Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

…and we will have fun doing it, too!

The Rules

Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.
The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.
Bottom line – respect other people’s FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.
We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.
Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.
In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.
We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).
We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.
If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at
We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.
In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer
Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.
Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.
Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day Year:
something which holds the place of another, such as this default post which “holds the place” of what would be an interesting and varied weekly Monday post.
to do something to Eric Holder, as in “Please placeholder under arrest.”
Used in a sentence:
“Please placeholder under arrest.”
Used in a picture:

Have another great week!

Hooray for the placeholder!
Calling it the ‘swamp’ has become cutesy.
He should kick it up a notch, and start portraying them as they really are, which is criminals.
Members of a unified organized crime cartel.
Take the ‘funny’ out of it, and take the rose colored glasses off, and make people see it for what it actually is.
I’m gonna chew my cud on that but it sure sounds good.
I could not agree more. The Swamp has become normalized to where it barely draws any type of psychological reaction. We need to start calling it what it is…..
An organized criminal cartel committing atrocities worse than the world has ever been subjected to. Worse than WWII in that they literally want to murder more than half the people on the planet.
It’s really a cesspool
you are absolutely 100% right.
communist infiltrators and traitors, corrupt to the bone.
the District of Criminals.
Been calling it that for decades.
D.C. = The District of Criminals.
AND now we see Ukraine was laundering TAX MONEY back to the DNC (& GOPe) so they could finance election fraud and pocket the rest.
NO WONDER every one in DC was gun-ho to ‘Finance’ Ukraine. THEY ALL GOT A CUT!
Failed crypto exchange was money laundering operation report
That’s bad and needs much publicity, but worse is Janet Yellen and her minions both left and GOPe are using this to support their call for the Central Bank Digital Currency. (Don’t let a crisis go to waste)
Dante’s 9th Circle
The “Capitol Cartel” has a certain symmetry to it.
We should ditch the “fake news” nonsense as well, for the same reason.
Here I thought, ditching “fake news”, was a “given”. At least since 3 November debacle.
I think she meant ditching the name fake news.
Yes, I did.
2 significant wins from yesterday on Citizen Free Press:
New Schlichter —
“Trump is not the GOP’s only problem.” Meh.
I find it very suspicious that so many R’s were locked-and-loaded to blame VSGPOTUSDJT even as the polls closed. It’s like there was a prearranged narrative or something…..
And R’s with a prearranged narrative is a much bigger problem than Trump.
Those who perceive Trump to be a problem ARE the problem.
Just another example of the Cabal making up stories and pretending not to know what it is all about.
And as clever and witty and subtle as KS is (and he IS) he cannot hide his disdain for us mental cripples who see Trump in a way KS pretends not to understand.
TIME FOR A ‘NOTES” DUMP…. (My mouse is wonky and will not let me highlight without major effort so you get the whole file.
Note the sly push for DeSantis in 2024 instead of Trump.
Townhall – Wikipedia
Townhall is an American politically conservative website, print magazine and radio news service. Previously published by The Heritage Foundation, it is now owned and operated by Salem Communications.
From Sundance:
Transparently Predictable Political Maneuverings Within MSM and Salem Communications…
September 3, 2015
….Politics as an industry – Salem Communications [radio talk show (Hewitt), Red State (Erickson), now also Twitchy (Malkin), Hot Air (McCain), NRO, Townhall, Human Events, Bearing Arms etc.] has the same general ideological world view as Jeb Bush, George Will, Rupert Murdoch, Wall Street Journal, etc.
UPDATE: As if on cue – Salem Communications, Via Hot Air, publishes a “compare and contrast” article pushing the GOPe Carly Fiorina – as savior angle. (SEE HERE) Salem Communications owns both Hot Air and Hugh Hewitt. See how they roll?
Shorter: “the betters”, the “elites”. Or those who feel superior enough to tell others what they should or must think. You’ll note these Salem groups rarely research, present raw data, or offer unfiltered information; it’s almost always Op-Ed.
We, the proud vulgarian team, without financial considerations to skew our perspectives and viewpoints, do not like the “financial media class” and the skewered perspectives that come with financial dependency. We are able to research, watch, describe and discuss through clear-eyed glasses. Hence, we can transmit the warning above.
Insider Reveals Salem Media Was Part of The Coordinated Gang-of-Eight Manipulation…
“…..This week a Salem Communications insider steps forth (via email) to affirm all of the previous reports, and add details specific to the instructions from Salem Broadcasting and Salem Communications group:
In 2014 (sorry, cannot recall the date), Salem Radio hosted a conference call with Senator Marco Rubio to address the Gang of Eight legislation and “set the record straight.” All national and local talk hosts were urged to take part. I am one of their local hosts, and what I heard that day was troubling.
Moderated by Hugh Hewitt, it began with Senator Rubio offering a brief explanation of the measure and why it was so very necessary. Then Hewitt opened the call to questions. There were only a few, and they were exclusively from higher-profile, national Salem personalities, like Mike Gallagher, Katie Pavlich, and Mark Davis. No local host was permitted a question. Following the Q & A, Senator Rubio was cut loose, and that’s when things got weird.
After Rubio departed, Hewitt introduced Salem V.P. Tom Tradup, who began by saying, “Thanks, Hugh. Now, here’s how I would like our talkers to be talking about this…” I exited the call in disgust at that point and have no idea what followed.
The effort by the GOPe to co-opt the so-called “conservative media” is real, and it’s widespread. It also makes me gag.
XXXXXX (name intentionally withheld by CTH)
….But, as much as I hate to feed this beast, it’s a good opportunity to educate not just the arrogant, ignorant likes of Lassner and Tapper, but any lost sleeping souls who actually still listen to them. Did they come after me because I’m over the target? Are they trying to make a joke out of this because it’s true? You decide.
I sometimes forget that there are people who still don’t know how Wikileaks revealed that Jake Tapper is a puppet of the power establishment. This is the same power establishment that started all our wars, rigged the election against Bernie Sanders, and still somehow managed to lose the technology to go to the moon. I may not have as much money as you, Tapper, but at least I don’t carry water for those dickheads.
“Tapper and DNC staff discussed in emails:
Hmmm, that doesn’t seem very fair and balanced, and it doesn’t remotely resemble journalism. Jake [Tapper], for his part, didn’t think he did anything wrong when the justifiable outrage ensued following the leaks.
In his defense, it’s been a while since we’ve had real journalism in America. Maybe he doesn’t even know what his job is supposed to be. Journalists aren’t supposed to collude with politicians. They aren’t supposed to get questions from the people they’re interviewing – that’s called PR sweetie.
It’s a matter of public record that since the early 50’s the media as we’ve known it has been a farce. Here are 50 facts every American should know about that. The most important connection to understand is that between the media and the C.I.A. (Jake, this next part’s for you).
The C.I.A and The Media
History lesson: After leaving the Washington Post, Carl Bernstein spent six months looking at the relationship between the CIA and the media. In his scathing 25,000-word cover story, published in 1977 in Rolling Stone, “The CIA and the Media,” Bernstein wrote that by 1953, CIA Director Allen Dulles already oversaw the vast majority of the American media network….
Used by Obama and instinctively by Hitler.
10 Ways to Protect Yourself From NLP Mind Control
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a method for controlling people’s minds that was invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s, became popular in the psychoanalytic, occult and New Age worlds in the 1980s, and advertising, marketing and politics in the 1990s and 2000s. It’s become so interwoven with how people are communicated to and marketed at that its use is largely invisible
“There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for doing similar things. If I should allow honest opinions to be printed in one issue of my paper, I would be like Othello before twenty-four hours: my occupation would be gone. The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to villify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread, or for what is about the same — his salary. You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an “Independent Press”! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.” — Speech made by NYT ex editor James J Swinton,……way back in 1883!
“You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. … You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, — to them — a very, very important statute and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down statutes to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think about Thomas Jefferson? Do you like him? Are we going to take down his statute? Because he was a major slave-owner. Now are we going to take down his statute? You’re changing history. You’re changing culture, and you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally — but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.” — President Trump remarks about Charlottesville, VA riots, August 15, 2017
Mysterious Deaths of Reporters
“In the last 24 hours, two reporters in California have died mysteriously, let’s take a look.”
re: Bre Payton start at 3:50 – Interesting Payton’s fairly scathing article on Hillary Clinton two months before 2016 election in The Federalist. No coincidences.
FBI Interview Catches Hillary Clinton In Multiple Lies/
SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 By Bre Payton
“The FBI just released notes from its July 2 interview with Hillary Clinton about her use of a private, unsecured email server during her tenure as secretary of State. Their findings don’t look good for Clinton.”
Chris Burrous KTLA Anchor Dead In Glendale Motel/
“Chris loved sharing the stories of Southern California and connecting with our viewers,” said KTLA president-general manager Don Corsini and news director Jason Ball in a statement. “He will be remembered as a great journalist and a wonderful friend to many. He brought a kindness to his work and will be deeply missed by the entire KTLA family.”
“Burrous had been a regular on KTLA’s air since 2011. He was co-anchor of the weekend edition of “KTLA Morning News” and also served as a news correspondent for other KTLA telecasts. Burrous was recently part of the KTLA team that covered the state’s devastating wildfires last month and the mass shooting at Thousand Oaks’ Borderline Bar & Grill.”
America’s Ruling Class is a self absorbed, egotistic, narcissistic, arrogant, stupid, bunch who could care less for the American people and only care for their own special interests. To them, we are stupid, smelly, bible thumping, gun toting, inbred serfs in “flyover country” AND they have not hesitated to tell us so!
These people committed Treason over MONEY and the protection of their MONEY flow. If they were willing to do all they have to a SITTING President, what the hell do you think these people will do to US when they get full control and REMOVE OUR GUNS?
“Notice, the repeating scripts from station to station.”
“….In this leaked document, Media Matters confesses that it is ruling the entire media and this confession proves that the media is not independent and has been forced even to refuse to allow the President of the United States calling on their TV shows. Can you imagine the gravity of this confession?…”
4/ Most major US media outlets – beginning with CNN & MSNBC – now employ professional trained security state liars – from CIA, NSA, GCHQ, Pentagon – as “news analysts.” That’s what “state TV” is: having security state functionaries, trained in propaganda, disseminating “news”
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 21, 2018
I guess you never heard about CIA’s Operation Mockingbird from the 1950’s to 70’s (and still going today based on zero gov’t programs ever cancelled). CIA had over 400 assets in MSM. I guess they own entire media outlets, and put out a few stories here and there to help their cause. For example, NYT’s Maggie Haberman’s article yesterday discrediting Clinton Foundation hearing by Huber.
Lovearepublican says: September 2, 2018 at 12:14 am
I seem to recall in my media classes that if a broadcast station knowingly promotes and disseminates false information…that would be considered a breach of the public trust and they could lose their FCC licenses.
Both Erwin Rommel and Isoroku Yamamoto warned, “Don’t fight the Americans.”
(26) They both said the same thing:
“You think they’re soft and decadent, but you’re wrong. If you go to war against them, they’ll muster power you can’t conceive.”
The plan has morphed to an armed insurgency.
“We all know that the time is now, and there is no voting, there is no protesting that’s going to get them out. The only thing that’s going to get them out is us.And they need to be snatched and thrown the f*ck out.” — ANTIFA Thug who YOU SUPPORT and ENCOURAGE.
CNN advocating clearly for rioting and violence.
These people are sick.
Just in time for MIDTERMS. Same wuth bikelock ANTIFA getting off.
Something is being planned. Be alert!
Chris Cuomo announced Monday night that CNN will not condemn but instead justify political violence against anyone it defines as “bigots” — which, according to the network’s editorial tone over the past two years, signals open season on all Trump supporters for violent activists like Antifa and the Black Bloc.
To legitimize political violence, Cuomo said, “All punches are not equal morally… Drawing a moral equivalency between those espousing hate and those fighting it, because they both resort to violence emboldens hate, legitimized hateful belief and elevates what should be stamped out.”
This is a dramatic turning point for the far left. Not only is CNN offering moral cover for those who engage in political violence, but — thanks to the ever-widening definition of “hate” — CNN is also calling for the left’s political opponents to be “stamped out.”
This, of course, is anathema to the very heart of Martin Luther King’s civil rights movement, which was never about “stamping out” anything. Rather, it was about using peaceful protest and civil disobedience to change hearts and minds.
Cuomo continued: [emphasis added]
Two wrongs and what is right. The bigots are wrong to hit. Antifa or whomever — anarchists or malcontents or the misguided — they are also wrong to hit. But fighting hate is right. And in a clash between hate and those who oppose it, those who oppose it are on the side of right.”
erasing people and history: 
GEE — no Melania on the cover of any magazines….
…I am reminded from my conversation with one of the ultra rich elite globalists that they have had the makings of the new world order in play now for years and the last administration gave them such confidence that they only barely kept their intentions below the surface because their contempt for the peasants was so enormous. — J. Kash jkash (@USjkash2) says: August 7, 2018 at 12:55 pm
Medline Albright told us, “it’s not fair that we are the only superpower.” You can be certain the left acted to change that dynamic. No telling what she whispered in his ear.
David Mamet essentially said: …‘in order for genuine democrats to continue their illogical belief systems they have to pretend not to know a lot of things’
We’ve watched the ridiculing of cops, the riots (called Protests), the lack of support for laws, or their enforcement. We’ve watched Islamic Terrorists slaughter Americans as our politicians proclaim their uncertainty of motive and then the media call us islamiphobics because we RIGHTFULLY understand Political Islam is a totalitarian
We have watched the FAKE News declare Transgender bathrooms as more important than border security.
When U.S. flags are burned, defacated and pissed on, and we are told that is ‘Free Speech’ but Conservatives are subject to censorship WE notice. When the stars and stripes and our veterans are dishonored by football players WHILE IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY yet the Mexican Flag is not only honored but La Raza, whose goal is Mexico’s annexation of 1/3 of USA, recevies US government funding – we pay attention.
