DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20221027

Let’s get this out of the way….

Report, Twitter Employees Draft Letter Demanding Assurances Against Discrimination for Their Political Beliefs

This is almost as good as binge watching Bridgerton.


Google, Meta poach hundreds of Twitter employees put off by Elon Musk

Poach, or are these people anticipating a pink slip, and jumping ship?

Biden’s Destruction Of America Vindicates Mike Anton’s 2016 ‘Flight 93’ Essay

Anton said the U.S. administrative state’s gradual replacement of constitutional self-government has metastasized into a national emergency, an argument American conservatives have been developing for more than 100 years. The essay justified a vote for Trump based on his platform against open borders, endless foreign war, and trading our economic advantages to China.

It was these, Anton argued, that really triggered the opposition to Trump, not his public moral failings, since people who divorce their spouses, commit adultery, say mean things about their own political team, publicly glory in fetishes that involve sexual violenceproposition much younger sexual partners, and destroy their own families are funded through “conservative” institutions and celebrated by “conservative” politicians. They are accepted in public discourse and “vaunted institutions” even though such behaviors drive America’s decline.

MSNBC guest: Republicans are fascists for wanting to improve economy, tame inflation

It doesn’t seem to matter what people who aren’t liberals do, we’re always fascists.

Ronald Reagan and Capturing the American Moral Imagination

Presentism is characterized by people’s increasing myopia. Those who engage in it (and they are on both the Left and the Right) disregard the past and live only in the time that amounts to a few scrolls on the Twitter feed. To the extent they focus on the future, it is usually of either the negative variety (“we are all doomed”) or what may seem positive, but actually is just a fanciful and intergalactic futurism that puts man as the measure of all things (“let’s go to Mars”). As if human problems cease to exist in such an escape—either from the burden of having to solve them or from the limits of earth’s atmosphere.

If we are unable to find our common humanity in all of this chaos, then how can we expect to find what is unique in our individual selves and our nation? The result of ideology’s hold on American society is a death of imagination. Ideology forces us to only care about results, and in ways that dehumanize and objectify people—subsuming them into “masses” or a “collective.” In such a form, imagination is not permitted, and it leads at its worst to the killing of the human spirit, or at least to the creation of lifeless Kafkaesque bureaucracy.

Elite Capture, What It Is and How It Threatens America’s Future

Elite capture has been mastered by the Chinese communists (CCP) and it has proven far more successful in subverting America than the prior efforts by the Soviet Communists, who did succeed in the FDR and Truman administrations in controlling dozens of agents in the U.S. government. One such agent, Alger Hiss, was FDR’s right-hand man at the Yalta talks, and assisted Stalin sitting across the table to gain control of 10 Eastern European countries in the post-World War II world.

While the CCP uses front groups for propaganda, they have mastered all manner of techniques with an emphasis on infiltration to influence, compromise and co-opt elites so as to “capture” them. Typical targets include university professors and scientists, media executives and reporters, and political, and corporate leaders.

Elite capture, first developed in China, was a form of corruption whereby rural elites used their authority and influence to abuse public resources and monopolize the planning and management of development projects for personal gain at the expense of the larger population. Now the CCP uses it as the primary means in expanding the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) all over the developing world, and to subvert developed countries, with a primary focus on the United States.

Americans choosing wallets over wokeness caught the elites by surprise

Really? Those people really do not live in the real world.

Most Candidates Who Think 2020 Was Rigged Are Probably Going To Win In November

Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.

These Governors Are Refusing to Mandate COVID Shots for Kids

After advocating for COVID-19 vaccination for over a year, Ben Shapiro says he was deceived: ‘We were lied to by everyone’

Not everyone. The “fringe” who didn’t take the shots did not lie. You just didn’t listen. CYA begins.

Steve Mnuchin is Not Pretending, States U.S. Economy is Already in Recession

Local Arizona Media Poll, Candidate Kari Lake Pulling Away as Democrat Katie Hobbs Refuses to Debate


Is there a stronger word than disaster? This is a slow moving train wreck.

Well, definitely not the economy.

When the world runs out of lithium, the “transition” will reverse itself if not sooner.

This is my shocked face.

As a person who has struggled to keep the layers off after losing them as a late teen, get over it, and do your best to at least stay out of plus sizes. And, no, I’m not interested in dating a member of my own sex pretending to be a member of the opposite.

MAGA candidates, maybe, but regular Republicans?



And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.



10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace; 16besides all these, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one. 17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19and also for me, that utterance may be given me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20for which I am an ambassador in chains; that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.

PSALMS 144:1-2, 9-10

1Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle; 2my rock and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I take refuge, who subdues the peoples under him. 9I will sing a new song to thee, O God; upon a ten-stringed harp I will play to thee, 10who givest victory to kings, who rescuest David thy servant.

LUKE 13:31-35

31At that very hour some Pharisees came, and said to him, “Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you.” 32And he said to them, “Go and tell that fox, `Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I finish my course. 33Nevertheless I must go on my way today and tomorrow and the day following; for it cannot be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem.’ 34O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! 35Behold, your house is forsaken. And I tell you, you will not see me until you say, `Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!'”


After Oz-Fetterman Debate, Pennsylvania Votes To Have No Representation In The Senate

HARRISBURG, PA — After witnessing last night’s debate between Senate candidates Mehmet Oz and John Fetterman, the people of Pennsylvania have overwhelmingly voted to just have no representation in the Senate at all.

“Yeah, after seeing that debate, I don’t even think we need a Senator,” said local steelworker Joe Wunpack while rummaging through the contents of his rusty old lunch bucket. “Those folks don’t seem all that bright if you ask me.”

Pundits on the Left are praising Fetterman for having a beating heart and functioning lungs while having the letter “D” after his name. Pundits on the Right, however, insist Oz is the best choice for Pennsylvania since he can form complete sentences and has a last name that makes him sound like an all-powerful wizard. Most citizens of the state are not convinced.

“Maybe we can just skip having a Senator this year,” said Suzie Homewife while setting an apple pie on her window sill to cool. “I think 99 Senators is enough, don’t you? Actually, maybe 99 is too many.”

Bonus video!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Elite capture. HMMMMM……

Sounds like the last time an overseas continent committed a cheating invasion of America followed by genocide.

Maybe we LEARNED something.


At one point in my career in public accounting, I attended a seminar which talked a bit about practice management.

They had discussion over the prospect of some tax practitioner doubling his hourly rate and losing 1/3 of his clients, and how even CPAs will instinctively rebel against this scenario — having spent years trying to amass a decent client base.

Thing is, though — the tax practitioner who does this will be working 2/3 as many hours during tax season, and making 33% more money. They could spend more time doing tax planning; it would be easier for clients to schedule consultations; returns would be produced more quickly; there’d be more time to ensure a quality product and experience.

If Musk sacks 1/2 of the Twitter team, and pays the remaining group 33% more, he’ll still be ahead of the game….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Twitter clearly has an enormous amount of very intentional CULTURAL FLUFF. These people are hired in to change the culture – specifically to WOKE.

I am in favor of FIRING all people who mostly or only add censorship value.


And with the money he saves, he might be able to get someone to add the infamous edit button.


Gotta ask…how many of the remaining twits will dedicated to subversion and spying against the new regime?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe firing all and rehiring anew is safer…..


Ben Shapiro is late to the party. Having him on our side is a good thing, but he’s not informed or angry enough to say he regrets taking the vax. That’s a hard admission to make. Dan Bongino is the only well-known person I can think of who has expressed personal regret. We need more of it, and we need those people taking measures to mitigate the effects of the vax, and we need them to take action like Shapiro mentions here.

Shapiro, who is also a lawyer by training, suggested that “there may need to be actual criminal prosecutions if you are disseminating false health information to people on the basis of zero evidence.” 

Knowing what he knows now, Shapiro, who is double-vaccinated, said he is not sure whether he would have taken the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, but said, “maybe not.”


Ben Shapiro is a Never Trumper who thinks he’s the smartest person in the room, but is generally as dumb as a box of rocks.


thank you for correcting the record … 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent description of the man-boy. He used to have a gift for finding interesting arguments – but when most of those turned out to be cloaked sabotage propaganda from neocons and establishment corruptoids, fed to him by Kristol types, which ultimately weakened conservatism, I had much less use for him.




Yes, but since he has an audience, I’d rather have him saying the truth, even if he’s slow to get there.


Linda, you’re gonna hurt poor Benny’s feelz.


When it came to the jab I was surprised how many younger people that are very bright bought into the jab. I wonder if there was something lacking in the education ?


“…lacking in the education?”

Guessing here. Critical Thinking.


Critical thinking is maybe not a component today in education? Maybe one learns it from wise grandparents when young ?


“Ben Shapiro is late to the party. Having him on our side is a good thing, but he’s not informed or angry enough to say he regrets taking the vax. That’s a hard admission to make.”


It shouldn’t be.

It’s so much easier to just admit when we’re wrong and get it over with, like ripping a band-aid off.

It allows one to move on without carrying the baggage around, and it takes away the club our opponents would otherwise use to beat us with.

If Ben’s opponents attack him for having taken the vaxx, and he has already admitted that he was wrong, then he can say to his opponents “Yeah, I was wrong. You got anything else?”

It takes all the air out of the enemy’s attack.

But if he refuses to acknowledge that he was wrong to take the vaxx, then his opponents can attack him endlessly, and he will never live it down.

Admit when we are wrong, and nobody can hold it over us. We’re free.

It’s so simple


That’s way too simple.


Methinks Mr. Shapiro is starting to become aware that anybody who has an mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccine” in their body may be harboring the seeds of current (and/or future) “vaccine”-induced injury or illness, let alone death.
This would include Mr. Shapiro himself, his wife, and his parents.
One wonders if Mr. Shapiro knows of, let alone has read through, any of the FOIA-released Pfizer-BioNTech documents over at


And he very likely encouraged all those people to get vaxed.


Ben Shapiro berated his non jab compliant viewers as I understand and now needs to apologize. I remember something like that where he ranted about people who did not get the jab.
With Ben there is an instant where his wife is a doctor who also seemed to have swallowed propaganda. Many doctors had to take the jab.
Maybe Shapiro woke up that they are going after the kids now?


“Maybe Shapiro woke up that they are going after the kids now?”


This is another thing to throw on the heap of things I don’t understand.

If we want to protect the kids, then we have to wake up when they come after us, because if they get us, then who is going to raise and protect the kids after we’re in prison, or in a 6-foot deep hole?

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

I agree 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Far too true!


That would be an awesome tee shirt to wear to the mid-term pols …. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
.. 😈👍⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥⚡️⚡️⚡️‼️


I feel sorry for the fly, eww eww eww 🤢😷


I see an ice cream cone has been added.


Have wondered why it wasn’t there before. Fits nicely into the messaging.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Twitter needs some CAT FECES.



Twitter is cat feces.


I hope Elon brought a BIG pooper-scooper!


Fire hose to flush all of the shit head staff, onto the streets of Frisco.

TW shit heads will fit right in with the druggies and lawless criminals. Then, maybe, they’ll WTFU.


Lol! “Camping” is good for the soul!




New or .. cough/🤢 … used?


I’m seeing reports that PayPal still has the $2,500.00 policy. Here’s a screenshot, but I don’t know when it was taken.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. They changed it to drop “misinformation”, but they left “hate”, which means wrongthink on “trans”, etc., but likely does not include COVID, climate, or energy.


Democrat blows whistle on alleged ballot harvesting scheme, Florida opens criminal probe

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ new election crimes unit has recommended state police open a full criminal investigation into a Democrat whistleblower’s detailed complaint of a long-running, widespread ballot harvesting operation in the African-American communities in politically important central Florida.

Former Orange County Commissioner candidate Cynthia Harris filed a sworn affidavit in late August with the Secretary of State’s office alleging that illegal operations to collect third-party ballots have been going on for years in the Orlando area where voting activists are paid $10 for each ballot they collect.

