Cover image: Joshua Tree National Park, California, Lost Palms

Forwarded from Professor Patriot (Professor Patriot)
Kevin McCarthy has been a bulldog lately, but people are still frustrated that impeachment is not happening.
The torches and pitchforks are out. “Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!”
As is often the case, I see it differently. Joe Biden is right where he needs to be. Evidence of his criminal acts and his connections is flooding out, his numbers are rightfully in the toilet, and the turd smokers are stuck with him as long as McCarthy blocks impeachment and Dirty Joe keeps breathing.
The deep state would like nothing more than for the Republicans to take The Gross Whisperer off the board with time enough before 2024 to elevate a new candidate.
If I was running this op, FJB would face impeachment 17 days before the 2024 election. Until then, I would keep the evidence coming and tease impeachment. Let the Demoncrats deal with him if they dare.
Impeachment has a nice ring to it, but the answer we want is not always the answer we need.
15.7KviewsTheStormHasArrived17, Aug 8 at 08:05
It’s hard to swallow with a horrid economy, and the national reputation taking broadsides due to Joe’s ability to @#$% things up, but the exposure is waking up a lot of the sheep.
Badlands News Brief – August 8, 2023
UN Chief: Christians Who Don’t Accept MAPs Will Be Excluded From Society
Definitely a battle of good verses evil.
The Trump Indictment and 2024
The problem with intellectuals
Elites attacking agriculture again: Let them eat bugs!
Trump Indictment Is a Mockery of Common Sense
China’s Plan to Rule the World’s Smart Devices, FCC Urged to Act
Putin Reinforces Rosgvardia Troops With Heavy Armor After Wagner Coup
Mercenaries are us now?
Satire a Casualty as Arab Nations Clamp Down on Free Speech
A Simple Law Is Doing the Impossible. It’s Making the Online Porn Industry Retreat.
Five very important minutes reveal the RINOs are finished. It’s the America First party now…
I’m not quite that optimistic, but the waking continues.
All Shall Be Well
An Anniversary Message – DeSantis Removes Campaign Manager, Shuffles Campaign Team in Relaunch 4.0, Latest Effort to Save Failing Campaign
Tweets, X-Posts, Whatever
Huffing and puffing, or strategic seed planting. The world may never know.
The names are undoubtedly familiar.
I won’t vote for him, but he is doing a bang up job dishing up the red pills.

Memes & Stuff

This does happen from time to time in Australia.
Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
MATTHEW 15:21-28
21And Jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon. 22And behold, a Canaanite woman from that region came out and cried, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely possessed by a demon.” 23But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying, “Send her away, for she is crying after us.” 24He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” 25But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.” 26And he answered, “It is not fair to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” 27She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” 28Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
Yeah, I can actually pop a jar lid all by myself. Usually.
Thank you, DePat, for the Scripture, links, memes, satire and all the commentary you add to it. You brighten our days with your presentations.
….even if some of us are uncertain as to what day it might be….
It’s Wednesday, and my annual celebration of me. Tomorrow may be a placeholder depending on how much celebrating I do.
Another year of being 30.
I hope your celebration fully reflects how wonderful you are.
Actually, I try to forget it happens every year. My family refuses to forget.
If it helps, I think you’re wonderful four times a week, if not more often.
The one silver lining is the couch commando is generally nice to me on this day every year.
Happy Birthday and many more.
Happy birthday DP!
Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday!!!
30, remains a great year. Happy Birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DePat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday!
Hope you have a wonderful and happy birthday (even if you don’t remember it) !!!

Happy Birthday!!! Have a lovely day of celebrating and thank you for giving us another great post!
Happy birthday, DP!
My aunt never celebrated her 30th birthday — she merely celebrates the anniversary of her 29th.
Personally I embrace every year with joy that I am a year older.

Why play games does not stop the clock
Embrace and be grateful is my motto
I noticed getting older that strangers are really friendly and helpful and kind. That is one thing that surprised me.
Unfortunately I look much too young (50 instead of 70+) so I have to ask for help if i need it.
I never dyed my hair but it is still more brown than white so that doesn’t help either!
Of course I can still out walk most teens, lift over 50 lbs and do not ACT 70+
Lucky you
God bless you Gail 
I do not luck my age either . My hair is salt and pepper but then in my late 60 I did not have much white. Healthy living we seem to do. Being active is good
I think it is being active and staying as far away from the poisons as possible
Yes so true
I did that for quite a number of years.
Happy B-Day!
H/t Catturd:
It’s such an obvious gizmo that it probably exists, regardless of my never having seen it.
Does anyone know of a button-operated device that pulls water from a hot water line until it’s hot, dumping it into an unpressured potable or greywater reservoir?
I’ve seen gizmos that continually recirculate hot water, which seems a bit wasteful for someone who doesn’t take 12+ showers a day, but never a button or lever that just made the shower ready for one-time use.
My septic system that waters the goat paddock?
Large parts of the world are, in the words of the immortal Sam Kinison, a f*in’ desert. In such places, it is important to distinguish between potable water, clean water, grey water, and black water.
Despite having been born, grown-up, and spent my entire life in such a place, I have every intention of leaving it. By contrast, the ineffectual and worse-than-useless government here has every intention to extend the permanent state of water emergency in the southwest across the entire US.
They’re worse than both Ukraine and Russia!
I find it totally believable, just crooked as hell.
Normal for Feds, politicians…
If they destroyed the evidence, then there is no case.
The indictment has to be dropped.
Fortunately, DJT certainly has copies of all important records, to be used eventually, sometime, someday, hopefully SOON
I call bs.
I do as well. It’s a lie to stall IMO.
Seems important
. Some of the stories on this.
So if it isn’t in this finished and polished partisan document then it’s likely been destroyed. How convenient is that!
The Fiancee came home sick on Monday, then nipped-off to the doctor on Tuesday morning and got a note that extends through the end of the week. This is going to complicate getting things accomplished.
I take it she doesn’t just veg out in bed when she’s sick?
Nothing can make noise anywhere in the house.
And I thought the next door neighbor and his leaf blower was an issue when trying to take a nap. Jeez.
Did you try making her sleep in the garage?
Let’s see….she’s home sick, she’s cranky, and I invite her to sleep out in a garage with no room for a bed that’s at 95 degrees…..
I’m having trouble visualizing this.
Good. Then there’s no danger you’ll try it.
“I’m having trouble visualizing this.”
That’s why it was funny…
Jack Posobiec on Twitter:
It’s not anything to do with that particular song. Just about any song played over and over becomes torture.
Like they did to Daryl, when they locked him in the cell and played “Easy Street” on an endless loop in The Walking Dead (no Walking Dead references in years, and now two in less than a week!)
This is true.
Once I had a job in an art gallery. The owner was a putz. He actually told me I was hired because I “had the right looks” to sell art. I hated that job.
He insisted that his I-pod be the playlist for the gallery, 24-7. And it was not a long list. To this day if “Royals” by Lorde plays anywhere I can’t turn it off, I have to leave!
Funny, I never pictured you with pink/purple streaked hair with a nose ring.
Lol! He thought tall blonds would sell art to tourists in Hawaii.
Did you have to wear a grass skirt?
Lol! No, but open-toed shoes were forbidden, as was nail polish. That guy was a nut case.
Why not? They’re obviously native there….
NYers are right to be furious about their sacrifices to accommodate migrants
We had a president who had control of the borders, and leftists are trying to ruin him as they destroy America. I have zero empathy and am glad this is happening.
12-Sep-2020 2:47:18 PM EDT
You know, I’ve thought about this idea a lot.
The malaise of the Carter years got us Reagan in a landslide, and even Clinton, who was at the very least a pro-business President, sort of. Nothing like the leftist Obama and the horrible Biden.
Knowing this, it would make sense that the Q-team could let/help the country slide into malaise again, to get us twenty years of prosperity.
Twenty years? That’s a good start.
Let’s face it, even WE had no idea just how CORRUPT and SICK our government is.
I saw yesterday a Redacted interview via another video that continued to another. IT was in a comment and I could not find the original. Micheal said MEN are CARRING DRUGGED CHILDREN across the border and Neither Border Patrol NOR TEXAS will interfere with the trafficking.
Mayorkas, needs to be placed in a cage with the women who have had their children stolen and RAPED. I do not care WHAT country the Moms are from.
Ben Bergquam was also makes video of the border mess.
PODCASTUnderground Reporter Exposes Terror & Crime at Border
That is horrible. Those poor children.
The following are from a group of Catholics trying to restore the Church.
Human Trafficking Horrors of Catholic Charities at US Border; $3.8B in Fed Funding, $13B to Cartels
Rumble link:
Liz Yore: Mexican Cartels Made Over $13 Billion This Year Trafficking With The Help Of The Catholic Church (
Dec 2022 Are U.S. Bishops Complicit in the Trafficking of Migrant Children?
