Badlands News Brief – August 2, 2023
Additionally, whether the Trump-DeSantis feud is for narrative purposes or genuine, all DeSantis is doing by rushing to the timely defense of Trump is demonstrating to Trump’s supporters that the powers behind him are looking to wear the America First movement as a skin suit in order to co-opt the messaging of the man who sparked it all in the first place.
It’s not going to help Establishment polling, while it’s going to continue to launch Trump into the stratosphere.
Judge rules Trump protected by presidential immunity for claims doubting election while in office
Jonathan Turley Warns: Biden Allegations ‘Shaping Up to Be One of the Greatest Scandals in History’
Biden was just the bagman. Somebody else was running the show, like whoever was running Obama.
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Asks Judge To Block The Release Of Secret Jeffrey Epstein Files; Feds Claim It Would Mess Up The Jury Pool In ‘Possible’ Ghislaine Maxwell Retrial
Right. Sure. It’s not about WHO is on the client list, now is it. Nope. Might contaminate the jury pool. That’s a good one.
Dr. Robert Malone: COVID jabs were a CIA operation to depopulate the world
At least this is getting attention.
Bernie Sanders leads lawmakers demanding DOJ prosecute fossil fuel companies for climate change
Would someone please put this old fool out to pasture.
Biden Preparing to Declare Pandemic-Like ‘Climate Emergency,’ Energy Industry Insiders Warn
Why a kinder, gentler Trump cannot exist
Beyond Weaponized: The Department of Justice Is a Domestic Terrorist Group That Calls Good Evil and Evil Good
That’s one way of putting it.
Cancel culture is getting canceled and it’s about time
Yes, but it took the extremes to get the people to really vote with their wallets.
The Trump Indictment Criminalizes Political Dissent
They want us to think that, anyway.
Maybe so, but a lot of us are not enjoying the show. At all.
Conservatives Shred Mike Pence After He Issues Statement Supporting Trump Indictment: ‘Should Never Be President’
Shed like a snake skin.
The Media’s Key Demo is Abandoning It
Gee, I wonder why.
Just the intro music…. The rest of it…. zzzzzzzzzzz

For all those who saw “Sound of Freedom”, does anything here look familiar?
And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
PSALMS 84:3-6, 8, 11
2My soul longs, yea, faints for the courts of the LORD; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God. 3Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at thy altars, O LORD of hosts, my King and my God. 4Blessed are those who dwell in thy house, ever singing thy praise! [Selah] 5Blessed are the men whose strength is in thee, in whose heart are the highways to Zion. 7They go from strength to strength; the God of gods will be seen in Zion. 10For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.
MATTHEW 13:47-53
47“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net which was thrown into the sea and gathered fish of every kind; 48when it was full, men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into vessels but threw away the bad. 49So it will be at the close of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous, 50and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and gnash their teeth. 51“Have you understood all this?” They said to him, “Yes.” 52And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.” 53And when Jesus had finished these parables, he went away from there,

Thank you, DePat, for a lovely Thursday post.
I particularly enjoyed the North Carolina license plate. I’ll have to keep on the lookout for that one when I finally get there.
I hope Ying had a good day today and will have a good day tomorrow.
She’s doing better. It might have been something she ate. She’s perkier, but still mostly blind, and sometimes we don’t think she knows where she is. She’s really relying on smell right now.
Incredibly sad to watch. Neighbor going through the like symptoms with his pooch.
Information on how to make sure your donations reach Trump and not the RNC. This has been mentioned before, by Kalbo for one. I think this is a different address.
Grace Chong
Print out the donation form & mail. Make check(s) payable to “Trump Save America JFC”.
Trump Save America JFC
P.O. Box 13570
Arlington, VA 22219
Allocation: 90% to Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. (2024 primary election), 10% to Save America, and any contribution exceeding the legal amount that may be contributed to either of the Committees will be allocated to Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. (2024 general election)
For more info:
“They are trying to goad people into action.”
If only.
Sadly, there’s no danger of that…
Unfortunately, there are people in prison because they took action. The Left would like nothing better than to duplicate J6 with even worse outcomes.
That’s not what anybody means by ‘taking action’.
That’s a lawful gathering, not ‘taking action’.
They went to a peaceful protest and the gov’t committed the crime, they had their rights violated by the gov’t in a trap set by the Feds to incarcerate innocent Americans and hold them without trial, and prosecute them for crimes they didn’t commit.
That’s a far different thing than a supposed ‘active shooter at the Senate’.
If someone (maybe pgroup?) can explain the logistics of this, I would appreciate it. I don’t understand how using “Congressional immunities” works.
Someone said this is the code that applies:
18 U.S. Code § 6002 – Immunity generally
#3 says the witness can’t take the 5th, but no testimony compelled can be used against them in (most) criminal cases. So what would the plan be for utilizing this?
Saw Gaetz X yesterday.
