“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert.” –J. Robert Oppenheimer ***************** WARNING: NO UNIDENTIFIED AI BULLSHIT IS TO BE POSTED ON THIS SITE UNDER PENALTY OF MODERATION OR SITE BAN
At this point in history these attacks against President Donald Trump are Lawfare members sticking fingers and toes into the cracks of a justice dam that is increasingly unstable and about to collapse. The pressure on the other side is the dam is the collective anger of We The People, and when that dam breaks no pre-positioned scuba gear is going to protect them.
Continue living your very best life. Do not let yourself or your family fall victim to the fear of dark imaginings. However, look beyond our current proximity and keep your eyes open for any/all constructs that can be repurposed to protect government interests through physical lock downs.
Dr. @P_McCulloughMD: “The Vaccines Actually Never Worked to Begin With”
“The original clinical trials by Pfizer and Moderna now have been analyzed, and the companies took so many shortcuts. There were so many violations of good clinical trial conduct that, in the end, the… pic.twitter.com/dvOTgDtvIb
Thanks to Devon Archer’s testimony another ‘conspiracy theory’ became true. Biden used American tax dollars to blackmail then President of Ukraine, Poroshenko, with denying him the $1 Billion loan if he did not fire the prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, who was investigating… pic.twitter.com/ZF9IO8rP46
Stop and ask yourself if you support the likes of the Blackrock and Vanguard hedge funds, which are both wholly owned and operated subsidiaries of the globalist cabal?
Well, if the answer is 'no' but you're still purchasing vitamins/supplements, household… pic.twitter.com/Sx4qJnLtlr
— Brian Cates – Political Columnist & Pundit (@drawandstrike) August 1, 2023
"It's really DeSantis who is counting on Merrick Garland to lend a helping hand"@DarrenJBeattie explains how Team DeSantis' campaign strategy relies on a CORRUPT justice system.
After Biden was installed, we were at our lowest point as community. They stole from us. They tried to break us. We kept our spirits high & pushed forward.
Now the real fun starts. Their world as they know it is crumbling. Retribution is coming. pic.twitter.com/yT683SZuA4
Kerry's stepson Christopher Heinz was partners with Hunter Biden and Devon Archer. Rosemont Seneca was named after the family farm. Kerry's daughter is part of the WEF and owns a "seed company."
Climate Czar John Kerry Goes Viral for 'Attack on American Farmers'…
— Tired of being politically correct (@USBornNRaised) August 1, 2023
This is putting politics before kids. Especially harmful for rural schools.https://t.co/EnTcmS2uGd
They use Beau like a gift card every time they need a free pass. So disgusting. They drag his name around like old lawn furniture on a rainy day. https://t.co/1slvVCDhGB
What a COINCIDENCE that Biden’s DOJ is expected to indict President Trump for J6 the day after Devon Archer testified Biden took 20+ phone calls to discuss foreign bribes w/Hunter
The Deep State is the single greatest threat to the American people and it’s not even close
WHILE WE WAIT: A federal judge in DC has agreed to require CBS’ Catherine HERRIDGE to disclose the source of stories alleging Yanping Chen concealed a relationship with the Chinese military. pic.twitter.com/eWvsMB2R66
“We’re going to make America even stronger than before” despite what Biden’s henchmen (or whatever pronouns they’re using) attempt with their vicious attacks on our constitution.
Have a nice day!
And never forget, God continues to Bless and Protect America.
It’s an assassination by other means. There’s no turning back from this moment. The is officially occupied by a hostile, demonic regime. Shed all childish delusions and naivety. Comply when you must, resist when you can. The shadow of a new dark age is upon us.
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
No food fights.
No running with scissors.
If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
3So with us; when we were children, we were slaves to the elemental spirits of the universe. 4But when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” 7So through God you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then an heir.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.
We are getting ready to experience a level of evil that will be hard to comprehend. Stay strong. Be prepared.
It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
Regarding the meme about Blackrock and Vanguard, they don’t actually own any retirement funds even though they behave that way.
They have authority from various pension plans to invest those funds in order to produce sufficient profits to pay future retirement claims of those plans. No matter how much an employee contributes to a pension plan, it is nowhere near enough to fund his/her retirement pension.
My dad took early retirement almost 30 years ago & he & Mom lived off the proceeds of retirement investments for more than 20 of those years (& possibly All of them, & ongoing). His company, Ford, incentivized him to leave early & he kept pretty aggressively investing in the stock market, maybe via some type of mutual funds
Rudy Giuliani – Co-conspirator 1, an attorney who was willing to spread knowingly false claims and pursue strategies that the Defendant’s 2020 re-election campaign attorneys would not
John Eastman – Co-conspirator 2, an attorney who devised and attempted to implement a strategy to leverage the Vice President’s ceremonial role overseeing the certification proceeding to obstruct the certification of the presidential election.
Sidney Powell – Co-conspirator 3, an attorney whose unfounded claims of election fraud the Defendant privately acknowledged to others sounded “crazy.” Nonetheless, the Defendant embraced and publicly amplified Co-Conspirator 3’s disinformation
Jeffrey Clark – Co-conspirator 4, a Justice Department official who worked on civil matters and who, with the Defendant, attempted to use the Justice Department to open sham election crime investigations and influence state legislatures with knowingly false claims of election fraud.
Kenneth Chesebro – Co-conspirator 5, an attorney who assisted in devising and attempting to implement a plan to submit fraudulent sales of presidential electors to obstruct the certification proceeding.
Co-conspirator 6, a political consultant who helped implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification proceeding.
They pretty much have always been that way in my experience. They just hid it better under the pretense of supporting the rule of law. Bad apples in the barrel spoiled the entire barrel.
When one political party controls the federal legal thrust until the other one takes over, which is also controlled by the same Uniparty – there are no checks and balances. The judiciary is corrupted this way, same for DODGE. The rule of law is now a weapon, just as it was with the Pharisees.
Yes and Stasi , KGB also and what ever name in a oppressive dictatorship.
I understand now more and more what happened in Germany when Hitler came to power. Themes to be always the same greed of power , oppression and jailing its political people. How far each group goes differs and the crimes they do differs to degree. The play seems to be always the same how to get into permanent power . They do not tolerate an adversary. The population are just ends to the means of dictators power. We are in trouble and it seems many countries are. Evil has now joined across the across the globe and not for good.
You all know this. Thanks for tolerating my babble
You are very correct Singing. It is enlightening to SEE how the German people were duped.
Thank goodness, this time round there is major FIGHT BACK and it is across the entire world. Even better it is REAL FIGHT BACK and not the ‘fund both sides’ bankster enrichment schemes of WWI and WWII
“Thank goodness, this time round there is major FIGHT BACK and it is across the entire world. Even better it is REAL FIGHT BACK and not the ‘fund both sides’ bankster enrichment schemes of WWI and WWII”
True but they are trying and are doing a good job of it. Look at all who enriched themselves . Wonder how much money was funnel through Ukraine for the Banksters and 12 families controlling us or trying too..?
CNN named five of the co-conspirators tonight including Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy later went on with Eric Bolling to discuss today’s indictment. Rudy was in rare form. The former New York City Mayor screamed at corrupt Special Counsel Jack Smith. Only in government can you fail your way to the top. That is Jack Smith’s story.
Rudy Giuliani: If you don’t agree with the regime, they try to disbar you and they try to imprison you. What does that sound like? Sounds like Communist China to me. Not the United States of America. Biden has ruined our country. It’s a disgrace what he’s done. And I don’t care if you hate Donald Trump. This is a violation of his right of free speech. You even have a right to lie under the First Amendment. Now, he (Trump) didn’t. The strange thing here is the people lying are the people bringing this and this count they have here, conspiracy against rights. They should be indicted for conspiracy against rights for bringing this indictment…
…I don’t have any information that he violated any law. What I do have is I would seriously consider indicting them for 18 USC. Section 241. For indicting a man for exercising his right of free speech, that’s a conspiracy against rights. These people are dangerous.
On Joe Biden… Rudy Giuliani: There’s no way this wasn’t rushed, because it’s also poorly written and has a lot of mistakes in it. This was rushed for two reasons. One, yesterday, Biden got his head kicked in completely. The false exculpatory statements that were revealed yesterday, 24 of which most lawyers would understand this, completely convict him. Under the law, a false exculpatory statement is as powerful as a confession that comes right out of evidence, textbooks. What Archer did is prove that for ten years, Biden has been lying completely. All of that can be used against him as evidence of guilt. It’s very, very powerful. It’s much more damaging than, I think even a lot of the Congressmen realized. And it makes him, like, probably not only the biggest crook in American history. The biggest liar.
Then Rudy Giuliani starts screaming at criminal partisan hack Jack Smith: Long ago I stopped being careful. And I don’t worry about the Jack Smith’s of this world. I have a chapter in my book called Stand Up to Bullies. So here’s what I say to Jack Smith after the Supreme Court threw out your case, which should have been a disgrace and you should have gone and found another profession because you don’t belong in this one.
This one will be your legacy. Violating the right of free speech of an American citizen, never mind whether he was president or not. It could be anybody. It could be a homeless person. You don’t get to violate people’s First Amendment right, Smith, no matter who the hell you are or no matter how sick you are with Trump derangement syndrome. And this isn’t the first time you’ve acted like an unethical lawyer. It should be the last.
I had not heard of the term “conspiracy against rights.” I’m glad to know about it because they violate our rights all the time.
They’re completely brazen about bringing unjust charges and violating people’s rights. They know they can get away with it. I don’t know how they could have been prevented from doing this. They can get smacked down later by judges and courts, but the initial damage is done: reputations tarnished, negative press, enormous expenses, stress, etc.
The DOJ would not be what it is today if Barr had done his job and lived up to his oath he took. He turned his back on us and on this country most of all the law he served for many years. He was paid off with a book deal that tells us all we need to know.
It’s ugly, and until our so-called representatives wake up and start to fight back, it’s destroying our country. Every day I wake up to the sure knowledge that our Constitution is being shredded, and nobody in government seems to give one damn. My patriot ancestors are rolling in their graves, I am sure.
Every soldier who died for the constitution is being disrespected. Every family member who lost their loved one is being slapped in their face. Every Vet who served is being dishonored by this regime that shreds the constitution and dishonors the flag by hanging the pride flag with the US flag..
Ya know for an immigrant you sure do seem to understand stuff.
(Before anyone jumps on me, that’s facetious. Not the part about understanding things [she does] but the part about it being strange that she should do so “despite” being an immigrant.
(In fact the truth is that many immigrants understand these things better than natural borns, because they had to leave something far worse than what we have here.
(Ayn Rand was campaigining for someone or other who was running against FDR and some jackass tried to razz her for obviously being a “foreigner” with her heavy accent. She shot back that she chose to be here over where she was from because she could see it was better; what did the guy razzing her do to be here? Nothing. He had no way to understand the difference. Well, that shut HIM up.)
The truth what DOJ has become should unnerve every American.
We know and understand who the DOJ has become sadly many people do not because they never lived what the DOJ of today represents.
Most here are older and lived through USSR and know about the evils of Nazis. This DOJ is well on its way of becoming something very ugly. This is painful to watch.
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗲𝘅𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗶𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗼𝗿 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗶𝗺 𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘁𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
Remember the first Amendment says:
First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗯𝗹𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗹𝗲, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗲𝘁𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗴𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀.
The US Laws PROHIBITING peaceful assembly and protest are on their face UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Obama updated the law and I was concerned about it’s abuse at the time.
Recent days have seen significant concern about an unassuming bill with an unassuming name: the “Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011.” The bill, H.R. 347, has been variously described as making the First Amendment illegal or criminalizing the Occupy protests.
The truth is more mundane, but the issues raised are still of major significance for the First Amendment.
It’s important to note — contrary to some reports — that H.R. 347 doesn’t create any new crimes, or directly apply to the Occupy protests. The bill slightly rewrites a short trespass law, originally passed in 1971 and amended a couple of times since, that covers areas subject to heightened Secret Service security measures.
These restricted areas include locations where individuals under Secret Service protection are temporarily located, and certain large special events like a presidential inauguration. They can also include large public events like the Super Bowl and the presidential nominating conventions (troublingly, the Department of Homeland Security has significant discretion in designating what qualifies as one of these special events).
The original statute, unchanged by H.R. 347,made certain conduct with respect to these restricted areas a crime, including simple trespass, actions in or near the restricted area that would “disrupt the orderly conduct of Government,” and blocking the entrance or exit to the restricted area.
H.R. 347 did make one noteworthy change, which may make it easier for the Secret Service to overuse or misuse the statute to arrest lawful protesters.
Without getting too much into the weeds, most crimes require the government to prove a certain state of mind. Under the original language of the law, you had to act “willfully and knowingly” when committing the crime. In short, you had to know your conduct was illegal. Under H.R. 347, you will simply need to act “knowingly,” which here would mean that you know you’re in a restricted area, but not necessarily that you’re committing a crime.
Any time the government lowers the intent requirement, it makes it easier for a prosecutor to prove her case, and it gives law enforcement more discretion when enforcing the law. To be sure, this is of concern to the ACLU….
Given the signs and fencing were taken down, — the Buffalo Jump thread had a video of the guy calmly rolling up the fence and then removing the T posts before any one arrived — “KNOWINGLY” is off the table. Let’s face it NO ONE KNOWS ALL THE US LAWS AND REGULATIONS!
And that doesn’t even get into the fact the law is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
“If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—”
The fib and other agent provocateurs were disguised as maga, but what does that qualifier about “the premises of another” mean.
Remember ‘WE the PEOPLE’ are the actual owners of all the federal buildings. The fib and other agent provocateurs were working to prevent US Citizens from exercising their Constitution Rights on THEIR PROPERTY.
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
If we ever get back to actual rule of law, there are going to be some VERY unhappy judges and prosecutors and FBI agents as they are stripped of all assets and then tossed into prison for life for what they did to the Jan 6ers and others.
If the DOJ is doing LEAKS it means THEY KNOW THEY HAVE NO CASE and just like with Russia, Russia, Russia they are using the Piglouse wrap-up smear as a political maneuver.
What makes it so evil with Pence that he shrouds himself in Christianity and is so misguided. He has given into evil and he needs to apologize to we the people and repent to God.
He’s creepy, like an automaton. His demeanor is so controlled as he portrays a persona that is revealing itself to be false. At least the Dems are up front with their hatred; Pence is a backstabber.
I have met a used car salesman who I rather have seen as VP than Pence.
He was the guy who sold me my diesel Pickup. He said when they were doing the demo for the salesmen he asked Dodge if they would have a glider pack. (New body to stick the still good engine in.) He was a retired semi truck driver.
SickPence is like the Pharisees: a Whitewashed Tomb… false witness, false testimony, twisting of GOD’s and others’ words, hypocrisy and self-aggrandizement…
I’m inclined to vote no. I’ve read that the RNC is requiring debate candidates to pledge support for the eventual nominee, and I don’t think Trump will do that. I need to get clarification of the requirements. But I don’t want to see Trump give those snakes the opportunity to attack him. If he’s not present and all they do is talk about him, that will be revealing.
