Cover image: Fireflies by Ryky

Sucking all the air out of the political room in the late afternoon:
Democrats and Republicans are skeptical of US spying practices, an AP-NORC poll finds
Skeptical? How about pissed off.
“Chinese Trojan Horse”? Investigation Reveals TikTok Is Filled With Deep State Assets
Russia tells US government to publish truth about JFK assassination
Sunday Talks – The Encapsulation
Badlands News Brief – June 12, 2023
Trump, JFK, Patton & McCarthy
How Bad Does It Have to Get?
The precipice, and apparently, we aren’t there yet.
Who’s Destroying Civic Norms Again? Trump?
The public opinion tide begins to turn against electric vehicles
Just because Rowan Atkinson is suddenly against them?
Dr. Evil hands his empire over to his Mini-me
The headline says it all.
Why New Imperial Leader Alex Soros Is Far More Dangerous Than George Soros Ever Was
The UFO craze was created by government nepotism and incompetent journalism
It’s a narrative.
Americans Who Say They Are Socially Conservative Reaches Decade High
Ten Explosive Revelations that Unmask the Covid Pandemic as an Orchestrated Event!
U.S. Spy Agencies Buy Vast Quantities of Americans’ Personal Data, U.S. Says
From the Wall Street Journal?
‘The Great Grift’: New AP investigation reveals stunning scope of COVID fraud
Who’s on the Other End of the Chatbot?
Liberty Falling
Tweet hopper:
But, the banks are buying gold like it’s going out of style.
No clue what it means.
No one on this board.
No, really, that is one heck of a motorcade for an ex-president.
Meme & Fun hopper:

I’m such a gen-Xer.

Really…the 80s were a great decade for me.

No wonder they are going extinct.
Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
MARK 16:15-20
15And he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. 16He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” 19So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. 20And they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it. Amen.
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Once again, our treasured DePat has improved our Tuesday by laying down the content!
I like the fireflies painting. A “lightning bug” in the bedroom at night can keep a person from going to sleep. (Don’t ask me how I know.
Like many things in the East, I simultaneously know a lot and nothing about fireflies. There aren’t any in California.
Mind you, I am vaguely familiar with their chemical means of luminescence and the use of same in glow-sticks for night diving. I understand that they randomly bob because the simulated fireflies in The Pirates of the Caribbean in Disneyland do that. But I know almost nothing that is practical.
Are they seasonal? Do they operate at certain times of night? How bright are they? How do they coexist with other critters — if I see fireflies, am I safe from being bitten by mosquitos…..or is it mosquitos’ peak feeding time? Do their flashes correspond with cricket chirps as a function of temperature? I just don’t know.
I’m hoping that I can learn fast enough to keep from being killed by something stupid when I move back there…..but it’s better than staying here and being ground into dust by idiocy and Socialism.
Pretty sure I’ve seen fireflies while camping in Yosemite. Several decades ago.
Lots of things are seen when using LSD.
Fireflies are seasonal. I haven’t seen any yet. It has something to do with the temperature. They come out (or at least are noticeable) on warm summer nights.
First a few appear, and then many more.
Not sure about the mosquitoes question. I don’t associate fireflies and mosquitoes as coexisting, but I’m not bothered much by mosquitoes, probably not sweet enough.
Fireflies are amazing where I live. There are some in urban areas, but what happens in the country is amazing. My honey, while wooing me, city mouse that I was, took me out on his 4 wheeler one warm summer night to a nearby “enclosed” field. It was like a massive room of fireflies. Mind blowingly beautiful. He had me, hook, line and sinker.
We also have dragon flies as big as your hand swarm in the yard some years. They come in in a large group, circle and dive around the yard for awhile and then leave. Not sure why, and it’s not every summer, but it’s truly a spectacular sight.
Each dragonfly eats about 15% of its weight a day. Must be a bunch of gnats or midges in the air.
14 Fun Facts About Dragonflies | Science| Smithsonian Magazine
I have seen a dragon fly swoop down and grab a BIG black horse fly. The fly was over an inch long.
My friend says they can bite but I have never had them bite and we have swarms of them at times.
I was bitten by a dragonfly when catching one by hand as a kid. I think I was grabbing it out of a net or something. Wasn’t as bad as a praying mantis or a katydid – those hurt BAD.
Dragonfly larvae look like underwater crickets and are major predators — they will kill and eat fish. As they grow, they molt a few times underwater. On their final molt as a larva, they climb a few inches out of the water, their back splits, and a dragonfly unfolds out of a cricket shell.
astounding insect life cycles!
That is the best ‘pick up line’ story.
Nope. That was “what are you planning to do this weekend? Would you like some help?”
He’s one smooth operator.
(I was going to launch a hobie cat for the first time. By myself.)
I stand corrected. It’s obvious I ain’t a female, or I’d know that.
We have fireflies here in Virginia. I look out my upstairs window and see them flying as high as the trees, 50 or more feet above the ground. Others are much lower and we used to catch them as children in Missouri.
Fireflies come out at duskish. I think I’ve only seen one this year. They live in the grass and light up the evening. We have this thing out here where we punch holes in the top of a jar and collect them. Catching them is a learned skill. I saw a number of art pieces with jars and collections, but none were oriented right.
It’s a big deal here. Only get to see if name is called in the lottery.
Hey – do you have a Gab or Twitter account for private contact? (You don’t have to mention it if you don’t want to.) Somebody has a question for you. I may do a post on contacting authors, too.