This is just ONE example of the US government funneling $$$ thru NGOs to facilitate Trafficking.
US Government’s Shocking Role in Child Trafficking Exposed
Millions of Children Are Abducted and Trafficked Each Year.
…The International Labour Organization estimates that there are 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally (49.6 million people were living in modern slavery in 2021, of which 27.6 million were in forced labour and 22 million in forced marriage).
According to UNODC’s 2020 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons which is compiled using official figures from over 148 countries, one in every three victims detected is a child. Girls are mainly trafficked for sexual exploitation, while boys are used for forced labour…
July 12, 2023
Biden’s DOJ removes ‘international sex-trafficking’ of kids as an ‘area of concern’ from its website?
The Biden administration’s open borders policy has created one problem after another.
But probably the most disturbing of them is the international trafficking of children, done to “service” perverts here in the U.S….
But incredibly, the White House and its Department of Justice doesn’t seem to think there’s a problem at all, or would rather the public ignore it — or worst of all, are part of the problem.
According to Steve Bannon’s War Room, this happened:
The charities need to be held responsible. The church has become an abomination. They are no longer Christs church.
Why are Christians not raising up why are clergy not leading?
Fear self interest has made them paralyzed.
Actually this group IS rising up.
Interesting that it was re-instated in 2019…
Very good. Thank you
Thank you Gail. I added this group’s website to my own site and used an image from one of the Catholic Masses for the thumbnail. I also shared the site’s Ladies page with one of my cousins who long ago married a Catholic and then converted to that faith. They have a lot of info there and I’m glad to see them working to strengthen fathers and their Christian faith.
Happy to help.
You help so many, Gail. We are blessed.
I like that that mass and their other services are in Latin. My cousin’s wedding had a latin service too and even though I don’t speak Latin, it was inspirational.
The Catholic church has a lot to answer for in my opinion. Like the Nazi “rat lines” out of Germany after WWII. Shameful. And the illegal immigrant children situation is just evil.
Lutherans too. Dad would be turning over in his grave if he knew.
CASE STUDY: North Dakota Laws May Be Facilitating Suspected Tax Payer Funded Child Trafficking
Church Pedophiles & Child Sex Trafficking… –
Exposing How Christian Churches Participate in and Facilitate Human Sex Trafficking
The love of money is the root of many evils.
81 Million Votes My ASS!
Yep. Suffer, and maybe they will learn.
Make them live up to their own standards.
— S. Alinsky
This just proves what we all suspected — at least 40 Senators are dumb as rocks.
OR as crooked as
hellHunterThere is an amusing parallel here. The press for “ghost gun” regulation is focused on treating “anything that can be turned into a private firearm” as a firearm — which inevitably falters when it purports to apply to any metalworking tool and block of metal (and any 3D printer, as well). John Moses Browning invented a substantial portion of today’s firearms in his home shop — the 1911 semiautomatic, pump action shotguns, the Browning High-Power pistol, lever action rifles….the list runs into hundreds, many still in production.
This “internet regulation” is focused on treating “anything that can be turned into private communication” as regulated (and possibly prohibited) communication. We know that it targets PornHub and xHamster, and can get jammed into TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter… about Reddit? How ’bout Salem? How ’bout CTH? How ’bout *here*? If I rig up a “driver’s license” from lower Slobovia in the name of Cranston Snord, is Wolf supposed to verify this somehow before allowing my comments?
Both cases are clearly unconstitutional — and both start with an “I’ll only put the tip in” narrative….but both lead rapidly to clearly ridiculous and useless totalitarian thrashing.
Cranston Snord is kin to John Galt. Or so I’ve heard.
“This just proves what we all suspected — at least 40 Senators are dumb as rocks.”
Try being really stupid, for years and years, and see if you wind up being a U.S. Senator
No being stupid for years and years let’s you become VP, oh and President. I should clarify the current VP apparently is dumber than a bag of rocks.
I’ve just never met successful people who were stupid. I’ve met successful people with whom I’ve disagreed about a lot of things, but they weren’t stupid or incompetent.
So I have no experience with incompetence or stupidity as a model for success. I have never seen it work in action.
My experience has always been the opposite, that stupidity makes everything harder, and incompetence closes doors, it doesn’t open them.
So when these people ascend to the pinnacle of professional politics, and receive all of the affluence that comes with it, it is nearly impossible to believe they really are as stupid or incompetent as they appear.
Maybe they are willfully ignorant and willfully hating the population they serve? Maybe paid off or the opposition has something on them? Maybe greedy and arrogant?
I am sure one of those fit
You can end up in all sorts of places….
I attended an RSA security show a couple of years ago. Anonymity is a serious burr under their saddle. There was so much about “establishing online identity” in the booths — and not in a healthy way*.
*I would consider it healthy if someone had a keyring and could plug in a USB key to authorize business transactions. She could then remove that key and insert another to authorize household issues. Removing that one, she could insert another and make political contributions; and remove that one and insert another to socialize.
People should be able to maintain any number of multiple identities, unknown to one another, in different contexts. Going after your job because of who you vote for; going after your bank account because of your speech; going after your family because of your church; going after your position in society because of the porn you view…..these universally evil attempts at total control over individuals.
“40 senators have sponsored…”
They can ^%$# off and die.
OBVIOUSLY, the rCON CONTROLLED House, would never let this pass.
They are using this to shut down internet porn.
There is a downside to it, clearly.
Yep. They have their own supply… they just order out for hot dogs, chicken, or pizza.
Easy, peasy, sleazy…
Nasty bastards.
They say “they are using this to shut down internet porn.”
Funny (not) how they say they’re “protecting the children” while all the while selling, trafficking, aborting, and parting them out…
Straight from the pit of HELL they are… (and that’s the only straight thing about them)….
Stephen Miller:
Lawfare 2.0 – I love it.
I don’t think Trump will meet that requirement either. Oh well…
I doubt Trump will debate. I think he will instead hold a YUGE rally and suck all the attention away from the also ran debate.
I would love to see him do something that distracts from the debates.
Think RALLY OR Tucker and
Twatter er X OR A JOE ROGAN INTERVIEW. Just Human and Burning Bright were discussing that possible interview (2 hints so far from Rogan) and said ROGAN has the largest audience of anyone. More important his audience is disaffected left and right AND he is a really good interviewer.2:12:10
A Joe Rogan interview would break the internet!
That is the idea. Suck all the attention away from the Fake News and Fake Contenders USING A UFC (FIGHT) COMMENTATOR. (Oh the irony)
Why should ANY candidate have to grovel to Rona McRomney, or agree to support any candidate?
Nobody would actually be bound by it anyway, no matter how they answered, so it’s like a grade school ‘gotcha’ question, just to see who can be made to bend the knee, when the knee ought to be shoved up Rona’s &^%.
Everybody knows that if Trump doesn’t get the nomination, it will only be because it was stolen from him by a rigged RNC RINO club.
So why should Trump ever agree to support the crooks who are sabotaging him?
Levin is a compromised Fox-fraud anyway.
They shouldn’t, of course. This is just a way to point out potential inconsistencies in applying the senseless rules, as well as hypocrisy.
Well, they can just argue in the parking lot.
Chuck Callesto:
Oh crap. Somebody warn Jack Smith.
Now they’re attacking Trump’s source of campaign money.
Trump’s Save America PAC under investigation by Biden’s DOJ
First. Amendment.
Funny, WE know that voter fraud is REAL and has been proven in case after case. Heck I knew about it in 2016 when we got saddled with Cooper as governor AND 20 out of 100 counties had MORE VOTES than live adult bodies.
It’s interesting that Smith claims that Trump knew there was no voter fraud. It looks as if he’s going to have to prove Trump’s state of mind and that Trump had indicated he “knew” he lost the election. That’s going to be impossible to prove.
Esp when there is so much info about voter fraud now out there.
I can only think they are hoping to either tie Trump up in court — Lawfare — So it is impossible for him to campaign AND that their allies in the Reboob party will REMOVE HIM FROM THE TICKET…
OR they are hoping for a really really crooked court case allowing conviction.
Michigan sh*! just hit the fan with voter fraud. There is enough in one police report to refute any charge that Jack Schitt might make that there was no fraud.
Yes, but he is also saying that Trump knew he lost the election. Smith can’t prove that. All he can do is present faulty evidence and lies.
Of course he can’t prove it. He’s just a lying POS Demoncrat.
True story in my own family line:
A shipload of religious refugees from Germany landed in the American colonies in 1736. The British Crown confiscated EVERY POSSESSION they brought with them, from their cooking stoves, pot and pans, down to hair combs. The reason? The British claimed they were goods for “sale,” and only British goods were allowed to be sold in the American colonies. This is actually in court records, it’s real.
