2022·12·24 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

The Real Fascist is His Fraudulency Joe Biden*

*Or whoever has his hand rammed up that meat puppet’s ass.

Brandon (which I will use as a term for whoever is the power behind the Porcelain Throne) has thrown down the gauntlet…but in a way where most of America will never see it. The networks didn’t carry his tirade. CNN air brushed it (or whatever you call editing the red background) for its five viewers (who aren’t trapped in airports).

Luckily for me I live in Colorado, and therefore, despite my best efforts, I probably didn’t vote for Donald Trump.

Of course, for this purpose who I actually did try to vote for will be essential, and they undoubtedly know.

Come and get us, asswipes!


Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Small Government?

Many times conservatives (real and fake) speak of “small government” being the goal.

This sounds good, and mostly is good, but it misses the essential point. The important thing here isn’t the size, but rather the purpose, of government. We could have a cheap, small tyranny. After all our government spends most of its revenue on payments to individuals and foreign aid, neither of which is part of the tyrannical apparatus trying to keep us locked down and censored. What parts of the government would be necessary for a tyranny? It’d be a lot smaller than what we have now. We could shrink the government and nevertheless find it more tyrannical than it is today.

No, what we want is a limited government, limited not in size, but rather in scope. Limited, that is, in what it’s allowed to do. Under current circumstances, such a government would also be much smaller, but that’s a side effect. If we were in a World War II sort of war, an existential fight against nasty dictatorships on the brink of world conquest, that would be very expensive and would require a gargantuan government, but that would be what the government should be doing. That would be a large, but still limited government, since it’d be working to protect our rights.

World War II would have been the wrong time to squawk about “small government,” but it wasn’t (and never is) a bad time to demand limited government. Today would be a better time to ask for a small government–at least the job it should be doing is small today–but it misses the essential point; we want government to not do certain things. Many of those things we don’t want it doing are expensive but many of them are quite eminently doable by a smaller government than the one we have today. Small, but still exceeding proper limits.

So be careful what you ask for. You might get it and find you asked for the wrong thing.

Political Science In Summation

It’s really just a matter of people who can’t be happy unless they control others…versus those who want to be left alone. The oldest conflict within mankind. Government is necessary, but government attracts the assholes (a highly technical term for the control freaks).

A Few Things We Cannot Blame on His Fraudulency

I am pretty sure Joe Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with the 30 Years War that ran from 1618-1648 and probably killed about a third of the people then living in what is now Germany.

Nor did he cause the collapse of either Roman empire (Western, 476 CE, Eastern 1453 CE). Nor the ignominious failure of most of the Crusades. Nor the collapse of Bronze Age civilization around 1200 BCE (including the collapse of the Minoans and the blowup of Santorini).

However, my utter lack of ability to imagine how he could possibly be responsible for these things is not a valid argument against them, so I await correction if appropriate.

His Truth?

Again we saw an instance of “It might be true for Billy, but it’s not true for Bob” logic this week.

I hear this often, and it’s usually harmless. As when it’s describing differing circumstances, not different facts. “Housing is unaffordable” can be true for one person, but not for another who makes ten times as much.

But sometimes the speaker means it literally. Something like 2+2=4 is asserted to be true for Billy but not for Bob. (And when it’s literal, it’s usually Bob saying it.) And in that sense, it’s nonsense, dangerous nonsense. There is ONE reality, and it exists independent of our desires and our perceptions. It would go on existing if we weren’t here. We exist in it. It does not exist in our heads. It’s not a personal construct, and it isn’t a social construct. If there were no society, reality would continue to be what it is, it wouldn’t vanish…which it would have to do, if it were a social construct.

Now what can change from person to person is the perception of reality. We see that all the time. And people will, of course, act on those perceptions. They will vote for Trump (or try to) if their perception is close to mine, and vote against Trump (and certainly succeed at doing so) if their perception is distant from mine (and therefore, if I do say so, wrong). I have heard people say “perception is reality” and usually, that’s what they’re trying to say–your perception of reality is, as far as you know, an accurate representation of reality, or you’d change it.

But I really wish they’d say it differently. And sometimes, to get back to Billy and Bob, the person who says they have different truths is really saying they have different perceptions of reality–different worldviews. I can’t argue with the latter. But I sure wish they’d say it better. That way I’d know that someone who blabbers about two different truths is delusional and not worth my time, at least not until he passes kindergarten-level metaphysics on his umpteenth attempt.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

(Paper) Spot Prices

Last week:

Gold $1,794.00
Silver $23.31
Platinum $999.00
Palladium $1,780.00
Rhodium $12,800.00

This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.

Gold $1,799.50
Silver $23.82
Platinum $1,033.00
Palladium $1,832.00
Rhodium $12,750.00

Gold was well over $1800 earlier this week, and looked to be solidifying its position there, so of course it had to be shoved back down. (Uppity PMs!) It might at some point in the very near future, become more valuable than palladium. (Which still seems absurdly overpriced to me; I can remember when it was less than midway between silver and gold.)

Qubes OS In Some More Detail

A few months ago I mentioned Qubes OS. (https://www.qubes-os.org/. The intro page covers a lot of what I’m saying in someone else’s much more carefully crafted words; I could probably do as well if I wanted to spend weeks writing instead of two days: https://www.qubes-os.org/intro/ .)

Qubes bills itself as a “Reasonably Secure Operating System.” Yes, that doesn’t sound super duper confident, but security, be it physical or in cyberspace, is inherently imperfect. Your adversary…be it some shitbag who wants your credit card number or to hit you with a ransomware attack, some other shitbag in a fancy building with a cute logo that wants to saturate you with inane “targeted” advertising so he needs to know how many squares of toilet paper you use, or a Deep State actor who’s unhappy because you understand what kinds of shitbags are running this country (I guess “shitbag” is the common denominator) gets a say in how good your security is–by doing his best to make sure it’s not good enough.

What Qubes helps you do is to implement some fairly basic principles of security, that most computers are absolutely miserable at doing. (So miserable, one would think it was deliberately bad in some cases…I am looking at YOU, Micro$haft.)

The main benefit to Qubes is compartmentalization. If you want to both a) do online banking (which means you have a glowing red target painted on your hindquarters) and b) go to some of the, shall we say, dodgier areas of the internet (and no, that’s not necessarily porn sites), then what you’re begging for is to have some guy who’s giving you that stuff for “free” decide he wants payment with your bank account, and he will try to collect without your knowledge or consent. Even sites that aren’t trying to be dodgy might have ads on them that mask a hacker trying to get into your system. And sometimes they do that by tricking you into clicking on a link. Yes, we can be our own worst enemy.

What’s the best way to ensure the scumbag doesn’t get your online banking password? Or your credit card number? By not having it be on that computer in the first place! That way he can’t rape you online and you can’t accidentally help him rape you online.

Cthulhu has often mentioned that he has multiple different physical computers, each having a specific purpose. (I have visions of a house cluttered with little Raspberry Pis everywhere; sit on the couch and the cushion is lumpy because there’s a computer under the cushions, right next to the 68 cents in change he lost two weeks ago.)

You can go that far, but then there will be times you do have to move data from one machine to another and that’s a solid pain the ass. I know this because I was doing something similar.

Compartmentalizing with Virtual Machines

The second best (and sometimes arguably better anyway) method to go is with virtual machines. That’s a setup where there are two (or more) software systems on the same physical computer that are both like “brains in a vat”. Each one sees itself as a computer; they’re really two or more different programs running on the same computer. Of course there’s a system running on the box that really is in control, and it’s providing little “bubbles” for the virtual machines to live in. So you can have one virtual machine that you use, say, to visit here, and a totally different one to use to do online banking. Each is unaware of the other’s existence. And–most importantly–many of these virtual machines can be running at the same time. (It’s expensive; you need a fairly powerful processor and lots of RAM memory to do it.)

What you can’t do, however is keep the “controlling” system from knowing what’s going on. It’s the controller, it has to know something about the other machines just to do its job.

Qubes uses virtual machines for everything, and I mean everything.

There are at least two ways to “do” virtual machines.

One is to install a virtual machine application on an otherwise normal system, called the “host” system. The host actually has direct contact with your hardware–keyboard, mouse, monitors, network connections, usb thumb drives, sound card…et-nearly-endless-cetera. The virtual machine app runs inside that operating system, and it creates and manages the virtual machines, letting you start them and stop them, and arranging for limited communications between them. It also lets those machines “talk” to your computer hardware, though it may do some sleight of hand in there…for example, you open a window with Virtual Machine A in it, and the controller tricks Virtual Machine A into thinking that window is your entire video driver. If that window is 1200×800 pixels, Virtual Machine A thinks you have one 1200×800 pixel monitor. Another window has Virtual Machine B in it, and that system thinks that other window is the monitor. This is the method used by Oracle VirtualBox, and that is the software I used to use.

The problem with this is you still have a regular machine that can be readily hacked because it’s directly connected to the internet, and the virtual machine app depends on it. In other words, the controlling system, a big bloated OS with lots of ways to be attacked, is directly exposed, and once a hacker has it, it’s game over.

The other method of doing virtual machines is to run the virtual machine controller directly on your hardware. And since it does nothing but fire up virtual machines and connect hardware to different machines, it’s a bit harder to attack. Also it can be expressly designed to manage your hardware without actually connecting to it (and giving hackers a possible doorway into it). It’s the difference between plugging something else in, versus sticking your own fingers into the electrical socket.

Qubes chose the latter method, using something called the Xen Hypervisor. When your system boots, it boots directly into Xen Hypervisor, not Micro$haft Windows, not Linux, not MacOS, not Android.

Xen Hypervisors starts up a special virtual machine called dom0 (domain zero). This will be the controller. But the controller doesn’t necessarily have primary access to your hardware. It does not get access to your network cards, for instance, so it is isolated from the hackers. It also usually doesn’t get access to your USB ports but an exception is made if you have a USB keyboard or mouse. (Some older machines still have the special PS-1 plug for those.) Having USB be separated is a good thing, because USB is used for a lot of sneaky attacks like the thumbdrive “accidentally” dropped in a parking lot that is full of malware for the first careless geek who says, “Hmm, I wonder what’s on this?” (Cthulhu explained below that the USB protocol allows a device to ‘set your system up’ without asking permission, and that’s why USB is so noxious from a security standpoint.)

Dom0 is used to start and stop other virtual machines, and is also used as an intermediary for those situations where one VM must talk to another.

(And those situations do arise. Another aspect of the way Qubes does things is that NO such communication happens without your specific approval. Want to move a file? You can do it, but you will be prompted to select which VM it’s going to and press OK. If that prompt ever shows up out of the blue (and not because you wanted it to), then alarm bells should ring in your skull and you should definitely hit cancel, not OK. This popup will show up if you’re using GUI menus to copy the file, or if you do it from the command line. (Command line versions of commands usually don’t show on the GUI so hackers love them.) A similar process happens with copy-and-paste, which, between VMs, is a four step process, not a two step one.)

In addition to dom0 you have a VM whose sole job it is to manage your network; that one is called sys-net. It is given direct access to your network card(s). And another one which implements a firewall, sys-firewall. Your system connects sys-firewall to sys-net, then it connects whatever VM(s) you use to talk to the internet, to sys-firewall. The actual firewall rules are on that last VM, so you can create one for online banking that only lets you connect to the bank website, and another one that’s more wide open for surfing the web.

And yes, you as the user are free to create as many VMs as you want. When you first install Qubes it comes with VMs named “Work,” “Personal” and “Vault.” This gives you a way to keep your job separate from your personal stuff, right off the bat. But let’s say you have five or six clients–you can create a separate VM for each of them! No risk of sending the wrong thing to the wrong client. Or maybe you’re writing software and have two totally different projects in different languages going on…split them up!

Vault is “special” because it has no network connections at all. It’s a place to store passwords. Those get VM-to-VM copied and pasted into the VM that’s on the network. So a hacker who’s gotten control of that VM can only get that password; they don’t get your list of passwords (which is not only not on that VM, but is kept in an encrypted database anyway).

You can also choose what runs on the virtual machines. Dom0 will run Fedora Linux (no choice there), but your VMs can run Debian Linux (similar to Ubuntu), Windows 7, 10, or 11. Or something called whonix, which is set up to let you browse the web anonymously, through VPNs that can literally pop up all over the world. It’s really hard for black hats to trace. There are other third-party supported versions of Linux out there, too; even though they are third party the Qubes site has links to them.

[And yes, you can safely run Windows 7…provided you never hook it up to the internet. And you don’t have to. (But this does mean you can’t use it for surfing the internet.) There’s even a third party Windows XP setup out there. And you can safely run Windows 10 and 11…safely in a different sense, in that you can keep them from phoning home and telling Asshole Gates what you are doing, by never connecting them to the network.]

At this level there’s one other feature; you can color-code your VMs. They will open up in windows with different colored frames as another visual cue that they are different VMs. However, there are exactly eight colors, and it’s easy to end up with more than eight VMs (I have a couple of dozen). Generally dom0 and the system VMs and templates (I’ll explain “template” in a moment) are black, with user-type qubes (the ones you actually do things on) being red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple or gray. Different people have different color codings.

OK, so keeping things separated from one another helps in case you do get hacked, but what does it do to help keep you from getting hacked in the first place?

To be honest, not much more than any other system. In fact, they assume you will get hacked. But it can help you remove the hack quickly, which is nearly as good. Consider, someone sends you an infected attachment in e-mail. If you open your attachments in a different VM, then when you open that infected attachment, you can simply throw away the VM it infected. In fact, you should do this whether or not you think the attachment might be infected, just in case. Since you were never planning to use that VM for anything else ever again anyway, you’ve lost nothing by throwing it away…except an infected system.

Digging deeper into Virtual Machines.

I mentioned “templates” before, and now I’m going to explain that. Qubes does VMs a bit differently from most systems.

Have you ever wondered, in exasperation, why the heck the part of your computer that contains the operating system can’t just be made read only so viruses can’t infect it? Well, you can get close to that with Qubes. It has a way of separating the operating system and applications areas from your personal files.

There are two main types of VMs in Qubes…TemplateVMs and AppVms. (That last name is not the best name they could have come up with; it can be a bit misleading as you’ll see soon.)

A TemplateVM is for installing software on. Installing only. You do that the standard way for Linux with apt or dnf commands. To do this, you have to log in to that VM, but you don’t do anything on the Template. The template in other words is a “clean” install of your applications onto a clean install of the operating system. Yes, there’s a “home” area for user accounts and you just used it while you were installing stuff, but you didn’t change anything there…and if you did it won’t matter anyway. NEVER connect a TemplateVM to sys-firewall or sys-net, even if you’re putting a browser on it. (The installation process follows some other route I frankly don’t understand, to get the software off the internet to install it–probably one with lots of intermediaries.)

When you create an AppVM, you must base it on a TemplateVM. (Interestingly, later on you can change it, but that can sort of pull the rug out from under you.) So let’s say you created a template with Brave Browser on it, :brave-template.” You can create an AppVM and name it “theqtree” and base it on brave-template.

When you start theqtree, you have a virtual machine with Brave installed on it. (But before you do that, connect it to sys-firewall.) You can save bookmarks, download files, set up Brave how you like it, and that will all be remembered from one startup of theqtree to another. BUT if you visit a web page that tries to install malware in the system area, that malware will not be there the next time you start theqtree. (That is not immunity from malware installed in your user area, though.)

