Dear KAG: 20230104 Open Thread

High drama in the House of Representatives:

After Three Failed Attempts to Elect a Speaker, The House of Representatives Adjourns Until Noon Tomorrow

Poor Kevin McCarthy. It was supposed to be his turn.

Oh, well.

What else is going on….

HUGE: Elon Musk Calls for Investigation Into George Soros for Controlling Information

Maybe that’s why he disappeared for a bit.

Elon Musk To Media: Info Coming Out of Twitter Has ‘Only Just Begun’

Keep reading. There were two more Twitter reveals on Tuesday.

The House Speaker Vote — Embarrassment, Indeed

Or, finally, a show worth watching.

The Architecture of Corruption: Why Elon Musk is Justified to Call for the Prosecution of Dr. Anthony Fauci

My Plan for American Renewal

That’s from Marco Rubio. It looks like he’s kicking off a 2024 campaign. Think Marc Singer will back him again?

Expressive Individuals

Our nation’s youth have been offered a confusing anthropology.

Just take them to Church. Seriously. Study the people who died for Christ and it all becomes clear.

A thread about social contagions:

In 1972, British psychologist Gerald Russell treated a woman with an unusual eating disorder involving binging and purging. Over the next 7 years, he saw a further 30 woman presenting with the same condition./1 

In 1979, he wrote a paper published in Psychological Medicine, in which he gave it the name bulimia nervosa. The condition was included in the DSM-III the following year. Then something remarkable happened. The illness swept the globe like wildfire…/2 

In the mid-late 80s, a high school classmate was hospitalized with bulimia. She still bears the marks. Hmm…..


Thomas Massie: ‘We are living under medical malpractice martial law’

Anti-Trump, Uniparty Leader Karl Rove Suffers Meltdown After McCarthy Fails to Secure Speakership (VIDEO)

Put some ice on it, Karl.

NEW: Second Twitter Files Drop of the Day Includes Adam Schiff Seeking Ban of Journalist Paul Sperry

Well, that automatically makes Paul Sperry a must read.


In the beginning, yes, he did. I got into a fight with a family member over this. I thought he was one of the good guys.

Oh, yeah, there’s another new Twitter thread:


Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


1 JOHN 3:7-10

7Little children, let no one deceive you. He who does right is righteous, as he is righteous. 8He who commits sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. 9No one born of God commits sin; for God’s nature abides in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God. 10By this it may be seen who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not do right is not of God, nor he who does not love his brother.

PSALMS 98:1, 7-9

1O sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things! His right hand and his holy arm have gotten him victory. 7Let the sea roar, and all that fills it; the world and those who dwell in it! 8Let the floods clap their hands; let the hills sing for joy together 9before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with equity.

JOHN 1:35-42

35The next day again John was standing with two of his disciples; 36and he looked at Jesus as he walked, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” 37The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus. 38Jesus turned, and saw them following, and said to them, “What do you seek?” And they said to him, “Rabbi” (which means Teacher), “where are you staying?” 39He said to them, “Come and see.” They came and saw where he was staying; and they stayed with him that day, for it was about the tenth hour. 40One of the two who heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. 41He first found his brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which means Christ). 42He brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him, and said, “So you are Simon the son of John? You shall be called Cephas” (which means Peter).

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good discussion of subclinical myocarditis.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Full video here:

Gail Combs

Shortness of breath…. ‘Long Haulers’????

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It (SOB) can come from two things in both cases, IMO, and tends to be more from one or the other, depending upon disease or jab.

Is the damage to capillaries of the lungs, or vessels/muscles of the heart?

In the disease, SOB can come from pulmonary damage by the virus spike, messing with the capillaries of the lungs. This can then lead to pulmonary hypertension, which leads to strain on the heart, and cardiac failure. This is where I am, and part of why I immediately went to magnesium.

With the jabs, it appears that damage to the heart is more direct, because of the route of the spike (through the cardiovascular system), even though I had initially suspected that it was doing the same thing (attacking the lungs with microclots) in the case of effort intolerance, which is the syndrome that Dr. Charles Hoffe was seeing, showing up with the symptom of shortness of breath.

IMO, long haul is mostly sequelae of the first case, possibly including long-term damage by genomically incorporated and re-expressed spike.

Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From Gab…..

comment image


You are correct sir, yes!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Father is a radiologist at a hospital in Pasadena. Dunno if he drugged his wife and kids or the made a pact or what. He’s goin to prison. Not a protected class even in ca.


That particular area is dangerous from the get-go. No need to drug anyone or make a pact, just drive the road and twitch the wheel — there’s not even a railing. And it’s on a stretch that is very scenic — someone of a mind could just suggest some sight-seeing.


No railing. Thats so scary. I do not like driving on roads like that ever. Too many people and too many bad drivers.


You don’t even need other people. It’s near San Francisco, so you get fog.

It’s the northern end of a very beautiful road, but it’s not something you want to screw around with.


There’s a lota mountain roads ya prolly want to stay away from.  :wpds_twisted: 


Yes. Went to taos many yrs ago. Drive the scenic route, OLD OLD route. Sheer un guarded cliff on one side and slightly hilly but open on the drivers side. I kept telling mr gil to slow down and he refused, totally oblivious to what i was seeing on the curvy road!


“On Monday, the victims were initially listed in critical condition but all four were conscious and alert when rescuers arrived.”


Knowing what we’ve learned since covid, it may be routine to list people in critical condition for no other reason than because the emergency crew or the hospital receives more money for that designation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. There’s a very good chance that you’re right.


We go there all the time for cars over the cliff and they never live. This was an absolute miracle,” Pottenger said Monday.

There was no guardrail at the spot where the sedan went off the cliff, officials said.”


I’m no guardrail engineer, or a cliff crash prevention expert, but maybe it’s worth considering to put a guardrail there?

You know… just in case?

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Blocks the view. Besides, you’d have to get a permit, and any permits have to go through the Coastal Commission.


“Blocks the view.”


Of the road?

The driver is supposed to be looking at the road. Four out of five doctors recommend watching the road as one of the best ways to stay on it.

The fifth doctor couldn’t be reached for comment, because he was at the bottom of a cliff.

With proper placement, the guardrail would be located along the edge of the road, where the driver isn’t supposed to be looking anyway.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Lol. Lol. We’re talking CA.

Gail Combs

I drove a section of US 421 through the Appalachians Mtns. NO guard rail and the dually had one set of wheels on the double yellow line and the other on the white line at the edge of the road. In a couple of places that white line was missing… AND SO WAS THE ROAD!

No guard rails the entire way. My hands were so cramped at the end, it took minutes to peel them off the steering wheel.


Yeah but wasn’t scenery spectacular?

Gail Combs


It was a narrow valley with pretty much sheer sides. The road was carved into the side of one of the ‘cliffs’

Route 2 from Boston MA to Troy NY is MUCH prettier.


You are destroying the thesis of Coastal Committees all over America.


“My, ain’t this pretty up here….”


Ugh. Not sure i could do it. Only in the absolute best weather too.

Gail Combs

At least it was daylight and good dry weather!

Oh and did I mention I am scared of heights?


Vertigo for me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

List every chemical that ever came close to a product as causing cancer, so that all things cause cancer in California.

Leave death roads as death roads because they’re pretty.

Yup. Cabalifornia.

Gail Combs

You spelled it wrong Cabal-i- Fornicate.


Cracked me up again!


Ever notice how they can never get 5 out of 5 doctors to agree on anything?

And it’s never 3 out of 5 either.

It’s always 4 out of 5.

Almost as if the adverliars know that 5 out of 5 is not credible, and 3 out of 5 isn’t enough to inspire confidence to buy.

But 4 out of 5 isn’t too hot, and it isn’t too cold… it’s just right… 😉😁

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

So 4/5 could be called the Goldilock’s ratio.

Add it to the list alongside the Warren fraction, 1/1024.


Lol, it’s true.


“Besides, you’d have to get a permit, and any permits have to go through the Coastal Commission.”


Are there not other guardrails in California?

If we can put men on the Moon, it must be possible to obtain a permit for a guardrail through the Coastal Commission.

Do it for the children.


Here’s their website. I invite you to try.


It says right there on the home page:

Our Mission
Protecting & Enhancing California’s Coast

The Commission is committed to protecting and enhancing California’s coast and ocean for present and future generations. It does so through careful planning and regulation of environmentally-sustainable development, rigorous use of science, strong public participation, education, and effective intergovernmental coordination

So go to a public Coastal Commission meeting, and say something like:

Dear commissioner, members of the commission, assembled guests and hangers on,

It has come to our attention that the Commission is committed to protecting and enhancing California’s coast and ocean for present and future generations, but people — whom we don’t likekeep driving over the cliff at the local intersection of Pacific Coast Highway and Ocean, causing untold environmental damage to the coastline below in the form of wrecked cars, spilled gasoline, oil, brake fluid, antifreeze and other assorted environmental hazards.

We propose that a guardrail be erected, through careful planning and regulation of environmentally-sustainable development, to protect the coastline below from this tragic and senseless assault on earth mother / Gaia / insert pagan deity of your preference.

Through rigorous use of science, it has long been determined that guardrails prevent cars from careening over the cliff and despoiling the coastline below — the very same coastline this commission is committed to protecting and enhancing. We must, and we will much, about that, be committed.

With strong public participation, we hereby propose the establishment of new program, the CCGFGP, or the California Coastal Guardrails for Gaia Program.

Through education and effective intergovernmental coordination, today can be the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal from the routine devastation of the areas where the land meets the sea.

As the wise commission is no doubt aware, the science of guardrails has evolved dramatically in recent years. They may look as they always have, but what was once intended to protect human lives — which of course we don’t like — has been reformed, given a new life purpose, to protect the earth from the humans who keep driving over the cliffs and desecrating our beaches with their remains.

Alternatively, the most virtuous members of the commission could dedicate themselves to keeping a continual vigil along the highway, and waving battery powered warning lanterns at passing motorists.

One of these solutions will surely work. Your humble petitioner leaves it to the wisdom of the commission to decide which plan they feel best represents their personal dedication to protecting our precious environment.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing matter.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Not bad, but (a) it will still take years; (b) you don’t have some long-term sinecures for politicians’ nephews and nieces; and (c) where’s the graft?


“(c) where’s the graft?”


I don’t know, where do I obtain some graft for parlay?

I ain’t be gots no graft.


That should work. Keep us informed, m’kay?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Hilarious thread 🤠 Treepers are The Best 💖💖💖🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Aw man… I knew I forgot something… the shakedown money!


Nope. Drive responsibly.


Unfortunately, nobody ever meets anybody else’s definition of ‘responsibly’ 😉


Uh, that makes at least two of us.  😮 


“In 2018, a woman intentionally drove off another Northern California cliff in an SUV with her wife and their six adopted children, investigators said. All were killed.”


Imagine how many obvious red flags had to be intentionally ignored, before that tragic end came about.


All of them?

Just a wild guess.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2
Gail Combs

Possible CIA murder attempt?

AND logic, get rid of a doctor who may have been about to spill the beans on something AND give Elon a black eye?

Seizing control over vehicles to carry out “undetectable assassinations” of vehicle occupants

In addition to hacking computers and mobile devices, the CIA was also working on ways to remotely control targeted vehicles, turning them into “assassination machines” which could be directed to kill the occupants by driving into obstacles at high speed, for example. As WikiLeaks explains… LINK

WikiLeaks: CIA Can Hack Cars To Carry… – Humans Be Free

Whether a covert government operation to seize control of Hastings’ vehicle actually took place will almost certainly never be known, but that the CIA discussed improvements to the same technology in 2014 indicates it would have been available….

[September 9., 2012] Hacking your Car through a Smart Phone @ CIST(Center for Information Security Technologies), Korea University (In Korean)

“White Hats” Go Public on Car Hacking by Remote Control!I remember that video.

…As astonishing as it may seem, we revealed that all car manufacturers have been forced to install remote-control driving systems in their products since 2008.

Thanks to a still-classified government order, no automobile manufacturer is allowed to produce cars without having these automated systems in place….

That bit of info kills this guy’s argument.

Michael Hastings Car Crash Facts And Why I Don’t Think He Was Murderedabovetopsecret

Car Hacking Story

If you read the article you see that the only way they were able to do it was to plug directly into OBD-II pass-through device. That means physically connecting with a cable. Not Wireless. Another interesting note: although there are 50-70 different computers in a car, you can only access one at a time. All of the computers run through a CAN bus and are not equipped to operate wirelessly.

On the other hand although someone might gain control of your vehicle during operation, the computers are smart enough to accept a manual input as apposed to a digital if it had to choose.

I also want to add a comment by Richard Clarke, a former State Department official and adviser to a few US presidents. He said “The crash that killed the Rolling Stone journalist appeared to be consistent with what he called a “car cyberattack.”….


I am at the point I question ALL Fake News Stories.


That means physically connecting with a cable. Not Wireless”

Hmmm, isn’t that what they were saying about Dominion voting machines, until we found out otherwise?

Gail Combs


I think that guy at Above Top Secret was a CIA operative.

The LAST THING the CIA would want is for people to realize they can HACK CARS AND PLANES….


It’s science fiction, doncha no? 😮 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG. You could be right.

1 – the doc is a radiologist. These people are instrumental in diagnosis of so many things. Could easily include jab deaths, COVID, some other scandal.

2 – if the computer send the car over the edge, it would look VERY intentional, like he did it.

