This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up
Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Set Your Mind On Things Above
Live Heavenly Minded for Earthly Good
Set aside, for a moment, the day’s pressing tasks. Hush, if you can, the hopes and desires that rushed upon you the moment you awoke. Step away from the morning’s burdens. Forget what the hours ahead may hold.
Now, Christian, remember: You are going to heaven. Very soon, even any moment, you will be hastened away from all you’ve known here to take an eternal holiday. You will wake up to find your lungs filled with the air of “a better country” (Hebrews 11:16). Your sorrows and sighs will be out of sight (Isaiah 51:11). You will see Jesus face-to-face (Philippians 1:23). And with Him you will be home (2 Corinthians 5:8).
“Our minds are most full of heaven when they are most full of Christ.”
And now imagine what life might be like if, as we step back into the day’s tasks, desires, and burdens, we kept one eye upward. How might today be different if we brought the hope of heaven into the stuff of earth — if thoughts of things above adorned our waking hours?
We might then discover how much of our happiness rests on heavenly mindedness. And we might strive to have it said of us, as it was said of a saint of old,
Of that good man let this high praise be given,
Heaven was in him before he was in heaven.
Set Your Mind on Things Above
The pursuit of heavenly mindedness can go wrong, of course. The popular criticism “Don’t be so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good” has teeth because some have, indeed, used heavenly mindedness as an excuse for earthly aloofness. They have hummed “I’ll Fly Away” while floating comfortably through this world, not remembering that the most heavenly minded man of all labored, sweated, healed, touched, and bled for this world of need.
We would do well, then, to listen again to the clearest charter of heavenly mindedness in Scripture:
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. (Colossians 3:1–4)
What does it mean to be heavenly minded? Not merely to live then and there, but to live now in light of then, here in light of there.
Roots in Heavenly Soil
If you belong to Christ, then in the truest sense, you do not live here on earth, but there in heaven: “You have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3). Nor is your life in Christ on full display now, but only then: “When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory” (Colossians 3:4).
Your life is wonderfully, inextricably, eternally bound up with Jesus Himself, who reigns there and will appear then. And heavenly mindedness aligns us with that fact, teaching us to define our identity not by the person we see in the mirror but by the Savior we see in Scripture.
Yet such a mindset does not nullify the life we have on earth, but rather transforms it according to the culture and norms of heaven. If we are hidden with Christ there and will be revealed then, we cannot help but look more like Christ here and now. Paul develops this point through the rest of the chapter, where he pens a portrait of the heavenly minded:
They put to death all that dishonors God and demeans others (Colossians 3:5–9).
They dress themselves in the heavenly clothing of compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience (Colossians 3:12).
In a society of accusations and recriminations, they speak the otherworldly language of forgiveness (Colossians 3:13).
They walk under the reign of divine peace, which has established its throne on their hearts (Colossians 3:15).
They speak and sing with the harmony of gratitude and grace (Colossians 3:15–17; 4:6).
In every relationship, in every word, in every deed, they seek to show the glory of Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:17–4:1).
They are like oaks whose roots sink deep into heavenly soil. Though they grow up in the same field as the rest of the world, and though the same winds and storms beat against their trunks, they daily draw nourishment from another world, and so bear the fruit of that better country.
Heavenly Habits
How then can we grow in heavenly mindedness? How can people like us — everyday saints with jobs and families and friends and neighbors and a host of earthly responsibilities — come to have it said of us, “Heaven was in him before he was in heaven”?
The first answer is familiar: give ourselves to Bible reading and prayer, to corporate worship and fellowship, each of which is a means of heavenly mindedness as much as it is a means of grace. But alongside the daily habits of Scripture and prayer, and the weekly habits of corporate worship and fellowship, we can also position ourselves more intentionally to set our minds on things that are above.
Begin your day in heaven.
Robert Murray McCheyne, a heavenly minded man if there ever were one, once described his morning devotions as a means of “giving the eye the habit of looking upward all the day” (Memoir and Remains of Robert Murray McCheyne, 64). Knowing his thoughts would not drift toward heaven in the afternoon or evening unless he fixed his mind there first thing, he began his day in heaven.
We might learn the same lesson from the Lord’s Prayer. In teaching us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11), did not Jesus assume we would normally begin the day on our knees? And significantly, before that prayer leads us to ask for daily bread, it sets our minds on things above:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:9–10)
If we take the Lord’s Prayer as our model, then heaven will fill some of our first thoughts every morning. Here and now will fade, at least for a few moments, before the brilliance of there and then. And when we walk into our day, we may take something of heaven with us.
Set your mind through meditation.
The command to “set your minds on things that are above” means more than “read about things that are above.” Something beyond mere reading is needed — a practice the biblical writers call meditation (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1–2; 119:97).
If typical Bible reading focuses on paragraphs and chapters, meditation focuses on sentences and words; if in Bible reading we walk down the hallway of a passage, in meditation we open doors and explore rooms. The meditative Bible reader may, for example, read all of Colossians 3 in four or five minutes, but then come back to spend as much time (or more) pondering the wonder of what it means to be “hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3). Meditation takes us above the foothills and puts us on the peaks of God’s revelation. And like Moses, we may come down still shining with the glory we’ve seen.
Maybe serious meditation feels like moving mountains to you. If so, start small, and don’t lose heart. Our minds, like a muscle, grow stronger through exercise. And by God’s grace, what feels impossible now may feel almost natural six months from now.
Retreat to things above throughout the day.
We saw above that Robert Murray McCheyne aimed to cultivate “the habit of looking upward all the day.” Many of us share a similar ambition — at least in theory. Reality might tell a different story.
“If we take the Lord’s Prayer as our model, then heaven will fill some of our first thoughts every morning.”
If you’re at all like me, you leave your morning devotions with a sincere desire to go on thinking of things above in the spare moments of your day. But then you regularly fill every spare moment with something else. In the car, you turn on the news. In line at the store, you check your email. Waiting for a friend, you play a game on your phone. Lying in bed, you scroll through social media. None of these activities is necessarily bad. But how often are they the reflex of a mind addicted to distraction? And what if we resolved to spend at least some of the day’s silences recalling what we read that morning, rehearsing a memorized passage, or praying to our Father in heaven?
Moses told Israel to turn to God’s word “when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise” (Deuteronomy 6:7). If we too claimed more spare moments for the things that are above, we might be surprised at the unusual strength, peace, and joy that would be ours.
Treasure the heart of heaven.
Heaven is and always will be a world of glory (Colossians 3:4). When God makes all things new, the canyons and mountains, the galaxies and grasslands of this fallen world will groan no more (Romans 8:21). These broken bodies will be clothed with immortality (1 Corinthians 15:54). Human society will share in the very harmony of the Trinity (John 17:22–24).
Nevertheless, the hub of all that glory, whose name will rest upon our foreheads, and whose brightness will light up the world, will be God Himself in Christ. “When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory” (Colossians 3:4). Heaven without Christ is like the ocean without water, the sky without air, fire without flame. He is heaven’s beating heart.
What does this mean for our heavenly mindedness? It means that our minds are most full of heaven when they are most full of Christ. As John Owen writes, “The whole glory of the state above is expressed by being ‘ever with the Lord, where he is, to behold his glory.’ . . . Our hope is that ere long we shall be ever with Him; and if so, it is certainly our wisdom and duty to be here with Him as much as we can” (Works of John Owen, 7:344).
