 more
I can’t imagine he’d sacrifice so many for optics and continue that while out of office. I think he just didn’t know and never was informed about the harm.
Wolf Moon
Replying to @tracybeanz, @1stAmendAlive, and 2 more
EXACTLY. Never informed – just like the NYT ironically admitted today, that IC did not trust Trump and withheld info.
I am now convinced that the virus and disease were designed as a population control scheme, with the shots being the goal. The point (for dupes) was “saving the planet” from climate change.
This is straight out of the depopulation / “climate change” ideas of Obama’s top science advisor, John Holdren.
No way was Trump read in on this.
Wolf Moon
Replying to @tracybeanz, @1stAmendAlive, and 2 more
The power of this theory is that it explains all the “wrong” things that Fauci, Walensky, CDC, FDA, Pfizer, China, and all the rest did. Their goal was what they did beyond all apparent reason, if you ASSUME they had the same goal as us. They did not.
It explains the biology of the spike protein, and correlates to Fauci’s research interests.
It also explains why Trump was opposed from the beginning. A “climate denier” could not be President, and if so, could not be read in on the plan.
Aug 14, 2022, 23:32