Man O’ War
(Yes, I know it’s not quite horse racing season, but….)
For The Man O’ War Cocktail:
- ice cubes for chilling the glass and for the shaker
- 1 1/2 ounces good-quality bourbonor your favorite rye whiskey
- 1 ounce Cointreau or other orange liqueur
- 1/2 ounce sweet vermouth
- 1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
For Garnish:
- Brandied cherry
- Lemon peel
- Chill The Glass: Fill a coupe glass with ice and water and set aside.
- Make The Man O’ War Cocktail: Add the bourbon (or rye or whiskey), Cointreau, sweet vermouth, and lemon juice to a cocktail shaker. Fill halfway with ice.Close and shake until it is thoroughly chilled (almost too cold to touch), at least 20 seconds. Taste and add more lemon if you want it more tart or more Cointreau if you want it sweeter.
- Serve The Man O’ War Cocktail: Dump the ice water from the coupe glass. Strain the cocktail into the glass. Spear a brandied cherries and a bit of lemon peel onto a few cocktail toothpicks and garnish the glass. Serve.
Highlight of Thursday (instrumental music from Bizet’s Carmen is a bonus):
Put some ice on it.
Forwarded from Just Human ️️️
Folks, I’m going to put this as bluntly as I can:
-That’s why Biden is speaking through his lawyer.
-That’s why there are these searches by his lawyers.
-That’s why there are searches by the FBI.
-That’s why there is a Special Counsel.Who, btw, officially started work as a Special Counsel TODAY.
This isn’t just about misplaced documents that are marked classified. If it was, the FBI would not be taking documents which are not classified and which date all the way back to Biden’s days as a Senator.
Everything [they] accused Trump of, everything [they] put Trump through, is being reversed onto [them].
It’s beautiful and amazing.
The best show ever.
Enjoy it.
Winter is only Temporary, My Enduring Soul
Energy Department proposes efficiency rules for cooking devices after gas stove furor
Keep reading. This is not the end of this.
Pfizer Shares Plunge Along With Demand For Covid-19 Drugs
“Objectivity Has Got To Go”: News Leaders Call for the End of Objective Journalism
More Than 4 in 10 Republicans and a Third of Parents Now Oppose Schools Requiring Children to Get Vaccinated for Measles and Other Illness, Up Since the COVID-19 Pandemic Began
If we have effective anti-viral drugs, why do we need vaccines?
Cursive handwriting and other educational anachronisms
I don’t get it. This morning I responded to a poll in the online blog of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC, the conservative answer to AARP) regarding cursive handwriting. Specifically: “Cursive writing (“handwriting”) has been on the decline for over a decade, though 21 states still mandate it in their curriculums. Should it still be taught?”
I found myself in the distinct minority by voting “No.” An overwhelming majority of respondents think cursive is necessary to read historical documents and foster critical thinking by 50 to 1. I know many of you will agree with that view; you will insist that the curricula of our old school days were more effective in training young minds and that cursive is an essential aspect of that.
But I simply do not agree. And, in a significant way, I have made my living by writing. I have been the author or coauthor of some 270 peer-reviewed scientific publications and 10 books, along with a handful of patents. And since 1983, all were done on some form of computer or another device that is not a pen. Admittedly, my handwriting was the despair of my parents and teachers.
Sure, I have jotted notes by hand. I have a file cabinet of my notes from grad school, and my lab notebooks were all handwritten. In some cases, such as with a potential patentable invention, such notebook entries were punctuated by a witness who had to attest in (hand)writing: “read and understood.”
But the vast majority of my written output had to be electronic, or my publishers would have thrown it back in my face! That’s just the simple reality. This got me thinking about some of the other anachronisms of my schooling, distinct from my education.
As the child of an educator, there are multiple reasons to learn cursive. The first is brain development. Small motor control in the fingers is another, which as a craft artist I can attest is necessary. Another is notation retention when things are written down. Of course, I have what has been described as pretty handwriting, so I’m biased.
UnLocke-ing the American Founders
If Trump is such a terrible candidate, why does everyone fear him?
The Petrodollar System: A Shift Away From a Dominant Currency (Plus Artificial Intelligence Will Soon Replace Us All)
Planned New FBI HQ Is Twice the Size of the Pentagon
The FBI as Intelligence Unit for the Administrative State
The Unacceptable Cost of Open-Border Mission Creep
The Never-Ending Covid Emergency
Steve Bannon Slams Nikki Haley Amid 2024 Rumors: ‘Ambitious as Lucifer’
And no small measure of pride.
Pfizer reports $100 billion haul, with vast majority of profits looted from US taxpayers
DoD Adds “Cognitive Security” to Governmental Disinformation Campaign
“Most-Read Propaganda Paper Ever”: The Dam of Lies Surrounding Covid Lab Leak Is Breaking
Everything that needs electricity is made with oil
McConnell Removes Senators Scott And Lee From Influential Committee
I have read over the years that Mitch McConnell has a mean streak. It’s like he’s Irish or something.
Hawley: Biden Administration Is Attempting to Wipe Out Blue-Collar Economy, Culture
The CORE, the ESSENCE, the CORNERSTONE of Globalism – The “Exfiltration of Wealth” – One Exceptional Example
The Master Builder (part 2 of Master and Commander earlier in the week)
Sorry Zerohedge: For Better or Worse, US Dollar Will Remain the King of Currencies
America’s National Exorcism: How It’s Going So Far
President Trump Also Watching RGA for Background Moves in 2024
This pretty much says it:
(For those who do not know the original Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, look up Veruca Salt. BRAT.)
Tweety Tweets:
I am religious, and yes, it is demonic.
Good question.
We didn’t in the 70s and 80s, either.
It’s not like rock salt for the roads degrades over time.
The Bidens are white trash. Change my mind.
Come and take it, indeed. That goes double for the in ground gas grill.
And this is what Sundance is trying to tell the world.

Okay, guys, if you want to skate in drag, this is how you do it.
I don’t remember that program when it happened, but laughed all the same.

And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.
Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
HEBREWS 13:1-8
1Let brotherly love continue. 2Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. 3Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them; and those who are ill-treated, since you also are in the body. 4Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled; for God will judge the immoral and adulterous. 5Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have; for he has said, “I will never fail you nor forsake you.” 6Hence we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid; what can man do to me?” 7Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God; consider the outcome of their life, and imitate their faith. 8Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.
ROMANS 5:1-5
1Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2Through him we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in our hope of sharing the glory of God. 3More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.
PSALMS 117:1-2
1Praise the LORD, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! 2For great is his steadfast love toward us; and the faithfulness of the LORD endures for ever. Praise the LORD!
MARK 16:15-20
15And he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. 16He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” 19So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. 20And they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it. Amen.
Punxsutawney Phil Emerges From Burrow To Let Everyone Know There Are Some Documents Marked ‘Classified’ Down There
‘Is It Working Now?’ Asks Elon Musk Flipping Random Switches In Twitter Basement
Politicians Forced To Cancel Prayer Breakfast After Lightning Keeps Striking Building
Have a good weekend!
On this day…February 3rd 1966
First Soft Landing on the Moon
February 3nd 1966 marks the first soft landing on the moon by the Soviet Luna 9 spacecraft. Luna 9 arrived three years before the American manned Apollo mission, using a landing bag to survive an impact that had destroyed all previous craft. It was the twelfth attempt at a soft-landing by the Soviet Union, and the last time the USSR could be said to be beating the USA in the Space Race.
This right here, that you posted, is critical:
More Than 4 in 10 Republicans and a Third of Parents Now Oppose Schools Requiring Children to Get Vaccinated for Measles and Other Illness, Up Since the COVID-19 Pandemic Began
If we have effective anti-viral drugs, why do we need vaccines?
They’re moving everything to mRNA. NOBODY should be taking mRNA.
If you do not KNOW that a shot is not mRNA – if they don’t HAND YOU THE BOX – do not take the vaccine. Neither take anything with the spike protein in it.
This has probably been covered, but I wouldn’t know precisely what to look for on the vax insert, and sometimes things have multiple names.
Yes, it’s tricky. One HAS to look at either the box or the product circular. My recommendation is to stall, don’t get the vaccine, get the name of the product being offered, and look it up online at home.
Somebody handy with their phone could do it in a few minutes at the doctor, but it’s important to be thorough.
Here is the Pfizer insert.
It mentions mRNA 7 times. You can see it especially in the “description” of the vaccine.
Odd that it only says what the stopper isn’t made of.
It shows how bass-ackwards everything is in Government Scienceville. It makes sense in some ways – latex is what most people are allergic to – but they could at least generically describe the polymer type of the stopper without too much interference in business.
The tromethamine (both plain and as its hydrochloride) is a pale and nearly worthless attempt to alleviate the heart damage from the jab.
Thank you!
COMIRNATY is the FDA approved version that is still NOT AVAILABLE IN THE UNITED STATES. Right? Thus, that is NOT the version Americans receive.
The Booster s/b a completely different formula. Has Delta plus Omni strains. Should replace Comirnaty. All Comirnaty doses should be trashed by now.
All, mRNA Injections should be trashed.
TBH, I never believed ANYTHING about the whole “Comirnaty Shuffle” – the whole thing was theater for Pfizer to appear to technically have obeyed laws and regulations, and for FDA to appear to have enforced them.
Bait and Switch to make everyone think jabs were approved to entice more to take w/o reading the fine print. PROPAGANDA.
And I appear like a rich young hunk.
….. wait ……. that can’t be right ……..
And I appear like a rich young hunk.
….. wait ……. that can’t be right ……..
WordPiss can certainly be annoying at times.
What W0lf says ..

If you are over 20, why are you taking a vaccine of any sort? If you have to do International travel I see it for cholera, yellow fever. But that is an obvious choice that has to made with that travel. But if you are staying in the U.S there is no need. And the flu shot is not a vax either but why take that? It is only partially effective if at all.
You are much better off taking Vit D3 + K2, Vit C, Vit E…. Selenium, Zinc and QUercitin all through the flu season. If you start having a scratch though ==> gargle, netti-pot. Also include an antihistamine.
Remember a VACCINE is based on IMMUNE RESPONSE, so just skip the stupid vaccine.
Cholera, (bacterium Vibrio cholerae) is from infected food and water. Yellow fever is a virus from mosquito bites.
