The best way for that tune to be heard.
Let’s see….
There’s a couple topics with a number of items.
The Little Green Men Narrative
The coming alien invasion
The UFO Coverup “Bombshell” Is Conveniently Timed, and That Should Worry You
Red Flag: Alien spacecraft ‘whistleblower’ has never actually seen evidence of UFOs, and all of his sources are anonymous
The little green men narrative is entertaining, though.
This narrative surfacing was mentioned multiple times on various sites over the winter. The government was testing it out before rolling it out.
Are there really little green men?
Maybe, but it’s doubtful.
Wildfire Smoke in New York City
Canada Burning
Everything else:
Badlands News Brief – June 7, 2023
I’m Not a Biologist!
EXCLUSIVE: Romanians Who Entered The US Illegally Are Suspected Of Committing Crimes Across The Country
Friggin’ gypsies.
ChatGPT’s deep thoughts on ‘Is Michelle Obama a male?’
Infrastructure Choices Matter
WSJ uncovers “Pizzagate” pedophile network…
Stunning. A lamestream media organ actually admitted it. Another win for the conspiracy crowd.
Scoop: Twitter launching YouTube competitor and Tucker’s going to test drive it…
Who needs the lamestream media.
Hot Stove: House conservatives revolt against McCarthy over debt deal shortcomings
Beef Company CEO: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply”
Kanekoa Releases The Konnech Files: FBI Shielded Two Firms Tied to Chinese Communist Regime That Holds US Voter Data in Mainland China
Not soon enough.
Right now, exposure is everything.

And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
PSALMS 128:1-5
1Blessed is every one who fears the LORD, who walks in his ways! 2You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. 3Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. 4Lo, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD. 5The LORD bless you from Zion! May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life!
MARK 12:28-34
28And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the first of all?” 29Jesus answered, “The first is, `Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one; 30and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ 31The second is this, `You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32And the scribe said to him, “You are right, Teacher; you have truly said that he is one, and there is no other but he; 33and to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the strength, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself, is much more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” 34And when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And after that no one dared to ask him any question.

FBI caves, will let Comer’s full committee see Biden bribery document
The House should meet on a ferryboat, vote to hold Wray in contempt, chain him to a concrete block on the boat, question him under oath on live video, then shove the block off the boat.
The second guy would be far more straightforward and less prone to obstruction and delay.
Only if it’s pay-per-view. So we can reduce the national debt.
I was thinking of the Speech or Debate Clause…..
Let people start respecting the House of Representatives…..
Burning a flag is free speech, right? How about shoving an FBI Director off a moving boat?
Does it not strongly convey a message? Namely, “FOAFO.”
Christopher Wray is a total imbecile.
I don’t want him gone from the FBI b/c I don’t want them to replace him with someone who might actually be Woke-Competent!
^^^ This. Time for the agency to be disbanded. America now knows the truth.
A number of sources claim Wray was placed there to make a mess, and show the people just how corrupt the FBI is.
What’s really true? Time will tell. In the meantime, this movie we are watching is turning into a horror flick.
Out in the middle of the Chesapeake…. No, at the mouth of the Patuxent River. It’s deeper.
Marianas trench.
Nah, one of those old fashioned stern paddle boats, lash him to a paddle. He’d be OK if he held his breath till he came up for the next rotation.
Yes, of course, while simultaneously leaking the report. 😁
Regardless, hold Wray in contempt.
Or it’ll happen again and again.
Sadly, Comer and Kevin count this as a win. <<< Battered dumbass Syndrome.
BDS! 😂
There it is. BDS – love it!
He should be forced to give a full day by day account of the three year investigation, how many people were working on it their work sheets for every day etc. Because most probably the ongoing investigation is a lie.
You would need to have trust in FIB to lose it, Rep. Comer. All of those network FBI shows have not done the trick.
Thanks for posting, Coothie.
I’ll believe it when I see it. Unredacted.
For a couple of days I’ve been seeing tweets about Mel Gibson producing a four-part documentary on child sex trafficking, but I didn’t have any confirmation. But here is someone who has worked with Gibson, confirming it.
Cheese Pizza? Meta’s Instagram Facilitated Massive Pedophile Network
somewhere I ran across info about the Twatter pedo network being taken apart. Sorry I can not remember where… Badlands Media maybe?
I remember something after Musk took over. I know he is adamantly against those networks. But I don’t remember seeing a report that it had definitely been eradicated from Twitter.
What I saw was about a work in progress.
Saw Charlie Kirk or Jack P talking about it on waroom yesterday with Steve B. His take was it’s not what it seems??
If you find out more, let us know.
The whole thought of that lard a$$ flying….
He bends light.
“This is all it should take”
Pass the popcorn, please.
Is DeSedative MAGA at all? I haven’t considered him to be since he is running to defeat the leader of the movement. And the more that comes out about him, the less I think he is America-first.
He is a Bushie Uni-party candidate. PROBABLY SKULL & BONES given the Yale/ Bush connection.
“Is DeSedative MAGA at all?”
Maybe not, but he does do an excellent bobble-head doll impersonation.
Nobody can take that away from him.
According to Snopes 🙄, The View has not been cancelled. They are calling it satire.
I have a middle finger that is just begging to be used on these clowns.
He was a Democrat.
Sadly it’s still ignored by way of redaction and the famous “continuing investigation ” excuse.
I never thought I’d be sympathetic to New York, but seeing their orange skies reminded me of 2 or 3 years ago when we had all those wildfires and woke up to orange skies. The air quality was so bad you couldn’t go outside for very long for a couple of weeks. I really hope they get those fires under control. A lot of innocent people are being hurt by the government incompetence that is contributing to more and more of these fires.
I feel for everyone affected. I saw a report that Gov. Hochul is going to distribute a million N-95 masks today. I’m guessing it’s because of the smoke. But then there’s this from the NYTimes:
https: //
Yet they stop covid viruses, right?
