Dear KMAG: 20221205 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

The [Q-12]th of [Q-7]ember, 2022

And Twitter Liberation Continues!

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it – in CAT STYLE with our DOG FRIENDS!

We will shine light into/onto darkness…..

Get funky as needed…..

And enjoy the ride!




by Duchess01

Please forgive us, Wheatie, we did not know
That you had left us with armor in tow
We had no idea with what you dealt
We did not know the pain you felt
And now we can only imagine
With you what really did happen
Cause rarely did you complain 
And/or share your personal pain
Of one thing we are most certain
You are flying high behind the curtain
Watching over us above the crowds
Our Warrior Angel above the clouds
Thank You, Wheatie, for caring for us
While you were here among the fuss
We miss you dear you have no idea
Since time began in the pangaea
With you there was no time
In your wisdom you would chime
To clarify and magnify
The what where how and why
We did not question when you left
We were not slightly bereft
But over time we wondered why
You did not at least stop by
Now we know where you have gone
With the break of this new dawn
We could be angry but are not
Tho with an arrow we’ve been shot
Rest peacefully Warrior Angel dear
Send us a sign that you are near
A butterfly a flower a kiss of rain
From your love do not refrain
God sends Angels to watch over us
And now we have an Angel Plus
A Warrior Angel of Magnificence
From today and forward hence


The Rules


Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.


Never talk about committing violence in a reply to Wolf or in response to anything Wolf has said, or you may get put into moderation so that your comments can be screened. This is ONLY because DHS is now playing door-knock Gestapo with people who have spoken at school board meetings, made public comments, etc. DHS regime jackboots are knocking on doors of school board mama bears and stupidly insinuating potential violence from things people say or don’t say on social media. A guy in Ohio pointed his FINGER at the school board, and they went after him, armed with pictures of the pointing, and screen captures of online comments. Yeah.

SO – give the Nazis ZERO ammo. Keep any mention of violence, even joking, away from Wolf, so that he doesn’t have to “explain” humor to humorless jackboots who pretend not to know things.

As for discussion of “violent humor” among yourselves (e.g., “#TeamHeadsOnPikes”), just use whatever discretion you think is appropriate for yourselves. I will only put you in moderation if your comments create problems for ME or THIS SITE, but not if they only impact you.

YOU are responsible for your own comments, if they come knocking. YOUR choice. Just remember this…..


The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.

Bottom line – respect other people’s FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.


We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.

Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.

In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.

We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).

We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.

If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at

We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.

In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer

Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.

Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.

Musical Interlude

In honor of dear Wheatie, we now present some music to soothe, inspire, invigorate, or relax.

Let’s start off with an entire concert by The Beths – recorded on an iPhone by an apparent expert in the art. It’s a bit rustic, but fun!

OK – maybe that’s not your thing. If not, try this!

An awesome version of Great Is Thy Faithfulness, which hymn I was reminded of, by Carl on Sunday.

Finally, check out this epic orchestral musical selection called Tree of Life.

Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

Tackling Creating the climate crisis with innovative understandably disastrous and phony green technologies”


We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

It’s Depop.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day Year Week:



  • To destroy or kill a large part of (a group of people or organisms).
  • To inflict great destruction or damage on: The storm decimated the region.
  • To reduce markedly in amount: a profligate heir who decimated his trust fund.
  • To select by lot and kill one in every ten of (a group of soldiers).

Used in a sentence:

A required or mandated drug or vaccine, which decreases lifespan and fertility, but which cannot be questioned by science or the public, due to controlled media, can be effectively used to decimate a population with little or no risk of discovery.

Hidden by a “Look! Squirrel!” Racial Kabuki PR Move

Used in a Generalization of a Concept

What part of “never again” do people not get here?

Shown in a Bar Graph


Have another great week!


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I wonder what the rest of that house lloks like? Also who cleans all those branches and how?


They would have to collect dust like crazy, wouldn’t they?

I would imagine that they’d have to be sprayed off with condensed air every 2-3 months.

Of course, it would be fun to imagine that the house would come with a flock of trained birds to clean them, but that would leave an even bigger problem lower down.


Lol. Using an air compressor would do it. Itd be gross to just leave it.


If you used compressed air to blow off the branches, the room would be uninhabitable for hours…..and would require a major surface cleaning of EVERYTHING afterward.


I thought itd be the case so youd have to clear the room first. Like Wolf said, better art than practical.

Barb Meier

One would need something that sucks in dust instead of blowing it off.


Its why the art of Rivendale is so pretty. 👌

Valerie Curren

AND Lothlorien 🙂

Canadian Guest

Apologies …I am sure Q treepers have posted this already….but is it true?

Canadian Guest

Just got this from another Canadian … Will look at prior posts to see 8f this was discussed…


For this particular vid, first it’s been played here, ty. That said, Rand has been on this tact for a while and tightening up his rhetoric against Fauci. This though is about as sharp as I’ve seen it. Hopes to see his sediments spread into the mainstream of political discourse because he’s right.


WIthout going to the link, I see a big gap between Fauci being free to speak and move about, not having been indicted or tried, and supposedly being executed. I don’t know if that means in another country, but IMO if it were real we would have screaming headlines and they would have been used it to take attention off of the Twitter story.

Canadian Guest

Thanks so much. Have et my Canadian friend who sent it to me know.

Sent the links to the Qtreppers comments


Fauci is going to spend eternity with a pitchfork shoved up his ass, toasting over the fire with Stalin, Hitler and Mao.

Canadian Guest

Goes hand in hand with them not allowing anyone new weapons.

Gail Combs


1978 –
International Human Rights Norms and Soviet Abuse of Psychiatry

ON 31 AUGUST 1977, the world Psychiatric Association, by a slim majority of ninety-eight to ninety, voted to condemn the abuse of psychiatric practice in the treatment of Soviet political prisoners.2 The significance of this vote should not be diminished by the less-thanthundering majority expressing disapproval. For the international legal community, the significance lies in the fact that an apolitical group of professionals representing many factions of the international community openly acknowledged the overwhelming evidence of psychiatric abuse of political dissidents and condemned as unethical the practice of many Soviet psychiatrists….

 As Valery Chalidze, a noted writer and dissident, has observed:


The chief tragedy lies in the fact that society has been conditioned to accept the thesis that a manifestation of dissent may, in and of itself, be a symptom of psychic illness. The reason for that is the belief in a uniquely correct official doctrine and a distinct notion that a manifestation of disagreement with official doctrine is unthinkable and useless and hence not characteristic of a normal person.”


Socialist ideology indeed may contribute to the complexity of determining norms for individual behavior;’ 2 sensitivity to the ideological influence which views dissent as aberrant, however, need not discount the possiblities for abuse inherent in that ideological framework.’….

Abuse of psychiatry to quell dissent is not only a problem of professional ethics. The resolution of the World Psychiatric Association raises serious questions for the international legal community concerning the abrogation of the Soviet Union’s human rights obligations. Before considering specific violations of international human rights norms, this article will review briefly the history of psychiatric suppression in the Soviet Union and the domestic legal system which perpetuates this insidious practice…

I find it frightening that even in 1977 many members of the World Psychiatric Association considered ‘disagreement with official doctrine is unthinkable and useless and hence not characteristic of a normal person.’ for that is a major step towards WORLD WIDE TYRANNY.


And do not think it is not happening in the USA. I do not have my (very) old references but someone in the USA was sent for psychiatric evaluation for mentioning a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ It was either as a Climate Denier or 9-11 was an inside job. Same happened to someone in Australia only she spent MONTHS imprisoned. A nurse in comments WARNED to keep your opinions to yourself in the Doctors office or you might find yourself held for ‘Psychiatric Evaluation’

Brave and Free

Well there’s this in NYC, starting up already.

It WON’T take much to jump from the homeless to the citizens who disagree with the “elected” King oops I mean mayor.


Just a reminder…this from 1963 Congressional Record:


That’s chilling. I hope it doesn’t go through!

Gail Combs



That was another beautiful version of “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.” (Gingersmom posted one yesterday.)


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This is a real Bette Midler tweet. Here is her Twitter page (remove the space in the URL): https://twitter. com/bettemidler

Content is a little gross, has a bad word…
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I’m awestruck and just want to ask Wolf WTF

But liberalism is a mental disorder

Sigh. There is no “why”


Yes. And she’s a real peach. 😅


At this point, a peach redolent of a certain aura…..


Creepy lady has also got her face and name plastered on how many magazine covers and how many countless pages between the covers. Freak is likely personally responsible for destroying entire rain forests so we can hear about her sorry arse which no one’s going to kiss since she doesn’t wash it.


What’s important is the rest of the sentence:

“‘I bathe once a month’ in the blood of sacrificed children to appease Gaia.”

Gail Combs

 👆   👆   👆 

And it would not surprise me ONE BIT if that was the actual truth. 🙄 


Me, either.


‘Zero Tolerance’: Suspension Rate Nearly Doubles For Twitter Accounts Exploiting Child Sex Abuse Material

Andrea Stoppa, founder of cybersecurity group Ghost Data, had personally funded research into the issue earlier this year after receiving a tip about the problem’s severity. The report allegedly found more than 500 accounts soliciting child sex abuse material that appeared alongside or on profile pages of at least 30 major advertisers’ Twitter accounts, which led some of those companies to pull or pause their ad services from the social media platform.

Following his initial analysis last September, Stroppa and Twitter’s Trust and Safety team said the social media platform had updated a mechanism to detect past and present content related to CSAM at a much “faster, more efficient, and more aggressive” speed, which has approximately doubled the daily suspension rate of accounts promoting the egregious material.

“No mercy for those who are involved in these illegal activities,” Stroppa said, adding Twitter will find such “illicit” content and act accordingly despite when it had been published.

Gail Combs



Greetings everyone!

Just saw this and thought to post.

Bad Kitty Censored


Breaking thread! 

I found the directions for submitting tweets to El-ISAC (CiSecurity) like Katie Hobbs did. They land at Stanford for determination

There is also a hidden Twitter Portal and a gov Twitter email address.

Cont reading full thread


Is this the same portal Dr. Shiva found in Boston two years ago?

Last edited 2 years ago by WSB
Gail Combs


They also submit reported tweets to CISA at DHS. Boom!

DHS puts on its CISA website for election misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation to be reported to Misinformation@Cisecurity. (NGO Katie Hobbs used for reporting.)


RUMOR CONTROL PAGE START-UP GUIDE Misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation (MDM) can present risks to the election infrastructure community, its owners and operators, and the public. MDM can spread quickly, causing rumors to undermine facts. 

The risks of MDM range from undermining confidence in institutions to activating and inspiring dangerous behaviors and violence. This Rumor Control Page Start-Up Guide is for organizations seeking to dispel specific MDM narratives through transparent and authoritative information. Designed for use by state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) government officials and private sector partners, this guide cites the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) Rumor Control page as a model for debunking inaccurate narratives. The recommendations in this guide are not intended to be one-size-fits-all and should be adapted to the capabilities and resources available, as well as the MDM risks facing the community. Organizations should only set up a rumor control webpage related to issues for which they have access to information and expertise necessary to properly dispel MDM narratives and articulate facts. Each organization that plans to set up a rumor control page may want to consult with the appropriate organization legal counsel, if possible, prior to beginning operations. What is a rumor control page? A rumor control page is a web page that offers the public accurate and authoritative sources of information which will help address common MDM narratives. It is provided by a trusted voice to either preempt or respond to developing narratives. Credible messengers are most effective at disproving falsehoods. A rumor control page should not be considered the sole source of truth, rather it should drive people to seek more information about a complex subject by directing them to other trustworthy sources.