Given Covid Clot Shots & Pilots PLUS Grope-N-Fly PLUS what my ex-company was doing to aircraft turbine blades… THERE IS NO WAY ON GOD’s GREEN EARTH, I AM EVER GETTING IN A PLANE AGAIN!
Pills, potions and witches brews won’t save you. Eat healthy and be fit. You will get exposed to unhealthy people and you will catch some stuff. If you are healthy you can easily handle it.
I fly all the time. If you want to stay safe. Don’t drive.
You did not see the test results, I did.
There was a $52,000,000 fine in one case. It was for an Air Force aircraft. I can no longer find any reference to the 3 commercial aircraft that were traced back to my ex-company.
When turbines fail it can be pretty impressive. I have been at several teardowns of power turbines that have come apart. Ten rows of blades taken down to the stubs.
Still, based on how things are maintained these days, and the odds of failure per miles flown. Cannot get much better.
The problem was an impurity in the ceramic used in the mold that leached into the steel of the blade making it fail a lot sooner than expected.
3 aircraft went down BEFORE I was hired. The old QA manager slipped sideways into another job and they hired me. About a year later I caught the cheating on the Cert. of Analysis saying the impurity was not present.
“…Pills, potions and witches brews won’t save you….“
I thought about it and I disagree.
For those of us who are hypo-glycemic fructose and starches are a no-no. I had 1/2 of a tangerine this morning and could barely keep my eyes open…. And then there are allergies…
and being a small older female.
Older folks need MORE nutrients but are also more prone to gain weight. We are also less likely to eat correctly due to lethargy and no one much to cook for.
So yes, I WILL CONTINUE ‘“…Pills, potions and witches brews…” because my experience shows me they WORK.
IF you can get all the nutrients you need from food more power to you. I CAN NOT.
The problem is your diet. Fix that, you will fix most of your issues. Most people won’t because they like their goodies.
If supplements work. Great. But it is not the root issue.
Although I have a sweet tooth, I quit having sweets in the home at age 19. Beside, given a choice I rather have a steak than a candy bar and at today’s prices the steak is actually CHEAPER per pound.
I can not think of the last time I had a piece of pie…. I went to a good brand of tea + cream instead of a common brand plus sugar or honey, so long ago I can not remember. Before that milk was my drink of choice until I had problems with lactose. I also quit eating most fruit because of the Hypoglycemia. Heck the carbs in a handful of almonds I had for a snack earlier today made me dizzy .. ALMONDS for crying out loud!
So no my diet is not a problem since, given I can not eat NaCl or carbs, I am stuck with meat/fish and non-starchy veggies prepared at home or a pay a price shortly after I cheat.
Oh and wheat? forget it! Instant acid reflux.
Locally, we are seeing head-on collisions daily now. Something to consider is why.
Clot shot heart problems maybe?
More pilots are purebloods than are shot up, I understand. This is why there are two on every flight, and don’t think that the pilots will allow that to change.
That’s good to know.
IMO there was some leakage of classified information about the death shots from “super-secret DARPA depop world” to “super-secret test pilot space world” that then got into military and civilian pilot world, which upped their cultural avoidance of the jabs.
That’s very good to hear, thanks W0lf …
Seriously? I mean, no
shitkidding, seriously?IF true, the airlines won’t allow that to change. Can’t have airliners having a case of
SADSSCS – Sudden Crash Syndrome.So, we are to believe the airlines schedule, around vaxed and pureblood pilots.
^^^ Is there a source that can be shared?
NOT holding my for the source. (It’s a SECRET) /s
Thank God for that.
There you go again with your pesky questions.
Maybe we should EXPAND the Injection concern beyond vaccinations.
Maybe our concern to avoid mRNA, INCLUDES ALL Injections.
Admittedly, not the sharpest tool in the shed. Guessing mRNA could be used in all injections, sprays…
Personally, I literally, do NOT trust medical world.
Correct. I only go to the doctors when I want to get some test that I want done. When they ask about anything else the answer is no. I do not do physicals either. Stay out of their system.
I agree. I just think the information is important to have, possibly to share with others as well.
It IS important to have, share…
In total agreement Wolf, this I am afraid is going to get worse if people don’t WTFU.
So moving everything to mRNA explains the push to have children Covid vaxxed. They will have the “portal” and then all the childhood/school required vaccines provide the “gene therapy”? Or is this too tinfoil hat?
Makes sense, kind of like a plug and play for vaccines. Just come in and get your yearly up date.
Yup. I’m pretty certain that they’re just starting here with this shot.
A game of chance. Sorta like Russian Roulette.
Just come in and get your yearly up date. One of them will be the final nail in your coffin.
Spot on. One of several angles to mRNA JAB Everybody.
Worth repeating AND REMEMBER. 14 of 15 gotta go. <<< THIS.
YUP. Not tinfoil hat AT ALL. Just ask scientifically how one would go about “helping” humanity do all the “Harari / WEF” stuff – how to ACTUALLY implement it – and it MUST go through some kind of hack into the nucleus, and then into the genome, which is exactly what this tech does.
The problem is doing it to everybody. Without permission! Ridiculous!
I can see the scientific seeds of all this, and plenty more, in the response to Roswell, which shocked the hell out of secret science and military world. Among the top 10 goals from that, one would spawn MK Ultra and Elon’s neuralink stuff, another would spawn all the semiconductor tech and AI, while yet another would spawn “directed biology”, which opens up the crap Harari is pushing. This was due to the initial assessment that the “little people” were highly adapted for space flight. But the problem is that because of too much secrecy, it’s all being done badly and wrongly, because at this stage, there is no reason to do this to everybody at this stage of the development. SEE THE TAGLINE OF THIS SITE.
“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert.” –J. Robert Oppenheimer
Brought to mind an advert for, if I recall wood varnish, the slogan being “it does what it says on the can”.
After what we’ve seen about the C19 jabs etc., I would doubt anything printed on the vial, or told to me at the surgery.
Slowly, and hopefully surely, the sleeper awakens.
^^^ 100%
Includes nasal spray.
If not already happening, guessing mRNA crap will be in pills.
“…guessing mRNA crap will be in pills….”
I do not think so. The stomach acids would destroy it. That is why the inhaler or shots.
Ah. Slow guy just caught up. Thanks.
DPat, I don’t remember that skating program either, but what fun to see it!! They were a great pair, and this routine was spectacular in its technique! BOO to the judges.
“84.5% of Americans are now “anti-vaxxers” according to the contemporary definition”
THAT is huge. And the industry is pushing mRNA vaccines as hard as they can.
Watch, next they’ll say 84.5% of Americans now believe most of the conspiracy theories they laughed at less than a year ago.
It’s total cultural appropriation.
They should get their own hobby
They lost the plot people are not buying it anymore.
Well … good for them, the pushy rotters.
The herd is, thankfully, shifting perspective.
A young black woman told me today in Columbus “that the jab is de population”.
She said “people think she is nuts that is why she does not speak about it”. Somehow she trusted me to tell me so. I ask her “why she trust me? ” She said “you are spiritual I can see it in your eyes they sparkle do not look dead” . I think that woman has a sweet spirit.
There is hope people see truth and truth evokes among people trust and unity.
WOW. It’s understood now. Not everybody, but many.
More and more are getting there
I’m happy to hear that.
I was surprised. Somehow people trust me to speak up. Maybe I have MAGA written on me
I’m sure your kindness shines from you like a bright light.
I never see what others see . Maybe that is good
That is great news. Hope that gal speaks up more.
I see her again next air appointment she washed my hair. She was so glad someone understood her concern and what she knows without telling her she is crazy. I assured her that I get it all the time
She just moved to OH from Mississippi .
Thank you, DePat, for a lovely and stirring Friday thread.
Hebrews 13:3 is certainly scripture for our times.
Absolutely my Favorite!!!
AMPC Version
Hebrews 13
5 Let your [a]character or moral disposition be free from love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions] and be satisfied with your present [circumstances and with what you have]; for He [God] [b]Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor [c]give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [d][I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor [e]let [you] down ([f]relax My hold on you)! [[g]Assuredly not!]
Dallas is melting out, slowly
Likely there will be refreezing tonight, so tomorrow morning will be like a skating rink
But once the temperature gets above freezing it’ll be good
Then comes the fun part, making up all the time away from work
I loved the baby lion and tiger, and the kissing cheetah.
And the guys in tires…
A fun little bit of feline trivia…..
A liger is the spawn of a male lion and a female tigress. Both species are apex predators, and are well-known for being “big cats”. This is typically moderated by a gene carried by female lions and male tigers. Ligers, then, are the biggest of the big cats because their size is unmoderated through the most common genes.
This is Hercules, a liger, at 922 pounds —
That’s a big cat.
It’s the largest modern cat. Smilodon populator — the largest of the three species of “sabre-toothed cats” in the New World (the South American version) was about the same size — and the largest cat that ever lived.
Male ligers are sterile, while female ligers can be fertile.
They are really, really big.
It’s likely that there are only about a hundred in the world.
“This is Hercules, a liger, at 922 pounds —”
This is Hercules, posing with his dinner…
Lunch ticket. Either she brings it, or she can fill in.
Catturd is extremely envious.
Just for yucks…
Cheetahs were Domesticated as House Pets in Ancient Egypt
I love it! So many of the pics have humans interacting with the big cats. That would be such an awesome experience, but those people probably raised the cats from the cradle, so to speak.
Boys can make “fun” with most anything.
Toddlers in cardboard boxes, laundry baskets.
Grownaged a bit, rolling around in tires.Oh, that’s hilarious!!!
I’ll be slow guy today – what are those two brown things between the jackasses?
I take it to mean joined at the hip. They look like suction cups…
Siamese Twins – joined at the hip!
ThanQ to everyone.
The guy is a hero. I kept wondering how he kept from slipping off the window, and then I noticed that he holds on with his left hand the whole time. So he caught and handed the child off with just his right hand.
Yes! It’s important to note what he did, which is solid mountain-climbing technique (and also basic rock-climbing technique).
The most important thing was keeping his weight on his feet, followed by the solid left handhold, and then making the child fall to be caught in a solid stance.
