While reading this please keep in mind my other recent articles:
National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 <– This is the smoking gun connecting the clot shot to plans made in 1974.
And since the CIA had imported, Nazis into their ranks who were also probably eugenicists:
Spies, Spooks, Snakes and The Sea Eye Aye
I bring those articles up because drugs are a very good way to limit population growth and to weed out the weak, a major goal of the Eugenicists. I had noticed as a teen, that after the passage of the 1964 Civil rights act, little inner city drug pushers were introduced to our school. As a result a friend’s 6 year old sister was caught stealing money from her Mom’s purse to buy cocaine.
Also in reading this I remembered my old notes on another Arizona Governor who seemed very pro open borders. Those notes are at the bottom of the article.
I have done a very very rough transcript of some of the testimony of the Badlands media presentation in:
Arizona Legislation Joint Election Hearing Coverage – Thur 11:00 AM ET
Seth Keshel was the first to give evidence. He deals with the historical trends, statistics and inflated voter roles.
Second up is Col Ivan Raiklin aka Deep State Marauder who was on Sitrep last night.
For a very rough transcript see:
Feb 24 Comment 1
Colonel Mills parts 1 & 2
Feb 24 Comment 2
Feb 24 Comment 3
Please excuse spelling and grammer errors. I am not going to edit this because I want it out fast.
However this is the EXPLOSIVE testimony
Report: Preliminary findings of Activities impacting Arizona’s Election Integrity with specific focus on the 2020 and 2022 Elections
@ 6:42:45 Jackeline Breggor.
She has a masters in Marketing, honor degrees in accounting, financial statistics, economics and business strategy. She owns an insurance agency AND has been the principle investigator with the … Law firm.,,
“We have been investigating multi-state racketeering and corruption… Mr Thaler(sp) is in charge of the investigation, he is a senior partner (32 yrs practicing) The firm specializes in investigating racketeering.for the public and private sector… largest investigation in USA and abroad.
In 2006, Us Attorney’s office in IL, ID and IN investigated the LAUNDERING OF DRUG CARTEL MONEY thru a complex series of single family purchases in those states. By 2009, numerous Real Estate agents, escrow companies and title insurers had been indicted charged and convicted of racketeering. And in 2014 our office was asked to review the case file.
The reason was to determine if moneys had filtered thru homes purchased in AZ specifically Maricopa and Pima county. We concluded that several real estate agents convicted in Iowa had set up laundering systems in AZ. On there after sent the proceeds of sales to the Panamanian corporations.
In 2018 Mr Thaler(sp) discovered ,completely incidental to an independent matter, a series of Trustees evidencing that cash laundered thru single family residences in AZ was pervasive and on going. With that a new investigation began with the focus on money laundered and racketeering activities in Maricopa county as well as in several other AZ counties. We are currently represent several parties directly damaged by this racketeering activities.
The original investigation focused on fake notarization, fake deeds of trust, fraudulent buyers and or sellers of the real property transactions as well as other companies used in real estate transactions. Such as real estate brokers, Mortgage companies, title and escrow cos. real estate inspection cos. And so on.
Over 120,000 documents have been reviewed to date.
When I walked in I heard about a compromised computer system. Well that will be something I will be addressing in quite some detail.
@ 7:07:00 Katie Hobbs name on several deeds of trust.
Emerge Arizona seems to be a honey trap set-up by the Sinaloa Cartel to attract women they can bribe and place in politics. Hobbs worked there.
@ 7:09:00 … Since at least 2004 ballot counts have been tampered with. Our county’s data base built between 2014 & 15, has been and continues to be infiltrated and hacked. It’s architects specifically designed the system with multiple back door entries. These allow the up loading of falsified documents and the removal of genuine documents from the county system. We have SEEN Brittany [whistleblower] access the data base and have an eye witness to testify to that. Over the last 15 years Brittany has uploaded falsified judgments etc
Beginning in 2017 the access points have been used to change vote totals and therein election results.
Illegal transfers have been made and PROVIDED TO RUNBECK AND JEFF ELLISON.
The phony deeds in the scheme to move money to candidates are created by Brittany.
For profit and non-profit PACs are also created by Brittany and used to move money for candidates.
During the 2022 election ballot scanners and printers at 70 precincts suffered changes to their printer settings despite being tested the night before the election. The changes in those settings were made through computer infiltration. Not manually or by some never seen before error.
The uncontrolled ballots were placed in Box 3 and allegedly driven to Runbeck. Witness information provided by October 2020 confirms that over 100,000 filled in ballots and more than 13 million dollars were Identified by some of our investigators in 2 unmarked rental cars. These ballots were loaded into the vans with the cash at a private residence in Mesa and driven to Runbeck’s office.
