DEAR MAGA: TGIF Open Thread 20220819

Let’s get this party started.

White Russian

The White Russian is a decadent and surprisingly easy-to-make cocktail. Combining vodka, Kahlúa and cream and serving it on the rocks creates a delicious alternative to adult milkshakes.

And my brother the Couch Commando drinks them all winter long.


  • 2 ounces vodka
  • 1 ounce Kahlúa
  • 1 splash heavy cream


  1. Add the vodka and Kahlúa to a rocks glass filled with ice.
  2. Top with the heavy cream and stir.

Today’s cocktail had to contain vodka in honor of Mr. Potatohead getting $#!+canned off of CNN:

The Fattish Man of Paralyzing Stupidity Has Been Cancelled by CNN Fake News


Alright, let’s see what I have lined up:

Something is Looming Geopolitically, and We Better Start Taking It Seriously

Western governments’, specifically western Europe, North America (U.S-Canada) and Australia/New Zealand, are intentionally trying to lower economic activity to meet the intentional drop in energy production.

This is the core consequence of the Build Back Better agenda as promoted by the World Economic Forum.

Anyone who says there is a reference point to determine both the short-term and long-term consequences is lying. There is no precedent for nations’ collectively and intentionally trying to reduce economic activity.

Hiding behind the false justification that current inflation is driven by too much demand, central banks in Europe, the Bank of England, Bank of Canada and U.S. federal reserve are raising interest rates.  The outcome we are currently feeling is an intentional economic contraction and global recession.

Donald Trump, Dynasty Killer: 2023 Will Mean No More Bush, Cheney, McCain, or Clinton in Office

Amen. Hallelujah.

Facebook permanently CANCELS Libs of Tiktok and refuses to explain why

Three guesses and the first six don’t count.

WEF Announce Recruitment of ‘Information Warriors’ To Control the Narrative on Social Media

Naaahhhh. Really? You don’t say.

Understatement of the year candidate.

On Trump and his voters, Fox News host Laura Ingraham errs

Ingraham said the following during an appearance on Lisa Boothe’s podcast.

“The country I think is so exhausted. They’re exhausted by the battle, the constant battle, that they may believe that, well, maybe it’s time to turn the page if we can get someone who has all Trump’s policies, who’s not Trump.”

The mainstream media, which is a mouthpiece for the Democrats, carried this news with glee, claiming that Ingraham was turning on Trump.

This is the sort of news that the Democrats dream of – a prominent conservative commentator claiming that people are sick of Trump. The hope is that someday everyone abandons Trump.

I Regret Being A Slut

And a critique of the essay:

One woman’s essay about rejecting sexual excess strikes a chord

A Dennis Prager gem:

A Reminder About the Moral Difference Between the Christian and Muslim Worlds at This Time

Ruling Class Turns On Conservative Americans

Turns? They were never our champions to begin with.

Best headline of the day:

Virgins get more done

The article is really about St. Joan of Arc, but the headline was totally click worthy.

Exclusive — Jim Jordan Explains the 14 FBI Whistleblowers: ‘Frankly, We Anticipate More’

More “The Pit” residual research:

NY Citizens Audit Finds Hidden Infrastructure in Voter Rolls


Congresswoman Jackie Walorski had sponsored the “Human Trafficking prevention and recovery act of 2014” and was working with ongoing investigations into trafficking.

Anne Heche was set to release a new movie “Girl in Room 13” that went into sex slavery and trafficking and was a mouthpiece against it in P-Wood.

What do Jackie and Anne have in common with Chester Bennington, Halyna Hutchins, Anthony Bourdain?

This all goes deeper than we’d like to imagine: Intel agencies, elites, politicians.



You tell me.

Tweety Tweets:

In every stereotype, there’s a bit of truth.

MSNBC admits it.

Oh, my.


And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.


MATTHEW 22:34-40

34But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sad’ducees, they came together. 35And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question, to test him. 36“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” 37And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38This is the great and first commandment. 39And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.”


Or some approximation of it.

Have a great weekend.

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A wholesome post to finish out DePat’s week……spudless.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The SPUD is GONE – praise God!


In the meantime, I happened to trip over this…..


WTH? It didn’t do the vid thing.


That was fun. Trying the link again.

EDIT: I don’t know why it’s not showing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

At least it’s not just me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Probably won’t work for me, either.


This is a “What’s My Line” episode from, IIRC, 1955.

I actually watched the show back when I was very young in the 1960s. It was in color.

One thing that is very amusing in the earlier episodes is just how New-York-centric the show was. Everyone in show business was asked, “are you appearing in New York?” — if they had made a movie out in Hollywood, it was “is it screening in New York?” It really reinforced the infamous New Yorker cover —

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ah, that cover. It has dogged me my whole life for some weird reason (no details).


My aunt has one of those posters from back then framed in her house.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! That was a big thing “back in the day” – I remember those posters well. I remember when they were “cool”, even in flyover country!!!  😉 

Speaking of which (COUGH)…..

Back In My Day: Coal Country Heroes – Music Edition

New Tradebait post is up! Nostalgia!


Copying the link in the address bar may of been the problem. Maybe use the share button below the vid and copy paste that as they are not the same. You may of known this and simply forgot. I know have.
Yipes… that didn’t work either. Something has obviously changed, likely on purpose.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

The Babylon Bee video…😂 So well done!


comment image


The McSlime skeleton is a nice touch.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Brainwashed. A warning of how remarkable that stuff is, and how well it works.


comment image


That’s the best, and most accurate, cartoon I’ve seen of the whole thing.


If you’re going…
…to San Francisco,
Be sure to wear…
…some boots upon your feet.

If you’re going…
…to San Francisco,
You really won’t want…
…your skin to touch the street.




Hot diggity — pimoroni has some pi in stock!


A new wrinkle? Will this have any bearing on the case?
Weeks before Mar-a-Lago search, ex-Trump DOD official vowed to publish classified documents from National Archives

In June of this year, seven weeks before the FBI raided former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in search of classified materials, former Defense Department appointee and outspoken Trump loyalist Kash Patel vowed to retrieve classified documents from the National Archives and publish them on his website.

Trump had just issued a letter instructing the National Archives to grant Patel and conservative journalist John Solomon access to nonpublic administration records, according to reporting at the time.

Patel, who under Trump had been the chief of staff for the acting defense secretary, claimed in a string of interviews that Trump had declassified a trove of “Russiagate documents” in the final days of his administration. But Patel claimed Trump’s White House counsel had blocked the release of those documents, and instead had them delivered to the National Archives.

“I’ve never told anyone this because it just happened,” Patel said in an interview on a pro-Trump podcast on June 22. “I’m going to identify every single document that they blocked from being declassified at the National Archives, and we’re going to start putting that information out next week.”

Patel did not provide a clear explanation of how he would legally or practically obtain the documents.

“White House counsel and company disobeyed a presidential order and implemented federal governmental bureaucracy on the way out to basically send the stash to the National Archives, and now that’s where it’s at,” Patel said in a subsequent interview on June 23 on a different pro-Trump internet show.

More at the link.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WHOA. Sounds like a FACTOR, AT LEAST.


If I read Q right all those years ago, DECLASS was the end of the cabal.


Let’s see if this works — GwtD grooming dachshunds —


That worked, but the other one didn’t?!?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I suspect that the other one was an obscure video format that doesn’t play well with WordPress.


When you hear about the method of hunting badgers with these dogs, you just go, “really?!?!?”

Everyone gets prepared, and you send the dog down into a badger den, while diggers remove cover from the tunnel behind the dog’s tail. When the dog gets to the central chamber, it locks its jaws onto a convenient part of the badger. Mind you, badgers have long claws, sharp teeth, a nasty disposition, and freedom of movement in their den. At this point, the hunter grabs the dog’s tail and starts dragging the (rather large) badger backwards up through the entry hole while diggers dig into the den. Once the badger is exposed, it is speared — often using a trident-like device.

Hunters frequently received serious injuries while badger hunting. One wonders how many dogs were successful with even a single badger hunt — much less going back for seconds.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll stick to hunting depoppers!

Gail Combs

Given our discussion about Patrick Gunnels and his reaction to Dr McCullough, I thought this was a very appropriate comment by Mel.

MG Show. Matrixxx and Shady interview Melody Jennings (TrumperMel)

Mel talks about her drop watch box (@38 minutes) and how the idea is taking hold and spreading. Then she says something out of the blue.  Valerie Curren:45

Rough quote:

 I wanted to say something about the infighting if I could. My background and my training is in TRAUMA and survival and counseling.

So one very key factor that I would love people to see and realize is THE LEFT EXPLOITS EMOTION. They have actually BEEN TEACHING US to be TRIGGERED BY EVERYTHING. And they get triggered by everything and then they blame us. And then we want to put walls up and want to defend ourselves So we become very quickly triggered in the defensive. To defend our own character and defend our what I am trying to say and validate myself.

And if we would as the Patriot Army, as people who are combating the deep state and Communism would say, just give a little Grace  to someone who said something a little different than I would have said it or maybe believes a little bit different. IT DOES NOT MATTER we are family we are friends we are on the same side. And when we are battling each other, THEY ARE ACCOMPLISHING WHAT THEY WANT. FOR US TO TEAR EACH OTHER UP. They have created it, because they have exploited EMOTION. AND THEY KNOW IT!

