(still from video, don’t click, see below!)
I’ve spent a lot of time on Gab today, and I’m just blown away at the extent to which people are now ultra-red-pilled on 9/11. The amount of evidence pouring out is overwhelming. I’m seeing stuff I’ve NEVER seen before. Re-evaluating all of this evidence, knowing what we know now – the red pills are just coming down in a HAILSTORM.
This is the place to store all this information. We need to save it while it’s all coming out. Just add it in the comments. Thanks!
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/115/609/060/playable/a7b921a861e5418b.mp4" /]
4 replies
This is a biggie, and explains A LOT.
JamesVJ reposted
Spacecowboy 777 https://gab.com/emoji/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
Trump, speaking on the day of the attacks: “I said how could a plane, even a plane, even a 767 or a 747, or whatever it might’ve been… how could it possibly go through the steel? I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously, cuz I just can’t imagine anything being able to go through that wall.”
Trump knew.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/115/593/647/playable/dac16027ce7afa31.mp4" /]
19 replies
This is where brisance matters.
RDX / C4 / hexogen can LITERALLY cut through steel by cracking and fluidizing it at an almost atomic level.
Slowly moving sheet aluminum, no matter how much fluid is behind it, cannot.
This is why our CIA gal sidetracked scientific discussion at shallow state. They used PSYCHOLOGY to sidetrack the science.
Our earlier discussion of brisance.
Trump has a lot of knowledge of construction and construction materials, and probably airplanes as well.
Yup. He was a danger from the very beginning.
Wolf, if you watch that video frame by frame, something flies off into the sky when the building explodes. There are two objects. Is it a reflection? Some kind of artifact?
The thing that flies into the upper right corner of the video frame, some time after the initiation of the explosion, is a BIRD!!!
I’m not sure if that is one, both, or neither of what you are seeing.
No, what I am looking at comes from the building. There are two of them. It’s weird.
Good – I’ll take a closer look!
How the TV Networks Hid the Twin Towers’ Demolition on 9/11
How the TV Networks Hid the Twin Towers’ Demolition on 9/11
Editor’s Note: There are likely tens of thousands of Americans who have done far more research than I have on
Uncanceled News
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This is an excellent retrospective analysis of the news about 9/11 – apparently the first of three pieces.
This one proves that the initial news consensus was leaning toward some kind of explosions bringing down the building.
The next installments will deal with how that view was CHANGED.
Never forget the anniversaries, either. PEDOPOTATUS
Flashback: Creepy Joe Biden Was Pawing a Little Girl When He Took a Photo with Kids on 9-11 Anniversary (VIDEO)
Flashback: Creepy Joe Biden Was Pawing a Little Girl When He Took a Photo with Kids on 9-11 Anniversary (VIDEO)
A flash from the past– The perp can’t help it. On September 11, 2020, Joe Biden took a photo at a 9/11 memorial ceremony in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The photo…
The Gateway Pundit
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3 replies
My message is simple.
Care of Shady Groove.
Bill Cooper Predicted 911
In the Show notes:
Absolutely great stuff. Let’s see if this embed works. If not, go here:
This is framed in the mainstream dupe narrative, but still worth watching. It’s important to understand what they did to ordinary people.
The SUNLIGHT is driving the plotters crazy.
You said you’d never forget. 21 years later, most have.
9/11: The Falling Man story that none of the major networks allowed you to see.
9/11 The Falling ManYouTube
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12 replies
I didn’t watch the video, but I’m dumping the obligatory “the 9/11 falling man is an occult reference to the Hanged Man” memes. IMO, it was as fake as everything else that happened that day.
Very interesting. Makes me wonder if the photographer is an occultist. I know that these NYC videographers are some of the most evil scum on Earth.
I just listened to Patrick reading Naomi Wolfe’s BOXES.
She would agree with you.
Dr Naomi Wolf’s “Opening Boxes from 2019” – instant classic, don’t miss
Start @ 20:15 goes to 54 minutes…
“….And then I took it home with me (Table cloth bought in India) People who STILL HAVE THEIR HONOR INTACT WILL SIT AROUND OUR TABLE.”
NO!, Naomi and her husband MOVED out of NYC to the north into RED (neck) country and are learning rural skills like how to shoot a gun.
