Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

Maybe even with some grace and poise!

And we will have fun doing it, too!

Oh, yeah, baby!


by Duchess01
Please forgive us, Wheatie, we did not know
That you had left us with armor in tow
We had no idea with what you dealt
We did not know the pain you felt
And now we can only imagine
With you what really did happen
Cause rarely did you complain
And/or share your personal pain
Of one thing we are most certain
You are flying high behind the curtain
Watching over us above the crowds
Our Warrior Angel above the clouds
Thank You, Wheatie, for caring for us
While you were here among the fuss
We miss you dear you have no idea
Since time began in the pangaea
With you there was no time
In your wisdom you would chime
To clarify and magnify
The what where how and why
We did not question when you left
We were not slightly bereft
But over time we wondered why
You did not at least stop by
Now we know where you have gone
With the break of this new dawn
We could be angry but are not
Tho with an arrow we’ve been shot
Rest peacefully Warrior Angel dear
Send us a sign that you are near
A butterfly a flower a kiss of rain
From your love do not refrain
God sends Angels to watch over us
And now we have an Angel Plus
A Warrior Angel of Magnificence
From today and forward hence
The Rules

Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.
The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.
Bottom line – respect other people’s FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.
We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.
Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.
In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.
We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).
We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.
If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at
We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.
In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer
Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.
Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.
Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day Year Week:
a natural form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization by sperm. In animals, parthenogenesis means development of an embryo from an unfertilized egg cell. In plants parthenogenesis is a component process of apomixis.
Used in a sentence:
Parthenogenesis is defined as “obligate” when organisms exclusively reproduce through asexual means, while it is “facultative” when species that ordinarily rely on sexual reproduction can resort to facultative parthenogenesis under extenuating circumstances that isolate females from males.
Explained in a picture:

Explained in a Web Link:
Relevance to a Future Post:

Have another great week!

It’s HERE…..
I can’t show the trailer – it autoplays…..
I didn’t know it would be a dramatization rather than a documentary.
This could be fun! Takes a bit of suspension of disbelief on the characters, but they’re almost believable!
I agree. Just viewed.
Just came to an initial hypothesis. Biden, Hochul and now Graham are signaling something.
Two were off their rockers with the ‘semi-fascists/ All Republicans need to leave NY’ bit.
Then tonight, Graham says that there will be riots in the streets if PT is indicted.
Just posted this at OT:
“I get it now.
TPTB are getting shrill, lamenting that Trump supporters are going to riot in the streets. Biden, Hochul and Linda Graham cemented it this last weekend with their messages.
They will use Obama phones to call up Antifa, SEIU, BLM and whatever others to wear red hats and riot. Add in other FBI informants and allow additional Buffalo Jump jujitsu…and then the FBI will start hauling in anyone they can.
What a demented group of people.”
Maybe I am wrong?
I think that you are at least partially right. Maybe completely right.
I don’t really want to say what’s GOING to happen, because I really want the Dems to “fuck around and find out”.
After watching that Mary McCord creep, who I believe is behind all of this shit, it’s very clear that she’s sneaky as hell, but she can only function in her environment of choice, which is lawfare and DOJ malfeasance. She’s not going to be able to plan well for what comes next, either politically, or, heaven forbid, militarily.
The level of backfire on the raid was awesome, and we want MORE of that. We also don’t want to let any Ali Alexander types influence us, this time. We need to be COOL and COLLECTED and let the Demon Dems destroy themselves, with us not even taking a LEAK on the steaming pile of jackass meat and guts that will be left on the ground when they destroy themselves.
We have to be CALM and PEACEFUL and let them destroy themselves.
There will NEVER be a better time for COLD ANGER to absolutely destroy the Democrats.
They cannot not indict Trump. LET THEM TAKE THE BAIT THEY CANNOT RESIST.
What happens after that? TRUST GOD.
If God wants us to be peaceful, we will be peaceful. And I think that’s what’s going to happen. But what happens after that is FANTASTIC and will be to the glory of God.
Trust Martin Luther King, Jr. Trust God. Trust Jesus. Trust Trump.
God will lead us. Wait for God.
Perfect, Wolf.
I immediately thought the same. We all need to be calm and peaceful about a reaction or better yet, PRO-action. It is the latter we need to get the word and strategy out for.
And at this point, the E’ffing Bureau of Idiots no longer can continue in their game plan. Many see it!
Many friends are awakening!
Many see it!
That is why there are so many warning going out through the Alt News community to BEWARE of FIB PROVOCATEURS trying to stir up trouble. Provoke armed violence ESP
The Deep State is SALIVATING AT THE IDEA of multiple FFs that ALLOWS complete confiscation of every gun in the USA.
However they BLEW it with the Reveal of Federal Protection of “Oath Keepers” Kingpin Stewart Rhodes and Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur not to mention What The Whitmer Kidnapping Case Reveals About The FBI
Yup. FIB provocateurs tried to get me yesterday on Gab. I think they’re getting nervous because they know that they’ve protected the depopulationist SCUM who occupy Washington. Hundreds of thousands of the old and infirm murdered to “balance the books” and “get rid of Trump voters / conservatives”. But they killed and injured millions of their own base in the process. Gotta go for broke now.
Hold on, be peaceful but LOUD in opposing these THIEVES and MURDERERS.
So, any protests need to be stealth resistance. Like the Fins against the Russians.
And the resistance needs to be a blowing kick.
Let THEM make all the mistakes.
They’re the ones who are scared.
Let them be scared.
A general financial strike might then be the answer.
Oh that is funny, and could very well be true. They are going to hate the laughter and mocking.
We need to get that info out EVERY WHERE so it DOES Happen!
Just a short one liner as a comment on all the Rumbles and bitchute and other ‘Truth’ media.
(I can hear the grinding of teeth all the way from DC….)
Hey Gail, is that you? 😀
Let them lynch each other!!!
I seem to remember that happening already. Can’t find a link because I can’t figure out a good way to search for it.
For the first time ever I do believe they are scared. Too much indication.
Let them be scared. We must be cool and resolute.
Absolutely! Oh, they have confidence in their evil plans, but they’ve learned that God will thwart them, and they are scared of what is more powerful than them!
Skeered folks do NOT thinking logically…moar mistakes incoming.
East Germans brought down their communist oppressors peacefully with demonstrations peaceful demonstrations.
Polish people brought down their communist regime with peaceful demonstration.
I am not sure if the cabal would let us peacefully demonstrate? I do not think so they are different there is a deep evil in them that is demonic. Yes we have to be peaceful there is strength in that.
“…I am not sure if the cabal would let us peacefully demonstrate? I do not think so ….”
No, the Deep State WILL NOT ALLOW PEACEFUL Demonstrations.
This is from a leftist site. They were often the target in earlier decades. Even they see the problem. (The article discusses the George Floyd violence from outsiders.)
Agents Provocateurs Are Still A Real Threat
You got it
Very interesting!
Wolfy back around 2008/2009 I was doing a Index card campaign. I had hand written 3X5 note cards with the links giving info about the Federal reserve PRIVATE banks and how we got scammed into PAYING off their gambling debts (AIG bailout) I would strike up a conversation at fast food joints in lines while buying stuff…. and then hand people the card.
One group was a bunch of college students. They were floored and there response was ‘What do we do PROTEST?’
The Left has TRAINED us that our only ‘SOLUTION’ is ‘Protests’ but THEY CONTROL the protests & the Optics & the news coverage so THAT IS THE WRONG RESPONSE!
We have to get creative and do something ELSE not the worn out useless ‘Protests’ that are nothing more than a TRAP.
Letter and Fax campaigns. Showing up at the LOCAL offices of politicians, NOT as a group but as a SERIES OF INDIVIDUALS.
Supporting the campaigns of people like Gregg Phillips and True the Vote…. Knock on doors and get your neighbors to VOTE!
Tell them you have two Choices. VOTE or learn Mandarin Chinese! Remember that a chinese national OWNS Konnech the company RUNNING a lot of our elections. The CEO is ALSO PROMOTING TEACHING MANDARIN to young kids. –> From an MG Show so I do not have a good URL yet.
Agreed. We have attack peacefully on all fronts, and ALWAYS “retreat constructively” when they try to sabotage our peaceful resistance and protests, whatever those may be.
One of the biggest things we can do is to expose DODGE and FIB at every opportunity.
I have decided that OBAMA’S THREE FURIES and MARY McCORD need to be names that EVERYBODY KNOWS – because these wicked women are destroying this country.
Let their SHAMEFUL TREASON be known, but ever-so peacefully and legally.
GIVE THEM NOTHING, but attack from every direction until they GO MAD.
Let their own Alinsky tactics DESTROY THEM.
You can start by ditching the name “three furies”. Give their actual names.
Thank you! Time to put the FREEZE on them.
I was noticing you never named them today…then saying we should call them out by name!
If you are writing a longer piece, name them the first time, then call them the three furies after that. (Similar rule to referencing an acronym in government paperwork.)
Actually you continue to NAME them so people will recognize their names.
As Gregg Phillips and others are doing, The RESISTANCE is organizing PROTECTION OF OUR ELECTIONS!!!
This has the DemonRats and Rinos going nutz!
It allows CONSTRUCTIVE OUTLETS for our rage.
Outlets that are LEGAL
Outlets that really HARM the other side.
The Precinct Strategy has the UniParty Panicking.
VANITY FAIR — Steve Bannon’s Election-Takeover Dream Is Starting to Take ShapeJun 1, 2022
And that is just ONE of the strategies.
Then there is Melody Jennings From Clean Elections USAMatrixxx and Shade had her on too. She is just an ordinary person who decided to DO SOMETHING. SEE:
MG Show — China’s Influence on US Election: Drop Box Ninja @ 26:30
I love the way these Democrats cannot admit that they cheat like crazy. FUCK YOU, CHEATERS!!!
And what I m picking up is that the timeline is now in play. For three prominent people from both sides of the coin to echo each other in the last day…the battle plan is on.
Whether they all get a stubbed toe on the Southern Florida judge, anyone can guess.
Yet they are all playing their parts.
Some day, we really should confirm the handling of the script each morning!!!! And could we at least expose the comms???? Sheesh!
Brock 2.0.
Journolist again?
And why do we just not call them out on this BEFORE it happens?
I mean, surprise parties are often ruined by one person who cannot keep the secret.
All it would take is exposure of one person who is in the planning loop.
Exactly. We could have aborted January Sixth if one person would have outed Ali Alexander as setting up a disaster for the Dems and RINOs.
OTOH, having their subversion FAIL in a huge and documented way, with Dodge and FIB having to withhold video evidence from the world for FEAR OF THE TRUTH – oh, that’s pretty precious, too!
Wonderful post.
BTW, when I saw that Skynyrd concert, the outside venue with many thousands of people was directly overlooked by a 25 story hotel. You can be I looked up.
I told my friend: “The first shot I hear I’m hitting the ground” and he said “I’ll be there before you.”
YUP, YUP, YUP – I hear you.
Interesting facts about Jason Aldean, whose concert was used for their terror event. His wife, who opposes the trans nonsense publicly and resolutely, married him in 2015, two years before Las Vegas. I’m thinking a very Fabian message was being sent in “country” as well.
You are not wrong.
SOMETHING is up and the usual idiots (like Hochul and Crist) are telling us in their usual moronic way.
Cumo said that too and less than a year latter he actually took it back and started begging people to stay. These people don’t learn.
All that revenue gone, so little laundering!
When you shoot your nose off to spite your face.
Gun violence!
In all the wrong places.
Cracking up some more…
…so little laundering. 😂 😅 😂
…shoot your nose off…
Brings to mind the saying, “If my dog looked like that, I’d shave its behind and make it walk backwards”…..
I love Aubergine’s assessment – looks like she was “rode hard and put away wet”.
Likely Michael Jackson’s plastic surgeon hacked, several times on Hochul.
