Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
The [Q-5]th of [Q-7]ember, 2022
And Twitter Liberation Continues!
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it – even if only by workarounds!

We will start our mornings with Wheaties and Winnamins!

Hit the dance floor…..

And prepare for manned flight in 2024!


by Duchess01
Please forgive us, Wheatie, we did not know
That you had left us with armor in tow
We had no idea with what you dealt
We did not know the pain you felt
And now we can only imagine
With you what really did happen
Cause rarely did you complain
And/or share your personal pain
Of one thing we are most certain
You are flying high behind the curtain
Watching over us above the crowds
Our Warrior Angel above the clouds
Thank You, Wheatie, for caring for us
While you were here among the fuss
We miss you dear you have no idea
Since time began in the pangaea
With you there was no time
In your wisdom you would chime
To clarify and magnify
The what where how and why
We did not question when you left
We were not slightly bereft
But over time we wondered why
You did not at least stop by
Now we know where you have gone
With the break of this new dawn
We could be angry but are not
Tho with an arrow we’ve been shot
Rest peacefully Warrior Angel dear
Send us a sign that you are near
A butterfly a flower a kiss of rain
From your love do not refrain
God sends Angels to watch over us
And now we have an Angel Plus
A Warrior Angel of Magnificence
From today and forward hence
The Rules

(Not true, but I thought this GIF was too cute to pass up!)
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.
Never talk about committing violence in a reply to Wolf or in response to anything Wolf has said, or you may get put into moderation so that your comments can be screened. This is ONLY because DHS is now playing door-knock Gestapo with people who have spoken at school board meetings, made public comments, etc. DHS regime jackboots are knocking on doors of school board mama bears and stupidly insinuating potential violence from things people say or don’t say on social media. A guy in Ohio pointed his FINGER at the school board, and they went after him, armed with pictures of the pointing, and screen captures of online comments. Yeah.
SO – give the Nazis ZERO ammo. Keep any mention of violence, even joking, away from Wolf, so that he doesn’t have to “explain” humor to humorless jackboots who pretend not to know things.
As for discussion of “violent humor” among yourselves (e.g., “#TeamHeadsOnPikes”), just use whatever discretion you think is appropriate for yourselves. I will only put you in moderation if your comments create problems for ME or THIS SITE, but not if they only impact you.
YOU are responsible for your own comments, if they come knocking. YOUR choice. Just remember this…..
The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.
Bottom line – respect other people’s FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.
We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.
Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.
In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.
We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).
We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.
If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at
We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.
In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer
Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.
Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.
Musical Interlude
In honor of dear Wheatie, we now present some music to soothe, inspire, invigorate, or relax.
On quick notice, some STEAMPUNK EPIC ORCHESTRAL music!
Let’s add some Christmas music (but yeah, a bit modern!)
And if that’s not enough, let’s try 11 and 1/2 hours of Christmas music in one video!
That should hold you over!
Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
And we haven’t even gotten to depop yet.

Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day Year Week:
- Great physical beauty and appeal
- Beauty; comeliness; handsomeness
- That quality of appearance which pleases the eye; beauty; comeliness; grace; loveliness
- Attractive moral excellence; moral beauty
Used in a sentence or two:
When I was a kid, and more specifically a pesky brat, who loved to gossip with my no-good buddies about which girls were rumored to STRIP for the boys, I thought pulchritude meant something more like voluptuousness, curvaceousness, or ample breasts, and that it was typically the quality of an adult woman with WGTT (see below) or an “hourglass figure”. Obviously, my exposure to borrowed, stolen, and otherwise laundered issues of Playboy magazine was not exactly teaching me proper word definitions, let alone pulchritude of character.
Used in a better sentence:
By the pulchritude of their souls make up what is wanting in the beauty of their bodies.
More interesting uses:
Demonstrated in an old Wheatie meme:

For the definition of WGTT, a site meme term coined by Wheatietoo, go HERE.

Have another great week!

For today’s item (December 12) on my Advent calendar, we are invited to:
“Call your grandparents or someone you love who lives out of town.”
I’ll be waiting by the phone…
LOL…that’s a banana, right?

cuz right now…it could be something else…LOL
Hope you are well!!!!
You too!
Pure Delight, in that pic. Thanks.
Hi Wolfie – Do you have a link to that Challenge Advent Calendar?
Sounds like something I need.
I got mine as a poster in a church, but I found it online, here, and it’s only $5 (the church had a big stack of them at a bulk price.
New Schlichter —
I’m with Schlichter. I’m about ready to give up. Who needs this shit?
GOP, Who?
(Have given up on
GOPUniparty.)Clean the voter roles. Precinct strategy for those inclined. School boards, parents ought to engage.
Beyond ^^^, 100% America First, MAGA…T R U M P.
Agreed. TRUMP!
How much of the storm did you get?
Supposed to have rained heavy all day through tomorrow but inconsistent. Rained most of the day w hours long break. Snowing a lot in mountains down here. Supposed to get to 28 degrees on tues, wed. Thats cold!
It’s STILL raining heavily here.
The pattern has been 2-3 hours rain,1-2 hours taper (to almost dry), then 2-3 hours rain again. It got cold a couple of days ago, but Sat/Sun were warmer.
Wow. I saw Sacramento lost power and the sierras are getting 3 inches of snow an hr(i think). Mountains down here are snowing rn. If we get precipitation still w this cold, we could get some little flurries.
Northern Sierra’s got a whole lot more than 3″ of snow. Easily 4″-6″ Carson and Reno. Out my way, at least 3″. Beautiful mountains.
Wow! I looked at the radar and it was traveling from here up to vegas and utah and western montana. Rained all day here and cold. Snowing in Julian and Iak Glen, palm springs tram, and san berdoo big bear of course.
It is, BTW, currently 49 degrees here. While not exactly tropical, it’s quite reasonable for a December night.
At that time it was low 40s here. But yes, considering the teens and minus weather our friends have its nice.
Glad you’re able to be here, Wolf.

AMEN! Even her REFLECTION on the limo is “physical” pulchritude!
Nice catch!
“Pulchritudinous” was the word I missed on the PSAT/NMSQT.
I recalled seeing it in discussion here earlier. So it was you! I hope you didn’t miss it in the same way that I would have!
I thought it meant the opposite. You know, pulch must be based on the word pu which is based on the word puke.
Not me. Didn’t miss it. Looked it up a couple minutes ago.
Melania, the perfect example of, Pulchritudinous.
Copy, pasted Pulchritudinous.
Take to long to spell Pulchritudinous, correctly, or nearly so.
Wasn’t that a Dolce & Gabanna jacket? I bet DP would know…love the flowers!
I think you’re correct!
Even though they are gay men their designs are often very flattering & feminine, at least the ones I’ve noticed. So beautiful…though Real FLOTUS could wear a potato sack & look stylish
Which is why with all the gay men working at the White House, I have never understood while Jill still dresses with patterns from the Sears Furniture catalog. She needs help.
LOL!!! lipstick on a pig never Really disguises the pig
Realistically, on a good day, Jill looks horrid.
Beauty is skin deep but ugly is straight to the bone!!!
Jill has it for a TwoFer.
LOL glad I wasn’t drinking anything there!!!
As usual ..