My white ancestors were not “owned” by anyone, so nobody had any interest in feeding or housing them so they could be beneficial workers. They were straight-up on their own to survive in the 1736 wilderness, or die trying. I’m here, so guess what they did?
So, when blacks talk about slavery, I remember that their ancestors, while enslaved, were at least valuable enough for somebody to feed. Mine were not.
Wow. And they made it bc here you are, tough stuff on your own!
Talk about making something out of nothing! What a great tale.
Yeah, the early settlers of this country were amazing people.
Very interesting point, and history!
I have lot of those kinds of stories in my family tree. They are cool to find.
“UN Chief: Christians Who Don’t Accept MAPs Will Be Excluded From Society”
As if Christians would want to be part of a society of child molesters in the first place, you sick psychopaths
I think we’re gonna need a bigger shipment of millstones….
Is that a part of that Christian Love and forgiveness? /sarc
They can start seeking forgiveness at about six fathoms.
WITHOUT the submarine…
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” (Ephesians 5:11, KJV)
Have you seen Sound of Freedom?
I see very few films and television shows, but somehow manage to be aware of them.
That quote about the millstone is in the movie right before a pivotal character is arrested for child trafficking. Very effective even if critics aren’t fond of the film. I disagree on a number of issues.
It’s late and you have a celebration to attend to in the morning. Perhaps you could go into such disagreements (and, indeed, your take on the flick as a whole) at some later date in more detail…….?
Morning? No, my mom and I are headed to the furniture restoration place to pick out fabric for the dining room chairs. If the dining room set stays in the family, I get it, so I asked to get to pick the seat cover fabric. I requested that. Celebrating is for Big Birth___ Dinner, which my sister is making.
Heh. If the Fiancee announced she was cooking my big BBD, I’d be asking if we could just call out for pizza — I’m the cook in our household.
Could be worse, however — my mom’s cooking is….umm…..exceptional. I always had to make sure any lady friends never ate over in fear it might scare them away.
Are they English? Or did they just learn to cook from the English.
I think there might be a lot of furniture fabric up in DC
) …
(waiting to be made into dresses and some such
At the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue upholstery store?
For any Doors fans out there, a much anticipated and long awaited release of their performances at The Matrix, shortly before their debut album screamed up the charts, is being released on September 8th
“The Doors were a few months away from stardom in March 1967 when they played five sparsely attended shows at a small club in San Francisco called The Matrix. These uninhibited performances would have been fleeting if not for Peter Abram, who co-owned the pizza parlor-turned-nightclub with Jefferson Airplane founder Marty Balin. An avid recordist, Abram taped concerts at The Matrix regularly and his recordings of The Doors, made between March 7-11, 1967, spawned one of the band’s most storied bootlegs. At long last, all known Matrix recordings, sourced entirely from Abram’s original master recordings, will be released on September 8.
Bootlegs of The Matrix shows have circulated among fans for years and were popular despite the poor audio quality of most copies. The sound began improving in 1997 when the first two songs from The Matrix shows were officially released on The Doors: Box Set. Even more performances followed in 2008 on Live at the Matrix 1967; regrettably, it was discovered soon after that all the recordings were sourced from third-generation tapes, not the originals.
Today, Abram’s original recordings have been remastered by Bruce Botnick, The Doors’ longtime engineer/mixer, for official release. The vinyl version of LIVE AT THE MATRIX 1967: THE ORIGINAL MASTERS includes all 37 songs from the shows sourced from the master tapes. Except for 15 songs released in 2017 and 2018 as Record Store Day exclusives, most of the newly upgraded live recordings are making their debut in the collection, including eight that have never been featured on any of the previous Matrix releases.
It’s easy to understand the enduring appeal of these vintage performances by Jim Morrison, Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger, and John Densmore. Recorded only a few months before “Light My Fire” propelled the band to worldwide success, the tapes capture The Doors playing a wide range of songs, including several from their self-titled debut, like “Break On Through,” “Soul Kitchen,” and “The End.” They also performed half the songs destined for the group’s soon-to-be-recorded second album, Strange Days, including early performances of “Moonlight Drive” and “People Are Strange.”
15 Sets of music over five nights at The Matrix gave the band time to indulge its love of the blues with extended covers of “I’m A King Bee” and “Crawling King Snake.” The Doors even delivered an instrumental version of “Summertime.” ”
Also available in a 5 LP + 7″ single box set–5lp7%22/603497836666.html
Also being released on September 8th, Fleetwood Mac: Rumours Live (1977)
Fleetwood Mac was at the top of its game in August 1977 when the band returned to its adopted home in Southern California to play three shows at The Forum in Los Angeles. RUMOURS had only been out a few weeks when the band left in February to tour the world, returning six months later to play three shows at The Forum for nearly 50,000 fans.
RUMOURS LIVE captures the energy and excitement of the band’s opening night at The Forum on August 29, 1977.
The concert’s setlist draws almost exclusively from FLEETWOOD MAC and RUMOURS, the first two albums recorded by the band’s latest incarnation: Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, and Christine McVie, and the newest members, Stevie Nicks, and Lindsey Buckingham. The lone nod to Fleetwood Mac’s other nine studio albums is a performance of “Oh Well,” a rock-guitar masterpiece originally released in 1969 and written by the band’s founder, guitarist Peter Green.
The concert remained unreleased for decades until 2021, when “Gold Dust Woman” and “World Turning” from the show were included as a bonus tracks on LIVE: DELUXE EDITION, Rhino’s expanded version of Fleetwood Mac’s 1980 concert album. The other 16 songs on the collection have never been released before.
Engineer Ken Caillat, who helped record RUMOURS, also recorded the concert at The Forum using the Record Plant’s mobile recording truck. He captured the band’s impassioned performance at a moment of peak RUMOURS frenzy, including powerful versions of “Landslide,” “Never Going Back Again,” “Songbird,” and “The Chain.”
And on vinyl:
Track listing:
Both “Rumours” and “Fleetwood Mac” are beautiful albums, but they also document a seriously decadent and addled time for the band. Comprised of a married couple — John and Christine McVie — an unmarried couple brought into the band together — Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks — and an original founder, Mick Fleetwood……they split apart and recombined in dizzying ways.
As an example, “You Make Loving Fun” was written by Christine McVie about her roadie…..and John McVie had to stand on stage and play bass for the upbeat song for concert after concert.
There is love and betrayal behind every track, combined with no small amount of drugs.
I’m just in it for the music
I was aware that Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham broke up, and that inspired several of their songs, but I didn’t know about Christine and John.
I have always thought the tension that kind of turmoil would create was what fueled the songwriting.
Silver Springs should have been included on Rumours.
This performance, from many years later, is my favorite:
Oh, the drama absolutely fueled the songwriting…..and other things.
Look at the cover for Rumours and reflect on the rumour that Mick was boinking Stevie.
You have always reminded me of the character in Almost Famous, the teenager that wrote for Cream & Rolling Stone. I hope you take that as a compliment, I like the movie a lot .
Cameron Crowe’s Mary Sue?
Well, I did hang out mostly with adults when I was a kid….
No, the movie is called Almost Famous. About a precocious kid that sort of talks his way into a rock and roll tour as a writer
But it was a Cameron Crowe film
Cameron Crowe is the writer and director of Almost Famous. A “Mary Sue” is a young character who is a stand-in for the author. Almost Famous is semi-autobiographical.
Ok, lol…it also seemed like it had some relation to the Pamela Des Barres story, I’m With The band..maybe a little bit borrowed.
I had a higher view of you than ‘I’m just in it for the music’.
I hope that emoji was a sarc; otherwise I shall be distressed.
I don’t want for you to be distressed!
I didn’t mean for the word ‘just’ to diminish the importance of the music to me, what I meant is that knowledge of the performer’s or songwriters’ personal lives rarely contribute anything positive to my listening experience, but it can contribute negativity to the experience.
So to quote Stevie Nicks in Silver Springs, most of the time, “Baby I don’t want to know.”
When David Crosby died recently, I remember you expressed a strong dislike of him. I don’t know what he did, I just love the music that he and Graham Nash and Stephen Stills (and Neil Young) made together.
That music is part of my life, since my early childhood. It makes me feel good when I listen to their music. So what possible benefit would it be, to investigate Crosby’s personal life, and find out that he may not have been a very nice person?
How does that help me enjoy the music, as opposed to potentially ruining it for me?
In the song Blue (from my favorite Joni Mitchell album of the same name) (1971), Joni wrote:
Blue, songs are like tattoos
You know I’ve been to sea before
Crown and anchor me
Or let me sail away
Hey Blue, there is a song for you
Ink on a pin
Underneath the skin
An empty space to fill in
I’m sure that often times, when someone writes a song, it is very personal to them. But when they set it free in the world, people who hear it, and like it, make it their own. It takes on whatever meaning the listener gives it.