Sure they do. Pull my finger.
“Pull my finger.”
Don’t do it!
It’s a trick!
Even the Grandsons, won’t pull my finger.
Regarding government incompetence, this was written by a Canadian:
SO that is why they magically want to get rid of Tik Tok.
Trump tried.
D-RatsUniparty stopped him, IIRC.Here in California, we could blame the irrational Sacramento tree-huggers that wouldn’t let sensible people clear brush and fuel for the intensity and longevity of the fires.
In New York, all they can say is “thanks, Justin!!!”
Orange skies, smoked stench in the air…annual event in NV…thanks to Komifornia wildfires.
It’s supposedly going to clear up by the weekend. But, yeah, they did nothing to contribute to that. YUCK!
Same here. When we had the huge Smokey Mountains fire that destroyed parts of Gatlinburg and surrounding areas it brought perspective about human suffering.
What’s homophobic about that? It’s just truth.
The Trump team has submitted evidence of witness tampering.
Feds inform Trump he is target likely to be indicted as DOJ rebuffs prosecutorial misconduct claim
(emphasis mine)
This is a different allegation of prosecutorial misconduct.
Citizen Free Press:
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
“While prosecutors have not located an exact document matching Trump’s description………….”
Could that be the very thing, someone had told them about, and the reason for the search at PDJT’s home, and all the secrecy about what they were looking for and the reason for issuing the warrant???
I’ll bet it was. And when they didn’t get what they were looking for and get their gotcha moment, that’ll be why they made a big song and dance photographing all that “secret” stuff thrown all over the floor.
Does the milley document really exist or was it just a red herring PDJT threw into the mix, for reasons as yet unknown.
Maybe go to the beach and enjoy the rising surf with a Bud Light in hand.
While holding hands with NJ Fat Boy.
Celebrate my birthday!
Happy Birthday !
June 21, 2018? 😀
Happy Birthday, young’un 🙂
This article reveals that Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch was also called before the grand jury.
That’s their lawfare plan. They need something to hold over Trump’s head.
Evil. They’re evil.
Sandy Burglar a la El Rushbo 😉
h/t Catturd:
https: //
No biggie. They probably wouldn’t pardon him, either.
I wouldn’t pardon Mike Pence.
Dereliction of duty. <<< Prosecute Mike.
But Pence is saying the same thing as Trump. He just said it from the other side. Trump said that he would pardon everybody except those who assaulted the police or vandalized. Pence said that he would never pardon those groups. He just avoided saying that he would pardon the innocent protesters and non-violent Capitol Building rubberneckers.
🖕 Pence.
With a red-hot poker.
Right or wrong, Ivermectin came to mind first.
Followed by many posts here QTree with studies indicating Ivermectin may stop or cure cancer.
ht dp
Post in the comments:
Bluechecksmatter: “Not only that, but when the body starts growing tumors it’s actually trying to protect itself. So, when they start probing around and passing people these so-called drugs to prevent it, that’s when all hell breaks loose. Does anybody else find it funny that cancer started springing up like wildflowers after the 1920s and that’s when the Rockefellers created the ACA. Just saying”
I have wondered whether maybe cancers develop in everyone, all the time, and the immune system routinely causes them go away.
Unless doctors find one in progress, in which case they immediately pump the body full of toxic chemicals to destroy the immune system so the cancer can spread unopposed.
Sort of like the way doctors use ventilators and Remdesivir to cure Covid.
Interesting theory to keep in mind.
It was probably just a subconscious expression of my distrust of the medical profession 😁
It’s a theory I’ve come to understand is exactly correct at least for breast cancer. The best steps to prevent it are wear a bra less than twelve hours a day as it takes twelve hours for the lymph to clear, and take a thirty minute walk every day to help the lymphatic system do its job without a bra. Talk about easy, and something every woman could do without any issue.
McCoy knows the truth
And so does Weird Al (“Like A Surgeon”)… this doesn’t show over here, but it should in the USA… [let me know if it does or doesn’t]
Not in the Philippines.
The link worked for me in Michigan 🙂
IMO, even more reasons to keep the immune system as healthy and strong as possible.
You do have cancer sells in your body all the time, and your immune system kills them.
Which is why the clot-shot is going to kill so many from “turbo-cancer.”
I don’t have a source, but I remember reading that at some point. The idea is that cancers that eventually develop do so because the immune system was not able to eradicate them due to a number of factors: nutrition, sleep, illness, chronic inflammation, etc.
I’m with you on the IVM, bud.
Oh, yes. Ivermectin cures cancers, which is why they don’t won’t people to have it.
Nauseating listening to Johnson AND every
R-ConUniparty tool….talk, talk, talk…Maria tries to call Uniparty for not delivering accountability. Johnson bloviates, BS.
ht dp
Keep this in mind……
Given the delta thing, does this mean something is going to happen in November?
Hope so. We will be back from our annual fall beach trip and ready for action.
New Schlichter —
IMO, perhaps —
KamaHarr and HRC; or,
BO and KamaHarr; or,
BO and “Michelle ma belle”
IMO, RFK, Jr., won’t get within miles of nabbing the DNC nomination — no matter how much popular support he may garner.
That was funny.
Modern times, they us a basement.
IMO, it may be an idea to archive / print a hard copy, of this paper, before the “medical establishment” and DeepState PTB get it “corrected” or “withdrawn.”
Great thinking!
From a comment on that thread showing that paper:
Chris K, MSc
Been talking about negative efficacy for 4 days now. It’s like talking to a brick wall. All datasets agree. In science we call this confluence. The debate is settled: The jabs provide NEGATIVE efficacy.
Notice the ratio of deaths to that 4th dose of a COVID-19 “vaccine” in the NSW graphic.
What appears to be happening is the accumulated negative effects of the first 3 shots of a COVID-19 “vaccine.” By the time the 4th shot it taken, the death rate has already begun to rise exponentially.
