Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
The [Q+7]th of October, 2022

And they’re still evil for what they did to this guy, the “QAnon Garbageman”.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will let our light shine upon darkness!

We will put on our dancing shoes…..

And even go for a ride!


by Duchess01
Please forgive us, Wheatie, we did not know
That you had left us with armor in tow
We had no idea with what you dealt
We did not know the pain you felt
And now we can only imagine
With you what really did happen
Cause rarely did you complain
And/or share your personal pain
Of one thing we are most certain
You are flying high behind the curtain
Watching over us above the crowds
Our Warrior Angel above the clouds
Thank You, Wheatie, for caring for us
While you were here among the fuss
We miss you dear you have no idea
Since time began in the pangaea
With you there was no time
In your wisdom you would chime
To clarify and magnify
The what where how and why
We did not question when you left
We were not slightly bereft
But over time we wondered why
You did not at least stop by
Now we know where you have gone
With the break of this new dawn
We could be angry but are not
Tho with an arrow we’ve been shot
Rest peacefully Warrior Angel dear
Send us a sign that you are near
A butterfly a flower a kiss of rain
From your love do not refrain
God sends Angels to watch over us
And now we have an Angel Plus
A Warrior Angel of Magnificence
From today and forward hence
The Rules

Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.
The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.
Bottom line – respect other people’s FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.
We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.
Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.
In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.
We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).
We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.
If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at
We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.
In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer
Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.
Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.
Musical Interlude
In honor of dear Wheatie, we now present some music to soothe, inspire, invigorate, or relax.
For some reason, I’m in the mood for some old THIN LIZZY, so here we go.
I’ve always loved this one!
If you prefer more B/W band photo imagery, try this version.
Yup! Riding free with the buffalo!

Indeed, I am “thinking of a certain female”.

A certain female who – DAMN WELL, my bison friends – deserves to be in jail.
But how about one of my favorite Thin Lizzy tunes?
Try this live version!
Here is a fascinating dissection of the song.
And finally, a segue into our next section…..
Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.
(And not just here in America.)

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day Year Week:
large bovines in the genus Bison (Greek: “wild ox” (bison)[1]) within the tribe Bovini. Two extant and numerous extinct species are recognized.
Used in a sentence or two or three:
The European bison, B. bonasus, or wisent, or zubr, or colloquially European buffalo, is found in Europe and the Caucasus, reintroduced after being extinct in the wild.
While bison species have been traditionally classified in their own genus, modern genetics indicates that they are nested within the genus Bos, which includes, among others, cattle, yaks and gaur, being most closely related to yaks. Bison are sometimes bred with domestic cattle and produce offspring called beefalo or zubron.
Abused by Demonic False-Flagging Bolshevik Democrats Who Are Going To Get Their Asses Kicked At The Polls In Two Weeks:

Have another great week!

From the mouths of babes…..
He looks like Greta’s brother.
In which case he certainly knows about that word…
Took me a while to catch on….
After you post, went back and looked again.
Me too ..

Oh, lolololol! Thanks for that.
I think I see Obama’s plan for the midterms. WORLD WAR.
These people are just evil.
America has 100,000 troops just outside Ukraine?
Just in time for the mid-terms?
Biden Inches Closer to WWIII: US Troops on Ukraine-Romania Border in “Combat Deployment” Prepare to Invade and Fight Russian Forces in Ukraine
October 23, 2022, 3:30 pm by Kristinn Taylor
You want to stop this madness? Blame the magic BFP, Obama – not Biden.
Looks like I’m not the only one seeing this.
Oh, c’mon, they’d have to be complete imbeciles to……oh, wait…..
Yeah. I think that’s where we are.
They want WW3 so bad they can taste it.
Then let THEM leave their cushy offices and get of their miserable evil nasty candy *sees and go fight it. NO US troops
NO US involvement … sick evil scum
You seem pissed.
There’s a lot of terrible predictive programming surrounding the date November 3 (11*3=33), and as a super bonus this year, 11/3/22 happens to be exactly 666 days from January 6th. Yes, that January 6th. I don’t know what to expect on 11/3, but I’m using it as a personal deadline to get preps in place and staying home that day.
If one may add: pay off bills / debt that is possible.
I don’t a damn what happens, I’m gonna vote on election day.
That’s the plan. Blow up the world the day before or of the election. And make everyone stay home.
These fuckers are evil.
Yup. I agree. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.
Some evil is afoot. Did you read what Nancy Pelosi said about the election – how Dems are going to keep the house?
She used that phrase she always uses in these situations – “take it to the bank”.
They will do whatever they need to do to keep power. And we have to say FUCK YOU, PELOSI.
There is ALWAYS evil afoot with these monsters.
Pelosi is a mobster.
The DC mafia boss.
Time to break her bank.
And make salad out of her monopoly money…
Our life does depend on it. We have no choice if we want to remain a free people.
Evil so and so’s …
Did a fast look at old numbers, so don’t bank on these #s.
We used 190,000 US Troops for Iraq. Had I believe 300k with coalition. I believe this 100k number includes what are NATO troop strength total is including Army/Airforce/Navy. I doubt seriously if we’ve deployed an additional 100k. Numbers likely less than 50K. Thinks I read somewhere 24K. RU will still have the cold weather edge.
Bingo. The numbers in the report are BS. Staffees, REMF and the like counted. Double counted. Vacant billets counted.
From CTH:
Looks like DeSantis is making his first big error.
He endorsed a RINO loser who not only says he will campaign against Trump, but who then praises the trio of DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Tim Scott.
UGH. Unforced error!
Maybe he is hoping to get flooded on social media, denouncing the RINO loser. That would give him support to do the right thing (implying he wanted to do right all along but couldn’t for some reason).
We will see!!!
Curious, is there ANY “conservative” politician who has ever been wrongly accused of treachery once they started sending messages that they were traitors?
Seems to me, once the Phoniness and Fakery (ostensible “conservative” motivated theatrics) have been abandoned, it always turns out, yes, he was just a traitor.
One can keep the mask on for only so long until it slips. The mask slipped.
^^^ Twist them pretzels.
Or DeSantis simply could have done nothing.
Edited line out.
Taking wait and see.
Love me some pretzels.
It’s either that or Bennet, the incumbent Dem. Primary season is over.
One of the cardinal principles of politics is that you can’t get a bunch of saints elected — you have to elect the usual crooks, weaklings, Quislings, snakes, idiots, and hacks….then incentivize them to pretend to be saints.
At this point, I‘d endorse O’Dea right up to the juncture where he’s elected or not — after which, he is fair game. Come January, if the cards are right, only MAGA people get plum committee assignments — let’s see if he becomes more “flexible” then.
I was just about to write something similar. It’s either O’Dea or a Dem. I’m not surprised at any Repub endorsing O’Dea under those circumstances.
Trump is miffed because O’Dea has said he wants to distance himself from Trump.
It would be unreasonable to expect Trump to endorse someone who wants distance from him. It also would not be reasonable to expect other Repubs to not support the Repub over the Dem.
I think this is kind of a nothing burger and that SD, looking for dirt on DeSantis, has found something to crow about right before the election.
AH. Yes. More “evidence” against DeSantis.
Makes sense if SD is controlled opposition, remember the NSL he eluded too once.
TT has the correct interpretation of this. Do we want a Demoncrat, or a half-assed Republican?
DeSantis knows the correct answer.
“Let the RINO win.”
Exactly. Better a RINO than a Demon.
But, BUT, BUT…
Uniparty bastards look AND act so alike.
Yea, I still vote for the fuckers.
I do, too. Makes me mad, but the primary process is where to get the best candidate for our side. After the primary, we’re stuck.
I do not do that anymore because some of the rinos are more dangerous and back stabbers. I just leave it blank.
I’m sure you are not the only one.
…. sounds familiar …
I wouldn’t be surprised if RDS had spoken to DJT about it and been told to go ahead. If O’Dea is elected, they are rid of a pesky lockstep Dem and have years to bring him to heel.
