2023·04·08 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

Language Warning

In the next piece I had to discuss a particular topic. Unfortunately, I couldn’t discuss it without naming it. Therefore I apologize in advance for having to do so, and apologize to anyone offended by the sight of the name.

RINO McDaniel

RINO McDaniel continues to infest the GOP. But RINO McDaniel isn’t the problem.

Let me be crystal clear on this, RINO McDaniel is a lower-than-whale-shit, piss guzzling ratfucking shit eating traitorous rancid syphillitic cunt. Her worth as a human being is substantially less than zero, any oxygen sucked into her lungs is wasted, and it would be, no matter what job she had.

I fear I haven’t been clear enough, but that will have to suffice.

But she is not the problem…or rather, she would not be a problem were it not for others. She’d still be as I have described, but we wouldn’t know who she is and would not care, because she could do no damage. She’d just be anonymous human refuse.

No, the real problem is the fact that a majority of the 168 top GOP people voted for her. And now that has happened five times so they cannot claim they didn’t know what she was.

In spite of the fact that under her “leadership” the party has deliberately sabotaged the will of its base, has deliberately refused to challenge blatant election fraud, had gone out of its way to ensure certain candidates do not get nominated, has diverted donor money to namby-pamby candidates who have all the electoral appeal of a puddle of dog vomit…and in general has done nothing whatsoever to help fix the problems that plague America.

However that last is to be expected; I cannot expect anyone who IS the problem to help FIX the problem.

RINO McDaniel would be powerless without an entire party leadership of the same mind as her. They want this dismal performance; they want to ignore the party base.

If she were to drop dead this instant, it would solve nothing as someone just like her would be elected by those same pustulous people.

According to Charlie Kirk, about 55 people voted against her, 10-12 wanted something different but were too chickenshit to do the right thing, and roughly 100 people voted for her enthusiastically, and even had the unmitigated gall to complain to Kirk about US. Fuck ’em. Rusty 12 gauge bore brushes would be too good for these arrogant pricks and cunts.

Every single one of those hundred is just as bad as she is. In other words, they are all worse than I described at the beginning of this piece. And no doubt those people in turn have people who supported them to be state party chairs and whateveritis they call the other two people from each state and territory who were voting.

It’s time to face up to the fact that the Republican party is effectively owned by the shit-eating RINOs. We’ve got more work to do, a lot more work, to make the GOP an instrument for the restoration of the United States of America. And that’s in addition to cleaning up our elections.

There’s no point in cleaning up elections just to elect ratfucking RINOs.

OK, hopefully now you will have some inkling of my true attitude towards RINOs. Sorry that words were inadequate to give you the full picture.

The Real Fascist is His Fraudulency Joe Biden*

*Or whoever has his hand rammed up that meat puppet’s ass.

Brandon (which I will use as a term for whoever is the power behind the Porcelain Throne) has thrown down the gauntlet…but in a way where most of America will never see it. The networks didn’t carry his tirade. CNN air brushed it (or whatever you call editing the red background) for its five viewers (who aren’t trapped in airports).

Luckily for me I live in Colorado, and therefore, despite my best efforts, I probably didn’t vote for Donald Trump.

Of course, for this purpose who I actually did try to vote for will be essential, and they undoubtedly know.

Come and get us, asswipes!


Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Small Government?

Many times conservatives (real and fake) speak of “small government” being the goal.

This sounds good, and mostly is good, but it misses the essential point. The important thing here isn’t the size, but rather the purpose, of government. We could have a cheap, small tyranny. After all our government spends most of its revenue on payments to individuals and foreign aid, neither of which is part of the tyrannical apparatus trying to keep us locked down and censored. What parts of the government would be necessary for a tyranny? It’d be a lot smaller than what we have now. We could shrink the government and nevertheless find it more tyrannical than it is today.

No, what we want is a limited government, limited not in size, but rather in scope. Limited, that is, in what it’s allowed to do. Under current circumstances, such a government would also be much smaller, but that’s a side effect. If we were in a World War II sort of war, an existential fight against nasty dictatorships on the brink of world conquest, that would be very expensive and would require a gargantuan government, but that would be what the government should be doing. That would be a large, but still limited government, since it’d be working to protect our rights.

World War II would have been the wrong time to squawk about “small government,” but it wasn’t (and never is) a bad time to demand limited government. Today would be a better time to ask for a small government–at least the job it should be doing is small today–but it misses the essential point; we want government to not do certain things. Many of those things we don’t want it doing are expensive but many of them are quite eminently doable by a smaller government than the one we have today. Small, but still exceeding proper limits.

So be careful what you ask for. You might get it and find you asked for the wrong thing.

Political Science In Summation

It’s really just a matter of people who can’t be happy unless they control others…versus those who want to be left alone. The oldest conflict within mankind. Government is necessary, but government attracts the assholes (a highly technical term for the control freaks).

A Few Things We Cannot Blame on His Fraudulency

I am pretty sure Joe Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with the 30 Years War that ran from 1618-1648 and probably killed about a third of the people then living in what is now Germany.

Nor did he cause the collapse of either Roman empire (Western, 476 CE, Eastern 1453 CE). Nor the ignominious failure of most of the Crusades. Nor the collapse of Bronze Age civilization around 1200 BCE (including the collapse of the Minoans and the blowup of Santorini).

However, my utter lack of ability to imagine how he could possibly be responsible for these things is not a valid argument against them, so I await correction if appropriate.

His Truth?

Again we saw an instance of “It might be true for Billy, but it’s not true for Bob” logic this week.

I hear this often, and it’s usually harmless. As when it’s describing differing circumstances, not different facts. “Housing is unaffordable” can be true for one person, but not for another who makes ten times as much.

But sometimes the speaker means it literally. Something like 2+2=4 is asserted to be true for Billy but not for Bob. (And when it’s literal, it’s usually Bob saying it.) And in that sense, it’s nonsense, dangerous nonsense. There is ONE reality, and it exists independent of our desires and our perceptions. It would go on existing if we weren’t here. We exist in it. It does not exist in our heads. It’s not a personal construct, and it isn’t a social construct. If there were no society, reality would continue to be what it is, it wouldn’t vanish…which it would have to do, if it were a social construct.