With a rumor control page, election officials and stakeholders can dispel rumors about the systems and assets they manage and have unique insight into. Some election offices may already have public information websites, which commonly include a “Frequently Asked Questions” page and/or press releases that seek to clarify information. In this sense, a rumor control page can be viewed as an extension of existing efforts….

  :wpds_arrow: It is important to note that a rumor control page is only one element of a successful MDM response strategy. Improving resilience of elections to MDM also requires reporting MDM narratives. The Center for Internet Security (CIS) was established to support the cybersecurity needs of the election subsector. The CIS can be leveraged to report real-time MDM via email at

Be sure to include links and screenshots as well as details on the misinformation and your jurisdiction.

Gail Combs

Don’t miss Bad Kitty’s other thread.

CCP involved with Carnegie…

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Multiple former Chinese gov employees and at least 20 CCP members worked at Carnegie Endowment while CIA DIR William Burns was pres 2015-21

They are closely associated with CUSEF (reg under the Foreign Agents Registration Act as a Chinese foreign gov org)

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

EXCLUSIVE: GOP Rep Calls On CIA Director To Address His ‘Strong Ties’ To CCP While At Helm Of Elite DC Think Tank

  • Texas Republican Rep. Lance Gooden called on CIA Director William Burns to address his “strong ties” to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) while formerly heading an elite Washington, D.C., think tank, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • At least 20 undisclosed CCP members worked at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace during Burns’ presidency of the think tank, the DCNF recently reported.
  • “Evidence would suggest Director Burns lied under oath during his confirmation hearing,” Gooden told the DCNF, referring to Burns’ February 2021 CIA confirmation hearing.

Texas Republican Rep. Lance Gooden called on CIA Director William Burns to address his “strong ties” to the Chinese Communist Party while formerly heading an elite Washington, D.C., think tank, according to a letter shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation Monday….

“The vast influence the CCP had at Carnegie during your tenure as president and the continued influence they have today — despite claims you made at your confirmation hearing that you had ended the CCP’s influence — presents a significant lapse in judgment and brings into question your ability to identify and mitigate national security risks,” Gooden’s letter said. (RELATED: Biden’s New Green Energy Adviser Has Ties To Chinese Communist Party Front Group)


Sebastian Gorka:

So you think the #BalenciagaGate story is a one-off?

An outlier?

This still is from Kylie Jenner’s promo for her “make-up” line.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

They’re out in the open with it and trying to make it acceptable to society.


Bruce Jenner must be proud. Sick family.


Sick and evil, and naked as a jay bird and ignorant


Apparently related to my reply to your Bette Midler post above.

Gail Combs

I was think the exact same thing as I wrote my reply to you above.

Remember the FDA is getting parts from living babies for experimentation… Any bets the BLOOD is also sold?

FDA exposed as a criminal body parts cartel involved in routine harvesting of organs from LIVING human babies

Washington Times March 6, 2021

Satanists sue for religious right to ritual abortions

The Observer offers this context for the Satanic suit: “In the Texas suit, an anonymous pregnant temple member has claimed that state regulations interfere with her religious ceremony and raise… [Rest behind paywall]

Satanic Temple Suing Texas to Make Abortion a Religious Right

Emerging story On September 2, the Satanic Temple announced its plan to take Texas to court over increasingly restrictive abortion laws. In addition to social posts, the Temple has a more detailed statement on its website. The news went viral on social medial; users responded with a mix of outrage and amusement.

Misbar’s Analysis:

While its name implies that its constituents are Satan worshipers, the Satanic Temple is a non-theistic religious organization, tax-exempt under U.S. law. It is different than the Church of Satan and is more politically active.

We discovered that the Temple is, in fact, taking legal action against the state of Texas. The Temple has officially filed a letter with the FDA to say that abortion is a religious right.

This isn’t the first the Satanic Temple has conducted abortion rights activism; it also put on an advertisement campaign in Florida.

They have a screen cap from

☭Kathleen☭ (@radfemriot) | Twitter
(Now not on twitter at that name.)

And ally.@thatpunkwitch tweeted

It’s free to join and only $25 to get a membership card!!! also it’s kinda badass to have your abortion labeled as “Satanic Abortion Ritual” like that is hardcore goth

When you think about it THAT IS REALLY NASTY. Foolish girls/women join just so they can have an abortion and doing a blood sacrifice. The Satanist must be laughing their heads off.


This is all so demonic. Please everyone after you read and see the pictures say the Lords Prayer to cleanse yourself from the evil.

Gail Combs

Yes, very very NASTY and they are ENTICING fools into selling their souls because they were TOO LAZY to use birth control.


That is horrible and disturbing.

Bathing in and ingesting blood has been believed for millennia by some as a way to maintain youth. It’s where the myths of vampires come from. And now infusing youth blood has become yet another evil in the quest for extending life. Peter Thiel has famously stated he wanted to do it:

That was 2016. I’d bet good money he’s done it by now.

The quest for immortality or longer life has led so many people to the Devil. Sickening.


[Emma-Jo] Morris: The Questions Twitter Hasn’t Answered About Its Treatment of the ‘Laptop from Hell’ Story

What was the reason the New York Post official Twitter account remained locked for 16 days?

Twitter locked the New York Post out of its official Twitter account for 16 days following the first post linking to the first story in the “laptop from hell” series. After establishing that the tweet was not in violation of Twitter terms of service, the platform insisted the Post still needed to delete the tweet in order to regain access to its account. When the Postrefused to on a matter of principle, Twitter did not reinstate the account for 16 days. What was the deliberation surrounding Twitter’s refusal to reinstate the Post’s account access?

Did intelligence agencies approach Twitter regarding censorship of “misinformation” regarding Hunter Biden ahead of the 2020 election?

Did former Twitter Deputy Counsel (and former senior member of the FBI) James Baker contact the FBI to verify the federal subpoena published by the New York Post?

In the first story of the “laptop from hell” series, the New York Post published a federal subpoena showing the laptop it was reporting from, Hunter Biden’s, was in federal law enforcement’s possession…

As a former member of the FBI, was Baker not equipped to verify the subpoena published by the Post, which would negate the theory that the reporting was based on hacked material?

What effort did then-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey make to intervene during the time Twitter was censoring the “laptop from hell” series, and in the 16 days following when the New York Post was locked out of its Twitter account?

How many other times in 2020 did Twitter use its mechanism to disable links sent in direct messages, as it did with the “laptop from hell” reporting?


Funny, but I wouldn’t recommend it…😂

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😂 😂 😂

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You’re propaganda is showing


We are in for some very dark times. God help us.


Japanese Professor Upends Ministry of Health: Disband Vax Committee, Investigate All Injuries

“Fool! I have had enough,” lashed out Professor Masanori Fukushima to the Japanese Ministry of Health. And it was not a good day for ministers after Fukushima swore to “correct things properly.”

Masanori Fukushima is an infectious disease expert and Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University — with over 25 years of oncology experience.

There is a 7-minute video with English subtitles, as well as other explanatory text.


Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Couldn’t read everyone’s face or actions but it seems that lambasting is going to have an effect. I’d say there’s a level respect for the professor speaking that obviously is not there when it comes to our CDC and FDC. Perhaps its too many walls in between and no open dialogue between the pro vaxx’rs vs anti vaxx’rs. I think it’s called open and honest debate and Japan just had it, and the other side was left flat footed.

Gail Combs

The Japanese have no have for the CCP…

I think they maybe the first to actually breakfree of the Mass Psychosis surrounding the Clot Shot.


Which means they relied on our CDC, FDA and Fauci (the USA). Just another big reason never to trust the USA again.

Here’s to hoping that little clip was not suppressed in Japan.


Searched 4 top news sites from Japan for this story, closest thing found was this on two of the sites. 😠

QAnon’s Japan arm searched over obstructing COVID vaccinations

QAnon’s Japan arm searched over obstructing COVID-19 vaccinations
The group has been waging a campaign against COVID-19 inoculations in various parts of Japan, holding rallies and saying that the coronavirus does not exist.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Gail Combs

“….The group has been waging a campaign against COVID-19 inoculations in various parts of Japan, holding rallies and saying that the novel coronavirus does not exist. In March, they disrupted vaccinations at sites including Tokyo Dome….”

 👉  saying that the novel coronavirus does not exist.  👈  THAT IS A MAJOR MISTAKE!


Or their position has been misstated by the people controlling the news or at minimum they latched on to a few stray people that best portrayed Qanons in Japan in the worse light.

Gail Combs

I have no doubt that is the case. However it is WHY this ‘No VIrus’ crap is SO DANGEROUS.

It turns the normies (who have had covid) completely off and then they do not listen to the actual facts… AND DIE A NASTY DEATH if they are unlucky.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, I am still working on that article.

I will put it in draft in a few days and please edit and CUT OUT what ever you think should be tossed. You will not hurt my feelings one bit.


Japanese came out early saying Ivermectin works.

Which means they relied on our CDC, FDA and Fauci (the USA). Just another big reason never to trust the USA again.


  1. When the global community wakes up, “trust” is the least of USA’s problems. Albeit a huge problem.
  2. Backlash, for very, very good reason.
  3. Countries around the globe trusted USA, CDC, FDA, FauXi…
  4. Countries around the globe shutdown, masked up for long periods of time.
  5. Countries around the globe demanded citizens get Covidiot Injected.
  6. Citizens around the globe complied, getting Injected. Getting boosted.
  7. Citizens around the globe getting sick, handicapped and dying, cuz of the jabs.

We, in the USA rightfully bitch and moan, about what CDC, FDA, Feds, state and local governments have done in the name of Covidiot.

  • Always remember, this happened on a global scale. USA is largely at fault. IMO.


Next, USA AND global community needs to wake the fuck up to, Covid is one part of Global Reset.

Gail Combs


The Japanese have no have love for the CCP…

I should not try to type without my glasses on…. Except my goat knocked them askew and trifocals + astigmatism + out of alignment => Double vision and headache…

I really need to get down town and have them fixed.


My cataract surgery replaced both of my lenses with prescription lenses, restoring my vision to almost 20/20. I had astigmatism before the surgery and now I don’t. Make some inquiries and see if you are unnecessarily dependent on eyeglasses.

Gail Combs

My eyeglasses, about a month ago, prevented a goat horn in my left eye. I am sticking with them!


G R E A T video. Please watch.


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Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

“It has to work, or that’s the end of that. It’s not how it works for some assistant gender studies professor at Gumbo State, who can publish “Decolonizing the Patriarchal Dynamics of the Male Gaze In the Music of 4 Non-Blondes…”


I always thought the lead singer chick in 4 Non-Blondes was a cutie.

Is that so wrong? 😂



“Saw them in Pensacola, fl. Never have I seen such an angry group of people. They denigrated everyone and everything. Especially men, singer told us to leave if we didn’t like it…so we did.”

(in comments)


I don’t really know anything about them besides that video I linked, which I think came out when I was in college.

