DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20230713

Happy Thursday, y’all!

This is a little light as I had family stuff going on. Enjoy.

Artificial Intelligence Positioned to Define Terms of Reality

Badlands News Brief – July 12, 2023

The Brainwashing Race

The Censorship Empire Strikes Back After Missouri v. Biden Free Speech Victory

Foreign Donors are Influencing Elections Through 501(c)(4)s

Artificial Intelligence

Report: Ukraine Intelligence Coordinated with FBI to Censor Americans on Social Media

Watch Live: Wray Gets Flayed On Capitol Hill After FBI Bombshells

Highlights in the Tweets section.

Anti-fitness and pro-fat: The left’s war on humanity’s existence

President Trump issues blistering statement calling out Biden for just leaking classified information on national TV…

BREAKING: Our investigation has revealed a ‘partnership’ between the world’s biggest tech companies to together rig AI to be woke. The partnership explicitly cites Karl Marx and Critical Race Theory in their plans.

Researchers Find Micro-Clotting and “Long Covid” Are Both Caused By Covid Vaccines

HOLY MOLY! This man actually said this to the EU Parliament!

Dylan Mulvaney leaves the US ‘to feel safe’ amid Bud Light backlash


IDAHO’S DAVOS: Big-Tech Billionaires, Intelligence Operatives & Media Moguls Invade Sun Valley To Decide Our Future In Shady Back-Room Summit


Thought provoking thread.

Get a load of the portraits behind old Henry.



And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


PSALMS 105:16-21

16When he summoned a famine on the land, and broke every staff of bread, 17he had sent a man ahead of them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave. 18His feet were hurt with fetters, his neck was put in a collar of iron; 19until what he had said came to pass the word of the LORD tested him. 20The king sent and released him, the ruler of the peoples set him free; 21he made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his possessions,

MATTHEW 10:7-15

7And preach as you go, saying, `The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ 8Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying, give without pay. 9Take no gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belts, 10no bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff; for the laborer deserves his food. 11And whatever town or village you enter, find out who is worthy in it, and stay with him until you depart. 12As you enter the house, salute it. 13And if the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. 14And if any one will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town. 15Truly, I say to you, it shall be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom and Gomor’rah than for that town.



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A wonderful Thursday Post, handcrafted by our talented DePat!


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Assume the position.

Valerie Curren



“Wtf do I do now?”


Figure out who both political parties are bitterly and viciously (and criminally) opposing.

Who is the ONE person they will both do anything to STOP?

Whoever it is, vote for that person.

I’ll give you a clue, but you have to figure it out yourself.

Are you ready?

What begins with a ‘D’ and ends with a ‘P’, and has ‘onald Trum’ in the middle?

Good luck.

We’re all counting on you.


Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

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The more articles I see hyperventilating about the risks of Artificial Intelligence, the more I fear the outcomes of Natural Stupidity.


“…the more I fear the outcomes of Natural Stupidity.”


We’re livin’ the dream, brother 👍


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How did we arrive where we are today? Is it because global corporations control almost all of the media and dictate what they can say?

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

What is “yes”?




IRS whistleblowers will testify on alleged Biden influence peddling next week

A pair of IRS whistleblowers will appear before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability next week to detail allegations of alleged influence peddling by the Biden family.

Whistleblower Gary Shapley and an unnamed subordinate previously testified to the House Ways and Means Committee that Biden-appointed officials had improperly interfered in the investigation of first son Hunter Biden to prevent the bringing of more serious charges against him and to delay the case until after election season.

Both worked extensively on the Hunter Biden case for years and have stated that they repeatedly attempted to address their concerns about the case internally, but that their warnings went unheeded.

The Oversight Committee announced their testimony on Wednesday, which is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. EST on July 19. Chairman James Comer has led the panel in investigating numerous alleged corruption allegations involving the Biden family as part of a broader GOP inquiry into the first family’s dealings.

The unnamed subordinate will participate in the livestreamed event, signaling that the individual will publicly come forward in short order.

“Since taking the gavel in January, the Committee on Oversight and Accountability has made rapid progress in our investigation into the Biden family’s domestic and international business dealings to determine whether these activities compromise U.S. national security and President Biden’s ability to lead with impartiality,” Comer said in a statement. “From the thousands of financial records we’ve obtained, we know the Biden family set up over a 20 shell companies, engaged in intentionally complicated financial transactions with foreign adversaries, and made a concerted effort to hide the payments and avoid scrutiny.”

Comer further pointed to their prior testimony about the Hunter Biden case and suggested their testimony substantiated the idea of a “two-tiered system of justice that seemingly allows the Biden family to operate above the law.”

“This hearing is an opportunity for the American people to hear directly from these credible and brave whistleblowers,” he said. “I look forward to their testimony as the Oversight Committee, along with the House Judiciary Committee and Ways and Means Committee, work to deliver transparency and accountability.”

You keep using that word (accountability). I do not think it means what you think it means.

I’m grateful to have Repubs and committees shining light on crimes, and I don’t want to always criticize their efforts. I hope they realize, though, that we’re tired out here.

I also think people are becoming more sophisticated. Some people used to be thrilled to see Repubs grill witnesses as it was shown on Hannity on Fox. Now it can be entertaining to see videos on Twitter, but the general mindset is that no one will be held accountable. We’ve moved past being glad the grilling happens. We need results.


^^^ This. Oh, we’ve got them now. Yeah, OK.

Theater – all of it. Protecting each other while pandering to the rest of us.

Valerie Curren

Hope they’re paid up on life insurance…


The Badlands News has a paragraph:

“Unlike our animal cousins, we actually build the internal structures of mind and consciousness that determine our sense of identity and resulting behavior. This internal mind and reality mapping, so to speak, occurs within the womb, all the way up to around 5 or 6 years of age.”

I beg to differ.

While I had a natural predisposition towards females from when I was very young, I was so thoroughly imprinting while I was 17-22 that Konrad Lorenz’s ducklings might as well have been houseplants.


We’ve always known that you were a bit tilted.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, those numbers are WAY flawed. Continuous process!

Gail Combs

The human body does not stop growing until age 25…

The brain???

….Does the brain stop developing at 25?

The short answer: No.

As one 2013 paper notes: The notion that “brain development is not complete until near the age of 25 years refers specifically to the development of the prefrontal cortex.” The prefrontal cortex is part of the frontal lobe, sometimes described as the “rational part” of the brain.

Compared to regions like those involved in learning languages, for example, “The prefrontal cortex, a brain region responsible for cognitive control and inhibition, is slower to develop,” neuroscientist and science communicator Shannon Odell explained in a Ted-Ed video. The area becomes more developed in adolescence, Odell says, and “Adults benefit from a well-developed prefrontal cortex, allowing them to better execute skills that require learning, focus, and memory.”

Multiple sources point toward research from the National Institutes of Health in the early 2000s as suggesting this area matures at the age of 25 specifically.

According to a 2005 report by NBC News, the research (which was still ongoing at the time) involved magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of 2,000 people aged between 4 and 26 years old.

Dr Jay Giedd, who led the research, told the Death Penalty Information Center in 2004, “When we started, we thought we’d follow kids until about 18 or 20. If we had to pick a number now, we’d probably go to age 25.”….


A bit more on Badlands and my suspicion it might be a trap at worst and a limited hang out at best. Badlands thought Durham was great and Matt Gaetz was off base.

I decided to take a look at the MG Show (In the Matrixxx and Shady Grooove) they are not very good speakers, unlike Patrick G but they often have interesting guests on.

This particular video caught my eye…. WOW!

As background, before the Durham report I remember Attorney Barnes has said to Viva Frye :

“Durham just took out the mid-level people. That’s his MO. He comes in and takes out outsiders, and mid-level people in order to protect the most powerful people.”


So the vid I looked at this morning as I did more sewing was, [RP] A Conversation with George Papadopdulos Streamed on: Jun 26, 12:05 pm EDT

As usual the guys let George talk with just a few questions tossed in. The interview goes from 8 minutes to 50 minutes and is WELL WORTH THE TIME.

Then the guys play Matt Gaetz reaming Durham from 52 minutes to 58 minutes.

Getting back to George. He says he testified to Congress giving them 80% of what he has stated in this interview.


  • George say, “Flat out I think it was a cover-up.” He says Durham made no attempt to contact the PEOPLE WHO SET UP THE MIFSUD MEETING!
  • Averha Sambae (sp) set up the meeting while George was in London. She apparently had worked with Mueller after 9/11 and has worked with MI6. She KNEW George was thinking of joining the Trump Campaign and suggested he meet with Mifsud first.
  • The Italian Media had revealed Mifsud was living right next to the US Embassy in Rome for 4 years so clearly he was being protected AND HIS LOCATION KNOWN.
Valerie Curren

iirc, Italy was also involved in the 2020 Steal via Leonardo & as documented in some court case, I believe…

Gail Combs

I remember that also.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



And. Nothing. Will. Be. Done. About. Lying. To. Congress. Because. The. Laws. Apply. To. Us, Nobodies. And. Not. To. Our. Rulers.


Hmmm, IMO, sort of sounds like France in about 1788…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

California destroying its best math students on the pyre of “equity”!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More “DEI” problems…..


I’m glad he’s suing, but it should never have happened.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I am wondering if America First Legal is involved here.


Ground report …

I stopped into Subway for my fav cookies … clerk, at least 20 y/old

“Half-dozen xx cookies please” I said and she started placing cookies into a box …

She places six and starts finishing up, and says “Half a dozen is six, right?”

My Dad lived through the Great Depression, he was learning calculus in the sixth grade…

He taught me Algebra when I was in the 3rd grade …




and finally, the link for LA Times article cited in tweet above

Last edited 1 year ago by phoenixrising

At least she asked.

Gail Combs

Yeah, and she was correct.

You should have heard my recent argument with a gas station clerk!

I always fill up my tank and because the fuel gage quit working a few years ago. Determining the amount of diesel I need is not exactly easy. The milage traveled helps, but the truck get vastly different milage when hauling (10 -15 mpg) or not hauling (22 mpg.) Therefore I generally ball park and add at least $20 extra.

Anyway, I handed this young man a $100, pump my fuel and I am owed $40 back. (I made it easy to calculate too.) I also grabbed a drink. The kid could not figure out he OWED ME $40 DOLLARS!!! I had to go over the arithmetic with him FOUR TIMES in different ways before it finally sunk into his thick skull! He actually wanted to keep the entire $100 AND charge me for the drink to boot.

The Black dude behind me was shaking his head and so were the other customers.

Valerie Curren

That is In-Sane!!!


The new normal???


Right … (I was watching her 😎 )


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this is starting to make some sense.

Gail Combs

It was the first thing I guessed.

START from the point of view that ALL the movers and shakers in the USA are PEDOS and then make exceptions.


Well, IMO, Rolling Stone has been on the skids for quite some time.


Mark Wahlberg: Hollywood Pedophiles Have ‘Nowhere Left To Hide’

I don’t know anything about Wahlberg. I hope he’s sincere.
(*Salty language warning*)

Hollywood actor Mark Wahlberg told hundreds of people at a Sunday school meeting in Los Angeles that a small yet powerful group of Hollywood insiders has declared war on the “evil” entertainment industry elite who traffic in children, and “Hollywood pedophiles have nowhere left to hide.”

“We are hunting these evil sons of bitches down and taking them out, one blood drinking pedophile at a time,” Wahlberg said, before warning the congregation to expect some disturbing news on the front page of newspapers in the near future.

