Dear KAG: 20230523 Open Thread

Cover image: Culinary herbs by Gary Milek

As “Vaccine” Popularity Drops, FDA Switches Tactics: Just Take One, Y’All

No thank you.

While We Were Sleeping

Rip Van Winkle had nothing on the American people when it came to this.

Transgender Influencer’s Partnerships Drop After Dylan Mulvaney Controversy

Too bad.

Beating the Woke

They really do consider themselves enlightened.

Behold, a Trojan Horse

Badlands News Brief – May 22, 2023

NY Times attacks ‘detransitioners’ for using their stories to help stop mutilation of children

Former Deputy National Security Advisor Claims FBI, CIA, and DOJ Will Rig 2024 Presidential Election After Successfully Rigging 2016 and 2020 Elections (VIDEO)

Remember, KT McFarland was one of the Trump team picks who was isolated and essentially kicked out by the swamp creatures.

LGB group’s thread about why they’re kicking TQ (trans cultists) OUT is straight-FIRE

CNN and the Art of Smearing Innocent People

Invoking the 14th Amendment Would Be Worse Than Default

Deep State Quietly Starting to Fear the Worst: the Return of the Trump Wrecking Ball


Pelosi Daughter Carts Failing Feinstein Around in Scheme to Hold Seat for Schiff

Don’t know where to start with this one.

‘Now we have proof’: Deep State caught harming conservatives

Gaslighting From All Sides

Why the Durham Report Matters – Part One, Remember the Russian Diplomats Expelled by Obama?

Fox News Coordinating with DeSantis ‘Never Back Down’ PAC?

Debt Ceiling Sound and Fury Signifies Nothing

Why do media keep doing this? Coverage Vs Reality that makes you never trust them

Glenn Greenwald examines new poll showing the ‘disinformation’ campaigns aren’t working

Ex-Intelligence Officials Who Knew 2016 Russian Collusion Was a Hoax Cooked Up Scheme to Help Biden in 2020

An ‘Egg-Producing Female’ Is a Hen, Not a Woman


Tweet hopper:

If that really is Rick Schroeder, he needs to stay out of the sun.

I tend to agree with this.

Go away.

Meme & Fun hopper:

Taking a poll: is that one Photoshopped???????

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


OHN 17:1-11

1When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, “Father, the hour has come; glorify thy Son that the Son may glorify thee, 2since thou hast given him power over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom thou hast given him. 3And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. 4I glorified thee on earth, having accomplished the work which thou gavest me to do; 5and now, Father, glorify thou me in thy own presence with the glory which I had with thee before the world was made. 6“I have manifested thy name to the men whom thou gavest me out of the world; thine they were, and thou gavest them to me, and they have kept thy word. 7Now they know that everything that thou hast given me is from thee; 8for I have given them the words which thou gavest me, and they have received them and know in truth that I came from thee; and they have believed that thou didst send me. 9I am praying for them; I am not praying for the world but for those whom thou hast given me, for they are thine; 10all mine are thine, and thine are mine, and I am glorified in them. 11And now I am no more in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to thee. Holy Father, keep them in thy name, which thou hast given me, that they may be one, even as we are one.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


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Thank you, DePat, for starting our work-week off on the right foot. We got tons of memes, schemes, political teams, i-beams, screams, dreams, beauty creams, and clothing seams…..

Barb Meier

I couldn’t stop watching The UnseenCrisis documentary after 10 minutes. It is very good and important. Thank you, DePat for so much good stuff today!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re desperate to reduce the number of “never agains” on the vaccines!

HA! This is what bad vaccines do. They turn the vaccine hesitant into the vaccine REFUSING.


Yep. Done. IMO, there is zero reason to trust any vaccine maker, government “health” agency, or politician on the subject.


Yup – we are out as a family unit.

Virtually all of our success has come from alternative approaches and nutritional changes. Supplements have helped as discussed on here.

I am going to do an update on the grandson in a Heads Up after his routine neurology exam in June. Spoiler alert that Wolf will like – he has been weaned off all meds.



Brave and Free



I like that, too!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. That is some spoiler!

I’ll save my shocker for your post. It’s the perfect place to talk about it.

Valerie Curren

Can’t wait to hear the details!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Parents “stop this madness – don’t abuse the children!”

NY Times “stop the parents – don’t abuse the children!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m starting to see it, too. It’s big, and it’s ugly.


The people playing tennis on top of the plane were two women who really did the stunt. They weren’t actually playing tennis, but were really on the plane.

Historical Photo: Gladys Roy and Ivan Unger Play Tennis on the Wing of a Biplane in Flight, 1925

Over the city of Los Angeles in 1925, two daredevil women, Gladys Roy and Ivan Unger, performed the action…

At that time the biplane’s speed was not too fast so wing walking was often carried out by daredevils.

Pictures of them playing tennis on biplane wing quickly spreaded around the world through the press, the picture made them famous and brought them fortune. Even today we can still find people selling the photo on the internet.

Gladys Roy was well known for her stunts. Tragically, she died in 1927 after accidentally walking into the propeller of an airplane.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yikes…I wonder how they dealt with the fact that they were essentially playing table tennis in a gale.


It helps when you don’t have a ball to worry about.


  :wpds_lol:    :wpds_lol:    :wpds_lol:    :wpds_lol: 


So, we have an annual “clean-up” program in Santa Clara, where you can put all sorts of rubbish out in the street and have it picked up. I tossed our Masterbuilt 20076716 smoker, despite only having used it about a dozen times. Let me tell you why…..

On initial unpacking and assembly, it seemed like a nice, compact little unit. Its initial uses were quite successful and it was very easy to use. We had it out on our patio and it was not unattractive — a cover was included.

Problem #1 — the cover wasn’t waterproof in the least. In fact, it puddled water on top of the unit which helped it to rust.

Problem #2 — when we got the clue and left the cover off, covering the top with random waterproof slabs, it turns out that the control panel was not sun-proof. The face of the controls was merely a piece of plastic about the same thickness as packing tape, with instructions and arrows printed on it. It fell off after a couple of months leaving exposed electronics and switches. Even so, I got another couple of smoking sessions from it before the electronics failed.

Problem #3 — during all this, we ran the “chromed” racks, “chromed” rack holders, and aluminum drip trays through the dishwasher and stacked ’em near the unit for its next use. All the supposedly “chromed” parts rusted. This is not the way actual chrome plating works.

Problem #4 — I tend to be the sort of person that fixes things. I unscrewed the two screws for the control panel and tried to pull it free. No such luck.

Problem #5 — The company seems to have been acquired by Middleby Outdoor since I acquired my unit, and they have essentially eliminated phone support. Contacting the phone support number gives a message assuring online chat support, but that seems likewise to be eliminated.

Problem #6 — Online reviews have turned extremely negative for this company, its service, and its products.

So I ditched it.

Mind you, if I had a covered patio to store it and a shop to fiddle with it, I could probably make it work with an Arduino or something — but I can’t think of a way to get it to NC that doesn’t make the rest of my belongings reek of stale smoke.

I can not recommend Masterbuilt smokers to anyone. Does anyone know of a similar product that doesn’t have such n00b design flaws? Honestly, a cover that doesn’t protect against rain, chromed racks that rust, and an outdoor product that disintegrates in the sun — were these guys born yesterday?



Almost the exact same thing happen with ours that sat covered in our screen room and the cover actually worked. RUN from Masterbuilt smokers. The electronics die quickly.

I have resorted to using a good smoker box on my natural gas Weber. Going to invest in a Traeger or Pit Boss soon.

