2023·06·03 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

A Caution

Just remember…we might replace the RINO candidates. (Or we might not. The record is mixed even though there is more MAGA than there used to be.) But that will make no difference in the long run if the party officials, basically the Rhonna McDaniels (or however that’s spelled–I suspect it’s RINO), don’t get replaced.

State party chairs, vice chairs, secretaries and so on, and the same at county levels, have huge influence on who ultimately gets nominated, and if these party wheelhorses are RINOs, they will work tirelessly to put their own pukey people on the ballot. In fact I’d not be surprised if some of our “MAGA” candidates are in fact, RINO plants, encouraged to run by the RINO party leadership when they realized that Lyn Cheney (and her ilk) were hopelessly compromised as effective candidates. The best way for them to deal with the opposition, of course, is to run it themselves.

Running good candidates is only HALF of the battle!

SPECIAL SECTION: Message For Our “Friends” In The Middle Kingdom

I normally save this for near the end, but…basically…up your shit-kicking barbarian asses. Yes, barbarian! It took a bunch of sailors in Western Asia to invent a real alphabet instead of badly drawn cartoons to write with. So much for your “civilization.”

Yeah, the WORLD noticed you had to borrow the Latin alphabet to make Pinyin. Like with every other idea you had to steal from us “Foreign Devils” since you rammed your heads up your asses five centuries ago, you sure managed to bastardize it badly in the process.

Have you stopped eating bats yet? Are you shit-kickers still sleeping with farm animals?

Or maybe even just had the slightest inkling of treating lives as something you don’t just casually dispose of?

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

And here’s my response to barbarian “asshoes” like you:

OK, with that rant out of my system…

Biden Gives Us Too Much Credit

…we can move on to the next one.

Apparently Biden (or his puppeteer) has decided we’re to blame for all of the fail in the United States today.

Sorry to disappoint you Joe (or whoever), but you managed to do that all on your own; not only that, you wouldn’t let us NOT give you the chance because you insisted on cheating your way into power.

Yep, you-all are incompetent, and so proud of it you expect our applause for your sincerity. Fuck that!!

It wouldn’t be so bad, but you insist that everyone else have to share in your misery. Nope, can’t have anyone get out from under it. Somehow your grand vision only works if every single other person on earth is forced to go along. So much as ONE PERSON not going along is enough to make it all fail, apparently.

In engineering school we’re taught that a design that has seven to eight billion single points of failure…sucks.

Actually, we weren’t taught that. Because it would never have occurred to the professors to use such a ridiculous example.

Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Kamala Harris has a new nickname since she finally went west from DC to El Paso Texas: Westward Hoe.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Spot Prices

All prices are Kitco Ask, 3PM MT Friday (at that time the markets close for the weekend).

Last Week:

Gold $1,946.20
Silver $23.41
Platinum $1,033.00
Palladium $1,458.00
Rhodium $7,900.00

So here it is, Friday, 3PM MT after markets closed and we see:

Gold $1,948.50
Silver $23.68
Platinum $1,015.00
Palladium $1,459.00
Rhodium $7,450.00

Again, gold being kept below 2000 at all costs. It took a 30 dollar hit Friday after climbing on Thursday. So things ended up almost exactly where they were a week ago.

Pi…or π if Greek Floats Your Trireme

I probably should have done π before doing e. It’s a lot more relatable for most people, who find compound interest magical…and if they don’t find that magical, the idea of continuously compounding it might induce a headache if they think about it too much. (The way out involves concepts verging on calculus.)

But who the heck can’t visualize a circle?

Pi is, of course, the ratio of the circumference of a perfect circle, to its diameter.

The ancients wrestled with this. Pi isn’t quite 3. Nor is it 22/7ths (or 3 1/7 if you can’t stand so-called “improper” fractions and have to see it as a “mixed number” [an integer plus a “proper” fraction]). [An “improper” fraction is any fraction where the top number is at least as large as the bottom number, e.g., 22/7 or even 5/5.]

Perhaps they just needed a different fraction. 333/105 is closer to π, 355/113 is closer still…but neither are spot on. Nor are 52163/16604, 103993/33102, 104348/33215 nor even 245850922/78256779.

There is no possible fraction with integers top and bottom (numerator and denominator) that will represent π. It cannot be expressed as the ratio of two whole numbers. It is ir-ratio-nal. Which leads to “irrational” numbers being a term. It’s unfortunate, because it makes them sound crazy, woke, Leftist, or something.

However, if you truly want a crazy number, consider either the number of illegal “immigrants” coming through…or the US Federal debt.

Pi works out to 3.14159265358……approximately.

There are plenty of irrational numbers out there. For example, if a number isn’t a perfect square (e.g., 1, 4 (2×2), 9 (3×3), 100 (10×10), or 3721 (61×61), then the square root of that number is irrational. So the square root of 3 is 1.732050807…. (easy to remember the start of this, as George Washingon was born in 1732 (new style)).

An irrational number can’t be written as a fraction, and if written as a decimal never ends.

But wait, 1/3, when written as a decimal never ends, either. And 1/3 is clearly a ratio-nal (rational) number.

But a rational number written as a decimal will fall into a repeating pattern if it doesn’t actually end. 1/3 = 0.33333…. (obvious repeat), 1.6 = 0.166666 (repeats, after the first digit). 1/7th = 0.142857142857…. (a seven digit group, repeating forever). In fact the maximum number of digits before repeating is the denominator itself minus 1; 1/7th is at that maximum since it repeats after 7-1=6 digits. So does 2/7, 3/7 and so on (in fact the repeating digits form the same sequence, just started in different places. 5/7= 0.714285714285…. In fact fractions n/7 start with every single one of the numbers in the sequence ending with 6/7=0.857142857142.

[This repeating nature of some fractions…but not 1/2, 1/4, 1/5, 1/8, 1/10, 1/16, 1/20 and so on, is an artifact of our decimal system, operating in base 10; 10 expressed as the product of primes is 5 x 2. As a result, if the denominator is a number that factors completely into 2s and 5s (i.e., any number of 2s and any number of 5s, in any combination), the decimal point representation will eventually end. But if the prime factors of the denomination include any other number…the decimal will never end, but will repeat. So, for instance, 60 (2 x 2 x 3 x 5) has that one 3 in it, so fractions with sixty in the denominator may not end. They will end if the numerator also divides by 3; then the 3s cancel out, e.g., 42/60s also equals 14/20ths or 7/10ths. The denominator is only 5s and 2s and so that fraction is just 0.7.]

So e and π are both irrational numbers, along with almost every square root, cube root, fourth root, and so on.

But π and e are also members of a class known as transcendental numbers. These are numbers that are irrational and can’t be found by solving a polynomial (which can involve taking a root of some other number). In other words, you cannot write a formula like this:

xnm = 0

Where m and n are any integers you care to pick, and have x equal to π or e or any other transcendental number, whereas the square root of 2, which is also an irrational number, isn’t transcendental because it solves this problem with m and n both set to 2:

x2 – 2 = 0

(By the way that’s true even if you combine different powers of x; I just gave a simple case.)

Pi can now be computed to billions of digits, and there’s no sign of it ever ending (nor is it expected; it has been proved to be transcendental, and in math you can actually prove things to be solidly, incontrovertibly true).

Pi is hugely important in mathematics; it shows up all over the place. And in the sciences just about anything having to do with geometry will have π in it. It shows up in Maxwell’s equations and in Einstein’s equation describing general relativity, both of which involve geometry.

Pi also shows up in measuring angles. Consider a circle of radius 1. (We don’t care about whether that’s a meter, furlong, line, chain, light year, or parsec, though the last two would be a bit unwieldy in a diagram.)

Now imagine starting at the right side of the circle (3 o’clock), and going counterclockwise, measuring the length of the arc. If you go all the way around the circle, your total length is 2π. (Remember the radius is 1, not the diameter.) Since this is based on the radius of the circle, we say you have measured an angle of 2π radians. And this works as an angle (not a linear measurement) because it doesn’t matter what the size of the circle is; the full trip around the circumference is of course 2π times the radius, a full circle is 2π radians as well as being 360 degrees.

This sounds like it should be a solid pain in the butt. A 30 degree angle is 1/12th of the full circle, so that works out to π/6 radians or 0.5235987755982987307710723054658…radians. Most people would give up sooner than I did. But who wants to write that out even to five digits?

So they don’t. They’ll write that angle as π/6.

Since radians are simply one length divided by another, without any sort of constant fudge factor thrown in, they’re dimensionless (in physics) and for mathematicians are the “natural” way of working with angles, just like e is the natural base of logarithms.

OK, so how about, instead of stopping after traveling around the full circle, you stop after some other, arbitrary angle? Where are you? You start at one unit to the right and zero units up. After a quarter circle (π/2 radians), you’re now at zero units to the right, and one unit up.

How about that thirty degree angle? Which is to say, 1/12th of the way around the circle, which is to say π/6 radians? Well it turns out you are 1/2 a unit up (exactly), but the square root of 3, divided by 2 a/k/a sqrt(3)/2 units to the right. So yes most of the places on a circle have coordinates that are irrational (but not necessarily transcendental) numbers. Some few places have “special” coordinates, like 45 degrees (π/4 radians), where both sine and cosine are the square root of 2, divided by 2 or sqrt(2)/2; most are just some irrational number you can’t relate to the square root of some nice tidy little number like 2 or 3.