True. There is no leverage on a Pelosi Dem, but RINOs can sometimes be made to vote along with sane positions.
Too horribly true.
Amazing how our side makes stuff up to avoid seeing what is actually happening. If anything, DeS’ endorsement will HURT O’Dea, according to the logic of the situation.
Hey! You know the Trump-rejecting “Republican” who is running for the senate?
Whose special endorsement would be great? How about the guy who is the second most visible, intensely vilified purported enemy to “moderates,” “independents” and liberal “Republicans” (people O’Dea wants) in the country?
How about the number two guy most required to be hated by those who want to save our democracy?
Well, perhaps it’s time for Yours Truly to point out that this “RDS” has no connection whatever that that “RDS.”
Even Slow Guy knew that.
Lol, thank you.
Seriously, if you ever need help with a name edit on the site, just holler.
Then why not endorse Bolduc or Masters?
We want to believe so bad. That is used against us all the time.
I don’t know. I haven’t kept up with who’s endorsing whom. Yes, it bears watching; we have to be watching everything and everyone. I’m just *tired* of the finger-pointing and division, especially before the election. If SD wants to start a whole series on how bad DeSantis is, fine, but do it after the election.
^^^ This. Zero sense in demoralizing or pissing off MAGA voters before 8 November.
The problem is DeSantis has no obligation to stick his nose into a COLORADO senate race. But he’s CHOOSING to.
Wishy-washy on the Mar-a-lago raid and crystal clear on this = bad look.
“Bad Look” is common among
R-ConsUniparty.Not justifying RDS’ endorsement. RDS in this case, DeSantis.
If Sundance is right, O’Dea is the ONLY senate candidate DeS has endorsed. IOW, DeS wants to assure the right people that he is not deplorable. He will follow orders. What other thought process could DeS possible have had?
Yes, his Zeldin endorsement was really messed up, too. I think he has some terrible UniParty advisors in close.
We should drop the hint to the anons at 8kun that his sycophants need to be deep-dived.
Give it a half hour and they’ll have the dirt, if any is to be found.
Unforced error was my first thought too. Then I read the full article.
SD has been seeing DeSantis as RINO/Uniparty/Establishment, bought and paid for – and has been saying so for quite a while. He posts a timeline and explains the evidence in the link above.
I thought/hoped DeSantis was better, smarter, more enlightened, nationalistic and patriotic than that.
Oh man.
Does DeS know just how discouraging this is to millions upon millions? How can he NOT know?
And Paul Ryan, and Jeb! Breathtaking in its disdain for us.
DeS to MAGA: “Yes! I am a quisling! You cannot trust me!”
I love that “!” on Jeb! LOL. “Low Energy Jeb!” just sucked the low energy out of that exclamation.
Looks SD knows DeSantis heart ?
Q. Who is the patron saint of hot air?
A. Phineas Fogg. [of course]
Grandpa Badfinger is getting Worsefinger!
Masks Never Worked
Free Speech
Protect the Children from this Luciferian Cult, which worship androgyny.
It’s not okay.
[video src="" /]
Masks Never Worked
Free Speech
Celebrating Sickness, Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder.
[video src="" /]
1 repost
Always the giddy expression whey they talk about transitioning, as if it’s some kind of an accomplishment.
Delusion-affirming healthcare!
Let’s donate $25 to our local NPR station who just had that interesting and informative program on the blessings of cutting off children’s sex organs!
Thank you. I needed a laugh in the face of this insanity.
That’s a man, baby.
^^^ First thought. F F. ^^^
Fucking Freak.
I hope he has massively painful female cramps every month and twice on Saturday …
I know, I know
I also hope it runs out of exfoliant …
Seriously – the things these people will do to “affirm the delusion” are straight out of “Ed Gein” territory.
With as many newspapers as I read in my youth, I am amazed that I never heard about this ghoul. A blessing that my formative years were protected.
Side note: can you picture Anthony Perkins playing this guy in a movie?
I hear you. Kinda bizarre story how I heard of it back in the day, but TMI involved. Basis of Silence of the Lambs story subplot IMO.
Where the hell is he going to get them? Goodwill stores? Dollar and a quarter Tree?
she may identify but does she pass the biden sniff test? …
Nope! No sniff test for this freak.
Mush Mind does NOT sniff dudes.
10 Best survival foods to grow after SHTF
And, no, I’m not kidding.
As an example, see for how a company thrived by sustaining bread yeast.
The Burton Union system sustained generations of brewing companies in the UK —
If you start a sourdough, and take care of it, it will live forever.
My list as a fifty-year gardener (yes, I gardened with my Nanny as a child):
1) Zuchinni or other summer squash – grows fast, produces a TON. Can be dried and ground, and substituted for flour in things like pancakes; also frozen or pressure-canned. I freeze most of mine. It’s also good raw in salads, or with hummus or other dip
2) Tomatoes – contain vitamin C and other important nutrients. Easy to grow, even in containers. Can be dried, made into soup, sauce, chili, etc; also frozen or water-bath canned
3) Carrots – if you cover them with a cold-frame, carrots will survive in the ground through the winter in milder climates where it doesn’t get below 25 degrees or so in winter. The darker varieties are high in antioxidants. Purple carrots have 28 times the anti-inflammatory properties of the orange kind
4) Leeks – a good source of vitamin K, B-6, and vitamin C. Super good for cold climates, with a cold-frame or cover; I use mine all winter long (and it is COLD here). Leek-potato soup is SO good when it is cold. Braised leeks are yummy on a baked potato. Sort of like an onion, but hardier
5) Raspberries or blackberries – establish a thicket of these and they will produce pounds of healthy fruit
6) Fruit trees – Applesauce, apple jelly, apple cider (hard or soft); plum jam and plum cake; cherry pie, sweet cherries out-of-hand, dried cherries
I agree a bit with spinach, but most people hate kale. Arugula is bitter, kids won’t touch it. Beets, either. Cucumbers are wonderful for pickling, but to getting a big harvest is very weather-dependent for some of us northerners.
The thing with gardening is, you should grow what you LIKE and will eat, not what other people say. That is the most important thing.
Sounds like REALLY good advice!!!
Kale is actually a great addition to soups; even huge handfuls of it cook right down to small softened bits, and no one realizes it’s kale. I put it in all my chicken, sausage, vegie and bean-based soups.
Some people like kale, but lots don’t. I hate it unless it is baby kale in a smoothie, where it becomes unrecognizable.
I read that if you sprinkle olive oil onto kale, it scrapes into the garbage easier!
IMO, olive oil makes everything taste good. I’m not willing to test the limits, but yeah.
I love Kale and it is wonderful in soups. I made a chicken soup the other day and put 3 large leaves cut up into the soup. This gives it a rich flavor. My husband is not a fan of Kale but eats it in soup. I make for myself kale and also grow it.
Tik Tok is looking dangerous as hell!
I haven’t seen or read one thing yet to make me think it is anything by a Chinese intelligence operation, and deliberately designed to degrade us as well as capture data.
The contrast between what they allow on TikTok for their youth versus what is allowed for our youth is pretty stunning. Just as a for instance.
Great points! Yes – just like Twitter is a weapon for our Americommies, TikTok is a weapon for the ChiComs.
H/t to piper567 who got me started reading Elizabeth Nickson.
I’ve been working my way through her essays in her substack. She’s a Canadian and her mother, who experienced postpartum depression, was hospitalized in the 60s (I believe) and got in the clutches of an MKUltra program.
Nickson has written about her investigative work on MKUltra. She and other family members of victims of MKU have been taking legal action against anyone and everyone they can sue. This particular essay is from May, and she compares her legal battles against MKU practitioners with what is surely coming against the medicos who perpetrated Covid-related crimes against humanity. I thought some of you might find it interesting.
“Justice is Coming for the Covid Conspiracists
The Covid Conspiracists better buckle up. We’re coming for them. And for their children. And for the media, the medical establishment, the hospitals, public health officials. For Facebook. For Twitter. For Google. We are coming for all of them. Every last one will pay. The wealth transfer will be the greatest in history and it will change the world.
