Hold My Moonshine: Drum Circles Actually Work Against COVID-19*

*As Long As You Conduct Them Outdoors, or Indoors With a Fire

Having once been a student fan of Linus Pauling, I never thought that anything more “nature nutty” than his seemingly reckless speculations about vitamin C would turn out to to be proven right, but then science said “hold my beer” and came up with what I’m about to tell you.

Allow me to explain.

It turns out that I was a student during what was likely the SECOND WAVE of the isolation, identification, and structural elucidation of healing principles from natural remedies and therapies. The first wave of this scientific activity occurred during the late 1800s and early 1900s, when natural remedies such as cinchona bark were mined for obvious, high-concentration active ingredients such as quinine.

The second wave, during the late 1900s and early 2000s, took advantage of high-powered tools like NMR, HPLC, and routine mass spectrometry, to isolate the most extremely dilute yet powerful agents from natural sources. This is when powerful agents like venoms, toxins, antimicrobials (such as ivermectin), enzymes, vitamins, hormones, metabolites, and transient biochemicals were fully scrutinized.

Because of this background, I can and do respect nature for its healing principles.

Even more so, as a diehard evolutionist AND believer in God, I look at nature as adaptive, intelligent, dense with information, and PROVEN by testing against reality – and thus as a source of highly distributed intelligence both different from and in many ways greater than our own. And yet all that intelligence is merely an infinitesimal subset – a differentially small occurrence, within a uncountable infinitude of possibility. Nature – and even more so the sum of all possible natures – is humbling.

And yet there were places I could not go, in trusting nature.

In an open thread of late October last year, Deplorable Patriot cited a fantastic article about the weird wokism of modern medical schools, causing students to take non-Hippocratic oaths involving all sorts of leftism, paganism, and new-age neologism.

My trouble-making Choctaw side, so paleo-conservative and nature-lovin’ that he is officially radical, thinks this is all just awesome. However, my German side, who studied under various famous scientists past and present, whose names now grace important reactions, finds this situation utterly appalling.

In any case, ALL SIDES OF ME laughed uproariously at this line in the essay.

I doubt this means that the University of Minnesota will now only certify physicians who prescribe rhinoceros horn and healing drum circles. Still, a university spokesperson assured reporters that these kinds of hyper-politicized oaths are a “common practice” in medical schools and are designed to “promote humility, integrity, and beneficence” among future doctors.

Our local herbalist Aubergine, as well as both myself and nikkichico7 (alternately wowohwow1528), commented on the situation.

Aubergine, in particular, made the comment of the century, wise indeed, after we suffered through both killer vents and remdesivir.


Aubergine(@aubergine) Coyote

October 28, 2022 11:31

“I doubt this means that the University of Minnesota will now only certify physicians who prescribe rhinoceros horn and healing drum circles.”

Considering the medical practices of the last 2 1/2 years, I’d rather take the rhino horn and attend a drum circle than go to a hospital.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(@wolfmoon1776) Wolf

Reply to  Aubergine

October 28, 2022 11:34



Aubergine(@aubergine) Coyote

Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

October 28, 2022 11:38

You got it!



 Reply to  Aubergine

 October 28, 2022 12:54

And toss back a shot 🥃 and a beer 🍺 for good measure and good spirit(s)


Aubergine(@aubergine) Coyote

Reply to  wowohwow1528

October 28, 2022 17:42

You bet!



Reply to  Aubergine

October 28, 2022 21:43


Seriously, even if one doesn’t believe that remdesivir is harmful (but see links below), there is plenty of evidence that it – at best – doesn’t help.

However, IMO, the evidence is clear that remdesivir is a killer.

The Murder of Veronica Wolski by Fauci and Gilead’s Zyklon D

They’re Nazis

The Murder of Veronica Wolski by Fauci and Gilead’s Zyklon D

Remdesivir Is How We Bring Down The Temple of Faucism

NIH and Gilead Blamecasting Remdesivir Renal Toxicity to an Excipient

OAN Hosts Amazing Anonymous Documentary on Discovery and Suppression of Ivermectin for COVID, and How Gilead and Fauci Gamed a Remdesivir Study

Mercury and Arsenic as the mRNA and Remdesivir of Pre-Fauci America

At best, remdesivir appeared to be the “drum circle of antivirals.”

And that is where I thought things were, until last night……

…..when I discovered that drum circles can actually help cure COVID-19 in a statistically significant way.

There is a LOT of great science here to unpack, but it’s worth it, IMO. I will do so by sending you straight to the sources – MedCram videos.