According to Wahlberg, Hollywood is a huge network of pedophilia, child prostitution, and human trafficking that is controlled by “sick freaks” and there is a “culture of silence” in the industry because everybody understands that speaking out about elite pedophilia is punishable by death. 

For this reason, Wahlberg says Jim Caviezel and Mel Gibson are “American heroes”with “balls of steel” for daring to take on the Hollywood system and play their part in raising awareness about the scourge of elite pedophilia in the entertainment industry.

Wahlberg has been a regular at various churches in Los Angeles in recent years, often attending mass twice on Sundays, and on July 2 he shared the moment he “woke up” to the reality of the Hollywood system with hundreds of church goers. 

Describing an industry Christmas party featuring Hollywood executives from some of the most powerful studios in the world, Wahlberg said studio bosses, executive producers, international brokers, and financial stakeholders, as well as “two A-list stars,” engaged in Satanic rituals, which culminated in torture and sexual abuse of children…

“Why didn’t I kill these guys? I had to think about my children. They are my first priority in this world – and I don’t want them to grow up without a father.”

Wahlberg said he had heard rumors about this type of party in Hollywood, and he knew the consumption of adrenochrome was a popular pastime among studio executives, but he had never been openly confronted with it before…

After taking some time to contemplate his future, Wahlberg says it is now time to “right some wrongs.” 

“The only way I can honor the children is to dedicate my life to eradicating this evil from the face of the earth,” said Wahlberg, who explained that his own children have urged him to speak out about the real nature of Hollywood.

The “good guys,” according to Wahlberg, are “recruiting in numbers”, and a “civil war” is threatening to erupt in Hollywood, bringing the whole system to its knees…

According to Elijah Wood, innocent young lives are destroyed to satisfy “people with parasitic interests” who “see you as their prey.” In an interview with the Sunday Times, Wood dropped a series of bombshells about the pedophiles that run the industry, noting that “Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood. It was all organized.”

If you read the Washington Post or watch CNN, pedophilia is not a problem, and those who talk about it are tinfoil hat wearing kooks sharing ‘fake news.’ But more and more stars are coming forward with similar stories about the depraved Hollywood and entertainment industry system.

Wahlberg has now dedicated his life to exposing the international pedophile ring that he says has corrupted Hollywood “to the core” and continues to “destroy the lives of innocent children, tearing families apart.” 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting. I suspected that “adrenochrome” (which I’m sure is fake) was being offered to high-money types, and this sounds like exactly the kind of people who could and would drop the big bucks for an exotic high.


I’m not so sure adrenochrome is “fake” fake. It may be a safer way to speak about a real thing — and when adrenochrome is the “safe” version, the real thing starts to smell very, very, very bad.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In what sense do you mean “fake”?

Is the adrenochrome being dispensed not actually adrenochrome? Is it actually adrenocrhome but doesn’t have the effects they believe it does (I know you have demonstrated this in hte past)? Or is it that adrenochrome (real, fake, placebo or not) isn’t even involved and dropping it into the conversation is just misinformation?


Nobody knows what is in street drugs. That’s why we’re having fentanyl deaths – people thought they were taking one thing and it turned out to be another.

This is no different. Nobody knows what the hell is in there.


We can skip fentanyl and insert drug the the decade, year…

Since I was in grade school, 60s, ^^^ That has been the reality.

No one knows what is in the street drugs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Which parts are fake is uncertain, other than one aspect which is definitely fake (see below).

This is exactly why I want more details – to know where the lies start and end.

  • how is the drug administered
  • what is the physical format of the drug

I can safely say that people are not taking the well-known bicyclic amino quinone called adrenochrome:

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This was explained in that post that I did.

BUT – for the sake of completeness, there ARE ways (which I will not get into at this time) in which the myth of adrenochrome could actually have a basis in scientific fact. And part of the reason to keep the adrenochrome myth alive, would be to HIDE that parallel reality.

There is some level of fakery going on, but without evidence, I can’t say what exactly is fake, other than it’s not the above-structured molecule getting people high.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I remember that post.

Gail Combs

So do I.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Speaking of which, I wrote this: (science section on fusion) largely because you asked for it at the time, and I have no idea if you ever read it.

Gail Combs

Yup, I read it. It is a very good explanation. Thank Q.

Valerie Curren

TY for articulating these Q’s!


“According to Wahlberg, Hollywood is a huge network of pedophilia, child prostitution, and human trafficking that is controlled by “sick freaks” and there is a “culture of silence” in the industry because everybody understands that speaking out about elite pedophilia is punishable by death. ”


Then drop the list of all the pedos. It’s what THEY are doing that is punishable by death.

Publish the list anonymously.

After they all deny being pedos, start publishing the evidence anonymously.

So-and-so denies being a pedo, eh? BOOM. Video proof, all over social media.

This also forces law enforcement into a position of taking action, and it forces the politician pedos to either defend or renounce all their besties.

If they defend, then the politicos go down with the pedos. If they renounce, then the pedos twist in the wind.

None of this is hard to understand or implement.

No tweets about “I have this evidence, and in 3 days I’m going to publish it!” nonsense, unless you’re just looking for help to stop breathing.

Just do it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Just think of Tom Hanks’ face at that awards ceremony hosted by Ricky Gervais when he was mentioned (by inference, IIRC)…..

Then multiply that by THOUSANDS….

Ahhh. Comeuppance…. and then JUSTICE!


Tommy Hanks was the first person I thought of, because of that awards ceremony and the ridiculous faces he made 👍


It looks like they neglected to read (and understand) the MSDS for that epoxy before using it…..


TW suggests tragic? Yea. No. Not by me. My give a shit for dregs like this, is zero.


I’m sure they’ll be fine.

Sorass will make sure they get the best doctors corruption can buy.

Cuppa Covfefe

No wonder they call themselves “the last generation”…



“co-activists in Germany used a concrete and epoxy resin mixture to glue their hands to the asphalt in protest. Tragically, the consequences may require potential amputation of their hands”


Any ~50 yo white guy could have told them this was a bad idea.

Valerie Curren



Nah, it’s just truth-isssss! 😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Just wanted one more for the road…..

Valerie Curren


In reading this old book, I am struck by the thoughts of this man who, in 1910, is overwhelmed with frustration and despair when he is confronted with how vast an evil international child sex trafficking is, and how he feels powerless to stop it or even wake people up to the nature of the problem.

The subtitle reads “A Book Designed to Awaken the Sleeping and Protect the Innocent”.

If only he were alive today to witness “The Great Awakening”.

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The book is available at Amazon in paperback in both the 1910 and 1911 editions.
The book is not available on on my search but they have a place holder for it. Meanwhile of course the book is there given the post above by K1tt7-fzn. I wonder if this is that the book is checked out? Says Not Available when I do my own search, but they do have some sort of 1hr check out policy. Not sure what’s happening there.
The book is also available on The Complete w/pictures.

The book starts off thusly.
Fighting the Traffic in Young GirlsorWar on the White Slave TradeA complete and detailed account of the shameless traffic in young girls, the methods by which the procurers and panders lure innocent young girls away from home and sell them to keepers of dives. The magnitude of the organization and its workings. How to combat this hideous monster. How to save YOUR GIRL. How to save YOUR BOY. What you can do to help wipe out this curse of humanity. A book designed to awaken the sleeping and protect the innocent.

Secretary of the Illinois Vigilance AssociationSuperintendent of Midnight Missions, etc.

with Special Chapters by the following persons:

HON. EDWIN W. SIMS, United States District Attorney, Chicago.HON. HARRY A. PARKIN, Assistant United States District Attorney, Chicago.HON. CLIFFORD G. ROE, Assistant States Attorney, Cook County, Ill.WM. ALEXANDER COOTE, Secretary of the National Vigilance Association, London, EnglandJAMES BRONSON REYNOLDS, of the National Vigilance Committee, New York.CHARLES N. CRITTENTON, President of the National Florence Crittenton Mission.MRS. OPHELIA AMIGH, Superintendent of the Illinois Training School for Girls.MISS FLORENCE MABEL DEDRICK Missionary of the Moody Church, Chicago.MISS LUCY A. HALL, Deaconess of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago.PRINCIPAL D. F. SUTHERLAND, Red Water Institute, Red Water, Texas.DR. WILLIAM T. BELFIELD, Professor in Rush Medical College, Chicago.DR. WINFIELD SCOTT HALL, Professor in Northwestern University Medical School, ChicagoMELBOURNE P. BOYNTON, Pastor of the Lexington Avenue Baptist Church, Chicago.THIRTY-TWO PAGES OF STRIKING PICTURES

Showing the workings of the blackest slavery that has ever stained the human race.

Copyright, 1910




Chapters not otherwise designated are by the Editor.

Preface9Introduction13Edwin W. Sims. I.History of the White Slave Trade18II.The Suppression of the White Slave Traffic29William Alexander Coote. III.The White Slave Trade of Today47Edwin W. Sims. IV.Menace of the White Slave Trade61Edwin W. Sims. V.A White Slave Clearing House; A White Slave’s Own Story74VI.The True Story of Estelle Ramon of Kentucky80D. F. Sutherland. VII.Our Sister of the Street98Florence Mabel Dedrick. VIII.More about the Traffic in Shame117Ophelia Amigh. IX.The Traffic in Girls127Charles N. Crittenton. X.Warfare Against the White Slave Traffic139Clifford G. Roe. XI.The Boston Hypocrisy155Clifford G. Roe. XII.The Auctioneer of Souls163Clifford G. Roe. XIII.The White Slave Trade in New York City174By a Special Contributor. XIV.Barred Windows: How we Took up the Fight190XV.The Nations and the White Slave Traffic199James Bronson Reynolds. XVI.The Yellow Slave Trade213XVII.How Snakes Charm Canaries223XVIII.Procuresses, and the Confession of One234XIX.Wanted—Fathers and Mothers246XX.Chicago’s White Slave Market253XXI.The Failure and Shame of the Regulation of Vice271XXII.The White Slaves and the Black Plagues280XXIII.The White Slave Traffic and the Public Health289Dr. Winfield Scott Hall. XXIV.The Vice Diseases299Dr. William T. Belfield. XXV.Recruiting Grounds of White Slave Traffickers305Harry A. Parkin. XXVI.Practical Means of Protecting Our Girls314Harry A. Parkin. XXVII.Laws for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic333Harry A. Parkin. XXVIII.A Pastor’s Part398Melbourne P. Boynton. XXIX.The Story of the Midnight Mission412XXX.Helen Chambers, Some Other Girls and “Daisy”432XXXI.Destruction of the Vice Districts of Los Angeles and Des Moines450XXXII.Conditions in London463Lucy A. Hall. XXXIII.For God’s Sake, Do Something472POEMS.Why Are You Weeping, Sister?477The Red Rose480DedicatedTo the Army of Loyal Workers who, in the name of God and Humanity, have enlisted in this Holy war for the Safety and Purity of Womanhood

