Let’s hop to it.
The 2024 GOPe Roadmap Appears Modified to Use Republican Governors Association
Hunter Biden’s Art Dealer to Consult Legal Services Before Pledging to Testify
6 Reasons The NYT’s Hit Job On John Durham’s Imminent Report Instantly Unravels
Ford’s slashing Mustang Mach-E prices in latest volley in EV price wars
Move Over, Jayson Blair: Meet Hamilton 68, the New King of Media Fraud
Classified Documents Are A New Potential Trap For Any Politician Who Crosses The Deep State
Government is Americans’ top problem – poll
Pentagon Can’t Account for $220 Billion of Gear Given to Contractors
Again with this crap?
Nolte: Cheaper to Drive Gas-Powered Car 100 Miles than Average Electric Car
I’m sensing a trend regarding electric vehicles.
President Trump Calls Out “The Club for No Growth’ and Karl Rove
Is Donald Trump Worth The Fight?
Taking on the Would-be Destroyers of America
The root of our problems as a nation
Post-Roe Principles
Another electric vehicle piece:
First, They Lied About the Range . . .
Pfizer Virus Mutations Aren’t the Only Inconvenient Truth About Project Veritas’s Latest Scoop
The Path to Persecution
This one is a bit of stretch, IMO, but it looks like John Roberts may be approaching microscope level of sunlight.
At the Supreme Court, Ethics Questions Over a Spouse’s Business Ties
Johnson & Johnson can’t invoke bankruptcy to stop cancer lawsuits, court says
Beattie gets candid with Bannon… explains little known difference between Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy…
Agreed. The current two parties are more like combined fraternity and sorority clubs than anything else.
It’s creeping out to the ‘burbs here. In Mid-County, there are two parking lots where I smell it regularly.
Ooh. We’ll see how this turns out.

President Trump’s new Truth Social profile pic. War paint?

Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

HEBREWS 12:4-7, 11-15
4In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. 5And have you forgotten the exhortation which addresses you as sons? — “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor lose courage when you are punished by him. 6For the Lord disciplines him whom he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.” 7It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 11For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant; later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. 12Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, 13and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed. 14Strive for peace with all men, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. 15See to it that no one fail to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” spring up and cause trouble, and by it the many become defiled;
MARK 6:1-6
1He went away from there and came to his own country; and his disciples followed him. 2And on the sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue; and many who heard him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get all this? What is the wisdom given to him? What mighty works are wrought by his hands! 3Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon, and are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. 4And Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.” 5And he could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands upon a few sick people and healed them. 6And he marveled because of their unbelief. And he went about among the villages teaching.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
12 Life Hacks To Avoid Looking At Women In The Gym
- Gouge out your eyeballs: A trusted biblical solution!
- Punish yourself for peeking by dropping a barbell on your own neck: It’s hard to stare at girls with a crushed larynx.
- Picture every woman at the gym as Elizabeth Warren: Unless you have a thing for Elizabeth Warren. Then don’t do that.
- Go to a jungle gym instead: No hot women, but you may have to fight an 8-year-old kid for the monkey bars.
- Do all your workouts facing the corner like you’re in timeout: No one will think you’re weird.
- Run for Congress and ban women’s activewear: It’s time to pass the Gym Decency Act!
- Wear women’s activewear so the women stare at you instead: My eyes are up here, lady!
- Ask MrBeast to reverse the eye surgery he bought for you: Functional eyes will only get you in trouble.
- Become gay: Staring doesn’t count if you’re gay.
- Become a member at Beefcake All-Men’s Gym down the road: Wait, this is a gay gym!
- Close your eyes while running on the treadmill: It will be fine.
- Just give up on all fitness goals: McDonald’s is closer to your house than the gym is, anyway. MMmmm… McDonald’s…
On this day…February 1st 1992
Linux Kernel License Changed to Public GPL
On this day 1992, Linus Torvalds released version 0.12 of the Linux kernel. This new version was licensed under the GNU General Public License, replacing a license Torvalds had self-drafted which had not allowed commercial redistribution. In modern times, the Linux kernel is now used in millions of devices, including the world’s most powerful supercomputers and everything running the Android operating system.
Those were the days!
Linux has also “taken over” much of the “plumbing” of the internet — running firewalls, routers, private industrial servers (like NetFlix boxes), and cloud computing. It’s even inside printers.
….and, of course, most websites run on some version of a “LAMP stack” — Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP — which is all managed by a Content Management System like WordPress.
Which reminds me of a sign in our R&D lab a few companies back:
“Heaven is where the help is English, the cooks are French, the lovers are Italian, and it’s all managed by the Swiss.
Hell is where the help is French, the cooks are English, the lovers are Swiss, and it’s all managed by the Italians.”
[The chief engineer was Swiss. The owner of the company was of Italian descent.]
There are a whole bunch of Asian versions of this, which I heard all the time from Asian guys, but the essential point is that the American house and Japanese wife were to be found in heaven, and the Chinese house and American wife were invariably features of hell! Chinese food and Japanese cars were also typically found in heaven, while English food was always in hell.
When I was in Europe for my first time, at the tender age of 15, we were on a long-ish train ride. I’d struck up a conversation with a youth who wanted to practice his English and proposed that we tell each other jokes. The thing is that there is always some region or nationality that is known for being thick and/or slow — but I was a stupid American and didn’t want to accidentally give offense…..so I let him choose the nationality. He chose “Silesian”.
So I lead off with a classic. A guy comes into a bar and can barely contain himself from laughing. He walks up to the bartender and says, “I’ve just heard the best Silesian joke…..”
And the bartender raises his hand and says, “in all fairness, you should know that I’m Silesian. The big guy by the door is our Silesian bouncer. And most of the workmen here at the bar are also Silesian…..so, are you certain you want to tell this Silesian joke?”
And the guy says, “gotcha. I’ll tell it verrrrrryyyy sloooowwwwwlllllyyyy.”
LOLOL!!!!! So, if this person is Polish, Czech or German or Silesian, and I am STILL blond, does this story still work?
Just asking for a LOT of blond friends who like jokes.
If A is telling the joke to B, they must agree on a C that the joke can make fun of — it doesn’t really matter.
There has to be some agreement, however, because when B goes “hey, my sister-in-law is C”, then playtime is over.
OK, so I will play, since you may be ‘B’ or ‘C’.
My quick blond joke…because blond jokes are never long ones…is this one:
“What did the pregnant Blond say to her boyfriend?”
“Is it mine?”
When I was young, I was a towhead. I was blond through my twenties, and my hair went mouse-colored briefly before it started going grey.
So, yes, I know a bunch of blond jokes.
Ha!!! Mine has actually lightened UP!!! And maybe my IQ!!!!! LOLOL!
I started out as a vivid redhead, horribly RED, and now, a strawberry blond, so I have a way to go!
I will pray for your hair color and keep me posted on blond jokes. We need all we can!
Are you rolling on the floor yet?
Or am I even too fair-haired yet? LOLOL!
A Frenchman is bicycling home from work when he notices something odd off to the side of the road. Instead of going straight home, he goes to the local Magistrate.
“Sir, I have to report — on my way home just now, I saw Jean-Claude fucking a corpse at the edge of the pear orchard.” The Magistrate, alarmed, calls the Chief of the Gendarmarie. “This man saw Jean-Claude sexually abusing a lifeless body on the edge of the pear orchard on the road to Sur-du-Nord. Investigate at once!”
The Chief calls one of his senior investigators, who immediately heads to the scene and observes it with binoculars. Returning to the Magistrate, he issues his report.
“Jean-Claude is, indeed, sexually active with an unmoving female near the pear orchard…..but she is not dead, merely English.”
Oh, my!
Horrifically funny!
You forgot, and the engineers are German
You want british cops in heaven too.
In hell, the cops are German and the auto mechanics are French. Oh and the joke I heard it was Italian cooks and French lovers.
That was probably at a company not owned by an Italian.
I remember a version with six or seven nationalities involved. French mechanic, German cop were hell.
“Heaven is where the police are British, the cooks are French, the mechanics German, the lovers Italian and it’s all organised by the Swiss.
Hell is where the chefs are British, the mechanics French, the lover’s Swiss, the police German and it’s all organised by the Italians.”
Another one:
The tragedy of Canada is they could have had French cuisine, American technology and British culture. Instead they ended up with British cuisine, French technology and American culture.
NOTHING beats English cooks for YUCK!
I never knew asparagus was not grey slime until I went to college. I HATED cooked veggies and always ate mine raw as a kid.
‘boiled an extra day in honor of the Queen’ was Mom’s motto.
I suppose we need one of these….
Note how many times the song says “GPL”. It really was (is) a BFD.
It’s the reason Linux is everywhere while SCO and IBM still fight over the bones of UNIX.
Software under the GPL can never be fully orphaned. It may be cannibalized and change names, but it can be reanimated.
OK, I will admit…I am BLOND and have no CLUE!
‘Bout whut?
Linux, but whatever!
Oh my gosh, you ARE funny!
Wolf, do you ever edit these massive comments????
LOLOLOL!!!!! So, First Amendment!!!!!
God bless!
Editing comments is so DEMOCRAT. Can’t stand it. Even my own.
“And UNIX had only been around for 20 years at that point” — Hubby.