How does that work? Well when you start theqtree, you get your user area, like it was when you shut theqtree down last time. But for a program area, you get a copy of the one from the template. And this copy does not get saved when you shut theqtree down. So something that gets installed there, or even changes to a system configuration file, will go away when you shut theqtree down. But the files you downloaded (to your Downloads folder) are in your user area, so they are not lost. Your bookmarks and so on are also there. And likely, it will even remember your open tabs. (It’s easy to forget this and make a deliberate change to the system/apps area, and lose the change when you shut down.)

So that’s one quick way to recover from a virus…shut it down and restart it. If the virus is in the system area, it’s gone.

It’s possible to base multiple AppVMs on one template, so you can create a different AppVM, using the same Brave template. So you can keep your online banking and your conspiracy theories separate!

BUT if something gets into your user area instead of your system area, you’re stuck with it, until you throw away the AppVM.

(By the way, the VMs I mentioned before, sys-net, sys-firewall, work, vault, personal…are all AppVMs. As distributed, they are all based on the same template, which will either be a vanilla install of debian or fedora linux, with a lot of different apps preinstalled. That means that firefox, which is installed by default, exists in your vault VM, uselessly since from there it can’t connect to the internet; sys-net, conversely, has no need for keepass (a password manager), but every VM has it. There are ways to fix this, but they’re for more advanced users.)

I think we’re finally ready for a picture…I’d have showed it earlier, but too much of it was unexplained before now.

A notional/typical Qubes install. USB devices connected via sys-usb. sys-net and sys-firewall on the right. Templates shown at top. GuiVM is something they’re testing to separate your monitors from dom0–I’m not using it yet. And the color scheme they use indicates “levels of trust” which is to say how much do you trust a VM not to be infected? AdminVM is dom0, and is trusted the most.

Disposable Virtual Machines

Now there’s another level of complication that can help with ANY malware infection, even one in your user area. Notice that in the diagram above that AppVM 3 is labeled “disposable VM.” What does that mean?

A disposable VM is one that self-destructs as soon as you close it. It’s based on a template, too, but the template is an AppVM, not a templateVM. (This causes a lot of confusion.) Basically the disposable makes copies of the AppVM’s user area, and the system area of the template VM the AppVM is based off of, and those disappear when it shuts down, just like the system area of the AppVM closes when you shut down the AppVM.

A disposable is really handy for looking at attachments sent with an E-mail, too. If it’s some dodgy thing Pgroup sent you, and it infects your disposable, so what? The infection is sterilized the instant you close the window on the disposable.

The advantage to having the disposable be based on an AppVM is that you can (for example) get Brave set up just the way you like it in an AppVM, but not actually visit any sites. Then set up the AppVM to act as a disposable template, and whenever you go to a site you don’t trust, use a disposable. When the disposable opens, you have a fresh copy of Brave (but set up how you like it); you go to that dodgy site pgroup.com, then close the browser window and POOF!!! that machine no longer exists.

There are two slightly different flavors of disposables, named disposables and ones that aren’t named. A named disposable has to be explicitly shut down, the other ones will get a random number name like disp37 or disp7734, and they tend to pop up when you’re looking at an email attachment or the like. That attachment will open in say LibreOffice (which can read Micro$haft Word files), but when you close the LibreOffice window, the VM shuts down. But if you were to open a named disposable, such as LibreOffice-Disposable, you have to remember to shut it down afterwards. (I came up with a trick to avoid that, by the way.) Otherwise, they’re the same: they both go POOF when they shut down–it’s just that one of them makes sure you don’t forget to shut it down. I make heavy use of both kinds.

So why did I decide to write this now? Well, I have actually customized the hell out of my install and it’s finally looking like I want it to–which as it turns out is not a whole lot like that diagram (there’s a lot of stuff I’m doing which I didn’t even mention). So this is by way of celebrating that.

A Case Study: The Great Notifier Kerfuffle

But also because I was reminded about all of this when, last week, we had that big kerfuffle over the way Wordpus broke the notifier. And I found myself really appreciating Qubes when Wolf and I were trying to debug my broken notifier.

I have a template that has nothing but an absolutely bone-stock Firefox ESR install on it. I didn’t have any AppVMs based on it, it was what I call an “intermediate” template. Because I often create templates by cloning other templates, then adding more stuff to the clone. In this case I cloned the bone-stock firefox and, then on the new template, I customized the heck out of FIrefox. (Firefox has ways to customize it in the installation/system area, which is how companies with 60,000 employees can set up FIrefox the same annoying way for all of their employees and even block them from customizing it themselves–they have a customized Firefox installation package with all of the options preset they way they want to inflict on you. I actually set up Firefox that way, myself, so the customizations are actually in my cloned template, not in my user area. Most software does not work that way.)

I was using an AppVM based on the customized template, to browse QTree that day. Why an AppVM? So it would keep the cookies that tell wordpress and QTree that I am logged in. Yes, I risk getting infected and keeping the infection, but when QTree logs me out anyway like it does every few days–I just destroy the AppVM and make a new one. That’s the same sanitizing effect as closing a disposable. All of my settings are actually on the template because of that funky way Firefox works, so all I have to do is open the new AppVM (which automatically goes to Qtree on its one open tab), log in, and I’m back where I started.

But when my notifier went south, I thought maybe some of my customizations were causing the problem. So, rather than try to undo them, I just created an AppVM based off the bone-stock firefox template. (That takes about 30 seconds. I could have made that into a disposable template, but when debugging it’s sometimes handy not having settings disappear.) I could now visit QTree with an absolutely clean install of Firefox–so clean it opens up the welcome to Firefox tab and the stupid privacy tab–and no worries about my having done something in Firefox to cause the problem. “Try this, Steve.” “No change.” “How about this?” [after blowing away the appvm and creating a new one–like a brand spanking new computer] “No change here either.” It was as if I was reinstalling Firefox, over and over. But I could keep doing it every two or three minutes, all night.

Later on when we figured out all I had to do was log into Wordpus instead of QTree, I could go back to my customized Firefox and try it there, to be sure that that wasn’t the only issue. (AND logic–one of my custom settings could have been hurting me AND I was logging in the wrong way.) I could do this, without having to recreate my settings–by going back to using that VM. I then went back and created a fresh AppVM on that template and made sure it would work that way. So once that worked, I knew the solution would work on a fresh copy of my customized Firefox. At that point, I could consider the problem solved, and I knew the ONLY thing that was wrong before was the login. I didn’t have to change anything else.

Now imagine having to undo all the things Wolf and I tried but didn’t work! Then having to manually reset all of those settings to go back to my “personal” Firefox! No need, when I was working in Qubes, because “delete VM” was doing it for me.

Some caveats and cautions

Although you can create Windows VMs on Qubes, you will have to learn some Linux to use it (if you don’t already know it). At the very basic level, it’s not much to learn. (It has a GUI so you don’t need to learn how to copy files on the command line, or rename them or move them. In fact you can actually use a totally different gui if you don’t like the one it has. The default is called xfce, which is the one that Xubuntu uses so I was very used to it.) If you want to do some more advanced things, though, you’ll have to learn more Linux. I did do some very advanced things, and I know a lot more about Linux than I used to. (Although I wasn’t a complete noob before, I still don’t consider myself any kind of expert even now.)

And if you can’t, no matter how hard you try, keep straight in your head the difference between a TemplateVM and an AppVM, and how you have to make an AppVM into a disposable template to make disposable templates…you’re going to have a tough time of it. (Everyone is going to forget once or twice while learning, of course–that’s not what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about chronically “not getting it.” Or just being the scatterbrained type.)

Another issue is that Qubes OS can be very fussy about the computer it runs on. I wouldn’t do anything you can’t undo installing it…just in case it won’t install and you have to go back to what you had before. (I.e., don’t blow away what’s on the hard drive in your computer installing Qubes…install to a fresh hard drive or SSD, or at least one that’s got crap on it you don’t care about.) Installation for me was a nightmare–QubesOS literally could not interact with my hard drives, including the one I wanted to install it on–but I finally got it to a state where it was running off a thumbdrive and I was able to decide, “Yes I want to do this…so now I have to buy another computer it will work on.”

Whatever machine you decide to use should have a fast CPU on it and at least 32 Gb of RAM in it, and 64 Gb would be much better. And a 256 Gb SSD would be good too (SSDs are faster than regular hard drives), especially if you can get one of those mvne types that plugs directly into your motherboard. I’ve seen people struggle successfully with smaller machines, but if you can possibly afford an appropriate box (or already have one) then you’ll be happier.

(Cthulhu, I have no idea how well it works on Raspberry Pi machines.)

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!


中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just want everybody to know that our new security model is working like crazy, locking out nearly ALL bogus logins, and yet all registered users are getting in just fine.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A nice stocking stuffer.

As far as getting YouTube videos back, that’s unlikely. Without going into details that might help the enemies of this site, we have both exhausted fixes, and gained an understanding of why YouTube is behind the issue. They may suddenly do what is needed to fix things, but they may not. Their history is not to make the right fixes.

Thankfully, Para’s solution of putting YouTubes on Twitter, and then copying the Tweet URL here, is likely to work for the foreseeable future.


Dearest Elon,

Please sir, may I have my account back?

Respectfully yours

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What was your old account? I’ll raise some stink!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Try this URL for an appeal! They won’t let me do it. You may have to log in, or try to, on the computer.



I think they’re behind on getting people back in. I’ve made several appeals in the last couple months and am still not back in. And each appeal they combine with the first one I made.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think some of the embeds are trying to wait out Elon.

Another good round of FIRINGS would help speed up the process, IMO.


I don’t know why they don’t just let everyone back in with the exception of the child porn people and the violent antifa types.


If I can paraphrase what I read somewhere, in a way that makes some sense, I read that if they just flip a switch and let everyone back in, that will include millions and millions of bots.

If they wait for actual people to contact them for reinstatement, they only reinstate actual people, and not the bots.


I would imagine they have some kind of verification process in place to sort those out, but I don’t recall any details about that part.

Valerie Curren



Dear Elon,

You don’t suppose you could make it so that a Twitter user could share Tweets with a non-user, do you?

Yours Very Truly


This is probably not what you mean, but I don’t have a Twitter account and I can still read other people’s accounts and share their tweets.


Hmmm…..it’s because I’m not running Twitter software. I may be able to configure something………….

Thanks for the heads-up.


YW. I don’t know what Twitter software is. I suspect that capability comes with the computers most of us use but that you don’t have on the ones you have configured yourself.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To see tweets here, you have to let various software scripts run – some from WordPress, some from wpDiscuz, some from Twitter. Depending upon what you don’t let run, you will see less and less of tweets.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Default Firefox is “enhance tracking protection on”. You can change the default in settings to customize it, or you can change individual sites, or both.

This should be an easy mod for your Qubes stuff.

For this site, you have to either turn off the enhanced tracking protection, or go to advanced and start allowing things, cookies first (all cookies).

This is under the little shield icon.


Oddly, or maybe not, when you were playing with settings the other day, my Malwarebytes was blocking 25-30 things, and normally only blocks about 5. didn’t see anything differently.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Not sure what to make of that, but I’ll keep thinking about it.


It is very likely XSS (cross-site scripting), where a script on this site requests that you run a script from a different site.

Barb Meier

Is that something like so many sites using Google’s analytics?



There’s a lot of hand-waving about the subject which is generally, “it’s bad, very bad…..except when we do it.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m blocking 4 trackers from WordPressDotCom, which come from JetPack.

Let me see what scripts I’m allowing…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m running 36 scripts, almost all of which are from WordPress.com or from the commenting plugin, wpDiscuz, and one from Twitter, which is the Twitter plugin.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Try this tweet!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – I think there were a number of changes in the last JetPack update.


Thank you so much!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re most welcome!


Great work!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! It is nice when things work the way we want them to work!!!  😃 




Hooray‼️‼️‼️ Outstanding work W0lf, you thank you very much. 😎👍🎄🎄❤️🎄🎄

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re most welcome! And Merry Christmas!!!  🎄  🙏  🎅 


Cthulhu has often mentioned that he has multiple different physical computers, each having a specific purpose. (I have visions of a house cluttered with little Raspberry Pis everywhere; sit on the couch and the cushion is lumpy because there’s a computer under the cushions, right next to the 68 cents in change he lost two weeks ago.)

I didn’t know you could see that much detail from Google Street View.


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AND LOGIC!!!  😆 

You scream, I scream, we all scream, for GTFO!!!


“I’m Truly Sorry For What I Did” – SBF’s Girlfriend Confirms They Conspired To Steal From FTX Customers

Caroline Ellison, erstwhile girlfriend of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried and former CEO of Alameda Research, has spilled her guts in order to avoid a 110 year prison sentence.

According to court documents released Friday, Ellison admits she and SBF signed off on “materially misleading financial statements” for Alameda lenders – knowing it was illegal.

“I am truly sorry for what I did,” she said, according to the transcript of the hearing, adding “I knew that it was wrong.”

Specifically, she told a judge earlier this week she and Bankman-Fried conspired to steal billions of dollars from FTX customers, as she appeared in federal court to plead guilty to seven criminal counts, according to a court transcript reported by Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg.

“I understood that FTX executives had implemented special settings on Alameda’s FTX.com account that permitted Alameda to maintain negative balances in various fiat currencies and crypto currencies,” said Ellison.

“In practical terms, this arrangement permitted Alameda access to an unlimited line of credit without being required to post collateral, without having to pay interest on negative balances and without being subject to margin calls or FTX.com’s liquidation protocols.

They had special settings on an internet account. It seems that with computers, the possibilities for crime are endless.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m beginning to think that only the most highly ethical people should be programmers. I just don’t know how that can be enforced.


Big sign – Beware of dog; violators will be eaten?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Democrat corrupto crypto geeks TASTE LIKE CHICKEN.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



You see all the silicon valley types and their H1-B visa programs?

Just do the opposite.




It’s like John Adams saying our Constitution was made for a moral people. How do you make sure moral people are the ones in office and enforcing our laws?


“How do you make sure moral people are the ones in office and enforcing our laws?”


You don’t. Because one has at least a passing familiarity with history, one knows that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, so you write the Constitution anticipating that whoever seeks to serve will in truth only be seeking to serve himself, and you will be right 99% of the time.

The other 1% isn’t the problem.

So you write the Constitution with the assumption that only tyrants and criminals will ever attempt to run for office, restrict the daylights out of their power, and every citizen is empowered by the Constitution itself, individually or as a group, to run any politician out of town — by force — who is proven to be corrupt, either by violating any part of the much stricter Constitution, or by violating the definition of ‘corruption’ added to the Constitution itself.

This should have the effect of making it so that almost no one wants to serve, because anything the types who seek power would normally do will get them lawfully run out of town by a mob, and nobody in law enforcement can stop the People from doing it, or the mob runs those corrupt lawbreakers out of town too.

There won’t be many people wanting to serve, which will help restrict the size of government. Those who do serve will be much more likely to be doing it because they want to serve the country, rather than be served by the country.

So you make the Constitution with more teeth than a great white shark, and you empower the People to enforce the law, because any professional band of cops will always end up as lawless muscle for the tyrants, because human nature is what it is.

It’s just a rough draft 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





It would help a lot if politicians in Washington were required to live in barracks and eat in mess halls. It would whittle down the elitists right quick.


24 hour “duty” every three days. Regular workday, plus a four hour “watch”, sometimes two.

Stand a mid watch (00-04). Bonus days, cold, occasional wind, rain, snow… Then get up at 06, to start the next work day…




Thanks for the PTSD activation.


Them were the days…weeks…months…years…  :wpds_twisted: 


Having each state’s population finance the cost of serving in DC [food, housing, etc.] would go a long way. No more fed pay.