She’s beyond help, and woefully silly. Yuk.
Yup. It’s very much what Bill Whittle was saying. They just LIE and LIE and turn everything AROUND.
I continue to think that Bill missed the meta-point that we are surrounded by so many lies… focusing in on the many plants in one particular performance. If he’d have said, “these guys were plants — and these guys in politicians’ town halls were plants — and these questions in national debates were leaked…..” it would have better illustrated the concept of “weaponized trust”.
Interesting point. I do think Bill is effective by not focusing on politicians weaponizing trust because as soon as you bring politics into the mix, some percent of your listeners turn your lesson off. By being outside the realm of politics, you serve your listener well. You give them the tools of understanding and let them draw the comparison of who does things like this.
For more, see Wolf’s comment below: “The only thing I have to do, is to say them “nice enough”. That’s not hard.” Other related concepts: “pull works better than push” and “just a little sugar makes the medicine go down.”
Elsewhere I post the link to an Unz column. In its own way, it says what Whittle says.
This is so huge. SO huge.
I think she misspelled ra$$ionale.
Or maybe it’s raSSionale.
Or mebbe it’s both.
AND logic for the win…Again!
This is EXACTLY why I noted that the very first Pfizer ad I was aware of (a radio ad!) was a couple weeks ago. Up until now, all government ads.
They waited for a good time to break yet another law.
People are now criticizing Musk in a similar way that they did, and do, Trump. Wolf has pointed out that in some ways Musk has taken on the role of Trump. No one can censor Musk, so the whiners are stuck with the situation. They can leave Twitter, but that’s not going to shut it down. It will only remove one of their avenues for speech.
This is going to be a massive shift in the world. People are going to be able to say things that needed to be said. I’m already doing it, fearlessly, on Twitter. The only thing I have to do, is to say them “nice enough”. That’s not hard.
The fake news about Bourla resigning is almost believable, because that is where things are headed. Frank talk about mRNA vaccines.
You’re repeating yourself.
“The only thing I have to do, is to say them “nice enough”. That’s not hard.”
I’m looking forward to “blunt and direct time”.
Lol, you and me both!
“They can leave Twitter,”
FTR, I’m perfectly okay with that

No question, whatever motivates Musk, the real world effect of what he is doing is huge, and laudable.
Anonymous Conservative thinks Musk is setting us up for betrayal in the 2024 election – – get enough of us back in order to decapitate us again.
Maybe so, not implausible, but then he is running the risk currently of turning things around significantly in our direction.
So much of this story has been researched and told across the platforms by amateur researchers and investigators who donate brains, time, resources and risk only for love country and for the benefit of future generations.
I think Elon wants to give these contributors a chance to break the stories on his platform. It will be historic.
Also, a flood of information is not helpful. Better to support the researchers who are identifying government and civil society actors by providing relevant, confirming evidence when it’s needed, imo.
Never-before-seen fish found more than 3 miles under the sea
You never heard of the illegitimate children belonging to Soros?
Those things are uglier than butt ugly!! Look like trapped demon spawn.

No wonder they’re down so far nobody can see them!