This week a court case in which I am a plaintiff, took a giant step forward when the appeals court told the government to stuff it, not come back with their whining and moaning, and get to freaking trial.
Fifty-four families, including my brothers and I are taking the government to court for experimenting on our parents and grandparents in the 50’s and 60’s, under the auspices of a CIA program called MKUltra….”
Widows Sue Hospital, Doctors for Killing Their Husbands With Remdesivir
H/T kea
On that note…..
New Alberta Premier Vows to End Government Relations With World Economic Forum and Destroy QR Code Database (Video)
Just listen to her. She’s AMAZING. Send Baby Castro back to Cuba! This woman needs to lead Canada!
Patience. She will, eventually.
Thanks for the links. That is awesome news! I had seen this tweet earlier, but the link you posted as more info. Thank God for a warrior! I’m so thrilled whenever anyone stands up!
Butt-Boy Castro is gonna have to hide behind some Euro-skirt and cry to KlauSS to do something!
Alberta is great. Conservative. Cattle country!! I’m amazed and delighted to see this gal basically repudiate Little Castro’s program. Ha!!!
You’re damned right I will!
^^^ Decades of practice continues.
Here’s an odd thing I learned today. Remember Cash for Clunkers? The Obama program that removed hundreds of thousands of older vehicles off the market so that Americans are now forced to pay ridiculous prices for used vehicles? Well it turns out that Cash for Clunkers was merely one cog in a coordinated worldwide effort between 2008-2011 to destroy old vehicles. Almost every developed country in the world had a similar Cash for Clunkers program during those years, and not even just the usual suspects like Europe and Canada (“Retire Your Ride” was the name for it over there). No, even China and Russia had similar programs in 2010-2011. And it’s still being pushed in some places! India introduced a similar program in 2021. I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but it blows my mind that this was one of those “every country in the world is magically doing the same thing at the same time” examples that we saw happen frequently during the COVID crisis.
If there are no entry level cars, then cars become a luxury good and proles have to ride buses.
It definitely fits the NWO agenda to make transportation unaffordable. And by “transportation,” I mean all transportation. Some of these programs, like the ones in China and India, targeted commercial trucks as well everyday cars for people. Less trucks hauling stuff = increased costs, supply chain issues, basically everything we’ve seen since 2020. Which is why I can’t figure out is why China, Russia, and India were all on board with this. Okay, I get why a totalitarian country like China would see benefit in destroying cars meant for people, but destroying commercial trucks? They usually tell the globalists and climate Nazis to eff off when it comes to crippling their own economy.
This also replaced a bunch of cars that needed fuel, air, and spark with a bunch that had onboard GPS, emergency signaling systems, enhanced radios, black boxes, and — very soon — external speed controls. Maybe even breathalyzers.
^^^ This is what came to mind, when I saw Sadie’s post.
Soon, Social Credit enabled kill capability. EVs already have the “mass” kill switch. Turn off electricity.
Many advantages We the People LOST with the older simple mechanics…it was MUCH easier to keep a ‘clunker’ running when the SHTF.
It is much easier to track, control, and shut down the electronics in modern vehicles. If world control is the goal…then destroying reliable easy to repair transportation of your opponent is a no-brainer.
“every country in the world is magically doing the same thing at the same time”
I think that’s a sure sign of wef at work.
Build Back Better
Cash for clunkers.
Global warming cult.
Natø supporting ukraine.
And I’ll bet there’s a ton of subliminal stuff going on we don’t even hear about.
I think it may be useful to look at this program from a policy point of view. First the stated policy was useful for the Global Warming propaganda agenda at that time. Hidden agendas which were not expressly promoted were also likely. 1) It creates demand for new sales for the auto industry. 2) It increases GDP around the world and staves off recession a little longer. 3) In the case of China (and other countries probably) it provides recycled steel for other uses (think military). Historically the Japanese were noted to be large buyers of American scrap metal in the late 1930s. I wonder what they did with that?
Gave it to Mitsubishi to make Zeroes.
How do you say, “woof”, in French?
“Barkour”!!! LMAO!!!
My older son’s friend’s family had huskies for a long time. The friend said when they get out they will run for miles. After my son’s father passed away he and his mom don’t have any huskies.
Youtube used to have a video about Malinois’ titled “The Malinator” can’t find it anymore, it had a pretty description about the breed. Military uses it.
The Malinois needs training and a lot of work.
After my son’s friend’s father passed away …
Are you thinking, perhaps, of —
Excellent article on treating spike protein – be it from COVID or JABVID.
I found the source of DP’s moniker pic:
The original hangs in the National Gallery of Art. A Girl and her Duenna is the title. Murillo, 1670.
Actually…members of my parents’ Bridge group when I was a kid had a print of it hanging over their commode. She’s an artist. There’s also a print in my parents’ living room.
So the art joke is part of art history. THAT is cool.
Well…and then there was a parish play. It was about the parish founding in 1927, and there was a scene where the ladies were making bathtub gin. My mother hung the print on the set, and the husband of the couple in the Bridge group stood up and yelled to his wife, “It’s the picture!” during a performance.
I hope you saw this as me having a bit of fun. You are a blessing to this blog and I would never want to hurt you in any way.
An evening favorite…..Dog Wars: A New Hope
I am definitely not a fan of the terrorist regime in Iran, but this made me smile:
The enemy of my other enemy who should be my friend, but isn’t, may still be my enemy, but will wake up my frenemy faster.
Complicated business!
Seriously – is it OK to wish “wake up calls” on woke globalist military? Because that’s pretty much where we are now. The American military subdued by George Soros and fighting for WEF.
We need a trolling Olympics.
GWTD has a new channel for longer grooms…..
Why would this be a longer groom????
The longer part would refer to the dogs’ long-haired fur. Seems the longer the dog’s fur, the more work there is with grooming and maintenance.
The first half of this video is all about the dog being showered and shampooed several times. Then the fun begins around 7:00 when the fur starts flying. The dog looks like he is enjoying most of it.
Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips 10/23/2022 14:01:05
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 109218894026755580
Listen folks.
The glowies, Antifa, Democrats, Marxists, and BLM are trying to incite violence.
We urge you not to fall for it.
We are winning. We own the momentum. They are panicking.
15 days.
There are happenings afoot….
Apparently, he-who-didn’t-win is getting another booster. Looks like the imminent jabb is the updated, Eight Mouse Special, version.
Crap. The HO could be our President in just a few days.
“president” aka pResident aka Usurper #4…
We should make Eight Mouse Special the default moniker for this latest round of American roulette.
LOL! I love it. or 8MS for short!
That triggered several thoughts. One, is he really getting a “vaccine”? Two, anyone in his circle who want him gone should not be trusted to be anywhere near his vials. Three, if they did something like that, it would have to not look like the “vax” was the cause.
I think at this point they would lie about his COD. I think they can safely vax him out of existence if they so desire. I just don’t think they desire it. So he probably got a placebo.
There did not seem to be widespread curiosity concerning the death of Justice Scalia which was far more problematic. I doubt much uproar would follow if they shot Biden on Fifth Avenue in the middle of weekday rush hour.
For most of the American public: If it isn’t reported on the nightly news it didn’t happen.
It is of course possible that this won’t be the real thing but some kind of harmless salt-water jabb just for show. And while this is the MSM, the idea of the jabb with the new and improved version is consistent with their prevailing narrative but narrative is all it is — what, if anything, eventually makes it into Brandon’s arm will not be reported known there.
Of course neither will the fact that the updated jabb was tested on 8 mice, and that was all, hence «Eight Mouse Special», be recalled or remembered as per the first rule of the Jab Club.
The connection of the Konnech company and the founder Yu,goes goes far deeper than the election:
This guy made a deep dive into the company and found connection to other companies and CCP entities. They have their paws in a vast array of US private and public entities, including the FIB and seem to have built a whole combined Network for the CCP to suck up the data, ala the CYA ‘Hammer’
Konnech, The Cloud, & 3-Letter Tramps ( (You have to read the whole thing to see the connections – This is his substack:
It’s Not Just PollChief… It May Be Your Kids, Too (
China just nailed our asses with this shit, and the Democrats and RINOs HELPED.
