Dear KAG: 20220823 Open Thread

Cover image: Summer’s End, Ferris Wheel by Mary Sheehan Winn.

This is definitely not my favorite time of the year, but at least the news is providing some wins.

Fauci Out

The modern Narcissus known as Anthony Fauci announces his departure:

STATEMENT – “I am announcing today that I will be stepping down from the positions of Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Chief of the NIAID Laboratory of Immunoregulation, as well as the position of Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden. I will be leaving these positions in December of this year to pursue the next chapter of my career.” (more)

I’d say, buh-bye, but it seems that he might not be out of our hair and ready for prosecution just yet:

Lockdown Architect Anthony Fauci Quits to Write a Book

Has Fauci’s presence become a liability to the Biden administration and the Democrats generally? Perhaps but there is also the issue of book royalties that await him once leaving his post with government. The New York Times explains: “While he has been working on a memoir, Dr. Fauci said he did not yet have a publisher. In an interview last year, he said he was precluded from contracting with a publisher while he was still employed by the government.”

Both factors could explain the decision. He will wait for his final departure until after the November election. 

More fire starters for the book publishers to launder cash.

There is, though, this:

Patri0tsareinContr0l ️️️

Dr. Fauci operated in the shadows for most of his 38 years as the Director of NIAID. But once COVID was released, President Trump put him front and center for the whole world to see just how corrupt he & our infectious disease institutions were.

We experienced firsthand that the taxpayer-funded institutions that were supposed to be protecting the public, are in fact actively working to harm us via bioweapons & dangerous vaccinations.

We have President Trump to thank for exposing all of this.

66.2KviewsAug 22 at 11:31

All day the little garden gnome has been trending. Some choice picks:

Enough of the attention whore. Let’s see what else I’ve got stashed.

Trump files motion asking for special master to go through documents seized from Mar-a-Lago

Former President Donald Trump filed a motion Monday demanding federal investigators stop going through material seized from his Mar-a-Lago mansion earlier this month until a neutralspecial master could be appointed to review the records.

The 27-page filing in Florida federal court also asked for the federal government to provide more detail about what was seized in the Aug. 8 raid on the 45th president’s Palm Beach estate and demanded the Justice Department return any item not covered by the search warrant.

“We are now demanding that the Department of ‘Justice’ be instructed to immediately STOP the review of documents illegally seized from my home. ALL documents have been previously declassified,” Trump said in a statement on his Truth Social platform soon after the motion was filed.

The former president went on to call the FBI’s raid an “unnecessary, unwarranted, and unAmerican break-in” that violated his Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures.

The filing, which is the first by Trump’s side since the raid, suggests the FBI search was politically motivated – calling it a “shockingly aggressive move” that was undertaken with “no understanding of the distress that it would cause most Americans.”

A Potential Republican Club Midterm Strategy – Nationalize the January 2021 Georgia Outcome

Acceptance is the first step.

  • If we accept or acknowledge the RNC and DNC are private corporations, existing like all other corporations to the fulfilment of their for-profit charter, to make money; and
  • If we accept or acknowledge their business model is structured around people and businesses giving them money; and
  • If we accept or acknowledge that in the process of raising money their interests may or may not align with the goal of those contributing to the business; and
  • If we accept the history that Mitch McConnell and the RNC worked purposefully to remove the influence of the Tea Party; then
  • This factually accurate statement from Steve Deace takes on a new meaning:

[…] “the GOP (club) would rather lose to Democrats than lose control of the [club] to it’s base.”  Electability boils down to the right kind of approved candidate.

That is an accurate context for this midterm election cycle. Factually, the income stream for the RNC improves if they have the ability to campaign against the opposition club.  The larger the outrage, the more substantial the fundraising.  The corporation makes more money in defeat, or in the minority, than it does when it wins or holds majorities.

The GOP Is Doing Its Best To Lose The November Election

Republicans don’t care. They’re complaining about Biden’s spending, bemoaning government overreach, and sanctioning Putin. Those issues aren’t going to return the GOP to power, but Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Ronna McDaniel seem sanguine. Their lives don’t change if the GOP doesn’t take back Congress. They’ll still rule their little fiefdoms, still be invited to Georgetown cocktail parties to be feted by lobbyists and, of course, they’ll still be on Sunday morning shows to feign outrage for the latest Democrat policy.

For these grifters, the only difference between winning and losing in November is having to work for the American people…something they’re loathe to do.

Liz Cheney Creates PAC for Sole Purpose of Removing Republicans from Office and Supporting Democrats

Ms. Cheney has transferred the remaining $7 million from her leadership PAC, mostly provided by democrat donor activists and Wall Street allies, into a new Political Action Committee created to attack undesirable republican politicians and benefit Democrats.

More on Liz in the Tweet section.

Donald the Dynasty Slayer

American dynasty names are familiar – Kennedy, Bush, Cheney, McCain, Clinton – just to name a few. These families believe they are entitled to power and wealth simply by virtue of their last names. Political office is their right, regardless of what they do with this power, and they band together in opposition to any challenge to this power.

Despite being of different political parties, they are actually far more similar than different. It is like a group of country club kids creating two baseball or basketball teams, one wearing red shirts, the other blue shirts, but at the end of the game, the shirts come off and the kids all have a fine dinner at the club, then return to their mansions along the golf course, often next door to each other.

This entitled class is known as the ruling class, the establishment, or the elites. It is like the country club where you can’t enjoy the perks of membership without an invitation from existing members….

But before he entered politics, Trump was most certainly in the club, a darling of American elites, posing for photographs with presidents, celebrities, and athletes. He hosted a wildly popular television reality show and was a frequent guest of Oprah and other liberal club members.

When he came down the escalator at Trump Tower in June 2015 announcing his improbable candidacy for the presidency, his club membership was put on probation. At first the elites thought his candidacy a novelty, a joke on America, a scheme to sell books or promote his celebrity and television endeavors.

Mar-a-Lago and the Abyss

The Evil of the Anti-Liberty Left

However, for some reason, some always work to mystify and muck up the political spectrum issue.  They constantly exploit language to hide factual reality.  Why would they do this?  Do they gain some advantage over society by muddying the waters?

Are You on Team Liberty or Team Tyranny?

Militias composed of volunteers, represent and make effective the spontaneous order arising from free citizens. Standing armies directed by monarchs or other powerful executives, by contrast, make real and all too imposing the kind of top-down, coercive order imposed by oligarchies and tyrants.

It’s for this reason that so many of our Founding fathers were suspicious of standing armies, and initially reluctant to found one. They had seen that state militias played a crucial role in the French and Indian War. George Washington himself had led Virginia militiamen who held together and saved the British retreat after the catastrophic defeat of army regulars at the Battle of the Monongahela in 1755. His heroic actions that day helped make him famous, and launch him in politics.

The new epidemic of self-silencing plagues America

A new study by the Populace organization revealed the obvious: that Americans are “self-silencing” — people saying what they think others want to hear rather than what they truly feel.

People often reshape their privately held views to conform to what they think their group believes, despite that assessment frequently being inaccurate. This causes the illusion of consensus.

The following are two of the most significant revelations from the study:

  • Four times as many Democrats say Corporate CEOs should take a public stand on social issues (44%) than actually care (11%).
  • On Education, one in three Democrats think parents should have more influence over public school curriculum, however, only one in four dares to say it publicly.

Biden Admin Running ‘World’s Epicenter’ of Child Trafficking: Former White House Adviser

A former White House adviser, Stephen Miller, accused the Biden administration of turning the United States into the “world’s epicenter” of child trafficking due to the administration’s border policies.

“These astronomical numbers defy any historical comparison. So overwhelmingly are the prior records exceeded that there is no reference point. Biden, with the unflinching aid of 50 Senate Democrats, is running the largest child smuggling operation our world has ever seen,” Miller wrote on Twitter over the weekend in response to a report finding that some 250,000 children crossed the border and were sent to “sponsors” since President Joe Biden entered office last year.

Miller, who was one of the Trump administration’s architects and currently heads the America First Legal group, added in a separate interview that the policy is creating “the largest child smuggling epidemic in human history.”

“It has enriched virtually every major child smuggler in the hemisphere and far beyond. It has filled the ranks of MS-13. It has created a monstrous industry of vast global reach,” he told the Washington Examiner on Monday. “And it has made America’s border into the world’s epicenter of labor trafficking, sex trafficking, and modern-day slavery.”

New CNN CEO Tells Employees, ‘You Might Not Like or Understand’ What’s Coming

Licht discovered, to his horror, that the network was massively dependent on Donald Trump for ratings. Without Trump to headline CNN’s news coverage, no one was very much interested in the biased commentary and left-wing slant to the news that became CNN’s hallmark.

CNN’s profits are expected to fall below $1 billion for the first time in many years. And its prime-time coverage is drawing less than 700,000 viewers a night. Clearly, Licht had to do something.

Friday morning, Licht convened a virtual editorial meeting to discuss some of the changes he wants to make at the network.

“I want to acknowledge that this is a time of significant change, and I know that many of you are unsettled,” Licht said, according to the Hollywood Reporter, who quoted multiple people on the call. “There will be more changes, and you might not understand it or like it.”

The new owner seems to be cleaning house.

Lighthizer Wins the Long Game

Since leaving office, the former ambassador has refused paid board positions because of his expectation that they would “limit [his] ability to speak on the issues,” but has accepted positions at a number of advocacy groups; he is the chair of the Center for American Trade at the America First Policy Institute (AFPI), board member at Oren Cass’s American Compass, and advisor at Mike Pence’s Advancing American Freedom. On the week of our interview, he sat for a panel at AFPI’s summit and offered a keynote at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute’s American Economic Forum. He continues to write editorials for the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal and is working on a book that will combine elements of policy prescription and memoir.

Simply put, Lighthizer is using his time in relative retirement “building up that consensus, lobbying through these institutions, [and] meeting with people.” His record proves that he’s good at building consensus, lobbying, and meeting.

J.R.R. is ‘Right Out’, Rings of Power is Perfect For Those Who Always Felt There Was Too Much Tolkien in Lord of the Rings

People with ZERO talent long had no options for expressing themselves, and since most of them were democRATs they finally used their Borg hive mind to come up with a scheme to steal the work of others (usually a book) and after changing it to suit their world view (communism) pass it off as the original work in a movie or on TV then gaslight so few people notice. This has nothing to do with black vs white, and everything to do with leftists intentionally ruining things they did not create AND also it only ever going in one direction on the race swapping. Black people are just (usually) their weapon of choice and one has to wonder why they insult non-whites with personalized knockoffs of white culture anyway and why that is readily accepted.

Which brings us to the upcoming Amazon streaming series ‘The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power’[SIC] a prequel which has little to do with LotR and they know it. “It felt only natural to us that an adaptation of Tolkien’s work would reflect what the world actually looks like” said one asshat (Lindsey Weber) involved in this crapfest. The only problem is Tolkien (a white British male philologist; expert on and inventor of languages) described HIS world, and you want to set the story in YOUR world.

Messing with the classics is a big no-no.

Tweet hopper:

Meme hopper:

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


PSALMS 96:10-13

10Say among the nations, “The LORD reigns! Yea, the world is established, it shall never be moved; he will judge the peoples with equity.” 11Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and all that fills it; 12let the field exult, and everything in it! Then shall all the trees of the wood sing for joy 13before the LORD, for he comes, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with his truth.

MATTHEW 23:23-26

23“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you tithe mint and dill and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law, justice and mercy and faith; these you ought to have done, without neglecting the others. 24You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel! 25“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you cleanse the outside of the cup and of the plate, but inside they are full of extortion and rapacity. 26You blind Pharisee! first cleanse the inside of the cup and of the plate, that the outside also may be clean.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Why should you get National Guard and We Don’t? Texas gets 7,000/day!


Pentagon DENIES DC Mayor Muriel Bowser second plea for the National Guard to be deployed in capital | Daily Mail Online

Pentagon DENIES DC Mayor Muriel Bowser’s second plea for the National Guard to be deployed to deal with huge influx of migrants into the city

  • The Pentagon has rejected a second request from Washington, D.C.’s mayor 
  • Muriel Bowser has asked for help to deal with migrants arriving in the city by bus
  • Pentagon said it ‘would not be appropriate’ to use the DC National Guard and that the Defense Department ‘cannot fulfill your request’ 
  • Bowser had initially requested DC National Guard support in late-July when she said the city had reached a ‘tipping point’ with the number of migrants
  • More than 7,500 have now arrived since April in the capital
  • Governors of Texas and Arizona began busing migrants from the southern border to the capital starting in April to protest Biden’s immigration policy
  • Texas is now bussing immigrants to the Big Apple on a regular basis
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, do I despise that racist bitch. Nancy Pelosi’s mob lieutenant.


Don’t be fooled.

That’s not solving a damn thing – it’s political theater – they are stealing taxpayer/public funds to house the illegals in luxury hotels, give them money, phones, etc.

Then the mostly fighting age males will likely go to training camps to become Øbastid’s fascist thug army.

Or they be disbursed and sent to be cheap labor to corporations – crony donors of the politicians – who will get kick-backs for providing snap cards, section 8 housing for the corporation cheap labor.

The influx of illegals is government-subsidized cheap for crony corporate donors.

The Governor of NY and Mayors of NYC and DC are probably getting kick-backs too.

It’s all a big $$$$ game.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Complaining is not enough.

Voting against communists is not enough.

Saying “we had to be shown” is not enough.

Accepting “it had to be done” WILL be enough.


Stretching beyond…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’ve dumped a bunch more of these into my YouTube feed lately. Some appear to be old uploads that are getting boosted, but others seem to be fairly fresh uploads by SuSE.


You could branch out into Dylan Beattie…..


I wonder what Brendan Eich would think about the song.


Going further out, you can sing along with psychotic AI…..

Now these points of data make a beautiful line
And we’re out of beta, we’re releasing on time
So I’m glad I got burned; think of all the things we learned
For the people who are still alive

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, I’m still savoring “the voice of Kubernetes”!  😍   😜 

This right here is pretty geeky, but the “magic moments” of perfect sound are clearly the draw of production for the artists.


The GOP Is Doing Its Best To Lose The November Election
Which GOP the RINO GOP or the MAGA GOP.?

The fight is between those two and MAGA is winning at the moment, but needs to keep the momentum up not until the November election and not until Trump is back in office, but as Steve Bannon always refers to making it the dominating political institution for the next hundert years.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

RINOs and GOPe, INC. UGH!!!

Mitch McConnell is really getting tiresome.

Trump is absolutely right about Mitch. “Candidate quality”???

YEAH, MITCH. We’re finally getting some quality. SCARY, huh?

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

The Post Turtle needs to retire to Beijing with his handler…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Turtle Soup. Half-wit on the half-shell…..


They want to loose because they know Trump will win. The uni-party is very much exposed and we see them clearly. I hope voters keep these traitors in mind when there term to be replaced is available.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image

Seems appropriate:

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice
You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill
I will choose a path that’s clear, I will choose Freewill

Gail Combs


I wonder what her parents will do when the Clot Shot destroys their health…


Blame it on climate change like the media tells them to do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


It’s time to disabuse people of certain notions.

Gail Combs

They STILL kicked out their daughter so why should she bother to return?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Indeed. I can give you the reason of Christ’s advice to do so, but I cannot give you any unassailable logic behind it. Legally, there is no law that we have to love our abusers – particularly those who abused us nearly unto death. Morally, it is clear that forgiveness ends the compounding of error. Perhaps some science shows it to be advisable, and yet to make it anything other than voluntary destroys the benefits. And thus, one more paradox.

The foundational Jewish law, similar. Honor thy mother and father. No exceptions in the main clause. Smart stuff! For all of us to lived that one fully would have brought down the depop plot, because hospital covidiocy would have been refused, and “we would have shown ourselves”.

It is ultimately a spiritual crisis, and they are ultimately spiritual solutions.

Gail Combs

AND if they AGAIN INSIST she has to have the CLOT SHOT to be ALLOWED to care for them?

I should note that I DIVORCED my brother, a Psychopath, who tried to kill me repeatedly forty plus years ago. I see no reason to ENABLE ABUSERS no matter what their relationship to me is.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs

IMO, the dilemma is between drawing boundaries that we think, and know, to be appropriate, vs. adhering to the letter of a commandment. I think there is ample evidence in Scripture that there has to be a balance, and that first principles come first. If you know your parent to be a murderer, you do not condone that. Similarly, if you are being abused by them, you are not required to endure that. Some would argue that going along with it would not be honoring them because it would not be doing what is principled or morally right.

We are commanded to love one another. Someone told me once that loving another person means doing the hard things that will give them opportunities to see the error of their ways. It is not “honoring” or “loving” to let someone abuse you. If they can’t see it, that’s unfortunate.