The boxes are boxes packed and stored during the first Covid insanity when they moved. She is unpacking them and writing of the memories they evoke AND HOW HER PERCEPTIONS HAS CHANGED.
It is her story of waking from The Mass Formation Psychosis spell the young elite ‘Beautiful People’ were under. It is a story about how NASTY her former friends, the ones who sat around her table and ate her food and drank her wine, now are. It is about how loving and helpful her new friends are. People who have NOT sold their honor for 30 pieces of silver.
She brings up how she was honored and feted for her support and writings on Feminism and women BUT how those SAME people IGNORE — NO BASH AND VILIFY HER — For DOCUMENTING the HARM the Clot Shot DOES TO WOMEN —– ALL FOR MONEY!
Yeah, I got that. Read me deeper, girl!
I had a fifty yard line view that day. Our architecture office overlooked the World Trade Center from 25th Street. NO other tall buildings in between. 23rd floor. All windows in the conference room looked south. I burst in on a meeting to see the second ‘hit’ and then saw both buildings come down.
Those were implosions, but to what extent? Has the event ever been modeled? Not sure if the architects and engineers have done that or not.
As you stated…people get foggy and forget. This is a feature of Psy-ops.
I actually checked out your vantage point in maps and photos – you had a good, unobstructed view of both buildings (albeit not as close as some perspectives). That must have been shocking to the core.
Building 7 is a “no way it was not demolition” case, and this is how others are making the argument that buildings 1 and 2 had to be demolition, too. I’m not fully on board the “7 = 7,1,2” argument, but I do get it, because 1 and 2 truly look like explosions + demolition. Likewise, this seemed to be the key move by our CIA gal – to suppress any thought of a deliberate demolition. Many other bits of evidence convince me of 7,1,2 demolition. Other evidence convinces me of the videographic theories.
One has to be careful of any modeling of the events – too much agenda and “official narratives” to be navigated. I saw that in the videographic world. There were people who were clearly tasked with suppression of all objections to the “standard model”. They are “unethical skeptics”, as TES would say. They’re not looking for the truth, IMO – they’re looking to defend the official story.
The best metric of truth is Michael Hayden’s level of hair on fire. We are directly over the target, for sure.
Probably look more towards the editors who chose that particular frame (out of about a dozen), for the shock value.
They certainly succeeded.
The editors are the usual choke-point of infiltration – both for rejection AND selection!
I had noted that it didn’t seem like a natural fall — it seemed more posed.
It’s an interesting video. The photographer took about a dozen frames of this one individual in free-fall.
So this “pose” was NOT a “pose”.
And there were more frames of other individuals in free-fall taken.
Plus, there were many other sources of video and still pictures from journalists to tourists to average citizens with cellphones equipped with cameras.
8:46 a.m. = 666
It’s an interesting video. The photographer took about a dozen frames of this one individual in free-fall.
So this “pose” was NOT a “pose”.
And there were more frames of other individuals in free-fall taken.
Plus, there were many other sources of video and still pictures from journalists to tourists to average citizens with cellphones equipped with cameras.
Just gotta include this one for the heck of it.
I may not be a “lone wolf terrorist”, but I’m definitely a “pack wolf sunshine provider!”
3 replies
1 quote
Brought over from Gab via the daily…..
From Gab. First minute is the WOW. Part 2 is first.
LINK: https://odysee.com/@EduardoCorrochio:4/Donald-Trump-9-11-CASE-CLOSED-2:1
Then this one:
LINK: https://odysee.com/@per-inge.eliasson:0/Donald-Trump,-9_11,-CASE-CLOSED(720p):2
The video and still shot in the article are amazing (and I presume not doctored). No plane in sight!
I haven’t been keeping up with evidence and various theories over the years. I have some questions but am not expecting others to do research for me, except to ask this: Is there a site that explains all the elements of 9/11 to form a possible workable theory? In other words, is there a theory somewhere that attempts to explain what happened at each of the 4 attack sites on that day; whether the Pennsylvania plane crash is considered to be real; who the guys were who trained in America to fly planes and reportedly flew into the buildings (just fake reports?); whether any eyewitnesses say they saw planes fly into the buildings; if planes didn’t fly into the buldings, whether the media was aware of that or if they were just reporting what was being fed to them, etc.
In my opinion there is no one site that has all the details, because it’s like science – it’s a mess – but out of that mess grows consensus on certain things.