Amazing – Linux first released 22 years past the epoch, and here we are 53 years past the epoch with only 15 years left before the end of time!
This meme…..
…..confirms something I thought earlier, with this tweet….
I just realized something, when I thought about how “wolf-whistling” no longer TEACHES KIDS normal adult male sexuality. The left-woke feminist puritanism was designed to suppress NORMAL heterosexuality FIRST.
The LEFT needed all signs of normalcy suppressed, to instill their FAKE NORMAL successfully.
They leveraged Alinsky very successfully there, by making us live up to our rules, WHEN those rules helped their strategy.
Alinsky had big fish to fy
To fry… namely Christianity, the Bible & finally the Constitution
Great point, Wolfie. They did it by attacking men AND marriage-as-a-form-of-female-oppression. A double whammy.
And it all heads toward depop and control.
They taught women to be offended at every normal form of flirtation.
WOW. You’re RIGHT.
“They taught women to be offended at every normal form of flirtation.”
That sums it up quite well.
Black and white movies did things all the time and it wasn’t considered weird or offensive.
But feminists’ primary tool is weaponized offense. They made everything men did seem offensive. Lots of walking on eggshells unsued.
Not me
I thought it amusing that Middleton clearly heard it, knew what it was, and carried-on in good
humorhumour.I like her even more for that!
She knew that it meant she was hot. Most females like to know they draw looks.
Most females from my youth secretly appreciated such whistles as a measure of their attractiveness. It was considered crude – the trick was to be in a group of males so that the actual whistler could stay anonymous.
It also worked nicely on groups of women, because they could all think it was meant for themselves.
This thread of memes is ‘laugh out loud’ funny. Repeatedly!!!! Great selections, DPat
Who knew camels could eat prickly cactus…
WOW. Camels. That’s just amazing.
My comment on the substack exposing Bruce Y. Lee’s horrible and lying defense of Dr. Walker as “not being an employee of Pfizer” was as follows:
Wolf Moon
5 min ago
Excellent work. My first encounter with Bruce Y. Lee was when he tried to “fact check” Karen Kingston’s allegation that PEGylated graphene oxides were being used in the mRNA jabs. Lee didn’t even acknowledge in his “fact check” that graphene derivatives are absolutely phenomenal at temperature stabilization of mRNA vaccines, which of course is the motive for using them. Nor did he say a word about the shocking circumstantial evidence that Kingston had found. Nor – of course – did he mention that graphene biomedical applications are absolutely massive in China, where the lipid nanoparticles for the vaccines are made, those PGOs being a top product of the same firm that makes the lipids for Pfizer and Moderna. All of this stuff is extremely well documented, and he touches none of it. Instead, he quotes a submitted content label on a US government website. He never touched Kingston’s allegation that the PGO was being snuck in as a trade secret, because HEY – that’s too plausible, and would totally discredit his defense. The guy simply can’t be trusted. Big pharma is filled with criminals, and this connection explains Bruce Y. Lee very nicely. I had thought maybe he was CCP. Nope. He’s BFP.
I gave him the link to this site’s post on the graphene stuff, too!
This is epic! “You keep dragging players in” to things that have nothing to do with sports.
This is most excellent!
I noticed that the Aussie media tried to depict her as something other than what she was. They said she “blasts,” “slams” in a “heated exchange.” Hardly…hers was an adult response to media’s childish behavior.
She was far to polite. IMO. But she did make a great point, that needed to be made.
Yes…& her measured demeanor helped to highlight the press agenda/ extremism.
Very sick.
WOW. That’s an AMAZING psychological clarification attack. BRAVO!!! It’s actually rather brilliant. People may indeed say “why am I getting angry about this? Should I be defending this?”
This Newsweek article is spot on for the most part, which makes me suspicious about Newsweek’s motives for publishing it. Do they see the writing on the wall? It does say that it represents the author’s opinion and not theirs.
It’s Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost Lives | Opinion
Newsweek does post a fair number of “opinion” pieces that are non-woke or anti-woke in character.
This one has a couple of statements that are pro-vaccine. McCullough chose to disagree with one of them.
I’m glad Dr. McCullough has spoken up. That’s why I said it was a good article “for the most part.” There is almost always something off. They have to continue pushing vaxes, and when Trump is involved, trashing him.
Yup. I think they’re creeping “normal” over to some new safe space for the regime.
Engagement is growing Wolf. 334 with your reply there and two others bringing their own stuff to the argument. The truth is getting out.
Kevin Bass: “I believed that the authorities responded to the largest public health crisis of our lives with compassion, diligence, and scientific expertise.”
Then you disqualify yourself from even remotely serious consideration — because the ‘authorities’ don’t operate that way, about anything.
What are you, five years old?
It’s like saying you believed in Santa Claus until last week, because the government told you so.
Admitting it doesn’t enhance your credibility, it just casts doubt on your judgment about anything else.
Though this may be ghoulish, Kevin Bass’ response strikes me as “whistling past the graveyard.”
^^^ And this.
^^^ This.
“All of these were scientific mistakes at the time,”
They weren’t scientific mistakes, they were overt lies.
Yup. They’re in the BARGAINING stage.
^^^ This.
Eff ’em.
Let our Creator sort it out. I am in the protect and serve stage for those who have been abused by murderous criminals.
A great story highlighting the hyprocrisy and absurdity of political correctness.
University Removes Slave-Owning Benefactor’s Name, His Family Demands Their $51 Million Back
Such a farce. Communists!
That’s the most epic clapback in modern times !
Great point! Let’s get it on!
If the GOP was in prison, time would be of the essence.
Global Freezing! It’s a threat! Do something!!!
Throw petroleum onto a bonfire.
Where’s Al Gore? Need a public comment.
Gore needs to give the money back he made with global warming. He lied.
Love it!
Greg Price:
They’re not willing to give up this means of control.
We can use this. We can turn those lemon votes into amazing lemonade. But I’m not going to broadcast my strategy.
I thought this was supposedly why FJB announced he’s ending it May 11th. To save them the blowback from being obliged to vote against it.
Among other items of communist control, it impacts ballot harvesting too much. Oopsie.
Control and money. They need to dish out still millions in emergency money.
Report: Nikki Haley to Announce for President February 15

March 15 would be SO much better!
The Ides of March?
Yeah, not gonna sneak that mistake past her phalanx of dubious RINO and neocon advisors, unless they can be hypnotized into thinking it will spook Trump!
She’ll win, if the Deep State wants her to.
Remember, voters are not part of the process anymore.
I have not given up yet!
She is deep state I saw a pic she was with CIA Brennan.
Nikki, WEF wench, IIRC.
Guessing Nikki forgot she told Trump to his face, she would not run against him.
Wow! I’m sure he will use that.
She lied.
Haley the war mongered two faced …..
George Washington, General Orders, August 23, 1776
From the same orders:
Where have I heard “regulation” applied to armed men before?
Oh, yes…. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
OK – our sci-fi fans will like this.
Peter McCullough’s website partner did a post about the original science fiction story where the term bladerunner came from. It’s fascinating!
The bottom line is that there is a lot of parallel in both the MOVIE and the name-originating story (which is quite different) to what is going on in COVID world.
The Tyrell connection is actually a lot stronger than people realize, IMO, given that I think COVID and the vaccines have a gene editing aspect due to the whole PRRARSV thing.
There was a tweet about Harari and WEF and CRISPR that I saw but forgot to bookmark – if anybody remembers it, please post a link here!
I found it!!!
HA! It was DP’s tweet above! I searched all the older threads, and Twitter, and it was here all the time!
In any case, this is big. I am positive that WEF, Harari, Fauci, and that gang were behind this whole effort.
Dr. Stella Immanuel is awesome… even her accent makes me smile
Or maybe it’s especially her accent, now that I think about it!
She is. I like her spiritual language for things we describe in more technical terms, but she’ basically saying the same thing an American female physician would, using medicine and psychology. It’s refreshing to hear things put so differently.
What I find really remarkable right now, is that all the “disinformation” people on our side (like Carrie Madej, Jane Ruby, Stew Peters, and others) were right in spirit but just missing the actual technology the GloboCrims were using. Our “disinfo” people KNEW something was wrong with the shots, and that they were ushering in transhumanism, but they simply didn’t understand the technology, which was only hidden by a few lies, but otherwise was RIGHT IN OUR FACES.
^^^ Great post – literally.
It is all hidden right in front of our faces. All of it. The job is to shine a light on all of it using truth and not contribute to the lies by using theories and falsehoods that mislead away from the search for the truth.
We need to trust the Lord will provide the enforcers that are needed, although truth in and of itself is an end.
Much of what we see is the march toward transhumanism. As an example somebody will need to explain ssslllooowwwlllyyy for me and “slow guy” how any of what we are seeing and experiencing in this transhumanism march is different in practice than what we read in Gen. 11:1-9 and the Tower of Babel.
We can be as gods…
WEF is just the current version.
The modern day anti-Yahweh people who continue to seek to be as gods themselves reframe the narrative, lie and attempt to explain the historical accuracy of the Bible away as stories and myths. You can tell which publishers and authors who are godless by their quoting of these Biblical stories in this manner. As an example, even the secularists agree that there probably was a Tower of that time in called Bab-ilu, “Gate of God” in ancient Babylon. They then proceed to blow it off as a nothing.