That meaning may be completely different from what the writer meant or intended. Not always of course, some songs are very explicit about their meaning, but many songs are intentionally vague, allowing lots of space for the listener to fill in their own meaning.
So when I say I’m in it for the music, I mean that I love music for the experience that it gives me. If I am angry or depressed, almost any music in my collection can change that, in minutes. If I want to feel happy, I have lots of music that can do that.
Conversely, music can also “change the mood from glad to sadness” (The Doors, L.A. Woman). Sadness (in music) is often far more compelling (and maybe counterintuitively, enjoyable!) than happiness in music.
It’s one reason why many people (for one example among many) are drawn to the ‘darker’ songs of the Rolling Stones, vs. the often ‘lighter’ songs of the Beatles. I have never experienced intravenous drugs before, but I get a lot more emotional depth of musical experience from a song like Sister Morphine (from the album Sticky Fingers, 1971) than I ever get from the Beatles’ I Get By with a Little Help from My Friends.
OTOH, Joe Cocker’s cover of I Get By with a Little Help from My Friends is a whole different (and amazing) experience

Not that the Beatles’ original is bad in any way, it’s great. It’s fun. It’s upbeat. But Joe Cocker brings a whole different range of feeling to it.
Men don’t have a lot of acceptable ways to experience or express emotion, but music is a big one.
So what I’m trying to say is that I don’t need to know the back story of the people who wrote or performed the music I like. It may be interesting, or scandalous, or whatever, but we’re all flawed human beings. If I dig deep enough, I’m sure I’ll find something I disagree with or don’t like about any musician or artist.
If the backstory contributes to the appreciation of a song, that’s great.
But if it doesn’t, or worse, if it detracts from my appreciation of a song, then…
“Baby, I don’t want to know…”
Because that song is mine now

I stand educated. ThanQ.
You are welcome.
Now please, be not distressed!
(Scott … applies to your statement only… not meant to imply that the music you promote is degenerate
I understand!
That is one very funny comic strip.
Stevie Nicks is my favorite female singer of all time.
Yikes — we differ!
Lol. Probably in more ways than one!
Well, … we could start with plumbing.
Then you may be interested in this upcoming release
Complete Studio Albums & Rarities (10CD)
What’s Inside:
Bella Donna (1981)
The Wild Heart (1983)
Rock A Little (1985)
The Other Side Of The Mirror (1989)
Street Angel (1994)
Trouble In Shangri-La (2001)
In Your Dreams (2011)
24 Karat Gold: Songs From The Vault (2014)
Stevie Nicks – Rarities (2023)
COMPLETE STUDIO ALBUMS & RARITIES combines all of Nicks’ solo studio albums in a new, career-spanning boxed set. It comes with eight albums: BELLA DONNA (1981), THE WILD HEART (1983), ROCK A LITTLE (1985), THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MIRROR (1989), STREET ANGEL (1994), TROUBLE IN SHANGRI-LA (2001), IN YOUR DREAMS (2011), and 24 KARAT GOLD: SONGS FROM THE VAULT (2014).
The collection also features RARITIES, a new compilation of hard-to-find tracks only available with the set. Several albums were newly remastered from the analog masters for this release, including ROCK A LITTLE, THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MIRROR, STREET ANGEL, and TROUBLE IN SHANGRI-LA.
COMPLETE STUDIO ALBUMS & RARITIES follows Nicks’ musical journey across four decades and features her Top 10 hits, “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around” (with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers), “Leather And Lace” (with Don Henley), “Stand Back,” and “Talk To Me.” Other essential hits include “Edge Of Seventeen,” “If Anyone Falls,” “I Can’t Wait,” and “Rooms On Fire.”
RARITIES collects 23 of Nicks’ best non-album tracks, including numerous contributions to film and television soundtracks like “Blue Lamp” from Heavy Metal and “Free Fallin’” from Party of Five. Several B-sides are featured in the set, including “One More Big Time Rock And Roll Star,” the flipside to her 1985 hit, “Talk To Me.” A trio of songs originally released on Nicks’ 1991 hits collection TIMESPACE also appear, including “Love’s A Hard Game To Play.”
RARITIES closes with Nicks’ most recent release, her 2022 cover of Buffalo Springfield’s classic “For What It’s Worth.”
Also available in LP box set, on clear vinyl LPs:
Hmmm….I wonder if anything from Buckingham/Nicks is included….
I found the full track listing for the box set. I don’t know Buckingham/Nicks songs well enough to recognize them by title, and the Discogs listing doesn’t have song title credits yet.
Just to be clear, I’m referring to the album immediately before they joined Fleetwood Mac — [space inserted]
More info and tracks —
I suspect that I may have this on a 45 somewhere around here…..
Ah, now the Steve Hoffman music forum I am very familiar with, since the 1990s!
Since around the time graphics came to the interwebs and I had an America Online account
I haven’t participated there much for a long time, conservative viewpoints aren’t very popular on most music forums — or at least mine certainly weren’t
— but it’s still great for research.
Hadn’t heard of that single before
Yes, I am aware of the album they did together before joining Fleetwood Mac, and I have seen the album cover before, I’m just not familiar with the music on the album.
Awesome! Thanks!
You’re welcome
The rarities and songs from the vault should be interesting
For a long time, the song Blue Lamp, which Stevie Nicks contributed to the album (and soundtrack) to the movie Heavy Metal (1981) was hard to get, except on the movie soundtrack, only on vinyl or cassette.
In most countries, it was only available on vinyl in 1981-1982. It was available in Yugoslavia in 1983 (I just looked it up), and that was it, it was out of print after that.
For various reasons (having to do with music rights issues, if I understand correctly), it was not available on CD until 1995, again only on the Heavy Metal soundtrack.
I always liked that song, since my friends and I heard it the first time at the movie theater when Heavy Metal was still playing in theaters. Apparently it was from the Bella Donna (1981) album recording sessions, which makes sense.
Here is the official video:
I just found the (partial) Bella Donna recording session for Blue Lamp:
Thanks again! I can’t wait. Maybe I will find a new favorite. My current favorite Nicks song is a toss-up between “Silver Springs” and “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around.”
I was wrong about that being the ‘official video’ in the previous post, I’m not sure there is an official video.
What I meant is the first video above is the commercial release version, as opposed to the recording session video (the 2nd video).
Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around is a great one, and I remembered that Silver Springs is one of your favorites too

One that I don’t hear very often is the song Gold by John Stewart (1979), with Stevie Nicks on backing vocals:
She’s not in this video… but her vocals are!
Gold is a great song!
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, August 9, 2023
“Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, I will exalt thee.”
Psalms 118:28 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
UN Chief: Christians Who Don’t Accept MAPs Will Be Excluded From Society
Yeah, right, Christians.
Start with Islam.
Wouldn’t hurt my feelings any.
Nor mine.
Time to turn UN into U Ain’t.
Close them down, defund them, tear down their buildings and altars to Satan, salt the earth, and exorcise the sites.
The UN and its minions can go back to HELL…
That is the dark site “getting rid of Christians” UN said that? Is not Obama close with UN and is he not Muslim? Satan is on the move but we have God and Christ and the holy Spirit on our side.
I agree.
Another mystery OR Black hole of sorts… J6 Tapes.
“House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), according to Greene, will give the tapes to Just the News founder John Solomon and Julie Kelly, a senior writer at American Greatness — but she did not mention what the third outlet would be.”
Third media outlet, has to be Trump related.
Odd As Hell, CRICKETS from Soloman and Julie Kelly.
The third person was Tucker Carlson. He started to show the tapes and then was FIRED.
“…Odd As Hell, CRICKETS from Soloman and Julie Kelly….”
I can not find it (Dan Scavino maybe) but I do remember that we were told that John Soloman is OK.
Perhaps the tapes are being held back BECAUSE of the newest Trump indictment and then when curiosity is at it’s highest, they will be shown and used to elaborate testimony.
I should also add there are THOUSANDS of tapes so it takes a while to go thru them and put together a cohesive story.
Assuming Tucker is the third person MTG referred to, Tucker should be engaged OR be replaced as third person.
I do realize Tucker had early on access. I took it to be of limited time / duration.
I think you are looking at coordination.
What is happening now???
More and more is coming out about the Biden CORRUPTION and remember that corruption links DIRECTLY to OH!Bummer, Hillary Clinton (Russiagate) The State dept, Victoria Nuland, Soros and now the War in Ukraine (Bio Weapons Labs, Money Laundering)
I think more revelations are needed to link all those together in normie minds.