The Runbeck company as you know is operated by Robert Runbeck. We have found deeds for Runbeck.and Ellison.
So, I was going to drive home the point but instead I will move on.
We have heard OK, the statistical improbabilities. With respect to the 2020 election. let’s look at Adrian Fontes (D) and Steven Richer run for Maricopa county recorder. Riker’s win was statistically impossible. Riker won by approximately 6,000 votes. This means 50,000 individuals that voted for the Democrat ticket across the board, had to choose a republican against an incumbent who never suffered a scandal. Never happened, this was a planned loss. Hobbs would receive the Democrat nomination for governor and Fontes would run for Sec of State to replace Hobbs. The strategy appeared to have been planned.
I have shown you that both Fontes and Hobbs have ‘Brittany deeds’ indicating a strong likelihood that they are bribe recipients.
Now it may seem obvious but I do feel it is necessary to explain none the less. Given that AZ is a border state and drug smuggling and Human trafficking is a billion dollar business. It would appear that having our elected and appointed officials ensure the cartel enterprise would remain open for business would be paramount. The Cartel invests substantially to make sure the right people are in key positions so as to ensure their objectives.
The fix for 2020 and 2022 started in 2017 with the appointment of people to elected positions being bribed thru the mortgage scheme and by money being laundered by the appointment of phantom individuals. The problem with these documents are many.
If you look at the recorded appointments from Fontes that were notarized by a ‘Jessica York’, First the hand writing of the written and printed name has been Ided as belonging to Brittany by a document expert. Secondly, the York signatures are the same handwriting but not the same style and that change of style exists even when the documents were allegedly signed on the same day. The clerk handwriting matches Donna. The signature of the clerk at the bottom is actually a tracing of a signature stamp. The time between the signing and the notarization alleged execution of the clerk and thereafter the recorded date are evidence of forgery. Normally it is a 2 to 3 [day?] turn around time. These took multiple months. And all were AFTER the election certification. I have example after example where things do not add up. … Three out of five Maricopa supervisors have recorded documents evidencing acceptance of bribes.
Further we have investigated PACs relating to state office holders and Dark Money transactions relating to said PACs. From late 2018 to 20222, a significant number of questinable real estate transactions were facilitted by several law firms including partners at PERKINS COIE.
Mr Thaler would be here himself presenting this information but there have been been multiple attempts on his life. A tire was slashed with a straight edged knife about 46 inches in such a manner as to cause a catastrophe failure. I am mentioning this because a similar attempt was made on Kari Lake’s daughter during her campaign. To date 6 attempts have been made on Thaler’s life.
In Arizona public officials accepting bribes include members of the legislature, members of the state government more than 2 dosen judges on the Maricopa county Superior court at least two judges on the city of Mesa court, at least one judge in the town of Gilbert court, the mayor of Mesa, at least five members of Mesa city council, several police officers…
INTERRUPTIONS – POINT OF ORDER Not appropriate place… rule can not impute other members of the chamber …. So what I am going to do is this, I need you to wrap up…
Even though our investigations cover multiple states, Thaler and our team have interviewed over thirty witnesses in AZ Several individuals in the public officials list have cooperated with this investigation. The team has interviewed and collected more than 120,000 documents as I have said. The eminence data that we have collected will assist law enforcement agencies to investigate election fraud. Further the data we have collected and the connections we have found, and the vast details of this entire investigations will lead enforcement agencies to those participating in the frauds, and will help you restore election integrity within our beautiful state.
Thank You
Q. To whom have you given this data other than us today?
A. As we said the report was given to Gov Doug Ducey in May of 2022 so he has been made aware. As has as I mentioned in my presentation, FBI, some of the other Attorney Generals especially in New Mexico and California. [She mentioned the IRS too]
Q. How was this given to Mr Ducey?
A. it was given by one of our team members.
Q. Did you give this to the AZ Attorney General?
A. We have not yet presented this to the AZ attorney general. We do know that gov Ducey did share this with the Attorney general at the time.
Q. How do you know that.
A. Because he [Gov Ducey] shared that with Mr Thaler directly. But I personally have not given it to the AZ attorney general yet.
Q. Was Mr Thaler the one who gave this to the governor?
A. No Not directly because Mr thaler is not in AZ.
Q. So how would Mr Thaler know Gov Ducey shared this with the State Attorney General.
A. Because Mr Ducey and Mr Thaler were in contact.
Q. Thank you for coming you are very brave… How this relates to the election is that many officials are bribed or blackmailed to get certain election results and I think that the people have the right to hear that. Because the people in AZ crave truth. Am I correct?