It is interesting to me that you use the Babel account. I have been wondering what method God might choose for the next attempt by humans to control the world. Do you have any thoughts on that?
It’s all well documented in the book of Revelation.
Assuming that we are on the brink of the end of history then you are correct. I guess it may be time to watch the sky for extraordinary astronomical events.
Other than End Times in Revelation – since we are subject to I AM’s timing decision for it – there may be more than one method He uses until the wrap up.
The most obvious to me would be to reveal a change in the DNA that is triggered by their actions – something they had no clue would occur that undermines everything they have built to control the world. So much of what they assert as fact or truth are reasoned conclusions that may be anything but true.
Successful gaslighting for a time is still just gaslighting. The pilot light gets extinguished eventually.
There are obvious massive events that can happen in the world and universe to stop them that may be unrelated to End Times prophecy. What if our primary method of communication via satellites is wiped out by a solar or other celestial event? We could speculate on an on.
Do you have any methods in mind?
I am clueless on the method but it would seem that the goal of such an intervention would be to completely degrade their ability to communicate with one another, just like Babel. How that would be done I do not know but their are some clues in Scripture. The approach I refer to is in Isaiah chapter 19: 2-16 but particularly 11-16. That would seem to do the trick.
Yup. Harari is clearly not experienced in getting useful lessons out of the Bible, and even more so in applying them to his own life and theories. Anybody who wants to “fix” what Stalin and Hitler did wrong, is so far down the wrong track, that they’re fully in pursuit of error.
Keep digging boys; we can still see the sky.
In case it’s not entirely obvious, my advice is not to take any vaccine at this point.
Wasn’t planning to. No trust left. If I get bit by a rabid coon, I guess I’m just gonna die of rabies.
We’ll research the vaccine. No mRNA. It’s imperative that we REFUSE all mRNA vaccines, which basically prevents the technology from working.
More related posts. I think this thing has tentacles.
Wolf Moon
Fabulous, go for it!
Yours Truly believes this “compartmentalization” extends also places like Baric’s lab at UNC.
Hiding in plain sight.
Compartmentalization. Simplistic, yet brilliant to put in play, when EVIL is involved.
IF true, the documents Russia may have from Ukraine, could blow this wide open.
I think Fauci and EcoHealth. GRANTS!!!
Absolutely. Paper trail in the financial world. Also aplies to DoD.
Only USG funding that likely can’t be discovered is, spook world, hiding behind, “it’s classified”.
Or off the books. After all that is what all the Drugs the CIA brings into the USA is for. Funding…
Off the ‘official’ books. There’s always ‘books’ when money moves; they just ain’t official.
Do not forget that Australian lab. I am sure there were others all around the world.
Wolf, I agree with the compartmentalization and believe the Pfizer lab in Kazakhstan was also part of it….I have some aggregated information that I’d like to share, that ties Kazakhstan back to Hunter and Joe Biden and the US Military but would like your permission before I post a large amount of information on the issue..
Would you like me to make you an author so you can just do a post?
Thank you for your offer Wolf, but unfortunately, I’m mentally disabled due to pharmaceutical poisoning and my brain cannot decipher/comprehend even the easiest of computer directions, so I have to decline your generous offer.
I will just continue posting small bits and pieces here and there as I did further down the page and hope that’s okay. :0)
The best way so it can be read is to post a comment and then use reply under that comment. That way the information is not scattered.
Thanks Gail…appreciate it…
I am glad you saw the comment! Hope it helps.
Sure! Or even longer ones, if you want. Gail and P rex post huge ones all the time. Not a problem!
Thanks Wolf.. :0)
‘Compartmentalization’ was used on the nuclear bomb and on the Apollo Space craft. That is why Dad, Hubb and a caving buddy all worked on bits and pieces and never even knew what it was they were working on until long afterwards.
I have watched Wolf circling his prey with great joy.

Is there such a thing as a movie or a message from the government?
All the time. Predictive programming helps insure that people react in a certain way.
Thanks DP for the Dolores Claiborne interlude. Not a Stephen King fan except for this movie, which is one of my favorites.
Lived in Maine for a while. It still haunts me. Maine’s a very beautiful, but complex place. Mr. Elfman’s music captures it well.
IMO, Danny Elfman is one of the best orchestral composers we have right now. Most of the good orchestral music is movie scores these days.
Speaking of movie scores. Thankful ya shared this one a couple years back. Awesome, in my mind.
Hubby was just showing me this video a couples days ago–great minds!
Dang, Wolf. I cannot figure what is going on tonight!!!!
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, February 1, 2023
“And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.”
1 John 4:16 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Jab, Jab, Jab That Booster Shot
H/T kalbokalbs
Now I’m a fella with a heart of gold
With the ways of gentlemen I’ve been told
A kind of a guy that wouldn’t harm a flea
But if me and a certain character met
The guy that invented the WuFlu jab
I’d murder that POS in the first degree
I didn’t take a jab for myself
‘Cause I reckoned it’ll hurt my health
I nixxed them all and never was sick bad
But them jab slaves are all the same
At a pettin’ party or poker game
Everyone’s gotta say they had the jab
At a game of chance the other night
Ol’ Dame Fortune was doin’ me right
The kings and queens just kept comin’ round
I got a full house and I bet it high
But my bluff didn’t work on a certain guy
He just kept raisin’ and layin’ his money down
He’d raise me and I’d raise him
And I sweated blood, I gotta sink or swim
He finally called and didn’t raise the bet
I said “aces full pal, how about you?”
He said “I’ll tell you in a minute or two
Then he Pfizer flopped . . . just another bad debt
Jab, jab, jab…
Now the other night I had me a date
With the cutest little gal in the fifty states
One of them highbred up-town fancy dames
She said she loved me and it seemed to me
That things were ‘bout like they oughta be
So hand in hand we strolled down Lover’s Lane
She was oh so far from a chunk of ice
And our smoochin’ party was a goin’ nice
I told her my true love was now found
I give her a kiss and a little squeeze
And she said “would you excuse me please”
Then she fell over backwards on the ground
Jab, jab, jab until you’ve got no breath
Jab, jab, jab and if you jab yourself to death
Tell St Peter at the Golden Gate
That you hate to make him wait
But you gotta get your next booster shot
Jab, jab, jab. . .
Jab, jab, jab. . .
You just gotta get another booster shot
There’s a lot of truth in that!

The Daily Chart: Film Genre Trends | Power Line (powerlineblog.com)
From the piece:
I think westerns declined when they started making guns scary. Westerns also don’t fit in with the idea of “toxic masculinity.” They show the importance of self-defense. They also present a slice of our history that doesn’t jibe with current political correctness. *They* can’t revise our history while presenting it as entertainment, unless they warp it to the point of unrecognition, which I don’t believe the people would stand for.
I don’t know anything about the Marvel-style superheroes, but if they are making them female or trans or woke, that’s an answer about why they could be in decline.
Wow! What a relief! Good to know, its just the cold. The common cold! Who knew?
See the CFP crew react to the good news.
or watch the tweeters breathe a sigh of relief.
In the late 90’s my Mom got heart damage and had multiple mini strokes, they said from a really bad case of prolonged flu. Believable back then. Today, not a chance. Especially from anyone near the entertainment industry. They all had to get jabbed to get near a set.
Your Mom’s problems were probably caused by severe dehydration, if I were guessing. I’ve been hospitalized with the flu twice, simply because I couldn’t stay hydrated and needed an I.V.
I dunno, but it got both her heart and brain. Could’ve been insulin related too. She couldn’t drive for over 6 months, struggled with simple math, stayed home doing crosswords/brain puzzles to rebuild cognitive function, got put on heart meds, special procedures before dental visits.
My goodness. Poor thing.
Sounds like post viral syndrome. It can do a lot of damage.
How COVID Patients Died for Profit – The Burning Platform
Covid has ALWAYS been a Cash Cow AND tool to take out folks.
Warroom Breaking News – FBI raiding Creepy’s Beach House
And oh yeah,
Border Patrol intercepted an Iranian on the terrorist watch list in Texas yesterday. The 38th since this fiscal year started on Oct 1. We were at 98-99 for last year.
Just walling everything Biden’s ever done off under the protection of the DOJ?
“I’m sorry we don’t talk about on going investigations”.
Aparrently not a Trumpian raid.
Google only has this ONE entry. Other search engines (Freespoke, Presearch has a few) have pages full. Surprisingly Brave search and others have NO current info either.
FBI raids President Joe Biden’s home in Delaware – World News (wionews.com)
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) conducted a raid on President Joe Biden’s beach house in Delaware on Wednesday amidst row over classified documents being found in his home and think tank, American media reported.
NBC News quoting sources reported that the raid is currently underway.
In a statement, Biden’s attorney said the search was “planned” with the president’s “full support”, according to BBC.
Earlier, documents with classified markings were found in Biden’s Wilmington residence and think tank office in Washington DC during a raid in last November
Raids were also conducted at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in mid-November after classified documents were discovered there, NBC News reported Tuesday.
This a developing story. More to follow
You know what my question is?
If you had something you shouldn’t, and the FBI threatened for weeks to raid your house, wouldn’t you just burn whatever it was they might find?
Smoke N Mirrors.
