Must read starts us off:
All Assets Deployed
Before I get into the meat of my argument, allow me to drop all pretense and disavow you of any notion that I consider negative emotions or frustrations on account of the position we find ourselves in today to be without merit. That said, while I would certainly like to be celebrating the aftermath of a crushing Red Wave that soundly overwhelmed [their] systems of fraud en route to taking Congress as an appetizer to Trump’s coup de grâce announcement, I do not believe anything we have witnessed in the last 24 hours, or even the last week has fundamentally altered the overall trajectory of our movement.
What we are dealing with here, on an emotional level is simply a case of the expectation game rearing its ugly head. It’s a serpent that has bitten us all, which, rather than wearing as a mark of shame we should consider the scars of perceptive, engaged and discerning minds. Minds that hunt in the deep places and scour the dark so that we might cast a bit more light on the proceedings and take back the past, present and future Globalist forces would seek to deprive us of.
There will always be claims of goalpost moving or hopium, which some of us refer to as the ‘Doomer’s Refrain,’ but the fact remains that we are currently involved in and engaged with the most complex Fifth-Generation Psychological and Information War ever waged both against AND for the American people, and the people of the would-be sovereign world, for that matter.
It stands to reason that much is obscured from us, just as it stands to reason that ‘assets’ in every sense of the word will be activated when the collective and subversive enemy believes it is an opportune time to strike at the heart of a MAGA base they see as fracturing.
That piece is worth the time, especially for those who cheered the Daughn comment yesterday.
Transcommunism is coming.
“Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Winston Churchill made this statement immediately after the end of World War II when he sat in Yalta with US President F.D Roosevelt and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin to divide the Allies’ spheres of influence. It also led -and Churchill referred to this with his ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’ statement- to the creation of the United Nations.
As with many of Churchill’s other quotes, that statement took on a life of its own, long after the man’s passing, but there are some things to be said against the final outcome. The Yalta meeting eventually resulted in mistrust, the Cold War, the arms race, the Iron Curtain, the Berlin Wall and everything that came after.
The Unpopular Cure for Our Electoral Woes
Over at the Conservative Treehouse, site owner Sundance provides an excellent article distinguishing the difference between ballots and votes. Votes are the expressed intention of a voter for a particular government leader. Ballots are filled out pieces of paper that express the choice of a particular leader. Both are counted for an election. In the current system, ballots are gathered or harvested either, legally or illegally, and submitted. Given the lack of prosecution, the legality of it apparently does not matter. Votes represent the will of the people; ballots may or may not.
This disenfranchising process could not happen if one political party vehemently opposed it. Another excellent, must-read article by Dan Gelernter on American Greatness observes that the fault lies not with a particular political party, but with all “the politicians,” to include their supporting cast of donors. It’s not a grand coordinated conspiracy based on an ideology. It follows the fractal pattern of self-organization with a common motivation: greed.
Our first president, George Washington, provided a warning of the eventual power political parties could attain. In his farewell address, Washington cautioned, “However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”
Mob Rule and the Death of Trust
For over six years, representatives of every established institution in the country have stereotyped Americans who voted for President Trump as bigots, idiots, ignoramuses, haters, psychopaths, and traitors. The virulence of this condemnation has escalated each year, culminating during the 2022 mid-term election cycle with a full-court press to tag anyone who supports the former president as a fascist and and potential “domestic terrorist.”
Those who openly proclaimed their support for Trump, even if they expressed themselves with tact and rational arguments, focusing on his policies, and even while acknowledging Trump’s often confrontational persona, lost lifelong friends and faced threats to their livelihood. By the millions, they were made to feel unwelcome in their own country.
Anger breeds anger. Contempt breeds contempt. With Newtonian certainty, the disgust has become mutual. But on one side, with rare exceptions, the entire institutional weight of the most powerful nation in the world has lined up. The media, the search engine and social media platforms, the entertainers, the teachers and professors, the corporations, the government agencies, the politically active billionaires: Almost all of them proclaim Trump supporters to be horrible, dangerous people.
Can Dave Chappelle Save Free Speech?
With their control of all major educational and media institutions, progressives have had the ability to control the political language we use for a good half century now. Historically, they have used that control, in Orwell’s words, “to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” In recent years, however, they have used language as a cudgel.
Orwell also told us how we fight back. “We have now sunk to a depth,” he wrote, “at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.” Comedian Dave Chappelle has been made a pariah in many circles by doing just that, stating the obvious. “Did you know that Planned Parenthood was for abortions?” Chappelle said in a 2017 comedy special. “It’s for people that don’t plan things out at all.” He might have pointed out there is no parenthood involved either.
Chappelle accurately calls this era “the age of spin.” He followed up by subverting another euphemism of the pro-abortion movement, asking the young males in his audience, “Are you pro-choice or anti-consequences? What does it all really mean?” Many in the audience laughed and applauded, not fully realizing that Chappelle has just skewered one of their most sacred cows. In the process, he may have changed at least a few minds. Ridicule works.
GOP megadonors ditch Donald Trump’s 2024 White House run
Key Takeaways from the FBI Whistleblowers Report
He’s Back, President Donald J Trump Officially Declares His Candidacy to Run for President in 2024
There’s not a force of man or nature as strong in its devotion to a mission, as Donald Trump is to this nation. That’s the core, the heart, the genuine essence of the thing, that separates President Trump from all others. Within that love of country, is a strength of determination that is almost uncanny to witness; and from that love of country an authenticity emanates that is impossible to duplicate.
Donald J Trump is, quite simply, unapologetically American – and tens of millions just love him for it.
NATO Backtracks, Now Admits it Was Not Russia Who Fired Missile into Poland – It Was Ukraine, But Still Putin’s Fault
The Military Industrial Complex just can’t cover their tracks anymore.
Well, it’s true.
And the fink has been elected Speaker of the House.
No challenging the Mitch, now. He’s got a mean streak.
On top of it, one of the reasons people are having fewer children is expense, which is an artificial construct. If the Dems want a higher birthrate, make parenthood affordable again.
Yes, I know this is photoshopped.

If only.

Until the WP-YT thingie gets fixed, y’all are stuck with what I can find on Rumble.
And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
MATTHEW 25:31-40
31“When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, 33and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left. 34Then the King will say to those at his right hand, `Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; 35for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37Then the righteous will answer him, `Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? 38And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? 39And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee?’ 40And the King will answer them, `Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’

How are you doing today?
Who me? I’m slurping tea, sitting up straight and facing forward.
Getting cold out here in flyover country.
14 Northern NV. Thankfully it’ll warm to high 40s, this afternoon.
Also, thankful the HVAC works great. 🙂
Our HVAC has been dead for years. We use a couple window A/C in the summer and a few radiator type space heaters in the winter.
Right now I am having thoughts about strangling the MUSLIM builder who sited the 2 darn HVAC and the electric meter along the wall right next to the footings I had him put in for my MISSING Wood stove. No wood stove if I can not put up the darn chimney because they ran the electric lines ALL THE WAY AROUND THE HOUSE (under my front lawn) to the WRONG SIDE without even ASKING where we wanted the stuff sited.
80 acres of wood, two chain saws AND I HAVE TO PAY $400 a month or more for electric — GRRRRrrrrr.
We heated our house in Taxachusetts with ONE wood stove in the basement so I KNOW how to do that.
That sounds bass ackwards and Expensive!! 😡
ESPECIALLY when he didn’t even bother to put insulation in the attic…
Why can’t you use one of those triple insulated pipes as a chimney. Just poke it out one wall. Easy for me to say.
Because most locales have codes that prohibit that, except for pellet stoves. But it seems that her problem is a cooling unit being too close to where the stove would be. It would get cooked or ignited.
I was just talking to hubby about completely removing the dead units and just installing a pipe and the wood stove. The problem is we have a three story house.
Then you’ll need lots of Metalbestos chimney pipe. And that stuff ain’t cheap.
Should have done it decades ago but we didn’t have the money.
Looks like it is $253.52 per 3 foot section from Amazon. So with braces and such about $3,000 for the pipe. (NOT installed)
then it is ~$2,000 for a decent stove with a blower.
So about 6K for materials… (need fireproofing for wall and floor too.)
How To Fireproof A Wall Behind A Wood Stove – HouseholdAir
Sorry to hear the problem concerning wood stove. Wood stoves are wonderful and give off nice heat. Most of last year I had heaters around the house they work well but electricity is more expensive than gas.
I finally have a new boiler and it took long to find a competent company .
