NOTE FROM WOLF: This post is a necessary introduction to certain ideas and statements from the World Economic Forum (WEF), which I believe are indicative of their involvement in the release of SARS-CoV-2 and the high-level design of the mRNA “vaccines”, and upon which an upcoming post of mine will depend. That post will follow soon.
Apart from some minor corrections of [some] typos, and addition of categories and keywords, I have left Gail’s post untouched.
This is a thirty two minute video recorded in 2020 during President Trump’s Administration. It was The World Economic Forum’s 50th Annual Meeting from 21-24 January with POTUS Trump attending. It is well worth listening to the entire video. Notice the Upbeat kumbaya feeling to the talk. I would hazard a guess that Huawei, CEO Ren Zhengfei was chosen to interface with American companies to con technology and business knowledge out of them because he is personable, intellegent and a very smooth talker. During the talk he interjects that he started out in an apartment and worked his way up. If you believe he was not CHOSEN by the CCP, I have a bridge to sell you.
Harari starts talking @ 3 minutes. He speaks of hacking humans @ 4 minutes. This was the information I was originally looking for to include in a different article.
REN compares AI to nuclear power. It can be good, powering civilization or bad, like nuclear bombs. He later says that US companies had a lot of input in setting up HUAWEI.
HARARI : @ 11:30 minutes Harari responses that when you use nuclear bombs, it is the end of the world. You can not win a nuclear war, AN ALL OUT NUCLEAR WAR [<— note the qualifier]… But people think they can win an AI arms race… I think the race is between Bejing and SAN FRANCISCO [NOT DC. This is interesting in light of the Twitter files -GC]
HARARI : @ 21:00 Harari talks of an AI arms race, AI directed weapons… I agree that we will not see humans and AI merge into Cyborgs in the next 20 to 30 years…. But the most important point I mention is HACKING HUMAN BEINGS, the point when you have enough data on people and you have enough computing power to get to know people better than they know themselves…. Are we at the point where HUAWEI or FACEBOOK can hack millions of people meaning knowing them better than they know themselves? Once they know…. That means they can manipulate my decisions better than me….
REN: @ 23:30 Ren’s response is interesting. He dances around the topic but admits it can be done and IMMEDIATELY goes into AI & robotics use in mining… Frozen mines at high altitude… IN BRAZIL they can use this AI … IT IS THE SAME STORY FOR REMOTE HEALTH AS WELL. He starts to talk about Homo Deus and the video is cut. It was cut in the area where he talks about manipulating people too….
The moderator then goes to questions and that is where it gets really interesting.
HARARI: @ 27:00 Harari states there is no clear weapons race in AI [why should there be when they are ALL on the same side? – GC]
Unintelligible QUESTION… Seems to be about countries and corporations. ‘…difference between usual corporate competition…’
HARARI : @ 27:00 THERE IS NO CLEAR BORDER THERE…Like what happened in the 19th century and earlier with European imperialism. There is no border between commercial imperialism and military or political imperialism. Now with data, and we see this new phenomena of data colonialism, to control a country, let’s say in Africa, or South America, or the Middle East, just imagine a situation 20 years from now where somebody, maybe in Bejing, in Washington or San Francisco knows the entire personal, medical, sexual history of every politician, JUDGE, and JOURNALIST in BRAZIL… pause… Or in Egypt. Just imagine the situation. It is not weapons it is not soldiers, its not tanks, it is just the entire information of the next candidate for Supreme Court of the USA. Or somebody who is RUNNING FOR THE PRESIDENT OF BRAZIL and they know the mental weaknesses They know something they did in college when they were 20. They know all that. Is it STILL AN INDEPENDENT COUNTRY? OR IS IT A DATA COLONY? AND I THINK THAT IS THE ARMS RACE. [moderator cuts him off]
@ 29:00 Next Question from a technician: What power is left to ordinary citizens in this world?
REN: @ 29:30 Technology makes communication much easier. [Except when censored -GC] People have a deeper understanding about things around them. People are smarter and that pace is picking up. Just like us when we read text books in primary school we can not fully understand. And many of the things we used to study in university is now being studied in middle school today. I think that humanity is progressing in society and it is the people who should master the knowledge and the technology [to be good little worker bees – GC] And people mastering different skills will find different jobs. People have this initiative they can take [to be good little worker bees for the corporations – GC] They will not be enslaved. [If you are a good little serf, the Cabal is NOT going to TELL YOU you are just a free range slave. – GC]
MODERATOR: @ 30:30 Giving people MORE agency and MORE power.
