Interestingly enough, the big winner on headlines on Tuesday was energy:
From OT:
Russia Shuts Down Nord Stream 1 Gas Pipeline, Gasprom Sends out Eerie Video ‘Winter is Coming’
Wow, Europe Household Electric Bills Estimated to Jump by $2 Trillion Next Year, That’s 12% of Their GDP
California Governor Reminds All Correct Thinking Citizens to Remain Committed to Scarce Energy Resource Allocation
Thousands without power in California’s Bay Area during brutal heat wave
“Sleepwalking to Destruction”: World Struck by Relentless Climate Alarmism
Green agenda now demands elimination of natural gas in homes nationwide
They can pry my natural gas range out of my cold, dead hands.
What a mess.
In other headlines:
Report: CNN Employees ‘Freaked Out’ over Recent Exits Under New Boss Chris Licht – ‘Is There a Purge Going On?’
Short answer according to Storm Rider, yes.
What I Mean When I Speak of the Political Seduction of the Church
I’m referring to the unhealthy marriage of politics and the gospel. I’m speaking about the church becoming an appendage to a political party. I’m talking about God’s people getting consumed with election fever. I’m referring to believers putting their hope in a political leader in a way that becomes unhealthy and even idolatrous.
That is what I mean by political seduction.
Unfortunately, seduction is very enticing. It comes in subtly, not overtly, through the side window, not the front door. And it looks so good at the outset, so justifiable, so right. It is only over time that it begins to show its fangs.
Dean Obeidallah: It’s No Longer Republicans vs. Democrats, It’s Americans vs. MAGA

California refugees versus The Art of the Deal
I have written in the past about how it should be our objective to protect those things that make a locale worth moving to. It is a commitment that my wife and I take seriously. In Idaho, that means staunchly conservative. It means low taxes, low crime, and a commitment to family values. As a paleoconservative, in the mold of Barry Goldwater or Ron Paul, I have strong libertarian tendencies. In general, I believe in the non-aggression principle and the idea of leaving people alone. Unfortunately, the people whom you wish to leave alone often don’t reciprocate or hold the same values. Where does this leave us?
On the way back home from camping, it dawned on me that the only conservative solution to this invasion is to double down on our conservative positions. For instance, as a libertarian-leaning guy, I have long stated that I am ambivalent about the practice of smoking marijuana. I choose not to partake in it myself but prefer to stay out of other people’s lifestyle habits. From a policy perspective, there is no benefit to Idaho being an early adopter in decriminalizing its use. Pot-smokers tend to vote progressively, and being an early adopter would make Idaho an attractive destination to progressive voters. From this position, we either decriminalize it all at once nationally or be the last state to legalize it.
This solution extends to any conservative issue, such as abortion. If you don’t want to move to a conservative state because you can’t utilize abortion as a contraceptive, you’re probably the target demographic of anti-abortion laws. The progressive press refers to this as the rightward march of conservatism, but is it? Conservatives have long supported drug prohibition and opposed abortion. These positions are the status quo of conservatism, which by definition is unchanging.
Poll: 56 Percent View Joe Biden’s ‘Extremism’ Speech as Unacceptable
Fifty-six say the speech “represents a dangerous in rhetoric and is designed to incite conflict amounts Americans.” Only 35 percent say the speech was “acceptable campaign messaging that is to be expected in an election year.” Nearly 8 percent have no opinion.
Moreover, nearly 20 percent of Democrats viewed the speech negatively. Sixty-two percent of independents agreed that it represented “a dangerous in rhetoric and is designed to incite conflict amounts Americans.” Eighty-nine percent of Republicans oppose the speech.
Have Chinese Spies Infiltrated American Elections?
Why Every Republican Should Back Blake Masters’ War Against “Affirmative Action”
If these consultants exist, they are wrong. Masters’ attack on affirmative is entirely merited and long-overdue. And more to the point, the entire Republican Party should be following Masters into a full-scale war against affirmative action, everywhere in American life.
They greatest reason they should do this is on moral grounds. Treating people as members of demographic categories rather than as individuals is evil. The ever-widening use of affirmative action, coupled with anti-white and anti-male discrimination, is an affront to human dignity.
The second reason all Republicans should take on affirmative action is because it’s enormously destructive to America. As Masters’ tweet and video make plain, affirmative action is about far more than just college admissions slots or entry-level jobs. Affirmative action has become an elaborate patronage system touching every part of American life. The President picks his VP and Supreme Court nominees using affirmative action. Companies appoint board members based on affirmative action. Government contracts are awarded based on race and sex rather than ability. Police and prosecutors are openly pressured to enforce the law less harshly on blacks than on whites.
Any governing system that treats race as a priority rather than trying to ignore it entirely is asking for disaster. America tried to make “racial equity” a priority for law enforcement, and what it got was thousands of deaths from an explosion in murders and car crashes. In 2008, a push to hand out mortgages to people who couldn’t afford them caused the largest financial crisis in living memory. Now, at the Biden Administration’s urging, banks are making the exact same mistake, for explicitly racial reasons.
Poll: Most Americans Say Civility and Tone in Politics Have Gotten Worse
Most Americans believe civility and tone in politics have worsened over the past few years, a recent CBS News/YouGov survey found.
The vast majority, 80 percent, believe civility in politics has worsened in recent years, compared to 12 percent who said it has stayed the same and seven percent who believe it has improved.
As Christians Grow Less Popular, Our Gun Rights Get More Important
Nobody can really trust the modern secular state with a monopoly of violence. But unpopular minorities can trust it least of all. The Christians of the Middle East learned this lesson in an especially bitter fashion in just the last 15 years. The grim events that took place after the U.S.’s blundering conquest of Iraq, and the “Arab Spring” foolishly promoted by our own State Department, offer the observer almost a controlled laboratory experiment in the different outcomes for disarmed Middle Eastern Christians, and those who have the chance to arm and defend themselves.
Potato Salad Politics
During the research for my first non-fiction book, I had some online issues with someone who didn’t like my opinion. He really didn’t like it, and he believed I should die for expressing a view (a fact-based view) that he didn’t like. He was from Egypt, and in 2002 a death threat from someone in Egypt meant getting the FBI involved. They told me to either stop writing or use a pen name, then blew me off. I tried using a pen name, but as time passed, and the War on Terror became a domestic political tool so too did the trolls and threats. One day, someone trolled my Facebook account, and made some intimidating comments about pictures of my family. That was enough, and I stopped writing. They successfully cancelled me.
This cancel culture is not new. People and groups have always turned to boycotts or a Scarlett Letter as a way of forcing their views to be accepted above others. I gave in. Most people do. We are lesser for it.
SHOCKING VIDEO! Via MC4EI and Gateway Pundit — 13 Minutes of Never-Before-Seen Footage of Ballot Trafficking in Detroit, Michigan – Including Postal Workers!
President Biden Draws Minuscule Crowd for PA Union Worker Labor Day Speech
Biden spoke at the United Steelworkers event on Labor Day, but it drew very few union members, photos show. The Daily Mail went as far as describing the crowd as “pitifully small” with “dozens” gathered to hear the President of the United States speak. Photos appear to back that assessment up, and according to TribLive, “about 100 attendees took COVID tests” prior to the event:
This man got eighty-one million votes.

Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

Just ’cause I’m in the mood.
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

LUKE 6:20-26
20And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: “Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. 21“Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. “Blessed are you that weep now, for you shall laugh. 22“Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, on account of the Son of man! 23Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven; for so their fathers did to the prophets. 24“But woe to you that are rich, for you have received your consolation. 25“Woe to you that are full now, for you shall hunger. “Woe to you that laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep. 26“Woe to you, when all men speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
I snorted out loud at ‘chick with a whick’.
Reminds me of a song by Martha Wainwright I heard years ago. This was long before the current weirdness was being normalized, so when I heard the lyric, it stood out
I found it. Looks like it was for some UK TV show. Martha (daughter of Loudon Wainwright and Kate McGarrigle) sings ‘Factory‘, with Pete Townsend sitting in for some reason:
There’s a very funny story about a guitarist who had a very odd tuning on what became a popular song. Pete Townsend and David Gilmour were hanging out and plucking, so they rang him up to ask him about it.
The guitarist hung up on them. He thought it was his mates playing a practical joke.
I would guess that famous people have that experience fairly often, when people on the phone don’t believe they are who they say they are.
I have a short story about something like that. I may have mentioned it before, I don’t remember now.
Burt Reynolds called my Mom, about 50 years ago.
I had relatives in Florida who owned a restaurant, and Burt Reynolds was a regular customer. I have a stack of old curled photos of Burt, Merv Griffin and Dinah Shore together at the restaurant.
My relatives in Florida knew that my Mom was a big Burt Reynolds fan, so one night when Burt was at the restaurant, my relatives asked him to call my Mom as a surprise.
So he did, but there was no answer. So my relatives in Florida called my Grandma’s house. I don’t remember if my Mom was at my Grandma’s, or if she was at my Uncle’s house and my Grandma told my relatives in Florida to call my Uncle.
Anyhow, they tracked down my Mom and got her on the phone, and then my relatives in Florida had Burt talk to her.
He talked to her for a moment, and then asked if she knew who it was. She didn’t, so he told her who was calling.
She didn’t believe it was really him, of course. He talked for a minute or so, and when he couldn’t convince her it was him, he laughed the ‘Burt Reynolds’ laugh, just like everyone has heard before, if they have seen any of his movies.
Except this wasn’t on the big screen, it was through the telephone, and that’s when my Mom realized it was really him
Great story.
A year or two ago I found (and bought) an old postcard from the restaurant that I found listed on eBay. I remembered they used to have them in a postcard rack by the glass case cash register counter.
The postcard has photos of the interior of the restaurant, both the dining area and the bar area where they had a piano player every evening, just like I remembered it from when I was a kid, so I was glad to find it.
We used to go on family vacation to Florida for two weeks every year. We stayed at the same motel every year, about a 10 minute drive to my relatives’ house or to their restaurant.
When I was around age 6 or 7, I discovered prime rib, cooked rare. Probably at Christmas dinner. When we were in Florida that year, I noticed they had prime rib on the menu, and it was the only thing I wanted. It wasn’t on the kids’ menu, but they let me order it anyway (that never happened at home!). I remember the piece of roast beef was so big it was hanging over the edge of the dinner plate.
I think our waitress commented about it, and so did someone at a neighboring table
One of my relatives (the ones who owned the restaurant) was the hostess, and her husband was the head cook. He knew which dinner order was ours, and gave me the extra super super size portion… along with lots of other great memories during those years
“…. I discovered prime rib, cooked rare….”
The one think I HATE about not being able to eat salt is NOT getting to go out to eat and order PRIME RIB….
You really can not cook it at home for just two people.
Dave Wakeling, “Save It For Later” —
Hubby didn’t ‘get it!’ I had to explain it to him.
I thought it was hilarious!
Britain’s new sec of state for health…
I don’t care how she wants to run her own life and health, but someone so obviously out of shape does not inspire confidence that she could advise me about health.
She’s just following in the hoof-steps of Belgium’s “health” minister…
Has to be a reason why all the “health” ministers are unhealthy… maybe because no healthy person would advocate the clot-shot or any of the other murderous malfeasance the WEFfenSS has planned…
I feel sorry for her.
Goodness that woman needs to deal with her dietary issues!
She can have my Boosters.
One reason could be that they already have a biased perspective of healthy people. Much easier to justify what there doing in there minds then.
Same way with all the freaks in the fraudulent administration.
I don’t really feel sorry for them, it’s all about choices in life.
This is just the satanic response of our infiltrators. Same thing with Big Mike’s and Dr. Jill’s wardrobe. They do everything to spit in our faces.
From Nord Stream article linked to OT: “Well, it looks like it’s official now. After several days of sporadic reporting on Russia’s decision to shut down the Nord Stream 1 natural gas pipeline into western Europe, it looks like the valves have been shut down until EU sanctions against Russia are removed.
Strategically the Nord Stream 1 pipeline is the major gas supply route into Germany, Europe’s largest economy.”
It’s just incomprehensible…