PREFACE.”That glory may dwell in our land” is the motive of the writers of this book. With a true patriotism, that rejoices not in the iniquities we expose, that blushes crimson with humiliation over the crimes we record, that glows hot with indignation against the criminals we denounce, we have pursued the painful necessary task of telling the truth to the American people concerning evils that have made us reel with horror.
For the protection of the innocent, for the safeguarding of the weak, for the warning of the tempted and the alarm of the wicked, the truth must be told—the truth that makes us free.
Therefore we have used plain words—not coarse or vulgar, but chaste and true. Lawyers of the highest standing have introduced the legal language with which the statutes provide penalties for crimes against the honor and safety of women and girls. Physicians who are professors in medical colleges among the foremost in the world, men in reputation for their skill and beloved for their devotion to the people’s welfare, have told here in medical terminology the intolerable consequences, to guilty and innocent, of the odious business of

 making commerce of girls and promoting the debauchery of young men. We are sure the time has come when millions will thank these lawyers and physicians for breaking the seal of secrecy and giving the people their birth-right—the truth.
It is told that after Dante had written his “Inferno” the women of Florence would turn pale and whisper to each other as he passed, “There goes the man who has been in Hell.” Some of us have gone to the abyss and have seen things which are not lawful for a man to utter. Such as could fitly be told, and must be told, we have been telling for years past, knowing that the truth must prevail.
“Stronger than the dark the light,
Stronger than the wrong the right.”
To our great joy the magazine having the largest circulation in the world, “Woman’s World,” with more than two million subscribers, took up the appeal for the safety of American and alien women and girls in September of last year. This magazine has already printed or caused to be printed and circulated fully fifty million pages, and it is enlisted for the war—war on the most shameful crime of debauchery and exploiting the youth of both sexes.
This is a critical time for our nation. We must now decide whether to stamp out the White Slave Traffic and its attendant vices, or

 to go the broad way that has led both ancient and modern nations to destruction.
“Today we fashion destiny,
Our web of fate we spin.
Today for all hereafter,
Choose we holiness or sin;
Today from lofty Gerizim
Or Ebal’s cloudy crown,
We call the dews of blessing
Or the bolts of cursing down.”
Concerning the effect of vice upon the destiny of nations the Encylopaedia Britannica (Volume 32, page 32), says truly: “Though it may coexist with national vigor, its extravagant development is one of the signs of a rotten and decaying civilization *  *  * a phase which has always marked the decadence of great nations.”
But though we thus speak we are confident that this is truly the land of the free—free, glad, safe womanhood—and the home of the brave—men brave enough to protect our girls and to deal with the White Slave traders and all their sort as they deserve.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Valerie Curren

TY for sharing this info & the excerpt, which I read w/ fascination…


It’s a problem that gets swept under the rug for a lot of reasons. So sad for the victims.

State Agencies and Organizations That Combat Child Sex Trafficking and Exploitation

I counted 36 states and noticed that Hawaii is not on the list. I would think it would be a major hub for trafficking.

Getting involved with state efforts, even if “only” to donate, might be a way to help. And of course it would be good to know that resources are really going to fight trafficking and to the victims.

Cuppa Covfefe

Somewhere I’d read that CPS is not a Child Protective Service, but rather CTS, a Child Trafficking Service…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Child Poaching Service

Gail Combs

One of the commenters on Badlands, said CPS came to her home saying she was accused of having NO FOOD in the house, She actually had 3 months worth… BUT THEY TOOK HER CHILD ANYWAY and she has not seen her since.

This is interesting because I knew foster parents who were concerned for the boy they had. He was allowed time with his abusive father UNSUPERVISED.


I look at this article — — and the line, “A senior FBI official said that no classified information was taken and that there was no evidence that the hackers got anywhere except the inboxes”…..and I’m just amazed that anyone could utter such stupid statements with a straight face.

I’ve been an auditor, a corporate accountant, and an officer of a corporation. There are numerous times when you glorp up some proprietary information and attach it to an email with a note saying, “what makes this work?”

Admittedly, security on those emails and their attachments have been improving over the years…..but a major cause for my concern during my cybersecurity issues in 2015 was having corporate data on my systems at home. Most of it was “stale” and less-than-easily available, but it made it necessary to shut down ALL of the computers at my location when ONE became compromised.

The more they try to minimize such major data breaches, the more I wonder why this entity had such data in the first place. Do we need a Department of Commerce at all?

Valerie Curren

commerce clause commies  😡 


One of the greats that we lost in the last year…..

Valerie Curren

I first heard of George Winston from one of my college roomies, a Riverside, CA girl, who would play his records, sit in a stuffed armchair, with a floor lamp, sipping tea, & reading obscure books as she listened in our tiny dorm room. That particularly unique combination of items & behaviors was Very Unusual in my college. She was really a one of a kind quirky treasure of a theology major.

His music is so beautiful–TY for sharing!

Valerie Curren

Seen at Marica’s H/T Nebraska Filly

I’m not the only one who is unhappy with GP – altho he is much more magnanimous than me.

“MARCO POLO and THE BIDEN LAPTOP: The Gateway Pundit Is Having Its Cake and Eating It, Too”

JUL 12, 2023

EXCERPTS: “The Marco Polo team founded by former Trump White House advisor Garrett Ziegler is unquestionably the authoritative voice on the Biden family’s criminality and worse as evidenced by the Hunter Biden laptop. Moreover, Marco Polo’s historically worthy dossier is the definitive report on the laptop. Most importantly, it’s the light of truth that is the best measuring stick for the aggregate of Marco Polo’s forensic examination of the Bidens.

The truth knows no bounds and no matter the circumstances, the truth always eventually prevails. The truth is why Marco Polo, its dossier and its reporting will prevail. Interestingly but not surprisingly, Marco Polo initially fought an uphill battle in getting prominent “news” outlets to pick-up on its massive dossier and the truthful revelations contained in it. Meanwhile and more recently, the intelligence community has begun the process of packaging-up Joe Biden and shipping him and potentially Kamala Harris out for a reset of one side of the ‘Uniparty’ coin for 2024.
There’s another issue at hand; however, and it’s made by asking this question: Why is it that right-leaning to heavy right outlets have been reluctant to go all-in on Marco Polo and its dossier until now? A perfect example is the reporting at The Gateway Pundit.

Let me be clear – The Gateway Pundit [TGP] remains my homepage because it’s an excellent and timely aggregator of news stories at the same time it publishes its own content. Analysts and investigators don’t create news stories rather we assign proper attribution and meaning to those stories and facts sets that often escape mainstream media outlets. For this reason, TGP, is incredibly valuable just like Zero Hedge and the resulting analysis at Moonshine has kept readers astutely in front of the “news” often by years.

That said, I’ve not pulled a single punch when evaluating TGP’s handling of the Marco Polo dossier; perhaps being one of the only independent investigative analysts to accurately report on the matter. The backstory is simple and can be gleaned from the following articles: (6 links)
Those articles paint a clear and inarguable picture that not only did The Gateway Pundit refuse to initially give coverage to Marco Polo and its dossier; TGP instead chose to assume an attack position to undermine and discredit Marco Polo. Why? It’s already been asked and answered and it pertains to the intelligence community.
As a heavily right-leaning outlet, wouldn’t TGP have an immediate interest in giving coverage to Marco Polo and its dossier as a water-tight piece of forensic analysis containing primary source evidence; and where those things would directly support and evidence myriad TGP reporting on the Biden family’s criminality? Of course it would. It did not, though, and the intelligence community is directly in the crosshairs.
The nexus between The Gateway Pundit and the intelligence community; and TGP’s blatant attack on Marco Polo for its dossier, is TGP author and contributor Larry Johnson. Johnson is former CIA and once CIA, always CIA. By all appearances, Johnson was coordinating reporting at TGP to accomplish a specific and ulterior agenda on behalf of the intelligence community and now we have the direct evidence to speak to it. Johnson’s specific work on the Biden family laptop rested on journalist Jack Maxey and his reporting on the same.

Maxey claimed that his version of the laptop contained more information than the device could technically hold; further claiming that it was somehow different than what Marco Polo had produced. The distinction drawn between Maxey and Marco Polo is a purposeful one designed to discredit the latter. Even worse and pathetically so, Maxey went as far as assuming the identify of “Swissbro” in a public forum to promote his own theories and work. Maxey was later duped into admitting that he was “Swissbro” as discussed in the article linked above that includes an audio recording of Maxey’s admission.

Johnson, Maxey and XRVision CTO Yaacov Apelbaum assumed an attack position resting on the above distinctions in Maxey’s reporting to discredit Ziegler, Marco Polo and its Biden laptop dossier. Ziegler and Marco Polo issued a formal response to The Gateway Pundit’s fraudulent reporting, which I also covered in a linked article above. The Marco Polo response included demands for the fraudulent article to be retracted and an apology issued.

To date, The Gateway Pundit has refused to do either.”


VC here again. FWIW I believe that the Ya’acov Apelbaum is the author of the epic Mechanics of Deception that was touted by AT’s Clarice Feldman when first posted…

edit, the link from NF doesn’t work but this one does:

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren

All I know is that way back when the Pulse nightclub massacre went down, I got into a kerfuffle with Jim Hoft. The essence of it was that Jim took the position that the incident should be publicized as an attack on queers. I strongly protested in the comments, saying that my position was that it should be publicized as a muzzie attack on Americans.

As part of his viewpoint, he took the opportunity to come out of the closet as a queer. The conversation took a darker turn as he seemed to imply that he was right because he was queer and the victims were queer and it was a solidarity situation and only queers really understand how dangerous it is to be queer. [my memory is not perfect on this]

I left in disgust because it appeared to me that he was eager to stand on a pile of corpses to announce his queer status. I wanted nothing to do with that and I still don’t.

Public queers are not to be trusted IMHO. This is not to denigrate any of them personally but they brought this on themselves by being willing to flaunt [and politicize] a lifestyle condemned by our Creator. A double-edged sword cuts both ways.

Valerie Curren

I think that some of the conservative gays, like Straka & the long-haired guy, I forget his name, who signs up many voters, & even Hoft can be great allies in the MAGA movement. We do need to keep in mind that they have a deep moral “flaw” in that they have allowed that particular sin to hold sway in their lives, & often unapologetically, & to the point that it becomes the crux of their identity, tragically. This doesn’t necessarily invalidate their faith (if they have some) or their convictions, but perhaps we need to keep an asterisk by their names & insights so as to evaluate their viewpoints w/ just a grain of salt.

I knew a number of Christian gays who really wrestled with this sin in their life & their faith. Some of them gave into their urges with abandon while others lamented their “orientation” while attempting to not act on those proclivities. Most, if not all, had been fractured emotionally by abuse in childhood & it seems many were actually victimized by child molesters as part of developing their unnatural attractions. I believe Aubergine has spoken of this phenomenon a number of times, more eloquently & insightfully than I can convey now…

We live in a fallen world & we are all fallen people, many of us thankfully saved by Grace. It’s not easy but it is beneficial to walk with grace toward others as much as we are able. Not that I’m good at this but I do occasionally remind myself of that adage, “there but for the grace of God, go I”…

Regarding the Pulse massacre, I agree with you that it’s important to look at such events as attacks on Americans not as fixated on the subcategory of “victim status” hierarchy. Ironically that Christian School shooting by the tranny loon adolescent relatively recently didn’t have media/law enforcement characterizing the victims as Christians &they also hid the manifesto of the murderer that presumably indicated just why she’d targeted those people. Christians don’t get “protected class” victim status in America Even when their Christianity is the Very Reason they were actually targeted!


I hope you didn’t think I needed educating on queers and their ‘issues’.

I lived in Hollywood for years in the late 60s – early 70s, surrounded by queers, drag queens, and every freaky flavor they have. When I say they can’t be trusted, that’s exactly what I mean and nothing else. They can do all kinds of good deeds if they want but that is not the point. If you want to pretend that they are believers in Christ while living that way, who am I to stop you?

Just know that they are playing on your emotions so you will have sympathy for their ‘struggles’ and ‘slips’. It’s a sick game and I won’t play.

If you want to trust them, that’s your choice. If you want to have them on your team, go for it.

But I need no education or enlightenment on the subject. They are all sinners and they are explicitly barred from the Kingdom unless truly repented. They ain’t kin to me.