“cranked out the window to the perfect angle, so he could rest his weight mostly on his feet;”
Yeah, BUT…
We can be sure that hinge wasn’t designed to hold a man’s body weight, and if it collapses while his FINGERS are between the window and window frame, those fingers are gone, the man is gone, and the child is gone.
That was NVTS nuts!
A second person was inside pushing out on the bottom of the window. So the force was not straight down but was transferred to the second person at an angle. Had the second person lost his footing, I doubt the window would support first man’s weight.
When the child was handed in, the second person also performed a one-handed grab. The other hand kept force on the window frame.
Yes – the second person pushing OUT on the window was very helpful, by preventing torques from developing on the supports for the window up above. Those are what could have really messed things up. So with forces perpendicular to the window balanced, a somewhat reduced weight of the guy was directed in the line of the window itself, and those hinges performed admirably, IMO, supporting a sizable fraction of his weight!
Sometimes you just gotta think these things through.
Sometimes it takes some nuts . . .
Okay, I have a better idea. Someone run to the room ABOVE the child, and pull him UP…
Talk about doing something the hardest and most crazy dangerous way…
Well they managed to open every window below the kid, so yeah, why not go there and simply pull the kid in. This looks a bit like a stunt, but a nice stunt if that is what it is.
I took it as a stunt.
Doubtful it was a real kid.
Real kid or not, also figure the guy hanging out the window IS tethered.
There is no window above the child.
I think he means the one the kid is hanging out of. Not really hanging, he’s standing on the lip of the lower window. At least till just before the guy is ready to grab him, then feet slip off. But definitely a kid.
I guess they couldn’t get into the kids room?
Home Alone?
Yeah, but however they died, at least the jab didn’t get ’em
But it may have been something very transmissible, just look how many stones they piled on top of them
That was someone’s mother in law…when she died, they took no chances.
“Team Trump” is posting on Twitter.
Trump’s platform is FANTASTIC and I’m 100% on board.
Me too!
(It’s a flag for sale on Amazon.)
$5 and up.
There is NO better alternative to Trump. NONE.
Some can bitch and moan about Trump’s shortcomings.
But, please name ONE candidate that is better than Trump. Just ONE.
“If the election were held today, there is ZERO doubt that we would WIN in a massive landslide! ”
Except you wouldn’t.
You won the LAST election in a massive landslide.
How’d that work out?
Did you forget?
Gun ban fires up lawmakers on House committee, Dem demands show of hands on who’s not packing
So Dems don’t trust their fellow members of Congress? No, it’s just about control and their anti-2A agenda. I don’t think they’re doing themselves any favors with stunts like this and by throwing tantrums. They look weak.
They are weak. It’s why they cheat.
They look like EXACTLY what they are, mental 2 year olds in adult bodies.
So Dems don’t trust their fellow members of Congress?
Well, truth I don’t trust the Dems either. For that matter, I’d only trust some R-Cons. MTG, Boebart…
Sadly, she’s right about 9/11. Because some of the people WERE Muslims.
Hmmm, is that perhaps a CAIR pin that she’s wearing on her jacket?
Good question.
GOP Sens. Introduce National Reciprocity for Concealed Carry
Support for this kind of thing is what keeps people voting for RINOs like Cornyn, Lindsey Graham, the late John McCain, etc.
This definitely provides an advantage to having a CC permit, even if you live in a Constitutional carry state.
Cracking up here.
Yea, National Reciprocity is a good thing.
Yea, we shouldn’t need National Reciprocity, IF 2A were honored.
Please do RECALL. ~Six years ago, the House under dirt bag Eddie Munster, PASSED National Reciprocity.
Agree! That’s what my comment about Cornyn meant. They do things to make themselves look good without any real results.
Yea. Knowing how thorough you are, I should have connected those dots, when you named Cornyn twice.
Elon Musk Ignored Dems In Capitol Visit
Outrage is their go-to reaction now.
There is NO WAY that ChatGPT could do this now. But assuming this is real, it’s an example of the based nature of free AI.
In my copious free time, I want to create an account with ChatGPT and see what questions I can ask that’ll really fry its circuits.
The best trick I’ve seen is to premise the question in a way that ChatGPT evades responsibility for the answer. In that way, it will tell the truth.
One thing I can/will tell folks . . . they don’t let the general public near the real powerful stuff. Whatever capabilities they’re showing off are far behind the IC/DoD curve.
Yep. Pretty sure they tested out one of the first advanced prototypes here. What was her name?
Its name, alias?
Yes, alias would be better but she did have a name here. People even commented on her very likely being a bot on more than one occasion.
Yes, my bad. I thought the inference was that poster actually AI, bot, not a person.
Alias incorrectly used in my post above.
I hope you will give us reports!
I remember seeing that when Chat was first revealed.
Good! Thanks!
I’m guessing it’s not real, that it was definitely made up by a person
Was it you?
No, not me.
I could do it, though.
I just don’t think the machine can
Pleasant birthday wishes for your father, WSB.
Robert Malone and Naomi Wolf are all over the third Project Veritas / Pfizer release.
Very worthwhile read on Malone’s substack! Again, he’s saying take these things off the market.
Jordon Trishton Walker’s New York State Physician License number: 313466, issued 2021, “active and current”, under the name Jordon Walker.
Doctor of Medicine degree, 1 June 2018, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
(via https://brianoshea.substack.com/p/who-is-jordon-trishton-walker)
A search under Jordon Walker, Director Worldwide Strategic Operations, Pfizer, comes up with a http://www.linkedin.com/in/jordon-walker-539a-31263
Clicked on the link. Got an error message:
“an exact match for jordon-walker-539a-31263 could not be found. The LInkedIn profile you’re looking for isn’t public or doesn’t exist.”
A search for Jordon Walker or Jordan Walker at http://www.pfizer.com/ comes up with zero search results under “Person” on the search page.
The “official” Pfizer-BioNTech “rebuttal statement” issued by the company on 27 January 2023, in response to the Project Veritas video with Jordon Walker, never mentions Walker’s name at any time.
Yours Truly: Hmmm, looks like perhaps Pfizer-BioNTech got their “damage control team” up and running right away?
They didn’t fire him and are covering up instead.
Promoted AND given a bonus. Told to:
Gail Combs has an important post coming out at noon, so be sure to come back in the afternoon to check it out.
When I realized that “malinformation” can include pure truth, fully in context, which “harms organizations”, I realized how immoral our government has become.
Even Obama stated and ordered that evidence of crimes is not protected by classification, so this doesn’t even fully apply to classified information.
Selective control of truth, or weaponizing truth to release it as a weapon.
In some cases it’s not enough that the truth comes out – they have to maximize the blast radius in the process.
Typically in an asymmetric manner. The truth comes out about A and is amplified with outrage. The truth comes out about B and while not suppressed, is yawned at. Redirecting the costs onto A and minimizing costs on B – even though “the truth came out”.
“…The truth comes out about B…” late on Friday night or as a minor paragraph somewhere in the middle of the newspaper.
As previously mentioned, Gerard Vanderleun, one of the old-school bloggers from a ways back, recently passed away — and Neo disclosed that they had a long-time hidden relationship. Here’s one of the things he wrote about her —
Back at the Fripp estate —
My dad used to say, when confronted with WGTTs on a singer, “She can’t carry a tune but she certainly sings well otherwise.” My mother would roll her eyes.
Not the usual Gonzalo Lira video — this is a response to Scott Adams’ plaintive wail asking “how did people know besides me when I took the jab?”
It’s not going to educate any of us, but it might help talk to those who took the jab.
3:42 “some medicine that been around for 50 years”, and they made it unavailable.
Yeah, that was a giant red clue.
Hi, we’re the government, we’re here to help. This HCQ and IVM work, so we’re going to make that as hard to get as possible.
But here, try this untested vaccine gene therapy that actually has been tested since the 1990s but always kills everything we inject it into.
Two for one sale today, you can skip your first booster if you get two today.
Step right up…
Welcome back my friends
to the show that never ends
we’re so glad you could attend
come inside come inside
This is an interesting BIo by his cousin: LINK
Interesting AND quite telling.
Just about everything he said was right on, just “less than” most people here.
Where he was hesitant for what seem like perfectly good reasons, and decided against it — most people here were “hell no!”
So there are at least three clear responses to Big Daddy Gov’t trying to govern harder.
1) hell no, not a chance
2) that seems unwise so I’m not going to comply (e.g., Gonzalo Lira)
3) which arm do you want to jam the poison in? (Clott Adams)
There is enough overlap that I can relate to number 2.
But number 3 might as well be an alien species.
Then, the aliens have landed AND ARE 70% of the American population.
Illegals don’t count cuz, the only free shit illegals do NOT get is, JABBED.
Homo Sapiens and Homo Comatose
Whew, you weren’t kidding DP, there’s a lot packed in this daily.
It’ll definitely carry me over to Tuesday!
Spitting fire and brimstone!!!
well, Kevin is your ‘boy’ …
you “pushed” for him, really hard.
And you pushed for Ronna… really hard.
Tell him the truth, pr. No quarter.
Verse of the Day for Friday, February 3, 2023
“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”
1 Corinthians 1:18 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Is this how the left reacts to taking back our schools?
You Betcha.
Single mother with pre-teen daughter.
One neighbor. Heard a volley of gun shots and dove for cover in his home.
Here’s some more on Balloon Gate!
Just some quick thoughts…
Here’s a twitter thread with more info, hopefully it works. Was hoping to find some Dark Austin memes but nothing yet … https://twitter.com/search?q=china%20balloon%20spy&src=typeahead_click
jes tryin’ to lighten my dark mood Para!
What I got when I clicked was a bunch of drag Queens dancing and showing ass — UGH!
Turn the CCP statement around 180 degrees and voila! — the truth.
Larry Johnson has some words on balloons …
STURM UND DRANG AND CHINESE BALLOONS2 February 2023 by Larry Johnson 93 Comments
STURM UND DRANG AND CHINESE BALLOONS2 February 2023 by Larry Johnson 93 Comments
U.S military commands NORAD and NORTHCOM have been soiling themselves during the last 48 hours because a Chinese spy balloon is flying over the United States mainland. The U.S. military initially recommended a shoot down and Joe Biden gave the greenlight. But cooler heads prevailed, in part because there was concern expressed within the military chain of command that falling debris could kill Americans on the ground, and the U.S. opted to let it fly.