And this is for one week in 2022 in NSW.
Mini ground report:
My son, the neurologist, is the head of the neurological unit at a hospital in NC.
He mentioned that he’s On Call more now.
He mentioned that cases of stroke are now “coding out” in the ER.
There are at least seven types of stroke that are listed in “Appendix 1: List of Adverse Events of Special Interest” in the document that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA in February, 2021, regarding adverse events reports following the EUA that the agency granted to the company for the use of BNT162b2 in the U.S. on 11 December, 2020:
“Brain stem embolism”
“Brain stem thrombosis”
“Cerebellar embolism”
“Cerebral artery embolism”
“Cerebral microembolism”
“Embolic stroke”
“Embolic cerebral infarction”
There are over 1,200 Adverse Events of Special Interest listed in this report. The report is titled, “5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Events Reports of PF-07032048 (BNT162b2) Received Through 26-Feb-2021.”
The report is FDA time-stamped “Approved On: 30-Apr-2021 09:26 (GMT).”
This means that the FDA KNEW that BNT162b2 (the original Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” used in the U.S.) CAUSED DAMAGE OR DEATH after it was given, but DID NOT TAKE THE “VACCINE” OFF THE MARKET until a few months ago — and even then, REPLACED it with the Pfizer-BioNTech “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine”, WHICH CONTAINS THE INGREDIENTS OF BNT162b2 BUT IN A SMALLER DOSAGE.
The report can be found by doing an internet search, or by going to and typing the report title in the search box.
In addition — NOT ALL adverse events from taking a COVID-19 mRNA-based “vaccine” show up right away. It can take time, for example, for the brain of a “vaccine” recipient to accumulate enough “vaccine’-engendered circulation damage to present as a stroke.
It can take time, for another example, for the heart of a “vaccine” recipient to accumulate enough “vaccine”-engendered damage to present as “died suddenly in their sleep.”
We’ve gone from “get jabbed and you won’t get COVID” to “the jab made your COVID less virulent” to “people are getting sick after being jabbed” to “jabbed people are dying suddenly” to “the jab doesn’t protect against COVID” to “the more jabs you get, the more susceptible you are to COVID.”
From the public’s standpoint, that’s an epic fail. From the depop standpoint, I suppose they’re over the target.
Warning Language:
All True!
Lara Logan needs a platform more often.
Talking heads STFU, Lara will deliver truths AND ratings.
I agree. It’s a win-win-win-win. Lara, the platform, the nation, the world.
I had not heard about the Senior Executive Service in a while.
Tuckers monologue on Twitter now surpassed 100 million:
I wonder when Warner CEO Zaslav calls up Tucker to offer him CNN…..
That would be hilarious. “Hey Tuck, There’s this dying network we own that needs your help. Here are the keys. Do whatever you want, just make some money. Contract for life, no restrictions, partial ownership. Have at it.”
From your fertile mind to God’s ear …
Carlsen News Network!
What a great idea! The Left’s heads would explode, and we would have a conservative cable network that would instantly go to the top of the ratings.
Tucker’s monologue was great, but I wish he had not called Zelensky “rat-like”, because he dropped a real gift to ADL and even the moderate Jewish orgs like Bnai Brith. They’re all jumping on him for being an antisemite. I kinda doubt that he meant it that way, but picking one of the Nazis’ “top five” nasty descriptions of Jews is never wise.
I felt a “buzz” when he said that, and I didn’t know why, but once people on Twitter posted about it, it clicked.
All that said, Zelenskyy is a terrible leader, a crook, and damn near a fascist. He’s a backer of actual Nazis. Thank God for Tucker speaking the truth about him.
I half-wonder if Tucker did that to bait in ADL, because when they support Zelenskyy, they’re basically supporting Nazis – who happen to have Russians higher on their demonic shit list than they do Jews.
That can change at any moment!
Tucker can jump their ass hard for that. “I said ‘rat-like’ by mistake. You actually support a guy who supports Nazis – Nazis that excuse Jews right now, but hate Russians just like the old ones did.”
If I remember right he also said ukraine blew up the gas pipeline.
Does it count just twitter subscribers or also ordinary people who just click a link.
Beware. This is the worst one yet. Gender destroying care.
So, for those of us who don’t read tweets, what is it?
Yup, what is it?
Perhaps post in a spoiler with a warning. Folks decide.
It’s a “vagina.”
Except it is NOT.
That photo is BRUTAL. That any so-called “doctor” could do that is beyond evil. They are demon-possessed.
Another picture of “gender affirming care”.
Worst one yet. It takes multiple clicks in Twitter to see it.
I don’t seem to be in the club that is allowed to see these pics. Not even a place where they are but not visible.
I can’t see them, and I think it’s because I don’t have a Twitter account.
Secret Decoder Ring, is a TW account. (MeThinks)
The AMA has an entire “gender-affirming care” / LGBTQ++ department.
The AMA is evil. It’s not “care”; it’s experimentation, mutilation, and doing harm instead of “do no harm.” Evil people smile as they coerce young people to ruin their lives.
RAINBOW NAZI “HEALTHCARE” straight out of 1930s Germany (pre-Nazi Bolsheviks).
I wish you’d share the pics here as they are never visible to me on twitter (I’m still banned)…you could always hide them behind the spoilers.
fwiw for many of the previous images in that thread a lot of people have attempted to get a threadreader for them & every one I’ve looked at doesn’t show the images either. Twitter is throttling this info & those disturbing images it would appear…
More great news as Bud Light swirls the bowl…
Bud Light Now Co-Sponsoring an ALL AGES Drag Show Party – Mexican Competitor Officially Dethrones Woke Company as America’s Number 1 Beer
Nice to see John Kirby squirm…
Comment on Kirby found at Andrei’s blog:
“Kirby is slick. May have said this before but he reminds me of stereotype of used car salesman.
