Dear KAG: 20230214 Open Thread

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Ahh, the good old days when we used to give these to the whole class! And, yes, I have quite the collection of headbands.

Okay, this is going to get long, and I took a break from news on Sunday. (I think that’s going to be a habit unless something happens.)

Hey Rep. Jordan: Want to Know How the FBI Co-opted Twitter?

Good riddance to congressional comity

The real coup d’état

Righteous Tyrants

Judicial Watch: Records Show U.S. and UK ‘Confidentiality Agreement’ Tied to Vaccine Adverse Events

‘Two FBIs’: Whistleblowers accuse DC HQ of trampling Constitution, field offices

Club for Growth Invites Ron DeSantis to Join Wall Street Controlled Republican Candidates Haley, Pompeo, Pence, Youngkin and Scott for 2024 Planning Session at Donor Retreat

What the Club for Growth crowd does NOT see is that the Trump supporters are far more educated now, and see through their efforts. The information conduits are more developed, and diverse enough that they can’t be taken out in one blow. That’s what Q and that whole psy-op did for us. It got the people to dig, and see for themselves. SD can deny the psy-op all he wants, but it was a piece that was missing in the information war.

Musk Advisor David Sacks States Elon Musk Had “No Idea” the Level of Government Control and Influence Over Twitter Platform Prior to Purchase

Not buying it. All social media, I am willing to believe, came from government programs. We know for sure Facebook did. Jack Dorsey is no genius. If he was, he would not have gone to Bishop DuBourg HS. That’s the Catholic HS of last resort in this town. And then he went to Rolla, not the flagship state university. I’m still in the camp of he was a figurehead probably recruited with drugs as an enticement. The editing history on his wiki page just is too professional and screams “government” the way it is structured.

Cracks in the Curtain

“Gold-Standard” RCT from Gates-Funded Company Proves Ivermectin Works Against COVID

Amsterdam bans public cannabis smoking in red-light district

This is actually pretty big. The Dutch were the first to liberalize on this issue, and they are the first to tighten after the effects started showing up in scale.

If Biden’s Federal Elections Takeover Is ‘Free And Fair,’ Why Are The Plans Completely Redacted?

FBI whistleblower: Memo on Latin Mass Catholics is ‘open door’ to declare all Christians ‘criminals’

Operation Choke Point 2.0 Is Underway, And Crypto Is In Its Crosshairs

Priest rebukes Pope Francis for calling to decriminalize sodomy: ‘Do you belong to Christ, or to Sodom?’

Trump Proven Right As The Washington Post Loses 500K Subscribers And $70 Million Since He Left Office

A Therapist’s Notes on the Decline of Marriage

Let’s Pay Attention To The Experts Who Challenged The COVID Narrative

Trickle-Down Corruption

The Real-Life Spy Who Inspired Ian Fleming’s James Bond — and Ran Assassination Teams in the U.S. During World War II

What funeral directors know that you don’t

Naomi Wolf Calls Pfizer’s mRNA Covid Jabs Part of the ‘War on Women’ – JD Rucker [VIDEO]

Victory in the Moments

Collapse, Oh Babylon

Spy Balloons and “Unidentified” Objects Shot Down, What In The Psy-Op Is Going On?

Greenwald on Nord Stream: “You Have to Spread Lies on Behalf of the CIA to Get Ahead in Journalism”


Drooling Experts Find Elon’s rEaL aGeNdA!!!!!!

Tweet hopper:

Except that whatever that is has six points.

Jesse Watters actually talked about all of this on his show, so the blackout is not absolutely complete, but it’s definitely not headline news in most places.

That the powers that wannabe are actively trying to kill us or trick us into killing ourselves.

Nowhere good.

Meme & Fun hopper:

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

YEA! Youtube videos are working again!

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


Pursuing God’s Will

ACTS 13:46-49

46And Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly, saying, “It was necessary that the word of God should be spoken first to you. Since you thrust it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold, we turn to the Gentiles. 47For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, `I have set you to be a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the uttermost parts of the earth.'” 48And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of God; and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. 49And the word of the Lord spread throughout all the region.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


It gets worse and worse. I don’t know the implications of gene editing, but I doubt it’s good. And how many people a) understand the need to remove the spike protein sequence, b) know whom to contact to have it done, c) can affort it, d) will resist peer pressure to accomplish it?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You see, that is the genius of the evil, in creating a Mao-beloved contradiction.

To get back to “natural”, one who was poisoned now has to use the latest artificial. The HOPE of the technology was that it could cure those RARE diseases, but that was not enough pressure to make people cheer it, and not fear it, so they gave that problem to BILLIONS of people.

Ironically, it may be that as part of the fall, we are condemned to understand creation. At the highest levels, it’s all fascinating and beautiful, and is really the same thing as broken symmetry in so many other ways. The creative shattering of nothingness. The whole thing is quite Promethean. The technology burns those who don’t respect God and Creation.

This is why I put up the stuff about CRISPR/Cas9 yesterday. I’m shocked that nobody said a thing about it. Steve got 3 people to pay attention to fusion, but I had to beat him!  😉 

I have a quote about this.

“You can’t uninvent gravity.”

What does this mean? Especially in this context.

We can’t destroy that which God created, including the very reality and truth of those things. Gravity gonna gravity. Life gonna life. Cas9 gonna scoot along DNA and find the wrong stuff and cut it. THOSE are the real molecular machines. Carrie Madej had no idea.

We can only discover the way things work, and choose how do deal with that knowledge. See the video which includes Jennifer Doudna’s dream about Hitler.

She pursued the technology and published the significance so that everybody would be warned about it – so that it would not be anybody’s secret. I still don’t know if that was the correct answer, but it is very likely that it WAS.

People are going to have to catch up real fast here,


Understand it. It’s the only way to live and stay free.

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I watched the “easy” CRISPR video and was left with more questions than answers! That’s why I haven’t commented. I just don’t have the educational background to discuss it with any semblance of intelligence or understanding.

On the simplest level, I wonder:
Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Is it neither but could be used for either?
ls it one of those things that, in the wrong hands, could be disastrous?
Or is it something we should be seriously looking at to mitigate vaccine damage?
If we do that, what are the future implications?

It seems like a massive topic that very few would understand and even fewer would seek for help. If it’s something we need to be alerting others about, then I know that I need to get educated, fast. That’s probably what you’re trying to do. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXACTLY. You’re on the right path. You have the exact right questions!

It’s a technology a lot like nuclear energy. In the hands of the peaceful, the honest, and the godly, it’s likely good, or even potentially a salvation of civilization. But in the hands of evil men, it can be used for evil.

Most of all, I believe that people who choose not to partake in such technology at all, must be respected. Creating a virus which violates that respect is a crime.


Thank you for that explanation. This is profound:

Most of all, I believe that people who choose not to partake in such technology at all, must be respected. Creating a virus which violates that respect is a crime.

I, and I think many others, just want the simple(r) life that we used to have, and we don’t want to be altering the essence of our existence.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! People who don’t understand AND respect these principles – people who only half-understand Doudna’s and Charpentier’s work and immediately declare man as god (Harari, with his “Homo deus”, which is both religious AND scientific blasphemy) – who declare “Jesus is fake news” – who understand neither God nor Christ in either a scientific and philosophical sense – they should not have the power and influence they have, and they certainly deserve to be CHALLENGED.


Harari’s a ghoul.


Valerie had a better description — “what a flipping psychopath”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah. And he’s KlauSS Schwab’s right-hand man.

I think we found the Hitler problem – and it wasn’t Hitler.

Gail Combs

No, it was the NAZI medical doctors Allen Dulles and Kissinger and Rockefeller IMPORTED to the USA.

I NOW KNOW ‘Population Control’ was on their agenda.

Valerie Curren

I’m guessing your reveals are about to be EPIC!!!

Gail Combs

“Harari’s a ghoul.”



I, and I think many others, just want the simple(r) life that we used to have, and we don’t want to be altering the essence of our existence.

I mirror your words.

Befuddled here.

Lotsa posts I read, or start to, and realize it is out of my league, capability.

I yearn for a simple life, which I thought we had, years ago.

Guess I ought to look for whatever post Wolf referred to above. potentially, altering something inside us. Which includes PureBloods.


  • With the Injections totally unhealthy, and the narrative says Safe and effective.
  • NOW, some technology that can unfuck the spikes in jabbed folks. Perhaps “smart” to do in PureBloods effected by spikes. Is this only folks that had Covid or wider group.

This smells like a Merry-Go-round I ought to skip.

^^^ All rhetorical as I truly have no idea, WTF is being discussed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Short version – The spike shots, in women, are likely introducing a gene into their egg cells that can sterilize their children, particularly women. We’re not sure of the degree to which this guy is right, but it’s very likely that he’s right for at least some fraction of non-purebloods.

The fix is not for the non-purebloods themselves, but to remove the gene from their fertilized egg, so that their kids develop free of the bad spike protein gene.

The “fix” is likely what has been proven to work with CRISPR/Cas9 technology – to edit out the spike gene from their fertilized eggs using in-vitro fertilization – basically putting non-pureblood reproduction in the hands of evil science.

Real solution – treat the viral infection and don’t take the damn shot.


Thank you.

Really like your closing sentence.

  • Real solution – treat the viral infection and don’t take the damn shot.

The rest of it, getting it. Just scares the shit out of me, where we are.

Reinforces my fundamental.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think some very bad stuff went on here. This wasn’t just a biological weapon – it looks like it was a GENETIC WEAPON.


IF, folks ever wake up, there is going to be hell to pay.

NO TELLING how they’ll react.


Folks don’t even know Covid was created through Gain of Function.

Nor mRNA Injections…

100% contrary to the norms we, including the Global community, were raised with.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. When JIMMY CARTER was a better president on biological engineering stuff than Biden is, that says a LOT.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well he was an engineer.

I have no idea if he was a good one even in his specialty.

I do know he was no good as a president but I’d trade him for Biden in an instant.

Gail Combs

Oh it is. Remember Yuval Noah Harari  point blank said we are the LAST GENERATION of ‘Wild’ or ‘Normal’ humans.


The CRISPR info was posted by Wolf on yesterday’s daily.


Ah, the video’s in the intro, that I meant to go back and watch, but forgot to. Thank you for pointing back.

Just watched the first one. More in a bit, so long as slow guy can keep up.

Interesting. Guessing it can be used for good. Wonder what may go wrong later. Worse, what if someone plays god. Sorta like Gain Of Function with Covid, mRNA Injections…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Well, all viruses leave something behind in the human genome, don’t they? Isn’t that part of human evolution?

Now, this virus was created, which is different. And dealing with that will have to be different, too. But to use gene-editing to re-edit that which man already edited might not be the way to do it.

Hell if I know. I don’t have the understanding to play God.

Although I suspect that it will be something created by God, not man, that will correct the issue. Something like ivermectin, a product of nature.

Last edited 2 years ago by Aubergine
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As noted in the third (Mehedi) paper) that I’ve been harping about, viral nucleocapsid proteins getting into the nucleus sometimes happens, but here we are seeing a spike protein doing it, which he says is novel, and not only that – the spike protein brings in its mRNA, too, which then installs itself in the genome of the cell.

As an aside, all that novelty looks very suspicious. “Abortion vaccine”? Looks that way to me.

If that spike-code-uploaded cell is an egg cell, that means that the offspring has a chance of “self-infecting” (by simply growing) not just every body cell with the spike protein production, but every egg cell in females. We are uncertain what that means, but sterility is possible – maybe even likely.

Hard to say what the future will hold, or if this is even a real worry. Have we studied “spike babies”? Fauci may have, secretly, but most of us can only speculate.

Bottom line is that being a pureblood matters, IMO.

But what may be happening here is the creation of a situation that “forces” many people into gene editing, GATTACA-style, if they want to have kids who are not sterile or something.

If this is true, it was likely discovered in lab experiments of spike mRNA vaccines, where the next generation was sterile or at least of reduced fertility. Most people would have been horrified. Not Bill Gates. That discovery would have been the root of a plan to manipulate the world into taking similar shots.

We’re getting close to a solid explanation of why they did what they did.

The depopulation may have been even smarter than we thought.


“Bottom line is that being a pureblood matters, IMO.”

Oh, in my opinion, too! It matters A LOT!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The more I look at this, the more I see these wicked people in Washington and Davos having done this all VERY intentionally.

Gail Combs

There is ZERO QUESTION OF THAT and it was PLANNED since the 1970s.


But what may be happening here is the creation of a situation that “forces” many people into gene editing…

Possibly, but I think we could be a generation or more away from people realizing what’s going on. Some are just starting to see that the vax is bad, but they have no idea that it could be affecting future offspring.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See, that “generation away” part is the kicker.

Much like DES (diethylstilbestrol) which affected the OFFSPRING of women who took it.

In retrospect, that whole DES thing almost looks INTENTIONAL, which is shocking. They really pushed it into use.

If medicine was “infiltrated” by people with an agenda, it would not surprise me.

Gail Combs

After the last article I just uploaded THAT IS CERTAIN!

No wonder the whole memorandum was classified until 1989 and no one ever really reported it.

Roe vs Wade
Global Warming
Kicking out Pope Paul….

Gail Combs

Wait till you see my next (4th) article…

I am almost through editing before I up load it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail – you’re going to have to start publishing these yourself. My wife has so many huge tasks for me – very shortly you’re not going to see me here for days at a time. Just warning you. I *may* get one or two of them out here shortly, but it’s not certain.

Gail Combs

Can I use the Publish NOW?