Click bait to me. Gaetz? House Republicans should…? Immunize Trump? Where’s the Freedom Caucus, if this is a doable thing? Where’s Kevin? “Republicans” help Trump.
Yea, I know nothing about law. Nothing about congress.
Charitably, Click Bait, until proven otherwise.
My Guess. Gaetz is Fund Raising. Happy to feast on crow.
Because 2020 was a landslide for TRUMP.
Exactly. These people are scared of the truth.
This is just sad.
Only we the voters can help Trump break the chains of injustice to him. This next election will be the fight of our life time and the life for the future generations. May God be our guide and our help.
I, WE, will never abandon Trump. Never.
JB misspelled “Devon” in the salutation.
They don’t care that people are crossing into border states, trespassing and committing crimes against farmers, ranchers, and many others. They don’t care that those states have had to come up with ways to deal with the influx. Being “compassionate” is so easy when the other guy has to do it.
HEARINGS. We Need More Hearings.
Hear! Hear!
Dems are getting fed up and desperate and are finally criticizing the border policies. People waking up is a positive.
Yup. Come to find out, it IS difficult to wake folks.
Unfortunately that is so true!
For those just joining us, or who have maybe missed a step, Sylvia is going into surgery at 5:00 pm on Thursday. It is rushed because her kidneys are packed with kidney stones and the doctors are concerned — she just saw the urologist today.
I am overjoyed on her behalf. To illustrate why, I’ll have to relate an anecdote. It seems that there was a person who had been going into the doctor for many weeks with some sort of pulmonary/nasal/sinus thing. They tried tests, they tried labs, they tried antibiotics and cough suppressants and cough enhancers and antihistamines. They tried neti pots and vaporizers. They tried everything for two solid months, and finally told the patient to wrap themselves in a wet sheet and stand in front of an open window on a cold night.
“What?!? Are you crazy??” cried the patient, “I’ll catch pneumonia!!!”
To which, the doctors replied, “well, yes — but we know how to successfully treat pneumonia.”
Nobody here would wish surgery on anyone, much less Our Lady of the Shining Shovel, but it certainly can be said that removing ginormous kidney stones is something that her doctors know, understand, can do well, and will likely provide rapid relief.
Incidentally, I looked into kidney stones’ appearance, with the thought that they might be like pearls (which are an oyster’s response to irritation by a foreign body). There are something like five types, and none of them seem very attractive. I suppose someone could look into seeding a pearl oyster with a bit of kidney stone, but retrieving the right oyster from a bed seems like it would be problematic.
OTOH, collecting kidney stones to load into shotgun shells could be a way of making a feud more personal.
You get my concern and prayers too. Hoping you get in to dr and all gets sorted out.
…Our Lady of the Shining Shovel…
Very nicely done.
Thank you for the update. I keep Sylvia in my heart and mind and lift her and her doctors up to God in prayer.
Prayers for our Lady of the Shining Shovel!
May her surgery go well and her recovery be swift.
Thank you so much for the update.
Sending much Good Energy and Deep Healing to Sylvia, and Deep Wisdom to the medical team.
New Schlichter —
I would never encourage any of my children grandchildren to join the military as it is today. Only to defend the country and that is when all hands are ready to fight.
I agree 100%.
Singing NAILS IT.
I am on record with my children, to NOT promote or agree, to their children (Grands) joining the military.
Further. NO college. Vocational school.
Trade schools are great. We need more people who can work with there hands. Personally cannot find people to fix things to paint or whatever. A master trade person his work and know how is worth in gold.
I have a contractor friend who left a 20 year job that progressed to being a crews supervisor of a commercial dry wall company to go independent and do remodels, additions and repairs of homes. I was one of his first customers five years ago. He now has a five man operation, two are experienced carpenters, one is experienced in flooring, several do tile, all do landscaping projects, concrete and decks, he has an electrical license, and so on. He has 7-8 months backlog of jobs and more in discussion including new construction of two condos.
This all happened because he knows what he is doing, does good work, does not do jobs for which he is unqualified, treats people well, is on time, communicates and is reasonable with his charges. He and his wife are now financially much better off and able to travel on vacations together, just enjoy life more. He controls his fate. He pays his guys well, they are loyal and work the same way he does.
He has a high school education. He learned the trades.
So hopeful! TY
Yes that is how you do it. Here in America we fall in the trap that only university education gives you a good life. I learned Tailoring with a top master in the field. I wanted to open my own business but my husband did not wanted me to work in my field. He bought the University only crap. I made suits and coats and most clothe for my kids. I was offered jobs at Sax and all the high end stores. They knew I was well trained. God had different ideas became a homemaker instead.
I will add, after starting in your trade start taking business courses at a community college so you can go into management as you get older or open your own business.
“Guess what can happen when Congress is in recess? ARRESTS!”
An oldie but a goodie, one of the greatest hits!
Bong please.
Setting a Hunter trap?
I’m not sure if this is a VIP Schlichter —
It is.