Fireflies tend to be several feet above the ground which makes it fairly easy for kids to capture them in a jar. When driving down the road on summer nights they often seem to hang out over roadside ditches.
When my younger brother was newly married to his second wife & their blended family came to town & my youngest brother had set us all up for a “camping trip” at a ropes course where he’d previously worked. We put up tents in a farmer’s field near the ropes course, which we did the next day.
Anyway, that night the perimeter woods of that field were all atwinkle with hundreds, maybe thousands, of fireflies. My memory says that those briefly glowing lights were more whitish than the usual green of the fireflies or lighting bugs in our yard. All I know is that the display was nearly magical & beyond anything I recall of the Many camping trips I’d been on in my youth!
This is Sort of what it can be like!
Beautiful. Thank you.
YW that video takes me right back to summers on our friends’ farm
Move this week. Just come somewhere safe.
My goats were watching one last night. I was wondering what had gotten their attention and then I saw it flash. It stayed ‘on’ for quite a long time too.
And to add to our insects today, I saw a Rosy Maple Moth clinging to our kitchen window screen.
That is what I thought when I saw it. I could not believe it was real.
Beautiful…I’ve neither seen nor heard of these, even in Mackinac Island’s Butterfly House…
That’s what we called them when I was a kid, “Lightning bugs”
So many excellent links, so little time…
Thanks for posting.
I thought we saw everything yesterday. Who knew there was moar? Lots moar!
Wednesday is in the can.
Can we be a little more discreet about this and say “Wednesday is powdering its nose?”
Wrong can.
So it’s crammed in there with Prince Albert?
“Javascript is required to run this app. You need to enable it in your browser.”
( link)
Nope. *blip*
We now know how to hide things from you.
This is what disposables are made for.
The side-by-side comparison of Socialist Propaganda is not flattering to Greta, who looks like the AI generating her image took a detour through the Pillsbury Doughboy.
Evidently, she took so much time off of school for protest marches and similar silly pursuits that she is only now graduating High School at the age of 20.
By comparison, I graduated college at the age of 20 and got a job in Public Accounting.
YUP, I also graduated at 20. I could have graduated high school a year early but I took art courses and physics and calc instead.
And those courses come in so handy on the farm.
Well the art courses do…
Stephen McIntyre on tapes in April, implicates Weissman in receipt of Poroshenko tapes.
Fool Nelson has receipts of the Onyshenko agreement that turned over tapes to Andrew Weissmann:
Look at how much is exposed. Most would have been buried if not for Biden’s installation.
Hello Nina.
Sorry, but I can’t resist reposting this classic:
The comments to Nina’s video are a hoot. Even Ellen Nakashima sucks up, lol.
Trump, JFK, Patton & McCarthy
This article from the open draws some very interesting parallels. All were, and are, fighting Communism. (That’s Josephy McCarthy, not Kevin.)
AH! A medical site that debunks Covidian madness???
Mel Gibson: Hollywood Elite Trying To Kill Me for Exposing Pedophile Ring
There’s a video at the link. Beginning at about the 8:00 mark there are couple of interviews with Gibson and one with Jim Caviezel.
The Uniparty creature with the ears of a donkey, the horn of a RINO, and the trunk of an elephant, is destined to be a classic.
Yes, it’s a perfect compilation. And in that cartoon, it’s looking the other way while the country and our money burn. So typical.
Video sticks at 0:42, tried it several times. Probably what he’s going to say is obvious, just curious why it’s like that.
The first time I played it, there were a few seconds of silence and then it continued. Then I placed the cursor back a little to “run it back,” and it played through but seemed like it had been spliced. I think it’s an editing glitch.
That happened to me repeatedly when opening the tweet in a separate tab even with multiple page reloads…
“Game over, Bill Barr can eat a bag of dicks.”
Look at him, he’s already had hundreds.
Give him a vaxx and a stress test.
sound cuts out around 20 seconds & never comes back…hmmm, even on rewind…
you can move the ‘dot’ a bit further along. However I posted the Just the news article so that is much easier.
Yeah the video played through to the end but the sound never came back. I’ll have to see if it works w/ the article.
The article contained the quoted material, so thank you!
consolidated the info for this Gab status/post…
That’s weird. I just played it again and got a slight glitch at about 42 seconds, but the whole thing played.
With the sound on I never got it past that 42nd second glitch either…hmmm
IN WRITING from John Solomon:
New twist in FBI raid: Trump had ‘standing order’ to declassify documents taken to residence
Thank you!
You are very welcome.
In replies
Apparently Antifa is planning to be at the courthouse for the arraignment.
FBI likely pushed ANTIFA to be there. COUNT ON IT!
What I think is Antifa the US Brown shirts and someone is paying them. They are trained thugs and criminals. They get called when the regime needs agitators .
Many people do not see it. Same with BLM. The organization that funds these criminal thugs need to be found out and prosecuted.
Well we know the Proud Boys were training with the Azov Battalion AND Azov is NAZI trained by the CIA!
The Rise Above Movement, Patriot Front and Azov Battalion
In 2015 the US Congress recognized the Azov Battalion as NAZI…
CIA trains Ukrainian nazis how ‘to kill Russians’
I wish they would start calling NAZIS LEFT WING SOCIALISTS which is what they actually are!
Manufactured Crisis: CIA trained the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and has chosen Ukraine as birthplace of new “Global White Supremacist” Terror Threat
Thank you did not know that. They are truly evil.
VERY!!! The CIA are truly NAZIS!!
I showed that here: Spies, Spooks, Snakes and The Sea Eye Aye
(“Patriot Front” (NOT “Proud Boys”); I see PF at the link. That being said, NOTHING would surprise me !))

