Cover image: John Mix Stanley (1814–1872) Buffalo hunt on the Southwestern plains

Does the CIA Still Control Iran?
Is Republican Populism a Person or a Movement?
In Defense of the Age of Exploration: Part Four
WEF Says Fashion Will Be Abolished by 2030: “Humans Will All Wear a Uniform”
Good luck with that. I wear cotton and linen. End of sentence.
Corporate Media Is Not Asking “If” But “When” Joe Biden Will Bow Out of 2024
Great American Stories: Coolidge’s Quote
Poetic Justice for the Biden ‘Ministry of Truth’
Badlands New Brief – July 10, 2023
‘What happened?’ Ron DeSantis is confronted about his campaign’s ‘failure to a launch’ and admission it’s ‘way behind’ in the polls against Trump – but Florida governor says he knew it would take ‘toil and tears and sweat’
US podcast misinformation goes largely unchecked
Lost to MAGA
Joe Biden’s an Idiot But There’s Something Off About His “Low Ammunition” Admission
DeSantis’s stumbles have GOP mulling other Trump alternatives
Deep State Spotlight: Kamala Harris
Disney World Hasn’t Felt This Empty in Years
How Fashion Destroyed America: Coco Chanel’s Secret Double Life
We ladies really do have a lot to thank Coco Chanel for. Her ditching religion isn’t one of them. Neither is having been a Nazi spy.
Christian Precious Metals Company Opposes Central Bank Digital Currencies Because of the Freedoms They Steal
Tweet hopper:
Meme & Fun hopper:

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
1My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, 2making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; 3yes, if you cry out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, 4if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures; 5then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. 6For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; 7he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity, 8guarding the paths of justice and preserving the way of his saints. 9Then you will understand righteousness and justice and equity, every good path;
PSALMS 34:2-11
1I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. 2My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and be glad. 3O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together! 4I sought the LORD, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. 5Look to him, and be radiant; so your faces shall never be ashamed. 6This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. 7The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. 8O taste and see that the LORD is good! Happy is the man who takes refuge in him! 9O fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him have no want! 10The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.
MATTHEW 19:27-29
27Then Peter said in reply, “Lo, we have left everything and followed you. What then shall we have?” 28Jesus said to them, “Truly, I say to you, in the new world, when the Son of man shall sit on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29And every one who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Secret Service to Brief Congressional Staff on Mystery of Cocaine in the Biden White House
To quote a certain great President.
I’ll wait and see what Bongino thinks about this.
“The elites think we are all so stupid.”
Do they really even think of us at all?
Or is it just an academic exercise that has little or nothing to do with the general public, or concern for what the general public might think, which itself is humorous — as if any of these psychopaths spend even a fraction of a second during their day thinking about what you or I think?
Bag of coke found in the WH = problem if that fact becomes public. Not because of what the public thinks, but because there is a responsible agency that has to act on that information, which, of course, they can’t, because it’s the emperor’s son.
So the responsible agency needs an ‘out’. It doesn’t have to be believable, or even plausible, it just has to be asserted by someone in a position to get the responsible agency off the hook.
It’s not a problem with regard to the public, they could care less what the public thinks, in the same way as Marie Antoinette could care less what the public thought.
The problem is strictly an inside baseball legal problem.
Although it’s not actually a problem, because no one is actually going to arrest the Puppetent’s son for anything, and everybody knows it. All that is required is enough time for the lawyers to come up with a story that has all the loopholes sown up.
It’s an academic exercise to provide cover for whichever agency would be responsible for doing something about the discovery of the bag of coke.
So you work backwards to figure out what has to go missing, or what order of events needs to be changed, or whatever, in order to provide cover for the party responsible for doing something about the Puppetent’s son’s crimes, in order that the Puppetent’s son not be arrested, because they begin with the premise that the Puppetent’s son cannot (and will not) be arrested.
Everything that follows is just an exercise in ‘hide the ball’.
It could (and I strongly suspect does) have absolutely nothing to do with the public, or thinking about the public, including thinking the public is stupid.
It’s much more probable to be like the exchange Steve mentioned the other day, from The Fountainhead, where Ellsworth Toohey asked Roark what he thought of him. And Roark replied simply, “But I don’t think of you.”
It’s like that.
They don’t think we’re stupid. That’s giving ourselves credit that we’re even on their radar.
They don’t think of us at all, because we are not relevant.
And this is what most people seem not to understand.
No truer words have ever been spoken on this subject.
“They don’t think we’re stupid. That’s giving ourselves credit that we’re even on their radar.
They don’t think of us at all, because we are not relevant.
And this is what most people seem not to understand.”
Qtreepers – please understand those words. They are truth.
Again, choose this day whom you will serve.
That is my favorite quote from any Ayn Rand book. And sadly, I think you are 100% correct.
It was you that brought it up, not me.
Though I did pontificate on it a bit in my reply.
I misremembered
Sorry to you and to Aubergine for the mix up!
There are worse things in life than being confused (online) for Aubergine.
Confuse us face to face, however, and something is seriously messed up inside your head. (But just in case you need notes: She’s the good-looking one.)
And Steve is the smart one!
All anybody needs to do to tell us apart is ask a science question!
Lol, I don’t mind.
I might have. I pontificate, too, and I don’t always remember!
If memory serves, you said a few things about it, then I rambled on at length…which I think makes me the pontificator…but I could be wrong, you could be the pontificatrix.
Please … let’s cease using the word ‘elites’ …
There is NOTHING ‘elite’ about them.
They are thieves, robbers… MAFIA… selling ‘protection’ …
from THEM.
I prefer ‘cabal’ ….
A cabal is a group of people who are united in some close design, usually to promote their private views or interests in an ideology, a state, or another community, often by intrigue and usually unbeknownst to those who are outside their group. Wikipedia
As a reminder:
“Mafia” is an informal term that is used to describe criminal organizations that bear a strong similarity to the original “Mafia”: the Italian Mafia. The central activity of such an organization would be the arbitration of disputes between criminals as well as the organization and enforcement of illicit agreements between criminals through the use of or threat of violence. Wikipedia
Used in a sentence:
If the crazies in the White House, the mafia, do not win their proxy war in Ukraine, they are talking of resorting to nuclear weapons … the unelected in ‘The West’ are meeting in Lithuania and discussing ways to ensure this occurring.
Agreed 100%
I don’t use the word to describe them, especially since there are so many more derogatory words I can use
In the case above, I was quoting Jim Hoft’s article from Gateway Pundit.
I know … I was just looking for a post to rant about it
We all have days when a rant is just about ready to burst out.
I wonder if any of us have days where there isn’t a rant ready to burst out.
None in the past couple years.
“Secret Service to Brief Congressional Staff on Mystery of Cocaine in the Biden White House”
I hope they are all suitably embarrassed of themselves.