Dissatisfied with performance? Reduce next month’s subsistence payment. They do it for welfare recipients right now.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2
Gail Combs

NOT a fan of Hamilton even if I am a direct descendant.

Alexander Hamilton, Banking Mercantilist

….Robert E. Wright and David J. Cowen, in their 2006 book Financial Founding Fathers: The Men Who Made America Rich, write of Hamilton’s “creative genius, as he became the architect and chief advocate of a powerful national bank.” They claim that “Hamilton’s thought was often far in advance of that of most of his contemporaries,” as when he was early to advocate a national bank. They quote Hamilton’s 1781 statement that “in a National Bank alone we can find the ingredients to constitute a wholesome, solid and beneficial paper credit,” and add: “He was correct.” They call Hamilton’s 1790 Report on the Bank “a masterpiece that cogently explained the importance of banks in a capitalist economy.” They credit Hamilton with the following argument, as though it made good sense: “Next, he stressed that all the great powers of Europe possessed public banks and were indebted to them for successful trade and commerce. The implications of the comparison were clear: if young America wanted to join the ranks of the elite powers, it too would have to create a banking infrastructure.” ….

Hamilton modeled the Bank of the United States after the Bank of England. 


Good idea!


Yes, and pay can never exceed the median household income minus 25%.

That ensures the political class has an incentive to be mindful of the financial struggles and cost of living for the average American.

Pension (if any) or any perk of any kind is determined by the People after the the civil servant LEAVES office, and based on how much the People approve of the job he or she did while IN office.

Central Bank is GONE and it’s written into the Constitution that any attempt to bring anything like it back is a death penalty offense to be carried out by the People at a time and place of their choosing.

Professional lobbyists are outlawed.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce and any similar organizations are outlawed.

Every kind of influence peddling and seeking behavior is outlawed, because ‘special interests’ are just financial bribery schemes that are invariably in direct opposition to the interests of We the People.

No ‘Bill’ proposed as law can ever be more than 5 pages long, every bill must be read by anyone who votes on it, every bill must be written by the congress-criminal proposing it (not outlawed lobbyists).

Income tax is abolished forever and written into the Constitution that way.

Sales tax is capped on everything at 2%, and sales tax never applies to used items which have already been taxed.

Gasoline and any other fuel tax is outlawed, along with tax on anything else that is deemed by the People to be a necessity.

Carbon based fuel use is guaranteed in the Constitution, and if anyone comes up with something they claim is better, it must do so without government subsidies or any other advantage. It either proves itself and wins out in the free market, or it goes kaput.

Communism is outlawed as a threat to civil society based on its long and bloody history of destroying nations wherever it is allowed to exist.

islam is outlawed as a political form of warfare disguised as a religion, as a threat to civil society based on its much longer and bloodier history of destroying nations wherever it is allowed to exist.

Homosexuality goes back in the closet, because there’s no other practical choice, because like every other sin, if you give it an inch, it will attempt to take over everything.

Borders are guarded by state national guards and immigration stops until illegal aliens are expelled from the country and the population stabilizes.

Policies are enacted to promote and encourage marriage, having children, and an economic environment where a family can be supported by the income of one parent.

Any employer who hires illegal aliens gets a draconian fine on the first offense, loses his business license for 6 months on the second offense, and gets shut down on the 3rd offense. The law applies equally to everyone, from the corner drugstore to Wal-Mart.

New immigration is based entirely on people who want to become Americans in every positive sense of the word, NOT people who want to drag their own 3rd world hellhole to our country and set up shop in some hellhole enclave.

Protected-class status is declared antithetical to freedom, recognized as a proven disaster of abuse intended to make ‘protected class’ a super citizen with special rights and privileges which anyone who is not ‘protected class’ is excluded from. Protected-class schemes are also recognized as money shakedown schemes, as they have been wherever it is practiced. All such protected-class status and schemes are banned forever and written into the Constitution that way.

IRS is gone. FIB is gone. BATF is gone. DHS is gone. DoS is gone. EPA is gone. CIA is gone. Every agency which has repeatedly demonstrated that it is an enemy of freedom and and enemy of We the People is GONE.

In fact, ALL agencies are GONE, we start over, and any newly proposed agency requires approval by We the People and has oversight by We the People, not oversight by anyone in government, because unlike any other position in society, anyone in government is presumed guilty until proven innocent.

Local police forces are demilitarized. The original purpose and intent of police, TO PROTECT AND SERVE is reinstated, and any (not)Supreme Court clown who doesn’t like it gets run out of town in tar and feathers.

All other known abuses of Law (e.g., Commerce Clause) are scrapped, repealed, rescinded, and language preventing them from ever happening again are written into the Constitution.

We can see what they have done, how they have twisted everything for evil intent. Write the Constitution in such a way that they can’t do it again.

All gun control laws are ended, and we start over with a pro-gun stance that encourages ownership of firearms for the original intended purpose, to put down a tyrannical government.

Secondary purpose of the 2nd Amendment is personal defense.

Hunting, sport and every other purpose are encouraged and promoted, but are specifically excluded as reasons for the 2nd Amendment, so no criminal politician can ever again claim the 2nd Amendment is for anything other than personal self defense or killing the political-class in self defense, and it gets written into the Constitution that way.

U.N. is gone from our land. WHO and every other global clusterfark are declared outlaw organizations with any and all funding removed.

Law schools are shut down, and there is a moratorium on any new law licenses issued until the number of lawyers per person is equal to whatever country on earth has the lowest number of lawyers per capita.

The medical industrial complex is outlawed and gutted, along with the healthcare system that enables it. A new standard, named after Karl Denninger, makes hospital and doctor pay based on saving lives and making people healthy.

The government school and university system is gutted, beyond repair, and is begun anew based on the principles and standards that were in place the last time any of them actually worked to accomplish their obvious purpose. If that was 100 years ago, then we do it like they did it a hundred years ago.

The military, having failed their purpose and mission in every single conceivable way, is brought under CIVILIAN CONTROL, and never entrusted to any political structure again. They won’t be taking ‘civilian input’ with a ‘grain of salt’ ever again. Fix that *&^ % right now. I have no idea who these people think they are, or who they think PAYS their &^%$ salary, or what they think their purpose is, or who they’re supposed to be serving, or what their oaths mean. But they’ll find out, or they can get the *&^% out.

Never again does the corrupt military protect a criminal political-class. The military becomes a weapon of We the People against the political-class.

Basically, assume that everything being done now is wrong until proven otherwise, and we go back, as far as it takes, to how things were done when they actually worked, and start doing it that way again.

We don’t need to reinvent the wheel, we just need to find one that is actually round, and copy it.

Everything else gets burned to the ground.

And this isn’t even the preamble to the preamble yet.


“Yes, and pay can never exceed the median household income minus 25%.”

Minor correction:

Pay AND the economic value of ALL ancillary benefits.

Such as their Lifetime Limousine Health Care Insurance.

They have an interesting habit of sneaking in benefits where they don’t deserve them.

That includes all speaker fees, and their non-profit “advisory” status on boards . . .

And the economic value can’t be determined by the CBO(!) but by independent and market-driven quantification.


Well, you’re a big thinker, I’ll say that. It would be great if this could all happen. But I don’t think I’ll hold my breath. I don’t know the way out of the morass we’re in. It’s going to have to be something HUGE to break us from this prison.


Definitely don’t hold your breath, it’s going to take a while.

I expect nothing will happen until things get so bad that the younger crowd can’t take it anymore.

Then they’ll need four or five more jackboots to the face before they snap and start going postal and burning everything down.

That’s when we cheer them on, remind them who the criminal political-class is who caused all their hell, and assure them that Jury Nullification is in full effect, so git ‘er done.

This is their big moment, make us all proud 👍

The military will have to decide whose side they’re really on. They can’t straddle the fence forever, taking pay from Americans and pretending to be the good guys while following the orders and doing the deeds of the new criminal Nazi class.

Same with the police.

And they’re both going to need a lot of HELP to make the right decision, because neither one shows any sign of knowing right from wrong, much less actually standing up for what is right. That’s a laugh. Most of them won’t even resign yet, much less take a stand for what’s right.

I could hardly be more disgusted with the people who are paid to serve and protect, at every level, but have instead allowed themselves to become tools of blatantly evil criminals.

Their whole reason for existence is to protect and defend our country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic — and instead of lifting even one finger against either one, they take orders from both.

So good for them, they’re making their bed, and soon they’ll get to lay in it.

They’re going to keep taking their paycheck (our money!) and working for the criminals as long as they can get away with it, and they’ll get away with it until they are detested and hated by everyone so completely that they can’t live with themselves anymore.

The Left always hates the police and the military, but I’d be surprised if even 10% make their hate known.

When the other 90% of America likewise turns on the criminals’ Praetorian Guard, that’s when it will finally dawn on them that they screwed the pooch.

When the cops and military are not able to walk the streets for shame, because EVERYBODY hates them with a passion, like Gestapo, for protecting and facilitating the criminal dictatorship, THEN maybe they’ll figure out whose side they’re supposed to be on, and realize it’s NOT the side of the criminal dictatorship.

That’s all going to take a while to play out, so I wouldn’t hold my breath either.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

Also have to use Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid… or the VA hospitals/Doctors. No “Pension” just 401K’s.

Gail Combs





Of course!


^^^^^ SCOTT ON ! ^^^^^


That always cracks me up 😂




You have described God’s dilemma with humans rather well.

He got multiple humans to write a user’s manual but few actually read it and even fewer follow its procedures.


Second Amendment?


Organizations such as IEEE have codes of ethics, but the only meaningful enforcement of that would be to exclude the violators. For the most part it is based on trust and voluntary compliance.

Which went right out of the picture for these FTX characters, if it ever was there.


Oddly enough, the “answer” is at the top of the blog —

“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert.” –J. Robert Oppenheimer

Any important software should be open-source-code.

If you can hide your crappy code, you can hide crap in it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



While our favorite letter is as closed source as possible.

Valerie Curren

Nice! or is that Naughty?



Valerie Curren

Yep…I’m Q-Agnostic so “enjoy” the controversy & have no vested interest either way 🙂


Personality testing requirement? Licensing?


Probably true.


I wouldn’t disagree.

Gail Combs

As I recall Heinlein wanted citizens to spend time in the Armed Forces or something similar in order to be able to vote.

It used to be you had to be a land owner.

Gail Combs

It has been decades since I read that book. but I do remember that was something Heinlein believed. Also he would not sign an autograph unless you could prove you has donated blood.


“Caroline Ellison, erstwhile girlfriend of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried and former CEO of Alameda Research, has spilled her guts in order to avoid a 110 year prison sentence.”


Imagine what congress-criminals would spill, to avoid a similar sentence.

Or a worse one.


Why did she do that? Afraid of Cankles’ witness protection program?

Caroline Ellison did not kill herself.


Because SBF cut a deal first, which involved her. This is typical dirty fed atty behavior – get an early guilty plea and then have the defendant ‘work’ time off his/her sentence by, for example, snitching; introducing undercover cops to criminals; etc.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll bet “Deep Justice” was involved in setting up the scam! SBF pleading first was always part of the plan.



Gail Combs

I bet SBF gets nothing more than probation while his buddies all go to prison.

That was why he was pulling the ‘I KNOW NOTHING’ shlick

Gail Combs

and WHAT ABOUT CLAWING BACK ALL THE $$$ from the DNC et al…. Receivers of stole property and all that.


You expect a lot out of Garlick.

Gail Combs

Actually I was thinking about the WEALTHY PEOPLE WHO GOT SCAMMED and a lawsuit.


“I knew that it was wrong,” BUT DID IT ANYWAY.

Lock her up and throw the key in the Marianas Trench!

Gail Combs

How about ALL of them and their donation recipients instead of the key?


Will a millstone around the neck take them all the way to the bottom?


So you can dunk a politician under water for 14 minutes, and they’ll be okay?

You know, that kind of game could become very popular in America.

Gail Combs

I would think so, Let me ask Hubby the physicist…

He said “NO…. Something with TEETH will attack the person so the millstone will make it but not the person.”

Did I mention I married a wise ass?

Gail Combs

Another wise ass speaks…


Lol! I like it!


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NASA’s Mars InSight lander ends mission after losing power
By Meghan Bartels published 3 days ago


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The Red Planet’s harsh dust has claimed another spacecraft.

NASA announced Wednesday (Dec. 21) that its InSight lander, designed to understand the geologic life story of Mars, has completed its mission on the Red Planet. The spacecraft relied on solar power, and after four years on Mars, its sunlight-collecting panels have built up too much dust to generate enough power to run the lander. For months now, the InSight team have been expecting the lander to fall silent. Now, the robot has missed two calls home; scientists last heard from the robot on Dec. 15. NASA will keep listening, but doesn’t expect to hear anything more from the lander.

. . . no mission lasts forever — especially not a solar-powered Mars mission. The Red Planet’s dust is brutal for these spacecraft, piling up on solar panels and dramatically reducing the arrays’ power production. And the dust is a double whammy, since it also seasonally fills the skies, reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches the Martian surface.

Amazing how that Solar Power fails on Mars, but it’s supposed to be magic on Earth, with panels covered in annual snowfall and taking hail.


It’s too bad they’re not close enough to see whether the panels could be cleaned by having the little helicopter hover over them.


You need to tell NASA your little maybe solution. It wouldn’t be the first time they overlooked something.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A damn fan on a damn selfie stick!


That’s why I was thinking the helicopter, so it would blow the sand off instead of drag it across the panel.


Yeah, my solution covers that too 👍😁


Go get ’em kid!

I’ll give you a nickel for every panel you get clean

comment image

SRC: https://understandsolar.com/solar-panel-snow-removal/


The problem may not have been the wipers….it may have been the concern that the little bottles of Windex would be spilled.


If someone could reach out and give the rover a spit-shine, could it theoretically become operable again?


I believe so. Do you have someone in mind?


Apparently the panels can function even when significantly covered by dust, so they should certainly function with at least several clear sheets of protective film or plastic over the panels.

When the panels reach a predetermined amount of dust coverage, measured by how slowly the batteries recharge, jettison the dust covered sheet and you have a clean one underneath, to go another 4 years.

The obvious problems are weight and complexity of the jettison mechanism.

The clear protective sheets should weigh almost nothing, so that leaves the problem of removing / discarding the clear sheets once they become significantly covered by dust.

The amount of force required to remove a sheet should be minimal. Make the sheets like a painting canvas stretched tight within a titanium frame (or other lightweight material that will flex for installation and return to original shape when the retaining force is removed).

Spring load the frames by arching them slightly, stacked one on top of another. Use a circular ratchet as a trigger release. When a sheet needs to be removed, the lander turns the ratchet one click, releasing the tension on the topmost sheet frame, and it pops off, clear of the landing craft.


Whoops, I almost forgot.

Ta-daa… 😁


How about balloon rubber that’s transparent?


From what I can remember, Opportunity and Spirit had a number of lucky breaks where some breeze actually blew the dust off their panels.


So, the story goes, three people find themselves facing Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates. Looking somewhat embarrassed, Peter tells ’em that there was a scheduling glitch and that their quarters are not yet ready in Heaven — they’re fully qualified to get in, but they’d have to sleep rough on the streets of gold.

Instead, he suggests, he can arrange for them to have a few extra days on earth. Nothing they say or do will change their status — they’ll get in when their rooms are ready — and they can be any manner of creature they choose.