You can conceive of a function that will tell you how many units to the right you will be for any given angle…and another that will tell you how many units up you are for any given angle. You could even give these functions names, like, oh, say…cosine and sine.

Of course, I didn’t just pull those names out of my rectal database. Those are the actual names, and they get abbreviated cos and sin. (So somebody else pulled those names out of his rectal database, and managed to get everyone else to go along with it.)

It seems like this is a contrived situation, but this is astoundingly useful. First objection: Not all circles have a radius of 1. In fact most of them don’t.

So what? It scales. If a circle has radius 1.945, you can compute those positions by simply multiplying the sin and cosine of whatever angle, by 1.945.

[Or you can look at it another way…all circles have a radius of 1…provided you can pick whatever measuring system you want!]

So you will see sines and cosines all over the place in physics; just for instance the way you break a vector up into its components uses the sine and cosine of the angle the vector is pointing towards. A vector of length 10 pointing off at a 60 degree…ahem, π/3 radians) angle will have an x component of 5 (i.e., 10cos(π/3)) and a y component of 10 sqrt(3)/2 (i.e., 10 sin(π/3)). (Note that the cosine and sine of 60 degrees are swapped from the cosine and sine of 30 degrees.)

So sine and cosine can be very useful. And mathematically speaking, if you just take the cosine of some number…that number is assumed to be in radians. (Even deep in the bowels of your computer, in the arithmetic coprocessor, the sine function will take radians as its parameter. What you see on your spreadsheet when you ask for sin(30) is computed only after turning 30 degrees into radians.

And again radians are the natural way to do this. So much so that when taking about, say, the sine of some number, mathematicians don’t even bother to specify “radians” because a radian is simply a dimensionless ratio of arclength to radius without a fudge factor in it, like there would be for degrees.

Now there’s one more thing, and I will give my fingers (and your brains) a rest. The names cosine and sine imply a connection between the two functions, one is the co– of the other.

And that’s true. Let’s switch to degrees for a moment and check a few key values. The cosine of zero is 1. The cosine of 90 is 0. The cosine of 180 is -1. The cosine of 270 is 0 again. And the cosine of 360 is 1 again. And you can fill in the halves, the northeast, northwest, southwest and southeast: The cosine of 45 is sqrt(2)/2, the cosine of 135 is -sqrt(2)/2; the cosine of 225 is again -sqrt(2)/2, and the cosine of 315 is sqrt(2)/2. Merging the two sequences, and writing them out in order: 1, sqrt(2)/2, 0, -sqrt(2)/2, -1, -sqrt(2)/2, 0, sqrt(2)/2 and back to 1, after which 405 degrees is basically the same as 45 degrees, so we repeat the same cycle, over and over again.

Now let’s do the same thing for sines. We get: 0, sqrt(2)/2, 1, sqrt(2)/2, 0, -sqrt(2)/2, -1, -sqrt(2)/2, and back to 0.

Note that they are the same sequence…just starting at different places. If you were to actually graph these functions, they’d look identical…just one would be shifted compared to the other. So there’s definitely a connection worthy of deeming one of them to be the co– of the other.

The sine and cosine are important concepts, and although you can learn to play all kinds of tricks with them–enough so to be worthy of a full semester of math class–really what you’re going to need if you haven’t already rage-quit reading my posts, is to remember that the cosine is the distance to the right of zero (so it’s negative if you’re to the left of zero), and the sine is the distance above zero (so it’s negative if you’re below it), of a point on the “unit circle” (radius 1).

[And yes, being to the left of 0 as in 0bama is pretty far left.]

One last note. The full circumference of a circle is 2π. And because of that, a lot of formulae in physics have a 2π in them. So much so that some argue that the more natural constant is the one we think of as 2π, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius rather than its diameter. That, of course would be 6.283…rather than 3.1415926…and those who make this argument advocate for calling this number τ, i.e., the Greek letter tau. (It rhymes with how.) This position is becoming increasingly popular but I doubt it will ever supplant pi. On the other hand, it’s natural to talk of τ/4 radians and have that be a quarter circle (rather than half of a half circle); that’s more intuitively a right angle than π/2 is.

OK, so far we’ve discussed numbers that show up on a number line. They may be transcendental, impossible to write out in full even as a fraction, but you can say that e is between 2.71828 and 2.71829, and that π is between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927.

Our next number, however, will be one you cannot do that with.

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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WebMD News Brief
Sucralose Damages DNA, Linked to Leaky Gut: StudyWritten by Lisa O’Mary
June 1, 2023 – A new study reveals health concerns about the sugar substitute sucralose so alarming that researchers said people should stop eating it and the government should regulate it more.
Sucralose is sold under the brand name Splenda and is also used as an ingredient in packaged foods and beverages.
The findings were published this week in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B. The researchers conducted a series of laboratory experiments exposing human blood cells and gut tissue to sucralose-6-acetate. The findings build on previous research that linked sucralose to gut health problems.
The researchers found that sucralose causes DNA to break apart, putting people at risk for disease. They also linked sucralose to leaky gut syndrome, which means the lining of the intestines are worn down and become permeable. Symptoms are a burning sensation, painful digestion, diarrhea, gas, and bloating.
When a substance damages DNA, it is called genotoxic. Researchers have found that eating sucralose results in the body producing a substance called sucralose-6-acetate, which the new study now shows is genotoxic. The researchers also found sucralose-6-acetate in trace amounts in off-the-shelf products that are so high, they would exceed the safety levels currently allowed in Europe.
“It’s time to revisit the safety and regulatory status of sucralose because the evidence is mounting that it carries significant risks. If nothing else, I encourage people to avoid products containing sucralose,” said researcher Susan Schiffman, PhD, adjunct professor of biomedical engineering at North Carolina State University, in a statement. “It’s something you should not be eating.” 
The FDA says sucralose is safe, describing it as 600 times sweeter than table sugar and used in “baked goods, beverages, chewing gum, gelatins, and frozen dairy desserts.”
“To determine the safety of sucralose, the FDA reviewed more than 110 studies designed to identify possible toxic effects, including studies on the reproductive and nervous systems, carcinogenicity, and metabolism,” the agency explained on its website. “The FDA also reviewed human clinical trials to address metabolism and effects on patients with diabetes.”


Good info. I thought something negative came out about Splenda many years ago, but I can’t remember exactly what. Of course the FDA says it’s safe. 🙄


We should take advantage of the eruption of Popo so close to Mexico City for a “Covid Awards Program”. Management of both the CDC and FDA should qualify.


Send ’em down!

Cuppa Covfefe

Popo is the term for buttocks that young children over here use to avoid getting soap in their mouths (or, anymore in our no-punishment-by-parents-allowed culture, a scolding)…

Oddly appropriate (or apropopos)…


Links to info about splenda and aspartame are at the bottom of the list I linked below 👍


“The FDA says sucralose is safe, describing it as 600 times sweeter than table sugar and used in “baked goods, beverages, chewing gum, gelatins, and frozen dairy desserts.””


Okay, for starters, I can’t think of anything that would be ‘safe’ at SIX HUNDRED TIMES the normal potency 😂

A quick check of the Interwebs turned up lists of items with sucralose, including brand names, like this list:



A lot of that doesn’t even qualify as food, IMO. 😱



Gail Combs
Gail Combs

I should mention my leaky gut — Acid Reflux was cause by WHEAT!! We also know that we are being fed GMO foods. (I will get into that later but the method of adding genes DOES NOT GO AWAY in GMO foods.)

BEWARE CONFOUNDING where they link to one thing and it is several things or they did not LOOK at the second thing at all.

THIS could be a cover up of the damage that is ACTUALLY CAUSED BY GMO FOODS and really has nothing to do with sucralose.

(I know the biologist that did the original testing on sucralose.)



I remember when eggs would kill me, too. And saccharin was the devil. And don’t eat red meat. And, and, and.

I’m eating whatever the hell I want. I don’t believe scientists anymore.


R.I.P.  😇 


Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2


My Dad used to say that something was going to kill him, so he might as well do what he wanted.

Cuppa Covfefe

That good ol’ Mountain Dew… 🙂


There was always at least a pint jar in the house.

Cuppa Covfefe

Steam rising off it 😀


Wish I could 🙂
I always ate eggs, butter and whole milk.
Some things are common sense like not to eat artificial anything or color additives.


I always did, too.


Common sense is good. Normally always swim against the tide. 🙂
I wish you lived closer 🙂




I can tel 🙂



Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, and White Lightning and Everclear cancel out the effects of anything else 😆 hic…  🙃  🗿 

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Old-school doctors would always go home and have a stiff drink at the end of the day, to kill off any virus they may have picked up. I still do that if I feel like I’ve been exposed. Straight liquor of any kind.


For sweeteners I use saccharin, only because it’s been out since at least WW2 and any bad effects would (hopefully) have shown up by now.