Dems brought Saddam Hussein’s rogue nuclear mastermind inside the USA and gave him a 35 year lease to Port Canaveral and a 50 year lease to the Port of Wilmington…
[…] On the drive to and from the East Coast, I paid attention to the billboards and bumper-stickers. Folks, the people in “Fly over” country are PISSED, from the guy that guides hunters, to the mayors of towns and cities, to state senators congressmen and Governors who are voting to arrest and imprison federal law enforcement officials for enforcing federal gun laws that don’t agree with state law … The political pendulum has never, in the history of humanity, stayed on one side of a swing. The back lash from over reach has always been proportionate to how far off center it went before coming back … right now we’re staring at a whole hell of a lot of the country (about 80-90% of the land mass, as well as about 50+% of the population) that is FED UP. You really don’t want those guys to decide that the only way to fix it is to burn it down and start over…
(7) I’ve told you before that countries that have shitty cops ALWAYS result to mob justice.
You can see incredible videos of people ripping criminals limb from limb.
(8) People are crazier than ever
Upton SInclair on the control of the media
“The most effectual engines for [pacifying a nation] are the public papers… [A despotic] government always [keeps] a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, [invent] and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper.” –Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp, Oct. 13, 1785.
Here is a deep rabbit hole that constantly updates and as you will see all the same people are involved.
over at Twitter:
Undercover audio from Twitter:
“Every single conversation is going to be rated by a machine and the machine is going to say whether or not it’s a positive or negative thing…”
“… it’s going to ban a way of talking.”
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) August 6, 2018
With help from…
“Company managers responded by swiftly trying to shut down employees’ access to any documents that contained information about the China censorship project, according to Google insiders who witnessed the backlash.
“Everyone’s access to documents got turned off, and is being turned on [on a] document-by-document basis,” said one source. “There’s been total radio silence from leadership, which is making a lot of people upset and scared. … Our internal meme site and Google Plus are full of talk, and people are a.n.g.r.y.””
You. Cannot. Make. This. Sh*t. Up.
They censored themselves… er… something.
First: giant AI lab in China to assist in becoming world’s preeminent technology power.
Second: build special “Choogle” search engine so that China can more effectively censor unsanctioned content, and oh if we could help keep track of our citizens while we’re at it, that would be gravy.
Congress needs to bring Google in for a chat on live T.V. First question: WTF is going on with Google? Second question: Why do you hate America? Third question: Why do you love China, besides money, of course? Fourth question: do Alphabet and Google executives approve of mass surveillance, extreme censorship measures, countries that perform illegal and unfair trade practices, stealing of intellectual property, and eating of dogs? etc. etc.
Today, tech giants Google / YouTube, Apple, Spotify, Stitcher and Facebook all simultaneously blacklisted Alex Jones and InfoWars. This coordinated, illegal censorship is clear proof of an organized criminal racket being conducted by the tech giants. The RICO Act allows for federal prosecution of such criminal conspiracy.
The internet Dark Ages has now descended upon us, where radical left-wing tech giants run by deranged, mentally ill communists will decide whether your content qualifies as “hate speech.” What is hate speech? It’s anything uttered by a conservative.
No due process, no appeal, no transparency of the evidence against you, no ability to present evidence in your defense, no means of recourse, nothing…
The tech giants alone now decide what speech is allowed on the internet (and what speech is banned).
Even if you didn’t support Alex Jones before all this, we must all stand with the right of Alex Jones to speak. [real rest of report at the below URL]
The government can now spy on Americans WITHOUT a reason with no repercussions, AND MY free speech is being eliminated. The ‘Media’ is guilty of KNOWINGLY and purposefully propagandizing the American People, using their ‘power’ to subvert our nation, and that is NOT ‘protected’ by the Constitution.
We are in a WAR and have been for the last one hundred years ever since the European bankers came to the USA and took over our banking system in 2013 AND OUR MEDIA in 2015. These same Oligarchs then financed the
“alt-tech” – meaning, alternative technology that isn’t bound by political correctness.
Mike Adams a contributer at INFOWARS is the founder of REAL.VIDEO A new platform for those kicked off the Nazi platforms.
Christian apologetics ministry WALKS AWAY from YouTube to join
With soon-to-be-launched features like subscription options and RSS feeds, stands to rival YouTube in the not-too-distant future. It’s already launching more than 250 new channels daily, and serving up more than one million video minutes each each – with much more on the way.
“As YouTube and other tech giants continue to accelerate their malicious silencing of independent media voices, the mass exodus away from globalist-controlled platforms will only accelerate, leading to the rapid growth of alternative platforms like, which is already capable of serving one billion video views per month,” says Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.
We Treepers can have a major impact if we send POTUS a message referencing the Jones banning, Candance banning, Scott Adams (shadow banned) (both recently been in the Oval Office) and if you yourself are being shadowbanned. Even link this post. Then request that he also post simultaneously on Gab.
Here is Alex Jones answering this ban on InfoWars:
Here is a good search engine that mixes your search in with others so that you are not being personally tracked. The conservative sites come up just fine.
Gab >
A Martin Armstrong blog Post entitled, Inside Every Liberal is a Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out” is very apropos.
Halkides explained like this:
The Progressive believes in precisely two things: his own magnificence and the constructive power of brute force. In combination, they lead him naturally from the role of pestiferous busybody to brutal dictator. Where the productive man dreams of the things he might create if only left alone by his fellows, the Progressive dreams of the world he could create if only the lives and property of his fellows were at his disposal. The roots of his pathology lie in that oldest and most destructive of all human vices, the desire for the power to rule over other men.
To give someone something to help them when they really need it actually makes you feel good inside. To be forced to turnover assets so someone else can claim to be charitable is not charity by any means – it is extortion. Even Hillary on the campaign trail remarked that Trump was worth several billions. “Think what we could do with that!” she exclaimed. It is always violating the Tenth Commandment – Thous shall not covert anything belonging to someone else. It seems God understood the totalitarian hiding inside every leftist and made it a violation of his 10 Commandments.
Jedi9 says:
August 5, 2018 at 9:42 pm
You know what is even more funnier? Today walking into work and seeing the news cycle in HK being dominated by Trumps tweet about how the media is Sic and Dangerous and can start wars! They are saying that Trump is now taking off the gloves to punch MSM out and give a black eye!
Loving every minute of this! Libbies heads are exploding everywhere! World wide it so appears!
Beautiful quote from G.K. Chesterton, “The Tyranny of Bad Journalism”
“The point about the Press is that it is not what it is called. It is not the “popular Press”. It is not the public Press. It is not an organ of public opinion. It is a conspiracy of a very few millionaires, all sufficiently similar in type to agree on the limits of what this great nation (to which we belong) may know about itself and its friends and enemies.”
What is impressive here, at least for me, is that this was written at the beginning of the 20th century. The situation is exactly the same these days. These millionaires succeded in making most of us believe they merely write a mirror of reality. Incidentally, I’ve just realized the double meaning of the english word “press”. Is this a coincidence?
(The previous paragraph of the essay is also very nice, and actually prepares well the message:)
“It always takes a considerable time to see the simple and central fact about anything. All sorts of things have been said about the modern Press, especially the Yellow Press; that it is Jingo or Philistine or sensational or wrongly inquisitive or vulgar or indecent or trivial; but none of these have anything really to do with the point.”
Sorry, forgot CBS “News,” which I want to make sure to mention because it is headed by David Rhodes, the brother of Obama national security advisor and Iran appeasement architect Ben “Rat Face” Rhodes who holds a creative writing degree from NYU…
Media Matters writes the scripts for virtually every “outrage/SJW event” as well. They orchestrated the Dump Rush movement a few years back. It appeared to be 10s of Ks people, all spontaneous, actually was 10 people, all retired, mostly women, two retired teachers, at their computers working social and dirt bag media with Media Matters scripts and tactical guidance. Rush had them tracked down, has their names, addresses, phones and email addresses, all 10 of them.
<i>”….The “Hall” has gone all-in RINO….”</i>
Sundance showed commercial ‘conservative media’ is nothing but the Controlled opposition during the 2016 campaign.
Reporter Admits Most Media Work for CIA, MI6, Mossad
“I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I’ve been educated to lie, to betray—and not to tell the truth to the public. . . . The German and American media [is trying] to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia. This is a point of no return, and I am going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda.”
What is insidious, as Ulfkotte confesses, is that typically, intelligence agencies use “unofficial covers”—people working for the agency but not actually on its payroll as agents. It is a broad, loose network of “friends,” doing one another favors. Many are lead journalists from numerous countries. This informality provides plausible deniability for both sides, but it means an “unofficial cover,” as Ulfkotte became, is on his own if captured.
October 26, 2014 <a href=””>Reporter Admits Most Media Work for CIA, MI6, Mossad</a>
Kez says:
March 19, 2018 at 10:02 am
Here’s a dot that I just connected for myself, when Napolitano on fox reported that British intell was involved with the surveillance of Pres. Trump and fox suspended him for what ever reason. Then he came back and was a totally different Nap. And Rosen was let go, Eric Boling was let go and his son dies from overdose, each of them accused of sexual misconduct. Fox is neck deep in this along with all the other MSMs. Whatever they told Nap it must have been really bad to scare him so much.
Mary Morse says:
March 19, 2018 at 2:41 pm
Here’s a link to a story at TGP today that claims Rupert Murdoch pulled reporting on Seth Rich. The Skye News deal is also mentioned.
“Multiple sources have told the Gateway Pundit that the Rich investigations at Fox News were squashed and removed due to demands by the Murdoch family — not because Zimmerman hadn’t properly investigated her story.”…
</blockquote>2015: This week a Salem Communications insider steps forth (via email) to affirm all of the previous reports, and add details specific to the instructions from Salem Broadcasting and Salem Communications group:
In 2014 (sorry, cannot recall the date), Salem Radio hosted a conference call with Senator Marco Rubio to address the Gang of Eight legislation and “set the record straight.” All national and local talk hosts were urged to take part. I am one of their local hosts, and what I heard that day was troubling.
Moderated by Hugh Hewitt, it began with Senator Rubio offering a brief explanation of the measure and why it was so very necessary. Then Hewitt opened the call to questions. There were only a few, and they were exclusively from higher-profile, national Salem personalities, like Mike Gallagher, Katie Pavlich, and Mark Davis. No local host was permitted a question. Following the Q & A, Senator Rubio was cut loose, and that’s when things got weird.
After Rubio departed, Hewitt introduced Salem V.P. Tom Tradup, who began by saying, “Thanks, Hugh. Now, here’s how I would like our talkers to be talking about this…” I exited the call in disgust at that point and have no idea what followed.
The effort by the GOPe to co-opt the so-called “conservative media” is real, and it’s widespread. It also makes me gag.
XXXXXX (name intentionally withheld by CTH)
2016: <a href=””>Insider Reveals Salem Media Was Part of The Coordinated Gang-of-Eight Manipulation…</a>
Also a very good article on psy-ops in the Media.
There used to be 88 news media now there are six. These are the 15 Billionaires WHO Own America’s News Media Companies
ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
Mary Jacoby worked with Sid Blumenthal for years at Salon. She is wife of Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS
ValJar’s daughter now works for CNN.
Samantha Powers is married to Cass Sustein, a Bloomberg View columnist.
<b>BIAS??? WHAT BIAS???</b>
Nov. 2016 <a href=””>SharylAttkisson: Newsgate</a>
2013MaggiesNotebook : <b>White House and Media: Intermarriage, Spouses, Relatives, Congress: Shushing Scandal</b>
These 15 Billionaires Own America’s News Media Companies
Every morning at 4AM the Mocking Bird media receives an email from the deep state giving them all the talking points for that day.
This was intercepted by our white hats and Q directly addressed the msm saying to them ‘Hi msm how are the talking points coming along since you received again your email at 4AM telling you what to report? cali says: February 10, 2018 at 8:50 am
The Congress doesn’t want to see punishment on leaking because elected officials and their staff members leak too. Schiff is an example.
The press and the government have been co-mingling. We know or have known about it. It is a problem for National Security and someone needs to clean it up with laws. McCabe should never have happened. People should be excluded from government service if family members are big shots in the media like Ben Rhodes. It should be considered an opportunity to leak. Because that is what it is…..please, no more warm,fuzzy bedtime stories of “integrity” in our government. Integrity is just another ‘subjective’ term in Washington DC. This is what President Trump is dealing with because these people still have relationships with the Obama holdovers.
Nick Nolte wrote about Obama admin incestuous relationship with the Washington Post.
As Dennis Prager often says, the tactics of the left haven’t changed since the days of Lenin and Marx. Creating false realities, lie about those who oppose those false realities and try to delegitimize and eventually criminalize those who oppose the socialist/communist propoganda has been the lefts trademark for so long now. That it still works among so many is as amazing as it is sad.
There used to be 88 news media now there are six. These 6 all get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. Reuters owns the AP.
Lists of the 6
Notice that our ‘regular conservative media’ like Fox News and News Max are Clinton donors. <b>Controlled opposition anyone? </b>
<blockquote>Clinton Foundation donors include dozens of media organizations, individuals
NBC Universal, News Corporation, Turner Broadcasting and Thomson Reuters are among more than a dozen media organizations that have made charitable contributions to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, the foundation’s records show.
The donations, which range from the low-thousands to the millions, provide a picture of the media industry’s ties to the Clinton Foundation at a time when one of its most notable personalities, George Stephanopoulos, is under scrutiny for not disclosing his own $75,000 contribution when reporting on the foundation.
The list also includes mass media groups like Comcast, Time Warner and Viacom, as well a few notable individuals, including Carlos Slim, the Mexican telecom magnate and largest shareholder of The New York Times Company, and James Murdoch, the chief operating officer of 21st Century Fox. Both Slim and Murdoch have given between $1 million to $5 million, respectively.
Judy Woodruff, the co-anchor and managing editor of PBS NewsHour, gave $250 to the foundation….
<b>$1,000,000-$5,000,000 </b>
Carlos Slim [Mexican] – Chairman & CEO of Telmex, largest New York Times shareholder
<b>James Murdoch< /b> – Chief Operating Officer of 21st Century Fox
<b>Newsmax Media</b> – Florida-based conservative media network
<b>Thomson Reuters</b> – Owner of the Reuters news service
<b>$500,000-$1,000,000 </b>
News Corporation Foundation – Philanthropic arm of former Fox News parent company
<b>$250,000-$500,000 /<b>
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – Publisher
Richard Mellon Scaife – Owner of Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
<b>$100,000-$250,000 </b>
<b>Abigail Disney</b> – Documentary filmmaker
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Howard Stringer – Former CBS, CBS News and Sony executive
Intermountain West Communications Company – Local television affiliate owner (formerly Sunbelt Communications)
<b>$50,000-$100,000 </b>
Bloomberg L.P.