THEN the idea of the Covid Bioweapon being used to GET BIDEN IN OFFICE via MAIL IN BALLOT FRAUD TO PROTECT THE CORRUPTION NETWORK and the Buffalo Jump being used to KEEP Congress from investigating Jan 6th Election Fraud starts making sense in Normie minds.
BTW I saw a comment elsewhere actually USING ‘Buffalo Jump’ for Jan 6th.
A few weeks back I inserted Buffalo Jump into my text on Fedsurrection in a soon to be posted Civilized War. Most appropriate in my opinion.
Wolfie had written about Jan 6th as being a buffalo jump so I think this person may have read the article. I did not recognize the name.
Buffalo Jump
That is my impression too.
March – Tucker released some J6 cuts that he had been given while still at Fox.
April 25 – Media reports that Fox has parted ways with Tucker.
May 31 – Announcement that McCarthy will release the tapes to three outlets. I think we still don’t know who the third one was.
I missed that bit of info. ThankQ.
I’m so done with this game.
Oh, here I have the evidence that will finally bring justice to the world! I’ll give it to some intermediary who will interpret it for you little people!
*&^% you.
Make the documents public, or shove them up your lying #$%.
With you on that. My I.Q. is high enough to interpret information just fine, thank you very much. I don’t require assistance.
Remember the average IQ is UNDER 100 (It has gone down to 98.) That means 50% of the population is not exactly bright with about 14% with IQs below 90.
Sadly, I studied I.Q. and testing it pretty extensively in college. I am painfully aware of the Bell Curve, and how it operates.
I know there are plenty of people who need more help understanding complex issues than I do. But I think they should release information to the public, and let people who need help seek it.
The problem has been that when the MacGuffin is released to intermediaries, it never actually gets released to the public, at all.
h/t Marica’s blog:
Yours Truly: Today’s Mole links are a real bumper crop. Among them:
Recall the presentation and discussion on this board recently about the mayor of Boston hinting around that residents with “spare rooms” in their houses should be OK with putting “migrants” into them? — GET THIS: the GOVERNOR of Massachusetts just went one GIANT step further, declaring a STATE OF EMERGENCY there due to the huge influx of “migrants.” HER LETTER TO SEC. MAYORKAS IS A MUST-READ — IMO, SHE’S MAKING A VEILED THREAT TO USE EXTRAORDINARY POWERS TO PUT “MIGRANTS” INTO PRIVATE RESIDENCES.
And, this:
Which leads to this:,20200329v2.full
(also found at:
POSTED JANUARY 11, 2023 (a 2020 paper not posted until 2023??)
“SARS-CoV-2 Uses CD4 to Infect T Helper Lymphocytes”
Natalia S. Brunetti, et al.
Yours Truly: This is a paper, apparently STILL in pre-print although there are a couple of reviews, that proves that the COVID-19 virus OF ITSELF attacks and destroys the extremely important CD4 cells of the immune system. (So does the HIV/AIDS virus.)
[Since the original COVID-19 virus is the foundation of the modRNA and of the viral vector DNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, this mechanism is ALSO present in these “vaccines.”]
[Might be a good idea to archive / print out, this paper, just in case it gets “disappeared” off the internet or is heavily “corrected” or is even “withdrawn.”]
BUT THERE’S MORE: ANTHONY FAUCI KNEW ABOUT THIS MECHANISM OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS BACK IN FEBRUARY 2020. The Coffee and Covid link above publishes the EMAIL that informs him of the mechanism.
Wow! On MA gov.
Good article from whom ever that is… and it has the gov’s letter and comments that are filling up!
The greens and the
powersidiots that be want to do that here, too.At least the million-and-a-half Ukrainians (mostly women and children) that came in last year share our values and culture, and are (generally) willing to work and integrate into our culture and society…
There is the cutest little Ukrainian woman who has worked at the drug store in my town for years. I will wait just to go through her check out. Her voice sounds like Glenda the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz, only sweeter, I swear. Like a little blue bird trilling. And she works hard and is always smiling and nice.
Hubby’s brother living in Taxechusetts says the State of Emergency is a way to GET FEDERAL FUNDS. He does not seem worried.
Federal funds AND, I think, state government to circumvent laws / regulations.
Here is the letter from Gov. Healey to Sec. Mayorkas. Page 3 appears to have some **interesting** language in it.
Since Healy is not only keeping the welcome mat out and is proud of it too, I’d think there’d be room for concern especially as NYC has hired a special company to kick as many of the invaders out of his city as possible.
Shouldn’t be too hard to change all the Invader Welcome Maps to highlight Massachusetts’s as the go to place for Invaders…. just as long they x out Martha’s Vineyard or maybe erase it off the map altogether.
Like being forced to quarter soldiers, or anyone else, in one’s home. Tyranny takes a familiar path.
A really great move heading into election season.
It may also be a method to FINALLY get guns banned in the USA.
3 cartel members put in home with 2 little girls, 6 & 10… Rape ensues Mom/Dad shoots the bastards… REPEAT all over the state.
If the parents let the gov’t put anyone in their home, the parents should shoot themselves.
Your Truly will point out, at the risk of being “Captain Obvious”, that the letter and order by Gov. Healey is “the Fuller Brush Man’s foot in the door” — a “template” for other governors in states that are swamped with “migrants” to perhaps think about emulating.
If the gov’t thinks anyone is going to let illegal alien invaders into their HOME, they’re out of their ever loving minds.
It’s not even possible.
They can’t make you open your door, and they can’t squeeze an illegal alien through the keyhole.
If they bust down the door, the homeowner is justified in defending himself with whatever force is necessary. If they charge the homeowner, and if I can get on the jury, I will set that homeowner free over and over and over again.
If anyone tries to force anyone INTO your home, the answer is to repel that force with greater force.
But it won’t happen, not anywhere.
It’s just part of the ongoing and relentless assault on our minds, courtesy of the ‘white hats’.
Thanks, ‘white hats’.
When we’re done Nuremberging the black hats, we go after the white hats next.
Larry Johnson is appearing in podcasts and videos everywhere!
One of his pieces yesterday speaks to the incompetence of the C_A in stating that the military coup in Niger occurred not recently but in April.
Those interested in what is occurring in the rest of the world may find something of value.
Oh, and Macgregor appears in at least one of the vids…
Plane lost oxygen and forced to return to base. How convenient. I’m sure it would of taken up the airways with endless speculation and hand wringing for weeks should the plane have crashed.
Then there is this. Third time they had issues with his plane in less than a month. Think his pilots are figuring this one out?
Attention-getting device?
Anybody know the guy (or video link) testifying in the corona virus video in DPat’s opener tweet from Diamond & Silk? Sure would like to establish his credentials … I think I could open some ‘family eyes’ with this video.
Thank you!
Millions Killed For Profit – Covid Was State Sponsored Genocide – Dr. David Martin To EU Parliament
Muchas Gracias

QTreepers are a fount of research, knowledge, wisdom & humor.
Thank you for spreading the word. Hope folks listen in AND Open Their Eyes.
Thank you Kalbo this was interesting and confirmation of info we already had at the QTree. Always is good to hear another voice to confirm
W.O.W. Please listen to the entire thing and TAKE NOTES!!
Yea. This Dave Martin video message, is the definition of, Must Watch.
It is Dr David ‘Bowtie” Martin.
Dr. David Martin’s Lawsuit Against Biden: The COVID Injection is a Bioweapon
Thank you so much, Gail. I really appreciate the info.
You are very welcome.
Pro life lost yesterday in OH. What observation was when I went to the pole that only I and another women voted at the time I was at the pole. I saw many men voting mostly mid fifties and younger. Unless women were at home with the kids. Here are no summer camps for kids so mothers are stuck at home with kids.
Theyre just going to get her out asap. Newsom appoints a senator, maybe himself.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) was reportedly hospitalized after taking a fall Tuesday in San Francisco.
Her condition is not known, but she subsequently returned home by Tuesday evening, TMZ reported.
Feinstein, 90, was hospitalized earlier this year after a bout with the shingles and was absent from the Senate for about three months before returning in May. She is the oldest lawmaker in either chamber of Congress.
Giloo how are you doing mind spirit and ankle ?
I just wrote a reply to Pat but im getting better daily, its just slow going.
I am happy for you. Yes it takes time. Be good to yourself. Time teaches patience I do not think we are born with it. Peace
Joshua Tree is very pretty. All the times over the years ive beennin the desert I have never gone to the park. Will have to go before leaving CA. On the list.
how is your recovery going?
