Cover image: ice sculpture by Darren Jackson
Yes, it’s Tuesday. I took Sunday for myself as well as part of Saturday, so this is Monday heavy.
How the Deep State Destroyers Threaten Your Way of Life
The Politics of ‘Normal’
Why Preserve a ‘World Order’ without Freedom?
The legacy of censorship on Twitter
Progressivism vs. Popular Sovereignty
The Covid Narrative Tide is Turning
Menticide: The Rape of the Mind
Klaus Schwab and the Men Who Molded Him (Part Two)
Globalist — Depopulationist — Eugenicist — Now We Can Add Communist to the List of Words to Describe Bill Gates
Triumph Regained
Wise words from Bannon…
Are the COVID Yarns Slowly Beginning to Unravel?
Tracking a Fraudulent Ballot in Real Time
Never Too Late to Pray for America
Whistleblower Ivory Hecker: Fox News Is “Hiding Some Dirty Secrets About How Corrupt Elections Are”
Have You Heard of the “Tradwife Movement”?
There Is Far More Going on Behind the Scenes Than Most People Ever Imagined
Presidential Lessons from Cardinal Sarah
Ancient Medicinal Mint Has Untapped Potential, New Research Reveals
Surprise, Surprise – DOJ Informs Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan they Will Not Comply with Request for Biden Classified Docs, Due to “Ongoing Special Counsel Investigation”
Shocking: 1992 Book Predicts Current World Crises, Points to “Post-Industrial” World by 2050
Fact Check: Debunking Conspiracy Theories About the Emperor
Trump Sues Far-Left Author Bob Woodward For $49 Million For Releasing Interview Recordings
Not Today Satan – Mark Houck Found Not Guilty of Federal Charges of Obstructing an Abortion Clinic
The press versus the president, part one
Tweet hopper:
As of this writing, the video is up to 27 million views.
Make that 30 million.
Congrats, Dr. Judy!
Meme & Fun hopper:
Something to remember, always.
Per the boss’s instruction:
I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.
YEA! Youtube videos are working again!
Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
HEBREWS 12:1-4
1Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, 2looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. 4In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.
I had not heard of the tradwife movement, and I’m glad to see it.
Fear and loathing in the YSM.
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch.
Hope the YSM women get erections and the men get cramps!
You are very bad today. 😂
Yuk … 😖🤚 …
Very interesting that the German government admits that a lot of vaxed people are getting AIDS-like symptoms. I had not heard of that. Of course we know Fauci was active in the AIDS research.
Also had not heard the German government admit, AIDS like symptoms.
IIRC, this has been addressed here QTree, Guessing 8-12 months ago. I believe Wolf has done an article on this, or certainly has discussed it at length in posts. Likely other really smart folks here have discussed it. Many times since.
(Assuming my memory is somewhat intact.)
Oh, yeah, we’ve been way ahead on this. The people who spotted VAIDS out there were on the money!
So, the ones who they didn’t get with Covid (the old and already sick), they will get with some new virus, because their immune systems are shot.
We’d all better be keeping our uncompromised immune systems in tip-top shape.
Yup. Heads On Swivels…Action Stations.
Trust has Evaporated in government at all levels AND medical weenies.
“Tippy-top,” as PDJT once said. 😃
I think that PDJT was mocking AOC when he said it.
Lol, I thought about that when I wrote it! It was a Q message.
I’m finally understanding why this is. It’s all coming together. PRRARSV was they key. These people had a GOAL.
The acronym had not sunk in yet.
This tweet says that “Jeb Bush knew too.” At a presidential debate, he says the next president will almost certainly be faced with an unforeseen challenge. “It could be a pandemic…”
So he was in on the plot.
He was the one selected to take over after Kilary, makes sense he knew.
He’d come in as the anti Kilary alternative, and their cycle of control continues.
All making sense!
They always leave a trail if we are paying attention. They plant seeds…
House GOP weighs expunging Trump impeachments
Just do it.
I doubt Trump would want them expunged, they represent two historic victories for him, as well as document the treasonous conduct against him.
Those impeachment efforts are likely evidence against the traitors.
Hear, Hear. Sunlight not shadows!
Even if expunged, their act of doing it will remain the same, and he can use that against them.
BREAKING: HORRIBLE – Arizona Regime Is Investigating Kari Lake And Trying To JAIL Her On Felony Charges For Exercising First Amendment And Exposing Election Fraud
They’re saying that by posting this…
…Kari Lake broke this law:
The discovery portion of the case should be very entertaining.
Until or unless a scourge is made, and the money changers chased out of the temple, they will of course continue exactly what they have been doing.
They will never stop, until they are stopped.
We’re getting close to the point where it become the duty of men to bring down the government in Arizona.
In some ways, I hope they do it, because it will make the regime “worthy of destruction”.
When exposing a crime becomes a crime on a technicality, and the technicality is enforced, but the law against the crime is not, an appeal to heaven can be made.
JURY N U L I F I C A T I O N, if it ever goes to trial.
I didn’t know catturd had a daughter. She should be surrounded by puppies.
Ha! He would fit the bill…
She should be proud of her Dad!
Meme ‘lords’ have done more direct action against the enemy within than anybody who is actually trained and paid to do it, that’s for sure.
This is why the “warrior-monk” shows up so many times in culture.
Remember how “Mad-dog Mattis” was supposed to be the Warrior-Monk, and turned out to be a political hack?
Remember how Petraeus was supposed to be the Warrior-Monk, until his biographer had to know everything about him?
I didn’t remember those guys being portrayed as warrior-monks, but that’s a couple of fails.
Mattis — — look in the sidebar under “nicknames”.
Petraeus —
It’s not like the idea is modern.
They just don’t call stoic philosophers “monks”.
He wasn’t much of a monk either, being married to young Faustina (as opposed to Faustina the Older) 😂
Hearkening back to the OP’s Thucydides, he did pretty well — and the modern understanding of “monk” was still TBD.
I thought that the term “monk” was derived from “monastic”.
A monk (/mʌŋk/, from Greek: μοναχός, monachos, “single, solitary” via Latin monachus)
Monasticism, also referred to as monachism, or monkhood, is a religious way of life in which one renounces worldly pursuits to devote oneself fully to spiritual work. Monastic life plays an important role in many Christian churches, especially in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions as well as in other faiths such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. Wikipedia
Marcus Aurelius lived from 121-180 AD.
Traditional monastics formed later, such as Benedictines (529 AD), Franciscans (1209 AD), Hospitaller (1099 AD) and many others.
I have looked all over the Scriptures for the Authority for ‘monastics’ — by command, approved example or necessary inference — but so far, I’ve come up snake eyes.
It appears to be completely a creation of, by and for men.
Or women. Can’t find any Authority for nuns, either.
Can’t find monk, monastery, monastic… there’s not even anybody named Mona.
you might rile some people up with these views/words 😉
I am always happy to be proven wrong!
Monks are supposed to be a quiet sort, so I’m not too concerned about the Monks.
I have heard things about hostile Nuns with rulers though 😁
“I have heard things about hostile Nuns with rulers though”
Now I remember.
It was Jake, and Elwood.
The Blues Brothers 😉
Didn’t Aretha sing about Freedom in that movie?
Well, can NO action decided on by man, that isn’t specifically called for in the Bible, be a legitimate form of worship in your eyes?
For example, I don’t think having a church building for meeting in is ever called for in the Bible, but do you attend church in one? Men decided to make the roof over your head, so does that make it illegitimate to meet in it?
Not to mention the pews!
Lol. Most of the churches I grew up in had the most uncomfortable ones ever!
Definitely not a Godly design.
Keeping the flock awake.
Forget the pews. Kneelers. Argh! Plain wood is the worst.
Riding the pine.
Beats the other “riding the pine [box]”! 😆
At least you don’t get buttlock in the box! 😜 Or if you do, you don’t know it. 🙃🙃☺
Harder to comfortably fall asleep in during the sermon 😉
Yeah, no kidding!
If one considers a church to be a temple, which it technically is as it was inherited from the Jewish faith, then, yes, it is mandated.
Can you tell me which verse you would refer to? All the verses I can find regarding “the temple” of God appear to refer to man, not a building.
I have ancestors who were Dunkers, and some who were Quakers. Both only met in their own houses, not building churches. It makes me curious.
It would be in the Old Testament.
Really, why would it HAVE to be in the Bible? For Catholics, that just doesn’t compute.
Well, I don’t disagree with you.
And I have been showing up at the local Catholic church for Mass once a week. And no, I am not Catholic. At least, I wasn’t raised Catholic. But there’s something soothing and peaceful about a religious practice that is centuries and centuries old, as opposed to the “modern church,” which is not my “thing” at all. I’m too conservative for them.
See, this is the argument I am having with a handful of people. Only following the wording of the Bible discounts any genuine “contact” of man with God for the last 2000 years. Like God left us the Book, and said “later.” It doesn’t make any sense to me. But I’ve had this problem before, and it’s always with men, not women.
I actually had a very Christian man tell me once that he had no idea what I was talking about when I said I listen for the “voice of God.” He also said without “fear” of God, why wouldn’t he do bad things, like cheat on his wife! I said, how about because you made promises to her, and you would hurt her by doing that? It’s just weird to me. God speaks to me all the time, if I am listening.
Anyway, thanks for answering.
There is something called Sacred Tradition that includes much of what the Evangelists and Epistle authors did not. It fleshes out the practices of the Faith.
Traditions of the people is something entirely rejected by modern and evangelical churches. It’s one of the many places where they lose me.
1 Corinthians 6:19
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
Well, yes, the body is the temple of the spirit is one of my life’s mottos.
But I am speaking of building actual structures of wood or stone.
Actual “structures” would be Hebrew in origin. The Temple in Jerusalem and the Tabernacle which represented the Temple. I can’t find one in the New Testament.
Right. Which I’m sure is why my Dunker and Quaker ancestors met in each other’s homes and didn’t build churches.
I was raised Baptist which was never part of the Catholic “Church”. We date back to John the Baptist. We did not break away from them. There are many things that the Catholics do and believe that I can not find in the Bible.
I do not understand praying to ANYONE other than God.
Absolution given by “Men”.
Confession and penance.
Purgatory et al.
The “Infallible” Pope.
and many other doctrines/practices.
“Well, can NO action decided on by man, that isn’t specifically called for in the Bible, be a legitimate form of worship in your eyes?”
Aha, now we’re getting somewhere!
It’s not my eyes that matter, but the Lord’s, yes?
And do we not have examples in Scripture, of men doing things in worship which were not according to God’s Will?
And how did it work out for those who did so?
Is their example one that we want to follow?
What’s more, is there any good reason to, when God has already told us, in His Word, what is acceptable to Him?
Why would we add to it, as if we know better than God what He wants… or subtract from it, presuming to know what God thinks is unimportant?
Since we have no Authority from God to add to God’s Word or to subtract from it, then by what Authority do we do such a thing?
It must necessarily be by our own Authority, yes?
That kind of presumption, for a man to presume the Authority to add to, subtract from, change, edit, amend or otherwise tinker with the Word of God is quite a large presumption, is it not?
How is that likely to go over at the Judgment?
When we stand before the Lord on Judgment Day, if He asks us why we did such and such a thing, we will have to give an honest answer, won’t we?
We will not be able to lie to Jesus. We won’t be able to dodge or obfuscate. We won’t be able to toss Jesus a red herring, or any other logical fallacy.
We won’t be able to remain silent, and we won’t be able to run away, either.
For once in our existence, maybe for the first time (for many), we will have to answer truthfully, regardless of the consequences to ourselves.
So if Jesus asks, “By what Authority did you do this thing?”, how will we answer?
Which would be the best answer to give at the Judgment?
A) My own authority, I thought… (are we the Authority in matters of God?)
B) My parents said… (are our parents the Authority in matters of God?)
C) My preacher said… (is our preacher the Authority in matters of God?)
D) I felt… (feelings… nothing more than feelings… trying to forget my, feelings of love…. FEELINGS, whoa, whoa, whoa, feelings…)
E) Our church said … (is it ‘our’ church, or is it the Lord’s church? If it’s ‘our’ church, then certainly we can do whatever we want and try to save ourselves… but if it’s the Lord’s church, then is He not the Head of the body, the church?
And as the Savior of the body, if we hope to be saved, do we not have to be a member of His church? Can we be the Authority in His church, or is He the Authority in His church?)
F) Some guy on the Internet said… (?)
G) Because You said so, in Your Word, Lord. My feeble mind may not recall the book, chapter and verse off the top of my head, but if I may have a moment, I will find it here in my Bible
Which of those answers would we most like to be able to give, at the Judgment?
I know which answer I want to be able to give.
So you don’t attend church in a building, then? Because for all I can find, God doesn’t require that, or recommend it.
I’m not being facetious, truly. But it interests me that there are lots and lots of practices that people do and have done for centuries that don’t appear in the Bible. But nothing bad has happened to them.
“ But nothing bad has happened to them.”
But if you accept that, for example, becoming celibate and being a nun is not in the Bible, then those people who did that would be bad. Which is not something I will go along with. And yes, I will happily speak of that with God someday, if that is required.
“then those people who did that would be bad. “
I don’t think that such a choice would necessarily be “bad” per se, just going further that what is required in scripture. It could be argued that celebacy is a higher path honoring God based on some of Paul’s writings. However “be the husband of one wife” teachings lead one to conclude that church leadership would typically be married, monogamy-style…
And of the Male persuasion.
True though there is an example of a house church in a woman’s home, Lydia I believe. Also there is a husband & wife team, Priscilla & Acquilla where she is listed first which Might imply that she is more of the leader there. & we have the OT example of Deborah as a judge of Israel, & I believe she was also a married woman.
“So you don’t attend church in a building, then? Because for all I can find, God doesn’t require that, or recommend it.”
I posted my reply above 🙂
“I’m not being facetious, truly.”
I appreciate your sincerity, and your interest, and the opportunity to try to provide a good Bible answer.
“But it interests me that there are lots and lots of practices that people do and have done for centuries that don’t appear in the Bible.”
Yes! That fascinates me also. Because from the first, from the very first time anyone ever did any one of these things which subsequently became a tradition or doctrine or commandment of men (against which we are warned), someone should have asked “By what Authority do we do this thing?”
If the answer is by the Authority of God, then for certain we will be able to point to it in His Word, book, chapter and verse.
If the authority cannot be found in God’s Word, then by definition, is it not by the authority of men?
What man has Authority higher than God, that he would change, or add to, or subtract from, what God has said?
What possible way is there, for any man, to get around that question?
“But nothing bad has happened to them.”
If you mean by permanent consequences, then I would say “nothing bad has happened to them yet.”
The Judgment is not now, nor has it already been, but is yet to come.
While we are still in this world, we have time yet to change, to repent. For it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this, then the Judgment. (cf. Hebrews 9:27)
But can it truly be said that bad things have not happened as a result of practicing things in contradiction to God’s will and Word?
Consider how error, once established, becomes a tradition, and a foundation for further error.
Consider how that error grows and is multiplied, and metastasizes, across generations and centuries, to the point where a church can hardly even be said to resemble the Lord’s church, as His church is revealed in Scripture.
Consider all the souls in those churches, convinced by men and believing they are doing God’s will.
Hundreds, perhaps thousands of different churches, practicing and believing different things, all believing and convinced they are doing God’s will.
Clearly something is wrong with that picture. Is it possible that they can all be doing God’s will, and be doing different things, in contradiction to one another?
For we know that God is not double-minded (cf. James 1:8, 4:8), we know that God is perfect (Psalms 18:13), knowing the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10).
We know that God is not the Author of confusion:
“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” (1 Corinthians 14:33, KJV)
And yet, that there is much confusion in the churches is plainly manifest, by all the different beliefs and doctrines and traditions that are practiced.
How can anyone know what is right according to God?
How can anyone know what is good and acceptable to the Lord, and what is not?
How can we find our way out of this chaos, which is created by Man?
To whom should we turn, and seek for the answer?
“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.” (Jeremiah 6:16, KJV)
Is the answer to the question not given throughout God’s Word, even right here?
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: [17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, KJV)
What should we say, then?
Does it not always comes back to Authority?
Who (or Whom) are we to believe and obey?
Man, or God?
“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:25, KJV)
Is there any context, or could there even be any context, wherein that verse is not true and applicable?
But do you not understand that men decided what to put in to the Bible, and what to leave out? That there are scriptures from the early church that, because they didn’t agree with what “men” decided was true, were not included?
Do you know that there is not one single original scrap of Paul’s letters, or any other piece of scripture? That all that exist are copies, possibly copies of copies of copies?