It’s actually best not to try to explain the whole thing (standard narrative) being wrong in one big fail. Look for things which simply are wrong beyond belief. There are enough of them to realize that we were misled.
I avoid the microdetails. I have no opinion on cell phone stuff, for example. It’s a diversion for me. Don’t care for the moment.
I just know that some things are false. Things are filled with lies.
THIS is a real convincer that has been floating around.
It gets taken down, it gets put back up. But it cannot be “undone”.
The only thing I would say, is that blaming Mossad alone is not correct. Everybody has a sacred cow that gets gored here – Muslims, Jews, Christians, Republicans, Democrats, etc.
There are MANY other videos available from various perspectives (and various quality) that show the second plane (assuming you are referring to WTC).
The second plane came from the SOUTH, flying in a NORTHERLY direction.
By then, all eyes, including cameras, were on the North Tower.
Everyone to the south and west who could see the smoke from the North Tower would have been able to see A PLANE hit the South Tower.
THAT is what has been recorded through video, still-frames, and eye-witness testimony.
Regarding Flight 93 I believe it was shot down. There were eye witnesses to the fireball in the sky. There were items from the baggage area recovered miles away from the “crash” site. The “gash” in the ground near Shanksville predated 9/11. This is the sense I ‘ve retained years after reading from many sources to get to these conclusions but I cannot point to the “original” source material for these conclusions at this time…
RJames reposted
Patrick the Patriot https://gab.com/emoji/271d.svg https://gab.com/emoji/1f1fa-1f1f2.svg
2 replies
I can’t bring this video here, but what you have is a reporter – a REAL reporter – finding zero evidence of a plane at the Pentagon.
Well worth the click.
This right here is a huge eye-opener – and VERY well sourced. It was done by Fox News – aired – and then SCRUBBED.
LINK: https://rumble.com/v1jk7kx-911-suspects-the-dancing-israelis.html
There were dancing Islamists celebrating on the rooftops in New Jersey.
We had dancing moslems at my local deli across the street on the Upper East side…
Same in Brooklyn.
Same in Brooklyn.
“You may find it’s the Saudis”
Steve Watson | Infowars.com – FEBRUARY 18, 2016
There is actually still video, but not on YouTube!
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/115/595/073/original/221150b7891a7b70.mp4" /]
No source on the latter moving image. This is NOT the same video I saw years ago, but I don’t know what that means.
Meanwhile, On Twitter…
If you still have Twitter, please go vote in my 9/11 poll:
3 replies
1 quote
It is with great sadness to think that Israel had a role in 9-11, but that seems inescapable. The exact role, and how big, who knows? But it was a role inconsistent with the behavior of an ally. The Israeli murder of completely innocent Americans on the “spy” ship Liberty was relatively long ago, but it implicates the question of trust both in Israel and of our own government officials. Again, there is no joy in these thoughts.
The actions of the evil people in control have been around persistently since JFK, and the Liberty took place after JFK. It is wrong to draw grand conclusions, just as it is wrong to ignore the truth, such of it as we know.
It’s a tough pill to swallow, but two ideas make it go down easier.
First, when people (and you get this a lot on Gab) say “See? It’s the Jews”, just remember that Zev Zelenko saved many times more people from the same monsters who orchestrated the next 9/11. Suddenly the antisemitic take makes no sense.
Second, we have to remember that honorable organizations being misled, taken over and perverted is easier to see within one’s own country, yet still difficult. I find that the CIA, and now the FBI, are useful examples to people who have held the Mossad in unrealistic esteem.
To what lengths would one go to make sure “never again” on one’s own people? How can that be perverted to assure “ever again”? And do we still try to stick with “never again”, because it’s the right thing to do?
Satan is tricky and never gives up. Far trickier than almost anybody can comprehend. Christ offers a useful take on how to proceed. His prayer about not being led into temptation is far more necessary than we thought.
100% agree on everything.
Look at Israel’s adoption. Of the Covid Jab. They are murdering their own…. So why not their Allies?
He had no clue how bad it was. No clue. And yet he was more enlightened than almost anybody else.
9/11 Can Now Drink in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
Have bookmarked all the videos to watch later. Just some thoughts on red-pilling etc.