Thank you for the info. I have never taken artificial sweetener because I do not see good in them. The information confirms what I suspected. One wonders however where they sneak it into our foods without letting us know?
I know a man from church diabetic who drank lots of diet Cooke he developed eye problems to the point where he was almost blind. The doctors were unable to find out what the problem was. One doctor finally told this guy to cut out the Cooke and his eyes got better after several months.

I think someone needs to tell Trump to cut out the diet Cooke :).


The brand I’d been using for ages just totally disappeared a couple of years ago. I did find another brand, it was the only one I could find and it’s a lot more expensive. May have been newer types are more popular or saccharin got hit on the head to force people to buy the newer types, dunno.


Wrong place that was a reply to SteveinCO.


Yes that happens. One needs to be careful. I can live without it do not need to sweating much. When I grew up sugar was not easy available and costly. I like honey but curb that also. All that taste good is not good and needs to be taken in moderation. Not easy and a struggle 🙂


That’s how I knew saccharin had been around for a long time. Mother said during the war suger was very hard to get and they used saccharin which she hated the taste of.


My mother used saccharin lived to be 84.
My father like sugar and past at age 74.


My brain hurts.

comment image


Which inevitably gets the reply, “yes, i is”.

Last edited 1 year ago by cthulhu

And I’m pretty sure I’m not getting that joke. 😅


When dealing with complex numbers, they are expressed as the sum of a real part and an imaginary part — the imaginary part being a multiple of the square root of -1. so “4 + 6i” would be a complex number.



Actually, the real answer might be, “i is not irrational; i is imaginary.”


Yeah, power of suggestion from the caption of the cartoon. I already squared it away……heh…..


[quiet chuckle]

Cuppa Covfefe

Someone has to free that radical…..


Well, yes, I am. Sometimes.

Cuppa Covfefe

Then there are imaginary people (like honest Congress-critters):

by William Hughes Mearns

Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn’t there!
He wasn’t there again today,
Oh how I wish he’d go away!”

When I came home last night at three,
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall,
I couldn’t see him there at all!

Go away, go away, don’t you come back any more!
Go away, go away, and please don’t slam the door…

Last night I saw upon the stair,
A little man who wasn’t there,
He wasn’t there again today
Oh, how I wish he’d go away…


«I’ve always imagined that I’ve been irrational»



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“trans-real numbers are real numbers!!!”


And they can get pregnant.


Count me in 😂


Love it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like an i exam to me 🙂


comment image


My dad tried to teach me trig when I was in fourth grade. He kept talking about “opposite over adjacent” and it just frustrated both of us.

Moving forward a number of years, I hit analytic geometry — throw a unit circle up on the whiteboard, centered at (0,0). Start an angle from the positive X axis and run it along the circle theta radians anticlockwise. Where you stop is (cos theta, sin theta). From there, I could practically derive trig faster than I could remember it.

And I still don’t get why he tried the other way, which I still don’t get.


It’s kinda like why do they teach high school physics to students without giving them calculus first? The problem is the schools want to take credit for giving students physics as a science credit but they can’t give the prerequisite calculus until their senior year. So instead of doing things in a logical order or progression, they just brute force it.


I’ve often said that the secret to crunching undergrad Physics (and Econ) is not to take the Calculus classes when they say you should — e.g. Calc 3A, Phys 1A; Calc 3B, Phys 1B; Calc 3C, Phys 1C. Instead, take the Calc at least one step in advance — e.g. Calc 3A; Calc 3B, Phys 1A; etc. It makes it totally obvious that half of what they’re doing in the Physics class is dancing around the class’ lack of mathematical preparation.


I took physics in college but never had trig or calculus. It was not too bad but i had to study hard. Maybe the math component was different.


Much of the difficulty was probably dancing around having no calculus or trig. With those two, it’s a smooth paved road; without, it’s like jumping from boulder to boulder.


I had to study very hard. I was beehind in math bc of my school curriculum and had a lot of difficulty. Mr gil took pretty advanced calculus.

Gail Combs

Actually my high school had Calculus in the first period and then Physics in second period. The physics taught in second period USED the calc we had just learned in first period.

Coordinated?? OF COURSE!


OMG! A real edumacashun.

Cuppa Covfefe

Tom Lehrer’s take 🙂 (starts at 1:30)…

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Cuppa Covfefe

A vast right-triangle conspiracy 🙂


For me, the analytic geometry thing was so much easier. “cos^2 + sin^2 = 1?” — of course! They’re both legs of a right triangle and 1 is the hypotenuse….

The only Indian chief story that I know that goes with it is “the squaw on the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws on the other two hides.”


I had not heard Casey DeSantis speak at any length before. This is only about a minute and a half long but seems much longer.

“miguelifornia” on Twitter:

Casey is throwing a serious “Hillary vibe”.

The constant emasculation is never hot

I’m not impressed. She babbles on too long about the kids and tries to relate to the audience, but it comes off as phony to me. DeSantis himself looks uncomfortable, and at one point he even twiddles his thumbs. The whole thing is not a good look, IMO.

Casey is an attractive lady, but she is no Melania Trump.


Why is she talking?

Is she running for president?

What do the things she’s talking about have to do with… anything?


Right. I don’t know what the occasion was, but it looks as if it’s related to the campaign.

I think it’s marketing. Show that you have a wife and 2.5 kids and maybe even a dog. Show that the wife is strong and supportive and a leader in her own right. Demonstrate that you’re human with kid/dad/mom stories so people can relate to you on a more personal level.

It didn’t work. It never works when it’s forced.


“I think it’s marketing. Show that you have a wife and 2.5 kids and maybe even a dog. Show that the wife is strong and supportive and a leader in her own right.”


Why would they want to show that? What’s the agenda here?

Is this being packaged like a Bubba and Hitlery ‘two for the price of one’ deal?

Why can’t she just be his wife?

Why isn’t that good enough?

Why does she have to try to prove she has a bigger *&^% than he does? That’s what it looks like she’s doing. Maybe she should be the candidate, and Rhonda could be the First Lady in waiting?

It’s just weird, and it’s always weird, whenever Helen shows up, clears her throat and prepares to roar.


“Demonstrate that you’re human with kid/dad/mom stories so people can relate to you on a more personal level.”


So when the stories sound completely fake, it has the opposite effect, like she’s an AI robot lady 😂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Why does she have to try to prove she has a bigger *&^% than he does? That’s what it looks like she’s doing.

That’s where this fails. The usual ads, often local ones with postcard advertising, show pics of families so we can infer that the candidate is probably not a drug-addicted murderer or the like. But Casey went way too far, and that is off-putting. “The three-year-old runs the household, not the governor or his wife.” It’s a cliche. Not cute, and not funny.

Barb Meier

I’ve come to think that marketing has totally failed. Should it be outlawed? LOL

Cuppa Covfefe

Is she perhaps WEFfenSS or from a “spook” family???

Might be more here that we’ve been looking at/for…

Barb Meier

How much brainspace of other people is she wasting? That is, how many people are waiting for her to stop talking so they can learn more about this guy wanting to be president?


Shes cankles and babs bush in a wannabe Melania or Jackie O package. Its not a esthetically pleasant.


I’m sure she’s a nice enough person — but with parenting and her own health issues, it was really a bit much for the campaign to put her on the spot like that.


Yes bc this is rehearsed to the point of unnaturally connecting. Like her husband she’s “all in” and I dont think its time for that. Waiting for 2028 would have been the right path.


I was thinking about your comment about teaching the gilkid history…..do you guys own a globe?


Yep. I have a decent one. Will have a little ancient rome week and Egypt history week over summer. Very introductory. This next year will be American history everything post industrial revolution. Then onto World history the following year.



I would start out with the comment, “the more you know; the more you see.”

You can show him this when you drive someplace. Does he notice when you get on a highway? Whether you’re headed north or south? Does he know what cities are further along in the direction you traveled? Was there anything about the geology of the hills and road-cuts that merits comment?

The world (time for the globe) is full of information and understanding. You can see the trade winds, and the climate bands. You can see the movement of people out of Africa and what they did to survive the rest of the planet. You can see the Cradles of Civilization, and how cultures ebbed and flowed.

Only then would I introduce Rome — which doesn’t really make much sense without Carthage and Greece and the swirl of the Mediterranean…..

It’s ok to do little units on Rome or Egypt or Babylon or Persia, but History is the Tale of the World. If you just pretend that the Huns just showed-up on Roman borders, as Roman history suggests, you ignore the history of the Huns that put them there.

And it is those extended links that make History infinitely fun and interesting.

IIRC, your young lad isn’t quite there yet, but somewhere between 11 and 13, you might let him read the two-volume abridgement of The Golden Bough. It’s supposedly “discredited”, but people familiar with it will be better educated than those who aren’t. Be aware, however, that the longer versions contain increasing amounts of nightmare fuel.

It presupposes a certain knowledge of Greek mythology, which can be found in many popular versions if you don’t want to go to Hesiod’s Theogony and the like. Again, however, the continuity between ancient sources and modern summaries should be stressed.

The development of hunter/gatherers to nomadic herders to agriculture, civilization, and cities is really more interesting than each individual region. Further development of trade routes and colonies, leading to the conflict of Empires, are key to understanding ancient and modern worlds.


I think ‘The Return of the Gods’ makes the case for why ancient mythology existed at all, and how it relates to us in the here and now.