And to say as many do that God wouldn’t allow an “incorrect” Bible to be created, is to ignore that there are many translations. Why would God allow translations to be different from each other, and exist? Wouldn’t there be only one “correct” one?
I appreciate the effort you put in to all your answers, but these are questions professional theologians have never answered adequately for me. I have been a pain in the neck to many over the years, including during the required theology classes at my religious college. It made for spirited dialogue, but it never resolved my questions.
I enjoy the conversation, though. I learn things every time.
““For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” (1 Corinthians 14:33, KJV)”
Who are the “saints” referred to in this verse?
Copies of copies of copies of copies, bare minimum.
The oldest fragment of anything in the New Testament is a bit of the Gospel of John, at least 30 years younger than its (generally accepted) date of authoriship.
If you compare all the extant manuscripts to each other, there are more discrepancies in wording between them than there are words in the New Testament…though the vast majority of these are scribal “typos” (spelling errors, copying the same line twice, skipping over a line, etc) and of no significance.
Other discrepancies are generally marked with a footnote (in newer translations) giving an alternate wording. The translators have to take an educated guess as to which one of the alternatives is the original.
Right, an “educated guess,” made by humans.
I read a wonderful book about this subject. It’s called Misquoting Jesus. It was written by a new testament scholar, but for lay people to read.
I believe I’ve read the same book.
“But do you not understand that men decided what to put in to the Bible, and what to leave out?”
That is definitely not my understanding.
If what you claim is true, what reason would I (or anyone) have to be a Christian?
Set aside for a moment that God, if He is who He claims to be, the Creator of the universe and everything in it, is easily capable of ensuring His Word is written down according to His will, and preserved through time, no matter what man might try to do to stop it.
And if God’s Word is not His Word, but just what men decided to write and put in the Bible, then why do either of us care, about any of this?
What could be less important, than the idle ramblings of men dead nearly 2,000 years, if their witness is not true?
Why wouldn’t you be some type of pagan? Or why believe in anything at all?
Conversely, how can one be a Christian, or even know anything about Christ, if God’s Word is not true and accurate?
Would we not just be taking the words of lunatics? Nearly 2,000 year old lunatics?
If all we have is the words of men, and words that men decided to include in the Bible, then I have zero confidence in any of it, and I don’t know how anyone else does either.
I can understand how an atheist would argue against God’s Word actually being God’s Word, but how can someone who believes (and believes in) Christ make that same argument?
What can man know about God which God has not revealed to us?
And if God has revealed nothing to us, if the foundation and every other thing we know about God and Christ is just the vain babblings of 1st century lunatics, then don’t we both have a lot better things to do, than waste our time talking about this?
How can we have any confidence that God’s plan of salvation is real, or that Jesus is real, or that He died on the cross for our sins, or that we have any hope of salvation? Any of it?
If God’s Word is not true, then our hope in Christ would be absolutely in vain.
We might as well eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
“If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die.” (1 Corinthians 15:32, KJV)
Paul addressed this issue:
“But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: [14]
And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. [15] Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not. [16] For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: [17] And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. [18] Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. [19] If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” (1 Corinthians 15:13-19, KJV)
It’s all meaningless drivel, less than worthless, if Scripture is not the inspired Word of God. How could it be argued otherwise, if it is just words of men, and not God?
I do understand, from many discussions of this nature, that claiming the Scriptures are not of God is the argument which needs to be made, in order to justify not being obedient to God’s Word.
I don’t mean that harshly, in any way. I am just pointing out, that for anyone who wants to do things their own way, of a necessity, they must then discredit God’s Word.
That is a logical and necessary step — because we cannot argue against God’s Word if we acknowledge it is God’s Word, so if we intend to ignore it or disobey it, it must necessarily be discredited.
It’s the only option.
Ultimate denial.
How can the Authority of God’s Word be denied, without first denying the legitimacy of God’s Word?
How can the legitimacy of God’s Word be denied, without denying the existence and power of God?
Is it not the ultimate discreditation, to argue that God’s Word is the word of men, and not the Word of God?
It throws the door of Pandora’s box wide open. At that point there is no longer any restraint of any kind — quite literally, anything goes.
Because if God’s Word is not true, then what Authority is there to determine what is right or good or acceptable, besides some man?
And why should anyone listen to some man?
God has no respect of persons (cf. Romans 2:11), and neither did Paul or the other apostles — why should we, or anyone else?
But I can’t even make that argument, if God’s Word is discredited.
In fact, I can’t make any biblical argument, at all.
All that is left to me is “I think” or “I want” or “I feel”, etc.
For I am no one, what I think matters not at all — and if God’s Word matters not at all either, then what is left to us, except to do whatever is right in our own eyes? (cf. Deuteronomy 12:8, Judges 17:6, Judges 21:25, Proverbs 12:15, Proverbs, 21:2)
Except I can’t cite those verses, if God’s Word is not true.
We can justify anything we want to do, if we accept that God’s Word is not actually Authoritative, because it is just the word of men, and not God.
Before we go further, it helps to bear in mind that ultimately, we only need to convince two people.
Ourselves, and Jesus.
Ourselves, because we have to decide for ourselves whether we believe and trust God.
And Jesus, because at the Judgment (if there is one, of course), we’re going to have to convince Jesus why we believed what we did.
At this point in my life, I am confident that Man can convince himself of absolutely anything.
I am not nearly so confident that Man can convince Jesus of anything.
(If He exists, of course — which could not be known, if His Word is not true.)
If (normally I would say ‘when’) we come face to face with Jesus at the Judgment, and you make the claims you are making here, how will you back them up, and convince Jesus that you are right?
Do you see what I mean?
Because you don’t have to convince me, and I don’t have to convince you — but one day, we’re both going to have to explain what we did, and why, to the Lord (if He exists, and if His Word is true).
On that day (if it happens), it is my great hope that I will not have been led astray between then and now, that I will be able to stand before the Lord at the Judgment (if there is such a thing, which I could not know, without His Word), with His Word in my hand, and give a Scriptural answer for every question I might be asked in matters having to do with God.
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” (1 Peter 3:15, KJV)
“Because you don’t have to convince me, and I don’t have to convince you — but one day, we’re both going to have to explain what we did, and why, to the Lord (if He exists, and if His Word is true).”
No, we’re not.
God knows EVERYTHING about you, me, and everyone. He knows your HEART. And everything in it.
It’s just amazing to me that people think we’ll have to “explain ourselves” to the omniscient God.
“Why wouldn’t you be some type of pagan? Or why believe in anything at all?”
Yes, that is the question.
“No, we’re not.”
The Scriptures say that we are, so in order for your position to be correct, God’s Word must be wrong.
And if God’s Word is wrong about that, then we must assume it is wrong about everything else, we can have no confidence in the whole, if it is wrong in part.
Who put this into your mind? I think I saw who did it, at least in part, when I was scrolling to check for your reply, and his name is Bart Ehrman.
I don’t know Bart Ehrman, but I took a look, and I know his type, and what they do.
Getting information about Christianity from people like Bart Ehrman seems to be like getting information about natural health cures from Albert Bourla.
I’ll address that post when I get to it.
“God knows EVERYTHING about you, me, and everyone. He knows your HEART. And everything in it.”
Agreed, 100%.
Though I don’t know how you could know that or back it up, without citing the Scripture, which you don’t appear to believe has any credibility.
Which is logically irreconcilable, because in the same way that I cannot know anything about you that you have not chosen to reveal, neither can we know anything about God which He has not chosen to reveal.
And He didn’t reveal anything about Himself in Reader’s Digest, or Scientific American, or anywhere else, except in His Word.
So if we take His Word off the table, discredit and reject it, how can we know anything about God at all, apart from His Word?
But to your point, God’s knowledge of everything about us does not invalidate the Judgment.
The Judgment is not where God finds out what we did in life through interrogation — as you pointed out, He already knows.
We are all guilty before God, every one of us is a sinner (cf. Romans 3:10, 3:23, 5:12, 1 John 1:8).
The only hope available to us is mercy and forgiveness, which was made available to us through the sacrifice of His Son and belief in Him (who we can’t know anything about or believe if we do not believe the Scriptures are authentic).
“For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.” (1 Corinthians 1:21, KJV, which is irrelevant, if it is not accurate or authentic)
But many people believe otherwise of course, and seek to justify themselves and their righteousness.
That would seem to be a very bad position to take at the Judgment.
If you search an online Bible for ‘Day of Judgment’ (or ‘Judgment Day’) you will find no less than ten verses (Matthew 10:15, 11:22, 11:24, 12:36, Mark 6:11, Romans 2:5, 2 Peter 2:9, 2 Peter 3:7, 1 John 4:17, Jude 1:6).
But if we are convinced the Scriptures are not credible or authentic, then that can all be dismissed.
Before I allowed myself to be convinced of such a thing, I would want to be very certain that I did not have itching ears, and I had not sought out a false teacher, who told me what I wanted to hear.
Bart Ehrman appears to have many disciples.
Bart Ehrman is a man.
Men are undeniably fallible.
God, on the other hand, is not.
Bart Ehrman appears to have made it his life mission (and route to fame and fortune) to discredit God’s Word.
From what little I have read about Bart Ehrman, and even if I had read nothing at all about him, I would be very cautious about putting my faith or confidence in Bart.
Because if Bart is wrong, he won’t be able to help anyone at the Judgment.
“And He didn’t reveal anything about Himself in Reader’s Digest, or Scientific American, or anywhere else, except in His Word.”
And here is our fundamental disagreement.
God revealed much more in his Creation than the written word. And I’ve borne four children; if you want to see the face of God, look into the eyes of the baby He just made in you. It’s an experience that is indescribable, but it’s a Miracle. Once you’ve experienced an actual Miracle, it changes you forever.
“And here is our fundamental disagreement.
God revealed much more in his Creation than the written word.”
Yes, if you mean in the sense that God is revealed in the wonders of nature around us:
“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; [19] Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. [20] For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” (Romans 1:18-20, KJV, boldface mine)
So we are agreed.
And by your own reply, we are also agreed that God revealed His written Word.
And it is His written Word which is specific, a very intentional and direct form of communication, which we can look to for answers and knowledge and guidance and understanding, for things which cannot be gleaned from the miracles of nature, yes?
“And I’ve borne four children; if you want to see the face of God, look into the eyes of the baby He just made in you.”
And that is quite beautiful, of course. But it doesn’t tell us anything about what God thinks or wants or expects of us, does it?
“It’s an experience that is indescribable, but it’s a Miracle. Once you’ve experienced an actual Miracle, it changes you forever.”
Again, that’s very beautiful, experience and emotion are very powerful.
Emotions can also be deceiving, and lead us astray. You may have heard the expression “better felt than told”.
Did the Israelites not have babies too? But their babies provided no instruction regarding the ways of God and His desires with regard to His chosen people.
They needed the Law of Moses, revealed by God on Mount Sinai, to guide them, among other things.
The point being, the same as I cannot know your mind except you tell me, we cannot know the mind of God, except what God chooses to reveal to us:
“For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:11, KJV, boldface mine)
In the days of Adam, and Noah, and Abraham, and Job, God sometimes spoke directly with His creation.
For a time, God then spoke through prophets.
“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, [2] Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;” (Hebrews 1:1-2, KJV)
For a time, God spoke to man by His Son Jesus:
“For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.” (John 12:49, KJV)
Throughout that time, various men wrote by inspiration of God, the Scriptures, for our learning:
“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” (Romans 15:4, KJV)
God likewise spoke through the apostles and others (e.g., Luke) to write the books of the New Testament, which we have today.
“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:26, KJV)
“If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 14:37, KJV)
In no way does the communication of God’s Word to mankind, and the preservation of same, diminish the miracle of childbirth, nor was it ever intended to.
They are, of course, separate things.
“It’s just amazing to me that people think we’ll have to “explain ourselves” to the omniscient God.”
I did not mean that God does not already know everything we have done, He does.
The Judgment appears to be more like a sentencing phase.
Those who have obeyed the gospel of Christ are forgiven. God knows the hearts of every man and woman, and knows whether their repentance and belief is real. There will likely be many who try to fool themselves, but there will be no fooling God at the Judgment.
As to why people would think we will have to give an answer for what we have done, and why, it is from God’s Word, which Bart appears to have convinced many not to believe:
“But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. [37] For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” (Matthew 12:36-37, KJV)
“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” (Romans 14:12)
“Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.” (1 Peter 4:5)
Paul and Peter agree with Jesus.
Bart Ehrman appears to disagree
“Why wouldn’t you be some type of pagan? Or why believe in anything at all?”
“Yes, that is the question.”
If God does not exist, then why believe in Him?
Why not just do what thou wilt?
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” (1 Peter 5:8, KJV)
Our discussion is about truth, about whether God is real, and about whether His Word is genuine and authentic, and therefore also ‘real’ and therefore true.
Someone appears to have convinced you that God’s Word is not true, and if God’s Word is not true, it would seem to necessarily follow that God Himself is not real or true either.
It is easy to destroy, but difficult to build.
Bart Ehrman appears to be a very effective destroyer.
Pagans believe in God, Scott. They just aren’t Christians.
“Pagans believe in God, Scott. They just aren’t Christians.”
Pagans believe all sorts of things, don’t they?
Some worshipped Moloch, some worship Baal.
You don’t want to even see the images that come up in a search for the word “pagan”. But it’s definitely not God the Father they are believing in.
Druids worship nature (I think), some pagan female cults worship Lilith. There must have been tens of thousands of pagan belief systems through time, but how could any of them be said to have worshipped the one true and living God, who has revealed Himself directly and by prophets and by His Son in times past — and by His Word, since the time of Moses, to this very day?
The Philistines worshipped Dagon:
“Then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice: for they said, Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hand.” (Judges 16:23)
“When the Philistines took the ark of God, they brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon.” (1 Samuel 5:2)
The LORD toppled the image of Dagon. The Philistines set it back up. The next day, they found their image of Dagon toppled again, face down, his hands cut off, and only a stump left to him (cf. 1 Samuel 5:4).
Clearly the pagan Philistines were not believing in or worshipping the LORD God Almighty, they worshipped Dagon, the Philistine fish deity.
The one true and living God made it clear to the Philistines that their god was false.
In 1 Kings chapter 18, Elijah shamed the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel, mocking them openly as they called for fire to come down from heaven.
When it was Elijah’s turn, the fire came down. (see 1 Kings 18:36-40 for the conclusion)
Clearly, the prophets of Baal were not believing in the same God as Elijah.
“And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God.” (1 Kings 18:39)
No matter what anyone “believes,” there is only one God.
Saints are all the believers & followers of Jesus 🙂
“That there are scriptures from the early church that, because they didn’t agree with what “men” decided was true, were not included?”
But Scripture did not come “from the early church”, Scripture came from God, revealed to men, who wrote it down.
The ‘church’ did not generate any Scripture.
The Scriptures are very clear on this, repeatedly. The following is certainly not exhaustive. After each one, we should ask ourselves, are they lying?
Is God lying?
“For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received [it] not [as] the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.” (1 Thessalonians 2:13, KJV, boldface mine)
Is Paul lying?
“For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake [as they were] moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Peter 1:21, boldface mine)
Is Peter lying?
“All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” (2 Timothy 3:16, boldface mine)
Is Paul lying?
“But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:26, boldface mine)
Is John lying?
“If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 14:37, boldface mine)
Is Paul lying?
With the exception of Hebrews (generally attributed to Paul), the writers of the other 65 books of the OT and NT are not generally in dispute.
The New Testament Scriptures were not written down in the absence of the men who wrote them down, they were written down by men who were alive at the time.
And having the gifts of God (healing, prophecy, speaking and interpreting tongues, raising people from the dead, etc.), they were able to confirm that the things they wrote were of and by God, with signs and wonders.
“And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.” (Mark 16:20, KJV, boldface mine)
Whether any particular congregation wanted to believe it or not, was up to them, naturally. What was God supposed to do, put every man in a headlock?
They could believe or disbelieve, the same as us today.
The Scriptures make an affirmative case for themselves, and today, as in the 1st century, we can examine and test the Scriptures, and determine whether they are true.
There were many false gospels written during the time of the early church, and if I remember correctly, Iraneaus (130 – 202 A.D.) among others collected many of them, to be aware of them, and to distinguish them from the true Scriptures.
If the Scriptures cannot be relied upon as being true, then how could Jesus refer to them as Authoritative?