If the lead singer is a card carrying member of the she-woman man-hater’s club, then I’m sure my characterization of her as a ‘cutie’ would make her day 😂


I have one novel by Chip Delany somewhere packed away. I found it a bit of a slog when I read it a couple of decades ago, partially due to its heavy homosexual context…..but there was one particularly memorable passage where an older homosexual is counseling a younger one, and cautions against “political homosexuals”. According to the Elder, they swing that way because they are making a political statement, and everything about them is poison.

Mind you, I read this when I was quite young — and before I’d moved to the SF Bay Area — and have never swung that way, personally…..but there was A Lesson To Be Learned from this passage.

After I moved here, I encountered great numbers of homosexuals. “Natural” ones are people, subject to the foibles of people. It can be fun for me, a straight guy, to hang out at a bar with a “natural Lesbian” people-watching. You might both say, “wooo — check out that blonde!”, but you might learn something when she says, “she’s a natural brunette in a push-up bra, but workin’ it”. Similarly, if you’re out drinking with a “natural” gay guy, he might note, “if I were acting like she is, I’d be expecting you in bed within the hour.”

In short, you can relax with such people and enjoy the great parade of humanity, and even share notes from different perspectives, with good humor and conviviality.

But Delany was absolutely correct with regard to the “political” homosexuals. The “she-woman man-hater’s club” is exactly right — or the equivalent for outies. Everything has to be a dominance game where straights are losers.

When I moved up here in the mid ’80’s, the public face of gay culture was low-key and “live-and-let-live” was the standard. During the ’90’s, it changed… became increasingly intolerant of heteros, became increasingly cruel, became increasingly perverse, and became the poisonous “political homosexuals”.

4NB is about 2/3 of the way down that road.


“I have one novel by Chip Delany somewhere packed away. I found it a bit of a slog when I read it a couple of decades ago, partially due to its heavy homosexual context…”


Reminds me of a movie we rented to watch in our dorm (not Dirty Dancing, that’s another grim story 😁 )

This was back when renting movies was a real crap shoot. There was no Internet to speak of, so no movie review or rating websites.

The best we could do was judge a prospective VHS rental by its cover and the blurb on the back.

Somebody had recommended My Own Private Idaho, with Keanu Reeves and River Phoenix.

So we found it, rented it and some other movie, and went back to the room.

Five or six of our friends who lived in the same hallway of the dorm came by, and it was showtime.

It took about 10 seconds to figure out what was going on in the first scene of the movie, as the camera slowly panned down to a guy’s head bobbing up and down in another guy’s lap.

And that’s as much as we saw. It was like dragging the needle across a record 😂

Hit the eject button, put in the other movie we had rented, sat back down, and hit play.

I’ll never know if it was a good movie or not. We were definitely not the target audience for that movie.

Or maybe we were, but it was rejected like Dennis Rodman rejecting an attempted lay up by Pee Wee Herman.


“The “she-woman man-hater’s club” is exactly right…”


I learned it from Spanky and the little rascals, when I was about five… or maybe four 👍😂


Likely the Male Gaze In the Music of 4 Non-Blondes is trying to figure out if cutie is white or black. Personally having a hard time of it my self, but I’m not well versed in that sort of thing.


The oracle at Wiki-phi says:

“In 1965, Perry was born in Springfield, Massachusetts. Growing up in an artistic and musical household, Perry displayed musical talent and interest from an early age. Despite struggling with kidney disease and then drug addiction, she still focused on music. Her mother is Brazilian (Marluce Martins Perry) and her father was Portuguese-American (Alfred Xavier Perry).”

“She was the lead singer and primary songwriter of 4 Non Blondes, and has since founded two record labels and composed and produced hit songs for several other artists.

They include: “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera; “What You Waiting For?” by Gwen Stefani; and “Get the Party Started” by Pink. Perry has also contributed to albums by Adele, Alicia Keys, and Courtney Love, as well as signing and distributing James Blunt in the United States. Perry was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2015.”

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

Haven’t read it yet. But I suppose next Schlichter will write about why the big mistake does not matter? 😁


Pretty much, actually….


I saw this the first time on Saturday, I think, and meant to comment on it then:

Never talk about committing violence in a reply to Wolf or in response to anything Wolf has said, or you may get put into moderation so that your comments can be screened.”


Will try to remember that, but I can’t even recall a time when anyone talked about actually committing violence in any specific sense.


“This is ONLY because DHS is now playing door-knock Gestapo with people who have spoken at school board meetings, made public comments, etc. DHS regime jackboots are knocking on doors of school board mama bears and stupidly insinuating potential violence from things people say or don’t say on social media.”


There’s no law against speaking at a school board meeting, there’s no law against speaking publicly, so besides the attempt at a chilling effect (if we allow it to be), what’s the result of such door knocking?

If we had done anything unlawful, they wouldn’t be knocking on the door, they’d be kicking it down, in their best teenage mutant ninja turtle drag and pumps, wouldn’t they?


“A guy in Ohio pointed his FINGER at the school board, and they went after him, armed with pictures of the pointing, and screen captures of online comments. Yeah.”


Isn’t the proper response “Yes, sir, Officer Obie, I cannot tell a lie, I pointed at those school board members… so? Watch this, now I’m pointing at YOU, officer Obie. Did they pass a secret law against pointing? Do you have any idea how ridiculous you are? Now get off my property.”


“SO – give the Nazis ZERO ammo. Keep any mention of violence, even joking, away from Wolf, so that he doesn’t have to “explain” humor to humorless jackboots who pretend not to know things.

As for discussion of “violent humor” among yourselves (e.g., “#TeamHeadsOnPikes”), just use whatever discretion you think is appropriate for yourselves. I will only put you in moderation if your comments create problems for ME or THIS SITE, but not if they only impact you.

YOU are responsible for your own comments, if they come knocking. YOUR choice.”


As a general principle, isn’t self censorship exactly the wrong way to go?

If 300 million people all engage in some behavior the regime is trying to intimidate people into not doing, their intimidation is irrelevant, because they can’t harass even a tiny fraction of everybody.

But if 300 million people self-censor and remain silent, if just the threat of intimidation is enough to silence us, then haven’t we already capitulated to dark helmet?

comment image

When our freedom of speech is threatened, which is the better (and safer) response?

To go silent?

Or to engage in more of it, lots more, so much more that the fascist regime is swamped by a tidal wave of disobedience in response to their tyrannical abuse?


IMHO, Wolf was being very clear. We are perfectly free to discuss #TrimmedHoovesOnPonies between ourselves, but please to leave the guy who is trying to keep this website afloat out if it so he can find a better balance of his own risk while trying to get broken YouTube embeds working. It’s very specific to Wolf — and he does so much for us here, it’s just not right to be jostling his elbow while he’s trying to manage this circus.

Myself, I believe there will be a day when #TitanicHeffalumpsOverParis will be appropriate — nay, necessary — but I can cool my oracular jets when Wolf is involved.

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

I wasn’t jostling anyone’s elbow, and I’m certainly not meaning to cause any trouble for Wolf. I was primarily responding to what seemed like a general caution to not say anything that might cause the girls at FIB to knock on our doors.

The point is that there are only so many girls at the Phi Iota Beta sorority house, so if they want to waste their time and resources knocking on the doors of millions of law abiding Americans who have broken no law, that’s time they’re not spending on things like drug running, arms smuggling, human trafficking, child porn, false flags / mass casualty events, election rigging, bribery, blackmail, pronoun idolatry, impersonating law enforcement, high treason, etc.


This is true, but it nonetheless seems to be an administrative priority to harass the citizenry, using frivolous and manipulated excuses to do so. While we can all see the dereliction of duty and Stasi tendencies involved — and, mind you, take our own stance against same — I consider Wolf’s very limited request to be practical and reasonable.


“This is true, but it nonetheless seems to be an administrative priority to harass the citizenry, using frivolous and manipulated excuses to do so.”


And if we want more of that, which is the best way to get more of it?

To consistently object, or to remain silent?

And if we want less of it, which of those choices is best?

Which way did the Germans choose in the 1930s, and how did that work out for them?

That’s the point I have been trying (and failing) to make.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

I salute your efforts in that regard, and hope you continue with such…..but, as requested by our host, not involving Wolf here in his den. Call for #TerminatingHorcruxesOriginallyPotter as you will.

If Wolf were some horrible bureaucracy ordained by Congress and run by the Deep State, it might be appropriate to “feel out” the limits to its mandates and the depths of its soft pockets. Instead, Wolf is the guy who maintains this site for all of our benefit. He has let his preferences be known and we should honor them.

If you decide to start your own website, please let us know the URL.


Ouch! That last sentence had a sting to it.  🙄 


Spot on last sentence, IMO.

Fundamentally, I try to never lose sight, I am a guest here, QTree.

The rules are simple, reasonable, based on reality AND easy to follow.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

“He has let his preferences be known and we should honor them.”


Who suggested otherwise?

Why do you keep tilting at that Straw Man?

What was the very first sentence of my original post?

Will try to remember that, but I can’t even recall a time when anyone talked about actually committing violence in any specific sense.”

And what was the very first sentence of my first reply?

I wasn’t jostling anyone’s elbow, and I’m certainly not meaning to cause any trouble for Wolf.”

How many times, besides zero, did I suggest in any way to “involve Wolf”?

I keep making other points, good points, and you keep redirecting the discussion to the thing that no one — including me — is doing.



Last edited 2 years ago by gil00
Gail Combs

I agree.

We have already seen Brandon Straka jailed for over a year for a tweet made while he watched a PEACEFUL AND LAWFUL protest on the opposite side of the capitol.

We have seen Rhodes of the Oath Keepers imprisoned (20 yrs???) for ‘Insurrection’ DESPITE NOT TRESPASSING AND NOT CARRYING A WEAPON.

I think we have enough Martyrs and I do not want Wolfie or anyone else here to join the Jan 6thers.

So we BRING FACTS! That is one of the reasons I string together clips from various articles to make my point.

The other is I never learned to type and I have Arthur.T Writus.  🙄 

Canadian Guest

Dear Qtreepers,

Ethical Canadian Doctors in the province of Ontario who wrote exemptions for the JAB and prescribed ivermectin have had their licenses taken away, and have been ordered to turn over the patients files to the corrupt College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.

These courageous doctors are fighting back.


So many, presumably vaccinated, doctors in Canada have died.

Canadian Guest

Yes, but the government and medical establishment are trying to hide it…

Here is a courageous interview


Something appears to be happening here. Is this old or new? I suspect old given how many images there are. I did hear about how Coke was in trouble but I didn’t realize it was for this.

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Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

WTF^3… as to whatever the intended message is; as well as who thought this was a particularly good idea anyway; besides why would I or anyone want any soft drink from looking at this?

Looks like they had their faces too close to some kind of explosiont, at first I thought of an ash-explosion from a wood-stove. Just their faces, or maybe they changed shirts … but a closer look at their outfits, looks like office-grade clothing, and so maybe it was a printer or copy machine that malfunctioned.

But five times, that someone went to look and got a blast of black toner powder in their faces, as they got too close to it. Presumably not telling any of the others before the deed was done five times.

Oh it is likely something faked for the occasion, as advertisements generally go. Still, what’s with the appearence of this sorry crew, looking like they lost the battle with the machine 0-5… I’ve heard it said that the band Rage Against the Machine probably referred to a printer, but there are no signs of rage in evidence. And no T-shirts either.