Valerie Curren

I believe that some of the internal guts (maybe a valve) can be switched to convert a propane to natural gas grill or vice versa…


You’d believe correctly…..but it’s either a jet or a burner. Propane and natural gas use different fuel/air ratios.

Valerie Curren

Good to know! Hubby has done the conversions a couple different times &/or ways over the years. Currently our built in gas grill line needs to be replaced for it’s so corroded that the gas leaks up from down in the ground. Maybe hubby will get on that this summer for I think it’s way more cost-effective to use the natural gas than the propane, though the P might cook hotter & faster, iirc. Grilling (AND Smoking) is his domain & he kicks butt at both!!!


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I hope this means that Garrison is recovering well.


Yes, same here.


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On delegation of the law-making process:

SCHUBE: Dirt Bike Police Chase Shows What Happens When Congress Allows Unelected Bureaucrats To Make Laws

…In this case, in 2021, a man named Gregory Pheasant was riding his dirt bike at Moon Rocks, a popular off-road vehicle spot on federal land in Nevada. Pheasant was riding his dirt bike without a tail light on. A Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) officer tried to initiate a stop, and Pheasant drove away. Numerous f-word laced exchanges between Pheasant and the officer occurred before finally the officer stuck his baton in Pheasant’s spokes, disabling his dirt bike.

Not surprisingly, Pheasant was charged with resisting citation and failing to operate his dirt bike at night without a tail light. But these crimes were not codified by statute in either Nevada or by the federal government. No legislative body wrote or passed these laws. Rather, BLM itself both wrote the laws and enforced them. 

Pheasant challenged these charges under a legal theory based in constitutional law called the nondelegation doctrine. Elementary level civics has taught that a bill should become a law by having both houses of Congress pass a law and the president signs the law. However, that is not how many laws are passed in current times. Congress often uses a process called delegation. There is debate over the limits of delegation, but as it stands now, delegation allows Congress to hand over the responsibilities of making law to agencies belonging to the executive branch. In this case, Congress gave the authority to BLM to create criminal laws. 

This power is massive. For example, in Nevada, 68% of the state is federal land, meaning that BLM has more power over Nevada land than Nevada’s own government. A bureaucrat in Washington, really a single person, can create and impose a law from across nearly the entire country. 

Here, under the non-delegation doctrine, Pheasant successfully challenged his charges because the laws passed by BLM were delegated with too few parameters. Under the non-delegation doctrine, Congress cannot simply hand over the power to an executive branch agency with no guidance. Rather, Congress must create boundaries to what the executive agency can do. When there are no boundaries, the agency’s regulations are not lawful.

Congress had given BLM the authority to pass any regulations it deemed “necessary,” which effectively created no boundaries to control BLM’s use of power. Accordingly, the District Court of Nevada declared the delegation unlawful. The Court noted that the BLM officials were “essentially single-person legislators and governors” and that Congress did “nothing to cabin the Secretary of Interior’s ability to choose what is a crime.” As a result, Pheasant’s criminal prosecution was dismissed. 

Nondelegation is an important principle for the courts to enforce. When Congress does not write laws and empowers unelected bureaucrats to write law for them, two things happen. First, Congress, particularly its individual members, is able to avoid taking responsibility for the negative consequences of the laws. Second, it emboldens government bureaucrats to pass laws to their own liking. While Congress abdicates its responsibility, government bureaucrats assume that responsibility…

Congress is accountable to the electorate. But government bureaucrats are often career employees who are not impacted at all by elections. Once career agency bureaucrats are hired, it is very difficult to fire them, even if they directly contradict the president (who should be their boss). These career employees, therefore, are not accountable to the people, but yet have a tremendous amount of power. 

There should be a concerted effort to cabin the Congress’ habit of delegating power to executive bureaucrats to write laws. The power should rest with parties accountable to the people. Allowing unelected bureaucrats to, without restraint, write laws is anti-democratic. 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THAT is beautiful. The TRUMP administration can make a LOT of headway with this, to disempower its own bureaucracies!!!



Barb Meier

They could call it the tl;dr law and delete all of it wholesale.

Valerie Curren

If only!


One person’s comment about the judge throwing out Kari Lake’s case:

I think this is the same judge that already ruled this way once without a trial taking place and got smacked down by the AZ Supreme Court and ordered to hold a frickin’ trial. Well, the trial has now been held and the judge rules the same way because said judge isn’t interested in the evidence.


From the judge’s ruling: “There is no statutory or regulatory requirement that a specific amount of time be applied to review any given signature.”

This is dumbfounding. The requirement is that signature verification be done. If, as was demonstrated, it can’t be done in three seconds, then IT WASN’T DONE PROPERLY.

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The judge used the dirt bike thing described by These Truths above, but in reverse, “because the law did not specify…”
What ever happened to following the intent of the law? Common sense tossed out the window.


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“Defence” is a British spelling.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Are theirs selective fire? In that case, theirs REALLY ARE “assault weapons”.

Ours were never actually assault weapons. They’re IMITATIONS. Fakes.


According to Wiki:

Personal defense weapons (PDWs) are a class of compact, magazine-fed, submachine gun-like firearmsdesigned to fire rifle cartridges. Most PDWs fire a small-caliber (less than 6 millimetres or 0.24 inches), high-velocity centerfire bottleneck cartridge resembling a scaled-down intermediate rifle cartridge, essentially making them an “in-between” hybrid between a submachine gun and a carbine

Though personal defense weapons have not been very popular for their intended application, they have been acquired by many special forces and law enforcement groups as direct upgrade for submachine guns. The FN P90 and Five-seven pistol are used by military and police forces in over 40 countries throughout the world, including Canada, Cyprus, France, Greece, India, Peru, Poland, Spain and the United States.[20] The Heckler & Koch MP7 is also used in a number of countries, including Austria, France, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Malaysia and the United Kingdom.[21][22]

I don’t know exactly what the agencies have or what terminology is being used. But if this is what they have, then you are correct that they are the ones with assault weapons.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Get off FAKE BOOK!!!




He should quickly do a similar post but from the mooosullum prospective. When they fail to issue the same “hatefilled” response he should sue them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is worth watching! STOLEN FROM SUNDANCE per his new instructions to take everything and spread it!!!


I’m pretty sure I caught a glimpse of Mike Lindell in there. I hope he’s doing ok.


Yup I saw him too .. 😉👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 ..



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Best comment of all: “This glows”

Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People are ridiculing this like crazy!


From: Christopher Wray
To: US district field agents
Subject: Field Equipment

Hello team,

Please remember to check your field equipment. Every agent has been issued crisis actor emblems to be deployed during false flags. If you have not received your Nazi flag, please contact your supervising officer immediately that this will be provided to your standard kit.

Thank you for continuing to defend the reputation of our institution.

v/r The Honorable Christopher Wray


District of Criminals, Field Office obviously received their Nazi flag. AND read accompanying instructions.

  • Nazi flag positioning is critical to, ensure natural crime scene appearance.
  • Ensure, prominent location AND orientation.
  • As if the Nazi flag were ejected when U-Haul truck rammed barriers.
  • Then, immediate press release, to Pravda News.

There’s likely a more innocent explanation for all this.
I think the truck was filled with Nazi Thank You Notes from Ukraine to Biden and they just had some trouble delivering them. 😮🙄😬🤔😏😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. AZOV Hitler…




Slow guy missed the obvious, again.   :wpds_lol: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Say what you will about our great and wonderful potus…the man is prophetic…an austere prophet. He just warned about the “greatest threat” of clandestine white national supremacy…..and BaBoom…he was right. Here it is, proof. Amazing..
/unadulterated sarcasm


It was the Azov Battalion showing up to collect more money for Zelenski.

Cuppa Covfefe

Don’t they know the Nazis were LEFTISTS????????