Could be Kamaltoe you’re talking about.
🙂 Cracking up on that one.
One of my all time favorites.
The revenue will be there, big corps “stakeholders” buying blocks of cheap office real estate.
As I said over a decade ago.
It’s origin was this from Any Rand.

Well, that appears to be one step away from the “they’re less than human” propaganda used by the Nazis.
Bidenazis and Bidenistas approve of the Adolph message – they just want to let Ukrainian Nazis (who hate Russians first and Jews somewhere down the list) carry the torch.
Laughing a bit.
The more I see Hochul, the more freakish she looks.
Guessing hochul agrees with hildabeast, we ARE Deplorables.
The VACANCY in Hochul’s eyes is OFF THE CHARTS. There is no there, there.
Yup. She has bird eyes. Can’t tell if she’s going to coo or peck you to death.
(My first emoji here!)
LOL! Good job!
I vote for POOP ALL OVER YOU….
UH…that’s distinctly not safe for work.
It should be removed by admin.
I removed it as soon as I realized it had a second part to it.
Took me a few minutes to edit.
It must have *actually* been gone by the time I posted my complaint, then, or you’d have been blocked in making the edit.
Which would have sucked. I had no idea it was that freshly posted; I should have checked.
I hit the edit button in less than a minute but it looks like it stayed up while I tried to find a replacement.
Now we know. Do TWO edits if you do something really STUPID so you don’t end up wearing bird Schiff.
OK, Vastly Better than the rather pornographic cartoon that was there.
I liked the first part but not the second…
I was figuring you just didn’t notice it.
The evil in her, just like with Hell-the-BEAST, Satan Sauros, Piglosi, and Stavros Schwab, bubbles up from her Satanic roots to the outside.
It’s a little bit like Biden saying “you ain’t black” if they didn’t vote for him.
Then my next comment was that all of us could probably identify an Antifa member in a red hat.
PS I love that Robert Davi is behind this!
And the Hunter Biden character is actually creepier than Hunter (which I like – sort of an image before Hunter had to have his teeth rebuilt), and he is SPOT on with the attitude!
So…win, win!
Yeah, there was some BIG CRINGE watching the trailer.
LOL!!! I think this actor does a great job! If I am not mistaken, he is British, yet since I have READ a lot of accounts about Hunter, he just mirrors the dysfunction and brain death of the original accounts!
The Hunter actor was spooky good!
I think the usual suspects will take the Capitol Buffalo Jump and turn that on red states and red counties.
That is clearly the plan.
They want a big public resistance — the exact sort of thing that should be protected by the First Amendment — so they can do a brutal crackdown. Instead, we must continue to take notes and identify operatives. There will come a day for the rectification of names.
I so agree. We need to identify an anti-protest. A silent protest.
Exactly x 1000.
Either here or OT there was a post that described the command structure of Antifa, and the various operatives/ranks and how to identify them. Come to think of it, it was a video. Lots of details. Wonder if the vid is archived somewhere (Paging Gail…)…..
Antifa Command & Control Structure in field action.
Antifa Organization Structure and Rules
Bless you Gail, I knew you’d know!
It would be nice to be able to quietly note and decode all the skulduggery before it actually takes place. Especially since many, if not most, of the Pantyfa events seem to glow, as it were (over here, too, with our taxes paying for it, no less-gotta love those SPD and Greens…NOT)…..
It would be great to find the Buffalo Jump Management Team WAY BEFORE they don their skins.
Their live is a drama a sad drama that is taken us with them if we like it or not. Cornpop Biden the psychopath is destructive to out country. Look how destructive the guy was to his family.
It makes you feel real sorry for the families who have to deal with those members addicted to psycho-drama, like their side is.
Yes it is sad
Dramatization means it it much more likely to be watched.
New Schlichter —
Hey, Kurt…how about restoring the Republic? That might be a good message.
Exactly – not all that difficult of a concept. It’s sort of laid out in a founding document or two…
Ah, yes, the Living Documents.
From GAB…..
Dr. Tenpenny
Dementia and Alzheimer’s is now a thing in children 👧 👶
Absolutely terrifying
[video src="" /]
4 replies
What they are doing to children is so evil it just makes me crazy!
Besides what they’re doing to children personally, they are depriving them of loved ones — parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and probably siblings.
Yeah. We have to stop the shots.
It’s no longer about us escaping them personally.
We have to stop the deaths of others.
We have to save lives.
You and some others here have saved lives. You brought lots of information here. There are to many to mention. You brought us this forum so we can share. Thank you Q treehuggers 🙂
So true. Wolf and many others here saved many, many lives, including mine and my wife’s.
We are lucky and I am glad you and your wife are doing well 🙂
I am with. Parents are suppose to protect their children when they cannot protect themselves. I realize though when they are adults they are responsible for themselves but the pain is no less the same when they take the shot.
We’re still battling that one out for my son Brandon….Prayers desperately needed!
May Logic Reign…
(Emotions, not so much)
Amen KBK!!!
You will have them. Prayers for Brandon and family.
Thank You Singing!!! God Bless 💜💜😇😇💜💜
Prayer my friend 🙂
Much a appreciated!!! 💖💖💕💕💖💖
Had a bad night, just couldn’t get to sleep so got up and made a cup of tea and here I am bright and early.
Not going to copy any parts out of this, as you’ll know some if not all, but it needs to be read in full. These are really evil, conspiratorial, dangerous feckers.
Thank you! This woman is a monster. I think she’s in on Depop, and all the worst secrets of the Obama administration.
I don’t know if you’re aware (WSB told me), but CTH went DOWN after this went up.
I can confirm. I captured the article right after CTH posted it and within moments, poof, the site went down….
They know we know they know. And they must be skeerd.
Hope youre well.
Hey gil00, I’m hangin’ in there.
They definitely know we know and they’re pullin’ out all the stops. The whole gang is doing a full court press cause they’ve even brought back their favorite CIA Director and all around garbage human, Mike Morrell who stood in as their “authority” figure on the Face the Nation yesterday.
I think they’re too egotistical to be skeered, but I pray fervently that this time, they hang!
I think you’re right. They’re too egotistical and filled with hubris. They are going to “fuck with the lion and find out”. WE learned correct lessons from January Sixth. THEY are deceived by their own sins.
Learned We HAVE.
Show up, I, We, WILL.
State level for me. For now.
My next DC visit, will be Trump’s Inauguration.
Yeah, that sounds good.
Wow. Theyre all coming out from under their rocks. Youre probably really right about the scared part. They do need to meet the maker though.
because that petty petulant tyrant, JØbama, didn’t like it…..
He needs to get on his pink sissy bike and ride off into the sunset…
… off the edge of Flat Earth.
Yes it was down when I first tried it, then 10 to 15 mins later tried it again and it was ok.
Coincidence! NOTHING more!!!
Mary McCord article up, CTH down.
She looks like a he 🙄 Never seen an adams apple on a she 😎
That pic is pretty bad. She lookXX more XX in other piXX.
Yes she does 🙂
Yuk, not a good looking … uhhhhhh female .. uhhhh
The Afghan Hound look doesn’t work for this female… the real dogs look better then this female ever will..
.. and evil makes you get really ugly … 🤢
.. ick ..
It’s John Kerry in drag.
John Kerry looks better and he’s no prize … 😜
… 😜👍‼️ …
Looks like Alistair Crook…
Why is it that all the DEMONRAT Deathmocrats are stuck on UGLY?
Clear down to their souls…..
She looks like Donald Southerland
Read her bio – they admit what she is. EVERYTHING.
This chick was in on every globalist scam that passed through FISC. Every lie. Every trick. Every cover-up. Every evil plan.
Oh, this makes sense now.
DEPOP hitting the American consciousness is like a spider up her skirt.
In the org chart, her position at NSD had a reporting line to the WH, iir.
You thought we were joking when we said they are coming for your children? Or how about when we said they want us to “eat the bugs and be happy”
Well here you go. A 2 for 1 special.
[video src="" /]
29 replies
If you eat the parasite laden bugs you dont have to wear the
Ineffective mask for the lab xreated virus youre pretty muc immune to until you take the vaxx.
That is so circular!
Gosh, I thought I would LOSE weight on Crickets.
The ClotShot SlabJab helps many people to lose 100% of their weight… 😡
Seems homeschooling is the only answer.
I love the beautiful tree and the poem, and I’m looking forward to the post that will deal with parthenogenesis.
Yeah, I gotta gear up for that one. This is gonna be rough. But it needs to be soon.
What’s tough about it? You just explain the birds and the bees….
Pretty close to Parthenon…hmmm
Temp?e for virgin sacrifices or perhaps sex with vestal virgins???
Temple…tablet trauma tingles 😨😨😯😯😃😃
Sounds like Mexican food.
Doesn’t recall any virgin sacrifices at the Parthenon though it and its earlier temple were set up as the temple for Athena to be occupied by virgins in the idea as a symbol to keep them and Athena safe and thus protect Greece. Same idea with the Roman Temple of Vesta which was occupied by the Vestal Virgins. Now that’s not to say that virgins were not killed. If they profaned the temple, normally by having sexual relations of any nature with a man, they were put to death along with the man.
Thanks for the interesting history!
As far as I know the Romans and Greeks never did virgin sacrifices. Or live human sacrifices of any type.
Punishment is a different issue.
The Parthenon was named such because Athena was believed to be a virgin.
I know that this is a fictional account by Homer but King Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter to obtain favorable winds as a prelude to the Trojan War. It suggests that human sacrifice was an idea circulating in Greek society. Whether their is an actual instance of human sacrifice recorded in Greek history I do not know.
Fair enough…the Mycenaeans may have been different; I was thinking of the classical era, which was a 6-800 years later. (Cultures can change a lot in that many centuries.)
IIRC the whole Theseus-and-the-Minotaur tale starts with an account of the Cretans demanding tribute in people to be sacrificed to the minotaur. Of course, that was supposed to be the Minoans doing the sacrifice, not the Mycenaeans, and again it’s mythical.
The Bible describes accounts of human sacrifice as recent as circa 1000 BC. Of course that is not the Greeks but as I said I expect Greek society was aware of the idea and the practice in other cultures.
Oh, they were absolutely *aware* of it. No question there. (I was originally responding to a suggestion that it was being practiced on the Acropolis during classical times.)
On a slightly different note, the Romans and others claimed the Carthaginians engaged in the practice, which tells us very little about the Carthaginians (since the Romans could well have been lying and the question is still considered somewhat open today), but *does* tell us the Romans and Greeks considered it an abominable practice.
(Apparently it was sometimes acceptable to put children to death for other reasons, e.g., Sparta’s exposing of ‘defective’ newborns, but it was considered bad to do so in a religious context.)
And of course the Aztecs were doing it right up until the Spanish conquest.
Thx for the clarification! 💕
Shades of the song “In The Year 2525″…
That song is hitting a bit too close to home, as time goes on… wonder how/if they were clued in…
LMAO! Oh, that’s hilarious. And the Skeptical Side-Eye Swamp Rhino just makes me laugh!!!
The Rhino is sweet!
That flag looks too much like bacon! Bacon objects!
That is great!
Dang. He p.o.d catturd too.
Blocking other patriots you disagree with is just stupid. IDIOTS.
I dunno what happened but i agree.
SD told DeSantis fans to leave, and then Catturd said he would block DeSantis haters.
Somewhere, Demon Donkeys are lighting cigars.
Ooh. I had no idea.
There is not a hate of DeSantis, just obvious is the fact that he is now entrapped in the usual suspects with money who have ruined this country for the last 50 years.
My personal feeling is that since DeSantis has not removed the Dominion machines, his ‘donors’ could make DeSantis lose his own re-election to Crist. McConnell is also whistling about Democrats now having the upper hand. SMH! They are all changing the narrative to fit the steal!
And if so, there goes Florida…for good. and for 2024. Those machines could be removed, but lots of money have been used to do everything but. DeSantis has over-seen this. Who has the puppet strings?