Heavenly mindedness is an invitation to be with Jesus as much as we can, in preparation for the day when we will be with Him always. So begin your day with Jesus, fix your meditations upon Jesus, and retreat throughout the day to Jesus. Because “set your minds on things that are above” means, at its core, “set your minds on Him.”
Wow, so inspiring bakocarl!! Thank you very much.
Since you gave us a link, I shared the piece with my FB family and also added a link on my website. His church has a photo of him in his bio, so I used that for the thumbnail button.
The CF link on our page looks smart.
The site has really blossomed and has so many offerings.
Finds it delightfully funny that the “Steve’s Science Series” doubles up as a gate way smack dab into the center of to the Q-Tree! 👍😆👍
Thanks para!! For those with eyes to see… and since I’ll be updating the links to show the core science topic content for awhile, Steve’s Science Series will stay New for a long time even though Steve and I are not doing formal edits with his involvement. I only touch tiny grammar things and leave the rest for him if/when he wants to jump in.
Good night.
Don’t forget teddy… 🤗
And hopefully he’s not wearing it… 😂
hehe… teddy bear, silly…
Robert Murray McCheyne devised a Bible reading plan.
THAT is amazing.
A reminder, and preparation in case they try something like this again:
The only people who CAN forget are the people who want to forget.
The only people who want to forget are the people who did everything the gov’t said, no matter how ridiculous or dangerous it was.
They were very wrong to do that.
That is why they want to forget.
If they had minded their own business and only hurt themselves as a result, it might be okay to let them forget.
But that’s not how things went down, was it.
They tried to force everyone else to follow the same gov’t diktats and make the same stupid mistakes they were making.
They tried to harm everyone who refused to get on their cattle car. They wished death on us. They wanted us to be stripped of our rights. They wanted us imprisoned, denied healthcare, and ultimately to be forcibly injected.
They don’t get to forget that.
Not for the rest of their lives.
So somebody has to remind them.
Regularly, and loudly.
And we’re just the people to do it 😁
I like the cut of your jib, SCOTT!
They will not admit they were wrong.
Only if they wake-up, learn and ASK for FORGIVENESS, not for “Let’s just move on” do they DESERVE forgiveness.
Christians are told they have to forgive and the left takes advantage of that, NEVER MENTIONING THE FIRST STEP IS FOR THE OFFENDER TO ASK FOR THAT FORGIVENESS AND TRULY REPENT!
I for one will not forgive, for what they have done to us. Unforgiveable.
Nor will I forget.
They can, learn from their wrongs AND live accordingly.
I am talking about former friends and relatives and NOT THE GUILTY. They deserve to be sent to Dante’s Ninth Circle. The sooner the better!
“It’s God who forgives.” – Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple, Nemesis
“Christians are told they have to forgive and the left takes advantage of that, NEVER MENTIONING THE FIRST STEP IS FOR THE OFFENDER TO ASK FOR THAT FORGIVENESS AND TRULY REPENT!”
Christians (Christ followers) are told to forgive; that is true. But we must remember that it is Scripture that tells us to do that. As to whether our forgiveness is contingent on the offender is a different matter. The obvious example that I would use to argue differently is that Jesus, while on the cross, uttered that famous prayer, “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” I do not believe that either the Romans or the Jews were asking for forgiveness first. It might be reasonable to say that Jesus is God and we are not which is of course true. But most of you would agree that we are to be like Jesus in attitude and behavior.
There is a whole theology around forgiveness that I will not go into. That is not the focus of my comment. Loving ones enemies is a primary focal point of Jesus’ expectation for his disciples. There are many times when I would wish it were different but facts are facts and Scripture is Scripture.
Forgiveness is given after repentance- not before. And do remember Jesus attitude towards those who HARM CHILDREN.
No, you won’t just go along to get along.
A true warrior spirit. 😀
Actually I am very mild mannered until you cross the line, THEN WATCH OUT!
It really confuses the people who think mild mannered = pushover.
I forgot to ask, do you forgive the monster who SOLD a 2 year old 34 times in 36 days for SEX?
Out of the Shadows:
Jan Jekielek@JanJekielek
I am sorry, but I am NOT into forgiving MONSTERS who would do that to a child. Or as others have said, the children are sold for sex over and over and then when they are useless their organs are harvested and sold.
I will say that I do not deny that monsters walk among us. I will answer your question in this way: I must ask myself, “Would God forgive any of those 34 men if they were convicted by the Holy Spirit to ask for forgiveness?” When we get into a contest of measuring who is worthy of God’s grace I think we have taken a wrong turn. The short answer is that I am to obey God not evaluate who is invited to be part of God’s kingdom.
Perhaps the most famous quote that might have been a psyop info insert. Nonetheless, the statement has been viewed by many.
In 2001, former Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf said of the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks: “Forgiving them is God’s function. Our job is simply to arrange the meeting.”
I keep thinking of children and discipline.
Are we not teaching our family and friends THE WRONG THING if we forgive without them acknowledging they were wrong and learning from it?
Is this not why the Devil’s Tools emphasize FORGIVENESS ALONE? As well as NOT disciplining children?
I am very willing to accept people with lots of ‘warts’ (I find they make very good friends) but I will not accept back those who have deliberately and intentionally harmed me without repentance. Why open myself to MORE HARM and heartache?
I’m not sure the thrust of the comment was about being a gatekeeper to the Kingdom.
True. Then, consideration of what it means to love comes into play (and I’m not saying I have the answer).
We are to forgive.
“‘Vengeance is mine,’ sayeth the Lord.”
“Love your enemies.”
A wise person once told me that sometimes the loving thing to do is to let people reap the consequences of what they sow. Some call this “tough love.” Coddling people who are on a destructive path, both to themselves and others, is not loving them. Setting proper boundaries is also a factor.
Another wise person said that to love your enemy means one would give them a drink of water in the desert. I take it to also mean one would do other earthly, physical things to come to people’s aid in case of accident or fire or the like. There are examples of soldiers helping each other during war.
IMO, loving your enemies means hoping and praying for their eternal salvation while setting proper boundaries against any harm or evil they are doing in this world. Some will disagree, but IMO wishing a dread disease and suffering on someone is not what one should do. (“Vengeance is mine…”) Praying to be delivered from evil and that justice will be done are part of it, as well as working toward those ends.
A very good interpretation of the solution to the dilema….
But I still would thank Putin for dropping a Nuke on the District of Criminals, although I would prefer a more surgical excise of the Demons trying to control the world.
Love is an interesting word. I admit that I struggled trying to understand the context of the word in many of Jesus’ sayings. I suffered confusion because, in my lifetime, love has become so sexualized that it has lost some of its intended force. Finally, after decades of contemplation, I believe I finally have a working definition of the love Jesus speaks about. To me love is “wanting God’s best for someone”. That is it. It is a definition that I can use when I speak of loving my enemies. I do not stray beyond that. I have abdicated my way of looking at things. I follow Another.
I understand that just writing such a thing makes me look arrogant and self righteous but those words are the only way I have of expressing the goal for which I strive. I have no desire or intention of having you think like me or believe what I say. After all, if I truly love you, who are not my enemies, I must urge you, “do not follow me”.
The idea is to cultivate mature, rational, mannered adults.
That takes WORK and the Lefty Demons have given us an easy solution. ‘Forgive our enemies’ NOT try to cultivate mature, rational, mannered adults by NOT CONDONING BAD BEHAVIOR.
You may enjoy my next BIMD.
“Love is not a wimp. Love is a joyous warrior.”
I like that; it encompasses every aspect that I can think of. It doesn’t deny our feelings of having been wronged while acknowledging God’s sovereignty and leaving vengeance to Him. It also encompasses the positive aspects of loving one’s friends and family.
