Badlands News Brief – August 9, 2023
The WHO’s Last Stand
US Credit Card Debt Passes $1 Trillion For First Time
Almost have mine paid off.
Trump likely to face gag order after he targeted prosecutors, witnesses, and judges online, experts say
Good luck with that.
Turning California Purple
Meet the Company Trying to Control Your Mind
LEAKED Secret “Cypher” Catches Biden Red Handed In Ouster Of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan
The Biden Crime Cartel strikes again. I have a feeling what we know now is just the tip of the iceberg.
Rogan says “No f**king way” to digital currency, “That’s game over”…
Is America an open-air insane asylum?
The trouble with battery-operated cars
Who is Michael Jones?: FBI Informant Planted in Proud Boys Caught on Tape on January 6
Breaking: NIH Secret Third-Party Royalty Database Uncovered
Joe Rogan and Patrick Bet David Begin to Figure It Out – “There Are Trillions at Stake”…
There is a massive energy shift going on.
It feels like we have reached a tipping point in the normie-waking campaign. S
o many people are now outspoken about the lies and deceit, that it’s given others the courage to do the same.
This effect has compounded across the globe. Now it’s considered socially acceptable to be a “truther”. It’s the counter-culture now.
It’s cool to be anti-establishment. Now that a large enough portion of people have begun to reject establishment narratives, many of the sleepers will join with us, simply because of their natural human desire to fit in.
In other words, we have been dominating the culture war, and now it’s starting to bear fruit.
I really wish people who post online would learn proper punctuation. A period NEVER is supposed to be outside quotation marks. Ask my mother the grammar nazi.
I agree. We need to get organized.
It’s time she retires, at the very least.
I know people with this issue.
Haven’t had a microwave in seven years. Some days it is missed…especially when the double boiler doesn’t get cleaned out right away.

That movie touched a nerve.

Probably not the cheese….

And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
6The point is this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work. 9As it is written, “He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor; his righteousness endures for ever.” 10He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your resources and increase the harvest of your righteousness.
PSALMS 112:1-2, 5-9
1Praise the LORD. Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in his commandments! 2His descendants will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. 5It is well with the man who deals generously and lends, who conducts his affairs with justice. 6For the righteous will never be moved; he will be remembered for ever. 7He is not afraid of evil tidings; his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD. 8His heart is steady, he will not be afraid, until he sees his desire on his adversaries. 9He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures for ever; his horn is exalted in honor.
JOHN 12:24-26
24Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. 25He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26If any one serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there shall my servant be also; if any one serves me, the Father will honor him.

So, it wasn’t Sue Ellen’s sister?
Thank you for a bounteous Thursday thread, DePat!
How did your day go?
And did you have a happy Birthday and find an Upholstery Fabric you really loved?
Happy Birthday? It was there.
Upholstery fabric, yes. The choices were almost overwhelming, but I found a tapestry that’s really pretty and will go well against the cherry finish. My mother had veto power, and thought it was the best choice, also. I knew I’d know what I wanted when I saw it.
will you do the reupholstering yourself?
Oh, no. There’s a GREAT family owned business here that does BEAUTIFUL restoration work. Good people, and they don’t overprice their services. They’ve been swamped with work for the last three years. Anyway, piece by piece, my mother is having all the family pieces restored. They were all a mess other than the china cabinet. It goes out after the buffet…which means we have to clean it out. That’s going to be quite the task.
oh that’s wonderful!!!
when my mother in law passed we received her family heirloom secretary desk. it could be gorgeous but it needs the right restorer to do so. it’s close to 170 years old but the lock has been drilled out because the key was lost (done before my mother in law was born). no one we found wants to touch it. so it sits covered up in the garage. sigh
Oh, please pull it out of the garage, and use it as it is!
Old furniture is beautiful scars and all. It’s like Japanese Kintsugi, pottery with cracks repaired with gold:
They are no longer perfect, but still beautiful and functional.
Give your desk a loving polish with something like Howard Feed-N-Wax and let its imperfections shine as a testimony to its long life.
Yep! Wonder which kind it was.
similar to this one–although not that elaborate of scroll work on the front. inside there are 2 rows of cubbies and drawers
I bought one of those at an odds and ends store — not really antiques — and I love it.
That is COOL!
My parents have a simpler one that is black, but I don’t think it’s that old. I’ve always loved it!
I agree
if it were structurally solid we would, but the joints need attending.
we also received her grandmother’s cane rocker which needed the seat to be recaned. the new cane mellowed over the years and now it looks original.
I hope you find someone who will fix it for you.
me too!
Your recitation is called distressed furniture, and in many cases commands a higher price at auction.
It sure can!
Glad there were lots of choices and you found just the right cloth. Sometimes the choices really SUCK.
For good thick fake fur to make saddle pads, I gave up and went to a place I know in Mass the last time we visited relatives (a decade ago.) We came home with the rental cars’s trunk and back seat piled high.
I still have not worked my way thru the pile however it is nice to know I HAVE the fabric.
The stuff from China is LITERALLY SEE-THRU!! And it barely lasts a couple of seasons in the sun.
Incidentally, there are several situations where periods belong outside of quotes… computer programming languages. Because of this, I ended up writing things like, “the programming language uses types like ‘integer’, ‘float’, and ‘string’.”
OK. So I’m sposed to, “quote.” NOT, “quote”. If so, I can prolly remember that.
But if there are exceptions, outside of code, which I don’t do, I’ll fail.
I, personally, believe that the programming-style period/quote thing will eventually (and inevitably) gain acceptance because of cut-‘n’-paste editing.
Let’s go through two examples:
The first is classic style. The second is programming-style. In the first example, narrative flow is a primary focus; in the second, information transfer is primary. You can see someone starting an outline by copying each word into a bullet point —
If “equity” had a period inside the quotes, it would mess up their outline.
I suppose the ultimate example of needing the programming style would be something like this:
It would obviously be a grave mistake to include the period inside the quotes, and would likely cause somebody a lot of unnecessary grief.
…likely cause somebody a lot of unnecessary grief.
Not me. Slow guy, prolly would not notice.
The computer would definitely notice.
Computer squiggles pop up, I usually comply. No squiggles, good to go by me.