Discovery Communications Inc.
George Stephanopoulos – ABC News chief anchor and chief political correspondent
Mort Zuckerman – Owner of New York Daily News and U.S. News & World Report
Time Warner Inc. – Owner of CNN parent company Turner Broadcasting
<b>$25,000-$50,000 </b>
Hollywood Foreign Press Association – Presenters of the Golden Globe Awards
<b>$10,000-$25,000 </b>
Knight Foundation – Non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting journalism
<b>Public Radio International </b>
Turner Broadcasting
Parent company of CNN
<b>$5,000-$10,000 </b>
Parent copmany of NBCUniversal
NBC Universal
Parent company of NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC
Public Broadcasting Service
<b>$1,000-$5,000 </b>
Robert Allbritton
AOL Huffington Post Media Group
Hearst Corporation
Judy Woodruff
PBS Newshour co-anchor and managing editor
The Washington Post Company </blockquote> </blockquote>
Unbiased??? I do not think so.
ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
Ya think there might be a little bias in the news?
Stephanopoulos did not disclose during this interview, and does not disclose during coverage of the 2016 election, that he worked in the White House as Senior Adviser to the President during Bill Clinton’s first term AND a Clinton foundation donor in addition
Clinton’s close yet questionable ties to media outlets such as Google, CNN, PBS and The New York Times have seemed to pay off. These entities have gone out of their way to censor negative stories about Clinton, particularly ones involving the Clinton Foundation. There’s one common thread though these media outlets suppressing harmful Clinton stories all share: they’ve donated to the Clinton Foundation.
Google staffers have had at least 427 meetings at the White House over course of Obama presidency. Mark Zuckerberg, (facebook) has also met with Obama.
There are enough reports of Facebook not allowing certain titles, Twitter and Facebook manipulating ‘trending’ subjects, google putting sceptics to the back of the line in searches and other perception manipulation.
Even worse with Brietbart supporting Trump, Hillary’s response is ..the website Breitbart News has no “right to exist,” and suggests that if elected, the website will be shut down entirely.
….”We’ve had a conservative media in this country for a while,” says the email, sent Thursday and signed by deputy communications director Christina Reynolds. “I don’t always like what they have to say, but I respect their role and their right to exist Reynolds’ acknowledgment that the regular conservative media has a “right to exist,” …
“Breitbart is something different,” she says. “They make Fox News look like a Democratic Party pamphlet. They’re a different breed altogether — not just conservative but radical, bigoted, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic conspiracy peddlers who never have been and never should be anywhere near the levers of power in this country.”…..
There is also a video out there with Hillary saying the government has THE RIGHT to regulate our Enumerated Rights given in the Bill of Rights like the right of free speech, right of assembly, and right to bear arms turning them into government granted privileges.
We already have ‘free speech zones,’ prosecutions for ‘Hate Speech’ and now the [attempted] shutting down of access to alternate media.
The flip side is just as ugly. Notice that our ‘regular conservative media’ like Fox News and News Max are Clinton donors. Controlled opposition anyone?
Clinton Foundation donors include dozens of media organizations, individuals
NBC Universal, News Corporation, Turner Broadcasting and Thomson Reuters are among more than a dozen media organizations that have made charitable contributions to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, the foundation’s records show.
The donations, which range from the low-thousands to the millions, provide a picture of the media industry’s ties to the Clinton Foundation at a time when one of its most notable personalities, George Stephanopoulos, is under scrutiny for not disclosing his own $75,000 contribution when reporting on the foundation.
The list also includes mass media groups like Comcast, Time Warner and Viacom, as well a few notable individuals, including Carlos Slim, the Mexican telecom magnate and largest shareholder of The New York Times Company, and James Murdoch, the chief operating officer of 21st Century Fox. Both Slim and Murdoch have given between $1 million to $5 million, respectively.
Judy Woodruff, the co-anchor and managing editor of PBS NewsHour, gave $250 to the foundation….
Carlos Slim [Mexican]
Chairman & CEO of Telmex, largest New York Times shareholder
James Murdoch
Chief Operating Officer of 21st Century Fox
Newsmax Media
Florida-based conservative media network
Thomson Reuters
Owner of the Reuters news service
News Corporation Foundation
Philanthropic arm of former Fox News parent company
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Richard Mellon Scaife
Owner of Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Abigail Disney
Documentary filmmaker
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Howard Stringer
Former CBS, CBS News and Sony executive
Intermountain West Communications Company
Local television affiliate owner (formerly Sunbelt Communications)
Bloomberg L.P.
Discovery Communications Inc.
George Stephanopoulos
ABC News chief anchor and chief political correspondent
Mort Zuckerman
Owner of New York Daily News and U.S. News & World Report
Time Warner Inc.
Owner of CNN parent company Turner Broadcasting
Hollywood Foreign Press Association
Presenters of the Golden Globe Awards
Knight Foundation
Non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting journalism
Public Radio International
Turner Broadcasting
Parent company of CNN
Parent copmany of NBCUniversal
NBC Universal
Parent company of NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC
Public Broadcasting Service
Robert Allbritton
AOL Huffington Post Media Group
Hearst Corporation
Judy Woodruff
PBS Newshour co-anchor and managing editor
The Washington Post Company
Unbiased??? I do not think so.
CNN wants to equate Trump to Saddam? Pulease. Eason Jordan bent over backwards averting his eyes when Saddam tossed people in wood chippers. Remember Eason Jordan? He’s the guy that admitted CNN knew about Saddam’s atrocities but looked the other way for access. The closest thing to that in this election is the way the press averts its eyes when Hillary stumble-bums her way to her Ambulance. —- Just carrying on the proud tradition of Walter Duranty.
“…political reporters, are just stupid rich kids. The parents have done well so they send their smart kid off to law school, while the dull one is sent off to journalism school. The result…is a culture dominated by.. nitwits too dumb to realize they are stupid.
..have fragile psyches so seeing their mistakes highlighted .. is a source of constant distress.
When you live in the snow globe of opinion journalism, the outside world is horrifying. That’s why you went into the snow globe in the first place, to get away from the cold, pitiless world of reality. .. those angry Dirt People.. with their facts and reason just don’t get it. Many of them don’t even have a PhD. They are ruining it for everyone!
..People in the media have long viewed themselves as the fourth estate, part of the ruling class, but policing the ruling class. This was always nonsense. The press has always been staffed by obsequious rumpswabs and toadies…so only the most blinkered and stupid thrive. Suddenly, these dullards are learning that the rest of us have no respect for them.”
“Would the Last Honest Reporter Please Turn Out the Lights?”
<a href=””>Psych-Ops: Psychological Operations (Psy-Ops)</a>
<a href=””>Newly Declassified Govt Docs Reveal Operation Mockingbird is Alive and Well</a>
<a href=”″>WikiLeaks List Exposes At Least 65 Corporate ‘Presstitutes’ Who Colluded to Hide Clinton’s Crimes</a>
And do not forget the paid ‘commenters’ that show up all the time.
wheatietoo says:
January 7, 2018 at 1:10 am
On the face of it…it’s Bribery.
But the reality of it, is that they were acting as ‘paid political operatives’.
Then the leftist Networks themselves are acting like Political Action Groups, whose main directive is to spew propaganda through their programming and fake news shows.
So with that in mind…it’s like the payola from outside sources served as ‘bonuses’ for including & pushing the false narratives that fellow travelers had ordered up.
It’s all for the greater good, dontcha know.
And that must be achieved…’by any means necessary’.
Why is Obozo’s 2012/2013 NDAA /Smith Mundt “Modernization” allowed to stand? It legalizes the airing of propaganda within our National borders.
The fourt estate is OWNED by the Fifth Column that is seeking to destroy personal liberity vorld wide via the destruction of the USA. Look at the EU where discusing or expressing THE TRUTH will land you in jail where you are then killed. — a roundabout death sentence.
L4grasshopper says:
June 9, 2018 at 1:36 pm
Trump is trying to destroy the false meme that the MSM and the Euros keep bleating that the current status quo WRT trade is some sort of tariff free “free trade” nirvana and that Trump is going to mess it all up.
The hard truth is, of course, that ALL TRADE is micro-managed by thousands of tariffs, quotas, set asides, content rules, and other laws and regulations. What Trump is doing is simply reexamining some of these “deals” and calling them out as unfair to the US. The howling is all coming from those globalists who are currently milking the status quo trade cow.
Foreign Policy magazine was founded by Harvard professor Samuel Huntington, a one-time hawk, and his close friend, Warren Demian Manshel, a dove. The purpose and mission was to question commonplace views and groupthink and to give a voice to alternative views about American foreign policy. Huntington hoped it would be “serious but not scholarly, lively but not glib.”
In 2000, under the ownership of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, FP transitioned from a slim, quarterly journal to the glossy magazine it is today — while retaining its independent viewpoint and commitment to rigorous exploration of the world’s biggest issues.
As the world became more complex, its global audience rapidly grew. International editions were launched in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America.
George Soreass laments
“Everything That Could Go Wrong, Has Gone Wrong”
To our allies: bipartisan majorities of Americans remain pro-free trade, pro-globalization & supportive of alliances based on 70 years of shared values. Americans stand with you, even if our president doesn’t.
— John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) June 10, 2018
THREAD from The War Economy – click on tweet
— The_War_Economy (@The_War_Economy) June 10, 2018
‘To my globalist buddies : Trump is dismantling the racket we’ve all worked so hard to build, for our own benefit.
Our ‘shared values’ of lying & greed must remain above the rule of law.
I can also tweet this in Ukrainian.’
Songbird John
— REX (@_ImperatorRex_) June 10, 2018
Russian Comedian Posing As Ukrainian Prime Minister PRANKS Sen. John McCain
Luke Rosiak on the Larry O’Conner Show WMAL.
Luke outlines the latest in the Awan Bros case.
“The Dems covered up a second DNC hack.”
Blamed the Awan hack of the DNC server on Russia.
Luke articulates the entire Awan Scandal succinctly and thoroughly.
19:13; skip through the commercial 08:30 to 13:30.
jesusbiggerthanthebeatles says:
June 7, 2018 at 6:40 pm
Whomever now offers to testify before Congress in exchange for use immunity either KNOWS or has EVERY REASON TO BELIEVE that they are among the targets of U.S. Attorney John Huber’s wide-ranging criminal investigation. They also know that arrests and criminal charges are imminent.
That’s why the arrest last weekend of former Defense Intelligence Agency Ron Rockwell Hansen, as he was trying to flee the country, is so significant. Huber (yes, THAT John Huber) was front and center when the 41-page, 18-count felony complaint against Hansen was announced. Hansen is accused of acting as an unregistered foreign agent (spy) for, and providing classified documents to, the People’s Republic of China.
This case may or may not be directly related to “Spy-Gate,” but Huber’s conspicuous involvement suggests that the Hansen indictment is the template for the criminal indictment of Hillary Clinton, and others, that we can expect to follow in the next stage this whole sordid affair.
One need only substitute Hillary Clinton’s name in place of Ron Hansen, and combine all the evidence we’ve already seen to what the FBI must have found on the Abedin/Weiner laptop, to see where this is going. The Obama/Lynch/Comey/McCabe/Strzok/Page Clinton E-mail criminal (“call it a matter” investigation was a sham. The Huber investigation of Hillary Clinton’s criminal negligence and malfeasance in office, and the lengths to which the Obama Administration went to paper it over, is air-tight.
And neither those charged, nor their sycophantic water carriers in the ene-media, will be able to CREDIBLY claim that these indictments constitute some sort of political vendetta by the Trump Administration against his political opponents in the Clinton and Obama camps. That’s because neither President Trump nor Attorney General Jeff Sessions will have been in any way involved, directly or indirectly, in overseeing and/or pursuing the case.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz began his investigation in the waning days of the Obama Administration. At the time, Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon, praised the news:
“This is highly encouraging and to be expected given Director Comey’s drastic deviation from Justice Department protocol,” Fallon said. “A probe of this sort, however long it takes to conduct, is utterly necessary in order to take the first step to restore the FBI’s reputation as a non-partisan institution.”
Only AFTER IG Horowitz’s investigation began to uncover evidence of wrongdoing did Attorney General Sessions appoint U.S. Attorney Huber to open a CRIMINAL investigation. Huber and his 400+ person team necessarily would revist evidence in the underlying Clinton E-Mail “matter” as well as ALL the facts with respect to how the Obama White House, Justice Department, FBI, and various other individuals and entities handled it.
President Trump and Attorney General Sessions won’t determine the outcome of the HOROWITZ and HUBER investigations. Only the EVIDENCE, or lack thereof, can do that.
Meanwhile, Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed by Rod Rosenstein, but that investigation has been a snipe hunt from the get go, deployed to placate (and distract) Congressional Democrats and RINOs. The Mueller team ultimately will be obliged to absolve President Trump of having attempted to rig the 2016 Presidential election, either by “colluding” with the Russians or anyone else.
President Trump and Attorney General Sessions won’t determine the outcome of the Mueller investigation, either. Only the EVIDENCE, or lack thereof, can do that.
Game, set, match.
Re: Ron Hansen indictment. Here’s the link to a PDF. Note the section on “Classified Information” that begins on page 4. Identical to those classifications as those Hillary Clinton was excused for “mishandling” because she lacked “intent,” and for which there is now a sh!tload of evidence on the Abedin/Weiner laptop:
jesusbiggerthanthebeatles says:
June 7, 2018 at 6:40 pm
“Archived” in the Foggy Bottom Basement, “Never to be Seen Again”
or “What Did FBI Director Comey Know, And When Did He Know It?”
“I’m confident that this process will prove that I never sent nor received any e-mail that was marked classified.”–Hillary Clinton, 09/26/15.