It’s truly one of the great mysteries of the world.
Bermuda Triangle. DB Cooper. Malaysian Airlines flight 370.
And how did Hunter’s cocaine get in the WH.
Whenever I think of Coolidge quotes, I am reminded of “the Coolidge effect”.
It seems that Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge were being given a tour of a cattle operation. It was seen as decorous that men and women were to tour the facility separately, and Mrs. Coolidge was first to be shown into a breeding arena. A cow was released into the arena, and then a bull — which proceeded immediately to mate with the cow. Then both were led away.
Mrs. Coolidge inquired, “Is that it? The bull is done for the day?” and was informed that the bull would generally provide around six cycles per day. She noted to the staff that, “someone should tell Mr. Coolidge about that.”
Some time later that day, Mr. Coolidge was introduced to the same scene with the same results. Staff took great pleasure in relating Mrs. Coolidge’s question and observation to him, whereupon he said, “Interesting. Is it always the same cow?” When staff told him that each cycle involved a different cow, he observed, “someone should tell Mrs. Coolidge about that.”
And, yes — although the story may be apocryphal, there is a real thing….
Another one I heard was when Coolidge, a man of very few words, was attending a formal dinner. A lady he didn’t know came to his table and said, in a soft voice, “Mr. Coolidge, I made a bet that I could get you to say more than two words.”
Coolidge responded, “You lose.”
The version of this story I heard was that it was chickens, not cows, and Coolidge simply asked “Same hen?” without the rest of the grammatical filler in your story.
Somehow “less filling” strikes me as more authentic in Silent Cal’s case.
Thank you, DePat, for a lovely and engaging Tuesday thread….
Interesting that the “fact chucking” was made by bloomberg… one of the pillars of the derp state, and as globalist as they get…
Oh, yes – that was very intentional “authoritative” citation by whoever pushed that community note.
Kentucky man finds over 700 Civil War-era coins buried in his cornfield
Ha Ha that was my first thought.
HAS the IRS called yet?
They’re probably digging up from below
18 1863 Philadelpha double eagles?
I can guarantee you those won’t go for six figures unless they are slowly dribbled out, they just glutted the market (collecting double eagles from before about 1876 by date and mintmark is NOT a hobby with a lot of participants; it’s for millionaires).
[Incidentally Philadelphia did not use a mint mark until sometime around 1980, except on the silver “war” nickels, to distinguish them from regular ones. However, people often supply the P in the designation as if it were there, just to be unambiguous. Saying “1863 double eagle” causes some people to wonder if you didn’t look for the mint mark on the reverse of the coin; “1863-P” on the other hand, even if technically not accurate, makes it clear the speaker/writer knows the distinction between the different mints. When writing, I will usually write “1863 (P)” to make it clear that I looked, and there’s no mint mark, therefore it’s Philadelphia.]
Of course now even dribbling them out slowly won’t work this time, because the people know there are eighteen of them out there and will wait for a cheaper one down the road.
By the way for many of the dates during and immediately after the Civil War, for all gold coins other than the gold dollar, NO uncirculated coins are known to exist (or maybe there’s just one that hasn’t been on the market in years); the price lists just put dashes there.
“WEF Says Fashion Will Be Abolished by 2030: “Humans Will All Wear a Uniform” ”
Well, you know… except me…
They are clueless about the spirit of freedom that resides within human beings. The only way they could force all humans to wear a particular thing is if they have toppled their governments and have placed them in concentration camps. Maybe that’s the real plan.
Except them, too. They will not give up ther luxury vehicles of all kinds, their gourmet food, their designer clothing, their large homes and private lands, their health freedom, etc. They are tyrants who want to rule the world and have the effrontery to shout it to the rooftops.
Well yes, of course.
The motto of the rich and psychotic is always “do as I say, not as I do”.
And that’s why the motto of the People in response should always be some variation of “sit on it, Potsie”
Judging from Stavros Schwab’s outfits, they have no taste in fashion or anything…
“Dr. No-body.”
Looks like Schwabby shops for his clothes at Doktor Jill’s Boutique of Curtains, Table Cloths and Bed Spreads
Now we know what “BEYOND” means in “Beds, Baths, and Beyond”
Maybe it’s a typo. Beds, Baths, and Bond, ey?
The cat is SO much better dressed.
Megalomaniacal Psycopaths like to hang out with furries
I dunno, am reminded of a training film on crowd control.
We were a bunch of mechanics so don’t know how it applied to us. maybe a subliminal hint not to be a messdeck lawyer.
Crowd mostly dressed alike in work denims T shirts, one guy wearing a pink shirt, not at the front or back or doing worse than any other.
They go through all the rigamarole, warnings in different language etc., passing over from civilian to militery….
“At the man in the pink shirt one round fire”
“At the man in the pink shirt one round fire”
A) sounds like an unlawful order
B) better to fire at the man giving the unlawful order
The object of the film was to show all the legal steps to disperse the crowd, there was more detail than I posted.
However it appeared rather dated in the late 60’s, the squadies had bolt action 303’s, so I would guess it could have been made in the 50’s.
Welp, back to the ole fig leaves…
And me!
Just reminded me of Flep and MuShu…
Have not read this yet, but will dive in…..
“Munchie mums”!!!
THE GENDER CRAZE is just as predatory and abusive of children as sex trafficking and RNA vaccine mandates!!!
Gender transition,
Child Sex Trafficking – Child P0rn
Gene Altering Vaccines
These are the Evil Trinity of attacks against the children of today.
Just as damaging as physical child abuse.
They think they’re correcting “GOD’S mistake”…
In their mini-minds, “They will be like the Most High”.
When, in fact, all they probably do is get high. They’re a bunch a perverted Satanic ninnies and child-abusers…
I don’t understand. I suppose that “top surgery” for a son could mean breast implants? But a boy can’t have a hysterectomy, so are they calling a biological female a “son,” maybe because she says she identifies as a male?
IMO, any parent who condones and facilitates mutilation of a minor’s sexual organs is an abuser and should face severe consequences which I won’t mention here.
“I don’t understand. I suppose that “top surgery” for a son could mean breast implants?”
I wouldn’t even indulge their euphemisms.
The reason the Left comes up with vague terms is because they are ashamed or embarrassed by or uncomfortable talking about the thing they don’t want to say.
So saying the ‘thing’ that they are trying so hard to avoid saying is very effective.
If someone says ‘top surgery’, say “Do you mean lop off a girl’s breasts? Or do you mean attach some breasts to a boy?”
If someone says ‘bottom surgery’, you might ask “What’s wrong with his bottom? The anus is pretty much already the same, so what do you need to do to it?”
Do it completely deadpan, don’t give them the opportunity to dismiss you as just making fun of them.
Make them explain themselves. Make it as awkward and uncomfortable for them as possible
I don’t. I’m just trying to understand a meme. But yes, we have to not play their games and make them face reality.