REN: Yes indeed.
HARARI: @ 30: 45 I think technology can work both ways, to limit and to enhance individual abilities or agency. And what individuals can do, especially technicians, especially engineers, is to design different technology. For instance now a lot of effort is about building surveillance tools that survey individuals in the service of corporations and governments. But we, some of us can decide to build the opposite type of technology. Technology is neutral on this. You can build a tool that surveils the government and big corporations in the service of individuals. If they like surveillance so much, they wouldn’t mind citizens surveilling them. For instance you as an engineer build an AI tool that surveils government corruption or you build an anti-virus for the computer. You can build an anti-virus for the mind that alerts you when someone is trying to hack you or manipulate you. So that is up to you.
MODERATOR: We have run out of time. That is an appropriately upbeat place to end on.
“…You can build a tool that surveils the government and big corporations in the service of individuals….”
Are you kidding me? Who is going to fund you? Look at what happened to Martin Armstrong.
The Forecaster – The Story Of Martin Armstrong
This is a documentary film focusing on the story of Martin Armstrong. Once a US based trillion dollar financial adviser, used a self-built secretive and highly advanced computer with artificial intelligence that predicted economic historical turning points with full accuracy. As Armstrong’s popularity grew, government agencies suddenly became interested in his technology and his dealings with global banks and financial institutions. When some big New York bankers asked him to join the club to help them to take over Russia, he refused to join the manipulation. A while later, the FBI stormed his offices wanting the source code behind his forecasting technology but they couldn’t get a hold of it. Instead, they arrested and accused him of a 3 billion dollar Ponzi Scheme. He has since been released and still has that computer.
I just wanted to put that piece of idiocy to bed.
Harari says:
..the most important point I mentions is HACKING HUMAN BEINGS, the point when you have enough data on people and you have enough computing power to get to know people better than they know themselves…. Are we at the point where HUAWEI or FACEBOOK can hack millions of people meaning knowing them better than they know themselves? Once they know…. That means they can manipulate my decisions better than me….
Harari goes back to the subject and says this before the Moderator cuts him off:
…just imagine a situation 20 years from now where somebody, maybe in Bejing, in Washington or San Francisco knows the entire personal, medical, sexual history of every politician, JUDGE, and JOURNALIST in BRAZIL… pause… Or in Egypt. Just imagine the situation. It is not weapons it is not soldiers, its not tanks, it is just the entire information of the next candidate for Supreme Court of the USA. Or somebody who is RUNNING FOR THE PRESIDENT OF BRAZIL and they know the mental weaknesses. They know something they did in college when they were 20. They know all that. Is it STILL AN INDEPENDENT COUNTRY? OR IS IT A DATA COLONY? AND I THINK THAT IS THE ARMS RACE.
I call it what it is BLACKMAIL!
Any bets that all those judges who rule people bringing cases of voter fraud had ‘No Standing’ had a WEF blackmail leash on them? And our Congress Critters and even the idiots who voted the much hated Ronna back as RNC chair?
Facebook was founded in 2004 almost 2 decades ago. Kids between 10 and 25 posting idiotic things on facebook would now be in their thirties and forties and RIPE for blackmailing.
NSA who collects our phone records, was established in 1952 under the National Security Act of 1947 along with the CIA.
…The Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002, enacted 28 December 2001, amended the National Security Act of 1947 and codified the USCG as part of the Intelligence Community AND included the admission of the United States Coast Guard [USCG] into the United States Cryptologic System…. The USCG is the only organization responsible for law enforcement, intelligence, and military activities simultaneously. Section 10 of the Authorization added the USCG as an element of the Intelligence Community and placed this organizational element on a par with those of other armed services and agencies…
NSA History
Sep 17th 2013 – Court Reveals ‘Secret Interpretation’ Of The Patriot Act, Allowing NSA To Collect All Phone Call Data
Next add in the FBI grabbing Epstein’s records when Epstein was first accused of molesting dozens of underage girls in 2005 in Florida and later in 2019 in New York… Yeah lots of blackmail going on. And THAT IS WHY THE COURTS will not go after the people on EPSTEIN’S CLIENT LIST.
So who the heck is this guy Harari?
…How do you write a book that gets recommended by Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, and President Obama? How is it that, in 2017, people regard his work as a new and unique view on the human race? A new view on the human race in 2017!…
We’ll start our journey where he started his, as an unknown historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Yuval Noah Harari specialized in medieval military history. He was unpublished, unknown, and hungry for something more. He applied to Oxford in pursuit of a PhD. With some wind in his sails, he completed his Doctor of Philosophy in 4 years….