I noticed a lot of people now calling Desantis “Rob” instead of ‘Ron’.
Cracks me up every time
Ron DeTritus, Ron DeRanged, there’s a lot of choice…
This is a good fit, Ron DeSpoiler
Ron DeSatan…
He sold his soul not for the benefit of humankind but for his self-serving impulse.
Rob de Turd
He did not chose wisely. Greed is always the downfall and the devil knows it.
We need to elect nonpolitical to congress and governors. We need to go back to “We The People”
Lawyers live up to their names.
Robert Sepehr is a hard-ass! He will not take ANY woke shit about race, sex, or science. He just pummels any attempt to be “nice” about the science, or to acquiesce to the PC.
I wasn’t familiar with him. As an anthropologist, he has credentials to debunk the gender stuff.
A person with EYE SIGHT (and a nose) can debunk the WOKE SCHIFF!
Alice is no scientist.
Male Vs. Female Pelvis: 15 Major Differences (With Diagram)

A male does not have the pelvic to carry a baby.
A mans pelvis connection to his legs is made to carry weight. Woman’s is not and that is why FEMALES SHOULD NOT BE SOLDIERS! The joint breaks down (Per a female Marine commenting on American Thinker back in 2016)
Difference Between Male and Female FemurAugust 15, 2018 Dr.Samanthi
The closer to straight (less angle) the better for transferring the weight directly to the legs. I used to have a better photo but this shows the angles.
Interesting thank you
Alice is a dumbass.
Probably rate her OK in Wonderland.
Probably a PAID TROLL…
It is hysterical she is posing as a ‘Scientist’ Nothing like SMEARING ‘The Science’ a bit more.
Good with it.
Wonder how he feels about “Republicans”.
Truth tends to reveal things like that.
I side with truth 100% of the time. May it all be revealed in God’s time.
Actually he is being NICE calling them Shit Humans.
I call them DEMON RATS!
Oh now all I see looking at dems a big rat Thanks
Who stole my cheese?
A Demon Rat of course!
Comer: FBI Told Us Joe Biden Is ‘Currently Under Investigation for Bribery’
So the 1023 info was passed to the U.S. Attorney in Delaware, and the FIB is doing the investigating? Haven’t they had this information for almost 6 years now?
Y a w n.
Wakey wakey. I don’t think you want to miss this part
Truth is I’m BORED with it all.
I simply can’t understand why the don’t publish the truth. Banking documents, recordings…
Nor do I understand why the House has not ALREADY impeached BiteMe AND Hoe.
I have a bias towards, ACTION.
I’ll stop here.
Justice delayed is justice denied. PERIOD.
So, we have one President who was in lawful possession of documents that he had the authority to declassify and did, where the IC is trying to make it illegal after-the-fact by conjuring up some irrelevant “national security” hogwash after his term….
….then we have another “President” who was in illegal possession of documents that he never had the authority to declassify, where the IC is trying to make it lawful after-the-fact by saying he is President now after they interfered in his election to put him there.
Nothing says banana republic like…^^^ Complete with Pravda News support.
Yeah. That’s about the state of things. YIKES.
Yeah pretty much it in a nutshell.
Robert Barnes explains h/t Sundance:
Barnes does a great job. About half way. Off to Tucker Ep3. WILL return to this one.
Title 10 – Energy. CHAPTER X of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY of the Atomic Energy Act that the Left is citing.
Not Even the President Can Declassify Nuclear Secrets – The Atlantic
So this, if Sundance is correct and it is about Obama and Kim letters discussing nuclear, will have to go to the Supreme Court.
Barnes SHREDS the indictment and persecutors from numerous angles.
Frei does a great job, shutting up, letting Barnes obliterate the indictment.
Hope folks listen in to the entire video. Well worth the time.
The narrative ended for me with “FBI” and it was pointless to read on.
This must be a good one because I’m having a hard time posting, lol.
Any thoughts about how the FD-1023 escaped classification?
Does Wrey’s redaction of the existence of recordings by others, reportedly due to “sources and methods”, suggest that the FBI has it’s own recordings of the conversations?
It would be highly ironic, imo, if the FBI needed to consult someone like Anthony Pellicano to authenticate the recordings.
Red October
Godfather III
“Hunters Become the Hunted”
(Q the movie poster…)
Another link to the documentary:
My guess would be someone wanted this stuff exposed and it’s happening!
Also considering FIB dragging their feet and doing all the redacting they went ahead and classified it well after the fact anyway.
It’s not classified now, I think.
Good question. I’m not sure if it might have been declassified at one point, but then wy would that have happened?
Compared to all the other things that are classified, seems more sensitive, to me.
Couple things. The documentary on political prosecutions above was posted 14 years ago (2009), during the Obiden reign, and is about Dems under Bush. Robert Mueller FBI, I think.
The film maker was indicted under Bush, but prosecuted under Obiden. I’m not sure who paid for it/ produced it, or when it was actually made. Was it a deal with the filmmaker related to his prosecution?
It’s soft on Hillary allies. (Remember that they accuse others of what they, themselves are doing.)
Timeline-wise, when Hillary was under investigation for her server (2015) and then the Trump investigation opened up (2016) Hunter’s business partners (Galanis’ and Devon Archer, Beavan Cooney) were being indicted, prosecuted and convicted.
Devon Archer is under subpoena and scheduled to testify this week. His appeal was recently denied related to the indigenous bond fraud.
Creepy porn lawyer first represented Anita Bush in her lawsuit against those spying, and then represented ATT in it’s defense of those spied on, irr.
Was Hillary using her clout within the FBI to keep Biden out of the race by digging limited dirt on Hunters businesses, and then joined forces with Obiden to defeat Trump once she was the candidate?
Ovitz(?) Steve Bing, Ron Burkle and others caught up in the Pellicano case, and also in Epstein’s Black book, iir. There’s some overlap there.
interesting insights!
FBI director under Bush was Louis Freeh, iir.
Biden pal caught funnelling cash to the Biden grandchildrens’ trust. Suspected as being “One Eye”.
Looking more and more like Hillary had something to do with the production of the documentary, maybe?
Pretext to clean house at justice and judiciary under Obiden?
But not Mueller. He stayed.
Freeh was director until summer 2001. 9/11 happened under an acting director. (Of course it did.) Meuller became director after 9/11 and served under both Bush and Obiden.
Remember the photo of Meuller, Corney, and Wrey? I think that was taken under Bush when Ashcroft was AG and was related possibly to the renewal of the Patriot Act?
And freeh was later funnelling money to bidens grand kids, and allegedly sharing inside info on investigations to Hunters for his clients?
All very sus, imo
Thomas J. Pickard (Acting), June 25, 2001 – September 4, 2001
Robert S. Mueller, III, September 4, 2001- September 4, 2013
The only thing it may rate is LE Sensitive, or the like. <<< Not a DoD classification.
Had to look that one up. SNAD = significantly not as described.
TY. I was wondering.
MSNBC runs hit segment on parents, says their efforts to protect children from LGBT grooming and pedophilia constitute “hate”
By Ethan Huff –
June 13, 2023
It’s so bizarre. Not long ago (and for millennia), there was a consensus in society that children were to be shielded from both homosexuality and pedophilia, as well as age-inappropriate discussions about sex. But all of a sudden, all that has changed. Are cable stations being told what they have to say in order to get funding? I don’t understand how any of the on-air “talent” could defend this, or how someone’s opinions could turn on a dime to the polar opposite of what we know to be best.
On Air AND cable, likely getting paid to push, lgxyzTranny shit along with anything sex.
No Different than during Covidiocy. Paid to push the narrative.
Monopoly: Who Owns The World.
No coincidences.
Biden: “Where’s the money?”
^^^ It is that simple. Follow the money. They are prostitutes and care not for the sanctity of life. They embrace death and misery to profit themselves.
When are we going to have X-Rate porn films shown in kindergarten?
Be patient.
Then let it be hate, who gives a *&^%?
In fact, we should hate these *&^#ers.
Hate the lies and the liars, not the victims.
They’re laying the groundwork to take children away from their parents (probably so they can traffic and groom them, not necessarily in that order) and to take ALL parental authority, responsibility, and even documentation away from the REAL PARENTS and transfer that to the “state”…
The EU’s already working on that, at the behest of the
U nited
N azis…
Every Child in Scotland to Be Supervised by State-Appointed Busybody
That’s a no. Maybe it’s already in effect, but if the parents don’t rise up against this, Scotland is lost.
Already happened in 2016.
Yup. Things are approaching interesting times.
Guilty as charged, and ‘proud’ of it.
Jab likely got another child.
11-year-old girl on Turkish Airlines flight dies after falling ill, company says
Plane makes emergency landing in Budapest, Hungary, in attempt to save passenger
Before COVID vaxes came on the scene, I don’t remember ever hearing of the sudden death of a child that wasn’t due to an illness they were known to suffer from or to a tragic accident.
The article says the nature of the medical episode is not known. it also says she underwent “heart massage.”
Yea. Unheard of, before December 2021 – Jab roll out. All to common these days.
Not a medical type. Likely manual heart compressions. Perhaps oxygen pushed. Not much they can do on an aircraft.
I think they may carry Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs).
An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It’s a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, medical device that can analyze the heart’s rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.
Yea, airlines should carry AED, IMO.
FAA Requires Airlines to Carry AEDs
The Federal Aviation Administration has issued a final rule\r\nrequiring U.S. airlines to carry automated external defibrillators\r\n(AEDs) and enhanced emergency medical kits.
Which airlines carry heart AED defibrillators on flights from the UK… we reveal which aircraft include the lifesaving devices
Wow… 2001 !
(I wonder if anybody INSPECTS/MAINTAINS them. I’m sure they’re SUPPOSED TO !)
They have directions; the “newer” ones even “TALK” to you !
And if the pad, sensor thing is not placed correctly, it tells the user.
Yeah… they gotta stay on top of “IDIOT-PROOFing”
But they keep making BIGGER, BETTER IDIOTS !