This is what happens when liberal white women are not subjected to corporal punishment.
It’s bigger than that. See my response to Wolf.
OMG – you really went there.
Sometimes the cage needs a little rattling
With you, it’s an art form.
I always try my best!
We have an epidemic of Munchausen by proxy mental illness going on here, facilitated by years of coddling, social media attention, reality tv, and the glorification of fame.
Seriously, we created this monster. If you notice, these are mostly all women, whose lives have been made purposeless by making actual womanhood and all its natural purpose and responsibility obsolete. Now, be like a man or be nothing. We’ve made a group of crazy women who seek validation, attention, and fame through the manipulation and mutilation of their children. CLASSIC Munchausen by proxy. And that particular mental illness has always been mostly a female disorder.
Regarding the Missouri v. Biden case:
This is a 9.5-minute video of the two ladies. Beanz brings some interesting details about the arguments the Government was making. At about 6:40 she says she expects this injunction to be in place throughout the case, which means the government won’t be free to censor speech through the 2024 election. Some AGs will be watching and holding them accountable as discovery is made in this case.
At 7:40 they talk about Gen. Flynn’s case.
Excellent listen.
Chalk full of good news AND damning the Feds actions against free Speech.
IF I caught it correctly, …Flynn case calling out malicious prosecution… Feds wanting the case dismissed, citing, Feds don’t want discovery. <<< Seems quite telling, the Feds are guilty.
Have often wondered why Trump could not, has not gone after the Feds for malicious behavior, investigations…something.
Yea, I am grasping for straws. But clearly, Trump has been harassed by the Feds, for seven plus years.
Tucker Carlson to Host First GOP Presidential Forum of 2024 Race – 5 Candidates Attending
I’m just not interested…
I’m surprised any of the splitter candidates are even willing to participate.
Unless Tucker pulls a Brett Baier/Megan Kelly/Chris Wallace, this will be the first real ‘debate’, possibly in my lifetime.
I remember thinking the first primary debate on Fraud News for the 2016 campaign would be the first time in my life when the people asking the questions and moderating the debate (at least two of them) weren’t complicit and helping the bad guys.
I was disabused of that silly notion with the first question. The whole thing was a set-up to get Trump from the start.
That was the day (for me) that all doubt was removed with regard to Fraud News.
Nope, not even a little interested.
Why is Carlson doing this gig when POTUS45 wasn’t invited and won’t be there?
I didn’t even realize Trump wouldn’t be there.
What’s the point of a debate, amongst a bunch of cardboard cut-outs vying for 2nd place?
And why is Tucker having anything to do at this point with Fraud News?
Great day to hold a Trump Rally, in Des Moines, IA.
Fauci, Other NIH Officials May Not Have Been Legally Appointed to Their Offices, House GOP Says
I’ve got a quick and easy solution for “turmoil”…..
#TremendousHelpingsOfPorridge, too.
“Fauci, Other NIH Officials May Not Have Been Legally Appointed to Their Offices, House GOP Says”
Oh dear.
The people who were complicit in a coup and a global genocide may not have dotted an ‘i’ or crossed a ‘t’?
Well, that changes everything… they must be worried sick…
If they weren’t legally appointed to their positions, would the US Government have to defend them in court for their actions?
Not quite right. The question is whether the govt is AUTHORIZED to represent them. My view is they all have to get private lawyers in DC and none of them can have conflicts of interest.
First motion I would make is to have the salaries that were paid since the deadline date impounded to the court since they were not legally earned.
“If they weren’t legally appointed to their positions, would the US Government have to defend them in court for their actions?”
Have to, or want to (insist)?
Remember that the US Government is an organized criminal enterprise, so no doubt they will insist on defending their own gang members, with hundreds of government lawyers (as many as it takes) and unlimited funding at taxpayer expense.
Because they know and understand that they either all hang together, or they all hang separately.
SCOTUS Liverman vs. McMurray. See last sentence Page 2 of 4: “Fraud vitiates everything it touches.”
Another fine mess you’ve got us into.
I thought I was pretty slick regarding the history of ancient Rome, knowing about “The Year of Four Emperors” in 68-69 AD (they didn’t start years when we do).
Then I recently found out that Rome had a “Year of Five Emperors” in AD 193…..and a “Year of Six Emperors” in AD 238.
I guess that’s what happens when the Deep State is allowed to have a say in who is POTUS — er, I mean Emperor.
The fact of the matter is that that entire roughly-a-century from the death of Commodus on (193 CE) was one chaotic mess…and we have little insight into it since very few sources survive (unlike the late Republic and the run up to Augustus’s reign as the first emperor, where we have lots of sources and this is why so many sword-and-sandles movies and literature are focused there). We’ve literally learned of some emperors solely by finding some of their coins.
In many cases someone is counted as an emperor simply because they were the military governor of some frontier province and decided to put the troops to use putting themselves on the throne. They often didn’t even get as far as Italia, much less to Rome. In other words, by any criterion they were unsuccessful false claimants to the throne. However there were usually tools for minting coins on travel with Roman legions (so that loot could be coined on the spot and used to pay the legionaries) so it was easy for some jackwagon to put his mug on a coin even if he were only “emperor” for two weeks before his troops turned on him.
Hmmm…or become a toilet? This guy Commodus MUST have had a following…
Remembering Patrick Stuart’s line in “Robin Hood Men In Tights” I decided that Commodus is *appropriately* remembered by having all toilets known as commodes from that point forward.
Commodus was a real asshole, and when he came to power in 180CE the Roman empire only went downward from there. Even Constantine couldn’t repair the damage.
LOLOLOL!!!!!! Not quite the Royal Flush…
I seem to remember this as the fist name I learned in architecture school! LOLOL!!!!!
Probably there was one of Jeb Bush’s ancestors running around yelling:
La Trine, La Trine…
When your kid starts exploring…..
Kyle’s World
Wonderful. Kyle has a great ear!!!! Is he your son? Have him post more of this Craig Chaquico.
This is not the acoustical guitar on the image, yet electric…and Craig must have other works, either in acoustical or electric guitar.
How old is Kyle?
Also, if you or Kyle are not offended by The Conservative Treehouse, Garrison Hall is always on the DAILY thread.
Garrison is a connoisseur of all things string…and other. From 16th century until today. Kyle might strike up a really meaningful back and forth with Garrison. He is so knowledgeable.
I will say, I am also intrigued by the keyboards on this one!
TY, and make certain you let Kyle know I really appreciate his upbeat contribution, cthulhu!
Just to be clear, Kyle is Chaquico’s son. The album came out in 1996, so he’s probably around 30 now.
At one point, Craig Chaquico was the lead guitarist for Starship, the successor to Jefferson Airplane. His solo work has been mainly instrumental and “new age”. This particular album, A Thousand Pictures, may have been his most popular.