3 – messing with Elon. Absolutely worth the deep state’s time. This kind of thing is exactly what they do, to intimidate and gain leverage. And they do it at LETHAL levels, too. And when they do it at lethal levels, it’s devilishly hard to prove it.

I think this has to remain as a suspect. I will bet that DS has a hack of Teslas, and they decided to use it RIGHT NOW.

See if the guy confesses or protests innocence, that the car did it.


It’s simple enough to install something that plugs into a cable and has its own wireless.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Your gentle reminder from REAL NORMAL…..


Cthulhu are you in the path of the atmospheric river tomorrow?



The Fiancee was asking if it was safe to shower if we have a power failure.


It says its going north to south and thats why itll stay so wet. I saw san fran got 5.5 inches for that sewer blaster nye storm and this one supposedly eill be more. We have been getting continuous light rain which is much better than the flooding downpours we nearly always have.


I’m seeing predictions of less rain than NYE, but more runoff because the ground will already be saturated. The continuous light rain you’re experiencing might also saturate the ground.


We always watch. Have creeks nearby.


This is not necessarily that strange of a question.

The water heater is well-ventilated, in the garage, and runs off a pilot. It’s not wired for anything. The furnace is in the attic, and uses an igniter, which needs electricity — but with no electricity, there’s no way to open the gas valve. The cooktop uses electric igniters and manual gas valves — so, yes, you could fill the house with gas that way unless you manually light the burners. Finally, there’s a log lighter in the fireplace with a manual valve. Before we use that fireplace, there are outdoor cabinets next to it that currently hold 5-gallon buckets of fertilizer, which would have to be moved.


Just to clarify this a bit — we might have bought a 20# bag of ammonium nitrate, used a bit, then stored the remainder in Home Depot buckets. It’s essentially 20-0-0 all-nitrogen fertilizer when looked at a certain way, and greens up lawns nicely.

But if it gets too warm…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Paranoia reigns, IF I follow your post.

  • Water heater not an issue.
  • Furnace not an issue.
  • Stove, ya light the burner on personal demand.
  • Guessing ya don’t typically use the fireplace anyway.

Slow Guy can NOT figure out the big deal of taking a shower, and the power may go out. OK, power likely to go out, it’s CA. Still not a big deal.

Yea, OK. I must have missed a finer detail or two.

By the way. I have seen the remnants of a car bomb made with fertilizer. VERY impressive. Zero large pieces of the car found after intentional detonation.

Gallon or so diesel soaking ~hundred pounds of fertilizer, and an ignition source.

We were moved a ~hundred yards away, in a bunker, and watched via mirror. VERY COOL stuff.


Local coverage —

A whole lot of “round up the usual suspects”.


Kevin McCarthy is occupying the office of the Speaker of the House, and Matt Gaetz has written a letter to the Architect of the Capitol to say that someone who has not been elected speaker after three votes is not the speaker-designate. Gaetz wants to know what rule allows him to do that. 🔥🔥🔥

comment image


Go, Matt, go!!!


How did he even have access?


Good question. I read several days ago that he had moved in.


Probably just tired of living with Frank Luntz.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah. “The Odd Couple”.


“Odd Couple”, was my reaction back then.

Not so much any more.


Who gave him the key?


He probably kept it from when he was PR’s #2.


Pelosi? 😂


Pelosi gave him the keys.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

McCarthy is SHADOW GOVERNMENT. That’s the big secret. He’s “approved” like Mitch.

Brave and Free

If he’s shadow gov. is MTG also?


It might be fun, but he’s agitating for me. And every other voter who’s sick to death of RINOs.


Hope Gaetz continues.

McCarthy would be another..Eddie Munster. Uniparty Stooge.



Member @RepScottPerry

Outlines The Reasonable Requests They Offered To #KevinMcCarthy (@GOPLeader

) That Would Get Him The 218 Votes He Needed For Speaker Of The House. McCarthy REFUSED!


He was paul ryans lt. He wants the prestige but most importantly, the money to flow his way.


Well, there’s also nothing like being #3 in the Line of Presidential Succession right after the Vice President, either.


Why would he refuse such reasonable requests, when he could easily accept them?

Especially considering he could agree, and then renege, like a typical lying recidivist RINO?


I think he knows that the true conservatives are not going to put up with broken promises. They wanted hiim to agree to the provision where the Speaker can be removed for certain reasons, and he wouldn’t agree to that. He appears to want the power without accountability, and he knows some of the Repubs will hold him accountable.

Not that it makes a difference, but the top part of that got cut off. Here is the whole image:

comment image


It sounds like he wouldn’t agree to a single proposal.

After 3 or 4 flat rejections, maybe throw a curve ball in there just to see if he’s paying attention, something like “Will you at least agree to refuse all of our requests?


Not worth the trouble. Have votes, adjourn overnight, comment that maybe the American People will get lucky and McCarthy will get run over by a truck before the next day’s session. Have people follow him around with sound effects boxes with revving diesels and screeching tires. See how well his nerves are doing after a couple of weeks.


Diabolical! 😅




NOTHING conservative or America First about McCarthy.

McCarthy NEEDS to lose.

Gail Combs

AND WHO will replace him? Another PAUL RYAN? That is what this PSY-OPS is all about.

Be very careful what you wish for.


Jordan would be just fine. Although, there have been concerns with Jordan providing cover for Big Tech.

it is EASY for R-cons to ensure a d-rat doesn’t become Speaker.

Do i have confidence in R-Cons? No, I don’t. Bastards have been betraying America for a long time.

Gail Combs

AND they might just elect a Demon-Rat for spite at this point. It would not take that many defectors.


^^^ Very sadly, you may be right. I rest my case, on the GOP / RNC Uniparty.

Gail Combs

Oh it is a Uniparty, however we can hope for the least stinky rat bastard skunk.

Gail Combs


REMEMBER you need to get thru the SENATE AND A BITE-ME VETO!!!

That Schiff is just Scott Perry grandstanding.


Jim Jordan’s great speech about what is needed in a Speaker. 2:19 long.


Matt Gaetz nominating Jordan for Speaker after that speech.


This is a piece by Steve Kirsch about Damar Hamlin. It can be difficult to set aside the emotional, human aspect and look at it factually and clinically, and that is what Kirsch does. If that is not something you want to see, I suggest not reading further.

He believes Hamlin will most likely not recover and that he has been brain-dead since before they took him from the field. He believes vaccines should be investigated as playing a role. He thinks it’s ominous that no news has been given to the public about Hamlin’s brain being functional.

There is also some good info from a doctor, Stephen David Watson, in the comment section, about why he discounts some of the initial theories. The doctor wants vaxes to be investigated as well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! I’ll take a look…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting that McCullough ruled out CC, but Eugene Gu, the massive Trump-hater, still supports it.


Commotio cordis would seem to be ruled out by the fact that Hamlin reportedly coded AGAIN at the hospital.

Wouldn’t restarting the heart after the interruption, if it was CC, mean that it wouldn’t just stop again?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – unless the first “freak” stoppage caused heart damage, or the re-started rhythm wasn’t solid, a second stoppage would seem to argue for a damaged heart, IMO.

This makes me think that Gu jumped for the non-vax explanation.


Well, also, the commotio cordis would seem to be resolvable faster than 9 minutes of CPR. They had a defibrillator, and I think used it right away. A healthy young heart “should” restart, and his did not. That spells damaged to me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think Kirsch is correct that the prognosis is very bad.


I do too. I think we should have heard some more positive news by now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I got some possible news.

Sounds like he was actually awake at some point and they sedated him to intubate him, but that he’s weaning off the ventilator, down to 50%.

The non-vax speculations are CC, VF, and an aortal TEAR from impact.

The latter sounds like cover for an aortal aneurysm from the jab.

IMO they should know by now, so the fact that they’re not saying what it is sounds fishy.


I hope things are as positive as that sounds. I don’t know if the current treatments would keep them from knowing the status of his brain function (being sedated for a ventilator, etc.). I pray he will make a full recovery. I also wish his family would be open to looking into the jab as a cause. Even if it was a freak medical occurrence and not the jab, it would be valuable to know that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There will be no admission it was the jab, IMO. AND the school, city, team, medical center, and all involved will be compromised and on the hook for the lie, as planned.


“and all involved will be compromised and on the hook for the lie, as planned.”


I wonder how they do that, everywhere, all the time, without a single person breaking ranks.

It must be a massive number of people involved, each one needing to be threatened or paid off.

If such a thing can be routinely accomplished, then we must have been living in a totalitarian Potemkin Village for quite a long time now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or, alternatively…we’re wrong.


But shirley if we’re wrong, someone would come forward.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, you’ve been asking why no one out of hundreds has come forward to confirm what we believe about the jabs.

If what we believe about the jabs is wrong, no one would come forward, because there’s no hidden truth to reveal. It could even be taken as evidence that we’re wrong, depending on how likely you think it is that absolutely everyone, without exception, in the know would refuse to come forward.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And they did!

Are you on Twitter? The “flipper docs” are starting to come out. More and more. Like that Malhotra guy, and that Bhatsomthingorother guy.

What I’m surprised about, is how often a personal event is involved, like Malhotra’s father. That’s kinda sad, but it applies even in my case. It was my own COVID problems which made me vulnerable to contraindications, which he CDC ignored, nonsensically, and my wife not wanting to get the vaccine, that really made me hesitate to virtue signal by getting the vaccine, and ultimately set me on the course to “flip” from pro-vax to anti-vax.


“Are you on Twitter?”


Not really.

One of my accounts still works, but I never got into the habit of posting (or reading) there, because I would get banned after one or two posts and have to create a new account again.

Gail Combs

Why am I not surprised.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s the same thing that keeps us from doing anything about our chains! You get this more than anybody else here, actually.

All it is, is human psychology. The liars have been doing it forever. They’re EXCELLENT at it. And the liars include US. They lie to us, and we lie to ourselves.

I was part of a conspiracy – several, actually. I know all about this stuff. One of them, I may talk about on here in some detail, but not now. That’s the one with my sister. It’s a very sad story.

But the bottom line is that working conspiracies don’t involve a bunch of people getting together and agreeing on a broad plan to fool everybody. That’s not how it works in reality. There is betrayal everywhere. “Good purpose” and betrayal. Honorable intentions. Dishonorable failure.

Ocean’s 11 is a fallacy. The degree of lying between and among the gang will be extraordinary from the start. Goodfellas gets closer, but IMO the moments of “we’re all agreeing to this shit” don’t match up to the betrayals, which are much more realistic, because those moments of agreement in a real conspiracy are much smaller, briefer, less candid, and more relying on lies to self to make them work.

This is where fake normal and fake entertainment have us all looking for something that’s not there.

Conspiracies are nothing like what people have been taught they are. They don’t blackmail or threaten when they can make people do it to themselves.

Let me talk to the doc who jabbed people – and encouraged others.

“You helped, and now you’re in trouble.”

See how that works? You tried to be good, and now you’re screwed.

Of course, he’s got the AMA even WORSE on the hook, and they will protect him – right?

Now we’re talking REAL CONSPIRACY. Who will betray who?

But let’s turn that on ourselves.

Imagine how that works if the UNJABBED are the ones who all die at the end of this story. What happens if the JABBED are the only ones who survive some new Chinese virus? How many people will WE have killed by saying “don’t take the vax”? We didn’t know – but we were wrong.

The only way people can ride through those stormy seas is total honesty. TRUTH is the only thing that gets us through. We try. We fail. We do what we can, but when we fail, we have to admit it.

Conspiracy is where the skilled pushing of false social memes comes into play, like “we must prevent vaccine hesitancy”. “Millions of lives – BILLIONS OF LIVES – depend on it.” Such a brilliant lie.

So people will try to help. They want to help. But they help the wrong thing, often not knowing it’s the wrong thing.

And they will help convince others to go along. Getting others to help change the social bubble around the holdouts. Creating formal processes where objection is difficult or impossible. Creating situations where people WANT to go along.

Conspiracies are when a network (really a subgraph) within a greater population (graph) LIES to both itself and others, often for “good” reasons, as a way of conveying false information, but getting people to act in a desired way. Using the desires, rules, and psychology of those people insures that they will act as desired.

It’s the most NATURAL thing you can think of. There is nothing artificial about it, because it is simply based on human psychology.

Most people actually REFUSE TO ADMIT that they were ever part of a conspiracy. One of the most important ways to hide conspiracies is to make sure that other players think they are ALL ALONE and AT FAULT. That they acted alone – that they bear responsibility – that they are guilty – that their best move is to stay quiet – that a better move is to forget about it – that lying to themselves will ease the pain – etc., etc. It’s all human psychology.

Lies and trickery break up the layers of conspiracies. The lies to and tricks on people below help make sure that things never get figured out.

Lies to ourselves that we do these things for a good purpose – they work even better.

There are entire segments of our population who literally believe that any lie is justified to stop vaccine hesitancy, including lying to oneself about jab dangers. It’s utterly illogical, but these people believe it. You make one idea stick in their head – that COVID is worse than the jabs, no matter what – and they will stay with the plan through hell and high water, even as logic comes crashing down on them.

Scott Adams. He’s an edge case – almost aware, but not quite. It’s painful to watch him. He tried to navigate science lies without digging into the science. He tried to reason based on what he know – and his hammer didn’t work on the bolt.

Let’s take my example – the conspiracy to advance affirmative action. I never realized that I was part of it, until I realized how I got suckered into a later part of it. THEN I realized that I had been suckered in even earlier.