Hi there. Well i am 9 days post op. Moving around w a knee scooter but i cannot go outside yet and cannot be up to long yet dt dependent pain and still a lot of swelling. I am not needing around the clock norco and i did not take ibuprofen yet today. Only taking 1-2 5mg norco a day but im trying to keep it at 1 if i can. Settled into a routine since im stuck downstairs, but hoping when i get my stitches out on monday the swelling will be reduced quite a bit more. Top of my foot to my toes is painful and swollen but perfusion is good. Bruising is from toes to 3″ below the knee. Still icing and elevating.
Giving myself until stitches out to firce myself to scoot on my butt upstairs to start the prep fir kiddo to start school in just a couple weeks. Have not written out daily work and schedule yet. Have to do it for 1st 2 months to feel like i am prepped, plus pull worksheets and materials.
We never finished doing our Egyptian history packet or the Roman history at all. Im bummed about that, but he does world history in 6th grade so i still can do it this year.
If it wasnt so hot here still i would probably not get tired and uncomfortable so fast. Forced rest isnt easy!
Gil, Check out historian Matt Ehret. (Canadian) Sean lives in Brazil. I do not agree with everything but it is an interesting take.
Series: “Sean Morgan quizzes historian Matt Ehret about breaking news headlines in the context of suppressed history.”
Breaking History Ep 1: The origins of the Anglo-American deep state
Breaking History Ep 2: The War between Builders and Destroyers
Breaking History Ep 3: The Russian Psyop
Breaking History Ep 4: 1776 an unfinished symphony
Breaking History Ep 5: Kennedy’s Silver and Gold Certificates Making A Comeback?
Breaking History Ep 6: The Spirit of JFK vs the Managed Decline of Africa
Breaking History Ep 7: The UFO Psy-OP and Trauma Based Mind Control –
Breaking History Ep 8: Breaking the Rules of Global Choke Point Control
Listing can be found here:
Its in a folder now.
Good, I hope you and Kiddo enjoy the videos. They are about 1 hr and hopefully will prompt discussion.
That’s overall good news–TY so much for sharing! Take it easy as much as you can so you’ll be up & about as quickly as possible. That much bruising in your lower leg sounds awful, beyond the original injury & post op stuff–yikes!
I agree
Wonder if this is the result of the ugly pigs visit…
“Simultaneously with the commencement of negotiation efforts and the persistent threat of armed intervention by ECOWAS, there are allegations that the U.S. has chosen to support jihadist groups.
Former Tuareg rebel leader Rissa Ag Bula has announced the formation of the “Council of Resistance for the Republic” (CRR), with the intention of advocating for the return to power of Mohamed Bazoum. This Tuareg leader had been closely associated with power in recent years, and even held a ministerial position known as the “Minister of State for Presidential Security” under Bazoum’s administration. The video depicts one of the ex-president’s meetings with his Tuareg confidant. The sudden increase in Rissa Ag Bula’s influence was one of the factors contributing to the armed coup in the country.
Rissa Ag Bula stands out as an intriguing and controversial figure in his own right. Born in the 1990s, he founded the jihadist and separatist Tuareg movement. He was repeatedly appointed to ministerial positions by Niamey. However, after brief stints, he returned to the border areas with Libya and rallied support for the “holy struggle.”
In addition to the overarching growth of the jihadist threat in the Lake Chad region and the northern and eastern parts of Mali (also aimed at limiting the activities of PMC “Wagner”), the Tuareg rebellion in northern Niger could potentially lead to the internationalization of the conflict. This might involve a wide range of ethnic groups, including the Arab tribes of southern Libya, the cross-border Fulani, and various well-known jihadist groups.”
Wonder if the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council of the green orb) will do anything about this???
Why Europe continue to get it wrong.
hopefully that image shows after running it through Gab here:
Hawaii’s islands (Maui, Big Island, and even Oahu) have big fires…
California, Canada and now Hawaii.
Setting up next years climate lock downs, Mark my words.
And the Daily Fail, as usual, fans the flames of Gore-Bull Warming (aka CAGW).
Apocalyptic wildfires… B$ clickbait…
Have to have a look to see what sewage Spiegel is spewing over here…
Good article. One of the fact-checks:
There’s a snippet from a 1922 newspaper that I can’t copy here.
Seems every couple years, we have a, “hottest day ever”, report.
Roll my eyes and scroll on.
Add to that the fact that the IPCC basically flattened all of the heat waves in the 1930s, which indeed were the hottest years in decades, if not centuries, according to the INDEPENDENT measurements of the day…..
Russia cancels tax agreements with 38 Western countriesThe move comes in response to numerous sanctions against the state
Burkina Faso suspended the 1967 double tax treaty with France.
French workers in Burkina will be leaving …
Other African countries will follow Burkina Faso’s lead …
Clever way to get rid of the trash.
And they’ll probably all end up here…..
Citizens of these 38 countries working in Russia will be leaving …
I don’t know if this is true exactly, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is…
Well, I would give MOSSAD some credit…
FIVE EYES M16 and the British Empire + USA. Remember it was the Brits who formed Israel.
Forming Israel was a good thing specially after WWII. My grandfather supported financially the fight for Israel.
True, but it also caused a real mess in the Middle East.
Middle East would be a mess with or without Israel. Middle East fought each other for ever now they have a scape goat.
People seem to need a scape goat. We are the lefts and Trump is the governments.
From what I have read, the Brits paid no attention to the clan affiliations when they carved up the middle east and thus made things worse.
That is true unfortunately.
The worst part was allowing Arabs to remain west of the Jordan River instead of going to Jordan.
good point
Ghislane Maxwell, call your lawyer.
I can believe that. They did not start out that way but have been taken over by an entity that has not American values and does not care about the American people. They serve another god that is money and power.
Read my Spies, Spooks, Snakes and The Sea Eye Aye
We have been fed a Schiff Sandwich when it comes to the CIA and the Nuremberg Trials. The Nazis (Think Soros for one) did not get hung, instead they came to the USA. Many went into the CIA or our Drug companies. OTHERS WENT ON TO BE TOP COMMANDERS of NATO.
IBM and the Rockefellers and other American Elite SUPPORTED the German Nazis.
Not just here my father told me it was the Nazis who got the jobs in government right away after WWII in Germany while he was without a job for many years.
The same happened with the East German communists who were not held responsible for their deeds.
I thought A Lot of the CIA originally were transplanted Nazis via Operation Paperclip, or something. I would guess that Gail knows AND can bring the spicy sauce
See my article: Spies, Spooks, Snakes and The Sea Eye Aye
Thank You so much for ALL of this!!! You consistently go above & beyond & enlighten us all. God Bless You & your amazing gifts!!!
You nicely contribute.
Whether or not he actually said that, it’s a safe bet that he thinks it.
Hi Valerie …
I share your emotion … have been known to get totally lost in libraries,
missed many meals
Me too!
I can Afford to miss many meals. It would be like being a kid in a candy shop minus the calories
h/t Marica’s blog:
“BOMBSHELL: FDA Admits Guidance on Ivermectin was Illegal, Invokes ‘Sovereign Immunity’ for Misleading Statements (& Crimes Against Humanity)”
Yours Truly: The FDA was sued in the 5th District Court of Appeals by several medical doctors regarding the prohibition that the FDA put on prescribing Ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19 infection. The case was heard yesterday.
The FDA, IN COURT, via their attorney Ashley Cheung, stated that medical doctors DID HAVE THE RIGHT TO PRESCRIBE IVERMECTIN OFF-LABEL FOR COVID-19.
Gail Combs
That appears to be the FDA’s argument — if the agency makes “misleading statements”, any consequences from those statements cannot be used to hold the agency responsible.
Doesn’t that basically negate their mission ?
The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; and by ensuring the …
Yes, and it gives them freedom to tell us anything contrary to our best interests without consequence. It gives them freedom to advise hospitals and doctors against our best interests, without consequences.
Ministry of Health, Banana Republic of the USA
Until or unless someone puts a nug in their face, yes.
What else would we expect?
It doesn’t matter what the crime is, whether it’s jaywalking or global genocide, the answer will always be “not my fault” or “I didn’t do it”.
NO ONE is ever going to take accountability voluntarily.
It only ever happens by force.
If there is an instance where that is not true, I am happy to be corrected
Sovereign my ass! The hell with these people.
Well as if this wasn’t expected to take place at sometime. Thanks RDS I am sure pravda news won’t report on this.
url kicked out “web page not found” but at the same time gave the link to the right web site.
here’s the new web site. Seems they misspelled fda.
Thank you!
Reference the U.S. FDA tweet “you are not a horse etc., etc.”
How self incriminating is that ?
Only because they made Ivermectin almost impossible to get did people resort to horse paste, and BTW in the UK even horse paste couldn’t be got without a veterinary prescription.
This is huge. It is also a reason never to trust anything from the FDA, ever again.
I never did to start with.
Can You Sue the FDA?