The war party in the United States is apoplectic. The media is reporting that the military ignored Biden’s order. Jesse Waters on Fox News — he normally is a strident Biden critic — is openly siding with Biden and condemning the military for not popping that balloon.
This is madness. The countries with military satellites circling the globe do not have a formal agreement under international law defining where earth’s atmosphere ends and space begins. (More about that in a bit.)
Let me start with this question — what is the difference between a Chinese spy balloon flying at 55 miles above the earth collecting intelligence via sensors and cameras and Chinese spy satellite flying at 70 miles above the earth collecting intelligence with sensors and cameras? Simply a matter of altitude.
Currently there is a de facto assumption by most nations that the line dividing earth atmosphere from space is 60 miles above the earth:
Con’t reading at link… posted at top … comments should be interesting
Okay … don’t want to take the time to read?
Here’s Larry’s almost last word ,,, the last is actually on balloons PERIOD!
I think the Chinese are testing the definition of what constitutes acceptable overhead surveillance and may be trying to create a predicate for destroying our satellites if we go after their balloons. The United States has long resisted any legal definition of outer space to avoid restrictions on high-altitude military activities. Advances on the technological front involving satellites and other aerial collection systems has created a very murky area that is not defined by law or treaty when it comes to intelligence collection. At least none that I am aware of.
~ Larry Johnson
or, in the pragmatic words of a commenter to his blog:
Excellent point. When you are the bully of the playground (USA), your power lasts until the first kid punches you. And even if you win? It starts the conversation. And if you lose? Ratpack time.
I don’t think china can control it, apart maybe from up and down and it’ll come down naturally at some time. Doubt there’ll be anything super secret on it, but bet there’ll be a rush to grab it where ever it does come down.
The fact that the balloon is able to stay in one area for a long period of time gives it an edge satellites do not have. IDK, but the lower altitude may give it better resolution with electronic eves dropping capabilities that satellites don’t have. Satellite capabilities also have to dedicate their spying capabilities to this or that. A balloon is much more dedicated platform that would allow for much more analysis of data collected.
We’ve all read stories about the military wanting to put up blimps over the eastern sea board for terrorist surveillance. Like this one.
This current story covering China Balloon, gives info on capabilities satellite vs balloon. Bottom line balloon can get more detailed info.
Stories about Biden wanting to shoot down the balloon are so much bull. Being supposedly overruled by DoD just gives him deniability. No one should be taking our CCP compromised pResident at his word, nor the word of Austin or Milley, both tools of Biden and Globalists.
What would chynna do, if we floated a spy balloon over their land?
Whatever the answer is, if we do less, it projects weakness.
We’ll do less. As in, nothing. BiteMe is bought and paid for. Milley already surrendered back in 2020, if not earlier.
Idi Amin, the putz, wore a mask AND a face shield. <<< Still SMDH.
Good grief, there is FARMLAND and MOUNTAINS near Billings Mt and these dickwads could not pick a snow covered farmers field or mountain to shoot it down into?
Chinese spy balloon the size of three buses is spotted floating over Montana for DAYS as U.S. mobilizes F-22 Raptors to intercept: Biden wanted to shoot it down but Pentagon advised him not to because of falling debris
This is a satelite image of Billings
Hell, Eastern Montana is the Big Empty. They could shoot it down just about anywhere over there, and all it would hit is sagebrush.
YUP. IMO the military is covering for Biden’s decision now.
The spy balloon was reported at 60,000 feet altitude . . . just a bit over 11 miles.
60,000 feet is the upper edge of controlled airspace in the US (the “flight levels”). Unless something has changed since I took pilot training.
“Let me start with this question — what is the difference between a Chinese spy balloon flying at 55 miles above the earth collecting intelligence via sensors and cameras and Chinese spy satellite flying at 70 miles above the earth collecting intelligence with sensors and cameras? Simply a matter of altitude.”
When we flew U2 or SR-71 Blackbirds over Soviet or Chinese territory, they tried to shoot us down.
That’s why we had to fly higher and faster.
I don’t understand unilateral surrender by our side, when the enemy floats a balloon over our land.
We ought to shoot it down as a matter of principle, or at the very least capture it, and examine it, to find out what the enemy is up to.
OK let’s be real clear on this.
A “balloon” is just a term used for the general public.
Generally we think of a “balloon” as a weather balloon. It’s released, it goes unmanned into the air, and it’s uncontrolled. It follows the jet streams.
Now let’s talk about a a Stratollite.
Think of a balloon like an airship or a blimp – but with the remote control capabilities of a drone. If it’s at a high altitude, it can use solar power to recharge and stay up indefinitely like a satellite in LEO.
Example story from 2019:
World View Enterprises’ is about “remote sensing” – think about that from a mission perspective in Ukraine. You could keep a Stratollite up indefinitely over a terrority with continuous coverage – better than drones etc.
Remember: Whatever tech the U.S. has developed, China has STOLEN, and actively COPIED.
As far as Para’s thoughts – the obvious use is the one just discussed.
However payload deployments are also likely and possible.
You bring up an additional point. One talked about in one of the stories posted below this. Drones. This thing can also harbor miniature drones for additional data collection. Yeah, in the tin foil hat category but the tech exists.
Not Tin Foil.
“…However payload deployments are also likely and possible….”
Oh, you mean like setting fires to food processing plants?
Possibly, yes, but I would expect that work to be farmed out to low-level actors on the ground, like insider threats and Antifa types.
Why not one of the THOUSANDS of Satellites?
If our military is so 100% pathetic that they won’t even shoot down a foreign adversary surveillance vehicle over American territory, why doesn’t some American take it out with a drone?
Do you know of a drone, publicly available, that will fly at 60,000 feet?
“Do you know of a drone, publicly available, that will fly at 60,000 feet?”
Yes, if you strap it to a balloon!
Then you have a maneuverable remote controlled kamikaze balloon, with cameras and GPS, that can go as high as it needs to

The Russian Armed Forces destroyed the Norwegian NASAMS air defense system for the first time in the course of the SVO
February 3, 2023,
The Russian military during a special military operation in Ukraine for the first time destroyed the Norwegian-made NASAMS air defense system, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
A Norwegian-made NASAMS anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed near the settlement of Krasnoarmeysk in the Donetsk People’s Republic, RIA Novosti reports.
A Ukrainian Tochka-U tactical missile launcher was also destroyed there.
In late January, the Pentagon announced that the next package of military assistance to Kiev included air defense systems, including Norwegian NASAMS and eight Avengers systems.
Prior to this, Ukraine stated that Canada will spend $ 406 million on the purchase of NASAMS for transfer to Kiev.
^^^ My day just got better.
It blowed up real good.
That’s funny!
I used to love watching SCTV when I was a kid.
That was John Candy and Joe Flaherty. Here’s the longer clip
Exxon Saw Record Profits In 2022
By Brett Hershman – Freelance Writer
Feb 3, 2023
Biden says ExxonMobil ‘made more money than God’
June 11, 2022
Gee … ya think! Duh!
.course it wasn’t anticipated that attempts to thwart Europe’s source of energy wouldn’t make the rich richer…
,,, and by more than God, Biden means something other than our Lord …
“Biden says ExxonMobil ‘made more money than God’”
He’s just pissed that he didn’t get 10%.
Laughing … you right about that Scott …
God didn’t either, I’m sure. And I would way rather Biden was mad than God.
The Media Keep Lying To Protect Ilhan Omar
FEBRUARY 02, 2023
Debunking the ‘critical of Israel’ canard.
After the House voted to deny Rep. Ilhan Omar a seat on the Foreign Affairs Committee—using a precedent Democrats recently created but suddenly find deeply offensive—AP tweeted: “BREAKING: House Republicans have voted to oust Democratic Rep Ihan [sic] Omar from the House Foreign Affairs committee. The vote to remove the Somali-born Muslim lawmaker came after her past comments critical of Israel.”
Almost two years ago to the day, the Associated Press reported on the House removing another congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene, from her committee assignments like so: “BREAKING: The U.S. House votes to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from committees for spreading violent, racist rhetoric.”
. . . It’s getting tedious constantly pointing out the partisan activism in the establishment “press.” But wire services like the Associated Press (where I worked briefly early in my career) were once widely relied on to provide objective, no-nonsense journalism. Now they’re just, at best, useless.
‘Cognitive Dissonance’ is REAL … not psychobabble …
For over 6 years Trump told us what some already knew … MSM is FAKE NEWS …
Many ‘believe’ that … yet are surprised at the lies spewing forth … Ukraine is winning.
MTG is racist … removing Omar is because of …
There is no ‘partisan activism’ in the press… because there is no such thing in Congress… it is a Uniparty! Wake up David! and the AP is a FILTER… has always been thus … I haven’t believed anything coming from it since the runup to the war on Iraq. And you do know David, as you once worked for the AP … that the UNITED PRESS was destroyed so that there would be no competition for the AP …
Wake up David …
Can y’all tell I’m getting sick of the STUPID!
Oh, here’s some more about balloons and hysteria … from 1984 no less …
In 1915 the banksters and military industrial complex BOUGHT THE PRESS! we should never forget that.
Amen Gail…
Right after the year that will l l live in infamy forever – 1913.
The Daily Chart: Liberal Students Are the Worst | Power Line (powerlineblog.com)
What I found interesting, but not surprising, was that women were far more inclined to “engineer” a less threatening outcome of a perceived danger. In my experience women are far more likely to be empathic in social circumstances.
I find it concerning that health science and Natural Science are around 20 to 30 %

Students need to gro-a-cet.
Bill Gates, “Aerogel” & the next stage of mRNA “vaccines” – The Burning Platform
From the comments.

I was asking that all during 2020 and 2021 … felt like the Greek mythological Kassandra … still do …
Cracking up a bit.
Seems like weekly posts highlighting, earlier Covid cases than CDC would admit to
THEN, HEY. Who authorized the flu to take a year off…only to be renamed Covidiot.
Looks like a CYA article…..
The commenters are SAVAGE — NO FORGIVENESS.
I want them as the jury during the Nuremberg II trials.
Had not planned to click on the link.
Did so for the comments you mentioned.
Made My Day. Never Forgive. Never Forget. Fuck’m All. God Can Sort’m Out.
They’re not even ASKING for forgiveness, they’re trying to propagandize people into it.