I have also been given a distinction about loving our enemies, as follows: We do not condone bad behavior, we do not let them destroy what is good, we do not let them hurt us or others, but we would give them a drink of water if they were dying of thirst. (Cue cries of “I wouldn’t p_ss on ____ if they were on fire. 🔥 ☺️ I get it.) I think wartime situations can go either way. Example: If a WWII German soldier finds his way, by himself, to your home, and he is not threatening but injured, you might help him. But if several come to harm you and your family, you do what you have to do. The same for battlefield situations.

AND if they AGAIN INSIST she has to have the CLOT SHOT to be ALLOWED to care for them?

IMO, you find a way to get them care without compromising your principles and what you know to be right for your own health and well being. Find a vaxed volunteer, or hire a vaxed person, etc., and let your parents know what you are doing, and why, with a calm and caring spirit.

That’s all easy to say, and hard to do. These decisions are difficult, and people have their own opinions about where to draw the lines.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
Gail Combs

Finding a vaxed volunteer would be where I would go. Or helping them find government  🙄  help. Helping Hands or what ever.

I provide a lot of advice for neighbors if I am able. Some can not navigate computers or today’s legal maze so I do what I can when asked. (I have also done cooking and sewing/repairs.)

Cuppa Covfefe

One thing that’s often forgotten is the command to “depart out”. One can still love and even forgive their abuser/tormentor/irritant/whatever, while putting a fair distance between them. Have no concord with Belial…

II Corinthians 6:14-18:

14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

You can honor parents by praying for them, blessing them, speaking well of them using the most general terms possible. You do not need to disparage or hang out with them, especially if they’re abusive. IMO, the biggie is putting all aside and caring for them in old age, can be really hard for some but IS the right thing to do. Forgiveness may/may not affect them, but sets you free.


Great decision. Nicole has what it takes.

^^^ Decision made 9 Aug 2021.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nice Rush (not Limbaugh, but the rock group) reference!


Everybody saw where this was going decades ago —

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a great speech. OAN uses clips of this all the time.

Gail Combs

If FauXi is really really LUCKY he will spend time in front of congress.

There are  253,768,000 adults over 18 living in the USA. If we take a conservative 50% got the Clot Shot (multiple), that is about 125 million possible people with adverse reactions.

Nearly 1.3 million adverse events linked to COVID-19 vaccines, reveal VAERS reports
VAERS data for five- to 11-year-olds as of May 13 revealed that:

  • Around 581 million coronavirus vaccine doses had been administered in the U.S. as of May 13.
  • There had been 10,745 adverse events, along with 279 cases rated as serious and five reported deaths.


Then we take a look at this.
Only One Percent of Vaccine Reactions Reported to VAERS

A 2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stated that fewer than one percent of all vaccine adverse events are reported to the government:4

Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed.

There have been 8,087 vaccine-related deaths reported to VAERS, but that number likely represents only one percent of the total number of deaths that have actually occurred and the real number may be 808,700 vaccine–related deaths. Similarly, 17,394 reports of permanent disabilities have been reported to VAERS, but that number likely is closer to 1,739,400 vaccine-related disabilities….

We also know the reporting is even less now because the government is trying to hide the problem.

Consider a family who has lost a wive, husband sister, brother or WORSE a child to the Clot Shot. Consider a person who ALSO took the Clot shot has just been diagnosed with rampant cancer… HOW MANY of them would there been in the USA. One, ten HUNDREDS?

What happens when DAWN breaks over MARBLEHEAD…

As Q said

….They think you are STUPID.

They think you will follow the STARS.

They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.






When my primary and I got into a mini debate about covid and “vax” (he was 100% mind numbed robot) he asked me where I got my information on injuries from. I told him “VAERS.”

He asked me “What is VAERS.” I told him, and stated that ALL doctors had a legal obligation to make the reports.

His response: “No doctor has time to do that.”

Gail Combs


Is this brain dead piece of meat still your doctor?


Yes, long story, but yes. Reasons. Our primary, which with our insurance means he can be circumvented.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Strategic adaptation that WORKS, works.


My doctor has no time. He gets up every day 7 days a week at 3 am. He reads what came in from his patience. At 6 am he makes the rounds in the hospital. At 9 am he is in his office. I see him leave his office often between 6-7 PM to head to the hospital for another round. He told me he goes at 9 PM to bed so he is refreshed in the morning. Being a doctor is not what people think not a life of easy 9 to 5 job. Sometimes we get a wrong picture specially if a doctor is half way retired and only work 4-5 days a week. My daughter in law works half time she said that is 45 to 50 hours a week. She is in the hospital at 3 AM 5 days a week and some weekends.


Yes. They work very long hours because they have to record what happened during a patient visit, they have to address all concerns that people call in with, evaluate prescription refills, consult with other doctors, call patients sometimes, etc. All of that is done outside of the hours when they actually see patients.

Gail Combs

All the DARN Paperwork that OH!BUMMERCARE saddled them with.

A dairy farmer in the UK, one of the few remaining, said after they got the national ID and the rest of that WTO crap, 60% of his time was taken filling out paperwork. I imagine it is the same or worse for doctors.

AND THEY MUST DO IT BECAUSE THEY GO TO JAIL IF IT IS WRONG so they can not give it to a clerk to do.


That is so true. My grand kids after seeing their parents work not to become doctors.


In addition to those who lost loved ones, there are so many who were not allowed to be with and care for their loved ones who were hospitalized. At the time it might have seemed necessary to protect the health of seriously ill people in the hospital, etc., but as people realize how unnecessary it all was, they are not going to be happy. We were controlled for a couple of years by people with agendas. The anger should be off the charts.

Gail Combs

Yes it will be and if those people have nothing left to live for??….

I was surprised to hear Steve Bannon use “Tony Fauci, His head is not on a pike….” What have we started??  😱 

first 4 sec.
Scotty Films — Talking Heads – Psycho Killer

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More GAB Truth.

comment image


If Dan would have gotten on Gab instead of trashing it, he would have known better.

His second biggest mistake.


Morpheus MAGA

NEW: Dan Bongino, “getting the vax was the biggest mistake… and greatest regret of my life.”

[video src="" /]

69 replies


If he’s upset now, just imagine how apoplectic he’s going to be, when he figures out this was all done by intent and design, with malice and profit and depopulation aforethought.

Imagine the blinding rage at this monstrous betrayal.

At the monsters who betrayed us.

Imagine 250+ million Americans coming to this realization, more or less at the same time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. That’s why Fauci was likely encouraged to GTFO and start working on his book. He’ll follow the Birx model and post misleading admissions.

They have to protect Obama and Obamacare. They will sacrifice anybody and everybody to protect the magic commie.


“They have to protect Obama and Obamacare. They will sacrifice anybody and everybody to protect the magic commie.”

..or maybe realizing some unforeseen budget obligation ( admission of vax long-term damage ) “compels” TPTB to protect/justify/enshrine and grow their seedling US gubmint institution,OBOCARE.
Maybe it’s another BIG gubmint is too BIG to fail insurance policy.
Brought to you by none other than BIG gubmint.
I can easily see the Uni-party salivating on the grift potential.


Maybe we find out that all in the know did not take the jab while forcing it on the gerunds in Military, Police force, Hospital workers and in big Industry.
Watch most of Congress did not get the shot or Senate. The billionaires did not get the shot . The Obama’s and Clinton’s and so many others. The left kept themselves clean while forcing others. Evil cabal Fauci scarf lady all need to pay and do not forget Pence who lead the evil.
Biden cabal also needs to pay .

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

Easy enough to find out. Pre- trial take a blood sample from all suspects, all those in gubmint, Every last one of them. If they don’t have the vax spike protein in their blood, but ordered everyone else to take it?
Guilty. The double vaxed triple boosted hypocrites should have plenty of it. The grunts get a get out of jail free card if the gubmint forced them in order to keep their jobs.

It’s a three-fer.. we clean out corrupt politicians, see some justice and set the precedent example for future scumbags.
#heads on spikes

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I think there are a LOT of people who are seeing that it WAS intentional.

Nobody is saying it, but there is mass awakening on it.

Everybody sees the circumstantial evidence. And there is probably a smoking gun somewhere.

Occam’s razor is shifting in everybody’s mind, because Aubergine’s razor is explaining things better than Hanlon’s razor.


“And there is probably a smoking gun somewhere.”


Found it.

The gun is somewhere in there:

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Oh, yeah I am hearing it from ordinary people.


Yes. Ditto.


There are more saying it and realizing it than you may realize, Wolf.

The brushfire was started by We the People and depop has become part of the lexicon. The majority of people have known something was off for years and now they are seeing it play out in front of their eyes with people they know.

Gail Combs

Once you realize the US Government is CORRUPT TO THE CORE you can never go back.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. There is rottenness in Washington. Beijing, too, but Washington aspires to be just like Beijing, or maybe worse.

Brave and Free

Yup, follow the wives and in someone’s case the driver.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are two KEY IDEAS that need to come forward now.

(1) Obamacare made it all possible

(2) Trump TRIED to stop it, by stopping Obamacare.


Now we see how Brainwash McCain fulfilled his final evil role in Soviet madness. In their wicked Turtle McChina plot to save Obamacare, and thus to save the DeathCare shots, McCain was the “saving” vote for depopulation.

Gail Combs

I have been contemplating that ever since Clif High brought it up 6 months ago.

He was referring to the HIGHLY TRAINED ISREAELIS…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They suffered a LOT.

Brave and Free

IIRC he was one of the backers of the other newly formed media platforms. They’re pretty much erased now. Currently can’t remember the name of it.
And yeah never should’ve gotten the vax, wonder if he’s worried that his cancer will return?


Wasn’t that Parler ?

Brave and Free

^^Yeah that’s it^^


His doctor was wrong 180 degrees. Bongino is now more susceptible to re-occurrence. And he knows it.


Better late than never, Dan. Choose one – truth or lies. All in or all out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And free inquiry is the only way past the lies.

comment image


Perhaps, part of Dan’s problem is, Dan lives in the echo chamber 24/7. The echo chamber is woven into Dan’s daily life style.


This is the disturbing part. How can someone on our side be so uninformed? How is it possible for our public people to lack the knowledge everyone on this site has, and has had for a long time?

And how is it possible for some public person, supposedly on our side, to lack the intuitive understanding everyone on this site has? To not see what we see, and have seen for a long, long time?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This gets to the core of it, and gives me an idea.

I think that Dan is very astute and aware of “mainstream media metrics”. He wants to “get the word out to normies”, and uses those metrics as a gauge of success. But in doing so, he exposes himself far too much to a “fake normal” which is not only WRONG and MISLEADING, but is ACTIVELY EVIL. If one does not suspect the normal of the normies as being mortally dangerous to soul and body, one is not prepared for the level of badness, ready to wound or kill us – and that it is “baked into” Fake Normal.

Hence my mother’s post-Hitler paranoia. TRAINED to survive, she was skeptical of everything – even the “good” – at levels which did not make sense to a child – until they did.

I mean, I contemplated taking the damn shot. Only logical suspicions beyond my emotions kept me from “going along” at some points. I was not quite up to my mom’s standards.


Use the time you have left to make the future a livable place. Mistakes in judgment are a fact of life. Leave behind some lasting virtue. That is the best any of us can do.

Gail Combs

He can also go to a Frontline Doctor and see what can be done to modify the damage done.


I hope he knows about them, and that he does. Surely some of his audience know these things and communicate them.


Pure wisdom.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good thoughts!!! Wise words.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When I went looking for the last surviving copy of Bill Still’s Still Report #1271 , in which he records the evidence of Hillary’s “We’ll all hang by nooses” screamfest, I could not find a playing copy, but I did find one of his latest Still Reports.

In this one, he brings up the touchy subject of Trump and vaccines in a sold solid way, and also shows a clip of Dr. Peter McCullough at The Pit, dropping a lot of truth bombs.

McCullough’s not there yet on seeing the full extent of the other side’s “Intentionally” and “Knowingly”, but he’s getting there.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

That McCullough speech at the Pit is what Patrick Gunnels walked out on.  🙄 


Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs

When my wife and I got covid we knew about monoclonal antibodies. We were extraordinarily sick.

Without going into details, our primary, the monopoly medical company, Erie County and NY State, all made it clear. You are NOT going to get that treatment.

This was accomplished by making us run around and jumping through hoops, all when we were sick and ending lamely in some futility or additional requirement, but they succeeded.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

DeSantis was great on this point. He knew this was good stuff, and that it needed to be facilitated as much as he could.

No amount of “strategery” will make me deny one tiny bit of the good DeSantis has done. The man is a God-send with a capital G.


I have to agree. DeS has gone WAY beyond what GOPe usually requires for bamboozlement purposes. The statewide dispensaries he set up are a great example.


Yes POTUS did not once a couple of times.


Thanks for reminding me about The Still Report, used to watch that regular then it slipped through the cracks in my memory.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s still cranking them out. He’s obviously older, but he’s still at it! SMART guy, who LED the “new media”.

Gail Combs

Yes he is very good. I listened to him and not Alex Jones when I wanted alternate views.


Great messaging by McCoullogh.

Some how he, Malone and others need better platforms to get the message out.

Gail Combs

That was actually a very good platform given the number of people who were watching and now the people like Bill who are disseminating the information.


Yes, absolutely a great platform. Local audience can put the message on repeat, amplify and expand the message.


They try but are rejected. Both men lost much are also libeled and lost lots of money and their jobs. Telling the truth is very costly that is why not many professionals come out. I can say they should but I am not in their shoes. I hope I would have that much courage but one only knows if tested.


Yes. Understand. They, along with Zelenko and others ARE heroes, we are hugely indebted to.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB. Things are moving.

comment image


3, 2, 1…

DeSantis is stabbing Trump in the back. (Fun’n here)

In any case, if the quote is accurate, good for DeSantis saying so.

Everyone should say “They Lied About mRNA Injections”.

Then, nail the hell out of FauXi, Walensky, Scarf Bitch,

As TRUTH comes out, Trump will be just stronger.


If Sundance is correct about DeS, then this issue is a highly significant political weapon.


Did you see the article OT this morning, with DeSantis’s puke-worthy new TV ad?


He is running in 2024.


  :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_shutmouth: 




I don’t see a problem with people keeping their options open until Trump formally annoucnes. Once he announces, though, it had better be all hands on deck.


I don’t disagree. I just don’t like disingenuous. Just admit it.




I agree. The ad was horrific. May as well have been Crenshaw in the cockpit with the helmet on.


With MS Piggy, as Wing Nut. 🙂


IF DeSantis runs in 24, without Trump endorsement, HUGE mistake. He’ll never win MAGA folks.

Trump has delivered incredible WINS AND suffered much for America. MAGA won’t walk away from Trump.


No, I don’t think MAGA would switch allegiance without Trump’s imprimatur.

And honestly, given the quality of that ad, I don’t think Ron is up to a national race quite yet. That was amateur hour. Ron needs some seasoning.

Gail Combs

He certainly needs better consultants!





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I think Sundance is absolutely correct about the GOPe and the RINOs, but wrong about DeSantis. Some of this movement is weaponized against DeSantis, too. Seeing that shows me that DeSantis has personal risks from GOPe love-bombing that may be VERY disingenuous, and less anti-Trump than anti-MAGA.

This is a BAD LOVE tempting him away, or just damaging him, like a strange woman coming up and kissing a husband.

Notice how for DeSantis to run strongly, it becomes a RISK to his own reelection, if he is perceived to be against Trump by media chatter – AND because he is MAGA, the RINOs and the GOPe know it. See how they can feed both sides of this for maximum damage to MAGA?

This is a new January Sixth level of evil. This is a PLOT.

They would much rather see Florida fall back to a Crist RINO than stay with DeSantis.

THUS, those who fail to see how this is also weaponized AGAINST DeSantis (COUGH, I won’t mention my Floridian friend by name), may not see the ultimate goal of this exercise – to weaken BOTH Trump and DeSantis.

See how that works? RINOs taking out BOTH Trump AND his likely successor, with the “siren voices” of the Ronna McDaniels and Nikki Haley types.

The GOPe is not as dumb as they pretend to be. Turtle is playing dumb, but he doesn’t want DeSantis, either.

This is a “roadmap-level” assault on MAGA.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Have been thinking the same. How could this ad be SO bad? But yet, how did DeSantis fall for it?

Then I just heard Laura Ingraham state that she is good friends with Casey DeSantis.

DeSantis’ history leaves a lot to be desired. Harvard law. In government all of his life. TPP, Dominion machines still in place, no state-wide audit, etc.

I looked at the Republican candidate running for the House in my NY district. All of the same Republican club-approved talking points. Nothing about election integrity (especially what was uncovered last week in NY…BIG NEWS), nothing about the raid. All the same.

IMHO, donor- driven?

So, it may be all the above?


Guessing the Approved GOPe narrative rolls on.

“Then I just heard Laura Ingraham state that she is good friends with Casey DeSantis.”