LOL. OMG. Insane.
Those don’t look like real rabbits to me.
Maybe they’re hares?
Wild Hares, on Recon works for me .. be afraid of the cute scahwee bunnies!.
what a psyop!
“Maybe they’re hares?”
I don’t know… I’ve been studying the photo carefully.
And I’m about at the point where I think those are just costumes, they’re not real animals at all.
Lol! Well, dang.
Thank you for taking one for the team.
I am glad to be corrected. I thought it was an Army exercise.
I recognized them right away as belonging to same bunny squad that rescued Biden on the rope line. Anyone falling for this clearly have lost their memory
Oh that made me laugh! Hounds and hares?
This is what happens when Watership Down becomes militarized. Next thing you know Mom, Dad, and Jr will be moving to Chicago. It is time to rethink the Second Amendment.
There are just too many good captions for this photo:
Harvey and Associates
CDC releases first pictures of new lab uniform
CDC announces new lead-based vaccine in fight against COVID
Killer assault bunnies!!!
(An old, old, very “in” joke from…jeez..35 years ago!)
Same network of “disinformation” experts continuing their op, imo.
They’re pushing a narrative of domestic extremist threats to infrastructure, in the context of the destruction of power grid infrastructure in NC. They acknowledge rumors in their reports about threats to the LGBTQ+ community.
I’m seeing this on posts of PBS Amanpour reports. The expert is a person named Juliette, and a researcher at the Kennedy School. (She resembles an older Nina Jankowicz lol.) Her Twitter timeline had had many posts on this subject over the last few days.
See something, say something.
I did not think there would be this much justice in such a short time after the election.
I suspect there is going to be more.
It’s glorious. No one has been indicted, tried, or convicted (yet), but they are hostage to the truths coming out of the Twitter reveals.
They certainly aren’t walking the streets of Twitter “safely” – as in “safe from being confronted with the truth”.
“Trust and Safety”. SPIT!!!
Although we do have to confront nicely. I’m getting very good at that. Toss gently nearby, admitting all truths from the opponent FIRST.
I think of it as similar tone to writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.
A strongly worded letter?
The truth tsunami is HUGELY welcome.
Guessing actual justice is being assembled, for administering.
kalbokalbs, got my Trump baseball cap (just like Trump’s), and will wear it all over. TY for the inspiration!
Good on YA!
I like the New York Post.
I like the jeweler Tiffany.
I like (within limits) Amazon.
I may even be a fan of “diversity in marriage”.
But mix them together and burn an old classic…..
And worse yet…..
WHY do they have to keep pushing “woke romance”???
And the whole thing is SO CORPORATE!
Someone shared this Paul Joseph Watson video over at Marica’s (it’s about architecture) but he’s got a segment about a sponsor that starts around 4 minutes that explains the tool aspect of the sources & bias that that site catalogs & makes it seemingly to navigate & expose language & other tools of manipulation…it’s worth checking into by any news junkies. It looks like it Might be a good tool…
Here is the link he recommended was his rec which lead to the above
Here is an interesting theory.
The MSM fake news media is recoiling from the Twitter Files, because THEY figured prominently in getting people banned, in the same manner as snitches in East Germany. The author WAS in fact in the habit of shaming journalists, was kicked out for a tweet of that type, and suspects that this will have been a big part of the bans – contradicting journalists and news outlets, who reported those who contradicted them.
Well, of course they are.
The “professional left” is fucked if Elon continues, and he shows no signs of stopping.
I think Elon, much like Trump, had some real wake-up calls when he stepped into the fight. I think he had the idea that he knew what he was going to see, but it was multiplied by 1000.
I think Elon is BIG MAD. I think he initially fell for the Covid bullshit like so many others, and got slapped in the face with reality. Who knows how many in his orbit are vaxxed. Is he?
I also think Elon is devastated as a parent of small children to learn that the company he bought was an absolute sanctuary for perverts.
So, Elon, with fuck-you money, control of information, and a genius-level I.Q., is going to burn it all down. God, please bless him and give him an endless supply of matches and gasoline.
^^^ This. So well stated.
This also may have played a role:
He also mentioned at one point that his first born child died in his arms.
This is starting to take on the tinge of revenge from him.
And, yes, I still think he was recruited to do this task.
Have read a little about the loss of Elon’s child.
Nevada Alexander Musk. Born May 18, 2002.
Ten days later, died on May 28, 2002.Likely SIDS.100%, Elon was there, AND had the infant in his arms, when Nevada passed, or shortly after passing. This detail is NOT important. The loss of the infant, Nevada, IS.Elon has massively grieved over the loss of his infant son, Nevada.Surely painful for Elon to this day.
WOW. OMG. Yeah. I’m getting this now.
There’s nothing like losing a child (even figuratively) to leftist madness. That I can tell you.
Here’s the link:
Also detailed news about the Twitter-Apple confrontation…..
This ties in to the Revolver story about Apple’s woke Trust & Safety division.
Darren asked Elon if there were any emails between Yoel Roth and the Atlantic Council.
I’ve also wondered Elon’s vax status. He appears to be awake to the big picture, including sudden deaths, damage to reproductive health, and I hope the depop agenda.
Had some very pro vax tweets.
I hope and pray he didn’t take the poison.
Agree, but…
If Elon did take the jab, and now knows he was lied to, a little more fire in his belly.
For sure.
Media is the 4th category of stakeholders in the Election Integrity Partnership. The final report doesn’t identify the media networks by name. Here’s what the graphic states:
“We did not formalize agreements with media but we engaged with interested journalists from local and national media organizations.”
See report pg. 12 (document pg. 30) for the 4 categories of stakeholders, and identity of participants in each stakeholder group. This report describes how the system worked and who was involved related to the election.
The document won’t cut and paste.
Dear Q-Treepers (it’s never a very long dull moment chez moi…sigh)
We are beginning our second week w/ our special son Josiah living with us. Please consider praying for him & us as we continue to help him work through multiple issues related to his marriage & living situation. It sounds like he wants to continue living in our home for some time & Hopes his wife will choose to join him at least some of the time. It’s quite a complicated business & we all are seeking the Lord’s wisdom & guidance so that we can help him, protect him/them, & hopefully be able to have aspects of reconciliation occur w/ the in-laws. J’s pastor is hoping to give J & his wife some marital counseling.
I greatly appreciate the many prayers that have been offered on my family’s behalf over the years! God is good & helps so much to get us through the twists & turns of life. PTL
Love & Blessings to all. Hope you Each enjoy a Wonderful Season of Light & Love
Praying for you all – right now!
Thanks Wolf! Blessings AND so thankful that you are feeling much better, as the battle, always, goes on!
Indeed, it does. Soon to be in my dreams!
Sleep well!
If one is a private person, living with someone can be quite stressful — and the dominating in-laws thing can blow things right past the boiling point. Even things like which way toilet paper comes off the roll can be irritating.
That said, I know that Josiah has a good heart and desires to build a blessed home with his bride. For that, his pastor’s marital counseling may be useful. But there are other things that can run in parallel.
I don’t know if you’ve mentioned whether Josiah can cook. If he can’t, this might be a great time to teach him — but, if he can, food was part of families before there were Christian families. Maybe he can ask the M-I-L to teach him how to cook his wife’s favorite breakfast the way mama cooks it, because this is how his wife has had it since she was a child. Practice with it until the M-I-L approves, then proudly serve it. Same with dinner. Blending families has involved blending family recipes since Homo erectus was spilling out of Africa. Giving honor to the M-I-L through learning from her might help tamp down her meddling nature.
I know this is great advice in the middle of a Michigan winter, but the couple should spend time together in Nature — possibly without words. Quiet and beauty can calm the mind and reinforce their inner bond.