And, I ain’t buying it. Yea, I HOLD a Grudge, with NO apologies.
Me, too.
And I come from old time hillbilly stock. Think Hatfields and McCoys. Generational grudge-holding is in my DNA.
Speaking of which, which side of that feud did your kin favor?
I do recall asking my own parents which ones were the “good guys”!
Hatfields. At least in most cases.
What a mess!
Yeah. Hillbillies. We’re a case.
Here’s my favorite by someone named Edith Myarse:
Love it. BOLD TRUTH.
Thanks for the heads up on the comments.
That was brutal. And very satisfying to read.
Donald J. Trump
Feb 03, 2023, 6:25 AM
Good grief …
Shoot the damn ballon down you CCP loving traitors.
Feb 03, 2023, 8:16 AM
Forecast: Air Currents to Take China Spy Balloon Over US Heartland, Key Naval Base; Biden Refuses to Shoot It Down (thegatewaypundit.com)
Poso is tearing it up on his feed. More examples.
So DJT is tweeting again?
From what I can see, his campaign is tweeting; but realdonaldtrump is not.
That’s a fake, and it says so when I read it the 2nd time. I also checked his TS.
The only thing Blinken delayed, was the next CCP delivered Bitch Slap to Blinken.
Should we wave if it makes it close to any of us?
If it gets low enough, Red Necks can take it out.
Folks needs to quit picking on the military. They have higher priorities, like woke BS training.
Crop duster plane + Red Neck + 22…
The balloon is at 60,000 feet (18,300 meters) — RATS…
If only the U.S. military had something that would go that high.
Maybe Elon has something in his garage that can reach it.
I can just see it OOOPPPppps Gee I am sorry guys, it got away from me — Signed Elon.
Just a coinydink I’m sure …
but just as the RF is about to execute their major offensive…
we are directed to the sky … no, not an alien invasion FF as some have foretold …
but a balloon with some calligraphy that no one has bothered to decipher
that we are told is Chinese, but could have been launched by anyone …
and as Forest Gump would say, “Just like that…”
narrative switches from Ukraine to China …
Could be some great PR …
But, Poso, is on it …
Come on America! That is not a Chinese spy balloon. It is a Philadelphia Eagles drone spying on the Kansas City Chiefs practice. I am surprised that the NFL will let the Eagles get away with that. I see massive fines in the Eagles future. Why the Pentagon is misleading us I haven’t a clue. They must be Eagles fans.
Why indeed would the Pentagram deceive/mislead …
oops… that’s the WRONG link …
here’s correct one …
3rd time
Okay … the correct vid is on weather balloons … the one just behind this one…
apparently low tech person here didn’t realize prob in laptop buffer … magic button kept repeating same action … which equals to ?
Going offline a while …very emotional morning… family matters, and more … just need to step back a bit…
Don’t hurt anybody and don’t break anything.
I am not sure what link you were trying but I don’t think it was supposed to be NOAA.
You’re correct …
NOAA, another Federal Self Licking Ice Cream Cone.
[giggling like a school kid]
Nothing says inept cowards, than BiteMe and his goons reaction to CCP balloon.
Why am I not surprised.
I don’t want to start rumors, but one of the accounts I follow claims the “alliance” is fearful of an EMP.
At this point, anything is possible.
I saw that. Also that it’s releasing aerosol droplets of biofunk poison. It’s BS, they wouldn’t let us do that. Gaetz thinks they want to see our reaction capabilities. Not buying that either. They’re definitely trolling Creepy and lording their power over him. Being over open land Montana is one thing (where falling debris would be negligible), now it’s headed to a most populated part of the country.
CCP already knows we have the ability to take it out. Should have done it before or over Alaska. Canada would be fine. But NOT, Aubergine’s MT.
Yep protect Eggplant. Since Alaska was 1st contact, that’s where it should’ve happened. Cannot believe they’re letting it go over the Heartland and DC!! UFB!!
In all honesty, I couldn’t give a rats ass if the CCP balloon crashed in District of Criminals.
Sadly, I think it’s nuclear capable, but not carrying!
I’m willing to take the risk. They should have shot it down over Eastern Montana. It’s all open prairie over there.
Hell with that! I’ll take cover, or dodge!
LOL! I agree. Me and J.D. are ready to round up the little ChiComs that try to make a run from the wreckage, too!
Bag me a green one.
Out of character, I was being a wise ass, over MT.
I’d prefer to on-board it and bring it down fully intact.
They may be taking their time so as to snag the whole thing without either damage or self-destruct activating.
Which “alliance” is that? <<< That IS a serious question.
Maybe the “alliance”, brave defenders of freedom, they are, saw there shadow yesterday. /s
Since Alaska is part of the US, why wasn’t the balloon dealt with in that airspace? Pretty sure if it was shot down over the 49th state it would be unlikely to endanger anybody on the ground.
In 2030 Martian 6th graders will be reading how a balloon started WWIII and …
Has anyone deciphered the calligraphy on the balloon?
Wonder if it says “Hi Nancy”
Happy Valentine’s Day
Fang Fang
(Yea. Snatched from above post)
There was a statistical possibility that it might fall on an endangered polar bear. The Pentagon deemed the risk too high.
More like the Homogon, or the Sissygon.
I read here recently that the new FIB building is supposed to be something like twice the size of the Pentagon.
They should make it 8-sided, and call it the Octopussy.
I think more appropriately make it 10 sided and call it “Decadence” …
This is SO FAR beyond anything acceptable. The damn “balloon” is MANEUVERABLE, per the GWP article. And the “statement” by the Pentagram is just what could be expected from the “trans military is fine” crowd — basically saying, “It’s fine, it’s happened before, nothing to see here.”
And one can posit that IF Dictator Xi told “President Biden” and/or the handlers that the “balloon” was coming, an extra sentence was added: “And don’t you dare to shoot it down.”
Somebody needs to go up in a lawnchair and helium balloons and SHOOT IT DOWN!!!
Masks Don’t Work, Gold Standard Review of Trial Data Concludes – The Daily Sceptic
^^^^ Damn near spit my coffee. ^^^ Too damn funny.
File under food shortage saga.
Nearly 2.6 million pounds of canned meat, poultry products recalled due to packaging defectBy Kelly Hayes
Published February 2, 2023 5:50AM
Updated 5:52AM
FOX TV Digital Team
Zero trust in any of this. I mentioned keeping my Jif peanutbutter. Now down to the last two of ten family sized jars. No problems. Visual, Scent and Taste inspections all fine.
IMO this is either part of the shortage saga or the companies are getting shook down. Something that happened often under the Obama Administration. Antidotally, under my time working in a grocery store, food recalls were happening 10 times more under Obama than Trump.
I actually did get messed up jif. It had strips of plant matter in it. Really gross. Jif was off the shelves a long time around here. Started coming back and the price jumped a lot over skippy.
Jif is pretty expensive.
Its a lot more now than before the recall. I never buy peter pan bc that is always recalled for listeria. I liked jif natural a lot.
Peanut butter and co. Is good but expensive.
Back to skippy for mr gil. Ill just buy a little jar of jif for me.
Remember they tried to Cancel Goya Foods because the owner is a Trump supporter.
Coincidence? Not likely.
If they mark it down, AND it’s stuff we eat, I’d buy it. Most everything we buy at the grocery is marked down. Veggies and fruit the exception. Although, we buy some of that also.
Well, Well, Well:
Remember right after the 2020 elections, there were reports about ballots being tabulated
in Spain (it was dismissed as ‘Conspiracy Theory’)
Now Gregg Phillips says there is evidence for this, and it is connected to Konnech.
He was interviewed by Emerald-Robinson https://frankspeech.com/absolute-truth-emerald-robinson:
GOP Calls for Re-Do of Midterm Elections in Harris County, Texas | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
Also from Lindell Report: https://frankspeech.com/lindell-report
Did the CIA Steal the 2020 Presidential Election? | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
IF we only had standing.
Prolly any country in the world would grant standing. At least look at the evidence.
BOT NOT America. Home of the
FreeControlled.Yep. Mentally and emotionally incompetent and deviant.
Yup. ONLY Trump gets rid of this shit. Accept no substitutes.
Even he might not be able to. But at least he would try, and the others would not.
Cfg controlled guvs wont do it.
Maybe we could put him on a plane and get him to chase that ball. Like this:
Havent watched that in a long time.
I love Ben Stiller. He cracks me up.
Thanks! That was great!

… that’s all I’m saying … 

Hannibal Lechter .. ?
White supremacy isnt the problem. Degenerate behavior is.
“Video shows moment California doctor run over then stabbed by man ‘muttering about white privilege’
Horrifying surveillance footage captured the moment a bicycle-riding California doctor was mowed down by a car at a busy Dana Point intersection – followed by the driver exiting his vehicle and allegedly stabbing him to death.
Ring camera footage from a nearby home shows Dr. Michael John Mammone, 58, flying over the hood of a white Lexus on the Crown Valley Parkway intersection on the Pacific Coast Highway around 3 p.m. Wednesday afternoon.
Another case on point.
“Sickening video shows cowering third grade girl, 9, being pummeled in the head by two boys on the school bus – as school administrators tell her mom to enroll her three kids elsewhere”
And no one did anything to stop it.
“They” always say that things have always been bad..blah blh we just never heard of it.
I do not believe that at all. If other eras or even way back in history if there were rashes of men, women or children being randomly run over by carriages or thousands of women routinely going to the back alley dispensary for herbs to abort their babies or school children habitually beating their classmates up….i really think there would be historical record of it.
Our society is imploding
When I was a kid we left the doors unlocked, the car keys in the car and I, as a 4 year old, was SAFE to roam the neighborhood alone. It was also SAFE to go trick-or-treating.
A very distant memory for us geezers. Sad.
In my case it was about 6 years old. And trick or treating was with my considerably-older brother.
When I started hearing about people driving their kids to school because they feared kidnappings, my jaw dropped. I got to walk, quite a long way.
We hward about the noteworthy ones but they were so shocking society quickly dealt with them, and seemed to make sure there were morals involved with the why of it and recovery.
This is a sick and degenerate populace we are witnessing.
Mr Gil still believes this is heading towards armed conflict WW and balkanization here at home.
America is too sick atm to lead and it shows.
Broken record.