What some learned as “faith, hope, and love” I learned as “faith, hope, and charity”.
I like that definition of love for one’s enemies. And I believe that “God’s best” for a pedophile is the fieriest, deepest, darkest pit of hell.
But that’s up to God.
That is extremely well-said. I love it.
Perfect! 😅
Brenden Dilley
It’s Stockholm Syndrome.
He was kidnapped by the Symbionese Megadonor Liberation Army.
Pretty soon, he’ll be robbing banks with Patty Hearst 👍
1 Timothy 6:10
10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Amen! Abso-lucking-futely!
Now that there is a history lesson all by itself. 🤔
The cost of power is usually paid in conscience, ethics, and morals. There are very few people who can pursue power without bartering themselves in the bargain. DeSantis does not appear to be on of the few.
535 co-conspirators?
More like millions . Remember Mike Gill said they grab the auditors
Total government employees U.S. 2022 | Statista
That is around 22 million people, many of whom are compromised.
It does not take much. Just threaten jobs and MAKE EXAMPLES like they did to Tara Rodas.
As I’ve quoted Upton Sinclair in the CAGW wars, the same is true of these gubmint wage slaves:
Wage slaves indeed. As in the musical “Cabaret,” “Money Makes The World Go ‘Round”…
Someone wrote, “Cue false flag!”
Ukraine is going to be Russian territory, in whole or in part. It was going to be Russian territory from the day Putin marched.
When that happens is a function of who is sitting in the White House. Since it is currently Biden, it will be when most of a generation of Ukrainians is dead.
It can ALL end when, Ukraine military refuses to fight.
Either walk away or shoot their minders.
^^^ And this.
A couple of interesting articles by simplicus… as the puzzling pieces rearrange…
(speaking of walking away or buying one’s way out)…
(Niger and all that entails)…
Or surrender to the Russians. The Russians are being very careful about treating the captured well. Actually if wounded you are better off with the Russians.
^^^ This.
“Spot the fed”
Are we sure those are handcuffs or might it be a can of Skoal?
I had the same thought.
It’d be zip tie cuffs too.
The outline isn’t quite round.
See the irregular line at the 12 o’clock position?
That’s where the chain links attach 😁
Yep, you got it.
Nice explanation Scott.
If it’s before/during sexual assault, it’s handcuffs; tobacco is for afterwards.
handcuffs. note the indent in the middle and the solid circle.
If it’s Skoal, it’s a dented can.
very dented.😋
Maybe. Maybe NOT.
I don’t know if bugs are being added to our food (yet), but this seems like useful information.
Cheap Protein additive. I wonder how many commercial ‘protein’ drinks and bars have bugs added?
Note at the very end the ‘contains a bioengineered food ingredient’
It is gluten (wheat free) but says NOTHING about the source of the protein.
this shows the source is Whey (milk protein) AMAZON
Crazy thing over here is, the MainScreamMedia are yelling about the dangers of some food additives because they are bug-derived!
Shellac (coating), and Carmine (red food dye). Yet, at the same time, they are extolling the virtues of bugs as “food”.
Unparalleled hypocrisy, or inconceivable ignorance… or both…
These are probably GMO as well:
Corn fiber
sunflower oil
canola oil
soybean oil
And the Gellan Gum sounds quite tasty…not… anything to add shelf life…
I am thinking the soy is commonly identified as bioengineered.
So is the corn.
It does say “milk protein isolate.”
(Forgive me, but that word almost begs for it 🙂 )…
Knock Knock…
Who’s there?
Isolate who?
Isolate I almost missed the train…
(ducks and runs from flying train and bus schedules, broken alarm clocks, and OUTATIME license-plate frames 🙂 )…..
I am just getting over a terrible Bug Bite I got last week!
When I was working I remember going to the trade shows and seeing the vendors with their cricket flour and that was 15 or 20 years ago. They’ve been at it for awhile.
I can just see a new cereal on the horizon (hope not!)
POST Crispy Crickets 🙂
Enough bugs in software! Don’t need them in the food. Those are for the birds….
I’m a vegan-by-proxy: I eat herbivore animals.
The kids over at Rob Squad (Amber and Jay) just discovered Pink Floyd’s Shine on you Crazy Diamond (from the album Wish You Were Here, 1975) 👍😁
Big 30 birthday…..reviewing a song that is 48. Amber really does make me smile that she is getting to be such a prog-head — she doesn’t fit the stereotype of a math-major at Oxford.
You can see her puttin’ on her inner prog with their review of Roundabout.
Like riding a rollercoaster.
She always gets into it, the whole experience 👍
I had Classic Yes (greatest hits) on LP when I was in 8th or 9th grade. It came with a 33-1/3rd single with Roundabout and I’ve Seen All Good People.
You can tell she’s feeling it from her “hah” reaction at 2:28 and 7:27, but when she gets to 9:49 and 10:11, she’s just laughing with joy along with the music.
Incidentally, the first sound you hear on Roundabout is a studio piano playing a crashing chord…..played backwards. And, of course, this song probably sold more Rickenbacker 4001 basses than any other (despite Squire’s bass actually being a RM1999 export model variant).
For some reason it never even occurs to me that Pink Floyd is progressive. It’s just so unique, I don’t even know how to describe it, except as classic rock, because of the era.
Almost like there is music, and then there is Pink Floyd 😁
No one else sounds like them, and they sound like no one else.
Amber always talks about the way Pink Floyd takes you on a trip, if you just close your eyes and go with the music. And she’s exactly right.
I don’t know how to pick my favorite group or band. It should probably be the Beatles, or Led Zeppelin, or the Rolling Stones. But whenever I think about it, the next thought is always… but what about Pink Floyd?
The Beatles had an immeasurable influence on music. My favorites are Abbey Road, Let it Be and the White Album.
For the Rolling Stones, it’s Beggars Banquet, Let it Bleed and Sticky Fingers.
For Zeppelin, it’s Led Zeppelin I, II, III, IV, Houses of the Holy, Physical Graffiti and In Through the Out Door.
But Pink Floyd… Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here and The Wall (with an honorable mention for Animals and The Final Cut) just almost overwhelm everything.
I don’t know. Zeppelin is so good… I mean, they did hard rock, they did blues, they did acoustic/folk… they did Stairway to Heaven…
But what about Pink Floyd?
I can’t choose!
But I can’t not choose Pink Floyd… 😂
If you’re ever feeling doubts about Floyd being Prog, go back and listen to Money on Dark Side.
Prog is famous for using peculiar time signatures, and Money is the poster child song for being in 9/8 (or, 9/4, if you prefer). That’s quite Prog right there….
….but it gets better. They were in the studio, and Gilmour was saying, “um, guys, I don’t know if I can do a proper solo in 9….” And the other guys said, “no problem — we’ll drop it out of 9 for your solo and pull it back in when you’re done.” It’s like doing a polka break inside a waltz.
And that’s what they did. It’s so smooth that you don’t notice it unless you go looking for it. It’s the kind of tricky bit you only find in Prog or Jazz.
Isn’t Money in 7/4, or as I’ve seen sheet music, with alternating 3/4 and 4/4 — then it changes to 4/4 briefly between the verses. Not that it changes your argument, if anything, 7/4 is just as Prog as 9/8, if not more.