A. Yes absolutely and that is why O am here today. I think we are going round and round and round with the concept of election integrity, but no one is willing to speak the truth of how our did our elections get compromised. And it is the nuts and bolts what actually happened to actually compromise our elections and compromise the integrity of our state.
Q. What political part are you?
A. I am unaffiliated.
Q. How long has it taken for this information to be compiled and how many people worked on this team-building.
A. this information was compiled over approx 3 ½ to 4 years. And we have had approx 5 to 10 people at any given time because it hasn’t always been a consistent number working on this investigation….
Q, How is it that you were invited to address the committee today? By Whom?
A. I was invited by rep Harris.
This testimony made me dig into my old notes and look at Janet Napolitano. Was she also compromised? I think it would be worth checking.
I first made the link to the Muslim Jihadists that Obama and Napolitano seemed to be protecting. However the link between the Muslims and the drug cartels can not be overlooked.
This is a collection of news articles that tell the story of the compromise of the state of Arizona by Napolitano and the Obama Administration.
First “Hernández wrote a book about the drug cartels. What make Los Señores del Narco different was linking the Sinaloa cartel, the biggest criminal organization in the world – to the leadership of the Mexico.“ It was originally published in 2010
Second remember the 2017 story from Politico: The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook
Hezbollah is IN South America and is financed via Drug trafficking.
In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.…
They followed cocaine shipments, some from Latin America to West Africa and on to Europe and the Middle East, and others through Venezuela and Mexico to the United States. They tracked the river of dirty cash as it was laundered by, among other tactics, buying American used cars and shipping them to Africa. And with the help of some key cooperating witnesses, the agents traced the conspiracy, they believed, to the innermost circle of Hezbollah and its state sponsors in Iran.…
Ayman Saied Joumaa Accused drug kingpin and financier whose vast network allegedly smuggled tons of cocaine into the U.S. with Mexico’s Zetas cartel and laundered money.
The Colombia and Venezuela investigations linked him to numerous international drug smuggling and money laundering networks, and especially to one of the biggest the DEA had ever seen, led by Medellin-based Lebanese businessman Ayman Joumaa.
Joumaa’s network rang alarm bells in Washington when agents discovered he was working with Mexico’s brutal Los Zetas cartel to move multi-ton loads of cocaine directly into the United States, and washing $200 million a month in criminal proceeds with the help of 300 or so used car dealerships. …
That links right up to the Daily caller article:
Luke Rosiak has written a series of articles (see links at end of this article) that show ONE IN FIVE Democrats used these spies INCLUDING “Three members of the intelligence panel and five members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs were among the dozens of members who employed the suspects on a shared basis. The two committees deal with many of the nation’s most sensitive issues and documents, including those related to the war on terrorism.” LINK
Most curious was Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, of Florida’s absolute refusal to fire the Awan Brothers and her freaking out when “Imran left the laptop, with the username RepDWS, in a phone booth” and Capital Police retrieved it and refused to give it to DWS. LINK
Daily Caller
FL Gov Lt Cdr DeSantis Vs Gulftainer:
GULFTAINER, the Middle Eastern company that operates the intermodal cargo container terminal at Florida’s Port Canaveral, is co-owned by Hamid Dhia Jafar, the brother and business partner of notorious Iraqi nuclear physicist Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar (a.k.a. Abou Timmen), Saddam Hussein’s prized nuclear weapons mastermind.
Do not forget the Chinese Connection to the Drug trade and islamic Jihadists.
Very Bad Things are Happening on Obama’s Border – Oct 27, 2015
….Terrorists are able to mix and mingle with the masses of illegal aliens and slip by unnoticed. I’ve been warning about the risk of radical Muslim terrorists crossing the border for over a year now in my many media appearances.
Well my prediction is no longer a fear
. It is now a fact.
My trusted insider source at the U.S. Customs & Border Protection Agency called me only days ago to implore me to “imitate Paul Revere” and tell the American people before it’s too late.
Quote… “We don’t need to wait for Middle Eastern military-age males to invade our border.
They are here.”
Here is the news this trusted border agent reported to me:>>>First, the US government has received an urgent alert from Mexico that Syrian military-age males are in Mexico, headed for the US border. U.S. border agents are on extreme high alert.>>>More alarm bells were set off by the capture only days ago of eleven Pakistanis at the San Diego border. To make matters more alarming, my border agent source says Mexico confirmed all entered Mexico with Pakistani passports….