I always think that when conservative pundits say “preserve your documents” because an investigation is coming. Maybe there is a way to tell if certain things have been destroyed. I hope so. But people would have to be willing to speak up about it.
There should be logs of all doc creation, modification, deletion, and transmission on all Govt IT systems, period. (All computers actually log everything) Of course if logging is turned off or logs are destroyed (which would be red flags) or if certain Crooked servers are used then MISSION IMPOSSIBLE.
Exactly. How would we know?
“NSA” !

If only, NSA was playing for the good guys.
JB is privy to the planning of his raids.
Shoulda been done in November or earlier, BEFORE he could destroy evidence. K-Bo is right, it’s optics, to pretend to be equal to Trump treatment. Raid vs Plan is NOT equal.
Aaand..no classified docs found.
YANDEX (russian search engine) has lots of stories under
FBI raids President Joe Biden’s home in Delaware
They had nothing at the time either. Hats off to Warroom for being ahead of the crowd.
Wolf, Aubergine, maybe try Private??
Yesterday Elon said he’s playing around w/settings. He got his name back, no longer Chief Tweet, but now his tweets are protected.
There must be a difference between private and protected.
Set acct to private to be seen?
Some feature, that.
OK, maybe not…..
Yeah, the whole thing does not make sense to me if retweets are not possible.
viz: Julia Jeffress Sadler is the wife of Robert Jeffress, Senior Pastor FBC Dallas. Through FBC Dallas she has a promoted podcast called “Unapologetic with Julia Jeffress Sadler”
This week she interviews Mike Pence. I can’t link to the promotional picture but someone was paid to include Pence’s stock photo with the Unapologetic banner before going out to the list.
Background: Jeffress has been a strong Trump supporter but has withheld his endorsement for Trump’s primary run in 2024, which has been seen by some as disloyalty.
Vice President Mike Pence on Keeping His Oath, January 6th, & Faith Under Fire
Unapologetic with Julia Jeffress Sadler
In his own words, Vice President Mike Pence is “one of the least known, well known public figures in America.” His is the story of a small town kid from Indiana with big dreams of representing his hometown. Those dreams, and the faith he found as a college student, led him not only to representing his hometown, but took him all the way to Congress and ultimately the White House.
In this candid, faith-filled, and inspiring conversation, Julia sits down with the former Vice President as he shares everything from his early career in politics and how he met his wife, Karen, to how he unapologetically lives out his faith in the public eye and his advice to young people today. Vice President Pence doesn’t shy away from talking about controversial issues either—recounting how he chose to keep his oath to his office, God, and the American people throughout the events of January 6th, 2021, and why he has felt peace with those decisions ever since. The episode ends with the Vice President’s thoughts on the importance of family and the role of faith in politics. No matter your political leaning, this is sure to be an inspiring listen that will make you proud to be an American!
Vice President Mike Pence’s book, So Help Me God is available everywhere now! Keep up with his latest updates on Instagram.
I’ve been wondering what’s up w/ Jeffress. He was an avid Trump supporter. Does his friendship w/Pence override that? BAD CHOICE PASTOR.
Too many pastors don’t have any discernment. They judge Trump for things he did years ago. And they judge Pence by his public persona, which hides all kinds of bad things.
Yes, Pence is going to be courting all the pastors with his goody two-shoes* persona. After all this time, many still don’t realize that the right man for the job might not be the Sunday School teacher and that many RINOs and even WEF people hide behind a “Christian” persona.
*The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes is a children’s story published by John Newbery in London in 1765. The story popularized the phrase “goody two-shoes” as a descriptor for an excessively virtuous person or do-gooder.
Goody Two-Shoes is a variation of the Cinderella story. The fable tells of Goody Two-Shoes, the nickname of a poor orphan girl named Margery Meanwell, who goes through life with only one shoe. When a rich gentleman gives her a complete pair, she is so happy that she tells everyone that she has “two shoes”. Later, Margery becomes a teacher and marries a rich widower. This serves as proof that her virtue has been rewarded and her wealth earned, a popular theme in children’s literature of the era.
“A woodcut of the eponymous Goody Two-Shoes from the 1768 edition of the novel”
Pence has the backbone of a jelly fish and doesn’t have the sting!
His BROTHER was a politician!
From the “because that makes sense” department . . .
Biden Administration Contemplates Declaring Abortion Emergency
Joshua Arnold
January 31, 2023
A desperate s-t-r-e-t-c-h.
Ahem, folks, I do believe I was right on what I posted yesterday, and this article at GP sure does lead credence to that.
FTA, “Hunter Biden’s laptop contains several documents regarding his team’s 50/50 ownership of Metabiota” in 2014.
“Following Hunter Biden and his company, Rosemont Seneca’s acquisition of a 50% ownership stake in the Metabiota, the government contracts and grants started flowing”
FTA and a DC_Draino tweet “Whoa – 2 months after receiving a $500k investment from Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca in 2014, Ukrainian biolab Metabiota receives $23.9M contract from DOD
MB only received ~$340k from DHS prior yr”
Now this is important. Remember what I was saying yesterday that in 2014 Obama CANCELED the GOF research at UNC in North Carolina and prohibited this kind of research in the US,
More from DC_Draino in the article “Notice how it was a DOD cash infusion to MB and not DHS like the prior year
The emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop discuss CIA comparisons…
Was Hunter Biden the front man for running US gov’t $$ to Metabiota for unsupervised gain of function development?”
So The DOD STOPPED funding Ecohealth GOF in the US in 2014 (through Fauci and NIH) and STARTED it up in Ukraine through Metabiota, who just HAPPENS to later be partnered up with Ecohealth IN Ukraine. To the tune of 23 MILLION dollars,
But WAIT this shit gets DEEPER. again FTA:According to Daily Mail, Hunter Biden connected a corrupt Ukrainian gas company called Burisma with the Metabiota for an undisclosed “scientific project.”
The outlet added that Metabiota is supposedly a medical data company, but in 2014, Metabiota Vice President Mary Guttieri contacted Hunter explaining how they could “assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia,” an unusual ambition for a biotech corporation.”
WOAH, so let me get this straight, Metabiota, one of Hunter Biden’s companies, financed by Roesmont Seneca, ANOTHER of Hunter Biden’s companies, partnered with Burisma, YET ANOTHER Hunter Biden affiliated Company (one paying Hunter MILLIONS) on a “scientific project” (Covid 19 GOF research perhaps?) while at the same time stating the could help in “assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia”
SO It looks like Metabiota, Rosemont Seneca, Ecohealth, Burisma, Hunter, and DOD were all in on some “scientific project that had to be DISASSOCIATED from Russia (Remember the installation of Yatzenyuk in the Maiden revolution Orchestrated by the Obama govt, with the assistance of..Joe Biden. MILLIONS of DOD contracts to a little known (before Hunter and his firm got involved) San Francisco based start up whose largest pre 2014 govt Contract was to HHS for @350K.
This is FAR more than pay to play.
First note, it is NOT NIH funding Metabiota in Ukraine, it is DOD. That can mean ONLY one thing…a bio weapon. They can call it bioweapon defense all they want, it is bio weapon DEVELOPMENT…and we KNOW that it was GOF involving coronaviruses.
It gets proven later in the article. “The study shows US and Ukrainian officials studying insectivorous bats in Ukraine and detection of emerging viral and baterial pathogens including coronavirus.
So it wasn’t just Wuhan.
The US was also funding bat research on coronavirus in Ukraine too!”
Metabiota in Africa was also involved FTA” The Department of Defense awarded Metabiota a $2.5 million grant for studying bat viruses for at least one of their biolabs.
This Metabiota facility in Africa was studying viral sharing among bats that likely involved the coronavirus.
So lets sum up. Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Senca, buys 50% stake in a little known bioresearch firm from San Francisco called Metabiota in 2014. That same year Obama and NIH cancel GOF funding at UNC, and forbid GOF study in the US. Fauci and NIH fund GOF bat coronavirus studies in Wuhan China, while at the same time, Rosemont Seneca is financing a Metabiota facility in Ukraine. At that same time the Russian friendly President is removed in a quasi coup orchestrated by the Obama gang (Victora Nuland).
DOD funds 24 MILLION dollars to Metabiotas new facility in Ukraine.
Hunter Biden’s other entity in Ukraine, Burisma offers to partner with Metabiota on a “scientific project” One that now Putin CANNOT see thanks to a pro western govt being installed.
Joe Biden in 2015 had to go threaten Yatzenyuk to fire a prosecutor investigating his son Hunter using a BILLION dollar US loan to strong arm him into firing Viktor Sholkin, the lead prosecutor.
Hunter Biden makes MILLIONS from Burisma contracts “for representing” the oil and gas company, even though he has ZERO oil and gas firm experience.
At the same time the DOD and NIH are funding biolabs in Tanzania (Metabiota) and China (Ecohealth).
It really is painting a pretty dark picture here. I must assume that after GOF was shut down here, the DOD, NIH, and the Obama govt se up other satellite labs off US soil to circumvent US law (and likely International law or treaty).
