Dear KAG: 20220824 Open Thread

Is it Wednesday already?

Twitter Whistleblower Surfaces Presenting Challenge for U.S. Surveillance State, Enter CNN and The Washington Post

CNN is the national media firm protecting the interests of the U.S. State Dept.  The Washington Post is the national media firm protecting the interests of the U.S. intelligence apparatus.  The latest Twitter whistleblower information originates in,.. wait for it… “an explosive whistleblower disclosure obtained exclusively by CNN and The Washington Post.”

Elon Musk Subpoenas Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey

The filing with Delaware’s Court of Chancery seeks documents, messages, emails, financial statements, online chat or instant messages, recordings, and other forms of communication from Dorsey, who stepped down as Twitter’s chief executive last year.

Dorsey is asked to produce documents and communications “reflecting, referring to, or relating to Twitter’s use of any other user metric other than mDAU (monetizable daily active users), including but not limited to, daily active users” and any other Twitter metric that monitors active users on the social media website, according to the court filing.

Dorsey has yet to issue a public comment on the subpoena.

More whistleblowers come forward against ‘out of control’ FBI

FBI field offices in Miami, Salt Lake City, Buffalo and Newark face accusations that their upper management coerced agents to sign false affidavits, inflated terrorism caseloads to improve their apparent performance, engaged in illicit sexual activities, or concealed those of others, according to the Washington Times.

“The FBI is completely out of control and its culture and structure needs to change. Not only is the political bias completely out of control and disgustingly obvious, the FBI knows they will not be held accountable for their illegal behavior and misconduct,” said one Whistleblower in a letter to Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Tx) of the House Judiciary Committee. This whistleblower alleged that FBI Director Christopher Wray ignored her allegations of sexual misconduct.

The same eight people have won the Maryland lottery 2,305 times (!!) in two years. Seriously.

Of course, we’re talking about the state-level games here, not national games like Powerball, but it’s definitely suspicious. Plus, there seems to be an art in Maryland of hiding one’s identity behind giant checks, probably to keep family and friends from finding out about the winners’ good fortune, but now it’s looking like it could be to keep lottery fanatics and the authorities from catching on to the repeat wins too.

Oh, hey, that’s fair. NOT!

George Soros, other billionaires flood Schumer’s PAC with millions to save Senate majority

Soros steered $2.5 million from his Democracy PAC to the Senate Majority PAC in July, while hedge fund billionaire James Simons added an identical amount, according to new Federal Election Commission filings. The duo was the largest donors to the committee last month, which is now entering the home stretch of the midterm elections with nearly $73 million cash on hand.

The new Soros cash also brings his total to the Senate Majority PAC to $10 million for the 2022 elections, making him one of its largest contributors behind a dark money nonprofit affiliated with the PAC.

Buying the legislature again.

In California’s water crisis, neighbors turn in neighbors and even celebrities aren’t spared


Important interview.

James O’Keefe deserves a Medal of Freedom in the end.

Liz Cheney’s Agony

Liz Cheney, who sits on the Jan. 6th Committee, has made her political agenda clear from the beginning.  Although an “investigation” is supposed to be a search for the truth, Liz Cheney made agonizingly clear many times that she didn’t need to wait for the results of the investigation.  From the beginning her stated aim was “make sure that Trump never gets near the White House again.”  Permanent Washington also made their aim clear.  The Jan. 6th Committee “investigation” was for her, and many others, mere political theatre to achieve a predetermined political agenda.

Had Cheney been interested in the truth, she might have insisted that the committee seat the appropriate number and type of Republicans to cross-examine the prosecutorial witnesses.  She did not do so.  At every turn she interpreted any testimony in the worst way possible for Trump, e.g., she has recently stated that Trump, “commanded” a “heavily armed mob” to try to stop the counting of electoral votes.  She and her Jan. 6th Committee have, however, given no evidence whatsoever that Trump “commanded” an armed mob to use violence to stop the counting of electoral votes.  Her very strong statement requires that she prove both causality and intent.  However, the committee has only demonstrated a degree (even that not clear) of correlation between Trump’s remarks and the riot, namely, that Trump made some remarks and some people went to the Capitol and rioted.  The committee has not proved that Trump’s remarks caused the mob to riot at the Capitol or that Trump intended that his remarks cause the mob to riot at the Capitol.  Demonstrating causality or intent is never easy in social situations: “Since intent is a mental state. it is one of the most difficult things to prove.” It is certainly not easy given the very murky events surrounding Jan. 6th, events that the committee in their “Star Chamber” has conspired to keep murky.  For Liz Cheney, however, everything about Jan. 6th is as clear to her as her seething hatred of Donald Trump. 

Never Forget that We are America

But Thomas Sowell, in The Vision of the Anointed, reckons that today’s society consists of the Anointed, the Benighted, and the Mascots. He’s right. Our liberal friends and their pals at the FBI are the Anointed. Trump voters are the Benighted, and all the scheduled classes of victims are the special Mascots of the ruling class, displayed in appropriate trophy cabinets in every Anointed home.

Authoritarian Democrats Heart the Deep State

Unlike Garland and Wray, Trump and his Republican allies were elected by the people. It is a peculiar democracy indeed in which agents of the state can break into the home of the opposition leader without controversy. But Democrats fancy themselves enlightened “antiracists,” which they imagine gives them exclusive rights of control over the state in Our Democracy™. 

The righteousness of the Left is a thing to behold. Consider Michael Hayden, a former CIA director who endorsed executing Trump over innuendo about “nuclear weapons” and the Espionage Act. Hayden, as it happens, also believes that the Trump movement is a terrorist threat worse than al-Qaeda. Go figure.

Hayden is not alone. After January 6, 2021, former CIA head John Brennan, another career spy suffering from Trump-induced derangement, gave his own take on Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables”: the Trump movement is an “insurgency” and “unholy alliance” of “religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians,” he said.

What do you do with insurgencies? Why, you crush them, of course.

Weaponized Compassion & The Culture War

I subscribe to Fisted By Foucault, the Substack of the right-wing writer and controversialist Niccolo Soldo. Since the advent of monkeypox, Soldo has been revisiting, in a newsletter series, the advent of AIDS, and the culture of gay male promiscuity that produced it. Soldo liberally quotes from official public health sources and the memoirs of gay writers who were present in the 1970s when many gay men gave themselves over to extreme promiscuity and radical sexual practices. He focuses in part on people like gay physicians who were terrified by the fact that so many gay men’s bodies were becoming petri dishes, as well as on people like the gay activist Larry Kramer and the gay journalist Randy Shilts, who were early alarmists about the new “gay cancer,” and whose warnings were quite unpopular. In today’s issue, Soldo writes:

All animal species have a natural instinct for self-preservation thanks to evolution. Those that never developed this mechanism to a sufficient extinct died out a long, long time ago. It is a vital function that keeps us alive.

Despite humans creating civilizations that worked to diminish some of the rougher and more dangerous aspects of nature, this instinct remains strong in our constitutions for the simple fact that societies are fragile, and threats to our lives can appear immediately. How we choose to assess and then mitigate these threats depends not only on how our societies are organized and what resources we have access to, but also how we personally assess these threats. This will often come down to personality traits that are inherent or are developed over time due to environmental factors and/or personal experiences. Some types select social conformity, others will choose gun ownership, and so on. The examples are endless.

One type of personality known to us all is the ‘Alarmist’. This person will warn others in advance of a threat that they see coming, often exaggerating the actual threat for desired effect. We all know this type, as it has saturated our minds in the age of instantaneous communication and clickbait journalism. A problem with the Alarmist is that they can often be wrong, leading to a “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” reaction from the targeted audience. Excessive alarmism negatively impacts credibility. But for those of you who have been paying attention this past decade, these alarmists actually have a pretty good track record. This is why it pays to not completely discount the paranoid rantings of the ‘internet schizophrenic’.

Larry Kramer (whom we have met earlier in this series) was one of those alarmists. Something in his gut was telling him that the hyper-charged sexual activity of gay men in the 1970s posed an existential risk. He had no way of knowing that the HIV virus was already making its way through the gay community (and IV drug users as well), but he could sense the danger. His 1978 novel “Faggots” sounded the alarm, and Kramer became persona non grata on Fire Island because of it, as he was seen as spoiling the party.

Some people will react early, others will react too late. Some people will overreact, others will choose to put personal interests above those of the affected community as a whole. Others still will place politics as the primary lens through which to perceive the threat and react to it, pushing down actual public health concerns. Still others will deny that something is happening, with even more others seeing conspiracies unfolding before their eyes. All of the above took place with regards to those first years of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Anne Heche: Crazy? A Survivor Speaks Out

I understood the secrets and suffering that led her to create an alter ego. Only a survivor of childhood abuse can comprehend the need to find a way to survive the violent physical attack an innocent child suffers from familial abuse. Fantasy worlds and alter egos are common methods used by young victims to live through it. According to an interview in 2001 on ABC, “Heche stated that she created a fantasy world called the ‘Fourth Dimension’ to make herself feel safe and had an alter ego who was the daughter of God and half-sister of Jesus Christ named Celestia.” It was a form of self-protection to hide her shame and suffering.

Her battle was to survive and live beyond her childhood trauma and the haunting memories. Sadly, Heche could never escape them. Her tragedy was that she could not beat the devil. She could not obliterate the horror she suffered as a child. She could not overcome the mental scars of that brutality and did not achieve healing or freedom to live authentically as herself: Anne Heche.

Brian Cates

Gentle reminder:

That one guy that wants to either join your group or start a group and then starts dropping all kinds very strong hints that it’s time to get the guns and start kidnapping/executing government officials?

That guy?


It would really be freaking nice if people would quit falling for this obvious shit.

31.5KviewsBrian Cates, Aug 23 at 11:46

Exclusive: Yelp to flag listings for crisis pregnancy centers

Yelp is adding a prominent consumer notice to crisis pregnancy center listings to more clearly distinguish them from clinics that provide abortion services, in a policy change shared first with Axios.

The big picture: Yelp’s move is the latest tech-company response to a post-Roe world in which abortion information has become a significant online battleground, with both sides of the debate applying intense pressure.

Driving the news: Starting today, Yelp will add a consumer notice to both faith-based and non-faith-based crisis pregnancy centers noting that they “provide limited medical services and may not have licensed medical professionals onsite.

It’s the latest in a series of moved Yelp has made since 2018, when CEO Jeremy Stoppelman directed the company to make sure crisis pregnancy centers were differentiated from abortion clinics in the company’s listings.

All because crisis pregnancy centers give women options and help to have and keep their children.


They attached themselves to the frame. The cherubim are perfectly safe.

Sure you can.

None of it was catalogued, either.

Spinach salad or bust, baby.

I didn’t think they had alligators in Pennsylvania.

Something is going on with this, that’s for sure.

Too bad, so sad.

Go get ’em, Mrs. Dorn.

Nine minutes? Not much at cruising altitude, that’s for sure.

22 more and he passes Babe Ruth for career home runs.


Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

Just ’cause I’m in the mood.

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.



9Then came one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues, and spoke to me, saying, “Come, I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.” 10And in the Spirit he carried me away to a great, high mountain, and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, 11having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. 12It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were inscribed; 13on the east three gates, on the north three gates, on the south three gates, and on the west three gates. 14And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another, as well as Gil, RDS, Bakocarl, Nora, Cthulhu (who is getting prayers whether it’s life threatening or not) and any others facing serious health issues right now..

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Another great open. I am refreshed by memes!!!  😍 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

OUR DP ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!😍🥰🤩🤩🥳🥳😇💞💞💖💖🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️


You really like emojis.  😉 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

How can you tell? 🤪🙃🙃🙃


A cuckoo bird told me.  😂 


Brian Cates
Gentle reminder:

That one guy that wants to either join your group or start a group and then starts dropping all kinds very strong hints that it’s time to get the guns and start kidnapping/executing government officials?

That guy?


It would really be freaking nice if people would quit falling for this obvious shit.”


Of course, on the other hand, if nobody ever drops hints or suggests that it’s time to save ourselves, then we would be the best little sheep in the whole wide world.

And we — along with most of the rest of the world — would still be part of the British empire.

So take it easy on the virtue-signalling opposition to organizing against the globo-Nazis to save our lives and the Republic, Brian.

You sound like a shill for the totalitarians when you do that.


He also sounds like a shill for Brian.

Two shills in one sounds like that old gum commercial.

Cuppa Covfefe


Two, two, two mints in one…


So take it easy on the virtue-signalling opposition to organizing against the globo-Nazis to save our lives and the Republic, Brian.

I don’t think he’s doing that. I think he’s saying what we all know: that the FIB infiltrates and traps conservatives to promote their agenda that real patriots are violent extremists. It seems they just did it with the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot. Two people are going to jail. I think that’s all he’s talking about.

I don’t think anyone here is saying that “it’s time to get the guns and start kidnapping/executing government officials” in vigilante-style justice.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

“It seems they just did it with the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot.”


There are perfectly good (albeit now quiet elderly) cave men who wouldn’t be stupid enough to try to kidnap a governor.

What kind of goofball could think that was a good idea?

Where were they going to go with her, that what would certainly be a nationwide manhunt wouldn’t find her (and them) in less than about an hour?

How long does it take for someone to recognize the GOVERNOR is missing?!? 🤣

Assuming they were going to hold her for something in exchange for letting her go at some point, how did they think she wouldn’t be able to identify them?

This was off the charts stupid.

Like drug induced stupid.

Kidnapping is a long crime, it takes a long time to do it, and then instead of doing everything possible to distance yourself from any evidence, you take the scene of the crime and all the evidence with you.

And then what?

There’s already at least a hundred things that could go wrong, and these clowns couldn’t come up with (and account for) more than a few of them. The longer the object of the kidnapping was with them, the more the things that could go wrong multiply exponentially.

Has any historically recent high profile kidnapping plot EVER worked, where the kidnappers got away, in what amounts to a modern police state?

Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These kinds of stupid plots are the harebrained ideas FROM FIB.

Screw FIB. Start protesting them peacefully out of the clear blue with no warning. It will scare them silly.




“I don’t think anyone here is saying that “it’s time to get the guns and start kidnapping/executing government officials” in vigilante-style justice. ”


Of course not, but it’s how the waiting on Godot to save us crowd suppresses any discussion at all about what We the People can or should or ought to do to save ourselves.

There’s no shortage of that, it’s everywhere.

Like it’s some sort of status symbol to decry any thought of any kind of resistance that would actually make a difference.

And I’m very suspicious of that.

Because it’s the kind of thing enemy infiltrators do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In my opinion they’re just mind-fracked away from workable protests, which actually scare the HELL out of the left.

What are they most scared of? TRUMP RALLIES.

Why? PEACEFUL MASS PROTESTS that they can’t screw up.

So people like this who say it’s “do nothing” vs. “evil plots” are just victims of enemy brainwashing into false dichotomies and “OR” logic.

Wanna REALLY scare FIB?

Do peaceful protests outside their offices, and arrange them totally offline so they have ZERO intelligence on them.

Phones off, no observable meetings, and then just flash mob them.


So people like this who say it’s “do nothing” vs. “evil plots” are just victims of enemy brainwashing into false dichotomies and “OR” logic.

Yes, and unless I missed something, I haven’t seen anyone say “do nothing.” All I saw is someone warning us to watch for infiltrators who want to steer us in the wrong direction. That is not the same as “do nothing and wait.” We’ve said the same many times here, to hold our fire and not let *them* steer us in the direction they want us to go.

I know people know all this; just reiterating. People are unjustly imprisoned because of this kind of thing. The Left is using the infiltration to justify their false claims that we are violent. Dems and RINOs are trying to use J6 infiltration to take down Trump.

None of that has anything to do with “do nothing.” So yes, we have to watch for false dichotomies.

Gail Combs

Brian and others are focused on protecting the up coming election. THAT is not DO NOTHING!

That is focusing on what can be done LEGALLY and Gregg and Catherine are ALWAYS emphasizing LEGALLY.




Much of my hope is rooted in this stuff.

IF things go as I hope 8 November, then, momentum WILL increase markedly.


The story about the FIB whistleblowers is revealing.

One whistleblower said that the senior agents running the field offices face pressure to increase the number of case loads each year due to the way the Bureau evaluates their performance and that this has lead to illicit practices.

“It’s basically a report card for him, so at the end of his two-year term as a SAC [special agent in charge], he gets moved to a better position down in Washington. And everything focuses around his metrics,” a whistleblower at the Buffalo office said. “You have to have so many terrorism cases per year in your office, or else you fail.”

Former Assistant Director of the FBI Counterterrorism Division and Executive Assistant Director of the National Security Branch Jill Sanborn faced a similar accusation earlier this month that she had improperly classified cases as “domestic violent extremist” (DVEs) to support a Biden administration narrative that such cases were the superlative threat facing the nation.

The corruption starts at the top and with those making and implementing flawed and unjust politcies. Wray and others have a lot to answer for.


“Wray and others have a lot to answer for.”


If only there was some way to make them answer.

That seems to be the crux of the problem.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXACTLY. DODGE is answerable to nobody. And THAT is again part of why they set up Trump with MUH RUSSIA / THE HOAX – so that they would not have to be answerable to him.


We have been put into a dilemma. Organization and leadership are absolutely required. Discussing organization and leadership makes you a terrorist.

The surveillance state coupled with Fake Narrative scuttles anything and everything, however incipient OR insipient.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great intel. Yup. SUBVERSION of FBI into FIB by (1) staffing changes, and (2) goal changes.

So they redefine “terrorists” to their political enemies, and then demand more “terrorists” be caught.

This is surely part of the explanation of why they repeatedly tried to set me up.

Gail Combs

This is why Mueller INSISTED all FIB agents had to do a stint in DC. It allowed them to look over and pick and choose the Marxists with in the ranks for promotion.

It is a LONG GAME they are playing.
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More from:

Sorry I did not expect it to do that. those are JPGs

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

I wonder if they are using Scientology “management” techniques. “The Management Courses”….. (btw, both UPS and Allstate have been suckered into this)…

Because this sounds just like them. Keep upping the targets and thrashing people when they miss them (downstat) or don’t produce a vfp (valuable final product).

Make money.
Make more money.
Make more money make money…..

Also the practice of lawfare. Sue someone continuously; not necessarily with the intent of winning, but with the intent of wearing them down and bankrupting them (cf. the Wollersheim papers, etc.).

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs

Katherine of True the Vote has been in litigation since the Obama years….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is actually great!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“*science on fire*”


Wants more panels where Fauci is going to meet up with the other provocateur’s showing all the damage they have done the nation and the world too. This is about a quarter or less of it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yeah – the total reality is far, far worse.


AZT should be on there in big bold caps!


comment image


Your reputation never left. Proof? Check the size of your rallies.

Gail Combs

ERRRrrrr Did it not just get LARGER?  😍 


Show me one other person who got raided by the FIB and a rally burst out in front of the scene of the “crime”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“What will I do now to get my reputation back?”
Could that be a hint that PDJT is going to sue some one?