OH CRAP – DeSantis has joined the Establishment – Never Trump camp.
And Pence has been making the rounds of Christian conferences, giving speeches…
At this point it’s O’Dea vs. a Dem. No-brainer; we want the Repub. Has DeSantis singled him out and only endorsed him, a person who wants to distance himself from Trump? I don’t know, and two weeks before the election, I don’t care. IMO, SD can start his anti-DeSantis series after the election. Until then, unity is key. We’re having enough trouble trying to overcome the cheating.
Very good points. I’m worn out with politics… and family stuff. I need a long walk, nap, hot shower….or something.
We’ll see.
No idea if his CO Senate race is tight AND Odea needs a boost too get him over the finish line to a win.
If one buys into an R-Con, is better than a D-Rat, perhaps not a big deal.
When viewing R-Cons, like D-Rats, BOTH Uniparty, as I do. Not a BFD.
If this were the primary with other R-Cons, more significant.
As an aside, wonder how much McConnell money has flowed to Odea.
Fundamentally, MONEY is speaking.
Sad but true, KK….
Just looked at some polling stuff for Odea.
Odea is likely trailing double digits.
We’ll see how DeSantis acts in the coming months. DeSantis will never beat Trump head to head. Least of my concerns.
CIA is pushing HARD on DeSantis over Trump. They seem to trust that they can control DeSantis.
Vaccination Games: How to create the medical stats you need to get rich quick « JoNova (
“The Jab That Never Did Work” – Small Dead Animals
Verse of the Day for Monday, October 24, 2022
“Be still, and know that I am God…”
Psalms 46:10 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thank you Duchess for continuing to encourage us in the Lord so faithfully! The Rose pic (& verse) reminds me of the single rose I snipped from our yard today. Deep pinkish red with a glorious fragrance. Such a blessing from above on an Indian Summer kind of day
Most welcome, Val – Glad God blessed you with a beautiful rose of His Creation – am sure it made you smile!!!
Multiple times…kind of a kiss from Heaven!
Amen goes right there, Val!!!

So, perhaps there is a “smoking gun” for evidence that the COVID-19 virus was lab-created:
Starting with this:
by Eugyppius
Which led to this:
FTA: “We found strong evidence of synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2.”
[Yours Truly: the article by Washburne is a “user-friendly description” of the just-published online preprint paper of which he is one of the authors, paper cited below.]:
“Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2”
[Yours Truly: the authors of this paper are ** very careful ** to make it clear they are NOT pointing fingers at specific people or labs. They also make it clear they are NOT saying that any “Gain-of-Function” research on coronaviruses was done with malicious intent.]
The above paper possibly ties into this paper, from December, 2020:
[Yours Truly: if one is reading the paper correctly, the code sequence is identified in the original SARS-CoV-2 genome that Pfizer-BioNTech then altered to create its COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2 (COMIRNATY).]
Which led to this paper, of which Ralph Baric is one of the authors, from May, 2017:
“Efficient Reverse Genetic Systems for Rapid Genetic Manipulation of Emergent and Preemergent Infectious Coronaviruses”
Among the questions all these bring up:
What funding, and when was it sent, by NIH / NIAID (Fauci) to the Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for Gain-of-Function research on bat coronaviruses?
What funding, and when was it sent, by NIH / NIAID (Fauci) to Ralph Baric at UNC specifically for Gain-of-Function research on coronaviruses?
What tie-ins, if any, and how deep are/were they, between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Pfizer-BioNTech huge R&D research center BIoPark, Wuhan?
Through 14 October 2022:
1,442,261Total Reports of COVID-19 “vaccine” adverse events to VAERS.
Of the above:
31,569 Deaths
5,111 Miscarriages
16,947 Heart Attacks
53,302 Myocarditis / Pericarditis cases
59,127 Permanently Disabled
9,146 Thrombocytopenia cases
34.492 Life Threatening events
45,164 Severe Allergic Reaction events
14,924 Shingles cases
Take every single figure above and multiply each by a factor of at least 40 to get the actual figures, due to proven under-reporting to VAERS. For example:
1,442,261 Total Reports x 40 = 57,690,440 Total Reports
31,569 Deaths x 40 = 1,262,760 Deaths
But, don’t worry! The FDA says that “…the known and potential benefits of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine outweigh the known and potential risks of the vaccine,…”
This language is repeated in numerous sections of the FDA-issued document below, as of 12 October 2022, regarding the Pfizer-BioNTech “primary series” COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, AND the company’s COVID-19 + Omicron BA.4 + Omicron BA.5 “new booster shots”, called Pfizer HCP FS Bivalent.
[Yours Truly: IMO, this document is a real piece of work — how do these people look at themselves in the mirror in the morning?]
For them, the ends justify the means. Depop is the goal. Setting themselves up as wealthy elite in the New World Order is one facet of that. They deserve it for their huge role in implementing the globalist agenda. In short, they are evil and, I believe, have lost their sense of humanity.
On bison, I will say this; they will fuck you up if you mess with them!
About once a year here, at least, somebody decides a buffalo is “cute” and gets too close. Often they die.
Bison/buffalo are NOT cows! They are threat-sensitive animals with a very acute survival instinct.
Like us
Those first two has tag (#) links will take you to the tic-toc vid. Others have no idea why they are there. Doesn’t understand much of anything to do with tic-toc.
Thanks! It looks like recent updates of the commenting software had activated TikTok embeds, which I absolutely do not want, so I turned that off and the embedding went away.
CHINA is not allowed in here!!!
The Great Wolf Wall!
Even cows can be dangerous if not handled carefully.
True story.
They are good to eat.
That’s true.
OMG, I just had some of the most amazing bison sausage.
Smells like another attempt to intentionally disrupt supply.
Shortage of diabetes drugs caused by celebs…
Includes Musk
Smells like yet another Depop route to cull the lower elite.
Map from RU showing the potential fall out of a dirty bomb in Ukraine.
So we know for the most part that winds will carry fallout to the East into Russia.
So is this disinfo?,4.9,4z
Center map over Ukraine and it seems RU map is likely correct-ish. Likely has something to do with the time of the year and warmer currents flowing northwest-ish from the Black Sea Region.
Vid is one of those too big to view without desk top version, but yes, shows water levels have significantly been reduced. Ukr foiled again after RU started to let more water through the dam.
Intel Salva Z post. “The level of the Dnieper has significantly decreased in Dnepropetrovsk, local media write, the reasons are not specified.”
Link brought me to WP propaganda.
Is another link available. Thanks.
Telgram is another thing I don’t understand. This just worked in another tab.
Again you will have to view in Telegram as it has one of those “too big to view” messsages.
Vid shows river water well away river container walls. Looks to be drop of maybe two to three feet (measured from bottom of retainer walls) from what might be normal. Assuming this is up stream from dam lockes. Dam Lockes are visible in distance.
Intel Slava Z Justice Department says Attorney General Garland and senior DoJ officials to hold press conference on “significant national security matter” at 1:30 pm EST.
Most think it has to do with Musk and Twitter.
Maybe too part of crack down on effects of so called RU propaganda?
Anyway, you can bet it has to do with DOJ attempting to influence Mid Terms.
Whatever it is, it’s not good. KAPO is never good news.
Seriously, this is coming straight out of the commie infestation in DOJ – namely, DOJ-NSD. Something BAD this way comes.
Dreading this.
Maybe it’s about the docs at MAL. Maybe they’re going to indict Trump. I hope not, of course, and I really doubt it. That would only incite his base to do even more before the election.
As an update on my ongoing battle for election security here in Montana, I will just post the letter have sent to the state elections division of the Secretary of State:
“To whom it concerns;
There has been recent press regarding the arrest of the CEO of Konnech, an elections software company with ties to China. It has also been reported that the state of Montana uses software that is associated with Konnech.