It’s like being the Captain of the Titanic, and SEEING the iceberg dead ahead, seeing it in plenty of time to turn.
But steadfastly going straight ahead, increasing speed even, to make sure you hit it real good.
Except this isn’t ‘just’ a ship, it’s an entire nation state. No, it’s bigger than that, it’s basically all of western Europe, destroying itself, and taking everything it can down with it.
Nobody is this stupid.
Not even any group of nobodies is this stupid.
Whatever the scheme is (sabotage from within), and whoever is behind it, this is 100% by intent and design.
Not even Wile E. Coyote would put himself in a position like this!
:0) Never saw it comin’…said no one…except these idiots…..
All that what you say just proves it.
It’s not about beating Russia.
It’s about beating us.
Russia is just the catalyst.
Pushed until it retaliated.
I thought this was worth viewing —
And I wonder…..I know there is some talk that Griner is a political hostage. I wonder whether a swap for Victoria Nuland and both Vindmans would work…..
Would they accept a boxed set.
Pining for it…
As in pine box?
Send Soros and his Satanic spawn…
Practically seems like Putin is in on the whole thing, like it’s a coordinated take-down.
We can be sure Putin knows the truth of what is going on, far better than we do.
To the outside world, it appears that Putin was ‘pushed’ — but if Putin understands what they’re doing (which he would understand), then why would he have obliged them…
Unless he was working with them?
Nato got too cocky and the RF said enough.
The sane half of the world is still happily trading with the RF.
They cannot lose, at worst they’ll break even financially.
Only the gobos will end up impoverished.
Exactly. Russia had very smartly taken a “hands off” approach to the half of America that got wise to “endless wars”, so that when Team Globonazi/Econojazi tried to get America and Russia to detonate over Ukraine, it was a huge fizzle.
This can be symbolized another way.
In a nuclear war, Russia only needs one tiny bomb. WASHINGTON. When the rest of America looks around and suddenly realizes that all their REAL problems are gone, it’s over. WIN-WIN.
Having a war requires creation of a mass perception of grievance, but the masses are getting too smart for false grievances to be created. Now we’re at the point where the creators of false grievances are getting REAL GRIEVANCES against themselves as a response.
It’s all about mass formation, and now that Americans are WISE the whole scammy business, just as Russians are wise after living through communism for far too long, the “masses” are resisting the manipulators.
Trump was way ahead of this stuff. Mass formation over smart freedom is a huge winner.
Speaking of Mr. Mass Formation Psychosis: In continuing my personal theory that the two are actually working together…
Great article!
Which two? China and WEF? Or Russia and WEF?
I see them all as “frenemies” – with China and WEF contending for superiority. My money is on China controlling WEF far sooner than WEF thinks it can domesticate the dragon!
Oooooh, I LIKE that.
Mass formation awareness.
Brought to you, of course, by a certain letter of the alphabet that shall remain nameless.
Yes. The first mass awareness formation psy-op. Pretty cool.
(You can switch awareness and formation to emphasize either aspect, or even refer to ourselves as the “awareness formation masses”!
Or, rhyming, awareness formation nation…
And we were a part of it!
Indeed we were.
Trump said it. The best is yet to come!
Wolfie, If I recall correctly, Putin was VERY CAREFUL to point a finger at the Demon-Rats and the Deep State and NOT at MAGA Americans. I wish I had kept that ‘sauce’
I did however find this:
17 JAN 2017, TASS (Russian News Agency)
Putin accuses outgoing US administration of attempting to undermine Trump’s legitimacy
BOY did Putin ever nail that! Also that first 30 minute meeting between Trump and Putin lasted 2 hours….
Wow, did Putin call THAT one.
“To the outside world, it appears that Putin was ‘pushed’ — but if Putin understands what they’re doing (which he would understand), then why would he have obliged them…”
Even Putin must respond to political pressure if it becomes apparent that he appears to be pushed around by opponents. Politics is as much about responding to how things appear as it is to governing and policy.
NATO, the Ukraine and the BIO-WEAPONS Labs presented a very very serious danger to Russia. Once Bite-Me was in place and The ReichsWEF started yammering on about THE GREAT RESET, Putin HAD to make a move.
A lot of people share the concern that Putin may be working in tandem with the Globalists given how we see how much this war is hurting us on multiple levels. Keep in mind though it is the Globalists that want to see the nation states suffer and die off only to be replaced with their version of world wide fascism, so using up the West’s blood and treasure plays right in to their hands and thus the appearance Putin is in on it. Meanwhile Putin is going to shrug that off. He’s concerned about his nation and not allowing it to become a feast for the globalist ghouls as has happened with the West. Not his fault the West wants to be suicided.
It really is about Globalists vs Nationalists and unfortunately we are being represented by the Globalists with no Nationalists in power.
Not a student of Putin.
From what I understand Putin is 100% Russian. Nationalist.
There is ZERO chance Putin is offering up 13 of 14 Ruskies, for WEF BS.
Quite the contrary. It appears, Putin is protecting Russia and Russians. Doing quite well at that.
Trump was a genius to just out this shit in public. GREATEST TROLL EVER!!!
Note Abe next to Trump with the same folded arm stance.
Same folded arms and same drilling stare…God bless him, they got Abe, even though he was retired. Object lesson that was not needed by DJT but certainly not lost on him either.
Yup. From what I understand, the red-pilled Japanese get what their media will not admit – that CCP (and likely WEF) had a hand in taking out Abe.
You are so right!
Anyone who doesn’t see and understand this is intentional is a complete moron. Like they should be institutionalized moron.
They decided they want the nice OBEDIENT but intelligent CHINESE. That is why Kissenger saw to it that US technology was TRANSFERRED TO CHINA.
Now they are going to destroy Western Civilization and probably take down the middle east (IQ ~ 85) and Africa (IQ ~85) while they are at it. Or at least enslave them.
The only real threat to their plans for totalitarian World Wide Slavery was the USA.
Y’know, I could suggest a way that the gender studies freakshow wouldn’t have to pay back any of eir student loans at all…..just go out by the ravine, turn around and smile….then take a step back….and another….and another…..
LOL! The “studies” freakshow, courtesy of the FRANKFURT SCHOOL. Love it.
Breitbart needs to proofread their articles:
Fifty-six say the speech “represents a dangerous in rhetoric and is designed to incite conflict amounts Americans.”
Good help is hard to get these days….
Autocorrupt is a scourge!
It drives me nuts when doing the BIMD. I cannot catch them all sometimes.
Yes – I refuse to use it whenever possible. Spelling warnings work fine for me – can’t stand the constant back-ups needed with any kind of autocorrection.
Thanks for the two references to election fraud: the Detroit ballot trafficking and the Michigan judge’s ruling on Dominion machines being designed to create fraud. “The ruling is a major blow for Dominion’s CEOs, who hoped to keep the report sealed.”
These are huge issues that deserve discussion, but what more can we say? We know it happened, and states have done very little to stop it. I know that Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht are working on it, along with sheriffs and prosecutors, but it all takes time — especially since so much time has passed with ineffective investigations or with those in power refusing to take action. We have to watch the polls, and we have to vote.
Qstradamus on Truth Social, regarding Patel Patriot (whose situation I know nothing about):
Yup. This is what they do. They go after spouses, kids, family – whatever.
Gotta be strong. Also helps to keep all your people aware of their tactics – the smart ones will pick it up and run with it, and even bring the evidence of attacks.
From the tidbits I heard, I think his wife is a leftist and thinks Jon is NUTZ. If she gets a SOROS Judge, Jon could lose ALL CONTACT with his children because of his politics.
Good stuff. Gotta help the WOKE go BROKE.
I sure hope it BOMBS at the Box office!
Hubby and I have complete copies of The Trilogy. I have ZERO desire to see someone mutilate a beloved book.
When I read my brain translates the words directly into a ‘movie’ so why do I need someone else to do a much poorer job than my brain does automatically?
Many, many years ago a young boy was asked why he preferred reading over radio or the new-fangled television.
His reply was, “because the pictures are better”…
We’ve raised at least three generations now who have little or no imagination. Sort of like the little girl in “Miracle On 34th Street”, who has been trained to disbelieve anything that even hints of fantasy. Kris Kringle then describes and demonstrates to her the “Imagine Nation”…
Now it seems we have either folks with no imagination whatsoever, and pie-in-the-sky Unicorn and Pixie-dust Greens who only live in an imaginary world, with no grasp of reality at all.
Someone once said
“Neurotics build castles in the air,
Psychotics live in them, and
Psychiatrists collect the rent.”
Speaking of Garrison, his wife passed yesterday, of Alzheimer’s. He could use some (OK a lot) of our prayers. Amazing that he could do all that he did, and take care of her too. A devout Christian, he really “walks the walk”. And what a true, loving, husband, friend, and partner he must have been to her. RIP.
Duchess posted this over at Marica’s (not sure if she posted it here):
My wife of almost 55 years gently passed away in her sleep sometime last night. When I work up this morning and prepared to change her absorbent underwear, her legs were stiff and her skin was cold. When I couldn’t find a pulse, I knew she was gone.
Although her decline was gentle, much slower paced than what usually happens, she’d been showing final stage Alzheimer’s symptoms for awhile now. About 10 days or a little more ago she completely lost the ability to stand. Then she stopped eating, didn’t even want water. When she began sleeping 24 hours straight, I knew it was time for help so this past week I’d arranged for home hospice care. One of the hospice nurses told me that my wife was most likely a few days away from death. A good friend, a physician neighbor, agreed with the prediction.
Over the past 3 days I watched the my thick and thin partner, the love of my life, slowly fade away. I prayed that Our Lord would allow her to have a gentle passing, prayed for her to pass in her own bed. The Lord allowed both things to happen.
I’m trying my best not to feel sad about her passing. Having cared for her for almost 20 years, I knew what was eventually coming. And so now it has. I take heart that we were both strong believers and so she is now with Our Lord. Today, when I came home after visiting with a dear friend, I immediately felt how empty our house now feels. She’s no longer here and her absence is keenly felt.
I had no idea. Thank you for posting this.
for the Garrison family.
Garrison posted this, saying he would be back on August 15.
So just a couple of weeks ago Garrison was off for vacation. As in the cartoon, I envisioned him and his wife going having a relaxing time. He said this:
Sometimes there are works by Tina Toon on Garrison’s site. His wife was an artist and her name was Tina. I had thought she had produced some recent cartoons.
He says, “I knew what was eventually coming.” And then, “Today, when I came home after visiting with a dear friend, I immediately felt how empty our house now feels. She’s no longer here and her absence is keenly felt.” Even when you know what’s coming, there is no way to mitigate that empty feeling.
Wow. I had thought he was just a cranky younger version of me. Now I find out how deep his soul is, in the midst of his grief.
I’m getting a lot of weird internet hiccups. I don’t think it’s this site.
Also, when I turned things back on, I didn’t have audio. So I went through all the Linux audio troubleshooting stuff. I got audio back again when I turned my amplified speaker system back on.
I’m not having problems, so I don’t think it’s this site.
I don’t think they’re so much site-specific as my-ISP-specific.
“I got audio back again when I turned my amplified speaker system back on.”
My audio always sounds better when it’s on too