So the first guy says, “ok, for a couple of days, I want to be an eagle soaring over the land.” Peter says, “good choice”, and the guy vanishes. The second guy says, “dolphins always look so happy — I’ll be a dolphin and roam the seas.” Peter says, “good choice”, and the guy vanishes. The third soul, a woman, says, “I want to be extra certain — I’m going to Heaven, no matter who I am, where I go, or what I do?” Peter replies, “that’s the deal, lady — it’s not your fault we’re not quite ready.”

So she takes a deep breath and says, “I want to be Sara Pippilini.” Momentarily taken aback, Peter ripostes with, “who?”

“Sara Pippillini.”

Peter goes, “is this a relative?” “No.” “Is this a famous person?” “No.” “So, how do you know of this person?”

And the woman riffles through her purse and pulls out a dog-eared scrap of newsprint that she unfolds and smooths out before giving it to the Saint.

On it, there is a news article. The headline says, “Sahara Pipeline laid by 60 men in 40 days.”

Gail Combs

Field study shows icing can cost wind turbines up to 80% of power Production …Mar 4, 2021

AMES, Iowa – Wind turbine blades spinning through cold, wet conditions can collect ice nearly a foot thick on the yard-wide tips of their blades.

That disrupts blade aerodynamics. That disrupts the balance of the entire turbine. And that can disrupt energy production by up to 80 percent, according to a recently published field study led by Hui Hu, Iowa State University’s Martin C. Jischke Professor in Aerospace Engineering and director of the university’s Aircraft Icing Physics and Anti-/De-icing Technology Laboratory.

Hu has been doing laboratory studies of turbine-blade icing for about 10 years, including performing experiments in the unique ISU Icing Research Tunnel. Much of that work has been supported by grants from the Iowa Energy Center and the National Science Foundation.

“But we always have questions about whether what we do in the lab represents what happens in the field,” Hu said. “What happens over the blade surfaces of large, utility-scale wind turbines?”

We all know about one thing that recently happened in the field. Wind power and other energy sources froze and failed in Texas during last month’s winter storm.

comment image


A couple of Qubes notes —

First, it was once a thing to run a 32-bit dom0. You may thank your stars you never dedicated any brain activity to figuring that out, because it would be lost forever if you had.

Second, Qubes 1.0 used RPM packages, like a normal Fedora installation….but used upstart to get the party started when you booted.

Third, Qubes doesn’t run on ARM — only 64-bit Intel/AMD — so it’s not going to be used on Raspberry Pis any time soon.

Fourth, I am quite jealous at how practiced you have become with Qubes.


I spent eight weeks killing myself with podman and docker, so I’m rather done now.

But I got an A, completing the credit hours I needed to qualify for the program I’ve been working toward.

I need to reload my Linux box but I’m still in the long tail from a week-long case of the nasty RSV crud at the beginning of December.


I’ve got three Pi’s that I need to set up to be running Ubuntu MATE headless. That’s going to be fun.


Too bad I can’t share pics of the RaspPi project my wife has been doing with the kids. She’s not a tinkerer but she got three of the kids set up with Pi’s and HDMI screens. They had a lot of problems and setbacks but got them running without my help, great learning experience.


Pi 4’s?


Yeah they’re Pi 4’s, though she had a heck of a time getting them


Yeah, I remember when I bought my last “normal” one — then, all of a sudden, they were scarcer than hen’s teeth.


I have plenty at the moment, I just haven’t had time to do all the things I have planned to do with them.


If they’re Pi 4’s with 4 or 8 Gig of RAM, they should look into Ardour. It’s a full-featured DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). If you can get audio into the Pi, you can then multitrack it, add reverb or other effects, autotune it, pitch shift it, cut and paste it, play it backwards — and there are hundreds of free modules to add.


Project website — https://www.ardour.org/

One way to get sound in — https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/pirate-audio-dual-mic?variant=32236592693331

BTW — https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/raspberry-pi-4-essentials-kit?variant=40110476165203 [4G Pi 4’s currently available]

If you have sound that is already digital, you can homebrew your own karaoke or dance mixes.


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Nice. There’s even a reflection of his hand on his shirt on the floor.


Well, reflections are important


It’s a good reflection of the artist’s care.


No fire? How can a nostalgic Christmas scene lack an open hearth fire?

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2

I had noticed that there was a whole lot of glass at the back of the room, and really nice centrally located fireplace…..and some dinky little light-up tree in it.


There appears to be a fireplace on the left. We would have to ask him why he isn’t using it. 🤔


This meme quotes Q post 2989, which starts with “Logical thinking.”

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Trump video talking how much of a disgrace it is that the Democrats have his tax returns.

He flips the deck. “This precedent must now be applied to the corrupt Democrats themselves.” Republican house should obtain the financial records of Joe Biden and his entire criminal enterprise. “When I am President, we will expose the Washington cartel, and we will Make America Great Again”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is pushing and pushing and pushing the regime. It’s AWESOME.


This is exactly the kind of messaging that causes people to make unforced errors!


A little transparency is long overdue!


They don’t even bother to follow the Constitutional requirement that you be a natural born citizen in order to run for POTUS.


A) Kenyan Usurper

B) Ted from Canada

There is no law enforcement mechanism for the political-class, so there is no rule of law or equal justice under law, or law at all.

There is only rule of man.

The things that we think of as “laws” are just tools the lawless political-class uses to oppress the People.


There are a whole lot of places in the Constitution where the question arises, “….or what?” and it is not answered.

Gail Combs

 “….or what?” 

I think the 2nd was supposed to be the answer to that.

However the Cabal made sure to breed idiotic Greedy WIMPS use to sucking on the gov’t tit instead of citizens.

This is why the Farmers were targeted for destruction right after WWII.


There is a particular reason why sys-usb is in its own VM.

The USB standard essentially says, when a USB device is plugged into a computer, the computer is supposed to give it power and ask, “what am I supposed to do with you?” The response may be “I am a keyboard” or “I am a mouse”, but often is, “run this little program I happen to have handy and we’ll get you set up.” This is run with no authentication and no security. This is why a “USB drive” that you find in a parking lot can be so dangerous.

Running USB drives in their own VM means that any malware can only compromise that VM.


Nicely done.


Verse of the Day for Saturday, December 24, 2022

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Merry Christmas Eve, Duchess!


And to you as well, Wolf!!! 💙. Most grateful for all you provide for us here!!!

God Bless You Real Good!!! 🧚🧚🧚

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You, too, Duchess!!! 😀



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



 💞  💟  💞 

Merry Christmas, duchess !


Merry Christmas to you, too, Smiley!!! Miss your face – I do –

💚 ❤️ 💚 ❤️ 💚 ❤️


Always with the best words and my day really does not start until I see them. Thank You, Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Today’s Advent Calendar Item for December 24:

Christmas Eve! Take a family photo. Celebrate being together.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



12/24/22 – 1598 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1101 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection


“It was a lie from the very beginning. We had treatment from Day one!!!”

We did not need the *&^%$#@!!! vaccines or Remdesivir or Paxlovid or masks nor ventilators or big payments to hospitals – nor any of that crap.


Our politicians, medical and health authorities committed *&^%$#@©! MASS MURDER!!!!

Gail Combs


TEA and TOAST with Blueberry Jam would have worked better!!!

Green tea brewed this way LINK or ECGC green tea tablets can be used. Also foods with quercetin include red onions and berries.

Epigallocatechin gallate compound found in green tea has been linked to fighting cancer and lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease. [4] [5] [6] [7]


From PubMed papers:
Green Tea Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)  👉 Targeting Protein Misfolding  👈  in Drug Discovery for Neurodegenerative Diseases


The potential to treat neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) of the major bioactive compound of green tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), is well documented.  👉 Numerous findings now suggest that EGCG targets protein misfolding and aggregation, a common cause and pathological mechanism in many NDs. Several studies have shown that EGCG interacts with misfolded proteins such as amyloid beta-peptide (Aβ), linked to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and α-synuclein, linked to Parkinson’s disease (PD). 👈  To date, NDs constitute a serious public health problem, causing a financial burden for health care systems worldwide. Although current treatments provide symptomatic relief, they do not stop or even slow the progression of these devastating disorders. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop effective drugs for these incurable ailments. It is expected that targeting protein misfolding can serve as a therapeutic strategy for many NDs since protein misfolding is a common cause of neurodegeneration. In this context, EGCG may offer great potential opportunities in drug discovery for NDs…..

August 30 2021: Epigallocatechin gallate from green tea effectively blocks infection of SARS-CoV-2 and new variants by inhibiting spike binding to ACE2 receptor


We demonstrated that green tea beverage (GTB) or its major ingredient, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), were highly effective in inhibiting infection of live SARS-CoV-2 and human coronavirus (HCoV OC43). In addition, infection of the pseudoviruses with spikes of the new variants (UK-B.1.1.7, SA-B.1.351, and CA-B.1.429) was efficiently blocked by GTB or EGCG. Among the 4 active green tea catechins at noncytotoxic doses, EGCG was the most potent in the action against the viruses. The highest inhibitory activity was observed when the viruses or the cells were pre-incubated with EGCG prior to the infection. Mechanistic studies revealed that EGCG blocked infection at the entry step through interfering with the engagement of the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the viral spikes to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor of the host cells.


These data support further clinical evaluation and development of EGCG as a novel, safe, and cost-effective natural product for prevention/treatment of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and infection.

I think I will continue to drink green tea or black tea spiked with boiling water brewed green tea.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


The Sen. Tom Cotton who voted “Yea” for the new spending bill that gives MORE money Ukraine, NO money for a border wall at the Mexico border, and basically legitimizes the process used to steal the 2020 election? And now he’s worried about the CCP using Tik Tok to spy on people? THAT Sen. Tom Cotton? What was he promised for his “Yea” vote — a possible VP slot on the 2024 “RNC ticket” (with Pence getting the President slot)?


I am SO friggin’ tired of these RINOs.


Another view, mine…

Parted ways with Rinos, GOP, RNC…


Truly. I made a vow to never vote for another RINO, no matter what. And once I make a vow, I never break it.


Just another Lucy with the football. Senator Tom the Lucy Cotton.
They are giving him serious push back on his tweet. Gig is up.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That 200 Million for gender equity and equality is WAR MONEY to fight parents.


Gail Combs

More likely to fund having little boys cocks cut off and girls Tits removed…
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Tom Cotton is a UniParty puke…what was he doing (in 2016) at that very private Sea Island confab with all those other anti-Trump UniParty pukes?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Neocon to the max. The most easily manipulated Republicans of all. Conservatives chasing WAR BONDS dragged on a string down the aisles in Congress.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Great post, Sir Steve in CO!


ALPHABET ADVENT CALENDAR – ABCs of GOD – Father, Son, Holy Spirit

You have persevered and have endured hardships for my Name, and have not grown weary. – Revelation 2:3

A – Adonai, Almighty, Alpha, Ancient of Days, Advocate, Able, Avenger, Abba, Authority, Anointed, All-knowing, All-powerful, All-seeing, Author and Finisher of our Faith, Angel of the Lord, Abiding, All in All, Apostle, Altogether Lovely, Anchor for our souls.

B – Bread of Life, Bread of Heaven, Bread of Sincerity and Truth, Balm of Gilead, Beginning and End, Breath of Life, Builder of the Church, Beloved, Beautiful, Blessed, Brother, Bishop of Souls, Beginning, Burden Bearer, Bright and Morning Star, Brightness of His Glory, Bridegroom, the final and true Blood Sacrifice, Baptizer

C – Christ, Creator, Comforter, Chief Cornerstone, Counsellor, Chastiser, Carpenter, Consuming Fire, Compassion, Conquerer of sin, evil, death, Courageous, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, Covert from the tempest, Consolation of Israel, Champion of fatherless, children, women, poor, sick, helpless, oppressed, persecuted.

D – Divine, Deliverer, Defender, Dunamis (power), Door of the Sheep, Dwelling place, Delight, Despised and rejected by men, Divider of wheat from chaff, sheep from goats, Desire of nations, Dayspring from on high, Diadem of beauty, 

E – Elohim, El-Shaddai, Emmanuel, Eternal, Ever-present, Edifier, Exalted, Elect Stone, Enduring Love, Eternal Life, Everlasting Father, Ensign of the people, 

F – Father, Faithful, Friend, Fortress, First and Last, Foundation, For us, Forerunner, First born, Forgiver, Fairer than the children of men, Finisher of our Faith, Fountain of Life, Fragrance of Life, Freedom, Food indeed, Fulfillment of prophesies, promises, hunger, thirst, desires, needs.  

G – GOD manifest in Christ’s human form – GOD who sees, speaks, hears, listens, acts, loves, rescues, redeems, regenerates, sanctifies, transforms, delivers, saves to the uttermost! – Good, Gracious, Giver, Gift, Gentle, Great, Gatherer, Glorious, Governor, Great Light.

H – Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, High and Lifted Up, High Priest, Hope, Home, Healer, Helper, Humble and Lowly of Heart, Heir of all things, Head of Every man, Hidden Manna, Horn of Salvation, Hiding Place, He that shall come, Husband, Hero, Highest, Holy One of Israel

I – I AM WHO I AM, Intercessor, Infinite, Invincible, Indivisible, Immeasurable, Instructor, Ikon of Love, Truth, Life, Man, Humanity, (the only true, unchanging, holy fixed) Identity, Image of GOD, 

J – Jesus, Jehovah, JHWH, Jehovah Jireh (our provider), The Just One, Righteous Judge of the Quick and the Dead, Justifier, our Justification, our Joy.

K – King of Kings, Keeper of Israel, Kinsman Redeemer, Kindness, Kyrie (Lord), our Keddesh (sanctifier)

L – Lord GOD, Lord of Lords, Lord of Hosts, Logos (The Word), Lamb of God without spot or blemish, Lover of our souls, Lamb slain, Liberty, Lawgiver, Living Word, Living Water, Living Bread, Living Stone, the Last Adam, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Lily of the Valley, Light of Israel

M – Master, Messiah, Maker, Mighty, Mercy, Meek, Manna, Model, Miracle Worker, Marvelous, Majesty, The Man, Maturer (helps us to mature and grow) Mine Elect, Man of Sorrows, Messenger of the Covenant, Minister of the Circumcision, 

N – Name above all names, Never forsaking, Never failing, Newness of Life, Near, Nazarene, Only Name under Heaven by which we may be saved, Nail fastened in a sure place,

O – Only true God, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Ordainer, Orderer, Organizer of Creation and of all that is, Our Father, Only Begotten Son, Only Savior, Offering, Ointment poured forth, One who holds the Key of David, Omega, Overcomer, Opposes the proud, 

P – Prince of Peace, Path of Life, Passover Lamb, Potter, Protector, Provider, Provision, Portion, Propitiation, Priest, Power, Physician, Blessed and Only Potentate, Prophet of Nazareth, Principle, Preserver, Purifier, Sin Purger, Polished Shaft, Precious Stone, Perfect Love, Truth, Life, Joy.

Q – Quiet voice, Quieter of storms, Quickening Spirit, Quickener of physical life and spiritual Eternal Life, Quencher of spiritual hunger and thirst, Questioner and Answer to Questions

R – Redeemer, Risen Lord, Restorer, Rapha (our healer), Refining fire, Refuge, Resting Place, Righteous, The Resurrection, Rescuer, Ransom, Rabbi, Rose of Sharon, Reconciler and our Reconciliation, Rock of our Salvation, Rock of ages, Rock of Offense, Rod and Root out of Jesse, Root of David, Rivers of water, 

S – Savior, Sovereign, Source, Shepherd, Son of God, a Sceptre, Son of Man, Sanctuary, Shiloh, Shelter, Safe refuge, Supplier, Supply, Sweet savor, Sustainer, Sustenance, Sanctifier, Shield, Sacrifice, Servant, Surety, Satisfaction, Sinless, Self control, Slow to anger, Sufficient, Stronghold, Stone of Stumbling, Soon coming King, Spirit of Truth, Love, Life, Steadfast, Sower, Seed of the Woman, Seeker, Shalom, our only Security. Shadow from the heat,

T – Truth, Trustworthy, Teacher, Testator, True Friend, True Word, True Riches, Temple, Treasure, Tender Grass, Tried Stone

U – Unchanging, Unfailing, Undying, Uplifter, Understanding, Underneath, Under-girder, Unending Life, Love, Truth, Joy, Peace and Rest

V – V – Veritas, True Vine, our Vindicator, Validator and Validation, Victor, Virtue.