“We should not think it is fine to find something that ‘should have been classified at the time. Our position is that no such material exists, else it could be said she mishandled classified info.” Clinton Presidential Campaign spokesman Brian Fallon, e-mail to John Podesta, 09/22/15.
No wonder, then, that Patrick F. Kennedy, Under Secretary of State for Management, went to such EXTRAORDINARY LENGTHS, pressuring no fewer than four separate FBI officials, in his monomaniacal effort to change the classification on one of Hillary Clinton’s emails from SECRET/NOFORN to Unclassified (but “privileged, and so not to be made public).
Kennedy’s name just seemed to keep cropping up when the dirt went down during Clinton’s tenure at Foggy Bottom. Indeed, a wide-ranging investigation conducted by the Department of State Inspector General in 2013 makes for very interesting reading.
That year, reports and memos prepared by the Office of Inspector General alleged that Howard Gutman, U.S. Ambassador to Belgium (who had raised $500,000 for President Obama’s campaign), had solicited minors for sex in Brussells. Members of Clinton’s own security detail also were alleged to have hooked up with prostitutes. Kennedy tried to squelch the OIG report, or at the very least kill any mention of the Ambassador Gutman case.
Madam Secretary Clinton had no prior knowledge about any of the investigation, State Department spokesman Nicholas Merrill assured us.
“We learned of it from the media and don’t know anything beyond what’s been reported,” Merrill said in a written statement.
Fast forward to 2015 and the FBI’s CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION to determine if classified information had been mishandled on Hillary Clinton’s private, unsecure, unauthorized, home brew email server while she served as Secretary of State. The following is a chronological narrative compiled from FD-302 summaries of FBI interviews conducted in the course of that investigation, in which then-FBI Director concluded that Madam Secretary Clinton had committed no INTENTIONAL wrong-doing in the “matter.”
“(Redacted) believes that STATE has an agenda which involves minimizing the classified nature of the CLINTON emails in order to protect STATE interests and those of CLINTON.”
“… (redacted) received a call from (redacted) of the International Operations Division (IOD) of the FBI, who “pressured” him to change the classified email to unclassified. (redacted) indicated he had been contacted by PATRICK KENNEDY, Under Secretary of State, who asked his assistance in ALTERING the email’s classification in exchange for a ‘quid pro quo.’ (Emphasis mine.)
“(redacted) advised that, in exchange for marking the email unclassified, STATE would reciprocate by allowing the FBI to place more agents in countries where they are presently forbidden.
“ … the email of KENNEDY’s concern was classified by the FBI Counterterrorism Division and WAS RELATED TO THE ATTACKS ON THE U.S. CONSULATE IN BENGHAZI.” (Emphasis mine.)
“During the conversation, a participant specifically asked whether any of the emails were classified. Making eye contact with (redacted), KENNEDY remarked:
“’Well, we’ll see.’”
“KENNEDY told (redacted) that the FBI’s classification of the email caused problems for KENNEDY and KENNEDY wanted to classify the document as “B(9).” KENNEDY further stated that the B(9) classification would allow him to “achive the document in the basement of the DoS never to be seen again.”
“(redacted) was then present during a conference call involving KENNEDY and MICHAEL STEINBACH (Assistant Director of the FBI Counterterrorism Division) in which KENNEDY continued to pressure to change the classification markings on the email to unclassified. STEINBACH refused to do so …
“STEINBACH advised KENNEDY that the FBI would not comment publicly on the matter. The conference call ended and, according to (redacted), the (Associated Press)” published the story within the hour.”
“Former Secretary of State CLINTON appeared before the press shortly thereafter to deny having sent classified emails on her private email server.”
lokiscout says:
June 7, 2018 at 8:36 pm
When I was trained in the handling of classified information (TS +SAC) one fact that was drilled into my head, “Classified information need not be marked to be classified.” It is up to those working in the classified world to recognize classified information and handle it accordingly.
Being a dumb spacecraft Engineer I followed the training guidelines and “When in doubt contact your local Security Officer.” I became very friendly with every Security Officer on every Program I worked in 32 years. I say every because even “Unclassified” NASA Programs may have classified content.
Being a pion I attribute my lack of security infractions/jail time over a 32 year career and so far 7 year retirement to obeying the rules. I am also a devout coward of the court/legal system and the “Crossbar Hotel” (jail)! That which I know or can remember I know goes to the hereafter with me.
fleporeblog says:
June 7, 2018 at 6:37 pm
BIGLY may be an understatement on what is about to hit each and everyone of these POS! SD just put together an incredible thread (40 tweets). The likelihood that the 302s on Flynn and Steele being doctored is getting close to being a reality that they can no longer hide from.
Thread by @TheLastRefuge2: “1. This is a BIG deal. However, it is actually an even bigger deal when put into context with prior inquiry by Sen Grassley about FBI manipulating 302’s. cc: @paulsperry_ 2. The current issue is Sen Grassley suspecting An […]”
— Baba97 (@Baba9773) June 7, 2018
For all of you that think nothing will happen, you are going to be in for a big surprise. Many of us have run out of patience. I can’t blame you if you have. However, facts are facts and these facts aren’t going to be swept under some damn rug.
Our President has balls made out of TITANIUM! He just tweeted the following to PM Trudeau and President Macron.
Please tell Prime Minister Trudeau and President Macron that they are charging the U.S. massive tariffs and create non-monetary barriers. The EU trade surplus with the U.S. is $151 Billion, and Canada keeps our farmers and others out. Look forward to seeing them tomorrow.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 7, 2018
This man doesn’t give a rats a$$ about our allies that have been robbing us blind for the past 30+ years. If you think for one second he is afraid to fire AG Sessions, you are sadly mistaken.
RINOs are petrified of our LION! The Turtle put up the white flag yesterday and the #2 did so today.
Cornyn makes clear why GOP doesn’t want to push Corker bill to rein in Trump on tariffs. “This is not the time to pick a fight with the president in the run-up to the midterm election.”
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) June 7, 2018
For those that think the Awan case goes away with this plea deal, please read this article. It is about to explode!
From the article linked above:
As I’ve dug deep into this case for my book “Spies in Congress” (out later this year), sources have made it clear that the bank fraud charges in this case, though very real, are just a way to hold the defendants.
Sources tell me that the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force has been looking into this matter since well before Awan and his crew of Pakistani congressional IT aides were booted off the House computer network in February 2017.
Imran Awan was also going back to Pakistan for long stays and, in fact, at times worked remotely
Would love to package this and send to my local CIA controlled radio host. He’s now gone on the Never Trump band wagon after being off it for some time, but not the first time he was on it and likely was in on the described call.
Good way to read this long post is to listen to it.
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ANYTHING I post is for used by anyone. That is why I post, to get the information OUT.
You might edit to a much smaller package and give it to him. Preferably IN PERSON.
For some reason I do not find it “suspicious” at all.
It is a mindset. I believe it is the closest thing to a platform plank for the Republican party.
Jenna Ellis:
“And now you all want to just go back to the establishment picks that gave you McCain and Romney?!”
Pretty sure she meant pricks.
And she misspelt whiners…
Lol, yeah. But she’s nice, so she dropped her ‘r’.
That’s because they’re always sitting on their ‘r’s …..
I wish to point out that it is almost impossible to conceive that Kathy Barnett would have lost to Fetterman.
And that’s on DJT because he didn’t just endorse Oz – he went beast mode on Kathy. Why? Because he hasn’t yet learned how to pick his advisors. Whoever is advising him on how to support candidates is sabotaging him with failed ideas/advice.
If he doesn’t fix this personal problem fast, he will lose in 2024.
side note: Kathy never spoke poorly about DJT no matter what he said about her. She exhibited high class throughout her campaign.
What you say is very much worth thinking about, but (for me, anyway) the issue of advisers and appointments is too murky to feel certain about the dynamics. We KNOW some (many?) appointments were traitors or otherwise deficient, but we do not know the factors, the realities. and balancing which went into selections.
He completely dissed Barnette, but he’ll sit for a big interview with lightweight, attention whore, backstabber Candace Owens. HOW IS HE STILL THAT OBLIVIOUS TO WHAT PEOPLE REALLY ARE, AT THIS POINT IN THE GAME?
I didn’t know Candace was a confirmed bad guy, I was hoping she wasn’t, but I don’t keep up with a lot of the social media.
Apparently, Candace posted a blurb stating, her 24 dream ticket, Kari with Biggs second fiddle.
On the positive side, as things are this evening, Kari is available for VP.
Ah, thank you for the explanation Kalbo
KS either does not understand the situation, or pretends not to, IMO.
Just to cite one example: we are not “scared” of DeS. This characterization belies KS’ pov – – it’s all electoral politics and a matter of preferences. It has nothing to do with actors fronting for the plutocrats who hate America and Americans.
No soup for us. It’s either the Uniparty or the Uniparty. No sharp and witty analysis on the futility of it all, just Trump bashing intended to stress the futility of it all. No comment on the poisonous presence of Paul Ryan and the Bushes, or what that means.
Just promote the kabuki show.
But that is just how I read it. JMO.
No soup for us. It’s either the Uniparty or the Uniparty.
^^^ Dual problems. Uniparty AND corrupt election process in many states. CA, OR, WA, NV…
Why Trump is going after Youngkin (will people never learn?):
It seems like a lot of people who don’t like Trump have a personality problem.
And it’s their problem, not Trump’s.
They’re shallow people who place style over substance, except it’s not really even that, because Trump has style up the wazoo.
What they don’t like is that he’s abrasive, they don’t like that he doesn’t just take it and lose like a feckless RINO, like a Ryan or a Romney, their favorite kind of kiss-ass losers.
That’s a big part of their personality problem, they look up to losers, they emulate losers, and they want losers to represent them and lose for them, because they want to lose.
I want nothing to do with such people.
Hey, Paul Ryan and the Bushes are back in play! That’s all you need to know,
Thank you! Exactly right!
Who do you want? A firebrand Samuel Adams or some fop wearing macaroni?
The “upper crust” despised ole Sam in his day, but he’s the reason people got up the courage to take up arms against the biggest, most feared military in history.
The fop Benedict Arnold lost his nerve and played for the other team.
Brushfires, Matter.
My son Brandon’s nickname (well one of several) is Brushfire!
N I C E !
Trump SAYS what I want to say but can’t.
I do not want a nicey-nice TWO FACED TRAITOR like all the losers the RINOS serve up.
At this time in history we need a firebrand.
Look at some of his early TV interviews. Trump can be a very well mannered gentleman. HOWEVER given that he is dealing with TRAITORS, LIARS, THIEVES and CHILD DIDLERS/TORTURERS, I do not expect him to pull his punches.
Remember that Jesus turned over the tables of the Money Changers and WHIPPED THEM out of God’s House.
Important post on the new election process:
The Modern Electioneering Process of “Ballot Submission Assistance” is Taking Center Stage
Good article. If blanket mailing of ballots is the law in some states, we’re going to have to find a way to counter it.
I do not believe it’s consistent with a republican form of government, which is guaranteed by the fed constitution.
What remedy do we have? People in other states would be told they don’t have standing, right?
“What remedy do we have?”
Whatever the answer is, we can be sure it has nothing to do with words.
There is no magic combination of words that will remedy the situation.
No amount of wishful thinking will remedy the situation.
Not even infinite patience will do a single thing to remedy the situation.
In fact, none of the things being done will remedy the situation, nor have they ever remedied any similar situation, anywhere, in the history of the world.
But we will keep searching, in vain, for some new thing under the sun.
Because we don’t like the reality that is staring us in the face, so we keep averting our eyes, looking for any other solution besides the only one that has ever worked.
There is another one, Scott.
We could learn to cheat.
Well, my pets, (I don’t really have any) might want to vote if they knew what was instore for them with Demons in charge.

Mine too!
We could, we probably already know how, but don’t, because it’s properly difficult to consciously act against one’s own conscience.
Also, the only reason the traitors get away with cheating out in the open like they do, is because they have protective cover from traitor media and corrupt law enforcement.
Literally a two-tiered justice system.
One tier for the criminals, which protects and rewards the criminals, and that’s what every cop who goes along with it is doing. Protecting criminals.
And one tier for law abiding Americans, patriots, who are persecuted by the criminals and traitors government and by corrupt law enforcement who serve them.
They openly abuse and corrupt every principle upon which our nation and Constitution were founded, even persecuting and prosecuting and imprisoning those who have done no wrong at all.
It’s a pity multiple up-votes are not permitted.
People in other states can provide support $$$ for those WITHIN state who are fighting the mess.
Remember to support Walker in the Georgia Senate Run-off BTW. And I think the Alaska race is also in Run-off.
AK, my understanding.
AK run off is not another election by voters.
Rather some bizarre mish-mash of votes already tabulated for those who placed third, fourth…
Have yet to hear or read a C L E A R explanation how “ranked choice” works.
Gonna go look about. If I find anything coherent, I’ll post.
Update. ~One minute.
There’s also a decent article on wikipedia.
Now, whether Alaska implemented what’s in that article, or something else and just called it RCV, is another question. But what little I’ve gleaned indicates it is.
Where Alaska goes wrong, I think, is in that preliminary round that decides who will appear as the four choices on the ballot. Without this, RCV could actually restrain party establishments, because there’s no more “wasted vote” syndrome. Today, in most places, you’re urged to vote for the RINO, because the Dem would be worse, and if you “throw your vote away” on a third party MAGA candidate, you risk letting the Dem in. But with proper RCV, you can give your first vote to the 3rd party, and your second to the RINO. If your 3rd party candidate gets some tiny percentage of the vote, your vote gets switched to the RINO.
If people could vote for a 3rd party without feeling like they might be enabling the worst of the two big party candidates to win…who knows, the 3rd party might even win an election or two. That’s why RCV, properly done, will never be implemented; there will always be some sort of jungle primary at the beginning that establishments can load with their own toadies.
Seems complicated for an electorate where most of them have only seen the candidates name for the first time when they pull the lever.
Are we sure this is okay?
If a voter is that ignorant (he must not watch TV with the eight billion ads; good on him), how is continuing to require them to pick only their top pick going to help?