And there’s all that complicated software configuration involved….
Depends on what’s playing…

Good point!
The power failure had turned the speaker system off as well as the computer. When I restarted the computer, I couldn’t hear anything……
Breaking… Steve Bannon faces state indictment in New York…
Hugo Lowell:
Bannon’s statement (so far I only see a jpg, not text):
We must pray for him. Go Steve.
Bannon has been a very important water carrier for the MAGA movement so they are going to take him out before the 2022 election and into the 2024 cycle.
I Really Really want to see these pieces of slime mold get indicted, convicted and hung!
I thought Bragg didn’t WANT any criminals in jail?
HS athlete has 6 feet of (mysterious) blood clots removed from leg…
According to the video:
His calf was swollen 4 inches larger than normal.
He was in the hospital 9 days.
He can barely walk but is getting better.
He’s on blood thinners, so he can’t play football.
He’s getting two shots in his stomach every day.
He might be able to play baseball later.
What, oh what, might have caused this? No mention of vax status. What I think is malpractice, journalistically and medically, is that no one mentions the possibility of these injuries and deaths being vax-related. Instead, they are still pushing the newest, untested vaxes on people — as we watch people’s lives change for the worse, or even end. Accountability is completely lacking.
“What, oh what, might have caused this? No mention of vax status.”
We’re not supposed to question anything, or make the obvious connections, because it makes those who condone evil (by remaining silent) uncomfortable, don’tcha know!
Yes, we must never talk about the baJ!
“What I think is malpractice, journalistically and medically, is that no one mentions the possibility of these injuries and deaths being vax-related.”
I think it’s far worse than ‘malpractice’.
It’s like putting a known serial killer in a room with ten people, and every time the lights go out, another person is murdered.
I wonder who’s murdering people?
Who could it ever be?
Like Ten Little Idiots.
It would take Miss Marple, Columbo, Hercule Poirot, Nancy Drew, Joe Friday, Ironside, Kolchak, Scooby and the Gang, Sherlock Holmes, Barney Fife, the Hardy Boys and Chief Inspector Clouseau to figure out a mystery that deep.
The urinalists and the quacks know exactly what’s going on, just like everybody else who has at least one brain cell left
^^^ This. The medical community have shot themselves in the azz and wonder why it hurts to sit down.
My devotion this AM said to forgive for me, even if they do not deserve it. Not sure I am capable of going along with that one when they refuse to stop committing genocide.
Personally will NOT Forgive OR Forget. Never. Not gonna happen.
Never Forgive. Never Forget.
Naomi Wolf on Bannon today. She said UK has banned Injecting 11 and under. Mambi gibberish language, essentially, no more injecting 11 and under.
No admission it is unsafe. Just no more injecting 11 and under.
Progress. But NOT enough.
Injection mandates, requirements must end. THEN, indict the ass holes that have done this to citizens everywhere around the globe.
No Mercy. No Forgive. No Forget.
We have to make it a cultural joke that “they” won’t mention their evil jab.
Something along the lines of the Fight Club perhaps…
The first rule of the Jab Club is: DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE JAB CLUB!
OMG that’s absolutely hilarious! PLEASE feel honored that I’m stealing the hell out of that!
“We have to make it a cultural joke that “they” won’t mention their evil jab.”
Like “Ⅎ˥ƎSWIH ˥˥I⋊ ⊥,NᗡIᗡ NIƎ⊥SԀƎ”
This would be more like “100,000 vaxx takers didn’t kill themselves.”
Just need the data to prove it, which most of the so-called ‘authorities’ won’t acknowledge or reveal.
Surely the High School Athlete is THANKFUL.
It may be that Kaden Clymer will be on some type of blood thinner for the foreseeable future — if, as one suspects, he was “fully vaccinated” in order to attend in-person classes and to play on the football team, the enhanced mRNA spike protein from the “vaccine” is very likely still in his body and still forcing it to produce more spike protein.
September 2, 2022
Updated September 5, 2022
“Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack Post-Mortem Character”
FTA, Dr. James Thorp, specialist in maternal-fetal medicine:
“The COVID-19 vaccine diverts energy away from the physiologic processes in the body towards the production of the toxic spike protein...This directs energy away from the normal process of internal digestion known as autophagy. This results in protein misfolding and propagation of large intravascular blood clots and also a variety of related diseases including prion disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, amyloidosis, and dementias including Alzheimer’s and others. While it is possible that COVID-19 illness itself could potentially contribute to these diseases, it is unlikely and if so the effect of the vaccine would be 100- to 1,000-fold greater than that of COVID-19 disease.” (bolding mine)
Good info.
And now he can’t play on the football team. People need to wake up.
The overtext reads “The foil on the toothpick represents the blue flash.”
The demon core killed two bright physicists before it was melted down and remade. It was originally meant for the next bomb after Nagasaki.
People’s memories have been getting less reliable…..
It seems like “mean tweets” was once a thing…..
I miss indoor fireworks too.
When I was a kid, my friends and I used to shoot whistle rockets out of our attic dormer. There were two windows that opened inward on hinges, and the windows were about six inches apart from each other.
In between the windows, I drilled a hole, angled upward, through to the outside. Then I put thumb tacks a little below and on either side of the hole, with a rubber band stretched around the thumb tacks to be used as a support.
Then you could put the head of a whistle rocket (same as a bottle rocket, but with a rounded plastic shell, and it whistled as it traveled before exploding) into the hole, with the wooden stem resting on the rubber band, ready for launch, with the fuse accessible from inside the house.
You could shoot off rockets from inside the house, with the windows closed, which was the whole point.
After about 10 minutes of shooting off rockets, some neighbor would call the cops, and a patrol car would slowly drive up the street. But he’s looking for someone outside, at street level, and we were up in the attic, looking down through closed windows.
When he got to the end of the block, we’d light another one off, and watch him come racing down the street, looking for those meddling kids.
When he got to the other end of the block, we would shoot off another one, and the cop would come racing back up the street again…
They never caught us