So sad.
More gender-affirming care.
Buckle up. These are mega-CRINGE.
Typical Satanic DEMONRAT maggoty (faggoty) word salad.
“Gender affirming” actually being “gender destroying” (or “sex destroying”). Indeed, it’s Gender Denying…
They’re just a bunch of gender deniers; truthophobes… heterophobes…
Would it now be acceptable to refer to trans women as “non-men” per Johns Hopkins definition?
Bath/locker rooms for men, women, and non-men, non-women? Re-allocate the fixture design ratios for up to 4 genders rather than 2?
Johns Hopkins were among the biggest scammers and data destroyers of the COVID Cabal-cade.
They should be stripped of all medical certifications, funding, and the like, and their manglement given “hot shots” say, clear through a sixth or seventh “booster”, just to make up for the tests they never did…..
We forget high level industrialists were in league with the Nazis from the beginning.
The Americans who funded Hitler, Nazis, German economic miracle, and World War II
How John D. Rockefeller Used The AMA To Take Over Western Medicine
John D was very prominent in getting rid of traditional medicine so he could make $$$ from patented medicine made from hydrocarbons (Oil)
Men, Women, EUNUCHS…
Lots of people to have to be open to show love after reality sets in what has been done to them in the name of fairness and equality.
To us, maybe, but not for the movement. They want us to accept non-men as real women.
I believe in using the CORRECT word.
I think a female would properly be called a neuter.
Men and women. I lump the rest together as, F’n Freaks.
I bet if *SOME PEOPLE* continuosly PEED ALL OVER THE TOILET SEATS, the issue would be addressed RIGHT QUICK !

This is making me sick on Twitter. You’re scrolling along, and all of a sudden a picture appears of mutilation.
Yes, I have a weak stomach.
Most people are pretty good about marking things as sensitive, or using a reply post to include the picture. But not all!
I wish you’d share these images, behind the spoiler if need be. EVERY time I’ve gone to twitter from these tweet-shared comments there are no images visible, perhaps because I’m still banned & cannot sign in (without self-censoring my truthful tweet)…
Looks like a new Nappy / Larry interview.
Suggest pick up at 2 minutes.
I believe today is phoenix’s birthday! Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Phoenix.
Thanks Kal… are you and your bride still in ____? Hope the weather is still nice.
YW. Hope your day was great. Philippines for ~three more weeks.
Happy Birthday, Phoenix!!
Thank you Barker Jim …
Happy Birthday Phoenix.
Thank you RAC … and for all you do to bring news about Ukraine
Happy Birthday, phoenixrising!

Thank you RDS … they keep coming … (I’m not complaining!)
Happy Birthday Phoenix!
Thank you Gail …
Happy Birthday Phoenix
Thank you SingingSoul … one day before POTUS’ … and a decade. but who’s counting?
you are in good company
Beautiful flowers TheseTruths … thank you ,,,
Happy birthday PR!!!

Thank you Scott …
Ahh… Thank you Pat … and everyone …
sorry I’m late seeing your post … been out and about all day!
Lovely cake… not sure about the Angel, some folks would disagree, I am sure
You’re a very sweet lady… and a great baker. The cake is delish … thank you!
Hope it has been a great day for you, phoenix!
you’re welcome…
at my place, we have the “yardmen” waiting for you…LOL
first page if you’re interested…
hope your day was great!
I left you cakes here, at Marica’s and our place. not sure where you would see…lol
Happy Birthday ((( PR ))) !