Thank you, DePat, for such a chewy daily thread — and, for once, I’m not referring to the camels.


Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

08/23/2022 23:06:51 

Truth Social: 108875639119073616

26 and 0 tonight, turning numerous tight races into big and easy wins. Overall for last 4 years, 98.4% on Endorsements!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love it.

Everybody underestimates Trump!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

So Creepy plans to forgive $10k in student loans for people earning less than $125k/yr. Estimated cost is $300B-$980B. Where in the hades is he getting/stealing the money from?!?! A TRILLION DOLLARS??!!??? Supposedly allocated over 10 years, How can he do this without Congress?!?? This dictator bullshit must STOP!! AND….. STOP PRINTING MONEY!!!!!!🤬🤬🤬


He’s getting the money from tax slaves, of course.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

In a van down by the river.

Gail Combs

You know the 54% of IRS RAIDS — the ones who earn $25,000 a year or LESS!

Such a deal! The impoverished yet again support the wealthy.


I guess Biden wants us to pay for people who graduated in woman study.
I find this offensive people make choices. Some students parttime work while in University. Others worked hard in High School to get scholarship and worked while in school. Others parents pay or grandparents. Some kids have a good time spring break buying car drink and party to get a lousy degree. Some are studious get a good degree yes have loans and pay them off. My one kid was smart listed our address and the bill came to our house. I did not know my husband quietly paid it off before I became aware of it. I cut the kid off because he was irresponsible when it came to money. Since he is married his wife takes care of the money and he is doing well.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1
Cuppa Covfefe

From the dumbass in Donbas…


Anyone making $125K a year can afford to pay off their student loans.

Most of the people with student loan debt couldn’t make $125K (before or after taxes) in five years.

Who besides lawyers and doctors can make $125K a year after receiving an American education?


Student loans need to be able to surrender to the education institution at face value. “I spent $120,000 with XYZ University to get a Bachelors of Uselessness….it can never pay for itself, so I will surrender the Bachelors to get my money back.”


That would certainly incentivize the universities to teach students something useful 👍


THAT is an actual solution!


My daughter makes twice as much in her field. She had scholarships and worked while in University. She had some depth and paid it off. She handles money well always has. My doctor kid had some he really wanted us to help. We paid his undergrad and some medical still he had $150, 000 when he was finished. He never forgave us that we did not help him pay off. When I saw him buy $10,000 Italian bike and two dogs $1200 each and a $300,000 house I did not feel he was hurting.
Entitlement is a problem. The youngest just blew money as it came in. He was poor for a long time of his own making. Yes he did not earn much at first but he kept blowing what he had. We helped him along the way so not to let him drown but I think we did to much. On the other hand who knows what would have happen to him. Non were into drugs or alcohol abuse.

Gail Combs

It is HOW you handle what money you have.

My Sister-in-law said to me once, I thought my brother was the stingiest person in the world and then I met you.

Kids do not learn to live within their means. Ramon noodles, Mac & cheese, Dingy Moore stew homemade stuff… is what I ate NOT McDonald’s and Pizza hut.


^^^ Resonates here.

To this day, DW and I have a thrifty life. It enables us to lend a helping hand, to less fortunate.

Valerie Curren

We mostly shop resale (had to when kids were young) & will continue to do so as much as possible.

Now we’re learning (mostly hubby since I’m the “saver”) how not to spend hardly Any money…nearly 6 months without a job can do that to you!

Valerie Curren

ramen noodles & popcorn here! I once had to scrape pennies together to exchange for quarters to do laundry & had less than $10 in checkbook until payday. Roommate & I trash-picked a table & bought living room set from Salvation Army. She moved back East & took our furniture (I was OK w/ it). I slept on the floor in a sleeping bag until a friend gave me a twin bed. Then sat on that bag w/ typewriter in front of me on the floor for my school writings.

I typed All of my grad school papers on probably the 1st model of electric typewriter where you had to manually return the carriage. It was missing the “Ee” key so I had to write in Every letter “Ee” (most common in the English language) by hand…oh & used white out for mistakes & writing over it & carets in the margins for corrections, etc. Many of my classmates (School of Theology) were married men whose wives typed up their papers on word processors. Mine looked like crap, but I still got great grades & graduated Suma Cum Laude 😉

Gail Combs

I have yet to buy a STICK of new furniture. I LOVE second hand shops and flea markets and learned to reupholster furniture.

Valerie Curren

Way more interesting & fun to treasure hunt!


The new 87,000-strong “WAFFEN-IRS Enforcement Army.” is the starting point of “where in the hades is he getting/stealing the money from.”

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

The same IRS that is planning to create and file our tax returns.

^^^^ 100% Enabled by UNIPARTY.


just like when they create the crime and then prosecute and convict ( J6, all Trump matters, Whitmer)

Gail Combs

AND they target those making UNDER $25,000 a year because they can not afford a lawyer to fight back!

See my explanation to Scott.

(I wish I had access to all my old bookmarks the IMF report is a real eye opener.)


He’s stealing it back from the Ukrainian jazi criminals. Hunter did it…


Biden is taking the money from people who make less than $125,000 a year.


Just slipping this in here….

Jay and Amber do reaction videos out of Oklahoma. They’re good kids, and they’ve been dipping deeper into popular music over the ages.

But what is truly hilarious is what a prog-head Amber is turning into. When they’re watching this video, she’s the one who notices that Carey’s right hand, left hand, and hi-hat are moving independently, and she’s fascinated like she’s watching a snake.

It’s not like she fits the demographic or anything, but she has a keen natural appreciation. On their reaction to “Roundabout”, she talks about how it’s not a “thing”, it’s a “journey”.

She’s going to be dragging him into KC “Discipline” before you know it.


It’s around 10:05 that Amber realizes.

As a side note, Tool is nearly impossible to count. This particular song is 6/8, 5/8, 6/8, 5/8, 6/8, 5/8 (or the other way round), but the 5/8’s keep changing from 2/8+3/8 to 3/8+2/8….and the 6/8s keep changing into some combination of 2/8, 3/8, and 4/8. Carry — whose nickname is “The Octopus”, keeps sliding his drums through this blur so smoothly that it is confusing to the ear. That Amber “caught him” by looking at the drums speaks very well for her powers of observation.

And, just for giggles, 5/8+6/8+5/8+6/8+5/8+6/8 = 33/8….there’s no giant, obvious “33” in this video, is there?


Listening to Roundabout —

She gets it — around 8:16

She’s so much more prog — and more of a mathematician — than he is.


Where they’re going —

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



And so current!

Great music never gets old or loses it’s ability to make you smile, as Jay and Amber (and lots of others, young and old) like them prove, all over yt, every day 👍 😁


It’s only a matter of time before she drops before the reaction video…..


The Mrs. on bass, the son on keys…..

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

Here is a highly relevant song when listening to Roundabout, or anything by Yes, at least when I was in college:


I really enjoy seeing people, of any age, discover and experience music they’ve never heard before, music I have known and loved practically my whole life, and see it have the same kind of effect on them as it has on me 😁

Because you almost can’t help but think to yourself “That’s me! That’s exactly how I react to that song”, or “that’s the same feeling it gives me”, or “that guitar solo at the end is my favorite part too”, etc., etc.

When I see that happen to people, it’s like an instant bond is created with them, something that transcends any barriers to common ground like it was nothing.

And it works exactly the same in real life.

You can become friends with almost anyone through the appreciation of music, because that ‘thing’ you enjoy so much and have in common is so much bigger than whatever differences you might have.

You could have almost nothing in common with another person.

Same religion? No.

Same political views? No.

Same age group? No.

Same race? No.

Same language? Interestingly, no, not necessarily.

Then say something like “You know the intro to Stairway to Heaven, how it starts off real slow, like a whisper, and then builds slowly, until Robert Plant’s voice comes in?”

Other person: “Oh man, that is my favorite part, that and the guitar solo in the middle, and then how they bring it all back down to a whisper at the end!”

Let’s go listen to some tunes 👍😁


Here’s another band doing a cover of Pnuema:



You were right … again

RF has moved to Phase III, airborne, bombs all over Ukraine

link to news site – scroll through


Upped the ante. Another pre-emptive move before the West gets further involved, forcing Ukraine to reconsider letting this war drag out and letting Ukraine know safe spaces were yesterday and today those safe spaces no longer exist. In short Russia has just removed the comfort zone from which to wage war.


TY Para

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Had to happen. Ukrainian terrorism cannot go unanswered.

Will be very interesting if there is “NATO” terrorism here, too. Not a good look.


The tone-deafness of the “I already got mine under a completely different system — different education system, different job market, different healthcare system, different value of the dollar — so everybody who came after me can *&^% off and die” attitude is always amazing in its mercilessness.

Never once putting himself in the shoes of the object of his scorn and derision.

I saw a chart recently on one of the crypto analyst videos showing that something ridiculous like 85% of all the wealth in the world was owned or controlled by boomers and those who are older than boomers.

Young people are screwed.

They are growing up in an insane society. They don’t know anything about anything, yet they are fed into a machine where going to college is what everybody does, that it’s not just a way to achieve the ‘American dream’, it’s the ONLY way to achieve the ‘American dream’.

Never mind that the ‘American dream’ seems about as rare as hen’s teeth.

So these kids, who haven’t been taught anything useful in Kindergarten through 12th grade, are funneled into a grotesquely corrupt higher education system, where adults are financially incentivized to make bad loans to children on purpose, because the gov’t takes the ‘risk’, while the cost of tuition has gone up faster than just about anything else in society because of the ‘free money’ Satan is handing out to functionally illiterate high school grads, to immediately be forked over to University administrators, who continue the miseducation.

So these kids go to college for four years, racking up several hundred thousand dollars in loans.

Then they graduate with a useless degree (unless their degree is in medicine, engineering, law or hard sciences), and find out for the first time that:

A) they’re screwed
B) they have no future related to anything they studied in college
C) which means no white collar job
D) they have crippling debt with no prospect of ever paying it off
E) in an inflationary economy where you’re never going to earn enough to escape poverty, much less pay off a quarter million dollars in scam loans

At some point, Mark Levin is going to have realize that his self-righteousness is not relevant in the long run, unless he wants the country to die.

Because if somebody doesn’t figure out a way to HELP the generation that has been intentionally miseducated and then enslaved with an unpayable debt that they can only escape by winning the lottery, then you murder that entire generation — and the possibility of any generation coming after them.

And if we effectively murder all the young people Mark Levin likes to shout at from his ivory tower, who’s going to wipe Mark’s ass and make sure he gets fed once in a while when he’s too old or sick to care for himself?

You can’t just hate on people less fortunate than yourself, Mark. You can’t just say “Too bad, you lose, *&^% off and die!” to a whole generation of people.

But it’s a whole lot easier to do that, than it is to hold anyone accountable who made lots of money on this loan-for-an-education-to-nowhere scam.

Is it ‘fair’ to forgive student loan debt? No, but nothing is fair in this world. Was it fair to those kids to make them stupid for 12 years, and then lead them like sheep to the university slaughterhouse, making them responsible for loans that only benefited the university faculty?

Is it fair to the taxpayers to wipe out 3/4 of a trillion dollars in bad loan debt? No, it’s not.

So there’s a lot of unfairness going around, lots of finger pointing.

I don’t know what the answer is, I have some ideas about holding the guilty accountable and seizing their assets to pay off those loans and right a lot of other grotesque wrongs, but Brian Cates hates it when I talk about that stuff.

So you better stop hating on the downtrodden and come up with an answer, Mark. Because if they have nothing to live for, if they have nothing but hopelessness and anger, how do you think that’s going to work out in the long run?

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

Nothing to live for makes anarchy appealing and easier to militarize later to quell the violence.


Okay, but you totally side stepped the argument and substituted it with another argument.
Addressing what the objectives of an education should be vs what is being imposed by the elite might demonstrate better that these elite are up to no good and are grooming serfs not citizens, because they got theirs and don’t give a bleep about anyone else.

So in that light Levin is attacking the wrong element. But I’m sure he’s talked the other side this. Who hasn’t.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

“Okay, but you totally side stepped the argument and substituted it with another argument.”


I certainly didn’t mean to sidestep it.


Mark Levin: “Pay your own damn loans.”


Most of them literally can’t. It’s just MATH. If you have NO SKILZ because Fantasy University provided you a fantasy education — which you didn’t realize and couldn’t know, because you’ve never been in the real world until after you get there — then you’re going to make minimum wage.

Or worse, something like a commission only sales job, because that at least makes a false promise about making enough money to survive, where the minimum wage job doesn’t even lie about it.

How many decades does it take, earning minimum wage, to pay off $125K loan?


Mark Levin: “Ex-college students aren’t the only people with debt.”


No doubt.

But unlike someone who went into debt to buy a house or a car, or some other exchange for value, they have nothing to show for it.

By not providing the education and skill set required to earn a living in the real world, the university didn’t hold up their end of the bargain.

Worse, the students didn’t just get scammed out of the money, they lost four years of their lives for the privilege.

If you pay $125K for something, and you don’t receive what you were promised, most people would call that fraud.

This is institutionalized fraud and deception, across government and academia, against children (18 year olds just graduated from government high school) with no experience in the real world.

Unlike 30, 40, 50 years ago, these kids were practically set up and groomed for failure.


Mark Levin: “And why should blue collar workers subsidize college graduates.”


They shouldn’t. No one besides Mark is suggesting they should. Why is Mark pitting Americans against one another, instead of taking on the systemic corruption that has created this problem?

The blue collar workers shouldn’t subsidize Ukraine either, or a thousand other corrupt government extravagances.

End the IRS, end personal income taxes, return to the system before the IRS ever existed.

Why not put the bloated, ostentatiously profligate government on a starvation diet, instead of the millions of young people who have been defrauded by nearly every adult in education and government who could take advantage of them?


Mark Levin: “And where’s Biden’s constitutional authority to forgive loans?”


Where was the Constitutional authority to make these sweetheart deal guaranteed loans to pay into University coffers to indoctrinate the entire student population with a useless Marxist garbage education in the first place?

Doesn’t anyone who makes a loan have the power to forgive it?

If the government made loans with their own money, then the government should be able to forgive those loans. And pay restitution for four wasted years, and pay for those students to get a real education.

If the government made the loans with other people’s money (taxpayer money) in a scheme that amounts to systematic enterprise fraud, then the people in government and the lenders who did it, and everyone who profited from the scheme, should be subject to nationwide class action lawsuits and asset-stripped down to their underwear, as Karl Denninger likes to say.

But none of that is going to happen until We the People take back our country.

Until that happens…

The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows…

(Leonard Cohen, Everybody Knows, 1988)

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

The Banksters who MADE the loans using FAIRY DUST and the Crap universities that charged $$$ for a massive expansion in their ADMINISTRATIONS should foot the bill NOT People like me Who do not have kids and PAID for our own education.


How Joe Biden Helped Strip Bankruptcy Protection From Millions Just Before A Recession – GQ

….Biden was vice president and Warren became a senator in Massachusetts. The two first butted heads over Biden’s support of bankruptcy reform in the late 1990s and early 2000s, back when he represented Delaware in the Senate.

The key detail is the difference between the two kinds of bankruptcy a person can declare: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Chapter 7 is known as liquidation bankruptcy and is meant for people with limited income. It allows them sell off what assets they can to pay creditors and then discharge most of the rest of their debts relatively quickly. In contrast, Chapter 13, reorganizing bankruptcy, puts the debtor on a payment plan, so a portion their future income is guaranteed to go to paying back their creditors. If you’re a creditor, this is the option you would rather someone take when they owe you money, since you’re going to get more out of them over the long run.

The 2005 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) was meant, on paper, to prevent people from abusing Chapter 7 bankruptcy. It accomplished that through means testing, making it harder for people to declare Chapter 7 bankruptcy versus Chapter 13. If a person’s income exceeds a certain threshold, they’re ineligible for declaring Chapter 7. The bill also required people to complete a credit counseling course no more than 180 days before they declare bankruptcy. It also limits the kinds of debt a person can discharge through bankruptcy: If they use a credit card to spend too much money on “luxury goods” or withdraw too much in cash advances, that credit line can’t be erased.

  :wpds_arrow: 𝔸𝕟𝕕, 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕪, 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕚𝕞𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕘𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕟 𝕕𝕖𝕓𝕥. 𝕀𝕥 𝕞𝕒𝕪 𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕡𝕚𝕖𝕔𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕤𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕡𝕦𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕌.𝕊. 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕕𝕖𝕓𝕥 𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕤.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


The colleges are now indoctrination camps and NOT institutions of Higher Learning.


The whole d@mn thing is the “look what the Democrats did for you, vote for them in November” ploy.

Gail Combs

EXACTLY!!! They just piled MORE DEBT on the tax payers and the NEW ARMY OF WEAPONIZED IRS AGENTS will confiscated at gun point or KILL YOU.

What those students do not know is THEY WILL BE THE ACTUAL TARGETS!

IRS Audits Poorest Families at Five Times the Rate for Everyone Else
(They can’t afford to fight the IRS in court…)
comment image

Table 1. Internal Revenue Service Audits of Individual Income Tax Returns,

FY 2021

Category of Taxpayer —- Returns Filed – IRS Audits – Rate (per 1000)
Lowest incomeearners* —-23,620,209 ——-306,944 ———13.0
Everyone else —————–136,457,242 ——352,059 ———-2.6
All taxpayers ——————160,077,451 ——659,003 ———-4.1

…over half of these correspondence audits were targeted at the small proportion of workers with incomes so low they had claimed an anti-poverty earned tax credit to offset the tax otherwise due on their modest earned income. To repeat: over half – fully 54 percent – of all correspondence audits last year targeted the small proportion of returns with gross receipts of less than $25,000 claiming an earned income tax credit.

Even taxpayers with total positive income from $200,000 to $1,000,000 had only one- third the odds of audit compared with these lowest income wage earners. A total of nearly 9 million taxpayers reported these high-income levels. Yet less than 40 thousand of their returns were audited by the IRS in FY 2021 – just 4.5 out of every 1,000 of these returns[2]. This contrasts sharply with 13.0 out of every 1,000 of these lowest income returns that were audited last year by the IRS…..

Gail Combs

“…I saw a chart recently on one of the crypto analyst videos showing that something ridiculous like 85% of all the wealth in the world was owned or controlled by boomers and those who are older than boomers…..”


Who is the target??? THE MIDDLE CLASS PARENTS!

The boomers are the first generation to be POORER than their parents! They have had the savings STOLEN via inflation.

This is a chart I did the first year of Obummer’s occupation of the White House. The typical American CEO is not about to take a pay cut, so he is actually paid five times MORE in “buying power” compared to 1976 while the rest of us are now paid a third of what we were paid in 1976. The price of gold indicates the steady devaluation of the US dollar as it’s purchasing power is diluted by the ever increasing supply of fiat money.