With the holidays coming up, try to find ways to blend the families so that the couple can feel comfortable spending time with both, or either, or neither. Share your holiday traditions and their holiday traditions, and perhaps build new ones together.
Your families’ lives are knit together in this couple, just as families joined 10,000 years ago — long before Jesus walked the earth or the Torah was written. Many of the same problems existed then, and the Wisdom of the Ancients should not be forgotten. Breaking bread together and gestures of respect helped smooth the way back then, and should be part of your toolkit today.
And, if I’m completely full of it, feel free to ignore any parts of this comment that don’t apply.
Thank you Cthulhu. These are kind & helpful suggestions for whenever J is able to live in that other home again. He used the term “cowering in fear” about some of the interactions w/ the MIL so he’s not even close to living there right now. He’s been afraid to go back to the dwelling w/ any of us accompanying him even to pick up some more clothing, & that’s w/ most of the household out of town…
There are disability issues & mental health issues involved w/ most parties, to one degree or another, but thankfully everybody loves the Lord so we have the biblical model that we can all agree to, even if we have very different ideas on how to walk that path…
We always anticipated that J would need to live part time in our home after marriage & thought his wife Might accompany him some of the time. This was based on his personal makeup & apart from potential issues & problems arising. Frankly we were Extremely surprised that it took him that long to reach out to us.
Unfortunately he had wanted to come home a number of previous times & they wouldn’t “let” him. All his Curren family have since assured him that he can call upon Any of us at Any time & we will get him, no questions asked, which is how he came to stay here roughly a week ago. His in-laws have prevented him from being w/ our family on multiple occasions (based on what he’s shared since staying here) & his wife deleted some of his family contact info off his phone (he’s now password protected it so she can’t make further changes on his device) so it’s a little more complicated than just blending 2 very different families following an inter-cultural marriage…
There are things happening w/in his marriage that none of his relatives have any personal frame of reference for dealing with in numerous years of dating relationships, let alone marriage…we are in a live & learn & let God continue to lead us through some dark & confusing pathways situation currently…
I may have missed something. Is the other family outside of “visiting” range?
Not normally, though most are in Texas for a few more days.
Oh, this is toxic.
Please consider some counseling for your son. And please don’t send him back into this environment.
Separating a person from their support system is a classic abuser technique. The MIL is probably a narcissist, and since (I think?) your daughter-in-law is disabled, there may be some Munchausen-by-proxy-ish behavior going on here. Not MIL causing illness/disability, but thriving on it, nonetheless.
Perhaps there is an “assisted living” type facility in your area your son and his wife might consider? We have a couple here, even in our little town.
I pray your son finds peace and happiness. This is not a good situation.
Thriving on the suffering of others is an under-addressed issue, IMO. And a lot of it starts with “maternal” Munchhausen type garbage.
Suffering offers so many malignant possibilities for those malignant enough to take them, which is many IMO, and so often disguised by bogus “concern,” just like leftist politics.
I lived through it with my own mother, so l kind of know it when I see it.
Don’t get me started.
Magnificent tributes to one’s parents are magnificent, and to be encouraged and enjoyed. But they do send an additional message to so many.
Yes, they do.
Thanks Perfect Purple Person
There might be the ability, down the road, to get J & his wife in some type of supported living situation so it might just be “the happy couple” living together alone but that’s not currently on the table. My hubby is convinced that even if they lived separately the MIL would be there all the time & still controlling things.
Yes J’s wife is disabled & it appears that she & her mother are quite enmeshed emotionally. It seems from J’s view that his wife is more likely to choose her mother over him when disputes & disagreements arise. Given his FIL is Severely autistic even though he can drive (unlike J & his wife) & holds a PT job, the MIL is the Controlling power in that household.
Thanks for your thoughts & prayers! <3
Well, I am quite the (Im)perfect Purple Person, as are we all, but I feel terrible for your son.
Couldn’t pass up the alliteration
Thanks for your kind thoughts. He’s hanging in there but it’s been a rough day in multiple ways 
oh Excellent & Exemplary Eggplant <3
Lol! My “eggplant” is getting big-headed!
Cute but not possible. Big heads are only if the praise is undeserved
You’re too sweet. Thanks!
YW Hope you are having an Awesome Day, “egg-headed” eggplant
Blunt speak follows… Common Sense Is Essential, for J’s health.
Cold Day In Hell, I’d recommend anyone go back into that hellish environment.
BTW, is this the (then) future MIL, who threatened to break the couple up, if your son didn’t get the Covid Injection?
Really, really liking Aubergine’s take.
Wow KBK I forgot about that Covid crap issue. She did manipulate her daughter to take the shot before the couple went with family & friends down to Cedar Point, an amazing amusement park in Ohio. J’s then girlfriend/fiancée supposedly “knew” about the dangers of the shot (J & I had been sharing many things w/ her about it) yet still allowed herself to be “convinced” into taking it…sigh…she is a Vulnerable Adult in multiple ways…as is my son…
Keep up the Blunt Speak, it’s working! Partly why I still love you for Speaker of the House if Real POTUS passes on that gig
Praying for you all.
Thank you TT we can use all the prayer we can get
btw, I’m looking at your reply in the Bell Notifier & the column on the right to click on says “Very wise comments” (at least what I can see) but when I click on it I see “Praying for you all.”
Hopefully that was you changing/editing a comment & not WP gremlins…
Josiah can do some basic cooking & many chores around the house. Beyond what he’s familiar with he needs guidance & sometimes gets staffing support in those arenas…
To put this in perspective, my mom is in serious contention for The World’s Worst Cook. It would be very difficult for the Fiancee to try to win her over by emulating her cooking methods because (1) many of the results would be outright inedible; and (2) there is a serious problem with doing anything the same way twice.
In addition, once Josiah had mastered the M-I-L version of breakfast, there is no obligation that he ever prepare breakfast that way when he and his spouse were together (unless under observation).
I think Josiah “learn to cook like mama” visits could be very helpful in melding the families.
As long as the dumplings don’t start taking over the kitchen and attacking the cat.
LOL J’s MIL & wife are good cooks. The MIL is Mexican so her specialties seem to be in that vein. Considering his trust & fear issues are centered on the MIL that “cooking school” dynamic will likely be on hold for a bit
Wonderful, wonderful post!
Very wise comments.
This is a hard thread to watch, but it is a rather intense set of transition regret videos hosted by a regretful MTF trans. Mixed in is the problem of euthanasia, which seems to be an option for botched and regretted transitioners.
Like I said, it’s a hard watch.
It starts here.
Euthanasia should be for the doctors who performed these mutilations.
On that score… this guy has detransitioned. Did interview and I believe a book was mentioned about it. Claims his decision to trans was based off a one hour interview with shrink who put him on hormones…
Personally did not care to watch the whole thing as the subject is distasteful. However his going trans was prominent in the news cycle when it happened.
Transgender Navy SEAL Detransitions, Warns Young People About the Trans Agenda and Exposes the VA (VIDEO) GWP
He thought he would be special.
Sadly, he was more than likely chosen to be an example by the “TransMasters”
MKed in the service, probably made for an easy target.
Intense psychological manipulation is my guess, based on their intimate knowledge of his psyche gleaned from his government employment.