It is (Aside.) vs (Aside). That puzzles me…
Which totally puzzles me. As I reach for my coffee.
It depends on whether the words in parenthesis are a complete sentence or not.
Another exception is if a citation follows the quote.
“…the corn is green” (24).
The British place periods and commas outside the quotation marks unless they are part of the quoted material. Seeing this could cause people to think it’s correct, but it isn’t, in America.
Seems logical, though….
It might be logical, but the American way is consistent.

There is a quote by Emerson, “a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” [ ]
According to the lore, Richard Feynman was so fond of this quote that he would prowl around the Manhattan Project and just say “Emerson!!!” when reminded of it.
Feynman, himself, was a sterling example of a half-mad Nobel laureate. [ ]
Today, he would probably be medicated into dullness as a child.
First you take the brilliant and bore them out of their little skulls with John Dewey’s teaching method for Dumbing Down America. THEN when they act out because they are so bored you Drug them with Mind Destroying Drugs.
In 1996, 10 percent to 12 percent of all American schoolboys were taking the addictive Ritalin.
Study: Children Given Ritalin Suffer Longterm Brain Damage
10 Reasons to Stop Using Ritalin Today
But it gets worse, not only did they destroy our most brilliant they turned children into KILLERS!
The KNEW in 1973 — there is the key decade, 1970s again.
The proof is there too.
United States House Committee on Education and Workforce Studies Ritalin! – Tuesday May 16, 2000
School Shootings Linked to Psychotropic Drugs Such as Ritalin
Yeah, my Bs stood for bored. I was much of the time.
Feynman was a genius who could communicate complicated ideas in a way that made them understandable and interesting.
Recently, a friend gave me a copy of The Pleasure of Finding Things Out, a little book of short works of Feynman. Here there are some simply delightful writings, in addition to his Report to the Space Shuttle Challenger Inquiry for those interested. Feynman has a wonderful self-deprecating manner, and can be quite funny. Recommended for anyone looking for something a bit different to read.
ChiDiFi looks more and more like, Michael Jackson everyday. Able to stop a clock.
She looks so pitiful. Everyone in her life, including her, who is supporting her still being in Congress is irresponsible, IMO. She should be out of the public eye, being taken care of.
More like Palpatine, and just as evil.
Why do the DEMONRATS do this? They mistreat the elderly, and kill off all the young.
They are creatures of Satan…
Could there ever be a more revealing video than the recent one with an aide shushing her and repeatedly telling her to just vote yes ?
These entrenched Uniparty members are too valuable to let them go regardless of their infirmities.
They vote for what they’re told to. Aides run the show. Lobbyists write the bills. Junkets, stock tips, contracts for family, prostitutes on call, in house bar and gym…why leave unless ya keel over dead?
It’s The Greatest Show On Earth
Yup. Useful
idjitvegetable.ChiDiFi IS a puppet, being managed. Same as RBG was. Briben IS.
LOL…doesn’t it floor you to step back from each new incident and see with wide open eyes that the actual sitting president of the USA is a guy with senility AND an openly practicing pedophile ???? Forgot to add, openly corrupt as hell
Complicit politicians ignore, as does Pravda News.
It wasn’t an aide; it was a fellow congresscritter which is even worse.
Thanks. Yes, even worse
Lookin’ good, Diane
Steven Seagal absolutely, Nails It.
Ridalin + Joe Biden’s Gun Free School laws = Mass School Schootings.
I haven’t seen an update on Lira. This doesn’t look good.
The facts don’t look good.
Garrison’s making it more public is awesome. I owe him a beer.
Garrison says this:
Someone should nab Nuland and offer a prisoner swap.
Two updates besides the tranny. First is most recent. 2nd just demonstrates nothing will be done about it unless the issue is forced. Good for Mr Garrison for forcing the issue above and below this post.
Not only does he have all the TP, he has gold toilets with marble floors.
There has never been a modern President who has had me laugh so much.
I think this means that he’s fed up with the degenerates.
It seems like a violation of the Fourth Amendment. I don’t see how it is legal.
It’s also a violation of fed discovery rules. You can only seek materials that are relevant to the issues in the case, not to gain info for other purposes. DJT’s attorneys should immediately file a motion for discovery sanctions.
Just saying that it’s relevant is insufficient. Must describe what is sought and why the seeking attorney believes the info will be found in there.
DEVELOPING: Ecuadorian Right-Wing Presidential Candidate Fernando Villavicencio Assassinated at Campaign Rally (VIDEO)
Dear God, we don’t want that here.
It has been walking across our borders for YEARS!
Interesting that the USA IQ dropped to 98 from 100.
The average IQ in the United States was found out to be 98, giving the country an overall world rank of 27. Most people in the US have an IQ between 85 and 115.
The mean IQ of Americans: Massive gains 1932 to 1978(Article)
IQ Scores In The US Have Recently Dropped For First Time This CenturyThe biggest drop was found among younger people aged 18 to 22.
Note the 10 states with the lowest IQ are in the South and mainly border states.
South Carolina 97.80
Texas 97.40
WestVirginia 9 7.20
Arkansas 97.10
California 97.10
Nevada 96.60
Alabama 96.40
Mississippi 95.80
Louisiana 95.20
New Mexico 95.00
Until or unless people start shooting back, why would they stop?
Yet another article showing the fail in battery-powered vehicles.
Why not just blow-off the battery-power and focus on synthesizing hydrocarbon fuels? Every synthetic gallon of “pseudogas” eventually pulls a gallon of gasoline’s worth of carbon out of the atmosphere, and it can be pumped out of regular gas pumps into regular automobile gas tanks.
They want us to be limited in our options, dependent, and helpless.
As we head into another cooling or possible Ice age I want 1500 PPM CARBON DIOXIDE!!
Hasn’t really finished reading yet, but I’m going to fall asleep soon and doesn’t want to loose this one, so I’m going to keep it here for when I wake in the morn.
h/t Dinah.
Okay, after posting that
I started reading from the bottom up until I came to the Debbie Harry song and said to my self, who in the heck is that? Of course I’ve heard the song, but had no idea who sang it, I thought it was by one of those other blondes or such so figured Depat posted a “cover”, except they normally say “cover” don’t they? Anyway, had to find out… so went into the internets to find out and whoa and behold found “The Heart of Glass” is actually by Debbie Harry. Okay, I’m clearly out of touch, but remember I still haven’t seen a complete Star Wars movie either.