OK, they didn’t bother to look up what the acronym means. Despite it being in German, it’s pretty much understandable. NAtionalsoZIalismus… socialist, i.e. LEFTIST…

Then again, to the DEMONRATS, anything to the right of Lenin, Stalin, or Satan himself is considered radical right wing (conspiracy, if you’re a Klint00n)…


H/t Citizen Free Press: Snopes calls out Biden for Lying.

Did Biden Start the ‘Quad’ Strategic Alliance with India, Japan, and Australia?

U.S. President Joe Biden convinced India, Australia, and Japan to join with the U.S. to form an organization called the Quad.


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ContextThe alliance known as the “Quad” was conceived after the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami, when the four countries came together to provide humanitarian assistance. It was formalized in 2007 by then-Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, before going dormant. Former U.S. President Donald Trump revitalized it in 2017, and it gained further momentum under the Biden administration.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Traitor Joe? Lying? Say it ain’t so, Joe!


Ed Dowd (@DowdEdward) joins @EmeraldRobinson to break down the latest “excess deaths” report surrounding the experimental Covid jabs.

12.5 minutes long.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a GREAT video! Love Emerald as always, and Dowd is ON FIRE with the facts.


The first, hopefully last email from Tim Scott.

My reply.

Vote Trump – America First – MAGA.

Never, Ever, email me again ,unless Tim supports Trump – America first.

Then I marked Tim’s email spam. Such an ungrateful putz.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yup. I remember his disgraceful lack of support for Trump. UGH!!!


(I can top that !)

I’ve noticed a severe uptick in spam/ phishing emails, beginning in early February.
Mixed in occasionally in my spam folder is politicians begging for money.

-“report phishing”
-“Block” them

Wish I could figure out how to make them all STOP.
Pretty successful with the political crap!
(NOTE: Spam filter seems to work well !)


Believe this is a new Macgregor video.


NBC running cover last night with fake gun battles in the background in their brave Ukrainians story about how they are still resisting Russian advances into Bakhmut. 🤣🤪


The pay is good, for NBC.

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably footage stolen from a video game….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cuppa Covfefe

Twiddler thinks that pic is “potentially sensitive content” !!!

For whom?


Or maybe it’s considered C0rnography…


One of our faves. He paved the way for Iam Tongi to win American Idol this week .


Yea, I enjoy Iz. Have the, Iz, CD.

Almost exclusively Hawaiian language. The music IS beautiful AND soothing.

To say IZ, is legend in Hawaii is an understatement. Loved across the Islands.


I have a couple of his as well. He’s a legend.


Been a year or more, since this was posted. DP? (Hope I got it right)

Great performer. Great song. Such energy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hell yeah!!!


Saw her perform in the early 80s in Memphis. Incredible energy and show.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some fine defensive shooting shown here.


Thug stupidity ends.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I need this door!


Obviously it’s made of Fourth Amendment old growth.

Cuppa Covfefe

Adoorable, pining for a new frame job…

(Southern Yellow, no doubt… burned up a WORMGEAR circular saw on that stuff, 50 years ago back when both saws and wood were much tougher)….

Cuppa Covfefe

Where is that, Bakhmut?

Looks like they had a whole army there going in… (I’m assuming somewhere in South America, at a drug-lord-haven hotel…)….

“It was so bad, it was the worst place in town”…

Wonder if they hotel sued to get the door fixed… but I have to say, that’s some of the best framing I’ve seen…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The replies are extremely interesting intelligence, even if you don’t like them!


He can’t.


Happy go lucky

That is surreal.


Glanced at SD.

  • Why Durham matters part 1…
  • Why Durham matters part 2…
  • Why Durham matters part 3…
  • Guessing parts 4, 5, 6 arriving soon…

Until there are indictments, arrests and trials, NONE of this matters. NONE.


Until then, it IS a script. Theater. Movie… A BAD JOKE ON AMERICA.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Steve Bannon warns Elon Musk is ‘bought and paid for’ by Communist China
By JD Heyes // May 23, 2023

During the segment, the two also discussed billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, who Bannon said bought Twitter as a means of eventually creating a massive AI operation. He also claimed that Musk’s electric vehicle company, Tesla, was funded with Chinese money.

“If he’s got some plan or sees it as some cybernetic global brain for humanity…if you see what he’s thinking about with Twitter, what he feels he has, combined with the AI of Tesla, understanding that both are fully financed by the Chinese Communist Party, that’s never been disclosed, and he won’t talk about it, we have a problem.”

Adams noted that Brighteon TV content remains banned on Twitter despite Musk’s free speech pledge and that his legal team has already sent demand letters to the platform with a warning that a lawsuit will be forthcoming unless Musk allows the content to be shown.

But Bannon doesn’t believe Musk is prepared to do that because, he said, Adams is one of the most sophisticated anti-CCP voices in America today, and Musk is “bought and paid for” by the Chinese.


As much as I like some of what Elon is doing.

Elon is NOT a friend of Freedom.


There are too many problems with Twitter, still.


This characterization by SD about Musk may sound hyperbolic but I’m old enough to remember his confident assessment of DeSantis. Many of us thought it wrong headed bias…he was exactly right.
Have no idea if his conclusion about Musk will turn out to be true but…maybe so.


I had problems with SD bashing DeSantis before the gubernatorial election last year. I thought what SD was saying was true, but that we needed to keep DeSantis in place as governor and that there would be plenty of time to post the negatives afterward. And that’s what happened.


i agreed with you then and I agree now. FL/MAGA got strengthened as the establishment built the perception of him to the masses. The flaws eventually would be revealed and they have been.

Timing and patience.


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, May 23, 2023

“Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.” 

Psalms 98:4 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Report of strange event on computer.

Opened Liberty Daily Tab on computer. Tab was already running on current window. Then I started to get hundreds of people joining me or joining someone else in something called Ootottaoat. So computer was doing ‘bong’ sound as each joined, sounded like pin ball machine as each message appeared. Does not know what Ootottaoat is. All names appear to be english names. Did the control alt delete thing to see what process were running so I could shut it down. Found nothing that might look like it. Then did a search for Ootottaoat and found nothing. Closed Lliberty Daily, still more pin ball machine noises. Next clicked one of the messages showing that it was joining me or someone else. Saw that the newer messages were saying they are leaving the program what ever it is. Noticed at top it said report message. Clicked that and had the option to exit the program, actually only option. Noise has stopped but has no idea what happened or what is on my system to allow for that to happen. Has reopened Liberty Daily and all is well. Assumes some sort of script? Ideas?

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Update. retraced morning internet steps. Seems Ootottaoat is a user account in Telegram. Put name in search and it came up. Some how Oottaoat’s address book was populating on my computer. What ever it is I seem to be free of it. Because others were exiting it at the top of the 100 or so messages that descended upon me in a matter of two minutes, others must of experienced the same thing and took action to fix it. The message opened used the same back ground as Telegram.


Also adds that I don’t use Telegram for individual accounts. Only follows a very small handful of major accounts. Intel Slava Z, Ukraine Watch one for Mid East Watch and one for Brazil. Telegram is functioning fine. Can only assume the boys in the back room don’t like us looking there and ran some sort of script. I had closed Telegram before I opened Liberty Daily and have since opened it. No problems.


It sounds to me like your machine might now be part of a botnet. Call your local computer guru guy [repair shop].


Interesting. Also saw your two posts below this one.


~Day or two ago, I posted anomalies logging in , staying logged or QTree NOT available.

^^^ That aside. I also posted a link that I had clicked on.

First response. Not available. Use an American IP address. Never happened before while overseas. Have used Internet in more than a dozen countries. Asia, EU and ME.