As a concerned citizen of our state, I called the Elections division the Secretary of State’s office here in Montana, and was told they use a company called Votem for our military absentee voting, and there is “no connection” with Konnech.
I have to differ with that assessment, and the following is the evidence for my assertion.
See this webpage which notes the acquisition of Abvote by Votem in 2016:
Abvote is a sub-organization of Konnech, information also found at the above link.
This is a DIRECT tie from the Votem software used by the state of Montana to Konnech. This is unacceptable. Our military voters deserve to have their ballots handled by a trustworthy source. Votem is certainly not that.
I look forward to a quick and decisive response from the SOS regarding this matter. The Chinese Communist Party has no place in Montana elections, and Montana has no business using a company with ties to that regime.”
We’ll see what kind of response I get.
EXCELLENT!!! That’s an awesome letter! Thank you!!!
This election is turning into a perfect storm of realization on the last election.
Between China, WEF, and the criminal DNC, controlling DOJ and FBI, the bad guys are being exposed like never before.
Thanks, Wolf. I hope it has some effect.
This really has been an eye-opener for people not paying attention before. Call me a conspiracy-theorist again, why doncha?
The corporate media is so worthless.
SO worthless!
Wef / natø / sorros must have been planning this for years.
FJB might overhear or see bits of stuff he’s not trusted to know, and random bits of it lodge in his scrambled brain.
Sorry this was meant to be a reply to Aubergines post below.
This is just scary:
“It looks like President Joe Biden might get his winter of death after all, and it’s not because of the unvaccinated.
If you live in the Northeast, you know that even in normal times, heating oil bills constitute a significant expense because winters are usually brutal. Unfortunately, this year could be the worst year ever for residents of the region hoping to adequately heat their homes. Not only are heating oil prices through the roof on anti-fossil fuel President Joe Biden’s watch, but even for those who have the funds to stock up, it doesn’t really matter: heating oil rationing is already taking place.”
New Yorkers must vote Republican or they will DIE.
They sure will. Ugly times.
Bernie Sanders: “People will die!”
This is what was being reported in Europe a few weeks ago. Shortages, and prices going through the roof.
It’s really awful. I feel sorry for people.
I really like J. B. Shurk:
“I will tell you now that the West will survive only if America survives, and America will survive only if enough Americans awaken to the real threat of encroaching totalitarianism quietly descending all around them. Speech codes, thought police, digital tracking, universal surveillance, political persecution, unrestricted government power — these are the calling cards of tyranny. Either Americans will wake up to the bitter reality that their lives and liberty are already on the line, or they will one day be woken up by the same jackbooted enforcers who always come knocking on the insufficiently indoctrinated’s doors. In the space separating these two possible futures, there will be a moment — a spark, if you will — that will either catch fire in the hearts and minds of Americans everywhere or be extinguished before it takes hold. That moment will decide everything.”
This is important:
January Sixth was ALL SIDES trying to control that moment.
I think another moment is coming, but it will be spontaneous, unexpected, and thus uncontrolled.
Think “Boston Massacre.” THAT was the spark that ignited the fire of the Revolution. It was the death of a CHILD.
It’s gonna have to come from the People, IMO.
Our military has “gone British”, you might say.
Yes. I have my theories about the “moment,” but I am waiting to see what happens.
They’ve desensitized so many people to everything that normally would cause outrage so it’s going to have to be something huge or heinous
It will be.
“Briefing on radiation safety threats by the Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov
October 24, 2022
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has information about the planning by the Kiev regime of a provocation involving the detonation of a so-called “dirty bomb” or a low-power nuclear munition.
The purpose of the provocation is to accuse Russia of using weapons of mass destruction in the Ukrainian theater of operations and thereby launch a powerful anti-Russian campaign in the world aimed at undermining confidence in Moscow.
Recall that at the Munich Security Conference on February 19 this year, President Zelensky announced his intention to restore Ukraine’s nuclear status.
It should also be noted that during the special military operation Zelensky repeatedly called on NATO countries to strike at the Russian Federation. QUOTE: “What should NATO do? Preemptive strikes so they know what will happen to them if they use. And not vice versa – to wait for Russia’s nuclear strikes…”.
Most recently, on October 22, in an interview with Canadian TV channels, Zelensky called on the world to strike at the Kremlin if Russia strikes at the “decision-making center” on Bankova Street, where the Office of the President of Ukraine is located.
I would like to remind you about the likelihood of a difficult radiation situation that may develop around the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.
From February 24 to the present, the territory of the Zaporozhye power plant has been subjected to 39 fire strikes by the armed forces of Ukraine, 10 of which with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles and 29 with the use of various artillery systems.
The shelling of the station by the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not initially cause concern among the world community, since, according to the conclusion of a number of American experts, the risk of radiation spread when large-caliber artillery shells hit spent nuclear fuel containers will be insignificant, and nuclear reactors withstand the fall of a civilian aircraft.
However, the forecast of the development of the radiation situation carried out by our specialists, subsequently confirmed by relevant European scientific organizations, showed that the release of radioactive substances will affect almost the whole of Europe.
In addition, despite the visit of the IAEA Director General Grossi, the APU does not stop attempts to seize the station by sabotage. So, on September 1, 15 and 30, as well as on October 17, special units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to land troops through the Kakhovsky reservoir and take control of the NPP.
According to the information we have, two Ukrainian organizations have specific instructions to create a so-called “dirty bomb”. The works are at the final stage.
In addition, we have information about contacts between the office of the President of Ukraine and representatives of the United Kingdom on the possible acquisition of nuclear weapons technology.
For this purpose, Ukraine has an appropriate production base and scientific potential.
So, in Ukraine there are nuclear industry enterprises with reserves of radioactive substances that can be used to create a “dirty bomb” – these are three operating nuclear power plants: Yuzhno-Ukrainskaya, Khmelnitskaya and Rovnenskaya with 9 pools of spent nuclear fuel, which contain up to one and a half thousand tons of uranium oxide enriched to 1.5%.
At the decommissioned Chernobyl nuclear power plant with radioactive waste storage facilities, 22 thousand spent fuel assemblies containing uranium-238 are stored, as well as products related to operation – these are uranium-235 and plutonium-239, which are the main component of a nuclear charge.
At the newly created enterprise for the processing of radioactive waste “Vector”, at the Dnieper chemical plant, at the disposal sites of radioactive waste “Buryakovka”, “Podlesny”, “Rossokha” can accommodate more than 50 thousand cubic meters of radioactive waste, which can also be used as components for a “dirty bomb”.
In addition, the Vostochny Mining and Processing Plant produces uranium ore at two out of three mines with a capacity of up to 1 thousand tons per year.
It should also be emphasized that Ukraine has a scientific base – this is the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, whose scientists participated in the USSR nuclear program, where various experimental installations, including the Uragan thermonuclear installations, are still functioning, as well as the Institute for Nuclear Research at the National Academy of Sciences in Kiev, in which The VVR-M reactor is being investigated using high-activity radioactive materials.
I want to remind you that the “dirty bomb” is a container with radioactive isotopes and an explosive charge. When the charge is detonated, the container is destroyed, and the radioactive substance is sprayed by a shock wave, while creating radioactive contamination of the terrain over large areas, and can also lead to radiation sickness.
As a radioactive substance, uranium oxide can be used, which is in the compositions of spent fuel elements that are stored in spent nuclear fuel storages and holding pools of nuclear power plants. In addition, radioactive substances from the storage of spent nuclear fuel of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant can be used.
According to the plans of the Kiev regime, the detonation of such a munition can be disguised as an abnormal operation of a low-power Russian nuclear munition, in which highly enriched uranium is used as a charge. The presence of radioactive isotopes in the air will be recorded later by sensors of the International Monitoring System installed in Europe, followed by the accusation of the Russian Federation in the use of tactical nuclear weapons.
It is worth noting that similar information warfare technologies have already been used by the West in Syria, when the White Helmets filmed propaganda videos there about the use of chemical weapons by government forces.
