I just wanted to document two things for the record, while I had the evidence in hand, before the “usual suspects” (Twitter, Google, etc.) cover it all up.
First – the “scientific misconduct” attack.
Second – the “big tech malign error” attack.

Assault With a Bik’s Pen
This is an interesting story about my encounter with some kind of “Act Blue” but “Fake Red” pharma-defending propagandist who alerted me to something I had not been aware of – that the scientific establishment has tried to attack HCQ researcher Didier Raoult by abusing a kind of scientific fraud-hunter named Elisabeth Bik.
Follow this conversation and you will learn the details.
It started with somebody publishing details about the attack on a dissident “Ivermectin doc” who I follow on Twitter.
As I was reading the thread, I noticed the following reply by what appeared to be a critic.
This tweet cites a study by the University of Kansas Medical Center, claiming that ivermectin has no effect. THAT is a whole ‘nuther topic, which is very interesting, and which implicated KUMC (not to be confused with UMKC) as engaging in woke politicized science, but set that aside for now.
Here was one nice response to the attack.
There ARE indeed some big criticisms of that study – I believe that Pierre Kory had some of them – but set that issue aside. Watch a PHARMA RAT rush in, as soon as I say something which besmirches their money-maker remdesivir.
My comment:
Watch how the pharma rat starts off, trying to retain credibility, before he reveals his true nature.
I mean, what the hell! The problems of remdesivir are very well documented, and I read about the organ failure MYSELF – not only the original failures in the Ebola trials, but massive kidney failure problems during COVID treatment. I read the (per Fauci) key paper myself, including the data section, and was shocked at how blithely Fauci had written off multiple kidney failures in the TREATED group, well above any occurring in the placebo group. NASTY!!!
This PhillyPharmaBoy either doesn’t know what he’s talking about, or he’s lying. But I remained nice.
Here was my response.
This is where the guy was fully baited out.
What the FUCK! “That comparison cannot be made”? A drug with a kidney failure problem in one disease can’t be compared to the same drug having a kidney failure problem with a similar disease of the same basic type? LOL!
“Oh, and Raoult is under criminal investigation for massive long-term fraud, including his hydroxychloroquine studies.”
That was the first I had heard about any “investigation” of Raoult.
My “foxhole buddy” on Twitter responded immediately.
I then did some quick research, and realized that these science progs were pulling a “Peekaboo James” attack investigation on Raoult! NASTY!!! Communist, fascist, progressive SWINE!
My buddy of the moment called her a straight-up fraud, but IMO this Bik lady is a victim, too – basically an autistic, woke “error-hunter”, much like the “plagiarism-hunters” who look for places where people have gotten lazy on citations, and are vulnerable like ALL academics are, with enough spotlight and draconian-enough standards.
Bik was used to go after Raoult, and she will pay the price of the Trump Curse.
Escape Key’s response was even more enlightening.
Pretty quickly, PhillyPharmaBoy learned not to mess with Escape Key!
Meanwhile, PhillyPharmaBoy kept up the attack on Raoult, but I wasn’t buying it.
I checked this out. It was a horrible pile-on of woke bullshitters, exactly like what all those lying NAT-SEC fascists did to Trump, for which 50-60 LIARS need to not only lose their security clearances, but in my opinion, go to prison as well, for abusing their credentials.
I do hope that also happens to these attackers of Raoult, with their precious “Expressions of Concern”!
That was it. PhillyPharmaBoy was done with us. NO SALE.
SO – this was where I first learned about the “Bik” attack on Raoult.
My question now – what is the status of the situation?
I can find NOTHING in the English-speaking world about this. No further information, other than moans of sympathy for Bik, that mean old Raoult SUED her for attacking him.
It LOOKS like there is no news that serves the narrative, so nobody is talking about the confrontation. It LOOKS like Didier Raoult must be winning.
I needed to get into the French side of the web, if I was going to find anything.
And THAT is when I went looking for any word on the situation in Raoult’s Twitter account.
The guy writes almost entirely in French, and nobody comments on his timeline in anything but French, but we have Google Translate – R-I-I-I-I-I-G-H-T???

Google Mistranslate
This was cute, and is very typical of the kinds of “knives in the back” which can be done with “bad I.T.” while being passed off as an error, accident, or other plausibly deniable non-human problem. And, of course, if A.I. is responsible for this lie, then the situation is even worse, but I’m not ready to help them pass the blame to Rogue Woke A.I.
In looking for any – ANY – news about Didier Raoult’s lawsuit against Elisabeth Bik, I went to Raoult’s Twitter account, and began scanning down below his top, pinned Tweet, which was a kind homage to the director of his institute, who appears to be resigning. Hopefully she is not being forced into resignation, but who knows – things are bad right now, in Globonazi France, and I can imagine that there is yet another attempt to “take care of” Raoult before the next phony pandemic can take place.
Take out a friendly or honest director, and put an opponent or rat fink in place. Oldest trick in the book.
Anyway, I noticed this tweet:
This is followed by two more tweets in a short thread.
Now, I want you to follow what happened to me here.
I translated the first tweet using Google via Twitter, and this is what I got.