Oh, yeah – these special services types are deeply scrutinized. Somebody at some hidden level thought they could pull this off and tried.
I’ll bet you’re right.
“Claims his decision to trans was based off a one hour interview with shrink who put him on hormones…”
So I’m guessing he didn’t do so well in the SEAL P.O.W. training courses having to do with resistance to enemy brainwashing if captured…
1 hour, and they had him convinced he was a woman trapped in a man’s body…
That is why I say this brainwash tech is like something out of the future.
The brainwash likely happened at night, when he thought he was just sleeping. Not sure how much programming was needed, but when it was done, everything else would have been a facade.
It’s all lies. He has no clue.
But if it’s a real thing, and it’s really that effective, and it can be done passively to someone without their knowledge, in their sleep, then why use it on people like this guy, when you could zap your opponents at will?
Take a whole list of conservatives in the national spotlight, and make them all bat*&^% crazy, the men outing themselves as women and vice versa.
They could live the dream of making all of their perceived enemies self-immolate and destroy their capacity to be influencers, and demoralize conservatives in one fell swoop.
It would be irresistible to the hive mind, wouldn’t it?
One has to do this slowly and under the disguise of plausible deniability. Ten years ago when they did this to him how many people were thinking it was him being MKED?
Just like everything that the leftist/ progressive/ CCP do, it’s slowly done until they can step back and watch it manifests into society.
I’m pretty sure I have written here about my son’s ex-girlfriend, who decided she was “non-binary” and took up with a man who thought he was a woman, thus ending her relationship with my son, but I don’t think I said much about the man she took up with.
The “trans” person was accused by his ex-girlfriend of sexually molesting their child, prior to his coming into the picture. He was being investigated for this. I think his shame and fear led him to the “trans” thing. Or maybe he was pretending. It didn’t seem that way, though; it appeared to me that he had some sort of “break” after he molested his child, and “discarded” his manhood as a way of avoiding his sin.
Anyway, after a year or so in the relationship with my son’s ex, the “trans” committed suicide in their home. Which makes sense, as no surface transformation could ever erase his past.
I think the trauma of that whole thing “woke up” the ex-girlfriend, as she now has an actual hetero relationship and a baby! I hope she has gotten a lot of therapy. She sure needed it.
All of this is really to say that, much like “Aubergine’s Rule of Gays” as Wolf calls it, applies to homosexuality, I think it probably applies to trans people, too. There is some trauma in these people’s life that they can’t deal with, and it manifests in this way right now, because TPTB are supporting and encouraging it. Even celebrating it. But transing oneself can’t erase the past, it can only paper it over, which is why so many of them commit suicide.
Childhood trauma surrounds us, living in adults, but is never addressed as an issue which ought to be addressed. Instead, it is exploited by cruel and evil people.
“But transing oneself can’t erase the past, it can only paper it over, which is why so many of them commit suicide.”
Not only that, it creates a new present, which soon then becomes a new past.
If they think the old past was bad, just imagine how bad the new past is going to be, when all their friends say “Remember that time when you thought you had turned into a girl… uh… WTH was that all about, Joe?” every time they get together.
You’re being way too sensible.
Yeah. Sick all the way around.
Definitely think you’re right about this!
Sometimes it sucks to be right.
Death would be a very natural inclination for those who were tricked into this evil hoax.
In the interests of accuracy…
“The [Q-5]th of [Q-7]ember, 2022”
shouldn’t that be “[Q-5]ember”?
THAT is the subtle point!
SEPT (7) ember
OCT (8) ober
NOV (9) ember
DEC (10) ember
The names of the months are in an “off by two” error, relative to the current scheme.
This is a “Steve” point! Very glad that somebody other than him noticed!
Yes, weren’t those perhaps Latin pre- (prefixes?) words (I’m literally having a brain fart & can’t remember the word for the beginning syllable for a word–sigh). I can’t remember if the months were shifted in the Gregorian calendar shift that gets discussed in genealogy, iirc. There was one year in the 1600’s where much of the West shifted the date by like 2 weeks to make up for the sun cycle that hadn’t been compensated for by “leap years” for a bit (at least that’s how I Think it went)…I bet Steve or Aubergine could wax eloquent on that topic…among So Many things!
That was the kindest “you idiot” reply there Pack Leader! LOL I remain the dumbest kid in Any Q-Tree room
Nah, don’t think that! We’re all “children of God” – in more ways than one!!!
No such thing! They were reading into his words so they had an excuse to ban him.
(EDIT: Meant to post this under the new incoming tweets.
Me two.
Me for!
“slow guy” (NOT) has spoken
Can I join the club?
Yep. At one point the Roman year began in March.
August was once called “Sextilis” and July “Quinctilis” too so the numbering started with 5. Julius and Augustus Caesar managed to get months renamed in their honor.
This is a Great Way to start the new week so Thanks Much, Wolf! but I gotta say that following the WGTT’s link was disappointing for I was hoping the term would be explained & that one video would be there…that reminds me of the girly mag my mom was so offended by 31 years ago when my boyfriend came to Michigan to ask for my hand in marriage/seek the blessing–“Jiggling Jugs”. We mentioned this incident to Mom on Saturday & she had no recollection but it lives in Curren family “infamy”
Pretty sure WGTTs means Weapons Grade Ta Ta’s & only the guys are Really qualified to say what lives up to that standard
Every female that has WGTTs knows exactly what they are and what effect they have.
& the ones that don’t know it too
WGTTs are initially in the eye of the beholder, but everyone can see the resulting brain rot. If you think your TT’s aren’t WG, you may just not have found the right beholder.
that wasn’t a personal comment,,,necessarily 
*blush* My comment wasn’t meant to be read as personal to you. As a general matter, one cannot assess how WG certain TTs are before seeing someone go stupid about them — and different people will go stupid about different TTs.
That is the gift that keeps giving, or to quote my father (in a Very atypical pronouncement I’ve never forgotten) “Sex makes the world go round!”
And speaking of pulchritudinous things…
Song of Solomon 7: 6-9
How beautiful you are and how pleasing,
my love, with your delights!
Your stature is like that of the palm,
and your breasts like clusters of fruit.
I said, “I will climb the palm tree;
I will take hold of its fruit.”
May your breasts be like clusters of grapes on the vine,
the fragrance of your breath like apples,
and your mouth like the best wine.
WGTTs were in the Creator’s design manual!
Any system that fails to recognize that life arises from life is a death cult.
Amen “who calls that livin’ when no gal will give in to no man who lived 900 years!”
If Song of Solomon was the first book in the Bible, it would be in most of the ‘woke’ school libraries.
LOL You’re probably right about that
True. For instance, LOTS of guys just love the phony semi-spherical, half-a-basketball style, which many women get, and I cannot understand.
Occasionally in my life a guy has said “Look at that pair”” and my unspoken reaction was: yeah, but she weighs 300 pounds.
Every man to his taste, so to speak.
Not enamored of fake. Done well they can look good, but what you describe is not done well.
There are circumstances under which fake can be an improvement (e.g., post mastectomy, or they’re greatly different sizes), but those are exceptional.
Yes, WGTTs means “Weapons Grade Ta Tas”, but there is a subtle reason that only guys can initially assess this.
Ta Tas become “weapons grade” when they cause men to go dangerously stupid. They can be large, they can be small; they can be still or moving; they can be directly seen, or inferred; they can be willingly shown or secretly glimpsed….
The classic example (IIRC) was Brad Parscale, who did great IT work for VSGPOTUSDJT’s 2016 campaign and election. He got distracted by some WGTTs and seemingly forgot that he had continuing responsibilities. Mind you, the WGTTs that distracted him were not necessarily to every man’s taste, but they were the ones that rotted HIS mind. Once he was affected, everyone could see that they were WGTTs.
Love it!