Second try. Link worked normally.

Link was on Liberty Daily main page. Coincidence?


Has had small things happen before when I use Liberty Daily before, but they all quickly resolve. Suspect bad actors lurking in the back ground trying to find exploits.


That happens from time to time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think they’re getting ready for big censorship!


Larry’s latest:

21 May 2023 by Larry Johnson


Gotta protect Five Eyes and Mossad.   :wpds_evil: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very succinct, but that is EXACTLY what is going on.

IC gotta IC, and We The People are the “enemy” they protect us from.


“If that really is Rick Schroeder, he needs to stay out of the sun.”

Holy, moly, you ain’t kidding! I had to go look up how old he was. Born in 1970, he’s six years younger than me. I thought he must be 70 years old by looking at him.


To your credit. 🙂


Here’s today’s “D@mn, when will it ever stop?” — please bear with Yours Truly, it’s a series of rabbit holes but, IMO, important rabbit holes —

Starting off with:
May 10, 2023
“‘Absolutely Reckless’: NIH Allows EcoHealth Alliance to Resume Coronavirus Research”
Yours Truly: The NIH / NIAID just paid over $1 million total for Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance to resume research into bat coronaviruses and their “spillover” into humans via Duke University’s Medical School program in Singapore (Duke-NUS.) The funds apparently were paid out on 26 April 2023 (see the grant document, below.)

This led to the next rabbit hole: to Wang LinFa (also called Linfa Wang).
Prof. Wang is the head of the Duke-NUS “Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases.” He is a member of several WHO committees on COVID-19.
** Prof. Wang was born in Communist China, grew up there, and got his Bachelor’s degree from a university there. His PhD is from a university in the United States.

30 September 2020

30 NOVEMBER 2017
“Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus”
Yours Truly: This research was performed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
The research at the Wuhan lab was funded in part by NIAID Grant # R01AI110964 (Anthony Fauci.) IMO, this is an important paper.
*** The EcoHealth / NIAID grant listed in the first link above IS A CONTINUATION OF R01AI110964. The only difference is that the continued research will be performed at Duke-NUS.

All this, of course, raises the following question:
WTH is going on here — research for the next lab-created pandemic virus?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These assholes are still covering up. EVIL.


Preparing the next poison for the lab rats in the wild.


I have long been something of a hermit, I guess. I don’t get out much. At least I didn’t until a few months ago when I went back to church after decades away. I go every Sunday now. For a while I went to a Sabbath-keeping church (not a Seventh Day Adventist one), but I soon found out I am not remotely Jewish or Old Testament centered. Nope, Jesus changed all that old stuff, in my opinion.

There is a point to all of this. I have been going to a Bible study every week, too, where I am engaged with a large group of women. In this group I am finally being exposed first-hand to all the death and destruction being caused by the Covid Murder Shot. It is unbelievable the number of deaths, illnesses, cancers, etc. that are being reported, in the form of prayer requests. And people never seem to acknowledge the cause of all this devastation. Everyone just treats it as normal. It’s surreal.

Also very disheartening to me are the young mothers who are blithely vaccinating their children, and the pregnant mothers talking about doing it, too. Not Covid vaxx necessarily, but all vaccines. Like nothing ever happened, and quackzines are just great.

I can’t lie, it is all almost too much for me. I try hard to focus on God and His plan, which must include all of this. But man, it’s hard some days. Last night was particularly bad. Amputation because diabetes, a couple of terminal cancers, a pregnant woman with sudden diabetes, and an eleven-year-old who died. Brutal. And this was in my small group of about 12 women.


Wish there was a hug button instead of just the like button.

pat frederick

that’s the sweetest thing I ever read!


Awww. Hug received, thank you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Me too!


Thanks, DP. I appreciate you!


“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”

Hosea 4:6


Ooof. That’s very on point, isn’t it?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I can’t lie, it is all almost too much for me.

It sounds overwhelming and depressing. And on top of that, you have insight that much of it probably was brought on by their own actions, out of their blind trust and even ignorance. That’s a small group to have so many bad things happen. It’s disappointing that more people aren’t awake.


It is very sad that so many are so blind.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think there’s a reason GOD put (doubting) Thomas in the Bible as one of the Apostles. Of course, he’s there for those who believe without having seen or heard, but I also think he’s there for those who might otherwise not “test the spirits”.

When one looks at the ever present “Argumentum ad Populum” (“everybody does it”), all of the “trends” (so many ads here speak of trends, or “XYZ is Kult”, or “why do people not like …..”), and basically herding the sheeple into neither thinking, discerning, or looking out for themselves, it shows that there are VERY DARK actors behind all of this, looking to take away any resistance to anything bad… and acceptance, on the other hand, of whatever the DS wants us to do….

Say, like “The Mark”…

For that’s where I think the “source” of this is, and the goal thereof…


I agree with you, 100%.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am so sorry to hear this, but I hear you. The number of good people who believe the lies, and are mowed down by them, is staggering. I try to gently work past their trust in lies and untrustworthy medicine – gently, because a direct confrontation of the lies can backfire – and it is very frustrating, because some people are seemingly beyond help.

I am certain that God has a purpose, in their belief and my skepticism, but I am not sure how this works. I just have faith and go along with the plan at that point.

God has a reason for you to see when others don’t. You can trust that. I hope that his purpose is revealed to you, if that is His will.


Thanks, Wolf. I hope so, too.


God works in mysterious ways. You saw and heard what we saw during the same period on opposite ends of the country.

My wife and I came home from church a bit upset Sunday. Our Sunday School class is a group that runs from 25-40 people within an age bracket of 50-80 years old in attendance each week. Prayer concerns until COVID would take about 5-10 minutes tops. It has continued to take more and more time. This past Sunday it took nearly 30 minutes and I literally counted 31 prayer concerns for health reasons. Cancer was the dominant issue along with some heart, suppressed immune systems, children with serious health issues, etc.

I promise you over 90% of the people sitting there had no clue the jabs are the culprit.


Yes, it seems like there are many more sick people than there ever were before. Even over the last 3-4 months, it seems to be accelerating.


Two weeks todays, in the Philippines.

Previous visits typically 30 days.

  • Each visit there be one death the family would join the wake and funeral.
  • Two deaths already. Only two weeks in. Hope it is an anomaly.

I know of three, NOT jabbed in extended family. Rest jabbed and boosted.

One of the three not jabbed extended family member in hospital. Tetanus related. His own damn fault. Refused to get the shot. Also drunkard. Looks to be terminal. (Washed my hands trying to help this fool, years ago.)

  :wpds_arrow:  My point with this one, his DW, also NOT jabbed, is NOT allowed to see him. His jabbed children can.

  :wpds_arrow:  As I post, perhaps too commonly, Covidiocy IS a global LIE.

  :wpds_arrow:  14 of 15 (globally) gotta go.


“Everyone just treats it as normal” (the avalanche of injuries, illnesses, deaths, engendered by the COVID-19 “vaccines” but are never acknowledged as being involved at all.)

This, IMO, is exactly what the DeepState / WEF / AMA / FDA / CDC have worked so hard on to inculcate into the public consciousness — that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are perfectly “safe and effective”, so if something goes wrong after “vaccination”, it’s the “vaccinated” person’s fault (bad diet, not enough exercise, “family history”, “unhealthy lifestyle”, “didn’t get tested in time”, etc., etc.)

