2023·06·10 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

Joining The Herd Of Lemmings

I’ve had cause to consider a few things. Maybe we’re going about it the wrong way, and we need to ditch Trump

Yeah, NO

Trump all the way! Why? Because being hated by the people who hate him is a sign of impeccable character, that’s why.

The haters can go fuck themselves with rusty twelve gauge bore brushes. I’d prefer ten gauge but that’s kind of scarce, so…I’m willing to compromise.

The RINO’s Dilemma

The RINOs who who have burrowed in and taken over most GOP organizations, from the state down to local organizations, have quite a dilemma on their hands, and most of them have their heads too far up their asses to realize it.

OK, I’m not talking about the liberal in a Republican area, who knows they’re in the wrong party, but is there because it’s the only game in their town; they hope to capture a nomination someday, at which point they’re guaranteed to be elected…otherwise, they never will be. These people are a hazard in any heavily conservative area.

No, I’m talking about the guys who are a little bit conservative and want to do some good by going into politics, and they’re in a closely matched area, closely enough that they can join the party they are most aligned with and still have a chance. They think the Democrats…particularly the ones who end up running for office…are nuts.

They don’t think much better of the Deplorable types, either. A bunch of bumpkins whose hearts are in the right place, mostly…OK a bit extreme. But they think Deplorables can’t understand that first you have to get elected, then work within the system to change things…a slow process. They genuinely want many of the things Deplorables want…just not as much. The government is spending too much. Or they need to spend money on highways instead of welfare for illegal immigrants. But they want to work within the system to get these things done.

Or maybe they think things are pretty close to ideal right now, and they want to nail it in place.

The problem is, that means they don’t stand for anything in particular. And it shows. They’re about as unappetizing to the electorate as a puddle of dog vomit. The folks in the middle, who they think they are appealing to because they themselves are not extreme, would honestly prefer a clear-spoken radical to someone who qualifies everything they say to the point where they sound like they don’t believe anything at all.

The problem these “Mild RINOs” have, is they just can’t see that. And the reason they just can’t see that, is their entire sense of self-worth is tied up in not seeing that. In their minds, they’ve worked tirelessly for their party, to keep those crazy Democrats out…only to have to constantly fight with a small number of crazy Republicans–who are only liabilities if they end up as candidates. They’ve fought the good fight, and if they can just find the right candidate, someone with some charisma, they might stop the crazies…without being too beholden to the OTHER crazies. In the meantime it’s not working. What’s a responsible guy in politics to do?

They simply cannot understand that the Republicans can’t succeed as the party of nothing in particular. Not really in the past, and certainly not today when people are starting to realize that no matter what they do in the voting booth, the country is still about to fly off a precipice. If they did see it, they’d suddenly have two choices: Go away and let the GOP succeed, or stay and fight. But “go away” isn’t really an option, because what’s the point of having a party now owned by the crazies, win?

Well, they have a dilemma…and WE, therefore have a problem. And we would have that problem even IF they realized that they had a problem…that they were the problem.

No one ever thinks they are the bad guy. Even Epstein probably thought he was the good guy. Right up to the moment where he didn’t kill himself.

So if you ever wonder why these unappetizing dufuses cling on even when their fingernails are being left behind…that’s why. They don’t understand no one wants them, and can’t imagine that no one should want them. And oftentimes their greatest pride is in all the hard work they’ve done for the party. They’re not going to give that up; it’d be psychological suicide.

If you’ve worked with these people, there’s a good chance you like them and consider some of them your friends. But even if so…we’re going to have to give them a good, hard shove. Because America is more important than those milquetoasts’ egos.

Justice Must Be Done

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Spot (i.e., paper) Prices

Last week:

Gold $1,948.50
Silver $23.68
Platinum $1,015.00
Palladium $1,459.00
Rhodium $7,450.00

This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.

Gold $1,961.70
Silver $24.38
Platinum $1,018.00
Palladium $1,356.00
Rhodium $7,100.00

Silver up a decent amount. Gold a bit less so (and it went down a few bucks on Friday). Palladium and rhodium continue to slide which either means, someone is finally mining the stuff and meeting the demand, or…the economy is in a world of hurt. (The problem is they tend to piggyback on platinum mining, and no one is bothering with platinum because it’s been a glut on the market for years.)

Arbitrary Powers

No, this is not political, even though our would-be overlords are exercising arbitrary powers.

The last two posts on e and π have probably bent a few minds as people read them. I talked about some pretty wacky arithmetic…and it is arithmetic. Some few people here might not know what fractional and negative powers mean, or that they can even exist, so I’m going to take a break and bring ’em up to speed. Then I’ll bring in the Taylor series.

It seems like it would be a bit tricky multiplying an irrational number by itself, or even by some other irrational number. If it’s a rational number, even a repeating decimal, you can do the multiplication with fractions (where you get an exact answer), then if necessary convert to a decimal. But when the number doesn’t end as a decimal and can’t be represented as a fraction what do you do? You can just take it out to about twice as many digits as you need, do the multiplication, then throw away the digits you don’t need….only some of them at the end were wrong anyway. But that’s not really satisfying to mathematicians (engineers settle for it, because this is the real world and computers can only go so far for rendering numbers–there is a whole branch of mathematics devoted to estimating the errors in approximations).

And especially in the post on e, I talked about raising numbers to fractional powers. OK…at first blush, that is just plain screwy. e you might have a grip on. e2…well you multiply e x e. And e15…well it’s a lot of work and even the most sadistic math teacher wouldn’t expect that done longhand, but you just multiply 1.0 times e, then repeat..a total of fifteen times. But what in the heck does it mean to raise e to the 2.4th power? e2.4 is 1.0 times e…2.4 times. But multiplication is a single operation, you can’t do 4/10ths of a multiplication. It’s either done or it’s not done. And that’s not because e is irrational and transcendental, you have the same issue with 2x.

A similar question arises when someone talks about raising a number to a negative power…what does it mean to multiply 1 by xnegative three times? That one’s a bit easier, and I’ll give you a hint up front…division is the opposite of multiplication. Read on for the answer.

Yet with all these questions about what powers other than 1, 2, 3, etc. mean, you see a nice smooth graph of ex, like this one, with values drawn in between the integer powers:

You’ll note that the line goes through x=1, x=2 and so forth as if it’s meaningful to raise e to any power…fractions, compound numbers, irrational numbers, transcendental numbers, you-name-it. How do we know that line is smooth between e1 and e2, e2 and e3, and so forth, instead of jiggling all over the place in some wacky way that only just has to cross through the integer powers?

Well, it seems fairly intuitive that e2.5, whatever the heck it means, should be somewhere between e2 and e3. And that e2.25 really ought to be somewhere between e2 and e2.5. Follow that one far enough and you have a plausible argument that whatever that line should do, it should climb the whole way between e squared and e cubed, and not jiggle around. That’s not a solid proof, but a fairly strong suggestion. And of course that still leaves the possibility of the line being straight or even convex upward between the knowable, sensible points.

But we can actually go there, in a much more rigorous way–and the graph has it right. Nice smooth curve.

Consider what it means to raise some number, like, say, two, to an integer power…like, say, ten. In other words, 210. That;s simply 2·2·2·2·2·2·2·2·2·2 = 1024 (and that’s where You-Know-Who’s fraction of Indian (feather, not dot) ancestry comes from).

What happens if you multiply 24 by 23? Let’s see…that’s 2·2·2·2 multiplied by 2·2·2…which is to say, 2·2·2·2·2·2·2 or 27. And 7 happens to be 4 + 3. That’s not a coincidence. Provided you’re working from the same base, here 2 in both cases, (rather than doing 24 times 35, where they are different) you simply add the exponents. That’s a quick shortcut in algebra, where you might have to multiply x4 by x3. You just write x7. (But if you’re faced with x4 multiplied by y3, you’re stuck with x4y3.)

You can similarly divide by subtracting exponents, because dividing is the opposite of multiplying, and subtracting is the opposite of addition. So: x4/ x3 is x4-3 = x1 = x. Or written out, x·x·x·x/x·x·x. The three xs on the bottom cancel out three xs on top leaving you with x. And if the latter number is bigger than the first number, you end up with a negative power. That means more xs on the bottom, and (if you’re dealing with x3-4, you end up with x–1 = 1/x.

So a negative power is just the reciprocal of the same positive power. Thus x-3 is 1/x3, etc.

And you now know that any number raised to the zeroth power is 1. In other words, x0 = 1, no matter what x is. Don’t believe me? Do some algebra. Divide x2 by x2 to get 1, then do the same thing by subtracting the exponents.

OK, now for the next trick. There is a number–let’s call it s, which, when you square it, gives you 2. So s2 is 2. Or, s·s = 2. Or strictly speaking, s·s = 21. But we’ve already seen that you can get a number, raised to a power, by raising that number to other powers and adding the powers. So, you could figure s is two raised to some power, and multiply them together, like this 2p·2p=21. So what is p then? What is the one number, which when added to itself equals one? That’s ½.

So we have: 2½·2½=21.

Of course, s, which is equal to 2½, is simply the square root of 2. So…raising a number to the 1/2 power gives you its square root. And raising a number to its 1/3 power is the same as taking its cube root. And so on. That means to take the nth root of a number…you can divide the exponent, whatever it is, by n. The cube root of some number, x, is symbolized by first writing x as x1, so that it has an exponent…then dividing the exponent by 3.

So do you want to know what 22.4 is? Now we can figure it out. It’s 22 x 21/5 x 21/5 because 2.4 = 2+1/5+1/5. Or you can treat it as 212/5. To compute that, multiply 1 by 2…repeating 11 times for a total of 12 multiplications. Then take the fifth root.

No, I am not suggesting you do this, but at least now you can see what a calculator might be doing behind the scenes when you enter 2, then xy, then 2.4.

How about raising the power of some number, to yet another number? Like, say, raising 2 to the third power, then raising that to the fourth power? In other words, (23)4? Well, let’s see, that would be (23)·(23)·(23)·(23) which we already know you can figure out by adding 3+3+3+3 to get 212. But it’s also multiplying 3 by 4 to get 12. So when you raise a power to another power, you multiply the two exponents. (And again the base…the number you’re raising…has to match–in this case it will match.)

I said a couple of paragraphs ago that your calculator might be raising a number to a power, then taking some root of it, to compute a fractional power. But it’s probably not. Taking some weird root of a number is hard. (It’s easier using certain tricks, but still…) There is instead something called the Taylor Series. And unfortunately, deriving it requires calculus, but it can be used for any “infinitely differentiable” (i.e., “smooth-curve”) function.

You use it to approximate the value of some function that might be otherwise very hard to compute. Just run it out as far as you like; eventually you’ll see your answer isn’t changing enough to change the last digit on the calculator’s display, and you stop. (That’s called “converging on the value.”)

Here’s the full Taylor series. Don’t worry too much about it; it’s about to get much simpler.

{\displaystyle f(a)+{\frac {f'(a)}{1!}}(x-a)+{\frac {f''(a)}{2!}}(x-a)^{2}+{\frac {f'''(a)}{3!}}(x-a)^{3}+\cdots ,}

(For calculus geeks and the brave: A is some number you want to start from; most of the time that just gets set to zero and when you do that, it’s called the Maclaurin series. The fs with all the tick marks are derivatives of the function f. And the ! notation means to multiply a number by all the smaller numbers, so 6! is 6x5x4x3x2x1=720.)

As I said, you can use any smooth function here. And it just so happens that raising a positive number to the power x gives you a smooth function. So we can use the Taylor/Maclaurin series.