not the one I was looking for, but ish…
Pssst. Rabbit motivated by more than jus them ta ta’s.
LOL as it should be <3
Yup. It’s the ears…
A mystery of life how it all works, but it DOES work.
“As for Fauci, he lied to Congress and funded gain-of-function research that killed millions of people. Not awesome imo.”
If that guy has enough followers on Tweeter, that red pill might actually get some traction.
My wife has Fox on. Steve Doocey just said: members of the Trump administration were meeting with Twitter to address misinformation.
Literally true, I suppose, but WOW. Twisting the imposition of government censorship on Trump.
Well, that’s the problem. Everyone on the left can say “but Trump was President!”
True. And we don’t have enough people explaining that there is a HUGE segment of government embedded like ticks in the system. Trump literally COULD NOT fire many of them.
“Trump literally COULD NOT fire many of them.” Overlooked by many Trump critics on the right…sometimes intentionally.
Oh, yes. They use it to bash him, but he could do nothing about it.
Verse of the Day for Monday, December 12, 2022
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”
Ephesians 3:20 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
I love the Unz Review, and revere Unz for his willingness to publish points of view from anyone, as long as the writer has a valid basis for his pov. Valid does NOT mean correct, it means sufficient allegedly credible evidence to warrant further inquiry, or at least warrant reasoned refutation. In fact, a lot of what Unz publishes is repugnant to various people for various reasons.
For instance, Unz has published several articles from a person who argues (and gives evidence) that Latin was/is a manufactured language like Esperanto; that the “Middle Ages” and the history of “ancient Rome” were contemporaneous; and that the widely accepted stages of history in general are wrong (e.g., there was no mysterious centuries of darkness preceding the blooming of Greek culture). Crazy, maybe, but read the articles and they posit things which DO challenge conventional belief.
This is all very interesting because Unz has always struck me as a very conventional conservative, a very intelligent and well-informed man skeptical of anything but the official story. He himself says so.
That is why his column today is so interesting. It is a long read (20 minutes?) but IMO well worth it. In a sense, Unz is catching up with what people on this site have known for a long time. Also, by the way he expresses it, both the FBI and the media have been imposing false reality on us for a long, long time. That is NOT his contention, that is one of many things I took away from the column.
That is one of the major problems of loss of trust in public institutions. By necessity you must begin to question everything “official”. It leads to speculation of all kinds. Some of which are improbable by mere statistical considerations. History is one of those fields of study that will be turned on its head. Science is another I am sure cthulhu, Wolf, or one or other of our academic professionals can verify that data can be massaged into a credible conclusion. Just refer to the history of nutrition science. Baker’s Rule # 63: Data is putty, sometimes silly putty.
“That is one of the major problems of loss of trust in public institutions. By necessity you must begin to question everything “official”.”
That began for me with Clinton.
When I saw so many of the adults around me buy into the ‘compartmentalization’ BS, I lost trust in most of the adults around me, because there was something wrong with their brains.
My parents would have laughed in my face if I had tried the ‘compartmentalization’ ploy as a child to escape accountability for something I did, or to argue that just because I did something wrong ‘over here’, didn’t mean it should have any affect or relationship to what I do ‘over there’. Those things are separate, they’re unrelated, they’re ‘compartmentalized‘, see?
It’s ludicrous. It’s insultingly stupid. My parents would have grounded me for a month for even trying to claim anything so stupid as a defense. They’d have been disappointed in me, that I couldn’t do any better than that, when the bar for BS in our family was so much higher than that
Then just a few short years later, the POTUS was doing it, the media was excusing it, and many of these same adults (not including my parents) accepted it without blinking an eye.
I was old enough to remember Jonestown, so I knew the ‘purple Kool-Aid’ reference from when it was brand new.
I don’t know where the adults during the Clinton administration got the Kool-Aid, or what color it was, but they drank a *&^%-ton of it.
Clinton was a nightmare, and his wife is some kind of demon possessed lunatic, like some sick twisted amalgamation of every negative quality a woman could possibly possess.
But it was Hussein who ended all trust in government.
He was openly, transparently and actively opposed to everything about America. Every single thing he did, without exception, was harmful to America.
And it was obvious that he was doing it on purpose, because if he wasn’t doing it on purpose, then at least every once in a while he would have done something good for America, if only by accident. But that never happened.
It was always one-way, and it was always bad.
And he can’t be held accountable soon enough (or long enough) for it.
I agree with all of this. ^^^^
In reality, all one needs to do is make lists. One list has the things that politicians, corporate leaders and the MSM told us were true and factual that actually are and were. Then make another list of what are and were not. Add receipts – they are available for all items on each list.
It is astounding the level of falsehood and evil that is involved.
It has infected every corner of our nation and lives.
Wear the belt of truth.
“One list has the things that politicians, corporate leaders and the MSM told us were true and factual that actually are and were.”
I’ll compile that one.
There you go.
BTW, thank you for this link.
Looks like we got a study that shows all these heart issues are not from covid. That leaves the jibby jab.
“Oh shit. We got big problems.”
— lefty propaganda think tank
Well there’s a bit of inconvenient truth for the crazed jab devils.
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome strikes again!
It’s like the Mystery of the Pink Panther, except Chief Inspector Clouseau is nowhere to be found
You’d think people would want to know and figure out what this new SADS killer is, that’s sweeping the globe wherever china virus vaxx is prevalent.
Try to imagine a scenario, before Covid, where young and healthy people, including lots of athletes, were dropping like flies for no apparent reason.
Now try to imagine nobody in media would be curious about that, or that everyone would just shrug it off.
There’s not even a chance that would happen. It would be treated like a Stephen King movie by the media.
Headlines everywhere would say things like “Is Armageddon Upon Us?”, “Has the Rapture Begun with Athletes?”, “10 Steps You Can Take Today to Avoid SADS”, “Does God Hate Sports?”, “Save Your Child’s Life by Forbidding them to Become Athletes”, “Is this the End of the World As We Know It?!?” and on and on and on.
There would be no end to the sensationalism. Nancy Grace would start a new TV show. Greta Van Sustern would go back to the woods with Ted Williams to search for the bones of other athletes who died suddenly.
Al Sharpton would blame SADS on the white devil and demand reparations, and Geraldo would cover the whole sordid mess with his peculiar brand of sleaze.
It would be like the ‘anthrax scare’ times infinity, because unlike anthrax, there would be no known cause and the victims would be seemingly ‘random’ and worldwide.
But instead, there are only crickets…
Why is that?
The only reason that makes any sense is because unless it’s just total coincidence that SADS coincides with the aftermath of Covid and only affects the vaxxed, they already know what causes SADS, just like everybody else with a functioning brain knows, and they have a vested interest in covering it up.
And anyone can know they’re covering it up, because there is a total news BLACKOUT, it’s not even mentioned as a possibility that the vaxx is responsible for the hilariously named SADS.
The terms ‘SADS’ itself is a giant slap-in-your-face clue that we’re being punked, because there was never any such thing in the entire history of mankind as Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, not even in a Monty Python movie — not until china virus vaxx came along.
Next they’ll tell us with a straight face that Fauxi’s wife’s name is Incontinentia.
Incontinentia Buttocks.
And people will believe it, too.
And you thought it was just a joke name…
Another dies suddenly. 44 yo.
Co-Founder of Leading Animal Rescue Organizations Chad Atkins Dies Suddenly from “Heart Failure” While at Home
Doggie loves playing the piano and “singing” — for heaven’s sake, humans, get the piano tuned!
REO Speedwagon says you can tune a piano.
But you can’t Tuna Fish?
That’s their story, and they’re sticking with it
Some will win, some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues...
Don’t stop Believing
The comments are glorious, they’re taking Elton to the woodshed.
Ran into what may be a huge discovery on that thread. Could be fake, but could be very real.
Sure does look like the same guy. Remeber Nasty had her daughter filming inside at the same time. And SIL outside. Why not include Paulie’s partner too?
Here is an article with the photos. There are also other photos that appear to show that the “photographer” photo was taken in San Francisco.
I think the article has it right. This is not a Jan 6 photo.
“The comments are glorious, they’re taking Elton to the woodshed.”
Woodshed could be his new name.
Woodshed is travelin’ tonight on a plane
I can see the red tail lights,
Headin’ for Spain
Oh, and…
I can see Woodshed wavin’ goodbye
God, it looks like Woodshed
Must be the clouds in my eyes…
Looks like a DJT happening. Keep in mind that this guy was almost murdered while campaigning so this girl’s tears make total sense.
People are SCARED of communism taking over. And they have a RIGHT to be scared of communism. Allied with cartels, criminals, satanists and pedophiles.
Wonderful to see. People of Brazil are an inspiration.
Sorry to be posting late this morning* – see below.
ALPHABET ADVENT CALENDAR – ABCs of GOD – Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. – Acts 4:12
A – Adonai, Almighty, Alpha, Ancient of Days, Advocate, Able, Avenger, Abba, Authority, Anointed, All-knowing, All-powerful, All-seeing, Author and Finisher of our Faith, Angel of the Lord, Abiding, All in All, Apostle, Altogether Lovely, Anchor for our souls.
B – Bread of Life, Bread of Heaven, Bread of Sincerity and Truth, Balm of Gilead, Beginning and End, Breath of Life, Builder of the Church, Beloved, Beautiful, Blessed, Brother, Bishop of Souls, Beginning, Burden Bearer, Bright and Morning Star, Brightness of His Glory, Bridegroom, the final and true Blood Sacrifice, Baptizer