$11,800 later we have heat.Contractor put a professional boiler in and the craftsmanship is an understatement. This was a very busy company who installs boilers for factories , schools and churches. So well installed and the boiler is made in USA. The workers were skilled pipe fitters and engineers.
My radiators are humming we have steam heat and we are happy with the result. 20 year grantee that takes care of our life time 🙂
We keep the thermos on 68 F that is more than enough. The cats love the radiators but even more the boiler. I think I need to put a bed for them near the boiler 🙂
I hope everyone stays warm .
I LIKE radiators (or wood stoves) my allergies HATED the forced air so I am in no big hurry to replace the units. At least with A/C you can take them out and hose them down.
Also I did a lot of cooking on my Mama Bear Fisher stove. It was great for soups and stews.

I was in a two story 4 bedroom house in the 90s. I installed a wood stove in the living room and heated the whole house with it, although the two first floor bedrooms were a few degrees cooler. Fixed that with a couple of box fans.
That is what we have. The third story is a Full walk-up attic.
The “Alberta Clipper” has descended that far south. Your temps this am are coordinate with northern IL. 🥶
Yea, maybe so. My neck of the woods, is roughly, 15 miles S of I-80. Looking at a map, I’m a bit north of, directly west of St Louis.
Mornings have been in the teens for a week or so. Weather guesser says a few more days of teens, then mostly 20s next two weeks.
Do you mean I-70? I think I see where you mean, if that’s the case.
Nah, I’m ~15 miles S of I-80 in NV. Straight line east, runs a bit north of St Louis.
OK – Gotcha!!!
I was thinking you had moved out of state already to MO! LOL. NEVER MIND!!!
MO isn’t a bad state, depending on where you go.
I-70 logically ought to be extended westward along US-50, which means it would meet I-80 somewhere in the Reno-Carson City vicinity. (And it probably shouldn’t go through Richmond UT.) I doubt that will ever happen simply because there’s almost no traffic on that route. Even cross country trucking wouldn’t use it if we built it, because no trucker will drive through the Eisenhower tunnel at 11,000 feet elevation if I-80 is a feasible way to get to San Francisco.
Agree… US50 from Fallon NV to I-15 in UT, has been likened to the loneliest highway. Appears that is close to where I-70 westbound ends.
Drove it once. Nice drive. But, nothing much out that way.
Did see plenty of “open range” cattle literally on US50. NV, like OR and likely several states, “open range”.
Colorado is “open range” in that you’re obligated to fence them out, rather than the rancher keeping them in. As a practical matter, though, most of the time the rancher fences them in anyway.
We had snow last night it is 34F and I am in S. OH. Normally it is in the upper 40arround this time. January February it get real cold sometimes late Dec. I still have my garden going so far so good.
🥶 that’s definitely unseasonable!
(Stepdaughter & fam in Galena, just north of Columbus)
North is always cooler than where I live. Today is is cold moist cold as I know it from Northern Germany. I am knitting up a storm. My husband thanks me everyday for the two sweaters I made him he is so warm 🙂 I am making one for myself and working on a scarf. Funny home knitted items are warmer. I have a big bag of wool and ma knitting it away. I feel more balanced knitting again specially with all the mess going on.
We’re north of Chicago & our current weather is more appropriate for January…tonight 26° Tomorrow night 19° Saturday night 12°🥶🙄 Good knitting to you!
Yes Chicago is always colder. Winter comes early this year and was predicted. Biden should pay for this not drilling and pushing us the cost of gas and oil..
Anyone want some VERY DIRTY very long staple (2 yr growth) wool, let me know. It varies in color from black thru the browns to white.
I have several big bags I want to get gone!
I wish I had a skill to do something with it but…I don’t !
How do you clean it ? I have a wool rug with long pile and need to clean it. I’ve used my shampooer but still have a few places that could use more attention
I have cleaned some fleeces but I can not take all the bending anymore.
Thanks a lot. I’ll give it a try. I don’t want to get rid of it, it’s great and huge (14×16) but my sweet old dog is on his last leg and is having trouble getting to the door in time, ykwim.
I am not into unprocessed wool. Do not know anyone wish I did. There is a wool co-op The “Green Mountain Spinnery” I have wool from them.
I am not familiar with that part of Columbus. Is that Franklyn County?
Delaware I think
Oh yes now I know 🙂
We woke up to about an inch or so of wet, heavy snow on Tuesday. It was gone by ten thirty.
It’s that time of year. Weather roulette.
Glad it’s melting!
It was gone on Tuesday.
It’s been chilly here this week, 40’s. For some reason I am not getting cold. I’ve been hanging out in shorts and tank top w/socks, maybe a robe, sometimes add the fan, in 65 degree inside temps. I finally turned the heat on a few notches when it said 64 so I could sleep at 66. Weird, but great for energy bill.
During the summer I purposely acclimated myself to be comfortable at 78, as long as fans were on me, and did just fine. Temps, electricity were both HIGH.
SUP wit all DAT? Mind over matter? Age? Vitamidavegemins??😂☕😂
I don’t know, but consuming fat helps to make you feel warm. Maybe it’s all that bacon…🥓😁
Hey, that explains both scenarios!! ☺
Gee, I just took a big slurp of tea… And then almost spit it out over the FDA fake Meat.
👉 Sam Bankman-Fraud won’t kill himself.
What kind of odds you got on dat?
+ odd article…
woke capitalism ha ha ha ha ha
Interesting article.
Good grief, these connections are MIND-BLOWING.
And predictable when you consider they are a clique with a high school mentality. The A group always did gravitate toward itself.
What is really mind blowing is HOW FAST the ANONS sussed out the connections and archived the evidence.
As they say: WE are the NEWS NOW!
I should add I heard of some of these connections on Nov 14th.
The autistics of 8kun and reddit strike again!
Q trained them well and they are on the prowl.
Elon Musk gets this. He knows that social media journalism is going to be not just the bleeding edge but the leading edge.
That tweet is gonna be famous! I think Elon is having fun now.
Sam Bankman-Fried
Yes, even the un-modified name sets up expectations and images, though in the past tense. Whiffs of a move from the frying-pan to the fire, if not just in hot water, rather oil, as per «deep-fried».
I saw an interesting argument on the Anonymous Conservative site yesterday, that the ballot-stuffers and -harvesters were to be paid from FTX-origin funds. Now that these funds have vaporized, the ballot-tampering crew won’t get paid and can be expected to refuse further jobs of similar nature; thus less ballot fraud.
Unfortunately, as the difference between theory and practice is much larger in practice than in theory, so this might just be a fanciful speculation and nothing more. I don’t expect anyone to abandon their cause this easy.
I would be surprised if the kind of people who committed the actual on-the-ground fraud worked on the “I’ll gladly pay you Thursday for a hamburger today” model.
Whether there has ever been any honor (or trust) among thieves, or not, I suspect there is none among this motley crew.
But even if they did the job on the expectation of pay they did not receive, they’ll still do it again.
It’s just that next time they will charge triple or more, upfront.
And the bad guys will pay it gladly, that’s an easy problem to solve, using other peoples’ money.
Like always.
Yup. The funds went out. SOMEBODY in the Dem chain is holding the bag where it will most likely get filled by US.
That is why they want another major ‘infusion’ of cash.
PBS 2 days ago
Biden asks for more than $37 billion in Ukraine emergency aidPolitics Nov 15, 2022 3:50 PM EST WASHINGTON (AP) —
President Joe Biden is asking Congress to provide more than $37 billion in emergency aid to Ukraine, a massive infusion of cash that could…replace the laundrying by FTX.
You got it, smiley.
Nor will the system hold that fruitcake accountable.
Of course not. He has DEEP TIES to the DemonRats and the most he will get is a slap on the wrist like that ethics prof who bashed a Trump supporter with a bike lock. He got a month probation…
Of course not. I heard (CannCon?) a couple days ago his brother works as an aide to a democrat on the FINANCE COMMITTEE… Imagine that! 100% ALL Crypto currency BY The CENTRAL BANKSTERS and NO MORE CASH???
Sam Bankman-Fried’s Brother Worked For Democrat Congressman On Financial Services Committee And ‘Investor Protection’ Subcommittee.BY: NATALIE WINTERS
Fox misses the above connection.
Fox News: FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried’s family boasts deep ties to Democrat power players — The Bankman-Fried brothers have led joint efforts to raise money to prevent future pandemics.
It gets worse from there.
So true.
Nailed it. Perfect.
FBI and White House Slapped Down By Judge in Major Censorship Case
“Elvis Chan”? OK, I get that this universe is amazing, but hey….