Date…..$ /oz gold.. Money supply (M2)….minimum wage…..Pay in gold……CEO in gold
1959 …….35.25 ………..50.1 billion………$1.00………………0.0284 oz.
1974 ……195.20………..101 billion………..$2.00……………….0.0102 oz.
1976 ……124.74 ……….. $113 billion…….$2.30………………0.0184 oz…………0.663.oz
1985 …..354.20 ………..$205 billion……..$3.35………………..0.0094 oz.
1994 …..409.80……….. $ 406 billion…….$4.25…………………0.0104.oz.
2006 …..636.30 ………..$808 billion……..$5.15…………………0.0081 oz.
2008 …..880.30……….. $831 billion……..$5.85………………..0.0066 oz………….2.44.oz
2009…1,020.28………..$1663 billion……..$6.55…………………0.0064.oz.

If you look at the price of gold, you can see how the value of the dollar has dropped and how the minimum wage no longer has the buying power it had in 1959.


In 1976 A typical American CEO earned 36 times as much as the average worker. By 2008 the average CEO pay increased to 369 times that of the average worker.

Distribution of wealth. How middle class is getting screwed.

This is disabled workers vs food stamp participants I hope it shows.
comment image

There is much much more including an IMF report SHOWING it is the upper 10% who had the MASSIVE INCREASE IN WEALTH and NOT the middle class but I can not find that URL (It is in my old book marks on another computer)

Gail Combs


I was warned by a friend that the major I had picked (biology) was a crappy major since there were too many biologists compared to jobs. The school counsel WHO SHOULD HAVE WARNED ME never said a word.

My parents and I together paid for my first years and after that I paid for the following required courses to keep my certification.

Now counselors are sending kids to REALLY USELESS programs like female gender studies or African basket weaving. Heck as friends of mine found out history is an essentially useless degree.

Kids who SHOULD be going to a trade school to learn hair dressing, bookkeeping auto mechanics or other useful trades are being brainwashed into getting a useless 4 year degree.


From my old notes:

 Obama and Education

If you have not seen this before [well they are going to MAKE SURE you can’t see it now]

Why Leftists Destroyed College — Professor Duke Pesta

Duke Pesta joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the liberal takeover of academia, leftists college students demanding censorship, the opposition to different viewpoints and the rise of social justice warrior culture.

Dr. Duke Pesta is a tenured university professor, author and the Academic Director of FreedomProject Academy, a Live Online School offering individual classes and complete curricula for students in Kindergarten through High School. For more from Dr. Duke and the FreedomProject Academy, please go to: <= [A Common Core free CLASSICAL education for home schooler]

  :wpds_arrow: 𝕆𝕓𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕟𝕤 𝕤𝕠 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕦𝕚𝕥 𝕓𝕖𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕘𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕟𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕗𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕩𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕨𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕙.


𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕪 𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕕𝕞𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕗𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕗.

BTW, here is a great site about modern colleges and universities, and why they no longer teach much:

Here is a recent example:

Thursday, January 23, 2020
The Master’s Degree Bubble Has Burst

By Professor Doom

      The student loan scam flooded our schools with students when it went into full swing over a decade ago—triggered by the 2008 crash/recession, when many “no degree required” jobs vanished, never to return. A half dozen or so years later, these students flooded the market with their shiny new degrees. 

       These students were told their degrees would be valuable, and before the degrees were awarded, they were, up to a point. Trouble is, much of the value of a degree comes from its scarcity. Most of the degrees, the common ones, were worth nothing in the job marketplace. 

     Many of those graduates floundered for a few years before deciding “hey, I need a graduate degree to get a good job.” The same vicious admissions officers who suckered people into getting worthless undergraduate degrees simply repeated the game, enrolling far too many people into Master’s degree programs.

      Whenever I look at people with unpayable college debt, invariably the largest numbers come from the poor souls to when back for graduate school, which can easily be twice as expensive as undergraduate, even for a 2 year degree like a Master’s degree.

       In any event, the cohort of students who got creamed by undergraduate loans starting in 2008 are now getting creamed by graduate loans. Word has gotten out that Master’s degrees (particularly in Fine Arts, but in many other fields as well) are basically worthless now, for many of the same reasons undergraduate degrees are of little value.

      In 2014, the 10 year projection for Master’s awarded was well over a million—our schools hugely expanded their graduate program, as the “leaders” running our system lack even rudimentary understanding of what they’re doing…..



All true, but the laziness, entitlement, and refusal to help oneself cannot be overlooked. True, all part of the corrupt culture, and a consequence to some extent of the education system.

But jobs are crying out to be filled. Any young person with a glimmer of ambition can make a nice living, learn something useful while getting paid, and potentially move into management quickly.

Now is an astonishing moment of opportunity, if looked at the right way.

This is the way it is where I live, would be surprised if it was not true everywhere. Talk to anyone who owns a business.


SAME out this way. Employment opportunities are seemingly at every business.

The quality of “help” hired is clearly dropping.

  • NOT dinging those working, high or low quality.
  • Dinging the dummies NOT taking opportunities for employment AND improving their lives.

I talk to or hear about small business owners of all types. Many are the modern kulaks who have become “wealthy” because of hard work and dedication.

The skills they use range from basic (manual labor) to complex (various contracting specialties, etc.) in areas which have become very lucrative because of their scarcity.

But no one can get dependable workers, despite a willingness to treat a dependable worker like royalty.


My daughter has a Master in Physical Chemestry from Northwestern. When she graduated she was unable to get a job because lack of experience, Her first job she made $6,50 and hour at Kelly temporary and worked herself up by taken the next job that paid $10,00 and hour. She was happy when she made $36, 000 a year. Now at 53 she makes over $300 ,000 a year plus big bonuses. She is smart learns fast does not shy away from work.


^^^ Them kinda stories, Make My Day!   :wpds_smile: 

Gail Combs

What ever happened to kids living at home while they worked and paid off their schooling over several years like I and some of my bosses did. Or what happened to renting an apartment together to split costs?

NAH they want a nice ‘PAD’ lots of electronics, to eat out every night, a shiny NEW car….

The area I live in has trailers rented to Section 8 people. They have ZERO money management skills and everything is about satisfying their NOW wants. Cigarettes, MJ, beer, soda, eating out several times a week, calling in Pizza delivery… ZERO attention to budgeting or saving money. Any money they make is spent like it was too hot to hold onto. With that mentality they CAN NOT GET OUT OF DEBT!

The young man I had helping with my sheep is a completely different story. He is working a full time job and going to school full time. He went to a community college for very little cash for the first two years and is now getting his business degree. He drives a ratty truck and has a side business AS WELL AS the above. He and a buddy share a place.

That guy is going to be a real asset to our country.


“But jobs are crying out to be filled. Any young person with a glimmer of ambition can make a nice living, learn something useful while getting paid, and potentially move into management quickly.”


That at least sounds hopeful.

How much are they paying a recent college graduate with zero experience and a degree in transgender studies, or some other BS degree promoted and sold to them by the education system?

Are these full time jobs with healthcare and other benefits, or less than 40 hours a week so the employer doesn’t have to provide anything?

After taxes are withheld, how much is take-home pay vs. expenses for necessities to live?

What is average monthly apartment rent?

What is average monthly cost for water, gas and electric?

What is an average monthly car payment?

What is average monthly car insurance?

What is the average cost of gas to get to and from work?

What is the average annual cost of clothing appropriate for work, broken down to a monthly amount?

What is the average amount of monthly medical prescription or OTC medical cost?

What is average monthly cost of food — no eating out, strictly eat at home and bring lunch to work?

What is the average monthly cost of other basic necessities, like soap, shampoo, toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, etc.?

What is the average monthly cost to do laundry?

What is the cheapest Internet access available?

No cell phone, no cable TV, no TV period. Basic furniture either came with the apartment or you brought it with you from college, along with your laptop PC, dishware and eating utensils.

You have a Magic Jack to make phone calls over your Internet connection, so no traditional landline phone bill, but it still costs $35/year or $3/month.

If a healthcare plan of some kind is not provided by the employer, how much is average annual healthcare cost, either out of pocket (self pay, no insurance of any kind) or something like Obummercare?

What is the average student loan debt, what is the interest, what is the average monthly payment?

No credit card, no credit card debt. Going old school, living within our means, pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps — barefoot, uphill both ways, in the snow, Boomer-style.

No friends, no entertainment, no dating, no nothing.

No vices of any kind, and no comforts either.

Just hard work and sleep, and grateful to have either one, a double blessing to ever get both.

In between checking in on the elderly neighbor twice a day, helping to take care of an elderly relative, volunteering at the local shelter, giving alms to the poor, singing in the local midnight choir and sending a little extra to an impoverished pen-pal in a sub-Saharan African desert town, just like my parents’ generation always tells the story. They tell it a lot better than that, I don’t do the stories justice, but you get the idea.

So when that is all added up, all of the most basic necessities (and I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few things), and that amount is subtracted from whatever after tax take-home pay a recent college graduate with a degree in transgender Marxist basket weaving (probably safer to not actually mention the degree) can earn…

If he or she is not running a deficit every month, if anything at all is left over, how much, and does it qualify as a ‘nice living’?


Canadians, omg, what is happ3in your country?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this is not good.

We have few if any choices left.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let’s be blunt. This is communism. Arriving under the cover of fake science.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Climate police? Seriously? Defunding real police to create “climate police”?

These people are fucking NUTS and need to be stopped.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If that crap comes here, what? FIB gonna help install full communism?

Better start thinking hard, any remaining patriots in FIB.


Yeah. Same w military. Following orders does not mean shooting women and children into a ditch or putting them in cattle cars.


They want federalized police forces for their Communist goals. They’re trying to do that here with defunding the police so they can replace local forces with federal ones. So far that hasn’t worked, but now they have the IRS police.


Seems like it is ALREADY happening here in the States.

  • Armed IRS.
  • Armed VA.
  • Guessing we could simply list Most EVERY USG Agency and department.

This is really really bad next level stuff. Confiscating money, taking away your gun rights(Toronto seized some rusted out revolver and publicized it for scare tactic), a cricket food factory, and leaked documents like this. Dont forget China does military drills in Canada.
Theres almost no legal option when those who make the laws are doing this.


“Theres almost no legal option when those who make the laws are doing this.”


If only this could somehow have been predicted… years ago!



“Why do they need this?”


Because they’re not clever enough to come up with anything that hasn’t been in a movie?

This scene actually has white hats coming to the rescue, just in the nick of time. That’s the fantasy part 👍 😂



This one is interesting. Whistle blower case in white collar crime cover up turns deadly. Involves a break in of whistle blowers home to apparently recover evidence against them and what appears to be a police inadequate response followed up by possible retaliation? Hard to say. 2 dead, one wounded. Whistle blower arrested.


Things they do in Ohio —


Pretty cute.


Some good-ish news from NY….Trump supporting, new-to-politics Brandon Williams beat out heavily RINO-endorsed, (including Stefanik) Steve Wells in the Congressional 22nd. Considered to be an upset victory.👍



Unfortunately Langworthy beat Paladino in #23, not by much. But Langworthy replaces another RINO.

The frustrating thing is that #23 is one of the most MAGA districts in America. Why can’t we get our own elected where we are the clear majority?

Gail Combs



Totally agree. Two weeks ago Paladino had an 11 point lead in the polls biased against him.

Believe me, NOTHING happened since.




People like McConnell and those promoting Ron DeSantis would be wise to note this.

They will destroy the GOP if they attempt to replace Trump.

Hear me now, any GOPe readers here on this blog; unless Trump himself decides not to run, I will NOT VOTE rather than vote for your replacement candidate.

Don’t test me. I am beyond giving a damn.


Looks like the Uniparty club wants DeSantis out of Florida – so they are trying to put him in a national race – just like they did when they wanted Palin out of Alaska.

It’s a Uniparty power and profit game and DeSantis in Florida is a hindrance to their power and profit.

Might be fun and serve them right if DeSantis named Trump his VP.


I think DeSantis is great right where he is, in Florida.

Gail Combs

2028 after a lot of seasoning…


I would agree.


Onboard Trump Train. Period. Full Stop. Onboard the Trump Train!

Only place I get off is when Trump stops the train. Yea, UNLIKELY THAT!

IF somehow they succeed in running Trump out, THAT 100% exposes the enemy.


Yes. Trump brung me to the dance, so until he stops dancing, I’m with him.


LUV my GUV – !!!


Guessing GOPe cheering ESG croaking in FL. /s



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Great memes!

Here’s another one…..

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That is high grade hopium. Trump ‘sent in’ a whole bunch of losers and traitors- from Pence to Tillerson to Gorsuch to Barr to Milley. Is it the hopium view that it was all a secret plan – lose the election in order to expose the swamp?

I’ll go by Wray’s actual words and actions of his employees – calling Trump MAGA supporters – and especially calling concerned parents ‘domestic terrorists’ – is beyond the pale.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

Hope so…. :8-]


At least with faith in Christ and Christianity – there is logic and reason and evidence to defend it.


Standing by for evidence of this.

NOT asking you for evidence.

Only a peon, wishing for evidence from our high grade military and intelligence folks. Indication(s) they ARE TAKING ACTION…

It is, for me anyway, Beyond Obvious, Action was required years ago, last year, last month, last week, yesterday, TODAY.


Nothing is as it seems on the surface. (Yup. Folks at QTree banter about this daily.)

^^^ THIS I believe.

WEF HAS hijacked the USG, AND both Wall Street and Big Tech In Supporting Roles.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

I believe Q. I also KNOW that Q said not all comms were for us, and I also think that not everything that was given to us was literal truth — on purpose. So “trust Wray” might have meant trust him at that time for a reason, knowing what he would eventually do when he could no longer be trusted. Or “trust Wray” might have been said to throw off the other side.

To me, probably the biggest factor is game theory. The plan changes as the strategy of all the parties changes.

I find the idea of people destroying their reputations and careers over the course of many years because of a plan that was hatched years ago, to be highly improbable. (Under that scenario, a day would come when the plan would be revealed and it would be announced that the bad guys were just paying a role. MAGA would have to be in complete control for that to happen.) I think that weaponizing entire agencies with people who are not America-first (even though the director supposedly is) is extremely dangerous and a difficult pickle to extricate us from. It’s like saying that a police force has been mounted against us, across government agencies, but it’s okay because the directors were just executing the plan.

I also think it improbable that the United States is being led down the path of disaster just to show people how bad the other side is. I don’t think our side has orchestrated losing an election on purpose, nor do I think they had anything to do with COVID. At the same time, there is no doubt that good people are using harmful events to wake people up.

“Nothing is as it seems” can cause us to doubt our own judgment and do nothing — which has already been discussed here today. I think there are degrees of things not being as they seem but that it doesn’t necessarily mean that apparent bad guys are really good or that our side knew, and even orchestrated, the depth of the harm to us and the country.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Believing that some of what Q says is misinformation–but you don’t know what–is tantamount to saying anything Q says is not to be believed.

Which is about where I’m at…especially when people carry Q stuff from 2019 forward to today, when the situation has changed. Even if Q thought it was true then, why does it still apply today?

Do people seriously think Q predicted ALL OF THIS?

Is Q God??

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


IMO the Q psy-op is designed to extricate us from a trap non-violently. The GOAL is bigger than what most people perceive. It is an awakening operation, likely based on empirical knowledge we are not privy to, and which I won’t hazard a guess now as to the weird possibilities.

In not totally facetious response to your last question….

If one truly believes in God, what is not, at least, “of God”? And I prefer to leave things there!  😅 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Your response at the end misses the point I was trying to raise.

Which is that people who think Q could see back then exactly where we are now (not in general, but exactly), are ascribing God-like omniscient foresight to Q.

That’s an error even if there is a god and Q is right with God.


Game theory and/or Looking Glass are not God. But they are amazing predictors of events.

It’s like playing chess, but you can play infinity moves ahead.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Game theory will tell you what you should do next.

It couldn’t have told anyone where we’d be today…back when Q was making his drops.

People who think Q knew THIS (what we have now) would happen today, back then, are ascribing godlike powers to Q.

I believe Q went silent because he/they realized the jig was up and all their predictions were invalid when the election was stolen.


As is your right.


I agree that Q (a person or a team) could not have known exactly what would be happening today, back when something was posted, say, three years ago. And no, Q isn’t God, or a god, and is not omniscient.

Your last paragraph is interesting, and I hope it’s not true.


You are correct. Everything is “of God,” in one way or another.


It still all makes total sense, and I have a part of me which is intensely hopeful, but it does not appear to be likely, IMO.


Quite seriously, asking.

Which part makes sense?

Would dearly like to understand.

Gail Combs

You have to start from the point of view that the destruction of the USA was carefully planned for well over a century. (Think John Dewey and Central Banks)

After WWII only seven Nazis were hung. Many of the rest took over NATO or came to the USA.

Our DOMESTIC industries were destroyed or infiltrated and so was our government, media and schools. EVERYTHING was going as planned by the Cabal…. AND THEN CAME TRUMP. Remember he was ASKED TO RUN.


You have to remember THE CABAL WAS IN CONTROL not the White Hats or Trump. The CORRUPT Senate could veto any of Trump’s cabinet picks so he had to take those he could use to best advantage.

The BIG PROBLEM was Americans were mainly ASLEEP. This is where Q came in and why to this day QAnon bashing still is going on.

The other problem is Trump COULD NOT derail the plans of the CABAL all he could do was change the course a little.

Warp Speed meant small businesses were not completely wiped out.
Delaying his speech on Jan 6th, disrupted the ‘FBI FALSE FLAG’ so not nearly as many people were at the Capitol and the FIBs role has become evident.

Most important is the REVEAL our ELECTIONS ARE SELECTIONS so we get to vote for compromised Commie or Compromised Fabian and not who we really want.

As Matrixxxand Shady and others say WE ARE THE PLAN. The AWAKENED SLEEPING GIANT determined to PEACEFULLY take back OUR ELECTIONS (with a bit of help from the White Hats)

Compare the MAGA movement to the Tea Party and you can see the difference.

I hope I was able to be clear enough, but I am hopeful because I can SEE the difference.


I posted ten minutes after you, Gail. I am SLOW. But I think we see things very much the same way.

Gail Combs

I am just a bit more hopeful than you.

There are a lot of useful idiots but not nearly as many as the Cabal would have us believe (Witness Demcast Bot farm) and MANY of them are PAID with no real loyalty.

Take out the very small TOP couple layers and the Puppet Master(s) and suddenly you are left with mop-up of the fools and idiots.

IDing the Puppet Masters and top Lt.s is the critical part and I think that has been done. RUSSIA maybe the one to do the dirty deed. They are GOOD at it.

Do not forget the IDIOTS in DC left the BORDER WIDE OPEN and now AZ and TX are shipping the illegals TO DC….


Understand all above. I think. 🙂

Oh, I am plenty hopeful.

If I were not, I’d already be at my “south 40″, shut off, as much as possible from the ‘world”.


^^^ This. Well stated, Gail.


It all makes theoretical sense, and does not sound implausible as a realistic proposition.

It makes sense that the gradual takeover of America’s centers of power and influence would have been recognized for what it was by patriots in law enforcement, the military, and private sector. It makes sense, given their ability, that they would have both the means and inclination to formulate a sophisticated (I hate that word) plan to undermine and defeat those forces in the long term.