This goes back to our “vitamin D buddy”, Dr. Roger Seheult, who is a professor, researcher, practicing doctor, and one of the two founders of the MedCram video series that people have been gobbling up during COVID.

I have repeatedly recommended his vitamin D video, which went viral, and put MedCram on everybody’s map.

You will find a lot of amazing science in that video. If you are at all concerned about COVID-19, then I highly recommend that you ask your doctor to give you a vitamin D test, to make sure that your levels of vitamin D are sufficiently high (a point that Aubergine always makes), since people can have natural deficiencies that require doctor-monitored supplementation. Even if you don’t follow that advice, then at least follow the guidelines in this video, for how much vitamin D you can safely add without talking to your doctor.

Vitamin D deficiency is one of the biggest risk factors in COVID-19, possibly even more deadly than zinc deficiency.

Anyway, YouTube recommended the following video last night, and I decided to take a look. This video expands on the vitamin D effects on health in a big way. It turns out that UV light increasing your vitamin D levels, is not ALL that is going on, when you get proper sunlight.

There is something else going on with sunlight, and it makes a big difference in outcomes.

THAT video is fascinating, but it led me to two other, subsequent videos, which are directly over the target of COVID-19.

First, the proof that drum circles work.

This is where Dr. Seheult found a fascinating study, which proved that even short, weak doses of artificial near-infra-red light (6 watts for 15 minutes per day) had a powerful curative effect on COVID-19, shortening sickness by 4 days on average, and reducing all bad outcomes profoundly and significantly.

The best part is that this was a rigorous, prospective, single-blinded, longitudinal, placebo-controlled trial. I’m a bit “grumpy-cat” about the study not being double-blind, because this doesn’t rule out investigator biases in a way I would prefer. On the other hand, I don’t trust many medical authorities to “hold the keys” on double-blinded trials, because I think that manipulating the hidden identity data is part of how “they” sabotage trials that conflict with their goals. I believe that many scientists have been played for chumps by the nasty psychopaths who are controlling science behind their backs.

Most importantly, the new results make scientific sense. THAT is explained fully by Dr. Seheult, and is why you need to watch the above video, at the very least. There is a solid scientific explanation why near-IR irradiation is so incredibly beneficial, and I think that Dr. Seheult is right on the money here.

NOW – let me be honest – AT NO POINT in these videos, does Dr. Seheult state that DRUM CIRCLES work – but that conclusion is nevertheless 100% supported by what he does say, and what the researchers found – provided that the drum circles are conducted either OUTSIDE or near an active fire producing radiating heat comparable to the sun.

Once you understand that weak, artificial, near-IR radiation is responsible for significantly improved COVID outcomes, and you combine this knowledge with the radiation biophysics which Dr. Seheult explains, it is very clear that whole-body exposure to solar near-IR or incandescent near-IR (meaning a FIRE) is going to accomplish what was proved in the hospital, only with even higher levels of radiation. Moreover, this does not require direct sunlight, because it turns out that “near-IR” reflects off green vegetation almost completely, allowing for intense therapy to occur even on overcast days, and even under a forest canopy.

Being outside under sunlight, or near a fire at night or indoors, is almost all that one needs to do, to obtain the benefits of near-IR radiation. In other words, going outdoors every day for 15 minutes, while you have COVID-19, could literally save your life.

Now – do you have questions? Many people did, and Dr. Seheult dealt with them in yet another MedCram video.

In particular, you need to understand that while this was proven for COVID-19, Dr. Seheult points to historical data that shows the effect likely occurred during the Spanish Flu epidemic.

And that’s not all. This is a very general medical effect. MANY disease states are likely to benefit by similar treatment. A very NATURAL treatment. Now proven – yet again – by science.

So take it from this former skeptic…..

Drum circles are an excellent way to obtain healing rays within sunlight, and moreover to believe that health benefits will actually happen. Because they will. And science says so.

You heard it from the Wolf.

And if you’re not certain that drum circles will work, then I suggest taking nikkichico’s advice, and adding a shot of whiskey, for medicinal purposes only! *wink*

Like I said, FIRST DO NO HARM.


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Nice, just came in from sitting in the sun. A little chilly, but good for the soul and apparently our health. Great article.


The popular “-ipril” hypertension medications (ramipril, lisinopril, etc.) are synthetic versions of venom from the Brazilian tree viper. It had been noticed that people bit by this serpent suffered catastrophic loss of blood pressure.