W – Word, Word of Life, Way, Wisdom, Watcher, Wonderful, Willing, Worthy, Water of Life, Wall of Fire, Faithful and true Witness, Washes with Fire, Water, His Blood and His Word, 

X – XP – Chi Rho, Christ’s Cross that cancels sin, death, curses.

Y – YHWH, Yearning of our hearts, both our Yoke and our Yokefellow, Young Child, Your GOD, Yea and Amen, Renewer of Youth.

Story behind the Names of GOD Alphabet List – https://www.theqtree.com/2022/11/29/dear-kag-20221129-open-thread/#comment-1001222

Note – Day 25 – This is a work in progress – Names may be added to previous lists as we go along. Your suggestions are welcome.


Sorry – I messed up and posted yesterday’s list and I can’t edit.

Here is list for the Letter Z

Z – Zion’s True and Righteous King, Zealous for us with Holy Zeal (unction, motivation, volition)

And today’s Scripture:

Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, And the Lord listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the Lord And who meditate on His Name. – Malachi 3:16


Saw a government television commercial last night for the first time. Very strange.

It was a PSA, which means it was political propaganda of some sort.

The message of this commercial? If you get covid, call your doctor and get treatment for your covid. No mention whatsoever of shots. Also, no mention of what treatment means.

The central FACT supporting the evil intention of the evil people was the actual, breathtaking implementation of “no treatment” – – no therapeutics – – during the hoax.

Individual doctors were overwhelmingly on board with no treatment, lying about it. “Go to the hospital” was the cruel, universal medical advice. Nothing but the shots, period.

The malignant absurdity of this approach proclaimed its evil motivation. None of the symptoms of covid were allowed to be mitigated. And the daily, smothering propaganda supported the doctors in this approach.

But now, get treatment. Why is the government saying this?

And a thought occurred to me: what happened to monoclonals, treatment which everyone on all sides admitted was effective? Precisely because they were effective, my wife and I, when we had covid, were lied to and given preposterous run-arounds until it was too late. TPTB wanted us sick.

Why have monolonals dropped off the map completely?

Last edited 2 years ago by Tonawanda

14 of 15 gotta go. <<< I never lose sight of this.

“Treatment” from day one has been a sham, designed to kill. <<< Still true today.

Government PSA…Seek “treatment”.

  • Bait AND Switch. Folks do NOT want jabs…so say Treatment.
  • Treatment remains…
  1. Get jabbed, twice. Get boosted. Get Bivalent.
  2. Remdisivir.
  3. Paxlovid.
  4. Ventilators.
  5. D I E.

BTW. Monoclonals went away, for the same reason, HCQ and Ivermectin went away.

  • ^^^ They do NOT kill. They help.
  • Never lose sight of…14 of 15 gotta go away.

So, in their usual dishonest twisting of words, “treatment” = death shots.


B I N G O.


Waiting for the Dpop Blues songs. They can make a whole new music genre if they try just a little. It’s not like it’s going away. Like it or not it’s our new human condition and it ain’t pretty. .


“But now, get treatment. Why is the government saying this?”

Because the have a drug to sell; Paxlovid.

And there IS a new monoclonal, Tocilizumab.


It’s like everything else in medicine now. It’s all about the Benjamins.

Our best bet is to be responsible for our own health. Exercise, a healthy diet, vitamins and supplements, and herbal treatments and cures are the way to go.

Avoid modern medicine like the plague it is. They have convinced us all of a LIE; that they have made advances that keep people alive longer than ever. But the Bible will tell you that life expectancy is pretty much the same as it ever was:

Psalms 90:10The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

Current life expectancy in America falls between 70 and 80 for both men and women.


Human beings have a lifespan. Big Medicine and Big Pharma have NOT CHANGED IT.


It does!


I s it made with the blood of virgins on the way to the volcano?


Aztecs would do sacrifices on tops of pyramids, on the sides of pyramids, in the foundations of pyramids, and in caves under the pyramids….as well as on random streetcorners.


I’ve been on the top of a Mayan pyramid in the Yucatan. The bloodstains are still visible even after all this time. They killed a LOT of people up there.

Valerie Curren

That’s horrifying!


Yeah, it was pretty gross.

Valerie Curren



I’m sure it’s made with the blood of babies.


“I s it made with the blood of virgins on the way to the volcano?”


Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting, Lizard’s leg, and howlet’s wing…

Barb Meier


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s the enantiomer (mirror image drug)!


Methuselah was around for a few years longer than average… 😁


Quite a few.


Might be a miss not to post this. It’s not all Uni Party.
Chip Roy kicks ass and takes names…


Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
pat frederick

Merry Christmas to All!!!
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Thank You Pat!
You’ve always been inspirational for us.
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

pat frederick

and to You and Yours!!!


Merry Christmas patf !

pat frederick

thanks Nor’easter!!
and to you!!!




What to tell the kids this Christmas when presents don’t appear under the Christmas Tree.

Santa’s Sleigh Mistakenly Shot Down By Ukrainian Missile
Dec 23, 2022 · BabylonBee.com

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KYIV — Somber news came out of war-torn Ukraine today as reports confirmed Santa Claus’s sleigh had been mistaken for a hostile Russian aircraft and was shot down by a Ukrainian surface-to-air missile as it flew over the greater Kyiv area early this morning.
It has long been suspected that Santa Claus frequently makes test flights over this region in the days leading up to Christmas, but there have been reports of Ukrainian military personnel being overly eager to try out their new missiles provided by the United States.
“One of our reconnaissance teams observed something unidentifiable on the radar this morning,” said Ukrainian military spokesperson Grigor Grigorovic at a media briefing. “We attempted multiple times to communicate with the aircraft and received no response. We very clearly warned the aircraft that we would open fire if it remained in restricted Ukrainian airspace. We did what we had to do. This tragedy is not on us. The blood of Santa Claus is on his own head.”
Wreckage believed to be remnants of Santa’s sleigh was found in a nearby village, though there has been no sign of Santa himself. The public is holding out hope that he has somehow survived and will still be well enough to carry on his Christmas work over the weekend.
At publishing time, the White House offered no comment on any involvement of the United States in the incident, though the Biden administration was already aware of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky already requesting another Patriot missile to replace the one used to destroy Santa’s sleigh.


Larry should of been at the top. He personifies MAGA!

However this one will come in handy when battling nasty libs on twitter.
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Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Sammy Bankman hyphen Fried wishes he was in that kind of shape.


Well, while the electricity was out yesterday, Yours Truly used her trusty AA-powered small radio to listen to a local Raleigh news station, WPTF. Guess what? PFIZER-BIONTECH is paying for radio ads about “make sure you’re vaccinated and getting your booster shot.”
(Thank God, the electricity came back on and stayed on. Right now, the wind chill in this area is zero.)

by Alex Berenson
Yours Truly: IMO, Mr. Berenson does fine journalistic work when he’s producing articles like this — he should stick to it.
The article discusses two recent published papers on the COVID-19 “vaccines.” One of the papers has already been posted about and discussed on this board: the Cleveland Clinic employees who got the new “COVID-19 bivalent booster shot.” The paper shows that the “effectiveness rate” of this “booster shot” is only 30%. This paper is a pre-print. http://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.12.17.22283625v1.full.pdf
December, 2022
“Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine”
Shrestha, N., et al

The other paper is about people in Indiana, comparing those who got “vaccinated” with those who just got infected with COVID-19. This paper raises questions as to whether the COVID-19 “vaccines” are doing the job in “protecting” people from severe illness / death from the virus. There appear to be some important issues with the datasets and analysis of this paper, however — among them, there is NO discussion of what treatments were used among “unvaccinated” persons in the hospital (ventilator, Remdesivir, etc.). Also, the authors use the “Conclusions” section to state the following: “The significantly lower rates of all-cause ED visits, hospitalizations, and mortality in the vaccinated highlight the real-world benefits of vaccination.” [Yours Truly: just wait till the “real-world benefits of vaccination” — “vaccine”-engendered injuries, illnesses, and deaths — start to avalanche in the next year.]
On the other hand, the authors also state this, in the “Discussion” section:
Interestingly, at least in the study population and at the time of this analysis, natural immunity appears more effective in preventing new infections,…” (bolding mine)
This paper is reviewed. https://ajph.aphapublications.org/10.2105/AJPH:2022.307112
January, 2023
“SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Hospitalization, and Death in Vaccinated and Infected Individuals by Age Groups in Indiana, 2021-2022”
Wanzhu, T., et al

by Simon Elmer
Yours Truly: This is an article regarding people in England who died after getting injected with the AstraZeneca viral-vector COVID-19 “vaccine.”
This “vaccine” is the same type of viral-vector COVID-19 “vaccine” used in the United States and made by Johnson & Johnson (Janssen). On Page 1 of the FDA-issued Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers regarding the Janssen “vaccine”, there is the following Black Lettering Warning:
The FDA / CDC are STILL pushing this “vaccine” for whom “other FDA-authorized or approved vaccines are not accessible or clinically appropriate…” (Page 1).
How on Earth can the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 “vaccine” be “clinically appropriate” for ANYONE, given that Black Letter Warning ON THE SAME PAGE 1 of said Fact Sheet?

Yours Truly will also note that the FDA-issued Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers information for the Pfizer-BioNTech, the Moderna, and the Janssen COVID-19 “vaccines” in use in the United States ALL state the same thing, on Page 1 of each Fact Sheet:
When the FDA knows FULL WELL that these “vaccines” DO NOT prevent COVID-19 infection OR transmission.


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Last edited 2 years ago by barkerjim

All the Darwin’s are more than welcome to have our shares.

Reminds me of when five at the dinner table and with a mouthful of vegetables I’d ask to be excused to go the bathroom. Somehow I was able to get away with that more than once in one sitting and thusly was never denied desert! 😁

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

“We Must Eat Bugs to Appease the Weather God”


Could always piss down his back and tell him it’s rain.

Weather god would love that 👍😁


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I think we were here?

And I don’t have a clue who Ned is 😝
Fully expanded…
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Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Baicu ain’t got no rules.


Found a shareable link on Putin Santa you can use to post to twitter.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



That’s some grade-A propaganda there! I enjoyed it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lots of wonderful little details.

Gail Combs

Yeah, I bet there are a LOT of parents all over the world who are wishing Putin was ‘our leader’ instead of the ‘larcenous scumbag pervert’ we now have.

I keep thinking of what Brurning bright says about winning the ‘Narrative war’


Nice messaging.

Valerie Curren

Hubby got his first taste of winter truck driving yesterday. He was driving the 53 foot trailer AND had his boss riding along. At one point some idiot on an entrance ramp gunned it & cut them off & the boss said he practically needed to change his underwear. Michael had been watching the moron in his mirrors so was prepared for the necessary maneuvers to keep them safe & the truck intact. His boss highly praised his “professional driving techniques” which was a huge confidence boost for hubby! He went from sleeping poorly the night before in dreaded anticipation for what he might experience to being much more confident in his ability to handle the biggest rig that his company possesses in pretty dicey conditions!

As a bonus he didn’t experience any excess cold bothering him, having lived in Oklahoma for most of his youth & young adulthood he Hates the cold in Michigan. He was telling Josiah, who’s still living with us though making headway in dealing with his marital & in-law situation, how the cold’s not that bad when you dress properly for it. I pointed out that I’d been telling Him that for Thirty Years! & he admitted that he’d been ignoring me for Thirty Years. Too bad I didn’t get this admission on tape for future “blackmail” purposes…  😍   😂   😍 

Hope Everyone in Wolf’s Pack has a Blessed & Merry Christmas & Joyous New Year!

Valerie Curren

Yes it was a near side swipe situation, where the guy ran out of lane before he beat the truck, that Michael was watching develop so prepared to deal with, but which was completely unanticipated by his boss who was pretty freaked out. Hubby says that rig, & it was fully loaded, needs at least a quarter mile to stop…

Mrs. Griswold “Clark, I don’t want to spend Christmas dead!”

Michael had asked me to be praying for him yesterday, which I was doing on & off throughout the day. I’d asked Q-Treepers for prayer too so maybe our prayers were a factor in the mostly “uneventful” day 🙂

Valerie Curren

That is super annoying to deal with with Any regularity. I always try to not get behind the semis & avoid that situation if at all possible. Plus I Crave better visibility (was born far-sighted in perhaps more than one meaning of the word) 🙂

There is a nearby highway, US 24, aka Telegraph Road, where the lights are well synchronized where if you go about 2 miles over the speed limit you can hit all greens for Many miles. It’s quite heavily travelled, but with that light synchronization it often moves better than the surrounding Interstates.

Gail Combs

You know they are darn slow when my diesel pulling a horse trail can beat then starting from a dead stop

Happy go lucky

Lol…the only two things that make me curse a blue streak, just horribly swear, are mike pence and my fellow man behind the wheel

Valerie Curren

You’re making me think of those annoying left foot brakers that brake repair shops must adore for the excessive repeat business!

I wonder if it’s the Same US 24? We have I-75 as a main N/S artery & it goes down into Florida. Hard to envision a reasonable highway route that goes from Metro Detroit to Colorado Springs (land of my husband’s ancestors)…hmmm…

I Thought you said, the other day, that we had Nothing in common! 😉

Valerie Curren

Good find! Funny that we appear to be connected by that route (amongst other things) 😉 By the way, here in Michigan 24 used to be called “Bloody Alley” for all the deaths associated with it way before I was a driver….

Happy go lucky

For sure, prayer works!

Valerie Curren

Amen! I still can’t believe he had zero adrenaline. It would take me a while to get over that kind of near miss. Angels watching over us, PTL!!!

Valerie Curren

That’s a Terrifying thought & sounds about par for the course for how Sheeple might typically live!


Good News!

Thank you for reporting back.

Valerie Curren

YW I was practically doing a happy dance when he was sharing his tales yesterday!


A very Merry Christmas to one and all, including to those whose monikers one no longer sees on the board!  🌲  🎅 


Lol! Shirley you jest.


“And don’t call me Shirley.”


Dropping this here for further discussion . . .


Catherine Austin Fitts is the publisher of The Solari Report and the former Assistant Secretary of Housing under President Bush.

She was recently interviewed by Greg Hunter, of USA Watchdog. Greg Hunter is obviously a MAGA Trump supporter, and put forth all the usual arguments that those in the Trump cult parrot like robots, trying to excuse Donald Trump’s actions in funding and implementing the COVID-19 bioweapons, which have now killed and maimed millions of Americans.

Catherine Austin Fitts interrupts Greg Hunter several times to set the record straight. Here is a partial transcript:

HUNTER: They’re still going after Donald Trump who wants to destroy the New World Order.

FITTS: Well, but wait a minute. He put $10 billion dollars into a military program to depopulate Americans. Come on Greg. I’m going to be a tough guy about this.

HUNTER: Do you think he was told the truth, though?