My own state, NY? I have just put my own R reps on notice that they have not been legally elected due to the algorithm in the voter rolls. There are quite a few groups looking to file complaints against their insurance surety bonds.
Too bad we do not have a team offense between patriots, yes.
And why do all of these octogenarians all look alike? Same Doctor Feel Good? Yes, I know what ingredients they probably use.
Did you see SD’s other post? DeSantis’ new spokeswoman filed a FARA. She worked in Ukraine for all the wrong people. Odd? Who got HER hired?
Yeah, this is getting ugly.
But that’s OK. We have to be shown! LET ‘ER RIP!!!
I gotta say it. DeSantis is looking worse and worse.
And I am NOT a DeSantis-hater. I like him. But he needs to get his shit together right quick.
Wonder if SD blocked Catturd.
There seems to be a problem just because some of us do not want to see DeSantis run this term does not mean we hate them.
So people took sites and see the other enemy? Misguided yes but only of I am right 🤓
The possibility for me to be right is slim 😂
Simply can’t understand why a “conservative”, would want to harm DeSantis, as he runs for reelection.
Desantis can be dealt with after November 8th.
This IS NOT rocket science.
Whatever DeS “really” is, he has done more for our side than almost all other Republicans (EXCEPT VSG) put together, starting with showing unprecedented courage and setting an unprecedented good example.
Up until ~three weeks ago, “conservatives” were 100% WITH DeSantis.
About then, Sum Dunce edicts No More DeSantis Good. Desantis BAD. Support DeSantis NOT ALLOWED. Getcha Banned OT.
The Stoopid IS strong.
By pulling this crap with DeSantis, the DEMONRATS are throwing shade on and damaging both VSGPDJT and DeSantis.
Sort of Lucifer’s TwoFer…
We have to keep them from doing this DEMONIC split…
(Donkey and RINO walk up and say, “we’d like a Banana Republic, split…..)….
PS First time an angry bird took down a cat. Sad.
Couldn’t resist….

We seem to splinter quickly and then loose. That is counter productive. Dems hold together like glue.
Yes DeSantis needs to stay in Florida he needs to get rid of who ever latched on to him.
I am assuming this is for real? Truth Social gearing up for a new kitty?
Its real.
Catturd IS Over The Target.
Catturd, has the Putz, SD, is in his sites.
Do NOTHING to hinder DeSantis reelection. NOTHING.
FL needs DeSantis. America needs DeSantis as FL Guvner.
November 9th, fair game.
If SomeDunce wants your opinion, he’ll give it to you.
“Britain’s five-year-old £3billion aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales breaks down off the south coast of England just a short distance into 3,500 mile trip to the US after suffering ‘damage to its propeller shaft”
Chinese steel!
And naming it after the countries biggest idiot global warming proponent jinxed it.
Looks like Chuckles got the shaft…
N I C E one!
Wolf, I am at a loss as to why the heavy hitters here are so antagonistic to SD. It seems like a collective butt-hurt thing that everybody has for this guy as a result of his banning of dialogue that he didn’t want associated with his blog.
I can only hope that this comment/question doesn’t see the thread proper, as suffering the scathing retort of the more enlightened folk here would be the impetus of my last input to any further discussion.
Ever, again.
This is a free speech site. CTH is not. You can choose either one you wish.
And it isn’t very neighborly to threaten to leave if you don’t get your way. Nobody here would want you to leave no matter what you said or disagreed with. It’s the mixture of different flavors of opinion that makes this place special.
Thank you for the compassion. Duly noted.
Submariners need to do a better job of not tailgating.
Did Prince of Wales, run over a rock?
As the USS Enterprise, ran over Bishop’s Rock. (I was onboard.)
You’ve heard of carrier-killing anti-ship missiles from China that are a major threat to U.S. Navy aircraft carriers, but sometimes the floating airports are menaced by geographic features close to shore. In 1985, the nuclear USS Enterprise nearly sank after crashing into a shallow seamount. The collision caused a 60-foot gash that damaged three propellors and took out the port keel. Let’s examine this story in more detail as one of the Navy’s most famous carriers nearly sank.
What Happened?
In 1985, the Enterprise was operating in the southern California area of operations for readiness exercises. While steaming 100 miles south-southwest of San Diego near Cortes Bank, on November 2, 1985, the Enterprise struck a portion of the 13-mile-long Bishop Rock that damaged its hull. The crew “counter-flooded the void and controlled the flooding,” according to’s account of the incident. But the number one screw was smashed, and two others were damaged. There was also a short-term loss of 24 JP-5 fuel storage tanks.
More at the link.
(Notice the website name? 😂 😅 😂 )
I read that second line and thought why didn’t they see the big light house on it, I didn’t know there were two Bishop Rocks.
Yea, the Bishop’s Rock in my case is actually underwater AND off the coast of Southern CA. I understand there is a navigation buoy over part(s) of it. Clearly marked on navigation charts.
MASSIVE screw up by the CO and the Navigation Team.
The other Bishop’s Rock, has a light house and is out UK way. (I think)
What a very odd and suspicious statement.
Democrats will say damn near anything at this point. They’re terrified of losing power because people hate their agenda.
On a similar track,
Excellent message! Thank you!!!
From my perspective their demoralization op is failing because it’s their very own destruction of our economy, our health,our future, schools, this weird trannie crap….it’s all come from them and people see that.
The other thing that we see clearly is that RINOS have done nothing, they haven’t even done the usual faux blustering.
There’s only one road out of this and it’s not the Uniparty.
Fixed the original statement.
“Colorado’s Top Election Official Says That if Republicans Win Midterms, ‘The Country Could Lose the Right to cheat in Less Than Three Months”
LOL!!! Too true!!!
Typical DEMONRAT projection. It’s they who want to take away everyone’s right to vote, and install a permanent banana republic…
G’night! Enjoy the nite cap. 😉
Hee hee
What do you use as a chaser? 😀
This Girl With the Dogs grooming should come with a red-label warning for diabetics…..
Did South Park give permission?
Great Russell Brand interview of a “truthy” MSM journalist who was prevented from interviewing Fauci by her management.
A truly beautiful looking woman, and she has brains!
And principles! They still make the good ones!
I posted this video on Gab & one reply sa id he was married to a Rothschild & a other said he was best friends with Yuval Noah Harari, aKlausSchwabgroupie! Controlled opposition???
This Dr., is sending messages, notice the pill jars on the window sill @ 2:16 just before he covers them up.
I should say that the jars had been there on previous videos but it never meant anything to me till K2 was mentioned on here sometime in this last week.
Isn’t this guy a NURSE? With a PhD in nursing?
He calls himself Dr Campbell or something like that. He used to promote the jab. He otherwise has sometimes good info.
Yes I think you’re right, he was pushing vitD early in 2020, also later on mentioned HCQ and ivermectin in a round about sort of way. Sailing close to the wind but avoiding deplatforming
Verse of the Day for Monday, August 29, 2022
“I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
Psalms 16:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
by Dr. Robert Malone
by Steve Kirsch
Perhaps he did some house cleaning. Page not found.
So stripping it all away except the we can find the story about three or four down from the top of the page here:
Actually does not see a difference in the two links, but when I click on the story from his home page it opens.
Thank you. Yours Truly is noticing that ** some entity ** is making it difficult to reach ** certain types ** of material / information. Example: the video of Dr. Charles Hoffe on You Tube in which he describes the D-dimer blood tests he performed on his “vaccinated” patients that showed elevated amounts of micro blood clots. One has to go to You Tube and use their search bar, or do a general search for Dr. Charles Hoffe on search engines like Start Page. (By the way, Start Page now has oodles of “fact check” and “debunking” links to that video, of course.)
The Artemis test unmanned launch to the moon planned for today just got scrubbed.
There’s some sort of issue with an engine leak…and even if that went away, storms are developing; they will never launch through any kind of rainstorm and there’s one right smack dab in the flight path.
Unfortunately the idiot newscaster on the feed I found (go to any NASA site and you get glitzy publicity animations, not the launch) talked over the NASA guy who was explaining the problem.
Stuff’s coming thick and fast. This popped up today
A group of 18 international scientists examined over 2000 vials of all the different covid injections (except Russian sputnik) and they found that all are essentially identical. They did not find any biologics (interesting!) but did find toxic metals and other harmful chemicals. Concluding it is a chemical weapon not a bioweapon.
Link to presentation:
(Presenter also gives her opinions on what it all means.) If pressed for time, watch the last 30 minutes.
Also, you can download the slide presentation at the expose website, which gives more details
So much stuff it’s hard to absorb it all.
This from two days ago. Epoch Times has an indepth article but their behind a pay wall, however lots of links to the fire.
Meanwhile The NOQ Report is claiming China is drying up in a serious draught with d lots energy, food, and manufacturing concerns behind that.
Floods, viruses, and now drought. If this keeps up I can see a scenario where Taiwan liberates China. That would cause a great howling from our media elites. That reminds me: is anyone else, besides me, awaiting the Biden team’s announcement of a foreign aid package to Afghanistan to help them recover from their recent war.
You can read it on the Wayback Machine:
Wolf Moon
The 2.305 COVID-19 “vaccine” samples that were tested were from:
Pfizer-BioNTech / COMIRNATY
Johnson & Johnson (Janssen)
SinoVac (Coronavac)
Covishield (AstraZeneca manufactured in India)
Soberna 02 (Cuba)
Pasto Covac (Iran)
ZifiVax (Communist China)
FTA: “There were no biologics in any of the injections tested. meaning there was zero biological material found such as mRNA, spike protein subunits, pseudovirus vectors etc.
These injections are deadly CHEMICAL COCKTAILS, not a bioweapon but a chemical weapon.”
Instead, the 18 scientists found these in the samples:
Adjuvants, mostly aluminum hydroxide
Synthetic lipid nanoparticles like PEG
Trillions of particles of reduced graphene oxide
Trillions of particles of nanoparticulate of heavy metal contamination
The group also tested 10 samples of COVID-19 “vaccines” for children. FTA: “There is NO DIFFERENCE in ingredients whatsoever.”
Regarding the findings of reduced graphene oxide in the “vaccine” samples:
FTA: “Reduced graphene oxide because of its positive magnetic and electric charge literally SHORT CIRCUITS the insides of the human body causing massive degeneration and inflammation of tissues…The electrical activity of the body is getting completely disrupted, and the body in most cases responds with massive systemic inflammation causing eventual degeneration and death.”
There is apparently also “massive contamination” in the COVID-19 “vaccine” samples from all kinds of heavy metal particulates.
All this raises many important questions:
*** Are the “vaccine” samples tested “rogue” / “bad batch” samples, and that there IS mRNA or adenovirus DNA spike protein in OTHER samples of each “vaccine”? And if that’s the case, it is then impossible to know exactly what’s in any injection of any of these “vaccines” that any person gets?
*** Are the “fact sheets” put out by Pfizer-BioNTech / COMIRNATY, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and the other COVID-19 “vaccine” manufacturers, in which the ingredients of their “vaccines” are listed — a pack of lies? For example, is the “full prescribing fact sheet” for BNT162b2 / COMIRNATY. Are the only listed “ingredients” that are correct are the lipids, PEG, salt, etc, listed?
*** What happened to the bat and primate coronaviruses that were experimented with in the Gain-of-Function research to make the COVID-19 original virus and then ostensibly to develop the COVID-19 “vaccines”? Was a ** decision ** made at some point that the animal toxins weren’t “strong enough” in the original COVID-19 virus release, so this was set aside to instead use the “chemical cocktail” that’s apparently in the COVID-19 “vaccines”?
*** Should any person who has any COVID-19 “vaccine” in their body now, for the rest of their lives, be taking blood thinners AND following a heavy-metal cleansing protocol?
*** Is this the reason why no COVID-19 “vaccine” manufacturer that one has researched lists the exact makeup of the spike protein that’s supposedly in the “vaccines”?