If that number you’re raising happens to be e then it gets very simple. The Taylor series for ex simplifies as follows if a=0…because the derivatives of ex are all themselves ex. So you’re taking ex of zero…over and over again. But that’s just one. And with a equals zero all of those (x-a)s become simply x. So you’re left with:

{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\sum _{n=0}^{\infty }{\frac {x^{n}}{n!}}&={\frac {x^{0}}{0!}}+{\frac {x^{1}}{1!}}+{\frac {x^{2}}{2!}}+{\frac {x^{3}}{3!}}+{\frac {x^{4}}{4!}}+{\frac {x^{5}}{5!}}+\cdots \\&=1+x+{\frac {x^{2}}{2}}+{\frac {x^{3}}{6}}+{\frac {x^{4}}{24}}+{\frac {x^{5}}{120}}+\cdots .\end{aligned}}}

(Sorry if you don’t know calculus…you can take my word for it…or dig, somewhere. If you can’t dig, ask other people who know calculus to confirm I’m not just some guy on the internet bullshitting you…rather, I’m just some guy on the internet actually giving you the straight dope. Will miracles never cease?)

Notice One Very Cool Thing: You’re computing ex without actually using the number e. And you’re doing it without having to take some weird root of the number for a fractional case. And x can be a fraction, a compound number, the square root of 2, some negative version of any of these…you name it! It’s all multiplication, division, and addition. You just have to keep going until it converges. Which, granted, might be a long time.

Yes, it’s a lot of arithmetic…but arithmetic is what calculators do.

I just set this up in a spreadsheet. Each term is simply x/n times the previous term, then you add them all up. So if I raise e1, it converges on 2.718281828 after twelve steps (and you’re just adding 1+1+1/2+1/6+1/24+1/120…). So you can compute e this way, as far out as you like. However, if I raise e10, it takes 35 steps to converge on 22,026.46579. The farther away from zero you get, the longer it will take to converge. Your calculator would probably take some shortcuts; I could guess what they are (and bore you, if I haven’t already) and probably be wrong anyway.

OK, well that’s bloody nice, you might be saying. But what if I want to raise some other number to a fractional exponent? Like, say, ten? Surely ten is a more useful base than friggin’ e is! So….just for an example, what’s 103.7?

This series can help you do that!

There is some number, call it q, that if you raise e to that power, you get 10. In other words, eq=10. Or in yet other words, q is the natural logarithm of 10, q = ln(10). (Apparently ln was chosen as the symbol for this by the French…or some other language that would want to put “natural” after “logarithm.”)

[Logarithms deserve their own post…and they’re not going to get one, at least not in this little miniseries. Suffice it to say you can figure out what two numbers multiplied together is…by adding their logarithms. Calculators probably use them a lot, too, inside and behind the scenes.]

How does that help us? Well, your original problem, “what’s 103.7?” is equivalent to “what’s (eq)3.7? But we already know that that is the same as: eq·3.7. Remember how you multiply exponents, to take the exponent of an exponent? And we know how to raise e to any power; use the series!

You just need to know what the natural log of your desired base is. And your desired base can be anything…a fraction, an irrational number…you name it, as long as you can get there by raising e to some notional power, you can use it. You just need to know what that notional power actually is.

Well, guess what, there’s a Taylor series for that too, a series for ln(x). I’m not going to hit you with that, though, because it won’t matter down the road. Suffice it to say natural logs are readily obtainable…naturally.

OK…so where are we?

We went from wondering how the heck you can raise numbers to negative and fractional values, and wondering how to raise an irrational, even transcendental, number like e to a power…to realizing that fractional and negative powers actually do mean something, and being able to raise e to any fractional or negative value without even having to use the number e to do it, using nothing but multiplication, division and addition. Pretty slick. And going from there to being able to raise any real number to any real power.

You might not be impressed but your calculator loves it.

Fuck Joe B*d*n

Due to complaints about foul language, I’ve censored the most objectionable word in the title of this section.

B*d*n, you don’t even get ONE scoop of ice cream today.

(Please post this somewhere permanent, as it will continue to be true; the SOB will never deserve a scoop.)

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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A lot of the problem is that people are taught half of what they’ll need to know about, say, exponents…..and then are given YEARS to forget all that before they are taught anything more.

Gail Combs

Coothie, you asked about Benedryl and ponies yesterday.

First, the smell of smoke has arrived in my neck of the woods and my allergies have gone nutz … DARN IT!!!

Ponies DO get allergies, either heaves (sort of like asthma where they cough and their lungs fill up and they can die.) Also they can get hives from insect stings or they get runny eyes. I actually have one pony allergic to hay (The mold in the hay to be precise.)

So far it has ALWAYS been the ‘red heads’ who have the problems.

It used to be you could get Tri-Hist Granules## that worked for 12 hours. It is in a corn meal base and very easy to feed. Unfortunately the product contained Sudafed so it was taken off the market and now we have NOTHING to replace it. For a while my vet gave me Guaifenesin which is used to help clear mucus or phlegm from the lungs in humans. However he found it was pretty useless in ‘heavy’ horses and quit prescribing it. So that leaves OTC benedryl. I grind up 2 caplets per 100 lbs of body weight. I spread molasses on bread and then add the powder — CAREFULLY — and try to get the molasses to ‘wet out’ the powder without having the powder spill onto the bread. A real PITA!! The powder likes to sit on top of the molasses and NOT mix so it takes a while to get the powder coated.

The powder is very bitter and Hubby did not mix it well one time. I now have a pony who panics at the sight of a slice of bread. 🙄 So with him I use a LOT of molasses mixed with the powder and placed in a syringe. I layer it. pure molasses/ medicated molasses/ pure molasses so he gets the proper dose.

## I am going to have to ask the vet if I can now get it via prescription although now it has more than doubled in price.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs

Gail Combs
Yesterday, the air quality index of 113 in the Raleigh-Durham area was the worst one has ever experienced. You could smell the smoke in the atmosphere even in the house with the windows closed. The atmosphere was filled with a weird-looking “haze.” They closed the golf course that backs up to one’s property for the day.
Today’s index isn’t much better.


Ours has gone up higher, but is still under 50 in east TN. Got some rain coming tomorrow night and Monday that will help.

But there are times you can really smell the smoke and see the haze in areas that normally don’t have it.


113, really? We were thanking God when it got DOWN to 113, as it had been 350+ for an extended period. You don’t even want to know how it looked and smelled. On the candy-ass east coast.

What a tiny bunch of self-absorbed jackasses this place has become – going around your cul-de-sac.

I realized I had not signed out. Done deal.


I must be sporting an iron lung or something but in my neck of the woods in Cali there were so many times it was bad smoke and ash but I never heard of many having hospital visits and major issues other than it being irritating.
Is there something in this Canadian smoke, like chemicals or something ?

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5

It passed over East Palestine Ohio.


Candy Ass East coast.


hahahahahah right ?!


Mainly jus funnin.

But DC area and NYC, candy asses.

Valerie Curren



I was at a Fish Club meeting, talking with one of the guys, and mentioned Candy Ass East Coast — and he said, “that’s just what my wife calls ’em.”


Right. Almost 400 air quality for an extended period, right here in NJ, the candy-ass east coast. As I said above, we were happy when it went DOWN to 113. What a jerk.


Cali has a lot of eucalyptus which is used on inhalants. May counterbalance the smoke

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ozzy – just a note. You are using an email hider, and that is why all your comments went into moderation. You have to use your regular email to show up with all the bells and whistles, and not be a “guest”. OTOH, you can now comment as a guest using the email hider, and it should post.


good. I think the email hider is automatic.


You might not be impressed but your calculator loves it.

I am impressed, and my calculator wishes I would use this sometimes instead of just adding numbers and figuring percentages. 😀


Sadly, calculators seem to make people less familiar with numbers — they want to stuff ’em in a box and hit “equals” instead of thinking about what they are doing.

There’s a famous tale of a young mathematician in Elementary School. The teacher, looking to fill time, had the entire class add up the numbers from 1 to 100. This kid (IIRC, Goethe), popped up with “5,050” before the class even got rolling.

He reasoned as following — take the first number, 1, and the last number, 100 — they add to 101. Then, take the second number, 2, and the second-to-last number, 99 — and they also add to 101. If he kept doing that 50 times, he’d end up with 50 and 51 — which still add up to 101. Fifty times 101 is 5050.

If he’d taken the “easy” way and used a calculator, he’d still be punching numbers….but he lived in a pre-calculator world. He had learned to understood numbers in a different way.




Then, again, I always liked the one about the student measuring the height of a building with a barometer….

“Find the Building Super. Offer to give him the barometer if he tells you the height of the building.”


Another method — pick a sunny day and measure their shadows….


Sell the barometer at a pawn shop (or to a passing stranger) and get a subway ticket. Go downtown to City Hall and ask to review the permits for the building…..


In case you’re wondering, the “official” answer is to use the barometer to measure air pressure at the top and bottom of the building. A pesky kid refused to give the “official” answer on a test and got an F. He was offered a “make-up” and took it, using a different method which was not “official” — so he got an F. Then he sued, and made the school system eat their stupid question — slowly, chewing it thoroughly.


Ah, it is said that this was raised in an academic setting — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barometer_question

Gail Combs

Nothing like a Smart Ass Kid that is really really intelligent.

NOTE TO TEACHERS: ALWAYS check if the kid has lawyers for parents, BEFORE you pull stupid commie schiff on the kid.


And accommodate the kids’ intelligence. Encourage them instead of punishing them.

Gail Combs

They used to sort kids by intelligence so the teachers could make the correct adjustments based on the kids abilities.

Then the Commies got into the act. So now they mix the kids and give Ritalin to the intelligent kids to MAKE them like the slower kids….


I can not find the article I want, No doubt it is long gone, but I did find this:

Ritalin stunts growth of children; long-term risk to children’s health unknown

…The truth is that ADHD kids aren’t diseased at all: Most schools are simply boring beyond belief, and children don’t learn well by being forced to sit still at their desks and listen to teachers ramble their way through meaningless memorization exercises dubbed “history” or “science” or whatever the topic may be. Children learn by doing things, and all that extra hyperactive energy has a useful function if it’s channeled into experiential learning exercises….

Nutritional research has shown that the symptoms of ADHD can be completely reversed in 80 percent of children in just two weeks by eliminating processed foods and chemical food additives from their diets. The so-called “disease” of ADHD is really just an expression of behavior caused by extreme dietary imbalances. The entire theory of ADHD can also be completely shot down by simply handing an ADHD child an X-Box or Wii gaming system, after which the child will sit down and engage in extremely focused, attentive and mentally demanding gaming activities for as long as six hours without a single break, and without distraction. If there really were such as disease as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, such behavior would not be possible….

This new research about Ritalin stunting the growth of children does not answer the question of whether children ever regain their normal height and body weight, or whether Ritalin causes a permanent stunting of growth that cannot be reversed. It does make us wonder, however, whether a drug that stunts physical growth might also stunt the growth of brain cells and the nervous system, leading to intellectually stunted children at the same time that it produces physically stunted children…

Get the kids OFF sugar and caffeine and ON to bikes or other good exercise! There was a reason we had a bit of ‘recess’ before classes started and again after lunch as well as Gym. Kids NEED to run around just like puppies or kittens or goat kids!

Ritalin ‘may cause damage to brains’

…..Children given Ritalin to control hyperactivity could be permanently brain damaged, it was claimed yesterday. Research suggests the controversial ‘chemical cosh’ drug raises the risk of depression and anxiety in adulthood. Ritalin alters the brain’s chemical composition so that it has a lasting effect on mental health, US scientists believe. Because these changes take place while a child’s brain is growing, they could cause irreversible damage….