Valerie Curren

Not trying to educate you in the least…I wouldn’t presume to do so, nor claim superior knowledge on this, or any, subject. Just sharing a bit of my perspective which is clearly of much more limited exposure than what you’ve encountered in that decadent environment.

I learned of a concept, called “spoiling the Egyptians”, in grad school. It implied that we, as believers, can take certain “truths” or insights from secular sources & throw out the associated garbage. Basically “all Truth is God’s Truth” & even non-believers can reveal some truths. I think Balaam’s donkey/ass reveals that God can speak through Anyone/thing!

I guess I ultimately look at GWP & Hoft as a baby & bathwater scenario, ymmv. Blessings!

Valerie Curren

h/t Marica’s

Barb Meier

Is there still a Billboard 100? This one should break through…

Valerie Curren

Great call!


Couple weeks ago. Kari, or someone had, “81 million votes my ass”, do well on whatever music chart.

Valerie Curren

Ground Report: Though it’s been about 2 weeks ago now, when I headed to Northern Michigan from Metro Detroit there were some Canadian forest fire smoke complications. I was driving in the middle of the night, again, & after crossing the Zilwaukee Bridge North of Bay City the visibility became Very Problematic. The smoke was so heavy it was at times like driving in a dense fog with only a couple car lengths of visibility intermittently.

People were driving quite fast for the conditions & as it was right before the holiday weekend there was a lot of traffic even so late at night. Travelling the speed of traffic was quite scary & for more than an hour it was pretty much white knuckle level of driving stress. At one point I was nearly sideswiped by a tanker truck that nearly lost control in a skid type of scenario..

I really wanted to hit a rest area & had planned to use the first one after the Z Bridge but the smoke was so heavy that I didn’t want to chance even getting out of the car in it. The one near West Branch was still smoky but with 50+ yards of visibility so was doable. While there I struck up a conversation with another traveler who was coming from PA to the UP, where she’d grown up, & she said that her drive up until the Z Bridge had been really lovely. That smoke situation was Extremely Bizarre!

One thing that was very different was that signage was Very Hard to read. The headlights would hit signs & it was possible to see the seams in the metal but not read the words until practically on top of the sign. It seemed that this was due to particulate residue from the heavy smoke so that the dirt obscured the sign’s reflectivity. On my return trip, also at night, there were no such sign issues, though it had rained a couple times so if smoke/dirt was the issue the rain presumably took care of it.

Something pretty intense in our small cottage community was the total destruction of one of the lake-front cottages the next block over, which had happened since Memorial Day. The place had recently been sold from longtime (now deceased) owners, the woman had been my Avon customer when Hubby & I (& Nathaniel later) lived at The Cottage as newlyweds. The late husband was a photographer for the local paper & captured some published images of our family occasionally over the years, one of our daughter as a toddler is on display in the cottage still. Anyway the new owner, possibly a single mom w/ 4 kids or a couple with 3 kids, had just bought the place & it was (practically) their first night staying there & somehow the place caught fire, perhaps from a space heater. The stories about it were inconsistent per several neighbors, as one can imagine.

The cottage behind the burned out one, & one that Hubby & had I considered buying when we were house shopping up there 3 decades ago, had a volunteer firefighter living there & he managed to rouse the troops & directed people into measures to save the neighboring buildings. Some of the windows on the fire side of his place cracked from the intense heat. Anyway there were like 8 firetrucks that came out eventually, pulling water from the lake, & managed to contain the fire to just the one structure, a very big production for this small town of several thousand & likely surrounding communities. If the owners can’t salvage at least one existing wall, so as to rebuild under grandfathering permissiveness, then nothing can be built on that lot apparently.

This resort community sprang up starting in the early 1910’s I believe, & there were not stringent codes guiding what happened. Our neighbors across the street had 3 places built on 2 lots. Our cousins a few blocks away, in a private beach neighborhood, build two places very close together & share a septic system. Our lakefront neighbor had to redo their well & the well head is straddling the property line & the street. Numerous people have built decks or retaining walls outside of their property lines & basically absorbed unto themselves land that wasn’t theirs, etc.

Anyway we are Very Thankful that the fire was contained since multiple older wooden dwellings could have been destroyed in that disaster. Thankfully all of the people & pets in the burned home escaped with their lives! It was a pretty sobering reminder of how quickly, & tragically, things can change in the world around us. I really hope that they will be able to rebuild something there as the burned shell is a painful reminder of the incredible fragility of life & how quickly one’s fortunes can change.

Valerie Curren

Oh & it seemed like half of the billboards along I-75 are for cannabis…clown world!


Dumbing down of society?

Valerie Curren


pat frederick

if there is someone on twitter, can you please post the thread DePat refers to above? i can only read the single tweet she has posted. thanks

in reference to this:

1) 33 years ago on this day, investigator Gary Caradori died in a plane crash immediately halting his investigation into child trafficking rings linked to a sitting US President.

— Wyatt (@austerrewyatt1) July 12, 2023

pat frederick


pat frederick

you were right about this!

Valerie Curren

TY for this 🙂

Gail Combs

Thank Q Thank Q Thank Q!!!!

Not being able to read twatter anymore is frustrating!

pat frederick

the replies to the tweets were sometimes the BEST part!

Valerie Curren

Yes, glad you asked! It seems that “new” twit world only allows us (banned, not signed in, &/or non-members) to look at just one tweet, not even the one it refers to that shows here that DP shared above. No threads or even replies are visible on the multiple tweets I’ve checked either…


Whatever it takes to persuade non TW folks to sign up, for TW. TW focus is revenue. Or so, MeThinks.

Gail Combs

AND revenue comes from selling YOUR INFORMATION…

That is why I have never ever signed up for any ‘social media’ even Truth Social.

If you want my phone number you can go to HADES! I am very very NOT INTERESTED!

Valerie Curren

no doubt 🙁

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s an interesting link from that site to an article about the Klint00ns, Epstein, and other low-lifes that reveals the grift, crime, and deception we’re seeing now is nothing new… Klint00ns seem to have been bottom-feeders from day one…

Have to wonder how (and from whom) the Klint00ns have so much power, though it’s said one of the first things they did was copy all of the FBI (and other) files on all of their enemies, and all of their friends(!)… And here the DOIJ is whining about supposed posession of classified documents (which were already DEclassified)…. sigh….

Gail Combs

Do not forget that while Klint00n was Gov, the Clowns were flying in drugs and who knows what else.


Rewarded with the WH for looking the other way?

Valerie Curren

another h/t Filly at Marica’s…in the good news domain!

“Our free kids’ shows will spark your little ones’ imagination. Stream kids’ TV shows your family will love: Jungle Beat, Tuttle Twins, The Wingfeather Saga — whatever you choose, you’ll know that you’re getting the best in kids shows with Angel Studios. Download our app today and keep an eye out for more great kid-centric entertainment!”

Barb Meier

Shared ^^ with my family on FB. While there, I saw this.
can’t upload image or delete post. sorry…

Last edited 1 year ago by Barb Meier
Barb Meier


Valerie Curren

So sweet!  ❤ 

Valerie Curren

Gotta promote the good news wherever we find it!

Valerie Curren

Southwest Airlines ground report info. My parents flew from MI to OK on SWA yesterday. Throughout the day they kept getting notifications from the airlines on their flights. Ultimately the flight they were scheduled on was planning to depart like 2 hours after its scheduled departure. My brother, who’s flown SWA a number of times, prepped our parents for these “typical” changes to flights, based on his experience.

Is this a complexity of so many “vax’d” pilots that can’t fly safely, the nearly (deliberately) destroyed airline industry via covid insanity, mechanical issues (Chyneze crapola not literally up to specs–see Gail’s numerous reports on safety “testing”), or perhaps none or even all of the above?

Any insights?

They were supposed to have a 3 hour layover in Chicago Midway that had been shaved down to 50 minutes by the time I dropped them at the airport. They weren’t sure they’d be able to make their connecting flight. Such travel stresses are so unnecessary for all of us, but especially elderly people with various challenges…sigh…

Valerie Curren

TY DP. They were offered an alternative reroute through St. Louis that would have them getting to Tulsa around Midnight. I don’t know if they chose that or not. When I dropped them off Dad said they might be calling me later last night to come back & get them from the airport, so no news is good news, I guess 🙂


  :wpds_arrow:  If you REALLY want to get somewhere on time, it’s better to go earlier in the day.

^^^^ DP IS spot on.

  • Flights earlier in the day, are more likely to be on time.

Alternative thought.

  :wpds_arrow:  Road trip. Much less stress. More control.

Have adopted, if time does not allow, a reasonable drive, I don’t need to be there. Including cross country travel. Domestic air travel is 100% off limits for me.

Gail Combs

If needed RENT A CAR!

All our vehicles are old so our last trip up north to see family we decided to rent a car instead of taking one of the trucks. (1987,1992 & 1993)

Valerie Curren

We drove our old conversion van on a trip to Colorado some years back. Michael did work on it before we left, plus we had it worked on at a repair shop before the trip. It broke down as we limped into CO so we had it in the shop there. Then we visited w/ my mom’s birth family, first cousin/half-sister? the night before our departure & it broke down Again as we returned to our condo…so once again in the shop. We had to check out & move our crap into our friend’s garage while waiting for our van to be done w/ the repair before getting on the road.

We ended up several thousand dollars in debt that was problematic for several years (sadly we’ve always lived that close to the bone) due to that trip. However getting our kids to CO & showing them some of our Honeymoon sites & visiting w/ friends was priceless. It was worth it, but costly, to do travel this way, which is why almost all our vacations have been to family property that is less than 250 miles away & where we can stay for free!

…not that that van (or other vehicles) hasn’t broken down on some of those Michigan trips…yikes! In fact Hubby was fixing my vehicle Up North over Memorial Day for at least 6 hours so that it would, hopefully, not cause me problems on travels…spark plugs, coils, fuel injector, etc. Hubby Rocks…& now has a “right angle drill” to boot. He & Brandon both travel with many car repair tools, just in case, the perils of owning older vehicles!

Valerie Curren

They’ve almost always driven from Detroit to Tulsa w/ one overnight stop for decades. My dad has some type of back issue that was extremely exacerbated by having to lie still for hours after a heart ablation some years back. Ever since then he has problems with lengthy car rides & needs sometimes days to recover. Over the 4th he declined a run to the hunting shack with the guys for some shooting & wood duty because the hour each way drive was too much for him.

I think when in their 80’s there’s no really good style of travel for my parents any more 🙁

Gail Combs

At least with driving you can stop get out and walk. Hubby just turned 80 and I am a bit younger…. WHERE did the time go??? I swear it accelerates as I get older.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

don’t know if he actually said this truism…

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Gail Combs

More like 80% once you figure in the hidden taxes and fees. In the early 90s while in Taxechusetts I figured it out and it came to 65.4% once you included property tax, sales tax licences…. Then add in Reagan’s “..151 taxes on a loaf of bread, over 1/2 the cost…” and you are up to 80%.

If Americans had to pay ALL the taxes and fees they actually pay thru the year on April 15th, there would be a rebellion on April 16th.

Valerie Curren

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Never had a Bud Lite in my life, so boycotting is no problem…

Picked up my last ‘greenie’ yesterday, before I learned this…

everything he touches… no wonder his wife divorced him…


Guess the pervert thing, rightfully, drove Melinda away.

That said, the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, IS EVIL.

Melinda is guilty by association, in my book.

Valerie Curren

Wasn’t there some scuttlebutt that she might have originally been a man too? Nothing about Gates is sane or good–what an extremely sick, evil, genocidal psychopath  😡 

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren

Warning. nothing PC here.