It’s good, and something we can all agree on.
The review of Barbie is awesome!
instant “classic” h/t Marica’s
“The Smartest guy I Know”. Briben referring to Hunter.
Biden has low standards because anyone is going to be smarter than him.
Come on man
to be fair, it must be hard to think with your head up your ass…
Cracking up here. Thanks.
laughter is the best defense these days!
Very funny
Thats pretty good.
Genius LOL
Yes Every time I watch it!!!
Mornin’ Valerie…..:0) IKR….Comedy Gold!
Second pass, slow guy finally saw the deranged wench, demanding to get off the airplane.
I’ve missed her. Scott, may have moved on.
Third pass, finally listened. Damn I need to pay attention more.
Be sure to notice who all is in the seats.
Thank you.
Don’t know if I should be embarrassed, humbled, or…
But I do appreciate the entertainment that wench delivers. ..
It is the gift that keeps on giving!!!
I always smile when she makes an appearance
Maybe the artist “downplayed” her assets too much
^^^ That had me going back again.
My favorite part is the way she says “But I am telling you, RIGHT NOW…”

OK I’m trying to see all the “not real” stuff in that art work: mermaid, Santa, leprechaun, unicorn, lizard person, jackalope, alien, Bigfoot. There’s a woman w/ gray skin, zombie? Not sure if there’s anything else, though the bird in the very front pulling on the long fur of something is pretty weird too
D.B. Cooper the parachuting hijacker!
Some strange bird that may be a “snipe”.
Excellent, though D. B. Cooper was “real” at one point, though now practically a legend. & I remember “snipe hunts” though, iirc, there is Actually a bird somewhere called a snipe I think
Yes indeed to all!
Nice of you to stop in & say Hi. Hope your election efforts prove very fruitful. Blessings!
Verse of the Day for Thursday, August 3, 2023
“The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.”
Psalms 12:6 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
DePat, how is Yang doing?
I meant Ying…my apologies
Ying is doing better. The Couch Commando thinks it was something she ate that had her lethargic on Sunday. She’s perked up a bit.
GREAT to hear!
my daughter’s dog has a tumor in his leg. he was lethargic and not eating, so they feared the worst–and they know it’s cancer and the surgery is too expensive given that they can’t guarantee the outcome. the vet suggested prednizone–perked him right up. he’s eating and he’s moving much like his old self. they’re to wean him from the drug slowly and see how he fares.
(he’s 9, so not a pup, but not really old either.)
That EIB logo looks an awful lot like the Babylon Bee “bee”…coincidence?
Rush nailed it. Timeless, it is. First time I heard it. Yea, I know it’s been out there.
TOTALLY Nails My Feelings towards rCONS, GOP, RNC, DNC, Uniparty, Deep State…
Rush, gives a perfect summation, why Americans Will NOT Abandon Support Trump.
~1 minute. MUST listen, even if it is a repeat. Timeless.
ht DP and others that have posted. >>>> GREAT Stuff. <<<<
November, 2008
“Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins”
Ping Gao, et al. (Johns Hopkins University)
IF, I got this right.
Antitumorigenic Opposing tumorigenesis; serving to counteract the formation of tumors.
If not, someone please correct me. Thanks.
Now, off to the links.
Yes, it means counteracting the formation of tumors.
And also reducing tumors. However you need to add extra vitamins.
Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins
S P O T On.
“It’s a party of scumbags.”
I would take it up a few notches and say instead, “It’s a party of sewer creatures.”
If it was only 100s who responded, the rest must already know they’re scumbags.
This is great.
It puts the onus directly on the people who go along with and/or supports the criminal democrats.
It’s directly saying YOU are a BAD PERSON for siding with the people who are doing this to Trump and to our country.
And it’s way past time to shove that reality in their faces.
Now on to the folks who enable RINOs.
6 Ways Jack Smith’s Latest Indictment Is Legally Flawed And Politically Shady
READ: House Judiciary Committee Releases Full Devon Archer Transcript – Reveals Critical New Details Including Why Joe Biden Was the Reason Burisma Did Not Go Bankrupt
The transcript:
I am now downgrading the United States from a banana republic to a pawpaw republic. It has been confirmed that the United States does not meet the official criteria to be a legitimate banana republic. That is all for now America.
First, we degrade bananas with, banana republice.
Now, degrade animal paws, with pawpaw republic.
What’s next? (I don’t want to know.)
But, I want off this ride.
pawpaw is a fruit or it could be a vegetable but it is definitely not an animal.
It’s a fruit that is native to the eastern United States.
Yes, we had pawpaw trees on the farm I grew up on. I was just playing on the fruit-vegetable debate and having some fun with kalbokalbs.
Would you eat the fruit? (Is it edible?)
Yes it was quite good. Sort of a mushy yellow pulp not quite as firm as a banana. More like a pumpkin but sweeter. It has been many decades since my last pawpaw.
Sounds good for a pie!