Typical of those who rise irresistibly through the US leadership ranks. This seems to me to be a fundamental weakness in their system, because to my knowledge used car salesmen are not especially good at planning or conducting naval warfare.”
As the great I. F. Stone said,
“All governments lie, but disaster lies in wait for countries whose officials smoke the same hashish they give out”.
He also observed that, “If something goes wrong with the government, a free press will ferret it out and it will get fixed. But if something goes wrong with our free press, the country will go straight to hell”.
Not bad for a guy who died in 1989.
All true. Kirby was promoted well beyond his capabilities. Politics, as many have noted, many times.
Kirby got his current position, we all know it, connections – politics.
Terrible liar. No poker face at all.
Shag and Kirby can tag team for worst, of the worst.
“The great I. F. Stone”
Be very careful about this. Stone was a member of many communist front groups, and was named as a Soviet agent of influence by many sources.
Sort of like Joe Isuzu 🙂

Them were funny commercials.
Great ad! Our wolves can beat their wolves.
Video at the link. 1:28.
Trump: ‘When I Get Back Into the Oval Office, We Will Totally Obliterate the Deep State’
Video at the link. 2:33.
Dr. Peter McCullough Testifies: 600,000 Deaths From Covid “Vaccine”; More Than Died in the Civil War
Terrific Open … thank you so much …
my fav?
The chef doctor comparison struck me, simple and so true.
The photos of the smoke on the East Coast look just like what I ROUTINELY experience out here in the West, but nobody in the national press goes batshit crazy over!
It’s the same thing as when the East Coast gets 8 inches of snow, it’s “Snow-maggedon,” but a 3-foot blizzard in Montana is same-old, same-old.
Whiny bitches.
You know those jackasses actually behave as though nothing exists west of the Hudson River.
Sure, if you ask them they’ll deny it.
But they are just as MFingly parochial as they accuse us of being.
They absolutely are. But I can’t see your link; it says “Forbidden,” so it must be good, too!
It’s basically that famous “New Yorker” magazine cover with the map where everything west of the Hudson river is totally lacking in detail.
I remember that cover!
Moving … slowing … much to do today, hope I find the energy 😉
Found this lovely poem to spark the ‘grey cells’ if a cuppa is not doing the trick …
Enjoy … wishing all a good Thursday …
A cozy pink rose
Wrapped in sweet perfume
Pleases the eyes of strangers
A robin lifts his wings
Softly singing and flies away
The thorns of the day possess me
Words and music from afar
No jokes or absurdities
A divine moment
Of perception before
The creator opens the gate ©
~ mariarosa sclauzero
Lovely; thank you!
Saw this on intel slava Z, now finds it on twitter, great the way that works.
Last week we had a brief discussion about maintaining discipline among friendly forces back in the Napoleonic era, perhaps some before and after. Descriptions seemed a bit barbaric. Todays battlefield requires more dispersion of forces, which causes more decentralized control of units but the problem of soldiers failing to obey orders remains. This is how Ukr approaches that problem today.
Well, Wolf, it looks like Sundance caught up to me again, lol. Remember what I was saying a couple of days ago about what they were doing with the Trump indictment?
Well, here’s SD’s take:
Verse of the Day for Thursday, June 8, 2023
“O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!”
Psalms 8:9 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
This was posted at 12:01 their time.
“The enemy is advancing on the Zaporozhye front: the heavy battle on the positions of the heroic company of the 291 regiment does not stop
The armored fist of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been trying for 12 hours to break through the defenses of our troops near the town of Orekhov in the area of Rabocino-Verbovoye.
The APU armored groups are attacking the junction between two company strongpoints, having managed to occupy only one height of 178.2 in half a day of fighting
. Our fighters of the heroic company of the 291 regiment, under strong pressure, withdrew from the front line of trenches to reserve positions, the enemy continuously beat these trenches 3 hours before the offensive from all types of weapons.
The fighters of the company of the 291st regiment, with the support of neighbors from the 70th regiment, the reconnaissance fighters of the 42nd MSD and the 22nd special forces brigade, are holding the next support, this maneuver was planned in advance to contain just such a powerful offensive, the enemy broke his teeth on the first support for many hours and now breaks them on the second.
According to preliminary data, the APU has already we lost up to 16 tanks and 15 other units of other equipment.
Our guys are getting help from neighboring plots.
Heavy fighting does not stop for many hours, artillery from both sides does not stop.”
Im seeing frequent antitrump comments written almost the same way on multiple platforms. Usually its not prodimm, just antiTrump and pro any other R. The latest is as President, he hired the swamp and is therefore compromised, so is now the swamp since he didnt drain it.
Dunno if this is voters who truly are that fickle or people paid to do this. Either way, the divisiveness of it all this time around is startling.
Does he have a campaign mgr or anything? Havent heard about that type of team bc of the legal side.
I think it is trolls. I came across something similar yesterday but didn’t save it. Someone was reporting people saying almost identical slurs against Trump. I think it’s a tactic to make us think his base of support is dwindling. But I think the opposite is happening, that the more they attack him, the more we want to support him.
Ok. Didnt want to believe it but hadnt seen any real examples or discussion on it.
Remember the people saying they’d crawl through broken glass to vote for him.
I’ve seen nothing to suggest that that has changed.
Right. Me neither. I think people’s resolve to support him has only intensified.
I know mine has. It’s Trump or no one, for me. I will write him in, or not vote for President.
12-year-old terrorizes Tukwila community on violent, random crime spree Tukwila Wa. is a stones throw from SEATAC
News vid inside story says this is an ongoing and trending problem.
She probably needs an exorcist.
Give it time. She’ll eventually attack a concealed carry person and this problem will be ended. Permanently.
If she jumped my wife, she’d experience a right cross that would ring her bell.
They know who she is but let this continue?