  • Cracking up here! Couple weeks ago…
  • Laura Ingraham said, she’s been Trump Good Friend for 25 years.
  • THEN “Good Friend” Laura, stuck a knife in Trump’s back saying America was to stressed out over Trump. Trump should not run or some shit.
  • In my unvarnished world, Laura is a piece of shit. Has been for a long time. Absolutely sealed the deal. Laura ended an interview with Trump, simply cuz Trump said the election was stolen.

Hell will likely freeze over before I defend much of anything GOP, GOPe, RNC…Uniparty says.

  • F’M ALL.
  • Eyes Wide Open.

Thankfully I cut the cable ~ten years ago. NOT exposed to all this hog wash.

Unless candidates are running on America First, Save America, MAGA, Ultra MAGA, Freedom, Rights…they get no support from me.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

GREAT assessment!


By the way Alex Johns is right!


RNC Posts 7-Minute Video of Joe Biden’s Racist Comments Over the Years (

Biden’s racist remarks are on video, yet the media looks the other way.

The video highlights:

  • Biden telling black voters they ‘ain’t black’ if they vote for Trump.
  • Biden claiming poor children are black/minorities
  • Biden calling Barack Obama ‘bright, articulate and clean’
  • Biden praising segregationists
  • Biden praising KKK Grand Cyclops Robert Byrd
  • Biden claiming you can’t go into a 7-Eleven unless you have a ‘slight Indian accent.’
  • Biden claiming the black community has no diversity
  • Biden telling blacks they’re going to be put back in chains
  • Biden praising black women for stocking grocery shelves
  • Biden worried that his children would grow up in a ‘racial jungle’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Joe “Plugs” Biden. Never changed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Or maybe he got worse. “China Joe”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s not just a choice between Democrats or Freedom…..


Laughing_Wolf reposted

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/pol/ News Network

The urbanite approaches his final form.

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197 replies


It’s a choice between Democrats or LIFE.


Fourteen young Canadian docs die after getting the shot. Normally would be ~0 over 30 years.

This is a list of just the docs my doctor friend in Canada heard about passively. In the past 30 years, he’s never heard of a single death like this. Not one. Now there are at least 14.

Steve Kirsch
Aug 7

Gail Combs

WHY should we be FORCED to live in a CAGE with other humans?
I do not LIKE HUMANS and I HATED being in an apartment and NOT being allowed to be myself.

BTDT and got out of that mess as fast as I could.

Even when I was forced to live in an apartment I spent very little waking time there. Horseback riding during the week and caving, hiking cross country skiing during the weekends.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They want to control us.

TIME TO PUSH BACK and call these people NAZIS in no uncertain terms.

Commies – Nazis – whatever. Call them what they hate the most.

Gail Combs

More and more I think they are the descendants of REAL NAZIS!

Will Zoll was correct ReichsWEF – Prussia Gate – Substack

An invisible hand sits behind humanity, exerting control over the human will. This hidden virus scours the earth, looking for hosts who will adopt its ideology, and wage war against dissenters. You cannot leave a captivity that you cannot see.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“ReichsWEF” is one of the best verbal nukes ever created! LOL!

Gail Combs

Matrixxx and Shady have one I love

“We are not funded by LuciPfizer.”


“We are not funded by LuciPfizer.”

Would be nice to see that go viral on TW, FB…


Guess I have to buy a bike one that has a big basket on it to put groceries in. I will not have to worry about cars running me over if there are non.

Gail Combs

I did that for a couple of years. Laundry was a big problem.

NOW I want a nice large 4 wheel pony cart! (FULL CUT UNDER)

My two big guys could pull this easily.

notice the arch under the seat where the wheels will fit during a turn. That is a cut under.

I have one of these which is NOT cut under and therefore can not make tight turns.
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Gail Combs


here is another cut under similar to one I have.
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You are a lucky lady 🙂

Gail Combs


2010 — Doreen Hannes — Let Them Eat Grass
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Stoopid is strong with that fool.


He’s got a short.. an intermittent disconnect.. somewhere between his gut and his two ears. What he meant to say and believes is “these people shouldn’t be living in the first place”..then the short- disconnect occurred. a quick regroup has him throwing money at the issue, cos throwing money at things fixes damn near everything..even bad tweets can’t go wrong there  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



People need to ask him where he lives. Probably in a big city, but just to keep these people honest. Also, the benefits of nature are well known. The Left used to be attuned to things like that.

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting to note that “Kot” means feces in German… Kot sko…
i.e. he’s full of it…..

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs

Don’t insult natural fertilizer with a comparison to that ….THING!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Whenever you start thinking that “Eyepatch McCain” Dan Crenshaw isn’t a “successful” (from Klaus’s view) WEF grad, remember this.

Rep. Crenshaw Defends FBI as Other Republicans Denounce Agency Raid on Trump

Crenshaw singled out Rep. Greene, who responded in a heated Twitter thread.

MTG just takes Crenshaw to the WOODSHED on this.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs


Did I hear Cringeshaw screaming?
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I hope you’ll take responsibility for arousing all the closet S&M aficionados among us.

Gail Combs

Just as long as it is aimed ONLY towards NAZIS and COMMIES…

Cuppa Covfefe

Nice touch there reducing the air resistance of the paddle 🙂

A paddle a day keeps the RINOs at bay…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One time in elementary school I got into an…altercation with another student. We were both sent to the principal. I was telling my side of the story when suddenly the principal got up and pushed me out the door. The last thing I saw was him pulling out a paddle just like that from behind a cabinet. Except the holes were in an alternating pattern, like red squares on a checkerboard.

I infer the other student must have flipped me off or something; he didn’t say anything, I didn’t see what he did.

Cuppa Covfefe

As Dr. James Dobson puts it, “Applying the Board of Education to the Seat of Knowledge”… 🙂


Wow. MTG did GREAT slaying Patch.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a quality take-down. Twitter keeping those last two from showing – yeah, that figures. They were the KABOOM.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

She’s a little hellfire missile. Eye Patch MUST GO!!!

Brave and Free

Yeah McPatch is definitely a Dem in R drag.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No, thank you, IRS!

But they’re going to waste millions looking at creating a clunker system that won’t be nearly as good as the commercial tax products.

Gail Combs

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Gail Combs



Several industries will be DOA.

When the Fed is killed, the IRS can go away at the same time. The Treasury takes over. No more personal income taxes. It will all be handled through tariffs and sales type taxes on products and services.

Republic. Look at the models of successful states with no personal income taxes for examples. Abundant jobs, vibrant economies, large cash surpluses, highly trained common workers, etc. Once the printing presses are stopped, inflation/deflation stops being tools of the wicked. Boom and bust in the markets ends. Companies and investors have to earn returns instead of using currency manipulation. Neocons get wiped out overnight.

Less wars – countries can no longer central bank their way into them because the debt they create cannot be paid back easily.This point being what led the evil doers to create the Fed and personal income tax amendment in 1913 – civil war debt. They wanted it gone so they could pull off WW I and create more wealth for themselves.

Just sayin’…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

WWI would have ended quickly…but many, if not all, of the combatants (and this is before we got involved) abandoned the gold standard temporarily.

Even if we did what you advocate, there’s NOTHING preventing us from doing that again. We basically dumped hard money during the Civil War, and that was long, long before the Federal Reserve existed. The only difference was, we at least felt compelled to go back to hard money afterwards.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I finally watched this. I think it’s CUTE and TRUE.

[video src="" /]


Taking on the cooperate media
Don’t fire unless fired upon
Never Ever back down from a fight
Don’t accept their fake narrative.

Hrmmm.. where have I seen all of this done before and done well?

By the way, when’s the next Trump Rally!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Former President Donald Trump will appear at a Sept. 3 rally in Wilkes-Barre to boost Republican candidates Mehmet Oz and state Sen. Doug Mastriano in their key midterm election campaigns.


Thank you !


GREAT messaging.

True ad. Dove tails perfectly with Trump messaging.

  • One Trump message, I heard Trump say, once. IIRC, it was about Sessions and recussal. Trump said, Sessions should have, “Stared them down”. (Stare down D-Rats Uniparty, presstitutes…NOT recuuse)
  • Almost as if, DeSantis heard that message and re-phrased it in his ad. MAGA lesson learned AND applied.

No idea what SD whining is all about. Perhaps, click bait. ($) Manufacture division within MAGA? Dunno.

No Reason To Get Distracted from core messaging. Besides, by all I see, DeSantis is Top Guv.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed! See my comment above.

I think the GOPe love-bombing of DeSantis is FAKE and DANGEROUS.

I think Sundance is seeing 60% of the plot. He needs to see all of it.

Remember THIS tweet when considering who is the real target here.



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Classic LYAHF, courtesy of Mitch, Ronna, Ari & Nikki, and all the rest.

Gail Combs

That makes a LOT of sense.  DeSantis is the logical successor to Trump AND HE KNOWS IT.

They really do need to go golfing together and POTUS needs to endorse DeSantis for gov.

Of course they may be waiting until the GOPe gets too far over their skies and then see to it they fall flat on their commie faces.



Give GOPe enough rope, and like D-Rats, they’ll hang themselves.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Has any candidate ever launched a campaign running for one office, but then switched to Prez or VP mid campaign?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Even if so, I don’t see that here.

I think DeSantis is smartly avoiding the RINO “Judas kisses” right now.



In a word.

Sorry, but yuck.


And probably just me. I HATE political ads, I think ads like this make smart politicians look stupid. Too dumbed down for my taste.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I agree that it’s stupid and bad and falls squarely into political campaign ad territory. But it’s also smart in staying in that zone.

If DeSantis did a really smart, Trump-level ad right now, the RINO whisper assassins would use it against DeSantis, IMO.


That may be.

I am just frustrated by bad advertising of any kind. It insults my intelligence.


Love DeS, but this makes him look like a bozo. They need to quit treating us like children.



He looks ridiculous, not like a strong leader.


Guessing it is NOT targeted to MAGA types.


DeSantis is entitled to use military references since he served in the Navy and is still in the Navy Reserve.


AS FL Guv, DeSantis has some title, WRT FL Guard. I don’t care enough to research.

Flight Jacket DeSantis wore in the video, had a FL flag on it. Don’t recall seeing American Flag.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Best quick science coverage of the revived “Big Bang vs. Steady State” mini-controversy is – surprisingly – on “Not The Bee”.


I think we’re waiting on Steve to chime in on this one.
Also as Linda pointed out “the discussion of censorship in science relating to this topic. Sounds familiar”.

Validity check certainly needed, even if just to say, yeah maybe. Besides, not sure I ever really trusted Stephen Hawkings 100%. Come to think about it, he reminds me of that Greta girl.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Steve did reply yesterday, IIRC.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know I did – I need to go back when I can and see what he said. Got chores right now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Save yourself the effort; I didn’t respond yesterday.


Uh, my bad.   :wpds_envy: 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No biggie…I was talkative yesterday, just not about this.

Easy enough to get confused, in fact, *I* had to go check to make sure.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Latter part cracks me up. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Been getting a lot of work done at home here, but wife is already waiting with a new list. Not much time for “fun science reading” on top of everything else.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’ve talked about this guy (Eric Lerner) in the past. He’s not a crackpot – he’s a residual steady-stater, which is a bit of a living fossil.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

SOCIALISM is oligarchical deception and thievery
COMMUNISM is oligarchical deception, thievery and pillage established and institutionalized
FASCISM is oligarchical deception, thievery and pillage established, institutionalized and brutally enforced by empowered, inhumane thugs.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

SOCIALISM is oligarchical deception and thievery
“We just want what’s best for you – we will take your taxes and create a fund to pay for your old age and medical care when you are old.”
COMMUNISM is oligarchical deception, thievery and pillage established and institutionalized
“We know what’s best for you – your children, property and assets belong to the state – we will provide for you and everyone else as we see fit – as long as you do not criticize or differ from the proper mindset and ideology.”
FASCISM is oligarchical deception, thievery and pillage established, institutionalized and brutally enforced by empowered, inhumane thugs.
“Your thoughts, opinions and words are rebellion against the State, so you and your children will go to a re-education camp and work until you die to pay for your crimes.”

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

Seems like we have been seeing some of this progression of tyrannies – especially with the rogue FBI and the arming and massive enlargement of the IRS.

Will these and the millions of illegals, Afghan and other male ‘refugees’ of military age comprise Øbastid’s civilian army to implement his dream of Nazi style socialist, communism, fascism to fundamentally change the USA?

Who is going to stop the Øbastid/$0r0$/$chwab fascist jackboot tyranny from being established here in the USA?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting view, that WORKS if we reclassify Stalin as a fascist pretending to be a communist. That then explains “destalinization” as communists backing out of Stalin’s mess.


Yes that is right.
In fact all three ideologies are just cousins. They are interchangeable and as brutal as the other..

Cuppa Covfefe

Then we could put up some destalinization plants in Kalifornistan to help them out of their (truth, logic, and hard-work) drought 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hah! Nice!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Always believe the primary filter should be human nature. From that perspective, they are all very close.


Great Open DePat … thank you for all your time and effort …

Gail Combs

Great post as always.
ThanQ for what you do for the Q-Tree.

Gail Combs



Greatly appreciated, DePat.


Good morning Patriots …

wishing all a terrific Tuesday …

as Duchess reminds so often … ‘be kind to one another’


A little beauty to start your day

comment image

“Hope anchors the soul…”
Oil on Canvas

Paintings by Anna


Magnificent! You do have a good eye for art and beauty, PR!!!


Thank you Georgia … and you have talent!

Good morning… hope your day is wonderful.


Might be a clue to unauthorized use of the election computers  😃 
nothing to see here  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL. Holy crap.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Worth the click just for this gem at the end!

Gail Combs

Matt Gaetz needs a good boot in the rump for supporting the current FIB.

I am planing to call his local office and give it to him. We ALL should.


I have noted Matt’s “Masonic” handshake a couple of times.

He’s not my fav Republican.


“Masonic” handshake?



comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like a normal handshake to me, with a big hand and a smaller hand. The masonic one is more pronounced. JMO, looking at this pic.


I agree.


Here’s a link to a cache

on that page is link to a tweet — account has been suspended — of image of Matt shaking hands with Rod Rosenstein

I saw the original tweet (image) elsewhere …

I’m just “Suspicious Cat” wrt Matt (and Masons above 22nd degree 😉


Kalbokalbs made a comment about Hochul yesterday which sparks this post.

Kalbo:  Off topic. Whoever took a hatchet to that biotch’s face, Hochul, succeeded. She Yugly. If married, bet her husband works long hours, seven days a week.

I made a response which I include here, and add other information I previously posted. This is a Buffalo-centric pov.

Governor Hochul’s husband is Bill Hochul, who used to be US Attorney for Western New York (Buffalo). Bill now works as a family retainer for the billionaire Jacobs family who own Delaware North.

Delaware North is a business which runs concessions in many major stadiums/arenas around the world. They have extensive business in NY which is affected by the government. This conflict of interest is NEVER discussed, not even by the GOP, although passing reference was made to Hochul’s successful effort to provide hundreds millions of tax dollars for a new stadium in Buffalo, a stadium which will have greatly expanded and more lucrative concessions.

Yes, Hochul looks reptilian, but her main feature is abject stupidity. Look at the bizarre vacancy in her eyes. Nothing is going on. As governor, she is in charge of nothing. She simply does not have the competence.

Around Buffalo, wonderment is expressed at her political successes, She has nothing to recommend her on any level. Her Wiki entry is highly “curated,” but reading between the lines, you can see there is no there, there.

She was selected and elevated a lot, and never accomplished anything special in life. BTW, the Wiki article cites an article from the Buffalo News by Robert McCarthy from 2010, entitled “Hochul’s profile going high, but why?” Good question, although the article has been scrubbed.

When the Republican (later disgraced congressman) Chris Collins was first elected Erie County Executive, he convened a meeting of Erie County department heads and elected officials to listen to their concerns and discuss cooperation. Hochul was Erie County Clerk. The discussion went around the table. When it was Hochul’s turn, she said: “Employees at the clerk’s office are coming to work in flip flops and tee-shirts. What can be done about this?” To which Collins replied: “Tell them to stop.”

Uproarious laughter had to be stifled, and that was the most memorable moment of that meeting, and her career. I heard the story from someone, 100% reliable, who was at the meeting, and the story is still told to this day originating from many sources who were there. But the utter disconnect and unawareness of her question was pure Kathy Hochul.

So mindless name calling, robotic obedience to commands, and ostentatious stupidity are what is expected from her. She does not have a clue.

But there is more to the story not directly related, but interesting. 

Chris Jacobs was a member of the Jacobs billionaire/concessionaire family, for whom Kathy Hochul’s husband is a family retainer. He is a RINO who succeeded Hochul in the clerk’s office and cleaned up the huge mess she made there.

Chris Jacobs later went on to become a congressman in the most MAGA district in NY or even the nation (farmers and small towns), and proceeded to betray his constituents, and reveal the emptiness of the usual RINO posturing. Miraculously, Jacobs had the integrity and honesty to not run again this year, indirectly acknowledging the obvious discrepancies between him and his constituents. This is the only such act of honesty I have ever seen or heard of this type, and it is only fair to say that the entire Jacobs family has the reputation for honesty, decency and integrity. As has Hochul’s husband, which makes things even more bizarre.