Hmmm. Very interesting, Wolf. Maybe this explains why my early bout with COVID, before any of us knew about HCQ or IV, was fairly mild compared to many people. I’ve been taking vitamin D for years. I live in a place where it’s overcast and rainy a lot, so many people here have deficiencies if they don’t supplement. Plus, all but the first 2 days I had COVID when I had a fever, I still went outside and took my dog for a walk every day. I know I felt better afterwards, so maybe those 2 things helped to keep it from getting really serious.


It probably does, and it probably explains why I got through mine, too. I am a vitamin D and sunshine fanatic.


(Moving comment to daily thread)

Last edited 1 year ago by michaelh

Yeast and hops and beer and wine all have proven health benefits so youre accurate. 😉


comment image




Especially at the right temperature. 👍🏻


I ❤ Guinness!


More good news!

Brave Boy Reads Pornographic Book Out Loud To School Board Members That He Checked Out Of His Middle School Library [VIDEO]
Feb 25, 2023

After parents faced censorship by school boards for reading the contents of books permitted at their library, a sixth-grade student took his school board to task by doing the same thing this week.

. . .

I can’t get the Rumble video here.


Sorry, wrong thread

Last edited 1 year ago by michaelh

Wolf Moon
Thank you so much for this excellent piece! Sunlight is so important.
You are correct about getting a vitamin D test and about talking with the doctor. A vitamin D test was one of the methods used (along with a bone density test) that resulted in a diagnosis of mild osteoporosis.

The other thing one would like to mention is that daily vitamin D amounts can add up in various ways. For example, Viactiv chews (taken by many people who have calcium deficiency) also have vitamin D in them. So do many multi-vitamins. And vitamin D can be found in the formulations of vitamin K supplements.

One’s late husband was a firm believer in the work of Dr. Linus Pauling.


And Wolf, vitamin D deficiency is implicated in all kinds of illness and disease, not just Covid!

Cancers, dementia, a host of things.

So go camping! Sit around the fire, bask in the trees, be in nature. Heck, I have a fire pit in my backyard, and a wood stove in the house! Get as much natural sunlight as you can.

Great post! Thanks, Wolfmoon.


My ancestry is Tuscarora. I love that I have that. And I have actual African slave blood, too. Very cool that you have the Choctaw.


On a really serious note, though, on that comment I made about preferring drum circles to a hospital; we had all best be very, very careful about where we seek out medical care.

We are surrounded on all sides right now by forces seeking to kill us. I really believe that. And I think some, if not all, of what is driving it is pure, evil darkness; dare I say, the Devil himself.

That Naomi Wolfe article that got posted yesterday is no joke. I believe she is correct, that we are facing the “old gods.” Moloch and Ba’al and others. Because looked at clear-eyed, there is just no way that the whole world lost its way at the same time without supernatural assistance. It was too coordinated, too slick, too perfect.

If you didn’t read it, you should. It is just stunning:



You’ll love it.




Then.follow it when you have time with Dr. Michael Heiser’s The Unseen Realm book. It goes deeper and ties it all together.


All scripture based. Makes a very, very strong case that convinced me because it places everything into context while thinking Hebrew . His follow up book on Enoch was less convincing to me. Planning to reread it. I think reading Enoch is interesting and provides historical context, however, I think he places it as almost worthy of being scripture and I just do not agree at this point.


Wow. Very interesting article. I agree with her. I’ve been pretty shocked at the blatant satanism that is everywhere and right in our faces the last couple of years. I’ve also been pretty shocked at the lack of response from churches and Christians. It’s like they don’t even notice what is happening. At least, they’re not talking about it. I could have done without all the Jew hate in the comments, however.


Yes, the churches, many of them, seem oblivious. To me, that is another tell.


I read it on substack – I love the comments. Global lockstep.

Brave and Free

A lengthy read , but worth reading. We’ve been definitely drifting away from God for awhile.


Thoughts about this just keep welling up in me.

It makes all kinds of sense to me that firelight is beneficial to humans. We evolved around fire. Fire kept us warm, cooked our food, and protected us from wild animals. We have a symbiotic relationship with fire; we feed it, and it feeds us.

A campfire is a spiritual experience.

Brave and Free

So what’s the relationship with this and trying to remove the gas stoves from our homes? Is there an underling benefit they don’t want us to get?


Are they drum circles because of the fire in the middle?


*They* wanted us locked indoors with masks on. We were advised to be leery of other human beings “out there,” because if you did venture out, you had to stay six feet away from anyone else (a completely arbitrary figure). Best to just isolate at home, avoiding the healing properties of sunlight and nature.