Gosh, Scott, you’re terrible
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away, but really in Silicon Valley, I sometimes had to work late nights when monthend, quarterend, or yearend closings were running. There’d only be two or three of us, and the security guard minding the building and doing his rounds.
It was a two story building, late 70s warehouse industrial chic (exposed air ducts painted in bright colors, etc.). [It was sold to Beckton-Dickinson years later, who knows who has it now.]. Anyway, the security guard had a habit of answering phones that rang, and taking messages and leaving a note on the recipient’s desk (this was before voicemail), rather a nice thing to do.
Soooo, we decided to help give him a tour of the building.
We’d call an extension, wait a bit until he got near enough to answer it, and then hang up. Then we’d dial the next one, maybe 50 or 100 feet away, and so on. We led him up and down stairs a couple of times, but he didn’t catch on (at least we never got any feedback).
Those were the days
More phone phun: ‘orrible had a phone system where you could patch a call between two extensions without your extension showing up on the display. The result being two very confused people wondering why the other person called them….. it was a popular sport for a while until the phone group fixed it…
Lol! I love it!
Bye-Dun was thinking of you when he decided MAGA was a threat to his democracy.
Nice going.
That was Awesome…reminds me A Lot of some of Hubby’s adventures!!!
Ah but we got rid of the mean tweets. It’s worth the gas prices, to get rid of them, isn’t it?
(Scratches head, trying to remember.)
When I first considered abandoning the land of my birth, California, I struggled to understand how other regions were put together and functioned. It’s actually very difficult for a Californian to get this, because the state was put together so haphazardly and in reaction to peculiar events.
By contrast, the development of the southeast is very logical. There are deepwater ports along the Atlantic. Each needed warehouses, insurance agents, shipping agents, tax collectors, accountants, lawyers, and longshoremen, so cities were built to house these functions. This would include Norfolk, VA; Wilmington, NC; Charleston, SC; and Savannah, GA — among others.
Because the Atlantic Coastal Plain is flat as a pancake and drenched with water, most goods moved onward by barge or between ports by small ships. This worked up to the “fall line” — the first, lowest, waterfall on navigable waterways. Even if only six inches high, barges could no longer be poled (or hauled by mules) past this obstacle. So another row of cities were developed with warehouses, insurance agents, shipping agents, tax collectors, accountants, lawyers, freight handlers, and the like — . Richmond, VA; Raleigh, NC; Columbia, SC; Augusta, GA; and Macon, GA are examples.
At the fall line, goods were taken off of barges and put on wagons to move into the piedmont — the “foot” [pie] “of” [d’] the “mountains” [mont]. These rolling hills made transportation more difficult, but allowed for the creation of “mill towns”. The falling water provided power for woodworking, textiles, and other forms of industry.
Further east, the rolling hills of the piedmont turned into actual mountains. Large wagons drawn by sturdy beasts were exchanged for smaller wagons drawn by nimble ones. And, yes, this meant there was another city of warehouses, insurance agents, shipping agents, tax collectors, accountants, lawyers, and freight handlers.
All of this, of course, worked the same way in reverse. The reason that Kentucky Bourbon and Tennessee Whiskey became standards in American liquor was that the new territories over the Appalachian mountains could raise prodigious amounts of grain, and the growers had to ship it over the mountains to the East Coast for sale. They could ship 25 wagons of grain, or three wagons of liquor for the same sale price in a Virginia market.
Being printed in the land, trade routes and trading posts were stable for many years in the East. In California, a trace of gold or other minerals might build a town overnight — and when that trace was played out, the town might be completely abandoned with similar rapidity. “Ghost towns” were not uncommon.
Railroads and interstates also changed the landscape throughout the nation when built.
And this leads up to why I found the following particularly interesting….
This article is good. Thanks for bringing.
I avoid all cities as much as possible having been to probably 80% of the largest in the country during my career. Green Acres is the life for me…
What a dream & a blessing!
I thought this was interesting enough to bring here.
You may consider yourselves fortunate that I consider it less necessary to put into context.
Good article. This bit had never occurred to me though…
“Neocon-backed Johnson to stay in power through emergency powers >>>and set the precedent for Biden to do the same thing before the mid-terms”.<<<
Also the likely outcome of a false flag. Stay frosty!
I mean a false flag HERE.
Great article, and shows how much of a nitwit Boris was.
The idea of using a “mass formation deception” to try to keep moving the stupidity of NATO over-expansion forward – it makes me think that BoJo was just out of his depth, unable to push back on “Atlantis” idiots who likely advised this nonsense, still clinging to “unrealpolitik” of Soros-dumbed Atlantic Council.
Early peace was the winner here, but apparently the EconoJazis had no coin to make that way, and the GloboNazis no power to gain, so the rest of the world is forced to suffer their stupidity.
I love your way with words…so succinct & zeroing in on the insanity…brilliantly!
Thank you! Must admit that I have a target-rich environment on this one – anybody can be a comedian with these clowns!
No doubt, but some are more creative in the humor department than others.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, September 7, 2022
“Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?”
Luke 12:24 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Three years in prison for heating the house
Residents of Switzerland who violate government directives this winter due to a lack of gas in the country by overheating their homes to temperatures above 19 degrees face a fine and imprisonment for up to 3 years. This information was confirmed to Blick by Markus Spurndli, spokesman for the country’s economic department.
19C – 66.2 Farenhiet. That is cool specially people who cannot move much to stay warm.
I guess a wood stove living in the country will be nice . Apartment dwellers are in trouble.
All by design. 13 of 14 gotta go.
That’s the max one may have inside IF THERE IS sufficient source of heat
Reality is many will not be warm enough …
Is not warm enough for older people. If one is active one can dress warm and sleep with feather bed. Babies will have to sleep with parents maybe toddlers too. When my heat went early this year it was around that temp maybe someday 66. We did fine. People in Northern Europe can take the cold better.
Yep. For bedrooms the recommended temperature is 18°C (and has been for quite some time), bathrooms, 21°-23°, living rooms, family rooms, etc., and utility rooms, basments, etc. 18° if they’re heated at all. My wife’s mother would just close the doors to some rooms and shut the radiator(s) off. Modern, trendy, open-architecture houses don’t lend themselves to that sort of cutbacks.
Radiators here have a little star (looks like a snowflake
) on the thermostat below the zero, which indicates that the thermostat will automatically open up if the room is in danger of freezing (I think it’s at four degrees Celsius that it will open up).
So, this isn’t quite as bad as it seems at first. It’s only the draconian punishments that are untenable… I think folks here like it colder at night, and maybe it’s a leftover from the difficult old days (WWI, depression, WWII, etc. probably a lot of wars, etc., going back a long way. And then there was the “Little Ice Age”)…..
I remember when it was very cold in 46-47 . I slept with gloves and hat between my parents so were my brothers. No heat though. I do not remember feeling uncomfortable just as I do not remember hunger like the rest of the family. God is so good that I seem to be able to take cold and heat and no food and enjoy food when I have it
I do not like cereals and fast foods and do not like soda. I make up with liking cream in my coffee and I never ate margarine i like butter and goat cheese and cheep cheese figs and berries . A good glass of wine occasionally.
The UK killed a lot of people by restricting energy.
2014: Almost Six million people will be living in fuel poverty by the end of next year. These figures apply just to the UK where fuel poverty also known as energy poverty accounts for around 30,000 cold related senior citizen deaths…
2015 comment on Smart Meters and a debate with Chris the Wind Barron
more debate: 2015 Green Energy Is Dead
(Rud Istvan comments too)
Gator brought up this:
Thanks again… and wrt elderly, we have difficulty gauging the temp as our metabolism slows down and can change often (did I say that right?)
The people have to take control of elections again.
Europeans would vote this shit out if they had real elections.
That looks harsh. And how exactly are TPTB going to be able to determine if someone has it warmer than 19 °C in their house or apartment? Does everyone have an internet-connected thermostat, like in the story from Colorado last week, where 22000 Xcel customers were unable to adjust the thermostat on their A/C?
Smart meters. Likely mandated in some countries. Perhaps required in new home here in US. Many utility companies push how wonderful smart meters are. All lies, but gullible sheeple follow, not think.
Maybe that is how it might be done: The smart meter would indicate unusually large consumption of gas (or electricity) and someone from the relevant agency would go out and investigate, and woe betide the resident, should the measured ambient temperature be found to exceed 19 °C.
Solzhenitsyn’s warning comes to mind.
What they have (or will have) is smart thermostats on the heaters (at €50,- a pop) that communicate via DECT to a central control unit, which is usually controlled by your WiFi modem/router, e.g. FRITZ!Box. That way they can tell what setting your thermostats are at.
But, it gets “better”.
Most of the heating here is with radiators: hot water, or, in rare cases, steam. In a multi-family (read: rental) dwelling, each heater must have a little meter that shows how much “heat” has been consumed since the last time it was read. We (stubborn skeptics) have the ancient “verdunst” (evaporation) kind, where over the course of a year, the fluid in the meter evaporates. There are two tubes of fluid in each little device, which serves as a check.
We have been pressured to replace these as it requires someone to come out and read them (which WE pay for, not them), and the gubmint is pushing for remotely readable meters ON EACH HEATER. These then feed into some gateway (probably expecting a smart meter, which we don’t and won’t have). Said gateway can then be interrogated at will by the meter-reading company, who generates reports, nag lists, etc.
Since we have someone renting the little apartment at the bottom of our house (we live on a hill), we are expected to get these and other “rented” measurement bits by the end of next year, despite the HORRENDOUS cost, indeed more than the rent we are allowed to charge (yep, we have really strict rent control here).
So it would be nice if our tenant decided to move elsewhere…
The damned GangGreens won’t be happy until they control every single aspect of our lives.
TL;DR They can put meters on each heater’s thermostat to see at which temperature it’s set, and then they can remotely monitor heat usage, per heater with the little usage meters. Combine the data from both of those and you can develop a profile and predict or force behaviour….. Control freak’s dream