But it does not end there. The new re-configured district has a primary today between Carl Paladino and Nick Langworthy to see who gets elected to Congress, a foregone consequence. Langworthy was the Erie County GOP chairman for a long time, and then became the NY State chairman. Langworthy is pure RINO. 

Paladino was Trump before Trump. He ran for governor and was on the Buffalo school board for many years. He is known for being an outspoken conservative, and he does NOT pull punches. He is criticized the same way Trump is criticized, and for the same reasons: couldn’t he be more polite and couth? ETC. Paladino would no doubt be 100% MAGA.

Paladino might be a billionaire. If not, close. He made his money in real estate. He has been long time friends with Trump. 

And his daughter is married to one of the Jacobs’ boys, the brother of Chris. 

Last edited 2 years ago by Tonawanda

Superb post Tonawanda. Thank You!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Kathy tells Republicans to head down to Florida.

Well Kathy they already are and so are Democrats and Independents. The exodus out of NY isn’t just political it’s financial.

“We’re here to say the era of Trump and Zeldin and Molinaro — just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, OK?” Hochul said, according to a transcript of the rally. “Get out of town.” Hochul said the Republican candidates do not “represent our values.”–republican-candidates–don-t-reflect-our-values–

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff, and raises the question of whether Madeleine Jacobs, the “climate czarina” who infiltrated the American Chemical Society though their media, became the executive director / CEO (the real power, not their phony annual president), and made them embrace phony climate change, was part of that same Jacobs clan. Note that Delaware is a nexus of chemical industry money, and Madeleine Jacobs was allegedly from a moneyed background.

Oligarchical takeover would explain a lot.


Possibly. But “Delaware” in Delaware North I believe refers to Delaware Avenue in Buffalo where the headquarters are located. IIRC correctly the headquarters used to be located at another place on Delaware, at the intersection of North Street. I do not know for a fact, but always assumed that was the reason for the name.

Interesting, I just looked for a history of the Jacobs family and could very little on them. Very unusual.


wrt how quickly FSB identified the person who pushed the remote button that triggered the bombing of Dugini’s vehicle:

“… this is how the ID works in Russia. When you stay in a hotel or ride a bus cross country they make a copy of the face page of your passport. The police or FSB can get a copy of it and I expect the media can too.”

~ Russian poster online


Seems like they are tracking them. They likely want to know who comes to their rescue…

Intel Slava Z Apparently, the perpetrator of the murder of Dasha Dugina – Ukrainian serviceman of the Azov National Regiment Natalya Vovk (Shaban) – has already left Estonia and moved further – to Austria.

According to concerned local residents, as of yesterday evening, a woman who looks like the killer of Dasha Dugina stayed at the Ibis Hauptbahnhof Wien in Vienna. The reservation was made for one night – most likely, the perpetrator of the terrorist attack will go even further.

With Natalia Vovk there are two more women and a child.


thanks for the info


For the rest of her vile life she will have to worry about her family members dying one by one, some painfully. Until they get to her.


Typical well-known Russian revenge strategy. Should have thought about that a little more prior to pushing the button.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Pointman had an article about that a couple of years ago, about what revenge Russia exacts on such people. It’s not pleasant, to say the least…

Gail Combs

It gets the point across…


Back in the day, when PLO-affiliates were kidnapping Americans and Brits for ransom left-and-right in Palestine and Lebanon, some bright sheik thought he could play the same game with Russians.

The kidnappers sent over a ransom demand, and the sheik’s favorite nephew disappeared a couple of days later. One of the nephew’s fingers was delivered to the sheik that evening.The next day, the Russian captive was released.

Russian isn’t the world’s easiest language, but they have a way of making themselves understood.


When studying in Egypt years ago, every time we changed hotels, our passports were just taken from us and kept by SOMEONE??? during the length of stay. So we literally were roaming the Egyptian countryside without any ID.





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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this is a GREAT read.


Gail Combs

I can not find the stand alone….

The first 7:30 of this Patrick Gunnel’s vid is FANTASTIC compilation on FauXi (The Killer Clown)

Scotty films also has one but I do not like it as much:

Talking Heads – Psycho Killer (6 minutes)

I hope the originator comes out with it as a standalone soon because it is a WONDERFUL red pill for normies.

Patrick’s BLURB:

Opening videos:

Nona P Cooter:


Scotty Mar10:


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Gail Combs

That needs a very major SLAP DOWN even if it has to go to the Supreme Court.


I bet they have every one of those secret things. Their only problem is that each one of them is fake. Made to look real by very clever Trumpsters and planted in order to be found & taken.

Damn good movie. Pass the popcorn, please.


Thanks … I like the way your mind works! I’ve got reg w/ butter?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Gail Combs

WOW that is a really great read!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. The Fink is a king, and needs to be dethroned.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Lizard of Id, as it were…


Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov forwarded from Viacheslav Volodin

A Nazi tribunal will soon take place.

War criminals who killed, raped, destroyed and kept the civilian population of Donbass in fear should appear before him.

It is important that the hearing is public. Everyone is waiting for him.
Except for the President of Ukraine Zelensky, who considers this unacceptable. Moreover, he calls the “last line” in the matter of negotiations with Russia.

He and the Kyiv regime have something to fear.

It was he and his entourage who gave orders to bomb, shoot and kill civilians: the elderly, women, children.

Therefore, Zelensky is doing everything so that there is no tribunal, threatening to refuse a peaceful settlement.

It is extremely important that the trial takes place. The world community should know about the crimes of the Kyiv regime against humanity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Hubby is recommending this (video or read the transcript.)

**https://www (DOT)

Start of the transcript:

Back Off, Oh Masters of the Universe


Deloitte is the largest “professional services network” in the world. Headquartered in London, it is also one of the big four global accounting companies, offering audit, consulting, risk advisory, tax and legal services to corporate clients.

With a third of a million professionals operating on those fronts worldwide, and as the third largest privately owned company in the US, Deloitte is a behemoth with numerous and far-reaching tentacles.

In short: it is an entity we should all know about, not least because such enterprises no longer limit themselves to their proper bailiwick (profit-centered business strategizing, say), but – consciously or not – have assumed the role as counselors to believers in unchecked globalization whose policies have sparked considerable unrest around the world.

If you’re seeking the cause of the Dutch agriculture and fisheries protests, the Canadian trucker convoy, the yellow-jackets in France, the farmer rebellion in India a few years ago, the recent catastrophic collapse of Sri Lanka, or the energy crisis in Europe and Australia, you can instruct yourself by the recent pronouncements from Deloitte.

Whilst not directly responsible, they offer an insight into the elite groupthink that has triggered these events; into the cabal of utopians operating in the media, corporate and government fronts, wielding a nightmarish vision of environmental apocalypse….

Outlandish Claims

In May this year, Deloitte released a clarion call to precipitous action trumpeting the climate emergency confronting us. Called ‘The Turning Point: A Global Summary’, it is a stellar example of a mentality more common among officials in the EU: one of fundamental bureaucratic overreach (and one which generated Brexit – a very good decision on the part of the Brits, in my view) that threatens the very survival of that selfsame EU.

The report opens with two claims: first, that the storms, wildfires, droughts, downpours, and floods around the globe in the last 18 months are unique and unprecedented – a dubious claim – and implicitly that the “science” is now at a point where we can say without doubt that experts can and must model the entire ecology and economy of the planet (!) and that we must modify everyone’s behavior, by hook or by crook, to avoid what would otherwise be the most expensive environmental and social catastrophe in history.

The Deloitte “models” posit that “climate impacts” could affect global economic output, and say that unchecked climate change will cost us $178 trillion over the next 50 years – that’s $25,000 per person, to put it in human terms.

Who dares deny such facts, stated so mathematically? So precisely? So scientifically?

Let’s update Mark Twain’s famous dictum: there are lies, damned lies, statistics – and computer models….

You get the idea. Like Blackrock this is a company with WAY TOO MUCH POWER who should stick to it’s corporate job and STAY OUT OF POLITICS

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The CLIMATE CULT will do anything to support their money-making fear model.

Cuppa Covfefe

Funny thing, my colleagues over in Scotland called them “Do Little”…

(but they did do a lot to screw up our ERP…)….


Former adviser to the US Secretary of Defense Douglas McGregor criticized a letter containing an offer by 20 retired US military “to supply Ukraine with weapons before it’s too late.”

“Instead, the letter’s authors seek to perpetuate a setback. They demand a deeply flawed strategy for Ukraine that, at best, will result in Ukraine becoming a shrunken, landlocked state between the Dnieper River and the Polish border. This is the result of a misguided policy that has emerged in the 1990s under the Clinton administration, which led Russia into political isolation from Europe and formed an alliance between Moscow and Beijing ,” McGregor said.

The US military warned the longer the Ukrainian conflict over the supply of Western weapons lasts, the worse the situation will be for Ukrainians


The US military warned the longer the Ukrainian conflict over the supply of Western weapons lasts, the worse the situation will be for Ukrainians

Increased the accuracy of your statement. You’re welcome.  😎 


Thanks again Pgroup … I think (?) it was Lavrov’s comment on MacGregor’s statement… it was difficult for me to discern … 😉


I’m not a big John Solomon fan, I think he wusses out on big things sometimes, but when he gets a good one…

“Long before it professed no prior knowledge of the raid on Donald Trump’s estate, the Biden White House worked directly with the Justice Department and National Archives to instigate the criminal probe into alleged mishandling of documents, allowing the FBI to review evidence retrieved from Mar-a-Lago this spring and eliminating the 45th president’s claims to executive privilege, according to contemporaneous government documents reviewed by Just the News.

The memos show then-White House Deputy Counsel Jonathan Su was engaged in conversations with the FBI, DOJ and National Archives as early as April, shortly after 15 boxes of classified and other materials were voluntarily returned to the federal historical agency from Trump’s Florida home.

By May, Su conveyed to the Archives that President Joe Biden would not object to waiving his predecessor’s claims to executive privilege, a decision that opened the door for DOJ to get a grand jury to issue a subpoena compelling Trump to turn over any remaining materials he possessed from his presidency.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THIS is simply more proof of Trump’s assertion of RICO.

And what is absolutely glorious, is that DOJ stepped into the trap of truth by substituting themselves for their henchmen, thinking this lets them off.

No. It just shows the RICO even more.

KAPO’s new name needs to be “RICO”.


Merrick “el RICO” Garland.

I like it!

Cuppa Covfefe

Now I’ve got the Frito Bandito jingle going through my head….

Ay, ay, ay, ay! oh, I am el RICO Bandito.
I love Prez Trump’s papers
So I can go through,,
I’ll take all his papers
And from you and you too…
Ay, ay, ay, ay! oh, I am el RICO Bandito.
Give me your papers and I’ll be your friend,
El RICO Bandito you must not offend…
(apologies to all Fritos fans in the known and unknown and tired light universes 🙂 )…


LOL! That’s funny.

I had to sing it out loud, with the appropriate accent, of course.

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s another verse 🙂

Ay, ay, ay, ay! oh, I am el RICO Bandito.
With a bow and a Garland
I’ll tie them just so
They’ll be of no use
Like Joe and the Hoe…


Hmmm. Now for some Frito Pie…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

That sounds good! Can I share?

Cuppa Covfefe

Thanks, sure 🙂

[I still have that melody stuck in my head…funny thing, my Mexican classmates liked the tune/song and didn’t see anything wrong with it… they were just as surprised as I was (and somewhat cheesed off as well) when it was taken down… and all of us were nuts about Fritos]…

Gail Combs


Good with guacamole and hot sauce  😍 

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Hits at least three of the important food groups: Salt, Fat, and sugar (IIRC) 😀


PC is stupid.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! El RICO!!!



RICO “Not So” Suave.


the Biden White House worked directly with the Justice Department and National Archives…eliminating the 45th president’s claims to executive privilege

They can’t do that! But they act as if they can, and then the damage is done. If they will do this, they will do anything. They will trample on all of our rights, and justice won’t be done until years later, if at all.


It’s just stupid. Every time a different party is in the White House, are they gonna “re-classify” documents and “eliminate executive privilege” for the guy before them, so they can harass and prosecute them at will?

These Demon morons can only think as far as the end of their noses.


Gail Combs

Of COURSE GSA did the packing for him. After all the POTATUS has a Bodyman (who just quit) to take care of his clothes and other personal needs…

Only those who have never ever been around the wealthy would think they do such menial tasks themselves AND they would never have watched TV either.


Exactly Gail …


Some ‘never Trumpers’ claim that Trump may have declassified while POTUS, but that after he left WH on Jan 20th he was no longer POTUS and that later Biden re=classified those Trump held. Suspicious Cat says “how could Biden or any of his handlers know WHICH documents Trump had in order for Biden to re-classify?

Gail Combs

This is for the Supreme Court.

….Former U.S. diplomat Scott R. Anderson told the Wall Street Journal that, even if Trump declassified the documents, “it would not be hard for the Biden administration to reclassify them.” The former government attorney also said, “I don’t see any barrier to that.”

Former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy writes that Trump may not have done enough to declassify the documents, though it is indisputable that he has the authority to classify and declassify. He notes parenthetically, “I assume just to be on the safe side, the Biden administration has re-classified whatever information Trump says he declassified.”….

The classification issue may have been chaff that the DOJ deployed to distract the media, along with the leak of the nuclear secrets.

As law professor Margot Cleveland writes in The Federalist, the classification of the documents isn’t essential to the DOJ’s charges. She points out that “the search warrant specified that the ‘property to be seized’ included ‘all physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 793, 2017, or 1591.’ Material need not be classified to fall within any of those criminal code provisions” (emphasis mine).

But it prompts the question: can Trump be retroactively deemed in possession of classified materials that he had declassified when he was president, and can this somehow be criminalized?

BOMBSHELL: Outing of Trump Raid ‘Leaker’ Shatters FBI Document Excuse, Now All Eyes Are on Affidavit Hearing

….Thing is, we don’t need to read the docs; we’d just like to know that there’s more support for the report than the leak to The Washington Post that Trump had “classified documents relating to nuclear weapons.”

Or more than the speculative rantings of Maggie Haberman on Twitter.

Or more than the Wall Street Journal story leaked by the Feds in their tried-and-true continuous feedback loop. This loop starts with leaks to the media, the media dutifully report them, and the FBI uses the stories as “evidence” in their warrant applications. See how that works? They pulled this trick in the Alfa-Bank, Steele Dossier, Gretchen Whitmer, and Russian Collusion cases. So we hope you understand the skepticism.

Indeed, as I wrote those words above, news came from Professor Margot Cleveland, who writes for The Federalist, that that’s exactly what they did.

Prosecutors will argue Thursday that one of the reasons for keeping a lock on the documents is that they reveal sources, such as their media transcribers — in this case, The Wall Street Journal, which “set the narrative” for the raid….

The rest is tweets and other evidence.



You da bomb Ms Gail!


I’m sorry for the language, but this whole thing is devolving the government of our country into a fucking pissing match.

If our courts can’t get a handle on this, then the USA is over.

Trump is President, then he’s not, so the new guy undoes what he did for political revenge, and then the new guy loses to another guy, who undoes what he did for political revenge, ad infinitum.

For God’s sake, can SOMEONE step up and fix this banana republic, third world bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!

Gail Combs

I certainly hope the Supreme Court steps in and swats the Hell out of the Bite-Me REVENGESTERS!



It sure is.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Our enemies are standing by laughing, watching us destroy ourselves.


Isn’t that the truth?

They’d be fools not to. And they’re not fools.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m ready for honest people to step up.


Me, too!


Prolly too much to ask for, but…

Paging a few Adults, with integrity, to follow the Constitution, Laws…


It’s like asking for the moon…


“United States Government says it believes that Russia is preparing to step up a massive wave of attacks against Ukraine and its government, urges U.S. citizens to leave immediately from Ukrainian soil!”

The post beneath that can’t be c/p, Cites an unnamed source so could be a red herring. Says big air attack against ukraine is on the cards.


From Telegram
ASB Military News.

>Large amount of long range anti-aircraft systems, as well as full umbrellas of SHORAD systems are being amassed in Belarus, all in range to cover Ukraine. Belarusian airfields are showing high Russian Armed Forces activity.

>This suggests Russia is preparing for a large scale attack on Ukraine.

The United States also suggested that Russia is preparing for something big, a “big attack” on Ukraine.

>Looking over satellite imagery, there’s definitely unusual activity in Belarus, although we don’t see any clear indications of a “Russian Armed Forces attack on Ukraine” — at least not yet.

Belarusian military convoys have been spotted all over the country, carrying equipment to different airfields.

We can confirm unusual activity at Ziabrovka airfield which is around 40KM from the Ukrainian borders.