She described an intricate system funded by liberal leaning organizations that dispatch ballot brokers into black communities to pressure voters to turn over their ballots. The $10 fee per ballot is divvied up among the parties who help complete the harvesting.

The collection and delivery of ballots by third parties is illegal in Florida.

The newly created Office of Election Crimes and Security did a preliminary inquiry on Harris’ allegations and concluded there was sufficient evidence to warrant a full criminal probe by the state police, the Florida State Department told Just the News on Wednesday…

Harris, who narrowly lost her election for county commissioner in August, described to Just the News her years-long knowledge of ballot harvesting in the black communities in central Florida. She even recorded a ballot broker coming to her home in 2017 to collect her ballot, and obtained the script that harvester was given by her bosses to make the pitch for a voter to turn over their ballot.

“So what happens is in our community when absentee ballots are mailed, you the candidate or any political party can find out when the absentee ballots are mailed and to whom what happens is these ballot harvesters, they know which batch has gone out, they go to the door and they ask you for your absentee ballot,” Harris told the “Just the News, No Noise” television show on Wednesday night.

“Well, in communities that don’t look like me, no one does this,” she said, referring to white neighborhoods. “But in our community it’s kind of like an accepted practice that the man is coming by to pick up my absentee ballot or the lady is coming to pick up my absentee ballot.”

In her sworn affidavit, Harris identifies specific individuals who direct and act as ballot brokers and were paid to collect ballots and provides intricate details on how the system allegedly works, along with emails, receipts, video footage and other evidence.

“Ballot brokers typically work up to a year in advance,” she stated. “Ballot brokers visit individuals in their residences and assists the individual with filling out a request for a mail-in ballot. After the mail-in ballot arrives, the voter is instructed to wait for the ballot broker returns to the individuals residence. They are asked to not seal the certificate envelope.”

“In rare circumstances, if the voter has filled out the ballot and sealed the envelope certificate, the ballot broker will take the ballot and then steam open the sealed envelope,” the affidavit added. “The ballot broker will either correct any votes, if necessary, that were not voted according to their wishes or just throw them out.”

Harris described how, much as in Wisconsin, vulnerable patients in rehabilitation centers and nursing homes in Florida were targeted for ballot trafficking.

“For nursing homes … ballot brokers get the list of residents by cross referencing the address with the voter registration list,” she explained. “The ballot broker figures out the best way to make contact, usually thru friends and family that may or may not know they are even part of a scheme. They help the resident fill out the mail-in-ballot or just take the mail-in-ballot from the nursing home and deliver it to the ballot broker.”

Harris, who has worked as an election poll worker in the past, said her biggest concern in coming forward is that ballots collected by third parties have no chain of custody, making it easier to commit fraud such as destroying a ballot or altering it.

“You know, it’s just utterly ridiculous that people don’t understand that once that ballot leaves your hand and it’s not placed in the mailbox, or it’s not directly given to the supervisor of elections, you don’t know where it goes,” she said. “It’s possible that they throw them away. We’ve seen evidence of that.

“You see them steam open the ballots and then they mismark them so that if it’s not for their candidate, then that ballot is spoiled. So when people think that the numbers are low, it’s really not low, it’s just that someone has intercepted before it gets to the proper authorities.”

Harris alleged that the Orange County supervisor of elections, who has held the office for 26 years, has turned a blind eye to ballot harvesting in her community.

“[T]his has been going on for so long, you have to look at the supervisor of elections himself. He’s been there since 1996. That’s 26 years that this has been a blind eye turned on our community, the people that we entrust in the fair elections and the democratic process.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


This shit needs to be CRUSHED. With TANKS if necessary.


This sort of thing will end tout-suite when someone wheeling up with hundreds of fraudulent ballots is left bleeding out over them, with no crime scene investigation until after a clean vote is certified — even if this takes weeks.

It needs to be unthinkable to pollute the franchise. The consequences need to be horrific and immediate.




Always the most effective solution. 👍

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s generally a felony with a minimal sentence and a thousand dollar fine…which gets waived.

And let’s face it, you usually see penalties stated like “X years in prison or $X,000 fine.” In other words, a thousand dollars is treated like it’s about equal to a year in prison. That’s no longer even remotely true.


They buy and create the vote cheating org though money. To bring it down you follow that money as well as distribute money to the whistleblowers and CI’s.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I didn’t think that ADL could make themselves look any worse, but SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE.

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«The call to repair the world» — who has the knowledge for making such calls, and what specifically is wrong that needs repairs?

No, «Morning has broken» doesn’t mean anything has to be repaired. There has to be something more than that.

No wonder here are all these busybodies, some more lethal than others… and whatever became of «if it ain’t broke don’t fix it»?


Well, isn’t this sort of like giving the Nobel Prize in Medicine to Dr. Mengele?


Is he va☠️☠️Ed?



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tucker Carlson DIRECTLY takes on the “crime” of “election denial” and January Sixth, and it’s a doozy. It was impossible for me to watch the whole thing – it’s so angering.

He just gets to the bottom of what Democrats are doing.


Yea, infuriating to listen in on.

Great News. Yesterday, Butterfly posted… Emphasis added.

Meanwhile, the cable show that has **the largest audience of younger Democrats** — meaning self-identified Democrats between the ages of 24-54 — is . . . the Tucker Carlson Show, appearing 8 pm ET on Fox News:

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 26, 2022

^^^ D-Rats waking up, is surely BOOSTING R-Con candidates, ACROSS the States this mid-term election.


I watched this all the way through the other night via CFP and was waiting for him to show the panel immediately snapping back at the moderator saying emphatically no police died that day. Missed a good opportunity to either mention them doing it or showing the clip. BTW it wasn’t the only thing they pushed back on. The panel rocked that woman back several times.


Yup. That panel, rightfully pushed back with truth, against the moderator’s ignorant positions.

MSNBC will ensure a stacked the deck, the next time they hold one of these, “round table” discussions.


Well, he says an interesting thing.

The precedent has been set. Election denial is NOT ALLOWED.

All we have to do is WIN, WIN, WIN.

And then, when the libs are screaming in the streets, arrest them.


Hose them down with medical strength disinfectant first …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I understand red fuming nitric acid is an excellent disinfectant.


Ohhhhhh 😮🤚‼️ … nice …. 😎👍 … cough 💨💨


Michael Saylor Keynote Speech @ The 2022 Atlas Society Gala

The Atlas Society is a group of people interested in the ideas of Ayn Rand, the ‘Atlas’ being a reference to her book Atlas Shrugged.

The Atlas Society promotes open Objectivism: the philosophy of reason, achievement, individualism, and freedom. Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism was set forth in such works as her epic novel Atlas Shrugged, and in her brilliant non-fiction essays.” –

For those who may not be familiar, Michael Saylor is the founder and CEO of the company Microstrategy (NASDAQ: MSTR).

Over the last few years he has become one of the most (if not the most) eloquent and influential proponents of Bitcoin. He (and his company) currently own around 139,000 Bitcoin, with a current value of approx. $2.89 billion.



One of the strange events in my life was reading everything Rand wrote, when I was in high school. It was more interesting than school. I happened across one of her books (I forget which one, Virtue of Selfishness?), started reading, and was totally absorbed.

Figuring out the implications of what Rand was saying (or even understanding it all) was something way over my head at the time, and there were also many other competing, interesting thoughts (like Velikovsky).

IMO high school children and college students ought to read Rand (and Bastiat and others) just to get pointed in the right direction, toward the moral imperative of objectivity and truth.

Oddly, throughout the years Rand (among others) challenged me with respect to Jesus Christ, and working through the thought process made me see the Truth more clearly (Rand was put there for me by the Holy Spirit?).

Back in the 60’s Rand was at least recognized as a cultural phenomenon who deserved to be dealt with respectfully. Alas, those days are gone, to our loss.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

J.D. Vance is going after OhioHealth for laying off hundreds of American workers to replace them with H1Bs.


Perfectly good with JD going after companies, trashing American workers for H1Bs.

BUT, the District of Criminals APPROVED the H1Bs.

  • ^^^ Gotta FIX the root of the problem.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A personal account of a “sudden death” from the vax.

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Sorry she died, but “software upgrade”! 😅🤣😂🤣
That’s a new one for me. 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. It’s one of the more ingenious ways of not saying “vaccine”!!!


I watched those videos of people captured (accidentally) by security cameras, etc. as these episodes happened and people died.

I have never seen anything in real life that was as disturbing. It was like something in a horror movie about invisible specters attacking people.

It really appeared demonic. I have no other way to describe it.


Good acting? At least that is how it looked to me.


Demons are real. And they do attack people. Rarely can we see them but when someone is crossing over, that person can see them though he/she isn’t dead yet.


Scary stuff.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Very.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


It is BOTH scientific AND demonic, IMO.

As a scientist, I would describe it as chaotic brain shutdown due to heart or brain circulation failure. As oxygen is going down, the person is going into what is very analogous to a sleep state, a dream state, a psychotic state, or a hallucination.

Dreams – hallucinations – psychosis – these are all “altered” brain states.

So, from a scientific viewpoint, this is all very easily explained.

BUT – what people don’t get – is that both good and malevolent intelligent “entities”, with varying independence from each other and from our own, which are to some extent both “platform” and “payload”, can and do lurk in “the matrix” of our brains.

A.k.a. “angels and demons”.

The pre-science ancients were VERY smart to spot this stuff and to try to describe it.

So what protects one’s locally disappearing intelligence in the shutdown state?

I’m not going to answer the question, because we know the answer.




JMO, but total baloney to make us look foolish.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I feel the baloney part, even though IMO there is truth buried in what is being made to look foolish. Remember that the enemy loves to turn us against truth.

By seeing it as BOTH science and religion, it makes sense to me. This is an advantage of the Baha’i outlook, which like Catholicism and some forms of Judaism (but without a long history of being discredited) embraces both spiritual and scientific explanations.

People are reacting to “something they see” as their occipital cortex shuts down.

They could be trying to grab for support as vision shuts down. They could be grasping at things they see, or trying to orient themselves – lots of possibilities.

SOME may even be seeing angels, demons, or even Christ.

They’re DYING – literally – on their feet. We normally don’t see this stuff “in the wild”. We usually only hear about it in hospitals, ambulances, and operating rooms. And under those circumstances, there are often religious elements.

It’s simply death – on camera, or as witnessed by others. “Sudden death” is back, thanks to COVID and the vaccines. Along with all the spiritual aspects of that event.


Dog games you can only play with certain breeds….


Amazing dog – amazing trainer!!!


Totally awesome

love the nose blowing bubbles in the glass bowl


More random dog thoughts —

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

David Horowitz offers what I regard as a sane Jewish view of Kanye West.

I would go beyond Horowitz in terms of framing some of Kanye’s thoughts as “unfortunate” – I think some of them are a bit nutty (as in the entire “blacks are the real Jews” thing). But that’s not a crime – no crazier than Mormonism, or many of the food fights in Christianity. The fact is, “groups” of all kinds tend to have control of different areas of society, and Kanye is willing to speak the truth about this stuff – and this truth NEEDS – it desperately needs – to be admitted. The only way we can honestly talk about the DAMAGE done by leftist infiltration of all groups and segments of society is by admitting that groups control things and LEFTISTS have taken control of all groups.

We have to talk about even the groups we’re not supposed to talk about. TOUGH.


The point isn’t whether blacks are actually Jews or not. The point is the Ye believes he is a Jew. He is not against the Jews; he is against Zionism, the political power-nexxus of some Jews. He is not wrong. The political branch of Jewishness wields a huge block of power in parts of society.

I have to be very blunt here. I think most people are not smart enough to “follow” Kanye when he speaks. He is a genius, speaks in stream-of-conscious, and leaps from topic to topic and circles back too fast for most people to keep up. Most people have no idea what he really thinks.

Many geniuses are seen as lunatics. Mozart was considered completely nuts. Ye’s not crazy. But he is very misunderstood.


Put me down as one of those people not smart enough to follow West. He sounds like a total goofball to me, with a lot of personal immaturity thrown in.