These facilities were NOT bioweapons “defense” the were bioweapon MANUFACTURING. Hunter and Joe Biden were neck deep in ALL of this. Obama made Joe the “point man” on all things Ukraine. They installed their own puppet regime not just to money launder, but to ALLOW their bioweapon manufacturing plants to operate. Joe and Hunter DIRECTLY arranged this, AND profited from, it.in multiple ways.
DOD does NOT spend 24 MILLION off continent for “research” they spend it for DEVELOPMENT.
This is BAD, and I mean Nuremberg level bad, Nazi ww2 BAD.
I believe I am right. Covid 19 was NOT developed in China, it was TESTED there. It was developed at UNC and MANUFACTURED in Ukraine.
Biden, DOD, Obama, ALL involved likely more like CIA. In fact Metabiota REEKS of a clown front. Would DOD REALLY trust a Hunter Biden firm with 24 MILLION and a bioweapon? NO, but they would trust another “sister” agency. See, we could NOT staff Ukraine with DOD or DARPA personnel, but we COULD with CIA agents running it.
I think this might just upend the ENTIRE apple cart of the Cabal.
Now I know WHY Zelensky mandated those files on Metabiota be BURNED. Those files reveal or like the development of a bioweapon by the US in a FOREIGN country. A weapon that just happened to get released on the world and killed MILLINS and made BILLIONS suffer, and allowed totalitarians to rule with iron fist mandates circumventing individual rights and freedoms WORLD WIDE.
It NOW makes sense why the US, NATO, and the EU are dumping BILLIONS to cover this up and are willing to risk WW3 in the process.
Putin likely KNOWS what is up, and is ACTIVELY looking for the proof, while simultaneously destroying the Cabal capacity to make more weapon.
I think now this is not all in a vacuum. I think the FBI searched Mar a Lago looking for documents that Trump HAS that provide proof, or at least a roadmap to proof of what really happened in Ukraine. It SURE would explain shampeachment and the FREAK OUT by the Cabal when Trump even SPOKE to Zelensky about the Bidens. It also explains the Russia hoax nicely, Trump could NOT be allowed to talk to Putin, I think now I know WHY.
I also wonder WHO could have possibly let Putin in on this, I NEVER bouth the ww takeover from the left, OR the Donbass liberation by Putin. I think this was ALWAYS something MORE. Think, would the US allow a foreign bioweapon production facility across the border from Texas in Mexico? Across the border from Detroit in Canada? NO. We would go in and take that shit out, and eviserate anyone that tried to stop us, even risking WW3 as Putin is.
Would EVIL forces risk WW3 to STOP the world from finding out about bioweapons plants ALL over the world, one of which “escaped” or was released, and killed MILLIONS. YEP.
Would they keep propping up their puppets with BILLIONS to keep their secret? YEP.
I know this, the FBI is ACTIVELY searching for those documents that could lead to proof conclusive, even amongst “friends” like Biden.
Taken at 30000 feet, ALL the actions of the Cabal since Trump was elected COULD all be liked to Ukraine and what we were doing there. EVERYTHING could unravel.
It ALL could be on Hunters laptop, we just haven’t connected it yet.
I will bet my gopher suit Trump KNOWS and HAS documents that may not 100% prove it, but will LEAD to 100% proof.
Did Putin somehow get wind of this? It is AWFUL funny he waited to do this until AFTER Trump was out of office. Trump did say, and remember he speaks in DOUBLE or sometimes TRIPLE meanings, “NONE of this would have happened if I were still in office”
Things that make you go HMMMMMMMM.
“I also wonder WHO could have possibly let Putin in on this, I NEVER bouth the ww takeover from the left, OR the Donbass liberation by Putin. I think this was ALWAYS something MORE.”
For consideration PRex…
September 25, 2013 –
The U.S. is investing in a $102 million dollar biosecurity lab to study some of the most deadly pathogens that could potentially by used in bioterrorism attacks. Rather than locating the new facility in Washington, D.C., or some secure tract of land in Nevada, however, the lab will be built near Almaty, a Soviet-era outpost in Kazakhstan, National Geographic reports.
The unassumingly-named Central Reference Laboratory [notice what the current Ukraine Bio Labs are called…yep..the Central Reference Laboratory], is slotted to open in 2015 and will securely store and study highest risk diseases such as plague, anthrax and cholera. Having contained samples of those pathogens readily available will speed the process of diagnosing and treating potential outbreaks, NatGeo writes.
In 2014 Ukraine’s Oligarch, Nicholay Zlochevskyi aka Burisma Oil & Gas, partners with Kazakhstan’s national petroleum company, KazMunaiGas. The Chief of the Kazakhstan National Security Committee who would hold that post for over 10 years was a gentleman by the name of Karim Massimov. Massimov had also held the office of Deputy Prime Minister and Prime Minister of Kazakhstan. ( Kamir Mossimov is a known collaborator with Devon Archer & Ukrainian oligarch Nicholay Zlochevskyi)
April 16, 2015 –
A photo shows VP Joe Biden in the interior of Café Milano in Washington DC. Joe Biden is flanked by Kazakhstani oligarch Kenes Rakishev and the head of Kazahstan’s National Security Intelligence Office, Karim Massimov.
[This photo and confirmation of the meeting was printed by the New York Post in October 2020]
Since January 1, 2020, the Central Reference Laboratory has been fully funded by Kazakhstan. US military experts, biologists and virologists do not work at the main institute. The main team of biologists from the Central Research Laboratory of Radiation Technology exclusively employs Kazakhstani specialists from across the Republic of Kazakhstan. Cooperation with foreign scientists is only done when there are special joint research projects paid for by US grant money.
Kazakhstan… peaceful protests from the citizens pertaining to, we are told, high gas prices, turned violent on January 3, 2022. Riots, arson & murder erupted across the country and especially in the main city of Almaty.
ALMATY, Jan 6 (Reuters) – A Russia-led security alliance of ex-Soviet states will send peacekeeping forces to Kazakhstan, Armenia’s prime minister said on Thursday, after the Kazakh president appealed for their help in quelling violent and deadly protests.
Karim Massimov, former Prime Minister and Chief of Nazarbayev’s National Security Council Intelligence was arrested on suspicion of treason.
January 9, 2022 – It is curious that in order to calm the Kazakhstani people worried by the American laboratory, the country’s authorities attracted a high-ranking Russian military – Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Nikolai Pankov.
The authorities of Kazakhstan denied the presence of Americans in the laboratory, then said that they were there, but have already left. The Americans themselves, represented by Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Singer of the US Air Force, never hid their presence. The Pentagon’s 2021 Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Foreign Programs Budget, which is responsible for the study of weapons of mass destruction, includes at least two direct references to the work being done at Kazakhstan’s Central Reference Laboratory in Almaty. Among the curators of the laboratory was Eric Graham, who was engaged in a similar project in Georgia. Biolaboratories in Kazakhstan are in a special position and in June 2020, the Americans even refused to leave the laboratory in Almaty by the decision of President Tokayev.
Karim Massimov has disappeared off the face of the planet, but it’s my contention that his arrest has provided Russia with a huge amount of information on not only the biolab in Kazakhstan, but the biolabs in Ukraine as well.
It’s all coming together now.
Like with this…
She has her view that localizes the blame mostly on the US, but I am now at the point of blaming the globalist, WEF-conspiring faction in ALL governments, AND the UN. I suspect that there’s a lot of blame to go around.
WEF is a sick cult, and these fools all went along with it. I’m sure that all of these people took part in it, and they all agreed to go forward with the first “gene hack” of humanity, using this ridiculous pandemic excuse.
WHY they did it – why they really did it – I am not sure I know. WEF may be cover, frankly. If it’s NOT cover for something with a good and necessary reason (on the level of stopping an alien invasion), then it’s stupid and dangerous. I tend to think it was in fact, stupid, dangerous, evil, and malign – ALL of the above.
Aum Shinrikyo was an example of a crazy cult trying to do something. I think the climate cult and the COVID cult are both aspects of the same cult – the WEF cult.
All of this is like a bowl of bad gumbo being prepared and dished out by a wannabe Paul Prudhomme.
I personally believe WEF is evil cover. The implementers. Beyond that I am still searching other than knowing for certain they are of the devil.
OK, after reading all of this, I’m questioning Hunter: Is he really the dope smoking crack head we see, or was he the titular head of the Biden Crime Family over there.
You can’t tell me all of these deals were done “above him.”
Are we being presented a false narrative akin to BHO?
Something’s up …
Hunter flipped to Durham. He’s constructing an alibi for himself with all the lurid pics. Hunter is the one who had the classified docs. Daddy got them so Hunter could use them in his efforts to establish grifter agreements. Hunter stashed them in various places and he is leaking them out as part of his constructed alibi.
Hunter really is the smartest guy that Slow Joe knows. BTW the laptop was deliberately abandoned in order to force an end to the crime family. Why? Who knows? I think Hunter was tired of Daddy constantly fawning over his dead brother, making Hunter second rate.
Durham IS a bad joke on America, until Durham proves otherwise.
Hunter has no real legal problems, BiteMe will sign Hunter’s pardon, when it is needed.
Hell, BiteMe will sign pardons for bro Jim, Hoe Jill, BiteMe himself…
(“The smartest guy [Joe] know(s)” !)

IMO, Hunter is a protected actor who runs around and tries to make money while setting up “black deals” needed between government entities. The USG, EU, UN, CCP, WEF, UKR – they’re all on the same team. They’re all in on the plot. Hunter just runs around and helps the deals happen.