And, finally, what about and in any of all this would make me want to go get a Coca-Cola? as opposed to a 7-up or bottled water…

Last edited 2 years ago by slowcreekno

[Referencing Coca-Cola’s ‘Be Less White‘ ad campaign]

Coke should be less racist.


They use CARAMEL COLOR!!!!


It’s a mutually abusive relationship.

Doesn’t nearly all of the socially approved racism today come from the caramel coloring?


And institutional.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

That goes right along with the “bathing in blood” theme.


symbols are very important in society it forms the next generation.
Parents have to work harder more than ever to keep past cultural- societal norms and family values going.

Gail Combs

Especially since the young want to rebel. The Commies USE that human trait to advantage.




The inherent racism of the Coke marketing effort is no different than a KKK leader telling blacks to be less black.

Or Hitler telling Jews to be less Jewish.

It very forcefully implies that the ‘target’ in question is negative, stigmatizing it, and incites the whipping up of the race mob (protected classes) against white people, the exact kind of inflammatory and divisive ‘hate speech’ these scumbag hypocrites always falsely virtue-signal their opposition to.


^^^ DAILY OUTRAGE, to divert attention?

I G N O R E.

Bring on Elon’s latest TW release. Bring on another Japanese professor speaking truth about jabs. Stolen AZ election… Myriad of ignorant decisions by BiteMe’s regime. The next R-Con Uniparty asshole that is going to betray America.

Gail Combs


Got it in ONE!!!

  :wpds_arrow:  𝗛𝗘𝗬 𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗞 𝗔 𝗦𝗤𝗨𝗜𝗥𝗥𝗘𝗟!
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  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


Those are great. Serious belly laugh. Thank You!

Gail Combs

Someone(s) had some real fun with those.

One of the FarmWars ladies has a blog where her header is a farm animal decked out in similar fashion.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

New meaning brought to “squirrel gun”

Gail Combs



If I ever drank Coke, which I don’t, I would never buy another one. That’s one of the stupidest and most disrespectful things I’ve seen in a while, and that’s saying something.


Would not count to be parading in black face? Half black face? Where is the censure police (S) ?  🙄 


ALPHABET ADVENT CALENDAR – ABCs of GOD – Father, Son, Holy Spirit

O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who have set Your glory above the heavens! – Psalm 8:1

A – Adonai, Almighty, Alpha, Ancient of Days, Advocate, Able, Avenger, Abba, Authority, Anointed, All-knowing, All-powerful, All-seeing, Author and Finisher of our Faith, Angel of the Lord, Abiding, All in All, Apostle, Altogether Lovely, Anchor for our souls.

B – Bread of Life, Bread of Heaven, Bread of Sincerity and Truth, Balm of Gilead, Beginning and End, Breath of Life, Builder of the Church, Beloved, Beautiful, Blessed, Brother, Bishop of Souls, Beginning, Burden Bearer, Bright and Morning Star, Brightness of His Glory, Bridegroom, the final and true Blood Sacrifice, Baptizer

C – Christ, Creator, Comforter, Chief Cornerstone, Counsellor, Chastiser, Carpenter, Consuming Fire, Compassion, Conquerer of sin, evil, death, Courageous, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, Covert from the tempest, Consolation of Israel, Champion of fatherless, children, women, poor, sick, helpless, oppressed, persecuted.

D – Deliverer, Defender, Dunamis (power), Door of the Sheep, Dwelling place, Delight, Despised, Divider of wheat and chaff, sheep and goats, Dayspring from on high, Diadem of beauty, 

E – Elohim, El-Shaddai, Emmanuel, Eternal, Ever-present, Edifier, Exalted, Elect Stone, Enduring Love, Eternal Life, Everlasting Father, Ensign of the people, 

F – Father, Faithful, Friend, Fortress, First and Last, Foundation, For us, Forerunner, First born, Forgiver, Fairer than the children of men, Finisher of our Faith, Fountain of Life, Fragrance of Life, Freedom, Food indeed, Fulfillment of prophesies, promises, hunger, thirst, desires, needs.  

G – GOD manifest in Christ’s human form – GOD who sees, speaks, hears, listens, acts, loves, rescues, redeems, regenerates, sanctifies, transforms, delivers, saves to the uttermost! – Good, Gracious, Giver, Gift, Gentle, Great, Gatherer, Glorious, Governor, Great Light.

Original Post May 2021 –
Explanation Why an Alphabet Advent Calendar –

Note – This is a work in progress – and new Names may be added to the previous lists as we go along.

Gail Combs

YUP, I just did a WHOLE article on it.  😋  🤓 


My brother’s brother in law was vegan and wondered why he was loosing more and more weight. One day he was found dead never showed signs of sickness except getting thinner. His wife would sneak away to eat steak or hamburger never told her husband who thought she was vegan also.

Gail Combs

You need FAT — Animal FAT.

You Can Starve To Death While Stuffing Yourself With Rabbit Meat

….Rabbits are among the most populous food sources in the world. And while they aren’t terribly common today as mass production of beef, pork, and chicken has become easier, their meat was once an important food source. However, if one was to stay on a diet of entirely rabbit meat, they would begin to suffer from various, rather unpleasant symptoms, ranging from diarrhea, discomfort, headache, and (most paradoxically of all) hunger. This strange “rabbit starvation” was noted by many explorers and travelers, who relied on hunting the local game for nutrients.

Explorers who traveled to the Northern Arctic, where snow rabbits were plentiful and carrying supplies from civilization was a hassle, were confronted with it while also dealing with the harsh climate. Additionally, it was noted by Charles Darwin in his account of his famous sea voyage on the HMS Beagle. He observed that people who fed mainly on dried or lean meat gained an insatiable craving for fatty and oily foods, even actual fats and oils themselves, even though they would be quite unappetizing when consumed raw….

There are tales of Eskimo kids eating sticks of butter the way our kids eat candy.

You can live without sugar, very nicely, BUT you can not live without FAT.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. You go lo/no fat you start craving butter…straight.

Not an issue in this household, where I put the bacon directly on the plate (no paper towel soaking). Of course that still leaves 95+ percent of the fat to pour into a jar.

Gail Combs

Man after my own heart.

I save meat fat to add to my rice instead of butter. Adds variety to the flavor.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have to make sure I lean over the plate before I shove the bacon into the bacon-hole (please, not a “pie hole”) as it is still dripping.

Gail Combs

I am a dedicated carnivore. I drove Mom nutz as a kid because I would growl when gnawing on a bone.  🤓 

Valerie Curren

Love it you savage!!!


W/R/T decline in births — I don’t know where the data in the post comes from, but here’s some more —


Here’s another very good article by Michael Capuzzo with graphs proving a massive decline of baby births in Europe since the jabs.


You wouldn’t think anyone would do this in public…..

comment image

Gail Combs

I saw this was posted last night.

I didn’t look at the whole U-Tube yet because I wanted to research the people mentioned in the first few minutes.

Are We Ready? Foreign Interference, Disinformation and the 2020 election
Streamed live on Aug 25, 2020

Public and private sector leaders join the Digital Forensic Research Lab of the Atlantic Council to discuss what steps they have taken to secure the information space around the 2020 presidential election. For further information, please visit:


Driven by our mission of “shaping the global future together,” the Atlantic Council is a nonpartisan organization that galvanizes US leadership and engagement in the world, in partnership with allies and partners, to shape solutions to global challenges. 

March 26, 2018 DHS hires new cybsersecurity adviser ahead of 2018 midterm elections – Washington Examiner

The Department of Homeland Security has hired the former chairman of the Election Assistance Commission, Matt Masterson, to help federal, state, and local authorities coordinate cybersecurity efforts ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, the department announced Monday.

Masterson will serve as senior cybersecurity adviser within the National Protection and Programs Directorate’s Office of Cybersecurity and Communications.

“There are few who have Matt’s experience working with all levels of government and the private sector to protect our nation’s election systems. His wealth of experience and depth of knowledge make him highly respected on both sides of the aisle,” Chris Krebs, NPPD senior official performing the duties of the undersecretary, said in a statement.

Krebs added that Masterson’s previous work as chief information officer in the Ohio secretary of state’s office and at the EAC “significantly advanced” the country’s cybersecurity efforts.

Matthew Masterson Joins DHS as Senior Cybersecurity Adviser

Matthew Masterson, former chairman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, has been named senior adviser for the Department of Homeland Security‘s cybersecurity unit, Washington Examiner reported Monday.

DHS expects Masterson to continue working with federal, state and local officials to protect election systems against cyber threats.

He served as EAC commissioner for nearly four years, following his nomination by then-President Barack Obama and subsequent confirmation by the Senate in late 2014. [SO THE SOB WAS AN OBAMA PLANT!!! GEEESH!]

Masterson previously held various positions within the Ohio secretary of state’s office, where he managed voting system certification procedures and led the development of online voter registry and ballot delivery platforms for military and overseas voters. [IMPLEMENTING VOTER FRAUD WERE YOU?]


Christopher Cox Krebs (born 1977) is an American attorney who served as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the United States Department of Homeland Security from November 2018 until November 17, 2020 when President Donald Trump fired Krebs for contradicting Trump’s claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election.[1]…

Krebs’s professional work has focused on cybersecurity and risk management issues. He served as Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Infrastructure Protection, and later worked in the private sector as Director for Cybersecurity Policy for Microsoft.

Who in H recommended this guy?

…Before Microsoft, Mr. Krebs advised industry and federal, state, and local government customers on a range of cybersecurity and risk management issues. This is his second tour working at DHS, previously serving as the Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection and playing a formative role in a number of national and international risk management programs.

As Director, Mr. Krebs oversees CISA’s efforts to defend civilian networks, manage systemic risk to national critical functions, and work with stakeholders to raise the security baseline of the Nation’s cyber and physical infrastructure.

Mr. Krebs holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences from the University of Virginia and a J.D. from the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University…

Note there is NOTHING about his FIRST tour working for DHS that is easy to find…

Gail Combs

She needs a really close look.
Shady Groove often mentions Arabella ‘POP-UP NGOs’ and given several of her links on her webpage go to SPAM instead of an NGO….

This may be her (The resume has been erased)
(UI/UX Designer From Taiwan)

There is NOTHING about her early history and where she was born. CHINESE maybe?? Does she actually work for the CCP? Were her parents Chinese??


Clara Tsao is a nonresident fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab. Clara is a national security and disinformation expert and technology entrepreneur currently serving as the co-founder and on the board of the Trust & Safety Professional Association and the Trust & Safety Foundation. Clara previously was the Senior Advisor for Emerging Technology at the Department of Homeland Security and the Chief Technology Officer of two U.S. Government task forces focused on countering foreign influence, election security, and  👉 HOMEGROWN EXTREMISM. 👈  😱  Clara also serves as a nonresident expert at the German Marshall Fund, a senior advisor for the UN-backed initiative, Tech Against Terrorism, and the President/Chair of the White House Presidential Innovation Fellows Foundation. Clara has also held fellowships focused on national security and technology policy with the Mozilla Foundation and Google.

June 26, 2020 The Brief: Clara Tsao’s newly-launched Trust & Safety Professionals Association

Clara Tsao is Cofounder of the Trust & Safety Professionals Association (“TSPA”), a new, nonprofit, member-based organization for trust & safety professionals that launched in June 2020. The TSPA will support the global community of professionals who develop and enforce principles & policies that define acceptable behavior online.