Surely, these 18 scientists understand they’re risking their careers (and possibly their lives) by going public with the results of the COVID-19 “vaccines” they tested.
W – when time permits, can you expand on this info? We need our in-house, real scientist to sort out the facts.
Thanks. Yes, I’m struggling with this already:
This seems fairly ridiculous. I can tell you there are “biologics” in the vaccines, just from their effects on the people who got them.
IMO we’re seeing multiple “telephone” effects from the original report through the alternate media.
AND – various knowing and unknowing PLANTS within that community are now actively discrediting the work, in their mistaken zeal to magnify their own misinterpretations of the science.
I’m going to read the original report at some point, but I have far more important posts that have to go first. Meanwhile, disinformative misinterpretations of the report are going to win the day.
If somebody could post links to the entire original report here, that would help!
Wolf Moon
The Expose article has an embedded slide presentation of the findings of the 18 scientists team. It can be downloaded as a PDF. There are links in the presentation to other items, like to a paper on nanoparticles in children’s vaccines; to another Expose article on the recent report of German scientists who found heavy metals in the COVID-19 “vaccines”; and to a webinar on Bitchute by Tom Cowan, MD, and scientist Mike Donio on “there’s no snake venom.”
It appears that the main point of the 18 scientists report is that there is no such thing as SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 virus. If Yours Truly is reading correctly, it appears they’re saying it’s a kind of computer-generated “construct.”
In the embedded presentation, Slide #3 speaks to this.
Slides #8 and #9 list the various locations of the 18 scientists team.
Slide #10 lists their credentials.
The Expose article on the research of the German scientists:
The 2017 paper on nanoparticles in children’s vaccines:
“New quality-control investigations on vaccines: micro- and nanocontamination”
The Bitchute video:
Another feud….
SD vs Catturd2 over DeSantis
Catturd will win. He has a sense of humor, and doesn’t alienate half of his own followers by being an asshole to them.
& Catturd has Puppies!
But Sundance will “win” too, when nobody abandons Trump! 😉
(Even if it’s because they were never going to do it, anyway.)
Lol. I personally think you are giving SD a bit too much credit, if you think this is on purpose.
But he will benefit from his fail, even if he didn’t mean to!
“Conservatives” ought to reckon with Catturd’s message.
Oh, yeah. We will put in a good word for DeSantis. And to make it even more irritating, I may put in a good word for Sundance! And Trump! Oh, yes! Let’s not forget Trump! 😅 🙄 😆
We’ll never forget Trump.
If you want to FIGHT over DeSantis wait until AFTER JANUARY 2023 for our Republic’s Sake!
Sundance need an EGO trimming STAT!
Well, and Some-Dunce LIVES in Florida! Does he want Crist as his Governor, for God’s sake?
IIRC, up in the panhandle somewhere.
Yeah, so what the hell is he thinking!
Great point!
The obsessive nature of this sounds a bit “MK”.
SOMEBODY pushed a button with this dude.
Perhaps someone typod “DeSantis” as “QeSantis.”
Big Belly Laugh on that one!
QeSantis would spool SD up bigly. 😂 😅 😂
SD has done this before, with the whole “I’ve got the goods, I’m taking it to Washington.”
He *thinks* he HAS something, and he just takes off with it.
SD, NOT thinking logically in this case.
I’m going to put it in tomorrow’s daily.
Can’t wait!
Yep! It looks like CatTurd versus ThatTurd (aka SomeDunce)…
Truth is not funny, even though your comments usually are funny.
Ok, that’s funny!
There’s more to it. SD did the digging and he’s pointing out the red flags. This will be featured in tomorrow’s daily.
The compromising of the governor did not happen three weeks ago, or even three years ago. It happened long before that.
I don’t doubt that there might be red flags. But CRIST is better?
DeSantis would have to be really compromised for THAT to be true!
Guess, it IS imperative to shred DeSantis, soonest.
I just don’t know what to say about it.
So ridiculous.
Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #517 – Watts Up With That?
Academia has become a gold mine for greedy sly opportunists,
and indoctrination target for leftists,
and an intel spy mine for Chynah.
THREAD – SD explains his concerns about DeSantis….
I’m only having a bit of trouble with Some-Dunce’s timing.
Note, I only use “Some-Dunce” when he is, in fact, being a dunce.
DeSantis is a FANTASTIC governor, who may or may not have Presidential ambitions.
But he needs to stay as the Governor of Florida, regardless of those ambitions. If the Dunce doesn’t want him to run in 2024, the best way to PREVENT that is to leave him as Governor. It looks bad when someone wins reelection and immediately runs for President. Republicans don’t like that. It hurts DeSantis’ chances of running in 2024 if he wins in Florida, it doesn’t help them.
Sundance has a way of getting out over his skies. I don’t necessarily think DeSantis, given recent revelations, is someone I would want for President. But the time to worry about that is AFTER the upcoming election.
Thata the bettee approach. Im not understanding why the call to alarm now. Crist is a nightmare.
Last week or so, floated, sometimes I think Sum Dunce is working AGAINST us.
The sudden, DeSantis Bad, BAD, BAD, IS Stoopid on steroids.
I think he’s SCARED that people will abandon Trump. When people are scared, they make rash moves.
One of SD’s few powers, other than convincing people, is to chase opposing voices off his site by moderation – and he uses it.
NO ONE can replace Trump.
MAGA types KNOW this. R-Cons, not so much.
RCons know no one will be like Trump.
But to them, not being like Trump is a feature so of course they’ll try replacing him with anyone.
RINOs and GOPe kiss DeSantis while giving the evil eye to Trump.
Yeah. Its wierd. Still wondering if he did the drudge report 2 step in some way.
Controlled opposition???
EXACTLY what I said earlier.
Save the DeSantis bashing for AFTER January 2023!
We need ALL the Reboobs we can get EVEN IF WE HAVE TO HOLD OUR NOSES!
Amen! VOTE!
Thank you.
DeSantis for Florida Guvner, NOW.
Worry about 2024, AFTER November 8th.
Exactly! The DemonDems, RINOs, and GOPe got us thinking too far ahead.
Right there with you, Aubergine. It makes zero sense to trash a highly successful, conservative governor of a key state under any circumstances IMO. Reverse psychology aside, now is the time to take advantage of that base of operations and solidify it. Of course you take money from big business, you want to be re-elected to keep doing what you are doing.
What the political situation was back 2016, is no longer. MAGA did not happen until after PDT’s election. It was just an unproven concept or movement. Now – it is a THING.
RDS is 2028. Four more years of destroying the left in FL and completing the model for the rest of the country. Spend two years on the trail. Ride into the oval office. At that point his administrative skills will be needed. In 2024 we The Lion and warrior = PDT.
And especially not when he is up for reelection. We don’t want the Dem to win.
Z-man is always interesting, and today he repeats familiar themes with great insights:
He also cites a long but amazingly great essay, link here:
What is happening in today’s Russia, Putin’s Russia, IMO can only be understood if Russia’s history is understood, and particularly the recent history starting in the mid 1800’s. And it can only be understood taking into account Russian literature during that entire time.
But understanding Russia and why Russia is where it is, is a great glossary, commentary, key, to understanding what is happening to our country. The problem is, America does not have the great literature of Russia. So we do not have a class of people who have examined the American soul, and human nature. Americans have to rely upon their understanding of human nature based on outside “sources.” The absence of a great national literature makes it harder understand the minute details of human nature. Russians do not have that problem.
The firstthings article is chilling.
Yes! One sees American PC and leftism as a nice repeat of what happened to Russia. BLM, Antifa, “the current thing”, Ukraine, periodic 5-minute hates toward Russia – it’s all there.
We must create an alternate to their “intelligentsia” that can WITHER theirs. And that is exactly what we are doing.
Good stuff. Putin has a strong plan to make sure the pre-communist, self-deluded “intelligentsia” does not arise again.
And that is why our pre-Bolshevised liberal intelligentsia hates him so much!
Glenn Beck
“‘Convenient’ events hint THIS is why the FBI raided Trump”
^^^ Home run there. ^^^
That’s a watch twice thing, once for information and again just for enjoyment.
Beck with a home run on that one.
He is good when he does this blackboard show 🙂
DeSantis pulled out of a fundraiser for Zeldin on Sunday because of an ‘unforeseen tragedy’.
It was the JAB DEATH (a.k.a. “sudden death”) of Miami big-wig executive of the Miami Dolphins!
Nobody has the guts to speak the truth! DEPOPPERS DID THIS!!!
Wow….Must be it. Senior VP of Communications and Community Affairs. Jason Jenkins. 47 years old.
“This was a healthy, healthy guy that just brought it every day. … Just full of life,” McDaniel said. “That’s the hardest part. There’s just no words to describe.
Jenkins’ cause of death was not made known.
Nobody will blame the jab. Total disconnect.
Jab Deaths 100% accounted for.
Normies never ask, W T F is that all about?
I’ll blame it. I’m totally connected. At least on this shit.
If they didn’t dominate the news cycle with all things Trump people (others besides us) might start really noticing the deaths.
SD dissects the dirty work of Bloody Mary McCord – who appeared on the Sunday Talks to try to smear Trump and pave the way for yet another of her fake farce kangaroo justice indictments….
This woman is KEY. She is apparently AWARE of almost every high-level secret that passes through DOJ – and likely a lot more. She has some kind of status with the FISA court that lets her meddle in damn near everything secret.
She is behind ALL of the targeting of Trump and Trump’s supporters.
I can almost guarantee that this chick and her plants in Dodge are behind the stonewalling of Engelbrecht’s and Phillips’ FBI case about Chinese election interference.
She is likely behind all kinds of protection of ChiCom rackets in the US.
This woman is the EMBODIMENT of Obama’s and globalism’s turning of American LEOs against patriotic Americans.
Good grief, this woman is horrible.
And THAT is why DODGE had a FIT when Sundance pointed her out!
BRAVO, SUNDANCE! Hit this McCord P.O.S. HARD!!! She is the one who demonized patriotic Americans, and tried to sic the new 9/11 AXIS on us!
McCord… the Devil’s Bride…
Cat Lady of the Catlantic Council!
I have seen skuttlebutt that the USA never signed on to the ‘Nuremberg Code’ 😱 😩
18 U.S. Code § 175 – Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons
Professor Dr. Francis A. Boyle is ”… a leading American expert international law; responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 89…”
So he had a major hand in developing the following:
CHINA is a signatory as is the USA.
THIS is what The Deep State is afraid of and they will prevent Trump or Russia from bring them to Justice if they can.
Collins, Gates, Fauci – names that will go down in infamy.
Add Mary McCord, Rochelle Walensky, Obama, John Holdren (probably, unless he was used unknowingly), and more!
Whoever replaces Fauci will be a depopper. Francis Collins has been spotted getting in on the act from “fake retirement” (like Fauci) to make sure they keep a ringer in Fauci’s slot. Collins’ replacement is presumably a depopper, too.
Cleaning out DC is making The Cleaning of the Augean Stables look like a cake walk!
Disgusting disrespectful assho
It’s a smartwatch. They’re using it as a cheat sheet. IMO.
The watch is his electronic pacifier. Has picture of an, Ice Cream Cone. 🙂
Ah thats possible. I dont think it works anymore. 🤪
Good call! He can see messages on what to do.
😍 👍
I was about to ask, “why bother with the space suit” but of course they needed the spacesuit so the scissors would be useful.
Also, the music requires it. Must have a space suit with that music. 🎵🧑🏼🚀🚀
Thread … 1) I hate to even address this total lying douchbag – but he’s been attacking me for days and lying through his teeth.
entire Twitter page now is bashing Ron DeSantis. I’m not listening to that stupid bullshit, especially 2 months before my election.