FITTS: So if you look at the history of what is known, it takes 10 to 12 years to test out a vaccine to make sure its safe. Everybody knows that.

HUNTER: So you actually think Donald Trump actually knew, hey we’re going to depopulate and murder off a bunch of people? See, I don’t. I think he was lied to and he missed this.

FITTS: If there was one person who understood how dangerous vaccines are, that was in political life, it was Donald Trump. Because this was a big issue during the campaign, and he made a big issue about the dangers of vaccines. So he knows.

HUNTER: So you think he knew ahead of time. You think he knew going into it that we’re going to depopulate people? See I just don’t believe that…

FITTS: So I’m just going to be a tough guy. Because I knew the injection program stunk. I knew it was dangerous, and I knew there were different nefarious agendas that could go on.

And I said to people as soon as the virus started, or as soon as they claimed there was a virus, because I think it was more than one thing going on, I said don’t worry about COVID. Worry about the injection. Don’t take the injection, whatever you do.

So, if I knew that in March 2020, I’m sure Trump knew that. So no, $10 billion dollars? He put in charge of Operation Warp Speed someone who was head of research at a pharmaceutical company, and his expertise was on brain – machine interface. Come on Greg.

HUNTER: I just can’t believe that he would say sure, let’s kill millions of people. I just have a hard time believing that…

FITTS: So, go back. Then you’re saying that’s he incompetent. Because if I knew what I knew, you know, don’t tell me that I knew more than Trump. I just don’t buy that.

HUNTER: Do you think that he art of the dealed this thing, and he had a trade off? And the trade off was well you can get your check, but some of you are going to die.

FITTS: You know something, I have no idea what was going on. And I don’t care.

Because you had the President roll out something that in March 2020 I was sure was going to harm and kill millions of Americans.

And he either has two reasons for doing it. He’s incompetent, or he is breaking the law.

Which do you want?

I don’t know. I wasn’t there. I can’t say.

But I know what I knew, and I know what I hold him responsible to know, and I know what he did.

And I know what I would have done. I would have taken a bullet in the head before I would implement a culling of the American population.


I’m sure there’s a point here but I sure don’t see it.


Not seeing any discussion of “warp speed” having short circuited the path to vax approval. We ended up with Experimental Use Authorization and Trump believing that opened the door to voluntarily taking or not taking the jab.
Full blown approval would have subjected everyone to murderous mandates along the lines of what the military was subjected to.
How much wiggle room did he have before enough Bushie Republicons would have sided with the Dims in successfully impeaching & convicting him? Etc. Agenda much Austin Fitts?!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Trump knew the lay of the land. CAF is playing armchair general here. Trump was taken for a ride by the Deep State, and tried to balance the whole thing as best he could. People saw what the media did. People saw what SCIENCE did.

The whole thing is very weird, and a mess.

Many hands, knowing, unknowing, and in between, stirred the pot.

Robert Baker

Unfortunately for Trump and his supporters (which includes me), elections are won or lost on perception not fact. If the predictions of a coming mass death consequent to the vaccine occurs it will be Trump who carries the blame. Operation Warp Speed was his operation regardless of if he was or was not deceived. If mass death becomes obvious during the 2024 election cycle all the media fingers will single out their chosen victim. Does anyone here have doubts about where the media will lay the blame? That does not even account for the fact that the vote is rigged. My prediction is that if the vaccine deaths accelerate in 2024, as many predict, Trump has no chance to be elected unless God cast His own vote for Trump.


I pray that you’re wrong, friend. It’s a sad situation.


For my part, I’m waiting for them to drag Trump into the middle when their vax ship sinks.

If they get skeered of their war crimes and try to tangle Trump up in it, it won’t end well for them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. They suspect this, too, but at some point they will not be able to help themselves. They will grab for the “GET TRUMP” lifesaver, and it will become their millstone.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Truth wins in the long run, because GOD prefers to win in the long run.

Losing deserved elections may actually be the best way to destroy the Deep State.

But I’m confident that the process of exonerating the innocent will incriminate the guilty, so as the guilty accuse Trump, so they will in fact undo themselves.

Robert Baker

Losing deserved elections may actually be the best way to destroy the Deep State.”

An interesting statement. Care to elaborate?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’d rather not. I want the other side to not believe me. But people on our side have both faith and honest inquiry, and may see the logic on their own.

It’s a bit of a Q move.

Robert Baker

Well if losing deserved elections is the strategy to weaken the Deep State I would have to say that the Republican party has gotten very good at it. However, to me, it seems a bit antithetical that the way to weaken the enemy is to give him more power. As I have admitted before I do not have the intellectual circuitry for 3-D chess.


This has been my fear for a long time now.

Robert Baker

I too have been deeply concerned about how the press will spin the vaccine development during the upcoming primary campaign. Since a large segment of the voting public still gets its information from the mainstream they are predisposed to believe what they hear.


By this transcript Fitts doesn’t come off well IMO. First most around here were against the vax by Jan/Feb time frame. She keeps going to March. So she likely hadn’t been seeing anything that we did not see. We also had been keeping our eye on Trump the whole time and for the very larger part we have not dumped the Vax roll out on him for a host of reasons. Right off the bat she gets no special points for being “in the know” here.

Her insistence on pressing this seems to bely an unstated motive that involves taking down Trump. She can go fry ice. Meanwhile hat off to Greg Hunt for not buckling.


*Greg Hunter

Has to add, listened to the interview. Nothing sways my comment. Notes that the vid shows up on Bitchute, Odessey, and Tel Gram though that last brings it back to the article. Neither allow comments. The article does allow comments but bunches up two other stories below that with lots of loose conspiracy theory imagery in between. When I submitted my comment it was labeled spam. I used no links and modified it only by clarifying the existent points from what is above. Conclusion stands, something stinks here.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Gail Combs

From what I could tell POTUS Trump was caught between a rock and a Hard place. — Warp Speed vs a FIVE YEAR LOCKDOWN

So Warp Speed was the best idea.

Remember FIVE YEARS of development while the country/world was locked down would have completely crippled the USA AND the DemonRats would be in power at the end of those five years and shoving the Clot Shot down our throats anyway.

POTUS had to be very careful what he said about the clot shot at least early on. Notice he ALWAYS stated he wanted it for the elderly, NOT CHILDREN and NEVER mandatory.


Until now I was inclined to think CAF was useful…no longer. Just another opportunist.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think she’s just a very poor student of Trump. She does her own thing well, but she is not humble enough to understand Trump. She’s a bit like Denninger, in that respect, IMO.

Gail Combs

This four years of Bite-Me sure is revealing WHO has puppet strings attached isn’t it?

Lots of people you never thought, at least I didn’t.


Boy howdy…truth!

Gail Combs

It is one of the reasons I give Q the benefit of the doubt.

It is VITAL we wake up AND the bad actors and those with strings are exposed.


The “five years of development” would have definitely deep sixed not just our but the world economy as well.


She can go fry ice.

This made me smile. I have stolen it.




Shwiiiiiiiiiiiing !!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Pelosi mocked for wishing ‘Happy Shwanza’ in final speech as House Speaker …

Today: Happy Shwanza. Happy Hanukah,” said Pelosi on the House floor. “Whatever it is you celebrate, be safe.” This gaffe prompted social media users to mock Pelosi by wishing others to have a “happy schwanza”

….The soon-to-be former speaker closed the 2022 session of Congress by sharing holiday greetings, including incorrectly pronouncing the African American holiday Kwanzaa, an annual celebration held from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1.,,,

Another social media user asked what kind of food is appropriate to make for Schwanza. One woman reminded Pelosi that a “schwanz” is another way of describing someone as a jerk.

Gail Combs

These morons are truly IDIOTS!

Go to WAR with Russia WHILE LEAVING THE SOUTHERN BORDER WIDE OPEN is like royally pissing off the dealers in the crackhouse across the street while leaving all your doors wide open.  🙄 


Different, Mini Ground Report

Have been driving 50+ years. Two local gas stations today. This is the First major holiday, that I’ve seen gas prices drop.

  • Down $0.04 from yesterday.
  • Down $0.90 from 8 November.

Every other product has been rising. Gas dropping. The economy continues to implode.


Nobody’s driving unless absolutely necessary.

Gail Combs

December 1, 2022, 11:27 AM EST
Saudi Crude Oil Exports Drop

The November figure could rise, as ships hauling about 18 million barrels of Saudi crude that loaded last month still haven’t signaled their final destinations. … It’s rare — though not unheard of — for Saudi oil flows to the US to slow to a trickle.

Saudi Arabia’s crude exports declined in November, as shipments to the US plunged to a multiyear low and flows to China slumped.

Total observed shipments dropped to about 7.1 million barrels a day, the lowest since June, tanker-tracking data compiled by Bloomberg show. That compares with a revised 7.5 million barrels a day in October.

Saudi Arabia Oil Exports – November 2022 Data – 2006-2021…

Oil exports from Saudi Arabia rose by SAR 30.3 billion from a year earlier to SAR 100.192 billion in September of 2022, amid higher oil prices and rising production. The share of oil exports in total exports increased to 80.4% in September from 73.4% in the corresponding month of the previous year. 

source: Central Department of Statistics & Information, Saudi Arabia

 Saudi Arabia Oil Exports – values, historical data and charts – was last updated on December of 2022.

comment image?s=saudiaraboilexp&v=202211240722V20220312


comment imageDonald J Trump



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Dig it up by the roots, back to Obama, and then some.


Very scary even though we suspect much of it.


Last edited 2 years ago by barkerjim
Gail Combs

comment image

comment image
comment image

 🌲   🎄   🌲   🌲   🎄   🌲  𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑹𝒀 𝑪𝑯𝑹𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑴𝑨𝑺 𝑸-𝑻𝑹𝑬𝑬𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑺!  🌲   🎄   🌲   🌲   🎄 

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs

BREAKING: Judge Dismisses Kari Lake’s Election Lawsuit – Lake to Appeal Ruling

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. As expected. Thanks for the news.

Gail Combs

In Abe Hamadeh’s Election Lawsuit his Lawyer CAVED. I guess they threaten him. There was ONLY a 500+ vote difference and they found the adjudicated ballets in a VERY SMALL SAMPLE were done wrong…. Plenty of evidence given the voters who could not vote (Kari Lake’s Case) to over turn the election but in closing remarks the SOB says — NO EVIDENCE we concede…


May the Tree of Liberty be submerged with the blood of tyrants.

Gail Combs

“May the Tree of Liberty be submerged WATERED with the blood of tyrants.”

Lots and lots of tyrants and wannabe tyrants.
Although I do get you want it to flow until the tree is flooded.  🤓 

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs

I was thinking it might be watered with so much blood of tyrants that it would disappear beneath the waves of blood.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. The practice for lockdowns, I believe. The seeding of the response. It’s how they do it.


Health ground report…

74-year-old relative now has covid for the second time in 6 months.

18-year-old family friend had mono a few months back, now a flare up, co-infection, sepsis, dehydration, kidney issues, and myocarditis. Hospitalized but recovering.

55-year-old SIL is struggling with a deep racking cough, shortness of breath and fatigue after a bout with the flu a couple months ago.

All vaxxed and boosted at least once. I am watching with dread, but admittedly some interest as not one of them links their illnesses to the vaxx.

Last edited 2 years ago by holly08
Gail Combs

If you can not get them on Ivermectin or quercitin Try Green Tea. and beef (zinc) & a couple Brazil nuts (Selenium)

Green tea brewed this way LINK or ECGC green tea tablets can be used.

 Foods with quercetin are red onions and berries. (Think tea, toast and blueberry preserves)

You can hand them these studies from NIH’s Pub Med.

Epigallocatechin gallate compound found in green tea has been linked to fighting cancer and lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease. [4] [5] [6] [7]


From PubMed papers:

Green Tea Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)  👉 Targeting Protein Misfolding  👈  in Drug Discovery for Neurodegenerative Diseases


The potential to treat neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) of the major bioactive compound of green tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), is well documented.  👉 Numerous findings now suggest that EGCG targets protein misfolding and aggregation, a common cause and pathological mechanism in many NDs. Several studies have shown that EGCG interacts with misfolded proteins such as amyloid beta-peptide (Aβ), linked to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and α-synuclein, linked to Parkinson’s disease (PD). 👈  To date, NDs constitute a serious public health problem, causing a financial burden for health care systems worldwide. Although current treatments provide symptomatic relief, they do not stop or even slow the progression of these devastating disorders. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop effective drugs for these incurable ailments. It is expected that targeting protein misfolding can serve as a therapeutic strategy for many NDs since protein misfolding is a common cause of neurodegeneration. In this context, EGCG may offer great potential opportunities in drug discovery for NDs…..

August 30 2021: Epigallocatechin gallate from green tea effectively blocks infection of SARS-CoV-2 and new variants by inhibiting spike binding to ACE2 receptor


We demonstrated that green tea beverage (GTB) or its major ingredient, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), were highly effective in inhibiting infection of live SARS-CoV-2 and human coronavirus (HCoV OC43). In addition, infection of the pseudoviruses with spikes of the new variants (UK-B.1.1.7, SA-B.1.351, and CA-B.1.429) was efficiently blocked by GTB or EGCG. Among the 4 active green tea catechins at noncytotoxic doses, EGCG was the most potent in the action against the viruses. The highest inhibitory activity was observed when the viruses or the cells were pre-incubated with EGCG prior to the infection. Mechanistic studies revealed that EGCG blocked infection at the entry step through interfering with the engagement of the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the viral spikes to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor of the host cells.


These data support further clinical evaluation and development of EGCG as a novel, safe, and cost-effective natural product for prevention/treatment of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and infection.


The Role of Zinc in Antiviral Immunity – PubMed


Zinc is an essential trace element that is crucial for growth, development, and the maintenance of immune function. Its influence reaches all organs and cell types, representing an integral component of approximately 10% of the human proteome, and encompassing hundreds of key enzymes and transcription factors. Zinc deficiency is strikingly common, affecting up to a quarter of the population in developing countries, but also affecting distinct populations in the developed world as a result of lifestyle, age, and disease-mediated factors. Consequently, zinc status is a critical factor that can influence antiviral immunity, particularly as zinc-deficient populations are often most at risk of acquiring viral infections such as HIV or hepatitis C virus. This review summarizes current basic science and clinical evidence examining zinc as a direct antiviral, as well as a stimulant of antiviral immunity. An abundance of evidence has accumulated over the past 50 y to demonstrate the antiviral activity of zinc against a variety of viruses, and via numerous mechanisms…..


Selenium, Selenoproteins, and Immunity


Selenium is an essential micronutrient that plays a crucial role in development and a wide variety of physiological processes including effect immune responses. The immune system relies on adequate dietary selenium intake and this nutrient exerts its biological effects mostly through its incorporation into selenoproteins. The selenoproteome contains 25 members in humans that exhibit a wide variety of functions. The development of high-throughput omic approaches and novel bioinformatics tools has led to new insights regarding the effects of selenium and selenoproteins in human immuno-biology. Equally important are the innovative experimental systems that have emerged to interrogate molecular mechanisms underlying those effects. This review presents a summary of the current understanding of the role of selenium and selenoproteins in regulating immune cell functions and how dysregulation of these processes may lead to inflammation or immune-related diseases.

Keywords: T cell; antibody; cancer; inflammation; macrophage; selenocysteine.

A liver doctor calls selenium a virus ‘birth control pill’

Selenium Is A Crucial Anti-Viral Agent | Liver Doctor

Selenium has been known as “the viral birth control pill” because it can reduce the ability of viruses to increase in numbers. A study in 1998 found that patients with severe viral infections have rapidly decreasing concentrations of selenium in their body.

