2022·08·20 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

A Caution

Yes, it’s great that one of the most rancid cunts in US politics is destined to leave office on January 3rd of next year, having been primaried out…by a great big (but not big enough) margin.

But just remember…we might replace the RINO candidates. But that will make no difference in the long run if the party officials, basically the Rhonna McDaniels (or however that’s spelled), don’t get replaced.

State party chairs, vice chairs, secretaries and so on, and the same at county levels, have huge influence on who ultimately gets nominated, and if these party wheelhouses are RINOs, they will work tirelessly to put their own pukey people on the ballot. In fact I’d not be surprised if some of our “MAGA” candidates are in fact, RINO plants, encouraged to run by the RINO party leadership when they realized that Lyn Cheney (and her ilk) were hopelessly compromised as effective candidates. The best way for them to deal with the opposition, of course, is to run it themselves.

Running good candidates is only HALF of the battle!

SPECIAL SECTION: Message For Our “Friends” In The Middle Kingdom

I normally save this for near the end, but…basically…up your shit-kicking barbarian asses. Yes, barbarian! It took a bunch of sailors in Western Asia to invent a real alphabet instead of badly drawn cartoons to write with. So much for your “civilization.”

Yeah, the WORLD noticed you had to borrow the Latin alphabet to make Pinyin. Like with every other idea you had to steal from us “Foreign Devils” since you rammed your heads up your asses five centuries ago, you sure managed to bastardize it badly in the process.

Have you stopped eating bats yet? Are you shit-kickers still sleeping with farm animals?

Or maybe even just had the slightest inkling of treating lives as something you don’t just casually dispose of?

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

And here’s my response to barbarian “asshoes” like you:

OK, with that rant out of my system…

Biden Gives Us Too Much Credit

…we can move on to the next one.

Apparently Biden (or his puppeteer) has decided we’re to blame for all of the fail in the United States today.

Sorry to disappoint you Joe (or whoever), but you managed to do that all on your own; not only that, you wouldn’t let us NOT give you the chance because you insisted on cheating your way into power.

Yep, you-all are incompetent, and so proud of it you expect our applause for your sincerity. Fuck that!!

It wouldn’t be so bad, but you insist that everyone else have to share in your misery. Nope, can’t have anyone get out from under it. Somehow your grand vision only works if every single other person on earth is forced to go along. So much as ONE PERSON not going along is enough to make it all fail, apparently.

In engineering school we’re taught that a design that has seven to eight billion single points of failure…sucks.

Actually, we weren’t taught that. Because it would never have occurred to the professors to use such a ridiculous example.

Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Kamala Harris has a new nickname since she finally went west from DC to El Paso Texas: Westward Hoe.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Spot Prices

All prices are Kitco Ask, 3PM MT Friday (at that time the markets close for the weekend).

Last Week:

Gold $1,805.00
Silver $20.97
Platinum $972.00
Palladium $2,296.00
Rhodium $15,600.00

So here it is, Friday, 3PM MT after markets closed and we see:

Gold $1,748.60
Silver $19.16
Platinum $906.00
Palladium $2,210.00
Rhodium $14,900.00


Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!

Whoever ends up in the cell next to his, tell him I said “Hi.”

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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I’m hearing that several chains are not getting Boar’s Head meats at their distribution warehouses.


So the lefties will have to make do with store brands. My heart bleeds for them. NOT!


There’s always the option to eat the bugs.




Delicatessen at local Smith’s. Have not noticed a shortage of Boar’s.

Normally don’t stop at their counter. But I do check for mark downs. Pretty sparse mark downs these days.

Will pay closer attention when I visit Smith’s later today.


Never have i seen that brand on sale or marked down. Way too expensive.


Same here. Have never seen Boars marked down.

I’m over in the normal chill boxes. Store brand, unless I see name brand (fancy Oscar Meyer or the like, marked down.


We see some here but not salami and liverwurst and Knockwurst


Me too. Kiddo will only eat ball park white meat turkey hot dogs and ralphs wants $5.99 a pack. I was just there today looking for markdowns, sales, digital coupons. Not a lot. Turkey bacon is super expensive too. Another thing he will only eat. Doesn’t matter the brand, they all are over 4 bucks a 12 ounce pack. Wally world is the only place to get slightly cheaper per ounce but no 2 buck sales ever anymore. Cheapest ground turkey is smart n final, 3.33 lb. Saw chicken breast at 3.99 lb right now and that is steep.
Rotisserie chicken is pricey everywhere. Another smart n final best flavor and its 3lbs, but the just raised the price to 8.99.


Is it cheaper to grind your own meat?


Well not sure. I dont want to do that at home, partly bc im not sure i trust i wont contaminate something. The stores wont do chicken or turkey for you. The will do beef no problem. We dont eat beef. I occasionally get a 3lb roast or steaks for my husband but no other red meat, no pork.


But will y’all eat bison?

It is the most organic red meat available.


I dont. My body doesnt respond well to most meat. Mr gil has had it. Im not sure if kiddo would eat it. It certainly is an option.


If you’re the type to worry about contaminating meat by grinding it, you’re also the type to scrupulously avoid contaminating it — in fact, you’re probably safer than the plant where it gets done.



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Sams has rotisserie chicken for $4.99. Still larger and cheaper than any grocery store. Tastes good too.


I believe Costco also has the $4.99 rotisserie chicken.

Costco, prolly Sam’s as well, uses it as a loss leader.

Have read, to keep costs down, a few years back. Costco got in the chicken raising business, chicken processing plants…


Costco knows everyone goes there for those. I used to shred them for enchiladas. Yep def a loss leader.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Our Costco is a buck higher and doesn’t taste as good as Sam’s.


Yes, I looked at some of their plants in NE.


I went in my local sams 1x. Old dried out food in the bakery and just an off feeling. Maybe theyre better now. Always busy.


You have Smart & Final? That’s great. I get many of my herbs and spices in the tall “First Street” sizes (e.g. powdered garlic 12 oz.).

There are things you can do when you don’t have to account for all that was used in a recipe. If you’re buying garlic in bulk, you can add a teaspoon to boiling pasta, and let it strain off into the drain — you’ll have lightly garlic-flavored pasta, and have plenty of garlic left over. Similarly, you can use garlic in a marinade, then pull the meat out and grill it — enough will have soaked in to be enjoyable. If you only buy garlic in little 1/2 ounce containers, you can’t do such things without rapidly running out.

They’re set up to do this because they are a quasi-restaurant-supply store.


I dont go to costco, and smart n final is a decent alternative. I still have to be careful w pricing.


I recently bought a “max-pack” of untrimmed tri-tip for $3.99/pound. I trimmed off the obvious fat and broke it into roughly one pound chunks, which I then put in baggies. I mixed custom marinades for all of the baggies (this one uses olive oil; this one uses red wine……this one has garlic and black pepper — aw, who am I kidding, they all do…..this one has mustard, savory; this one has parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme; this one has paprika and mustard; this one has mixed chili powders….you can even use commercial barbecue sauces if you’ve a mind to.

Once each baggie is appropriately seasoned, you “shake-and-bake” each baggie, squeeze the air out, then drop in the freezer. For beef, you pull the chunks out at 1:00 pm for dinner at 6:00 and defrost on the counter. For poultry, you pull out on Thursday for dinner on Friday and defrost in the fridge.

When we used to host the fish club “executive sessions”, we’d baggie a bunch of chicken breast chunks and grill a couple of flavors on our gas grill on the patio.