What is very difficult to process and accept is that the members of the “establishment medical profession” will NEVER ADMIT that they were wrong about the “vaccines”; that getting “vaccinated” themselves was a huge mistake; and that, IMO, pushing the “vaccines” on their patients was ethically (if not also literally) medical practice.
IMO, the above is for two reasons: first, there appears to be a widespread (if not publically stated) belief among “establishment medical” professionals that they are “god-like” figures who control so much of how a patient is diagnosed and treated.
Then, second, “establishment medical” professionals like to keep their licenses to practice medicine, their memberships in “prestigious” professional organizations, and to continue pulling down $200,000+ a year (much more if the “medical professional” is a specialist.)


Oh, yes, I agree! The doctors are driving the problem.


It IS, medical malpractice.

Quacks lie about Covid and Injections to our faces.

  • DW and I, anyway. Well over a dozen times.
  • Making it worse, quacks know, I know, they are lying.

It is all about money and comfy life for quacks..

We need for doctors like Malone, Kory… AND platforms with bigger audiences.


IMO, you are correct.


I read your message at work today but I couldn’t reply.

I am glad to have folks here who know what’s going on. It is hard to watch when people are so convinced of lies that they won’t be influenced by truth.


Thanks Michael.


The repeated justification across all twits that think this is a bad idea is that the Catholic Church is a cult and is nothing but abusers and pedos. Over and over.


Pedos can be found in any organization. . The sickness is everywhere were they have access to children. No religion is immune no organization. I have known of pedos in the most unexpected places. It is unfair to single out one religion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Communists helped pedos flourish and infiltrate. Blaming the victims is cruel and sinister.


Blaming victims is an easy way out.
I grew up in a different world or maybe I had an guardian angel.


Theyre a nasty lot it seems. An honor is just gross.


Boycott time.


The Dodgers family contends that these clowns have done ” lifesaving work tirelessly for decades”. What an absolute joke. They aren’t nuns, they’re freaks mocking women who dedicated their lives to God. Below is their provenance……….

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence® are a leading-edge Order of queer and trans nuns. We believe all people have a right to express their unique joy and beauty.
Since our first appearance in San Francisco on Easter Sunday, 1979, the Sisters have devoted ourselves to community service, ministry and outreach to those on the edges, and to promoting human rights, respect for diversity and spiritual enlightenment.
We use humor and irreverent wit to expose the forces of bigotry, complacency and guilt that chain the human spirit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Satan dancing with delight!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! It’s mockery of all the true virtues.

Cuppa Covfefe

Just like their father, the Devil…

When their time is up on this earth, they won’t be laughing any longer…


It is wholly disgusting on every level. Couldn’t click on it.

Wish I could WILL it away.


How sanitized.


Somebody call an exorcist, stat!


I have never liked it when sports teams single out causes to support on various game nights. I guess if they’re raising money for good causes like research for some disease or for children’s homes, it might be okay, but I don’t like the focus on social and ethnic groups. Just play ball! Why would the Dodgers be highlighting this fake religious group? There is a serious lack of judgment and also lack of courage to take a stand.


Society seems to be immersed in foul darkness, imho.
Almost everything is infiltrated or destroyed by perversion…the old school Biblical definition of perversion.
Nothing is harmless fun or irreverent humor anymore. An extremely dangerous theme has been allowed to take hold.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This stuff is swirled with Satan.

Cuppa Covfefe

And his associate Jamie Demon, erm, Dimon…


Dei in sports?

Cuppa Covfefe

Not sure San Andreas runs that far south… then again, a lot of good people would get hurt. Here’s hoping the Dodgers end up on the wrong side of a perfect game…

(just add one more to the list: I’ve hated the Dodgers since Kirk Gibson hit that homer against the Oakland A’s)….

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Dodgers stuff is worn ubiquitously in l.a., mostly Angels everywhere east.

Valerie Curren

I’ve only been aware of Kirk Gibson as a Tiger…

Cuppa Covfefe

1988 World Series, Game 1… 😡 😡 😡 😡

Valerie Curren

I was in grad school then & not paying attention to sports much… 🙂


“Poland is taking measures to deploy its troops near the border with Belarus

Information was received that the Polish Army Support Inspectorate urgently began the construction of advanced logistics bases of the 16th Mechanized Division. Two objects will appear near the cities of Graevo and Kolno, which are located 70 and 110 km from the Belarusian border. Facilities are ready on June 15.

In particular, residents of Kolno report that a section of forest has been cut down near their city and a site has been prepared for the construction of a large military facility. Judging by the number of railway plates and the construction of the covering, the construction of an advanced ammunition depot of one of the brigades of the 16th MD is underway.

For our part, we would like to remind you that according to NATO standards, artillery and tank ammunition are stored in containers, the so-called battalion (divisional) ammunition. Such a system, adopted in NATO countries, is designed to increase the efficiency of actions and mobility of troops (forces) during combat operations, as well as to ensure the survivability of rear units. Hundreds of containers stored at the base can be evacuated within a couple of hours.

Due to the lack of a developed railway network in this region of Poland, the transfer of containers to advanced logistics points will be carried out by road.

Basically, all large ammunition depots are located in the central part of Poland. Today we are witnessing their forced transfer towards Belarus.

Thus, the construction of advanced ammunition depots 70-110 km from the Belarusian border indicates the operational deployment of the Polish Army, specifically, we are talking about the preparation of forces and means of the operational rear to conduct combat operations in the Belarusian operational direction.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not good. This leaves openings for foolish people to do foolish things.


The proxy war machine must be delighted



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



On the Positive side.

As we witnessed last week, ammunition storage facilities ARE easily destroyed.

Containerized ammunition is key to mobility, rail or road.

  • Easy to take out rail, bridges and roads. Roads generally easy to patch.

Poland engages, the wrath of Putin will bitch slap them hugely.

  :wpds_arrow:  My only concern is, NATO causing a direct conflict with Russia.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOVE THIS! And yup, that’s me, too.


And me!


I’m pretty sure that’s about how our little crew of beach pals look when we’re lined up watching some of the dorks doing stupid stuff….like wearing a mask at the beach or walking off after their kids made a giant hole in the sand..and none of them fill it in before leaving AND assorted other beefs!


Extra points for the tire table.


Never forget.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people all need to be in JAIL.

Cuppa Covfefe

Double- and triple-masked with duct tape…


They can remove it to eat but have to replace it between every bite.


I like this one:

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this is so true, it hurts!

I woke up this morning with the realization that this is multi-level.

This is meant to help set the stage for future censorship, IMO. This is all coordinated.


JUST-In: Kari Lake to Make “BIG Announcement” Following Judge’s Ruling Against Her Campaign – Press Conference TODAY at 1 PM PST
This will probably be that she’s taking the case to the AZ Supreme Court, right? I don’t know what else it could be.

Maybe she’s going to take action to impeach that judge. 😮

2:00 Mountain time
3:00 Central
4:00 Eastern

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. She was clearly ready for this.


AND logic.

AZ Supreme Court AND Impeach the criminal judge.


Amazing. You can not only get a rental truck at U-Haul, but you can rent a knock off Nazi too. How cool is that! 😀

And here I was thinking the guy was delivering Thank You Letters from Azov to the White House and just had a problem finding a way in.

comment imageUPDATE: 19-Year-Old Man ‘Sai Varshith Kandula’ From St. Louis Suburb Was Driving U-Haul that Rammed Into White House House Barriers with “Nazi Flag”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a PRO JOB. MK for sure.


Yeah, thinks it went down like this.

Okay, next false flag… We need a U Haul to smash into the White House. Make sure we got a white supermacists driving it!” FIB Boss says.

“White supremacists?” guy responds back a bit skeptical he’s going to be able to find such.

“Yeah, a freaking Aryan, you clown, you know what an Aryan is?” FIB Boss snaps back.