One of the most resonant and widely replicated episodes is the provocation staged by this non-governmental organization on April 4, 2017 in Khan Sheikhoun.
Pay your attention to the photo in which people taking soil samples are without personal protective equipment. But it doesn’t seem to bother anyone! Especially those who made the decision to use a missile strike on the territory of a sovereign country – Syria.
The Americans, using this provocation as a pretext, without waiting for the start of the investigation and, moreover, the decision of the UN Security Council, launched a missile attack on the Shayrat airbase, grossly violating the norms of international law.
It is very likely that a similar scenario will be used in this case.
The detonation of a radiological explosive device will inevitably lead to radioactive contamination of an area of up to several thousand square meters.
Thus, there is a motive for the use of a “dirty bomb” in Ukraine, as well as the scientific, technical and production potential for its creation.
As a result of the provocation with the use of a “dirty bomb”, Ukraine expects to intimidate the local population, increase the flow of refugees across Europe and expose the Russian Federation as a nuclear terrorist.
The Ministry of Defense has organized work to counter possible provocations from Ukraine: forces and means are ready to perform tasks in conditions of radioactive contamination.”–10-24
Kari Lake delivers pure common sense.
OMG – I cannot believe how FANTASTIC this woman is.
She just DESTROYED the woke NFL with truth. Incredible.
Nice connection with the “Opium Wars”. She knows China is thinking pay back via fentanyl.
Kari gets the fact that INFORMATION on CCP is how to fight back. Don’t send drugs into China, being like them. Send TRUTH everywhere.
The lying, sack of shit YSM has an article claiming she “Threatens to cancel Superbowl.”
The corporate media is evil.
Let’s all just face it; people who are dumb enough to be watching the yellow corporate media are just unreachable. A lost cause.
Marco Rubio says canvasser wearing his t-shirt and a DeSantis hat was ATTACKED by group who said Republicans ‘aren’t allowed in their neighborhood’ and left with a broken jaw, internal bleeding and needing surgery
Last night one of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt and a Desantis hat was brutally attacked by 4 animals who told him Republicans weren’t allowed in their neighborhood,’ Rubio wrote on Twitter.
‘He suffered internal bleeding, a broken jaw & will need facial reconstructive surgery.’
It’s not immediately clear whether law enforcement is investigating the alleged incident, or what led up to it. has reached out to Rubio’s campaign and the local police department for more information.
The incident reportedly occurred in the city of Hialeah, which is located in Miami-Dade County.
Do the thugs recognize the difference between MAGA and RINO? Asking for a friend.
Nope. They are following directions. Cant think at all.
It’s very interesting to watch the DHS twitter trolls on this. They’re trying to accuse Rubio of doing a Jussie Smollett. Just NUTS.
Then they come in and say it’s a Republican district, so no way.
Sorry – there are “woke kids” even in Republican districts who do this crap.
Then they say that if he carried a gun he would be a fascist.
LOL. Straight out of ANTIFA.
This is leftist violence. And “commie AF” Twitter is helping cover it up.
They admit Juicy is guilty, then.
Yes, but only for the purposes of propaganda. The trolls pretend to be on our side, and use “cover” from our side to advance their positions for influence.
Very similar to the trolls on Gateway Pundit.
I never see the comments on GWP because I have to turn off my ad blocker to do so.
Recently added add blocker in new computer set up or it was likely new version of his browser (Vivaldi). Ackkk! GWP comments were visible but no interaction with comments allowed. Shut off Add Blocker but kept Tracker Blocker “on” (has no idea what it does) and was good to go. RAM is such (16G) that adds load and are swatted away quickly. Older set up was 32G, worked fine, but it was over 10yrs old so all the other stuff that makes computer fast was behind the times.
Imagine I could of kept Add Blocker “on” and made an exception for GWP but I’m not that technically involved except to know the option exists if I look for it and figure it out.
Yes i noticed the ignorance and pantifa in the replies.
Joe Lombardo, has flip flopped on vaccine mandates as a Sheriff.
At the moment he has the right attitude, on mandating children get injected.
No idea what the POS will do as guvner. But, it can’t be worse than Sisolak.
Uniparty SUCKS.
Choices. Always hold-yer-nose.
I was just going to post this. From Citizen Free Press:
OMG. If I’m correct that there was some kind of “legalism” used to throw the election to Biden, and that this “law” is still being used to influence legislators, judges, etc., to maintain the hoax of the stolen election, then it is very likely that this information could have been conveyed to Graham, and thus that these phone calls could contain HINTS of that dangerous truth. EVERYBODY except Trump and MAGA would want those records hidden.
Ironically, it would be anti-Trump vs. anti-Trump on that fight.
The RINOs are so confident that they have the legal high ground that this seems very likely.
Zero trust with Ms Lindsey. Back stabbing puke schemer.
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 10/23/2022 21:42:18
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 109220707590687147
Like so many others, Steve is fighting for his Country!
Jarrett makes a simple, succinct argument that shows this was just another witch hunt.
If you want to know the truth of a legal/political situation, go to Gregg Jarrett.
The DOJ presser was about Chinese spies being indicted.
It is over but can be watched here:
Their facial coloring makes them look like old dogs now. Funny.
You know what wouldn’t surprise me at this point? If they dispose of the White House puppet some time before the end of the year, and promote Nancy Pelosi to VP via the Presidential line of succession. It would be a way for her to keep her claws on power if the House goes to the Republicans. I’m not saying it will happen, but would anyone put it past Pelosi to orchestrate something like this?
She wouldn’t become VP, she would just be second in the line of succession.
When Agnew resigned, the speaker of the house did not become VP
When Nixon resigned, and Ford became president, the speaker of the house did not become VP.
In both cases, the new president got to appoint a new VP (subject to confirmation by Congress).
Unless she’s actually appointed by Harris and confirmed, she WON’T be VP.
You are correct. I assumed that’s what Sadie meant, but it doesn’t happen “via Presidential line of succession”; it happens when the new president appoints his/her VP.
Furthermore, even if both Joe and Hoe were out at the same time, the presidential succession act refers to people (after VP in the succession) “acting as” President, rather than becoming president.
In fact until the 25th amendment was passed, there was no explicit statement that the VP became the president rather than acting president, if the President died. His Accidency Tyler established the precedent that the VP became President by simply refusing to answer to “Acting President.”
Thank you for clarifying!
It ain’t name it n claim it. VP pick must be approved by Senate.
Katy Perry eye glitch, real or fake? Was she vaxxed?
Well …
Well, the “eye glitch” looks real to Yours Truly. Wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Ms. Perry is “fully vaccinated” into the bargain.
Maybe she’ll start a trend in the entertainment community .. wait .. doh
It looks real to me too. She looks puzzled.
She’s bearing fast a furious to being 40 years old, the cheer leader schtick is sad.
Are those two industrial size beer cans on her? Askin’ for a friend …
Looks like it! What a ridiculous outfit.
Could also be a hair or eyelash in her eye. Or the massive fakes undergoing a wardrobe malfunction of some kind.
Or dramatization of the all seeing eye…
^^^ It’s hollywood.
^^^ AUTO I G N O R E, by the likes of me.
This one.
Citizen Free Press is reporting that it’s “Botox droopy eye syndrome.”
The Finnish Seismological Institute claims to have recorded 4 seismic events of unknown origin at the bottom of the Gulf of Finland. The events allegedly took place on October 20 and 21.
According to the information on the map on Gazprom’s website, the Nord Stream gas pipeline runs approximately in the same area, but the exact distance from the seismic event sites to the pipeline itself has not been determined.”
Megyn Kelly reveals sister died suddenly: ‘Spare a prayer for my mom”
No word on vax status.
Betting, Jabbed AND Boosted!
Yes, she added “suddenly” to her statement. Anti-vax speak for “Jab”.
Liberals urge Biden to rethink Ukraine strategyDemocratic lawmakers’ letter calls for direct U.S. talks with Russia
I am certainly glad that SlowJoe has reaffirmed that we are free people so we can determine our own fate.