Barb Meier

I went to Martin’s grocery and they had a Boar’s Head cart out front selling hot dogs. Maybe you should move to the Shenandoah Valley in western Virginia. I stopped there right after going to an Amish-owned fresh air produce & bakery market.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just now getting up to speed on what the heck Crimson Rhino is. But it looks like KAPO may have been afraid Trump had information about it.



Remember Trump holding the “red binder?” It was said to be a taunt of some kind at the time.

I suspect this is “Crossfire Hurricane” on steroids.

I also HIGHLY DOUBT that Trump would keep something like this in a place where the Feds had visited and looked over the records.

This is going to get good.


Now he knows theyre looking for it. I wonder if their informants were fed info.


My husband said “one can have many red folders” . Maybe someone only saw a red folder and assumed the papers were in there? Just wishful thinking on my part.
One needs to outsmart the evil enemy.


You got it. And he must be very aware after all these years they’re always watching.


When one has staff or the SS in the house one has to assume the FBI is getting to them.


FIB on loan to SS.

Sorta like CIA on loan to FIB.

ALL one big family.


Certainly. They make a path for what they want.




Trump could buy an entire pallet of red folders and move them randomly between his associates and locations.


With, maybe, bowlers and briefcases….


Very good 🙂


I bet they were.


Would Trump not have taken anything that pertains to his lawsuits with him to West Minster? I mean would he not be working on it and also his lawyers?

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

Either that, or it would be put somewhere that the bad guys could not get to it.


That too


Copies elsewhere, FIB would NOT look.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I clicked on some Hollywood clickbait, and stumbled into a really excellent interview of former actress Justine Bateman from the old Family Ties series.

Turns out that she…..

  • continues working less famously in films and TV
  • does quality directing of short features
  • got a computer science degree
  • is actually rather smart
  • wrote a book analyzing fame (grew out of an essay she did)

She talks with Megyn Kelly about the book – pretty interesting, and very relevant to the whole Truman Show brainstorm I’m having now.




That was a fascinating interview. You are right, she is smart.


Her brother is smart but a leftard unfortunately. He is married to Paul Anka’s dtr btw.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gregg Phillips claimed that you can’t find information about the “Tiger Project” (Chinese electoral interference, sabotage, hacking and spying) on Chinese or Russian search engines, but I found it immediately on Russian Yandex.


Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This ties in with your article about the cult of climate change, Wolf.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! People are really getting it. The Fake News is in a real bind. And I say AWESOME!


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Lol! That’s hilarious.


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It makes no sense at all to hire 87,000 “IRS” agents and arm them and train them to shoot civilians.

Most people don’t even have a substantial amount of fiat currency in their home anyway, which is why the IRS will just freeze (or seize) your bank account instead.

So the idea of confiscating currency from civilians at gunpoint is absurd, ridiculously provocative and insanely aggressive.

Unless the point was never to function as “IRS” agents in the first place, and that was just a convenient label to use for what in actuality is intended to be some kind of nationwide anti-civilian strike force, a Gestapo answerable only to Hitler democrats in D.C.

Arming and training them to shoot civilians has nothing to do with increased tax collection.

Whatever their true purpose is, we can be sure it’s tyrannical in nature.


The Commies are planning to raise taxes, increase inflation, make people sick with bugs, vaccines, etc, so they can SIEZE HOMES/PROPERTY/ASSETS, and destroy middle class independence – make us slaves to the State.

They will then give or rent our property to their fellow Commie ideologues and useful tools.

They will prevent anyone who doesn’t have the right politically correct mindset from access to money, jobs, food, shelter, medical care, autos, transportion, etc.


Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

D-Rat PLANS are coming together…

  :wpds_mad:  You will have nothing AND you will be HAPPY.   :wpds_evil: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! This is the most insidious part. Control information to TELL US WE ARE HAPPY.



“True but not what I meant. It’s a threat. “If you aren’t happy, we kill you. Then everyone left will be happy.””


If they really wanted us to be happy, they would kill themselves.

And record it.

And post it online, so people could finally applaud them for doing something right.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhhh, but there’s the OTHERWISE clause/case…
(Blazing Pascal, as it were 🙂 )…..


“….and you will be HAPPY…


If they really cared about my happiness, they would all die now… so I don’t have to wait any longer to dance on their graves 👍


You will have nothing AND you will be HAPPY.


They go first.

Let all of them lead by example, in a public fishbowl, so everyone can know and be sure they’re not cheating.

I’ll hold their stuff, and rent it back to them — so they can be happy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. Washington is acting for Davos and DIRECTLY DESTROYING the American middle class.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I was thinking this morning, that there must be HUGE sentiment right now, on the part of both STATES, LOCALITIES, and INDIVIDUALS to DEFUND THE FED.

Can’t have that.

And what they will do is use a “tax pretext” to go after whoever Demmunists want to go after.



Fight for it or lose it.

Suck off of the teat of the Fed government enticements, or, live free.


Brown shirts. Defund the police to then fund the new ‘police’.
I believe it’s happened before…Germany, was it?


On points of failure and engineering… this last Monday, a road bridge made of a combination of steel and wood collapsed, after only 10 years in service. https://www.newcivilengineer.com/latest/timber-bridge-in-norway-built-to-last-100-years-collapses-after-a-decade-15-08-2022/

A similar bridge collapsed in 2016. And there are 14 other bridges of this same type which were quickly closed to all traffic… So something about combining steel and wood in a load-bearing structure like a bridge might not be the great idea it seemed to be initially.

Another Green-Cult inspired failure, it looks like.



With a few thousand years of bridge building experience under Mankind’s belt, it’s not easy to build a bridge that lasts only ten years or less.

The pride of workmanship must be overflowing 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But it’s Guhreeen!


It was indeed a scaffold. A “shoring’ scaffold.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. Pity they didn’t use one of those obsolete designs known to last 100 years.


This bridge that fell down actually was a replacement for a steel bridge that had been up for 117 years at the time. When the new main highway on the east side of the river was built, the old bridge had to be removed to make way and was replaced. But a new steel bridge of similar design to the old one could have been put into place and would have lasted for another century.

But no prizes get awarded for that…


“This bridge that fell down actually was a replacement for a steel bridge that had been up for 117 years at the time.”


I would put that in the Don’t Fix it if it ain’t Broke file… except that file can’t hold any more stuff 😁


It certainly puts the iron into irony.

That old bridge was obsolete, it was too narrow for two-way traffic, and even if it had been up for 117 years, it might not have had that many years left. And when the new road was built, with its alinement going right through the pillar and abutment on the east side the old bridge had to go.

So while not completely broke, there was a need for a fix of sorts. Which apparently involved some architects.

Now, just from the way some of the newer houses around here look, I have long been of the opinion that the care and feeding of architects is a matter of outmost importance. The argumentation goes, the architect eats a nice big dinner, then the following night he has a dream or more likely a nightmare. The following day, this is remembered, drawings are made, then construction according to this commences, and presently the resulting structure is there for world+dog to see.

And marvel at, while wondering «what in tarnation?»; and finally concluding that the architect must have had a nightmare of sorts, and then managed to have that drawn up, designed and constructed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! But everything is broke because it ain’t GUHREEEEEEN!!!


It would have worked if it was just Guhreener!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Just like Communism!


Probably the steel was sub-grade Chai-knees steel.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BOOM. There you go. Bad metal out of CHINAZIA.


Hudson Valley Community College (NY) is dropping the vaxx requirement for students.

Faculty upset they weren’t consulted. Administration says the role of community colleges is to remove barriers to education. The vaxx is a barrier. 💣💥😍


…remove barriers to education. …faculty upset.