I am with you Trump should not debate. The debate is over Trump won the rest should drop out and support Trump against Biden cabal and save the nation.
DJT should not submit his D.C. case to a jury. He should agree to be tried to the court.
Because there is no chance of getting a fair jury and because a judge has to articulate his reasons [findings & conclusions] in writing. Whether he wins or loses, the people have a right to see what our ‘just us’ system looks like when the curtain is removed.
Interesting. It seems that having the judge’s findings and conclusions in writing would make things crystal clear for the appeal(s) that will be necessary.
My guess is evidence SHOWING election fraud will not be allowed by this OH!Bummer Judge. That is why it should not go before a jury. HANG the judge using his OWN actions and words.
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution… shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
I believe, though I could be wrong, that since President Trump was President at the time the so-called “crimes” were committed, the only court with jurisdiction IS the Supreme Court.
Trump’s attorneys should immediately file for a hearing with the Supreme Court on that basis.
Nope, you missed nothing. The biggest problem I see is that group [forgot the name] that is filing Bar complaints against every attorney who represents DJT.
It’s pretty scary for an attorney to be accused of immorality in client representation. His/Her entire career can disappear.
Maybe we found the weakness in the system? The founders dependent on honest God fearing people to make our system work. Who would have thought that the hearts of men are overtaken by evil in our government?
Barns was really ticked off last evening . I wish Trump had him on his defense team.
cthulhu (@guest_1132642)
August 2, 2023 01:27
So, I got to see the endocrinologist today. I had scheduled a visit in May after the CT scan on 2/16, but the doctor had a bout with illness and I got bumped to August 1.
The CT scan revealed that my abdomen was full of fluid — “ascites”. 75% of the time, this is due to a serious liver issue that blocks the portal vein, which overflows fluid. In my case, the radiologist said “ascites” about six times in his report, as well as “anasarca” (which is all-over fluid, typically with “moon face”, that radiologists aren’t even supposed to know about), but reported that my liver wasn’t enlarged, lumpy, or solid — and that my portal vein looked normal. This, of course, begs the question of where the liquid might be coming from.
Being that the CT scan also identified a fatty glob on my left adrenal gland, and that adrenal gland problems might mess with the sodium/potassium balance and cause blood pressure issues and fluid retention, I had great hopes that a visit to the endocrinologist might be a “magic bullet” that rolled-up all my problems and lead to a solution.
This lasted about fifteen minutes. The kind of adrenal thing that causes the issues that would have solved everything looks like buckshot in a scan. What I had looked like a fatty lump. It was an interesting fatty lump, and relatively large, and could certainly stand further investigation, but it wasn’t going to shortcut my issues. Incidentally, the further investigation would involve a detailed CT scan with dye injection, so logistics and Xanax will be involved.
On the whole, the doctor seemed knowledgeable, helpful, and sympathetic.
That said, I have an appointment with GI mid-month for the next pass at abdominal fluid. They’re probably going to want to drain it and send a sample to a lab. Considering the phobia problems I have with regular blood tests, this is going to be an ordeal.
So my hopes for an immediate fix were dashed, but I’m further convinced that I am on the right path. Eventually. With wait times and insurance pre-clearances. And Xanax.
Looks like you got some answers, though not exactly the ones you wanted. I’m sorry you have future anxiety to look forward to with the testing procedures, as well as the anxiety of having to wait. You’ve already had a several-month delay. I hope you can get this behind you before long.
Given your symptoms I hope they followed this protocol. Just because your tumor is ‘fatty’ does not mean it is not causing a problem. Conn’s Syndrome Diagnosis and Testing
The diagnosis and testing for primary Hyperaldosteronism — also called Conn’s Syndrome — includes several blood tests, especially measuring of the hormones aldosterone from the adrenal gland and renin which is made in the kidney. The ratio of aldosterone to renin is the best screening and diagnostic test. How Do You Diagnose Conn’s Syndrome of the Adrenal Gland?There are a number of tests that will help establish the diagnosis of Conn’s Syndrome, but primarily we want to know if there is too much aldosterone being produced by one of adrenal glands since over production of aldosterone is the cause of this disease. The diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s Syndrome) follows a logic three step approach that is:
Screening for the disease. This is done primarily with blood tests looking for excess aldosterone levels, high blood pressure (usually diastolic hypertension) and blood potassium levels (low to normal).
Confirming the disease. These tests are repeated and a CT scan of the adrenal glands is performed.
Performing subtype diagnosis.
The most commonly used and important blood, urine and other tests for Conn’s Syndrome are:Potassium (K+; LOW)
Plasma aldosterone concentration — (PAC; HIGH)
Plasma renin activity — (PRA; LOW)
PRA/PAC ratio — (HIGH)
Adrenal vein sampling (Interventional radiology study)
24h urine collection for Aldosterone — (HIGH)
High blood pressure is the most common symptom of adrenal tumors. Most adrenal tumors cause some degree of hypertension. Since most adrenal tumors produce an excess of one of the adrenal hormones, the type of hormone produced can lead to different degrees of high blood pressure (hypertension).
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Caused by Adrenal Tumors
Hypertension or high blood pressure (HBP) is one of the most common diseases in the world and many people have it because of an adrenal tumor and they don’t even know it. High blood pressure is the major risk factor for stroke, heart disease and heart arrhythmias. It is estimated that almost a quarter (25%) of the entire world’s population has hypertension. That means about 1 billion adults. In the United States, it is estimated that about one in four (about 75 million) adults have high blood pressure or is taking antihypertensive medications. A normal systolic blood pressure is between 90 to 129 mmHg whereas a diastolic pressure should be between 60 and 79 mmHg.
Can high blood pressure be cured? YES. Since many patients with high blood pressure have an adrenal tumor as the cause, yes, removing the adrenal tumor can improve and often completely cure the high blood pressure….
Adrenal Tumors are the Most Common Cause of Secondary Hypertension
The most common cause of secondary hypertension has to do with adrenal hormones, and tumors that overproduce these hormones. This is what is called “endocrine hypertension” (“endocrine” means hormone). This is high blood pressure due to an adrenal tumor. It is estimated that 15% of all cases of high blood pressure are due to an underlying adrenal tumor problem. This means that there are about 10 million patients in the United States that suffer from this problem! Unfortunately, only a minute fraction of these patients is correctly diagnosed, treated and referred for possible curative surgery (adrenalectomy)…
All 4 classes of adrenal hormones can cause high blood pressure.
These 4 classes of adrenal hormones are:
1) aldosterone,
2) cortisol,
3) catecholamines, and
4) sex-steroid hormones.
Overproduction of all of these hormones can cause secondary hypertension. That means primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s syndrome), Cushing’s syndrome, pheochromocytomas and sex-steroid hormone-producing tumors are all associated with hypertension.
Interestingly, each of the different adrenal hormones causes slightly different types of hypertension and with different symptoms…
Adrenaline is a hormone released from the adrenal glands…
Adrenaline was first isolated in 1895 by a Japanese scientist Jokichi Takamine. He named it epinephrine. He extracted it from the adrenal glands of sheep.
You will see both names used.
These articles above are talking about the chemicals that cause high blood pressure only.
IIRC there is a companion substance excreted at the same time which dilates blood vessels to drop BP, plus decrease blood flow to outer layers of the body. Digestion stops, which decreases demand on the circulatory system.
As is common, the surface levels are diagnosed. I’m turning inside-out through my bellybutton, although surgeons were reluctant to operate without knowing what was driving the process. Now that it’s obvious that it’s fluid pressure in my abdomen, they’re like “ok, we can operate” — and my response is, “we’ve got to fix the fluid pressure or we’ll be doing the same stupid operation once a month.”
Incidentally, I’m ok with most eldritch horrors, but I’ve always been particularly unfond of turning inside-out. Every day I wake up with this thing hearkens back to nightmares that I had when I was twelve.
At least it hasn’t become the leader of a revolution on Mars.
The actual hernia repair is generally done via keyhole surgery. Not a lot of exploration involved — although if my initial hypothesis had worked out, they could have gone after the glob on the gland and taken a peek.
The thing with Xanax (alprazolam) is that crap has a half-life of something like 14 hours. If I take it for a blood draw (or procedure) that will last an hour, I can’t just take a short nap and drive myself home — I shouldn’t be driving anything until the next day.
IMO, it sounds like you’re on the right path. Sometimes it seems to take a long time for testing / lab results / specialist visits, and so on. But there is a diagnosis and treatment plan after all these are completed. It’s the waiting that can be difficult, for sure.
Sending Good Energy and Deep Healing to you, and Deep Wisdom to the medical team.
Oh Cthulhu, I’m so sorry that this is such a long & winding road for you with potentially scary side-jaunts
Josiah’s liver issues were based on a very rare condition, Congenital Absence of the Portal Vein, that wasn’t diagnosed until just a few years before the transplant. However when he was younger there was some type of scan done that made them think that he had a portal vein blockage (instead of what should have been his portal vein bypassing the liver, arising from the intestines & dumping directly into the heart). He had a consult w/ a coagulation specialist & one test she ran was an MRA, Magnetic Resonance Angiography, iirc, basically mapping his blood vessels. I wonder if such a scan would benefit you (& yes it probably requires an IV w/ contrast dye)?
Now for some reason in all that work up like 20 years ago they missed the Bypass of the portal vein, but I would guess all this imaging tech is much improved now.
There Has to be a Reason for the fluid build up & it needs to be found & addressed.
If GI isn’t the solution, what about Internal Medicine, or even Hepatology?
When the situation is complex it can be beneficial to have a multi-disciplinary team approach, if such is even offered at the adult level where you are.
My son saw a number of multi-disciplinary teams when younger: developmental assessment clinic, cranio-facial clinic, care coordination clinic, sleep disorders clinic, nephrology clinic, pituitary clinic, & liver transplant clinic. Each time he had these multi-disciplinary clinic visits we would have a pretty long day being seen by consecutive team members who then, I believe (definitely w/ transplant), had team meetings at the end of the clinic day to discuss each case & then write up their recommendations. This multi-disciplinary approach means that complicated issues get looked at from a number of angles & a more complete picture of what the problems are as well as the variety of potential treatments are explored. Oh & the biggie is that these different disciplines actually TALK TO EACH OTHER in the workup process!!!
Some of the most thorough practitioners we’ve dealt with in my son’s extremely complex medical past were actually nurse practitioners. Oftentimes they were Very Informed in their area of expertise, nearly to the level of the physician, were more personable & therefore easier to deal with, were willing to spend extra time to answer questions & explore options, & were able to write prescriptions. A good NP can be a valuable asset.
A number of my husband’s employers have also offered some type of consultative services as part of their benefits package–I forget the exact terminology, Maybe Employee Assistance Program. These provide a number of free consults on all sorts of issues that a family might face. If your employer offers such a service Perhaps that type of discussion could also help you find other possible approaches to diagnosing & treating these conditions.
Please keep us posted, especially when you’re getting ready to have a Xanax & poke kind of day!
God Bless You & Guide You to the perfect people & processes to unravel these mysteries You’ve got this!!!
Sylvia Avery2m agosylviaavery.wordpress.com
I will gladly pray for Coothie! Thanks for letting me know. As it turns out I’m having kidney surgery tomorrow evening. I’m not real thrilled about that either, but it was urgent. And more to come from what they tell me.
Dersh is still hurting that his friends and family dropped him because he defended Trump.
I would find better friends who needs friends who drop you because you defend the Constitution.
I think most of us are. I cannot touch the subject if it is trump or the jab with my family here and in Germany. One is alone and this group is a support even though it is on the key board
It’s an astonishing experience to feel closer to “anonymous strangers” online than our own real life associates. We are family & friends of the heart, mind, & soul here!
So, update on gil00 — her knee roller came in and (IIRC) Mr. Gil already put it together, so she should be more mobile. I haven’t heard about whether her hospital bed has come in and whether it’s operable.
She has a great attitude about healing and improving from where she’s at, with the caveat that she can’t get into too high a gear too soon.
Thank you so much for the update. There are times when attitude can be a real help in the healing process.
Sending Good Energy and Deep Healing to gil00.
I believe for myself that putting my energy not into fear but into healing is a plus.
Acceptance for me always works by trusting God.
Prayers for healing for Giloo
Prayer for healing for body and mind. Peace
cthulhu (@guest_1132666)
August 2, 2023 02:08
As reported yesterday, Sylvia has a urologist appointment today (Wednesday), so we should have a clearer picture of her status by tonight (Wednesday night). Let’s hope there’s some good news there.
I often think of my next door neighbors from hell as a brood of vipers, interchangeable with a brood of Democrats, which they are.
You wouldn’t believe the evil they are throwing against me. The encroachment was so bad I had to pay for a survey so I could put up a fence at the shared property line.
I’ve come to believe that the pistol-toting head of the household is a psychopath.
I wish I could find it, but I found Vallely was the officer, as a colonel, in charge of Rich Higgins, <== READ! When he wrote am important security memo. Higgins was probably head of the Q team.
From the above (Jon Harold Devolution 23)
Rich Higgins was one of those loyalists, and he was an irregular warfare guru.
Higgins wrote a memo perfectly detailing the deep state and battle for the narrative that Trump was up against – He was fired for this memo
This is an interesting bit from Higgins before he died/ was offed.
Capital siege on Jan 6th was initiated with a signal flare
This was to tie Trumps hands so he would never mention the election again. Otherwise he would be inciting a riot.
This was a psychological operation.
Quote Tweet
Rich Higgins
· 24m
Just learned from two reliable police and Fed sources that the Capitol op on Jan 6th was initiated with a signal flare so the various elements would know when to launch
… Perhaps you are reading this and you think that ‘purge’ is too strong a word for what is taking place. Well, just consider the following quotes from some very highly decorated retired officers:
-Retired Army Major General Paul Vallely:The White House protects their own.That’s why they stalled on the investigation into fast and furious, Benghazi and Obamacare.He’s intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.
General Vallely’s comment:
Absolutely every communist regime on the planet did this as soon as they got in power. I am surprised this communist traitor with his feet up on our furniture in the white house hasn’t done this until now!
SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? I am doing my part. How about forwarding this.
What are we supposed to gain from that? That the fact that the uniforms don’t match proves that it is known within the WH and Washington, D.C., that JB isn’t the real president? If that’s what they mean to convey, then it’s baloney.
There’s a reason why the sentries look the way they do in that pic. I don’t know what it is, but the author of that tweet needs to research it instead of spreading a theory that is completely untenable. We don’t even know whether the circumstances in the two pics are identical.
The longer this goes on, and the more images like that that surface, and given the PERFECT timing of the indictments any time really big bombshells about the Bidens drop, “Enjoy the Show” goes through my head.
Put it all together with the Trump motorcades including an ambulance, which FORMER presidents don’t get, and we’re watching a movie. I’m more and more convinced of that. Not happy with the script writer, but that is not in my control.
The truth on the court cases, though, is that it is a way to get information into the public square legally. Discovery and presentation of evidence is going to be devastating.
Put it all together with the Trump motorcades including an ambulance, which FORMER presidents don’t get…
I have not found anything that indicates that a former president does not receive ambulance protection.