Could also be a grandpaw… at least in West-by-God Virginia…
Or perhaps DC, as well, as in Pawpaw Bye,Done…..
My parents were natural born Kentuckians and they never told me anything about a grandpaw so there is no such thing except maybe in West Virginia
You’re a nitpicker.
Is that better or worse than being a cotton picker? Just theoretically I would surmise that picking nits would be easier, especially if you can do it in the shade.
Oh. Learned more today.
Yes it is shocking what is done to America by Americans in power. History has taught us that not many people can handle power without God by their side to guide.
It appears that the Dow Jones is moving like a yo-yo today.
This photo is of General Zod from an early Superman movie. To me he oozes an arrogant prick look.
He reminds me of a certain Trump hater who we all (mostly) have a loathing for.
“Who can it be now?”
General Zod looks a lot tougher, though…
I prefer Zud…. it’s even stronger
Hi guys, long time no see. Still super busy. Just thought will all the goings on I would post this little nugget and my thoughts.
First, a question. Why are the DS Cabal so ardent to get Trump at ANY cost?
Answer: Trump not ONLY exposed them for the WORLD to see, ALL of them including imbedded RINOS and especially the MSM and Govt unelected bureaucrats. They KNOW he knows and WILL weed them all out when reelected…not IF, but WHEN. He KNOWS their crimes, schemes, and true allegiances
Comment: Why would Congress, Trump, and especially the SCOTUS, who not only COULD intervein at ANY time, just let this happen. People will say Well, it is because it is ALL the same team, they ALL hate Trump and US.
That is the EASY answer, and while I too first agreed with that, NOW, I do NOT. I’ll explain. First the article.
Now, I think this lawyer, just let the cat out of the bag. It is a BIG cat too.
After reading the article, revisit the above question, answer, and comment.
Anything in you mind change?
No? OK, let me explain
The corrupt courts, govt, and MSM would NEVER allow any TRUE legal challenge to the 2020 fraud. Lack of standing, even the Texas case. They NEVER wanted this stuff LITIGATED AT ALL in a court. No standing, no EVIDENCE presented, NO SUBPOENAS from the plaintiffs, and NO DISCOVERY. It just all seems to be a nothing burger, allowing the Dems, politicos, and MSM to ALL say in one voice ” there was NEVER any credible evidence of ANY election fraud in 2020, case SETTLED when in REALITY the case was never even HEARD therefore there was no evidence ABLE to be presented.
I think, we ALL need to revisit Q, yes Q. I know its a LARP, it was DS plant. OK. BUT, hear me out. TWO things were typed by “Q” that make sense. We have it ALL, and sometimes you cannot TELL the people, you MUST show them.
The past two and 1/2 years have shown us ALL the Cabal will do to us, against us, and to save and enrichen themselves. They have ran ROUGHSHOD. People are suffering, as is the WORLD. EVERY attempt to stop them is stonewalled due to the uniparty and MSM blockades. They have been INVINCIBLE. So much so they have become not just defiant, but ARROGANT.
They believe they CAN’T be beaten. Constitution, rule of law, popular opinion, religion, morals, ethics, compassion be DAMNED.
They KNOW that ONLY one man short of God himself can STOP them. They now feel empowered enough to pull ALL stops to stop that from happening. Shredding executive privilege’s, shredding attorney client privileges, shredding law and precedent. Making it up as they go, presenting ALL to kangaroo grand juries by dem prosecutors, in controlled areas, all with, ever so coincidentally, dem judges presiding over kangaroo courts. Trumps outcome is ASSURED. He WILL be convicted, at least in THAT court. It WILL be overturned on appeal MASSIVELY, ALL of it.
But, what if THAT is not the plan?
What if Trump not only KNEW he was going to be indicted, he COUNTED on it?
Yep, I remind you, “when you are weak appear strong, and when you are STRONG, appear WEAK, Tsun TSU.
NO ONE could get standing to challenge the 2020 election, there was no HARM, so they say. NO ONE had anything to really lose, it was “settled”
Does Trump NOW have HARM?
YES, he could lose his freedom for OVER 500 years IE death.
I’d call that STANDING wouldn’t you?
Think of it, Jack Smith has unwittingly give Trump the BIG stick he is waiting for. Trump KNEW he was going to be whitewashed, and indicted. He KNOWS the NY, and FL cases are bogus, he will fight them and win eventually. But he was WAITING for the BIG ones. GA and DC. These cases involve Trump’s contestation of the 2020 election.
OOPS. NOW, Trump can not only get DISCOVERY, hi Barack, Hi Joe, he can ALSO present EVIDENCE that PROVES he was RIGHT Further he can ALSO subpoena relevant WITNESSES. Hi Nancy, Hi Pence, Hi Miley, and MANY MANY more, hundreds in fact. See, Trump HAS to defend himself against the accusations, and NOW, FINALLY he will have the POWER to do it.