It’s an aid to the non-ignorant voter, though. We have a couple of third parties here that would do a better job than the damn RINOs, if they could get elected. A properly run RCV system (without the prior jungle primary) would make that more likely to happen IMHO, and that would actually be a detriment to the RINOs, who’d be unable to blame third parties for their losses any more, and conveniently stop short of asking why someone thought they had to form that third party, in the first place.
If it’s the law, let’s use it. Let’s learn how to work the system just like the Dems, but better!! Start door knocking, help people fill out their mailers and harvest, harvest, harvest!!!
Need to target our adversaries and look for missing folk or even find friendlies that you might wish to ally with.
Best tool to find out who they are is still the web site. They changed it up since my last visit to make it seem harder to use, but it’s not when you follow the right path.
Why the FEC data base? It will show who is or is not donating money to what campaigns and or candidates in any given year. If some one you know is not on the list or was on a years prior list but not the current it’s a good bet you need to knock on their door.
Meanwhile you will find many that are supporting the Blue/Demon team. If you know them maybe it’s a fair idea they need a talking to.
Example. You can use this data base to see if your neighbors have been donating and to whom or if they have not been donating.
Path from FEC home page Go to Finance Data, first link top left. Use drop down menu and go to Look Up Contributions From Specific Individuals (on the far right)
Next use the filters on left side of screen and type in your zip code. Mine shows 3798 persons. You can use other filters also, search by name, search by year etc..
It might be a good idea to map and fill data for your neighborhood, friends, fellow employees etc… your circle of acquaintances that you may come into contact through out the year.
Not sure if this will work, but here is a sample of what I’m looking at:
It’s a GIS tool and you can bet they are using it or a tailored knock off to target voters just like we should be doing.
If anyone knows of a tailored knock off they should post.
Cool tool!
Needs to go through laborious process of data mapping our neighborhoods, friends, family, co workers etc.. .

What a great idea!!!
AND we need to start NOW for 2024.
Adds. Clicking the name will give you more information.
Before Adress’s were included. To see address now you have to click the Open Image button on the top after clicking the name.
What you will normally find is that Republicans normally fill out the form for address, Dems do not usually do so. What you will also will find is that many images have not been processed, again more common for Democrats than Republicans. They obviously do not want us to be using this.
This is what the Dems have done for decades, even before computer, web, etc.
Just looked up my zipcode & had 5652 entries & of the first 100 more than 90 are for ActBlue–yikes!
yes, tons of Act Blues with little micro donations. Must be a status thing with them. The Uvalde Police chief had one of those micro Act Blue donations.
Might be we need to ask if they really want to own nothing and really think they will be happy cause that’s where they will take us all.
How can we be sure the FEC database isn’t planted with disinformation too? So it says a police chief has donated, but did he really? Can’t know without asking him. A bunch of micro-donations especially with no addresses makes me think of deception. Spreading out bigger donations? Perhaps it is best used to find allies you can talk with.
Let’s learn to out-cheat the cheaters.
Mike Pence is a snake in the grass.
Mike, just go away. You are so full of shit you smell like an overfull HoneyBucket.
The human Diaper Genie…
These people are such wimps! Oh noes, scary rhetoric. You want to hear really scary rhetoric, just go to any antifa or blm rally. Or listen to Maxine Waters.
Speaking of Antifa, from GWP:
Transgender Antifa Member Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison For Violently Attacking Trump Supporters in San Diego
Are you sure? That sounds like a Bee headline to me.
Arizona Announces They Have Finished Counting And Calvin Coolidge Has Won Their 3 Electoral Votes
Disagree about wimps. They’re just liars. Pence at that time was protected by Secret Service [probably 3 agents; maybe 4]. The average baby in a crib at home is in more danger than he was at the Capitol.
This. I don’t believe he was in danger or that he was afraid. And I know that nothing Trump said caused the problems that day.
Pence does not understand (or maybe he does) that millions and millions will see those words and know they are LIES. Lies which prove he is just another empty actor with no soul playing his kabuki part.
Says this again, there were some off shoots of Christianity (Gothic both I believe from Valentinian and possibly the Sethian schools of thought , both declared heretics and stamped out, that believed a third of humanity were born with out souls (re. The Tripartite Tractate & The Secret Book of John ).
Both seemed to have roots in ancient Greek Philosophy comingled with Christianity and surprisingly share similarities with ancient Hindu beliefs.
The Valentinian school of thought could not be tolerated just for this belief that a third of man was soulless, one third was reachable and one third had divine spark. Such thoughts could not be accepted as the message of Christ is supposed to work for all, so their books were destroyed and they were driven out, with much of that completed between the 3rd and 5th Century.
I am minded of a science fiction story I read; someone invented a device to measure whether someone really had a consciousness or not; it turned out a large fraction of people were essentially “soulless” bots who themselves had no idea of their own status, and you couldn’t otherwise tell. (There wasn’t any malign intent behind them; they were just born that way.)
Before you know it the bots were being euthanized…then the inventor found out his wife was one of the bots…
OMG! an original plot!
It had to be a good book!
Just to be clear, I am not a Valentinian or any other kind of so-called gnostic. I mean soulless in a metaphorical sense, although it is understandable how some could believe that a segment of humans have no soul.
Or a soul that has been completely subjugated to an evil entity [entities] so that it can no longer be viewed as an independent separate thing.
No doubt!
Ooops meant Gnostic not Gothic
The Jan 6 protesters were particularly dangerous. Because they carried no conventional weapons they were an unpredictable lot. A cell phone in the hands of a capable enemy is a formidable weapon.
Benedict Arnold Pence betrayed the US Constitution and Election System, as well as the American voters on January 6.
President Trump did not incite violence
ALL the violence was an FBI/Capitol Police False Flag operation.
I just watched Threadfest II last night.
There was a lady who has trouble walking so she and her husband, were at the barriers at the capitol while POTUS was speaking. They were praying and another man joined them. Suddenly she felt a sharp sting, turned and looked and saw a capitol officer beating the crap out of her husband. She reacted so he beat her and sprayed her in the face with pepper spray. She lost an eye. The Cop THEN GRABBED HER AND TRIED TO TOSS HER OVER THE BARRICADE but the other man stopped him. They got a way and to a first aid station. She is now up on CHARGES for REFUSING TO BE BEATEN or allowing her husband to be beaten.
Oh, and this cop is KNOWN for beating people….
10 hours…
No words, for how evil our government has become.
My jaw dropped as I listened to that poor woman. Not only was she BEATEN for praying in a PUBLIC place, She lost an eye and also had her house SWATTED!
Another bit I forgot to mention….
She said, that since her husband was not home and it was very early morning, she started to go for her pistol AND THEY TOLD HER NOT TO REACH FOR THAT PISTOL…. THIS WAS THRU A CLOSED DOOR!!!
OH, and they would not let her actually look at the warrant. She could barely see it and later found it was ONLY FOR HER PHONE and nothing else!
It’s civil rights lawsuit time.
Pence wants to believe Trump is to boa that takes the attention of him and his incompecy.
What a phony
Reckless?! Wanna know what’s reckless? Certifying election fraud, so a demonstrably criminal hack with dementia is installed in the highest office of the land.
Couldn’t care less what that traitor thinks about anything.
Me neither. But I do find it amusing to see someone delusionally think he has a chance to win the Repub nomination in 2024. I don’t think he’s stupid, and I know he knows a lot of us would walk barefoot on broken glass to vote against him and for Trump. So I think he is getting major support and is being bankrolled by the GOPe. They are not only evil, but also foolish.
I don’t think the GOPe ever liked Pence and I don’t think they would put him in as their guy. He talks too much Christianity and they don’t like it.
And, worse, it’s hypocritical Christianity… which isn’t Christianity at all; indeed it comes from the pit of Hell…..
Makes him a DEMONRAT…
Violates Number Three, in my humble opinion:
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Also. it’s bearing false witness…
Yes, it is.
Pence is a tool. Nothing more. Bought and paid for, Uniparty tool.
It’s the currency he’s paid in that interests me. I don’t think it’s just money.
Precious metals (stuff that goes thud on our feet) and foreign currencies.
Nothing traceable.
With Bernie in mind, perhaps “good deals” for land.
I was thinking more in terms of “human interactions,” shall we say.
Yeah, remember MOST ARE BLACKMAILED!!!
What was reckless was ignoring the rampant election crimes.
Pence. Unwatchable.
That PoS has NO CHANCE, ya hear me??
Vying for the 1st place ‘AOC of RINOs’ trophy w/ Crying Widdle Adam K.
I think it is an example of God’s sense of humor that “Pence” is another name for money.
As in thirty pieces.
That’s funny.
Sing a song of sick Pence, pocketful of lies…..
I just despise that guy.
I pity the fool…
Pence is a Bot.
I’ll be the first to admit that SNL is political propaganda, which is why I’m confused about why they allowed this skit to air. Among other things, there’s a mild anti-vaccine joke starting at 1:09. What’s the angle here? They don’t allow this kind of stuff on TV unless they have an angle.
Also, Dave Chapelle’s opening monologue was worth the watch.
Anonymous Conservative has been speculating for a while now that the anti-Semitism angle is being set up for near future exploitation involving black people. What that could be is anyone’s guess, but bizarre stuff is pretty much being set up on a daily basis now.
Reparations. We MUST repent (financially), for the bad things we NEVER did.
Wow. The subtextual messages in that SNL skit are WILD.
1) Blacks really don’t like Jews
2) Blacks really like Kanye’s very expensive shoes. And they are on Kanye’s side enough to keep wearing them
3) Blacks DO NOT like the vaxx, and they WON’T take it
4) Blacks DON’T separate God and politics. Their religion matters
5) Blacks like expensive jewelry, and they know we don’t get it
6) Blacks think white’s infatuation with a gay serial killer is nuts
7) Black people don’t watch “white” TV shows
8) Blacks think white liberals are ignorant. They are mostly right
There was a lot of truth in that skit. It was funny, but we should pay heed to what was revealed.
In Africa, a woman wore her dowry as thin gold bracelets that could be used as money.
An example of a currency bracelet. (Bronze)

That’s cool.
What struck me about this skit is what they were really saying. That is, in my opinion, that white people really don’t understand the black community. And they were very pointed about the ways in which we don’t understand.
I wonder if they think they understand the white community. I get the impression that what some think consists of stereotypes and racist propaganda.
True also.
Interesting how the alienation and cluelessness presented in the skit are exactly the type of perspective MAGA has. The same skit could be done with MAGA people talking, and the clueless barber is a normie.
Yep! Sure could. It would be funny.
Think of “Mr. T.” and all of his gold, etc. ….
I loved him!
Great insights!
My favorite part of that monologue:
…Jews run Hollywood…
Not a crazy thing to think, but a crazy thing to say OUT LOUD.
Truth in comedy.
In part because they ran (OK, escaped in the nick of time) from NAZI Germany. Their move to the USA decimated the German film industry which has yet to recover…
The Jewish control of Hollywood began in the silent film era. Way before the Nazis.
Hey Q-Treepers, I finally got a better report on my son Brandon’s recent North of the Border adventures.
He drove across from Detroit to Windsor & then took the train to Toronto & reversed the process on his return. Going into Canada there were no issues. When he arrived in Toronto he immediately saw cops accosting someone he Thought was homeless. Previously I’d said the cops wrestled this man to the ground…but that was inaccurate. He said 2 cops had slammed this guy up against a cop car & had the handcuffs out & the guys arms wrenched behind his back. Cops were rifling through his bag/belongings. throughout the encounter & beyond the guy was loudly cussing up a storm w/ plentiful F-bombs. For some reason no cuffs were put on & the guy was just let go, yelling & cussing as he departed. Son thought the whole incident extremely bizarre.
Apparently getting around on Toronto’s roads, especially close in the city, is a real nightmare. He said their traffic issues are supposedly the second worse in North America (didn’t ask which was #1, but experiencing rush hour driving in LA, DC, Chicago, Boston, & of course Detroit there are just so many brutal driving cities from which to choose). His girlfriend had to walk more than half a mile to get to B & even so they had a very difficult time catching up with their ride to get back home.
In the personal arena B had a wonderful time with his girlfriend & her family. These are Indian extraction Guyanese immigrants to Canada from more than a decade ago. The father Had previously been working in the US & tried to move his family here but they found immigrating to Canada was quicker & easier to do. They are part of a very tight-knit community of Indian extraction Guyanese transplants & demonstrative Spirit-Filled Christians. B enjoyed the extended family clan, the church family, & all the food too. He also saw the uncle/godfather we’d previously met when his GF visited about a year ago here. She’s supposed to come back here to visit this Holiday season!
I don’t think he really discussed the political situation w/ the family. For the longest time the fact that B wouldn’t take the “vax” was problematic to the GF & her family (who’ve been totally propagandized/traumatized by TruDope & his minions). Later when the J & J cardiac issues began making the rounds in the news the GF & her family were worried about B, who had been thinking of taking J & J (extremely reluctantly) to get across the border sooner….Anyway the long convoluted journey for B to cross into Canada didn’t finally materialize until the “vax” restrictions were dropped (just before he was going to succumb unwillingly to some shot so he could make a trip in late Oct). Thank you again for so many prayers on my son’s behalf as those border crossing changes came literally down to the wire for his personal travel experiences!
He is also staying “vax-free” for his ongoing EMT training & clinicals so has limited opportunities for only one location where he can do these mandatory rotations is willing to accept the “unvax’d”. Hopefully God will help him, & like minded classmates, to get in all the needed clinical hours in a timely & safe manner…
Anyway, back to crossing back into Michigan at the end of his trip. They made him drive Very Slowly, not over 5 mph, through some type of scanner. I don’t know if they do that for everybody or if he was possibly flagged for some reason. At some point a border official was searching for something in B’s backseat & asked B if he had a bomb in the car. It seemed to B like something was seen on a scanner & the official was specifically searching for it & communicating w/ another agent about it repeatedly. B had a bag filled with clothes & one with a bunch of food items his GF & her mother had prepared & sent home w/ him & the agent was rifling through all of it & reporting just food & clothes to his colleague. He thought he was in trouble for trying to transport prepared food across the border. Anyway the searching agent appeared to be looking for a specific thing & so B asked if he might be looking for his fire extinguisher, which was under one of the seats. The agent didn’t/couldn’t see or find it so B pulled it out to show it to the agent. After that they let him go…hmmm…
Heh. Training to be an EMT, of course he had a fire extinguisher under the seat.