Under the Former Presidents Act, former presidents are entitled to Secret Service protection. There is no provision in the act that says that the ambulance protection is to be removed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Former_Presidents_Act
The Former Presidents Act of 1958 provides for the safety and security of former US presidents. Under this act, former presidents are entitled to a motorcade, which includes several vehicles and a police escort. The motorcade is designed to ensure that former presidents can travel safely and securely without the risk of harm or danger.
The motorcade for a former president is a well-orchestrated operation. The motorcade is usually led by a lead vehicle, which is followed by the former president’s vehicle. The motorcade also includes backup vehicles, medical personnel, and other support staff.
The motorcade for a former president is also subject to change depending on the situation. If there is a threat to the former president’s safety or security, the motorcade may be altered to ensure that the former president is not at risk.
For a while, the size of the motorcades was the argument, but motorcades for Obama after he was out of office were just a large as Trump’s are. Now it’s the ambulance that’s the thing.
That’s sad. It’s not a healthy condition to be in, and it doesn’t help our cause. It damages it in multiple ways, IMO. And I have a strong objection to people spreading falsehoods.
We talk about people on the Left clutching their pearls and being soft. We have an epidemic of people insisting that certain things are true when they are not (gender changes, “climate change,” etc.) I hope that people will get the help they need and become stronger.
Patrick Henry:
“Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”
Each person has to find courage in their own way, but it needs to include truth.
I don’t disagree. But we have as a society created these conditions, and we need to find our way out of them.
The people I know who are “hopium addicts” are all women who are about my age (fifties to sixties) who came up through the age of “women, hear ’em roar.” Most are now divorced, and are alone against the vicissitudes of this world. That is not a recipe for strength, in my opinion.
No, it’s not a recipe for strength. People have to find courage and strength on their own terms.
Just as we say those who have gender dysphoria need psychological and emotional help, so do those women, although their issues are not nearly as obvious.
Just as we say we can’t allow the Left’s lies to change our language, culture, education, national defense, etc., nor to do away with our founding principles, I also believe we can’t let the psychological fantasies of people dominate the discussion of what has happened and is happening, and penetrate our psyche. It’s so unhealthy as to be destructive.
IMO there needs to be a balance between showing compassion and helping people heal, and stopping the spread of myths that only do harm.
I imagine that you have a positive influence on those ladies, to the extent you interact with them. They might not acknowledge their errors, but at least they have a strong, practical warrior in their circle.
Very good points. It’s all just info to throw into the hopper. Having never been a Q follower & not well-versed in anything someone might consider to be “comms”, this Struck me as something that people who do have that background & insight Might appreciate.
There is no offence meant & I offer Zero interpretation of that info, for I’m not qualified to make the assessment. iirc, DP has sometimes seemed to have been interested in these things, which is partly why I shared it here
No offense intended on my part either! I am merely pointing out untruths, logical fallacies, wishful thinking, and the like.
One dead giveaway, IMO, is the flippant attitude of that poster. The cutesy emojis and the “see, this settles it” attitude when they have proved literally nothing and have produced no evidence, are sales tactics that I find disgusting.
I can play the game. Here is PROOF positive that Rosalyn Carter was in on John Wayne Gacy’s mass murder schemes. Jimmah was too, by association. No doubt about it.
Wolf let me in, warts & all Gotta have the occasional Q-Agnostic for a different perspective hmmm? AND this is the Best CTH sister or daughter site going…kind of addictive too
I am still on the fence concerning Q cannot make head or tails . I do not mind Q being posted can be interesting. I read things other places also always and separate.
I find much truths on this forum that is why it is a blessing to be here.
Yes, good catch. Starting those are not enlisted, they are officers. Second, they are not wearing hats which means they are not carrying side arms. I can only guess those are Mess Uniforms and the function is some sort of State Dinner and whatever the protocol here is, requires officers to be present at that post.
Now with that said, Big Mike and that other Witch Hillary had been known to put military in humiliating positions, using them for purposes that they are not dignified to do such as serve food and drinks. That may be part of this, but you can’t really tell with out an explainer. Another example may be officers on guard duty? I can’t say that, that is one of their functions at the White House. They may well be demeaning them by having them assume a function normally done by an enlisted person.
On Jan 6 @realDonaldTrump tells crowd to peacefully protest. He gets indicted by Biden’s DOJ. Joe skims millions from Ukraine and Communist China. Nothing. Yes, Americans see it for what it is. I will work harder than ever to re-elect Trump https://t.co/0f62G1FTLr
Huckabee: “I will work harder than ever to re-elect Trump”
That’s what we should be hearing from the snakes running against him.
cthulhu (@guest_1132688)
August 2, 2023 03:17
For those who follow Gonzalo Lira, he recorded three videos saying that he was bailing out of Ukraine (semi-illegally) to save his life and would hit the border in about half an hour. Further, he posted them on YouTube BEFORE HE WAS ACTUALLY OUT OF THE COUNTRY. It’s been a day since, with no word that he was actually across the border.
Notes for style — always post your “I’ve escaped” videos when you have actually, you know, escaped.
A 46-year-old transgender man from the United States, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, who made a transition into a woman in 2019, has become the official speaker of the Territorial Defence Force of Ukraine.
Among other things, he was promoted to the rank of junior sergeant.
In the vid, the blonde abomination guy is saying that the reason you have not heard from Gonzalo Lira is that the SBU are some of the most talented bastards in the world…
Found the tweet.
Apparently as an official Ukraine spokesperson, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo made a bizarre video implying that we haven’t heard from Gonzalo Lira because he was captured by the SBU trying to escape into Hungary pic.twitter.com/fdm1PAfRC0
— What the media hides. (@narrative_hole) August 2, 2023
This is the same fag that mocked the death and possibly helped to set up the assassination of Dugan’s daughter, Darya Dugina.
I had a small hope that he recorded a planned escape into Hungary and actually escaped to Belarus or Moldova. Either way, he should have dumped his cellphone into a freighter headed the other direction because it was undoubtedly being tracked. Probably should have also swapped his bike with someone.
I hope he beat the odds and made it out, but he could certainly have made it easier and more certain.
Same. Since nothing official has reported, trans fag guy does not count, then it’s fair to assume he maybe laying low. The whole vid thing may of been part of ruse to get the SBU to look the other way. Then he hides out for a few weeks and makes for a border. He’s a smart guy, so it’s possible. Will wait and hope for the best here as announcing his attentions before crossing the border seems a bit strange.
At this point I sent her brother to take care of the Pick-up. I figure a 6 ft plus Good Ole Boy, Red Neck is going to have a lot more…. ?authority? compared to a little old lady.
If they really did beat Donald Trump so badly in 2020 — why are they psychotically lashing at him with ***everything*** they have to keep him from running in 2024?
Logically — you’d assume they would just let him run, right?
Did ‘Impeachment’ provide a platform to discuss findings of Ukraine?
How do you introduce evidence legally?
Did ‘Impeachment’ harm or help POTUS [public]?
How do you introduce [D]s high crimes [corruption] to the public?
Why didn’t POTUS remove [Hussein] holdovers from NSC?
Do you really believe that POTUS & team trusted [Hussein] holdovers to remain within the admin and work to enact POTUS’ agenda w/o bias or confrontation?
How do you ‘awaken’ the ‘induced coma’ public [FAKE NEWS control] from their long sleep?
Sometimes allowing your enemies to [openly] attack…….
piper567, I started the video, right-clicked and chose to View Sourcee. From there, the link was selected. I tested it and it looks like the correct link.
Love God, love your neighbor, in everything give thanks, abound in hope, praise God continually, rejoice always, pray without ceasing, do everything by faith and love, and abide in Christ . . . these encapsulate the Christian life . . . how do we stack up?
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
The Rainbow Mountains are made up of sedimentary rocks that were deposited over millions of years. The different colors of the rocks are due to different minerals. Here are some of the geological features that contribute to the Rainbow Mountains’ colorful appearance:
Red clay: This clay is made up of iron oxide, which gives it its red color.White sandstone: This sandstone is made up of calcium carbonate, which gives it its white color.Green phyllites: These phyllites are made up of magnesium and iron, which gives them their green color.Brown fanglomerate: This fanglomerate is made up of rocks and minerals from different sources, which gives it its brown color.Yellow calcareous sandstone: This sandstone is made up of calcium carbonate and sulfurous minerals, which gives it its yellow color.SOURCE: https://www.geologyin.com/2016/02/the-rainbow-mountains-in-peru-very.html
“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Myself I see it simply as free and independent nation states versus globalists.
I think this is similar…
“The entire world has already awakened to the fact that the war is not just about Ukraine, but that Russia is fighting for everyone, for the liberation of the entire disenfranchised and colonized world from the grips of the Western-led banking cabal octopus. This war is the final rebellion against the Atlanticist West’s hegemony and empery, and more specifically the financial cartel—to use G. Edward Griffin’s words—which controls the West.”
]Hopefully like Johnson grass. Darn stuff went from midcalf to over my head in a WEEK!]
This is the KEY:
…“You’re saying that they’re [the government is] like: ‘We’ll make this — instead of an awkward protest — we’ll encourage it so that it’ll backfire on Trump rather than it being this rising of people that believe there was election corruption’?” Gaffigan asked.
Rogan responded: “I think it is certainly possible.”
“I’m more suspicious why Trump didn’t call for backup for the Capitol Police,” [BECAUSE HE LEGALLY COULDN’T YOU UNEDUCATED IDIOT! GC]added Gaffigan, who’s called Trump “a traitor and a con man” in an uncharacteristic, profanity-infused rant on social media in 2020.
Rogan clearly disagreed, telling Gaffigan that his explanation “doesn’t make sense.”
“I think it’s a standard tactic,” Rogan repeated of US intelligence agencies’ so-called habit of turning peaceful protests into violent ones in order to oust a leader.…
National-patriotic themes have always played as a unifying concept the most post Soviet republic, often on the basis of Russophobia. And Ukraine is no exception.
This is amplified by direct interference by west in the political process in those ne states, which often take the form of staging a color revolution. Color revolution can be viewed as a novel neoliberal interpretation of Trotsky idea of “Permanent revolution”….
One common feature is that any colored “revolution” is that is always held under the anti-corruption and radical-democratic slogans. The key idea of such revolution is the idea of popular sovereignty , where extras hired and mobilized for this color revolution represent “real people” which hold the sovereignty of the nations. Not the “corrupt”, albeit legitimate government. And those spontaneously driven to the streets citizens (at a modest price $10 a day) are a legitimate force that should take state power, as opposed to the ” manipulated ” (but not paid) anti-people regime statists.
Well-organized protests lead either to repeal of voting results and new Presidential election (Ukraine ), or to force authorities out by to seizing the key buildings using overcharged crowd (Georgia, Kyrgyzstan). In the latter situation previous, legitimate government leaders escape and new elections are help on condition favorable to opposition. In all cases, the leadership of has strong anti-Russian bias. That means that Russia plays an important, probably decisive role in color revolutions in post Soviet space, the role of powerful and evil external enemy. That technique invented by SDNP give a possibility to cement and mobilize various group and led them to the victory in the color revolution….
The rule of Anglo-Saxon empire lies in the fact that the empire serve as the only source of legitimacy of government in post-soviet space. And if particular national government misbehaves, it instantly face the crises of legitimacy, confirming the USA status as the guarantor of world orders well as the ability to create this world order in its sole discretion. But in yet inaccessible or poorly assessable, so to speak , to the empire economic zones legitimacy can not be based on the mercantile logic judgments about who is how. Following President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) 1939 remark that “Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch.”
Essentially attempts to isolate and, if possible to break Russia into several parts did not stop in 1991 when Communist regime fails. Carnage should be destroyed is the key geopolitical principle of Anglo-Saxon empire.
The last decade has convinced us that none of the color revolutions in the former Soviet space is not a revolution were impossible without huge Western support and huge sums of western provided money, with NGO playing a decisive role of organizing and coordinating centers of the color revolutions. Moreover, colored “revolution” only used as a tool in the hands of the U.S. and its allies to address their geopolitical problems, not to help the people of the county in question.
None of the countries of the former Soviet Union, where colored revolutions succeeded can boast raised standard on living. On the contrary , the economy of these countries quickly comes to disorder , completely dependent on the West, the nation acquire huge foreign debt (which is the essence of neocolonialism) and falls into abject poverty...
…in February 2016, this is what Soros published in the fake left media outlet that he sponsors: The Guardian. The essay had a quite provocative title, and it was mainly addressed to Europe’s leadership and the public opinion. In “Putin Is a Bigger Threat to Europe’s Existence than ISIS,”Soros wrote:
“The Putin regime faces bankruptcy in 2017 when a large part of its foreign debt matures, and political turmoil may erupt sooner than that. The President’s popularity, which remains high, rests on a social contract requiring the government to deliver stability and a slowly, but steadily rising standard of living. Western sanctions coupled with the sharp decline in the price of oil will force the regime to fail on both counts.”
All geopolitical analysts make projections; some turn out to be accurate, others not. But Soros is not a geopolitical analyst. This, in very few sentences, was his battle plan for regime change in Russia.
Looks like Soros Blew that one. Putin is doing just fine and so is Russia. I can not say the same for the USA or the EU.
This November 2016, certainly does an excellent job of describing the Cabal’s strategy.
Defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is not about to «go quietly into that good night». On the morning after her surprising and unanticipated defeat at the hands of Republican Party upstart Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, entered the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel i midtown Manhattan and were both adorned in purple attire. The press immediately noticed the color and asked what it represented. Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend. This statement was a complete ruse as is known by citizens of countries targeted in the past by the vile political operations of international hedge fund tycoon George Soros.
The Clintons, who both have received millions of dollars in campaign contributions and Clinton Foundation donations from Soros, were, in fact, helping to launch Soros’s «Purple Revolution» in America. The Purple Revolution will resist all efforts by the Trump administration to push back against the globalist policies of the Clintons and soon-to-be ex-President Barack Obama. The Purple Revolution will also seek to make the Trump administration a short one through Soros-style street protests and political disruption….
Time for niceties is well beyond view, in my rear view mirror.
LOL! It gets to the point where plain speaking is required. I reached that point a long time ago with fake theories. I’m there with mentally and emotionally disturbed people who aren’t coping. I’m sorry for them and wish them well, but there comes a time when, if they aren’t contributing, they need to get out of the way, take care of their own problems, and not hamper the warriors. There’s a reason why the military doesn’t take certain people (at least it used to be that way, when the military wasn’t being destroyed).
Ground report: This morning, I was making my business cards for CelebrateFreedom.US and went to the government instituted america250.org site to see the job titles of those involved. Then, I skimmed through their Privacy Policy and other legalese, I was looking at their partners and got to a Giphy legal page that indicated things like retina scans and Threads (Zuckerberg). america250 is asking FB users for their stories and I thought that they’ve set up a honey trap. I’ve gone back through the site’s pages and cannot find the link that took me to Giphy’s legalese again. Figures, hmmm…
Try hitting [CTRL] [H] that takes you to your browser history and you might be able to find it. There may also be a search command if you remember a word in the title.