Clara was inspired to build an association for trust & safety professionals due to her background as a national security/disinformation expert and technology entrepreneur. She is President of the White House Presidential Innovation Fellows Foundation and a Senior Advisor at the UN-CTED-backed Tech Against Terrorism.

Clara has held various national security and tech policy roles for the U.S. Government, Google, and Mozilla.

Clara Tsao (dot) Com

Her page is full of symbols with very very little writing. Is English her SECOND LANGUAGE? Is that why her page is almost all pictures?

Her Awards/honors/networks section shows:

Fulbright Canada

Clinton Global Initiative

Hesslbein Global Academy

Pembroke College Cambidge

Univ California

United Nations: Many Cultures One Humanity – Linked to spam

Alliance of Civilizations – Linked to spam

GES Malaysia 2013 – Linked to spam

Global Startup Youth Malaysia – Linked to spam

Yale School of Management [Emerging Leaders Seminar Entrepreneurship & Innovation] – Access denied — TITLE – Global Network for Advanced Management

Clara Tsao | Presidential Innovation Fellows

Clara Tsao is an entrepreneur and a White House Presidential Innovation Fellow. Prior to government, she led global strategic partnerships in education for Microsoft. In addition to corporate roles with Google, Apple, Sony, Playstation, HP, and AT&T, Clara is also the co-founder and former Executive Director of the Congressional App Challenge.

Clara Tsao – Guidance on building better digital services in government

Through the Presidential Innovation Fellows program, Clara has worked across various national security roles in US Government, serving as a senior advisor and Chief Technology Officer focused on emerging technology policy, countering terrorist use of the internet, and foreign influence operations online. News and Events


About Clara Tsao

Clara Tsao was a non-resident fellow at the Alliance for Securing Democracy.

She is an online disinformation expert and a civic tech entrepreneur, who recently co-founded the Trust & Safety Professional Association and the Trust & Safety Foundation to support the global community of professionals who develop and enforce principles and policies that define acceptable behavior and content online. Clara is also a non-resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab. Her previous roles include CTO at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Countering Foreign Influence Task Force and the interagency U.S. Countering Violent Extremism Task Force and Senior Advisor for Emerging Technology at the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency. She has spent a decade working in the technology industry across global teams at Microsoft, Apple, Sony PlayStation, AT&T, and also as a Google and Mozilla Technology Policy Fellow. Clara is also the Board Chair and President of the White House Presidential Innovation Fellows Foundation and a Senior Advisor at Tech Against Terrorism.


ChangemakersClara Tsao

MUST READ about her views on ‘Disinformation’
Interesting tidbit”…we need to encourage more technologists to lend their expertise to support better policy-making, through incubators like Aspen’s Tech Policy Hub….”

Gail Combs

Wolfie, I put it up and saved it as a draft.

I could not get the Youtube to embed at the beginning.

Edit as you wish.  😉 

Gail Combs


Is she even an ‘American’???

Australian Strategic Policy Institutes

Alicia Wanless is the director of the Partnership for Countering Influence Operations at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Alicia researches how people shape — and are shaped — by a changing information space. With over a decade of experience in researching and analyzing the information environment, focusing on propaganda and information warfare, Wanless applies this learning to support government, military, and major tech companies to develop policies and integrate information activities into training programs that better reflect how the information environment is manipulated.

Wanless is currently a PhD Researcher at King’s College London exploring alternative frameworks for understanding the information environment.

In 1836, King’s became one of the two founding colleges of the University of London…

Kings College


Alicia researches how we shape — and are shaped — by a changing information space. With more than a decade of experience in researching and analysing the information environment, focusing on propaganda and information warfare, Alicia conducts content and network analysis, and has developed original models for identifying and analysing digital propaganda campaigns. Alicia applies this learning to support government, military and major tech companies to develop policies and integrate information activities into training programs that better reflect how the information environment is manipulated. She has shared her work and insights with senior government, military, industry leaders and academic experts at Wilton Park, the Munich Security Conference, the Hedayah Centre, NATO’s ARRC and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Alicia’s work has been featured in the CBC, Forbes, and The Strategy Bridge

LAWFARE BLOG: › contributors › awanless
Alicia Wanless – Contributors – Lawfare
Jan 20, 2022

Alicia Wanless Alicia Wanless is the director of the Partnership for Countering Influence Operations at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Wanless is a PhD Researcher at King’s College London exploring how the information environment can be studied in similar ways to the physical environment. 

Her twitter account is PRIVATE….

This interest led me to research things like nationalism, propaganda, and language engineering in my undergrad, and later in the 2010s, to start analyzing how influence operations were changing in a Digital Age. That research, which covered political campaigns and alternative media outlets, led me to work with militaries, major tech platforms, and civil society organizations—and ultimately to pursue a Ph.D. in War Studies at King’s College London….

The disinformation landscape surrounding the 2020 elections was so different than what we saw in 2016, with domestic, verified users supplanting bots and fake accounts, and new narratives focusing on both Covid and electoral fraud. The actors, behaviors, and content keep changing. How do you see the disinformation landscape evolving in the future?

I’m not sure it’s the information environment changing quickly so much as our focus on what happens within it shifting. In researching the U.S. primary election in 2016, it was apparent that domestic actors were likely far more active and prevalent than any foreign actors, and this was later confirmed in Benkler, Faris, and Roberts’ Network Propaganda. The disclosure that Russian actors were actively running influence operations made for more shocking news, whereas disentangling the complex web of domestic actors can be difficult and highly politicized. The role of domestic actors engaging in influence operations has certainly come to the fore in the wake of the attack on Congress on 6 January.

One major challenge in understanding the information environment is that research tends to focus on threat actors, tactics, and the content they produce, often in the form of case studies— interesting and informative, but fairly narrow in scope. Unless it is all brought together in bigger meta studies, it leaves us focused on the last bad thing that happened, which is not great for being strategic about addressing the problem. To that end, I think we need to move towards a more systemic understanding about disinformation and influence operations, looking at the wider information environment in which these things occur to find patterns that might offer a warning where the next problem is emerging. That would allow us to intervene sooner.

Deplorable Patriot

IMO, other than safeguarding the voter rolls, why, exactly would we need cybersecurity for elections?

If we were using strictly paper ballots hand-counted when the polls close, we wouldn’t.

Get the electronics out of elections, and watch the magic lead disappearances stop.


Most of the time simple solutions such as that are the most effective. But as we know, doing things right are not what they have in mind.

Gail Combs

The name of the game is to come up with a system where THEY can cheat AND KEEP the people from figuring it out.

The whole focus of the above is DEALING WITH election misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation” – IN OTHER WORDS THE TRUE FACTS!


And via the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace — US GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS connections to the CCP censoring Free speech on Twatter, CHINESE INTERFERENCE IS PROVED

….Gooden questioned the CIA director’s fitness to serve as director following recent DCNF reports revealing multiple former Chinese government employees and at least 20 undisclosed CCP members worked at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace during Burns’ presidency between February

2015 and November 2021. The DCNF determined Carnegie had employed CCP members after analyzing hundreds of Chinese-language, CCP branch records and personnel profiles….


The reason most went electronic is because you are just not voting for a couple of people anymore. My ballot was two pages, with both sides to fill in from elected officials, judges, local boards, school bonds, local taxes, State props etc. The vast majority of which none of us know anything about.

Representative gubmint is to elect people to deal with all this crap. Now a lot is passed down to the people to vote on. To me, that is like paying for a plumber to fix the water heater just to stand there while I fix it.


Two pages, both sides, as a reason to use electronics. Nope.

Don’t know anything about the person or issue on the ballot. Shoulds done some homework, or skip that particular vote.

We NEED paper ballots.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

Unfortunately leaving blank ALLOWS someone else to fill it in.

You need a NOT VOTING option on the choices.

Also if there are too many issues, hold another election.

We HAVE good transportation and information compared to a century ago so WHY do we NOW have a problem voting?

Lazy no-good teens as sedentary as 60-year-olds, study suggestsArticle is 5 years old.

In theory, kids and teens should be bursting with energy. But in reality, they’re moving so little that the average 19-year-old is as sedentary as someone in their sixties.

That’s the disappointing (and surprising) conclusion of a study published in the journal Preventive Medicine which investigated the link between age and physical activity levels in the US population.

“Activity levels at the end of adolescence were alarmingly low, and by age 19, they were comparable to 60-year-olds,” said the study’s senior author Vadim Zipunnikov, an assistant professor from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in a statement….



Prolly the ONLY election related thing NV does correctly, “None Of The Above”, is an option.

Lazy, inactive youngsters AND teens IS a problem. Hell, I am more active at 67, than my four Grands, ages 7-15.

Gail Combs

At 72 I can still out work most teens. Heck they can not even keep up with my WALK when I head across the field.


I thought “physical education” classes were supposed to help with that. But one hour a day or week is not enough. People have to have activities they do on a regular basis.

Gail Combs

I was talking to a lady who runs a PRE-SCHOOL, 6 mos to 5 years. She has to REMOVE the IPADS… from the kids and tell the parents they are not allowed in her school.


You should see the Morbidly obese LITTLE kids I do. These kids made it into the news, but I had a 4 year old that took FOUR MEN to get onto my largest pony and hold him there. Unfortunately that is not as rare as I would like to see.

On a positive note, I talked to one Dad about nutrition and he thanked me profusely because he knew there was a problem but not what to do — STOP THE SUGAR AND STARCHES! The boy was also eager to learn so I have hopes for the boy.
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If you skip it then you leave it open for someone to fill it in. If I do not know the issue or person then I vote no.

If you mean hand count then I agree but that is not happening when a ballot has 30 to 40 items to document and tally.

Tomorrow in GA in theory should be able to know that night. Just a choice between two people that I know of.


Yes, if I dunno, I vote no. On tax issues, NO, is my default.

Leaving blank was a brain fart of sorts. NV has a, None Of The Above. Election wise, the only thing NV does right.

Hand counting is the only way to go. Computers, can AND WILL BE gooned up by nefarious folks. Computers are NOT good for tabulating votes.


“On tax issues, NO, is my default.”


Mine too 👍

I haven’t seen a responsible use of tax dollars in my lifetime.

They keep asking for more and more, they keep trying to do more and more, and everything keeps getting worse and worse.


^^^ Exactly!


“The reason most went electronic is because you are just not voting for a couple of people anymore.”


Last month on voting day, we had the option of paper or electronic ballots. I chose paper.

They directed me to one of 5 or six open voting stands or tables, with the privacy side screens.

As I was walking across the room to the table, I noticed that almost everyone else there (it was crowded) was standing in line to vote on the electronic machine.

My ballot was front and back of two pages. I finished coloring in the circles of my choices in about 3 minutes.

The line for the voting machines hadn’t moved.


“My ballot was two pages, with both sides to fill in from elected officials, judges, local boards, school bonds, local taxes, State props etc. The vast majority of which none of us know anything about.”


This is an intentional failing of the GOP.

It would take almost no effort for the GOP to put up a website, with a bio for every Republican candidate, and a bullet point list of quotes on their positions regarding all of the issues relevant to their particular contest.

But the GOP doesn’t do anything like that.