“Oh! Aryan dude, okay, got it boss, too easy” guy says.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I don’t know – he looks Cuckasian to me! 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Closest they could get was this refreshment from LIDL 🙂

(Ayran, as in Ayran to the loo after drinking this swill)…

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, it’s a favorite in Turkey. It’s basically plain yogurt with salt and water added. I actually had some once, not bad.

Cuppa Covfefe

They have it in stores over here, for the Turks and now the Moslem invaders. Also now appearing are Sucuk, and tons of Moslem-oriented foods (Halal), some of them in special sections so the Haram items we “long-living-here-normies” don’t defile them. Pork, for instance, and mixed pork/beef ground meat, are kept in separate refrigerated displays… And, there are lots of special products that NEVER were sold before 2015 or so (Merde-Kuh’s opening of the gates) being pushed…

Funny they never took so much care of Jews and Kosher foods. Seems they were able to deal with it…

All of the corner Italiener (pizza places) and most of the Greek restaurants here have been replaced by Kebap shops and Shisha bars. Complete with all-beef salami (or, barf, turkey salami) and Halal toppings, etc.

Thanks, not, no-angel Angela…


His name is Hindi. At least the given names are. It means something like “divine rain.”


I think para’s point is that the Nazis completely bollixed their explanation of the “Aryan superiority”. They based it on a language group, not understanding that the Aryan race actually referred to a group of people on the Indian subcontinent who were NOT blond, blue-eyed, and fair-complected.

But, y’know, just as long as Germans and Poles are stuffing Gypsies and Jews into ovens, why get caught up in any intellectual consistency?

Barb Meier

The two Facebook accounts with two of those names are both associated with Indian heritage though I am not sure if either one is ^^^ guy.


From the common-sense seats out here, this looks so silly. No one cares that a U-Haul truck rammed into something outside of the WH, with no explosives and no danger to the president (even if we don’t like anything he does). It’s not a big deal and is the kind of thing that happens every now and then. And a Nazi flag…yawn. So what? I’m surprised he wasn’t wearing a MAGA cap.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. IMO this is a WH-centric op. It is designed to influence people in Washington, and their stupid puppets who believe idiocy like “white supremacists of color”. It is designed to be met with skepticism and ridicule by us, but not be so OTT (like Jussie Smollett) that it gives us a weapon against them.

This is a cunning and very professional operation.


During the Trump administration widen the perimeter of area under the purview of the Secret Service..they also updated the surveillance equipment with state of the art capabilities & software.

I want to see the video from the Secret Service, until then this is the most contrived thing I’ve seen since the ‘tiki torch’ procession in Charlottesville, VA.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Very “Tiki Torch”!!!


It’s for the optics-only crowd…the ones that never actually read an article, the 3 second picture with appropriate propaganda trailer underneath. Message sent and absorbed

Cuppa Covfefe

Next, we’ll need the burger’s king (Chuckles) to explain it 🙂

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Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Chuckles is very busy establishing his public image…out in the Empire doing good will and royal fawning over his subjects. He will never have the appeal QE had. Once he gets them all liking him he’ll lower the WEF Reset to a hurt level I bet

Barb Meier

The MAGA caps are all sold out.  😉 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My comment on GWP, updating my theory…..

Wolf Moon

5 minutes ago edited

IMO, this is related to the Biden WH internal predicament on the “IHRA definition of antisemitism” issue, which pits the DHS globalist censorship sector (“Bidenazis”) vs. the Squad-type progressives and Palestinians who want to criticize Israel without risk of being labeled as antisemites (“Bidenistas”). The Bidenazis need IHRA so that they can abuse it, and point to it when they censor “anti-regime” speech and “disinformation” (meaning us), while the Bidenistas sense they are potentially getting thrown under the bus, too.

Interesting times. Watch Ukraine. They want no criticism when they screw up for all the marbles.


Bets are now open that Mr. Kandula gets turned into, via the magic of “F_I_B / DeepState Photoshop”, into a red-haired / white skinned / blue-eyed Maga-hat-wearing person in 3…2…1…

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


It actually looks like they tried desperately to brighten him in that picture with floodlights. He – COUGH – “glows”!!! 😂


I do not believe he had a NAZI flag. Maybe if he was Ukrainian I believe it.


Some Fed whipped it out of his back pocket to spread on the ground. Notice it is a very small flag. Pocket sized. Just the fashion for those unexpected false flag events.

Valerie Curren

false flag size 😉


I think you are right 🙂



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

TAHR-ZHAY is buckling. They’re freaking out about their Bud Light trajectory!


Great news! They need to get rid of the stuff altogether, but this is a sign that they’re getting a message from the people. Of course, backlash from the LGBTXYZ community will scare them, as is happening with Bud Light. But it seems like a simple math problem to me. What percentage of the overall population is LGBTXYZ? Very small. So why cater to whims and repulse the majority of your potential customer base?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO things will be pushed back to the happy Trumpian medium of tolerance for LGB, some for T, but major negatory on grooming of any kind.


I didn’t care at all about female impersonators. It was when they started to pretend they were actual women, and expect everyone else to go along, including children, that they lit my fire. Now I think they should all be exiled to some island with a fifty-foot wall and sharks in the water, a la “Escape From New York.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Sharks with lasers! It’s the only way to be sure!


Somebody call Austin Powers.


Common core math strikes again. These people can’t do normal math, or they wouldn’t start this crap to begin with.



Video of the garbage going in a dumpster or compactor would be appreciated.


I like fire. It’s permanent.



Cuppa Covfefe

Tar-Gay….  ⛔  👬  👭  💏  💑  🚫  👎  🔥  🗿 😡 😡 😡 😡


The tranny shit is the last straw far the American public. They are just not gonna have it. So these woke-ass companies are going to have to can it, or go broke trying to make money from leftists, who don’t have any. Piss on them. Or douse them with Bud Light. Same diff.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here it comes!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Reflecting on DeSantis, who is he? His governor stick is it a farce? All prep for President 24? He is a sheep in wolf clothing presenting himself what he is not. I think he does not understand MAGA it shows some of the things he implements. He tries to appeal to MEGA what he things MEGA is. Something smells rotten. I hope more Trumpers will see through DeSantis charade.


Windsock Ron supported TPP – Trans Pacific Partnership.

^^^ Enough reason to NEVER support Windsock Ron for national office.


I heard today that Obama’s bundler is also bundling for DeSantis


Makes sense. TPP was a hussein and BiteMe creation.


Two presidents who should never have been in office.


Does that mean that Tucker is a DeSantis guy ? I am glad I am not on Twitter.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tucker may just be going for the big story!

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of dumpster fires…

Sadie Slays

Current front page of Fox News. Sometimes the headlines write themselves.

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Well, since the Florida legislature passed that new law saying that RonDS can run and not have to resign the governorship, plus that law sealing his finances from scrutiny, the road is clear for him to announce.
IMO, RonDS = “RonDeepState.” He’ll be cat’s-play for the DeepState to control.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ron Deepstatist.

Say it with the same meter as Ron DeSantis (stress on “state”).

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s being advised by RonDeSatan, most likely (aka WEFfenSS Klaus Schwab)…

The pic says “Ron’s Running”… yeah, just like a leaky toilet… he’s gonna get flushed… and he has the Ty-D-Bowl touch…


I ❤ this.


I like it!

Brave and Free

Definitely looks like it’s settling up that way. TPTB/Uniparty are playing him like a fiddle and he’s eating it up. IMO his ego and his believe that he’s superior to others is getting the best of him.

Last edited 1 year ago by Brave and Free

No one I know will pay for this traitor.


The way I see this guy is, if he’ll fuck over the man who got him elected, and all the people of Florida who voted for an actual governor, then he’ll definitely fuck over all of MAGA.