Yea, think I have read, Melinda is a dude.

One thing for sure, Melinda is butt ugly.


Katisha. None whatever. On the contrary, I was going to marry him — yet he fled!

Pooh-Bah. I am surprised that he should have fled from one so lovely!

Katisha. That’s not true.

Pooh-Bah. No!

Katisha. You hold that I am not beautiful because my face is plain. But you know nothing; you are still unenlightened. Learn, then, that it is not in the face alone that beauty is to be sought. My face is unattractive!

Pooh-Bah. It is.

Katisha. But I have a left shoulder-blade that is a miracle of loveliness. People come miles to see it. My right elbow has a fascination that few can resist.

Pooh-Bah. Allow me!

Katisha. It is on view Tuesdays and Fridays, on presentation of visiting card. As for my circulation, it is the largest in the world.

Ko-Ko. And yet he fled!

Valerie Curren

What’s the source of this gem?  😆 


“I’m really very sorry for you all, but it’s an unjust world, and virtue is triumphant only in theatrical performances.”

Last edited 1 year ago by cthulhu
Valerie Curren

TY I saw it Many years ago but obviously have forgotten most of it  🙄 


It was once well known…..

(which Katisha is more convincing?)

Last edited 1 year ago by cthulhu
Valerie Curren

They were both fun! I didn’t see the second video at the Q-Tree but it is still within the notifier bell, for some reason.

The notes on the second youtube site said that Groucho’s daughter was in that production as Peep-Bo: Melinda Marx. Perhaps that’s why she knew the song so well.

Groucho’s interactions w/ his daughter were precious & his actions in the other clip were pretty enjoyable too. Which did you prefer, for they both have merit to me?

edit: now that I reloaded the page both videos show at the Q-Tree too. Perhaps you were editing your comment when I first saw it in the enotifier or something…

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren

I have seen D’Oyly Carte, many film adaptations, and many amateur productions, and the material is classic across them all. They all have their charm. You may find that you have a local group that puts on each show — they are not uncommon around college towns.

Sometimes it is easier to read through the texts to get the full effect, charming though each set of actors may be.

Valerie Curren

Local theater is such a treat. Pre-covid it was a fun treat, haven’t been since since that venue turned into mask & vax nazis 🙁

One of our guilty pleasures is Run For Your Wife, a spoof we saw both in OK & MI, a real hoot 🙂

Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

Ty-D-Bowl touch…

Everything he touches turns to $#!t …..

Gail Combs

“.. $#!t..”

That is spelled Schiff. 😋

Valerie Curren

What Exactly are the globos trying to do with/through beer anyways???

I’ve never “had” a beer myself, but do take sips off Hubby’s or sons’ on occasion. It’s not something I’ll ever develop a taste for 🙂


I used to like Heineken until Gates invested in it.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We had taxes, albeit fewer of them and none of them were the income tax.

Honestly, this guy so overbroadens his point (implying taxes did not exist) that he just makes himself (and us by association) look like idiots.

Another idiot meme put out there to discredit us.


Nice catch, for us fast scrollers.

Gail Combs

Mostly it was tariffs on imported goods or property tax = TAX ON THE WEALTHY!

Valerie Curren

now you made me look for the usual misspelling, but there isn’t one I could find. Great points, as per usual!

Valerie Curren

KBK, saw this one at Marica’s here:

8) Speaking of water-borne craft, the U.S. Navy is looking to commercial outlets to dismantle the USS Enterprise and do something with its nuke reactor and products. –I’m thinking, a nice spot in Hyannis Port?



Amen and Amen … Roseanne is right as usual.


Nicely done Rosanne.


I just love this absolutely fearless woman.


Verse of the Day for Thursday, July 13, 2023

“He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” 

Revelation 21:7 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

Valerie Curren


pat frederick

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Gail Combs

I guess I am going to be buying more Goya foods… 😉

Happy go lucky

Great! Good to know, thanks 😊

Love their coconut water in the can, I use it in smoothies:
one cup or so coconut water
one cup frozen mango
one lime, juice plus zest
cilantro to taste, I use a tablespoon
tiny bit of sea salt
blend and enjoy

Valerie Curren

That sounds amazing! Gotta share your recipe with my daughter  😍 


Mainstream media: NAZIS-R-US

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Comin’ to the USA?
How do you spell the word MONSANTO ?

Bees die en masse in Volyn villages

July 13, 2023,13: 05

In the villages of Radomyshl and Bakovtsy of the Boratinsky community, bees are dying en masse. Beekeepers sounded the alarm. They say such a pestilence has never been seen before. They suspect that the bees are dying because a local agricultural enterprise sprinkled its fields with chemicals.

This is reported by the publication Volyn.

“When people come to my apiary, it usually smells of nectar and honey. Today in my apiary there is a cadaverous smell, that is, the smell of dead bees. It really hurts me,” says beekeeper Anton Shotyk.

The death of an entire swarm is a real tragedy for the beekeeper. And he has 65 bee colonies.

Police officers and the State Food and consumer service, as well as representatives of the company “Lutsk agricultural company”, which belongs to the Dobkin brothers, were called to the scene.

Five beekeepers live in Radomyshl and Bakovtsy. Four people came to the headman. The fifth, when he saw that his bees were dying, became ill, and he ended up in the hospital.
Beekeepers note that the pestilence of bees continues. In their opinion, this is all due to chemicals for processing agricultural plants, most likely soybeans, sunflower.


I have a very active pollinator garden. At times, the garden literally audibly hums.


If you have sage, the bees absolutely love the blooms.


Indeed, salvia of any type are very popular with all sorts of bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. We also have finches come through for the seeds.

Last edited 1 year ago by cthulhu

From the open.

Pick up at ~1:20 to ~4;00. listen in longer, worth the time. ~8 minutes over all.

GREAT messaging…

Folks need to WTFU.


Excellent! Saying what needs to be said.


Front Page of The Times today

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via click link for image

The G7 countries adopted a statement on security guarantees for Ukraine.

The G7 said it was going to provide Ukrainian troops with “modern military equipment on land, in the air and at sea “. “Priority will be given to air defense, artillery and long-range guns , armored vehicles and other key capabilities such as combat aircraft,” the statement said


phoenix: HOW is this different from “NATO” providing security? Is RF supposed to ignore because of rebranding? Neocons are STUPID and reckless! Like giving a child a loaded glock, having them run the USG. They [Ukrainians] fight and die so that weapons can be sold, so that MIC companies can line their pockets… and throwback payment to politicians to ensure their reelection.

Last edited 1 year ago by phoenixrising


Cuppa Covfefe

Shades of Evita “And The Money Kept Rolling In (And Out)”… from one commie, in Argentina, to another, in Ukraine… here’s Mandy Patinkin:

Here are the lyrics (from… Patinkin’s Che was incisive…

Eva’s pretty hands reached out and they reached wide
Now you may feel it should have been a voluntary cause
But that’s not the point my friends
When the money keeps rolling in, you don’t ask how
Think of all the people guaranteed a good time now
Eva’s called the hungry to her, open up the doors
Never been a fund like the Foundation Eva Peron


Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’, rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’, rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’, rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’, rollin’ rollin’ rollin’

Rollin’ on in, rollin’ on in
Rollin’ on in, rollin’ on in
On in

Would you like to try a college education?
Own your landlord’s house, take the family on vacation?
Eva and her blessed fund can make your dreams come true
Here’s all you have to do my friends
Write your name and your dream on a card or a pad or a ticket
Throw it high in the air and should our lady pick it
She will change your way of life for a week or even two
Name me anyone who cares as much as Eva Peron


Rollin’ on out, rollin’ on out
Rollin’ on out, rollin’ on out
On out

And the money kept rolling out in all directions
To the poor, to the weak, to the destitute of all complexions
Now cynics claim a little of the cash has gone astray
But that’s not the point my friends
When the money keeps rolling out you don’t keep books
You can tell you’ve done well by the happy grateful looks
Accountants only slow things down, figures get in the way
Never been a lady loved as much as Eva Peron


Rollin’ on out, rollin’ on out
Rollin’ on out, rollin’ on out
On out

When the money keeps rolling out you don’t keep books
You can tell you’ve done well by the happy grateful looks
Accountants only slow things down, figures get in the way
Never been a lady loved as much as Eva Peron


Rollin’ on out, rollin’ on out
Rollin’ on out, rollin’ on out
Rollin’ on out, rollin’ on out
On out




h/t Marica’s blog:

Which led to this
Yours Truly: Pfizer-BioNTech had, by October 2020, the “safety and efficacy data” for BNT162b2 gathered for the FDA. However, the “safety and efficacy” announcement was DELAYED until SIX DAYS after the elections in November 2020. The question is, Why the delay? The Daily Clout article unravels several of the factors behind the delay.
One of the items in the Daily Clout article is *** very interesting ***. This is the fact that Pfizer-BioNTech signed a MODIFICATION document with its contract WITH THE U.S. DEFENSE DEPARTMENT regarding the development and production of a COVID-19 “vaccine.”
The use of the word “alleged” regarding the “safety and efficacy’ data for BNT162b2 is correct:
One: The “data” that was given to the FDA by Pfizer-BioNTech was for a “clinical trial” that was ONLY IN ITS SIXTH MONTH when the company gave the data accumulated TO THAT POINT to the FDA in the summer of 2020.
Two: The “95% confidence score” for the “safety and efficacy” of BNT162b2 was based on a SMALL sample of the “clinical trial” test subjects.
Three: There were PROTOCOL DEVIATIONS within the “clinical trial” that Pfizer-BioNTech IGNORED AND THE FDA IGNORED. Instead, the FDA granted the initial EUA for BNT162b2 to be used in the United States in December, 2020.


Where there’s smoke a raging inferno, there’s fire a conflagration.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Secret Service will CLOSE White House cocaine investigation WITHOUT finding any suspects: Biden administration faces cover-up claims as Republicans tear into ‘ridiculous’ suggestion there’s ‘no idea’ who left drugs in West Wing locker 

  • The agency has decided to close the investigation without finding the culprit 
  • Agents ‘just decided it’s just some weekend visitor… That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen in my life,’ said Republican Rep. Tim Burchett

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Narrowed down to a whole 500! Oh these people are abject liars. SS is as corrupt as every other organization. Get rid of them all.

Cuppa Covfefe

Shades of “Free the Indianapolis 500” 🙂

Actually the SS is in kind of a tight box here, as the fact that unfizzing coke got smuggled into the White House is indicative of a HUGE failure on their part. Moreover it IS a national security problem due to contraband being found where it should never have been….. They were in a position of having to point the finger at their own failure, but didn’t have the guts to do so. OR, doing so would create bigger problems (yeah, I know, can’t get any bigger than the Bye,Done clan in the White House)….

Makes me think of Bubba Klint00n and his trips on the Lolita Express. Did he hand-pick agents who would look the other way, or was that part of their job description (such as it was)…


Hmm. Again just very wrong. No integrity or functional moral compass. Well remember all the agents during obummer years getting hookers and drugs in brazil? Good times….


Actually, I agree with this outcome.

SS is supposed to be non-partisan. Since it would be VERY partisan to name anybody [but especially Hunter], they chose to take the heat by ending the investigation.

IMO it took some serious testicles to handle it this way. YMMV [and likely does  😉 ]


pgroup2 I take your meaning but I would suggest that caving to the pressure of the present administration leaves them open to the reasonable charge of partisanship. Turning a blind eye as the conclusion of a non-partisan investigation strikes me as the definition of partisan.


It is election season; don’t overlook that aspect.