So leaving all the other interesting things about Debbie Harry out, it said she sings three other top hits and I indulged myself and found one, posted below, and now no more reading… off to bed.
That is so unbelievably stupid. Are we sure it’s not the Babylon Bee?
Facts of life….
That group (?) is making me remember a conversation my dad & middle son, Brandon, had when B was a little guy. They were outside & observing a plane flying by. My dad commented to Brandon that he wondered if the plane might be going to Timbuktu. Well B piped up “maybe they’re going to Timbuk 3 or Timbuk 4!” We were cracking up
Look up Victor Borge’s “Inflationary Language” routine. It’s hiliarious!
“Twice upon a time….”……
Here it is, along with Phonetic Pronunciation
Found it! So creative
Broad based discussion. Excellent listen.
“What do Pakistan’s Imran Khan, Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, USA’s Donald Trump, Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Mexico’s Lopez-Obrador all have in common?”
New numbers posted yesterday…..
8/9/23 – 1929 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1345 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
Last previous post
7/31/23 – 1919 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1340 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
Beginning of the year
1/7/23 – 1621 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1118 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
Last year
8/11/22 – 1249 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 847 Dead, After COVID Injection
Beginning of last year
1/20/22 – 382 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 220 Dead, After COVID Injection
Using the figures for the most recent cohort above:
1929 x .6974 = 1345.2846
In other words, rounding up to the nearest full percentage, a 70% kill rate for this cohort from the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
May the deceased rest in eternal Peace.
I’m sorry, but that math does not work!
There have been 1929 reported cardiac incidents among ‘X’ number of athletes in the world. Since we don’t have ‘X’, we can NOT calculate the death rate among athletes.
All we can say is, of the 1926 cardiac incidents reported among athletes, 70% of those have resulted in death.
70% of ALL athletes in the world have NOT died of the Covid vax.
Which is not to say this is not a horrifying statistic, because it is.
Yours Truly did mean that the 70% applied only to the most recent reported cohort of 1929 athletes above. What is also known is that “cardiac arrests and serious issues” among athletes was, in comparison, very low until the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines” and athletes were “mandated” to take them in order to train and/or to participate.
I understand. But that 70% number is deceptive when used that way. We don’t know the % of athletes who have died of the vax, and likely never will.
Clumsy for sure. Anyone hearing that number and then looking around at all the teams still filled and playing will turn away.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, August 10, 2023
“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”
Ephesians 4:29 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
JD posts a copy of the Anthem BC/BC Medicaid incentive plan for docs for jabs in 2021 in Kentucky. Unless he has been fooled, I suspect it is real based on the way it went in our visits to our medical providers during the period. It is something we generally knew here, yet, nice to see exposed again on a large platform.
When/if the Christian docs and staffs go to church or hit their knees for prayer, I wonder if they ask forgiveness for what they intentionally did to innocent people who trusted them for health recommendations? Did they give the money back or away when they realized they took part in a mafia scheme to make money off an indiscriminate human lab rat experiment? I am curious about their rationalizations when so many of us rubes knew better than to trust anything that came out of a government that took part in election steals and cozied up to godless communists. I wonder if the pastors who supported the jabs and their congregational members being involved in giving them confessed their sins publicly and sought forgiveness and reconciliation?
Rhetorical questions, of course.
At best, hypocrites.
As for me. Never Forgive. Never Forget.
Prolly a like “bonus” plan for pharmacies.
Part of why pharmacies endlessly blasted, step right up, Free Jabs, get your Jab now.
Well, here you go. This link will open the .pdf to show the incentive plan:
There are incentive plans like this all over the place. I’ve seen it before.
Well if incentive does not work there is always the stick.
From Au, 7 Aug 2023. Cripes to think they are still doing this. Now truthfully we can’t tell what immunizations are being talked about here. Still.
I’m wondering if they even acknowledge the things mentioned, or if they are in denial.
Monday’s eye doctor visit was interesting I was ask “if I had covid, if I sneezed the last week or cough or have a tight chest when breathing?. What was that about?
Next I have to wear a mask
At least they did not ask me about the jab.
Wonder if they get money also prepping old people for the winter and the jab. Cold has gone away so has the common flu. No one gets it anymore it is all covid.
Yes. They want the older people dead. Watch for RSV vaxx push.
In May, 2023, the FDA approved the first RSV “vaccine” to be given to adults age 60 and older — AREXVY.
Arexvy, by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is built on the prefusion sub-unit protein platform. It also contains a lipid polysaccharide adjuvant, called AS01e, which also has an MPL component.
There appear to be several clinical trials listed for the GSK “vaccine” for RSV for adults age 60 and over at From what Yours Truly has been able to find, no clinical trial had / has more than 1,000 test subjects. In fact, one clinical trial (NCT04657198) had only 126 test subjects.
It also appears that GSK has been working on developing a “vaccine” for RSV since at least the year 2017.
Yeah nope!
cuz we are special. This fall, perhaps within a month or so. FDA will approve a Safe AND Effective, Moderna Triple Jab. Covid, RSV and Flu.
The sad thing is, people will take it, just like covid, by force(in a snf) or coercion.
It is despicable.
Time to change eye quacks.
Wear a mask? Uh, to be polite, no. (Firmly)Pushed again. Not Happening. (Emphatically)Last push. As I get up to leave, Go fuck yourself. (Loudly)Mask BS needs to stop.
You are full of wisdom
With a dash of venom. For flavor.
Venom can be affective in some situations
Better yet.
Your pushing the Mask??
Why ever should I go to a doctor who is STUPID ENOUGH to push a mask.
Liking this. ^^^
Good. I don’t think he should.
Trump says he won’t sign RNC loyalty pledge required for debate
(this is the URL for today’s offerings by Mole)
Home schooling and Phys Ed by John Stamper
Bare knuckles campaigning at its finest.
COMPLICIT rCONS willingly oblige Briben EVERY step of the way.
The Michigan voter fraud findings are huge.
“There’s no evidence.”
— any random leftist
“There’s no evidence.”
— any random leftist
Perhaps we can include, Barr, Garland, Wray, Pravda News…
Poland has removed Ukie flags around Polish Parliament and government building in Warsaw.