I tried setting the time in advance and it did not work.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Using the time in advance is so easy that I managed to bodge it up two new years’ ago.

Gail Combs

My browser is not updated so it NEVER works for me.

Oh and I managed to cobble together the next to last article and get it into draft.

Blasted WordPiss would not allow me to kill the ‘list’ function no mater what I tried so I gave up.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, well I know it was a bad day.

On a good day, it’s WordPus.

On a bad day, it’s WordPiss.

Gail Combs

On a good day it is WordUnImpressed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Scheduling works, but the post will likely publish between 1 and 15 minutes LATE.

You don’t have to do anything. Just set the time, and check 20 minutes later. It will be published.

WordPress has a bad bug that causes many sites to not publish scheduled posts. So somebody just wrote a plugin that looks for overdue posts and publishes them. The program runs every 15 minutes. If your luck is good, and your post fails to publish on time, then it will appear at T+1 to T+15.

You may have to refresh the browser to see the new post up, too.

Gail Combs

I will try it, But if I recall correctly you had to boot my last one.

Gail Combs

I just checked, My next one is due out :

February 5 11:55 pm

I think it is a few days late.

I am going to try to kick it out later tonight.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IIRC, that one turned back into a draft.

Valerie Curren

The old 1950’s era War of the Worlds movie has God providing the salvation (indirectly)!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s a technology a lot like nuclear energy. In the hands of the peaceful, the honest, and the godly, it’s likely good, or even potentially a salvation of civilization. But in the hands of evil men, it can be used for evil.

In other words, it’s just like any other tool. A hammer can be used for good or evil. Likewise fire. Or a chipped rock.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. And there is always a “Broud” in the clan who will see how to control others with the new tool!


The current state of play, at least publicly, is like the state of play for minicomputers in the early 1970’s. There were peculiarities like the DEC PDP-8 having no instruction to perform subtraction — you had to load a number, make it negative, then add it to the other number.

CRISPR currently has you isolate a snippet of DNA, add it to the tool, then wash it into the DNA you intend to modify. You then have to pick out the before-and-after-cleavage pieces.

Then you try to stick ’em back together with your modified DNA inside.

Even at this primitive level, exciting and dangerous things are being done with the tools we have.

That said, the underlying concept is that DNA is just data and — given modern computer resources — can be manipulated as any other data might be. In a reasonably short time, I would imagine that “DNA Printers” would be constructed to handle all the CRISPR and assembly bits within a box the size of a refrigerator [much like 3D printers used to be] — you’ll only need to have your computer supervise it.


Great analogies, examples, and explanation; thanks!
I don’t trust anyone to monkey with my DNA like that.


I was just brainstorming an outline for a follow-on comment. Let’s say you had such a magical box. What sorts of things could be done with it?

First, there are some who might say that creating artificial life forms is too much like mocking our Creator — and I’d have to concede that they have a point. Second, creating artificial viruses, bacteria, and fungi are going to be controlled.

OTOH, this is a reasonably natural discus fish —

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— and this is what hobbyists have created using only selective breeding —

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These guys are going to be your early adopters for DNA printers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The “polar catfish” created with CRISPR/Cas9 are on the way there.


That’s an amusing video, but on the one hand they are stretching temperature tolerance way past the capacity of the chassis, and on the other, there are worse things out there already.

Alligators do hatch male/female depending on the temperature of the nest, true — but, as reptiles, they cannot handle freezing. The arctic char has essentially replaced its blood with antifreeze and rejigged every interior organ accordingly. You’re not going to do a quick reshuffle and end up with anything viable.

That said, how about these little beauts? —

— if they don’t like where you put ’em, they can crawl on land to somewhere else.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hear they’s good eatin’!  😅 


They are good eatin’ — which is a good thing, because they’ll eat everything else you could be eatin’ in the water where they’re found.


Probably the most slimy fish that I have ever caught.


There shouldn’t be any major problems with bringing back dodos, thylacines, or passenger pigeons — those are God’s designs, and our arrogance and stupidity eliminated them. Similarly with mammoths.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Next stop – Jurassic Park!  🏞 


You’ll note that the “flaw” in Jurassic Park was that they incorporated some genetic material from modern frogs, which allowed them to reproduce through parthenogenesis.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ah’d say there’s a bit more than one flaw there! 😉


Of course, there are going to be those who want to create pigs with gills or something….

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Whale bacon?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There are ridiculous numbers of reptile morphs too. Snakes that are all white. snakes that have a fairly normal looking color scheme (different from the original, but you’d have to know the original; it looks natural otherwise) other than one big blotch of some other color, stripes instead of a pattern, on and on.

Darwin is himself a “morph”; his color isn’t even remotely natural (dull gray/tan is natural). However, I could at least imagine him blending into reddish rocks, or thin desert vegetation on red soil. But there are beardies that are bright red, bright orange and bright yellow. As well as ones that look like Darwin but deep red where he is orange. Skin texture differs too as well as scale patterns. In full Darwin is a hypo orange tiger stripe dunner.

Selective breeding here too, no actual gene editing.

Valerie Curren

Ditto! Talk about playing God–Massive Pass!


It is a real concern, but I’m not sure we have determined where the red line should be drawn. Humans have created many types of life that are not found in nature solely through selective breeding — there are no wild dachshunds, for instance. While it is easy to see in dogs, we’ve done the same thing with yeasts for brewing beer — . And, I noted earlier, fish have been bred for all sorts of peculiar traits.

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Valerie Curren

I believe Hitler had some type of Aryan breeding program & Margaret Sanger Harris was all about improving the human race by abortion & selective sterilization of “undesirables”!


Eugenics is a recurring dream for those who imagine themselves more wonderful than they really are…..and, yet, so much of human progress is done by those who the “elite” would cull……

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

…..including the creation of new, interesting, and useful variations on life! How ironic that the “expendables” are so good at assisting in creation!


BTW, I was snippy at you about commenting on an old post, a day or two back. I’m going through some weird sleep cycle gyrations because the daylight hours are changing. While this is a partial explanation, it is not an excuse — and I was behaving badly.

I’m very sorry that I was rude and abrasive. I was acting out from inside myself and nothing that you did deserved my reaction.

Valerie Curren

Now that’s sweet Cthulhu but I thought you pointed out a legitimate concern of how I might have been coming across to our resident admitted atheist. I don’t know if you saw my last reply to you in an attempt to clarify what I was trying to say…

There is nothing to forgive nor even apologize for but I do appreciate the sentiment. We are an iron sharpens iron community & all!

Here’s a link to my comment to which you replied with a tad more aggression than may be typical between us.

I figure since I’m one of the slower types in this room filled with epic geniuses some people treat me with kid gloves (when they aren’t implying I’m some type of troll LOL!)…

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I can understand the sleep cycle issues. Since my husband is usually waking up at 3 am & leaving at 3:30 I am usually staying awake until after he heads out & eventually trying to get some sleep…we’ve been in a Ladyhawk cross purposes sleep cycle for many years now, ever since our first special ed case where I did the bulk of my work in the middle of the night so I could focus & not be interrupted by the kids & life…now old habits die Very Hard (if I even attempt to extinguish them at all!)…


You are a gem, Valerie.

Valerie Curren

wow, blush emoji 🙂


‘I’m one of the slower types in this room filled with epic geniuses”
Ditto – learning more on this site than I ever did in college.


Me too!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

every day!!!


I learn much here also and yes we are among geniuses but I am not one so I feel blessed being here. 🙂


Valerie, you set a wonderful example. Thank you.

Valerie Curren

Thx TT! Just Trying to follow scripture “a soft answer turneth away wrath”…in my case often applicable after my bluntness has stirred up someone’s wrath!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think he was remembering the time when he suggested you post on the Sunday thread, because saturday was over (that daily wouldn’t die!).

Valerie Curren

Hmm I don’t recall that potential woodshed trip 🙂 I’m Usually Way behind on reading around here, let alone entering Any discussion 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

TBH I get such nasty psychologizing (i.e., they try to divine [pun not intented] my motives and come up with bad ones, generally as a form of attack) from the religious sometimes that this example was mild enough I didn’t notice. It wasn’t until Cooth pointed it out to you that I even saw it.

Valerie Curren

& here I thought that your reply to me at/to the “offending” comment was indicating your forgiveness of my seeming faux pas LOL in the “to err is human, to forgive is divine” arena 🙂

Valerie Curren

Sorry for any of the “nasty psychologizing” that might have come from me 🙁

Gail Combs

For better sleep try Magnesium and if that does not work add Melatonin.

I have always had sleep problems and I wish I had found them several decades ago! (I take them about 2-3 hrs before bed.)

Valerie Curren

Thanks Gail!


I take cod liver oil before going to bed. Helps me sleep. This changes for me for several day or week Magnesium works or Melatonin until it does not. I switch a lot. Melatonin however makes me draggy the next morning and lazy for the day. 🙂


My admiration for this is off the charts.

Gail Combs

Some of my next few articles, if they ever get out to the public, 😄  are about that.

Valerie Curren

Can’t wait! They’ll get out…eventually 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Cas9 molecule is straight out of Turing, just like ribosomes and all the other tape-manipulating machines.

We’re on one heck of a science tour, boys and girls!


There are a number of DNA-editing molecules with different abilities and purposes. Best not get too attached to Cas9 and have the right one chosen by your software.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Or DESIGNED by software! That is, if you’re willing to pay for the “Platinum” model!

Though it’s interesting how few changes are permissible on some of these designs. Ribosomes are notoriously finicky about letting themselves be altered.

But Cas9 as Control-x is pretty remarkable in its fundamental utility, and will likely persist across platforms, despite being renamed to some obscure square rune with “have to be different” iGene branding.

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It is somewhat amazing that Turing’s “thought experiment” of a machine that read along a tape is so similar to the way DNA and RNA are read along the molecule.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There’s a lot there to unpack!

Gail Combs

The whole Human, Animal, Plant DNA manipulation Rabbit hole is YUGE!

I saw your crispr info yesterday, but I wanted to get those two articles saved to draft.

I had contemplated a DNA post but it is best if you handle it.

FWIW I wrote this at Tony Heller’s back in May of 2014.

The elite want a small population of docile servants/serfs/slaves and that is what they are working towards. Unfortunately with the DNA testing of every baby born in the USA and the UK plus DNA testing of all convicted criminals plus people accused of minor infractions via bribery they are coming very close to that goal.

DNA Testing – Personality and Behaviour

Traditionally, scientists and psychologists have studied identical twins who share the same genes to find out if differences in personality and behaviour can be put down to the environment. Scientists have discovered through DNA testing that around half of our personality traits are hard-wired into our genes. But some behaviour is more elusive – perhaps because scientists first have to work out what these genes are through DNA testing and then work out how they interact.

DNA Testing and Genetics

The future of DNA testing and genetics worries some sociologists who fear that genetic profiling could incite intolerance or discrimination….

The information I saw about California judges giving the convicted a choice of DNA testing or jail I have not ‘refound’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. We have arrived at GATTACA!

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Uma Thurman   :wpds_smile: 

Gail Combs


China Confirms Three Gene Edited Babies Were Born…

China has confirmed that He Jiankui’s gene editing experiments led to the birth of three babies. Previously, only two babies were known to have been born—twin girls named Lulu and Nana. … Chinese officials confirmed this following an investigation into He’s work.


Great observation, TT. Right there with you.


A guy meets a stranger in a bar. The stranger invites him to a very private comedy club a couple of blocks away. While walking there, the stranger explains that there are only so many jokes in the English language and that the patrons have heard them all, so the comic onstage will say, “4263” — and people will laugh and go on socializing. The guy thinks this is a bit strange, but the prospect of free-flowing libations lures him on.

When they get to the club, the guy is surprised at the size of the hall. He cannot fathom how this can be kept secret in this town.

Sure enough, people go up on stage and step up to the mic. Making a funny face, one comic says, “one thousand twenty-two” and brings the house down. Another shuffles up as a sad sack and says, “six thousand forty-seven” and gets some chuckles and some empathy. The stranger nudges our guy and says, “every guest must get up on stage and tell a joke.”

So our guy climbs up, walks to the mike, and says, “three thousand, four hundred, sixty-eight” — and the place goes silent. He looks to the left, he looks to the right — he might as well be in a cave five hundred feet deep. He slinks off the stage and goes back to the stranger that brought him here and asks, “is three thousand, four hundred, sixty-eight not a valid joke?”

And his buddy says, “no, it’s a valid joke — it’s just that you told it wrong.”

CRISPR was a valid subject yesterday…….

Valerie Curren



Well, perhaps the CRISPR “clean it out” technology can work — until it “breaks.” Then what?
And what about the cost? Is this technology going to be made available to ALL people who were jabbed for a reasonable (or nearly free) cost?
How would jabbed people know that their bodies are completely rid of the spike protein + its mRNA from the jabs?
What about UN-jabbed persons who got COVID-19 and recovered — assuming that the spike protein + its mRNA is also present in the bodies of the UN-jabbed — would they also be “eligible” to have this technology used for them?
What does CRISPR “clean it out” technology do the protocols for reduction / mitigation / possible elimination, that are listed at places like the FLCCC website? — Does this technology supersede?

Last edited 2 years ago by PAVACA

I submit that “Gravity” is STILL a “Theory”. And has not been proven.
I think Density and Buoyancy make a better case.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The funny thing is buoyancy wouldn’t even exist were it not for gravity exerting force on things.


Buoyancy has to do with whether things float or not.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, and they do so because the gravity pulls harder on the heavy water than it does on the floating object, the less dense object rises. It’s fundamentally a side effect of gravity.