  :wpds_arrow:  Remove upset faculty. Another barrier to education removed.


 😅  100%. They are the REAL barrier.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Barri-em…..


Oh that made me laugh!


Preach it, brother!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a perfect example of Democrat politics abusing people one way with BS mind control falsehoods, and then upon retreat they abuse the same people by shoving REALITY right back under them. All because the Democrat party cannot afford to lose elections.



President Trump Announces Court Filing Against DOJ and FBI for Fourth Amendment Violations 
Hope this case goes all the way to the SCOTUS – even though it’s just one of many crooked politicized courts – some have said it’s no longer Roberts, but now Thomas court. Maybe, just maybe some more of the government swamp will at least be exposed and remediated.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. I was just watching Jim Hoft on Dan Ball’s show on OAN, and he was explaining what is going on – that DODGE and FIB literally RAIDED TRUMP to find out what evidence he had against them in the Trump RICO suit against HRC, DNC, and DODGE and FIB personnel.

To me, this proves RICO right there. Just think. DODGE and FIB are now PROVEN corrupt organizations.

No WONDER whistleblowers are pouring out of FIB.


Rats jumping the Titanic.

The shit is about to hit the fan. It’s about damned time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Amen! No solar powered shit fans, we need V8 turbo-charged!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This is really good. Very simple. Its not about the legalisms. It’s about getting stuff, hiding stuff, controlling stuff. The law is being used for warfare, a.k.a. LAWFARE.


Did you miss that obama’s name crops up in the amended version.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, no. RED MEAT.


I’m totally getting it now. Trump is the cat toying with the mouse.

In the first court filing for the RICO case in March, Trump leaves out a whole bunch of names and stuff.

Then, when the Feds come to Mar-a-lago in June, they find out he has all these documents, they are declassified, and they can’t take them. They have no warrant and no law backing them to do it. So they ask him to “add a lock” which he does.

Knowing that they now KNOW what he has, Trump moves the documents. Then, on 21 June, Trump filed his amended RICO complaint. The bad guys freak out, because there are a whole lot of new details, and it’s BAD.

Knowing their desperation and fear would cause them to do something dumb (maybe even a BREAK-IN!), Trump installs a “new” safe, and “leaks” that fact. I can just hear him:

“It’s super-secure, the best safe on the market. Gotta keep those RICO documents safe!”

Lol, he knows people spy on him.

As the “coup de grace,” he leaves the safe EMPTY and leaves Mar-a-lago. We know the rest of the story.

The moral of this story is, don’t mess with Donald Trump. He has stated plainly that he will wait for YEARS to fuck you up if you become his enemy. He plots and plans like Machiavelli in his finest hour.

I think it is DELICIOUS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Starting to think you’re right. He KNOWS these assholes don’t play fair.


Trump is way smarter than most give him credit. Even I’m guilty of underestimating him. I don’t feel too bad about that, though, because he cultivates the impression strongly. He purposefully deceives about his brains with his mannerisms.


“The targets of Kiev’s shelling of the Zaporozhye NPP are beginning to become clear.

Some representatives of the establishment in London and Washington started talking about the possible involvement of NATO in the conflict with Russia.

Tobias Ellwood, a member of the British Parliament, said that “any deliberate damage to the Ukrainian nuclear reactor with a possible radiation leak would be a violation of NATO Article 5.”

A similar statement was made by Adam Kinzinger, a member of the US House of Representatives. In his opinion, a radiation leak that “will kill people in NATO countries” will automatically trigger Article 5 of the Alliance’s charter.”


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Jazis need NATO to unleash the war cash in their direction. Got it.


“UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres appealed to the Russian authorities with a request not to disconnect the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant from the Ukrainian power grid.

“Obviously, the electricity from the Zaporozhye NPP is Ukrainian. The Ukrainian people need it, especially during the winter period,” Guterres said.

ZNPP and its electricity is now Russian. It does not belong to Ukraine. The sooner Ukraine is turned off, the better. And clearly convey that this is retribution for the terrorism of the Zelensky gang.”



But, but, but…..that electricity has already been sold to Germany! You have to keep shipping it to Ukraine!


Verse of the Day for Saturday, August 20, 2022

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” 

Genesis 1:1 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good grief, this bad science has no end of problems for humanity.


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This is an article by Steve Kirsch, detailing the clinical experiences of a podiatrist who sees many elderly (over age 65) patients. There is a link in his article to the Wayne Allyn Root piece that describes his interview with this podiatrist. Based on over 5,000 clinical contacts, the podiatrist estimates that 80% of his elderly patients who are “vaccinated” and/or “boosted” now present with, among other things:
advanced cancers, particularly of the thyroid
patients whose cancer was in remission are now at Stage 4
heart attacks
severe GI issues

The “un-vaccinated” patients of this podiatrist do not have these issues.
Wayne Root uses the name “Dr. Smith” for the podiatrist.
Kirsch notes that the AMA, state medical licensing boards, and medical professional associations can, and WILL, start measures to “discipline” and/or to remove the medical license of doctors who don’t “toe the line” regarding COVID-19 and the “vaccines.”

Here’s a link to the Wayne Allyn Root piece:


OMG. Just realized I am elderly.


Welcome to Club Geezer Blog.


Good luck with your quest!

Urban Dictionary: geezing


My goodness, Yours Truly knew a couple of people who acted like “geezers” in their 40’s.

Brave and Free

The Dem bot farms, also saw a FB commercial this morning while watching the local news, (the wife needs background noise) of how their enabling correct information to come through without misinformation on their platform. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I can believe it. The problem is that the Dems and DS will carry out massive phony prepared events for those groups to jump on.


California again…clearly aimed at law abiding citizens.


Newsom signed AB 2571 which prohibits 2nd Amendment advertising to minors. Written in the bill, specifically, is the inclusion of apparel and merchandise by brands.


https://trackbill.com/bill/california-assembly-bill-2571-firearms-advertising-to-minors/2230763/ ((you ignore the trackbill aspect of this as it’s just been signed into law, however this should have the exact wording of the bill infringing not just on 2A but 1A also, heck Interstate Commerce as well.))

Short vid explaining this with lots of comments. Also comments on the CFP article.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Illegal iirc 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NewScum is showing off the new Democrat model. Ignore the Constitution. Force the opposition to call them on it. Then find new unconstitutional ways to obstruct, while foot-dragging on any response to what SCOTUS says about the original violation.


Newscum may simply ignore SCOTUS. Sorta like Hochul.


The guy regused to go see his mother when she was dying from cancer for several months bc it interrupted his schedule. His sisters have flat out said his only priority is himself. He is really scum.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Very likely!!!


I didnt see you comment first, but thats whats going on. Still emergency over covid. Grants himself powers. Wins recall via fraud. Gascon, fraud. And the dimms want this hateful pos as prez. He isnt smart, just clever and backed by power n money.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The guy is WICKED. Cannot stand him. Gotta wonder if he’s one of the murderous pedos, because he has a kind of serial killer personality.


Well he is aggressive and promiscuous and power hungry. Those traits may lend themselves to that behavior.


Course its unconstitutional but its law until someone spends the money and time to challenge it, and the corrupt dimm judges dont grant a stay for “review” that gets delayed. Weve been through this circus so many times.
They dont care at all about law or Constitutionality. The only consideration is power.


So apparently Reuters Fact checkers responded to a story of a study out of Thailand that is claiming 1/3 of children are developing heart problems after the jab. The fact checkers swung into action and say it’s only 1 in 6. Glad they were able to clear that up.