Instead, like every year, I had to spend a couple hours hunting down information on various candidates, finding their websites or their FB pages, or in some cases blurbs in the local online news websites, to even figure out which candidate wasn’t the Marxist, because for many of the seats, no party affiliation is given on the ballot.

I suspect the percentage of voters who are willing or even able to put 2+ hours into personally researching judges, school board member seats, etc. is not large.

The only credible reason the GOP doesn’t make it as easy as possible for their base to vote is because they don’t want to win.



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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pat frederick

kea dropped this at my place and i don’t know if anyone brought it here. I think it might be interesting for Steve…they seem to have authenticated a gold coin they thought was a fake for hundreds of years…


Guy was likely just a wanna be. It was not all that common but contestants to become emperor would sometimes get ahead of the game and publish their own coins before they became emperor. The coins would of circulated in their areas of support even though they never became an emperor. So no, never a real emperor. Maybe an almost emperor.

Looking over comments, they are all over it giving other examples of the above by name.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
pat frederick


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m going to repeat my answer to para59r so that you get notified of it:

You’ve basically told the story of third century Rome right there.

Legion commanders and governors out in the provinces were constantly being “proclaimed emperor by their legions” and starting civil wars. Once they were “proclaimed emperor by their legion” they would often issue coins. (Minting coins required not-too-terribly specialized equipment that would fit on one cart, back then–not the industrial assembly lines with presses the size of a semi trailer that we have today)

The third century is also poorly documented today. The reason why Roman history as a subject today focuses on the era between Carthage and Marcus Aurelius, without really going into before that time and after that time, is that we have abundant surviving sources for those times. (How famous has the whole Julius Caesar-Augustus Caesar story, endlessly retold by Hollywood…compared to, say the story of Septimius Severus? That’s why.) Information is *scarce* for the 2nd century and it’s often hard to tell whether some guy mentioned is just one of these dufus claimants or someone who really was in control in Rome. And scarce, of course, means some dufus claimant might not be mentioned at all in any writings that have survived to this day. Coins, on the other hand are a lot more durable and historians love to find out about previously-unknown coins for that reason.

That being said if I read the same article you did, there are still some historians who are skeptical of this new work.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’ve basically told the story of third century Rome right there.

Legion commanders and governors out in the provinces were constantly being “proclaimed emperor by their legions” and starting civil wars. Once they were “proclaimed emperor by their legion” they would often issue coins. (Minting coins required not-too-terribly specialized equipment that would fit on one cart, back then–not the industrial assembly lines with presses the size of a semi trailer that we have today)

The third century is also poorly documented today. The reason why Roman history as a subject today focuses on the era between Carthage and Marcus Aurelius, without really going into before that time and after that time, is that we have abundant surviving sources for those times. (How famous has the whole Julius Caesar-Augustus Caesar story, endlessly retold by Hollywood…compared to, say the story of Septimius Severus? That’s why.) Information is *scarce* for the 2nd century and it’s often hard to tell whether some guy mentioned is just one of these dufus claimants or someone who really was in control in Rome. And scarce, of course, means some dufus claimant might not be mentioned at all in any writings that have survived to this day. Coins, on the other hand are a lot more durable and historians love to find out about previously-unknown coins for that reason.

That being said if I read the same article you did, there are still some historians who are skeptical of this new work.

pat frederick

thanks darlin’
I’ll relay your answer to kea…

via Adverse Reaction Report
FTA: “LifeSite is reporting that a researcher who queried the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) discovered a 10,661.4% increase in cancer reports as a result of experimental Covid-19 gene-based vaccines as compared with all FDA-approved vaccines over the last 30 years.” (bolding mine)
by Allen Stein via The Epoch Times

And, last but definitely not least:
Yours Truly: The WHO is meeting 5 – 7 December to discuss the “conceptual” draft of the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”



Gail Combs

Can’t we just add a LOT of flour dust to the air in the room they are meeting in?


Same problem as always. MSM walks all over us and we still don’t have an effective push back that breaks through their filtering.

Our side keeps talking about setting up parallel systems. Perhaps it would be nice if Red States at least empowered their own disinfo/misinfo governance boards and demanded air time with MSM even if only a short five minutes segment. Not sure how that would be accomplished but something needs doing in this area. Perhaps something similar on how some red states pushed back on the ESG nonsense.


IF folks cut the cable, they’d be half way to learning truth.

  • Polls say folks don’t trust fake news.
  • THEN, cut the damn cord and STOP listening to fake news.
  • Folks gotta get past their own stoopidity.

Not gonna get equal or even some time on fake news. Why…?

  :wpds_arrow:  Recall, Monopoly, Who Owns the World? Includes fake news.   :wpds_evil: 

Gail Combs

Who Runs the World ? – Network Analysis Reveals ‘Super Entity’ of Global Corporate Control
In the first such analysis ever conducted, Swiss economic researchers have conducted a global network analysis of the most powerful transnational corporations (TNCs). Their results have revealed a core of 737 firms with control of 80% of this network, and a “super entity” comprised of 147 corporations that have a controlling interest in 40% of the network’s TNCs….

Top 50 Control-Holders Ranking:

3 FMR CORP US 6713 IN 8.94
4 AXA FR 6712 SCC 11.21
6 JP MORGAN CHASE & CO. US 6512 SCC 14.55
9 UBS AG CH 6512 SCC 18.46
10 MERRILL LYNCH & CO., INC. US 6712 SCC 19.45
17 NATIXIS  FR 6512 SCC 24.98
20 LEGG MASON, INC. US 6712 SCC 26.92
27 INVESCO PLC GB 6523 SCC 30.82
28 ALLIANZSE DE 7415 SCC 31.32
29 TIAA US 6601 IN 32.24
31 AVIVA PLC GB 6601 SCC 33.14
32 SCHRODERS PLC GB 6712 SCC 33.57
33 DODGE & COX US 7415 IN 34.00
37 CNCE FR 6512 SCC 35.57
41 INGGROEP N.V. NL 6603 SCC 36.96
46 BNPPARIBAS FR 6512 SCC 38.56


GWP fills in some blank spots on what’s happening in Brazil.

Featured is this judge who resigned so he did not have to follow the supreme courts dictates which he views as all illegal. This is one clip of five that you will see if you open the tweet. Judge talks for about 10 plus minutes.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Military needs to engage.

Gail Combs

It is looking like they will.


Will and are. Took out some of Lula’s (sic) drug cartel buddies in the barrios.

Gail Combs

Yeah, I just saw that. Commie CIA Director Burns is no doubt having a Hissy fit over it.

I sure hope Bolsonaro has VERY VERY good protection.

Gail Combs

Now there is a MAN! Too bad we do not have any judges like him in the USA.

Gail Combs

Think of the CCP embeds in the Carnegie Endowment and China’s wish to CONTROL Brazil, a country RICH IN NATURAL RESOURCES…

“…The CIA has been undermining election integrity in Brazil since last year at least, with Sullivan and Biden’s CIA director William Burns visiting Brazilia to threaten President Bolsonaro directly….” __ Gateway Pundit

Daily Caller

  • Texas Republican Rep. Lance Gooden called on CIA Director William Burns to address his “strong ties” to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) while formerly heading an elite Washington, D.C., think tank, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • 𝗔𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝟮𝟬 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗖𝗖𝗣 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝘁 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗲 𝗘𝗻𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗣𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗱𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝘂𝗿𝗻𝘀’ 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗰𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗸, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗖𝗡𝗙 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗹𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱.
  • “Evidence would suggest Director Burns lied under oath during his confirmation hearing,” Gooden told the DCNF, referring to Burns’ February 2021 CIA confirmation hearing.

A very in-depth report (1000 pages) on the problems of the world going “renewable”. Only need to build a new supply for 537 TW.

42_2021.pdf (


Oh my, there are 1000 pages. 😮

Gail Combs

It takes that to do the topic real justice.

Wind, Solar & Bio-mass just isn’t going to cut it with todays population. What I found interesting is they also included nuclear in the mix of non-CO2 producing energy sources.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, nuclear should be on that list.

The only CO2 it produces is from the rotting corpses of environmentalist wackos who have fatal strokes when they see nukes being built.

Gail Combs

Oh I am with you on that. I live where I can see a nuke plant out my window so I live what I believe.


First two of these reports where posted earlier on today.
Microns attitude seemed odd as he’s 100% globo.
I don’t have any views on the second guy, don’t know anything about him.
The third report posted more recently may explain the first two…


“Relations between the United States and Europe have become “out of sync” amid problems in the energy sector, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview with CBS.
According to him, there is a “big gap” between the EU and the US due to the fact that Europeans buy oil and gas from the Americans, but prices for consumers in the US and Europe differ: for consumers in the EU they are six times higher than for Americans. This affects “the purchasing power and competitiveness” of the two societies, Macron stressed.
“I want us to be allies, I want us to be friends, I want us to be partners. I want to cooperate with the US, but I don’t want to be dependent,” Macron said.”


“Vladimir Zelensky’s goal is not to defend Ukraine, but to sacrifice his people in an attempt to harm Russia,” said Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, a former French presidential candidate.


“Protest in Paris demanding withdrawal from NATO and acceptance of neutrality by the country.”


Didn’t look to be thousands, but winter’s only just starting.


Zelensky focus is purely financial.

Zelensky uses Russia as an excuse, to get rich.Zelensky doesn’t give a rats ass about Ukrainians,or anyone else.
Macron is a child idiot. As are most EU “leaders”. Dumb asses can’t see how stoopid it was to support the US/Ukraine fiasco. Simply stoopid.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Another act of criminal sabotage – vandalism in NC.

Multiple power substations in a North Carolina county were damaged by gunfire in an apparent act of criminal vandalism

Yesterday – there was a fire that destroyed a flour mill in Kent, OH.

And a fire in November in NC –

I can’t find a recently updated full list…

Gail Combs

Agriculture industry tops combustible dust incident reportOctober/November 2022

Dust Safety Science gathers worldwide reports of combustible dust incidents and analysis the data for information to create a better understanding of where incidents are happening and why.

Dust Safety Science’s 2021 Combustible Dust Incident Report revealed though things are improving, a great deal of work needs to be done to reach the organization’s goal of at least one year with zero fatalities from combustible dust explosions by 2038.

Dust Safety Science verified 163 fires, 53 explosions, 215 injuries and 69 fatalities worldwide in 2021. The U.S. accounted for 98 fires, 20 explosions, 26 injuries and two fatalities.

Facilities handling wood and food products made up 75% of the fires and explosions but only 23% of injuries and fatalities. Coal accounted for 53% of the injuries and 87% of the fatalities recorded.

Dr. Chris Cloney (PEng.), managing director and lead researcher at DustEx Research and Dust Safety Science’s founder, is the first to admit that those numbers are not a complete picture of combustible dust incidents worldwide.

In episode 187 of the Dust Safety Science Podcast that he hosts, Cloney talks about how most combustible dust incidents are never reported or miss-reported, leaving large gaps in the available data. But the available data paints a picture when analyzed against the past five years of incident reports….


This site pretty much agrees exhaust and dust caused the most fires – and says the trend is downward.

Gail Combs

Flour and such dust can be explosive.


Urban bakeries used to explode on a regular basis. Dump one sack of flour too near the ovens…..

Gail Combs

I just said Dust and Hubby finished with explosion. 🤓 

What can say, he is a physicist.

Gail Combs



However, there were many non-dust food resource fires, including food pantries – in 2020-21

Gail Combs

True, but I noticed this in the bottom of the article you cited. I thought it would be of interest. Esp. since he said the information is spotty.