If there were no gravity at all there’d be no “floating” and no “buoyancy.” Far from being an alternative to gravity, it’s evidence for gravity.


So…. “Gravity” pulls differently on different things?
How smart is this gravity you speak of?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It pulls in direct proportion to the mass; that manifests as weight.

If the mass is more spread out (less dense) the force exerted per unit volume is less. So a cubic foot of balsa wood is being pulled on less than a cubic foot of water.

The cubic foot of water thereby winds up under the balsa wood, since the water can flow freely.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On another note, I knew oil was NOT a fossil fuel many years ago. That it is “Abiotic” in nature. There are articles about it, a little research reveals many LIES.

Gail Combs

YUP! The Russians have used ‘Abiotic’ theory to help them find oil.


Not that I understand much of any of this CRISPR stuff. I don’t Perhaps a whiff, of the gist of it.

Someone can tweak DNA to clean out or reverse spike? OK.

  • Is it SAFE and Effective?
  • Who the hell to trust, doing the CRISPR thing? Changing DNA?

Spike can be anywhere in the body, I think. So CRISPR goes to all organs, smart enough to know where the spike is located, targeted to where spike IS located?

Whatever I read yesterday on CRISPR, zinged right past me. Same as the fusion post. It happens. Some of Steve’s stuff clicks the lights on easily, or with a second read. Some I get the gist. Others, I am glad some or many get it. I know it’s important stuff.

Same reason I never pursued sports. Not in my wheel house.

All rhetorical. As posted elsewhere today, befuddled since I read this stuff a few hours ago.

Valerie Curren

in my case “befuddled since” hitting middle age 😉


Then I am in good company.   :wpds_wink: 

Valerie Curren

Love it! 🙂


“b) know whom to contact to have it done”


Ghostbusters would be excited for the opportunity.

They even make house calls 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that was great. They had some real writers!


It is entirely possible that poisoned parents would have to use IVF with gene modification at an 8- or 16-cell zygote to have a viable child.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly! The small-cell bottleneck is already proven, years ago, with CRISPR tech.


T-Mobile Outtage affecting service


Mobile seems to be behaving again this morning


Happy Valentine’s Day!

comment image


Now, that’s love….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll take TWO, please!  😎 


Happiness is a Warm Gun 👍😁


OH incident impacts water supply for water shed. YSM coverup. Tangoism?


BREAKING: Project Veritas donor refutes claims in leaked employee memo, says interactions with founder ‘blown out of proportion’“The allegations are that he was extremely rude to one of his donors which happens to be me. And that’s completely blown out of proportion,” she said.

On Saturday, Project Veritas donor Dianna Remmers came forward to refute claims made in a leaked employee memo that said the news organization’s founder, James O’Keefe, was exhibiting “cruel behavior,” saying the document misrepresented her interactions with O’Keefe.
“I’ve been made aware of allegations for Project Veritas through the news, a little bit on social media and whatnot,” Remmers said. “And I realized actually that one of the allegations and grievances towards James is about a situation that involves me with James.”

“(In) November, 2021, in Florida at a David Horowitz event where the allegations are that he was extremely rude to one of his donors which happens to be me. And that’s completely blown out of proportion. I asked him to take a picture and he, you know, had a lot of people running at him asking for different things and he wasn’t thrilled about getting a picture at that moment, but he did,” she said.

“After that we had a great conversation and became great friends, and I’ve had events for him, one in Beverly Hills. He’s been a personal guest of mine at a Turning Point event and I’m gonna continue to support him,” Remmers added

“I’m really very disappointed in the petty allegations towards him that are completely false and ridiculous,” Remmers said. “So I will continue supporting James as long as he’s with Project Veritas.”

In the memo it described the interaction as “The wife (Remmers) asked James for a photo, and he very rudely and publicly turned her down. She was humiliated to the point of tears.”


James needs to either be provided complete control or be supported with a new venture. There is no PV without him in the lead.


Yup. unless O’Keefe has unfettered control of PV, time to move on.

Rather sure O’Keefe knows this. Wild card is if there is a no compete clause of sorts, in his contract keeping him from moving on.


Thank you, DePat, for a lovely Tuesday post full of glorious content.


And Happy Valentine’s Day!!!


As for me, I open the links as I initially go through the post (I have three left — Gerontocracy, Trickle-Down, and Moments). I can’t read Tweets, so I just skip those. I always read what you say about links, even if I get to the links much later.

Valerie Curren

I open many links but spend so much time reading comments at the Q-Tree I rarely read those links in any sort of timely manner. When someone here comments on how excellent a particular article is then I’m more like to read that item sooner rather than later…or never…


Please – change nothing. Including your comments within. Your work is greatly appreciated.

Gail Combs

I read a lot of your links. It depends upon how much time I have available.

If I see something I want to comment about I will drag it into the comments.


I find that I do not have so much time between my chores because all takes longer than used too. Not ready to have a house cleaner. The knitting bug got me also Spring is a busy time for me.

Gail Combs

I got the writing bug. You guys are about to have several articles dumped on you.




Looking forward 😉


Oh, I do. Every day.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I try to at least scan the post, and often click on some of the links (not all; there are only so many free hours in my day). It generally ends up between two and six of them.

The only thing is sometimes I can’t tell whether your comments apply to what’s above them or what’s below them. That’s a wordpus formatting issue, though (and I struggle with it sometimes in my posts too). Sometimes I can use a colon at the end of the paragraph to cue the reader, but only if my comment regarding a graphic precedes it.


I’m in good company.

  • The only thing is sometimes I can’t tell whether your comments apply to what’s above them or what’s below them. 

Perhaps the colon, or ^^^, <<<, >>>.


I often scan also.


Thank you for clarifying.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Garrison is so awesome. NOBODY gets the core of MAGA like that guy!


“Don’t worry, it’s the Americans, they’ll miss. Yesterday they tried to hit a balloon, and hit Canada instead.”

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

The New York Times Has an Embarrassing Epiphany About ‘Gun-free Zones’

We’ve all seen signs announcing a particular place is a “gun-free zone.” While these signs are supposed to reduce gun violence by informing would-be shooters that their firearms aren’t welcome on the site, the reality is that they are instead beacons alerting criminals to soft targets.

And it looks like the New York Times may have finally figured that out. After a murder took place in Times Square on Thursday night, the paper openly questioned why posted signs banning guns from the area didn’t stop the violence. “The shooting was the first since the creation of the expansive, signposted zone, the police said in a statement, and it immediately renewed questions about whether such a designation can truly protect the area,” the so-called paper of record reported.

“People feel emboldened to carry guns on the street,” said Tom Harris, a retired New York City police inspector and the president of the Times Square Alliance, told the Times. “A gun-free zone is not going to stop a criminal from carrying a gun.”

I have to admit I’m shocked that the New York Times acknowledged this. While I’d like to give them credit for that, the fact is the inefficacy of gun-free zones is something conservative media has been pointing out for years.


Give it another week, and they’ll realize that all the “gun-free zone” signs should’ve been bulletproof.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said. No idiot like a Times idiot.


“Give it another week,” and they’ll fire the journalist.


hahah..yep !!!


Very likely. Definitely not News Fit To Print by their standard.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Total truth. The leftist establishment that rose to power on this stuff doesn’t give a damn about it, once it has power.


Created issues sold by propagandists and politicians to gain money and power. A tale as old as time itself.

It is easy to identify the ideology of everybody you know by their responses and suggestions to these artificial crises.


Robert Baker

I think they have moved on to gas-powered stoves.


“They” will probably claim that a gas-powered stove caused the train to explode!


“I think they have moved on to gas-powered stoves.”


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Robert Baker

I thought my phrasing may have been ambiguous. I toyed with changing it from gas-powered to gas-fueled. In the end I thought they were effectively the same. It is obvious I didn’t do enough analysis. 😎 




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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Is that a he or a she?

I think that’s a beard so I’ll guess he taught himself another (useless) programming language to pad his resume


Looks like a little stubble on the chin. 🧔‍♂️


….could go either way….


…these days…


Could be a lazy tranny who forgot to shave.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Attempting to educate the masses. Probably the wrong way, but still….  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO Twitter will prevent Nancy Mace from seeing that stuff.


But others will see it. Maybe word would get back to her.


I think the more you post, the better because you have a genuine understanding and can reply to both objections and questions.

Linda Harrison

Wolfie – how will the jab and/or crspr etc effect paternity testing if at all? Thank you.

Valerie Curren

inquiring minds…

Linda Harrison

It is a long story but I actually had a reason to ask. I am the executrix of my brother’s estate and someone came forward and said they were the son of my brother. The court allowed an additional 30 days from the original request for a paternity test (which was never provided). The guy lived in another state, then wanted me to provide the dna for the test since my brother was cremated. I refused, my brother was adopted but was originally a cousin. I provided adoption papers to the court and so far they have been satisfied. I was wondering with all of this in play how a paternity test would have come out. When a dna test is required, going state to state, there is a huge chain of custody in play when the court is involved. But yes, inquiring minds…

The guy had started a wrongful death suit against my brother’s employer and the attorney’s wanted a deposition from me. I asked them if they had checked last name(s) and paternity lately. They backed off.

Valerie Curren

Wow Linda that’s a really big twinkie. I’m so sorry that you lost your brother & are facing these legal, personal, & potentially emotional challenges. May God be with you in His comfort, peace, wisdom, grace, protection, guidance, & joy–even in the midst of sorrows.

Linda Harrison

Thank you Valerie. My brother was actually killed in a head on collusion two years ago this April. There has been quite a fight over his non existent ($ wise) estate. I only opened the estate to pay off existing creditors and to pay for the funeral. I did have to take his company to court (through the Labor Board) in order to get his vacation pay and ESB to get his 401K distribution. I think those shots made everyone go crazy.

Valerie Curren

Boy Linda that’s A Lot of Heavy stuff to deal with. Sounds like you are quite the determined go-getter! Atta Girl!!!

Linda Harrison


Valerie Curren

YW 🙂


Everybody wears stilettos to give blood, right? 🙄

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Planned photo op. THAT is a bit hint.

She’s giving blood on purpose – FOR the picture – and shortly after she called herself out as vaccine-damaged.

Maybe it’s a way of saying “I’m not a conspiracy theorist.”




Obviously planned, but so ham-handed. Like she’s heading right to the wine bar from there. 😂


China Raises Upper Age Limits for Military Reservists Amid Increased Tension Over Taiwan Strait

The Chinese communist regime’s military new Reserve Personnel Law will be implemented on March 1. It will raise the age limits for various ranks in the reserve forces, a move analysts say reflects the regime’s intention to invade Taiwan.

Under the regime’s decades-old Military Service Law, the service age of reserve soldiers was set at 18 to 35 years old.

The new law has raised the maximum service age for reserve command management and professional technical officers to 60 years old, replacing the tiered age limits of 60, 55, and 50 years old in the old reserve service law.

. . .

Martin Armstrong:

Of course, China knows that the Biden Administration wants war. They are increasing their age limits for military service to up to 60 years old. Don’t get upset and think you will be too old for the United States and Europe. You can never be too old to die for your local politician.

We will see the draft age rise dramatically in the West all because our fearless world leaders, who will never go to war themselves, all need World War III desperately. Just as we can no longer define what a woman actually is, we can no longer discriminate against women for the draft and it is also a matter of being fair to end age discrimination for the draft. It was Franklin Roosevelt who made the remark after going to great lengths to get the US involved in World War II. He said:

“War is young men dying and old men talking.”
While governments play with the numbers, during World War I, the Great War, they asserted that the average age of dead soldiers was twenty-seven years old. However, more nineteen-year-olds died than any other age group.

. . . And by the way, women you will NOT be discriminated against anymore. They have already been talking about drafting women as well to satisfy Hillary who argued women can do anything a man does – from being president to dying on the battlefield. You better start having kids real fast. But you too will die for Ukrainian Nazis – what an honor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THIS is where we have the power to STAND DOWN and SAY NO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is where China inflicted the most severe cut on our Wokies – where China stuck a knife in their back.

By making our wokies start “transing” our kids, the hatred of the most patriotic Americans for the woke government knocked the foundation out from under them.

Trump tried to save the military from this disaster, but the stolen election assured China of victory in that battle.

Why should I defend Washington from China? China isn’t trying to TRANS children.

I will defend America, but not this horrid regime.

And the best way to defend America, is not to fight for this regime. REFUSE to fight for this regime.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s one thing to ALLOW parents to (within limits, like surgery) allow their kids to live as the other gender. To me, that may well be within a parents rights, as unadvisable as it probably is.

But to let people change a kid’s gender against the wishes of parents – or worse, for the government to prevent parents from protecting their children from TRANS activists – to me that crosses all kinds of red lines.

Why should I wish for such a regime to do anything but destroy itself? Or for me to do anything but sit back and let GOD give us all a lesson, if HE so chooses?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Speaking of which……


Starbuck is for real as I said awhile back. The GOP machine got their way in the TN SC, but I hope he will move into a district with a weak GOPer and win. He’s fierce and MAGA.

Trump’s Ortagus support was ridiculous and there is no other way to spin it. Which is why she did not win.


Good place to stick this, though it might need it’s own little spot.

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Activists push for acceptance of ‘furries’ as part of LGBTQ spectrum

Robert Baker

We can now surely say with a high degree of confidence that are mental health professionals are falling behind.


These people……i wonder if they had to focus on working and eating without handouts if theyd have to much free time to focus on sex. Plus would they do it if they had zero social media access?


I doubt they get handouts, more likely they’re on payrolls of people like Soros and Hussein.