“Relations are souring.”
… and much more
Ukraine War – Is the Black Sea ‘War’- the Real War? w/ Alastair Crooke fmr Brit ambassador
Hope they don’t replace those Ukie flags with queer pervert flags.
Poland is pretty conservative, I think. I’d be surprised if that happened. How about just the flags of one’s own country?
How boringly normal.
Larry’s latest is a guest column
by Observer R
“Plan A” is commonly used to denote a current strategy; “Plan B” is commonly used to denote a backup or alternative strategy in case Plan A does not work.
Plan A
For the United States (US), Plan A has been a form of imperialism ever since the Spanish-American War. At that time there was an Anti-Imperialist League in the US (1898), but it was not successful. Imperialism was politically correct for many years, but after WWII, both imperialism and colonies became less fashionable. Eventually, the political scientists and authors in journals of international relations began using the word “hegemony” as a replacement. More general references to US Plan A used the terms “liberal democracy” and “ international rules-based order.” Critics often used the term “American Empire” to annoy the Establishment. One goal of Plan A in recent years has been regime change in Russia to bring about a government similar to the one under Yeltsin.
The Ukraine War had a long gestation period as part of the US Plan A, with an “Orange Revolution” in 2004 and alternating regime changes between those leaning toward the US and those leaning toward Russia. The Ukraine government prior to 2014 had chosen a more beneficial economic package from the East (China & Russia) over the offering from the West (US & EU). China wanted access to the vast grain production regions in Ukraine and Russia wanted to continue historic business and trade relations. After the 2014 regime change, Ukraine dropped the agreement with the East and turned to the West. The grain fields were switched from China to US financial interests. Many factories in Ukraine that had been part of the Russian supply chain lost their business and were no longer viable.
The 2022 grain deal by Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and the UN illustrates the complex situation. The deal was sold to the UN on the basis that Ukrainian grain was needed to prevent starvation in the poor counties of the world. However, most of the grain went to China and NATO countries. The poor countries got less than three percent. And most of the money proceeds from the sale of the grain reportedly went to a large US financial investor in Ukrainian farmland. Furthermore, the West did not live up to its end of the bargain—refusing to implement the part of the deal that would have lifted some sanctions so that Russia could export fertilizer. Once again, the West proved to be “not agreement-capable” from the Russian viewpoint. Russian cancellation of the grain deal managed to annoy both China and NATO countries. However, Russia said it would provide replacement grain to the poor countries free of charge. Following the Ukrainian July 2023 attack on the Kerch Bridge, Russia basically blocked the Ukrainian ports, told all ships to stay clear, and bombed the port facilities. The damage is apparently severe and will obstruct grain exports for some time.
Despite US efforts, the Ukraine War is not following the original script for Plan A. The Ukraine army is not making headway against the Russian defenses and is losing large numbers of soldiers and weapons. The US failed to make allowances for the need to have an extensive factory backup to produce very large amounts of weapons and ammunition. The West is unable to produce enough replacement weapons or ammunition. Plan A failed to adequately consider the requirements of industrial warfare. The NATO meeting in Vilnius was a disaster from the standpoint of Ukraine. NATO basically told Ukraine that it could not join NATO until after Ukraine won the war, and that Ukraine needed to win soon because the NATO funding and support for the war will likely run out at the end of 2023. This essentially means that Ukraine will lose the war and not join NATO. An explanation of the US hesitancy in sending more advanced weapon support to Ukraine can be found in the Biden & Co. announcements that the US does not want a war with Russia. However, another reason is that the US does not want its more advanced weapons to be blown up or captured by Russia.
US Plan A contained a second component in addition to that of industrial warfare, which could generally be called financial warfare. This entailed the well-known sanctions efforts against Russia, trying to prevent Russia from using the US credit card systems, the SWIFT money transfer system, and other such financial systems. The US & EU also prevented Russian commercial plane flights to Europe and America, prevented export of critical materials and technology to Russia, harassed Russian businesses, and tried to confiscate some $300 billion of Russian assets.
Unfortunately for the US, neither the industrial nor the financial warfare has had the desired or expected impact. The US is losing its proxy war in Ukraine, the US weapons appear to be inferior compared to the Russian ones, and the US factories cannot cope with industrial warfare. Videos show the Western weapons burning up—which does not help sales of US & EU weapons to the Global South. As for financial warfare, Russia has developed alternative systems to replace the Western ones, and conducted a massive import substitution program. Contrary to expectations, the sanctions have had perverse impacts and actually benefited Russia. The Global South is becoming leery of holding assets in the West, or being too dependent on Western imports or systems. There is a world-wide movement toward de-dollarization. It looks like the US Plan A is now failing on both the industrial and financial warfare fronts.
Plan B
There is little evidence that the US had a Plan B. There should have been a sophisticated analysis of potential blow-backs, side-effects, boomerangs, and possible outright failures of Plan A. Something similar to an Environmental Impact Statement should have been prepared. A “Conflict Impact Statement” would have analyzed alternatives to the proposed action, as well as the potential side-effects of each alternative. It is unclear whether anything like this was produced. However, it is unlikely that many American politicians, steeped in exceptionalism and hubris, would have considered a backup plan necessary or desirable.
Kristi Noem’s Reason for Not Running for President Is Subtle Jab at Those Running Against Trump
When I saw this headline I thought maybe she would say she supports Trump, believes the last election was stolen from him, and knows he is the leader of the party.
She hasn’t endorsed Trump yet and is keeping people guessing about that. Her reason for not running is that no one can beat him, and she runs to win (not, I suppose, to get a cabinet position or something).
She says positive things about Trump, and he’ll be going to South Dakota (this weekend?), so it will probably be all rah-rah for her. I’m not impressed in the least.
If people won’t acknowledge the most egregious internal crime against the United States, what good are they?
I agree. There are times to be strategic with what you say, but discussing obviously stolen elections are not those times to stay silent. MAGA prevails with or without PDT. But as long as PDT is on the scene he is the driver. Best climb on board his bus.
We don’t have access to her reasoning for playing coy. Let’s be patient.