…The 700% increase in psychostimulant use that occurred in the 1990s justifies concern about potential overdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment of child behavior problems… from the early to mid-1990s the rate of ADHD treatment (i.e., school-administered Ritalin) among white boys in Baltimore County elementary schools was over 15%….


…As many as 20 percent of college students have used Ritalin or Adderall to study, write papers and take exams, according to recent surveys focused on individual campuses. A study released this month by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia found that the number of teenagers who admit to abusing prescription medications tripled from 1992 to 2003, while in the general population such abuse had doubled….

They are DELIBERATELY destroying our children and have been for decades.


^^^ This. This. This!

Valerie Curren

Grrr! My oldest son had such a teacher in 5th/6th grade combined class. His doc that diagnosed ADHD when I thought he had dyslexia (he’d get the beginning & end of a word correct but just make up the middle) said if he had another year with that teacher he could be scarred for life. Fortunately she left that school & his issues eventually dissipated to some degree.


Probably teaching gender theory now

Valerie Curren

Good guess but I Really hope not!

Have things Finally lighted up there on the former prison planet? Hope you & yours are doing OK…AND it’s Really Good to see you!!!


We are ok. Skullduggery in politics-wrap up smear but the wheels are coming off as the messages between lefty journo and alleged sa victim nave been leaked

Valerie Curren

Glad you’re OK! Despise the ubiquitous corruption…grrr


Someone like that was given to you totemper you. Teach you self control, humility and to open your eyes to crap wearing the cloak of authority

Valerie Curren

Nothing like a Smart Ass Kid that is really really intelligent.” Q-Tree club motto?  😂 


Now they too busy indoctrinating them in woke genderbull to worry about maths


With a spread of shit on the paper?
The real question we are thinking is Was that you?


How hot is it?
building vary in height depending on the ambient temp

Valerie Curren

before/without abacus &/or slide rule? Neither of which I know I how to use…


The thing about slide rules is that you can multiply 6.3 x 10^4 and 2.7 x 10^3, but you have to keep track of the 10^7 part yourself.


Sorry, overcome by flashbacks…..

If you’re looking for financial information about any public company, you can look for it here — https://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch

If you want to see a quarterly report, that’s a 10-Q. An annual report is a 10-K. In it, they include financial statements.

When you’re maintaining the books of a company, everything has to balance to the penny. When you’re presenting financial statements to the US markets and the SEC, you typically round to the millions or something…..

The thing is, the stuff on the page has to add up.

Let’s say you have 10.4 + 10.4 + 10.4 + 10.9 = 42.1.

Then you round it to even numbers and it says 10 + 10 + 10 + 11 = 42.

So someone, generally a junior staff member, has to manually screw around with rounding to make it 10 + 11 + 10 + 11 = 42.

You have to preserve the big number, the 42. You can’t change a number that will have to be changed back in a subsequent year — so you can’t revalue your headquarters building. You can’t change a number that shows up in a bunch of different parts of the financials. You can’t change anything that the CFO has mentioned in a conference call….but you have to bury the rounding discrepancy — and there’s no automated way of doing it (at least, back when I was involved).

Valerie Curren

There was some fictional End Times book I read way back, I think it was written by the late Christian author & financial “guru” Larry Burkett. Anyway his creative solution to funding the survivors of the Apocalypse was to somehow take the fractional pennies of bank rounding calculations & collect them in an account for use by the latter day Christians. He made is sound “legal” & plausible…if only we could get those crumbs from our “masters'” tables, hmmm 😉

Valerie Curren

I’ve never seen/read that…


You need to see the movie “Office Space”. It explains a lot of Silicon Valley.

Valerie Curren

I’ll try to look for that at some point. I know hubby watched “Pirates of Silicon Valley” way back in the day 🙂



Valerie Curren

TY for the tip 🙂


I promise, it is worth watching.

Valerie Curren

Looking forward to it 🙂

Valerie Curren

My dad has/had a slide rule somewhere. I’ll have to see if he can pull it out & explain some of how that worked. Could be an interesting homeschool project for when the grandkids get a bit older 🙂

Valerie Curren

I read a novel where some type of space time wormhole effect dropped a small section of modern America into the midst of the Hundred Years War (actually 30 years war), like in Germany I believe. I think it was called 1517 or some other year…oops, 1632. Very interesting to see how modern theories could be adapted to make middle ages situations & industry so much more productive. AND finding a way to meld disparate times & cultures. I got one of my history buff kids to read it too 🙂

Ring of Fire Main Line Novels #11632
Eric Flint
12,413 ratings914 reviews

FREEDOM AND JUSTICE — AMERICAN STYLE 1632 And in northern Germany things couldn’t get much worse. Famine. Disease. Religous war laying waste the cities. Only the aristocrats remained relatively unscathed; for the peasants, death was a mercy. 2000 Things are going OK in Grantville, West Virginia, and everybody attending the wedding of Mike Stearn’s sister (including the entire local chapter of the United Mine Workers of America, which Mike leads) is having a good time. THEN, EVERYTHING CHANGED…. When the dust settles, Mike leads a group of armed miners to find out what happened and finds the road into town is cut, as with a sword. On the other side, a scene out of Hell: a man nailed to a farmhouse door, his wife and daughter attacked by men in steel vests. Faced with this, Mike and his friends don’t have to ask who to shoot. At that moment Freedom and Justice, American style, are introduced to the middle of the Thirty Years’ War.

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Valerie Curren

I enjoyed it but never went on to read the series.


Sounds very American and I can think of several people I would love to torment with this.

Valerie Curren

It was very American, including having modern people basically re-install the Constitution & adapt it to times before America even existed!

Gail Combs

YUP, I have my Dad’s slide rule and used it but, I am not sure I could use it now. Calculators were made but VERY pricey when I hit college.


Same here, I think I have it packed in his memories box to pass down. He taught me how to use it back then, I would be clueless now.


An abacus is an adding machine. Slide rules multiply using logarithms and force people to understand magnitudes.

Valerie Curren

But first I need to attempt to understand logarithms LOL AND I’m not sure I want to work that hard any more 😉


You don’t need to fully understand logarithms to use a slipstick.

Valerie Curren

I saw what he did but don’t understand Why that would work that way…hopefully Dad can enlighten me 🙂 He loves to recall how he helped me with some high school math by asking me a series of questions & forcing me to figure it out & in my adolescent arrogance I huffed away, after completing the assignment, & saying that he’d been no help at all, even though his questions forced me to work my way through the problems…a necessary life skill  ❤ 


The more you want to know about why, the more you have to know about logarithms.

Valerie Curren

AND it’s the weekend so it’s almost straying into punishment territory LOL

Valerie Curren

concepts underpinning actions are always helpful for my way of thinking!

Valerie Curren

nor slapstick, which is more at my level here in the cheap seats 😉


Ah! You beat me to it!!! 😂

Valerie Curren



Hilarious. Three Stooges were great stuff.

Valerie Curren

We AND our kids grew up on this stuff!


found on #counteroffensive. Seems slightly applicable.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Valerie Curren

Well you’d be slightly not wrong 😉
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And you don’t need to understand them at all for slapstick.


Logarithms are the opposite of the exponential functions such as e^x or 10^a or 2^n. To the extent that these exponential functions also are called antilogs.

The practical utility, which was big before the days of calculators, was that in order to multiply or divide some large numbers, it was easier to take the logarithms of them, (done by looking their digits up in a table) then add or subtract these, then do the antilog (the exponent, look for the value of this in the logarithm table, using it in the opposite direction) on the sum or difference, in order to convert back to what is the product or quotient.

This will work no matter whether the base of the logarithm and the antilog is e, 10, 2, or anything else, but as most practical numbers are decimal, the base-10 logarithms were the most useful for this.

Valerie Curren

So they were a form of a shortcut mathematically speaking…as long as one had access to the table (or perhaps the slide rule?) so Not knowing How to “do” a log wasn’t necessarily the issue but being able to Use a log table (when & how) was?

Valerie Curren

That was some math genius who came up with the slide rule apparently. Thanks for this explanation, which makes a lot of sense to me 🙂


We learned about the logarithms and what they were useful for, back in high school. We had a booklet, with the various tables for logarithms, sine, cosine, tangent, error-functions; as well as the factors, 2nd and 3rd powers and roots of all the integers up to 1000.

This was just before small handheld calculators with scientific functions were available and affordable. The practical uses was in physics classes where things were measured and values calculated — in the math classes the answers usually should be exact, that is, leaving square-roots and fractions as such: sqrt(2)/2 in math class, 0.7071 in physics class.

Last edited 1 year ago by slowcreekno
Valerie Curren

I must have hit HS just after that so I missed the pre-calculator tables as far as I can recall.

I think that I was exposed to logs in college in calculus but cannot recall now. HS was 3 years for me & one was algebra, one was geometry, & one was trig. Physics was in college for me too. HS was bio, chem, & anatomy I think.

Valerie Curren

I had a toy abacus as a kid but just liked to make noise with the pretty colored beads 🙂


You were halfway there.

Valerie Curren

That was very understandable. My toy wasn’t aligned like that so may not have actually been an abacus at all but just some beads on wires in a curving frame 🙂


There is another sort of abacus that has four beads down and one bead up — it’s like the “speedster version” but is less easy to get to know.

Valerie Curren

Mine was sort of like this one

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That one is not so optimized for computation.

Valerie Curren

clearly, but I liked the colors & sounds when very young


Mine just had all those colored marble things in a jar. I could never make heads or tails out of it.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Thank you for that explanation, which makes sense–whew! You do have a gift 🙂

Gail Combs

And that is a very good reason to NOT allow grade schoolers calculators, computers or phones. Get them to really LEARN first before you give them the short cuts.

Pedophiles is the other reason.

Valerie Curren



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Sippycup on top of the wall — must mean something.


All the King’s Horses and all the King’s Men?


The FIB knows his claims don’t hold water, so they’re holding it for him? 😝

JB’s tongue looks awfully red, like his hands. I don’t even want to think about that one.


Laura Loomer:

I literally am flying back from the West Coast to Miami early so I can support President Trump outside of the courthouse on Tuesday.

Every single GOP member of Congress, @SpeakerMcCarthy

, and every GOP candidate for President should be there on Tuesday as well to support President Trump.

It is an ABOMINATION what is happening in our country and I am disgusted that Republicans like @RonDeSantis

view this as an opportunity to campaign for President instead of dropping out and standing in solidarity with Donald Trump.

It is time to put pettiness aside for the sake of combatting the regime and weaponized government.

Let’s see who shows up on Tuesday to stand with President Trump.

I know I will be there. #Trump2024


I’d have been surprised if she didn’t.


Every single Democrat who supports the Rule of Law should be there, too.

Then we can see how many people that is.


I can think of two: Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley. Every now and then Bill Maher says something reasonable. But I think that people will think their presence would indicate support for Trump rather than the rule of law.


Because opposing Trump is more important than the Rule of Law…..message sent and received……

Gail Combs

I think Alan Dershowitz has already chimed in saying the case is complete Bull Schiff.


Dersh said that a Republican “leader” should draft an indictment of Biden and Hunter and present it to the American public in response to the indictment of Trump.

I replied to a tweet of his and told him, if he loves America as much as he claims he does, HE should draft the indictment!

Last edited 1 year ago by Aubergine

Way to go!


🙂 Thanks!

Valerie Curren

Epic genius!!!


I wish!

Valerie Curren

granted 😉


Lol! Thanks!

Valerie Curren

an iconic scene to be sure!

Gail Combs

CannCon said he is going to go as a reporter for Gateway Pundit.