Now what can change from person to person is the perception of reality. We see that all the time. And people will, of course, act on those perceptions. They will vote for Trump (or try to) if their perception is close to mine, and vote against Trump (and certainly succeed at doing so) if their perception is distant from mine (and therefore, if I do say so, wrong). I have heard people say “perception is reality” and usually, that’s what they’re trying to say–your perception of reality is, as far as you know, an accurate representation of reality, or you’d change it.

But I really wish they’d say it differently. And sometimes, to get back to Billy and Bob, the person who says they have different truths is really saying they have different perceptions of reality–different worldviews. I can’t argue with the latter. But I sure wish they’d say it better. That way I’d know that someone who blabbers about two different truths is delusional and not worth my time, at least not until he passes kindergarten-level metaphysics on his umpteenth attempt.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

(Paper) Spot Prices

Kitco “Ask” prices. Last week:

Gold $1,970.70
Silver $24.17
Platinum $1000.00
Palladium $1,551.00
Rhodium $8,000.00

This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend. (This week they had the day off on Friday for Good Friday. Kudos to them for not even attempting to salvage a Monday by moving the holiday around, by the way. All that does is dump all the Monday suckage onto Tuesday.)

Gold $2,008.60
Silver $25.07
Platinum $1,017.00
Palladium $1,550.00
Rhodium $8,900.00

Yes. GOLD HAS BROKEN $2,000. It did so earlier this week, reaching as much as 2,030 or so, very close to the all-time record. It actually closed down on Friday-I-mean-Thursday and it is still above that psychological mark.

This could be the sign of really, really bad times. Yes, I have a fair quantity of metals that would hurt to drop on my foot because they’re heavy, BUT…the collapse of the dollar especially if all those overseas dollars come home would be a catastrophe. I’m not the type of person whose thought bubble is “I have prepared, you can suffer because you haven’t” with glee. And if it’s bad enough…then I am sure no one on a middle class budget (and that assuredly includes me, except when I don’t have even that) is truly prepared for it.

Science Break

I know what I want to write. I’ve even mapped it out in my head, a bit.

Just…no time yet, but the fact that I’m thinking about it makes it more likely to happen next time.

In the meantime, here’s some Čaykovskiy. (As I prefer to spell it; it’s more one-to-one phonetic with the original Cyrillic–though Chaikovskiy works too. The T is superfluous in English.)

I love the way she seems to be launching the orchestra at about 6:12. Which, by the way is one of the best moments in orchestral music.

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!


中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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I wasn’t aware of this re: Ronna McDaniel:

According to Charlie Kirk, about 55 people voted against her, 10-12 wanted something different but were too chickenshit to do the right thing, and roughly 100 people voted for her enthusiastically, and even had the unmitigated gall to complain to Kirk about US.


the person who says they have different truths is really saying they have different perceptions of reality–different worldviews

Yes. And sometimes it’s just differences of opinion, which they have elevated to the level of truth.

Love that Čaykovskiy! It’s amazing to watch her speed in the last movement.


The violinist, that is. 🎻


Boy howdy, Steve – you gave Ronna Romney no quarter – but gave her the old drawn and quartered treatment – verbally at least.

Could you have done it in less vile, obscene verbage?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Surely possible, but not sure she deserves any less salt on the whip! 😉


Maybe we could use a ‘black box warning’ similar to what the FDA uses. Just encircle the ‘colorful’ language with a black border and/or a ‘click here to view’ box.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

Is that anything like a ‘Wet Paint’ sign?



Brand her with the word Traitor on her forehead .. ouch

Gail Combs

“…Could you have done it in less vile, obscene verbage?”


But how else can you discribe such a vile, obscene Demon?


Her biggest donor is PreparationH .. because ……….. 😮🫢

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



^^^ THIS ^^^


Sometimes you gotta call a cunt by its name

Gail Combs

Čaykovskiy is my favorite composer.


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LoL at the spy balloon.


I bet we’ll be seeing it again.


Biden Set to Announce an Unprecedented Crackdown on Gas-Powered Vehicles

One man, or one agency, should not have this kind of power.

According to a new report from Reuters, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to enact “sweeping cuts in vehicle emissions pollution that will push automakers towards a big increase in electric vehicle sales.”

…Bloomberg also notes that automakers have actually been asking Biden for more time to better prepare for a mass shift to electric vehicles, while electric vehicle manufacturers, like Elon Musk’s Tesla, actually want the government to enact even stricter restrictions on gas-powered vehicles.

They’re “asking Biden”? No. Just say no. But a lot of auto makers are on board with “green” technology.


No one has the money or even the interest so this would amount to a push to putting people in public transportation. Get him out of office and it goes away.


^^^ This.


Electric cars
“15-minute cities” with their “can’t leave your zone unless you have a permit”
“Walkable and bikeable” cities
Public transportation

All controlled by government.


That reminds me of the former DDR, when I used to visit my grandma I applied for a permit that permit gave me access in the DDR only for the City I was visiting and about 25 miles around it. I had to keep my papers with me all the time in case Police stopped me and ask for them. This type restricted travel or movement is was real in totalitarian regimes. This is real to have zones to enforce them and the punishment not abiding by the rules. This awareness to restricted rules can become normalized because one tan take it as normal specially when one is raised under them. I remember I just accepted it as it. There were restrictions in west Germany also. When I visited Germany from US I had to stop at the police station to announce I was visiting my parents for X amount of time. The other is to hand once Passport to the Hotel when staying there. Most regulation have been lifted
I do remember the freedom I felt here in the US still very aware of rules. My husband used to remind me “you do not have to be so aware of rules”..
If we ever get to restrictions of movement very quickly it can become normal ingrain specially if religion is discouraged. Some people will mindlessly fallow rules and others will want freedom and will question restrictions.
I never felt as much freedom as in this country and will not easily bend to tyrannical rules.

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1

I think we’re already past the ‘think it’s normal’ stage. What else could explain the lockdowns/masks?


Yes the lockdown and mask was a dry run now comes the real test. We are stronger than we think and come out of this wiser.


The right to travel is a fundamental basic right which has been affirmed and upheld many times by the (not)Supreme Court.

To have one’s freedom of movement restricted is essentially to be incarcerated or kidnapped, which is a violation of your human corporeal self. It is a direct contradiction to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

This cannot happen, unless the Supreme Court no longer exists and the Constitution no longer exists.


… or a pandemic lockdown happens.  😫 

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

Did that actually happen anywhere in the U.S.?

I wasn’t locked down. I didn’t even wear a mask when I went out.