That must be a really good book. I see it referenced a lot.


When I took Ancient History in High School most of what was known went back to Ancient Greeks and Romans. What was known before was quite limited. Not so any more. Learning about that Inanna stuff with her being the first known author in the world (circa 2300 BC) sent me back quickly to see how much information had been filled in (much). I had thought Sapho was the oldest woman author (circa 500BC).

Since then it has been an interesting ride, Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Hittites, Medes, Persians, and more one after the other and more in between. Even got in the Eastern Roman Empire, which is most fascinating, I’m currently stuck in the Vedic age of India after having traversed the Puranic Age I found I needed to go back further. I’m still in survey mode of all of the above. Nothing overly deep, but it helps in putting things in prospective.

This first picture is a series that has been most helpful. The writer I just learned is an advocate of homeschooling. It wasn’t what drew me to her.

Her chapters are short and she follows loose themes that you don’t have to pay too much attention too. Each chapter is at most 5 to 6 pages and comes with one or maps and a progressive, comparative time line that includes past chapters. She skips around the whole world, but most of the action happens where you expect it too. She does many author sites, and from these I’ve done much of my jumping off into niche areas.

I’ve only finished her first two in that picture and am engaged in the third but it is a car book and I spend less than fifty dollars on gas a month so progress is short (too late for the Well Organized Mind stuff I assume 😬😏😆)

Adult Collection
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Young Adult Collection
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Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Quick note on the young adult books. Once took a look during our Q tree home school surveying phase to see if I would recommend them. Did not as the reviews were rather mixed but thinking moar on that it may well be out of petty jealousy or demon distractors (the rakshasa’s are everywhere and always have been) as after experiencing her other books and easy style and full grasp of history, I really can’t imagine them being bad.

Adds my jump back into history has been fairly short. Started midway into the Trump presidency some time after Nunes fired the shot heard around the world that got FISA Gate kicked off, while waiting for someone to hang the treasonous bastards that have wrecked our country. And as one might guess I spend most of my time here, so my extra readings can be easily matched by anyone here (and they’ve included an assortment of petty novels too, including Cthulhu’s Lovecraft collection) if they wished especially as I count my self as a lessor, compared to all the smart folk that populate Q tree.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Try ‘The Return of the Gods’ by Jonathan Cahn.


😃 👍


Don’t sell yourself short!


I bookmarked that, thx.



Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

These books might be similar in viewpoint to Will Durant’s History of Civilization series, maybe easier to read and much less heavy to carry. My grandfather had the whole full shelf back in the 1950s. Thank you, para59r.

I regret not finishing the Durant books. I just gave up after Renaissance. Looking back, I was just too young to process ideas in Reformation and Enlightenment. After college I read Quigley’s ‘Tragedy and Hope’. Now I accept the evil cabal is real and our politics and media is fake. Things make sense to me now.

I wonder what would Will Durant think about our after-post-modern times? What theory of people would he use to explain this?


Do you have a Western Garden Book?


My mom sent me one. But it’s in the garage library. I’ve only turned a few pages in it.

Brave and Free

My two cents on Rhonda.
Yes he’s looking more and more like everything is scripted, which it is. He’s not a natural at responding if he feels threatened, he’ll lash out.
I am seeing more people are saying that the DS of whoever are going to pin all things covid/Vax on PDJT.
So if RD has been the chosen one to be President? He’s been controlled for the last four years. What’s the possibility that his Free FL. response to covid was all planed also? He then can become the shinning night of freedom.

Also his betrayal of PDJT and the people of FL. proves to me he has no loyalty to anyone except himself. His currant actions bring all of his previous ones into question. Commonsense would have been to back PDJT and run in 28. So he’s either become controlled or his ego has become his controlling force. Either way he’s losing support in FL. and the fake news isn’t reporting it. He’s the New kid on the block with Fox, that right there should tell everyone all you need to know.


I think it was ALL scripted. Even his wife’s “illness.”


Seriously? That’s pretty rude, coming from someone as smart as you are.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

Why is it rude? Knowing what you know about the lengths these people will go to?

They will pretend Covid was killing millions, while they actually killed them with hospital protocols. They will pretend it was a virus spread by pangolins, when it was released from a biolab. They will pretend masks prevent disease while they actually cause infertility and brain damage to our children. They will pretend that the border is closed, while human beings are trafficked across it every day.

And you think they would flinch at pretending illness for sympathy?


There ya go being logical, again. 🙂


It is my greatest failing, I know 🙂


  :wpds_mad:  That’s funny. The, “rude” part.   :wpds_twisted: 


Why on earth would one trust a politician, to speak truth.


Not sure about his wives sickness that is dangerous to do because karma is a bitch 🤔
Yes he is owned and scripted and has no loyalty and no discernment.


Karma is a bitch, but people do stuff like this all the time. They catch people pretending illnesses, even cancer, and using it to grift money on fundraisers and things like GoFundMe.

And I think blind ambition is as big, if not a bigger motivator for some than money.


True it is astounding what people do. Still of DeSantis wife faked it then it is on her to live with. That kind of faking to me is not worth money or anything else. As I said karma ….who fakes illness will have a rude awakening.


I agree.




IIRC, DeSedative has his own COVID problems.

Commonsense would have been to back PDJT and run in 28.

I was sure he would wait, but I was wrong. This is like watching someone destroy his political career in real time — unless the Deep State gets in complete control. The Magadonian movement is not going to quietly go along with that.




I agree with you and thank you for expressing the problem with DeSantis so well.


Betrayal of Trump is enough to NOT support Rhonda.

Then there is Rhonda’s support of TPP – betrayal of America.


Thats a good 2 cents!

Deplorable Patriot

I’m willing to entertain the idea that she was Cabal Matched with him. Something about her….


Stepford Wife?


Good analogy.

Comes off as, plastic.


She his … handler?


Its interesting that we have more and more suspicions about arranged marriages among “successful ” people.


I’m just gonna come out with, even though I know it will make people mad.

I’m not sure whether she had health problems, or it was made up for sympathy. I don’t believe anything about these people anymore. I would need hard evidence.


I can go both ways on that one. The most diabolical people would do what you suggest. I also have a personal issue with questioning someone when they say they’re sick.

If Casey is the person she appears to be in that video clip, I don’t think she could have voluntarily taken herself out of the public eye for so long. She comes across as a manager. But “the science isn’t settled.” More about who she is will be revealed over time.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

I feel the same as you do about questioning illness, but after the way we have been jerked around for the last several decades, I trust NONE of it.


it was really a bit much for the campaign to put her on the spot like that.

I wonder if they did, or if she’s very assertive and hands-on in running things. We’ll get a clearer picture in time.


I think you hit the nail on the head. The rumor is she is the driving force behind DeSantis.

Cuppa Covfefe

What was that saying, “behind every successful man is an angry woman” ???

(ducks and runs, and runs, and runs….)…..


I like that. … 🙂

Barb Meier

Me too




The theme for Rawhide immediately popped into my head …


Good description 🙂


Casey yammering, smacks of the Hoe….babbling, NOTHING of value. spoken.


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New brannding by Trump? Magadonian is an alternative to Republican. Now people are making memes.

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In Magadonia I bet they don’t have to do this…

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or this…
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or this…
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None of this…
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In Magadonia they’d flush out the bought and paid for Sore Ass Atturdney generals that made shop lifting legal and they’d lock them up instead.

https://nypost.com/2023/06/02/shoplifting-crisis-is-so-bad-shoppers-struggling-to-find-non-locked-up-items/ NYC

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

You did see Bernie being marched along in captivity, did you not?


yep… Bernie just came back from Port Authorities’ Walgreens and was too embarrassed to ask the clerk for the Vaseline and left in disgust. On the way back home he stopped and watched MAGA marching by and joined them. Bernie’s with us now! 😆



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Criminal blacks must be subject to the law. It’s that simple.


Amen. The feral hordes must be prosecuted, color be damned.




All part of the plan, protect the criminals, point out the crisis and govt swoops in to regulate and dole out goods…at first to anyone but later to those “approved”.


One word: rebellion. I rebel at that notion. I don’t want to shop in stores where everything is locked up. For one thing, I read labels very carefully. They have removed part of the decision-making process. Cue Mel Gibson: “Freedom!”

You are correct, though. They are protecting criminals and punishing honest people instead.




Black, brown or white that are criminals need to be held accountable for crimes.

Deplorable Patriot

May as well make shopping like traditional libraries. Hand the attendant your list and they fetch it for you.


Also, shopping online and even using grocery and drug store special savings cards store the data. If BigBro wanted to they could pull up our usual purchases and “allow” us those and decide other products aren’t available to us


Ultimately, another way stores (Big Brother) will limit what one buys.

Social credit, around the corner.


If it didn’t say nypost in the link, this sounds like it’s Babylon Bee.


Alexander the Great is Macedonian, so my guess is that world domination is coming.


Bring it on! 😂


This does resemble the map of Jylland, the main Danish peninsula. Even the border to the south is present. As is the similar hairstyle. https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=7/55.631/11.404


So the YUUUGE castle would be Aarhus, and the Tower of Crooked Hillary would be Herning?