Young girl needs her ass wupped. She’ll quit.
She was as bad as Fauci!
Deborah Birx: The Pandemic’s Master of the Lockdown – UncoverDC
BREAKING: Journalist Emerald Robinson Releases Transcript of Tucker’s Final Unaired Monologue – Where He Discusses Ray Epps, AOC and Jen Psaki – Twitter Censors the Report!
BREAKING: Journalist Emerald Robinson Releases Transcript of Tucker’s Final Unaired Monologue – Where He Discusses Ray Epps, AOC and Jen Psaki – Twitter Censors the Report! | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
Paging, “Free Speech” Elon…
F. You. NewSCUM. I actually have hate for this person. I doubt if theres anything in his life that he has even been good, honest, or patriotic about.
Gov. Gavin Newsom is seeking an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would restrict gun ownership — a daunting and likely quixotic response to the deadliest wave of mass shootings in U.S. history that would nonetheless position California as the most aggressive state in the union on gun control.
Newsom outlined his plan Thursday to pursue the amendment, seeded with cash left over from his landslide 2022 reelection, fueled by frustration over the country’s failure to adopt restrictions that polls show most Americans broadly support and a conservative Supreme Court that has rolled back gun laws.
“This is a mechanism to address that despair,” Newsom said in an interview with POLITICO ahead of his announcement, which came from his Campaign for Democracy PAC. “We’re sick of being on the defense and throwing up our hands. We want to go on the offense and be for something and build a movement that’s bottom up, not top down.”
The Democratic governor’s proposal would raise the federal minimum age to buy a firearm to 21 from 18; mandate universal background checks; institute a “reasonable” waiting period for all gun purchases and ban assault rifles nationally.
Yesterday, the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit handed down a major ruling in favor of the Second Amendment rights of ex-felons. At issue was the federal “felon-in-possession” law—18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1), which bars ex-felons from possession of firearms. While it is always risky to bet on granting of review before the Supreme Court, this en banc decision is well positioned for a Supreme Court showdown over the Second Amendment.
Ex-felons SHOULD have their 2A Rights restored. Voting Rights restored.
“…and ban assault rifles nationally.”
Look at that word, “nationally.”
IMO, this is Newscum making his first ** real hint ** that he’s going to run for President in 2024.
Look for more incorporating of “national” or “in the best interests of the country” into statements coming from him.
All he’s ever cared or thought about is himself and power. He is a walking ego.
Smells like Nanzi.
Likely runs in the family….
He got it from the Gettys.
He can try, and he will fail, and he will be remembered as a traitor who wanted to take away people’s rights of self-defense. If he took an oath to defend the US Constitution, he needs to be removed from office, NOW.
Pat Robertson, evangelical and Christian political trailblazer, dies at 93
“The first deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Sergey Kiriyenko, visited the NPP and personally made sure that the station was functioning normally — there was no threat to its further operation. The water intake and cooling system are operating normally.
The undermining of the Kakhovskaya HPP led to instability in the information environment — CIPSO began to weave intrigues around “potential threats” to the Zaporozhye NPP, trying to throw fakes among citizens. The station was visited by the First Deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Kiriyenko — he personally made sure that the water intake and cooling of the station are working normally.
Kiriyenko also spoke with employees and experts, who explained that in case of any potential situation, he had long provided an answer — there is a filled reservoir near the NPP in case of acute need. In the reservoir itself, the water has already stopped decreasing. This is another reason why all statements about alleged threats to the operation of the HPP due to the destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP should be treated skeptically.”
MTG got to see the document that Chris Wray wanted to hide:
The 5 million bribe to Joe was bribe money from Burisma to get Joe to intervene to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor Shogun.
The guy Joe bragged about in the CFR meeting that he got fired and put one in that was ‘solid’
This is corroboration for what is in the Laptop from Hell and what Mayor Guiliani investigated in 2019-2020
So this backs up what JB himself said about getting a prosecutor fired, except that this proves that money changed hands? And we had JB himself admitting this on camera, and the FIB has had this information for years and has done nothing as far as anyone can see. They allowed someone with this record of corruption and treason get into the WH.
I was curious to know who is on the House Oversight Committee since they all got to see the document. It’s a bigger committee than I thought. AOC is on it! From Wiki:
James Comer, Kentucky, ChairJim Jordan, OhioMike Turner, OhioPaul Gosar, ArizonaVirginia Foxx, North CarolinaGlenn Grothman, WisconsinGary Palmer, AlabamaClay Higgins, LouisianaPete Sessions, TexasAndy Biggs, ArizonaNancy Mace, South CarolinaJake LaTurner, KansasPat Fallon, TexasByron Donalds, FloridaKelly Armstrong, North DakotaScott Perry, PennsylvaniaWilliam Timmons, South CarolinaTim Burchett, TennesseeMarjorie Taylor Greene, GeorgiaLisa McClain, MichiganLauren Boebert, ColoradoRussell Fry, South CarolinaAnna Paulina Luna, FloridaChuck Edwards, North CarolinaNick Langworthy, New YorkEric Burlison, Missouri_____________________________________________
Jamie Raskin, Maryland, Ranking MemberEleanor Holmes Norton, District of ColumbiaStephen Lynch, MassachusettsGerry Connolly, VirginiaRaja Krishnamoorthi, IllinoisRo Khanna, CaliforniaKweisi Mfume, MarylandAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York, Vice Ranking MemberKatie Porter, CaliforniaCori Bush, MissouriJimmy Gomez, CaliforniaShontel Brown, OhioMelanie Stansbury, New MexicoRobert Garcia, CaliforniaMaxwell Frost, FloridaBecca Balint, VermontSummer Lee, PennsylvaniaGreg Casar, TexasJasmine Crockett, TexasDan Goldman, New YorkJared Moskowitz, Florida
ALL meaningless.
Action has been and IS required.
Alright, already, IMPEACH BiteME…NOW!