Additional Stories on Hezbollah
Radical Islam in Latin America – Jamestown Foundation
In June 2005, Ecuadorian security officials uncovered a drug smuggling ring led by a Quito-based restaurateur of Lebanese descent identified as Rady Zaiter. Under the auspices of “Operacion Damasco,” local security forces disrupted his syndicate, which stretched to the U.S., Europe, and the Middle East. Although little evidence has emerged confirming that Zaiter was anything other than a prolific drug dealer, Ecuadorian sources are emphatic that Zaiter had ties to Hezbollah and was in fact laundering money for the group [2]. This seems to fit a pattern in Latin America, as more countries attempt to curry favor with Washington by claiming solidarity in the war on terrorism by linking narcotics traffickers to terrorism.
Zaiter was also known by his aliases David Assi Alvarez and Almawla Fares. He is accused of cocaine trafficking and money laundering through a network of local drug smugglers and contacts in the sizable Arab and Muslim immigrant communities of Maicao, a free-trade zone in northeastern Colombia, as well as the capital Bogota. Like Zaiter, the majority of Maicao’s Arab Muslim population is of Lebanese descent. Others trace their origins to Syria and, to a lesser extent, Palestine…
Radical Islam makes inroads among Latin America’s Native peoples
Colombian authorities dismantled a network of narcotraffickers linked to Islamist terrorists. Funds derived from the narcotrafficking are believed to have been diverted to Hezbollah – an Islamist terror organization.…
The growth of Hezbollah is due to the strategic alliance reached by enemies of the United States. These are President Ahmadinejad of Iran and President Chavez of Venezuela. The latter has expressed support for the Shiite Muslims in Iran and Syria and allows them free sway in Venezuela – an important source of petroleum to the U.S. The Venezuelan government owns CITGO, a network of gasoline stations and refineries in the U.S.
Islam has shown growth in Latin America, once a monolith of the Catholic faith. For example, the Wayuu Guajira people of Venezuela and Colombians– native Americans who live in the tropical forests – have provided numerous converts to Islam over the last decade and some of them are declared jihadis – warriors for Islam. Efforts to convert native peoples to Islam have been fostered by Iran with investments of money and other resources. Wayuu Guajira Indians are the largest indigenous group in Venezuela and Colombia (about 135,000 in Colombia and 170,000 in Venezuela).
On October 23, 2006, the police in the Venezuelan capital found two explosive devices near the American Embassy….
Hezbollah Terrorists On Our Southern Border
….Venezuela is also becoming a hub for international drug traffickers, with shipments to Europe and West Africa rising dramatically. The latter market is especially worrisome, as the narcotics trade is destabilizing West Africa, helping make it a target of opportunity for Islamic extremists.
Hezbollah also would have a natural interest in Mexico’s drug cartels, which account for 90% of the cocaine flowing to more than 240 U.S. cities. The cartels are all-purpose, amoral criminal organizations quick to engage in all things nefarious—from drug dealings to assassinations, kidnapping, and migrant smuggling—provided they’re profitable.
If Hezbollah bag men can do business with Mexico’s cartels, so can its trained terrorists. In the fluid, globalized struggle based on the principles of asymmetric warfare, terrorists constantly seek out our vulnerabilities and soft targets….
The Gateway Pundit article Former Democrat: The Truth is Democrats Won’t Build Wall Because They’re Under Influence of Mexican Mafia, also mentions Janet Napolitano.
She is an interesting addition to the story so let’s go back in time to see what she was up to as head of DHS under Obama and governor of Arizona.
Out of one side of her mouth Janet Napolitano was stating: ” The terrorist threat to the U.S. homeland has continued to “evolve” and may now “be at its most heightened state” since the September 11, 2001” Out of the other side of her mouth she is busy assuring Americans that the southern border is “more secure than ever.” So secure in fact that Homeland security is going to DECREASE the southern border patrol by “several hundred agents.”
Here was the reality on the border while she was in charge.
The Border Fence Morphs
The original version of the border wall.
…To his right stands a steel wall, 20 feet high and reinforced by cement-filled steel piping. To his left another tall fence of steel mesh. Ten yards beyond, a shorter cyclone fence is topped with jagged concertina wire.…
“This wall works,” says Mr. Bernacke. “A lot of people have the misconception that it is a waste of time and money, but the numbers of apprehensions show that it works.”
The triple-and double-layered fence here in Yuma is the kind of barrier that US lawmakers – and most Americans – imagined when the Secure Fence Act was enacted in 2006.
