Instead of posting in the opener I thought the news I have might be better placed here since there are multiple topics and detail. Consider this a diversion from the norm during the hot lazy days of summer.
Since the major vacation travel season is upon us I wanted to report that absolutely nothing has slowed the descent upon eastern TN and the Smoky Mountains by droves of people in record numbers. Granted, our location makes it easier for a lot of the nation to get here in a day’s drive, but it is still an incredible amount of tourism volume, which is stretching local resources thin. Due to this ever increasing record influx, even more tourism related projects are underway or planned including expansion of Dollywood’s resorts and those of the Wilderness Lodge. To go with that the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation purchased a large tract along the primary Interstate 40 exit with plans to add a large festive retail project. This has added pressure to begin construction of another Interstate exit one mile to the east, with property rights previously secured in past years. When built it will only add more to the already crazy environment. All of it is too much to keep up with for this old boy.
It is a rite of passage in America to take a summer vacation when the kids are out of school and people will do so no matter their situations. When the huge influx increases this dramatically here, it is a contrary indication that household incomes are either stretched thinner or there is real fear about the direction of the economy. Average Joe and Sue come to this area for the most part. When times are good they spend more for transportation, travel farther and go to more expensive places like Disney, Universal, popular beach resort areas and such in the eastern U. S. During those periods their stays in our area over the past twenty years have been shorter, around three to five days on average.
This year the visits are for at least a week like it was during The Great Recession and around 9/11. Dollywood and the GSMNP are bursting at the seams. When the economy is in decline or on shaky ground they come here even more as there are a diverse number of things for entire families to do that cost less. It is also when more decide to move here permanently and when employers have the ability to fill their job openings with quality workers, which is exactly what we are seeing. Even the real estate market prices are holding up despite mortgage interest rates rising rapidly due to the population influx and demand for properties. Another sign the economy is in overall decline despite the existing housing prices remaining high is the lack of new home construction. Contractors are extremely busy with backlogs up to a year for remodels and renovations. They have next to no new home construction jobs. The vast majority of construction projects underway are commercial in nature. There have also been several large residential development tracts underway or even recently finished – that have no new houses under construction in them.
This influx of new residents will slow to a crawl if things proceed per the usual and will add to the unfilled job openings. People who want to move here will be unable to sell their homes for what they need in their more economically challenged areas. When that happens the market also cools a bit here. With our family connections in real estate in the area, we will know when that happens and it will be a solid indicator the overall economy is in even deeper trouble than the macro problems that are already present internationally. Our nation’s economy is just treading water with its nose above the waterline due to swimming in a deep pool of debt with insufficient economic activity to offset the atrocious deficit and federal government spending. Spending national treasure at the demand of NeoCons is putting us in a precarious position regardless of the prospects for war.
PDT and supporters can fix it if given the opportunity. Barring that the globalists and DS will do all they can to tank it so they can bottom feed on our misery.
Jab Damaged Friend
Knowing the roads were packed and living near it, I was dreading getting out in the traffic to go to a surprise, impromptu 85th birthday celebration of our dear neighbor friend. She is the widow of my deceased best friend. She is one of those I have discussed previously in openers as being Pfizer jab damaged and she tells everybody she knows. She endured blood pressure spikes with the first shot followed by a TIA two days after the second. This condition later led to a bad fall in her home when she passed out one evening. This aggravated existing back and knee related issues as well as receiving a light concussion. She had a double knee replacement surgery about ten years ago and feared she had damaged one of them as it did not work right after the fall. She had dealt with migraine type headaches off and on through the years that she deemed were more related to her lifelong vision problems. However, they became much worse after the fall. This led to her following the traditional path of medicine to find relief; which included physicians, specialists and therapists with related prescriptions for increased blood pressure meds, cement concoction injections into her affected spinal areas, and physical therapy for her back, knee and leg issues.
Nothing seemed to provide any measurable relief. During her visits with the docs, some openly acknowledged that the jabs had apparently severely impacted her health. There are more and more acknowledging that reality around here. She is like family to us; wifey and her are as sisters and she has closely followed our grandson’s progress with his health issues. She also tracked my wife’s elimination of meds and use of our chiro, with the BVD therapy potentially on the horizon to address her vertigo issues. She knows about all of our family medical issues and the misdiagnosis of same along with related meds that did not work.