BLURB at bottom:

TODAY ON MG SHOW: Melody Jennings with Clean Elections USA

MG Show s4e143

Truth Social and Gettr : @TrumperMel

Melody Jennings is a mom, America First Patriot and the all grown up girl next door who learned how to not only survive, but to thrive…and to wisely and bravely battle when necessary.

Melody’s passion is coaching critical thinking skills and learning daily how to be more effective in working together with fellow patriots to save our constitution. Evidently some others feel the same way.

Patrick Gunnels is an excellent example of HOW the Left conditioned someone to be TRIGGERED and allow unthinking EMOTIONS RULE his actions. He is SO INVESTED in the ‘Viruses do not exist/cause disease’ red herring that he has completely lost side of the actual war.

At this point, whether Viruses do or do not exist and do or do not cause disease DOES NOT MATTER! ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ DOES NOT MATTER. These are nothing but Hey look a squirrel that can be sorted out later CALMLY using ACTUAL SCIENCE.


We need to stop and determine WHAT we should focus on and not allow the Left to side track us.

Gail Combs

Good point Esp about a lot of new people joining some of whom are going to be Dis-info agents or unconscious DISRUPTORS.

The Left is very very rigid and regimented. Dissent is NOT ALLOWED AT ALL PERIOD. Since the Right is composed of those who believe in individualism & freedom, it is very very easy to get infighting going.

This is our great weakness and we have to guard against it by keeping reminding ourselves WHAT is important — FREEDOM, FAIR ELECTIONS and our Constitutional Republic. The rest is chaff.

Valerie Curren

by the way, I “reported” on the second volume of that Department of Truth graphic novel series here:

Don’t know if you saw it yesterday, but since you asked me to share about it you can find that there.

Sorry this wasn’t directly in response to your comment above…just to you. 🙂


Number two most aggressive dog, and my number one most disliked. Meanest dogs I’ve ever met have been dachshunds.


In my many years working as a courier the only dog that ever bit me was a dachshund! Little terror!


Most little dogs that are not properly trained or socialized bite. I am more conscious with small dogs than big dog. I like in Germany one cannot sell a dog unless it is trained. Dogs are taken into restaurants on buses and trains and stores or wait outside. They do not bite or bark . That is my experience. It is the owner who failed the dog when they bite unnecessarily . I say unnecessarily because I want my dog to bite if someone breaks into the house.

Gail Combs

YUP, all domesticated animals, including cats should be trained.


That is true mine are they know where to scratch on their cat tree not on furniture’s. My lead cat sets the tone for the rest.

Gail Combs

First dog to ever bite me was a dachshund. The second was a Cattle dog I had known for years. (First visit to boarding stable when owners not home.)


My cattle dog never did bite but I also did not let strangers pet her. Oh except a little boy three years old who was mentally challenged. Peri laid down in front of him and she let him pet her. When she saw him from far away she could not wait to get to him and laid down waiting for him to pet her. She ignored other people and moved closer to me but never showed her teeth. Yes she would have bitten anyone coming in the house whom I did not let in.


They scare the crap outta me!


They need to be trained from puppy on and have a strong owner. I have known wonderful intelligent dachshunds. They brought the splipper to the owner when coming home picked up the paper binging to the owner. They need walks like all well balanced dogs. They also like all dogs need to be socialized from baby on.


I agree training is great. But I also think that personality has a role. And every dachshund I ever knew liked its owner. Just not anybody else!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! They’re strange little doggies.


Badger hounds. What do we expect? Cuddles?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



They are fearless. One thing one has to watch for they run if not on leash. My husband as a kid used to dog sit one who came to live with him when owners were in Europe. She was delightful well behaved but had to be leashed going outside.


Intel Slava Z

All responsibility for a possible catastrophe at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant will be borne by the United States, Britain and their henchmen – Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev

The IAEA mission to the Zaporozhye NPP may take place in the first days of September – Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation in Vienna

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Climate Cult would love nothing better than trouble in this regard.


Right …

Intel Reported this earlier:


UN Secretary General Guterres called for an urgent agreement on the restoration of the civil status of the Zaporozhye NPP and ensuring the security of this zone.

He added that the UN could support the visit of the Zaporizhzhya NPP by IAEA inspectors only if the mission goes there via Kyiv.

Zelensky said that negotiations with Russia are only possible if Russian troops leave the illegally “occupied territory of Ukraine.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

They’re doing this on purpose, as there’s ENORMOUS pressure right now to keep the reactors going in Germany, beyond the end of this year (all three of them, though there are quite a few more that could be brought back online).

The DAMNED Greens will push on with their Satanic measures, even if it kills us (and them!) all…..

Merde-Kuh (a closet green, chewing her cud still, no doubt) started this unfounded fear of reactors after Fukushima. Considering that the last tsunami in Germany was the Great Flood (Noah), tsunamis and earthquakes are never a problem. Plus, we’ve never had one over R6 IIRC, and that was a one-time deal centuries ago.

Another politician is demanding that NordStream II be started (as it has working turbines, etc.) and all the Ukraine BS and sanctions be put to an end. He is being pilloried in the YSM/MCM…

With no nukes, Germany is over. The Rhine is so low now that coal barges cannot carry full loads. But there’s natural gas….. oh, wait… Heyyyy Habeck…..

Chiefio has a post on it which pretty well describes the deep Merde in which Germany, erm, sits… 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

Gail Combs


I would imagine it would depend on just how much dust/particulates were tossed into the atmosphere. Volcanoes do a better ‘job’

1816: A year without Summer that changed the world

The eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia (then known as the Dutch East Indies) in April of 1815 was the result of a highly pressurized volcanic environment. The initial stages of eruption were reported to have sounded like an army attack with guns and cannons. As flames shot up from the top, hot pumice and volcanic rock were forced into the air. The geological event caused tons of ash and sulphur-dioxide into the air over the course of five days, enough to cover a 100 mile radius with a foot of ash! This event and the resulting cloud, some scientists proffer, is the cause of the the weather extremes and global cooling the following year. Many experts do believe that this is the only reasonable explanation for the year without a summer, though there is not total agreement on the matter. This volcano is still active today, though volcanic activity is closely monitored to ensure minimal losses if the pressure does build up again.

Folks began to notice that the usual signs of spring weren’t there in 1816. First-hand accounts tell us that the weather was so cold that birds dropped from the sky mid-flight (presumably from exposure or starvation). The ground was frost-covered in May in some regions, but that was the least of the problems to come since snows in June and July were a huge problem for Appalachian and New England farmers. The spring and summer months were dotted with slightly warmer periods that did not last, giving false hope to some. Crops could not grow and yields were reduced by 90% in some places. The prices of produce and wheat soared dramatically as goods became increasingly hard to come by. The “Poverty Year,” as it is also known, draws from the fact that increased prices and decreased crops meant that the poor were even poorer this year……

Cuppa Covfefe

Nuclear winter… the only way Germany will make it through this winter is with Nuclear… Nuclear Power…

But the idiotic, Satanic, GAIA Greens will kill us all just to serve their Goddess and Satan… “sustainability”, indeed…


Nato is using the NPP as a proxy nuclear weapon that’s the blunt truth.
If it’s damaged the worst of the fallout will be on the captured regions and Crimea.
If that happens Putin would be justified in calling it a first strike and replying in kind at the countries who started the whole bloody mess in 2014, and continue it today.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s a pretty gaslight definition of a first strike. It is what it is. A sneaky deniable but low-grade “dirty” nuclear radiological attack.

Retaliation must be comparable to be non-escalating, or better still, sanction the Western powers responsible in an appropriate way.


Nato supplies zelensky with the weapons and the money, if he doesn’t do as he’s told nato will stop supplying him. So how are nato’s actions “deniable”


NATO, EU, UK, US actions are a matter of record.

  • Zelensky and the ENTIRE Ukraine country IS being FUNDED, ARMED and ENCOURAGED to make war on Russia.
  • Hiring mercenaries is childs play, compared to what the US is doing in Ukraine.
  • US has zero strategic value in Ukraine.
  • EU citizens, through EU government IGNORANCE, will likely have catastrophic winter.

Ultimately, this manufactured Ukraine War, will be a huge Black Eye on America, going forward.

  • There is no upside that I can see.

Coming Black Eye on America, WILL extend to Covidiocy and Covidiot Injections.

  • USG funded Gain of Function.
  • USG LIED about simple treatments, available globally. HCQ, IVM, vitamins, supplements…
  • USG pushed Remdisivir, Paxlovid, ventilators as treatments.
  • US RECKLESS CREATION of, AND PUSHED Covidiot Injections, on the Global community. LIED about Safe AND Effective.

USG intentionally cutting back on fuels. GayPox bandwagon. On and on.

Global Reset, playing out.

NONE of this makes sense in any positive way.



“They” are fighting for Hegemony … which in my opinion is gone … world is not MULTIpolar …

“They” are fighting for their New World Order … and will do anything to retain control…


oops “not” should be NOW

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yeah, I was wondering WTF.

Multipolarity is a fait accompli.


I need to proof before I click! I frequently get a red message “You are posting too fast. Please slow down.” LOL


It’s the whole nato block give or take. They went all in on chicom flu, blocked HCQ & Ivermectin, pushed the jab, and now lock step carrying on with the rest of their plan.