We saw 12x S-400 Systems with around 40 missiles for them, with more likely to be delivered based on logistics reports from Belarus.

That is an unreal amount of S400s — definitely not something normal to field in one place.

Multiple KASTA 2E2 & 48Y6 Podlyot radars have also been deployed.

2x Pantsir S1 systems have also been put in service at the airfield.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Zelensky gave Vlad what he needed with the terrorist job on Dugina – and Europe is letting one of the assassins flee. BAD MOVE.

He’s not even going to leave a STUB for the Jazis to foment.

Sadly, Europe will now be filled with Ukrainian Nazis and Jazis, when they flee.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And they get FULL retirement benefits starting at 58 (!), at least those fleeing to Germany, along with paid medical, housing, etc., etc., etc.

And we poor taxpayers get to foot the bill, and pay exorbitant energy prices, and other “scrimpiing and suffering to help Ukraine”.

Seems everybody gets helped but us…

Habeck is looking more and more like Hitler every day… he’s probably a Satanist too… not much difference from being a (gang)Green…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs

Looks like Putin was correct.

MARCH 13, 2020 ·
West Run by Satanic Pedophiles’ Says Putin of Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken out against the epidemic of pedophile networks that have taken over the United States, UK, and other Western nations. … “Europe and the West thrives on a culture of pedophilia and Satanism”.

Despite his recent successful unity with President Trump, he remains firm on his original stance that culture in the West is being manipulated by “Satanic pedophiles”.

 👉 Prior to his recent meeting with Donald Trump at this years G20 Summit, Putin issued a warning that if he didn’t expose the Elite pedophile networks, then he would “begin naming names”. 👈 

Although the historic meeting was regarded by both parties as a success, with promising resolutions on the Syrian conflict and hacking allegations, Mr. Putin’s position on the matter of child-abusing Elites remains the same, saying:

“Europe and the West thrives on a culture of pedophilia and Satanism”

Cuppa Covfefe


If the “Unholy Trinity” (as it were) of Maxwell/Epstein’s “client list”, Weiner’s Laptop, and Hunter’s Laptop were to be released, unredacted, in toto, then an enormous number of crimes and perps would be revealed, businesses, governments, houses of royalty, and houses of normies would fall.

And the world would start to become a better place. Especially once some relief and remedy was given to the REAL victims…….

Gail Combs

That is SOOOoooo True!


So the first openly gay body man has left Joe for Pete? Wow! Hope Pete’s husband doesn’t find out.. errrr wait.. I doubt monogamy is a thing with these folk. Gay monkey pox is going to get them and if not that the Gay monkey pox vaccine for wrong holers will.

Cuppa Covfefe

WrongBoxPox spox hawks pox shots detox in talks…


WrongBoxPox  😂  😅  😂 

GayPox is retired. 🙂


Operation Rescue Joe. 🤣😂😆

Gail Combs

  :wpds_cry:   :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_envy: 
I could only make it 1/2 way through…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Same here. I was laughing and puking at the same time! LOL!!!


They said one correct thing:

“Biden is getting credit for almost nothing.”

That’s because that’s what he’s doing. Almost nothing.

And everything he does do is absolute shit.

Cuppa Covfefe

In a Dilbertian way (like the old performance review generator):

His accomplishments as pResident were like no other…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“A modest man, with much to be modest about.”

(One of many hilarious excerpts allegedly from British military evaluations.)

Cuppa Covfefe

I can just imagine what some of Churchill’s reviews might have been…

In the book “Musicdotes”, by Scott Beach, there are a number of anecdotes describing the remarks, conducting, and genius of Sir Thomas Beecham. They’re hilarious.

One of them was during a local company’s effort to stage Aida, where during a rehearsal one of the elephants left his “calling card” on the stage. Beecham turned to the Orchestra and whispered, “by my word, Gentlemen, a Critic” 😀

Great book, if you can find it… he used to have some spots, and IIRC a program on KKHI 1550 in the SF Bay Area (used to drive by the transmitting towers all the time). Those were the days…

Cuppa Covfefe

And from Sarah Brightman’s “Songs That Got Away” the song “What Makes Me Love Him”:

What makes me love him?

It’s not his learning.

He’s learned so slowly,

His whole life long

And though he really knows

A multitude of things

They’re mostly wrong.

Sounds like the words of a woman wronged (hell hath no fury and all that)…


BiteMe’s accomplishments. NOTHING POSITIVE. NOTHING.

Negative side, ENDLESS.


“Apparently, the perpetrator of the murder of Dasha Dugina – Ukrainian serviceman of the Azov National Regiment Natalya Vovk (Shaban) – has already left Estonia and moved further – to Austria.

According to concerned local residents, as of yesterday evening, a woman who looks like the killer of Dasha Dugina stayed at the Ibis Hauptbahnhof Wien in Vienna. The reservation was made for one night – most likely, the perpetrator of the terrorist attack will go even further.

With Natalia Vovk there are two more women and a child.”

Harboring a nazi terrorist isn’t a good look.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think Vlad is going to blitz Ukraine now. Nobody can claim it’s not a terrorist regime.


Perhaps Kiev esp., maybe only … civilians have left Kiev ?


Earlier today I posted announced tribunals

more info here from two posters at MoA:


” … What seems to be forgotten is that the Donats are now setting up the 1st War Crimes Tribunals which are scheduled to start shortly and there will be many Azov POWS there giving damning evidence against Ze. Earlier this week he spoke out quite hysterically against them calling them show trials and a lot worse. He specifically defended Azov in his ramblings. The cages ate being erected in the Mariupal theatre for these trials.
I have a notion he doesn’t want them to give evidence.”


” … What’s especially delicious about the war crimes tribunals in the ДНР is that the Azov prisoners will provide damning evidence not only against the neurotic roid-raging comedian in Kiev, but against the little man’s foreign handlers, too. Think CIA-MI6-Mossad. Then tie in the revelations about the absolutely massive and unprecedented Biden/Clinton/Obama-sponsored biological weapons program, with its global tentacles spread across so many Eurasian, African, and Latin American states, and we’ve got a doozy of a set of tribunals to which to look forward. The world will be aghast at the magnitude, extent, and sadism of the colonial West’s crimes against humanity.


So does hope they have cell phone vids from the perps documenting their own trophy vid abuses.


me too!


Hope the POW’s are high enough up to know something actually damning to the nato regime, and are not just street thugs.


Justice Department officials have sought to keep the entire document sealed, saying disclosing any portion of it risks compromising an ongoing criminal investigation, revealing information about witnesses and divulging investigative techniques. They have advised the judge that the necessary redactions to the affidavit would be so numerous that they would strip the document of any substantive information and make it effectively meaningless for the public.

Reinhart acknowledged that possibility in his Monday order, writing, “I cannot say at this point that partial redactions will be so extensive that they will result in a meaningless disclosure, but I may ultimately reach that conclusion after hearing further from the Government.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Criminals. They’re all criminals, and I will CHEER THEIR DEMISE.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Breaking – 2 men in Whitmer plot found guilty. 🤬 🤬
Julie Kelly says Bush judge put thumb on scale to protect FIB. Limited defense’s defense. Same thing judge did w/Bannon.

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Gail Combs

They had to get a few scalps….


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Julie Kelly

Shame on Judge Jonker. He rigged this trial so much the jury had little choice.

*In both trials, withheld from jury hundreds of incriminating texts between FBI handlers and informants

*Refused to compel appearance by Steve Robeson, lowlife informant who aided in the hoax…

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Julie Kelly

*Limited cross examin by defense (for 1st time he said, also extremely rare in criminal cases) of 2 cooperating witnesses allegedly part of the conspiracy

*Repeatedly scolded defense in front of jury; accused defense of wasting time over “crap” questioning

*Gave unwieldy…
10:59 AM · Aug 23, 2022·Twitter Web App

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Julie Kelly

Replying to @julie_kelly2
jury instructions that green-lighted whatever argument the DOJ made

*Kept juror defense objected to after receiving info the juror was predisposed to a guilty verdict. Judge refused to dismiss, spoke with juror w/o defense, govt attys present, and ordered all filings under seal.

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Julie Kelly

Judge Jonker, a GWB appointee, handled this trial far differently than the first.

You’re telling me a jury didn’t convict on a SINGLE COUNT in first trial with 2 more defendants but returned all guilty in less than half the time with 2 fewer defendants?

Jonker got the message.

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Julie Kelly

Getting unconfirmed reports the juror accused of misconduct was the foreman.

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Replying to @julie_kelly2
What a joke. Not a lawyer, but even someone like me knows that this Judge overstepped here, and an appeal will likely reverse all this. The whole thing is quite disgusting, tbh
Hot comments still piling up.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Gail Combs

I sure hope it gets overturned on appeal. Looks like the Judge felt it was a HOT Potato and wanted to get rid of it with as little damage to himself as possible.

Gail Combs

Not a surprise. I have been expecting it. If we get sabotage from those illegals we could be in a world of hurt.


This whitmer trial w the corrupt judge, corrupt fibs, corrupt head on investigation , corrupt “victim” is going to increase lawlessness.
Why trust anyone to help you?
Why believe any judge is honest?

Last edited 2 years ago by gil00

Kyle Becker




It is no small irony the Democratic Party committed far more serious crimes with its corrupt investigations of Donald Trump than he allegedly committed. It has violated the Constitution & weaponized our government in a mission to destroy Trump. It will destroy America instead.

So, what was the official ‘investigation’? The J6 partisan witch hunt? That’s not what WaPo said. They said it was ‘nuclear weapons docs.’ Yet here is NY Times throwing in the towel/admitting it was a red herring when it comes to classification status of the docs. What a farce.

This is bait-and-switch bullsh*t. The Times knows that the Supreme Court has strongly backed the President’s declassification authority. This is an Easter egg that they know they’re going to lose that battle and they’re shifting to process crimes. Yet another fizzled ‘bombshell.’

All above is kyle becker.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people are monsters. If they ever go to GITMO, they will DESERVE IT.

And not the least of their crimes in that regard, will be trying to KILL OUR CHILDREN.



Gail Combs

You mean KILLING our children not just ‘trying’ it has gone way past that now.


VAERS data for five- to 11-year-olds as of May 13 revealed that:

  • There had been 10,745 adverse events, along with 279 cases rated as serious and five reported deaths.
  • There had been 22 reports of myocarditis or inflammation of the heart muscle and pericarditis or inflammation of the outer lining of the heart. Over the previous week, reports of myocarditis and pericarditis had been removed by the CDC from the VAERS system in this age group without any explanation provided.
  • There had been 43 reports of blood clotting disorders.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WHUUUUT? CDC just removing events?

Yeah. That’s really normal.


“I haven’t been this pissed off about politics since the Tea Party days. I am infuriated at this lawless, corrupt, despicable criminal enterprise masquerading as a government, but it’s refreshing to be fighting mad about it.”


GWP: Paul Pelosi Pleads Guilty to One DUI Charge – *Avoids Jail* – Gets Hit with Three Years Probation

I’m surprised he is getting this much.

FOX News:

Pelosi’s plea agreement includes a jail term of five days, although Judge Joseph Solga noted that he already had credit for four days, two from actual time served and two for conduct credits. The remaining day will be covered by an 8-hour work program.

The sentence also includes a three-month drunk driving program, one year with an ignition interlock device, restitution payments, as well as three years of probation.

As part of the agreement, Pelosi pleaded guilty to violating California Vehicle Code 23153(a), and a second charge was dismissed in the interest of justice.


Charges would have been dropped if this was NOT an election year.  😥 


Enquiring minds want to know if there was any friction in the Pelosi household.


Betting. None. Piglosi’s KNOW, they are Teflon.

Money and “pressure” applied behind the scenes, fixes everything for the Rich AND Powerful.


Duis get off pretty easy, but he should have had a few “thousand” in fines, not $150. THAT is the minimum standard.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Well, the injured party did get a new Benz. That’s a few thousand.


Huh. I wouldve taken a big truck.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Gail Combs

DIESEL OF COURSE! preferably a semi.  😜 


Pelosi could afford it x10.

Gail Combs

“…and a second charge was dismissed in the interest of justice.”


Most would lose their licence and go to jail for being on DRUGS not drunk DRUGS.

What Happens If I Get A DUI With Injury? –

A felony DUI causing injury charge includes a prison sentence between one to five years and a fine over $1,000. Additional years may be added for each individual injured or if anyone sustained a “great bodily injury,” such as a spinal cord injury or a traumatic brain injury


“The Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Ukraine sends out alert urging all its citizens to leave the country as quick as possible.”

Cuppa Covfefe

“Islamic Republic”…. isn’t that a contradiction in terms?

Pakis sent packing…

Sounds like the money laundromat is about to lose all its coins…


Intel Slava Z

The United States is set to send an additional $3 billion weapons package to the Ukrainian Government.


^^^ G R E A T ! ^^^

Ukraine government employee BONUSES. /s



Yep …

Gail Combs

Ukraine US government employee & CONGRESS CRITTER BONUSES. /s

there fixed it to make it true.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think it’s more like 100% for “the big guy” anymore…

Ukraine won’t see ANY of that money.

Can’t wait to see the deep state taken down. Might need to wait until the White Throne Judgement, but still…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Those Biden bribes sure paid off.

MILLIONS will die – maybe BILLIONS – because of his treasonous behavior.

And even worse, OBAMA’S TREASON.

Brave and Free

More payoff’s for all the political class that’s supported this money laundering scheme.


Plenty of R-Cons getting their cut.


I know I am having a nightmare

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1 anything abominable; anything greatly disliked or abhorred.
2 intense aversion or loathing; detestation: 
He regarded lying with abomination.
3 a vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.: 
Spitting in public is an abomination.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

Thanks TT … I am speechless …


If people would speak up, this would stop. Models should refuse to wear that, but they would lose their jobs. Whoever is evaluating it should say how ridiculous, ugly, impractical, and poorly designed it is. The public probably DOES speak out, but we are just peons to those people.

I thought fashion used to be about designers coming up with new things for people to wear (from old movies with fashion shows, etc.). No man in his right mind would ever consider wearing that. No woman would want him to. So what is the purpose if not to foist ugliness on us and to mock the natural order of things?


Totally agree!


Not excusing that freak.

“Fashion” has always been BS to me. Prolly akin to BS Bingo, except this is to sell “the latest” to be in, the “in-crowd”. Horseshit!

Fashion designers, hollyweird and the like are in their own world. I have nothing in common with the freaks. Then and now.


Yes, I didn’t mean my statement to be an excuse, just models’ possible reasoning for not speaking up. Sort of like doctors with vaccines.


Yup. That was my understanding.

Gail Combs

I always view fashion as a bunch of Gay Freaks designing cloths for adsolescent boys and calling them women’s cloths. Think anorexics like Twiggy.

Gail Combs

I liked and wore the ‘Classics’ I considered the rest, since I was a little girl –UGLY CRAP.

I actually made all my prom gowns (3) and my wedding dress.

Cuppa Covfefe

From Fashionistas to Bidenistas…

Freak’s got his depends on the outside…


Even worse is the suit jacket doesn’t fit. Too wide in the shoulders and too baggy in the sleeves.

These idiots never heard of a tailor?


LOL! TY Aubergine

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



In normal times, if anyone dressed like that, the other kids would mock him and beat the snot out of him if necessary, and he would learn not to dress like that, before he became a full grown goof.


Absolutely …


I think about that a lot when it comes to LBGTWhatever. It used to be that they were made fun of and beaten up, and sometimes worse. I’m not condoning that, but some kind of social order was upheld. Now *they* use that past abuse to try to erase all social boundaries and make us accept whatever anyone dishes out. If you so much as call them a name, you are a criminal. There is a fine line between showing kindness to everyone and being forced to condone what they do.


Being an abuse victim is not an immunity grant or a license to control others.

Gail Combs

At this point they have ALL used up their ‘abuse victim’ and Race Cards.

I am ALL out of ‘kindness’ and ‘forgiveness’

Cuppa Covfefe

Waaaayyyyyy overdue for a wedgie….

And the depends, on the outside, are just BEGGING for it…

“So you think you can’t hit that high f, do you????”…..


They still would here in Montana I’d bet. Probably not the beating, but the mockery.


For Klaus Schwab in his off hours…



Gail Combs



He forgot to shave his legs- how very pedestrian.




Had no clue.  😂  😅  😂 

Hope there is no test on this tomorrow. 🙂

Brave and Free

Must be hell to take a leak 😆
Sick sick people, mocking God.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s what the external Depends are for 😀

Cuppa Covfefe


Gay Tracht???

Dude looks like a bug…er…pox…

That white background with the blue diamonds is the symbol of Bayern (Bavaria).
And if that pansy dared to wear that in Freistaat Bayern, he’d get a “gender change OP” whether he wanted it or not…

(Freistaat Bayern is our equivalent to “The Lone Star State”… don’t mess with Bayern)…


You KNOW so much! Yep, if he wears that outside the building, he may not sirvive

Gail Combs

He certainly wouldn’t in my neck of the woods….
Unless they were laughing so hard they couldn’t catch him.