Zero positive thoughts here for smart meters.
ALL but THREE homes have smart meters I was told when they swapped my meter this year. I pay $30 a month to have an old meter.
$30 well spent.
Our older, 1940’s era, home was Forced to get a smart meter some years back by our municipality, expressly against our wishes!
Good Morning Patriots …
Vid clip was Rt’d by Benny – from 3 weeks ago
JJ Sefton’s Morning Report this a.m. at Ace HQ
snip … “It’s not that I think he should run; it’s almost as if he has to run. But, as I said, I don’t think of Trump anymore as a mere candidate. Whether you like it or not, he is now the leader of a much broader movement to, if not take back America (if that is even possible) but to save us from the abyss. And even then, I don’t think he or anyone can do that, at least not from a position of political leadership such as it was, because the nation itself is lost, the country irreversibly divided and so many institutions corrupted beyond redemption.
We’ll see what happens next. Until then, I can’t wait to see my in box.”
full article @
The last tweet from Benny was posted by me, in my typical ‘Mary Sunshine’ persona …
My alter ego, perpetually persistent pragmatist that she is … insists on being heard these days …
She says there won’t be an election in November, and to argue over Trump or DeSantis in 2024 is a waste of energy as there will be no election in 2024.
That possibility exists. I thought about it much Bill Barr was one of the problems stopping the election inquiry of fraught. I know there were other but he as AG had much pull he was in on the coup and is rewarded with a book. No one should buy it.
Now we know the machines are instruments for cheating or selecting people for office. Only the approved will pass just look at the looser in Congress.
Having said that we have to make a stand and vote regardless and flood the system that is our one chance. Trump is our leader and they fear him they see him as the head and want to cut him off from our movement. They will try to give us a replacement who is their stooge. We cannot give up hope and need to steam ahead otherwise we hand our freedom to a demonic entity.
The Theft of Your Wealth and Freedom Is Accelerating – The Burning Platform
Of course they are…
Biden Admin Is Placing Vending Machines Filled With Drug Supplies in Rural Kentucky
Wonder if Turtle got his cut.
Paging Rand Paul for comment.
China Joe.
Wow. It is very nice. Glad ya found it and shared.
Couldn’t have found it without your help, you put me on the Saturday track. TYSM!!
That’s why I couldn’t find it – it’s one of the “separate tree and door” posts!
She used it a couple times.
An innocent man, Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, public servant, scholar, diplomat, strategist, author of 18 books and Trump supporter, gets harassed and threatened by FBI*.
*Typical Øbastid Modus Operandi – targeting dissent and opposition.
Trump Rally on Newsmax beat Fox News viewer count!
Newsmax had more than 1.03 million viewers during the Trump speech, with Fox News drawing just 942,000 viewers in the same time period.
During the rally, CNN reported only 406,000 viewers, and MSNBC 444,000.
The Newsmax ratings were even more impressive considering the network is carried in 20 million less homes than Fox News, but still outpaced the cable giant.
News on US Military Base, Pine Gap, Australia (Of course the info is projection, as Ukr is clearly losing and will lose …
Snip … “Australia could become a nuclear target due to its hosting of a US military base at Pine Gap in the Northern Territory, one of Australia’s leading defence strategists has warned.
Prof Paul Dibb, an emeritus professor at the Australian National University and former director of Australia’s Joint Intelligence Organisation, said the current Russian invasion of Ukraine carried potential global nuclear consequences, with the possibility of a defeated and humiliated Russia pushed closer to China in “a grand coalition … united not by ideology but by complementary grievances”.
Pine Gap is a highly secret US-Australian military installation near Alice Springs. It serves as a major hub for US global intelligence interception, and for satellite surveillance operations for military and nuclear missile threats in the region.
Russia is unlikely to be able to subjugate Ukraine in its current invasion, Dibb said, but Ukrainian military is unlikely to succeed in driving out Russian troops entirely. “Most likely there’ll be a negotiated conclusion, probably at the ceasefire talk.”
Regardless, Dibb argued, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, was unlikely to be deposed as a result, but he would be a leader grown increasingly isolated, and the threat of nuclear escalation was real.
full article at link above
Nice graphics. And yeah, they don’t have much.
There’s another site w/ info on NATO you may find interesting
I think he’s mostly worried about this. 8 August after Pelosi adventure. He’s the expert mentioned in the story below. Just a guess, but he appears to want to decouple from the US in hopes China leaves them alone? My guess is he doesn’t trust the US any longer. Didn’t see any China connections in what else I looked at, which wasn’t much.
I don’t think our allies, as much as they may of been, have that warm comfy feeling they had when Trump was in office.
So glad you posted this Para… I don’t see how they can “decouple” – do you ? Neocons have control there too I do understand his concern
Your info puts art I posted in an entirely different light … again, TY
esp the EU ! too competitive for US … and the decline of the Euro strengthens the USD … just biznus, right? with friends like US … (Neocons control the Brits)
They should ask themselves what benefit China gets from dragging Australia into anything. If they can’t figure it out, they should assume the dragon is most likely growling instead of crouching. IMO
Well considering the the upper echelon of Australia wanted to remove President Trump from office and were active in all of the previous coup attempts, I am not sure if this is leading up to a false flag event or what?
They are obviously attempting to set up Pelosi and the US as the aggressors.
Lots of assuming going on. Many people underestimated Vlad over the years (a slew of whom are no longer on this side of the lawn) but I challenge anyone to describe even one instance where he failed.
Putin is SMART and he does very well in protecting Russia’s interests while walking an international tight rope.
Habibullo Abdussamatov the Russian astrophysicist has been PREDICTING GLOBAL COOLING FOR OVER A DECADE! He is the supervisor of the Astrometria project of the Russian section of the International Space Station and the head of Space research laboratory at the Saint Petersburg-based Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (WIKI)
#2. The Crimea/ Ukraine not only gives Putin access to the Bread Basket of Europe, It also gives Russia access to a WARM WATER PORT. When Russia hosted the Winter Games next door to Crimea, I predicted that Putin was going to make a grab for Crimea based on Dr Abdussamatov predictions. I was correct.
A presentation at Heartland by the good Doctor:
2014 – The Beginning of the New Little Ice Age
It is a set of easy to understand slides. many are graphs.
Putin is allowing the Western globos to self-discredit, and China is, too, hoping to take over WEF and the UN. ALL of it is very smart play.
NATObama fell into a trap in Ukraine. Super tar pit for dinosaurs.
The Western elite who think this turns out nicely for them are, let us say, mistaken.
Afghanistan is where empires go to die. Looks like it is getting some competition from Ukraine.
Also, Putin is aware of that saying: never interfere with your adversary when he is making stupid moves.
It took a heck of a pilot to pull out of the steep death dive of Soviet communism, and then the FLAK of the West.
Currently Life at MG Show:
A Conversation with Paul Manafort (
A Conversation with Paul Manafort
Paul Manafort, author of Political Prisoner: Persecuted, Prosecuted, but Not Silenced. As campaign chairman forDonald Trump’s 2016 residential campaign, Paul put into place the structure that delivered the nomination and eventually the general election for Donald J. Trump.
Paul comes out looking like a real hero with these interviews. Meanwhile everyone that dissed him gets the side eye. Hopes he gets wider coverage.
Eastern Economic Forum plenary session
The President took part in a plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum. The theme this year is On the Path to a Multipolar World.
September 7, 2022 12:40 Russky Island, Primorye Territory
The event was also attended by Chairman of the State Administration Council, Prime Minister of the Caretaker Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Myanmar Min Aung Hlaing,
Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, Prime Minister of Mongolia Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrain, and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China Li Zhanshu.
Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of Malaysia Ismail Sabri Yaakob and Prime Minister of Vietnam Pham Minh Chinh addressed the audience via video linkup.
Excerpt from President Putin’s speech:
snip … “Europe is about to throw its achievements in building up its manufacturing capability, the quality of life of its people and socioeconomic stability into the sanctions furnace, depleting its potential, as directed by Washington for the sake of the infamous Euro-Atlantic unity. In fact, this amounts to sacrifices in the name of preserving the dominance of the United States in global affairs.
The competitive ability of European companies is in decline, for the EU officials themselves are essentially cutting them off from affordable commodities and energy, as well as trade markets. It will come as no surprise if eventually the niches currently occupied by European businesses, both on the continent and on the global market in general, will be taken over by their American patrons who know no boundaries or hesitation when it comes to pursuing their interests and achieving their goals.”
I believe most of Putin’s speech is at the link above; one of the posters at MoA is transcribing and posting it later today.
Fortunately, his apple didn’t fall far from his tree.
I would not count on that. He Rand was FOR the trans-Pacific Partnership that would have put the USA into a collective similar to the EU with CHINA posed to be admitted as soon as the ink was dry. That is what was done with the World Trade Organization. Get the treaty signed AND THEN GET CHINA IN!
We have learned the saving skepticism from all these tricks!
I hope he was simply misinformed. It seems like someone should ask him about that again and see if his position has changed.
Too bad that Fabian asshole’s life wasn’t JUST a bit shorter, thereby donating fewer “mistakes” to our current situation.
Not merely a useful idiot – a dangerous one.
My sentiments exactly and you said it better than I could have.
The Fabians are NASTY Slavers to put it very bluntly.
ℑ𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔄𝔱𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔟𝔲𝔱𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔡𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔥 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔅𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔬𝔯 𝔊𝔲𝔦𝔩𝔢. — Aubergine’s Razor
Straight from Fabian co-founder George Bernard Shaw
Sure sounds like the way a farmer treats his livestock.
And it is working….
Peter Singer’s Bold Defense of Infanticide:
After-Birth Abortions: College Students Increasingly Support Infanticide”
“… in interviews that not only do they see more college students willing to say they support post-birth abortion, but some students even suggest children up to 4 or 5-years-old can also be killed, because they are not yet “self aware.”’
That is a real slippery slope.
UK Hospitals ‘paid millions to put patients on [Liverpool] death pathway
This is the type of National ‘Health Care’ the Progressives want to gradually introduce in the USA via Obummercare. NOW we KNOW I was correct all those years ago when OH!Bummer was president.
UK Doctor Admits To Starving Babies To Death, Using ‘End-Of-Life’ Care
(I think this maybe what Northrup as a pediatrician was doing in Virgina.)
Words fail me…
There is a very special place in the Pits of Hell for these people.
Doctors know how painful death by starvation/dehydration is, yes they do.
Germany’s Energy Suicide: An Autopsy
Pepe Escobar September 7, 2022
The EU has weaponized the supply of European energy on behalf of a financial racket, against the interests of European industry and consumers.
When Green fanatic Robert Habeck, posing as Germany’s Economy Minister, said earlier this week “we should expect the worst” in terms of energy security, he conveniently forgot to spell out how the whole farce is a Made in Germany cum Made in Brussels crisis.
Flickers of intelligence at least still glow in rare Western latitudes, as indispensable strategic analyst William Engdahl, author of A Century of Oil, released a sharp, concise summary revealing the skeletons in the glamour closet.