I dont see it as partisan to name who left drugs in the WH tho. Not the 1st time im sure but not ok to just drop it.


The SS has soiled themselves and their reputation permanently.

Even Keystone Cops could have figured out how Hunter’s cocaine got into the WH.


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SS F A I L E D. Nothing brave about what SS did. Cowards, SS ARE,

How is it that TRUTH is partisan. TRUTH IS NOT PARTISAN.

100% partisan NOT exposing truth.


Secret Service will CLOSE White House cocaine investigation WITHOUT finding any suspects

And the people said:



Then the SS is publicly admitting:

A) they suck at their job, to the point that they just give up and quit on a criminal investigation


B) they are corrupt

And they decided they’re okay with a public image of incompetence and corruption, because they’ve earned it.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

It’s hard to believe they don’t care who brought Hunter’s coke into the WH.

I mean, if somebody could get Hunter’s coke and smuggle Hunter’s coke into the WH, imagine what other stuff Hunter has that someone (whoever it is) could smuggle into the WH.

pat frederick

like anthrax.
without figuring this out, they are being derelict in their duty to protect the president (such as he is)


I have zero belief that they don’t know who and when and how.

They just aren’t going to tell us.

Which means they are being partisan.

The Truth isn’t partisan.


🌭 and 🍕 was easy too.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not forgetting  🐓 🙂


SS knows exactly who brought the cocaine into the WH.

SS protecting Briben Crime Family.

pat frederick

Boebert says after Secret Service briefing drugs discovered three times at White House since 2022 | Just The News

— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) July 13, 2023


I guess the other times they were used before they cold be ‘discovered’ ?

pat frederick

they found marijuana twice before.
no announcemet at those times though. and again they are BAFFLED.
we may need to get rid of this department as well. what if that “someone” left a bag of anthrax in the WH?
nope. no one is doing the job they were hired to do


Their job is to protect the uniparty …

They are doing it …

Remember when early in the administration, Trump was going to relocate some of the ABC agencies, in otherwise, decentralize? Including the FBI?

‘Poof’ went … that idea…

Actually we don’t need a ‘Federal Bureau of Investigation’ … not needed at all.

pat frederick

what? seriously? without the Bureau of Instigation how would those raucous riots start organically?


Thank you for that !!!! As Wolf says…these people…


Correct. Fbi is totally unnecessary. I have heard far too many stories of incompetence for too long.


They disgust me ! I can’t get the remote in my hand fast enough when any movie or show comes on about the heroic feats they’ve done. Whatever they were in the past is G O N E

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5

Ding Ding … we haz a winnah!


The Secret Service is still trying to figure out how Hunter’s cocaine got into the WH three times.


Yea, that is a mystery. Ultra secure WH, yet cocaine shows up.

Hmmm. Could it be Briben Family, as they are exempt from searches, screening.

As tough to figure out as SADS – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Say voldemort. Stop being afraid and start workingbtogether to fight.


Doesn’t it fry you….we,lowly peons see it all, know all about the corruption, angry as hell and our so called law makers and representatives sit around trying ( and succeeding ) to be invisible.


Very much, esp since its state and some local as well. Monkey see monkey do. If these people were held accountable, losing jobs, confiscation of assets without being able to hide them, prison, and an as needed basis for ultimate justice, the state and locals would clean up their shyte asap. Those that dont get the same treatment. Animals cast off the sick and weak. We can cast off the criminal and criminally insane.


rabid animals are put down…so..just saying


We agree.


Cowardly GOP, IMPEACH The bastards. ALL of them.

Swamp the Senate with impeachments.

Stop the government in its tracks until impeachments are processed.



Zelensky has probably squirrelled away millions and will eventually be reported as needing safe refugee status in the USA…wait for it


He has a villa in Israel, and dual citizenship….

Won’t need safe refugee status …

He will be looking over his shoulder the remaining days and nights of his life

Have you seen Scott Ritter’s expose’ on him? “Agent Zelensky” Scott calls him.

Part II is not out yet.

Last edited 1 year ago by phoenixrising

He should….for a very SHORT time. 😎


Just finished watching and was coming to bring it. Rather interesting. Lots of detail.

Gateway pundit also featuring it.


Glad to see GP featuring it … thanks for that Para …


Wow, thanks for the link. I’ve been underestimating him by a lot. He’s always only seemed like a marionette but after watching that I do believe there’s much more to him than that.


Ritter has his flaws and I personally think that he carries around a lot of of hubris, but he hits it out of the park with the “Agent Zelensky” video….I’m looking forward to his release of Part II. :0)


i haven’t watched Ritter before but any sunlight on Z is good since the propaganda machine has managed to make the lemmings believe he’s a saint. sheeesh


I agree Litenmaus …

we all have flaws… it helps if we become aware of them. I imagine that’s difficult to do under a spotlight … and hubris in some degree seems required to survive the constant focus.

Ritter deserves credit for looking into Zelensky in depth …

I hear criticism at some sites of Macgregor for expecting Russian big surge to be comin’ … ‘any minute now’ …

Putin is often criticized for following the law too often.

Trump is not a good judge of people… business deals yes… people? No …


“He will be looking over his shoulder the remaining days and nights of his life”


Still won’t be able to see anything without a ladder.




There is no place on earth, Zelensky will be safe.

FSB, or a more discrete organization, has Zelensky’s number.

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s gonna have to watch what he puts on his muffins 😀

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NATO crumbling – Music To My Ears.

Prolly to much to ask for, UN crumble.


Larry’s latest:

Comment lifted from his blog:

Another very substantial interview, thank you. Regarding WWII weapons production, I was reading that in three years after the Battle of Midway the US produced 17 aircraft carriers .. without computers, CAD, databases, using slide rules and so on.

Today we get … drum roll, Zumwalt Class (32 ships planned, whittled down to 3, at $8 billion per ship), Zumwalt was designed around a giant gun, the ammo cost $800,000 per round, gun didn’t work properly, scratch that idea, then they were going to do a rail gun, scratch that idea, now the plan is hypersonic missiles .. some day, Gerald Ford (started construction 2005, now on first cruise 18 years later (!) still testing stuff), Littoral class of ships, so faulty the entire (new) class of ships had to be scrapped. Isn’t modern technology wonderful?

Secondly, maybe there is a third option for NATO beyond “go big or go home”. How about, “go hungry”? Russia / China immediately have another round of sanctions targeting ALL NATO countries .. including titanium, Neon gas (chip making), all rare earths, all petroleum products, fertilizer, agricultural products, of course China supplies pharaceutical products. Starve the beast(s) eventually things will break down and I suspect they will see the light, as the riots continue.”


the ammo cost $800,000 per round,


For $800k we should be able to put 80 politicians inside it. BlackRock recruiter told O’Keef Media Group that politicians only cost $10k each.

pat frederick

bringing this from tcth…trolling, trolling, trolling…

July 13, 2023 4:05 pm

How fun is this?
Friday, July 14th, at 1600 Central Time, Kari Lake will be speaking in Iowa at a Meet and Greet hosted by Team Trump.
The event will be held at a pizzeria named Mad Meatball!!

Barb Meier


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

😀 (from the good old scouting days)…

On top of spaghetti
All covered with cheese
I lost my poor meatball
When somebody sneezed.

It rolled off the table
And onto the floor
And then my poor meatball
Rolled out of the door.

It rolled in the garden
And under a bush
And then my poor meatball
Was nothing but mush.

The mush was as tasty
As tasty could be
And early next summer
It grew into a tree.

The tree was all covered
With beautiful moss
It grew great big meatballs
And tomato sauce.

So if you eat spaghetti
All covered with cheese
Hold on to to your meatballs
And don’t ever sneeze.

Valerie Curren

Thx for the memories 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s an edgier version of “On Top Of Old Smokey” that ends with

“It should have been flowers, I threw a grenade.”

That earned a young miss a week’s suspension from school in 2006. Seems people are more sensitive (even 17 years ago) than in the mid-last century when we were singing and rewording such songs…

Sheesh. “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer” would probably get one expelled anymore…

Valerie Curren

No doubt!

Barb Meier

Report to Steve: the 3rd article is formatted and I’ve made a first proof pass. I did see two or three sentences you may want to refine. Or not. This one has lots of numbers. I went with DIA style on numbers because they offer basics but also more detail guidelines. They have a whole chapter on numbers, but in a nutshell:

  • Spell out numbers one through nine with exceptions.
  • Use numerals for time, money, and units of measurement.
  • Spell out a number at the start of a sentence.
  • In a sentence with a mix of numbers 1-9 and also 10 or above, go with all numerals.

I am adding a space after an ellipsis (three dots… )
I added the planet names at the start of the title to tie in better with the index title.
I updated the links to the Previous and Next links at the end and in the index to the 3rd piece.
I’ll reread in the morning to be sure I used lowercase or initial cap correctly on our Sun versus any other sun and to verify I didn’t miss anything I’m able to catch.
Rigel & Betelgeuse


Snatched from SD. Too funny…

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Biden Approves Mobilization of Reserves to Support Eucom
July 13, 2023 | By David Vergun , DOD News |

President Joe Biden today issued an executive order approving the mobilization of select reserve forces with up to 3,000 personnel, augmenting the armed forces in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve.

“This [executive order] reaffirms the unwavering support and commitment to defend NATO’s eastern flank in the wake of Russia’s illegal and unprovoked war on Ukraine,” Sims said.

Spotlight: NATO
U.S. European Command is preparing to use this new authority in continuation of U.S. commitment to NATO’s collective security, stated Eucom spokesman Navy Capt. Bill Speaks in a news release today.


“Cookie Newland” said WWIII would start 7/11 …

Biden waited ’til today to announce it … I guess

Cuppa Covfefe

Neither Nuland nor Bye,Done would qualify for a job at 7-11…

Nor even at Kwik-E-Mart… (OK, maybe Kamel-Hoe)…

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  :wpds_arrow:  A hallmark of every, Quik-E-Mart. Hoe would be the, Parking Lot Lizard.

Tricks’R Hoe.   :wpds_shock: 

(Jus like, truck stop lizards.)


Pavement princesses.


I thought of same as you posted 7/11 … just can’t do what you do with words and phonics … you’ve gota real gift Cuppa …


Wasn’t POTATUS stumbling around with King Chuckles the other day. Guess between handing us over to the climate nazis and deciding to openly send troops…good visit

Cuppa Covfefe

They were probably both talking to trees… 🙂


” “Cookie Newland” said WWIII would start 7/11 …”


I think she spells it ‘Kooky’, doesn’t she?


Thanks Scott … I think you are right … 😊



Cuppa Covfefe

Is she old enough to have watched “77 Sunset Strip” ??? 😀


She wants to interfere with getting free Slurpies.

Cuppa Covfefe

And Poligrip Pavement Princess Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino won’t let her have any Vodka… 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Illegal and unprovoked?

What about all the missles falling in Donbass since 2014 and the hidden “color revolution” behind that?

What about ethnic Russians (in the same area) being told they can no longer speak their own language, but must speak Ukrainian?

What about the other areas in the Ukraine that originally were parts of other countries like Poland and IIRC Romania?

Operation Frantic Revolve…

Both Napoleon and Hitler failed, and they had far more and far better resources, strategy, and plans. And yet NATO has the gall (Gaul?) to think they can do better?????


“Gaul” … you get high marks for that one 😍


Pesky minor details.


Thank you for this. Just posted Dr. Robert Malone’s confirmation on his Substack website.


“This [executive order] reaffirms the unwavering support and commitment to defend NATO’s eastern flank in the wake of Russia’s illegal and unprovoked war on Ukraine,” Sims said.