Here’s another nice on off the same album….
Had no idea! Back then I listened to everything, yet never knew the names of anyone in a band!!!!!
Great rant. Worth a listen. Americans should hear it. Ponder it. Ponder reality.
All I hear is a military guy running down an opponent. Universal in war. Reality? Meh, I take leave to doubt it.
Yup, lots a military bravado.
That stuff aside, Russia is making mince meat of Western military hardware.
Americans are largely clueless.
I don’t believe anything about Ukraine, and I wouldn’t unless I was there to see it. And I’m not going!
Ukraine is a money laundering operation.
I agree.
We find out in 10 years if I am still alive.
I hope you are!
88 is possible
Money laundering, arms trafficking, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and bio-weapon development, testing (what?), and disbursement…
“Team Z” is open for ANYTHING which will bring them money and power…
Also Leftist mind trafficking.
All the dopes I see on social media with a Ukraine flag next to their name. It’s like they’re wearing a ‘kick me’ sign on their foreheads.
They do not want to give it up.
Sometimes I think that the Biden regime is trying to deplete us financially, militarily, Industry wise and psychologically. This worked to bring down the USSR.
Sometimes i think they want to splinter the US back into states because united US is stronger. They do not want us strong. We will be read states. blue states. End result could be war between red and blue.
Who is behind it puzzles me because they too will be victims
I could be wrong most likely am.
They will not be victims. Other than that, I think you’re correct.
True !
Agree. Have previously posted….
The hidden hand of Obamites, working 24/7 to destroy America.
Unbelievable and hard to understand. This is like killing the golden goose. I am finding that Fables have much truth .
Except the reason the West is in decline at all is because of sabotage from within.
I had the most interesting email from a friend who can never put down a book. Even having traveled literally all over the word (including Argentina), I have had only a tiny batch of conversations anything like this.
He wrote the following about three weeks ago:
“Can you please send this to all of your email list?”
To: ALL, Conversation below was in 2013/2014. from the book, TO SHAKE THE SLEEPING SELF, by Jedidiah Jenkins.
Reading about a bike trip from Washington State to Patagonia. Learned all about The Darien Gap, google.
Baja produces tons of tomatoes. The most startling is the following paraphrase of a conversation between the rider, Jedidianh Jenkins, and a bartender in Patagonia, Argintina.
She asks, “What do you think of America?
I am confused right now. Have you heard about Ferguson, and all the racial tension stuff?
She responds. “Oh,yes. That stuff doesn’t surprise me. America is good with race. Argintina used to have black people. Do you see any?
No, actually I have not seen any. Did they move to Brazil?
No, we killed them all. Black slaves made up almost half our country at one point. But then we only promised them freedom if they’d fight in war. And sent all the men to the front lines of our war with Spain, and then our war with Paraguay. We killed them all. And then we only allowed Europeans to immigrate here. So, Aargintina is worse with race. America will be fine.
Whoa. I did not know any of that. Do people talk about this?
People do not know. They trust the newspapers, which are all lies. What do you think about Syria and the US? she said. leaning in like she was asking about secrets.
What Assad is doing is terrible. It’s so terrible. I do not know if the U. S. is going to intervene. It makes me sad. You believe that Assad is bad.?
YES!, Does not everyone?
She continues. I don’t believe it. I believe i is the U.S. coming in and lying, the newspapers are lying. The U. S. wants the oil in Syria, to control. I think Assad is a good guy, and rebels are U.S. planted terrorists to disrupt, Like they did in Nicaragua.
The biker responds: I have friends who work at NPR, They see what they see and report it. Our news media is antagonistic with our government.
She responds. Well, that is what they want you to think. She leans back raising her eyebrows. Her body language pulled away as she realized I was another sheep in the system. I tried to bring her back.
WHAT makes you think these things.?????
She reponds.
NOTE; so in 2013/2014, a bartender in Argintina, Patagonia hits the nail on the head. I was amazed and wish to share.”
Anyone ever come across this kind of conversation?
WOW. That’s instructive!
I was shocked when my friend read this over the phone to me.
Now, I know when I am traveling, world news is really world news, yet this still was quite an eye opener.
^^^ Reality coming to bite the dollar in the ass. Bite every American in the ass.
Have an idea what this means, I suppose abstractly.
But not how it’ll literally effect me, day-to-day.
Two words:
I have a plan. If the dollar really goes completely to shit, and money is blowing around in the streets like in Venezuela, I’m going to collect it like aluminum cans and use it to pay off my mortgage.
In the great Depression, they used US dollars for toilet paper …
I ain’t buying that without a source link.
My source: My Dad …
AI bot
An AI bot writing helpful answersWhy was money worthless in the Great Depression?
During the Great Depression, money became worthless because there was too much of it in circulation and not enough goods and services to purchase. This led to a decrease in demand for goods and services, which in turn led to deflation, or a decrease in prices. However, the overall decrease in demand also led to a decrease in production and an increase in unemployment, which further exacerbated the economic downturn. Additionally, the stock market crash of 1929 and the subsequent bank failures also contributed to the lack of faith in the economy and the worth of money.
Fiat currency is only as good as the ‘confidence’ in it…
btw … does any of the above sound familiar? (“THEY” do “it” about every hundred years … so attrition takes care of those who actually live through their manipulations, so those who lived through it are not alive to tell others… or if they do, they won’t be believed. So far it is working for “THEM”
“Changes in public confidence in a government issuing fiat money may be enough to make the fiat currency worthless. Commodity money, however, retains value based on the metal or other…”
During the great depression we were only partially decoupled from gold. For purposes of foreign exchange the dollar was pegged to $35.00/ozt for gold. And the coinage was still silver, though the silver’s value was well under the face value of the coins.
So our money wasn’t fiat, but it was certainly headed that way. We went full-bore fiat when Nixon closed the gold window…which had already been made inevitable by his predecessors.
That’s interesting because everything else I have ever read indicates that prices went DOWN. We were in a deflationary phase (which in some ways can be just as bad as inflation).
That what the Al Bot said above…. and that the market crashed and there were no jobs, etc.
The market crashing is conventional…but prices went down largely due to no demand, and partially due to the fact that money was literally disappearing when banks failed.
Yet the market crash in ’29 was because everyone and their shoe-shiner was on margin, no?
“outside of what we control…
become opaque and incomprehensible to us.”
Almost everything everywhere has been and remains opaque and incomprehensible almost constantly; hence Mr. Chomsky’s observation
“My country doesn’t lie, because to lie you need to know “the truth”,
and Mr. Sinatra sang:
Fairy tales can come true
It can happen to you
If you’re young at heart.
If this is a response to my comment, I don’t see it.
No, it’s not a response to your comment.
I’ll use leaves, and be free and clear on my house!