What? He was not talking about us? Only Ukrainians?
Dim progs like Jayapal are almost cute when they figure out that THEY were the useful idiots.
Best hope here is that some liberal MSM idiots take it as signal to start printing some truth. For starters Putin ever asked just for four things. No to NATO expansion into Ukraine, De-Nazify military and govt and honor Minsk I & II. None of that was ever hard. More difficult now that Russia has had to take land. They are not going to give that up nor should they.
In the big picture, The Soviet Union continues to fragment properly, and we’re idiots to try to interfere with the process. The longer NATO stays stuck on intentionally stupid (meaning SOROS mind-fracked), the more NATO drifts from relevance to destructiveness.
Think about it, “old NATO” – why in the HELL should Ukraine be setting NATO policy, even if unofficially? These European virtue signals involving Ukraine are clearly illogical. Worse, the Biden administration is utterly incompetent here, driven to yet another disastrous waste of the US military.
Ukraine is Afghanistan on steroids.
I always wondered WHY Soros was taking over the Atlantic Council. Now it’s clear. He had taken over EVERYBODY. WAR is good business for the Emperor of Destruction and his anti-American allies.
Jimmy Dore forced this to happen!
Just a little more jibby data from Steve Kirsch. From OpenVAERS, scale by a factor of 41 to estimate true number of incidents.
Bet Gates loved this – exactly as intended.
The worst part is that these babies were the ones that weren’t aborted.
Excellent point.
I think this is why Monaco and her gimps Kapo and Wraytheon had their little “OH NOES, WE’S BEEN ON CHINA’S ASS” presser today.
No WAY were DOJ and FBI fooled on this. The top end knew China was tipping the game toward Dems, and was covering it up.
They have to make it look as if they’re on top of things and “working for the people.”
OPINION: I suspect we are well and truly past the window dressing stage. The FBI is so corrupted that the institution needs to be scrapped and such official duties as they were created to do be passed to the US Marshal’s office or some already existing agency. What should not be attempted is a reorganization of the FBI.
I agree. I just meant that they’re going to try to make themselves look good. It’s not going to work!
I concur. It’s too late for that.
The FBI has decided that the American people can be ignored.
My thought was to distribute the field offices to the control of the state gov where they reside. Eliminate the WFO, JEH, all overseas Legats, and NSD. Disburse the analysts from JEH to the states. Send the Quantico Lab and Training to Texas. Send their IT to Pocatello, ID and Huntsville, AL. The DOJ could be eliminated entirely, IMHO. All the gov buildings used by these groups must be sold but only to US citizens or corporations.
It is an encouraging sign that you have been giving considerable attention to how to solve this problem. Maybe some politician will think it worthy of consideration as well. Sadly politicians are not too interested in solving problems. They are more interested in pointing them out and wringing their hands for the media.
Devolution of the FBI. What a GREAT idea. Don’t scrap it – return it to the People.
You may recall that in the original scheme there weren’t any Federal felonies besides treason. Why have a Federal law enforcement agency when there should be no Federal crimes?
WOW. Powerful evidence of malignancy.
by Steve Kirsch
Yours Truly: This article, by Mr. Kirsch (himself, apparently, “fully vaccinated”) about the safety signals that have been deliberately ignored / dismissed by the CDC and the FDA regarding the LACK of safety and LACK of efficacy of the COVID-19 “vaccines” — this, in the face of the data from insurance companies; the accounts of embalmers who find “vaccine”-induced bloodclots in the bodies they work with; the data analyses from Dr. Naomi Wolf that corroborates claims that the “vaccines” are NOT “safe and effective”; and other pieces of evidence.
FTA: “Any doctor who thinks all of the above is just misinformation should join a vaccine injury support group and spend some time getting to know the vaccine injured and hear their stories.”
Mr. Kirsch gives these links to vaccine injury support groups that haven’t been shut down yet:
Facebook: Vaccine Injury/Side Effects Support Group
And, h/t Marica’s blog:
Yours Truly: This is an article about new data that appears to link people who have organ transplants, then get the COVID-19 “vaccine”, then experience organ transplant rejection or failure.
The article also brings up an interesting question: What about an UN-“vaccinated” person who then receives an organ transplant from a “vaccinated” person?
Great article and collection of facts.
Same story. They shut us from debate in all things COVID & Vax, Climate Change, Ukraine, The Stolen Election and more. All the better to obfuscate from Depop (the end game). They fool no one committed to the truth.
Another oddity, my ability to like a comment after 7pm CDT, stopped until I refreshed the page. Seems like this has happened for the last few days. Some time ago, when I looked at the previous days post in the morning, I could like comments until it hit 7am CDT. then, too, a refresh would work.
Interesting! I do think that a lot of this has to do with both pagination of the daily AND the device / platform / operating system / browser, but there is something else contributing.
Generally, lately, there are only 2-6 comments on pg 2, after refresh.
I notice that it tends to get stuck when the daily wants to paginate. And then after it does paginate, if one person posts and the little orange thingamabob, which *usually* when it click on it will take me to an unread comment, just gets stuck if the comment happens to be on the other page.
It honestly makes me wish this thing didn’t paginate.
Something similar happens to me in the evenings, must refresh in order to like comments, but methinks it’s usually in the 9-11pm CT hours for me. Although, it could have happened at 7p, cuz I’m away for hours sometimes. I’ll make it a point to try and narrow the time. Pizzled me the other night, I was liking comments and had just posted a few, then suddenly I couldn’t like anymore.
Liking is definitely a function of the page scripts. Are you seeing the rolling bars in the upper right corner of the page getting “stuck”? If you see that, it’s very likely that you have to refresh the page.
Don’t know about the bars. Sometimes I get the Nonce.
This is a song about a dirty, dirty website….
I said, it was so dirty, would make a grown man cry….
It’s got the Nonce. It’s got the Nonce. It’s got the Nonce. That dirty ol’ Nonce….
I’m dreading tomorrow’s reports about what DeSantis did wrong.
dEsAntIS CAlleD tRuMP A DoNkeY!!!
Well, something linked from here eventually linked to SDA, who hosted a YouTube song, but cut off the first few seconds…..
So, here’s the YouTube song —
The guy is pretty good. His album is at
Part of the reason I linked his album is that he put it together on Linux using Audacity — .
I would have expected him to have used Ardour — — it’s a bit more complicated but much more powerful. Perhaps when he starts using reversed audio in his songs……
I was hearing some refrains in there sounded somewhat familiar as in Reina del Cid. Okay, poked around. Seems the refrain is a bit more common than that.
Whomever he is that was great!
I’m sharing this .. awesome thanks ..
Ground report. Local news and social media are reporting that the hospitals are overrun with RSV. Overflowing ERs are reportedly sending ER patients to local urgent care centers, and urgent care is bumping their own patients. Not sure what’s really going on here. Injections making children sick? Labor shortage due to injections and mandates making hospital care worse? Or simply a genuinely bad RSV bug going around as reported by the news? All of the above? I don’t know.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), never heard of it before, but then I live a sheltered life. Soon to be known as Mid term variant. Maybe they just dialed it up. Awfully coinvent though. Not a problem. Z-Stack and it’s off to the poles we go!
For the unwashed like myself:
I get the skepticism, especially after the COVID theater of 2020, but the social media anecdotes about overrun hospitals and being bumped down the priority list at urgent care centers are frequent, consistent, and credible enough that I genuinely believe that the hospitals are swamped with something right now.
Yep, swamped with something manufactured…much like Covidiocy? Yea, at this point, we duno know.
Not denying its real.
Zero chance I’m going to believe the health care systems, hospitals, quacks, CDC, FDA, NIH…Feds, State “health” liars, County “health” liars…
I would bet the hospitals are full because of all the people who took the jab. We know the jab destroys the immune system, so it stands to reason that those people are going to catch whatever new virus is going around. This is just another in a long list of consequences of the Depopulation Jab.