Now this makes better sense…
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Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Here’s the Reuters “fact check” article:

August 18, 2022
by Reuters Fact Check

The Reuters “fact check” article includes a copy of a tweet by Dr. Simone Gold (co-founder of FLCCC and now in jail for her appearance at the January 6 incident) about the “1 in 43” claim (Reuters thereby trying to the destroy her reputation).
Of the 301 Thai students in the study, ages 13 – 18, the cardiac events and issues that occurred took place after the 2nd “vaccination” with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2 (the same “vaccine” in use in the U.S.).
The “fact checkers” state that all reports of heart inflammation and the one case of confirmed myocarditis were “cured” after treatment.
Apparently, the “fact checkers” didn’t read the statements from Dr. Peter McCullough, that the “natural” myocarditis can occur from a COVID-19 infection in an UN-“vaccinated” person, and the “vaccine-induced” myocarditis that can occur AFTER “vaccination”, are two very different things. The “natural” myocarditis that can occur after a COVID-19 infection in an UN-“vaccinated” person is usually mild and resolves after treatment; the “vaccine-induced” myocarditis AFTER “vaccination” for COVID-19 is more of a danger; it can last longer and be more damaging. (www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/report-part-ii-young-womans-heart-believed-to-have-been-damaged-by-pfizer-vaccine/. The article has a video clip of an interview with Dr. McCullough).
Buried in the “fact check” article is the real stuff: a 1 in 301 case of confirmed myocarditis in Thai male teenagers after the 2nd shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2 translates to 332 cases out of every 100,000 risk.
FTA: “A recent study by the CDC researchers looking at data from 40 U.S. health systems found that myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination was diagnosed at a rate of 22.0 – 35.9 per 100,000 among males aged 12 – 17.” (Italics mine)
The linked study appears to infer that the “natural” myocarditis that can occur from a COVID-19 infection in UN-“vaccinated” persons is a much higher percentage than the cases of (“vaccine-induced”) myocarditis that can occur AFTER “vaccination” — so, it’s better to get “vaccinated.”

The CDC baldly states that “The benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the known and potential risks.” (bolding is the CDC’s)

[Yours Truly finds that there are 21,936,349 males between the ages of 10 and 19 in the United States currently. According to http://www.kff.org/, 57% of parents of children ages 12 – 17 said that their children are “vaccinated” against COVID-19. One can do the math, based on the Thai ratio of roughly 1 case of myocarditis out of 301 “vaccinations” among male teenagers aged 13 – 18 [roughly 332 out of every 100,000 risk] to come up with an idea of the potential risk of “vaccine-induced” myocarditis in the similar age group in the U.S.]).


If my math is correct, that comes to 41,500 cases and that is just obscene that this is okay with them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW! 1 in 6! I was right!



Your revolver with, one of six cylinders loaded, NAILED IT.

Same as the Jab nails one of six kids for heart issues.


Covid Roulette.

It’s all the rage at leftist dinner parties these days.


Cuppa Covfefe

😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡


😡 is the right face.


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I want one!


OK, already bought this AND another:

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$66 for both but my wife already knows I can be a maniac.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well worth it!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO! OMG, that is GREAT! Talk about setting brushfires!!!


Right!? There are stickers, too! I gotta order some.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! One might have a bit of fun with those.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love it!!!



Russia says that Against the backdrop of military defeats in the Donbass and other regions, “the Zelensky regime authorized terrorist acts using chemical poisons against Russian military personnel and civilians.”

The report states:

July 31 this year Russian servicemen who performed tasks in the area of ​​​​the village of Vasilyevka, Zaporozhye region, were taken to a military hospital with signs of severe poisoning. As a result of the survey, a poisonous substance, botulinum toxin type “B”, was found in the body of military personnel.

In order to establish the causes of poisoning, specialists from the Main Research and Testing Institute of Military Medicine of the Russian Ministry of Defense (St. Petersburg) conducted an additional analysis that unambiguously confirmed the presence of an organic poison of artificial origin – botulinum toxin type “B”.

Currently, on the fact of chemical terrorism sanctioned by the Zelensky regime, the Russian Federation is preparing supporting documents with the results of all the analyzes carried out.

Evidence of chemical terrorism of the Kyiv regime will soon be officially sent to the OPCW through the permanent mission of Russia.

Taking into account the received evidence of state terrorism of the Kyiv regime, an additional investigation is currently being carried out on the poisoning of the head of the provisional administration of the Kherson region V. Saldo with chemical warfare agents.

Source: @mod_russiaw

ASB Military News

Ukraine started employing chemical warfare against Russian troops & officials – Russian Mod claims

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t doubt it at all. Zalensky and CIA are cornered rats here. They will be VICIOUS.


comment imageDisclose.tv


ICYMI – 1,200 scientists and professionals from across the world led by the Norwegian physics Nobel Prize laureate Professor Ivar Giaever declare: 

“There is no climate emergency.”




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Add my voice!!!


Karl has some thoughts about how to improve the CDC —



I have a better idea – burn it down to the ground and salt the earth it stood on. Figuratively, of course.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Don’t give those child-murdering depoppers behind the curtain there ANY MORE ROOM TO OPERATE.


Sound good to me


Powerful, powerful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent summary of all the “mistakes”.


via Bernhard @ MoA

August 20, 2022

Quality Of Ukraine Reporting Continues To Deteriorate

The news about the war in Ukraine is getting so fake that even an amateur can debunk it no time.

Consider this from the Washington Post:

Across the river from Ukraine nuclear plant, shelling adds to fear

In Nikopol, just two miles across the Dnieper River from the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the threat of imminent nuclear catastrophe is compounded by daily shelling from Russian forces near the plant.

The real distance between the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and Nikopol is 15 kilometers (9 miles) not “just 2 miles”.

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Source: LiveUAmap – bigger

Nikopol is too close to the plant for sirens to be of use — there’s no time to switch them on. Instead residents on the other side send warnings if they see artillery batteries being rolled out.

The well protected six reactor blocks of ZNPP can be seen in the upper left of the picture. The next civilian settlement is on the right side, some 2+ kilometers away from the plant with several big buildings between the two.

Cont. reading: Quality Of Ukraine Reporting Continues To Deteriorate


The pro NATO/Cabal propaganda is some of the most preposterous propaganda out there, in a tsunami of preposterous propaganda.


Right 😉 LUV how you described it …


One more time: Where.Is.All.The.Money.Going?


That is a handy map link to keep around  😃 
TY  😃 


You’re most welcome


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Nigerian electricity union strike causes nationwide blackoutBy CHINEDU ASADU
August 17, 2022


ABUJA, Nigeria” A company sat (AP) — Striking electricity workers shut down Nigeria’s power grid Wednesday, plunging the West African nation’s more than 200 million citizens into darkness for several hours, officials said.”

“The nationwide blackout began in the afternoon moments after the union called a strike to protest non-payment of benefits for former members and other issues related to working conditions, the Transmission Company of Nigeria said.”



This was a simple, effective, labor strike.


IMO, simpler, with greater potential, than anything I can think of.


If it happened here, the government would just let the people suffer.


And they would probably keep it turned off for good to fight “global warming.”


Turn off electricity for the elite, the overlords. Cancel their limos, jets, yachts…

Save Mother Earth.  🙃 



Mike Lindells “Moment of Truth” summit is running this weekend:



I’m not seeing a way to view it. When I click on any of the videos at the link, it takes me to a short video of Lindell talking about the summit, not to the event itself.