President Trump’s birthday is coming up June 14, Wednesday, and he plans to bring LOTS of balloons and other stuff. The audience is sending funds.

Snail mail address.
President Trump
1100 South Ocean Boulevard,
Palm Beach, Florida 33480

If you also send a check — Memo line on check. Trump 2024


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^^^ Face of evil.

Where would one wear, the demonic outfit he has on?


I think it would look quite fashionable on a gallows.


Maybe here (from Wiki)?

On May 7, 2018, Smith was named to a four-year term as chief prosecutor for the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague, investigating war crimescommitted in the Kosovo War,[8][9][13] including the case of Salih Mustafa.[16] He took up the post on September 11, 2018, and was appointed to a second term on May 8, 2022.[8]


“Where would one wear, the demonic outfit he has on?”


At the Garth Brooks Woke-Ass Bar & Grill.

Saturday is Spot-a-Tranny night.

Fun for the whole family.

Half price Bud Light 👍


Who knew the “Friends in Low Places” were in the gutter?

Cuppa Covfefe

And the thunder rolls….  ⚡  ⛈  ⚡ 



Barb Meier

This morning, I counted 110 motorcycles riding together down the Hwy 211 mountain past my house. As always, I love seeing and hearing them go by. Rolling thunder is out today.


To me that face shouts psychopath with a chip on his shoulder.




Why does one think of “Sweeney Todd” when looking at this man’s face?


Any man with a beard that unkempt should be living in a cave in Afghanistan. The resemblance is striking:

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Put a turban on him, and he could be his brother.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO that’s a hint. There’s something about Jack Smith that is literally deranged.

We need to dig.


The wife (from Wiki):

Smith is a competitive triathlete despite not becoming a swimmer until he was in his mid-thirties.[24][25] In July 2011, he married Katy Chevigny,[26] a documentary filmmaker[25] known for Becoming, an award-winning 2020 documentary of Michelle Obama. They have a daughter.[25] The couple has been living in the Netherlands since 2018.[5]

Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I removed the links in that text – they were leaking information about your system.


Yikes! Do you mean the Trump quote with the pic of Jack Smith?

How can one guard against something like this?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Wikipedia stuff about the wife – the links in it were not regular links – they were “reader” links indicating the browser.


Okay. Thank you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In contrast, the links in the blurb about Smith in the other selection from Wikipedia are normal.


Does that happen if you access an article in “reader” mode? I can’t remember if I had done that or not.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m thinking there is a connection.


What do you get at https://coveryourtracks.eff.org/ ?


I leak 13.1 bits.


Yes, it does assume that everything you leak is truthful. I leak 8.89 bits as being Mozilla on Ubuntu — I need to figure out how to lie about this.

Valerie Curren

 I look generic, not eccentric.” A clear mask for Any Q-Treeper!

Barb Meier

Websites nowadays have to take into account your browser so all the html and other scripts present the info to you the way the website designer intends. It’s purely about helping them get through the variations in how different browsers handle things. MSoft always seems to deviate from the standard because their engineers always thought they had to rewrite stuff. They wrote their own memory manager that Apple provides for the Mac OS and that’s why Msoft was always slower to release Mac updates of their software.


SCORE!!! Your system is built to lie by its lonesome!


Been reading all this and did the test, it said I could be fingerprinted.
In FF I set the “resist fingerprinting” to true and did the test again, and it made no difference to the results.


I’m overwhelmed just doing basic stuff so I’ll play safe.


And the way to deal with that in a copy-and-paste is to first paste it into Notepad. All the formatting and reader links vanishes, leaving pure text. The paragraph breaks remain.


Good info, thanks!


“In July 2011, he married Katy Chevigny, a documentary filmmaker known for Becoming, an award-winning 2020 documentary of Michelle Obama.”


Sounds like a documentary of Mike becoming Moochelle.

Valerie Curren



Wait a second — are you saying our favorite president is being prosecuted by an ex-pat???


Kinda looks like it.


Her wiki is vary sparse, previously married to Dr. Jonathan Michael Chen, and his website looks very ordinary.


He looks deranged. I don’t remember having seen a picture of him before today. He reminded me of what Humphrey Bogart might look like after a 3-day bender.

Like death warmed over.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Looks Demon Possessed.


See above comparison photo.

Gail Combs


Hilary Clinton and the PURPLE REVOLUTION

November 11, 2016 The Clintons and Soros Launch America’s Purple Revolution

Defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is not about to «go quietly into that good night». On the morning after her surprising and unanticipated defeat at the hands of Republican Party upstart Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, entered the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel icomment image midtown Manhattan and were both adorned in purple attire. The press immediately noticed the color and asked what it represented. Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend…

Unlike the author, I interpret that to mean the DemonRats and RINOS are UNITING to DESTROY POTUS Trump.

BEWARE: The Purple Revolution Comes To Americathemillenniumreport.com — 2016/11

Truly, it was only a matter of time before a CIA color revolution was staged right in America’s own back yard.

Soros’s “Purple Revolution” brewing for Trump presidency

As a matter of historical fact, the US Department of State in collaboration with the CIA, DIA and NSA has carried out so many color revolutions around the globe over the past century that it boggles the mind. Hence, the seeds of karma have been insidiously planted only to emerge as the tree of destiny now being experienced by every U.S. citizen.

First, Obama was permitted to execute a slow-motion tearing of the social fabric throughout the USA now known as the Obamanation. His creation of various Czars and installation of key appointees guaranteed that a Stasi state would be surreptitiously built. The resulting quasi-communist, part-fascist progressivism known as “political correctness” has taken the United States into a place not too different from the USSR. Had Hillary R. Clinton won the election, the USSA would have manifested as a full-blown socialist A M E R I K A.

The Soros-Clinton-Obama Crowd Will Not Stand Down

Everyone and their brother have always known that the Clintonistas WOULD NOT LOSE THIS ELECTION, gracefully or otherwise. That they would not tolerate a Trump victory even when he won by an electoral vote landslide. Paid fanatical anarchists and agents provocateur simply don’t have to accept the democratic result of a free and lawful election—just ask George Soros.

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From Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign manager and White House Senior Advisor,  David Plouffe. He also was a Hillary Clinton Campaign Advisor

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I see his wiki was last edited today.

Valerie Curren

very interesting…


Oh, yeah…..


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Here’s How Every 2024 GOP Candidate Responded To Trump’s DOJ Indictment

My summary: They clutched their pearls about the fact of it, then threw Trump under the bus.

Asa Hutchinson called for Trump to drop out of the race. 😂 Nice try, but no dice.🤣

Chris Christie said we don’t get our facts from Trump’s Truth Social account, that we have to see what the facts are, and that no one is above the law. 😡😡😡

Tim Scott made an empty promise: “As President of the United States, I would purge all of the injustices and impurities in our system so that every American can have confidence that they will be seen by the Lady of Justice with a blindfold on.” How he would do that, we don’t know, of course.

Same for DeSantis: “The DeSantis administration will bring accountability to the DOJ, excise political bias and end weaponization once and for all.” Yawn.

Vivek Ramaswamy, too: “We have to restore the rule of law in America.” Yesterday he was generous enough to say he would pardon Trump. (/sarc , but he really said it)

Nothing in the article from Nikki Haley, Larry Elder, Doug Bergum, or other no-name people who have zero chance of even making it to the debate stage (which is probably why they were left out).


Let’s see how many show in Miami….


IMO, the most politically savvy of them all is Vivek, although I don’t trust him since his first reaction was not to state Trump’s innocence, but to say he would pardon him. (In other words, campaigning off of this.) It would not surprise me if he showed up.

The poor babies are in a tough position. If they show up, someone might think they have an ounce of support for Trump in their selfish, power-hungry psyches. And if they don’t show up, the MAGA base will chalk it up as another strike against them, never to be forgotten.

But if they do go, it will be to campaign, so I’d rather they stay away.

Gail Combs

“…the most politically savvy of them all is Vivek…”

Yes, I would agree. He, unlike the rest, knows he has to woo the diehard Trump supports and NOT antagonize them. It is a real tightrope walk. Ronda is TOO STUPID to realize that and is losing ground FAST!

Valerie Curren

no Pence posturing?


How could I have left out Pence? 😀

Former Vice President Mike Pence, on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show, called on Attorney General Merrick Garland to hold a press conference and explain his reasoning for bringing charges against Trump directly to the American people.

Not a bad idea on its face, but given the players, it would just be a meaningless exercise.


ONLY if he explains why BiteMe and his Crime Family are NOT indicted AND when they WILL be indicted.

Otherwise, Garland has nothing I am interested in.


I wouldn’t mind seeing him block a muzzle, a la North Korea….


I read somewhere that is the preferred exit method for homosexuals and prostitutes.

Valerie Curren

We All want to forget about Pence…grrr! Thanks for sharing the details for all these pretender-contenders 😉



Valerie Curren



BREAKING: Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) Calls for the Impeachment of President Biden

Me: Just do it. File the articles, and get it done. Stop talking about it.

Why has it taken this long for someone to stick their finger in the wind to see if it might be politically viable to think about forming a committee to make an announcement that they might consider talking about the possibility of stating that they’re wondering if it might be a good idea to impeach Biden?

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Biggs will be asking for donations in 3, 2, 1…

Wow. Andy Biggs, acting as IF he were decisive, bold, a leader.

Traits we wish R-Cons exuded. They and he do NOT.

Gail Combs

MTG has already filed so it is just a ME TOO.

May 18, 2023 MTG Files Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden – But That’s Not All

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said Thursday she has introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden and other members of his administration.

On Wednesday, Greene announced during a House hearing Wednesday her intention to impeach Matthew Graves, U.S. attorney for Washington, saying he has refused to prosecute “real criminals” while targeting Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol protesters.

On Thursday morning, she targeted Biden and others over the executive branch’s failure to secure the country’s southern border.

The Georgia Republican said she intends to impeach the president and those tasked with protecting the country’s sovereignty….


Then I repeat my question above, only regarding getting on with it. I saw Nancy Mace being interviewed yesterday, and Congress is investigating, to their credit. There are other 1023 forms that they are trying to get from Wray. If they have to wait on all that to actually impeach, it could take years.


1023s NOT NEEDED to impeach BiteMe.


Afghan fiasco.

Bank records.

R-Cons ARE Owned AND Afraid.


IF this ever gets to trial, let ALL of these documents be placed in evidence AND presented to the jury.

Valerie Curren

AND the American people!


Of course. I’m guessing, it’ll be live for us.

Valerie Curren

We live in interesting times!

Gail Combs



Amazing rant by “Five Times August” in response to being asked why they’re afraid of gay people. 👏👏👏

Nobody is afraid of gay people. Have you considered the possibility, though, that the vast majority of America is just exhausted of an obnoxious, self absorbed, entitled, narcissistic, confused and angry rainbow cult religion being shoved down our families throats every single day? And that none of you are actually victims but extremely privileged brats? And that maybe you’ve been programmed by mainstream media to regurgitate words like “hate” or “afraid” as a knee-jerk response to anyone who’s just not putting up with your insane crap perspective on life? Because maybe we have certain values we’re trying to teach our kids without rainbow barf interfering every time we leave the house? Like the idea they’re actually perfect just as God made them the day they were born, and maybe they don’t need to cut up their body and irreversibly hurt themselves to be happy, especially before they’re old enough to drive? Or that they have more to offer the world than dressing in drag and dancing for cash tips in front of five year olds? Have you considered the world doesn’t actually revolve around you and what your pronouns are? I understand this is a hard concept to grasp because the world, quite literally right now, *is* revolving around the Pride cult in every way possible… from TV and movies, books and children’s entertainment, corporate brands and commercials, up to the highest levels of government down to the public elementary school system… but guess what? It’s all a show, buddy. It doesn’t represent reality. It’s an agenda designed to divide and conquer, confuse kids, sexualize them and separate families. It’s perverse. And if you’re going to stand there and tell me all of this is in the name of progress or that my perspective is “outdated” as your friends in the movement enjoy doing, you tell me what we’re progressing to then. Once drag queen story hours and kink parades are truly accepted by society as “kid friendly” and appropriate “family entertainment” where do you “progress” from there? When are those things going to be looked back on as “outdated” and what comes next? 🤔 I think you know. We all know. And that’s why so many are putting their foot down here. It goes no further.