And what happens when the “gatekeeper” acts in bad faith? There is no drug maker to sue in these cases.
I’m no lawyer, but I would argue that this negates immunity:
The FDA provided false warnings, and it was the cause of specific harm in doing so.
IF you can prove it was done KNOWINGLY…. then you can go after individuals using ACTING UNDER COLOR OF THE LAW.
18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law
Dr Martin has the Goods via patents also SEE: Big Pharma – Government – University Collusion on COVID Vaccines for the evidence.
“true” fiction
Every day!
Remember the recent news of the “{House of 10,000 Voters”, the registration and all-purpose election fraud shop discovered, busted, and soon forgotten up in Michigan?
$11,000,000.00, paid by Demonrats to the organization that set it up and ran it. Eleven. Million. Dollars.
Part of the tweet from Kanekoa below…. How the hell can we triumph over this unbelievable web of fraud and the millions and millions funding it ?!?’s maddening
A Michigan police investigation into GBI Strategies LLC was initiated following the observation of a Muskegon, Michigan, clerk who noticed an individual depositing 8,000 to 10,000 completed voter registration applications at the city office on October 8, 2020.
This same individual returned multiple times over the next few weeks, registering an additional 2,500 voters. Disturbingly, many of those registration forms displayed identical handwriting with fraudulent addresses and falsified phone numbers.
Additionally, many signatures did not match those on file with Michigan’s Secretary of State. A subsequent raid by Michigan authorities discovered pre-paid gift cards, firearms equipped with silencers, and disposable burner phones.
During the 2020 election season, Democratic election committees collectively channeled more than $4 million directly to GBI Strategies LLC: for President: $450,000 Senatorial Campaign: $2,117,605 Services Corp: $1,031,856 Party of Iowa: $493,100
Gary Bell, the owner of GBI Strategies LLC, is reportedly now working for CompMo Group, a Democrat get-out-the-vote organization founded by Shaun Kelleher, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Director, during the 2020 election cycle.
According to Bell’s biography on the CompMo Group’s website, Bell has personally managed over 70 organizing operations in 20 different states, often “leading hundreds of field managers and thousands of canvassers in get-out-the-vote operations.”
His biography lists voter registration campaigns for DSCC, DNC, Black PAC, and Black Church PAC, which matches the voter registration work GBI Strategies LLC did during the 2020 election.
Thank you to the
for making this police report available to the public.
Voter registration organizations from both sides have been accused of similar fraudulent activities.
Notably, ACORN, which had over half a million members and more than 1,200 neighborhood chapters, ceased operations in 2010 after being implicated in a similar fraudulent voter registration operation spanning multiple states.
Beyond “talk“, what is Gaetz going to do? Yea. Rhetorical. NOTHING will happen.
Personally feel, Gaetz, Jordan, MTG, Boebert, Kevin.. ought to Put Up, OR STFU.
This is a PEER-REVIEWED PAPER that proves that the COVID-19 “vaccines” — BOTH the modRNA types AND the viral vector DNA types — DO CAUSE CARDIOVASCULAR PROBLEMS, INCLUDING DEATH.
Caveat: The paper DOES APPEAR make the “claim” that the COVID-19 “vaccines” have “saved millions of lives” — perhaps that was to get the paper reviewed and published. But even with that, “fact-checkers” and “medical experts” are starting to go after the paper, so pressure can be put on the authors to “correct” or “clarify” or even to withdraw the paper.
“Risk of all-cause and cardiac-related mortality after vaccination against COVID-19: A meta-analysis of self-controlled case series studies”
Greg Marchand, et al.
published online August 3, 2023
Here’s a refreshing Gab Group, for some return to nature beauty… Time Began In A Garden
a few examples…
I’m guessing that DP might know this place
· Time Began In A Garden
Missouri Botanical Garden
· Time Began In A Garden
The tallest tree in Wales had been damaged by a storm and was supposed to be cut down, but chainsaw artist Simon O’Rourke – Tree Carving found a better solution to symbolize the tree’s last attempt to reach the sky.
Credit: Architecture and Design
& one for our treehouse vibe
from Gab
Biden Wanders Aimlessly Around Stage, Appears Completely Lost In Arizona (Video)
Biden claims Grand Canyon is one of the ‘nine’ wonders of the world in latest gaffe (FOX News)
It was yet another embarrassing performance for this President. You would think that coming back from a 10-day vacation in Delaware would have meant that the President would be well-rested.
Biden is showing that it isn’t tiredness that prevents him from doing his job, it is deterioration. In other words, he has no mind to rest. This is Joe Biden. This is as capable as he gets!
Kind of like an altered Elisabeth Kubler-Ross stages of grief (DABDA–Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, & Acceptance) scenario…
Though in this case the last 2 Might be Despair followed by Annihilation!
Remember the panic to pass that anti-lynching law where they used a hoax?
WOW, ’cause they knew what was coming & pitchforks weren’t the end point, ahem…

Yeah, there had to be a GOOD reason they took the chance of using the Smollett Hoax to get that bill past.
They need a FEDERAL LAW so they were in control and not the states.
That plot backfired big time so no such fed law materialized, right?
Passing a silly law against lynching isn’t going to stop anything…
Like all those laws against murder have stopped all murders
“Remember the panic to pass that anti-lynching law where they used a hoax?”
It never made any sense.
What, was mob lynching legal before the anti-lynching law was (apparently) passed?
But suppose that it was legal to lynch someone without due process of law.
Now that loophole has been closed, and it has been outlawed.
So where does that leave us?
If ‘beating to death with a garden trowel’ hasn’t been outlawed yet, do that.
If they outlaw being beaten to death with a garden trowel, then move on to smashing them over the head with a wheel barrow.
If they outlaw smashing them over the head with a wheel barrow, then maybe get creative and impale them with a spud bar.
If they outlaw impaling them with a spud bar…
That’s what I mean, it’s ridiculous.
It is murder that is unlawful. Regardless of the method or means.
So ‘lynching’ was unlawful long before the hoax and subsequent show-law passage.
In fact, lynching, by definition, is, of course, unlawful.
Which everybody already knows.
Lynching is an extrajudicial killing by a group.
We used to use “DANDA”, with “Negotiation” as the third stage.
We’d go into a meeting and give someone some hard truth, and they’d say something like, “the hell it is” and stomp out in a rage…..and we’d turn to each other and say, “DANDA.”
They’d eventually return sheepishly?
Not really.
Our function was to absorb the abuse and the pushback while things were relentlessly changed, by order of the Board of Directors. Cussing us out wasn’t going to make any difference.
Helped you be able to tough out the current insanity with an insouciant shrug
I’m not experiencing any self-blame, but I try to make up for it by blaming the people who actually did this evil.
You got That Right!!!
From a few days back, but I don’t recall this being discussed…
Unfortunately she may not have time to ‘explore’ legal options.
I certainly hope she knows about Fenbendazole + Vitamins! Please pass that on via author at Gateway. I can not get onto their contact page or I would do it myself.
Fenbendazole anti-parasite medication, when combined with vitamins, halts cancer tumor growth in mice
or Ivermectin
I’ve replied w/ your link to the Gab poster where I saw the article. I’ve never commented at TGP so not sure I can get in…
Go to the bottom of the Puntdit article where it says:
And click on the email Cullen Linebarger here.
I used it before OK but now my Computer is acting very wierd.
I sent this email to CL, but had to turn of the Brave shields at TGWP in order to access that process…hmmm
Dear Mr. Linebarger,
I read with interest & disgust your article outlining the horrors inflicted on a cancer patient by a woke hospital system. I also shared your article at a very active research community website, One of the major researchers there, Gail Combs, put together a comment with info that might help the cancer patient in question. Her email is not allowing her to share comments here so she asked me to do so.
Please get this info to this patient ASAP. I would contact the intermediary but am not on Telegram & am currently banned on Twitter/X for telling the truth about suppressed covid treatments.
Here is where the comment from GC can be found (I quote it in its entirety below, fyi):
Gail Combs
Gail Combs)Online
Gail Combs(
Reply to Valerie Curren
August 9, 2023 17:24
Unfortunately she may not have time to ‘explore’ legal options.
I certainly hope she knows about Fenbendazole + Vitamins! Please pass that on via author at Gateway. I can not get onto their contact page or I would do it myself.
Fenbendazole anti-parasite medication, when combined with vitamins, halts cancer tumor growth in mice
“An increase in vitamin uptake can improve the effectiveness of medications and provide additional medicinal properties such as anti-tumor effects. An anti-parasitic medication named fenbendazole displayed powerful anti-tumor properties, but only when it was combined with a vitamin protocol, including vitamins B, D, K, E and A. This research provides important insight into immunotherapy, and the powerful role that basic vitamins and antioxidants play in regulating cancer.” [VC note, I believe this is a quote from the Natural News article above]
or Ivermectin
Best Regards & Thank you for your excellent reporting on these Nuremberg level outrages!