Everyone with a brain following the ghastly Eurocrat machinations in Brussels was aware of the main plot – yet hardly anyone among average EU citizens. Habeck, Chancellor “Liver Sausage” Scholz, the European Commission (EC) Green Energy VP Timmermans, EC dominatrix Ursula von der Leyen, they are all involved.
In a nutshell: as Engdahl describes it, this is about “the EU plan to de-industrialize one of the most energy-efficient industrial concentrations on the planet.”
That’s a practical translation of the UN Green Agenda 2030 – which happens to be metastasized into crypto Bond villain Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset – now renamed “Great Narrative”.
The whole scam started way back in the early 2000s: I remember it vividly, as Brussels used to be my European base in the early “war on terror” years.
At the time, the talk of the town was the “European energy policy”. The dirty secret of such policy is that the EC, “ advised” by JP MorganChase as well as the usual mega speculative hedge funds, went all out into what Engdahl describes as “a complete deregulation of the European market for natural gas.”
That was sold to the Lugenpresse (“lying media”) as “liberalization”. In practice, that’s savage, unregulated casino capitalism, with the “free” market fixing prices while dumping long-term contracts – such as the ones struck with Gazprom.
How to decarbonize and destabilize
The process was turbo-charged in 2016, when the last gasp of the Obama administration encouraged massive export of LNG out of the U.S.’s huge shale gas production.
For that one needs to build LNG terminals. Each terminal takes as much as 5 years to build. Within the EU, Poland and Holland went for it from the start.
As much as Wall Street in the past invented a “ paper oil” speculative market, this time they went for a speculative “paper gas” market.
Engdahl details how “the EU Commission and their Green Deal agenda to ‘decarbonize’ the economy by 2050, eliminating oil, gas and coal fuels, provided the ideal trap that has led to the explosive spike in EU gas prices since 2021.”
The creation of this “single” market control implied forcing illegal rule changes on Gazprom. In practice, Big Finance and Big Energy – which totally control anything that passes for “EU policy” in Brussels – invented a new pricing system parallel to the long-term, stable prices of Russian pipeline gas.
By 2019, an avalanche of Eurocrat energy “ directives” by the EC – the only thing these people do – had established a totally deregulated gas market trading, setting the prices for natural gas in the EU even as Gazprom remained the largest supplier.
As lots of virtual trading hubs in gas futures contracts started popping up across the EU, enter the Dutch TTF (Title Transfer Facility). By 2020 the TTF was established as the real EU gas benchmark.
As Engdahl points out, “TTF is a virtual platform of trades in futures gas contracts between banks and other financial investors. Outside, of course, of any regulated exchange.
So LNG prices soon started to be set by futures trades in the TTF hub, which crucially happens to be owned by the Dutch government – “the same government destroying its farms for a fraudulent nitrogen pollution claim.”
By any means necessary Big Finance had to get rid of Gazprom as a reliable source to allow powerful financial interests behind the Green Deal racket to dominate the LNG market.
Engdahl evokes a case very few know about across Europe: “On May 12, 2022 although Gazprom deliveries to the Soyuz gas pipeline through Ukraine were uninterrupted for almost three months of conflict, despite Russia’s military operations in Ukraine, the NATO-controlled Zelensky regime in Kiev closed a major Russian pipeline through Lugansk, that was bringing Russian gas both to his Ukraine as well as EU states, declaring it would remain closed until Kiev gets full control of its pipeline system that runs through the two Donbass republics. That section of the Ukraine Soyuz line cut one-third of gas via Soyuz to the EU. It certainly did not help the EU economy at a time Kiev was begging for more weapons from those same NATO countries. So yuz opened in 1980 under the Soviet Union bringing gas from the Orenburg gas field.”
Hybrid War, the energy chapter
On the interminable soap opera involving the Nord Stream 1 turbine, the crucial fact is that Canada deliberately refused to deliver the repaired turbine to Gazprom – its owner – but instead sent it to Siemens Germany, where it is now. Siemens Germany is essentially under American control. Both the German and Canadian governments refuse to grant a legally binding sanction exemption for the transfer to Russia.
That was the straw that broke the (Gazprom) camel’s back. Gazprom and the Kremlin concluded that if sabotage was the name of the game, they couldn’t care less whether Germany received zero gas via Nord Stream 1 (with brand new Nord Stream 2, ready to go, blocked by strictly political reasons).
Kremlin spokesman Dmity Peskov took pains to stress “problems in [gas] deliveries arose due to sanctions that have been imposed on our country and a number of companies by Western countries (…) There are no other reasons behind supply issues.”
Peskov had to remind anyone with a brain that it’s not Gazprom’s fault if “the Europeans (…) make a decision to refuse to service their equipment” which they are contractually obligated to do. The fact is the whole Nord Stream 1 operation hinges on “one piece of equipment that needs serious maintenance.”
Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, who knows one or two things about the energy business, cleared up the technicalities:
“The entire problem lies precisely on [the EU’s] side, because all the conditions of the repair contract have been completely violated, along with the terms of shipping of the equipment.”
All that is inscribed into what Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov describes as “a total war declared against us”, which is “being waged in hybrid forms, in all areas”, with “the degree of animosity of our opponents – of our enemies” being “enormous, extraordinary.”
So none of this has anything to do with “Putin weaponizing energy”. It was Berlin and Brussels – mere messengers of Big Finance – which weaponized the supply of European energy on behalf of a financial racket, and against the interests of European industry and consumers.
Beware of the toxic trio
Engdahl has summarized how, “by systematically sanctioning or closing gas deliveries from long-term, low cost pipelines to the EU, gas speculators via the Dutch TTP have been able to use every hiccup or energy shock in the world, whether a record drought in China or the conflict in Ukraine, to export restrictions in the USA, to bid the EU wholesale gas prices through all bounds.”
Translation: casino capitalism at its finest.
And it gets worse, when it comes to electricity. There is a so-called EU Electricity Market Reform in progress. According to it, producers of electricity – from solar or wind – automatically receive “the same price for their ‘renewable’ electricity they sell to the power companies for the grid as the highest cost, i.e. natural gas.” No wonder the cost of electricity in Germany for 2022 increased by 860% – and rising.
Baerbock incessantly parrots that German energy independence cannot be secured until the country is “liberated from fossil fuels.”
According to Green fanaticism, to build the Green Agenda it’s imperative to completely eliminate gas, oil and nuclear power, which happen to be the only reliable energy sources as it stands.
And it’s here that we see the toxic trio Habeck/Baerbock/von der Leyen ready for their close up. They pose as saviors of Europe preaching that the only way out is to invest fortunes in – unreliable – wind and solar power: the “answer” from Providence to a gas price debacle manufactured by none other than Big Finance, Green fanaticism and Eurocrat “leadership”.
Now tell that to struggling pan-European households whose bills will surge to a whopping, collective $2 trillion as General Winter knocks on the door.
F. William Engdahl, is someone to pay attention to.
He also wrote: The WTO and the Politics of GMO another MUST READ.
As a bit of background, take a look at ROYAL Dutch Shell.
From my old Notes:
The Shell Oil, Global Warming, Agenda 21,World Wildlife Fund (WWF) connections.
Shell Oil is home of Shell Oil VP Ged Davis who WROTE Sustainablity B1 scenario aka Agenda 21 for the IPCC. Another Shell Oil exec Doug McKay was at the IPCC scenario meetings. McKay was also Senior Financial Analyst with the World Bank. Robert Watson worked for the World Bank while Chair of the IPCC.
Shell Oil (and BP and the Rockefellers) have been pushing global warming since day one when they provided the initial funding for the Climate Research Unit of East Anglia.
Maurice Strong is another Rockefeller made man. He worked for the Rockefellers in Saudi Arabia. He was Chair of the First Earth Summit ‘warning of Global Warming’ in the cold 1970s. He became Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and then became the first executive director of the United Nations Environment Program. He is also the father of the idea of using NGOs to push Mr Global’s agenda.
David Hone is not only SHELL OIL’S Senior Climate Change Adviser he is also Chairman of the International Emissions Trading Association. Besides lobbying the UK Parliament to strangle Shale Gas by insisting that CCS be deployed – in which venture he’s succeeded. SHELL OIL’S previous UK Chairman took SHELL very deeply into Carbon Trading.
The Dutch royal family (The House of Orange) is still reportedly the biggest shareholder in the Dutch part of the group, although the size of its stake has long been a source of debate. The Queen of England is also a major stockholder link and Scuttlebutt and more Scuttlebutt from Google Book and LINK
Another major stockholder is the Rothschilds, along with the Rockefellers.. The Rothschild Investment Trust was formed in 1988 => RIT Capital Partners. Rockefellers and Rothschilds Unite
World Wildlife Fund
Prince Bernhard of the Dutch Royal Family with his NAZI connections, is the Founding President of World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
HRH The Duke of Edinburgh (Queen Elizabeth’s Hubby) served as International President of WWF for 16 years until his retirement at the end of 1996.
John H. Loudon, Better known as “the Grand Old Man of Shell”, John H. Loudon, a Dutchman, headed Royal Dutch Shell from 1951 to 1965…. He was President of WWF from 1976 to 1981, and also a member of The 1001 Club: : Bankers and Raw Materials Executives Striving for a Sustainable Future … Ruud Lubbers, Maurice Strong and David Rockefeller of course were members. That article shows the crosses with the environmental groups and other NGOs.
Ruud Lubbers served three terms as Prime Minister of the Netherlands between 1982 and 1994, thus becoming the longest serving Dutch Prime Minister…. He continued in Parliament as Senior Deputy Leader, and later Parliamentary Leader of the Christian Democratic Alliance. He became President of WWF International on 1 January 2000, but only served for one year as he was appointed United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees from 2001-2005. LINK
Remember that the UK has always been the home of the Globalists. Think Cecil Rhodes, Milner (of the Milner Round Tables like the CFR) and Nathan Rothschild.
Thank You for the additional info Gail…
You are a gem!
Here’s link to Engdahl’s summary that Pepe was referring to throughout his article
New post up. An update and need your input on the grandson. Thank you in advance
Thank you for sharing your situation in more detail. God Bless You ALL!!!!
Not the Bee, but still a joke:
Barron Trump to take up crack cocaine and sex trafficking so the FBI will leave him alone
OMG that is one funny!
That one there on the bottom is my favorite.
The car is really nice, too.
From the, Can’t Make This Shit Up, files.
Three Days After Trump Holds Rally for Him in PA — Dr. Oz Says He Would Have Certified Joe Biden as President (VIDEO)
This report makes my head ache. There is no way to reform these people. The only workable solution is expropriation and exile. I would say to the jungles of the South Pacific. Let them recast their new world in whatever image they choose. I may be self identifying as a dissident soon.
Love it! Vive la Resistance!!!
How about a bit farther north, say, the Bikini Atoll
Might put a glow in their life and a spring in their step(pe)…..
I am afraid if we did that they would petition us for humanitarian aid. I would rather not hear from them at all.
Or just take a sea mount (near Alaska) and build an island for them.
There’s plenty of islands out there already. We could use the one the Japanese invaded.
I wanted one no one owned. That is why I was suggesting building an artificial island on a sea mount. I vote for the PATTON Sea Mount In the Cobb–Eickelberg Seamount chain
The Cobb–Eickelberg Seamount chain is in the gulf of Alaska so ‘Global Warming’ will not be a problem for them.