JEWISH? Huh???
And even more interesting, is Henry Kissinger, who is one of the most influential Jews in American history.
SEE: The ReichsWEF – Part II: Kissinger’s Curse
The World Economic Forum wasn’t simply the brainchild of Klaus Schwab, but was actually born out of a CIA-funded Harvard program headed by Henry Kissinger and pushed to fruition by John Kenneth Galbraith and the “real” Dr. Strangelove, Herman Kahn
Galbraith was not Jewish but the third dude, Herman Kahn was the son of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. You can also toss in Victoria Nuland who is Jewish and is the daughter of Yale bioethics and medicine professor Sherwin B. Nuland, the family’s original surname being Nudelman. And Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and his identical twin brother, Yevgeny, Jews, born in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
If we look at Ghislaine Maxwell, handler for Epstein, her father had alleged connections to Mossad, the intelligence agency of Israel.
Robert Maxwell was a Czechoslovak war orphan who became a billionaire, British politician and media mogul. He was known to be a friend of Israel in his lifetime, but contacts with the Mossad remain largely unexplored until his death. His daughter, Ghislaine Maxwell, worked closely with Jeffrey Epstein and after 2019 was had increasingly exposed connections to the Mossad.[1]
And on the Nazi side you have:
Nazi war criminals became high ranking commanders in NATO after WW2
EXPOSED – Klaus Schwab’s NAZI Roots
Allen Dulles, the Nazis, and the CIA
I also get into that mess in Spies, Spooks, Snakes and The Sea Eye Aye
On the one hand you have a bunch of European or European descended Jews and on the other a bunch of NAZIS! The CIA, NATO and World Economic Forum were swarming with Nazis during their inception BUT we have PROMINENT Jews supporting them.
The only way I can make sense of that is to agree with Clif High, who I consider a bit wacky. He is adamant that “.. Khazarian name stealers…are NOT Jews, but they surround themselves with sacrificial Jews who get the bad wrap…” LINK
An invisible hand sits behind humanity, exerting control over the human will. This hidden virus scours the earth, looking for hosts who will adopt its ideology, and wage war against dissenters. You cannot leave a captivity that you cannot see.
Will Zoll Prussiagate
I do not see the look into history by both Will Zoll and Clif High as being mutually exclusive. Will Zoll writes of the Hanseatic League that WIKI suggests traces back to 1159.
Hanseatic League, also called Hansa, German Hanse, organization founded by north German towns and German merchant communities abroad to protect their mutual trading interests. The league dominated commercial activity in northern Europe from the 13th to the 15th century. (Hanse was a medieval German word for “guild,” or “association,” derived from a Gothic word for “troop,” or “company.”) >> The origins of the league are to be found in groupings of traders and groupings of trading towns in two main areas: in the east, where German merchants won a monopoly of the Baltic trade, and in the west, where Rhineland merchants (especially from Cologne [Köln]) were active in the Low Countries and in England. The league came into being when those various associations coalesced…
Clif speaks of these ‘Name Stealers’ who were situated in Ukraine, a part of the trade routes between China and Europe some times called the Silk Road. He says there are tales of the ‘Name Stealers’ not only in Europe but also in China. At both ends of a trade route through Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Compare that to a modern map

Between the 7th and 9th centuries, the Ukrainian steppe formed part of the Turkic Khazar mercantile empire, which was centred on the lower Volga River. Khazar control of the steppe was breached in the late 9th century by the Magyars (Hungarians).
A collection of articles including Clif’s:
Do You Know About The “Khazarian Mafia” …. They’re Called The “Name Stealers”?
And WIKI on the Khazars:
The Khazars
[a] (/ˈxɑːzɑːrz/) were a semi-nomadic Turkic people that in the late 6th-century AD established a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea, and Kazakhstan.
[10]They created what for its duration was the most powerful polity to emerge from the break-up of the Western Turkic Khaganate.
[11] Astride a major artery of commerce between Eastern Europe and Southwestern Asia, Khazaria became one of the foremost trading empires of the early medieval world, commanding the western marches of the Silk Road and playing a key commercial role as a crossroad between China, the Middle East and Kievan Rus’.[12][13] For some three centuries (c. 650–965) the Khazars dominated the vast area extending from the Volga-Don steppes to the eastern Crimea and the northern Caucasus.[14]
Actually Clif High on his substack, in May of last year sent out a link to the “PrussiaGate Series” Will Zoll had by that time produced a series of over 30 essays. I strongly suggest reading the substack. It is fascinating. Or Patrick Gunnels has read a lot of the essays HERE.