Taking orders from the unelected WEF puppeteers.

Unfortunately, the US IS LARGELY relied upon by countries with less capabilities for TRUTH, IMO, THIS IS A HUGE SLAM ON US reputation.

Of course, other countries need to WTFU. (They will in time.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No missile flies out of the US, so they can bluster and blubber when a missile flies out of Russia. They’ve blamed Russia for the invasion, which is a smart strategy ignoring their own years and years of provocation and stealthy arrangement of circumstances. Sure, we see through it, but most do not. It IS deniable, and they DO deny it.

No amount of Russian propaganda protects a Russian missile as a response. THAT will be perceived as a first strike – even by Americans who favor Russia in the fight.

There are better tactical and strategic alternatives to “strike” rhetoric – part of my free advice to everybody on both sides.

Bill Gates’ nuclear interests are both served and harmed by the problems of this old reactor. Make sure his investments will DIE if the West tries anything, and it’s a win for everybody except the phony elite. Then it stops being in anybody’s interest for the reactor to fail.

Peace sometimes has to play hardball. The FALL OF WEF has exposed the scam, and is creating a target-rich environment.

And OH BY THE WAY, the Soviet attack on Three Mile Island is remembered by more than just me. “In-kind” responses are not just unethical – they are unwise. Democrats might decide to say something this time.


Soviet attack on Three Mile Island?
I remember the Three Mile island disaster also, but never heard of any soviet involvement, could you point me to some links please.

Gail Combs

What Happened at Three Mile Island | Sabotage or negligence

NRC report contradicts own findings to discount nuclear plant sabotage 

…. Considering the fact that the valve had a previous history of sticking open and what normal engineering judgment of the expected operation of a relief valve that had been operating for weeks well above its normal operating temperatures would be, it is not unreasonable that the valve should fail. If someone knew this condition (and it was generally known among plant personnel), that person could reasonably expect this valve to stick open, particularly if the emergency feedwater system were shut off ensuring a high primary coolant system temperature and pressure. Furthermore, with this valve stuck and all heat removal capabilities shut off because of the clc;>sed emergency feedwater valves, plant operators would have a very difficult time figuring out what had happened. This is precisely what did happen, as the NRC report points out, and it is important to investigate the why and how the valve stuck open relative to who manually closed the enwgency feedwater valves, one of the two initiating events. 

Sabotage or negligence

It continues to be our contention that the two initiating events were caused either by sabotage or through gross negligence by the reactor plant operators. There is no question that the operators are competent, experienced and qualified personnel who would not have bypassed every safety precaution and procedure. Sabotage remains the most likely cause. That contention is supported by a report produced by a nuclear safety expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-The Rasmussen Report-that places the probability of the sequence of events which occurred at Three Mile Island in the order of magnitude of one in a million. Until it is determined who closed the emergency feedwater valves and why, an investigator has to presume that the reactor was set up, waiting for a loss of main feedwater flow to initiate at least a very serious abnormal operating condition. 

Here is stuff written by a guy sent to the scene by Duke:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You can search this site – the links are somewhere. They are likely gone now, but may be archived.

I happened upon a blog by a nuclear engineer who worked for a sister plant and always believed that it was sabotage, likely by a union worker.

At that time, that meant communism, and that meant the Soviets.

The engineer described exactly what he believed was done. He also described how the Carter administration was duped into jumping at the opportunity to virtue signal away from nuclear, this having credibility because of Carter’s background. The investigation was a fraud – sabotage was swept off the table BEFORE the investigation, in part because of how Carter and his entourage were tempted with the shiny object of American denuclearization – a Soviet goal.

The long-range ploy would be to bring down the value of fissile material in the West, for the benefit of the Soviets in the approaching mini ice age, or a full ice age, if we flip into one.

Somebody in Demville knows the real story. They would now blame it on “Russia”, not the Soviet Union, of course. But for now, their own likely involvement means mum’s the word.

Gail Combs

Sept 1979:
What happened at Three Mile Island —
NRC report contradicts own findings to discount nuclear plant sabotage 

I posted this earlier

….In one month’s time, the two individuals responsible for sabotaging the plant “Were identified.

Contradiction after contradiction

One might ask at this point why the NRC concludes that it is not worth trying to find out how the valves got closed. Was it not important in the chain of events? Would not the electromatic relief valve (EMOV) have stuck open anyway? . Again the NRC is caught in a self-contradiction. Saying it isn’t worth investigating, the NRC’s evaluation of the effect of these closed valves is: “….

….Another question unresolved by the investigation is just how the loss of the main feedwater flow (and turbinetrip) was initiated in the first place by the filter maintenance crew-a question which also bears on the issue of sabotage.

The loss of main feed water flow is expected from time to time because the reactor plant protective system is extremely sensitive to the slightest malfunction or abnormal operating condition.

The slightest “mistake” by the maintenance crew-intentional or unintentional-during the filter cleaning procedures that were ongoing at the time could easily have caused the automatic loss of main feed water flow and trip-out of the turbine. Yet the commission report maintains “that the closure of the emergency feed water valves was only of secondary importance since the accident would have happened anyway.”

Thus, it is not surprising that the report’s conclusions, upon which the press accounts of the NRC’s findings focused, did not even mention the two initiating events of the incident: the loss of main feedwater flow followed by the loss of all emergency feedwater flow. Instead, the NRC’s conclusions blame the event and its severity primarily on operator error, misjudgments, “mind sets,” and equipment failure-conclusions not backed by their own findings.

-Jon Gilbertson 


The “West” (US, UK…) is going to get a well earned Bitch Slap, if Zaporozhye goes badly. When. Where. What. No idea. Likely to dominate the International news.

Russia has been massively wronged by the West, led by the US. Russia rightfully controls the retaliation. They’ll determine what is “Fair”.

At some point, the West, US, US IC, needs to STOP being the belligerent in Ukraine.




I believe US esp is going to get a huge bitch slap from 85% of the world … they’re tired of our boot on their necks…


The Neocons think they can win a nuclear war. They are insane. No one wins… we all die. They will do anything to control the planet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thankfully, at certain levels, patriots are in control.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Somebody has taken sudden interest this month, and especially this week, in The U Tree. This post on the U Tree, in particular.

Mostly America – a little China.


remain vigilant!
be strong in your faith!
keep low!
SMILE (you’re over the target)
comment image


Beautiful little guy;-)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! And great to see you!!!  😍 

Valerie Curren

I was checking that post out & seeing that I’d read it before & liked some comments & was confused since I had no recollection for that from “2 weeks” ago & then saw 2021. My memory is shot, but at least I’m not quite That forgetful yet–I hope!  🙄 


The vaccine scam that has been on a simmer for months is about the boil over in full. So many injuries, the information the 44% of pregnant women lost their babies in the Pfizer trial, those emails from the vaxx-injured military pilots.

I think the bad guys are desperately flailing around trying to figure out how to shut it down. They’ll never be able to do it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The stake is over the vampire heart and it has to go in. In the words of Doge, “so much flail”. I am not relenting one bit. They tried to kill us all. People need to WTFU.


I agree!


44% pregnant women lost their babies in Pfizer trial.

Helluva wake up call to any potential grand-parents out there for damn sure.
Plans for holding grandbabies, sharing that joy with daughters, Sons, DILs.. future plans, hopes, expectations ..years of enduring hardship raising children..
Completely. Dashed. Replaced with sorrow confusion pain ,and anger.

I’m mindful of the resulting trauma burden on the human psyche that will carry well into future generations, a future of uncertainty, allowed and intentionally inflicted on the family unit by our own government.
How many will see it and not be completely incensed?

This is SICK stuff.
Only a very sick person could dream it up and not be immediately repulsed by it.
Yet they went through with it anyway for political reasons. Or worse.
#heads on pikes


Yes, it is sickening. Sad. So many people who would be grandparents won’t be. I would be utterly devastated were it me.

Gail Combs

REMEMBER the Spike Protein in the Clot Shot TARGETS the ovaries. That means ANY pregnancies become a lot less likely.


Right! Rightful, hopeful mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters too.
These people are SICK and EVIL monsters FULL STOP!!




Al Queda has always been our proxy.
^^^ Defund IC.


One person’s opinion.


Certainly is. Yea, an over statement of sorts.

Seems IC does too much business with bad actors, over the years, decades…


Yes, many had already come to this conclusion even as ISIS was still whirling around in Syria and Western Iraq.



..years and years of ZERO accountability by our politicians(likely by fraudulent elections) only elevated them to even higher positions (DS) with ZERO accountability.
I agree with Macgregor it’s insanity. We are ruled and led by insane people.
So that’s their excuse?
All the more reason not to listen to them. 😃 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Ukraine is insanity. Just like the climate insanity.

DAVOS (DEVILOS) is the center of evil and insanity, spewing forth on the world.


At the right time, Davos is an ideal target for missiles.

Hell, the majority of the world would cheer.   :wpds_twisted:    :wpds_mrgreen:    :wpds_evil: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think Klaus does not sleep well over this item.


Good. Regardless of wherever he is, Klaus should NOT sleep well. Klaus has an unlimited number of enemies. Number growing by the day, I’d guess.

Gail Combs

YUP, ALL the people who got the Clot Shot who ALSO lost family and NOW KNOW they have five years or less to live…..