There are lots of false narratives going on, but the spider at the center of the tangled web is WEF, in my opinion.
I suspect Vlad has had spies in country all along. Many UKR’s actually like and hail from Russia.
The idea that WEF-aligned parties could get away with the research they needed in Ukraine, undetected, was idiocy, depending upon absolute success in the COVID release, and then the take-overs of member states in the Anglosphere, all the while putting Ukraine at extreme risk.
Yep. They could hide it from us over there, but not from within U & R. They just had to make sure that no one from over there told any white hats over here. RUSHA RUSHA RUSHA to ensure Trump doesn’t talk to Vlad. Impeech to ensure Trump doesn’t talk to Volod.
At the highest level, WEF trying to take control, using the globalist factions in all countries, together with launching their breakthrough / breakout hack of humans. Trying to get rid of Putin at the same time, the guy who backed out of the NWO / Great Reset of humanity crap. And this is, of course, why “Never Trump”.
Oh, it all makes so much sense now.
Wonder what 47 and Vlad really talked about in their one on one meeting? They’re not really frenemies, they just play them on the world stage.
I can still see one of the Fox talking heads just frustrated that they didn’t know what was said in that meeting. It’s hilarious now.
VERY interesting in how this all ties together. ALL at the same timeframe. Looks to me like Obama outsourced all of his bioweapons research off country to avoid US laws.
Not only did Obozo outsource all the bioweapons research to foreign countries PRex, he & Eric Holder allowed Pfizer’s unfettered use of bribery with foreign government officials to gain a foothold for labs in Bulgaria, Croatia & Kazakhstan among others.
dont forget Tanzania too
Trump and Putin had an extended one-on-one meeting. No aids… Lefties were in a full panic.
Oh yeah, I remember that kalbokalbs…..I thought at the time that it would have been great to be a fly on the wall to know the truth of what was said in that meeting…LOL!
Much of your post, I’d bet someone QTree posted a like sentiment.
Yeah, I’m totally on board with this theory now.
All these “stakeholders” in WEF were ponying up technological and/or governmental capabilities as part of their “global responsibilities”, which IMO started very big under Obama. Biden tried to get rich on facilitating through Metabiota and Ukraine.
These fuckers really did hack the human genome.
The “DE” (directed evolution) work on the virus (which automatically spills over into the full spike vaccines) had to be done somewhere – and UKRAINE is where they chose to do it. That way nobody in America would understand what they were up to. That way nobody in CHINA would understand. Maybe the top CCP and PLA who were in bed with WEF, but most scientific people in China were out of the loop on the WEF hack stuff.
This means Obama understood perfectly well. They banned GOF/DE here to move it over there, after they got their coup going to kick out the Russia-friendlies from power.
I’m betting that Malone understands the hack – that’s why he jumped on WEF.
Oh, this is all making sense now.
This is why the Constitution puts treaties in the hands of Congress – so secret treaties are not made. We have to be so hard on treaties now. NONE of this shit should be happening. OMG. Humanity needs a monstrous wake-up call on this.
Is FBI investigating the sell-out to WEF?
Wolf Moon
IMO, the F_I_B is too interested in making sure ALL “fingerprints” of “President” Biden and of Hunter Biden are completely removed from ANYTHING pertaining of Ukraine / WEF / bioweapon labs — unless something can be used to remove said “pResident” from office.
Yeah this was all one big coordinated fuck by the WEF and Obama and his masters. ALL to evade detedction, and us AND International law. They LITERALLY ALL could be executed for this shit, and NOT just by the US. Remember this shit is world wide.
Now THAT is something to throw billions at to cover up and even risk WAR to hide.
The US and the world need an enema of these evil fucks.
Is that why Michel might run for President ?
The time is RAPIDLY approaching that they can’t cover it up any longer. Biden is actually BETTER in his role than Michael would be, he is totally controllable. Michael would only pour gas on a roaring fire.
I think we might see a RASH of mysterious deaths or FLIGHT from the Cabal as they try to mitigate the damage. They will NOT be successful.
This thing will soon become self sustaining. No stopping it then, people will want SCALPS, LOTS of them.
Interesting thoughts
The FBI is investigating to see the possible DAMAGE that could be out there in “classified docs” and just WHO might be able to reveal it. Mar a Lago now wakes total sense.
Ya know in thinking on this, Putin went to the UN. NOT for the humanitarian offences in Donbass, for the BIO LABS. ALSO the last bastions of AZOV are right over the worlds largest salt mine. Wonder WHAT is in that they may be hiding. Putin sure is looking, and we keep pumping BILLIONS to keep him from FINDING>
This is mind blowing. And I am such a simpleton.
Do we know when Lyndsey Graham started going to Ukraine? Or all of the other Senators? How far back does this all go?
And being even more silly, do we have any further information on the Georgia Guide Stones? Who, what, when, and who destroyed them?
WE have so little information on so much. I still want the story on Las Vegas, but THIS!!!!!
This went on for a LONG TIME!!!! PLANET-WIDE!!!!!
McCain’s side kick Ms Lindsey was there for this photo in 2016.
POTUS Trump goes golfing with Miss Lindsey…. NICE and PRIVATE… I wonder if Trump has a LEASH on Miss Lindsey…
A muzzle would be a nice addition to the leash.
With a million volt shock collar delivering about 10 A.
Yes it did. But I disagree we know ALOT, we just have not been able to find the string that binds it ALL together. We now may have that string. Once pulled it ALL unravels.
There was a several hours long meeting of DJT and Vlad where no aides or translators were allowed to attend. I think it was in 2017.
I remember, and the MSM and dems PANICKED>
They were delightfully hysterical.
Just wait. This thing is snowballing, it has mass and inertia now, it is reaching critical mass, then there’s NO stopping it, it must roll down and crash. The crash will likely take out most if not ALL of the senior cabal. Trump exposed them (in their zeal to get him) they CAN’T hide now. The mask is gone, and the “emperors” have NO clothes.
Preventing ALL Future Tyre Nichols Events in [Market-Ticker]
Works for me.
Lt. Gen. Steven W. Gilland, Superintendent, his staff, and the alumni of West Point should pen a new book called profiles in cowardness describing their many adventures in shinning shoes and kissing butt.
West Point is no longer …
West Point Butt Boys.
West Point Rump Rangers
Don’t Ask. Don’t Tell.
(NOW, I think they BRAG about it !)

I have a new name for the ASSHOLES formerly known as West Point…….
Perfect. So far its fallen.
Now it becomes clear why all the fuss about tanks. Delivering GLSDB ammunition with a range of 150 kilometers is much bigger escalation than a few tanks, and they want to slide it under the radar.
via https://t.me/s/Slavyangrad/31606
The US authorities are preparing a new $2.2 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Reuters reported, citing two US officials.
According to them, this package will include GLSDB (Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb) missiles with a range of 150 km (missiles with a range of 70 km are currently being delivered to Ukraine.
Raise your hand if you think RINOs won’t support this “new” package … oh, did you pick up on the escalation? Long distance missiles allow NATO to lob them into Russian territory… Neocons want to armUkr with Nukes, but the impotent Pentagon got them to settle for GLSDB … polin’ the Bear with a really big stick, but Americans won’t know the difference, right?
oh, here’s info on the GLSDBs … (Popular Mechanics ain’t what it used to be Pa … they serve up the “narrative” now … blatantly, in your face … Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup indeed. )
How a New HIMARS-Launched Rocket Bomb Could Liberate Kyiv’s Lost Territories
The Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb is the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup of modern weapons
Here’s link to a cache on Mizokami …
oops… don’t know how ‘Slavyangrad’ T-gram logo appeared!
also, here is link to Reuters article mentioned above (note two ‘officials’ are not named)
Uniparty enables this shit. <<< Never forget.
My bet remains, Russia will take out the Abrams.
Last ditch could be wherever they are initially marshalled in Ukraine.
As for the GLSDB, take out the ammo train, trucks, ammo dump.
kalbokalbs….I agree, I hope Russia absolutely destroys the equipment/munitions long before they reach combat areas.
We may see Russia start bombing railways and equipment on the southwest border with Romania for just that very reason.
October 24, 2022 – The abandoned training grounds in Cincu, Romania are now being used by NATO to train Ukraine/foreign soldiers in the use of Russian tanks that have been provided by the weapons-swap program of EU member countries.
Romania’s involvement may include a weapons route to Ukraine if the supply lines in western Ukraine are cut off...there is a possibility that weapons will be run over the Carpathians, into Romania and up through the south of Ukraine
Intel Slava Z gives a good pic of what we are talking about.
They would have a lot on their target lists but primarily choke points along the MSR’s coming into Ukraine primarily bridges, road gaps, and rail and thus degrade the RU’s ability to push supplies and equipment into the theatre. This would slow down the war effort giving Ukraine a chance to get back on their feet.
Oh my, looked at that link https://t.me/s/Slavyangrad/31606 you gave and a few up has an advert for seniors to rejoin the military.
https://t.me/Slavyangrad/31601 WTF is going on???
Only thing I confirm is the 50k sign on bonus. Nothing on age or prior service. Likely fake?
It’s probably from Ukr army, right? All of these T’grams show news from both sides, often without clarity.