I have no words.


Dr. Malone: Well Being: Cardiovascular Damage & Health

There have been a some peer reviewed papers recently published which provide clear evidence that certain dietary supplements can help in repairing and supporting cardiovascular and vascular health. Based on these data, it is reasonable to hypothesize that supplements shown to support heart and vascular health in this manner will provide benefit to those with damage done to the heart and arteries/veins by COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines and most likely will have benefit.

Therefore, the dosing that Jill and I take for these supplements is determined by assessing what is recommended – based on peer reviewed literature, recommendations, discussions with the other doctors, the labelling and common sense. These are the doses we are taking, and recommend that you consult with your physician or licensed health care provider to help guide your own personal dosing decisions.

Vitamin K2-MK7: 100 mcg per day

Magnesium Glycinate: 400 mg per day.

Taurine: 1000-1500 mg per day – split into 2 or 3 doses.

More info about the supplements in the article.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
Gail Combs

That substack is a REAL WINNER!





Here’s one article on vitamins K1 and K2

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s about how much magnesium I’m taking.

I find that the cheap oxide works just fine.

This seems important for those of us taking Vitamin D. Magnesium needs to be considered.

Note: Taking vitamin D in high levels, or being deficient in vitamin K2, can lower magnesium stores in the body and contribute to a deficiency. So, magnesium is an important supplement if you are taking vitamin D.

Gail Combs

Really helps with the sleep too. I wonder if lack of Mg may be why older folks have trouble sleeping.



We will eat insects and wind turbines, and we will like it.




“We will eat insects and wind turbines, and we will like it.”


Except me…



And me.

Brave and Free

And me too

Gail Combs



Me, too. Dedicated and devoted.

Gail Combs

I plan on a couple of these for dinner tomorrow.
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And me.

Trust me, if it comes to bugs and wind turbine gummies, I will be somewhere in a wilderness eating wild game and cultivating vegetables.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hear that oligarchs taste like chicken!


Fry ’em up!


Frying is unhealthy. Roast ’em on a rotisserie.


I’m Southern. I like fried!

I also like roasted. I generally just like food!

Gail Combs



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Me too!!!

“Scott and I will watch them eat insects and wind turbine blades in the prison camp, and they will not like it. And when they get tired enough of the bugs, and want to eat real meat, they will confess.”


Speak for yourself, brother.  😆 


Slip some of those Gummies, in BiteMe’s next ice cream cone.

Gotta be, Babylon Bee.

Cuppa Covfefe

Gummie has a rather different meaning here in Germany. Think “preservative” in the British sense of the word…



Gail Combs

I’ll never touch a gummy bear again….

Wind Turbine Blades; What You Really Need To Know – Energy Warden

Most wind turbine blades materials are fiberglass, carbon fibre or aramid (Kevlar) heated together with resin to combine into a material that is light and yet still strong enough to withstand intense storms.

Cuppa Covfefe

And those blades have TRILLIONS of bees, wasps, bats, birds, other insects, and other detritus stuck onto them.

Recycling that is only a Gang Green pipe dream…

Gail Combs

“Let them eat FIBERGLASS…”

Cuppa Covfefe

I find that really hard to believe. There have been studies going on for years now, exacerbated by the fact that the oldest turbines have reached EOL and they still have no way to dispose of the blades (let alone the concrete bases and dangerous chemicals in the generator and housing)…

More wishful thinking on the part of Gang Green…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s just bullshit. These people lie, lie, lie.


Peter Strzok, still a jerk.
Jonathan Turley:
The Return of Peter Strzok: How a Fired FBI Official Is Making the Case Against Himself

…Notably, Strzok was also among those eager to spread the O’Donnell report [falsely claiming they didn’t take Trump’s passports in the raid], tweeting, “And unsurprisingly, Trump’s statement turns out not to be true.” He later deleted it.

Strzok has sounded at times like a virtual troll on social media. Recently, he again lashed out at the story that the FBI took Trump’s passport and mocked Trump’s call to lower the temperature in the country after the raid. Strzok tweeted “Please oh please keep asking how you can turn down the temperature in the country,. And why does he have two passports? The Russian passport, of course, is kept in a vault at Yasenevo and only swapped out at third country meets, so it can’t be that one.”

Strzok often seems to lack any self-awareness of his past controversy. He has been on MSNBC defending the raid and insisting that “absolutely the American public should trust what the FBI is doing.” He insisted that any doubts over the FBI’s objectivity are ridiculous: “It’s not that the FBI is targeting any one side or the other. What you see is the FBI going out on a day-in, day-out basis objectively investigating allegations of law.” Yet, it is Strzok’s own conduct that had led to many having doubt about the motivation and independence of the department…

Gail Combs

Strzok really is MENTAL…
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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Demon possessed.

Gail Combs

And most probably STILL on the CIA payroll.

Brave and Free

Doing what his handlers tell him to do apparently, or just picking up some extra cash on the TV circuit for his next vacation.


“The Russian passport, of course, is kept in a vault at Yasenevo and only swapped out at third country meets, so it can’t be that one.”

Funny how easily that tidbit came out of Strzok’s mouth…like maybe HE is used to that protocol?



Gail Combs



Yup !


Gail Combs

NAZIS!!! MOAR NAZIS!!! via ReichsWEF


The analogies to Hitler only escalate.

Hard to believe nobody notices…

Gail Combs

Oh, we notice.

ReichWEF protegee, Baby Castro…


I know DePat …

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

They put one down for hearling loss. Another had a ruptured disc. What about hearing aids and back surgery????? EVIL.


I’ve lost some frequencies … and almost no cartilage in more than a few. Guess I would be gone if I lived in Canada…


“Guess I would be gone if I lived in Canada…”


Please don’t even go on a vacation there, there’s no telling what they might try to do.


Amen …

Gail Combs

They were certainly killing off people in the hospitals in the UK WITHOUT NOTICE to anyone. (LiverpoolCarePathway)

It was not just the elderly but also children. Major scandal a while back. #1 cause of death in hospital was starvation/dehydration

Two die in NHS hospitals every day of thirst and starvation

starvation with patients in hospitals and care homes being ‘forgotten to death‘ ….

  • Hunger or thirst were responsible for some 1,022 registered deaths during 2015
  • Dehydration was recorded as a cause of 429 patients who died while in hospital
  • While malnutrition was mentioned in 297 hospital-based death certificates
  • They were responsible for 130 deaths in care homes and 166 ‘elsewhere’

Two British people are dying each day in care of the NHS as a result of starvation or…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail – remember all those whistleblowers in England talking about huge quantities of midazolam being distributed at the beginning of COVID, and how they believed that elderly people with COVID were being put into ventilator comas, but then (surreptitiously) ODed on the drug and killed?

Sure fits in with a depopulation model.

Fauci used remdesivir here. Brits used midazolam there.

Same op, different drugs.

I really think we caught these bastards trying to “finish off the Trump problem” and “finish off the pension problem” and “finish off the conservative problem” by SELECTIVE DEPOPULATION.

Gail Combs

I have the SAME thoughts Wolfie.

Oh and remember how deaths and adverse effects were associated most with certain lot numbers???

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. Mum’s the word.

(Edit: see below.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Whoops. Thought you were talking about Aubergine’s “retreat” and my thoughts related to that.

But yes. You see this, too.


Karl had a good piece on that, as he is very adept at dumping data into databases and making it sing and dance.

Gail Combs

I have that bookmarked.


I’m beginning to wonder if we don’t need to get together and establish some sort of enclave like the Amish. Disconnect from technology, go back to the basics. Somewhere way off the grid.




I’ve always said that’s what I am. 🙂

Gail Combs



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re giving me a great idea. More to be said someday.



Gail Combs

Going GALT?


Time permitting, please do so.


“Disconnect from technology, go back to the basics. Somewhere way off the grid.”


Technology has made the world very small, so there is nowhere to go or hide.

The object is total control.

Anywhere that you might start a better place, would only attract the control megalomaniacs.

The ‘grid’ is going after that Amish farmer for not following FDA regulations. He only sells to other Amish who are private members of some club he formed, likely as a way to escape from the FDA’s grid.

The Amish have a couple hundred years experience living off the grid.

If they can’t do it, we’re not likely to either, at least not on any scale that would be recognized as a community.

The evil must be defeated.

Like the Borg, it’s not going to give us another option.


Well, I know some places. I wouldn’t be able to hide a thousand people, but I could hide a 100.


A comprehensive view of the world and she thinks we’re doomed to the owning nothing and liking it world.

What the Fuck is going on? – A Lily Bit (


Good read. Pretty much sums it up. 😐

Brave and Free

Looks interesting starting reading will finish later.


THIS needs to be posted in the new daily.

LONG read. NOT thrilled with what I read. Assuming, I understood most of it.

Looking forward to many more folks comments on this.


I just finished it, I noticed at multiple points that it seems like she was doing to the reader exactly what she pointed out WEF was doing to society, i.e., here’s what’s going to happen, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

She also seems confused about Trump… or we’re confused about Trump.

She makes reference to a lot of totalitarian control tactics that are already in place, like vaccine passports to travel from not just country to country but state to state. Many of the things of this nature she talks about are not happening here, so she is likely not American.

She also inserts the word “do” in places where it doesn’t belong, and has other subtle language cues that cause me to think English is not her first language. But she’s better at hiding it than most.

For example:

“Where do you think will this lead?” (‘will’ should be after ‘this’ not before it)

“and you need to use this to authorize against the basic things you are going to do in your life.” (‘against’ is a really odd word choice)

“We are finally usurping the nationalist states, so you do no longer have the nation states” (strange unnecessary insertion of the word ‘do’)

“Where do you think will this lead?” (again the reversal of ‘will’ and ‘this’, which is not uncommon in foreign languages, in which words are ordered within a sentence differently than in English)

But once again, when reading such depressing and demoralizing doom propaganda (sprinkled with just enough truth to appeal to something everyone likes), there is a linchpin that is overlooked.

Something absolutely C-R-I-T-I-C-A-L for the entire doom-fest to be accomplished, and nobody ever talks about it.

Except me, I talk about it all the time, but nobody cares 😂

Here is a passage from the article:

“You have already willingly agreed that you need state permission to go into a clothing store, to dine out or to move between cities because it was “just a mask”, “just a test”, “just a QR code.” So the only difference to China so far is that you have been doing it out of free will and compliance. It does not matter to me, if you think the vaccines are a “game changer”, or if you took it or did not. That is YOUR personal decision. But it is important you understand what is behind all of this, and to what sinister systems your actions may contribute.”


I didn’t agree (willingly or otherwise) to any of that *&^%.

I didn’t wear the mask, I didn’t take the vaxx, and I sure as *&^% didn’t ask anyone’s permission to go into a clothing store, or any other kind of store.

I didn’t take any tests. Not online, not on paper, and I didn’t stick any china-made q-tips up my nose or china-made tongue-depressors in my mouth. I don’t know where any of that crap has been, or what they might have laced it with, and I didn’t need to know any of the bogus randomly distributed results, because I wasn’t playing their game from the get-go.

Now imagine Cabal is Goldfinger (or pick any random Bond villain). Goldfinger creates a plan 50+ years ago, and he has been very dedicated in following his plan.

A critical part of his plan — from QR codes to social credit scores to CBDCs to controlling access to clothing stores and EVERY OTHER CONTROL MECHANISM that anyone ever talks about — is that everyone must volunteer to own and then become addicted to their own personal electronic tracking device.

They must be counted on exhibit a great responsibility. The responsibility to keep the State’s tracking device charged at all times, and to carry it with them at all times.

To go anywhere without the State’s Tracking Device (STD) must become intensely uncomfortable. Like realizing you forgot your watch at the same time you realize you forgot to put your seat belt on at the same time you realize the gates are closing on either side of the train track and your car is stalled between them.

And that device, the “linchpin” that makes all of Goldfinger’s elaborate plans possible — and without which the ENTIRE Skynet system fails utterly — is the cell phone.

Imagine being in Nazi Germany, early in the war when Hitler looked unstoppable — but the only reason Hitler had any power is because everyone had a personal tracking device.

If they just ditched their personal tracking device, the war would be over, and humanity would win.

But they won’t do it.

They love their tracking device.

It’s an extension of who they are as a living creature, and nobody will ever convince them otherwise.

Literally everything having to do with Big Tech Fascism and big gov’t Totalitarianism revolves around the mobile phone.

It’s not just the weakest link, it’s practically the ONLY link, it’s a ‘chain’ made out of ONE *&^%ING LINK.

And the baboons and monkeys are too *&^%ing stupid to figure it out, like a monkey who stuck his hand through a small hole in a tree trunk to grab a nut, but once the nut is in his fist, his fist is too big to remove his hand.

At that point, the monkey is trapped, even though the power to escape is literally IN HIS GRASP.

All he has to do is drop the nut, and his hand will effortlessly slip through the hole and he can make his escape.

But he won’t do it.

He can’t do it.

His brain can’t make the connection between the nut in his hand, his hand in the hole, and his desire to escape.

So the hunter can casually walk right up to that monkey and bash in brains in with a club, while the monkey screams and panics and tries for all he’s worth to pull his closed fist through the hole in the tree trunk.

Goldfinger’s entire plan depends on the cell phone.

There is one sure-fire way to defeat Goldfinger and save humanity, and that is to STOP using cell phones.

But humanity clearly wants their cell phones more than they want freedom, or even life itself.

The State’s Tracking Device (STD), it is absolutely critical, because without it, there is no way for our flesh to interact with the State’s control mechanisms.

Until the digital implant is perfected and forced on the entire world, in a very similar way as the practice run was forced on the world (i.e., the vaxx).

At some point, people are going to realize that it is the STD that is the key to their prison.

It will be a lot easier to stop this whole train now, by putting down the STD and walking away from it — than it will be later, having to dig your digital implant out of your hand or your forehead with a steak knife.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

I got a little carried away with the ‘baboons and monkeys’ being too stupid to figure it out…

I’m just a little frustrated by society’s relentless slow-motion shuffle over the edge of the cliff, when there are flashing ‘Danger!’ and ‘Detour!’ signs all over the place 😉

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Well, you will be happy to know I ran over the first cell phone hubby gave me with the Dually and the second with the tractor. The third I came very close to sticking up the arse of the sales critter.

I do have a flip phone but mostly I forget it and/or forget to charge it unless hubby insists….

Did I mention I HATE PHONES, of any type?


The flip phone, or any phone that has no camera or internet connection, may be comparatively safe.

I’m pretty sure you could still be tracked via cell phone towers, but maybe flip phones (without Internet capability) couldn’t be used to scan QR codes or be used as a ‘digital passport’, etc.

Gail Combs

Unfortunately they forced me to get a new one when they up graded our area to 4G and the thing I have had google installed which I promptly uninstalled…. As I said I came close to sticking it up the sales reps arse. Hubby prevented me from throwing it at her and telling her to keep the damn thing.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Let me guess. AT&T.

I did tell them to stick it. And I cancelled their asses.


I use a flip phone, and it daily, sometimes 2 or 3 times, dins me to connect. I have internet disabled. I leave it home when running errands. Makes me responsible for my vehicle’s well-being. Best I can do right now.


Emerald Robinson: What I Learned At The [Mike Lindell] Summit Of Truth (Part 1)

This one-hour section from the Summit of Truth is well worth your time — if you care about our elections. It’s called “The Trial of the Machines.” It explains what are called “Cast Vote Records” and why these records are the clearest indicators of machine-based election fraud. 

Mike Lindell interviewed cyber experts Jeff O’Donnell and Walter Daugherity to discuss these records.

You learn that a Pima County (AZ) whistleblower attended a meeting of Democrats in September 2021 where each of them was promised an extra 35,000 votes. The whistleblower sent an email explaining this cheating to the FBI.

You learn that Utah — which does all mail-in voting — refuses to turn over any of its Cast Vote Records.

You learn that Texas refused to turn over any of its Cast Vote Records — until AG Ken Paxton forced them to do so.

You learn that Edison Research — the company that reports the vote counts for American elections to the media — reported impossible and absurd numbers in the 2020 election! 

How To Get Your County’s Cast Vote Records

The Cast Vote Records are the clearest indicators of whether or not there is machine-based election fraud. 

On September 3, 2022, federal protections for these records under Title 52 Section 20701 comes to an end allowing the legal destruction of these records. 

Don’t let these records disappear from the public conscience. Here’s how you can request your county’s records…

This is unbelievable:

Gail Combs

I am getting

Error 1003 Ray ID: 73f7ec63002b802d • 2022-08-24 00:20:39 UTC

Direct IP access not allowed

What happened?

You’ve requested an IP address that is part of the Cloudflare network. A valid Host header must be supplied to reach the desired website.

What can I do?

If you are interested in learning more about Cloudflare, please visit our website.

I have accessed emerald’s substack before with ZERO problem.