It makes sense that any such group would understand the formidable task. TICs (Those In Control) had throughout many years assembled definitive control and influence over all necessary institutions and organizations, global and domestic (except Russia) needed to destroy America under the guise of democratic process and capitalist enterprise.

It makes sense because many, many Americans have been brainwashed into imbecility, and needed to be awakened to their imbecility, to the nature of what was happening to them, and to the necessarily evil nature of the people who were doing it (making a distinction here between the nomenklatura and the apparatchik, the later group possessing genuine if idiotic sincerity and idealism).

It makes sense because the battlefield needed to be shaped, and the shaping would be ugly and lengthy.

It makes sense because Trump made it all seem probable. Trump was a genuine leader who “got” what our politicians did not get and refused to get, and had the ability to make it happen.

Problem is, while we were continuously chuckling over how Trump was doing the old Sun Tzu on them, they were highly successfully doing a Sun Tzu on Trump, as they had been doing for many, many years on all of us. And their Sun Tzu was patient, flexible, and utterly brilliant. They did not, and do not, think the way we think, to our disadvantage. They are Hegel, and we are not. Huge difference in terms of what human beings think they are entitled to do to each other.

And it has been a very painful experience to come to understand and “see” how they think. Especially coming to understand how far ahead they are in defeating us.

If I were aware of what was facing us at the time Trump ascended, I would have already done exactly what our side has theorized was being done (with help from Q), including Q.

Alas, turning our military in queers and perverts, for example, or turning our boys into girls and girls into boys through castration and mutilation, ETC, IMO means there is no wonderful underlying plan.

But I still hope intensely there is, referring to some Earthly thing, because there is no doubt about the Divine thing, it just may well be a very, very different type of thing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tonawanda

Got it thanks.

As an aside.

Folks banking on a “plan” within the military, may want to consider:

  • Active Duty change duty stations every 12-36 months. That is a hell of a lot of folks, “read in”.
  • The “plan” operating within DoD, would have to be operating independently, of the command structure.
  • Essentially in isolation.
  • Self sustaining staffing,
  • Chain-of-Command onboard / supportive,
  • funding intact,
  • IC NOT notice.
  • Location, infrastructure, equipment, yada, yada.

Fundamentally, I am hopeful, we will win. Failure is NOT an option.

But NONE of the “Secret Sauce Plan” within US Military is realistic. IMO.


Cracking up here.

Lemme get this right, Wray is a good guy.  😂  😅  😂  (Holding back sarcasm.)

So Wray, sworn to support the Constitution, ALLOWS, Encourages Illegal behavior, Hell FIB CREATES illegal behavior. AS IF, doing so will help FIB, fix FIB. (Corrupt bastards, “fix”, is training.  🙃 )

So Wray, masterfully allows:

  • After ~seven years of FIB setting up Trump, Trump family, Trump staff, Trump supporters, RAIDS Trumps home
  • Lying about Antifa, BLM…
  • Create a FAUX guvner kidnapping…get the guys set-up, jailed.
  • Actively setting up American citizens on J6. Lying about J6.
  • Vilifying Whites as Domestic Extreme Right Wing Terrorists…

^^^ ASSUMING any of that is logical to fixing FIB, WHO in FIB or DOJ is going to take ACTION? Indict, arrest, prosecute…

OH, I GOT IT, Bull Durham IS in on the PLAN. <<<Take That To The Bank.  😂  😅  😂 

I may be in the minority here. FIB, including Wray IS FUBAR.


Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Putting Wray in the white hat category means that all of these operations that involve hundreds of agents deliberately setting up citizens or raids on Trump’s associates , weapons drawn and all the other oops admissions of knowing of potential mass shooters…..all of the victims, all of the rank and file forced to go along or lose their jobs…that’s all to show us?

That’s an awful lot of innocent people sacrificed involuntarily.


Indeed and they didnt sign up for it so nah.


I will NEVer accept Wray as a White Hat …

heck he had to be dragged kicking and screaming to okay the firing of Hil de Beasr’s right hand for 20+ yrs … Mc (oh I can see his face, his wife took a bribe, can’t pull-up his name – y’all know)



(Oops, I meant, McCabe).


bless you Kal… that’s the biggest prob I have w/ dementia – NAMES! I can see faces, events, and ‘names’ hang me up! McCabe it is… didn’t he retain his retirement? Thanks to Wray?


Yes, McScab kept his retirement.

“Forgetting”, is in full swing with me. There are times I’ll stare at the screen trying to recall simple words. 

This getting old crap sux. Yea, do what I can to stave it off. Can’t do much about it, so I try to laugh at it.


Keeping one’s sense is vital imo 😉 Gardening helps me … and now the frailities of 8 decades limit that … grateful for windows!


latter part, ironically funny.


reading your comment, I just caught your reference! I meant REAL ‘windows’ 😉 I have a wall of them here in the studio. that overlook my garden. (You’re STILL very sharp!


Cracking up here.

I did to. Real windows.

Also works for the other, Windows.  😂  😅  😂 


TY for the laughs!


A lady at my hardware store wears flip-flops all winter. asked her why, and she said it’s very important to stay as close to the ground as you can. Gives her good health.


My wife loves this one:

I cannot see, I cannot pee.
I cannot chew, I cannot screw.
My memory shrinks, my hearing stinks.
No sense of smell, I look like hell.
Body drooping, got trouble pooping.
The Golden Years Have Come At Last.
The Golden Years Can Kiss My ASS.




School children shot dead, grannies and kids mowed down like bowling pins, Hunter Biden’s sh*t, entrapping a man by teaming up with and outfitting the man’s son with audio surveillance. Man sentenced years in prison, etc,etc,etc.
NO white hat would do these things. They would not allow their staff to do these things

A couple of generations worth of human beings are being supplied the most damaging illicit drugs ever produced by gangs and cartels operating freely in the US. The border patrol occasionally busts a shipment but why are the networks of thugs still even out there? FIB way too occupied with Trump.


^^^ B I N G O ! ^^^


IF there were a sliver of honesty in FIB or DOJ, we’d see action against the INCREASING EVIL CRIME in America.

Truth is, FIB is solely focused on Trump, Trump supporters, conservatives, Whites, Patriots…


And they LIKE the criminal chaos, the part they are not committing themselves.


TY for the list Molly … I am growing older and less forgiving


If forgiveness is required, I’m out.

It’s hard to remember the things because one tragedy gives way to the next outrage and that gives way to an atrocity with crushing real life worries brought on by accepting that the very people that we trusted to right the wrongs are the ones perpetrating the crimes.

A mind can only process so much of that craziness!.




Well stated.

With ALL of my mind and heart…

I will NEVER Forgive or Forget, what these bastards have done and are doing to destroy America, Americans and citizens of the globe.

As we recognize the evil thrust on our lives, families, friends, All Americans, we MUST acknowledge, much of this evil IS levied across Europe, Canada, Asia, Australia…

Valerie Curren

Five Eyes 😉



Five Eyes is a huge ENABLER…Major part of the Problem.

Five Eyes needs to be Bottom blown.

Valerie Curren

I don’t know what “bottom blown” means but it sounds like diapers could be involved 😯😯


Yea, prolly should not have used bottom blown. Navy term, when sludge, crud is blown out the bottom of the boilers.

Sorta like, “taking out the trash”.

Valerie Curren

Love it & keep the lingo co ming!!! 💖💖😎😎💖💖


Yeah its the hollywierd movie so unbelievable it makes it unwatchable.


In my POV it’s like being walked to the boxcars and the guards pointing rifles at ya winking and saying…don’t worry it’s not’s a movie..and one day I won’t be able to walk the streets…


Youll have to have your work papers, etc, to leave your ghetto.


Oh yeah…the ghetto housing unit they’ve generously assigned us to after they’ve seized our home and property. F them

It’s random but ran into a complete stranger in store parking lot..somehow the convo went to these things. His eyes wide open. Said they can try to confiscate his land and they probably would succeed but less a couple of agents.
People get it with few illusions that it’s going away in 2022


Random stranger IS good news. I suspect it is pretty common outside of Blue Shitholes – Blue States and Blue Cities.

Off the wall thought.

Maybe, a Key indicator of those “Awake”, are Unvaxed numbers.

  • There are good reasons folks did NOT get injected. Unvaxed ARE Awake. Many reasons likely in play.
  • Yes, many vaxed made a decision for a host of reasons.
  • Valid or not in my, our minds. Employment, peer pressure, go watch a pro game, play, travel, eat out… Some of these folks are awake.
  • At some point, the Masses Will Say NO.

Or so I figure.


I wanted to ask if he had been jabbed but I figured if he had it was his decision and at this point didn’t change the overall intense chat about govt corruption, Pols lying, communism…
A lot of people did feel pressured to get it and truly believed that it was an actual vaccine that would prevent getting it again…IOW…they believed the govt. there have to be plenty that now see it was a lie. They may not think it’s a depop plan but they sure don’t put faith in CDC or Biden. .


IMO exactly why they cannot permit the elections. People are awake.

I thought it would be food shortages, but Wolf suggested (IIRC) nuclear. That makes far more sense.

It will be Putin’s fault, Trump’s fault, and our fault.

As an example, Putin seeking revenge for Dugin.

And when the absurdity is pointed out, you are an enemy of the state.

Martial law. People disarmed.


BTW, Wolf did NOT agree to this scenario, but was saying if there were such a scenario.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think they are following all possible angles of chaos and instability. They have “field-tested” nuclear scares, too.

I put nothing past these people!


Possible but you know how in a bubble we are, yes there are the blue/yellow flags on people’s sm accounts and hollyweird supports slobbering over Uk. Would they really care if the nuke danger is waay over there and only harming those thousands of miles away?

Did the suggestion mean the OBiden admin would foment nuclear fear for the US directly ? Did he mean that they might detonate something here in order to ‘prove’ Putin did it ?


I should not have brought Wolf into this, my mistake. Wolf said none of that.

So I will make it my own thought.

Some nuclear device, maybe a dirt bomb, will go off in the US. Martial law will be declared, and Putin will be blamed. For example, “Putin the Madman is getting revenge for the assassination of Dugina.”

Our side will (correctly) mock. That will make us Putin allies, supporters of nuclear destruction, and dangerous.

There are more nukes! we will be told.


I see what you mean and sorry about digging about what Wolf said, I should’ve gone back and read for myself.
Your thought about it makes sense..terribly but makes sense


You are on it.


How fast and if theres resistance is what matters now.


#20 – Last night’s TOP TWENTY TWEETS displays Democrat Math.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

T3 – #1 – About those expensive Electric Cars….


What could possibly go wrong? /s


That is so not funny but hilarious.


A gorgeous house a few miles from me was destroyed last month when a car parked in the attached garage mysteriously ignited.

Nothing about the why, but I know a little about the owner and would bet my last dollar the car was fully electric or a hybrid.


It’s surprising insurance companies haven’t started grumbling about EV fires

Gail Combs

You can bet the insurance rates are thru the ROOF! (AND they upped the insurance rates for the house too.)


Lol, and it’s only just begun…


But, BUT, Protect The Environment. /s

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Which does the OPPOSITE, because MINING BULK MATERIALS for mechanical and solar energy is thousands of times the mining for high-energy-density materials like uranium and thorium.


Self-driving cars, electric cars, wind-generated power — all folly.


Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov

Putin will not go for strikes on decision-making centers in Kiev –

Ukraine is taking all measures to cause strikes by the RF Armed Forces on decision-making centers in Kiev, but Vladimir Putin will not go for it.

The purpose of the terrorist attacks of Ukraine on the territory of Russia
The murder of Darya Dugina, attempts to attack the Crimea, the shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, border outposts and regional centers of the Russian Federation – all these are terrorist attacks designed to provoke Vladimir Putin into a tough response .

The Ukrainians are being helped by “hotheads” in Russia, who wonder if it’s time to finally “start” fighting in Ukraine and once again urge the Russian president to hit the decision-making centers. But Putin will not agree to this, so as not to repeat the path of Napoleon to and from Moscow. There – with a victory that did not last long, and from there – with a defeat that ended Bonaparte himself.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation, of course, can declare the entire top leadership of Ukraine terrorists and give the order to bomb the center of Kyiv with “Daggers”. But what will happen next?

What will happen after the strike on decision-making centers

First, Zelensky and the camarilla will survive in bomb shelters.

Secondly, the bombed Kyiv will be the reason for NATO’s decision to be drawn into the war and to tighten sanctions. The signal has already been given that the British military is ready to fight.

Thirdly, it will be a propaganda picture for the Ukrainian Nazis and the “casked”, which will become more, they will unite in their hatred and continue useless resistance.

The economy determines the pace of the NWO
Putin will not be in a hurry to make such a decision .

He needs time to “digest” those territories that have already been liberated. To do this, it is necessary to improve life there so that people can winter with dignity, build housing for them (at least start this on a large scale), send children to schools, and give them jobs. That is, the referendum on reunification with Russia should not be from scratch, otherwise it will be ignored.

Putin has chosen the tactics of slowly strangling Ukraine

Therefore, Putin has chosen a different tactic – the slow strangulation of the Kiev regime. In military terms, it involves the unhurried grinding of the forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the eastern front and the liberation of the DPR. They will try to go on a broad front up to Nikolaev.

In the economy, it is pushing the regime towards the economic abyss. According to official data, Ukraine’s budget deficit is about 4-5 billion dollars a month, the printing press is working, so inflation is progressing.

According to Western rating agencies, Ukraine will lose 40% of GDP by the end of the year, it is already in an undeclared default with a growing public debt, which will soon reach 100% of GDP.

The main ports, energy resources, granaries, deposits are lost. And a millionth army must be maintained – it will turn out that only with Western loans. But it will be more and more difficult for the Kyiv regime to get them. The West will be increasingly distrustful of the possibility of their return, since there is no offensive at the front, which means that there are no prospects for preserving the Kyiv regime.

The West will not withstand the pressure, Russia’s patience is unparalleled

The President of Russia knows that a long conflict in Ukraine will cost the West dearly, it will simply run out of steam in the sanctions rampage and stop supporting Ukraine. Then everything will be over for Zelensky at once.

With the tactics chosen by Putin, there will not be what the West is counting on – a rebellion in Russia, and then the coming to power of a new liberal, the collapse of the Russian Federation and the victory of the globalists.

Therefore, no matter how “hot heads” are called to retaliate for the Ukrainian terror, they will not happen. Putin will go the other way and win – why climb the apple tree if the fruit itself will soon fall.


“The British Isles seem to be talking. Why threaten endless Russia with nuclear weapons while sitting on a small island? The island is so small that one Sarmat missile is enough to sink it once and for all. This is just one launch, and England is gone, once and for all!
Another option to plunge Britain into the abyss is the Russian Poseidon drone. There is no way to stop this underwater drone. The warhead on it is up to 100 megatons. The explosion of this thermonuclear torpedo off the coast of Britain will raise a giant wave up to 500 meters high. Such a water squall is also a carrier of extreme doses of radiation. Passing over the British Isles, he will turn what may be left of them into a radioactive desert ”: Dmitry Kiselev, ready to use nuclear weapons, Liz Truss


Nebenzya: Not a single Western delegation had the determination to condemn the shelling of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and call on the Kyiv regime to stop them. There was no such courage in the European capitals. From there, only absurd calls for Russia to stop some “recent actions around the ZNPP” are heard. It seems that our colleagues exist in some kind of their own parallel reality, in which the Russian military themselves fire at the station, which they themselves protect, and even from American systems. The apotheosis of this absurdity was the recent statements by British parliamentarian Tobias Elwood and member of the US House of Representatives Adam Kinzinger that the shelling of the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant could become a pretext for triggering Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.

Gail Combs

Putin has always been a very brilliant thinker.

Remember what he did to the activists who attacked the Russian Oil Platforms. They were imprisoned in Siberia until Christmas and then released as a ‘Christmas Present’

No more attacks.  😄 




One of many things that has impressed me about Putin is his evident knowledge of history. And Russia has much more than we have, as a nation. And certainly much more involving war over territory and sovereignty.


Agree Tonawanda


Maybe more than that. The Eastern Roman Empire that was based in Constantinople lasted 1000 years. When were finally taken over by the Arabs their leadership and brain trust largely retreated North into what was becoming Russia. Additionally since much that was Roman moved to Eastern Roman Empire in Constantinople you can add yet another 1000 years to their store of knowledge.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very smart tactics. Not only can Russia “hold out” to the last Zelenskyyyy Jazi and Azov Nazi – he can hold out to the last Democrat here in America.

America will not put up with Biden subsidizing the PARASITES in Ukraine who bribed him, with our money, as he sends the IRS after us.

Putin is going to push AMERICA to remove the regime on its own. Very smart.


The clear signs of a rapprochement between Erdogan and Assad are now there, and there are rumours that they will meet at the coming summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation in Samarkand.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Swatting seems below WEF, but is not below Crenshaw’s “fans” in Dodge and FIB, working through their pet criminals.

Gail Combs

It is GEORGIA so the Gap toothed Black Blimp whos NGO was fingered in 200 Mules.


Gap toothed Black Blimp  😂  😅  😂 

^^^ Perfect description of that bloated POS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



The person who called was apparently angry over Greene’s stance on transgender Americans.

Gail Combs

I have fun down voting the libs. Probably bots from the Demcast Bot farm… 😋 


To be fair there’s no way to prove these txt’s (or whatever they are) are genuine.
Can’t c/p but they can be read if one clicks on them to magnify…

“The US military is starting to withdraw equipment in active service to send to Ukraine.”

On the other hand it appears the RF can supply its own troops and also take in orders to supply 500B Rubles worth to others…

“85 official military delegations of foreign states, 340 events of the scientific and business program, government contracts totaling more than 525 billion rubles and almost two million guests.

The newspaper “Krasnaya Zvezda” told in detail about the results of the international military-technical forum “ARMY-2022″.”

#MVTF @mod_russia


Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of a special military operation on the territory of Ukraine (08/24/2022)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue a special military operation in Ukraine.

As a result of the offensive actions of the Allied forces, the losses of the 68th Infantry-Jaeger, 66th Mechanized and 56th Motorized Infantry Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine operating in the Donetsk direction amounted to more than 600 people. In addition, about 160 servicemen of the 66th Mechanized Brigade refused to take further part in further hostilities. The command of the operational-tactical group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “Donetsk” decided to withdraw these formations due to the loss of combat capability from their positions in the rear areas.

More than 50 percent of the personnel of the 20th Battalion of the 93rd Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed by the strikes of the operational-tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the Artemovsk area. Due to the high losses, the soldiers of the battalion voluntarily left their positions and departed in an unknown direction.

In the area of the locality of Lozove, Kherson region, while trying to secretly cross the Ingulets River, the 18th battalion of the 35th Brigade of the AFU Marines was defeated. More than 80 nationalists and 6 cars were destroyed.

High-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the Konstantinovka area of the Donetsk People’s Republic hit the temporary deployment point of the 72nd Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. About 80 nationalists and 8 pieces of military equipment were destroyed.

The strikes by operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery against military facilities on the territory of Ukraine continue.