Check out Dave Brubeck’s albums “Time Out” and “Time Further Out”, almost all of which have interesting time signaturs, e.g. 5/4 (“Take Five”, of course), 7/4, 9/4, 11/4 and others…
The score to “West Side Story” is riddled with odd time/key signatures and mixes of them, and enharmonic equivalences/transitions that make your eyes cross (if not your ears 🙂 as well)… “A Boy Like That/I Have A Love” is a good example, and a great number…
Yep, you are correct. Parts of my brain dedicated to remembering numbers or counting were shutting down after 3AM while other parts processing narratives were still running.
All you need on a deserted island are Who, AC/DC, and Penitentiary Blues.
You’re welcome.
Tchaikovsky, Tom Brier and also the Jazz Harp Trio. I got to see the Jazz Harp Trio in person IN BOSTON.)
OH WOW they followed us to NC!!
My parents had Gord’s Gold, so I grew up listening to that one, and I’ve had it on CD since it was released. Then I found a U.S. first issue original double LP that looks like it’s in unplayed condition.
Always great to have the analog LP when it can be found in top shape.
I started out with LPs. When CDs came out, I had to duplicate my record LP collection.
As time went on, and my CD collection grew, eventually I had to duplicate my CD collection in vinyl again 😁
CDs are convenient, require little care, and usually play fine even if they’re scratched. There is lots of great music on CDs that can’t be found on LP. Lots of alternate takes, demos, deluxe box sets, etc.
But when possible, and if I have time to really listen to the music for a few hours, it’s great to hear the original vinyl if I have it, or sometimes a newer audiophile reissue LP from the original master tapes is still very, very good 😁
Verse of the Day for Sunday, August 6, 2023
“Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:”
Luke 6:37 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Amen on the manual. What a great addition to your many encouragements. Blessings!
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Thank you, Carl. That was a beautiful reminder. I get so caught up sometimes in the spiral of the day, and I need to spend more time looking towards heaven.
I have not gone thru this whole video yet but it looks like it is very important. Mr Gill says he gave all the info to General Flynn somewhere around 15 to 23 minutes in. He is not a good speaker unfortunately, but that makes the info much more likely to be true. (I will address ‘smooth talker’ in a follow-up comment)
Slide show of documents starts at 23 minutes.
@ 29 minutes he talks about the people involve. They include HIS CORPORATE LAWYER, HIS COMPTROLLER they even got to his wife! (Think Thaler!!!)
𝗔𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗱 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗹 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗯 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗔𝗨𝗗𝗜𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗦. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗕𝗜, 𝗜𝗥𝗦, 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝘂𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀… and gives examples.
𝗣𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗮 𝗣𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀: 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 – 𝗔 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗚𝗶𝗹𝗹
As an aside —
New Hampshire has no INCOME TAX.
Delaware & Biden = SLEAZY Delaware Corporations (Quote from an upstate NY friend with many corporations registered there.)
This is good stuff. Problem remains in getting this stuff front and center.
Great minds think alike. 😋
I was looking for my post on Thaler and saw this. It is the Patrick Byrne, Lin Wood, General Flynn in-fighting 3/2022. Months later Byrne and Lin Wood come out looking like BAD NEWS AND NOT GENERAL FLYNN. We lost the commenter, Grandmaintexas over this. I have seen her over at Badlands BTW.
THALER POST –> ARIZONA ELECTIONS AND DRUG CARTELS – INFLUENCE OVER DECADES? I point this out because they got to Thaler by enticing him with a woman he married and had a kid by. Now his kid has been taken away. Jeff and Shannon interviewed Thaler while Badlands trashed him, calling him a shill and pointing to him selling a book. That book has photos of all the evidence he has gathered. I consider it a different kettle of fish compared to De Santis. Note that Peter Navvaro and General Flynn ALSO have books that explore important subjects.
Remember honeypots and women and kids have been used by the Cabal for leverage against politicians and other important people forever.
Later the AZ senator that brought the Thaler info to the senate WAS TOSSED OUT!
Patrick Byrne, Lin Wood, General Flynn in-fighting post –> LET’S YOU AND HIM FIGHT, THE COMMIE CON-ARTIST SPECIAL
I am going to do a bit of dot connecting but it is a matrix and not linear. As I have mentioned before, the Cabal successfully targeted the Tea Party and I watched it happen.
One of the things they use is SMOOTH TALKERS and that is a good description of Patrick Gunnels, at least before he hooked Jon Harold. (One side note. Mike Rothschild filed a friend of the Court brief during Jon’s divorce. The threat was removing Jon’s right to have contact with his kids. Is this part of the ‘twist’ they may have on Jon?)
This was the template:
Use the Blair-Rockefeller Poll with ‘Gotch questions’ to paint the Tea Party as RACIST.
Have the Fake News broad case the FINDINGS of the poll knowing no one but a nerd like me would actually READ the poll questions.🤓
Have grifters set up PACs to siphon off $$$
Get some ‘Tea Party’ candidates elected who promptly turn Rino when their vote is critical such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership. (If you want a list of ‘Freedom Caucus’ traitors look up how they voted on that!)
DIVIDE AND CONQUER the Cabals favorite strategy.
Above, I mentioned Mike Gill is not a polished speaker and neither are Jeff and Shannon (MG show.) Something else I noticed. The MG show does interviews of IMPORTANT people a lot more often than Badlands. (Sitrep does interviews but now I am seeing more and more they have each other as guests or entice commenters.)
Jeff and Shannon around the time that Badlands Media was setup mentioned there was a BIG BLOW-UP at We the Media that fractured the Anon community. They also had an ongoing fight with LIN WOOD.
I had mentioned my down votes of Patrick Gunnels are no longer registering. ‘LIKES’ are important because well liked videos are promoted on other Rumble videos. The people at Badlands Media are very very ‘interested’ in ‘Climbing the leader board’
I find these stats interesting.
21.8K views vs 422 likes on the Mike Gill interview.
38.8K views vs 1,120 likes on Patrick Gunnels and Ashe in America read the Badlands News Brief.
Patrick is getting almost double the eyeballs and almost three times the likes on READING THE NEWS DESPITE PISSING OF THE BABY BOOMERS LIKE ME! Are we seeing a bit of manipulation?
What is really interesting in light of the Patrick Byrne, Lin Wood, General Flynn in-fighting post (PLEASE READ AGAIN) is that Patrick Gunnels is ALWAYS promoting Byrne! Byrne who works for the FBI…
From my old article:
It gets worse from there. He suggests this guy as Flynn’s partner
Patrick Gunnels is looking more and more like the Deep State Handler of Jon Harold and Badlands Media is starting to look like a ‘Limited Hangout’ that is being smeared just like the Tea Party was, only this time it is far out conspiracies such as No Pathogens, Flat Earth, Nukes are not real…
I forgot to mention the Tea Party look alike limited hangout was Occupy Wall Street. Recently I saw a video where someone involved said it was killed off. I expect after Badlands Media has served it’s purpose, it too will be killed off.
“We lost the commenter, Grandmaintexas over this. I have seen her over at Badlands BTW.”
Grandmaintexas is over at Marica’s too 👍
& Sylvia’s, iirc
Gail – I confess I am all at sea with all this good information you bring. Because I don’t watch those programs (ITM, Badlands), I get the names of people mixed up. Then when you post about them, I am constantly wondering: Is he a bad guy, a good guy, or someone whose actions we are questioning at this time?
In the “Let’s You and Him Fight Article,” there is info that Lin Wood was telling the truth about some things. But now I don’t know who Lin Wood is anymore. The last I knew, he had become a flat-earther, which, among other things, calls his judgment into question.