The law instructed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to secure about one-third of the 1,950-mile border between US and Mexico with 700 miles of double-layered fencing – and additionally through cameras, motion sensors, and other types of barriers – by the end of the year to stem illegal immigration.
Bankrolled by a separate $1.2 billion homeland security bill, the Secure Fence Act would, President Bush said in 2006, “make our borders more secure.” …
http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/0331yuma-wall0331-ON.html?&wired [This URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine.]
Sounds a bit like a Trump wall doesn’t it?
Napolitano morphs border fence
Napolitano shifts policy on border fence – March 17, 2010
“The Obama administration on May 7 said the Border Patrol “plans to move several hundred Agents from the Southwest Border.“
Signaling a major shift from her predecessor, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Tuesday said she will spend $50 million of stimulus funds originally intended to build a “virtual fence” along the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border on other more proven and cost-effective security technology. [‘THEY’ REALLY, REALLY DO NOT WANT THAT FENCE! -G.C.]
The decision to pull back funding on the initiative aimed at protecting the U.S. from terrorists, violent drug smugglers and illegal immigrants comes on the heels of a series of damning reports by the Government Accountability Office, and as Ms. Napolitano attempts to justify to lawmakers a 30 percent budget reduction for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in the midst of a raging drug war along the Southwest border.…
Administration Will Cut Border Patrol Deployed on U.S-Mexico Border – September 24, 2009
Even though the Border Patrol now reports that almost 1,300 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border is not under effective control, and the Department of Justice says that vast stretches of the border are “easily breached,” and the Government Accountability Office has revealed that three persons “linked to terrorism” and 530 aliens from “special interest countries” were intercepted at Border Patrol checkpoints last year, the administration is nonetheless now planning to decrease the number of Border Patrol agents deployed on the U.S.-Mexico border.…
….the Obama administration on May 7 said the Border Patrol “plans to move several hundred Agents from the Southwest Border…
Local Officials: Border Crime On The Rise – January 6, 2011
PINAL COUNTY, Ariz. — Authorities in Pinal County dispute the Federal Government’s assertion that the Arizona border with Mexico is more secure than ever.... Tim Gaffney said that Director of Homeland Security Janet Napaolitano’s statements that crimes related to immigration and drug smuggling issues are down is just not true. The numbers county officials provided in the release seem to back up Gaffney’s stance. The Pinal County Sheriff’s Office said it has seen a “dramatic” increase in vehicle pursuits, drug seizures and calls to U.S. Border Patrol agents to help deal with illegal immigrants....
It doesn’t take much to see that Janet Napolitano was lying through her teeth about our Mexican border security.
Are Legalized Civilian Militia Groups the Answer to Arizona’s Border Security Problems? – January 03, 2011
“Three of the four border states are losing their National Guard troops”
Special Guest: Arizona State Rep.-elect Jack Harper
Q …. Jack, in 2007, you passed legislation to create a state-sanctioned militia here in Arizona. The then-governor, Napolitano, vetoed it.…
HARPER: Well, you might have heard that three of the four border states are losing their National Guard troops now. And Arizona is supposed to lose the federally funded National Guard troops in June or July. Well, we’re going to get crushed once the National Guard’s off the border because ….. these forces in Mexico that smuggle illegal aliens and drugs into our country, they’re more concerned with the National Guard than they are Border Patrol. Border Patrol’s … under Janet Napolitano, and that’s not really an intimidating factor.But a military uniformed person on the border makes a lot more sense. Now, using the Homeland Security Force volunteers to observe the border and the National Guard to react to incursions across our border is something that we’re going to explore,..
The first bill, though, to establish the Homeland Security Force, I believe I’m going to have bipartisan support again. And I don’t know that …. Governor Brewer will be opposed to that, like Governor Napolitano was….
It never happened of course.
Civilians Patrolling the Border
U.S. tipping Mexico to Minuteman patrols by Sara A Carter.
“While Minuteman civilian patrols are keeping an eye out for illegal border crossers, the U.S. Border Patrol is keeping an eye out for Minutemen — and telling the Mexican government where they are.”
Mexican Government Threatens Minutemen Over Civilian Border Patrols – October 2008
…Minutemen say corrupt, heartless government drives Mexican citizens from home…. [I agree, NAFTA took the livelihood away from Mexican farmers -G.C.]
The government of Mexico yesterday issued a threat of legal action against the Minuteman Civil Defense Corp…
According to the U.S. State Department, the Mexican government has a long and sordid history of human rights violations and corruption that continues today.…
The Minutemen do not blame Mexican nationals for wanting to live and work in the United States, said Chris Simcox, President of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. “Our grievance is with the corrupt Mexican government and the oligarchs in power there who are callously shifting the responsibility of their impoverished population to the United States taxpayer through ineffectual border control efforts.”