Great point, Gail!! Thank you. I was checking on family at FB and had liked america250. Perhaps there was something on their FB page that I clicked by accident or a shortcut I unintentionally typed because my history shows I went from “americas-invitation directly to GIFs – Find & Share on GIPHY. From there, I was at GIPHY Privacy policy and DEAI statement. That’s where GIPHY got into the whole retina thing and mentioned Threads…
okay, that’s the right screen grab when I click it to expand I can read it. Not sure it matters since I was not at the site I had thought initially. It is interesting that GIPHY is somehow associated with retina scans and Threads though… It is supposed to be about GIFs and animation.
In my personal experiences, Fitch is the one to pay attention to as BIMD they did their due diligence the best. If S&P and/or Moody’s agrees at some point, the bell has sounded.
The downgrade increases borrowing costs (treasury rates) at a time when banks are still getting out from under useless treasury issues with low rates from the past. Banks lose money selling low interest rate bonds as the economy gets worse and rates are rapidly increasing for depositors. The better ones took the income hit a year ago.
Commercial real estate sales and development have been dying for awhile now, so banks that hold that paper are writing down and reserving for future losses. Double whammy with treasury sales losses with more whammies to be added as consumer confidence sinks and credit card and auto loan losses increase. More bank consolidation in the offing as the doors close.
This happening while BRICS siphons off half of the international trade with a stable currency issuance that is tied to gold and possibly other stable commodities, which will increase the facilitators (banks, investment bankers, etc.) available to handle the transactions.
All brought to you by WEF, Blackrock, 80+% of Congress, all of Biden/Soetoro administration, and those opposed to the 1913 inspired American Way (anti-Americans).
The strongest community/regional banks and credit unions have been buying money (CDs) at 5+% rates on 12-18 month terms with 6 month interest penalties for several months now. The interest penalty increased because the banks/CUs know the rates are going to continue to go up and they need to provide enough liquidity to maintain their balance sheets well in a declining income environment. They will or already have slowed their lending to reduce loan loss potential.
All of that stuff stresses the job market for workers.
The Fed will be raising rates until the collapse. If you believe Powell is in tight with PDT, you will soon learn if that is true. America votes with its pocketbook and they will send the criminals packing if this happens as it appears.
Someone had a report up a few months ago when the CA bank went belly up. The report showed what banks had the most invested in the low rate treasuries.
Can you get that easily?
If not I will try to scrounge it up. I have been trying for YEARS to get Hubby to move his pension OUT OF BANK OF AMERICA
Thank you so much for this.
There will also be problems with people who own residential rental real estate. Once the workforce is hit with the economic blow-back, it will be reflected in their ability to pay their rent. While, at the same time, the landlord’s (owner’s) obligations for property insurance, real estate and/or school taxes, basic upkeep, property management fees, not to mention taking over any utility accounts payments that the tenant(s) can’t/won’t, pay, will still have to be taken care of.
Doesn’t Section 8 vouchers only pay a portion of the rent, not the entire amount? If a person had multiple Section 8 renters and they no longer paid the remainder that would have to be paid by the property owner. It could get very expensive
Focus on community and regional banks as well as strong credit unions. Tier One capital ratio in excess of 10 and a total loans to total deposits ratio under 90% for banks. If you understand financial statements, look at the bank reporting of treasuries to see if they have reduced their holdings and even taken losses in 2022 or earlier this year. That will have lowered net income below the previous years, but freed them from mark to market accounting rules as well as improved their liquidity positions.
Also, just how much of their loans (which are assets to a bank) are commercial real estate related. They should have minimally reserved for potential all loan losses that exceeds 1% of total assets. So ask yourself, what happens if that potential loss goes to 5% or greater? It did in 2008. You subtract that amount from the net income from operations. Can the institution sustain that type of loss for a couple of years and remain viable.
Credit unions lend to consumers and most are big in indirect auto financing. When the collapse happens, how much of a loss can the CU take from defaults? They are non-profits, so the better ones can be really good for the average consumer to use.
For banks I look at the FDIC site below for financial reporting. Quarterly and annual call reports (financials) are there.
For those who need it simple, I trust Bauer Financial ratings for both banks and credit unions linked below. Stay with 5 and 4 star. Just keep in mind the change in economy can affect the institution’s status relatively quickly, but the higher rated (5 star) can weather the storms better.
I am laddering CDs as the rates climb. You can do the same with treasuries if you prefer. Simply choose shorter to longer term maturities and vary your purchase dates. As an example there is a local Bauer 5 star rated large credit union paying 5.25% APY for a 6 month CD of $25+K. If rates go up this would be ideal. Others institutions are doing 1 year CDs with one time rate bump options for purchasers. They are starting in the 4.75 – 5.0% range.
I reduced my exposure in the stock market, although I am still in for part with indexed mutual funds. I can get out of them relatively quickly if the trends look bad.
Life is a lot easier without personal debt, although low interest mortgage debt below current CD rates may reduce your desire to pay off early for as long as it lasts.
Excellent article about the latest Trump indictment. It really is a declaration of war against us all:
“Think of it this way. If Smith can indict Trump for speaking out about the election, for arguing that it was stolen or rigged, then rest assured the DOJ under Biden could indict every one of the millions of Americans who agree with Trump about 2020 and have said so publicly. Hell, Smith could probably indict me for writing this article (and especially this one).
Forget about Trump for a minute. This indictment sets a terrifying precedent that puts all Americans at risk. If the prosecution of Trump succeeds, it means the First Amendment is a dead letter in America. It means you’re not allowed to have opinions that contradict the Justice Department’s official narrative — and if you do, you’d better not have the temerity to run for high office.”
I tried Ivermectin followed by Fenben however I ALSO need to get off ALL sugars/carbs since sugar feeds cancers. On top of that High fructose corn syrup deactivates vit D3…
My sweet tooth is a really nasty curse. However on the bright side I found KETO ICE CREAM!!! A spoonful of that in my diet soda kills the yucky after taste so I do not have to do a 2/3 – 1/3 mix. (I like a fizzy drink at times esp when my allergies are kicking up.)
The pony I put on Fenben is still doing OK. I want to see how she sheds out next spring.
Yeah, the fizzy diet Coke is about the only thing that strips the crud out of my throat on bad allergy days. Otherwise I feel like I almost can’t swallow.
I am on a course of vitamin I every six months just for GP (general purposes).
If you render chicken fat or goose fat is very good for cooking. I ate all that stuff after WWII. Goose fat my grandmother used in red cabbage. She also put it on real rye bread with a little salt. Tasted good. Fat is important for the brain.
I take every morning on empty stomach a table spoon of extra virgin olive oil in warm water with half a lemon and a tsp of honey. Do the same before going to bed. Started two weeks ago noticed I feel better and stronger and sleep better. One would think I would gain weight right? Not so a lost 5 lb. I do not eat breakfast and the mixture seems to keep me feeling full until 2 pm or later.
I saw it on You Tube and I am one of those people if it sounds good I try it. This mixture is also good for skin and hair.
OK, for all of us Boomers out there, who’s Family [Mother] did NOT have that small, round, aluminum container on the stove where we saved BACON fat to use later?? Fess up …
Breast milk has oodles of fat in it which is why my kid is so smart. He had nothing but breast milk until he was about 14 months and he was still slowly weaning himself up to age 4.
I use lard for biscuits and pie crust. I keep a canister for saving bacon fat to put in my veggies and cook my scrambled eggs, just like my grandmother and great-grandmother before me.
I don’t believe anything the government says; why would I believe their food pyramid? Which correlates pretty closely, by the way, to a diet that would nicely fatten the hog you were raising for his bacon!
Devon Archer says Joe Biden KNEW Hunter’s foreign business partners were in the room: “I can definitively say, at particular dinners or meetings, [Joe Biden] KNEW there were [Hunter’s] business associates…”
Devon Archer says Joe Biden KNEW Hunter's foreign business partners were in the room: "I can definitively say, at particular dinners or meetings, [Joe Biden] KNEW there were [Hunter's] business associates…" pic.twitter.com/fLVVLEWHg8
Hello all…been busy with grandkids here. Coothie..sincerely hoping the best for your probs. Gil, glad you’re done with surgery, on to healing.
Sylvia, best wishes for relief and recovery.
Itswoot, sympathies on the asshat psycho neighbor.
I have a request for our JAB recovery experts.
My daughter’s boss, nice guy, had been top physical shape for his age, late 50’s. Had a knee replacement. Took the Jabs and all boosters.
This poor guy is practically fighting for his life..if not his life, his leg for sure. He got some infection about 9 months ago, has been on antibiotics since. Can barely get around. Doctors, some are good friends, are essentially telling him to be glad he still has the leg..
Here’s the good news. My daughter has finally come to some acknowledgment that the Jabs are bad news and can be body destroyers. She said her boss also seems to be questioning.
It’s probably been written here a hundred times but is there any protocol in addition to the natokinnase, green tea, vitamins, etc that might help with the infections coursing through his body ?
Would ivermectin or similar help at this late stage and in conjunction with standard antibiotics?
Thanks in advance if anyone can share any thoughts
Good news for both you and your daughter for realizing concerning jabs
I met a young men who had a stroke after taking the jab he was required to take for his work. He was the only breadwinner and had 4 young children.
His doctor had him take ivermectin including other holistic medicines. He looked good considering and than God had no injury from the stroke I could see.
That’s encouraging. Both my daughter and middle grandson seem to be having immune system trouble. They have been taking some of the supplements and vits so maybe it’ll help in the long run.
I wonder if there’s a practitioner in the San Diego area that might be tuned into Jab after effects. Seemed like one of the biggies is from there. Dr N Wolf maybe ?
At the moment I am icing my knee. Wont be out of pain for weeks. I have 3 screws and a plate in, plus all the sutures. As long as i stay elevated, pain is lessened.
Cooperstown clinic in Fullerton [Orange County]. My brother-in-law [Dr Ken Cooper] is the owner. He does miracles; call him immediately and tell him L.H. referred you.
I’m sorry about his condition. I have kept notes about detox from the vax, which include the things you mentioned, but I can’t answer your questions about whether IVM would help at this stage. (I think others would have more information.) It seems worth a try to me.
I had a severe staph infection on my foot in 2014. Nothing worked until vancomycin. I was on a portable infusion pump [into a PIC line] for over 4 months to get rid of it.
Tell him to insist on vancomycin IF it is bacterial.
Well, part of the problem with all those antibiotics is, they destroy your gut, which is 80% of the immune system.
In addition to all the other treatments mentioned here, this man’s body needs replacements for what the antibiotics are killing.
So, he should eat fermented, still-live sauerkraut, kim chee, veggies, kefir, and the like, to replace his gut bacteria. Also, lots of garlic, raw if he can take it, lightly cooked if he can’t. My herbalist mentor liked fresh garlic sandwiches, of all things. I just put it in everything from salads to butter for bread.
The body can’t heal if all that is happening is medicines killing his immunity.
I also would recommend a course of Ivermectin, following my medical philosophy of “if it can’t hurt and might help, do it.”
I feel badly for Mike Pence, who is attracting no crowds, enthusiasm, or loyalty from people who, as a member of the Trump Administration, should be loving him. He didn’t fight against Election Fraud, which we will now be easily able to prove based on the most recent Fake Indictment & information which will have to be made available to us, finally – a really BIG deal. The V.P. had power that Mike didn’t understand, but after the Election, the RINOS & Dems changed the law, taking that power away!
Highly respected political pundit Ed Rollins just quit the DeSanctimonious Campaign saying that Ron is a highly “FLAWED CANDIDATE,” whose poll numbers are crashing, and who is firing a large percentage of his workers. This whole excursion into a non-Trump Endorsed campaign is working out very badly for DeSanctus. Like Mike Pence, who I took from a flawed and failing gubernatorial re-elect campaign in the Great State of Indiana to make my V.P., Ron is a very disloyal guy who has taken bad advice!
On page 33 of the indictment Jack Smith reveals that Mike Pence was taking secret notes of his conversations with President Trump before January 6.
This is an interesting revelation. According to Mike Pence’s notes he was telling the president he resisted using his office to overturn the election. That was never the issue. Trump and millions of Americans expected Mike Pence to do the honorable thing and turn the questionable results back to the states. Pence even promiced he would do this two days before January 6.
So he made it look as if the issue was “overturning an election” in his notes. It’s looking more and more like Pence has been plotting to take down Trump for years.
Prosecutors claim “Donald Trump actually believed that he lost the election, that everything he did was fraudulent, that he conspired with unnamed lawyers mostly to affect the election,” Dershowitz said.
“So the government has the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that subjectively Donald Trump actually believed that he lost the election and acted contrary to that belief.”
Nothing in the indictment backs that up, Dershowitz said.
“Now, I read the indictment very carefully. There is no smoking gun,” he said. “There is no one who is credibly prepared to testify that Donald Trump said to him, ‘I know personally I lost the election.’
“There’s a lot of evidence that people told him he lost the election, but you know Donald Trump, and you know that he’s going to make up his own mind, and they’re going to have a very hard time proving that.”
A “hard time proving that” is an understatement.
Even Trump’s worst detractors have to have difficulty believing that he actually thinks he lost the 2020 election…
But, as Dershowitz pointed out, Smith won’t be bringing his case in a jurisdiction of fair-minded Americans. The case is in Washington, D.C. — where Biden took more than 90 percent of the vote.
“Now, it’s the District of Columbia, 90 some-odd percent of the jury pool will have voted against them so they may actually get a conviction from a D.C. jury, but will it survive appellate review and review to the Supreme Court?
“I don’t think so.”
…But it has nothing to do with loyalty to the law.
That’s why, Dershowitz said, “the first motion his lawyers will make will be a change of venue to northern Virginia, where the jury pool will be fairer … and you could move it further, you could move it to southern Virginia, where it’s much more even. You could move it to an adjoining state.”
“Remember, this is a federal indictment. It doesn’t have to be tried within the state or the area. You can make a motion for a change of venue.”
It’s a rock-solid bet that Smith would fight a motion like that tooth and nail…
Dershowitz summed up the matter best as he explained why, even in the event of a conviction, the case wouldn’t survive a Supreme Court review.
“When you have the president of the United States’ people going after his opponent in a political election, it has to be beyond reproach,” he said. “It has to be without any problems. It has to be the strongest case in history.
Dear Nestlings,
So THIS wasn’t on my bingo card. Surgery tomorrow.
To sum up: I wasn’t feeling well so Brother Dearest strong armed me into Urgent Care on Monday. They diagnosed diverticulitis, but since I’d never had it before they wanted a CT scan to confirm the diagnosis. That changed everything.
Yes, I have diverticulitis but basically no one cares about that, because the CT shows kidney stones in both kidneys and in both cases they are blocking the drain pipes so fluid is building up. The urologist was fairly alarmed. I’m having surgery tomorrow to unplug one kidney so that I will hopefully have one functioning normally or near normally.
The other one is a bigger problem requiring more surgery. That kidney has lots of stones including one GIGANTIC one that appears to have been there a long time and probably grown into the tissue. I will most likely have to go to the big city where they have more specialized equipment for that surgery, but I don’t know yet.