It got to the point where I enjoyed being the only person walking around without a mask. Made me feel like I was Rocky Balboa, it was awesome 😂



Only one time did a store clerk ask me to leave if I wouldn’t put a mask on. So I left, and went somewhere else.


Glad I’m not the only one who hears the “Rocky” theme playing in my head when I’m being a badass, lol.

In all seriousness, I never wore a mask. The only place I couldn’t go was inside the bank, so I messed with them by walking thru the drive-thru with my dog. He was very happy, because he always got a treat, which he ate on their grass. I didn’t discourage the occasional shit on it, either!


IF, we get Trump. Otherwise, same shit. Different asshole.


Thats their (automakers) intention.

For those that read it, I addressed with Pilot/Haslam discussions in BIMD. Buffett buys control of Pilot (nationwide + Canada) Travel Centers, GM signs deal with Pilot to install charging stations in Pilot locations. Meanwhile Tesla and others install theirs.

We can end it by not playing like para posted. If business wants to go that way with distribution of products, so be it. Less demand for oil products will reduce prices to us.


That’s not how it works. If you don’t believe me, go to an auto parts store and ask them how much a rebuilt 2-barrel Holley for a ’74 Mustang II costs.

Gail Combs

Or a new motor for a lawn tractor. ($700 – $1,200)

I paid $800 for a brand new engine (8 cylinder 350) for my Chevy truck back in 1980.


I dare you to try it today.  😃 

Gail Combs

Actually one of my pickups (1987) has a 2 barrel holley carburetor. 


Sorry but the cost to westerners is just money. To Congolese kids it’s the lives


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I first heard a similar tale with Sleazus Bill Clinton climbing into Marine One in Little Rock with a pair of piglets under his arms. The Marine Guard at the foot of the steps didn’t quite know what to do or say, so Bill commented: “I got a pair of Razorbacks for Hillary and Chelsea!”

Now the Marine knew what to do: “Good trade, sir!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Guess I’ll have to try it sometime – !


Me too!


I know it’s a bit late, but RDS has published her husband’s memoir, as she had promised him. The story and links are at Marica’s — https://marica1776.wordpress.com/2023/04/05/the-writing-business/#comments .


You are very kind.
One’s own copy of the book arrived yesterday. I was actually rather nervous when I opened the box and took the book out. It was sort of like the “book equivalent” of holding a newborn child.
I will now pay tribute of Deep and Eternal Gratitude to a person on this board who was important to the process of getting the book ready for publication.
And, yes, Yours Truly was a sort of “mail-order bride.” And, yes, there was a “Chaplinesque age difference” between one and her late husband.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for the heads up! Blessings 🙂


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Should get that added into some state legislation.
“But my feelings 😫”
“Yes, Exactly”.
Pack it up and send it to some politicians! 😃


I would listen to that doc.


“What if your doctor told you this?”

Sadly, many, many people would find a new doctor. We have been programmed for the painless “quick fix” for many decades now. It’s terrible.

Gail Combs

Actually my doctor as a teen DID exactly that. Part of her treatment was ALWAYS diet.


A good doctor would. I’m glad you had one. There are very few.


Teens are really good at paying attention to food, while inhaling huge quantities of low-quality victuals.


Throw sex into the mix and you’ll have their absolute attention. Ie this improves your experience, you’ll be more attractive


Verse of the Day for Saturday, April 8, 2023

“As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:” 

1 Peter 2:2 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Is this actually available for sale?


Don’t know, just an image from The Shrug. The Shrug

Gail Combs

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Gail Combs

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The Restrict Act – is Net Neutrality 2.0 – another tyrannical censorship power play.  

Obviously the authors of this Bill do not respect the Bill of Rights, civil rights or human rights. Sounds like life in China under the CCP and life in Soviet Russia under the KGB.

What will the Restrict Act do to all social media and our access to it – and to our free speech, civil and human rights- if it passes.
And will our access to the internet be taxed by the $$$ greedy fat cats in DC? Of course they will – they are salivating right now, like Pavlov’s Dog.


We should not be having to “stop” anything like this. Those who are subverting the Constitution, including the First Amendment, should be taken out of Congress and any positions of power. The remedy, or the way to prevent this, is clearly in their oaths of office. We need to have a clear mechanism for booting them out.


We should not be having to “stop” anything like this.

  :wpds_arrow:  Respect Act does NOT have a chance

  :wpds_arrow:  R-Cons are majority in the House. /S


At least I never criticized the government online.

Hey, look at that brave band of government homos, sneaking up on an unarmed American family. I almost didn’t see them, on account of their matching Garanimal camo outfits.


Must read from SD for many who need some education on how the IC does things with the media. Not long, easy to follow.



And they have doubled down with new leaks.

Naming 8 or 4 Chan (forget which) as well as well as Discoord as problem childs.



Create the problem and next will be the solution. Moar Restrict Act level solutions on the way.


Amazing use of communist tactics right out in the open.


Zelenksy government = Nazis (classified)

U.S. rogue regime runs bio-labs in Ukraine (classified)

U.S. rogue regime uses Ukraine as a global money laundering hub (classified)

Oh noes!

Now I’m on the same list as Spartacus… and all the other Spartaci! 😂

If these ass-clowns spent one-billionth of the time they waste surveilling Americans for made-up BS, and just looked in the mirror, they could arrest themselves and end the greatest tyranny ever known to humankind.


Larry Johnson blogs about it:

7 April 2023 by Larry Johnson 52 Comments


Comments are worth a read


someone posted Some Dude’s comments at Larry’s blog… tis was his reply:

Larry Johnson says
8 April 2023 at 01:30

Sundance is talking out of his ass. Does not have a clue.


I’ll stack up Larry’s credentials any day with SD’s:

ABOUT LARRY C. JOHNSONLarry C Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He is the founder and managing partner of BERG Associates, which was established in 1998. Larry provided training to the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years. He has been vilified by the right and the left, which means he must be doing something right. You can also follow me on telegram (t.me/sonar_21 (https://t.me/sonar_21), Patreon and Substack (https://larrycjohnson.substack.com).


Amazing that you would take the side of someone who snarls out an insult and departs. I thought we were the crucible of ideas competing on a level field?

And what happened to our long-held position that we cannot trust anything out of Clowns In America? He must not have been at Valerie Plame’s level of covertness if he is trusted to be objectively truthful. All I can say is Johnson is interesting. Not sure I’d take any of his cash to be genuine.