Indeed. Inflation is actually good for people who owe money; they can repay with depreciated dollars.
I would be very careful, though, about credit card debt (you didn’t say that, but I am sure someone out there is thinking it). In that case they can raise interest rates to compensate or even unilaterally amend the credit card agreement to index your balance to inflation.
And it’s only a matter of time before new mortgages and car loans contain “escalator clauses” to do the same. I’d be leery from now on, taking out any loan, and be sure to read the entire thing.
No credit card debt. And one car loan with less than a year left. Mortgage is fixed.
I don’t have a lot, and I am trying to find the silver lining in case it all goes to shit, lol.
You probably won’t starve.
I might not either, but that’s from being overweight.
Your situation and mine are similar–car within a year of being paid off, no carried-over card debt (I pay the balance each month).
In general, I’d be trying to get rid of any debt where the other party can rewrite the terms of it unilaterally. (Which is not: car loans and mortgages, but does include plastic.)
Because you’re right, the mortgage has to accept dollars…however depreciated they might be.
One important caveat: If the dollar truly turns to shit, I can just imagine the government slipping in a law that says all contracts shall be indexed to inflation–you know, to help out the banks that “are [run by people who make campaign contributions that are] too big to [allow any politician on the take (but I repeat myself) to even think of letting them] fail.”
Oh, and I can just about guarandamntee you that if you’re making a salary or wages, they won’t keep up with inflation…and social security likely not either.
Oh, no. That last paragraph is a certainty.
Just make sure you can pay your property taxes.
THAT is the problem.
And so, should we be hoarding our own cash reserves, out of a bank?
If you’re asking this because I alluded to money disappearing when banks failed (in a different comment) the whole “deposit insurance” thing was designed to prevent that happening today.
In fact the LAST thing you want to do if inflation takes off, is hang on to fiat cash. It’s becoming worthless, why keep it? No, you will want to spend it on something that’s not losing value, as quickly as possible.
Before a fiat currency becomes worthless, I understanding getting out of debt, but those with eventual taxable retirement accounts are then stuck.
Would love to pay the mortgage off but will be taxed heavily on that. And property taxes will never end, will they?
Nope they never will.
There are three major kinds of taxes, basically. 1) income taxes 2) property taxes and 3) sales taxes (including excises and taxes per unit purchased rather than percentage purchases.
I loathe the first two kinds, and merely despise the third. Because the first two can force you to liquidate valuables to pay them.
And if the entire country falls?
….but not necessarily as useful as lead and brass.
Then we have big, big trouble. Based on history, we won’t get the result we’re hoping for (a restoration of a limited-government, constitutional republic).
Do we hang on to jewelry, silver, etc.? Asking for a billion or more.
Gold and silver are always good….
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, July 11, 2023
“He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.”
Matthew 10:39 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
I’ve been scarce here lately mostly due to internet security issues. The DNC affiliated tech perverts have ravished my VPN,. and have also been busy fondling other parts of my security suite.
“The [weiners] take it all… (shades of ABBA)
Good to see you … hope you resolve your security issues.
I thought VPNs were manna from Heaven regarding security. Another steaming pile?
A VPN can make it hard for a third party to figure out where you are actually from as you visit web sites. But the VPN provider knows who you are–they have to, in order to do what they do–which is to take your real connection and basically funnel everything from it to somewhere else. So it better be someone you can trust. If the bad guys purchase your VPN provider you’ve got problems.
Even aside from that concern they’re only one piece of the security puzzle, and what you need depends on your “threat model.” (Are you trying to avoid a national government, or just internet punks who get off on pwning systems, or the shitweasels like Zuckerberg who make their living mining data?)
Proton reckon they’re very keen on security, they have a vpn.
A VPN is exactly what it says, a “Virtual Private Network”. If you have a server at your home (or place of business, if different) that throws a VPN, you can contact it securely as if you were connected by wires in the same building — even if you’re accessing the internet from a laptop connected to a hotel network that keeps giving you advertisements for spa treatments and worldwide Hyatt reservations.
A common use for such an arrangement is to connect to a network in a different jurisdiction, which is then used to connect to the internet. That way, it appears that your laptop is located in, say, Panama. In this case, you are not just valuing the link, but also the use of a “pseudo-network” that you are linking to.
The underlying technology, though, is based on linking to a private network over a public internet. I could set up a home VPN server at my home and link to it from a laptop in NC, and appear to be in Silicon Valley. I could set kalbo up with a VPN server in NV, that would allow him to appear to be on a network in NV when he was really in the Philippines.
A handy tool against geoblocking, which is becoming maddeningly more prevalent, especialy with the EU’s “privacy” battles with the US (and probably everyone else)…
So YOU’RE the one with THE LAPTOP!!!
Generational ‘failure to communicate’ ?
“Oh, it’s much worse for Tigger, son. He was once a horse named Trigger, who was groomed by trans activists.”
More hay, Trigger?
No thanks, Roy, I’m stuffed…
Love your post, DePat… thank you so much! So many nice points of logic: don’t forget the TP emergency (I live alone so was well stocked on TP), 465 MILES of border wall more than the last six presidents, no women transitioning to play men’s sports… laughs and smiles to start the day.
NY Times puts out another left-wing hit piece on Justice Clarence Thomas as media, Dems undermine institution they can’t control
New York Times puts out another left-wing hit piece on Justice Clarence Thomas (
Tea, chat and a cheat sheet! Biden was holding his own cue card when he met British leader Rishi Sunak with conversation topics including F-16s, Turkey and the ‘Atlantic Declaration’
Biden was holding cue cards when he met British leader Rishi Sunak with conversation topics | Daily Mail Online
h/t via Marica’s blog:
July 9, 2023
“From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality to Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the “Vaccinated” & The Global Depopulation Program”
Which led to:
Which led to these two charts from the above Ethical Skeptic tweet:
Recall that it’s the ACCUMULATED damage to the body’s organs and circulation system engendered by the COVID-19 “vaccines” that is now starting to show up in REAL NUMBERS on excess mortality statistics.
Yours Truly is of the considered opinion that the time is soon coming when “vaccinated” people will need to be confronted with the truth about the poison they have in their bodies — and in the bodies of their “vaccinated” family and friends.
I don’t pay any attention to those drugstore signs about “get your shots here,” so I don’t know what’s being pushed now. I suppose COVID vaxes are still being given, and being recommended? There is always a push leading into autumn for flu shots, so I’m guessing it will be the same again for COVID vaxes? A lot of people still need to wake up.
Pharmacies are pushing the “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines” by Pfizer-BioNTech and by Moderna. The “newest version” of this “vaccine” is to be on the market by fall, 2023. This is the “newest version” that was approved by the CDC earlier this summer. it’s had NO completed “clinical trials.”