This is a MOST interesting Thread wrt events during Obama/Biden Admin that may shed some light on events occurring now, esp the raid on MAL …. I don’t know how to do Thread reader … it’s a long thread, hopefully the link takes you to the beginning


oops … I forgot to place the splat …


remove the splat when you cut and paste


well, that didn’t work! help!


I just right click on the blue bird and open in a new tab.


and you got the thread?




Good! Thanks BJ


Read the full conversation on Twitter


Nope .. sorry


Honestly, I wish Russia would just get it over with in Ukraine, already.


You mean carpet bomb, kill civilians and destroy infrastructure like the US and NATO does? It is the US that will not allow Zelensky to surrender… it is the US that wants the fighting to con’t until every Ukr is dead.


I mean end it.

The Russian army could end it. Decisively. They don’t have to carpet bomb.

Do what America did in WWII. Drop leaflets in a major city telling people to get out, wait a week, and annihilate it.

You know, like a WAR.

Why do countries start these things and then drag it on for decades?


I don’t think it will last much longer. General Winter is coming. As well as Military Tribunals…


Boy, I hope so. The longer it goes on, the more our government steals from us, to send to them, to recycle back to politicians.

That’s what’s happening.

Brave and Free

Absolutely true. We need this more than ever now.


😀 🧚🧚🧚. ❤️❤️❤️



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Brave and Free

Interesting in the article you listed above

One of the four county’s listed with over 100% voters on their voter rolls was Erie county.
Who came up through Erie county is interesting.
Yup current NY governor Kathy Hochul started out as Erie county clerk there.


Makes the good ole days pale in comparison. It used to be $10 or a bottle of whiskey. Load them into the back of the pickup truck and have the ballots ready to be signed. Fake ID’s/SS cards and multiple registrations per person with slight name changes and different fake addresses.

In your area they would bus them to multiple stops up and down I-55 from Chicago to New Orleans all day long.


They would make multiple stops and work it all in to be at the first just as the poll opened in various areas. Some would start around Memphis and work their way down to NO. Others would start in Chicago and make it as far as Memphis and north Mississippi. Busload after busload. You could, and we did one year, park out near the interstate and watch it happen. We counted 26 privately chartered buses one year in about 4 hours. We were located in NE Ark and at a natural spot to refuel, get some food and use the restrooms.

One of the Dems’ local handlers would always beeline to me to strike up a conversation, really to quiz me about what I knew. Like I would be stupid enough to tell her. 🤪 She actually asked me where I was registered to vote after I had moved there from Missouri. I never registered to vote in that county in the 6 years I lived there or in Missouri for the 3 years I lived there, so she could not figure me out. I kept my official residency in another state in the Midwest. Which tells you that state never checked the rolls for residency either. The local and state elections were already fixed, so it did not matter if I voted in them.

Some of the locals who were minorities and became our buddies participated and told us. So it was easy to follow and visually observe after that. I just needed to be a little lenient in collecting their electricity bills when they were due when they were running short of cash to pay them.

Democrats are corrupt communists and have been for all of my life.


Thankfully we now have voting days, weeks and month. /s


Cuppa Covfefe

And 10% for “the big guy”…. 😡 😡 😡 😡


right …


Comment lifted:


So, this bill will make the IRS larger than the army of the nation of Italy, also the nation of the Philippines, also the U.K…

So, in an actual democracy, IRS agents should be taught to be polite, but under Joe Biden, IRS agents are taught “to shoot.”

How is that not war on the population of the country?/”


Well, it is a war on us.

That should be the “bug” we drop in the ear of every lazy or reluctant voter for this November.

Vote for Republicans who will defund this bullshit, or be prepared for the knock on the door from a weaponized (literally) IRS.

Who in their right mind wants that?


…knock on the door from a weaponized (literally) IRS.
^^^ That same Armed IRS Agent:

  • Has already looked at your taxes.
  • Already determined you OWE Feds MORE MONEY.
  • Gets Bonuses and Raises based on 1) more taxes paid AND 2) penalty’s levied.
  • 100% Enjoys HIS PERSONAL Power Over Citizens.

Oh, you bet! All of the above! Especially that last one.


Maybe we can “identify” as …. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ‼️


😜😎 ..


They aren’t even trying to change the optics. All of the info vids show armed people. If they wanted to allay fears they would put out messaging that these 870000 agents will be auditors, trained in adjusting tax return errors but no…they don’t do that. Fear is their trade now.


Like every totalitarian dictatorship ever known.


yeah and it seems like they’re really confident that the masses have been sufficiently distracted or mentally pliable to roll over and believe because they “haven’t done anything wrong” that it’s all good.

I honestly think their confidence is premature.
Once all the people out there, white,black and whatever, that have distrust of the po-leece already hear about it..I think was too early to reveal the coming police state

Also factor in the ridiculous amount of illegals..separate issue but many are coming from places where govt was so corrupt.They can see the writing on the wall .

( hope so on all that ^)

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

I agree. Too much, too soon. Too many see it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I need a sign for my yard.

“It’s GOP or IRS”


Hell yeah!


Povs differ in trying to understand the big picture regarding Those In Control (TICs).

Are they flailing away in fear and desperation, or are they acting with total confidence that they have already won, and further resistance will be futile?

Wolf suggested a small while back that the TICs were moving on from medical depop to the more old fashioned Bolshevik method of outright starvation. I do not believe Wolf was being facetious (and apologize if I misunderstood), and at any rate I think that is exactly what is happening. The conditions of creating starvation require the sort of decisive commitment which cannot be walked back until a large degree of success has been achieved.

It was my opinion, and has been my opinion generally for a long time, that the TICs are acting with total confidence in the belief they have won. I have respectfully disagreed that they are acting out of fear or desperation. Whether white hats are out there, they are irrelevant to the TICs’ belief in their successful implementation of finally crushing us. (That does NOT mean they will be successful).

I am not sure what ultimate difference it makes. But IMO there might be a difference depending on whether a person believes the TICs are acting out of fear and desperation, or acting out of a belief they are in total, irrevocable control. For one thing, IMO, it is worthwhile to assess whether they are.

I have watched all the Neil Oliver videos OT. IMO he has not spoken a single word which has struck me as misplaced, erroneous, tone deaf, or less than exactly so. He has been almost poetically accurate in describing what has been happening.

Here is a video where Steyn interviews Oliver, and Oliver gives his opinion toward the beginning that he thinks the TICs believe they are in irrevocable control. At the end, Steyn gets this slightly wrong, and says Oliver stated that the TICs believe they have all the needed infrastructure in place. It doesn’t really make a difference. Believing they have all the necessary infrastructure in place (which is undoubtedly true) is not that far from believing that they are in irrevocable control:

Last edited 2 years ago by Tonawanda

Terrific post – 👍

Just my opinion: This is a feature of the cabal (Illuminati, whatever). Many link themselves to the fallen sons of God in Gen, 6, which speaks of the Nephilim. They believe they are descendants. That’s who TIC is.

It really does not matter if they really are or not. They believe they are. I really don’t understand how anybody who has followed 17 and seen all of the other supporting information and evidence relating to Baal/Molech based symbolism and practices, corrupted statues displayed, removal of American history, GA Guidestones, Planned Parenthood infanticide, BLM/Antifa, illegal foreign invaders (Trojan Horse), plandemics, government corruption, corrupted church practices/leaderships, one world government formation, etc. – does not see it regardless of religious beliefs.

They believe they are TICs and have dominion over the earth. So even if they are circling the drain, they don’t believe they are and believe they will control the earth completely at some point. Which leads to pride going before the fall if the forces for good are aligned with the Creator. If not, they will succeed in bringing Armageddon to fruition.

It has always ended that way as each attempt of mankind to be its own god face plants. The key elements are God’s will and timing as well as a remnant remaining true and faithful. Which at this point appears to be MAGA in our nation.


I was going to post this great video yesterday but did not. It is 23 minutes, and by today’s standards moves at a slow pace. Sheen builds up to his point, which is similar to yours:


Ezekiel 37 is being fulfilled.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – you quoted me correctly in both letter and spirit.

In fact, I now go further (see latest Population Control Shot post, today).

It is now my belief that the population control shot, energy sabotage, food sabotage, and likely many more forms of sabotage we are about to discover, are now taking place, using any tentacle of the elite that will carry out the work. Climate cultists, CCP, DNC, Ukraine, Jazis, Nazis, RINOs, Neocons – whoever can strike in whatever way they can strike.

“Build Back Better” betrays their tired old model of destroying and rebuilding, rather than any kind of smart “growth in place” model. They could not even pull that off with the stealthy depop shot because they’re so dishonest and tied to their old “just kill some people fast” model. “There’s no time” is their reflex tactic, because they want to enjoy the fruits of their evil in their short (but too long) and vicious lives.

Oh, don’t think I’m giving up. Take Q at his word. TO THE BRINK. Good people will die on the way there and back.


Steve Bannon reports

The ‘weaponized’ Federal Police and Media in Brazil already rev up to STOP Bolsonaro…


Bolsonaro: Brazil Is Rejecting Gender Ideology and Communism

Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro kicked off his campaign for reelection with a mass rally last Tuesday in which he assured that Brazil cannot fall back into “communism”.