People often want definitive evidence of a comprehensive alternative explanation before they will reject the validity of the explanation they do accept. “If it wasn’t this, then what was it?” This is why and how the concepts of reasonable doubt and presumption of innocence have been gamed out of existence. If the person didn’t do it, then who did? Or, if the person didn’t do exactly that, then what exactly did he do?
This is why trials do not seek the truth as a result, but seek a socially accepted result. Guilt or innocence is not determined in any objective sense (except coincidentally) but only in a purely formal sense which is wrongly assumed to be objective truth.
I read Posner’s book, and Bugliosi’s book, and assorted other lone gunmen books, along with Lane’s book, and was 100% convinced Oswald was the lone gunman. Worse, I considered it preposterous that any other explanation made sense.
Then years later I watched the original interviews Lane had conducted of eyewitnesses to the assassination, interviews conducted shortly after the assassination. I did not know they existed. Watching was like getting struck by lightening. It was not possible for these ordinary citizens to be telling the truth, and for the lone gunman story to also be true. And they were telling the truth.
I went back to watch the Firing Line interview Buckley did with Lane. Buckley was my hero back then, and I watched Firing Line faithfully. Watching the interview years later was to be confronted by my abject naïvete, inexperience, and simple minded psychology back then. I was embarrassed and ashamed by Buckley. Buckley avoided all factual aspects of the matter, and instead focused purely on character assassination. Buckley’s “argument” was that Lane was a communist. Lane OTOH focused on the facts and ignored the personal attack.
How influential was my initial watching of this episode on my later confidence in Posner and Bugliosi? Without my realizing it, how much was my mind “set” by the Buckley interview?
9-11 was similar. I very carefully read the Popular Mechanics article and that was it. My mind was “set.” (I read a lot else, but that was the “foundation” prism).
One thing DID bother me, that Barbara Olson died on one of the flights. Her death was far from proof of anything, but it stayed with me. If Olson’s death was arranged, how could all of 9-11 be on the up and up?
Hillary is all about revenge, and it struck me as just too amazingly “lucky” for Hillary to coincidentally get her spectacularly terrifying revenge. Wolf posted a compelling explanation (based on facts and research) as to how Olson’s death was arranged, an astonishing piece of detective work, and persuasive to me 100%
My mind about 9-11 was opened by my open-minded research into the assassination. If the JFK official narrative was corrupt brainwashing, what was not? The Olson murder was not the key, but was corroboration of the dozens of facts I had found undermining the official 9-11 narrative.
Bush reading a story to little children at some point took on a whole new meaning, just as Sadie’s posting of the tarot card immediately converted my thoughts on falling man. The brazenness is just part of ongoing operations.
There is no comprehensive explanation available to us for what REALLY took place, or is taking place. That, too, is part of ongoing operations. What we have amounts to much more than reasonable doubt. We know the official narratives are false. The explanation for the falsity allows us to logically infer that something very evil is happening, and has been happening for a very long time. It also allows us practically to assume the worse about what is happening, and that may be the best we will ever do in knowing what is actually going on, although justice and knowledge would be very sweet.
An excellent take! Thank you! The idea of REASONABLE DOUBT is amazingly, absolutely KEY! This is a huge insight, and as a complete but wonderful aside, shows just what kind of brilliant people our Founders (and their British predecessors) were, to build in REASONABLE DOUBT as a microscopic cornerstone of American justice.
This also nicely sums up why my view of 9/11 changed. Once I had reasonable doubt, I could make headway understanding things.
Thank you for laying out your journey toward deeper truth which might illuminate and parallel many of our convoluted pathways. What you’ve shared is Most Enlightening!
The TRUTH About 9/11 (EXPOSED — In Their Own Words) (welovetrump.com)
I do not believe for one moment the Mossad and Israel are responsible for 9/11/01 – the majority of the victims and the businesses targeted were Jewish financial institutions.
It makes more sense to see it as Islamists attacking America and the Jews.
There have been over 42,108 documented Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11/01
7671 days since 9/11/01
That’s 5.4892 attacks per day all over the world
That includes the Boston Marathon Bombing
And San Bernardino
And more.
Graph – attacks by ideology –
A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Explained in 5 Minutes by James Corbett (Classic)
In 1962 a Document titled “Operation Northwoods” was presented to President Kennedy suggesting a false flag by the CIA to justify War with Cuba.