It all finally sunk in. She saw her BP situation the same as wifey’s. She began a process of weaning off the meds despite her physician warning her it was a bad idea at her age. Except it wasn’t. Her BP readings had gone way too low for an extended period and the meds made her feel awful. Now after several months of being off the meds, her BP is as normal as a 30 year old. I mean like 120/70 type normal with no spikes. The exact same response my wife had when she weaned off nearly a year ago. No spikes, perfect BP.
With all of the failed attempts to address her spine and knee issues with traditional methods, physical therapy and after her orthopedic surgeon said he was out of ideas, she finally gave in and visited our chiro to get an evaluation. It was her last hope and she was not looking forward to it. She is a stubborn woman who never gives in to anything she faces, which is probably her secret to how she has remained active and independent for so long. As a result, she did not want to admit that her best friends and son were right all along for recommending the chiro who has helped us over the past several years.
She finally began treatment this week after her recent evaluation. She had one hip over 7 mm off, which would have caused her knee and lower back (lumbar region) pain. Her atlas and cervical spine areas were like my wife’s, with a curvature pushing her head too far forward to remain balanced, causing her to look down as she walked, a common malady as we age, especially with women. Add in she was misaligned at the atlas, which is a known contributor to headaches/migraines/TMJ. This would probably explain the increasing severe headaches since her fall.
As to TMJ, our daughter has dealt with it periodically since being a teenager. The chiro adjustments have eliminated it. There is an adjustment method used for the condition that has worked great for her. The adjustment makes a popping sound as the jaw is manipulated and will scare you if not prepared for it. However, you will have immediate relief if done correctly.
Our chiro is obsessed with knowing everything medically about her patients they are willing to share. In short, she cares about the person she treats and sees the full picture of health. Our stubborn friend felt confident enough after the evaluation/x-rays to give her access to all of it. In addition to beginning some adjustments on the primary areas of concern, the chiro will complete her review of the files to make sure she provides the best care she can to improve our friend’s quality of life for as long as possible.
I promise you, our friend will soon state she wished she had done this sooner in her life just as all of us have. Im looking forward to hearing the admission.
Seek likewise if you are encouraged to go this route. Find the right chiro who knows the modern techniques and how the body works, someone who is not anti-traditional medicine if it is the appropriate course of action. You need one who is willing to admit when he/she cannot help with an issue as much as one who says he/she can. Will continue to report the progress of our family and this friend periodically.
We enjoyed listening to our friend explain what was happening to her in lawn chairs with other family and friends on a hot, Canuck-caused smoke filled afternoon in front of 120 fuel pumps and EV charging stations with what seemed like a million tourists in the parking lot of …
This lady’s review really explains what it is about well.
This massive complex is an anchor tenant on the Cherokee owned property at the interstate exit. Some of you may know what Buc-ee’s is about. Others may need to read the links. All I can say is…
This company has their game plan and operations figured out. They also have the best smoked barbecue sliced large brisket sandwich I have ever eaten. It was time to press the pause button on the Keto diet for a meal. That big ole sammich for $8.49 with a bag of store fried potato chips for $2.49 that I split with wifey and a 99 cent water plus tax was consumed with hundreds of new tourist friends as they fueled up, fed their faces, shopped and went to the cleanest restrooms this side of momma’s house.
I have no idea how only six cashiers can process that many people through check out lines that quickly. There was literally no wait to speak of at all. It seems the average stay in their stores is 19 minutes per management, which is mind boggling when you see all the food, drink and merchandise that is in there. We could have spent an hour or two looking, but didn’t because there were too many people since it had only been open a week.
They will employ 300 people at above market wages and benefits when the remaining construction is completed on their huge carwash operation. Starting base pay for store clerks and food service is $18/hour. If you are an academy accredited law enforcement officer, they will employ you as private security with all company benefits at a starting pay of $45-50 K per year. Perfect jobs for early retirees who want something to do while still making good wages. Also good for younger folks planning a managerial career because the related compensation is above market with a company that is expanding and providing great opportunities for advancement. They run a clean, orderly operation and pride themselves on safety.
Go to one if you have the opportunity. You may love it, you may hate it, but I doubt you will have no opinion about it. We loved it after expecting not to like it all. We came home with a couple of Buc-ee’s red tie dyed baseball themed t-shirts for the grandsons to prove it.