In the responses as “Pride Month Never Ends”. Too True.
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Last edited 1 year ago by para59r


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The left can create an endless number of divisive identity groups in service to the Cabal.

Valerie Curren

Gag a MAGAt



Valerie Curren



That’s fantastic! Congratulations!

Valerie Curren

LOL Don’t get too many ‘atta girls around here so I better try to revel in it 😉




^^^ Napalm Piss On All Of Them. ^^^

I am good with:

  • New Year, MLK, Lincoln’s birthday, Washington’s birthday, Easter,
  • Mother’s Day, D-Day, Father’s Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day,
  • Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, Pearl Harbor Day, and Christmas.
  • Trump’s Birthday. 🙂
  • Whatever major day I missed.
Valerie Curren

Jewish holidays?


There is an old story…..

Hitler was fascinated by the occult. He obviously loathed and mistrusted Jews, but heard that in the Jewish ghetto of Warsaw lived a soothsayer of unparalleled accuracy. He sent his gestapo to fetch the man.

Hauled before him, he asked a question that was at the top of his mind — “when shall I die?” The soothsayer replied, “you will die on a Jewish holiday.”

“Which one?”, demanded Hitler — “Rosh Hashanah? Passover? Sukkot?” …. but the soothsayer said not another word. He had the man beaten, and threatened his family, but the man remained silent. Finally, he had the Jew dragged away and dumped in the street.

And as they left him there, he muttered quietly — under his breath so they couldn’t hear — “any day you die will be a Jewish holiday.”

Valerie Curren



Good with them also.

Jus no LGXYZtranny crap. Nor am I interested in white, black, brown, yellow or any color month. Folks are folks.

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs


We are a CHRISTIAN country.

 63% of the US population is Christian

1.1% of U.S. adults have a Jewish background.

Muslims — 1.1% of the total US population.

According to WIKI:

Hinduism is a minority religion in the United States of America, ranking third-largest after Christianity and Irreligion [atheist or agnostic or rejecting religion], and equally ranking with Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism, constituting 1% of the population.

Valerie Curren

fair points 🙂 living in a pretty heavy muslim area we are usually aware of ramadan, especially since our son’s respite worker is muslim…

Gail Combs

We are doing 2 Ramadan parties…

Valerie Curren

with no food??? unless after dark?


Empty lives going to be filled with something.


There is a gap between July 16 and September 16.
Let’s celebrate our Freedom from PRIDE during that time.


Great idea!


Humility Month wouldn’t hurt. 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Beautiful truth! Awesome rant.


Read classic SF.


It’s not that there’s so little of classic SF, it’s that it’s so thoroughly buried under modern crap.

Valerie Curren

Did you read the Dune series & the prequels by Frank Herbert’s son, Brian, iirc? Perhaps not enough hard science in those tomes but good insights on human nature…

Valerie Curren

I read the whole original Dune stuff when a teen & quite a few of the prequel stuff as a youngish parent. Given the decade+ time between those readings I still found the prequels pretty enjoyable. I probably don’t have as high of standards on Sci Fi as you do 😉

Do you enjoy Piers Anthony?

Valerie Curren

That makes sense. With prequels there is no end to the possibilities it would seem. Yeah it’s probably a cash cow for BH but it is kind of fun to get more of the Dune universe, though unofficially, of course!


Herbert’s Consentiency books were also good — actually, he had all sorts of odd ones that were good reads.

Valerie Curren

I’ll have to dig in. I’m never going to live long enough to read everything I’d like to read, let alone re-read!

Gail Combs

Hal Clement (Harry Stubbs) he was a friend of Asimov.

Gail Combs

 Poul Anderson and Frederick Pohl 

OOOOOooo Favorite from Analog days.

I mentioned Harry Stubbs, because I was at a 50th birthday party where he did a really great roasting of a friend of mine.

(They were setting up experiments at White Sands Proving Grounds and then driving away before the bomb went off….)

Valerie Curren

you throw out these teasers…

(They were setting up experiments at White Sands Proving Grounds and then driving away before the bomb went off….)”

I Love it when you share your stories!

Gail Combs

I have boxes full of Analog from 1963 on. 🤓

Gail Combs

Beat me to it, However I noticed they were ALREADY slipping in gays and socialism…

Valerie Curren

In the teen books section of the local library the stickers on spines put the “new releases” at nearly 25% rainbow crapola. I know for a fact that they don’t always put a sticker on a book w/ gay+ characters, at least in the supporting cast. This is Extreme Indoctrination of the youth, which is the only section where I’ve seen the rainbow stickers…but that doesn’t mean such characters don’t appear in kids &/or adult material 🙁

Valerie Curren

Before I forget I wanted to let WM know about the lack of functionality on Carl’s Sunday May 28 post, the one about Love. Even after reloading the page no likes nor replies were possible. Also when attempting to copy a comment’s URL & clicking the comment # nothing would happen. I don’t think there was even a reply box for the post itself, at least not in the usual spot. Was that post “locked” somehow or are there possible lingering WP issues? I think the stuff that’s usually in the right margin was either absent or perhaps at the bottom of the page too….just fyi for site tweaking if need be 🙂 I could click on the notifier bell there & the black ribbon was formatted the usual way, fwiw…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! The page worked fine for me. I suspect that the page never loaded fully for you – possibly because of slow Twitter loading of tweets, which is a problem right now.

Valerie Curren

I just re-checked & that page worked normally for me now too. Thanks for looking into it 🙂



It’s Elon’s fault.

[only half sarc]

Valerie Curren

The reload did Not fix it for me on Carl’s post, at least not after a couple attempts, which is why I mentioned it here. I Always try reloads when likes don’t work or when get the red “nonce” box of death appears & Usually that takes care of any weirdness 🙂

I Never could get a reply through to Para (?) from the post I was reading before Memorial Day, Wednesday’s daily iirc. It was the comment on Anathema & the spoiler w/ the original book review that I wanted to reply to. I tried on multiple devices & numerous reloads. It would Never allow me to respond there, which was very strange…


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Trump Suit Against Niece Over NY Times Story Advances: Judge

Donald Trump can proceed with a lawsuit against his niece Mary Trump for providing information to the New York Times for its 2018 report on his taxes, a judge ruled.

New York state court Justice Robert Reed on Friday rejected Mary Trump’s argument that the former president’s lawsuit violated a state law against frivolous litigation “aimed at chilling freedom of speech and the press.”

Valerie Curren

Thanks Steve for that interesting & mostly understandable explanation…So this question probably reveals my lack of comprehension, but why exactly was that specific graph chosen & what’s the meaning of both the curves/lines thereon plotted?

Valerie Curren

Well Calculus was the terminus of my collegiate math endeavors & I never really “got” it, though my “B’s” might have implied otherwise LOL


The red line is a plot of e to the x. The blue line is a plot of y = x + 1. They intersect at….

ooops, Steve has an explanation


It is relevant, but only after you no longer need the graph. 🙂

Valerie Curren

I liked Both your explanations 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is powerful validation of the idea that many of these trans people were never what they thought they were.

Valerie Curren

In the conversation

Valerie Curren

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Male pattern baldness in waves???


I think that is actually a man, trolling as a trans-man.

He has too much facial hair and his Adam’s apple is too big for hormones to have developed them.


Just swallow the premise, you peon.




I’m a spitter!


That’s sad. I think there are many more factors than that now this person is a “man” and that has made her lonely. Intrinsic to being a “man” is all the knowledge that she’s not really one, that her body parts are probably different than those of both real women and men, and that she’s looking at the situation from a perspective that real men don’t have to deal with. It’s all outside of the norm, and that’s part of what she’s going through, not just differences in how genders relate to one another.



Kristol Meth shouldn’t tweet again.



Turkey supplied precision guided missiles to ukraine so let’s hope it was an accident rather than a FF.


Why? The sooner munitions stop flowing, the sooner the war ends.


I think the globo’s would like an attack so that they could blame the RF and involve natø officially.
Turkey doesn’t always slavishly go along with the lemming, so having some other natø special forces commit a FF there would not aggrieve other eu countries so much.


I understand. I was thinking simplistically – no weapons, no war – which has no room for nuance.


My head hurts with math now. Thanks for sharing, Steve… I think.


“…mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true”.

– Bertrand Russell (“Mathematics And The Metaphysicians”)

Valerie Curren

It seems that such a statement would be more accurate if it were referring to Metaphysics 🙂

Valerie Curren

feeling your pain 😉


So. Blinken makes an uninvited trip …

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Tony, what big shoes you have!

To help you understand the gravity of this picture, here is Sergei Lavrov meeting Crown Prince.

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H/T Andrei’s blog

Last edited 1 year ago by phoenixrising

One suspects that all the items which appear to be “gold-colored” in both photos — especially the photo with “Blinkie” and the Crown Prince — are actual gold leaf, NOT gold-colored or gold-infused paint. Even the waste baskets underneath the (gold-gilded) tables beside each chair. Even the gold decorations on the walls.
And, by the way, the U.S. flag is missing that should be behind “Blinkie” since it’s a visit from a Cabinet-level U.S. official. ** Interesting **, no?


Lots of news on him showing up uninvited.

As you can see Zelensky is correct. Getting fierce over there.

Yeah, seems lots of German Leopards and US Bradleys are ending up on the destroyed or abandoned list.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Doesn’t have time to listen to this and never heard this guy, but it doesn’t sound good for Team Brandon.

Master Trolling.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

What the devil is M. Trudeau fils doing over in Ukraine when Canada is literally on fire from one coast to another?
Are there ** secret biolabs that have some kind of Canadian involvement ** in Ukraine?


My question too! But we all know the answer. He’s there to distance himself from his crime while committing yet another (dropping off 400 Million dollars that Canada doesn’t really have to prolong war and kill moar people to fulfill his part in the World Genocide).

If Canada would wake up, they’d make him walk back to Canada.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

maybe so ?

Cuppa Covfefe

Talking purple revolution… Turdope even has the Purple Sausage Packer with him…

Gail Combs

I thought that was her.

Maybe Zelensky can have a private in the army give the two of them a guided tour of the Russian/Ukraine front…

Cuppa Covfefe

In one of those shiny new tanks…. 🙂

Oh, wait…

Tanks for the memories, I guess…

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Verse of the Day for Saturday, June 10, 2023

“O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.” 

Psalms 25:2 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Finally the Cardinal speaks out.
Cardinal Dolan condemns Dodgers honoring ‘drag’ nuns: ‘This isn’t some benevolent, humorous group’
‘These are the ones that threatened to desecrate the Holy Eucharist,’ the New York cardinal said of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

Deplorable Patriot

Dolan has put out a number of videos this week on Twitter. I need to listen to all of them. but this one….

The comments are brutal. And all he is doing to speaking straight from the Church’s teaching. He’s covering topics like dressing appropriately, quiet at Mass, etc. That stuff should not have to be said.


Well, this is confirmation of certain things —

June 9, 2023
Yours Truly: So much for the FDA insisting for over 3 years that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are “safe and effective.”


Every one who supported its use and approved it are murderers.