Well, you say, PRex, the biased judge will NOT admit the evidence. I say TRY IT. Trump in FEDERAL court can go DIRECTLY to appeal at SCOTUS. NO out this time boys and girls, they MUST take it up. Here is the BEST part. Trump is COUNTING on the biased judge to screw it up, all off TV mind you so NOONE can see the travesty. Once it gets to SCOTUS and it WILL, on EMERGENCY, and WELL before the election (Trump is COUNTING on the biased judge to act QUICKLY, he WANTS it, he has had 2.5 YEARS to amass enough evidence to bury them, all he needs is what the subpoenas and discovery WILL provide, corroboration.)
SCOTUS WILL and MUST televise it, for ALL to see. AH, Q again…the SHOW, undeniable, and public. Once done “they will NOT be able to walk in public”
Do you really think it is all mere happenstance that EVERY time Joe gets evidence brought out, they re indict Trump? Is it also a coincidence that the evidence brought out against Joe, and soon to me more, Hi Barack, was what they went after Trump over? Russian collusion…by Hunter and Joe, AND Barack. Ukraine, and this WAR? Gee WHO started it in 2014? You guys MISSED, as did others, the REAL smoking gun in the CFR Biden tape. It is NOT that he admits getting Sholkin fired for a billion in US loan guarantees. LISTEN again. The Ukrainians first pushed BACK and said ” You are not the President, you are just the VICE President” What was Biden’s reply? “CALL HIM, get Barack on the phone, see if I have the power” OOPS. Sounds like Barack KNEW and was in on it too. He was, Victoria Nuland is his war dog, she instituted the 2014 maiden coup.
This is MUCH deeper than we knew. Remember the BIO LABS? You know Rosemont Seneca’s BIOMETA biolabs, IE Hunter’s biolabs.
Fauci FUNDED them as well as DOD. do you REALLY think Obama was NOT behind the outsourcing of that. Fauci and DOD worked for HIM. HE is the one who visited UNC and shut it down domestically, NOT Fauci. What is happening at those labs. Was Covid REALLY a bioweapon made not to infect the WORLD, but perhaps just a neighbor, like Russia? AH, now you see, the rabbit hole is BIG and it is deep. ALL things tied together. When Hillary lost 2 years after the maiden coup, when we WERE saber rattling about war with Russia, it stalled their plan, Trump happened. He had to go, so they used what they had planned for Russia on the WORLD, and in the US they used it to destroy the economy and enable a way to oust Trump BEFORE he had ALL the facts. Remember the Ukraine phone call, the shampeachment one? to Ukraine, about Biden corruption? WHAT and WHO would that eventually lead to. Hi Barack.
All fits nicely. ALL tied in. NOT in a vacuum. They CAN’T let Trump back, he WILL out them and make them pay. Oh the IRONY. They pulled ALL stops to stop him, but in doing so rashly, the EXPOSED themselves and provided the very hammer Trump needs to crush them, expose the fraud 2020, get reelected, AND use all their OWN tactics against them once he gets back in to FINALLY see some justice, accountability, and payback.
One last icing. EO 12333 still in force, Dec 21st 2017. ALL assets used against the US in crimes against the US or humanity are FORFEIT.
When you think you are invincible, you find out just how MORTAL you are, right Achilles?
When you act brazenly, you act FOOLISHLY, blinded by hatred, and power.
Trump is METHODICAL, he plays the long game. He KNEW what they would do, he TOLD US. He KNOWS he both CAN and WILL fix it.
You must believe that either Trump is exceedingly lucky they are stupid, or he knows his enemy better than he knows himself.
I ask you, does Trump look worried? ANY other man, this one included would have long since FOLDED when the Dems went all in. Trump CALLED.
Time to see the CARDS boys…I do not think your deuces will win.
I’ve missed your posts!
Thank you for the white pill
Now ask yourself, WHY. Why did “Biden” not rescind this EO on the VERY FIRST DAY in office?
Why not?
Why is it still there, especially when most of the swamp would have to forfeit assets including the Bidens.
I’m with you that Trump is methodical, but I’m also of the opinion that this “show” we are watching was written out long ago, and he was more or less hired for a part to play, albeit one with a lot of accompanying power.
We’ll see how this all comes out.
I don’t have a link for this, but when FJB threw his hat into the ring there were claims that obama said “you don’t have to do this joe”.
into the ring for 2020 I mean.
LOL…that shoots down my hopium balloon…
I’ll reinflate it.
I’d appreciate it!!
Why? If obama did make that comment I’d understand it that he knew FJB was expendable, and going on a suicide mission, which it’s turned out to be.
my comment above was meant for your second reply, not the first…sorry!
Ever watch the movie “Hellboy” John Hurt, Professor Prume, says to the villain “I see the PUPPET (Biden) but where is the puppet MASTER (Obama) Obama is pulling Joe’s strings to have his “secret” third term. He wants to not only finish the task he started that Trump stopped, destroying America, cover up his NUMEROUS crimes, but also to have NO blame in doing it when it goes badly. He would take the credit though if it went well.