(h/t patf !)
This SD theory needs a careful read. Not sure if the scheming could have started as far back as when obama wrote the latter, more like they knew what was in it and built their plans around that…
I am thinking that the FBI did plan papers in the raid at M O L. They denied Trump’s lawyers to watch the raid. This is not common practice. Stasi would do this why not the FBI who behaves like the Stasi?
AHHHhhh but POTUS Trump has VIDEO SURVEILLANCE and I bet his lawyers/private security WATCHED! There are also the video tapes the FIB has been trying to get their hands on.
I hope so
Yeah, I think it went as far back as Obama DELIBERATELY writing a letter with ‘nuclear’ in it. He had declassified some nuclear stuff so he would be WELL AWARE that this is the ONLY time a President can not unilaterally declass a document.
Obama’s Campaign manager said this. So Obama setting up Trump TO BE COMPLETELY DESTROYED makes perfect sense given this statement.
Here’s how government documents are classified to keep sensitive information safe
…There are several degrees of classification. Documents related to nuclear weapons will have different classification levels depending on the sensitivity of the information contained. Documents containing information related to nuclear weapons design or their location would be highly classified. Other information may still be highly classified but deemed not as sensitive. For example, in 2010 President Barack Obama declassified the number of nuclear weapons in the U.S. stockpile….
…Executive Order 13256, issued by Obama, spells out who specifically may classify information.
And that is where things get complicated.
I did find this:
Code of Federal Regulations [NOT A CONGRESSIONAL LAW BTW]
Date: 2018-01-01
Title 10 – Energy
Volume: 4
Original Date: 2018-01-01
Having read that I agree with you. What initially made me think otherwise was the time between setting the trap and triggering it.
A complicated plan only would need a divergence from what they expected and the whole outcome could be altered.
If they were all hanged tomorrow there might still be “time bombs” they left behind.
from the replies
AND this one fwiw
The battle rattle tweet references this site
“oh, it’s on…”
And then there is this… picked it off the comments and loaded it in a tweet. Rather powerful.
German industry may shut down in 18 months. They hope Russia and Ukraine will play nice on gas « JoNova (
Whatever industry is left, that is…
Companies are packing up and leaving as quickly and as best they can.
The people here (finally) realize that the Greens’ intent is to DESTROY GERMANY and HER ECONOMY. The demonstration in Bayern with 14000+ people (media are reducing the number as best they can) shows that people are really cheesed off and “done with it”. The next venue booked for a demo is big enough for 100,000 people. There will probably be close to that many. And with the AfD growing by leaps and bounds, TPTB will NOT be able to ignore them.
In the former East Germany, support for the AfD is around 50%. They’ve seen totalitarianism before, and they DON’T LIKE IT and DON’T WANT IT…
I resemble that remark.
Me three
(and when getting off the lawn, take all your litter with you…)….
Including any dead bodies…
(Sorry, I am not feeling real forgiving right now.)
And their dammed needles…
Zero reason to be forgiving.
DATA: Over 25% of Republicans Will NOT Consider DeSantis, Just 14% Say No to Trump.
1 in 4 Republicans Refuse to Consider DeSantis. (
Also from the National Pulse:
Church Replaces Stained Glass with Depiction of Jesus as Illegal Migrant.
Church of drunk on money. <<< Stoopud on steroids.
I am livid after reading that!
It’s disgusting!
OK, Yours Truly smells a rat here —
Judge Aileen Cannon was “suddenly” removed from being in charge of President Trump’s arraignment in Miami today, and was replaced with Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman.
There are already demands being made for Judge Cannon to either recuse herself from the entire case, or to be permanently replaced by another judge.
According to Ballotpedia, Magistrate Judge Goodman was appointed in 2010 — “and his current term expired on July 22, 2018.”
However, the entry in Ballotpedia also lists his Tenure as “2010 – Present”, implying that Goodman was re-appointed at some point around July 22, 2018.
Who exactly removed Judge Cannon from the proceedings today and replaced her with Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman?
Arraignments are usually handled by magistrate judges. Does not mean Goodman is not the assigned judge.
Got it, but still smell a rat here.
The Daily Chart: Trans-ient Opinion | Power Line (
That’s good news.
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, June 13, 2023
“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:”
1 Thessalonians 4:16 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Paxton Lawyers To Texas House: ‘Cease and Desist’
After all the individual retailers going bust in San Fran, the biggest mall calls it quits.
Westfield’s announcement Monday that it would pull out of its namesake Downtown San Francisco mall is yet another blow to San Francisco’s beleaguered Union Square shopping district.
May’s announced closure of Nordstrom, the Westfield San Francisco Centre’s anchor department store, was a huge blow, but in fact, the shopping center had been steadily losing smaller tenants since 2020.
An analysis by The Standard shows that 45 stores, or 46% of the mall’s 97 pre-pandemic retailers, have closed since 2020. While 21 new stores have opened in the past three years, the wave of closures left the shopping center with many vacant storefronts.
All as a result of Dem policies. I hope people are waking up.
I followed the conflict in Syria and I did a huge amount of research concerning Deir Ez Zor and the Conoco oil fields in the area and I still take interest in the events occurring in the area.
Short recap: The US Military is in Syria, the Syrian government wants them out. Iran was invited by Syria to provide extra man-power for ensuring stability and security in Syria. Squirmishes between Iran & Syrian forces and the US Military are ongoing in the oil fields.
On Sunday, June 11, the US Military full of bravado reported that the US Occupation army conducted drills using live ammunition. The drills were run to “simulate possible attacks by resistance groups” run near a US military base in the oil fields of Rumailan which sits just a short distance north of the Deir Ez-zor oil fields.
Today, two days later, US Central Command, without telling us how the drills went, tells us how the drills went:
“A helicopter mishap in northeastern Syria on Sunday resulted in injuries of various degrees to 22 US service members. The service members are receiving treatment for their injuries, and 10 have been evacuated to higher care facilities outside the CENTCOM [Area of Responsibility] AOR,” a statement by US Central Command (CENTCOM) read.
“The cause of the incident is under investigation, although no enemy fire was reported,” the statement added.
Likely revelations on the crash will come about the same way Extortion 17 revelations came about. Meaning the relatives of those gone will have to expose it. Sad.
That and they really should leave Assad alone.
Experts Gather to Warn of Health Dangers of 5G Radiation – The Daily Sceptic
Just started this article.
First para includes, “Last Friday on GB News, Bev Turner talked about an ALDI store, to which entry can only be gained via smartphone“.
^^^ W T F?
Aldi trials checkout-free technology in London store to cut the queues
“Russian soldiers seize American Bradleys and German Leopard (VIDEO)”
The engine was still running, and a half eaten meal on the table.
(I made that last bit up)
Paul McCartney says A.I. got John Lennon’s voice on ‘last Beatles record’
“No hesitation’ – Belarus names conditions for use of nukes”
“That was my request. Russia didn’t impose it on me,” the Belarusian leader said on Tuesday, as cited by national media. “Nobody has ever gone to war with a nuclear state, and I don’t want anyone to go to war with us. Is there such a threat? Yes. I have to counter this threat.”
“God forbid I will have to make a decision to use this kind of weapon in our time. But there will be no hesitation, if there is aggression against us,” he said.
h/t Marcia 17
Then this… people on edge???
ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter

This pick up truck trailer in Miami tells you exactly what this indictment is all about:
They are terrified of what he might do when he gets in for a second term, so they must stop him at any cost.
If they did nothing wrong, there wouldn’t be anything to fear.
But they are all criminals of the highest order.
We have some really great Conservative artists.
… and “The LEFT CAN’T MEME” !