I assume he is one of the pretend people put forward by whoever controls our government, and the anti-Semitic schtick is just another of those dreary psy-ops intended to manipulate events and the credulous masses.

We are meant to leap to West’s defense because he is being unfairly and unjustifiably attacked by the same people who unjustly and unfairly attack American patriots and MAGA. This trick goes back at least to Nixon, and has been used many times, always successfully. In the process, the tar baby sticks to us to our detriment. We are harmed by someone who is not in fact on our side.

The traitors Bush (both) used this trick (or, the people who controlled the Bushes used this trick) to sidetrack our side for years and years.

Hard to believe we still fall for it.

The irony about anti-Semitic vuvuzela trick is that it has little or nothing to do with helping ordinary Jews.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Completely agreed about Kanye’s intelligence, and the difficulty AND pleasure in following his thoughts.

The whole Taylor Swift / Beyonce / Kanye debacle was, IMO, the result of two smart chicks STILL not being smart and fast enough to see what Kanye was trying to do, as a kind of improvisational performance layered onto the industry script. Kanye saw something that would have benefited Swift hugely, but she wasn’t quick and trusting enough to play along.


Interesting thought…


“Many geniuses are seen as lunatics”

I have had the fortune/misfortune of having worked with 3 geniuses in my lifetime and I would definitely agree that they are “quirky” little fellas…..

I don’t know if Kanye’s a genius, but I do know the attack on Kanye West is from the exact playbook that was used against Mel Gibson.


Yep. To a ‘T.’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Margot Cleveland thinks Gretchen Whitmer may have stumbled into her expiration date, if Tudor can capitalize on the two big errors by Witchmer.


GOOD ‼️ ‼️ … this stinking wretch is WAY past her “use by” date ..

… ship her Timbuktu .. 😑🤚‼️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The complexity of the Alec Baldwin legal maneuverings is only hinted at here, and yet it’s huge. Bottom line – people seem to be settling differences in order to make money.


Two tier justice on display, since Baldwin killed Halyna Hutchins.

  • It’s always been about the money.
Happy go lucky

“and where you invest your love you invest your life”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ah! That was extremely enjoyable!



One of the best until they chased a different musical style with electric instruments and later, got crossways with the woke and cancel culture.

I had always hoped they would return to their roots – this. Sad loss to the music world and humanity in my opinion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just read the grocery store thread. Remembered this….

Why am I working at the grocery store now? 🤣🤣🤣

Last edited 2 years ago by holly08

Here’s another one…to IGNORE.

Ya know those theft prevention “tattle tale” sensors at stores. At exits, installed to catch folks walking out, (stealing) high value goods or commonly pilfered merchandise.

Cashiers, even “self check out” scanners are supposed to disable the passive sensor attached to products.

Yea, imagine that, passive sensors NOT disabled by cashiers or self check out scanners. (Yea, shit happens. Not a BFD.)KNOWING, I paid for my goods.KNOWING, I OWN the goods I am walking out with.Rarely, as I exit, the sensor starts whaling a loud noise or mechanical voice telling me to stop, go back…^^^ To Hell With That Also.I paid for the stuff. I own the stuff. Without breaking stride, WALK ON.If they try to stop me, verbally or worse, I’ll tell them, I paid for everything. Don’t give a rats, if they disable a theft prevention sensor. (Sensor is typically attached or within the packaging.)

BTW. As I exit, if someone nearby has the damned sensor start whaling, I commonly say, “So long as ya paid for it, walk on. Piss on’m”

Also encourage shoppers to ignore, receipt checkers when exiting stores.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

^^^ Durn it. Formatting vaporized in the center portion of the post. Oh well.


Just as an interesting little detail. The little RFID sensors are not disabled at the cash register. It still goes “I am XQJ340T698” at the sensor at the door — and, in fact, if you get yourself an ID reader, it’ll tell you the same thing at home.

What the scan at the cashier does is tell the central store computer to ignore it.


Makes sense. Thanks.


Good morning !
Thank you all so much for your prayers they helped.
My gland is almost back to normal and sooo much smaller as before when inflamed.
Does not hurt anymore that is a plus for sure 🙂
I also added Dr Zelenko’s meds with antihistamine took both before going to bed. Drank lots of green tea and elderberry tea and some other herbal teas.


Great news! Better when you can get it resolved without involving a doc visit.


My regular doctor is very good shipping one off to an specialist. He was ready to send me to an oncologist and N&T specialist. He himself never seems to treat anything 🙂
He has been great because I never have anything wrong. Now I know cannot depend on him when sick.


This is great news!
Using the Dr. Zelenko protocol is a good idea.
Please take care of yourself. IMO, it may well be a nasty late fall and winter season of illnesses in general.


I think I had sinus problems a new thing is allergies. Yes I am taking care of myself.
Our heat went out last winter and we found someone who can fix the problem that was in May. Today he and his people showed up with a new furnace made in NY. I wonder if he had problems getting it. Eleven thousand dollar worth. My old one was not so old made in Canada they went out of business this spring. I hope to have heat by next week.


One of the things I use for allergies is Flonase nasal spray. It’s interesting, but it was recommended as a preventative and treatment for Covid. I use it every day.


I used Sinex but only three days ago. Maybe I picked up something when I went to the Hospital to get the Calcium Scan.


That’s good news!


Yes it is :)Prayer works 🙂


It absolutely does!




New BIMD will be up within the hour.


Verse of the Day for Thursday, October 27, 2022

“And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.” 

Psalms 9:10 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Appreciate the lead in, heads up. Off to a second cup of coffee, then the link.   :wpds_unamused: 


Not ready for prime time. Got it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff. This explains a lot of the bureaucratic and defense motivations. Big puzzle piece!


So the internet has a new neighbor, TribelSocialNetwork. It gives me some comfort, more or less, to know that our metaverse adversaries now have an official safe room. May they cower in peace. Sounds like they have harnessed the Great Algorithm of Social Progress (GASP). Copyright by World Economic Forum and officially licensed to the Deep State.


“May they cower in peace”.

^^^ Nice line! ^^^


Good, it will help siphon off some their toxicity from mainstream thought, much as they have tried to do to us. It also will help provide an estimation of their true size and very likely will alienate others from their platform as they are not free thinkers, don’t tolerate dissent or opposing view points and such effects will show up as they kick people off their platform to maintain purity in thought and control. Unfortunately it will likely be short lived much like leftist radio talk shows were.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

First off, screw you, Ben Shapiro! This “dope” who didn’t take the vaccine but DID study up on both it and the virus for two years will NEVER let assholes like you off the hook for what you did.


I am a real introvert. I only have a small handful of friends in “real life.” So I haven’t had a lot of covid or vaccine impact in my circle, because it is so small.

I heard from one of my tiny circle today that her 61-year-old vaxxed brother dropped dead while out walking his dog. They found him still holding the leash. It was that sudden.

My friend knows that this is going to become more and more common, as she is as “awake” as any of us here. She is, of course, devastated by the death of her brother.

Shit like this is why I will NOT EVER FORGIVE shitheads like Ben Shapiro.


Incredibly sad. Daily news.

Reinforces my resolve to take no shit from Covidiots and the shit heads pushing Covidiot Injections.


I agree.


If one is over 18 and (presumably) can use their brain, they can make their own decisions and it’s on them. If they’re OK with putting dangerous, experimental “vaccines” into their body, so be it.
Given the growing Medical Tsunami of “vaccine”-engendered injuries, illnesses, and deaths among people over 18, that’s bad enough.
But — it’s putting these “vaccines” into BABIES and CHILDREN and making them “mask up” that is really unforgivable.

May your friend’s brother rest in eternal Peace.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

^^^ A thousand times over.

Sacrificed on the altar of Molech.


I agree wholeheartedly. Children can not make decisions for themselves, and adults should not abuse them with bad medicine.


After you read Dr. Malone’s piece, it puts an interesting perspective on all of Moderna ads we see lately. Isn’t it great to know that it is not only the cabal that wants us dead, it is also elements of our military as well.

But let’s talk just incompetence or inattention to detail.

“These are not liposomes. These are positively-charged fats, and RNA is negative. And you take these fats and you mix them with the RNA, and it all collapses into a glob. The problem with that is that when it collapses into a glob like this, it can stick to other globs. It produces very large aggregates. That’s why the people that are administering these vaccines have very strict guidelines. Once they open the bottle and they hydrate it, they need to use it within a short period of time because otherwise, it forms big aggregates. And those big aggregates can be toxic to people. And there is a technology used to keep this aggregation from happening. And it’s one of those different little parts that are in that upper panel that shows examples schematically of the chemicals that are used, these positively charged fats, and some of the other things that are added into the formulation, which includes cholesterol, among other things.”

Anybody want to take bets on how often the people who administer the jabs follow the directions and do it correctly? 🤪

Pseudouridine is what’s put all the way through this RNA rather than regular uridine. And because it has, it confers these activities, but it is not a natural RNA. It’s not what the ideas that I originally came up with. The stuff would only stick around for a few hours. Now, this is too small for me to read and probably is too small for you to read, but the bottom line, as I said, is that pseudouridine greatly modifies this whole equation in so many different ways. And when it was developed and patented at UPenn as a modification to the core patents and technology, it wasn’t really understood what it does.
The biology of pseudouridine is still not understood. And that’s part of the story of all of this is that folks have kind of gotten ahead of their skis all the way through. They’ve pushed the technology because they want it so badly because the unmet medical need is so profound. They’re so afraid of the risk, in part because we’re creating that risk. But that’s another story. And they wanted to have something that would be universal, that they could apply for any new pathogen and that could go straight from gene to vaccine. That’s the idea.

So let’s just make the world our lab rats against their will.

F them. 🤬


Make The Nuremberg Code Great Again.


Would be great if, Da Nang Dick gets flushed on the 8th.


Conservative Super PAC Expands Map: Targets Dick Blumenthal in Connecticut
A conservative super PAC that anticipated the “red wave” surge in Republican support this fall has added Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) to its target list as the two-term incumbent faces a strong challenge from Trump-backed Republican challenger Leora Levy.

Blumenthal still holds a substantial lead in most polls, but a poll by Fabrizio, Lee & Associates for the Connecticut Examiner in mid-October put Levy, a Jewish Cuban-American immigrant whose family fled the communist Castro regime, within just five points.



“It has been suggested that the “empty” air alerts announced by Kiev in recent days are aimed at creating a backdrop for a “dirty bomb” provocation, allegedly deployed in the Iskander missile bombs. But apart from that, they also fulfill another purpose. Simply, the Banderovites declare that they have intercepted all air targets, defending the cities.

Today, Gromov, Chief of Operations of the General Staff of the AFU, announced at a briefing that Russia is allegedly planning to retreat from the Zaporizhzhya region and bomb the ZNPP. This announcement could mean that caught with their hand in the alleged provocations at the Kakhovka Dam and with the “dirty bomb” the Nazis have decided to postpone these preparations until time, and play out the “case” of the ZNPP.

The rolling blackouts are called “stabilization” by Ukrainian propagandists. Finding the right term is half the battle.

Raytheon Technologies CEO Greg Hayes stressed in an interview with
CNBC that US authorities have only approved sending NASAMS to Ukraine, but not Patriot air defense systems, but there are regular talks about them. Everything is well understood: Patriot is one of the important export products of the US military-industrial complex, and there is no way that potential buyers could have doubts about its effectiveness against Russian missiles.

Ukrainian sources report that the damage from strikes on energy infrastructure is already in the billions. That’s not counting the permanent income and the withering away of entire sectors of the economy due to energy shortages. Strategic logistics are now being “hit” – the railroad, on which military transportation is critically linked, heavily affects the army as well.”


Yours Truly puts this on the table:
Yesterday evening, one went to son’s house for dinner. His entire household is “fully vaccinated”. One does not know if the adults got the earlier “booster shot” of this year, but suspects that son and DIL likely did for employment reasons. (Yours Truly is “un-vaccinated” and follows FLCCC protocols under MD supervision.) One noted the following:
Son’s mother-in-law’s appetite seems to be decreasing. It seems that a cardiac issue arose after she got the Moderna “primary series” last year. Stress test this week (ordered by the cardiologist) was stopped because of a heart issue — a portion of the upper right chamber now has a “spot” that would normally be seen in a person 80+ years old (MIL is 68). “The doctor said this is weird in a person under 80.” MRI was ordered.
Son and DIL, both MD’s: both appear to be OK, although son had a nasty “breakthrough case” of COVID last summer. DIL seems to be OK. Son hasn’t talked with Yours Truly relating to the message she sent him last month regarding her reservations about the “vaccines.”
DIL’s children: Both had “breakthrough cases” of COVID this summer. Both recovered.
Upon arrival back at her house after the dinner, Yours Truly got cleaned up, changed clothes and shoes, took I_V_M, quercetin, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D.
One does not know if anyone in the household has gotten, or will get, the NEW “booster shot” that was granted the EUA this summer. One suspects that son and DIL, if it is “mandated” by their employers, will get this “new booster.” Both son and DIL are “follow the CDC / FDA / science.”
The point here is that, IMO, people need to be observant of possible signs of what may be called “accumulating incremental COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ injury” in their “vaccinated and/or boosted” friends and family.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

Seems like the old days, where in one survives their first heart attack they are then on track with the meds and treatments to prevent a second. The trick is to get past the first as that one comes on when one is not paying attention to the warning signs.


Agreed. However, IMO, the COVID-19 “vaccine” spike protein circulating around and lodging in organs in the body of a “vaccinated” person is rife with potential for all kinds of bad consequences — including “kicking off” predispositions to health conditions and/or aggravating already-present health conditions.


My wife and I just had this discussion. Her sister and sister’s husband were/are convinced that the shots are valid and needed. They get defensive and annoyed at any information to the contrary.

My wife and her sister talk five times a day. I cannot and will not imagine what life might be like.


Yours Truly simply cannot imagine what life might be like if my adult son becomes injured or disabled, let alone leaves this planet, because of the COVID-19 “vaccines” that are in his body.


Quite the story. I observe friends and family as well. I’ve noted our “incidents” here already – hubby’s cousin / lung clots w/ hospitalization, a niece miscarriage, a debilitating stroke are the serious ones. It’s interesting that you ditch your clothes and bathe after being around these people. 👍🏻 I always take the vitamin eye dose/supplements right before the exposure. And Xlear nasal spray. Then betadine nasal spray immediately following.

I almost ALWAYS feel odd the same evening or the following day. Like my “thermostat” is off somehow, I don’t know how else to describe it. Happened last week after getting my teeth cleaned. I take one HCQ, and it subsides immediately. Wonder drugs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Understood about the “interior thermostat” feeling “off.” if this phenomenon is true in the “un-vaccinated” who are around “vaccinated” people, one wonders just how “off” the “interior thermostats” are inside the bodies of the “vaccinated”?

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

Indeed. Everyone in our circles know we didn’t partake, and we don’t ask anyone anything about how they feel in general. They’ve all gotten sick post-tax though. Some in multiples. We don’t bring that up either. 🙄


Same here. Truthfully, I made our stance as a family clear on the jabs in the beginning with other family members, friends and even with our pastor. They shrank away from us for two years. Now they are trying to work their way back into our sphere despite suffering illnesses and issues. Some are acting like they now realize they have been snookered.

I could tell so many stories, but will just leave it alone.


Clarification by Yours Truly: both son and DIL are MD’s.


I find the article about Meta “poaching” Twitter employees hilarious, as Meta is falling apart.

“A Washington state judge fined Meta, the parent company of Facebook, $24.7 million for violating campaign finance disclosure law, the maximum penalty allowed for more than 800 violations of the law.

King County Superior Court Judge Douglass North issued the penalty Wednesday after Meta violated Washington’s 1972 Fair Campaign Practices Act, the Associated Press reported.”

“META shares are down a stunning 23% from Tuesday’s close after last night’s earnings signals Zuckerberg’s ‘Reality Labs’ moneypit is growing with the second straight quarter of revenue declines from the year earlier (after the first decline ever last quarter), and disappointing revenue forecasts.

This is the second largest drop in META’s history and the stock just trading back below $100 for the first time since Jan 2016…”

Suck it, Zuck, you cuck!


Facefarce is still down. 22.57%

This is why hes selling his CA home and focusing on ft life in hawaii.

Heres the live look:


That is really something. Lower than that, now.


Just one massive Potemkin Village. We are all starring in the Truman Show.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The idiot Zuckerbucks killed the Trump economy. Karma on his ass.


The Trump Curse lives on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy






Lol, totally stealing this!


🙏 🙏 🙏

pat frederick

I’m so sorry for your loss DePat!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Will do!


Sending prayers for the repose of Jim’s soul and asking the Almighty for Deep Comfort for you and the rest of the family.


I’m sorry for your loss .. 😔


Ah-ooooooooooo 🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺😎👍❤️ … noice 😜🤚

Thank you DePat, God bless you and your loved ones abundantly … hug your lil’ fur buddy. Nikki and Chico send their best meowwwwwwssss 😻🐾🐾 🐾🐾


I understand, I feed both cats, and manage the (yucky) litter boxes so they’re partial to me. They pay attention to who feeds them, if I took the time I might be able to teach them some tricks as they’re seriously food motivated … heh heh heh
Oh I trim their claws, I have to be fast and efficient or it’s painful to me ☹️😾

Barb Meier

BASF, which produces products from basic petrochemicals to fertilisers and glues, spent €2.2bn more on natural gas at its European sites in the first nine months of 2022, compared with the same period last year.

As they downsize in Europe, they are expanding in China.

They just opened up a €10 billion complex in China.



Remember this song? …

Now here’s a good response ..

Psalms 27:1 – (A Psalm of David.) The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?


Ok, didn’t work


This is a good sermon on the sinfulness of man using Romans chapter 7, I started listening to in in the car on the way back home from grocery shopping. It’s long so if you want to make time for it sometime in your day please do so. Edifying the saints in these dark times. God bless … ✝️ .. 🙏🏼❤️

.. 🙂 ..


The title: Understanding the Believer’s Battle with Sin, Part 1


Burn the whole company and start over.



Well now …

yesterday they were barely speaking … looks as if Macron has come ’round to Scholz’
way of thinking… via AZgeopolitics


Macron and Scholz agree on fighting unfair competition by the US, vows to negotiate with Washington and launch a trade war if necessary-Politico

Sadie Slays

I commented here a few months ago about giant Powerball jackpots showing up around big elections. Here we go again:

No one hits Powerball jackpot, new drawing climbs to estimated $800 million

No one has matched all six numbers and won the Powerball jackpot since Aug. 3, allowing the prize to grow to the fifth-largest in U.S. history.

During the 2018 mid-terms, both the second and ninth biggest US jackpots of all time happened in late October within less than a week of each other. In fact, 2018 in general was a doozy for jackpot lotteries–six massive $400+ million jackpots total. I strongly suspect that what we’re seeing here are payoffs for illegal activities related to election rigging and other dirty campaign tactics.

Second biggest lottery jackpot of all time – 10/23/18Ninth biggest lottery jackpot of all time – 10/27/18

Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays

I’m not disputing your theory, but I can’t envision how it would work. If it is payoffs for illegal activities, how are they getting the money?

Sadie Slays

If I had to speculate…

Glowies/cabal control Powerball and Mega Millions. The lottery companies lockout certain number combinations so that the lottery ticket registers will never ever give out these number combinations to normal customers unless manually entered. When it comes time to disperse the payout, some designated bagman is given the correct number combination. If some normal customer actually beats the 10,000,000 to 1 odds by manually playing their numbers that week and wins, the glowies either eat the loss of a ticket split or somehow dispose of the poor schmuck. 


Here is a look at the 10 largest U.S. jackpots that have been won and the states where the winning tickets were sold:
1. $1.586 billion, Powerball, Jan. 13, 2016 (three tickets, from California, Florida, Tennessee)
2. $1.537 billion, Mega Millions, Oct. 23, 2018 (one ticket, from South Carolina)
3. $1.337 billion, Mega Millions, July 29, 2022 (one ticket, from Illinois)
4. $1.05 billion, Mega Millions, Jan. 22, 2021 (one ticket, from Michigan)
5. $768.4 million, Powerball, March 27, 2019 (one ticket, from Wisconsin)
6. $758.7 million, Powerball, Aug. 23, 2017 (one ticket, from Massachusetts)
7. $731.1 million, Powerball, Jan. 20, 2021 (one ticket, from Maryland)
8. $699.8 million, Powerball, Oct. 4, 2021 (one ticket, from California)
9. $687.8 million, Powerball, Oct. 27, 2018 (two tickets, from Iowa and New York)
10. $656 million, Mega Millions, March 30, 2012 (three tickets, from Kansas, Illinois and Maryland)

Sadie these seem to be random dates for jackpot winners. I don’t see the pattern you suggest.

Sadie Slays

2 out of 10 jackpots happened the day of and the day after the puppet’s inauguration (What are the odds of back-to-back Top 10 jackpots? What are the odds of this happening at the same time as a stolen Presidential inauguration?) 5 out of 10 jackpots happened during Presidential or Mid-term years.
Does this seem random to you? Especially the back-to-back jackpots surrounding the stolen election?

The remaining 3 out of 10 I’m less sure about. Possible payoffs for major false flags?

1. Biggest primary season of our lifetimes – Trump vs. the GOP, HRC shenanigans
2. Exactly two weeks before stolen 2018 mid-terms (see #9)
3. Mid-term Year (the current Powerball will take the #5 spot on this list making two major 2022 jackpots in the top 10) 
4. One day after the puppet’s inauguration (see #7)
5. I’m stumped on this one (although it happened 12 days after the New Zealand mosque hoax. See #6)
6. 11 days after Charlottesville (payoff for the false flag?)
7. Puppet’s Inauguration Day (see #4 – what are the odds of two jackpots on this list being back-to-back days surrounding the stolen Inauguration? Payoff, IMO)
8. One month before Virginia’s high-profile gubernatorial race (nothing else immediately comes to mind)
9. Another October 2018 mid-term payoff (see #2 – what are the odds of two big jackpots on this list happening within four days of each other?)
10. 2012 primary season. My memory isn’t good enough to point to any other specific event this year.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

 5/10 happened during Presidential or Mid-term years.

Since half of all years are midterm years (and half of those are presidential years), 5/10 is exactly what we would expect.

Sadie Slays

What are the odds of two of those jackpots happening within four days of each other? Probably about the same as the two back-to-back jackpots around the stolen Inauguration.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Meaning, you have no response to my pointing out how irrelevant it is to claim a pattern when half of the years get half of the jackpots.

Got it.

As for this, clumping is expected, honestly. If there were no close together dates, it would be even more suspicious than one or two are.

As for when those clumps happen, it makes no sense that they’d actually cause this even if they could. Why not wait for February or even March to make the payoff?

Sadie Slays

Why not wait for February or even March to make the payoff?

At least in the case of the Inauguration jackpots, my guess is that they needed to publicly show the combined $1.7 billion payoff for services rendered in stealing the election. Maybe it was a promised bonus for a successful coup. Maybe they needed to reassure the thieves that the money was on the way. Maybe they wanted to show the rest of the cabal goons that the cabal pays well for rigging elections. I don’t know, but the specific dates seem to serve as a symbolic message. I suspect similar with the October 2018 payouts.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays

The UN has neither the means nor the mandate to verify the statements of the Russian Federation about military biological programs on the territory of Ukraine, the representative of the organization said

he UN Office for Disarmament Affairs is ready to support the Security Council’s investigation of the fulfillment by the United States and Kiev of obligations under the BTWC, if it is launched, the representative of the organization said


Anyone else needing clarity with regard to these two statements? /phoenix


The Neocons think they own the UN and its Sec’y General …


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken: “US Seeks To Deter Iran Provision Of Weapons To Russia”

What about sending NATO mercenaries,entire NATO intelligence infrastructire in service of Ukraine,sending 60 billion USD,and providing military equipment Blinken?


Stroke survivor says Fetterman is not hard of hearing as supporters suggest, but suffering from aphasia and is incapable of being a senator.


I think those surrounding Fetterman know full well that he is incapable. They just want the seat filled with a Dem, and they would “help” him with his duties and especially his votes.


The wife though….shades of Jill.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



We have a senile criminal who never was known for his intellect in what we term the highest office in the land. Why are we surprised that there are similar entities running for office and others in office.


It’s an exceptionally cunning way to install a defective candidate that will be directed in all areas by shadow powers.


Elon Musk officially owns Twitter now. Here is his statement:

comment image
comment image
comment image

He wants a wide range of beliefs to be debated in a healthy manner. Good luck with that!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If Elon Musk restores my account, I will go back on Twitter! I won’t abandon Gab or Truth, but I will resume my “Twitter Journalism”.


I will finally go on twitter once Musk has control…

I think your decision is a logical and adult one 😉

When newspapers were our source for info… we read more than one, right?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN!!! 😀

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I think it’s the other one, Al Waleed bin Talal Al Saud. The smarmy liberal affiliated US interfering crooked one that MBS put on house arrest in a hotel.

Does Waleed bin Talal own Twitter?
The prince’s $1.9 billion stake at $54.20 a share will buy 5.65% of Twitter.


Amen! Sing it Sista!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Talal already owned a portion of twit.

Saudi Arabian billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who owns a stake in Twitter through his Kingdom Holding Company, rejected Elon Musk’s offer to buy 100 per cent of the microblogging platform for about $43 billion. Apr 14, 2022

Elon Musk faces off with Saudi Prince Talal over Twitter sale | News | Al Jazeera

If Musk is pushing for free speech for all, it’s gonna get real interesting to see how other countries that do not allow it will respond. I’ll bet they ban twit.


In evaluating the credibility of the theory, it would help to know the channel.

Opposing theories have been presented here. One is that Musk has ulterior motives that are not just about free speech and that, while seeming to be beneficial in the short run, could be aligned with the NWO. Then there is this theory that he was “sent” to clean up Twitter. I don’t think billionaires take orders from anyone, but if a cause aligns with their beliefs, they might choose to support it or invest in it.

He could be cooperating with some white hats, or he could be doing this solely for his own purposes. We have no way of knowing at this point.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

Is the channel available for commoners? Would be nice to get more background, connect dots…


This really appears to be what is happening. Cautious hope!


Good. Our voices need to be heard. I’m just saying that, in my experience, the chances for healthy dialogue between two vastly opposite ideologies are fairly slim, although It does happen sometimes.


I’m a consumer of information. As such, I want to be able to read EVERYTHING, and decide for myself what I think.

I don’t want to have a “conversation” with the lunatic left. But I will read their ranting and raving and make up my own mind about it.

That is what I hope for Twitter. Everybody posts what they like, and I accept or reject it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think it’s the large number of independents in the middle who are not getting both sides, that Musk realizes need to be in a more unified setting.


This appears to be Putins Speach in full.
It’s quite long so I’ll break it up into separate posts.
Sorry if it takes up a lot of space, but I believe it’s better to get stuff straight from the horses mouth rather than bits from a third party.
Part 1

“Dear participants of the plenary session! Ladies and gentlemen! Friends!

I got a little acquainted with the discussions that took place here in the previous days – very interesting, informative. I hope you didn’t regret coming to Russia and communicating with each other.

Glad to see you all.

On the site of the Valdai Club, we have repeatedly talked about those shifts – serious, big shifts that have already taken place and are taking place in the world, about the risks associated with the degradation of world institutions, with the erosion of the principles of collective security, with the substitution of international law with so–called rules – I wanted to say, it is clear who invented them, but Perhaps this is also inaccurate – it is not clear who invented it at all, what these rules are based on, what is inside these rules.

Apparently, there is only an attempt to approve one rule so that those in power – now they are talking about power, I am talking about global power – have the opportunity to live without any rules at all and everything was allowed to them, everything would get away with whatever they did. Here, as a matter of fact, are the very rules that we are constantly, as people say, talking about, that is, they are constantly talking about it.

The value of the Valdai discussions is that there are a variety of assessments and forecasts. How true they were is shown by life itself, the most rigorous and objective examiner is life. So it shows how true our preliminary discussions were in previous years.

Alas, events are still developing according to a negative scenario, which we have talked about more than once or twice during previous meetings. Moreover, these events have escalated into a large-scale, systemic crisis, and not only in the military-political, but also in the economic and humanitarian spheres.

The so–called West – conditionally, of course, there is no unity there – it is clear that this is a very complex conglomerate, nevertheless, let’s just say that this West has taken a number of steps to aggravate in recent years and especially in recent months. As a matter of fact, they always play for aggravation, there is nothing new here either. This is the incitement of war in Ukraine, these are provocations around Taiwan, the destabilization of the world food and energy markets. The latter, of course, was not done on purpose, there is no doubt about it, but due to a number of systemic errors by those Western authorities, which I have already mentioned. And as we can see now, plus the destruction of pan–European gas pipelines. This is generally an outrageous thing, but nevertheless we are witnessing these sad events.

Power over the world is exactly what the so–called West has put on the line in its game. But this game is certainly dangerous, bloody and, I would say, dirty. It denies the sovereignty of countries and peoples, their identity and uniqueness, does not put the interests of other states in anything. In any case, if it is not explicitly said about denial, but in practice this is exactly what is being implemented. No one, except those who formulate these very rules, about which I have said, has the right to an original development: everyone else must be “combed” under these very rules.

In this regard, I would like to remind you of Russia’s proposals to Western partners to strengthen trust and build a system of collective security. In December last year, they were once again simply thrown aside.

But in the modern world, it is unlikely to work out. The sower of the wind – as they say – will reap the storm. The crisis has really acquired a global character, it affects everyone. There is no need to have any illusions.”


Thank you for posting this RAC …


Thanks for posting. A little light reading this evening. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Thank you. Just reading the first few paragraphs tells me that Trump is right – Putin “gets it” about so many things. He is NO DUMMY!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Unlike our “basement dummy”…….


Part 2

“Humanity now faces, in fact, two ways: either to continue accumulating a load of problems that will inevitably crush us all, or to try to find solutions together, albeit imperfect, but working, capable of making our world more stable and safer.

You know, I have always believed and believe in the power of common sense. Therefore, I am convinced that sooner or later both the new centers of the multipolar world order and the West will have to start an equal conversation about a common future for us, and the sooner the better, of course. And in this regard, I will outline some extremely important accents for all of us.

Today’s events have pushed environmental issues into the background – oddly enough, but I would like to start with this. Climate change issues have ceased to be at the top of the agenda. But these fundamental challenges have not disappeared, they have not gone away, they are only growing.

One of the most dangerous consequences of the violation of the ecological balance is the reduction of biodiversity in nature. And now I turn to the main topic for which we all gathered: is another diversity less important – cultural, social, political, civilizational?

At the same time, simplification, the erasure of all and any differences have become almost the essence of the modern West. What is behind this simplification? First of all, this is the disappearance of the creative potential of the West itself and the desire to restrain, block the free development of other civilizations.

There is also a direct mercantile interest here, of course: by imposing their values, consumer stereotypes, unification, our opponents – so I’ll call them carefully – are trying to expand sales markets for their products. Everything is very primitive in the end on this track. It is no accident that the West claims that it is its culture and worldview that should be universal. If this is not said directly – although they often say it directly, too – but if they do not say it directly, then this is exactly how they behave and insist, in fact, on the fact of life, their policy insists that these values should be unconditionally accepted by all other participants in international communication.

I will quote from the famous Harvard speech of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Back in 1978, he noted that the West is characterized by a “continuous blinding of superiority” – this is all happening to this day – which “supports the idea that all vast areas on our planet should develop and develop to the current Western systems…”. 1978. Nothing has changed.

Over the past almost half a century, this blindness, which Solzhenitsyn spoke about – openly racist and neocolonial in nature – has already acquired simply ugly forms, especially after the so-called unipolar world emerged. What do I want to say to that? Confidence in one’s infallibility is a very dangerous state: it is one step away from the desire of the “infallible” themselves to simply destroy those who do not like them. As they say, “cancel” – let’s think about at least the meaning of this word.”


Part 3

“Even at the height of the Cold war, at the peak of the confrontation of systems, ideologies and military rivalry, no one even thought of denying the very existence of culture, art, science of other peoples – their opponents. It didn’t even occur to anyone! Yes, certain restrictions were imposed on educational, scientific, cultural and, unfortunately, sports ties. But nevertheless, both Soviet and American leaders of that time had enough understanding that the humanitarian sphere should be treated delicately, studying and respecting the opponent, sometimes borrowing something from him in order to preserve at least for the future the basis for sound, fruitful relations.

What’s going on now? The Nazis reached the burning of books at one time, and now the Western “guardians of liberalism and progress” have slipped to the prohibitions of Dostoevsky and Tchaikovsky. The so–called cancellation culture, but in fact – we have already talked about this many times – the real cancellation of culture mows down everything alive and creative, does not allow free thought to develop in any of the areas: neither in economics, nor in politics, nor in culture.

The liberal ideology itself has changed beyond recognition today. If classical liberalism initially understood the freedom of every person as the freedom to say what you want, do what you want, then already in the XX century liberals began to declare that the so–called open society has enemies – it turns out that an open society has enemies – and the freedom of such enemies can and should be limited, or even cancelled. Now they have reached the point of absurdity, when any alternative point of view is declared subversive propaganda and a threat to democracy.

Whatever comes from Russia is all the “machinations of the Kremlin.” But look at yourself! Are we really so omnipotent? Any criticism of our opponents – any! – it is perceived as “the machinations of the Kremlin”, “the hand of the Kremlin”. It’s crazy. What have you sunk to? At least move your brains, explain something more interesting, express your point of view somehow conceptually. You can’t blame everything on the Kremlin’s machinations.

All this was prophetically predicted by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky back in the XIX century. One of the characters in his novel “Demons”, the nihilist Shigalev, described the bright future he invented: “coming out of boundless freedom, I conclude with boundless despotism” – this, by the way, is what our Western opponents came to. He is echoed by another character in the novel – Peter Verkhovensky, arguing that widespread betrayal, informer, espionage is necessary, that society does not need talents and higher abilities: “Cicero’s tongue is cut off, Copernicus’s eyes are gouged out, Shakespeare is stoned.” That’s what our Western opponents come to. What is it but modern Western cancellation culture?

They were great thinkers, and I am grateful, to be honest, to my assistants who found these quotes.

What can I say to that? History, of course, will put everything in its place and cancel not the greatest works of universally recognized geniuses of world culture, but those who today for some reason decided that they have the right to dispose of this world culture at their discretion. The conceit of such figures, as they say, is off the scale, but no one will even remember their names in a few years. And Dostoevsky will live, just like Tchaikovsky, Pushkin, no matter how much anyone would like it.

It was on unification, on financial and technological monopolism, on the erasure of all and every difference that the Western model of globalization, neocolonial in its essence, was built. The task was clear – to strengthen the unconditional dominance of the West in the world economy and politics, and for this to put at its service the natural and financial resources, intellectual, human and economic capabilities of the entire planet, to do it under the sauce of the so-called new global interdependence.

Here I would like to recall another Russian philosopher, Alexander Alexandrovich Zinoviev, whose centenary we will celebrate just the other day, on October 29. More than 20 years ago, he said that for the survival of Western civilization at the level it has reached, “the whole planet as a medium of existence is necessary, all the resources of humanity are necessary.” That’s what they claim, that’s what it is.

Moreover, in this system, the West initially laid a huge head start for itself, since it developed its principles and mechanisms itself – as now the very principles that are constantly being talked about and which are an incomprehensible “black hole”: nobody knows what it is. But as soon as other states, not Western countries, began to benefit from globalization, and first of all, of course, we are talking about the large Asian states, the West immediately changed or even abolished many rules. And the so-called sacred principles of free trade, economic openness, equal competition, even the right of ownership were suddenly completely forgotten. As soon as something became profitable for yourself – so immediately, on the go, in the course of the game, the rules change.”


In college I took a two semester course on Dostoyevsky, where we had to read everything he wrote. We started with Notes From Underground, and my reaction was: that’s me! OMG, that’s me! Which just shows how foolish and immature I was, but it got me to love Dostoyevsky (the youthful egotism was that strong).

Given my self-conscious “conservative” perspective, in reading Devils I was flabbergasted to find out Dostoyevsky had nailed the 1960’s and 70’s New Left (red diaper babies and Maoists) perfectly, more than a century before. When I re-read it recently, I was amazed how funny the book is. The satirical humor went over my head 50 years ago, I just “got” the political/psychological part only then.

The Russians have a culture far deeper than our own. We are more Rome to their Greece. But Rome was smart enough to acknowledge how special Greece was.


Part 4

“Or another example of substitution of concepts and meanings. Western ideologists and politicians have been saying and telling the whole world for many years: there is no alternative to democracy. However, they were talking about the Western, so-called liberal model of democracy. They rejected all other options and forms of democracy with contempt and – I want to emphasize this – through the lip, arrogantly. Such a manner has developed for a long time, since colonial times: everyone is considered second–class people, and themselves are exceptional. This has been going on for centuries until now.

But today the absolute majority of the world community demands democracy in international affairs, does not accept any form of authoritarian dictate of individual countries or groups of states. What is this but a direct application of the principles of democracy at the level of international relations?

And what is the position of the “civilized” – in quotes – West? If you are Democrats, it would seem that you should welcome such a natural desire for freedom of billions of people – but no! The West calls it undermining the liberal order based on rules, launches economic and trade wars, sanctions, boycotts, color revolutions, prepares and conducts various kinds of coups.

One of them led to tragic consequences in Ukraine in 2014 – they supported it, even said how much money they spent on this coup. In general, ohameli is simple, they are not shy about anything. They took Suleimani and killed an Iranian general. It was possible to treat Suleimani as you like, but this is an official of another state! They were killed on the territory of a third country and said: yes, we killed. What is it in general? Where do we live?

Washington, out of habit, continues to call the current world order liberal in the American way, but in fact, every day this notorious “order” multiplies chaos and, I would add, becomes more and more intolerant even towards Western countries themselves, to their attempts to show any independence. Everything is being suppressed right at the root, and they are also imposing sanctions against their own allies – without any hesitation! And they agree with everything, lowering their heads low.

For example, the July proposals of Hungarian parliamentarians to consolidate in the treaty on the European Union the commitment to European Christian values and culture were perceived not even as a front, but as a direct hostile diversion. What is this? What does it mean? Yes, someone may like it, someone may not like it.

In Russia, over a thousand years, we have developed a unique culture of interaction between all world religions. There is no need to cancel anything: neither Christian values, nor Islamic, nor Jewish values. We have other world religions. We just have to treat each other with respect. In a number of regions of the country – I just know this firsthand – people go together, celebrate Christian holidays, Islamic, Buddhist, and Jewish, and do it with pleasure, congratulating each other and rejoicing for each other.

But not here. Why not? At least we would have discussed it. Amazing!

All this, without exaggeration, is not even a systemic, but a doctrinal crisis of the neoliberal model of the American world order. They have no ideas of creation and positive development, they simply have nothing to offer the world except to maintain their dominance.

I am convinced that true democracy in a multipolar world first of all presupposes the possibility of any people – I want to emphasize this – any society, any civilization to choose their own path, their own socio-political system. If the United States and the European Union countries have such a right, then Asian countries, Islamic states, the monarchies of the Persian Gulf, and states of other continents certainly have it. Of course, our country, Russia, has it, and no one will ever be able to dictate to our people what kind of society and on what principles we should build.

A direct threat to the political, economic, ideological monopoly of the West is that alternative social models may arise in the world – more effective, I want to emphasize this, more effective today, bright, attractive than those that exist. But such models will definitely develop – this is inevitable. By the way, American political scientists, experts, they write about it directly. True, the authorities are not really listening to them yet, although they cannot help but see these ideas expressed on the pages of political science journals and in discussions.”


The Suleimani thing is a bad example. The decision to terminate him is more than justified since he was in the termination business himself and his targets were often innocents.

Putin appears to be reaching for as broad as consensus as he can get here. Zero symp for the Iranian regime. The accommodations their people are asking for are hardly over the top.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Exactly my thought. Putin made a mistake here, IMO, although his general point is a good one.

Sadie Slays

Sundance is warning people that ISPs and mobile providers are actively blocking content during Election season. Has anyone here experienced any suspicious “glitches” recently?

If you cannot reach a website, see an image, view a page, or navigate a system, it’s likely not anything you are doing wrong; most often it’s the result of a tech control system designed to keep you away from the data. Additionally, valid information like emails or text messages are increasingly identified as spam or blocked completely by the email or cell phone service you have subscribed to.

All of this is just an fyi, because I happen to notice these types of curious conversations taking place with increased frequency right now. Lots of people are wondering why they cannot access or see things. These are likely not ‘glitches.’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Agreed. I’ll have more to say later, but he is spot on, IMO.


Heard this theme a few times recent days.


When I start to research something, or look into sources for an idea I got here, I have had my computer freeze, glitch, or what-have-you for a couple of years now.

They are watching.


Along with that I get the phone calls as well. Sometimes starting up as I’m typing. 😁




That thought has occurred to me. I wondered if I was crazy for even entertaining the idea, but the calls are just weird.


Part 5

“Development should take place precisely in the dialogue of civilizations, based on spiritual and moral values. Yes, different civilizations have different understanding of man, his nature – it is often only different on the surface, but everyone recognizes the highest dignity and spiritual essence of man. And it is extremely important to have a common, common foundation on which we can certainly build and must build our future.

What do I want to emphasize here? Traditional values are not some fixed set of postulates that everyone should adhere to. Of course not. Their difference from the so-called neoliberal values is that in each case they are unique, because they follow from the tradition of a particular society, its culture and historical experience. Therefore, traditional values cannot be imposed on anyone – they simply need to be respected, carefully treated for what every nation has chosen for centuries.

This is our understanding of traditional values, and this approach is shared and accepted by the majority of humanity. This is natural, because it is the traditional societies of the East, Latin America, Africa, and Eurasia that form the basis of world civilization.

Respect for the peculiarities of peoples and civilizations is in everyone’s interests. In fact, this is also in the interests of the so-called West. Losing his superiority, he quickly turns into a minority on the world stage. And, of course, the right of this Western minority to its own cultural identity, of course, I want to emphasize this, must be ensured, it must be treated, of course, with respect, but, I emphasize, on an equal basis with the rights of all others.

If Western elites believe that they will be able to introduce into the consciousness of their people, their societies, strange, in my opinion, new-fangled trends like dozens of genders and gay parades – so be it. Yes, let them do what they want! But what they definitely don’t have the right to do is demand that others follow in the same direction.

We see that complex demographic, political, and social processes are taking place in Western countries. Of course, this is their internal affair. Russia does not interfere in these issues and is not going to do it – unlike the West, we do not climb into someone else’s yard. But we hope that pragmatism will prevail and Russia’s dialogue with the genuine, traditional West, as well as with other equal centers of development, will become an important contribution to the construction of a multipolar world order.

I will add that multipolarity is a real, and in fact, the only chance for Europe to restore its political and economic subjectivity. To be honest, we understand everything, and they say this in Europe directly: today, this legal personality of Europe – how to put it mildly, so as not to offend anyone – is severely limited.

The world is diverse by nature, and the West’s attempts to drive everyone under one template are objectively doomed, nothing will come of it.

The presumptuous pursuit of world leadership, and in fact, to dictate or to maintain leadership through dictate, actually results in a decrease in the international authority of the leaders of the Western world, including the United States, and an increase in distrust of their ability to negotiate in general. Today one thing is said – tomorrow another, documents are signed – tomorrow they are refused, what they want, they do. There is no stability in anything at all. How documents are signed, what they talked about, what one can hope for is completely unclear.

If earlier only a few countries allowed themselves to argue with the same America, and it looked almost like a sensation, now it is commonplace when a variety of states refuse Washington its groundless demands, despite the fact that he is still trying to put pressure on everyone. The erroneous policy is absolutely, it’s easy to go nowhere. Well, let it be, it’s also their choice.

I am convinced that the peoples of the world will not turn a blind eye to the policy of coercion, which has discredited itself, and every time the West will have to pay and pay more and more price for trying to maintain its hegemony. In the place of these Western elites, I would seriously think about such a prospect, just as, as I have already said, some political scientists and politicians in the United States themselves are thinking about it.

In the current conditions of a tough conflict, I will say some things directly. Russia, being an independent, original civilization, has never considered itself and does not consider itself an enemy of the West. Americanophobia, Anglophobia, Francophobia, Germanophobia are the same forms of racism as Russophobia and anti–Semitism – however, like any manifestations of xenophobia.

You just need to clearly understand that there are, as I said before, two Westerners – at least two, and maybe more, but at least two: the West of traditional, primarily Christian, values, freedom, patriotism, the richest culture, and now Islamic values too – a significant part of the population many Western countries profess Islam. This West is close to us in some ways, we have in many ways common, even ancient roots. But there is another West – aggressive, cosmopolitan, neocolonial, acting as a tool of neoliberal elites. It is with the dictates of this West that Russia, of course, will never accept.”


Part 6

“In 2000, after being elected President, I will always remember what I faced – I will remember what price we paid to destroy the terrorist nest in the North Caucasus, which the West then almost openly supported. All the adults here, most of you present in this room, understand what I’m talking about. We know that this is exactly how it was in practice: financial, political, informational support. We’ve all been through it.

Moreover, [the West] not only actively supported terrorists on the territory of Russia, but also in many ways nurtured this threat. We know that. Nevertheless, after the stabilization of the situation, when the main terrorist gangs were defeated, including thanks to the courage of the Chechen people, we decided not to turn back, not to pretend to be offended, to go forward, to build relations even with those who actually worked against us, to establish and develop relations with everyone, who wants it, on the basis of mutual benefit and respect for each other.

I thought it was in the common interest. Russia, thank God, survived all the difficulties of that time, withstood, strengthened, coped with internal and external terrorism, the economy was preserved, began to develop, defense capability began to increase. We have tried to build relations with both leading Western countries and NATO. The message was the same: let’s stop being enemies, let’s live together, let’s have a dialogue, strengthen trust, and therefore peace. We were absolutely sincere, I want to emphasize this, we clearly understood the complexity of such a rapprochement, but we went for it.

And what did we get in response? We received, in short, “no” in all the main areas of possible cooperation. We have received ever-increasing pressure on us and the creation of hotbeds of tension near our borders. And what is the purpose, if I may ask, of this pressure? Well, what is it? Is it that easy to practice? Of course not. The goal is to make Russia more vulnerable. The goal is to turn Russia into a tool for achieving its own geopolitical goals.

Strictly speaking, this is a universal rule: they try to turn everyone into a tool in order to use these tools for their own purposes. And those who do not submit to this pressure, do not want to be such an instrument – sanctions are being imposed against them, all kinds of economic restrictions are being carried out against them and against them, coups are being prepared or, where possible, carried out, and so on. And in the end, if nothing can be done at all, the goal is the same – to destroy, to wipe off the political map. But it did not work and it will never work in relation to Russia to deploy and implement such a scenario.

What else would I like to add? Russia does not challenge the elites of the West – Russia simply defends its right to existence and free development. At the same time, we ourselves are not going to become some kind of new hegemon. Russia does not propose to replace unipolarity with bipolarity, tripolarity, and so on, the dominance of the West with the dominance of the East, North or South. This would inevitably lead to a new impasse.

And I want to quote here the words of the great Russian philosopher Nikolai Yakovlevich Danilevsky, who believed that progress does not consist in going all in one direction, as some of our opponents are pushing us – in this case, progress would soon stop, says Danilevsky – but in “starting the whole field that makes up the field of historical activity of mankind, in all directions.” And he adds that no civilization can be proud of representing the highest point of development.

I am convinced that dictatorship can be countered only by the freedom of development of countries and peoples, the degradation of personality – love for man as a creator, primitive simplification and prohibitions – the blooming complexity of cultures and traditions.

The meaning of today’s historical moment is precisely that all civilizations, states and their integration associations are really opening up opportunities for their own, democratic, original path of development. And first of all, we believe that the new world order should be based on law and law, be free, original and fair.”


And I want to quote here the words of the great Russian philosopher Nikolai Yakovlevich Danilevsky, who believed that progress does not consist in going all in one direction, as some of our opponents are pushing us – in this case, progress would soon stop, says Danilevsky – but in “starting the whole field that makes up the field of historical activity of mankind, in all directions.” And he adds that no civilization can be proud of representing the highest point of development.

WOW!! the Humanity train has left the station. fumbling Brandon wanders aimlessly in the halls with melted ice-cream on his lapels… 😅 


Putin the equal of Solzhenitsyn, IMO. But the Russians have had great, humane thinkers for a long time, so no surprise.


Part 7

“Thus, the world economy and trade should become more fair and open. Russia considers the process of forming new international financial platforms, including for the purposes of international settlements, inevitable. Such platforms should be located outside national jurisdictions, be secure, depoliticized, automated and not depend on any single control center. Is it possible to do this or not? Of course, yes. It will require a lot of efforts, combining the efforts of many countries, but it can be done.

This will eliminate the possibility of abuse in the sphere of the new global financial infrastructure, will allow you to effectively, profitably and safely manage international transactions without the dollar and other so-called reserve currencies. Moreover, using the dollar as a weapon, the United States and the West as a whole discredited the institution of international financial reserves. First, they were devalued due to inflation in the dollar and euro zone, and then completely – cap-cap – pocketed our gold and foreign exchange reserves.

The transition to settlements in national currencies will actively gain momentum – inevitably. This, of course, depends on the state of the issuers of these currencies, on the state of their economies, but they will strengthen, and such calculations, of course, will gradually become dominant. This is the logic of the sovereign economic and financial policy of a multipolar world.

Further. Today, new centers of global development already possess unique technologies and scientific developments in various fields and in many areas can successfully compete with Western multinational companies.

It is obvious that we have a common, quite pragmatic interest in an honest and open scientific and technological exchange. Together, everyone will win more than individually. The majority should benefit, not individual super-rich corporations.

How is the situation today? If the West sells medicines or seeds of food crops to other countries, it orders the killing of national pharmaceuticals and breeding, in fact, in practice everything boils down to this; it supplies machines and equipment – destroys local engineering. When I was still the Chairman of the Government, I realized this: once the market is opened for a certain product group, that’s it, the local manufacturer has “gone down”, and it’s almost impossible to raise your head. They build relationships like this. Thus, markets and resources are being seized, countries are being deprived of their technological and scientific potential. This is not progress, but enslavement, the reduction of economies to a primitive level.

Technological development should not increase global inequality, but reduce it. This is how Russia traditionally implements its foreign technology policy. For example, by building nuclear power plants in other states, we are simultaneously creating competence centers there, training national personnel – we are creating an industry, we are not just building an enterprise, but creating an entire industry. In fact, we are giving other countries the opportunity to make a real breakthrough in their scientific and technological development, reduce inequality, and bring their energy sector to a new level of efficiency and environmental friendliness.

I would like to emphasize again: sovereignty and distinctive development in no way mean isolation, autarky, but, on the contrary, imply active, mutually beneficial cooperation on fair and equal principles.

If liberal globalization is depersonalization, the imposition of the Western model on the whole world, then integration, on the contrary, is the disclosure of the potential of each civilization in the interests of the whole, for the sake of common gain. If globalism is a dictate, it all comes down to this in the end, then integration is the joint development of common strategies that benefit everyone.

In this regard, Russia considers it important to more actively launch mechanisms for creating large spaces built on the interaction of neighboring countries, whose economy, social system, resource base, infrastructure complement each other. Such large spaces, in fact, are the basis of a multipolar world order – the economic basis. From their dialogue, the true unity of humanity is born, much more complex, original and multidimensional than in the simplified representations of some Western ideologists.

The unity of humanity is not built on the command “do as I do”, “be like us”. It is formed taking into account and based on the opinion of everyone, with a careful attitude to the identity of each society and people. It is on this principle that long-term cooperation can develop in a multipolar world.

In this regard, it may be worth considering that the structure of the United Nations, including its Security Council, should reflect more precisely the diversity of the world’s regions. After all, much more will depend on Asia, Africa, and Latin America in the world of tomorrow than is commonly believed today, and such an increase in their influence is certainly positive.

Let me remind you that Western civilization is not the only one even in our common Eurasian space. Moreover, the majority of the population is concentrated precisely in the east of Eurasia – where the centers of the most ancient civilizations of mankind arose.

The value and significance of Eurasia is that this continent is a self-sufficient complex with gigantic resources of any kind and huge opportunities. And the harder we work to increase the connectivity of Eurasia, to create new ways and forms of cooperation, the more impressive we are achieving.

The successful activity of the Eurasian Economic Union, the rapid growth of the authority and influence of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, large–scale initiatives within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road”, plans for multilateral cooperation on the implementation of the North–South transport corridor and other, many other projects in this part of the world, I am sure, is the beginning of a new era, a new stage in the development of Eurasia. Integration projects here do not contradict, but complement each other, of course, if they are implemented by neighboring countries in their own interests, and not introduced by external forces to split the Eurasian space, turn it into a zone of block confrontation.”


Part 8

“A natural part of Greater Eurasia could be its western tip – Europe. But many of its leaders are hampered by the conviction that Europeans are better than others, that they should not participate in any endeavors on an equal footing with others. Behind such arrogance, they somehow do not notice that they themselves have already become someone else’s periphery, have essentially turned into vassals – often without the right to vote.

Dear colleagues!

The collapse of the Soviet Union also destroyed the balance of geopolitical forces. The West felt like a winner and proclaimed a unipolar world order in which only its will, its culture, and its interests had the right to exist.

Now this historical period of the West’s undivided dominance in world affairs is coming to an end, the unipolar world is passing into the past. We are standing at a historical milestone, ahead of us is probably the most dangerous, unpredictable and at the same time important decade since the end of the Second World War. The West is not capable of governing humanity alone, but it is desperately trying to do so, and most of the peoples of the world no longer want to put up with it. This is the main contradiction of the new era. In the words of a classic, the situation is to a certain extent revolutionary: the upper classes cannot, and the lower classes do not want to live like this, if we speak in the words of a classic.

This state of affairs is fraught with global conflicts or a whole chain of conflicts, which poses a threat to humanity, including the West itself. To resolve such a contradiction constructively and creatively is the main historical task of today.

Changing milestones is a painful process, but natural and inevitable. The future world order is being formed before our eyes. And in this world order, we must listen to everyone, take into account every point of view, every nation, society, culture, every system of worldviews, ideas and religious beliefs, without imposing a single truth on anyone, and only on this basis, understanding our responsibility for the fate – the fate of peoples, the planet, to build a symphony of human civilization.

This is where I would like to end with words of gratitude for the patience you have shown while listening to my message.

Thank you very much.”

To be continued.

Transcript from

Barb Meier

Thank you, RAC! I’ve read it all. How interesting. Does this mean everyone fleeing to the U.S. will turn around and try to get into Russia now?


I think investors will want to get into Russia, or at least a satellite nation or market that is working with them. The economy here is in the gutter. Growth is out there across the tariff and free speech barriers.


TY so much RAC!

Sadie Slays


SD’s post prompted me to check my spam folder for the first time in ages. Inside the spam folder was canned email from the state government about voting deadlines and where to find your polling place. Yes, the system flagged a generic .gov email address about voting as “spam.” Shady!


They are well practiced in the deceitful arts to cheat you. You can trust they are deploying all their tricks big and small. And yeah, they have to pay some of these jerks.

Valerie Curren

Drive by post, sorry if it duplicates anything…

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comment imageBob Torba, Jr.



The expressway into central Scranton, PA.
Not much love for Biden from his hometown folks.
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I wonder if he might be Andrew Torba’s dad or other relative?

Valerie Curren

In N Out has signs at their registers addressing Human Trafficking.

In N Out, a great company, that conglomerates would love to buy, and ruin In N Out’s business model.


IIRC, Hilton family hotels also have Human Trafficking signs at the front desk. Commonly truck stops, also.

Valerie Curren

Thx for the confirmation!


Perhaps this is why I keep seeing In and Out being attacked on Next Door. Attacks always sound as if they are over the top.

Valerie Curren

Coordinated assault on all that’s decent & good

Cuppa Covfefe

IN-N-OUT Burger are a Christian company, and are VERY good to their employees and customers. Look at the french-fry wrappers, the coffee and soft-drink cups (when empty, of course 🙂 ), and you’ll see references to Bible verses, e.g. Proverbs 3:5-7, John 3:16, and many others…

THAT*S why they’re being attacked.

Valerie Curren

Great points. I’ve never been there so wasn’t familiar with their packaging & messaging–TY!

Valerie Curren

GWP: BREAKING: Ballots Discovered “Pre-Loaded” Inside Drop Box in Pennsylvania… Two Others Reportedly Also Had “Pre-Loaded” Ballots Inside the Boxes

…in video footage obtained by The Gateway Pundit, it appears to show a drop box in Centre County, Pennsylvania being opened and an official “bag” being placed in the box for election day. Much to the surprise of the officials opening the drop box, however, was the discovery of 10 ballots already inserted into the drop box.

This footage was shot by a local concerned resident and was witnessed by a deputy sheriff (not shown). It is one of three drop boxes in Centre Co, PA thus far that have been discovered as having “pre-loaded” ballots inside when being officially opened. Our source claims that two other drop boxes were opened last week as well and eight ballots were discovered, bringing the total thus far in just one county to 18 ballots. The source also claims that authorities are investigating this.


Fits with the 240,000 unauthorized ballots that were distributed in Penn. All these drop boxes need full exposure. Surprised GWP did not link their story here with their other stories below. Do they think it’s a separate scheme? Lord knows that these deceiving jerks utilize multiple schemes, not depending on just any one.


BREAKING: Pennsylvania Democrat Officials Mailed Out 240,000 Ballots to Unverified Voters! …UPDATE: Now at 255,000 Unverified Voters!

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Hoping it happens! And hurry before something occurs to prevent it!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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GWP: BREAKING: “200 Mules” Investigators Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht Threatened with Jail Monday If They Do Not Identify Confidential Informant

…[Gregg] Phillips and [True the Vote’s Catherine] Engelbrecht alleged they were cooperating with the FBI in Michigan about data being sent overseas by this company [Konnech]. The investigation quickly started to turn on them after the FBI started to distance itself from the investigation.

Engelbrecht and Phillips

were hauled into court earlier this month by lawyers representing Konnech who are suing Catherine and Gregg for defamation. 

In what was a strange twist, the court case started just days after the CEO of Konnech was arrested on October 4th.

U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt demanded the conservative nonprofit group disclose their sources of the information central to the case, about sensitive poll worker data managed by Konnech Inc.

After Konnech sued True the Vote last month for defamation, Hoyt ordered True the Vote to turn over any Konnech data the organization still had and disclose the name of the individual who’d helped them obtain it.

Gregg and Catherine have refused to “burn” their source for the Konnech reporting.

Tonight Gregg Phillips posted on Truth Social that they have until Monday to deliver the name of their source for the Konnech reporting or face jail.


There’s a long history of jurno’s not having to turn over their sources. While there is also some sliver history of this being abused (Scooter Libby comes to mind.). Result of the sliver history is normally more exposure. It seems they should perhaps ride this out for a while at least until their source can get some guarantees of safety. Handing the information over cold might jeopardize their safety, especially if this is being done under the cover of something like National Security Letters..