Thanks Jim.
I was just coming to post this.


TY for link. Repeating myself, but I believe this summit will be powerful.


Thank you!


Apparently, one needs to sign up for Frank Speech to see it on Lindell TV.


RSBN is also carrying it on Rumble:





The President recommended this, and IMO this summit will present overwhelming evidence. For Mike to be doing this, I believe he learned a LOT from putting on the symposium


Crying Capitol Police Officer Aquilino Gonell HUMILIATED AS HE IS CAUGHT IN LIE AFTER LIE UNDER OATH! Likely Committed Perjury at January 6th Criminal Trial! MUST-SEE VIDEO of Officer TROLLED Outside Courthouse!”
Good lawyer !!
Good read.



Was just reading that. That’s freaking amazing bit of journalism all thanks to honest public defender doing her work diligently.

Wish this trial was open to the public and cameras allowed.

Based on what we are told was presented this guy should be going home, unfortunately the video it’s based on is still sequestered as is the trial itself.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The closing of these trials – the hiding of the evidence – this DOJ is utterly Soviet.


That is how Communist roll  🙄 


I missed this… what’s up with this?

*The trial commenced on Friday and the judge is expected to come back with a verdict in approximately two weeks. We will keep you updated.”


Jury, they don’t need no stinkin’ jury.


Better off without a jury in D.C.


THIS ^^^, what could go wrong with a hussein appointed judge IN DC. /s

I’m funnin.Think I’d still opt for a jury. At least one on the jury may have common sense or silently carry out jury nullification.


Judge must make findings of fact and conclusions of law in support of the verdict. The jury has no such requirement. Makes the judge’s decision reviewable whereas it’s virtually impossible to successfully appeal a jury verdict.


So this ex cop is an immigrant? Lots of non US born people xausing a lot of problems for citizens across all govt depts.
He should be prosecuted for the purjury and absolutely for workers comp fraud….thats prison there.


I wondered about that. My daughter at Northwestern went to school with someone she became her friend not born here. She married a Canadian and both got a job in DC in the Government. Do not know if they lost contact with them though remember they still visited each other for years.


Its like the guards in the j6 jail, all immigrants of some standing. Like we always hear of the “UN troops” except theyve akready been allowed in. Same w allowing illegals to hold elected positions and vote.






Translation done by longtime poster at German blog MoA:


Interview of Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin by TASS covers dedollarization, implementation of new international financial system, EAEU activities, and closes with review of energy situation. As usual, the respondent’s name is incorrect, so that machine translation error needs to be ignored:

Question: Russia and its partners are increasingly moving to settlements in national currencies against the backdrop of the unreliability of the dollar. When will Russia stop focusing on the dollar? Is this possible in the near future?

Maria Zakharova: The existing model of the global financial system, created by Washington, turned out to be unsuitable for the conditions of a multipolar world order and, in fact, has become a tool for achieving the political goals of one group of countries. Against the backdrop of the growing geopolitical pressure of the “collective West”, the only way to guarantee the stability of trade, economic and investment ties between Russia and its partners is to avoid using the currencies that have become “toxic”, primarily the US dollar and the euro, and switch to settlements in acceptable alternative, primarily national currencies.

It is quite obvious that in the current conditions, the West intends to continue to abuse its privileged position. It is gratifying to note that many countries watching the unprecedented and illegitimate sanctions against Russia have thought about the need to de-dollarize foreign economic activity in the interests of ensuring their own sovereignty. As it turned out, the task is quite solvable if there is political will.

Mechanisms for settlements in national and alternative Western currencies have been successfully created with a number of states on a bilateral basis (the possibility of ruble payment for certain categories of Russian export goods, including energy and food goods, has been worked out), and a multilateral dialogue on this issue has intensified within the framework of BRICS, the SCO and other international platforms. Thus, not only the tasks of ensuring Russia’s foreign trade operations are being solved, but also the foundations of the financial system of a multipolar world are being laid. In a sense, this process is already irreversible.

Question: Is the issue of a complete rejection of the dollar in settlements within the framework of the EAEU being discussed? What are the obstacles? By what year will this be possible?

Answer: The issue of increasing the share of national currencies in mutual settlements has been on the agenda of the EAEU since the beginning of its functioning. During this time, payments in national currencies between the countries of the Union reached about 75% of the total volume of transactions, and the use of the dollar decreased to 21%.

The events of recent months have demonstrated that the US currency is extremely unreliable. We have witnessed that one country can not hesitate to limit the use of the dollar around the world. In fact, Washington seeks to monopolize the sphere of international payments. All this has prompted us to intensify work on the creation of alternative and reliable mechanisms.

In this regard, within the framework of the EAEU, the necessary financial infrastructure is being formed to expand the practice of using national currencies by business participants.

Now we use them not only in mutual trade (and with a number of third countries – also in foreign trade), but also in the distribution of collected customs duties between the budgets of the Member States.

Of course, it is premature to talk about a complete rejection of the dollar within the framework of unification. Unlike Russia, individual EEU countries are likely to use it in cases where it is appropriate and safe. At the same time, we see that in the current geopolitical situation, our partners in the “five” are aware of the risks of dependence on the dollar and are interested in promoting their currencies.

Question: Since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, Western countries have frozen Russian gold and foreign exchange reserves worth about $300 billion. Is there any chance of returning these assets to Russia? What measures are being taken to ensure that this situation does not recur?

Maria Zakharova: As for the assets belonging to the Russian Federation that are currently blocked in foreign accounts, we have repeatedly stressed that we consider their “freezing” illegitimate, violating all the principles and norms of international law and the unbiased functioning of the global financial system. Any use of the funds of the Russian state and its citizens without the permission of the rightful owners is interpreted by us as an unlawful and demonstratively unfriendly step that gives us the right to adequate retaliatory actions. Of course, we will not accept the current state of affairs and will use all available legal mechanisms to reverse the relevant illegal decisions. At the same time, within the framework of the Western judicial system, as has been repeatedly confirmed, “impartiality” works only until the moment of the beginning of challenging the political decisions imposed by the authorities. Therefore, we are not sure that we can count on the fairness and impartiality of the judicial authorities of unfriendly countries when considering such issues.

Russia and other countries have learned an important lesson from this situation: States seeking to pursue independent domestic and foreign policies cannot rely solely on Western financial infrastructure. The ability to carry out cross-border settlements without hindrance is, in fact, a matter of national sovereignty.

However, the West’s refusal to interact exclusively in the legal field means that the inviolability of private and even state property in their jurisdictions is now not guaranteed to anyone and can be revised at any time if the geopolitical conjuncture changes. This is another reason for the whole world to think about the reliability of the US dollar and the euro, as well as the British pound, the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc as reserve currencies and the main means of international payments. In our opinion, the countries that initiated or joined the freezing of Russian assets have caused disproportionately greater, almost irreparable damage to their own business reputation, showing the whole world the true essence of the “rules-based order” they promote.

con’t below


Question: As part of unilateral sanctions, the West is disconnecting leading Russian banks from SWIFT. Can Russia as a state be completely disconnected from SWIFT? What consequences does this threaten the country in the current conditions?