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) officially began withdrawing from Yemen, according to Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti, a senior member of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement and the governor of Dhamar province.



Thanks for the opener, Steve. That perception/reality thingy is one my pet peeves as well. The Tchaikovsky makes for a good start to the day.

Gail Combs

That perception/reality thingy is part of Marxism. (This has been removed from the net but was archived.)

The Philosophy Of Karl Marx

The Hegelian Basis

The philosophical bases of Marx’s thought were laid early and remained unchanged throughout his life. As a student, Marx accepted the philoso­phy of Hegel as the only sound and adequate explanation of the uni­verse. According to this philosophy, “the only immutable thing is the abstraction of movement.” The one universal phenomenon is change, and the only universal form of this phenomenon is its complete abstrac­tion. Thus, Hegel accepted as real only that which existed in the mind. Objective phenomena and events were of no consequence; only the con­ceptions of them possessed by human minds were real. Ideas, not ob­jects, were the stuff of which the universe was made. 


Good catch, Gail. Thanks.


Wow, how far has Rhodium fallen! IIRC, it was going for around $26,000 an ounce at one time?

Watch Julia Fischer in the video above at 0:35-36. This is when she shifts her body and her violin into “get ready to play” position. You can bet the orchestra KNOWS what this means. She doesn’t even have her violin up to her chin yet — but the orchestra KNOWS that she’s basically in command of the situation. The conductor knows, too. Then there’s 0:55, when she puts bow to string and takes command.
The thing to understand is that soloists like this aren’t taking command due to overwhelming personal ego (although there are such types of performers.)
Ms. Fischer takes command because she’s channeling the composer and the music he wrote. It is part of her being.
Yours Truly played in enough orchestras to remember what the energy stream of such a soloist feels like.


Beautiful and real.

I’ve seen this happen with a nephew who is accomplished at the trumpet in various genres – orchestra, blues, jazz, and church primarily. He becomes the instrument and music and it is breathtaking when it happens. He has zero overt ego – very private and introspective.


If it is anything like other music groups, I would expect there is also a basic element that someone has to lead.

Not everyone can lead, that would be chaos.

And if no one leads, that’s chaos too.

Somebody has to be the leader of the band, cause it ain’t gonna lead itself 😁

Valerie Curren

thank you for sharing these insights  😍 


Gail Combs

As I showed yesterday Transgenderism = Baphomet = Church of Satan.

This guy is dressed as Baphomet.

Rest of comment HERE.

Gail Combs

 daughnworks247 minutes

A recent speech by Putin (not available via the US Fake News) where he talks of Satan, Depopulation and the threat of Nuking, NOT UKRAINE BUT THE USA and how the US media LIED to misdirect the US population.


Or just the speech (6 mins)


Now go read my analysis of the Cabal’s point of view on NUCLEAR WAR:


Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs

It’s not my country’s fastest growing religion.

If you look closely, it’s basically the same couple of dozen or so trannies, photo-shopped all over the place 😂

Gail Combs

@ 31 minutes they play another prank call by Vovan and Lexus where they got the French Ex-prime minster to admits the Minsk Agreements were to buy time to arm Ukraine (Via KanakoaTheGreat)


Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Important to remember about the shots. Linda brought his in at the end of yesterday, but I thought that it bears repeating!

Fully Vaxxed Lose 25 Years of Life Expectancy, Study Shows


Wolf Moon
Thank you.
A report on the same study was presented here a few days ago:

It appears that it’s the accumulated destruction, via multiple “vaccinations”, of the recipient’s IgG3 cells which may be behind the decrease of life expectancy.
And this is for an adult male.
One wonders what the decrease of life expectancy will be for “fully vaccinated” females.
One wonders what the decrease in life expectancy will be for “vaccinated” young people between ages 12 – 17.
One also wonders what the decrease of life expectancy will be for “vaccinated” babies and young children.

IMO, the COVID-19 “vaccines” are working as intended and developed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. INTENDED. And Macron, the twerp, didn’t take his shot. Tsk, tsk.

They LIED to us. They’re MURDERERS.

Gail Combs


Brave and Free

Is there a blood test to tell if an individual has taken the Vax? Would be of interest to know who of the elite political class is vaxxed.


One believes that the D-dimer test would indicate an increase of microclots in the blood. Unless there is some medical history reason and/or family history reason for elevated microclots, it is possible that the COVID-19 “vaccine” the person took may be responsible if the test indicates an elevated amount of microclots.
One supposes that a “vaccinated” person could have blood drawn and tested for things like “rubbery” areas in the blood, for “clumping” of red blood cells, and/or changes in blood consistency. Again, if there is no medical history reason and/or family history reason for these things to appear, it may be surmised that the COVID-19 “vaccine” the person took may be responsible.
According to http://www.zoomdoc.com/, there is a test, called “Roche Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S Test”, which would confirm the presence of COVID-19 “vaccine” antibodies in the person who is “vaccinated.”
Here’s the FDA Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers for the Roche test:
February 9, 2022


“Is there a blood test to tell if an individual has taken the Vax? Would be of interest to know who of the elite political class is vaxxed.”


It’s not a blood test, but the dunking machine works for members of the political-class.

If I remember correctly, the way it works is, you just strap ’em in and then dunk them underwater for a few minutes.

If they survive, that means they weren’t vaxxed.

If they don’t survive, then they were vaxxed.

Or maybe I have that backwards.

Anyway, it’s a good test just the same.


I think I read somewhere that the vax caused an immune problem, where either igG3 or igG4 was suppressed and the other was elevated. If true then testing could tell the difference. Primary Immunodeficiency (PI) Subclass | Labcorp


Eradicating 14 of 15 folks will take a bit longer than I had first guessed.

Appears, The Plan IS working.


I remember when people would go postal, regularly, for infinitely less cause than this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Robert Malone is really starting to see how the “noble lies” of the elite (e.g., RE COVID and the vaccines) purport to be for our interest, but are really about preserving the elite.

A great read!

comment image
Mind Viruses and their Vectors
What next after the COVIDcrisis propaganda wars?


Dr. Malone and his wife are brilliant in science and medicine and also politically informed, astute and conservative! A vital combination these days!

I love that they are planning to take on the corruption of social media and I suppose all media.

Last edited 1 year ago by GA/FL
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re really fighting hard!