Every single other candidate, by not being there, is a traitor. This isnt a credible charge to avoid being there.
Every single Republican candidate is scum.
At least he has the BRAINS to understand Trump voters are VERY LOYAL…. I wonder if he is bucking for the VP spot?
I do not think VP but maybe in his cabinet.
YUP, cabinet sounds good. He is the only one out of the whole bunch who is not a complete SLIME BALL.
Liking the, “Truth” hat.
So the donor class is influencing Repub candidates to not show support for Trump. That tells me everything i need to know, and the fact that candidates are obeying also is telling. It’s not just about Trump, but they are too engrossed in their political aspirations to see that.
Vivek sure did let the
catserpent out of the bag.Hope he gets well placed in Trump’s pending administration!
Their $$$$$$ aspirations
And just who has been telling the “donor class” to call “every Republican candidate”? — the RNC / Ronna McDaniel, for starters.
She is like her uncle.
h/t Barb Meier
Thank you, para! I’m working on building up Celebrate Freedom 2026 anniversary sites on Twitter (
Tweets by CelebrateFree26
), Facebook, and its own webpage that will be at how lucky I snagged that domain for the next three years. hehe It is the only way I know of to use my skills to try and add a little positive to all the negative they’re pushing.
I can see where that captured post will make a fine addition in “Celebrating Freedom”. I know many of us will never make it to Facebook, but it’s good some many of you are holding ground keeping the spirit of family and country strong.
Thank you, para and I know about FB. That’s where I stay in touch with family and in-person friends. I don’t expect them to pick another site, but one never knows. I’m doing my best to only focus on normies and our real world lives and history but to avoid politics. Politicans suck so much joy and life from the rest of us. They are not only stupid, but need so much attention. LOL I hope to hold onto our culture as much as possible. I was looking for a list of statues taken down and where they have been taken to. One of them in Virginia has come to my little town’s very nice Civil War museum. While that skirts politics, it is hard to totally avoid it and if we’re celebrating freedom, some may want to see those statues no matter what leftists do.
RSBN is on the scene at the courthouse. I don’t want to sit through hours of people talking, but it shows what things look like, and they are going to try to get footage of PDJT’s arrival.
They were not able to see his arrival. I hope there is no footage of it.
Not that, but this….
So encouraging!
Interesting that most of the “see replies” links evaporate replies when clicked there in twit world…not this one though…
Good she did it.
Said she’d do it last week.
Now let’s see if R-Cons can do the right thing.
JUST IN: President Trump Arrives at Miami Courthouse For Arraignment, Surrenders to Federal Custody (VIDEO)
RSBN says booking is complete and PDJT is officially under arrest.
He has now pleaded not guilty to all charges.
Youtube is still banning posts.
I followed a link, either from here or Tweeter, to a video titled:
BBC Host Goes Quiet as His Question for Novak Djokovic Backfires | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report
The interviewer gets frustrated with Dokovic and asks “Why?!?”
There are nearly 5,600 comments.
I posted the following reply TWICE, and it disappeared instantly, both times. I scrolled all the way to the end of the comments to check for it, and did a page search for key words. I also searched for Ivermectin and HCQ, and neither word appears even a single time in the comments, so those are likely at least two of the censor triggers.
This was my reply:
“Flip it on that interviewer, and ask him — with just as much exasperation — WHY are you willing to risk your life on an unnecessary, experimental, untested, mRNA injection? Why would you do that? Why would anyone with at least one functioning brain cell do that?
Are you a born follower? Are you not capable of thinking for yourself and reaching your own conclusions? Are you slavishly obedient to bureaucrats and so-called ‘experts’? Have bureaucrats ever been wrong? Have governments ever been wrong?
Has the WHO or the CDC ever been wrong? Have DOCTORS ever been wrong? How is it that they are all singing from the same hymnal, while Big Tech and mainstream news media try to censor the flood of contradicting data and research?
Are you a cow? Do you move aimlessly with the herd, doing whatever the herd does? Have you ever tried thinking for yourself? If everyone else was jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you jump too?
Why do you need poison from Big Pharma? Have you not heard of Ivermectin, or HCQ? They’ve both been FDA approved for decades, they’re both safe and cheap (a lot cheaper before governments started making it hard to get), and unlike ventilators and Remdesivir, they both actually cure Covid.
So why do you want inject yourself with an experimental, untested mRNA shot, with unknown (and unknowable) side effects, including the new death craze sweeping the globe, the new #1 mystery cause of death, euphemistically known as ‘died suddenly’?”
Good for you! Nice job.
Thank you RDS, unfortunately, the people here are the only ones who will see it
Excellent post. IMO, anyone who won’t allow this kind of reasonable, thoughtful speech is promoting an agenda of death. YouTube
Alphabet Inc.
“The payment may be happening now….” Say it isn’t so…:0)
il Donaldo Trumpo:
https: //
Well, at least there’s a bit of a glimmer of common sense….
Wonder if the Persecutors asked for anything. Bail, surrender passport, ankle bracelet…
JUST IN – Trump pleads not guilty to all counts in documents case. Federal judge releases Trump with no special conditions except that he can’t have contact with witnesses, which include his aide Walt Nauta.
Love it!!!
Love the Ice Cream Cone unit patch.
This is why the prosecution of Trump is in bad faith. This is why the prosecution is lawfare. This is why justice delayed is justice denied. This is why DOJ spits on the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The case revolves around the Presidential Records Act, so they had to leave that out to get their indictment. So dishonest.
So, does the Trump legal team get to present this fact in pre-trial motions and demand the reason behind it?
How’s Ol’ Martin doin’ ?
(…maybe WE should try something… “DIFFERENT”…)