In parallel, Impeach Hoe, The Border Czar.
She has high expectations that wray will do the right thing.
Way she said it didn’t sound like sarc.
Thanks for posting. Five minute video,. Initially, I opted for the headline. Went back and listened in.
So, let me get this right. (Rhetorical. Not at/for RAC.)
MTGs words.
FIB has done essentially NOTHING, with all of the BiteMe Crime Family information.
The vaunted House R-Cons spent Months, simply to look at the 1023.
Wray has no respect for Americans OR The Rule Of Law.
YET, MTG has high expectations Wray will do the right thing.
MTG continues to disappoint. <<< Me, anyway.
Tim Poole (🚨language):
https: //
President Trump, SUE the DeSantis War Room into oblivion!
And if Ron DeepState approved of this ad — SUE him into oblivion!
I hope he does! 🍿
Can he do that?
Theory: DeSantis needs to rid himself of Pushaw to win, and CIA pushed her into self-destruction.
I knew they were using AI on the bike-and-kids image. But this? Foolish to the max.
Bike and kids?
Publicity photo of DeSantis and kids (who I guess were his or his relatives) sitting on his motorcycle. There were two AI errors in it. One was a leg over the bike (between two kids) that did not match DeSantis’ posture. The other was those “AI fingers” on one kid.
Found it!!!
OMG…that’s FUNNY!!!
Theory: DeSantis can’t win, no matter who is handling him 😂
This is absolutely foul. There’s not a chance in hell of deswampis winning the nomination unless all the dimms vote for him.
There’s a video ad that tries to tie Trump to Fauci and that contains those images.
If Wind Sock Ron doesn’t feel the hurricane winds at his door from this debacle and forcefully denounce it, he is a worse POS than even I thought.
I’m almost certain this is just the tip of the iceberg, and it will get infinitely worse than this.
So we can either complain about it to no avail, or…
We can do it a thousand times better than they can, and make them wish they never started it 😁
This just begs to be messed with….like putting one of the little rockers in the pride rocker’s “lap”.
Hell, that idea makes me want to drive the fifty miles to the nearest Cracker Barrel!
I am on vacation and stopped at a Cracker Barrel no pride anything. Not in the store restaurant or outside. This was in KY near Knoxville.
Good! Maybe it’s not all stores, then.
That is possible. I have not see anything any place. People that go to Cracker Barrel are not the Pride types.
Nothing says, Old Time America Country Store, like FREAK Month.
DW likes Cracker Barrel, which is the only reason I’ve gone there.
Not good IF I had taken the time to get off the Interstate, for cracker barrel, and sees this freak show.
I’d take a couple minutes to pointedly, somewhat loudly, tell the manager, my thoughts.
Read today that Cracker Barrel has pulled out of most of Oregon and completely out of Portland.
Pulling out of Cracker Barrel is ALWAYS an option.
Enroute J6 day. Likely J3 or J4. Along I-59 / I-81, IIRC.
Breakfast hours. Walked into a Cracker Barrel. Lotsa customers standing around. I ignore masks signs.
If you start seeing elements beyond iron, you have the heat on too high.
Sort of a soup or nova kind of thing…
Not only that, you’ll consume even more energy than you expected.
Matt Walsh is exposing the trans scam.
Matt Walsh’s Producer Gets Approved for Testicle Removal in a 22-Minute Video Call
There are 20 tweets in this thread.
The complete thread is here, with a lot more info:
It is damning. It’s not even about “helping” people that are believed to be gender dysphoric by “changing their gender”; it’s about getting insurance money for mutilation procedures.
Insurance companies should be very interested in this. They are being scammed.
Oh am sure they know this, how could they not if they did a little research into who’s getting paid for their services? Their HR departments are probably okay with it.
It’s that area that they can’t legitimately challenge at the risk of said to be ‘ practicing medicine ‘ or being sued because they question the ‘ diagnosis’ .
Insurance companies deserve to be scammed on this shit. ALL freak surgery is a scam. Yet, insurance companies go along with it.
It’s not about the money.
It’s about ESG, DEI, climatology, important non-balance sheet items like that 👍
Climb aboard the crazy train, and let the good times roll 😂
“Matt Walsh’s Producer Gets Approved for Testicle Removal in a 22-Minute Video Call”
In the 1990s, even as recently as the 2010s, this would have been a set-up for a comedy routine 😂
“One of the largest “transgender healthcare” providers in the U.S. approved Matt Walsh’s producer for testicle removal in a 22-minute video call.”
Hopefully Matt can talk him out of it… before it’s too late…
“One of the largest “transgender healthcare” providers in the U.S. approved Matt Walsh’s producer for testicle removal in a 22-minute video call.”
Why not opt for the lobotomy instead?
There are no regrets with lobotomy… because you can’t 🤣
I’d rather have a bottle in front of me… 😀
One couldn’t get a hold of ivermectin that easily.
I think I cracked the code.
Since these people are all suffering from mental illness, it’s the mental illness that needs to be addressed, not the physical body.
So here’s what ya do.
You match ’em up.
You take a dude who thinks he’s a girl, and find a matching girl who thinks she’s a dude. Make the match as close as reasonably possible. Approximately the same age, same hair color, same race, same eye color, similar weight, similar height, etc. As close as you can get.
Suppose you have a guy named Johnny who wants to be a girl, and a girl named Mary who wants to be a boy.
So you tell Mary that she’s going to be a boy named Johnny. She will be very excited to hear this. And you tell Johnny that he’s going to be a girl named Mary. He will be very pleased. Explain to them both that they will be swapping bodies in this exciting new medical procedure.
In order for it to work, they actually have to become the other person, and they will have no memory of who they used to be. So Mary will become Johnny, but have no memory of ever having been Mary, she will just be Johnny, and of course very happy to be male.