Interesting change in Twitter (X), for me. I don’t have an account and can’t log in. I haven’t been able to see tweets unless they are linked on some other site, and then I could only see the one tweet. Today, I find that I can see other tweets, but they are a hodgepodge of dates and not necessarily in chronological order or including the most current tweets. I hope this is a sign that Twitter is going to eventually allow access again. (I tried this with Catturd’s and Jack Posobiec’s sites.)
Great to have you guys back then.
The hodgepodge of dates thing might be some other dysfunction that we don’t understand as it seems rather common where ever I go on twitter. Example
See’s Catholic Trending and goes to that. First post is dated Aug 3, second is Aug 8, third is Aug 1st, fourth is Aug 4, fifth is Aug 8 and so on. Then rank order can change as you watch and they reshuffle.
Same kind of stuff if you go to name’d account, first header post if there is one, then mostly in date order but not always seeming to be.
I believe there is some sort of algorithm that splits time and date of post with likely engagement with post.
Some of the dates I saw were from 2021. Something is off, but maybe this is a step in the right direction.
Sort probably has a half-ASCII programmed algorithm…
(maybe screwed-up datatypes, sorting ASCII as numeric or some such idiocy… my idiotic email client’s search function got confused with my winderz environment settings and produced REALLY odd clusters of results…)…..
Ive been the same for a week or so. Disirganized dates and not changing.
TT, I do have a Twitter account and I see posts in a hodgepodge of dates too. I have no idea how that is determined but it is irritating.
TW hiding TWs “awful”, = NOT approved.
Wench running X, highlighted at CTH. Fundamentally, IF X censors don’t like a X post, it will NOT be seen.
…”if you are going to post something that is illegal or against the law, you’re gone. Zero tolerance. But more importantly, if you are going to post something that is lawful, but it’s awful, you get labeled. You get labeled, you get deamplified, which means it cannot be shared, and it is certainly demonetized. … So, they [advertisers] are protected from the risk of being next to that content.”…
Pick up at 1:16. Only a few minutes. X Censorship Lives On.
Like everyone knew when she was hired, she’s the Hitler of Twitter.
IIRC, Elon restored Trump to TW / X. Thus far, Trump has NOT posted TW / X.
Trump posts would be rated “awful”, to never be see daylight.
Awful or not, if an X post is legal, it ought to show. Piss on some wing nut determining awful, or not.
Today’s X, Smells like TW under Dorsey, or whoever the doper was. Censorship going to run amok.
Much better looking than Adolph.
Less mustache.
I dunno…
AI decides which ones are best.
/half sarc
This is extremely bizarre & was being passed around on Facebook & my hubby showed it to me the other day…so now you guys get to see it & be Pissed…
I can’t believe this crap happens in any place that pretends to be a church.
This is a straight up perversion of the Apostle’s Creed it appears…
I did a 30 second research Valerie:
“… The Sparkle Creed was circulated in 2021 by the Rev. Rachel Small Stokes of Immanuel United Church of Christ in Louisville, Kentucky. A Shower of Stoles website biography notes that she was raised United Methodist, served as a missionary in that denomination and trained for the ministry. However, she switched to the United Church of Christ …”
It’s being ‘spread’ around, according to the internet
Here is text of Apostles’ Creed:
Thanks for the dig PR
“I believe in the non-binary God whose pronouns are plural,” and the rest of it, translates to “I have made my own god in my own image, and I believe in him/her/it/them.” Basically, “I am god because I refuse to subject myself to the one true God and his teachings.” These people are being very foolish, and they are misleading those who are susceptible and gullible.
Started in the Garden of Eden. Indeed, before that.
It’s all Eve’s fault.
Professor Higgins appears to agree
Excellent work Val and TT. I must note that the UMC removed the text of “descended into hell” from the reciting of the Apostles Creed a very long time ago. Seems it was a doctrinal decision. I asked numerous pastors, a district superintendent and a Bishop why back when I was a member. They had no clue, did not even know it existed. They should know the version they recite was taken from the Old Roman Creed (Symbol) that was a predecessor to the Apostles Creed. Basically they cobbled together their own version from both.
I learned The Apostle’s Creed in Catechism in an independent spirit-filled church that had it’s roots in the Assembly of God denomination but whose founder had been in her youth a (Roman?) Catholic. In the version we memorized it is nearly word for word as you quoted above (if memory serves) though I believe “from
therethence he will come to judge thelivingquick and the dead”…also “the holyCatholiccatholic (meaning universal) Church” were the slight changes I learned.This website dives into some interesting detail on the topic:
I forgot to also included this slight adjustment “believe in the Holy
SpiritGhost” in the Creed I learned…She shouldn’t be a pastor in the first place. I and II Timothy…
Dang, it’s those pesky details again.
Notice how that version contains a plug for the Vatican.
I cannot find anything called the Apostle’s Creed in Scripture.
I can’t even imagine why the Apostles would need a Creed, when they had the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to guide them.
If a creed says less than what God’s Word says, is it not insufficient, by definition?
If a creed says more than what God’s Word says, does it not go beyond, without Authority?
If a creed says the same as God’s Word, is it not redundant, and unnecessary?
But much worse, even if a creed does not contradict or violate any Scripture, it sets a terrible precedent, that men can come up with their own doctrines, and compel others to follow them. And now we see that it serves as a source of further corruption and mockery.
As as I read mentioned here, men have already eliminated parts of an earlier version, so long ago, that most people have forgotten.
We don’t have to worry about that with God’s Word, it is the most published book in the history of the world. Everything in it can always be verified with book, chapter and verse.
I can’t think of a single good thing that ever happens, when men take it upon themselves to add to, or subtract from, God’s Word.
I agree with your points. I believe that the Apostle’s Creed, & other similar statements, like the Nicene Creed, were attempts to encapsulate all of the key scriptural points about God (Father, Son, & Holy Spirit)…kind of a biblical shorthand. Not having dived deep into the history or “controversy” of the use of such “Creeds” I cannot go beyond that.
If such “Creeds” do not align with scripture then they are teaching/promoting some type of error. If they do align with scripture then they can be (potentially) a useful tool. I Guess that the “best” one(s) might be a very basic boiling down of the Crucial Doctrines about Who Jesus is, what He did, & what He is yet to do…
Years ago, in seminary, I took a course on Systematic Theology & the accompanying textbook was fascinating to me in that it kept taking the complex issues/doctrines expounded in Scripture & attempted to organize them, often in an outline format, likely suitable for western mindset consumption.