9:16 AM · Aug 29, 2022·Twitter Web App
Quote Tweet
Catturd ™
Replying to
2) This is the midterms and anyone bashing DeSantis is doing everything in their power to get Charlie Crist elected and destroy the state I love. I’d finally had enough of this BS and blocked him. Not putting up with nonsense. Of course, he’s been attacking me with lies since.
Catturd ™
3) Now the infant is going on and on about how I hate Trump now, and I’m a never-Trumper. Why? Because I support Ron DeSantis in the Governors race. This kind of utter stupidity is why I blocked in the first place. For those of you who haven’t listened to my podcast …
4) I’ve already fully endorsed President Trump for 2024. I want DeSantis to be Governor of Fl for 4 more years. It’s a no brainer to have Trump as POTUS and DeSantis as my Governor. – I’ve said this a 100 times on my podcast. Also, Governors now are almost as important as POTUS.
Catturd ™
5) This is the last time I’m going to address this because this scumbag lying POS isn’t worth my time. I’ll never bash Trump and I’ll never bash DeSantis. I love them both and my dream is that they’ll both be our President 2024-2028 Trump, 2028-2036 DeSantis – 12 years.
Agreed. He’s absolutely right. VSGPDJT 2024-2028; DeSantis 2028-2036…
MAGA and KAG MAGA (so to speak)…
I think sd stepped in it here.
He doesn’t even try to fling it off his shoe…something ain’t right with him
MK. The obsessive part of this thing just SCREAMS mind kontrol of some kind.
My advice for Sundance – raise personal security to paranoid levels.
Make sure his meds aren’t being tampered with, during or after delivery. You will recall that I caught the evil feds or their ChiCom allies getting into my shipped meds, and raised it to the supplier level, causing them to institute changes to delivery.
Anything they would do to me, they would do to him and try twice as many times.
Make sure his home security can’t be hijacked by the feds. Amazon = CIA. Google = Obama NSA. Get out of their worlds.
Maintain personal security and situational awareness, but be prepared for feds to try to reverse it on you, or bait you into a lethal mistake.
Review all personal access to the abode. Eliminate all vectors from possibility.
Good advice.
They did say that they were going to go after conservative influencers so…we can’t really know what that means but considering your experiences, it could mean anything
Anything they want it to mean.
Whatever is fast, easy and effective.
These people are capable of telling parents to KILL THEIR KIDS.
They will do anything they can get away with.
Remember when the hurricane hit and his house was damaged? He got help from cth people, directly. Also, ever since the early paranoia and asking for the loyalty oath….kicking people out who honestly helped bump his numbers, I think something happened.
I agree there. A long time ago there used to be some photos up of the very core cth group who started the page, including sd. When he went to d.c. to talk w some people, he revealed himself in a reflection unintentionally. He was sort of more broken.
I dont know who he is outside of cth, but he should listen to your advice.
I am sure he reads here at times.
Back in the day, the letters NSL were mentioned… maybe missfit, erm, miss FISC might have had something to do with that…..
^^^ Spot On thoughts. ^^^
Perhaps. Back channel the info to SD. IIRC, direct comms were available some time ago. Just a thought.
I had been away from my computer and just saw a headline about this on Citizen Free Press. That’s big! I knew it would have been picked up here.
Catturd reeks of down-to-earth honesty and patriotism. I can’t sign in to Twitter but check his feed frequently because of the dogs and because he brings solid, often humorous content. He has said nothing that is out of line, and there is no reason to bash him.
Heck, I’d volunteer to clean THAT litter box!
Catturd IS right. IMO.
Totally on target!!!
It sounds like the WRONG PARTY in this dispute is named after a turd. It should be the other one with “turd” in his name.
Wonder if the dip stick gal asked Crist an obvious follow-up. Do you agree with BiteNe, Republicans are Fascist?
Actually, it should have been the lead question.
Nothing they do is for real reporting…it’s for that soundbite. The smear is repeated and he ‘confirms’ that it’s honest.
Propaganda soundbites for the online media arm who share it far and wide. All the good little leftards can repeat it on twitter…snore zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Crist would do anything as their lap dog.
“You Want to Talk About ‘Semi-Fascism’…Look In the Mirror” – Australian TV on Biden Calling Americans “Semi-Fascists” (
This is the guy SOME DUNCE is SUPPORTING by going after DeSantis???

Catturd: “Don’t shoot your foot off!”
Sundance: “That’s not my Trump foot. That’s my DeSantis foot!”
You know the WORST PART?
SD better get this. He just created a self-fulfilling prophesy.
DeSantis gets a lot of money from donors NATIONWIDE. In fact, he’s one of the most POPULAR out-of-state donor targets of them all.
So Sundance helps dry that up – and where does DeSantis have to turn?
That’s right. THE DAMN GOPe, waiting there for their info op to complete.
He’d have to get over his pseudointellectual high horse, remove its dick from his ass, and have a moment of introspection for any of that to happen.
Oh, that’s a visual I could have done without, but I did laugh. Shame on me!
I feel you on the head-banging. WTF is going on OT?
Sum Dunce is NOT alone, beating up on DeSantis.
More inbound…
Grateful, to be registered Independent.
Pepe Escobar
two hours ago
From one of my top Beltway intel sources. That’s as much as I’m allowed to quote – what’s not included is even more incandescent:
“Germany and the US want to reenact World Wars One and Two this time with the Anglo-Saxons on the side of Germany. Russia and China are quite aware of what is going on and may make their moves soon in the Balkans in collaboration with the enemies of Vucic in Serbia. China did not appreciate that their diplomats were murdered on purpose by NATO [a reference to the bombing of Belgrade in 1999]. The purposeful killing of these diplomats was the gravest error of policy. Murder, though it hath no tongue, speaks with most miraculous organ (Shakespeare). And as the French say, the more things change the more they stay the same.
The Anglo-Saxons are sleepwalking into World War Three and as Napoleon said beware of waking up China. China tilts the balance of power in favor of Russia. Most of the rest of the world supports Russia.”
Not Germans, we just get to pay for it, probably with money and blood.
The WEFfenSS, led by Stavros Schwab, and Satan Sauros…
We were always at war with Oceania…….
Reports Of US Embassy Being Evacuated As Baghdad’s Green Zone Breached
Days of pro-Muqtada Sadr protests and unrest have reportedly resulted in Baghdad’s high secure Green Zone being breached Monday, placing international diplomatic missions and foreign embassies under threat.
AFP is reporting that an exchange of gunfire has been observed as dozens or possibly hundreds of supporters riot, with police using riot control measures like water cannons to repel an attack on the Green Zone. There are unconfirmed reports that the sprawling and iconic Iraqi Republican Palace has been forcibly breached with protesters inside.
con’t at link
Yes sirree…the Hillary gang are coming out of the woodwork….Don’t know if Bash is being appointed because of his involvement in the intelligence coverup of Hillary’s Russian Hoax or if it’s because the current upheavel in Iraq requires his knowledge in weapons trafficking but it’s noteworthy that Bash’s partner, Mike Morrell, was out and about just yesterday protecting the Deep State]
(Washington Examiner) Jeremy Bash, a former chief of staff at the CIA and Pentagon, was picked by Biden to be part of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board on Friday. Bash, along with roughly 50 other ex-intelligence officials, signed a letter in October 2020 claiming the Hunter Biden laptop saga had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” while Bash himself suggested on TV that the laptop story was “Russian disinformation”
“The President’s Intelligence Advisory Board is an independent element within the Executive Office of the President,” the White House said. “The President’s Intelligence Advisory Board exists exclusively to assist the President by providing the President with an independent source of advice on the effectiveness with which the Intelligence Community is meeting the nation’s intelligence needs and the vigor and insight with which the community plans for the future.”
When the storm howls and the wind blows, the TRASH appears in the street.
So, right on cue, Bye,Done is rounding up and hiring another lot of Bash turds…
Thanks for the info Litenmaus
Must be an exciting time fore the OBiden cabal…war breaking out everywhere..their special services needed. Which sides will be the winner of the US war machine? Good times except for the poor souls drawn in by deceit and death.
I don’t know how they’ll manage to bring Trump into the mix but they will
Today, during the day, on the direct instructions of V. Zelensky, Ukrainian troops attempted an offensive in the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions in three directions.
As a result of the active defense of the grouping of Russian troops, the AFU units suffered heavy losses.
During the fighting, 26 Ukrainian tanks, 23 infantry fighting vehicles, nine other armored combat vehicles were destroyed, two Su-25 attack aircraft were shot down.
The enemy’s losses in manpower amounted to more than 560 servicemen. Another attempt at offensive actions of the enemy failed miserably.
I really appreciate all your posts on the fighting in Ukraine Phoenix, thank you….
You’re most welcome Litenmaus …
SD on DeSantis
Just stopping by to note that, rather than offer any good argument as to why SD’s analysis of DeSantis is wrong (ie. “actions speak louder than words”; DeSantis was silent on the MAL raid; emerged from his silence bunker with a new campaign manager; has yet to address the MAL raid that took place in DeSantis’ state; issued a horrible Dukasis-esque campaign ad (Top Gov….so cringy) )…
….CatTurd attacked SD without addressing any of SD’s concerns. I note those attacking SD here do likewise.
IMHO, it is ludicrous to fear that SD’s posts would cause any MAGA supporter to not vote for DeSantis in Nov. or that SD could cost DeSantis the election. If anything, they serve to give DeSantis notice that we are watching VERY carefully now and have noted that he remained silent on the illegal and unjust MAL raid when speaking out would NOT have hurt DeSantis in any way. So, why the silence?
Neither CatTurd, nor those bashing SD, can or will say.
Meanwhile, SD gives us the goods on folks like Mary McCord….incredibly valuable insight (I would call it INVALUABLE) that CatTurd does not and never has.
So….who is of more value? Who is worth listening to?
I close by pointing out it is CatTurd who is attacked SD and started all this, not the other way around…and CTurd is doing so while failing to address SD’s concerns. CTurd is attacking SD on the basis of “costing DeSantis the election”, which is absurd on several fronts when one stops to calmly and logically consider the validity of the fear.
What I do know is that the black hats would LOVE to take out SD….far more than they would Catturd.
Not a single post of SD re: Desantis is based upon emotion. Rather, they are based upon OBSERVATION and the truth that “actions speak louder than words). Moreover, he is emphasizing this NOW because this same observation will be made in the times ahead. SD is a very keen and astute observer (see: post on Mary McCord).
Meanwhile, CatTurd’s posts re: SD and DeSantis are almost exclusively based upon emotion and fear, complete with vulgarity and insults.
No one loves SD because of his snarky insults, but because of his piercing insight and analysis. The EXACT opposite is (mostly) true of CTurd.
Hmmmm. 🤔
PS – Interesting that Wolf is making my old and oft repeated arguments re: “trust in MLKjr” and remaining peaceful, today (see thread at top of page).
Be well and God bless!
As Steve also says elsewhere, very cogent insights.
SD called catturd a nevertrumper now dt his support of desantis. Thats what really set him off.
via Bernhard @ MoA:
August 29, 2022
Europe’s Economic And Social Suicide – Provoked by The U.S. And Helped Along By Europe’s Leaders
Due to the stupidity of Europe’s political leadership the U.S. has managed to push it towards committing economic and social suicide.
On February 8 Michael Hudson, a research professor of Economics at University of Missouri, wrote about the then upcoming conflict in Ukraine which the U.S. was intentionally provoking.
Michael Hudson: America’s Real Adversaries Are Its European and Other Allies
To provoke a war in Ukraine was easy as the movie production team ruling Ukraine was willing to sacrifice its people and country in a unwinnable war against Russia. The Ukrainian actor and president Vladimir Zelensky had already announced that the Ukraine would, by force, take back Crimea and the Donbas republics that were in the hand of a Russia aligned Ukrainian resistance.
Cont. reading: Europe’s Economic And Social Suicide – Provoked by The U.S. And Helped Along By Europe’s Leaders
Posted by b at 17:38 UTC |
Yup. It was ABUSE.