There is also info there about Mike Flynn being in agreement with Patrick Byrne about Trump having “given up,” and more. There were a number of questionable things about Flynn around that time.
So who are these people, what do they really stand for, and can they be trusted? (For most if not all of them, I would say no.)
I feel as if I need a glossary with names, like this:
John Doe:
what program, etc., he is with
good guy/bad guy/changing or unknown status, and why
I’m not asking you to do that; just saying it’s very confusing to me. And I really appreciate your keeping up with it and bringing the information here.
Patel Patriot (Jon Harold) started out with the Devolution series on Substack
and on Rumble the Devolution Power Hour and the Liberty Den. (Note that Beer at the Parade and Richard the Saint,who I respect left.)
In October of 2022 it morphed into Badlands Media
Kate Awakening seems to be behind the Idea from some things Jon let slip. Jon got divorced and is not romantically involved with Kate. She was a democrat until recently. Hence the ‘Awakening’
Patrick Gunnels started with a rumble account where he read ‘Epic Threads’ He said it was so he could give them to friends who did not want to read articles.
Patrick started getting my side eye when he featured a guy name Dr Kaufman. Kaufman lost his medical licence when Duke caught him stealing from a grant program. He also sells Rock Sweat. (Snake Oil by any other name.)
Then he debated Steve Kirsch
I interview Patrick Gunnels who claims that viruses don’t exist
Click on Show more to see what Steve Has to say.
When Gregg Phillips had the meeting in the desert giving the info about software company Konnech, Patrick whined about having Dr. Peter McCullough giving a presentation about Covid and the vaccines. He flounced out of the meeting 1/2 way thru and then said Gregg presented nothing of use. 🙄 The Konnech presentation was NOT RECORDED and given AFTER Patrick had left. However that did not stop Patrick from trashing Gregg. (The MG Show has Gregg as a frequent visitor on Fridays.)
Kanekoa News — Konnech’s Connection to the CCP’s #1 Voting Technology Company
Then Patrick had videos supporting FLAT EARTH 🙄 As a Mathematician he should be aware of Eratosthenes of Cyrene (276 BC – c. 195/194 BC) the first person known to calculate the circumference of the Earth as well as other ancients.
Now he is saying Nuclear weapons are fake.
Patrick Byrne
Skim (use [ctrl] [f] LET’S YOU AND HIM FIGHT, THE COMMIE CON-ARTIST SPECIAL for information about Byrne who Patrick thinks is great.
There was also some skuttlebutt about Byrne and the Arizona election audits. I do not remember who accused who of what…
Patrick Byrne talks election fraud with Clay Clark…›2021
This is not what I have heard from others. It is actually the conservative counties where they flip a lot of votes so instead of a 35 to 65 ratio you have a 47 to 53 ratio. Since the Conservatives win no one ever looks to see if there was fraud. This allows the DemonRats to say sure there may have been some fraud BUT NOT ENOUGH TO CHANGE THE ELECTION. Do you see the scam?
Here is another:
So Byrne is Full of Schiff when he says “…election fraud is not widespread, but “narrow and deep.”
Wow, thank you so much! I’m copying and saving that for reference.
I don’t know what to think about Gen. Flynn. He has said and done some questionable things IMO. My impression is that Trump trusts him, but I’m not sure.
Gail this is such important info maybe you should consider having it All in a post for easy access AND a place to drop updates where more people might see the overview as info & insights develop…
Hadn’t heard of this site before. As you can see it’s a place where you can toss up your own story. Interesting.
Will have to find some collaborating evidence of the story. Terrible if true. A word search for Lisichansk shows that it fell to Russia in the early part of July. It was a major urban and industrial hub of the Donbas region, with a 2009 population of about 353,000.
Above translated. Not sure if this is the same place but it appears to be in the same area. Seems to be some efforts to discredit this story coming from within Ukraine and Western Press.
This next story seems to verify location as Lisichansk.
And the story straight below verifies top story.
In other disturbing news, this vid from Ukraine Watch shows what passes as cultural news in the Netherlands.
or here
Think it was yesterday or maybe day before on of the Russia language Telegram sites briefly reported the university building being shelled and set ablaze with cluster ammunition.
Assumed at the time it was stupid, but all they had to use, seems now there was a purpose to it.
Happening here in Germany, too. All the way down to preschool age.
A fellow named Kentler (one might say our Kinsey), a known paedophile, no less, developed curricula for the schools in Berlin, and, by extension, elsewhere, and was also a leader/proponent of sex education in the schools. His Satanic perversions are still being taught, to this day, indeed more often “thanks” to the Greens…
Here’s a site from a group that’s fighting this madness, both at the German government level and the EU level…
(Room for sexual games planned for children of three years and above)
and here are articles about Alfred Kentler and the damage he has done, even after his death… his damnable legacy lives on:
Do NOT ask me to forgive these SOBs! I do not think the Bible/Jesus asks us to either.
When I was a pre-pub kid, we used to buy comdoms at a local gas station men’s room and use them as water balloons.
What were you doing in a men’s room? Such a bad girl.
Unfortunately these newfangled fairytales don’t often have a happy ending with the villain being vanquished or the hero and the princess living happily ever after…
… and if a frog gets kissed, it turns into a demon gargoyle.
Before I turned 10 years old, the children’s librarian told me that if I wanted to get an adult library card, I would have to read and report on a wide selection of the books in her section, then get my parents to approve. ( I just wanted more science fiction) The fairy tale section contained a wide mix, from very old to more modern. It had The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: The Complete First Edition. Believe me when I tell you it was great, but not what you would think now. The Grimm’s had to edit it many times afterwards, to make it more “happily after”. Six other editions.
It was our school librarian who turned me on to Science Fiction in 5th grade. She handed me Analog Science fact/fiction. When we moved, my father had to buy me a subscription to help me adjust to the move. Then he grabbed it and read it before I could!
When I was a freshman in college I bought I Will Fear No Evil by Robert A. Heinlein. I was mortified to come home on break to find my Mom avidly reading it. 😳 It is a bit on the ‘racy’ side or so I thought back when I was 18. Now they would not blink to find someone reading it to a 4 year old. HECK, it is better lit. and more wholesome than anything they are now offering up at ‘Woke schools’
Ah, yes, a trans novel done right….
And it’s fairies telling the tales…
“”Negotiations are not necessary at this point; the enemy should come crawling on their knees, begging for mercy.” – Dmitry Medvedev in his remarks.
This is how he commented on the meeting regarding Ukraine in Saudi Arabia, to which Russia was not invited.”
(He generally plays bad cop)
“Ukraine at the talks in Saudi Jeddah did not insist on the implementation of Zelensky’s “peace formula”, which the Russian side called unviable, the WSJ has said.
According to it, China suggested discussing Moscow’s red lines at the meeting”
(Having discussions taking place where one of the parties being discussed is not present is, to my mind, divisive.)
Seems to me, Medvedev is correct. Prolly doesn’t need to be so hard core.
Simple mind figures Ukraine and their puppeteers (US, UK, EU, NATO) are the aggressors.
Can’t negotiate, when Ukraine is delusional. Can’t or won’t admit, they have LOST.
August 6, 1945
Hiroshima was destroyed by the atomic bomb dropped on it by the United States military.
🕯 #OnThisDay in 1945, the United States dropped a nuclear bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, instantly killing almost 80,000 people. About as many people would die in agony later from radiation poisoning. This was the first time in human history that a nuclear device was used in warfare. In fact, it was a merciless test on the civilian population.