Happy 4th, QTree.
Superb ground report. Thank you.
Next summer, I expect DW and three adult kids and their children will meet at Dolly… Likely five to seven days.
BP. Actually got off BP meds ~twelve years ago. Ended up back on them, ~nine yeas ago. All quack supervised.
If you don’t mind. Weening off BP. How’d that work?
Have noodled with doing so for quite awhile. After returning next weekend, plan to get back to regular exercise, reasonable diet, monitor BP daily… Then likely start the weening process.
Not convinced I need the BP meds anyway. Not worried what the quack thinks. She recommends every injection under the sun. My BP is and has been very well under control.
I fully realize, whatever you may share, is NOT medical advice. I should consult a quack, yada, yada.
Just let me know, bud. Will steer you toward your likes and away from the dislikes. A lot to do and more coming.
First thing wifey did was lose about 12-15 lbs., which brought the BP down about 5-10 points. She was then able to start with every other day and could tell by monitoring if it moved up on the non-med days. If it did she would take the BP med and skip the next day. This went on for a few weeks. Then she took it every third day for a couple of weeks and then off completely. She had a prescription for Clonidine for any spikes, which is probably good to have available. For the first 4-5 months she had 4 random spikes within an hour of going to bed. She would take a Clonidine and it would stabilize and begin reducing within about 30 minutes. She would go to bed and all would be perfect in the AM. She had her last spike about 5-6 months ago. Says she feels so much better after weaning off. Is calm enough to take a nap if she wanted to and is sleeping better at night. Both were problems before.
Great info. Thank you!
Yeah losing weight is the hard part. Im sure if i dropped 10-15 that would make a difference.
Yup. Weight is a daily focus area here. Wee, starting next week.
Hey at least you get 4th of July bbq.
I needed to lose without a lot of effort, getting too old for a lot of exercise. I went Keto and am dropping 4-5 lbs. a month while never getting hungry. I’ve knocked off 20 and going to try for another 10 before our fall beach trip.
Getting hungry, is where I fall off the diet. Will look into Keto.
One of the things that clued me in was having eggs and bacon for breakfast and thinking, “oh, man, I’m too stuffed for lunch.”
If I’d had pancakes or waffles, I would have been famished by noon.
Even so, it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure, “wait, which is better for my health?”
So true. It took my head so long to say, “Hey, wait a minute here, you mean I can eat… ”
I could eat eggs, bacon and sausage nearly every meal. Would eventually get tired of it so I don’t.
Get rid of the sugar and processed carbs and forget calorie counting. Go with good proteins, good carb veggies and fruits, cheeses, butter, etc. Body fat burning replaces the sugar and the processed carbs once you rid your system of it. Takes a week or two. Your body starts using its own fat and the fat of what you feed it for energy.
Some good breads out there now that are Keto friendly. I will snack on some with bread dipping seasoning and olive oil, beef sticks, or eat a handful of nuts instead of chips and crackers. When you have non-processed stuff that has a lot of carbs like potatoes or rice just control the intake – small portion. I stay around 30-40 net carbs a day. You can go lower to lose faster or pause it for a day or two to reward.
For example, my breakfast is bacon or sausage with an egg(s) and a toasted slice of Keto friendly bread with butter. Lunch may be a big juicy burger or chicken breast on a Keto bun with cheese, a couple pickle chips, slice of tomato and mustard or mayo with a spring salad with ranch/1000 island/russian dressing. That sort of thing.
Good for you. Isnt PDJT doing keto also? Seems men do well on keto.
I know he cut some bread and does not do breakfast much, don’t know about the rest. Men do good on it because most are always hungry for meat and are not as prone to gorge on a lot of sugar based deserts, snacks, etc.
Wish i could get mr gil to eat raw veg though.
Does he like cheese? Dipping some the veggies in cheese dips in good stuff.
Yes. Ill have to find old fondue recipes.
I hate auto spell. what a grammatical mess that post was.
My DH, without my knowledge, weaned himself off blood pressure meds a couple of years ago. He only told me after the fact. I’m glad he did it.
Happy Fourth!
Thank you for this report. The fact that tourism is up but is a negative economic indicator is interesting. I have had a similar experience at Buc-ee’s. It is so well managed, with incredibly clean restrooms. I hope your friend gets relief with the chiropractic care.