Tomorrow’s is outpatient. It will be at five o’clock in the afternoon. That’s really about all I know.
I’m sorry to hear this news about Sylvia.
If you see this message, please let her know that I’m sending much Good Energy and Deep Healing to her, and Deep Wisdom to the medical team.
Now if he asked for money to send him to Ukraine and promised to stay, I’m sure he’d be flooded with offers.
RAC (@guest_1133118)
August 2, 2023 20:27
Good grief, what could possibly be the target audience for this?
Am half joking half serious, could there be an opposition to zelensky who are producing political satire?
Or is it produced by the RF, they do seem to have a dry sense of humor.
“The new English-speaking speaker of Ukraine’s territorial defense is a trans man from the USA” https://t.me/intelslava/50308
“Finally, the National Socialists of Ukraine achieved their goal, a transgender became the speaker of the Defense Forces of Ukraine” https://t.me/intelslava/50312
(with video)
I’ve come to the conclusion that these trans nazi’s are self loathers. They hate themselves and hate anyone else more. They don’t care about anything they claim to support, be it Ukraine or freedom or children etc… They just clever and know how to push your buttons and seek to divide and plant seeds of pain and misery in others and it’s not just because they had some bad childhood experience, some of these clowns spearheading this crap couldn’t know God, happiness, or harmony if they tried and they know that.
BTW that clown is the same one that mocked and claimed some sort of involvement in Daria Dugina’s assassination with the car bomb. We’ve featured it/him before.
Thank you, DePat, for putting together such a nice thread for us tonight.
I hope Ying had a good day today and has a good day tomorrow.
Regarding the meme about Blackrock and Vanguard, they don’t actually own any retirement funds even though they behave that way.
They have authority from various pension plans to invest those funds in order to produce sufficient profits to pay future retirement claims of those plans. No matter how much an employee contributes to a pension plan, it is nowhere near enough to fund his/her retirement pension.
My dad took early retirement almost 30 years ago & he & Mom lived off the proceeds of retirement investments for more than 20 of those years (& possibly All of them, & ongoing). His company, Ford, incentivized him to leave early & he kept pretty aggressively investing in the stock market, maybe via some type of mutual funds
DOJ Leaks Names Five Co-Conspirators in Trump Indictment Including Three Lawyers to CNN – Another Leak by Biden’s DOJ!
“CNN named five co-conspirators that were leaked to them from the DOJ.
Trump’s co-conspirators, according to the indictment reviewed by The Gateway Pundit:”
DOJ is just evil. They’re just evil.
I have no respect left for this organization.
Send the asteroid! We’ll salt the crater.
They pretty much have always been that way in my experience. They just hid it better under the pretense of supporting the rule of law. Bad apples in the barrel spoiled the entire barrel.
When one political party controls the federal legal thrust until the other one takes over, which is also controlled by the same Uniparty – there are no checks and balances. The judiciary is corrupted this way, same for DODGE. The rule of law is now a weapon, just as it was with the Pharisees.
Yes and Stasi , KGB also and what ever name in a oppressive dictatorship.
I understand now more and more what happened in Germany when Hitler came to power. Themes to be always the same greed of power , oppression and jailing its political people. How far each group goes differs and the crimes they do differs to degree. The play seems to be always the same how to get into permanent power . They do not tolerate an adversary. The population are just ends to the means of dictators power. We are in trouble and it seems many countries are. Evil has now joined across the across the globe and not for good.
You all know this. Thanks for tolerating my babble
I see no babble. A rant, sure. But no babble.
Rant is close enough
You are very correct Singing. It is enlightening to SEE how the German people were duped.
Thank goodness, this time round there is major FIGHT BACK and it is across the entire world. Even better it is REAL FIGHT BACK and not the ‘fund both sides’ bankster enrichment schemes of WWI and WWII
“Thank goodness, this time round there is major FIGHT BACK and it is across the entire world. Even better it is REAL FIGHT BACK and not the ‘fund both sides’ bankster enrichment schemes of WWI and WWII”
True but they are trying and are doing a good job of it. Look at all who enriched themselves . Wonder how much money was funnel through Ukraine for the Banksters and 12 families controlling us or trying too..?
This is babbling.
I stand corrected
‘This Will Be Your Legacy!” – Rudy Giuliani STARTS SCREAMING at Jack Smith Following Latest Junk Indictments Against President Trump – Says He Was Never Notified or Served in the Case!
I had not heard of the term “conspiracy against rights.” I’m glad to know about it because they violate our rights all the time.
What’s going on here is very ugly. Our DOJ is jut evil. That’s a horrible thing to know. They just get worse every day.
They’re completely brazen about bringing unjust charges and violating people’s rights. They know they can get away with it. I don’t know how they could have been prevented from doing this. They can get smacked down later by judges and courts, but the initial damage is done: reputations tarnished, negative press, enormous expenses, stress, etc.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
Injustice expedited is justice denied.
The DOJ would not be what it is today if Barr had done his job and lived up to his oath he took. He turned his back on us and on this country most of all the law he served for many years. He was paid off with a book deal that tells us all we need to know.
Sessions comes to mind also.
Yes where is he ? He was a good actor
The US government’s dirty linen is being aired for all to see AND IT IS NASTY STINKING SHIFF COVERED LINEN.
As Q said
12-Nov-2020 10:20:17 PM EST
It’s ugly, and until our so-called representatives wake up and start to fight back, it’s destroying our country. Every day I wake up to the sure knowledge that our Constitution is being shredded, and nobody in government seems to give one damn. My patriot ancestors are rolling in their graves, I am sure.
Every soldier who died for the constitution is being disrespected. Every family member who lost their loved one is being slapped in their face. Every Vet who served is being dishonored by this regime that shreds the constitution and dishonors the flag by hanging the pride flag with the US flag..
Ya know for an immigrant you sure do seem to understand stuff.
(Before anyone jumps on me, that’s facetious. Not the part about understanding things [she does] but the part about it being strange that she should do so “despite” being an immigrant.
(In fact the truth is that many immigrants understand these things better than natural borns, because they had to leave something far worse than what we have here.
(Ayn Rand was campaigining for someone or other who was running against FDR and some jackass tried to razz her for obviously being a “foreigner” with her heavy accent. She shot back that she chose to be here over where she was from because she could see it was better; what did the guy razzing her do to be here? Nothing. He had no way to understand the difference. Well, that shut HIM up.)
Thank you
The truth what DOJ has become should unnerve every American.
We know and understand who the DOJ has become sadly many people do not because they never lived what the DOJ of today represents.
Most here are older and lived through USSR and know about the evils of Nazis. This DOJ is well on its way of becoming something very ugly. This is painful to watch.
Worth going to the pundit and watching the clip. Rudy, doesn’t exactly scream but he does let Smith have it with both barrels in a very firm voice.
Also Rudy mentioned 18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights
Remember the first Amendment says:
First Amendment
The US Laws PROHIBITING peaceful assembly and protest are on their face UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Obama updated the law and I was concerned about it’s abuse at the time.
ACLU — How Big a Deal is H.R. 347, That “Criminalizing Protest” Bill?
Given the signs and fencing were taken down, — the Buffalo Jump thread had a video of the guy calmly rolling up the fence and then removing the T posts before any one arrived — “KNOWINGLY” is off the table. Let’s face it NO ONE KNOWS ALL THE US LAWS AND REGULATIONS!
And that doesn’t even get into the fact the law is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
“If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—”
The fib and other agent provocateurs were disguised as maga, but what does that qualifier about “the premises of another” mean.
Remember ‘WE the PEOPLE’ are the actual owners of all the federal buildings. The fib and other agent provocateurs were working to prevent US Citizens from exercising their Constitution Rights on THEIR PROPERTY.
I had not heard of the term “conspiracy against rights.” I’m glad to know about it because they violate our rights all the time.
^^^ HLS >>> Every conservative white guy.
YES, it is the law I have been looking for for YEARS. I was very happy to actually get a reference to it.
I was aware of ‘Color of the Law’ which is also applicable.
18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law | U.S.
If we ever get back to actual rule of law, there are going to be some VERY unhappy judges and prosecutors and FBI agents as they are stripped of all assets and then tossed into prison for life for what they did to the Jan 6ers and others.
My mind raced to 18 USC 241 when I heard about FatBoy Bragg charging him for acts allegedly done while DJT was POTUS.
If the DOJ is doing LEAKS it means THEY KNOW THEY HAVE NO CASE and just like with Russia, Russia, Russia they are using the Piglouse wrap-up smear as a political maneuver.
Purple Revolution tactics scene II
^^^ This.
There is no case in any of them.
The PROCESS is the punishment. No crime needed. Think General Flynn who was BETRAYED BY MIKE PENCE!
What makes it so evil with Pence that he shrouds himself in Christianity and is so misguided. He has given into evil and he needs to apologize to we the people and repent to God.
Apology NOT accepted here.
#NeverForgive. #NeverForget.
It is even worse for him it is not we to forgive but he has to stand before God. Someday God will judge us all also him.
I’m waiting for GOD to pull the plug on Pence.
Remember what happened to Herod…
Acts 12:21-23:
Pence knows who he is and it is going to eat him and it is already showing. He is in God’s hands.
You’ve nailed it in one sentence.
PDJT could start ripping them apart on social media for being so pathetic at not being able to find out who the leakers are.
Are we sure this indictment isn’t just an Attorneys Full Employment Act?
It is to bankrupt Trump and his associates .
We’re ruled by evil and traitorous men, and Mike Pence is one of them. Sad.
He’s creepy, like an automaton. His demeanor is so controlled as he portrays a persona that is revealing itself to be false. At least the Dems are up front with their hatred; Pence is a backstabber.
Here is some more creepy!
He reminds me of zuckerburg, the same blank expressions on his face always. Totally MKED.
WORSE he tries to wear his religion on his sleeve, but I do not think the religion he shows the public is his REAL religion.
Children know Pence’s faux religion.
Pence always gave me the willies.
Me, too. He’s like a robot.
Used car salesman are like that.
I have met a used car salesman who I rather have seen as VP than Pence.
He was the guy who sold me my diesel Pickup. He said when they were doing the demo for the salesmen he asked Dodge if they would have a glider pack. (New body to stick the still good engine in.) He was a retired semi truck driver.
like a cloak of deception…
Like Judas before him, he IS controlled by demons, probably Satan himself.
SickPence is like the Pharisees: a Whitewashed Tomb… false witness, false testimony, twisting of GOD’s and others’ words, hypocrisy and self-aggrandizement…
I’m inclined to vote no. I’ve read that the RNC is requiring debate candidates to pledge support for the eventual nominee, and I don’t think Trump will do that. I need to get clarification of the requirements. But I don’t want to see Trump give those snakes the opportunity to attack him. If he’s not present and all they do is talk about him, that will be revealing.
I am with you Trump should not debate. The debate is over Trump won the rest should drop out and support Trump against Biden cabal and save the nation.
Why give the Ass-hats a platform?
Without Trump NO ONE WILL WATCH!
Agreed. No Trump, no ratings.
Nothing to gain.
Trump can hold a town hall Or Better, Hold A Rally.
now a rally or town hall would suck all the wind from their sails…that would be delicious!
My bet. Trump will hold a rally..
Great opportunity to flex STRONG America first – MAGA.
AND show weak rCONS with a meaningless, orchestrated “debate”.
How about he holds a rally one block away?
He goes on News Max or OAN at the SAME TIME and competes directly with the Asshat Fake News.
Dan Goldman is a snake.
Dan Goldbrick…
[quiet chuckle]
Go git ’em, you badass girl.
Presidential Medal of Perversion
& pedophilia
DJT should not submit his D.C. case to a jury. He should agree to be tried to the court.
Because there is no chance of getting a fair jury and because a judge has to articulate his reasons [findings & conclusions] in writing. Whether he wins or loses, the people have a right to see what our ‘just us’ system looks like when the curtain is removed.
Interesting. It seems that having the judge’s findings and conclusions in writing would make things crystal clear for the appeal(s) that will be necessary.
I do wonder.
WILL the judge ALLOW to Trump to introduce all the evidence he has.
Will the judge RAILROAD Trump. SAME as J6 Political Prisoners.
My guess is evidence SHOWING election fraud will not be allowed by this OH!Bummer Judge. That is why it should not go before a jury. HANG the judge using his OWN actions and words.
18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law | U.S.
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution… shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
See my comment reply to kalbo.
How’s that reversible stuff working out for Kari. J6 political Prisoners?
We have an idea how it is “supposed to go”.
We also see the corruption, of what judges NOT allow.
Reversible or not, the corruption is there, widespread, and ongoing. A valid concern.
It’s a process, it’s slow, and the quality of attorneys is critical.
Govt has to prove criminal state of mind. DJT has the right to defend with evidence supporting his non-criminal state of mind.
Excluding relevant evidence denies due process, which is reversible error.
I am taking it that the Judge is SO CORRUPT she will not even give a pretense of acting in accordance with the law.
We shall have to see how it plays out. She may not want to be seen as corrupt, even though she is.
“Govt has to prove criminal state of mind.”
The government proves their criminal state of mind every day!
Yup. I agree. This DOJ is criminal.
I’m wondering how long would it take the case to get to SCOTUS.
I imagine it will be pretty quick.
I wonder if citizens can petition the supreme court to step in and deal with the mess.
Previously posted with regard to J6 Political Prisoners AND DOJ / FIB wide persecution of Trump
Why the hell doesn’t a court reach down and stop the bullshit.
There MUST be some mechanism, to STOP an out of control abusive DOJ / FIB.
I believe, though I could be wrong, that since President Trump was President at the time the so-called “crimes” were committed, the only court with jurisdiction IS the Supreme Court.
Trump’s attorneys should immediately file for a hearing with the Supreme Court on that basis.
No court has jurisdiction unless he is first removed from office via impeachment. It’s in the constitution.
So, the appeal to the Supreme Court is that there is NO jurisdiction available, drop the charges.
Would be great to see the DEMONRATS’ old trick of “no standing” turn around and bite them in the butt…
Yes it would!
Well, much ado about nothing. I guess.
Some smart lawyer will file a whatever and dispose of Jack The Hack’s J6 indictments.
Did I miss something, again? (Rather sure I did)
Nope, you missed nothing. The biggest problem I see is that group [forgot the name] that is filing Bar complaints against every attorney who represents DJT.
It’s pretty scary for an attorney to be accused of immorality in client representation. His/Her entire career can disappear.
How could it BE a crime to contest an election, or to declare in the strongest terms possible, that the election was stolen?
Did the natural, human and Constitutionally protected right to speak one’s mind suddenly vanish, while I was away?!?
I say it all day, every day, because it’s TRUE, and I don’t have any more (or less) rights than DJT does.
And besides all that, even if it could be intentionally and maliciously misconstrued as a ‘crime’ by a rogue DoJ, TRUTH is the perfect defense.
The truth is that the election WAS stolen, and the proof reaches all the way to the MOON… and back.
I agree.
Maybe we found the weakness in the system? The founders dependent on honest God fearing people to make our system work. Who would have thought that the hearts of men are overtaken by evil in our government?