Sometimes Intel Slava Z has the flag symbol of the referenced country in the post.

(NOT sure about others)
Read yesterday they snuck this ammendment into the military NDA budget last minute. You know, that big CR the Senate RINO’s helped the Demons approve before the House took over?
Thanks Butterfly …
YW Darlin PR
Is Europe actually at war with Russia? | Pointman’s (wordpress.com)
The Neocons are at war with Russia …
How the IRS Enables the Border Invasion | Frontpage Mag
IRS went noticeably political since the Lous Lerner scandal. Very doubtful they can be reeled back in. They need to be pruned with an axe and heavy grade excavation equipment.
Mistake was no one was held responsible and did time.
More Catturd zingers:
Gregg Phillips https://truthsocial.com/@greggphillips
The Coming Encirclement of Artemivsk
(Excerpt from an article)
At the moment, to capture Artemivsk in operational pincers, it remains to take the road to Chas Yar in order to cut off supply routes and surround the AFU forces. Intense fighting is currently underway in the area of the village of Krasnoe (Ivanovskoye). Taking Krasny will allow cutting the road to Artemivsk and blocking the group located there. Based on their positions in the liberated village of Kleshcheyevka, Russian forces are moving forward. The Ukrainian military confirms that Kleshcheyevka is occupied by Russian forces, and fighting is already underway in the eastern part of Artemivsk.
According to a military expert, retired lieutenant Colonel of the LPR Andrei Marochko, the Kiev army is transferring additional forces and assets to the area of the village of Chasov Yar. The armed formations of Ukraine are strengthening old and erecting new fortifications, working on equipping firing points, and putting up minefields.
According to the assistant to the acting head of the DPR, Yan Gagin, Russian troops are closing the ring outside the city. The Russian Defense Ministry also reports on the liberation of the nearby village of Blagodatnoye. The village was liberated from Ukrainian militants by volunteers of assault detachments with the fire support of the Russian armed forces.
The Associated Press news agency notes that elite formations were involved in the battle for Bakhmut. In other words, the Russian military in Artemivsk is destroying the elite of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The reason is that the Armed Forces of Ukraine compensate for the” shortage ” of heavy weapons and artillery at the expense of their best units. As a result, Ukraine is running out of manpower, and against this background, Kiev’s plans for a counteroffensive are collapsing.
Michael Kofman, an employee of the CNA Research Institute in Arlington, in an interview with the NYT magazine, said that the losses on the part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are quite serious due to the fact that Ukraine relied on the National Guard and other forces to hold the defensive line. And the best infantry units were sent to the front. Ukrainian commanders themselves call the ongoing fighting for the city “a living hell.” According to analysts, the Russian Armed Forces have only 10 kilometers to go in order to close the ring around Artemivsk.
via ZeroHedge
Fed Hikes 25bps As Expected, Maintains Hawkish “Ongoing Increases” Language
A bear on Mars…
I didnt know camels could eat cactus, and with the spikes on!
This fits in with what prognosticatasaurusrex posted yesterday.
I think all the stuff the official RF posted about the bio labs didn’t get much traction because most of it was presented in a form that couldn’t be c/p and translated.
I don’t recall seeing it previously, maybe it was posted on here on Christmas eve or not.
Came from a link on todays 08:30
“BIO-GATE: Russian Defense Ministry publishes a list of key figures involved in the US-Ukrainian biochemical weapons program
The documents confirm the involvement of US President’s son, Hunter Biden through his funding of Pentagon-controlled company Metabiota, Pfizer’s chief scientist and president of the International Research Division, former director of US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Kenneth Myers, and former head of US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Thomas Frieden, among others.
The key players in Ukraine’s military-biological program are all linked to US government and act as masterminds of military-biological research and the creation of covert money-laundering schemes for the benefit of a small circle of the US elite.”
40.5K viewsedited Dec 24, 2022 at 13:00
Raptor Salad’ For Lunch! US F-22 Raptor Outgunned, Outmaneuvered By German Eurofighter Typhoon In Dogfight?
Tanmay Kadam
January 31, 2023
America’s formidable air superiority fighter, F-22 Raptor, considered the world’s most capable jet because of its stealth features and sensor fusion technology, lost a couple of dogfights to German Eurofighter Typhoons, causing severe damage to the mighty Raptor’s reputation.
While the Raptor has lost several dogfights over the years to less advanced warplanes like the F-16 and the US Navy’s EA-18G Growler electronic-warfare fighter, losing to German Eurofighters about a decade ago was remarkable due to the traction they received.
Obviously the F-22 pilot was woke.
Don’t quote me but I’m pretty sure the USAF now paints the pilots pronouns on the sides of the plane now.
Sorry, but not buying this …
Not surprised.
I don’t recall ever seeing a great story about the raptor. Most stories have described as middling but very expensive.
^^^ 100%. Above, intentionally charitable, for both F-22 AND USAF pilots.
Your thoughts can easily be echoed for ALL variants of the F-35. IMO. (POS)
The rabbit hole just got deeper. Relevent to what I posted today and yesterday. If it lloks like a duck,,,,
Does this mean the Biden family was in on the ground floor of COVID-19?
He is named in RAC’s post above
YES, Obama too.
It ALL links if you but step back and look, Wish I had time to do a string board to show the ties and dates. Too bad we don’t have a REAL MSM. Someone could make a CAREER on this,
PRex..Some stories have such extensive entanglements of links that a stringboard would cause a global shortage of yarn. :0)
Boy, ain’t that the TRUTH!
lol True. I have said it before, this was no “small group” it was VAST and world wide, and VERY coordinated. My personal opinion is Trump made them accelerate their plans and in doing so they got sloppy and desparate to stop him, remove him. The succeeded…TEMPORARILY, but it will cos them ALL in the end,
Their whole game was to make slow imperceptible calculated moves, like a frog in warm water, they would slowly turn up the heat till we were cooked.
Trump made them RUSH, and in doing so the game was exposed, and then they went all out sloppily, and now they no longer can hide, or control what is happening. It is beginning to spiral, and soon it will be self sustaining till they crash.
It is beginning to spiral, and soon it will be self sustaining till they crash.
:0) The sooner the better in my opinion..
from your lips to God’s ears..make it so. Amen
Sharyl Attkisson reports on autopsies showing “global myocardial injury”:
Full analysis:
Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in 2 Adolescents Following the Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose
Is Donald Trump Worth The Fight?
AHHHHhhhh I see American STINKER is starting to show it’s true colors again. (They got me tossed off DISQUIS for supporting Trump.)
Yep –> toss in Powerline Blog as well … just sayin … :=)
Have you seen https://behindtheblack.com/behind-the-black/essays-and-commentaries/the-next-chapter-in-my-own-personal-blacklisting-story/ ?
I wouldn’t have thought that cavers were susceptible to such things.
There are a lot of Marxists in the caving community and they can be Right NASTY bitches. I was an NSS member for many many years.
Can well imagine. Green Peace types, rich and entitled.
VERY! Of course I was in the Boston (MA) Grotto.
The push is beginning to discredit Trump (again, for the umpteenth time) and to make it seem as if he’s losing support. But we can see through them.
Trump Train.
It’s a flag that can be ordered, starting at $50.
Thanks for the link. Flag looks great.
Between my meager budget AND insane winds out my way, flags don’t last long.
Amazon flags. Trump Train flag starts at $12. Trump 2024 starts at $6.
They last ~3 months and they get refreshed, replaced.
My last Trump flag ended up being a TRUN flag (the P was gone, the last vertical on the M was gone) by the time I took it down 20 Jan ’21 at 10 AM my time.
We only have 1 and kiddo has had it in his room for 8 months.
10AM, 20 Jan ’21. CO time.
Been all down hill since.
(shoulda left it up to be a “TRU” flag !)

Oh I miss these videos!
PDJT’s statement at 6:31
I saw this interview on OAN, and finding the article, though it is dated October 14, 2022, I do not recall seeing it before, and I do not understand why they are running it again now.In any event, some of our resident techies may be interested in putting this through the paces, and perhaps providing some feedback:
One-On-One With The Founder And CEO Of Tusk, A Free Speech Based Browser, Jeff BermantOAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:17 AM PT – Friday, October 14, 2022
(Link to TUSK):
Go Tucker.
Calling out deceitful miss lindsay!
And BoJo!!
Yeah thats was sweet. Bojo is a jackass.
Small blurb on AZ Geopolitics today that has left me going hmmmmm?????
SBU(Corruption Unit) and BEB(Financial Investigations Service) conduct a search of the house of the oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi.
He is suspected of embezzling oil products worth around 1,003,061 Euro and evading customs payments.
Today Ukraine announces that they’re purging the top administration in the Ukraine Custom’s Department and now it’s being announced that the American-led Ukraine SBU Corruption Unit is accusing Kolomoyskyi of Customs payment evasion and embezzling oil products?? Seriously? the owner of Burisma Oil is being charged for embezzling oil in the paltry amount of a Million Euro and because he didn’t pay customs? The dude laundered over $1.8 BILLION and nobody touched him, and we’re supposed to believe that the American run SBU is investigating him??
Not in a million years!!!
For those who aren’t familiar with Ihor Kolomoyskyi, the following is a quick recap….