I have believed they will go for our infrastructure sooner or later.

Gail Combs

Given the number of illegals, mostly sex slaves and military aged men, we are NOT in a good position.

Mr Global LOVES to burn it all to the ground. Think WWII and Europe. LOTS of money made in the rebuilding. Now it is ‘our turn’ to be burnt to the ground.


Have always thought it a matter of time. Target rich environment. Easy hits with huge, long lasting impact.


I used to work in a feed mill. The rule was, no smoking unless you were 100 feet away from the site. And the feed store had a blast wall between us and the mill.

If the owner caught you smoking near the building, you were fired. Instantly. That grain dust is no joke.


Don’t know how technologically advanced ukraine is, but I think a fair question is whose satellite and who’s guiding it


“The United States has secretly modified HIMARS missile launchers handed over to Ukraine so that the Ukrainian Armed Forces could not strike at the territory of the Russian Federation, the Wall Street Journal reports, citing US officials. Since June, Washington has donated 20 HIMARS launchers to Ukraine, as well as a large number of satellite-guided missiles with a range of about 50 miles (about 80 km).”


Well, what happens if the Azov decide to target Russia? They punch the numbers into the program – then what happens? Does the weapon system ‘brick’ itself? Does it redirect to a default location? If so, what would that location be?

I’m sure there’s other digital scenarios available. My point is, how long would this ‘secret’ remain secret?

And do we really want Zelenskyy showing up in DC and whining about the mean USA, followed by a pack of weasels reporters?

I’m thinking that this might be fake news.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2

An opportunity to help a family if anyone is so inclined. A man was killed in a motorcycle accident, leaving a fiance and four children.

Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips
 12/05/2022 00:58:12 
Truth Social: 109459530882972274

Y’all please consider helping @SiberianKitten and @CSMMaster friend @TheDeplorableVeteran bury his brother in law. 

Prayers for all of you from CE, me, and the teams at @truethevote, @RealPatriotGames, and @opsec

𝒮𝒾𝒷𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒶𝓃𝒦𝒾𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓃𓃠 Verified Account

To all of my followers…

@TheDeplorableVeteran is a really good fren of mine and he just recently (within the last week) lost his brother in law.

He was hit by a car that cut him off while he was riding his motorcycle

Him and his family have to go through something no one should have to, this is even harder around the holidays.

If y’all could, please donate to help him put his best friend and brother in law to rest

Ultra Deplorable Veteran @TheDeplorableVeteran

Hey all. Could you all do me a favor and share this out? And donate if you can, I created a Give Send ago for my brother-in-law who passed away on December 1st. It would mean the world to me. Thank you!

My name is Stephen Darbonne. Jeremiah Guilbeau was my brother-in-law and best friend. We tragically lost him on December 1st, 2022. He was doing what he loved, riding his motorcycle when a truck mistakenly turned in front of him. He was a great father and loving partner to his fiancée, Leah. If he called you a friend then you were family. Jeremiah has left behind four children, all under the age of 10. We are looking to help Leah financially. The money raised from this fundraiser would help her with their mortgage, funeral expenses, and other bills. The Guilbeau family recently purchased their first home where Jeremiah was the main provider. This unexpected loss has placed a huge burden on Leah. The goal is to help save their home, keep food on the table, and keep the lights on. Let’s come together as a community and help Leah with these expenses so she can focus on healing, raising their children, and keeping Jeremiah’s memory alive. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any and all support.



If youngkin doesnt stop this….hes a liar.

WHERE’S THE GOVERNOR? Speaks volumes’ if the Governor does not step in, he’s part of the problem



For me, the jury hasn’t reported on Youngkin and Sears being America First.

We’ll see.


The things he says are excellent. I hope they will get through some of those thick skulls later because they certainly aren’t paying any attention to him now. I wonder what the guy’s next steps will be.


(Intentional dupe posted by me. Wanna be sure folks see this.)


Brazil Military Kills “Red Command” Cartel Leaders, Prepares Take Over

Gateway Pundit and Matt Tyrmand on War Room were the first worldwide to report that the Brazilian military is moblizing under its constitutional authority to protect democracy. Sources on the ground now confirm that the Army is mobilizing and has eliminated key leaders of the Communist-allied drug cartels in Rio.

In an unusual step for the military, the Army has invaded favelas of Rio de Janeiro and killed top leaders of the Comando Vermelho (Red Command) drug cartel, which supports the Communist criminal Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Observers take this to indicate the beginning of a federal military intervention. The drug gangs were the only ones to celebrate the alleged election victory by criminal Lula Oct. 30, firing automatic weapons in the air in the favelas. President Bolsonaro cracked down hard on the Brazilian drug gangs.

“The heads of drug trafficking of Morro do Juramento and Juramentinho, identified as Rodrigo Barbosa Marinho, known as Rolinha or Titio Rolinha, and Hevelton Nascimento Júnior, the “Bad Boy”, respectively, were killed during a Military Police operation in Vicente de Carvalho on Thursday (1st). Three other suspects died in the action and one, who was also injured, is imprisoned in custody in the hospital” O Dia reports.

The drug cartels are the armed wing of the Communists. Comando Vermelho controls parts of Rio de Janeiro and was formed 1979 as an alliance between cartels and Communists. If they are eliminated, the risk of a civil war will be significantly reduced…

The official declaration of Article 142, which allows the military to intervene in the case of a conflict between the branches of government, is expected this week. Soldiers were seen joining the protestors and instructing them to remain calm when action comes. Drivers cheered military convoys deploying to strategic locations throughout the country.

So Brazil’s Constitution specifically provides for the military to step in.
And 😡:

Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, will be in Brasilia today Monday 5 for a meeting with corrupt criminal Lula and members of his coup. “The main item on the agenda is the charge for the Brazilian government to clearly condemn the war in Ukraine and engage with the U.S. and European partners in the supply of weapons to the Zelenski regime”, O Antagonista reports. The CIA has been undermining election integrity in Brazil since last year at least, with Sullivan and Biden’s CIA director William Burns visiting Brazilia to threaten President Bolsonaro directly.


Good on the 1st bit. Not unexpected on the 2nd. Theyre sent by sor os to firm up his contracts.

Gail Combs

A SAFE place….
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Maybe with their Cartel buddies…
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The AZ election has now been certified. I know that Kari Lake’s next steps hinged on this, so we should see lawsuits being filed soon.

Unrelated: Where’s Elon?

Gail Combs

Getting ready for another release at the appropriate moment. You need to allow the Anons time to chew thru and digest what is now out there and finish firing their news/mem esalvos before feeding them the next bite.
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[stomps foot and whines] But he SAID it would be out the next day!
😂 🤣 😅

Gail Combs

Gotta keep the interest up!
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Hoping the delay is simple capitalism, rebuilding TW AND growing TW.

TW has the potential to be a bell weather source of Truth.


The latter ^^^. Lawyers AND OR cold feet.


Paging Guvner Blackface

Paging Guvner Youngkin.

Paging Lt Guvner Sears.

UnFuck this INJUSTICE….

Youngkin AND Sears will show their true colors, based on what they do for this American.

Barb Meier

Dan Bongino’s show is very good today. His backgound is a good fit for talking about Musk’s weekend data dump. Dan said right before the break before 2pm that we should thank God for giving us a battle where we are so clearly in the right morally. I was encouraged by the thought that if we must be in a battle of good/evil, our side is so clearly in the correct position.

Gail Combs


Ep. 1907 The Twitter Files Scandal Erupts

Gail Combs

I haven’t watched Dan since before the 2020 election. BOY DOES HE LOOK TERRIBLE, he has aged so.

Towards the end Dan mentioned this story:

New York Post: Scientist who worked at Wuhan Lab says COVID was Man-Made virus.

….A scientist who worked at a controversial research lab in China has claimed that COVID was a man-made virus that leaked from the facility, according to a report.

Andrew Huff, who worked for a New York-based non-profit that studied viruses, said COVID leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China two-plus years ago and blamed authorities for the “biggest US intelligence failure since 9/11,” Britain’s The Sun reported Saturday.

The lab has been at the center of fierce debates about the origins of COVID, with both Chinese government officials and lab personnel denying that the virus leaked from the facility.

Huff, an epidemiologist, said in his new book, “The Truth About Wuhan,” that the pandemic was the result of the US government’s funding of coronaviruses in China. {THINK RALPH BARIC…}

He said that China’s gain-of-function experiments were carried out with lax security, which led to a leak at the Wuhan lab.

“Foreign laboratories did not have the adequate control measures in place for ensuring proper biosafety, biosecurity, and risk management, ultimately resulting in the lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” he said in his book, which was exclusively excerpted in the newspaper.

Over the last two years, increasing evidence has suggested that the virus was leaked from the lab….

Huff is a former vice president of EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based non-profit that studies infectious diseases. The group has been studying different coronaviruses in bats for more than a decade with funding from the National Institutes of Health, and had forged close ties to the Wuhan lab.

Huff, who worked at EcoHealth Alliance from 2014 to 2016, said that 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝗻-𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝘂𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗹𝗮𝗯 𝗽𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 “𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗲𝘅𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗿 𝗯𝗮𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗿𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗲𝘀” 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀


Because of his cancer, Dan got vaxxed. He now says it is the greatest regret of his life.

He knows the truth, so I hope he is at least trying the protocols to mitigate the damage.

Gail Combs

Dan is not dumb. I am sure he is taking the stuff we have unearthed.

He may need to be on Vit. I and FenBen for the rest of his life.

And yes I am aware that he found out about the Clot Shot too late. That is why I commented about his appearance. It really aged him.


Yes, it is very sad.


Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation

The Department of Homeland Security is quietly broadening its efforts to curb speech it considers dangerous, an investigation by The Intercept has found. Years of internal DHS memos, emails, and documents — obtained via leaks and an ongoing lawsuit, as well as public documents — illustrate an expansive effort by the agency to influence tech platforms.

It’s a long article from October 31st with lots of details about the government’s nefarious dealings and plans. It dovetails precisely with the Twitter reveals. One example:

Prior to the 2020 election, tech companies including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Verizon Media met on a monthly basis with the FBI, CISA, and other government representatives. According to NBC News, the meetings were part of an initiative, still ongoing, between the private sector and government to discuss how firms would handle misinformation during the election.

Looks as if the government was running big tech, a direct violation of the First Amendment. Not to mention influencing the outcome of an election, which is a coup.

Gail Combs



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Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:   :toldyaso:   :wpds_lol: 


Republicans R-Cons Uniparty S U C K S.

SOURCES: McConnell Caves to Pelosi, Schumer, Allows JCPA Media Cartel Bailout Bill to Be Included in Defense Package

Gail Combs

A comment I agree with:

speakeasy  PeaceTrain  2 hours ago

EVERYONE in Congress….That…Votes….FOR….This…..

Has….Something ….they…want…to….Keep….HIDDEN



The JCPA Contains a Massive Loophole for China


^^^ Wonder IF this is in retaliation to Elon / TW ?


IMO: One: The Turtle likely was working with the DemCommunists on this behind the scenes, and his “caving” to them is public-theater stuff only. Two: The Turtle may have gotten a “hint” relayed to him via his Chinese wife about the loophole for the CCP that got into the bill.


Yea, theater, it is. Never bought into the “cave” thought. Turtle was always gonna be for it. Maximizing his ROI, so to speak.