Do not for one minute think Trump doesn’t know WHO the puppet master is. Most of this was in fact to SMOKE Obama out of the shadows, and lead to culpability. Lets see where and to WHO this leads. Trust me, they are NOT doing all this to protect Biden, he would be toast on a stick if it were just him. .
Barack would have been just as happy to use Kamala.
Anyone to take the fall, just NOT the credit. Remember the WH meeting where the MSM and politicians all ignored joe and flocked to Barry? There’s your answer as to WHERE the boss lies.
Hope they’re not going to railroad PDJT then try and use that EO against him.
my hopium balloon fell below the comment that destroyed it…LOL
(see reply to your comment below)
I apologize for being a downer, I was just wondering about all the possibilities, they’re capable of anything.
you are a realist and i appreciate that!
some days I think all is lost…but then I see President Trump walking fiercely into the fire and reignites the fire in me!
He is a born leader!
My only fear is they will take a shot at him. WOE be to them if they do, hit or miss.
Nope. In the end Trump has evidence on THEM, they have NOTHING on him, if they did they would not put out the tripe they have, All their scams put together, from Mueller, Russia, shampeachment, to these three “indictments” would not hold up in a kindergarten court, let alone a REAL court. Trump say what they did for DECADES, and he was stone cold sober. HE is not compromised. How do I know? Look at the pretzel efforts they undertake to try and stop him.
As Q said –
Good to see you, and thanks for this post.
The idea that election fraud evidence will finally be heard for all to see seems too good to be true, but it makes perfect sense that, since it has been quashed at every turn, this is the way to put it out there. It’s terrible that Trump has to be persecuted, but I think he has known this all along and even planned on it. I doubt we will ever know the depth of his sacrifice for this country.
Your comment about his not looking worried holds true. I’m noticed it throughout this process.
I hope this can be the catalyst for the dam of evidence breaking against the players on the left.
We are living in historic times, the likes of which this country has never seen. We have a leader unlike any this country has ever had, in Trump. This is akin to major events like assassinations and moon landings; it’s just ongoing and is playing out over time. It is the biggest operation this country has ever undergone, and it affects America’s very survival. Who would not want to be an active witness and participant in that?
Q says to enjoy the show. We are in “interesting” times, but also exciting ones.
3854 Feb10,20201:37:17PMEST Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No. 8093281

Backchannels are important.
Attacks will only intensify.
You attack those who threaten you the most. Enjoy the show!
This seems the ONLY way to shock people awake. ONLY Trump could endure it. Most would have long ago folded.
I believe that is EO 13818.
It reads, in part:
It seems to address abuse and corruption that generate mostly outside of the U.S., but further down it could be construed to include all persons who engage in or abet this kind of behavior, including those in the U.S.
In Section I, Property, it says:
The word “forfeit” does not appear in the order, and it does not say that people will forfeit their property. It uses the word “blocked.”
JB renewed it for one year on 12/16/21. This is his entire order at that time. It seems to focus again on acts outside the U.S. However, if he is renewing the entire EO, I’m assuming it would have to encompass all of it.
JB renewed it for another year on 12/12/22, with the same wording:
Another example:
Section 10. Effect of determination.
The order does not authorize law enforcement to seize personal property in the event people are found to have committed human rights abuses. It doesn’t give law enforcement authority to cause forfeiture of property. It doesn’t even authorize law enforcement to block people’s property. I doubt that this could be decreed by executive order, though I’m not sure. It seems that it would have to go through the legislature.
The order authorizes cabinet members to make judgments and take blocking actions if they believe they are warranted.
JB knows very well that any cabinet of his will take no action that would harm or expose him or his pals.
Therefore, I think the fact that JB has not rescinded this order, but has also renewed it, can’t be taken as evidence of anything. It does not indicate that JB is not really acting as president, and it does not mean that white hats are really in control and caused this order to be renewed.
Q mentions this order once:
Definitely planned, IMO, for a president whose cabinet will take the actions described in the order. We had that president once and by all rights should have him again.
“OOPS. NOW, Trump can not only get DISCOVERY, hi Barack, Hi Joe, he can ALSO present EVIDENCE that PROVES he was RIGHT Further he can ALSO subpoena relevant WITNESSES. Hi Nancy, Hi Pence, Hi Miley, and MANY MANY more, hundreds in fact. See, Trump HAS to defend himself against the accusations, and NOW, FINALLY he will have the POWER to do it.”
The Lawfare Crims clearly know and are aware of this.
First year medical students can figure out that being indicted on these charges allows for discovery, and they’re not even in law school.
So either the Crims are conveniently committing legal suicide, or they are prepared for the path this will take.
LOL you give the FAR too much credit.
No, he doesn’t, They have been very effective. They are depopulating America and the world rapidly while they remain in control and murder Innocent, unsuspecting real people who are dying or being mentally twisted in droves daily.