During the day, seven control points were hit, including the 66th mechanized Brigade in the Novomikhailovka area, the 15th rocket Artillery Regiment in the Kurdyumovka area of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the 102nd Territorial Defense Brigade in the Gulyai-Pole area of the Zaporozhye region, as well as 47 artillery units in firing positions, manpower and military APU equipment in 212 districts.

Destroyed: five ammunition depots in the areas of Ilyinka, Krasnaya Gora of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Novoaleksandrovka of the Zaporozhye region, Shirokoye of the Dnipropetrovsk region, Snigirevka of the Mykolaiv region, as well as a Joint logistics point of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of the settlement of Orekhov of the Zaporozhye region.

As part of the counter-battery struggle, the following were hit: a rocket artillery battery of multiple launch rocket systems “Hurricane” in the Dzerzhinsk area of the Donetsk People’s Republic, a platoon of MLRS “Smerch” in the area of the settlement of Rogan, Kharkiv region.

In addition, four platoons of Grad multiple launch rocket systems were suppressed in the areas of the settlements of Seversk, Artemovskoye, Orlovka of the Donetsk People’s Republic and Barmashovo of the Mykolaiv region, as well as three platoons of D-30 howitzers in firing positions in the areas of the settlements of Soledar, Opytne and Antonovka of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

Russian air defense means shot down seven Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the areas of the settlements of Chernyanka, Belaya Krynitsa, Kherson region, Nikolskoye, Volnovakha and Trudovoye of the Donetsk People’s Republic during the day.

Also, two Ukrainian multiple rocket launcher shells were intercepted near the village of Kamenka, Kharkiv region.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, 268 aircraft, 148 helicopters, 1803 unmanned aerial vehicles, 369 anti-aircraft missile systems, 4382 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 819 multiple rocket launchers, 3339 field artillery and mortars, as well as 5034 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed.

#Ministry of Defense #Russia #Ukraine @mod_russia

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Gail Combs

The only way I will eat a cricket is AFTER it has been eaten by a trout and turned into fish protein…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Smart choice!!!




Penn Wharton estimates between $300 Billion and $900 Billion.

That’s is some pretty sloppy math…$600 Billion spread.

Guess they used the back of a used napkin, with a Sharpie.


I thought that was far too big of a gap. Might as well say between 100 to a trillion.

Gail Combs

….Stein and his campaign employees sought a preliminary injunction against the Wake County district attorney, which was denied.

The ruling stated, “We conclude plaintiffs have satisfied the demanding standard for obtaining an injunction pending appeal.”

However, the ruling said the motion to expedite the appeal was partly granted. The appeal will be argued in December.

Isn’t that nice. We will WAIT TIL AFTER THE ELECTION when the decision is useless…


Laughing. A warped laugh.

Recalling, after 3 Nov, some court tossed a case, saying it should have been filed before the election.

PRIOR to that. Other courts tossed cases, as the election, fraud had not yet happened.

“judges” are allowing, facilitating crimes. IMO.


it used to be said that the wheels of justice turn slowly…the wheels are completely off the axle now


^^^ Perfect description of, Special Prosecutor Bull Durham.

^^^ Terrible JOKE on the concept of, “Equal Justice”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“We had to be shown” only matters if somebody does something.




Russia Gaining International Support as Western Crimes are Exposed in Ukraine

Yesterday, China convened the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to discuss the topic of “Maintenance of international peace and security: Promote common security through dialogue and cooperation”.

This is in response to the United States’ continual lack of transparency and cooperation on all fronts, to include their crimes against humanity in Ukraine, and most recently the deliberate provocation of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant.

Here I will cover the statements from Russia, via UN Representative, Vassily Nebenzia. I’m going to break down the passages that stuck out to me. Full transcript link in the footnotes.

“Hardly anyone can be satisfied with the international situation we are facing today. The international security system is going through a profound crisis. Almost all institutions it relied on have deteriorated, the level of trust between key international players has dropped to a critical low.”

“For 30 years we have been patiently trying to reach an agreement with NATO on the principles of equal and indivisible security in the Euro-Atlantic area. However, in response to our proposals, we constantly heard either cynical lies or attempts to excercise pressure and blackmail.”

Worldwide tensions are rising. Global crisis on the horizon. Lack of trust in institutions and international leaders. And notice the usage of “30 years”. That’s approximately when Bush Sr. took office, and thus began the reign of 30 years of Deep State US control.
Russia are lobbying for diplomatic solutions and the West simply “refuse to hold substantial deliberations.”

The next passage should be screaming something at you. Russia are calling out the Deep State.

“The reason why the collective West has been purposefully destroying the system of European security all these years is that the calibrated system of “checks and balances” designed to take into account our interests has ceased to meet its hegemonic aspirations. It was tempted to bend the world into submission and force the whole world to work and live according to the rules set by the Western countries. Collective security is incompatible with coercion and hegemony, the desire to undermine any alternative, sovereign paths of development, to keep countries and peoples in the grip of a colonial order. They use every trick in the book: rough interference in the internal affairs of states, coup d’état, threats, blackmail, economic coercion, inciting conflicts. And in recent years, there have also been dirty misinformation campaigns based on lies and the presumption of one’s own guilt. Truth and facts in their world do not play any role, because the leading Western media and PR agencies are working to smear the opponent.”

Coup d’etats, international State interference (proxies), threats, blackmail, economic coercion, inciting conflict, misinformation campaigns by Western media… this is literally the Deep State playbook. This is how [they] gain and maintain control of countries around the world, and Russia are not shy from letting us know they are privy to the existence of the Deep State and their nefarious activity.

Also something to note, Russia/Trump/Q talking points are all coinciding. And China are in agreement with Russia, just less vocal on the matter.

The next passage covers the US establishment of their Ukraine proxy via coup in 2014, and the conflict at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant.

“Today, by pumping Kyiv with heavy weapons, the United States and its allies are doing everything in their power to protract the conflict in Ukraine, which began after the Maidan regime in 2014 attacked the people living in the South-East of the country with bombs and shells, relegating the Ukrainian people to the fate of “cannon fodder”

At the same time, contrary to their own declared values, Western countries cynically turn a blind eye to the spread of neo-Nazi ideology, massacres of the people in Donbas and violations of international humanitarian law by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the national guards. In recent weeks, Western patrons of Ukraine have, in fact, helped Kyiv in its attempts of nuclear blackmail, ignoring the shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At a UN Security Council meeting convened by Russia last week on this issue, not a single Western delegation was determined to call a spade a spade and urge Kyiv to stop these dangerous actions that could lead to a radiation catastrophe on the European continent. We requested another urgent meeting in connection with the ongoing provocations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station.”

Here Russia plead with the Western world to stop the charade, stop ignoring the slaughter of innocents by the Ukrainian Nazis, stop ignoring the war crimes, stop ignoring the provocations of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant and the possibility of a Chernobyl-level event, etc.

Of course the West still refuse to acknowledge any of these realities, but the effort is not for nothing. Why? Because the rest of the world are seeing this. Russia are gaining international support.

“Today, before our very eyes, the contours of a new world order begin to shape. More and more countries are choosing the path of sovereign political, economic and civilizational development, rejecting recipes and patterns imposed by Western countries. The West is ready to do anything to preserve its hegemony. For the sake of this, Ukraine was sacrificed, turned into a training ground for a proxy war with Russia until the last Ukrainian. We hope that the actions of the West in this country have opened the eyes of many in the world to the true background of the crisis that erupted on our planet.

What is happening with Ukraine now, and in general the actions of NATO on the European continent over the past 30 years, is a lesson for the whole world. Do you think that in other regions the US and its allies will act differently? History shows the opposite. Therefore, do not ask for whom the bell tolls today – it tolls for you!”

Russia called a spade a spade. The US have, and continue to, sacrifice the lives of Ukrainian civilians to carry-out and cover-up their activity in their proxy of Ukraine. And countries worldwide are taking notice. The US are not this beacon of “democracy” they claim to be.

And you’ll notice, AGAIN, that Russia say that this crisis has been going on for “30 years”. At the end of Reagan, and the beginning of the Deep State reign of the United States.

In conclusion, China and Russia seem to be the sane and diplomatic ones, while the US refuse to address any of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological allegations. Russia and China are pleading for cooperation and exercising the proper diplomatic channels, while the West simply cry that anything they don’t like is “Russian disinformation”.

As we can see, this strategy isn’t holding up, as more and more countries continue to quietly side with Russia as they see the US nefarious activities being exposed in Ukraine.
Granted, the UNSC still cannot move forward with holding the US accountable, because the US are one of the Big 5, and they just veto anything they don’t like. Highlighting a glaring flaw in global diplomacy. Introducing the need for change.

Evolution arises only out of necessity, and soon the world will reach a crisis that will justify sweeping changes to the world power struggle. Even on the highest global diplomatic medium, there is a looming feeling that the world is approaching the precipice.



1Full Transcript


Truth and facts in their world do not play any role

From RF in re: the TICs.

This is the fundamental assessment/measure of each side. Pure human nature.

Who wants to be a god?!?!?!

Who wants to have the pleasure of inflicting pain?!?!?!


And you’ll notice, AGAIN, that Russia say that this crisis has been going on for “30 years”. At the end of Reagan, and the beginning of the Deep State reign of the United States.

The Deep State has been around one heck of a lot longer than that!


He is speaking of Russia’s struggle to protect it’s borders from the expansion of NATO toward and then at it’s border, the relationship with the Russian Federation after the fall of the USSR. Russian people are well aware of how long the Cabal has existed, how many times they have attempted to conquer Russia


The cabal DID conquer Russia in 1917. They have to get “their’ country back.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




19 hours ago
Jordan Schachtel
“No gene juice for you: CDC says unvaxxed won’t be eligible for updated Omicron boosters”
(linked from the Steve Kirsch article at The Burning Platform today)

The CDC has decided to join Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna in making quite sure that people who are thinking of getting the upcoming “new COVID-19 plus Omicron BA.4/BA.5 variants booster shot” are NOT ALLOWED to get it until they’ve gone through the “PRIMARY SERIES” of the said companies’ mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”

So, let’s say “Joe or Jane America”, who are UN-“vaccinated”, somehow decide that they want to have the “new COVID-19 plus Omicron BA.4/BA.5 variants booster shot.” They go the local Walgreens to get it. However, the pharmacist tells them that they “aren’t eligible”, because they’re UN-“vaccinated” — and proceeds to the hard sell to get them to take the “PRIMARY SERIES” by, say, Pfizer-BioTech, “then we can schedule your booster shot.”
The same holds true for the children of “Joe and Jane America” — no “PRIMARY SERIES”, no “new booster shot.”
Let’s say that “Joe or Jane America” decide to put off the “new booster shot” for their children, and instead decide to themselves take the “PRIMARY SERIES” of the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 “vaccine.” Since there’s a built-in time lag between injection #1 of BNT162b2 and injection #2, that means a roughly 5 month wait before they’re “eligible” for the “new booster shot.” If they start the “PRIMARY SERIES” this week, that would mean that they can get the “new booster shot” in late January, 2023 — UNLESS both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna shorten the timing of the “PRIMARY SERIES” to, let’s say, two months between injection #1 and injection #2.

Now, recall that Dr. Peter McCullough has warned that the “new COVID-19 plus Omicron BA.4/BA.5 booster shot” by Pfizer-BioNTech may have as much as 150mcg of mRNA enhanced spike protein (50mcg of the original Wuhan strain mRNA + 50cmg of the Omicron BA.4 strain mRNA + 50cmg of the Omicron BA.5 strain mRNA).

This would mean that “Joe and Jane America”, by following through on agreeing to taking the “PRIMARY SERIES” and then also the “new booster shot”, may be getting an accumulated total of as much as 210cmg of mRNA enhanced spike protein in their bodies from the Pfizer-BioNTech products (30mcg in each of the “PRIMARY SERIES” injections + up to 150mcg in the “new booster shot”) — or as much as 275mcg of mRNA enhanced spike protein in their bodies from the Moderna products (100mcg in each of the company’s “PRIMARY SERIES” injections + up to 75mcg in the “new booster shot”).

Now, from a Q&A on the upcoming “new Omicron boosters”, there’s this:
August 4, 2022
An interview with Johns Hopkins epidemiologist Keri Althoff, PhD:
Q: “Are there any risks associated with these boosters, since they were developed so rapidly?”
A: “No. We continue to monitor this technology,…those monitoring systems work, and they work really, really well,…And we know that these vaccines are definitely safe.”

This answer, of course, begs several questions, among them: How does Keri Althoff know that the “new booster shots” are safe? Especially since her primary research area, HIV/AIDS, has produced at least one paper which states there is an increased risk of “breakthrough COVID-19 infection” among HIV-postiive persons who get COVID-19 “vaccines”?
June 7,2022
“Analysis of Postvaccination Breakthrough COVID-19 infections Among Adults With HIV in the United States”

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Gail Combs

That ASSSumes Joe & Jane are STUPID ENOUGH to actually WANT the Clot Shot….


THIS is too fucking precious.

CDC Asshoe Bitch Walensky, recently said CDC made mistakes… Used best data or some such LIE. Guess she said or implied they’d get better.

So NOW, CDC Asshoe Bitch Walensky is Quadruple, or is it Quintuple, DOWN on:

  • Get Double Injected (Safe and Effective)
  • Get Boosted.
  • Get Another Booster.
  • Get Trivalant, whatever the fuck Booster, with a Triple Whammy of poison.

IMO, ** possibly ** Dr. Walensky has now been “read fully into” the plans by the [DS] / WEF / WHO / Cabal. regarding the “depop shots.” ** Possibly, ** she wasn’t “fully up so speed” before on the plans. So, voila! —- the CDC “all of a sudden” makes the new diktat that one can’t get the “new COVID-19 plsu Omicron booster shot” until they’ve had the “PRIMARY SERIES” of “depop shots.”

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

More warped chuckling.

Can hardly wait to ask my Quack about her take on the Triple jab. Should I get it. Is it safe and effective.

Going to take McCullough’s thought and openly ask the Quack. Along with, does she personally believe they are safe and effective.

Could be fun. Don’t care if she boots me from being a patient. I only see her to get scripts filled.

There are other Quacks out there. Could always go the cash route. Hell, maybe IndiaMart could send me what I need. Costs more, but it works.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Add another 30mcg of mRNA enhanced spike protein if the person got a “booster shot” of BNT162b2 that was previously-“approved” for persons over age 12.
Given the proof that the mRNA enhanced spike protein migrates and settles into all kinds of organs in the body (brain, blood, heart, bone marrow, ovaries, testes, etc.) — AND that the mRNA enhanced spike protein stays in the body for months post-“vaccination” — IMO, the potential for “vaccine”-engendered illness, injury, or death goes up on a Malthusian scale.
Might be an interesting question to the doctor if he/she knows that Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 are distinct variants, and that the “vaccine” manufacturers are lumping them together to make it look like just one variant with a “split name.”
FTA: “But BA.4 and BA.5 carry their own unique mutations,…”

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


They will NEVER STOP.

We had to be shown.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I warned people – the DEPOPPERS will absolutely NOT STOP until they are literally dead. They’re like machines with one purpose. Destroy humanity.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yup. People need that wrist-grabbing, shoulder-shaking, WTFU.


Oh I feel so left out. GOOD.
Means they won’t be pestering me every morning with a txt to get their jab, like they did last time.


So to get the garbage sandwich you have to first eat the trash sandwich?

A lot of people are going to be bummed out!


Such a great way with words. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Don’t do it!” yells the laughing student in the back of the auditorium.

Gail Combs

Also BRICS….




Comment lifted from MoA


Here’s another big deal : OPEC for Gas producers

Do not pay attention to Mr Watkins’, the author of the article, cursory obeissance to the regulation anti anti language, his reporting is objective, perceptive and goes beyond the usual superficial summaries of events found in most reports

The initiative to (re) form this alliance is as intelligent as the recent Russia accord with Turkey, and should it succeed in pulling in Qatar will decisively realign control of energy
Once again Mr Putin has been preparing this for many years, through the formation of the GECF, Gas exporting counties forum, and especially-

« Over and above the need for a good relationship between Qatar and Iran to ensure the optimal functioning of their huge joint gas reservoir, Russia and Iran see another area of particular vulnerability in Doha’s political makeup that can be exploited in the building out of a Gas OPEC, and that is its dislike for its other neighbor, Saudi Arabia. The blockade of Qatar from 2017 to 2021 was orchestrated by Saudi Arabia and actively endorsed by the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt initially, with later support coming from Jordan, Libya, and other smaller states. It has never been forgotten by Qatar, and nor has the support that was given to Doha during the period by Iran, and by Russia, both independently and via Turkey. »

Why pays so much attention to terrorist activities which only feed the USEU newscycle disconnect, when these are the acts and the policies that reshape the world


  :wpds_mad:  S U R P R I S E !   :wpds_evil: 



Ladies and Gentlemen – behold the media…


Comment lifted from MoA:


“RT reports that Bloomberg is being forced to retract it lies about Russia’s economy due to reality, such as the info I provided yesterday. I find getting reliable data on Russia’s economic performance difficult mainly because the initial knee-jerk reaction to the promised “sanctions from hell” proved to be so badly erroneous, which caused lots of heated criticism to be lodged against Russia’s central bank president. Inflation is acknowledged to be the #1 economic problem but was countered by Russia providing more than matching COLAs. Unemployment is under 4% with the biggest issues related to supply chain interruptions in areas where Russia has yet to establish 100% technological sovereignty. Still, the vast majority of National Projects are humming along on schedule and at cost, while new international transit projects have recently been announced. Today’s topic for discussion by Putin deals with the annual assault of wildfires which this year is actually “almost three times less than a year earlier – 2.8 times.”

Meanwhile, it’s reported that Kiev is following its Master’s example and is printing more of its worthless currency to cover its massive deficit. While outlets like Bloomberg publish their wishful thinking lies about Russia’s economy, Russia’s economy continues to grow and satisfy the basic demands of its people, something than cannot be said for the EU or Outlaw US Empire’s economies.”


Here’s link to report on economy above poster is referencing he provided yesterday:

It’s long, but worth a read … imo … /phoenix

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

Shivers…what in the world could be the reason ?



Maybe he does have all those diseases at once, but I also wonder about the tests.


Autoimmune, covid easier dt lowered immunity and gay male promiscuity. Hes a man ho.


If I was a member of the homosexual group I might be wondering about the lack of concern by the lofty medical overlords who have elevated gay life as wonderfully rich and rewarding.
i mean it’s very simple to avoid getting std’s, monkey pox, hiv….quit having unprotected sex with strangers. Apparently that’s too judgmental so the diseases will continue spreading. There wasn’t even a eye blink on the beastiality revelation the other day.


And the politicians and big conglomerates all but celebrating freak life styles.


Pharma is super happy to fly the freak flag for them……………they require lots and lots of meds
Even before mpox…gay life seems to be one nasty infection after the next because there’s absolutely little discretion about sexual partners.