Maria Zakharova: It has already become clear that the anti-Russian restrictions introduced did not have the effect that Western countries had hoped for. First, without taking into account the consequences for their own economies and citizens, new packages of sanctions are invented and hastily introduced, and when our economy successfully adapts to them, another round of collective hysteria begins. In such conditions, we can already expect any “brilliant” ideas from our inconsistent “partners”, including depriving ourselves of the opportunity to pay for vital goods and services from Russia. However, speculating on this topic when it comes to the predominance of political motives over common sense is a thankless task.

n any case, we proceed from the need for a gradual transition from SWIFT to mechanisms for the transfer of financial information protected from external pressure, for which we are actively developing the Financial Message Transfer System (FSS) of the Bank of Russia. This is a forced, but completely natural solution in conditions when Russian banks and their clients regularly face problems when making routine international payments. At the same time, we are confident that not only Russia, but also other pragmatic states, which are by no means few, are interested in the emergence of an international payment infrastructure that does not depend on the changing mood of Western countries.

Question: Does Russia plan to seek the lifting of economic sanctions and restrictions on SWIFT from the West after the completion of the special operation in Ukraine?

Maria Zakharova: Not us, but Western states significantly increased confrontation and sanctions confrontation with Russia in 2014. Therefore, the initiative to weaken or abolish unilateral illegitimate restrictions should come from them.

However, the US and the EU are still literally obsessed with “suffocating” sanctions against our country, its economy and society. The collective West, without hesitation, declares its so-called “sanctions” as an instrument for changing our sovereign foreign policy through the rocking of the domestic political situation, economic collapse and political destabilization, damage to the quality of life and rights of our citizens, paralysis of business. This is how our former partners seek to impose their own world order – indisputable, uncontested, based on the dominance of Westerners and subordinate to the rules and standards developed by them.

The application of such restrictive measures can be considered an economic war without rules, which fundamentally undermines the universally recognized principles and norms of international law, including the principles of cooperation, sovereign equality and non-interference in the internal affairs of States. Violates treaty obligations on a scale that has yet to be assessed.

Under these circumstances, we are not going to achieve anything from those who adhere to a confrontational course towards our country. We react with restraint and accuracy to such actions, guided by the tasks of protecting our citizens, maintaining the stability of the national economy, its financial system, as well as the interests of domestic business. We focus our efforts on de-dollarization, import substitution, and strengthening technological independence. At the same time, we reserve the right to tighten our special measures in the event of an escalation of sanctions pressure. We are ready for any eventuality – although we are trying to avoid a confrontational path.

Question: With which countries is Russia negotiating the possibility of sharing the Mir map? In which countries can the Russian payment system start operating this year?

Answer: The unjustified blocking of all Russian clients by the largest international card payment systems has increased the priority of expanding the geography of mir cards. We are actively working in this direction. Currently, the Russian payment system can be used in countries such as Abkhazia, Armenia, Belarus, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, South Korea and South Ossetia. Negotiations with Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Egypt, India, China, Cuba, Myanmar, Nigeria, Thailand and other countries are at different stages.

Question: Will the EAEU expand in the foreseeable future? With which countries can we expect the completion of negotiations on the creation of free trade zones?

Maria Zakharova: Expanding the membership of the EAEU has never been an end in itself. The priority of the Union, especially at the current stage, is to ensure the stable development of the economies of the Member States, primarily through the implementation of mutually beneficial cooperation in a number of areas of the economic agenda.

At the same time, it is impossible not to note the noticeable practical interest of the observer states under the Union – Uzbekistan and Cuba – in the work of the association. Tashkent and Havana regularly put forward new and interesting initiatives, some of which are already under consideration by the member countries.

Interest in joining the Eurasian processes in various formats is also shown by other countries, primarily from the CIS. Possessing colossal resources, a capacious market and a huge transit and logistics potential, the EAEU is very attractive for third states.

We proceed from the fact that the decision on full membership in the EAEU should be made by the interested state based on the results of an assessment of the potential benefits that it can receive from the implementation of this step.

As for the trading tracks, very active work is being carried out on them. At the moment, we see the greatest progress in the negotiation process on the conclusion of a full-fledged free trade agreement between the EAEU and Iran. The current interim agreement, despite the limited trade “basket”, has already made it possible to double in value terms the mutual trade turnover, which by the end of 2021 reached $ 5 billion.
Negotiations on the creation of a free trade zone with Egypt, which were forced to be suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic, have been resumed. It is planned to launch negotiation tracks with Indonesia and India. In the near future, we plan to launch a joint study on the feasibility of trade liberalization with the United Arab Emirates.

Question: In accordance with the Memorandum between Russia and the UN signed in Istanbul on July 22 this year, the Organisation has pledged to seek the lifting of restrictions on Russia’s exports of agricultural products and fertilisers. When can we expect the lifting of restrictions on domestic supplies? Are there any fears that this document will remain only on paper?

Maria Zakharova: Indeed, on July 22, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Belousov and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Russian Federation and the UN Secretariat to promote Russian food and fertilizers on world markets.

The document is aimed at ensuring transparent and unhindered supplies to world markets of Russian food and fertilizers, including raw materials for their production.

Con’t below


n any case, we proceed from the need for a gradual transition from SWIFT to mechanisms for the transfer of financial information protected from external pressure, for which we are actively developing the Financial Message Transfer System (FSS) of the Bank of Russia. This is a forced, but completely natural solution in conditions when Russian banks and their clients regularly face problems when making routine international payments. At the same time, we are confident that not only Russia, but also other pragmatic states, which are by no means few, are interested in the emergence of an international payment infrastructure that does not depend on the changing mood of Western countries.

Question: Does Russia plan to seek the lifting of economic sanctions and restrictions on SWIFT from the West after the completion of the special operation in Ukraine?
Maria Zakharova: Not us, but Western states significantly increased confrontation and sanctions confrontation with Russia in 2014. Therefore, the initiative to weaken or abolish unilateral illegitimate restrictions should come from them.

However, the US and the EU are still literally obsessed with “suffocating” sanctions against our country, its economy and society. The collective West, without hesitation, declares its so-called “sanctions” as an instrument for changing our sovereign foreign policy through the rocking of the domestic political situation, economic collapse and political destabilization, damage to the quality of life and rights of our citizens, paralysis of business. This is how our former partners seek to impose their own world order – indisputable, uncontested, based on the dominance of Westerners and subordinate to the rules and standards developed by them.

The application of such restrictive measures can be considered an economic war without rules, which fundamentally undermines the universally recognized principles and norms of international law, including the principles of cooperation, sovereign equality and non-interference in the internal affairs of States. Violates treaty obligations on a scale that has yet to be assessed.

Under these circumstances, we are not going to achieve anything from those who adhere to a confrontational course towards our country. We react with restraint and accuracy to such actions, guided by the tasks of protecting our citizens, maintaining the stability of the national economy, its financial system, as well as the interests of domestic business. We focus our efforts on de-dollarization, import substitution, and strengthening technological independence. At the same time, we reserve the right to tighten our special measures in the event of an escalation of sanctions pressure. We are ready for any eventuality – although we are trying to avoid a confrontational path.

Question: With which countries is Russia negotiating the possibility of sharing the Mir map? In which countries can the Russian payment system start operating this year?

Answer: The unjustified blocking of all Russian clients by the largest international card payment systems has increased the priority of expanding the geography of mir cards. We are actively working in this direction. Currently, the Russian payment system can be used in countries such as Abkhazia, Armenia, Belarus, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, South Korea and South Ossetia. Negotiations with Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Egypt, India, China, Cuba, Myanmar, Nigeria, Thailand and other countries are at different stages.

Question: Will the EAEU expand in the foreseeable future? With which countries can we expect the completion of negotiations on the creation of free trade zones?