Is there an issue with the definition of “journalist”? I think it would be argued that G&C are not journalists in the traditional sense of the term, but I don’t know if that is a factor here.


True, However they are certainly fulfilling the roll of journalists as well as investigators, which normally go hand in hand with journalists but yes, doubt they are credentialed. Seems all the credentialed ones sit on their assess and count their thankyou’s for staying silent. Anyway it might take some work to be seen as filling a proper roll vacated by by the so called profession, but if there’s an honest court in the hierarchy of courts they’ll likely see that.

Meanwhile this is private company demanding this from the judge. This seems out of the norm also and wonder what the precedents are even though I’m sure there are some and they likely fly both ways.


“…they have until Monday…

Potentially locking up Gregg and Catherine up, seven days before election day.

Betcha, D-Rats AND the Swamp working this one, against Gregg and Catherine.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. How times have changed from the “Pentagon Papers” days…..

And the crooked judges that are attempting to force revealing of sources are the ones who protested in their youth for PROTECTION of said sources…


Wisconsin judge refuses to allow mail-in ballots with partial addresses to be counted in win for GOP

A Wisconsin judge has rejected a request from the state’s League of Women Voters to allow election officials to count absentee ballots with incomplete witness addresses. 

Dane County Circuit Judge Nia Trammell on Wednesday said the group’s request for a temporary injunction “would upend the status quo and not preserve it” and “frustrate the electoral process by causing confusion” less than two weeks before Election Day, CBS News reported.

It’s interesting that counting ballots according to law is a win for only the GOP.
I’m hoping people will be in place to make sure those ballots don’t get counted.


How low can they go…


right ?!
Deputy (formerly at least ) Ahmed says he’s been on the job 7 yrs…..wonder how many weapons he’s supplied to thugs over the years ?
Nothing like having a ready supply of guns that he didn’t have to do anything but take them home and then makes thousands on the side.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahmed… good all-American name…

Sleeper cell, perhaps?

Cuppa Covfefe

Time to make cheese steak out of him, and boil him in cheeze whiz…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Oh hell. Another thing that is going to kill me.   :wpds_whew: 

Serious question. “Dry shampoo”. They are liquid, albeit concentrated of sorts. I guess.

Is there a Readers Digest description of, dry shampoo?   :wpds_idea: 


IIRC, it’s a powder that absorbs oil and sweat off your hair, and then you can brush/comb it out. Campers and other outdoor types sometimes use it.


Also patients in hospitals.


Everyday, I learn stuff here. Nothing about that smacks of, cleanliness. IMO. Yes, oil and sweat also isn’t clean.


It can come as a spray on powder, I assume the propellant has benzene in it.


Thank you.


This household completed in-person voting today.

  • Did our part to hire Laxalt and Lombardo (spit).
  • Fire Cortez-Masto and Sisolak.

Tore up the mail in ballots we never requested. Turned them in.

Voting place made me take off my Trump hat. Tuck it under my arm. The fact that Trump is not on the ballot didn’t matter. “Political” did. Stoopid IMO. If Trump were on the ballot, I’d understand.

Folks staffing the voting station geezers, polite, proficient…

I asked if Lyon County still used Dominion machines. Yes. (I new that) The gal assured me they are not connected to the Internet and my concerns are shared by everyone staffing the voting site. Conservative County. I actually believe her.

They were doing brisk business, while I was there.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The swing is in the 98-100 mph range. He’s carrying it 250 plus a 30-yard roll.
President Trump is 76 years old.


Tulsi’s Laxalt endorsement.

~55 seconds.



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

YouTube Will Now Certify Medical Experts In Bid To Crack Down On Misinformation | The Daily Caller

Certain medical professionals and health information providers will be eligible to apply for specific YouTube Health features, Graham wrote, adding that users of the platform would be able to identify “authoritative sources” to more easily evaluate information on topics surrounding health.

Those applying for the certification must provide their medical license, follow “best practices” criteria for health information sharing set by the Council of Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS), the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and have an account in good standing with YouTube while meeting other criteria.


TW is equally, NOT qualified to speak authoritatively as CDC, FDA, NIH, FB, TW Ghoul Gates…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

THE WHO?!???!?!????????? Get CHYNA out of our business!!!🤬🤬🤬

And no to Dr. McCullough??? And Malone, Risch, and all our other experts???🐮💩


More filtering of information. At this point, people should have so little trust in the 3- and 4-letter medical agencies that they don’t take anything they say at face value.


Dingbats, quack and CNN talking head, blaming masks, for children getting RSV.

Wonder if the children getting RSV have been vaccinated?

RSV contagious?

Certainly masks were not helpful, unhealthy in many ways.

  • Nearly everyone stopped the mask BS many months ago.


There is no vaccine for RSV. Age range to get it averages from 1-5, and older depending on severe immunodeficiency.
Kiddo had it when he was 3. Fairly certain he caught it at a pumpkin patch from some coughing dirty kids.
He was already getting sick a lot from his tonsils.
There is a rapid test to diagnose rsv so you can treat quickly.
It is NOT a joke. Kiddo was taken to ER and emergency respiratory and peds started treating him. He was a heartbeat away from a lifeflight to Rady’s. I cant remember the med they used but it was extremely strong, some type of adrenaline related med and youre only supposed to get 1 dose. They gave him a 2nd and it worked to open his alveoli and relax his lungs, etc.
After that he started on albuterol and treatments at home, then seeing a regular allergy dr. Tonsils and adenoids removed w major infection in both. His primary care dr fell short on the care bc he was borderline failure to thrive. Eventually diagnosed w childhood asthma, still getting routine care.

The deal is masking in this instance w rsv can kill the kid. They are too little and this literally is cutting off the O2 they are getting.
RSV is also very common this time of year.
Rsv went around pretty bad last year dt isolation. This year its the leftover isolation and more so the constant maski g leaving people weaker, imo.

Last edited 2 years ago by gil00

Got it. Glad kiddo came through OK. So masks make things worse.


Wonder if Covidiot Injections worsen anything? (Not really asking)


And the morons – FauXi, Scarf Bitch, Walensky, CDC, FDA, NIH, state / county health officials, quacks everywhere had no clue masks were dangerous. Yet they championed masks.

IMO, the “system” is running for cover…having championed faux health care since Covidiocy arrived.


Rsv is a super contagious virus and since its really the little ones spreading it and they weret getting THE shot i dunno.
Maybe just grasping at straws for anything to make people sceered and submissive….b4 the election.


God complex throughout all of healthcare and sciences exponentially.


Great info! I’m amazed that I, at least, did not hear RSV mentioned once during the COVID saga.


I did last fall. Went to kiddos allergist today and was told yeah its going around.




“The three top Twitter executives were hastily shuttled from the building, the people said,” according to the Washington Post.

Last edited 2 years ago by phoenixrising

And if those guys didn’t expect it, they were not thinking straight.


Vijaya Gadde is a woman, BTW.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hope they got “lead parachute” severance packages…

Complete with matching concrete shoes…..


I think not. B of A, saudi arabia and others financially involved. Andvwhile these 3 are a start, there are 1000s who will cause problems.


It’s a good start.


Yes. Helps tamp down everyone beneath initially.


Hopefully Elon will do some massive wholesale firing…as in departments. Some sweeping edicts allowing Free Speech. CANCEL the notion of misinformation, disinformation and whatever the third line of shit HLS uses.


If that came from their now fired legal, im sure he will lean that way. Let them have a coffee bar, but no catering cafeteria, wine bar, yoga rooms, etc. None of those things are needed.


Like we haven’t been dealing with horrific problems! At least with freedom of speech we can fight the lies that Twitter spews presently.


Ah yup. Hoping he doesnt try to just be popular but really make it private n profitable.


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Once I get out of here, I’ll need about a thousand copies of that.

Cuppa Covfefe

And you can sing this while you’re going 😀


World’s largest volcano (in hawaii) may blow… 🤔 hrmmm… started growing restless about a month ago. Not imminent but they are watching and warning. Last eruption 38 years ago. Mauna Loa has erupted 33 times since 1843. 1950 eruption lasted for 23 days.

The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, which is part of the U.S. Geological Survey, said Mauna Loa has been in a state of “heightened unrest” since the middle of last month when the number of summit earthquakes jumped from 10 to 20 per day to 40 to 50 per day.


I remember vids of lava rivers flowing down to the sea no more than 5-7 years ago. So does that mean these volcanoes are separate and distinct?


I thought that one was more recent, could be wrong but yes, that one was on a different island, or was one of the smaller volcanos. This one is the largest and on the biggest island.

The timing on that one you described seemed beneficial for the left, as did the most recent one off the coast of Spain. Maybe Democrats are tempting the volcano gods with virgin sacrifice.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

You are asking a very good question, which deserves a better answer than I’m about to give you.

Despite having interconnected magma reservoirs, geologists consider Mauna Loa and Kilauea to be separate volcanoes — two of the five (the others are Kohala [extinct], Mauna Kea [dormant], and Hualalai [dormant]) that comprise the Big Island of Hawaii. Kilauea is the youngest, and Mauna Loa the second youngest.


Here’s a bit of further information —


Cooth provides good info and a link.

Have posted this stuff a few years back. Great memories. Bucket List kind place, experience.

Going back to 2001-2004 when I lived in Hawaii. Kilauea, on the Big Island, Hawaii. Lots of eruptions. The ones I saw were more of a continuous river of lava flowing out of the earth. Steady flow into the ocean.

Literally walked where the lava had recently flowed. There were ornage cones keeping folks away from the red hot areas. Well most of them.

Saw glowing red, fed it an empty water bottle. Bottle quickly burned. 🙂 Tennis shoe bottoms were uncomfortably hot. Rather than accept a posthumous, Darwin Award, we got out of there.

Returned at night. Unseen during the day, the mountain had dozens of red hot lava flows running down the mountain. Incredibly cool.

Can’t speak to anything going on these days.

Cuppa Covfefe

Well, there go their CO² measurements 🙂

What are the Climastrologists going to do now?????

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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DIMs sure wear some ugly ties!




Armed with a bullwhip and a chainsaw.

A new verb is being created: to musk. It means to be ruthlessly committed to free speech while terminating useless employees.

Used in a sentence: I’ve been musked.

Meaning: I have 15 minutes to vacate the premises, with or without my shit.


Wahoo! Post of the day!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

China writes to Republican and attacks his ‘arrogant’ legislation that would have sanctioned Xi | Daily Mail Online

China writes to Sen. Josh Hawley and attacks his ‘arrogant’ legislation that would have personally sanctioned Xi Jinping

  • Sen. Josh Hawley unveiled legislation targeting Xi Jinping last week
  • It proposes sanctions for the Chinese leader over the treatment of Uyghurs
  • The Chinese embassy responded with a furious 800-word email 
  • It accused him of smearing China and demanded it be withdrawn 
  • ‘Senator Hawley’s action … is arrogant and despicable,’ it said
  • He hit back with a cheeky tweet: ‘Somebody’s sensitive’ 

I wonder how many Uyghur organs the current ruling group is using….


Wow. 800 words to tell him that he’s a big meanie.


Appears as if Katie Hobbes has pulled out all the stops. Except for the debate one, she must be worse than Fetterman. 😮



She said bullshit!

Be still, my heart!


I ❤ her.


Kari is awesome, in every way.


The guy is from angola, on a dtudent visa, has mental health problems, does a b n e, and why is he not deported?


Fox10 in Phoenix—Kari Lake’s former station—just displayed a graphic showing Katie Hobbs won the Arizona governor’s race 12 DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION

Watch the bottom left corner of the screen at about 13 seconds in.

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If they’re going to do these things like this as a test, why don’t they make the race even, or have the numbers at zero?

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

What the hell?!


It’s how they plant the seed that Kari’s a loser.


I’m noticing that tweets are not posting now. I wonder why, and if that will continue.


Excellent article by Pepe Escobar that explains BRICS+, SCO, Opec+, Turkish Stream and many more things explicitly,and giving answers to many questions