And Johnny will become Mary, without any memory of ever having been Johnny, and likewise very happy to be female. Johnny will inherit all of Mary’s memories, and vice-versa. So Johnny will become Mary and be very happy in her new female body, the body Johnny always wanted, but with none of Johnny’s memories. He will literally become Mary.
And Mary will be very happy in her (soon to be his) new male body, with none of Mary’s memories, she will only have Johnny’s memories.
Set up a lab. Make it dramatic, like Frankenstein’s lab, only modern. Two beds, with lots of electrodes to pretend to hook up to those Tesla / Frankenstein electricity generator things.
In the pre-op counseling session, explain to the patients that instead of mutilating their bodies and creating lifelong wounds that will never heal or function properly, this new procedure will just swap their spirits into each other’s bodies, while the bodies retain the same physical brain, so the memories come with the brain and body the spirit transfers into.
These people will believe anything, so this is tame by comparison to their weirdness tolerance.
Have them lay down on adjoining tables. Whatever most people are familiar with from movies, do it that way, whatever they’re predictively programmed for.
Crank on the electricity generators, and turn on some spooky music. Maybe flip the light switch on and off a few times, for effect.
Project a movie on the ceiling, some AI-generated stop-motion animation thing you could whip up in a few minutes these days, showing a ‘spirit’ coming out of one body and going into the other, and vice-versa, to help the patients visualize what’s supposedly happening to them during the procedure.
After about 5 or 10 minutes, make a big production out of shutting everything down, and have the patients meet you in the therapy room. It’s important to also do this last step with both of them in the room together.
This is when you close the deal.
Ask Mary if she has any memory of being Johnny. Obviously she won’t, because she isn’t, never was, and never will be, but that’s the beauty of it. She’ll say ‘No, I feel just like I always have.’
This is when you give her HUGE reassurance, that this means the operation was a total success.
Then turn to Johnny, and ask him if he has any memory of being Mary. He won’t, because he never was Mary, but he doesn’t know that, because the operation was a success. When he says ‘No, I feel like I have always been Johnny, and I have all of Johnny’s memories’, smile like you can hardly contain your excitement, and assure Johnny that this is better than you could have hoped for.
Because sometimes patients retain latent memories from when they were in the other’s body, but in the best cases, if the patients have been properly matched, there are no latent memories of having ever been the other (opposite sex) person.
So it feels like you have always been you, except now you’re happy being you in the body you always wanted.
This would totally work.
Johnny goes home happy to be the man he always wanted to be. He doesn’t ever remember being Mary, but after all the drama of the day, he’s sure he once was, and now he has a man’s body, like he (she) always wanted.
And Mary goes home happy to finally be the woman she always dreamed of being. She doesn’t remember ever being Johnny, but that’s okay, because that’s how she knows the operation was a success. Now she can live her life happily, knowing she’s the woman she always wanted to be.
Everybody wins…
I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner 😁
That’s freaking hilarious.
Sounds like the transi from Yale who decided to spend his junior year abroad…..
and then Johnny and Mary can get married and live happily ever after.
That is the finest therapy protocol ever!
That was my goal! 👍😁
Uhh, let me think about this, deeply, for at least a fraction of a second.
Okay, I’ve got it.
The answer is, No… don’t cut the boobies off… this is not the right move… get a psych evaluation instead.
And keep on getting them, until you find a doctor who tells you not to cut the boobies off.
You’re welcome.
You can thank me later.
;0) I haz boobies, I agree with the exception that if you’re a DD and runnin’ a marathon….you’re allowed to let that thought float across your mind.
Get ready right now. Newsom WILL be replacing Joe at the last minute.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) will sit with Fox News host Sean Hannity for an interview that will air next week, the network said Thursday.
The interview, which will mark the Democrat’s first on the conservative cable news channel in more than a decade, will take place at the governor’s mansion in Sacramento on June 12, and “encompass topics such as immigration, current issues in California, the economy, the 2024 presidential election,” Fox News said.
It will air during Hannity’s 9 p.m. nightly program.
What a suprise, tick tock himself finally brings us the big story. LOL they must be pivoting to the leftist now that they removed TC and there audience dried up.
Yeah. That newscum is willingbto do it only means he will be replacing biden.
DOJ needs to be shut down.
FIB needs to be shut down.
Notice how PDT gets indicted when things go badly for Brandon and the rest of DC criminals; at the same time that Russia is kicking the nazis tails ending the COVID scamdemic and human trafficking capital of Europe?
Yeah, noticed.
So they rush Newscum in to support the trafficking at the border, reparations and more threats of taking guns while the military sells ET having arrived.
You cannot make this shiz up. We did not all drop acid like Timothy Leary of yore.
Helluva movie there, 17.
IMO, “President Biden’s” handlers and the rest of the DeepState don’t have any choice now but to do everything they can to hamper / destroy Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign. They’re getting cornered.
Very impressive flare up, probably saved some lives with all that gone…
“Uman, Cherkasy region, Ukraine.
A clear blow of the Russian Aerospace Forces on the warehouse of the ammunition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The footage shows secondary detonations.”
So pretty RAC…that detonation doesn’t appear quite as large as the explosion in Khmelnetsky that leveled buildings for blocks, but this explosion appears to have taken out more missile ammunition than what was destroyed in Khmelnetsky.
Speaking of, Over-The-Target.
High fives for intel and operational forces. NEXT target, please.
Yipes!!! See’s something like that, the first thing to do is check the wind direction.
Done… Okay, all winds are westerly… Sure hopes they didn’t have any dirty bomb material in there. 😮😬😖🙄😏😁
Nothing scientific about this.
I frequent Estate Sales in my area. Company emails a “heads up”, to folks, like me.
^^^ Quite the spike. Above trend, smacks of J A B.
The signs are everywhere.
Happy hunting. Hope you find some useful stuff.
Im seeing more yard sales but not estate sales, although theyre around. Im sure that if youre seeing more though, se if you can keep a running tab for a while.
