Back In My Day: The Mountain Songbird

Many already know to whom I am referring. Very few men, if any, could honestly make the statement I am about to make. I married and climb into bed each night with a woman who slept with Dolly. Yep. I'm a traditional sort of guy, so making this admission is not what I normally would … Continue reading Back In My Day: The Mountain Songbird

DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20220804

First things first: Kari Lake Pulls Ahead in Arizona, Trump-endorsed Candidates Run the Board As it currently stands, Trump-endorsed Blake Masters appears to have easily won the GOP primary in the Senate race and will now face Mark Kelly.  The comprehensively corrupt Rusty Bowers, the Arizona state House speaker who was insistent upon retaining corruption as a political … Continue reading DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20220804

The Population Control Shot – Introduction

What if I could explain every head-scratcher of the "pandemic" with a simple idea - that vaccination is the ideal format for introducing real, workable, tunable, and long-running "population control" into socialized medicine without anybody really noticing or caring? Intro to the Intro It's one of those things that - once you see it - … Continue reading The Population Control Shot – Introduction

Dear KAG: 20220803 Open Thread Establishment dirty tricks. The late push smearing Greitens with the lies that were proven untrue in court.... [INSERT DIRTY WORDS HERE] More on elections: Michigan RINO’S Shipping off Ballots to be Counted by Liberal Cities UPDATE: Elections Operative Who Deleted Maricopa Database Before Machines Were Turned Over to Auditors DID NOT HAVE PROPER … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20220803 Open Thread

Dear KAG: 20220802 Open Thread

Cover image: no title is given, but the artist is a Joe Garnett. Greetings from the great state of Mizz-er-y where the big primary for U.S. Senate is today. (Thank Heaven. The political ads are back to back on every broadcast medium.) President Trump did endorse a trio of representatives. The thing is, the establishment … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20220802 Open Thread

Back In My Day: House of Haslam – Conclusion

When you get time and if you are interested in the subject of the Uniparty and The Club, I hope you will consider reading this HOH four part series. Please forgive my writing style and focus on the content and implications because stories like this one give us big clues. That said, let's finish this … Continue reading Back In My Day: House of Haslam – Conclusion

Dear KMAG: 20220801 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both). … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20220801 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic