Joining The Herd Of Lemmings
I’ve had cause to consider a few things. Maybe we’re going about it the wrong way, and we need to ditch Trump
Yeah, NO
Trump all the way! Why? Because being hated by the people who hate him is a sign of impeccable character, that’s why.
The haters can go fuck themselves with rusty twelve gauge bore brushes. I’d prefer ten gauge but that’s kind of scarce, so…I’m willing to compromise.
The Election
There is quite a difference of opinion on whether this last election was a disaster or not. (There is much less disagreement on whether it would have been a disaster if only there were no fraud, although some have raised the point that there truly are huge swathes of people in this country with no damned sense, who would still make up a large voting block even if honestly counted.)
So, Steve, disaster, or not a disaster?
My answer: Yes.
YES, it is bad that we’re not going to be able to do much to stop the Bidenazi steamroller, at least not via Congress.
But also:
YES, it is good that we now know what we need to do.
And I mean a little more specifically than “win.” Of course we need to win, dumbass! But how do we win?
Well, we clean up the elections. We sort of knew that, but now we have information on how big a difference it makes, thanks to Florida, and Ohio. It makes a LOT of difference, which means it’s worth the effort.
It does NOT mean it will be easy. Or that the effort to make elections honest will ever end…because even once we succeed, we must be ever vigilant to ensure they stay that way. This is something that will never end though it does get a bit less intractable with each small victory.
Now, I’ll be honest and tell you I have no idea how we’re going to fix Colorado. Much less California. Congress is allowed to override the states on election rules for congresscritters, but as far as I know, they can do nothing about electing the state officials that do the cheating and of course built in cheating to ensure they will remain in office and be able to continue to cheat.
But there IS a goal that takes us closer to where we want to be. If only it isn’t too late.
[Hopefully both entertaining and informative. Regional insults meant in good fun.
Well, mostly. :D]
One of our favorite congresswomen, Lauren Boebert, is in a bit of a tight spot right now. She’ll probably pull through…if only the recount that looks unavoidable is tolerably honest.
There has been a lot of misguided speculation about “Boulder” messing things up for her; I want to reassure you that “Boulder” can’t do anything about this. But the state government can, and guess where our (freshly re-elected) governor came from?
Colorado is a peculiar state for a number of reasons. Someone once came up with a mathematical algorithm to draw congressional district boundaries; you could go to his site and view maps of what his algorithm would have done. It does nothing but draw polygons such that every polygon has the same number of people in it; it doesn’t balance for political registration or racial composition or anything like that. It’s evenhanded though because the rules don’t change just because some asshole on some committee somewhere was able to be intransigent until other people gave him what he wanted.
The algorithm did some really freaky stuff in Colorado, and that’s because pretty much all of the population of the state is concentrated along a line. The algorithm starts by drawing a north-south line through the state, situated so it divides the population in half (if there are an even number of seats) and that line has to go right down the center of the line where all the people live. You end up with a district map that looks like a shattered pane of glass, pie wedges out to the edges of the state.
Anyhow, why? Why do people clump up like this in Colorado?
Time for some geography. Yes, I’m going to throw up a map. But not just an outline of the state (any kid can draw a rectangle).

The first thing you’ll notice is a shitload of mountains. The second thing you will notice is a shitload of flat land. Unless you are Arabic or Hebrew, in which case you read from right to left and you’ll pick up on things in the other order.
The transition from prairie–albeit rolling prairie, it’s not flat like Louisiana or Illinois between Chicago and St. Louis–and mountains is quite abrupt. (And these are serious mountains…you guys east of the Mississippi–hell, east of the Kansas state line–just shut up. Your “mountains” are stupid.)
The flat land may be a bit of a surprise to some; Colorado is famous for mountains, not prairie. Well, that’s because a lot of places do “flat,” and as I alluded, many of them do it far better than Colorado. Few places do mountains better than Colorado. We have far more “Fourteeners” (peaks higher than 14,000 feet) than any other state in the “lower 48” for for that matter all of the rest of them put together, even if those assholes in California had to scare up one damn mountain just to beat us.
Not a single fourteener…or thirteener…or twelver…or elevener…or tenner…or niner…or eighter…or sevener is to be found east of the Mississippi. Your tallest “mountain” barely reaches the bottom of my well…and I live in the prairie part of the state. (Like I said, your “mountains” are stupid.)
Many is the tourist, driving to Colorado from the east, who crosses the state line and says “so where are the mountains?” And they drive. And drive. Finally about 90 miles in, they start to see them…and they say, “oh. OH!”
Anyhow, if you live in Colorado, you eventually form a mental map of the state. There’s “the plains” (the eastern 2/5ths of the state). There’s “the mountains” (again obvious–sort of; it usually pertains to the highest bunches, in the southwest and north-central and central parts, where most of the fourteeners are). There’s “the San Luis Valley” which is the large flat area just to the left of center in the south. That IS flat as a plate, surrounded by mountains, about 7700 feet in elevation (well above the stupid eastern “mountains”), and tends to trap cold air during the winter.
But then you hear somewhat more obscure terms, like “Front Range” and “Western Slope.” What? OK, Western Slope is basically the western part of the state, west of the tall mountains where the Continental Divide is; so in general the land slopes downward to the west. The “Front Range” is the very easternmost line of mountains. That’s logical, European settlers came in from the east and that range is “in front of” all the ones beyond it.
But “The Front Range” doesn’t just apply to that particular mountain range, it applies to the line of cities along the Front Range. And that’s why our cities are in a line, they follow the Front Range and are themselves called “the Front Range” as well. The East is empty. In the northeast there’s dryland farming, and on the Arkansas river running east from Pueblo there’s also farming–Rocky Ford is famous for its melons. But population density is low. And that’s true up in the mountains. So basically everyone piles up along the Front Range.
There are some fairly sizeable cities elsewhere…most notably Grand Junction. If you look at the western edge of the map, halfway down you see a river in a flat-bottomed valley. Follow that river to the left/east a bit and it forks. That’s the “Grand Junction” the city is named after. Also, that county (which sort of looks like Idaho, rotated 90 degrees clockwise) is Mesa county, from which Tina Peters hails.
OK, time for another map. This one labels the counties. Because I’m going to have to name names.

You’ll notice that in general small counties are in the mountains, larger ones in flatter areas. And those mountain counties can have very low populations, sometimes less than a thousand people. Why so darn small? Because the original idea was to make sure that no matter where you lived, your county seat was less than a day’s horse ride away. A horse can cover less distance in the mountains. (So we tend to have small counties with even smaller populations.)
El Paso county…that’s the yellow one to the right of dead center…contains Pikes Peak (in that little knob on the western border). It contains Colorado Springs, at the foot of Pikes Peak, and it runs far enough east to contain a lot of that prairie. It is in a neck-and neck race with the City and County of Denver (that rather convoluted green blob a ways to the north of El Paso county–incidentally the north-eastern arm of it is Denver International Airport) for most populous county in the state. It will eventually win, because Denver just doesn’t have space to put lots of people.
El Paso County is pretty darned red, although a blue cancerous tumor has developed in downtown Colorado Springs.
Now for a rundown of the Front Range: Scroll down for a map that shows cities.
South of El Paso county is Pueblo County, old-style Democrat/union territory. Running north from Colorado Springs, you get to Douglas county and the booming town of Castle Rock, which will eventually merge with the Denver metro area. Denver Metro consists of most of Jefferson county, and the western parts of Adams and Arapahoe county, as well as Broomfield and Boulder. When I went to university in Boulder (oh, the Left hated my guts) there was a lot of open land on the highway between Denver and Boulder, and Broomfield was an exit you couldn’t see anything built on–it’s now filled in the whole way. So Boulder tends to think of itself as not part of Denver, but it has been absorbed. Larimer county, the eastern part, is where Fort Collins is located, and that rounds out the Front Range.
Our Congressional Districts
When I was in college, Colorado had five congressional districts. #1 was central Denver Metro. #2 was centered on Boulder but included large parts of Jeffco (as we call Jefferson County), #3 included Pueblo and most of the west, #4 included Fort Collins and most of the east…and #5 was centered on Colorado Springs.
This is largely still true today! Fort Collins has slipped into district 2 now, but other than that, those five districts are pretty much describable the same way now. But we have another three districts and they all ended up in Denver metro, possibly running out into the country. 1 is now pretty much just Denver itself, 6 is suburbs, 8 is suburbs plus the smaller cities running up towards Greeley (a fair amount of agriculture there), and 7 includes the southwest suburbs, but that wasn’t quite enough to make up an eighth of the population of the state so it gobbled up huge parts of the mountains including South Park (yes, that South Park, there really is such a place) to make up the tiny difference. Likewise with 2.

Boebert’s district 3 is, therefore, the “West Plus Pueblo” district. It’s vast; it’s one of the geographically largest congressional districts in the country. And (note), Boulder is nowhere near that district (it is just northwest of Denver, barely inside 2). And District 5, which has been tied to Colorado Springs since it was created, now no longer even covers all of El Paso county.
In fact, district 3 is farther away from Boulder than any other Colorado congressional district. And, alas, I do not live in it.
In closing a bit more fun at lowlanders’ expense.
(Come on, I have Jared Polis for a Governor and Jenna Griswold for a Secretary of State, and our elections are stupid; I gotta take it out on somebody. Why not a bunch of lowland swamp dwellers?*)
(I live for the day some crusty old guy (or gal) in Vermont calls me a “Flatlander,” which apparently is how they insult people from out of state who didn’t elect Bernie Sanders their senator–the insults should run the other way, methinks. Oh, and by the way their “mountains” are stupid.)
*I said lowland swamp dwellers. Not The Swamp that needs draining and gets capitalized.
Going back to physical geography…here’s that map again.

I’ve already mentioned the Colorado River which exits the state on the middle of the western side. That river goes through the Grand Canyon, then down the Arizona-Nevada and Arizona-California border, and then into the Gulf of Cortez (or California).
Running out the northeast corner is the Platte river, which runs along the length of Nebraska; it’s basically the river in Nebraska. It joins the Missouri river, which goes through Kansas City and St. Louis.
The middle of the south, down through the San Luis Valley? That’s the Rio Grande; yes, that Rio Grande, which separates Texas from Mexico, at least when our government will let it.
Out the east, three quarters of the way down, is the Arkansas River, which eventually runs through Tulsa, and Arkansas, and into the Mississippi.
It does seem like most of the Western US is downstream from me. Which should underscore the importance of not pissing me off. Because that runs downhill.
The RINO’s Dilemma
The RINOs who who have burrowed in and taken over most GOP organizations, from the state down to local organizations, have quite a dilemma on their hands, and most of them have their heads too far up their asses to realize it.
OK, I’m not talking about the liberal in a Republican area, who knows they’re in the wrong party, but is there because it’s the only game in their town; they hope to capture a nomination someday, at which point they’re guaranteed to be elected…otherwise, they never will be. These people are a hazard in any heavily conservative area.
No, I’m talking about the guys who are a little bit conservative and want to do some good by going into politics, and they’re in a closely matched area, closely enough that they can join the party they are most aligned with and still have a chance. They think the Democrats…particularly the ones who end up running for office…are nuts.
They don’t think much better of the Deplorable types, either. A bunch of bumpkins whose hearts are in the right place, mostly…OK a bit extreme. But they think Deplorables can’t understand that first you have to get elected, then work within the system to change things…a slow process. They genuinely want many of the things Deplorables want…just not as much. The government is spending too much. Or they need to spend money on highways instead of welfare for illegal immigrants. But they want to work within the system to get these things done.
Or maybe they think things are pretty close to ideal right now, and they want to nail it in place.
The problem is, that means they don’t stand for anything in particular. And it shows. They’re about as unappetizing to the electorate as a puddle of dog vomit. The folks in the middle, who they think they are appealing to because they themselves are not extreme, would honestly prefer a clear-spoken radical to someone who qualifies everything they say to the point where they sound like they don’t believe anything at all.
The problem these “Mild RINOs” have, is they just can’t see that. And the reason they just can’t see that, is their entire sense of self-worth is tied up in not seeing that. In their minds, they’ve worked tirelessly for their party, to keep those crazy Democrats out…only to have to constantly fight with a small number of crazy Republicans–who are only liabilities if they end up as candidates. They’ve fought the good fight, and if they can just find the right candidate, someone with some charisma, they might stop the crazies…without being too beholden to the OTHER crazies. In the meantime it’s not working. What’s a responsible guy in politics to do?
They simply cannot understand that the Republicans can’t succeed as the party of nothing in particular. Not really in the past, and certainly not today when people are starting to realize that no matter what they do in the voting booth, the country is still about to fly off a precipice. If they did see it, they’d suddenly have two choices: Go away and let the GOP succeed, or stay and fight. But “go away” isn’t really an option, because what’s the point of having a party now owned by the crazies, win?
Well, they have a dilemma…and WE, therefore have a problem. And we would have that problem even IF they realized that they had a problem…that they were the problem.
No one ever thinks they are the bad guy. Even Epstein probably thought he was the good guy. Right up to the moment where he didn’t kill himself.
So if you ever wonder why these unappetizing dufuses cling on even when their fingernails are being left behind…that’s why. They don’t understand no one wants them, and can’t imagine that no one should want them. And oftentimes their greatest pride is in all the hard work they’ve done for the party. They’re not going to give that up; it’d be psychological suicide.
If you’ve worked with these people, there’s a good chance you like them and consider some of them your friends. But even if so…we’re going to have to give them a good, hard shove. Because America is more important than those milquetoasts’ egos.
Justice Must Be Done
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot (i.e., paper) Prices
Last week:
Gold $1,682.60
Silver $20.98
Platinum $974.00
Palladium $1,950.00
Rhodium $14,300.00
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $1,772.30
Silver $21.80
Platinum $1037.00
Palladium $2,132.00
Rhodium $14,450.00
Two words: Holy Shit!!!! Gold up almost 90 bucks! Most of this is since the election.
Fuck Joe B*d*n
Due to complaints about foul language, I’ve censored the most objectionable word in the title of this section.
B*d*n, you don’t even get ONE scoop of ice cream today.
(Please post this somewhere permanent, as it will continue to be true; the SOB will never deserve a scoop.)
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Biden does deserve a scoop – a cat litter box scoop.
Well used, when the poop is fresh.
I can’t believe the gaslighting. About this being a disaster for trump, maga, etc. also about desantis and trump squabbling and trump dissing Candice.
methinks the desperation smells of mortality.
I listen to Bannon and “he sad the regime wants to demoralize us.”
For everyone take care of yourself not to let the gaslighting get to you.
I am taking a mini vacation be back Sunday. It is astounding how good it is being surrounded by positive strong people it is contagious. I made some friends from Idaho farmers. They are battle harden.
I am chilling out it refreshes the soul to fight for another time
…regime wants to demoralize us…
Them assholes couldn’t be more obvious. 24/7 Uniparty AND Pravda News are trashing Trump and MAGA types. Usually with the same buzz words. Fuck them assholes, with a rusty twelve gauge bore brush.
Looking forward to 9PM EST, Tuesday.
The uniparty wants us to fight among each other. Not falling for it . We need to have a spine of steel.,

I cannot wait either . We are winning
Rough end of a pineapple
if shit gets real you have a supply of potatoes
Not potatoes but pigs and corn.
…trump dissing Candice…
^^^ Missed it. I did see Candace posted Kari in 24.
Kari will win . They are slow walking the results so they can say MAGA lost.
MeThinks, Kari has already won. BUT, it is the vote counters that matter.
Any more i am thinking Kari will not have the “counted” votes when the dust settles.
Same for Laxalt and Marchant in NV.
The steal is being manufactured, behind the scenes. As the vote count is drawn out, for no reason, other than to steal the election.
Yup. Exactly. These people are monsters.
What about demonic?
I think you are right. They got away in 2020 and no one was held responsible.
All to make Trump look bad
Kari needs to win and honest ballots need to be counted
Yea. I am very confidant Kari has the votes AND the “count” is being watched as best Kari, Gregg, Catherine and the like can.
Hopefully it’ll be enough to save Kari’s win/
Thank you.
A tigers litter box
….or a bearded dragon’s….
Saw a Youngster at our place the other day. It didn’t know what was worst- us or the gsd
Young wild bearded dragon. Gsd = German shepherd dog aka Kain
I imagine the wild ones aren’t quite so–placid as the ones we have here as pets. (Most here are the inland species, Pogona vitticeps.)
We were on one side and Kain the other. It kept looking to try and work out who was the greater threat.
found a hatchling once – only about an inch and half long. Put it in with our water dragon. Along with a whole lot of crickets. Didn’t think there was any danger. In the morning I had no baby beardy and a very fat smug looking Otto.
Oops indeed. And the crickets weren’t eaten and started escaping and making noise all over the house. So double bad
Yeah we’ve had a loose cricket or two in the house over the years…practically impossible to find or catch, which makes no sense, because they can really make A Lot of noise for such a small creature.
A stunning indictment of McCarthy and McConnell and their machine, by Trump’s losing Ohio endorsement, J.R. Majewski, who was very popular at Trump rallies.
The corporate media is working overtime to hide the Republican establishment’s failures in the 2022 midterm elections –perpetuating a myth that Donald J. Trump dragged his endorsed candidates down. This is a complete lie, told in order to embolden GOP leaders in Washington D.C., and ignores the fact that in so many instances, this same “McLeadership” set MAGA candidates up for failure.
In my situation, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) – led by Chairman Tom Emmer – backed one of my opponents in the primary. She finished in third place, with less than 30 percent of the total Republican vote. Now Tom Emmer wants a promotion.
During my primary, the local, establishment GOP shunned me. In fact, the Erie County GOP apparatus even went so far as to write a letter to the local liberal media giving them their endorsement, violating their own charter. Right before the primary, establishment operatives from the Lucas County Young Republican Club posted false images on Twitter claiming I sent messages calling Trump an idiot in an effort to sway him from endorsing me. It worked, in part, thwarting an early endorsement. But Trump still graciously gave me a shout out at the rally in Gallion, Ohio, boosting my standing, which led to my primary win.
Right after that, Trump gave me his full endorsement and made a contribution to my campaign. We also had several telephone calls, wherein he offered me his complete support. The NRCC, on the other hand, offered nothing but passive support, dragging their feet behind the scenes. They delayed implementing me into their Young Guns program, which cost our campaign a significant amount of donor exposure.
This needs to go viral, and I believe it will.
The more we can publicize about backstabbing RINOs the better.
I’m dumping it all over Twitter tonight. Kari Lake got a copy, right as it got “served” on NRO which was trying to blame Trump and whitewash Mitch.
Rot in hell bastards. Not one dime. Not one single blood-stained dime.
Ppl need to run and have NRCC and GOPe O’Keefe these PACs hard.
Majewski is a hero for doing this. May he prosper.
Live long and prosper
Interesting read about the regions of CO and the psychology of the deluded milquetoasts who are stalling everything and consider us extreme. I’m at the point where it’s full steam ahead, and if they don’t understand, that’s unfortunate. I think they get so caught up in the process of government and the trappings of holding office, the “hallowed halls” and “working together,” that they lose sight of the consequences of their action and inaction. It should be America and Constitutional principles first, not reaching across the aisle.
And this doesn’t take into account those who have nefarious goals and who collude with foreign governments, take bribes, are blackmailed, do insider trading, etc. It’s a wonder we still have a republic.
Don’t take the reaper!!!
EXCLUSIVE: More Documented Cases of COVID Vaccine Injuries in Canadian Military Than COVID Hospitalizations
Military notes decrease in hospitalization following vaccination, while lawyer concerned that vaccine injuries outnumber COVID-19 hospitalizations
By Noé Chartier November 11, 2022 Updated: November 11, 2022
There is a standard form for vaccine induced coagulopathy investigations.
just saying
In case you didn’t have time to read it. Story sites
Gregg Phillips:
Not that I want to rain on anyone’s party. But a reminder that based on the affidavit transmission party data we still have some very, very friendly batches coming for R slate in Maricopa. Almost certainly not friendly enough for Masters.
Lake and Hamadeh are very much in this.
Sort of more concerned with Finchem and Masters. Any news on either would be appreciated.
Kari is not going to let the leftists change the narrative.
We should not lose sight of how important it is to have a quality GOP governor in a swing state, especially Kari. If they cheat Masters out of it, that’s bad. But that is also ammo for Kari to totally destroy the commie government apparatus that enabled it in the state. Her appointments will be at work with existing MAGA patriots in her first day in office.
That’s why think Katie Hobbs will risk prison to throw the election to herself.
Scott Pressler is recruiting door knockers for Herschel Walker’s runoff election.
Scott is a good guy, and nothing will change my mind about that.
Benny Johnson:
To be clear, I believe he means “beware” in a political sense.
Yes! It’s nasty out there tonight. Twitter is just furious with the McTraitors.
For their behavior or getting caught at it?
Probably both. I think the Arizona loss and the Murkowski save are infuriating the most people.
Paint him purple, and that’s me!
So many cute purple frogs here. Take Your pick!
Whoops, I meant to include the link to the yandex image search for “purple frog” as there were so many interesting pics I couldn’t decide which ones to share. Oh well, it’s worth a look–& if I could still access Pinterest, I’m banned there too, I’d probably save some of those beautiful images to a couple collections.
Add this shithead to the list of conservative backstabbers.
She’s having her annual menoperiod. In six months she’ll be sane and astute again.
I disagree. It’s a six month long *semi*annual menoperiod.
Either way – in six months she’ll be sane, and in six more months she’ll be a psychotic NeverTrump again!!!
No, I disagree. She has six month periods…starting every six months.
LOL mansplainin’ OTR ideosyncrazies
I have thoughts about her. Call me crazy, but I think she’s not.
Ann is a bomb-thrower. It’s literally ALL she does. She knows we’re pissed, and she knows that it’s coming down to it with Trump declaring (or not?) for 2024.
What does a comment like this actually do? Well, for starters, it makes Trump supporters MORE supportive. Ann Coulter KNOWS WE HATE HER. She knows the effect this has.
Those are my thoughts. Maybe I’m nuts.
Another benefit of not watching Faux News, NOT listening to Coulter, on unwatchable Hannity.
Coulter has been on my shit list, for many years.
I don’t like her, either. Nothing but a bomb-thrower, which turns me off.
She desperately needs attention and relevance, like Beck. That being said, I always thought the Kushners in the WH was bad optics, Very bad.
Professional Provocateur.
You bet.
Interesting thoughts.
I look at it like this, too.
We just had an election, we won quite a few. But Trump is announcing (?) tomorrow, and HE is who everyone is talking about. Again.
That tweet is not going to age well. Even less well than she has.
She’s been saying this kind of thing for years, but maybe not quite that vehemently. This is no surprise.
Which is funny, because one of the gloat videos from 2016 had a bit where she was asked which Republican could win, and she said, “Of the declared ones? Donald Trump” and then had to endure peals of laughter from the studio audience.
Yes, I’ve watched that many times. Too bad she went to the dark side. I read that she met with Trump once early in his presidency and he didn’t agree to what she wanted, but I don’t know details or how true that is.
Oh that made me laugh!
You’ve set a low Barr there
u 1st
I added her to the list of backstabbers several years ago. She has been dogging Trump for a long time.
She’s always been a treacherous skank
LOL! Love that description.
That skank word got me permanently shitcanned from the bird.
Seriously. I could have used skunt (skank/ cunt combo)
This one has always lived in bizarro world. Certified, self serving lunatic.
Guessing Coulter needs an infusion of cash.
Guessing, another Coulter book to be released soon.
She has always been suspect.
I find it very amusing that Colorado has a county named “Conejos”.
In California, we have a “Conejo Grade” — and, of course, in New York City, they have Coney Island.
A “conejo” in Spanish is a “bunny” in English. Thus, the Colorado County is “Bunnies County’, there’s a “Bunny Slope” in California, and there’s a “Bunny Island” in NYC (“coney” is a valid English word).
It is a very, very poor county. Almost went bankrupt a few decades ago.
Probably because the major economic product of bunnies is…..more bunnies.
Boebert Colorado Race Rests With ‘Cured’ Ballots |
Not in her district. I wish I were.
A coney, or European rabbit.
A lot of people wonder whether rabbits and hares are rodents. Technically, they are not, being lagomorphs [ ] instead, along with pikas. One simple indicator is that lagomorphs have four incisors in the upper jaw while rodents have only two.
Among the many peculiarities of hanging out with me IRL, I have a tendency to indicate bunny-watching opportunities by saying, “look, ‘morphs!”
By contrast, porcupines and beavers are actually rodents, though many don’t think of them that way.
Michael saw the biggest porkie of his life this year hunting. It was on a trail he was walking & wouldn’t yield the roadway At All. He thinks that thing weighed at least 30 pounds & had the (reconfigured) mass of our half husky dog.
So, he had an encounter with a Rodent Of Unusual Size? Were there any sinkholes or fire jets nearby?
LOL well depends on how one looks at things
Nothing a flame thrower wouldn’t fix.
I mean, if you like barbecued porcupine that is… I wouldn’t want it to go to waste.
We’ve heard they’re good eating but so far we’ve never gone That exotic. Our dog’s had a piece of porkie before & can’t say she liked it
those quills are supposedly nasty!
They were a Huge Pain for our dog. It took 3 or 4 guys to wrestle her at the hunting shack to remove them using plyers. One remained in her mouth we didn’t know about & she was subdued for days & we finally got it out (it was softened). My dad said that they can actually migrate into the brain & kill the animal that tussles w/ a porkie–yikes!
The pointy bits?
LOL not around here
So… not dinner?
What you do after I point ’em out is up to you.
Samwise Gamgee & “a brace of coneys”
Musk vs. bots is gonna get lit!
They must have my email address blocked. NONE of my comms get through. Even PW reset won’t generate an email back to me.
Are you able to log into Twitter with your old PW – and then be told you are suspended?
NO. I enter PW and they say we’ve sent email code to verify it’s you, then never get email. Re-sent old you are banned email w/case # to twit spt, no response. Can’t file a new appeal unless you are signed on. They got me blocked from all directions.
Any chance you blocked them from sending mail?
You should be able to find a list of that in your mail settings.
I’m permanently suspended.
You may get back on. We’ll see!
Elon is getting into his stride
In case you we’re not able to reach it maybe something in here?
I’ve appealed. Clearly they don’t speak Australian
Great explanation of the State of Colorado, Steve!
SD retweeted this – which explains RNC leadership skullduggery:
This is why KARL ROVE and company conspired against that base on January Sixth!
With the help of the Capitol Police, FBI, escalators, instigators, inciters, and all the other skullduggery specialists.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, November 12, 2022
“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;”
Ephesians 5:25 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Tiffany Trump’s Mar-A-Lago wedding is today!
Daily Mail covered the pre-wedding festivities!
Me and the boys were all over this last night. Topics of discussion included the ICK of Ivanka’s black straps, the ‘cow look’ of Tiffany’s flower and Melania’s yellow dresses, and the gross Boulos ladies yellow shoes and scaley gowns.
Start here for our fashion review.
Yeah, I missed that last night.
Those black straps just destroy that look. What was the designer THINKING?
What was she thinking WEARING it?
The designer was thinking of lingerie. Which is inappropriate for a wedding, in my humble opinion.
Melania looked like a goddess, as usual.
Slow Guy, certainly clueless when it comes to fashion.
Went bck to see the pics, I missed yesterday.
Many of the pics, make me think they were taken Halloween evening. Atrocious.
Sticking with my blue jeans, t-shirts and tennis shoes or boots. Can’t screw this stuff up.
I’m sorry, but Ivanka’s dress was just ick all over in yesterday’s spread. She’s too old for that.
I always wonder why the Daily Mail covers events like this, with tons of photos, while none of our media can compare. And it goes across the poilitical spectrum.
It probably pays the photogs better.
“It was a lie from the very beginning. We had treatment from Day one!!!”
UPDATE – 11/12/22 – 1461 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 995 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
Such a deal /s
Soviet electricity: UK faces blackouts, blistering costs and still has to pay wind farms £1b to do nothing « JoNova (
Hard to have sympathy for the sheeple who go a long with what their masters have imposed.
Enjoyed this “history” lesson on CO today, Steve. Thanks for putting the work in.
FTR, we Appalachian region residents even refer to our mountains as hills. It’s the tourists who think they are mountains. Of course, no local will ever tell them any different.
When I was young, sub 30 years old, I said the same thing about “working within the system” as a lukewarm gopher for mostly Republican causes and candidates.
Which is one major reason why I am doing the BIMD series. In my case it started with used and abused coal mining families in the hills east of the Mississippi. When I retired here, I had already worked in and around the political mess that affects our nation still today, that you describe is in existence in CO.
It will not be easy to turn it. It can be done, but we need a lot of funerals in this country for it to happen. Whole generations need to die out. That is not to encourage violence at all, it is just saying that most people never really learn life lessons, they just adapt and rationalize their pathetic existence.
The Appalachians are mountains. They are old, old mountains. But mountains none this less. And until I was thirty, they were the only mountains I had ever known.
I miss them still, in the shadow of the big naked rocks of the west.
They are definitely more attractive in my opinion, Aubergine. I like the vegetation and to see it even growing from cracks in rocks is sort of like the patriotism in spite of oppression that we see in our country today.
I agree. I love those mountains, and I love that life there is so persistent. Just like us
“And these are serious mountains…you guys east of the Mississippi–hell, east of the Kansas state line–just shut up. Your “mountains” are stupid.”
I grew up in those “stupid” Appalachian mountains, and they are BEAUTIFUL.
The Rockies, which I can see from my front yard, are also BEAUTIFUL, in a different way.
Don’t be “mountainist.”
Let him have his fun.
Long as I can have mine!
Loved the “mountainist” – going to steal that one.
yeah, bless his heart
…as we say here in the South … (if you don’t understand the meaning, then … sorry!)
Over yonder that mountainist the tallest hill I done ever seen
[runs for the hills, almost forgot my jug
Lol! My ancestors might have made the moonshine you’re drinking!
They probably knew mine, ridgerunners in West-by-God Virginia (and Virginia and Kentucky before that, and whatever it was back in the beginning of the 1700s… Scots/Irish/English tired of trying to make rocks grow…
Lol, we might be related!
I worry about that sometimes
Ha, ha! I am a hell of a relation. But I’m loyal to a fault!
Boy Howdy, in thet case I mighta be wantin’ reparations for their preparations
Just don’t look at it too hard.
As the tallest girl I had ever seen until I started college, let me tell you all: height is not everything.
Lol! My sister was 6’1″. I was “short” at 5’8″. I get it. Finding pants with a long enough inseam is challenging.
Ahhh… you two are telling tall tales again
I am just 5’11 3/4″ but in HS, the guys wouldn’t believe that because all the football players thought they were over 6′. You’re right about inseams. Also, dresses were too short-waisted. Now they sell highwater pants like it’s a good thing. LOL I doubt they know the term highwater pants.
My granddaughter wears them! I can’t believe it.
I am very short-waisted and long-legged. At my height, I should NOT need a 34″ inseam!
A waist is a terrible thing to mind
(to paraphrase Garfield, I’m not overweight; I’m under tall
We called them “floods”
Being 4’11”, five feet on my tallest day, I feel for you in reverse. Just finding chairs where my feet hit the floor is a challenge. Gave up on pants, and pretty much live in jersey dresses.
At least you can hem some things. But I get it. Clothes are a drag for us “non-average” girls.
Total drag, and that point was driven home for me that tall women have the same issues we short ones do in reverse when I was seated with a 5’11” model at a luncheon and she and other tall women were comparing notes. I feel for you all even if people can literally have conversations over my head (and have, too).
I was always envious of you little tiny girls. I feel like a giraffe sometimes!
The biggest problem is shoes. Clothes can be tailored. Hard to find big fashionable shoes.
The mountain range I grew up with is even older than the Appalachians, and runs east-west. The Ozarks are nothing to sneeze at when driving or floating, that’s for sure.
The Ozarks are also very beautiful.
Yes, they are.
And geologically interesting (and very old).
(open links in new tab)
Uhh, that pic of the cobblestones is the STL riverfront at the bottom of the bluff where the Arch stands. That’s the Eads Bridge in the background. Built in 1867, and the oldest bridge over the Mississippi.
Yes! They used that as the example of Missouri granite.
I found it AMAZING that some of the oldest rocks in the world are found in southern Missouri. It was an ISLAND in Paleozoic seas. And that history is part of why all the lead and other interesting mining is found in Missouri.
Yours Truly: Well, it appears that Dr. Rochelle Walensky is back at work, pushing all “pregnant people” to get “vaccinated” against COVID-19, along with all people age 6 months and up.
In an interview from CDC headquarters in Atlanta, Walensky stated the following:
** that there is a rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations among babies younger than 6 months old, so the CDC is urging “all pregnant people” to get “vaccinated” and/or “boosted” against COVID-19, since “this might provide protection through transplacental transfer of antibodies”, according to a study published in the CDC’s MMWR on November 11, 2022.
“COVID-19–Associated Hospitalizations Among U.S. Infants Aged <6 Months — COVID-NET, 13 States, June 2021 – August 2022”
FTA, per Walensky: “We know that those antibodies will transfer to the baby. It’ll actually help protect the infant.”
FTA: “The CDC will seek to reinvigorate the effort to vaccinate all eligible children 6 months and older.”
FTA, per Walensky: “One of the most important things that you can do is to get your children vaccinated.”
Then, Walensky turned her attention to RSV. She stated that, “Until an RSV shot is available, masking masking and improving indoor ventilation will help prevent the spread of disease among children.” She followed up with, “The wave of [recent] infections is more likely a reflection of children’s naive immune systems after years of masking and social distancing due to the pandemic.”
(bolding and Italics mine)
Yours Truly: This last statement by Dr. Walensky confirms what has been discussed on this board for some time — that “masking” can negatively affect the natural immune system — and this is especially true for children.
Yours Truly: IMO, there are several “hints” that Dr. Walesky dropped in this interview:
** There will be more governmental “persuasion programs’ to get all people over the age of 6 months “vaccinated” against COVID-19. This push is already being reflected via the new addition of COVID-19 “vaccines” and “booster shots” to the Childhood Vaccination Schedule.
** Watch for an EUA to be granted to Pfzier-BioNTech within the next few months for the company’s new RSV RNA-based “vaccine”, now in clinical trials until November, 2023.
** Watch for “mask mandates” to be re-instituted for daycare centers, Kindergartens, and elementary schools.
Here’s the Pfizer-BioNTech clinical trial regarding the company’s new RSV RNA-based RSV “vaccine” —
Actual Study State Date: June 17, 2020
Estimated Study Completion Date: November 12, 2023
Participants are limited to pregnant women only.
There is a Placebo Control Group in this clinical trial.
The objects of the clinical trial is to measure antibody response for the company’s new RSV “vaccine candidate”, called RSVpreF, in both pregnant women and in their babies from birth with followup up to 2 years of age.
The company plans to apply for an EUA for RSVpreF before the end of this year, even though the ‘vaccine” is still in clinical trials.
November 1, 2022
Pfizer-BioNTech, after consultation with the FDA. stopped enrollment in this clinical trial after “positive results” from a previous clinical trial of the RSV “vaccine candidate”, NCT04032093.
One wonders, is it the usual thing to do for a drug manufacturer to consult with the FDA on matters relating to an ongoing clinical trial? Why did Pfizer-BioNTech consult with the FDA and then decide to stop enrollment in NCT04424316? Doesn’t doing things like this potentially compromise the integrity (and possibly the results) of the clinical trial?
Here’s the actual language from the press release about RSVpreF;
“At the recommendation of the DMC [Data Monitoring Committee] and in consultation with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Pfizer has stopped enrollment in the study.”
There are 485 study locations, spread out across the United States and many other countries (Canada, Australia, Denmark, South America, Finland, Gambia, South Korea, etc.)
Obviously you’re one of those conspiracy theorists.
LOL. Actually, not.
What Yours Truly IS — a pursuer of the truth.
What Yours Truly IS — a mother very concerned that her MD son, an only child, is a prime target for COVID-19 “vaccine”-engendered nasty outcomes. He’s already had a bad “breakthrough case” of COVID last summer after his second “primary series” injection.
What Yours Truly IS — a person waiting for a TRULY safe and effective COVID-19 “vaccine” to be proven. It may be that the only TRULY safe and effective “vaccine” is built using only INACTIVATED elements. Until then, it’s FLCCC protocols.
Slow Guy can NOT understand why a Covid vaccine is necessary.
Manufactured “crisis”, that won’t stop until the folks say, NO.
NO to everything Covidiocy, including the NOT safe AND NOT effective “vaccines’ that injure, handicap and kill.
“… a pursuer of the truth.”
Like I said …
Slow guy figures,
CDC, FDA, and NIH, are the Tip Of The Spear, to kill off 13 of 14 in the USA.
Slow Guy is still pretty sharp IMO.
Actually, “Slow guy” has a lot going on, IMO.
Yours Truly puts the following on the table:
Based on everything one has read and searched over the past 2+ years and has posted on this board, IMO, the next 2 – 5 years will show a cascading disaster of “died suddenly”, “went to sleep and never woke up”, “came down with this autoimmune disease out of the blue”, “just got diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer”, “came down with heart disease from out of nowhere”, and on and on — due to either the immediate, the delayed, or the accumulated effects on the bodies of the “vaccinated” and “boosted” from the COVID-19 “vaccines” they took. (It appears that the “jury is still out” on the true “safety and efficacy” of the newest “vaccine” to get an EUA, the one from Novavax,)
The longer the injury / illness / death “timeframe” from “vaccination” or “boosting”, the more these outcomes can be written off as “due to age”, “due to underlying medical condition(s)”, “due to a history of heart disease”, etc. Unless autopsies are performed on the deceased, it would not be able to be proven if there was a connection to these “vaccines.”
IMO, just musing, within the next year or so, perhaps the “un-vaccinated” may want to start thinking about what it will mean, and what it may take, to not be one of those “13 out of 14.”
IMO, perhaps only to the current “pResident.”
“emergency” was entirely Fiction. There Never was a legitimate “pandemic” just hyperventilating fear-mongering with a bio-weaponized marginally more dangerous flu season.
Covid shots are the Real Emergency! It’s Life OR Death now
A bio-weapon was released and treatment/cure denied. A hell of a lot of people suffocated and died. This was absolutely more dangerous than seasonal flu. All to lead into round 2, the shots.
How many of those suffocation deaths were due to the denial of know treatments &/or curatives &/or the ill-advised use of respirators & drugs to suppress breathing functions? Oh & Remdesivir shutting down kidneys, etc.?
I’m not minimizing “covid” per se, we caught the 2nd round, which was brutal but not as brutal as the initial wave. We were all sick for a couple weeks to varying degrees & some of us continue to experience long-haulers issues as well, something never experience w/ “flu”.
Agree with all.
“(It appears that the “jury is still out” on the true “safety and efficacy” of the newest “vaccine” to get an EUA, the one from Novavax,)”
I predict that jury’s gonna be on a permanent hiatus…
“IMO, just musing, within the next year or so, perhaps the “un-vaccinated” may want to start thinking about what it will mean, and what it may take, to not be one of those “13 out of 14.””
Waterfront property.
With 13 out of 14 people gone, there should be some good ocean view real estate deals
With a reduction of global warming because of less need for cows and their farts.
Or the peasants, and their dogs, will be eating steak
“IMO, just musing, within the next year or so, perhaps the “un-vaccinated” may want to start thinking about what it will mean, and what it may take, to not be one of those “13 out of 14.”
It would be pretty horrific, from a psychological perspective, losing 93% of the population.
As far as what it may take, you mean besides continuing to refuse the vaxx?
It’s hard to even imagine.
If people ever start wondering why so many young, healthy people are dropping dead for no reason — and if they haven’t wondered why by now, I don’t know why they ever would — if they ever put 2 and 2 together, and come up with anything even close to 4, TPTB will be overrun by the masses.
Hunted from the face of the earth.
It should have happened already, two years ago.
If it ever happens, if the public ever breaks out of their insanity bubble and confronts reality, it would radically affect everything.
It would change the medical profession overnight. It would be WWIII on Covid. Manahattan project type funding for a cure. The topic of every discussion.
Unvaxxed young people would need to be incentivized to marry and have children asap to save the species.
Plans would be needed to simplify means of production as much as possible, and for efficiency to skyrocket, because in such a scenario, there would be far fewer people around to make things work in the not too distant future.
And to do all of that and much more, with the full knowledge that most of the people trying to save the human race from extinction won’t be around much longer, won’t be an easy thing.
But it would instill a sense of purpose like nothing I’ve seen in my lifetime, and a sense of community, of facing together the greatest catastrophe the human race has ever confronted.
Somebody call Bruce Willis and the guys from Armageddon.
Another greatest generation with no future for themselves
Was it Dr Malone who stood up at a conference very early on and warned that those taking the vaccines would be dead in 5 years???
I cannot seem to find that video anymore. It did not show the person speaking very clearly but I am almost certain that he was introduced as Dr Malone.
Actually 14 of 15 (SEVEN BILLION of SEVEN-AND-A-HALF-BILLION), leaving the Georga (Sauros) Guidestones’ 500 Million as slaves, peasants, and vassals of the Satanist Globalists.
They want to kill almost ALL OF US…
Would be quicker (and better) if they started with themselves, first… Sort of like the Golgafrincham Ark Ship “B”…..
Got it. 14 of 15. Thanks.
This woman Walensky is a monster from hell itself.
They vaccinate the MOMS to weaken the infants.
They vaccinate the infants to weaken them as children.
They vaccinate the children so that they are addicted to the vaccines by teenage.
They vaccinate the teens so that they are damaged by adulthood.
They vaccinate the young adults so that they die before sixty.
HOORAY! Social Security problem is SOLVED BY DEMOCRATS.
And nobody is the wiser, that the “Great Reset” was really about HUMAN LIFESPAN.
Yes ^^^^^^
Also increase sterility – reduce fertility – and – reduce population.
All of the above is their goal.
I was talking to a libtard today, and they are SO scared of the population propaganda, they would (IMO – did not ask) likely ACCEPT a KNOWN depop shot.
It’s like something out of a dystopian novel.
IF that libtard is paying attention, they are already knowingly taking a depop shot.
“But it’s our duty to stop the spread!”
*coughs, wheezes, falls over, “natural causes”*
They they ones who need to 1 step out of the gene pool and 2 most likely to have done so to save the planet
We call them libtards for a reason. They really are just STUPID.
You don’t have to be low I.Q. to be dumb.
I have decided that to be smart is a combination of intelligence and wisdom. You can have more or less of one or the other, but BOTH are required to be SMART.
Intelligent idiots are a dime a dozen on university property! ZERO wisdom!
OMGosh so so true, essentially a giant box of rocks
(as in “dumb as a box of rocks”)
A degree doesn’t include common sense
Unfunded liabilities just vanish. It’s real life magic.
fraud vitiates immunity
That link doesn’t work (for me)…the “fraud vitiates immunity” statement is intriguing. What else was the link (supposed to be) expressing?
Pfizer used fraudulent data on vaccine safety studies- what little they did.
ergo if they lied to get immunity from liability for vaccine injury and death then the immunity is null and void
I CAN’T WAIT for that to Actually Happen!!! If there are actually Any white hats & if there are if Any of them Actually have Balls, which is doubtful!!!
Ooops.. there goes another one.
Unless proven otherwise (family history of cardiac issues, the deceased having long-term serious health problems) — another death from blood clots / MI from the J_A_B. May she rest in eternal Peace.
A young healthy person doesn’t die suddenly from natural causes unless there actually was a “natural cause”
. › wellness › aging › what-does-it-mean-to-die-of-natural-causes
What does it mean to die of ‘natural causes’? – Ohio State University
Feb 28, 2022Simply put, a “natural” death is one that occurs due to an internal factor that causes the body to shut down, such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes. It means there was no external reason for the death, such as a traumatic injury. f
Yeah, so my DH’s son, who developed Type 1 Diabetes at age thirty-nine, which is unheard of, if he dies of it, will be labeled as “natural causes.”
Which is bullshit. It’s the vaxx.
Anybody who pushes that damn vaccine now, deserves to be in PRISON.
And I mean anybody. ANYBODY.
I agree.’ve probably read my gs’s saga..continuous ailments, a tiny knock of the head that is or mimics a severe concussion…never ever had these things before. But hey…mandatory JAB for playing high school sports and now benched for months
So sorry to hear this. My God, these people are monsters to do this to our kids.
It’s diabolical
I’m so sorry to hear of this. Has your grandson’s immune system markers been tested to see if they’re below normal since getting “vaccinated”? IMO, the parents would have to request such a test from the doctor (and probably would have to pay out-of-pocket for it since it likely wouldn’t be covered under insurance.) — the CD4/CD8 T-cell ratio blood test is what Yours Truly is thinking. This is a blood test for HIV/AIDS patients. It can, however, be used for other people if a doctor orders it.
No, that hasn’t been requested by mom and Dr hasn’t mentioned it. The situation is complicated. Daughter is operating on the premise that the doctor has tested for all possibles but of course the obscure weird jab induced things aren’t being considered.
She did finally practically demand antibiotics for him after weeks of lingering being told that he has a virus and none were needed. He is feeling much better after taking them.
He claims he’s taking the quercetin and green tea and zinc that I sent him..but I never know if he’s only saying that or actually taking them. It’s hard , I can’t go full tilt “it’s the jab” without alienating my daughter so I try to focus her on the unusual direction it’s taken and to force the Doc to address it and not shrug it off.
Understood that the situation is complicated.
Perhaps a case can be made for “fatigue” from the continuous ailments in order to get the CD4/CD8 test ordered?
Here’s an article on the subject:
by Nadia Hasan, DO (Doctor of Osteopathy)
The list from the article:
1) Your Stress Level is Sky-High
2) You Always Have a Cold
3) You Have Lots of Tummy Troubles
4) Your Wounds Are Slow to Heal
5) You Have Frequent Infections
6) You Feel Tired All the Time
Just an idea.
Thanks much for the suggestion RDS
“She did finally practically demand antibiotics for him after weeks of lingering being told that he has a virus and none were needed. He is feeling much better after taking them.”
I used to get sick every winter, from my teens to my thirties, and every year I would go to the doctor, and he would tell me it’s just a virus.
I would then ask for antibiotics, like it was a scene from Groundhog Day.
Doc would look at me and say antibiotics don’t help for a virus.
I would then say (like every year) I know, which means I must not have a virus, because I get this same illness every winter, and every winter you tell me it’s a virus and antibiotics won’t help a virus.
And every time you say that, I demand antibiotics anyway, because antibiotics work every time. Every year. Check my folder.
Then he checks my medical records for the past year, and then the year before that, and the year before that, and then looks up, and says I guess we’ll try the antibiotics again.
Good plan…
I always wanted to reply “It’s a good thing one of us is a doctor, huh?”
BTW, I stopped getting sick every winter after I stopped smoking cigarettes.
Very few smokers got covid. Just saying.
I would bet my hat you got a low-grade sinus or lung infection every winter. Hard to detect, and mimics a cold. And exacerbated by smoking.
I have, and it’s terrible.
“Dies suddenly from unexpected natural causes”?
Is there some new natural cause of death that has suddenly been discovered?
How many (and what kind of) ’causes’ of death for a young person fit all three?
1) sudden
2) natural
3) unexpected
I mean, ‘sudden’ could certainly be unexpected (e.g., car accident, falling off a cliff, etc.), but not natural.
Natural could be unexpected (some dormant genetic factor becomes active), but not sudden.
Unexpected could be sudden or natural, but rarely both.
It’s as if there is a spell of nonsense cast over the entire world. The ‘clues’ that it’s nonsense are SHOUTING at everyone, but so long as the ‘narrative’ that there’s “nothing to see here, folks” is maintained by TPTB, apparently the spell cannot be broken.
It’s just bizarre and infuriating.
And it’s hard not to be angry at the people who are making everything a million times worse, enabling the TPTB, by refusing to acknowledge reality.
“And it’s hard not to be angry at the people who are making everything a million times worse, enabling the TPTB, by refusing to acknowledge reality.”
It’s SO HARD, I can’t do it. I’m furious.
In a just world the tanks would be rolling into Maricopa county already.
Trump is helping prepare the narrative.
“They Stole the Election from Blake Masters – Do Election Over Again!” – President Trump Calls For New Election In Arizona
November 12, 2022, 9:00 am by ProTrumpNews Staff
Has an election ever been done over? I cannot find anything in my searches. May not have used the correct terms.
They have.
“In 2019, a redo election in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District took place 308 days after the initial election. In 2020, a redo election for sheriff in Iron County, Missouri, took place 49 days after the initial election.”
Gregg Phillips:
My concern is they are relying on a lot of data analysis as to what the expected R vote is in that pile of uncounted votes. They are not dragging this out for nothing.
Absolutely. EXACTLY. TIME is critical.
This is a CHEATING ALGORITHM by Katie Hobbs. It requires TIME for non-honest processes to run surreptitiously.
Here is how it works. It’s an ABUSE of calculus, psychology, and media.
NORMALLY, in determining a winner, one does the most determinative parts of the calculation FIRST, so that one does not need to run the entire calculation to see who won.
Democrats run it backwards and sideways, not to determine the winner, but to determine how many fake ballots need to be inserted into the process, so that the process will yield the winner they want.
They run Democrats FIRST, and make it look like the Dems are not just ahead, but to create a “fake normal” psychologically, and a “fake median” mathematically. People expect that the Dems are doing well because they are more popular. This creates expectations that the Republican won’t do as well in their advantaged areas.
They pick the DEM-WEIGHTED end of the function FIRST, so that when they make the Republican end of the function more Dem, it doesn’t look phony.
The process has to be SLOWED DOWN so that there is time to manipulate it, because the rate-determining step isn’t in the normal election process – it’s in the number-crunching, the surreptitious examination of REAL ballots, and fake ballot creation and insertion, bottlenecked around both physical creation and opportunities for both surreptitious examination of the ballots and insertion of false ballots.
As the Dem cheaters finally move to examining the Republican areas, the fake yet “real” ballots are either inserted or swapped for the legitimate ones.
The numbers don’t look phony because of the ORDERING of Dems first, which make the Republican losses look reasonable.
Any complaint that the numbers are not as good as the Republicans expected is met with “sour grapes” and false bravado. Same as Biden – “we didn’t campaign because we were confident we would win”.
These people are like science cheaters. It’s horrifying.
Start at B so that the dip at A can be padded up to the average – just enough so that the average is raised toward B over the 50% line. One needs time to hide the padding.
What can be done?
Time is critical. They know it, and defend the cheat in this way.
However, even speeding things up won’t stop Demon Dems if they can speed up their surreptitious ballot scanning in real time. The following would be an excellent opportunity to scan votes as well with high-intensity beam data, and then figure out which ballots to flip, or who had not voted.
All that takes time that the Dems try to create by slow-walking.
FIX IS IN: Arizona Ballots Make Stop at Runbeck Printing Company to Scan Ballot Envelopes Before They Are Sent to County — WITH NO OBSERVERS
November 12, 2022, 11:05 am by Jim Hoft
OMG, I am getting so much mileage out of this article. I’m dumping this all over Twitter, blowing minds.
“What can be done?”
Trust the science, physics, physiology.
Lead –> projectile –> trauma –> cheating stops, along with cessation of all other non-vital activity, which may also cease.
What would the Founding Fathers do?
Not what we’re doing, that I can tell you.
#TeamNotInJail here, requesting you tone down the rhetoric, please.
^^^ Yup. The “steal” is being manufactured, behind the scenes, as time is frittered away.
I think the tanks should roll into Arizona, but our fake CiC would roll them against Kari Lake, not against the election thieves and criminals.
America is now Soviet, I’m afraid.
But we must still protest. This may be a turning point against the cheaters.
I think Kari Lake is ahead of them. She has a team in place, and they are watching and recording information. I believe in her.
West Point now harsher on vaccine refusal than on ACTUAL CHEATING.
Democrat morality.
West Point becomes WORST POINT…
Fits with THILLY Milley…..
A travesty of travesties…
In a sick twisted Demoncrat mind, they ARE cheating. Cheating the demons out of a death.
Excellent post Steve! I learned more about Colorado in one post than I did the 5 years during the 80s. I lived along the western border of Adams County—outskirts of Denver, Thornton, and Northglenn.
A great place to be a teenager back in those days. I returned to Denver in 2019 to visit family. The place has changed a lot—but not for the better. Almost unrecognizable due to urban sprawl and difficult to recognize where Denver ends and surrounding cities begin.
Denver is chock full of illegals all free to wander the streets especially at night. The Denver taxes are insane!
I loved Denver as a teenager before I left to join the Army. Could not pay me to go back now.
DO NOT abandon Kari if Katie Hobbs inserts fake votes.
Wait for the BITCH to go to JAIL.
Maricopa County’s Unique Process in Handling Ballots Exposes Added Opportunity for Fraud
ONLY Pravda News AND Uniparty would abandon Kari.
If Hobbs, as AG, has authority over the election and the election process and integrity thereof, she has a conflict of interest that stinks to High Heaven (and to Low Hell, as a classmate of mine used to say).
She CANNOT (honestly) be a candidate in an election which she supervises.
She either has to recuse herself from her AG/election supervisory role, or resign her AG position and get the hell out of the election process.
Otherwise she is just ONE BIG FRAUD, and likely afoul of the law.

Fed Voting Rights Act most likely has provisions banning such conflict of interests. I’m too lazy to go see right now but conflicts were a big part of the impetus for the law in the first place.
If a black person is not involved, I can’t see how DOJ could possibly see a conflict. And besides, Katie Hobbs is an oppressed female, and Kari Lake is a patriarchal white supremacist. Kari has no standing, due to privilege!
(I speak Woke Orwellian fluently!)
They’re doubleplusungoodtossers…
Not forgetting AnimalFarmian some being more equal than others…
(I worked summers in a place the EEOC basically destroyed, and “the Øne” sent it off forever (while greatly benefiting Mexico) in 2015 or so…..)…
If you read this too quickly, Go Back and Read it AGAIN!!!!
Read this shit:
“Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is not fooling millions of Americans who believe he cheated the November 2020 Election. Voters suspected it all along, yet he continues to release token statements with attempts to weasel his way out of guilt for Governor Brian Kemp and himself.
His dealings with Runbeck Election Services, led to the Phoenix, Arizona company printing Fulton County ballots, likely including thousands of extra ones that appeared after voting had ended.”
Like I said if there ARE white hats, and if they put the last 2 years to any use, and if they have evidence of cheating, they should have every reason to deal with this crap.
But if not – if Kapo and Reichstag are in on the theft – then I think there is justification for somebody to relieve them of command.
I guess we’ll see.
I just went on Neera Tanden’s twitter (Hillary’s hatchet girl on Twitter). She’s just overjoyed. The Dems consider it all a huge victory.
They know. They own the White House forever unless somebody ends the cheating that Washington wants.
‘Science for Hire,’ a Gary Null Production – The Burning Platform
All true. Big Pharma runs NIH, FDA, CDC, MSM.
Can’t remember who said it, but a couple of days ago it was stated that more control was needed as to what was happening to the weapons sent to ukraine.
Wonder if this is what prompted it…
” Through undercover channels, Russian special services obtained access to an entire HIMARS MLRS missile, which was taken to the territory of the Russian Federation through the territory of a third country. One of the Russian military design bureaus has already received full access to a fully equipped HIMARS MLRS missile and is conducting engineering work to study it.”
^^^ To be expected.
Everything about the BiteMe Administration and Ukraine IS amateur hour.
Can those sort of rockets be controlled and steered after they’ve been fired?
Know near nothing about HIMARS.
Quick search suggests, no.
“Once launched, the rockets use GPS guided navigation to find their target allowing the HIMARS crew to “scoot” immediately after firing. This “fire and forget” capability means the crew escapes before an adversary can retaliate.”
The RF seems to have gone to quite some effort to get hold of it, thought perhaps they would be trying to find some way to send them off course.
Learning the guidance system operation, RF can devlop ways to jam it, interfere with GPS, or otherwise “fool” guidance to miss the intended target.
AND, if perchance HIMARS is more advanced than what RF has, RF can use aspects that may benefit RF weapon systems.
IIRC, there were a couple of USN ship collisions recently that were potentially the result of GPS spoofing….
Yup. USN collisions Tokyo Wan and Singapore Straits rumored to be caused by GPS spoofing.
We’ll never know, as the USN will never admit that. Even if they could figure it out.
Last I heard, USN blamed the collisions on, surprise, “training”. Fed go to for when shit goes wrong.
Or back whence they came…
Say howdy, Zelenskyyyyyyyy…..
This too. It’s been making the rounds in non traditional journo sites. Of course there are fact checkers saying otherwise, but not really providing much in way of back up.
High-Ranking Ukrainian Officials Caught Splurging On Luxury Real Estate In Switzerland › 2022 › 06 › 08 › high-ranking-ukrainian-officials-caught-splurging-on-luxury-real-estate-in-switzerland
High-Ranking Ukrainian Officials Caught Splurging On Luxury Real Estate …Oleksandr Danyliuk, the former Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine is the proud new owner of a luxury property in the resort town of Gstaad. Danyliuk’s property is worth a cool $10 million. Former Ukrainian finance minister Oleksandr Danylyuk is the owner of a 1,321 square meter luxury property in Gstaad
Also separate from that. High Ranking General in Ukraine giving cars to female soldiers. Insta Slava Z reported on that.
Boltholes? Would switzerland give them up when things go egg shaped for the nazi’s.
Has Switzerland ever given anyone up?
Only when it serves a globalist plot.
Put them up in Davos by the WEFfenSS (their sponsors and masters), and maybe they’ll get a, *cough* warm welcome……
Buncha sniveling thieves…
Is Twitter down?
I don’t have an account but I can read Twitter comments.
See’s some small spots in your vic.
Very useful! Thanks!
We’re having a lovely first snowfall of the season today but the ground is probably still too warm to see much if any accumulation. Hope you are all enjoying the weekend.
Blake Masters is committed to counting every legal vote.
I’m getting pretty pissed at the “news” outlets that are “all in” on getting rid of Trump using headlines to demoralize. Like this one, at Daily Wire:
BREAKING: Republicans Fail To Take Back The Senate From Democrats: Projection
Note the word “PROJECTION.”
In other words, it’s a crock-of-shit OPINION.
This shit is making me furious!
Yup. Cheating bastards gotta be prosecuted AND punished.
That would be a first.
Yea, neither of us will hold our breath.
h/t Marica’s blog:
Well, well — According to @TheInsiderPaper, the FTX guy is on a private Gulfstream and apparently on the run to Argentina. Gulfstream G450, Reg: LV-KEB
How many other scams are out there?
According to Denninger……all of them.
Crypto, or at least Bitcoin, reminds me of the cleaving of reality in other areas (e.g., vaxx).
There are lots of people who can’t say enough bad about it, claim it’s all a scam, etc.
There are also lots of people who say otherwise, and present solid arguments. Those people eventually made more sense to me.
But it’s no less frustrating talking about it with those who repudiate it, than it is talking to Democrats about politics, or normies about the vaxx.
It’s nearly impossible to have an honest conversation about it.
About anything, really, except with people who already believe the same as you do.
Someone will say (for example) Bitcoin has no value.
Okay, that’s a starting point. Why does anything have value?
Why does gold have value?
Answer: only because enough People have agreed that it does. It’s essentially arbitrary. American Indians assigned value to glass beads. Other people assigned value to shiny gold metal.
There are rational reasons to assign value to gold, or for gold to be a store of value.
It is somewhat scarce. Not nearly as scarce as Bitcoin, though. More gold is mined every year, so more supply is being added every year. Bitcoin is capped at 21 million. It can never go higher, and in practice, some amount of Bitcoin is regularly ‘lost’, some estimates are as high as 6 or 7 million have been ‘lost’ or permanently locked, meaning there can only ever be around 14 million in circulation.
Gold takes time, energy, effort (work) to mine it.
So does Bitcoin.
What is Gold used for?

It’s certainly a substitute for something, gold can’t do anything in and of itself. If we have a problem that needs to be solved, we can’t just rub it with gold, and make it better.
But we could sell the gold, or borrow against it, and use the proceeds to solve a problem. Or we could directly exchange (barter) the gold in order to solve a problem. So gold is a substitute for something, and that something is whatever it is we want to reserve or retain value for, in order to effect or realize some desire in the future. A store of financial or economic energy.
Whatever Gold is a substitute for, why can’t Bitcoin be a substitute for the same thing(s)?
*Who* decides, and based on what *reasons*?
Nobody ever answers that question. As far as I know, nobody ever even asks it.
If Gold is ultimately a substitute for energy/work/value, if Gold is the commoditization of labor, of work, of energy — then why can’t rubies be also?
They are, aren’t they? I mean, if you have a pocketful of rubies, they may not be as liquid as gold or silver (or Bitcoin), but they’re worth something to somebody.
If rubies can be, then why can’t emeralds?
Well they are, same as rubies.
If rubies and emeralds can be, then why can’t silver and platinum?
And if silver and platinum can be, then why can’t Bitcoin be?
Why do gold, silver, platinum, rubies and emeralds have value?
There has to be an answer to that question.
Whatever the answer to that question is, does it apply to Bitcoin as well, or doesn’t it?
If it does, then WHY does it also apply to Bitcoin?
And if it doesn’t, then WHY does it NOT also apply to Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is intangible.
“Bitcoin is intangible.”
So are the 1s and 0s in our bank accounts.
They can be converted into paper fiat.
Just like Bitcoin.
But until they are, are they any less intangible than Bitcoin is?
Here is the beginning of Karl Denninger’s (Market-Ticker) article today:
“On FTX And Crypto Generally
It’s really not very complicated when you get down to it.
First, all items in an economy respond to supply and demand. If there is zero demand there will be zero supply and thus no price. But for any amount of demand above zero there is a price, and to the extent demand exceeds supply price rises until equilibrium is established, either by it simply costing more or additional supply showing up as there’s incentive to provide it. The opposite is also true.”
“The problem with so-called cryptocurrencies is that they have zero inherent value of any sort.”
Is that not also the exact same problem paper currencies have?
For that matter, what inherent value does gold have?
It is useful in high technology electronics, but only a small percentage of physical gold is used in such a way. The vast majority of gold sits in vaults, doing nothing.
Why does it have monetary value, besides enough People simply deciding to agree that it does?
“That is, the fact that I can solve a mathematical problem and prove I did through a cryptographic signature doesn’t have value; there is no utility, per-se, in doing that.”
There is a purpose to it, i.e., solving that problem requires time, work, energy, and because it is recorded on the blockchain, it can be verified and validated.
It is termed “proof of work”, and the basic operating principle is no different than the work (time, energy, labor) required to mine metal out of the ground. There is no “something for nothing”.
Time, energy and labor went into producing it.
Ethereum originally operated on the “Proof of Work” principle, but recently converted to “Proof of Stake”, which if I understand correctly, is inherently corrupt, allowing the people with the most Ethereum to dictate and control the Ethereum blockchain.
Bitcoin is one of the few “Proof of Work” cryptos remaining, and it was also the first.
Unlike most crytpos, there is no president of Bitcoin, no CEO, no board of directors, no ‘owner’. By design, there is no individual or corporate entity which can be in charge of, or control, Bitcoin.
It is decentralized, by intent and design.
Gold is tangible, and so is a dollar bill. So the 1s and 0s in our bank accounts represent a tangible thing. You can’t pick up a “bitcoin” or touch it or feel it.
I’m not arguing in favort of or against anything; just pointing out this one difference.
“Gold is tangible, and so is a dollar bill.”
But they both symbolize something, they both represent something, they are of no value at all (in the case of a dollar bill) or comparatively little value (in the case of gold, primarily its use in high reliability electronic applications) as tangible objects.
It is what they represent that has value.
One of the reasons this is such an interesting subject is because it forces us to really think about what ‘money’ is, and why one thing is considered ‘money’ and another thing may not be, and what the real differences are between those things, if any.
The dollar bill only has value insofar as people have confidence in the government that issued it. Historically, all currencies eventually go to zero, due to debasement, due to ‘money printing’.
Bitcoin was intentionally designed to address and solve each of the weaknesses inherent to other forms of ‘money’.
Regarding the problem of governments ‘printing money’, it was addressed in two ways:
1) no individual, corporate entity or government can ever be in control of Bitcoin
2) there is an inherent design limitation of 21 million Bitcoin, after which, no more ‘mining’ of Bitcoin is possible.
It can never be ‘inflated’ or debased. There will only ever be a fixed number (21 million, of which an estimated 6 or 7 million are already lost), and no more.
“So the 1s and 0s in our bank accounts represent a tangible thing. You can’t pick up a “bitcoin” or touch it or feel it.”.
But does Bitcoin not represent those same tangible things?
Can Bitcoin be converted into dollars?
If it can, then Bitcoin represents dollars (and pounds, and yen, and francs, and euros, etc.).
What is required in order to convert Bitcoin into dollars? Is it not a ‘market’, and more specifically, someone in that market who is willing to exchange dollars for Bitcoin?
Can Bitcoin be converted into gold?
If it can, then Bitcoin represents gold. Is there a ‘market’ where people are willing to exchange gold for Bitcoin?
There certainly is, but if there wasn’t, then you could convert Bitcoin to dollars, and then convert dollars to gold.
Can Bitcoin be converted into real estate?
If it can, then in that case, does Bitcoin not represent real property?
Is there a ‘market’, are there people who ‘sell’ their real estate in exchange for Bitcoin?
There are. It happens every day. It is not nearly as common as traditional finance, but with enough adoption, it certainly could become as common in the future.
And then more so.
“I’m not arguing in favort of or against anything; just pointing out this one difference.”
This is a very useful and instructive exercise
I meant useful and instructive to myself. I want the things I think to be tested, and to test them.
If they withstand scrutiny, then my confidence in them grows.
If they do not withstand scrutiny, then I want to know why and understand where I was wrong, so I can stop being wrong, and take the winning side of the issue.
So discussions like this one are not only useful and instructive (for me), they are a good, maybe even the best way I have, to test the things I think, in the ‘marketplace’ of ideas — like here on this forum, or others.
And it’s interesting, which usually also means it’s fun
Very valid viewpoint, verily
I wonder if FTX getting caught doing this, along with the flee to Argentina, are both part of the program as the administration is attempting to eliminate Bit Coin type money systems and drag the free world into digital currency to “protect the consumer”?
Back to @TheInsiderPaper — FTX guy told Reuters that he flew to the Bahamas.
…..which is the official HQ of FTX.
A more reasoned impression —
He brings up a very good point about DeSantis 2024 — what will that do to Florida?
Yep. DeSantis myth keeps ignoring among other things the fact that the republicans control the Florida House & Senate. It’s great that he’s taken advantage of this, but it’s very doubtful his magical powers are transferable to other states and are pretty much limited to the State of Florida.
Hey!!! You’re interfering with The Narrative!!!
Apparently not totally as I reswing past by, I noticed I missed an additional feature. Ron Sanctimonious has both a Republican House & Senate & they are both GOPe free! Walking on water should be cinch for this guy.
The thing is, we need STRONG MAGA Governors, not just a strong MAGA President.
The more states with strong MAGA Governors and Legislatures, the better off EVERYONE will be.
Get rid of the Newscums and Witchy women Hochul and that turdlette in Michigan… and replace them with MAGA folks…
How exactly is this accomplished while they’re still in there running things?
Need a B R E A T H of fresh air?
Please take a listen, to this Bannon cold open AND interview. Pure Americana AND MAGA.
If Kari Lake is not granted her win, it doesn’t matter what Trump announces. We aren’t voting our way out of this unless it can be done without Pennsylvania and Michigan. We MUST have Arizona and Georgia. JMHO
Agreed. Things are very bad. We know they’re cheating. We know why. We know how. Our DOJ and FBI just let it happen, because it’s being done on “their side”.
This nation is in terrible trouble.
I wasn’t trying to be a doomer, but at this juncture that’s what we must have. Or it literally doesn’t matter whether Trump runs or not. You’re never cleaning up PA or MI, at least not in the short term. Kari Lake is the boots on the ground to make it happen in AZ. GA is an unknown, but perhaps workable.
Maybe Trump has that alternative plan.
Andrew Torba has a great statement to this effect. Neither Trump nor DeSantis is going to be winning 2024. That’s why the evil establishment started the fight – to distract us from the fact that Lucy pulled the football again, and that she will do it again in 2024 and 2028 and likely forever, unless it stops here and now.
Just look at Kalifornistan.
That’s been their “pilot plant” for decades…..
Yes. We’re at the point of doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.
Yup. I’m making Arizona my “end of the road” – my “red line”. If they let Katie take it, I’m done with their system. That’s when I stop doing the same thing.
“We know they’re cheating.”
And they know they are cheating.
And they know we know they are cheating.
And we also know that they know we know they are cheating.
“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
RIP to the pilots. Did not get confirmation but does not look good. Plus two classic aircraft.
OMG. Horrible.
Lumbering B17 overtaken by speedier, more agile P63 (both WWll vintage)
Other than intentional, I can’t make sense of it.
Dumb (dead) ass, focusing on dazzling the crowd…rather than safe flying.
In a better world —
If you haven’t been reading Elizabeth Nickson, you are missing out. Her latest substack explains how the election theft occurred and how long we’ve been having parallel elections. Her thesis is supported by the investigations of Peter Schweizer and Whitney Webb and others. Well worth the read if you haven’t already read it.
Thanks for the link.
You are so welcome. It’s pretty eye opening.
What a great sub stack, wow, I was up almost all night reading and following links, thank you again
I’m really glad. Piper567 first brought her to my attention a couple weeks ago, and I was like you! I read one article, then another, then another. I found her website
and started reading her pieces there, also. She’s very interesting. Of course, I don’t always agree with her but she writes so well, and she has such interesting thoughts I just keep reading!!!
Billboard’s with that message should be in every city. On every Interstate.
And at every Pharmacy.
^^^ YES.
Brazil is protesting it’ stolen/rigged election.
We didn’t … we should have….
We are also doing nothing about protesting in states that are rigging the results…
The DIMs have ruined our country in 21 months… another 26 months
America will be totally … a TOTALITARIAN Country…
2024? what election … ? The petrodollar will be gone, as will our pensions, social security and JOBS…
Label me doom and gloom … I’m okay with that.
The following was posted at Lavrov’s channel yesterday …
“In the beginning, when this story about Ukraine was promoted to us, anyone who asked any questions on this topic, and not just hung the Ukrainian flag in their profile, was immediately branded a puppet of Putin. But these were elementary questions and everyone had to ask them. Isn’t that suspicious? We were literally just told that we had to get out of the Afghan war, and the next day they announced that America, together with the EU, would now make every effort to ensure that Ukraine joined NATO. We got out of one money laundering operation in which US taxpayers gave away $50 billion and immediately rushed to the next one. And how much do we send to Ukraine now? 50 billion dollars! But this is not enough for this queen of benefits. He wants the revenue to go further. Yes, President Zelensky is the real queen of American beggars. Ukrainian officials are buying real estate in Switzerland! And we need to investigate it! If the Republicans regain the House of Representatives and the Senate, we need to conduct a thorough review of what every dollar that we sent to Ukraine is spent on. Ukrainian officials come to Switzerland in their Lamborghini and buy up real estate. This is 100% true, but they will of course ignore it and call it a conspiracy. They always do that.”
“Ukrainian officials are buying real estate in Switzerland! And we need to investigate it! If the Republicans regain the House of Representatives and the Senate, we need to conduct a thorough review of what every dollar that we sent to Ukraine is spent on. Ukrainian officials come to Switzerland in their Lamborghini and buy up real estate. This is 100% true, but they will of course ignore it and call it a conspiracy. They always do that.””
Which is exactly why we don’t need any more investigations.
Endless ‘Investigation’ without any just resolution has become an end unto itself.
The reason there is no just resolution is because there is no rule of Law.
There is no rule of Law because the institutions of Law are corrupt.
No “investigation” can ever fix that, because no matter the conclusion of the ‘investigation’, there is no legal mechanism to bring the guilty parties to justice.
So ‘investigation’ becomes an excuse, a means to mollify the masses, to kick the can down the road long enough until some other shiny object gets the masses’ attention, and the ‘investigation’ evaporates into nothingness, without conclusion or anyone being held accountable, for anything.
Are we finally there yet?
Sarah Palin has gone J.R. Majewski on the GOP!!!
I stopped … in 2021 … when Biden was “inaugurated” …
Because they did NOTHING about the epic steal of 2020 …
Hell WE knew that Nov 3 election – NO donations to GOP, RNC, eGOP…
Repeated myself three times. THEY ALL SUCK
To be clear, GOP, RNC and eGOP S U C K.
Catturd cracks me up:
My favorite Blue Check!!!
I am in tears of laughter!
He’s the best thing on Twitter.
Loved this response to ANTI-TRUMP.
Brad made a very interesting suggestion.
These are the off year elections like 2023 where school board and local officials are elected. THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN MAKE A REAL DIFFERENCE. THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN PUT THRU ELECTION CHANGES LIKE GETTING RID OF MACHINES in your town…
The elections are a bit tought to find but here is an example:
YES – BUT…….
The OFF-YEAR elections are where the Democrats test their CHEATS. And they specifically test them on non-partisan judicial races and ballot issues so that the Republican party cannot fight back!!!
This is why Republican lower-level judges have been DECIMATED in Ohio. It’s a strategy to fill the judicial system with leftist judges.
I love living in a world where one of the smartest political opinions is a pot-smoking waitress in Chicago. Elon understood this.
Ground report/PSA on driving through the STL region:
Okay, so, I drove my sister and mother to a cousin’s place across the river to teach her how to make a traditional family recipe, and ended up coming home via I-255 over the Jefferson Barracks Bridge. One span is closed (I assume the one that had all the cracks last year), so all traffic is on the other span. If you’re driving through here east west, go north on I-64 or I-70. I-270 north if you have to. The Poplar Street (I-64), Stan Span (I-70), and Chain of Rocks (I-270) are all fine.
BTW, we got no snow last night, and my cousins got six inches. They are south of us, but that’s open prairie over there.
Six inches of snow? WOW.
November 12? South of STL? WOW.
Yeah…it happens. In 1952, my grandmother shut down the Veteran’s Bridge into downtown during a snow storm early in November. Long, but very funny for those who knew all the players, story.
Those cousins live…mmm…10-15 miles south of the city itself. We’re like a lot of other regions with micro-climates. The rivers throw up thermal walls, and here on the island between them (Mississippi, Missouri, Meramec) we tend to have milder snow than the outlying parts.
We won the last ugly in an attempt to make us take a knee.
Coordinated, to pacify us, after they stole NV from Laxalt.
Beyond disgusted with all of this bullshit.
If Laxalt doesn’t quit, and demands they count all the votes, then they have to.
Regarding Mountains. My husband’s ancestor was part of a 14,000er’s club & apparently was part of the first (known) ascents of these peaks:
First Ascents by Percy Hagerman
These peaks had Percy Hagerman as part of the first ascent party, based on the best available research. Contact the webmaster if you would like your first ascents recorded on this site.
PeakElev-ftLocationAscent DateProm-ft
North Maroon Peak14014USA-CO1908-08-25214
Maroon Peak14156USA-CO1908-08-282316
Capitol Peak14130USA-CO1909-08-221730
Pyramid Peak14018USA-CO1909-08-311618
the table looks better here:
There is a map at the below linked site that shows the locations of the 14,000 ft peaks. Can’t figure out how to share it here but it’s a nice overview for Colorado (& perhaps beyond if one manipulates the map more).
Here’s a bit of a bio about Michael’s ancestor, from an art site:
Percy Hagerman (1869 – 1950) was active/lived in Colorado, Wisconsin. Percy Hagerman is known for Mountain landscape, lithography.
Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Percy Hagerman settled in 1885 in Colorado Springs where he became a businessman, outdoorsman, and well-known mountaineer who painted the mountains he was climbing. Hagerman Peak near Aspen is named for him.
He inherited properties from his father, James J Hagerman, who owned and sold the Colorado Midland Railway Company and was an investor in the gold mines of Cripple Creek.
He was a life-member of the Broadmoor Art Academy and from 1939 to 1950, served on the Board of the Colorado Fine Arts Center.
Percy Hagerman is a listed artist in Davenport’s and Dawdy. He was at the peak of his art career in the 20’s and 30’s in Aspen, Colorado, was an accomplished lithographer, and studied under Lawrence Barrett. Born of one of the pioneer families of Colorado Springs,CO. Hagerman Peak and Hagerman Streen named after his family.
Katherine Tozier
We do possess one of the lithographs done by PH, my hubby’s GGF.
Here’s a stock certificate for a Colorado gold mine signed by PH
Product Description1893 Isabella Gold Mining Stock Certificate. Incorporated in 1892, the Isabella Gold Mining Co was a major early gold producer in the in the Cripple Creek area. Signed by Percy Hagerman, son of James J. Hagerman, a founder of the Colorado Midland Railroad, and a prolific western mining investor. Nice scripophily document in VF condition.
If the pic doesn’t show, you can see it here at this link for the above info:
In case someone is feeling Especially Ambitious here are tips to climbing 14,000ers!
I really appreciated All of the info you shared about Colorado!!! Thank you for going into those interesting details & for also using the maps, which I love!
Look who’s trying to get on the bandwagon.
She was in a position to make a difference and didn’t. Time to move on.
I really hate the “we” stuff, too.
No, Ronna. The Democrats you refuse to confront are who should be doing better!
The behavioural psychology term for that is “forced teaming”. Serial killers use it to manipulate.
good book-the gift of fear by Gavin de Becker
Day late & a dollar short, Romney…
Hey Wolfie! Why can I not find a donation link here? Or am I as blind as a bat?
I know I should have asked much earlier being that I get a majority of my updates of what is going on in the world from this site. But I am finally asking now.
Sorry, my friend, but there are no donation buttons here, so that I have no financial vulnerabilities.
See Steve Bannon.
I know that Kapo, Reichstag, Commie Mayorkas, and whichever wokester is running IRS would ALL love to raid me, based on some obscure monetary crap. I have closed off that possibility. This church is open and free of charge.
Running this church is my job, and paying the costs is my tithe. I took the money from my maskie church and decided it could do more for believers here. Our preacher, our choir (4 nights a week) and our resident atheist all deliver sermons and entertainment for free, as do I on Mondays. Because our salaries are so low, it all goes into infrastructure.
I do the tithe here, so others have more to tithe elsewhere!
Enjoy the free services, and thank God for it!
Executive Pastor Wolf
Wolf, I think you will not regret that decision. This bunch in power will take advantage of any tactic to harass you. Do not give evildoers an opportunity.
Exactly! After I saw what happened to Bannon, I knew that I had made the right choice. Thus, giving unto God what is HIS, was the right move! We will always be a free religious speech zone. And we will always advocate for FREEDOM, which is necessary for believers to freely give unto God, that which is HIS – especially PRAISE!!!
As we are posting these I learned I have now been banned by disqus.
I’m starting to think somebody doesn’t like me.
Wait until they read the next couple of BIMD’s.
Belt of truth.
Is it all of disqus or just one site?
Several disqus related sites say I am banned that were all allowing me to post. First FOX, now these disqus that even include The Gateway Pundit.
WOW. It must be a system ban! YIKES!
Yeah, something is up. I think CHINA may be unhappy.
Yeah, As an example I have never done a bannable post at TGP. At FOX, you betcha. Going to peruse through a few more and then use Plan B. lol
They must have done it to me by mistake and fixed it. All disqus sites are letting me post now.
Sending me a message?
If so, it won’t work.
Like I said – CHINA. They’re watching.
China is VERY thin skinned. And vengeful
That happened to me a few months ago. The computer worked fine but iphone didn’t. It straightened out as mysteriously as it occurred.
I am heavily shadow banned since 2016 on Breitbart using Disqus(t) simply for using too much data backing the points I made at the time. They do not like when you present actual facts to buttress the points made.
Okay to make a claim—not so much to support it with evidence.
Isn’t it spelled d i s g u s t?
I am tracking. Wolf is an astute and high IQ canine.
I do thank God…and you and the contributors to the QTree. Quite frankly you help keep me sane here in Central Europe—I mean that literally.
God is good!!!
I am learning that relatively late in life—but I guess better late than never.
It is never too late until your last breath. I am just happy you now know what you know.
Sanity in the EU is especially important! Glad it helps.
I cannot tell you how much this site helps me. It used to be CTH until the Q purge happened and I got booted for simply defending those who had already been booted and did not have the voice to defend themselves.
Thanks to Marica, she found me on Twitter. Here I am.
Flep rescued me, for which I am eternally grateful.
Make God bless you immensely, brother Wolf!
Thank you! AWOOOOOOO!!!
Beautiful. You continue to do heroic Kingdom work–deeply appreciated!
I asked the same question awhile back, JW. I appreciate this place as a refuge so very much. But Wolf said, nope.
I am doing the same thing as Wolf. I reduced our tithe to the church because of the pastor and deacon non-prayerful response to the jabs. I now spend it on other things and people that assist the kingdom of God.
And yes! Thank you for being our guest pastor almost every week!
Amen, Brother!
The QTree has helped me help others. I guess that is a fantastic gift on its own—I just want it to be known.
I am a poet—and didn’t know it.
Thank you for your contributions, JW.
Thank you for yours as well.
Organised religion is in the big club
I feel guilty. I am married and falling in love with Kari. Please forgive me.
LOL! She’s easy on the eyes, but she’s a WARRIOR!!!
My lovely wife shall never see this post!
I told my wife outright and she was good with it!
Trump coulda said the same thing Kari did.
YES. Exactly. And if Katie wins, it’s a CHEAT.
Only 4 more hours left to vote!!!! Just for Catturd it is worth the vote!!!
Give peace a chance!
I will give peace a chance—but not POS a chance.
After unconditional surrender by the enemy
mercy but justice
I gain ever more respect for Elon by the day.
I like his snark.
($8 please)
Kari is already taking names and kicking asses!
Yes, there must be consequences, and I think when she is governor she will overhaul the system in AZ.
What will those consequences be? Censure? Removal from office? They should be in jail.
And that doesn’t help the candidates who were cheated out of office in this election, and it doesn’t help the country that needed them in office to get things back on track.
I’m not dissing Kari; she’s fantastic. I’m just saying more needs to be done. It’s not in her power. I know there are people behind the scenes working on things, but whether they can effect real change for this election, I don’t know.
I think she may be able to get in there and really go Trump-level on ’em! Fingers crossed!
GOPe is about to go down!
If you trust a DEMOCRAT…..
This is about Laxalt. I hope he holds the line and makes them count all the votes. Maybe even recount.
Yup. I agree. Such a steal.
If we don’t figure this out, I can’t continue. The “hope-then-crushed” cycle is killing me. It’s too much.
I’ll just have to circle the wagons and figure out how to live the life I have left in me.
We won big on Tuesday. I KNOW we did. But they just keep cheating it away, and nobody seems to be able to stop them.
I agree. I’m waiting to see what happens with Kari. I will decide how to proceed after that.
I will no longer endeavor to persevere.
I will get off the roller coaster, and you are welcome to join me. We can convert this site, gradually, into something Andrew Torba would approve of. A way to build a truthful community, learning to survive, within a communist state.
The Path Forward: Build and Balkanize
NOVEMBER 10, 2022
In light of the clown show that was the election on Tuesday I wanted to share some of my thoughts on what I see as the path forward from here. I made a post on Gab yesterday that got tens of thousands of engagements both on and off Gab. I think it’s important to analyze why this post resonated so widely and where we go from here.
Agree 100%, with this reservation: we will not be permitted to freely build a parallel anything. Parallel building is the most constructive and useful activity we can do, but something else needs to be done – – something which will probably not happen in our lives.
We will build what WE want to build.
The globalists BE DAMNED!!!
Happy to do that if it is what is necessary.
We become NeoAmish. I really like that idea. We should probably work in that direction regardless of the Arizona outcome.
Yea, I can’t deal with NV anymore.
The only reason they, the Deep State, allowed Lombardo to win, is Laxalt and Marchant HAD TO BE STOPPED.
NV. Fair elections IMPOSSIBLE in NV.
The mechanics of the November 3 steal, was repeated, this November 8.
Assuming Trump runs, he’ll have my vote and support from TX, AR or OK.
Sixty days, DW and I should have a place to settle into. This 8 November debacle is NOT part of that decision. This timeline was determined a couple months ago.
You’re following he Torba recommendation. We find red states and make them redder.
i am happy at least you are finding a way to settle out of NV.
As we are. Thanks.
Hope you guys get out of CA soon.
It may happen. I think mr gil is just about peaking with being done.
Good for you. It’s time to get out.
Lombardo won because he is corrupt thru-and-thru, i.e., Bundy cattle round-up and Las Vegas shooting.
Why I had to withdraw for a while.
I feel you. It’s so hard.
Wonder if the weak sister R-Con Senators, have the backbone to shit-can Cocaine Mitch.
Same as the dopes in the House, to shit-can McCarthy.
We have to get rid of these saboteurs. No more bipartisanship with cheaters. We fight. Every day.
If Kari is snaked, who’s up for a trip to Phoenix?
THIS is how to deal with election fraud!
[video src="" /]
Democrats will do anything to hold onto power!
He was ahead until the cameras failed.
Roll the damn tanks.
i knew that they would do an obvious steal in some election. can he get a recount, sue, etc? its nonsense that a r candidate wins gov but not senate? just like AZ. im so sick of the corruption, over and over.
OMG, I get it. Musk is turning Twitter into the most amazing threat to corporate journalism EVER.
Defense Department records reveal U.S. funding of Anthrax laboratory activities in Ukraine.
h/t Anonymous Conservative
September 25, 2013
The U.S. is investing in a $102 million dollar biosecurity lab to study some of the most deadly pathogens that could potentially by used in bioterrorism attacks. Rather than locating the new facility in Washington, D.C., or some secure tract of land in Nevada, however, the lab will be built near Almaty, a Soviet-era outpost in Kazakhstan, National Geographic reports.
The unassumingly-named Central Reference Laboratory [notice what the current Ukraine Bio Labs are called…yep..the Central Reference Laboratory], is slotted to open in 2015 and will securely store and study highest risk diseases such as plague, anthrax and cholera. Having contained samples of those pathogens readily available will speed the process of diagnosing and treating potential outbreaks, NatGeo writes.
(AZ Geopolitics) A case of anthrax has been detected in Kiev.
[For what its worth, last year one of the Ukraine military research laboratories in the Kiev area was actively doing research on anthrax]
UFC 281: Adesanya v Pereira
I know that there are exponentially bigger issues to worry about besides sports—but I would like to give credit where it is due. The UFC might be the only UNwoke sport left.
You will not find BLM advertisements in the Octagon and none of the fighters promoting wokeness.
Shout out to Dana White for his loyalty to DJT and keeping it real.
The reason why I am still awake at 4AM is their 14 fight card prelims and main card. At the UFC testosterone is not the enemy and wholeheartedly welcome.
Also, even in New York’s Madison Square Garden the fans are not shy to chant USA USA USA when the opponent comes from another country.
Reminds me of the 1980 Olympics ice hockey match at Lake Placid USA vs USSR.
The Miracle On Ice.
Again? They have circumvented the Tea Party and now MAGA. Because we failed to chop of the head of the snake. The GOPe leadership. Unless that is done, we will just keep repeating this over and over. In the meantime, the dem ballot harvest will make all on the right irrelevant.
I am now opening myself up to thoughts about a third party, out of due diligence.
PDJT said he would make an announcement this coming week, who knows, this might be in his thoughts.
Well, I’m going to be heavily involved my Continuing Professional Education for a few days here.
One of the courses I decided to take was “Auditing Developments”, which purportedly explains how you’re supposed to do audits in the Age of Covid.
Good luck! We’ll be here when you return!
…audits in the Age of Covid.
^^^ Gotta be some kind of sick fucking joke.
Prolly guest speakers from CDC, FDA, NIH, Pfizer, Moderna… If not speakers, referencing those pillars of the community. /s
It is pretty funny.
If you’re too scared to verify inventory counts on the client’s property, perhaps you can do it via video…..
We don’t deserve Kari Lake.
We deserve both her, and any and all TRUE MAGA patriots and candidates…
I am so OVER all of this pessimism.
The strategy of division and confusion and delay is just another form of psycho-terror, indeed, another form of terrorism, as that’s what Satan does. He cannot create; he can only destroy or defile…
Simone Gold wants to “Drain The Science Swamp” – and I think that’s a great thing.