This needs some companion pictures.
That moment you find out your dog is Navy — picture of dog in boat speeding by.
That moment you find out your dog is Air Force — picture of dog in lounge chair on flight deck, wearing creased uniform and shades.
That moment you find out your dog is Armored Cav — picture of dog hanging head out of SUV with tongue flapping in wind.
That moment you find out your dog is Special Forces — picture of dead enemy on ground (no sign of dog).
That moment you find out your dog is Marines — close-up picture of inside of dog’s mouth (prelude to ruined camera).
👍 😁 😁 😁
Okay, all of those are spot-on!
Your Dog is the CAVALRY…

Your Dog in the Armored Div.

Your Dog in the Air Force

Your Dog in Special Forces (for real)

Your Dog in the Navy
N.Y. disbars lawyers who threw Molotov cocktail at police car during George Floyd protests
IMO, these two qualify for Darwin awards. Throwing away their reputations and careers, SMH.
The crowd they hang with, their reputations are enhanced….
… but not their usefulness.
Now permanent Law Clerks for Mark Elias…
I smiled at that one even though it ain’t so. The disbarment prohibits them from working in the legal profession in any capacity.
I once worked for an attorney who lost his license because the system hated him getting defendants off. Anyway, in trying to figure out what he was going to do, he found out that the prohibition preventing disbarred attorneys from paralegal work was derived from the employers bar card. So he went to work for the city of Seattle as in-house counsel for the planning department because his employer wasn’t in the legal business so wasn’t covered by the bar association.
He was one of the smartest lawyers for whom I ever worked.
I doubt the rules apply to Elias….
You’re such a cynic.
Prolly always was an over achiever… Got himself a TWOFER.
Now they are free to run an NGO or a PAC.
@DarrenJBeattie (Revolver News)
WOW. Probably today or tomorrow. Betting a FRIDAY or SATURDAY drop.
Timely would of been before the election, but depending what it is, all this FTX stuff broke after the election.
As I conveyed from CannCon, We needed a really slim margin so we can STOP the hemorrhaging BUT NOT GIVE THE DEMON RATS room to say WE TOLD YOU SO.
There was NO WAY to get 60 Reboobs in the Senate so NO WAY to veto or impeach.
Now OUR task is
I am sure there is more that we can add to that list as the strategies are ‘leaked’ to us.
I sure hope They ALL have really good security! Natalie, Darren, Steve, Raheem…
Babylon Bee: 😂
Former Twitter Employee Can’t Seem To Find Meditation Room At New Taco Bell Job
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
OMG! LOL! That is fantastic!
That is because it could be true. The best type of satire. 😉
Babylon Bee hilarious as always!
Yup. Always sleep with your
gunwoman nearby!Both. One of the right. Other on the left. 🙂
Let’s see how we’re doin’….
To whom does that movie clip refer?
Who is worthy of the Iron Throne?
Only drop cell phone inside in case of emergency!!!
Methinks that’s an awful lot of Reynolds Wrap.
Did the wrapper drop in a Clorox tab? Seriously, cleaning that….
It’s foil. Just like lining a pan to cook in, when you’re done you just ball it up and throw it away!
Good advice, so that when Trump breaks it, he knows exactly why!
I like it too. 👍
I especially like this one:
1. Don’t attack fellow Republicans. Save your fire for the Democrats and the Left
Riiiiight. So you LOSE every argument with anyone on the Right. Including debates.
Gods, people are stupid.
Careful. That’s our Dinesh.
You do not want to star in his next movie. 😆
Lol! No!
Everybody is a nervous Nellie about internal firefights, but Trump releases “fire-from-the-hip” stuff like “Ron DeSanctimonious”!!! LOL!!! And this is why we love Trump! NO FEAR!!!
The Reboobs are as corrupt as the DemonRats. They are the ‘Controlled Opposition’
As Kurt Schlichter said,
“…there is Mitch McConnell, the past and future Senate Minority Leader. He’s already loathed by the base… Mitch and Kevin (McCarthy) are not going anywhere – that’s just how it is….
Do you know why a lot of people did not support Republicans even though Biden is a disaster and the Democrats are pinkos? Because they hate our leaders. That’s a problem.”
But hey, KURT jump on the band wagon and BLAME TRUMP…
Trump owns NONE OF THE BLAME! Over 200 of his picks won and only about 16 to 20 lost (mostly due to FRAUD) so do not BLAME Trump!
“I have 3 pieces of advice for Trump.
1. Don’t attack fellow Republicans.”
When professionals — who wear an ‘R’ on their Marquess of Queensberry Club jacket by day, and reverse the jacket to Hell’s Minions’ colors by night — attack him, is he not supposed to expose them or defend himself?
“Save your fire for the Democrats and the Left”
At this point, doesn’t that include everybody who doesn’t support him, regardless of the letter on their public jersey?
Whether being attacked by the Left or the (false) Right, doesn’t he sorta have to direct return fire at the source, whichever direction it happens to be coming from?
“2. Spell out exactly how you will dismantle the Deep State”
Is that the best idea — if you actually have a credible plan — to let the enemy know how you will do it?
Don’t get me wrong, I would love to know, but if you tell the enemy, then:
A) don’t you give them ample time and opportunity to create a defense and save themselves?
B) if the plan is good enough to actually overcome any defense against it, and they are aware of it, then don’t you make yourself a target that must be destroyed at any and all cost?
Maybe a somewhat plausible plan intended for public consumption, causing the enemy to think you’re going to attack at Pas de Calais, when the real plan is to land at Normandy, would be better.
Assuming the secret could be kept, or kept long enough, of course. If not, then as usual, it is only the Public which is being kept in the dark, by both sides, so neither side is ever held accountable for their failures.
“3. Hire an adviser who’s a good judge of people and can save you from flatterers & backstabbers”
If DJT needs to hire someone who is a good judge of people — because (by implication) DJT himself is not a good judge of people — then how can DJT judge who to hire as an adviser?
Didn’t he say, in the interview with Charlie Rose, while expressing his value for loyalty that you cannot predict who will remain loyal & who won’t? & this was pre politics!
So you pick them for their ability to do the specific job you want them to do.
Good addendum
“Didn’t he say, in the interview with Charlie Rose, while expressing his value for loyalty that you cannot predict who will remain loyal & who won’t?”
I think so.
But that doesn’t explain why he kept so many traitors around after he knew they were traitors.
I know the narrative, you keep your enemies closer, or you use them to smoke out other traitors, etc., etc.
But whatever good that did, I don’t remember ANYBODY paying a penalty for stabbing him in the back, which only emboldens and encourages more of the same.
And up to now, the bad guys prospered, and won.
If that was going to be the outcome, then at least destroy as many of these monsters as you can, while you can.
Don’t leave them around to riot in your blood.
I still consider him to be a good judge of character.
He IS. Amen.
Ah i think on the advisor part he is smart enough to understand anothers limits, in this respect. Likely just someone to assist until HE makes the final decision. Not a jared or ivanka or mil guy.
I read Ivanka will not be part this time. I am relieved.
Me too.
How are you feeling? Take good care of yourself 🙂
You’re too smart for this game.
Only ever smart enough to get myself in trouble 😉
I live in trouble!
You stole my thunder on #2. But I won’t file a crime report. 😂
You make sense to me 🙂
“Spelling out how to dismantle deep state.”
Denish forgot one never tells the enemy the war plan unless one once to be defeated.
Looks to me that Denish has bought into DeSantis fever ?
“2. Spell out exactly how you will dismantle the Deep State”
How about show them in lieu of telling them.
“3. Hire an adviser who’s a good judge of people and can save you from flatterers & backstabbers”
If these “suggestions” were not so bureaucratically trite they would be laughable. All that is missing is a power point presentation with handouts. Doesn’t look like Dinesh has a serious grasp of the situation. After his 2000 Mules experience that is simply extraordinary.
^^^ #1 corrected.
D-Rats AND back stabbing R-consUniparty for the frauds on America that they are.You ATTACK the Rinos, like Mitch the Chinese Bitch, BEFORE MIDTERM PRIMARIES so we have a chance to clean out the worse of the RINOs
Advice to Dinesh let Trump be Trump that is how he build his business that is how he became President. He only was flat listening to unwanted advice from third party.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, November 17, 2022
“…for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
Nehemiah 8:10 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Beautiful, Smiley!!! ❤️❤️❤️🧚🧚🧚
yes HE IS
🙏 🖐 💞
For the very first time yesterday I heard a commercial (on the radio) sponsored by a death group (Pfizer) advertising their depop shot. Up to now, only the government ran the ads.