C – Christ, Creator, Comforter, Chief Cornerstone, Counsellor, Chastiser, Carpenter, Consuming Fire, Compassion, Conquerer of sin, evil, death, Courageous, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, Covert from the tempest, Consolation of Israel, Champion of fatherless, children, women, poor, sick, helpless, oppressed, persecuted.
D – Divine, Deliverer, Defender, Dunamis (power), Door of the Sheep, Dwelling place, Delight, Despised and rejected by men, Divider of wheat from chaff, sheep from goats, Desire of nations, Dayspring from on high, Diadem of beauty,
E – Elohim, El-Shaddai, Emmanuel, Eternal, Ever-present, Edifier, Exalted, Elect Stone, Enduring Love, Eternal Life, Everlasting Father, Ensign of the people,
F – Father, Faithful, Friend, Fortress, First and Last, Foundation, For us, Forerunner, First born, Forgiver, Fairer than the children of men, Finisher of our Faith, Fountain of Life, Fragrance of Life, Freedom, Food indeed, Fulfillment of prophesies, promises, hunger, thirst, desires, needs.
G – GOD manifest in Christ’s human form – GOD who sees, speaks, hears, listens, acts, loves, rescues, redeems, regenerates, sanctifies, transforms, delivers, saves to the uttermost! – Good, Gracious, Giver, Gift, Gentle, Great, Gatherer, Glorious, Governor, Great Light.
H – Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, High and Lifted Up, High Priest, Hope, Home, Healer, Helper, Humble and Lowly of Heart, Heir of all things, Head of Every man, Hidden Manna, Horn of Salvation, Hiding Place, He that shall come, Husband, Hero, Highest, Holy One of Israel
I – I AM WHO I AM, Intercessor, Infinite, Invincible, Indivisible, Immeasurable, Instructor, Ikon of Love, Truth, Life, Man, Humanity, (the only true, unchanging, holy fixed) Identity, Image of GOD,
J – Jesus, Jehovah, JHWH, Jehovah Jireh (our provider), The Just One, Righteous Judge of the Quick and the Dead, Justifier, our Justification, our Joy.
K – King of Kings, Keeper of Israel, Kinsman Redeemer, Kindness, Kyrie (Lord), our Keddesh (sanctifier)
L – Lord GOD, Lord of Lords, Lord of Hosts, Logos (The Word), Lamb of God without spot or blemish, Lover of our souls, Lamb slain, Liberty, Lawgiver, Living Word, Living Water, Living Bread, Living Stone, the Last Adam, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Lily of the Valley, Light of Israel
M – Master, Messiah, Maker, Mighty, Mercy, Meek, Manna, Model, Miracle Worker, Marvelous, Majesty, The Man, Maturer (helps us to mature and grow) Mine Elect, Man of Sorrows, Messenger of the Covenant, Minister of the Circumcision,
N – Name above all names, Never forsaking, Never failing, Newness of Life, Near, Nazarene, Only Name under Heaven by which we may be saved, Nail fastened in a sure place,
Original Post May 2021 –
Explanation Why an Alphabet Advent Calendar –
Note – Day 14 – This is a work in progress – and new Names may be added to the previous lists as we go along.
*Left for home early to pick up necessities I left and needed, without turning on computer this morning. Sally’s Dad arrive home safely. He is doing well – thanks for your prayers. Walking on eggshells with my family. Please pray for peace, understanding, discernment and wisdom.
Sending Good Energy and Deep Wisdom your way.
More interesting (sick) things….
Here’s a link to download this thing, as the left tries to get rid of it.
U Penn already took it down.
Apparently they don’t want potential students’ parents to see what a U Penn Ph.D is worth versus what they would pay to get one.
Rudy let’s everyone know what we’ve been pretty much thinking about these people.
From the above:
HA! OMG. Pompeo buried it, too. FACEPALM.
All he is is dust in the wind.
Well. It could be…
“Trust Kansas to do the complete wrong thing.”
You never know.
Are you surprised? Well, shame on you if you are.
Slow guy also surprised. But not ashamed. Jus slow.
IIRC, OAN was the only one backing Rudy. They did countless hours of interviews w/ Rudy and the Ukranian whistleblowers that spilled the beans on PERVOTUS when he got the UKR prosecutor fired and Hunter’s Burisma Board scam. This was all right before the laptop came to light offering moar proof. Of course MSM didn’t report on that either. Hannity DID report on that, giddily showing the ‘Well son of a Bitch!’ video repeatedly.
Uh – Oh – Target is a target – aka BLM still looting.
Target, $TGT, Chief Financial Officer Michael Fiddelke said shoplifting has jumped about 50% year over and year, leading to more than $400 million in losses in this fiscal year alone.
Those thinking just put in armed guards to solve this as a common sense solution. The insurance company is going, no. Too much liability.
Five-fingered welfare.
Some of them are using ten fingers.
Need Law Enforcement, Prosecutors and Judges to step in and clean up the stores and streets.
$0r0$ has done his damndest to stop law and order, traditional morality, Christian values, etc.
IF I WERE PRESIDENT – IIWP – $0r0$ would be persona non gratis and exiled forever, plus his US assets seized and put in a fund for crime victimS and their orphans/widows, families.
If I were President, he’d get a bag over his head and a one-way flight to either Hungary or Russia.
Strapped to the deck of the slowest, noisiest C-130.
H/T –
Natalie Winters from WarRoom:
Hope she’s not talking about those people behind her, LOL!
I believe she is …being sarcastic!
Now I’m confused as could be. But, Natalie looks great!
Wow! Thanks for posting.
Head to foot, Natalie is a hottie. I’d never know it, having only seen Bannon interviewing Natalie.
(OK. I’ll stop gawking at Natalie…moving on.)
There has been discussion here about Chris Beck, the Navy seal who “transitioned” and back, and para59r linked to an article. There is also an interview of Chris and his fiancee that I’ve been watching. It’s three hours long. The fiancee in particular has keen insights into the mindset of those who get lured into this deception. I think what people have said here applies, especially Aubergine’s Rule of Gays.
Beck’s fiancee outlines the polarity in our society and the psychology of the people who hate us. People in the trans community have issues leading them in that direction. Then they are validated and encouraged, with accompanying disdain for anyone who doesn’t embrace their lifestyle. But it’s more than that. The trans people are so impaired, feel so beaten up, and have so many issues that have not been addressed that they see themselves as needing to help others in their same situation. And they see anyone who does not go along with that as lacking compassion, not understanding them, and being hostile to their suffering. Children/teens separate from their families, who “don’t understand” them, and get into support groups which become their substitute family and perpetuate the feeling of suffering and isolation. We are seen as the enemy because we are not reaching out to validate them and others like them. This insight into the mindset seems important. This woman is very concerned about the division in our society.
This damaged person has gotten far more attention than he should have. It reminds me of the old sideshows of the 19th century traveling circuses, where the ‘freaks’ were prominently displayed for the gawking public as long as they had a dime to get in.
He is so regretful about interviews he gave during his “transition” time and how they might influence people. He wants people to know what a mistake that was and to keep others from going down that path. His fiancee has very good insight into the mindset of “transitioners.”
Have really not looked at the SEAL guy, IT, guess guy again. Smells like he made stoopid choices and wants to cash in $$$.
Shit like this bores me. Delving into it, disgusts me. So I don’t. Blissfully content, no little to nothing about it.
The Branch Covidians are upset lol
OMG, this guy is SO red-pilled! LMAO!!!
It is glorious!
Yeah, when he swallowed Twitter whole, he got the BIG red-pill. The most expensive red-pill in history.
Apparently not too expensive for him to afford. Seeing how he is making and getting a lot of mileage out of it.
Here’s an article from Politico, posted on October 30, 2020, a week before the election:
It’s author, Garrett Graff, at the time of publication was the Chairman of the Board of the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) an organization chartered by Congress after WW2.
The NCoC is listed as a civil society stakeholder of the Stanford Freeman-Spogli Institute’s Election Integrity Partnership.
Stakeholders of the Partnership could issue tickets identifying “disinformation” for suggested censorship, according to the Partnership’s final report.
On Oct 31, 2020 a video attributed to VICE and allegedly produced by Garrett Graff was posted online, with its own hashtag
and began to circulate on Twitter.
Here’s a link to the video:
And a reddit account allegedly attributed to Garrett Graff:
The reddit account provides a link to the video. The video is still posted with a VICE logo and has more than 16M views and more than 2200 comments.
Here’s an excerpt from Graff’s Politico article published on October 40, 2020:
…”In interviews, historians, government legal experts, national security leaders and people close to the administration have a prediction that will disquiet his critics: The Trump Era is unlikely to end when the Trump presidency ends. They envision a post-presidency as disruptive and norm-busting as his presidency has been—one that could make his successor’s job much harder. They outline a picture of a man who might formally leave office only to establish himself as the president-for-life amid his own bubble of admirers—controlling Republican politics and sowing chaos in the U.S. and around the world long after he’s officially left office.”…
^^^ Trash thrown at Trump, in fact is hussein, the past ~six years.
November and December’s numbers!
12/12/22 – 1564 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1078 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
12/10/22 – 1555 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1070 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
12/4/22 – 1525 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1047 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
11/27/22 – 1520 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1043 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
11/22/22 – 1502 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1029 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
11/15/22 – 1485 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1014 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
11/12/22 – 1461 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 995 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
11/6/22 – 1451 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 990 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
11/4/22 – 1430 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 976 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