Gail Combs



I know we are getting this from various sources. This one seemed rather easy to digest.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Gail Combs

BOY she really didn’t want to hear that! I bet her producer was screaming obscenities in her ear piece!

Valerie Curren

In the replies

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h/t our CminTN 😆


Isn’t that Jack Smith with DJT?


I thought it was hunter, must be or the meme wouldn’t make sense, they do look similar though.


Definitely Hunter. 😆


I forgot /s.



“According to the Biden DOJ leaker, the ridiculous plan was discussed later in a meeting with Mark Meadows who was writing a book. Trump suggests he would like to share the information during the meeting but he’s aware of limitations on his ability post-presidency to declassify records.
This was the alleged “smoking gun” that Jack Smith is using to imprison President Trump.”

MY question, as WH cheif of staff would Mark Meadows have a security clearance.
If he has, why would it matter what PDJT spoke to him about.

pat frederick

if i remember correctly, the audio tape was made by a third person (helping to write the book?) that’s why there’s a transcript–so THAT person may not have a clearance.
but the transcript shows Smith altered the tape–leaving out words which changed the meaning from a what if kind of situation to a definite.

Paul Sperry
NEW: Special Counsel Smith’s indictment alleges Trump showed off a military paper that he boasted was classified “highly confidential” and “secret,” but the transcript reveals Trump actually said: “like, highly confidential” and “a secret.” Smith omitted the words “like” and “a.”


pat frederick

this is what happens when you hire psychopaths.


Or that it even existed at all.
PDJT and meadows may be working a gigantic scam on them.
Has milley either claimed or denied he wrote such a document?


Why didn’t they get a copy from milley, he’s bound to have one if he wrote it.

Gail Combs

Unless it NEVER EXISTED and was only a bit of spit-balling by Milley.

pat frederick

i dunno…i think i read meadows will testify against President Trump…but not sure.
it’s a grand idea though!


Well time after time after time they’ve tried to get PDJT on something that always turns out to be false.
It would be Trumpian to tempt them with a red herring, watch them swallow it then turn the table on them.
I just can’t figure out how the kicker will be played.

pat frederick

it’ll be YUGE!


The media is salivating at the thought of Meadows testifying against Trump, to the point where they stop just short of saying it will happen. I don’t think anyone knows anything at this point.


So racket Barrel truly got in trouble? My husband found Facebook where they posted their pride stuff.
not stopping there again . I like to stop there when traveling because they have clean bathrooms. I still can use them for that but nothing else.
I have not seen anything pride stuff at their place I am looking.
wonder if someone photoshopped to get Cracker Barrel in trouble?
I want to see it. Left wing sites like Young Turks reporting Cracker Barrel pride rocking chair.


To bad


I wonder about the ages of people who are promoting it. Wasnt even in the cards 5 yrs sgo. Now like magic its everywhere. Makes me think these are fresh college grads, fully indoctrinated.


I think you are right. I remember when my kids went to school there were 4 years between the first kid and last. In one year my youngest kids class showed already a shift in kids in study style teaching style and sensitivity training.


yeah, that torqued me…Cracker Barrel supporting tranny madness. I hate that it’s on my no-go list now.

Cuppa Covfefe

Cracked Barrel…


Big mistake


As posted a few days back.

Have give a damn for Cracker Barrell. Bastards tossed me for not wearing a mask.

  • Was truly hungry that morning, coming off the Interstate. Left a mark.

Have tolerated them as DW likes them.

As for me, I’ll wait in the truck.

^^^ Same thing I told DW, when stores insisted on masks. I’ll be in the truck.

To be honest, I think Cracker Barrel food sucks. Pancakes have the texture of rubber.

the only thing I’ll give them credit for is, clean restrooms.


We only eat egg bacon there when on the road
I do not care for the rest.


ZeroHedge has more:

For the sake of solar power, let’s hope Canada can bring its rampaging arsonists to heel. That’s because the shroud of smoke that covered much of the Eastern US seaboard, has sent solar power generation in parts of the eastern US plummeting by more than 50% as wildfires rage in Canada.

According to the region’s grid operator, solar farms powering New England were producing 56% less energy at times of peak demand compared with the week before. Meanwhile, Bloomberg reports that electricity generated by solar across the territory serviced by PJM Interconnection LLC, which spans Illinois to North Carolina, was down about 25% from the previous week.


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Deplorable Patriot



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Gail Combs


They steal more like 60%, they just don’t TELL YOU, instead they hide it…


…start with the staff of life, a loaf of bread. The simplest thing; the poorest man must have it. Well, there are 151 taxes now in the price of a loaf of bread—it accounts for more than half the cost of a loaf of bread. It begins with the first tax, on the farmer that raised the wheat. Any simpleton can understand that if that farmer cannot get enough money for his wheat, to pay the property tax on his farm, he can’t be a farmer. He loses his farm. And so it is with the fellow who pays a driver’s license and a gasoline tax to drive the truckload of wheat to the mill, the miller who has to pay everything from social security tax, business license, everything else. He has to make his living over and above those costs. So they all wind up in that loaf of bread. Now an egg isn’t far behind and nobody had to make that. There’s a hundred taxes in an egg by the time it gets to market and you know the chicken didn’t put them there!


Mismanagement and theft.

Valerie Curren

Deliberate despotism!


Last edited 1 year ago by eilert
Deplorable Patriot


LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft to Interview Trump Campaign Attorney Christina Bobb on Latest Attacks on President Trump – 3:30 ET | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft will interview Trump Campaign Attorney Christina Bobb Friday at 3:30 PM Eastern.

This interview will air live on The Gateway Pundit website.

The two will discuss the latest assault on President Trump and his associates.

Last night the Biden regime announced they were going to indict the leading Republican candidate in the 2024 election President Donald Trump.



Christina Bopp after being asked what Trump supporters can do:
“Stay Vigilant”
“Protect the election”
“He (Trump) will get through this, before the election.”
“He will come out victorious.”
“He is going to come out ready to win the primary and general election.”
“What we cannot do is sit and watch all the chaos in court and forgot to protect the election.”


Donald J. Trump





That woman is SOOO fine!

pat frederick

unabomber is found dead in his cell. he was 81
WASHINGTON (AP) — Theodore “Ted” Kaczynski, the Harvard-educated mathematician who retreated to a dingy shack in the Montana wilderness and ran a 17-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured 23 others, died Saturday. He was 81.
Branded the “Unabomber” by the FBI, Kaczynski died at the federal prison medical center in Butner, North Carolina, Kristie Breshears, a spokesperson for the federal Bureau of Prisons, told The Associated Press. He was found unresponsive in his cell early Saturday morning and was pronounced dead around 8 a.m., she said. A cause of death was not immediately known.

pat frederick

Seems like Ted wasn’t wrong about much. Only question now is do we do it Ted’s way or do we round up all the theorists and put them in monasteries. 😁😏😮🙄😖

his 35,000-word essay Industrial Society and Its Future (dubbed the “Unabomber manifesto” by the FBI) 


Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Hmmm agree  😁 

Valerie Curren

This link skips the browser search step


or perhaps not…looks like yours  🙃 

Gail Combs

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Next door neighbors who moved to east TN from Cali 2.5 years ago had a medical emergency this past week. The wife had a panic attack over her recently developing health issue of diabetes. The paramedics came along with two deputies, which indicated there was some type of psychotic break.

Her husband came over today to visit for other purposes and confirmed it all. It was in this conversation he stated that 1.5 years ago before they moved in he had a stroke at age 67. He had taken the Pfizer jabs. He has now learned the truth about them and his doc confirmed that it was the likely cause. Up to that point he had been neutral about vaccines in general as they were required a lot in his career and he had no problems until these.

The man is in otherwise great physical condition. Eats well, blood markers are flawless, perfect weight. Puts in three miles a day of fitness walking or light jogging. Was an Army Ranger for 20 years followed by being an LAPD officer before retirement. Eats right, Christian, no booze. His wife is in excellent physical condition otherwise as well in terms of weight, exercise, nutrition, devout Christian, etc. But yet now she is developing diabetes late in life with psychotic events.

The common denominator is both took the Pfizer JABS with their health issues showing up soon after. They are highly conservative and are so happy to get out of Cali. But nobody told them what could happen by taking the jabs or they were not paying attention like so many of our other fellow citizens. Good people being injured everywhere.

Last edited 1 year ago by TradeBait2

I’m sorry for them. I hope they are doing what they can to mitigate the damage with supplements.

his doc confirmed that it [vax] was the likely cause

This is good news.


Getting him started on nattokwinase to ease him into our regimen on here. She will follow.


Oh Lord, how sad about your neighbors.
A “full-blown” panic attack can mimic several serious medical emergencies, including heart attack, emotional meltdown, even an epileptic episode.
I hope everything turned out all right for the wife and it was a panic attack only.
IMO, the woman probably needs to be evaluated by an MD and start taking an antidepressant to get the panic issues under control, perhaps in conjunction with professional therapy by a psychologist or psychiatrist.
One hopes both husband and wife will start on protocols like the ones by FLCCC.

IMO, the “vaccine”-engendered injuries and illnesses of the neighbors may fit into what can be called “mid-term” appearance of adverse effects (more than 1 year post-“vaccination.”) This “mid-term” appearance may also explain the growing numbers of “died suddenly” cases.


25 February 2023
“A review of neurological side effects of COVID-19 vaccinations”
Roya Hosseini and Mayere Askari

February 8, 2022
“New-onset Type 1 Diabetes after COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination”
Masahiro Yano, et al.

Yours Truly is NOT deliberately trying to be “Debby Downer” here.
However, the “Medical Tsunami” of COVID-19 “vaccine”-engendered injures, illnesses, and deaths are just now starting to show up in real numbers. The “establishment medical” types will likely attribute these injuries, illnesses, and deaths to “other reasons”, like “unhealthy lifestyle” or “previous underlying medical issues.”
BUT — unless these “establishment medical professionals” have been living under a rock for the past 3 years, or are so afraid of losing their medical licenses that they’re still spouting the CDC / FDA / AMA nonsense — they KNOW that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are very much in play as causation and/or aggravation.
IMO, many, if not most, “vaccinated” persons are at risk for “vaccine”-engendered adverse side effects. This includes “vaccinated” family members, friends, and business associates. No matter how healthy they were at time of “vaccination” and/or how healthy they are right now.
IMO, every person who ever took any COVID-19 “vaccine”, no matter when, needs to follow a protocol to try to reduce, mitigate, or cleanse the effects of the spike protein + its mRNA + the lipid nanoparticles in their body.


We can’t underestimate the trauma some will have knowing ( or coming to understanding) what these poison shots have done to their bodies….and maybe their children too.


That’s where the man already is now with all of this. His wife is just now waking up to it.


The damage to the body’s immune system appears to be one of the most insidious / cumulative adverse side effects of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines” — along with the cumulative damage and effects to the cardiovascular system, IMO.
From “personal experience”, one can testify that panic-anxiety issues can have a detrimental impact on the immune system. Panic-anxiety is caused by Fear — Fear of the unknown (the future, the outcome, etc.) Once the immune system is compromised, negative impacts can happen.
IMO, there will be any number of “vaccinated” people, once they realize the damage the “vaccines” have done / can do, to their bodies, who could potentially react with panic-anxiety.
IMO, there will be any number of UN-“vaccinated” people, once they realize the damage the “vaccines” have done / can do, to their “vaccinated” loved ones and friends, who could ALSO potentially react with panic-anxiety.
BOTH of these potential reactions, IMO, may be an “emotional reaction” to a possibly dangerous situation (realizing, for example, that a “vaccinated” family member may develop heart issues from the “vaccine”, or actually be diagnosed with such.)
However, it’s when panic-anxiety driven by emotional reactions becomes persistent and/or extreme, it can turn into panic disorder.