I’ve said, and I mean, I will NEVER vote for Wind Sock Ron.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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Valerie Curren

Doing some family history research I ran across this historical gem!

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found here: Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.), 17 Jan. 1933. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <;

The Chronicling America site allows access to many historical newspapers of the nation & the search function has improved over the years, imo 🙂


They had to be totally self-sufficient.

Valerie Curren

yes & 2 of them lived in caves so no bills 😉


I have solved a lot of mysteries using Chronicling America.

Valerie Curren

It’s really a national treasure!

I was reading several of the clips I found about Michael’s grandfather shooting his father, who wasn’t supposed to be able to father a child after said injury. Hubby is Literally a Miracle Child!

Hubby looked up the address of that momentous event & the building is still there 90 years later 🙂



Valerie Curren

I saw a probate notice for one of hubby’s presumed relations & there are dozens of named potential beneficiaries that practically prove the blood relationships that have been mostly speculative on my part though also suggested by an Ancestry DNA cousin of hubby’s. That name listing, & even the order of the names (birth order & closest relations first), is a huge treasure trove of info!!!


Yes and a ex communist Merkel implemented the demise. She run a psy op in college. Then she run a psy-op on all of Germany. The one who did not fall for it were East Germans they know the game.
Communists took over around the world or maybe NAZIS ? We find out in time..

Cuppa Covfefe

Blackout news ( ), Pleiteticker ( ), Reitschuster ( ), and Jungefreiheit ( ) all are covering this; the first one obviously in more depth. The fellow who founded Pleiteticker, Julian Reichelt, was chairman of Bild until the NewYorkSlimes slimed him. Reitschuster and the others are also being hassled by TPTB, to the point that Jungefreiheit is supportive of Ukraine, which doesn’t fit with the rest of their reporting (i.e. they’ve been leaned on about Ukraine, and hard). They’re very good, though, and their comments are great.

There have been articles out and about Merde-Kuh having been selected as the seed left behind after the fall of East Germany that would grow into a tree of communism/socialism/Nazism/etc. once the wall was down.

There also is the rumour that she’s really older than she looks, and is the illegitimate daughter of “Uncle Adolf”… One could certainly say in spirit, if not in fact…


Good information thank you

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s a great (albeit brief) article.

Graichen is in a world of hurt right now, in danger of losing his doctorate for plagarism, and there is increasing pushback against the greens (GangGreen) as people realize (often in shock at their energy bills) that they’re being hoodwinked…

A few weeks ago a local politician and her husband were shocked to find their nice shiny new heat pump cost them €2000 in electricity FOR JUST ONE MONTH. She said it was a good thing they hadn’t yet gotten rid of their old (but perfectly functional) gas furnace, which they had reinstalled. She is now STRONGLY against heat pumps, which only work in houses that are so well-insulated that they really don’t need heaters at all (typical of the leftards, they hide one problem inside of another, and then bill you for the fact that they hid it)…


Hmmm….I’m currently getting d/l speeds of 86.6 kB/s….


You’ve been throttled!!!

Or your computer is part of a DDOS botnet.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2
Cuppa Covfefe

From Wi-Fi to Low Fi…. no wonder they call it Pac Hell…..

Barb Meier

That happened to me on Verizon wifi starting at the end of February this year. I got my local phone company’s DSL and it is wonderful plus no limit on data usage and a buried dedicated line to my house. It’s not fiber, but still it is quite good.


Can you expand on this for those of us that are Low-tech?
(in plain English)

I have been experiencing frequent page reloads/slow loading and other issues on this site.


I was doing things not online (but with the browser window open) and just happened to do a download that clocked the speed. and got 86.6 kB/s. It is not unusual for me to see a thousand times that speed. I was the only person at home, so should have been the only person using the internet.

If it had persisted for a while (several hours) which it did not, there are things I could ask my routers about….but I’d have to jump through some hoops (the ports through which the routers can be managed are empty).

It seems like there have been a number of weird things going around.


OK thanks for that.

I’m seeing lots of oddities – not just here -can’t always figure out where the problem is.

Sometimes it fixes itself.
Sometimes, it doesn’t…


I just ran (had to enable javascript from and got 23 MBps d/l and 2 u/l, which still sucks — but is hundreds of times better than I was getting when I made the comment. (1 MBps = 1000 kBps)


This is and “old” link I saved that has a ton of information, I didn’t take note of who posted this (sorry) but h/t to who did.

Onward in the battle of truth verses criminal lies ..


Kari Lake is amazing. She’s appealing her case, but today is about starting a grassroots movement to win future elections in AZ. We need this in every state. She handles lib reporters by calling out their lies and not backing down an inch. Her leadership is exactly what we need.


Spit! Found this…
Send for Agent BoJo! Boris Johnson dispatched to Texas to shore up Republican support for UkraineFormer UK prime minister takes his message to US heartlands, as skepticism simmers in run-up to 2024 election.

“I just urge you all to stick with it,” Johnson told those seated in the grand, wood-panelled dining room in downtown Dallas, where POLITICO was also in attendance. “It will pay off massively in the long run.”

The former U.K. prime minister flew to Texas as a growing number of conservative lawmakers, candidates and activists have started to question the size of the U.S. support package for Ukraine as it attempts to fight back against the invasion launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin in February 2022.

Political tensions over the war are expected to rise further as the 2024 U.S. election draws nearer.

The two most high-profile potential candidates for the Republican nomination — former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis — have both voiced skepticism about America’s unwavering support for Ukraine. Trump has pledged to cut a “deal” to “end that war in one day,” while DeSantis dismissed it as a “territorial dispute” which does not involve America’s “vital national interests — though later partially backtracked.

But Johnson told Texan Republicans on Monday: “You are backing the right horse. Ukraine is going to win. They are going to defeat Putin.”


If the old WARSAW Pact started to flood Mexico with military equipment, set up bio labs, made energy deals with them and Mexico asked to join, wouldn’t Texas want to invade? Russia was goaded into this war. Say it’s not so & we’ll talk 14yrs of military terrorism in the Donbas.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

You are beating him with a rod of truth. Kudos.


Spot On messaging – TWs.


Why does he keep coming here to do this? I would not take a mtg and give him the time.


Money. Globalists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This tweet is graphic – basically PRON – anal sex instruction for kids.

Anal Sex Being Taught To Kids in Schools – GRAPHIC Drawing

Valerie Curren

demonic  😡 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A very graphic reason why you don’t want TRANS surgery inflicted on yourself, or on KIDS!!!

Frank discussion of sexual side effects of TRANS surgery


Everything about that lifestyle is unnatural. Men don’t look like women, their bodies don’t function like women’s, and if they change their bodies to try to “be” women, they won’t get optimal male or female functioning. Common sense should make people wonder about those things before taking action. *They* are trying to program people to think that humans can alter human bodies in order to have outcomes that in reality are impossible. It reminds me of Frankenstein.

Cuppa Covfefe

Setting up the seedy foundation of transhumanism… even shares the prefix, pre-fix… Blurring every line they can, in particular the one between fantasy and reality, not to mention good versus evil… and infinitude of shades of gray (or gay)…..

“Do what thou wilt” is the motto they share with Satan…

Just like “Live and let live”, “if it feels good, do it”, “do your own thing” and all the trash out of the drugged-up 60s and 70s… looks to be a reprise of the decadent “roaring 20s”… even today’s Berlin is like that depicted in “Cabaret”, and every bit, if not more, immoral and soul-less…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Frankenstein foretold science, and Dracula foretold religion!!!


Well, now we see how staying with dad turned out.
Wild child Claudia Conway, 18, posts racy pics as she becomes Playboy bunny

Another example of how everything democrats touch turns to s&^t.