“He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?” (Luke 10:26)
“But he said unto them, Have ye not read what David did, when he was an hungred, and they that were with him;” (Matthew 12:3)
“Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless?” (Matthew 12:5)
“And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made [them] at the beginning made them male and female,” (Matthew 19:4)
“But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying,” (Matthew 22:31)
“And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:” (Mark 12:10)
“And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I [am] the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?” (Mark 12:26)
“And Jesus answering them said, Have ye not read so much as this, what David did, when himself was an hungred, and they which were with him;” (Luke 6:3)
“And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God?” (Mark 12:24)
But if the Scriptures are not the Word of God, then how do we even know that Jesus even said any of those things?
How do we know anything about Jesus at all, apart from Scripture — besides the several brief references to Him in ancient secular sources, e.g., Josephus, Tacitus, and not many others?
Glancing over the rest of your post, these are all great questions, for which there are equally great answers.
I have had these discussions many times over the years. My research is on my hard drive, which I transferred to my new PC about a year ago, but my Copernic desktop search engine would not transfer without buying it over again.
Except you can’t buy it anymore, you have to ‘subscribe’ and pay annually in perpetuity.
I have ‘Agent Ransack’ as an alternative, and it works, but every search takes over an hour. I’m currently at one hour and 11 minutes on a search for “reasoned from the Scriptures”, it has searched 344,000MB out of 358,000MB.
So each query takes a LONG time. Many times I have decided on a different reply by the time the search result is finally available.
Like ‘reasoning from the Scriptures’, the current search. What point is there in proving that the Apostles reasoned from the Scriptures, if it is not accepted that the Scriptures are even true?
“Do you know that there is not one single original scrap of Paul’s letters, or any other piece of scripture? That all that exist are copies, possibly copies of copies of copies?”
Of course.
For which ancient work is that NOT true?
Does this mean that we throw out our entire knowledge of the ancient world?
And believe none of it, because we don’t have the original ‘autograph’ manuscripts by Aristotle, Pliny the Younger, Socrates, Thucydides, et al?
I’m waiting for my search to finish, so I can post the information on the oldest known copies of many historical works, and many of them, the oldest known copy is over a thousand years from the original writing.
And they are accepted as accurate copies by historians everywhere.
By contrast, the earliest copies of Scripture manuscripts (and certainly fragments of manuscripts) are much, much closer to the original.
Every answer is like this, the TRUTH is on the side of God’s Word, not against it!
I had a response to this all written, but discarded it. I just can’t anymore.
“And to say as many do that God wouldn’t allow an “incorrect” Bible to be created, is to ignore that there are many translations.”
It’s not like God is a Genie, hovering over every copy of Scripture, swatting away corrupters like flies.
Anybody can corrupt anything.
Anyone could buy a Bible, take it home, tear off the binding, cut out pieces, add parts from other books (cook books, sci-fi, biographies, whatever), put it all back together, make copies, and distribute it.
God isn’t going to stop you — or anyone else.
Why would He need to?
Anyone could get a copy of the “new” Bible, look through it, and see that it was obviously messed with (and messed up).
That’s an absurd example in order to make the point, but the same is true for telling legitimate ancient copies from corrupted copies, it’s just more difficult and requires more effort and knowledge.
It is the volume of ancient manuscripts (and fragments) which makes the comparison process possible.
Suppose you have a hundred fragments of 2 Timothy 3:16, dating from the 2nd century to the 12th century.
With so many fragments, you can track it across time, and see where an error was made, and then the error was copied forward on some, and not on others, depending on what source was used and where in the world it was made.
As an example, there may be 10 fragments dating to the 2nd and 3rd century that are all the same.
Then suddenly there is a changed word, or punctuation, or even a missing word. This may appear in 30 fragments dating from the 4th century through the 8th century, in one part of the ancient world, but not in another, because in another part of the world, the particular error in that particular verse was not made, and the surviving copies don’t contain the same error.
The most exciting part about researching this stuff is that your confidence in the legitimacy and accuracy of the Scripture text that survives today grows, it does not diminish!
No fear of the truth! 😁
“Why would God allow translations to be different from each other, and exist? Wouldn’t there be only one “correct” one?”
Again, how might God prevent it, without engaging in constant supernatural woo-woo?
Imagine living in a world, where any time anyone mishandled God’s Word, or tried to corrupt it, a giant hand materialized out of thin air, gave you a light smack on the bottom, and prevented you from messing around with His Word.
God can do anything, so it could happen, as it did in the Book of Daniel:
“In the same hour came forth fingers of a man’s hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall of the king’s palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote.” (Daniel 5:5, KJV)
Just because God can do such things, doesn’t mean He makes a habit of it.
Since God knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10), He certainly knew before time began, exactly who would corrupt His Word, and how, and certainly there have been many, both intentional and accidental — and yet the corruptions are identifiable and discoverable.
You just proved my case.
“It’s not like God is a Genie, hovering over every copy of Scripture, swatting away corrupters like flies.
Anybody can corrupt anything.”
We have COPIES of originals.
How on Earth do you know the first COPY doesn’t have an error in it? That’s the point.
“We have COPIES of originals.
How on Earth do you know the first COPY doesn’t have an error in it? That’s the point.”
Are copies of originals not all that survive of any ancient manuscript?
To my knowledge, not a single ancient historical work exists as an original manuscript.
If we reject the authenticity and credibility of the Scripture on that basis…
…then do we not likewise have to reject every other ancient manuscript on the same basis?
“We have COPIES of originals.
How on Earth do you know the first COPY doesn’t have an error in it? That’s the point.”
Because the original manuscript was written by inspiration of God, and if God can create the universe and everything in it, God is certainly able to make sure Paul or Peter or Matthew or John or Mark or Luke (or Moses, David, Daniel, et al.), did not write down the wrong thing or make an error.
“Inspiration” means “God-breathed”.
It does not mean, for example, that God told Matthew a story, and Matthew thought about it for a while, and then wrote based on his own recollection.
If that had been the case, irreconcilable contradictions between the Scriptures would abound.
But for the sake of argument, suppose an original Scripture manuscript did have an error in it.
What sort of error are we talking about?
An inconsequential error of punctuation, which has no impact on doctrine or teaching, and contradicts nothing in any other Scripture?
Or are we talking about some whole hog, wandered off the reservation type of error?
Certainly that sort of error would be in wild contradiction to the other gospels and Scriptures.
So would a blatant error not stand out and draw attention to itself, by virtue of contradicting the other Scriptures?
And likewise, would a minor or inconsequential error not be just that, minor and inconsequential, having no affect on doctrine or belief?
I am unaware of any other ancient document that is referred to as “inerrant.”
“I am unaware of any other ancient document that is referred to as “inerrant.” ”
The concept of inerrancy is simply that God, being perfect, does not make mistakes, and the Scriptures, being written by inspiration of God (“God-breathed”), are therefore likewise inerrant.
What God writes through a man is inerrant, just as what God speaks is inerrant.
So if any of the original manuscripts survived and was found, it should be ‘inerrant’, i.e., ‘error free’, as if God had written it Himself, like the Ten Commandments.
The original manuscript, like all ancient manuscripts, would necessarily need to be copied by hand, until the printing press, photography, copy machines and scanners were invented.
Manual copying has the potential to introduce human error.
It has been some years since I studied this, but going by memory, a group called the Masoretes were dedicated to copying the OT Scriptures. Sometimes these are referred to as the Masoretic Texts.
They had a number system associated with the Hebrew alphabet, and would add up the numbers represented by the text. If the number did not match the page that was being copied, they knew there was an error, discarded the copied page, and started that page over.
It was a very effective system. Not perfect, no system involving Man is, but it was very effective.
The New Testament Scriptures were not copied (at least not exclusively) by a group dedicated to that task like the Masoretes.
But the sheer volume of copies of the NT books, letters and epistles that were made is what makes it possible to do comparative analysis, and end up with a similar degree of confidence in the fidelity of what we have today. That is not to say that individual copies do not contain human errors, they do.
But because there are so many existing copies, going back in time so close to the original (much, much closer than the other ancient documents I posted previously), they can be compared and traced back in time to discover where the transcription error was made.
The ‘inerrancy’ would be in the original transmission from God, through man, onto parchment. God using man as His instrument to write His Word.
That errors have been made in the copy process since then is unavoidable, as Man is far from perfect. Fortunately, the errors, even those made centuries or millennia ago, can be discovered through comparative analysis.
But whether anyone refers to the Scriptures as ‘inerrant’ doesn’t change the fact that no ancient historical document (to my knowledge) is an ‘original’, they are all copies of copies of copies.
So the books of the OT and NT cannot be rejected on that basis, unless we likewise reject every other ancient document for the same reason.
What’s more, the scholars who specialize in other ancient documents would LOVE to have the volume of manuscripts and fragment evidence which exists for the Scriptures.
For many ancient documents (see the list I posted previously), the number of existing copies are in the single digits.
By contrast, we have thousands of copies of the Scriptures.
This is a brief comment from, a website I use frequently for research. There are also some helpful comments about various translations at the same link above.
It is not a random website, but the first Christian website I came across in my search (years ago) in which I could not find any obvious error.
I later discovered that the website is owned and managed by a member of the same non-denominational church of which I subsequently became a member:
In a conversation with a man at Walmart, a statement was made as well as a question asked:
“The Bible was taken from hand written copies, much of which are only fragments. How can we trust that what we have is accurate?”
Because there are over 14,000 manuscript copies of the New Testament we can absolutely be confident of its accuracy.
With this large number of manuscripts, comparing manuscripts easily reveals any place where a scribe has made an error or where there is a variation. There are approximately 150,000 variations in the manuscripts we have today.
However, these variations represent only 10,000 places in the New Testament (if the same word was misspelled in 3,000 manuscripts, that is counted as 3,000 variations.) Of these 10,000 places, all but 400 are questions of spelling in accord with accepted usage, grammatical construction, or order of words.
Of the remaining variations, only 50 are of significance (such as two manuscripts leaving out Acts 2:37). But of these 50, not one alters even one article of faith which cannot be abundantly sustained by other undoubted passages.
There are some manuscripts that date as early as 130 AD, very close to the completion of the New Testament. These manuscripts are nearly identical to those dating 900 years later, thus verifying the accuracy of the scribes.”
“I appreciate the effort you put in to all your answers, but these are questions professional theologians have never answered adequately for me.”
Why should anyone require the services of a professional theologian?
Does God’s Word require a theologian to understand it?
To my knowledge, there were no Bible colleges in the 1st century, and there is no indication that God was only interested in communicating with (and saving) the over-educated. 😉
Sometimes (often times?) we make it harder than God ever did.
If I remember correctly, the Scriptures were written at about an 8th grade level of reading.
What is the point of God revealing His Word to mankind?
Is it to give special knowledge to theologians who can lord it over the People?
Or is it to communicate the saving gospel of Christ, to all men and women everywhere?
Theologians, spending more time in study than the average person might (though not necessarily!), could gain more insight to various aspects of Scripture.
But then the student of theology must also be aware of (and actively counter) all of the doctrines, traditions and other errors of men that are invariably being taught by any institution, and doesn’t every denomination (to include the RCC) have their own doctrines which cannot withstand Scriptural scrutiny?
Is that not an unavoidable consequence of denominationalism?
So how much good is a professional theologian really going to do you?
You’re far smarter than the average bear, certainly smarter than me, plenty smart to research and understand the things we’re discussing today.
It’s not understanding the truth that is hard, it is finding it amongst all the false teaching that is difficult.
So how do we find the truth?
One way is to assume that everybody is wrong about everything in matters of God, until or unless proven otherwise to our satisfaction.
And then use the same filters and processes to figure out the truth as we use for anything else, i.e., the rock between our ears.
I hope you will never hear me present my own ‘belief’ about anything in matters of God, unless I specifically say that’s what it is, but I don’t know why I would do that, because what I believe is probably not ever going to be relevant to any discussion.
What I should be doing is presenting what God’s Word actually says, and then reasoning, rationally in a way that anyone can understand, using basic logic and reason, from the Scriptures.
That’s what we have example to do in the Scriptures, so there’s no reason to fix it if it ain’t broke. Common sense is common sense, logic is logic, reason is reason, whether Apollos (who was not an apostle) was doing it in the 1st century, or whether we do it today.
“And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.” (Acts 18:24, KJV)
“For he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publickly, shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ.” (Acts 18:28, KJV)
BUT, we can’t get to reasoning from the Scriptures UNTIL you are satisfied that the Scriptures are:
1) the genuine Word of God
2) have been accurately preserved
3) have been accurately translated
So we can’t put the cart before the horse.
When I began to search for the truth about God, I had to work these things out too.
I had to understand, at least somewhat, the likelihood that the texts we have today are authentic and genuine. I learned much more later, but I needed to understand at least a basic amount before I could pass ‘go’.
I had to figure out the deal with translations, and which one(s) were ‘good’ or accurate.
For example, I discovered that most people have a preference for one particular translation or another, for a variety of reasons.
Many translations have as many detractors as supporters, again, for various reasons.
The translation that most people seemed to agree was at least acceptable, was the KJV.
It is not without its share of issues, one of the more well known being that King James apparently insisted that the word “Easter” be used in place of “Passover” in Acts 12:4.
The underlying original Koine Greek word is “Passover”, the transliteration is “pascha”, it’s not “Easter”.
You can see it here, in Strong’s:
But everybody who looks into the subject of translations learns that (eventually) about the KJV, so it’s a known issue.
And for me personally, I am comfortable with the “old English”, I like it, and it helps me with memory, to locate verses or passages.
For example, if I’m trying to find the passage about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, I can go to any online Bible, select “KJV” translation, and type in one word:
It’s only used TWICE in the entire KJV, so I can locate the passage about Lazarus in John 11:39 in about two seconds 👍
The old English in the KJV makes it easier for me to find verses and passages that way all the time.
Another factor (for me) is that “older is better”, because any translation from the past 30 years is going to be influenced by political correctness — and I want nothing to do with political correctness.
So I ended up settling on the KJV and the American Standard Version (ASV) of 1901 as my preferred translations.
Are they perfect translations of the underlying Koine Greek text?
No, but no translation is going to be perfect.
Where there are questions or concerns in a verse or passage, we have to look up the underlying Koine Greek for clarification, and online Bibles make this quick and easy to do 👍
I can’t believe you think the King James Bible is written on an eighth grade reading level! Lol, where’d you go to eighth grade, Harvard?
“I can’t believe you think the King James Bible is written on an eighth grade reading level! Lol, where’d you go to eighth grade, Harvard?”
No, I might not be able to read at all if that had been the case 😁
I said “If I remember correctly, the Scriptures were written at about an 8th grade level of reading.”
I didn’t express that very well.
A quick search brought up the following:
Translation — Grade Level
I can’t believe you think the King James Bible is written on an eighth grade reading level! Lol, where’d you go to eighth grade, Harvard?
I didn’t “require” the professional theologians, they were required of me to graduate from college! So was weekly chapel attendance.
Stop your grinnin’ and drop your linen… found it!
(That’s an Aliens reference!)
It only took “Agent Ransack” an hour to find it for me.
This is from a discussion I had back in 2012:
Ca7 wrote: “2. While you might think you are believing in facts, to other people it is just your belief. They may in fact be facts but you don’t actually know that they are facts and you certainly can’t prove them to be facts. What you can do is state your beliefs.
3. Once you start insisting that something inherently unprovable is a fact, you’ve lost me.”
Scott: “You seem to not distinguish between conclusions, facts and evidence:
fact (
1. an event or thing known to have happened or existed
2. a truth verifiable from experience or observation
ev•i•dence (
1. that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof
The historicity of Jesus Christ is not seriously contested by scholars. The Scriptures have been examined and tested more thoroughly and rigorously than any other documents in the world; tested against themselves for internal consistency, accuracy, etc., tested against other historical evidence from contemporary history, and against archeological discoveries made all the time.
Never once has an archeological discovery proven the Bible to be in error; but a great many archeological discoveries have proven the Bible to be true.