Assuming Mr Gill is correct. And I have no reason to doubt him. PAST time to leave CA. As it is past time, I leave NV.
Yes. He is moving his job close to home next week, just a couple miles now. We are watching house prices elsewhere. Will go when we have found the right place.
Yea, tedious process. We’ll get there. Just need to align some stars.
The da in orange county wouldve done the death penalty until newscum removed the option.
Any bets the Doctor killer gets off with Involuntary Manslaughter California – Penal Code 192b PC
The potential penalties include:
So any bets he gets PROBATION…
Well its in orange county, da is conservative, he was a well respected md. Killer was a pos from long beach. If it was la county theyd plea down. This is high profile and witnesses will testify. Unless they get him off for mental reasons hes going for murder.
Got this when trying to like a couple posts a short time ago. OK now.
Error establishing a database connectionThis either means that the username and password information in your
file is incorrect or that contact with the database server atlocalhost
could not be established. This could mean your host’s database server is down.I’ve had weird stuff happening for months. It’s not every night I’m on the internet late but randomly when I am on late I get cut off at midnight. It happens to all three of my desktops, I get the message “secure connection failed” on every site I try.
If it was some fault of the O/S or in the router I would expect it to happen every time after midnight, but like I say it’s sporadic.
Even stranger still when it’s happening and won’t connect to anything, if I reboot and use tails it works without any problem, and the thing that leaves me baffled is that one has to connect to somewhere on the internet to get tails working.
Yup – the sporadic makes sense.
Can’t really say anything else. But thanks!
I’ve experimented with it when it’s happening.
One machine on my normal O/S not able to connect to anything. And a second machine on at the same time using tails and working fine, and obviously they’re both using the same router.
A Damar Hamlin tweet from January 31st:
He’s encouraging people to learn hands-free CPR. There is a one-minute video here:
It appears to just be rapid chest compressions. It’s good for people to know about it, especially these days, though I don’t think it would have been enough to help his condition. This video still has a lot of cuts, but I think he seems better than in the last one.
Just want to point out that when he makes the “okay” sign, which results in three fingers being extended, it’s because his jersey number is 3. Some people say it stands for 666, or three sixes made with that hand. I don’t believe that is the case for Hamlin.
He is also highlighting his number with this “3 for Heart” challenge.
Another reason to be skeptical about flying:
Fully autonomous passenger planes are inching closer to takeoff
I think some people would do it for the novelty and to show off their “progressivism.” It’s a hard NO from me.
“Fully autonomous passenger planes are inching closer to takeoff”
They must be flying out of Atlanta.
This looks like a motive for killing off pilots.
Or acknowledgment they have seriously compromised their pool of future pilots.
Well, there won’t be a pilot shortage, because there will be fewer customers needing to be flown from point A to point B, too.
And less point A and Bs
More like dealing with the shortage. Between the guys who retired early, and the numbers of former military pilots dwindling, there is a pinch.
Watch for air travel to get more expensive, and be more sparse.
Yup. Desired shortage. They’re downregulating flying as a whole, IMO. “Climate change” is the phony maguffin, but the goal is simply to reduce human impact in all forms toward what they define as sustainability. We don’t need to fly – “they do”. We don’t need to eat meat – “they do”.
Trump and Musk are about growth. “HUMAN GROWTH IS BAD.”
The “elite” don’t want us to have the perks they consider theirs. Flying, cruising, etc., got to be way too bourgeois for them. We little people need to be put in our places.
A sure way to stop me from flying.
I just finished the last glass of my gallon of skim milk dated Dec 15.
I bought it a few days before for the reduced price of $1.89. It lasted an extra 48 days, WHAT A BARGAIN!!
This just proves that dates are suggestions meant to brainwash you into thinking you’ll get sick so you’ll throw good stuff away and buy MOAR. Just crank the fridge down to keep things colder and keep the milk in the very back at the tippy top.
Onto my Jan 28 1/2 gallon.

Was the milk “ultra-pasteurized”? That stuff last forever!
Nope. Just regular pasteurized Kroger store brank Skim milk.
Wild! It must be a good process, although (1) skim milk likely does better against microbes, and (2) you’re probably doing something else, like low temperatures and high cleanliness.
Super Super cold in the very back top of fridge. A notch just above freezing.
There you go!
I can just see the ad campaign. Buy our milk. Its ultra-pasteurized. Never a bad sip. Heck its the only milk that can be willed to your heirs.
The Europeans do something so bad to bacteria (irradiation?) that they sell milk stored in bags at room temperature.
Yes! Gamma irradiation is one of the forms accepted for “ultrapasteurization” that destroys all living things in the milk.
Photons on steroids…
Heck when it’s gamma rays the photons have roid rage.
(Apparently ultra-pasteurization is a synonym for UHT processing.)
Doesn’t say anything about gamma irradiation being covered by the term.
Sounds like definitions have changed or settled since I looked at the question. I know that when I did, UHT was only one form of ultrapasteurization, and various kinds of radiation were included in the techniques – most of those being a hard sell with customers in the US!
I was about to mention that. They have meat at room temp too. and yes, nuclear radiation.
Which is why it was never brought to the states although the US Army used it.
The meat in the Army commissary in Germany was a heck of a lot better too.
This is one reason to buy organic milk. It’s all ultrapasteurized. When we discovered that our organic milk “never went bad”, when we expected the exact opposite, we were wondering WTF, and I did a deep dive on things. Ultrapasteurization is SO GOOD, it’s like a quantum level better. It just kills every living thing in the milk. Keep the milk clean, and it’s like ketchup or mustard – takes forever to go bad.
I still have a few swallows left of their OJ dated April 7. Still good.
April 7 of last year? WOW. OTOH, did it ferment? OJ that old frequently begins fermentation, and gets “cidery”.
Good point; she didn’t specify in what way it was good.
I worry when the OJ gets “too good”!
Probably. But that doesn’t bother me. I also think it helps to normalize my blood sugar quicker than non fermented. Still tastes good. It’s on the super super cold bottom shelf in the back.
Fermented OJ is not a problem! But just read about home-canned potatoes that weren’t pressure-boiled, and THAT appears to have been a problem!
Yesterday picked up all seven, all available, OJ 1 1/2 quart bottles. Expires in a couple days. $1.39 each.
Get a cache like this every four to six weeks.
As posted several times, veggies and fruit aside, nearly everything we buy is mark down. Two stand up freezers jammed full. Everything vacuum sealed. Dates mean nothing to me.
As you say, fridge and freezers turned way down.
I accidentally picked up a polling call the other day that seemed to be Repube based but wasn’t declared as such. There were multiple questions about what’s going on currently including Ukraine, transgenderism, the economy, & looking forward to the 2024 election.
They asked Specifically about my opinion of Donald Trump & had several questions that were framed in such a way as to seem to paint him in a bad light & “force” one to choose the alternative presented.
They asked about my “feelings” about Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, & listed a bunch of potential 2024 R Prez contenders (sounded like the 2016 &/or 2020 Repube bench to me). I only ever declared myself as on the Trump Train, no matter how they tried to derail me.
They wanted to know what I considered to be the most important issue for the 2024 election & attempted to capture my words verbatim. I said the most important issue was TRUTH: Truth about the stolen elections; Truth that we were basically living under a hostile coup (no consent of the governed); Truth about the origins of “covid”; & Truth about the real dangers of the so-called vax–that it was causing disease, disability, & death. Obviously there was more Truth to declare…
I lamented my near hopelessness about voting our way out of our situation since the electoral fraud was entrenched & we had not actually voted in our current oppressors.
The questioner was speaking with some-type of foreign accent & mispronounced certain words, like collegiate, even after I “corrected” her pronunciation.
The survey wound down to some demographic questions, including hispanic heritage in my immediate family (I wasn’t sure how to answer this since one of my daughters-in-law has Mexican ancestry, her mom’s From Mexico but now American). Any way the questioner said “I just have one more question for you” & then disconnected the line (I hung on until the dial tone ensued)!
I’m guessing that now my answers got thrown into the ether so they don’t have to be tabulated because the survey wasn’t completed. Sigh. The whole experience was frustrating as I was in the middle of making dinner & didn’t want to take the survey in the first place, but since they “caught” me decided to give my unadulterated opinion. Josiah, overhearing my side of the conversation, got pretty agitated over all of it.
Bottom line, if that was an RNC survey it sounds like they are shopping for Any One but Donald Trump for Prez. Floating Ron DeSantis & Mike Pence in particular as they attempt to assess the temp of the electorate. For my part I was very favorable for DT, moderately favorable for RdS, & very unfavorable for MP.
What an ultimately frustrating waste of time…uniparty theater!
I took a survey in ~2016. I could hear someone say in the background, trash that we do not NEED anymore Trump supporters. I do not think they realized I could hear them.
Just WOW!!!
Thanks for that report. I am also getting that impression, too. Everybody in .gov and GOP is trying to get ANYBODY BUT TRUMP.
Yup! We the People don’t remotely matter to these psychopathic tyrants!
Ground Report
I visited the local grocery store to take advantage of some soon expiring coupons. I haven’t been directly grocery shopping for some time now.
Many of the customers were masking up, especially those that were “ethnic”, black, hispanic, &/or Indian (subcontinent) appearing. The black employees I observed were Not wearing masks!
The prices, as expected, were outrageous! There were several specials that required choosing 3, 4, or 5 of an item (or out of a collection of items) in order to realize more substantial savings–even that ultimately discounted price is still more than pre-FJB usurpation. The shelves that I observed were mostly full, & this was in the later evening on a weekday. Eggs were plentiful of choice, unlike the last time I was there.
Several cashier attended lanes were opened & they were seeming to do a brisker business than the self-check lanes. Several of the employees were in really good spirits, laughing & telling stories & jokes to each other as they assisted customers.
In another arena I had need to contact Discover Card customer service to deal with a dispute for returned items that have not been credited to our account for more than a month now. Both customer service reps, 1st in AZ & 2nd in DE, answered the calls almost immediately & were most pleasant to deal with (I made Kari Lake comments to the AZ rep). I asked the second rep to pass my praise of timely & pleasant service up the chain.