“Quite the spike”…rim shot 😉
Already 7.4 Million Views, going faster than last vid.
Last vid has slowed down to 108 million views.
Eat your heart out FOX!
up 1.1 million views in the length of time it took to watch the vid, 12 mins.
Now 8.5 million views.
Fox was in heaven when he used to pull in 4 million views a night.
It counts every time people view it, even when people view it more than once, right? But it’s still a huge number and a huge indictment of the media.
SUPERB listen.
Spamming out shortly.
Should be mandatory listen for politicians, DOJ, FIB, HLS….with a comprehension test.
Tucker getting messages out is great. I do hope, they are double posted on Rumble, somewhere.
IC? Well if this is any indication…. CIA officially goes woke!
Which I’m not surprised, they normally snare people around the world with child pedo crimes the better to blackmail them. Then once snared, they likely continue to feed them the same stuff to keep them doing their dark deeds.
That level of intelligence is nowhere to be found in media.
8.2 million views at 3:50pm on Friday!
Are we ready to go yet? Asking for 74 million friends.
I’m ready. National Strike.
Amen. Keep head on a swivel for any quality efforts that way.
Don’t fall for anything organized by Ali Alexander.
I’ve said before, and will repeat, there is only ONE MAN in America who can call for it, and have it succeed.
Bannon can’t do it, Don, Jr. can’t do it. Nobody can, except Trump.
How can Trump call for it, without being charged with insurrection, revolution, treason and incitement to create a public disturbance?
My Trump sign is already out.
Mine too. Prayers for President and Melania Trump to stay safe.
Holy shit.
Yup. We live in evil times.
WTH are they going to do to Donald Trump next Tuesday? —
Book him?
Read him his Miranda rights?
Lock him up?
Take away his passport?
Make him wear an ankle monitor?
Make him sign any numbers of “gag orders”?
Are the RINOs helping the DNC / DeepState buy Champagne to celebrate?
Rinos and ronna are IN ON IT. THEY WANT IT.
If youre not maga at this point you are the baddie.
Yet, (too) many, continue to drink Republican Kool-Aid.
Old old habits. Dont WANT TO understand things are different.
If republicans are not standing with Trump they are finished in my eyes
I believe almost every Repub running for president wants Trump completely out of the picture. The one exception might be Vivek.
The thought of Trump having to go through this is sickening to me.
What Happens at a First Appearance in Florida?
So…when do the riots begin until we get what we want? What about the media fawning over PDJT and the injustice? What about the corporations starting a gofundme and sending emails to all their customers showing solidarity? Wheres hollywood doing a marathon bc conservatives and the country are undrr attack?
So….theyre saying wtf you gonna do about it?
I expect there to be protesters for Trump. They’ll have to be super careful. Beyond that, I don’t know what we can do at this point except keep educating people and showing our support vocally, monetarily, and with our presence if possible.
Would they jail him and hold him without bail? It would be another outrageous injustice, but I don’t put anything past them.
On page 3 he continues his message of positivity for us.
Some nice lady got into my time line with several posts appalled after viewing vid below of Muslim man murdering his indian girl friend.
Islam, Religion Of Peace. (When Pigs Fly.)
Flying Pigs are Haram.
Oh, that’s funny!
I brought that more than a couple days ago.
Thankful ya did. It was surely enjoyed by many, including me.
Also enjoyed it today. Prolly others also.
Repeats are great. They also work both ways. Always a plus, in my mind.
Should go viral, in America. Normies may, WTFU.
Damn commies
Tucker, Episode #2.
Oh, and by the way, Trump was indicted on 7 counts.
Now back to our regular programming.
They indict Trump to distract from revelations of Biden’s crimes, and Ukraine’s loss to Russia …
As Tucker says, Stick To Your Taboos. (Common sense)
Watch — Exclusive: Riley Gaines Says Women Should Stop Being ‘Agreeable,’ Must Fight Trans Agenda
~1:04 Interviewer nails it. …self-sabotage… <<< (Go Along To Get Along)
Bring on the hand wringing, Go Along to Get Along, crowd.
They train so hard…A scholarship… ONLY endure an UNJUST, Agony of Defeat. Gaining NOTHING.
First 20 seconds.
Speaking of an asshole, calling normies, assholes. (emphasis added)
Garth Brooks insists new bar will sell ‘every brand of beer’ amid Bud Light controversy’Friends in Low Places’ singer Garth Brooks says, ‘If you’re an a–hole, there are plenty of other places’
On the positive side. From the same article.
Kid Rock shared his thoughts on Bud Light’s partnership with Mulvaney, a transgender woman, with a fiery video shared to social media.
“Let me say something to all of you and be as clear and concise as possible,” he said before aiming his gun and shooting at cases of Bud Light. “F— Bud Light, and f— Anheuser-Busch.”
Larry’s latest:
Larry is worried. Me too.

Charlie Kirk:
Whoa. Jonathan Turley, as usual, has a lot of interesting things to say. One is that Trump could run on getting elected and pardoning himself.
I’ve had a lot of issues with Levin, and I don’t like his habit of yelling, but that was an extremely informative and satisfying 7-minute rant. We need more fire in the belly from people who are in positions of influence.
His habit of yelling makes the info get lost. This wasnt too bad i thought either. Its time for expression of passion in re to whats happening.
Nice rant. ALL true.
So this crooked Special Persecutor, indicts Trump. (Over nothing.)
BullShit Durham, indicts NO ONE.
IIRC, one or more defended Durham. figured Durham was a “win”. (It wasn’t.)
Dunno crap about legal stuff.
Will DOJ try to merge DC and FL cases, to be heard in DC?
BREAKING: ANOTHER LEAK: Washington DC Grand Jury to Indict Trump on Espionage Act, Obstruction Charges
BiteMe Is A Certified Asshole.