You can locate Patton in this map in the upper left corner.
OR Maybe Loihi Sea Mount

The little weazel, RUBIO, has piped up too.
He’s entitled to his opinion. He also has an R after his name, which his opponent does not have.
We have bet the stash on this race. The time for vetting has long passed.
HOLD the nose and VOTE the RINO.
In two more years, President Trump can “reform” him, I’m certain.
Amen to that!
Have the same attitude regarding my votes on November 8th.
Still belongs in the, Can’t Make This Shit Up, files.
I suppose Oz is pandering for votes. Not trying to offend idjits.
If anyone needs it – I posted a list of Covid fighting medications and doctors who prescribe Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine at Marica’s because it’s easier to disable long lists of links with an asterisk.
Thank you!
Traitorous turd.
Such a lovely woman.
Kudos to Project Veritas! Revealing the true racism and hate.
“Project Veritas: Democrat South Carolina US Senate Candidate Krystle Matthews: You Gotta Treat White People Like Sh*t ”
Huh… all these years… I just thought it was my imagination!
Come on up here to Montana and try it, if you’re feeling froggy.
Shell still to Bozeman.
In case you don’t have time to click through.
FOIA Request Uncovers FBI Effort to Get Americans to Forfeit 2nd Amendment Rights
Italy: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Metal-Like Objects’ in 94% of Individuals With Reported mRNA Vaccine Side Effects
There are darkfield microscope images taken before and after vaccination. The “before” ones show healthy-looking cells. The “after” ones look very distorted in comparison.
Yet that’s what they continue to push on people. That’s what they tell people they need. I don’t know what it’s going to take to wake people up.
I don’t, either. I find people’s lack of basic research into something that goes into their body appalling.
They would actually have to SEE the information, first…and the YSM isn’t showing it.
I remind everyone once again that a huge slice of the US population gets their news entirely from the YSM.
And now they’re running out of toilet paper too.
“Hakle, a large German toilet paper maker with a century of history, filed for bankruptcy this week as a ‘massive’ increase in energy and pulp prices drove it into a corner,”
Die Welt journalist Holger Zschepitz tweeted.
““Hakle, a large German toilet paper maker with a century of history, filed for bankruptcy this week as a ‘massive’ increase in energy and pulp prices drove it into a corner,””
Strange… Robert, the German economic minister, just did an interview explaining that companies may have to stop production and shut down, but not file bankruptcy.
The interviewer observed that without income, how can they meet their financial obligations?
Robert’s answer was basically “But this one goes to ’11’ ”
It’s a pretty amazing interview, just two minutes long. Hard to believe they let this out into the wild:
From OT: German Minister of Economics, Robert Habeck, Under Fire as Energy Driven Reality of Economic Collapse Starts Sinking In
September 7, 2022
German Minister of Economics Robert Habeck is under fire after his comments during an interview with an ARD broadcaster on Tuesday evening.
The conversation surrounded the astronomical rise in the price of energy taking all the income away from people who would purchase other goods and services. As Germans no longer can afford purchases, the stores and businesses can no longer operate. Minister Habeck was asked if that means a wave of bankruptcies and business closures are forecast.
Mr. Habeck responded that businesses can stop operating, but that doesn’t mean they will go insolvent. Just because the business loses most or all of their revenue, doesn’t mean they will go bankrupt. That doesn’t make sense, Minister Habeck was pressed to apply commonsense. If businesses close to save money, workers are not employed. If workers are not employed people do not earn income. If people do not earn income, the economy worsens.
Habeck had no response other than an economically detached “Green Party” perspective that businesses will not go bankrupt just because they are not operating. However, his facial expressions reflect that he knows what comes next, total economic collapse. WATCH:
Thanks Scott … I read somewhere Hakle said “if crafters, bakers, other small businesses shut down… it doesn’t mean they will go insolvent, just shut down for the winter”
That’s a really stupie comment.
He says that in this interview!
I’m tired
Now that you mention it, I think I am too. It’s like seeing someone else yawn
I apologize
Hard to keep up with all the stupid isn’t it ?
It definitely is!
Habeck, not Hakle…
Habeck, like most of the rest of the gubmint, is not qualified for the position he occupies. Among other things, he writes children’s books, so that could explain his fairy-tale outlook and disconnect with reality… He is PWNED by the WEF, as is Baerbock, our Secretary of State (SOS, indeed, for a number of interpretations of that acronym)…
He’s getting royally scorched in the alternative press here, and even in some cases by his own party.
But he’d rather we all die off than have Gang Green miss their targets… he’s a hardcore green, with less than half a brain…
I know Cuppa … did I mention I’m tired?
Hard to tell them apart, they’re both …
sorry… I momentarily forgot I’m a Lady …
Rumors are See Aye A empowered the Greens in Germany. What do you know about that?
I saw that earlier.
All I could think was “Germans are fucked.”
Isn’t that supposed to be something like “Germans sind gefuckt”?
It’s coming, Bannon had the Birch gold guy on today, also discussed a zerohedge article, next 30-90 days German mfg shuts, they support all of EU. Buh Bye.
Best to ask those questions now. Might not be time to turn it around though. But at least the politicians will know it’s their heads on a pike.
Sad to say, they’ve been circling the drain for a while now. As is the case with many “traditionsfirmen” (old-time companies) here, they were bought out (in this case, by Kimberly-Clarke) and squeezed down to the minimum functional size. “Lean and mean”. They were sold a couple of times again, and in 2019 became a family company again, but still on the edge of problems. Thanks, Merde-Kuh.
IIRC, paper manufacturers are reliant on natural gas for heating/drying processes, so that hasn’t helped at all. There will likely be other Traditionsfirmen filing “Insolvenz” (chapter 11, of sorts), as the WEFfenSS want to kill them all off.
But Hakle is far from the only TP company out there. ALDI and LIDL still have their house and other brands in stock. For how long, is another question. Maybe we can use the Greens’ party manifesto(s) as a, erm, backup…
Thanks Cuppa …
The Pentagon has just admitted that US military personnel are directly training and overseeing Ukrainian missions to sink Russian warships in the Black Sea. The stunning admission comes months after the April 14 sinking of Russia’s Black Sea flagship Moskva guided missile cruiser, which was carrying a crew of 510. It was nothing short of a disastrous and humiliating blow to the Russian Navy, and it was later confirmed that a pair of Neptune missiles took it out. It was also later revealed in that particular case the Ukraine forces had assistance from US intelligence.
But now the Pentagon has revealed that in more recent attacks on Russian warships, the US role runs even deeper that previously admitted: “Ukrainian forces who sunk a Russian warship with Harpoon missiles in June trained in the United States, the Pentagon’s top weapons buyer Bill LaPlante says,” according to a fresh report in Defense One.
“The Pentagon has just admitted that US military personnel are directly training and overseeing Ukrainian missions to sink Russian warships in the Black Sea.”
I wonder why the geniuses at the Pentagram would admit that.
They tried to walk it back.
“They tried to walk it back.”
Why would the geniuses at the Pentagram even bother to try to walk it back?
You can’t walk something like that back… it’s not as if the people they attacked are going to go “Oh, okay, no problem then, it was just a ‘walk it back’ misunderstanding’…
First, there are no geniuses at the Pentagon (you know this I know
Second, it’s their standard M.O. to fight “proxy” wars and train and supply the army… they’ve been getting away with it forever. Time’s up, though… and now, they have put Americans at risk (but we are fodder too … like all the other proxies
I’m chalking this up to our genius CiC – SUSAN RICE.
Does Vlad have some secret documents at his dacha?
wanting a direct hot war with Russia?
Trying to provoke Ruskies. Putin smarter.
Putin appears to know the score
Hey All, hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend! We had quite the gang gathered in Northern Michigan for the holiday & to celebrate my aunt’s 85 3/4 birthday (as written on the T-shirts) by walking the Mackinac Bridge between Michigan’s Upper & Lower Peninsulas on Labor Day itself. We had 26 gathered near Otsego Lake & 23 of them made the walk. We were joined by several family members of my aunt’s late husband for the walk too.
Apparently the Bridge Walk has happened every year for 65 years except for 2020 where it was cancelled due to the Scamdemic. The first walk was to open the bridge in June of 1957, I believe, & had less than 100 people walk. In 1982 the largest Walk happened, lead by GHWB with about 90,000 walking. This year there were about 26,000.
Our gang was Supposed to meet up at a local business just below the Bridge called Weinerlicious, if you can believe it…at 7 am. Well that start time didn’t work out exactly but most of us were there by roughly 8 am. It was a beautiful day for the walk with the temps around 60 when we started & nearing 70 when finishing up. There was a nice breeze to offset the rising heat from exertion & direct sun. Most of us gathered at a picnic area adjascent to a nearby lighthouse afterward to share a meal generously provided by my brother & sister in law to honor my aunt.
The first time I walked the bridge was in 1995 when I was pregnant with my twins. We walked it in 2019 for my dad’s 80th birthday then now in 2022 for my aunt’s 85th, she’s Dad’s big sister. My son’s Brandon & Nathaniel were the only ones from the Curren Clan who attended all 3 of those walks with me, though B was riding inside in 1995 & N was riding in the stroller as much in ’95 as he was walking. He was asleep in the stroller when crossing the finish line & we have that photographic proof w/ his bridge walk certificate near him from way back then.
This time N’s wife & new baby, just under 2 1/2 months old, were also part of the walk, baby Lilah in a front carrier on her mom’s chest & N bearing copius supplies in a backpack. I think his wife came for Dad’s B-day walk too. Anyway these new parents were a joy to watch & walk along with for a bit. I had promised my mom to assist her & planned to push her in a borrowed wheelchair if they got one from their church (as they’d done when they went on a trip to visit the Ark Encounter museum some months ago) & let her walk holding the wheelchair as a “walker” as much as she wanted to. Ultimately she decided not to get on the Bridge at all, so I was released from my promise & ended up walking past the halfway point & even doubling back a couple times to walk with various family members, I probably walked between 6 & 7 miles for the day. I even got pics with a couple different gatherings of family in the middle of the Straits of Mackinac, so special.
The operation of the Bridge Walk was very different for these 2 more recent walks compared to ’95. In ’95 the state provided busses & they had half the bridge for 2 way bus traffic & the walkers were on the other side of the bridge. We waited about an hour for a half for a bus & to get transported to the UP & then we walked the full bridge back to Mackinaw City where we’d parked. These last two times they kept the center 2 lanes of 4 for the management people, state police in uniforms both standing about every 50 yards on both sides & riding bikes, mounted sheriffs (Dad was waxing eloquent about the beauty of the horses), poop patrol golf carts for horse puckies, emergency vehicles, & a couple busses (perhaps for VIP’s?). Some of the people standing & watching appeared to be some type of volunteers, not in uniform. People in uniforms were 85+% male. We didn’t notice national guard people this time though there had been some previously on the other walks. Multiple choppers patrolled the skies & there was at least one achored boat about midway in the straits maintaining some type of watch. At least one person was on one of the cable suspension uprights, perhaps taking pictures or providing some type of security overwatch. Near the end of my walk there was a “Rosie the Riveter” with “Rosie” written on an old-style black lunchbox & some people were getting pics with her. I was hoping my aunt’s sister-in-law Rosie might have been able to have gotten a pic with that “Rosie” but don’t know if that happened.
People walking came in all shapes & sizes & colors & ages. Last time there was someone at the finish line on a microphone announcing where finishers were from & how many times previously they’d walked (then people from many other states & even countries were there, likely similar this time). There was a loudspeaker calling out some stuff when I started, but that may have been for many who were in a race & they were wearing similar colored T-shirts to those of us honoring Aunt Pat so I kept thinking I was seeing family from afar when it was just strangers…
Both before & after being on the bridge, which was closed from 6:30am to about noon, there were multiple groups offering free bottles of water to anyone who would accept them. It seemed that many of these were Christian groups with a positive message like “Water of Life” & such. Several groups were passing out tracts for scripture & salvation messages. There was a clearly political table for local candidates with T-shirts & bumper stickers & they had brought a canopy for shade. There was a large Pro-Life installation with a preacher on a loudspeaker giving salvation, repentance, & cultural degradation awareness messages at both ends of my walk. On the return the speaker sounded like he was Australian by accent. There were multiple large posters on surrounding the speaker including that severed head of an aborted baby very prominently displayed.
The Bridge Walk was apparently spear-headed by Lt.Gov Gilchrest of Michigan because (perhaps) Witchmer was down with Covid, per news reports I read later. I heard some people talking around me at one point that Secretary of State Benson was walking when I was there. I hoped that I might run across her to give her a direct piece of my mind about her involvement in the 2020 electoral fraud in Michigan…but we both were spared that confrontation!
At the base of the Bridge on my return I counted 21 state police vehicles parked in the Colonial Michilimackinac parking lot. There was also a significant police presence in managing traffic from the I-75 exits to various places in Mackinaw City & presumably around St. Ignace in the UP.
All in all it was a wonderful day for our family & appeared to be running very smoothly for the powers managing the coordination of the event as well.
A personal highlight for me was the glorious beauty encountered on the drive North as the sun was rising. There were mists rising off Otsego Lake at the beginning of our drive & also rising from various low places & waterways for at least half of that hour long drive. When there were extensive vistas in view it was breathtakingly gorgeous with the colors in the sky & the difusing mists that really helped dilineate the topography of rolling hills, woods, & waterways. I wish there was a picture to share or that I could paint the mental picture to do it justice but that’s way beyond me.
If these images show they are a Bit like what I saw…God is So Good & Artistic!!!
Glenn Greenwald has an epic Twitter thread about internet censorship that’s worth reading.
Toward the end, Greenwald mentions his family having a health crisis. That was news to me, so I looked into it and found this. IMO, this reads like the glowies attacked his family.
Yup. I suspect you’re right.
The Glowies do like poison. Took out Congressman McFadden with poison and Justice Mahoney after he ruled against the banks
(UPDATE; No video available yet):
Patriot Businessman Erik Prince Creates ‘Unplugged’ Cellphone Off The Big Tech GridNeil W. McCabe — OAN National Political Correspondent
UPDATED 7:09 AM PT – Wednesday, September 7, 2022
(MIDDLEBURG, VA.) Nearly 10 years after Edward Stone revealed the extent of government surveillance of Americans and American life the founder of Blackwater told One American News his new Unplugged phone and operating system, LibertOS, are designed to provide encrypted peer-to-peer comps immune from government access.
“We have developed a completely independent phone platform called Unplugged Systems,” said Erik D. Prince, the patriot businessman and ally of President Donald J. Trump.
“It is its own hardware, its own operating system, our operating system, with its own secure messenger, VPN, antivirus and store,” he said.
The author of the book “Civilian Warriors,” said his team learned the lessons from so-called secure communication apps.
“The unique thing about our messenger, for example, is when you download Signal or Wicker, you get one encryption key the first time,” he said. “Ours generates a new encryption, key every call, and it’s all peer-to-peer, and nothing of the message data is stored on our servers at all.”
Prince said without your data and outside U.S. government territory, there is no way the government gets in.
“If a warrant were ever to be delivered to the company to say: ‘Turn over these people’s user data or their files’–it’s impossible because we store and keep nothing,” he said.
Because the OS does not have an advertiser ID function, there is no process to track users or sell their data, he said.
“Our phone does not collect any user data, OK?” he said. “Google and Apple both collect and resell about $180 of your data every year. They know where you go, what you buy, what you browse, and whom you call, and they resell that data to advertisers without your permission.”
The Navy SEAL veteran said the apps are available now for Android phones with iPhones next, and the phones will be shipping out in the first quarter of 2023.
“The pendulum of big government and big tech has swung way too far in one direction in the surveillance state,” he said.
“Our goal with Unplugged, our mission statement is to make that pendulum swing back towards individual liberty and individual privacy right now.”
Former Attorney General Bill Barr says DOJ ‘very close’ to having evidence to indict Trumpby Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department ReporterSeptember 07, 2022 04:38 PM
Barr has certainly been activated to ACTIVELY PUSH DOJ and FIB message…Trump Bad.
Along with various politicos and Pravda news outlets.
Wonder how long before Trump is indicted, arrested AND limits placed on his travel. Travel outside FL? Outside Mara Lago?
We surely need some wins in our column.
Indictment maybe…
Can’t afford to be arrested… TOO DANGEROUS !
There is some other speculation:
The Epoch Times
The Epoch Times
“There’s concern that the search warrant itself was overly broad from the get-go,” Kevin Brock said.
A former top #FBI official said the warrant used to search former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence may be thrown out due to its scope.
Ex-FBI Boss Says FBI Trump Search Warrant Could Be ‘Suppressed’
A former top FBI official said the warrant used to search former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence may …