Brave and Free

In agreement, I’d be questioning any sudden illness. I’ve been looking at local obituaries in my present local and previous place of residence. The number of people dying in the 30-60 age bracket seems to be very high to me. Died unexpectedly or after a short illness very common. One of my co-workers from afew years ago 42 years old died unexpectedly, healthy non smoker or drinker.


This mirrors what we have seen and heard in our church and SS class of about 40 people. The number is growing rapidly.


Thank you, RDS. You are so helpful and informative.

Valerie Curren

This 1000%!


FLCCC? Lurk at QTree and our sister sites.

Lotsa great information that may be helpful for them.

It all beats the LIES on cable…

Edit. Shoulda read replies, like RDS… (Repetition is good.)

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Without question, they both should be on a protocol that includes ivermectin and nattokinase.

And of course, all the usual vitamins like C, zinc, vitamin D, etc. But the iver and the natto are a must.


Got the natto underway, going to work on the Ivermectin. They are good about the vitamins.


Yours Truly believes a D-dimer blood test to see if there are elevated levels of micro-clots is also a good idea.



Valerie Curren

there’s vax detox info out there so maybe encourage him/them to search for what could help combat the poison…


Alan Dershowitz:
The Most Dangerous Indictment in History | Opinion

For the first time in American history, the leading candidate to defeat the incumbent president has been indicted by the incumbent’s Justice Department. Former President Donald Trump has been indicted by a federal grand jury for illegally retaining classified government documents and obstructing justice.

This is a momentous occasion, and not only for President Trump. This moment portends a massive change in the norms of this nation that all Americans who care about the neutral rule of law should pay close attention to, for it raises the specter of the partisan weaponization of the criminal justice system—not just by the Democrats targeting Trump but by Republicans who will certainly retaliate when they regain control of the criminal charging process.

How do we know this is about political retribution, not the rule of law? Look at the case. One would expect that such an unprecedented criminal prosecution would be the strongest one in political history. And yet, what information we do have suggests a weak case that would never have been brought if it wasn’t being brought against Donald Trump.

Indeed, in my book Get Trump, I predicted that Trump would be indicted. But even writing a book about the massive attacks President Trump sustained from his political adversaries, I could not have imagined that the DOJ would suffice with a charge as meager as the mere possession of classified documents. I thought they would go after Trump over some process crime growing out of the investigation. I assumed that before proceeding, they would develop a far stronger case—certainly stronger than the extraordinarily weak case put forward by District Attorney Alvin Bragg in Manhattan.

It appears that I was wrong. I gave them too much credit.

The indictment has yet to be unsealed, and there is still a slim possibility that there is a smoking gun, as there was in the obstruction cases against Richard Nixon that led his Republican colleagues to demand his resignation. We will know better when the seven-count indictment is made public, presumably on Tuesday. But based on what we know now, this does not seem like a strong case, especially if it is based on the Espionage Act of 1917, as a charge of illegally retaining documents is.

Ironically, the Espionage Act has been condemned by liberals, progressives, and Democrats since it became the open-ended weapon of choice aimed at political dissidents such as Eugene v. Debbs and other anti-war icons. It is vague and capable of being stretched to cover political enemies. So are the other two charges that have been referenced: conspiracy to obstruct Justice and lying to law enforcement officials…

In order for the public to believe that the soon to be disclosed indictment is not politically motivated, it must be far stronger than the cases that were not brought against other political figures and at least as strong as that against Nixon. That is a high bar, but it must be reached if our Justice Department is to maintain any semblance of impartiality.

It will not be enough to show technical violations that are sometimes prosecuted but often not. It is unlikely that the recoding of Trump showing classified material to a writer will suffice, unless prosecutors can establish the contents of these documents and that they were actually read by an unauthorized person. There must be evidence of willful conduct that violates clear and unambiguous laws and that gives honest prosecutors no choice but to indict.

I doubt that these rigorous but necessary criteria have been met in the current indictment against Trump, but I have an open if skeptical mind. As matters stand now, this “momentous” political case threatens to be a momentous challenge to our system of impartial justice.


Republicans who will certainly retaliate when they regain control of the criminal charging process.

^^^ Dersch has a higher opinion of R-Cons than I.

R-Cons cower. Even with a majority, R-Cons cower.

Gail Combs

R-Cons are the Controlled Opposition.


Trump is scheduled to speak in Georgia at a GOP Conference meeting at 2:45 Eastern. He’s taking the stage now.



“Every time I fly over a blue state, I get a subpoena.” 😅


“The only good thing about the indictment is it’s driven my poll numbers up.”
Fundraising, less important, is also through the roof.
Beating the h3ll out of the Repubs and JB.
“If I wasn’t, there would be no witch hunt.”


I know this is the Youtube.
I have problem watching any video on any of the other platform.
Youtube at least always works.

LIVE: President Donald J Trump to Speak at the Georgia GOP Conference Meeting – 6/10/23 – YouTube


Talks about Joe BRIBEN.


We caught that and had a good laugh!



Presidential Records Act not mentioned in the document, but it is the ruling act that this case falls under. They use the Espionage Act of 1917, WWI…boxes…JB has 1,850 boxes all over the place. JB is fighting them about turning over the boxes, but they say Trump is being obstructionist.

Our country has tears. We need strength, more than just normal strength.


PDJT speaking about Biden, just did a slip and called him “Joe Bribin”. No, it wasnt on purpose, and he continued without making a joke. I hope other people pick up on it and pay it forward.


Last edited 1 year ago by gil00

Looks like he’s getting younger 😮


“Jack Smith…what do you think his name used to be. Deranged.”
PDJT says Smith was shaking, didn’t want to be there.


“A sick nest of people that needs to be cleaned out. Get ’em out.”
Crowd: “USA, USA!”


“I retired the word ‘crooked’ from Hillary because Hillary doesn’t matter anymore.”
Applies to Biden now.


Wiki says his name is John L. Smith, with a birth year of 1968 or 1969. – ???


Same with his wife, is there a reason they don’t put the actual birth date.
“Chevigny was born in 1968 or 1969 to Bell Gale Chevigny and Paul Chevigny.”

Gail Combs

They are actually spies?


I don’t know. It seems strange. I didn’t go back to check just now, but I don’t think it gives his parents’ names.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

Trump brought MTG to the podium. She says PDJT is beating JB & Kamala in polls. “Four more years!”
Trump: “I just wish she was a little more aggressive.” 😂


“The day that you’re not allowed to complain about an election, then we are indeed Communist China.”


First day in office, I will end electric car mandates.
“If you want to have a dishwasher that actually lets water come out…” 😂


Will instruct a completely overhauled DOJ to go after crooked AGs.

Eisenhower was very tough on immigration.
Will carry out the largest deportation operation in US history.


Executive order, Day One, ending automatic citizenship for children born here.


Will pass the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act. If a country charges us with tariffs, we charge them at the same rate.


Ron DeS voted three times to gut Medicare and Social Security and to raise the retirement age to 70.


Talks about people “kissing my ass,” then becoming Never Trumpers. They claim to have MAGA principles, then go back to their old ways.

Gail Combs

Do not forget the 23% federal SALES TAX!!! That plus the nominal 30% tax takes you over 50% in federal taxes.

When I first started my business I figured out the overt taxes. it was 64.5% add + 23% = 87% in OVERT TAX!!!

That is without the 151 taxes on a loaf of bread (over 1/2 the cost) so you are OVER 90% in taxes!!!


Will cut federal funding to any school pushing critical race theory, gender, and any other inappropriate ideas. Will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutiliation in all 50 states.


No money to any school that has a vax mandate or mask mandate.
Special presidential commission to investigate childhood disorders, obesity, autism, etc.
Will ask Congress for a bill for national concealed carry reciprocity.


Year-long salute to America leading up to our 250th anniversary July 4, 2026.


Now we know why Sparkle Socks went to Ukraine. He can’t resist dancing..so what if Canada is burning up…dancing !!


What’s moar is this is them recruiting woman to fight by flying the drones. (shown at the end of the dance thing).. They are literally at the end of their rope.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

I’m pleased to be able to read an article that has an explanation of a Maclaurin series

Last edited 1 year ago by Please
Valerie Curren

Hey guys I’ve got a family dilemma that I want to run past the Q-Tree geniuses, involving my hubby’s health.

Very recently Michael has had a number of bouts of extreme digestive discomfort, some of which made him miss work for trucking & frequent bathroom trips are mutually exclusive, especially in the middle of the night when his shift starts.

Any way he thinks that he has Suddenly become gluten intolerant & is now trying to lived gluten free. Secondarily he thinks he might have a degree of lactose intolerance so is using very minimal dairy, butter seems to not bother him.

Now he’s had ZERO food allergies his whole life so this SUDDEN ONSET of issues is very bizarre.

Here are some facts that we are Pretty Sure of:

He has Zero tolerance of bioengineered &/or GMO stuff. Any time he’s accidentally eaten it it ends up messing with him pretty quickly.

About a month ago he was on that hiking/backpacking trip in the Jordan River pathway in Northern Michigan. His hiking buddy mentioned that M’s system was messed up when they went out to eat on their way home from that last hike, so this is the Beginning Point of his current issues it would seem.

On that hiking trip he used a Life Straw water bottle with a new filter so would get fresh water from the river or streams along that 20 mile trip & then it would filter through the straw. Could he have gotten some type of parasite that way that Intermittently would impact him, depending on what he’s eaten?

In the 6 weeks or so that we’ve been dealing with this situation once he went mostly/entirely gluten free he had few issues, except when accidentally eating bioengineered/GMO stuff (Kroger tortilla chips) or small amounts of gluten (Cavender’s Greek Seasoning on grilled chicken).

Is it possible to Suddenly Become Gluten intolerant to an extreme degree?

Could several bioengineered/GMO food encounters in the last few months cause gluten &/or lactose intolerance? Or something that Appears to be such intolerance?

I’m suspicious of the Sudden Onset of these issues & hoping that we can find a different solution than completely cutting gluten out of his diet, which appears to be working pretty well for him right now…

As an aside my dad was told some years ago that he needed to cut out gluten & that he was “allergic” to it. He went gluten free for a couple years before discovering, I forget how now, he wasn’t allergic at all & he eats a completely normal diet now w/ no issues.

IF there is some type of parasite that got through via the “wild water” or bioengineered/GMO food products could going through a course of Ivermectin perhaps kick it (we have some on hand)?

Any thoughts or suggestions? This is such an unexpected & unusual change for him…

Thanks for taking the time to read & ponder this dilemma! Blessings to all!!!


I’m sorry he’s dealing with this. I am not an expert and these are random thoughts.

Parasite testing seems like a good avenue to pursue. I think you can order tests online yourself, but I don’t know if that’s the best way to go.

Other conditions can cause intestinal symptoms, like Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).

Researching IVM dosage for parasites seems like a good thing to do. (I bet others here have info about this.)

It seems like you’re keeping track of what causes symptoms, and keeping a detailed food diary could also be helpful (even though it’s a pain to do!).

Hoping and praying for the best.

Valerie Curren

Thanks TT these are all helpful ideas.

He did go to the Urgent Care fairly early on & the NP he saw told him to take Imodium & get Gatorade to replenish his fluids & electrolytes. If he’d continued w/ the intense diarrhea she said he needed to go to an ER due to dehydration risk. Thankfully it never came to that!

Thanks for your prayers! God Bless

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

“…Could he have gotten some type of parasite that way that Intermittently would impact him, depending on what he’s eaten?….”