I immediately recognized it as such, although unconsciously at first.
I grew up with abuse, married an abuser, and escaped. Lots and lots of therapy later…
I instantly go into “fight” mode if threatened. Maybe the therapy worked too well?
The minute his face shows up is changed. SWAMP RAT TRAITOR
Deep State Operative reports to HQ: “We can keep ‘mollypitcher5’ from seeing something by plastering Graham’s face all over it.”
No mollycoddling for them then…..
Hah! My pipeline to truth starts in here so whatever scheme or narrative they’re trying to throw on us with a stooge like Graham undoubtedly we already know it !!!
Graham is doing what all the Fake Polls do before an election. HE IS TELL the LoFo folk THERE WILL BE RIOTS so when the FIB False Flag riots occur and are BLASTED all over the news, People will think it is the TRUTH even if the riots are only 20 FIB agents PLUS PAID ACTORS made to look like thousands.
Hubby commented, the FIB will use it to arrest MAGA ‘influencers’ like Steve Bannon, RedPill 78, PatelPatriot….. as having INCITED RIOTS… Even if they HAVE to INSERT the ‘evidence’
Were on to their entrapment games and the blatant imprisoning political pawns in the gulag has forged some real patriot grit, imo. I won’t feel completely at peace until all them are released
We’re doing this PEACEFULLY!
Screw this closeted queer liar.
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 08/29/2022 11:39:12
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108906909057160138
So now it comes out, conclusively, that the FBI BURIED THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY BEFORE THE ELECTION knowing that, if they didn’t, “Trump would have easily won the 2020 Presidential Election.” This is massive FRAUD & ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before in our Country. REMEDY: Declare the rightful winner or, and this would be the minimal solution, declare the 2020 Election irreparably compromised and have a new Election, immediately!
They did not even need to bury it, they stole the election anyway. This has never been about legit voting.
This is great. Trump is pushing the LEGIT STANCE despite all the nay-saying RINOs and GOPe out there, who will say “move on”.
WHEAT-CHAFF SORTER. Of the best and biggest variety. We will spot all the chaff on this one.
The “illegitimacy” issue SKEERS the pants off of every actor in the regime. They will start to make MORE MISTAKES.
We should support our President Trump and flood the White House with post cards, letters and greeting style cards addressed to PDJT at the White House. Post cards could say “Welcome Home” sir.
Anybody know how to contact Don Jr.? We could continue to mail until PDJT is re-installed.
Now, Im not picking at this, however,
he did the right thing not attending a fundraiser. However he went to see a money guy in Jersey. So did Desantis go to the memorial at all? Unclear in the article.
“While unable to attend the evening event, DeSantis was in Deal, New Jersey, earlier in the day at the home of Jay Cayre, head of Midtown Equities, sources told The Post.
A spokesperson for Zeldin said DeSantis would return to New York at a later date for an event with the candidate.”
But I am sure some WILL pick at it.
November 9th, I’ll look at it.
Theres so much money involved with things from legislation to elections and more. We dont know what he’s talking to the Jersey finance guy for, and probably wont. 9 weeks.
TOMORROW – a protest against the January 6 – FBI Fedsurrection and the persecution – Gulag Imprisonment – of legitimate non-violent protestors..
Oh, look, I guess they need to refill the prison in DC.
This tactic may work. We’ll see. And if the feds try to muck it up, we will EXPOSE, SHAME, AND MORALLY DESTROY.
On second thought, they deserve exposure, shame, and moral destruction NOW.
Protests that make any of the THREE FURIES PLUS MARY SATAN McCORD walk the WALK OF SHAME through January Sixth protesters are a good idea.
Target them PEACEFULLY and LEGALLY – pop-up protests that they have no idea are coming. No violence – no intimidation – just SHAME for what they are doing to this country.
Protests outside of DODGE would be nice. Very likely to catch evil ones like Lisa Monaco, McSatan, and their ilk. Maybe even a fat blob of election-stealing BONDO.
We need to protest the SOURCE OF THE EVIL. Obama’s HENCHWOMEN who run this cruel regime for him.
January Sixth protesters are suffering. Make the ROOTS OF EVIL who persecute them suffer (but oh so gently) along with their victims. Let their FURY consciences not escape their ABUSE of vengeance against the innocent.
Is that a dude?
LOL! Seriously, that picture looks a lot less “dude” than some of the others.
Methinks she’s just a “handsome” woman, as we say in some circles where “it’s a MAN, baby” would be inappropriate. 😆
But seriously, it’s like the Atlantic Council collects these amazons. Remember impeachment “lady”, Fiona Hill? Here’s one of her more girly pix.
And then throw in the Farkas type…..
I think the enemy across the pond has used a lot of female gender opportunities for cover on stealthy puppets.
McCord’s married to Sheldon Snook. His background includes serving as a special assistant to Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.’s counselor and working as a FISA Court spokesman. D.C. is an incestuous bed of snakes.
“Follow the husbands.”!!!
We’re actually digging into the Shadow Government here.
McCord doesn’t have a wiki which is interesting.
THAT is pure CIA. They groom their people off the internet.
So CIA is running the top levels of DOJ. Makes sense.
This guy is a real P.O.S. He has one article in The [Jobs widow’s TDS blog] Atlantic, right before January Sixth, where he praises the courts for not hearing any cases from Trump.
Here, you can read the full article.
This guy is providing COVER for his wife’s SECRET LAWFARE SANCTIONED ELECTION THEFT. She’s in on it. He’s in on it. He’s praising the courts FALSELY for doing voluntarily what they were FORCED to do, in rejecting any hearing of a Trump claim.
The CRIME is buried in FISA – I’m sure of it. They snaked Trump using secret law. Note that I have said REPEATEDLY that by using FISA against Trump, they only need one SCOTUS judge – Roberts – to enact and sustain any unconstitutional crap.
Well guess who this guy worked for – and then weirdly bails right before J6.
This woman and her husband are, IMO:
I believe that depopulation followed a similar course through the FISA court. Trump was not read in on it, and for some reason (like rejecting climate change) could not be read in on it, and all of that was used as a legal basis to do all the monstrous things they did against him. “Secret Treaties”.
OMG – this is all it. They’re looking to see if Trump has any PROOF of any of the OTHER things used against him – including the REAL REASONS – anything deeper than the shall game of Muh Russia.
Great job putting it all together. So this the reason for the Mar-a-Lago raid? To see what Trump has on them?
Egads. Thats pretty close association.
And there’s the FISA connection…
Equine faces, all…
And the extraordinarily vacant Hochul eyes.
Yep. To paraphrase that old song, “Betty Graveyard Eyes”…
Well, that McCord “chick” has an Adam’s apple. I think it’s a man, baby.
She has that dimm look of manliness.
Yuugly wench.
Amen, Wolf Moon, Amen.
Intel Slava Z
Protests by supporters of the Shiite politician Muqtada al-Sadr are taking place in Baghdad today, turning into clashes with the security forces.
The reason for the escalation of protests was the statement published by al-Sadr in social networks about the complete cessation of his political activities.
Global Intel Watch
Heavy clashes in Baghdad’s Green Zone
Reports of choppers flying over Green Zone
Reports al-Sadr is starting hunger strike until violence stops.
Bellum Acta – Intel, Urgent News and Archives
Air Raid sirens being reported inside the US Embassy in Baghdad as armed clashes between Sadrist Nationalist Militias and Pro-Iran Militias & explosions take place inside the Green Zone of Baghdad!
Reports of Iraqi social medias that Pro-Iran PMU’s Media Department offices in Baghdad was targeted during the clashes, reportedly by an RPG!
The Embassy of the State of Kuwait in Baghdad urges Kuwaiti citizens in Iraq to leave immediately
Reports of Iraqi social medias that Pro-Iran PMU’s Media Department offices in Baghdad was targeted during the clashes, reportedly by an RPG!
Al-Arabiya: The Presidential & Government Palaces in Baghdad’s Central Zone are being targeted with rockets!
Multiple casualties among the Iraqi security Forces being reported on social medias
UGH. Neocons are slobbering and dollar signs are rolling up in their eyes.
They are busy stirring up things in Libya. Yeman, etc. (sigh)
ZeroHedge has article on it —-
Someone mentioned yesterday regarding California and there warnings on chemicals etc. These warning labels are everywhere. I get this when renting a car in California through National.
Yes, they’re not conservative when deciding something causes cancer.
You can sometimes see those labels outside of CA though if I were a manufacturer I’d find it worthwhile to run another packaging line for “outside of CA”
On the other hand, some gun manufacturers just LOVE putting “Not Legal In California” stickers on their products.
Its all about fear n control, as usual.
Hmmm. Reproductive harm. Yet they’re rabidly pro-abortion.
Maybe those labels should go on the clot shots…
Y’all may find this of interest …
OMG, that’s a GREAT article!
Not the least of which reasons, being that it straightens out the whole Musk/Twitter thing.
I thought so to Wolfie …
What do you make of the merger?
Warner Media (Len Blavatnik) split from ATT (domestic spying switch rooms, Pellicano) and rolled into Warner Bros Discovery? Something related to DC comics movies becoming less woke, illustrated by Justice League (Charles Roven, see Pellicano) release?
Die Hard director says comic book movies are made by “fascists” in 2016?
Scratching my head.
Flummoxed also Mary …
“Woke” was destroying DC … people across the political spectrum were upset, including a lot of youngsters. We shall see what comes. Will take a lot of work and savvy to re-brand CNN, imho
I suspect that the institutions are feeling pressure and are restructuring for cover?
Re: Twitter…
Plausible deniability that the bots are not external, but internal by design?
Wonder what bot l’ infant terrible Joshua browder is up to these days.
Yes Mary … I agree “restructuring for cover”
The bots will be the death of Twitter, FB, etc (fingers crossed)
Also interesting is the Baltimore shakedown of the Natalie Portman production, imo. It’s a rough business apparently.
The Mnuchin/Soros partnership in spring 2006? (The date matters, in my mind palace, lol, considering other unmentioned events.)
You are so informed, have researched a ton …
I look forward to your posts … there are too few of them! Bring more please. And where is Elizabeth?
Drive-by poster I am …. bring stuff for peeps to ponder … You bring “light” – TY
Wow. I’m humbled. Thanks for you’re kind words.
I’m super busy at the moment to post more, and my brain gets tired from the twists that this story takes. Hard for me to keep up with all of the open fronts.
My interest in this story started decades ago with things that I was observing in my chosen profession (observation of fraud and corruption in low income housing programs, and basically any money for urban development in a small blue city in a blue state.)
I ended up in archives at elite research universities, following the trail that started in my interest in the history of 20th century urban planning, particularly urban renewal. I quickly discovered that the history involved agendas of the US Intel agencies and imo, their megalomaniacal plans for central control of the world. (Plans for a world capital located in Queens? How downright cheesy. Using the agricultural higher education of the children of farmers to move farm families off of their land and into cities, just pissed me off.)
I also discovered that I was searching for an understanding of my own personal history; things that families don’t know, or can’t share.
Anyhow, thanks again. Cheers.
Enter Steve Munching and Soros partnering to buy an action film library in the spring of 2006:
…”Dune Entertainment was led by Steven Mnuchin and had been co-financing Fox films since 2006.[6][7][8][9] On March 17, 2006, Viacom agreed to sell a controlling interest in the DreamWorks Pictures live-action film library to Soros Strategic Partners and Dune Entertainment II.[10] The sale was completed on May 8, 2006.[11] The company is the result of a 2013 joint venture between RatPac Entertainment and Dune Entertainment, following a collapse in negotiations between Dune and 20th Century Fox – which led the company to close a deal with Warner Bros. “…
^^^ SHAG, lying like a rug. 😂 😅 😂
Yep taking him out to an expensive lunch.
For sure. Grassley said the agent was reassigned to an unspecified location.