I would guess that a “good” “Creed” would be a boiling down of such info to the extreme bottom line of what All Christian churches AND believers should adhere to, minimally, if they were to have a biblically based faith & knowledge…
“I would guess that a “good” “Creed” would be a boiling down of such info to the extreme bottom line of what All Christian churches AND believers should adhere to, minimally, if they were to have a biblically based faith & knowledge…”
Can any creed by ‘good’, if it is (by definition) of men, and not of God?
It reminds me The Living Bible Paraphrased.
Who paraphrased it, and how do we know they got it right?
We don’t.
In fact, we can be almost positive they didn’t, certainly not all of it.
It seems to me, that if I wanted to create division, then I would have the group of Christians I’m with come up with some doctrine or commandment or tradition of men.
Instantly, half or more of the people in the group I’m with will object, and every other outside group will denounce it, because it’s not ‘theirs’, and/or because it’s not in Scripture (i.e., the correct reason), and voila, a heaping helping of division a la mode. It’s scrumptious, tastes great, and less filling.
Rinse and repeat a few hundred times over a few hundred years, and we end up with the schismed, fractured, disjointed, divided, sectarian free-for-all that we see in Christianity today.
I just don’t understand it.
We have the Book.
It’s not a Book of men’s words, it is God’s Word.
There is literally nothing lowly, sinful men can do to improve upon God’s Word.
Everybody has access to the same Book.
If we all stick with the Book, we’d really have to work hard to not be in unity.
But if we go making up traditions, doctrines and commandments of men — which Jesus Himself warned against (Matthew 15:9, Mark 7:7) — how is that NOT going to create division and blow up in our faces?
I just don’t understand the reason to do it, and not recognizing the division that it will certainly and automatically cause.
Well, I see your points & don’t necessarily disagree with them. Scripture contains a huge amount of information & is still wildly open to interpretation, including various translations based on the Exact Same original languages, let alone offshoots, like what DP often quotes from, which is translated from the Latin Vulgate so automatically is not a direct translation of the original languages so presumably open, imo, to increasing (inadvertent) errors. Like the Jerusalem Bible that is a translation either to or through French to or through another language, possibly English, which is sure to introduce certain language issues by placing one modern language before another modern language instead of a direct translation from the original languages to the modern one itself.
I believe that Wycliffe Bible translators go to unreached people groups & live among them to learn their language & often Invent the written form of that language & then teach literacy to that people group. Their ultimate goal is to provide scripture in the indigenous language but How do they translate The Word into this newly created written language? Are all the Wycliffe Missionaries Biblical Language scholars steeped in Hebrew, Greek, & Aramaic? I don’t know but would kind of doubt it. If not they likely use a Bible translation in their native language, perhaps typically English, & then translate it into the newly created written language of the formerly unreached people group.
If that process is how the Word ever is put into the hands of the local, newly written language people group, how many generations of that people will it take before someone arises among them that will become scholarly enough & called of God to learn the biblical languages & undertake an “improved” more direct original language to fairly recently created written language translation that is undertaken to reduce the potential “errors” or at least “less than ideal” translations that Wycliffe originally produced?
IF that is how that translation process goes, fraught with issues every step of the way, & involving human “error” to some degree, does that mean that Wycliffe should abandon this “uttermost parts of the earth” heroic, yet imperfect (since it’s being done by humans) undertaking? Off the top of my head I would say that those efforts to reach/teach people groups should continue. God will provide & guide & the Holy Spirit will be at work…
Though I personally never preferred the Living Bible or other paraphrases I do recognize their value in making the Bible accessible to someone who might Never read a King James Version in their life.
My son has a version called “The Action Bible” that presents various scriptural stories in sort of a comic book format. He, being developmentally disabled, has gotten A Lot of encouragement from this particular version of the Bible. It has also intrigued a number of people who have seen it in his possession & been drawn to scripture, or at least that version, because it makes biblical truth available in a more approachable format. His wife’s nephew is one who has now acquired his own Action Bible & is increasingly coming closer to accepting Jesus as his savior so getting that truncated visual version of The Word in his hands would appear to be part of his personal faith journey.
I’ve dealt with various “children’s Bibles” over the years, even from my own childhood, sitting on my grandma’s lap as she read to me of these tales. Getting these biblical stories in front of children is important for familiarizing them with what is in scripture. These works are clearly not Exactly scripture, they are derivative works that present aspects of scripture to an audience not yet prepared to read & understand something like the KJV or the NIV. They have their place in our lives & in God’s work, it seems to me.
Similarly, those “Creeds” are derivative works, more formalized & wrestled with by historic groups of theologians or church fathers, I believe. They are a tool that should have a Firm biblical basis in scripture in order to be reasonably reliable.
I’m a fairly contrary, analytical person who doesn’t ever just “go along to get along”. If it comes right down to it if I listen to someone preach the Word, or expound on certain scriptures, I do not Always agree with Every aspect of what they say. Even my husband, who is more laid back in analytical arenas, finds himself periodically disagreeing with preachers &/or teachers, who appear quite well-intentioned & even biblical scholars. I guess I’m not big on the “unity” train for we all as individuals, whom God encounters in unique manners, constantly speaking to each one of us perhaps in our own unique “love language of the heart”, I don’t even think it’s necessary for us as Believers to see all the minutiae identically, but maybe that’s just me…
I don’t even know if that “division” is necessarily a bad thing. Aspects of these differing viewpoints & perspectives can really be part of the iron sharpens iron side of the Christian walk. Certain New Testament divisions like Peter vs Paul or Paul vs Silas or Paul vs Barnabas caused different missionary undertakings to occur & for the Gospel to be spread even further afield in ancient times. That seems to have been part of God’s plan.
This may end up just being another arena where we may need to agree to disagree & that’s not a problem for me
I very much appreciate your efforts to rightly divide the word of truth & to keep fellow Believers here at the Q-Tree on their toes. Being called out for hypocrisy or Biblical inconsistency can lead to healthy discussions, like I think this discourse has been. I’m glad you are my Brother in Christ & your approach is never offensive to me, but even if it were, I would still try to view it, & our potentially different viewpoints, as varying ways of speaking the truth in love. So God Bless YOU Scott as you keep fighting that good fight!