They might be in similar locations. Though the YUUUGE Castle looks more like it would be around Randers, and the Tower of C.H. would be around Mors, just slightly further north, relative to the nose. As for the Tweetsburg, this looks like it would be near Vejle or Kolding. Though their names might be closer, Skanderborg is a little too far north, Sønderborg is too far south and Flensburg is in Germany.

Like the shape of the nose and the length of the neck, the similarities is only approximate. And forget the mountains — the rolling hills in western Jylland are weak approximations, with none of the desired YUUUGEness at all.


Appreciate the feedback. My knowledge of Danish topography could probably fit in a thimble with space left over.


It’s from where from many invasions were launched against England in its earlier years.

Cuppa Covfefe

That was the origin of the saying,
“Have you driven a Fjord lately”…

(Slartibartfast would be proud)…

Barb Meier

Chris Plante sometimes says that Canada is America’s hat. He also says Canada is America’s biggest national park. hehe… Since the map above shows Mexico, perhaps it should add Canada as a hat.


Kayleigh should slap back with a statement to “Donald ‘The Calculator’ Trump” saying that Fox’s viewership is down 38.4% and not a paltry 37%.




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I can just see him, typing this out with his thumbs on a cell phone, laughing to himself at nearly every word, knowing how with each sentence, he is provoking his enemies to eye-twitching madness 🤣

And the hilarious thing is that the globalist establishment Republi-Cons wig out even more than the Leftists do… and they have NO IDEA why the American People love it so much 😂🤣😂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

“eye-twitching madness”…LOL!

And here we go:

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This is the one thing I thought of when I heard Magadonian. The theme music. 😎

Cuppa Covfefe

Did someone say, “Conan the Librarian” ???? 😀




Ha. Forgot about that.


Magadonian not on Amazon, yet.


Love it love than man 😂



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Herbert Lom did that so very well that it totally defines his character.


…they have NO IDEA why the American People love it so much….

THIS is a core truth.

The establishment class literally knows NOTHING about Americans any more. And that is the problem. We were never meant to have “career politicians.” People were meant to be elected, serve a term, and go home.

Barb Meier

Dr Naomi Wolf explained the elite (or establishment) class this morning… Loved her take. How Not to Become a Sociopath: The “Rest of America” and the Role of Joy


MAGADONIA is absolutely brilliant marketing.

Has huge connotations. I’m all in on that one. We live differently than the globalist woke. Their path leads to death and destruction for all that follow it. Their created worlds implode under the weight of their own evil ways.

Election integrity – focus and make it secure. Create safe havens in states that never appease the evil doers who undermine America. Never give them one inch of territory. We the People take care of the rest. The safe haven states will stand like beacons for liberty and justice. That influences and encourages MAGADONIANS in the others to make their stand.


“Magadonia” is all about America and making her great again (MAGAdonia). That implies America first. There is also a subtle nod to the Don in there (MagaDONia) without making it all about him. Fitting, since he coined the phrase and started the movement. It’s brilliant.


IMO, another brilliant move by Donald Trump.


EXCLUSIVE: Children’s Choir Director Responds After Capitol Police Claim They Did Not Stop Kids Singing the National Anthem

Footage shows a Capitol Police officer directing someone to interrupt a children’s choir singing the national anthem in the U.S. Capitol, yet the police claimed that they did not stop the singing.

The man who conducted the choir that day tells The Daily Signal that the Capitol Police’s claim is an outright lie.

“I was shocked, I was dismayed, I was stunned,” David Rasbach, the founder and director of the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir, told The Daily Signal of the incident, which took place on Friday, May 26. “I couldn’t believe that was happening, that they would stop the national anthem of all songs.”

Rasbach spoke with The Daily Signal on Friday, June 2, describing the events of one week back. He said that he had secured permission from three congressional offices for the choir to sing in the Capitol. He said South Carolina Republican Reps. William Timmons and Joe Wilson had provided documents giving permission, as had the office of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif…

Video of the event shows the choir singing “The Star-Spangled Banner,” but it also shows Rasbach, the conductor, cut the singers off before they could finish the fourth verse of the song. Rasbach cut them off because a female Capitol Police officer had directed a congressional staffer to immediately stop the singing, Rasbach told The Daily Signal.

Rasbach said the female police officer insisted that the performance is considered a demonstration, and that demonstrations in the U.S. Capitol are banned. She later said some people were offended, though Rasbach doubted her claim. He said the officer could not have heard from people who claimed to be offended “because her time was consumed with us.”

The Capitol Police contested his claims…

There are more details about the lies of the Capitol Police and the callousness of the female officer. (Reminds me of Nazis.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Bottom line: CP are still owned by Pelosi

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’re absolutely right. They took part in her plot – she has them over a barrel.


Kevin could score much points simply by taking this situation and running with it. I can think up two or three scenarios that he could use and he’d be a hero even in the YSM.

Cuppa Covfefe

What they should do is make that stupid commie CP officer take a history test on the national anthem and explain the background and meaning of the entire piece, and each verse…

Most people only learn the first verse… cool that the choir learned them all…


I wish these Woke Marxists would admit that when they say they oppose “White Supremacy” that they don’t mean an ethnic construct or an identify, but actually mean all Western Civilization, Christendom, and Capitalism in the U.S., Europe, and the rest of the world, irregardless of its geographic location, that is oppositional and counter-revolutionary.

But then the SPELL would be broken, and name-calling people “White Supremacist” wouldn’t have the rhetorical-emotional outrage impact.


The Left keeps telling me, I am white, therefore I am supreme.

And I think they may have a point.

So I think I’m going to start self-identifying as supreme, so that when Leftists call me a supremacist, they will just be acknowledging my supremacy… which, after all, is only right, by their own declaration 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Magadonian supremacy FTW!!!


If we see this in future Truths, we’ll know where it came from.


You are such a troublemaker!


Lifetime member of the resistance.

By necessity, not by choice.


Tau is nice for explaining angles in terms of fractional turns around a circle.

However, that letter is also used for certain time-constants, in the Laplace transforms of filter and phase-locked-loop responses, in order to make calculations of the behavior of these. What looks like most of the rest of the Greek alphabet is also in use here… but notably, since there is a lot of trigonometry and periodic signals involved, pi is also present, front and center. This stuff is hard enough to get one’s head around, and does not need the additional complication of Tau having two completely different meanings in the same place.

With the imaginary unit, the letter j was on the bench and could substitute, since i and I in various forms are electrical currents… but no such luck with Tau.


Matt Walsh’s “What is a Woman?” can be seen for free the Daily Wire’s Twitter account now, for a limited time.

It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog

FREE on Twitter for 24 hrs.


Slow Saturday afternoon out this way. Against my better judgement, click on this movie. Lots of fuss about it.

Walsh has incredible patience AND a poker face, of poker faces. UFB the utter dillusional nonsense LGXYZ and tranny freaks spout.

Can Never Be, Go Along To Get Along, With LGXYZ Tranny Freaks.


Best line of the movie, comes at the end.

Walsh asks his wife, What is a women.

A. An adult human female, that needs help opening this. (Handing him a jar of pickles)


Men and women were never meant to be the same; they were meant to work together.


Uh yup. We know that. 99.9% of the world knows it.

Lunatic freaks need some calibration.


I am amazed at Walsh’s calm demeanor when talking to, especially, the counselors and other professionals who are pushing literal lunacy. His lack of confrontation is the most effective way to get them to say what they believe and to make them defend it. It is very effective, IMO. The one guy objected to the use of the term “truth.”

Walsh lets people speak without editorial commentary, which allows those who might be on the fence to see the real situation without the filter of his being antagonistic or argumentative.

Unfortunately, we have been saddled with this very real problem. I heard from someone I know about a family they’ve known for some time. A 13-year-old is having “gender dificulties.” It’s sad but also concerning for not only those people’s future, but ours. Those people will have worsening mental and emotional issues and physical health issues. Some of them will commit mass murder. They will keep making demands on us to accept them. And they will vote.


And speaking of murder, I hate to say it, but I think those who perform the surgeries and who practically force kids to get mutilated are sitting ducks for when one of their victims wakes up and realizes what’s been done to them.


Good with it. Street justice.

Same thing with ALL thing Covidiocy, Covidiot Injections.


After Tweeter banned the movie, now Elon Musk did a special Tweet to all of Tweeter World that every parent should see it, and it would be available (free, apparently) for 24 hours:


Barb Meier

I believe they extended the free viewing through this weekend.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. It’s a great movie!


I broke down and watched it this evening, and it was worth it. I have a much better perspective regarding how entrenched this insanity really is.

It’s a fight for reality.

I think my favorite parts are when Matt intellectually corners or entraps the trannies, and they realize it, that he’s got them, so they either get belligerent or walk away.

It demonstrates that they’re not really crazy, they know what they’re doing is irrational and indefensible 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just watched it. Extremely awesome.


Brandon’s Dark Day Update.


Lol. Yeah.


Speaker Dungsmear, exposed himself as a steaming pile…


UPDATE. BOYCOTT Major League Baseball
29 MLB teams will support their LGBTQ fans with Pride Nights in 2023

Along with the Dodgers, boycott these assholes also.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

A month for what? Each day for a different “gender” ? Have they begun rewriting history claiming many important figures were trans….because this isn’t about the now vanilla gays/lesbians…it’s TRANNY MONTH.