“This country does not want setbacks, does not want gender ideology in schools, does not want to deregulate drugs. This country respects life from its conception and does…



Gail Combs

AND he is being very nice. Many would just go to directly to TRAITOR….


yes …


Sounds about right to me.


posted under that. 😆🤣😂🤣😆😁
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LUV it!



Gail Combs

“….Pay attention to your retirement funds. Money left unattended may be used against you…”

This is what I have been harping on since The Network of Global Corporate Control was published in 2011.

….𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝 𝕚𝕤 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕦𝕟𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕦𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟 𝕨𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕥𝕙. 𝕀𝕟 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣, 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕠𝕡 𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕤 𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕕 𝕒 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝 𝕥𝕖𝕟 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝕓𝕚𝕘𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕓𝕖 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕨𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕥𝕙…..



The fact that control is highly concentrated in the hands of few top holders does not determine if and how they are interconnected. It is only by combining topology with control ranking that we obtain a full characterization of the structure of control. A first question we are now able to answer is where the top actors are located in the bow-tie. As the reader may by now suspect, powerful actors tend to belong to the core. In fact, the location of a TNC in the network does matter…. A second question concerns what share of total control each component of the bow-tie holds. We find that, despite its small size, the core holds collectively a large fraction of the total network control. In detail, nearly 4/10s of the control over the economic value of TNCs in the world is held, via a complicated web of ownership relations, by a group of 147 TNCs in the core, which has almost full control over itself. The top holders within the core can thus be thought of as an economic “super-entity” in the global network of corporations. A relevant additional fact at this point is that 3/4 of the core are financial intermediaries….

Mutual Funds and Pension funds are NOT ‘OWNED’ by individuals, rather they are owned/controlled BY THE FINANCIAL MANAGERS. For example Mr Johnson of the Fidelity Group VOTES the Monsanto stock that YOUR MONEY is invested in via your mutual fund or pension fund.


I have to admit, I have been suffering a bit from demoralization. Things were getting to me. Then I read this FANTASTIC article this morning. I am going to channel SAM ADAMS. This is a piece of it, but the whole thing is amazing. I am not an easy crier, but I cried reading this:

“I do love American patriot Sam Adams.  He was a brawler and intellectual who passionately believed in the cause of liberty, while also understanding that strategic patience and persistent public agitation were as valuable for effecting change as punctuated bursts of outright rebellion.  His fingerprints were all over the Boston Tea Party, but he was also instrumental in forming Committees of Correspondence across the colonies that helped shape public opinion into organized action.  He grasped the bigger picture and played a most dangerous game exceedingly well against the world’s foremost empire.  What is more, he found power in being the underdog.  He appreciated the effectiveness of guerrilla tactics beyond the battlefield.  “It does not take a majority to prevail,” he once averred, “but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”

What a splendid turn of phrase — setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.  It provides so much insight into who Adams was.  It didn’t matter how invincible the British Empire appeared.  It didn’t matter how few resources he might have had at his disposal.  It didn’t matter how many of his contemporaries said it couldn’t be done.  He refused to stop whispering words of revolution.  He insisted on being a thorn in the side of the Crown.  He struggled for years to awaken in his fellow colonists a new American identity imbued with a sense of moral purpose and dedicated to the protection of human liberty.  As the American colonies’ most ardent arsonist for independence, he never stopped setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.  He lit small fires everywhere, fueled a conflagration, and changed world history forever.

Let’s all go out and set some brushfires of freedom today.

Last edited 2 years ago by Aubergine

Great messaging.

If that is not the entire article, link or where do I find it?


Link should be there now. I think you got to it before I realized and edited it.


Thanks. Heading back…


The whole thing is really good.

Last edited 2 years ago by barkerjim

This is a wonderful summation of exactly how we know that a “trans-man” is NOT a man. It shows up completely in what they DO:

“How do you know so-called transgender women aren’t real women? Because they act just like predatory men who, rather than having sympathy for women concerned when physically intact men invade their territory, revel in the ability to impose their will on these women.

I once had a conversation with a strapping, athletic, and tall young man I was dating about how I, and women in general, feel vulnerable walking or traveling alone in many situations he took for granted. He had never thought about that wary anxiety women feel walking through a dimly lit parking lot at night, or turning around at footsteps, assessing the environment, noticing men eying them and, in response, feeling vulnerable and unprepared and instantly calculating how to respond if things go south.

The man wasn’t naïve or insensitive, but the emotions I described were unfamiliar to him. He had never pondered how different women’s day-to-day experiences were from his own. He enjoyed unthinking confidence due to his strength, size, and sex.”

Males just can’t comprehend what it feels like to be the physically weaker sex. Just like I have no idea what it feels like to be kicked in the nuts.


If someone ever offers to let you know what it feels like to be kicked in the nuts, I would advise you to decline.

Gail Combs

One of the women in that special short course for women was attacked towards the end of the course. She went to step on the guy’s instep with her stilletto heels and missed…. She ripped his leg open from the knee to the ankle AND THEN NAILED HIM IN THE BALLS…

I do not think he will ever attack a woman again.


Lol! Likewise childbirth.

Gail Combs

I have made it a point NEVER EVER to be out at night ALONE. Even when Mom and I were together, she would park as close to the store as possible and underneath a light. We were then very careful walking to make sure we were alone.

This despite being strong for a woman and having taken self-defense lessons. (Karate instructor’s special short course for women.)


I do the same things. Even in my little town.


I grew up in Detroit … when I worked downtown I watched EVERYTHING and made it a point to listen to everything going on around me, footsteps especially. If someone was coming up fast behind me I stepped aside and let them pass. One time I did the the person, male looked at me funny … tough rocks ‘eh? Yup, an ounce of prevention … yada yada .. 🤨👍😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Climate cult is blame-casting!

Gail Combs

Holy Moly Wolfie,
The MG Show has flannel Friday with Gregg Philips. (Starts at 2 minutes)

They are discussing The Pit. And then @ 8:30 Gregg starts talking about the Tiger project. [RSBN cut the feed at this point] People coming up and asking what about this what about that and why didn’t you tell us…

Gregg then says:

Well this was a massive counter intelligence operation that was going on in conjunction with the  👉 CI… with the counter intelligence operators at the FBI…

He starts to say CIA and then subs in FBI.

Earlier (5 minutes) he say

As soon as they put it out there guys they crashed it. The bad guys took that site down and we have had all manner of stuff going on. The good news is we are not stupid, we knew it was going to happen. So drawing those bad guys out seeing where those attacks are going to come from is kind off interesting….

I haven’t gotten any further. I just though that first 10 minutes was interesting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I know what he was saying – not CIA – he was about to say CI @ FBI – basically FBI counterintelligence – the people who keep the ChiComs in check.

And what he is saying is that the people in Washington PROTECTED THE CHICOMS.

And I would go further. They’re ALSO protecting THEMSELVES and the stolen election – WHICH I BELIEVE WAS A SANCTIONED RIGGING.

So now people get it – WASHINGTON HAS FALLEN.

Gail Combs

Thanks for the clarification.

Gregg also said he had a private conversation with exec at Truth Social…


Anyone who advocates violence MUST BE BLOCKED and the acct reported.


Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs

Comment lifted: | Aug 18 2022 5:08 utc | 99
>killer watts.
See these twitter threads:

> Right this minute in baltic states where i live, we pay 4000 euros. Needless to say i turned off my electricity from breakers. Am using phone’s internet. Many businesses closed for the evening.

zero hedge
/ status/1560066575683682304?cxt=HHwWgICw2Z6SvKYrAAAA
>Gazprom said on Tuesday that European gas prices could spike by 60% to more than $4,000 per 1,000 cubic metres this winter

> Gas & electricity bill for a business owner in the South of Italy (literally a few km away from my hometown)
– July 2021: EUR 120k
– July 2022: EUR 979k

> In southern Norway the price of electricity has increased by more than 1000% relative to the average for this time of year from 2013-2019.


And all because their treacherous leaders wouldn’t stay neutral and pay in Rubles, I hope they’ll remember that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NATObama over-expansion! DOPE and CHANGE. SMALL CHANGE.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Actually, this is because most people understand the Deep State, MIC, and crooked Israeli, Saudi, and American IC ties to the plot.

We PAID in lives and treasure for an operation against American patriots, to first ABUSE and then USE them.

People don’t like to honor lies. I had the same feeling at the OKC museum. Too much phony stuff swirling in the background.

Go visit the Holocaust Museum. THAT really happened.


Not to take away from the pressing news on other fronts, but —

This is an article by Jim Kunstler. It speaks about the COVID-19 disaster and the “vaccines”; and also about how the federal government is being run by Barack Obama with “President Biden” as the front man.

Yours Truly feels, without trying to sound too morbid, it may be time for the “un-vaccinated” to come to terms with the fact that their friends and loved ones who are “fully vaccinated and boosted” are going to start showing Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA “vaccine”, or adenovirus DNA “vaccine” (the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 “vaccine”) injuries, illnesses, or even (God Forbid) deaths, if these people haven’t started showing them already. IMO, every person who got COVID-19 or any of its variants after “vaccination” and/or “boosting” already likely has immune system damage. The question is, How do the “un-vaccinated” who are aware of protocols that may help the “vaccinated” reduce the damage that the “vaccines” have done to them, get this information to them in a positive light?

Mr. Kunstler doesn’t mention that on 28 June 2022, the FDA’s VRBPAC committee approved the new “trivalent” COVID-19 “booster shot” that will be available this fall.