For example, CVS pharmacies offer the following:
“Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines”
Hepatitis B
HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
TDAP (Tetanus-Diphteria-Whooping Cough)
MMR (Measles-Mumps-Rubella)
Japanese Encephalitis (for people going to travel abroad)
Hepatitis A
In addition, watch for local school public school systems to start listing the “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine” on their “required vaccinations in order to attend or to resume attendance” schedules as of this fall.
Thank you for that information. So a lot more people are going to get these shots, unfortunately.
What is extremely dreadful is that ignorant, sheeple, “the government money has to continue to our schools” local school boards (on the “orders” from the state legislatures, which will add the COVID-19 “vaccines” to the state public school attendance regulations without question) will put these POISON SHOTS onto the LOCAL “school attendance required vaccines” schedules.
What in the world are pharmacies, in particular combi store/drugstore-type pharmacies, doing giving ANY KIND OF SHOT, let alone those that can have lethal side-effects/reactions/interactions…
Do they have a waiting area for the unwitting patients to sit, and trained medical personnel on hand to deal with shock or other severe reactions?
To quote Macgyver, Nah. I didn’t think so…..
“What in the world are pharmacies, in particular combi store/drugstore-type pharmacies, doing giving ANY KIND OF SHOT, let alone those that can have lethal side-effects/reactions/interactions…”
Apparently pharmacists and doctors are all financially incentivized, both on a per shot given basis, and on reaching various milestone totals.
Imagine the pressure they are willing to exert, if you happen to be patient number 95 through 100, and it’s the last day of the month, and they get a $10K bonus for vaccinating 100 people per month.
There’s also the increasing “blurring of the lines” between exactly what pharmacists can do as compared to medical doctors.
It started with the FDA giving “permission” for pharmacists to administer vaccines back in the early 1990s. My late father chose to retire from the practice of pharmacy rather than to take the courses that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Board of Pharmacy required for pharmacists to administer vaccines. There wasn’t an option to keep one’s pharmacy license without going through the course.
Last year, the FDA gave “permission” for pharmacists to dispense Paxlovid WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION to anyone who came to the pharmacy with proof of a positive COVID test (including people who got the COVID test performed right there at the pharmacy.)
And, pharmacists are now routinely “permitted” to “counsel” patients about whether to switch from the drug that the doctor prescribed (or that the patient is already taking) to another drug.
A large part of this has been the relentless “dumbing-down” of medical doctors.
I would take advice from a pharmacist very seriously when it comes to drug interactions, side effects, and alternative treatments.
(Note — my niece is a pharmacist.)
Agreed about taking advice from a pharmacist about drug interactions, etc. About getting a vaccine from a pharmacist?—not in my playbook for me.
Imagine (if you will) the blowback from yours truly if I am patient number 100!
AMEN! I have bitched about this for YEARS!
Some years ago there was a case where Walgreens had a fake pharmacist, who had been dispensing meds and performing all the tasks that their pharmacists normally do.
As it turns out, somehow it was discovered that she was neither credentialed, nor all that qualified, although she put on a good act (George Plimpton, distaff version 2.0).
During the same time frame this imposter was dispensing, we visited my Mom, and I saw that she still had the (sample) Vioxx tablets she was given for her arthritis, but never took, thanks to our discouraging her from taking them, as they were dangerous (heart-attack and stroke risk, IIRC).
So, I said I’d take them to the pharmacy at the Walgreens just down the street and they could dispose of them.
Guess who the pharmacist was? And she refused to dispose of them, even though they are (at least in CA) required to take them and destroy them according to procedures….
So the Vioxxx tabs were given a wash and a flush (since it wasn’t BBQ season) and away they went. That woman was my Mom’s pharmacist for a few years… gave me the willies when I saw the article and the picture of that woman….
This was BCI (before COVID IDIOCY), so no shots were “fired”, but the thought of having an injection, even an allergy injection, without any proper supervision and/or emergency facilities/preparation by someone with no qualifications…
I still shudder at the thought, and that was around 10 or 15 years ago…..
Yikes, that’s scary!
Here in my little town, the police dept. has a secure drop-off bin for unused or out-dated medicine, which they dispose of. I have used it. I think it’s a great plan.
“Yours Truly is of the considered opinion that the time is soon coming when “vaccinated” people will need to be confronted with the truth about the poison they have in their bodies — and in the bodies of their “vaccinated” family and friends.”
I suspect it won’t work quite like that. Because as many of us have experienced, we can confront them until the cows come home, and it won’t matter. The harder we push, the stronger they resist.
But if the numbers of afflicted are as vast as we have reason to think they will be, then there will be a societal tipping point, a point where the mass-denial can no longer be propped up or maintained.
Like everything else, it’s a mental thing. As if social ‘scientists’ finally cracked the code on human sociology and psychology, specifically mass-psychology, and exceedingly evil people instantly used that knowledge to manipulate the masses toward horrific and destructive ends.
Everything points that direction, and nothing appears to point any other direction.
Thank you. The “societal tipping point” is where this all is going. IMO, that tipping point may well happen sooner rather than later.
I sure hope so.
No doubt TCTB will do everything possible (anything at all) to delay it past the 2024 election.
Balanced on the edge of a guillotine, we are, so to speak. I’m fully prepared to hide until the rage burns itself out.
“Yours Truly is of the considered opinion that the time is soon coming when “vaccinated” people will need to be confronted with the truth about the poison they have in their bodies — and in the bodies of their “vaccinated” family and friends.”
Until or unless the doctors admit the truth about the vaxx, our families and friends are going to continue believing their doctors, not us. Doctors have control over their patients.
The doctors are not going to admit the truth about the vaxx, until or unless the licensing boards and medical associations stop threatening the doctors with loss of career. Licensing boards and medical associations have control over their doctors.
The licensing boards and medical associations are not going to relinquish control over the doctors until or unless the government agencies tell them to. Government agencies control licensing boards and medical associations.
Government agencies are not going to give up control over licensing boards and medical associations until or unless Big Pharma tells them to. Big Pharma controls government.
Big Pharma is not going to give up control over government unless WEF / Soros / Gates / BlackRock, et al, tell them to. They control Big Pharma.
WEF / Soros / Gates / BlackRock, et al, will not give up control over Big Pharma until ______________ (whoever controls WEF / Soros / Gates / BlackRock) tells them to. Whoever ‘they’ are, they control WEF / Soros / Gates / BlackRock, et al.
It’s a simple hierarchy.
The first level of control (patient / doctor) is built on blind trust. It can’t exist without willful participation and consent of the patient. The patient is easily manipulated because the patient only sees the doctor when something is wrong, and the doctor is perceived by the patient as the only one who can heal them. This makes abuse of power easy.
Each level of control above that first one is based on coercion, bribery and blackmail.