Heard them all the time here in CA. On conservative talk and music stations. All these companies corrupted.
These ads are on the radio in Virginia and in the Raleigh-Durham area also.
“…but the fact remains that we are currently involved in and engaged with the most complex Fifth-Generation Psychological and Information War ever waged both against AND for the American people…”
If there are two sides, and one of the sides is actually fighting for the People, why would they keep such a thing secret from the People who are being deceived?
If sunlight is the best disinfectant, why wouldn’t they expose it, to minimize the effectiveness of the enemy’s effort, and to maximize the public’s defense against it?
Supposing there are two sides… is it now, or will it ever be, in either side’s interest for such a ‘war’ to ever end?
If so, what conditions would need to exist, and how could we know if they are ever met, or that the ‘war’ is ended?
And if it is in neither side’s interest for it to end, then why would it ever end?
If the most complex 5th generation psychological and information war ever waged is never publicly acknowledged by anyone, then how can the People ever know who is winning — or if it ever ends, know who won?
If the most complex 5th generation psychological warfare is being waged against us, why not retaliate with the simplest 6th generation psychological warfare — exposing the truth, in the light of day — to defeat it?
These are just a few of the problems with claims that appear to be both unprovable and unfalsifiable, which would seem to define even the claim itself a form of psychological warfare.
Maybe even a more effective form than the one that’s supposedly taking place.
Good vs Evil
Evil vs GOD
it is spiritual warfare.
The One Who is fighting for us pretty much spells it out in The Holy Bible.
and we’ve had many object lessons throughout history…which could be why they want so desperately to gaslight us and rewrite it.
psychopaths gaslight, it’s what they do.
you kinda have to try to beat em at their own game without their knowing it.
Morning radio guy whom I despise for being slow on a whole host of things, but faster than most had something to say about this.
Remarking on liberals wanting us to keep our faith out governance, then liberals should stop the results of their morale degeneracy from spilling over onto our streets across the nation. (not an exact quote, but concurs).
It’s a movie… It’s a script… /s
“….one of the sides is actually fighting for the People, why would they keep such a thing secret from the People….”
Ever heard of Q?
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b785d4
May 31 2020 19:47:15 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000
Nov 20 2019 13:18:53 (EST)
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b151f1
Oct 17 2020 14:42:05 (EST)
Q trained an ARMY of digital soldiers. Look how fast they dug out the REAL FTX story. With Truth Social they have a place to ‘organize’ deceminate TRUTH and with Elon Musk buying Twatter that info can be brought to the battlefield of the Public Square.
Now Gregg Phillips and True the Vote are coordinating some of those to ‘Digital Soldiers AND Jon Harold (PatelPatrot) has put together BadLands Media a news group to challenge CNN. 😜
(I really want a T shirt that says:
I support BLM
BadLands Media!
I for one am not upset by what I am seeing play out.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b3a95d
Nov 12 2020 22:20:17 (EST)

𝗥𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗴𝗶𝗻𝘀 ( September 18, 1974 – February 23, 2022)
Some, Anons who were deep in the Q posts, think Rich Higgins was Q (Major part of the team) They see a difference in the writing style of the present Q.
So WHO was Rich Higgins?
I am going to steal that info directly from Jon Harold. (Patel Patriot)
The involvement of Rich Higgins is where things start to get really interesting. Higgins passed away fairly recently (may he Rest in Peace) but he deserves some focus here. He is somebody I have discussed previously in social media posts and on the Devolution Power Hour but I haven’t written about him in the Devolution series because I wasn’t quite sure if or how he might fit in. After writing Part 22, I believe he may be a bigger part of this story.
Let’s look at his background outlined in his obituary:

A Little more context from his bio:

…Rich Higgins is another irregular warfare guru. Not only that, but he was also part of a small group of Trump loyalists who in the early days of Trump’s Presidency were seeking “to identify and expunge suspected “deep state” opponents.”
👉 [THIS is where things get really interesting -GC] 👈

POTUS & Political Warfare
Rich Higgins was fired because of a memo he wrote. I believe it to be extremely prudent to go over this memo in detail. Before we dig in, I need to remind you what I discussed in Devolution – Part 22 and how it relates to Higgins – “Narratives are at the center of irregular warfare,” and Rich Higgins was an irregular warfare guru.
The memo is fairly long but incredibly worthwhile knowing what we know about irregular warfare:
{ Memo left out – GC]
The Higgins memo perfectly describes the irregular warfare we have seen unfold both before, during, and after Trump’s Presidency. So here is a hypothetical question for you.
Wouldn’t it make sense for somebody considered to be a Trump loyalist, who was working to weed out the deep state in the early days of Trump’s Presidency, who had extensive irregular warfare expertise, who so perfectly spelled out the deep state and their tactics in early 2017, to have played a role in the countermoves required to defeat that same deep state as the battle continued beyond his tenure with the NSC?
Was Higgins involved in devolution somehow? It’s speculative but it makes a ton of sense……
Just so we’re clear, after he was fired from the NSC, one of the world’s best irregular warfare minds (Higgins) co-founded Unconstrained Analytics with one of the world’s best strategic communication/information operations minds (Coughlin).
You may also find it interesting that on September 6th, 2016, Coughlin gave a speech titled “We’re at War: The Calm Before the Storm.”
I am going to stop there because there is a lot more information. Also Jon has never read any Q drops and stays away from the subject.
July 21, 2017 Higgins is fired.
Aug 2, 2017 “…NSC intel director Ezra Cohen-Watnick is out, per pool. Derek Harvey, top Middle East advisor on NSC, pushed out last week..”
August 19, 2017 Per CNN Steve Bannon is fired.
Oct 28 2017 Q’s first drop
Here we are on the Q of November, a-sittin’ and a-thinkin’…..
Powerful column and clip from six years ago by Steyn, on the widespread sexual violence inflicted by “migrants,” and just as notably how sanctimonious leftists do not have principles, but moment to moment tactics in support of destroying civilization:
Mark Steyn is a super guy. I well remember his fight/lawsuit with Mikey Mann
As I understand it, that lawsuit is ongoing. I share your assessment of Steyn.
IIRC the lawsuit is STILL pending.
Morning Radio show guy is setting the world afire this morning. Getting to be so you can’t sleep in anymore. KTSA 550 AM Radio.
So with Emmett Sullivan ending Title 42 by judicial fiat, Morning Radio guy says we are looking at 18,000 a day crossing the border, 540,000 a month and 6.5 million a year.
Morning Radio guy says people along the border can not leave their homes to go to work or school with out returning to find their homes occupied.
Callers on the phone say F__k the buses to WA DC. Time to fire up the Trains.
Sorry, no other links. Needs some coffee.
Apparently the above is sourced from Border Patrol Sources. Meanwhile Chucky Cheese says we need to legalize the ones here strangely saying something that sounds like the Replacement Conspiracy Theory. Meanwhile again…
Callers say Abbott is about 20 months late. Agrees, that’s why I voted for Alan West.
^^^ Mayorkas should be impeached. DUH!
Let’s see how our R-Con House, deals with traitors like BiteMe, Hoe, Mayorkas…
Betting the bastards, R-Cons, are feckless from Day One.
Not doomfagging or whatever.It’s what the R-Cons ARE, without a true LEADER.Kevin McCarthy as Speaker? Same merry-go-round.
Past performance is a strong predictor of future performance.
In politics it’s practically guaranteed.
Sadly, true.
IMO, as long as McCarthy and The Turtle are in the driver’s seats, nothing will change.
Y U P.
How can corrupt Sullivan end while State of Emergency Order is still in effect, which PERVOTUS just extended?????????
Title 42 was border safety control method based on Pandemic.
Student loan payoff scam is relying on same.
So are EUAs.
And many others – Covid funds, rules, and regs.
They need to appeal this.
I am NOT endorsing Day’s pov, just think it is something to contemplate. One of the central ongoing struggles is Cabal taking away our right to defend ourselves against Cabal:
Styn should of gotten Rush’s radio spot. This current bunch are having a hard time keeping up.
Perhaps Steyn turned it down. He would be excellent though I know it must be quite a grind 3 hours a day 5 days a week. I am so grateful we have Chris Plante who manages to make me laugh and smile in spite of the horrid things happening. God watch over all of them.
Got this via Day’s site. Reed has a way with words. BTW, it has nothing to do with Hitler, despite the link name. Among many other things, he mentions something you can only find on Unz. It is not permitted anywhere else. That is the daily (literally, average of one a day) slaughter of white people for racial reasons. Cabal has unleashed hatred on America:
Great open, DePat!!!