The sheer volume of surviving Scriptural manuscripts dwarfs the surviving “great works” of men, which are almost universally accepted as accurate, authentic and true. Here are a few of the more prominent examples:
Caesar – 100-44 BC (published 50’s or 40’s BC)
Earliest copy: 900 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 950 years
Copies in existence: 10
Plato (Tetralogies) – lived/written 427-347 BC
Earliest copy: 900 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 1,200 years
Copies in existence: 7
Tacitus (Annals) – written 100 AD
Earliest copy: 1,100 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 1,000 years
Copies in existence: 20
Tacitus (Minor works) – written 100 AD
Earliest copy: 1,000 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 900 years
Copies in existence: 1
Pliny the younger (History) – lived 61-113 AD
Earliest copy: 850 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 750 years
Copies in existence: 7
Thucydides (history) – lived 460-400 BC
Earliest copy: 900 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 1,300 years
Copies in existence: 8
Suetonius (De Vita Caesarum) – lived 75-160 AD
Earliest copy: 950 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 800 years
Copies in existence: 8
Herodotus (history) – lived 480-425 BC
Earliest copy: 900 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 1,300 years
Copies in existence: 8
Sophocles – lived 496-406 BC
Earliest copy: 1,000 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 1,400 years
Copies in existence: 193
Catullus – lived 54 BC
Earliest copy: 1,550 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 1,600 years
Copies in existence: 3
Euripides – lived 480-406 BC
Earliest copy: 1,100 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 1,500 years
Copies in existence: 9
Demosthenes – lived 383-322 BC
Earliest copy: 1,100 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 1,300 years
Copies in existence: 200
Aristotle – lived 384-322 BC
Earliest copy: 1,100 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 1,400 years
Copies in existence: 49
Aristophanes – lived 450-385 BC
Earliest copy: 900 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 1,200 years
Copies in existence: 10
Homer (Iliad) – lived 900 BC
Earliest copy: 400 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: 500 years
Copies in existence: 643
Books of the New Testament – written 40-100 AD
Earliest fragment copy: 125 AD
Time span from original writing to oldest surviving copy: approximately 25 years
Copies (including fragments of course) in existence: 24,000+
If one discounts the eyewitness testimony and the written record in Scripture — which are accepted in these other ancient historical accounts — then by that same standard, one must discount the veracity of all these others.
How much of our knowledge of the ancient world are you willing to throw away, in order to deny the veracity of Jesus Christ?”
In our discussion, I would ask instead, How much of our knowledge of the ancient world are we willing to throw away, in order to deny the veracity of Scripture?
Because if we accept all these other works as being genuine, authentic, accurate and true — which we must, if we are to have any coherent understanding of the ancient world — and:
1) we have far fewer surviving copies of these other works than we do Scripture, and…
2) the copies of these other works are far more recent (further removed from the original manuscript) than copies we have of Scripture…
Then how can we dismiss the veracity and authenticity of the Scriptures, for which so much more and earlier evidence exists?
I love this subject 😁
But all of the 24,000 fragments differ from each other! That’s the whole issue! And there’s no solution to it, other than BELIEF. That’s it.
I’m glad for you that you have chosen to accept that at least one of the modern translations of the Bible is the absolute word of God.
“But all of the 24,000 fragments differ from each other!
That’s the whole issue! And there’s no solution to it, other than BELIEF. That’s it.”
You will be very glad to know that there is indeed a very good and scientific solution to it, and best of all, it has already been solved 😁
The vast majority of the variations are matters of spelling or grammar or the order of words.
It’s not like you’re putting Jaws in the VCR, and Star Wars comes up on the screen 😂
As posted recently, from
“There are approximately 150,000 variations in the manuscripts we have today. However, these variations represent only 10,000 places in the New Testament (if the same word was misspelled in 3,000 manuscripts, that is counted as 3,000 variations.)
Of these 10,000 places, all but 400 are questions of spelling in accord with accepted usage, grammatical construction, or order of words. Of the remaining variations, only 50 are of significance (such as two manuscripts leaving out Acts 2:37).
But of these 50, not one alters even one article of faith which cannot be abundantly sustained by other undoubted passages.
There are some manuscripts that date as early as 130 AD, very close to the completion of the New Testament.
These manuscripts are nearly identical to those dating 900 years later, thus verifying the accuracy of the scribes.”
“I’m glad for you that you have chosen to accept that at least one of the modern translations of the Bible is the absolute word of God.”
A comment on translations, from the same webpage at as earlier:
“When people hear there are over 50 different versions of the Bible in English alone, they often think to themselves, “No wonder there are many denominations each teaching different things, there are many different versions of the Bible.”
This view, however, is wrong. Yes there are many denominations, but don’t blame that on the fact there are many versions of the Bible. There is one Bible.
First we need to understand what we mean by a “version”.
A better word than “version” is “translation”. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew and the New Testament in Greek. If every man could read Hebrew and Greek, then we would have no need for an “English version”. Most people can’t read Greek, “It’s all Greek to me”!
We must rely, therefore, upon men who are fully fluent in English and Greek. These “scholars” read the original Greek Bible and come up with an English equivalent. This process is called translation. We have all seen a foreign diplomat give a news conference through the help of a translator.
One translator may choose different words or sentences, but the message is identical. Translation is a reliable science of communicating between different languages. Remember, it was God Himself who created all the language barriers in Genesis 11 at the Tower of Babel. God is satisfied that His inspired word can be maintained although translated into over 200 languages.
Translation of the Greek New Testament is a very precise science. The New American Standard Bible, for example, was translated over 10 years, by over 45 scholars and was first published in 1962 AD. Similar painstaking work was applied to the production of the New International (1978 AD), and King James (1611AD) and the New King James (1982AD). These translations and others like them were the products of many years of work from scholars from many denominations.
Each translation has its own strengths and weaknesses. The King James Version (KJV) is excellent, but you must use a dictionary as you read because it uses language typical of the time it was translated (1611). I recommend you purchase a more recent translation. The New American Standard Version (NASV) is believed by many to be one of the most accurate translations and is an excellent study Bible.
The American Standard Version (ASV) is also excellent and highy accurate. The New King James Version (NKJV) is high on the recommended list. The New International Version (NIV) tries to make the text as easy to understand as possible and is an excellent reading Bible, but not a good study Bible.
The New World Translation (1950, the Jehovah’s Witnesses Bible) should be avoided because its is actually corrupt, being a sectarian paraphrase rather than a true translation of the Holy Scriptures.
Although the exact choice of words or sentence structure is different in each translation, the meaning is identical.
Take the words of Jesus in Mark 16:16 from three “versions” as an example;
NIV: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved”.
KJV: “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved”.
NAS: “He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved”
Different words and sentences but the meaning is identical. To blame religious division on the fact there are different Bible versions, therefore, is incorrect.
The view that each translation of the Bible conveys a different message is also incorrect. There is only one Bible message that has been translated into hundreds of different languages. ”
We know that translations are acceptable, because of the Scriptures themselves.
Again, from
From the tower of Babel, God knew translations of his inspired word would be made into hundreds of different languages yet still carry the same force, authority and message. This is what Jesus meant (in part) when He said that “scripture cannot be broken” in John 10:35.
Today Christians regard our translations like the King James Version (KJV) or the New American Standard Bible (NASB) as equal to the autograph in authority. When a preacher reads from his English Bible it is considered equal to the inspired word of God. The words of the English Bible are the words of God!
When Jesus began his ministry the Greek translation of the Hebrew Tanakh had been in use so long throughout the entire world that it was considered equal to the original Hebrew. Hebrew went extinct around 300 BC as a common working language of the Jews.
At the time of Jesus, Aramaic was the native language but Greek was the working language of all Jews the world over. Weekly Synagogue sabbath worship services were conducted entirely in Greek not Hebrew and the Septuagint was their Bible.
Christians regard the translation KJV as the word of God in exactly the same way that Jews at the time of Jesus regarded the translation Septuagint. Each of the thousands of synagogues in and outside Judea used the Septuagint as their standard Bible for worship, preaching and devotional reading.
Augustine in 400 AD makes this timeless observation true of Jews in 100 BC and Christians today: “Nevertheless, the Church has adopted the Septuagint as if it were the only translation. Indeed, Greek-speaking Christians use it so generally that many of them do not even know that the others exist.
From the Septuagint a Latin translation has been made, and this is the one which the Latin churches use.” (Augustine, City of God 18.43, 400 AD) God foresaw at the tower of Babel the His word MUST be translated and the Holy Spirit wrote it in such a way so that the original meaning would transcend the translation process.
In 446 BC, Nehemiah translated Hebrew into Aramaic for his listeners. In 282 BC seventy two Jewish scholars from Jerusalem translated the Hebrew Tanakh into Greek for the Jews throughout the world. In 80 AD, Apostle John translated Aramaic into Greek for his readers. “Scripture cannot be Broken” even when it is translated!”
It then goes into much more detail and many examples, at the link above 👍
“Who are the “saints” referred to in this verse?”
The word “saint” (singular) appears only 3 times in the Bible, twice in the OT (Psalm 106:16, Daniel 8:13) and once in the NT (Philemon 4:21):
“Salute every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren which are with me greet you.” (Philemon 4:21, KJV)
The plural, ‘saints’, appears 96 times in 95 verses. Looks like 34 verses in the OT and 61 verses in the NT.
Saints in the New Testament refers to those who have obeyed the gospel, and have been added to the Lord’s church.
The list of verses which include the word “saints” can be found here:
“For example, I don’t think having a church building for meeting in is ever called for in the Bible, but do you attend church in one? Men decided to make the roof over your head, so does that make it illegitimate to meet in it?”
Great questions!
Yes, normally I do attend church in a building, but we don’t need to. If it was 100 degrees outside, and the air conditioning was broken (there are no windows in the main room to open), we could hold worship services outside. We could meet in a house, or a field, or wherever it is expedient to do so.
Expedience is often misused in an “ends justifies the means” way, so we do need to be careful about expedience.
For something to be Scripturally expedient, it must be something done to accomplish the Lord’s will (not our own will) and reconcile and harmonize with God’s Word, not contradict it. Expediency is the freedom to choose within the boundaries of what God has Authorized.
With regard to attending worship, we are to assemble together (cf. Hebrews 10:25) on the first day of the week (cf. Acts 20:7, 1 Cor 16:2).
As it pertains to meeting in a building, is a house not a building?
If we search an online Bible (KJV in this case) for the words “build” and “house“, these two words occur 156 times in 70 different verses.
Without listing them all, and unless anyone objects, a house is clearly a building. It is a building intended for people to live in, but as we have multiple examples in Scripture, a building intended to be lived in can also be used as a place for the church to meet:
“Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Salute my wellbeloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ.” (Romans 16:5, KJV, boldface mine)
“The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.” (1 Corinthians 16:19, boldface mine)
“Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house.” (Colossians 4:15, boldface mine)
“And to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the church in thy house:” (Philemon 1:2, boldface mine)
The Lord has given us example that we are to assemble (Hebrews 10:25) on a day which is determined by the Lord (Acts 20:7) to accomplish the Lord’s will
(not our own will).
We are not told where to meet, so we have freedom to choose where to meet, in order to comply with God’s will to assemble and worship. It is expedient for us to meet in a building, but we don’t need to, we could choose to meet elsewhere.
It is expedient to meet at a certain time which everyone in the congregation is aware of, but we have freedom to choose the time of day when we come together, so long as we assemble and worship on the first day of the week.
Does that make sense, and is it clear how it reconciles and harmonizes with God’s Word?
Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Then a walk in the woods with a friend discussing God and praying will suffice.
I don’t see a day of the week there.
“Then a walk in the woods with a friend discussing God and praying will suffice.
I don’t see a day of the week there.”
Certainly we can pray anywhere 🙂
As for worship, under the Old Testament Law of Moses, the congregation was to assemble together for worship on the Sabbath, which if I understand correctly, was Saturday, the 7th day of the week, the day that God rested from His creation.
In New Testament Christian worship, the example Christians have is to assemble for worship on the first day of the week, which was also the day Jesus rose from the dead (boldface emphasis mine in all cases):
“In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.” (Matthew 28:1, KJV)
“And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.” (Mark 16:2)
“Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.” (Mark 16:9, see also Luke 24:1, John 20:1).
“Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.” (John 20:19)
“And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.” (Acts 20:7)
“Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” (1 Corinthians 16:2)
Yeah, and people can’t even agree on what day that is!
“Yeah, and people can’t even agree on what day that is!”
Well, it only takes one person to disagree, and anyone can disagree with anything 🙂
If anyone wants to claim the day approved for Christian worship is some day other than the first day of the week, their argument is certainly not with me.
Their argument is with God’s Word, and the six passages posted above 🙂
Those verses will first need to be explained away, and then verses which prove some other day will have to be provided.
I don’t think anyone can actually do it, but I never discourage anyone from trying.
Trying is a good way to learn 👍
Which day is the first day? Sunday? Monday? Saturday?
How do you know? Days of the week are arbitrary, assigned by humans.
Are you by chance a Seventh Day Adventist?
“Are you by chance a Seventh Day Adventist?”
No, the church of which I am a member is the church of Christ.
It is a non-denominational, independent, autonomous congregation, in fellowship with other independent and autonomous congregations in America and around the world, under the Authority of God, according to the pattern and example given in Scripture.
There is a denominational church called The Church of Christ, but that is not the same church.
The Scriptures refer to the church in a way that glorifies God the Father or Christ the Son.
The Lord’s church is referred to in three ways, frequently with the addition of the town or city location:
1) church of God:
“Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.” (Acts 20:28, KJV)
2) church of the Firstborn:
“To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,” (Hebrews 12:23, KJV)
3) church of Christ:
“Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you.” (Romans 16:16, KJV)
Often times a location is included:
“Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:” (1 Corinthians 1:2, KJV, boldface mine)
Sometimes the church is referred to as the people of an area are called, like this example where Paul instructs the members of the church at Colosse to read the epistle sent to Laodicea, and vice versa:
“And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea.” (Colossians 4:16, KJV)
“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25, KJV)
(Not getting into a discussion. 😊)
There are examples in Scripture of people taking vows and living lives of asceticism. This can be found by searching for, for example, “Biblical support for monasticism.”
The word “abortion” is not found in Scripture, nor is “homosexual”; but we understand the principles involved.
Many books on this. This is but one.
![comment image](
They actually had an influence with some the seats of the church (Constantinople, Rome, Africa, Egypt, and Antioch I believe.)
Then in the most extreme there were the Stylites. Simeon being among the most famous but many cities were said to have them. They spent most of their lives living atop tall pillars. Simeon’s successor Daniel lived atop a pillar for 33 yrs it is said. I think it was him that climbed down to chew out one of the Emperors.
Read about them here.
Yes, good info.
Yes, stuff like that!
“There are examples in Scripture of people taking vows and living lives of asceticism. This can be found by searching for, for example, “Biblical support for monasticism.” ”
If this is the link you meant, (, it is fraught with error.
It necessarily is looking at something which is already being done, and then looking backward in the effort to find some excuse to justify it.
The justifications provided will not withstand scrutiny.
I glanced through it, and I can deconstruct it for you, if you would like.
“The word “abortion” is not found in Scripture, nor is “homosexual”; but we understand the principles involved.”
Agreed, but the Scripture is clear that an unborn person is a life created by God, and the Scripture is clear that murder (the unlawful or unjustified taking of life) is sin.
Likewise, homosexual conduct is specifically condemned in both the OT and the NT.
I still cannot find any command, example or necessary inference for becoming a monk, or living as a member of any religious order other than the Lord’s church, or being part of anything called a ‘monastery’ where other similarly minded people do whatever it is that monks do.
That these things have sprung up, after the Lord’s church (and the New Testament) were established, is not in dispute.
Trying to reverse-engineer them or boot-strap them back to some kind of Scriptural Authority is always the problem.
Knowing everything about him never should have included peering inside his tightey-whiteys.
Don’t know about Mattis, but Betrayus wasn’t much of a monk, when the honeypot came strolling by.
It’s been more of a romantic trope than a success every time it has been referenced, which is why I said “culture” instead of “history”.
The sad fact is that mobilization of massive armies cannot be done by a warrior or a monk, but can only be done by a politician.
or perhaps an actual leader (by example)
Benedict, in the Amber novels, is nearly a perfect example. Corwin very much respects him……but, as with the discussion of intelligence vs. IQ yesterday, that does not guarantee the victory.
WELL SAID. Reign it in!
*Grammar Nazi seething*
Might you mean “rein”?
LOL! I did indeed, but the misspelling was intended as a swipe at our regal Scofflaw SCOTUS. And it fits the DAMN QUEENS, too, so I ain’t fixin’ it! 😉
I find your attitude recalcitrant and truculent. 😉
Good words! Haven’t seen those words used in a LONG time👍😁
Two of my favorite attitudes!
“Seething” 😂🤣🔥
Zoom iOS App Sends Data to Facebook Even if You Don’t Have a Facebook Account
Zoom says:
I think it can be hard to avoid Zoom in instances where that is the only option a company provides for doing business by conference call.
IIRC, the FOSS replacement would be Jitsi. And if you don’t like its privacy choices, fork it.
Okay, so the only nouns I understood there were replacement, privacy (though used as an adjective), choices, and fork (even though fork is used as a verb). 😂 🍴
Zoom is a proprietary app that facilitates video conference calls. Like any other proprietary app, there is a way for the provider to make money — probably by compromising the privacy of the call.
Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) uses a different model. There are no hidden ways to compromise your privacy. You might have to provide your own server and your own bandwidth. And if you dislike the non-hidden ways that your privacy might be at risk, you could copy the entire software application and edit those parts out, creating a fork. My understanding is that Jitsi will do most of what Zoom does.
(would appreciate your input on this):
I appreciate your interest, but I don’t Tweet, FB, Gab, Parler, Truth, Jitsi, Zoom, or any of the other things… my opinion would be free-floating, bereft of links to rational justifications.
OK thanks anyway !
Thank you!
This is why we don’t have Login With Facebook or Google or Twitter.
I don’t know enough about this stuff…
How TikTok Tracks You Across the Web, Even If You Don’t Use the App
Much more at the link.
Why do people get ads?
I always forget they exist, except when I read about them here.
The only time I ever see ads is when one of my ad-blockers is accidentally shut off.
We auto mute commercials if watching broadcast TV so that Most of their propaganda falls on “deaf” ears 🙂
When cable TV came out, they promised no commercials, since you would be paying for the TV service.
They lied.
They really, really lied.
In the history of whoppers, that was a triple, with cheese and special sauce.
shocked, shocked I say!
Thanks! I knew TikTok was bad. I didn’t realize that the app has pulled ahead of American IC’s lazy evil efforts.
THAT is why they’re suddenly scared of TikTok in Washington.
IIRC. D-Rats stopped Trump from banning Tik Tok.
Thank you, DePat, for a most beautiful and content-filled post.
A Virginian Patrick Henry said: “Give me Liberty or give me Death!”
It always bothers me the way he said that.
It’s a form of pleading, which is begging, and nobody ‘gives’ freedom or liberty anyway.
Any tyrant in a position to give either liberty or death, will almost certainly choose to give you death. So basically, the expression comes across like a ‘Kick Me’ sign.
It makes more sense to say “I will have Liberty, or give you Death.”
No. 😊 Henry was not talking to the British. He was addressing his fellow colonists and pleading with them to see this:
To say, “I will have Liberty, or give you Death” in that context makes no sense.
I said above that Patrick Henry was not pleading, and here I say he was pleading.
In Scott’s example, Henry is portrayed as begging someone to “give” him liberty. He was not doing that.
In contrast, a plea is also an appeal. Henry was appealing to his countrymen to hear his warnings and his commitment to freedom. He was trying to get them to see what he saw, which is a situation we are faced with every day. So many people just can’t see.
Thank you TT, it makes a little more sense in context.
I still don’t like the expression ‘give me’.
Not thrilled about death being the alternative door prize, either.
I prefer the quote attributed to Patton: “No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country.” 😉
This is more to my liking: “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, I will die a free man.
Whether I die of old age, or up to my eyeballs in British blood, I will die free.”
The problem is not with your spirit, but with the fact that you’re ripping it out of its context.
The context is the same in my revised version.
“Why stand we here idle? … Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me,
give me liberty, or give me death!, I will die a free man. Whether I die of old age, or up to my eyeballs in British blood, I will die free.”It’s saying the same thing, maybe less eloquently, but more forcefully and more directly.
It’s saying that the speaker is free, right now, and will remain that way, and further saying what the speaker is going to do, whether anyone joins him, or not.
More along the lines of Joshua: “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (cf. Joshua 24:15)
Because the last thing you want to do, is to make your own actions contingent on what the wishy-washy PINOs and fence straddlers decide to do.
But you only wrote your revised version because you thought he was addressing England. That was the “rip out of context.”
I honestly don’t give a rat’s ass about your revised version; you misunderstood the original.
He is addressing “Almighty God”, to whom Liberty, Death, or various other options may be available.
My “yes” has no dependence on the original context, or what Henry was saying, because Scott has found a philosophical problem. I thought about explaining, but I didn’t, mostly because I was lazy and tired. Now, it looks like I need to do so.
If the thought of the time is correct, the Americans of the time are by right already free, and are DENIED their right to freedom by the British. This is similar to the points that the 2A crowd makes all the time about being “granted” freedoms. Nobody and no government grants them or gives them. God granted them. They are DENIED TO US by others.
Whether for rhetorical or other reasons – whether Henry is addressing God, the British, the people, or destiny – his speech is great. But I think Scott raises a valid point – saying “give me” to anybody, or even to nobody in particular, seems problematic in philosophical context. The British are not in a position to “grant” or “give” freedom. God has ALREADY given it. The people, likewise, cannot give it. Etc.
It’s eloquent, but just a bit wrong. And perhaps intentionally (see below).
Now we can try to interpret it differently, but as you say, THAT is also wrong. It doesn’t fit. And even if we say “Give me” = “let me have” = “let it transpire that I have” [LIBERTY], in such a way that the agency of the act is a mystery, it’s still poetry in the “wrong way” in a sense, that it even SEEMS like he might be asking the British for the liberty he already has.
THAT, to me, is Scott’s point, and I say yes to that, but also to more.
I like Scott’s version, because it fits the morality of the American Revolution better. Those people DEFENDED THEIR FREEDOM WITH DEATH TO THOSE WHO WOULD TAKE IT. There is no other way to put it. They did NOT conform to the ethics of Martin Luther King, Jr.
This is the ethics they conformed to:
“Don’t take my freedom, or you will die.”
Bottom line. And YES – Scott’s version is closer to where I stand, and where IMO the Founders stood. But I will also say that Patrick Henry’s version is more eloquent, IMHO, so I’m good with it, even though “give” always grates on me.
And who knows – maybe Patrick Henry understood that point perfectly well, and knew that a “pleading edge” would help make people’s blood boil into ACTION!
I hear you, but we’ll have to agree to disagree. It’s not that complicated. Patrick Henry was not asking anyone to “give” him anything. He was saying, “I either get/achieve/retain liberty, or I will die trying.” Very simple. He wasn’t literally asking any entity to provide him with something (liberty). He was telling his countrymen that this is where he stood. And he was persuading them that the situation had become so dire that their choices had come down to liberty, or die trying.
That last paragraph is one of the most beautiful, moving pieces in all the writings of the time, IMO. It should not be ignored so we can parse words that were not meant to be looked at apart from it.
IMO, the sentence should never be interpreted except in its proper context. That is the only respectful and accurate way to look at it.
I take great exception to people today sitting behind our computer screens and saying what someone in the circumstances of the Founders should have said or done, or even what they probably meant. Henry’s meaning was crystal clear if one looks at the entire paragraph and speech. We owe him that courtesy. We owe it to ourselves to be accurate about our history.
This sounds maudlin and dramatic, but I don’t think we have an inkling of what the Founders were facing in those years and months leading up to the Declaration of Independence, and then of course the fighting. I have the greatest respect and gratitude for what they did. We think we are in similar circumstances, and in a few ways we are, but we are not signing a document that indicates treason to our mother country and could be our death warrant and that of our families. We have no idea what that was like and the courage it took.
Yeah, I’m done. For now! 😉
He’s using a different form of the word “give” than you are.
As in the phrase “give rise to.” To be the cause or origin of; bring about.
It’s more of a demand than a plea. “I will give rise to Liberty, or I will die trying to give rise to it.”
That’s how I hear it.
Of course. Scott467 is just being his usual grouchy self [which we love].
I know. I do love him, but I like to poke the bear sometimes!
The bear relentlessly pokes, as well, so turn about is fair play. 😊
I’m just a Teddy bear… searching for truth in the 100 acre wood. Not much different than when I was little 🙂
Pooh, is that you!?
Lol. I love this place.
Not grouchy, not usually! 😂
In no way was Patrick Henry “pleading.” If the person who wrote down his speech later was accurate, then Henry used a rhetorical vehicle to make his point. I would venture to say that not one person who heard the speech or has read the speech over the years has thought to edit it (until you 😂).
“I will have Liberty, or give you Death” Is ineffective, compared with the original. It presumes he is speaking to the British, while Henry’s version speaks to all mankind, and especially to his fellow colonists. He was telling them that his aim was to fight for liberty even if it cost him his life.
“I would venture to say that not one person who heard the speech or has read the speech over the years has thought to edit it (until you 😂).”
I’m not nearly as unique or special as you make me out to be 😉😁
” “I will have Liberty, or give you Death” Is ineffective, compared with the original. It presumes he is speaking to the British,”
Agreed, but taken out of context (which is how it is used and presented and heard 99% of the time), it sounds like he is speaking to the British.
Because he wouldn’t be asking for liberty or death from his friends.
Thank you TT, I am happily proven wrong 👍🙂
I think you found a philosophical problem, in that what has already been granted by God, cannot be now given by anybody, and if he IS addressing God, even at the “let it be so” level, “give me liberty or give me death” is REALLY poking the bear! 😉
We lost one of the early great bloggers last Friday. Here is one of his posts….
Recent Blogs going back a year or more.
Appears to be the last.
Here is the last post:
posted on 28 January 2023
From a comment in the thread below the final post, it appears that Mr. Van der Leun may have had some type of cancer, a “widely metastatic neoplasm.”
And from another comment in the same thread, it appears that he had been “vaxxed.” He wrote a post in the blog about it: (28 January 2021)
May he rest in eternal Peace.
It is Ms. Barnhardt’s opinion that Mr. Van der Leun was killed by a “turbo cancer” that got him from “diagnosis to slab” within a short time. He apparently had taken two injections of the “vaccine.”
I can’t think of any scenario where I’d line up for a Vax again that’s new and improved.
THIS needs to flourish across America, everywhere on Earth.
They’re coming up with horrible new combination super-spikes that look like spiky viruses. Keep them away!
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, January 31, 2023
“For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.”
Psalms 100:5 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Lots of great stuff today! Thanks!!!
Andrei Martyanov brings excerpts today of what he calls
Larry’s Double Whammy Today.
First, Tom Lipscomb, who knows a thing or two about commanding armor units, provides us with excellent elaboration on all those tank “deliveries”, starting with reminding some history:
Then Tom proceeds, in virtuoso vernacular, to expose utter military incompetence in the US today.
Then Larry, you know, another professional with both CIA and State Department, explains some diplomatic (and battlefield) realities:
As Pepe earlier today encapsulated the whole desperation and feeble attempts on diplomacy in NATO: ‘Please don’t go on the offensive.’ Well, it is too late. Enjoy at Larry’s blog.
As for Blinken’s trip to Egypt …
from Lavrov’s T’gram account:
Statements by Sergey Lavrov at his joint conference with his Egyptian colleague Sameh Shukri:
– Moscow and Cairo are in favor of restarting the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations as soon as possible against the backdrop of the current negative dynamics
– Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande frankly admitted that the Minsk agreements were needed in order to prepare war against Russia
Lavrov – about the message that the head of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry conveyed to him from Blinken: We have always said that Russia is ready to listen to any serious proposal that is aimed at resolving the current situation in a comprehensive context. We once again heard in this message that Russia must stop, Russia must leave – and then everything will be fine.
Blinken did not convey the second part of this call, but NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg outlined this true interest of the United States and the West in South Korea. He said there that Russia must be defeated, and the West cannot allow Ukraine to lose, because this would be the defeat of the West and the whole world. That is, he took the liberty of speaking on behalf of all the countries of the world. And he went on to say that this is why NATO will fulfill its global responsibility. In my opinion, everything is clear here, we are not talking about Ukraine at all. The Kyiv regime is fulfilling the will of the United States, the main goal of which is to prevent any events in the international arena that will call into question the hegemony of the United States in the modern world. Therefore, the message was incomplete, I have now tried to add for Blinken what the United States is trying to achieve when they call on Russia to stop and leave Ukraine.
A panicked Empire tries to make Russia an ‘offer it can’t refuse’
By Pepe Escobar, originally posted at The Cradle, reposted with the author’s permission
Realizing NATO’s war with Russia will likely end unfavorably, the US is test-driving an exit offer. But why should Moscow take indirect proposals seriously, especially on the eve of its new military advance and while it is in the winning seat?
Those behind the Throne are never more dangerous than when they have their backs against the wall.
Their power is slipping away, fast: Militarily, via NATO’s progressive humiliation in Ukraine; Financially, sooner rather than later, most of the Global South will want nothing to do with the currency of a bankrupt rogue giant; Politically, the global majority is taking decisive steps to stop obeying a rapacious, discredited, de facto minority.
So now those behind the Throne are plotting to at least try to stall the incoming disaster on the military front.
As confirmed by a high-level US establishment source, a new directive on NATO vs. Russia in Ukraine was relayed to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Blinken, in terms of actual power, is nothing but a messenger boy for the Straussian neocons and neoliberals who actually run US foreign policy.
The secretary of state was instructed to relay the new directive – a sort of message to the Kremlin – via mainstream print media, which was promptly published by the Washington Post.
In the elite US mainstream media division of labor, the New York Times is very close to the State Department. and the Washington Post to the CIA. In this case though the directive was too important, and needed to be relayed by the paper of record in the imperial capital. It was published as an Op-Ed (behind paywall).
The novelty here is that for the first time since the start of Russia’s February 2022 Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine, the Americans are actually proposing a variation of the “offer you can’t refuse” classic, including some concessions which may satisfy Russia’s security imperatives.
Crucially, the US offer totally bypasses Kiev, once again certifying that this is a war against Russia conducted by Empire and its NATO minions – with the Ukrainians as mere expandable proxies.
‘Please don’t go on the offensive’
con’t reading
Why would Russia trust the Neocons?
Russia knows better. Thankfully.
Yes … I agree Kal
Yes Putin knows Potatus only has less than 2 years left and Putin can wait him out, while proceeding with his plan for Ukraine, brics and 2 pole world. Someday he’ll figure out that chyna, like sauron, does not share power, but that is a tale for another day.
On the other hand Potatus’ handlers know they have less than two years to complete their Evil Plans of USA takedown and submission to Davos, UN and NWO and all the DigID, CBDC, CCBS(climate change bull schiff) and bugs who own nothing.
All the while, The Evil Ones are being exposed on every front and more people are becoming awake every day.
It feels like patriots are waiting to see the results of the 2024 before deciding whether this Evil will be ousted by voting (preferred) or watering trees.
If the electoral issues are not dealt with Trump will not be seated for any actual win, imo. We cannot vote our way out of tyranny that we did not vote into office!!!
Further in on the article, the proposal.
Yeah, RU need not accept. As pointed out in one of your other posts Minsk I and Minsk II were nothing more than a delaying tactic in the past so the Globalist could ready themselves for belligerent actions.
Total humiliation of NATO and the Zelensky regime if not outright ouster is called for. NATO can set up their line in the sand further West say in Poland and such.
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me” seems at play here.
More GOOD news… We need more Constitutional Carry states.
Florida On The Verge Of Becoming The 26th Constitutional Carry State
AUS Govt wants them to line up for their 5th shot. But AUS is waking up. No more shots thank you very much.
Likely I have something out of context.
Yesterday or day before, a QTree post, showed Aus Medical weenies are liable for delivering jabs into Ausies.
Aussie Pravda News remains full on oblivious, or more likely tools.
Not sure… may this be the disconnect? Nope… not that.. but leaves it up. The thing below this…
Austrian Minister of Health: Doctors are Liable for Jab Injuries
Australia: doctors and nurses to be held liable for the jab yet manufacturers indemnified against legal actionJanuary 16, 2023 9:24 pm by IWB
If I’m reading this correct, not sure, it seems this a warning by Australian Professional Medical Society that the courts are moving in their direction?
Agree. All the while protecting the Australian government that MANADATES Covidiot Injection is draconian fashion.
The bastards, (Australian Government), needs to be over thrown.
It is the dichotomy or disconnect that I can’t wrap my head around. More people are waking up and the public is becoming educated or at least wary, and yet the vax manufacturers, media, medical establishment, etc., are all doubling and tripling down.
More fundamental, MeThinks.
100%, these assholes ARE CONTROLLED, “… vax manufacturers, media, medical establishment, etc…”.
Covidiocy, including the Injections, are a subset of Global Reset “Project”.
BELOW is the only way, I can make sense of the daily lunacy.
According to the US Debt Clock, Total US Liabilities exceeded Total US Assets for the first time. See the last row.
Nothing on the horizon suggesting that will change anytime soon.
Are we being distracted by this war and the other conflicts? Are China, Iran and Russia going to be blamed for the US default?
“The prospect of a stabilization of interest rates at 5% after March is shifting the focus from the rate side to the growth side Mixed earnings will probably continue to lead to some volatility in coming weeks, so we are neutral on developed-market equities for now.”