My first step was me simply wanting AA to succeed, when we were told we were doing a TEST of it (supposedly – that was the zeroth lie). I could not lie to myself that I didn’t care about “social justice”, in wanting black people to have more college opportunities. It was guilt-based, but it was motivating. I was told *secretly* (it was very good advice) by a fellow conspirator (who I didn’t recognize as one) to stay the hell away from any of the AA students, and I did so. TO THE LETTER. Avoided having anything to do with them, although one of them I didn’t even know was an AA student, was one of my students, and that was part of how they tried to set me up later. Cunning. That was their angle to get in close.

Anyway, there was a problem with a student. It could have stopped AA. Bad problem. Somebody else told me about it. I could have walked away when I realized it was a problem, and if I did, that problem would have been “taken care of” – likely in some other unethical way that didn’t involve me – but because I got involved, by pointing out the problem, I became part of the problem. They had to take care of me, too. But I never even saw that. I alerted people to the problem. I never realized how badly I screwed myself by being a witness.

I didn’t realize that we were being set up and manipulated. I had no idea of the forces involved. TRILLIONS of dollars, but nobody talked about it. Nobody up high was admitting that it was all for the federal bucks, and not because anybody wanted to make it work.

Now I know why I was warned. I was even warned earlier, by a guy who told me to GTFO of “MKULTRA University”, as best as he could. At the time, I thought he was just wrong, that I was a perfect fit. Everybody else thought so. But he was warning me, and I didn’t realize it. Too damn proud and cocky.

The problem student and I were supposed to be dead. It was a brilliant plot, but I was saved, and I credit the Lord. Now there is a REASON that we were saved – something that happened in this universe amenable to science – and when we discovered that reason, the discovery saved my ass AGAIN. All our asses, actually. So people who believe in God have their reason, people who don’t have theirs, and I have both. But anyway, once that happened, which was AFTER my little “Deja vu WTFU experience”, I was able to put a lot of stuff together. I’m one of the few people still alive who likely understands that conspiracy. How it all worked out.

And now we all have woke universities, in part because of me. I’m just one of the few people who admits I was part of it.

There is some real flaws in medicine, and the COVID plot uses the hell out of them all.

TL;DR – don’t reduce the plot beyond innocence – so that you cannot see the innocent and victim aspects of all the criminals in it, and suddenly all the connections and behaviors make sense without massive coordination.

Crims all screw each other as part of conspiracy, because crims-R-us.


I should dredge up a couple of anecdotes about revenue recognition in accounting….maybe tomorrow.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Any assistance in getting this point across, or making it more clearly, or even correcting it, if you can, is welcome.

I readily admit that I don’t dismiss “innocent” people or “good” intentions from conspiracies, and that is how they finally make sense.

There are some secrets we keep better than others. The pro crims – and that includes the IC – know this. VERY well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I often use the example of a school of fish, reacting each to the movements and behaviors of neighbors, and yet seeming to have great larger coordination and intelligence. Fascinating stuff. A social phenomenon.


A short outline — again, I should probably flesh it out better, but not now…..

One of the bigger problems that usually gets called “accounting fraud” is when someone prematurely says, “king me, it’s revenue!” — and, generally, more than one example.

Mind you, the basics of this were covered in The Copybook Headings: “Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched.” “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.”

I’m sure a bunch of similar aphorisms may be found in Scripture. This is not a new issue. When you have exchanged promises for money, it isn’t your money until you have completely fulfilled all your promises.

Because I’m ancient, I have seen many generations of this. People knew this as the underpinnings of accountancy; when they felt they had to write it down, the called it AS 5 [check reference]; in 1999, the SEC (which only really applies to public companies) issued SAB 101, which got a bunch of newb accountants all a-flutter…..and when I finally understood what they were talking about, I went, “that’s all old, they’re just focusing on four items.”

SAB 101 said you needed to really nail down four things to say you had revenue — C-D-E-F. You had to be able to COLLECT the funds; you have to have DELIVERED the goods; there had to be EVIDENCE of an arrangement; and the amount you were getting had to be FIXED and determinable. It completely boggled my mind that people were running around as if this were something special.

Since then, there have been a plethora of new standards, interpretations — and, oh yeah, TPTB rearranged everything and gave it new numbers.

But, to your point, I want to concentrate on the hissy-fits in the 1999-2002 time frame over SAB 101. The reason that it was necessary to issue something so obvious and fundamental was because the industry had been running a conspiracy to ignore the Old Rules — the ones from the Dawn of Time.

For each of the four reminders, accountants throughout industry had been going soft, allowing fringe cases, squinting at things sideways, and waving their hands. As noted, everyone got a little bit dirty and covered-up for the whole. (Personally, I had been somewhat removed from mere paper-pushing and had been earning a reputation as a cast-iron SOB during much of this run-up.)

Conspiracies aren’t always covert — sometimes they operate fully in the open as groupthink.

Last edited 1 year ago by cthulhu

So many scams of the 90’s could be traced to violations of the SAB 101 criteria — but they were already wrong before SAB 101 put the spotlight on them.


Personal example you would fully understand from FASB back in my day.

How about capitalizing servicing assets and recording immediate recognition as ordinary income of same in advance of their actual collection over time with the assets being depreciated over anticipated lives based on industry averages from loan pools?

One knows one does not have to do that. One can just record the income as received and not capitalize it. However, owners tend to want the big income NOW along with the tax man who sends their regulators and auditors to make it happen. Greed being what it is and all of course.

Then 2008 rolls around and respective regulators and CPA’s who did not find it necessary to insist (with penalties if necessary) that lenders and servicers reserve for potentially higher than normal losses in the future were all of a suddenly forced to inform said lenders and servicers of recording of well – large losses they would have to immediately report well beyond their reserves.

Said regulators and CPAs were caught in the middle. The feds wanted more tax revenues as did the lenders and servicers. Common sense and remembrance of past negative market events were swept away. Regulators also don’t always want to be regulators, there were job opportunities to be developed and explored before the crash.

Say buh-bye to many lenders and servicers. Investors who were deep in the debt markets lost yugely. With all of it and more leading to the quantitative easing scam of current times. Some of those investors are not nice people. Politicians tend to respond to wealthy international people who are not nice.

Yet, if one rode the wave and got out before the overheated crash, one made a bundle and looked oh so smart. Just in time to reenter the markets later and bottom feed on the undervalued assets and start the cycle all over again.

Like today.

As you appropriately stated,

Conspiracies aren’t always covert — sometimes they operate fully in the open as groupthink.

Down the road the above will be revisited in my BIMD series.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Conspiracies aren’t always covert — sometimes they operate fully in the open as groupthink.

Amen! And then when the thunderbolts start raining down, everybody dashes for cover and STFUs.


Please do.

Readers Digest version, if reasonable to do so.


Will do. Am cutting all BIMD’s down to 10 minutes and less.



JMO – Needs to be an authored posting. It is huge for people to understand – QTreepers and guests. Too important than to be left to die after today’s daily. Your call of course.

I am taking the slow, adventurous journey to a similar destination in the BIMD.

If we go A to Z quickly, we miss why steps F and R were important. If we miss them, we go off the path and can get lost, sometimes forever. Analytics are important, that’s where real learning begins.

God created science. He wants us to pursue its truths. Our acceptance of that fact is our choice, just like with accepting Him and His ways in everything else. He does not want anybody to be compelled to acknowledge, honor and love Him any more than we do with others we care about.

The existence of free will proves it even if we choose to ignore His Word as recorded in the Bible.

We make choices. All of us.


Dang! Hard to believe WordPiss doesn’t have a word limit.  😂 


Yesterday someone posted a rather long piece from 2010 that explained much of it if not all. (suggests a text to speech device).

America’s Ruling Class—And the Perils of Revolution

July 15, 2010

Also published in The American Spectator Thu. July 15, 2010

Attach the WEF template atop this and you can understand how they are all in lock step from the top of the power structure all the way down to petty bureaucracies that rule the street.

Gail Combs

That is one of my favorite articles because it explains so much.


Thank you para! 👍


What does, normal vitals AND awake really mean, in Hamlin’s case.

  • Normal Vitals – BP, oxygen, etc…NORMAL and being manually maintained?
  • Awake – as in aware of who he is, where he is, what day is it? Or maybe eyes open AND unresponsive.

Now I read BB player says Hamlin heart restarted once, not twice. Hmmm.

As with most things in the news, I really don’t trust much of what they report.

I do wish the best for Hamlin. But, the string of Hamlin reports, along with Injected AND boosted 26 December is not positive.

Gail Combs

 Boosted 26 December is Fake.


Thanks for the correction.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Add Lord of the Flies!!!

Gail Combs

That comes a couple years later after they destroy the food supply.


Elon shows [again] why he’s filthy rich – he has a brain and he ain’t afraid to use it.


“All around the world investigations are being launched into the deaths that have happened since the MRNA injections.”

From the article: “The doctors’ investigations come as Kyoto University Prof. Emeritus Dr. Masanori Fukushima slammed Japan’s Ministry of Health for refusing to halt its Covid vaccination program, citing data showing a number of adverse reactions and deaths stemming from the jab.

People are already doing research all over the world,” Fukushima told health ministers during a conference earlier this month. “Japan’s prestige is at stake. You have vaccinated so many people. And yet, only 10% of the members of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, who are leading members of the vaccine campaign have been vaccinated. Is this a fucking joke?”


No joke, Doc.

When only 10% of the Ministry of Jab has taken the jab themselves, that’s your sign that the political-class didn’t just leave you for dead, they murdered you.

Their own vaxx status proves beyond a reasonable doubt that at least 90% of them know the truth, and yet to this day, they still push you — and everyone else — to take the Zyklon B shot.

If there is any other plausible explanation under the sun, what might that be?


That isn’t a particularly reassuring bit of information, is it?

I vaguely recall that the CDC and FDA didn’t have very high rates of vaxxing — but more like 30%. Ten percent is not good.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That 10% figure is very interesting. SOMEBODY doesn’t trust the vaccines.


I’d hazard a guess that about 90% of somebodies don’t trust the vaccines 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Do we have an update on DePat health? Hopefully, she’s as healthy as the fine camel gracing the top o’ the post.


I would recommend ginger tea. Fresh ginger would be best.


It was disco night.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yep. That pose is definitely channeling her inner John Travolta.


Mr Travolta is not pleased with that comparison.


After “Battlefield Earth”, he can take his displeasure and fold it until it’s all corners….


Surprise, Whitmer posting on TikTok, after FBI warning.

Whitmer, IS a Team Player.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She knows who is getting her elected.

Valerie Curren

elected. selected…fify

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For anybody who loves the glitterbomb and fart spray antics, this one is hilarious!!!


Well, here’s something you don’t see every day….

Gray whale gives birth right next to whale-watching boat.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very cool!


Dang. When we went out with him we only saw a pod of dolphin.


The boat captain does that for a living and has only seen it once.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Michael Delauzon is back on Twitter!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




I decline the invitation to play 9/11 games.


So, NATO and Zelenskyy want to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian male….

….and the bankers want to loot the country’s resources….

….so, when do we begin a mass importation of breeding-age Ukrainian females to make up for all the US females sterilized by Pfizer?




Not requiring masks is racist.

Last edited 1 year ago by holly08



I’d guess many highly masked areas have very loose environmental standards for mfr and their air quality in large cities can be very toxic.

But. yeah, that is a good question…


Masks do have utility in some circumstances but protection against a virus is not among them.


“Saying “we can’t mask anymore, because at some point we have to get back to normal” is racist.”


No, but you could be a fascist for trying to use the accusation of rayciss to silence others.

Nice try, so sorry.


“Asian countries have been masking for years.”


Maybe Asians, many of whom live in historically totalitarian cultures (and apparently like it that way), are genetically predisposed toward unquestioning compliance.

So do what you want in Asian countries. If you love the jackboot, get your licker ready.

That’s not how we roll here.

If you don’t like that, roll on back to Asia.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


My response:

“Don’t bring your Maoist shit here, two-steppin’ traitor, and expect us to go along with it.”

Speaking of ELVIS CHAN……

Gail Combs

Wolf they were masking up in Chyna long before Covid because of the POLLUTION.

spring of 2019
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That’s gonna leave a mark.

But you already knew that.


“What is normal is taking collective action in order to protect others, especially those most vulnerable.”


Totalitarianism in the guise of virtue is as ugly as it gets, commie.


For gil00 — it’s raining here.

As a note, we’ve seen it rain here for 25 years. It only came up over the sidewalk once, and the crawlspace is another two feet up from that.


Hopefully you dont get any flooding


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That big yellow thingy is the narcissism of the control freak cult.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, come now. That big yellow thing isn’t big enough for that.


I stand corrected.  🤔 



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Te “social contagion” link DP posted has given me an idea!

All we have to do is make up a new “disorder” and get it published in a major mainstream psych journal to change the world!

The new disorder would cause people to compulsively attend a church, fight the forces of darkness, plant a garden, and start a family. We label it something really awful sounding in Latin. Something like Fides-Deiu Syndrome.


I love it!






Yes, it would be much easier if they would admit error and acknowledge the consequences of what they did, and ask for forgiveness. But I think many are still entrenched in the same medical societies that would pressure them if a similar situation arose in the future, and I believe many would cave and do the same thing again. In other words, they will not speak up when it’s risky to do so. It’s safer now because there is starting to be a consensus of thought.