GA Christian Conservative Journalist – Leo Hohmann writes:
Health minister tells G20 nations they must implement WHO-approved ‘digital health certificates’ tracking all human movement for ‘next pandemic’
What she said!
Lets wait till after the Nuremberg II before we make any hasty decisions in the mean time I defer to butterfly’s rather demure pronouncement.
Demure, LOL. How bout a Texas sized
😉 😂
Doubling Down On Stoopid – digital health certificates.
Dumb Ass Health Ministers and Officials 100% failed with Covidiocy AND Covidiot Injections.
Don’t buy an Apple Watch until this stuff is in the GRAVE.
What Is a Faraday Bag, and Should You Use One? – How-To Geek
May 1, 2022
OK so I added the FBI, it was just typed automatically when I saw the word criminal.
They aren’t even expensive:
Faraday Bag,RFID Signal Blocking Bag(2 Pack) Shielding Pouch Wallet Case for Cell Phone Privacy Protection and Car Key FOB, Anti-Tracking Anti-Spying (Silver)
$9.99 at Amazon, for a two-pack!
Big blank square shows for me.
Of course they did.
FDA Says Lab-Grown Meat Safe for Human Consumption
By Katabella Roberts November 17, 2022 Updated: November 17, 2022
Story doesn’t seem to mention if the FDA is going to require these jerks to label their insidious product as lab grown. Would think people would like to know. Might have to go in search for that answer as it seems important.
Lab-grown meat, is as dumb as all the veggie faux meat.
They said GMO was natural equivilant and DID NOT NEED TESTING.. And then REFUSED TO REQUIRE LABELING. The EU refused to have GMO.
Impossible Gen II
Still impossible to get me to knowingly try this shit
,,only by deception
Make friends with a farmer.
For years I bought my beef from a local farmer either at her farm or at a farmers’ market.
Yeah, that same FDA that brought us the food pyramid, seed oils, margerine…while lying to us about eggs, red meat, and cholesterol….and so much more.
Corrupt to the core.
Long ago Food & Water Watch had a really good graphic showing the revolving door between the Department of Ag and the food/seed/chemical corporations.
As I keep saying we are NOT a republic, we are an OLIGARCHY
Regulatory capture.
YUP and then you can add in the DAMN Lobbying groups.
Foreign Government Lobbying in Washington D.C.
I didn’t know about this one.
Foreign government lobbyists are donating to Democrats, and some candidates are keeping the cash
Time to allow ONLY one donation of $1,500 max per candidate per person.
If you want EQUALITY get rid of PACs, and corporate and NGOs ability to OUTSPEND the little guy WHEN BUYING INFLUENCE.
Well, since my Senator Steve Daines is now the head of the Republican National Senatorial Committee (thanks, DP, for the heads up), he got a phone call from me this morning regarding the push for Herschel Walker in Georgia. Essentially, I told him (well, a staff member) to get off his ass and go campaign!
Good Job!! 👏 👏 👏
I’m sure he’ll follow Turdle’s instructions and get right on it!!🙄🙄
Sadly, yeah, that’s probably true. But I voted for the man, and I made sure they knew I’d be watching.
That’s what I told Linda last night. We gotta keep the pressure on these shmucks via Comms. If they don’t hear from us, they think all is well and that they’re doing a good job. Our Comms tell them otherwise. And they fear backlash. That’s a main reason for us to be on TWIT, the ‘public square’ where they are. At least that was my intention when I signed up, before getting Cancelled.
I just use my phone. Unfortunately they often refuse to answer when important stuff comes up… IMAGINE THAT!
Yep, they can not answer phones, not read emails. They can not read twits too, but at least others can and it’s out in the interwebs for other to see and pile on should they so choose. EZEE PEEZEE.
I think they passed around my phone number and it is on a do not answer – spam list.
I KNOW for a fact that Senator Burr (may he rot in hell) did that to me.
Yes, I agree. Squeaky wheels get grease. Silent wheels get flat tires!
Back to the TPP/TSA legislation…Steve Daines was fully on board with turning over our sovereignty to China through the use of International Trade. He refused to speak on the Import/Export Banks involvement and he suppressed information on what was contained in the TSA.
He was highly supportive of the COVID lock-down initiative here in Montana and when I called his office, I heard the phrase “for the good of all”
His voting records do provide evidence that yes, Daines is one of Mitch’s silent soldiers….
And yes, I’ve cast more than one vote for him as well.
Sadly, we get to hold our nose and vote all too often.
CONTACT; Senator Steve Daines 113 views November 9, 2022 1:19 pm. Office Locations. Bozeman 13 S. Willson Ave. Ste. 8 Bozeman, MT 59715 p: (406) 587-3446. Great Falls 104 4th Street North, Ste. 302 Great Falls, MT 5940
+1 406 482 9010Senator Steve Daines, Phone
to DONATE to Herschel:
Go for it, Gail. Call him up. He’s the head of a big deal now.
1st GOP House Presser – Comer and Jordan come out firing, laying out issues of compromised PERVOTUS and family over shady laptop deals w/foreign countries and human traffickers, Creepy changing rules so Congress can’t have his 150 SARS reports, his compromised energy policies, NATSEC issues, China buying US Drillers, 14 FIB whistleblowers, Big Tech censorship, election interference. Press asking stoopid questions, WHY?, then try to hijack to J6. Jordan regains control, we’re legislative body in charge of oversight, therefore we investigate, so that we can change laws. Then 9am hits, Fox cuts off, time for WARROOM.
“This Is An Investigation of Joe Biden” – BREAKING: House Republicans Announce Investigation of Joe Biden and Biden Crime Family (VIDEO) (
He’s loud, bombastic, and his radio “pain” commercials are hilariously bad, but I just love Sebastian Gorka. Here he is again:
“I find it mildly amusing, as a legal immigrant, that I have to remind my fellow natural-born Americans: We don’t choose or declare a presidential nominee the week after a midterm election, two years before we can even vote for him. We have a quaint and rather fun thing called primaries. It’s a great idea. Remember 2015? We had 17 men and women debate each other, and then Republicans decided who should be their candidate. It’s a great system. And then Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton. Ah, the memories! If Ron DeSantis wants to run, great! He’ll be running against a man who received 74 million votes—more votes than any incumbent in American history.
And as for those who say, “DeSantis is so much better than Trump!” How do you know? Yes, he is great if you’re a Floridan. But that’s one state out of 50. Do they have any idea how he’d run America’s national defense? Or our foreign policy? Would he close the border? Shipping 50 illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard was a cool stunt. But it doesn’t actually stop the cartels or prevent 110,000 fentanyl deaths in a year. He could be a great president—maybe. On the other hand, there is no question President Trump can do the job. Because he did it for 4 years. He crushed ISIS, revitalized the military, brought inflation down to 1.8 percent and gas to under $2 a gallon, revitalized NATO, made America energy independent, pushed unemployment to the lowest levels in generations, and oversaw a stock market boom that helped everyone’s 401k. Need I go on?”
That is but an excerpt. The whole article is excellent.
I love Seb too! That accent!! 🤸♀️🤸♀️
I know! He cracks me up.
This time, he’s going to be in the White House, and the assholes are not going to undermine him.
Wonderful stuff.
Yup. We went ALL IN on the right horse!
Lol, patience, grasshopper.
“We are in the midst of our Red Tsunami. The severe shock to the American system was President Donald J. Trump. We had had a series of foreshocks under the previous president—“you can keep your doctor”, the extrajudicial slaughter of American citizens by the White House, the executive branch spying on journalists, overzealous persecution of political enemies, Uranium One, massive mishandling of classified documents by the Secretary of State and everyone who communicated with her, the IRS scandal, VA deaths, Benghazi and the destruction of Libya, the elevation of thugs as heroes, meaningless red lines, the rape of Ukraine, and the fast and furious arming of the cartels.
But nothing had prepared us for The Donald, even though for my entire life everyone bemoaned the state of politics and said we should elect a nonpolitician. We finally did. He was probably the most effective, productive, and America-loving president in modern times, as well as the most publicly coarse. The people loved him and, by all accounts and massive crowds at events, still do. The brains of the left melted down like Nazi faces in Raiders of the Lost Ark almost immediately, a nuclear event that is still on-going.”
Don’t miss, the World Wide Rally For Freedom — This Saturday 12 noon « JoNova (
Something off about this story. First they were all ‘public not in danger’. Do they know who did it, don’t want to say, watching them? Public not buying. After students left in droves, they finally kinda walked that back some.