For the benefit of those who can’t see tweets, the text plus translation is as follows, with the shocking mistranslation in BOLD:

Notre étude sur la baisse de la charge virale par le traitement par hydroxychloroquine dans le covid est en ligne et confirme notre première étude.Nous avons fait valider les données de la première par huissier montrant que l’émission”Complément d’ enquête” utilisait des faux.
Translated from French by [Google]
Our study on the drop in viral load by treatment with hydroxychloroquine in covid is online and confirms our first study. used fakes.
There is no chance that this perfectly reversing bad translation is an accident. This is deliberate sabotage under the color of a program error.
The mistranslation is easily removed/prevented by adding the missing space in “étude.Nous”, which results in (using Google Translate):
Our study on the drop in viral load by treatment with hydroxychloroquine in covid is online and confirms our first study. We had the data from the premiere validated by a bailiff showing that the ”Complément d’Enquête” program was using fakes.
For completeness and durability of my evidence, screen captures:
Missing Space:

Added Space:

I alerted Raoult to this very nasty jab by the Nasty Jabbists:
For the visually impaired or deprived, my tweets, including the Google translations:
S’il vous plaît, remarquez comment à cause d’un espace manquant, Google traduit “par erreur” ce tweet en un terrible aveu de fraude! [Please notice how due to a missing space, Google “erroneously” translates this tweet into a terrible admission of fraud!]
“Our study on the drop in viral load by treatment with hydroxychloroquine in covid is online and confirms our first study. used fakes.”
Ajout d’un espace (étude. Nous): [Addition of a space …]
Our study on the drop in viral load by treatment with hydroxychloroquine in covid is online and confirms our first study. We had the data from the premiere validated by a bailiff showing that the ”Complément d’Enquête” program was using fakes.
It’s also worth looking at the other tweets in the thread, and their translations.
The second tweet simply says “Reference” and provides a link to this article.
Let’s take a look.

Again, for the visually impaired and deprived:
Viral clearance in patients with COVID-19: associated factors and the role of antiviral treatment
- Philippe Brouqui,
- Jean-Christophe Lagier,
- P. Parola,
- M. Million,
- S. Cortaredona,
- Philippe Colson,
- Didier Raoult
The role of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in lowering the viral load of patients with COVID-19 is controversial. In our Institute, we treated more than 30,000 people with COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021, using the same diagnostic tools and the same treatment dosages. In this retrospective comparative study of data collected over this period, we aimed to compare the viral clearance in the nasopharynx as determined by qPCR in patients who were treated with HCQ and those who were not. As a new feature, we adjusted the data according to the most significant confounding factors (age, initial viral load, and timescale between the onset of symptoms and treatment). Of the 1 276 patients selected from our database, 776 were treated with HCQ and 500 were not. Viral clearance in the treatment group was reached significantly earlier than in the non-treatment group, at days 5, 10 and 30. These differences remain significant after adjustments for confounding factors. In conclusion, although age, initial viral load, and time to treatment do influence the viral load in patients with COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine associated with azithromycin still independently significantly lowered viral load more rapidly than other treatments, including azithromycin alone.
Peer review status: UNDER REVIEW
22 Mar 2023
Submitted to Journal of Medical Virology
27 Mar 2023 Reviewer(s) Assigned
Cite as: Philippe Brouqui, Jean-Christophe Lagier, P. Parola, et al. Viral clearance in patients with COVID-19: associated factors and the role of antiviral treatment. Authorea. March 22, 2023.
DOI: 10.22541/au.167948825.59270994/v1
The translation of the third tweet is the best.

Again, as text:
” Ce qui me bouleverse ce n’ est pas que tu m’ aies menti, c’ est que je ne pourrai plus te croire” Nietzsche
Translated from French by [Google]
“What upsets me is not that you lied to me, it’s that I won’t be able to believe you anymore” Nietzsche
SO – the bottom line is simple.
The other side is NOT giving up.
They lie, they cheat, and they attack good men by scurrilous means.
They sacrifice their own in the process.
The Trump Curse is real, and the WOKE are BROKEN when they attack the good and the true.
And when we stand up for what is right, we WIN in the end.

To hell with these people!
I hate, hate, hate that we have to constantly outsmart, out think, and out maneuver evil, twisted, hateful people. HATE IT.
Demons never sleep. Ever. But we have to, so we have to set guards so we can rest sometimes.
Thank you for being one of the watchmen, Wolf. It is not easy duty.
You’re welcome!
Yes – it is SUPREMELY angering that they pull this stuff off. SO sneaky. SO petty. SO phony – and worst of all, the “pretending not to know” that is so despicable.
And YES – it’s not easy. I wanted to grab some extra sleep this morning, but BY GOD, they were attacking one more good man – the SCOUNDRELS – and I decided on a big F U to the demons – just hit them HARD and hit them NOW.
I knew that I could see it, and many others would miss it. If not me, who? If not now, when?
Not gonna let them get away with it. Nope.
🙂 Git ’em!
What a terrific reveal, Wolf! A big well done. The fight never ends until Jesus returns.
So let’s enjoy the fight. Eff ’em…
Wow! Goofing the translations to artificially support The Narrative…..makes the Nietzsche quote very on point.
Exactly. There is some ROT in Google that is very anti-science and anti-truth.
Didier Raoult along with Dr Zelanko deserve a Nobel Prize in Medicine given the number of lives they have saved. (Not that the Nobels are worth anything any more.)
I find it amazing that they are STILL trying to take him out.
I think it’s in preparation for the next SCAMDEMIC.
This is a tragic, diabolic (near certain) truism, God help us…literally.
Well done on prowling the perimeter & beating back the pernicious predators!!!
BRAVO WOLF MOON! Thanks for continually bringing us the real stuff.
Honest doctors have been given a bad rap in today’s corrupt politicized science world.
Raoult is #1 in Communicable Diseases world wide – http://expertscape.com/ex/infectious+disease (Tony Fauci is #38) –
Didier Raoult, proved that HCQ was effective against SARS-II Covid 19 almost first thing in the pandemic – but they ignored him and now they want to silence him?
In 2005, researchers, including Fauci, knew HCQ was effective against SARS.
Thank you! Yes, there is a lot of ROT in science now, where the least worthy seek out administrative and bureaucratic positions, from which they can lord over the honest, the good, the qualified and the brave. It’s SICK.