Should I just try to sell vitamins and supplements like most of the “medical freedom” fighters now seem content to do? Should I go into politics (as Bannon seems to want me to do) and find myself back immersed in a deeply corrupt and corrupting Washington DC culture? Just to be clear, the answer to both of those is a hard no.

I, and I suspect all of us, crave a worthy opponent, a cause worth getting up in the morning to fight. Something big and meaningful. And as I look back over the last three years and try to imagine the next three, I think that the worthy opponent for me is deeply corrupted corporate and social media and their enablers. If corporate MSM and the social media/tech giants had acted with integrity, the corruption of my profession (medicine, clinical and regulatory affairs) could never have become this bad. I cannot “fix” the US Government. I cannot “fix” the WHO. I cannot even “fix” the deep corruption of the medical enterprise. But I think I just might be able to participate in enabling an alternative media ecosystem where mainstream people can go to access accurate information, as well as intelligent and insightful interpretation. 

We need people with his intellect and acumen in this fight.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Worth noting that Twitter is labeling the link to his article as “unsafe”.

IMO, Elon Musk is no longer in control of Twitter.


I think you are right about Elon. Sad.


Well, that counter-insurgency didn’t take long.



Valerie Curren

Full Coverage here. With Comments.



Lots of great comments and encouragement on youtube…

  • I havent seen DemocRATS this upset since Republicans freed their slaves

  • Imagine a world without DemocRATS…paradise!!!
Gail Combs

Given Baphomet, The Church of Satan, the REMOVAL OF GOD by DNC

AUG. 20, 2020: Democrats remove ‘God’ from pledge of allegiance at DNC

Democrats removed the words ‘under God’ from the pledge of allegiance this week at the DNC

and  the Clintons…
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I think DEMON-RATS is the correct term for them.
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^^^ Agree. AND. Imagine a world without Uniparty.

Gail Combs

Hopefully REAL SOON NOW!

Gail Combs

I am glad she is pursuing legal action. I hope she get a very good lawyer.


One of the comments:


Riley Gaines attacked by Leftists at San Francisco State…

One of the comments at the link: 
Sun King .. Women in women’s sport. Men in men’s sports. Trans in trans’ sports. There, problem 100% solved.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs


FREAK SPORTS.... You can then add dikes and gays.


Mud wrestling in quick dry concrete …


Nooooooooo I, getting a headache 🤕


English is my second language, mumble is my native language … 🤓😜

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This man Brown is a hero. Kapo and Wray-dar gave him 7 years for refusing to become an informant. BRAVO!!!



This was pure Stalin/Beria action. Find something to arrest the man – because all they had was TRESPASSING. Evidently Brown had failed to properly document short-barreled weapons that he inherited. GOT HIM! Plus two old grenades, and an old report that was classified, in his possession.

Seven years, plus three probation!



DC Jury and Judge and Prosecutor’s colluding. Nothing else explains it.

Gail Combs

Hope it is appealed.


Heating up. Ackkk… wrong case… but hey, another injustice!


Many MOAR… hasn’t seen GWP put this many tweets in a story before…

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


This is now WAR. These Soros DAs are a TRAVESTY.

This ain’t America under these communist PIGS.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Communist city.

Gail Combs

Ithougt it was more like 97%


The other 10 percent, Uniparty.


Lawmakers enact transgender athletes ban over veto of Gov. Laura Kelly (cjonline.com)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent news, this was!!!




I found this several days ago … was shocked to say the least, bookmarked and waited… thinking about how it might have been photoshopped or whatever … bringing it finally so that those Treepers who know about creating lies on line can tear it apart – please let it be fake …!

Gail Combs

President Donald Trump’s full speech at the Davos World Economic Forum (31 minutes)

He is polite at the beginning and then talks of America’s recovery from Obama years.

(I have not listened all the way through.)


This is from January 21, 2020


Klaus organized/ hosted the meeting between all these ‘Evils”. I think he was congratulating the host for hosting. It is just civil protocol.

What would one expect REALPOTUS to say …” Lock Him Up!”?? lol, I’m sure that is what REALPOTUS was thinking!

Last edited 1 year ago by Please
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said.

Trump praised the host for a good meeting which Trump was using for AMERICA FIRST purposes, and he stated so repeatedly, to the annoyance of every globalist in earshot. That HAD to have been burning the ears off good old KlauSS.


This is from January 21, 2020, what is “unfiltered boss” up to?? The information below is from the video on YouTube.

635,171 views  Jan 21, 2020  #CNBC

President Donald Trump spoke at the Davos World Economic Forum in Switzerland about his agenda as president, the state of the economy, the U.S.-China trade deal, and more.

President Donald Trump told CNBC on Wednesday that U.S. economic growth would have been closer to 4% if it weren’t for the lingering effect of Federal Reserve rate hikes.

“That was a big blip that should not have taken place. It should not have happened. But it’s one of those things. But we had Boeing. We had the big strike with General Motors. We had things happen that are very unusual to happen,” Trump told CNBC’s Joe Kernen in an interview from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

The president also suggested that the stock market would be even higher than its already record-setting highs if the Fed hadn’t raised rates so quickly before cutting them three times during 2019.

“Now, with all of that, had we not done the big raise on interest, I think we would have been close to 4%,” Trump said of the U.S. gross domestic product. “And I – I could see 5,000 to 10,000 points more on the Dow. But that was a killer when they raised the rate. It was just a big mistake.”

The president has repeatedly taken the Fed and its chair, Jerome Powell, to task for raising rates too quickly, in his view. Trump nominated Powell to the role in November 2017, and the Fed raised rates four times in 2018.

The president’s remarks Wednesday echoed those his top economic advisor Larry Kudlow made to CNBC on Tuesday, when he predicted 3% growth in U.S. GDP in 2020.

“This is a long cycle, and what you’ve got here in the Trump years is essentially a mini upcycle,” Kudlow said Tuesday. “You’ve gone from 1.5% to 2% growth. We had it going at almost 4%, then the Fed tightened.”

Manufacturing and trade data released this month suggested the American economy ended 2019 on a strong note. The economy is expected to grow more than 2% in the fourth quarter. That would represent a slowdown from the 2.9% increase in 2018, and 2% growth would still suggest the decade-old expansion is set to continue into this pivotal election year.

The Trump interview came hours after the first full day of impeachment proceedings wrapped up in the Senate and a day after Trump gave a speech to the World Economic Forum in which he boasted about U.S. economic gains under his watch.