I believe this Document is where the plan for 911 was originally derived from.
In this plan it is suggested that an exact Duplicate CIA aircraft would be launched at the same time as the real civilian aircraft & that they would land the civilian craft, off load the passengers, as the Duplicate CIA Craft continued on to carry out the false flag.
Despite Bush claiming not being a member of the CIA till made director in 1974, an ’88 The NY Times report cites a memo that places him in the CIA as early as ’63 and according to an unnamed source ’60.
Meaning he would’ve been in the CIA while Operation Northwoods was being planned.
Using a decoy plane to carry out a public catastrophe which could then be used to Justify a War.
Just substitute “Cuba” for “AL Queda” and you have the opening draft of 911
Fascinating. Makes a LOT of sense.
I just want to add this to his information.
Two other Cavers (College+grads) and I were in the mountains near Albany NY. We we outside doing some star watching and chatting. An unusual ‘star’ was wondering around and we started watching it. Within TEN MINUTES of it appearing Rome Air Force base scrambled three jets to chase that ‘star’ They chased that star all over as it made evasive maneuvers and then it took off like a formula one being chased by three turtles.
We sat there looking at each other with our mouths open. However the point is, an invasion of US air space provoked a VERY PROMPT RESPONSE…
As Major Stubblebine said, and I had heard, all the surveillance equipment was TURNED OFF. Think about it. From New York to DC the flight time is FORTY-TWO MINUTES. There are FIVE Air force Bases along the East coast that could target OFF COURSE PLANES in the NYC to DC area.
Here is the listing of US military bases:
District of Columbia[edit]
New Jersey[edit]
New York[edit]
North Carolina[edit]
Rhode Island[edit]
West Virginia[edit]
Not 9/11 related but hubby’s grandfather was born in Fort Myer in the 1880’s…sometime I’ll do a genealogical dig on that place & time
That’s great!
Thank you for the article and everyone who posted information.
Have spent hours reading this article, posts and videos.
The information here is a treasure, chalk full of speculation, research and facts.
Within days of 9-11, I knew something big was “off”. Although, I never pursued it. Today, this article, posts, videos delivers many Ah-Ha moments.
The official narrative IS FUBAR. Pravda News is once again, complicit.
A bit numb this evening.
You’re feeling what I did when I woke up. It’s a hell of a feeling to know that an entire WORLD was manipulated like that – but the STAKES were HUGE.
Predictive Programming – Ultimate Compliation
Remember when Fox News 5 said WTC7 had collapsed while it is still standing, and then they watch the building fall live on camera?
A BBC reporter who was live in NY did the same thing. She said WTC7 had collapsed when it was still standing right behind her. The report ended with a “signal loss”:
Here’s the BBC response in which they say the reporter can’t remember and that they lost the original footage of this broadcast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/theeditors/2007/02/part_of_the_conspiracy.html
Good stuff!
I’m wondering if they were having trouble evacuating people from WTC7, causing some announcements to go out without needed delays.
Not sure if this video is a duplicate, but the audio is solid TRUMP – very smart.
Real estate mogul and future president, Donald Trump, did not believe the claim that the planes took down the World Trade Centers, which were the strongest buildings ever made. He even stated that there must have been a bomb because the planes would not have been able to cause a massive hole through the steel exterior of the buildings.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/115/604/227/playable/2603ebd2af41794c.mp4" /]
16 replies
This is probably one of the best videos about “directed energy” and other alternate theories of the demolition (explaining why the demolition itself was so unusual in various ways).
Well done.
NOW we’re getting somewhere.
The exploding cop cars are a scientifically annoying phenomenon. To say the least.
That… and the ones that wren “HALF-BURNT” with NO FIRE DAMAGE to the rest of it or anything surrounding.
This is a good video, also brings up the disinformation that was used to discredit this theory.
My belief has changed over the years to whom is responsible for 9/11.
Not looking good for our side, one more reason why they can’t let PDJT back. Truly believe he’ll expose everything and everyone next time and there’ll ALL scared S*** less.
This was most interesting –Thanks!
Thanks for putting this up Wolf, and for everyone who contributed something constructive.
Tough day, for the country, and personally.
Still looking for answers…
I won’t.
Another report on 9/11
IT’S ALL FAKE – The Burning Platform