The United States has been carrying out research on military applications for nuclear weapons since 1939, seeking to create a formidable weapon that would enable Washington to impose its will on the entire world. Codenamed Manhattan, the project received almost $2 billion in funding.
Three nuclear bombs were developed by mid-summer 1945, cynically codenamed the Gadget, Little Boy and Fat Man. The Gadget was to be used in a test explosion, while the other two were intended to intimidate Japan and also impress the USSR as it reinforced its positions.
Almost all clocks in Hiroshima stopped ticking at 8:15 am. The city was completely wiped from the surface of the Earth with the blast from the explosion turning people into ashes.
Attempts by Western historians to justify this monstrous crime by saying that the United States wanted to force Japan to withdraw from World War II do not hold water. Japan’s military resources were largely depleted by early August 1945, and it was the USSR’s entry into war in the Far East that played a decisive role here.
Therefore, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima was nothing other than a barbarous display of force and an attempt to justify all the money that had been invested in the Manhattan Project. It never occurred to President Harry Truman or any of his successors in this office to apologize for the suffering the people of Hiroshima had to endure.
Spellbreakers Ep 29: Are Nuclear Weapons Even Real? – Wed 7:30 PM ET –[Patrick Gunnels and] Matt Trump, Ph.D. looks at current events and scientific topics from the viewpoint of a red-pilled theoretical physicist.
38.7K views but only 697 likes. 13 dislikes..
I was going to take one for the team and watch it, but I just couldn’t do it.
Remember that my Mom was then used by the DOD in their radiation experiments.
Washington, DC, October 24, 1986.
Yes … and thank you for reminding…
The Flat Earth stuff I can shrug off as sort of Harmless except that it makes MAGA look like idiot conspiracy theorists.
The denial of Viruses and Pathogens lets RALPH BARIC and others off the Nuremberg II hook for developing bioweapons.
The Denying Nuclear Energy/Weapons I find VERY DANGEROUS! It means MAGA will not take the possibility of Nuclear War seriously and will certainly not bother with preparations like at least having iodine tablets on hand. PLEASE NOTE AMERICANS ARE NOW IODINE DEFICIENT since the salt used in commercial food has no iodine. That puts us at risk. I can tell I have forgotten to take my iodine tablets recently because the 7% iodine I put on a fire ant bite disappeared – absorbed by my skin – within hours…. yeah, if you are deficient you will absorb iodine thru your skin
Chernobyl Accident 1986
How to Perform the Iodine Patch Test
The Iodine Patch Test theoretically measures how quickly the body absorbs iodine through the skin. The issue with this test is that it’s not 100% reliable and doesn’t provide an extensive view of your iodine levels as could a test done by your doctor.
Are You Dangerously Deficient In Iodine? Why Almost Everyone is…
Looks like deep Psyops and discreditation at work.
The DEMONRATS are pulling out all the stops.
Yes that is what I am thinking. Remember Nuclear is not just weapons it is CHEAP ENERGY!
Paul Ehrlich said,
“In fact, giving society cheap abundant energy at this point would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.”
The miserable truth is that our leaders don’t want us to have cheap energy–Dan HannanBy Paul Homewood
“an idiot child”
Erlich (oh, the irony, he never speaks the truth) probably hates kids, and is likely a paedo all the same…
Of course he hates kids.
How can someone believe we are over-populated yet also like kids (over-populating in action)?
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida accused Russia of threatening nuclear war.
“Now, due to the deepening of the split in the international community regarding the reduction of nuclear weapons and because of the fact that Russia threatens with nuclear weapons, the path to this (a world without nuclear weapons) is becoming more and more difficult,” Kishida said, speaking at the mourning event . in Hiroshima.
The Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture, Hidehiko Yuzaki, also mentioned Russia in his speech, arguing that the fighting in Ukraine began allegedly because Russia has nuclear weapons.
via Fox News Russia
UN Under Secretary General Izumi Nakamitsu made no mention of US in his speech commemorating the 78th Anniversary of Hiroshima. She is Japanese … but … Japan is a Vassal State … /phoenix
I can not find it now, but Russia did say if the West got too aggressive towards Russia the target would be the UK and the USA with nukes and NOT the Ukraine.
I think this is what I was remembering.
February 16, 2023 — Russian Politician: United States Won’t ‘Come to Its Senses’ Until It ‘Gets Hit with a Nuke’ (Scrubbed already, this is the archived version.)
MI6 and KlownsInAktion should be sent off fission…
I am to the point now, that if Putin Nuked the District of Criminal during the next State of the Union, I would send him a thank you letter.
Careful …
I would not do anything to DC, I won’t go near the darn place (and have figured out a route around it,) It doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to see the new Sodom and Gomorrah removed.
And yeah, I realize that would be the opening salvo for a nuclear war….
Maybe God can come up instead with a nice tsunami earthquake to wipe out the DC swamp…
Otherwise I guess we will have to do it the hard way, Get Trump and patriots into office and get them to do a through house cleaning…. SIGHHHhhhh.
The Russians know who the bad guys are, they’re all billionaires.
I would be amazed if there was even a single bad guy, at the top levels, who isn’t a billionaire.
They’re not heads of state, the actual heads of states are just billionaire’s puppets.
So if Russia wants to stop all the nonsense, they should target and eliminate the billionaires known to be involved in causing all the global havoc.
Gates, Soros, all the megadonors controlling the UniParty in the U.S., etc.
If our gov’t wasn’t owned by the billionaire lunatic class, we could eliminate them too. The Constitution provides for it specifically, in a Letter of Marque and Reprisal.
Letters of marque and reprisal are commissions or warrants issued to someone to commit what would otherwise be acts of piracy. They will normally contain the following first three elements, unless they imply or refer to a declaration of war to define the enemies, and may optionally contain the remainder:
Many of these documents were taken, with permission, from the Isle of Tortuga site, which is about piracy and letters of marque. Here is a link to our local copy of their Letters of Marque page.
The U.S. Constitution provides, Article I, Sec. 8 cl. 11:
Name them, issue a Letter of Marque and Reprisal, and take them out.
Hopefully coming soon to a state near you.
Just blame it on the Clot Shot.
Also do not forget a lot of the illegals flooding over the border are RUSSIAN…
n Search of a Better Life, Thousands of Russians Are Crossing the Mexican Border to America
Faux News, yet again… fanning the flames…
Now, that there is some propaganda.
My dad was in the Army during WWII and said he was among soldiers who observed a nuclear detonation, perhaps 20 miles away but outside, during a test.
It just occurred to me, I wonder if Patrick Gunnels attack on boomers is because we have family members/ family friends who WERE WITNESSES TO NUCLEAR BOMBS?
The attacks were out of the blue. One was Boomers do not deserve Social Security, never mind that the government confiscated 60 to 80% of our earnings.
In the second attack, he blamed boomers for the mess we have now. Never mind that we were targeted by the John Dewey education scheme, Fake News, ‘feminism’ and the runaway inflation of the 1970s that lead to the necessity of a 2 job family.
Yep, Gail, YEP!!!
The Right thing to do, at the time.
^^^^ THAT is propaganda …
AND do not forget WWI and WWII were CABAL WARS, a cabal that wanted World Domination and a LOT FEWER PEOPLE. Nuclear war has been hung over our heads since they used it on Japan.
Ad clipping for ‘The Unborn‘ a eugenics play put on by John D. Rockefeller Jr. in 1915.
‘Thoughtful eugenicists’?
How about ghouls?
I’m not making an argument one way or the other because I don’t have the answer.