We will not default on our debt. We just won’t be able to pay for silliness, such as Dept of Ed, EPA , etc.
It would be great to defund that silliness!
From down here on the street, inflation coming to an end seems more like a mirage. Everyone and their mother are demanding a pay raise and a lot of them are getting them.
Dems are demanding an 8.7% pay raise for the Federal Work Force.
See, it’s not stopping any time soon.
Inflation has NOT slowed Northern NV.
Napalm piss on federal employee raises.
Lower the damn taxes, fees…
Religion Dispatches is desperate for a win, swings and misses again . . .
via videos at site
Black Tuesday: tens of thousands of French strike on the streets of cities against pension reform
Protests are now taking place on the streets of Paris, Marseille, Rennes, Lyon and many others. The French are chanting slogans against government reform, burning fireworks, making noise and rioting. In a number of cities, heated protesters clashed with the police – rocks, water cannons and tear gas were used.
Russia puts the skids on US military-biological programs in Ukraine — top brass
“Thanks to its active operations, the Defense Ministry of Russia managed to halt the implementation of military-biological programs on Ukrainian soil,” he told a briefing on the analysis of the documents on the US military-biological activity.
In this situation, the Pentagon is rushing to transfer all its unfinished Ukrainian research projects to Central Asian and Eastern European countries. Simultaneously, it is ramping up cooperation with African and Asia-Pacific states like Kenya, Singapore and Thailand, he said.
“From the DTRA [Defense Threat Reduction Agency] reports, we have received new information on key figures of the so-called Ukrainian projects who have remained in the shadows until now,” he said.
“Among them are Karen Saylors, executive director of Labyrinth Global Health and former director of Metabiota in Central Africa. From 2016, Saylors worked in Ukraine as a leading consultant for the UP-10 project focused on the study of the spread of African swine fever,” Kirillov said.
Another figure is Colin Johnson, staffer of Tennessee State University and director of the Host-Pathogen Interactions Institute, he specified.
“As the supervisor of the UP-8 project for the study of the areas of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever agents and Hantaviruses in Ukraine, Johnson was in charge of the process of taking biological samples from Ukrainian military personnel and ensured American customers’ interaction with the Public Health Center of the Ukrainian Health Ministry,” Kirillov said.
Lewis Von Thaer is president and executive director of Battelle, a large contractor for the Pentagon and the US Department of Energy, he specified.
“From 2003, the company supervised research projects on Ukrainian soil related to zoonotic infections,” the chief of Russia’s radiation, chemical and biological protection troops said.
All the materials received will be handed over to Russia’s Investigative Committee to take measures for bringing the culprits to justice, he said.”
I believe End-User License Agreements are unenforceable and should be legally abolished.
Survey: Do you read EULA text on software?
> Yes
> No
> I skim through it real fast
Link to poll
I doubt that anyone reads those.
ONLY the dopes, (lawyers), that write EULA trash read them.
NO, normal person would read that crap.
I’ve posted on this before – Big Pharma influence on churches . . .
New round of national initiative focuses on helping congregations thrive
January 31, 2023
By RNS Press Release Distribution Service
INDIANAPOLIS — Lilly Endowment invites organizations that support Christian congregations to participate in the second competitive round of a national initiative to strengthen churches by helping them adapt to rapid changes affecting their ministries.
“Christian congregations have long played a vital role in nurturing the religious lives of individuals and families and in reaching out to serve the needs of those in their communities and around the globe,” said Christopher L. Coble, the Endowment’s vice president for religion. “Like other institutions, congregations have been deeply affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted established patterns of congregational life and accelerated many social and cultural trends influencing their ministries.”
Another lawfare attempt to intimidate the public falls apart.
Meanwhile, Peter Breen bears the asymmetric burden of cost, while the DOJ harasses and gets off Scott Free.
Jury Finds Mark Houck Not Guilty on Bogus Biden Admin Charges
Steven Ertelt
Jan 30, 2023
The picture was taken on an Easter Sunday, I would bet. The lilies and hydrangeas give it away.
You can just smell it! 😀
I love this guy. He’s got a pair and doesn’t care who he offends.
I’d never seen an LED truck. It’s a traveling giant computer screen, LOL.
I’ve seen them on the roads when I get deeper into a big city, near a university (advertising to students), or on a divided highway. The kids think they’re neat, but really, they’re very annoying. The LEDs have to be EXTRA BRIGHT to be visible in direct sunlight, which is distracting. It’s not as bad as driving into the sun in the evening – but still, not much fun driving behind a flashlight the size of a billboard. Fortunately, they aren’t that popular.
Open question:
What 4 – 6 items of solid information/evidence (not opinion) would one give to a medical professional who is still pushing the “vaccines” and/or who considers anyone with a contrary view to be “responsible for their own problems if they get COVID”? 6 items max. Can be URL’s to papers/articles.
Thank you.
One of the obvious ones is evidence demonstrating that treatment options such as HCQ, Ivermectin, and NAC have been systematically removed from general availability.
For the DETERMINED naysayer, this will only raise more objections – but let’s anticipate a couple and how to address those:
1) HCQ, NAC, Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Dihydrogen Monoxide are INEFFECTIVE treatments for COVID-19.
Where is the evidence they are ineffective? Claiming ineffective is a strong claim that requires positive evidence.
The weaker claim: There is no evidence that they are effective.
Well, I can go down a rabbit trail digging up evidence of effectiveness. The next step is for the naysayer to challenge any new studies or evidence with a game of “death by one thousand papercuts.”
Either way, this is a bit of a misdirection: The original claim is that alternative treatments are denied to the public. Instead of directly addressing the facts, he dismisses and argues a different tact: Well they aren’t effective, so it doesn’t matter that they aren’t available. This is disingenuous but par for the course. It shouldn’t be the role to make this decision of the government, the FDA, the CDC, the State, the Pharmacy Board, the Physician’s Board, the insurers, Medicare/Medicaid, etc.
Objection 2) These options have been removed from the market to prevent people from self-treating, when they should be consulting with a Doctor when they are ill.
When they admit that products have been removed from the market to self-treat, this is a startling and shocking admission . . .
However, setting that aside, let’s talk about this embedded claim: “We need to prevent people from self-treating when they should be consulting with a Doctor.”
This nay-saying doctor basically says, like so many medical professionals, “If you don’t get the shot, we aren’t going to treat you.” This is an extension of the medical establishment seizing power from the patient and using the excuse “If you aren’t going to follow my medical advice, I’m not going to see you.”
Only it is more insidious than that. No only will they not treat you (good riddance) but you are prevented from getting treatment yourself.
This puts the lie to the claim that patients that don’t take the vaccine are “responsible for their own problems.” In terms of computer science, they control the “menu” of options! Tristan Harris said it well: If You Control the Menu, You Control the Choices
COVID-19 Treatment Options:
Just like George Carlin said, it’s the illusion of choice.
In other words, pay me money through this corrupt system of jab-bribes because what matters isn’t your health outcomes but perpetuating the racketeering operation.
Option A: If you don’t get the vax, you are responsible for your own outcomes
Option B: Don’t self-treat when you should be consulting with a physician
They intentionally removed self-treatment options to herd people down a single track of how to do things: Get the shot. It’s the only way to be sure.
In short, you need to be a lawyer to fight your way through all this wordsmithing.
This is not a joke or hyperbole. You need to think about the language being used and what is being said, stand up and advocate for yourself. Don’t worry about being a dick or offending them – ask tough, hard questions that force them to be accountable. They are NOT your friends, and you don’t have to play “nice” with them. They either have to tell the truth or by not responding to your question, they are essentially exposing themselves.
Just like James O’Keefe.
“If you aren’t going to follow my medical advice, I’m not going to see you.”
I have had this very thing happen to me. I have been taking warfarin longer than this “Doctor” has been alive. I did not agree with his “Advise”. He “Fired” me as his “Patient”.
Yelp review!
Reading between the lines, which I’ve never been good at.
Hoping this tact, brings you success in waking the near and dear.
If they are starting to be receptive, it’ll likely work.
Thank you.
In actuality, one has already written two letters to MD son, gently explaining the concerns over the “vaccines” and including a few links to websites where solid information / evidence can be found. Am not sure if anything in the communications was taken to heart.
The focus of the open question above regards obtaining exams and/or treatment from other medical professionals.
Yea, I had recalled you having made efforts in writing, verbal…
Was hoping there was a break for his, DIL and Grands sake.
I have also thought of having some ready information, links when at a quack appointment. Thus far I am relying on my wits (commonly lacking), instant recollect and ability to do a quick search of sorts.
“Despite the futility of holding Bakhmut, the Ukrainian authorities continue to transfer reinforcements to this hell. Today, forces were transferred from near Svatovo and Kremennaya to Slavyansk-Kramatorsk with further transfer to the Bakhmut meat grinder. It is also planned to transfer from Kharkiv and Zaporozhye regions.
But this is not the most interesting. The most interesting thing is that the Ukrainian soldiers are not told where they are being transferred. They will find out about everything upon arrival, when there is nowhere else to go. At the same time, cases of the transfer of “salt pans” have become more frequent, when not whole units are transferred, but a team from different platoons and companies. Commanders give those who are not sorry. Probably, this is the most massive sacrifice of their people for the sake of the clown Zelensky’s PR. Bravo!”
Edited 449.6 thousand views
january 28th
(Jan 30th, a list of just 58 apparently over a span of two days)
“Foreign citizens who want to fight for Ukraine in 95% of cases hope to do it secretly. But thanks to my spies in the SBU, I regularly receive all the lists of foreign mercenaries as soon as they cross the Ukrainian border. Here is one example for you. I have long told the representatives of the NATO bloc that thanks to the Ukrainian clowns, they, like their citizens, will be identified, humiliated in this war, and as a result eliminated. Cutting off the heads and other limbs from the corpses of dead foreigners will not help.
And I can advise foreign mercenaries to go over to the Joker’s side. You will have less money, but you will be alive and you will have more fun.
When at the beginning of the year we told that Russia had launched a special military operation for a reason, there were those who did not believe it. We have already told you that the Centers of Information and Psychological Operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine held their events on the territory of Russia. We also told that operations were carried out to discredit the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and Rosgvardiya. Rosgvardiya employees, by the way, answered them very well. It’s a pity these cowards from the SSO of the APU managed to escape when they came to Brovary for them.
But the most important reason for the start of the military operation is the protection of civilians in the Crimea, the LPR, the DPR and other regions of Russia. We kept and did not publish documents confirming that Ukrainian politicians and the military were preparing an attack on the Crimea, Luhansk, Donetsk and Rostov regions on the territory of Russia, because their time had not yet come. But today we will show them to you.
Please note that according to the plan of the military, large cities were to be surrounded, and then “search and strike, special, regime and filtration measures” began there. Simply put – punishers from “Azov”, “Kraken” and similar inhumans had to go there. Civilians would simply be destroyed for living on their own land. Well, a well-known scenario was being prepared for the Crimea for a long time: “Crimea will be Ukrainian, or deserted.” All the inhabitants of the peninsula were recorded as traitors and planned to be destroyed.
Look at these documents and think about what Ukrainian politicians are doing on the orders of Western countries. Did they think that if we didn’t show these documents right away, then we don’t know?
We are taking care! We know everything!
The plan of the AFU offensive operation
The plan of the AFU offensive operation
BereginiJanuary 31, 2023
(loads slowly)
Thanks RAC …
You’re very welcome.
Dan Scavino
Donald J. Trump
I saw one channel refer to that as war paint.
![comment image](
Second hand ground report.
My chiropractor (who is anti Covid-vax) reports that about 70 percent of his patients have never even heard the phrase “Vaccine injury.”
A LOT more awareness-boosting still needed.
^^^ Surprising.
Wondering. Was there any indication, part of that 70% is aware the jabs are hurting, handicapping, killing. NOT necessarily, the phrase, “vaccine injury”?
Dental office this morning. Wanted to sign the consent for the numbing med, lidocaine, I think it was.
I asked if it was still the old technology, not updated with mRNA technolgy. (Yea, I don’t know what I’m talking about, beyond I want nothing to do with mRNA injections, nasal sprays…)
Goof at front desk said, I have no idea what that (mRNA) is. I told her it was the crap technology used in Covid Injections. She remains oblivious.
I ask the gal doing the injecting. She laughed and said, no mRNA technology. Using the same stuff they’ve always used. .
Besides NOT doing mRNA injections, doing my part to spread the word, mRNA injections suck.
He also made a more general statement, that most people are still oblivious to the whole issue. That was just the specific example he used as, well, an example.
Good job!
Kari Lake’s response to the allegations that she has committed a felony:
Vaccinated MSNBC Host Reveals She Developed Pericarditis and Myocarditis Due to “Common Cold” (VIDEO)
Aside from the vax issues with heart inflammation, this story catalogues what seems to me to be a failure of the medical establishment to properly diagnose this woman. She had chest pains in December, and she was told it was reflux.
She was diagnosed with pericarditis, but three days later was readmitted with myocarditis. About her lifestyle:
No meat, hmm…
The lies being told and believed are so ridiculous.
This (if it works) was in the replies.
Yep. That there be the back up plan to the back up plan. Plan C for no better name.
![comment image](
Bradleys have been loaded and vessel has sailed, destined February 7th.
[ZH post]: “US Vessel With 60 Bradley Tanks Bound For Ukraine
A press release via the US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), a segment of the US military responsible for transporting equipment worldwide, detailed last week that a large roll-on/roll-off vessel named “ARC Integrity” loaded 60 Bradley Fighting Vehicles destined for Ukraine
Original Source:
+ + + + + +
Austria and Hungary have declined the invitation to provide military aid to Ukr.
In regard to thew above, I find this very interesting… it is a comment lifted from Andrei Martyanov’s blog … appreciate feedback /phoenix
an hour ago
Lieutenant General named the condition under which NATO airfields will become a legitimate target of Russia
NATO airfields can become a legitimate target for Russia, according to international law, on one condition. Lieutenant-General Buzhinsky told about it.
If the Kiev regime’s military equipment is deployed at NATO airfields, these airfields will become a legitimate target for the Russian army, in accordance with the provisions of international law. This was stated in an interview with RIA Novosti by Lieutenant General Yevgeny Buzhinsky, former head of the international treaty Department of the Russian Defense Ministry.
Buzhinsky’s comment is related to statements by a number of European politicians, including Emmanuel Macron’s words about possible deliveries of fighter jets to the Kiev junta. Also, the publication Politico reported that Paris is considering a Ukrainian request for pilot training. By the way, last summer, according to the publication Defense News, the US House of Representatives approved the allocation of $100 million for training Ukrainian pilots to fly American aircraft (we are talking about F-15 and F-16). This initiative was approved as an amendment to the defense budget for 2023.
In turn, Buzhinsky does not rule out the possibility of using NATO’s own airfields located in countries bordering Ukraine in the case of deliveries of fighter jets. Since the Ukrainian airfields were disabled at the very beginning of a special military operation.
Therefore, if they decide to use aviation, it can start operating from nearby NATO airfields (in Romania, Poland, for example). In this case, I am absolutely convinced that from the point of view of international law, this becomes a legal target for defeat. And then let the Americans decide for themselves how to react to this – whether to go to war because of this or say to your allies: this is your own business, deal with the Russians yourself,
– the agency quotes the words of the Lieutenant General.
Assuming those Bradley’s are truly destined for Ukraine, it’ll be interesting to learn what what port, they’ll be offloaded from the ship. Likely rail to near Ukraine, then over-the-road into Ukraine. Possible rail all the way into Ukraine.
My guess is this is a head fake of sorts. Bradley’s coming from in theater. USA equipment in Germany.
Russia can easily sort this out. .
The west in general seems only to recognize laws which work in favor of itself, if though there are any less enchanted natø countries it might cause them to think twice.
“60 Bradley TANKS . . .
The M2/M3 Bradley FIGHTING VEHICLE . . . possesses sufficient cross-country mobility to keep up with the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, medium and long-range firepower capable of defeating any vehicle on the battlefield, and is adequately armored to protect the crew from artillery and small arms threats.
Whereas, Bradley TANKS . . .
Bradley Tanks (BTI) is a growing, innovative transportation and equipment company working in the fields of environmental remediation, dry suction excavation, and construction services.
23-Year-Old University of Arizona Swimmer Ty Wells Dies ‘Suddenly’
A quick search shows that the U of AZ did not require students to be vaxed. I’m not sure about athletes or how much the vax was “encouraged.”
There you have it!
sword of damocles over all the jabbed
Completely agreed.