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5
Valerie Curren

My son is near to taking the “vax” again…he asked me, again, to find info to help him. He doesn’t want to take it but feels compelled, to cross the border into Canada to visit his girlfriend, & also because he thinks his EMT training in a healthcare setting requires it…sigh…& prayers needed, again.

In looking for info I ran across this at Dr. Carrie Madej’s website. There are more than 200 photos provided.

I hope Wolf &/or Gail dives in a bit & perhaps some of our techies too. This could potentially be important info or deceptive. I honestly don’t know. The link worked in the last few minutes…

Found Moderna operating system nano parts in wife’s bloodstream! Proof!in Biological Warfare
Hi guys, I have something quite profound to show you. I am in a small C-19 patents with Ariyana Love, Michael McDowell and Carrie also. I extracted moderna operating system from my Wife’s bloodstream using foot detox pads! I found all the sensors biochips and even hydras all chopped up. I uploaded all my images here, more to add too. its so incredible to find this post vax! – all images are there and pdf summary also. cheers,

This post is found here:

Images in the South American Labs have labels, that appear to be in Spanish, but could aid in understanding what is being looked at…


From the cheap, uneducated seats. Me.

NOT addressing all the techie stuff above. Fundamental question, I think is, son wants to visit gf in Canada and maybe EMT stuff requires it.

  • Get injected again or not.

Blunt thoughts, sent with best of intentions.

ht someone. Perhaps TT or another QTreeper a few days back, had a great post.

  • Some husband, asked his school teacher wife contemplating getting the Injection. “Is it worth the risk”? Or something along those lines.
  • Wife opted for the injection. Resulting in a terrible disease, serious pain, etc.
  • Wife now regrets the Injection, blames the injection and acknowledges It Was Not Worth The Risk.
  • (Apologies to the original poster, if I mis-characterized the post. That is my take away, a few days after the post. 🙂
  1. KNOWING the risks. IS the Injection worth taking.
  2. VAERS.
  3. VAERS Open Data.


  1. Is It Worth The Risk?
  2. ESTABLISHED FACTS, the Injections AND Boosters are NOT safe, Not effective, compromise immune system, injure injected, cripple injected, kill injected, screw up reproductive stuff, hearts…
  3. (Is more information really necessary.)

Personally, IF I were still working, I’d rather shag shopping carts at the local grocery, than get injected.

Apologies IF this post is out of line or offensive.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN x 1000 !!!

I forgot which of three people told us that one, but YES – it is POWERFUL TRUTH.

Don’t regret the vaccine. Just like Dan Bongino!!!


I made that post and you are exactly correct. The husband refused the shot because he understood the risks. He prevented his children from getting the shots.

His wife was a teacher, and she was “required” to get the shot. He asked her, “Is the job worth it?”

She got the shot anyway. Her Crohn’s disease, which had been under complete control for 35 years, came roaring back, worse than ever. She is miserable, daily.

Amazingly, her own doctor told her the re-occurrence was caused by the shot. And so far there is NOTHING which gives her relief, let alone remission.

She told her husband that he was absolutely right, the job was NOT worth the risk.

I heard this from my uncle. My uncle is still close to his in-laws by marriage, and specifically the husband in question.

My uncle and I talk every week at length, and we discuss the hoax. So he is very attuned. He regarded the news as very compelling, as did I.


Thank you for correcting me!

AND, recounting the details.

VERY compelling Real Life Covidiot Injection horror story.

  • IS getting injected or Boosted worth it?
  • Millisecond later. No. NO. Hell NO.
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And it should only take a millisecond because nerve impulses are not instantaneous.

Valerie Curren

Perfect KBK–Thank you!

Son “knows” many of the risks, & is Extremely Hesitant. He Feels like he’s backed into a corner…if he doesn’t go to Canada to visit gf & her family by Fall/Winter her parents are going to try to break them up.

Work/School is a pressure point but gf is the real issue…I think…


It won’t matter if they break up if he is dead.

Show him the endless lists of deceased young people, from NO CAUSE LISTED.

He knows this has never happened before. People dropping dead like flies in the prime of their lives.

Yes, it is that serious.

And if her parents are that kind of people, he doesn’t want to be in that family anyway. Trust me, I know the hard way.

Valerie Curren

Well her family has all taken the shot in order to travel back to Guyana where there were from before migrating to Canada. So far they’ve had no (that we know of) health issues & being under True-Dope’s propaganda are unlikely to get the kind of info we discuss regularly here.

I’ve brought up Death, Disability, Sterility, & the risk to his desired career path, sports activities, & general lifestyle…numerous times!


Kids. They can be so stubborn.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

TY!!! 😯😯😡😡😠😠😡😡😯😯

Gail Combs

“….if he doesn’t go to Canada to visit gf & her family by Fall/Winter her parents are going to try to break them up…..”

It is NONE of their business! He can tell her that he does not want to risk his health and future children by KNOWINGLY taking a POISON.

Also you can ask them, if your son takes the shot and dies or becomes chronically ill, ARE THEY GOING TO COMPENSATE him or you?

Toss it back into THERE LAP!

Valerie Curren

I’ve had similar thought s & conveyed them to him too…great minds!!! TH 😁😁


This is almost too easy.

Ship her happy ass down to Michigan. Have her ‘rents visit, too, if they want.

Gail Combs

Very good solution.

Valerie Curren

She’s been to MI a couple times already…I was willing to move where We could host them all to get them safely out of Canada but no go so far…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


This kind of diabolical disinformation about “hydras” and machines and assorted BS will KILL YOUR SON, because it is ultimately unbelievable, because it is WRONG, and it makes good people give up and accept the vaccine.

It is a TRICK by the other side. It is CHAFF and COUNTERMEASURES.

You want real science that will save your son?

The censored hypothesis of Antonio Chaves that you referenced below is an example of REAL SCIENCE that is being much more effectively squelched. WHY? Because it gives CREDIT to our side – not discreditation like much of the “bad attempts at science out of their fields” that is typified by the “microscope studies”.

Chaves has a brilliant explanation of censored science – why the vaccine damage seems to localize in the heart. Trust me – FAUCI KNEW THIS.

And that is NOT the only place that the vaccine localizes to do damage.

Remember the Swedish study by de Marinis that showed genetic incorporation of the Pfizer vaccine into LIVER CELLS? Yes. This vaccine is an extreme risk for your son.

Don’t wait for “proof” on that to be published and acknowledged. It may be YEARS for the truth to come out, unless there is a “putting down” of the Bidenistas and their depop scheme very soon. Fauci is bailing to PROTECT THE DEATH SCAM.

Your son has DUTIES he must obey here.

  • being alive to care for his future wife in 10 years, 20 years, 30 years
  • not throwing away his liver
  • waiting for the TRUTH to come out
  • honoring his mother by LISTENING TO HER

How long would he WAIT for his future wife? THAT IS KEY.

Is he listening to LUSTS to be with her now? I know where that’s coming from.

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Here is the SCIENCE.

Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line

Aldén, M.Olofsson Falla, F.Yang, D.Barghouth, M.Luan, C.Rasmussen, M. & De Marinis, Y., 2022, In: Current Issues in Molecular Biology . 44, 3, p. 1115-1126
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review


Your son needs to do what my great aunt did, when her fiance fled Germany for England – WAIT.

He needs to not do what the fiance did – become impatient and GIVE UP HOPE. He married another woman in England, and regretted it. He wanted to get back together with my great aunt, but she didn’t answer his letters, because she would not break up his marriage.

The spike protein does not belong in the bloodstream. Even Novavax damages the heart.

If your son gets COVID, he will get immunity. If he treats with ivermectin, it will prevent genomic incorporation, thwarting their plot.

There are other ways. Don’t give up hope in TRUTH and LOVE!!!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And when somebody says that the vaccine stays in the arm…… LIES!

CDC quietly removed that LIE from their website just recently, as it has become clear it was a KNOWING LIE. They had the Pfizer data showing that the vaccine migrated in animal studies. It HAS TO MIGRATE, because the same lipid nanoparticle technology that encapsulates the mRNA and gets it into cells, allows it to persist and move throughout the body.

Valerie Curren

This is absolutely excellent. I’m quoting virtually All of this to Brandon in a post I’m putting together to provide “easy” access to the info (on my main blog, though I’ll share a link here at some point when I get to Publish it).

God bless you for THIS and ALL That You Do to Inform & Protect Us!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m saying this in all earnest, and without ANY double meanings:

Let’s go, Brandon!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! AMEN!!!

Valerie Curren

LOL. I Really hope he stops by & sees That!

Valerie Curren

Here’s a link that appears to access this 300+ page book…

Valerie Curren

another possible anti-coagulating natural item, Chinese red dates or jujubes…fyi

Valerie Curren

a pre-print article that may be of interest

Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA Vaccination in Randomized Trials

found link here:

Valerie Curren

another article/comment of potential interest from Dr. Medej’s site:

Feb 20
Edited: Feb 20

Did Moderna play a key role in creating the SARS-Cov-2 virus?in Information Warfare
I can barely get through this article because it is very technical and my background in molecular biology is limited.
How to BLAST your way to the truth about the origins of COVID-19
Using BLAST is easy. I’m going to show you how easy and how to prove that SARS-Cov-2 is man-made

At any rate, the author found a 19-base DNA sequence shared by both a 2018 Moderna patented gene and the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Here is the sequence of interest:


I should like to point out that this not just any random sequence. It found in right smack in the middle of the spike protein and it contains the infamous “furin cleavage site.”

Any insight on this by someone who understands this article would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the article:

Here is the link to the original comment:

Valerie Curren

Scientist shut down on linked in…for asking scientific questions…

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Feb 20

The difficulty of discussing SARS-Cov-2 with other scientistsin Information Warfare
I am a biologist who teaches at a community college. Sadly, I cannot discuss the science at my school because almost everyone in my department is under the spell of Fauci.

Yesterday in hopes to find like-minded scientists I went to Linkedin and commented on a paper. This resulted in a threat to restrict my account (See link below):

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I will discuss anything with anyone, but I am particularly interested in how the virus was made and how the spike protein interacts with the ACE-2 receptor.

comment found here:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s a beautiful example right there, of censorship hurting REAL science in the name of these damned depopulation shots.

Gail Combs

Not to mention in ClimAstrology.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have to say, I love that term “climastrology”!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff!!!



With all the boys plus the cancer risk, Im glad he did it.


Yes, and I doubt he wants to go through raising another litter of puppies!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Ten is Enough”!!!


“Cheaper by the Dozen”


For real fun, Bakers Dozen.  😂  😅  😂 


Now he knows.


Kevin Sorbo: “Has anyone tried unplugging the United States and then plugging it back in again?”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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“brink” on Twitter says:

I will never forget what they did.

July 30, 2020:

I get it. My dad wasn’t important. So it’s ok to limit his funeral to 10 people tomorrow.

We will never forget.

Valerie Curren

testimonials of vax injured

Q: What do you wish others knew?I wish others knew these vaccine injuries are real, people are really suffering. Doctors don’t know how to fix us, we continue to be sick, and we are suffering while also being silenced. We matter too. We want help. We want answers. We want to feel better again.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“I didn’t think they had alligators in Pennsylvania.”

They have alligators in Colorado. In the San Luis valley–which is ringed by mountains but itself flat as a plate at about 7700 feet altitude.

No, they’re not native (and neither are any in Pennsylvania) but there is a hot spring there, and there’s an alligator refuge.


Well thats interesting. Were they pets?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am guessing–mind you guessing–that some of them were.

But they have scores of alligators there.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Unlike alligators, mountains exist in Colorado but not Pennsylvania.


Ha. I told kiddo so he wants to see your gator swimming preserve. I guess its not quite EU rules yet where they cull them all for being non native.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Colorado Gators – Reptile Rescue and Education

On the other hand, if he just wants to see lots and lots of reptiles, he wants to visit Reptile Gardens right outside of Rapid City SD. Biggest reptile collection in the world.


Well thats 1 of the areas we are looking to move to. He’d have fun there.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That place was like Mecca for us kids! I recall begging for years to go there!




I saw my first live alligator from the Deck of the USS North Carolina, on display in Wilmington NC. That was a safe distance  😄  .. was probably 8 yrs old. The waters were teaming with them.
Years later it was routine (and probably illegal too ) for some in the High School science class to make a trip from Md. and bring a baby one back to class where it cold be fed and observed in a special built tank with heavy wire fenced walls.
Release of non-native species pets into the wild is a huge problem everywhere.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chris – all your posts are dumping into the bin because you have errors in your login. Wrong email (two letters added) and an invalid website (four letters). Remove those six letters and you will log in OK.


I like how FL pays by the foot to capture the constructors. Gators in Penn and CO seems pretty crazy.
NC gas some really neat megalodon and other prehistoric shark finds, regular sharks, purate ships, turtles….mountains, et al. I think my son would have fun(from a distance) too.


H/t American Greatness through Citizen Free Press

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Mush-Mind pooped his depends.  😂  😅  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s the WHOLE POINT of that damned drug – to THWART IMMUNITY.




Right! What the hell is WRONG with people!?

Happy go lucky

stupid beyond belief is my best guess 🤷‍♀️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People want to believe their doctors, but the whole of medicine has been taken over at the top. People can’t see what’s happening – they can’t reason, even when the truth is staring them in the face. Just like Bezmenov called it.








None of this makes sense in medicine – but people are afraid to speak up, for fear that they might lose their license. THIS IS NOT RIGHT.




Isn’t the obvious (though not necessarily correct) answer that the vaxx suppresses the immune system in some way similar to acquired immune deficiency syndrome…

Therefore an AIDS treatment drug (e.g., Paxlovid) would be a way to treat vaccine acquired immune deficiency syndrome (VAIDS)?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – this creates ONE POSSIBLE THEORY.

  • Paxlovid rebound phenomenon is actually a function of having been vaccinated
  • Thus, worsened immune system cannot fight off virus, and virus bounces back when drug + bad immunity fails to clear it.
  • Virus finally clears after rebound, possibly taking days more
  • Pfizer believes that inclusion of ritonavir can treat VAIDS, without admitting truth about VAIDS.
  • Thus, it’s a cover-up formulation
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pfizer will then be administering vaccines that cause VAIDS, and drugs that treat VAIDS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And that explains a long-term goal of the virus! Getting (V)AIDS into as many people as possible.


The (or a) next question is, if Pfizer is administering vaccines that cause VAIDS, then why not just let the people die, rather than treat them with something that prolongs their life?

The answer could be:

A) living sick people are much more profitable than sick people who die

B) timing is a problem, everybody can’t start dying off too quickly, or the herd will notice and panic stampede

C) a combination of the two

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. There is likely an optimal blend of the two, so I’m going with C. Monetize depopulation. Just like hospitals did.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But here is the thing.

I think Fauci has been lying about way more than COVID. THUS, I don’t trust any of his AIDS stuff.

We have already seen that he specializes in “cures” that do the SAME work as the disease. Example – remdesivir mimicking COVID organ shutdown.

All of that makes SENSE if he’s depopping and trying to piggyback on the disease, to boost the result.

SO – when he was offing gays and kids during AIDS, I will bet that he was using ritonavir to actually destroy their immune systems over time, letting the disease take the heat.

And THAT then explains PAXLOVID rebound. When people take it, it actually does immune damage, giving us the observed result.


If he’s just murdering regular Americans, the MSM couldn’t care less about that.

But if it turns out that Little Tony is a mass-murderer of homosexuals, they will lose their minds and go after him like he’s shark bait.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point. Hmmmmm……


Pretty good guess!


“Right! What the hell is WRONG with people!?”


It would appear that the skeptical, suspicious and distrusting group is a much smaller group than we imagined it to be.

And the group who believes whatever people in a position of authority tell them, is a much, much larger group than we ever suspected.

So it may be as difficult for our smaller group to accept that the larger group exists, as it is for the larger group to understand our existence.

Or it could be something else entirely, altogether 😁


Some days I feel like a damned alien.


would you think she is really positive and she is vaxxed, or is this fake result to create fear or what?

Barb Meier

I don’t remember a single puplically known democrat dying of long covid or covid they did not start saying they had covid until they wanted to use it to get out of the media spotlight. Did I miss someone?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think it’s a typical case of Paxlovid doing exactly what it DOES, and what it is supposed to do – which is to suppress natural immunity.

Paxlovid “rebound” has been known from the beginning.

But it’s a very weird phenomenon. AND paxlovid is also a very weird drug. It’s actually TWO drugs, and one is an AIDS drug being given ALLEGEDLY because it keeps the other drug from being metabolized.

I don’t buy that reasoning. Something is wrong here.

I think Fauci has been lying about a lot more than we realized.


“I think Fauci has been lying about a lot more than we realized.”



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Maybe to keep both out of the media. People were wondering who the Joe Biden was who made his remarks today…meds or body double?


“would you think she is really positive and she is vaxxed, or is this fake result to create fear or what?”


It seems that if we conclude the opposite of whatever they tell us, we will nearly always be much closer to the truth. Why should anyone believe anything these pathological liars say?

So if they tell us she’s vaxxed, then she’s not vaxxed.

If they tell us she tested positive for Covid, she didn’t test positive, they probably didn’t even test her.

If they tell us she’s sick with Covid, she’s not sick with Covid.

At first it may seem too simplistic to be useful, but when practically everything they say is scripted to create a Potemkin village, and the Potemkin village, by it’s nature, exists in opposition to reality, then the lies being told in order to support the Potemkin village construct are often going to be in opposition to reality as well.

Sometimes what they say won’t be the exact opposite of the truth of course, but it will nearly always be a lie, so if we are in the habit of assuming whatever they say is a lie, it blunts the initial deception enough that what they say is at least processed as if it was a lie, instead of slipping right past our defenses, into ‘acceptance’.


Another sudden, unexplained death of a young athlete.

16 year-old Philly athlete dies suddenly…No one knows why he died…

Watching this parade of death is like being in the Twilight Zone. We can see so much, and when people finally wake up, there will be lots of anger and finger-pointing. For those who were vaxed (which is likely most of them), why did they get vaxed? Was it a parental decision? a school or work requirement? a travel requirement? etc. Who mandated it? Then those people will point the finger at those above them. Hospital restrictions, CDC guidelines, “corporate” said so, etc.

One problem that I’ve read is that routine autopsies don’t detect the vax as the cause of death.


At some point, whether or not an autopsy found the vaxx as the cause will be irrelevant. There are going to be TOO DAMNED MANY. Too many deaths of young, healthy, but VACCINATED people.

You’re right, it is like the Twilight Zone.


“You’re right, it is like the Twilight Zone.”


It’s been waiting since 1982 for your arrival 😁


Last edited 2 years ago by scott467


Gail Combs

“,,,,One problem that I’ve read is that routine autopsies don’t detect the vax as the cause of death.”


Embalmers report finding long, fibrous blood clots in deceased people who got COVID-19 vaccine. Funeral director John O’Looney of Milton Keynes, England did a video where he showed the LONG rubbery clots they were finding.

Now the same is found here in the USA and embalmers are speaking out.