Hopefully, Thule.
Training. With an emphasis on, NOT getting caught rigging investigations.
There you go. REALITY.
Yeah, that’s more like it.
If this came through Susan Rice and Lisa Monaco, it came in from THE TOP.
More likely this guy was a whistleblower, or was talking, or getting cold feet, or something like that.
Total agreement. PATSY MOVE.
This has Lisa Monaco’s fingerprints all over it. Susan Rice. Obama.
This did not happen without approval from above.
IMO Kapo and Monaco talked this guy into helping them “reduce the temperature” by a deception move.
Wray has for Action.
Dirt Bag FIBber, will get extra training. /s
There is no way that these uppers were deceived.
I’ll bet that the real story is this.
The Cankles Gang in DOJ wanted this to happen. Kapo and Monaco and the Obama gang wanted it to happen. Thibault wanted it to happen.
Then – for some reason – COUGH – who knows? – maybe GOD – they get some crazy idea that Trump must know something that could really have them all “hanging from nooses”.
Obama and Cankles sign off, if they have not already done so. Biden is walking around with his ice cream. Capo and Wray sign off, pretending for it to be business as usual, but secretly they’re dying to scarf up everything at Trump’s and find out what he knows.
Worse still, the whole world hates them for what they did.
They have to discredit their own raid. Thibault volunteers to take the dive, protecting both Team Cankles and Team Obama.
Thibault will get a bonus, promotion and a cushy position out of the lime light.
“Job well done. Here’s your gold watch. Now forget everything you know.”
“If you find yourself remembering anything unpleasant, let’s have a walk at Fort Marcy and put your mind at ease….”
Most hilarious part?
But what they were looking for?
Trump still HAS.
What scares them even more…….
TRUMP doesn’t have it……..
But SOMEBODY authorized DOES.
Of course. But Trump gave it to them. It’s fantastic.
Good sign but we know it doesn’t end here…
Donald J. Trump
Wow, I assume this ends the Fake Witch Hunt? The “Special Agent” In Charge has been removed from his post based on his concealing the partisan nature of evidence presented to secure the FBI’s corrupt investigation into the 45th President of the United States, me, which culminated in their unprecedented and unnecessary Raid and Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago. Thank you to the FBI for taking this important step toward sanity!
This sounds like “temperature reduction” right here.
Trump is “going along with their farce in good faith”!!! I love it!
What happened here? Did a NON-CORRUPT JUDGE look at the affidavit and PUKE? Kinda thinking some judge OTHER than REINO looked at things and said HSWTF.
This does not end their pursuit of him. NO WAY.
Is Trump in the middle of some kind of action as a result of the raid? I know he wanted the affidavit unsealed (and got it heavily redacted). But IMO, any and all actions, lawsuits, etc., should proceed apace.
I think SUNLIGHT reflected in somewhere and some judge said “WTFH is this shit???”
From the Just the News article:
Give me a break!
So Thibault gave partisan info regarding matters in 2020, and with all that had gone on between 2015 and then, Wray and Garland didn’t think to check for partisanship? They didn’t look at sources? If this is true, they should both be fired.
Apparently Thibault’s firing is not related to the MAL raid. Are we supposed to be satisfied now because someone at FIB got punished?
AMEN. “Give me a break!”
It’s COVER of some kind! I knew it.
They’re covering for goddamn Lisa Monaco and Susan Rice!!!
Exactly right. They found JACK SHIT or WORSE.
Jacques Schitt (distant relative of Little Adam) has been missing for years.
They’ll be able to close that cold case now.
via Ace
August 29, 2022
“Iraq is Burning Down:” The Situation In Iraq Is So Dire That They’re Evacuating US Embassy Personnel From the Rooftop Via Helicopter
NeverTrump promised us that Biden would restore America’s standing in the world.
Which is strange, because the world feared and respected us under Trump.
Smash cut to:
The IRGC is the Revolutionary Guards of Iran, their stormtroopers and terrorist forces. The troops and terrorists that the “Austere Religious Scholar,” according to the Washington Post, led before Trump ordered a Predator strike on him.
Gee, I wonder if that story is related to this story:
Spoiler: they’re very related.
Quick, let’s do a deal with Iran before we’ve lost our chance:
posted by Ace at 01:00 PM
WEF needs the world On Fire.
Shades of Vietnam.
Yes …
Wef in action.
Sbux sux anyway.
Another reason to NOT visit Starbucks.
Yup. The best protest will be to not go.
Or even better yet, go in, ask them if they take cash, and WALK OUT.
I’ve never had a Starbucks …
I luv coffee … Starbucks serves/sells what they label “COFFEE”
filled with whipped cream and sugar and …
Don’t really care what they use for money
Their schtik is that they buy the older less quality beans then over roast, ie burn them, to cover up the poor quality, then add in all that other stuff to buffer.
One of these days I will find a Dutch Bro.s to try. CBTL isnt really good either.
There’s a Dutch Bros store near me. I smile every time I go by because their back door says MAFIA ONLY.
Hahaha. I think theres one in san diego but thats a drive.
Best way to deal with that is NOT TO GO TO STARBUCKS and tell everyone you know what happens when THEY control access to YOUR wealth. — It AIN’T YOUR WEALTH and YOU are now a SLAVE.
You know what I’m gonna do?
I hate Starbucks and I never drink their crappy coffee, but there’s one in the grocery store I frequent.
Every time I grocery shop, I’m gonna go order the most expensive thing on their menu, and offer to pay with CASH. When they say they only take cards, I’ll say, oh, too bad, I only have cash, and walk away.
I think thats going to happen a lot.
I hope so.
Yup. This is what I’m gonna do.
If we all do it, they’ll put a stop to it.
Probably won’t do a lick of good.
It’s a corporate policy and even the manager of that Starschmucks can’t buck it, nor would he likely pass the story on to corporate, since they’re likely hell-bent on this policy.
“Probably won’t do a lick of good.”
If one person does it, it won’t have much effect except for the satisfaction of the person who did it.
But if enough people did it, the wasted product would become a problem for Starbucks that would impact their bottom line.
Assuming profit and loss are actually relevant to any large corporation today, which is no longer a given.
Aaah, I did miss something there.
Ordering the product and then not being able to pay for it! Yes, that wastes their waste product.
Others were just suggesting asking then leaving.
It depends on how many people do it. A few, you’re correct. A lot, well….
And when I wrote that I didn’t realize we were talking about making them waste their sludge.
They might be starting a trend.
ONLY IF folks are foolish enough to play along.
EXACTLY. Make them suffer for it.
I don’t know about you but I rarely use cash and I rarely see people use cash. This is very common and highly convenient. Ripe for gubmint abuse for sure but this trend is not going to change.
Well you travel so much its how you keep track and you dont carry it around. But, you have a choice.
“I don’t know about you but I rarely use cash and I rarely see people use cash. This is very common and highly convenient.”
And because of that, they know everything you do, everything you buy, how often you buy it, where you get it, and lots of other stuff.
In the ways that matter (to them), they know more about you than you do.
YUP. And if you carry a damn phone, they know even more.
And then, there’s using your actual name when you don’t need to….
— Philo T. Farnsworth
And if you use NFC (ApplePay, etc. by swiping the phone around the terminal, or do the same with an “enabled” bank/credit card), who knows what all information is passed….
Don’t knoe if it’s the same in the USA, but over here EVERY receipt has a HUGE numver/code field at the bottom, with at least 512 bytes of info (0-9, a-z, A_Z, and some specials) that has date, time, start txn time, end txn time, terminal, cashier, store, and a ton of other stuff, including more than enough info to make that a GLOBALLY UNIQUE TRANSACTION. And that, even if you pay cash.
So the infrastructure is already there, whether it’s being used or not. If there are cameras nearby (and there usually are, to monitor things), facial recognition and perhaps “sniffing” for NFC decives or markers on the customer could grab your ID anway, even if you’d paid cash…..
I wish I had a pic -point taI could post, but it takes up the bottom 2-3 inches of the receipt in 8-point type… Big Brother, indeed….
Most of my purchases are cash. Specifically because I am NOT interested in cashless society.
“Go Along, To Get Along” seals the deal – cashless society.
You spend more time in airports than most people. NTTAWWT.
Their coffee tastes like burning shit smells. Who needs it?
How is that even legal, much less lawful?
Look at any piece of worthless fiat paper, it says “This note is legal tender for all debts public and private“.
Not “some” or even “most”, but “all“.
It does not say “This note is legal tender for all debts public and private except at Starbucks”.
I know this, because I checked.
Thats what i wonder too. They say you can use your bank cards, scan a qr code or use a gift card and thats legal tender.
But no, i cant take that gift card and use it to buy groceries, same for a qr code. So bank cards cant be used everywhere either.
I tried finding the official sbux statement but no luck.
Apparently it’s just another lawyer game.
Until a debt is actually incurred, the transaction need not be settled with fiat reserve notes.
So for example, if you eat at a restaurant where you are served first and pay before you leave, they would have to accept fiat currency.
But if you are required to pay first (e.g., fast food), no debt is incurred until you get the food, and you don’t get the food until payment is made, and they can determine what kind of payment is accepted.
Unless a state law says otherwise, which apparently it does in Massachusetts.
Another example. If you are at a gas station that allows you to fill your tank before you pay (if any exist anymore), then they have to accept legal tender for the debt you incurred.
But if the gas station requires you to pre-pay, then you don’t get the gas until after you have paid, in which case they can refuse legal tender and require another form of payment.
So with Starbucks, unless you get your drink first before you pay, no debt is incurred, so they can require another form of payment.
I’m guessing that any transaction involving prepayment creates a debt for the Seller, and the debt is then satisfied by the Seller by providing the good(s) contracted for with the Buyer.
So prepayment effectively creates a reverse transaction, where the Buyer never incurs a debt which would then trigger the “This note is legal tender for all debts public and private“ claim.
Do Businesses Have to Accept Cash?
In a normal world, this should never be an issue. But we don’t live in a normal world anymore.
In a normal world, ‘the customer is always right’ because any business in a competitive free market needs happy customers in order to stay in business.
That dynamic effectively no longer exists, at least with regard to large corporations.
In the world of monopolies and communism and corporate fascism and all the other garbage we have now, businesses take an openly adversarial approach to their customers.
This could never work in right side up land, the business would cease to exist in short order.
It only works in upside down land.
Thats very sneaky. And it would take congress to fix that. So underground economies aside, you cant get everything w cash.
“And it would take congress to fix that.”
If anything requires Congress to do anything for the People, we can be sure it won’t happen.
Between intentional inflation (even 2% per year is intentionally destroying purchasing power, discouraging saving), and government fraud and waste and literal attacks on the citizenry (and People’s bank accounts), along with Woke Corporations, it sounds like they want to drive us all out of the fiat currency system into something they don’t control, like Bitcoin.
Unfortunately, they don’t HAVE to accept it, regardless of its legal tender status. Thinking they’re required to accept it is a common misconception.
Or all those places that say they won’t accept $100 bills would be in trouble.
Maybe they want to create their own currency….
Maybe call it…
StarBucks 😆
You can find the info here plus the current grants and all the rest of his grants:
Oh, this is huge.
“Ralph Baric’s lab spent a considerable amount of time and money in the 80s/90s researching how to induce heart disease with coronaviruses.”
It is absolutely incredible that he is a free person.
Or even still breathing, for that matter.
They’re ALL going to fall.
This is IT. This is the smoking gun.
NOW we just connect everybody as fast as possible and the ones who suspected but did not take part will start talking to save their skins.
THIS WAS NOT AN ACCIDENT. They KNEW that they could use a coronavirus vaccine for population control.
THIS IS IT. We are hot on the trail!!!
OMG, this is it! The is the smoking gun I was looking for!
It’s over. We have FUSION.
I thought this was already known, back when his lab infected Gail and her friend.
OMG – I knew this was somewhere, and somebody found it!