I am so glad he remains a pureblood. Check out this drop in Australian birth rates — .
That is such Damning Data. De-pop continues unabated
I am beyond thankful that B remains (so far) a pureblood. He’s supposed to get a job interview at a Metro Detroit fire station this week. He had also inquired at our community’s fire station, after my husband had a talk w/ someone there when making a delivery, but our city also requires Paramedic training which B isn’t planning on taking. At this point he’s got more post-high school education than our other 3 kids combined
“At some point a border official was searching for something in B’s backseat & asked B if he had a bomb in the car. ”
Yeah, I get that one a lot too. I always say “Nah, it’s in your car, ’cause I knew you’d check mine.”
Cops have the best sense of humor
LOL B was like if he did have a bomb wouldn’t he have already pushed the button before the guy asked…whatever!
I’m doing my best to be proactive. Hope this hits the right notes
Gotta keep fighting the Good Fight!!!
@LogicOnly I don’t have all the facts but one does need to consider human nature. Trump had a “republican” House & Senate at the outset of his first term & they did their best to thwart almost Everything he did. Many R’s in power despised Trump & the “deplorables” who stood shoulder to shoulder with him!
It appears that in politics it’s Mostly Uniparty theater so no matter who you get fed up with & throw out of office by electing their opponent you basically get more of the same, slouching toward Hell quickly w/ D’s & seemingly more circumspectly w/ R’s.
Trump & MAGA absolutely upset the applecart of Uniparty perpetual control of political power. Trump has the Will of the Vast Majority of the People Solidly behind him (witness the Massive Landslide Victory he had that the fraud machine has done its level best to erase but we AND the world KNOW). D’s AND R’s have No Desire to be answerable to The People. They neither respect us, our views, our Constitution, nor any legitimate checks on their power.
In Arizona Kari Lake is MAGA in the Trumpian mold & likely the Real People’s Darling–I fully anticipate her becoming a Legit US President some day. Since AZ was instrumental in the fraudulent 2020 steal there is no way that the Uniparty wants Lake at the helm. What if she actually legitimately digs into the fraud & exposes it using the power of her office? What if she shows other governors with less intestinal fortitude how to clean up their own states? What if she actually restores Power & Accountability to The People?
There is No Way that establishment Republicans, RINOs, country club Repubes, or any form of Democrat wants Any Part of That!!!
This was in reply to this Gab:
Valerie Curren I just can’t imagine why you think a republican controlled election would stage an illegal vote to remove themselves? Please do help me with this logic.
1 like
I think someone shared this previously here at the Q-Tree.
There are quite a few lefties making snarky replies where I gabbed it out. Perhaps this one is over the target much so even on Gab the bots are being deployed
From replies & I have no idea if this is factually accurate…
Verse of the Day for Monday, November 14, 2022
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
Galatians 2:20 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Amen Duchess. Thank you for continuing to wash us with the Water of The Word!!!
so soothing
Amen & So Needed in these troubled times!
Most welcome, Val – Have a Blessed Day!!!
You too!
He Is Faithful and True
Amen goes right there, Smiley!!!

“Biden and Xi Jinping hold their first meeting in Bali as leaders of their countries”
Well fetterman can speak bidenese, but can he speak chinee, going to be difficult finding a translator.
Good morning Wolf

I seem to have a new name …
I don’t know how I did that but if this comment posts it looks like this is who I am now. Fingers crossed
OK, something is wrong here, and we’re going to fix it.
You have two emails – one with numbers and one without.
Please make a post using the one with numbers. That is the one you are registered with.
Also, if you use your ORIGINAL name here, it will probably post without going into the bin.
Please try that, too.
Prayersup for you Wolf, I just seen on Marica’s that you almost died. No need to comment back cause I won’t be able to see it but you and everyone here are in our prayers everyday.
Valerie Curren
The Chicago Grotto mapped tunnels under Chicago. They even popped up, ran a tape and shot a compass reading to the footing of a bank vault that had just been poured. They popped back in the hole, ran down the tunnel to another exit jumped in a van, changed clothes and then watched the fun as Chicago police re-enacted the keystone cops.
Another caving friend mapped the tunnels under Prudue University (and almost got caught — he had picked the lock on the door into the tunnels.) The Indiana Univ grotto did the same.
I got chased off NORAD by a gun toting guard….
So Yeah there are tunnels and more important CAVES! Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky…. Are HOLLOW. there are massive caves in Texas and New Mexico that I have been into….
The green in the following map shows karst (that is limestone that can have caves.)

Very Interesting. There are supposedly Huge salt mines underneath Detroit that used to be open for touring.
Are you suggesting, or even stating, that those DUMB maps w/ 100s of miles of tunnels Might or even Are legit (to some degree)? I don’t want to Misinterpret you here
Might be fair to say that there are tunnels but as to lengths, connections or purposes and such we just aren’t going to know. Tunneling is an ancient practice and goes back to the later empires of Assyria & Babylonia and has continued to this day, especially with Musk’s Tunneling Machine company that we hear so little about lately.
Actually we had a very extensive conversation of all this last year some time. Over all consensus is we just don’t know but are not buying into all of it. Especially the interconnection stuff.
Thanks for that helpful summary.
I doubt there are 100s of miles of actual tunnels however I certainly think caves and some city tunnels could be in use.
Think of the game of telephone where the story at the end is much different than the original story.
LOOK at the possible routes. Tunnels into Texas from Mexico, then caves to stash slaves during the day until they are moved north. Sort of a modern day “Underground Railroad’ using ‘safe houses’ caves and tunnels.
The nice thing about caves is they would not be open to any type of surveillance. They would be completely unknown if they are on private property.
Again plausible.
Clearly you have to stash your “cargo” while you’re waiting to move it onwards. Unused subway tunnels? Caves? Old mines? In some cases, there might even have been a custom dig job…of course, a locked door on a stoutly constructed shed might work just as well (and be much cheaper).
I just object to this notion that the entire route is under ground.
Excellent insights. Thanks!
HMMMMmmmm My answer seems to have disappeared.
Think of the kids game telephone. The story at the start is not any where near the story the last person tells. I think caves and tunnels could be used since they are not ‘visible.’ to the casual observer. Also with caves there are no workmen or plans registered. So I think, like with the old escaped slave underground railroad, caves and tunnels may be part of the network
Thanks, again. Both of those answers showed for me
Time for Trump to announce a Third Party.
Let the chips fall where they may.
It is quite obvious to Slow Guy, the much vaunted:
He might say tomorrow.
A Third party give the election to the DEMON-Rats. The Libertarians are used for this on occasion. A Third Party is a REALLY BAD IDEA and is why POTUS Trump did not go that route.
We want to TAKE OVER the RNC and we can do it with the Precinct Strategy.
One minute Video
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Yours Truly: In this article, Dr. Mercola discusses “Long COVID”, a diagnosis of a set of physical effects of COVID-19 (from an infection or from getting “vaccinated”), the theories of why this is happening, and some methods to combat it.
It appears that Long COVID has effects on many areas and functions of the body. These effects range from muscle weakness to heart trouble to “brain fog” and other neurological symptoms.
[Yours Truly will add, as an aside, that there some symptoms of Long COVID that are also present as side effects of PTSD, panic-anxiety disorders, GAD (Generalized Anxiety disorder), depression, and other emotional-psychological disorders: symptoms like headache, blurred vision, “brain fog”, muscle weakness, heart rhythm issues, and so on.]
The Mercola article cites several “working theories” about what Long COVID is, how it shows up in the body, and what may be behind it. Among the “what’s behind it” theories are: the spike protein in the virus remaining in the body; micro blood clots as a result of an infection from the virus; “aberrant immune response” from T-cells; “autoantibodies” that attack cells and tissues, including in the brain; and lung damage remaining from the cytokine storm that accompanies an infection of the virus.
Dr. Mercola mentions several methods to reduce / mitigate / possibly eliminate, Long COVID effects — the FLCCC protocols; spike protein detox remedies per the World Health Council (pine needle tea and Ivermectin among them); spike protein neutralizers (pine needle tea, NAC, vitamin C); Time Restricted Eating plus nattokinase; vitamin D; and quercetin plus the SSRI drug fluvoxamine (these last per Dr. Peter McCullough.)
Yours Truly again: IMO, people who caught, and recovered from, COVID-19 between November, 2019, and December, 2020 (before any COVID-19 “vaccine” was in use) may well have had had, or may indeed still have, Long COVID symptoms. There are “markers” in the blood that can indicate the presence of Long COVID, which an FLCCC (or perhaps an AFLDS) doctor can order a blood panel to ascertain.
Gracious thanks to our good Aubergine, Gail Combs, and others on this board who have shared, and continue to share, valuable information on things like pine needle tea, quercetin, NAC, nattokinase, and so on, to help recover from COVID, to help prevent an infection, and to boost the immune system.
Thank you for sharing this. Since hubby & I both have varying degrees of long hauler’s too, I hope to put some of this info to good use soon. Blessings!
Thank you for the continuing Excellent Work YOU do to inform us on these issues!!!
Doug Ross Substack:
Enviro-Globalists Are The New MayansWhat is the real objective of the climate hysterics?
Human sacrifice.
Read it all –
Has anyone seen Wolf? I don’t see posts on his Twitter either.
Seems to have slipped from us sometime early yesterday afternoon. Meanwhile he tore up the twitter verse 10th through the 12th. Nothing yesterday in the twitter verse. Also no mention of other engagements. Assumes he had this page in the can ready to drop by the clock.
IIRC he said he would be missing for several days (weeks?) because he had jobs his wife gave him to do. He said he would not be posting except for extraordinary circumstances (IIRC).
And then he was posting soon after he said such
Perhaps he got a gentle reminder. 

Oh yes, quite familiar with those reminders!
He was out for a while, then came back and posted up a storm on Twitter, so I thought the chores were done (okay, they’re never done, but this particular instance).
TY – – days fly by!
Yea. Was gonna ask yesterday.
Hope Wolf is well, AND surfaces soon.
Also noticed the Monday daily, didn’t have the Columbia Lady swinging her torch. My understanding is Wolf manually inserts it, before each Monday. Guessing Monday placeholders are staged and ready to pop for the remainder of the ~year.
Also believe the tribute to Wheatie, is manually inserted each week.
Well, Wolf has made an appearance correcting commenting….
Thanks for posting. I, we were concerned on several levels.
Was wondering the same.
Good catch. Story incoming!
Great to see you!
It’s great to be back!
Hmmm now which countries in the past might feel they got a bad deal from the nato gang…
“Putin signed a decree allowing citizens of other states to serve in the RF Armed Forces.”
You vote for governor. Then give them a Repub Treasurer. Not the other way around.
She was loyal to the sanctioned steal.
We are supposed to be entering the busiest time of year, but everyone is on a firing spree. Imagine after Christmas. All these aholes have supported dems and continue, bc THEY get millions. The workers? They are nothing.
Amazon To Fire 10,000 Employees, Largest Layoff In Company History
Over the past month, technology companies have laid off tens of thousands of employees. And the momentum in layoffs only appears to be worsening.
According to a new report via NYTimes this morning, Amazon could add to the count this week as approximately 10,000 people in corporate and technology jobs will be slashed, in what could be the most significant job cut in the company’s history.
Yes, something strange going on with Amazon.
Used to be I could not walk across the street in my gated community with its one road that ends in one of those turn abouts with out getting run over by an Amazon Truck. Then a several months back it was hard to even spot a truck on regular surface roads though they seem to have picked up some since in the last month. Also seeing FEDEX delivering Amazon packages. Heck it’s getting to be that I’m wondering if I can pick up one of their trucks on auction.
The have the west coast massive distribution center and airport use not too far from here . Used to have planes circling waiting to land 24/7. Not so much. Im not sure about the numbers of trucks.
This whole county was turned into a guant warehouse and distribution center for the rest of the country and has destroyed a lot of endangered habitat, housing area, and job potential (not everyone wants to be a warehouse worker).
Its strange though, esp since AMZ is the biggest mail order delivery out there.
Likely a China thing since so much is produced there. Seems to time with all their reported port strangulations on their end and ours as well. Must also be costing them dearly.
Wonder what the discussions w pedo joe and castro of the north in china are like rn?
It’s the Trump curse. Two years of Biden is killing everybody’s business, but especially these sleazy tech giants.
I’m so relieved! My son Josiah & I just finished a virtual visit w/ an SSI doctor & my son is going to continue getting SSI & insurance through them. This redetermination has been going on since at least March–yikes! With all the job upheaval with my husband our insurance situation has been really hit or miss so it’s a comfort to know that our son has continuing coverage for at least the next 3-5 years. That’s one weight to Finally Drop, whew!
Valerie Curren
This is good news!
Amen! It’s a huge relief & needed “weight reduction” from a number of loads weighing us down chez moi. Praise the Lord!
Amen! Good news!
Yes. So thankful for Your good news too–whew! Close call with eternity & now a reinvigorated fighting spirit laser focused on targets of His choosing/leading. Blessings!!!
Great news!
We’ll take those victories where we can!
In an incident that appears to be “black on black violence”, three University of Virginia football players were killed, and two others were injured, by another Black UVA student on Sunday night while on traveling back to campus on a bus from a field trip.
among other outlets, has coverage.
Watch for this incident to be used, NOT for dealing with “black on black violence”, but instead for pushing for more curtailing of the Second Amendment.
Peter Navarro contempt trial postponed | The Hill
A judge postponed the contempt of Congress trial of former Trump adviser Peter Navarro on Thursday due to a Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy trial taking precedence over the smaller-scale Navarro case.
Navarro, who was set for trial next week, will now come before U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta on Jan. 11, 2023, according to The Washington Post.

Electric Hummer tail light – 4 GRAND!
Electric vehicle owner learns replacing a tail light costs over $4,000
Interesting. Lefty demons have been out sabotaging gas guzzlers. It would be terrible if gas guzzlers responded in kind.