Barns was really ticked off last evening . I wish Trump had him on his defense team.
So, I got to see the endocrinologist today. I had scheduled a visit in May after the CT scan on 2/16, but the doctor had a bout with illness and I got bumped to August 1.
The CT scan revealed that my abdomen was full of fluid — “ascites”. 75% of the time, this is due to a serious liver issue that blocks the portal vein, which overflows fluid. In my case, the radiologist said “ascites” about six times in his report, as well as “anasarca” (which is all-over fluid, typically with “moon face”, that radiologists aren’t even supposed to know about), but reported that my liver wasn’t enlarged, lumpy, or solid — and that my portal vein looked normal. This, of course, begs the question of where the liquid might be coming from.
Being that the CT scan also identified a fatty glob on my left adrenal gland, and that adrenal gland problems might mess with the sodium/potassium balance and cause blood pressure issues and fluid retention, I had great hopes that a visit to the endocrinologist might be a “magic bullet” that rolled-up all my problems and lead to a solution.
This lasted about fifteen minutes. The kind of adrenal thing that causes the issues that would have solved everything looks like buckshot in a scan. What I had looked like a fatty lump. It was an interesting fatty lump, and relatively large, and could certainly stand further investigation, but it wasn’t going to shortcut my issues. Incidentally, the further investigation would involve a detailed CT scan with dye injection, so logistics and Xanax will be involved.
On the whole, the doctor seemed knowledgeable, helpful, and sympathetic.
That said, I have an appointment with GI mid-month for the next pass at abdominal fluid. They’re probably going to want to drain it and send a sample to a lab. Considering the phobia problems I have with regular blood tests, this is going to be an ordeal.
So my hopes for an immediate fix were dashed, but I’m further convinced that I am on the right path. Eventually. With wait times and insurance pre-clearances. And Xanax.
Looks like you got some answers, though not exactly the ones you wanted. I’m sorry you have future anxiety to look forward to with the testing procedures, as well as the anxiety of having to wait. You’ve already had a several-month delay. I hope you can get this behind you before long.
TY. It is what it is.
Given your symptoms I hope they followed this protocol. Just because your tumor is ‘fatty’ does not mean it is not causing a problem.
Conn’s Syndrome Diagnosis and Testing
The diagnosis and testing for primary Hyperaldosteronism — also called Conn’s Syndrome — includes several blood tests, especially measuring of the hormones aldosterone from the adrenal gland and renin which is made in the kidney. The ratio of aldosterone to renin is the best screening and diagnostic test.
How Do You Diagnose Conn’s Syndrome of the Adrenal Gland?There are a number of tests that will help establish the diagnosis of Conn’s Syndrome, but primarily we want to know if there is too much aldosterone being produced by one of adrenal glands since over production of aldosterone is the cause of this disease. The diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s Syndrome) follows a logic three step approach that is:
The most commonly used and important blood, urine and other tests for Conn’s Syndrome are:Potassium (K+; LOW)
Plasma aldosterone concentration — (PAC; HIGH)
Plasma renin activity — (PRA; LOW)
PRA/PAC ratio — (HIGH)
Adrenal vein sampling (Interventional radiology study)
24h urine collection for Aldosterone — (HIGH)
Adrenal Tumors Causing High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
So, showing my ignorance here, adrenaline is Not an adrenal hormone? It’s produced by the adrenal gland isn’t it?
What is Adrenaline?
Adrenaline was first isolated in 1895 by a Japanese scientist Jokichi Takamine. He named it epinephrine. He extracted it from the adrenal glands of sheep.
You will see both names used.
These articles above are talking about the chemicals that cause high blood pressure only.
OK TY. Though given adrenaline’s role in Fight or Flight I would think it too would perhaps contribute to HBP
IIRC there is a companion substance excreted at the same time which dilates blood vessels to drop BP, plus decrease blood flow to outer layers of the body. Digestion stops, which decreases demand on the circulatory system.
Fascinating. We are truly fearfully & wonderfully made, PTL!
Sorry to hear that you’re still undiagnosed, but glad that you’re at least getting key information.
As is common, the surface levels are diagnosed. I’m turning inside-out through my bellybutton, although surgeons were reluctant to operate without knowing what was driving the process. Now that it’s obvious that it’s fluid pressure in my abdomen, they’re like “ok, we can operate” — and my response is, “we’ve got to fix the fluid pressure or we’ll be doing the same stupid operation once a month.”
Incidentally, I’m ok with most eldritch horrors, but I’ve always been particularly unfond of turning inside-out. Every day I wake up with this thing hearkens back to nightmares that I had when I was twelve.
At least it hasn’t become the leader of a revolution on Mars.
I wonder if “operate” could include exploratory surgery to help with the diagnosis.
The actual hernia repair is generally done via keyhole surgery. Not a lot of exploration involved — although if my initial hypothesis had worked out, they could have gone after the glob on the gland and taken a peek.
The thing with Xanax (alprazolam) is that crap has a half-life of something like 14 hours. If I take it for a blood draw (or procedure) that will last an hour, I can’t just take a short nap and drive myself home — I shouldn’t be driving anything until the next day.
See if a friend will act as Ambulance for you. I seem to get tapped for that role a lot.
Tell ’em you’re a fan of chloroform and/or ether.
IMO, it sounds like you’re on the right path. Sometimes it seems to take a long time for testing / lab results / specialist visits, and so on. But there is a diagnosis and treatment plan after all these are completed. It’s the waiting that can be difficult, for sure.
Sending Good Energy and Deep Healing to you, and Deep Wisdom to the medical team.
Oh Cthulhu, I’m so sorry that this is such a long & winding road for you with potentially scary side-jaunts
Josiah’s liver issues were based on a very rare condition, Congenital Absence of the Portal Vein, that wasn’t diagnosed until just a few years before the transplant. However when he was younger there was some type of scan done that made them think that he had a portal vein blockage (instead of what should have been his portal vein bypassing the liver, arising from the intestines & dumping directly into the heart). He had a consult w/ a coagulation specialist & one test she ran was an MRA, Magnetic Resonance Angiography, iirc, basically mapping his blood vessels. I wonder if such a scan would benefit you (& yes it probably requires an IV w/ contrast dye)?
Now for some reason in all that work up like 20 years ago they missed the Bypass of the portal vein, but I would guess all this imaging tech is much improved now.
There Has to be a Reason for the fluid build up & it needs to be found & addressed.
If GI isn’t the solution, what about Internal Medicine, or even Hepatology?
When the situation is complex it can be beneficial to have a multi-disciplinary team approach, if such is even offered at the adult level where you are.
My son saw a number of multi-disciplinary teams when younger: developmental assessment clinic, cranio-facial clinic, care coordination clinic, sleep disorders clinic, nephrology clinic, pituitary clinic, & liver transplant clinic. Each time he had these multi-disciplinary clinic visits we would have a pretty long day being seen by consecutive team members who then, I believe (definitely w/ transplant), had team meetings at the end of the clinic day to discuss each case & then write up their recommendations. This multi-disciplinary approach means that complicated issues get looked at from a number of angles & a more complete picture of what the problems are as well as the variety of potential treatments are explored. Oh & the biggie is that these different disciplines actually TALK TO EACH OTHER in the workup process!!!
Some of the most thorough practitioners we’ve dealt with in my son’s extremely complex medical past were actually nurse practitioners. Oftentimes they were Very Informed in their area of expertise, nearly to the level of the physician, were more personable & therefore easier to deal with, were willing to spend extra time to answer questions & explore options, & were able to write prescriptions. A good NP can be a valuable asset.
A number of my husband’s employers have also offered some type of consultative services as part of their benefits package–I forget the exact terminology, Maybe Employee Assistance Program. These provide a number of free consults on all sorts of issues that a family might face. If your employer offers such a service Perhaps that type of discussion could also help you find other possible approaches to diagnosing & treating these conditions.
Please keep us posted, especially when you’re getting ready to have a Xanax & poke kind of day!
God Bless You & Guide You to the perfect people & processes to unravel these mysteries
You’ve got this!!!
I am so sorry that you have these problems. I lift you up in prayers.
I mentioned your health stuff to Sylvia…
Sylvia Avery 2m ago sylviaavery.wordpress.com
I will gladly pray for Coothie! Thanks for letting me know. As it turns out I’m having kidney surgery tomorrow evening. I’m not real thrilled about that either, but it was urgent. And more to come from what they tell me.
Only an astounding person prays for others in the midst of one’s own crisis.
Amen. Focusing on others’ needs, in the midst of one’s own challenges, is a way to lessen the pain for all–Body ministry is a beautiful thing!
Cthulhu, I shared this comment link at Sylvia’s & KyBlue said she’s praying for you…
Alan Dershowitz analyzes the Trump charges with Greta Van Susteren (9 minutes long):
Rudy had a much better rebuttal. FREEDOM OF SPEECH PERIOD!
Dersch is always a “wimp”. In this case, Dercsh full of shit within 30 seconds.
One tier justice is REQUIRED..
Dersh is still hurting that his friends and family dropped him because he defended Trump.
I would find better friends who needs friends who drop you because you defend the Constitution.
Dersch is not alone. Being shunned by family and “friends” for our beliefs.
I think most of us are. I cannot touch the subject if it is trump or the jab with my family here and in Germany. One is alone and this group is a support even though it is on the key board
It’s an astonishing experience to feel closer to “anonymous strangers” online than our own real life associates. We are family & friends of the heart, mind, & soul here!
God bless you
You too Singing. I Love your heart!!!
Love your heart also
TY blush & heart emojis
So, update on gil00 — her knee roller came in and (IIRC) Mr. Gil already put it together, so she should be more mobile. I haven’t heard about whether her hospital bed has come in and whether it’s operable.
She has a great attitude about healing and improving from where she’s at, with the caveat that she can’t get into too high a gear too soon.
Thank you so much for the update. There are times when attitude can be a real help in the healing process.
Sending Good Energy and Deep Healing to gil00.
I believe for myself that putting my energy not into fear but into healing is a plus.
Acceptance for me always works by trusting God.
Prayers for healing for Giloo
Prayer for healing for body and mind. Peace
As reported yesterday, Sylvia has a urologist appointment today (Wednesday), so we should have a clearer picture of her status by tonight (Wednesday night). Let’s hope there’s some good news there.
Amen on hoping for good news for Sylvia!
We need her shovel around here.
h/t Sylvia’s
I’ll never vote for one of the snakes after today.
Den of vipers! >:( image, not necessarily message, here:

Amazing timing.
I often think of my next door neighbors from hell as a brood of vipers, interchangeable with a brood of Democrats, which they are.
You wouldn’t believe the evil they are throwing against me. The encroachment was so bad I had to pay for a survey so I could put up a fence at the shared property line.
I’ve come to believe that the pistol-toting head of the household is a psychopath.
That’s is horrifying! So sorry you’re dealing with this in your own backyard…literally >:(
“…the pistol-toting head of the household is a psychopath.”
Red Flag law in your state?
Red Flag laws should be against the law.
Oh, I certainly agree, but if the guy is Bat Schiff crazy, and you can get him on film acting in a very aggressive manner, then I would use it.
That is ONLY because they got rid of the ability to put the Batschiff crazies in institutions thanks to JFK.
Not Bat Shiff crazy or overtly aggressive.
Very cunning and subtle is more like it.
And therefore much more dangerous.
I’ve only seen his concealed pistol once when he showed it to me while working in the back yard.
He is a persuasive and accomplished liar, and slithery when I try to nail him down with the truth. It’s like I’m dealing with a brick wall.
“…persuasive and accomplished liar, and slithery..” = Pschopath from my experience.
Best bet is to stay cordial and keep your dealings with them to the bare minimum.
This. I’ve seen too many stories of trouble and even tragedy between neighbors.
Can’t recall the state you are in. Not asking.
Many, perhaps most states, it IS illegal to brandish a weapon.
I empathize with your situation living next to vipers.
They need to rip the snake out that is their hearts.
Have been there for a while
Another one seen at Sylvia’s
I don’t know anything about Major General Vallely and whether he could know anything about Q. The fact that he affirms that Q is real is interesting.
Agreed. I remember hearing of him before but don’t recall the context…
Vallely. IIRC, another failed talking head. Faux News, or some Pravda organization.
I wish I could find it, but I found Vallely was the officer, as a colonel, in charge of Rich Higgins, <== READ! When he wrote am important security memo. Higgins was probably head of the Q team.
From the above (Jon Harold Devolution 23)
This is an interesting bit from Higgins before he died/ was offed.
List Of Military Elite Purged And Fired Under Obama
Compiled By General Paul Vallely
More on Higgins
Remembering Rich Higgins With Col. Derek Harvey
…Richard Higgins was the Vice President of Unconstrained Analytics before his untimely death of heart failure.… Eulogy by Unconstrained Analytics.
Untimely death from heart failure? Just like Brietbart and so many others inconvenient to the Deep State.
I find it interesting that the info I documented on the Higgins – Vallely connection is now COMPLETELY wiped. AND I KNOW I POSTED IT HERE A YEAR AGO!
My red flag went up connecting Higgins and VP.
Heart failure?
I maybe overtly suspicious but I smell a rat.. A big fat DemonRat FED…
The death is just TOO convenient esp if he was part of the Q team.
I think so too.
That’s all pretty telling. Thank you for All these details!!! or ThanQ
h/t Kyblue at Sylvia’s
What are we supposed to gain from that? That the fact that the uniforms don’t match proves that it is known within the WH and Washington, D.C., that JB isn’t the real president? If that’s what they mean to convey, then it’s baloney.
There’s a reason why the sentries look the way they do in that pic. I don’t know what it is, but the author of that tweet needs to research it instead of spreading a theory that is completely untenable. We don’t even know whether the circumstances in the two pics are identical.
Hopefillogical thinking.
The longer this goes on, and the more images like that that surface, and given the PERFECT timing of the indictments any time really big bombshells about the Bidens drop, “Enjoy the Show” goes through my head.
Put it all together with the Trump motorcades including an ambulance, which FORMER presidents don’t get, and we’re watching a movie. I’m more and more convinced of that. Not happy with the script writer, but that is not in my control.
The truth on the court cases, though, is that it is a way to get information into the public square legally. Discovery and presentation of evidence is going to be devastating.
Agree on the surface. One huge problem, in District of Criminals.
Discovery and presentation of evidence is going to be devastating.
^^^ IF Allowed – “…discovery AND Presentation Of Evidence…”.
Rigged court.
I have not found anything that indicates that a former president does not receive ambulance protection.
Under the Former Presidents Act, former presidents are entitled to Secret Service protection. There is no provision in the act that says that the ambulance protection is to be removed.
Former Presidents and Their Motorcades: Ensuring Safety and Security
Not an ambulance, but an interesting fact that shows that former presidents have leeway about what is included in their SS detail.
If anyone has evidence that a former president’s SS detail does not include an ambulance, or cannot include one, please post it.
I can’t find it, TT, and I’ve looked.
For a while, the size of the motorcades was the argument, but motorcades for Obama after he was out of office were just a large as Trump’s are. Now it’s the ambulance that’s the thing.