Then they admitted this morning there were 2 other roommates in the home that were unharmed. The 2 are ‘cooperating with law enforcement’. Why were they spared? Were they tied up, Did they do it, know who did? So many questions, so few answers.
WATCH: Newly Surfaced Video Shows Mystery Man Hanging Out in Front of Food Truck Near Slain University of Idaho Students Hours Before Murders (
Somewhat hard to believe that the slaughter going on downstairs could be silent . There surely were screams . Were the roomies upstairs dead drunk, sleeping ? Neither stumbled down for water…usually drunks are thirsty.
Honestly it’s been a long time since I partied that hard but guess it’s possible.
It’s a 3 story. Boy found on 2nd floor, 3 girls on 1st. So much blood it’s pouring out through house wall to slab outside in DM pic. Don’t know where the 2 living roommates were.
Agree … this one just sounds SO fishy … they don’t share the basic stuff and story keeps changing. Horror for those poor families.
Incompetent handling. Bet theres campus pd vs city, and politics at play.
If you could call it a city. Moscow, Idaho has a population of around 25,000. That’s basically a large town.
Surprised since its a college town. This whole case is wierd.
Something strange there. I’m not sure what.
Yeah, this one is WEIRD.
IMO, it appears that Ann Coulter has gone over the edge. This latest from her isn’t some form of “written-out PMS” thing. It sounds like she’s giving ** hints ** of what the UniParty is planning to make quite sure that Donald John Trump never sets foot in the Oval Office ever again — and that Ms. Coulter is ready to help them.
Ann Coulter, S P I T.
Coulter is a dried up husk and would do well to take her deep thinky thoughts to the moon.
I haven’t read anything of hers or paid any attention to her in years. She appears to have an irrational hatred for Trump.
I clicked on the article, not realizing it was a post by her. I skimmed through. Her argument seems to be that you shouldn’t insult Trump supporters because they aren’t dumb, but that they don’t realize that “we’ve gotten all we can out of him.” LOL. I didn’t delve in to see what her reasoning is for that.
Thanks for taking one for the team.
Trump, to her was useful in 2016 because no one else in the party was willing to fight. But again, to her, he’s now outlived his usefulness.
I can understand her POV from the first sentence, but not the second.
It’s all attention to drive clicks, sell books…
Right !
Trump is the ultimate attention getter for useless clueless motormouths. Any derogatory spiel will be sure to get them a spot on Fox or MSM
Language alert, but I’m just going to say it:
Ann Coulter is a hateful, spiteful, bomb-throwing cunt.
She just IS.
Ann has nothing much to offer the world. She’s never been married, she has no kids. She’s just a loud-mouthed, overbearing KAREN. In a world FULL of them. So how is she to distinguish herself?
By being a hateful, spiteful, bomb-throwing cunt.
^^^ Nails It.
While Yours Truly is waiting for the x-ray results to know if a toe is broken or not, this, more on what the COVID-19 “vaccines” are doing to people in Canada, and how this ties into the new Childhood Vaccination Schedule in the United States:
by Steve Kirsch
Yours Truly: it appears that cases of myocarditis in children under 18 have gone up from 2 cases per year to 27 cases in a 6-week period at the IWK Health Centre, a large pediatric hospital and trauma center in Halifax, Nova Scotia (which treats children and children from the Canadian Maritime Provinces). This is 117 times the normal number, and is roughly 1 out of every 1,000 children who are getting “vaccinated” against COVID-19.
When the COVID-19 “vaccines” and “booster shots” were added to the Childhood Vaccination Schedule in the United States this summer, the “vaccine” makers were assured of continuance of NON-liability for their products. The CDC in the U.S. states that the risk of contracting myocarditis from a COVID-19 “vaccine” is “only slightly elevated.” IMO, the CDC knows the actual truth about the risk and that perhaps ** someone ** is keeping a lid on it.
FTA: “The US government will happily injure hundreds of thousands or millions of kids and simply just doesn’t matter because there is no liability. That’s just the way it goes.”
FTA: “Any doctor who tells you that the rates of myocarditis are lower with the [COVID-19] vaccine should be reported to their state medical board for spreading misinformation.”
NEVER FORGET that it was Dr. Eric Rubin, a member of the FDA’s ACIP committee, who voted to authorize giving COVID-19 “vaccines” to children ages 5 to 11 in October, 2021, who said this:
“We’re never gonna know how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it.”
Your toe! I hope it’s okay.
The vaccine situation is like watching a slow-motion train wreck. We can see what’s coming, but so many can’t and are badly injured and killed, and we can’t get through to them. People need to be brought to justice, but I don’t see that happening at this point.
Thank you. Nope — the big toe has a small fracture. Yours Truly needs to wear a “post-op shoe” and “splint” the toe to the next one for 6 – 8 weeks. The good news is that one can bear weight on it and walk around. (Note to self: Do NOT smack any more toes against the metal legs of the bed.)
Yours Truly believes that the “dam will burst” when it begins to dawn on people that the injuries, illnesses, and deaths of the “vaccinated” can no longer be blamed on “unforeseen circumstances” — especially if, as the case of the healthy 10-year-old girl in England who “suddenly collapsed and died” (kalbo brought this one, it’s below in the thread) who was very likely “vaccinated”, it’s someone who had NO prior health issues.
HOWEVER — the families of the deceased will HAVE TO demand autopsies to determine if the “vaccine” spike protein is to blame — EVEN IF there were co-morbidities present in the deceased.
HOWEVER — the families of the injured or sick will HAVE TO demand tests to determine levels of “vaccine” spike protein in the bodies of the affected — EVEN IF there are existing co-morbidities in the affected persons.
The point is to get the word out to people that, if someone in their family gets “suddenly ill”, or “suddenly dies”, or “suddenly gets Stage 4 cancer”, etc., they MUST ACCEPT that if the affected person was “vaccinated”, the “vaccine” may be the culprit — and NOT take “No, the vaccine isn’t at fault” from the doctor.
From the queen of broken toes, you have my sympathy! Ouch.
Pelosi – the only thing good about her is the riddance.
And she got away w it ALL.
Dante’s Ninth Circle Awaits….. And it is coming to her SOON.
Not until she does some falling down drunk in the halls of Congress acts first.
Even if the alcohol has pickled her inside out.
Yep! Everybody dies, you can’t take money, or power, or possessions with you, and we all face our Creator.
Death is a level playing field.
This will piss off normal folks….
Fit and Healthy 10-Year-Old Girl Dies Suddenly After Collapsing at School
IMO, unless proven otherwise (presence of undiagnosed aneurysm, etc.), and this child was “vaccinated” — it’s the J_A_B.
Yup. Go to cause is, JAB. Until proven otherwise.
At some point, folks gotta WTFU.
They stick their fingers in their ears and say nothing bc itll “upset the parents more.” Its a verbal face smacking that most wontvdo.
But kids have strokes all the time. It’s normal! We just didn’t realize it until recently.
(/sarc, dammit)
Why is a 10 year old girl wearing makeup? To attract pedophiles?
Somehow I can’t see, makeup as a valid concern here.
An otherwise healthy child keeled over dead. Likely the JAB.
Possibly a model or beauty contestant or Christmas card photo.
Yup, many good reasons are possible.
Step right up and git yer $$$$$
“…Step right up and GET STERILIZED!!! We will pay you for life, you just have to promise to get a covid booster every three months….”
Dr Mercola and Judy Mikovits Interview – The COVID-19 Vaccine Will Murder You.
@ 1:50 (Rough Transcript)
“…I said if they were thinking of developing an mRNA vaccine , that for DECADES, none of these injections were ever approved because of the death and illness of the animals in the studies. NOT ONE of these mRNA vaccines were ever licensed because ALL the animals DIED or HALF of the animals died…. I said if they put these mRNA vaccines into clinical trials many people would die, not just immediately but in the months and years to come. And what we are now seeing is there are deaths happening…”
Isn’t that discrimination against other people who don’t receive the same benefits?
You can have the benefit of unmodified genitalia, or cash….
That’s a trick question…………answer…raycisssssssssss
Q: What is 2+2?
A: Raycissssssss
Q: In what year did Columbus arrive in the Americas?
A: Raycisssssss
Q: What is the divergence of the magnetic field 2.5 meters to the south of the most easterly transformer at the substation just south of the intersection of Constitution and Academy in Colorado Springs?
A: Raycisssssss
You see, it works for everything.
I mentioned earlier that Higgins might be part of the Q team. Higgins partnered with Stephen Coughlin and co-found Unconstrained Analytics.