That’s even worse than the horror stories I hear about Mercedes and BMW repair costs (1250 to replace a headlight, just for instance).
Myocarditis Risk From COVID-19 Vaccines Up To 3 times Higher From Moderna Than Pfizer: Study
Per the Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers issued by the FDA for the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273 (“SPIKEVAX), page 28 of 35:
Each 0.5mL dose of Moderna mRNA-1273 contains 100mcg of mRNA spike protein; 0.3mg tromethamine; and 1.18mg tromethamine hydrochloride, among the other ingredients.
Per the Fact Sheet for Healthcare Professionals issued by the FDA for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2 (“Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine”), page 34 of 40:
Each 0.3mL dose of BNT162b2 contains 30mcg of mRNA spike protein; 0.06mg tromethamine; and 0.4mg tromethamine hydrochloride, among the other ingredients.
The Moderna “vaccine” not only is a larger absolute amount per dose (0.5mL) compared to the Pfizer-BioNTech product (0.3mL); the Moderna ‘vaccine” has more than 3x the amount of mRNA spike protein per dose.
Yours Truly: tromethamine and tromethamine hydrochloride in now in both above COVID-19 “vaccines”, a change in the original formulations of both products. The addition of tromethamine and of tromethamine hydrochloride, drugs that treat metabolic acidosis, demands answers as to why these drugs are now included in the above “vaccines.” Does it have to do with something that the mRNA spike protein does to the contraction of the heart muscle?
Here’s a paper on acidosis and the heart muscle, from 1982:
It’s also found here:
Yours Truly suspects that there may be a connection between something in the mRNA spike protein in the “vaccines” that interferes with the normal levels of pH in the cellular fluids of the heart muscle and/or creates an imbalance in the hydrogen ions in the heart muscle. This may also have a bearing on heart issues related to a COVID-19 virus infection itself, and possibly also to “Long COVID.”
To be continued…
Update: Yours Truly is finding papers and articles, going back to 1977, about metabolic acidosis, changes in pH levels, and contractility of the heart muscle. Metabolic acidosis is treated with drugs like tromethamine and tromethamine hydrochloride.
To be continued…
The dose of tromethamine for treating metabolic acidosis is MANY, MANY times the amount of tromethamine in the vials—grams vs. mg. Without looking further it is most likely in the vials to adjust the pH and stabilize the vaccine.
It is not enough to change the pH in the body. This is probably a red herring.
The fact that one vaccine is 30 mcg and the other is 100 mcg could be important but also might not be. It is not as simple as to say one is 3x the amount as the other. The two vaccines contain different modified mRNA and it might take more of one to have the same effect as the other. Let me give an example which I hope makes it clear. The effect of Morphine 10 mg IV is roughly equivalent to Fentanyl 100 mcg or 0.1 mg. The doses are very different but the effect is equivalent. Alternatively aspirin and Tylenol where the same dose will have roughly the same effect. Can’t say which is true with mRNA but needs to be considered.
It’s infuriating. From the Boss.
One’s computer won’t load the link. What’s up?
Not sure, just tested it here and it loaded fine.
Vid of nice woman saying her’s and husbands ballots were rejected at polling station, “misread ballot” she just left (in the background). She says it was happening to everyone. Said poll workers telling them Drawer 3 (not those words) She looks much less than happy. Husband behind looked very angry. Said everyone in line (she pointed to line out side building) would have their ballots rejected in the same way. DJT says atop the vid “Rigged Election”. Poster says just below that “Happening everywhere across the country (yes “r”). Looks like Arizona but not sure.
Update. Well sort of…
Serious business. They have the receipts they really do.
We all saw what happened last Tuesday in Maricopa County and it was a fiasco.
Tabulation machines in many areas of the county weren’t working properly because of some ‘printer settings’ issue and that created very long lines and, in some cases, voters being told they had to go elsewhere to vote.
There is no doubt that people who wanted to vote were disenfranchised because they didn’t have time to wait for hours to vote.
Now Arizona Republicans are accusing Maricopa County officials of voter suppression:
Below is the full statement from Arizona Republicans, which says that Republican voters were disproportionately and negatively affected by these issues:
Notice that Arizona Republicans aren’t accusing Maricopa officials of malicious intent, but only incompetence. We’ll see if that remains the same in coming days as the remaining votes are counted.
Either way, there needs to be a serious reckoning in Maricopa County over this. But will there be?
Phillips and Engelbrecht were on Bannon today. She says the fraud is institutionalized now and it’s worse than we even know. Phillips was on with Taylor Phillips (relation? I don’t know) and talks about the issues mentioned in your comments. He says many people were not able to vote at all and that this election not only must not be certified, but that it should be done over.
These videos are on Phillips’ Truth Social:
“Institutinalized” meaning all the demons know what to do now.
REDO IT! One state at a time if we have to.
From today, update on Diesel Shortage from Newsweek.
What to make of the mid-terms. | Pointman’s (
^^^ Cabal, Deep State, Uniparty, AND Pravda News STOLE the election from America
^^^ Without going to the link.
TOMORROW – the press/establishment et al will try to force a negative defeatist narrative on (our real lawful) President Trump’s announcement.
We must be ready with a counter – true – powerful – positive narrative.
Will be there with bells, whistles and memes!
DeSantis was born Governor under a Trump Sun, Thrived under a Trump Sun, same with the Florida Senate and House, both Republican and GOPe free. Any average Governor could do as well as he. He applied himself, great but those are not tactics he can take to WA DC. Trumps taken all the slings, arrows from the media, as well as the endless line of back stabbers. Can Ron do that? Doubt it. He didn’t even have the curtesy of thanking Trump for his success during his victory speech. Over 2 million new Floridian’s escaped the Democrats in the last 2yrs, that is not an accomplishment DeSantis can claim as his own. Trump is his own best spokesman, no one with such high stature will trumpet his words better than he. His apparent thin skin is in response to those who attack him or the things he holds dear, like the flag and country, first. Yongkin a prime example. Says nice things out of one side of his mouth and then runs a telephone conference with his constituents saying how they can get things done without Trump. The problem was Fraud, Sloth & the GOPe, not Trump!
More and more, I hope the announcement is for a third party. Maybe I am crazy.
R-Cons do not deserve Trump.
R-Cons do not deserve me, perhaps many here.
So we take over the party and BOOT THEM OUT!
The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy to Take Back the Republican Party and then America at the Ballot Box
A third party would split the Repub vote and guarantee Dem wins from now on.
Yeah, you’re crazy but it doesn’t matter much. Our standards are ridiculously low.
You are, after all, here.
This is quite true regarding pgroup.
Heck, we even let Steve do posts.
Premature. Trump and MAGA are not about to let him loose the primary. They might split though. Personally I think we’d be smarter to at least begin in working to separate from the Union. The original contract is not being honored at all.
I hope Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Brian Kemp, and Herschel Walker come out arm-in-arm, announce that Trump is running, DeSantis is V.P., pop a bottle of champagne, and toast to victory.
A girl can dream, right?
Yup. They all come out. VP announced much later.
That would be awesome.
Yes, we have to show that nothing has changed in the MAGA movement. We’re stronger than ever, and our support for PDJT and the USA is only growing.
The announcement is scheduled for prime time, 9:00 Eastern, I think.
There is speculation about what Trump will say and whether he should announce a run in the midst of election chaos. I think he should because it places the leader of our movement front and center during the lame duck session and forward. It places the person who was cheated out of the highest office in the land in the spotlight and sends the message that we’re not backing down. Also, that nothing can stop us.
I don’t expect him to say anything other than that he is running in 2024 and that this election, and 2020 and past elections, have been fraudulent.
The Dilemma of the Unvaccinated (
Nuremberg 2.0….
In my world they have to ask for forgiveness first, which means they first have to acknowledge they committed sinful, wrongful acts. Which does not relieve them of any discipline. For example, a vaxxer comes to me and admits they were wrong to get jabbed and ridicule me for not doing it. He/she asks for forgiveness. I give it. But there is no requirement for me to now trust their future judgments and recommendations about anything.
I will not be working with them to find solutions to the crisis they helped create and perpetuate. I will work with those who had the intelligence and fortitude to stand against those who lied or pretended they knew what they did not know.
Have wisdom, use discernment in all things.
Part of apologizing and asking for forgiveness is acknowledging how the other person was wronged, and that they didn’t deserve it. That’s what is needed here. Not “Let’s just move on; everyone was fooled.” No, we weren’t. And “being fooled” does not include hoping people will die or supporting their not being able to participate in society.
Dr. Robert Malone, who wrote the linked article that appears in The Epoch Times, is himself “vaccinated” and has (probably for the rest of his life) serious blood pressure problems that happened after getting the “vaccine.”
IMO, the same forces behind the COVID-19 disaster (Gates / WEF / DeepState / NIAID (Fauci), et al) are the ones behind the “Let’s have COVID amnesty, let’s all be friends again, everything is rainbows and unicorns” cr@p which the lapdog / paid off “media” are now pushing.
Many years ago, my son’s Kindergarten had a book written in German that was about “Don’t believe everything you see.” The cover of the book was an illustration of a nice-looking man who was holding a bunch of flowers out to a small child with one hand, while his other hand was holding a big stick behind his back. IMO, that’s what’s going on here with this “COVID amnesty” bait-and-switch.
Electric vehicle?
Yeah i wonder that too.
It’s sort of like the sudden unexpected death stuff. It’s becoming commonplace yet reporters only talk about the death not the rarity of so many…………….now enter the raging fires that erupt without warning and can hardly be extinguished and they don’t want to make the association with electric vehicle’s batteries.
Reports down further give other possible explanations kneejerk reaction about EV’s is probably wrong
Sam Bankman-Fried’s Brother Worked For Democrat Congressman On Financial Services Committee And ‘Investor Protection’ Subcommittee.
Curing the votes for Kari Lake. Tyler Bowyer:
I don’t know how this works, but I hope they can find out how people voted (or would have voted if they were disenfranchised) for other candidates as well.
how would this happen otherwise?
Regular cars catch on fire too.
What no one shows is the relative rate of car fires by type…and I mean how many cars of each type per 100,000 catch fire. What I’ve seen here is cherrypicked stories of EV car fires.
So I finally did a duckduckgo:
The first hit is a story claiming to be based on NTSB data that shows 25.1 EV fires per 100,000 vehicles. Sounds grim. For ICEs, though, the number is 1529.9, which, by eyeball, is sixty one times as bad. Hybrids are even worse (3474.5).
Electric Car Fire Statistics VS Gas & Hybrid [2022 Findings] (
I was able to find a lot more hits to this effect. Most of them were from sources obviously invested in EV tech (with a name like “electrotek” that’s an obvious inference) but at least one hit had to do with insurance (and it quotes exactly the same stats):
Gas vs. Electric Car Fires [2022 Findings] |
I also found claims (IMHO believable ones) that although the fires are rarer, when they do happen, they tend to be much worse and harder to put out.
Jay also has a collection of steam driven cars.
He has many many big boy toys. Just seemed odd bc he really knows his collection.
TV reported that it was a gas flame from an exhaust pipe?
I saw something a big ago that is was gas related. Im sure he will give an interview in time.
If not an EV, then perhaps an IED? IED was my first thought.
EV was my first thought.
Followed by, starter fluid AND perhaps Leno’s melon was to close and over the carburetor.
Backfire of sorts through carburetor.
With all of this 24/7 ballot/machine trouble/ vote curing/ etc……………where the hell is the RNC ? I’ve kind of tuned it out but it’s on the too loud tv on OAN within my earshot all freaking day so…..why isn’t the “leadership” involved ?
Leadership and RNC in the same sentence?
^^^ That IS Laugh Out Loud Funny.
Them bastards, RNC do NOT care about winning.
lol thank you for the slap back to reality…needed that !
The YSM narrative seems to be shifting towards they’re going to lose the House absent a miracle.
So that’s good news; maybe they’ve run out of cheat.
Nah, they’ve decided to go for Herschel … big time. All the bucks.
I firmly believe their plan all along was the Senate. The outlier was Kari, who they KNEW would expose everything and send Hobbs and her LT’s to jail.
Pack the SCOTUS; confirm Commies as judges; potentially block EVERYTHING coming out of the House. Just my thoughts …
World leaders are required to use costumes to greet Xi ?
Trudeau as well. No surprise there; he likes to play-act and dress up. They look ridiculous.
It does look ridiculous.
reminds me of Ozero bowing only this one has props
I wonder if Trudeau and JB consulted with each other so they wouldn’t be wearing identical colors.
GMTA haha, I wondered the same
It also makes me question…when is it appropriation ( by leftard standard)..what makes a costume not pandering and proof of brown nose mentality ? On the world stage …so dumb
Their staffs, of course. “Hey, let’s have them dress like Xi. My guy will wear gray. How about brown for yours?”
Trying out the NWO uniform ?
the Kabuki wardrobe managers.. the wardrobe peeps.heck they might even be flamboyant types ..Biden may yet come out in a skirt
They would insist it was a kilt.
OK this damn Ukraine/Russia thing has been going on too long.
I saw you say “Ozero” and I was wondering which lake you were talking about (no, not Kari Lake, just a lake).
Ozero is Russian for Lake. (OHzehro, not ohZEEro.)
That’s perfectly understandable. Our brains are getting saturated with so much garbage.. for example, I had no idea that Ozero is lake in Russian but now it’s in there in some dusty corner along with war weapons names, weirdo billionaire’s, assorted freaks of nature, Biden gibberish
Couple of Furri-ners…
Pair of miscreants try the old Number 6 on a household in Texas. A wild shot from Perp #1 wings Perp #2, who skedaddles. Inhabitant picks up #2’s firearm and shoots Perp #1 dead.
Moral: Use Number 6 with caution in Texas.
^^^ Best news of the day!
Citizen Free Press is showing Bannon’s War Room. I haven’t watched it, but apparently Marjorie Taylor Greene was on. From the comments, it looks as if she is defending McCarthy for Speaker.
“MTG is getting played….the left, including their operatives (RINOS)have cheated every step of the way in 2020, and now in the midterms, and they are rubbing our noses in our lack of resolve while they basically “dare” us to do anything about it. If everyone cannot see these bullies for what they are, then we all deserve what we get when the finish off our country with their policies.