At the 28 June 2022 VRBPAC meeting, reps from Pfizer-BioNTech and from Moderna presented the “safety and efficacy results” of their companies’ in-house “clinical trials” of the new, “combo” COVID-19 “booster vaccines” that each company rushed through development. The committee recommended that these companies manufacture their “new” COVID-19 mRNA “bivalent booster vaccines” for use starting in the fall of 2022. The committee approved the recommendation under Option 4 of the “new rules” that they passed earlier this year. Under Option 4, new COVID-19 “vaccines” can be manufactured and put to use without their having to undergo any official clinical trials whatsoever — and for the manufacturers to “collect safety and efficacy data” after the new “vaccines” are already in use. The FDA top brass signed off on the VRBPAC recommendations.

Los and behold! RIGHT AWAY, the federal government bought MILLIONS of doses of these two “new COVID-19 booster vaccines.”

By the way, these “new COVID-19 booster vaccines” are NOT really “bivalent.” They’re actually trivalent Each dose of each company’s new COVID-19 “booster” will have the mRNA from the original Wuhan strain + from the mRNA from omicron variant BA.4 + from the mRNA of omicron variant BA.5. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are saying their “new COVID-19 booster vaccines” are “bivalent”, because they “combine” omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5. However, these two variants are distinct.
Pfizer-BioNTech adds the following to its press releases about their mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”:
“Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine or COMIRNATY (TM) (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) may not protect all vaccine recipients.”
June 30, 2022
June 29, 2022
July 29. 2022

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

ABSOLUTELY do not take this vaccine. DO NOT TAKE IT.

In my opinion, this “vaccine” is a strong “temporarily parting shot” by the depoppers.

Dangerous as hell – untested in public – likely tested secretly – broader attack, broader consequences.

The depoppers are going to try to take as many as possible.


The June 29, 2022 press release from Pfizer contains a major lie……They state that Cominarty is available under the Emergency Use Act, but on August 23, 2021, Cominarty was given full license. The Government game plan was to use the Cominarty license to Interchange the Emergency Use Authorization vaccines and institute a national mandate, telling the public that the experimental vaccines were in fact “Licensed Vaccines”.

(December 4, 2021 – “U.S. Federal District Judge Allen Winsor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida has ruled that Pfizer-BioNTech’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) ‘vaccine’ bearing emergency use authorization (EUA) is not interchangeable with the company’s new Comirnaty injection, which was fully licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) back in August.)

On August 3, 2022 in an unreported update on the CDC website, Pfizer acknowledged that the original Comirnaty WILL NEVER BE DISTRIBUTED [probably because in FACT, Comirnaty has never been manufactured]

“Pfizer received initial FDA BLA license on 8/23/2021 for its COVID-19 vaccine for use in individuals 16 and older (COMIRNATY). At that time, the FDA published a BLA package insert that included the approved new COVID-19 vaccine tradename COMIRNATY and listed 2 new NDCs (0069-1000-03, 0069-1000-02) and images of labels with the new tradename. These NDCs will not be manufacturedOnly NDCs for the subsequently BLA approved tris-sucrose formulation will be produced.”

IMO it appears that once again, that Pfizer and the US Government are trying to market/mandate experimental serums as interchangeable under the Cominarty License.


Here’s what Pfizer-BioNTech states in their press release of 29 June 2022, the day after the FDA’s VRBPAC committee recommended use of the company’s new trivalent COVID-19 “vaccine” booster for fall, 2022:

This is the press release in which Pfizer-BioNTech announces that the company inked an agreement with the U.S. government to provide another 105 million doses of the company’s mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” The company states that the 105 million doses may include “adult Omicron-adapted COVID-19 vaccines…”
About “interchangeability” between BNT162b2, the “Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COID-19 vaccine”, and COMIRNATY, here’s what company says:

“FDA-approved COMIRNATY (R) (COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA) and the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine authorized for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for individuals 12 of age and older can be used interchangeably by a vaccine provider when prepared according to their respective instructions for use.” (bolding mine)


A few months ago when I took my dog to the vet, no owners were allowed inside.

Today…..drum roll 🥁 ….. not only was I allowed in, but it was mask optional. The vet and vet tech did not have masks on. 🐶 👍

Last edited 2 years ago by holly08
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. People are waking up.

If they try to bring back the masks, we SCOFF IN THEIR FACES.



Goes along with the Wish We Could Leave California song


One more food desert, coming right up.

That store is history. If the owner/franchisee gets paid by insurance, he/she is gone to anywhere-but-california. If insurance doesn’t pay off, the owner/franchisee files for bankruptcy.

Then the whining begins about no stores in da hood.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Gruesome.


I see what you did there. 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Theres no food desert there. That was a decent middle class area at one point.


I lived in the south bay as a kid, it wasnt like this. Most of the people are Mexicans and products of illegals.


New Back In My Day post up. Enjoy your weekend, folks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you!!!  😃 


On a positive note. There is life, sanity, AFTER cutting the cord. 🙂


Cord-Cutting Explodes as More Americans Watch Streaming over Cable for First Time Ever
Consumers continue to dump their cable and satellite subscriptions at an accelerated pace as the industry continues to see a fall in earnings across the board and for the first time ever, more people are watching on streaming than on cable.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, earnings are down for the second quarter.

“The second quarter of 2022 marked the second consecutive quarter with over 1.9 million net pay-TV losses,” stated Bruce Leichtman, who runs Leichtman Research Group, the Reporter noted. “Over the past year, top pay-TV providers had a net loss of about 5,425,000 subscribers, compared to a net loss of about 4,550,000 over the prior year.”
The analysis found that every major provider lost subscribers and revenue.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Non-woke, non-propaganda TV is what people want.

Gail Combs

The major cable TV providers have plans with monthly payments between $44.99 (Spectrum TV Select) and $134.99 (DIRECTV’s PREMIER™ All-Included).*

Many cable companies offer a starter plan for about $60 per month if you want the most well-known cable channels. Mid-level plans are closer to $75 per month, and if you go all out for a premium plan, it will cost you somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 per month….

Cable TV is a FRILL as it becomes tought to make ends meet it would be the first to go. $10 to $25 a week can make a difference when buying groc…. or fuel for the car or electricity.



Majority of Americans have grown up ONLY knowing cable and DirectTv.
^^^ Totally CLUELESS Antenna TV WORKS.

  • ONE TIME fee. Me, $29.99 for antenna, back in ~2012 or so.
  • Ridgecrest, CA, northern Mojave, we received ~eight stations.
  • Northern NV, sorta boonies, ~Ten stations.
  • When we finally get around to moving to “flyover” land, antenna goes with us again.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The FIFTH post in the Population Control Shot series is up. In this one, I look at the Climate Cult, created by the elite to carry out their bidding under the ultimate false flag, and compare it to the Peoples Temple of Jim Jones.

This cult / occult behavior governs what they do and how they do it – and provides a strong tool for predicting what they will ACTUALLY do next, as opposed to what they make people THINK they will do next.

The Population Control Shot – Understanding the Peoples Climate Temple

comment image

In cases of religious mass suicide/homicide, such as Jonestown, Heaven’s Gate, and Aum Shinrikyo, it is very difficult to regain a humanitarian understanding of the key participants after the infamy of defining events sears the conscience and redefines reality.

Even more difficult, however, is the opposite – to BEGIN to think the unthinkable and speak the unspeakable, that we all seem to know is true, but which we can only comprehend in principle, not in reality.

It is almost impossible to leave the past where we could trust – and yet, we were warned about this.

Who are we taught to trust the most?

This will not be easy.

The END.



Comment lifted:

“Through the current conflict in the Ukraine, the hijacked United States government is intending to complete the genocidal extermination of the peoples of the European Union. Black-market weapons flooding into European countries from the failed state that is the Ukraine. Economic disenfranchisement. Internecine violence through desperation. Starvation. Death.

Who has hijacked the United States government? Certainly not those who are descended from the European peoples themselves. Certainly not those hopeful but naïve immigrants and refugees from Asia, Latin America, or Africa, who remain thoroughly disenfranchised and are used as both US military fodder and economic slaves. Certainly not the indigenous peoples of the Americas, who have been subjugated for centuries and driven to the brink of extinction. If you want to know who has hijacked the Unites States government, look at which group is wildly disproportionately represented in positions of political power. There is your answer. These are the people who are going to extinguish Europe forever.”


Who’s Running the USG? NOT MUSH-MIND ASSHOLE….


Joe Biden to Remain in His Delaware Basement Until Saturday Before Going to His Rehoboth Beach House for Another Vacation

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, he’s in bad shape. He may not have pulled through COVID well, or at all.


Yea, there is the repeating Covidiocy.

Somewhere I read or heard on a video, pneumonia. NO idea if that was true. Don’t care enough to follow up, or even figure where I heard or read it this morning.

Then there is the “glassy eyes” and lost look on his mug when he signed the Inflation Creation Law.

Betcha, DEMENTIA is ravaging what little brain remains in Mush-Mind.

They really, really, gotta bottom blow that asshole via 25th.

(Yea, i know, Hoe ascends. Gotta get rid of BiteMe, so can get rid of Hoe, Piglosi…)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO it’s “Fabians in control” via Susan Rice, that is behind keeping Biden alive. If Hoe advances, it will be to name Susan Rice as VP, etc.