(“Let’s see what happens…”)
Agree. Seems the law is selectively enforced. We all know that. Trump needs some fair decisions in his favor.
That would be SWEET because, as the article says (bolding mine):
I tend to think that if something similar happened to a REAL criminal, that there is a good chance that such a warrant NEVER WOULD HAVE ISSUED; failing that, the case would be DISMISSED, charges DROPPED, and evidence deemed INADMISSIBLE, and followed up with investigation and prosecution for criminal prosecutorial misconduct, AND civil action.

You know what I wonder?
What is it the cabal has on that fat bastard?
Does he eat babies?
“….But Barr added that prosecutors “will be under a lot of pressure to indict him, because — one question is, look, if anyone else would have gotten indicted, why not indict him?”….”
Agreed !
So long as he declassified it before 1/20/2021.
To be persnickety, “As president he was able to declassify anything he wanted” would be better; he can’t do it today.
Save America Rally in Youngstown, OHPlease join us for a Save America Rally in Youngstown, OH!
You may only register up to (2) tickets per mobile number per event. All tickets are subject to first come first serve basis.
Event DetailsSat, September 17, 2022
07:00 pm (EST)
Doors Open: 02:00 pm
Covelli Centre
229 E Front St
Youngstown, OH 44503
U.S. News
FOX13 Memphis: Man reportedly shooting people in Memphis while recording Facebook Live, police say
19-y-o black guy is the perp, and he is on the loose. People are being told not to go out, and they are not able to go home to their families. Some businesses are locking their doors.
GWP: “Local news reports at least one person killed and one wounded.”
Live coverage and other info here:
Thanks for this !
Possibly 5 locations where he fired shots. A man shot at an Auto Zone. A woman dead in midtown. Shots fired near the Univ. of Memphis campus. Sports game downtown has been suspended. All bus service suspended.
Perp is in a vehicle with Arkansas tags, AEV63K. The first car he used was a blue sedan, but he transferred to a gray Toyota SUV.
So what is the bigger picture? Does the Left need to push the gun control narrative right now? Is the goal to terrorize us?
“Mental Illness” ???
(WRONG color… prolly wrong gun too)
Sometimes a random nut is actually a random nut.
Which doesn’t mean the Left won’t opportunistically exploit that random nut, especially if it looks like people are fixated on that nut and disgusted by him (as opposed to being a story that’s gone next week).
Yes, there are random nuts out there. Reporters are saying that an arrest warrant for murder was issued for this guy before all this happened, so it looks as if he went on a rampage related to that. But they haven’t released any more info yet.
Perp’s been arrested.
Update: The suspect has been apprehended.
Good !
TY !
How about we drain Silicon Valley?
It’s a start.
Can we expand it to the entire, Bay Area.
JUST IN – UK govt to scrap fracking ban tomorrow — Telegraph
Nothing like the threat of the Pubs shutting down to get them motivated.
Whatever it takes !

If he were a woman posing suggestively and seductively, would he (she) be considered professional and competent? We need to get these people out of our government.
Isn’t the upside down thong bikini bottom twerker a State senator or something ?
Professional and competent is no longer a thing in Demdom
More, beware eye bleach.
They just want to rub this in the American people’s face
It’s like the gates of hell have opened up and all the demons have come through and assembled in the White House.
First thing Melania is going to when they come back is order the White House Burned to the ground to rid it of it’s evil stench.
I didn’t even know monkey pox needed a spokesman.
It seems like they’re desperately trying to convey something important in that photo, I just can’t imagine what it is.
Unless looking like a couple of angry gay sailors in bakery hats was the whole point.
That has to be it because it doesn’t convey anything else to me.
Ahhh, the Navy. Thilly Milley. Heyyyyyy Sailor…
(apologies to the real Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard)….
This song comes to mind:
“This is Biden’s WH monkeypox coordinator, Demetre Daskalakis… no I’m not making this up.”
OTOH, if anybody knows about homosexually transmitted diseases, it would be that guy…
He probably HAS them all!
I just remembered today is Elizabeth Carter’s birthday. I haven’t seen her post here in a while, but if she’s lurking, happy birthday Liz!
Just going to leave this here for future reference:
November 25
“Just going to leave this here for future reference:
November 25”
I went to write it on my calendar, but it’s already there

LOL! Of course it is!
I was serious!
Your b-day must have been mentioned by someone here last year, so it was already marked on the calendar
That’s awesome. And I wasn’t being sarcastic. I was being appreciative!
Happy Birthday @Elizabeth Carter !
(well that didn’t work…)
I sure hope the Clerk Police watch those clerks like a hawk!
“The case will now likely head to the conservative-leaning Wisconsin Supreme Court.”
It’s all very dramatic and time consuming!
But who stops Lucy from pulling the football away at the last second again (again) (again)?
That’s always the problem, regardless of our ‘legal victories’ on paper.
Who is going to enforce the ruling at the local level where it matters, if the local level is crooked?
And they are crooked.
If they weren’t crooked, there would have been no need to seek a ‘legal victory’ in the first place…
Hmmm… a “slip-up” !
U.S. News
Axios: A slip-up by social media giant Snap allowed leading Democratic campaigns and party committees to unwittingly tap into a vast repository of Republican voter data to hone their midterm ads.
U.S. News
Las Vegas Review-Journal: Clark County Public Administrator Robert Telles has been arrested on suspicion of murder in the death of Review-Journal reporter Jeff German.
Seems as though Chinee have huge drought problems.
China Drought Issues & News
Interesting drought happening in China.
Two years ago they were concerned about Three Gorges dam overflowing.
Yup, I recall that. Overflowing or structurally failing – breaking up.
Was the first thing that came to my mind as the video started in on drought, Three Gorges…
Still listening to the videos.
Dunno how much of this is PROPAGANDA. CCP Propaganda.
Check out this quote from the Chiefio article. Emphasis mine.
Wonder how the US hurricane season is shaping up…
Reminds me of Chinese dropping over dead from the China Virus except this one is on steroids. Pushing the Climate Change fear porn.
Yup. I don’t believe anything Chinee say at face value.
(This seems to be in conflict with what some other legal experts like Kash Patel and Mike Davis have been saying);
U.S. News
BARR: “There is no scenario, legally, under which the president gets to keep the government documents, whether it’s classified or unclassified.”
Yes, two opposite opinions.
(I’m still seeing some “hopium addicts” that insist that Bar is an “actor” in this movie)

Can’t see it.
Barr protected Mueller, Wizeman, ALL of DOJ and FIB. Ignored stolen election.
Barr’s only “acting” is that he support Rule of Law. Barr does NOT, a good guy.
And if this is a movie, can I walk out early? The writing sucks.
Time to get our money back & free tickets for life to make up for insults & injuries!!!
(we’re just gettin’ to the good part !)

Even if it were not about Trump, I’d have said Barr is full of shit.
Barr’s position makes zero sense.
Face value. Barr’s position, every ex president can NOT hold any papers from their presidency. hussein has untold documents from his presidency, under his control. Wonder how many of these documents are / were classified.
Rhetorically, how could an ex-president have any documents from his presidency, if, as Barr says,
Barr is running out to the msm for SOME reason. There could be damaging info about him in the files.
There is certainly damaging info about “muh institutions!” in the files, and “Bondo Barr” wants to slather all over it and say, “it’ll buff right out.”
Quite possibly.
Good point !

(but on a “technicality”… they are “copies”, and NOT the actual documents)
U.S. News
CPR News: Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters has pleaded not guilty to charges related to a security breach of her office’s election equipment.
American patriots went to Washington D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021. Some lost their lives; many were put into jail…
#TheRealStoryOfJanuary6th sheds light on the series of events till now obscured by legacy media.
We’re making the documentary available #FREE now through the end of September. WATCH on @EpochTV

Yesterday I drove through Sacramento at 115 F and spent the night in scenic Truckee. Work done this morning and in the afternoon headed back down I80 then on to Hwy 20 heading northwest.
This monster was to the east of I 80. Surprised there were not more.
Welcome to the jungle…………rape,murder,gangs and now…fun spree shooting ( they got him in custody a bit ago)