It is very NAIVE of MTG to think for a second, that all of a sudden a RINO like McCarthy will honor any promise not to take any DEM votes and play fair. MTG do not fall for it!”
“MTG goes to the dark side”
“The RINOs got to her.”
“Next she’ll tell us to believe the Arizona totals.Buh bye”
“MTG just made an important argument for why Kevin McCarthy mustn’t be challenged at this time as we’re a razor thin majority in congress. She just explained It perfectly…”
Might want to watch it. Does not seem like her at all. Mean time Biggs is pushing for the seat. Would love to see that.
“Does not seem like her at all.”
Hi-res Black ‘n White Photos will do that, doncha know?
She’s not married, why would she care? Unless it’s something from the EX.
Anyway, will wait till she comes under fire for it and see’s what she says. This a rather unfattenable position for her to be taking.
Seems POTUS Trump is ALSO supporting McCarthy for speaker!
I am watching Just Human & Burning Bright. They had an interesting take on the election. The fraud has been SO BAD that now over 60% of those polled want bi-partisan audits. (Rasmussen Poll)
Info is around 30 minutes. Total time 1:22;00
@ 40 minutes they say you want to save your firebrands for commitee assignments and not a managerial position. Also McCarthy has promised to re-instate MTGs committee assignments. (That is very rough, Kyle –Just Human says it much better)
If you want PERMANENT CHANGE, a slim win in the house may actually be the way to go. Also they bring up the fact that several states HAVE changed election laws for the better. If the enemy we are fighting is very old (1000 years) then it is going to take time to make positive changes.
The Alfalfa club seems to go back to a time when it was mentioned on the Rossetta Stone according to one researcher.
So who replaces McCarthy if he just drops from the House. He’s from California. Is it the Governor ? From the comments in that vid which we can’t see it says Bannon also agreed with her. This might be what they are looking at?
You don’t need to drop a House Seat to be Speaker.
I think they are worried McCarthy will resign from congress thus vacating the seat at which point the Governor chooses who fill it until the next election assuming that is the process.
That is a standard version of the process. But they’re concerned about “make me Speaker or I’ll resign my seat”??? Seriously?
IF Trump supports McCarthy, I do also.
Guessing MTG spoke with Trump before going on Bannon.
McCarthy is getting in. There are only a handful of reps speaking against him. Trump knows this. No use fighting it. He would have to work with him anyway.
I suggest you listen to Burning Bright & Just Human (Kyle) if you have the time. The do a good analysis of the moves/counter moves.
Interesting that the Crypto-Scam in Ukraine came out just as the US military went over to check out what was happening…
That hour 20 went FAST, they are that good.
Starts @ 5:30
Apparently WEF was promoting FTX.
link to way back machine showing page.
Story telling about WEF deleting page off their site.
Tossing in some nice memes from other tweets.
Actually they are going to install their own crypto Central Bank Digital Currency and that will be end of free trade in the west. The BRICs should do fine.
Ooops… side tracking here. Not a meme but very informative even though were aware of this, but just how aware. Notes the cyber stuff on here. How many of these locked computer systems we heard about are phony. A lot of them occurred with within educational circles if I remember correct. As a reminder this book was published in July of 2020. Lots of detail and then to see much of it pushed to fruition while they aim to complete more. This pic is supposedly warning about things that could happen but actually looks like the plan for what is to came and comes.
Source tweet.
Others in the tweet.
Schumer: I’m Meeting with McConnell to Push for Ditching ‘MAGA Republicans
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Monday on CNN’s “This Morning” that he was meeting with Senat Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in the wake of midterm election results to convince Republican senators to ditch so-called “MAGA Republicans.”
Co-host Kaitlan Collins said, “Are you going to talk to Mitch McConnell? What does that look like?”
Schumer said, “I’m going to say to the Republicans in the Senate who are not the MAGA Republicans, stop letting them lead your party. Work with us to get things done. I intend to sit down with Mitch McConnell and express that.”
He continued, “I intend to sit down with him and say we should be working together. You’re not going to get the extremists in your party to work with anybody, but the rest of us can work together and get some real things done for the American people.”
Co-host Don Lemon asked, “I’m wondering what is different? What is going to be different this time with the MAGA Republicans? You said that before. Please work with us. Why is it different this time?”
Schumer said, “It’s different this time because they lost. The red wave proved to be a red mirage. And one, not the main reason but one of the main reasons for sure, was that average American folks, even those in the middle, even those who tended to be Republican, said, ‘I’m afraid of this MAGA. They’re trying to ruin our democracy.’ If you look at the numbers, if you look at the results of the House and Senate, the MAGA Republican way didn’t work. The MAGA Republican candidate, across the board, lost. If you’re a good leader of a Republican Party, you say continuing to follow them is a path to disaster.”
Hey Senator Schmuck – bring it. Just bring it.
“He continued, “I intend to sit down with him and say we should be working together. …”
Over a nice steak I presume.
We are buying too…
Oh, dear — we seemed to have slipped into tomorrow.
“November 15, 2022 01:39”
But now we’re back.
I did experience a few minutes where I could not like any posts and refreshed the page and it did not open, just like those other times.
There are going to be a few planned outages around now – I believe that was one of them, or something related to one of the planned outages (like a burp).
QTree burped a bit ago.
First, attack VSGPOTUSDJT from evening of election; second, attack MAGA one week later — falsely branding both as “failures”…..
Never give in. Never give up. Never quit.
Buzz phrases: “working together,” “get things done.” They mean “go along with the Dem agenda.” The answer is NO.
So it appears that based on the election results, the GOPe was willing to sacrifice election integrity to ensure MAGA candidates lost. I would assume they will continue to allow this unless Trump is not the GOP candidate for 2024.
Their problem is, this is not fixable in the areas that it needs to be. WI, MI, PA for example. So even if their guy gets the nod for 2024 they are not going to be able to put this election rigging genie back in the bottle in time to get them fairly elected.
Unless of course they are willing to lose several cycles to ensure the MAGA movement dies off. As long as this is allowed to go unchallenged, I would expect the dems to continue, if not expand this to all levels of elections.
Under these conditions, there is no way Trump or even the GOPe candidate can win in 2024 unless the dems let them. They hold the keys to the kingdom at this point. And they have the Federal agencies in full support. And no, the military brass will not get involved.
Lemme help here…
RNC, GOP GOPe THRIVE on stolen elections… Shitting on MAGA. Crapping on anyone not sucking up to them.
^^^ THIS attitude WILL continue, REGARDLESS of Trump running or not.
RNC, GOP GOPe AND D-RATS = Uniparty are akin to a self licking ice cream cone.
Uniparty is the problem.
Uniparty is the problem.
(Yea, repetition may be beneficial here.)
Ok – now that you mention that key word.
I drop a BIMD in the morning.
It’s time.
It will also take time to read.
I think most folks will find it worthwhile.
Hiding in plain sight….
Thanks, as I missed the new BIMD. Heading that way, this evening…
Ah ha, tomorrow morning. DOH!
We need to get rid of the old Rinos who hate us.
The want to break MAGA and Trump.
Kari lost in AZ. I just saw it on Charlie Kirk.
This travesty canNOT be certified.
Gotta re-run the election, all seats in AZ.
Yes it is a travesty but maybe Kari has a bigger job maybe on the Trump team? Things happen for a reason even when we do not know it. Just shows “We think and God directs us” Yes on can get angry and it is infuriating but who knows what God;s will is. He gave Kari the gift she has to connect with people for a reason.
Kari is incredibly gifted.
Yes she is
Yes !
She will likely go down swinging. Saw this earlier.
Plus side is Trump may of just found his VP. Then though she has no political experience. Then he had none either.
Anyway, first things first. Blatanly stolen so contest and fight!
I had the same thought if not VP maybe communication director? She and Trump would blow up the media
She is a fighter !
I’m ready.
Oh, lord, I was just looking for you! I was worried!
Something is going on.
I see that now. Glad you are ok. So glad.
Apparently God wants me in this fight!
You are essential. Never forget it.
T H I S !
I think we have to go full Amish.
The Amish are insular. You can’t just walk into an Amish community and hang out. You have to be “vetted,” and conform to their values, religion, and way of life.
I think we have to figure out how to be like the Amish, but scattered out in the world. I think Torba’s thinking is close, but we need some sort of cohesive plan.
Yes. I feel the same way about what Torba is saying. It’s close, but not quite right. I think Trump has part of the answer, and I think we’re going to hear more about it.
Things are very interesting right now.
The system has completely broken now. THAT is critical to understand.
Yes. Broken.
We need a BIG name to say “ready, steady, GO!”
I will say, from the bottom of my heart, that I need to be done with politics for a while. Maybe forever, I don’t know.
But I need to be present in Life, big ‘L.’
Gardening, raising chickens, teaching grand kids survival skills, cultivating friendships, and enjoying my life.
Fighting these endless battles against pure filth who only care about raw power is not good food for the soul.
I like our exchanges here about health and wellness, helping each other, Carl on Sundays, and funny memes and videos. This is a community. We put on the political mantle when we have to, but it feels like a burden. There is no joy in it.
I hope to God Trump comes out tomorrow and makes some pronouncement that shines a light on a path forward that has some positivity and LIFE in it. That would be great. Maybe he will show us the way.
I’m there, too! I need to take a serious break from following politics, and I think I’m done. I’m 72, my husband is a liberal, I’m in California, and I have no conservative friends or neighbors. I’ve had a horrible medical year (basal cell surgery on my scalp, duodenal ulcer & losing 20 lbs. while it healed, had shoulder surgery 6 weeks ago, and because I’ve had general anesthesia 4 times this year, my hair is falling out.) Following this election cycle has stressed me out even further. Any advice on how to proceed? Cold turkey? Visiting just one conservative news site per day and tapering off? I have no one to talk to…
I’m sorry about your health problems and pray that things will level off and you will recover.
I know that Aubergine can give you good health advice as well as political advice. My two cents: I would suggest you stay in touch here, or at least read here, because on this site there are people you can communicate with who are of like mind.
Sorry for your pains, BoomerCat!
Yes – politics is not going to save us!
But hang on. GOD IS NOT DONE!!!
From left field, me. This got a bit longish.
Yea, time out from politics, sounds due.
100%, please ignore, fake news. Turn it off or go into another room.
Weather permitting, go outside. Short walk. Sit on a porch, in the yard…
Maybe watch old shows. Nice selection of free stuff out there to choose from. I use antenna TV and Internet. (Free)
Here’s a couple blogs that you may already visit. If not, perhaps check them out. Truly wonderful folks manage them AND post.
Best wishes. Hope ya feel better. Check in when ya feel like AND ready.
Wise words.
I understand and empathize .
I was there and took up knitting again and we just went 4 days to a quiet place to relax unwind and renew. Be good to yourself you can talk to us here. This is a comfortable place.
Prayers for healing you are not alone.
Wow, I’m sorry you are so alone! I at least have family members on my side.
If I quit, it’ll have to be cold-turkey. I have a relentlessly curious mind, and “way leads on to way.” If I read one site, I’ll follow some lead on to another, and another.
If I were you, I would make a serious effort to locate a group of conservative people to at least hang out with sometimes. Local GOP? A church group? Something.
I have not yet resolved what I think is my way forward. I wish you the best, and hope you find peace.
Hi Boomer….Been in that frame of mind too now and in times past. QTree is like therapy to me..there’s usually at least1 person that may feel what I’m feeling and not many that are dismissive like at some other places online. Hang in there. We’re in this strange journey together even though we’re all over the country and beyond..
Godspeed on your recovery
It is going to be a long cold winter Aubergine…I sit here and admit that I have had your thoughts over the past week. My prayers are with you…
And mine with you. Thank you.
Well said. Politics is not how America will be saved.
We need you, Aubergine.
Thank you, T. I need you, and everyone here, as well.
If I take a break from politics, I don’t think that means a break from here necessarily. I am very good at compartmentalizing as a result of my childhood traumas. I can read and enjoy and contribute in all the other areas while skipping gaily past the links and comments about political affairs. I will just turn that interest “off” for a while. It’s a weird trick, but I can do it.
Ready, on Queue.
I have been on strike
Me, too, as much as possible.
The thread of threads against masks.
Check out this thread at Thread Reader App.
I saw this on Gregg Phillips’ Truth Social:
Donald J. Trump:
And someone writes:
I’m trying not to get my hopes up too much. I believe we are in a dire situation. An announcement that Trump is running would set the political world ablaze, but would it set the social media world ablaze? Is that announcement enough to make these kinds of claims? I’m steeling myself to expect that that’s “all” there will be tomorrow night but that we will know that people are working on things. If there’s more, that would be fantastic.
I trust GOD on this.
The BEST is yet to come!
Hope he fills the stage with Kari, DeSantis, Kent (WA?), Masters, Walker, Tshibaka, Laxalt, Marchant and others cheated.
Trump’s announcement tomorrow IS Must watch.
Flynn ” Good people are in the right places.”
I see comments here about Kari possibly being Trump’s VP pick. That would definitely blow up social media, but I think it is too soon to make that announcement. She is not done with this fight, nor are others who have been cheated.
IF that announcement is in the cards, it’ll be whenever the convention happens.
For now, Kari will be quite busy trying to unscrew AZ election.
But, being on stage tomorrow, would be awesome for conservatives AND blow up fake news.
The corporate media has declared that Kari Lake lost the election.
Kari’s response:
Good for Katie!
I sent her some money, because I know she will use it to FIGHT!!!
Yup, Kari has a tough slog ahead of her.
Kari won’t take this quietly, or ever accept to steal.
They LIE.
You can’t make that make sense.
Exactly. It only makes sense in a Democrat cheat to retain power.
Corporate media business model has them lying AND deceiving America 24/7/365.
I forgot about this. Video of it is in the Gab link.
The bottom line is that the thieves who were instrumental in stealing 2020—Hobbs, Fetterman, etc.—were going to be rewarded for it by the cabal no matter how blatant and implausible it looked to the public.
Folks, Slow Guy absolutely drained this evening. Rest well, when ya get to it. G’Nite.
Good night! Thank you and God bless!