Sadly, I can see that.

Some how, R-Cons in the Senate gotta band together to NOT approve Rice. 

Hopefully we, the US, can stumble to the next Congress. Get Trump to Speaker. SHIT CAN BiteMe, and HOE. Trump ascends.


With all due respect, Kalbo, Congress is NOT going to vote in Trump as speaker. It would require too many votes that I doubt we have even if we take over Congress in November. Plus, Trump has said he doesn’t want Speaker anyway.


Understand your points. We can agree to disagree.

Trump 100% had to say, NO to Speaker. No brainer position. IMO.

IF Republicans take BOTH Houses, Speaker IS VERY possible. Potential to return to WH before 2025, very doable.

Yes, it would take R-Cons to act like they care about the Constitution, America, Americans…

We’ll see.

Gail Combs

Especially if Hillary sees Rice grabbing HER presidency or even the Hoe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO they’re (the author) not seeing how badly the regime is flailing both here AND in Europe, and how it’s LOSING it’s “hold on Europe for the sake of the European elite”.

I’ve been keeping my eye on the Dick Wolf propaganda series “FBI”, “FBI International”, and “FBI Most Wanted”. FBI International takes place in Europe, with FIB being based in Hungary for the story. The latest episode I saw demonizes the dominant sentiment in Hungary badly – total propaganda for the US population – a completely false narrative of Hungarian politics and sentiment, in favor of the globalist narrative.

To quote CCP, “they’re not dealing from a position of strength”. They are trying to appear strong when they are weak, and losing more every day.


Yesterday I was gone for the day and browsed a little 🙂
I was at Whole Foods there was a sign on the door it said (Paraphrased ) ” if you are vaccinated or not, if you wear a mask or not you are welcome to shop here ” 🙂
That was refreshing and what a change. Wonder if other stores have the courage to post a sign like that ?

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. People are waking up. They’re getting it.


Yes 🙂


“MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. Russia, Belarus and Syria are ready to send their observers to a tribunal against foreign mercenaries that the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) plans to hold, DPR leader Denis Pushilin told the Rossiya-1 TV channel on Friday.
“We sent requests to a number of countries. Russia, Belarus and Syria have confirmed their plans to send observers,” he noted.

Pushilin said earlier that Ukrainian nationalists would have to face a tribunal. According to him, one of the trials will take place in the city of Mariupol. The DPR Foreign Ministry, in turn, said that work on the necessary documents was underway. Militants from nationalist units such as the Azov (outlawed in Russia) and Aidar battalions, as well as Ukrainian service members, are expected to be brought before the tribunal.”

Meanwhile the state broadcaster in Scotland the BBC, on its news channel is bigging up Scottish idiots that have gone to Ukraine to join the International Brigade, these idiots haven’t clue what lies in store for them.


Important article. It seems that a number of people are connecting the dots on the raid.


The Nation: A decrepit Biden personifies the decline of the United States

“Decrepit” US President Joe Biden personifies the decline of the country, while his officials are “living to the fullest and recreating the Cold War ,” columnist Tom Engelhardt noted in a publication for The Nation.

“I don’t see anything surprising in the fact that Joe Biden (at 80, the oldest president in our history) plans to run again in 2024 .. Honestly, isn’t it ideal in its own way? I mean: what better represents the decline America than a decrepit president every day ?” – the author noted.

Earlier, the political scientist said that on behalf of Biden, the United States is led by an “unknown group” . The expert noted that these people got power over the largest power in the world, but no one chose them . So now it is extremely difficult to predict the outcome of the primaries, any figures can appear on the political arena.

It was also previously reported that Biden is facing an “energy nightmare” due to rising gas prices in the United States. The situation threatens to further increase inflation


The dots ARE connecting.


“Alan Kohler, who heads the FBI’s counterintelligence division.

Kohler replaced Bill Priestap in that post after Priestap stepped down from the bureau amid criticism of his role in the Russiagate probe. Kohler had worked at FBI headquarters under Priestap, specializing in countering Russian intelligence threats.

Before that, he worked in London as the FBI’s liaison with British intelligence and law enforcement. The sources say Kohler was close to Stefan Halper, an academic and longtime FBI contractor whom the bureau ran as an informant in a failed effort to suborn Trump campaign officials. ”

Could Sperry be right, and me, the raid was ALL about what Trump has on the Crossfire Hurricane hoax (red binder)?

Yes, IMHO. Remember the GCHQ involvement, remember the Five Eyes UK involvement, and the resignation of GCHQ’s head the DAY Trump was inaugurated. Remember Stephen Halper and the London setups of George Papadopolous that supposedly started Crossfire. Remember WHERE Christopher Steele came from (MI6).

Then remember that Q, yes Q, posted all those drops on a London meeting with Strzok, Paige, Steele and “others” was Alan Kohler in on that?

IMHO this IS a rehash of Crossfire, the clean up type, because as I have said, Trump declassified it ALL, and they PANICKED. Because it leads to them, and they were doing this for their boss, Barack Obama.

This ties in well with the RICO civil suit too, ALL the SAME lot.

Trump BAITED them, EMPTY safe people, and the took the bait and RAN. Now they really are knee deep.

I saw someone say, might have been Jim Hoft, that they CAN’T indict Trump now, because then they HAVE TO release the indictment affidavit, and it BURIES them.

Who wants to BET that the same lot, including Mr Kohler, are REDACTED names when it is released. Not protecting classified info or methods, just RATS from the same group playing CYA AGAIN.

IF Kohler or ANY of the original Crossfire team have ANY involvement, this “search warrant” is LITERALLY worth less than the ink and paper it is printed on. Trump HAD to know this was coming.

That red binder, which we WILL se, IS the keystone…wait…omg…RED CASTLE. Could it be….



That ties in with the ABC News story I posted today that says this:

In June of this year, seven weeks before the FBI raided former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in search of classified materials, former Defense Department appointee and outspoken Trump loyalist Kash Patel vowed to retrieve classified documents from the National Archives and publish them on his website.

Also this, from GWP:
CRIMSON RHINO and The Raid on Mar-a-Lago

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

Eventually enough dots for a clear picture


More are seeing what looks like the real motive, as in this article posted by barkerjim. Nothing made sense until this info and these theories started to surface.

Here’s motive on the Mar-a-Lago raid; or, Dog-paddling outside the OODA loop – The Optimistic Conservative (


That is a good read and I concur. I can simply say in one sentence what I have said. This is about OBAMA,

Told you, HAVE been telling people for Years,

In the END they ALL had only ONE Boss. Barack Obama

If you haven’t read my book. Not a plug, simply a primmer, I think it is still up on my site. It WILL be relevant soon.


Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov @ T’gram

Zelensky said that Turkey dreams

of restoring Kharkiv

The day before, it was officially announced that Turkey is ready to participate in the restoration of Ukrainian infrastructure.

Zelensky did not understand that Turkey’s proposal was not addressed to him. Erdogan is well aware of who will soon control Kharkov, as well as most of Ukraine .

Turkey has a huge financial crisis, a lack of jobs, and a massive devaluation of the national currency. Erdogan really needs international agreements and the employment of Turkish citizens. And if he behaves well, then there is a chance to get construction contracts, as the DPRK is doing in the DPR now.


Last I heard, Russia hadn’t blown Kharkiv up yet. Are we getting ahead of things?


The US State Department will not recognize Russia as a sponsor of terrorism – this could play against Washington itself .

Thus, American companies that continue to do business in Russia will lose this opportunity. According to the publication, in this case, US companies will no longer be able to participate in transactions, including those involving Russian nuclear materials.

Earlier, the US Senate adopted a resolution recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, but the State Department is not obliged to comply with it. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also opposes this decision .

Telegram Z
The US Secretary of State opposes the decisions of Congress – it is not profitable for the United States to recognize Russia as a terrorist

In the United States, a conflict has arisen between the branches of government – Anthony Blinken resists the persistent calls of Congress to recognize Russia as a “state sponsor of terrorism”, …


On the maintenance of the gas compressor unit at the Portovaya compressor station.On 31/08/2022, the only working Trent 60 gas compressor unit will be shut down for three days for maintenance and preventive maintenance.

A set of routine maintenance under the current maintenance contract will be carried out jointly with Siemens specialists.

In accordance with the technical documentation of Siemens, every 1000 hours it is necessary to carry out maintenance of the unit, which includes: inspection of the casing for cracks, dents, deformations, burn marks, cleaning of the casing; inspection of oil supply systems, air, removal of combustion gases for leaks, broaching of connections and elimination of causes of leaks; Checking the operation of safety valves and adjusting the air flow control system.

For the maintenance period of the GPA Trent 60 DLE from 31/08/2022 to 02/09/2022, gas transportation through the Nord Stream gas pipeline will be suspended for three days.

Upon completion of work and the absence of technical malfunctions of the unit, gas transportation will be restored to the level of 33 million cubic meters per day.

– GazpromNote: Upon completion of work and the absence of technical malfunctions of the unit…


1000 hours = 41.66 days. So every 41 or 42 days they have to shut it down for 3 days for inspection and maintenance?


Equipment maintenance typically follows a schedule based off the manufacturers guidelines and experience with the unit while in service. So there is typically some wiggle room in there. Also, if they have multiple units where they can have one down for maintenance and one still running. Some maintenance required may require a complete system shutdown so systems can be de-energized, pressurized etc.