I just got an email from Ralphs. As if I need to “celebtate pride” at the gricery store.


Ralphs would be getting an earful from me. 😊


They hopefully arent on track to get their merger w albertsons to go through.


Don’t be shy. Unload on Ralph’s…directly to the manager.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ralph on them while you’re at it (all the colors of their gaybow) 🙂


Lawdy….so ridiculous



^^^This. Things keep degenerating as the Left keeps pushing against decency and normalcy and science. It’s gone from “honor our wish to love whom we want,” which was unnecessary and bad enough, to “let us groom your chidren to become deviants and perverts.”


Take It Up The Rump Month.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think Chiefio referred to it as Bug R E month…

That really puts it in perspective…. (sad, but true)….


Hah! It’s not that simple….look at Jenner…he “becomes” a woman but he’s still got all of his parts AND dates women..WTH?


Apparently sports teams had changed their logos to have the “pride” colors on them, but I’m seeing headlines that most of them have changed back to their original logos. But if they’re going to have pride nights and the like, they can Fool Around and Find Out what people think. And I hope people will boycott. Some diehard fans with season tickets might not.


Go Along. To Get Along. Can NOT be the answer.

But I can see it now. ^^^ But, BUT, BUT…We BE Loyal Fans, for decades.

(Horseshit logic.)

Prove me wrong.

Cuppa Covfefe

They might want to take a quick look at Targay’s and Dud Lite’s stock collapse…

They’re not what they used to be, in any sense of the word.

America’s pastime?

More like America’s PASSED time… 😡 😡 😡 😡


GOP talking to themselves. No one else would believe the GOP.

GOP won’t reauthorize FISA without FBI reforms following Durham report: ‘Stop the abuses’


I’m not sure even where to begin…..how about, just don’t reauthorize FISA, and eliminate the corrupt FIB as well? Declass everything that FISA has ever done, just so everyone knows why the Star Chamber gets axed…..


Perfect solution by me.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!

Gail Combs

  :wpds_arrow:  WOLFIE VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!

We digital soldiers CAN finally get into action.
The first thing is to join Rumble (No cost to you.) So you can comment.
(need to research Bitchute)


The comments have to be from different people and then we jump on and UP VOTE!! We MUST get it as close to the top of the que as possible.

Stew Peters videos are the first target.

Stew Peters calls Trump a mass murderer!!!

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Sorry this is not organized, I am working the weekend so this is on the fly and in no particular order.

WHY DOES PRESIDENT TRUMP SUPPORT VACCINES?Short video and it is very good.

Posted on November 22, 2021 at 3:48 pm by Praying Medic 
My thoughts on why President Trump has supported covid vaccines.

June 1st Badlands Media Special Coverage – Trump Town Hallhttps://rumble.com/v2rhyjz-badlands-media-special-coverage-trump-town-hall.html

A lot of people are STILL FOR the Jab per the polls.
Notice Trump said, a lot of people wanted the vaccine — ASIDE: 👉NOT the people in this room👈
As Burning bright says, POTUS Trump’s asides are very important because that is where he drops the real intel.

I do think we are in a 5th generation war and it is pretty darn clear that people are dying in this war and not just in Ukraine. I also think we can agree the Cabal wants to kill off a LOT of people and I am talking millions ==> Billions. Q & the trump team are trying to keep the deaths to a minimum.

If we had Hitlery in the White House instead of Trump, you can bet your boots we would have had the same scenario as what happened in Australia and Canada. People rounded up and forced to take the jab. Resistance would be used to CONFISCATE GUNS and call out the military. Bush had already signed a ‘treaty’ with Canada to allow Canadian Troops to enforce order here in the USA during a crisis.


  :wpds_arrow: 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽 𝗖𝗢𝗨𝗟𝗗 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗦𝗔𝗬 “𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗧𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗧 𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗧” 𝗛𝗼𝘄𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻 𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘂𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗛𝗖𝗤 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗗𝗢𝗖𝗧𝗢𝗥 𝗭𝗲𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗼 𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗧𝗢 𝗧𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗝𝗔𝗕.



Someone pointed to this act as barring the president from offering medical advice. IT WAS A RED HERRING!!

Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121-5207), or more commonly the “Stafford Act,” the President can declare an “emergency” or, if the incident is more serious, a “major disaster.” These declarations, among other things, give federal contracting officials certain acquisition flexibilities not normally available….



👉Is it illegal to give medical advice if not a doctor?

The unauthorized practice of medicine occurs when someone gives medical advice or treatment without a professional license. As a result, all states make the unauthorized practice of medicine a criminal offense with potentially serious penalties.

What is the Unauthorized Practice of Medicine? – FINDLAW



….The State of North Carolina decided all of this was illegal. Apparently providing any advice to others about dieting, without a license, puts you in some hot water.

It turns out that, like nearly every other state, North Carolina has a law that regulates the practice of “dietics/nutrition.” There are a set of rules, which require getting a license before you can provide any sort of dietary advice. Like many such operations it appears the regulatory regime here is much more about limiting the supply of professionals to keep pricing artificially high, rather than any real health or safety mission.



How about saying nothing about them? Just asking the question because I do not know the full scope of his legal responsibilities as POTUS.

Is saying nothing illegal? Is he forced by law in his role to endorse what the globalist medical community and their genocidal leaders promote?


Was he carefully sidestepping another impeachment? And a trial in the Senate that could have stuck with some Covid rationale (cover) for Repub deep staters to get behind?


Yes. Sidestepping another impeachment, that R-Cons would have voted for.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. We keep forgetting about the evil R-“cons”.


Saved this thanks Gail .. 🙂🤚❤️😎




Jackie Chan….




Video at the link.

Russell Brand Nails US Foreign Policy in Under a Minute


That was good.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. He’s got it. And the moralizing Dems are REALLY GOOD at faking friendship with the country they’re sucking dry.


Old school —


I LOVE that movie! Now I gotta watch it again.


I haven’t seen that movie. What a great scene! (It always pays to stay in shape.) And I always find it interesting when British actors like Michael Caine speak with an American accent.


This is a great movie, love it!


Worthy re-run… ~Three minutes

If I were the devil | remastered audio | Paul Harvey


There WAs a thread over at Ram Forum, generally talking about gay tranny crap.

Nothing heated. Simply posts saying not OK or no big FD.

Slow guy posted a bland post suggest the free movie at TW, What Is A Women.

Suggested folks take a look. Form their own opinions.

Did NOT promote or bash either side.

Saw my post, post.

Within five minutes the entire thread vaporized.


We have an uphill battle on our hands.



Made a post on TGP about FIB/Wray supposedly agreeing to give Comer the document on Brandon. Simply said, “Why the delay until receipt? Would take less than an hour for the azzhats to deliver by courier.”

Within seconds it was removed as spam. Probably the azzhats reference. An accurate but unwelcome reference I suppose.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Azzhats”! Who knew? Thanks for the tip!


Why the delay? Pure stonewalling…stymie anything the R-Cons think they do.


Verse of the Day for Saturday, June 3, 2023

“I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.” Psalms 130.5 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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“Jail records shed light on Jeffrey Epstein’s last moments – AP”

“Jail staff were frustrated by the absence of the surveillance camera video, noting the FBI had “confiscated” it and thus hampered their ability to “establish accurate timelines, confirm subjective reports… or discover new areas of inquiry.”


(What surveillance camera video, I thought there was non.)


We were told video system was NOT working. So, NOTHING for FIB to confiscate.


Very odd, I found the AP story presumably the same one quoted in the RT headline and there is no mention of the FBI.


Brave and Free

Diversions to keep everyone running in circles


I can well imagine RT would amplify stories that made the RF look good, and tone down ones that made it look bad, but I doubt they’d invent stuff.
Could be RT saw an original story which was later amended.


There it is again. The truth keeps getting in the way of a good story.

Good catch, RAC.

The Big Cleaner, B2 lied again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Passed go. Collected $0.00


JUST-IN: Mike Pence Ducks Out Georgia GOP Convention Last Minute – Kari Lake to Replace Him as Keynote Speaker With President Trump
JUST-IN: Mike Pence Ducks Out Georgia GOP Convention Last Minute – Kari Lake to Replace Him as Keynote Speaker With President Trump | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson


Good, nobody wants the panty-waist sissy traitor … spit 💦


Shoplifting crisis is so bad shoppers struggling to find non-locked-up items

Shoplifting crisis is so bad shoppers struggling to find non-locked-up items (nypost.com)


Logic says that it’s not really a shoplifting crisis, it’s a failure to prosecute shoplifting thieves.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Racially excused crime matters.


1-Stop voting for Democrats.
2-Armed guards would solve the problem. Of course, that would be an extra expense for retailers. But I suspect stores are losing quite a few sales because of the barriers to shopping.

Cuppa Covfefe

Times were, looting was a shoot-to-kill offense…

Seems the “helicopter” and “stand in the corner” and “timeout” generation have ended that, are are reaping its “rewards”…..


Where are the rooftop Koreans when we need them ????