Another thing my kids definitely don’t need to be seeing in public.

Gail Combs


I am well past supporting someone elses insanity.


This is an abomination.


That’s a hardcore Marxist trying to accomplish either one of two things:

1) provoke violence against himself, to give allies in government an excuse to give more sick perversions ‘protected class’ status


2) if no one beats the *&^% out of him, he wins by normalizing perversion and demoralizing everyone who knows how sick it is

When I was a kid, if anybody went out in public like that, they would be confronted, harassed and run off, hopefully with a boot in their ass.

That’s NORMAL.

That is how any moral society PREVENTS Marxists from taking us to exactly where we are right now.

You DON’T allow subversives to destroy your culture.

That starts at the grass-roots level, and you chase it all the way to Satan’s HQ at Washington, D.C.


Uh, I can NOT buy into any parents supporting a kid to live as another gender.


Nope, me neither.

I stand against that.


“By making our wokies start “transing” our kids, the hatred of the most patriotic Americans for the woke government knocked the foundation out from under them.”


Hatred is an understatement.

And for a lot more reasons than just ‘transing’ the kids.

If God struck them all dead tonight, I’d celebrate like my team just won the National Championship.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The evil establishment has to be very worried that their next “unifying false flag” is going to fail like a lead balloon.


Assuredly, I AM NO. With an emphatic Go Fuck Yourselves.


I’d rather stand UP and say NO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Feel free. But I think that Aubergine’s strategy of DENIAL OF POWER BY INACTION is the real winner.


I agree 👍

Today, I just preferred the image of standing UP to do it, from a communication perspective, as opposed to standing DOWN to do it, that’s all.

Normally I would read ‘stand down’ and it wouldn’t register, except that I agree. But after reading numerous ‘despair’ and “all hope is lost” articles today, it brings out my inner defiance 😂

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

I truly don’t understand why our ‘side’ does the enemy’s work for them, acting as demoralization propagandists.

I mean, read that thing.

Literally attempting to terrorize the people who Armstrong presumably sides with. As if the professional Left isn’t doing enough in that regard, they need assistance from people like Armstrong.

It may as well be a suicide tract.

Utter hopelessness and defeat.

He should title his article “May as well put a Gun in Your Mouth”.

Nobody on our ‘side’ takes on the enemy. They all just tell us ‘resistance is futile, you might as well just quit and die’, and somehow they believe that’s helpful?

I think they’re cowards, faggots or traitors. Maybe all three.

They do more damage to Patriots, shoving knives in our backs, than the enemy ever does to our face.

Every day, all day long, we have to fight the enemy.

Then we have to deal with sh!tbags like Armstrong, who don’t have the tiny amount of guts it would take to actually energize and motivate the People to resist.

Instead, he just kicks the #*&^ing dog some more, and tells himself he’s done his good deed for the day.

Who needs Hannoi Hannah or Tokyo Rose, when we have people like Armstrong on our side?

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

The enemy attacks us with words, with propaganda, with demoralization, all day long, every day, 24/7.

Much of the ‘alt media’ who claim to be on our side do the exact same thing. It’s an all-out assault on the psyche. A constant barrage of enemy fire and friendly fire.

Martin Armstrong is probably a good guy and on our side, but *&^%, stop driving the ice-pick into our skulls already.

Why doesn’t he go on offense, instead of going full-Eyeore?

Eventually, resistance and defiance comes down to “*&^% you, I will not bend to your will,” and that goes for everything and anything, from the smallest thing to the biggest.

Full court press.

That’s a whole different mindset, than enumerating all the different ways we’re doomed.

Defiance is imperative.


Alisa Childers:

I attended the Asbury Revival and Here’s What I Saw

On Feb. 8th, 2023, students of Asbury University in Kentucky gathered for their Wednesday chapel service. At the end of the service, the altar was flooded with over 100 students, and the service has continued without concluding for days. Since Wednesday, people have come from all over the country to observe and even participate in what is going on at Asbury. This has gone viral on social media, with many people affirming that it’s a revival, testifying from personal experience that it’s genuine, legitimate, and from God. Others are skeptical, saying that it’s experience-driven emotionalism. I was able to attend the service around 8am on Sunday morning, and I went away with some positive takeaways but also some serious concerns.

*** Update… Since making this video, I was made aware that I missspoke when I said it was Asbury seminary. It’s Asbury University.


My concerns:

  • The wrong people are promoting it – lots of the Big Evangelicalism insiders.
  • It’s getting media attention – who’s hyping it? Journalists do NOT report on these events typically. It doesn’t conform to their prejudiced worldview, and good church news doesn’t wag the dog.
  • Media coverage traditionally will kill a revival stone dead.

There’s more I could add, but having studied revivals in history and experienced a few myself, there are two common elements in a genuine revival: People are praying, and there is genuine repentance.

If those two things are not present, it’s not a genuine revival. Likewise, if you see things that seem very much attention-seeking, that is a concern.


Likewise, if you see things that seem very much attention-seeking, that is a concern.

It seems that so much is attention-seeking today. People take videos of everything, they take selfies, they make video reports about their grooming and other habits and beliefs, they are “influencers” with followers, and they share their innermost thoughts and experiences on the internet for the world to see.

Gail Combs

More carnival than revival…

Robert Baker

Instead of this incessant need to vet everything spiritual why not stand back and watch. If lives are changed it will be noticed. If lives are not changed it will also be noticed. The Scripture gives an account of how to evaluate these spiritual awakenings. In the Book of Acts the Jews were concerned with all these Jesus followers that were disrupting their religious observances. The Jewish leaders found it threatening and unseemly. However a prominent Jewish leader, Gamaliel said to leave them alone and watch what develops. “We don’t want to find ourselves fighting against God.” Good advice. Acts 5:33-39.

Yes there will be publicity hounds who attach themselves. Revivals, like striking gold, attracts leeches.



Valerie Curren

I appreciated that video–thanks!


BTW thanks to everyone who gave me Valentine’s ideas!

What I ended up getting my wife . . .

Three flashlights. One standard solar rechargeable, one collapsable lantern, and a third that operates head mounted. This solves a few problems she’s been having: The shorter winter evenings are darker, so now we can walk after sundown and feel safer. She also prefers to water after dark (welcome to Texas), and her old flashlight that cast light over the flowerbed well needed to be replaced.

I also bought her caramels from Hilliard’s in Massachusetts:

By this, I mean I bought some of every caramel product they make, including the caramel sauce for ice cream topping.

It came down to the fact that we had too many chocolates from family for Christmas. I don’t know how they pick their chocolates if they find them on clearance, or what. We had Godiva’s, Giradelli’s, and Lindt’s – wow, this should be good, right? One was like 85% cacao dark chocolate way too strong; the dark chocolate truffles were just not right, just was an odd selection . . .

My wife’s favorite is caramel, and she is thrilled to have sea salt caramels from Hilliard’s, with which she has connections through her extended family. Hilliard’s is good, to be sure, but it doesn’t do as much for me. The kids, of course, want to get into the caramels, but mom has done an excellent job of keeping them OUT . . . though they did get to have some ice cream tonight with caramel topping.

I made sure to save back all the ideas that everyone had. I still have a birthday and anniversary to buy for before Christmas . . .


Nice balance of something practical she wanted and will put to good use and something more personal and romantic. The caramels at the link look delicious!


The 85% cacao dark chocolates are nice to spear into a chocolate souffle when serving.


“The shorter winter evenings are darker, so now we can walk after sundown and feel safer.”


A flame thrower is probably legal in Texas, and imparts strong feelings of comfort and safety.

Very effective against domestic criminals.

Also works on aliens, just in case the need arises.


Sea Salt Caramels from Bequet out of Montana totally ruined my wife and I. Oh my…

Gail Combs

“….One was like 85% cacao dark chocolate way too strong…”  😄 

That is only for chocolate lovers who can not eat sugar. I snack on the 90% but you have to be a real Choco-holic to do that. It is like eating baking cocoa.


When I was a small child, I ONCE ate a spoonful of baking cocoa.
Notice I said ONCE 🙂

Gail Combs

  :wpds_lol:   :toldyaso: 


Still remember it (50+ yrs later).
Nasty tasting stuff!


That was nice you got her anything at all!


UPDATE: MSU Mass Shooter a Black Male – 3 Killed and 5 Injured – Suspect Shot Himself in Head as Police Were Approaching

Suspected gunman, who is dead, was 43 years old and not affiliated with MSU as a student or employee, interim deputy police chief Chris Rozman says.


The school sent an alert at 8:31 p.m. telling students to run, hide and fight with a report of shots fired on the school’s East Lansing campus.

Someone thinks people need to be told this? If specific instructions are not being given (e.g., “He’s in your building. Take cover in place.”), then what do you think people are going to do at the news of a shooter on campus? They’ll run if it seems safe, hide if that’s the best option, and fight if necessary.


“The school sent an alert at 8:31 p.m. telling students to run, hide and fight with a report of shots fired on the school’s East Lansing campus.”


It’s not easy to fight while you’re hiding.

Ever try to whack someone on the back of the head while you’re hiding behind a curtain, and not give away your hiding place?

It’s like that.


Can’t say I’ve ever tried that. 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Curtains” Comey did, when he tried to “whack” Trump!  😉 

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  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


If you were the Chief Inspector of the Sûreté, and you had a man-servant named Catothen you would know these things 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Who did he kill? This seems potentially targeted, like Bing Liu.


Interesting. I don’t think they have released that information yet. They’re probably notifying the next of kin.


“Reporters are being arrested for simply reporting on the train derailment in Ohio which experts are saying is going to be the next Chernobyl. Yes that’s the exact phrase they are using on their accounts.”


Seems more like the next Bhopal.



Good point. Shows the historical ignorance of the press.


Agreed, I was thinking about Bhopal.

Which, incidentally, has not been cleaned up and is a ticking time bomb.


The water is safe to drink but everything in it is suddenly dead

Be prepared.

The next politician who says the water is safe to drink, hand him a bottle of water taken from the area of the fire, and say “Glad to hear it. I have some right here. You drink it, and maybe someone will believe you.”

Don’t ask him to drink it, just hand it to him and say “Drink it.”

Then you’ll know whether what he really thinks, matches what his lying lips are saying.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

Great idea!


Nowhere to hide. Love it.


Don’t let him get away with just putting it up to his lips either

Gail Combs

Make him chug the entire bottle.


Or waterboard him.

Gail Combs


The news is getting out DESPITE THE GOVERNMENT COVER UP….

NO FEMA & NO RED CROSS??? say it isn’t so.  🙄 

Valerie Curren

Here’s another view of that reporter’s arrest.


LE has zero common sense AND ZERO respect for folks Rights.

Those LE needs to be fired.

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure why Biden was trying to blamecast “getting rid of Social Security and Medicare” on Republicans, but look at this shit coming out of LEFT FIELD!!!!!

This guy is like human COVID – kill the oldsters.

WE invested (at gunpoint) in social security and medicare with taxes, and now look – we got SCAMMED.

Valerie Curren

what a flipping psychopath  😡 


Well, I was thinking of going into the fallacy of “Year Zero” revolutionaries, with a bow towards Chesterton’s Gate….but your version is more succinct and just as accurate.

Valerie Curren

I’m uneducated enough to not understand a number of your references LOL care to enlighten the class dunce?


Whenever a revolutionary starts talking about “Year Zero” or “starting over with enlightened principles”, mass death on a horrific scale will follow. This was done under Pol Pot in the killing fields of Cambodia, the famine of the Cultural Revolution under Mao, and even back in the French Revolution where they actually changed the calendar. The whole idea of throwing out all of history because the current revolution has better ideas is wild hubris.

Chesterton’s gate is a similar exercise — — someone wishing to take down a gate should not be allowed if they think it’s useless…..but if they can see the worth of the gate, they may destroy it to improve matters.

Valerie Curren

TY Ignoring/erasing history means condemned to repeat it in spectacular failure & misery!



Valerie Curren

AND at my comprehension level 😉

Pssst don’t let Hubby know I’m Ever capable of being succinct–it could destroy my whole grift IRL!!!

Valerie Curren



Ah, good. I am in superb company.

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When some guy says “we don’t need old people” and “you don’t need a gun”……


Valerie Curren

no doubt!

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I like that video more each time I watch it.

Valerie Curren

Yup 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, I love those!!!


With technological change becoming more rapid, they no longer even have wisdom to offer young generations.

What a morally bankrupt, empty soul.

The idea that they should sacrifice *something* for young people isn’t even being seriously considered.

Many spent their lives sacrificing for the next generations. Some went to war for us.

Who raised him? Did they “sacrifice” anything? (Maybe they were lizard people. “Your momma’s a reptile.”)

I see he’s getting pushback. It needs to be so severe that he backs off in shame, or if he can’t feel shame, at least back off due to pressure.

What ever happened to respect for one’s elders? He’ll be one, one day, and he will have paved the way for it to be a living h3ll for himself.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s taking a LOT of grief online, thank goodness!


Wow, killing off seniors next on the altar to satan ?

Gail Combs


They didn’t kill off enough with the Nursing Home Covid Killings.

The UK has been killing off their seniors for YEARS!


Canada is aggressively allowing, (pushing? euthanasia.

Oregon? Can’t recall the details. I’d bet Hochul also.


My how this one is spreading fast.

Soon it won’t be just a suggestion.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Japan did it to themselves with plummetting birth rates – they don’t have an immigrant population to supplement or lay the blame on.


I thought Japan used to be a great example of showing respect for one’s elders. SMH.