Safe assumption there might of been some parent grooming going on here?


Well once she goes nude shes a wh ore. Sad to have that happen to your child. Charle Sheen is scum but his dtr felt her only option in life at 18 is only fans. Its so sad.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Demons took over that household.

Cuppa Covfefe

I fear that the DEMONRATS will use her to get back at Trump… somehow, some way, Conaway…

Here’s hoping and praying that those demons (and DEMONRATS, I repeat myself) are cast out, forever…


I hate to say it, but she needed her mother, who seemed to work 24/7 in the Trump WH, as well as on other campaigns and projects before and after Trump. And the relationship between her parents probably made her want to rebel. Very unfortunate situation.


I see in the article that she has a particular animus toward her mother, so after a certain period of time, it might have been too late.


I’m just going to say it; “career women” are a destructive force, and probably shouldn’t have kids.


Totally ripping off PDJT and all his stule. Theyre unoriginal,backstabbing, money grubbing, social climbers. Make Florida great then we will see, but we know how he has not stood by PDJT.

Casey DeSantis tweeted: ‘America is worth the fight… Every. Single. Time.’
She attached a 30-second video, showing her husband backstage, preparing to address an audience.
‘They call it faith because in the face of darkness you can see that brighter future,’ a man’s voice says, narrating the scene. 
‘A faith that our best days lay ahead of us. 
‘But is it worth the fight? Do I have the courage? Is it worth the sacrifice? 
‘America has been worth it every single time.’
It ended with the fundraising message: ‘TEXT LAUNCH TO 512345’ 

Last edited 1 year ago by gil00

No doubt he’ll outline some specifics and attack Trump in the process, but so far that’s all rhetoric with no substance.


We will see shortly. Murdicks are going to fawn all over across their media im sure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Jinx. He will sign it.
But dope is ok. Giving hiv to someone on purpose is ok. Prostitution is ok.

Last edited 1 year ago by gil00

Everything that’s good is bad and everything that’s bad is good – Leftism in a nutshell

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The outrage of this…..

Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You used to be able to call BP and have them come pick up any illegal you came in contact with here in CA 10 yrs ago. No mas. Too raycees.


Update. Not Guilty

h/t Dinah





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Praise God!!! 🙏




Truth prevails.


comment image

Part of the idea is to register lots of people to vote, to track every ballot that gets sent to people, and to make sure the ballot gets cast by helping people to vote and get their ballots in. Statistics were stated that many ballots were not cast in previous elections.


Do it!


But pot is legal. And most crime.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KABC) — The California state Assembly has approved a bill that would ban certain ingredients found in popular candies such as Skittles and Nerds, as well as other processed foods.
Assembly Bill 418, proposed by Rep. Jesse Gabriel from Woodland Hills, now moves on to the state Senate for consideration.
While the European Union has already banned the five chemicals listed in the bill, California would become the first U.S. state to take that step.
The bill would ban processed foods with the chemicals red dye no. 3, titanium dioxide, potassium bromate, brominated vegetable oil and propyl paraben.


LOL while I am NOT a fan of giving kids white paint to eat (you know everyone needs their daily vitamin Titanium Dioxide) it’s not up to the state to ban it in candies or other foods.


Nope. I agree too. Etoh is legal. Cigarettes, pot, etc. Covid shots are too. But no “doin the Dew” cuz its verbotten!

Cuppa Covfefe

The big problem with Titanium Dioxide is that it’s used as a coloring agent for zillions of things, including many medicines…

Here’s an article about Red Dye #3 (seems it’s been banned in cosmetics for decades… FDA thinks the outside is more important than the inside… figures):

I’m most concerned about bromines, though. And they’re often used to kill insects (then again, the WEFfenSS want us to eat them, so maybe they’ll just kill of Bromine instead)…

Our entire existence seems to be regulated, influenced, and, indeed, often ruined by chemicals. And most of the REALLY valuable information has been hidden from us “thanks” to Big Pharma, who also controls the seed, fertilizer, food additive, food coloring, perfume, and related industries, along with their “killing fields” such as vaccines and addictive drugs, etc……


Ford decides to keep AM radio on 2024 models, will restore AM on two electric vehicles from 2023

Imagine that. Guess all that talk about AM radio interfering with electronics or that they could not shield the electronics from AM radio was so much bull.

Lets face it. Just another attempt to silence conservative voices. For many working class people AM radio on the way to work is a godsend in this hectic culture. Now we just have to find a way to cut commercials by 50% at least. 😁


The whole line about “interference” was baloney from the beginning.

If they couldn’t shield AM radio interference, the FCC would come down like a hammer on them.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think they view AM radio as a threat.

AM carries FAR longer than FM or any kind of digital radio, with reception slowly degrading. FM cuts off far more sharply, and DAB (digital audio broadcasting) has been known to cut out between one end of a room and the other… and the EU has required it to be in ALL radios sold here, despite the fact that no-one wants it.

What really (I think) riles TPTB about AM is that it’s cheaper to “roll your own” and create your own station (think Radio Caroline from the early 1960s in the UK) as the equipment is relatively cheap, and has a long range. Licensing is much cheaper than for FM, and the total outlay for a DAB station is something only governments and billionaires (or WEFfenSS) can afford.

Hence the killing off of AM.

I used to do AM “DXing” (distance listening) to see just how far I could receive stations, and often picked up Hawaii stations while driving down the Kalifornistan coast, as well as distant stations in the midwest when at home in the Bay Area. Couldn’t do that with FM, and DAB DX is probably the next town over 😡

Too bad I never wrote to get QSL cards 🙁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fake Entertainment Update with possible relevance to Ukraine and/or upcoming false flags……

Dick Wolf’s TV show (2 of 3) FBI: Globalism has an episode tonight with a “lost or stolen Russian Zircon missile (hypersonic) with nuclear warheads”.

Just an FYI…..


That’s great stuff right there!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We are living in interesting times!


Perfect delivery.

Faux News bosses ,unhappy with Jesse.


😂 Not gonna happen, but fun to think about…

comment image

Barb Meier

Trump crowds would break Twitter.


There’s a positive thought.   :wpds_lol: 


Good news for an unvaxed girl who needs a kidney transplant:

Finally, a happy ending.

In December, I wrote about Yulia Hicks, a 14-year-old North Carolina girl denied a lifesaving kidney transplant for the crime of being unvaccinated.

Transplant surgeons at Duke University Hospital told her parents that Yulia could not stay on the transplant list if she did not have a Covid shot, even though she had already had Covid.

The story, which Fox News picked up, led to a wave of publicity – and more than 30 potential donors stepped forward. Fortunately, one was a match.

Now, another North Carolina hospital has stepped up, and Yulia will receive a new kidney from a live donor tomorrow.

Yulia’s life has not been easy.

She came from Ukraine to the United States in December 2018 and was given up by her first two adoptive families before the Hickses adopted her in 2021. She suffers from Senior Loken Syndrome, a genetic condition that damages her kidneys and eyes…

The family does not know the identity of the donor but hopes to meet him in the years to come to thank him, Christine said. “We ask for prayers for Yulia and her donor for flawless surgeries and painless recoveries for both.”

Meanwhile, the North Carolina legislature is considering “Yulia’s Law,” which would bar transplant discrimination on the basis of Covid vaccination status. The bill overwhelmingly passed North Carolina’s House on May 2 and has passed a first reading in the Senate.

comment image


Great news for Yulia AND common sense.

One suggested tweak to, NC Yulias law.

“…bar transplant discrimination on the basis of Covid vaccination status.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Among real conservatives, that’s the kiss of death.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that is perfect confirmation of the “Bush” endorsement of Rhonda Santis, IMO.