Valerie Curren
Here’s what I got from the site:
Send an email to one of our authorsThank you for contacting us. We will forward your correspondence to Cullen Linebarger. Because of the amount of email we receive, we regret that we may not be able to provide you a personal reply.
Hopefully your important info will now find its way to the patient!
I saw this advertised on Gab, fwiw
$300.00IVERMECTIN 12 MG = 100 PILLS
AND FREE VItAMIN.C & Zinc (Immunity Booster) TABLETS
IVERMECTIN Tablet :- Ivermectin Tablet is an antiparasitic medication. It is used to treat parasitic infections of your intestinal tract, skin, and eyes.Stromectol – a medical preparation that effectively copes with many kinds of parasites. It is used to treat lice, scabies, as well as onchocerciasis (river blindness), and other nematodes in humans and animals. It is applied externally and internally, depending on the disease.
Azithromycin Tablet is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It is a macrolide-type antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This medication will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu).
Doxycycline :- Doxycycline is a semi-synthetic antibiotic of a broad spectrum of tetracyclines. Causes bacteriostatic action by suppressing protein synthesis of pathogens as a result of blocking the aminoacyl transport RNA (tRNA) with the “information RNA (rRNA) complex” ribosome.
HCQS 200 mg:- (Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate) is used to treat or prevent malaria, a disease caused by parasites that enter the body through the bite of a mosquito.Its Also Proven Effective with Covid-19 Treatment.
Vitamin C & Zinc provides you with daily immune support, protects from cold, and fights viral infections. Vitamin C(500mg) & zinc by Piramal-builds immunity daily against viruses and cold-120 chewable tablets-tasty lemony orange flavor.
no clue if this is “true” but it is an epic troll…LOL
I’m at the library so I can’t hear what’s said here, but this appears significant. I believe she is the one who has done a number of deep document dives on Pfizer…
Ohio Patriots
I listened to the first few minutes and skipped forward. I have no way of knowing whether what she says is true. I also would have to listen again to try to decipher exactly what she’s saying. She says that people think Pfizer can’t be sued, but they can. She criticizes Dr. Robert Malone, says she is being hunted down, and asks to him to call off his friends in the C_A. So does she have an important message that we need to hear, or is this an attention-getting device?
I’ve never heard of Dr. Malone being affiliated w/ See-Eye-Eh, but he did do some work w/ DOD, iirc. something adjacent to DARPA I think
Thanks for posting this, as I have not clicked to listen in. Don’t have time for this.
My understanding is, Pfizer can be sued.
While Malone’s past deserves concern, at this point, I am good with Malone.
I finally listened to the whole thing, which comes across as rather bizarre. She claims that she is being poisoned & that the CIA is trying to kill her. She kept referring people to her substack & I went to see what’s there. She claimed her son & mother were out of contact with her & she feared for their lives.
Someone in the comments, a doctor allegedly, claimed that KK’s mother & son are fine & that KK has had a bout of malaria & it is possibly causing swelling on the brain. I have no way of knowing what the truth is here. KK is obviously in some type of distress, possibly medically based, or possibly some type of paranoia, or she could literally be on the run fearing for her life w/ real world dangers in pursuit.
She claims on the video & her latest substack post that her personal security person has told her that her life is at risk…
It makes me wonder if this is another Bryan Ardis type situation where a formerly reliable source of info was being compromised…I just don’t know…
If I dig in further & it seems worth it I’ll share on the current day’s Q-Tree post…
What is happening here is getting little kids to TRUST scary looking people so their defenses are down.
Exactly. They are also getting kids to no longer trust their innate knowledge of what is normal and healthy.
Also, I think this is all about normalizing what is called, “The profaning of the sacred”, in this instance, and in numerous others.
Attempting to normalize the Extremely Abnormal…familiarity w/ predators…shudder
All of the above.
Hmm Is this another fake to suck us in, like that Nuremberg meme? Calling Gail…
The ratification didn’t take place stuff has been floating around for years!
The explanation point in the first sentence makes me smell a hoax…
This idea has circulated for a long time. Some info about the “16th Amendment was not ratified” argument can be found here:
In this lawsuit, a man tries to compel the release of the memo in that meme, but it was not found. No surprise there, since the memo itself says it is to be destroyed. However…
…I vote “hoax.” No commissioner of a major government agency would issue an order and then request that order to be destroyed. He says to use a certain form until a new one can be produced. How would they explain the purpose of the new form to employees if the whole thing was to be kept secret? It makes no sense.
I don’t disagree w/ your analysis…but…”No commissioner of a major government agency would issue an order and then request that order to be destroyed.” Surely no Legit governmental officer would use secret servers, emails, &/or aliases to do things they couldn’t lawfully do & try to hide their criminality from the public…see Hillary AND aka BHO for example!
People cover up their crimes all the time; it is the rule rather than the exception. The difference here is that the supposed letter from the IRS director was ordering that something be done on behalf of taxpayers, not himself or a political party. Also, I don’t know, if there really was such a letter, if it demonstrated criminality on his part. I doubt it. As it is (if real), he would have been risking that any number of directors to whom the letter was addressed would turn him in and he could have been reprimanded or lost his position.
While it is common for people committing crimes to communicate with others who are in on it or who condone it, I don’t think it’s common for a person in a high position to advertise their misdeeds or crimes in a letter to those who very well might not sanction the deeds and could take the letter and turn them in or save it to use against them later.
It’s too bad for the concept of the IRS Having to return all the funds they’ve illegally confiscated is quite compelling!
Yes, it is!
Ed Meese admitted that it was never ratified during the Reagan years. There is historic proof. All anyone has to do is go back and look at the state legislatures records.
That is what I had seen way back when.
Yes it is Clearly unconstitutional. I was thinking that purported letter Might be the hoax…
A very Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday

Robbie Robertson, of The Band (and other things) has passed.
It’s too bad the judge didn’t choke on his tongue and die.
“Does the First Amendment still exist?”
Not without the rule of law.
They can be forced.
German civilians forced to see real horrors of Nazi death camps after Allies ordered them to see atrocities
By Tom Dare & Kelly-Ann Mills, News Reporter
24 Jan 2018
WARNING: Distressing content. German women passed out and had to be carried away after seeing the horrors for themselves
“Harrowing footage has emerged of German civilians forced to see a Nazi death camp after they were liberated by Allies following World War two.
Many of those seeing the horror of the concentration camps for the first time were visibily shaken and many were moved to tears.
Footage shows a large group of citizens at the Buchenwald concentration camp in Weimar, Germany.
Allies wanted citizens to see the atrocities carried out in their name by the Nazis, who established the camp in 1937.
Emaciated piles of bodies can be seen piled high on trucks and victims’ belongings are also laid out on display.”
Just another random brainwave…..
Good evening sir and madam,
I would like to introduce myself
I’ll be your waiter and your friend for the evening
My only purpose is to serve
and if I might observe
Madam is looking quite spectacular this evening
And if I might suggest the trout is very, very fresh
And the chef has taken pains with the sauces
And the pastries are divine and we have a special wine
Brought directly back from Paris by our bosses
Knew it…love it…
Trump says he won’t sign RNC loyalty pledge required for debate
Trump toying with Rhonna and Dimwit RINOs.
Next week, Trump will make it a twofer. No Pledge AND NOT attending.
Some of the latest from Maui.
Last week, or week before…
Briben was leaning towards, Declaring A Climate Emergency.
Coming soon…Briben, Declares Climate Emergency???
Followed by wholly ignorant edicts, which we need to BOTH Totally Ignotre AND say FOD.
There can NOT be ANY, go Along To Get Along. <<< Absolute recipe for failure.
One of the things to help keep this in perspective is that all of Maui has a population of about 166K, while Lahaina is about 12,800 of that. Part of the reason that it looks like such total devastation is that it isn’t really very big in the first place.
Incidentally, I had a fun incident in Lahaina many years ago. We went into a little beachside restaurant there, and the drink waitress came by and asked what the Fiancee wanted, then turned to me and asked, “…..and a St. Pauli Girl?”
Turns out that I had been a “regular” at her prior employer in Santa Barbara, and she remembered my usual tipple, even though I hadn’t seen her in many months.
So even with Lahaina being such a little town, it is amazingly well-connected.
Off the wall. Ed Dowd lives on Maui. Wonder, if Ed will chime in with anything.
Good thing that wasn’t in Hamburg, you’d have been in trouble
(Look up St. Pauli and the Reeperbahn
Have they found the usual footage of an eco-Nazi pagan climate cultist setting the fire (yet)?
More like Mo-Ham-Heads…