Simcox continued, “The border policies of the Mexican and United States governments have created a tragic and dangerous situation for citizens of both countries. Each year hundreds of Mexican and other nationals die a horrible death as they traverse desert wilderness attempting to illegally enter the United States. Among the sea of humanity that moves across the open borders every day, terrorists are free to walk across the border unchecked with chemical, biological and even nuclear materials. This is an unacceptable level of national security risk in a post-9/11 world….
The people on the ground near the border have found stuff abandoned that never makes it into the news.
Remember that in addition to notifying the Mexican Government where the civilian patrols were, Janet Napolitano ALSO put Patriots on the ‘Terrorist’ watchlist while the government took the suspected Muslim Jihadists OFF the terrorist watchlist This was done RIGHT AFTER Obama took office!
April 16, 2009 Napolitano stands by controversial report NOTE DATE!
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Wednesday that she was briefed before the release of a controversial intelligence assessment and that she stands by the report, which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S.
𝕆𝔸𝕋ℍ𝕂𝔼𝔼ℙ𝔼ℝ𝕊 𝔽𝕆𝕌ℕ𝔻𝔼𝔻 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙 𝟚𝟘𝟘𝟡 Stewart Rhodes
CNN: Napolitano: terror threat may be highest since 9/11 – February 9, 2011
Washington (CNN) — The terrorist threat to the U.S. homeland has continued to “evolve” and may now “be at its most heightened state” since the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told members of Congress on Wednesday.
There is an increased reliance on recruiting Westerners into terrorist organizations, she told the House Homeland Security Committee. State and local law enforcement officers are increasingly needed to combat terror, and the focus must be on aiding law enforcement to help them secure communities, she said….
Gee Janet, you mean you don’t want to defund the police?
The recent Islamic presence in Mexico and South America.
2016 – Cuba, Iran’s island in the sun
“The Obama administration thinks Iran’s influence in Latin America is waning. That means it does not view the 80 or so cultural centers Iran has established across Central and South America as a threat.
Tehran begs to differ. It views these centers as a vehicle for the spread of its revolutionary ideology to America’s backyard. Iran’s official state visits, diplomatic agreements, commercial relations and volume of trade with the region do not come out to much. Far more important to the ayatollahs are the thousands of Latin American converts who, thanks to the centers’ missionary work, flock to the regime-run Al Mostafa International University in Qom each year for indoctrination.
Cuba is the most recent and unlikely addition to Iran’s growing network of missionary centers. In the last three years, Iran has established a Shiite cultural center and a mosque in Havana that is actively recruiting and converting Cubans. Many of its converts have already travelled to Iran, including one who is training as the first Cuban-born Shiite cleric.”
The Hill: DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties — 02/05/16
….Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material—the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be wiped away.
After leaving my 15 year career at DHS, I can no longer be silent about the dangerous state of America’s counter-terror strategy, our leaders’ willingness to compromise the security of citizens for the ideological rigidity of political correctness—and, consequently, our vulnerability to devastating, mass-casualty attack.
Just before that Christmas Day attack, in early November 2009, I was ordered by my superiors at the Department of Homeland Security to delete or modify several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Islamist terror groups like Hamas from the important federal database, the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS). These types of records are the basis for any ability to “connect dots.” Every day, DHS Customs and Border Protection officers watch entering and exiting many individuals associated with known terrorist affiliations, then look for patterns. Enforcing a political scrubbing of records of Muslims greatly affected our ability to do that. Even worse, going forward, my colleagues and I were prohibited from entering pertinent information into the database.
A few weeks later, in my office at the Port of Atlanta, the television hummed with the inevitable Congressional hearings that follow any terrorist attack. While members of Congress grilled Obama administration officials, demanding why their subordinates were still failing to understand the intelligence they had gathered, I was being forced to delete and scrub the records. And I was well aware that, as a result, it was going to be vastly more difficult to “connect the dots” in the future—especially before an attack occurs….
Remember this was the DHS under the control of Janet Napolitano.
…Haney and his fellow investigators found links from the Tablighi Jamaat network to “Hamas, al-Qaeda, global terrorist funding…
This complex included “a global network of schools, meaning madrassas, where people learn, study Koran, study Islamic law… they’re like colleges, and they’re all over the world,” Haney noted….. it’s a seven year program – and then they come back, and they become imams in the area where they grew up. It’s a whole process….