There is nothing movieish about friends and family who have died or had their lives turned upside down due to the evil that is continuing unabated.
Look, they are the most sloppy , arrogant, stupid people on the planet. Yeah theey have a plan, yeah they have executed it. BUT that does not mean they are not sloppy, stupid, rash, and ARROGANT. It simply means the people WE put in place to stop them from doing EXACTLY what they have done are either apathetic, naive, or on the same team as them.
Come on, do you REALLY think if we had a true MAGA functioning Govt , that these FOOLS would be able to get away with ANYTHING that they have? NO, the founding fathers would have hung or shot ALL OF THEM. Do not mistake graft and apathy for cleverness. WE all know it, they KNOW we know it. They are counting on our CONTINUED apathy. BIG mistake.
I have had this notion from the start of this fiasco. I got it by reading The Art of the Deal, which title bears a striking resemblance to The Art of War.
Trump based the Art of the deal ON the Art of War.
One small observation: “we ALL need to revisit Q, yes Q. I know its a LARP,”
Forgive my language, but: BULLSHIT!
I’m guessing your objection is to the idea that Q is a LARP, rather than that we all need to revisit Q.
Sarcasm….if it did not come through.
Boy it would be amazing if this analysis turns out to be prescient!
It is what Kash Patel said in the Twatter video D-Pat put up top.
It is ALL about STANDING and now POTUS Trump HAS STANDING, they just gave it to him.
Remember Sydney??? Well NOW she gets to release the Kraken.
That would be Awesome if that’s what’s Really going on!!!
We shall see soon Val. Notice Trump said SOON it will be OUR TURN.
not holding my breath but still hopeful
All I can tell you is this, the pendulum has been tilted the lefts way for 4 to 6 years (even with Trump as President). WHEN, not IF, it swings back it will be fierce, swift, and devastating.
They have foisted all this crap on us running roughshod with ZERO accountability. History from Napoleon, to Hitler, to Stalin, to Mussolini, to Pol Pot teaches us that WHEN the pushback comes, to will come swiftly and it WILL NOT go well for those that oppressed their people and the rule of law for power. Stay the course, it IS coming, a LOT sooner than the left would like OR believe.
I think the leftward “tilt” of the pendulum has to also encompass the aka BHO era & probably the second half of W’s “reign”…
Agreed. Trump was unexpected by the Cabal. he halted the tilt. NOW he gets to swing it back.
can’t wait!
From your fingers to God’s ears. Thank you for your analysis, PRex.
From OT:
President Donald Trump DC Arraignment – 4:00pm Livestream
August 3, 2023
SD: “There are actually livestream links in Washington DC as the media await President Trump arriving for a 4:00pm ET arraignment.”
President Trump Sends Message – Going to DC To Get Arrested to Make America Great Again
August 3, 2023
SD: “Sending a message to Americans from his Truth Social account, President Trump is in good spirits as he heads into DC to face arrest by the justice officials representing Joe Biden.
Leadership is taking point, taking the opposition head on, facing down the enemy and remaining indefatigable in the face of all adversity. President Trump’s approach is exactly why world leaders’ step aside when he enters the conversation. Donald J Trump is fearless.
RSBN link:
i’d appreciate someone with knowledge of the subject answering a question please. the question is: Can the judge in the latest Trump indictment quash any subpoenas the President’s team wants issued? Can the DOJ quash any subpoenas or testimony in the “name of national security” or to protect sources and methods that they’re so fond of?
I know we are anxious for discovery in the election case, but can the judge legally muck it all up?
I have no expertise in this. I heard Kash Patel tell Bannon that this evidence has to be allowed to come out now for some legal reason — the nature of the case, the jurisdiction of the case, or something. My impression was that it can’t be stopped by the means you mentioned, but I do not know.
Filly brought a political moonshine post where he opines that the judge is the evidence gatekeeper and if she doesn’t want evidence admitted, it’s quashed.
so depressing–so i was wondering.
Yuck. We need answers…
Judges have a lot of power in their courtrooms, but it is limited by general embarrassment. If they overstep their bounds, it can be a “reversible error” — meaning that appeals will be short and quick. With enough “reversible errors”, the case can be shunted to another judge.
Of course, once you start talking about reversible errors, you have made the judge an enemy for life, so the timing can be extremely critical.
hmmm…so she can be corrupt and heavy handed and get paid off by dems and go on like nothing happened.
Here’s the thing, for every crime, there are “elements of the crime”. For murder, someone has to have died; something the perp did caused that death, there has to be an element of causation (“I just filled that room with water, I had no idea anyone was in it” is not part of murder).
Prosecutors are supposed to prove each and every element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Defense can address each and every element to punch holes in the case.
Judges are supposed to limit the evidence in their courtrooms to things that are relevant to the case. Things like “my favorite color is blue” are supposed to be excluded from both prosecution and defense.