People need to hope.
I believe the ambulance story is a myth.
When “hope” includes making stuff up to support it, it becomes a liability, IMO.
I don’t disagree, but I know people who honestly might completely break down if they didn’t have these ideas as a life raft.
You must be broken before God can build you properly.
That’s sad. It’s not a healthy condition to be in, and it doesn’t help our cause. It damages it in multiple ways, IMO. And I have a strong objection to people spreading falsehoods.
We talk about people on the Left clutching their pearls and being soft. We have an epidemic of people insisting that certain things are true when they are not (gender changes, “climate change,” etc.) I hope that people will get the help they need and become stronger.
Patrick Henry:
“Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”
Each person has to find courage in their own way, but it needs to include truth.
I don’t disagree. But we have as a society created these conditions, and we need to find our way out of them.
The people I know who are “hopium addicts” are all women who are about my age (fifties to sixties) who came up through the age of “women, hear ’em roar.” Most are now divorced, and are alone against the vicissitudes of this world. That is not a recipe for strength, in my opinion.
No, it’s not a recipe for strength. People have to find courage and strength on their own terms.
Just as we say those who have gender dysphoria need psychological and emotional help, so do those women, although their issues are not nearly as obvious.
Just as we say we can’t allow the Left’s lies to change our language, culture, education, national defense, etc., nor to do away with our founding principles, I also believe we can’t let the psychological fantasies of people dominate the discussion of what has happened and is happening, and penetrate our psyche. It’s so unhealthy as to be destructive.
IMO there needs to be a balance between showing compassion and helping people heal, and stopping the spread of myths that only do harm.
I imagine that you have a positive influence on those ladies, to the extent you interact with them. They might not acknowledge their errors, but at least they have a strong, practical warrior in their circle.
The being alone to face an uncertain future as you get to the ‘golden years’ IS NOT good….
And do not think our ENEMY DID NOT PLAN IT THAT WAY with his destruction of the family and the scattering of people’s support systems.
As Chiefio says we are now all itinerant workers moving from place to place and never putting down roots.
Very good points. It’s all just info to throw into the hopper. Having never been a Q follower & not well-versed in anything someone might consider to be “comms”, this Struck me as something that people who do have that background & insight Might appreciate.
There is no offence meant & I offer Zero interpretation of that info, for I’m not qualified to make the assessment. iirc, DP has sometimes seemed to have been interested in these things, which is partly why I shared it here
No offense taken!
You’ve called me out before so just trying to keep the waters calm 
No offense intended on my part either! I am merely pointing out untruths, logical fallacies, wishful thinking, and the like.
One dead giveaway, IMO, is the flippant attitude of that poster. The cutesy emojis and the “see, this settles it” attitude when they have proved literally nothing and have produced no evidence, are sales tactics that I find disgusting.
I can play the game. Here is PROOF positive that Rosalyn Carter was in on John Wayne Gacy’s mass murder schemes.
Jimmah was too, by association. No doubt about it. 


great points & clues! TY
I appreciate you.
Oh thanks…w/ a side of blush emoji
If you’re not a Q follower, what are you doing up here in the Q tree?
Wolf let me in, warts & all
Gotta have the occasional Q-Agnostic for a different perspective hmmm? AND this is the Best CTH sister or daughter site going…kind of addictive too
Another for that interpretive arena
Whose indictments? Trumps we see but the left is still free to menace.
I don’t do interpretations of Q stuff but do enjoy others’ analyses
I am still on the fence concerning Q cannot make head or tails . I do not mind Q being posted can be interesting. I read things other places also always and separate.
I find much truths on this forum that is why it is a blessing to be here.
Amen Singing & Ditto!
Yes, good catch. Starting those are not enlisted, they are officers. Second, they are not wearing hats which means they are not carrying side arms. I can only guess those are Mess Uniforms and the function is some sort of State Dinner and whatever the protocol here is, requires officers to be present at that post.
Now with that said, Big Mike and that other Witch Hillary had been known to put military in humiliating positions, using them for purposes that they are not dignified to do such as serve food and drinks. That may be part of this, but you can’t really tell with out an explainer. Another example may be officers on guard duty? I can’t say that, that is one of their functions at the White House. They may well be demeaning them by having them assume a function normally done by an enlisted person.
The Marine Corpse calls them ‘covers’, not hats. Just a little FYI.
As does the Navy. All Services, IIRC. Well, maybe not the Coast Guard.
Very interesting; thanks.
This seems Yuuuge!
The regime is evil.
That ‘peaceful’ tweet is why his Twitter account was banned.
To hide that tweet.
And it was done REALLY REALLY FAST too.
Huckabee: “I will work harder than ever to re-elect Trump”
That’s what we should be hearing from the snakes running against him.
For those who follow Gonzalo Lira, he recorded three videos saying that he was bailing out of Ukraine (semi-illegally) to save his life and would hit the border in about half an hour. Further, he posted them on YouTube BEFORE HE WAS ACTUALLY OUT OF THE COUNTRY. It’s been a day since, with no word that he was actually across the border.
Notes for style — always post your “I’ve escaped” videos when you have actually, you know, escaped.
Doesn’t look good and now this.
Text below vid.
In the vid, the blonde abomination guy is saying that the reason you have not heard from Gonzalo Lira is that the SBU are some of the most talented bastards in the world…
Found the tweet.
This is the same fag that mocked the death and possibly helped to set up the assassination of Dugan’s daughter, Darya Dugina.
It is a evil fascist.
I had a small hope that he recorded a planned escape into Hungary and actually escaped to Belarus or Moldova. Either way, he should have dumped his cellphone into a freighter headed the other direction because it was undoubtedly being tracked. Probably should have also swapped his bike with someone.
I hope he beat the odds and made it out, but he could certainly have made it easier and more certain.
Same. Since nothing official has reported, trans fag guy does not count, then it’s fair to assume he maybe laying low. The whole vid thing may of been part of ruse to get the SBU to look the other way. Then he hides out for a few weeks and makes for a border. He’s a smart guy, so it’s possible. Will wait and hope for the best here as announcing his attentions before crossing the border seems a bit strange.
More not-good news, but little real information —
Gail’s friend Nancy should get sprung today, unlike yesterday which was a multi-hour useless clusterfark.
Thank you for the update. Hoping that all went well for Nancy — and no more useless clusterfark.
At this point I sent her brother to take care of the Pick-up. I figure a 6 ft plus Good Ole Boy, Red Neck is going to have a lot more…. ?authority? compared to a little old lady.
I’m curious what image you shared for it doesn’t show here for me or at the site in another tab
Google is now not allowing image sharing since I updated my computer.
Think tall skinny hill billy in torn T-shirt, ripped jeans and a dirty ball cap or straw cowboy hat. I have never seen him dressed up.
…so Festerman after a Serious Diet? LOL
sorry if this is a repeat…
or this
It follows from that they have less confidence that vote cheating will be as successful for them as in 2020.
^^^ This. Fool me once…
Assuming there is a 2024 election.
no doubt
10-Feb-2020 12:58:12 PM EST
The movie poster, just glancing at it, has “Hunters Hunted” standing out…
Hunter’s Hunted is kind of a real thing happening right now!
YUP! Also I expect we will see the Deep State actors hunted too in the coming years.
From what I can see, avenues of safety are being slowly cut off thanks to BRICS and the people of Europe slowly kicking the crooks out of office.
Hopefully it will be a clean sweep!
If it actually all comes together like Hopium implies/predicts/interprets it will surely be Amazing!
Interview with Colonel Douglas Macgregor
Ukraine heading towards collapse
RAC, please tell me where this interview was located. I wish to forward it. but have no ‘address”. YT? Rumble? Thanks/
piper567, I started the video, right-clicked and chose to View Sourcee. From there, the link was selected. I tested it and it looks like the correct link.
it uses https at the start…
Barb, Oh, Thank you!!
TY for this tip!!!
“Make Peace, You Fools!”
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, August 2, 2023
“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Love God, love your neighbor, in everything give thanks, abound in hope, praise God continually, rejoice always, pray without ceasing, do everything by faith and love, and abide in Christ . . . these encapsulate the Christian life . . . how do we stack up?
“how do we stack up?”
kind of depends on the day &/or the circumstances…
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
A beauty break:
Vinicunca Mountain, Peru
Colors Geology:
The Rainbow Mountains are made up of sedimentary rocks that were deposited over millions of years. The different colors of the rocks are due to different minerals. Here are some of the geological features that contribute to the Rainbow Mountains’ colorful appearance:
Red clay: This clay is made up of iron oxide, which gives it its red color.White sandstone: This sandstone is made up of calcium carbonate, which gives it its white color.Green phyllites: These phyllites are made up of magnesium and iron, which gives them their green color.Brown fanglomerate: This fanglomerate is made up of rocks and minerals from different sources, which gives it its brown color.Yellow calcareous sandstone: This sandstone is made up of calcium carbonate and sulfurous minerals, which gives it its yellow color.SOURCE: https://www.geologyin.com/2016/02/the-rainbow-mountains-in-peru-very.html
“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
So Beautiful–Thank you!
OH MY!!!!
For that I would actually consider Flying again to be able to get to Vinicunca Mountain in Peru!!
You can fly. Just don’t use commercial airlines.
Myself I see it simply as free and independent nation states versus globalists.
I think this is similar…
“The entire world has already awakened to the fact that the war is not just about Ukraine, but that Russia is fighting for everyone, for the liberation of the entire disenfranchised and colonized world from the grips of the Western-led banking cabal octopus. This war is the final rebellion against the Atlanticist West’s hegemony and empery, and more specifically the financial cartel—to use G. Edward Griffin’s words—which controls the West.”
Joe Rogan suggests Jan. 6 Capitol riot was a set-up to bring down Donald TrumpSuggests? This information slow roll is like watching grass grow.
]Hopefully like Johnson grass. Darn stuff went from midcalf to over my head in a WEEK!]
This is the KEY:
Now combine that with a November 2016 article:
Soros, the Purple Revolution and The Caviar Eating Fake Left – 21st Century Wire
And the John Durham findings that ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ was a STATE DEPARTMENT (Hillary + CIA) and Obama Operation against a political opponent…
And compare it to the Ukraine ANOTHER STATE DEPARTMENT LES COUP.
Ukraine orange revolution of 2004 as a classic example of color revolutions
From: Soros, the Purple Revolution and The Caviar Eating Fake Left — NOVEMBER 18, 2016
Looks like Soros Blew that one. Putin is doing just fine and so is Russia. I can not say the same for the USA or the EU.
This November 2016, certainly does an excellent job of describing the Cabal’s strategy.
The Clintons and Soros Launch America’s Purple Revolution — Strategic Culture
You are a very nice, civilized gal. Great attributes. <<<
As for me…Time for niceties is well beyond view, in my rear view mirror.
Lemme be C L E A R…
Feeling All of these…AND Moar!
I’m with you!
LOL! It gets to the point where plain speaking is required. I reached that point a long time ago with fake theories. I’m there with mentally and emotionally disturbed people who aren’t coping. I’m sorry for them and wish them well, but there comes a time when, if they aren’t contributing, they need to get out of the way, take care of their own problems, and not hamper the warriors. There’s a reason why the military doesn’t take certain people (at least it used to be that way, when the military wasn’t being destroyed).
…with a rusty running chainsaw up the ‘glory hole’
Ground report: This morning, I was making my business cards for CelebrateFreedom.US and went to the government instituted america250.org site to see the job titles of those involved. Then, I skimmed through their Privacy Policy and other legalese, I was looking at their partners and got to a Giphy legal page that indicated things like retina scans and Threads (Zuckerberg). america250 is asking FB users for their stories and I thought that they’ve set up a honey trap. I’ve gone back through the site’s pages and cannot find the link that took me to Giphy’s legalese again. Figures, hmmm…
Try hitting [CTRL] [H] that takes you to your browser history and you might be able to find it. There may also be a search command if you remember a word in the title.
There’s a nugget.
Great point, Gail!! Thank you. I was checking on family at FB and had liked america250. Perhaps there was something on their FB page that I clicked by accident or a shortcut I unintentionally typed because my history shows I went from “americas-invitation directly to GIFs – Find & Share on GIPHY. From there, I was at GIPHY Privacy policy and DEAI statement. That’s where GIPHY got into the whole retina thing and mentioned Threads…
okay, that’s the right screen grab when I click it to expand I can read it. Not sure it matters since I was not at the site I had thought initially. It is interesting that GIPHY is somehow associated with retina scans and Threads though… It is supposed to be about GIFs and animation.
It’s time for a good ole fashioned economic collapse. Ready, kids? Get in the car. Another major sign is in front of us.
In my personal experiences, Fitch is the one to pay attention to as BIMD they did their due diligence the best. If S&P and/or Moody’s agrees at some point, the bell has sounded.
The downgrade increases borrowing costs (treasury rates) at a time when banks are still getting out from under useless treasury issues with low rates from the past. Banks lose money selling low interest rate bonds as the economy gets worse and rates are rapidly increasing for depositors. The better ones took the income hit a year ago.
Commercial real estate sales and development have been dying for awhile now, so banks that hold that paper are writing down and reserving for future losses. Double whammy with treasury sales losses with more whammies to be added as consumer confidence sinks and credit card and auto loan losses increase. More bank consolidation in the offing as the doors close.
This happening while BRICS siphons off half of the international trade with a stable currency issuance that is tied to gold and possibly other stable commodities, which will increase the facilitators (banks, investment bankers, etc.) available to handle the transactions.
All brought to you by WEF, Blackrock, 80+% of Congress, all of Biden/Soetoro administration, and those opposed to the 1913 inspired American Way (anti-Americans).
The strongest community/regional banks and credit unions have been buying money (CDs) at 5+% rates on 12-18 month terms with 6 month interest penalties for several months now. The interest penalty increased because the banks/CUs know the rates are going to continue to go up and they need to provide enough liquidity to maintain their balance sheets well in a declining income environment. They will or already have slowed their lending to reduce loan loss potential.
All of that stuff stresses the job market for workers.
The Fed will be raising rates until the collapse. If you believe Powell is in tight with PDT, you will soon learn if that is true. America votes with its pocketbook and they will send the criminals packing if this happens as it appears.
Thank you for the report.
Someone had a report up a few months ago when the CA bank went belly up. The report showed what banks had the most invested in the low rate treasuries.
Can you get that easily?
If not I will try to scrounge it up. I have been trying for YEARS to get Hubby to move his pension OUT OF BANK OF AMERICA
See below.
Thank you so much for this.
There will also be problems with people who own residential rental real estate. Once the workforce is hit with the economic blow-back, it will be reflected in their ability to pay their rent. While, at the same time, the landlord’s (owner’s) obligations for property insurance, real estate and/or school taxes, basic upkeep, property management fees, not to mention taking over any utility accounts payments that the tenant(s) can’t/won’t, pay, will still have to be taken care of.