I just did a [Ctrl][H] and tried an older substack I visited a week ago and got the SAME as above…

anyone else having that problem?

Is Emerald over the target?


#MeToo !


I definitely think she’s over the target.


Getting THIS when I click on the link:

Error 1003 Ray ID: 73f7f3fbb5011851 • 2022-08-24 00:25:50 UTC
Direct IP access not allowedWhat happened?You’ve requested an IP address that is part of the Cloudflare network. A valid Host header must be supplied to reach the desired website.
What can I do?If you are interested in learning more about Cloudflare, please visit our website.

Gail Combs

Just got the same…

I am getting it with ALL the substacks I try even ones I currently have open in another tab.

I copied the URL into a new tab and was denied access.


OK !
(I know it’s NOT ME… THIS TIME !)

Gail Combs

Looks like a lot of Conservative Substacks are probably writing about ELECTION FRAUD so they just shut down the whole lot!

Over the target much?

I am getting Jon’s first substack:

and this one

and now this is coming up…

and so is

Looks like it may have been an attack that has now been straightened out.


It just worked for me. I don’t know…


Interesting. I just clicked on it, to open it in a new tab, and it worked fine. Things are weird today.

Gail Combs



Yup… not just me this time !




Rewriting history. He defends himself by saying there are clips of him saying he wanted to do everything possible to get children back in school. And that’s a straw man because the problem was with what he wanted to do in the meantime.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That boy’s gonna SQUIRM LIKE A TOAD.


What FauXi can NOT grasp is, he can NOT relate to normal everyday folks.

FauXi lives in a bubble that praises FauXi, as infallible. Reinforced WITH CORRUPT MONEY, including his patents…

Baastrd needs to HANG, after a fair trial and sentence announced.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He and Rochelle Acolytesky created injections designed to kill children, and rushed them into the arms of kids who didn’t need them.

Hanging is too good, but we can settle for what they did.


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Here’s Tucker tearing up Fauxi last night. Afterwards Dr. Scot Atlas talks about all the damage the evil little bassturd has done to our country. He leaves a wake of death, destruction, and distrust.

Brave and Free

Yeah right you lying piece of ****. The thing is he really believes what he’s saying. And Cavuto is a paid hack just like potato head was only on a different network.
Same narrative just coming at you from different angles so it sounds different.
And ad Mr. Tick Tock to that group too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Brave and Free

All this is nothing less than Fauci starting to craft his “defense” of his behavior — “It’s not my fault, it’s not the “vaccines'” fault, the science evolved. I was just following the science.”

Gail Combs

They really LOVE COMMITTEES so they can ALL avoid the blame.


Gail Combs


Fauci Says States Should “Seriously Look at Shutting Down Again..” — Gateway Pundit

Dr. Anthony Fauci advised states with rising numbers of coronavirus cases to “seriously look at shutting down”. Fauci made his comments in a podcast interview with the Wall Street Journal by Kate Linebaugh on Wednesday.

Fauci is a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force and has served since 1984 as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the NIH…

Lockdown-inspired suicides on course to DWARF coronavirus deaths… — RT World News

Lockdown-inspired suicides on course to DWARF coronavirus deaths in Australia & in time, even in US – studies

The global suicide rate is accelerating as coronavirus-triggered lockdowns supercharge depression and mass job losses push people over the edge. Australian and US researchers have highlighted the threat to their countries.

A spike in suicides triggered by Covid-19 lockdowns is expected to exceed deaths from the actual virus by a factor of 10 in Australia, according to researchers from Sydney University’s Brain and Mind Center, who published their findings on Thursday.

One of my neighbors with young children, lost his job and then blew his brains out, so don’t GIVE ME THAT SHIT YOU DEMON!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fauci is so evil. So evil.


Nobody gives a fuck what you think, little Mengele-man.


Arguments no longer revolve around truth. You are either ‘with the narrative’ or ‘against it’, Alastair Crooke writes.

“Madness is the exception in individuals; but the rule within groups”

(Fredrich Nietzsche)

This is the third article in a series of three.

The first focussed on how today’s disorientation and sense of disappearing sanity owes to the psychic stress of embracing a contradiction incapable of purely rational synthesis: An ideology that purports to be exactly what it is not. Or, in other words, by our ostensibly proclaiming liberty and the individual – whilst concealing within its language an ideology that insists any rooted community cannot support a ‘redeemed society’ (because of ingrained racism, etc.) – it must therefore be cleansed from the top down. It must be redeemed of all such legacies. This represents the ‘Bolshevik’ seed that Rousseau sowed into the fertile soil of an extant Frankish European cultural disposition towards totalitarianism.

The second article pursued the theme of how, in the U.S., this ‘seed’ budded into ‘bobo groupthink’, insisting that human deficiencies demanded “solving once, and for all”. This ideal was, and is, to be manifest in an effort to bring about a revolutionary change within society, through challenging what are seen to be the structural injustices within the economic, political and social orders.

This has meant, in practical terms, rotating out of power those “who were so often white and male”, and rotating into power and money those who have been systematically victimised. To accelerate this process, a resort to moral panics (Covid and Climate) has been utilised to effect the slow motion desertion of our former principles of governance to ‘remake man’: A project of re-imagining ‘man’ that can only be done through the adoption of illiberal politics.

This third article attempts to briefly sketch how these stresses have led a faction of western élites into a psychic disorder (psychosis) through an understanding of Professor of Clinical Psychology, Mattias Desmet’s, premise that totalitarianism is no historical coincidence; that it does not form in a vacuum. It arises, throughout history, from a collective psychosis that has followed a predictable script.

This framework is important to understanding ‘where we are’, and to managing resistance to this repeat outbreak of totalitarianism – the latter being a process that gains strength and speed with each generation, from the Jacobins to the Nazis and Trotskyists, as technology advances.

Desmet carefully lays out the psychological steps which lead toward totalitarianism: Governments, mass media, and other mechanized forces use fear, loneliness, and isolation to demoralize populations and exert control, persuading large groups of people to act against their own interests – with destructive results.

con’t at link


I get this when I click on the link:


403 Forbidden

В доступе на страницу отказано


I clicked … and got article …

It’s not a Russian site …

try again?


That’s weird. I normally click to open links in a new tab so I will not lose my place in this one. I just did that again and got the same error message.


I didn’t ‘Open a new window’

Most encrypted links will bring you back with the back arrow on new page

Gail Combs

For me I right clicked and pick new window and it opened fine.

I have been getting some wonky crap today though. —

Duck Duck got me to Chiefio “This site includes adult or disturbing content”

clicking and then went to


Oops! The page you’re going to view is related to mature or disturbing materials. Do you want to continue to the page anyway?

Yandex just opened the site.


I want to switch from DDG … have forgotten how… still not comfortable w/ laptop 😉

Gail Combs


so far I have had a lot more luck with them.

I have been trying the same exact search words in Yandex and in DDG and I am getting much better results in Yandex. (And yeah I think it is Russian)


Thanks Gail


It would depend on what browser you use, on how to figure out how to change your default search engine.

Ultimately you want to get into your browsers “settings” and find “search” or “search engines”.

What browser are you using and maybe we can poke around and find you the path?

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Google Chrome … have tons of bookmarks

I found Settings/Browser/Search Engine = DDG


Okay, my Google Chrome langue was defaulted to Korean. Ackkk I don’t read Korean and don’t know how to change it back to English.

I’m pretty sure you had some choices on default search engines.

You can likely add one in to. It would be something like adding the name “yandex” and then for the URL I’m using

Some where in there you choose it as your default search engine.

In Vavaldi, I have a normal address bar that would do the search, but I also have a second address bar (smaller) that gives me a drop down menu of additional search engines from which to choose for my search.


You gonna keep bashing on Chrome yourself, or do you want us to try and figure out how to get you out of Korea?


Get out of Korea if I still wanted to use Chrome which I don’t. Finished with all other browsers after finding Vivaldi.


‘Sokay. Let us know if you change your mind.


I found a drop down menu, but it’s dark underneath I can choose to disable DDG BUT I am so tired and afraid I will lose my bookmarks. I have your link et in notification bar and will finish in the morning. When ol’ brain has had enough, it just … changes modes 😉

Para, TY!


If you cannot set it in your browser you can just use this and bookmark it…


Thanks RAC! will do for now

Gail Combs

This is DELIBERATE and not organic….


British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, who claims to be the country’s prime minister after the resignation of Boris Johnson, said she was ready to use nuclear weapons if necessary.

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov @ T;gram


Mad woman and English dogs. Sounds like the title of a book or a song.

Cuppa Covfefe

Normally the succession is Chancellor of the Exchequer, not foreign minister…

Is (un)Truss(ted) an alum of the WEFfenSS???


I don’t know but comments I’ve read from European posters claim she is dumb as a box of rocks and will read whatever script she is handed! In fact, I’ve yet to read a positive comment about her.



Liz Truss, AKA, “dumb as a box of rocks”, will play nicely with Germany’s Olaf Sholz.

Now that I think of it, Mush-Mind BiteMe is like that. As is, Trudescue.

Almost as if, WEF, orchestrated this cluster F we are living.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ReichsWEF delenda est.


Yep. No “Almost”. They did!


Yup. I forgot the /s.

It all goes quite well with, “What The Fuck Is going On?”, article / link somewhere in this daily.

Brave and Free

Thanks DP 😉 as always a reminder of what’s happening in the world.
MATTHEW 23:23-26 Is definitely relevant to today’s world.
We cleanse the outside but how many look inside ourselves where the battle is won? Put your faith in Him above.

Cuppa Covfefe


Lots of unclean vessels and whitewashed tombs… blind guides…

Makes me think “Alas, Alas” from “Godspell” (OK, a loooonng time ago)…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

filmed in 2008 … much more to be added up to 2022

Gail Combs


It makes me think more and more that Will Zoll (PRUSSIAGATE!) was correct and Prussia/Nazi ‘disappeared’ only to become an Army without a Country and infiltrate other countries mostly the USA and Europe.


From my recent notes:

The Prussian Origins of the U.S. Federal Reichsbank

The ReichsWEF Part IV The ReichsWEF Treasury Department(George Soros)

Marburg: The Four Horsemen, the Marburg Files, Snow White and Revolution – A Prussian Dream

Marburg: The Virus
Drawing attention to the Marburg Virus simply aims to show it was, and still is, potentially real. According to Bill Gates’ GAVI institute, if you get this virus, you have a 90% chance to develop fever, chills, vomit, then bleed out from every orifice, until you die.
And according to GAVI, it could be the next pandemic to strike humanity…..

Marburg the Town: The Apocalypse of the Four Horsemen
The origins of Marburg date back to 1140 A.D. It was subject to many wars, the most famous being the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648), where Marburg and surrounding territory lost more than 66% of its population. It suffered a loss of life that surpassed WWI and WWII…..

The war was so bad, it reshuffled the European Order. It was the Great Reset of its day, and Prussia would to rise to prominence from it. There is that familiar pattern, again…..

Marburg became a backwater-town thereafter, under the Electorate of Hessen. Eventually Prussia was able to annex Marburg around 1866. Until then, Marburg was known only for its university, but it was also chosen as the administrative center of the Prussian empire. It became known for its academics, students and public servants. It’s library housed many documents that were important to Prussia, as we shall unpack later….

Apart from discovering a deadly disease after fiddling with the African green monkey, the university is also popular for another academic reason: Its proud academic-Marxist stronghold.
Most are aware of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and its devastating effects in the schools across the USA. CRT was born from an ideology espoused by the Frankfurt School, known as “critical theory”. The Frankfurt School fled Germany in 1933 when the Nazis came to power, finding a home at Columbia University.
The Frankfurt School birthed devout cultural Marxists such as Saul Alinsky, who in turn inspired disciples, such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
However, as the Frankfurt School fled Germany, a sister-school remained and would blossom over time. That would be later known as the Marburg School…..

comment image

So far, Marburg is known for a virus, an Apocalyptic war, becoming the Prussian administration centre, and a Marxist university.

Let’s see what else we can unpack about the wonderful Prussian town of Marburg.
Fairy-tale Anon: Marburg and the Grimm Tales of Child Abuse

Shady Grooove showed the high Ranking Nazis were transferred to NATO and SourceWatch showed the High ranking Nazis were transferred to Medical & Chemical Companies.

BillBeakman replied
We fought WWll so the Cabal could finance both sides of the conflict…like every major conflict for the last 200 years….

And Wolfie said
Yup. That’s pretty much my conclusion now.

If you take think a step further this information supports Will Zoll’s Prussiagate. & ReichsWEF. The idea that PRUSSIA is now an idea AND AN ARMY without a country.

The incredible history behind the formation of the World Economic Forum is founded on the vision set out by Frederick the Great centuries ago, where every aspect of a humanity would be controlled through 17,000 rules and regulations. Adolph Hitler and the Nazis disastrously tried to restore Germany back to its illustrious Prussian past. The current attempt to establish this regime globally was why the first 10 years of the ReichsWEF hosted a myriad of ex-Nazis and national leaders tied to brutal regimes, communist-ideology, and much worse.

To circumvent democratic principles, national sovereignty, and the Constitution, the ReichsWEF implemented the Young Global Leaders program to effectively penetrate government cabinets and steer nations toward the vision of Klaus Schwab and, more importantly, the matrix of globalist corporations that now serve the horrible invisible enemy that is Prussia.

Klaus, it would appear, has taken a leaf out of Joseph Goebbels playbook:

comment image

The ReichsWEF is not a friend; it is the enemy of humanity.
We conclude with a message to every member of the Young Global Leaders Community and every member of the World Economic Forum:

You are all citizens of sovereign nations built on the premise of freedom, democracy and the rule of law. In this invisible war, the WEF has appointed you to be enemies of your own nations. As Tyranny begins to destroy itself by unleashing wave-upon-wave of crises, Freedom will most-certainly prevail. As members of Klaus’ army, it is important to understand you are involved in one of the highest crimes known to man:

: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family

: the betrayal of a trust : treachery

The series is on a paid subscription substack but Patrick gunnels reads them on Epic Threads. Zoll lays out an interesting hypothesis and backs it up with historical information (Zoll is actually two people BTW)

(Skip the first 10 minutes which is intro.)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3: (Includes the War for our minds too)

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Marburg: The Four Horseman, the Marburg Files, Snow White and Revolution – A Prussian Dream: Start @ 28:50

Tedros, Marburg Virus, Eric Koch [“as head of the administrative office of the entire Nazi apparatus,Koch would have access to every communique that Germany possessed, past and present, including the information (from the town of Marburg) the Brothers’ Grimm used to write their “fairy tailes”… Start @ 50:00 it is GRIM: Child sex – Snow White was SEVEN when she married the prince — cannabilizm… ”], Marburg Files….

Start @ 56 minutes:
60 pages of material contained information and correspondence between THE DUKE OF WINDSOR, [Edward VIII] and Nazi Germany….[They] provided definitive evidence of the Duke of Windsor’s relationship with HIGH RANKING LAZI OFFICIALS and increase suspicion that he was a NAZI SYMPATHIZER….

The Power of the Prussian Micropenis (Fredrick the Great who started it all)

We also had problems with JetPack locking out users with a “you’re posting too fast” pop-up.

Child Trafficking, Grooming, Abuse: ArnGrimR (ArnGrimR is an immigrant to the USA and says he is a  historian/archeologist)

“……But it is time to point out the fuller story.

When there is real abuse in the Church: Absolutely, DO point it out and support those who aim to eradicate such evil behavior. BUT be minful to NOT fall into the trap to focuse ONLY or even MOSTLY on the Catholic Church. That is the goal of these concerted media efforts to highlight and drag out every such case, while silencing all the rest, and keeping their own friends in the elites and upper eschelons of society out of reach….

The attacks on our children is going on full force. Twitter and other social media are even BANNING the words ‘GROOMING’ and GROOMER’ in a futile attempt to stem the growing and bipartisan backlash…

A graph is shown of yearly sexual abuse. Catholic Church (201) School Employees OFF THE CHARTS (29,000)and Epstein calling them AMATEURS…
[Else where the total was over 60,000 and the verified abuse within the church was 8.0 -GC]

[quote by C.S. Lewis]

[Found else where -G.C.]
“Suppose one reads a story of filthy atrocities in the paper. Then suppose that something turns up suggesting that the story might not be quite true, or not quite so bad as it was made out. Is one’s first feeling, ‘Thank God, even they aren’t quite so bad as that,’ or is it a feeling of disappointment, and even a determination to cling to the first story for the sheer pleasure of thinking your enemies are as bad as possible? If it is the second then it is, I am afraid, the first step in a process which, if followed to the end, will make us into devils. [stopped here – GC] You see, one is beginning to wish that black was a little blacker. If we give that wish its head, later on we shall wish to see grey as black, and then to see white itself as black. Finally we shall insist on seeing everything — God and our friends and ourselves included — as bad, and not be able to stop doing it: we shall be fixed for ever in a universe of pure hatred.”