We can all be thankful that PowerPoint was yet to be invented….
No doubt! LOL
BREAKING: Trump White House Official Confirms Knowledge of Muskegon, Michigan Voter Fraud Report in 2020 – THERE WAS AN ARREST! – BILL BARR KILLED IT
I doubt this meets the legal definition of treason, but in hidsight, IMO, that’s what it was.
The White House counsel at the time was Pat Cipollone.
To me it looks like a coupe ? One question why is it not a coupe ? Barr is very evil and now everyone knows what a shyster he is.
I agree. Even if Barr didn’t know ahead of time and wasn’t in on the cheating, he did nothing to safeguard our elections, and that makes him complicit.
I believe he knew.
Yep, definitely knew and used his position of trust and power to run interference and facilitate the steal for deep state.
Yes many people did trust him .
It definitely was a coup Singing …
yes a coup without the e
To me it does meet the definition of treason. The J6 Pelosi and friends operation meets it and probably sedition too. President Trump was conspired against from day 1 by so many working in league with each other
There has been talk by Bongino and others recently that as moar news becomes available about deep state shenanigans , others will start to step out and talk about things they know. This guy seems like one of them.
Would of been nice if they had been more persistent in telling their stories at the time.
He mentioned his twitter feed. Here it is.
Added a Heads Up to the mix this week. Primarily related to economic activity.
A very good report and heads-up, and a timely reminder.
^^^ Folks, please read. ^^^
Warning signs are everywhere.
>>> P R E P A R E. <<<
Thanks for posting this, TB.
We all need to get ready. Big, bad things are coming our way, and fast.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Jonathan Turley: Federal Court Declares Trump a Flight Risk in Secret Subpoena Decision
“credibilty of the court’s order” ………….the court itself is no longer credible .
It’s gotten to the point that We The People are ecstatic when one tiny ruling appears to be grounded in proper law or procedure. It’s not supposed to work this way!
Communists do not value law
I remind myself everyday what we are dealing with. These people are democrat own the Stasi that they use to jail their opponents. Have seen that heard about it only being one generation away from Nazi regime. They know what they are doing.
They are going to round up anyone who is in Trumps orbit. The judicial team needs to stand up they too will lose freedom and could be next. Silence from Republican cowards they too are on the shopping block.
Maybe I am paranoid but silence is consent. Germans found that out the hard way.
The finding of a flight risk undermines the credibility of the court’s order…
Courts ALREADY FORFEITED credibility.
Right, no credibility.
I’m laughing as I picture Trump trying to go on the run. Even if he shaved his head and grew a beard, he could be recognized. All the other factors that I cite periodically (size, fitness, voice, gait, etc.) come into play. And they think he might flee in the middle of a campaign for president?
I like Trump with a beard and no hair
He could pull it off and looks tough. I can see him on a motorcycle.
With Melania. No One would notice them.
I love the luck
Interesting, innit, that the gubmint says:
YET, they destroyed data (proceedings?) from the J6 committee…
Bunch of evil, communist, traitorous, tossers…
Maui fires update
What a shame. This will affect the tourist industry too.
I did not know about this, and it’s disappointing. My impression of Boris Epshteyn, when I have seen him on Bannon, is of a nice, polite Jewish man who is a strong Trump supporter and patriot.
Trump adviser groped 2 women in 2021 at Scottsdale club, one tells police
Could lpeople be out to get a person close to Trump? Of course. But I checked to see if Epshteyn is married, and he is. Why has he been hanging out at clubs?
I don’t know why this is being reported on now, except to pile on Trump.
It’s ALL Trump bashing, directly OR indirectly. I don’t have time for it.
The main value in knowing about it, IMO, is to know what the enemy has and will use against us.
They will used ANYTHING against us, whether or not they have it.
They are Satanic liars.
I am not approving touching anyone without permission. Just wonder why it comes out now and why it was not dealt with at the time? Could it be that Trump is leading in the pools and diverting the public that Biden and his coons are going after Trump wanting to muddle the water ?
One of Biden’s coons

That is close enough
Anymore, in my eyes DJT and every person associated with him from household help to advisors probably had a dossier with all habits, tendencies, etc. If they could be exploited or tripped up it happened to be used at the time or at any time in the future ongoing never ending ‘get Trump’ campaign
No doubt with a ‘Little Help’ from the Clowns In America bag of tricks.
If they can plant porn, they can plant anything, anywhere, and backdate it to any time…
(IOW, “Plant your p0rn early”
Reminds me of how they got rid of Lassiter at Pixar….
Boris always struck me as a nice guy.
“…at a bar… remanded to alcohol treatment… he agreed to undergo anger management counseling…”
I wonder if anyone slipped something into his drink? Remember Arizona is RUN BY THE CARTELS WHO HATE TRUMP. Who knows what type of drugs they have available to them.
Plead Guilty means NOTHING these days as we learned from Jan 6th.
Boris is one of the original, Happy Campers. Always upbeat.
Seriously, for a guy getting a bit sloppy in a bar, a well versed flirt on the Clowns in America payroll could make a scene happen in a matter of minutes.
It does say “Identify as……..”, one can identify as a Martian these days I think.
Needs someone with all the other credentials to put it to the test.
The only criminals here are those hired as “police.” Esp the mebtally suck lesbian who started it all. Watchbthe video…you can see everything wrong about the diversity hire. I hope that %&$#** loses her job.
Autistic UK teen girl brutally arrested in her own home after saying ‘I think she’s a lesbian’ about a police officer
As a parent of someone on the Spectrum this is truly horrifying
We do our best to keep our son out of the authorities’ spotlight to avoid such distressing incidents. If this were happening to our son it is extremely likely that his autistic issues would kick into even higher gear which would only serve to escalate things with the overlords. Such a tragedy…
Those aren’t even cops, those are Nazis.
If the homeowner had shot those cops, I would find the homeowner not guilty at trial.
And until that happens, the Nazis will never stop.
It was terrible. And the lez standing alone w her arms crossed taking zero responsibility for what shed done.

New Schlichter —
He’s not wrong. I can see it, even in my 13-year-old grandson.
Too damn funny.