…his initiative was deemed politically incorrect and shut down by the Department of Homeland Security’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties division…
Jul 19th, 2010 Hezbollah Terrorists On Our Southern Border
Another article…
2012: Mexican Jihad :: Gatestone Institute
….A jihadist cell in Mexico was recently found to have a weapons cache of 100 M-16 assault rifles, 100 AR-15 rifles, 2,500 hand grenades, C4 explosives and antitank munitions. The weapons, it turned out, had been smuggled by Muslims from Iraq. According to this report, “obvious concerns have arisen concerning Hezbollah’s presence in Mexico and possible ties to Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTO’s) operating along the U.S.—Mexico border.”
As far back as 2005, an article entitled “Islam is gaining a Foothold in Chiapas” showcased the inroads of Islam in Mexico…
In addition, according to counterterrorism experts in this report, Islamic terrorists blend in better with Mexicans than with Europeans, thereby enabling them to sneak into the U.S. across the southwest border. This Muslim cleric, for example, discusses how easy it is to smuggle a briefcase containing anthrax from Mexico into America, thereby killing at least some 330,000 Americans in a single hour..
TheseTruths adds More info:
One snippet:
At the end is a Q & A.
Bennet was trying to find out who invited her, where Mr Thaler was and how many investigators there were.
Bennet is the guy who was leaking AZ audit info w out permission in 21.
Cartel owned???
Gateway Pundit has a very good article delving much deeper into the testimony and also has a really good transcript, unlike my crappy one.
eilert says in a Reply to TheseTruths
February 25, 2023 05:29
Michael T. Flynn https://truthsocial.com/packs/emoji/1f64f-1f3fc.svg https://truthsocial.com/packs/emoji/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
EXCLUSIVE: Brannon Howse Interviews Attorney John Thaler On Claim Politicians In U.S. Corrupted By Drug Cartel Money Laundering Scheme And Election Theft | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
February 25, 2023 06:04
[Story om Gateway Pundit: JUST IN: “OVER 30 MILLION LETHAL DOSES” – Phoenix DEA, Tempe Police Seize OVER 4.5 Million Fentanyl Pills, 140lbs Fentanyl Powder 3,000 Lbs of Meth, 130kg cocaine in Joint Operation G.C.]
para59r Replied to GA/FL
February 25, 2023 09:37
The above is a link to the document submitted to the AZ legislature.
Just wow! How does the uniparty keep track of what evil they are supporting at the moment?
That is what the ReichsWEF is for.
Wouldn’t it be a revelation to see a flow chart of how all of these “minions” of the cabal get their marching orders. From cartels to politicians to judges to law enforcement then down to antifa & BLM etc. it makes the mob look like pikers.
Think of a LARGE Multi-national corporation, that is what it is.
They run it like they do their corporations.
The meetings are at the World Economic Forum, Bilderberg and the private meetings at Davis Rockefeller’s Estate in NY after the World Bank and IMF meets. (I do not know what they are doing since David R is dead.) It is near Hillary Clinton… HMMmmmmm
Not just AZ.
To me it’s now very clear that 9/11 and the creation of DHS are both part of a plot to subvert the US into some kind of world government. Cartels (see Eric Holder) are being used as tools of the transformation.
When I made the Napolitano connection I HAD to get the information down so we can then SPREAD IT!
Please add this to the side bar because it really is all part of the whole Eugenics/World Government Plot.
Been going on for a very long time. Step by step process.
England/’Prussia’ never ever gave up trying to take the USA back. It is why I wonder about China.
Long game. Americans don’t generally think past next week.
This is why ‘Sheriff Joe” had to GO!!!
It is also why SOROS is targeting State Attorney Generals and judges.
Great work again, Gail. The dots keep connecting.
Boy don’t they!
Thank you, Gail, for all your digging and connecting. I listened to the hearing with Ms. Barjer, and listened to Brannon Howse on Frank Speech interviewed Attorney Barjer, also he has Colonel Mills on regularly.
I am glad you had a chance to listen.
I have lots I should be doing outside but I keep getting sucked into the current politics.
It’s hard not to get sucked in. I listen to Frank Speech and Mike Adams on Brighteon pretty much all the time when at home.
Thanks wolfie!
Now if only you weren’t shadow banned…
One can hope that will get rectified shortly.
Sadly, they will never “unshadow-ban” me until all the IC embeds are run out of Twitter. And THAT is never going to happen.
Just unreal…
Our FBI and DOJ are obviously complicit – aiding and abetting – knowing and agreeing to all of this.