Embalmer alarmed by mysterious blood clots in vaccinated peopleColleagues in industry also report anomaly in more than half of their cases

Amid indications from many different sources of a dramatic rise in the sudden onset of serious illnesses following COVID-19 vaccination, a veteran embalmer is reporting that he and more than a dozen colleagues in the industry have been noticing strange blood clots in most of their cases.

Richard Hirschman, with more than 20 years of experience in the funeral industry in Alabama, says that in mid-2021, he began noticing odd blood clots in arteries and lungs he had never seen before…..

Hirschman said that last month, he found that 65% of his cases exhibited the clots. He told Kirsch that every one of the 15 people in the industry with whom he has spoken has observed the same alarming trend….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Unrelated but I found the name “Milton Keynes” for a town in the UK to be funny.

Combining Milton Friedman and John Maynard Keynes.

Gail Combs

I was thinking the same..


It was originally the village of Middleton, and part of the lands of the de Cahaines family. Being subject to the usual British muddling of spelling and pronunciation, the area was fortunate to escape with “Milton Keynes”.

The “new city” is about 50 miles north-west of London and got the “planned city” treatment in the late ’60’s, when such things were popular. It borrowed the name of its predecessor village, and was finally declared a city in 2022.

The northern border of the new city is the River Great Ouse (pronounced “ooze”).


Emanated from a pub more than likely…really late at night.


“16 year-old Philly athlete dies suddenly…No one knows why he died…


Except me.

I know why he died.

Because my next door neighbor is Rod Serling, and I live in a real life Twilight Zone 👍😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Holy crap. This right here proves that the “rush to chump energy” is a planned disaster.

They know what they’re doing. They know it won’t work. They know millions will die.

What the heck is going on?

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“What the heck is going on?”


I don’t want to be an alarmist, or jump to any conclusions, but… could it be something… not good?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’re right. Hmmmm.


Zelensky head on tyler durden’s body(Fight Club).
This guy is the 21st century Che.


Only in the ‘collective’ West, as it is now being labeled …

Valerie Curren

Vaccine package inserts:

Covid “vax” related:

Comirnaty purple cap

Comirnaty gray cap


Smallpox and Monkeypox:


Smallpox (Vaccinia):


Here’s who’s running the site, so reassuring!/s

Institute for Vaccine Safety
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
615 N Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21205

All rights reserved.

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© 2022 Institute for Vaccine Safety

This website meets the criteria for credibility and content as defined by the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety.

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California is no longer American.

California to Ban Sale of New Gasoline-Powered Cars

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Elite paradise. No cars for you peons.

So obvious now, how the elite are making their move.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Climate commies are destroying America.


I sure hope they keep the peons updated on the arrival and use of their E limos and personal cars. That should happen well in advance of the mandate…they know how needy and stupid we are..we need to see our betters using these things…amiright ?!


You can’t get anywhere in CA without a car … am I right?


Maybe by then they hope to have the collective commie utopia up and running. If one is of value to the regime and has need to do collective biz, he/she will be given a vehicle. The rest of the people can sit at home twiddling their thumbs until the ebus picks them up for their assigned job ??


Thanks Molly …


LOL, it’s not really funny at all but it’s getting so nutz. A struggling people, knowing full well that economic hard times are going to get much worse and this jackass and his peers announcing their stupid BS ?/

Their Build Back Better pyramid got another block .




That ought to drive out another several hundred thousand in a couple of years.

NYC banning gas furnaces, appliances, etc in new construction 2024

The feel of jackboot on neck must be a rush for them.


What about diesels? How about propane fueled cars?

Exasperated minds want to know.

Also, it violates the commerce clause of the fed constitution.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2

That horse left the barn a long time ago.

One of the peculiar things about scouting around NC and TN is that I went to Home Depot and Lowes….and about 10% of the stuff there said “not for sale in California” (almost anything in the paint aisle, or power garden tools, or….). How does CA get away with this? “Waivers” from their DC commie friends.

Chicken eggs, gasoline, foie gras — there are so many things where CA just runs right over the Commerce Clause.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How so?

They have the general police power, they can ban whatever they want to in their state as being a health hazard, a safety hazard, what have you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

DO NOT RUN ANY ELECTRIC INTO CALIFORNICATE… you can stop all the rivers too.


Another thing we see on products is” this product is know to cause cancer in California”
and the standard response is a head shaking ..good thing we don’t live in California  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chris – all your posts are dumping into the bin because you have errors in your login. Wrong email (two letters added) and an invalid website (four letters). Remove those six letters and you will log in OK.

Cuppa Covfefe

By 2035 (a bit of fear-mongering by the media):

From the article:

It will require 100 percent of all new cars sold in the state by 2035 to be free of fossil fuel emissions.


“…all new cars sold in the state…”

Car dealerships in Nevada, Utah, and Oregon are probably salivating.


I’m wondering how these electric cars will fair during hurricane evacuations away from the coast of Texas. Hours long lines!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Apparently when I-95 got blizzarded a couple of years ago, bringing traffic to a standstill in sub freezing weather, the results were mixed. Some came out all right, others didn’t.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

NOT gonna happen!!!



Too funny for me.

But, BUT, BUT, wut about fast shiny sports cars, limos and toys for politicos, big shot execs, hollyweird…demand as they are pampered or show off status symbols.

Oh. I get it. The new cars, limos will be EVs.
^^^ Bring on the wind and solar power.  😂  😅  😂 
^^^ Wut could go wrong. /s


Speaking of dysfunctional CA…. Been intending to float this.

Guess it IS a coincidence…

  • THIS year CA has had few, if any major blackouts.
  • ^^^ Yea, that one must be a coincidence.
  • AND.
  • Other than the one Yosemite / Big Trees fire, a few weeks back, NO SERIES of HUGE wild fires in CA.
  • ^^^ Clearly another coincidence.

^^^ Could NOT be related to D-Rats in CA, running skeered with November 8 looming.

^^^ And the push for CA folks to buy ~$60K EVs.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Remember my 2 power outages? That was it. My spidey sense tells me it was a Dem stunt. Either that or Abbot in an election year finally put the hammer down. It was much hotter in the weeks after and we never lost power again.


Interesting observation.

Valerie Curren

This place is making my blood boil…so many lies…straight up evil!

an example:

Conclusions from Clinical Trial Data
The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are two-dose mRNA vaccines that are highly efficacious against COVID-19 (~90-95%); the Novavax vaccine is a two-dose protein subunit vaccine that is also highly efficacious against COVID-19 (~90%); and the J&J vaccine is a one-dose viral vector vaccine that is less efficacious but still protective against moderate to severe disease (~67%). Mild to moderate local and systemic side effects are common and should be expected; systemic side effects are more frequent following second doses, and most local and systemic side effects are less common among older adults than among children, adolescents, and young adults. Mild to moderate local and systemic side effects after the Janssen vaccine are less common than after the mRNA vaccines but should still be expected. Other than hypersensitivity reactions discussed below, no associations with other adverse events of special interest were found with these vaccines. Preliminary data have not revealed any safety signals among pregnant persons who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.


POTUS calling out the “Wrap Up Smear”

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 08/24/2022 14:21:28
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108879235564980127
[video src="" /]

Last edited 2 years ago by eilert
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember – Clinton basically fired all of DOJ and replaced it with “his people” – including RADICAL Eric Holder high up in the food chain.


Texas joins the fray over companies pushing ESG.

BlackRock, BNP Paribas, and Credit Suisse are among the list of firms that Texas has just issued that will now be banned from working with the state due to their hostility to the energy industry.

comment image


The more, the better!


GOOD move Texas.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️


The Russians have said that the Duma will make a “tough statement” tomorrow (The 25th. August)

They will adopt a tough statement tomorrow at 3pm Russian Time
That is 8 am Eastern Time

“The message from the State Duma Council will be addressed to the UN and all international parliamentary organizations.”


The State Duma is one of the chambers of the Russian parliament, the Federal Assembly. It is a legislative authority that consists of 450 members elected for five years.

But but but. . .Biden on several occasions has called Putin a dictator, a murderous dictator who commits genocide. . .how can that be?


“Real dictators wear hats, with wide brims and a close fitting uniform with shiny boots. Nowadays, after eating fast foods, there are very few that can still get in a uniform at all. So Putin must be a dictator as he can take his shirt off without looking like Bojo”. Joe Tzu.


Will be interesting.


Brave and Free

Is it the war he’s fighting against PDJT and the white hats?
Don’t know if I should add sarcasm to that or not?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I hear you!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Cancel the WuFlu State of Emergency. IT’S OVER!!!
They even said so months ago, it’s the reason they used for cancelling TItle 42. Now to try to use for this? Nope, doesn’t fly.


The cultural diversity is a brilliant addition to England…it’s almost like a medieval faire when they battle.. 😉 


GOOD thing them “Civilized” Brits, have no 2A or guns widely in citizen hands.


Wearing WHITE sneakers? Who the heck wears white sneakers to a machete fight???!!!

Dang, no proper STYLE any more!

comment image


Posted @ MoA:

William Schryver weighs in……

“Unlike the Whore Western Media William Schryver Provides the Accurate Picture of Russia’s Destruction of the Western-trained Ukraine Military:

The “Demilitarization” of Ukraine has been precisely the Russian mentality in Ukraine. Their foremost objective, from the very beginning, as explicitly articulated by President Vladimir Putin in his historic speech of February 24, 2022, was to “demilitarize” Ukraine – to destroy its army.

When the war began, the most capable, experienced, well-armed, and well-positioned Ukrainian forces were NOT in Kiev, but in the Donbass and Mariupol. They had been positioning there for months, with the ultimate objective of retaking the Donbass and Crimea – a goal never far from the minds of Ukraine’s ideological and political leaders.
Indeed, they spoke of it openly and without qualification. They strongly believed the strength of their armed forces, after eight years of preparation, had reached a point where it was capable of actually achieving that objective.

Their benefactors in NATO encouraged them to believe this – for it was also NATO’s fondest dream to raise its banners over the naval base at Sevastopol, and thereby wield dominance over the entire Black Sea and the Bosporus.

Pursuant to this and many other geostrategic objectives – arresting Russian resurgence foremost among them – NATO had been providing arms to Ukraine for years, and those arms shipments were expanded and accelerated dramatically in late 2021.

Tens of thousands Ukrainian troops had been trained in the use of these NATO armaments. And, as was known to anybody paying even casual attention, thousands of western intelligence operatives, special forces, and mercenary contractors (predominantly American, British, and French – and lots of them) were embedded with front-line Ukrainian forces, where several have since been killed or captured, and a substantial contingent still remains.

Many of these western troops are there primarily to coordinate the reception, interpretation, and “actionable” use of highly prized and even more highly classified US/NATO “ISR” (Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance) data.

The Mother of All Proxy Armies

The army the US/NATO built in Ukraine, by the beginning of 2022, had swelled to become the largest and best-armed land force in Europe. By almost every metric, it was more potent than the combined armies of Germany, France, and Italy.

The Ukrainian military was purpose-built to serve the interests of the American Empire in its long-established goal to cripple Russia and prevent it from ever again being able to wield global influence; to effect its ultimate dismemberment and reduce it to a faint fragment of its former status and glory – to realize the geopolitical objective expressed in the popular cold-war-era board game RISK, which erased Russia from the world map.

The Russian decision to invade Ukraine in late February 2022 was motivated by and predicated upon all of these factors in aggregate, and was hastened by the widespread Ukrainian artillery strikes on the Donbass region that had commenced weeks previously.
To destroy this powerful “Mother of All Proxy Armies” which the United States and its NATO partners had methodically constructed on its borders was, logically and manifestly, Russia’s foremost objective.

There was no other.

The elimination of this substantial threat on their literal doorstep was understandably viewed by the Russians as an existential imperative.

Destroying the Mother of All Proxy Armies

And, in order to best achieve that objective, they effected a classic Russian stratagem to impede the possibility of the forces in northern Ukraine from reinforcing those in eastern and southern Ukraine once the fighting began.

THIS is why they conducted the elaborate “feint and fix” operation in and around Kiev.
And, all things considered, it worked perfectly.

That said, it is essential to understand that the greatest and most effective feints must be convincing. And, to be convincing, they very often risk being costly. The best feints are based on a cost/benefit analysis whose “benefit” often represents the foremost objective of a war.

In the case of the feint and fix operation in Kiev, there was a substantial cost – although it was not nearly as costly as western war propagandists have sought to portray it. This is because much of the feint consisted of demonstrations of intent, rather than concrete actions.

For example, after achieving air dominance in the first few days of the war, the Russians assembled a huge armored column, and casually drove it down the main highway from the north towards Kiev. Then they essentially just parked it there for many days, occasionally pretending to be heading in one direction or another, before eventually pulling back to their own borders, and sweeping around to join the forces preparing to launch the main offensive in the Donbass.

Everything it did north of Kiev was all for show. They didn’t break down; their troops didn’t run away; they didn’t run out of gas. It was just a big “feint-in-force”.

Even Belarus assisted in the theatrics by assembling troops and vehicles, moving them around aggressively just across the border from Ukraine, and making veiled threats to join the Russian assault on Kiev – which, of course, they never did, because no such assault was ever envisioned. And these aggressive Belarusian demonstrations ceased once the Russians concluded the feint operation and moved their forces to the southeast.
The result of this feint operation was that, over the course of several weeks, the Russians effectively “fixed” over 100,000 Ukrainian troops and their equipment in the vicinity of Kiev, took control of key transportation nodes and corridors between Kiev and the Donbass, and simultaneously conducted a major offensive to encircle and annihilate the 20,000-strong Ukrainian army group in Mariupol, a highly strategic port city on the coast of the Sea of Azov.

The forces in Mariupol included the notorious neo-Nazi “Azov Battalion”, whose arming and training had long been a US/NATO priority, and they were considered to be one of the most formidable components of the Ukrainian army.

The forces in Mariupol also included many dozens of NATO “advisors” (CIA, special forces, and so-called “contractors”). Also present were ~2500 foreign mercenaries, most of them NATO veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

While potential reinforcements remained idle and immobile in and around Kiev, the powerful force in Mariupol was methodically surrounded and systematically annihilated in an operation I am confident will be studied in war colleges for generations as one of the most impressive prosecutions of urban warfare ever executed.

The Russians completely reversed the generally accepted casualty ratio between attacker and defender, and did so against an enemy shielded within massive and complex fortifications it had prepared for years inside the sprawling Azovstal steel plant.

While all of this was taking place, Russian forces and their allies from the Donetsk and Lugansk republics engaged in “shaping the battlefield” in the Donbass region in anticipation of the next and most important stage of the war.

Bear in mind, the Ukrainian forces in the Donbass had spent eight long years building an elaborate series of hardened fortifications in the region with the objective of resisting a Russian attack and inflicting severe damage upon them when they did.

Of course, the Russians knew all this, and they clearly planned out a course of action designed to overcome the advantages that accrued to the Ukrainians as a result of their fortifications and their reprehensible tactics of using civilians and their dwellings as shields.

As matters stand here in early July, it is now incontrovertible that the Russian operation in the Donbass has been an overwhelming victory. It is, in my estimation, the most impressive management of a quasi-urban battlefield in modern history. The original force, consisting of over 60,000 of the best-trained and best-equipped soldiers in the Ukrainian army, has been effectively destroyed. It has suffered catastrophic losses of its experienced, NATO-trained professional cadres. Its massive losses of personnel have been partially replenished by poorly trained territorial militia troops, but its even more massive losses of heavy weaponry cannot be replenished.

I described the Russian strategy and tactics in a previous post:

Here is a brief summation of the Russian tactical approach to the Battle of the Donbass:

Step #1: Advance reconnaissance units (often in force, with dozens or hundreds of drones overhead) to assess the situation; draw fire; relay to commanders raw video and geo-coordinates.

Step #2: With target-correcting drone swarms overhead, relaying real-time strike video, proceed to savage the fortifications with towed and mobile artillery, Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (in gradations of strength and precision), and even horrific thermobaric munitions for particularly suitable targets.

Let smoke clear.

Repeat Step #1.

Still something moving there?

Repeat Step #2.
Repeat Step #1.

Dead bodies everywhere?

Step #3: Send in tanks and infantry to mop up.

Move to next series of fortifications.

And so on and so forth …

This is why Ukraine now suffers hundreds of battle deaths every single day. And why, for months, the Russians have suffered very few casualties – at least a 1 to 10 ratio – and quite likely much lower.

The artillery (with occasional air and precision missile strikes) is doing all the fighting.
The Russian objective was NEVER to “take Kiev”. I’ve heard all the arguments and rationalizations to the contrary. They are demonstrably fallacious. The foremost Russian objective was ALWAYS to destroy the Ukrainian army, the most potent groupings of which were positioned in the Donbass and in Mariupol. And they have done so COMPREHENSIVELY.

I am likewise persuaded that “demilitarization” will continue to be the Russian objective in Ukraine until the Ukrainians beg to surrender, accepting whatever terms the Russians propose.

Only then will the disposition of territory be decided once and for all, and if the map includes at all a toponym for a sovereign Ukraine, it will likely look somewhat like this:

We can only hope desperate #EmpireAtAllCosts fanatics in London and Washington don’t commit a fatal blunder in their futile attempts to retain hegemony in the face of a resurgent multipolar world.

At the beginning of the SMO, Ukraine had the largest and best equipped army in Europe with the exception of Russia & Belarus. It was larger than the combined French/German armies.

Today, the Ukrainian army is a shambles. That is 6 months to reduce the largest army in Western Europe to volksturm equipped with rifles.

NATO is now sending it’s reserve stocks of weapons to Ukraine so the Russians can destroy them. This expressly includes the USA.

You can’t make this stuff up!

Valerie Curren

I really Hope this is true!

comment image

comment imageJason Chambers



Is ANYONE going to do anything about it…..?


Valerie, you can research things like this before posting them.

I searched for this: “Did Robert Kennedy Junior have a case before SCOTUS about pharmaceutical companies?”

It brought up this article:

The article says this:

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The Supreme Court has not issued any rulings regarding the safety of coronavirus vaccines. Kennedy, a lawyer who has advocated against vaccinescalled articles sharing the claim “misinformation.” He said he has been involved in dozens of lawsuits regarding vaccine safety, but none of them have reached the Supreme Court.

So while fact-checkers often have an agenda, this one has a quote from Kennedy himself and a fact that is easily verifiable by anyone (whether SCOTUS has taken up a case that involves Kennedy). Also, the meme is about irreparable damage by vaxes, and pharmaceutical companies being held responsible. But since none of Kennedy’s cases have reached SCOTUS, a case like that has not, either.

From the article:

Dozens of such posts shared over the past week link to blogs that regularly publish hoaxes and misinformation. The undated articles do not list an author and are nearly identical from site to site. They allege the nation’s highest court has sided with a group of scientists and Kennedy in a lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and the nation’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The articles go on to erroneously claim that the defendants failed to prove “vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens,” and falsely assert that the court “canceled universal vaccination.” The articles and posts also include a supposed quote from Kennedy.

But Kennedy told The Associated Press that the articles are false, as is the quote. 