Here are a couple of examples:
Warning on Racism, by Stephen Coughlin: Read Memo
Active Measures Campaign Directed at American Christians
OMG, this is an amazing read. This really helps put globalism, communism, and interfaith in perspective.
Freakin’ WEF is involved, too. Nasty, lying stuff there.
But this is tough to understand. Very tough. Nonetheless, these folks have identified something important!
Yup, this is why Higgins and Coughlin are on my list of possible Q Team members.
Doesn’t matter, this guy is GOOD!
YES. This puts a lot of things in context, INCLUDING the entire Flynn-Wood debacle, which I always suspected was an active measure by the establishment to divide Christian patriots. Now it makes all kinds of sense as coming out of Washington and the Obama end of the establishment.
We need a term for it.
“Globalist establishment Constitution-betraying interfaith” is too long.
IMO there is “good interfaith” and “bad interfaith”, and this is the latter.
So “globotoxic interfaith” is what I’m seeing.
Interfaith that wants ANY of the faiths to CHANGE is bad, and that is why Alinsky founded his little controlling organization – to move religions to change their fundamentals, using each against the others.
True and innocent interfaith seeks alliances for common-ground causes that need no deceptively built “bridges” or courting of “switchers”.
Trump has really showed us how this works, IMO. The media works hard to alienate groups against Trump, but it doesn’t work as well as they would like, because the reality of Trump is not threatening to any group, IMO. Just like Dems and the media created Trump’s “Muslim ban” from a common-sense “terror country restriction”, they created illusions of Trump vs. whoever.
Demon Dems! Demon Media!
Gay hook up.
Yup, and the PAID gay hooker panicked thinking Paul had betrayed him to the cops. Any bets there were drugs involved too?
I’m starting to think I should bet I’ll need brain bleach, the way this convo is going.
Especially drugs with a side effect of “paranoia”.
bet a kajillion dollars on that…
Usually are. Meth and crack are VERY VERY commonly used during it.
Kari Lake campaign is making sure there are no “false flag finishes”. They are apparently expecting a January Sixth plot. Looks like they have some intel on Kapo and FIB up to something in AZ, too.
Oh I truly hope she wins.
IMO she is being VEWY QWIET. I like it.
She KNEW the election would be stolen. They knew she knew and that is why they jailed Catherine and Gregg….
Now I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Catherine and Gregg VEWY QWIET too. Interesting!
Wolf, you are making me hungry…I feel like HUNTIN’ WABBIT! 😎
Fried in the field with butter over a campfire – nothing like rabbit legs and onions! : 😋
Goat marinated in wine and spices? I gave some to a neighbor and he wouldn’t let his wife or kids have any.
Aminals taestes gud!
What is interesting is Stormy Patriot Joe and Absolute Truth mention the Space Force Craft just landed 3 days AFTER the election after being up for 908 days… That covers both the 2020 and the 2022 elections…
@ 1:10:37
U.S. Space Force | Semper Supra
Makes you wonder what type of communications they detected going to and from China -USA.
“Space”? as in… CYBERspace?
Read through the Kari Lake War Room feed – it reveals what a scandalous corrupt election took place in Arizona!
One of many examples:
Turn Dems into SOVIETS unless they let us do the election over.
I think Kari and a few other names have some real surprises in store for the cheaters in Arizona. Kari has been silent for DAYS. Very limited exposure. Something HUGE is brewing, can you feel it?
Yes. Something is going on. At first it seemed like Kari had nothing, and that her options were running out. But something is off. Not sure what it is, but I suspect something is gonna drop hard and when nobody expects it.
Yes. Something is WAY OFF.
Kari Lake is not a person to be quiet. It is not her way to withdraw. She would come out and speak to her voters, if she didn’t have something else in the works. She just would.
Yup. Seems to me like they’re keeping Katie, Kapo, CCP, FIB and DNC in the dark.
Lol, Ray Epps!
Poke that bear, Kari! With a sharp stick!
KAPO and REICHSTAG feelin’ the BERN.
Good thread
Basic message – the Fake News media denies realities they know are true, until after the opportunity for possible and deserved political responses has passed.
The Fake News is the Enemy of the People.
Omg omg….that is a classic pedo move. Barely touching, closing his eyes to get off on it later. Omg. He is a monster. Boys and girls.
In one of the replies someone said it was ok because it was his grandson!!!!!!!
Stupid. These are the people ok w teacher groomers too.
That makes it even worse since he would have ACCESS.
yeah but it’s the’s part of his innate behavior. It wouldn’t have mattered if it was a grandkid or total stranger. He can’t control himself.
I think it makes it even worse. I’m at the point where I can’t even look at him I so sickened.
Sick fuck.
In line with Daughn’s post and the All Assets Deployed post—I think it is important to remember that during Trump’s announcement he did say that things WILL GET WORSE over the next 2 years.
I include myself when I say this…..
We the People need to toughen up for this war because it is now just getting started.
We have not yet seen ugly.
Yeah, after COVID, that’s a rough message, but needed.
Enjoy the calm right now, people.
Very interesting point. No…EXTREMELY interesting point! Trump pretty much admitted this during his announcement…many Americans STILL ARE NOT READY.
YUP CannCon said the same thing on a BadLands Media hour. I mentioned it yesterday.
He specifically said that a big win would allow the DemonRats the opportunity to lay blame on the Reboobs so a squeak that allows the Reboobs to produce stalemate is actually better.
This assumes that the Rs actually hold the line instead of having a handful routinely “cross the aisle” because “bipartisanship”
Figure we have two years of HELL in front of us.
With luck the committees will showcase a LOT of the corruption while we on the ground try to clean up the election fraud MESS.
We get to cry in our beer (or tea 😄 ) and lick our wounds until the New Year and then it is back into the Trenches.
For what it is worth, we do kids birthday parties and I also show up at a flea Market. We upped our prices and we STILL are doing a brisk business. As entertainment for the kids in grade school & below, we will be the FIRST to ‘feel the pain’ and so far we really are not.
This is what I’m worried about. People are tired.
Yes, it’s not just about toughening up physically with preparations of all sorts and maybe even exercising economy. Mental toughness and trying to be ready for whatever they throw at us, even though we can’t predict it all, are very important. So is being ready for their trampling our freedoms and handing us what look like defeats that we have to fight. The battle never ends, and we have to get stronger, not weaker, in our resolve.
One good solid victory would erase that.
We just had it.
I realized today that we might not have gotten what we wanted, but we got what we NEEDED.
Biden’s agenda is DONE. TOAST. OVER.
Not only can he not pass legislation, today I heard someone say that the House can defund his stupid Executive Orders, too.
NO MORE. We hold their feet to the fire, and we get what we NEED.
I wish friggin’ videos would embed right!
Let’s try it here…..
YAY! Thanks!
They’re not always working when I embed them, but sometimes! 😀
Better than never!
If friggin’ videos would embed right, that’d at least be something, but I think most people here would rather see non-pornographic ones.
What? There’s no porn in there. What are you seeing?
You called it a “friggin’ video.” I decided to jokingly infer that was the topic of the video. Sorry the joke fell flat.
Oh, man, I am slow guy today! Sorry! Been a loooong week.
I hear you. But what is the other option? It is not an option.
Believe me…I have come on here early this year and last and Wolf has had to let us say put me in my place because of some of the suggestions I was making that might have gotten the QTree in some hot water.
Looking back Wolf was right.
I truly believe that the people have to be brought to the precipice…and as Trump has said…many STILL are not there yet. When that happens, we will see protests like those in Brazil.
I am watching a Badlands Media vid.
Eye of the storm Ep 3
Stormy Patriot Joe and Absolute Truth dissecting the Q Drops connecting to current events. (One is a mathematician BTW)
@ 57 minutes They show Evanka at Tiffany Trump’s wedding wearing a REPLICA of the Grace Kelly dress in ‘To Catch a THIEF’ HMMmmmm FTX???
BTW it is useful to remember the Autists are NOT the ‘Beautiful People’ they are the brainy nerds with few social skills — my type of people 😊 — so do not expect polished. I give these guys major points for going out in public.
I think it was Ivanka, but point taken.
Sorry, I can’t spell and my eyes are giving me problems right now.
No problem! You’re bringing the goods!
Well, I do try. 🤓
Finally, Arabella smiling!
Piglosi resigns leadership and the bodycam on her down low hubby reveals their lies.
Guarantee theres more and its why she resigned so far. She will choose her successor. Yall best hope it isnt scott wiener.