Several observers said the address sounded like a campaign speech in his 2020 reelection bid.

From a policy standpoint, Trump stood firm on his use of tariffs in trade negotiations, particularly as his administration looks to follow its so-called phase one trade deal with China with a second-phase pact. This stance has made business leaders in Davos skeptical that the two nations would reach an agreement before Trump’s first term is up in a year.

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It could be real, look at all the glowing compliments he made about Xi Ping-pong, and he might be an even bigger monster that Klaus.


comment image

Brave and Free

Yeah that’s right where we’re at sadly.


And she’s a putz


This is an evil woman!

.Gretchen Whitmer repeals Michigan’s 1931 abortion ban, calls protecting the unborn ‘sickening’
Gretchen Whitmer repeals Michigan’s 1931 abortion ban, calls protecting the unborn ‘sickening’ – LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Gail Combs

EVIL WITCH and she look like she just came out of casting for the part.


Doesn’t even need the makeup crew!


She oozed out of a tar pit, or rather she was tossed out of … scum hag



As we blame BiteMe and his wrecking crew for destroying America.

R-Cons have enabled (confirmed) BiteMe’s nomination.

Passed BiteMe’s destructive legislation.


This stinking pile of ofal was installed in MY state‼️‼️‼️ She’s not worth puking on.


offalnounof·​fal ˈȯ-fəl  ˈä-

Synonyms of offal


: the waste or by-product of a process: such as
: trimmings (such as the belly, head, and shoulders) of a hide
: the by-products of milling (as of wheat or barley) used especially for stock feeds
: the viscera and trimmings of a butchered animal removed in preparing it for market or for consumption : VARIETY MEAT



nounof·​fal ˈȯ-fəl  ˈä-

Synonyms of offal


: the waste or by-product of a process: such as
: trimmings (such as the belly, head, and shoulders) of a hide
: the by-products of milling (as of wheat or barley) used especially for stock feeds
: the viscera and trimmings of a butchered animal removed in preparing it for market or for consumption : VARIETY MEAT


Did you know?In its original sense, offal refers to something that has fallen or been cast away from some process of preparation or manufacture, and it has been used to describe such things as the stalks and dust from tobacco leaves, the less valuable portions of an animal hide, the by-products of milling grain, and the viscera and trimmings of a butchered animal. The word offal, however, is not an etymological cast-off, but is an English original that arose in the late 14th century as a combination of of (the Middle English spelling of “off”) and fall,aptly naming that which “falls off” or is cast aside from something else. Since the late 16th century, offal has also been used as a synonym for trash, garbage,and rubbish.

Merriam Webster

Valerie Curren

Does a governor have unilateral power to repeal a law? Wouldn’t that be the legislature’s or possibly the people’s right?

Gail Combs

Thank you for bringing this,
Here’s another paper, from 2022, that appears to corroborate the German paper cited above —

“Adverse effects of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: the spike hypothesis”
Trougakos, I.P., et al.
Page 543 of the paper has a list of possible negative consequences to the brain from the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

It appears that the it’s the spike protein in the COVID-19 “vaccines” which is the culprit.
One will mention that Dr. Makis speaks about the potential not only for neurological disorders, but also of mental health disorders and an increased risk of suicide among the “vaccinated.”

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA


Gail Combs

Actually that Jessie Watters is very good.

JESSE WATTERS: Trump probe is such a hit job | Fox NewsJESSE WATTERS: This entire case is a sham.
(Has video)



I knew that Biden wasn’t very bright, but I never knew he was so evil.

Joe Biden Wants to Force Christian Hospitals to Kill Babies in Abortions or Shut DownJoe Biden Wants to Force Christian Hospitals to Kill Babies in Abortions or Shut Down – LifeNews.com


In truth Old Slow Joe the pedophile is going to hell …

Gail Combs

WELL PAST TIME! And take the rest of the DAMNED in DC with him.

Gail Combs

Remember a BEATING HEART taken WITHOUT antithetic brings a premium price.

Daleiden reveals to court his horror of finding that ‘live beating’ hearts of aborted babies were for sale

…The whistleblower in that case, Dean Alberty, worked inside the Planned Parenthood abortion center as a fetal tissue procurer for a company called Opening Lines. Alberty spoke on 20/20 of receiving aborted babies intact and of “cutting open the chest and seeing the heart was still beating.”

Alberty subsequently testified in a congressional hearing that at one point, the abortion doctor brought him 24-week-old twins born alive after a failed abortion in Kansas City, Daleiden said. When Alberty said he did not want to harvest organs from living children, the abortionist then “drowned them in a pan,” Daleiden told the court….

3 Sick Truths About Aborted Fetus Trafficking thefederalist.com›2019/09/25…

In the last two weeks, details have emerged about Planned Parenthood’s gruesome trafficking of whole fetuses with attached heads and beating baby hearts. … 1. Beating Fetal Hearts Used In Research Are Harvested From Living Babies.

Fitton: Documents show Obama FDA buying fetal heads — Judicial Watch

FDA Caught Buying ‘Fresh’ Aborted Baby Body Parts

Recent emails uncovered by Judicial Watch between FDA employees and the California-based Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) prove the agency spent tens of thousands of dollars buying aborted babies for unethical scientific experiments between 2012 and 2018.


That’s awful!

Very hard to read, but thank you for posting.

Gail Combs


Oh and remember Kamala when in California PUT THE PLANNED PARENTHOOD WHISTLEBLOWERS IN JAIL for recording the PP in a restaurant.


It should include Happy Ramadan:

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Short ribs are ALMOST bacon, and bacon is automatically kosher!




“Inmates accused of belonging to the MS-13 and 18th Street gangs arrive at a new “mega prison” called the Center for the Confinement of Terrorism in Tecoluca, 75km (45 miles) southeast of San Salvador.”


Well… they do have MS-13 tattoos… I mean, that is a form of a hint, or a clue of some type, isn’t it?

Isn’t that the whole point of the tattoo, to identify themselves as part of MS-13?

I suppose one could argue that everyone in MS-13 has a MS-13 tattoo, but not everyone who has a MS-13 tattoo is in MS-13.

Except imagine how dangerous it would be, to have an MS-13 tattoo, if one is not actually part of MS-13. Seems like that’s an idea so bad that even a Leftist wouldn’t be dumb enough to try it.