Seems shopping on line you’ll get more info on a product you can’t pick up and examine.
This has to be extremely demoralizing for those who don’t shop on line and who would be the type least likely capable of moving away from this insanity. Not to mention the poor husbands who have to fulfill a honey do shopping list. Those poor guys when they get home… 🙄😬😖

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Cuppa Covfefe

And order something from Amaz00n (especially “Warehouse Steals Deals” ) and find out it’s a return, but of a damaged or DIFFERENT item 😡 😡 😡 😡

Even “scratch and dent” things anymore are often so badly damaged that they would better be termed “scraped and crushed”…


Germans have a way with words. For instance: Work Will Set You Free.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, but the English do too 🙂

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.

Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Ours was fiction. So far.


….. peony’s in bloom, good for about 3 days and that’s it … ❤️


… and …


Beautiful 🙂


How nice they bloom later where you live. Yes sadly the bloom is gone to quickly.
Mine are finished booming In Germany they call the Pentecost flowers..


They are beautiful singing 🎶❤️ … I love the name Pentecost flowers 🌺 that fits perfectly ❤️


Yes it does 🙂


WEF Accelerates Plan To Engineer Global Famine: 13 Nations Agree To Abolish Farming



Just reading the headline, that’s insane.


But they are insane. Including and especially this one

FTA: John Kerry is also very excited about taking valuable, productive farmland offline, reducing the size of cattle herds, and turning our food-production systems over to technocrats and globalists offering vague promises of “new technologies.”


He is the biggest traitor. I think he was damaged since he has been a failure his whole life. Just going to University he shows does not make all people smarter.
He sold his soul.


This is a crime against humanity. These people need to hang in the town square.
Watch when they check your backyard if you grow vegetables or chicken.
I saw something on Internet how to grow vegetable in the house.
This all is so disgusting. The leaders of the 13 nations should not be allowed to grow food and starve because they are sentencing their people to starve.
I know what they are doing the 13 nations will have their people leave the country and when all people are absorbed into other countries the World organization will claim the countries as theirs.
I think my imagination is running wild. 🤔


Hide in plain sight. Mix marijuana plants in with your veggies.


What if they cross pollinate? … dude!😎


You won’t really care much, cat lady.  😍 


No marijuana for me 🙂 I would never do drugs not because I think I am perfect but because I would be afraid I like it and get addicted


A bunch of farmers started the USA. No reason it can’t be done again.


You’re exactly right !


RNC Releases Requirements for First Presidential Debate in Milwaukee

(emphasis mine)

In addition to meeting the standard candidate qualification legal requirements, participants must meet the following:

1-Candidates must poll at one percent (at least) in three national polls or two national and one early state polls. (Further stipulations regarding the polls include a minimum of 800 likely Republican voters surveyed and that the polls not be conducted by a polling company affiliated with a candidate or candidate committee.

2-Candidates must have a minimum of 40,000 unique donors, with at least 200 unique donors per state or territory in 20-plus states and/or territories.

3-Candidates must sign a pledge agreeing not to participate in any non-RNC-sanctioned debate for the remainder of the election cycle, a pledge agreeing to support the eventual party nominee, and the RNC data-sharing agreement.

While the first two requirements will necessarily weed out lower-tier/lesser-known candidates, the third one will be the true test of former President Donald Trump, the current — and formidable — frontrunner, as there has been no shortage of speculation as to whether he might consider going third-party if, for some reason, he were not to secure the nomination. Of course, if that were to happen, the former president likely would not be overly concerned about such a pledge — nor, one suspects, would most of his core supporters.

Is Trump setting the stage for a third party run, if needed? Magadonia!


What if they gave a debate and no one came?

Sadie Slays

Riley endorsed DeSantis because she’s part of the Big Club.

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Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. One Eye.

Says it all…


I almost missed that.


On June 3, 1781, Jack Jouett became the “Paul Revere of the South” when he rode all night to warn Virginia Governor Thomas Jefferson and the gathered rebel Virginia Assembly that the British were coming to capture them. Jouett was a captain in the Virginia militia, whose father was a Charlottesville innkeeper who supplied the rebel forces with food. Jack had three brothers who served in the war as well, one of whom died at the Battle of Brandywine.

British General Charles Cornwallis, charged with taking back the southern colonies for England, had been having a rough time conquering North and South Carolina. He finally decided Virginia was the key to holding the south and set about to conquer it, leading an invasion into the colony beginning in May, 1781. 

Numerous successful raids from the coast had already been conducted into Virginia under the leadership of General William Phillips and the turn-coat, Benedict Arnold. One of these raids in January, 1781, burned the capital city of Richmond, forcing the rebel Assembly and Governor Thomas Jefferson to retreat further inland to Charlottesville, only a stone’s throw from Jefferson’s home, Monticello.

When Cornwallis invaded from the south in early May, he quickly learned the Assembly and the governor were in session in Charlottesville. He dispatched Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton, head of the Loyalist British Legion, on horseback with 250 men to capture Jefferson and the Assembly.

During the evening of June 3rd, Jack Jouett observed the passing troops in the small town of Cuckoo, and correctly surmised that they were headed to Charlottesville. Since Virginia had seen little fighting until this time in the war, most of its soldiers were off in other parts of the colonies, leaving few soldiers to defend against Cornwallis’ invasion. Jefferson and the Assembly would easily be captured.

Jouett got on his horse and began a 40 mile trek through the night. He stayed on back roads since the British were using the main road and allegedly was injured by sticks and branches as he flew through the night. Some accounts say he carried scars from these injuries for the rest of his life.

Finally arriving at Monticello around daybreak, Jouett warned Jefferson and other legislators who were staying with him. Jefferson remarkably took his time, perhaps because his term as governor had expired the day before and Jouett rode on to warn the rest of the Assembly staying in his father’s inn, the Swan Tavern. Jefferson waited to leave Monticello until the British were actually riding up his front lawn, but he did manage to escape on horseback. Most of the Assembly members escaped as well, but seven were captured. The Assembly then reconvened in Staunton to continue its business.

Some historians believe Jack Jouett’s ride was even more important than Paul Revere’s because the entire leadership of Virginia’s rebel movement was in peril. Not only Jefferson, but Patrick HenryThomas Nelson Jr.Benjamin HarrisonDaniel Boone, Richard Henry Lee and Edmund Randolph were assembled in Charlottesville. Their capture could have turned the war in a whole different direction.

The following year, Jouett moved to Kentucky, which was then still part of Virginia. He married, raised cattle and lived there the rest of his life. He served as a legislator from his district in the Virginia Assembly and later on in Kentucky when it became a separate state. Jouett would also become the father of Matthew Harris Jouett, a famous painter, and the grandfather of James Edward Jouett, a Civil War Admiral.



The Jack Jouett Middle School, in Albemarle County, Virginia, had its name changed to “Journey Middle School” on 1 July 2022. Why? Because “Jack Jouett was a slave owner in the late 1700s.”
Can’t make this cr@p up!


So sick of it!

Cuppa Covfefe

As were a lot of blacks, even in the north.

The DEMONRATS are busy rewriting history, while ruining our present and our future and childrens’ future…


Thank you TheseTruths awesome history lesson 🤨👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸


YW! 😊




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Gene pool cleaning. For a better world.


Sad to be so brainwashed. No joy in his demise.


Congrats Ian Bell. Darwin Award for the day eternity.




Ya just can’t fix stupid


Sometimes stupid fixes itself!


May I possibly say that he won’t be missed? And as for St. Peter at the gates …

Cuppa Covfefe

Dumb Bell.

Sad. Wonder if he’s from Darwin…


There goes another one 😎


☹️😖😫😡 … dang

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. A name change might be in order…

Sick Fags…

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

… perfect … logo 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 😎👍


MTG backtracks. From yesterday:

Greene flips on public release of Jan. 6 tapes, claims it could ‘put the security of the Capitol at risk’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) has changed her position on the public release of the tapes documenting the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, warning Friday that their release could “put the security of the Capitol at risk.”

Greene said in an interview on the right-wing channel Real America’s Voice that releasing the video footage publicly would jeopardize the Capitol’s security and endanger those who were present at the Capitol grounds but did not enter the Capitol nor commit crimes.

“And this is our real concern with the video tapes. If we released these video tapes just widely for the public — number one, we put the security of the Capitol at risk, because there’s over 1,700 video cameras,” she said.

“Number two, we also endanger many Americans that were simply standing on the Capitol grounds, maybe never even walked through the Capitol or committed any crimes, but they could have just walked further than where the barrier was simply because the barrier was torn down by the time they got there,” Greene continued.

She said she is concerned about left-wing groups that would use facial-recognition technology to identify those seen in the videos to “hand them over” to the FBI and Justice Department. She said that some people committed violence and broke the law and should be held accountable but many others did not commit crimes.

“Sedition Hunters would spend every second of every day analyzing the videos in order to hunt innocent people that just stood on Capitol grounds on J6,” Greene later tweeted.

Greene has previously called for the public release of the tapes so “everyone knows what did or didn’t happen.”

She announced Wednesday that that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) planned to release the tapes to three outlets that would receive “unfettered access.” She said two of the recipients of the tapes would be Just the News founder John Solomon, who interviewed Greene on Friday, and American Greatness senior writer Julie Kelly.