I talked with a WWII vet before he passed, and he told me exactly this. He and his company were on their way to Japan before the bomb was dropped, and they were stopped from going because it was dropped. Whether it can be thought necessary to have dropped the bomb, I think there is no question that we would have lost more lives if things had not been stopped when they were. I’m not doubting that the war was winding down and that Japan would have eventually surrendered, but I believe we would have sent in more troops to Japan and fighting would have continued before surrender. The end can take a long time.
My dad was in the naval air force flying reconnaissance over the Pacific and China spotting Japanese naval and troop movements. He started his war time tour on Attu island in Alaska after the battle there that cost thousands of lives on both sides.
He said the bombs were the very best thing that could happen to end the war quickly and with much less loss of American lives. He flew over both cities post surrender and saw the devastation. He admired Truman for having the courage. Contrary to the “they were ready to surrender” crowd, he said the military and many civilians would have fought to the last breath for their mainland. During the Pacific island battles leading up to the bombs the vast majority of their military survivors would commit suicide before surrendering, they were so brainwashed.
He knew, he was there. I choose to believe him.
Both my Dad and my Uncle fought in the Pacific Theater. Uncle was in the Air Force and HATED the Japanese til his dying days because he saw the atrocities done by the Jap soldiers.
Have your ever read about the Rape of Nanking? I have, and it is the most sickening thing you will ever read about.
The bombs were horrific and not something we would ever want to do. That said, there are always people within administrations who think they know best and who will give contrary opinions because their will was thwarted. We have recent examples in the Trump administration. So I don’t take the word of advisers at the time, even military ones.
I am also cautious about these reports because the “in” thing now is to denigrate the United States and cast doubts about our history. To be sure, there are some really bad things in our history, but I think we need to find a balance.
Thanks for the report of your dad’s perspective. I appreciate his service.
Amen. The Nation article sniffs badly of revisionist propaganda, contradicting much that I know about the war, both on the American side and the Japanese side. I’m VERY curious where this is coming from, and I think you’re right about the “in thing” part – it’s a kind of neo-Soviet proggie thing, now that they’ve worn out both slavery and American Indians.
I appreciate the article, because I always want to see what people are saying, but even the cited part includes some deceptively cunning wording. This author will be one to watch out for.
YES – the bombs were militarily unnecessary. I agree – but what exactly does that mean? It depends on what one defines as necessary. Ending the war, or ending the war quickly, surely, and on our terms? Ending the war on our terms, or ending the war and splitting the future with the Russian communists? I hear tunes of proggie Stalin-love in the background.
The war was actually won from Midway on, if we’re strategically honest. But the bombs caused immediate cessation of hostilities, and totally on our terms. This had enormous strategic advantage against the Soviets, who were only “frenemies”, and who we did NOT want to have any control of Japan. Hence, the “Russian negotiations” angle is a dodge and sniffs of Soviet propaganda.
Many Japanese were fanatic about continued defense, and surrender without a significant amphibious invasion was not at all guaranteed, IMO. It is known that the bombs gave the emperor all the clout he needed to end the war instantly, because all protestation by the militarists ended.
Just look at the title:
The War Was Won Before Hiroshima—And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It
Hell – everybody knew it. But the bomb was dropped for a huge variety of reasons BEYOND “necessity”, and Stimson was involved in deep discussion of them all. Ending further American deaths promptly was a top consideration. But not all of the reasons were heroic. Many were exceedingly calculating. But the war was FILLED with such decisions.
What I sense in the military comments in the wake of the bombing, is a bunch of generals who were not in on the development of the bomb, or the decision-making process to use it, or both. They commented at the time without full knowledge, and yes, they can be forgiven for that, too.
The most important thing to understand is that it was not at all an easy decision, and rode on MANY complexities. The decision included the idea of using the bombs in a limited way to make further use untenable.
It’s fascinating to read about that decision, but it’s a long and hard read.
They started it, we finished it. War is hell.
The end.
Thank you for finding Solonomesque ways to “split the baby”. Your wisdom & insights are Much appreciated!
I believe your dad too.
Your father was correct. I have read a lot about the Japanese military. They were utterly and completely committed to the fight. And they were insane. I mean that literally.
Here is an article published in The Atlantic by Karl Compton, “If the Atomic Bomb Had Not Been Used,” in December of 1946.
Here are Truman’s Reflections on the Atomic Bombings, January 12, 1953.
Excellent. Thank you!
More on “Ghosts in the Machine” 4th Psyop, Pineland Underground podcast. (1:17:26 hrs)
Yeah, it really is ‘Pineland’ LOTS of long leaf pine. You can see the forest in the first video.
Now I will go watch.
GAK! over 1 hour so save for bed time.
They start talking directly about Ghosts in the Machine at the minute after the 1-hour mark. Perhaps at 1:00:59.
Thank you!
The toasted whole wheat flakes in bottom left corner, needs to be changed to toasted crunchy crickets, but otherwise very nice.
probably made with meal worm powder
Made with and by worms…
Also, Toasted Bran done…
How Awful. Dirty Liar Mike Pence Launches “Too Honest” Merch for His Campaign (VIDEO)
I reckon he is a total fake and now his cover is burnt,3&9.
He is just another Empty Suit Lawyer with ZERO experience except in politics.
“We’ll” ?
Right. I noticed that.
Me myself and I
Exactly why mine is home!
“The Niger authorities have issued a document requiring the French to withdraw troops from Niger within 30 days. In fact, France now has a simple fork – either to start a typical colonial war, or to flee Niger with its tail between its legs. Intrigue.”
Fake Energy was such a bad idea.
I want to throw this in here again.
Pandora Papers: Follow the Money – A Conversation with Mike Gill
If you do not have much time listen to the 10 minutes staring at 30 minutes in.
Things that stood out:
They (Congress) HAVE IT ALL. (Lists of corrupt LLCs)
The Cabal TARGETS SMALL STATES because they are much easier to take over. That is WHY New Hampshire and South Dakota.
South Dakota….
Who just went thru a nasty divorce in SD where the custody of his kids was in the air? JON HAROLD… He has recently said that Mike Rothschild was trying to make sure he would never get to see his kids. That could explain WHY he set up Badlands Media all of a sudden and WHY it is turning out to be a ‘Limited Hangout’ that paints MAGA as Flat Earth Kooks thanks to Patrick Gunnels.
@ 39 minutes, “Pence was shaking the hands of the HEAD of the cartel as was Sununu” (4 time gov of NH) Jon Harold is always sticking up for Pence…
Really good catch.
And I would like to say that those individuals are not the only people who post at Badlands. Personally, I prefer a different panel of their talent.
“Where the missile strike was carried out on August 5: analysis of the Military chronicle
This strike has a number of features that distinguish it from the previous ones.
How to understand which objects are affected?
Satellites of the NASA Fire Information for Resource Management System, or FIRMS for short, register large fires on a global scale. After the strikes on Ukraine on the night of August 6, new large foci appeared, which had not been there before. It is important to understand that some points on the map are marked by NASA satellites for natural reasons — for example, industrial centers or simply large operating factories are marked in red on the map in some cases. However, if we compare the data on fires with some military facilities that were hit, an interesting picture emerges.
Where were the main hits?
NASA satellite images clearly show large fires in industrial centers and logistics hubs used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in Zaporozhye, as well as in the Dnipropetrovsk, Vinnytsia and Khmelnitsky regions.