I will end with what Brian Cates, just as Lewis also NOT a Catholic, sharply and wisely pointed out:

And one of the biggest things they do to hide the organized grooming/abuse that goes [on] in US public schools is to give a different villain to hate: The Catholic Church.

…. The media has been trying to divide us also on this topic. After they finish destroying the Catholic Church, who will they come after next, you think? But we need unity. We need to turn this around, and think about the ELITES FIRST when hearing about child abuse…. KNOW who the REAL Enemy is….

Read it here:


I wish I were 20 years younger!

Gail Combs

I wish there were a lot more hours in the day or I read a lot faster (I am over 1,000 w/min  😎 )

There is just so much great information out there I feel like I am drinking from a fire hose.

And yeah, the 20 years (or 40) would have been nice this afternoon. I have been changing bandages on a horse’s hind leg and if he kicked there is no way I could move out of his way. I have to crawl to a wall and climb up after kneeling for so long.  🙄  Luckily the vet left a sedative that works very nicely.

He gets the stitches out tomorrow and the wound looks like it is healing very nicely with no infection. Originally we were very worried we would have to put him down, but we dodged that bullet barely…. Cut to the bone and just missed the tendon.


You are remarkable imo… you do so much physically and mentally … and you retain so much info, sharp as a tack you are Lady! We are so lucky to have you and all your archives… So glad you won’t have to put the horse down!

Gail Combs

We are too. He has a lovely temperament and is very handsome to boot. Deep red brown color, white blaze on his face and four white stockings with excellent confirmation.


Sounds like a sweetheart! Cheers!

Gail Combs

He really is. That is why we are spending money we really can’t afford for his health care. (We are well over $1,000)

This summer has been brutal. He is my fifth animal with big vet bills bur all are OK.


Ohh Gail …


Was the sedative for you or the horse?

Gail Combs

The horse, but I need one after sitting next to his hindleg for 1/2 hour hoping not to be stepped on or kicked. (Horses can ‘cowkick’ sideways a bit)

I do not bend well enough to crouch and work at floor level any more.

This is a horse cowkicking at a calf. You can see they can go sideways a lot further than you would think.
comment image

August 23, 2022
“Biden Personally Denied Trump’s Privilege Claim, Authorizing FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago”


Someplace I heard that Trump is having problems getting good lawyers because law firms threaten to firer their lawyer if they defend him. They are laughing at Trump. Oh yes Dershowitz related the story that he has spoken to many lawyers who are afraid to be fired the firm does not want them to defend Trump.


Makes me want to go to law school right quick. They could kiss my ass. I’d defend whomever I pleased.


Yes it is sad but people are scared.


I know.


Same as Quacks need to stand up to being silenced, lawyers need to do the same.

#CancelGoAlongToGetAlong. <<<It’s destroying us.


Courage is in short supply.


It is.

Perhaps we can start shaming some in positions of responsibility to ACT, or at a Minimum, Be Honest.


Elon Musk to push for Twitter geolocation data after whistleblower’s bombshell: sourcesBy Josh Kosman and  Theo Wayt
August 23, 2022 


“Musk is likely hoping that his case will be bolstered by ex-security chief Peiter Zatko, who filed a whistleblower complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission in July accusing Twitter of “Lying about Bots to Elon Musk.” 
Musk hopes Zatko’s complaint will sway Judge Kathaleen McCormick to grant his legal team’s request for the vital data, a source following the case said, although that is not a given.”


Update (0945ET): Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal has sent a message to staff this morning about WaPo’s whistleblower story, according to CNN’s Donnie O’Sullivan

Agrawal’s message to staff reads:


There are news reports outlining claims about Twitter’s privacy, security, and data protection practices that were made by Mudge Zatko, a former Twitter executive who was terminated in January 2022 for ineffective leadership and poor performance. We are reviewing the redacted claims that have been published, but what we’ve seen so far is a false narrative that is riddled with inconsistencies and inaccuracies, and presented without important context.

I know this is frustrating and confusing to read, given Mudge was accountable for many aspects of this work that he is now inaccurately portraying more than six months after his termination. But none of this takes away from the important work you have done and continue to do to safeguard the privacy and security of our customers and their data. This year alone, we have meaningfully accelerated our progress through increased focus and incredible leadership from Lea Kissner, Damien Kieran, and Nick Caldwell. This work continues to be an important priority for us, and if you want to read more about our approach, you can find a summary here.

Given the spotlight on Twitter at the moment, we can assume that we will continue to see more headlines in the coming days — this will only make our work harder. I know that all of you take a lot of pride in the work we do together and in the values that guide us. We will pursue all paths to defend our integrity as a company and set the record straight.

See you all at «OneTeam tomorrow,



Elon gonna get you!


Hope Elon buries TW. Then goes away, himself.

Gail Combs

A very nice ‘let’s you and he fight’ while we carry on with protecting our elections.


Y E S !

Gail Combs

Especially since Shady & Matrixxx reported on a Democrat BOT FARM called DEMCAST that may have also interfered with the elections.

I haven’t watched this yet since it just went up at noon:

DemCast Election Interference?

Today’s show the guys bring in current events, Democrat run Bot Farms for social media, DemCast, TweetAttacksPro, Florida endorsed candidates, Fauci resigns while patrios call for preservation of documents, Bongino on vaccine mistake, a Patriotic Reading, and much much more…

Gail Combs

Demcast info starts @ 13:30 and it is EXPLOSIVE.
@ 21:45 they play an UNLISTED Youtube Video where bot farm operators are given instructions by DEMCAST…

@ 24 minutes the co-founder talks about ‘readymade posts and the fact Twatter does not like to see the exact same posts so she advises “customizing it in some way”
Matrixx points out she is using SpeechifyAI


The SpeechifAI team is incredibly dedicated to building a robust platform in response to their clients’ needs. We have used SpeechifAI since its inception. The team constantly helped us improve our campaigns which resulted in ever-increasing user engagement.

@ 26:40 they introduce Nick Knudsen the Exec Director of Democast and his premier introductory video. “Knudsen explains DEMCASTS mission while alluding to the future goals of the organization.”






@ 27:40
“To begin to have an idea of the size and scope of the Demcast influence…”
There is then an analysis of those following after using the hash tag #BlueCrew and #Demcast

It is worth a quick listen. 60+ tweets a day every day for 7 years?????


GOOD FIND (((PR))) !
(wonder if Parag/Twitter will file a defamation suit… or prepare to be named in one ?)

Last edited 2 years ago by Nor'easter

Hi Nor’easter … no defamation suit … TW is C_A controlled imo… as criminal as can be… and they’ve been caught.


I had to look at a large warehouse building in the Bay Area. This was used by a third party vendor for the postal service. They serviced all of the carts, bags, rolling stock that was used by the postal service to move and haul mail around all of the different postal facilities.

In one corner were several large rolling carts( size of a refrigerator) that were full of mail. This was mail that was found while servicing all of this equipment. A weeks worth.


(you took pics, right ?)


Nope. Not part of the job.


Its not just the few carriers who didnt want to deliver and started hoarding or dumping mail is it? Systemic failures.


With all the Covidiot slush funds out there, USPS and its contractors handsomely rewarded for delivering to the wrong address, if at all, in 2020 election.

Between Cvidiot slush funds, BBB funds, the recent Inflation bill, lots of money to pay off USPS stooges.

Gail Combs

Heck the idiot we have in MA tossed any mail he was too slow to deliver.

The SOB cost me thousands in LOST STOCK and MA never seemed able to ‘find it’ The company told me when they did not get a response to their letters they sent the stock to MA .When I tried to recover it, no one could find it.


No. Just mail that gets caught up in the equipment. The amount of equipment that needs servicing is huge. So the amount of mail in the bins is relatively small in relation to what is processed. But still an issue if it is your ballot or check from the IRS.


I understand.


Someone OT, is now saying oh dt the twit whistle-blower theres a connection bet the govt-intel-d a r p a-and big tech. All connected. New big deal.
Gee werent we discussing that and didnt we get kicked out just bc an alphabet letter sparked the conversation?
Just a few days ago he said he doesnt care if he kicks out desantis people, bc its like cruz people, and he dislikes all q people even more. Seems to me its not good enough to preemptively discuss anything unless he approves. How sad.
We couldve crowd sourced so much.


You must never disagree w/him… he simply won’t tolerate it


Theres an element of it unfortunately.

Gail Combs

I was wrned about that by a guy at Tony Heller’s before I joined OT. I was always very careful but I still POed a moderator who banned me from some of the threads.


Not a deep thinker here. Yea, that one is obvious.

Earlier today, I started noodling on, IS, SumDunce, controlled opposition. No idea.

I do know, it is SD way, or the highway. But then it is SD blog.

SD does NOT have to allow Free Speech. Much like TW, FB, YT, do NOT Allow Free Speech.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s the same thing that gave us climate change. The MINORITY REPORT must be allowed.

It’s not the same as bots, infiltrators, obstructionists, opposition, trolls, etc. Yes, those have to be dealt with. I kick Dem infiltrators out of here – or rather they never get in (almost never). But people here are allowed to doubt even Trump. THAT is science. That is how we can get ahead of the curve.


With no disagreement, we are in an echo-chamber just like the idiots at CNN and the FIB.

And you can see plainly how that effects their actions.

Gail Combs

Respectful and logical disagreement is very very necessary or we as a civilization NEVER ADVANCE.

This is WHY China needs to STEAL technology from the USA. They are incapable of ‘thinking outside the box’

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs

Its true, but hes going at people on twitmo quite a bit.


SD does NOT have to allow Free Speech.

Yet, people keep going over there with expectations. Some seem to want to post there again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a computational error.

It’s one thing for Sundance to state his own policy for the site, but to ban opposing theories held by truth-seekers is the same problem that gave us “climate change” and “Fauci science”.

Not all Q people were either infiltrators or deluded, from his standpoint.

Even if Sundance never lets the Q folks back in, I highly advise him to think openly about the DeSantis problem. I suspect it is a weapon against BOTH Trump and DeSantis, and he’s now helping it.


Good observation. To find solutions you dont want to first create a problem yourself.


Most of the “Q people” are smarter than SD. And that cannot be allowed.


Nice belly laugh on that one. Thanks.  😂  😅  😂 


Glad to oblige. It’s good for your health!


Wow. Following up on a Gail post yesterday.

Yesterday Gail posted this:

  • Suggested watch 39:00-54:00. Fifteen minutes.
  • Southern Campaign, American Revolutionary War. Narrated graphics. I learned a lot.
  • Within that video, Kings Mountain Battle is briefly described.
  • Time marks 45:30-47:10.

Today. MeThinks. The following video, IS well worth a few minutes of your time.

  • Kings Mountain Battle
  • Pick up at ~5:00 through ~15:00.
  • Explains key things that pissed off AND motivated Patriots.
  • Toss in, Brits arrogant as hell.
  • Patriots WIN Decisive Victory.
  • Narrators delivered, Many, Subtle AND CLEAR Patriot messages.
  • Absolutely resonated with me. Betting, I will NOT be alone.
  • Please listen in, and watch if you have a few minutes. 5 to15 minute marks.

Personal note.

  • 5X Great Grandfather, Alexander Carswell, and his son 4X Great Grandfather John Carswell, fought with the Patriots. Both survived. Alexander received a land grant in Georgia, from General John Twiggs.
  • FWIW. Carswell, on Mother’s side. Not my last name. Two sister’s do the family tree connecting the dots thing.
Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

I am so glad you liked it.

I would highly recommend it to anyone with kids or grandkids.


Thank goodness BiteMe allowed TikTok, after Trump worked to ban it. /s




Does this resonate some how with ivermectin? Ivermectin discovered in a fungus, in Japan?

Yea, I may be WAY off on a tangent.


That’s the first thing that came to my mind.

Hopefully some of our resident scientific types will give it a look and weigh in.


Thanks for the comment.




I think Wolf will have to weigh in, because this is above my pay grade, but I think Ivermectin works by binding ACE II, and this new fungus does something similar. Here is a study about the vit. I and binding ACE II:

Fascinating to me that nature provides these amazing cures.


It IS fascinating.

Big Pharma not liking it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for the link!

Ivermectin has a couple of different general antiviral activities – these were discussed by Mobeen Syed and some other scientists a while back. I think that one of them is keeping things out of the nucleus – clearly that will prevent long COVID, according to my theory of long COVID resulting from genomic incorporation.

Anyway, I can’t find the video I wanted, but I found this one which shows the mechanism specific for ivermectin interfering with spike binding to the ACE II receptor, from the link you provided.

NOW – the drugs that are in the Chinese traditional medicine are somewhat similar to flavonoids, and they work on an entirely different mechanism. There are two of them, and they are structurally related.

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These apparently work somewhat like chronic nicotine, in that they change the number of receptors.

One of the drugs also has an interesting life-extending, anti-aging effect – and while this MAY be a completely different effect, I get the impression that the spike protein is a known “cardiovascular aging agent”, which is part of the whole “hidden science” that was weaponized in the depopulation plot. Thus, omnipresent coronaviruses may slowly age us, from birth until we die, and THIS is why they can regulate our longevity by a lifetime of spike vaccines.

Pretty sneaky, no?


Sneaky and creepy.

And you’re welcome.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s not far off. It’s connected, but takes some explanation. See my answer to Aubergine!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting stuff! Thank you!


YW !


comment imageDonald J Trump


The White House stated strongly that they were NOT INVOLVED, and knew absolutely nothing about, the political Witch Hunt going on with me, & that they didn’t know anything at all about the Break-In of Mar-a-Lago. This was strongly reiterated again & again. WRONG! Remember, these are the people who spied on my campaign, denied it, & got caught. Through the great reporting of John Solomon (Fake Pulitzer Prize?), documents reveal they knew everything, in fact led the charge – a political NO, NO!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This Obama-Rice-Biden communist continuity government is corrupt as hell.

Gail Combs

DISTRICT of CRIMINALS really needs a Tsar Bomba

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tsar Info Bomba is Depopulation.

Somebody has documents.

Gail Combs

That is why they were frantically searching Mar-a-Logo for OVER NINE HOURS….

I wonder what documentation Putin now has…


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Your welcome Dear PR! 🤗😘💖💖


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NICE! That is a BIG WIN.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, guess what? According to the dictator of Ukraine, WE HERE are “information terrorists”. They’re threatening us now.


Fuck you, Moldyvor or whatever your name is. High-heeled Jazi Fake President For Life.

What a FACE-PALM that any of our GOP stand up for this guy.

Not a Democracy, State Dept Funds Ukraine Govt Disinformation Conference Labeling Disinformation as a War Crime

August 23, 2022 | sundance | 11 Comments

Gail Combs

BOY they sure are getting desperate aren’t they?


Despite our host’s disdain for Arses Technicas, they sometimes put out fun articles like

Brian Kernighan, of K&R C and the third letter of AWK, is still plugging along at the age of 80.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, folks. I am getting tons of comments with erroneous emails, misspelled names, etc.

They will all be going into the trash, unless I can 100% validate that they came from you.

So HEADS UP when you post. Be careful of your name and email spelling.


No riots over this one?

DEVELOPING: Charges Dropped For Two Atlanta Police Officers Involved in Fatal Shooting of Rayshard Brooks: Special Prosecutor

In June 2020, Atlanta police confronted Rayshard Brooks after he fell asleep in the Wendy’s parking lot.

Rayshard Brooks failed a breathalyzer test so police attempted to make an arrest.

A this point Brooks became violent, resisted arrest, wrestled with cops and grabbed one of their taser guns.

A video showed Rayshard Brooks pointing the stolen taser gun at police before an officer discharged his weapon and fatally shot Brooks.

Fulton County District Attorney Paul L. Howard, Jr. announced eleven charges, including felony murder by the officer involved in the shooting of Rayshard Brooks.

A Georgia special prosecutor on Tuesday determined the two police officers did not commit any crimes.


No they didnt and they knew it. That prosecutor shouldn’t have a license. Now, those 2 need to sue the hell out of the county for malicious prosecution, back pay, probable inability to work et al.


Breaking — Tina Forte wins in New York…

Now take out AOC in November!

comment image


Great news!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️


Pelosi had no business getting behind the wheel. Somoene could have been killed.


Heh, Nadler just waddled in and bumped his competitors out of the Manhattan sumo ring….

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Buh Bye Maloney! 👋

Seriously, what are Manhattanites thinking?? Saw clips of both Carolyn and Waddles speaking, he was darn near incoherrent. He was mumbling like Creepy and all he accomplished was Impeech #2 FAIL, she was at least articulate and had a laundry list of deeds, ‘ABORTION’. Must be that Pit NY algorithm. 🤷‍♀️

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

And Dem Ryan beats R-Molinaro in a Republican leaning district by 2k. More algo? NY is toast just like CA.
This was a special election to fill seat til end of year.

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎


Gail Combs

Where is the myocarditis  when you need it?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Laura Loomer loses Uh-gain.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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