Withholding of exculpatory evidence is itself a crime…
Withholding of exculpatory evidence has been normal operating procedures for awhile now. Enron and the Flynn case come to mind.
I agree, but I’m not sure it is a crime for grand jury proceedings (though it might be).
I don’t think it is — grand juries are remarkably one-sided. Then, again, they are at a very early stage in the process.
From the American Thinker article in the open, “How Bad Does It Have to Get?”
By Stephan Helgesen
“President Ronald Reagan described America as a shining city on a hill. It is now an endless loop of Escape from New York and Clockwork Orange. We swing on a political pendulum every two to four years. Back and forth we go, never advancing. Half the nation is always angry, frustrated, disappointed, dejected, demoralized, and depressed, while the other half celebrate their victories until it’s their turn.”
That must be some amazing crack he’s smoking.
I have no idea what swing of the pendulum he’s talking about.
The pendulum swings LEFT only. It never swings right. What a joke.
At best it slows down going Left, when a non-uniparty President was in the WH, and that only happened ONCE since Reagan.
The so-called pendulum NEVER goes to the right, not even a little.
I would love to see it. All that ever happens is the dumpster fire grows BIGGER.
If it moved even a little bit to the right, the howling from EVERY ESTABLISHMENT STAKEHOLDER IN THE WORLD would be deafening.
It would take a military dictatorship to move the pendulum even one INCH to the right.
Because the American People aren’t part of the equation and literally have no say in anything that goes on.
There is no such thing as ‘representative government’ in America, they don’t even know we exist.
So there is only the gigantic machine and the ideologues, marching ever Leftward.
And so they will continue, until Americans put a Howitzer in their faces.
Because force (the power to physically stop them) is the ONLY thing they respond to.
Why would they respond to anything else, when they’re above the Law?
What else is there?
When there is no rule of law, what else remains?
The Founding Fathers didn’t have a better answer.
Strip away all the talk whether social media, speeches in congress, or on a soapbox, there’s nothing left but action. Our country isnt held together at all like we2. We will balkanize and fight within and have an invasion . What is left?
Biden’s Puppet masters are HOPING a Trump CONVICTION will ignite a violent uprising from MAGA so they can call in ‘UN’ Troops, aka the CCP Chinese to CRUSH the USA.
It will be used as an excuse to completely destroy the Constitution and what rights we have left.
This is WHY Q was deployed. To KEEP the powder keg from blowing and giving the Cabal the excuse they want.
One thing is for certain, Q did have that effect. Many who might otherwise have gone off and “done something” didn’t, because they thought someone else was going to take care of it soon.
Where I might disagree with you is whether that was a major goal, and whether Q is good guy or bad guy in trying to do this. An argument COULD be made that we’ve been complacent too long thanks to Q.
Logical or not. I damn sure felt strung along. <<< My fault, for drinking the Kool-Aid, of wishful thinking. Action just around the corner. Wait for Horowitz, BSDurham and another investigator. NO indictments. Just wait until after the primaries, Convention, general election…yada, yada.
As for me. Action, or they can STFU. Boycotting the bong.
Yep. I could feel the strings when it became apparent around 2019 that we weren’t seeing ANY progress on the swamp being drained. Not. One. Single. Arrest.
I don’t know what anyone would have done. I don’t know of any answers to this that aren’t radical and life-threatening to the people, to those who are not in positions of power.
I do think there are other avenues that people in power could explore, and that Trump has done that and will continue to do it. I also think there are ways we could work together with those in power by standing for what is right and for our founding principles. Boycotts are one relatively small thing that can have a larger impact. But I believe there are other ways that certain situations might call for.
I can’t think of anything that faith in Q prevented people from doing.
“I don’t know what anyone would have done.”
What did they do in Myanmar?
What did they do in Egypt when the muzzie brotherhood took over?
What did they do to Mussolini?
What did people try to do to Hitler, at least 30 times?
What did they do to Julius Caesar?
Back through time immemorial.
The nature and character of Man has not changed since Adam.
There are no new solutions.
There is no new thing under the sun.
“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” — Declaration of Independence
We probably didn’t pay enough attention to the integrity of the 2020 election *before* the fact. Whether that’s solely as a result of Q, I can’t say (though I doubt it) but I am sure he made some people complacent enough to disregard it.
We do nothing while they continue to advance and corrupt? Whos the good guy besides PDJT with influence?
The tactic is for population to believe that their upraising would do more damage to themselves to the country and to the constitution.
Ask Germans why they did not raise up? Why did the people of uSSR not raise up or people in DDR or China?
People were convinced to fallow rules was the way and when they saw that did not help it was to late.
I now see Germany making the same mistake those who speak up are punished. We are not quite there but we will they are sly.
They made an example of Jan6 now Trump, Bannon , Nivaro, Kelley and a who bunch of others.
They are now going after our leadership. One wonders when are they coming for the rest of us? They will they will plan their snitches. Trust no one will be the mantra to come.
He’s talking only in the context of the two-party election system. Set aside for a minute the concept of uniparty. People used to think that elections would swing as he described: Dems, then Repubs, and repeat. Until fairly recently, many people thought Dems leaned left and Repubs leaned right, and that it was inevitable that the other party besides the one currently in power would win the next election, and so “the pendulum would swing.”
Of course, your take is the accurate one. When a huge percentage of those in power in both parties lean one way, there is no pendulum.
The Uniparty leans heavily towards TOTALITARIAN OLIGARCH.
There is no opposition party. Believing otherwise is, illogical.
Exactly. I really don’t know what else needs to be shown to understand it. The 20 +/-% of all elected officials non-Uniparty are independent contractors.
It’s a ratcheting action pendulum. It provides the illusion of reversing course, but in reality, all it’s doing is pulling back for another swing.
A cautionary tale:
If Amazon Thinks You’re a Racist, It Will Shut Down Your Smart Home“You no longer control your home. Amazon does.”
From the article:
I have always liked being able to own music in whatever form, from old Victrola records to digital music on an MP3 player. The idea of paying a service to be able to access their music doesn’t sit right with me. I think it’s part of “you will own nothing, and you will be happy” and “you will rely on us.” I know there are advantages to using a streaming service, but it takes away the pride of ownership of a collection and the ability to access your music anytime even if the service is down.
A friend ordered something from Amazon. The driver was too lazy to deliver it although others on her dead end dirt road have gotten deliveries. It was supposedly shipped back to the vendor. Amazon is ‘investigating’ Meanwhile she is out several hundred she can not afford AND THE CAR PART she needs to bring her car up to code so she can drive it!!
I looked into it.
Seems part of Amazon’s terms of service is THEY GET TO KEEP THE MONEY and you are Schiff out of luck!
At $400/hr for a lawyer suing is normally not an option either.
If you had not ALREADY decided to NOT USE Amazon before, I hope you do now.
Go the extra effort look for the stuff on Amazon and then buy DIRECT from the company as my friend SHOULD HAVE DONE!
To paraphrase the old ad, “Amazon, and then you’re gone”…..
“The idea of paying a service to be able to access their music doesn’t sit right with me.”
I used to get in big arguments about this on the SteveHoffman music forum, over high definition digital downloads.
At the time (no idea now, I haven’t kept up with it), they were charging around $20 for an HD download of an album, and you could get the same high definition album on SACD (super audio CD) for about the same price, at least when there was a sale.
So what’s the advantage of the HD digital download?
You don’t own it, it’s not your property, which you can know and be sure of, because you can’t re-sell it.
People on the music forums collect a LOT of music. A collection of 1,000+ CDs and SACDs (physical media) is small.
Since the SACDs are usually limited editions (and even if they aren’t, they’re still limited production because the market is a niche market), so when they go out of print, prices often triple. So for example, a Grateful Dead SACD of the album “American Beauty” on the Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs (MFSL) label cost about $25 new, but will cost you at least $75 when it’s out of print.
So if you collect the physical media, most of it goes up in value.
By contrast, suppose you ‘collect’ 1,000 high definition digital downloads, at a cost of around $20,000 over a 10 year period.
It’s worth ZERO. You just threw that money down the toilet, for the convenience of not having to “own” physical discs.
If you had bought the physical discs, the moment each one goes out of print, the price triples, your $20K is worth $60K, so long as you’re willing to invest the time to sell them off individually. Even if you sold them in bulk to a used CD store, you should get at least $5K for them.
And that’s just the value aspect.
The whole reason to seek out high definition remasters of classic albums is to hear them SOUND better, which is a crapshoot. Sometimes the mastering engineer is able to work magic with the original master tapes, sometimes they come up short compared to earlier CDs.
At least with physical media, you know who the mastering engineer is. If it’s an album released by Mobile Fidelity, the mastering engineer is either Rob LoVerde or Shawn Britton, and they each have their own ‘signature’ sound. Rob’s mastering techniques are generally ‘warmer’ sounding (more of an analog ‘tube’ sound), and Shawn’s mastering technique is often a little brighter sounding.
If an album was mastered by Doug Sax, you can be pretty sure it will sound as good as it possibly can. Same for albums remastered by Steve Hoffman himself (the SteveHoffman music forum is his, he started in in the early 1990s when the Internet was just a wee lad
). Same for album mastered by Hoffman’s former mastering assistant, Kevin Gray.
You can find out who mastered any given album because it usually SAYS so with a mastering credit on the album cover, or you can look it up on, and at least some of these mastering engineers are happy to answer questions about their work.
Now what about high definition digital downloads? Who knows who mastered it? What tapes did they use? Did they track down the 50+ year old original master tape, or did they just copy an old CD and ‘up-rez’ it to high definition? How would you know?
You can run it through an analyzer and compare the waveform to the one on your old CD, that’s one way to check, and people on the music forums always do.
And then there’s the greed aspect.
With physical media, there is a mastering engineer who puts his name and reputation on the product. He has to be paid, too. Then there is the album artwork and materials. The finished digital file is sent to one of the relatively few SACD manufacturing facilities around the world, and eventually gets produced and checked for approval.
Once all that is done, the finished product is shipped to retailers (middle men) who also get their cut. So if the finished product costs $25, there is at least some justification for the price. People have to get paid, materials cost money, shipping costs money, etc.
But with a high definition digital download, there is ZERO manufacturing cost. It’s just duplicating a file on a computer server. Like downloading a youtube video 10,000 times and charging $25 each time.
It’s just WRONG, I feel it in my BONES it’s so wrong
But the people on the music forums who do ‘collect’ high definition digital downloads love it anyway. No amount of reason or rational thought will change their minds, no different than arguing with someone about covid, or religion, or politics, or anything else.
People just believe what they want to believe, they like what they like, they don’t have a rational leg to stand on and they don’t care, and nothing else matters