Instead of protecting our elections, borders, and citizens from all this – they accuse MAGA and concerned parents of being terrorists.
Thanks Gail, excellent work connecting dots.
Is it just me? But this always seems to go back and land at Obama’s feet….
Funny that…….
Well, Gail, this kinda jumped out at me: “In 2006, Us Attorney’s office in IL, ID and IN investigated…”
Who was [or planning to be] Gov in IN from then forward?
This is from eilert
February 26, 2023 07:52
This too
February 26, 2023 09:05
From Badlands comment.
And this is the other interview. It is even longer:
Jon Harold was given a copy of: Preliminary Findings of Activities Impacting Arizona’s Election Integrity with Specific Focus on 2020 and 2022 General Elections
(Brian Cates was at the AZ hearing BTW)
@ 9:00 Jon shows the Deeds of Trust given Katie Hobbs
@ 19:40 Indictment of high ranking MS 13 – John Durham’s son did it. He is Director of Joint Task Force Vulcan. Brought series of indictments against three MS 13 officials this week (Just Human)
Before that. Mexico caught one of the guys that was part of Fast and Furious on other charges. (Maybe that is why the oil fires?)
@ 23 minutes — Now Just Human is talking about: Justice Department is seizing $75 million in real estate tied to Russian oligarch Federal agents had searched properties connected to Viktor Vekselberg last September.
Viktor is the guy Clinton went to meet with in Russia when he gave the ‘Uranium One’ connected speech
Devolution Power Hour #124 Featuring Patrick Gunnels, Just Human ( he delves into court cases) and Burning Bright.
1:05:00 (read from Chat) –President of El Salvador says arrested of over 2,000 gang members
barkerjim added:
He Was Turning His Life Around – Small Dead Animals
Reply to Gail Combs
February 26, 2023 11:52
From Wolfie
February 27, 2023 06:32
Here is the full text. EXPLOSIVE!!!
The Professor’s Record – David K. Clements
At this point I will just say I am scraping the QTree comments section for more info. So H/T to all of you who are bringing the Sauce!
Replying to @KariLakeWarRoom
and @Adrian_Fontes
AND he was the 2018/2020 Maricopa County Recorder…who assisted in those 2 botched elections…SOS was his reward…#cartelkatie and #carteladrian….and now we have to ask if Chris Mayes is compromised…
Final Presentation and supplementary info from the testimony
Bombshell cartel allegations against Katie Hobbs may be false… but the reality is much darker…
One of the commenters:
11 hours ago
OH, and there is another bit of dot connecting.
Remember in the testimony Jacqueline Breger mentioned WELLS FARGO!
Hunter’s Burn Notice: Miami & Houston Edition
Just adding this one in. Went and took to see what are lioness in AZ was doing. Seems like Wendy Rodgers is dodging. People in twitter are ripped. I’ll add it to the daily as well.
At issue is Wendy is taking the easy out by saying state leg is not the proper place to air this issue and that it must be handled by law enforcement. Law enforcement though has had their chance and fubbed it with out even a wrinkle in the news to substantiate or unsubstantiate the claims. There really is no other place to take this but the peoples house.
The best argument for this letter is the allegations are fresh. However a large portion of the allegations were made to Gov Duecy back in May. They have had their chance.
am glad I decided to watch
Eye of the Storm Ep 17
@ 1:24:15 — Remember all the BOOTS and McStain’s boot switching feet?
The Professor’s Record – David K. Clements
The Professor’s Record – David K. Clements
The Professor’s Record – David K. Clements
The Professor’s Record – David K. Clements
Legislators are legally protected from the cause of action of defamation provided the alleged defamatory statements uttered were during a legislative hearing. It’s an absolute privilege.
There is zero legal consequence available on what was discussed and heard during the hearing. So no one needs to back off on anything. Rather, they should pursue and investigate the allegations.

The Professor’s Record – David K. Clements
Captain Seth Keshel: Cartel Presence Has a Terrifying and Direct Correlation to Election Corruption
Cartel Presence Has a Terrifying and Direct Correlation to Election Corruption (substack.com)
I think this is why the Cabal went Ape Schiff over the Jackeline Breggor TESTIMONY and literally tossed Rep. Lz Harris out of her seat! AND that is the last we heard of Thaler and cartels using land transfers for bribes.
FOX NEWS: Republican expelled from state House for inviting conspiracy theorist to committee hearing — A bipartisan vote found Rep. Liz Harris violated a state House ethics rule
Given the width and scope of this burningplatform paper has added it here from the Oct 13, 2023 Daily. h/t Bakerjim