Because deep down inside, at least in matters which might lead to their sudden and unceremonious exit from this world, like jumping out a window of a skyscraper, or getting a MS-13 tattoo — Leftists still know truth from their preferred fantasies.


Those are stunning pics. They are certainly not playing games.

I just imagine a bunch of American leftists/communists getting the same treatment. Makes me smile.


I noticed that as well.

Valerie Curren

me three


Time for one more outrage?

Seems the Department of Spite and Hate have cleared the way for Walter Reed to commit the latest assault on American Sensibilities.

Walter Reed Issues Cease and Desist Order to Priests and Friars Preventing Them From Providing Religious Services During Holy Week
Apparently the old contract that provided these services was up for renewal and the Hospital Contracted with a new contractor who is un able to fulfil the commitments of the contract and thus NO Services!

Clearly the work of Biden’s secretive Department of Spite and Hate given

ℑ𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔄𝔱𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔟𝔲𝔱𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔡𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔥 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔅𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔬𝔯 𝔊𝔲𝔦𝔩𝔢. — Aubergine’s Razor

Oh link… https://amgreatness.com/2023/04/08/walter-reed-issues-cease-and-desist-order-to-priests-and-friars-preventing-them-from-providing-religious-services-during-holy-week/


Outrageous … 😠🥺😔

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bidenoids – whether Bidenazis or Bidenistas – are just evil.


It’s a good thing Christ doesn’t need help to be in those wounded warriors’ hearts.


Well, if the priests and friars are REALLY priests and friars, they answer to God, not the state, and will be performing services anyway. Period.

Last edited 1 year ago by Aubergine

A favorite for Holy Saturday….


BREAKING: Texas Governor Greg Abbott To Pardon Uber Driver and Sgt. Daniel Perry
comment image

Greg Abbott also said he strongly supports a bill requiring DA’s to present exculpatory evidence.


Not exactly pro-active, are you Greg.

It took something like this for the Gov. of TEXAS of all places, to begin going after rogue DAs?

Until now, rogue DAs were A-Okay in Texas, under Greg Abbot?

Not impressed at all, Greg.

Gail Combs

Greg is a Bushie.

Hold his feet to the fire and you might get something useful otherwise NOT. (consider the lack of action on the Border Crisis.


First time I have seen the term ‘nullified’ to refer to juries nullifying a defendant’s right to self-defense.

Just imagine how insanely corrupt the just-us system is in Texas, that a JURY would convict someone for defending his own life.

That shouldn’t even be possible in NYC or Berkeley, Freakifornia.

So if the just-us system is that corrupt in Texas, just imagine how corrupt it is everywhere else.

Gail Combs

It is AUSTIN with a Soros DA. Austin is transplanted Californicate.


All I can say is, we had ALL better start to think very carefully about where we live and travel.

Gail Combs

Zak Paine has on a financial type.

CBDC & the Future of Monetary Control with Fran Strajnar on Fri. Night Livestream

Fran Strainer, a crypto expert, CEO & advisor on CBDC’s joins us to discuss the implications of the coming digital currency revolution, controlled by government & designed for control.


(2+ hours)

@ around 38 minutes they discuss various scenarios of what could happen as the FED RES dollar dies. Fran makes a very interesting comment.

He says they have been RUSHED the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) was not planned to be rolled out until 2025 or so. Makes me think of Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed’ — CHARGE THRU THE TRAP!

Then another interesting point comes up at 1:22:00 DJ calls in and asks Fran about :


Sponsor:Rep. Mooney, Alexander X. [R-WV-2] (Introduced 03/30/2023)

Committees:House – Financial Services

Latest Action:House – 03/30/2023

Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

Text: H.R.2435 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)

All Information (Except Text)

As of 04/08/2023 text has not been received for H.R.2435 – To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold, and for other purposes.



This is a discussion (youtube link below) with Tom Luongo and his claims about what is really going on with the global showdown.

It’s 1:36 long, so it’s not easy to paraphrase briefly, but it was interesting, so I’ll give it a shot.

There is an ongoing war between the Davos / Soros crowd (led by WEF) along with the Hussein crowd (including Yellen when she was at the FED, and Bernanke before her), vs. the rest of the world.

Davos / WEF have taken over the governments of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and America, and controlled the central banks of Europe (ECB), Bank of England, Swiss National Bank, etc. The Bank of Japan was in cahoots with them, over the past 15+ years.

Jerome Powell (current head of the FED) is in opposition to Janet Yellen (now head of Treasury) and Hussein’s puppet administration, and against Davos / WEF.

Not because Powell is a good guy, but he is an 8th generation American, not some Kenyan or recent immigrant WEF plant. Tom Luongo asserts that the FED works for the major commercial U.S. banks (e.g., Jamie Dimon at JP Morgan, Goldman-Sachs, et al), and they’re not about to give up their power to the Euroweenies at WEF / Davos.

Powell is jacking up interest rates to put pressure on the European Central banks, but Japan was working with WEF, by keeping their rates capped, which allowed some type of round-robin maneurver where the ECB would short the Japan National Bond (equivalent to our U.S. Treasuries) and then buy U.S. Treasuries to pocket the yield spread.

But the Bank of Japan just changed leadership, and the new guy is not the protege of the old the guy, and since Japan has not gone along with sanctions against Russia (Japan is buying oil from Russia), the thought is that Japan has changed sides, or at least abandoned the Davos / WEF / Hussein globalists.

This is where the Credit Suisse collapse comes into play, and why the default on the Tier-A1 Bonds was such a big deal.

Apparently the Swiss National Bank (SNB) is like a hedge fund with $136 billion in U.S. stocks on their balance sheet, and when Credit Suisse went down, there was concern that the SNB would liquidate their U.S. stock holdings to shore up the Swiss banking system, crashing the U.S. stock market.

So Powell worked directly with the SNB, without the other central banks’ input, to work the deal for UBS to merge with Credit Suisse, and default on the Tier-A1 bonds. The justification for this default had something to do with the fact that UBS’s own stock had dropped dramatically (along with most other banks around the world) during the crisis, and if the Tier-A1 bonds from Credit Suisse were honored, UBS would have to issue stock equivalent to the amount necessary to make the Credit Suisse Tier-A1 bond holders whole, which would effectively give the Tier-A1 bond holders control of UBS, and if I understood correctly, that’s what the Tier-A1 bond holders (which turned out to be Soros & WEF, etc.) wanted.