Those owners who rent to Section 8 vouchers will be safe.
government backed/controlled deliberate destruction of freedom & choice
Doesn’t Section 8 vouchers only pay a portion of the rent, not the entire amount? If a person had multiple Section 8 renters and they no longer paid the remainder that would have to be paid by the property owner. It could get very expensive
Do you have advice on what people should be doing financially?
It can get a bit technical.
Focus on community and regional banks as well as strong credit unions. Tier One capital ratio in excess of 10 and a total loans to total deposits ratio under 90% for banks. If you understand financial statements, look at the bank reporting of treasuries to see if they have reduced their holdings and even taken losses in 2022 or earlier this year. That will have lowered net income below the previous years, but freed them from mark to market accounting rules as well as improved their liquidity positions.
Also, just how much of their loans (which are assets to a bank) are commercial real estate related. They should have minimally reserved for potential all loan losses that exceeds 1% of total assets. So ask yourself, what happens if that potential loss goes to 5% or greater? It did in 2008. You subtract that amount from the net income from operations. Can the institution sustain that type of loss for a couple of years and remain viable.
Credit unions lend to consumers and most are big in indirect auto financing. When the collapse happens, how much of a loss can the CU take from defaults? They are non-profits, so the better ones can be really good for the average consumer to use.
For banks I look at the FDIC site below for financial reporting. Quarterly and annual call reports (financials) are there.
For those who need it simple, I trust Bauer Financial ratings for both banks and credit unions linked below. Stay with 5 and 4 star. Just keep in mind the change in economy can affect the institution’s status relatively quickly, but the higher rated (5 star) can weather the storms better.
Thank you so much!
YW –
I am laddering CDs as the rates climb. You can do the same with treasuries if you prefer. Simply choose shorter to longer term maturities and vary your purchase dates. As an example there is a local Bauer 5 star rated large credit union paying 5.25% APY for a 6 month CD of $25+K. If rates go up this would be ideal. Others institutions are doing 1 year CDs with one time rate bump options for purchasers. They are starting in the 4.75 – 5.0% range.
I reduced my exposure in the stock market, although I am still in for part with indexed mutual funds. I can get out of them relatively quickly if the trends look bad.
Life is a lot easier without personal debt, although low interest mortgage debt below current CD rates may reduce your desire to pay off early for as long as it lasts.
Very nice find. It has a lot of topics of interest covered.
Found this today. It’s perfect. Just like the MAFIA:
I’ll see if it shows after running it through Gab…
Make the URL look like this, and it will usually show. (I added a space after the “s” so the URL would still show here.)
https ://pbs.twimg.com/media/F2ecdC5WAAILJdT.jpg
I removed everything after the “jpg”
Before the “jpg” I deleted “?format=”
I placed a period before “jpg”
That’s a helpful explainer–TY
Excellent article about the latest Trump indictment. It really is a declaration of war against us all:
“Think of it this way. If Smith can indict Trump for speaking out about the election, for arguing that it was stolen or rigged, then rest assured the DOJ under Biden could indict every one of the millions of Americans who agree with Trump about 2020 and have said so publicly. Hell, Smith could probably indict me for writing this article (and especially this one).
Forget about Trump for a minute. This indictment sets a terrifying precedent that puts all Americans at risk. If the prosecution of Trump succeeds, it means the First Amendment is a dead letter in America. It means you’re not allowed to have opinions that contradict the Justice Department’s official narrative — and if you do, you’d better not have the temerity to run for high office.”
Spot on. We ARE being targeted, for our beliefs, words…
Smacks of HLS targeting conservatives, whites…
Censorship, PAID for by Feds.
Gail Combs and All —
by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
— Regarding Ivermectin and Fenbendazole.
I tried Ivermectin followed by Fenben however I ALSO need to get off ALL sugars/carbs since sugar feeds cancers. On top of that High fructose corn syrup deactivates vit D3…
My sweet tooth is a really nasty curse. However on the bright side I found KETO ICE CREAM!!! A spoonful of that in my diet soda kills the yucky after taste so I do not have to do a 2/3 – 1/3 mix. (I like a fizzy drink at times esp when my allergies are kicking up.)
The pony I put on Fenben is still doing OK. I want to see how she sheds out next spring.
Inositol sucks up sugar. Standard Process has it.
Yeah, the fizzy diet Coke is about the only thing that strips the crud out of my throat on bad allergy days. Otherwise I feel like I almost can’t swallow.
I am on a course of vitamin I every six months just for GP (general purposes).
#1. Sugars make you crave MORE sugar.
#2. Salty food makes you CRAVE drinks
#3. FAT satisfies hunger and does so in minimal quantities.
So what foods are the food companies going to get FDA/USDA to push???
I have been eating fat all my life, I do not toss it like a lot of people do. (Unless it is chicken fat.)
Sugar, salt, and fat…
The three major food groups
What’s not to like?
Maple syrup-coated fried bacon; all three at once
OH YUM!!!!
I buy Maple sugar bacon jerky as road food for my Pony rides. THE SMELLLllllll… drives me out of my mind so I take a tiny piece and suck on it.
If I cut out sugar I do not crave it just like coffee. I do avoid sugar because of its addictive quality and it is also not good for the body.
I need sour also . Sometimes I crave it then eat pickled beets or herring for lunch and during the day drink water with a Tsp of apple cider vinegar.
If you render chicken fat or goose fat is very good for cooking. I ate all that stuff after WWII. Goose fat my grandmother used in red cabbage. She also put it on real rye bread with a little salt.
Tasted good. Fat is important for the brain.
I take every morning on empty stomach a table spoon of extra virgin olive oil in warm water with half a lemon and a tsp of honey. Do the same before going to bed. Started two weeks ago noticed I feel better and stronger and sleep better. One would think I would gain weight right? Not so a lost 5 lb. I do not eat breakfast and the mixture seems to keep me feeling full until 2 pm or later.
I saw it on You Tube and I am one of those people if it sounds good I try it. This mixture is also good for skin and hair.
OK, for all of us Boomers out there, who’s Family [Mother] did NOT have that small, round, aluminum container on the stove where we saved BACON fat to use later?? Fess up …
Container next to the stove. Bacon at least 5 of seven days, every week.
I still have it; I admitted it up above!
Yep, though I usually refrigerate it so it lasts longer. Bacon fat on a baked potato is Awesome!
I have.
Breast milk has oodles of fat in it which is why my kid is so smart. He had nothing but breast milk until he was about 14 months and he was still slowly weaning himself up to age 4.
Great lucky kid
I use lard for biscuits and pie crust. I keep a canister for saving bacon fat to put in my veggies and cook my scrambled eggs, just like my grandmother and great-grandmother before me.
I don’t believe anything the government says; why would I believe their food pyramid? Which correlates pretty closely, by the way, to a diet that would nicely fatten the hog you were raising for his bacon!
There was a report yesterday about the death of a young woman who was vegan. Her diet led to her demise.
I am probably approaching the Hong Kong pound-a-day level of meat. Not as much dairy. Maybe I have to have more cheese!
WATCH: 24 Straight Minutes of Democrats Denying Election Results – Will Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith Hold These Democrats Accountable?
I don’t know when this interview happened.
RNC Research
Apparently it is Tucker’s latest.
Hello all…been busy with grandkids here. Coothie..sincerely hoping the best for your probs. Gil, glad you’re done with surgery, on to healing.
Sylvia, best wishes for relief and recovery.
Itswoot, sympathies on the asshat psycho neighbor.
I have a request for our JAB recovery experts.
My daughter’s boss, nice guy, had been top physical shape for his age, late 50’s. Had a knee replacement. Took the Jabs and all boosters.
This poor guy is practically fighting for his life..if not his life, his leg for sure. He got some infection about 9 months ago, has been on antibiotics since. Can barely get around. Doctors, some are good friends, are essentially telling him to be glad he still has the leg..
Here’s the good news. My daughter has finally come to some acknowledgment that the Jabs are bad news and can be body destroyers. She said her boss also seems to be questioning.
It’s probably been written here a hundred times but is there any protocol in addition to the natokinnase, green tea, vitamins, etc that might help with the infections coursing through his body ?
Would ivermectin or similar help at this late stage and in conjunction with standard antibiotics?
Thanks in advance if anyone can share any thoughts
Good news for both you and your daughter for realizing concerning jabs
I met a young men who had a stroke after taking the jab he was required to take for his work. He was the only breadwinner and had 4 young children.
His doctor had him take ivermectin including other holistic medicines. He looked good considering and than God had no injury from the stroke I could see.
That’s encouraging. Both my daughter and middle grandson seem to be having immune system trouble. They have been taking some of the supplements and vits so maybe it’ll help in the long run.
I wonder if there’s a practitioner in the San Diego area that might be tuned into Jab after effects. Seemed like one of the biggies is from there. Dr N Wolf maybe ?
Maybe look around these names, find associated mds? Best i can do. Itll take some effort.
How are you doing now? Hope you are mostly out of pain & comfortable!
At the moment I am icing my knee. Wont be out of pain for weeks. I have 3 screws and a plate in, plus all the sutures. As long as i stay elevated, pain is lessened.
Wow Gil hang in there! You’re amazing!!!
Thank you very much
I hope it helps you!
I am not sure. The person I met was in KY.
Thanks, wish there were more willing to fight the vax
So true.
As posted above, suggest visit FLCCC.
Thanks, I’m printing out a lot of things. Will get that too
Cooperstown clinic in Fullerton [Orange County]. My brother-in-law [Dr Ken Cooper] is the owner. He does miracles; call him immediately and tell him L.H. referred you.
That’s very kind of you to share the referral. I’ll pass the info along . Thanks so much.
The Great Barrington Declaration signatories, where they affirmed the Hippocratic Oath might be a source for safer & knowledgeable practitioners.
I remember perusing the list for people in my state previously…
I’m sorry about his condition. I have kept notes about detox from the vax, which include the things you mentioned, but I can’t answer your questions about whether IVM would help at this stage. (I think others would have more information.) It seems worth a try to me.
TY, any thought appreciated
Im happy to hear about your daughter. Long time but better to help your grandsons.
FLCCC Treatment Protocols would be my first stop.
Hope it helps.
I had a severe staph infection on my foot in 2014. Nothing worked until vancomycin. I was on a portable infusion pump [into a PIC line] for over 4 months to get rid of it.
Tell him to insist on vancomycin IF it is bacterial.
Definitely will pass this along as soon as my Daughter is up.
Well, part of the problem with all those antibiotics is, they destroy your gut, which is 80% of the immune system.
In addition to all the other treatments mentioned here, this man’s body needs replacements for what the antibiotics are killing.
So, he should eat fermented, still-live sauerkraut, kim chee, veggies, kefir, and the like, to replace his gut bacteria. Also, lots of garlic, raw if he can take it, lightly cooked if he can’t. My herbalist mentor liked fresh garlic sandwiches, of all things. I just put it in everything from salads to butter for bread.
The body can’t heal if all that is happening is medicines killing his immunity.
I also would recommend a course of Ivermectin, following my medical philosophy of “if it can’t hurt and might help, do it.”
Oh..Copying this ^^ and I thought that too about the ivermectin but not sure what if any of these great suggestions he might use. Thank you
Donald J. Trump
Trump seems very considerate when he talks of Pence. There must be a reason for speaking this kindly of a snake.
Donald J. Trump
I dont. Hes a prissy fake ahole.
Slay the snake, after dispensing with latest indictments. There is no hurry.
“Murder” by kindness. It’s one of my favorite techniques.
Donald J. Trump
I see the avatars are back from vacation.
I hope they’re all well-rested and have some amusing stories to tell.
Welcome back, avatars
And the moment I posted that, mine went back on vacay… but everyone else’s stayed
I see your 1st one but not 2nd. You scared it.
DIRTY PENCE: Jack Smith Indictment Reveals Mike Pence Took Secret Notes of Conversations with Trump Before January 6 – Lied to Trump Supporters on Jan. 4
So he made it look as if the issue was “overturning an election” in his notes. It’s looking more and more like Pence has been plotting to take down Trump for years.
FYI – the actual true election date for POTUS is January 6.
Not the second Tuesday in November.
There was no election that could be overturned on J6 until the EC met and voted.
Good grief.
I could write down any lie in the book if I wanted to, and present it as evidence. That doesn’t make it true. It just makes it written down.
I posted a Dershowitz interview earlier, but this is an interesting point. No one on the planet believes that Trump thinks he actually lost the election.
Former Harvard Law Professor Declares Jan. 6 Trump Indictment Is Not Likely to ‘Survive’
If DJT’s attorneys allow him to seek a jury trial in any venue, they need to be fired.
You had mentioned a trial before a judge, but I didn’t realize you felt that strongly about it.
I agree with you.
Force a judge to put their reasoning on the record, then use said record to eviscerate them.
News from Sylvia at the Crow’s Nest
Dear Nestlings,
So THIS wasn’t on my bingo card. Surgery tomorrow.
To sum up: I wasn’t feeling well so Brother Dearest strong armed me into Urgent Care on Monday. They diagnosed diverticulitis, but since I’d never had it before they wanted a CT scan to confirm the diagnosis. That changed everything.
Yes, I have diverticulitis but basically no one cares about that, because the CT shows kidney stones in both kidneys and in both cases they are blocking the drain pipes so fluid is building up. The urologist was fairly alarmed. I’m having surgery tomorrow to unplug one kidney so that I will hopefully have one functioning normally or near normally.
The other one is a bigger problem requiring more surgery. That kidney has lots of stones including one GIGANTIC one that appears to have been there a long time and probably grown into the tissue. I will most likely have to go to the big city where they have more specialized equipment for that surgery, but I don’t know yet.
Tomorrow’s is outpatient. It will be at five o’clock in the afternoon. That’s really about all I know.
Thank you for the pass on K1tt7-fzn.
Clearly important.
Will Keep Sylvia in my prayers.
Same here. That sounds like an ordeal.
I’m sorry to hear this news about Sylvia.
If you see this message, please let her know that I’m sending much Good Energy and Deep Healing to her, and Deep Wisdom to the medical team.
An email sent by Mike Pence:
Not yo’ friend, bro.
30 pieces of silver must not have been enough for him.
I’m his sworn enemy at this point.
Now if he asked for money to send him to Ukraine and promised to stay, I’m sure he’d be flooded with offers.
Good grief, what could possibly be the target audience for this?
Am half joking half serious, could there be an opposition to zelensky who are producing political satire?
Or is it produced by the RF, they do seem to have a dry sense of humor.
“The new English-speaking speaker of Ukraine’s territorial defense is a trans man from the USA”
“Finally, the National Socialists of Ukraine achieved their goal, a transgender became the speaker of the Defense Forces of Ukraine”
(with video)
I’ve come to the conclusion that these trans nazi’s are self loathers. They hate themselves and hate anyone else more. They don’t care about anything they claim to support, be it Ukraine or freedom or children etc… They just clever and know how to push your buttons and seek to divide and plant seeds of pain and misery in others and it’s not just because they had some bad childhood experience, some of these clowns spearheading this crap couldn’t know God, happiness, or harmony if they tried and they know that.
BTW that clown is the same one that mocked and claimed some sort of involvement in Daria Dugina’s assassination with the car bomb. We’ve featured it/him before.