Robert Baker

I think this fellow is achieving just what he intended. It is not about solving Japan’s “elderly problem”. He wants to be noticed and tweeting egregious solutions to real social problems is a sure fire way to accomplish that. Welcome to the age of “every man for himself”. Technology not only leads toward social isolation but also to a warped social identity.


IMO, what this Hanania guy wants is “Logan’s Run” at age 50.
Did a little digging into this Richard Hanania.
Previously affiliated with Columbia University.
Founded a “right-of-center think tank” called CSPI — Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology — in 2020. It’s a 501(c)(3). Tax EIN: 84-4744197.
Is currently working with The Salem Center of the McCombs School of Business at the University of Austin.
Supported Jeb! for President.
IMO, is a “closet Never Trumper” per his comments in the CSPI Twitter feed.
IMO, is a closet “DeSantis in 2024” per links in the CSPI Twitter feed.
Google Scholar lists 40+ papers he’s written either as primary or as co-author.
Seems to be leaning toward the “China is going to take over the world, get used to it” thought process.


Not sure why Biden was trying to blamecast “getting rid of Social Security and Medicare” on Republicans

The “Republicans are trying to drain Social Security” is one of the Democrat’s BIG LIES to scare older Americans to vote Democrat. They’ve been using it for generations now – and it works, too! That’s their #1 wedge to get the elderly vote, even with all the ballot harvesting.

It’s big and scary, and once people believe the lie, you CAN’T convince them otherwise!

Back in ’95 a group of Democrat seniors performed a sidewalk ambush of Newt where they surrounded him holding signs and had cameras on the ready. Their talking points were to ask him why Republicans were cutting SS benefits. He handled himself well, politely responded “We aren’t cutting SS benefits.” And all the group went “Noooo” and gave each other those knowing looks – was very clear visual “no Newt you’re lying to us” . . .

The problem is that the Dems (ok ok ok, Uniparty) have been draining SS benefits from the back side raiding it as their own personal piggy bank. The receipts are going to come due, we all know they set up a ticking time bomb with a benefits cliff and a giant pool of retirees called euphemistically “unfunded liabilities” – which is a cutsey way of gaslighting the public that they don’t got the money . . . all that money you paid into SS? Haha, sorry, not sorry. . . politicians who made that choice have LONG since checked out.

That’s why the Uniparty keeps pushing these talking points about SS that we saw in 2016, when so many of the squish RINOs in the primaries wouldn’t come out firmly against reducing SS benefits. TRUMP said we will not reduce a penny of SS benefits. He knew that people were dependent on it, people paid in and it was wrong to back out of that promise. Trump gets the ground level politics of the old working-class and union man Dem coalition better than any other candidate.

Wolf: The Uniparty is scared to DEATH of paying out SS benefits and is trying to do everything they can to reneg and weasel out it! They’ve got things teed up and they expect Team R to do the dirty deed and take the hit for it. If you really want to make the Uniparty weasels skin crawl, shine sunlight on SS – they don’t want that coming out publicly. They’ve called SS “the third rail” b/c it derails every administration that tries to reform it – the Uniparty wants only one outcome, and that’s the outcome that’s good for them.

I’m confident the goal is the grand heist of SS, as part of the grand heist of Team USA. They’ve been robbing Americans with SS for closing in on a century now and they have no intention of EVER, of EVER paying it out. They don’t have the money – at least, it’s sitting in other people’s accounts and not in the SS trust fund.

Is avoiding SS payout the goal of COVID and vaccines? Not “the” goal, but “a” goal. Obviously we can’t say with certainty – but keep in mind the deeper we’ve dug, our gut feelings have been consistently right, except things have been far worse than we imagined. The nursing home non-sense should be enough to have every American standing in the national mall demanding action and justice. Read that again. That’s just one thing. They want to avoid the reckoning of payouts and they are willing to risk other people’s lives and risk an awakened public coming after them.

COVID+Vax is a giant heist of American money and power – but don’t lose the view that it also gives cover for their SS heist. It’s only a “small” issue b/c the YSM won’t push the story. They push the “Americans are dying from COVID” story but won’t tell you that nursing home policies from the Gov are KILLING them off. They won’t ring the alarm bells that SS is having problems – so it drops back into the background, an ignored problem that recedes from the mind. . . JUST HOW UNIPARTY WANTS IT! They’ve put the public to sleep, totally to SLEEP on SS so they can duck accountability and avoid any reforms that risks their gravy train.

SS is not a sexy issue but every bit of glaring sunlight on it will throw Uniparty into panic. You think the Pfizer coverup is bad? You think Vax coverup is bad? You think nursing homes are bad? You think COVID origins is bad? You think gain of function research is bad? What the HELL is happening in SS behind the scenes that makes people organize this level of evil to avoid accountability and pass the hot potato so that someone else takes the hit?

It’s a BIG SCAM, and you ain’t in on it! You’re the SUCKER!

Gail Combs

12.4% = Social security tax on ALL WAGES.
2.9% = Medicare (graduated)
~15.3 % on ALL WAGES earned.

TOTAL personal income in 2021 =  21,288,709,000.000

So 15% of that is a LOT of money = 3,257,172,000

Those ages 65 to 74 were the largest among the three age groups, numbering 28.7 mil­lion or 58 percent of the 49.2 million older population.

  :wpds_arrow: The growth of the U.S. population age 65 and older exceeds that of the total population and the popula­tion under age 65.

Lower birth rates and increased longevity have led to this rapid growth not just in the United States but across the world.

The Malthusians have worked very very hard to curb birth rates. The result is LESS WORKERS to support an aging population. We talk of China and their One Child Policy but never see the similar ‘stealth’ policy here in the USA. (That is what my two of my three new articles cover BTW)

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs

I’ll try not to cheer if this vermin gets whacked.


I’ll outwardly cheer for both of us. Yea. I am like that.

Gail Combs

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Vaccines are now ALL coming under the scrutiny of normies, and it’s a beautiful thing!

Valerie Curren

If they were raised in a sewer?

Brave and Free

Is it passed from by human contact? If so, can you say cover up of pedophilia.


Day of birth: Hep B, first dose.
Age 1 – 2 months, Hep B second dose.
Age 6 – 18 months, Hep B third dose.
Per the CDC’s Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule by Age

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I cheerfully took one…before travelling to the third world tropics. And went ahead and finished the series when I got back.

Which has nothing to do with infants “needing” such a thing.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

I think because they Might be exposed to it from their mothers at birth…or that’s the excuse/justification for this horror!


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, February 14, 2023

“…Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” 

Ecclesiastes 12:13 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Thank you for the L♥️VE and TRUTH you all share with us every day!


And to you as well GA/FL! 💘💝💞

Gail Combs

I have been thinking about  Schlichter’s Townhall article that praises Ron DeSantis and trashes Trump.

One of the Badlands host said something that struck me as very important. TRUMP IS A BUILDER, THE FIRST WE HAVE HAD IN YEARS! Think about it, we have not had farmers or tradesmen or people who BUILD THINGS in our White House and government for DECADES!

First, Schlichter is “… a name partner at a growing Los Angeles trial law firm, a retired Army Infantry colonel with a masters in Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College, and a former stand-up comic….”

Like many of the career politicians he is a LAWYER. One of those guys who gets to put esquire after their name and Honorable before it.

What was that the Constitution said? Oh Yeah.
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States”

OK On to De Santis. To me he looks just like another Mike Pence EMPTY SUIT!

From Wiki:

DeSantis was born on September 14, 1978, in Jacksonville,… DeSantis’s mother was a nurse and his father installed Nielsen TV rating boxes… DeSantis attended Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School and Dunedin High School, graduating in 1997….After high school, DeSantis studied history at Yale University. He was captain of Yale’s varsity baseball team and joined the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity…. While attending Yale he worked a variety of jobs, including as an electrician’s assistant and a coach at a baseball camp.[12] DeSantis graduated from Yale in 2001 with a B.A. magna cum laude.[23]….After Yale, he taught history and coached for a year at Darlington School. He subsequently attended Harvard Law School, graduating in 2005 with a Juris Doctor cum laude.

So the guy came from a middle class family and he is bright, but not bright enough to realize history is not exactly a great career path.

Military service

In 2004, during his second year at Harvard Law, DeSantis was commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Navy and assigned to the Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG).

That is interesting. Remember Harvard/Cambridge MA is SO COMMUNIST that a friend of ours, who is a card carrying Commie, had to register as a republican to work the polls so they could be opened… And that was in the 1980s. WHO RECRUITED HIM? This would have been during the Bush years. BTW

In 2004, during his second year at Harvard Law, DeSantis was commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Navy and assigned to the Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG). He completed Naval Justice School in 2005. Later that year, he reported to the JAG Trial Service Office Command South East at Naval Station Mayport, Florida, as a prosecutor. He was promoted from lieutenant, junior grade to lieutenant in 2006. He was then stationed at Joint Task Force Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO), working directly with detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.[26][27][28] The records of DeSantis’s service in the U.S. Navy were often redacted upon release to the public, to protect personal privacy according to the Navy.[29]

Captain Patrick McCarthy supervised DeSantis at the Guantanamo camp and has said that  👉 DeSantis was tasked with ensuring that prisoners were given their rights under Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions. DeSantis “made sure [detainees] were addressed in a way that was consistent with the law”, 👈  🙄  McCarthy said.[30]

in 2007, DeSantis reported to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group in Coronado, California, where he was assigned to SEAL Team One and deployed to Iraq[31] with the troop surge as the legal advisor to the SEAL Commander of the Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah.[26][27][28]

So he was overseas for a year.

DeSantis returned to the U.S. in April 2008, at which time he was reassigned to the Naval Region Southeast Legal Service. The U.S. Department of Justice appointed him to serve as a Special Assistant U.S. attorney[31] at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Middle District of Florida. DeSantis was assigned as a trial defense counsel until his honorable discharge from active duty in February 2010. He concurrently accepted a reserve commission as a lieutenant in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps of the US Navy Reserve.[32]


During his military career, DeSantis has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, and the Iraq Campaign Medal.


The Bronze Star Medal (BSM) is a United States Armed Forces decoration awarded to members of the United States Armed Forces for either heroic achievement, heroic service, meritorious achievement, or meritorious service in a combat zone.

SO he got participation awards and a couple ATTA BOY awards for not goofing up. As I said he is bright.

WIKI has nothing about his work from his military discharge in 2010 and his start of campaigning in 2012.


Ron DeSantis | Biography, Politics, & Facts | Britannica

…In 2010 DeSantis left active duty but remained in the U.S. Navy Reserves. That year he also married Casey Black, a TV reporter and local news anchor. DeSantis subsequently worked as a federal prosecutor.

In 2011 he  👉 published Dreams from Our Founding Fathers: First Principles in the Age of Obama, 👈  🤔  in which he described his brand of conservatism and criticized the policies of Pres. Barack Obama. The following year DeSantis ran for a seat in the House of Representatives and was easily elected to represent District 6 in northeastern Florida….

𝗜 𝘀𝗲𝗲 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗮 𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁’ 𝗘𝗠𝗣𝗧𝗬 𝗦𝗨𝗜𝗧’ 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗮 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸…


Casey DeSantis Wiki, Age, Parents, Husband, Net Worth, Heritage …

Casey DeSantis (Casey Black DeSantis) is the wife of Ron DeSantis, the 46th Governor of Florida. She is an award-winning journalist [Emmy] and  👉 a three-time National Champion equestrian, as well as a runner-up Division I NCAA Champion. 👈  A former news and television show host, Casey hosted shows on the PGA TOUR and at First Coast Living…

NCAA is The National Collegiate Athletic Association. Her parents have money if they can afford college AND HORSES.

This is an expensive dressage horse she is riding. Casey Desantis Equestrian – IRUBFE

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Its all very polished. Even the wedding at disneyworld.

Gail Combs


Jill Casey Black was born on June 26, 1980, in Troy, Ohio to Robert Black and Jeanne Caponigro being the family’s second child. Black was an optometrist and a former officer in the United States Air Force while Jeanne was a pathologist and the daughter of a Sicilian immigrant

Shows her Mom’s dad was a dentist.


Thats upper middle class but not super wealthy. I wonder.

Gail Combs

Yes, esp since his worth is some times listed in the millions.


The money may go way back – generations.

Gail Combs

It would have to be on her side.


That’s a very good looking horse. Seriously.

Gail Combs

Yes, that animal is also very well trained. Your talking BIG BUCKS for a medium to high level dressage horse. Esp when they can win ribbons.

I sold a colt to a friend who did very well with him. Her horse was nominated to the Grand Nationals in 1985 or so. She was offered $20,000 for him and he had NO WHERE NEAR the level of training I see in that horse. (She showed Saddlebred western pleasure.)


Dear God, and my late father got his Bronze Star in WWII for doing things like helping to take out Nazi army sniper’s nests.


Damar Hamlin Refuses to Disclose the Official Reason Doctors Gave Him for His Heart Stopping: “That’s Something I Want to Stay Away From” (VIDEO)

Robert Baker

Umm, that’s something I want to stay away from”

That is a polite way of saying that it is not any of your business. I don’t think this should be elevated to the level of a conspiracy.


And why not? He’s a public figure.

Robert Baker

A public figure means you can ask the question. He doesn’t have to answer.


CORRECT. does NOT have to answer.

SHOULD answer is also correct.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Damn sure should be elevated.

Most if not all “conspiracies” floated the past three years have become reality.

A global catastrophe is unfolding, at the hands of Jabs.


He has a right to medical privacy. I understand the theories that people have. I believe he was vax-injured, even though we have no proof of that. I do not know that he and his family are being paid off. They might be, and they might not be. Even if he was “bought off” by being paid not to speak, I doubt he realizes all the implications of that…yet.