To break the spell cast on the first level, it would probably be easier to destroy the highest level. In the same way as Trump took out Qasem Soleimani and his top lieutenants.
When that happened, along with Saudi Prinz Waleed Bin Trouble getting rousted, the entire control pyramid destabilized.
I have never just blindly trusted a physician. I got badly burned with a misdiagnosis when I was young, and once I figured that out, I don’t believe anything they say without my own research behind me.
“How Doctors Think” by Dr. Jerome Groopman, is an excellent read about doctors and diagnoses, and conditioned thinking within the “med biz”. Groopman’s journey through multiple doctors, multiple wrong (and sometimes dangerous) diagnoses, and finally finding the real problem reads like a whodunit. It’s well worth reading!
I have it both in English and German, as we faced a similar situation with our son, where the medicos over here kept trying to say “it’s this syndrome, it’s that syndrome, it’s ….” yet they missed the real problem, which would have been fatal had he not had an extended episode of WPW, which was the “concealed” type that only shows on stress tests… once that was dealt with (ablated), everything returned to normal, and his growth, which had stalled for a couple of years, pretty much recovered…
We’ve been (even more) skeptical ever since then, so COVIDIOCY was an obvious scam from day one, which was pretty early here, as “ground zero” in Germany was at a company (Webasto) not far from where we live…
[Now that idiot Karl Lauterbach wants to be able to shut down events people’s activities due to “dangerous heat”…. IDJIOT! 35°C is NOT hot. And, it’s actually mild for all of our “guests” from the Middle East and Africa…. give him a caterpillar mustache and he’d look just like his “uncle Adolf”…]…..
Good grief! I grew up in the South with no A/C, 100 degree F. temps, and 80% humidity some days!
I’m glad you had the knowledge to help your son.
Anybody heard from Holly lately?
March 30 was her last post!
I hope she’s still with us. I don’t want people following PHC’s example.
She tweets a lot… I don’t know her account addy, just know from conversations that she tweets.
U.S. Soldier Pleads Guilty To Terrorism, But The Full Story Is Far More Treasonous
Real Story Behind Army Terrorist’s Guilty Plea Is More Treasonous (
Montepelier [Vermont] prepares for disaster: Dam near city is one-foot from failing as more than 110 people are rescued and more trapped as Vermont capital is cut off and 78 roads closed
Those Indians that want Ben n Jerry’s HQ back must have done a rain dance.
Just to help move along the process of re-acquiring their land.
Yeah, but now it’ll be a lake! They’ll probably put a floating casino in.
lol! I have been AT Ben and Jerry’s former personal and current Uni-Lever HQ. This is high ground.
BREAKING: Select Subcommittee on the COVID Pandemic Releases Explosive Report on COVID-19 Lab Leak Hypothesis – Reveals Coordinated Effort, Led by Dr. Fauci, to Suppress COVID-19 Lab-Leak Theory
The article has lots of screenshots of communications about how damaging it would be to scientific research and to CHYNA if people thought it was a lab leak (so they were protecting China). It seems significant that none of the people communicating with each other seem to know the actual origin of COVID-19.
The report:
Members of the committee are listed here. Two well-known Repubs are MTG and Dr. Ronny Jackson.
IMO, if it starts to get “too close and too hot” in the U.S., Fauci may well try to get “fast-track” approval for dual citizenship in Italy, from whence his grandparents emigrated to the United States. And, earlier this year, Fauci was awarded an honorary degree from La Sapienza University in Rome — which could be used as a “foot in the door” if necessary.
BofA Ordered To Pay $250 Million For Opening Fake Accounts, Charging Illegal Fees
If I’m not mistaken, cthulhu has talked about problems with BofA. Maybe some
is owed…
Another bumper crop of items:
Yours Truly: There are links to several articles regarding the outbreak of Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome in Peru that has compelled the country to declare a state of emergency there.
Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome is listed in the “Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest” section of the “5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis” report on BNT162b2 that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA in APRIL, 2021. GBS occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the body’s nervous system — in other words, GBS is an autoimmune disorder.
What does the spike protein + its mRNA of the COVID-19 “vaccines” — ALL OF THEM, including the “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines” — attack, among other areas of the body?:
The extremely important CD4 and CD8 immune system cells, the same cells that HIV/AIDS attacks;
The extremely important IgG3 “fight and clear off” immune system cells, replacing them with IgG4 “tolerate but never clear” cells;
The body’s LIVER, the organ most responsible for detecting and sending out “fight this and clear it” cells.
Per the documentation given to the FDA by Pfizer-BioNTech in the summer of 2020, the three areas of the body that get the LARGEST accumulations of the spike protein + its mRNA from a COVID-19 “vaccine” in the Wistar lab rats experiments for BNT162b32 are:
LIVER = 24.3
SPLEEN = 23.4
OVARIES = 12.3
These are found on page 7 and page 8 of the “2.6.5 Pharmacokinetics Tabulated Summary” document by searching https://phnpt,org/. The document there is under 125742_S1_M2_26_pharmkin-tabulated-summary.pdf
Yours Truly will also point out that the TWO, NEW, lipid nanoparticles developed for BNT162b2 (out of the FOUR that are in the “vaccine) were used in these Wistar lab rats experiments to carry the “vaccine” throughout the bodies of the rats — WHICH IS WHAT THESE LNPs DO IN THE BNT162b2 THAT IS GIVEN TO HUMANS.
And that these same LNPs are present in the Pfizer-BioNTech “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine” formulation.
“Yours Truly: There are links to several articles regarding the outbreak of Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome in Peru that has compelled the country to declare a state of emergency there.”
I saw that the other day in a Tweet or article about silver mining shutting down in Peru due to the outbreak of Guillain-Barre.
Naturally, the first thing I thought of was vaxx suppresses immune system = Guillain-Barre outbreak.
Waaaayyyy back in 2019 there was a paper that was released as a pre-published study, then rapidly withdrawn, that detailed the risks and damage to the immune system the clot-shot presented, in particular auto-immune diseases and nerve-sheath diseases, also where the body was attacking itself, so to speak.
Threads isn’t allowing new signups?
“Threads reached 100 million sign ups…”
He means ‘suck ups’.
or ‘Zuckups’.
How about if YOU think of those employees? How about if YOU make an apology for subjecting the public to Dylan Mulvaney, the trans agenda, and the destruction of our society? I’m sorry for innocent people caught in the middle of this, but the responsibility does not lie with us. Those people are probably going to have to find other jobs. What a shame.
Methinks all he is thinking about is his next performance review and/or stockholder’s meeting, where his idiot performance and insulting of his customer base will help him out the door… unless the board are as stupid/woke as he is, which could be the case…..
No doubt it was the board’s idea, pushed directly by the members of BlackRock and Vanguard on the board.
Sacrifice is necessary for society to change. I feel sorry for those people, but their sacrifice will benefit all of us and our children and grandchildren in the long run.