What’s Sims doing about PERVERTOTUS’ illegal assumption of power, and Hussein the Magic Kenyan’s unprovoked war on America?


Whadda ya think ?  🤓  We don’t have a country anymore…Banana Republic military goosestep, no questions. Sims isn’t going to think or do anything except send troops to kill Russians


Sing it Molly …


… or be killed by Russians.


Another comment from Larry Johnson’s blog today

“Many intelligent people seem to be flummoxed when it comes to explaining just exactly why all US VIPs are behaving the way they are – telling the lies that they are telling, as well as why “the US” cannot accept defeat in Ukraine. I’m going to take a shot at explaining why, first by referring to a couple of rather famous videos – one of Tucker Carlson, the other of Mitch McConnell.

Tucker, in which he presents a brief segment of another network’s interview of Janet Yellen.

A short video of an interview of Mitch McConnell.

What Yellen and McConnell say is ubiquitous. Every western leader and central bank head is saying exactly the same thing, which would be an amazing coincidence in a world of sovereign, independent nations, but as this unanimity makes obvious, that is no longer the case, if it ever was.

With such universal acclamation of this pledge of allegiance to the flag of Ukraine, you’d think that the “reporters” interviewing these people would ask the obvious question “what happens if the Russians defeat Ukraine?” But this most obvious, most important question is very deliberately almost never asked, and when it is rarely asked, the near certain answer of “an end to the rules-based international order” is never asked to be further expanded upon – for example, “and how would our lives be different after the end of the rules-based international order?”

The reason for both is the same – that average Americans and Europeans could not accept the absolute horror of what “fuel” the US and its vassals have been running on since the day Nixon closed the gold window – borrowed “money” printed out of thin air; and its purpose – to pay for their governments’ perpetual was of thievery and conquest.
In order to keep running, the US must continue to sell well over a trillion USD worth of treasury bonds year after year after year, from here to eternity. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the following Treasury web site :

From the above (my emphasis):

“In FY 2022, the federal government spent $6.27 trillion and collected $4.90 trillion in revenue, resulting in a deficit. The amount by which spending exceeds revenue, $1.38 trillion in 2022, is referred to as deficit spending.


“To pay for a deficit, the federal government borrows money by selling Treasury bonds, bills, and other securities.”

Again, nearly all of this $1.38 trillion in borrowing is to pay for the US’s perpetual wars. Investors in US treasury bonds must know that they’re funding perpetual war………don’t they? (Yes, the big investors do!)

Because he never says it, it seems to me that Carlson does not realize how it is fiscally possible that “the US” can continue to behave as it does, and, therefore, he supposedly cannot understand why Yellen said what she said and McConnell and Graham, etc. say what they say. For example, he seems to not understand how Yellen could NOT make a financial commitment to residents in the US that need it, while simultaneously being willing to give “Ukraine” unconditional support, literally forever. I wonder if Carlson’s behavior is deliberate “looking the other way” from the obvious, or is he really that stupid? I believe it’s the former — that it is indeed deliberate.

What should by now be obvious to every person in the world, especially Americans, is that the US has a war-based economy whose MIC and wars of theft and regime change are funded by investors around the world buying US “Treasury” (what a misnomer!) bonds. Isn’t this horrible fact deserving of a little more repetition than …………….. never!

So here is the inconvenient truth that Yellen and all the rest of the US VIPs will never say in public. If the US/NATO/EU lose their war against Russia, just exactly NOBODY is going to continue to buy US treasury paper that, ever since Nixon closed the gold window, has been “backed up” only by an MIC that has failed to defeat and subjugate Russia! And that means that the only investors in US Treasury paper will probably be idiots and The Federal Reserve. Other domestic and foreign investors will instantaneously start investing in Russian, Chinese, Iranian, etc. “investment opportunities”, including their bonds. (The question is, just exactly what “money” are they going to use to make those investments?)

This is also why interest on US treasury bonds has to remain high, and get only higher, until the US’s war is won. The high interest rate has nothing to do with “curbing inflation”. The quantity of US treasuries that must be sold is now so high that that amount cannot be sold at near zero percent interest. The fact that the US MIC has not yet defeated and subjugated Russia is the most important factor in “the bond market” demanding higher and higher rates of return on increasingly “risky” US treasuries. In other words, in the end, “the US” may not defeat and subjugate Russia, which is exactly why the US and its vassals have to hysterically go more and more “all in” on defeating and subjugating Russia and part of that all-in is raising the interest rate of return on bonds.

Why else would Yellen say that the US Treasury will support Ukraine (which is only possible by continuing to borrow money from “investors” at a high rate of return for these investors) for however long it takes to defeat Russia?

Why else would Mitch McConnell declare that the number one objective of the US is to defeat Russia?

Why else would Nuland and everyone else in the US government say the very same thing?

The irony is that if this question –Why? — is asked to pro-Russian people, their answer is almost always something similar to “these people are psychopaths who hate Russia above all else”. And if anyone asks in follow-up “why do they hate Russia so much?”, you most often get a long, historical diatribe that ends with “see, that’s why they hate Russia”. The real answer is much simpler, as I’ve described above.

In order to keep running (and keep all of those MIC corporations in business and their investors raking in dividends, and millions of people directly or indirectly employed in the MIC), the US must continue to sell well over a trillion (soon more and more trillions of) USD worth of treasury bonds year after year after year, from here to eternity ……… and in order to justify that borrowing, the US needs perpetual enemies like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, etc. to conquer.

World Peace means the end of whatever you want to call what is going on in the US. Therefore, World Peace is the greatest threat to “the US” and, therefore, making peace with Russia and China will never be allowed by the powers that be in Washington or its vassal states. Again, it’s all a matter of “business”, not hatred (said the gangster to his victim). Nothing personal.

To drive the point even further home, I am not the first to state all of this. VIP George F. Kennan spelled it all out just a few years before the USSR ended.

“Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial establishment would have to go on, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.”

If you don’t believe me, let what VIP Kennan said sink in.

It means that Russia was ASSIGNED the role of “enemy” literally the day that the USSR ended and that literally nothing that Russia can say or do will release it from that assignment.

It means that World Peace is today much more of a threat to the US’s war-based economy than perpetual wars!

It explains exactly why US government VIPs say what they say about the necessity of sending weapons and absolutely anything else to Ukraine in order to defeat Russia.
It explains exactly why Zelensky can not, and will not, be allowed to negotiate a peaceful settlement with Russia (unless he “goes rogue” against the US, which is what I believe that Russia wants and why he is still alive as a western accalimed hero).

It explains exactly why Minsk II could not be followed by Poroshenko or Zelensky, and exactly why none of the signatories to that agreement (and the UN resolution making it international law) forced “Ukraine” to fulfill its commitment to that law.

It explains exactly why law, international or otherwise, no longer matters to “the US” (the microscopic percentage of the US population that actually is “the US”)…………. because following the law may lead to peace!

To boil it all down, Russia making ANY arrangement with the US and its ass-licking vassals that results in a peaceful world WILL. NOT. BE. ALLOWED. because a peaceful world would be “an unacceptable shock to the US economy”.

Unfortunately, when what must inevitably happen under the present economic “arrangement” finally happens, the millions or billions of the humans that temporarily survive the nuclear holocaust will be enduring a “lifestyle” that is infinitely worse than that of a well-thought-out economic arrangement that could replace the present one before the nukes start dropping. The survivors of the upcoming nuclear war aren’t going to be sitting around watching the value of their portfolios via an internet, eating out at restaurants and planning their next destination vacation. They’ll be desperately trying to acquire their next meal and figure out how they’re going to get through the next winter without freezing to death.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Turtle soup is just repeating what his RED Chinese handler/wife is telling him to say…..


^^^. This is what I have been telling folks on here. Good post.

There are ways out of total collapse, but not without some pain. PDT knows shat to do. Quantitative easing locked in what the globalists were going to do over a dozen years ago. All of the stupid stuff they have been selling the public will be driven into the ground.

If you know treasury rates are going to be going higher, bonds and CDs are going to be more attractive. A significant amount of investment money will be moving out of stocks. Volatility of the markets will be worse as will inflation.

Commercial real estate is collapsing. The banksters are concerned, trying to figure out what to do.

The dollar will have to be pegged to something real to still be valuable in world markets. Treasury IOUs are not real.

So if the oil supply is opened up again to counter, it starts. We have zero effect on world markets withholding our oil. We just screw our own people, which is the intent of Soetoro and cronies. The deficit has to die or the world is not going to trust us anymore. We have to become producers of goods again and USMCA is the best way to go about it.

Get PDT back into office and get rid of every Dem, RINO and establishment azzhat we can.




Notice the last two sentences of the quoted article above, about “The survivors of the upcoming nuclear war…”


I’m not sure why there would be a nuclear war.

I can see how the lawless U.S. regime would do anything to provoke one, but I don’t know why Putin would indulge them.

Putin knows everything we do, and a lot more. There are probably more Russian infiltrators in our government than there are chyneeze infiltrators.

Putin knows that the American People are no threat to him or anyone else. We’re hostages of the same monsters who are trying to destroy his country too.

Putin also knows that nuking the U.S. wouldn’t just be pointless, it would be doing the lawless U.S. regime a favor, because nobody wants us all dead more than they do.

A = lawless U.S. regime

B = Russia

C = American People

If A nukes B, it makes no sense for B to nuke C. It only makes sense for B to retaliate against A.

Attacking C accomplishes nothing for B. Instead, if B attacks C, it actually helps A.

Normally, a government represents the People of a nation, so if you are at war with a nation, you are at war with the People and their government. But the governments of the West don’t represent the People of the West in the slightest. They represent someone’s interests, but it’s definitely not the interests of the People.

Putin certainly knows who those someones are.

The whole concept of ‘mutually assured destruction’ only works if both sides are legitimately defending and protecting their own People.

If one party to the conflict isn’t, then the concept fails.

Putin is protecting his country and the Russian People, but the lawless U.S. regime obviously isn’t.

So there is no leverage behind a threat by Putin to attack the U.S. homeland, because it would not hurt the Brandon regime, it would be doing the Brandon regime a favor.

Putin also knows that Trump will win the 2024 election easily, so long as he has a plan to overcome Cabal cheating. And Putin knows that Trump doesn’t want war with anyone.

So it would appear to be in Putin’s interest to just keep doing what he’s doing, at least until the 2024 election.

The Brandon regime will do everything possible to provoke the Russian Bear, but this bear is smarter than the clown show behind the U.S. Puppetent.

The lawless U.S. regime can’t initiate a nuclear strike without becoming a global pariah, so as long as Putin doesn’t use nuclear weapons, no nuclear exchange can occur.

The lawless U.S. regime could do a nuclear strike on Ukraine though, and then blame the Russians, providing themselves an excuse to nuke Russia, in the same way that they blamed the Russians for destroying their own Nordstream pipelines and other targets, which no one in the world believes they actually did, it’s just an absurd fantasy the Western media tells themselves.

Since they could do it, they certainly will do it, when the lawless U.S. regime runs out of better ideas or options.

So when they do it, how would Putin respond?

Hopefully Russia’s missile defense blows Brandon’s nuclear strike out of the sky. Then Putin has options.

He could rightfully condemn the lawless U.S. regime on the world stage, credibly accusing them of attempting to start a genocidal WWIII, and orchestrate a global embargo against the U.S. and anyone who does not immediate repudiate the Brandon regime, until the American People hand over the war criminals for trial in the International Criminal Court, or similar.