This sounds EXACTLY like what my Hubby’s old girl friend had. She could not tolerate milk AT ALL. Good luck getting a doctor to actually LOOK for it. I talked to one mom whose little boy was infected. Out of despiration she gave a sample to her vet, telling them it was from her dog. It came back positive. When the pediatritian found out he threatened to have her arrested because it is illegal to lie about that to the vet. She threatened to sue him for malpractice so it was a stand off and he did treat her son with no further problems.

If your hubby tells the doctor he drank from a stream (Do not mention the straw!!!) The dock will probably do the test for giardia.

Beaver fever or giardiasis, like doctors call it, is a very common diarrheal disease. It is called Beaver Fever after an outbreak in which hikers at Banff National Park became ill from drinking stream water contaminated with Giardia from beavers.

…Giardia infection is an intestinal infection marked by stomach cramps, bloating, nausea and bouts of watery diarrhea. Giardia infection is caused by a microscopic parasite that is found worldwide, especially in areas with poor sanitation and unsafe water.

Does Giardia have a smell?

Giardia infection (giardiasis) can cause a variety of intestinal symptoms, which include: Diarrhea. Gas. Foul-smelling, greasy poop that can float…

Giardiasis is very contagious, and can spread easily among families. In childcare centers or any facility caring for a group of people, or people who are traveling, giardiasis can easily pass from person to person.


If this came from stream water, then it seems the straw didn’t work.

Gail Combs

Could easily have picked it up just by having your hands in the water since it is very transmissable.

OH and the cysts of giardia are NOT EFFECTED BY CHLORINE DISINFECTANTS. That is why I will not drink the local city water.

Valerie Curren

TY for this important info too!


Out here, we are very cautious about stream water.

Valerie Curren

Yes. He thought he’d be safe with backpacking precautions where getting on site water is necessary on those long hikes where it’s impossible to carry sufficient water for one’s needs.

That hiking trip was unseasonably warm & he often dipped a hat &/or shirt in the stream water & let the evaporation help cool him down, in addition to drinking the filtered water via the Life Straw.


Lol, I should have kept reading before commenting! Oh, well. At least we have consensus..

Valerie Curren

You & Gail ROCK…always! It’s good to get differing expressions of even similar info as sometimes those nuances can be key pieces of info. TYSVM!!!

Valerie Curren

TY Gail for these very helpful insights, which I read out to Hubby to consider. He was familiar w/ Giardia from his boy scouting days…


Sounds like it could be giardia infection. I have known people who got it, and it is nasty stuff. It can last for well over a month:


I would try a course of ivermectin to see if that killed it first, before I went to a doc for help.

Valerie Curren

TY for the helpful info & the link! Blessings  ❤ 




Valerie Curren
Just catching up on the board, but Yours Truly concurs with the suspicion that it’s Giardia.
One is not a medical professional, but it seems that a course of IVM for your husband — and everyone else in the household — is a good idea.
And washing bedding, towels, dishes and cooking utensils, clothing (if possible) in hot water.

Valerie Curren

TY RDS! So far no one else in the household seems to be affected, thankfully!


Smart already folks chimed in.

Slow guys perspective.

  :wpds_arrow:  One word stands out, parasite. Solution, IvermectinSTAT.

Gail Combs

I am not sure Ivermectin will work. I know it does not work on coccidiosis in goats and sheep. It takes an antibiotic and even then you don’t get rid of it.

Coccidiosis is caused by microscopic protozoan parasites called coccidian (Eimeria spp.). It is the most common cause of diarrhea in young goats. It remains in the ground for up to 2 years and even chlorox will not kill it.

How do you get rid of beaver fever?

What is the treatment for giardiasis? Doctors commonly treat giardiasis by prescribing antibiotics such as metronidazole, tinidazole, or nitazoxanide. However, some individuals may recover on their own in a few weeks without medication.

Here are some related question people asked in various search engines.

How long does it take to get over beaver fever?

If water loss is severe, it can become serious, especially for infants. It is important to consume plenty of fluids, preferably water. Symptoms normally improve within 2–6 weeks, but this may take longer. Medications can help speed up recovery.

Can you get rid of Giardia without medication?

Many people with giardiasis have minor symptoms that go away on their own. You may not need treatment. If you have more severe parasite symptoms, your provider may prescribe an antibiotic with antiparasitic effect to kill the parasite.

Valerie Curren

Oh no! Did you take him to a vet & get meds?

Hope he’s OK now!

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

That’s pretty wild. How do you force feed a lizard? shove it it his mouth & hold it shut while rubbing the throat, like how we’ve done for dogs or some other way?

Valerie Curren

Wow. I clearly & erroneously thought it was in a pill form, oops.

I’m Quite Familiar with those blunt syringes being introduced to the need for them with Josiah as a 2 1/2 month old baby fresh out of the hospital after open heart & on Lasix, Aldactone, & some crazy antibiotic that glowed a fluorescent green. One of those doses was 0.2ml, 2 tics on the 1ml syringe.

Much later on when he was on Paxil he tolerated the liquid branded version & was getting 2-7mls, depending on the year w/ either a 5ml or a 10ml syringe. At least then we had a rubber “cork” for the bottle with a hole in the center so we could get that liquid out w/out too much of a mess!

When he was an infant it was so scary because it seemed like he needed meds with almost every feeding & even with those small volumes & trickling the liquid slowly in the corner of his mouth he usually ended up vomiting. Our dog would come running & lick up the formula & meds so probably had a strong heart (: I hope that made an upside down smiley 🙂

Valerie Curren

It can’t hurt surely & Could help!!! TY


The answer to all of his questions…deSantis is a uniparty stooge who probably would accept $$ from anyone who his handlers tell him to It’s a big club and he’s in it now.


If this was posted, it’s worth the repeat. It gave me chills.

Who is ready to crawl across broken glass to vote for Trump.


I’m in.


Will assume that this is true ?


Apparently it’s a thing…😏😮🙄😖

Cuppa Covfefe

BARGAIN counter-offensive…

Cuppa Covfefe

Fits with Zelensky’s transi proclivities…

Never let rules get in the way of ideology, hush money, graft, or money laundering…


It’s President Trump’s next stop today after the GA convention a bit ago…


Smaller group, more personnel touch but filled with detail and plans for the future along with what happened and is happening on all fronts. Not the same speech at all but just as good and just as funny.

This one would be good for normies who might be on the fence.


Rudy Giuliani DROPS A BOMB: I Have a Witness, Former Chief Accountant of Burisma Willing to Give Up All the Offshore Bank Accounts, INCLUDING THE BIDENS’ ACCOUNTS – HAS ACCESS TO A LOT MORE”
“Rudy, who warned the American public about the Biden Family’s international pay for play scandals years ago, told Rita Cosby that he has a witness who is the former chief accountant at Burisma who is willing to testify on the Biden crimes. She even has the Biden bank account transactions. She has the receipts!”

Rudy Giuliani: It’s extraordinary. I gave them one witness that any investigator would jump through hoops to go to. Gave them a witness who is a woman who was the chief accountant at this crooked company, Burisma. She was the wife of the former owner who died under suspicious circumstances. And, she was willing to give up all of the offshore bank accounts, including the Bidens’ accounts. She supervised the transfer of a lot more cash to the Bidens and other crooked politicians for Burisma.

Rita Cosby: Are you confident that now the House Committee is going to get to the bottom of that? Because that is stunning.

Rudy Giuliani: The reality is that we gave it to them in January of 2020, and the Pittsburgh US attorney was very interested. And then in a very strange move, Barr took it away from him, gave it to the US attorney in Delaware. He didn’t do a damn thing about it. And the woman was under threat of death. So we tried to put pressure on them to do something. Look, suppose she was lying. You would find out in a minute she wouldn’t have the accounts. She either has the goods or she doesn’t. And it’s absurd not to interview her. She claims she had bank accounts and that the Biden’s got a lot more money under the table than already. We had $8 million on the table that we could prove, which they could prove tomorrow if they wanted to they could have proved it three years ago, Rita. They could have indicted him before he ran for president and obviated this problem. We could have found out if he was innocent or guilty in January of 2020. All the witnesses were there, and I have him on tape like Schokin. Schokin was willing to come and testify.


Suppose Rudy had video of Brandon admitting they stole the election and exactly how they did it, and admitting that he sold national security secrets to the chyneese, and he admitted to child trafficking with his son, the bagman.

Better yet, suppose Brandon went on live TV, during a press conference, and just blurted out all of the above.

Who would do anything about it?

That’s the problem.

Lack of evidence isn’t the problem.

Brave and Free

Yup, if a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound?




Rudy, whoever in the House…PUBLISH THE EVIDENCE.

OR, the evidence may as well NOT exist.

R-Cons Fixated On Stoopid.

R-Cons would NOT recognize “action”, if it slapped them in the face.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs


Good morning – and a big happy birthday to all 9 #PuppyTurds … one-year-old today.🥳🥳🥳

comment image

Some of the people who gave homes to the puppies have posted pics, like this one.


Today the Belmont Stakes will be run. It is the 50th anniversary of Secretariat’s huge record-setting win.


Purloined and modified . . .
comment image


Did you do that? Nice work!


That is great! Good job!



Former Top Department of Justice Official Blows Up Jack Smith’s Case Against President Trump With One Tweet – Notices Key Item on Third Page of the Federal Indictment That Is “Grounds for Granting a Motion” to Dismiss


Exclusive: Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘Dumbfounded’ GOP Colleagues Will Not Call for Biden’s Impeachment 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) told Breitbart News she is “dumbfounded” by the refusal of her Republican House colleagues to call for the impeachment of President Joe Biden.

Following the pay-to-play allegation against Joe Biden for accepting $5 million after threatening to withhold aid to Ukraine until a prosecutor probing the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings was fired, Greene expressed bewilderment about the lack of interest in impeachment proceedings.

“To be honest with you? I don’t know,” Greene said when asked what it would take for House Republicans to call for Joe Biden’s impeachment.

“That’s the part that literally leaves me dumbfounded,” she said.

“I’ve already been texting a ton of my colleagues, ‘We have to impeach Biden, we have to impeach Biden,’” she said. “I literally introduced articles of impeachment on this very issue on January 20, 2021.”

…Greene, a member of the committee, told Breitbart News the FBI holds at least two more FD-1023 forms referenced by the FBI informant document reviewed by the committee Thursday. Greene expects the Committee will work to review those forms next week.

In connection with Biden’s Burisma business deal, Greene also told Breitbart News the House Oversight Committee issued two subpoenas Friday to compel information about the Bidens’ Ukrainian transactions. Before Friday, the Committee had already subpoenaed at least four banks — Bank of AmericaCathay Bank, JPMorgan Chase, and HSBC USA N.A. — and one individual.

Looks as if they need to hear from us. (And I know it usually feels as if that has no impact.)


Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘Dumbfounded’ GOP Colleagues Will Not Call for Biden’s Impeachment 

^^^ MTG needs to get a clue. ^^^

Not me. I not dumbfounded.

Hell I’d be shocked, IF the GOP did anything to hold BiteMe accountable.

There is ZERO excuse for GOP NOT Impeaching BiteMe, since the day after Kevin became Speaker. NONE.

GOP is worthless. Prove Me Wrong.


You’re wrong. They’d have to show some immediate improvement to get to worthless.


Uh yup. Ya got a point there.


What foul language?
im conflicted. Either the indictment is the last move prior to the deep state being rolled up and becoming dog mince – kinda like one final bite from a rabid hyena or it’s the deep state having a victory celebration- just before the us population says yeah, nah and takes up arms.