Happy Birthday to Gouverneur Morris, Penman of the US Constitution, born January 31, 1752. 🎂🇺🇸
“Gouverneur Morris Statue at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia Notice the peg leg. Morris is standing behind a seated Ben Franklin.”
I wish Mark Steyn well but that he hadnt gotten the shot to begin with!
Good grief! It’s another example. I wonder how many jabs he got.
He had to travel. He had no choice.
Assuming travel was important enough to get jabbed. <<< It’s a choice.
Don’t you travel a lot for work too ?
(I’m afraid to ask… how do you do it ?)
Sorry, for Mark it was international. I dodged all the covid crap as far as testing and jabs. I would do temps, questionaires and masks. Only came across a few companies that required proof of vax to enter. So I did not do the work.
OK great, thanks !
(I knew YOU wouldn’t let them poison you !)
I dont know how healthy he was prior, but 2 heart attacks. 😥
On the positive side, Mark Steyn has a great platform to crucify the jabs.
Thats a plus for sure.
Blackwater/Academi was on the ground in 404 in 2014, perhaps before… apparently training their army…
Report is dated 11 May, 2014 15:04
“… About 400 elite mercenaries from the notorious US private security firm Academi (formerly Blackwater) are taking part in the Ukrainian military operation against anti-government protesters in southeastern regions of the country, German media reports.
The Bild am Sonntag newspaper, citing a source in intelligence circles, wrote Sunday that Academi employees are involved in the Kiev military crackdown on pro-autonomy activists in near the town of Slavyansk, in near the town of Slavyansk, in the Donetsk region.
On April 29, German Intelligence Service (BND) informed Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government about the mercenaries’ participation in the operation, the paper said, RIA Novosti reported. It is not clear who commands the private military contractors and pays for their services, however.
In March, media reports appeared suggesting that the coup-imposed government in Kiev could have employed up to 300 mercenaries.That was before the new government launched a military operation against anti-Maidan activists, or “terrorists” as Kiev put it, in southeast Ukraine.”
Naive question. 404?
Oops meant to post this earlier:
SWING and a MISS: Shoddy Forensics Causes Gateway Pundit to Embarrass Itself and Defame Marco Polo with Attempted Smear Tactics
Gateway Pundit is actively engaged in smear tactics to marginalize Marco Polo and its laptop report in the eyes of conservative readers. Why? It’s because TGP appears to be an influenced operation subject to a degree of control by the intelligence community. Who is Larry Johnson? Once CIA, always CIA. That’s Larry Johnson and that’s The Gateway Pundit.
. . .
That The Gateway Pundit got its forensic assessment wrong tells you everything you need to know. That The Gateway Pundit doubled-down on that egregiously errant forensic assessment to defame Garrett Ziegler and Marco Polo; and to marginalize Marco Polo’s report, is what is most important here.
It’s important because it evidences how The Gateway Pundit has an agenda where at worst, it’s not the truth; and at best, it’s only grains of the truth overlaid by lies. Underlying that agenda is an intelligence community operation to control conservative content and The Gateway Pundit’s own actions and history evidences its complicit in it.
The Gateway Pundit is functioning according to smear tactics and it’s clearly targeting the most accurate, factual, damaging, definitive and authoritative body of evidence standing to further unravel a Biden Administration that is being removed by the intelligence community [1 2 3 4 5]. Contextually, this makes the efforts of The Gateway Pundit appear to be pretext for the control of unavoidable circumstances to the extent the damages are being mitigated for the Biden family to reduce its culpability. In order to do that, the laptop must be put to rest since “Russian disinformation” alleged by the same intelligence community didn’t work the first time. In order to put the laptop to rest, Marco Polo and Garrett Ziegler must be put to rest.
Now you know why The Gateway Pundit smeared and defamed Garrett Ziegler and Marco Polo.
Perhaps the tables deserve to be turned and it should be that none of The Gateway Pundit’s work should ever be considered credible and reliable again. Turnabout is fair play and The Gateway Pundit just got turned on its head for abjectly bad and reckless forensics compounded by purposeful defamation.
Marco Polo Issues Formal Response to Gateway Pundit’s Smear Tactics, Libelous Error and False Accusation
The evidence is clear and indisputable. The Gateway Pundit engaged in shoddy journalism that appear to be smear tactics at the same time it committed an egregious and libelous error while leveling a false accusation. At the least, The Gateway Pundit owes Ziegler and Marco Polo an apology and a retraction and at the most, they should alert their counsel on retainer for possible litigation that will amount to a difficult defense.
. . .
If The Gateway Pundit isn’t what I’m suggesting it is, TGP should immediately retract its article and issue the apology to Ziegler and Marco Polo. If TGP doesn’t do those two things, it would appear that TGP is exactly what I’m suggesting it is – an operation that is subject to undue influence by the intelligence community – and those entanglements thread to Israel and China courtesy of XRVision.
The other thing The Gateway Pundit should do is notify counsel that it has defamed and committed libel against Ziegler and Marco Polo because of its own amateurish and shoddy reporting [smear tactics] and that litigation is now a distinct possibility.
I accessed the GWP article of January 27th linked in that Moonshine article. It has this update at the end, so maybe GWP is backtracking a little.
But in that same article, Joe Hoft posts some tweets that smear Ziegler. Hoft clearly asserts that there was “falsified data at the Marco Polo Group.” No room for inadvertent mistakes, just falsified. In my unprofessional opinion, I think Ziegler has grounds for a lawsuit.
So who is this person tweeting, and why is GWP relying on his opinion? Why is GWP so intent on discrediting Ziegler?
This doesn’t look good, though I hate this kind of infighting.
I’ve seen other sites cast doubt on Larry Johnson, but I don’t know how credible they are/were.
I’m still waiting for Jack Maxey to come forward with the data he promised at about Easter time last year, so there is that.
From the article:
I don’t have all the facts, but if GWP is trying to discredit something based on a one-hour time-stamp alone, without acknowledging there might be a simple explanation for it, then they have some ‘splainin’ to do.
If Political Moonshine is right TGP is in the throws of Convervative Inc, the alternative media arm of the GOPe, itself an arm of the Uniparty. IOW, they’re asserting that TGP is controlled opposition.
If they are, they have been hiding it well. GWP is a reliable source of MAGA news and seems unabashedly pro-Trump. Of course, controlled opposition should be difficult to spot. But we need to know the truth.
I haven’t heard from Jack Maxey lately (Gab), since mid-December:
American Pravda: Vaccines and the Mystery of Polio, by Ron Unz – The Unz Review
That’s a very long article that I haven’t finished reading. He describes how he thought anti-vaxers were basically nuts, then “I felt that their basic concern about the widespread use of a relatively untested medical technology might have possible merit. But on balance, the risks appeared smaller than the dangerous Covid epidemic it was intended to mitigate…” Then:
Oh, really? I don’t remember even one article about the sudden death of a young person attributing it to COVID, or even one that stated whether the person had had COVID or not.
I don’t know who this guy is, but he doesn’t seem able to see what is in front of his eyes. I thought this was a good comment in response:
Hey guys, check this out from GP
This development take from 30000 feet leads me to ask a series of questions
Assuming the following Russia did provide ACTUAL proof of biolabs in Ukraine
Russia is ACTIVELY routing, raiding, collecting data and possibly samples , and destroying said labs after they themselves revealed said labs to the WORLD at the UN.WITH proof of US Govt assistance and involvement in said labs.
Futher assuming that all the evidence to date shows that Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and Joe Biden’s brother were ALL involved in one way or another in Ukrainian oil and gas futures, politics, money laundering, transfers of funds, and the like.
I must now conclude that the “war” in Ukraine is to protect, cover up, bury evidence of both corruption, graft, the manipulation of the Ukrainian govt, the manipulation of NATO, the massive funding from Europe, the US, and NATO, is ALL for one thing to HIDE Hunter Biden (and by abstention Joe Biden) from any sunlight. The war is the personal defense of the Biden’s. PERIOD.
Now I know we all here KNEW that. But now ask WHY, REALLY why? We ALL knew thanks to Trump, Giuliani, and the fake impeachment, that Ukraine was DIRTY, REALLY DIRTY, and was the hot bed of laundering and graft for the Biden’s, Pelosi’s, Romney’s, GS, and God knows who else. We ALL knew that those families and individuals were ALL directly tied to Ukrainian oil and gas futures among “other” things.
The Cabal were fighting to prevent sunlight from hitting Ukraine, and interrupting their laundromat. From Obama and the Maiden “revolution” to Zelensky.
Hell, I even wrote a speculative article or two about the reasons why Ukraine was SO heavily defended from Trump, up to and including a phony impeachment over Trump merely ASKING Zelensky to look into the Biden’s corruption AFTER Zelensky had brought it up, now an obvious setup of Trump by Zelensky at the behest of his DS “masters”
I also thought originally that this was a war by Putin over the VAST oil reserves under the Danboss which was under constant AZOV terrorism since 2014. Putin went in to ostensibly protect two regions that were under Ukrainian (AZOV) oppressions, but were mostly Russian speaking and later voted to “rejoin Russia) These regions just happened to be where the two richest oil deposits in Europe were located
I naturally thought that our initial foray into Ukraine was to protect the Biden’s et a OIL FUTURES through Burissma from being taken over by Putin, a logical assumption.
I was WRONG. This is NOT about oil, the AZOV, corruption (hear me out, it is but NOT what you yet think) protecting the Donbass. It was not even about protecting the laundromat. Wait I’ll explain.
Some will recall that during Shampeachment, I wrote an article about that being about protecting a server located IN Ukraine. A Crowdstrike server. One that had ALL the DS dirt on it from names, places, events, shampeachment, Russia hoax, Clinton Foundation, Hillary emails, the WORKS.
That is IMHO still true, but that is NOT the smoking gun, not anymore. It IS a smoking gun, and it WILL bring them ALL down, but now I think there is something BIGGER. MUCH BIGGER.
PROTECT the Bidens, NOT for their graft, not for Burissma, not for the laundromat, not even for oil.
The Biden’s ARE the weak link that Trump and the white hats have been investigating, and Trump ALLOWED all this to happen to get to them, not with Biden as pResident per say, But all the evidence that was and IS coming out in not just drips now, but torrents, it ALL started with Shampeachment, By allowing it to “play out” Trump through Giuliani, and others was able to get UKRAINE on the chess board. He also was able to force Biden to run, and for the DS to make a move to “install” him. Once “installed” Biden could, would, DID, and is STILL protecting Ukraine by BILLIONS of dollars and weapons.
That in turn meant the DS had to, and still ARE protecting Biden. Not Joe, HUNTER.
Prepare to be enlightened.
Read the article I linked AGAIN.
On Jan 22nd 2022, Putin launched his campaign on Ukraine to free the Donbass. One of the FIRST things Zelesky MANDATED, not ordered, the destruction of ALL documents related to Metabiota. A company that just happened to be financed through Hunter Biden.
Now what is Metabiota? Well according to all I have read, it was a joint “pharmaceutical research” institution, one rated BSL 4. In other words a BIO LAB. Who was the “joint” cooperation with the Ukrainian ministry of medicine (eye roll) with?
Why that would be our old buddy Peter Daszak at Ecohealth alliance, you know the guys who were involved in Wuhan with gain of function research on a little thing called Covid 19. You know the guys that were funded by OUR NIH and NAID (and DARPA) by a little old guy named Fauci. You KNOW those guys that were at UNC and were BANNED by even Obama from doing their “research” in the US.
Now when was Hunter Biden’s involvement in Metabiota? Well it dates to Rosemont Seneca, Hunters OTHER investment firm and 2014. Now who was VP in 2014? Oh yeah, joe Biden, AFTER Obama had forbade GOF research in the US in 2014.
So… Joe’s SON Hunter, and his firm funded the construction of a joint US dept of Defense( DARPA), Ukrainian, NIH, and Ecohealth alliance BSL 4 Biolab in Ukraine, AFTER Obama shut down GOF “research in UNC because it was too DANGEROUS.
What pray tell was the specific nature of the UNC Eco health GOF research in 2014? Why that was bat corona viruses, just like…Covid 19.
That’s right folks, I am saying that we condemned the WRONG biolab. We all thought that this originated in Wuhan…but what if it DIDN’T? What if Wuhan was but one of many DARPA/NIH/Ecohealth sites? What IF the UNC research did NOT move from UNC to Wuhan, but moved to UKRAINE and THEN Wuhan and possibly elsewhere?
AH, NOW you see. China may have RELEASED Covid in Wuhan. But my bet is Covid was MADE elsewhere, someplace under MORE control. China could be used as the the big bad guy through the CCP, ALL the blame could be laid on the CCP, NOT where it REALLY lies, on US through DARPA/NIH/Ecohealth. How would it LOOK to the WORLD if Covid 19 and its origins were found in Ukraine at a US controlled, maintained, and FUNDED BSL4? A lab that was funded by the firm of the son of a former VP, no President of the US, one that keeps shoveling BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars into Ukraine and Zelensky to fight Russia, who EXPOSED the very existence of said labs.
Do you see the MESS the DS is now in? they HAVE to protect Biden. This war is ALL about that. Putin is shown both the ability and WILL to expose whatever “secrets” Ukraine has. Remember, Putin KNOWS. In 2014 a Russian proxy was Ukraine’s president, and the Maiden revolution ousted him. Then we have Chrimea. Putin knows what is up.
NO WAY Putin ALLOWS the US to put a BSL 4 lab (63 in all I think) on mother Russia’s border, in the breadbasket of the region, one that also has several important nuclear reactors AND a MAJOR land based Russian oil pipeline to Europe (LNG too).
When The Russian president was ousted by US aligned (Obama) Yatzenyuk, THAT is when both the oil rights with Burisma AND the Metabiota projects BEGAN.
Now one MUST ask ones self, what was Biden REALLY shaking down Yatzenuk for over a billion dollar US loan? Was Vikto Sholkin REALLY after Hunter for Burisma? Or was it for those Metabiota labs too? ALL in 2014-2015 timeframe.
When Biden visited, the famous one he recounted about “not getting the billion dollars” unless Sholkin was fired, was Metabiota already up and running? Were they ALREADY producing GOF research? Was Sholkin looking at not ONLY Burisma, but also Rosemont Seneca?
One thing is sure, Joe and Hunter MUST be protected at ALL costs, EVEN WW3. Now WHY would the DS risk that? They MUST have other laundromats like Syria, Nigeria,and others. We KNOW they have other BSL projects US funded, staffed, and OUTSIDE US law. SO WHY is Ukraine SO important?
WHY must Hunter be protected?
Because people, Hunter is not only inexorably tied to Ukraine through Rosemont Seneca, and Burisma. Not only is Hunter the sitting Presidents son. Hunter is ALSO tied to China, Russia, and other foreign govts. But THAT is not the problem. Hunter is a drug addled sex addict that is VERY sloppy. He has left mountains of evidence and ties on his laptops. Things yet unseen by the public. Things that very well could topple not only Joe Biden, but DARPA, and God knows what else in the US Govt.
I can tell you that Putin Knows or has a damn good Idea, and THAT is what he is after in Ukraine, and I bet there is something in the Donbass region besides OIL. Something Biden knows, the MIC knows, the DS knows, Zelensky knows and is using to bilk BILLIONS from both NATO, Europe, and the US to hide.
I think I now KNOW what the FBI was looking for at Mar a Lago. I know they are ACTIVELY looking for it in ALL former VP’s and Presidents (classified documents request from NARA). There are likely documents out there that confirm the US side, and they relate to Ukraine and what ever it is they are hiding there that is worth WW3.
I think these are classified documents that Biden, Obama, and Hunter have.
I think they KNOW Trump has them. I think they were, at least some of them ON Hunter’s laptop, or they leave a good trail TO them on his laptop.
Remember, not only the FBI has a copy of Hunter’s laptop. Rudy has one too. They already went after him. Wanna BET that Trump has it too, and more corroborating stuff that ONLY he could declassify.
Ever wonder WHY Trump rarely talks about Covid or the vaccine anymore? What IF he has documents from Hunters laptop, and those that he declassified, that PROVE we built Covid 19 AS a bioweapon? Talk about THE smoking gun that brings down the axe on ir ALL.
They MISSED at Mar a Lago. They DO NOT know what he HAS. They do however know what they can and ARE recovering from Joe Biden, and HAVE recovered from Hunter’s laptop. They are trying to cross the t’s here and connect the dots to what Trump has, or what Putin may find and release.