So Powell worked a deal with the SNB to default on the Tier-A1 bonds, costing Soros / Davos / WEF about $17 billion, and preventing them from taking control of the merged UBS/Credit Suisse bank.

If I understood correctly, the SNB flipped to the side of Powell and the U.S. commercial banks, to save themselves.

With Bank of Japan no longer working with Davos / WEF / Soros / Hussein, the Jerome Powell / Jamie Dimon + other major U.S. commercial banks are going to put the screws to Davos / WEF / Soros / Hussein by continuing the jack up U.S. interest rates, and WEF/Davos won’t be able to play whatever game they were playing via the Bank of Japan anymore.

Apparently Europe is in much worse financial shape than the U.S., so as Powell keeps increasing interest rates in the U.S., it’s going to trigger a financial collapse in Europe.

It may trigger a financial collapse HERE too, but like Russia has endless ammunition for the Ukraine war, Powell has endless ammunition by being able to print U.S. fiat dollars.

The end result, which may happen as soon as the coming year or two, will be that European financial system collapses, the flight to safety strengthens the U.S. dollar even though Powell will be in the process of printing to oblivion WITH rising interest rates AND rising stock and commodity prices.

Russia, chyna and India (and Saudi Arabia, and everyone else in the world’s political-class) knows all of what is going on, and they are basically waiting for it to play out, to see who wins.

So Jerome Powell (FED) + the biggest U.S. commercial banks [the lesser ‘bad guys’] are at war with Janet Yellen at Treasury, and she is of course allied with the Biden/Hussein administration + Davos, WEF, Soros, Christine LaGarde, et al. [the ‘worst bad guys’].

The historical old-money Euro crowd already has control of the governments of the West (including ours), and they have control of all of the central banks in Europe, but they need control of the FED and U.S. commercial banks to complete their global takeover / reset, and out of their own selfish interest (not patriotism), the FED and U.S. commercial banks are not going to give up their own power and control.

Taking down Credit-Suisse in the way that they did was apparently a master stroke of global financial war by the FED / U.S. commercial banks, leaving the Hussein / Davos / Soros / WEF alliance in trouble.

But those guys (Hussein, WEF et al) claim to be willing to go nuclear (literally), so it’s like a global game of chicken, and at the moment, the worst bad guys are losing.

It’s an interesting hour and a half. Tom Luongo talks fairly slowly but clearly, so it works well at 1.25 x speed:


Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

For those who are not familiar with Tom Luongo, his website and newsletter is called Gold, Goats ‘N Guns: https://tomluongo.me/

Execerpt from Tom’s bio page:

“I am a Former Research Chemist, Amateur Dairy Goat Farmer, Anarcho-Libertarian and Obstreperous Austrian Economist whose work can be found on sites like Zerohedge, Lewrockwell.com, Bitcoin Magazine and Newsmax Media.”


“As for politics, my position is well-known through my past writings at Lewrockwell.com, Seeking Alpha and the aforementioned erstwhile blogs. To sum up:

Individuals are the only people with enough knowledge about their own lives to have a hope of making the right decisions for themselves and no amount of guidance or central planning can help that process along.”


“In short, I’m a libertarian who distrusts all human organizations larger than a two-handed game of poker.”


A Chemist and Goat farmer… ya don’t say….🤔


I knew at least a few people here would enjoy that 👍😁


One big problem with that scenario, Scott. No matter which side wins, we still lose. We’re right in the middle and will be hurt the worst. Both sides are satan’s minions.


Yes, Tom Luongo said the same thing, but that it would be much less bad for us if Powell / FED / U.S. big commercial banks win, otherwise we get 60 years of something like Tech-Gestapo and ‘our great grandchildren will have to fix it’. (around the 1:29 mark)

If the FED / U.S. banks win, there could be a split of the U.S., with Alaska and all across the midwest (except Illinois, I reckon) down to the southeast (Florida) being one country, and the northern east coast and west coast being another country.

Good times! 😂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

I didn’t know what you were looking at & referring to since I was in the notifier. No clue here…

Valerie Curren

Given only Three Cities on the map were given I think they might be the Capitols of each region. Maybe Can(y)on City was the most centrally located in that theoretical free zone or something. I read the book years ago & watched some of the Amazon Prime series but don’t know if the reasons were given, or if they were I’ve now forgotten them 😉

Valerie Curren

On the same planet is Too Close to the Nazi Front!!!

Valerie Curren

I do enjoy your linguistic precision 🙂 How many languages do you know? Pretty sure you know Russian quite well…

Valerie Curren

I took French for 4 years on jr & sr high but was never fluent. Being a Romance Language if I see French, Spanish, or Italian written I can Guess the meaning of some words…I used to be able the turn Greek letters into the alphabet we use in English so I could attempt to phonetically pronounce Greek words, but that was due to a theology major as a roommate giving me pointers 😉

Valerie Curren

That’s bizarre & fascinating. If I ever look into the Greek (to me) stuff again it would most likely be for biblical purposes.

Hubby was a frat boy before we met & one of the hazing rituals inflicted on “pledges” was to make them recite the Greek alphabet, perhaps in various states of undress or awkward body positioning 😉

Valerie Curren

Yikes I’d need a cheat sheet to keep track of it all. That Cyrillic alphabet would be so challenging given the letters that look like “ours” but stand for something else.

Is there “phonetic” spelling of Russian words using “our” alphabet? Kind of like what happens with Greek, at least in NT explanatory usages iirc…

Valerie Curren

Perhaps a theme for one of your Saturday posts in the future, when diving into Russian further might make sense…

By the way & purely fyi, I found this post at Daily Mail enjoyable. There are some helpful images & videos for the layperson to attempt Some understanding… 🙂


Valerie Curren

Proving once again that it’s All Greek to me! It’s a wonder we can even partially make ourselves understood by others! Thanks for your interesting & informative explanations 🙂

Valerie Curren

Steve, don’t miss the video on JWST posted by Para here:



Thanks for that summary!


You’re welcome TT 👍🙂

Valerie Curren

Thank you for the summary for I KNOW I will Never watch that 1 1/2 hour video 🙂


Funk and zombies —

Valerie Curren



glad you are not beating around the bush there steve.
in an encouraging sign there is mainstream push back on the transgender bullshit but I feel the damage to kids will really surface 10-15 years from now

Valerie Curren

Hey Ozzy. Hope you & yours had a great Easter. Blessings!