Selenium helps your body to fight viruses | Liver Doctor

Selenium acts on the genetic material of viruses (its RNA or DNA) and has three highly valuable effects: Inhibits the ability of the virus to multiply (replicate) Reduces the ability of the virus to mutate into a more aggressive (virulent) form Increases the chances that the virus will stay inactive or less active and not harm you


I should point out that a major source of quercetin is capers.

Veal piccata, chicken piccata….


Yummy! I like capers. You can also do pork tenderloin piccata, too! It’s delicious.


Helpful hint — get them from a restaurant supply store. For about a buck or two more than the little saltshaker-sized jars at the grocery store, you can get a jar as big as two soup cans stacked together.


Great idea!


A couple Brazil nuts is PLENTY… do not overeat them

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting! Did not know they are problematic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

YUP ONE or at max TWO small or you over dose.


Thank you Gail! I appreciate it.


Via the FBI InfraGard program:

InfraGard Members,

We want to thank you for your patience during this time of uncertainty regarding the compromise of data to the InfraGard Portal. The InfraGard Program Office wanted to provide you all with the following update regarding what data was compromised, and the status of the InfraGard Portal for the immediate future.

What data fields were taken during the compromise of the InfraGard Portal?

The following fields were taken during the data compromise and exposed:  

UserID (always visible), UserName (always visible), First Name, Last Name (If marked visible), Chapter (always visible), Sector (always visible), Organization (if marked visible), Position Title (if marked visible), Email (if marked visible), Is Speaker (always visible), Speaker Description (always visible)

There were no DOBs or SSNs involved in the data compromise. While the above fields were taken during the data compromise, it is important to note that for members who marked certain data fields as “Private” (not visible to other members) asterisk(s) appear for those fields. The data is no longer for sale but has been posted on a cyber-criminal forum. As a result, this could lead to other actors posting or even selling the data in other forums.


There were no DOBs or SSNs involved in the data compromise.

^^^ OPM reported the same thing when Chinee hacked OPM personnel database. A few days or weeks later, OPM said, Chinee had everything from our personnel records.


The data is no longer for sale but has been posted on a cyber-criminal forum.

^^^ Gosh, someone feels better the data is not for sale.
^^^ On the cyber-criminal forum, the data is “free”, I guess.



Years ago I won an FBI thermal coffee cup.

I never found much use for it until the other night when my wife needed something for her hot chocolate.

“Here, wash this out real good and you can use it.”


Well, been an “interesting” day here so far:
Wind chill was -5 at 6AM, warming all the way up to 25 degrees this afternoon.
At 1:30PM, the power went out again — no reason given by Duke Energy. The entire large neighborhood, 700+ people. It came back on at 3:30PM, just as Yours Truly was suiting up to go and bring in wood to get the fireplace started.

Here’s something: Got an email message from Dominion Energy (natural gas company) this afternoon. Mind you, the temperatures in Central North Carolina are WAY down from the usual late December averages due to the “winter cyclone” that barreled through. The gas company said: “To protect the stability of the natural gas system and to continue providing you the safe, reliable service you expect, we’re asking customers to conserve natural gas as much as possible for the next few days.”
The gas company then proceeds to recommend:
Setting thermostats to 68 degrees or lower during the day and even lower at night.
“Consider wearing comfortable, cozy clothing and extra layers for additional warmth.”
Cut down on using natural gas logs.
If one has a natural gas water heater, set it to no more than 120 degrees.

Sounds to Yours Truly like Dominion Energy is trying a “backdoor approach” to possible natural gas rationing?

And, putting this on the table for discussion and thoughts:
DIL tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday of this week. Her son was sick also.
DIL is “feeling better” and “was out of quarantine” as of yesterday. Her son “feels better” also.
Yours Truly will be invited to visit son and DIL’s household tomorrow, Christmas Day, for the distribution of presents.
Yours Truly is “un-vaccinated” and is following FLCCC protocols under MD supervision.
Question for discussion and thoughts, not asking you all to tell me what to do:
What would you all do, if you all were in my shoes?

Gail Combs

Well, I do children’s parties were I handle a lot of the little darlings, some with runny noses. Some coughing.

I make sure I am up on my zinc, selenium, green tea, vit…. AND I wash my hands A LOT! I also avoid touching my face/eyes unless I have washed first. (I am very allergic to horses and hay so this is ingrained.)

I refuse to allow Covid, Flu… dictate my life.


Yes! I never touch doorknobs outside my own house. Or stair railings.


I have a different assessment of risk when it comes to stair railings — I figure I have a significant probability of pitching headlong down the stairs if I don’t use ’em.


Lol! I go down really sloooowwww.


I refuse to allow Covid, Flu… dictate my life.

^^^ THIS ^^^

In my daily travels, rather positive, I’m commonly around folks that would test positive for Covid.

^^^ Maybe they have Covid. Maybe NOT.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Prolly more than you’re asking.

My thermostat would STAY on the setting I usually have it set.

I’d go visit, so long as I am buffed up on all the vitamins and supplements, including Vit I. Surely would be following FLCCC protocol.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When is the last time you had COVID, or might have had it?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I ask this not so much in regard to whether or not you should go. I ask it more in terms of what you can expect the outcome to be, and how to prepare for it, if you were to get COVID.


Yours Truly firmly believes she had COVID-19 in February – March of 2020. Had every symptom except taste / smell were greatly reduced, not completely lost. Just had my blood tested to see if I have “Long COVID.” Expecting the results any day now.
Was hit with “something” just at Thanksgiving: fatigue, some nausea, some cough, tons of nasal drip. Worst of it was over in 6 days. Took IVM, vitamin D, quercetin, zinc, lots of fluids.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK. This means you had Wuhan, which is good, and may or may not have had Omicron or a variant.

Here is my thinking. If you’ve had Omicron, you’re protected.

If you have not had Omicron, then (1) you need to get it, and it won’t be bad because you had Wuhan, and (2) I would place time with family ahead of fear of contagion.

Why do I think that?

They have had the vaccine. If something happened to one of them, I would want to make sure I spent as much possible time with them.

Life is short. Enjoy every Christmas you can. Be ready, but enjoy time with those you love!


I’d go. I’m healthy, take good care of my immune system, am at an optimum weight, and take all the good supplements. I say all that to give you an idea of why I would feel safe going.

I don’t generally avoid people because of recent illness. I do wash my hands a lot when I’m around them! But I think my immune system is up to a bit of “exercise” now and again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I agree. I don’t want to live in fear of a flu-like illness.


Well, we didn’t used to. And thinking back to before Covid makes it all seem kind of silly, the way people behave now.

I wouldn’t go to visit my fragile, extremely elderly, sickly old grandma if I was ill. But to avoid all family on Christmas because I might catch a cold? That’s ridiculous to me.

Sadie Slays

Chris Langan mentions that seeing unusual air traffic and trails in his neck of the woods prior to this terrible cold weather event. I’ll share my own observations from earlier this week. 36 hours prior to the big temperature drop, I saw a strange rainbow in the sky. What I saw was a small, rainbow-colored rectangle in one part of the sky. Not even a “bow,” just a rectangle. Even stranger, there shouldn’t have been a rainbow at all in these weather conditions. It’s not like it had rained that day or was threatening to rain. Rain or precipitation in general wasn’t even in the forecast. So there was just this rainbow-colored rectangle in the sky for undiscernible reasons. 

All I can say is that despite spending every December of my life in cold weather, I have never experienced a rainbow or negative air temperatures or extreme temperature drops in December. Cold snaps, snow storms, ice storms, rain storms, hell, even the rare unusually warm day, but nothing ever like this. Nothing about this feels natural, and I don’t doubt for a second that this awful weather pattern was unnaturally engineered to create suffering for millions of Americans on Christmas because that’s just the kind of evil assholes we’re dealing with. 

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I live on a ranch smack in the middle of the US Heartland. There are 3000 people or so in this entire county. We’re a hundred miles from the nearest airport able to handle commercial jetliners. Yet last week, just prior to the “polar vortex”, the sky over our property was a fluffy white tic tac toe game played by what appeared to be large jet tankers belching out ugly non-dissipating contrails which were smudged and smeared by the wind into expansive blotches that blotted out the sun. This has been going on ever since we moved here nearly 20 years ago.

There is no way to explain this in terms of normal air traffic generating the usual vapor-laden jet contrails. The “contrails” do not look or behave like water vapor or ice crystals, and there is no reason that we should ever see more than a single jet airliner overhead, maybe two at rush hour (the usual number on a clear day is 0). I’ve checked the airline schedules, and there’s simply no way. The government is once again trying to kill us, and you’d better believe that this record “cold snap” is taking quite a death toll.

This farmhouse presently feels like an icy tomb. The wrmest spot in the house registers 50 degrees. We have animals here about which we’re very, very worried. Animals are tough, but notoriously susceptible to attempts by humans to kill them. This is such an attempt, and it is being made without our permission or approval. Whoever is responsible for this has no right to be doing it. 


Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays

Yours Truly is noticing more and more of these “contrails” in the Raleigh-Durham area. One’s house is nowhere near the heavily-used approach / takeoff airspace of RDU. Yet, there are days when the local sky is thick with “blotchy”, close-down-in-the-sky white emanations that may well be “contrails.”

Gail Combs

Top Russian Scientist Claims -The Next ‘Little Ice Age’ Is Already HerePublished on November 11, 2016

Russian Astrophysicist Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov, who is the head of space research for the Pulkovo Observatory at the Russian Academy of Sciences, in a new study, claims the “new Little Ice Age” started at the end of 2015 due to low solar activity, kicking off decades of “deep cooling” in the latter half of the 21st Century.

As a result, the Earth has, and will continue to have, a negative average annual energy  balance and a long-term adverse thermal condition wrote in a recent study.

The quasi-centennial epoch of the new Little Ice Age has started at the end 2015 after the maximum phase of solar cycle 24. The start of a solar grand minimum is anticipated in solar cycle 27 in 2043 and the beginning of phase of deep cooling in the new Little Ice Age in 2060.


Since 1990, the Sun has been in the declining phase of the quasi-bicentennial variation in total solar irradiance (TSI). The decrease in the portion of TSI absorbed by the Earth since 1990 has remained uncompensated by the Earth’s long-wave radiation into space at the previous high level because of the thermal inertia of the world’s oceans. As a result, the Earth has, and will continue to have, a negative average annual energy balance and a long-term adverse thermal condition.

The quasi-centennial epoch of the new Little Ice Age has started at the end 2015 after the maximum phase of solar cycle 24. The start of a solar grand minimum is anticipated in solar cycle 27 ± 1 in 2043 ± 11 and the beginning of phase of deep cooling in the new Little Ice Age in 2060 ± 11. The gradual weakening of the Gulf Stream leads to stronger cooling in the zone of its action in western Europe and the eastern parts of the United States and Canada. Quasi-bicentennial cyclic variations of TSI together with successive very important influences of the causal feedback effects are the main fundamental causes of corresponding alternations in climate variation from warming to the Little Ice Age.

Shocking Polar Vortex From 20,000 Years Agocomment image?w=640

Look familiar?

comment image?w=640&h=433

This is what I mean by ‘loopy jets’

Gail Combs

Well this is an interesting way to look at it!

The FBI Put A $1 Million Bounty On Trump As The Bureau Sought To Frame Him
By Gregg Jarrett
Published: October 12, 2022

James Comey and his crooked cronies at the bureau were so desperate to topple Trump that they put the equivalent of a a taxpayer-funded bounty on the president’s head to frame him. 

An FBI analyst dropped a bombshell in a Virginia federal courtroom Tuesday: the FBI secretly offered Christopher Steele $1 million if the ex-British spy could only corroborate his phony dossier that accused Trump of colluding with Russia.

Think about that. James Comey and his crooked cronies at the bureau were so desperate to topple Trump that they put the equivalent of a a taxpayer-funded bounty on the president’s head to frame him. Bring us the evidence, and we’ll make you rich!

The stunning revelation came on the first day of the criminal trial of Igor Danchenko who is charged by special counsel John Durham of lying to the FBI about the dossier.

Of course, Steele could not possibly prove any of his dossier because it was pure fiction —totally made up. And the FBI knew it almost from the outset because Steele’s primary source told them so. Early on, Danchenko confessed to the FBI that the document was utterly bogus….

Q-drop #2786

Feb 18, 2019 11:42:29 AM EST

The President of the United States, the Commander in Chief, AGREED that an illegal coup was attempted against him.

Stop and understand the GRAVITY of acknowledgement.

Do you believe nothing will happen?

Do you believe no one will be prosecuted?

POTUS making statements for no reason?

How do you introduce the TRUTH to those still asleep?

DECLAS coming?

The message must be direct (bypass the non reporting of the TRUTH (facts) by FAKE ‘spin the narrative’ NEWS).


Sadie Slays

Local news is now warning us to conserve electricity. Their advice? Don’t use the stove between December 24 and December 25th. Yes, “DON’T COOK ON CHRISTMAS” is what these miserable shitheads honestly expect us to do. And I’m sure if the power actually does go out, the official narrative will be, “selfish people celebrating Christmas caused this” and most definitely not “the corrupt government who hates you and wants you dead deliberately created an energy crisis.”


This short lived deep cold spell hopefully will be a nice wake up call for everyone. Once the weather gets below 0 in cold weather States, below 32F in non cold weather States, all bets are off.

Equipment, machinery, and their control systems will start failing when we hit these Temps. As well as you prepare, systems will still fail in these conditions. You can only weatherize so much. Your best recourse is to have redundancy. Multiple power plants within a region. But recently, fossil fuel capacity has been taken off line to be replaced with wind and solar. Reducing reliable capacity.

Solar covered in snow. Worthless. Wind mills are shutdown for excessive wind and when icing develops. Gubmint regulators are driving this and nothing changes until we speak up and push back. Cold kills.


What a bummer  😮 
Hope you have a heater?


Will Darwin be ok?


Poor little guy. I am SO grateful I have a wood stove for heat in emergencies. I will be thinking about Darwin. Let us know how he does.


Uninstall the new thermostat and reinstall it.


A thermostat is just a thermometer attached to switches. Any chance you can isolate the things to be switched and just do them manually?

Won’t work while you’re sleeping, of course, but it might make for a reasonable Christmas Day.


Surely you have a multimeter to check for 24V — they used to give them away at Halbol Fleight.


Luckily the deep cold is moving out. Still going to be a chilly evening.


Do you have anywhere you can board Darwin for the duration?

Sadie Slays

I’m sorry. I hope cthulu’s idea of reinstalling the thermostat works.


You could turn on your oven for a while during the day with the door cracked open.

Another thing you can do is laundry. Unhook the dryer vent hose from where it exits the house, put a piece of cheesecloth over the end to catch the lint, and dry your clothes. I have my dryer set up to do that all winter. Free heat.


Note that these are best with an electric oven and electric dryer. Gas would be risky.


Why? That’s a serious question, as I honestly don’t know the answer.


You would be venting carbon dioxide into your dwelling…..and, if you were unlucky, some carbon monoxide as well (from incomplete combustion).


Interesting. I never thought about it. But I did do this with a gas dryer for years. And I have a carbon monoxide monitor, and it never went off.


If you’re really unlucky, the wall-anchor snagged the wiring in the walls.


Well, that’s some new info that puts a different spin on things. Hmmm….

What’s the Brand name and model #?


Good news, you should be able to get parts for a York.


Have you disconnected the thermostat wires before you measured? If you shorted two thermostat wires together, you might be reading the short instead of the control board.