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Gail Combs

Well, the evidence is certainly accumulating AND being feed piece by piece to the public.


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Gail Combs



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Seems timely…

Watch: Dolly Parton Rebukes Satan During Prime-Time Christmas Special: ‘He Is Trying to Destroy Everything Good and Beautiful’


That’s our girl. Had Zach Williams on with her as well. Hope my BIMD insights on both helped.


Many insights from BIMDs.

Speaking of Dolly. I’ll always recall, a DW, “sleeping with Dolly”. Yea all innocent kids having a fun sleepover. But dang, the headline sends minds like mine, elsewhere. Kid fun IS the best!

But seriously, such great memories for DW, sister and everyone. And knowing Dolly, remembers and is so gracious, with friends from way back. PURE TREASURE.



No Trump rally for Herschel. Trump surely would have had a rally for Herschel. Guessing Trump was not invited or asked to not rally for Herschel.


MSM has convinced a certain number of the establishment that Trump is radioactive.


They are sure trying.

Out this way, I am getting more positive Trump comments.

(Short of in the house, Trump hat is always on my melon.)

Gail Combs

The Trump team concluded it was best to be Hands off. He did endorse him and the Anons and Bannon are out beating the bushes to get out the vote.

Given that Georgia is very corrupt, IF Trump were to campaign, then Herschel would be MADE TO LOSE so Trump could be blamed. By stating away, Trump gives the guy a 1/2 chance of winning because the Uniparty would want to say SEE, if Trump stays out of politics we (RINOS) can win.


Very shrewd.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Saw mention of a telerally earlier. Thanks Ye😡


I have a slew of vulgarity for Kanye, Milo and Fuentes. Total set-up, by all three. Nothing innocent or accidental.


Had another earthquake about an hour ago. I had guessed a 3.8 less than 20 miles away. Turns out it was a 3.7 about 12 miles away.

I based the distance because there was a house creak slightly before the shaking started — likely the difference between the P and S waves. The shaking was mild but clear, which is why I guessed a 3.8.

Now I get to figure out which doors work better and which are more stuck. I’m not going to miss this aspect of living here.

Gail Combs

Stay safe.

After you and Gil and a few others move, the whole Left coast can slide into theocean for all I care. (Yeah I know it is two plates sliding past each other —- DARN IT!)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well the northwest is a classic subduction zone, so maybe it will go “kablooey!”

Won’t help with LA and SF, but Portland and Seatlle? Maybe.


If Cascadia goes, there won’t be much of Seattle or Portland left:



Deplorable Patriot

One of the last ones we had here, we could hear it coming. It rattled the shades more than anything.


If you’re fortunate enough to catch the exact right angle on the right street, you’re supposed to be able to see it coming down the street like ripples in water. I’ve never been so lucky, myself.

Barb Meier

I remember being in the Loma Prieta and it was like land surfing. It seemed I could only see in black and white. My mom called me while the earthquake was happening because she and dad were watching the ball game and saw it. It was interesting but we were safe and I felt blessed.


^^^ Stationed in Japan, at work. Japanese workers had the baseball game on TV, NHK as I recall. (Listening from desks, not watching…I was the Department Head) Giants and somebody at the Stick.

As it was happening, they called me and others. 44 acre facility, we sent runners to bring in ~50 Navy and Marines.

Unbelievable what we saw, live on Japanese TV. Bay Bridge upper deck section collapsed. Portions of what was CA 17 (IIRC), now I-880 numerous upper deck sections pancaked down lower deck. Horrendous sites. Lots of fires in Marina District.


Loma Prieta was amazing in a lot of ways. A 6.9 earthquake in the well-populated Bay Area only killed 63 people. To put that in perspective, there was a 7.4 earthquake in northern Iran a couple of months later [ ] in a much less populated area that killed 35,000-45,000 people. Several years later, there was a 6.6 earthquake near Bam, Iran that killed 26,000-34,000 in a similarly unpopulated region.

Of the 63 people killed by Loma Prieta, 42 were killed in the collapse of the damnable Cypress Structure. My dad’s career was in Civil Engineering, and I probably absorbed a bit over the years….I’d driven the Cypress Structure only three or four times before the earthquake, and each time I physically cringed — it was a bad idea, poorly executed.

The difference between the other 21 people killed by Loma Prieta and the thousands killed in Iran can be laid to one main factor — building codes. If you’re at home or in an office when an earthquake strikes in California, you are reasonably assured of survival. That’s not to say it will be fun and uneventful — The Fiancee was on the fourth floor of an office building that was condemned afterward, and remembers looking out across the “open office” area and seeing filing cabinets dancing around the floor….somehow remaining upright. One of her bosses went nuts and frantically tried to have people keep working after the shaking stopped.


JAB snags another… Age 62yo.

WWE Legend and Hall of Famer Barry Windham in ICU Following “Massive Heart Attack”


Multiple times daily, Republicans, R-Cons Uniparty disappoint America.

  • Certainly Tillis has lined up enough R-Cons to get this mess to pass.

GOP Senator Tillis and Democrat Sinema Agree to Amnesty Plan with Democrats for 2 Million DACA Recipients and More


Gotta stop laughing…to get this posted… Priceless photo or two. 🙂

(Yea, not posta laugh at stoopid shit like this. Another character flaw, that’ll likely not get fixed any time soon.)

ABC in Turmoil: ‘Good Morning America’ Hosts Taken Off Air Effective Immediately, New Hosts Take Over – Report

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Looks as if ABC turned it into a huge scandal by suddenly taking them off the air. The article says their relationship is not against company policy.

They’re both married, and both separated from their spouses in August. What a mess.


Those will be popular photos at the respective wrecked homes this holiday season.


Total ass headline here. Wondered why she dropped off twitter.


J A B.


Maybe. People did die before the jab.


We now know, no jab for Ali. Thankfully, no jab. Cancer and passing, quite sad.

Until shown otherwise, jab is my “go to”, as jab screws up so many things in the body.


If I were a wise ass, I’d have responded, “Seriously, people died before the jab”. Butt, I’ll refrain.  😮   😛 

It’s all in fun and a matter of learnin as we, at least I, push forward.


Unfortunately we are a very sick population even before pumping in more toxic crap. We are approaching 80% overfat and obese. Indicating most people are diabetic or pre-diabetic with a huge percentage not even aware of it.

Get a fasting INSULIN blood test. Most doctors do not even order it. Ask for it or order one yourself. It can indicate diabetes 10 years before your fasting glucose goes haywire.


That is spot on.

Surprisingly, at least for me, the quack DW and I see, orders up lotsa blood work. Including checking for diabetes.


Unless something changed, she wasn’t jabbed. She had “recently diagnosed cancer” and had spoken against the jab.

She wrote this on Oct. 16, 2021:

Get the vaccines and boosters, I don’t care… but until they can prevent me from getting COVID or prevent you from getting it.. I won’t be getting it and will ignore mandates to get it.. seems fair to me


Great information. Good to know. As I don’t follow Hollywood types, I assume they are jabbed. Same as with most folks passing these days.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Most of them are. Required to be on set. They fired several multi decade soap stars who refused.


Yes, “jabbed” is the default.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Recently discovered late stage cancer, so sad.

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Posted somewhere here, Ali was not jabbed.


Total ass headline here.



Whoops, double post. I think we must have been simultaneous!


SD out with this.

I’ve been telling folks for quite awhile in the BIMD and in posts in the dailies it is all about the work put in on the local and state level. We will never get a solution through the court system.

THE GAME IS RIGGED. Is that loud enough?

It has been for a very long time. If we want positive change we have to be the ones to do it in each community, county and state.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Some Dude needs to apologize to Harmeet Dhillon. She’s not a RINO, she wants Ronna’s job. Announced tonight, we’re a Populist Party and we need new updated and offensive leadership. She gets my vote!!


I hope you’re right. I thought Mike Lindell was trying for the Rona McRomney seat.


Pillow Guy was last week.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Methinks He is too.



W O W !!!

Beautiful voice. Beautiful gal. Wonderful rendition.

Would be such a privilege to listen in-person.


They honestly have no idea how they troll themselves do they?

👍 🤣


I was going to say “no self-awareness,” but it’s really that they aren’t aware of us, the patriots, the MAGA people, the Trump supporters. They want to deny that we exist as if that would make Trump — and more importantly, the causes we believe in — go away.


Did anyone try to reach his mustache for comment?


Too muffled to hear correctly.


Nicely done.  😂  😅  😂 


Reasonable question to ask – unless your targets have nasty secrets that they are hiding. Which are in plain sight for anybody who engages their brain.


“Why can’t we talk about it”, needs to echo daily, constantly.

Shame them, Feds, FauXi, Pfizer, Moderna, etc., into a round table discussion. Nationally televised AND streamed.

Yea. ^^^ Will NOT happen. Never. NEVER. Bastards are afraid of the truth coming out.

RELATED, I think…

Have not looked closely at this JCPA amendment attached to the Defense Authorization Act.

  • I do suspect, it is an end run on First Amendment…curtail Freedom of Speech… Freedom of thought. Freedom to publish (Internet or elsewhere).

Very intriguing!

For those interested in the personality part of this stuff, the comments are very interesting. Do “control f” and put in Kirsch, and you will see some interesting things on Malone, which IMO comport with Wolf’s assessment of Malone.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Taking my BFF for angiogram/possible stent in the early am. Please pray for success. Thanks and Luv you all. Ni Ni. ❤️🤗😴


🙏 and good night!


Turning in early?


Not me!


Brain hiccup. Sorry.


No problem!


It wasn’t only Twitter. It was a group effort with FBI as lead:

An important video of an Atlantic Council event in August 2020 featuring Twitter’s Yoel Roth, Facebook’s Nathaniel Gleicher, Carnegie Endowment’s Alicia Wanless, and representatives from CISA, Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and others talking about preparation for the 2020 elections.

Some highlights:

Yoel Roth admits that Twitter was involved in influencing several recent elections across the world.

The FBI is acknowledged as the lead of the social media influence operation.

Other partners mentioned include Stanford Internet Observatory and D3P, German Marshall Fund, Atlantic Council DFRL.

Carnegie Endowment’s Alicia Wanless foreshadows Jan. 6, 2021.

(CIA director William Burns led the Carnegie Endowment before his cabinet appointment.)

Yoel Roth admits involvement with Internet Research Agency.

Read this after viewing the video:

Twitter not only hired former FBI including James Baker, but also CIA, NATO, and Atlantic Council.


I don’t think I have the mental capacity to follow all the details in this story, but finds it sadly stunning that with all these FBI agent types taking a job at twitter and turning a blind eye to their child porn problem that has been exposed even before Musk showed up, but now demonstrated with much more clarity, that they would put politics and power above the well being of children which seems to make them every bit as bad as the perverts that get away with this stuff, especially when they had the expertise to end it all, but instead allowed it to thrive.


Well said!



They’re the bad guys, literally.

Most people simply can’t wrap their heads around that, and that’s why they get away with it.

It was the same thing with Hussein.


All of the same players. Leads straight back to the DNC “hack” and claims of Russian attribution.


Have been saying for years, the fabricated hack is the key to everything.


Remember the FBI investigated the gymnastics coach who was abusing all those girls. And even when they had the evidence did nothing for a long time while he continued his abuse.