Another snippet from one of the Will Zoll essays.
The incredible history behind the formation of the World Economic Forum is founded on the vision set out by Frederick the Great centuries ago, where every aspect of a humanity would be controlled through 17,000 rules and regulations. Adolph Hitler and the Nazis disastrously tried to restore Germany back to its illustrious Prussian past. The current attempt to establish this regime globally was why the first 10 years of the ReichsWEF hosted a myriad of ex-Nazis and national leaders tied to brutal regimes, communist-ideology, and much worse.
To circumvent democratic principles, national sovereignty, and the Constitution, the ReichsWEF implemented the Young Global Leaders program to effectively penetrate government cabinets and steer nations toward the vision of Klaus Schwab and, more importantly, the matrix of globalist corporations that now serve the horrible invisible enemy that is Prussia.
ReichsWEF Part VI: Freedom vs Tyranny
And now we find they are using ‘Hacking Humans’, an extension of Fredrick the Great’s massive intelligence gathering system.
The “will” of humanity is now being powerfully tested by these globalist merchants. Our markets are being controlled; our movements are being controlled; our bodies are being controlled; our children are being controlled; our minds are being controlled. The globalists have essentially drawn the battle lines: Do we wish to remain “a people of free-will”, or do we want corporations to make key life-decisions for us?
Here is Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab’s mentor and advisor, talking about the digital and biological revolution that is coming, which will take place “under the skin”, and effectively make the idea of human free-will obsolete:
Evolution of Slavery Part III
Another chilling talk from the ReichsWEF
January 19, 2023 – Hackable humans at WEF: ‘We can decode faces in your mind, your PIN number to your bank account’
The blog contains several videos.
Thanks to AI and the Internet of Bodies (IoB) ecosystem, decoding the human brain is already well underway, according to a World Economic Forum (WEF) presentation.
Five years after historian Yuval Noah Harari told the WEF that humans were hackable and that organisms were algorithms, Harari’s insights have been fully realized.
Thursday’s WEF Annual Meeting 2023 session on “Ready for Brain Transparency?” opened with a short video showing a dystopian scenario where employees’ brainwaves were not only decoded to determine their performance in the workplace, but also to determine whether they participated in illegal activity.
While the scenario in the video below is fictional, the technological framework is already in place.
And to end this depressing article with a photo to make Scott happy:

Great article Gail. Thanks for all that you do here.
Thank you.
Could the links to Clif High’s substack be provided?
I did not link to his substack because it is subscription only.
His nephew lists his substacks (with a blurb) and his podcasts:
Generally you can see the podcasts after a few days.
All you have to do is click on “I want to read it first.”
I did not get the “I want to read it first.” I wish they would quit messing with stuff.
The main issue I have with that final photograph is that none of those guns is in MY safe.
Oh well, there are a couple of others that are.
Thanks for going there, Gail. It’s time. Appreciate your work a great deal.
My next one will add a couple of names to the Harvard connection from BIMD.
It’s all connected.
Excellent! Thanks.
And thank you.

‘Now I need …
Oh, my goodness, I got logged out, now I can comment again–finally. Gail, thank you for this fascinating post, and thank you for telling us what Harari said so I don’t have to listen to him as he makes me gag. Your comments on the Jews, Khazarians and nazis are really good, but it is such a confusing subject. I know there are several books on the Khazarians Etc. I have a friend who is always talking about that subject, and of course, these are people who say they are Jews and are not. So the way I see it, those Jews who work with them are betraying their own people as well and also betraying humanity, and I’ll add, they are ungodly. I think Israel has betrayed her own people, making them take the vaxx, high rate of abortion, homosexuality Etc. Well, I realize my comment is all over the place.
Zoe, I share your perplexity with what’s happening with Israel–what ever happened to Never Again???
Right. I can only think it’s part of the great deception and eventually antichrist. Knowing Bible prophecy is being fulfilled gives us comfort, still, I find some of this painful to witness. Good to see you, Valerie. I hope you and your family are doing well.
Thanks Zoe. We’re doing pretty well, just celebrated our daughter’s 25th birthday. She’s about 2 1/2 months from giving birth to her firstborn, our second grandchild. Our granddaughter (our oldest son’s) is 7 months now & a real cutie!
How are things with you & yours?
Gail thank you for all the info. Lots to contemplate on