CIA American led the overthrow uprising in Ukraine that culminated in the Maidan Square massacre in February of 2014. Ihor Kolomoyskyi provided funds for Azov members involved in the uprising. After the Maidan Square massacre, Kolomoyskyi becomes the US approved appointment as Governor of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast (Dnipro).
April 2014 – Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoyskyi hires Hunter Biden. [Ihor Kolomoyskyi owns Burisma, not CEO Mykola Zlochevsky who is often reported as the individual who hired Hunter Biden]
September 2014 – 1.8 Billion in IMF loans that were deposited with the Ukraine Privat Bank… go Missing. Kolomoyskyi is the founder, main director & largest shareholder of PrivatBank.
In March 2015 the Ukrainian Parliament wrested from Kolomoisky, his controlling shareholding of the state-owned enterprise Ukrtransnafta. In response Kolomoyskyi ordered his 2000 man private militia to storm the Ukrtransnafta’s Kiev headquarters. This event brought two Ukrainian oligarchs – President Petro Poroshenko and Ihor Kolomoyskyi into conflict. After these events, Ihor Kolomomoyski stepped down as governor of the Dnipro Oblast and left the country.
March 29,2016 – Ukraine Prosecuter General Shokin is terminated….Shokin was following money that had been stolen from PrivatBank. Shokin followed 23 million dollars from Ukraine, to Cyprus, to Latvia, to the United Kingdom. The funds were frozen.…Shokin kept digging. He received a letter from the Latvia Anti-Corruption Money Laundering Agency detailing concerns of further laundering, Hunter Biden happened to be on this list as well.…
Shokin found more dollars to follow and traced the money back to Cyprus, to 43 Shell Companies owned by Ihor Kolomoisky. Those 43 Shell Companies had “Loans” (the most effective way to launder money) in the amount of…..
…… take a guess….. I’ll wait……. 1.8 Billion dollars……
Shokin was fired, smeared and silenced. Medical records indicate that he was poisoned. He and his information were forgotten.
December 19, 2016 Ukrainians got up to learn about a momentous economic decision: the biggest Ukrainian bank, PrivatBank, had just been Nationalised after its two owners were found to have used depositors’ money to build a business empire and it was earlier accused by the National Bank of Ukraine of having a capital shortage of around $5.65 billion dollars
Surprisingly, the bank’s main stakeholder, Ihor Kolomoyskyi, the second richest person in Ukraine, did not raise any objections to the government’s move.
The IMF held back loan payment due to the “oligarchic structure” of banking in Ukraine, however, once this Nationalization took place, the IMF eased back in their resistance.
Joe Biden’s last trip to Ukraine was about January 10th, 2017….. why?
In 2018 Ihor Kolomoyskyi worked hard to unseat current Ukraine President Petro Poreshenko and Kolomoyskyi became the benefactor & main funding source for candidate Volodymyr Zelensky.
During 2019 Kolomoyskyi’s 1+1 Media Group gave a big boost to Zelensky’s campaign. Kolomoyskyi also provided Zelensky with security, lawyers and vehicles during his campaign.
April 2019 – New President Volodymyr Zelensky is Elected in Ukraine.
April 2019 – the FBI reports that it is investigating Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoisky over alleged financial crimes.
May of 2019, IMF says they are ready to resume loans to Ukraine once Zelinsky government gets settled.
July 2019 – President Trump holds infamous telephone call with Ukraine President Zelensky
December 2019- While Representative (D-FL). Debbie Mucarsel-Powell sits on the House Judiciary Committee that is holding impeachment hearings this week regarding a phone call between President Trump & President Zelensky, she tries to hide her family’s conflict of interest after taking more than $700,000 from Ihor Kolomoyskyi, a Ukrainian oligarch who is under FBI investigation for ordering contract killings, money laundering, embezzlement, bribery, and corruption in Ukraine.”
March 5, 2021 – US Secretary of State, Antony Blinkin announces the designation of Ihor Kolomoyskyy as a corrupt actor and he and his immediate family are ineligible for entry into the United States.
March 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky invokes emergency powers and will merge all Ukrainian national television into a single government media entity called “United News” to disseminate only the approved messaging of the Ukraine Government. Kolomoyskyi’s media is now absorbed by the Government. And once again, not a single complaint from the second richest man in Ukraine.
And February 1, 2023….Kolomoyski, owner of Burisma Oil is now being investigated for evading Customs payments and embezzling a mere 1 Million in Euros worth of oil products
Not in a Million Years….
Yep, 100% optics. The whole world is wakening to the fact that the billions poured into the country are not getting to where intended. That the corruption in Ukraine is really a thing. A big thing.
Kolomoyskyi bank rolled Zelensky’s run for president. How convenient and likely dangerous that he picks this guy to toss under the bus.
I bet they are all throwing things at each other right now as they search for scape goats.
If Zelensky wanted to clean up he should of done it when Trump was there.
“If Zelensky wanted to clean up he should of done it when Trump was there.”
Yes indeed. I think the Biden administration is doing a “clean-up on aisle 5” and trying to purge individuals who worked directly with the Obozo/Biden cartel between 2014 and present date.
Have you been listening to Dan Bongino about all of this? He is ALLLLLL over this. He’s tied everything happening with the classified documents (Biden and Trump), Ukraine, this banking guy, and Hunter Biden into a big bow.
Dan is killing it these past couple of weeks.
Evening Aubergine…No, I haven’t listened to Bongino for a couple of years but if he’s covering this, I might have to tune in to check out his views. Thanks for the heads up. :0)
The past week or so has been fantastic.
There are often comments about the unemployment rate and people not going back to wor.
I think part of it, thanks to covid, may be parents discovered that a two people working was NOT NECESSARY. If you cut your own lawn, do your own landscaping/gardening, cook your own meals do your own house work/minor repair work AND keep your kids at home instead of having stranger raise them, your standard of living is not that much lower.
On top of that people realized what CRAP was being taught to their kids.
Texas Homeschooling Coalition: Homeschooling Increases By Nearly 300%
I agree on the homeschooling. So many people saw the light and went that route.
I am fairly sure, that after you add up the childcare, takeout meals, office wardrobe, housekeeper, lawn care, travel expenses…. AND the increased tax bracket, a lot of women found they were actually earning very little.
Getting women into the workforce was a Rockefeller PSY-OP. It was a way to TAX the labor of women AND get control of their children.
Another factor is 2 incomes needed…to be able to afford a nice house in a good school district. But if you don’t give an airborne copulation about the government schools…
I made those calculations long, long ago. And staying home is the way to go. I am of more benefit to my household even now, without children at home, than I would be working outside of it.
I grow thousands of dollars worth of organic vegetables that I could not manage if I was working for someone else. I also grow medicinal herbs. I can also take the time to bargain shop multiple grocery stores, saving who knows how much. And I have time to hit the thrift stores for bargains, too, which I couldn’t do if I wasn’t home.
A different mindset, that’s all it requires.
There used to be a concept of a family wage – the man should earn enough to support a family. But then somewhere the feminists argued for wage parity, which forced men’s real wages down and women out into the workforce . . .
. . . which was one of the motivations I had to go into cybersecurity – higher demand and better pay.
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f6a8.svg Breaking News
U.S. News
NBC News: Hunter Biden asks for criminal probe into Trump allies for “theft” of data from laptop
That’s rich. He should probe Ashley or his cousin. … Oh wait…
HaHa !

(I see what you did there !)
If you leave an item unclaimed, the item become the property of the repairman after a certain time in most states. It is considered ‘Abandoned Property’
In the case of the Laptop(s) the repair guy did try to contact the owner several times with no response. After the correct amount of time the laptops became HIS not Hunter’s.
I can’t WAIT for discovery on that one!
They’re tempted. They’re just SO TEMPTED.
Thursday daily in the can. I apologize ahead of time for the sheer number of music videos.
Int Immunopharmacol. 2021 Jan; 90: 107172.
Published online 2020 Nov 3. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2020.107172
PMCID: PMC7608017 PMID: 33191178
Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2
The SARS-CoV-2 virus is still spreading worldwide, and there is an urgent need to effectively prevent and control this pandemic. This study evaluated the potential efficacy of Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgY) as a neutralizing agent against the SARS-CoV-2. We investigated the neutralizing effect of anti-spike-S1 IgYs on the SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus, as well as its inhibitory effect on the binding of the coronavirus spike protein mutants to human ACE2. Our results show that the anti-Spike-S1 IgYs showed significant neutralizing potency against SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus, various spike protein mutants, and even SARS-CoV in vitro. It might be a feasible tool for the prevention and control of ongoing COVID-19.
Ahhh… so eggs are good for you. Who knew?
No eggs makes sense now. They really want us dead.
Maybe they should of published this story first, let consumers dry up the eggs through demand. Then they could of used it for a story where evil white people are buying up all the eggs. The evil WEF clowns are really slipping up now.
Here’s a couple links. There are more.
First, they forbade hydroxychloroquine.
Then, they denied us ivermectin.
Now, they are killing all the chickens, so we can’t get eggs.
What’s next?
Assholes are next? Yikes!!
That’s been popping up all day. Did include mentions in Thursday’s daily. If someone with access to the right med journals could confirm the information, that would be great.
I love that he can say this stuff on Twitter now!