McCarthy released 44,000 hours of footage to then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson earlier this year, yielding criticism from Democrats who argued that it could put Capitol security procedures at risk and allow Carlson, who has downplayed the violence from the attack, to distort what happened.

Comments are not going well for her.


“put the security of the Capitol at risk.””

Because The People will see clear evidence of the Effin-Bee-Eye- CCP (Crime Creation and Perpetration) Division at work, instigating and stampeding innocent peaceful protesters into the Buffalo Run that was J6.

They would also see behind-the-scenes footage of the politicians responsible for planning this coup along with their minions, doing their part to create the false pretense that any politician was in danger at any time and that it was NOT planned.

The Capitol will be fine. The people who inhabit that cherished building might have to answer some tough questions …


The entire scheme was intended to create a reason to invoke ’emergency rules’ which did not allow for motions regarding the electors.

Pence might be getting a raw deal here since he had no motion before him so he could ‘remand’ the electors back to their states. Of course, this presumes that he had no prior knowledge of the plot.

That’s why the fake bombs needed to be ‘discovered’ within two minutes of gaveling the session to order. Made to look like an emergency requiring evacuation of critters, thus stopping the session. When it resumed, it was under ’emergency’ rules.

How to get a fake winner into the WH. Evil genius.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



In my opinion MTG has shown herself who she really is rotten to the core. I cannot unsee what I am seen . I truly liked her she showed so much firer for MAGA all an act.




MTG IS a full on swamp creature.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or they have something on her.

I read that 90 percent or so of ALL government officials, not just congress critters, are compromised in some way. Physical and monetary threats, as well as other damaging and slandarous smears, true or not…


So wait just a sec here! I’m a Georgian and we knew from the get go that she’s a “rising star” for her own benefit. How ’bout some more gym pics of pull-ups? OMG.

I will say this to probably the distaste of fellow treepers, but one thing Lynn Wood got right was her. Just sayin’ … 😉


Yes do not know much about Lynn Wood but if he has seen her for what she is kudos to him. I did not and am not often fooled. Maybe I wanted to see better in her.


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… and is a government employee ..

Cuppa Covfefe



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Cuppa Covfefe

They all have Maddow disease…


There’s a tv show, Justified about a U.S. Marshall and takes place in Kentucky. Elmore Leonard wrote for the show, don’t know if he has credit for creating it. Good show.


TV Series
Justified is an American neo-Western crime drama television series that premiered on March 16, 2010, on the FX network. Developed by Graham Yost, it is based on Elmore Leonard’s stories about the character Raylan Givens, particularly “Fire in the Hole”. Timothy Olyphant portrays Raylan Givens, a tough deputy U.S. Marshal enforcing his own brand of justice. The series revolves around the inhabitants and culture in the Appalachian mountains area of eastern Kentucky, specifically Harlan County where many of the main characters grew up. It also features Lexington, Kentucky, where the local U.S. Marshals office is situated. The series, comprising 78 episodes, was aired over six seasons and concluded on April 14, 2015. Justified received critical acclaim throughout most of its run, and has been listed by several publications as one of the best shows of the 2010s. Its acting, directing, art direction, and writing were praised, as were the performances of Olyphant and Walton Goggins.Wikipedia
Neo-Western, Action, Crime, Drama
Developed by:
Graham Yost
Timothy Olyphant, Nick Searcy, Jacob Pitts, Erica Tazel, Joelle Carter, Natalie Zea, Walton Goggins, Jere Burns
Opening theme:
“Long Hard Times to Come” by Gangstagrass
Steve Porcaro
Country of origin:
United States
Original language(s):
No. of seasons:
No. of episodes:
Executive producer(s):
Elmore Leonard, Graham Yost, Fred Golan, Michael Dinner, Sarah Timberman, Carl Beverly, Dave Andron, Don Kurt, Timothy Olyphant, Taylor Elmore
Los Angeles, Pittsburgh (pilot)
Francis Kenny
Running time:
37–53 minutes
Production company(s):
Rooney McP Productions, Timberman/Beverly Productions, Nemo Films, FX Productions, Sony Pictures Television
Original network:


I really liked it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I didn’t know that was the location for the story. Fascinating!


Yeah, it seems areas of Kentucky are rough. dang!


Oh my family does too. It’s so good! Season 1 episode 6/the collection mentions my mothers maiden name. … a lot it’s a hoot and I’m telling my sister about it’s a hoot. The guy in the show is rich, this wasn’t the case with my mom’s family …


One too many hoots .. pardon me


Hoot hoot  😆 



Cuppa Covfefe

Hooterville? 😀

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Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe


Cuppa Covfefe

Wow. Gives a whole new meaning to that great bluegrass song, “You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive”…


I watched it all. It was really good.


.. yeah it’s really good … 😊🤚😉👍❤️

Cuppa Covfefe

(grrr… pic wouldn’t post)….

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

REPORT: Capitol Police Stopped Children’s Choir From Singing National Anthem In Rotunda: ‘It Might Offend Someone’

REPORT: Capitol Police Stopped Children’s Choir From Singing National Anthem In Rotunda: ‘It Might Offend Someone’ (trendingpoliticsnews.com)


Rompin’, stompin’ Magadonians;
Thinkers all, and what a team!
America First! and Great Again!
The best country ever seen!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hail to Magadonia, he said
Let our Magadonia be praised!
We tip our hats to Magadonia
For by Magadonia, we are amazed!

Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Magadonia went to D.C.
Though the roads were stony,
Crushed the RINOs and the Dems,
Exposed them all as phony.

Magadonia, keep it up,
Let the truth be shouted.
Show the evil deeds they’ve done
And they will all be outed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!!!




To the tune of “Yankee Doodle,” correct?


A Haiku for MAGA:

A battle cry given by
Our fearless leader.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very zen!!!




Barns on Locals ask who would you vote for Robert Kennedy Jr. or DeSantis.
81.2% Robert Kennedy Jr.
18.8% DeSantis

Voted: 1345 people

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s the “show more” part:

‘The One Chart That Tells the Entire Story’: Analysis Shows 26% Worse Mortality Among the Vaccinated

And “the people who are under the age of 50 who took the vaccine now have a 49% higher mortality rate,” stated top insurance analyst Josh Stirling.

“And if you were to take these numbers and just apply them to the United States, that ends up being something like 600,000 excess deaths per year in the United States from this higher vaccine-induced mortality.”


Something we were saying here early on. The vax damages your natural immune system while replacing it with a limited artificial immunity. Turning back once you started was always going to be dangerous.


Then, extend the numbers across the Globe.

Barb Meier

Fun break: Bouncing bubbles!! – recipe: 4 tablespoons of water, 1 tablespoon dish soap, and 2 tablespoons of sugar. The bubbles don’t break when they touch something. Not sure if we can show Facebook posts, but here’s the link. It would not even show up so i changed the period after the www to a <dot>:


Last edited 1 year ago by Barb Meier

using corn syrup instead of sugar. 😮🤔

The sugar recipe is there too. 😁

We’ll let an expert explain. 😀

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You can post it with (dot)com for .com and https(colon) for the first part, and it will show. People can copy, paste, and edit.

Facebook embeds allow CIA to scan that page forever. NOPE. Begone, traitors.

Barb Meier

Thanks for the explanation and for protecting us from traitors!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re welcome!!! 😄


Hunter Biden………………………..


Barb Meier



Yeah , Yikes is only the first reaction…next comes total disgust at him, their nasty family and outrage at our corrupt justice system


Worse than the filth and his criminality is that our government and alphabets have been protecting that POS because a bunch of the DS and globalists participate in the same stuff.


BIMD on the bank autopsy scheduled for early morning. Winding down this series.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looking forward to it!


comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s all relative… generally speaking…
kinda special, too…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This group has a bunch of great ads!

Cuppa Covfefe

(forgive me)

Yer gonna need a bigotry…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

New CDC chick to replace Walensky is a horrorshow. The Senate should NOT confirm her – Rand Paul should make her toxic – and yet – yeah. OBiden prepared for that.


The globo-homos will never propose someone who isn’t a full globo-nazi.

The Cons will cave eventually and approve, like always.


I just saw this while strolling through Twitter, and it struck me as hilarious.

I mean, what in the world?!? 😲😂



In related news, I must have been living rent-free in Jenna Ellis’ head, because she has blocked me 👍😂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW! That’s a high-profile block!!!


“WOW! That’s a high-profile block!!!”


Aiming for the moon… and ricocheted off a Weathervane 😂

I noticed that Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, the Ambassadors of Bitcoin (senior advisors) to President Bukele, followed me 😎

And lots of Asian girls. I’m guessing they’re really Fed bois, or spy girls, doing CCP reconnaissance, looking for anyone who just can’t seem to go along with the narratives 😁


I just noticed Miss Jenna unblocked me.

I still get email notifications of her Tweets (never did know why), but when I would go to the Tweet, it would say that I didn’t have access to the tweet. But I could read the replies to it, and reply to those.

Some guy was ribbing her a little bit, so I told him to be careful, if he starts living rent-free in Jenna’s head, she’ll block him. Followed by “Ask me how I know!”

Today I’m unblocked 😁