On the one hand I’m very glad they are speaking up now because we need every voice we can get, but on the other hand it disgusts me because it’s impossible to tell who was genuinely mistaken and who was toeing the party line to save their own skin, at the expense of their patients and society.


I agree.


Any surprises on that list? Nope.


That Ron DeSantis “Grand Jury” video DP posted is devastating.

Ron will be crucified in the court of public opinion with all of that. Things are going to get rough.


I just went back and watched it. I hadn’t realized he had been so positive about the vax. The internet is forever, so he will have to answer questions if he starts claiming that he’s been an anti-vax warrior.


He is a politician. All he has to do to defuse the controversy is say, “New data became available and I reassessed my position on the vaccine. Isn’t that what you do when new information is available?”


True. But he can’t claim he was always anti-vax.


Down the memory hole or the bit bucket or the “I miss-spoke”. I am sure one of his advisors will think of something.


“The science as evolved.”


That should work in a post modern, post responsibility American society.


Yes, he will.


Something like this has likely already been posted, but twice won’t hurt. (Some say it was 134) › history › 2022-12-30 › 1856-house-needed-two-months-elect-speaker-8587777.html
In 1856, the House needed two months and 133 votes to elect a speaker …5 days ago But a few extra rounds of balloting would be a far cry from the nearly two months and 133 votes the House took to choose its leader in 1856 – the longest and most contentious speaker election in …

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Jeb on the stage yesterday, and this ass-kissing comes from a few years ago. DeSantis = Bush retainer? And the Bushes perfected the art of giving conservatives the words while the global masters got the action:


“Who’s the most inspirational person you’ve met?”

Ron DeSantis: “Bush 41.”


Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

Satan is the most inspirational entity in my life.

He inspired me to get serious about having a relationship with my Heavenly Father.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

Wonder when that was? Doubtful it was in the past eight years. Or so I guess.

Will Google it after I get home in a few hours.


Yours Truly: This is an article regarding the Pfizer-BioNTech document, BNT162b2 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Events Reports, that the company submitted to the FDA in April, 2021.
The report covers 108 days of widespread use of BNT162b2 in numerous countries through 28 February 2021.
Page 11, Table 5, is the “Important Potential Risk” table. Already, by 28 February 2021, there was possible risk noted for the development of VAED / VAERD in people who were “vaccinated” with BNT162b2.
From Page 11 of the report:
“The search criteria utilised to identify potential cases of VAED for this report includes PTs indicating a lack of effect of the vaccine and PTs potentially indicative of severe or atypical COVID-19 [b].”
This is the same report that has the “APPENDIX 1. LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST“, the list of over 1200 adverse events types reported up to 28 February 2021.
From the article:
“It is entirely possible that ADE and VAED can lead to immense immune system damage similar to that seen in acquired immune deficiency disorder (AIDS).”
There is also the article from which discusses new research findings that indicate the mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccines” destroy the good igG3 cells of the immune system and encourage the growth of the “can tolerate and don’t clear our” igG4 cells. This article has been cited by people on this board.
December 24, 2022
Yours Truly can posit the following:
One, that the FDA and Pfizer-BioNTech, as early as February 2021, knew that BNT162b2 was a dangerous, even deadly, mRNA-based gene therapy masquerading as a “vaccine” against COVID-19; that this “vaccine” was already causing serious, even deadly, adverse reactions in those who took it; that there are components of the “vaccine” which could cause ADE, VAED, VAERD, and AIDS-like immune system damage and/or suppression; and the FDA nonetheless went ahead to authorize the use of BNT162b2 on ALL age groups of Americans, including in babies 6 months of age.
Two, that there are elements within BNT162b2 that target and weaken / destroy the natural immune system of the bodies of those who take this “vaccine”; that both the FDA and Pfizer-BioNTech knew this; and the effects of these “vaccine” elements are starting to show up in mounting numbers every day.
Three, that there are reasons why Pfizer-BioNTech included the AIDS treatment drug, ritonavir, into the Paxlovid “combo-pill” treatment for COVID-19 infection. What are the reasons?
Four, the exact ingredients and amounts for the spike protein used in BNT162b2 have never been released by the company; and that the exact changes made, if any, within the S1 and S2 protein subunits within BNT152b2 have never been released by the company. Why?

The 5.3.6 Post-Marketing report is now on PHMPT:

Here’s a graphic of what each COVID-19 “vaccine” developer has done to change / alter the original Wuhan Hu1 spike protein sequence in creating their “vaccines”:

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Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA

You are doing a great service to humanity by continuing to dig on this, RDS. Thank you.


To be plain about this:
Yours Truly does not want it on her conscience that she did not do what she could to spread the truth about the COVID-19 “vaccines” and the dangers of them.
This, as she watches her family implode their health and immune systems due to the unreasoning, blind adherence to “directives” by the CDC / FDA / AMA / their employers, to be “fully vaccinated and boosted.”


If you don’t mind. Was it your son, that you recommended Zinc? How is he doing? Full recovery? Rest of his family?


You are kind to ask. The last one heard was that son was taking Zinc and vit C to fight off whatever was coming after him; his step-daughter was apparently OK; the rest oft his household was still sick. His wife went back to work (one doesn’t know if this was to the clinic or was by remote.)

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA

I am becoming irritated:

“President Trump was silent on Tuesday night after the voting.

But on Wednesday morning President Trump published several messages on Truth Social calling on Republican lawmakers to vote for Kevin McCarthy.

Trump called it a “VICTORY.””

Gail Combs

I can not find the video snippet right now, but Trump explained why he supported McCarthy.

  1. They kicked out Boehner as House Speaker and got something MUCH WORSE Paul Ryan.
  2. They DO NOT HAVE THE VOTES and if the Rinos team with the Demonrats we could get someone even worse than Paul The Rat Ryan.
  3. The fight had concessions wrung from McCarthy and put him on notice to mind his Ps and Qs.

Kevin McCarthy makes major concession to conservatives...

McCarthy’s central concession is allowing for any five Republican representatives to force of vote of no confidence in the speaker. 👈  [THAT IS BIG!] He also vowed to end the practice of proxy voting and virtual participation in hearings, requiring lawmakers to be in Washington to participate in hearings and votes….

Gail Combs

I should add STRATEGY!!! We Patriots are not yet POWERFUL ENOUGH to get what we want so we have to negotiate. These concessions are actually a big step forward.


Needless to say I agree. It’s a process.


If one of the leaders of the Freedom Caucus does not want the job, then we know the timing is off to push the envelope.


^^^^ this ^^^^


The rule used to be ONE Rep. to force a vote of no confidence. Pelosi changed the rules. There are other rules she changed. They only benefit tyrants; McCarthy wants to keep them. That’s all I need to know. NO on McCarthy, whatever it takes.

If RINOs want to commit political seppuku by voting with Demoncrats, I am perfectly willing for that to happen. McCarthy in charge just mean more of the same old RINO bullshit, which might as well be Demoncrat. They are the same.


For once in a very long time – if ever – I find myself unable to agree with you. My opinion is to look at the very big picture, not what’s happening in DCA just now … something’s afoot, and we don’t know what it is … if PDJT is saying the supports Kevin-baby, then fine – must be for some reason, and it’s not because he likes the guy … just my thoughts …


Well, dang it. Lol.

That’s ok. I know this one is a pretty extreme position. But Trump has made some pretty terrible personnel choices in the past. I think this one is very swampy. I guess we’ll see what happens.


Let me go on record on this issue. I disagree with President Trump. McCarthy will slow down any positive change that does not benefit RINO interest. He belongs to K Street, it is that simple.


Yep. So why does he keep pushing people further away, putting an actual reelection win at risk?


I have no idea. I gave up trying to read Trump’s mind. I look at his past record on personnel choices. There is a long list of traitors and back stabbers on that list.


I really wonder if , despite the declaration, he will run a campaign.


Trump, like many successful people, has confidence in his own methodology. I do expect him to run, absence some extraordinary development on the world scene. Trump is outstanding in many areas but not all. Some areas he has a dismal record. Even believing all that, I still see him as, far and away, the best candidate available.


Thank God, Robert, you put this in perspective: “Some areas he has a dismal record.” … God knows that describes me … how ’bout you?


Well I am human. That should answer your question.


Makes two of us!  🙂 


Is there room for me?  😆 


Maybe he KNOWS who is who….
and he is just EXPOSING them for ALL to see?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

At the price of letting that gigantic pile of shit be one of the most powerful people on Earth?

“Exposing” him isn’t worth the price of giving him so much power he’ll never have to face the consequences.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

At the price of letting that gigantic pile of shit be one of the most powerful people on Earth?”


And your alternative is?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m merely stating that the notion that he’s supporting McCarthy simply to expose him makes no sense.

I don’t know what his actual reason is.


Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself


Should we interfere with a friend in the process of destroying himself?

Asking for a distant acquaintance.


Trump’s political track record does not suggest such a scenario. It would seem to me, if his strategy is exposing them then it would be better to deny them power than to give them power so their true character would be revealed. From where I observe, that doesn’t make sense, common or political.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



I’ve been reading that McCarthy did not agree to the vote of no confidence, but it looks as if he finally caved on that. (Do we want someone whose hand had to be forced to do the right thing?) I’ve also read that he did not agree to put Freedom Caucus members and other true conservatives on the committees where they felt they could best serve. And I find it hard to beleive that people like Gaetz and Jordan don’t understand the process and how many votes they have.

That said, I sill trust PDJT. I think whoever is elected will be under the microscope from other House members and from all of us.


Your parenthetical sentence says it all.  😀 

Gail Combs

Yesterday Deplorable Patriot listed this article. I HIGHLY recommend reading it. It is not that long and has information and ideas I had not seen before.

Why Trump Pushed the Vax: The One Question We All Want Answered

….Let’s think about this.

POTUS deliberately introduced his “friends” from Big Pharma Johnson & Johnson and was booed by the crowd. He wasn’t surprised by that reaction. He expected it. He introduced them to showcase his relationship with Johnson & Johnson.


Hold THAT thought…..

At the end of the article the writer recommends a video:

January 7, 2022– President Trump Vs BIG PHARMA 2 – Clif High/X22 Report/AndWeKnow/Patel Patriot – A MrTruthBomb Film

This is a summary and compilation of multiple truthers and their views on the vaccine. A year later it is not ‘Out of Date’ and has a lot of good info.

@ 33:00 Pro vs Con of Trump supporting the Vax. (Note I am NOT using the phrase Clot Shot) This is looking at the strategic point of view. ALSO with the CDC changing the definition of ‘vaccine’ HCQ and Ivermectin are technically ‘vaccines’ In ALL speeches Trump says it is up to YOU to make the decision and it should not be MANDATED. He also mentions theraputics… FREE WILL.

On top of that, by rushing the Clot Shot, it is under EUA AND THERFORE CAN NOT BE MANDATED BY LAW, although Bite-Me has done his darnest and got slapped down by the Supreme Court.

33:50 – 43:30 TruthHammer put this out on telegram…

KEY POINTS among a lot of good points:

Omicron is a huge leap, with over 50 unique mutations from the closest prior strain. Who would engineer and release a rapidly spreading variant that basically acts as a live vaccine?……

Enter such a player, right on the heels of Omicron.

How did the Army, using Operation Warp Speed overhaul – Develop a super-vaccine effective against all COVID strains – and keep it secret?

EO 13887 established the DOD as the overseer of the multi-agency pandemic response oversight authority – and pushed the FDA, NIH, & CDC down to a subordinate level of oversight. What role did that compartmentalization play in keeping this Army super-vax project a secret?….

  :wpds_arrow: “and pushed the FDA, NIH, & CDC down to a subordinate level of oversight”



As a dot connector I want to bring in other points:

#1. Skuttlebutt is the military ASKED Trump to run although I think I saw something verifying that.

#2. General Flynn just published a book

To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. LINK

#3. The Q operation was about recruiting and training a citizen army of ‘Digital Soldiers’ where Q would often using The Socratic Method

#4. The ReichsWEF announces the Great Rest.

I think that is enough — although there is much more — to indicate we ARE in a Fifth Generation War. AND from the very start POTUS Trump was well aware of it.

This means not only is POTUS Trump, a War Time president, he has to be very careful in what he says and what he does. ALSO he has to make strategic decisions. HARD decisions that will echo down centuries. The above article and video takes an indepth look at those decisions.

Extrapolating from the points made:

IF the US military came up with a vaccine that is NOT mRNA based…
IF Trump’s friend Woody Johnson, was given that information & told to manufacture it….

Let’s pull on a thread, shall we?

It’s a thread called ‘Woody Johnson.’

He’s a longtime billionaire friend of Donald Trump. He’s part of the family that owns the pharmaceutical giant, Johnson & Johnson, where he’s a minority owner….

While Woody was off being Ambassador to the UK, something interesting happened: President Trump signed contracts worth $900 million with Johnson & Johnson….

Another contract worth $216,169,222 was given to Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen Pharmaceuticals in February 2020, bringing the total to a whopping $905,645,089.

Here’s an interesting tidbit: The contracts were awarded to J&J in DECEMBER 2019, before most had even heard of the ‘Chy-na Virus,’ to develop a FLU vaccine aimed at “modernizing influenza vaccines in the United States to promote national security and public health.”

(See why I want you to read that article?)

REMEMBERING WE ARE AT WAR and Psy-ops is in play AGAINST THE DEEP STATE, Let’s look at another tidbit.

Attorney Tom Renz revealed the names of three Department of Defense (DoD) whistleblowers who attested to the damage caused by Covid-19 vaccines. The names were shared during a Covid-19 roundtable organised by Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson.