People don’t understand.
All the way from this blog to Klaus Schwab.
The nuclear chain has started.
Treehouse is awesome.
As is, the entire Monday opener.
It is indeed. They are, indeed!
This was one heck of a day.
Psalm 146
Praise the LORD, O my soul.
I will praise the LORD all my life;
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.
Put not your trust in princes,
in mortal man, who cannot save.
When his spirit departs, he returns to the ground;
on that very day his plans perish.
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD his God,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea, and everything in them.
He remains faithful forever.
He executes justice for the oppressed
and gives food to the hungry.
The LORD sets the prisoners free,
the LORD opens the eyes of the blind,
the LORD lifts those who are weighed down,
the LORD loves the righteous.
The LORD protects foreigners;
He sustains the fatherless and the widow,
but the ways of the wicked He frustrates.
The LORD reigns forever,
your God, O Zion, for all generations.
What are you so jazzed up about?
We have the first radiographic image of the depopulation plot. I didn’t expect it so soon or so easily.
I *KNEW* that somebody did this research, but I didn’t suspect that it would be buried so shallow.
I expected the bodies to be buried deep in some giant national park with deserts and mountains.
I didn’t expect to find a shallow grave in Fauci’s back yard!!!
Lots of links needed.
They did the research. But does that prove that C-19 (not the isotope) *came* from the research? I don’t see that it does. Without that, you’ve got nothing.
I’m looking at a much bigger and hidden structure. C19 is almost irrelevant. There are 1000 ways the “epidemic” could have happened, and they really don’t matter.
I can actually factor that crime completely out of what I’m going after.
The “pandemic” was just the set-up to get the injections into everybody. It was meant to be a much longer program. The idea of reversing all of medicine into the near-suicide of humanity is a huge thing.
To see what I’m going after, people will need to dig into the problem of making population control WORK. You have to TRY to make it work – and then you can see that they almost did.
Bill Gates is one sneaky guy. And there’s some other sneaky ones involved here, too. But they weren’t sneaky enough. I see what they did.
Q was absolutely right about the level of evil we are up against.
My only question is whether some of this stuff actually surprised THEM!!!
Still, without a proven link…it means nothing.
We’ll see.
I am totally getting a “Forensic Files” vibe on this thing. I think it’s going somewhere.
It’s like any forensic search – you have to get as many people as possible looking for the truth in the right places. Get a few breaks like this, and things start snowballing.
I am just so grateful that somebody did the first step and identified the research into causation of cardiomyopathy by coronaviruses. I knew this was a necessary step for a conscious depopulation program using coronavirus vaccines.
The immune sabotage part was not as strong of a link – it may very well be a mix of pathology innate to coronas and “import” by the HIV sequences in COVID-19, so that’s one of my next items of interest. That brings Fauci in, too. But it’s not really necessary for a winning case to be made. The cardio connection was critical, and it’s THERE.
The TIMING is even better than I suspected – I thought it might be just a bit more recent.
But the BIG help is finding that there is a substantial PUBLIC record of the cardio research, and that it shows up with a “usual suspect”.
Now, there are some aspects of “case strategy” and evidence that I’m not going to give publicly, because the other side will use reactive disinformation to muddy the waters. But I have both evidence and arguments that I could take to a jury, and they are absolute jury-convincers. They would function, even if no documentary proof of the plot is ever found.
I suspect there are many more of these.
The plotters made some serious mistakes, and I have them in my bag.
If there ARE any white hats on this, then they should also know these things – in fact, they should be way ahead of me.
What I’m going to do now is to keep pushing the ideas forward so people dig in the right directions. Sooner or later, somebody is going to stumble on something where somebody lied in ways that truly expose them on depop. And once THAT happens, there will be serious digs, and the truth will start erupting.
People are getting to where they need to be. They need to think – how could I pull this off? How would I sneak out the depopulation shots? How would I keep them quiet?
Once they start thinking like that, they’re on the trail of the right people, and going “DAYUM!”
There’s certainly enough here to merit continual pursuit…we’re just not there yet. Which to me means it’s a bit early to be declaring victory.
We’ve seen some smoke, but it ain’t necessarily a gun.
Essentially Beto will be campaigning from home via video conferencing. Can’t wait. Should be exciting 😁😂🤣😂😆😏🙄
But what’s up with this stuff on the bottom of story???
Beto needs a Booster.
I didn’t realize intravenous was a transition metal, nor that it had a +4 oxidation state.
“Know your audience!”
Is that only when you use titanium needles?
Prolly has MRSA or some other resistant version of staph. I had that in 2014 and had to carry around a dispenser pump with packs of vancomycin for about four months. Had a PIC line installed in my arm to hook the pump to.
Still have the PIC line but now it’s hanging on the wall. 😆
Thank God you’re OK!
Hope you’re not on the end of it still 😀
Wow, that must have been an ordeal. Thank GOD you’re OK!
Maybe he got monkeypox from hobnobbing with the gay voters
Don’t be so cynical; he’s just a dumb doofuss leftist. Stepping on rusty nails is to be expected from a guy like him.
..or that!.
Or Monkeys…
IMO, someone that ill should withdraw from the race and take care of himself.
Orgy Pox?
Somebody has to say it.
“It’s the jab.”
Just sing along with this, with “he’s got the jab” in the chorus….
The bluesy nature of the song really comes out in this rendition! I like it!
This brings back the memories, actually. I had a friend who used to literally say that refrain about chicks with money. “She’s got the jack!” In our circles, that is what “the jack” meant – money. I’d completely forgotten about it, but we used that term all the time.
Not so in Australia, apparently, unless it meant both things there.
We never used it in that sense. In fact, the “chicks with jack” were almost never the kind to have the clap! 😅
This is, of course, the great (and sadly lamented) Bon Scott — the vocalist from when they went international. He was witty, quick, and salty, and slithered his way into the lyrics. Brian Johnson belted them out in the next incarnation, but Bon Scott was awesome. Unfortunately, he was also frequently badly recorded.
Angus Young could lay back and get bluesy with Bon — where he had to belt things out to match Brian. Still great, but almost a different band.
Anymore the problem is chicks named Jack… 🙂
Comment lifted from Andrei Martyanov’s blog:
“it appears the US Green Zone in Iraq may be collapsing…
Some background from a few weeks ago… parliament elections in Iraq, “Sadrist movement” refused to accept results. MSM seems to say the prime minister Kadhimi “pro-Iranian” but if you look at (even) wiki of this prime minister, he has all the characteristics of US/UK puppetry. The shia Sadrist movement has been calling for removing US troops for a while AFAIK.
Can’t stay in Syria if you don’t have Iraq. Just saying…
We should leave both.
Totally agree!
Don Jr on Truth
Not in the best of taste.
Totally agree Pgroup.
Okay, I know most here don’t go to ‘Naked Capitalism’ but I found title of Yves’ most recent article posted in one of the blogs I frequent … y’all might find it interesting …
The question posed is:
Posted on August 29, 2022 by Yves Smith
During the runup to the financial crisis, your humble blogger pointed out that financial time moved faster than political time. Market players often had better and more comprehensive access to important information than officials did and had strong incentives to act on it.
By contrast, regulated entities were motivated to shuffle their feet and mumble until problems became undeniable…and then the regulators themselves would too often hope gunshot wounds would magically heal themselves, rather than risk having to answer embarrassing questions by going into emergency response mode.
Compounding these institutional and behavioral issues was the fact that decades of deregulation had produced a financial system that was tightly coupled. That means, in layperson-speak, that when a problem starts, it propagates thorough the system too quickly to be stopped. There aren’t enough natural or man-made firewalls to arrest the cascade.
With the Ukraine conflict, commentators have fixated on the timetable for prosecuting the war, trying to argue that the fact that Russia has not already “won” (whatever “won” means) implies Russia is losing, despite Russia and its allies having taken over 20% of Ukraine and continuing to gain ground with a mere peacetime expeditionary force. Russian officials have also made clear that they aren’t following a timetable. Some analysts have even argued that the seemingly slow pace is to Russia’s advantage. It does not merely allow them to continue the conflict without resorting to a general mobilization. It also appears to lead Ukraine to bring the war to the Russian front line, facilitating the destruction of the Ukraine army and equipment away from major cities, where civilian casualties would be greater. And the front line is not all that far from Russia, facilitating resupply.
However, there is also a big difference between when a war is won or lost versus when the vanquished is finally prostrated. For instance, Germany’s World War II fate was sealed in the Battle of Kursk, but it was nearly two full years more before Germany surrendered.
Some Western military experts have argued that Ukraine lost within weeks of the start of the Russian forces’ attack. For instance, Larry Johnson contended Ukraine was a goner as soon as Russia took out its radar, air force command and control, and most of its fixed wing aircraft. Ukraine could not mount a counter-offensive against a military using a combined arms operation when it lacked air support. Colonel Douglas Macgregor also stated publicly that Ukraine had lost a month into the conflict; the only open question to him was how long we kept the fighting going to try to weaken Russia.1
In other words, while officials, armchair generals, and the press have been paying at least intermittent attention to the calendar for the military campaign, they’ve not paid much heed to the timeline for the economic war.
We will be so bold as to posit that not only has the sanctions war against Russia backfired spectacularly, but the damage to the West, most of all Europe, is accelerating rapidly. And this is not the result of Russia taking active measures2 but the costs of the loss or reduction of key Russian resources compounding over time.
So due to the intensity of the energy shock, the economic timetable is moving faster than the military. Unless Europe engages in a major course correction, and we don’t see how this can happen, the European economic crisis looks set to become devastating before Ukraine is formally defeated.
Yves’ footnote 1: She misstates Ritter’s CURRENT position (I don’t know what was going on with him when he first spoke on the topic; failed to do his homework?) Anyway, Ritter sounds now Macgregor on Russia.
Tucker Today. ~17 minutes.
This is an absolutely great segment!
It’s mostly review for us here. I hope it can wake up some normies.
No one could be that unaware. You can’t have worked with Trump or observed him and think he is afraid of Liz Cheney. And saying it doesn’t make it so; it only inspires MAGA people to do more. So who is Cohen’s audience? If it’s crazed leftists, he’s just telling them what they want to hear and they’re going to be soooo disappointed. Is the goal to elevate Cheney to Trump’s status? Again, no one is that unaware. LOL. 🙈
Holy smokes this is so frigging ridiculous it wouldn’t be funny as satire.
Satire has to have at least SOME connection to reality.
This is an excellent point, and it speaks to what Tonawanda was talking about today – the article about the Russian revolution – the insanity of leftist positions that one feels necessary to adopt due to social pressure.
Cohen has essentially cooperated with the regime to the point that he literally accepts their psychosis as reality.
It’s EXACTLY what that article was talking about in revolutionary Russia.
Ayn Rand wrote a book, We The Living. It was her first novel. And it was fiction, but the setting was real–she lived in Russia/USSR from birth (1905) through 1926, in other words she got to experience that early Soviet period.
She describes some of the characters as having mouthed the platitudes so much (because they had to) they were starting to believe them.
There’s a reason they have you SAY things in indoctrination classes, There’s a reason the Quran is to be recited.
On the flip side there’s a reason you are encouraged to sing in church.
Seriously, the hymns were one of the hardest things to pull away from to leave my masky church, but part of it was that masks just make the whole singing thing intolerable.
Our church here lets me listen to hymns “on 11” at any time, no mask ever. And others don’t have to listen to them at all!
Singing in church is for worship, not indoctrination. There is a whole world of difference.
You say indoctrination like it’s a bad thing! 😉
Being indoctrinated in good is good! 😍
Sure he can run. He already has Wyoming in the bag. How hard can it be after that?
But she is the Wyoming Bag.
Is that another way of saying she lacks stage presence? Her Wyoming reality show has already been canceled. Maybe she can catch on with Wives of DC. All we know for sure is that according to Cohen she has the prison vote locked up. Now if only they could vote.