Dorsey fell to his own inside woke mob.
(Bari is a dream tweeter compared to Shellenberger!)
AND That’s a wrap.
Thank you for bringing all this,
Yes, ditto.
“Came to view him”??? In other words, their emotions ruled the day and they made stuff up. Twitter twerps removing MY president! How dare they! This decision affected the entire country and the world, IMO. (Don’t ask me how I really feel, LOL.)
INCOMING! is what we yell in this house when my sister drives up to the curb.
Translation: It’s pretty obvious we’re going to need to claim he’s trying to thread the needle of incitement, so the best way to go about that is to claim that’s what’s happening.
Everything i expect out of the Frisco / Bay Area crowd.
Duchess shared this at Marica’s, the straightforward truth…
Gettin’ spicy!
Why Strange Clots Form After mRNA Jabs, Treatments to Consider (
An great opener!
Was down in the kitchen for the start of Special Report on Fox.
They led with the Twitter Files. Not snarky, just info.
Yes, I do believe in miracles.
Die Hard FBI – YouTube
Ironic given what we know today.
I nominate the phrase “limited hangout” for next Monday’s Word of the Week.
Example A:
Yes, it’s only “a handful of people at a private company” that are the real problem here and totally not the behind-the-scenes government handlers using the platform to suppress political opposition.
Related. SD coming around to what I’ve said since April 2022 that this is all a commercial for a Twitter rebrand (with likely long-term plans to create an “everything” app, i.e. WeChat clone).
I’ve been suspecting all along, based on the picture Taibbi painted in the first drop, that this was the goal.
So long as government involvement is redacted, this is going to be excused as the actions of a few people at a private company…and therefore not a constitutional violation.
Shortly after Elon floated buying TW, he suggested releasing an All In One app.
The Microchip Merchant straight up said his goal was to make a Chinese WeChat clone.
Here’s what WeChat is:
My theory—and admittedly, this works from either a black hat or white hat angle—is that the US intelligence agencies/MIC are big mad that Americans are increasingly moving to social media platforms outside of the US government’s control. Think Chinese TikTok, Telegram (Middle Eastern?), and smaller ones like Gab. The MIC realized that they needed to drop the bullshit with Twitter or continue losing control to foreign and/or uncontrolled platforms. Getting Americans back on their preferred platform and under their control is a greater priority to them at this point that they are willing to sacrifice the open child porn market and the useful idiots running it. Especially, from a black hat angle, if the long-term goal is turn Twitter into an “everything” app to be used for surveillance and social credit scores.
Interesting take. Easily fits.
It’s well timed DRIP DRIP DRIP of info, and done in a way that cannot be ignored.
I’m still sticking to Elon being a recruited player for this purpose. SD and Anon Conservative are letting their biases blind them to the possibilities.
I am too.
However, that does not mean that Bari Weiss does not have outside string pullers—all of a sudden no mention of government involvement in the Trump ban process does raise red flags with me.
Perhaps those blanks are to be filled in later. I will exercise a bit of patience.
Remaining on the fence.
Elon releases are doing well.
However, all too often the releases smack of watering down government involvement. AND, we really MUST see personal names within TW, Feds, etc. For Fed schmucks, we need names, email, text…all correspondence. Face-to-face meeting information.
WE gotta have it all. ALL.
The day we see arrests, indictments, etc., then I’ll climb down from the fence.
I am fairly confident we’ll see CP and Covid stuff in the detail necessary. FauXi was telegraphed clearly.
It doesn’t matter what any of those attorneys doing the release say. They do not control the narrative. The horse is out of the barn, and all conservatives, at least, can see that the government was controlling and influencing the speech on Twitter.
Here is the statement in context:
She is making a distinction between executives vs. “a handful of people” (i.e., Twitter twerps) exerting their influence. She did not say that’s all it’s about. She had just made the important and surprising discovery that it was a few relatively unknown people who made those momentous decisions.
This does not discount that 3-letter agencies were influencing the “handful of people” to do what they did.
Now, if she writes an article that tries to convince us that that’s all it’s about, that will be revealing about her. But it still will not change what we already know and have seen with our own eyes.
SD apparently believes that Musk is controlling what the attorneys say. I think the attorneys are being extremely careful not to bring the weight of the DOJ and 3-letter agencies down on their heads, as well as not to do anything that might interfere with future lawsuits and prosecutions. And Musk might well have told them to be careful about that.
We have the biggest reveal in ages, and I don’t understand the need to cast doubt on it. The material speaks for itself. I don’t know of anyone who has hailed Musk as the new hero who needs no vetting. I’m grateful for what Musk is doing, even if it turns out that his motives are not the ones that I would have, because information is power.
Yes, we have been having the greatest release supporting our position.
Truth is, it is still an uphill battle of sorts. We must have names, dates, emails, texts, meeting notes, etc. Gotta have that stuff to iron clad PROVE wrong doing. Gotta have arrests, prosecutions and convictions.
Having hook line and sinker, taken the bait for ~five years, the White Hats are in charge… Trust the plan, movie, script…while America increasingly swirls the bowl, I’m a hell of a lot more cautious, before declaring victory.
Am I in SD corner, accepting his position? Nope.
I agree. Not all information was released. I’m trying to imagine what the consequences would be, both now and for future lawsuits and/or criminal prosecutions, if the names we want were released now. I honestly don’t know what the implications would be; I just imagine that it could put roadblocks in front of investigations.
This, always!
Thinking we are actually in sync.
I’m not saying everything has to come out now. But is ALL must come out.
Then I, perhaps we, can declare victory of sorts.
Especially in this last drop of Twitter files, seems to be damage control and mitigation going on. We shall see how this all pans out.
‘Limited hangout’ indeed!
Once back in US custody, Sam did NOT commit suicide.
Funny how they arrested him the day before he was supposed to testilie.
Funny how that works…muzzle that guy!
I love learning new words.
White House goes to war with Marjorie Taylor Greene over saying she would have ‘won’ January 6 | Daily Mail Online
Mocking accusations that she and ex-Trump adviser Steve Bannon were responsible for organizing last year’s riot at the U.S. Capitol, Greene said: ‘If Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, it would’ve been armed.’
That’s how to do it.
Call them out every time they even look in your direction, go all in, over the top.
Every time they take a shot at you, return fire on multiple targets of opportunity, and keep doing it.
Keep mocking and humiliating them until they learn the cost/benefit ratio for attacking you isn’t worth it.
Then mock and humiliate them for running away.
Then mock them for being afraid to come out of their spider holes.
Offense, offense, offense.
You must be a hammer because you keep nailing things.
You just reminded me of something I hadn’t thought about in a long time!
In the late 1990s or very early 2000s, I first started posting on, back when it seemed like only about 50 regulars posted there.
Some Lefty posted a typical Leftist reply to one of my comments, so I unloaded on him.
One of those long posts, where I systematically destroyed every point he made.
Then some other guy called me a “Troll Hammer”, or said “You’re a troll hammer” or words to that effect.
I didn’t know what that meant, and I figured he was attacking me, so I went after him next. I don’t remember his exact reply, but it was something like ‘No, wait, I’m on your side, I’m a moderator. Troll Hammer is a good thing!‘
Notice the TDS, they used every term but Trump’s.
Biden’s non-binary nuclear waste worker Sam Brinton LEAVES job | Daily Mail Online
President Joe Biden‘s non-binary nuclear waste official has left the administration.
Sam Brinton, 35, has been laid off from his Department of Energy job after he was accused of stealing luggage in two separate incidents.
Department of Energy spokesperson said on Monday evening: ‘Sam Brinton is no longer a DOE employee. By law, the Department of Energy cannot comment further on personnel matters.’
If he could just return the Vera Bradley….
That stuff is expensive.
What has become of you?
“Sam Brinton, 35, has been laid off from his Department of Energy job after he was accused of stealing luggage in two separate incidents.”
So it takes two blatant crimes for twinkle toes to get sacked.
In the Biden/Hussein Crime Family, the first felony the public finds out about is always a Mulligan.
“By law, the Department of Energy cannot comment further on personnel matters.’ ”
Yeah, ’cause you’re all about the law,
’bout the law,
(no treble!)
The FIB, State, CIA, and DHS files are still missing. Perhaps they are on the other side of that big ice chunk.
We are gonna need a bigger iceberg.
Oooh, tough guy.
He’s mocking you, Texas.
It’s like a skyscraper being engulfed in flames, and this jackass isn’t about to send anyone to the rescue.
But if two or three more skyscrapers burn down, he will think about starting to issue building code violation citations.
His chinese handlers must be laughing their asses off.
Typical phony kabuki.
Well, since the Border Patrol has stated that for every encounter with an illegal that they make, three more slip in — so, 16,000 x 3 = 48,000 actual illegals, counting the ones who get in via unmanned / open areas of the border.
They’re barely even getting started.
It will be 500,000 a day soon.
A million a day by spring.
By June, it should be 5,000,000 per day.
Why wouldn’t it be?
Who’s going to stop them?
Who is going to do anything, at all, about anything?
The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters.
Well, that answers that question.
Perhaps Elon Musk realizes that he himself has the possibility in his own body for “vaccine”-engendered injury, illness, or death?
If he does, he sure missed a golden opportunity to drive another nail into Pfizer & Moderna’s coffins.
It’s coming.
Betting Elon knows.
Hoping Elon goes Pfizer and Moderna jugular.
It’s coming.
This evening, I was able to pay my $8 for a blue bird from my iMac without an iPhone. Definitely worth the price of all the fun and entertainment.
Oh, that’s excellent! What did you need?
Brazil. Going side ways…? (Serere is against Lula and Supreme Court Judge Moraes ordered his arrest.)
GWP- BREAKING: Police Violently Assault and Arrest Indigenous Protest Leader Sererê in Brazil – His Wife Begs Authorities for Assistance! Protesters Surround Police Station! – VIDEO
Evil never just goes away peacefully, it never gives up without a fight, because evil uses pawns and dupes to do all their fighting for them.
The old “Let’s you and him fight!” routine.
It’s at least somewhat surprising the chi-com / WEFfen-SS didn’t reserve the name ‘Trust and Safety Council‘ for the death squads.
I can’t believe it! Poso sees exactly how this is linked to the ChiComs in a way that I never did, but DAYUM – confirmation!
Tail end of this clip, for those who have not gone to the linked article.
Ha. Im sure its not out of the picture.
“At this time, I rescind my endorsement of Chairwoman McDaniel,”
Nothing strikes terror into the heart of darkness like a rescission.
They wont do it unless theyre certain shes going to be gone.
Jus for grins, sent another email to the three NV GOP schmucks, I emailed last week. In those emails I asked, (wording was more like, telling) them to support Harmeet.
Today’s email asked them who the NV GOP was going to support for GOP Chair.
I included headline from each, NE, TX and AZ NOT supporting Ronna.Guessing I’ll get more cold shoulder, (ignored) from NV GOP. I’ll follow up in a few days, if nothing heard.
You gave them a nudge at least. Pop the bubble.
Our gop is the worst. Years ago, prob 20 yrs, i called and talked to a gop guy who was stunned that i said if you arent responsive to the voters i wont vote for you and dimms will win. And here we are.
Is that a white rabbit?
Maybe Elon really is Q.
Man, things are getting interesting.
He’s totally red-pilled at this point. OMG.
It’s pretty amazing what is happening.
Meanwhile, Eeyore over at CTH is intent on pissing on my parade.
I guess we’ll see what happens.
Let’s cut to the chase – None of these Twitter Files include slam dunk evidence for lawsuits
Elon is probably withholding the “smoking guns” showing gov’t involvement b/c Twitter would face a flood of lawsuits from people targeted by the gov’t with Twitter acting as a joint state actor
How do I know this? B/c I already have some of these emails from a Judicial Watch FOIA request and am in litigation against Twitter
There are *thousands* more so let’s see how truly transparent Elon wants to be
Translate post
Posted on 2:33 PM · Dec 12th, 2022
Thanks! I made sure Sundance saw this!
Covid was not his first rodeo.
One of my biggest red pills, and I’m still thanking you for it!!!
Aw, gee…..
32 tweets in thread. Shows data AI was looking for to put labels on or remove tweets.
Lots MOAR……
SD has posted, Bill Barr is working with Bari Weiss.Splains the watered down Fed angle in TW releases.
Next, fully expect to read, Bill Barr has a desk at Lawfare. /s
Bill Barr wrote an article on Bari Weiss’s news site. He might be “working with her” on the Twitter release, or he might have just contributed an article that is unrelated.
Did anyone think Bari Weiss was a conservative in the same vein as the people on this site? Did anyone think Elon Musk was?
So SD is using this as evidence for his theory(ies) that Musk is fooling us all with the release of information and is working to draw us in and build Twitter so it can become the next China-style spying tool (or whatever his theory is). Fine. I continue to watch Musk and this doesn’t change anything for me. But without him, we would not have the proof that we have now, which is monumental. It doesn’t matter how it is packaged; what matters is what gets done with it. And its packaging does not affect that. Those involved in investigating it will not be looking at Bari Weiss’s words; they will look at what was said and done.
That said, nothing might result because all Congress can do is investigate and refer people for indictment, etc. Congress can’t enforce the law. But we will have the information and, as I said in another comment, information is power.
JUST IN: Recount Confirms GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert Officially Wins Race Against Democrat Adam Frisch
Now we have 2 years to clean up Colorado elections somehow.
This just showed up on my feed so it looks like it is legit as I was already following. More progress.
McCullough is back also. Covid docs being reinstated.
Is their stuff being posted without warnings, misinformation…?
Yes. We’ll, only Malone posting so far.
How do you know when someone was paid to ignore an election steal? And then get paid to push for a voting system designed to destroy your own party.
Raffensperger, “off line” retirement account is looking sweeter, as every GA election is tossed.
Heads up if true.
Absolutely no mRNA vaccine tech for me.
Musk has gone to RED PILL CONDITION Q.
Poso thinks since people were calling him a qanon’er he’s leaning into it.
These twitter spaces are kinda cool. You can play them while doing other stuff. I’m listening to the canceled group. Poso, Kirk, Benny, Gaetz, ALX, LibsofTikTok, Kristen Ruby,……