Renz shared his data, showing that post-vaccination miscarriages and cancer cases increased by 300 percent – more than the five-year average – in just a short span of one year. Neurological disorders also increased from 82,000 to 863,000 – which was described as a ten-fold jump – in just a year’s time. Renz added that the neurological issues caused by the jabs would affect pilots.

Long, who was also present during the roundtable, told the Wisconsin senator that she had grounded pilots injected with the COVID-19 vaccine. She added that she monitored these grounded pilots for any symptoms of myocarditis or heart muscle inflammation, which include chronic fatigue, that could kill them while piloting aircraft.

Long said: “I made numerous efforts to get senior medical leaders to, at the very least, inform soldiers of this risk. My concerns were ignored.”

Do we KNOW this information is true? Remember the data base was CHANGED…

“The Whistleblower data, this DMED database, has provided a control group of sorts. … Below you will find a side-by-side comparison of the numbers our Whistleblowers gave Attorney Tom Renz, and the new updated numbers the DOD created.

And in the first article:

Renz mentioned the DoD’s Project Salus initiative, which involves an artificial intelligence developed by the Pentagon’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center. The Project Salus AI examined data on 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries 65 years old and up. Of this number, 2.7 million were vaccinated with the Pfizer shot, while 2.9 million got the Moderna vaccine.

Johnson & Johnson is completely missing….

Was the military actually given the Army developed vaccine that was perhaps manufactured by J&J and the data base diddled? With Chyna just waiting stage left, I would think POTUS Trump would do all he could to protect our military even if he could not protect the entire USA and world population.


I appreciate the author’s efforts, but it strikes me as trying to make things fit a certain theory. I remember there being issues with the J&J vax and found this:

Feds call halt to Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine rollout after ‘extremely rare’ blood clot cases
April 13, 2021

After drug regulators on both sides of the Atlantic revealed safety probes into Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine, U.S. officials are calling for an immediate pause to the rollout.

Since the vaccine’s late February emergency use authorization in the U.S., nearly 7 million people have received the shot. Six recipients of the vaccine—all women between 18 and 48—were diagnosed with rare blood clots afterward, the FDA says. One died and one is in critical condition.

The FDA on Tuesday said it’s “recommending a pause in the use of this vaccine out of an abundance of caution.”

The rare blood clots need to be treated differently than typical clots, officials said. In fact, standard treatments can worsen a patient’s condition.

The cases all surfaced about one to three weeks after vaccination, FDA vaccine official Peter Marks said on the call. Warning signs include severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain and shortness of breath. The FDA plans to revise the J&J vaccine fact sheet to include the updated information.

The pause represents a setback for the J&J vaccine as the U.S. pushes ahead with the mRNA shots from Pfizer and Moderna. AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine—which, like J&J’s, is adenovirus-based—has also raised rare blood clot concerns, and that has led to a sporadic vaccination effort in Europe, where individual countries are setting vaccine policy.

But the vaccine was reinstated within a couple of weeks.

April 26, 2021 – The CDC and FDA reviewed data and decided it was safe. This after one death, one person in critical condition, and others with blood clots. 😡 By this time there were 15 adverse reports in VAERS. I wonder how mnay more there have been since then.

The FDA and CDC have confidence that this vaccine is safe and effective in preventing COVID-19.

The FDA has determined that the available data show that the vaccine’s known and potential benefits outweigh its known and potential risks in individuals 18 years of age and older.

Maybe the military was given a “doctored” J&J vax, but it’s a theory made up out of thin air.

Gail Combs

They did mention the withdrawal of J&J in the article and the reinstatement. WHY would they ADMIT blot clots and WHY J&J?


Why? Lookie over there… (Not at mRNA, primarily Pfizer – the biggest offender of violating folks health.)

Gail Combs

Yes, that is what they did with the J&J and pulling it for blood clots.

Gail Combs

….Maybe the military was given a “doctored” J&J vax, but it’s a theory made up out of thin air….

Yes it is, I meant to start with my silly wild ass guess but got interrupted and forgot to include it.




“With Chyna just waiting stage left, I would think POTUS Trump would do all he could to protect our military even if he could not protect the entire USA and world population.”


If only the military had returned the favor, and done all it could to protect POTUS Trump and the entire USA and world population.

Sadly, that was not to be.


Sadly, that was not to be.”

I wonder what the War College is calling this strategy? Defend the defense budget to the last enlisted man strategy? Perhaps


The “Stars” (generals and admirals) are lining up for lucrative careers in MIC world (MIC businesses and federal civilian jobs).

^^^ It IS a revolving door.

May as well toss in O-6s (Colonels and Navy Captains).

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Freedom Caucus’ Chip Roy just made history by nominating Byron Donalds for House Speaker. With Jeffries and Donalds both being nominated, it’s the first time ever 2 black men are nom’d for SoH. Took Dems a minute, but they finally stood up and clapped. Took even more minutes when they half azz clapped when Roy said we value content of character more than color of skin. Let’s see how this round goes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s an excellent wrench to throw into the mix!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Mike Davis spilled that Trump was on sidelines just watching 1st 3 rounds. McCarthy called last night and cried and begged for his endorsement, so he finally gave him one.

Trump is correct in that they need to get their S together and elect a speaker and get on with it. There are too many never Kevins, it’s not gonna be him. He needs to realize that and get hisself and his backers to get behind someone and get this show on the road. Kevin is actually working a deal w/Hakeem to get Dems to vote for him. BAD IDEA, What the he!! is he giving away, ASSHOE?!? 🤬 🤬 🤬 Don’t want Scalise, he can’t be trusted. He supports Disney, soft on immigration, wouldn’t support Hageman, loves Liz. 🤮 Jordan needs to stay where he’s best, bulldog on top of investigations. Biggs isn’t popular. MTG, Boebert, they’re NOs. Who else? Donalds actually isn’t that bad. Donalds probably won’t get it, but he is a good option, he’s a bulldog type that we need.

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Donald J. Trump



Jan 04, 2023, 6:39 AM

Last edited 1 year ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Trump: “Kevin McCarthy will do a good job, and maybe even a GREAT JOB – JUST WATCH!”

This is huge. It confirms my theory that under Trump’s leadership (under his thumb), McCarthy will do the right thing most of the time. Trump is very actively involved

Gail Combs

A bit of BLACKMAIL???


….For the betterment of the country NOT ALL will be prosecuted and all will do as told. You will see more of this occur (not normal yet disregarded) and even on the D side. –Q


For the uninitiated, now wondering about PDJT’s position, GO BACK AND READ THIS AGAIN …

PDJT would NEVER get so involved and supportive IF “…WE HAVE IT ALL…” weren’t true and Kevin-baby knows it … just sayin’ from out here on the OP …



^^^ Assuming, we do have it all, it IS a mystery they have not used it. Is “it”classified or otherwise can NOT be used?

I have truly ceased believing in the, “we have it all”, story line.

Would love to be wrong, but I sidelined “we have it all”, with the hopia bong.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Do not share your optimism regarding Prince Kevin.

Gail Combs

Oh he is a RAT BASTARD, I just hope he is OUR rat bastard.

I think Trump has a good reason for supporting him but I do not know what it is.


Expose him maybe?

Gail Combs

Actually, we are getting a lesson in HOW our government works.

Normally we do not see this sort of scuffling so it is an education.


😀 My optimism is actually for Trump.


Donalds has been in office for 1yr. Elected off season in 2021. He’ll end up being someone’s puppet. Kind of thinks that might not work. Not sure what Roy is thinking here, but it’s stupid. He won’t get the spot because of lack of experience and Dems will just make it about race.


The comments are hilarious!


Send Nanzi?



Karine Jean-Pierre told White House reporters on Tuesday that America’s Ambassador to the Holy See will attend the funeral.


Thanks. I should inserted, /s 🙂


Safe and Effective: Canada Pays Almost $2.8 Million in Damages Caused by COVID-19 Jabs
I need clarity on this. Vaccine makers can’t be sued, right? Does that only apply to the United States? In this Canadian case, it looks as if Canada’s healthcare system is on the hook.

Canadians must have sustained severe and permanent damage related to a vaccine approved by Health Canada and given in Canada after December 8, 2020.

So can this happen here, where people sue the alphabet medical oversight agencies?


Best of my knowledge we also have a program where individuals can claim compensation from the govt for vax injuries. Not the same as suing and copious records have to be taken that demonstrate it was indeed the vax. › vaccine-compensation
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program | HRSANational Vaccine Injury Compensation Program COVID-19 Claims For claims associated with the COVID-19 vaccine or other COVID-19 related countermeasures, please file your Request for Benefits with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. Vaccines save lives by preventing disease. Most people who get vaccines have no serious problems.


Thank you!


Somewhere, I think in today’s daily, (yesterday, “Cares Act” or some something protects those recommending and giving Covidiot Injections.

Perhaps I misunderstood the bottom line. But it smacks of the perfect “cover” to inject everyone, with no accountability.

Gail Combs

It will have to go up to the Supreme Court. The BIG POINT is KNOWINGLY and there is plenty of evidence.

You can not pass a law that ‘protects mass murder or fraud… Well OK the Feral Reserve.


I agree. At some point there should be many law suits. Even class Action lawsuits, should be happening.

Gail Combs

comment image

Gail Combs

I wonder what type of ‘handles’ POTUS may have on McCarty…


Hopefully more than, McCarthy’s “word”.

Gail Combs

In writing with wittnesses and signed in his blood ought to do it…


Tattooed on his back is my preference.


Forehead, in reverse lettering.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Inside of eyelids, in glowing ink.


I think Trump is just looking at the odds and assuming McCarthy will still get the job and that is who he will have to deal with in 2025. Took the same stance with McConnel until he worked so hard against MAGA in 2022 elections.

Trump is missing or ignoring the undercurrent of dissent within the party.


Or he understands the table. McCarthy has made concessions and now McCarthy will make some new concessions and the hell with the old ones?

“McCarthy Loses Round 4, Will Look to Democrats to Boost Him as Conservatives Float a New Option”


McCarthy has assumed coronation but will have to give some. But if he gets the Speakership then the 20 rebels will get roasted. As I said on twitter, if you go to strike down the King, you better succeed.


Could be worse. He’ll be beholden to the Dems if this is what happens. Nasty stuff going on here.


This fight has been needed for years. No time like the present. Some getting exposed like MTG.


Might be her last term?


Could be. Not sure what her play here is as it is against her usual approach. She is definitely burning bridges.


^^^ NOT disagreeing.

MTG did win reelection by a large margin. IIRC.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

I think the original five holdouts will NEVER vote for McCarthy. Which means he will not be Speaker. I guess we’ll see.


Yes, going to be interesting how this plays out. When you try to take out the King, you better succeed.




This is what I’m thinking …

Gail Combs

That sounds reasonable.


So the plan is to show that the Freedom Caucus members have no integrity and their personal ambitions supersede their publicly stated principles.

Got it.

Gail Combs

The committee assignments are very very important. If you want hearings, if you want certain bills, THEN YOU NEED the Freedom Caucus members in CHOICE COMMITTEES.

Remember how Paul Ryan tossed Devin Nunes out of his committee to PREVENT him from digging up the EVIDENCE of that the Russian Collusion was a hoax?


Not denying their importance. Just have heard several members of FC state that they were sent to Congress to represent constituents. This ‘looks like’ they are switching to personal agendas.

It would help if each one would link constituents‘ interests with playing hardball over committee slots.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The more power one has, the more effectively one can fight for their constituents in congress. Of course, it’s also true that you can fight for your big corporate donor/lobbyist interests in addition…or instead.


I don’t see it as personal ambition, but as efforts to put people in positions where they will do the most good for the country. We need staunch conservatives in key leadership roles. Their publicly stated principles will jibe with their roles on committees where they can stop the JB agenda and maybe make positive changes. I believe they want to conduct investigations that will reveal the rot beneath the surface.

Gail Combs

I agree. We have never been trained in how our government works so we do not know HOW IMPORTANT the Commitee Chair is.

ANY Bill can be KILLED by a committee

Bills in Committee: Process & Example

….The bill is submitted to the House Clerk who assigns a HR#. The Speaker of the House then assigns the bill to a full committee based on the type of legislation.

The committee then considers the bill and then sends it to a subcommittee made up of members of the committee. This subcommittee will hold meetings and propose changes or amendments to the bill in a process called markup. After these changes, the full committee votes on the bill, and if passed, orders a bill report which provides an explanation of the bill and a recommendation for its passage. If the vote fails, then it can go back to the subcommittee for further markup procedures, or it can be tabled which means it is dead.

Once reported, it is then sent to the House rules committee to determine the passage procedures. From there it goes to a full House vote. Upon passage, it is sent to a joint committee with the Senate to work out differences. A report of this new bill goes to both House and Senate for a vote, and then on to the president for a signature. It is then a law.

The Committee as Filter

Once a bill is assigned to a committee, the committee has several options. It can hold hearings on the bill, change the bill through the markup process, or scuttle the bill. In these ways, a committee acts as a filter to types and numbers of bills introduced into Congress. A bill is filtered by one or more of several procedures:

Assignment: A bill or parts of a bill can be assigned first by the Speaker of the house to a certain committee. For example, an energy bill can be assigned to a the Energy and Commerce Committee, or if the bill also contains provisions dealing with the protection of nuclear power plants, the bill could go to the House Committee on Homeland Security. Either committee could produce a different result.