“The article about the Supreme Court is misinformation,” Kennedy said. “The quote is fabricated. Clearly somebody made it up and is promoting it because the same quote keeps coming back no matter how many times I deny it. The same article keeps reappearing.” 

Furthermore, there is no legal case that matches the one described in the articles.

My next step would be to look into the person(s) spreading these falsehoods and not follow them.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
Brave and Free

Thanks TT.

Brave and Free

Is DeSantis gearing up for 2024 or a VP spot?
More effective in FL currently for the next two years then leave as VP?

Last edited 2 years ago by Brave and Free

Guessing it is still pounce on DeSantis week, month…

Below from above link.

^^^ Notice the sign behind DeSantis. Clutch the pearls folks. DeSantis IS trying to edge out Trump. /s

Personally, I think it IS GREAT DeSantis IS being BLUNT about FauXi, and so much other BS in everyday life.

  • Where is the rest of the R-Con Senators, congress Schmucks, Guvners, has beens like pence…?

DeSantis is running for reelection in November, so of course he is campaigning. I’m not sure what people expect.

Brave and Free

Agreed, just waiting to see how this pans out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


And I love the phraseology that DeSantis is using about hurting kids, because it is the perfect foundation for when DEPOP is PROVEN to the horror of all.

Brave and Free


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hopium memes are typically NOPIUM memes, and sadly are quickly converted to SNOPIUM.


That’s a lot of “opium”! 😅

Valerie Curren

Thanks TT…Most Excellent digging. I very much appreciate this detailed info!!!


I gotta tell y’all a funny election politics story.

I saw the thing from the Lindell summit asking for people to get the Cast Vote Records from their county. You have to file a FOIA request, and explain to the County Election Supervisor what those records even are, which could be, they said, difficult.

I couldn’t find a FOIA request form for my county, so I decided to call up the Election Supervisor and ask her what to do. I’ve spoken with her before; she is a nice lady.

She knew immediately what it was I was asking for. She has had about ten phone calls so far. However, those records are not available, because the way Montana audits elections doesn’t call for them. She explained that the way they work is that the counting machine has to have ink loaded into it, and it “sprays” a number on the ballot. She said she is afraid of it! Ballot spoilage, I guess. I could tell she was expecting me to be mad about it not being available. She said several times “I’m not hiding it, I just don’t have it.”

Anyway, she explained that the way every big election in Montana is audited (which happens every time) is that a group of people from around the state rolls dice to determine which counties to audit, and then rolls again to determine which precincts will be audited. All ballots in Montana are paper, so the audited counties get re-counted by hand. She said every time in thirty years that she has audited, the counts were accurate with the machine count. She said I am welcome to come this November 17 and observe the count, audit, or anything else I want to watch from the coming election.

I then asked her about the software she uses to account for poll workers, and told her about Konnech and their connection to China. She laughed. She said her system is, when someone volunteers to be a poll worker, she writes it on a Post It. If they show up and complete the training, she enters them on her Excel spreadsheet! It lives on her computer.

Sometimes living in Montana is a pain in the ass, but phone calls like that are one of the things that makes it all worth it.


Now, if we could get the other 49 states to follow Montana’s lead.


No kidding.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s exactly what I want to do nationwide.

AUTOMATICALLY recount randomly selected precincts. Rolling dice, picking lotto balls, something like that, not computer “random” (which rarely is truly random). No matter how lopsided the race was. Usually an automatic recount is only for close races…which just means the fraudsters have to not let it be close.


Yes. I like the dice-roll.


When I had my internal auditors running around doing “micro-tests”, they were instructed to first display the population to the document sources. Then they were to roll dice in front of the documentation sources to show how they chose samples.

Whenever I went places on vacation, I’d bring them back dice.


Unless they are loaded, dice are completely random. And it’s fair.

Gail Combs

Let US bring the dice.   :wpds_cool: 


This lady probably would!


I was not able to see the whole thing (two days at 12 hours each I think) as the Rumble video from RSBN would not work right for me, and I am not on .

I am under the impression that Mike Lindell made THREE “Calls to Action”.

ONE was to get ALL counties “Cast Vote” records.

Mike Lindell said that the form for this was available at .

I do NOT know what the OTHER TWO are.


Is anybody on , and able to provide a link to the form ?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Vote on Election Day

Link to get Cast Vote records.


Calling for States to file injunctions to get rid of machines. Many already have.


TY bfly !
But I’m not on frankspeech !

Is there a .pdf link at that site ?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I was afraid of that. Sorry, the cast vote instructions are pages and pages and more pages long. If you register they want a phone number. I didn’t mind, they already had mine from mypillow purchases.


OK thanks for the feedback !
(I hope Mike Lindell posts it to his Gab page)


Im gonna say dont get treated by anyone who graduates penn state. Medical competence trumps EVERYTHING else.

Penn Medical School Expands Minority-Candidate Program That Does Not Require MCAT

The University of Pennsylvania expanded a program that admitted minority and other underrepresented college applicants into its Perelman School of Medicine under special criteria, including waiving the Medical College Admission Test requirement.

The program has “officially broadened” this year to include students from Howard University, Oakwood University, Xavier University of Louisiana, Morehouse College and Spelman College, according to a Perelman School of Medicine news release.

The Penn Access Summer Scholars program selects a group of diverse college candidates to complete two eight-week summer mentorship sessions with medical professionals.

Upon completion, students may be eligible for early admission into Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine, contingent upon the successful completion of “three semesters of a roster of rigorous science courses” and completion of AP credit in at least one STEM field or “evidence of strong ability on timed, multiple-choice tests in STEM courses,” according to Bryn Mawr’s website describing the program.

Students must also have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, with 3.2 by graduation, according to the website.

PASS students are not required to take the MCAT, according to the guidelines.


Ouch. “The average MCAT score of Penn medical graduates is around 520, placing the school in the 98th percentile.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If I read that correctly, that’s actually pretty good. It means 98 percent of schools do worse.

But it says nothing about those who get to bypass the MCAT.


Ah ok i misunderstood. I had to look it up. Highest is 528, but not taking it at all….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d definitely want to know if my U Penn graduated doctor (if I had one) took the MCAT or not!


Cant use lawn tools w gas, now no cars. People do not let dimms run your state and for God’s sake, dont ever trust any CA democrat.


DAILY scene at Frisco – Oakland Bay Bridge, Oakland side.


Ive only been up there 1x, as a kid in the early 1980s. Was nicer then. Mr gil said we need to go a few places up there b4 we leave CA and cant get out here again. Just not safe even for fisherman’s wharf.


Both Grandmas lived in Frisco. Parents grew up in Frisco. 60s, we visited Frisco a couple times each month.

Several decades ago, I, DW and kids did enjoy visits to Fisherman’s Wharf, Lombard, Golden Gate Park, Walking out onto Golden Gate Bridge…
^^^ That was THEN. ^^^

THESE days…>>> Spot On, Fisherman’s Wharf is NOT safe.

(Deleted my rant on horrible, disgusting, perverted…Frisco…) 🙂


Ah i bet it was great. My grandmother lived in santa barbara so thats as far as i went. That changed too.
I bet the rant at least felt good to get out.


Smilin. It did. 🙂


So all the new car dealerships in California will now become used car dealerships,
If someone would like to purchase a New car, they would have to make that purchase in another state, re-register, pay transfer fee, taxes and tags.
sounds legit. /s

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chris – all your posts are dumping into the bin because you have errors in your login. Wrong email (two letters added) and an invalid website (four letters). Remove those six letters and you will log in OK.


Yep. And gas stations who operate on thin margins will go under. We dont have enough electricity as it is.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

So homeowners and lawn crews use…..Electric??


Theyve made a new law that all gas powered home AND commercial are not to be sold in CA. I believe its to begin next year. Battery and electric only.


Being reported that Biden is giving Ukr another $3 Bn

Defense One reports new spending for Ukraine and says that the US’ Defense Spending for 2022 will reach $1 Trillion

US Details Its Biggest Ukraine Arms Package Yet


comment imageDonald J Trump


The Democrats have Mitch McConnell and his lovely wife, Elaine “Coco” Chao, over a barrel. He and she will never be prosecuted, as per the last paragraphs of this story, as long as he continues to give the Radical Left the Trillions and Trillions of Dollars that they constantly DEMAND. He was afraid to use the “Debt Ceiling Card” in order to stop the most expensive waste of money in our Country’s history, to be spent on the Green New Deal, which will only cause one thing, a Depression. These expenditures are something our Country can never recover from. Mitch McConnell is not an Opposition Leader, he is a pawn for the Democrats to get whatever they want. He is afraid of them, and will not do what has to be done. A new Republican Leader in the Senate should be picked immediately!

Robert Baker

It is not his money so I doubt Mitch cares how much they spend. I am not sure I agree with the Prez that they have Mitch over a barrel. I don’t see him as a pawn but as a collaborator.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think Mitch makes it LOOK like he’s a collaborator, but the fact is, the Dems know that McConnell has been in on multiple attempts to take out Trump by what most Americans would regard as illegal and immoral means. I think that includes the INTENTIONALLY DIVIDED SENATE which resulted from election fraud in multiple elections, using Chinese assistance.

The designed UNIPARTY 50:50 Senate. Mitch is now stuck with responsibility for that. And I don’t think it’s going away – BY DESIGN. I think the 2022 election is RIGGED with Mitch forced to accept a 50:50 outcome or even a loss. Mitch is just putting lipstick on that pig now. So IMO he’s a pawn – he cannot drive anything now.

I repeat. The fix is in to do more thrown races to keep the Senate in UniParty hands.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

His “candidate quality” remarks are designed to COVER for the election FRAUD that Mitch is fully aware is going to happen.

Senate races will be THROWN to Dems to keep the UniParty in power.


I don’t think PDJT is ready to call out the UNI-PARTY for what it is, YET.
But he WILL call someone a “RINO”.

IMO, he’s trying to walk a tightrope.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nor'easter
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Trump knows he can’t publicly accuse Turtlehead of helping take dives on elections, but that’s the game, IMO.


All in due time…


comment imageThe Bias News


U.S. News
NBC News: An unknown number of U.S. service members were injured in two separate rocket attacks on facilities housing American troops in Syria, according to a U.S. government official.


Short of Embassy Guards, US Military should NOT be in Syria.


Yeah… waiting to here more about this.
(Doubt we’ll get the truth any time soon)


They stealing Syria’s oil…

training and supporting terrorists … have been forever

Erdogan has decided to make peace with Assad (he has election comin’ up next year, and the Kurds in Syria need to be contained etc.

Erdogan has already told (‘suggested) US Mil leave…

Erdogan appears to be getting off the ‘fence’ and moving toward BRICS, may even leave NATO in near future?

Things are shifting big time in the ME


All very interesting.  BRICS makes sense.  And…

My guess AND posted as much, prolly a month or two ago.

  • Erdogan will NOT leave NATO. 
  • Erdogan can manipulate NATO / US, if he stays in NATO. 

His pol opponent leans toward, spends time with Asians …

time will tell, right?

Robert Baker

It could be they are there to train up ISIS version 2.0.


Late on August 24, two bases of the US-led coalition in the northeastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor came under attack.

A number of rockets targeted the Conoco gas plant base in the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside as well as the Green Village base in the al-Omar oil fields in the southeastern countryside of the governorate. No casualties or material losses were reported. The coalition is yet to release a statement on the attacks.

Following the attacks, US-led coalition warplanes were spotted flying over both the Conoco gas plant and the Green Village.

The attacks were reportedly carried out by Iranian-backed Syrian and Iraqi forces in Deir Ezzor as a response to the August 23 US strikes on their positions…..”


TY (((PR))) !


You are most welcome (((Nor’easter))) … good to see you …


U2 !



Champion Cyclist Rob Wardell dies suddenly at 37…
Two substories, you can find the links from the link below.

Dead two days after winning Scottish Nationals…

He went into cardiac arrest while we were lying in bed…

First Five Comments, Deadpan humor, not at all unexpected as the media continues to tragically ignore what is going on. (R.I.P Rob and condolences to the wife.)

1 I’m sorry for your loss

2 Spikey jabby

3 Wait…what?…how could that be?

4 I sure hope he was wearing a mask when he died.

5 At least he had the shot because it could have been way worse

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I had to join in the truthfest.

Loved this TRUTH.


In before the ADL gets their victim narcissism woody on.

We’re past the Holocaust in death count and mendacity already – and the government of Israel helped. Suck it up, Israel. You were either part of Team Depop, or the lure of a good deal with Pfizer fooled you as G_d said it would.

My comment…..

Rochelle Alinsky is now saying people who want the latest death jab have to go back and take the originals first.

Scientifically, even by their own warped lies, there is no reason for that – no logic – except this. The original Wuhan spike sequence (used for the original shots) is MORE PATHOGENIC than the omicron spike. SO – if these people are “depopping” us, that would actually make sense – just like overruling VRBPAC’s 17-2 vote against boosters – just like forcing these shots to teens, kids, and then infants, when we already KNEW at the time that the disease itself provides better, longer, and safer immunity in younger age brackets.

Is everybody starting to see? They’re trying to kill and injure as many as they can. A fellow scientist likened them to Terminators, and I’m not saying he’s wrong. Stealthy kills more. Stealthy looks like we did it to ourselves.

Fauci and Walensky are on Team Depop for sure. I suspect that Obama and John Holdren are, too. Look up Holdren and archive all pages on him before they disappear.

These “people” are still trying to kill us, IMO.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FBI whistleblower claims bureau leaders ordered staff NOT to investigate Hunter Biden laptop and told them ‘the FBI is not going to change the outcome of the election again’

  • Johnson, R-Wisc., sent a letter to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Tuesday bringing forth the new whistleblower claims
  • FBI leadership told employees, ‘you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop’ and that the FBI is “not going to change the outcome of the election again’
  • Johnson is demanding Horowitz look into the FBI’s handling of the Hunter Biden laptop
  • Horowitz said the OIG would not investigate the FBI’s handling of the laptop so as not to interfere with the DOJ’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax affairs

PUBLISHED: 15:19 EDT, 24 August 2022 | UPDATED: 16:23 EDT, 24 August 2022

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ain’t that special. They allegedly threw 2016 to Trump by talking about Hitlary, so they went after Trump (Russiagate). Now they won’t touch Biden.

Notice which side gets screwed…both times.


THIS gets the “side-eye” from me :

“FBI leadership told employees… that the FBI is “not going to change the outcome of the election again’ “

(“Let’s see what happens…”)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

.. admission the fib already interfered and changed it once before. and it’s l too hot an issue to interfere again so soon.
.. getting a little warm in the kitchen cookin up so much BS ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chris – all your posts are dumping into the bin because you have errors in your login. Wrong email (two letters added) and an invalid website (four letters). Remove those six letters and you will log in OK.


Well it would be burdensome to get into the laptop stuff while planning the J6 false flag…that wasn’t spur of the moment. it took time to organize


Liars, Gonna Lie.


comment imageThe Epoch Times


The #DOJ released a 2019 memo that revealed why former President Trump should not be prosecuted for obstruction of justice in connection to then-special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
comment imageDepartment of Justice Releases Robert Mueller-Era Memo on TrumpThe Justice Department on Wednesday released a 2019 memo that revealed why former President Donald Trump should not be …



“We conclude that the evidence described in Volume II of the Report is not, in our judgment, sufficient to support a conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt that the President violated the obstruction-of-justice statutes,” said the unredacted document, released to several major news outlets and posted online. “In addition, we believe that certain of the conduct examined by the Special Counsel could not, as a matter of law, support an obstruction charge under the circumstances.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Comment lifted:

… “The West has no intention of ever paying any of the government debt back that they borrowed over the last 50 years. They borrow more money to pay off expiring debt and to fund new spending. The US 30 year bond price has fallen from $161 to 136 so far this year as interest rates rose. That’s capital loses for bond investors and the 30 year bond price is below it’s 200 month moving average for the first time since the late 70’s/early 80’s. That will just keep trending downwards for a few decades.

The West has shat it’s debt wad and jumped the shark in Ukraine. This is why the west declared war on the working and middle class and used propaganda and vaccine mandates to commit genocide on their own people using mRNA gene therapy to solve their debt problems. They need to kill people collecting retirement or disability pensions to keep the ponzi scheme going a little longer.”


Sounds about right….

Gail Combs

SOunds about right. Clinton raided Social Security and put it into the general fund to make his ‘Debt’ numbers look better.

OH1Bummer spent like a drunken sailor.


not surprising but from ground reports in here and other places there doesn’t seem to be an unusual amount of over 65 yrs deaths. The unusual deaths are younger people. Are we not noticing older people dying ?
The nursing home deaths were from covid and lack of proper treatment

Barb Meier

New Intellectual Froglegs: “Breaking the Matrix” – by the way, Joe Dan got moved, rebuilt his studio, got Aunt Jean moved, and is a new grandpa! Enjoy:


Thank You !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chris – all your posts are dumping into the bin because you have errors in your login. Wrong email (two letters added) and an invalid website (four letters). Remove those six letters and you will log in OK.


Thanks for bringing Barb … I luv Joe Dan

Barb Meier

Me too phoenixrising! I’m in the credits using my real name. Can’t always, but can sometimes. -happy dance-


Good for you… my dancing days are over, but I enjoyed!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this is a GREAT episode!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Adding video here to make sure people watch!

Barb Meier

Thank you, Wolf!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“There was never any fact-checkers until the truth started getting out.”


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


They’re going to install another FAUCI PUPPET like Alinsky Walensky.

That means it’s WORSE. Walensky is an even WORSE depopper than Fauci. She’s more BRAZEN – more able to pull off nasty crap.

This is very important. Fauci is still going to control the depopulation strategy!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re not backing down – they’re not even hiding – they’re ACCELERATING the depop moves!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry – just saw this!

If it ever gets past 15 minutes past the posting time, and it’s still not out, then just kick it out.

And now that we know the data on the kicker outer, please feel free to kick posts out any time you want.

Cuppa Covfefe

Kick It Out 😀 (Incomparable Heart from 1977, has the look of a bootleg 🙂 )….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Enjoy a second round!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

I had an obnoxiously overpowered stereo in my car (15″ Kicker subs, 10″ Pioneer woofers, four mids, 2**n-1 tweeters, couple of equalizers and 8 amplifiers with some stiffening caps, CD changer, etc.) more money than sense back then.

But I’d listen to Heart with the volume up, and the subs would have the car shaking (and me too). Ahhh, those were the days. “Barracuda” was also a good tune too. And “Sylvan Song” and the other one that went with it had great sibilants that, erm, tweeted quite well, great frequency response (back when I could hear it 😀 )…

Cool thing, it was a great system for classical, too. Brahms cello sextets never sounded better… One time I was stopped at an intersection and a boom car was vomiting out “Ace of Bass” or something at the red light.

I cued up the cannon fire in the 1812 overture just before the light changed and let ‘er rip. Their expressions were priceless. Good thing there weren’t any cops nearby (those being the days when Kalifornistan actually had real LEOs and laws)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good old days!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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