Maria Zakharova: Expanding the membership of the EAEU has never been an end in itself. The priority of the Union, especially at the current stage, is to ensure the stable development of the economies of the Member States, primarily through the implementation of mutually beneficial cooperation in a number of areas of the economic agenda.

At the same time, it is impossible not to note the noticeable practical interest of the observer states under the Union – Uzbekistan and Cuba – in the work of the association. Tashkent and Havana regularly put forward new and interesting initiatives, some of which are already under consideration by the member countries.

Interest in joining the Eurasian processes in various formats is also shown by other countries, primarily from the CIS. Possessing colossal resources, a capacious market and a huge transit and logistics potential, the EAEU is very attractive for third states.
We proceed from the fact that the decision on full membership in the EAEU should be made by the interested state based on the results of an assessment of the potential benefits that it can receive from the implementation of this step.

As for the trading tracks, very active work is being carried out on them. At the moment, we see the greatest progress in the negotiation process on the conclusion of a full-fledged free trade agreement between the EAEU and Iran. The current interim agreement, despite the limited trade “basket”, has already made it possible to double in value terms the mutual trade turnover, which by the end of 2021 reached $ 5 billion.
Negotiations on the creation of a free trade zone with Egypt, which were forced to be suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic, have been resumed. It is planned to launch negotiation tracks with Indonesia and India. In the near future, we plan to launch a joint study on the feasibility of trade liberalization with the United Arab Emirates.

Question: In accordance with the Memorandum between Russia and the UN signed in Istanbul on July 22 this year, the Organisation has pledged to seek the lifting of restrictions on Russia’s exports of agricultural products and fertilisers. When can we expect the lifting of restrictions on domestic supplies? Are there any fears that this document will remain only on paper?

Maria Zakharova: Indeed, on July 22, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Belousov and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Russian Federation and the UN Secretariat to promote Russian food and fertilizers on world markets.

The document is aimed at ensuring transparent and unhindered supplies to world markets of Russian food and fertilizers, including raw materials for their production.
The Memorandum is an integral part of the so-called “package deal” proposed by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Its second part is the “Initiative for the Safe Transportation of Grain and Food from the Ports of Ukraine”. Its essence is to promote safe navigation for the export of grain, food and fertilizers, including ammonia, from the ports of Odessa, Chornomorsk and Yuzhny.

We are actively cooperating with the UN, which conduct targeted work with Washington, Brussels and private foreign companies in order to normalize the supply of Russian food, fertilizers and raw materials for their production to world markets. This is an important issue not only for us. The whole world, primarily developing countries, is interested in stabilizing international food markets. Until the artificial illegitimate obstacles of the West that our economic operators face in carrying out foreign economic activity (including bans on port calls, discrimination in cargo insurance, restrictions on the posting of payments) are eliminated, it is hardly possible to restore the normal functioning of supply chains and solve other problems related to ensuring food security.

In Brussels, they say that the EU sanctions are not directed against the export of Russian agricultural products and fertilizers to third countries. Even if this were the case, the problem lies deeper: the volume and intensity of anti-Russian restrictions, which are absolutely unreasonably and arbitrarily introduced by the European Union, scare off many foreign economic operators from cooperating with us.

Russia is faithfully fulfilling its obligations under both components of the package. Our country is one of the key suppliers of agricultural products and fertilizers to world markets, and ensuring their uninterrupted export meets the urgent tasks of ensuring food security and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals – primarily in needy developing countries. We hope that the UN will show a similar approach and make all the necessary efforts to lift the remaining sanctions restrictions by those who imposed them.
We see some progress in this area. Full results have not yet been achieved. The work continues.

Question: The EU sanctions also affected Russian oil. Russia’s energy sector is subject to unilateral restrictions from the West. Against this background, are there any plans to completely stop the supply of energy to unfriendly countries and reorient themselves to other markets?

Maria Zakharova: Indeed, in early June this year, the European Union imposed sanctions against Russian oil and petroleum products. It is planned to stop maritime imports of Russian oil after December 5 of this year, and petroleum products with very few exceptions – from February 5, 2023. At the same time, it is worth recalling that the Russian oil industry became the object of EU restrictions back in 2014: individual projects in Russia were affected for the exploration and production of oil at sea at depths of over 150 m, on the sea shelf beyond the Arctic Circle and for the extraction of shale oil by hydraulic fracturing.

In the context of external sanctions pressure and initiatives generated by Western countries to establish an arbitrary “ceiling” on oil prices, the reorientation of Russian hydrocarbon exports to Asia is our natural response. Moreover, there are prerequisites for this: the dynamics of world energy markets is such that energy consumption is growing most rapidly in developing countries, primarily the Asia-Pacific region and South Asia. It is to these regions that there is a gradual redirection of Russian export flows. These countries, realizing that Russian supplies are reliable and profitable, do not succumb to Western blackmail. In fact, there is a geographical redistribution between consumers of limited energy resources at the disposal of producers.

If the Group of Seven tries to implement its voluntaristic anti-market plans to set marginal prices for Russian oil, our country, of course, will not sell it at a loss. In this situation, the world oil market, which is now in a state of fragile equilibrium, will experience a shock with a sharp rise in quotations, which the initiators of the introduction of a “price ceiling” for Russian fuel are so afraid of.

Question: Speculation continues in the West that Russia may not resume gas supplies through the Nord Stream gas pipeline after technical work, or resume supplies not in full. What can the Russian side respond to such statements? Is there a timeline when the gas pipeline is planned to be returned to full capacity?

Maria Zakharova: Russia is currently supplying Europe with the volume of natural gas that makes it possible to pump the existing technical capabilities of Nord Stream 1. As the Russian side has repeatedly stated, the current restriction of supplies through the gas pipeline is due solely to the current anti-Russian sanctions of Canada, the EU and the UK. It is the various prohibitions imposed by them, which are confused and do not really want to understand in Berlin, that prevent the successful resolution of the situation with the transportation and repair by Siemens of the gas turbine engines of the Portovaya compressor station, which provides gas to European consumers through the Nord Stream-1 gas pipeline.

As for the operation of the Nord Stream gas pipeline in the future, much will depend on our partners both in terms of gas demand and preventing the impact on its functioning of the restrictive measures introduced by them. I would like to note that the reduction in Russian gas supplies was initiated not by us, but by the European Union, which developed a plan to abandon Russian energy carriers “in advance of 2030.”

Regardless of the political situation, Russia values its reputation as a reliable supplier of this valuable resource. In 2021, the Russian side fulfilled all gas contracts. We strive to fulfill our contractual obligations even in these difficult times. We call on our Western partners to resolve the problems created by their own hands as soon as possible. We have no doubt that then the situation with gas supplies to the European market will quickly normalize.

Question: Does Moscow admit that the situation in the West may change and the Nord Stream 2 project will be unfrozen?

Maria Zakharova: If you recall, the European Union, primarily represented by the European Commission, has long been conducting “preparatory” work against this project. In 2019, the EU adopted amendments to the “gas directive” of the notorious “Third Energy Package”, which extended EU legislation exclusively to the Nord Stream 2 project, putting it in an unequal position in relation to other gas pipelines and violating the legitimate interests of its investors. Now this gas pipeline could be a solution to the problems that Brussels itself created with its policy, primarily around the gas pumping turbines of Nord Stream 1. Let me remind you that Nord Stream 2, after numerous delays in Europe, was ready for launch in December last year. However, Berlin, spurred on by the United States, Poland and the Balts, decided to “freeze” it. As a result, he made it worse for his own citizens and businesses. Despite this, the current leadership of the European Union and Germany continue to show political perseverance in their rejection of this project. Whether and under what conditions they will be ready to change their position depends on them, their constituents, and, apparently, their overseas “senior comrades” aggressively occupying space in the European gas market with record high prices.