Rhythmbox says I currently have 2257 albums in its database, each of which is backed up by something physical (except any destroyed or stolen). Many are out-of-print.
WEF: “You will own nothing and be happy.”
Anyone who expects anything different from a “smart home” is stupid…
What’s so hard about walking across the room to change channels, turn the heating/AC up or down, or check on the coffeemaker/washing machine/dryer/crap boiling over on the stove???????
Turning on an appliance (or letting one run) when one is not in the immediate vicinity of said appliance is just unresponsible, and downright risky. It’s one thing to run the washer and then go somewhere else in the house; it’s another thing entirely to start if off while you’re somewhere else, expecting things to be hunky-dory when you get home.
To 10 feet of suds…..
“Smart” homes are just another way to enable TOTAL CONTROL from the derp state. Same goes for IoT (Internet of Things) and any sort of “smart” controllers (e.g. automatic/programmable thermostats on radiators, etc.).
Any of this can be hacked and/or controlled remotely. And if TPTB or the hackers decide that power/water/gas/etc. be shut off, then you probably will lose everything in your fridge, freezer, or, if it’s freezing, you could well freeze yourself.
MAD magazine had a few satire items about remotes back in the days when Heathkit offered remote control (albeit cable-bound) TVs… seems their view of the future wasn’t very far off…….
Including one where the dog grabs the remote and buries it in the back yard…as the guy is bragging about how the only way to control the TV is through the remote.
Cuppa, First line perfect.
Another perspective for the following line.
What due process?
There’s no law against being racist!
If there was, just imagine how many openly racist black people would be in prison today.
If they weren’t a protected-class, that is
GOP Rep. Andy Ogles Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
Great. /s
Must be the second or third person to do so.
Thus far, the HOUSE has done NOTHING, to move impeachment along.
R-Cons do NOT even talk a good game.
Anyone paying attention, hears talk, talk, talk…
NO ACTION. NONE. Republicans SUCK.
Prove me wrong.
Tucker’s post is up!
Tweets by TuckerCarlson
SUPERB messaging.
Hope folks listen in, to the end.
Tucker Carlson: “And by the way, Fox News, take your Cease and Desist letter and put it where the sun don’t shine.”
NOT challenging ya. Did Tucker actually say that, or a wishful thought?
It IS exactly what Faux News needs to hear, very publicly.
That’s “wishful thinking”, nothing that Mr. Carlson said.
Double dang!
Likely Tucker thought it.
President Trump arrives at podium.
Jake Angeli (QAnon Shaman) has some interesting stuff.
Whoa! Some mind blowing stuff in that video. Did you happen to catch the name of his website? I thought he said, but that doesn’t bring up anything.
Click on the tweet and read the replies.
(Yeah, I’m a skeptic)

I’m buying some but not all. The part I’m buying is anything close to what I predicted for other reasons. I picked up some interesting tips along the way through science. Some of them converge here in the same way they did with Phil Corso’s Roswell book.
I was just mentioning Corso’s book to Hubby the other day. Your recommendation was the Only reason I even read it & gave the material Some benefit of the doubt
jury’s still out on much of it…
supposedly the whole thing here
also this
In the 16 minute video by “Michael Herrera” he is wearing a Masonic tie bar, fwiw…
that video supposedly connected to this:
There’s this too
There is also this in the convo, fwiw
Antarctica….Iridium…. Hidden Spec Ops…
0:03 / 4:49
Jhonny B.
A) this building is likely a vestige of base 201 a south polar early colony which later on moved to subglaciar caves discovered inside regions of Antartica uncharted but later confirmed doing other important discoveries such as inner oceans at the 660km limit or transition mantle
B) Operation Highjump reveal a lot of the possible new warfare machine the Germans had by 1947, such as Rail Guns, Automated Drone Turrets Americans called these Foo Fighters but the Germans called them the tortoise for the shell form the separates from the silver flying spheres captured even in recent military confirmed footage. These babies are now hypersonic and it’s ball shape can go into huge depths as it creates it’s own Alcubierre bubble.
C) Is now known by the next failed blue beam many of these crafts are going to be displayed in an attempt to enact another fictitious crisis and likely a huge German asshole like Karl S. Is gonna be representing Germany as the one world power. This is a desperate move to overtake the hegemony of control the BRIC is planning to establish.
& this info that can presumably be checked
& this
access to a free version of the whole event here
possibly a different version, 3 hours long…just sharing fyi, haven’t watched…
for the doubters among us
someone pointing to 2001 for some reason
& this one with a thread on HAARP
Zero clue if this is legit info
Was Q going on “5 years ago”?
A few years ago it was said that when TPTB wanted to distract us they would use holographic projections in the sky, alien space ships and suchlike.
Went to the site and picked an article at random…
“Currently residing in Alaska, Eric is a self educated research investigator that takes from his many odd life experiences and connects with others. Eric was raised on Long Island, the home of the now famous Montauk Project. His childhood included being part of the Stargate Project run by the CIA/DIA. Later on he had experiences in the Submarine Service. Following that he became a plumber for some of the wealthiest people in the world back on Long Island……….”
So unless plumber is a codeword for something else I’ll pass.
Sorry forgot the link.
Vegas just won the Stanley Cup…
I didn’t even know they had a badminton team….
The guy owning the coolest, Stanley tool set?
Wow. Rough.
It’s been one hell of a lot more than 38,000!
Boston, students with common sense AND backbone.
Students Revolt Against “Pride” Month Spirit Day at Massachusetts School; Glare at Teachers, Tear Down Signs, Wear Red, White and Blue, Chant “U.S.A. Are My Pronouns!”
REPORT: Largest Catholic Healthcare System In America Is Performing Transgender Surgeries on Children and Providing Other “Gender Affirming” Care Services