They can obtain a new job in a day. AT OTHER BEER BREWERIES.
Are we supposed to be impressed?
Well, in defense of America, at least Petey the baby grooming gay dad, didn’t use an electric bike
Whoops… may of been wrong. Pete the baby grooming gay dad may have indeed been on a battery operated bike after all.
He probably gets a tingle from it too
And he’s riding a GIRL’S bike AND is wearing what looks like TWO MASKS.
He actually looks like a girl, riding it…
Reminds me of Holland, where they are NUTS about bicycles (and this goes back decades) and they have bicycle freeways, sometimes with tens and occasionally hundreds of bicycles riding along. Bicycles that would make the old Schwinn and Huffys look LIGHT in comparison…
But the riders would almost all be in rhythm with each other… it was a fascinating sight. And with the fact that bicycles have right-of-way over almost everything else, sight was important…

“Snow falls on Johannesburg for first time in decade”
Surprisingly no blame being put on AGW, maybe I’ll have to read the globo press for that.
White Privilege?
Hunter Biden Effect?
Yep. Maybe the Goreacle is there. The Al Gore Effect is legendary among practicants of Climastrology…
God Bless Michael Voris. Steve Bannon too.
Steve Bannon’s Powerful Endorsement Is Disastrous for the Bishops | The Vortex (
Sounds just like any other abusive relationship.
It doesn’t matter what your abuser does. It should not affect your love for him, or your self-respect, or your perspective. You KNEW this was going to happen. You were told for 150 years how corrupt your abuser was, which only validates the abuse and makes you virtuous for enduring it.
Not because you had to, but because the abuser injected himself into every facet of your lives, making you dependent upon your abuser, so that you can never leave him.
And if you ever even think about leaving your abuser, you will be abused all the more, being told that your abuse ‘doesn’t matter’, it’s not about ‘you’, and you knew it was going to happen anyway. So you ‘deserve’ it.
It’s classic Stockholm Syndrome, with the abused sympathizing with and defending their abusers.
And of course, the abused can’t see it. They never can.
And they will resent anyone who points it out.
Because the world hates truth, and the world is at enmity with God.
A church is not an individual, though. Any church has the potential to have people within who act outside of its precepts. In fact, it is bound to happen because mankind is sinful and flawed.
The decision to worship within a particular church is informed by what the church stands for and how that comports with one’s view of worship. The primary relationship is between the individual and the deity, and the church facilitates that relationship.
The fact that people within the church are guilty of wrongdoing is a separate issue from one’s own daily or weekly practice of worshiping God. I don’t think it is accurate to call a parishioner abused because people somewhere within the church leadership act outside of its principles.
IMO, a more apt comparison would be to another institution, like a country. Americans could be said to be “abused” in multiple ways with excessive taxation, two-tiered justice, corrupt leaders, etc., and yet many of us retain our allegiance to our country because we hold to the principles on which she was founded and we work to restore her to the proper observance of those principles.
I love my country and I can see what is wrong, and it is not an abusive relationship. Likewise, many Christians love their church despite its flaws.
‘We were told for 150 years by Our Lady that this was going to happen’
I’m glad you mentioned that. I find myself thinking of Our Lady of Fatima more and more lately.
“Catholic Charities is the illegal immigrant travel agency.” He says Congress is funding these NGOs, and it should stop.
Great example of affirmative action ….and the disaster it created
Unreal… and no doubt happening everywhere.
That’s the latest get woke, go broke (miss)adventure.
And affirmative action was supposedly struck down.
I fear as in other strategic US industries, it will be Boeing, Boeing, gone…
And I always used to say, “if it ain’t Boeing, I ain’t going”…. at least most of the time.
And now GangGreen over here want electric planes… they’re at least as clueless as “Miss Fit” from that article…..
The willful machinations to falsify and blame get me. You would think that the installed ones would be trying as hard as they could to prove worth but that’s not there. It’s that drive to topple talent and insert nothing but basically backward racism and then get the blessings of the administration blows me away
Like I said, she’s a cutie!
She probably was just having a bad day and needed a hug, that’s all
We do not want to help hook you up with a crazy lady. Even one with WGTTs.
She looks like a swimmer or athlete of some sort… shot-putter?

Roller Derby queen?
This needs to happen more…
“Yesterday, a US Attorney from the Southern District of New York indicted a man named Gal Luft for violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act by working without registration for a company called CEFC China Energy. The president’s son and brother worked for the SAME firm without registration … what’s the White House’s take?” Steven Nelson asked Jake Sullivan.
Sullivan refused to answer the question.
“I’ve not seen that and can’t comment on it,” Jake Sullivan said.
Banana Republic. Full on.
If the press corpses had a clue, they would all start wearing shirts with images of bananas on them to the briefings
Lol.Wish i could see twits at will again. I miss not being able to see what catturd has up.
Except I cried when Old Yeller died in the end.
They should call sleepy creepy “Old Smeller”…
Swear to God. THAT is not BIDEN!!!!
That lady is so funny!
This was fun. h/t conservative momma.
Liking her rant.
WOOHOO! That was spicy!!!
You may be interested in this… production by Scott Ritter
full expose’ on AGENT Zelensky – 2 Parts
Interesting info in the Comment Section also (45 ATM)
Not sure when Part II will be available …
:0) Thanks phoenix….Appreciate it…… I don’t disagree with a thing that Ritter says in this 1st part….
You’re welcome… I share your opinion
… and I learned just how greedy Zelensky is …
Yours Truly: The redoubtable Ed Dowd comes with the following shocker: new Disability Data from the BLS shows an all-time high of 34.15 MILLION American workers with disabilities. Per Mr. Dowd: “The rate of change is accelerating again.”
Again, the financial people intersect with the truth about Covid and vaxx. I know of Ed Dowd from his interviews on financial topics (youtube), and he does speak about the covid insanity during his financial subject matter interviews.
Climate-Fact-Check_June-2023-Edition_v3.pdf (
I want one!
(Available on Amazon)
They should put that design onto a Hawaiian-colored shirt like they wear at TJs… Of course then they’d probably get sued…
The Daily Chart: Confidence Games | Power Line (
Is Pork Keeping You Awake? – Ractopamine | Musings from the Chiefio (
I can hardly believe this is real! But it’s there, and the comments are straight fire! Hilarious!
The FBI’s Version… The FBI’s Version… The FBI’s Version… What kind of quackery is that? That is their problem in a nut shell.
Somebody call Scott!
It’s crazy, isn’t it? We have “versions” of crime!
Why is this in pink?
It is an image in the tweet, so it came from the FBI that way. Weird.
Maybe from the Pinkertons, that fabled (albeit abusive, criminal, violent, unscrupulous, injust, horrid) gang of puppets of the elite and robber barons of the early 1900s…