The most important proof of the effectiveness of strikes are large fires in the Khmelnytsky region. A hit at the Starokonstantinov airfield was confirmed: satellites recorded at least four large burning foci there, and the total number of cruise missile hits during the night strike, presumably, exceeded a dozen. Gorenje
In the Rivne region, apparently, a large warehouse with ammunition or fuel was destroyed in the immediate vicinity of a major railway junction in the city of Zdolbunov, and in the Vinnytsia region, a large fire started in the area of the logistics terminals of Djurin, near the border with Moldova.
According to FIRMS, there are also several arrivals in Yamnitsa, Ivano-Frankivsk region. Pockets of strong fires are visible in the industrial zone of a large cement plant and next to the railway. There is also a strong gorenje in Malaya Kondratovka, Odessa region — on the border with Moldova.
What conclusions can be drawn?
Firstly, the massive strike inflicted on the night of August 5-6 indicates that the necessary supply of missiles from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has not just been preserved, but is constantly increasing and, if necessary, is applied to all targets assigned to defeat in a short time.
Secondly, all the necessary targets, judging by the suddenness of the strike, had been under surveillance for a long time and were hit at about the same time with high efficiency.
Thirdly, the ability to destroy any enemy objects with several types of weapons at the same time has once again been confirmed.
The entire arsenal of missile weapons was used for strikes — Iskander and Onyx land-based ballistic missiles, Kalibr-NK missiles from naval carriers, as well as X-101 missiles from air carriers and a large number of Geran-2 drones.
Fourth, judging by the volume of targets hit and the geography of cruise missile arrivals, a large batch of weapons, equipment and ammunition was destroyed at all AFU facilities deep in Ukraine.
Presumably, these loads in the near future should have been directed to strengthen the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and, probably, contribute to the introduction of the remaining reserves into the offensive, but now it will be much more difficult to accomplish this task.
It is noteworthy that the case was not limited to a night strike: on the morning of August 6, new strikes were inflicted on Kharkiv and the region, which indirectly suggests that missile strikes may be continued in the near future, and there are no problems with their scaling.”
So much for the $$$ and Arms the USA is sending to Ukraine. The Russians know WHERE and WHEN to strike.
“The Russians know WHERE and WHEN to strike”..I totally agree RAC
On May 15, there was a missile strike in Khmelnytsky. The tremors from the massive explosion measured 3.4 on the Richter scale.
Last night there was a missile strike the airport/military center at the airport in Starokonstantinov and once again, the explosion was massive and Ukraine monitors noted that missiles/ammunition continued to explode for 40 minutes after the initial missile strike..
Starokonstantinov is in the Khmelnytsky region and the massive explosion last night indicates to me that Russia is blowing up certain arsenal depots and then watching to see where replacement shipments are being stored, waiting until the entire shipments are received and waiting for the right moment to strike again…It’s gotta be demoralizing for Ukraine…:0)
Hopefully it is demoralizing for the Cartel since they are the ONLY ONES who really matter.
MIC remains thrilled with future sales.
One of the strikes that occurred in the Zaporozhye region yesterday was against the Motor Sich airline engine production plant. The Motor Sich engine plant had also been hit back on November 18 of last year.
In December of 2021, China’s aerospace firm, Skyrizon, sued the Ukrainian government before an interenational trade tribunal. China is demanding $4.5 Billion in compensation over the failed purchase of Motor Sich based in the regional capital of Zaporizhia.
Vice-President Heels Up Harris is married to Doug Emhoff. Doug Emhoff’s law firm, DLP Piper, is representing China in the case.
The possibility of money laundering is endless…..if Emhoff wins the case, The International Monetary Fund or the US taxpayer will provide Ukraine with the $4.5 Billion. Emhoff’s firm will siphon off a large % of the settlement. DLP Piper will then laundry that money back into the United States into the coffers of chosen Democrats and you can bet there will be 10% for “the Big Guy” coming from China if they win the case….
That’s downright depressing.
And just think, our REAL tax rate is somewhere near EIGHTY PERCENT!!!
“…Ronald Reagan’s great quote on how there are 151 taxes in a mere loaf of bread. It’s from 1975….”
Trump Attorney John Lauro: Mike Pence Will Be One of Our Best Witnesses at Trial – “I Read His Book Very Clearly” (VIDEO)
This is called ‘good lawyering’ unlike the crap spewed by Elias.
Major Donor to DeSantis’s Presidential Bid Threatens to Cut Off Money Unless New Donors Emerge and a More Moderate Stance is Adopted
It seems very late in the game for donors to be on the fence.
My question is What did Bigelow think he was getting with DeSantis? What did all of his donors think, because DeSantis was supposed to be a mini-Trump, who holds “extremist” views. So it looks to me as if DeSantis has been telling the voters one thing and donors another.
That is a whole big pile of DUH!
It is an amazing thing that the megadonors openly declare their ownership of the candidate, and openly coerce and bribe the candidate.
And openly admit that while everyone else is limited to $2,500, the extra-special billionaire Lex Luthor class gives $20 million as a down payment to leverage their investment, sort of like a regular person puts 20% down on a house.
For the record, and I have said so before, it should be a matter of self defense for humanity to outlaw the possibility of being a billionaire.
It never goes well for humanity when less than 1% of the global population owns the entire Monopoly board, and that is always what happens.
Trump is the wild exception.
Where are all the other billionaires?
Against Trump, because they’re against humanity (us).
Money is power.
Power corrupts.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Effectively, $1 billion (plus) = absolute power.
I know the argument(s) against making it unlawful to posses more than a billion dollars, and in principle, I used to agree. But look at the world, and what happens, when insane wealth in concentrated in the hands of any individual.
I love lofty principles, but in case anyone has forgotten, they’re trying to exterminate us.
They could never do that, without infinite money.
And without infinite money, they wouldn’t have the free time to think up things like exterminating the entire human population.
Yes, and when they have the ability to do this over generations, the devravity becomes a lifestyle, inbred, and a game.
Actually I would go back to the original concept of ‘corporation’
What The Founding Fathers Thought About Corporations
I would also change campaign finance laws to One person One donation of $1500 PER ELECTION CYCLE!! Get rid of the PACs and put the little guy on the same footing as the billionaire.
The door of congress should be open to INDIVIDUALS and not a lobbying group.
I fully concur with corporate charters that are not perpetual — and, further, I maintain that the “death penalty” for corporations [revoking the charter] hasn’t been used in one-tenth the cases it should have been.
That said, limitations on political spending are similar to gun laws. Those who are inclined to be lawful will be placed at a disadvantage to those who scoff at such restrictions. You’ll just get more book deals and no-show jobs for sons. I applaud Citizens United for overthrowing 100 years of campaign finance laws because they are always used to maintain the political supremacy of those who enact the laws.
I agree on the campaign finance laws. There’s ways around them, even if the concept of a PAC was sunsetted.
This guy is one of the sharper tools in the anti-Faucist drawer.
Short and sweet. Unless your name is Joe Biden.
New Trump add.
Well, at least they are talking and they do seem concerned, but how much do they not understand yet….
But are they conservatives or lefties?
I suspect mostly MAGA, but a few Dems in the mix.
Evenin’ giloo…my thoughts….
So, I have to conclude that those chanting are just average Kentucky conservative constituents aka Deplorables. :0) .
Ah. Ty maam. 👍 Then he mustve been truly 😲
Ditch Mitch
MUST SEE: Mitch McConnell Endures 5-Minute Heckling During Speech: ‘Retire’ and ‘Ditch Mitch’ Chants Overpower the Senator’s Address (VIDEO)
Yep. Keep an eye on the weather. Actually appears to be a large storm system moving into the area tonight.