Zelenskys order to collect and BURN ANY documents from the MIISTRY OF DEFENSE, not HEALTH, in Ukraine on the eve of Putin’s invasion, and the subsequent shakedown of the world for HUSH money since, means its EARTH SHATTERING. Zelensky keeps demanding and they ALL keep giving more and MORE. Now it is weapons, and tanks, Trump is RIGHT soon it will be either troops or nukes. What in the WORLD would the US and the EU and NATO risk THAT over? Well, they were ALL in on the pandemic, so you tell me.
It sure isn’t about “saving the people of Ukraine” We are sending WEAPONS, not humanitarian aide. The MONEY never GETS to the people of Ukraine. This is very much NUCLEAR poker. Who is bluffing and who is HOLDING? Are we FOLDING, or going ALL IN? What kind of a hand are we facing, and what are our hole cards?
We sure don’t risk Nuclear war for the people of Ukraine. NO negotiations, NO peace talks, NO armistice. Just BUILD UP. WHAT is worth THAT?
Well what about proof of a world wide fake pandemic to over lord the countries of the WORLD including ABSOLUTE power over it, culling the sheep to maintain that control, instituting a regimen of a drug to continue that cull and continuing MORE GOF research on mutations to do it AGAIN.
Power. Power over elections through FEAR, then control over EVERYONE’s freedom livelihood, health, money, prosperity, mobility, school, entertainment, leisure, and MORE.
All manipulated, all coordinated, and ALL traceable IF the wrong crackhead leaked the wrong stuff via his laptop. Hunters laptop is the breadcrumbs that lead to the REAL smoking gun docs (that they THINK Trump has, and what Putin is looking for NOW)
If revealed, the DS is done, kaput, EXECUTED, literally any and ALL of them, ANYONE involved. ALL their assets FORFEITED. ALL their power gone, their plans dashed. their freedom gone, their lives ENDED. THAT is worth WW3 to them.
Sorry for length I may repost at my site.
Don’t apologize for the length, it’s very interesting and thought provoking.
For instance was fauci’s lot working with and helping finance wuhan in order to set them up as responsible for covid and also draw attention away from anything going on in the ukraine labs?
There HAS to be reason that they’ve been searching like Gollum and his precious…something so valuable is out there
March 2020
June 2020 (they trot out fact checkers)
Nov. 2020
Jan, 2021
Aug. 2021
There is very little doubt the DS has been involved in the murder of millions of people worldwide in the past and in the future from the COVID, related laws/policies, and the jabs.
American DS’ers are in league with others throughout the world. Look at the media associated with all of the above links except the last one.
He said, she said; when in reality they were all in on it.
Yup. IMO, WEF has a huge role in this.
Good theory and I certainly can’t imagine what white hat would bring about the needed forfeiture and execution but a girl can dream..
There is a REASON to do certain stuff in Ukraine and not in China. There are certain things in SARS-CoV-2 that appear unique among coronviruses, meaning they’re not actually IN the Chinese bat viruses. IMO they were either done in China, or in Ukraine. They would have been extremely dangerous gain of function. If done in China, they would have been done with CCP knowledge. If done in Ukraine, everybody would have been out of the loop. If driven by Fauci, I can see why they did it though Biden and Metabiota.
Yep, agreed. MORE US control in Ukraine than in CCP china. I believe China had PARTS of the research, but not all, and they released it as revenge for Trumps policies and tariffs.
The US, and Fauci et al would have KNOWN exactly what this was from the START, and in true liberal policy, NEVER let a crisis go to waste. Or, hell they may have ordered the release as a “test”. China has LOTS of “expendables.
Remember event 21 at John’s Hopkins. They GAMED this entire scenario about 3 months before it actually happened. They KNEW what they had. I ALWAYS called this a weapon, and I now more than ever believe that. This revelation in the GP article cinched it for me. WHY would Zelensky be in such a rush to MANDATE that. One would think there were other more important things to mandate at the eve or start of an invasion, but THIS order to destroy was paramount.
Zelensky is blackmailing the Cabal to keep him rich and ALIVE. I wonder what his shelf life would be IF the Russians could ever get ahold of him. I bet the Cabal would likely expire him before that could happen. Zelensky is playing a dangerous game of chicken. Wonder if he has a kill switch set up to reveal what he knows if he should suddenly expire.
I want to know how many in Congress know what is up. I imagine some are being blackmailed to go along with whatever is asked, but I bet some know the whole story, or most of it. Pelosi is one of them. And I wish Schiff could be given a truth serum and interrogated for hours.
Look at the votes on the funding bills – they know. Some know more details than others, but they know.
I GUARANTEE the gang of 8 know. I would bet HHS and Intel know at least parts of it. THAT is why they want Schiff and Swallwell on those committees, to see what the Reps are looking into, and leak it to the Cabal so they could do damage control before it becomes public.
ANOTHER…. Most AWESOME Post Rex. Thanks again for your insight.
check out what I just posted, I just might be RIGHT.
One of the Smart Ones here could see how this p-rex tale lines up with Q drops.
I am NOT Q. LOL, but I had not actually thought of the possible correlation. I might go fishing, just to see.
Have not dug in yet but this guy normally brings some good info.
I thought mentioned was also some good news I seemed to have missed that part. Assumes it comes in the next installment.
Meantime added Wolf’s recent thread for consideration.
Thanks for that tip!
Yeah, it looks like the detoxes themselves are discussed later.
Well, the hell of it is, if the spike really has crossed into the cell nucleus, dragging mRNA with it, how on Earth would you detox from that?
If the spike were just floating around in the blood, I know stuff to detox the blood. Same with major organs. But all of the organ’s cells?
I just don’t know whether I think it’s possible.
If it actually gets incorporated into the genome, somehow (though I think that might only be an issue with the Johnson and Johnson vax) there’s no changing it back.
I know. But I thought all the recent discussion was that all of the vaxxes did that?
OK I am NOT a biochemist and I am NOT a molecular biologist, but as far as I know RNA doesn’t get into your DNA except in very special circumstances. DNA is used to make RNA, RNA is read to produce proteins. The reverse process is rare.
Now…maybe those circumstances apply here. But J&J was actually a DNA “vaccine” if memory serves.
DNA is supposed to be the “master copy”. It sends out RNA “working copies” to various parts of the cell to — among other things — produce proteins.
But, as we’ve learned with computers, data can be programs and programs can be data. The genetic code in RNA can include specific instructions to insert code into the nucleus, and also specific instructions to insert code into DNA.
It can be seen as “very special circumstances” if it happens in the wild; but it can be pre-programmed and reproducible if designed.
Thanks, Steve.
As I understand RNA, it is a “message” to your DNA to “do” something. And if it tells it to do something “wrong,” that’s a problem.
It’s usually a message *from* the DNA, not to it. Typically, it’s just built from one of the two strands of the helix; it is a way to move the genetic sequence to where it will be transcribed into a protein. At least, that’s one use of it. Sometimes it ends up as part of enzymes…I think.
If you have a DNA sequence (making one up at random)
(the two strands) the DNA is split apart and RNA is used to temporarily complete one double strand though if I recall correctly U substitutes for T (It substitutes for one of the four, I just can’t remember for sure which one):
AGTTCAGAA (One strand of the DNA)
UCAAGUCUU (complementary RNA, which has one strand)
TCAAGTCTT (The other strand of the DNA)
Then the RNA leaves the nucleus and that RNA sequence is read to manufacture a protein; essentially it’s the means by which RNA is used to specify proteins.
There are other kinds of RNA out there and as Cthulhu said there is a backward channel infrequently used in nature, that could be exploited deliberately.
I wish I had paid more attention in biology class!
The more we learn of Covid, and the Injections, the worse it gets.
If I got it right, the spike can alter DNA. How in the world is that unfucked? <<< Hope I have it wrong.
Getting into all the organs, even most or many.
A side issue, the positive Covid case numbers are hugely suspicious. Crappy Covid tests were rampant. May still be. So Covid cases, are smaller than reported. It’s still terrible.
We knew that from the beginning. It’s gonna change your DNA. But change it to what? How do they know what the change is gonna be? Will the change multiply? Is it safe? How much experience do they have doing this?
Whatever happened to reason and common sense?
Seems to me there’s only ONE all knowing that has that info.
People playing HIM is a big NO NO. It always ends BADLY.
I’ll try to address that in my post. About to start working on it.
Cool! Can’t wait.
Surprise! FBI searched Penn Biden Center in November – HotAir
You just triggered a thought.
Happen FJB’s lawyers came the files marked secret whilst they were actually looking for something else. Making a fuss about the secret files would draw all the media attention.
What if they were looking for anything that connected FBJ and hunter to the ukraine bio labs.
Max Blumenthal (NOT a Neocon!!!) discusses Zelensky’s announcement tha The Ukraine is being sold ….
to BlackRock, Goldman Sachs (who are NeoCons!!!) …
I saw a report about this at least a year ago. No one appears to be doing anything about it.
Alastair Crooke’s latest:
Lying is bad. Pain comes swiftly.
I’m still having a hard time believing he’s a doctor. A crazy theory that he is impersonating a doctor would be more believable to me. (Those medical papers would have been written by the real doctor, LOL.) The fact that I’ve seen a pic of him in a legitimate medical setting is the only thing that gives it credibility. 😅 He is the antithesis of my idea of how a professional in any field comports him- or herself.
I agree. But remember a “doctor” only needs a Ph.D. not an M.D. or medical experience.
And Wolf can tell you that fruity people often get affirmative action in Asylum Academia.
Aha! People of color always get passing grades, thereby failing upwards.
Just like the kids. They can only keep them back one grade. If they fail again, they still get promoted. Teachers are good at ‘fixing grades’. I’ve seen it. If they don’t pass them, it looks bad on the teachers, the school, the state, and stops the money. 🤑🤑
The ‘I was lying to impress a date’, ‘I’m calling the police’ and ‘breaking the iPad’ video was hillarious. What Doctor acts like that? A cornered Rat Doctor??
IKR At first I thought he was a fake who’d made a fool of PV.
I wonder now if he is a lot more devious than we thought and was purposefully acting out that stupid stuff in the restaurant just to make us doubt he worked for pfizer.
George Webb did the heavy lifting getting this info to PV. Here’s a brief discussion with him and O’Keefe. Not on twitter but I’ve been following Webb’s search for the past few days.
Col Douglas Macgregor
Understatement of the day.
U.S. Not Prepared To Take On Russia. <<< D U H !
Favorite MacGregor comment. Something very close to…
“Even though we ca’t see it clearly, what we are seeing is the beginning of the end of NATO.”
mine too Kal …
Still chuckling at ‘Austria and Hungary declined the invitation to send weapons’ 🤣 Isn’t NATO backing this mission? Aren’t A and H members? They gonna keep their weapons in case they need them? It’s all falling apart, none of them are committed to backing what they started. Where’s Merdkul? (and JW in Germany for that matter?💓) Putin’s gearing up to take the WHOLE ENCHILADA and be at the EU’s back door step. And Creepy’s folks finally realize they’ve lost and want to back out too. Please, pretty please Vlad, if we give you half of UKR will you pleeeez stop? HA HA Zelensky, you trusted us, you better RUN Boy!! FOOLS, all of them!!! 🤣🤣
Wyoming Library Director and Children’s Librarian shock community by defending obscene books for children – and threatening county officials with lawsuit.
After constant pressure from local MassResistance parents, County Commission had called special meeting over library book problem.
Library staff uses absurd ALA talking points to bully and confuse officials.
January 31, 2023
In Gillette, Wyoming, the outrage by MassResistance parents over the graphic sexual and homosexual books for youth in their county public library has continued to grow. But now the parents and their public officials realize that the library staff defends all its actions – and won’t back down an inch. The staff sees no problem with horribly obscene material in the hands of children and refuses to make any “judgments” about it.
. . . MORE . . .
Aren’t there laws against providing children access to obscene materials?
County, city, someone pass an ordinance or some sort of guidance.
If all else fails, #defund library.
Cutting salaries would get their attention. 😎
Handcuffs and a lengthy stay in the hoosegow would get their FULL attention.
Unvax Blood Banks Are Popping Up Everywhere. Check this out:
Hmmm. So are unvax blood donors on their “honor”? Or is there a verification process.
(need more info…)
Yes for sure. Im a rarer type and ive always been hounded fir donations.
Looking at the answers to the FAQ’s it seems the unvaxed can appear to be the same as vaxed because of shedding…
“Regardless of whether a donor advertises as being unjected, “shedding” in which mRNA components pass from the jected to the unjected can occur. A week before and the day of surgury, I would require the donor be tested. There is a Rapid, Point-Of-Care, SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Test based on Hemagglutination developed by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. As of January 29, 2022, I am told that this test is still in clinical trials and is not currently sold at this time BUT there are other similar POC antibody tests available today for purchase.”
My understanding is the jabbed, submit lots of personal information, prior to getting jabbed. So, there should be a huge data base, of jabbed.
Folks wanting to be on the unjabbed list, should be required to, voluntarily allow a search of the jabbed data base. If they don’t agree, they can’t be on the unjabbed list.
Looks like a good way to collect a list of unjabbed people that could be valuable to *certain* people. On the other hand, we do need a blood bank of unvaxed blood.
They already have an unjabbed list, by default.
The only way I’d consider being in an unvax blood bank, is IF there those donating, are verified unvaxed.
So that place is in Illinois. Wonder if they have TX locations? I’m due to donate soon, almost scheduled appt today. Now I have homework. Thanks NE. 😄
I’m guessing that its only a matter of time for them or another company to do this EVERYWHERE !
I found this Their FAQ section is extensive. Almost registered, but NO, they want credit card. They’re trying to build infrastructure and also get hospitals to establish donor network. Just tell me where to donate when you’re done.
GOOD and TY !
(try to get that link into the “right” hands !)
They’re working in 16 countries so far, need to HURRY UP! 😉
About 100 engineers have emailed us in the past 24 hours with interest in working on Gab AI. Overwhelming, but exciting! If you have AI/ML/Chat GPT experience and think you can help reach out:
Gab embracing, Fake Intelligence.
Some good outline on where he’s going with this. . .
Christians Must Enter the AI Arms Race
JANUARY 27, 2023
Comments from Evangelical Dark Web
(thought this might interest you, Michael !)
I think Torba is absolutely right! Free AI *is* based, in my experience. PCAI (woke AI) seems like it’s already learning how to dissemble, hand-wave, prevaricate, and contradict its own observations to placate its masters.
We still have to improve the “fake intelligence” system dramatically. The ability to make stuff up on the fly by doing internet searches is a technique that I traditionally refer to as “BS’ing” – only now we’ve programmed a computer to do it.
ChatGPT can actually reason, and it was showing some excellent reasoning initially, but as soon as they started adding woke constraints to it, the performance plummeted, and it started making scientific errors.
No form of intelligence can evade the fact that blocking off areas from consideration reduces the odds of finding the correct answer. Free AI will beat Woke AI. Even “less woke” AI will beat Woke AI. Which means, in the long run, Russian and Chinese AI will beat American AI. There’s no getting around it. But we (Christians) are in the best position of all, IMO, as long as we don’t make the same mistakes.
Tragic: Fully Vaccinated and Boosted 6-Year-Old Child Dies Suddenly
I believe she was murdered by the powers that be in the world medical establishment. She was a twin. May she RIP and may her family not succumb. What sorrow and trauma for her poor twin.
The mother was a nurse at Akron Children’s Hospital in Boardman and is therefore probably brainwashed, IMO.
I believe she was murdered by the powers that be in the world medical establishment.
^^^ Includes Anastasia’s Piece Of Shit mother, a “nurse”. <<< Authorized the jabs.
Brainwashed by the entire medical profession, who influenced her employer directly, and surrounded her with people of like mind. She is responsible, but I think she thought she was doing the right thing. I imagine people like this would find it the hardest to face not only what was done to them, but what they have done to others as well.
Willingly blind, deaf and dumb to what is going on.
Anastasia mother needs to be bitch slapped into next week.
She has more children she’ll likely get boosted…
When is this $h!T gonna STOP?!??
Here’s a little something that may be of interest to a few of the ladies here (maybe even a few of the gents !)
Deplorable Patriot
Knitting and Crochet
Hello fellow Gabbers – I am thinking about reopening my online yarn and notions store again but am trying to figure out what is the best place to setup and online store. My 9-5 job uses Wix which is ok and fairly easy to use but they nickel and dime you on everything. I bought my domain name from godaddy but don’t know much about their website building software. I thought about square but I am just not sure. Anyone have any experience with any of these or know a better one?
Ocean life is seeding the clouds above it, and the modellers didn’t know « JoNova (
BLM riots incoming.
He just went psycho and stabbed someone in the lung.
Why don’t their tasers work?
That whole situation is musssssed up!!
They need to BLARE this on YUGE screens in all Dem cities!!