Contrast this with the lengthy wait we had in dealing with 401(k) issues the other day. We were on a several minutes hold before the CO rep answered & took down basic info & then told us that we might have to wait up to 30 minutes (Michael took a brief nap while waiting for them to return to us). Thankfully we “only” waited about 20 minutes before the 2 reps from the outgoing & incoming roll-over programs got back with us. The outgoing rep was having intermittent tech issues so that her words kept breaking up. I had a pleasant chat w/ the CO rep after the business was done as he was 14-er, like my husband’s Colorado ancestor (someone who’s summited the 14,000 foot peaks). Colorado remains in our hearts & hubby’s (& our houseguest’s) blood!
All 4 reps in the above 2 business situations sounded like Americans, not outsourced service providers. 3 of the 4 were women. In managing other aspects of my husband’s new employer benefits situation we dealt with 2 additional reps, one male, & one female, both sounding like Americans & seemingly quite competent…refreshingly!
There’s a good chance that you might be talking with an inmate in the state prison. They have job programs like that in order to prep the inmates for living on the outside after their release.
Are you referring to the Discover or the 401(k) people or to the survey taker from my other comment? That’s very interesting info!
Help lines in general. Nothing specific.
Matt Gaetz was the guest of Steve Bannon for the first hour todayand spoke about the balloon. As usual, there are considerations that the beneral public doesn’t know about. Gaetz says we would know it if the balloon were transmitting our data to China. If that is being allowed to happen, we have a problem. Also, whatever actions we take now will give the Chinese information. It will show precisely how we handle these situations, through what mechanisms, and how those work. Knowledge is power.
Then there is the point of view that nothing connected to China should be allowed to hover over the US, period. Complicated business.
Right … and it’s okay for NATO to sit at Russia’s doorstep… and for Nazi Nancy to incite Taiwan against China, and for NATO to expand to the So Pacific…
Sing it Gaetz…
Right again … the General Public doesn’t ‘know about …”
Hogwash …
In fairness, those are my words, not his. He was just talking with Bannon and presenting what he knows. I didn’t get the impression that he was making a case for doing nothing about the balloon.
My point was that it’s easy for us to sit at home and think we can dictate policy, but there are always things that we have no knowledge of. The end result could be the same, where the thing we thought should happen is really the best thing, but we would have arrived at that conclusion without having all the facts.
OK so it’s not transmitting data to China.
Perhaps it’s recording it instead.
Once it leaves US airspace the Chinese can simply land the sucker and recover the data.
Sounds plausible. I bet our people know of that possibility. At least I hope so!
Who would we “trust” with that information? IC? Military?
Or maybe we hacked into it and are flooding it with BS data.
Our govt is a master of disinformation, after all.
“…flooding it with BA data.”
That’s thinking outside the box!
The flaw in your logic is the assumption that our government would actually want to disinform China. Rather than us. Just for a change.
^^^ “Boiler Plate” AND Stoopid assessment by Gaetz. We could take it out at our leisure. Never had to be an immediate response.
Gaetz, “…there are considerations that the beneral public doesn’t know about.”
People are getting upset about that, but it’s not even what Gaetz said. It’s what I said. I was making a general statement about my take. He was not arguing for doing nothing. He was merely bringing up points that I either didn’t know about or hadn’t considered. I urge people to listen to his exchange with Bannon for clarity.
Listened in to Gaetz on Bannon.
Comments on the balloon, Ukraine and Taiwan. Ended up being a rant of sorts. BUT, this shit needs to be shared and thought about. My only regret, the day is late.
Piss on the balloon. Take it down. To do so, NOT a BFD AND will not disclose much of US capability. Likely NOTHING. CCP already knows our capabilities. IMO. (SMDH on this silly shit)
IMO, the USG AND US Military is more inept, dysfunctional, disconnected from reality, than I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime. <<< THIS IS Very Dangerous.
Gaetz Ukraine comments Spot On. MANY of which apply to Taiwan / CCP.
With Ukraine arguments in mind. MY THOUGHTS…
>>> Oh yea, RIGHTFULLY we commonly hear about nuclear Russia.
>>> Chinee AND North Korea ARE nuclear capable.
I for one, am EQUALLY, NOT interested in fighting over BOTH Ukraine AND Taiwan.
As I’ve posted before, CCP will take Taiwan, on their terms, on their timeline.
@ 1:43:15 Just Human (Kyle) says “… so it turns out Durham actually sent a subpoena to Soro’s Open Society foundation…”
US Attorney General Garland announces transfer of frozen assets of Russian businessman Konstantin Malofeyev to Kiev
I am announcing that I have authorized the first ever transfer of forfeited Russian assets ($5.4 million) for use in Ukraine – Garland.
no, that’s not escalation… no.
and it’s not theft … one shouldn’t leave one’s money lying around in some grifter’s bank…
Just drifting along,
on Grifters Bay
I could hear the people shouting
they screamed to say …
you have stolen alot
and always, always, get away.
ah, stop complaining … it’s just business!
and you’re such an easy mark …
(I think we got a Khazar problem in the US …)
well there’s the precedent … now Garland can send the Russian billions of Rubles they seized recently to Kiev … just business
Theft. Plain and simple.
The US will SUFFER, having frozen, then stole the Russian funds.
The US Gov’t has been doing it to us for eons, under the guise of Civil Forfeiture:
Civil forfeiture in the United States, also called civil asset forfeiture or civil judicial forfeiture, is a process in which law enforcement officers take assets from people who are suspected of involvement with crime or illegal activity without necessarily charging the owners with wrongdoing. Wikipedia
Oh yea.
Civil Asset Forfeiture = Criminal Behavior..
LE AND Courts should REFUSE to participate. Theft, plain and simple.
To Think, we were surprised with Stolen Elections, No Standing…
Damn I am slow on the uptake.
Many police departments use ‘Civil asset forfeiture’ to fund their departments.
Criminals doing the policing.
Criminals in Washington, begging for Heavenly justice. Not to be confused with “environmental justice”, “social justice”, and other abominations.
So we’re breaking the Ten Commandments for giggles, now?
The District of Criminals sure has!
Getting really weary of this stuff. PGA Tour on TV just stated a caddy of one of the pro golfers collapsed on the course and they had to administer CPR during the tournament in Cali. Heart attack. 32 years old and in good enough shape to be caddying for a professional. Still alive at this point.
It’s exhausting.
Montana’s Dem Senator Demands
Fox Alert – Creepy Admin to brief Gang of Eight
Simple answer: Reinstate the proper winners of the 2020 and 2022 elections.
Bannon’s on the WarPath.
Balloon was over Aleutian Islands for days.
CIA Burns was on Cap Hill giving briefing on Tues, never said a word about it.
Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.
2nd hour of Bannon – Warroom.org
Ed Dowd – Hearing chatter from intel and Wall street sources that kinetic war w/China is on table and that Creepy is worried, that’s why they’ve done nothing about balloon

Guessing BiteMe is hiding in the basement. Or under a desk, like we did as kids.
Most popular two answer(s) in the hearings.
I’m beginning to believe this is a shiny red ball of some sort. I’m getting that LOOK, SQUIRREL! vibe.
I’m with ya DPat…Sundance posed a question that backs up the “Look Squirrel” theory:
What could China capture via this balloon that they are not already capturing via satellite surveillance?
Air samples. Which can be used to determine various states of military readiness – or whether things escaping in China can be detected here.
Also they can get sensitive readings of gravity, magnetism, and other things that are very useful for missiles attacking us.
Our military didn’t say shoot it down for nothing. Biden is helping China.
Knowing that the balloon was really close over the Yellowstone caldera, I can buy into the theory that China is reading magnetism, volcanic gases etc……but whatever the Chinese game that seems to be in play, I agree that the Biden administration is aiding and abetting it.
The ChiComs play psychological games, most of all, and that is part of what they are doing, but they would not send that balloon over without reaping every bit of data they could possibly get.
I thought of a possible reason for the balloon thing but I messed up my email and got put in jail
You should consider just logging in. I just sent you a password reset, in case you forgot your password. Do you have a WordPress account? That’s even better.
‘OUR” military? The ones Q said would come to the rescue of our duly elected President, our Republic? That bunch of trannies walking around in skirts? Shoot it down with what? All those trillions of dollars that we thought went to our DEFENSE went to military contractors who sent most of it back through the laundry to the uniparty… which settled for cheap, inferior weapons!
Biden HELP China? More like extorted money from them … Biden helped himself and the uniparty … bagman for almost 50 years in D.C. He’ was installed because he can be ‘handled’… no different from Harris…
As Steve said China can get all the info they want through satellites… why announce it to the American public? using a balloon, unmanned…?
The first reason is psychological. The ChiComs have learned to drive the narrative – to take control – to “go first” and keep us in a response mode. They’re probing in so many ways. It was a brilliant idea, IMO.
As for the intelligence aspects…..
Same reason we sent close fly-bys and landers to the moon. High orbit is one thing. Close up is another.
The SAME cameras that give grainy pictures from satellites, can give stunning images of nuclear facilities (down to the rust and wear on hatches) from an atmospheric altitude.
And then there’s all the other stuff I said. Which I repeat by reference.
If China isn’t leveraging this for an enormous amount of intelligence, they’re idiots – and they’re not idiots. But demonstrating American weakness is SO smart. They WANT the world to see that America is weak. They WANT WEF to see that America is weak, and that China is in control. They’re masters of this shit.
It will be interesting to see how
we(sorry) my nation’s military deals with it.On one of the international blogs I frequent … the question arose as to what the Empire would do to get out of this no-win situation in The Ukraine.
A theory was put forth that it would do what it has done so many other times …
“change the narrative and drop it into the memory hole”
They will say they did all they could, gave all they could give to Ukr and move on … Europe, it’s YOUR problem. And the media would assist in this … Ukr would simply disappear from the megaphone … to the dustbin of history, while Americans would hear of US’s greatest enemy (translation: competitor) 24/7 …
China is bad, must rescue Taiwan …
Narrative change is beginning with a balloon … the hot air coming out of the Pentagram …
Shiny RED ball it is …
Albequerque will have to cancel their Hot Air Balloon Festival
This I believe.
And well that you should. The land-based leg of the nuclear triad has long been supplanted by submarine-launched ICBMs and cruise missiles.
Could be china sent it on purpose as a provocation hoping it would be shot down. They then say they had no control over it’s course and use the shoot down to legitimize interference with US satellites. And just as the spring offensive starts ukraine goes blind.