At the same time, in the current situation, it was decided to use the SP-2 infrastructure located on the territory of our country for the gasification of the North-West of Russia. Therefore, if the German side, purely hypothetically, decides to commission this gas pipeline, then only one of its lines can be included in the work at this stage.


I apologize … the sections didn’t post in order … this ^^^^ portion is the LAST ONE.


Who Knew Playing Frisbee IS Deadly.

The JAB takes kills another child. MeThinks…


16-Year-Old Dies Suddenly After Suffering Cardiac Arrest While Playing Frisbee with Family Members


Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Happy go lucky

ya know….it takes a LOT to steal my happy…but I’m beginning to truthfully hate some people



Evil types EARN our feelings towards them. At least it does me.



She looks like a shaggy beagle.

JW in Germany

Andrew Breitbart famously said “politics is downstream of culture”…this kid Samson is a fantastic example!

THIS KID GOES HARD! With a Fully Automatic 2nd Amendment TRUTH Nuke 🔥  🔥  🔥 

I know Rap is not everybody’s cup of tea…but this is more about the target audience. We are not gonna break the spell of Xanax and sex rap with rated PG 2A messages.

You have to smack them bald in the face with hardcore Truth in a language that THEY understand.

So yes, there is profanity in this video…BUT WOW!!! This young man is VERY talented!

I am surprised this is still up on YT. Please watch to the end.

Hundreds of reaction videos already with millions of views.

Last edited 2 years ago by JW in Germany
JW in Germany

Trying to walk the thin YT censorship line by not putting his finger on the trigger. Loaded with armored piercing Truth rounds!

It may seem to you that I am being a bit hyperbolic…but I have been following the independent Rap scene closely for a couple of years now.

Tom MacDonald got me hooked with Fake Woke. Despite YT suppression his videos have

In fact, there is an ever growing list of truly independent ARTISTS that are starting conversations by being “controversial”.

Perhaps even more importantly…ever more reaction channels are popping up multiplying the views and messages EXPONENTIALLY! Many have truly talented hosts that are intelligently breaking down the meaning of the bars aka lyrics and encouraging civil and open-minded discussion in the comment sections…learning and spreading the knowledge…and they come from all corners of the world.

True Grassroots!

JW in Germany



Oh, that’s good. Really good.


Superb, ON POINT Message.

JW in Germany

I am binge watching his videos right now! I do not have adjectives to describe the talent and message.


That was excellent! The last minute or so was truly powerful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Too much truth. Fuckin’ elite. It’s ALL ABOUT THEM.

We just never figured they were as evil as they are.


It’s hard to imagine people being that evil. It really is.


Whatever it takes !  😃 



CFP with comments and video of Daria previous talk on show.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

h/t from Marica’s blog:

August 17, 2022

Well, if Yours Truly is reading this article correctly, the mRNA for Moderna’s new “combo COVID-19 booster vaccine” (it combines the original Wuhan strain + at least one of the omicron variants) is being manufactured in Mississauga, Ontario, by a small, “new player” in the drug-manufacturing scene called National Resilience.
Moderna will no longer be manufacturing the mRNA for its own proprietary COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Before National Resilience “revised” its website, it advertised itself as a manufacturer of “RNA Modalities”; “Virus Production”; “biologics”; and “cell therapies.”
National Resilience was founded only a couple of years ago. Yet, the company somehow has managed to snag many millions for funding new facilities, in deals with Moderna and with the Canadian government, and other agreements.
It turns out that National Resilience has board members who are closely related to CIA-linked entities, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Merck.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Here’s my assessment.

The “toxic batch problem” broke the depopulation plan open. Whether it was caused intentionally or accidentally, they’re trying to get a hold of it. I’m still trying to figure out what’s going on, but it may be that “China is cheating” on the globalist depopulation plan in some way, and our depoppers don’t trust their depoppers not to rig depopulation in favor of China.

The depoppers ain’t quittin’ – that’s for sure.


Uh oh. Sounds like ci yeah assisted in this? Trying to escalate?


“Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin (Russian: Александр Гельевич Дугин; born 7 January 1962) is a Russian political philosopher,[5] analyst, and strategist known for views widely characterized as fascist.[6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Considered by some in the West to be “Putin’s brain,”[13] or “Putin’s philosopher,” Dugin is believed by some to have laid the ideological groundwork for the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022[14][15] as part of his advocacy for Ukraine becoming “a purely administrative sector of the Russian centralized state”, which he refers to as Novorossiya.[16] Others contend that Dugin’s influence within the Russian government has been greatly exaggerated, an impression given by correlations between his work and Russian foreign policy.[17] Dugin calls for an illiberal totalitarian Russian Empire to control the Eurasian continent from Dublin to Vladivostok to challenge America and “Atlanticism”.[18][19]”



Not even a hint of a constitutional republic…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, this does not sound like one of the good guys.

“Squabbling among monsters.”



Likely got green lighted when Vindman was over there just couple of days ago.


Spy traitor vindman… sending messages the old fashioned way.
And is it part of the “free brandi” negotiations? Go after too big for his britches zelensky? Or just escalate to distract from dimm poll numbers?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is a really good background on the guy and the daughter.

He’s basically pushing for Russian “reconquista” of Europe. Sorry – the world doesn’t need any kind of new Stalinism. Dugin’s assessment of the globalists as decadent, anti-Christian, anti-traditional, etc., is correct, and his point about maritime vs. land-based civilization is powerful, but IMO he errs strongly in equating “the West” with the current globalist and criminal scumbags running the show, and even more strongly with the idea of Russian empire. THAT is a deadly illusion – deadly most of all to Russia, in EXACTLY the same way that European ideas of conquest of Russia are deadly to them.

Both CIA and Ukraine have motive to kill this guy, which to me only shows that they are worse than Dugin and his daughter. Russo-fascism vs. Euro-jazism/nazism is not a fight I want to pick a side of. Putin is better off living up to his Western propaganda, than listening to this guy, and part of me wonders if the hit on Dugin was made by insiders to allow a peace process to happen unopposed.

Whoops – forgot to add it.


Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ty. The allusion of him and his dtr arent as innocents. Most of this entire conflict is so old that yhe further from it we are the better.


As far as i can tell…

comment image

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Selection Code movie starting NOW on RSBN or Frank Speech. Court wouldn’t let Tina Peters travel to Missouri, she appeared by video. She narrates film.

Tomorrow starts at 9a, Central.

State by state voter fraud revealed today. Took all day to get to Texas!

AZ Liz Harris said harm coming to their investigators. 1 supposedly died of WuFlu, 1 killed in hit and run in FL – no suspects, 1 went down in suspicous plane crash – 5th degree burns but still working on project.


Stolen from Insty:

The old Scandinavian joke was that a Dane will talk to you before he drinks, a Norwegian will talk after he drinks, a Swede will just say “Cheers!” and the Finn will look at the Swede scornfully and say “are we here to drink, or chatter?”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I was married to a Finn. Wish I had heard this joke beforehand.  😁 


I have tremendous respect for Finns…..as well as other groups such as Gurkhas, Navy Seals, Samurai, and Green Berets…..

Would not necessarily recommend marrying any of ’em.


The men who populated my formative years lived by the motto, “Why would I do it myself when I can pay someone else to do it”.

I was starstruck when I came upon the Finns. Self reliant, fearless people. Genetically they are very interesting. I miss them.