She already chose her puppet – Kevin McCarthy. CALIFORNIA. She controls him.
Watch that bastard refuse to investigate J6. WATCH HIM DO IT.
He was the underling of her original rino favorite after all.
Sheesh not that weirdo..gahh
This article says Jeffries, with runner ups being Liddle Adam Pencil Neck & Jayapal.
My guess would be Pencil Neck, they need to play defense. The Jefferies thing seems like pay back to the black caucus and our fighters would make mince meat of him, dems are suffering so much embarrassment as is, I can’t take this seriously and Jayapal seems like so much lipstick which makes her seem more likely than Jefferies and a possible safer bet than Liddle Adam Pencil Neck since he’s ground zero on a lot the trash thrown at Trump.
Pencil Neck for the win.
Pencil Neck was
D-RatsUniparty Number One, Hate Trump for, four plus years.“Little Adam Schitt” I believe PDJT called him,
It’s a dang shame when someone has up/down dyxlexia and uses lower case t’s instead of lower case f’s.
I agree w that. She can control CA.
New Schlichter —
….There’s no excuse.
Trump endorsed and supported something like 235 candidates and ONLY about 16 LOST!
THAT IS NOT A ‘PROBLEM’ However Kurt has to sharpen the shiv and aim it at POTUS Trump’s back while he made excuses for McConnell, and McCarthy.
He can’t name problems that Trump caused. Trump did not cause “Mar-a-Lago,” if Schlichter is referring to the raid. I’m so tired of articles that have to take a jab at Trump. I don’t know what Schlichter’s game is. You can’t win by playing in the middle.
Amen. Yeah, ignore these toads. We’re going to have to drag them across the finish line in 2024, just like in 2016.
I personally don’t give a shit if they fall down in sight of the tape, and don’t get back up. Screw them and their damned negativity.
Kurt’s game is clicks…follow the herd. Dumbass.
Trumnp has been exhonerated over the Mara Lago BS. DOJ & FBI fucked it up, to tilt the mid terms.
Kurt Is Full Of Shit.No One Will Get Fired.McDaniel, McConnell and McCarthy should be fired. Hell they ought to resign in disgrace.Trump is NOT the problem.Uniparty Is The Problem.
Well, it appears that all of the “I support Trump” poseurs are showing their true colors, doesn’t it?
LEE ZELDIN should be the head of the RNC. Period.
Taiwan. Vax deaths (865) now over take COVID deaths (845).
With most deaths coming from AstraZeneca followed by Moderna.
short vid
Story (not really, it only has the vid above, but there are comments)
Old video replay – I analyzed this one a long time ago, which explains the paltry death numbers. Still good – that gal is a cutie!
My comment:
Lewis Clark
48 minutes ago
I live in Taiwan. This is OLD news. But, Taiwan is forcing a lot of sectors to get 3 doses of the juice even with all of the data. I’m lucky, I managed to avoid it.
Wolf Moon
1 second ago
Thanks for confirming – I was sure I had seen this clip long ago. Those death numbers are too paltry, too – had to have been back before the massive censorship. Sorry to hear they’re pushing the depop shot still, but glad you’re staying alive. It’s really clear what’s going on. My theory is that this is really a trial run. The real shot will scare all the unprepared and wishy-washy into a near-certain sacrifice to “save the planet [for the rich and powerful]”.
High School Cross-Country Runner Goes From 72nd to First Place; What’s “Her” Secret?
He Is A Fraud.
The judges should remove his excess equipment. Authority? Such equipment is unauthorized under the rules.
They should not have to, but I do NOT understand why gals don’t walk off the field, court, stay out of the pool, etc.
If the gals ever start to stand up for themselves, it’ll catch on like wild fire.
Stop Being Sheep.
I can’t say it enough. I can support them all I want, but that is all. THEY have to stand up for themselves and say NO MORE.
Let the GIRLS do it. I will lend them my emasculator… 🤓

😱 😱 😱
It’s cheating in order to win, and they apparently feel good about it. There’s a lot of that going around.
Participation Trophy World.
Coke is a powerful drug.
You have got to go to this GWP article and watch the video of the man with the dreads addressing the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors! He is INCREDIBLE! !!!!! What a dressing down.
Whoa! Good for him.
I like what he said. Wish he hadnt screamed at the end though.
The increasing emotion is all good by me.
With or without emotion, Maricopa Board Of Supervisors don’t give a rats ass.
Yes yes they are.
My reaction exactly. A rare occasion where the yelling was totally justified.
Oh, I don’t know. I felt his passion, and anger were completely justified, and perfectly expressed.
Don’t care that he got loud. It is all frustration. N B F D, by me.
I’m GLAD he got loud. People need to SEE how angry we are.
I hope he does not get a visit from the FBI ?
I do not think the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors do care what we think and say . I have known people like that normally they are arrogant and
self righteous bozos who look down on the little people.They do not realize that they are the little people.
None of the petty tyrants realize that until it is them the BIG tyrants come for. And then it is too late.
That always happens in a tyrannical system. No one is safe.
True. And it is scary.
Yes it is but easier to fight if we know what it is.
This is where we are. Wondering if the FBI will visit.
I am wondering also.
That was awesome.
I am sure he speak for many. He had righteous indignation . God bless him.
God love this man!
So we will never be able to travel internationally w/o a covid shot? And fascist schwaub is in charge?
Looking that way. And I have YET to see a cruise that doesn’t require “up to date” COVID shots. Such a scam. I’m calling them DEATH CRUISES now.
And all these leaders are exempted via saline injections.
Whats the point of living if we have no options but to submit?
Trust in God! Yes, it will be hard, but have faith. I think Trump is RIGHT. The snowball into the White House begins NOW!
Please be the case cause the other option is dark and deadly.
I keep getting promo calls from the cruise lines. I wonder if that is an incentive for getting the clot shot.
Absolutely. It’s the proggie-prog plan. Wipe out the oldies, take their coin, and then the eternal party of people who die before the end of their jobs.
They need to save on SS, medicare and pension.
Nothing lost to me I dislike cruises. Yes they are killing off the elderly,
IF the R-Con House has any integrity, they’ll start line item NOT funding ignorance. Starting with
CovidInjection passports.There is a whole raft of stuff R-Cons could shutdown, IF they support Freedom.
Not holding my breath.
After meeting with their CIA paymasters in NYC, The Brazilian Supreme Court is now engaging in the same Stasi tactics that the Canadian government did with anti-vax protesters.

Hope Brazil businesses and citizens continue protesting. Shut down their damn government.
Amen. Rise up against the WEF-backed communists.
Looking through my Dale Carnegie “How to Make Friends and Influence People” and I can’t find that one in there. 🤔 😏 🙄 😮 😖
Just terrible.
Hawley goes HARD after Reichstag!
I just got absolutely MASSIVE engagement on a tweet that was retweeted by Sundance!
I’m loving Elon’s new blog!
Grows up in South Africa; is American enough to paraphrase Hearst….
Yeah, about the FIB Mar-A-Lago thingy…
You cannot have an ounce of integrity in your body to vote for any Democrat.
I’m subbing for Sadie tonight. Definite satanic aspect to the Idaho murders.
Link to the discussion of the satanic aspects and prior linked murders and executions.
Sundance’s prayer:
Dear God, bring these grieving parents and families to Your throne of comfort. Their pain is unimaginable as they anguish the loss of their children and loved ones. Father of mercy and comfort wrap Your loving arms around them. Help them to breathe and overcome the choking knot of despair in their throat. Please provide strength for their continued faith in You even through this unfathomable pain. Lavish them with Your love and fill the void in their crushed and broken hearts.
In Jesus’ powerful name, I believe and pray.
Can’t fix stoopid. Conned by those ^^^ two fruitcakes, over crypto. SMDH.
I’d be afraid to shred those two and add them to my raised beds for fear my vegetables would grow up mutated.
Wow sadly true
Yup !
Replied to AOC in my “antiwar” voice!
I’m gonna get blocked, but WTH!
Hahahaha. Oh thats good.
I’m giving Elon a run for the money on AOC’s heart! 😉
But I’m still calling Elon my buddy! 😍
Glad youre having fun on twit while your acct is accessible again.
Yes! I’m dropping tweet threads whenever the urge hits me!
Careful, Wolf! She might take your comment personally! 😉
Is Slay News a reliable source? I believe this story is true, but I’m not familiar with the source.
Kevin McCarthy Overrules Biden: GOP Will Repeal IRS Expansion Plan on Day One
^^^ Would be great. But, quick Google yielded nothing recent.