Rob’s campaign wil shrivel some more.
Snarky and Brilliant – President Trump Will Travel to Iowa State Fair With 9 Florida Republicans Who Endorsed Him, On Same Day DeSantis Will Attend
President Trump is too good at trolling the opposition; in part that’s why the professional left hate him so much.
According to the Des Moines Register, President Trump and Ron DeSantis will be attending the Iowa State Fair on Saturday. However, President Trump will be flying into the political event with a contingent of Florida republicans who endorsed him and not DeMeatball.
IOWA – […] Former President Donald Trump will visit the Iowa State Fair Saturday with a bevy of congressional endorsers in tow — not high-profile Iowans, but nine Florida Republicans who have backed him over his chief rival and fellow Floridian, Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Trump’s campaign confirmed to the Des Moines Register that Republican U.S. Reps. Gus Bilirakis, Byron Donalds, Matt Gaetz, Carlos Gimenez, Brian Mast, Cory Mills, Anna Paulina Luna, Greg Steube and Mike Waltz will all be traveling with Trump to the Iowa State Fair and will be with him through the day.
Each of them has endorsed Trump over DeSantis, a former member of Congress, who will also be at the fair Saturday.
I really like Byron Donalds.
Yea, Byron is good speaker. Maintains focus, doesn’t get rattled. America First.
Biden asks US Congress for $200 million to counter Russia in Africa
and… there’s aid for Hawaii coming?
Nuland has some laundering in Africa.
CottonColor Revolution Made In Africa…(Cotton Made in Africa is a big DEI PC thing here… can’t get cotton from anywhere else [e.g. US, Egypt, etc.] anymore)…
OMG…This happened in December 2022. My head is spinning. Billions there, billions in ukraine
U.S. President Joe Biden has announced an additional $15 billion in new investments for Africa as part of his administration’s efforts to deepen long-standing relations with the continent.
The announcement Wednesday followed an initial commitment of $55 billion in the lead-up to the summit, bringing the total to $70 billion for Africa over the next three years.
“The forum has spurred more than $15 billion with new deals, which will turn, lift up and improve the lives of people all across the continent. And that’s the biggest deal of all,” Biden said.
“These long term investments are going to deliver real benefits to people create new good paying jobs, including here in the United States and expand opportunities for all our countries for the years to come,” he added.
Delivering his remarks on day two of the second U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington, Biden said the U.S. is seeking a 21st century partnership “to spur shared success and opportunity.”
“The U.S. is all in on Africa’s future,” he said.
I’m going to take a wild guess and say that Biden’s magnanimous gesture and commitment bypassed any mention of the Dutch being raped and slaughtered…IOW not improve ” the lives of ALL the people across the continent”l
13 … there’s that number again. He was given that by the WEFfenSS…
Ukraine and the tran-Z “man” can go piffle.
Reading more about the Maui fire. Interesting that several mega millionaires own thousands of acres there. Isn’t is funny that those same elites will bloviate about “stolen land” and how peons should vacate their homes for homeless or illegals but share some of their wealth or property with displaced fire victims….silence. Hypocrites, greedy ones at that.
Oprah silent amid Maui fires as desperate Hawaii residents beg celebrity billionaires with homes on the island for help
Lessee… Larry Ellison owns Lanai, the Øbøzøs own and/or destroyed that famous mansion that was the setting for the Magnum P.I. series…
OTOH, it’s summer, it’s hot, and the libtards are more than likely neglecting proper forest and land management just like they do in Kalifornistan…
OR, they’re quietly implementing REWILDING…
These rich turds own huge estates while the little people are huddled in school gyms and the like having lost every item they own.I think it was in that article that the Magic Kenyan directed people to donate to local charities. What about he and his Amazon, they could spare a million or two…he could use his activist roots to press their new class of mega rich celebs and come up with a ton of $$$ but noooo tell the hardworking stiffs to donate
They want this. The small fry cant afford to rebuild. These wealthy people will swoop in and buy up every plot and make the island even more exclusive.
Gah ! I didn’t even think of that !
PS~ glad you’re getting along and feeling good enough to comment with us.
Yeah i thought that…and oprah sort of shows up for a ohoto op today….
“Oprah silent amid Maui fires as desperate Hawaii residents beg celebrity billionaires with homes on the island for help”
Party at Oprah’s house everybody!
Come early, stay forever!
Hmmm. How about sending the illegals and the refauxgees there to keep her company?
New Tucker Carlson with Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund. He came in for a new interview since Fox owns the first one.
Tweets by TuckerCarlson
I’m having a little trouble finding it. is it dated today, or maybe yesterday?
It’s on twitter and youy can watch it on if that works for you.
It was released today at 7:40 pm
Thank you. I didn’t know about Tucker’s website.
Seen at Sylvia’s
Truth Ninja
The USUBC (US Ukraine Business Council) is a an organization with heavy influence from Trump hating Rick Perry mega-donor, Michael Bleyzer. Bleyzer is a Ukrainian billionaire out of Houston, TX.
Let’s parse these out.
David J Kramer went and personally picked up the Steele Dossier for John McCain, gave it to the FBI and leaked it to Buzzfeed.
Blue Star Strategies worked for Burisma on Hunter Biden’s coordination.
Burisma is obvious.
Baker McKenzie had an anti-Trump member on the USUBC board named Tom Firestone. Firestone is all over the DOJ in regards to Crossfire Hurricane tangential issues and worked at EDNY at the same time as Jack Smith and Burisma Attorney John Buretta. The “mysterious” Zelensky lobbyist Marcus Cohen who met with Alexander Vindman multiple times was also an layer at Baker McKenzie.
COFCO is a Chinese company that was a strategic partner of BHR (Hunter Biden’s Chinese business venture). They also have an interest in UBS, who is connected to Staple Street Capital, the owners of Dominion Voting Systems.
Marie Yovanovitch spoke on NUMEROUS occasions WITH Vadym Pozharsky of Burisma at USUBC events.
I wonder if that graphic is from Political Moonshine?
Rick Perry, as in ex-TX guvner, IIRC, was Trump’s Energy czar or something like that?
& I thought he did a good job in that role. Trump was/is surrounded by jackals, hyena’s, & Brutuses
So an organization tied to Ukraine influenced our elections…
So it would seem…