Markup: A bill can go through the markup procedure either in the full committee or a subcommittee. This can change the bill, amend the bill, or completely rewrite the bill. If the changes are substantial enough, then the bill may be assigned a new number and sent to the floor of the House to vote on the changes.

— Tabled: All actions in a committee are done by a vote, and if at any stage there are not enough votes to push the bill to the next phase, it can die. This is also called pigeonholing a bill….



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

By the way, “Tabled” means the exact opposite in the UK, where it means to put the bill on the table as the current business.


I’m listening to Dave Bratt speak on Bannon. He says, before this Speaker fight, the way things work is that if you speak out on behalf of your constituents and buck the system, you lose much-needed monetary support, and you lose any chance of being on a committee. These Freedom Caucus members are having to fight this system to get true patriots on committees and stop the stranglehold that RINOs and progressives have on the way things are done in the House.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed. Many years ago I read an article written by a one-term Congressman, about how the system ACTUALLY worked. If you didn’t let yourself be assimilated, basically, and (among other things) become a fundraising machine for the party, you could get nothing done except warming your seat.

Once the speaker is elected, he has near dictatorial power over everything but actual floor voting. And he could punish you for stepping out of line there (or grant you the favor of being able to vote the way your constituents like, if they had more than enough votes to pass the shit they wouldn’t like). Though that latter was generally the job of the “whip.”

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Deal maker is shorthand for politician or vice versa, whichever you prefer.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s quite plausible.

They clearly cannot get an ideal person in for speaker, but if they end up holding the right committee chairmanships, that’s almost as good; it may even be better.



We dont have a parliamentary system. This is unacceptable. What a pos, as expected.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like WEF called the fucker and said “make a deal with the Dems to stop this reversal of our progressive gains.”

What a CREEP.

It was all lies, and we flushed him out.


And jim jordan be like:

comment image

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

The HILL has retracted


Almost from the same area. Just give him his vodka bottle.




Eyepatch mccain again. Cant peel this guy out of his district either.


Really? That’s the opposite I see.

Is this Eyepatch deciding what should be inscribed on his political tombstone?


Hes not as awesome as he thinks he is.


A legend in his own mind.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

His WEF underpants show more every day!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

I tried, I went to primary intending to rid him. Ratfvcker got redistricted, at least I have a new MAGA rep now. That actually means there’s more R’s near me from the 2020 census, which is a good thing. Funny thing is a whole bunch of libs live right across from courthouse lining the block w/yard signs, and we slam them every time. HELL NO, NEVER BETO!! 🤣🤣
Eyepatch is sounding more and more like Creepy.


Thx for your effort!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I really should quit holding back and tell people what I really feel, but I just keep falling short.


Keep working on it Steve. I have every confidence that success is just around the corner.


Nothing short about that hashtag.

It’s the political version of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.


Thanks for not making it an acronym. 🙂


“traitors ew age…”?
“traitor sew age…”?
Oh, got it! 🤓

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Now, can we get MTG on board? Or is she too mad at Boebert to do so?

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

he’s getting pushback from MAGA peeps …

I’m very flummoxed about Trump …. this latest blunder (how I see it) is one of a growing list …


My beef with him right now is relying on the 2016 playbook. Same reason why I do not listen to his rally’s. Too formulaic and singing to the choir. He needs to change things up.


Too formulaic and singing to the choir. He needs to change things up.

^^^ T H I S. ^^^

Present messaging IS stale. Trump needs a fresh presentation.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is being called a fake on Twitter…apparently it’s not on Truth Social.


Yes, he just confirmed. Shame, he should have seen the positive responses.


Positive responses until people realize he’s only 1yr in office. Like it or not, there is a learning curve to knowing the in’s and out’s of that office and there’s no way he’d be close to knowing enough and it wouldn’t just be the rules but knowledge of all the players inside and outside of Congress. Way too many mistakes to be made even considering him for the spot.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The same logic applies to suggestions to elect Trump as speaker.


Or a non-politician (Trump) running for President with no prior experience. I am all for disruption here. If things are chaotic and things cannot get done. All the better.


While I like the idea of things being chaotic and not getting done, it’s going to really suck when the reason comes back to being inept.


Based on that approach the American Revolution would never had happened. Most of the leaders were in there 20’s and some in their teens. And no experience in overthrowing the current world super power.


Sure same logic, however the House is a body of rules with a long history and lots of procedures. You don’t follow the rules there will be endless objection from all sides. There’s also a power dynamic and timing dynamic involving people and events. Some degree of institutional knowledge is required.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think you may have misunderstood me.

I wasn’t criticizing your statement on the grounds that your statement would exclude Trump, I was saying that Trump SHOULD be excluded from consideration because what you said is absolutely true.

(Not that he’s being considered, anyway!)

Valerie Curren

Expertise can generally be hired; attitude cannot.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Donalds is a fiance guru. He handles the press like Kari Lake and smokes them every time. 2 Major Plusses. Trouble is, there’s a long standing line for the Speaker’s office, everyone in it has to bide their time and wait for their turn. Lots of people complaining about status quo. Just because you wait in line forever doesn’t mean your qualified to be Speaker. Traditions of men have got us into this mess. MAGA demands disruption.


Well, SHIT!

I hope he reads it somewhere and imitates it.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, he’s switching to Bryon Donalds!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wait – which part is fake?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think ALL of it – WEF and the rest, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image

Valerie Curren

She had addressed some of the “fake” in that tweet, but I hadn’t read all she wrote…some of which Might have merit… 🙂

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎



Well, FINALLY!!!!!!!!!


Does anyone know what happened to the site? I’ve been getting “can’t find the server” messages for several days. Does it have a different URL now?


Just tried checking for you and got the same results.

OTOH, I use:


Thank you; I’m saving that. It has the Q drops, but qaggregator also had Truth Social posts. This happened once before, and the URL had changed.


pdf of all Q drops till now:


comment image
Donald J. Trump

The Statement just put out using a Save America masthead is a forgery and a fake. Please disregard it entirely.
Jan 04, 2023, 3:50 PM





Ooh, what did it say?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It said he was switching away from McCarthy. Alas…FAKE.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Donald J. Trump


I have always supported Byron Donalds, have consistently Endorsed him for Congress and, in fact, feel that I was a primary reason he entered politics in the first place. He is a young man with a great future! With that all being said, the story and statement that was just put out that I endorsed Byron for Speaker of the House is Fake and Fraudulent. He will have his day, and it will be a big one, but not now!

Jan 04, 2023, 4:09 PM


Thank you!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎


Gail Combs


Zak mentioned that French Doctors figured out the Clot Shot kills, have gone on strike and thrown down their stethoscopes!

@ 8:50 —


Headlines say the strike is over working conditions and pay – ?

French doctors stage strike despite disease ‘tripledemic’ – RFI

Dec 27, 2022  A collective representing French private doctors is calling for a week of strikeaction until 2 January for an increase in consultation fees … practitioners go on strike, in spite of French government’s …

7 days ago  An informal group of doctors called for practices to close from December 26 to January 2, 2023. Not all the unions followed, and the health … doctors go on strike to demand reintroduction of compulsory …

Although the strike has created even longer waiting times, emergency departments in public hospitals continued to treat patients after hospitals forced the … doctors extend strike for another week as hospitals struggle

2 days ago  French doctors on Monday extended their ongoing strike for another week, demanding increased fees and better working conditions as hospitals … GPs go on strike over deteriorating working conditions

Nov 29, 2022  In a rare move, general practitioners in France will go on strike on December 1 and 2, demanding greater investment from the government in …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So much DISINFORMATION. And I suspect that much of it is from the DEEP STATE.


Unfortunately, I’ve seen too much disinfo on our side to trust everything without verification. There’s a lot of wishful thinking that leads to erroneous conclusions.


I wonder if Trump made a promise to support McCarthy for Speaker in the past in exchange for McCarthy supporting some key measure. Maybe Trump is keeping a promise, and maybe he also has some leverage over McCarthy that would keep him in line.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I said to redleg, I don’t know why he’s doing this; but I have expressed my doubts that the reason he’s doing this is somehow to “expose” McCarthy. Either idea you’ve expressed here is more plausible than that one.


Meanwhile I’d proffer the Donalds nomination is an effort to draw Jim Jordan out.


maybe KM is promising to support (or not participate) in the GOP trying to stop REALPotus from running….

Not that I would trust KM on ANYTHING!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Liz Harrington said today that he is concerned about them getting someone worse than McCarthy. He’s a deal maker and just wants to get it done. Not a perfect deal, just a done deal.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That, too, would make some sense.


Makes NO sense to me

We’ve known since November that Republicans would name the Speaker and this is the best we could do – McCarthy?

No, I ain’t buying it.

Jim Jordan was mentioned by peeps like us … as well as a few others…


Jordan does not want the position. I do not understand some of Trump’s moves they make no sense to me. His trackrecord has not been good choosing people when it comes to politics. I used to find excuses for him and I run out of excuses. Maybe is just me I am tired.


It ain’t just you! The personnel choices are the only thing about Trump that leave me cold.


I liked Trump so much that I kept finding excuses for him. I feel like a parent who never sees wrong in the kids. I think I run out of excuses. I cannot stand McCarthy the double play and dishonesty back stabbing he does. He had double crossed Trump every chance he can and will do so again He cannot be trusted just like Barr and so many others.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Remember, Trump had to have his picks approved by the Senate RINOs who slow walked approvals. He still had vacancies in year 3 and the Senate never went into recess to keep him from getting his people in.

He has a big kind heart, is very loyal, and gave many people chances. Those are GOOD qualities. But many money grubbing/fame seeking losers took advantage of him and easily turned to the Dems if the reward was right. We need to blame the losers for their choices, not Trump.

Being harrassed nonstop for years, it’s amazing how much he did accomplish!

It’s unrealistic to criticize him for not being perfect. He’s a man and will make mistakes just like the rest of us. He always course corrects. He’s done far more good than bad and I’m gonna give him the grace to carry on.


I agree Trump has achieve very much even though his personal pick were not stellar. e could have achieved more specially draining the swamp with good people around him .


You’re not just kidding.

Who exactly cannot see through Omarosa?

Or Scaramucci.

And these are the joke picks.




Liz Harrington is paid to say this.

He was a deal maker. He still has some influence, but not the same power from the sidelines. The base is behind the shake-up crew, they are doing a more than adequate job of smoking out the rats.

His stance on this, coupled with still touting warp speed – especially in light of the football shock – is making people turn away, because they cannot understand it. They have given him every benefit of the doubt, despite the devastating cabinet and staff choices. I’m one of those people. He cannot possibly be insulated from or unaware of the vaccine injury tornado. People are suffering, and dying. Yet, nothing.

As I said, I don’t get it.


I came across this and thought the title looked optimistic maybe for those who’d taken the jab, but didn’t understand a word of it, needs a scientific eye.

“Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein
of SARS-CoV-2”






Several groups of doctors – Front Line Covid Critical Care (FLCCC) , the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) and the C19 Early Care group ( and individual doctors ( have tried and recommend post-vax treatments, which they believe detox the body from the vaccines and help rebuild the immune system.  

Some of the medications and supplements are also used to prevent and treat CV19 – which makes good sense. 

If it builds the immune system, treats (kills or prevents the virus from replicating and doing damage) and assists/shortens recovery, then it should work against the toxic effects of the vaccines.

The World Council for Health detox guide can be found here:


Wolf Moon Aubergine did a post on Nattokinase – which is a supplement and is most known for its effects on prevention and treatment of clots and to improve blood circulation. May not be advisable for patients already on strong blood thinners.


Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IIRC, it is our good Aubergine who speaks about nattokinase (and, I think, serrapeptase) to break up the COVID-19 spike protein.
Both nattokinase and serrapeptase interact with blood thinners / aspirin / Ibuprofen / warfarin / heparin, and other drugs. Nattokinase can also interact with high blood pressure medications. People who take these drugs need to talk with their doctors about whether nattokinase or serrapeptase are safe for them.
Search for information on nattokinase or serrapeptase precautions and interactions.
There are natural blood thinners that can also possibly interact with nattokinase or serrapeptase, like turmeric, garlic, ginger, and others.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I corrected it. Aubergine and I do talk about nattokinase all the time, so easy mistake.


Good advice! Always do your own due diligence to determine interactions between things you already take and any new addition.

On that note, however, natto is derived from food. I wonder if the food source would be a milder and not forbidden alternative.


So my dr wouldnt be able to advise me on natto w my bp meds. Ive been doing both. Oops. I guess i should check w my pharmacist.
Edit…just checked around online, doesnt say bp meds are a prob, just thinners. But i apparently should be taking serrapeptase too?

Last edited 1 year ago by gil00
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff!


Also found this at the same place (it wouldn’t let me C/P), scroll down to the heading “Regulations regarding the excretion of gene therapies by regulatory agencies” (shedding)

Gail Combs

Dr Fleming is one smart dude. He showed up as an Anti-Clot shot early on along with Judy Mikovits


Excellent! Thanks for posting this!


Bannon and guests are saying the fight for Speaker is about the debt ceiling and budget appropriations. The good ol’ boys want business as usual so they won’t have to balance the budget. The “new” group of patriots are a direct threat to that. I guess the establishment expects McCarthy to keep doing their bidding on these issues, and the Freedom Caucus is saying no.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pretty much my reading of the situation, too.


Is it possible that what’s happening now was PDJT’s plan all along, he doesn’t have to make his moves obvious.