Also, you have folks like me on the insurance side of this stuff pushing to get them to do the maintenance. We do not want this equipment to break as this stuff is not cheap and typically has long lead times to repair. If it breaks, we write the check to repair it. And we maybe on the hook for loss of income for not delivering the gas or electricity. If they find the issue during maintenance, they take care of it.


Thanks. I agree that maintenance is important. I was just struck at things being shut down for three days every 41 days. If there were multiple systems working that wouldn’t be a problem, but the quote above says “the only working Trent 60 gas compressor unit.”


Doesn’t sound too unreasonable, expensive machine doing a lot of work. Check over once a month with ten days leeway.


Yup. Preventive and corrective maintenance.

Facility / equipment capability, coupled with reliable supply must be factored when designing their systems.

This is simple shit, to get right. Until politicians intervene.


Something about Seimen regulations ?


IF capacity AND required supply were sufficiently planned for, NOT an issue.

Yea, I have no idea if they factored in capacity and required supply.

Nor whatever Plan B is.


comment image


And at that point, an awful lot of FIBbers are going to be in big doodoo for obstructing Durham’s investigation. Oh my, is that going to be a fun thing to watch.


This Patriot Games episode by Gregg Phillips contains an interview of Jeff Nyquist talking about how Communism is our enemy. People here already know that, but Nyquist brings it home in a meaningful way. He says that the belief that Putin is a Christian and conservative is false; Putin is a party-line Communist, and the Right in America is being fooled. The Communists are guiding the more prominent general Socialist movement on the Left.

The substance is about 16 minutes long followed by a commercial at the end.


Does Nyquist disclose any evidence he has regarding Putin’s political views? I ask because my computer does not get along with rumble videos.


At about 6:30, Nyquist says a defector (whom he named but whose name I didn’t understand and don’t know how to spell) was from Leningrad, St. Petersburg, where Putin is from. The defector told Nyquist that Putin is “a Communist, a true believer.”

Nyquist says that Putin has said that Leninism is the same as Christianity. (I don’t have another source for that.) Nyquist says that when Putin “makes pro-Christian noises, he is winking at his Communist pals who are really controlling the show in Russia” (paraphrase).

Now they are talking about restoring the USSR and that there will be peace. N. Korea is sending thousands of troops to fight with Russia as their international duty, which fits in with Communist rhetoric and goals.




It’s impossible to know whom to believe these days. People get ideas in their heads about “how things are,” and then operate from that perspective.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think it’s good to stay suspicious of Putin. Heck – I have ALWAYS had a “Deep State Trump” theory, just so that I can continuously test it and reject it! That’s REAL SCIENCE.

Gail Combs

I go from the point of view that Putin is FOR Russia PERIOD. In some cases that means he is useful to us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m liking both sides of this argument, because Putinism is enigmatic, and it’s good to stay suspicious, IMO, even though I think Russia is so far from practical communism now, it strains credibility to say Putin is a communist.

I tend to think “BS”, too, but Putin uses a pretty heavy hand to keep European-style Bolshevism OUT OF RUSSIA – a policy which I support 100%.

However, Putin uses tools to keep America locked into a lot of commie stupidity, like climate change. It’s not a good look.

I think that if OUR COMMIES had not kept RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA so toxic, we would have already had better relations now. Such a shame. But evil Dems are evil.


Agree 100%.


Is Maria B making her suspicious cat face? Never mind – my suspicious cat face will do. Thanks for helping but as I suspected, it’s just bare assertions with zero corroboration. Wonder what Vlad would say.


Here is an article on Nyquist’s website:


Sees that the article is from 2017. Didn’t listen to the podcast but is going to be generous and guess Nyquist is a dyed in the wool cynic and isn’t likely capable of processing new information that runs counter to what he already knows, very much like a certain radio host who rabidly only plays Putin Bad Putin Bad.

If I wasn’t generous I’d say bought off by the arms industry or something more nefarious.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

I’m not familiar with Nyquist, but here is his website:

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Phillips praises both Trevor Loudon and Jeff Nyquist as knowledgeable, and I agree.

We have to stop rejecting people on our side for having just a few disagreements over debatable points. Gunnels has a lot of great things to say. I refuse to reject him just because he’s being pig-headed on viruses. He’s RIGHT that the science literature is filled with deception and error – THAT is true!.

Gail Combs

Oh, I still watch all Patrick’s rumbles. I was just using him as an example of how the Commies can foment division and get us chasing squirrels instead of criminals.

Since I do not have access to an electron microscope I can not determine if Gunnels is correct or not. I just find using a psychiatrist who sells ‘Rock Sweat’ and had his medical license suspended for stealing grant funds an IFFY authority to rely on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s going to make a ton of mistakes. I just stay clear!


People should watch the long interviews with Putin, and form their impressions first hand.

IMO there is no other world leader who discusses issues as intelligently and as well informed as Putin.

Apparently Alexander Dugin is a favorite of Putin. I am no expert, but my sense is that Dugin philosophy is broadly speaking “conservative” in the traditional sense.

The world is awash in Putin hatred, has been for a number of years, and information with an anti-Putin point must be regarded in that light.


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump has a real case here. If it gets to SCOTUS, Kapo is dead meat legally.


“Make America Great Again”

With those final words 3/30/1981 Pres. Reagan ended his speech to AFL-CIO, exited Hilton, walked outside, & was shot by John Hinkley.

MAGA Republicans Not Named Trump

In the new C-SPAN @cspanradio

podcast “The Weekly”




Plat that clip at a Truump rally.

Let that clip go viral on Gab, Rumble, Truth, FB.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, this is great!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Be careful – more deplatforming coming!

comment image

American Bankers Association Announce Webinar on ‘Domestic Terrorism’

August 19, 2022, 8:11 pm by Maggie Flavin



^^^ Huh? WTF?

^^^ Gotta be some Covid slush funds OR Build Back Bullshit slush funds needing to be wasted.

^^^ Bankers worried about domestic terrorism.

  • Bankers gonna call out Antifa? Call out BLM? Call out flash mobs? /s

Guest speakers. BiteMe for Focus. Hoe for Motivation. Followed by HLS, DOJ and FIB.

Against my better judgement, went to the link. Hoping to see Babylon Bee or the like.

FTA Bold mine.

There are numerous threats to the nation’s economy. Manufacturing and home building are taking big hits. Inflation remains high  and millions of Americans are suffering with high consumer prices, many accumulating credit card debt to survive. The economy is weakening at a rate much faster than people expected.

Yet the ABA thinks focusing on ‘domestic terrorism’ is critical to those in the banking industry.

Gotta be USG Funded.

Gail Combs

If you are IDed as a “POSSIBLE” Domestic Terrorist THEY WILL CONFISCATE YOUR MONEY!!

What is Forfeiture and why do we FEAR it?

…..Incredible as it sounds, civil asset forfeiture laws allow the government to seize property without charging anyone with a crime. Police can seize property first and hold it pending trial, which could be four to six years later. The government’s case for forfeiture can be based on allegations of illegal activity of someone other than the property owner. At trial the owner has to prove innocence – the government does not have to prove the property owner was guilty. Many forfeiture victims don’t have enough assets left after the seizure to hire counsel, yet the procedures are too complicated for property owners to successfully defend themselves.  


Believe it or not it used to be worse. The government’s burden of proof at trial was a mere probable cause, the government could use hearsay to prove its case, and property owners had to pay a cost bond of 10% of the value of the property in order to have a right to a court hearing at all…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Founders were 100% against this shit.


Founders tarred and feathered advocates of this shit, with little regard to their overall survival.


Reminder … Neocons have poured money into Ukr before February of this year …


Wow. These people have to be stopped:

WTF? Scientists Have Recreated The Deadly Spanish Flu Of 1918 And Infected Monkeys — Here’s The 411

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

President Wolf Moon would be coming down on this shit so hard, Fauci would be looking for his underwear in Antarctic blast debris from orbit when it was over.


Me, I’d be looking at a Level 5 Biolab — decontamination procedures for researchers should take 60-70 years.


These assholses, the scientists have TOO much spare time AND TOO much money to waste. Worse their supervisors allow it.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s only going to oppose MAGA with every fiber of his being. THAT is his style of “leading”.


Oh, yeah, let’s all do a conga line behind The Turtle…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is a quick instructive PSA. My advice is “look and don’t comment”.

You want to see an ACTUAL “fed”? Meaning not an agent, but a social media bot who is baiting people for the benefit of FIB?

Anybody who responds to this guy will likely get further attention, so AVOID. Torba will likely ban this guy at some point – This account is clearly dialing it in just below bannable.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love this comment. This person gets it.

This is why Mitch made sure the IRS thing passed. Uppity plebes are a threat to him, too.

comment image



Dear Small Business Owner,

We noticed you survived Covid and have not declared bankruptcy yet. We also notice that you are now taking business away from the major retailers that run our country. In addition, you appear to employ capable White people.

It is therefore deemed necessary to audit you, find you in breach of everything possible, encounter an imminent threat while doing so, and shoot everyone on-site, and then set fire to the remaining property.

Please have your receipts and tax returns as well as entirety of employees, family, and pets available for review at the below specified time.

Thank you,

Your New and Improved IRS.

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