If there is evidence clearly relevant to the elements of the purported crimes that is suppressed by the judge, it will not look good on appeal — and it will be appealed. Further, if she determines evidence isn’t relevant, she should say why.
From what I’ve read of her history with VSGPDJT and MAGA folks, she already is an enemy for life….. and an evil one, at that…
Kash sited DUE PROCESS, that is the indicted has the RIGHT to defend himself.
I expect the Judge, who worked with Hunter at the same law firm, to disallow all useful evidence at which point The case gets appealed.
I think this is why Pgroup was saying it was best NOT to go with a jury trial. The judge is transparently compromised.
H/T another ian over at Chiefio’s…
(the bee is now AHEAD of the news
Seems SDA had it, along with a tweet from Kyle Mann (also H/T another ian)
I didn’t read this story. The headline is LOL hilarious.

Al Sharpton: “Can you Imagine if James Madison or Thomas Jefferson Tried to Overthrow the Government?” (VIDEO)
What would the British think?!?
Beclowning himself anew, the gift that keeps on gifting
“One day our children’s children will read American history. And can you imagine reading that James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government so they could stay in power?” Al Sharpton said.
Maybe one day Alfred will crack open a book and read a bit of American history.
Not holding my breath though
This low-IQ POS has been grifting off of his skin color for far too long. He’s a moron.
Good tackle
Clearly the crook wasn’t a football fan, or he would have used a stiff-arm, in which case he would still be running right now
Better technique would have been to drop low just before contact and take him down by the legs.
But she made great adjustments as he approached, she wrapped him up as contact was made, and you can’t argue with success

It took courage for her to do that and yes, she was successful!
Just imagine how much hell he’s going to get in prison, for letting himself get tackled and detained by a girl.
And she didn’t just stop him, she DROPPED him hard…
This man has balls of steel so big he has to carry them around in a wheelbarrow. I am in awe of his audacity and courage.
I want to be just like him when I grow up.
So true! I admire and appreciate him beyond words.
Hat tip to FB group, “Heck this is wholesome”… Remembering Darwin…
Provides the parallels with the take down of Israel and PM Netanyahu and what we are seeing now with America and PDT.
Hang in there with me. Will have Friday up when I’m done with it. Just starting now.
Testing the drink recipe?
I generally like and admire Sikhs. They’re not as badass as Gurkhas, but they are far from being pushovers.
Does it make me a bad person because I found those 27 seconds to be…well, quite satisfying? :0)
If so, you’re in good company.
For a quick comparison, a single retired Gurkha was traveling on a train when 40 bandits decided to rob everyone on it. Not having a convenient phone booth, he was going to allow it to happen — until the robbers decided to molest a young woman who was traveling with her parents. She turned to him and said something like, “brother, help a sister” — whereupon he pulled the tab on the little can of whoop-ass he was carrying.
Gurkhas carry very distinctive knives known as “kukri”. As the bandits recognized that one was being used with force and skill, many of them decided to jump off the train rather than get a closer look. All told, he killed or wounded about one-quarter of the total number of bandits by himself. The rest got away.
I vaguely remember hearing about that story…toxic masculinity for the win, again!
One of the subtle things about the story is that the young lady’s family was of the merchant class, while he was a soldier from the mountain country. I don’t know how much calculation was involved, but she said exactly the right thing to enlist his help. Her father’s pathetic offering of money afterwards is how it “should” have been handled by merchants — and she would likely have been raped repeatedly while her family was negotiating a ransom.
She probably got a stern lecture about how her conduct was unseemly, fraternizing with the lower classes.
Un believable! Heroes stand alone…like that guy on the NY subway who’s facing charges for what he did to protect others. Shoes most of us are not worthy to untie!
“They started snatching jewelry, cell phones, cash, laptops and other belongings from the passengers. They had carried out their robbery with swords, blades and pistols. The pistols may have been fake as they didn’t fire. The girl cried for help, saying ´You are a soldier, please save a sister.‘ I prevented her from being raped, thinking of her as my own sister.” [emph added]
This is supposedly a quote from the man, himself, according to
You can well imagine how well, “you are a soldier, please save your social betters” might have worked.
Incidentally, male Sikhs carry ceremonial daggers known as “kirpan” as a fundamental part of their faith. As a rough (and potentially incorrect) approximation, they are meant to separate truth from lies; and right from wrong. As such, they can be little symbolic letter-openers that might bend with rough treatment, or they can be full swords.
As a practical matter, Sikhs can be cast-iron sons-o’-bitches regarding matters of honor, which accounts for my admiration — they really “call ’em like they see ’em.” That said, there are bad ones among the good, as with all men.
Here you go:
Sorry for the delay, but I had to restart and then there were security warnings. Weird.
TYVM, DP Blessings!
Could be Gargle (chome codebase) dinking with certs again… I’ve had a couple of sites with issues that disappeared after a few hours… if only Gargle would disappear…