Happy 4th to all!
Thanks for reading, TT. The economic indicator thing was odd to me at first, but after observing for 40 years here, it had never missed the mark. But we have never seen anything like we have seen out of DC in that period either.
People think we are crazy for mentioning the restrooms, but they are sparkling clean. Will keep everybody informed on our friend’s progress.
Restrooms are a BIG deal for us. DW comfort priority.
Buc-ee’s is exceptional, all around. Glad they are expanding.
On the Interstates, Love’s exceptional. Pilot / Flying J most always. TA, travel America, for whatever reason rarely us. prolly also decent as they cater to truckers and interstate travelers.
Avoid unless it IS a dire emergency, Mcdoogles and Denny’s Most always disgusting.
We’ve been known to pull off and use the restroom at a major name hotel. Holiday Inn express, Marriott Family, Hilton family. ALWAYS clean. Walk in like ya belong there. Restrooms always easily spotted.
In Nevada, perhaps other states with casinos. Casino restrooms are CLEAN.
I looked at reviews of dollywood and people say it is very pricey inside. Having said that, its better than spending it at disney or six flags(woke too). That is very interesting you are really that crowded.
Saw an article last week that the line if cars to get into Yosimite in norcal was/is over 25 miles long any given day. Thats like Yellowstone crowds. I couldnt do that, ever.
Going to a waterside vacay for my kiddo’s birthday soon. Really hard time finding clean, inexpensive, central hotel/motel.
Maybe its CA but I dunno.
One of these days I do want to go to Dollywood.
It’s worth it, a lot of east TN residents buy annual passes and go throughout the various seasons including with their water park. It is really popular in the fall with the craft festival and southern gospel music shows. After that the Christmas season kicks in with some really good shows and lighting. It is getting pricier as she keeps expanding it larger and larger. She already has the 300 room Dreammore Resort hotel and a group of rental cabins there. Just opened the new 300 room Heartsong Resort hotel a couple of weeks ago. She plans to add three more 300 room resort hotels over the next 5-10 years. They are pricey in season, but they are full service with good restaurants and free transportation to the gates of Dollywood and the water park. They are approaching 3 million visitors in Dollywood annually with only being open about 9 months out of the year. It’s not like Disney at all. There are a lot of less expensive lodging options as well as things to do.
I didnt realize the hotel
part was that big. Holy smokes. Id have to go mot in summer though. Spring. Guessing its closed up for winter.
Yes – shuts down January to mid March. Limited schedule somewhat in November through December.
Wife and I spend a couple nights at their hotel around her birthday in January each year. No Dollywood, but we enjoy quieter times just hitting the retail outlets, Galinburg, restaurants, etc. They also have a concert series at the hotel every week during January with past country stars.
Quiet times when you get the run of the place are fun.
Yes – it is usually cold. But dress warm, run around for awhile, come back to the hotel and enjoy the areas around the fireplaces and sip some hot cider or coffee. If desired, swim in the indoor heated pool. Relaxing without the mobs.
Ah. Sounds like a plan!
Pro tip.
The BEST time to visit Yosemite ,is the weekend before Spring Break crunch.
Crowds have NOT begun annual surge.
Waterfalls in all absolute glory, with snow melting rapidly. <<< MUST SEE.
Road to Glacier Point likely open.
Valley open.
From your neck of the woods.
Being you home school, Kiddo available. Yea, other enabling factors in play.
BTW. DId I ever mention Tehachapi on CA 58?
Not to mention, Red House BBQ.
Give this three minutes for true appreciation. Entire video is too cool for boys.
Broken record, falls silent for awhile.
Ty! You have mentioned Tehachapi, and i still have the bbq place bookmarked. I have to go to the redwoods and Yosemite probably next year. Will be taking him to Monterey. Mr Gil brought up the point of doing all the things in CA we want to do bc when we move we arent likely to come back except for family concerns.
What a great report TB. Thank you so much for sharing! I hope your friend enjoys the taste of humble pie AND gets Much Relief for her ailments from your amazing Chiro!
Thanks, Valerie. She is good and sore at the moment.

She called wifey complaining about the soreness the chiro told her she would experience like most of us get in the early stages – the sign that she is being adjusted into places she should be.Then she admitted she was looking forward to the next visit. lol