That’s hogwash too … “investigations” could expose Republicans as well as Dims…

They’re protecting themselves …


MTG is a disappointment. I heard her on Bannon yesterday she was a loose cannon. Wonder what she was promised. ? She has fallen into the trap.

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1

IMO, the REAL Dr. Benjamin Eidelmen, a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic satellite in Jacksonville, Florida, and who has been in practice for over 30 years, needs to find the FAKE “Dr. Benjamin Eidelman” and sue him into oblivion.
Whoever the person is who created the FAKE “Dr. Benjamin Eidelman” and put up that FAKE tweet about “I gave Damar Hamlin his booster shot” found this neurologist’s name and used it — identity theft?
The perp needs to “fess up” about the ** someone ** or the ** entity ** who got him to go for this stupid stunt.

Gail Combs

Jon Harold (Patel Patriot) gave me the ‘sauce’ on the military asking Trump to run. › daily-news › 2019 › 10 › 01

Trump Says Dunford Played a Role in His Decision to Run for President

President Donald Trump said Monday that retiring Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford was an influence on his decision to run for the White House


I wonder if that’s a Q proof. I can’t remember exactly what Q said on the subject.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

House Republicans Remove Nancy Pelosi’s Metal Detectors and Other Optics Intended to Support J6 Extremism Narrative

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Put them outside Pelosi’s office!!! She’s a criminal!!!


She doesn’t have an office. The new speaker will assign her an office. Whenever he/she gets elected, that is.


I hope she gets one wedged between a bathroom and an elevator shaft, with no external window.


This that any way to talk about a member in good standing of the California mafia?


Hope they take down ALL fences. <<< Incredibly insulting to American Citizens.


After two days of brutal losses, McCarthy is now huddling with his detractors in a closed-door meeting, according to Punchbowl News.

It is unclear who exactly is in the closed-door meeting.


It is time to start handing out promises. The threats did not work as planned.

Gail Combs

in writing tattooed to his forehead


Link to Col Doug Macgregor’s latest: 37 mins ago

with the Judge


Yes, window opening. Temps start to go well below freezing on the 6th and appear they will be staying there for a period of time, best I can see out was about 7 days.


And past Orthodox Christmas…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Ralph Norman on Warroom just now, The 20 are prepared to keep voting NO until the cows come home. McCarthy is finally starting to realize the 20 aren’t budging (DUH!) and is reaching out to them now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They’re prepared to keep voting NO until the mastodons come home.

And mastodons are extinct, so that’s a long-ass wait.


Funny you should say that, because apparently one did come home in 2020! This is a fascinating story about shipping a mastodon skeleton to America from Germany.
The Founding Fathers’ Favorite Mastodon Is Coming Home for a Visit

Eleanor Harvey knew that she wanted to bring the mastodon back to America, where it had lived, roamed, and died by the close of the Pleistocene. She just wasn’t sure it was possible. How do you cart a half-ton, long-dead elephant cousin from Germany across the Atlantic and into a gallery? How do you even get it through the doors?

Harvey, a senior curator at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, in Washington, D.C., is mounting an exhibition opening in spring 2020about Alexander von Humboldt, the 19th-century naturalist whose fascination with climate, taxonomy, and other fields of study profoundly influenced scores of researchers. Harvey had compiled a list of paintings, sculptures, maps, and other artifacts that testify to Humboldt’s legacy. But she also wanted the bones.

That’s because these aren’t any old mastodon bones. They’re what’s left of the creature sometimes known as “Peale’s mastodon,” an American mastodon (Mammut americanum) named for the painter, naturalist, and Philadelphia Museum curator Charles Willson Peale, who rushed to Newburgh, New York, in 1801 and recruited more than two dozen others to help pull the gargantuan fossils from the ground.

The Thomas Jefferson connection:

Before the bones wound up in Europe—where they’ve spent over 100 years winding through England, France, and Germany, and came to rest in the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt—they were powerful symbols of an America still finding its way. The country was young, and many detractors viewed America as a kind of Diet Europe—less robust, less appealing, just a little bit worse all around.

This really chafed Thomas Jefferson. The politician was also a passionate naturalist, and he was fed up with the arguments advanced by people like the French naturalist and polymath Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, who insisted on a “Theory of American Degeneracy”—an argument, published in his hefty, multivolume Histoire Naturelle, that outlined how life in the New World blunted and stunted people and other creatures until they were puny, weak, and irredeemably unimpressive.

In the face of this scientific sneering, Jefferson was delighted by mastodon bones (though he, and most everyone else at the time, thought they were mammoths). They were huge! They were awe-inspiring! They were proof that America was built on a foundation of giants that made the ground shiver when they strode across it!

In his Notes on the State of Virginia, written in the 1780s, Jefferson trampled on Buffon’s theory, writing, “the bones of the mammoth which have been found in America are as large as those found in the old world.” He was keen to find more.

What America lacked in centuries-old cathedrals or imperial ruins, it made up for in bones. So celebrating the megafauna became a patriotic project. “There’s a huge amount of civic pride attached to this mastodon skeleton,” Harvey says. “Jefferson [was] pinning America’s robustness to natural landmarks and this gigantic skeleton.” Jefferson even helped usher in the use of “mammoth” as an adjective to describe something remarkably massive.

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McCarthy’s supporters must have deluded themselves into believing the American people would harass the 20 into backing down.

Every day that nothing happens in the House is a good day’s work.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Agreed, on all points.

Were I just 50 miles or so in the right direction I’d harass Boebert if she DID back down.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Rep Good said people are calling in support. The elite don’t get it. The people are pissed off at STATUS QUO. The omnibus was one of the last straws. McCarthy didn’t put up a fight until AFTER the backlash from the people once it was done. Elites have been refusing to accept the MAGA message. This is our Hill and it’s working.


I’ve been calling mine every day with encouragement to keep up the good work!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Warroom Battleground, Steve’s 2nd hour on

More Ralph Norman…..

They want McCarthy to commit to battle over the debt ceiling. Let the Dems shut govt down. Non essentials won’t get paid, essentials will. Perfect time to CUT non essentials. Make Schumer cave.

Russ is extremely smart, knows politics, and the laws and has a plan. MAGA’s are listening to him. Want a balanced budget in 7 years. Country MUST get finances in order!! Nat debt grew from $6T to $31T under Turtle’s tenure and $20T to $31T during McCarthy’s 6yr tenure. The R-cons are facilitating our destruction.

 . The 20 will keep voting NO until the Mastodons return.


I dont see anything wring with this. This is responsible.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Dr. Gina had Jane Ruby on tonight. She distinguished that when one is having a heart attack they usually clutch their chest and fall forwards. Hamlin jumped up after tackle, seemed to celebrate, then fell backward out of the blue just like we’ve seen so many on stage do. Most probably jab.
The sad part…. He received CPR for 9 minutes on the field. After 7 minutes of no oxygen to the brain, he’s probably brain dead and not coming back. She thinks they’re keeping him on vent til they figure out what to do. Could be why feds are there??


So many current & former players are scared of what this vax is doing to their friends & they’re not allowed to discuss it publicly

I’ve been wondering about this. I hope they are researching and taking steps to offset the effects of the vax.

She thinks they’re keeping him on vent til they figure out what to do. Could be why feds are there??

It’s so bizarre. His situation is sad and unfortunate, and many people are interested because of his stature on a major sports team, but what makes it different from comparable situations that the public endures? I see zero need for the feds to be there. Are they expecting a riot or something? That doesn’t make any sense.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

I should have been more clear. The NFL doesn’t know what the hell to do. They made ALL the players get jabbed. Seems like the players are scared and worried, realizing the truth about the jab. Dr. Malone says they need to get to a cardiologist STAT.

I asked the q about the Feds. Would they go so far as to pressure the hospital and Docs from revealing the truth to keep up the BIG LIE to protect themselves? How will they control the family? Is that why they’re there?

Last edited 1 year ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Well, that looks suspicious. Reminds me of the pic of the Fed guys standing around in their nearly-identical shorts. I guess they think they have the power to be out in the open with their intimidation tactics.


NFL players have a union.

NFL players need to use their union, to protect NFL players interest – their health.

NFL players need to Protect Their Health.

NFL players have money AND a Bully Pulpit.


Either Steve Kirsch or Dr. Paul Alexander said on substack that they should stand firm and not play another down before tests are done to assess any heart damage. Each and every player.


^^^ That would be smart advice.


Good points. I hope the union wakes up and gets active about the vax. But I still don’t see why the feds are at the hospital. Are they expecting trouble from the union, at the hospital?

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

NFL Union took too much covid money to not support the narrative


Then, the players should walk out.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎


Congress has adjourned, will not continue vote tonight.

Last count I saw was McCarthy 201 Yeas, 1 Present, and 18 Not Voted.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎



Whoever the putz is who thinks he’s turning CNN around to be respectable, screwed up again.


Lol. Yep.


Well, that contract was likely signed the day after the election.
What’s he auditioning for, to be a Joe Scarborough clone?

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA

The day Nanzi put him on the Jan 6 committee.


This has to be fake news, right?


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎



Fraid not.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is how the TRAITOR crypto-communist regime operates.


Hannity is being a straight up ass hole to boebert. Seriously big time.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Pissing me off. Huck Fannity!!




Hes buddies w mccarthy. Hes corporate rich ahole playing at maga conservative.
Even mr gil is pissed at how nasty he is.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎



Hannity is not MAGA, IMO.


Yeah after his telling Trump not to protet the election, etc. We see him a lot more clearly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



surprise… surprise.


Hannity is a has been. We finally see the looser he always has been. He might have money and success but in character he is a looser.


E A S Y Fix. Turn off Faux News. Hannity vaporizes from your screen.   :wpds_mrgreen: 

Hannity IS Uniparty.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

He just mocked her when she said they were threatened.

That’s a REAL concern. The 20 are being very BRAVE. They need to also get assurances of NO backlash. Elites are notorious for punishing dissenters. They even took Dave Bratt’s cafeteria privileges away from him to punish him.🙄

Boebert didn’t back down, Good for her!!!


And of course he has rooster as his follow up attacking her.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎



Peck peck!


Trey? Bwahaha!


Yep. Oh the haircut is soo bad still.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – this can’t get any more sick. Who’s next – Cryin’ Adam and Eye-Patch McCain?


If McCarthy gets in, all 20 will be persecuted.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

More reason to stand firm.


But somehow Donald trusts him. 🙄


A total mystery for Slow Guy. Not wasting brain cells on it. SMH.


If the bear didn’t stop to take a shit, he’d have caught the rabbit.


Dropped that clown years ago. But it is moments like this that help open the eyes for others who still find him informative.


It’s sad because he has what it takes to be so much more.


He used to be so much more. Trump was on his program a lot during the 2016 campaign.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Well, since he doesn’t believe the election was stolen……..🙄

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Bad data LOSER.


He didnt want to talk to her just AT her. I really dont watch his show much bc of my schedule but geez this really doesnt make me interested.


His opeing gotcha question, about people saying McCarthy should withdraw because he doesn’t have the votes, but why shouldn’t the “20” withdraw because they only have 20 votes, was disingenuous and worthy of CNN.

Sadie Slays

#33 Kneel Neal stands above a prayer circle with an upside-down 666 in the background. Bonus points for the #91 because 9s and 1s always show up in their major ops. This is the stock photo that most of the corporate media is running of what happened in Buffalo. Feels scripted. To what end—I don’t know. I’m taking the wait-and-see approach on this whole thing. 

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Upside down 666 — I’m not seeing it. Does that refer to the jerseys some people are wearing with 9s on them? The Cincinnati Bengals quarterback, Joe Burrow, wears that number, so those people are supporting him. Following the theory that “9s and 1s always show up in their major ops,” then those could be 9s.

There’s also a 77. Seven symbolizes completeness or perfection in Scripture. It is not an occult symbol.

Just my opinion, but I think they’re just jersey numbers and that there is no conspiracy here except that the NWO is killing people with vaccines.


The Bengals fans in the stands wearing the QB jerseys.


Yes, as I said.

Sadie Slays

Does that refer to the jerseys some people are wearing with 9s on them? The Cincinnati Bengals quarterback, Joe Burrow, wears that number, so those people are supporting him.

Yeah, and there just happens to be exactly three highly visible #9 shirts in the center of the shot while everybody else in the same row is wearing a coordinated contrasting gray or black. Not two #9 shirts, not four #9 shirts, exactly three. And I guess the QB is the only player the Bengals fans like because those three, again, exactly three, #9s are only numbers visible in that center of the shot section. Total coincidence, I’m sure.


I can’t make out the number on the middle one, but it doesn’t look at all like a 9 to me. More like a number in the teens. It could be a 16, for Trenton Irwin.

#9s are only numbers visible in that center of the shot section

There is a 30 further up, and there is possibly a blue 17 as well. I imagine there are others that are not visible or that are covered by other clothing. There is what appears to be a blue 13 in the right-hand section, too.

I think this is a normal occurrence.


Oh, I see another 9 now. His arms have black sleeves and they are raised to his face.

everybody else in the same row is wearing a coordinated contrasting gray or black

There is the guy in the red jersey with what looks like a possible 16 on it — not gray or black. There are 3 guys on the right in what look like matching white or tan jackets, or something. Some people are wearing wraps because of the weather, I imagine.

I still think this is a normal occurrence. They’re just nines, not sixes, and there’s a very good reason for people to be wearing nines at this game.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People are seeing what they want to in this, and one of the easiest ways to do that is to take your take on 77 to the logical extreme.