2 more died suddenlys on GWP website. Radio announcer in mid broadcast and Megan Kelly’s sister. This is HORRIFIC!! Wake TH up SHEEPLE!!!
BOOM. The Jab makes people more susceptible to ALL viruses.
Well, of course it does.
The immune system is our defense against everything. Fuck that up, and catch every virus that you come into contact with.
It’s also possible that “swamped” is a function of significant under staffing that’s developed since the scamdemic. Some of my son’s medical practitioners, nurses especially, seem to still be working from home & the hospital we are Very Familiar with w/ 2 1/2 decades of activity there, still appears to be operating at much less than what was normal capacity pre-“pandemic”…
Repeat Silly-Ass Virus.
I had to look that up.
I had never heard of it.
There must be specific tests for it, or how would they know if people had it vs. a cold or the flu?
Is this the next scary thing to keep us inside and wearing masks?
Some one should grab a clip board and lab coat and visit the ER waiting areas to find out how many are vaxx’d. That I think is something we are all going to be asking. How many are vaxx’d?
Yes. Where has this disease been all my life?
My great nephew had it when he was little bitty and was sent to Texas Childrens Hospital in the medical center(instead of locally). It was a big scary deal (death) for little ones in the early 2000’s. Only his parents could get near his bed and him, the rest of us had to stay far back in the room.
I’m sorry and hope he fully recovered. It sounds perfect for the next scary disease that is “out of control.”
Yes he did after more than a week. Hopefully they know better how to treat it by now.
Thank you.
My son was hospitalized w/ it twice in the mid 90s.
It is only scary for infants, normally. But with the compromised immune systems from the vaxx, who knows now?
You’ve probably had it ten times and didn’t know it.
It used to be called a COLD. That is, until they started using “scary names” for every virus that causes a cold to freak the public completely out.
Ain’t buying it.
Day or two ago some NY judge tossed mass mail ballots as Covidiocy is old news.
RSV…like Covidiocy, a skeery thing no one heard of…
Here. Weekly IVM and daily splattering of vitamins and supplements.
RSV is a real thing. I’ve known about it for at least a decade. It’s particularly dangerous to shut-ins — it comes around annually during cold and flu season and if you’ve had it three of the last five years you won’t notice having it again; but if you HAVEN’T had it in the last five years, it might kick your tuchis on its “get reacquainted” tour.
Vaxxed people thus get a double-shot of danger — their immune systems are compromised, and they haven’t had three out of the last five years because they’ve spent the time under a rock.
From the same link. Emphasis mine.
So people and babies who had their immune systems nuked via injections or injection-tainted breast milk.
For my son w/ his 1st RSV hospitalization all the bolded applied then:
All infants or young children born prematurely, with congenital heart or lung disease, weakened immune systems or have neuromuscular disorders.
Older adults suffering from lung or heart disease, such as asthma, congestive heart failure
We’re not sure if he also had some type of lung disease as that was never officially diagnosed though he was later said to have asthma after numerous bouts of bronchitis, bronchiolitis, &/or pneumonia. Being post-op may have also been creating some degree of immune compromise too.
My son Josiah was hospitalized twice in his first year w/ RSV, & that was back in the mid ’90s. The first time was about a week after first coming home from the hospital following open heart surgery. He had very labored breathing w/ inter-costal retractions (muscles between the ribs sucking in as he labored to breath). I think there was some type of test they gave him to confirm RSV but I’m not sure. Both times his breathing issues were concerning enough to have him in-patient for a week or so…
Just had the grim realization that what’s probably happening here are babies getting sick via their injected mothers. Either mom got injected during pregnancy and/or injected mom is feeding the baby infected breastmilk, and now baby is immuno-compromised and/or has any other number of defects from the injections. Perhaps the RSV is real in some cases—immuno-compromised baby catching something most parents have never heard of because their own children were health. Or perhaps “RSV” is the cover story for assorted injection injuries, or perhaps the shit-for-brains doctors don’t know what else to diagnose these poor babies because “injection injury” doesn’t even occur to them.
October 6th:
Nearly 4 million Americans received updated COVID boosters last week
How many of those people are breastfeeding mothers?
We know injected/boosted mom’s are breastfeeding. Hell CDC told them it was OK. (We know it’s not.)
Everything Covidiot makes me so angry.
Somehow, truth needs to go main stream, to STOP the Covidiot lunacy.
Timeline. So there’s a big booster wave in late September/early October. 2-3 weeks later, hospitals are overrun. More than enough time for a breastfeeding infant to have their immune system nuked via tainted breast milk, then develop an infection severe enough to go to the hospital.
Babies getting sick via injected mom’s sounds realistic.
Hope none of the little ones were injected.
Whatever it is, it’s gonna be hard to believe whatever “medical” weenies declare is going on.
Baby formula shortage means more mothers are breastfeeding.
Heck, I think they’re even sharing breast milk. Lactating moms are pumping extra. There’s cells of moms all over helping each other get formula.
Good catch.
YUP. Exactly what I was thinking. INTENTIONAL. The formula shortage was intentional.
And THAT is a SECOND REASON why they encouraged pregnant women to get the jab. Mom takes out the baby either before or after the full term.
These motherfuckers.
RSV has traditionally been a risk for premature infants, because their immune system is underdeveloped.
Immune-compromised children are going to catch RSV more easily, and suffer far worse symptoms because of that compromise.
So the children probably really do have RSV, but it is severe not because of the virus, but because of immune damage.
I thought there was some RSV “vaccine” that was being rolled out…& that RSV like the coronavirus was something that was difficult, if not impossible, to design a legit vaccine for, iirc. Seems that that Fauci research debacle w/ many dead orphan &/or foster kids had a connection to RSV research, I believe…
J A B strikes again…
GWP Emphasis added.
55-Year-Old “Local Radio Legend” Dies Suddenly on Air While Presenting Morning Show
United Kingdom – A Suffolk radio dj died of a suspected heart attack while presenting his morning show on Monday.
Tim Gough, 55, died while broadcasting from his home studio.
I don’t even know what to say anymore.
We’re, me anyway, likely getting numb to it. Wish normies would WTFU.
I’m discovering that a LOT of former vaxxies are now shunning the shot in reality, and are more receptive to truth.
This is good…
WOW. That is WAY more of a wake-up level than I anticipated.
Goodnight and God bless everyone, abundantly.
Bible verses about the power of words
Words can convey images, and intense emotions. Words can injure others and leave lasting scars.
1. Proverbs 11:9 “Evil words destroy one’s friends; wise discernment rescues the godly.
2. Proverbs 15:4 “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.”
3. Proverbs 16:24 “Kind words are like honey – sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.”
4. Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
Building each other up with words
While words can injure, they can also build each other up. We have a great responsibility to wield our words with careful consideration.
5. Proverbs 18:4 “A person’s words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.”
6. Proverbs 12:18 “There is one who speaks rashly like he thrusts of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
Words reveal the condition of the heart
Words reveal our sin nature. Harsh words come out of a harsh spirit. When we find ourselves being prone to ungodly words, we should look carefully at our sanctification journey and see where we have faltered.
7. Proverbs 25:18 “Telling lies about others is as harmful as hitting them with an ax, wounding them with a sword, or shooting them with a sharp arrow.”
8. Luke 6:43-45 “For there is no good tree which produces bad fruit, nor, on the other hand, a bad tree which produces good fruit. For each tree is known by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they pick grapes from a briar bush. The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.”
God’s Word
The most important words are the God-breathed words that have been given to us. Jesus is also the Word of God. We must cherish the very words of God so that we can reflect the Word, that is Christ.
16. Matthew 4:4 “But He answered, ‘It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”
17. Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
18. Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”
19. 1 Corinthians 1:18 “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
A Prayer for Godly Wisdom
By Tracie Miles
“Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life. You can make many plans, but the LORD’s purpose will prevail.” Proverbs 19:20-21
I need the verses about what you say so I thought I would share.


g’nite Kal ..
Great stuff!
Yes, it’s very helpful to know ..
… thank God .. 
… whew