Hamlin paused an uncomfortably long time before saying he didn’t want to answer. I think if he had made a deal not to speak, he would have been ready with an answer like, “The doctors aren’t sure about everything yet; time will tell” ot some glib response that would have moved the conversation on to the next topic. Instead, he drew attention to it by pausing so long.

At the end of the clip he said he had always been young and healthy and this heart issue is something that “we’re still processing and still talking it through with my doctors just to see what everything was.” This is not what he would have said if they had told him it was the vax, handed him some money, told him not to talk, and coached him on what to say. They, and he, would have had an answer ready.


Perhaps. The pause could also be planned.


Steroids and testosterone do NOT mix well with Covid – either the disease or the vaccine.

The Front Line Doctors warned us early on – people with high testosterone, young males and hirsute females, and those who used steroids are more vulnerable to the Covid19 disease (and thus, the vaccine.)

From the FLCCC FAQ page:
1. There are clear gender disparities in terms of COVID-19 severity:
– Males with androgenic alopecia (hair loss, baldness) are at higher risk
– Users of anabolic androgenic steroids for recreational purposes are at higher risk
– Women with hyperandrogenic phenotypes (polycystic ovarian syndrome, hirsutism…) present with greater symptoms of COVID-19
– Children (pre-puberty) are notably protected against more severe COVID-19″

Link –

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

Figured something like this would of happened sooner. If word gets out it will likely spur the rush to get out while the getting is still good.

Utah governor tells Californians to ‘stay in California instead of coming as refugees’

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Spectrum Internet in North Dallas is reporting an outage affecting customers.

A private Christian school in Plano is reporting they have lost internet and phone service. Since much of their content is internet supplemented, this is a big deal to them.


T-Mobile has been troubled by outages all day.

Brave and Free

Big surprise here, you talk you lose your paycheck son.
Okay okay I get it boss.
Move along nothing to see here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Brave and Free

I was coming here to post this. I am PISSED.

Anybody wanna defend this character now? Anybody think he’s a “good guy?”

Kids are DYING. This guy won’t SAVE THEIR LIVES by stating the truth.

If this was “commotio cordis,” why won’t he say so? Can’t pronounce it? Riiiigghttttt.

We ALL KNOW what caused Damar’s heart to stop. And I fr one know why he won’t say it.



Nuttin’ new under da sun.



Brave and Free

In total agreement Aubergine. Always follow the $$.
Yes if you truly care about everyone else wouldn’t you yell it from the roof tops to stay away from the Shot of Death? It’s like playing Russian roulette.


It sure is.


Hamlin IS part of the problem.

  • Likes his easy street money.
  • Betcha he lied about his heart being OK.

Strahan, the ABC (?) douche did NOT ask a few obvious questions.

  • Jab related?
  • Is he Jabbed? Boosted? Which ones?

I’m sure it’s the shot, he knows it, and has been told he’ll be kicked right off the gravy train if he says so. Just another money-grubber.


Bet his family’s silence has been bought as well.


Of course it has. Even if all the money is given to Damar, he IS his family’s support.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s part of how they guilt-tripped him. They used all the angles to get him and his family on board with the narrative.


Yup. Mom and little brother on a lifetime of easy street…jus gotta follow the narrative.

Brave and Free

Most definitely, they know where their bread is buttered.

Brave and Free

Strahan’s another media sellout for the $$ can’t stand him. Just another mouth piece saying what he’s told to say. I equate these sports announcers to the fake news anchors.
These people have no free thoughts of their own evidently, personally I couldn’t live with myself if I was like that.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

YSM isn’t exactly scouting for new talent on this site!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s exactly like this guy. Why he says nobody talks.


I remember this guy! I hate this. I really do. But people have to talk. They just do.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Everyone here is assuming that they told him the actual truth and that he’s refusing to disclose that.

What if they told him some lie, he believes it, and is refusing to disclose that for whatever reason?


Everyone here is assuming that they told him the actual truth and that he’s refusing to disclose that.

I’m not.
I think it would be very risky to disclose that he has a vax injury (if he does, which is most likely, IMO), to him. He would then have to deal with all the ramifications of that: that he was forced to take the vax (I think); that his teammates were as well and could be in grave danger; that all the players in the NFL, as well as coaches and others, are in danger; etc. And that no one is warning them, but instead are asking Hamlin to keep quiet about it.

EDIT: I see that people have it all figured out (!) He was told the truth and is being paid off. Period. The end. I say maybe, maybe not.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, well, I wrote my comment before I had seen anything you wrote on this…so I didn’t know what you were thinking.


I know!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There may be some truth to that – or something in between.

I was just thinking, they probably told him something like this…..

“Was it the vaccine, doc?”

“It may have been the vaccine, but we just don’t know. We can’t be sure. Probably not, but we may never know for sure. It’s important not to spread misinformation, so if anybody asks, you can say that we just don’t know. Or just say you don’t want to talk about it. That’s the easiest way to avoid getting drawn into an explanation. You have a lot of responsibility. If you accidentally said the wrong thing, millions of people could die from not taking the vaccine.”

Brave and Free

Your probably closer to the truth, than Damar is and he’s living it. LOL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, that’s plausible.

So are at least three other possibilities I can think of, and who knows how many others I don’t.

So no conclusion can be drawn.


This is a reasonable possibility, IMO. I do not agree with judging him and his motives when we don’t have all the facts. It is true that
ASSUME makes an
ASS out of U and ME.

Brave and Free

Could be true.
I knew a PhD. Who taught at Florida State awhile back and they told me there’s certainly players who get pushed through.


An update on the CDC’s formal addition of the COVID-19 “primary series vaccines” and “booster shots vaccines” to the Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule by Age: There appears to be confusion as to the exact number of shots a child between the ages of 6 months and 18 years is supposed to get.
Here’s what the CDC says as of 10 February 2023:
Age 6 months – 4 years: 2-dose series [“primary series”] of either Pfizer-BioNTech [BNT162b2} or of Moderna [mRNA-1273]. 3-dose series for certain immunocompromised children with BNT162b2.
Age 5 – 11 years: 2-dose series as above.
Age 12 – 18 years: 2-dose series as above; or, 2-dose series of Novavax.
For all age groups: “Booster shots” as indicated.

In Yours Truly’s reading of the CDC’s guidelines, it is unclear whether the “primary series” shots, if given at age 6 months – 4 years are then repeated during the following age cohorts; or, if the “primary series vaccines”, once taken, are then finished and only “booster shots” are in the offing.

For argument’s sake, assuming that the CDC wants repeat shots of the “primary series vaccine”, and a healthy 3-year-old gets the Moderna shots — it would appear that this child would then be taking a total of 6 “primary series vaccines” shots, PLUS “booster shots” as indicated by age 18.
One scrolls down to “Notes” and “Additional information” then to “Routine vaccination” for COVID-19.


One will point out that any mother who got any COVID-19 “vaccine” while pregnant, in effect, “vaccinated” her unborn child; and/or that any mother who got any COVID-19 “vaccine” while breastfeeding her baby, in effect, “vaccinated” her nursling child. The CDC has admitted that this is what happens.
This is before these children start getting COVID-19 “vaccines” per the new Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule.


Statement of the Interdepartmental Coordination Headquarters of the Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response

The Kyiv regime, with the support of the United States and European countries, is completing the preparation of a large-scale information provocation (“great event”) to accuse the Russian Federation before starting work on February 22 of this year. the eleventh emergency special session of the UN General Assembly in an alleged “gross violation” of the obligations of the Convention on Nuclear Safety in the course of a special military operation.

To this end, representatives of the Kiev regime are planning to present to the world community some “strong evidence”, allegedly confirming that “as a result of the actions of Russian military personnel at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and in the “exclusion zone” in February-April 2022, “radioactive contamination of significant territories of Ukraine” occurred” .

The main goal of the large-scale provocation of the Kiev regime is to create a negative background and exert political pressure on the leadership of countries that do not support Western sanctions against Russia in order to ensure their “correct” vote at the UN in support of the Kiev “peace formula”, as well as regular initiatives for illegal confiscation Russian assets abroad to “support Ukraine” and create some kind of “international tribunal”.

Specialists from the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Norway are involved in the preparation of the “documentary basis” and the so-called “independent opinion” on the alleged “effects of radiation on the population of the north and north-west of the Kiev region”.

The practical implementation of a large-scale informational provocation began at the end of January 2023 with a formal request from the Kiev regime to supply Ukraine with 66,000 sets of special protective clothing, 20 million (!) civilian gas masks, as well as devices chemical reconnaissance, dosimeters and a wide range of antidotes.

Currently, Norwegian experts have conducted a “survey” of the area in the areas adjacent to the Kyiv-Pripyat highway, as well as in the settlements of Bucha, Gostomel and Irpen, where, together with representatives of the Ukrainian special services, falsified protocols were drawn up allegedly of the presence of “radioactive contamination” of data territories.

In addition, on the basis of fabricated “surveys” of the personnel of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, fake “evidence” is being prepared for allegedly “theft by Russian military personnel of radioactive materials, chemical solutions and equipment contaminated with radiation” and the removal by Russian troops of “items containing dangerous radionuclides” outside the “exclusion zone” ”, resulting in “irradiation of the population of the temporarily occupied territories”.

Representatives of local governments were also involved in the formation of the necessary “evidence base”, allegedly recording a “splash of appeals from the population with signs of radiation damage” and medical institutions in the Kiev region, who presented fake “case histories of the victims”.

In addition, funding was allocated for the preparation of a series of information materials on this topic for publication in the largest American and European media, as well as the creation of a specialized Internet site in order to distribute fabricated materials in various languages, primarily in the countries of Southeast and South Asia , Central and Latin America, as well as the states of Africa.

At the same time, in the course of promoting false information, the Western media are ordered to “ignore under any pretexts” the fact of the official refutation by representatives of the IAEA and the Pentagon on March 9, 2022 of the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine D. Kuleba about the alleged “failure in the cooling system of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant” and “ radiation leak.”

It is worth recalling that, in accordance with the official statement of the IAEA Director General R. Grossi, control over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was transferred by Russian representatives, with the signing of the relevant protocol, to the Ukrainian side on April 1, 2022.

In turn, multiple IAEA missions to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (in April, June, November 2022 and January 2023) confirmed the normal radiation background at the station and surrounding areas without any deviations. The IAEA report on the situation with nuclear safety, security and safeguards in Ukraine, prepared in September 2022, also concludes that the radiation situation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is stable.

Since January 2023, at least two IAEA inspectors have been present at the station on a permanent basis, who monitor the radiation situation in real time.



Reposting from late last night … Larry Johnson’s latest:

Comment lifted from article:


Agreed. Several points to ponder:

Putin “praises Marines” – with all going on in Bakhmut? Think veiled warning. Think more going on in those oceans than we know…He knows DC plans.
2) All the Embassy closures in Turkey right b4 “Earthquake”.
3) Putin 2-21 address
4) Biden in Poland 2-20 thru 2-22
5) UNSC “Nordstream” by Russia meeting 2-17 (thereabout)
6) UNGA 2-24 to vote on Zelenskyy 10 point peace plan, more Sanctions
7) China refuses to bankroll USA anymore- Debt ceiling vote…
Agree Larry … bumpy month ahead, rather months ahead…


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This whole article is really excellent!

“Imagine for a moment that beneficiaries of affirmative action were randomly selected. Suppose instead of applying affirmative action by race, we randomly assigned every person a number between one and five. Colleges would reserve portions of enrollments so that people with a “one” would only compete against other ones for a reserved number of slots. Likewise, those with a “two” would compete against each other for slots reserved for twos. And so on. 

The pattern stops at group five, which does not benefit from affirmative action. Group five can only compete for slots that are open to all five groups. Thus, for example, somebody from group one would be eligible to compete for a slot reserved for group one or an open slot for which those in group five must also compete. Each of the groups would be made up of people with a broad spectrum of talents and qualifications. Because the numbers were assigned randomly, the groups all have an identical distribution of talents.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great article! Yup. Affirmative action was not designed to help. It was designed to federalize education, enrich certain elites, advance leftist orthodoxy, turn Americans against each other, perpetuate discrimination against minorities, etc.

This is what I learned the hard way. They were not trying to make it work. They never wanted it to work.

Valerie Curren

They never wanted it to work.” another reason they hated AND thwarted Trump!


China playing the “Long Game” with the spy balloons. This may be where we are headed. I’ve had similar thoughts myself.

“What’s next? Here’s how this Long Game could play out:

Now that China has “groomed” Biden to react with force to any balloon sighting, the next time the Chinese send a large balloon with a large payload container, within that container will be the equivalent of a space capsule. This pod, well-protected against the very thin air at 60,000 feet, and featuring a crew of several Chinese civilian scientists – one of them likely a woman – will need to “innocently” operate a slew of non-threatening meteorological monitors. These volunteers will be sent to die for the PRC, which will occur when Biden knee-jerk orders the shoot-down of another “unmanned” spy balloon.

As soon as it’s down, China will go public with proof that this was a manned high-altitude weather balloon – a huge humiliation for Biden and America.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China is very smart. They took Japan’s old strategy and updated it for information warfare and “unlimited warfare”.

They can now do almost anything, because THEY LEAD and WE REACT.


It’s hell being owned. Not that BiteMe realizes he’s owned.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You could have ended that sentence two words earlier!



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Anyone with half a brain will know you don’t “man” weather balloons.