If Putin is confident enough in the Russian missile defense system, he could sink a few aircraft carriers and other military targets of opportunity. Those would be good targets, because they are a threat to Russia.

The American People aren’t.

Putin could irradiate the entire continental U.S., and it wouldn’t mean beans to the Brandon regime, or stop them from continuing their war with Russia. The People are irrelevant.

The only way for Russia to ‘win’ is to rope-a-dope until Trump is re-elected, or eliminate the Cabal leadership who relentlessly provoke conflict.

Nuking civilians in retaliation against the lawless Brandon regime would accomplish nothing (unless it eliminated the Brandon regime in the process), so I don’t know why Russia would do it.

It would be like Pedo Joe pulling Vladimir’s hair, so in response, Vladimir kicks Pedo Joe’s dog (us). Except Pedo Joe hates his dog, and it won’t stop Pedo Joe from pulling Vladimir’s hair again anyway.

The way for Vladimir to stop Pedo Joe from pulling his hair is to break Pedo Joe’s hand, or wait for Trump to put him in Gitmo.

The dog has nothing to do with it. Any of it.

Kicking Pedo Joe’s dog would just make Pedo Joe happy.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

I Hope you are right here…makes sense to me 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

I once saw a sales brochure for “ruggedized” mainframe computers which can withstand nuclear war (the term being “Nuclear Event Survivability”). The brochure cheerily declared something like “if there is someone left alive to reboot the system, it will continue processing from the point at which it left off”…

I was left wondering, why? and for whom? Such questions earned a response of “we don’t talk about that”… typical sales bafflegab followed…

Eisenhower must be rolling in his grave, saying “I warned you!” as well as about the academia-government complex… his farewell speech should be taught in civics courses everywhere… oh, wait… civics courses… those were the days, sad to say…


Well that is grim.

Can’t say I disagree with anything, beyond one point.

Specifically, Ukraine, US, UK, EU, NATO WILL lose. Russia WILL win.

For whatever ignorant reason, Briben, Hoe, Blinken, Idi Amin and their cast of criminals, ACCELERATED the coming brink. Catastrophe.

Now, to get off my ass and figure out where I’ll move to. (TX, AR, OK or TN)



Saudi Arabia will lose its status as the largest OPEC+ oil producer to Russia as it begins the unilateral cut of 1 million barrels per day (bpd), with the Kingdom pledging to pump around 9 million bpd in July and August—the lowest level in two years.  


Ummmm…..pulling oil out of the SPR does not count.

Does stealing from Syria count?

Yes, but only because we are teaching them ‘Democracy’ in return.

Last edited 1 year ago by phoenixrising
Happy go lucky

Great stuff, DePat! I had forgotten it’s Thursday Dance Party today 💃 And all my favorite kid clothes had rik-rak

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Pornographic LGBT Book Common In Schools – WARNING – Graphic!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

And yet there are schools in Utah banning the Bible because it’s “pornographic”….

Can’t make this stuff up…

As it was in the days of Noah…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. It’s the left’s envious revenge.


I don’t understand why this isn’t considered criminal behavior on the part of everyone involved in displaying this to children.


Demonic psychopathy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It IS considered criminal – but not by the people in charge.

It’s LGBT. They GET to do this stuff publicly.

Double standard? YUP. We were TRAINED to accept it, too!


many are trained to cower to avoid the social shunning even if they don’t really believe in this junk.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



A separate tier of (in)justice.


“We were TRAINED to accept it, too!”


Well, except me… 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Repulsive, demonic, evil  😡 


To confirm what our good mollypitcher5 posted below in the thread:
by Robert W. Malone, MD, MS
July 13, 2023
“Breaking News: Biden orders to active duty, members and units of the Selected Reserve”


It begins…..


Be ready…one and all.


It may seem strange but I feel very sorry for people who don’t have a network like we do here thanks to Wolf. So many on either side of the aisle have to be wondering what the heck is happening. They peek at MSM and get drowned in transvestites and talking heads grinning like hyenas saying everything is great, Biden’s da man and the country is prospering

Cuppa Covfefe

As it was in the days of Noah…..




IMO, one has the uncomfortable feeling that this potential nuclear confrontation is the answer to a question circulating among *** certain people *** — the question being, “COVID didn’t do the trick, climate change didn’t do the trick, the walls are closing in on ‘a certain family’, what to do next?”
And, IMO, there’s the *** very uncomfortable feeling *** that *** certain people *** will be fine with sacrificing any number of innocent lives as a result of a potential nuclear confrontation…


It’s harsh but the ones that got booted out of the military for not getting the jab or being toxically patriotic are lucky


Smart patriots, standing their ground.

Gail Combs

That is why I wrote the Depop series ending with THE CASE FOR NUCLEAR WAR

General Flynn and others are now talking of a possible ‘Black Swan Event’ and no 2024 election.

Patrick Gunnels is saying Nukes do not exist. And Before Its News published Nuclear Hoax – Nukes Do Not Exist
We had that crazy crap about that home made Sub disappearing. If more of the elite ‘disappear’, I would start getting a bit worried.


Defies logic. Peacetime. Mobilizing Reserves. There are no ongoing major operations.


We’re at war … with Europe, with Russia, Syria and the list goes on… and on …

and we’re running out of Ukrainians … need more fodder … /s

mollypitcher5 don’t even need that /s because it’s actually true ! They need the kabuki that having American soldiers brings. LOL the usually patriotic people are not behind this so maybe they can trot out some drag queens singing God Bless America !
It’s going to be FUBAR

Cuppa Covfefe

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. 😀


Donald Trump to Host ‘Sound of Freedom’ Screening with Jim Caviezel, Tim Ballard at Bedminster Club

In an announcement Thursday, the 2024 Trump campaign said the Sound of Freedom screening will take place July 19 at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster. President Trump will be joined by actor Jim Caviezel as well as the man he plays in the movie — former Homeland Security agent Tim Ballard, who quit his job to devote himself to rescuing children from international traffickers.

The screening will be open to club members and supporters, the Trump campaign said.

In 2019, President Trump met with Tim Ballard at the White House to discuss the importance of Trump’s border wall in deterring child trafficking.


They’d prefer Janissaries….

Soldiers with no loyalty other than to the powers that be.


She might be on her way to being one of the richest Supreme Court Justices!

In 2007, two years before former President Barack Obama nominated Sotomayor to join the Supreme Court, Sotomayor’s net worth was between $50,001 and $115,000, according to financial disclosures. She had only two reported assets: a checking account and a savings account.

In 2008, Sotomayor’s assets were about the same, totaling between $15,000 to $65,000.

But in 2021, Sotomayor’s financial disclosure revealed her investments totaled betwen $15 million and $6.4 million. Last year, her investments were between $1.6 million and $6.6 million.

In perspective. Not much data to go with for comparisons but came up with this.

Notes Judge Thomas is listed as a decent 1 million. I’m sure it’s more but he’s really lagging behind even Sotomayaor’s most conservative estimates.


I guess those stock tips really can make a difference … Pelosi knows.

Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

And some “favors” from Satan Sauros…  🤑  👹  💎 


“But in 2021, Sotomayor’s financial disclosure revealed her investments totaled betwen $15 million and $6.4 million. Last year, her investments were between $1.6 million and $6.6 million.”


Dogecoin to the moon 🚀🚀🚀😂


Larry’s Latest

This is disturbing and alarming — Biden issued an order activating up to 3000 Ready Reserve and Select Reserve military personnel and sending them to Europe for potential combat with Russia. This is not a hoax. It is on the White House website:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 121 and 12304 of title 10, United States Code, I hereby determine that it is necessary to augment the active Armed Forces of the United States for the effective conduct of Operation Atlantic Resolve in and around the United States European Command’s area of responsibility. In furtherance of this operation, under the stated authority, I hereby authorize the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Homeland Security with respect to the Coast Guard when it is not operating as a service in the Navy, under their respective jurisdictions, to order to active duty any units, and any individual members not assigned to a unit organized to serve as a unit of the Selected Reserve, or any member in the Individual Ready Reserve mobilization category and designated as essential under regulations prescribed by the Secretary concerned, not to exceed 3,000 total members at any one time, of whom not more than 450 may be members of the Individual Ready Reserve, as they deem necessary, and to terminate the service of those units and members ordered to active duty.

Operation Atlantic Resolve is the name for the U.S. military response to Russia’s Special Military Operation. While the number of troops being activated and deployed is not large, is Biden making a direct threat to Russia that is likely to elicit a very unpleasant response from Putin.

In terms of bolstering U.S. military capabilities this is a nothing-burger. But it is the symbolism and the thinking behind this decision that is frightening. But this is not all.
According to one of my retired CIA buddies, at least two B-52s are on the ground at an U.S. Air Force in Alaska. This is highly unusual, according to another old friend who flew B-52s. Moving these planes forward to Alaska is stupid saber rattling. This is not going to assuage Russian concerns about Western intentions, it is going to move the Russians to hair-trigger status.

And do not forget about U.S. plans to send nuclear capable F-16s to Ukraine:
comment imageNews Item

Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov wasted no time in warning the United States and NATO that if the F-16s arrive in theater, Russia will treat them as a potential nuclear threat:

Russian FM Lavrov: The US and its NATO satellites create the risk of a direct armed conflict with Russia, and this is fraught with catastrophic consequences.

Just one example of an extremely dangerous development is the US plans to transfer F-16 fighter jets to the Kyiv regime. We have informed the nuclear powers, the United States, Britain and France, that Russia cannot ignore the ability of these aircraft to carry nuclear weapons.

No assurances will help here. In the course of hostilities, our military will not sort out whether each specific aircraft of the specified type is equipped for the delivery of nuclear weapons or not. The very fact of the appearance of such systems in the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be considered by us as a threat from the West in the nuclear sphere. The aggressive steps of unfriendly states create an existential threat for Russia. There is no doubt about this. We will have to defend our right to free and sovereign development with all available means.

I think Lavrov makes it very clear that Russia will destroy those planes “with all available means.” If faced with a nuclear threat Russia will respond in kind. Biden ratcheting up tensions with Russia at the very moment that Ukraine’s failures on the battlefield are catastrophic. Instead of seeking to de-escalate the war and find an off-ramp, Biden and his team appear intent on provoking a nuclear war.

Here is an interview I did yesterday (Wednesday) with Stephen Gardner. We did not know about what I have just presented. Might have been a very different podcast.


All I know is my wife worked on F-16s in the 70s. She says it would take at least two years to train the maintenance mechanics and two-to-three years to train pilots. Even then, they will not be combat experienced.

Valerie Curren

This is important AND needed perspective–Thx for sharing!


Ergo, any successful F-16 mission will have been flown by a U.S. Air Force pilot, using a fake Ukrainian name.

Like Ghost of Kiev 🙄

Cuppa Covfefe

The Great Fakes Of Kiev…


IMO, the training of Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16s has always been absurd propaganda.

A) if they are training Ukranians who have no combat experience, they will instantly be shot down by professional Russian combat pilots

B) If Ukraine even has (had?) a credible Air Force, how many pilots have legitimate combat experience?

C) of those few left who may have real combat experience, they’re not going to master an entire new plane and weapons platform, without years of training (along with aerial and ground support), against professional Russian combat pilots

It’s like taking civilians off the street, sending them to race driving school for a month, and then entering them to race against career professionals in the Indianapolis 500.

It’s stupid.

People with little or no skill or experience, flying unfamiliar aircraft, against career professional combat pilots, is fantasy.

Suicide fantasy.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Sounds like someone wants another Vietnam…

So it’s one, two, three
What are we fighting for?
Don’t ask me, I just want to live,
Next stop is airbase Kiev…