I think it’s more of a Creepy is a blackmailed compromised lilly livered chicken $h!T COWARD vibe!!!
TW selecting, Free Speech?
Project Veritas Locked Out of Twitter After Latest Bombshell Video Exposing Pfizer
The entire community rules thing, or whatever they call it is, Pure Bullshit.
I appear to be locked out, too.
NOPE – just checked – I’m finally in.
Not your lucky day.
Dave Rubin was on w/Charlie Kirk yesterday discussing issue. When Elon 1st came in, it took awhile, but they found and took off all the stifling profile labels and everybody was good for about 2-3 weeks, then most went back to the same old complaints.
Elon had Dave fly to San Fran, he got there at 1am. Elon asked if Dave wanted to work now or could he get sleep and hit it the next day. Dave chose sleep. Aparrently Elon is there to midnight or later every day.
The next day, 2 of his best programmers (that he brought from Tesla), Elon, and Dave start working through Dave’s list of problems. Took them awhile, but they finally located buried deep inside some code where the bad labels were again being applied to Rubin’s profile. When they removed, it cleared up the specific issue.
So this means that instead of putting these labels on the Profile on the User Profile Administration page(where they’re supposed to be located), woke programmers have also hard coded the user name and labels in source code in programs buried deep inside the bowels of twitter. THAT’S A FRIKKIN NIGHTMARE!! Imagine how many users, how many programs? It’s going to take forever to uncover and correct.
Additionally, the spaghetti code is so intertwined that when they fix one thing, it breaks something else. This has caused features/applications of TW to go down several times in the past few weeks.
Now I get why general amnesty hasn’t happened yet. They’re too busy chasing problems. And it makes me wonder if some of the wokesters that didn’t get fired are doing this now behind his back? Things were good in the beginning, then all of a sudden they’re not? Also heard a rumor that there may be a backdoor ‘God Function’ that noone knows about which could be how the wokesters are continuing to sabotage.
He needs an army of White Hats to fix that mess!!
Fits what I’ve believed for years.
Some of us have been posting it on here for quite awhile. Glad he caught up with his subscriber base, everything helps. But if he wants to know what comes next he just needs to visit here.
FWIW he needs to add its an economic war. As an example, Russia and Iran are working the currency exchange prototype now. It’s not a secret.
Our DS goes green while Russia and China keep the party going with gas, oil and coal. They replace the petro dollar our DS either manipulates or no longer supports with a better version of their own.
Chanel rightfully torches FIB AND DOJ.
Excellent beat-down.
Out looking for more info…
Update. Nothing on Faux News or BB. NOT seeing anything out there. Perhaps this a BS report.
MASSIVE EXPLOSION Over Billings, Montana – Military Helicopters Have Been Activated
‘Explosion in the sky’ seen above Billings Montana where Chinese balloon was spotted in U.S. airspace – resident witnesses jet zoom by after officials said they wouldn’t shoot down balloon because it was over a ‘number of sensitive sites’Resident witnesses in Billings, Montana, reported an ‘explosion in the sky’ after US officials warned of a Chinese spy balloon flying over the region
Responses under the different tweets on the GWP page. Whats up?
J Tocci
Replying to @BillFOXLA
and @davidtogoliath3
OK, so all along the news is tracking it over Kansas, Missouri and now we’re told it possibly was shot down over Montana. OK that doesn’t even make sense.
Heidi Hatch KUTV
Replying to @CryptoSmall

and @PentagonPresSec
Quote Tweet
Heidi Hatch KUTV
Meanwhile the ballon was last reportedly over central US. https://kutv.com/news/nation-world/china-says-its-looking-into-report-of-spy-balloon-over-us-sharp-downturn-in-relations-beijing-washington-trade-taiwan-human-rights-territory-airspace…
Show this thread
Second balloon?
Have read, two balloons twice. One over South America, IIRC. Dunno.
Yes, 2nd balloon is over Latin America.
The way i understood on fox was 1 in lati n America, 1 headed toward Ms. DP, and this one.
Couldn’t find anything on Billings, MT news.
It smacks of BS.
Someone’s saying Heidi has been had. Someone followed a contrail and then fiddled with the exposure on camera. I’d think there’d have to be some more manipulation, like cropping in the contrail above the house and adding in sound effect but it sounds plausible, IDK.
Did you watch the video? Looks pretty real.
Also, Gov. Gianforte was on Tucker Carlson, and said he was informed of the explosion just before they went on the air.
Something happened.
Here’s something with the Tucker Carlson interview of Gianforte included:
Here’s Jesse Watters talking about it:
More likely a jet crashed, not the balloon, it moved to St. Louis hours ago.
Yea, that’s what they have said.
For now, settling on Billings explosion story, BS click bait.
AND, I believe nothing from Feds.
Gianforte said on Tucker Carlson that he had been informed of the explosion.
Will be good to hear from Gianforte AND everyday citizens.
Loud explosions. Lots of folks would have heard it.
We’ll see what they say.
But he is not sitting in the copilot seat of a crop duster…
Well, to make it convoluted and throw people off from the 1st one, wouldnt they fake another and start making the story ridiculous?
Wow. Weird. Good to know.
Now what the fuck was that?
If it’s pranksters, they’re in trouble…
They should be. But it could be a coverup, too.
Our government is currently full of liars.
Plane with sonic booms?
Maybe. But that video isn’t showing that. And the people who filmed it just seem like average Montanans.
So I don’t know. But something happened. Gianforte admitted it ON AIR. And now they’re taking it back.
Two men arrested in ‘cold-blooded’ massacre of 6, including mother and baby, in Tulare County
Ruben Vives, Jessica Garrison – 6h ago
After a predawn gun battle and a series of raids across Tulare County, authorities said Friday they had arrested two men accused of killing six people, including a teen mother and her baby, in an execution-style massacre that stunned the Central Valley farm town of Goshen last month.
Noah David Beard, 25, of Visalia is arrested early Friday. He and Angel “Nanu” Uriarte, 35, are accused of killing six people in an execution-style massacre last month in the Central Valley farm town of Goshen. (Tulare County Sheriff’s Office)
© Provided by LA Times
The suspects were identified as Noah David Beard, 25, of Visalia and Angel “Nanu” Uriarte, 35, of Goshen, both Norteño gang members, according to the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office.
Uriarte engaged in a gun battle with federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives early Friday and was wounded before being taken into custody, officials said. Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux said Uriarte, who is likely to face federal charges in the assault of a federal officer, was undergoing surgery at a hospital and is expected to survive.
Good. They got the bastards.
Gang members…
Anyone named Angel is usually of questionable moral character. With exceptions.
Right !?!? lolol, true and funny
Both male and female too.
The killers were cartel and some of the family were rival cartel. Aren’t open borders great?
Yeah, thanks for confirming what I was thinking.
It was pretty obvious by the victims and style. Unfortunately, CA has this. Youd be shocked to learn how much the Chinese are into drug farms and that trade here.
The Pentagon is NOT going to live this down ESPECIALLY after the Afghanistan disaster.
You should see Breitbart, nothing but story after story. Fox News says people are in an uproar.
“The Pentagon is NOT going to live this down ESPECIALLY after the Afghanistan disaster.”
That’s the big home for wayward trannies, isn’t it?
Elon Musk cleared of wrongdoing in trial over 2018 tweets | The Hill
Thanks DePat, … wow ..

… bible verses 

.. it’s all good
This should be on billboards across the USA ..
It’s guy who has aged and had too much plastic surgery. He’s not capable of being active outside so he doesn’t get as much sun as he used to. His physical and mental decline are noteworthy.
He’s a dirty old old old old reprobate, and his eternity ain’t going to be fun.
For some reason I thought this being had a body double, (?) … he’s a mess and clueless if he thinks he’s getting away with all the nasty evil stuff he’s done/does.
Just think about it and you will know it isn’t possible except at a distance, maybe riding a bike with a helmet and sunglasses on. No way is an imposter sitting in for JB in the White House. We really need to put these theories to rest.
Based on the verified Kamala incident, IMO they only use doubles (1) when there is some advantage, or alleged advantage, like campaign appearances, and (2) when the double can’t be closely inspected, such as appearing at a distance. no speaking role, etc.
Having trained doubles on call has to be part of a sophisticated national security policy – it’s too easy to see how useful it might be. And pre-discrediting that policy has to be part of the policy as well.
Complicated business!
Clearly the same person! And the amazing part is that THIS PAIR OF PHOTOS is an excellent training set in finding “unmistakable” tells that it IS the same person.
Yes. Thank you.
Oh, … okay then. I don’t remember where I read the double stuff but that means the being has aged horribly … tsk tsk
He’s had a lot of plastic surgery and he can’t shut his trap which gives him away. A body double could fool people for a hot second until he launches into his lies and pathological pervy behavior. Nobody on earth is that good an actor
What are those tells? The hair is going in opposite directions. That’s one thing plastic surgery and age is not going to change.
Plus he’s probably loaded to the gills with vaccine fast track aging him
Hope he AND Hoe get the Bivalent.
If only they were more athletic…..
^^^ Another positive thought.
Donald J. Trump
As President, I took the most dramatic action of any administration to curtail China’s ability to conduct espionage in the United States — and when I’m back in the White House, those efforts will be expanded in a very, very big way. Instead of hunting down Republicans, a reformed FBI and Justice Department will be hunting down Chinese spies!
“Instead of hunting down Republicans, a reformed FBI and Justice Department will be hunting down Chinese spies!”
In other words, Dims, Crims, RINOs and chynees nationals.
“A top insurance research analyst has found a 7% aggregate mortality increase for each COVID vaccine dose received, meaning a “fully vaccinated” individual who took 5 doses increased their risk of death by 35%.”
Excellent work there. What is especially interesting is the “signal” that people who stopped at the first dose had such a high death rate, because they were self-selected from people who had bad reactions to the first shot.
Breaking! Just released image shows why Biden and his Military Mommies are so frightened of a balloon –
Saturday intelligence test in the can.
I wanted to share this song with you …

CeCe Winans – I’ve Got Joy (Official Lyric Video)
Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
1 Peter 1:8
Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory.
Nehemiah 8:10
Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Luke 15:10
Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
Philippians 4:4
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.