IIRC, the 24V in there are just to run the relays. I don’t think they’re set up for industrial arc welding.

Speaking of which, is this propane or all-electric?


So, it looks like you have a fun day ahead.

First, get Darwin to safety.

Second, disconnect the thermostat wiring from both ends — see if the thermostat is fried; see if the wiring is good (there are five wires?) in each wire and not grounded or cross-connected to another wire; see if you now see voltages off the control board.

Third, follow the wires into the furnace, ensuring that you get 110 into the transformer and 24V out (carefully not frying yourself in the process). If you’re getting power in, but the control board in unresponsive, it may be time to replace the control board.

The good news is that the natural gas to propane changeover, so far as I know, is all physical — different jet and air/fuel mixture. If you keep those, and just fix the electric parts, it should work.


Oh, and Merry Christmas!!!


Well, y’know — great minds lie in similar gutters….


Bad 110 connection? Flipped breaker or fried fuse?


Is the furnace horizontal or vertical? Is it in a dedicated closet? How far do the thermostat wires run?

Valerie Curren

I’m so sorry Steve. Hope you have some place warm to go, even if it’s a hotel/motel w/ Darwin 🙁


That is some impressive insulation. Do you actually have any windows?

Valerie Curren

68 is what our thermostat says pretty much throughout winter! We borrowed our son’s meat thermometer on Christmas Eve & it was registering about 60 near our windows, where there is even a bit of a draft. It might be colder but I don’t think that thermometer will register less.

Glad you both will be safe. Hope you solve your furnace issues quickly. I was enjoying your conversation w/ Cthulhu as you tried to troubleshoot what exactly happened. Hubby has done plenty of problem solving of issues using his voltmeter too! Blessings


I have to confess, the last time there was a temperature issue at Steve’s Aerie, I imagined he and Darwin tucked into a Tauntaun sleeping bag.

Valerie Curren

“I thought they smelled bad on the outside!!!” LOL


When it got so cold and high winds peoples house alarms went off. Quit annoying at night. I do not know what the problems were mine was ok but then we have the whole house rewired. Maybe old wiring ?


Hope folks heat and cook as they wish.

It is the utilities responsibility to deliver power, on demand.

Yea, I know regulators and government nonsense.

  :wpds_mad:  Along with how selfish i am. I got over it.   :wpds_evil: 

PUsH BACK against the bullshit.


Actually, all the utilities I have worked with do not guarantee power, or the quality of the power. There are a lot of things that are out of their control.


True. You may have noted my comments about regulators, government BS.

I’m old school. I’m the customer. Utiklity provide power. Regulators and government GTFO of our lives.

Sadie Slays

If there’s truly a dire electricity shortage, then they can start by shutting the lights off at City Hall and all of the large banking buildings. I’m not permitted to cook on Christmas Eve but the billion dollar banking corporation can keep all of its lights on during non-business hours? Once again, rules for us but not for them. They can go fuck themselves.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays



Karl seems to be coming around to #TopHatOrPorkpie


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah. Interesting times.


Merry Christmas to all and your family !


Merry Christmas to you, too, singing soul.


And a very Merry Christmas to you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Merry Christmas!


A very Merry Christmas to all! Must leave a small musical post, with just a little background. This is Euphonium Prof. David Childs and his students from U. of North Texas / Denton – a great school. I know the organ prof there from the old days at Indiana. David Childs comes from probably the most famous brass-banding family in the UK. His dad Robert is a world class player and conducted The Cory Band for years, his uncle Nicholas is the MD of Black Dyke Band. David is at UNT, but still officially resides in the UK as he’s in demand everywhere. He’s a really great guy, came over to work with the hubby’s band last February.

The arrangement is by Keith Wilkinson, and usually done by a soloist backed by the band. So it’s just been adapted. Oh Holy Night only works tonight, so here it is. 😊

comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Sadie Slays

Hey! There was a discussion here a day or two ago about quercetin affecting thyroid issues. Wolfmoon said to mention it to you (sorry I don’t remember more beyond that).


That was my post.

Was listening to a podcast with a thyroid expert today. She brought up this one little tidbit that is important regarding health. Especially for the ladies with thyroid issues.

She said that Quercetin can interfere with the uptake of iodine which is needed for proper thyroid function. So for those of you constantly supplementing with this over covid concerns a heads up. I personally am not a fan of constant supplementation but cycling them in. For this very reason. What are the side effects?

So here is one pubmed paper referencing a study on the issue.


“However, concerns have been raised about the potential toxic effects of excessive intake of quercetin, and several studies have demonstrated that flavonoids, included quercetin, can interfere with thyroid function”.

As always, the poison is in the dose.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks again! I think we have a number of people on this site with thyroid, so this is an important thing to make sure we’re all aware of.


I know that’s been mentioned on the FLCCC site – I may have mentioned it myself. I have an app’t on 1/3 with my doc who’s affiliated with them. It’s one of the things I’m bringing up. 👍🏻

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Hope you get those symptoms figured out and under control!


And here’s Morricone’s Gabriel’s Oboe, from The Mission, for small ensemble with David playing the solo. It’s less than three minutes and a real tear-jerker. He can play.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Thanks! Best I can do is YT’s share button.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re welcome to try to put the YouTube “share” + “embed” + “copy” code into the { } button popup (be sure to add some text to the reply window first), then close that window and hit post. It MAY work for somebody other than me, but probably not.


Well, more news:
Just heard from son.
DIL still has COVID-19, is out of “quarantine” but not out of the woods.
Her mother (who lives with son, DIL, and the children) has the flu.
DIL’s son “has a cough.”
Entire household is masked up indoors.
Son just invited me to Christmas morning opening of presents.
As mentioned previously, Yours Truly is “unvaccinated” and being MD supervised under FLCCC protocols.
If you all were in my shoes, what would you all do?


There is a bad cold going around. I had that and took 10 days to clear. If they are sick, stay away. Wait a week.


From the cheap seats.

Differs a bit from earlier post.

>>> Unvaccinated IS a plus, for the unvaccinated. <<<

Seems everyone is sick, with something. They are all masked up.

I’d stay away. Simply don’t want to catch the flu, coughs or whatever. And I will NOT wear a mask, ineffective as they are.

Covid not a determining factor.

I’d consider visiting New Years, or whenever folks are healthy.


My son’s entire household is “fully vaccinated and boosted.” Both son and DIL are MD’s.


Yup. Quite the mess. IIRC, they will NOT listen to you or consider alternate sources of information, points of view.

I, perhaps we, believe the “fully vaccinated and boosted” aspect, IS contributing to their health problems.

Feel terrible for your situation. I’d stay home.

  • Maintain my health. NOT jeopardize my health.

It’s NOT selfish. “I” can’t fix, or really help their situation.

Returning to cheap seats here. Best wishes, for whatever you choose is best.


None of us are vaxxed.

My wife and I were extensively exposed to diagnosed Type A flu that progressed into Type B symptoms with our grandson and had no issues. He was down with it for about 11-12 days and was very sick. None of his other immediate family members caught it.

My advice relates to length of infection with the COVID and flu. Have their conditions entered into the bacterial phase with more normal temperatures?

Masking means absolutely zippo from our perspective and research.


“My son’s entire household is “fully vaccinated and boosted.” Both son and DIL are MD’s.”


Is ‘shedding’ spike protein all over the place (by the vaxxed) a legitimate concern for the unvaxxed?

I don’t remember reading a firm conclusion one way or the other.


They are deep in the psych op


“And I will NOT wear a mask, ineffective as they are.”


Me either 👍

Sadie Slays

Is visiting them on Christmas as opposed later important enough to you to risk getting sick? There’s your answer. 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. It’s a personal call.


If it was 1 person I’d probably go. Since this is the whole house, no. Too many aerosols and dirty surfaces and no safer area to be in that environment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, it sounds really bad.


Maybe they felt duty to invite no matter what. Really a no is completely understandable.


One of the things I learned from shore diving in Monterey Bay is that it doesn’t matter how much you’ve invested — you may have gotten up early, driven your dive gear 90 miles over the mountains to a dive site, opened it up and put on your suit….but you look at the waves and the conditions….and need to be able to pack it back up again and drive back home if the conditions are not good for your dive.

It is usually a mistake to be accepting “just one more little thing” just because you were committed to your plan — because that leads to the next little thing and the next.


Sunk cost fallacy


In finance, you can lose a bunch of money with the “sunk cost fallacy”. In diving, you may not survive the “sunk diver fallacy”.


But you might win a Darwin Award!


Same as what I said before. I’d go, but that’s me. A lot depends on your age, weight, general health, and risk tolerance.

Barb Meier

I would stay away too and just talk on the phone or video chat if you guys can do that. I also have heard about lots having a bad flu that takes a long time to get past. Have a good Christmas no matter what you decide.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m wondering if your DIL took that damn paxlovid, that prevents immunity and causes rebounds. Pfizer. EVIL.

It’s a tough call. Sounds like it could be colds, flu, AND COVID. What a mess.

If it was just COVID, I would likely go. But somebody with lingering COVID, somebody with influenza, AND somebody with “unknown” – it’s against all advice. Weigh that against Christmas with the kids.

On the other hand, if you go there, and don’t get sick, will it convince them that they need to quit the shots? Maybe it will knock some sense into them.

It has to be your call. I can’t do it for you. But if you go, we will pray for you!!!


With that germ fest I’d wait a week – after all there are 12 days until the wise men get there. You don’t need ANY of that mess.


“Just heard from son.
DIL still has COVID-19, is out of “quarantine” but not out of the woods.
Her mother (who lives with son, DIL, and the children) has the flu.
DIL’s son “has a cough.”
Entire household is masked up indoors. Son just invited me to Christmas morning opening of presents.”


Very interesting…

So at least one of them has Covid.

They believe in the vaxx, that the vaxx is necessary to prevent covid — even though it didn’t prevent DIL from getting covid.

They know that you are unvaxxed.

And they invite you, to be in close quarters with them — including one who has a confirmed case of covid, and be indoors with them all, for an extended period of time.

What kind of sorcery is this? 😂

If they actually believe what they claim to believe, and they know you’re unvaxxed, then inviting you over to be exposed to their covid is tantamount to assault with a deadly weapon!

Since it is extremely unlikely that they mean you any harm (I hope!), then the invitation would appear to indicate a crack in the facade of their belief.

Otherwise, how could they invite you?


Hoist by there own petard


As mentioned previously, Yours Truly is “unvaccinated” and being MD supervised under FLCCC protocols.

If you all were in my shoes, what would you all do?”


I wonder what FLCCC would advise in this situation?

If I understand correctly (I’m not sure, so please verify and correct me if I am wrong), IVM is an anti-viral, and should be effective against any seasonal virus, in addition to being effective against covid.

If that understanding is correct, and especially if you have already used IVM before to recover from covid (or an undiagnosed virus with symptoms similar to covid), and your system responded strongly and positively to IVM (mine did, twice), then I would remain open to the possibility of going, and move on to evaluate the other relevant factors.

Is weather an issue?

Is your car reliable considering the snow and subzero temps in many parts of the country?

Can you stand to be around people for an extended length of time who insist on wearing masks? (it’s not easy for me)

Do they expect you to wear a mask, and if so, are you okay with that? For most people that might be a strange question, but the people here aren’t most people, so it’s probably a question worth asking 🙂

1) If their mask wearing is tolerable for you, and

2) you have IVM (and know from experience that your body responds well to it), and

3) if IVM is effective against seasonal viruses as well as covid, and

4) no relevant health issues are a concern

Then I would probably take a dose of IVM as a preventative and go.

If I was much older than I am, or had any other health issues that could make getting the flu (or covid) more dangerous than it would otherwise be, I would probably wait until everyone was feeling better. Trouble finds me often enough as it is, without me looking for it 😁

Maybe New Years eve would be a nice time to get together.

If you decide to go, I hope you have a safe drive and a nice time with your family.

And whatever you decide, Merry Christmas!

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

Dodge that bullet. Not meeting germs by being in lockdown for so long has left our immune systems flabby couch potatoes.


On a positive note. We just finished watching The Most Reluctant Convert, The Untold Story of C. S. Lewis.

You want to watch this biographical drama in a quiet environment where you can focus on his narration and dialogs with others. The settings are period specific, however, it is a “words” movie. It is well worth the 80 minutes or so you will spend. It will help you follow how his mind worked with the writing in his books.

His journey to spiritual awareness was unique unto himself. Yet, the common denominator is the same. You know when you know.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This appears to be a trailer… Sees amazon has it only for rent, the full 80 minutes. Other option seems to be buy it at Walmart. Looks interesting.


37 yo abc news producer dead from an MI.
Riiight…. dunno what caused that.





Yep. George snuffleupagus producer. So, he was one of the propagandists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

George “Saline Because He’s One Of Them” Clintonopoulos.


Yep for sure.


Hows the weather up there?


Unusually nice. Recent afternoons ~50 and mornings ~28. Bonus has been little to no wind.

Payback starts this coming week. Rain or snow forecast most days. But, as DP posted, it’s winter.

Plinking in the desert yesterday, was pleasant. 🙂


Thats good. Probably 78 today, gonna be 80 tomorrow. Bit o wind and rain multiple days next week. Sounds like you have better winter weather than “warm and dry” down here!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Read the comments. Everybody knows.


O M G. Pleasantly surprised…EVERY commenter KNOWS the jabs are hurting, killing…

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This was known and predicted when they began the CDC fake mea culpas.


The first thingbi do wheres theres a died suddenly article is move to the comments. Every time the most popular comments are those that know.


“Every time the most popular comments are those that know.”


And the ones who don’t know STILL can’t figure it out… 😂


And probably wont!


comment image


Hannity is such a Uniparty putz.


Time for him to retire.


But, BUT, IIRC, yesterday, Abbott said TX has plenty of energy.

US Energy Department Declares Grid Emergency in Texas Amid Polar Vortex


Yeah, go figure.


Russia sends another wake up call to Europeans.

Russian State Media Makes Bizarre Video Warning Europeans Who Continue to Support Ukraine Will Eat their Pets Next Christmas





You know, some people might have pet steers and chickens where that doesn’t sound like such a bad thing.


Ive seen pet bison too


In his checked bag? Just why? Wierd.

A Rhode Island man found himself in a sticky situation at New York’s JFK airport — after he was busted trying to sneak a disassembled gun through security in jars of peanut butter, officials said.
Transportation Security Administration authorities said that an officer found parts of a .22 caliber semi-automatic handgun wrapped in plastic and stuffed inside of two separate jars of Jif peanut butter in the passenger’s checked baggage Thursday.



Yeah, you can declare guns in your checked luggage.


NY has its own screwy gun laws.

Person carrying the gun to the airport, check-in, must do so legally in that state.

Unloaded, locked container, declared at check-in, before security. is my understanding.

Checking ammunition illegal, I believe.


It sounds correct on all points. I vaguely recall something like the reason you can’t check (or carry) ammunition on a passenger airplane is that it is rated “explosive”, not because of its use in guns.


Just anecdotally we have 5(REPEAT 5) under 50s having defibrillators implanted in one day! All were in ccu having had an arrest.
felt really sorry for one- she was resuscitated by a very overweight colleague.she actually very grateful to him. But she has multiple rib fractures,both sides, and a fractured sternum. Spent time in icu, ventilated as ribs too broken to work.- think a brolly with broken ribs.
bruises from hell




Just saying steve. I liked Jeremy Clarksons description of Harry. Basil brush ( puppet fox from childrens tv- and obviously a ginger), with Meghan’s hand stuck so far up his ares the when she wiggles her fingers she can change his facial expression