However, since that half of a brain IS a requirement, it won’t matter.


comment image

Courtesy of one of our sister sites. Pat’s Fredericks I think it was.



See #15 in the Twitter Thread of Kanekoa:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Calling isobutylene a hazardous chemical is a bit of a stretch. It’s about as hazardous as propane, butane, or a thousand other small hydrocarbons used for this or that. Sure, it’s hazardous – in massive quantities by rail. And it’s bad by inhalation – like whipped cream (nitrous oxide – laughing gas), spray deodorants (butane, fluorocarbons, etc.), or gasoline (hydrocarbons). You don’t want to inhale this stuff at high concentrations for medium times, or low concentrations for a long time, but they’re simply not that bad at small concentrations for a short time.

We’ve been sheeped on a lot of stuff that’s pretty normal, like smelling gas at a gas station.

Vinyl chloride is one thing, but even that isn’t as bad as what came from burning it, IMO. Vinyl chloride isn’t phosgene. Nowhere near it.


Thank you very much DePat …

comment image

God bless you

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well … 🙄😑😖🤚☹️ ..mumble mumble, murmer …


Happy Valentines are Day DePat .. ❤️ ..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fixed it! You need to go to the Tenor page and right click on the image to get the URL that ends in dot-GIF.


Oh thank you W0lf 🐺 … I appreciate it. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ .. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to you and your sweetheart Mrs. W0lf … 🙂😍👍❤️❤️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You too!!!  💖 

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

…. God won, the battle rages on .. hold on tight …

Because He Lives (Official Music Video) | Celtic Worship

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Ephesians 2
By Grace Through Faith
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.


A Mighty fortress Is Our God- Haven of Rest Quartet (Acapella)


Awesome production! (and Message)


…. 🙂🤚❤️ … God bless you, you blessed me .. 😊


As you did for me 🙂


Donald Trump Jr.

Tonight‘s podcast is going to be lit. We have former deputy Director of National Intelligence undefinedundefined joining us to discuss the insanity of what’s going on around us. Whether it blowing up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, balloons or aliens this is someone who knows what you don’t know tune in at 6 PM it’s gonna be awesome.

Kash Patel On Collusion Lies, Big Tech Corruption, and Alien Encounters | TRIGGERED Ep. 7


I tried watching one of Jr’s podcast. Perhaps his first. He kept interrupting the guess. Continuously, talking about himself.

Does Jr now allow his guests to speak freely, without constant interruptions?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hope so. That sounds annoying as hell!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In the mold of Hannity and Ingram.


I turned it off after around 45 minutes, too irritating, KP couldn’t get a word in edgeways.

Gail Combs

Hope he goes on with some Badlands interviewers. They SHUT UP until the guest is finished talking and then ask another question.

NOT polished but informative.


Samantha Power has begun the Color Rev in Hungary

 “Shocking surveillance video from Hungary captures left-wing extremists hunting down victims, hitting them with a blackjack and batons, and then kicking and punching them on the ground. According to police, all victims were mistakenly targeted under the belief they were part of a right-wing demonstration in the area.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That woman needs to be in prison.


Can’t understand why they let her in, or having let her in didn’t expel her.


She didn’t go in alone, I am sure! And she’s a US Gov’t appointee … a member of the Mafia …
What is Hungary supposed to say to her?


How about “fuck off?”


and end up like Syria…or Turkey?


I think all these countries had better start figuring out how to repel the United States. We are worse than the British Empire on its worst day.


“not conducive to the pubic good”, though agree plain speaking is better, no chance misunderstandings.


How ’bout, “the back alleys of Budapest are very dangerous, particularly for those who do not speak the language.”

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“You are persona non grata and are expelled.”

The way diplomacy works, even an ambassador or someone like that with diplomatic immunity can be sent home.



Nikki, such a Dumb Ass.


It’s a RINO trick … they do it all the time, been doing it forever.

Fill the field for the primaries and then the one to be ‘installed’

gets the nomination…

It’s not just the DIMs who cheat…

  1. Haley is polishing her merit badges, paying her dues for when the time comes she really ‘wants’ something…

That shit didn’t work with Trump though did it?


It may this time…


I don’t think so.

Robert Baker

So Nikki joined the Bubba army sometime around June of 2020. When her enlistment is short-time will she re-up?


and…. the whole confederate flag thing.
Bitch has ZERO chance of winning anything.


Bubba gives bottles of whine for gifts.


comment image


AS a smoker…
I once had a guy come up to me bitching about smokers.
I proceeded to tell him about my grandpa that lived to be 100 yrs old…
Asshole interrupted my story and said:
Ya Ya I bet he smoked too right?
I answered him with:
He just shut up and walked away.


Do we have an emoji for “it’s decades too late”? 😅 I wonder if she’ll make it, health-wise, to the end of her term.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was going to comment that she’s only 89…but has done hundreds of years worth of damage.

I guess that makes her competent by Uniparty standards.


She may not make it. Her staff apparently put her out to pasture. LOL

I haven’t released anything’: Senator Dianne Feinstein, 89, says she was unaware her staff put out a statement saying she was retiring in 2024 – following concerns over her cognitive decline

From the article Shifty Schiff and Katie Porter plan to run for her Senate position, Rep. Barbara Lee considering it.

I follow the Harry and Meghan saga because I am convinced she will be installed into CA politics in the next year or so. She’s been seen lunching with Gordon Getty several times. Pelosi, Newsom, the Gettys are all connected.

Last edited 2 years ago by holly08



I follow the Harry and Meghan saga because I am convinced she will be installed into CA politics in the next year or so. 

That would be about right. 🙄

Gail Combs

Can we manage to sneak some ‘Hot Lot’ injections into that ENTIRE LOT of demons//


Just please for the love of God di not let Wiener take her place!


Rumor has it she’s cast as a supporting actress in the new season of Walking Dead.


comment image


ANSWER: F – All of the Above



SD said it:

Whoo Hoo – The Moment Has Arrived, Mitt Romney in Skirt Launches 2024 Presidential Bid


If it’s Nikki Haley, the fact that she is doing this shows her utter lack of judgment and disqualifies her in my estimation. She has no gravitas and is a complete fake, maybe a Kari Lake wannabe.

Gail Combs

FOREIGN BITCH just like Camel-toe Harris

Gail Combs

REMEMBER it was Niki who bowed to the WOKE BLM-ANTIFA crowd and REMOVED Lee’s Battle flag. It was the start of the statues being torn down.

NO ONE in the south will vote for that BITCH!


Hunter Biden had a FireCam account according to the Marco Polo Hunter Biden laptop email archive:

Who owns FireCam?
Max Polyakov.

Also this very curious Snopes expose:

Max owned Ukraine rocket tech company Firefly until the CFIUS forced him to sell his interest in Feb. 2021 under Biden due to the national security risk. CFIUS issued a do not assist order order against Polyakov who is also described as “Ukraine’s Elon Musk”.

Polyakov was soliciting SARS radar satellite imagery from US companies for the Ukraine war while sanctioned by the Biden CFIUS, (and later his own SAR satellite), via his NGO…

And everyone is talking about high altitude balloon surveillance, rather than Ukraine space tech oligarch Polyakov’s ownership of Hunter’s preferred porn sites?


In light of recent posts on here following the earthquake in Turkey is this truth or BS?


I haven’t read the article. All I did was search for the word “earthquake.” It appears three times: in the title, in a link to this same article, and at the end of the paragraph below. No evidence of it happening is given.

A: Well, it points out the nature of the threat. It turned out to be a false threat under the circumstances. But as we’ve learned in the intelligence community, we had something called — and we have James Woolsey here to perhaps even address this question about phantom moles. The mere fear that there is a mole within an agency can set off a chain reaction and a hunt for that particular mole which can paralyze the agency for weeks and months and years even, in a search. The same thing is true about just the false scare of a threat of using some kind of a chemical weapon or a biological one. There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus

“[weaponized by the DOD and CIA; contamination mishaps in laboratory in Reston, Virginia in 1989 resulted in deaths of lab workers; transformed by media spin into mysterious Ebola ‘outbreak’ at Primate Quarentine facility of Asian macaques monkeys]” 

and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climateset off earthquakesvolcanoes, remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves


Nice lady from Romania.

Mind you when they speak of HAARP technology that does not mean the old ground based HAARP. People should be thinking Satelllites


Is that the video where she says the ambassadors were called out of Turkey before the earthquake? I address that in another comment.




This was going on before the earthquake of February 6:

February 2:
Turkey summons nine Western ambassadors over security alerts

Turkey summoned ambassadors of nine Western countries including the United States and Sweden on Thursday to criticise their decisions to temporarily shut diplomatic missions and issue security alerts following Koran-burning incidents in Europe.

The envoys of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Britain were also summoned, according to foreign ministry sources in Ankara.

Over the last two weeks, far-right activists burned copies of the Muslim holy book, the Koran, in Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands, acts that prompted Turkey to halt negotiations meant to lift its objections to Sweden and Finland joining NATO.

Over the last week, France, Germany, Italy and the United States were among those issuing warnings to their citizens of an increased risk of attacks in Turkey, particularly against diplomatic missions and non-Muslim places of worship.

February 5:
Turkey’s President Erdogan says Western missions will ‘pay’ for closures

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said Western missions would “pay” for issuing security warnings and temporarily closing consulates in Turkey last week, while police said there was no serious threat to foreigners after detaining 15 Islamic State suspects on Sunday.

I haven’t been able to find evidence of the US officially pulling its ambassador out of Turkey. This from the US Embassy and Consulate in Turkey:

January 30:

The U.S. government cautions its citizens of possible imminent retaliatory attacks by terrorists against churches, synagogues, and diplomatic missions in Istanbul or other places Westerners frequent, especially in the Beyoglu, Galata, Taksim, and Istiklal areas. Turkish authorities are investigating this matter. This message updates the January 27, 2023 security alert regarding Quran-burning incidents in Europe.

Jeff Flake is our ambassador to Turkey.

On February 8, two U.S. Agency for International Development Urban Search and Rescue teams arrived in Incirlik to help with rescue and recovery efforts after the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye. U.S. Ambassador to Türkiye Jeff Flake and Mrs. Flake greeted the teams and thanked them for providing urgent support to our NATO Ally.


Jeff Flake’s Twitter:

February 6:

Please pray tonight for the good people of Türkiye and Syria

February 7:

Thank you, @PowerUSAID

for swift and immediate action to assist in recovery efforts here. It is much appreciated by all.

That looks as if he was there.


Is that the same Jeff Flake, asshole former U S senator from Arizona?

I suppose that’s one way to get him out of domestic politics.


The very same.


“Ambassador” Flake, partial payment for undermining Trump.


Thanks for posting that, what a great site for links, like always I got side tracked off topic and after bouncing about the net came up with this which looks like it’s going to be an interesting read.


Wolf had asked who got killed in the MSU shooting yesterday. It was three college students, two females (I think) and a male. The two whose photos are shown are white, and the shooter is black.

JUST IN: Authorities Identify Three Students Killed in Monday Night’s Mass Shooting at Michigan State University

Shooter McRae was also a convicted felon from 2019, having been found with a loaded gun in his vehicle, which could have been a sentence of up to five years in state prison. McRae was allowed to plea down to a misdemeanor and serve only probation.


The third student is black. My family knows Brian and his family. Everyone is just in shock and trying to process it.


Last edited 2 years ago by holly08

I’m sorry for everyone’s loss. Yes, horrific.

Maybe race wasn’t a motive, then.


I don’t think race was a factor. His father said since his mother died he had “turned evil”.


I’m always amazed that the Daily Mail covers stories like this much more extensively than our media, and they always have lots of photos.


It’s amazing what a fair price paid will do for getting quality pics. DM has stringers all over the planet and it doesn’t drag its feet paying its photogs.


Here’s something from GWP:

Obviously Dangerous MSU Shooter Well Known to Woke Prosecutors

McRae lived with his father Michael McRae in a small house on Owens Ave. Michael is a church-going man widowed within the past two years.

Oddly, MSU Shooter Anthony McRae had previously lived in Bear, Delaware, 2.2 miles away from one of the men accused and convicted of ‘kidnapping’ Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Barry CroftBear, Delaware is a small rural town in the state with 19,000 residents.

From social media, the shooter son was obsessed with exorcisms and his social media profile was filled with such images and imagery. His Facebook account has since been deleted. The shooter worked at a Meijer grocery store warehouse.


More at the link.


The link between the shooter and Barry Croft is VERY interesting. Just read this article about MI AG Dana Nessel whose two sons attend MSU.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Something VERY weird here.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, my article scheduled for February 5th never got posted so I am going to try to kick it out tonight.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Expect one a day for the next 4-5 days  🤓 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Now I just have to finish editing the last one…. ARRRrrgh

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


Valerie Curren

Sorry for this shocking & senseless loss in your family connections 🙁


Thank You Valerie.

Valerie Curren

YW Holly

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a great video! Thanks!


NATO eyes fighting two wars – Bloomberg
The US-led bloc is reportedly drawing up contingencies for a defensive “Article 5 conflict” and an “out-of-area” battle

NATO is set to adopt a guidance that lays out plans for a scenario in which member states find themselves fighting on the home front and beyond the borders of the alliance at the same time, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday. This comes as the US increasingly shifts its priorities to confronting China.

The classified document is to be discussed and signed off on by NATO defense ministers during a two-day summit in Brussels that starts on Tuesday, the news outlet reported. Members will be asked to prepare national plans for future military engagements.

con’t at link


And we did Baltimore the other day. (not the same article but says the same stuff)

Here’s one on Chicago from late last year.

At this point it makes little sense spending money on teachers in these liberal bastions.