Why are the people “neal”-ing with “Neal” in the center?

THEY’RE PRAYING. Not protesting.

Why is “666” upside-down?


Why is “33” in the center, standing?


(See Christ symbology of Sagrada Familia Cathedral)

And more. All of this can be looked at to symbolize things the other way.

Looking at it negatively is the satanic trickery, IMO.

Fake elections, fake victories, fake everything.


I believe people see what they want to see. I don’t see any symbolism in the photo.

Looking at it negatively is the satanic trickery, IMO.

That is highly significant.


You should have waited longer before saying anything.

Hate to think any one in Cincinnati would wear the jersey # of their star quarterback.

Sadie Slays

Their QB must suck because there are only three fans out of the hundreds in that picture wearing his number.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sadie Slays

There is a limited number of seats visible in that photo, and it is not clear enough for us to see what everyone is wearing. In addition, some people are wearing jerseys with numbers of other players. If we see only one #30, we can’t infer that that player is no good; all we can tell is that in that photo of that particular segment of the fans in attendance at that game, we can only see one jersey with a 30 on it. This is pretty standard from my experience. Some of those jerseys are expensive, and a lot of fans don’t have them.

Sadie Slays

There is a limited number of seats visible in that photo, and it is not clear enough for us to see what everyone is wearing. 

And yet somehow, despite these conditions, they managed to cram a highly visible upside-down 666 in the center of the photo above the man in Masonic #33 who is standing for no explicable reason while everyone else on the field is kneeling in prayer.


I suppose it’s a matter of perspective. It is not “highly visible” to me. One of those jerseys was hard for me to find. And IMO, it’s a huge stretch to say that’s an upside down 666. Why isn’t it just three 9s, since their QB wears #9? There are other 9s in the stands as well.

And, since you say 9s and 1s are significant, why aren’t those just 9s? And why are other numbers ignored, like the 77?

So what is the theory about how that all came about? Who arranged for the #9s to all sit in that section, in that row? Who asked Siran Neal, #33, to stand while the others knelt, for a photo op? There are pics of him in tears, so he was one who was deeply troubled by what happened. Who asked #91 to be sure his jersey was visible from that angle for that particular photo — all while the players were in shock and dismay for their teammate? I’m serious: What is the theory about how that all would have been orchestrated?

Other photos:
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It was a fluid situation and there are lots of photos. Please explain how that particular one would have been arranged with all those guys upset and crying and thinking of their teammate.

Sadie Slays

I’m only focusing on the one specific Getty stock photo that most corporate media outlets chose to use. Indeed, there are many of photos from that event, but that’s the one pic corporate media outlets from Fox News to NBC to CBS chose to use. They really, really wanted us to see it from this angle. Why?

There are a lot more links than this, but I’m editing for brevity.

Who arranged for the #9s to all sit in that section, in that row?

Whoever bought the tickets for that entire row. 

Who asked Siran Neal, #33, to stand while the others knelt, for a photo op? 

I, too, would like the official explanation for why (Masonic) #33 Kneel Neal is standing while the rest of his entire team and staff are kneeling because the official narrative makes no sense.

Who asked #91 to be sure his jersey was visible from that angle for that particular photo — all while the players were in shock and dismay for their teammate?

Probably the same handler who asked #33 to remain standing.

guys upset and crying 

They are given multi-million dollar contracts over other talented men to STFU and follow orders when told, whether it’s to “stand here” or “act upset for the cameras because everyone is watching.” Not to say the players aren’t genuinely upset, but they were probably coached to ham it up for the cameras because it would “help get support for Damar” and “you don’t want to look like a heartless jerk.” Kind of like those videos out of North Korea where it turns into a contest to look the most visibly upset.  

There are other 9s in the stands as well.

Not in the center of the shot in the same row adjacent to #33. Those are probably genuine fans, all two of them according to RF121, rather than plants.


#77 is kneeling in submission while #33 and reverse 666 are not, but beyond that, I don’t know. Taking the wait-and-see approach.


I’m stunned at what I’m seeing and urge you to take a step away from finding occult symbolism in everything. Please, for your own sake, stop and look at what you’re doing. IMO it’s not healthy, and it’s not helpful to the cause of fighting evil in this world.

Yes, they use symbolism in plain sight, and yes, we need to be aware of it. But IMO you are taking it to extremes that don’t even make sense. The Balenciaga case was a good example of symbolism in our faces. This football one is not.

Sadie Slays

Reminder that the NFL conducts an annual Satanic ritual every February at the Superb Owl half-time show. Is it really that much a stretch to assume that the same exact league is using symbolism and manipulation outside of Superb Owl Sunday?


There is a “justification” for everything, and it’s all made up. Assumptions are made out of whole cloth and then conclusions are drawn based on those false assumptions.

The League has a satanic Super Bowl, so we can read that into anything and everything, even when the “connections” have to be manufactured. For this photo op to have been part of the League’s satanic tendencies, they would have had to manufacture the entire episode, including Hamlin going down.

A horrific event happens, and the players, though actually traumatized, remember to mug and play for the cameras because they’ve been trained to do that. And part of that acting is to make sure the photographer can see the number of the jersey because it has a Masonic 33 on it. You’ve got to be kidding.

“Someone” bought the tickets for an entire row of people so three of those people could wear their #9 jerseys, so they would make an upside-down 666 for a photo op. Again, that would mean the Hamlin incident was orchestrated.

Please, notice the outlandish assumptions that are being made. Just because a thought occurs, that doesn’t make it truth.

Sadie Slays

Is it really that shocking to believe that the NFL—master of social engineering and symbolism—has their own emergency safeguards, security (i.e. their own plain clothes people occupying the front rows of stadiums), and protocols in place in case something unexpected happens? Especially if NFL management is clued in about the injections and told to have an emergency plan, optics, and player training in place in case there’s a “died suddenly” on live TV? That the players, who may very well be genuinely be upset, are goaded by their coaches and trainers into putting on a public show “to help the fans and team out”?

I don’t know what happened to Damar. I’m reserving judgment on that until this all plays out. But the spectacle that came afterward feels like a script straight out of Langley.  


I didn’t say it was shocking. That’s your way of framing the narrative.

But let’s go with “shocking.” Would it be shocking to say that an operative must have snuck into your house in the dead of night and given you an “Illuminati drug” while you slept?

“But the door was locked.”
Please. They can get in anywhere.

“But the alarm was on.”

“But the dog would have barked.”
They have ways of silencing animals, and humans. Super technology that we aren’t privy to.

“But I would have awakened.” 
Is it so shocking to think that they could be utterly silent, and even invisible?

“But I would have felt something.”
No. They have ways.

Conclusion: You must have been injected with something and you don’t know it, and you are now an Illuminati zombie. That’s not shocking, right?

It’s a ridiculous example, but that’s the level I put this tale on.

But it’s not so much about that as it is about this fight we are in. Yes, we have to be aware of their symbolism and evil practices. But to go to the lengths you describe, seeing it everywhere, even in the midst of a gut-wrenching tragedy, does harm to our side. IMO, it gives them a victory. It makes us look like kooks, and in a way they HAVE taken over your mind because you see things where they don’t exist, and you are so focused on that that you could be missing vital things elsewhere. Judgment and discernment are needed. When those are missing, they’ve got us.

In my ridiculous example, I had an excuse for every outlandish claim. That’s what I’m highlighting here. A theory is presented, and there is an “explanation” for every objection. But the explanations don’t pass the smell test. When we have to make stuff up to make a theory tenable, then we need to rethink the theory.

Sadie Slays

Additional thought. All NFL teams probably have training that pre-dates COVID on what to do and how to react if a teammate has a life-threatening injury. I think we’re seeing that training here. They know they’re on live TV. They know they’re representing the team. They do what they’re trained to do for these events.


Oh my gosh. I can’t believe what I’m seeing.


You missed the fat guy to the left near the aisle in orange. Behind him up several rows is a guy in white. That is at least 5 people wearing #9.

9×5 = 45 so that must be a signal to Trump to do something.


:0) Thanks for the chortle RF….:0) Brilliant response…

Sadie Slays

Thank you for clarifying that the QB has five fans instead of three in that shot (and somehow 60% of them ended up in the center of that shot). You totally pwned me.  👍 

Last edited 1 year ago by Sadie Slays

Actually, there are several other #9s in the crowd. I don’t think the majority of them are in that shot.


How embarrassing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Have to wonder if it’s intentional – even just saving the rejects for Republicans.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This was the guy who booted Nanxi.

Union workers make the pins and doorplates.



Pepperidge farms remembers.


Makes me want to get him outta there!






They smoked her out too.


We/They see through you Biotch

Last edited 1 year ago by rayzorback

I don’t understand why she would expect anything from them. If she wants committee appointments, she needs to ask for them like they did. Plus, she is working for the person they don’t want for Speaker.


We should re-name this place The Nekkid Truth.  😎 


She didn’t have to ask for anything…..
I bet McCarthy offered her the moon for just this kind of BS.


If he gets in, it will be interesting to see what perks she gets.

Barb Meier

She will get nothing. It’s how the uniparty works.


As it stands now after round 6, two defectors went to McCarthy. It was 20 No’s now it is 18 voting present. In all likelihood he gets in. Question now is how much can they wrangle from McCarthy to bring an end to this.

Meanwhile it should be easy to see that McCarthy can get the votes from the Democrats if he wishes. To do that he’d be giving something up. That is not something we want to see. Trump and MTG have been right along. Jordon is not voting against McCarthy should tell you something.
Getts is involved in a gambit. If he plays things right all good and well, but this can easily go sideways with lots of animosity or it could even go south with McCarthy depending on Democrats.

Yes, we are not getting what we want, yes our arguments for wanting all these things are solid, but they are not carrying the weight we wish for and that’s just the way it is. Meanwhile many voting for McCarthy proport off the record to be on our side. Hopefully that’s true as it would be more pressure on McCarthy to stick to final agreements and do the right thing.

Getts says he can do this till the Mastodon’s come back, but McCarthy can to and is in a better position to do so.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

She did, the proper way. In November?, they all filled out a piece of paper and put down what committees they would like to be on.

On one side you have angry MAGA NEVER KEVINS who won’t relent because Kevin won’t commit to budget, border, and rules committee issues, and are demanding committee appts probably because they fear punishment for holding out.

On the other side you have RINOs, MAGAS, and Kevin who has agreed to a lot, including letting a group of 5 be able to fire him at any time.

Like Dr. Gina and Bannon said, there is no rush. Any bill they create will die in the Senate. Investigators will still be investigating. Subpoenas will be delayed, which Dems will probably fight or ignore, so Oversight is behind. They can’t do anything money wise for 9 months. The only opportunity they have to exert any power is during the raising of the Debt Ceiling. That’s where the 20 are demanding action from Kevin who refuses to hear. Who cares if they throw in some committee asks, that’s trivial. I think they’re using that to throw the 20 under the bus instead of highlighting the budget and rules issues. Kevin’s side is in harrass the terrorists mode.


I mean why isn’t MTG asking for what she wants now, like everyone else. Maybe she’s not in discussions with those who are against McCarthy but expects them to request she be put on committees anyway. I have no idea.

Investigators will still be investigating. 

This is good, but I would think committee chairmanships would be important for that process.


It is really hard to hide ambition. Sadly it will make one do things his/her conscience would otherwise veto.

Barb Meier

MTG believed what KM told her??? How foolish.


All McCarthy has to do is show her the numbers. Who will vote how. He’s got Steve Scalise for that. As the whip he’s going to know how everyone is going to vote, who’s for or against and who might be on the fence and why they maybe on the fence. McCarthy just shows her the numbers and lets Scalise explain it if she’s daft. Through that process he shows her how it will all work out while trying to put the best face on it all. The best face part is his promises to her. Will he fulfill? You can bet that’s a mix bag and you could likely trust he put limits on how far he was willing to go for x, y, and z explaining where he wants to go, what he’d be flexible with, what he would not be flexible with, what more he might need to see before he changed his mind on any one thing. Meantime, he’s still has to deal with what the demon rats toss at him and he’s going to keep flexibility to deal with that too so all his promises are fungible in that regard. Are we going to like it, or should we trust him implicitly. No, he’s already demonstrated himself to be a worm, but the worm has the upper hand and what gains can be made aside of all this can be worked from within the system set up.


MTG, dial, 1 800 Wahhhhhhh.


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Rumors of My Demise are Greatly Exaggerated
Seriously – I am not dead
Robert W Malone MD, MS
55 min ago

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Getting serious now. This was just sent to me from a colleague. She was extremely concerned. I can’t imagine what would happen if Jill (my wife) saw something like this when I am away somewhere. Seriously… Who does this kind of stuff?

I did want everyone to know – if you see this post or something like it on social media somewhere, that this is just more fake news.

Just like the false stories about me, this is truly evil.

I am alive and I am well.


Thank goodness he is fine. “Developing,” “sources on the ground.” That’s a very sick trick.


comment image


Just in case things were getting a little boring, here’s Robert Fripp playing ZZ Top, with his wife on vocals.

Alternatively, here’s Toyah Willcox singing ZZ Top, with her husband on guitar.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎


HAPPENING NOW: McCarthy Caves, Gives In to Every Demand Made by GOP Detractors: Report (

Last edited 1 year ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

DP, After going through your daily opener, i got wrapped up in posts…

This was another GREAT opener. Thank you!