Gail Combs

1894 — Dumbing Down America by Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld — John Dewey the Father of Modern Progressive Education (funded by John D. Rockefeller)



Gail Combs

I think that was discussed here earlier. Depleted uranium is VERY VERY HEAVY so they use it for bombs.


DU to penetrate the target. (Delayed fuze commonly.) Then BOOM.


DU rounds should never be sent to Ukraine. Irresponsible of the USG to do so.

Surprise. /s


“Jonah Goldberg, “Baghdad Delenda Est, Part II: Get On With It,” National Review, April 23, 2002.

“Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.””

Except the morons decided to pick on the two most powerful nations in the world – Russia and China – to try this game. 


(Hopefully, the aliens have read it too !)

Gail Combs

Yeah, you know the jig is up when all the Conspiracy buffs are yelling FOUL!
  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


Steve Kirsch article:

GMA video provides new evidence that Damar Hamlin was vaccine injured

“Thanks to a new GMA interview, we now know he had no pre-existing conditions that could have caused his injury and that he’s “still processing” what his doctors told him.


Executive summary

World-famous cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough called it early. Weeks ago, he said in an interview where Peter and I were both guests that “100% he was vaccine injured.”

I checked with him today to see if his opinion has changed. He just wrote back, “It’s the vax.”

Now we have a new admission, in a GMA interview, that Hamlin has no history of cardiac disease. Click the image above and pay close attention to what he says at the 30 second mark.

We also now know that Damar Hamlin “is still processing” what he learned from his doctors and he wants to avoid talking about it.


This exactly fits the vaccine injury hypothesis… if he was told he was injured by the vaccine which the NFL told him to get, this would create enormous cognitive dissonance that would take a while for most people to process.

Some people speculated that he is so traumatized by the incident, that he doesn’t want to talk about it. But he went to the rest of the playoff games, the Superbowl, the parties after, and now did an interview talking about his experience but doesn’t want to talk about the cause.”

[more at the title link above]

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

Jab done it.

Money keeping Hamlin inline. Hamlin, been coached.

^^^ Hamlin ^^^

Yea, I am also sure, Hamlin has lots to process.

  • Hamlin died. Hamlin intuitively knows the Jab killed him. Hamlin was revived.

Did I miss this here in the last day or two? Have y’all seen the jacket Damar Hamlin wore to the Super Bowl? Good grief! It has the horrible image of Jesus (unrecognizable) on it. Just gross and awful. What the hell happened to this guy? Whose pawn is he now?

comment image

Sadie Slays

I pointed out here that they were flashing an upside-down 666 in the stands as Damar lay on the field, but got told “it’s not healthy” and to “step away.”  🙃  The anti-Christian symbolism was there all along.

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1 – Your bringing this up in this way is what Wolf was taking about yesterday, about “scratching the scab” of something from the past.

2 -I’m not going to revisit that discussion unless you’d like to talk in the UTree. I stand by my opinion for a lot of reasons.

Sadie Slays

There is no “scab” to scratch in this situation because the wound never healed in the first place. You concern trolled me by saying “it’s not healthy” and told me to “step away.” When I generously let that insult go, I go into a random thread a full seven days later minding my own damn business only to find you bringing up that drama again with more insults. That crossed the line. It’s one thing to disagree—I’ve had a disagreement every single person in this community at one point or another—but straight up telling me to “step away,” then starting up that same drama again unprompted, and pretending like you weren’t the aggressor in that particular situation was taking it entirely beyond “disagreement.” And right now now you’re doing the exact same pretending again acting like you’re taking the high road here by refusing to discuss it when you started all of this in the first place. 

Frankly, the only reason I’m even responding to you at all at this point is so that Wolfmoon can read my perspective of what happened, draw this own conclusions, and not waste his time worrying if it’s a Wheatie situation when I indeed “step away” to spend my time elsewhere among people who genuinely enjoy discussing out-of-the-box topics without the drama and concern trolling. Wolfmoon, I don’t care if people disagree with my posts—again, I’ve had disagreements with every single person in this community at one point or another—but I am not going to waste my time having to constantly respond to drama every time I visit a thread here, which is what was happening in January. And yeah, I acknowledge that right now, on February 14th in this thread, I am guilty of pushing this issue, and that’s because 1) it was never resolved in the first place, and 2) I was right about the anti-Christian symbolism surrounding this Damar Hamlin thing from Day 1 despite the attempt to silence me. So now that Damar Hamlin has more than proven that he is another greedy Satanic shitbag just like I pointed out originally, and now that Wolfmoon knows where I stand, I am otherwise done. With you, with your drama, and with this Damar Hamlin shit. It’s not worth the time.


WB by the way. You’ve been missed.

Valerie Curren

Sadie, I Very Much appreciate your insights AND perspective whether I agree or even fully understand them. They are important pieces of an Extremely Complex puzzle that we need to All contribute toward putting together. Please do Not stop commenting!


Here’s what I said that you are labeling as “bringing up that drama again with more insults.”

I came across a phrase the other day that is significant IMO. To believe these things about people and families who have suffered severe fear and loss is to deny their humanity. People are not robots. They have emotions that can, and often do, override outside considerations. For example, to say the players on the team were doing what they were trained to do by mugging for the cameras in the event of a serious medical emergency denies their humanity. “People can be paid to do anything” denies their humanity.

That’s MY OPINION. It wasn’t about you, and what I said was relevant to that current discussion. “People can be paid to do anything” was the theory set forth by any number of people, and still is. This was not me randomly bringing up something to cause trouble. (And why it would cause trouble, I do not know.)

I read the whole thread, and I said nothing that was insulting to you.
And for the record, it turns out that I was right about that particular discussion. It WAS Damar in the hospital, and it was his family there with him. He wasn’t dead, and his family wasn’t going along with some scheme to cover up his death or severe brain injury, etc. I got a lot of pushback from people just for stating that that could be a possibility. This does not mean that he and his family might not be cooperating with the NFL about keeping quiet about the vax; the discussion on that thread was about faking his condition and even faking his family’s appearance, which would involve a lot of people being in on it.

I have brought up, on a number of occasions, the theories about body doubles being able to fool people, about people supposedly being dead for weeks and months with no one the wiser, about this current fraudulent administration supposedly operating out of a movie studio instead of the White House, about JB not being left-handed, and others. I brought up some of that in the discussion referenced here. Yet no one who has broached those theories or who believes them comes after me and accuses me of things. That’s because they are just THEORIES, and people can agree or disagree. And because they are theories, they are fair game for future discussion.

In contrast, what you did here was drive-by passive-aggression. You responded to SOMEONE ELSE, not me, with out-of-context statements that I had made to you. That was an obvious dig at me. That IS scratching a scab. 

You concern trolled me by saying “it’s not healthy” and told me to “step away.”

I wasn’t trolling. That’s how I feel about the theory about arranging the numbers at the game. I do not find it tenable, and there’s much more I could say.  It’s not personal about you.

2) I was right about the anti-Christian symbolism surrounding this Damar Hamlin thing from Day 1 despite the attempt to silence me.

I did not attempt to silence you.

I do not agree that whatever Hamlin had on his jacket proves the theory that the NFL placed three people wearing 9s in a row so the public could see that upside-down as 666 and that #33 was told to stand up for the photo and that one of the other prominent numbers was placed there on purpose and that the players were trained to arrange themselves so their numbers showed in a particular way. I do not agree that “Damar Hamlin has more than proven that he is another greedy Satanic shitbag.” That might turn out to be the case, but I don’t agree that the evidence is there now. I do agree that anti-Christian symbolism is ubiquitous in society.

I am entitled to have an opinion that differs from yours without being judged (that I “concern-trolled” you, that I was “pretending to take the high road”). You don’t know my thoughts and motives. 

As I said before, this is not personal. I have, and had, no intention to offend you, and I apologize for the wording that did.  


Some times it is good to, Give. It. A. Rest.


Perhaps you didn’t notice, but I’m not the one who brought this up again. Passive-aggression was used against me. But that doesn’t seem to matter. It’s interesting to see where people stand.


Moving on here…



I noticed you hadn’t commented recently, it’s good to know you’re okay 👍

I appreciate the out-of-the-box topics, they’re usually things I hadn’t considered or wasn’t even aware of.

The enemy is into all kinds of occult subjects and symbolism. It’s good to have awareness of that, and to understand what the symbolism means to them, whether it makes sense to us or not.

Most of the time when there is a dispute here, nobody wants to say anything, probably out of concern for making things worse, or appearing to take sides, or both.

And that’s all understandable.

I don’t want to make things worse either, but if someone is thinking about leaving and not coming back, then it’s better to say something while we have the chance, than to regret not having said something later.

So I want to say this. I’m glad you’re here, and I hope you decide to stay.

I don’t have any say in it, but if I did, you know I would vote Sadie Stays.

That’s an easy one 🙂


I cast my vote for Sadie Stays as well.


Me, too.


I’m glad to see you drop in.


Slow guy always appreciates your posts, perspectives. ALWAYS.


All I know is, I have a “nose” for thugs, and Damar Hamlin always looked like one to me.

And lol, who cares about being told to “step away.” Do your thing! I appreciate it, and others do, too, I am positive.

When we are dealing with public figures, especially sports and film stars, I think people’s memories of childhood, connection to the games or movies, and other stuff can get in the way of rational thinking. It’s natural, but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t question it.


Wow, I guess I should not “respond to the bell,” without reading first! My first response to this was just that, then I came over to study the photo, and saw all the discussion.

My initial comment still stands, but I also wanted to echo what Scott said, and express my hopes that you hang in with us. There are many here, I am certain, who value your perspective like I do.

I think people underestimate the lengths people will go to express their occult proclivities. But I understand it. I know quite a few of these people in real life. They are obsessed with their “religion,” and the expression of it under the noses of the “normies.”

Some of the symbolism may be accidental, but planning it is not at all beyond what these people would do. I think sometimes their “commitment” to their cause makes people uncomfortable enough that it is easier to label it “conspiracy theory” and ignore it.


Just when I figured the balloon BS couldn’t get any stoopider. Emphasis added.


Unfortunately, Senator Kennedy says the briefing did not explain what the objects are or why the administration is shooting them down. Additionally, the government has not found the three mysterious flying objects that were shot down in Alaska, Canada’s Yukon territory and above Lake Huron. Kennedy says if you are confused, you are holding an accurate assessment of the situation.

During the briefing the intelligence officials noted, they do not know what the objects are, they do not know what they are used for, they do not know where they come from, and they cannot find them after they have been destroyed.

EDIT. Just a week or so ago, some idiot USG Dept / Agency said there was NO proof of UFOs or it was inconclusive.

Yet today.
They can’t say whatever they are shooting down. Can’t find the remnants, assuming they TRULY SHOT something down.. AND ITS BEEN GOING ON FORYEARS.

EDIT 2 ht DP

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Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

I read this as a military copter flew over the house…


Betcha it was a Black helicopter?   :wpds_lol: 

Gail Combs

Heck if I know, I just heard it rattling the windows. thwomp thwomp thwomp thwomp….


Unreal 😂

So there is the chyna spy balloon on the one hand, but everything else is a UFO.

And they have shot down 3 UFOs in the last week or so, but they can’t find the wreckage of any of them. The United States military is 0 for 3.

There is no attempt to explain what these other objects are, except that they are definitely not the same as the chyna spy balloon.

And there are LOTS of these other UFOs.

And the U.S. government has known about them, these UFOs, flying over our country, since at least 2017.

But after years of knowing these UFOs are invading our air space — yet knowing nothing about them — they started shooting them down this past week, for reasons unknown.

It is rapidly appearing that this government needs to be out of its own misery.

This is abject farce… 😂

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

I give up!

Word Piss FINALLY published my new article but dated it February 5 instead of today.  🙄 

So please pass the word. It is one of a series of linked posta.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I fixed it, to yesterday night before the open published (I’m figuring that’s where you wanted it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s another tip right there. You can REPUBLISH things that go to the wrong date by just updating them. The old links should lead to the new ones, that are automatically generated in the new URLs.


this is long ..

Harvard Scientist Exposes CIA Mind Control Weapons Still Being Used Today | Len Ber & Robert Duncan

Leonid “Len” Ber received his MD degree in the former USSR where he specialized and practiced as an endocrinologist. Now a US citizen, Len is one of the few US civilians to ever be officially diagnosed with Havana syndrome. Robert Duncan is a renaissance educated man from Harvard & M.I.T with a focus on medical sciences, engineering, computer science and more specifically genetic algorithm optimizations of neural networks. He has worked on projects for DARPA, the CIA, the Navy, and Army. 


286,470 views  Premiered Nov 8, 2022  KONCRETE Podcast  S1 E160

Len Ber – 

Robert Duncan’s Book –

VERSO – Go to to save 15% on your order.

listen on
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0:00 – Introduction
6:31 – Being diagnosed with Havana Syndrome
15:30 – Neuro-weapons & mind control
29:00 – Voice-To-Skull (V2K)
31:01 – Working for DARPA & CIA
41:10 – Acquired neurosensory dysfunction
53:22 – Manchurian candidates
1:04:38 – The Empathy Machine
1:08:55 – ‘Voice of God’ Weapons
1:16:00 – Mind viruses
1:22:00 – Microwave energy delivery systems
1:33:36 – Process of breaking down human mind
1:44:54 – Mitigation and treatment for symptoms
1:49:25 – DNA resonant frequencies
1:55:09 – Conspiracy theories
2:03:55 – Navy lazer / hologram technology
2:11:11 – Future of humanity & AI


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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